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(Gigglesugar, 2009) Computerization of Waffle House By: Chris Williams Professor: Rajeshwer Subramanian IS600 Capstone

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(Gigglesugar, 2009)

Computerization of Waffle House

By: Chris Williams

Professor: Rajeshwer Subramanian

IS600 – Capstone

Computerization of Waffle House - 2 -

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................................... - 2 -

List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................. - 6 -

List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................ - 7 -

1.0 Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... - 9 -

1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................... - 9 -

1.2 Vision ......................................................................................................................................... - 9 -

1.3 Scope ....................................................................................................................................... - 10 -

1.4 Technical, Management, and Cost Plan Overview ................................................................. - 11 -

2.0 System Engineering Process Methodology ................................................................................. - 11 -

2.1 Systems Analysis and Design Process ..................................................................................... - 11 -

2.1.1 The Architecture Framework .............................................................................................. - 13 -

2.2 Enterprise Model ........................................................................................................................ - 13 -

2.2.1 Enterprise Data Model ........................................................................................................ - 13 -

2.2.3 Enterprise Interface Model ..................................................................................................... - 18 -

Business Use Case Diagram .................................................................................................................... - 18 -

2.2.4 Enterprise Network Model ................................................................................................. - 29 -

2.3 The Business Model .................................................................................................................... - 31 -

2.3.1 Business Data Model ........................................................................................................... - 31 -

2.3.2 Business Process Model ...................................................................................................... - 33 -

2.3.3 Business Interface Model .................................................................................................... - 35 -

2.3.4 Business Network Model .................................................................................................... - 37 -

2.4 System Model ............................................................................................................................. - 38 -

2.4.1 System Data Model ............................................................................................................. - 40 -

2.4.2 System Process Model ........................................................................................................ - 41 -

Computerization of Waffle House - 3 -

2.4.3 System Interface Models ........................................................................................................... - 42 -

2.4.4 System Network Model ...................................................................................................... - 48 -

3.0 Management Plan ....................................................................................................................... - 54 -

3.1 Work Breakdown Structure: ................................................................................................... - 55 -

3.2 Staffing Plan .................................................................................................................................. - 57 -

Organizational Chart – System Development ......................................................................................... - 59 -

3.3 Project Plan ................................................................................................................................... - 59 -

3.4 Risk Management Plan Introduction ...................................................................................... - 63 -

Scope and intent of RMMM activities ................................................................................................ - 63 -

Risk management organizational role. ............................................................................................... - 64 -

3.4.1 Risk Description ................................................................................................................... - 64 -

Risk Table ............................................................................................................................................ - 64 -

Description of risks associated with the project ............................................................................. - 64 -

Probability and Impact .................................................................................................................... - 65 -

3.4.2 Risk Mitigation, Monitoring and Management ................................................................... - 67 -

Product Size..................................................................................................................................... - 67 -

User Risks ........................................................................................................................................ - 68 -

Process Risks ................................................................................................................................... - 68 -

Technology Risks ............................................................................................................................. - 68 -

Development Risks .......................................................................................................................... - 68 -

Employee Risks ................................................................................................................................ - 69 -

Computerization of Waffle House - 4 -

3.4.3 Risk Monitoring ................................................................................................................... - 69 -

Product Size..................................................................................................................................... - 69 -

Business Impact .............................................................................................................................. - 69 -

User Risks ........................................................................................................................................ - 70 -

Process Risks ................................................................................................................................... - 70 -

Technology Risks ............................................................................................................................. - 70 -

Development Risks .......................................................................................................................... - 70 -

Employee Risks (Teammates) ......................................................................................................... - 70 -

3.4.4 Risk Management ............................................................................................................... - 71 -

Product Size..................................................................................................................................... - 71 -

Business Impact .............................................................................................................................. - 71 -

User Risks ........................................................................................................................................ - 72 -

Process Risks ................................................................................................................................... - 72 -

Technology Risks ............................................................................................................................. - 72 -

Development Risks .......................................................................................................................... - 72 -

Employee Risks ................................................................................................................................ - 73 -

4.0 Cost-Benefit analysis ................................................................................................................... - 73 -

4.1 Bill of Materials ....................................................................................................................... - 73 -

4.2 Triple Cost Analysis ................................................................................................................. - 75 -

Candidate Matrix .................................................................................................................................... - 75 -

Feasibility Matrix ..................................................................................................................................... - 77 -

4.3.1 Return on Investment Analysis and Cost Sensitivity for Minimal System .......................... - 79 -

Computerization of Waffle House - 5 -

4.3.2 Return on Investment Analysis and Cost Sensitivity for Recommended System ............... - 80 -

4.3.3 Return on Investment Analysis and Cost Sensitivity for Maximal System .......................... - 81 -

Appendix A - Estimated Benefits ............................................................................................................ - 82 -

Appendix B - Minimal System – Benefits and Costs - Normal ................................................................ - 83 -

Appendix C - Recommended System – Benefits and Costs - Normal ..................................................... - 84 -

Appendix D - Maximal System – Benefits and Costs - Normal ............................................................... - 85 -

Appendix E - PROBLEM STATEMENT MATRIX ........................................................................................ - 86 -

Appendix F - USER NEEDS AND CONSTRAINTS MATRIX ......................................................................... - 87 -


References: ............................................................................................................................................. - 89 -

Computerization of Waffle House - 6 -

List of Tables

Problems, Opportunities, Objectives and Constraints Matrix 11

Place New Order Use Case 19

Kitchen Video Use Case 23

Modify and Order Use Case 24

Close an Order Use Case 26

Collection of Data Use Case 28

System Data Model 39

Role Requirements 57

Staffing Requirements 58

Risks Table 66

Development Costs 73

Candidate Matrix 75

Feasibility Matrix 77

Cash Flow Summary (Minimal System) 79

Cash Flow Summary (Recommended System) 80

Cash Flow Summary (Maximal System) 81

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List of Figures

Requirements Specification 12

PIECES Model 14

Business Use Case Diagram 18

Enterprise Network Model 29

Store Locations 30

Business Data Model 32

Business Process Model 34

Business Interface Model (Store ) 35

Business Interface Model (Corporate) 36

Business Network Model 37

System Data Model 40

System Process Model 41

Exception Report 42

Detailed Report 43

Summary Report 44

Screenshot Beverage Sub Menu 45

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Screenshot Modification for an Entrée 46

Screenshot Kitchen Video 47

Redundant Clustering Model 49

Organizational Chart 59

Project Plan Gant Chart 60

Computerization of Waffle House - 9 -

1.0 Executive Summary

1.1 Background

On Labor Day 1955, Joe Rogers and Tom Forker opened the first Waffle House in Avondale

Estates, an Atlanta suburb. They focused on providing the friendliest service in town. Because of the

outstanding service to their customers, the restaurant grew. In 2005 Waffle house celebrated their 50th

anniversary. At this time they had over 1,460 stores in 25 states. Within the next year they had opened

40 more stores and now took credit cards as payment. (, 2009) However, in 2009, 54

years after their founding, their stores are completely paper check and manual computation. Profit

margins are slim, competition is fierce, and Waffle House is looking for ways to remain successful and

build the brand.

1.2 Vision

According to Max Wideman, “No project can make serious progress without a clear

understanding of where it is going and what it is trying to achieve. It is too easy to start developing the

solution before you fully understand the problem!“ (Wideman, 2009) The outcome of this report is

to come up with a detailed plan to bring Waffle House into the next millennium by

computerizing the order taking, processing, and checkout. This will be enabled through modern

Point of Sale Terminals, and a powerful workstation in the manager’s office.

Also, part of this project is to bring ‘nearly live’ sales and sales data to the corporate

office database where the data will propagate a database portal. This database portal will be

able to provide operations with data and statistics needed to make informed decisions about

training, staffing levels, menu items, etc. By computerizing this entire process, it will reduce

labor hours, reduce errors, and reduce waste; thereby, freeing vital resources so that Waffle

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House will be able to continue to operate in today’s economy with fierce competition and razor

thin margins.

1.3 Scope

The Scope of a project defines the boundaries of a project, in other words, what will and will not be

done and included in the project. This assists the development team in staying on budget and on time.

What is in scope in this project:

Development of an order entry system

Development of an order viewing system for the cooks

Development of an order modification / discount module for the managers

Development of an employee addition, modification, deletion system for managers

Development of a menu modification system for managers.

Development of a network to transmit and hold the store sales and data.

Development of a database portal to view the collected data.

Documentation of the above items and how they work.

What is not included in this project:

Documentation of the system broken down so that it is appropriate for servers, cooks,

managers, operations, and accounting.

Development of, and changing the procedures for: servers, cooks, managers, operations, and


An employee attendance and payroll system.

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1.4 Technical, Management, and Cost Plan Overview

In an effort to improve efficiencies, reduce food waste, and increase customer satisfaction, I am

proposing to computerize the entire ordering and payment process, and deliver this data, nearly live, to

the corporate office. Using the iterative method of development, we will develop a system to: enter

orders, display orders for the cooks, have managers modify an errant order, servers enter payment for

the order, and the corporate office to view the sales data.

The system will be designed, developed, and tested over a period of nine months. There will be

a total of four programmers on the project, two focusing on the web interface, and two focusing on the

database interface. After the period of internal testing and revision, then selected live testing, and

another revision, the system will be deployed. Six teams of two A+ certified technicians will install all

1500 stores over a period of fifteen months.

The recommended system including software, hardware, installation, and associated costs,

comes to $9,624,149. However, because of reducing the errors in preparing food, and calculating tabs,

data which will enable the menu to be engineered, and coupled with increased customer satisfaction,

this project has a return on investment of just fourteen months and a five year expected return of


2.0 System Engineering Process Methodology

2.1 Systems Analysis and Design Process

There are a number of different development methodologies that run the continuum from the

waterfall method to RAD or Rapid Application Development. The waterfall approach is highly scripted

and works well where there is a well defined problem and a straight forward well documented solution.

RAD however, is not scripted and works well where there is not a clear solution and/or there is an

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undefined problem. (Mochal, 2001) Waffle House intends to develop the software in a middle-of-the-

road iterative approach. In this method there are specific and well defined parts and deliverables to the

system. Yet, after part of the system is developed, we need the opportunity to test, fix, and make

changes to this deliverable, before we add another layer to the system. In this manner we should be

able to develop a system that works well, yet reduces the likelihood and complexity of fixing issues with

the system at a later point in time.

(Spence & Bitner, 2009)

In the system analysis and design process, we focus both on the issues that started the project

and how this program will address these issues. To do this, it is the intention of Waffle House to involve

all parties in the building of the system. It is important to understand not only what servers do, but how

they do it, along with cooks, managers, operations, and accounting.

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2.1.1 The Architecture Framework

The architecture framework serves to give all parties a higher level of understanding about the

problem and the process at hand, and there are different views and different areas that need to be

considered in a project:

Knowledge – The system owners are more interested in what new knowledge the system can provide as

opposed to raw data. System users are not as concerned about the output of the data so much as the

process of getting it into the system. On the other hand, system designers and builders are most

concerned with the types of servers, databases, and programming languages that will be used to collect

and store this information.

Process – The system owner is most interested in using the process as a tool to set goals and define

business policies. System users, on the other hand, are more interested in the procedural process of

getting information into and out of the system.

Communication – System owners are interested in who needs to interface with these systems, where

these entities are located, and how these systems may interface with other systems. System users are

concerned with the input and output of communications from the system, as opposed to the processing

of this data. System designers and builders are interested in the means of communication, via a

program, web interface, and with what software or middleware.

2.2 Enterprise Model

2.2.1 Enterprise Data Model

The most effective Enterprise Data Model is the PIECES model. In this model, data is

defined by the following objectives: Performance, Information, Economy, Control, Efficiency, and


Computerization of Waffle House - 14 -

(Whitten & Bentley, 2007)


At the store level, performance is of the upmost importance, there can be no delay, specified as

less than ½ of one second of delay for any part of the process of order entry, modification, and closure

within the POS system at the store. In the restaurant business, 1 second might as well be a minute and

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the system must respond as such. The throughput of the information to the cook needs to be in under

10 seconds. The faster the order gets to the cook, the faster the customer gets their food, thereby

increasing customer satisfaction. Throughput of the data to the corporate office needs to be designed as

“best effort”. There will be times that the data link or internet connection will be down at either end and

the system needs to have fail safes in place to make up for this. Otherwise, information should be able

to make it to the corporate office within sixty seconds of the close of a ticket.

At the corporate office, the acceptable response time of any request needs to be in 5 seconds or

less for the database to query the needed information as well as display it for the requesting party. Data

entry or modification of data and its submission needs to be able to be done with no delay.


The system must store transactional data at both the store and the office for a period of

eighteen months. At nineteen months, store data will be purged. At the corporate office, the data will

be consolidated into daily totals. This data will be stored for up to ten years, then consolidated to annual

totals by store.


The following cost saving measures will be in place in an effort to reduce expenditures at all


The cost of the system must produce a return on investment within 30 months.

Negotiate a bulk deal with one computer vendor and one software vendor so that we can realize

economies of scale and also control parts.

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Basic control policy dictates that the system user’s direct supervisor is responsible for adding,

modifying, or removing their subordinate’s access to the system.

The systems will lockout a username after five unsuccessful login attempts. The lockout will

expire after sixty minutes.

Password resets, and un-locks must only happen after the person’s identity has been verified.

This can happen by verifying the last 4 of the person’s social security number and the person’s

Zip Code.

At the store level, servers will have access to the POS system. Access will be controlled by a 4

digit numeric pin. Managers will have a 5 digit access code, and will be the only ones who are

able to settle credit cards, discount food, and remove orders that have already been “sent” to

the kitchen

At the corporate office, access is governed by a username and password, since the system

contains sensitive and proprietary information.

PCI governs the usage of credit card data. Credit Card data will be stored and only accessable to

managers and accountants for a period of ten days. Credit Card Data will then be purged down

to the last four of the account number and total check amount. Access to this system will be

restricted by username and password to managers, IT staff, and accounting.


The following requirements will bring efficiency to the business process:

Automatic calculation of tab, tax, and total

Displaying the order for the cook

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Reporting data about ticket times

Reporting data about food waist

Automated server end-of-shift checkout


The users of this system are everyone within the Waffle House Corporation, including servers,

managers, accounting, and operations.

The users will be grouped into four sections: servers who have the ability to input orders and

accept payments, and managers who will be able to modify the tickets. At the corporate office,

accounting will be able to access sales data, while operations will be able to access everything.

Training material will have to be developed based upon the four classes of users. Training

material should include a “getting started guide” that will overview the general usage of the system.

There should also be a detailed user guide that details how to perform any and all functionality.

The reliability of the system needs to perform at 99.99% up time. The system will also need to

be redundant at all levels with workarounds developed for each computerized system that can fail.

The system will be rolled out store by store by six teams of two. The training department is

responsible for providing training materials on the system in advance of installation.

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2.2.3 Enterprise Interface Model

Business Use Case Diagram

POS System

Order Entry

View Order

View Data

Cashout /

Close Check

Modify Order

Apply Discounts



Store Manager




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Author (s): _Chris Williams______________ Date: ____10/31/2009__

Version: ______1.0_____

USE CASE NAME: Place a new order USE CASE TYPE

USE CASE ID: New Order - 1 Business Requirements:

PRIORITY: High System Analysis:

SOURCE: Requirement – Input a new order into the system









DESCRIPTION: This use case covers the order entry into the POS system.

PRE-CONDITION: A customer must place an order for something of value, and something that needs to be cooked.

TRIGGER: When a customer places an order for food and or drink

TYPICAL COURSE Actor Action System Response

Step 1: The customer places their order with the wait staff, the server takes this order to the POS terminal

Step 2: The POS System requests the user to identify themselves

Step 3: The wait staff enters a pin number known only to them on the touch screen

Step 4: The POS system authenticates the user and displays the main menu.

OF EVENTS: Step 5: The POS displays the server main menu with choices of ‘New Check’ ‘Re-Open Check’ or ‘Pay & Close’

Step 6: The server selects New Step 7: The POS system requests the table

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Check number and the number of guests.

Step 8: The wait staff enters the table number and the number of guest

Step 9: The POS system generates a check number, then records the table number, number of guests, date, time, and the server ID.

Step 10: The POS System displays the Food Main Menu

Step 11: The server selects from the main menu ‘Beverage’

Step 12: All beverage choices appear in a grid

Step 13: The server selects a beverage

Step 14: The system displays a modifier screen asking for size (If applicable)

Step 15: The servers selects the size

Step 16: The system adds the beverage to the tab

Step 17: The server selects the ‘Ala-Cart’ Menu

Step 18: All Ala-Carte Choices are displayed

Step 19: The server selects the item

Step 20: The system displays a modifier screen asking for Temperature (meats, if applicable) Style (eggs if applicable)

Step 21: The server selects the Temperature and or Style

Step 22: The system adds the item to the check

Step 23: The server selects from the main menu ‘Breakfast’ or ‘Dinner’

Step 24: All ‘Breakfast’ or ‘Dinner’ choices appear in a grid

Step 25: The server selects an entre

Step 26: The system displays a modifier screen asking for Temperature (Meats, if applicable) Style (eggs if applicable)

Step 27: The server selects the Temperature or Style

Step 28: The system displays a sides menu listing sides choices such as bacon, sausage, white, wheat, or rye toast

Step 29: The server makes the appropriate choices.

Step 30: The system adds the entre to the check

Step 31: The server finishes the order and sends it to the cook by hitting a ‘Send’ button at the bottom of the screen.

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ALTERNATE COURSES: Alternate 2, 16: If the user is not authenticated, the system displays a message that authentication failed and allows them to re-enter their pin number

CONCLUSION: This use case concludes once the check is sent to the kitchen

POST-CONDITION: The cook receives the order on his screen.

BUSINESS RULES The wait staff must enter the entire order into the system

The wait staff cannot delete an order from the system after it has been sent

Payments must be accurately recorded


System must be able to utilize touch screens

System must be GUI based

System must be redundant

ASSUMPTIONS: Customer did not append or change the order

OPEN ISSUES: What Items are on the menu and how can they be modified?

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Author (s): _Chris Williams______________ Date: ____10/31/2009__

Version: ______1.0_____


USE CASE ID: KVS - 1 Business Requirements:

PRIORITY: High System Analysis:

SOURCE: Requirement – Display orders for the cooks









DESCRIPTION: This use case covers the Kitchen Video System and the cooks interaction

with it.

PRE-CONDITION: A server has entered an order with an item that needs to be cooked

TRIGGER: The server hits the ‘SEND’ button upon completing the input of the order into the system.

TYPICAL COURSE Actor Action System Response

Step 1: An audible tone or beep sounds

OF EVENTS: Step 2: The items that need cooked are listed in the left most available block on a monitor, along with their respective styles, temperatures, and sides, along with a count up timer

Step 3: The cook prepares the order

Step 4: On a specialty ‘Bump Pad” the cook has the ability to bump order 1, 2, 3, or 4, redisplay an old order or view

Step 5: The system removes the order in position 1 from the screen, All orders are then shifted left

Computerization of Waffle House - 23 -

orders that are in queue. The cook bumps the prepared order

Step 6: The receipt printer prints out the check, including the server and table number

Step 7: The cook places the check with the order and alerts the server that his/her order is ready

ALTERNATE COURSES: Alternate 4: If the cook selects order 2, 3, or 4 to bump from the screen, that section is removed and the following orders shift to the left to fill that position.

Alternate 4: If the cook selects previous order, the screen places the order back on the screen in the left most position. Orders will re-appear in the order in which they were bumped.

CONCLUSION: This case concludes when the cook has bumped the order from the screen and alerted the server that his/her order is prepared


BUSINESS RULES The cook can only prepare what is on the screen. If it’s not on the screen, it is not in the system, and if it’s not in the system, it is not being billed.


System must be able to utilize touch screens

System must be GUI based


OPEN ISSUES: What food needs to be displayed on Kitchen Video, or not displayed

Computerization of Waffle House - 24 -


Author (s): _Chris Williams______________ Date: ____10/31/2009__

Version: ______1.0_____


USE CASE ID: Modify - 1 Business Requirements:

PRIORITY: High System Analysis:

SOURCE: Requirement – Managers can Edit and/or discount items and orders









DESCRIPTION: This use case covers the managers ability to modify an order after it has

been sent

PRE-CONDITION: A check must have been created and sent

TRIGGER: A check needs to be adjusted

TYPICAL COURSE Actor Action System Response

Step 1: The manager touches the screen to wake the system

Step 2: The POS System requests the user to identify themselves

OF EVENTS: Step 3: The manager enters a pin number known only to them on the touch screen

Step 4: The POS system authenticates the user and displays the Manager Screen.

Step 5: The POS gives the same choices as a server AND the ability to modify an order.

Step 6: The manager selects the Modify key

Step 7: The system displays the 10 digit keypad on one side of the screen, and on the other, a list of check numbers, server names, and check totals.

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Step 8: The manager selects the check

Step 9: The check appears and the item and their cost appears

Step 10: The manager selects an item

Step 11: The system asks if the item should be replaced or removed

Step 12: The manager chooses to replace the item.

Step 13: The system removes the item from the check and the Main Food Menu is displayed so that the manager can select the appropriate item.

Step 14: The manager, having selected the appropriate item, can now either ‘send’ the item again or just reprint the ticket.

Step 15: The manger chooses to send the order

Step 16: The system places the modified item to the left most position on the screen for the cook

ALTERNATE COURSES: Alternate 10: If the manager selects the cost, the 10 digit number pad is displayed and the manager can type in a new amount. The ticket will then be re-printed.

Alternate 11: If the manager selects delete, the item and it’s cost will be removed from the Tab.

Alternate 15: If the manger selects reprint, the tab is simply re-calculated and reprinted.

CONCLUSION: The order is either re-sent or re-printed


BUSINESS RULES An order cannot be discounted for more than it’s worth.


System must be able to utilize touch screens

System must be GUI based

System must be redundant


OPEN ISSUES: Permissible reasons to allow discounts.

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Author (s): _Chris Williams______________ Date: ____10/31/2009__

Version: ______1.0_____


USE CASE ID: Close an order - 1 Business Requirements:

PRIORITY: High System Analysis:

SOURCE: Requirement – Close an order









DESCRIPTION: This use case covers taking payment and closing the check

PRE-CONDITION: The tab has been created and or modified successfully and the customer presents payment


TYPICAL COURSE Actor Action System Response

Step 1: The customer presents payment.

Step 2: The wait staff enters unique pin into the POS

Step 3: The POS authenticates the user

Step 4: The server enters the check number into the POS

Step 5: The POS displays the check and presents options to add to it, modify it, or pay on it.

Step 6: The server selects payment type and amount.

Step 7: The POS displays the change due.

Step 8: The server selects OK Step 9: The POS prints a final receipt of the transaction

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Step 10: The POS closes the ticket and reports it back to the corporate office.

ALTERNATE COURSES: Alternate 2: If the user is not authenticated, the system displays a message that authentication failed and allows them to re-enter their pin number

CONCLUSION: This use case concludes once the check is closed and the data is sent to the corporate office

POST-CONDITION: If the data was not available to be sent to the corporate office, the system will build a que of data and display an error message on the POS that there is a data transmission error.

BUSINESS RULES The wait staff must enter the entire order into the system

The wait staff cannot modify an order from the system after it has been sent to the kitchen

Payments must be accurately recorded


System must be able to utilize touch screens

System must be GUI based

System must be redundant

ASSUMPTIONS: This will be a cash transaction

Customer did not append or change the order

There was no reason to / manager did not provide discounted food

OPEN ISSUES: EDI for Credit Card Payments

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Database Portal

Author (s): _Chris Williams______________ Date: ____10/31/2009__

Version: ______1.0_____


USE CASE ID: Data - 1 Business Requirements:

PRIORITY: High System Analysis:

SOURCE: Requirement – Provide detailed sales data to the corporate office


Accounting, Operations









DESCRIPTION: This use case covers the data from when it is sent from the store until it is

processed at the corporate office.

PRE-CONDITION: Ticket is closed at the store level

TRIGGER: Data is transmitted.

TYPICAL COURSE Actor Action System Response

Step 1: POS at the store transmits check information

Step 2: Database receives this information and appends it to its records


ALTERNATE COURSES: Alternate 1: If the system is unable to send the date, the Server must Queue this data until the data link again becomes available.

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CONCLUSION: This use case concludes once the data has been appended to the database at the corporate office

POST-CONDITION: If the data was not available to be sent to the corporate office, the system will build a queue of data and display an error message on the POS that there is a data transmission error.

BUSINESS RULES Data that transmits from the store must be accurate and unchanged as it makes it’s way to the corporate office


Data must be transmitted securely


OPEN ISSUES: How to transmit the information securely

2.2.4 Enterprise Network Model

The following model depicts the flow of information from the individual Waffle House stores,

through the internet, to the corporate office in Atlanta.



Waffle House


Waffle House


Waffle House


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Business Locations:

(Google Maps, 2009)

Waffle House Stores

Corporate office

Atlanta, Georgia

Location of Database

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2.3 The Business Model

2.3.1 Business Data Model

The business data model will play an important role in the development of both the store POS

system and the database portal at the corporate office. This is because the data model forms the basis

of the data architecture for the project. According to Craig Systems, “Creating a data or conceptual

model early in the development of the business model is important to the understanding of the

business... Without it there is no explanation of the meaning of the words that are used in the

business process model. This leads to ambiguity and ambiguity leads to errors.” (Craig Systems,


Further, Barney Beal looks at the importance of building a data model from the end of a

project, in that a proper data model in the beginning can save you from costly errors in the

future. “Increasingly, business users are taking a greater interest in data models. They're

starting to realize that proper modeling can improve data quality and save hundreds of

thousands of dollars on all those catalogues going out to the same address multiple times…”

(Beal, 2009)

The business data model for Waffle house for the POS System at the store level

contains the following entries:

Store Specific – store location specific

Item – contains food and beverage items

Item Ticket – resolves the many to many relationship between the ticket and the item

and contains the final price charged for the item

Tax Rate – is a lookup table that modifies the tax rate of an item

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Employee Information – contains employee data

Tables – a lookup table that restricts the available table numbers

Payment Type – a lookup table that restricts payment options

Check Message – a lookup table of the header message as well as the footer message

for the check

Check – the actual transactual check file.

The below table displays this information:

Menu Items

PK Item Number

FK1 Tax Rate Number

Store Data

PK Store Number


PK,FK2 Check Number

FK3,FK4 Table Number

FK5 Message Set

FK6 Employee Payroll no

FK1 Store Number

Item Check

PK Check Number

Item Price

Tax Rate

Employee Data

PK Employee Payroll No

Tax Rate

PK Tax Rate Number


PK Table Number

Check Message

PK Message Set

Payment Information1

PK Payment Types

FK1 Check Number

Computerization of Waffle House - 33 -

2.3.2 Business Process Model

The Business Process Model lays out the overall, high level, business processes and their

relationship to each other. In the following model, it is important to note that there are three processes.

The first is placing the order. The second is optional – in that it only applies if a problem happens with a

ticket such as an order was sent in error to the cook or there is a need for an adjustment to the check.

The last process is the payment of the check.

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2.3.3 Business Interface Model

The following navigation diagram is for the store level navigation. Any process, with the

exception of the cook bumping an order from his or her screen, always starts at the login screen. In

general the flow of a ticket is from left to right. The manager’s screen and functionality is on an as

needed / applicable basis.

New Order Re-Open Check (Manager Function) Payment


Select table

Select number of


Check Number


Server / Shift


Payment Type

Payment Amount

Kitchen Video

Bump Menu


Add / Modify /

Delete Employee

Add / Modify

InventoryModify Check

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The following diagram is a layout of the corporate interface. Although very basic, the data

output can be extrapolated and sorted as needed to produce the needed information. Accounting will

be most interested in sales. Operations will be most interested in transactional data and inventory data

because they contain metadata or data about the data.

Sales Transactional Data

Login / Welcome

Inventory Data Employee Data



Ticket Times

Average Sales



Inventory Levels

Food Waste



List Employees

Employee Email



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2.3.4 Business Network Model

The below network is a basic layout of the network traffic within the store, through the internet,

to the corporate office. Within the store, there will be three terminals, a printer, kitchen video and a

manager workstation. For simplicity, all six computer devices will be connected to one

firewall/router/switch. On the other side will be the ISP modem.

At the corporate office, the data will have to make it through one firewall to a server that will

collect the information from the stores. The information will then have to cross another firewall, which

will separate the file server from the internal network. The internal network will host the database

server. The Web Server, accessible to authorized users both internal or external, will also sit between

the two firewalls.

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2.4 System Model

The below system data model contains the basic layout of the database. Every table that

surrounds the check table modifies the check table in some way. The check table is more or less the

transactional log of the days orders, ticket times… The store specific data is information that is specific

to the store such as its common name, address, and phone. These things will not change over time and

as such will be manually entered by the setup team at setup and should never need changed again. The

same applies to the table numbers. The reason for this is to restrict the tables that are available when

opening a ticket. Payment type is the last of the information that will rarely if ever change and therefore

will be manually set by IT.

The other class of tables will have a simple interface for modifications by the manager. Tables

such as tax rate, employee, items, and check messages will from time to time need to be changed

according to changes with state and local taxes, promotions, and employees coming and going.

First is a spreadsheet of the normalization process from un-normalized to third normal form.

This is followed by the visual representation of the database in third normal form.

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2.4.1 System Data Model

Menu Items

PK Item Number

FK1 Tax Rate Number

Ticket Name



Server Pickup



SubMenu location

Store Data

PK Store Number

Store Name

Store Address 1

Store Address 2

Store City

Store State

Store Zip


PK,FK2 Check Number

Item Number

FK3 Message Set

FK4 Employee Payroll no

FK1 Store Number

FK5 Table Number


order Open Time

Order Close Time

Item Check

PK Check Number

FK1 Item Number

Item Price

Tax Rate

Employee Data

PK Employee Payroll No

Employee First

Employee Middle

Employee Last

Employee Street 1

Employee Street 2

Employee City

Employee State

Employee Zip

Tax Rate

PK Tax Rate Number


PK Table Number

Check Message

PK Message Set

Payment Information

PK Payment Types

FK1 Check Number

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2.4.2 System Process Model

The system process model displays the integration of the flow of data between the tables. The

below diagram illustrates this relationship. Basically, as described above, all of the tables directly or

indirectly modify the check table.

Rollout Team


Store Data



Menu Items

Tax Rate






Who bumped what

order when



Who ordered what, when, at

what price, from what store,

where did they sit.

New Store RolloutNew Store Rollout

New Store RolloutNew Store Rollout

New Store RolloutNew Store Rollout

New Promotion from


New Promotion from


New Promotion and/or

Price Change

New Promotion and/or

Price Change

Governmental /

Regulatory Change

Governmental /

Regulatory Change

Employee Hired, Fired,

or Status Change

Employee Hired, Fired,

or Status Change

Bumps OrderBumps Order

Order EntryOrder Entry



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2.4.3 System Interface Models

Exception Report

The following report is an exception report that details the tickets and items that were discounted. In

this specific report, it is interesting to note that there are several tickets that include eggs that are nearly

sequential. This may prompt managers and regional’s to ask why this happened and respond


Exception Report

Discounted Tickets

Time From: NOV 23 2009 at 7:00 AM

Time To: NOV 23 2009 at 12:00 PM

Store: 1283, Polaris

Ticket Number Item Original Final

186 Pecan Waffle $ 4.49 $ 2.25

186 Orange Juice $ 1.79 $ 0.90

246 2-Eggs $ 1.29 $ -

248 Eggs $ 1.89 $ -

249 3-Eggs $ 2.49 $ -

357 Bacon $ 1.89 $ -

424 Coke $ 1.99 $ 1.00


$ 15.83 $ 4.15

Total Waste

$ (11.68)


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Detailed Report

The following is an example of a detailed report which displays the ticket averages for the server, Susan.

This ticket demonstrates that the average guest count is 2.6, the ticket time is better than the spec of 30

minutes, but that her ticket average is less than the $20 average.

Detail Report

Server: Susan M

Time From: Nov 23 2009 at 7:00 AM

Time To: Nov 23 2009 at 12:00 PM

Store: 1283, Polaris

Ticket Number Ticket Open Time Ticket Close Time Number Guests Ticket Total

187 10:01 10:23 3 17.01

191 10:05 10:35 2 11.34

195 10:13 10:30 1 5.67

199 10:15 10:50 4 22.68

203 10:20 10:48 4 32.95

207 10:22 10:47 2 11.34

211 10:40 11:02 1 6.23

215 10:44 11:04 1 5.67

219 10:50 11:25 4 22.68

223 10:51 11:13 2 11.34

227 10:54 11:32 6 34.02

231 11:03 11:34 2 11.34

235 11:07 11:27 1 5.67

239 11:15 11:47 4 22.68

243 11:25 11:53 3 17.01


27.5 2.6 $ 15.84


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Summary report

This summary report displays the totals for Susan in her shift.

Summary Report - Server Cashout

Server Susan M

Payroll Number 98-189476

Date NOV 23 2009

Time 11:28:28

Total Cash Sales $257.02

Total Credit Sales $189.98

Total Sales $447.00


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Screen Shots

This is a screenshot of what the place an order screen would look like under the beverage sub menu.

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This is an example of the modification screen for an entrée.

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Screenshot of what the cook’s Kitchen Video may look like.

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2.4.4 System Network Model

Distributed system architecture:

The model that has been designed thus far is, in its definition, distributed. At the store level, the

store POS not only takes the incoming orders and processes payments, it also stores transactional data

for eighteen months, and sends it to the corporate office after each transaction is completed. In this

manner, for at least eighteen months, there is a duplicate set of data in the field and within the

corporate office. At the corporate office, records are stored and maintained into perpetuity for

reporting and tracking reasons. In Denver, Colorado, there would be one server with three virtual

sessions that would be capable of running the entire system should there be an extended disaster in

Atlanta. This ‘warm’ site would be designed so that it could be operational within 24 hours. So, should

there be a disaster at the corporate office that prevents the data collection, storage, and/or retrieval,

the DNS would simply have to be redirected to the Denver site and operations would resume.

The system in Atlanta is designed with redundancy in mind. There are two servers which are

sitting between the firewall. These servers would have redundant virtualized sessions in which if either

server failed, the failed server’s functionality would continue, on the virtualized session, on the other

server. If the database server failed, one of the two servers between the firewalls would be pulled and

the hard drives swapped with the database server’s hard drives and be brought back online in under an


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Data Collection Server

Web Server

Database Server

Firewall Firewall Switch

All three servers hardware, except hard

drives, should be identical to allow for

easy swap out in case of a disaster

These two servers will have two virtual sessions

running: Its primary function, ie Web Server, and it

fail over function, ie Data Collection Server

Clustering and load Balancing Options

At this point, neither load balancing nor clustering options are necessary, there are about only

50 Regional Operations and Vice Presidents outside of the corporate office. And internally there are

only 50 presidents, vice presidents, accounting, and marketing individuals. They will not all be on the

system at the same time. And one server should be more than sufficient to handle this load.


In an effort to roll out with the latest operating software and hardware, Waffle House will

purchase and install only Windows 7 workstations and Windows Server 2008 operating software on the


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Peter Gali in his article for eWeek “Windows Server 2008 Features Address Linux Challenge”

points out the major strides that Microsoft has made against Linux in this latest operating system.

Microsoft products are also well supported, well documented, and most IT professionals work on the

platform. (Galli 2007)

Because the operating software is Windows, it makes sense to roll with MS SQL Server 2008 too.

Running with this version of this relational database should allow some native integration that may not

be allowed or possible with other database solutions. Because it is a Microsoft product, documentation

is plentiful and finding Database Administrators for the product will be easier.

Backups and Redundancy

The data that the system will collect and store is in many cases, not critical to have at every

moment of every day. Although the system being down will bring disruption to the work day and idle

accountants and sometimes operations, business will not stop and customers will continue to order, eat,

and pay for their food. On the other hand, the long term data integrity is critical and cannot be lost, not

only for long term company data, but also for federal reporting standards that require the retention of

this data. This office will have redundant functionality. The Denver regional office will also serve as a

warm site. This in turn will also ensure that if there is a local or regional disaster, or fire that makes the

building inaccessible or unavailable in Atlanta, the Denver site will be ready. In case data recovery will be

necessary, there will be a daily back run every day. This data will be stored securely offsite.

At the store level, since the data is duplicated to the corporate office, it is not necessary to have

an extensive backup either. However, it will be much easier to recover data with an onsite backup

solution than over an internet connection. So, each store will utilize Microsoft Backup and an external

drive. MS Backup and the external drive will allow the local store data to be backed up several times a

day, and protect against equipment failure.

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Security will be based on both need to know and also the value of the data that is being

protected. So, accounting will be restricted to the sales figures modules, while operations will have

access to everything, since they need to make informed decisions. This data will be protected by a

username and secure password. This password will change every three months and must contain at

least one capital, one lower case letter and at least one number or symbol. This will be a requirement of

everyone at the corporate office who accesses the corporate network and especially the users of the

new database portal system.

At the store level, the manager functions dealing with employee data, and inventory will be

under the same username and password rules as those who access the database portal system, because

the data for the database portal system originates at their store. Because of this, there is a great need to

collect this data, process it, and store it securely.

However for the store POS system, servers will have a four number pin to access the system,

and managers five, but the security clearance will depend on the user attached to the pin. Servers will

only be able to start, add to an order, and accept payment to close an order. Managers will have the

additional ability to modify orders (discount orders and remove food items that have already been sent

to the kitchen.)

Cooks, who only have the ability to “bump” orders that have been sent to their viewing screen

will have no login or password, since they have no access to data, orders, payments, or anything else of

any value.

Physical security will be maintained by having the managers workstation that serves the front of

house terminals locked in the manager’s office at all times. The server can also be locked in a box that

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would make its physical removal very difficult. At the corporate office, server rooms need be locked, and

access monitored, as well as temperature controlled and fire protected.

It is the intention of Waffle House to follow the standards as laid out in the National Institute of

Standards and Technology Publication 800-34, Contingency Planning Guide for Information Technology

Systems. These standards detail the mitigation of, and preparation for a “disaster” and the things that

need to happen in the wake of a disaster.

Software and Hardware Standards

The following standards for the computers and computer systems are in place now through the

project rollout. This will ensure the uniformity of purchases and product support.

Workstations and Terminals

Workstations: Managers and their regional managers will have their own usernames and passwords. The computer will lock after 15 minutes of non-use. Managers and regional’s will have Power-User or equivalent access to the computer which restricts installation of programs and detrimental system changes. However users will be able to customize their desktop for usability.

Operating system: Windows 7 Professional

Processor: 64bit, Quad Core, 3.0ghz

Memory: 4 gig

Hard Drive: 1Tb or better

Ethernet: Gigabit capable.

Sound / Video: Standard is sufficient

Terminals: Terminals will automatically login to a user level access and then automatically run the POS system on the terminal. This will prevent changes to the computers that the system is running on.

Operating system: Windows 7 Professional

Processor: 64bit, Dual Core, 3.0ghz

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Memory: 4 gig

Hard Drive: 250gig or better

Ethernet: Gigabit capable.

Sound / Video: Standard is sufficient


Security: Corporate policy will require a 7-14 character, number, and symbol password that will be required to be changed after 90 days and lockout after 120. This will be necessary for all users of the database and/or servers

Software: Microsoft based MS Sql, Visual Studio, ASP.Net

Windows Server 2008 Standard

Processor: 64bit, Quad core 3.0ghz

Memory: 8 gig of DDR3 type memory

Hard Drives: 2 Terrabytes in RAID 5 configuration, hot swappable

Ethernet: dual gigabit interface

Sound / Video: Standard is sufficient

Redundant power supplies

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3.0 Management Plan

The following sections will form the human capital management plan; in that, they detail the

less tangible sections including the project mission, strategies, goals, objectives, organizational chart,

project success factors, and project metrics. Each one of these has a part in creating boundaries,

guidelines, and best guestamates about what things need to be done and how long it will take.

A Project Mission assists in covering the gap between idea and resolution says Elisa Werner at “This step allows teams to initially define their purpose, and ultimately keep the big picture in

mind.” she says. The project mission allows all parties to review any changes or deviation in respect to

the mission statement to see if it meets the mission statement. If not, it’s probably not a good idea.

A strategy is made up of three different parts: competitive priorities, the interventions made to

achieve them, and the process of doing so. (Tonchia, 2008) Having a strategy means that there are

multiple goals and that they need to be prioritized, and that there is a method to achieve those goals.

The parts of having a strategy are objectives that can become critical success factors. A critical success

factor is an objective that has to be met, at a certain time, to a specific criterion, and many times to a

specific date.

According to a Nevil Turbit in his article titled Measuring Project Health, a great deal of time

addressing project metrics and their importance. He stresses that a good project metric will answer the

question of “how is the project going”.

Project Metrics is a way to provide a project management status report. As an analogy, think about the criteria that a doctor might use to monitor health. He or she checks pulse, temperature, blood pressure etc. Similarly, a project needs to measure a mix of criteria.

If you distill the ground covered in methodologies and literature on Project Management, there are six criteria that constantly emerge. They are:

o Time (How are we going against schedule) o Cost (How are we going against budget)

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o Resources (How much time are we spending on the project) o Scope (Is the scope creep in line with expectations) o Quality (Are we reviewing and fixing quality problems) o Actions (Do we have action items outstanding)

(Turbit, 2005)

3.1 Work Breakdown Structure:

A work breakdown structure separates the individual goals and objectives from the entire project. Therefore it makes it easier to stay on task and identify what still needs to be done.

1.0 Project Contract

1.1 Initiate the project

1.2 Create the project charter

1.3 Identify project manager

1.4 Present and get final approval to begin the project

1.5 Identify and hire project team

2.0 Requirements and Analysis

2.1 Identify the problems

2.2 Document Business Requirements

2.2.1 From the customers standpoint

2.2.2 From the servers standpoint

2.2.3 From the cooks standpoint

2.2.4 From the managers standpoint

2.2.5 From operations standpoint

2.2.6 From accountings standpoint

2.2.7 From the board’s standpoint

2.3 Analyze and rank solutions

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3.0 Build the system

3.1 Analyze, design, test, approve, and implement the order entry system.

3.2 Analyze, design, test, approve, and implement the order payment system.

3.3 Analyze, design, test, approve, and implement the kitchen video system.

3.4 Analyze, design, test, approve, and implement the manager’s interface.

3.5 Analyze, design, test, approve, and implement the Wide Area Network.

3.6 Analyze, design, test, approve, and implement the database portal system at corporate.

4.0 System Testing and Bug fixing

4.1 Setup full working prototype at the corporate office

4.2 System testing and comment period

4.3 Analyze, design, test, approve, and implement approved changes

5.0 Live Testing

5.1 Develop rollout procedure

5.2 Rollout system to 5 local stores

5.3 System testing and comment period

5.4 Analyze, design, test, approve, and implement approved changes

6.0 Deploy system to all corporate stores.

6.1 Obtain local permits to install / change wiring

6.2 Equipment ships to the store

6.3 Electricians add/modify electric and network

6.4 Installation team installs the equipment

6.5 Training team arrives and provides system training.

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3.2 Staffing Plan

It is important to plan for adequate human capital for a project. The following staffing plan will

equip the project with the right staff with the right experience to build out the system and ensure that

the project will be completed successfully.

Role Requirements

The following diagram depicts the role that needs to be filled, the number of persons that are needed

for that role and their start and end dates.

Role Project Responsibility Skills Required Number of Staff


Estimated Start Date

Duration Required

ASP.NET Developer - POS

Develop web interface for POS Modules

Team Player, demonstrated proficiency with

ASP.NET, Visual Studio

1 01/02/2010 Permanent

MSSQL Administrator – POS

Develop Database in conjunction with ASP.Net Developer

Team Player, demonstrated proficiency with


1 01/02/2010 Permanent

ASP.NET Developer - database portal

Develop the web interface for the corporate database portal System

Team Player, demonstrated proficiency with ASP.NET, Visual


1 01/02/2010 24 months

MSSQL Administrator – database portal

Develop Database in conjunction with both ASP.Net Developers

Team Player, demonstrated proficiency with ASP.NET, MSSQL

1 01/02/2010 24 Months

A+ Certified Technicians

Install the system in the stores

Team Player, demonstrated

proficiency with

computer hardware, and general network and software support

12 12/01/2010 13 months, permanent

Computerization of Waffle House - 58 -

Staff Assigned to Roles

The below chart is a breakdown of the current staff of Waffle House as well as expected pay for

new hires who will be a part of the project’s team. This is necessary so that their time and hours can be

anticipated and budgeted towards the project.

Role Name Date Needed Rate Rate Unit Source

Project Leader Sean Kellogg 12/01/2009 $50/hr 6/hr/day Director of IT

Project Leader




12/01/2009 $32/hr 2/hr/day Director of Training

Project Leader


Thera Walsh 12/01/2009 $45/hr 2/hr/day Director of Operations

MSSQL – DBA’s 01/02/2010 $30/hr 8/hr/day Staffing Agency



01/02/2009 $25/hr 8/hr/day Staffing Agency

A+ Technicians 12/01/2010 $15/hr 8/hr/day Staffing Agency

Computerization of Waffle House - 59 -

Organizational Chart – System Development

3.3 Project Plan

The below section deals the project plan. In the project plan the first six weeks is the planning

period and hiring of the staff. January 10th begins the period of analyzation about the system and what

needs to be done. January 24th begins the period of system building where the bulk of the system is

coded and built. June 14th the entire system should be in alpha form. The completed and functional

system will be available for public testing for two weeks, then go back to the developers to improve and

fix any issues that were found. On August 2nd the system, in its beta form rolls out to a select number of

local stores. After the stores use it, find bugs, and make usability comments, the programmers will again

make changes and improvements to the system. After these improvements are made and tested, the

Computerization of Waffle House - 60 -

system will begin to roll out, store by store. The six groups of two A+ installation techs will then install

the system in each and every store. Approximately one month ahead of the installation techs, the

network and electrical cabling will be done.

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3.4 Risk Management Plan Introduction

This section gives a general overview of the risk mitigation, monitoring and management plan

for the Waffle House Point of Sale system (POS).

Scope and intent of RMMM activities

We want the software to be free of any defects or errors, but it is hard, or at times almost

impossible to develop a system that is free of any defects. To be safe we would like to have a risk

management plan to counter any difficulties that may impact the development or the creation of the

software. Our goal is to assist the project team in developing a strategy to deal with any risk. For this we

will take a look at the possible risks, how to monitor them and how to manage the risk.

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For software development to avoid any risk, both the developer and client have to work

together. The client has to spend time with the developer in the beginning phase of the software

development. If client decides to change the software, meaning the client wants to add some more

functions into the software or to change the requirement, this will have major effect on the

development of the software.

Risk management organizational role.

Everyone associated with the software has responsibility in managing the risk. That is if everyone

participated and paid close attention to all the details during the early phase of the software

development much of the risk can be avoided.

Software development can avoid having risk by double-checking their schedule, product size, estimates regarding costs of the development etc.

Customer can help avoid risk by providing all necessary software information during the early phase of the development.

Software development team can avoid risk by getting all the details of the equipment that are provided or are accessible to them.

Client can avoid risk by making all necessary business changes before initiating request for the software.

3.4.1 Risk Description

This section describes the risks that are likely to be encountered during this project.

Risk Table

The following table describes the risks associated with the project. The appropriate categories of

the risks are also given, as well as probability of each risk and its impact on the development process.

Description of risks associated with the project

Business Impact Risk:

The system negatively inpacts and slows the flow of business.

Computerization of Waffle House - 65 -

Initial problems with the system will cause users to reject it.

User Risks:

Users will not understand the system or how it functions

Development Risks:

The system takes significantly longer to develop than anticipated

The system is partially or wholly non-functioning as delivered

Employee Risk:

An employee becomes hurt or ill for an extended period of time

An employee quits before their task is done

Process Risks:

Developers will head off in their own direction

Product Size:

The project receives excessive demands for excessive functionality.

Technology Risk:

A security hole is found in the system

Probability and Impact

The following is the sorted version of the above table by probability and impact:

Computerization of Waffle House - 66 -

Category Risks Probability Impact

User Risk System is hard to use / understand High 2

Development Risk Development time exceeded High 3

Employee Risk Employee quits High 3

Business Impact System problems, users reject it Medium 1

Process Risk Programmers do their own thing Medium 2

Technology Risk Security hole Medium 2

Product Size Excessive demands Medium 3

Development Risk Produces unusable / non-functioning system Low 1

Business Impact System slows business Low 2

Employee Risk Employee has extended illness, injury Low 2

Table - Risks Table

Impact Values Description

1 Catastrophic

2 Critical

3 Marginal

4 Negligible

Above is the table that categorizes the risks involved in software development. It gives brief

description of the risk in Risks column and also provides the probability of risk occurring in percentages

in Probability column and also the impact of the risk in the Impact column.

The impacts values assigned to the each risk are described in the section below the risk table. It

is a very convenient way to look at the risk and derive the information of the risk.

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3.4.2 Risk Mitigation, Monitoring and Management

This section in detail describes Risk Mitigation, Monitoring and Management for each of the

possible risks. It will talk about ways to avoid, monitor and to have ways to manage the risks.

Risk Mitigation

In this section several different development risks will be identified, a plan will be created to

avoid these risks. We will think of the risks possible and of the way to keep the software development

process from encountering these risks. It is important to have a mitigation plan to avoid risks once and

for all. The goal is to attack the risk even before it comes into existence. The plan will help in identifying

the possible risks and to monitor them.

Product Size

While it is important to listen to all input and pay attention to what the users on either end

want, we must focus time on discriminating between wants and needs and between unreasonable and

reasonable wants. All of this must be decided before the project is planned to prevent scope creep and

feature creep.

Business Impact

To avoid the system negatively impacting and slowing business, we will have to spend time

during the planning stages covertly observing the flow of business and design a system that

complements this flow as opposed to changing it.

To avoid users rejecting the system two things need to happen. First, everyone must understand

the reasoning behind the system and also feel a part of its development. Users who feel left out will

tend to reject this change. Second, the system that is delivered must work and address and cover all of

Computerization of Waffle House - 68 -

the requirements that were identified. Delivering a partially functioning system will cause users to

question the POS system and consequently reject it.

User Risks

Users must understand the functionality of the system. To this end, the training department

must be a part of the development process and work to provide training ahead of the installation of the

POS system.

Process Risks

To mitigate the risks of one or two developers going off on their own and developing something

independent of what is being designed, coded, and built will require constant supervision, not only for

these independent behaviors but also to ensure that all portions of the system are cohesive and


Technology Risks

Security must be a part of the planning process from the beginning. It is difficult if not

impossible to come back later and do this.

Development Risks

To prevent the time being exceeded, we must discuss the timelines with developers in the

beginning and settle on a joint time line. It will then be everyone’s responsibility to do what is necessary

to hold onto the timeline.

To mitigate the risk of developing a non-functional system, we must adhere to the agreed

deliverables while using the project goals as a guide

Computerization of Waffle House - 69 -

Employee Risks

It is likely that one or more of the developers and or installation technicians will quit before their

task is done. To mitigate this risk we must use a two prong approach. First always keep a short list of

willing and able replacements. Second, work to, whenever possible, to remove or prevent issues which

may cause the employee to quit; such as, hiring managers should be brutally honest about the job it’s

duties, and responsibilities when hiring individuals.

3.4.3 Risk Monitoring

In this section we will identify the conditions to monitor to determine whether a risk is

becoming more or less likely.

Product Size

There will be three times where there will be a chance for the project to become unmanageable

in size. First, during the original requirements phase and then later in the project during alpha testing

and then beta testing. During these sessions it will be important to balance need and wants against

practicality and against the goals of the project. If it does not fit, it should not be incorporated.

Business Impact

Monitoring for the system to slow down the business process will primarily happen during the

second, live beta test. In this test it will be important to come into testing with previous timing


Rejection of the system is a real risk. Monitoring for this could happen as early as beta testing,

watching for attitudes, rumors, and reluctance to even try the system.

Computerization of Waffle House - 70 -

User Risks

During alpha and beta testing it will be important to monitor for users pausing on screens or

showing signs of frustration while using the system.

Process Risks

With the small crew and regular meetings, it should be easy to pick up on programmers who

have wildly divergent plans and ideas, and/or not playing along with the team. This will make it easy to

possible to monitor for programmers doing their own thing.

Technology Risks

To monitor for security risks, it will be important for the programmers to work together to build

a secure system from the beginning. It will then be important during alpha and beta testing to challenge

users to find problems and security holes.

Development Risks

Monitoring for product progress will involve detailed Gant charts to keep everything

coordinated and on time. Deviation from the projected timeline should trigger an investigation as to

why, and how far off we have deviated.

Developing a product which is non-functioning will be difficult because of the testing and

iterative process of testing before building the next system. However, it is also important that, every

effort has been made to make the deliverable work as perfectly as possible before it is released and


Employee Risks (Teammates)

Monitoring for injury is un-realistic in an office setting unless the team member makes it a habit

of walking into walls or falling off of their chair. Out into the field, it will be important to watch to make

Computerization of Waffle House - 71 -

sure the A+ technicians are not making poor safety decisions about standing on chairs and counters and

working with electric.

Monitoring for an employee who is going to quit, will require the project manager to monitor

job satisfaction, job performance, attendance, and for the tell-tail “I could care less” attitude.

3.4.4 Risk Management

In this section we will identify several different development risks and will try to create a plan to

manage these risks if they do occur.

Product Size

If the project begins to grow unreasonably beyond its original goals and requirements, it is time

to stop and re-evaluate the project. All of the project decision makers need to sit down and look at the

time, cost, and quality factors and realize that the dynamics of the project are going to change.

Business Impact

If the project begins to be or is rejected by the users, it will be important to understand why and

then quickly work to negate these reasons. Change is difficult, and it will be up to training to make this

happen as easily as possible.

If the system extends the time it takes to turn a table, it will be important to meet with training

and operations to see if there are steps that can be streamlined or eliminated. If this cannot be

achieved, we will then need to see what needs to be done to minimize this impact on customer


Computerization of Waffle House - 72 -

User Risks

If the system is deemed to be hard to use or not understandable, then we will need to look to

both programming and training to look at better layouts, better key descriptions, and/or better training

to explain the functionality of the system .

Process Risks

If there is a programmer who is going out on their own, it will be important to first listen and

figure out why they are going out in this direction. If this is unresolvable, it will then be important to

replace this team member as quickly as possible.

Technology Risks

If a security hole is discovered, the first thing that we need to do is to evaluate the severity of

the hole. If it is critical, we will need to stop it from being exploited by the removal of a function or

feature. Then whether critical or not, we will need to develop a software or hardware patch so that the

system can function normally, but without the security hole.

Development Risks

If the project becomes unrecoverably behind, it is important to heed the guidance of the

‘Mythical Man Month” that dispels the notion that throwing more manpower at a project or process

that is behind will speed up delivery of the deliverable. What needs to be done is communicate this with

the decision makers so that they are not surprised by this. Then we need to see what can be done to

minimize or remove any barriers that the programmer is experiencing.

Should the deliverable be deemed un-usable, it will be important to stop the project entirely.

The system will need to be re-evaluated, as well as the initial requirements definitions, to see if the

development team is not meeting the definitions, or if the definitions are wrong. From there the source

of the problem will have to be corrected before the project continutes.

Computerization of Waffle House - 73 -

Employee Risks

If an employee becomes sick or injured for an extended period of time, it may be necessary to

bring in temporary help. Temporary help through a staffing company such as Robert Half can assist in

bridging the gap in the employee’s absence.

If an employee quits unexpectedly, it may become necessary for another employee to assist and

or temporarily cover for the missing employee. It is also important to emphasize the importance of

keeping a list of ready and able individuals should this happen. In either case documentation is critical

for the temporary or permanent employee replacement to pickup where the other left off.

4.0 Cost-Benefit analysis The following sections will look at this project from a financial standpoint. It will weigh the

costs of the project against the proposed financial gains. This information will help decision

makers in determining whether a project is indeed feasible and/or whether other options should

be considered.

4.1 Bill of Materials

The below spreadsheet lays out the startup costs of the project. The project will not

begin to show any return until after the first systems are deployed in the stores at about 9

months. The systems and their benefits will not begin to show their full potential until after they

are completely installed in all stores at the end of year one.

Development Costs Year 0 (420 installs) Year 1 (1080 Installs)


Project Manager (IT Manager) (1) $ 93,750.00 $ 93,750.00

Database Analysts (2) $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00

Web Programmers (2) $ 140,000.00 $ 140,000.00

A+ Technicians (12) $ 150,000.00 $ 360,000.00

$ 533,750.00 $ 743,750.00


Computerization of Waffle House - 74 -

Hotel Rooms for 66 weeks $ 67,200.00 $ 210,000.00

Mid Sized Cars (6) $ 84,000.00

Estimated mileage plus associated costs $ 15,840.00 $ 49,500.00

Electricians plus supplies (1500 states) $ 454,090.91 $ 1,210,909.09

$ 621,130.91 $ 1,470,409.09

New Hardware & Software

Routers in each store $ 46,200.00 $ 118,800.00

Manager's Workstation's $ 420,000.00 $ 1,080,000.00

15" Touch Screen (Planar PT 1510mx) $ 441,000.00 $ 1,134,000.00

Terminal Computers $ 560,700.00 $ 1,441,800.00

Epson TMu220D Receipt Printers $ 201,600.00 $ 777,600.00

Corporate Firewalls $ 3,690.00

Corporate Servers $ 19,200.00

Windows Server 2008 standard, 50 CALs $ 4,782.00

SQL Server 2008, 50 CALs $ 5,737.00

$ 1,702,909.00 $ 4,552,200.00

$ 2,857,789.91 $ 6,766,359.09

$ 9,624,149.00

Computerization of Waffle House - 75 -

4.2 Triple Cost Analysis

This section will detail three variations of the system. All three versions include a store POS

System; however, the minimal system does not include development of a corporate database and an

automated method to get the store data back to the corporate office. From minimal to maximal there

are differences in equipment. Minimal gets the job done at the minimum cost but at the price of

longevity and performance; whereas, on the maximal end, the equipment is the ‘latest and greatest’ but

may be overkill for the job that needs done.

Candidate Matrix

Characteristics Minimal Recommended Maximal

Portion of System Computerized

Just the store Point of Sale would be implemented. There would be no data reported to corporate

The store Point of Sale system would be implemented along with a database portal at the corporate office

The store Point of Sale system would be implemented and managed by a server, along with a database portal at the corporate office


The POS only solution would increase customer satisfaction, reduce food waste, and reduce check errors

This solution would increase customer satisfaction, reduce food waste, and reduce check errors. Additionally it would allow for menu engineering and accounting staff reductions

This solution would increase customer satisfaction, reduce food waste, and reduce check errors. Additionally it would allow for menu engineering and accounting staff reductions. The system would be more robust, but may not provide any further functionality.

Manager Workstations and Terminals

Manager Workstation: Dual Core Pentium 4 Processor, 2gig RAM, Windows 7

Manager Workstation: Quad Core Pentium 4 Processor, 4gig RAM, Windows 7,

Manager Server: Quad Core Pentium 4 Processor, 4gig RAM, Server 2008,

Terminals: Dual core

Computerization of Waffle House - 76 -

Terminals: Refurbished Pentium 4 processors running XP

Terminals: Single core Pentium 4, 4gig RAM, Windows 7

Pentium 4, 4gig RAM, Windows 7


n/a Virtualized and redundant File and Web servers: Quad core Zenon Pentium 4, 8gig RAM, Dual NIC, 1tb RAID 5, Separate Database sitting inside the firewall: Quad core Zenon Pentium 4, 8gig RAM, Dual NIC, 2tb RAID 5

Virtualized and redundant File and Web servers: Quad core Zenon Pentium 4, 8gig RAM, Dual NIC, 1tb RAID 5, Redundant Databases sitting inside the firewall: Quad core Zenon Pentium 4, 8gig RAM, Dual NIC, 2tb RAID 5

Software Tools Needed n/a, visual studio, visual studio

Application Software n/a Microsoft Server 2008, SQL Server 2008

Microsoft Server 2008, SQL Server 2008

Method of Data Processing n/a Real time Real time

Output Devices and Implications

At the store level, Reports are output on a printer and Fed-Exed to the corporate office.

Output is through the network collected by an FTP Server, processed on a Database Server, and viewable on a Web Server. It is expected that this information is available within 60 seconds of a server closing the order in the store.

Output is through the network collected by an FTP Server, processed on a Database Server, and viewable on a Web Server. It is expected that this information is available within 60 seconds of a server closing the order in the store.

Input Devices and Implications

Terminals: Touch Screen

Workstations: Keyboard, Monitors, and Mice

Terminals: Touch Screen

Workstations & Servers: Keyboard, Monitors, and Mice

Terminals: Touch Screen

Workstations & Servers: Keyboard, Monitors, and Mice

Storage Devices and Implications

Transactional Data for 18 months, then Purged.

Transactional Data for 18 months, daily totals for 10 years, then Annual sales and data to perpetuity.

Transactional Data for 18 months, daily totals for 10 years, then Annual sales and data to perpetuity.

Computerization of Waffle House - 77 -

Feasibility Matrix

Feasibility Criteria Wt. Minimal Recommended Maximal

Operational Feasibility


Functionally, without data reporting, we would be looking for this data anyway through other means. We will be sorry every day that reporting the data to the corporate office was not completed

Politically: This will not be received well because it does not give decision makers data very easily.

Score: 50%

Functionally: With a POS system in the stores, customers are happier as well as decision makers at corporate because of nearly live data

Politically: This will be well received

Score: 100%

Functionally: With a POS system in the stores, customers are happier as well as decision makers at corporate because of nearly live data

Politically: This will be well received

Score: 100%

Technical Feasibility


Technologically, this system is not mature, however is available and desirable because of the ability to ease processes and improve customer service.

Expertise: This system will be easier to build and maintain than the others because it will not be written for communication with an off-site database

Score: 100%

Technologically: This system is mature, available, and desirable because of easing processes in the store, improving customer service and also transmitting data to the corporate office.

Expertise: This system will require more, and more skilled programmers and administrators because of the complexity of getting the data from the store system to the corporate database

Score: 90%

Technologically: This system is mature, available, and desirable because of easing processes in the store, improving customer service and also transmitting data to the corporate office.

Expertise: This system will require more, and more skilled programmers and administrators because of the complexity of getting the data from the store system to the corporate database. Additionally deploying 1500 servers will be more difficult and take more time.

Score: 80%

Economic Feasibility 35%



Computerization of Waffle House - 78 -

Cost to develop:

Payback period (discounted):

Net present value:

Detailed calculations:

Development:$ 987,500

Equipment: $4,969,200

Net Present Value: $56,564,997

Score: 74%


Equipment: $6,255,109

Net Present Value: $76,173,516

Score: 100%


Equipment: $10,009,909

Net Present Value: $71,874,827

Score: 94%

Schedule Feasibility


Will Take the shortest amount of time.

Score: 100%

Will take an additional two weeks because of getting the Corporate database online.

Score: 90%

Will take an additional two weeks because of getting the Corporate database online.

Will also take additional resources to implement 1500 servers.

Score: 80%

Ranking: 100% 73.4% 97% 91.9%

Computerization of Waffle House - 79 -

4.3.1 Return on Investment Analysis and Cost Sensitivity for Minimal System

The minimal system has a Return on Investment within 15 to 16 months. However, the long

term return of the minimal system is the lowest of all three options.

Cash Flow Summary

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5

Net Cash Flow - Optimistic 6% ($2,328,680) $7,357,408 $21,557,030 $35,369,645 $48,793,281 $61,827,416

Net Cash Flow - Normal 9% ($2,328,680) $7,231,695 $20,684,702 $33,421,086 $45,467,105 $56,849,594

Net Cash Flow - Pessimistic 12% ($2,328,680) $6,838,510 $19,557,496 $31,267,025 $42,037,170 $51,934,577

0 1 2 3 4 5($2,328,680)



















Net Cash Flow

Computerization of Waffle House - 80 -

4.3.2 Return on Investment Analysis and Cost Sensitivity for Recommended System

The Recommended system has the shortest payback period of 15 months +/- one week. The

Recommended System has the highest estimated payback of all three systems.

Cash Flow Summary

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5

Net Cash Flow - Optimistic 6% ($1,867,786) $7,450,934 $25,234,409 $45,399,162 $64,814,232 $83,499,472

Net Cash Flow - Normal 9% ($1,867,786) $7,194,456 $24,012,495 $42,557,673 $59,921,939 $76,173,516

Net Cash Flow - Pessimistic 12% ($1,867,786) $6,951,717 $22,880,856 $39,975,358 $55,552,591 $69,741,137

0 1 2 3 4 5($1,867,786)





















Net Cash Flow

Computerization of Waffle House - 81 -

4.3.3 Return on Investment Analysis and Cost Sensitivity for Maximal System

The Maximal system has the longest Return on Investment of 25 months. It does however, have

a long term estimated payback better than the minimal system.

Cash Flow Summary

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5

Net Cash Flow - Optimistic 6% $ (3,912,589) $ 3,168,603 $ 20,931,756 $ 41,075,419 $ 60,468,604 $ 79,131,132

Net Cash Flow - Normal 9% $ (3,912,589) $ 2,973,708 $ 19,772,528 $ 38,298,311 $ 55,643,003 $ 71,874,827 Net Cash Flow -

Pessimistic 12% $ (3,912,589) $ 2,789,254 $ 18,700,190 $ 35,776,813 $ 51,336,487 $ 65,507,787

0 1 2 3 4 5$(3,912,589)





















Net Cash Flow

Computerization of Waffle House - 82 -

Appendix A - Estimated Benefits


Cost Savings due to effective data Reduction of Accounting staff by 2 people $80,000.00

Additional revenue due to increased strategic focus Menu Engineering, reduces costs by 2.5% $ 7,500,000.00

Improved Customer Service that results in additional revenue More, happy customers come back more and bring more friends (2% increased sales) $ 2,000,000.00

Improved Customer Service that results in cost savings Reduced errors in calculating a check ($10 average check, 10% of checks in error,

10% error) $ 1,000,000.00

Cooks Prepare more orders correct the first time (5% reduction in food waste) $ 15,000,000.00

Total Savings $ 25,580,000.00

Computerization of Waffle House - 83 -

Appendix B - Minimal System – Benefits and Costs - Normal

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5

Discount Factor 9%

Benefits and Gains

Savings / Effective Data

Addidtional / Strategic Focus

Additional / Customer Service $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000

Savings / Customer Service $2,666,666 $16,000,000 $16,000,000 $16,000,000 $16,000,000 $16,000,000

Benefits before discount $0 $16,000,000 $16,500,000 $17,000,000 $17,500,000 $18,000,000

Discount Factor 1 0.9174 0.8417 0.7722 0.7084 0.6499

Time adjusted benefits $0 $14,678,899 $13,887,720 $13,127,119 $12,397,441 $11,698,765

Total time-adjusted benefits $0 $14,678,899 $28,566,619 $41,693,738 $54,091,179 $65,789,944

Costs and Expenses

Personnel ($388,750) ($598,750)

Installation Expenses ($621,130) ($1,470,409)

Hardware and Software costs ($1,318,800) ($3,650,400)

Ongoing Personnel Costs ($508,800) ($508,800) ($508,800) ($508,800)

Ongoing replacement Costs ($13,188) ($36,504) ($40,154) ($44,170) ($48,587)

Costs before discount ($2,328,680) ($5,732,747) ($545,304) ($548,954) ($552,970) ($557,387)

Discount Factor 1 0.8929 0.7972 0.7118 0.6355 0.5674

Time adjusted costs ($2,328,680) ($5,118,524) ($434,713) ($390,735) ($351,422) ($316,276)

Total time-adjusted costs ($2,328,680) ($7,447,204) ($7,881,917) ($8,272,652) ($8,624,074) ($8,940,351)

Net Cash Flow (2,328,680) 7,231,695 20,684,702 33,421,086 45,467,105 56,849,594

Computerization of Waffle House - 84 -

Appendix C - Recommended System – Benefits and Costs - Normal

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5

Discount Factor 9%

Benefits and Gains

Savings / Effective Data $40,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000

Addidtional / Strategic Focus $1,000,000 $4,000,000 $7,500,000 $7,500,000 $7,500,000

Additional / Customer Service $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000

Savings / Customer Service $2,666,666 $16,000,000 $16,000,000 $16,000,000 $16,000,000 $16,000,000

Benefits before discount $0 $17,000,000 $20,540,000 $24,580,000 $25,080,000 $25,580,000

Discount Factor 1 0.9174 0.8417 0.7722 0.7084 0.6499

Time adjusted benefits $0 $15,596,330 $17,288,107 $18,980,270 $17,767,304 $16,625,245

Total time-adjusted benefits $0 $15,596,330 $32,884,437 $51,864,707 $69,632,012 $86,257,256

Costs and Expenses

Personnel ($444,200) ($761,000)

Installation Expenses ($396,427) ($1,382,135)

Hardware and Software costs ($1,027,159) ($4,968,750)

Ongoing Personnel Costs ($508,800) ($508,800) ($508,800) ($508,800)

Ongoing replacement Costs ($10,272) ($49,688) ($54,656) ($60,122) ($66,134)

Costs before discount ($1,867,786) ($7,122,157) ($558,488) ($563,456) ($568,922) ($574,934)

Discount Factor 1 0.9174 0.8417 0.7722 0.7084 0.6499

Time adjusted costs ($1,867,786) ($6,534,089) ($470,068) ($435,092) ($403,039) ($373,668)

Total time-adjusted costs ($1,867,786) ($8,401,875) ($8,871,942) ($9,307,034) ($9,710,073) ($10,083,740)

Net Cash Flow (1,867,786) 7,194,456 24,012,495 42,557,673 59,921,939 76,173,516

Computerization of Waffle House - 85 -

Appendix D - Maximal System – Benefits and Costs - Normal

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5

Discount Factor 9%

Benefits and Gains

Savings / Effective Data $40,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000

Addidtional / Strategic Focus $1,000,000 $4,000,000 $7,500,000 $7,500,000 $7,500,000

Additional / Customer Service $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000

Savings / Customer Service $2,666,666 $16,000,000 $16,000,000 $16,000,000 $16,000,000 $16,000,000

Benefits before discount $0 $17,000,000 $20,540,000 $24,580,000 $25,080,000 $25,580,000

Discount Factor 1 0.9174 0.8417 0.7722 0.7084 0.6499

Time adjusted benefits $0 $15,596,330 $17,288,107 $18,980,270 $17,767,304 $16,625,245

Total time-adjusted benefits $0 $15,596,330 $32,884,437 $51,864,707 $69,632,012 $86,257,256

Costs and Expenses

Personnel ($533,750) ($743,750)

Installation Expenses ($621,130) ($1,470,409)

Hardware and Software costs ($2,757,709) ($7,252,200)

Ongoing Personnel Costs ($508,800) ($508,800) ($508,800) ($508,800)

Ongoing replacement Costs ($27,577) ($72,522) ($79,774) ($87,752) ($96,527)

Costs before discount ($3,912,589) ($9,493,936) ($581,322) ($588,574) ($596,552) ($605,327)

Discount Factor 1 0.917431193 0.841679993 0.77218348 0.708425211 0.649931386

Time adjusted costs ($3,912,589) ($8,710,033) ($489,287) ($454,487) ($422,612) ($393,421)

Total time-adjusted costs ($3,912,589) ($12,622,622) ($13,111,909) ($13,566,396) ($13,989,009) ($14,382,430)

Net Cash Flow (3,912,589) 2,973,708 19,772,528 38,298,311 55,643,003 71,874,827

Computerization of Waffle House - 86 -


PROJECT: Computerization of Waffle House PROJECT MANAGER: Rajeshwer Subramanian

CREATED BY: Chris Williams LAST UPDATED BY: Chris Williams

DATE CREATED: 10/31/2009 DATE LAST UPDATED: 11/02/2009

Brief Statements of Problem, Opportunity, or Directive

Urgency Visibility Annual Benefits

Priority or Rank

Proposed Solution

Detailed Sales information not readily available from stores

24 months High $7,580,000 1 Tie Store Sales to Internal Database / Web

Food waste from “mistakes” has reached 5%

24 months High $15,000,000 2 Implement Kitchen Video in the stores

Errors in hand documentation / manual calculation

24 Months High $1,000,000 3 Implement POS in the stores

Increase customer satisfaction

60 months Medium $2,000,000 4 Kitchen Video System

Computerization of Waffle House - 87 -


Project: Computerization of Waffle House Project Manager: Chris Williams

Created by: Chris Williams Last Updated by: Chris Williams

Date Created: 10/31/2009 Date Last Updated: 11/02/2009


User Need Critical Success Factor System Objective System Constraint

System to calculate check and tax totals

Detailed Sales information

Order accuracy

Checks are calculated correctly 100% of the time

System tracks all food and beverage sold

Food waste down to 2.5% or less

POS calculates food, beverage, and tax totals

System calculates and keeps track of what is sold

Display order

Calculations must be instant

System cannot increase total order time.

Detailed information must be kept for 1 year and accessible

Computerization of Waffle House - 88 -


Project: Computerization of Waffle House Project Manager: Chris Williams

Created by: Chris Williams Last Updated by: Chris Williams

Date Created: 10/31/2009 Date Last Updated: 11/2/2009


Problem or Opportunity

Causes and Effects System Objective System Constraint

1. Food waste has hit 10%

2. Detailed sales information is not available

3. Errors in hand calculation of food totals and tax is costing stores profit

4. Ability to get the order right the first time will increase customer satisfaction

1.The “get it your way” ad by Burger King has spurred customers to order more specialized orders, increasing the number of things to be remembered for each order.

2.There is no data to calculate the sales rate versus time, and there is no easy way to keep track of the quantity that is sold versus wasted.

3.Taxing is becoming more and more complicated. In some areas food and beverage are calculated differently and the beverage is calculated on the type of beverage. 4.When Waffle House is able to deliver the correct food faster, more customers will come back to Waffle House.

1.Display the order for the cooks so that they do not have to rely on their memory for orders

2.Collect data about what is sold, how much, and when, to allow for the menu to be optimized

3.Automatically calculate check total and tax on goods sold

4.Increase guest satisfaction

1. Return on investment in less than thirty months. 2.Can not increase order or check time 3.Must make information available to stakeholders 4. Must decrease food waste and increase customer satisfaction.

Computerization of Waffle House - 89 -


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