ancient egyptian sacred ibis mummies - griffith research online

ANCIENT EGYPTIAN SACRED IBIS MUMMIES: EVOLUTIONARY MITOGENOMICS RESOLVES THE HISTORY OF ANCIENT FARMING Sally A Wasef M.Sc. Environmental Futures Research Institute Griffith Sciences Griffith University Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. November 2015

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Sally A Wasef


Environmental Futures Research Institute

Griffith Sciences

Griffith University

Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor

of Philosophy.

November 2015



Animal mummies were extremely important to the people of ancient Egypt. The

extraordinary number of different animal species that were mummified is evidence of

this importance. The vast majority of these mummies served as ritual offerings by

pilgrims to please the gods. These are known as “votive offerings”, and are thought to

have flourished from the Twenty-Sixth Dynasty (664-525 BC) to the Graeco-Roman

Period (30 BC–300 AD). Of these, none are found in quantities as great as the Sacred

Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) that were offered to the God of Wisdom and Writing,

Thoth. It is estimated that 4 million Sacred Ibis mummies were deposited in dedicated

catacombs throughout Egypt, with approximately 10,000 mummies interred each year.

Such massive numbers suggest that ancient Egyptians perhaps kept and reared Ibis on

an industrial-scale. However, there is limited evidence in ancient writings that support

this suggestion. Sacred Ibis were once prevalent in Egypt but were driven to extinction

as early as the mid 1800's.

Mummified Sacred Ibis specimens were collected from the main Sacred Ibis catacombs

at Saqqara, Tuna el Gebel, Abydos and Thebes, as well as other mummified samples

collected from worldwide museums. The aim of this research was to determine if there

was evidence that Sacred Ibises were farmed for mummification purposes. If so, is there

evidence for the existence of large central farm(s) from which mummies were distributed

to the different catacombs by pilgrims? Alternatively, Sacred Ibises may have been

reared in smaller enclosures adjacent to each of the main Thoth worshipping temples.

Another possibility is that locals and / or priests may have caught wild Sacred Ibises

each year from migrating populations? Alternatively, did the mummification industry

source Sacred Ibis from a mix of both farmed and wild Sacred Ibises in order to meet

the extraordinary demand?

We 14C radiocarbon dated bone, wrapping and resin samples from six Sacred Ibis

mummies. These were shown to be from the Late Period or slightly earlier to the

Ptolemaic Period. Interestingly, none of the samples were dated to the Roman era. This


might, of course, be due to the particular samples chosen for dating. Though, it is

possible that the need for Sacred Ibis reduced prior this period, as suggested by

archaeologists. However, it is quite possible that the habit of mummifying Sacred Ibis

and offering them to deities had ceased by the 2nd or 3rd centuries AD.

The recovery of ancient DNA from mummified Egyptian remains is notoriously difficult.

A possible reason for the failure to extract DNA may be due to the continued exposure

of the remains to the warm and humid climate common to Egypt. However, the field of

ancient genomics has advanced in recent years with the advent of second generation

sequencing platforms. Research conducted on the Egyptian Royal mummies by Hawass

et al. (2010 and 2012), have been marked by questions concerning possible

contamination. To date, only a small number of studies have addressed mummified

animal remains (Hekkala et al., 2011; Khairat et al., 2013; Kurushima et al., 2012).

We constructed a number of DNA libraries from ancient Egyptian Sacred Ibis tissue

including bone and feather. We show that using second-generation shotgun sequencing

of 30 ancient Sacred Ibis libraries yielded only 0.0003% to 0.06% mitochondrial DNA.

As a result of the low amount of endogenous DNA, we enriched Sacred Ibis

mitochondrial sequences using DNA capture methods. Using biotinylated RNA baits to

Sacred Ibis mitochondrial sequences, we were able to achieve between 5.3- to 336-fold

enrichment of original templates. Consequently, using targeted hybridisation we were

able to reconstruct 15 complete mitochondrial genomes from ancient Egyptian sub-

fossil material.

Additionally, we were able to recover 26 modern complete mitochondrial genomes,

obtained from blood and feather samples. Those samples were collected from locations

covering the geographic distribution of Sacred Ibis populations across Africa. These

samples were used to estimate the genetic diversity of Sacred Ibis across the African

continent and this diversity was compared with that of ancient Sacred Ibis populations.

Rearing Sacred Ibises in a large centralised farm as has been suggested, might result

in a low genetic variation between the mummified Sacred Ibises collected from the

various catacombs. Remarkably, our results showed a high level of mitochondrial


genetic variation among ancient Egyptian Sacred Ibises, very similar to that found for all

modern wild African Ibis populations. Hence, we suggest that the ancient Egyptians

sustained the captive Sacred Ibis stocks through multiple sources one of them is the

introduction of migrating wild individuals each year. That also helped in maintain the

health of these populations and facilitated the high production levels necessary to meet

the considerable demands of mummification on such a vast scale.


Statement of Originality

This work has not previously been submitted for a degree or diploma in any university.

To the best of my knowledge and belief, the thesis contains no material previously

published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the thesis


Sally A Wasef




Abstract .................................................................................................................................. ii

Statement of Originality ........................................................................................................ v

Contents ................................................................................................................................ vi

Acknowledgements .............................................................................................................. ix

Acknowledgement of Papers included in this Thesis ........................................................ xi

Thesis Aims and Structure ................................................................................................. xiv

1. Chapter One: The role of the Sacred Ibis in ancient Egyptian life and religion........ 1

1.1 Abstract ................................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Sacred Ibis species information .......................................................................... 1

1.3 Sacred Ibis mummification .................................................................................. 7

1.4 The Sacred Ibis Catacombs ................................................................................. 9

1.5 The Sacred Ibis in the ancient Egyptian texts .................................................. 18

1.6 The Sacred Ibis in the ancient Egyptian art ...................................................... 19

1.7 The role of the Sacred Ibis in religion ............................................................... 20

1.8 Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 21

References...................................................................................................................... 21

2. Chapter Two: Ancient Egyptian DNA survival debate ................................................ 29

Summary: ........................................................................................................................ 29

1. Extraordinary early results with ancient DNA ................................................... 30

2. Ancient DNA from Egypt: a checkered history. ................................................. 31

3. The future for aDNA research using the Egyptian remains..................................... 39

References...................................................................................................................... 41

3. Chapter Three: Radiocarbon dating of Sacred Ibis mummies from ancient Egypt 47

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... 48

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 48

2. Material, Methods, and Locations: ................................................................... 50

3. Results ................................................................................................................ 54


4. Discussion .......................................................................................................... 60

5. Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 60

Acknowledgments .......................................................................................................... 61

References...................................................................................................................... 61

4. Chapter Four: Fishing for mitochondrial DNA in mummified Sacred Ibises:

development of a targeted enrichment protocol for ancient Egyptian remains. ........... 65

Abstract ........................................................................................................................... 66

Introduction .................................................................................................................... 66

Material and Methods.................................................................................................... 68

Results and Discussion ................................................................................................. 77

Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 82

Acknowledgements. ....................................................................................................... 83

References...................................................................................................................... 86

5. Chapter Five: Mitogenomics of Sacred Ibis mummies: Understanding their farming

in ancient Egypt .................................................................................................................. 89

Significance .................................................................................................................... 90

Abstract ........................................................................................................................... 90

Introduction .................................................................................................................... 91

Results ............................................................................................................................ 92

Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 95

Materials and Methods .................................................................................................. 97



Conclusion to Thesis ........................................................................................................113

Thesis Significance ......................................................................................................113

Thesis work Limitations ...............................................................................................117

Future Prospects ..........................................................................................................118

Final Remarks ..............................................................................................................120


Appendix (A) ......................................................................................................................122

Appendix (B)......................................................................................................................125


Appendix (C) ......................................................................................................................145

Appendix (D) .....................................................................................................................156

Appendix (E) ......................................................................................................................161



I would like to thank all the people who contributed in some way to my passion for

research, especially in the ancient DNA field; both my previous supervisors and research

collaborators. If nothing else, this dissertation has been a lesson in collaboration. The

work that went into this thesis never would have been possible without the many

amazing people who shaped my research interests and provided important insights and

assistance. First and foremost, I would like to thank my academic advisor, Professor

David Lambert, for accepting me into his research group. During my tenure, he

contributed to a rewarding graduate school experience by giving me intellectual freedom

in my work, supporting my attendance at various conferences and workshops, engaging

me in new ideas, and demanding a high quality of work in all my endeavours. I

appreciate his contribution of time, ideas, and funding to make my Ph.D. experience

productive and stimulating.

Additionally, I would like to thank my co-supervisor Dr. Leon Huynen; every method and

result described in this thesis was accomplished with your help and support, I will forever

be grateful to you. Similarly, profound gratitude goes to my co-supervisor Dr. Sankar

Subramanian for his help with Bioinformatics, computer software and high-throughput

sequencing data analysis. I am also very grateful to the past and present members of

the Environmental Forensic Laboratory; they have contributed immensely to my

personal and professional time at Griffith. The group has been a source of friendships

as well as good advice and collaboration. I am especially grateful for, Joanne Wright who

as a good friend was always willing to help and give her best suggestions. It would have

been a lonely lab without her. Thank you as well Jo for proofreading my thesis. Moreover,

I would like to thank other members; Anne Kemp, Caitlin Curtis, Matthew Parks, and

particularly Tim, for being always helpful. Further, I would like to thank Dr Jeremy

Brownlie for his bioinformatics support.

I would like to thank the Egyptian ministry of Antiquates and the Supreme Council Higher

Committee for kindly permitting me to obtain the ancient samples and allowing me to

use the ancient DNA laboratory at El Kasr El Ani, Medical School. I am especially

indebted to Dr. Samia El Marghani for her inordinate contribution to my sampling


permission and collection; her wide knowledge and expertise in the ancient archeology

field were always guiding me to explore the significance of my genetic data in relation to

the Egyptian history. She contributed vast amounts of time and effort to help me choose

the right samples.

A number of museums kindly provided material for this study, special thanks goes to:

The British Museum, the Musée des Confluences, and particularly Dr. Lidija M. McKnight

and The Ancient Egyptian Animal Bio Bank at Manchester Museum.

I would like to thank our collaborative groups in Africa, who helped in obtaining the

modern Sacred Ibis blood and feather samples from the various populations.

I am especially grateful to the Human Frontier Science for funding support my research

work in the form of a grant RGP0036/2011; “Ancient Ibis Mummies from Egypt: DNA

Evolution”. Thanks to Griffith University and the School of Environment for providing me

with the facilities to do this research and also for financial support in the form of a

scholarship and stipend during my degree. Thanks to everyone at the Environmental

research institute and Griffith University DNA Sequencing Facility who helped me in

other ways to complete my research.

Also, I won’t forget to thank Prof. Salima Ikram, Prof. Eske willerslev, Dr. Rachel Wood

and Assoc. Prof. Craig Millar for their professional contribution each in his speciality on

such multidisciplinary research work.

Finally, and the Most importantly I must thank my husband George, for listening to my

incessant rambling on about this research and generally putting up with this project for

the better part of the last four years! Without your patience and understanding I would

never have finished this thesis, your love and support are invaluable. Also, I would like

to thank my beautiful two children for understanding when I say that I can’t play with

them because I am studying! They are the most important people in my world and I

dedicate this thesis to them. Further, I would never have been able to reach so far in my

life without the help and support from my parents, thank you mum and dad for shaping

me who I am.


Acknowledgement of Papers included in this Thesis

Section 9.1 of the Griffith University Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research

(“Criteria for Authorship”), in accordance with Section 5 of the Australian Code for the

Responsible Conduct of Research, states:

To be named as an author, a researcher must have made a substantial scholarly

contribution to the creative or scholarly work that constitutes the research

output, and be able to take public responsibility for at least that part of the work

they contributed. Attribution of authorship depends to some extent on the

discipline and publisher policies, but in all cases, authorship must be based on

substantial contributions in a combination of one or more of:

Conception and design of the research project

Analysis and interpretation of research data

Drafting or making significant parts of the creative or scholarly work or

critically revising it so as to contribute significantly to the final output.

Section 9.3 of the Griffith University Code (“Responsibilities of Researchers”), in

accordance with Section 5 of the Australian Code, states:

Researchers are expected to:

Offer authorship to all people, including research trainees, who meet the

criteria for authorship listed above, but only those people.

Accept or decline offers of authorship promptly in writing.

Include in the list of authors only those who have accepted authorship

Appoint one author to be the executive author to record authorship and

manage correspondence about the work with the publisher and other

interested parties.

Acknowledge all those who have contributed to the research, facilities or

materials but who do not qualify as authors, such as research assistants,

technical staff, and advisors on cultural or community knowledge.

Obtain written consent to name individuals.


Included in this thesis are papers in Chapters 2,3,4 and 5, which are co-authored with

other researchers.

The bibliographic details for the published or accepted for publication papers including

all authors are:

Chapter 2:

Hawass, Z., S. Ismail, A. Selim, S. N. Saleem, D. Fathalla, S. Wasef, A. Z. Gad, R.

Saad, S. Fares, H. Amer, P. Gostner, Y. Z. Gad, C. M. Pusch and A. R. Zink (2012).

"Revisiting the harem conspiracy and death of Ramesses III: anthropological,

forensic, radiological, and genetic study." BMJ (Clinical Research ed.) 345(Dec14

14): e8268-e8268.

Chapter 3:

Wasef, S., R. Wood, S. El Merghani, S. Ikram, C. Curtis, B. Holland, E. Willerslev,

C. D. Millar and D. M. Lambert (2015). "Radiocarbon dating of Sacred Ibis

mummies from ancient Egypt." Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 4:


The status for chapters prepared or submitted for publication for these papers including

all authors, are:

Chapter 4:

Wasef, S., L. Huynen, C. Curtis, S. El Merghani, S. Ikram, B. Holland, E. Willerslev,

C. D. Millar and D. M. Lambert (2015). “Fishing for mitochondrial DNA in

mummified Sacred Ibis: development of a targeted enrichment protocol for

ancient Egyptian remains.” Submitted to: Journal of Archaeological Science.

Chapter 5:

Wasef, S., S. Subramanian, L. Huynen, C. Curtis, S. El Merghani, S. Ikram, B.

Holland, E. Willerslev, C. D. Millar and D. M. Lambert (2015). “Mitogenomics of

Sacred Ibis mummies: Understanding their farming in ancient Egypt.”

Submitted to: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of The United

States of America.

Appropriate acknowledgements of those who contributed to the research but did not

qualify as authors are included in each paper.


(Signed) _________________________________ (Date) 14/11/2015

Sally Wasef

(Countersigned) ___________________________ (Date) 14/11/2015

Supervisor: Prof. David M. Lambert


Thesis Aims and Structure

This thesis presents the research work carried out as part of the Sacred Ibis Ancient

DNA project, funded by the Human Frontier Science Program grant (RGP0036/2011),

aimed at recovering the complete mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) from both

modern and ancient sacred Ibis materials. The research focused on the following:

Using my expertise in ancient DNA to improve current methods for the recovery

of ancient DNA from Egyptian mummified remains, taking into consideration

previously mentioned unsearched parameters that may affect the amount of

endogenous DNA extracted.

The quantification of Ibis mitogenomic diversity across geographical space.

Using the mitochondrial genomes to help clarify our understanding of the Sacred

Ibis in ancient Egyptian society, specifically addressing the following questions:

o Were all, or some, populations of Ibis characterised by low levels of

genetic diversity, consistent with small populations of breeding (farmed)

individuals being continuously maintained? This work was facilitated

using modern blood and other tissue samples collected from a range of

sites in Africa, such as, South Africa, Ethiopia and Uganda.

o Were Ibis from the various Egyptian locations different from each other

genetically and/or did they exhibit different levels of genetic diversity?

o Were there different levels of mitochondrial diversity in males and

females, and what might this tell us about the farming systems used?

This PhD thesis is written as five chapters, formatted as a combination of published and

unpublished (either submitted or ready for future submission) papers, with addition

sections for the abstract, thesis conclusion and future prospects. The contents of the

chapters presented and their relative supplementary data are as follow:

Chapter 1 - The role of the Sacred Ibis in ancient Egyptian life and religion

This chapter presents the archaeological and historical importance of the Sacred Ibis.


The ancient Egyptians considered the Sacred Ibis the incarnation of the god Thoth on

earth. The identification characteristics and all other Sacred Ibis species information

have also been presented in this chapter. This chapter contains explicit review of the

existing information about the Sacred Ibis in an ancient Egyptian context, including the

religious beliefs involving the Ibis, the mummification of millions of that bird, the main

Ibis catacombs where the samples were collected and the art depicting the sacred Ibis.

The history behind the ancient Egyptian animal mummification, the various burial

catacombs of the Sacred Ibis and the Sacred Ibis sample collections presented in this

chapter was presented as a part of a BBC Horizon documentary titled “70 million animal

mummies: Egypt’s dark secret” which aired on BBC 2 on Monday 11 May 2015. It was

also covered by BBC news as can be seen in Appendix A.

Chapter 2 - Ancient Egyptian DNA survival debate: The Secrets Buried Within Egyptian

Mummies: A Review of Ancient DNA Survival and its Prevalence in Egyptian


This chapter was prepared for submission to the Journal of Archaeological Sciences:

Reports. It is a review of the previous molecular work completed using the ancient

Egyptian mummified materials, both human and animals. In this chapter we present

both the positive and critical responses to the results when publicised at the time. We

showed that there was previously limited success in retrieving genetic data from

material originating from such unfavourable climatic conditions such as Egypt.

I also contributed to the two papers by Hawass et al. (2010, 2012) presented in

Appendix B, which are related to both the debate and the study presented in this

chapter. My contribution to the work published in both papers was performing the

replication for the genetic experimental work, taking part in the analysis of the generated

sequencing data, and writing and editing the sections of the papers related to my work.

Chapter 3 - Radiocarbon dating of Sacred Ibis mummies from ancient Egypt.

This published manuscript reports the first 14C dates for the animal mummies from

Egypt. We tested the precision of the reported dates using existing archaeological

evidences, and how closely those dates to the obtained 14C ages. We dated the Sacred


Ibis mummies to between the Late Period and the Ptolemaic Period, with none were

found to belong to the Roman era.

The paper was published in October, 2015 in the Journal of Archaeological Sciences:

Reports. This manuscript and its associated supplementary materials can be found in

Appendix C. My contributions to the work published in that paper included collection of

the ancient samples, preparation and transfer of the samples for analysis, analysing the

data for significance and writing and editing the paper.

Chapter 4 - Fishing for mitochondrial DNA in mummified Sacred Ibis: development of a

targeted enrichment protocol for ancient Egyptian remains.

This chapter has been submitted to the Journal of Archaeological Science. It outlines

the target enrichment methodology applied in this study and the effect of combination

of parameters optimisation had on the amount of mitochondrial data retrieved from the

different modern and ancient Sacred Ibis samples. This research led to us being the

first study to successfully retrieve complete mitochondrial genomes from ancient

Egyptian mummified materials.

A copy of this manuscript and supplementary tables can be seen in Appendix D. Being

the first author on this paper, my contributions include designing and performing the

research, analysis of the data, providing new reagents and analytic tools, collection of

the ancient samples; and writing and editing of the paper, with input from all authors.

Chapter 5 - Mitogenomics of Sacred Ibis mummies: Understanding their farming in

ancient Egypt

This paper has been submitted to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of

The United States of America (PNAS), and is currently under review. It presents the main

findings of comparing the mitochondrial genomes obtained from the mummified

remains of the Sacred Ibis in comparison to those of wild African Sacred Ibis

populations. The paper investigates whether priests raised the Sacred Ibises in

centralised farms designed to meet the supply of pilgrim offerings, or if they depended

on wild migrating birds which came to Egypt each year. The generated complete


mitochondrial genomes were used to construct a haplotype network in order to

determine the relationship between the ancient and modern mitogenomes. Results

showed that both modern and ancient Sacred Ibis population were genetically diverse,

and not statistically different, which suggests that the majority of the mummified and

entombed Sacred Ibis birds were sourced from wild migrating populations.

The supplementary figure submitted with the paper can be found in Appendix E. My

contribution to that paper, as well as other authors, are outlined in chapter 5.

Chapter 6- Conclusion and Discussion

This closing chapter summarises the main findings of the research work completed in

this thesis, discussing how the results address the overall aims and significance in

relation to the Sacred Ibis farming system used in Ancient Egypt. It also discusses the

limitations of the research and makes suggestions and recommendations for future

ancient Egyptian genomic work.


1. Chapter One: The role of the Sacred Ibis in ancient Egyptian

life and religion

1.1 Abstract

In ancient times, the Sacred Ibis (Threskionis aethiopicus) in Egypt were regarded as the

incarnation of the God Thoth, God of wisdom, knowledge and writing. Thoth was thought

to herald of the annual floods of the river Nile. He was depicted as an Ibis headed man in

countless ancient Egyptian wall murals and sculptures. To date, Millions of Sacred Ibis have

been found in Egypt as mummified specimens at a number of burial sites. The Sacred Ibis

once played a substantial role in religion, in particular during the Late and Ptolemaic

periods. During this time Sacred Ibises were used as ‘votive’ offerings presented by

followers and believers of Thoth as a gift, or as a prayer to him. In the daily lives of ancient

Egyptian villagers, the Sacred Ibis helped to rid fishponds of water snails that may have

contained dangerous liver parasites. However, the species is now extinct throughout Egypt,

possibly due to the lack of suitable habitats resulting from gradual aridification caused by

swamp drainage and land reclamation. Generally, however, an understanding of the

biology, ecology and distribution of Sacred Ibis is central to understanding of how the

species might have been caught, and farmed by the ancient Egyptian people.

1.2 Sacred Ibis species information

The Sacred Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) is a member of Family Threskiornithidae with 3

subspecies; Threskiornis aethiopicus aethiopicus (Latham), known as the African Sacred

Ibis, Threskiornis aethiopicus bemieri inhabiting only Madagascar, and Threskiornis

aethiopicus abbolti that inhabits only Aldabra

Island in the Seychelles (del Hoyo, et al., 2014).

1.2.1 Identification

The adult Sacred Ibis measures approximately 65

to 75 cm in height, has mostly white plumage with

black highlights along its featherless neck and

head, as well as on the tips of the wings and

patterned plumes on its back (figure 1-1)

(Hancock, et al., 1992). The black-tipped wings of the Sacred Ibis have areas of bare red

Figure 1-1: An Adult African Sacred Ibis bird.

Credits to Dick Daniels (


skin on their upper and lower surfaces, as well as on the breast and sides of the body. The

legs and feet are also covered with bare black skin (Matheu and Del Hoyo, 1992). The

downward curved black bill is one of the most prominent features of the Sacred Ibis and

beneath the lower surface of the bill is a neck sac. The iris of the African Sacred Ibis is

brown to red-brown and the lower eyelid is pink (Hancock, et al., 1992).

Male and female African Sacred Ibises are difficult to distinguish from each other in the

field. However, close observation shows that males are larger than females and commonly

have a longer bill. During courtship, the differences between male and female Sacred

Ibises becomes clearer, with males displaying a number of noticeable changes. At this time,

the male develops a blue metallic sheen across his shoulders and the black tips of the

wings appear more prominent. Additionally, the bare skin on the underside of his wings

and breast blushes vibrant red, the dull black skin of the head and neck becomes shiny,

and the legs turn red or dark red. A red ring also develops around the iris.

Nestlings have pale white to pinkish, straight short bills and are covered with white down

in all areas except their black head, neck, and back. The juvenile African Sacred Ibis is very

different in appearance to the adult. The head and neck are covered in a fine, black down

and there is a white spot on the crown of the head. The juvenile’s legs and feet are grey-

black and the tips of the wings are brown-black. The African Sacred Ibis does not gain its

full adult plumage until around three years old (Hancock, et al., 1992).

1.2.2 Ecology

The Sacred Ibis can be found in many different environments including all types of

freshwater habitat, and can often be found feeding on dry land in grasslands and cultivated

fields. In the dry season, the Sacred Ibis frequents coastal mudflats (Hancock, et al., 1992).

The Sacred Ibis is a carnivorous feeder (Kopij, et al., 1996); predating a range of insects,

worms, bird and reptile eggs, crustaceans, frogs, lizards, small mammals,

and carrion (Matheu and Del Hoyo, 1992) (Hancock, et al., 1992). It uses its long bill to

probe into mud and soil to capture prey (Matheu and Del Hoyo, 1992) (Hancock, et al.,

1992), and will searches for moving prey with its wings half open (Hancock, et al., 1992).

Certain Sacred Ibis populations have been shown to forage around rubbish dumps and

slurry pits (Matheu and Del Hoyo, 1992) (Hancock, et al., 1992), with some becoming

reliant on these areas as a food source (Matheu and Del Hoyo, 1992). T. aethiopicus feed

alone or in small groups during the non-breeding period, yet gather in large colonies for

nesting. Foraging usually occurs in groups of between 2 and 20 individuals, although

groups of up to 500 have been recorded (Matheu and Del Hoyo, 1992).


The breeding season of the African Sacred Ibis differs according to area (Hancock, et al.,

1992), but usually begins during or shortly after the rainy season (Hancock, et al., 1992,

Matheu and Del Hoyo, 1992). Large, mixed-species colonies are formed, which include

between 50 and 2,000 breeding pairs (Hancock, et al., 1992). Males generally arrive to

the nesting area first, where they establish a small mandate at a roosting or nesting site.

They interact using threat displays that include wing flapping, head extension, pursuit flight

and stretch-and-snap display (Urban, 1974). Once females arrive at the nesting area,

pairing occurs. Displays between pairs include bowing, intertwining of necks, billing and

presentation of nesting material. Males are responsible for the collection of nest materials,

while the female assembles the structure (Matheu and Del Hoyo, 1992). The nest

comprises a large platform of sticks and branches, lined with leaves and grass and placed

in a tree, bush, or on the ground (Matheu and Del Hoyo, 1992) (Hancock, et al., 1992).

Once the nest has been constructed, the female African Sacred Ibis then lay an average

clutch of two to three eggs. These typically have a rough surface and are dull white with a

blue or green tinge and red-brown spots (Matheu and Del Hoyo, 1992) (Hancock, et al.,


Males and females take turns to incubate the eggs, and usually changing every 24 hours.

The incubation period lasts for approximately 28 days, after which the nestlings are fed

and cared for by both adults (figure 1-2) (Matheu and Del Hoyo, 1992) (Hancock, et al.,

1992), with one finding food while the other remains at the

nest (Hancock, et al., 1992). The nestlings eventually fledge at

between 35 and 40 days old (Matheu and Del Hoyo,

1992) (Hancock, et al., 1992) and leave the colony when they

are between 44 and 48 days old (Matheu and Del Hoyo, 1992).

The established pair bond between male and female African

Sacred Ibis only lasts for the breeding season (Matheu and Del

Hoyo, 1992).

A gregarious species, the African Sacred Ibis roosts in large

numbers at communal roosting sites, which are usually located

on islets in rivers or in trees (Hancock, et al., 1992).

1.2.3 Distribution

The Sacred Ibis is widespread throughout Africa, south of the Sahara Desert, from Senegal

in the west to Ethiopia in the east, and southward to the Cape (Table 1). The species is

absent from certain regions within Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, and the Central African

Figure 1-2: The chicks thrust their

heads into the adults’ open bills

in order to stimulate adults to

regurgitate food. Credits to Dick




Republic, as well as areas on the west coast of Africa including Namibia, Ghana, Côte

d’Ivoire, and Liberia. Iraq is the only place outside Africa where Sacred Ibis nesting has

been recorded, especially in the southern areas of Amara to Fao (Cramp, 1977).

African Sacred Ibis migrate with seasonal rainfall. At the commencement of breeding, birds

north of the equator migrate in a northwards direction, while birds south of the equator

migrate southwards mostly to Zambia, with smaller numbers reaching Botswana and

Namibia. It has been shown that Sacred Ibis are capable of migrating up to 1336 km

(Dowsett, 1969). Conversely, other Sacred Ibis populations have been shown to be

sedentary, especially those at the southern limit of the African Sacred Ibis’s range. Birds in

Iraq remain present throughout the year with only a proportion travelling to Kuwait and

Iran. The Sacred Ibis was once very common in Egypt, but was driven to extinction by 1850

(Cramp, 1977). The last recorded sighting of the Sacred Ibis was in Lower Egypt by Mr. E.

C. Taylor in 1864, but the authenticity of this sighting however, has been questioned (19).

Table 1-1 The African Sacred Ibis populations’ distribution in the African and non-African countries, showing the

occurrence status (native or wandering) and whether they are still present or extinct.

Country/Territory Occurrence



Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi,

Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros,

The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire,

Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon,

Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissa, Islamic

Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mali,

Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria,

Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa,

South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo,

Uganda, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Native Present

Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia. Wandering Present

Bahrain, France, Spain. Introduced Present

Egypt Native Extinct


1.2.4 Domestication and the Mitochondrial Genome: What to expect in Domesticated

animals and Birds vs. their Wild relatives.

The process of domestication has played an important role in the history of human

civilization and is a useful tool for a wide variety of analyses. Darwin himself recognised

the importance of domestication in helping to explain variation within species and his

model of evolution was informed by studies of domestication (Darwin, 1868). The origin

and dispersal of major domestic animals have been widely studied in recent years and

there has been a series of advances in our general understanding of domestication have

resulted (Loftus et al. 1994; Bradley et al. 1996; Fumihito et al. 1996; Yu et al. 1999;

Giuffra et al. 2000; Zeder and Hesse 2000; Luikart et al. 2001; Troy et al. 2001; Vila et al.

2001; Hanotte et al. 2002; Jansen et al. 2002; Bruford, Bradley, and Luikart 2003; Beja-

Pereira et al. 2004; Lindgren et al. 2004; Watanobe et al. 2004; Larson et al. 2005; Liu et

al. 2006; Chen et al. 2006). Comparative studies of domesticated animals and wild

populations have suggested that domestication may have substantial effects on patterns

of molecular evolution. For example, comparisons of the mitochondrial genomes of

domesticated dog, yak, pigs and silkworms and their respective wild populations has

shown that the domesticated lineages have a higher ratio of non-synonymous to

synonymous substitutions (higher dN/dS) (Bjornerfeldt, Webster, and Vila 2006; Wang et

al. 2011; Hughes 2013). These studies point toward domestication having a significant

effect on molecular evolution in a relatively short time (Moray, Lanfear, and Bromham

2014). Generally speaking, the domestication process could affect the patterns of

molecular evolution in three possible ways (1) artificial selection, where selection for traits

during domestication either directly or indirectly increase the rate of non-synonymous

mutations (dN) at specific loci related to the selected traits. A good example of this is the

reported change of coat colour in pigs (Fang et al. 2009). A proposed link between artificial

selection regimes and increased recombination has been found in several examples in

different animal kingdoms (Otto and Barton 2001). Strong directional selection pressure,

where an advantageous allele increases as a result of differences in survival and

reproduction among different phenotypes, and /or reduced effective population size might

theoretically lead to an increase in the mutation rate (Sniegowski, Gerrish, and Lenski

1997; Lynch 2010, 2011). Nevertheless, even a minor increase in the production of unique

traits can lead to a higher rate of deleterious mutations (King and Kashi 2007). In contrast,

the mitochondrial genomes of birds and animals rarely recombine,. If domestication does

indirectly select for the generation of variation through recombination or mutation


(Denamur and Matic 2006; Dobney and Larson 2006), it could potentially influence rates

of molecular evolution. (2) Relaxed selective constraints, may influence the molecular

evolution rate in domesticated generations through the fixation of a majority of non-

synonymous mutations. Also previous studies have suggested a link between some of the

traits that experienced relaxed selection during the domestication process and

environmental or lifestyle changes (Clutton-Brock 1999; Bjornerfeldt, Webster, and Vila

2006; Driscoll, Macdonald, and O'Brien 2009; Rubin et al. 2010). A good example of this

is the effect of relaxed selection on the metabolic efficiency of domesticated dogs

(Bjornerfeldt, Webster, and Vila 2006) and yaks (Wang et al. 2011) which has been linked

to humans changing their behaviour by selecting for tameness and providing protection

from predators. (3) Reduction in effective population sizes as a result of inbreeding and

genetic bottlenecks experienced in domesticated populations (Vila, Seddon, and Ellegren

2005; Xia et al. 2009). Reduced effective population size leads to increases in the dN/dS

ratio, which can be explained by the increase in the probability of population fixation of

deleterious mutations through genetic drift (Kimura and Ohta 1971; Ohta 1992).

Domesticated lineages may experience severe bottlenecks, however, as the domestication

process likely occurred over long time scales, the bottlenecks are often interspersed with

periods of introgression and population expansion (Allaby, Fuller, and Brown 2008; Meyer

and Purugganan 2013). This may help the lineage to recover from potentially catastrophic

bottlenecks (Vila, Seddon, and Ellegren 2005). Ongoing selective breeding and narrowing

of the breeding pool can also reduce effective population size in some domesticated

lineages (Medugorac et al.). For example, dogs are thought to have experienced a

prehistoric bottleneck after their split from wolves (Vila et al.), but it is likely that some dog

populations have experienced more severe bottlenecks in recent history as a result of

breeding practices (Wayne and Ostrander).

Why is the mitochondrial genome used to test for domestication? Mitochondrial DNA

(mtDNA) is one of the most widely used markers for exploring genetic diversity and tracing

evolutionary history for humans, and domestic and wild animals. The preferential use of

complete or partial mitochondrial genomes in such studies can be explained in several

ways: the molecular rate of evolution in the animal mitochondrial genome is higher than

the nuclear genome by 5 to 10 times (Rand ; Ballard and Whitlock), and is therefore more

likely to reflect recent changes in rates and patterns of molecular evolution than the

nuclear genome. The mitochondrial genome also has a smaller effective population size

than the nuclear genome because it is haploid, rarely if ever recombines, and is inherited


through the maternal line (Harrison ; Moore ; Rokas, Ladoukakis, and Zouros ; Ballard and

Whitlock). It can then be expected to have a higher rate of fixation of nearly neutral

substitutions (Ohta), which are thought to dominate mitochondrial genome evolution (Rand

and Kann ; Bazin, Glémin, and Galtier).

In recent studies, the use of a phylogeny of complete mtDNA sequences allowed many

researchers to conduct a fine-grained phylogeographic analyses and to reappraise the

previously published data. Since 2006, researchers have transitioned from partial mtDNA

sequences (e.g. control region) to complete mitochondrial genomes in abundant studies of

various domestic animals (Wang et al.). Yet, until 2014 the vast majority of complete or

near-complete mtDNA sequences deposited to GenBank were for only eight common

domestic animals (i.e. cattle, dog, goat, horse, pig, sheep, yak and chicken) and their close

wild ancestors or relatives (Shi et al. 2014). Wherever these mitochondrial sequences were

used in building phylogenetic trees they have clarified the origin of several domestic

animals such as pigs (Wu et al. 2007), cattle (Achilli et al. ; Achilli et al. ; Bonfiglio et al. ;

Bonfiglio et al.), horse (Bonfiglio et al.), chicken (Miao et al.), and sheep (Lancioni et al.).

These mtDNA studies have been informative in differentiating between large distinct

populations and tracing the movements of populations on a continental scale. However,

one of the major limitations of using mitochondrial genomic data to precisely quantify the

degree of admixture that has occurred between populations is that these data are

maternally inherited and essentially represent a single non-recombining locus (Larson and

Burger 2013). In fact, even with the great success achieved using these genetic tools we

have available to characterise the genetic differences between the domesticated and

relative wild populations, our understanding of the the origin of domestic animals remains

generally poor.

1.3 Sacred Ibis mummification


At the Ibis catacombs of Saqqara, an estimated 1.75 million Sacred Ibis mummified

remains were buried, while at Abydos the numbers are far greater. The largest number of

Sacred Ibis mummies discovered to date was found in the catacomb of Tuna el-Gebel

where approximately four million have been recorded (Wade, et al., 2011). However, not

all of the millions of mummified Ibises (Figure 1-3) discovered were genuine with a good

number being fake. Some of these elaborately wrapped mummies contained no bird at all

and consist of only dried grass from the bird’s nest (Kessler and Nur el-Din, 2005). Others

were filled with feathers or other fragments of the bird as it was thought that with the

correct spell performed by the priests, fragments symbolized the whole bird and the Ibis

would become complete once offered to the god Thoth (Ikram, 2005).

Animal mummification differs from that of humans, as in most cases the internal organs

were not removed. However, in 2006, an excavation of a Late Period tomb revealed a

mummified Sacred Ibis with snails in its bill (Wade, et al., 2011). This was not an isolated

case, as other mummies with similar foodstuffs placed within them have also been found

Figure 1-3 Sacred Ibis fully wrapped mummy. Picture provided by the Ancient Egyptian Animal Bio Bank at Manchester



within museum collections (Wade, et al., 2011). Based on ancient Egyptian beliefs, priests

may have placed food items within the remains during the mummification process, possibly

as a source of nourishment in the afterlife (Wade, et al., 2011). However, some exceptions

have been discovered; with some birds having had their body cavities emptied of organs

and replaced by small packets of rocks with perhaps some fish and a feather within them

and some grains of wheat (Wade, et al., 2011).

The mummification of the Sacred Ibis as well as other animals varied according to the

importance of the animal (i.e whether they are sacred, beloved pets or votive offerings)

(Ikram, 2005). The Sacred Ibises vary in age-at-death, their position, resin treatment and

ornamentation (Wade, et al., 2011). Additional information about the mummification

techniques used has been obtained through various radiographic studies of museum

collections (Wade, et al., 2011), which have shown the head and the bill were placed

between the tail feathers. A layer of resin-impregnated linen surrounds the birds followed

by further layers of plain linen (Wade, et al., 2011). Also, it revealed the possible cause of

death to be by spinal fracture (Wade, et al., 2011). Other studies have shown that some

birds were prepared for mummification by dehydration through natron without evisceration

(Ikram, 2012). These studies also show that the birds were covered in linen decorated with

painted images of Thoth, the god whom the Ibis represented, painted features and

embossed artificial eyes, sometimes with the pupils made of glass (Ikram, 2012). Although

a blue faience wadjet-eye amulet (a magical blue eye figure that was placed among the

wrappings of mummies to provide protection for the deceased in his afterlife journey) was

found in a Sacred Ibis from Abydos most birds were buried without funerary jewellery

(Ikram, 2012). Radiographic analysis of mummified Sacred Ibises from the Ancient

Egyptian Tissue Bank in Manchester showed evidence of frequent skeletal pathologies that

indicated that the birds were mummified at a young age, they also conducted further

research on soft-tissue samples looking for pathological disease markers, that may have

been prevalent in the ibiotropheia (the Ibis feeding places) due to overcrowding, in-

breeding and other dietary factors (McKnight, 2012).

1.4 The Sacred Ibis Catacombs

The use of birds in cultic activities reached its zenith from the Twenty-Sixth Dynasty (664-

525 BCE) to the Roman Period (30 BC–300 AD) when sanctuaries dedicated to the cult of

the Sacred Ibis were scattered throughout Egypt (Bailleul-Le Seur, 2012).


Animal catacombs are only one part of the sacred complex landscape. Catacombs were

typically placed adjacent to temples or shrines of a specific god. Pilgrims would journey to

these sites to make offerings in the form of animal mummies, to accompany a personal

request to the gods. Pi lgrims seeking the aid of Thoth would visit catacombs such as those

at Saqqara, Tuna al-Gebel, Abydos or Thebes. These sites contained dedicated Sacred Ibis

cemeteries such as the Sacred

Animal Necropolis (SAN) in

Saqqara, the subterranean

ibiotapheion in Tuna al- Gebel,

and various Sacred Ibis burials

at Abydos.

1.4.1 Necropolis at North


Saqqara is a village on the

west bank of the Egyptian Nile,

about 30 km south from the

capital city Cairo. North of the

famous Step Pyramid (c. 2600

BCE) lies an area known as

North Saqqara that has yielded

evidence of one of most

important archaeological locations for animal mummies in Egypt. Animal mummification

was practiced more during the Late Period (712-332 BC) and the Ptolemaic era (332-30

BC). The Sacred Animal Necropolis (SAN) is located in the centre of North Saqqara.

The SAN itself comprises two Ibis catacombs and a Main Temple complex with cult

chambers and catacombs for mummified cows and baboons (Figure 1-4). The discovery of

the Sacred Ibis tombs dates back to the 18th and 19th centuries (Nicholson, 2005). The

bird catacombs were intentionally built to resemble the tombs of the Late Old Kingdoms

(Martin, 1981). The catacombs consist of a number of main arterial passageways (Figure

1-5) lined with ‘galleries’. The numerous galleries functioned as storage areas for mummy

pots. These were stacked carefully in layers, with a layer of sand separating each layer of

vessels. Furthermore, some of the walls in the galleries had a series of ‘niches’ cut to store

Figure 1-4: Map of the SAN (Sacred Animal Necropolis) at Saqqara. Original

Drawing by J. Hodges edited by Miriam Alexander.


a small limestone chest that

housed a mummified bird. This

type of burial may be indicative

of a special offering from a high-

ranking person or a sacred bird

burial (Nicholson, 2005).

The cultic Sacred Ibis at

Saqqara, considered a small-

scale Sacred Ibis farm, where a

limited number of birds were

raised in the temple courtyard

at the SAN (Sacred Animal

Necropolis), was planted with

bushes to imitate the natural

Sacred Ibis habitats (Martin,

1981). It was the job of the

priests of Thoth to look after

these temple birds (Ray, 1978).

It has been estimated that

four million votive offerings of

Sacred Ibises were buried in the SAN (Ray, 1978), with ten thousand birds buried annually.

In order to supply such a large volume of Sacred Ibis mummies it has been hypothesised

that farms were located either in or around the temples and may have reared Sacred Ibises

for that purpose (Ikram, 2005). Evidence of an Ibis breeding hatchery at the SAN of

Saqqara is supported by archaeological findings of several Sacred Ibis eggs located within

the courtyard (Davies and Smith, 1997). It has also been suggested that “the Lake of

Pharaoh”, known later as the Lake of Abusir, would have been the perfect place for

breeding the Sacred Ibis (Ray, 1978). Added supportive evidence is found in the archive of

a scribe and priest named Hor of Sebennytos, who worked in the Saqqara’s Sacred Ibis

enclosure in the second century B.C. (Ray, 1978). He discussed a scandal involving stolen

food, which led to many of the birds dying of hunger (Ray, 1978). In another passage he

mentioned supplying around 60,000 Ibises with clover and bread (Ray, 1978), and

indicated the existence of a building, or complex, where eggs were incubated and Sacred

Ibis chicks reared (Ray, 1978). The archive of Hor of Sebennytos’ also outlines a system in

Figure 1-5 The North Ibis catacomb at Saqqara. (b) Sacred Ibis mummified

leg bone. (c) One of the arterial passageways stacked with jars filled with

Sacred Ibis mummies. (d) A piece of wrapping used to wrap the Sacred

Ibis mummies. Images were taken during the sampling collection from

Egypt by the author.


which bird mummies were collected all year, stored in a place called the ‘rest house’ inside

the temple, before being moved to the unfilled galleries of the catacomb once a year. This

practice continued until all the galleries within the catacomb were filled (Ray, 1978).

1.4.2 Tuna al-Gebel

Tuna al-Gebel is a small village located in Al Minya. Tuna al-Gebel was also known as

Hermopolis Magna by the ancient Greeks as it was the necropolis of Khmun, originally the

god of the source of the River Nile. In the southern part of the site there is an animal

necropolis filled up with several million mummified Sacred Ibis and a significant number of

baboons. As both animals represented the god Thoth, they were buried together in

subterranean galleries.

From 1919–1920 the Egyptian Antiquities Service, excavated this site. Later, Cairo

University assigned Sami Gabra to continue the excavation of the Sacred Ibis galleries,

Figure 1-6: Map of the Sacred Ibis catacomb (Ibiotropheion) at Tuna el Gebel showing the different galleries. Original

map is a courtesy of Dieter Kessle


between 1931 and 1952,

although the results were never

fully published. Twenty years

later, excavations were renewed

again, carried out by the

University of Hamburg (in 1979)

and led by Dieter Kessler (Kessler

and Nur el-Din, 2005) (Figure 1-

6). The catacombs date from the

26th Dynasty to Greco-Roman

times and are estimated to

contain more than 4 million

Sacred Ibis mummies. Tuna al-

Gebel ‘Ibiotropheion’ was the

Greek name for a special place for

breeding Sacred Ibis, or in Egyptian

it was the resting place of Sacred

Ibises and the gods who rested with

them (Herodotus II, 1989). This area represents an ideal opportunity to understand both

the evolution of an animal cemetery and related ritual beliefs over more than 700 years of

ancient Egyptian history. By examining the clay sealing used for the pottery jars found

inside the galleries containing the Sacred Ibis mummies, it has been predicted that the

central Egyptian ibiotapheion was constructed sometime between the reign of Pharaoh

Psametik I (664-610 B.C) and that of Amasis (570-526 B.C) (Kessler and Nur el-Din, 2005).

The papyri found inside the jars in the subterranean galleries date to the time of the Persian

ruler Darius I (522-486 B.C) and records the transportion of mummified Sacred Ibises from

the El Fayoum region and their subsequent offering at Tuna al-Gebel (Zaghloul, 1985).

Sending mummified Sacred Ibises from numerous Egyptian locations to Tuna al-Gebel was

sustained after 305 B.C. based on evidence found with the buried mummies. Typically this

evidence was in the form of demotic inscriptions on the containers holding the mummy,

either a pot, or a wooden, or stone chest, and gave information such as: Year X month Y

day Z- the god of Thoth, whom NN has brought, from the town A in the hand of scribe NN

(Kessler and Nur el-Din, 2005) (Figure 1-8).

Figure 1-7 Insied Tuna el-Gebel catacomb. (b) A gallery filled with broken

pottery jars and Sacred Ibis mummified remains. (c) Sacred Ibis skull

and part of beak collected from the same catacomb. Images were taken

during the sampling collection from Egypt by the author


Part B-A of the gallery (Figure 1-6) was constructed within the 26th Dynasty, also as the

early Saite Period (c. 685–525 BC) and had been cut in a westward direction. A long

passage stretching from north to south is filled with pottery jars that contain Sacred Ibis

mummy bundles; with a small entrance toward the north. The main subterranean passage

had rock cut chambers along its sides. The jars of that period were wide-mouthed and

closed with plastered linen (Kessler and Nur el-Din, 2005) (Figure 1-7).

The galleries which expanded to the east, forming Gallery Part C-D, were a necessity to

accommodate the large increase in the number of Sacred Ibis bundles brought from

numerous locations in Egypt to Tuna al-Gebel during the Persian Period. Dating this

passage was conducted using the well-decorated wooden Sacred Ibis chests harbouring

inscriptions in the name of King Darius (Kessler and Nur el-Din, 2005).

Towards Dynasty 30, Sacred Ibis’ burials were constructed to the north (i.e. the southern

part of G-C-D and crossing gallery C-D and C_C). These changes maybe have been adapted

by Pharaoh Nectanebo II (360- 342 B.C) who is thought to have established local Sacred

Ibis breeding sites. A painted pre-Ptolemic inscription on a reused amphora (the Egyptian

Figure 1-8: Demotic inscriptions left on a pottery jar used for mummification recording the date the mummy was

offered to Thoth, by whom, where it was bought from and the priest who took it from the worshipper.


amphora is a vase with a cover intended for storing water, oil or wine) originating from the

Phoenician coast mentioned King Tyre and was found in Gallery C-C-35 (Figure 1-6).

The early presence of Sacred Ibis mummies found in Tuna al-Gebel, is thought to be

sourced from all over Egypt as indicated by the demotic writings found (figure 1-8)

accompanying the mummy wrappings, papyri, or jars (Kessler and Nur el-Din, 1994). It

appears it was not only big cities like Aswan, Ptolemais-Psois, Hermopolis or Heliopolis that

were providing Sacred Ibis to Tuna but also smaller sites which have not yet been located

(Kessler and Nur el-Din, 1994). Important information on how the special Sacred Ibis were

transferred from the Fayoum region to Tuna al-Gebel has also been recorded on papyri

(Zaghloul, 1985) and it is believed that these transfers continued into late Ptolemaic times.

During the Third Intermediate Period (c. 1069 BC – c. 664 BC), it has been suggested that

the Sacred Ibis may have been reared in colonies around “the swamp”, referring to a

natural basin that was filled annually by the Nile inundation, which provided the sacred

animals to the temple (Kessler and Nur el-Din, 1994).

By the Ptolemaic period, the demand for Sacred Ibis mummies intensified, leading to a

more localised system, rather than depending on transfers from all over Egypt to the main

burial necropolis (Kessler and Nur el-Din, 2005). The transfers became limited to only the

Sacred ‘ritual’ Ibis. During the reign of King Ptolemy I (c. 367BC – c. 283 BC), villagers were

forced to both work and pay for the support of Sacred Ibis farming (ibiotropheia), which led

to the presence of around a dozen Sacred Ibis breeding farms in the area of Hermopolis

which were surrounded with fields that supplied Sacred Ibis colonies with cereals (Kessler

and Nur el-Din, 2005).

During the Ptolemaic era, the level of production of each of the local Hermopolitan breeding

Sacred Ibis’ farms has been estimated to be around a thousand mummies annually. If we

assume the existence of fifteen local ibiotropheia, this suggests approximately fifteen

thousand mummies were brought to Tuna each year (Kessler and Nur el-Din, 2005).

Sacred Ibis eggs were collected during the Saite period (664 BC – 525 BC) from breeding

places and wild colonies, and sent to Tuna together with wrapped mummies (Kessler and

Nur el-Din, 2005). No evidence has been found to suggest that the eggs originated from

an artificial breeding hatchery, a claim made by some scholars (Meeks 1997).

1.4.3 Abydos

Abydos is one of the most ancient cities of Upper Egypt. It is about 11 kilometres (6.8 mi)

west of the river Nile at latitude 26°10' N, near the modern towns of el-'Araba el Madfuna


and al-Balyana. The city was known as Abdju in hieroglyphics (3bdw or AbDw), which means

"the hill of the symbol or shrine".

The Ibis cemetery is located to the east of Wadi leading to Umm el-Qaab, and was part of

Peet and Loat’s Cemetery (Figure 1-9) containing not only mummified Ibis, but also human

burials. Human burials differ from those of the animal mummies in that they are often

buried closer to the surface (Peet, 1999).

In 1914, an article published in the first volume of the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology by

W. Leonard S. Loat, concerning his excavation works at Abydos, described an Ibis cemetery

that was located on one of the ridges. This ridge runs at right angles to the edge of a

cultivation area back into the desert towards the Royal Tombs. Here they found ninety-

three large jars that were placed randomly in the open (figure 20). They are made of

unbaked clay and varied in size but typically comprised of two or three sections and had

their mouths are sealed with a covering of unbaked bricks. From the shape of the jars, Loat

(Loat, 1914) was able to date them back to the Roman era (30BCE to CE 379).

A detailed examination of the mummies contained in the jars suggested they belonged to

the Sacred Ibis, with a smaller number being hawk mummies. Approximately fifteen

hundred of these mummies have been recorded, as well as a large number of bundles

(also carefully preserved and wrapped) containing the remains of young birds, feathers, or

bones (Loat, 1914).

Other denser Ibis burials in the Abydos region are found in Shunet el-Zebib; the funerary

enclosure for King Khasekhemwy (2690 BC). These burials were used as Ibis cemeteries

from the 22nd Dynasty (945 BC – 715 BC) onward (Ayrton, et al., 1904). Poorly embalmed

Ibis were found mostly in the northern part of the Shunah and several hundreds of which

were enclosed in oblong shaped pots. In contrast, more elaborate shaped jars were found

in the eastern part. The enclosure jars from both sites in the Shunah have been dated back

to the Late Period or earlier (Ikram, 2008).


Excavations done later in the south-west of the Shunah enclosure, led to the discovery of

charred Ibis remains in chamber G. This chamber dates from the 22nd to the 26th dynasty

(Ayrton, et al., 1904). It is not clear if this compartment was used as a burial chamber or

as merely just a place where Sacred Ibises were mummified.

1.4.4 Thebes

Figure 1-9: (a) Map of Peet and Loat’s Cemetery at Abydos showing the location of the Ibis cemetery. (b) Mummified

Ibis leg collected from Sohag. (c) Complete unwrapped Sacred Ibis mummy from Abydos. Images were taken during

the sampling collection from Egypt by the author


Ibis burials are found throughout Egypt, particularly in a number of areas in Thebes (Ikram,

2009). In the latter region there are a several burial places for the Sacred Ibises, and in

most cases the ancient Egyptians made use of pre-existing human tombs for burial of the

birds. The Theban cult seemed to pair the god Thoth with Horus, the god of Sky, and thus

Ibis are often found in conjunction with raptors. In Thebes such burials have been identified

at the tomb of Ankh Hor (Boessneck and von den Driesch, 1982), while Northampton

reports similar burials near TT 141 (Bekenkhons) (William, et al., 1908). Another set of

burials was found in area TT 156 (Pennesuttaui), and in the environs of TT 11/12 (Ikram

personal communication). Many mummified Sacred Ibises have been extracted from these

areas and sold to collectors, particularly in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

1.5 The Sacred Ibis in the ancient Egyptian texts

The Sacred Ibis was also a hieroglyphic writing characters that was used to symbolise the

God Thoth (Gaudard and Johnson, 2012) as the ‘Lord of the Divine Words’ and recognised

as the god of writing, scribes and wisdom. The ancient Egyptians believed that Thoth

invented alphabetic letters with the first letter of the Greek alphabet being hb thought to

represent the Sacred Ibis (Gaudard and Johnson, 2012). According to the Egyptian myth of

the “Contending of Horus and Seth”, Horus-Re emerges victorious to claim the throne but

having lost an eye in doing so. Thoth reassembles the eye and accounts for it in The Eye of

Horus: “I came seeking the eye of Horus,/ that I may bring it back and count it./ I found it

[and now it is] complete, counted and sound, /so that it can flame up to the sky and/ blow

above and below...” (Clark, 1959). Consequently, the Eye of Horus became a counting tool

that was used by scribes in their calculations, known as Horus Eye fractions (Ezzamel,

2009). An interesting inscription described scribal students and their life of continual

study: “So he says namely, The one-who praises-knowledge, he says, “The Ibises who are

here, difficult is their food, painful is their mode of life.”(Jasnow and Zauzich, 2005).

Another script titled, The Book of Thoth, from the Greco-Roman period outlined the

commencement at the House of Life (Jasnow and Zauzich, 2005). It was used for training

scribes and is written as a dialogue between a master, thought to represent Thoth or a

priest acting on his behalf, and a disciple (Jasnow and Zauzich, 2005).

At line 420 Jasnow suggests that it describes Thoth destroying an enemy of the sun-god: ‘I

shall raise my hand to the great, great, great one [Thoth], and jubilate to the Ibis who

tramples the turtle. At line 412 Jasnow suggests it describes the weighing of the dead’s

heart against the feather of Maat, a symbol of truth: “Let me hurry to the Ibis who is at the


top of his brush, he who has ordered the earth with his scale plates” (Jasnow and Zauzich,


Thoth played a major role as the god of justice, which was documented in the form of a

letter written on a papyrus known as IM E19422, kept in the necropolis of Tuna el-Gebel

and dated to the time of the Persian rule of Egypt in the period of Darius I (522-486BCE).

In that letter, an administrator of the cult of the Sacred Ibis at Hermopolis wrote it as a plea

to Thoth (as the god of justice) to listing injustices committed against the man (Bailleul-Le

Seur, 2012).

1.6 The Sacred Ibis in the ancient Egyptian art

Being the incarnation of the God Thoth, the Sacred Ibis is depicted in many forms of

Egyptian art, from appliqué to large three-dimensional sculpture. In the earliest times it

was depicted as an ensign of the provinces and later became a hieroglyphic sign (Clark,


Thoth in art took different shapes according to the period. In the Middle Kingdom (2000

BC – 1700 BC) Sacred Ibises were presented on gold amulet necklaces and later often as

faience, finely glazed ceramic beads or decorated wooden inlays. While, in the Late Period

(664 BC – 332 BC) it was frequently found as a votive figure in Sacred Ibis burial grounds.

It has also been rendered many times as a life-size figure in painted wood or bronze (Clark

2013). Sacred Ibises were also featured as a human with an Sacred Ibis head on stone

reliefs at the Temple of Luxor and the Temple of Horus at Edfu, the Philae Temple of Isis

(Stadler, 2012) and on wall paintings at Beni Hasan and Thebes (Clark 2013). In 2010,

archaeologists unearthed two large four-metre granite statues of the god Thoth as an Ibis-

headed human from the New Kingdom Period (1550 BC - 1070 BC) in the city of Luxor at

the temple of Amenhotep III.

Sacred Ibises are also found as appliqués sewn onto linen-covered mummified bird

remains (Clark 2013). The Thoth Rebus is a post-New Kingdom amulet, which portrays a

walking Sacred Ibis with a moon crown. The hieroglyph of Thoth is inscribed where it holds

the feather of Maat in its beak. The amulet can be interpreted as ‘Thoth, Lord of Truth’ and

highlights the primary aspects of Thoth as a moon deity and the healer of the eye of Horus,

and also in his position as scribe in the underworld court of Osiris (Bailleul-Le Seur, 2012).

A wooden Sacred Ibis coffin decorated with silver, gold leaf, rock crystal and pigment dated

to the Ptolemaic period and depicting Thoth with silver legs bent as if brooding (Bailleul-Le


Seur, 2012) was found at the chief sanctuary of Thoth in Hermopolis. That temple had

been used for ceremonies and festivals (Bailleul-Le Seur, 2012). Inside the coffin were the

remains of a Sacred Ibis within a cavity made from a covered hole in its back. It is also

covered in such details as a necklace incised at the base of the neck, carefully rendered

scaly skin and creases on the legs, with rock crystals outlined in gold inserted for the eyes

(Bailleul-Le Seur, 2012).

1.7 The role of the Sacred Ibis in religion

Animals played a significant role in ancient Egyptian religion. In hieroglyphic scripts,

animals constitute a quarter of all hieroglyphs. In the ancient Egyptian life humans were

not considered masters of animals but more like partners (Velde, 1980) as animals were

perceived as living beings just like humans and gods. Due to their beliefs it was simple to

consider animals the equivalent of humans, as it was stated in a text of the first millennium

BCE: ‘I have given bread to the hungry, water to the thirsty, clothing to the naked. I have

given food to the Sacred Ibis, the falcon, the cat and the jackal’ (Velde, 1980). Animals as

well as humans were considered living beings in the form of which gods could be

represented as well as in hybrid form (Velde, 1980).

Thoth was the moon-god and the healer of the sacred eye of Horus-Re (Bleeker, 1973). In

the Book of the Dead, Thoth prepared the way for Re to travel, as one of the texts

mentioning Thoth saying of himself: “ I have knotted the rope of the ship, I let the ferry sail,

I bring the East nearer to the West”, Consequently Thoth is seen standing in the prow of

the sun-boat (Bleeker, 1973).

Thoth being the god of wisdom, through his rational and ordered mortals was capable of

defeating the demonical and unpredictable gods such as Seth and Tefnet (Bleeker, 1973).

Other gods would seek Thoth’s assistance, as mentioned in the Pyramid Texts; Thoth is the

dreaded avenger of injustice (pyr. 2213) (Bleeker, 1973). In two funerary texts Thoth acts

as legislator and judge: “I, Thoth, am the eminent writer, pure of hands...the writer of the

truth (maat) whose horror is the lie...the lord of the law...I am the lord of maat, I teach maat

to the gods, I test (each) word for its veracity...I am the leader of the sky, the earth and the

netherworld”. “I, Thoth, am protector of the weak and of him whose property is violated”

(Bleeker, 1973). Thoth is the word of the creator and the guardian of the regulations of

creation (Bleeker, 1973).


1.8 Conclusion

The Sacred Ibis played a significant role in ancient Egypt through its representation of

Thoth, the god of writing, scribes, wisdom, time and justice and as the deputy of the sun-

god Horus-Re. The Sacred Ibis was bred, nurtured, and mummified with the same attention

to ritual given to many humans of that time. There is a large amount of archaeological

evidence for Sacred Ibis in ancient Egypt, particularly in the burial grounds at Saqqara,

Abydos, Tuna el-Gebel and Hermopolis. The use of the Sacred Ibis in cultic activities meant

that they played a major role in daily life helping to keep water clean and cleaning up refuse.

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs feature the Sacred Ibis as the first letter due to Thoth’s

association with writing and scribes. The Sacred Ibis, in both the human hybrid form of

Thoth and its own form, occurs across many art forms in Egypt, particularly due to its

significance from the New Kingdom period onwards. Although it is extinct in modern Egypt

due to aridification, it is now found throughout the world where it successfully cohabits with

humans in parklands and wetlands.


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2. Chapter Two: Ancient Egyptian DNA survival debate

The Secrets Buried Within Egyptian Mummies: A Review of Ancient DNA

Survival and its Prevalence in Egyptian Mummies


The long-term preservation of DNA requires a number of optimal conditions, including

consistent exposure to cool, dry, and dark environments. As a result, the reporting of the

successful recovery of ancient DNA from material from warmer climates such as those in

Egypt has often been met with scepticism. Egypt has an abundance of ancient mummified

animals and humans, whose genetic analyses would offer important insights into ancient

cultural practices. The mummification processes carried out by ancient Egyptians were

intended to artificially preserve animal bodies, and may have incidentally assisted in the

preservation of DNA. Humans, in addition to other animals, were mummified in massive

numbers. With human mummification, the methods and materials used varied according

to the importance and the social ranking

of the individuals being mummified. Animals were either elaborately mummified, as sacred

representations of gods on earth, or were uncaringly mummified for mass production as

votive offerings. Pilgrims presented the mummified offerings to the deity god for the

granting of wishes. Tracing DNA in mummified remains of Egyptian mummies began in

1985, but not long after, it gained a wide research attention. Despite the reporting of

successful ancient DNA analyses from mummified remains, the validity of the results has

been debated since the early days of ancient DNA research. Recent ancient DNA work

carried out on Egyptian Royal mummies has been plagued with questions concerning the

likelihood of being able to extract endogenous DNA from tissues exposed to warm climates,

common to Egypt. Advances in ancient genomics in recent years, including the advent of

second generation sequencing platforms, has allowed in-depth genetic analyses of

Egyptian human mummified remains. As work with ancient human DNA can be confounded

by modern human contamination, animal DNA research in Egypt has been met with greater

acceptance. Yet to date, only a small number of studies have being carried out using

mummified animal remains.

In this study we review the previous studies reporting success in retrieval of partial DNA

sequences from Egyptian material and reporting what parameters has been taken in

consideration on our work with the Sacred Ibis mummified samples.


1. Extraordinary early results with ancient DNA

Early work with ancient DNA seemed to know no limits. Reports of successful amplification

of DNA from 20 (Cano and Borucki, 1995), 80 (Woodward, et al., 1994), and 120 (Cano,

et al., 1993) million year old tissue samples suggested it was possible to perform genetic

analyses on a number of iconic extinct animals, including dinosaurs. Even greater claims

have been made regarding DNA preserved in ancient rock salt (halite) ponds for up to 425

million years (Vreeland, et al., 2000, Park, et al., 2009, Fish, et al., 2002), a time when the

first jawed fish were evolving. Early work on ancient DNA however, suffered from a lack of

specialised facilities, combined with the use of high PCR amplification cycles and low

primer annealing temperatures; conditions that favour the production of amplified

contaminants with miss-incorporated bases, giving the misguided impression of a unique

target sequence. These inconsistencies led to the introduction of a rigorous set of

guidelines by many researchers (Richards, et al., 1995, Roberts and Ingham, 2008) for

dealing with ancient DNA, including independent replication of results at a second ancient

DNA facility,

1.1 Ancient DNA; degradation, processes, and rates

Ancient DNA refers to genetic data recovered from biological tissues that has not been

preserved for later DNA analysis, and is characterised by being highly degraded and

fragmented. DNA is thought to degrade rapidly post-mortem possibly through necrotic and

apoptotic processes that result in the activation of non-specific lysosomal nucleases and

Caspase-Activated DNases respectively (Enari, et al., 1998, Kelman and Moran, 1996).

DNA starts to degrade to units of approximately 160 bp in length; the length of DNA

protected from nuclease digestion due to its association with histones. Subsequent

degradation of the histones and nucleases exposes the DNA to chemical modification,

resulting in base alteration, cross-linking (Hansen, et al., 2006) and strand breakage. The

most common chemical modifications occur by hydrolysis with the conversion of cytosines

to form uracils (Brotherton, et al., 2007) and the depurination of mostly guanosine residues

that subsequently lead to basic sites prone to strand breakage (Overballe-Petersen, et al.,


Early experiments to determine rates of DNA degradation were carried out in vitro (Lindahl

and Nyberg, 1972) or on a limited number of samples from different environments (Poinar,


et al., 1996) (Höss, et al., 1996). Recent work by Allentoft et al (Allentoft, et al., 2012) using

158 dated moa bones from anoxic limestone-buffered sediments have calculated a rate of

DNA degradation (k) that suggests a limit for DNA preservation in bone, at a constant -5°C,

of a remarkable 6.83 million years. The rate was determined using in vitro analyses of DNA

depurination by Lindahl and Nyberg (Lindahl and Nyberg, 1972), combined with the

measurement of in situ DNA fragment copy number in radio-carbon dated moa bones. Their

equation calculates DNA decay rate (k) per site per year (d/s/yr) in bone in relation to

temperature as lnk = 41.2 - 15267.6 x 1/T (where T = temperature in degrees Kelvin). This

equation shows that temperature is the main driver of DNA preservation and suggests that

in warm climates such as those experienced in Egypt, the rate of degradation can be

several-fold greater than that from more temperate locations.

2. Ancient DNA from Egypt: a checkered history.

In 1985, Pääbo et al. were the first to report the retrieval of DNA from an Egyptian mummy.

The research team used dried tissue of a 2430-year-old Egyptian mummy and successfully

cloned a 3400 bp long DNA fragment (Paabo, 1985). With the later introduction of PCR

techniques, work with ancient DNA could be analysed for contamination with microbial and

modern DNA (Paabo, 1989, Lindahl, 1993). The stage was set for the analysis of ancient

or historical DNA. However reports of the recovery of ancient Egyptian DNA were treated

with caution as many arguing that there is little chance of the recovery of endogenous DNA

(Gilbert, et al., 2005). Despite early setbacks, a number of studies using ancient DNA

extracted from Egyptian mummified remains have been reported on a number of

occasions, all with different aims (Nerlich, et al., 1997, Zink, et al., 2000, Zink, et al.,

2003a, Zink and Nerlich, 2005, Nerlich, et al., 2008, Nerlich and Lösch, 2009, Zweifel, et

al., 2009, Woide, et al., 2010, Donoghue, et al., 2010, Hawass, et al., 2010, Hekkala, et

al., 2011, Hawass, et al., 2012, Kurushima, et al., 2012)

The successful amplification of short fragments of nuclear (Hawass, et al., 2010, Hawass,

et al., 2012) or mitochondrial DNA (Hanni, et al., 1994) from either ancient Egyptian human

remains or even from human microbial infections (Zink, et al., 2000) have often been met

with scepticism (Gilbert, et al., 2005, Marota, et al., 2002). Most sceptics argue that the

DNA degradation rate (Marota, et al., 2002) of Egyptian material, due to the combination

of high temperatures, elevated humidity, extreme alkaline conditions (Gilbert, et al., 2005,

Zink and Nerlich, 2005), and other factors such as flooding and fire (Zivie and Lichtenberg,


2005), precludes the recovery of authentic ancient Egyptian DNA (Gilbert, et al., 2005, Zink

and Nerlich, 2005).

First studies into the decay rate of Egyptian material were carried out by Marota et al.,

2002, where the DNA decay rate was calculated using both Egyptian human remains and

ancient writing sheets (papyri). These authors amplified a short DNA (90 bp) DNA sequence

of the chloroplast’s ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase large subunit (rbcL) gene in papyri

samples from 0 to 100 years BP and 1,300 to 3,200 years BP. These studies showed

that chloroplast DNA has a half-life in papyri of only 19 - 24 years, suggesting that no DNA

fragments are likely to survive more than 532 - 672 years from when the sheets were

manufactured. Using aspartic acid racemisation as an indicator of DNA decay Poinar et al.

(1996) and Morta et al. (2002) also reported that the upper limit for DNA preservation in

Egypt is approximately 700 - 800 years and that the regression rate of DNA decay in human

and papyri material was almost identical.

In 2003, Zink and Nerlich suggested, contrary to the claims made by Marota et al. (2002),

that DNA could survive for long periods in Egyptian materials. They argued that several

factors contributed to DNA degradation rates in Egypt being lower than those calculated by

Marota et al. (2002): First, the authors showed that temperatures inside most of the tombs

are considerably lower than the 35°C suggested by Marota et al. (2002). Secondly, the

samples used by Marota et al (2002) that did not yield DNA were retrieved from unstable

environments that had fluctuating moisture levels due to the annual flooding of the Nile.

Thirdly, the mummification process used for Egyptian mummies resulted in extreme

desiccation as a result of using the salt natron, allowing DNA to be protected from

damaging hydrolytic processes post mortem (Zink and Nerlich, 2003, Zink, et al., 2003b).

In reply to Zink and Nerlich (2003); Gilbert et al. (2005) argued against each of the points

raised (Zink and Nerlich, 2003): Firstly, they suggested that the temperature in Egyptian

burial sites did fluctuate and that the 15°C to 25°C that was mentioned in Zink and

Nerlich, 2003 was not supported by any references. On the contrary, Howard Carter

(Gilbert, et al., 2005) who excavated Tutankhamun’s tomb, reported hot air escaping from

the chamber upon their first attempt to open it. Gilbert et al. (2005) went on to suggest

that a more accurate way to calculate DNA survival time is to use the annual mean air

temperature as a proxy to estimate burial tomb temperature (Gilbert, et al., 2005). In

conclusion, the authors suggested that even under these proposed temperature

conditions, it is doubtful that DNA could be retrieved from ancient Egyptian material.

Secondly, in terms of humidity, Gilbert et al., 2005 argued that in general tombs are very


humid even if they have not been exposed to a flood, and for this reason DNA decay is

likely accelerated (Waite, et al., 1997, Nielsen-Marsh and Hedges, 2000). Thirdly, Gilbert

et al (2005) pointed out several problems that might rule out the effect of natron on DNA

preservation; i.e. one of the successful samples of Zink and Nerlich (2003) was from a

predynastic burial, where natron was not used (Aufderheide, 2003). Furthermore, the

action of natron (thought to help DNA survival by elevating the pH of the body, presumably

through the action of sodium bicarbonate in the natron) would be counteracted by the

acidic resins used to cover the body. Gilbert et al, 2005 went on to suggest that the

mummification techniques used are detrimental to the survival of DNA.

In conclusion, Gilbert et al (2005) argued that the probability of DNA survival should be

determined separately for each case and based on factors such as, burial location, post

mortem practices, time period, and social class.

2.1 Recent ‘successes’ with ancient DNA in Egypt: DNA recovery from the Egyptian Royal

mummies using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

Ancient DNA studies using mummified materials from Egypt have become the most

controversial of all, in relation to the other molecular genetics work done using ancient

materials (Marchant, 2011). Although the recovery of DNA from much older specimens

such as Woolly mammoths (Höss, et al., 1994, Hagelberg, et al., 1994, Taylor, 1996, Noro,

et al., 1998), horse and bison (Seco-Morais, et al., 2007), the unfavourable conditions

common to Egyptian environments has promoted cynicism surrounding any report of the

successful isolation of ancient DNA from Egyptian material.

Nevertheless, work with ancient Egyptian Royal mummies commenced in 2008 at an

ancient DNA laboratory at the Egyptian Museum, comparing DNA from the newly

discovered mummy of Hatshepsut with DNA sequences recovered from a previously

identified mummy putatively belonging to the same family. Being the first attempt in Egypt

at using DNA to verify a mummy's identity, the work was recorded by The Discovery

Channel, but showed that the DNA results were inconclusive. Many concerns were raised

about the expectations placed on the new DNA laboratory, in particular, the lack of an

independent second lab to replicate the results to prove authenticity. However, a second

separate ancient DNA laboratory was subsequently established at the Kasr El-Aini Medical

School, with the aim of DNA testing all the royal mummies and the nearly two dozen

unidentified mummies stored in the Egyptian Museum. Two recently published papers


arising from this work are outlined below.

i- Revisiting the harem conspiracy and death of Ramesses III: an

anthropological, forensic, radiological, and genetic study (Hawass, et al.,

2012) (Appendix B)

Summary. The objective of this work was to investigate the relationship between two

mummies from the 20th dynasty (c. 1190-1070 BCE) of ancient Egypt; the mummy of

Ramesses III and Unknown Man E, who was the suspected son of the king. Genetic

analyses showed that both mummies were male and shared the same Y-chromosomal

haplotypes. This genetic relationship of Ramesses III and Unknown Man E makes Unknown

Man E a possible candidate as the son Pentaware, thereby shedding new light on the

harem conspiracy.

For this work, bone samples were taken from the interior of the left and right humerus,

tibia, femur, and iliac with sterilized biopsy needles (HS Trapsystem©). Bone sampling was

carried out under sterile conditions in a dedicated room of the Cairo Museum. All persons

involved in the sampling wore protective clothing, sterile gloves, and facemasks to prevent

exogenous contamination. DNA extraction and purification were performed in the

dedicated ancient DNA laboratory in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo and then replicated at

a second laboratory at the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University (Hawass, et al., 2010). In

both laboratories the DNA typing was performed under strict conditions following previously

published criteria for ancient DNA authentication (Hofreiter, et al., 2001) (Roberts and

Ingham, 2008).

Although the mummy of Ramesses III’s wife, Queen Tiy, was not available for testing,

identical Y-chromosomal haplotypes and autosomal half-allele sharing of the two male

mummies suggest the possibility of a father-son relationship.

Possible problems with methodology and results. Possible problems with this work arise

from the use of traditional PCR amplification of each specific DNA loci prior to being

sequenced. This method can lead to the preferential amplification of contaminants rather

than endogenous mummy DNA. However, the consistency of the repeated work, as well as

the consistency between the Y and autosomal chromosome markers for both individuals

limit the possibility of contamination, and suggest that the DNA sequences obtained were



ii- The Ancestry and Pathology of King Tutankhamun’s Family (Hawass, et al., 2010)

(Appendix B)

Summary. The late 18th dynasty of the New Kingdom era in ancient Egypt included the

reigns of pharaohs Akhenaten and Tutankhamun. Eleven royal mummies from this era have

been identified, but the exact relationships between members of the royal family, as well

as the possible illnesses they carried and causes of their deaths have been matters of


From September 2007 to October 2009, royal mummies were subjected to detailed

anthropological, radiological, and genetic studies as part of the King Tutankhamun Family

Project. Mummies distinct from Tutankhamun’s immediate lineage served as genetic and

morphological references. To authenticate DNA results, analytical steps were repeated and

independently replicated in a second ancient DNA laboratory staffed by a separate group

of personnel. Eleven royal mummies dating from circa 1410-1324 BC and suspected of

being kin of Tutankhamun and 5 royal mummies dating to an earlier period, circa 1550-

1479 BC, were examined. Genetic fingerprinting using sixteen Y-chromosomal short

tandem repeats (DYS456, DYS389I, DYS390, DYS389II, DYS458, DYS19, DYS385,

DYS393, DYS391, DYS439, DYS635, DYS392, Y-GATA-H4, DYS437, DYS438, DYS448)

and 8 polymorphic microsatellites of the autosome (D13S317, D7S820, D2S1338,

D21S11, D16S539, D18S51, CSF1PO, FGA) allowed the construction of a 5-generation

pedigree of Tutankhamun’s immediate lineage. The KV55 mummy and KV35YL were

identified as the parents of Tutankhamun (Hawass, et al., 2010). Genetic testing for

STEVOR, AMA1, or MSP1 genes specific for Plasmodium falciparum revealed Malaria

tropica in 4 mummies, including that of Tutankhamun. The results suggest that avascular

bone necrosis in conjunction with a malarial infection as the most likely cause of death in



Figure 2-1 Tutankhamun genetic-based family tree as presented in the original publication. Hawass et al. 2010.

Possible problems with methodology and results. A number of letters contesting the results

were published in the same journal; The Journal of the American Medical Association

(Hawass, et al., 2010), in 2010, with replies from Hawass et al. The first letter was from

the research team from the Center for GeoGenetics at the Natural History Museum of

Denmark, they queried the reliability of the genetic data presented and argued against the

survival of authentic ancient DNA in the context of DNA degradation and contamination

(Lorenzen and Willerslev, 2010). These authors argued that, due to the age of the

mummies (more than 3,300 years before the present) and their preservation history, no

DNA would have survived. Due to the lack of any published results of even mtDNA

sequences from these mummies, they remarked that the survival of nuclear DNA

sequences is also highly unlikely. Furthermore, the reported success of the retrieval of

nuclear DNA sequences is also surprising given the use of traditional polymerase chain

reaction techniques, rather than newly developed capture approaches coupled with

second-generation sequencing that allow for the successful capture of degraded (shorter)

DNA sequences (Briggs, et al., 2009). In addition, the likelihood of modern day human


contamination was also presented as a possible problem (Willerslev and Cooper, 2005).

Although all laboratory members involved in the study were genotyped; no persons

handling the specimens prior to the study were included, questioning the reliability of the

microsatellite profiles generated. A lack of supporting information on the genotyping of

associated non-human remains and microsatellite allele frequencies in present day Egypt

was regarded as problematic given the authors’ claims that contamination with modern

human DNA was not an issue. Finally, the absence of quality control measures to counter

errors in microsatellite genotyping such as allelic stutters, allelic dropout, short allele

dominance, and null alleles, all of which can result in the incorrect identification of alleles,

were also noted. In this regard, even small error rates (0.01 per allele) can lead to high

error rates downstream, such as false paternity exclusion in kinship testing (Lorenzen and

Willerslev, 2010).

In reply, Gad et al., 2010 defended their research and suggested that claims about the

lack of quality control testing (to eliminate modern contamination) were unreliable. These

authors suggested that the DNA extracted was likely to be authentic and likely had been

adequately preserved in Egyptian mummy tissue. However, the suggestion was that the

analyses required the use of specifically developed extraction protocols. Gad et al (2010)

defended their results by stating nine points: (1) Well-known and accepted conditions for

ancient DNA authentication (Roberts and Ingham, 2008) were strictly followed at all stages

of analysis as described in the main article. (2) Possible contamination by previous people

handling the mummies was monitored. (3) All female mummies were shown to be negative

for Y-chromosomal markers. (4) All male mummies showed homozygous Y-chromosomal

profiles. (5) The profiles and haplotypes of individual mummies showed specific differences

that could not have originated from a single source of contaminant DNA. (6) The

combination of nuclear data (Y - and autosomal chromosome - related markers)

complemented each other. (7) Reproducible genotypes were obtained from separate

biopsies and extractions per mummy. (8) Subsets of the data were independently

replicated in a second, separate ancient DNA laboratory staffed by a separate group of

personnel, who reconfirmed the authenticity of the results. (9) DNA isolated from Egyptian

mummies was highly informative when processed with next generation sequencing.

2.2 Ancient DNA from mummified Egyptian animal remains: First steps to prove



Despite the results above, a number of experts in the field continue to query the work

carried out on the Royal mummies, arguing that it would never be possible to know for

certain that results obtained are not due to contamination by people who had previously

handled the mummies, or by the researchers themselves (Lorenzen and Willerslev, 2010).

For this reason, work with non-human materials such as the crocodile mummified samples

or the mummified cat remains has been encouraged.

Ancient Egyptians embalmed animals, birds, and reptiles as votive offerings to the deities

(Ikram, 2005). Examination of crocodile mummy haplotypes, up to 2,200 years old,

Hekkala et al., 2011, has revealed a cryptic evolutionary lineage of the Nile crocodile that

has clarified the biogeographic history of the genus and settled long-standing arguments

over the species’ taxonomic identity and conservation status. The work also suggested that

both African Crocodylus lineages historically inhabited the Nile River. One of the central

outcomes of this research was that it proved beyond doubt that ancient Egyptian mummies

can harbour authentic ancient DNA. Interestingly this was reported by Gilbert (2011) who

actually criticised the authenticity of DNA from human mummified materials (Gilbert,

2011). This work emphasized the importance of the preservation conditions, as the

mummified crocodile hatchings sampled proved to be an exceptional source for ancient

DNA. The specimens were kept in dry, sealed, relatively cool burial chambers and were

dated at 1,800 - 2,200 years old. This was comparatively young compared to other ancient

Egyptian mummified materials used in previous studies (Hofreiter, et al., 2004, Shapiro, et

al., 2004). In this case the exceptional DNA preservation conditions were likely to have

been aided by the crocodile having nucleated red blood cells and a thick protective

keratinized skin layer (Hekkala, et al., 2011).

A second successful DNA analysis was carried out on mummified cats by Kurushima et al,

2012. In this study mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences were used to identify the

species of cat mummified, and the genetic relationship between ancient Egyptian and

modern day domestic cats. Yet, they were only able to report incomplete sequences of the

control region for the 3 samples used in that study. The authors only obtained mtDNA CR

mitochondrial haplotypes for two of the cat mummies and a subset of possible mitotypes

was implicated for the third mummy.

The cat and crocodile results argued for the preservation of DNA inside the Egyptian

mummies. The ancient DNA was however, shown to be highly fragmented and required the


use of second-generation sequencing, thereby foregoing the use of single locus

amplifications, which are prone to contamination (Lambert and Millar, 2006, Metzker,

2010, Pareek, et al., 2011).

2.3 What second generation sequencing advances have added to the ancient Egyptian

genetics studies.

Second-generation sequencing of millions of short informative DNA fragments

simultaneously in a single sample (Lambert and Millar, 2006, Metzker, 2010, Pareek, et

al., 2011, Millar, et al., 2008), together with appropriate computational methods now

facilitate the production of highly informative datasets. Moreover, authentic DNA can be

identified from the modern DNA contamination by the presence of characteristic DNA

damage and short read lengths.

Khairat et al. (Khairat, et al., 2013) were the first to use second-generation technology on

ancient Egyptian human DNA. They were able to provide insights into the metagenome of

5 Egyptian human mummies that were kept at the University of Tübingen (Khairat, et al.,

2013). The authors concluded that warm temperature did not result in complete

degradation of the DNA, possibly due to the mummification method used. The authors go

on to suggest that the DNA preservation of these human mummies was sufficient to allow

complete coverage of both the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes (Khairat, et al., 2013).

3. The future for aDNA research using the Egyptian remains.

A central problem in all ancient DNA studies is the level of endogenous DNA recovered,

in comparison to the level of contaminating exogenous sequences (Khairat, et al.,


In our work with the mummified remains of the Sacred Ibises collected from the

Egyptian catacombs, we used different types of samples; tissue, bone or feathers

aiming to use the retrieved complete mitochondrial genomes to clarify our

understanding of Sacred Ibis in the ancient Egyptian context.

When working with the Sacred Ibis mummies crucial parameters that can affect DNA

extraction processes were taken into account such as: (a) the mummification

techniques that were used for each bird, even the ones collected from the same burial

site because those birds might have been serving different purposes (e.g. sacred or

votive animals); (b) the age of the mummies and the period of the Egyptian chronology


to which they belonged; (c) the location and type of burial place each individual mummy

had, e.g. in a pottery jar, or a wall slap or a stone/ wood sarcophagus and what is the

catacomb location on the Egyptian map. Moreover, (d) the conditions inside the

catacomb, e.g. whether it is hot, humid or well ventilated. (e) The physical condition of

the mummy used for sampling from which of course will affect the quality and

preservation of the DNA e.g., whether the mummy had been well preserved and still

fully wrapped or simply a collection of bones. (f) Finally, the sampling collection process

was conducted with precautions to eliminate possible environmental contamination.

Figure 2-2 Sampling collection from the South Sacred Ibis catacomb, Saqqara.

Through the work done on the Sacred Ibises’ mummies in this study, and as it will be

explained in more details later on other chapters of this thesis, we have found that

some sample types like soft tissue (i.e toe pads) and feathers yielded more

endogenous DNA than bone samples. By adapting the extraction technique used and

modifying the cleaning methods we were able to eliminate PCR inhibitors, while

retaining the short fragmented DNA. Besides, using the shotgun sequencing

techniques was not sufficient to retrieve complete mitochondrial genomes. We had to

develop an enrichment method to capture the limited amount of the endogenous DNA

and elute the contaminants.

We were able to retrieve 15 complete ancient mitochondrial genomes of the ancient

Egyptian Sacred Ibis and used those results for further evolutionary analysis.



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3. Chapter Three: Radiocarbon dating of Sacred Ibis mummies

from ancient Egypt

S. Wasefa, R. Woodb, S. El Merghanic, S. Ikramd, C. Curtisa, B. Hollande, E. Willerslevf, C.D.

Millarg, D.M. Lamberta

aEnvironmental Futures Research Institute, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Road, Nathan

4111, Australia

bRadiocarbon Facility, Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National

University, Canberra 0200, Australia

C Ministry of Antiquities, Cairo, Egypt

dDepartment of Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology and Egyptology, American University

in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt

eSchool of Mathematics and Physics, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia

fCentre for GeoGenetics, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

gAllan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology and Evolution, School of Biological Sciences,

University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand



Radiocarbon dating


Animal mummies

Sacred Ibis

Reservoir effect

Carbon 14

Corresponding author. Tel: +61 7 37355298.

Email address: [email protected] (David Lambert)



Sacred Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) were widespread in Egypt until the eighteenth

century. Today the species is extinct in modern Egypt but millions of mummified specimens

are scattered geographically in dedicated Sacred Ibis burial sites throughout the country.

Ibises were regarded as physical manifestations of the god Thoth and worshiped by the

ancient Egyptians. A small number of Sacred Ibis were chosen as ‘sacred animals’, based

on physical markings, and were reared for the temples. However, the majority of the

mummified Sacred Ibis were ‘votive animals’, that were given as offerings to the deities by

pilgrims, and then buried in catacombs associated with the temple. Their supply became

an industry that is thought to have flourished from the Late Period, well into the Roman

Period (c. 664 BC to AD 350). Dating of the Sacred Ibis mummies, as well as other

mummified animal specimens, has been based on

archaeological evidence such as the age of

catacombs, the design of enclosures and the shape

of the mummy containers (pottery jars, wooden

chests or stone boxes). Here we present the first ages

of a selection of Sacred Ibis mummies using 14C

methods in order to establish how closely they match

the archaeological chronology. Dates are reported

from museum samples provenience from Saqqara,

Roda and Thebes. Our 14C radiocarbon results date

the Sacred Ibis mummies between c.450 and 250 cal

BC and represent a short period of time. Those dates

are falling from the Late Period to the Ptolemaic

Period at maximum. Surprisingly, none of the samples

were dated to the Roman era.

1. Introduction

The ancient Egyptians’ phenomenal success in preserving bodies was not only practiced

on humans, but on a wide range of animals as well. Many attempts were made to

understand and explain the cultural and religious significance behind the mummification

of different animals (e.g. Ikram, 2005). For the ancient Egyptians, animals, or at least

Figure 3-1 Thoth, the Egyptian God of Wisdom

and Writing who is often depicted as a man

with the head of an Ibis.


animals kept in the temple, were

considered ethically in much the same

way as humans. This was exemplified by

a text from the first millennium BC: “I

have given bread to the hungry, water to

the thirsty, clothing to the naked. I have

given food to the Ibis, the falcon, the cat

and the jackal’ (Bergmann, 1879). The

Egyptians believed that both humans and

animals were equivalent forms of living

beings. Therefore, the gods could be

represented in any of those forms, or as

a hybrid (Te Velde, 1980).

Animal mummification is thought to have

occurred for varying reasons. Sometimes

it was because the individuals were

‘beloved pets’, interred with or near their

owners. Others, known as food or

‘victual mummies’, were served as

funerary food supplied for the

deceased in the afterlife, and formed

part of the grave goods. Still others were ‘sacred animals’ that represented the presence

of gods in the temple. These mummies were buried in elaborate containers and placed in

designated catacombs. Many animals were mummified as ‘votive animals’ and offered by

pilgrims to the gods to secure a prayer (Ikram, 2005), and then buried in catacombs or in

pit-tombs by the god’s priests. The latter were the most numerous type of animal mummy.

Animal catacombs form one part of a complex sacred landscape, and were typically placed

adjacent to temples or shrines of a specific god (Ikram, 2005; Ray 2001).

The large number of different animals offered to the Egyptian gods indicates the

significance of animal mummies to the ancient Egyptians. Literally millions can be found

in many geographically separate catacombs (Ikram et al, 2012; Ikram, 2005). The use of

birds and other animals in cultic activities is thought to have reached its zenith in the

Twenty-Sixth Dynasty (664-525 BC), lasting into the Graeco-Roman Period (ending about

AD 350 or slightly earlier, with the advent of Christianity and the banning of paganism)

Figure 3-2 The location of the main archaeological sites of

Ancient Egypt. The Ibis symbol indicates the location of the

main Sacred Ibis catacombs.


(Ikram, 2005). The most popular of these cults was that of Thoth, with burials of Ibises

scattered throughout Egypt (Bailleul-Le Seur, 2012; Ikram 2012).

Sacred Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) are the most plentiful animal mummies found in the

dedicated burial sites in Egypt. They were associated with Thoth (Fig. 1), the god of wisdom,

writing, moon and magic, the heavenly body that was equivalent to the sun at night, and

known as the ‘silver Aten’ (silver disk) in the Late Period (Kurth 1986). The Ibis, as the

human hybrid form of Thoth occurs in two- and three-dimensional representations

throughout Egyptian history. Ibis were not only key to cultic activities associated with Thoth,

but they also played a significant role in daily life by both recycling refuse and helping to

keep water clean by consuming bilharzia-carrying snails.

The remarkable Sacred Ibis mummies, which are found in their millions in the ancient

catacombs of Egypt represent a unique reservoir for scientific studies. This material is not

just important for studies of the traditions and customs of ancient Egypt, but also for

investigations into ornithology and evolutionary biology.

Although it has been suggested by a variety of scholars that the practice of offering animal

mummies was popular from c. 664 BC until approximately AD 350, to date no 14C dates

have been published, although this technology has been used on human mummies

(Dunand and Lichtenberg, 2006). Thus far, most of the dating of the Sacred Ibis mummies,

as well as other mummified animal specimens, has been based merely on archaeological

evidence such as the architecture of the catacombs and the shape of the mummy

containers such as the pottery jars, wooden chests or stone boxes. This article presents

the results of 14C tests carried out on Ibis mummies coming from Saqqara, Roda and

Thebes (Fig. 2). We also consider the textual and archaeological evidence for the likely

chronology of the practice of offering animal mummies.

2. Material, Methods, and Locations:

For research purposes, samples of Sacred Ibis mummy bone, tissue, and feathers were

obtained from museum collections for both radiocarbon dating and molecular evolutionary

studies (to be published elsewhere). Additionally, a sample of textile wrapping was

collected to assess the potential scale of the radiocarbon freshwater reservoir effect. The


mummification materials

surrounding the Ibis

mummies were sampled to

assess whether bitumen-

containing ancient carbon

was used during the

embalming process.

2.1 Sampling:

A total of six samples were

taken from collections

curated by European

museums. The samples were

collected (table 1) either in

zipped plastic bags or

Eppendorf tubes. Gloves and

masks were used during the

sampling process.

The Necropolis at North Saqqara

Saqqara on the west bank of the Egyptian Nile, lies approximately 30 km south of the

capital city Cairo and is the location of the famous Step Pyramid (c. 2600 BC). The area of

North Saqqara contains one of most important archaeological locations for animal

mummies in Egypt: The Sacred Animal Necropolis (SAN) (Fig. 2). This comprises two Ibis

catacombs and a Main Temple complex with cult chambers and catacombs for mummified

baboons, cattle, and raptors (Nicholson, 2005; Martin 1981; Smith 1974; Davies and

Smith 1997). The catacombs consist of a number of main arterial passageways with

galleries along either side. These functioned as the burial places for the mummy pots,

which were stacked carefully, with a layer of sand separating each row of vessels. In

addition, some of the galleries had a series of ‘niches’ cut into the walls, to store small

limestone chests housing mummified birds. This type of burial may indicate a special

offering from a high-ranking person or a Sacred Animal burial (Nicholson, 2005). Two bone

Figure 3-3 Ancient mummified Sacred Ibis bone fragments covered with resin

from (a) Roda, (b)Saqqara, and (c,d) Thebes.


samples (Fig. 3) were dated from the collection of the Musée des Confluences, Lyon,



Thebes contains several burial places for Ibis, and in most cases the ancient Egyptians

made use of pre-existing human tombs for the burial of birds (Ikram, 2009). The Theban

cult pairs Thoth with Horus and hence it is common for the Ibis to be found in conjunction

with raptors. In Thebes such burials have been identified at the tomb of Ankh Hor

(Boessneck, 1982), while they have also been reported near TT 141 (Bekenkhons)

(Northampton, 1908). Another concentration occurs in the area of TT 156 (Pennesuttaui),

and in the environs of TT 11/12 (Ikram, 2009 and personal observation Ikram et al. in

preparation). Many Ibises were extracted from these venues and sold to private collectors,

particularly in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Only one museum bone sample was

available for dating from Thebes (Fig. 3). This was obtained from the British Museum


2.2 Methods:

In total, collagen was extracted from six samples of Ibis bone (Table1). The bone was

physically cleaned with a scalpel, subjected to a series of solvent washes to remove

possible fats and resins before acid-base-acid washes were carried out to demineralise

and remove secondary carbonates and to remove humics, gelatinisation and filtration to

extract gelatin, and ultrafiltration to collect the largest fragments of protein following a

protocol similar to Brock et al. (2010). Details of pre-treatment protocols are given in

(Supplementary Material)

Stable isotope analyses were also undertaken, additionally providing atomic C:N ratios and

%C contents. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes were measured in a second aliquot of

gelatine in an elemental analyser (ANCA-GSL) that was connected to an isotope ratio-mass

spectrometer (IRMS, Sercon 20-22) operating in continuous flow mode. Samples were

measured against an in-house gelatine reference and corrected against USGS-40 and



Sacred Ibis eat foods from both terrestrial and freshwater environments (Marion 2013)

and their radiocarbon age could be affected by a freshwater radiocarbon reservoir effect,

where ancient carbon, for example from limestone, is dissolved in water and incorporated

into the aquatic food chain (Lanting et al. 1998, Keaveney et al. 2012). Despite the

extensive limestone deposits in the Nile river catchment, particularly north of Luxor (Bauer

1974, Arnold 1991), few have investigated this effect in the Nile. However, from an

analysis of two modern shells Burleigh (1983) suggest a radiocarbon reservoir of

approximately 500 14C years. To test whether Ibis were affected by a freshwater

radiocarbon reservoir, a mummy wrapping provenanced from Saqqara (Sample1) was

dated after cleaning with a series of solvents and an acid base acid pre-treatment protocol

(Supplementary Material).

The fabric was dated using an acid-base-acid method. As part of the laboratory quality

assurance protocol, where c.1 in 20 dates are duplicated, the sample was treated and

dated twice. Using the same series of solvent washes that had been applied to bone

material, the sample was treated with 1 M hydrochloric acid for 30 min at 80°C, then 0.2

M sodium hydroxide for 1 hour at room temperature, and finally 1 M hydrochloric acid for

1 hour at 80°C. After each treatment the sample was rinsed with ultrapure water. The

cleaned sample was combusted, graphitised, and dated using the methods described for

bone. Stable isotope analysis was not undertaken for this sample.

A second possible difficulty in dating mummified material arises when bitumen or tree resin

is used during the embalming process. Solvent washes were used in an attempt to remove

resinous material, as well as lipids originally derived from the bone and flesh, from the

samples. However, those materials are exceptionally difficult to fully remove from samples

(Dee et al. 2010) and bitumen consists of ancient carbon. Although, thus far there is no

evidence that bitumen was used in the embalming of these Ibises. The black resinous

material usually found surrounding and in Ibis mummies is more often a mixture of resin

and oil, sometimes with beeswax added into the mixture (Buckley et al. 2004, Clark et al.,

2013 and Ikram, S. 2013) Hence dates may appear erroneously old (Dee et al. 2010). To

assess whether large amounts of resin were used during the embalming procedure, a

sample of the embalming materials attached to the sample 1 from Saqqara was dated.

This sample was dated at the ANU after a gentle acid-base-acid procedure (Supplementary


Radiocarbon dates were calibrated against IntCal13 (Reimer et al. 2013) in OxCal v4.2

(Bronk Ramsey 2009). The inter-tropical convergence zone lies over Egypt during the


growing season bringing air depleted in 14CO2 from the southern hemisphere northward.

Hence, a regional reservoir effect of 19±5 14C years was applied to all dates (Dee et al.

2010, Bronk Ramsey et al. 2010) (Table 1). Dates from Saqqara and Roda were then

modelled (4) as single Phases using Bayesian procedures in OxCal v.4.2, assuming that all

dates have a 5% prior probability of being an outlier within the General t-type Outlier Model

(Bronk Ramsey 2009).

3. Results

In total one textile, one resinous substance and six bone samples were dated (Table 1)

and have been calibrated and/or modelled (Figure 4 and Table 2). The dates on textile

and bone are consistent, with no samples identified as outliers by the model. All bones

contained more than 1% collagen, suggesting adequate collagen preservation (van

Klinken 1999) (Table 1).

Two potential difficulties in radiocarbon dating the Ibis mummies were identified and

tested. Both contamination from resin within the embalming mixture and a freshwater

reservoir effect could cause the collagen to appear inaccurately older. We see no indication

of a radiocarbon reservoir effect, and with the possible exception f AAA-19860, it is unlikely

that the collagen is significantly affected by the presence of old carbon contaminants.

3.1 Contamination from the embalming mixtures

Although δ13C values appear reasonable for collagen, the C:N ratios are towards the higher

end expected for collagen (van Klinken 1999). Although most are less than 3.4, SANU-

40231 has a C:N of 3.6 whilst AAR-19860 has a C:N of 4.0. Despite the use of a series of

solvent washes, these samples may still contain substantial quantities of lipids (up to 4%

of the sample), some of which may be a different age to the collagen.

To investigate how much of an effect contamination from this source might have, a sample

of the embalming materials attached to Saqqara 1 (SANU-40232) was dated. With an age

of nearly 7000 BP, it does suggest that some resinous material has been used during the

embalming process. This sample had a C:N of 23 and 58 %C. Although a high C:N ratio of

collagen in well preserved bone can result from the inclusion of lipids derived from the

bone, we will consider the worst-case scenario where all of the excess carbon is derived

from exogenous resin. If we make the assumption that the resin added to all of the

mummies had a similar age and C:N ratio as SANU-40232, the age of the collagen would


only extend beyond a typical quoted 2 sigma error range if the C:N exceeded 3.7 (table 3).

We are therefore concerned only with the accuracy of date AAR-19860 from Thebes.

Of course, the embalming recipes may have varied. If we were to assume the resin

contained only fossil carbon and had an age >55,000 BP, i.e. be entirely formed of resin

mixed with very little bitumen, the age of collagen with a C:N of 3.5 would be considered

inaccurate. Buckley et al. (2004) found that balms used during the preparation of animal

mummies were complex mixtures of e.g. beeswax, sugar gum, coniferous and Pistacia

resins, as well as little or no bitumen. Therefore, although possible, it is highly unlikely that

contaminating carbon is fossil in age. This conclusion is supported by the consistency of

dates from all three sites.

3.2 A radiocarbon freshwater reservoir effect

It is unlikely that the dates are affected by a radiocarbon reservoir. First, radiocarbon dates

from the Ibis bone and wrapping from a single mummy at Saqqara, are identical, with

calibrated dates overlapping at 95.4% probability. Second, the radiocarbon dates on bone

within each site are highly consistent. A characteristic of the freshwater reservoir is its large

variability, even within a single lake (Ascough et al. 2010, Keaveney et al. 2012). Therefore,

the consistency of the dates can be very tentatively used to suggest a large reservoir is not

affecting the results at sites where textile could not be dated.

Because Ibis eat both freshwater foods and terrestrial foods (Marion 2013), it is unclear

whether these results can provide any information on the presence and possible size of a

radiocarbon reservoir effect in the Nile. The enriched δ13C and δ15N values of the collagen

may indicate that some freshwater foods were eaten (Schoeninger et al., 1984, France

1995, Post 2002), but these may also reflect the warm arid climate and the presence of

some C4 plants at the base of the food chain (Touzeau et al. 2014). Without an in depth

study into the isotopic signature of Sacred Ibis from this period, a more detailed

interpretation of the stable isotopes is not possible.

3.3 Bayesian analysis

Bayesian models could be built using radiocarbon dates from Saqqara and Roda. Although

the small number of samples means that the modelled Boundaries are imprecise, they

demonstrate that the radiocarbon dates are consistent with a short period of activity.

Samples from Saqqara, Roda, Thebes are all of a similar age, falling between c.450 and


250 cal BC and represent a short (< 500 years, 68.2% probability) period of time (Fig. 5).

None of the raw dates returned any probability later than the 2nd century BC; although,

upon Bayesian modelling the end boundaries tapered into the early Roman Period.

Figure 3-4 Duration of burial activity at Saqqara, and Roda, calculated using the Interval function in OxCal.


Table 3-1 Radiocarbon results. δ13C values measured on the AMS were used to correct the conventional radiocarbon dates for isotopic fractionation, but they are not accurate or precise

and cannot be used for dietary reconstruction. δ13C values obtained with IRMS are used for dietary information. Errors for IRMS δ13C are ± 0.1 and δ 15N ± 0.1 at 1σ. For a reliable date,

collagen yield should be >1% and C:N ratio should be between 2.9-3.4 (van Klinken 1999). Dates are calibrated against IntCal13 (Reimer et al. 2013) with a 19±5 14C year reservoir

(Dee et al. 2010) in OxCal v4.2 (Bronk Ramsey 2009).







14C age


Error d13C


Error Collagen




yield (%)

IRMS results

Material δ13C




%C C:N



Musée des


Lyon, France

Bone SANU-


2320 25 -26 1 19.68 10.5 -18.2 12.2 43.7 3.3



Musée des


Lyon, France

Wrapping SANU-


2220 25 -19 1 -24.4 42.5



Musée des


Lyon, France

Resin SANU-


6895 25 -20 1 -26.0 58.5



Musée des


Lyon, France

Bone SANU-


2430 20 -21 1 8.5 7.1 -17.7 10.8 45.1 3.5



Musée des


Lyon, France

Bone SANU-


2365 20 -16 1 25.1 9.6 -17.8 13.0 44.2 3.4



Musée des


Lyon, France

Bone SANU-


2325 25 -23 1 15.64 7.8 -19.1 10.2 45.6 3.4



Musée des


Lyon, France

Bone SANU-


2320 25 -29 1 11.05 7.1 -19.7 13.3 44.0 3.6

Thebes British Musum Bone AAR-


2345 25 -18.85 0.64 - 6.6 -19.1 11.88 - 4.0


Table 3-2 Details of calibrated and modelled dates of Sacred Ibis material investigated in this study.

Name Calibrated date (cal BC/AD) Modelled date (cal BC/AD)

68.2 % probability 95.4% probability 68.2 % probability 95.4% probability

From to from to

from to from to

Thebes -400 -374 -453 -356

Roda end -388 -324 -399 10

Interval Roda 0 113 0 722

SANU-40231 -390 -365 -400 -352 -390 -367 -398 -356

SANU-40227 -392 -368 -401 -353 -391 -368 -399 -357

Roda start -435 -368 -792 -355

Saqqara end -347 -317 -356 -223

Interval Saqqara 52 106 32 215

SANU-40907 -408 -380 -472 -371 -402 -382 -415 -367

SANU-40906 -514 -412 -725 -398 -421 -391 -441 -343

SANU-40235 -346 -204 -355 -193 -359 -331 -377 -273

SANU-40233 -390 -365 -400 -352 -390 -365 -398 -353

Saqqara start -425 -394 -457 -379

SANU-40232 -5779 -5720 -5826 -5707


Table 3-3 The impact of contamination from resin, as represented by a high C:N ratio, on the age of a collagen sample (C:N of 3.2 and 44 %C) with a measured age of 2300 BP. The resin

from Saqqara, SANU-40232 6895 BP (C:N ratio 23, 58 %C), was taken as the contaminant.

Measured C:N of collagen % resin in the sample % carbon in the sample derived from resin Actual age of the sample (BP)

3.2 0.0 0.0 2300

3.3 0.5 0.7 2275

3.4 1.0 1.3 2255

3.5 1.5 2.0 2230

3.6 2.0 2.6 2205

3.7 2.5 3.3 2180

3.8 3.0 4.0 2155

3.9 3.5 4.6 2135

4.0 4.0 5.3 2110


4. Discussion

The 14C radiocarbon results date the Sacred Ibis mummies to a range from the Late Period

to the Ptolemaic Period. None of the samples were dated to the Roman era. This might, of

course, be due to the samples chosen, but might also indicate that the practice was

declining at a time prior to that suggested previously by archaeologists (Bailleul-Le Seur,

2012; Ikram 2012). Quite possibly the habit of mummifying animals and offering them to

deities had ceased or declined by the 2nd or 3rd centuries AD.

Our dating results also show that there was no detectable influence of a freshwater

reservoir effect. This was particularly well demonstrated by the Saqqara sample. This

seems to be contradictory to previously published results for the 14C dating of a Sacred Ibis

and wrapping by Gove et al. (1997), as our results show that the ages of the Ibis bone

sample and mummy wrapping from Saqqara are almost identical, with calibrated dates

overlapping at 95.4% probability. A characteristic of the freshwater reservoir effect is its

large variability, even within a single lake (Ascough et al. 2010, Keaveney et al. 2012). The

fact that we have recorded very low variability among dates recorded this suggests that the

freshwater radiocarbon reservoir effect is negligible.

On the whole, the 14C dates of the samples and the majority of the archaeological and

textual evidence fit well together. Interestingly, none of the dates from these samples

extend into the Roman era. Thus far, the results of our work indicate that the zenith of

activity for these sites might well have ended by the 1st century BC, rather than carrying

into the 4th century AD, as others have suggested (Bailleul-Le Seur, 2012; Ikram 2012;

Kessler 1986). Certainly, the textual evidence for the Roman period is negligible. Perhaps

a renewed focus on this time period in terms of artefacts and texts, as well as an increased

number of samples analysed, will elucidate the temporal range of the practice of offering

animal mummies.

5. Conclusion

By using radiocarbon dating methods, we show that these mummies date to approximately

2220 - 2430 yr BP, which may indicate that, the most of the Ibis mummies production

happened from the Late Period to the Ptolemaic Period. Still those dates maybe restricted

to the samples that have been used which provenience from Saqqara, Roda and Thebes.


This suggests that archaeologists might have to re-evaluate their dating of animal

catacombs, perhaps with an earlier terminus of the practice of animal mummification than

hitherto thought.


We are especially grateful to the Human Frontier Science for funding support in the form

of a grant (RGP0036/2011 “Ancient Ibis Mummies from Egypt: DNA Evolution”). We are

also grateful for research funding from Griffith University and for a PhD scholarship for S.W.

A number of museums kindly provided material for this study including: The British

Museum and the Musée des Confluences, Lyon, France, particularly Stephanie Porcier.

Thanks to Aarhus University, the Institut for Fysik og Astronomi, AMS 14C Dating Centre,

for dating the British museum sample. Thanks to Vivian Ward from the University of

Auckland for drawing Figure 2 and Miriam Alexander for Figures 4 and 5.


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4. Chapter Four: Fishing for mitochondrial DNA in mummified

Sacred Ibises: development of a targeted enrichment

protocol for ancient Egyptian remains.

S. Wasefa,b, L. Huynena, C. Curtisa, C.D. Millarf, S. Subramaniana, S. Ikramc, B. Hollandd, E.

Willersleve, D.M. Lamberta

aEnvironmental Futures Research Institute, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Road, Nathan

4111, Australia

bAncient DNA laboratory, Learning Resource center , Kasr Al Ainy Faculty of Medicine, Cairo

University, Egypt

cDepartment of Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology and Egyptology, American University

in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt

dSchool of Mathematics and Physics, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia

eCentre for GeoGenetics, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

fAllan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology and Evolution, School of Biological Sciences,

University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand


Article history:

Received …


Ancient DNA


Animal mummies

Sacred Ibis

Target capture hybridisation

Mitochondrial genomes

Corresponding author. Tel: +61 7 37355298.

Email address: [email protected] (David Lambert)



To date, the retrieval of even partial genomes from ancient Egyptian remains of humans

or other animals has been largely unsuccessful. In order to test for the presence of even

short DNA sequences in Egyptian material, we performed second-generation shotgun

sequencing of 14 ancient Sacred Ibis mummies. Since most of the Illumina libraries were

shown to contain extremely low levels (less than 0.06%) endogenous mitochondrial DNA,

we attempted to enrich the Sacred Ibis mitochondrial sequences using targeted in solution

hybridisation enrichment. Using biotinylated RNA baits designed to Sacred Ibis

mitochondrial sequences, we trialled a number of conditions and parameters and

achieved up to 542- and 4705-fold enrichment from modern and ancient tissue samples

respectively. We found that a combination of hybridisation temperature and the use of the

polymerase KAPA HiFi significantly increased both the efficiency of targeted hybridisation

and post-hybridisation amplification. In addition, improved enrichment was accompanied

with minor increases in clonality. Targeted enrichment enabled us to reconstruct the first

complete mitochondrial genomes from ancient Egyptian sub-fossil material.


Ancient Egyptians mummified animals either as beloved pets, or as sacred representation

of Gods, or as ‘votive offerings’ presented by to the Gods (Ikram, 2005). Of the votive

offerings, most involved the Sacred Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus). Several million Ibis

mummies were offered to Thoth, the god of writing and wisdom (Ikram, 2005). Nowadays,

the Sacred Ibises are no longer seen in Egypt, becoming extinct by approximately 1850

(Cramp, 1977). We attempted to reconstruct the complete mitochondrial genome of a

number of these mummified birds, as well as modern individuals of the same species in

order to determine the variation that may have existed amongst ancient Egyptian Sacred

Ibises, relative to wild populations now.

Genetic analyses of ancient Egyptian animals have been notoriously difficult due to the

warm and humid climate of Egypt, conditions which are generally detrimental to the

survival of DNA (Gilbert, et al., 2005).

Preliminary successes have been achieved with studies of both mummified crocodiles

(Hekkala, et al., 2011) and cat remains (Kurushima, et al., 2012). Both studies

successfully amplified using the Polymerase Chain Reaction and sequenced a fragment of

mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that identified the species and established a genetic


relationship between ancient Egyptian and modern day species (Hekkala, et al., 2011,

Kurushima, et al., 2012). However, subsequent work using second-generation sequencing

has been largely unsuccessful in obtaining significant coverage of ancient Egyptian animal

nuclear or mitochondrial genomes (Khairat, et al., 2013). Nevertheless, these initial

successes have paved the way for further research on ancient Egyptian materials.

Ancient DNA (aDNA), existing in very low concentrations if at all in archaeological materials

from harsh climates, is typically fragmented and damaged, and contains high levels of

contamination (Knapp and Hofreiter, 2010). Such samples would require an improved

extraction (Dabney, et al., 2013) and library construction protocols (Gansauge and Meyer,

2013). This, in conjunction with targeted hybridisation enrichment systems adapted for

ancient DNA (Briggs, et al., 2009, Maricic, et al., 2010, Fu, et al., 2013) have been shown

to result in the retrieval of orders of magnitude more sequence data, particularly from

short, highly contaminated, and limited ancient DNA samples.

Targeted enrichment typically uses biotinylated DNA or RNA baits complementary to the

target DNA or RNA of interest (Gnirke, et al., 2009). In a typical hybridisation reaction

biotinylated baits are hybridised to the desired DNA fragment, and are then captured by

binding to streptavidin beads (Gnirke, et al., 2009). The targeted sequences that have

been hybridised to the driver baits are then released by denaturation with hydroxide, and

amplified and sequenced using a second-generation platform (Mamanova, et al., 2010).

The efficiency of the capture system is commonly expressed as x-fold enrichment in target


Unfortunately, for reasons unknown, enrichment rates for different samples using the

same experimental conditions often differ, sometimes dramatically. Enrichment rates vary

particularly when targeting mtDNA, where rates have been shown to vary from 22- to 2217-

fold (Enk, et al., 2013). Parameters that may influence enrichment efficiency include the

enzymes and chemistry used, sequence similarity between the baits and target, depth of

bait tiling, and hybridisation and washing temperatures (Avila-Arcos, et al., 2011, Bodi, et

al., 2013, Li, et al., 2013). Work by Li et al. 2013 showed that for MYcroarray’s MYbaits™

in-solution capture system, a gradual decrease in hybridisation temperature (touchdown)

significantly improved capture efficiency (Gnirke, et al., 2009). Pajimans et al. (Paijmans,

et al., 2015) also showed the importance of hybridisation temperature when dealing with

different sample types.

Egypt is rich in ancient cultural practices, the study of which would benefit greatly from

successful analyses of DNAs from flora and fauna known to be important in a number of


ancient Egyptian traditions. The Sacred Ibis was revered in ancient Egypt to such an extent

that they were mummified in their millions as offerings to the Gods. In this pilot study we

attempt to retrieve complete mitochondrial genomes from ancient mummified Sacred Ibis

tissue. Previous studies with Egyptian mummified animal samples (Hekkala, et al. 2011;

Khairat, et al. 2013); showed that the amount of endogenous DNA in tissues was

extremely low, precluding significant analyses. In this work we use targeted hybridization

to extract endogenous Sacred Ibis mitochondrial DNA, and varied a number of parameters

using MYcroarray’s MyBaits™ in-solution capture RNA hybridisation baits to enhance the

retrieval of selected DNAs from modern (blood and feathers) and ancient Egyptian

mummified Sacred Ibis bone, tissue, and feathers.

Material and Methods

Sacred Ibis samples

Samples were collected for research purposes from the main Sacred Ibis catacombs at

Saqqara, Tuna El-Gebel, and Sohaj (Table 1, figure 1a) with permission from the Ministry

of State for Antiquities, Egypt. Further Sacred Ibis samples were obtained from a number

of museums (Table 1). The age of the ancient samples ranged between c.450 and 250 cal

BC (Wasef, et al., 2015). In addition, fresh blood and feather samples were sourced from

wild Sacred Ibis populations from the geographic distribution across Africa (Table 1, Figure




Figure 4-1 (a): The location of archeological (catacomb) sites in Egypt from which ancient Sacred Ibis mummified

material was sampled.


DNA extraction

Ancient Sacred Ibis samples were processed in accordance with requirements for handling

ancient DNA as outlined by Knapp et al. (2012). For Sacred Ibis samples collected from

Egyptian catacombs (Table 1) preliminary DNA extractions were carried out at an ancient

DNA facility at Al Kasr Al Ani Medical School in Cairo, Egypt, while Sacred Ibis samples

obtained from museum collections (Table 1) were extracted for DNA at the ancient DNA

Figure 4-2 (b): The collection locations of modern feather and blood samples from the wild Sacred Ibis

populations indicated with (red star).



Laboratory facility at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. Ancient bone samples were

initially treated with 10% bleach and then 80% alcohol to remove surface contamination.

The outer layer was then removed and the remaining bone fragment was shaved with a

scalpel and homogenised into fine powder. Approximately 50 mg of bone powder was

digested in 600 μL of extraction buffer (0.45 M EDTA, 0.5% N-lauryl sarcosine, 1 mg/mL

proteinase K and 20 uL of 1 M DTT) overnight at 560C with rotation. The residual bone

powder was pelleted by centrifugation and the DNA in the supernatant was extracted

several times with buffer-equilibrated phenol (pH 7.5) and then chloroform. 10 volumes

of PB buffer (Qiagen) was then added to the extract (Dabney, et al., 2013) and the DNA

was purified using Qiagen DNeasy Blood & Tissue columns, as recommended by the

manufacturer. Purified DNA was then eluted from the column using 50 to 70 μL of ultra-

pure water.

For ancient toe pads, soft tissue, and feathers samples, were sliced with a scalpel to

increase surface area exposed to the extraction buffer. To those samples we added 200

uL of SET buffer, 40 uL of 10% SDS, 20 uL of 20 mg/ml Proteinase and 20 uL of 1 M DTT.

Samples were incubated at 56 0C, overnight with rotation, until completely digested. The

extract was then purified following the same steps as for ancient bone. Final DNA

concentrations and sizes were determined using a Qubit® 2.0 Fluorometer and a

Bioanalyzer 2100 (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, US) respectively.

For Sacred Ibis blood and feather samples, either 5 uL of blood or 1–3 feather calami were

incubated on a rotator overnight at 560C in 200 uL of SET buffer containing 20 uL of 10%

SDS, 20 uL of 20 mg/mL proteinase K, and 20 uL of 1 M DTT. The mix was then extracted

with an equal volume of phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1), and then

chloroform, and finally purified using a Qiagen DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit and MinElute

column as outlined by the manufacturer.


Table 4-1 Sacred Ibis samples. Details of the location, tissue type and estimated ages of both modern and ancient

Sacred Ibis samples are shown.

Sample Estimated


Sample type Provenance Source

TG_B6 Between

c.450 and

250 cal BC

Bone Tuna el Gebel-


Sacred Ibis


Tuna el-


BM_L1_35750 Tissue Thebes- Egypt British



BM_L2_35750 Bone Thebes- Egypt British



BM_L4_35481 Feather+Tissue Thebes- Egypt British



BM_L5_35475 Tissue Thebes- Egypt British



TG_B29 Bone Tuna el Gebel-


Sacred Ibis


Tuna el-


BM4_35475 Tissue Thebes- Egypt British



BM5_35479 Bone Thebes- Egypt British



L5_KomOmbo Bone Kom Ombo-


Musée des


Lyon, France

L8_Roda Bone Rodah- Egypt Musée des


Lyon, France

SG_F2 Feather Abydos- Egypt Sacred Ibis



SG_F3 Bone Abydos, Egypt Smithsonian


SG_L1 Toe pad Abydos, Egypt Sacred Ibis



SG_L2 Bone Abydos, Egypt Sacred Ibis




Illumina sequencing library preparation

For modern DNA: DNA from fresh blood was sheared using a Covaris AFA to between 500

to 700 bp and used to construct sequencing libraries with a NEBNext® DNA Library

Preparation Kit (E6070) from New England Biolabs (NEB) following the manufacturer’s

instructions. Illumina sequencing libraries were constructed from feather DNA using a

NEBNext® UltraTM DNA Library Prep Kit (E7370; NEB) as described by the manufacturer.

Briefly, 22 ul of DNA extract was made blunt-ended and A-tailed, then purified using a

Qiagen Minelute column (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). The hairpin NEBNext® Illumina


ACA CGA CGC TCT TCC GAT C*T-3´) was then ligated to the A-tailed DNA. The Uracil base

was removed from the hairpin adapter with USERTM enzyme (NEB) and the resulting

libraries were amplified by PCR for 15 – 22 cycles using Phusion® High-Fidelity PCR

Master Mix in GC Buffer (NEB) with a NEBNext Universal PCR Primer and an Illumina

multiplex index primer (5’-CAA GCA GAA GAC GGC ATA CGA GAT NNN NNN GTG ACT GGA

GTT C, where Ns represent the index sequence). Amplified libraries were initially checked

by agarose gel electrophoresis then purified using Agencourt AMPure XP beads and

South Africa TA11 Fresh Blood Lake


South Africa

South Africa TA12 Blood Lake


South Africa

South Africa TA21 Blood Robben


South Africa

South Africa TA24 Blood Robben


South Africa

South Africa TA26 Blood Robben


South Africa

Kenya_F1 Feather Kenya (near


Mount Kenya

Safari Club,

Kenya_F3 Feather Kenya (near


Mount Kenya

Safari Club,

Kenya_F4 Feather Kenya (near


Mount Kenya

Safari Club,

Kenya_F5 Feather Kenya (near


Mount Kenya

Safari Club,

Kenya_F6 Feather Kenya (near


Mount Kenya

Safari Club,

Kenya_F7 Feather Kenya (near


Mount Kenya

Safari Club,


visualized by Bioanalyzer 2100.

For ancient DNA: Ancient DNA Illumina sequencing libraries were constructed using a

NEBNext® DNA Library Preparation Kit with modifications proposed by Meyer and Kircher

(Meyer and Kircher, 2010). A solution of 22 ul of ancient DNA was end repaired for 30

mins at 37°C then purified using a Qiagen Minelute column with 10 volumes of Qiagen PN

or PB buffer and finally eluted in 18 uL of ultrapure water. 17 uL of the end repaired DNA

was then ligated to blunt-end Illumina specific adapters (P5F, 5’-


A*G*A*T*CGGAA*G*A*G*C; P7F, 5’-


incubated for 25 mins at 200C. Libraries were then purified using Qiagen Minelute

columns and 5 volumes of PB buffer. Adapter fill-in reactions were carried out with BstI

polymerase in a final volume of 25 uL. The mix was incubated for 20 min at 65°C, before

the BstI was heat inactivated at 80°C for 20 min. The ancient DNA Illumina libraries were

then amplified in a 50 uL PCR reaction using 15 uL of the library template and the same

primers as for modern DNA libraries. Amplifications were carried out using either Phusion®

High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix in GC Buffer (NEB) for 20 to 22 cycles or KAPA HiFi Uracil+

polymerase Master Mix (KAPABiosystems) for 10 to 17 cycles. Amplified libraries were

purified using 1 x Agencourt AMPure XP beads and then analysed using a Bioanalyzer



Target capture hybridisation:

A MYcroarray MyBaits™ in-solution capture system was used to recover complete

mitochondrial genomes from 9 modern and 14 ancient samples. Capture Baits to the

complete Sacred Ibis mitochondrial genome were designed as 80-mer biotinylated RNAs

with 5 base overlaps by MYcroarray. Approximately 100 – 500 ng of amplified Illumina

library was denatured and then hybridised to adapter blocking primers. The blocked library

was then hybridised to the single-stranded RNA baits at constant temperature; for modern

samples we tested 65°C and 60°C, while for the ancient samples we tested more varied

temperatures (45°C, 55°C, 57°C or 65°C). Incubation was carried out for 2 -3 days before

being bound to magnetic streptavidin beads. The beads were washed with buffer to

remove non-specifically bound DNAs and the captured DNA was eluted from the RNA baits

with 100 mM NaOH and then neutralized with 1 M Tris-Cl pH 8.0. Finally, the DNA was

purified using a Qiagen MinElute column before amplification.

Illumina second generation sequencing

Indexed libraries were purified using 1 x Agencourt AMPure XP beads, then quantified and

visualized using a Bioanalyzer 2100. 3 to 6 Libraries were then pooled together in

equimolar amounts and sequenced using either an Illumina MiSeq sequencer at Griffith

University, Brisbane, Australia, or sequenced as single-end reads for 100 cycles using a

single lane of an Illumina HiSeq2000 at the Danish National High-Throughput DNA

Sequencing Facility in Copenhagen, Denmark.

NGS data processing

Sequence reads were initially analysed using the fastx toolkit V0.0.13. Reads shorter than

25 bases and adapter sequences were removed, and low quality bases were trimmed.

Following these initial analyses, reads were aligned to the Sacred Ibis mitochondrial

reference genome (GenBank accession number: NC 013146.1) using BWA V0.6.2-r126

(Li and Durbin, 2009). SAMtools (Li and Durbin, 2009) was used to extract data, index,

sort, and view output files. Qualimap (Okonechnikov, et al., 2015) was used to assess

alignment quality. The presence of endogenous ancient DNA was determined by using

mapDamage2.0 (Jonsson, et al., 2013), to measure the introduced specific nucleotide

misincorporations and DNA fragmentation post-mortem using next-generation sequencing


reads mapped against a reference genome (figure 3) . Each sequence read was directly

aligned with the reference genome. The consensus genome sequences as well as the

coverage statistics were deduced using the grand alignment including all mapped

sequence reads. To construct population phylogeny, complete genomes were aligned

using the program Muscle embedded in the MEGA 6.06 software (Tamura, et al., 2013).


TG. B6

Kom Ombo


BM. L2


Figure 4-3 Nucleotide misincorporation patterns observed on the Sacred Ibis ancient libraries. Damage is represented

by observed 3' guanine to adenine substitutions (G>A; blue) and 5' cytosine to thymine substitutions (C>T; red).

Results and Discussion

Pre-capture Results

Using a DNA extraction method (Dabney, et al., 2013) and library building protocol specific

for ancient DNA (Meyer and Kircher, 2010), we reconstructed 14 ancient and 11 modern

second generation sequencing DNA libraries from various Sacred Ibis tissues. Initial

shotgun sequencing of these libraries showed that modern feather DNA harboured the

most endogenous mitochondrial DNA (x̄ = 0.04%; calculated as percentage of unique

sequences versus total number of reads) followed by ancient toe pad (x = 0.01%), ancient

feather and bone, and modern blood (x̄ = 0.002%), and finally ancient soft tissue (x̄=

BM. L1

SG. F3

SG. F2


0.0002%). The low amount of endogenous mitochondrial DNA detected in modern blood

is likely to be due to the low mitochondrial DNA copy number in avian blood (approximately

one mitochondrial genome per nuclear genome, compared to that of bone and feathers at

approximately 100 mitochondrial genomes per nuclear genome – results not shown). DNA

length varied significantly amongst the ancient samples, with DNA from bone averaging

63 ± 16 bp, soft tissue averaging 45.2 ± 1.1 bp, and single toe pads and feathers being

44.9 and 53.9 bp respectively. Average read length for modern feather was shown to be

103.5 ± 7.4 bp, suggesting that initial DNA degradation is likely to be the result of rapid

endonuclear digestion followed by slow exonuclear ‘nibbling’. Duplicates varied

considerably amongst ancient tissues from 3.03% to 89.26% with no significant

differences noted between the various tissues. Modern feathers were shown to have the

least number of duplicates at 10.6 ± 9.6%, while modern blood had an unexpectedly high

level of duplicates at 82.4 ± 38.6%. The reason for fresh blood having such a high level of

duplicates is unclear but may be due to the relatively high concentration of DNA in the

amplification reaction driving the formation of DNAs with high secondary structures

resistant to amplification. Biases in duplicate amplification also appear to be influenced

by the polymerase used. Libraries amplified using KAPA HiFi Uracil+ have been shown to

display clearer damage and fragmentation patterns characteristic of endogenous ancient

DNA (figure3) (Jonsson, et al., 2013). In addition, we show that pre-capture amplification

using KAPA HiFi Uracil+ polymerase resulted in the production of more unique sequences

as well as more duplicates (table 2) than when Phusion® High-Fidelity polymerase was


Capture Results

Due to the limitation of the numbers of ancient samples available for analysis as well as

the sequencing costs involved, we could not compare the effects of different parameters

using the same sample sets. Hence we compared the simultaneous effects of different

parameters (Phusion® High-Fidelity polymerase or KAPA HiFi Uracil+ polymerase) and

different hybridisation temperatures (550C-650C) on the enrichment of the endogenous

DNA using different samples. However, the levels endogenous DNA in different ancient

samples before enrichment (using direct sequencing) was not statistically different

between the sets of samples compared (P=0.051). This suggests that there is no sample

specific bias in the levels of ancient Sacred Ibis DNA.


Target capture enrichment rates. Enrichment rates were determined for each sample by

calculating the percentage of the unique (non-clonal) sequences aligned to the Sacred Ibis

mitochondrial reference genome; pre- and post- capture hybridisation enrichment (table

2). We found that regardless of the sample type used, the library build method or the

hybridisation temperature, there was an increase in the unique endogenous content of the

captured libraries in comparison to the shotgun-sequenced counterpart libraries (table 2).

Figure 4-4 Optimisation of enrichment for ancient Sacred Ibis mitochondrial DNA. All libraries were constructed using a

NEBNext kit with modifications by Meyer and Kircher (2010). Mean fold enrichment with Std. error are shown for ancient

Sacred Ibis DNA hybridised using the following conditions: A. Hybridisation at 450C; amplified using Phusion polymerase;

Sequencing performed on HiSeq2000. B. Hybridisation at 550C; amplified using Phusion polymerase; Sequencing

performed on HiSeq2000. C. Hybridisation at 570C; amplified using KAPA HiFi polymerase; Sequencing performed on

MiSeq. D. Hybridisation at 650C; amplified using Phusion polymerase; Sequencing performed on MiSeq.

For ancient DNA a significant difference in enrichment efficiency was found to be

dependent on the polymerase used. The polymerase KAPA HiFi Uracil+ enriched between

54 x - 4705 x requiring only 26 – 37 cycles, while enrichment using Phusion® High-Fidelity

45°C 55°C 57°C 65°C

Mean (x) enrichment 25 21 960.6 0.64

Std. error 0 5.32 749.9 0.35


PCR Master Mix in GC Buffer (NEB) resulted in only 0.3 – 38 x enrichment and required up

to 41 cycles. For fresh samples, DNA from feathers showed enrichment rates between 5 x

to 98 x, while DNA from blood showed enrichment rates between 23 x to 542 x.

Interestingly, in accordance with observations made by Carpenter et al. 2013 and Enk et

al. 2014, we found that with modern samples; the lower the initial endogenous content of

the sample, the higher the enrichment rate


Figure 4-5 Mean fold enrichment and Std. error are shown for

modern Sacred Ibis mitochondrial DNA. Hybridised using the

following conditions: A. Hybridisation at 600C; libraries from

feather samples were constructed using a NEBNext Ultra kit

and amplified using Phusion polymerase; Sequencing was

performed on a MiSeq. B. Hybridisation at 650C; libraries from

blood samples were constructed using a NEBNext kit and

amplified using Phusion polymerase; Sequencing was

performed using a HiSeq2000.

Mean read length. A MYcroarray MyBaits™ in-solution capture system was used to enrich

for Sacred Ibis mitochondrial DNA. 80-mer biotinylated RNA baits were used with a 5 base

tiling depth. To test for the efficiency of the bait length and tiling system to capture different

sized DNAs, we looked at the mean read length variations after capture. By comparing the

insert size of the ancient and modern pre-capture sequences to their equivalent post-

capture sequences (Supplementary table I), we found a slight increase in the mean read

length of the unique sequences for most samples (1.2 fold). Those results are consistent

with the previous observations (Carpenter et al. 2013; Enk et al. 2014).

Hybridisation Temperature. In addition to using a hybridisation temperature of 65˚C, as

recommended by the manufacturer, we also tested enrichment efficiencies at 45˚C, 55˚C,

and 57˚C. All post-capture washes were carried out at the same temperature as the

hybridisation temperature. Enrichment rates were calculated for each sample by

comparing the percentage of unique Sacred Ibis mitochondrial sequences pre- and post-

enrichment (Table 2). A hybridisation and washing temperature of 65˚C (figure 5) was

shown to result in greater enrichment of modern mitochondrial DNA (x̄= 199 fold) when


compared to ancient DNA. This is possibly due to the longer DNA fragments present in

modern DNA (ancient mitochondrial DNA fragment length, x̄ = 45; modern mitochondrial

DNA fragment length, x̄ = 90). In contrast to results published by Paijmans et al. (2015),

we show that the best enrichment temperature for ancient DNA was 57˚C (Figure 4), with

enrichment rates between 54 x to 4705 x, resulting in up to 121 x coverage of the Sacred

Ibis mitogenome (Table 2) (supplementary table I, figure I). Further enrichment may be

achieved using a touchdown hybridisation temperature regime, shown to be effective by

Li et al., 2013.

Clonality after capture. The duplicate sequence percentages were calculated for the

modern and ancient samples from the total mapped reads. In this study, we found that

with ancient samples as well as modern feather samples, post-capture libraries had higher

clonality than pre-capture libraries (Figure 5, 6). Whereas, the clonality for blood samples

remain the same after captures, possibly due to the high hybridisation temperature. We



Figure 4-6 Figure 4-7 %Clonality for Modern (A) and Ancient (B) Sacred Ibis libraries. The bars represent the %

clonality pre-capture shotgun sequenced libraries (DS) vs. %Clonality after target capture for the same libraries (TC).


also found the lower the endogenous content of the ancient pre-capture libraries; the

higher the clonality becomes post-capture. This increase in clonality percentage is almost

certainly due to the loss of sequences during the washes, as more amplification cycles

were required post-capture.


The feasibility of retrieving authentic and informative DNA sequences from ancient

materials originating from the hot and humid climate of Egypt has been intensively

debated (Gilbert, et al., 2005). We show that it is possible to retrieve significant amounts

of endogenous DNA from ancient Sacred Ibis mummified material from deep within

Egyptian catacombs. This is particularly surprising because Egyptian animal mummies in

general were not mummified with the same care and attention shown towards royal or

other human mummies.

We show that in addition to this work, recent advances in ancient DNA extraction and

library building can result in the successful retrieval of ancient DNA from a number of

Egyptian tissues such as bone, feather, tissue, and toe pad. Our results show that for highly

contaminated and fragmented Egyptian ancient DNA, a combination of parameters,

including the use of a modified DNA extraction method (Dabney, et al., 2013), an efficient

ancient DNA library building protocol (Meyer and Kircher, 2010), the polymerase KAPA HiFi

Uracil+, and a hybridisation temperature of 57˚C it was possible to achieve up to 4705 x

enrichment of targeted DNA.

Sacred Ibis mitochondrial DNA was enriched using the MYbaits enrichment protocol. We

examined the significance of temperature as a main, but not sole, parameter to maximise

the recovery of endogenous DNA from the contaminant sequencing pool. The results show

that the percentage of target unique sequences was significantly influenced by minor

changes of the hybridisation conditions as well as both the after capture wash temperature

and the sample in use (i.e modern or ancient). Post capture temperature was always kept

the same as the hybridisation temperature in use to maintain a higher stringency when

washing away the contaminant sequences. For ancient Egyptian samples, hybridisation at

57˚C, lower than the recommended 65˚C, appears ideal. This lower temperature allowed

more on-target specificity for fragmented and damaged sequences. However, dropping the

hybridisation temperature too low to be at 45˚C, had led to the loss of selectivity of the

baits toward the Sacred Ibis mitogenome. In contrast, Sacred Ibis samples such as blood

and feathers, where modern DNA is more preferentially hybridised by the baits than the


adjoining exogenous sequences, higher temperatures such as 60˚C or 65˚C is preferred.

Thus, decreased hybridisation temperatures may be beneficial for ancient samples but are

not recommended for modern samples.


We are grateful to Human Frontier Science for financial support in the form of grant to PIs,

Lambert, Ikram, Holland, and Willerslev. We are also grateful to The Danish National High-

Throughput DNA Sequencing Centre for sequencing the samples. We thank Manaasa

Raghavan and Morten Rasmussen for help with Illumina library construction methods. We

are grateful to Greg Baillie for advice regarding DNA extraction. We are thankful to Doug

Harebottle for collecting the blood samples from SA; Clive Richard Barlow for collecting the

feathers from Gambia; and SI for collecting feathers from Kenya. SW is really appreciative

to the Ministry of Antiquities for permitting ancient samples collection from the catacombs;

also to Al Kasr Al Ani medical school for allowing her to use the ancient DNA laboratory. A

number of museums kindly provided material for this study including: The British Museum,

The Ancient Egyptian Animal Bio Bank at Manchester Museum, Manchester, UK, especially

Dr. Lidija M. McKnight and the Musée des Confluences, Lyon, France, particularly

Stephanie Porcier. SW thanks Griffith University for a PhD scholarship and DML and SW

thank the Environmental Futures Research Institute and Griffith University for additional



Table 4-2 Description of data generated using the Modern and Ancient Sacred Ibis samples showing; Shotgun sequencing results for unique mitochondrial endogenous content, coverage

and clonality; The target capture hybridisation results for unique mitochondrial sequences, coverage, enrichment and clonality. ‘Total reads’ refers to the sequence data generated

before aligning to the Sacred Ibis mitochondrial genome. ‘Unique’ refers to the fraction of mapped mitochondrial reads after removing the clonal sequences. The enrichment rate (x fold)

is calculated by dividing the % of unique endogenous mitochondrial sequences after capture by the total number of shotgun sequences. Since, the nuclear reference modern Ibis genome

is not available, we could only calculate the levels using the known Sacred Ibis mitogenome. Hence the nuclear reads in the raw data could not be included in calculating the endogenous

DNA levels.

Shotgun sequencing Target capture



ent (x)




cycles Sample































1. Sacred Ibis ancient samples

TG_B6 47,4 22 4 60.1 0.06 60,2 701 96 73.8 1.94 45 25






50 30,5 68 7 44.4 0.16 32,6 1,301 97 46.6 3.29 55 18 41


50 27,9 13 19 49.9 0.04 27,6 346 96 53.4 0.9 55 27 41


81 23,8 13 13 49.9 0.04 28,2 582 95 64.9 1.58 55 38 41


75 17,68 32 3 45.9 0.07 16,6 212 99 53.3 0.53 55 7 41

TG_B29 20,7 377 11 45.6 0.86 20,8 5,668 97 47.7 14.05 55 15 41


5 7,54 17 35 45.9 0.07 3,8 1,108 81 77.6 3.34 57 127.4


a H




9 20,6 793 6 66.6 2.35 0,84 11,401 86 73.3 37.62 57 354 32

KomOmbo 6,2 238 89 77.8 0.63 0,91 8,781 97 75.9 22.86 57 250 36


Roda 2,3 36 68 90 0.09 5,7 4,810 96 69.3 13.83 57 54 29

SG_F2 63,61 1,177 65 53.9 4.13 5,2 23,361 99 92.3 121.88 57 242 27

SG_F3 61,5 144 67 67.7 0.57 1,9 21,063 99 87 82.63 57 4705 27

SG_L1 22,8 2,236 51 44.9 5.61 13,3 962 99 43 2.73 65 1 Phusion


SG_L2 6,75 2,870 38 45.6 6.84 26,1 3,249 99 46.2 10.4 65 0.29 41

2. Sacred Ibis Modern Samples

TA11 11,8 98 100 59.9 0.51 18,2 9,510 100 89.9 55.15 65 63



a 4





h P





TA12 33,3 59 100 53.1 0.29 35,4 19,936 100 89.9 116.81 65 318 39

TA21 206,2 6,663 13 93.2 36.43 21,5 15,899 100 91.8 92.75 65 23 39

TA24 46,3 58 99 50.6 0.26 22,2 15,129 100 88.7 88.05 65 542 39

TA26 7,06 28 100 73.3 0.11 21,2 4,207 100 89.1 23.49 65 50 39

Kenya_F1 5,6 1,900 13 110.9 12.59 6,5 31,331 98 116.5 259.22 60 14


ra K

it w






Kenya_F3 0,75 1,034 6 92.1 6.1 3,5 26,489 99 100.5 206.06 60 5 36

Kenya_F4 2,3 677 5 103.6 3.86 4,5 25,102 96 108.5 193.3 60 19 36

Kenya_F5 1,6 25 4 100.3 0.1 2,4 3,673 84 105.9 24.42 60 98 36

Kenya_F6 1,5 780 29 102 4.1 3,6 28,280 98 112.7 232.89 60 16 36

Kenya_F7 1.55 956 7 112.1 6.62 2,6 29,507 96 117.3 243.32 60 18 36



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5. Chapter Five: Mitogenomics of Sacred Ibis mummies:

Understanding their farming in ancient Egypt

Sally Wasefa,f, Sankar Subramaniana, Leon Huynena, Craig D. Millarb, Caitlin Curtisa,

Samia El-Marghanic, Barbara Hollandd, Salima Ikrame, Eske Willerslevg, David M.


aEnvironmental Futures Research Institute, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Road,

Nathan, QLD 4111 Australia. bAllan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology and

Evolution, School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019,

Auckland 1142, New Zealand. dSchool of Mathematics and Physics, University of

Tasmania, Sandy Bay Campus, 7005, Hobart, Australia. eDepartment of Sociology,

Anthropology, Psychology, and Egyptology, American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt.

fAncient DNA laboratory, Learning Resource Center, Kasr Al-Ainy Faculty of Medicine,

Cairo University, Egypt. gCentre for GeoGenetics, University of Copenhagen,


Edited by ….

Author contributions: D.M.L., C.D.M. and E.W. designed the research; S.W. and L.H.

performed the research; S.W., S.S. and D.M.L. analysed data; S.W, S.S., C.C.

contributed new reagents / analytic tools; S.W, S.E.M. and S.I collected the ancient

samples; S.I. and C.C. acquired modern museum samples; S.W., D.M.L., C.D.M.,

wrote the paper, with input from all authors

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.

Data deposition: Contemporary and ancient mitogenomic sequences reported in this

paper have been deposited in GenBank (accession nos. XXXX).

1 To whom correspondence may be addressed: E-mail [email protected]


This article contains supporting information online at


The feasibility of recovering endogenous DNA sequences from Egyptian mummies

has long been unclear. We show here that DNA capture methods, in combination

with second-generation Illumina sequencing, enables the recovery of complete

mitochondrial genomes of Sacred Ibis mummies. By comparison with mitogenomes

of modern Sacred Ibis collected from throughout the African range of the species,

we tested archaeological theories about the possible ancient farming system. Some

form of farming seems likely because the Egyptians mummified literally millions of

these birds and placed them in catacombs. Comparisons of genetic variation ancient

and modern Ibis suggests that the migrating Sacred Ibises into Egypt were collected

and directly mummified or bred for a short time in a large number of temple-based

small-scaled farms.


Ancient catacombs throughout Egypt harbour millions of well-preserved mummified

Sacred Ibises (Threskiornis aethiopicus), the source of which has been a mystery for

thousands of years. Since the Predynastic period (7,500-5,100 yr BP) these birds

were regarded as manifestations of the Egyptian God Thoth, and were used as

offerings by pilgrims to their Gods. The demand for Sacred Ibis was so great it was

estimated that each year ~10,000 mummies were interred at one site alone. To

determine if these mummies were farmed or collected from the wild, we collected

Sacred Ibis mummies from four of the main Ibis catacombs. We then used ancient

DNA technology and targeted hybridization enrichment methods to retrieve complete

mitochondrial genomes of 14 ancient Sacred Ibis mummies together with 26

modern Sacred Ibises from nine geographically widespread African populations.

Unexpectedly, we show a remarkably high level of mitochondrial genetic variation

among ancient Egyptian Sacred Ibis, very similar to that found for all modern wild

African Ibis populations. We used these data to test the hypothesis that ancient

Egyptians farmed these birds for large-scale mummification. We found no genetic

evidence to support the existence of a single large centralised Sacred Ibis farm in

Ancient Egypt, nor for the presence of smaller localised farms. Mitochondrial

haplotype and network analyses however support the hypotheses that ancient


Egyptian priests maintained wild migrating Sacred Ibises probably in localised

enclosures to ensure Sacred Ibis supply in response to the year-by-year demand for

sacrificial birds.


Despite the millions of Sacred Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) mummies entombed

in the catacombs of Egypt, no modern populations of this bird remain in Egypt today.

The reason for their local extinction and the source of these remarkable bird

mummies remains unknown. Historically vast numbers of Sacred Ibises were

sacrificed to the Egyptian God Thoth as ‘votive’ offerings to either fulfil a vow made

to God, to present a request to him, or in gratitude for a granted prayer (1) (2). Other

Sacred Ibises were worshiped as sacred and represented were regarded as a divine

incarnation (1). Those sacred individuals were thought to have been reared in the

temples and upon death were subjected to elaborate mummification and burial

ceremonies (1).

Sacred Ibises were mummified in enormous quantities from the Twenty-Sixth

Dynasty (664-525 BCE) to the early Roman Period (30 BC–300 AD) when

sanctuaries dedicated to their sacrifice were scattered throughout Egypt (3). Recent

radiocarbon ages of Sacred Ibis mummies (4) have recently suggested that birds

were mummified between c.450 and 250 cal BC. Those dates fall within the Late

Period and the Ptolemaic Period. Interestingly, no samples were dated to the Roman

era (4). The massive Sacred Ibis internments in Egypt (5) have led to the suggestion

that ancient Egyptians kept and reared these birds in industrial-scale enclosures (1)

(2). This suggestion is supported by the sheer number of mummies and eggs found

in their burial places (5). Archived written material (6), as well as the inscriptions

attached to the mummies themselves (7), suggest that mummified Sacred Ibises

were likely to have been reared in captivity, tamed, but not domesticated birds.

However, to date little is known as to how exactly these sacred birds were obtained

in such large numbers. Martin, 1981, suggest that Sacred Ibises were raised next to

or within temple enclosures, while Kessler and Nur el-Din, 2005 proposed a series

of large farms located in the main cities where pilgrims would bring Sacred Ibis

mummies as offerings to Thoth temples (8). A third hypothesis proposes that small


groups of Sacred Ibises may have been reared from wild populations by local temple

priests (6) (9).

Present day Sacred Ibis populations are widely distributed across the African

continent and are recognized as comprising three sub-species: T. a. aethiopicus,

from the African mainland south of the Sahara, Ethiopia, and Senegal to the Cape of

Good Hope; T. a. berneri, found mainly in west Madagascar; and T. a. abboti, from

the island of Aldabra in the Seychelles (10). African Sacred Ibises migrate at the

commencement of the breeding season with birds north of the Equator typically

migrating northwards and those south of the Equator generally moving southwards


To test the hypotheses regarding the possible farming of Sacred Ibis, we recovered

material from four catacombs in Egypt. We also collected modern samples of Sacred

Ibis covering the geographic range of T. a. aethiopicus in Africa. We then used

ancient DNA technologies, combined with targeted DNA hybridisation to recover

complete mitogenomes from both ancient and modern Sacred Ibises. We used

these data to directly test the genetic predictions based on a range of scenarios

about likely farming of Sacred Ibis, for the purposes of mummification.

Despite the field of ancient genomics advancing in recent years, the recovery of

ancient DNA from mummified Egyptian material remains notoriously difficult.

Opinions vary about the authenticity of the results obtained from a number of studies

and about the general possibility of endogenous DNA surviving in Egyptian remains.

The likely rate at which DNA degrades in warm climates (12) has prompted debates

about the feasibility of recovering ancient DNA from any Egyptian mummified

remains (13). Environmental conditions such as constant high temperature and

elevated humidity, in addition to the extreme alkaline conditions (13, 14), and

factors such as the likelihood of flooding in tombs or accidental fire (15) have led to

debates over the authenticity of results using PCR-based approaches, especially

when analysing ancient Egyptian human remains (16). As a result only studies that

involved the use of mummified animal remains (17) (18) (19) have been regarded

as likely to be authentic and devoid of modern contamination (20).



DNA was extracted from 26 modern and 40 ancient Sacred Ibis samples (Table 1).

Our data suggests that DNA may have been better preserved in Sacred Ibis feathers

and soft tissue (such as toe pads) than bone, and as a result these tissues were used

when possible. Of these ancient samples, 20 were chosen for DNA library

construction and second-generation shotgun sequencing in order to measure the

levels of endogenous DNA. Endogenous DNA yields obtained by shotgun sequencing

were typically low; ranging from only 0.0003% - 0.06% mitochondrial DNA and 0.02%

- 4.3% nuclear DNA. Due to the low amount of endogenous DNA estimated using

shotgun sequencing, DNA libraries were enriched for mitochondrial DNA by targeted

hybridisation using biotinylated 80-mer RNA baits (MYcroarray) designed to the

complete Sacred Ibis mitochondrial genome (GenBank acc. no. NC_013146.1). As a

result of using these baits, mitochondrial enrichment levels ranged from 5.3 x – 336

x, with genome coverage ranging from 1.5 x – 35 x. Of these, 14 ancient Sacred Ibis

mitochondrial genomes and 21 modern Sacred Ibis mitochondrial genomes were

chosen for further analysis. A further 5 modern Sacred Ibis mitochondrial genomes

were obtained from tissue samples by shotgun sequencing (Table 1).

Relationships between the ancient and modern Sacred Ibis mitogenomes were

determined by constructing haplotype networks with NETWORK (Figure 2).

The results (Figure 2) show that both the modern African Sacred Ibis populations and

ancient Egyptian mummy populations were genetically diverse. Moreover,

comparison of these populations shows that they are not statistically different

(P=0.23, Table 3), suggesting that the ancient Egyptian Sacred Ibises were likely to

have been sourced from migrating African Ibis populations .

Three farming hypotheses (FH1-3) have been proposed for the production of the

large numbers of Egyptian Sacred Ibis required for sacrifice (Table 2). Briefly, these

consist of, for the sake of the argument, a single centralised Sacred Ibis farm

supplying all of Egypt’s catacombs (FH1); a few smaller farms (FH2); and a large

number of local temple based farms that count mainly for their sustainability on the

opportunistic collection of Ibises on a seasonal basis (FH3). The likely effects of

these farming methods on ancient Sacred Ibis genetic diversity are shown in Table

2, thus three distinct patterns (listed below) are expected based on these three

hypotheses. Based on Figure 2, supplementary figure 1 and Table 3 modern Sacred

Ibis populations do not show significant population structure and the inter- and intra-

population diversities suggest an almost panmictic mode of mating between them.


Hence we used these as a control to compare the diversity and structure of the

ancient Ibises.

For FH1: A single centralised farm is expected to result in low levels of genetic

diversity among the ancient Sacred Ibis mummies when compared with the modern

Ibises. We would also expect low diversity among samples obtained from different

catacombs (inter-catacomb diversity) as well as a low diversity within catacombs

(intra-catacombs). In contrast we would expect a higher ratio of non-synonymous-to-

synonymous diversities (dN/dS) in ancient Sacred Ibises compared to those from

modern populations, due to the accumulation of deleterious variants. Finally, a

single farming location will also result in no or very low population structure between

ancient Sacred Ibises from various catacombs.

FH2: Alternatively, the existence of a large number of small Sacred Ibis farms might

have been established from birds from different geographical locations and might

have been reared for some time. Such a scenario will result in intermediate diversity

i.e. higher than that expected for inbreeding but lower than that expected for

panmictic populations (e.g. the modern populations). In this case, we would expect

low intra-catacomb diversity due to rearing them in isolation over a significant period

of time and high inter-catacomb diversity due to their diverse ancestry. Therefore,

the sum of these two scenarios will result in a reduction in overall Sacred Ibis

diversity compared to those from the panmictic modern populations. Similarly, this

hypothesis predicts an intermediate value of dN/dS that is higher than that expected

based on panmixia and less than that is expected for inbreeding populations. The

existence of a number of small Sacred Ibis farms will also result in higher population

structure (FST) between the populations from different catacombs compared to that

of widespread modern Sacred Ibises from different locations.

FH3: The third hypothesis predicts that a large number of temple-based farms

sourced from migratory birds will possess high overall diversity and high inter-

catacomb mitogenomic diversity. In contrast this hypothesis predicts a low overall

dN/dS ratio for ancient Sacred Ibis populations and also a low population structure

similar to that of modern populations.

To test these hypotheses, we examined the overall genome diversity (p), the ratio of

non-synonymous to synonymous site diversities (dN/dS) and fixation index (FST). The

overall mitogenome diversity observed for ancient samples was not significantly

different to those of modern samples (P=0.23, Table 3). The inter-catacomb


diversities of ancient populations were also similar to the inter-population diversities

obtained for the modern populations. Furthermore, the dN/dS ratio estimated for

ancient mitogenomes was almost identical to that estimated for modern populations

(P=0.41). Finally, we examined the levels of population structure between the

populations from different catacombs. The FST estimated for ancient mitogenomes

revealed very low levels of structure (0.06). However, this was not statistically

different from that obtained for the modern populations (P=0.20). Together these

results support farming hypothesis FH3 (Table 3).

Molecular sexing of both ancient and modern Sacred Ibises was carried out to test

the possibility that there was a marked difference in the sex ratio of mummies that

may have been a bias in Sacred Ibis farming for one sex. If those Sacred Ibis were

farmed for mummification the results would had a strong bias towards males as they

would be preferentially chosen to be scarified first, while a bias against females that

would be retained to sustain breeding in the farms. Our results showed no significant

indication of sex bias as of the seven ancient Sacred Ibis sampled successfully

sexed, four were females and three were males. Similar results were obtained for

wild Sacred Ibis populations; sexing of 5 Kenyan samples showed 3male and 2

females, and the same ratio from 5 Gambian feather samples where we found 3

males and 2 females (P = 0.4, Fisher's exact test).


An analysis of 14 ancient and 26 modern complete Sacred Ibis mitogenomes has

allowed us to clarify how the priests maintained sustainable annual supplies for

some of the millions of mummified Sacred Ibises entombed in Egypt’s ancient

catacombs. Comparisons of genetic variation within and among ancient and modern

Sacred Ibis populations strongly supports the farming hypothesis FH3 where there

was likely to have existed a large number of small localized temple-based farms were

likely to have existed, and which were continually supplemented by migrating

individuals from adjacent African Sacred Ibis populations. We provide three lines of

evidence for this. First the overall genomic diversity of ancient Sacred Ibises from

within as well as among catacombs were largely comparable to that recorded from

modern Sacred Ibis from different locations across Africa. It would be expected that

breeding using a small number of founding populations would likely result in low


diversity compared to that of modern Sacred Ibis. Second, the diversity observed at

evolutionarily constrained (non-synonymous) sites of the protein-coding genes of

ancient samples was also similar to that of contemporary Sacred Ibis populations.

In contrast we would expect a much higher diversity in ancient Sacred Ibises if they

were bred in centralised farms. Finally, we did not observe significant population

structure between the Sacred Ibis populations from different catacombs. This rules

out the third possibility that Sacred Ibises collected from different parts of Africa

were bred in small farms for a prolonged period of time. Hence the most probable

scenario is that Sacred Ibises migrating into Egypt were collected and directly

mummified or bred for a short time, before being entombed.

Some archaeological evidence suggests that Sacred Ibises were bred at a hatchery

in Saqqara, which is based on the discovery of several Sacred Ibis eggs located in a

local courtyard (5). Furthermore, it has been claimed that Sacred Ibis eggs were

collected during the Saite period from anticipated breeding sites (although to date

no such place has been discovered), as well as from wild colonies, and sent to Tuna

el-Gebel together with the wrapped mummies (9). In addition, Ikram (1), suggested

that the most common mummies offered as votive offerings, were reared in farms

located either in or around the temples. In this way Sacred Ibises may have been

reared in natural habitats close to a temple such as ‘the swamp’ near Tuna el-Gebel.

‘The swamp’ probably refers to a natural basin that was filled annually by the Nile

inundation, and which provided the sacred animals for the local temple (7). Similarly,

‘the lake of pharaoh’, known later as the Lake of Abusir near Saqqara, provided ideal

breeding conditions for Sacred Ibis propagation (6). An additional, but unlikely,

source of Egyptian Sacred Ibises may be been their importation as part of an active

African live animal trade Africa (1).

An interesting observation lending evidence to the notion that at least some Sacred

Ibises were sourced from wild migrating birds each year is the fact that large

numbers of elaborately wrapped mummies contained no bird at all; only dried grass

from the bird’s nest (9), indicating that there were periods (between migrations)

when priests faced a shortage of Sacred Ibises.

The analysis of mitogenomic data from a number of ancient and modern Sacred

Ibises has allowed us to test theories proposed by archaeological studies and has

clarified the origin of one of Egypt’s iconic birds. The use of newly developed ancient

DNA technologies will no doubt allow us to test further theories associated with


ancient civilisations.

Materials and Methods

Sacred Ibis samples. Sacred Ibis mummies are found in large numbers in a number

of Egyptian catacombs. In addition, many museums hold elaborately wrapped

Sacred Ibises sourced from Egypt within their collections. With the permission of the

Ministry of State for Antiquity, samples were collected from the main Ibis catacombs

at Saqqara, Tuna El-Gebel, and Sohaj. Blood and feather samples from

contemporary African Sacred Ibis were collected from various locations across Africa

(Table 1).

Extraction of DNA. From modern samples: DNA was extracted from modern Sacred

Ibis blood and feather samples by incubation, with rotation, overnight at 56°C, of 5

uL of blood or part of the feather including its base in 200 uL of SET buffer containing

20 uL of 10% SDS, 20 uL of 20 mg/mL proteinase K, and 20 uL of 1 M DTT. The mix

was then extracted with an equal volume of phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol

(25:24:1), followed by chloroform step and finally purified using a Qiagen DNeasy

Blood & Tissue Kit and Minelute column as outlined by the manufacturer. From

ancient samples: Sacred Ibises were commonly preserved by being dipped in melted

resin or turpentine (21) that can be detrimental to the recovery of DNA. This is

because this process initiates an oxidation reaction that burns the bones from the

inside leaving only powder inside the wrapping (9). Luckily, not all the Sacred Ibises

were mummified in this way and some mummies were found in a well-preserved

manner with feathers and tissue still largely intact. These mummies were our main

source for DNA.

DNA extractions were carried out in dedicated ancient DNA facilities at the Al Kasr Al

Ani medical school in Cairo. Subsequent library building and DNA capture work was

performed in the dedicated Ancient DNA Facility at Griffith University, Nathan,

Australia. Sacred Ibis samples obtained from museum collections were extracted

for DNA and later methods were also conducted in the same Griffith University

Facility (soaked in ethanol and water overnight to rehydrate prior to DNA extraction).

Prior to extraction, ancient bone, feather or tissue samples were wiped with 10%

bleach and then 80% alcohol. The outer bone layer was then removed and the

remaining bone fragment was crushed to a fine powder. Approximately 50 mg of


bone powder was combined with 600 μL of extraction buffer (0.45 M EDTA, 0.5% N-

lauryl sarcosine, 1 mg/mL proteinase K and 20 uL of 1 M DTT) and incubated

overnight at 40°C with rotation. Residual bone powder was pelleted by

centrifugation and the supernatant was extracted several times with buffer-

equilibrated phenol (pH 7.5) and then chloroform. 10 x PB buffer (Qiagen) was then

added to the extract (22) and the DNA was purified using Qiagen DNeasy Blood &

Tissue Kit columns as recommended by the manufacturer. DNA was finally eluted

from the column using 50 μL of MilliQ water. For ancient toe pads, tissue, and

feathers, the samples were sliced with a scalpel, and extracted with 200 uL of SET

buffer, 40 uL of 10% SDS, 20 uL of 20 mg/ml Proteinase K and 20 uL of 1 M DTT

and incubated at 40°C overnight, with rotation, until digested. The extract was then

purified as outlined for ancient bone samples.

Construction of Illumina sequencing libraries. For modern DNA: Illumina sequencing

libraries were constructed from modern DNA using a NEBNext UltraTM DNA Library

Prep Kit (NEB) as described by the manufacturer. Briefly, DNA extracts with an insert

size of more than 1 kb were sheared using Covaris AFA M220TM, targeted size of

between 300 to 500 bp was selected using magnetic beads. Around 5 to 50ng/ul of

the adjusted size extracts were made blunt-ended and A-tailed, then purified using

a Qiagen Minelute column. The hairpin NEBNext Illumina Adaptor (5´-



3´) was then ligated to the A-tailed DNA. The Uracil base was removed from the

hairpin adapter with USERTM enzyme (NEB) and the resulting library was amplified

by PCR for 15 – 22 cycles using Phusion® High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix in GC Buffer

(NEB) and a NEbNext Universal PCR Primer for Illumina and an Illumina multiplex


Ns represent the index sequence). Amplified libraries were initially checked by

agarose gel electrophoresis then purified using AMPure XP beads for library clean-

up and visualized by Bioanalyzer 2100. For ancient DNA samples: Ancient DNA

Illumina Sequencing libraries were constructed using a modification of the method

of Meyer and Kircher (23). Briefly, 22ul of extracted ancient DNA was made blunt-

ended, purified using Qiagen Minelute columns with 10 x Qiagen PN or PB buffer,

and then ligated to blunt-end Illumina adapters (P5F, 5’-



A*G*A*T*CGGAA*G*A*G*C; P7F, 5’-


purified using Qiagen Minelute columns and 5 x PB buffer, before adapter fill-in

reactions were carried out using BstI polymerase. The ancient DNA Illumina libraries

were then amplified using the same primers as for modern DNA libraries with either

Phusion® High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix in GC Buffer (NEB) or with KAPA HiFi Uracil+

polymerase Master Mix (KAPABiosystems) for between 14 to 20 cycles. Amplified

libraries were cleaned up with 1x AMPure XP beads before being checked with

Bioanalyzer 2100.

Quality control. Extracted modern and ancient DNAs and amplified sequencing

libraries were visualized and quantified using a High-Sensitivity DNA chip on an

Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100. Modern blood extracts were visualized to check on the

DNA size before and after using the Covaris for shearing the DNA and the AMPure XP

beads for size selection. Ancient Extracts that showed bacterial or modern

contamination in the form of high molecular weight product in the Agilent Bioanalyzer

2100 were excluded. Amplified libraries were checked; to adjustment for the optimal

number of PCR cycles with the minimal percentage of PCR clonal sequences; check

on the insert size of the library; and determine the required amount of each library

for either direct sequencing or target capture hybridization.

Target capture hybridisation. Capture Baits to the complete Sacred Ibis

mitochondrial genome were designed as single stranded 80-mer biotinylated RNAs

with 5 base overlaps by MYcroarray. In summary, approximately 100-500 ng of

amplified Illumina library was denatured and then hybridised to adapter blocking

primers. The blocked library was then hybridised to single-stranded biotinylated RNA

baits at 55°C-65°C for 2-3 days, and then captured by magnetic streptavidin beads.

The beads were washed with SSPE / SDS to remove non-specifically bound DNAs

and the captured DNA was eluted from the RNA baits with 100 mM NaOH and

neutralized with 1 M Tris-Cl pH 8.0. The DNA was then purified using a Qiagen

Minelute column before being amplified for 10-18 cycles using Phusion® High-

Fidelity PCR Master Mix and GC Buffer (NEB).


Illumina second-generation sequencing. Purified indexed libraries were pooled in

equimolar amounts and tested for quality using an Illumina MiSeq sequencer at

Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, before being sequenced as single-end reads

for 100 cycles using a single lane of an Illumina HiSeq 2000 at the Danish National

High-Throughput DNA Sequencing Facility in Copenhagen.

Molecular Sexing of Sacred Ibis. Primers were designed from a 336 bp Ajaia ajaja Z

chromosome CHD sequence (GenBank acc. no. AF440750.3), shown by BLAST to

harbour Z / W chromosome differences. A set of primers were designed that

amplified a 48 bp product from both the W and Z chromosome CHD copies, with the

Z chromosome copy containing a HaeIII restriction enzyme site (GGCC).

Amplifications were carried out in 10 ul volumes containing; 50 mM Tris-Cl pH 8.8,

2.5 mM MgCl2, 20 mM (NH4)2SO4, 2 uM of each primer (IsFHaeIII 5’-


each dNTP, 2 mg/ml BSA, and 0.5U of platinum Taq. The reaction mixes were

amplified in an Applied Biosystems GeneAmp PCR System 9700 thermal cycler using

the following programme: 94°C for 2 min, then 44 x (94°C for 20 secs, 60°C for 1

min). PCR products were then digested by adding 1U of HaeIII and CutSmartTM

buffer, and incubating at 37°C for 20 min before being visualized by agarose gel

electrophoresis. Positive samples were tested up to three times. Primers IsFHaeIII

and IsRHaeIII were shown to preferentially amplify the W chromosome CHD fragment

when present, such that females showed no digestion products when digested with


Bioinformatics. Sequence reads were initially processed using the fastx_toolkit

V0.0.13. Adapter sequences and reads shorter than 25 bases were removed, and

low quality bases were trimmed. Following processing, reads were aligned to the

Sacred Ibis mitochondrial reference genome (GenBank accession number: NC

013146.1) using BWA V0.6.2-r126 (24). SAMtools (25) was used to extract data,

index, sort, and view output files. Qualimap (26) was used to assess alignment

quality. The presence of endogenous ancient DNA was determined by using

mapDamage2.0 (27) measuring the levels of post-mortem damage. The fourteen

ancient and twenty-six modern sequences were used to construct both a median-

joining networks and phylogenies. These sequences were aligned with Muscle from


MEGA 6.06 software (28). Population genetics analyses from DNA sequence data

was carried out using DnaSP v5 software (29), it has been used to generate the

empirical distribution of the following statistics: Haplotype diversity (30), the number

of haplotypes (30) in the Sacred Ibis genomes. The whole mitochondrial genome

sequences of the forty-one samples in total excluding alignment gaps were used in

the network and phylogenetic construction. Median-joining networks were

constructed with NETWORK v. 4.6.13 (31). We also constructed a Maximum

likelihood tree using MEGA. For this purpose we first obtained the best model of

evolution using the Modeltest (32) application available in MEGA and this (TN-

Gamma) was then used to build a phylogenetic tree. To obtain confidence intervals

for the nodes a bootstrap procedure with 1000 replication was used. Mitogenomic

diversities within and between populations were estimated using the Maximum

composite likelihood method employed in MEGA. Using a likelihood-based method

in MEGA we first estimated the extent of rate variation among sites (α) and this was

then used to estimate the diversity within and among populations. To estimate the

diversities at synonymous and nonsynonymous sites we used the Pamilo-Bianchi-Li

method (33) (34). The variance for these estimates were obtained using a bootstrap

method (1000 replications).


We are grateful to Human Frontier Science for financial support in the form of grant

to PIs, Lambert, Ikram, Holland, and Willerslev. We are also grateful to The Danish

National High-Throughput DNA Sequencing Centre for sequencing the samples. We

thank Manaasa Raghavan and Morten Rasmussen for help with Illumina library

construction methods. We are grateful to Greg Baillie for advice regarding DNA

extraction. We are thankful to Doug Harebottle for collecting the blood samples from

SA; Clive Richard Barlow for collecting the feathers from Gambia; and SI for collecting

feathers from Kenya. SW is really appreciative to the ministry of Antiquities for

permitting the ancient samples collection from the catacombs; also to Al Kasr Al Ani

medical school for allowing her to use the ancient DNA laboratory. A number of

museums kindly provided material for this study including: The British Museum, The

Ancient Egyptian Animal Bio Bank at Manchester Museum, Manchester, UK,

especially Dr. Lidija M. McKnight and the Musée des Confluences, Lyon, France,


particularly Stephanie Porcier. CC thanks the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel

University (Philadelphia, PA), The American Museum of Natural History (New York,

NY), and the British Museum of Natural History for donating modern Sacred Ibis

samples. SW thanks Griffith University for a PhD scholarship and DML and SW thank

the Environmental Futures Research Institute and Griffith University for additional


Table 5-1 Sacred Ibis samples. Details of the location, tissue type and estimated ages of both modern and

ancient Sacred Ibis samples sequenced in this research project.



Source Place of origin Sample






Ancient Egyptian Mummy samples

Saqqara 14 South Ibis








c.450 and

250 cal BC



Saqqara (15,

16, 33)

South Ibis




Bone c.450 and

250 cal BC



Tuna (1, 2) Sacred Ibis


Tuna el-Gebel

Tuna el-Gebel



c.450 and

250 cal BC



Sohag 1 Abydos Abydos, Egypt Toe pad



Sohag 2 Abydos Abydos, Egypt Feather c.450 and

250 cal BC



Sohag 3 Smithsonian


Abydos, Egypt Bone c.450 and

250 cal BC



Thebes (1, 2,





Thebes, Egypt Bone

c.450 and

250 cal BC



Kom Ombo The Musée



Kom Ombo,



c.450 and

250 cal BC



Rodah The Musée



Rodah, Egypt Bone

c.450 and

250 cal BC




Modern samples from throughout Africa

Kenya (1-7) Mount Kenya

Safari Club,

(on Equator)

Kenya Feathers Wild




Gambia (1-6) Gambia Gambia Feathers Wild




South Africa

Population 1




South Africa Blood Wild




South Africa





South Africa Blood Wild




Cairo (1,2) Cairo Zoo Cairo Feathers Zoo





Gabon American

Museum of





Toe pad Modern





Tanzania ANS Drexel


Tanzania Toe pad Modern





Zimbabwe British

Museum of



Zimbabwe Toe pad Modern





Malawi American

Museum of



Upper Shire,


British Central


Toe pad Modern





Madagascar American

Museum of



Madagascar Toe pad Modern






Table 5-2 Hypotheses relating to likely farming methodologies and the expected levels of mitogenome variation.

Expected nucleotide divergences (Low, Intermediate, and High) and phylogenetic trees that support each of the

three farming hypotheses are shown. Ancient Sacred Ibis population diversity from Egypt’s catacombs are

compared to that from modern migrating Sacred Ibis populations (modern pop.): FH1 – One central large Sacred

Ibis farm that supplied all Egyptian catacombs; FH2 – A number of small Sacred Ibis farms in Egypt’s main

centres; FH3 – A large number of small-scale farms operating for short periods only that were supplemented by

migrating birds.

* Low: less than that of Modern populations (typically that is expected for inbred populations)

Intermediate: less than that of Modern populations but greater than that expected for inbred populations

High: equal (similar) to Modern populations

FST Tree

Overall Between Within

FH1 Low Low Low High Low

(<<Modern Pop.)

FH2 Intermediate High Low Intermediate High

(<Modern Pop.)

FH3 High High High Low Low

(=Modern Pop.)

Genome diverisitesFarming





Table 5-3 Intra and inter population pairwise comparisons of mitogenomic variation in ancient and modern

Sacred Ibis populations. P-values > 0.05 suggest there is no significant difference between ancient and modern

Sacred Ibis populations

Ancient Modern Significance


Overall Genome







Between Populations 0.000077





Within Populations 0.001227





dN 0.000571





dS 0.002498





dN/dS 0.229 (0.116) 0.393 (0.162) 0.4101

FST 0.059 (0.039) 0.155 (0.065) 0.2005


Figure Legends

Figure 5-1 Sacred Ibis mummified as representations of the God Thoth, (a,b,and d) and demonstrating

three of the wrapping methods used for Ibis mummification. (C) The passageways of the North Ibis

catacomb at Saqqara stacked with layers of the pottery jars containing the bird mummies presented

as votive offerings to the Gods, North-birds Catacomb, Saqqara.

Figure 5-2 A median-joining network of the Sacred Ibis haplotypes derived using the entire

mitochondrial genome sequences generated for the modern and ancient samples. Black nodes are

hypothetical haplotypes and the size of the red and yellow nodes is proportional to the number of

samples represented. Red nodes represent the modern African populations (CA: Cairo zoo; GB:

Gabon; GM: Gambia; KN: Kenya; ML: Malawi; SA: South Africa; TZ: Tanzania; ZM: Zimbabwe). The blue

node represents MG: Madagascar as an out-group. The purple node represents the Sacred Ibis

mitochondrial reference genome (GenBank accession number: NC 013146.1). Yellow nodes

represent the ancient Egyptian population (AB: Abydos; KM: KomOmbo; RD: Rodah; SQ: Saqqara; TH:

Thebes; TG: Tuna El Gebel).

Figure 5-3 The location of (a) archeological (catacomb) sites in Egypt from which ancient Sacred Ibis

mummified material was sampled. (b) The collection locations of samples from wild populations are



Figure 5-1


Figure 5-2


Figure 5-3



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Conclusion to Thesis

The recovery and analysis of ancient DNA (aDNA) from archeological specimens in

general, but particularly that from ancient Egyptian remains, has gained increasing

attention in the past few decades. Through the genetic testing of human, animal or

plant remains, researchers have been able to reveal new insights into evolutionary

trails, speciation events and domestication processes. By applying cutting-edge

approaches, that is those that rely on next-generation sequencing, it has allowed

researchers to investigate ancient Egyptian materials with increased success (1).

However, the recovery of complete genomic data from ancient Egyptian materials

has remained a significant challenge and success has been limited. These

limitations are due to the difficulty of obtaining samples as well as the nature of

those samples, being highly degraded and contaminated. Consequently, it is of

extreme importance that researchers examine the DNA preservation in mummified

Egyptian samples, optimise methodologies identifying the best ways to test those

remains, and develop ways in which to maximise the amount of useful data obtained

from minimal numbers of samples.

Thesis Significance

In this thesis, ancient molecular data of ancient Sacred Ibis mummified remains

were used to identify the probable farming system used by ancient Egyptian priests

in order to maintain sufficient numbers of Sacred Ibises to meet the demands for

ancient cultic activities. This thesis is presented as a collection of chapters in the

form of existing publications: two submitted papers in review, and a paper in the

process of submission. Each of these chapters contains a detailed discussion and

conclusion of the research presented therein and is intended to help propel ancient

Egyptian DNA studies forward. The purpose of this final chapter is to draw together

each of the main findings of this thesis, establish the significance of the work done

and outline the future prospects for ancient Egyptian genetic research.

Historically, Sacred Ibis mummies have played an important role in the study of

evolution, even before the time of Darwin. In 1794 Cuvier conducted a study of

Sacred Ibis mummies in order to disprove Lamarck’s evolutionary ideas. Cuvier


compared Sacred Ibis mummies to the bones and plumage of living Sacred Ibis of

the same species. He concluded that there were no morphological differences

between the two populations and then publicly argued that this was evidence for the

‘fixity of species’, in opposition to Lamarck. Cuvier’s study was only possible because

of the large number and excellent preservation of Sacred Ibis mummies. This

preservation may be due to the stability of the environmental conditions inside the

catacombs in which many Sacred Ibis were stored. More importantly from our

perspective, the excellent preservation of those mummies has ensured the

preservation of Sacred Ibis DNA obtained and analysed in this thesis.

Due to their local extinction sometime in the 19th Century, there are no Sacred Ibis

populations currently living in Egypt. Their absence from the area being studied limits

our knowledge about the Sacred Ibis in ancient Egyptian times, and made it

necessary to collect modern samples from a number of different countries across

the African continent in order to facilitate analysis.

The aim of the first chapter was to provide information about the wild modern

populations currently living in Africa, as well as outlining what is known about the

ancient Sacred Ibis from ancient Egyptian literary sources. In line with ancient

Egyptian religious beliefs, enormous numbers of mummies were offered by pilgrims

from all over Egypt as a way of pleasing the God Thoth. After the annual celebratory

feast, priests entombed the mummies in dedicated Sacred Ibis catacombs at

different locations in Egypt. For this study, samples were obtained from six of these

catacombs; Saqqara, Tuna El Gebel, Abydos, Thebes and Kom-Ombo.

Chapter two discusses the feasibility and difficulties involved in conducting research

using ancient Egyptian genetic materials. The major concern in all ancient DNA

studies is the typically Low level of endogenous DNA recovered, in comparison to the

level of exogenous contaminant sequences (2, 3). That made the results obtained of

previous studies through the traditional methods (i.e PCR and Sanger Sequencing),

were subjected to scrutiny and criticism regarding the authenticity (1, 4, 5). Many

researchers in the field of ancient Egyptian DNA were optimistic that next-generation

sequencing would lead to results that would help to bring together the different

perspectives and might lead to an end to the disputes (1). In our work, we have

shown that it is feasible to work with ancient Egyptian material and retrieve authentic

complete mitochondrial genomes from the varied types of samples available. We

concluded that a number of different factors should be considered when attempting


to extract DNA from ancient Egyptian material such as, the mummification

techniques that were used and how the mummies were stored in (e.g. in a pottery

jar, or a wall slap or a stone/ wood sarcophagus); the conditions inside the catacomb,

e.g. whether it is hot, humid or well ventilated; the age of the mummies and the

period of the Egyptian chronology to which they belonged; and the catacomb

location. Moreover, the physical condition of the mummy used for sampling will affect

the quality and preservation of the DNA e.g., whether the mummy had been well

preserved and is still fully wrapped, or is it simply a collection of bones. We conducted

the sample collection process using strict protocols in order to eliminate the

possibility of introducing contamination.

As we were the first to apply 14C analysis to six samples of Sacred Ibis mummified

remains, we were able to publish dates for the remains and investigate the

archaeological chronology of ancient Egyptian animal mummification practices in the

Journal of Archeological Sciences: Reports. These results form the basis of chapter

three of this thesis. It has always been thought that animal mummification in general,

specifically that of the Sacred Ibis, had flourished from the Late Period until the

Roman Period (c. 664 BC to AD 350). This suggestion was based mainly on

archaeological evidence (6). Using 14C,, we show that the mummies analysed date

to approximately 2220 - 2430 yr BP, which may indicate that the majority of Sacred

Ibis mummification occurred between the Late Period to the Ptolemaic Period and

may not have continued until the Roman Period (7). However, our reported dates

were restricted to samples that were collected from only Saqqara, Roda and Thebes,

and it is possible that this is a limiting factor.

In chapter four, we reported a detailed modification that we introduced to the

previously established experimental ancient DNA methodology. We found that

working with highly contaminated and fragmented ancient DNA required a

combination of methods to enrich for endogenous sequences. Those parameters

are: the use of a modified extraction method that accommodates the different types

of samples (i.e soft tissue, bone, feather, etc.) (8); An efficient ancient DNA library

building protocol (9), employing the polymerase KAPA HiFi Uracil; Using an optimal

hybridization temperature for ancient DNA in the tested samples, which was 57˚C in

our study. These recommendations allowed us to attain up to 4705x enrichment of

targeted mtDNA from the Sacred Ibis mummified materials. The results show that

the percentage of on-target unique sequences was significantly influenced by minor


changes of the hybridisation temperature as well as the after capture wash

temperature and the particular sample being used (i.e modern or ancient). We found

that using a hybridisation temperature of 57°C constantly during the hybridisation

time was optimum for working with the ancient materials. This lower temperature

allowed more on-target specificity for fragmented and damaged sequences, but was

still not low enough to lose the selectivity of the baits and increase the capture of

contaminants. In contrast, modern DNA from samples such as blood and feathers

preferentially bonded to the baits when compared with exogenous sequences, at

higher temperatures such as 60°C or 65°C. Thus, decreased hybridisation

temperatures may be beneficial for ancient samples but are not recommended for

fresher modern samples.

Generally, this study has demonstrated the feasibility of recovering aDNA from

Egyptian materials, despite the hot climates. In chapter five of this thesis, we used

the retrieved complete mitogenomes to investigate and identify the possible farming

system used by ancient Egyptian priests to rear the Sacred Ibis as supply for cultic


By analysing the genetic variation among 14 ancient and 26 modern complete

Sacred Ibis mitogenomes we were able to determine the likely farming practices

employed to supply some of the millions of mummified Sacred Ibises entombed in

Egypt’s ancient catacombs. Comparisons of genetic variation within and among

ancient and modern Sacred Ibis populations strongly suggested the existence of a

large number of localised temple-based small-scaled farms. Our conclusions were

supported by the following; firstly, the overall genomic diversities of ancient Sacred

Ibis from within, as well as among, catacombs were largely comparable to that

recorded from modern Sacred Ibis from different locations across Africa; secondly,

the diversity observed at evolutionarily constrained (non-synonymous) sites of the

protein-coding genes of ancient samples was also similar to that of contemporary

Sacred Ibis populations; finally, no significant population structure was found

between the Sacred Ibis populations from different catacombs, which eliminates the

possibility that Sacred Ibises were collected from different parts of Africa and then

reared in small farms for a prolonged period of time. As a result, the most probable

scenario is that Sacred Ibis migrating into Egypt were collected and directly

mummified or bred for a short time, before being entombed.

The analysis of mitogenomic data from a number of ancient and modern Sacred


Ibises has allowed us to test theories proposed from archaeological studies and has

clarified the origin of one of Egypt’s iconic birds. The use of newly developed ancient

DNA technologies will no doubt allow us to test further theories associated with

ancient civilisations.

Thesis work Limitations

Extensive regulations and laws are in place when working with Egyptian antiquities,

due to the venerable value of these ancient samples. As such, researchers can often

face challenges in obtaining a sufficient number of samples for their research. In

addition, both the Egyptian Antiquities Ministry and museums would rather give

permission for work to be completed on samples using non-destructive research

methodologies rather than molecular analysis or other methods involving destructive


The sampling permission granted to us by the Egyptian authorities to collect material

from Sacred Ibis catacombs, was on the conditioned that the initial DNA extraction

was only permitted in a specified ancient DNA laboratory in Egypt. Consequently, only

samples collected from museums could be used for 14C dating analysis due to the

deficiency of AMS equipment in Egypt, and therefore the dating results do not

represent the diverse mummified Sacred Ibis populations buried in geographically

separated catacombs. Also, the question of whether the offerings of Sacred Ibis

mummies by pilgrims did or did not last until the Roman period requires further


The constraints of working with highly degraded material has limited the amount of

data compiled from previous studies (1, 4, 5), but has succeeded in demonstrating

the potential for hot and humid climate source material to yield results (1). In our

study, more than 50 samples collected from different Sacred Ibis individuals /

catacombs were used for aDNA extraction analysis. After purification of the extracted

DNA and the construction of Illumina libraries, only 20 libraries built from these

samples were found suitable for further analyses (i.e capture hybridisation or

shotgun sequencing) generating 14 complete mitochondrial genomes. Several

studies assessed the preservation characteristics of the bone as a proxy for DNA

preservation using different methods(10-12). Although each of these methods can

assist in characterising bone preservation, their use in identifying specimens for


sampling cannot guarantee success in DNA recovery. Furthermore, all of these

methods require destructive sampling on some scale. Therefore, their utility may vary

depending upon the collection and sampling requirements for the proposed


Although bone is thought to protect endogenous DNA against degradation, other

tissues have been successfully used in this study including soft tissue, feather and

toe pads. However, those types of samples are not always as readily available as that

of bone samples.

Future Prospects

There are numerous ways in which the methodology we used here can be widely

used to answer important genetic questions in archaeology. In particular, it will be

worthwhile to expand research such further to include human remains and samples

from other tropical climates.

In this thesis, I present proof-of-concept work to demonstrate that ancient Egyptian

Sacred Ibis samples preserve mitochondrial DNA at least. However, there are areas

of research that were not addressed in this study. This study did not test the

preservation of nuclear DNA within the same type of samples, something that should

be encouraged for future studies. It is hoped that the results presented herein will

encourage more attempts to be made to collect varied specimens from a wide range

of animal mummies to estimate the endogenous levels of the nuclear and

mitochondrial contents.

Despite decades of aDNA research, the conservation and degradation of nucleic acid

is still not fully understood. While scarcity of human samples has been a major

limitation for predicting DNA survivability in the ancient Egyptian materials, other

types of samples such as mummified Sacred Ibis, cats, jackals, dogs, crocodiles,

snakes and birds, could be used for testing the preservation of genetic material and

estimate the endogenous DNA contents level. In other words, it is important to have

a good understanding of DNA preservation under different environmental conditions.

Such knowledge would prevent geneticists from needlessly destroying precious

human mummified samples, just to prove that it contains endogenous DNA. By

testing large collections of mummified animal remains, using target capture

methods combined with second-generation sequencing (SGS), researchers will be


able to develop better models of DNA degradation over time using different

environmental variables, such as average annual temperature. An advantage of

using Egyptian animal materials is that samples can be sourced from different time

periods and geographical locations. In contrast to human remains, Egyptian

authorities and museum curators may be more open to permitting the complete

destruction of a few isolated animal remains, of which there might be a large

number, rather than destroying parts of precious human mummies. By using target

capture hybridisation methods coupled with SGS, instead of traditional PCR or

Sanger sequencing, researchers can utilise very short DNA fragments, and thereby

achieve more reliable estimates of DNA’s half-life. This may help to establish a

criteria able to predict DNA preservation based on the type of remains, sample age,

ambient temperature, humidity, and pH value of the depositional environment.

Experiments conducted in chapter four of this thesis demonstrated that certain

extraction methods work better than others, based on the nature of the Sacred Ibis

sample used (i.e bone, feather, toe pad, etc.). This can be explained by the fact that

different tissues containing variable amounts of DNA protectants, such as

hydroxyapatite in bones, or low moisture levels that may slow hydrolytic damage of

DNA. These findings are important and can be used by researchers in order to assist

in the re-evaluation of methodological approaches when working with aDNA.

However, since it is critical to maximise aDNA recovery for SGS, it is anticipated that

future projects will conduct more experiments to modify and optimise DNA extraction


Another significant research opportunity using SGS methodology is the ability to

detect and analyse aDNA adhering to archaeological artefacts. This has the potential

to widen the prospects of genetic studies of ancient Egyptian materials by revealing

details about the origins and nature of the plant resins used by ancient Egyptians

when preserving the bodies of the deceased.

While much of the presented chapters herein has emphasised genetic aspects of

aDNA research, the overall objectives of these projects require collaborations

between molecular biologists and archaeologists. Without the clear presentation of

the Sacred Ibis in an archaeological context, the resulting data from the collected

samples are meaningless. Many of the museum samples supplied for this research

were not provenanced, with their origin unknown. Therefore, geneticists are required

to be very familiar with the archaeological sites from which samples originate. In this


sense, not only must the genetic research be conducted to a high standard, but also

the archaeological recovery and interpretation of ancient samples must be

scientifically rigorous. It is important to know the exact location of any sample and

the approximate time period or age, these details may impact our understanding of

the results obtained. In this way, the future of aDNA research will be brighter, as

researchers in the molecular field and archaeologists come to form closer

collaborations. It would be advantageous to establish a generation of researchers

with direct experience of both archaeology and genetics. Neither archaeology nor

genetics can give the complete picture about the past; rather, when the fields are

used in tandem, researchers in both groups can reach important new

understandings of the past. There is much room for improvement in this arena, but

there is reason to be hopeful as more researchers, including myself, begin to cross-

interdisciplinary boundaries.

Final Remarks

Broadly, this thesis will hopefully contribute to the growing connection between

archeological sciences and ancient DNA research. Various components of this

dissertation may become central to future genetic studies of Egyptian remains, and

will hopefully encourage new research aimed at the intersection of archaeology,

anthropology, and molecular biology.


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Appendix (A)

70 million animal mummies: Egypt’s dark secret

BBC News

BBC documentry movie


70 million animal mummies: Egypt’s dark secret

Desert cemetery

Saqqara is an ancient Egyptian temple complex around an hour's drive from Cairo where millions of animal mummies are still buried.

We filmed molecular biologist Sally Wasef from Griffith University, Australia as she clambered down a narrow twelve-metre-deep shaft into an underground catacomb filled with the ancient mummified remains of wading birds called Sacred Ibis.

Sally collected samples of bones from the mummies so she could extract and compare their DNA, helping her to understand whether they had been intensively farmed.

BBC News:


BBC Horizon Documentary Movie:


Appendix (B)

The Ancestry and Pathology of King Tutankhamun’s Family

(Hawass, et al., 2010)

Revisiting the harem conspiracy and death of Ramesses III:

anthropological, forensic, radiological, and genetic study.

(Hawass, et al., 2010)





















Appendix (C)

Radiocarbon dating of Sacred Ibis mummies from Ancient

Egypt (Wasef et al., 2015).

Supplementary Information (SI)

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