assignment on peace and conflict

Assignment on source of conflict Ideology/Value/Philoso phy Introduction

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Assignment on source of conflict

Ideology/Value/Philosophy Introduction

Introduction• Ideology" is presented and involving cognitive and social psychology. In short it is a system of ideas forming the basis of an economic or political theory.

• The cognitive definition of ideology is given in terms of the social cognitions that are shared by the members of a group.

Con…• The social dimension explains what kind of groups, relations between groups and institutions are involved in the development and reproduction of ideologies.

Con…• When we come to value, Values are among the most stable and enduring characteristics of individuals in beliefs, about important life goals those life goals that transcend specific situations.

• Values are types of beliefs, central located within ones total belief system, about how one ought or ought not to behave, or about some end state of existence worth attaining.,

Background• Both ideologies and values are fundamental for social memory.

• However, whereas ideologies are typical for groups, and may determine, group conflict and struggle, and values have an even more general, more basic, cultural function, and in principle are valid for most competent members of the same culture.

Types of beliefs• Contemporary cognitive and social psychology make a distinction between many types of 'beliefs'. Thus, beliefs may be

• Personal vs. social,• Specific vs. general, • Concrete vs. abstract,• Simple vs. complex

Cont….• According to the above explanation social psychologists understand Ideology in the following terms: 

• Ideologies are the shared frame work of mental models that groups of individuals possess that provide both an interpretation of the environment and a prescription as to how that environment should be structured.

Cont…•If one accepts that ideology is shared, that it helps to interpret the social world, and that it normatively specifies or requires good and proper ways of addressing life's problems, then it is easy to see how ideology reflects and reinforces what psychologists might refer to as relational, epistemic, and existential needs or motives.


Cont…• These are the major sources of elective link a person that we focus in this idea.

•  Ideology should both elicit and express at least somewhat different social, cognitive, and motivational styles.

• Generally Ideology/value/philosophy had great contribution in conflict.

• Source of conflict in Ethiopia ;• The Imperial period, prior to the 1974 revolution;

• The Derge between 1974-1991, during which the civil war took place and

• The current government, during which the 1998-2000 Ethiopia-Eritrea war occurred, (Alemayehu 2004)


hy In Ethiopia

Cont…• In Ethiopia, conflict is a situation in which one or more parties perceive a threat or where or not the treat is real.

• Conflicts happen when people feel there are an incompatibility between their goals, when needs is do not much and when expectations are unfulfilled.

Cont…• Conflict has been and still is a major feature of Ethiopia and it is one of the major factors for its underdevelopment.

• To understand the motivations and the driving force for the initiation and continuation of conflicts in the country, is social, Cultural, and political configuration of the country.

Types of source of conflict

• They used three common sources that could give rise to opportunities for conflict:

• 1. Extortion of natural resources (peroxide by primary commodity export as percentage of GDP),

• 2. Remittances from Diaspora (measured by the proportion of the diasporas in US as the share of the country’s population) and

Cont...• 3. Subversion form hostile governments,

• 4. Structural sources of conflict,• 5. Interpersonal source of conflict,. 6. Distraction source of conflict,• 7.Communication problems,• 8.Conflicting interests, and • 9.Over lapping tasks

Cont…• In general source of conflicts are divided in to three types:A. Economical source of conflict ideology/value/philosophy:

B. Political source of conflict ideology/value/philosophy

C. Social source of conflict

A. Economical source of conflict

• It is the major source conflict.

• It includes from low level to higher level of the economic status of Ethiopian peoples. Since Ethiopian had great conflict in each places.

• Why because of limited natural resources boundary demarcation, poverty, etc.

B. Political source of conflict

• Political psychology aims to understand interdependent relationships between individuals and contexts that are influenced by beliefs, motivation, perception, cognition, information processing, learning strategies, socialization and attitude formation.

Cont… • Leadership role; domestic and foreign policy making; behavior in ethnic violence, war and genocide; group dynamics and conflict; racist behavior; voting attitudes and motivation; voting and the role of the media; nationalism; and political extremisms these are sources of conflict.

Cont…• Specially in Ethiopia competition for position of power, popular revolt against those in power and conflict among ordinary people over resources,(Collier and Hoeffler 1998).

C. Social source of conflict

•. Lack of communication •,religious difference in the society,• cultural difference in the society, and• other related problems were motivated the peoples to rise conflict between each other.

Conclusion• source of conflict ideology/value/philosophy in Ethiopia were divided in to three major types. These are: economic source of conflict, political source of conflict, and social source of conflict.

The end • Thank you!!!