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COMPETENCY-BASED LEARNING MATERIAL Sector: Health Qualification Title: Care giving NC II Unit of Competency: Provide Care and Support to Children Module Title: Providing Care and Support to Children GEFI COMMUNITY COLLEGE INC. 3 rd & 4 th Floor Chiu (Rusty Lopez) Bldg., Rizal Avenue, Puerto Princesa City Tel No: 434 8330

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Sector: Health

Qualification Title: Care giving NC II

Unit of Competency: Provide Care and Support to Children

Module Title: Providing Care and Support to Children



& 4th

Floor Chiu (Rusty Lopez) Bldg.,

Rizal Avenue, Puerto Princesa City

Tel No: 434 8330





MODULE DESCRIPTOR: This module covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes

required to provide care and support to children from 3-12

years old.



Upon completion of this module, the students / trainees will be able to:

LO1: Explain the importance of instilling personal hygiene practices to children

LO2: Maintain children’s paraphernalia

LO3: Prepare children

LO4: Prepare and introduce adequate nutrition and semi-solid food

LO5: Prepare infant/toddlers crib


Explain the concepts and principles of caring,

growth, and development of infants/toddlers


1. Definition of growth and development

2. Difference/comparison between growth and development

3. Milestones of growth and development (physical/motor and sensory)

4. Basic infant care

5. The dependent nature of infants and toddlers

6. Communication, creative and interpersonal skills

7. Empathy and ability to establish bonding with infant and toddler


1. Defined growth and development

2. Recognized the difference between growth and development

3. Stated the normal milestones of growth and development of infants/toddlers in

chronological order

4. Recognized delayed or abnormal aspects of growth and development

5. Discussed the dependent nature of infants and toddlers

6. Enumerated basic infant care procedures

7. Exposed infants and toddlers to family members, relatives, and playmates for

communication and interaction purposes

8. Provided infants/toddlers with manipulative or creative toys and games as needed

Gave infants and toddlers exercise or activities as required


Students/trainees must be provided with the following:


2. Computer laboratory with Internet access

3. Fully equipped classroom conducive for learning and other activities


1. Written test

2. Interview

Learning Experience

Learning Outcome 1: Explain the concepts and principles of caring, growth, and development

of infants/toddlers

Learning Activities

Special Instruction

Read Information sheet 1.1-1: Growth and

Development: Definition, Difference and

Comparison, and Milestones of Growth and


Please don’t hesitate to refer to your trainer for further discussion on the information


Answer Self-check 1.1-1

Compare answer to answer keys. You should

be able to get all items correctly. If not, read

information sheet again, and answer


Read Information sheet 1.1-2: Basic Infant


Answer Self-check 1.1-2

Perform Task Sheet 1.1-2: Methods of carrying

the baby

Refer to the Performance Criteria Checklist to

be guided

Read Information sheet 1.1-3: The Dependent

Nature of Infants and Toddlers

Read Information sheet 1.1-4: Enhancing

Physical, Social, Intellectual, Creative, and

Emotional Development

Answer Self-check 1.1-4

Information Sheet 1.1-1



Growth and Development

Principles of Growth and Development

Factors influencing Growth and Development

Conception and Prenatal Development

Child development refers to how a child becomes able to do more complex things as they get

older. Development is different than growth. Growth only refers to the child getting bigger in


When we talk about normal development, we are talking about developing skills like:

Gross motor: using large groups of muscles to sit, stand, walk, run, etc., keeping

balance, and changing positions.

Fine motor: using hands to be able to eat, draw, dress, play, write, and do many other


Language: speaking, using body language and gestures, communicating, and

understanding what others say.

Cognitive: thinking skills, including learning, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning,

and remembering.

Social: interacting with others, having relationships with family, friends, and teachers,

cooperating, and responding to the feelings of others.

Developmental Milestones are a set of functional skills or age- specific tasks that most children

can do at a certain age range. Your pediatrician uses milestones to help check how your child is

developing. Although each milestone has an age level, the actual age when a normally

developing child reaches that milestone can be quite a bit. Every child is unique!

By the end of their first month, most babies:

Make jerky arm movements

Bring hands near face

Keep hands in tight fists

Move head from side to side while lying on stomach

Focused on objects 8 to 12 inches away

Prefer human faces over other shapes

Recognize some sounds, including parents’ voices

Startle at loud noises.

By the end of their third month, most babies:

Raise head and chest when lying on stomach

Support head well

Kick when lying on stomach or back

Push down on legs when feet placed on firm surface

Open and shut hands

Bring hands to mouth

Grab and shake hand toys

Follow moving object with eyes

Smile at familiar faces

Begin to babble

Enjoy playing with other people

By the end of their seventh month, most babies:

Roll over both ways (stomach to back and back to stomach)

Sit up, first with, then without, support of hands

Reach for object with hand, using raking grasp

Transfer objects from one hand to the other

Support whole weight on legs when held up right

Laugh and squeal

Respond to own name

Babble chains of consonants (ba-ba-ba-ba-ba)

Distinguish emotions by tone of voice

Explore objects with hands and by putting them in the mouth

Find partially hidden objects (so enjoy playing peek- a – boo)

By their first birthday, most babies:

Sit without assistance

Get into hands- and- knees position


Pull self up to stand

Walk holding onto furniture, and possibly a few steps without support

Use pincer grasp (thumb and forefinger)

Finger- feed themselves

Say “dada” and “mama”

Use exclamations, such as “oh-oh!”

Try to imitate words

Respond to “no” and simple verbal requests

Use simple gestures, such as shaking head “no” and waving bye- bye

Explore objects in many ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping)

Begin to use objects correctly (drinking from cup, brushing hair)

Find hidden objects easily

Look at correct picture when image is named

By their second birthday, most children:

Walk alone

Pull toys behind them while walking

Carry large toys or several toys while walking

Begin to run

Kick a ball

Climb on and off furniture without help

Walk up and down stairs while holding on

Scribble with crayon

Build tower of four blocks or more

Recognize names of familiar people, objects and body parts

Say several single words (by 15 to 18 months)

Use simple phrases (by 18 to 24 months)

Use two- to four- word sentences (“want snack”) Follow simple instructions

Begin to sort objects by shapes and colors

Begin to play make- believe

Imitate behavior of others


Cognitive Milestones

A. Month 3-5: attends to and reaches for objects

B. Months 4-8: pulls string to secure a ring

C. Month 8-15: imitates patting doll

D. Month 14-20: finds Hidden Object

E. Month 18-28: Completes simple puzzles

Language Milestones

A. Month 1. 5-3: squeals

B. Month 3. 5-8: turns to locate a voice

C. Month 9-13: says Mama or Dada

D. Month 14-24: combines two different words

E. Month 21-36: use plurals

Social and Emotional Milestones

A. Month 1. 5-4: Smiles at others

B. Month 4-9: Seeks primary caregiver

C. Month 8-15: Stranger anxiety

D. Month 10-15: Displays 2 or more recognizable emotions

E. Month 11-20: Exploratory play by self

F. Month 21-36: Cooperative play in small groups

Gross Motor Milestones

A. Month 2-4.5: Rolls Over

B. Month 5-8: Sits without support

C. Month 10-14: Stands Alone

D. Month 14-20: Walks up steps

E. Month 21-28: Pedals Tricycle

F. Month 30-44: Balances on one foot

G. By age 6: rhythmic skipping

H. By age 8.5: alternates foot-hop in place

I. By age 10: holds tandem stance for 10 sec (eyes closed)

Fine Motor Milestones

A. Month 2.5-4: Grasps rattle

B. Month 4.5-7: Transfers cube hand to hand

C. Month 8-12: Has neat pincer grasp

D. Month 15-20: Builds tower of four cubes

E. Month 18-24: Imitates vertical line

F. Month 28-36: Copies circle

G. By age 5 years: Tripod pencil grasp

H. By age 7 years: Draws diagonal line

I. By age 9: Draws cross with same dimensions

J. By age 12: Draws three dimensional cube

Self Testing Milestones

A. Month 4.5-8: Feeds self crackers

B. Month 10-14: Drinks from cup

C. Month 13-19: Removes clothes

D. Month 18-28: Washes and dries hands

E. Month 30-42: Dresses without supervision

F. Attained on average by age 4.5 years

1. Rides a bicycle with training wheels

2. Cuts paper with scissors

3. Colors inside lines

G. Attained on average by age 5.5 years

1. Ties shoelaces

2. Prints first and last names

H. Attained on average by age 6 years

1. Rides a bicycle without training wheels