an archaeobotanical investigation of plant use at pre-pottery neolithic chogha golan in southwestern...

Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät Fachbereich Geowissenschaften Institut für Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie Archäobotanik An archaeobotanical investigation of plant use at Pre-Pottery Neolithic Chogha Golan in southwestern Iran Masterarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Master of Science (M.Sc.) im Studiengang M.Sc. Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie - Paläoanthropologie vorgelegt von Doğa Karakaya B.A. Tübingen September 2013

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Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen

Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Fachbereich Geowissenschaften

Institut für Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie


An archaeobotanical investigation of plant

use at Pre-Pottery Neolithic Chogha Golan

in southwestern Iran

Masterarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

im Studiengang

M.Sc. Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie - Paläoanthropologie

vorgelegt von

Doğa Karakaya B.A.


September 2013

Tag der Abgabe: 30.09.2013

Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 18.10.2013

Erstbetreuer: PD Dr. Simone Riehl

Zweitbetreuerin: Prof. Dr. Nicholas J. Conard, Ph.D.


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Tübingen, den 30.09.2013


ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................................ I

ZUSAMMENFASSUNG ..................................................................................................................................... II

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................................ III

I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 1

I.1 RESEARCH QUESTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 3


ORIGINS OF AGRICULTURE .......................................................................................................................... 5

II.1 CURRENT STATE OF ARCHAEOBOTANICAL EVIDENCE IN SOUTHWEST ASIA ............................................ 5

II.2. EXPLANATORY MODELS OF THE ORIGINS OF AGRICULTURE .................................................................. 10

III. ENVIRONMENT AND ARCHAEOLOGY OF CHOGHA GOLAN ..................................................... 16

III.1 GEOLOGICAL SETTINGS .......................................................................................................................... 16


III.3 ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN CHOGHA GOLAN .............................................................................. 20

III.3.1 Site Description and Excavations ...................................................................................................... 20

III.3.2 Chronology ........................................................................................................................................ 23

IV. MATERIALS AND METHODS ................................................................................................................. 25


MEASUREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................... 26

IV.2 FURTHER LIMITATIONS IN THE CURRENT RESEARCH ............................................................................ 30

V. RESULTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 31

V.1 THE COMPOSITION OF POACEAE (GRASS FAMILY) ................................................................................. 32

V.1.1 Large-seeded Poaceae remains .......................................................................................................... 32

V.1.2 Small-seeded Poaceae remains ........................................................................................................... 36

V.2 THE COMPOSITION OF FABACEAE (PULSE FAMILY) ............................................................................... 37

V.2.1 Large-seeded Fabaceae remains ........................................................................................................ 38

V.2.2 Small-seeded Fabaceae remains ......................................................................................................... 39

V.3 THE COMPOSITION OF OTHER PLANT FAMILIES .................................................................................... 41

V.3.1 Anacardiceae (Sumac Family) ............................................................................................................ 41

V.3.2 Brassicaceae (Mustard Family) .......................................................................................................... 42

V.3.3 Caryophyllaceae (Pink Family) .......................................................................................................... 42

V.3.4 Malvaceae (Mallow Family) ............................................................................................................... 43

V.3.5 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae (Goosefoot/Amaranth Family) ...................................................... 43

V.3.6 Cyperaceae (Sedge Family) ................................................................................................................ 44

V.3.7 Boraginaceae (Borage Family)........................................................................................................... 44

V.3.8 Asteraceae (Sunflower Family) ........................................................................................................... 44

V.3.9 Asparagaceae ...................................................................................................................................... 44

V.3.10 Rubiaceae (Bedstraw Family) ........................................................................................................... 45

V.3.11 Papaveraceae (Poppy Family) .......................................................................................................... 45

V.4. GENERAL PATTERNS IN THE CHOGHA GOLAN ASSEMBLAGE ................................................................ 45

VI. DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................................ 50

VI.1 VARIATIONS IN THE CHOGHA GOLAN PLANT ASSEMBLAGE .................................................................. 50


VI.3.1 Wild plant-food procurement ............................................................................................................. 59

VI.2.2 Wild plant-food production ................................................................................................................ 64

VI.2.3 The prevalence of domesticated crop plants ...................................................................................... 75

VII. CONCLUDING REMARKS ...................................................................................................................... 80

VII.1 FUTURE RESEARCH AT CHOGHA GOLAN .............................................................................................. 81

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................................... 83

APPENDIX 1: INVENTORY OF IDENTIFIED TAXA ................................................................................. 96

APPENDIX 2: PLATES ................................................................................................................................... 115

APPENDIX 3: MACROBOTANICAL RAW DATA .................................................................................... 123



Fig. 1: The geographical centers of plant domestication around the world (Balter 2007).

Fig. 2: The comparative data from the eastern Fertile Crescent shown the abundance scores of

major crops, and small-seeded taxa and three nuts; modified from Charles (2007).

Fig. 3: The pollen record of Lake Zeribar (Stevens et al. 2001).

Fig. 4: Map showing the location of Chogha Golan and other PPN sites in Central Zagros

Mountains, Western Iran (Zeidi et al, 2012).

Fig. 5: The stratigraphy of Chogha Golan excavation (Zeidi pers. comm.. 2013) with

calibrated AMS dates published in Riehl et al. (2013).

Fig. 6: The chronological sequence in southwest Asia correlated with southern Levantine

sequence (Zeder 2011).


Graph 1: The floral composition of the Chogha Golan assemblage in percentages.

Graph 2: Relative percentages of Poaceae chaff and seed remains in the plant assemblage.

Graph 3: The changes in percentages of wild barley grains and chaff remains in the floral


Graph 4: The changes in composition of small- versus large-seeded Fabaceae remains in the

plant assemblage.

Graph 5: The contribution of larger-grained pulses in the assemblage in percentages.

Graph 6: The find density analysis for the large-grained pulses.

Graph 7: The absolute percentages of small-seeded pulses throughout the occupation period.

Graph 8: The density of small-seeded pulses per one liter of soil throughout the occupation


Graph 9: The composition of other plant families in the assemblage

Graph 10: Correspondence Analysis plot for the compositional variations of analyzed


Graph 11: Correspondence analysis plot for the co-variational relationship between samples

and species.



Chogha Golan is a Pre-Pottery Neolithic tell site in Ilam province, Southwestern Iran. The site

is located on the hilly flanks of the Central Zagros Mountains, which is within the natural

distribution range of wild relatives of crop plants. In comparison to other regions of the Fertile

Crescent only few sites have been investigated in this area.

Excavations of the Tübingen Iranian Stone Age Research Project (TISARP) in 2009 and 2010

documented 11 distinct archaeological strata in the 8m of anthropogenic deposits. The

excavations focused on the systematic recovery of botanical remains by floating the majority

of all the sediments excavated. This led to the recovery of the richest record of botanical

remains available for the Pre-Pottery Neolithic in the Fertile Crescent. AMS radiocarbon

dating demonstrates that the occupation of the site lasted about 2.500 years from 11.500 to

9.000 cal BP.

The current research aims to document the most important archaeobotanical finds from

Chogha Golan throughout the occupation sequence, and provides key insights into

development of plant subsistence in the foothills of the Zagros from the end of the Younger

Dryas into the early Holocene.



Chogha Golan ist ein Tell des präkeramischen Neolithikums in der Ilam Provinz in Südwest

Iran. Der Tell liegt an den hügeligen Flanken des zentralen Zagros Gebirges, welches sich

innerhalb der natürlichen Verbreitungsgrenze der wilden Verwandten der heutigen

Nutzpflanzen befindet. Im Vergleich mit anderen Regionen des Fruchtbaren Halbmondes sind

bis jetzt nur wenige Standorte im Zagros Gebirge untersucht worden.

Ausgrabungen des Tübingen Iran Steinzeit Forschungsprojektes (TISARP) in 2009 und 2010

dokumentierten 11 distinkte archäologische Strata in 8m anthropogenen Ablagerungen. Die

Ausgrabungen fokussierten sich auf die systematische Bergung botanischer Überresten,

indem ein Großteil der ausgegrabenen Sedimente flotiert wurde. Dadurch wurde einer der

reichsten archäobotanischen Datensätze des präkeramischen Neolithikums innerhalb des des

Fruchtbaren Halbmondes geschaffen. AMS Radiokarbondatierung zeigten das die

Besiedlungsgeschichte von Cogha Golan ungefähr 2500 Jahre, von 11000 bis 9000 v.Chr.,


Ziel der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit ist die Dokumentation der archäobotanischen Funde

von Chogha Golan aus der Besiedlungszeit und Schlüsseleinblicke in die Entwicklung der

Pflanzen Subsistenz an den Ausläufern des Zagros Gebirges vom Ende der Jüngeren

Dryaszeit bis in das frühe Holozän.



This master thesis was written with the help of a number of people.

Foremost among them is my first adviser PD Dr. Simone Riehl. Her invaluable support and

guidance started with giving the idea about working on Chogha Golan plant materials and

continued in every step of research. I would not be at the end of this process without her

assistance, advice and support and encouragement.

I also thank to Prof Dr. Nicholas Conard for accepting to be my second adviser and also to

constitute this master program in English language. This program expanded my horizon,

changed my views to past cultures through giving me perspective of an archaeologist.

Mohsen Zeidi, the head of Chogha Golan excavations, was a strong supporter during the

process of understanding Chogha Golan by endlessly giving information about the

excavations and archaeology. I personally gained alot from his perspective of approaching the

archaeology through investigating every aspects in a very detailed manner.

A number of other people helped me alot during this period. I am especially grateful first of

all to Dr. Canan Çakırlar who first informed me about the presence of this program and later

helped me to settle down in Tübingen. I would like to thank to my rewiever Bethany

Mendenhall because she spent a substantial amount of time to correct and correct my mistakes

in English language with patience and for her helpful comments to look the thesis from a

different perspective. I am grateful to have such friends like Özgür Çizer, Hakan Mutlu,

Ahmet Aytek and Andrea Orendi who assisted me during the breaks and shared laughs among

intense working hours. Additionally, I would like to thank to my dear friend Maxi Herberich

who kindly provided me companion with her positive energy.

Lastly, I have to mention the support of my family. They were so kind not to say anything

about my prolonged studies and supported me in every conditions. Their endless love and

support was the principal reason to pursue master degree in Germany. I strongly believe that

science is a team job and this master thesis would not have come to an end without the help

and support of this people and of course all of my professors and lecturers.



The origins of agriculture and its subsequent dispersal in Southwest Asia have been one of the

most intensively discussed topics in archaeological research. Today, scientific studies on the

emergence and dispersal of agriculture embrace a large part of the archaeobotanical literature.

From the beginning of the last century on archaeological research recognized a transitional

period between the Paleolithic and Bronze Ages. An emergent body of archaeological data on

the increasing amount of finds of agricultural implements, pottery sherds and changes in lithic

industry indicated the necessity of establishing a historical and theoretical framework (Moore

1985). The concept of “Neolithic” was the answer to this intellectual search. The period‟s

distinctive character is a set of socio-cultural and economic transformations initiated through

the changes from mobile hunting-gathering to a sedentary way of living that depends on

agriculture and stockbreeding.

The first two decades after World War II witnessed an escalating amount of archaeological

research following two important developments for our current understanding of the Neolithic

period. One was the introduction of radiocarbon dating, which allowed researchers to

establish an absolute chronology for the Neolithic period. This new method of dating reduced

the need to rely on seriation and cross-cultural trait distributions to construct chronologies

(Trigger 2006). This in turn produced the need to learn more about economic and cultural

changes during this transitional stage and entailed the investigation of plant and animal

remains. This objective required multi-disciplinary research and the cooperation of specialists

from the natural sciences to gather the information on the faunal and floral composition of

paleoenvironments. Of significant importance to the archaeology of the Neolithic period, the

excavation at Jarmo led by Robert Braidwood was the first attempt at a multi-disciplinary

approach that has become standard procedure ever since (Moore 1985).

Almost simultaneously, Kathleen Kenyon at Jericho and Robert Braidwood at Jarmo

discovered a “Pre-Pottery Neolithic” (PPN) phase that lacked pottery remains but indicated a

sedentary and semi-sedentary lifestyle. Kenyon divided this period into two subphases “A”

and “B” to identify successive cultures at Jericho. This chronological classification later


became a standard period term in Near Eastern archaeology for the timeframe between the

Paleolithic and Pottery Neolithic (Moore 1985; Sheratt 2007; Watkins 2008).

The introduction of water floatation methods into archaeological fieldwork for effectively

retrieving charred plant remains was another important development in the 1960s. This new

method was first applied to Near Eastern archaeology by Helbaek at Tepe Ali Kosh, Iran

(Helbaek 1969; Fuller and Colledge 2008). Floatation quickly became widespread during the

1970s and 1980s on excavations in the Near East. Following the introduction of on-site

recovery methods such as floatation, archaeobotanical studies develop into a distinct

discipline within archaeological research (Fuller and Colledge 2008) and extensively

contributed to our understanding of the origins of agriculture in Southwest Asia. The potential

of archaeobotanical investigation has proven to be valuable in detecting the changes in

subsistence economy and dietary practices in the prehistoric past.

It should be noted that the archaeological studies that directly aim to comprehend the overall

changes in the PPN period are not evenly distributed in Southwest Asia. Western Iran (also

known as central Zagros) is relatively less investigated in comparison to the numerous

research projects in the Levant, southeastern Turkey, and northern Syria. Zeidi et al. (2012)

note that the archaeological evidence for PPN occupation in western Iran is limited to the

published materials of Tepe Asiab and Sarab, Ganj Dareh (Smith 1978), Tepe Guran, Tepe

Abdul Hosein (Pullar 1990), and Tepe Ali Kosh (Hole et al. 1969). In addition to these early

sites, two newly excavated PPN sites in the central Zagros (Sheikh-e Abad and Jani) will soon

contribute to the archaeological knowledge of this region (Matthews et al. 2010).

Moreover, there are even fewer reliable and representative records for Pre-Pottery Neolithic

plant remains in western Iran. Few archaeobotanical researches in western Iran leave a large

chronological gap between the early PPNA and late PPNB occupations in eastern Fertile

Crescent. The evidence for Late Epipaleolithic and PPNA are mainly coming from a number

of sites at the northern ranges of Zagros Mountains, Hallan Çemi, Demirköy, Qermez Dere,

M‟lefaat (Savard et al. 2003, 2006) while there is no contemporary sites in central Zagros for

this timeframe. The archaeobotanical information on PPNB occupation in central Zagros is

mostly derived from late PPN sites such as Jarmo, Tepe Ali Kosh (Helbaek 1969), Tell

Magzhaliyeh, Chogha Bonut, Tepe Abdul Hossein (Hubbard 1990) that mainly represent the

plant assemblages already predominated by domesticated plants. Ganj Dareh among others


stands forward as a middle PPNB occupation while it bears mainly short-habited occupation

with an ambivalent evidence of plant domestication. Riehl et al. (2012, 2013) recently

published two comprehensive accounts on the results of archaeobotanical investigations at

Chogha Golan that bring into light valuable information for the simultaneous developments in

eastern Fertile Crescent. All in all, the overall picture of the establishment of the farming

economy is hampered due to the lack of sites that are inhabited for a long chronological


The rarity of published archaeological and archaeobotanical records also obscures the overall

understanding of the evidence on the transition to a farming economy in western Iran.

Therefore, Smith (1971) indicates that the theoretical models tend to consider the origins and

dispersal of agriculture from the perspective of expansion from a single center and to

underestimate the role and probable contribution of the central Zagros region to plant and

animal domestication.

I.1 Research Questions

In the research that is the subject of this paper, analytical results from the examination of

archaeobotanical samples of a Pre-Pottery Neolithic site located in the central Zagros region,

Chogha Golan, will be described to detect any changing patterns in the subsistence economy

that would indicate an evolution towards the establishment of an agricultural food economy.

In this regard, two research questions were formulated in conjunction with the overall

research goals of the Chogha Golan project as defined by archaeologists:

1) Are there any variations in the composition of the archaeobotanical plant assemblage

throughout the occupation period?

2) How could the timing of the appearance of different plant species be related to the

development of cultivation and domestication in western Iran, in comparison to other regions

of the Fertile Crescent?

Considering the few archaeobotanical investigations of the PPN period in western Iran, this

research aims to illustrate the overall developments in the subsistence economy of Chogha


Golan habitation following the contributions of Riehl et al. (2012, 2013) about this particular


In this respect, it documents the most important archaeobotanical finds from Chogha Golan

throughout the occupation sequence and provides key insights into the development of plant

subsistence in the foothills of the Zagros from the end of the Younger Dryas into the early

Holocene. In addition, the current state of knowledge and different explanatory models for the

origins of agriculture will be reviewed to further develop background information and to

explore the developmental route to the establishment towards the farming economy during the

PPN period.




II.1 Current state of archaeobotanical evidence in southwest Asia

The early pioneering efforts of de Candolle, Vavilov, and Harlan represent the cornerstone

research for our present understanding of the geographical centers of plant domestication

around the world (Abbo et al. 2010). Today, it is certain that the cultivation and

domestication1 of plants emerged independently in different regions (Figure 1) and that

chronologically this phenomenon first appeared in southwest Asia, involving a number of

wild species of grasses2, pulses, and flax at about 10.000 B.P. (Salamini et al. 2002, Diamond


The contemporary geographical distributions of wild relatives of the first crop plants intersect

in a region called the Fertile Crescent, which covers the Taurus-Zagros mountain range and

the Levant. Eight plants are considered to be those first cultivated and domesticated. This

assemblage of “founder crops”3 comprises wild progenitors of einkorn (Triticum monococcum

1 Nesbitt (2002) draws attention to the need to define concepts such as cultivation, domestication and

agriculture/farming more concretely. The term cultivation, in this text will designate “the sowing and harvesting

of wild plants in tilled soil”. The concept of domestication will be used to characterize “[…] the process in which

humans take control of the reproduction of plants and animals, and consciously or unconsciously select for

attributes favourable to human use. For cereals control of reproduction means repeated sowing and harvesting of

the same population, and the key attribute selected for is loss of the ability to disseminate seed without human

intervention”. Finally, agriculture/farming “involves the cultivation of domesticated crop plants” (Nesbitt 2002).

2 Wheat genus (Triticum) is divided into six biological species at three ploidy levels. Diploid wheats consist of T.

monococcum (genomic composition is Am

Am) and T. urartu (AA). Tetraploid wheats are T. turgidum (AABB)

and T. timopheveii (AAGG). Hexaploid wheats consists of T. aestivum (AABBDD) and T. zhukovskyi



GG). Genomic relationship exhibits that T. monococcum, T. timopheveii and T. zhukovskyi form a

separate lineage which is not related to the principal wheat lineage, formed by T. urartu, T. turgidum, T.

aestivum (Dvorak et al. 2012).

3 Recently, some authors (Fuller et al. 2012; Asouti and Fuller 2011) presumed that more plants might have been

cultivated by early Holocene communities. Ten additional crop plants were proposed to contribute to early

subsistence of human communities together with the eight abovementioned species. These “lost” crops include


ssp. boeticum), emmer (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides), barley (Hordeum spontaneum),

lentil (Lens orientalis), pea (Pisum humile), chickpea (Cicer reticulatum), bitter vetch (Vicia

ervilia), and flax (Linum bienne). All these plants exhibit almost similar biological

characteristics, in that all of them are diploid (except emmer is tetraploid), annual, self-

pollinated plants. Moreover, all of these eight species are interfertile within each crop and

between the crop and its wild progenitors (Zohary and Hopf 2000; Weiss and Zohary 2011).

Figure 1: The geographical centers of plant domestication around the world (Balter 2007).

In this same respect, Zohary et al. (1969; after Flannery 1973) estimates that harvests of up to

500 to 800 kilos of grain could be gathered per hectare from wild stands of emmer wheat

today in Mount Hermon, Israel. At the same time, complementary food sources like

leguminous plants and hunted animals that were rich in protein content were also native and

abundantly found in this particular region (Miller 1984; Diamond 2002; Kislev and Bar-Yosef

1988; Harlan and Zohary 1966).

Archaeobotanical data from the Upper Paleolithic site Ohalo II, in the Levant suggests that

two important crop progenitors, wild barley and emmer were being used by hunter-gatherer

the two grained forms of Triticum monococcum or T. urartu (einkorn wheat), Secale sp. (rye), Triticum

turgidum/timopheevi (striate emmeroid tetraploid wheat), Avena sterilis (oat), Vicia faba (broad bean), Lathyrus

sativus (grass pea), Lens nigricans (black wild lentil), and Ficus carica (common fig). This issue is particularly

important to understand divergent PPN strategies for food procurement in the prehistoric record.


communities as early as 21.000 cal. B.P. Exceptional preservation at this particular site

exposed a rich floral assemblage with plenty of food plants as well as the ground stone

assemblage associated with food-processing activities (Kislev et al. 1989). Piperno et al.

(2004) argue that the majority of the starch grains sampled on a grinding slab indicate the

processing mainly of wild barley species.

Another aspect for the significance of the Fertile Crescent is that the climatic warming at the

onset of the Holocene coincides with the emergence of several new settlements in this region.

Unlike the scarce information on plant remains from Middle Palaeolithic (Lev et al. 2005) and

Upper Paleolithic (Kislev et al. 1989; Hillman 2000, 2001) sites, comparatively more floral

remains were recovered from PPN localities. The archaeological remains of the wild

progenitors of crop plants that were correlated in radiocarbon age and stratigraphy occur

frequently over the region (Salamini et al. 2002; Charles 2007).

The morphological analysis of seeds and chaffs shows equivalent evidence of plant

domestication during the PPNA (Nesbitt 2002). Nevertheless, many scholars agree that cereal

and pulse cultivation might have been practiced before the morphological domestication of

crop plants throughout the PPNA (Willcox 2004, 2008, 2012) or even to some extent much

earlier during the Younger Dryas climatic degradation (Hillman 2000, 2001). This

assumption, known as “predomestication cultivation”, depends on the frequent appearance of

certain plants in archaeobotanical assemblages, “arable weeds”, which today thrive only on

disturbed lands such as rocky slopes, roadsides, abandoned gardens, and tilled fields (Hillman

2000, 2001; Colledge 2002; Willcox 2012).

The key event in the domestication of cereals and pulses was the elimination of the natural

dispersal mechanism4 through human-induced selective pressures on cultivated wild plants,

mostly referred to as “domestication syndrome” in archaeobotanical literature (Nesbitt 2002).

Wild wheats and barley seeds are enclosed by thick and though glumes and located on top of

4 The adaptive traits modified through human intervention to the reproductive cycles of crop plants are classified

into two categories. The major qualitative traits in domesticated cereals comprise rachis brittleness, glume

tenacity, and free-threshing state, which together result in the elimination of the natural seed dispersal

mechanism in domesticated cereals. The additional traits, which are quantitatively inherited, are seed size, grain

yield, plant height, grain hardness, tillering capacity, seed dormancy, developmental timing, and heading date

(Peng et al. 2011; Matsuoka 2011).


a stalk (spike or ear) that spontaneously disarticulates between each spikelet at maturity in

order to disseminate in the natural environment. Through a single gene mutation at two major

loci controlling rachis brittleness in emmer, the ears of domesticated cereals fail to disperse

and remain intact until being harvested by humans (Peng et al. 2011; Salamini et al. 2002;

Matsuoka 2011; Nesbitt and Samuel 1996). Both wild and domesticated emmer, einkorn and

barley have though glumes and hulled seeds. The though rachis of a domesticated plant can

only be broken by a mechanical force like threshing that eventually leaves a jagged scar at the

base of each spikelet which can be detected archaeobotanically. The first attributes that are

essential for pulse domestication were also the reduction of natural dispersal mechanism (pod

dehiscent) and seed dormancy (Sonnante et al 2009, Weiss and Zohary 2011; Hillman, 1984).

Seed size enlargement of early grain crops is another criterion which is readily visible in

archaeobotanical records. This adaptive trait is considered as a “response that lead to

successful germination with increased soil disturbance and depth of burial” (Purugganan and

Fuller 2009; Fuller 2007). Further genetic modifications in cereal domestication include

glume tenacity and free-threshing state that were central on the emergence of novel

phenotypes such as Triticum aestivum (bread wheat) and Triticum durum (hard wheat). These

two species are better adapted to agricultural production. In comparison to the tetraploid

wheat, free-threshing phenotypes have broader ecological adaptations to different photoperiod

and vernalization requirements such as improved tolerance to salt, low PH, aluminium and

frost (Dubcovsky and Dvorak 2007). All in all, it is noteworthy to mention that no significant

further changes had happened in ear shattering and in average size for barley and wheats

during the past 8.000 years. This suggests that a key domestication period must have occurred

before this temporal frame in southwest Asia (Fuller et al. 2012b).

Meanwhile, molecular studies in the last decade greatly contributed to the understanding of

the origins of agriculture by investigating two central issues, namely how often and how fast

the first crop plants became morphologically domesticated One aspect of these recent research

focuses on the geographical origins of domestication in Southwest Asia, in an attempt to learn

whether the domesticated species have monophyletic or polyphyletic origins. The principal

method that molecular studies employ is to measure the genetic distance between

contemporary populations of wild relatives and domesticated crops. The molecular studies in

the first half of the last decade tended to support monophyletic origination from a single

localized area through a single domestication event. But in contrast to these early works, the


accumulation of more research estimating the genetic distance among cultivated and wild

accessions of cereals indicates polyphyletic origins for domestication that happened

independently over a wide area in more than one location in the Fertile Crescent (Weiss and

Zohary 2011)

How fast the adaptive traits of domestication might become fixed was also intensely debated

in archaeobotany and plant genetics during the last decade. In the early 1990s, Hillman and

Davies (1990) argued that cereal domestication might have been a rapid process that took no

more than 200 years. However, some authors argue that wild cereals could have been

cultivated for over one millennium without leading the fixation of non-shattering phenotypes

in the environment. The recognition of a time delay for the appearance of non-shattering

phenotypes in archaeobotanical records resulted in refining this model and replacing it with

one that postulates a prolonged process of domestication (Tanno and Willcox 2006). This new

paradigm reconsidered the scientific knowledge on the fixation of domestication traits to

propose a protracted model of domestication extending the timeframe by as long as 2000

years (Fuller et al. 2012).

The first unequivocal archaeobotanical evidence for cereal and pulse domestication signals to

the PPNB period as the beginning of the appearance of domesticated phenotypes in the plant

assemblages (Nesbitt 2002). There is a stepwise increase of domesticated types of emmer,

einkorn, and barley from early the PPNB on (Fuller 2007). Settlements in southeastern

Turkey, Cafer Höyük, and Çayönü, yielded the earliest definitive domesticated einkorn and

emmer; in addition, a large stock of possibly domesticated lentil was retrieved from Yiftah‟el

in the middle PPNB levels (Weiss and Zohary 2011). The middle PPNB is also characterized

by the first appearance of novel species such as bread wheat and hard wheat (Dvorak 2012;

Nesbitt 2002; Asouti and Fuller 2011). The late PPNB plant assemblage indicates widespread

occurrences of domesticated founder crops all over the Fertile Crescent (Asouti and Fuller


The developmental route to farming economy in eastern Fertile Crescent is less understood

due to the rarity of archaeobotanical research (Charles 2007; Nesbitt 2002). The data indicates

that PPNA sites at the northern ranges of Zagros display few crop progenitors and no

domesticated crops while much later PPN sites in central Zagros demonstrates that the

domesticated plants started to be represented in the plant assemblages from the end of


MPPNB onwards and finally late PPNB is a period of fully domesticated founder crops are

present and widespread at these sites. Riehl et al. (2013) recently reported the domesticated

emmer spikelet bases are well-represented at the upper two archaeological horizons of

Chogha Golan which coincide the end of middle PPNB in relation to the Southern Levantine

chronology. The current state of archaeobotanical data at the eastern Fertile Crescent is

summarized in Figure 2.

Figure 2: The comparative data from the eastern Fertile Crescent shown the abundance scores of major

crops, and small-seeded taxa and three nuts on a 3-point scale (X=rare, XX=occasional, XXX=frequent).

Modified from Charles (2007). Bibliography: Charles (2007), Savard et al. (2003, 2006), Riehl et al. (2012,

2013), van Zeist et al. (1984).

II.2. Explanatory models of the origins of agriculture

The diverse explanations of the origins of agriculture comprise several triggering factors such

as environment, demography, climate, and culture. The models needed to understand this

transition require a broad theoretical framework, drawn from other closely related disciplines

in the social and natural sciences that attempt to decipher social/cultural change in human

history. Its close association with the body of literature in social theory makes this topic of

research important not only for understanding the changes in the subsistence economy of the

early Holocene communities, but also produces an interesting trajectory of different ideas

regarding the mechanisms behind altered social structures and how social/cultural change

generates itself in such processes in the remote past.


Before describing the theoretical framework for this issue, it should be noted that a more

comprehensive approach to the study of prehistoric research had earlier been developed by

Childe, with his systematic application of the concept of “archaeological cultures”. This

conceptual formulation was based on defining every culture in terms of the constituent

artifacts recovered from archaeological excavations and then establishing spatiotemporal

limits empirically by means of stratigraphy (Trigger 2006). Childe framed his concept of

archaeological cultures as follows:

“We find certain types of remains – pots, implements, ornaments, burial rites, house forms

– constantly recurring together. Such a complex of associated traits we shall call a „cultural

group‟ or just a „culture‟. We assume that such a complex is the material expression of what

today we would call „a people‟” (Childe 1929, after Trigger 2006; Watkins 2008).

Moreover, this approach allowed Childe to combine the vocabulary of an emerging

archaeological taxonomy with the ethnographic classification of the anthropologist Henri

Lewis Morgan, “where pottery and polished stone axes signified the emancipation of

„Barbarism‟ from „Savagery‟” (Sheratt 2007, Childe 1958).

Starting in the second half of the last century, a number of archaeologists offered theories

principally to explain how and why agriculture emerged mainly in Southwest Asia. Smith

(2007) infers that there are “two largely disconnected scales –at the level of individual plant

and animal species to document the „what, when, and where‟ of domestication worldwide,

and at a regional or larger scale, to identify the causal „macro‟ variables (such as climate

change and population growth) that may account for „why‟ human societies first domesticated

target species”. These theoretical models for searching for macro-variables in the

domestication and the origins of agriculture can be grouped within certain broad topics such

as environmental change, demographically induced resource pressure, and changes in social

organization and ideology (Zeder 2006).

The role of environmental change or degradation in the origins of agriculture drew scholarly

attention at a very early stage in research history. Childe recognized the significance of the

Neolithic period as one of revolutionary change in the subsistence economy from food-

procurement to food production, defining it “a universal historical stage in the progress

towards modern civilization”; he was also the first to explore in detail this particular

phenomenon in the context of environmental degradation. He proposed that climatic change


to desiccated conditions after the Pleistocene would have led to the concentration of humans,

animals, and plants in close vicinity to water resources. This new environmental situation

promoted a degree of interaction among humans and animals and in the long term caused the

domestication of animals and plants (Childe 1951).

Childe pointed out a belt from the Atlantic to the Tigris River as the probable geographical

center of this consequential interaction. Nevertheless, it should be noted that at the time

Childe offered this model, there was reasonably good evidence for climate change at the end

of the Pleistocene in Europe, but no comparative data was present from Southwest Asia

(Bender 1975, Childe 1951).

The recent advances in paleoenvironmental reconstruction have resulted in reconsidering

climatic change as a causal factor (Zeder 2006). The well-documented Younger Dryas

climatic amelioration between around 10.700 and 9.700 cal. B.C. has been featured as having

had a role in the emergence of agriculture in Southwest Asia. Some scholars (Hillman et al.

2001, Bar-Yosef 1998) argue that the domestication of plants and animals was a response to

degraded environmental conditions and the need to maintain the already-established

subsistence economy that depended on wild grasses, legumes and hunted animals before this

particular climatic event.

The models of climatically driven environmental change as a causal factor were largely out of

favor between the 1960s and 1980s. Braidwood‟s multidisciplinary approach in the 1950s

allowed him to search for evidence of desiccation following Childe‟s propositions. However,

no major climatic change event had been detected in his field investigations in Iraq. Thus,

Braidwood offered a cultural model indicating that “farming was seen as the culmination of

ever-increasing cultural differentiation, specialization and knowledge of habitat” (Bender

1975, Braidwood 1969).

The theory of culture as an adaptive system in which the artifacts and modes of social

organization are seen as responses to changing physical and behavioral environments echoed

through the systemic approach (more specifically General Systems Theory) in archaeology.

According to this new paradigm, “culture comprises a series of interacting or articulated parts

(sub-systems) which include the effective environment – that perceived and used by human

groups under discussion – economic activities, technology, social organization, and religious


beliefs, all of which act like a rubber bands – pull one and all the others respond” (Bender

1975). This conceptualization of culture was important in signifying an irrevocable shift from

Childe‟s concept of archaeological cultures.

The incorporation of the environment into cultural processes was further enhanced through

ecosystem models (another interpretation of the systemic approach) of which the concept of

“broad-spectrum” economy proposed by Flannery drew considerable interest among scholars.

This mainly presupposes an intimate knowledge (pre-adaptations) of available plants and

animals, and of a variety of ecological niches to which plants can be transplanted and where

the animals can be hunted. This knowledge had already been developed by Upper Paleolithic

hunter-gatherers with well-defined seasonal migratory patterns to exploit the food resources

(Flannery 1969).

The systemic approach has resonated in the writings of the selectionist school of Neo-

Darwinian evolutionary archaeology, but with a different perspective. Dunnell, for example,

opted for biological evolutionary theory to explain cultural as well as biological variability, by

arguing that “traditional cultural evolutionism has failed to internalize such key tenets of

biological evolutionism as random variation and natural selection” (Trigger 2006). Material

culture is being interpreted here as a direct expression of human behavioral variability,

providing the basic constituent traits of a human cultural phenotype (collections of human

behaviors practiced by spatially and temporally bounded groups of people) that could be used

to reconstruct cultural lineages (Zeder 2009).

Following the same approach, Rindos assumed that domestication can be understood as

mutualistic relations of varying degrees between different biological species such as humans-

plants or humans-animals. He does not recognize the adaptation of plants and animals to

human needs as being completely different in nature from the adaptation of human beings to

the needs of plants and animals (Trigger, 2006).

Demographically induced resource pressure has been the focus of some other scholars. The

best-known example of this explanatory model was proposed by Binford with his “Marginal

Zone Hypothesis”. Population density (population packing) in his model is associated with the

carrying capacity of the area concerned. Accordingly, agricultural origins were the result of

resource pressures in an optimal area where the population increases over the carrying


capacity of the environment. This pressure would have been relieved through the constant

emigration of certain individuals and groups to neighboring, less favorable environments

where less preferable food resources were extensively used. The population increase in these

marginal environments eventually forced the domestication of plants and animals (Binford

1968). Another demographic stress approach that has been formulated is Cohen‟s food crisis

model, which assumes that a global food crisis following the population growth (not only in

marginal environments) at the beginning of the Holocene forced people to abandon more

nutritious hunting and gathering strategies and obliged them to tend domesticated plants and

animals (Zeder 2006).

Hodder‟s role in developing a challenging paradigm to the basic premises of processual

archaeology should also be mentioned to understand the study of cultural change in the

origins of agriculture. According to his interpretation, “material culture is not merely a

reflection of ecological adaptation or socio-political organization but also an active element in

group relations that can be used to disguise as well as reflect social relations” (Trigger 2006).

His contextual approach is based upon the idea that archaeologists need to examine all

possible lines of evidence about a culture to comprehend the significance of each part of it in

the formation of the archaeological record. Hodder brings out the dangers inherent in an

interpretation of archaeological evidence that is isolated from its broader context (Trigger,


Regarding the models concerning the problem of origins to changes in social organization and

ideology, Hayden proposed a model that denies external triggering factors as playing any

causative role in the origins of agriculture. Hayden claims that in contrast to resource

pressures, agriculture might have developed within an intra- and inter-communal competition

system in which high-prestige food items would serve to gain social advantages for some

“aggrandizers” through competitive feasting. This model predicts that domesticates were

considered as not ubiquitous dietary stables for early communities, but rather rare and

desirable exchange items (Zeder 2006, Hayden 2001, 2003, 2009).

Bender (1975, 1978) also objects to looking for external prime movers in explanations of the

origins of agriculture. She argues that the emergence of agriculture cannot be understood as a

question of changes in techno-cultural complexity but instead is a consequence of changing

social relations related to the ''commitment'' to produce more for marriage, ceremonial


purposes, and trade alliances among kin groups. In this case, she mentions that the evidence

of skull cults and items in circulation such as obsidian and shells from Natufian levels in the

Levant suggests continuity of settlement and a degree of organization and authority. The

increasing demands on production in relation to descent groups, exchange networks,

ceremonial institutions, and positions of authority provided a basic impulse for the

intensification of food production (Bender 1975, 1978).

Another incentive within the same framework is that of Cauvin. He proposed that

domestication is a direct consequence of a conceptual shift in human perception that dictates

that humans hold a dominant position over nature. This, when codified in religious ideology,

has had profound and irreversible effects on how humans recognize themselves in relation to

nature, freeing human communities to manipulate and transform nature through symbolic

reconstructions. Hodder similarly emphasized the role of symbols as central for the

domestication of public and private spaces (Zeder 2006, Watkins 2008).

Recently, an attempt by Asouti and Fuller (2013) to produce a site-by-site contextual analysis

of archaeobotanical evidence shares the same intellectual heritage although the authors clearly

state that their “contextual” approach is purely methodological, unlike Hodder‟s contextual

archaeology. The authors aim “to reconstruct the site-specific practices associated with plant

production, consumption, storage, and disposal and to determine how such activities might

have related to other domains of social life.” Asouti and Fuller (2013) assume the central role

of communal food consumption as a means in the formation of the early PPN plant-based

subsistence economy in the interplay of such community interactions as the negotiation and

reproduction of social identities. They further assume a balanced understanding of the

transition from foraging to farming that requires multiscalar interpretations through

contextual, micro- and macro-evolutionary perspectives.



III.1 Geological settings

The formation of the Zagros Mountains and Mesopotamia was the result of a series of tectonic

movements that caused the more mobile central plateau of Iran to move closer to the stable

massif of Arabia in the late Pliocene. The land between these two heavier formations was

compressed and folded into parallel mountain ridges or anticlines. The center of this

compressed zone collapsed and subsided further and its parallel ridges became the irregular

plains of Mesopotamia, which continue to fill with alluvial deposits from the rivers that cross

the mountainous ranges. To the east, the Zagros Mountains run in a northwest-southeast

direction. This area is characterized by parallel ridges with deep intermountain valleys and

other lowlands formed by water courses (Zohary 1973, Flannery 1969, Hole et al. 1969)

Chogha Golan, in Ilam Province, is within the folded zone of the Zagros Mountains; where

the deposition was contributed by the Upper and Lower Fars Formation of the Miocene. On

top of the Upper Fars Formation there lie the Lower Bakhtiyari beds. The transition between

these beds is characterized by the presence of red chert pebbles in the sandstone (Zeidi et al.

2012). The youngest bed formation in the Folded Zagros Zone is the Bakhtiyari

Conglomeratic Formation. This formation includes pebbles of red and yellow chert in the red

sandstone. On top of the pebble beds, cobbles of Asmari Limestone and pieces of gypsum

along with the chert became abundant. This chert is presumed to have served as raw material

for the inhabitants of Chogha Golan (Zeidi et al., 2012).

According to Zeidi et al. (2012), another probable source of raw material might have been a

group of hill formations just to the east side of the Konjam Cham River, north of the town of

Meheran. They report that “[t]he source of sediments is the Aghajari Formation and the

overlying Bakhtiyari Conglomerate of the Zagros front ranges. Raw materials of various

qualities are available in the area as pebbles, cobbles and nodules of chert, as well as pieces of

sandstone and small amount of quartzite. The density and fine quality of these lithic resources

may have attracted people to this region throughout prehistory”.


III.2 Palaeoclimatic settings and vegetation history in Western Iran

The climatic conditions during the Quaternary were governed by pronounced oscillations

from interglacial to glacial and interstadial to stadial times, which are documented in oxygen

isotope values (δ18

O) of deep sea sediments and ice cores. The timing of climate change

according to the Milankovitch effects is correlated through the 100.000-, 40.000-, and 23.000-

year cycles that are caused by variations in the sun-earth geometry. This phenomenon is

assumed to reflect the changes in eccentricity, obliquity, and precession of the earth‟s orbit

(Wright 1993, Kehl 2009). On the other hand, millennial-scale oscillations in δ18

O, which are

called Daasgaard-Oeschger events, have been recorded with slow cooling phases at the

beginning of a stadial, followed by fast temperature rises at the start of an interstadial. The

proposed reasons behind these fluctuations are deviations in ocean surface currents, surges of

ice sheets, variations of sunspot activity, or instabilities in the atmospheric carbon-dioxide

(CO2) system (Kehl 2009).

The regional differences of vegetation history between the western and eastern Fertile

Crescent have been posited by Stevens et al. (2001). The palaeoenvironmental conditions

during the Late Glacial Maximum (LGM) have been documented in the pollen cores of Lake

Van and Lake Urmia in the eastern Fertile Crescent. The characteristic feature of Late

Pleistocene vegetation was dry steppe dominated by Artemisia and chenopods, which

represent the semi-desert vegetation of a cold and arid climate (Stevens, 2001; Kehl, 2009).

The impact of the Younger Dryas climatic oscillations following the LGM is not pronounced

in the pollen spectra of the Lake Zeribar region, unlike the dramatic vegetation change

recorded at other pollen sites in the western Fertile Crescent. In addition to this point, Stevens

et al. (2001) report certain anomalies such as a significant increase in δO18

values at the end of

Pleistocene. The maximum inferred salinity and low lake levels between 12.600 and 12.000

cal. B.P. have also been reported through the investigation of plant macrofossil record (Kehl,


The Early Holocene in Southwest Asia was characterized by a rapid rise in temperature and

consequently in sea and lake levels. Data show the pollens of oak, pistachio, and grasses

becoming more and more pronounced in the pollen assemblages. The vegetative sequence in

the eastern Fertile Crescent, comprising the five pollen sites in the Zagros-Taurus range,


shows that the chenopod-Artemisia assemblage was replaced by grasses (Figure 3). Apart

from that, oak and pistachio appear in low percentages, contrary to the western parts of the

Fertile Crescent. Oak percentages in pollen sites do not reach the modern value of 40 % until

the mid-Holocene (Stevens et al. 2001).

Figure 3: The pollen record of Lake Zeribar (Stevens et al. 2001).

Today, the climate in Iran has extreme continental conditions characterized by the contrast

between cold winters and hot, dry summers common to most of Southwest Asia. The climatic

conditions are primarily governed by the pressure systems of westerly cyclones, the Siberian

High, and the Southwest Monsoon (Stevens 2001; Kehl 2009). Winters in Iran are dominated

by cold, dry air coming from the Siberian High pressure systems, while moisture-bearing low

pressure cells from the Atlantic or the Mediterranean penetrate inland to bring most of the

precipitation that falls in the winter and spring (Stevens 2001). Most of the precipitation falls

from October to April, with an average of ~350 mm per year in all Iran (Kehl 2009).

Zohary‟s (1973) phytogeographical map shows the province of Ilam situated in the Irano-

Turanian plant region, more particularly in the western Irano-Turanian subregion, comprising

the Mesopotamian province, the Irano-Anatolian province, and the East Sharo-Arabian

province of the Saharo-Arabian plant region. The Irano-Anatolian province extends farther


west, including a part of the Central Anatolian Plateau, the Armenian, Kurdistanian, and

Zagrosian mountain ranges, the eastern and southern slopes of the Elburz Mountains, and,

farther east, most of Afghanistan. The Irano-Anatolian province is described as floristically

highly diversified (Zohary 1973).

The prominent vegetation zone in the vicinity of Ilam province is the Kurdo-Zagrosian

steppe-forest vegetation. The dominant arboreal elements of this zone are oaks (mainly

Quercus brantii and Q. persica), pistachios (Pistacia khinjuk and P. atlantica), and also to

some extent Cerasus, Crataegus, and Pyrus. This is mainly characterized as steppe-forest in

which the trees are fairly well spaced from each other. Interspaces are vegetated by steppic

elements (Zohary 1973). The ecological characteristics of this type of forest are tolerance for

low precipitation, tolerance for low temperatures, sensitivity to snow, positive response to

increased moisture during the growing season, and inability or limited ability to disperse

under present summer-dry conditions (El-Moslimany 1986).

Zohary‟s (1973) reasons for the inclusion of the Zagros Mountains in the Irano-Turanian

phytogeographical unit instead of in the Mediterranean region are summarized in the

following arguments. Firstly, in the deciduous forest such species as (Pistacia khinjuk, P.

atlantica var. latifolia and var. kurdica, (as well as some species of Amygdalus, Cerasus,

Prunus and Acer, etc.) have no relation to Mediterranean flora. Secondly, Zohary assumes

that Kurdo-Zagrosian flora include some species that might have originated in the Zagros and

migrated westwards to the Mediterrenean zone; these species are Quercus libani and Quercus

boissieri. Lastly, he notes that Iran should be considered as an evolutionary center of

speciation (e.g., the genus Pistacia).

The precipitation rates change within close proximities to where Chogha Golan is located due

to large altitudinal variations. The annual rainfall for the town of Mehran (altitude 500

meters), which is 30 km south of the site, is ~360 mm and the mean annual temperature is

recorded as 22.7 °C with a range of 35.0 in August and 9.4 °C in January. The climatic data

from 30 km southwest of the town of Ilam (altitude 1000 meters) registers an annual rainfall

of 430 mm and a mean annual temperature of 17.0 °C with a range of 29 °C in August and 3.4

°C in January (Nevo et al. 1986).


III.3 Archaeological research in Chogha Golan

III.3.1 Site Description and Excavations

Chogha Golan is a Pre-Pottery Neolithic tell site situated at the outskirts of the Central Zagros

Mountains on the Amirabad plain in Ilam Province. Chogha Golan lies between the towns of

Ilam and Mehran (Figure 4). The site is located at 33° 22‟38, 50” N latitude and 46° 16‟15,

93” E longitude, at an elevation of 485 m above sea level, adjacent to the Mesopotamian

plains in western Iran (Zeidi et al. 2012).

Figure 4: Map showing the location of Chogha Golan and other PPN sites in Central Zagros Mountains,

Western Iran (Zeidi et al, 2012).

The site was excavated as part of a joint project with the Iranian Center for Archaeological

Research and the Tübingen-Iranian Stone Age Research Project (TISARP) during the

excavation seasons 2009 and 2010 (Zeidi and Conard in press). The primary goals of the

excavation of Chogha Golan were “the recovery of all classes of organic and inorganic

materials needed to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental setting, the subsistence economy and

the technology of the site‟s inhabitants” (Zeidi et al. 2012). Overall, the excavation of this


particular site aims to examine how the timing of early Neolithic development in Western Iran

compares to that of other regions of the Fertile Crescent (Zeidi et al. 2012). Conard et al.

(n.d.) summarize the importance of the Chogha Golan project as follows;

“Since archaeological sites dating to this period are poorly documented in western Iran, the

excavation of Chogha Golan helps to fill on important gap for reconstructing the region‟s

settlement history. This work aims to test the hypothesis that the first phase of lowland

Neolithic settlement would occur in a region adjacent to the mountains, the presumed

natural habitat of key domesticated species […] These results will also help to answer how

the timing of early Neolithic development in Western Iran compares to that of other regions

in the Fertile Crescent. Well dated materials from clear archaeological contexts are needed

to clarify whether or not the Western Zagros represents a separate region of independent

domestication of plants and animals or rather an area to which domesticates from elsewhere

were imported”.

The first excavation season in 2009 aimed to clarify the cultural and chronostratigraphic

sequence of the excavation site (Figure 5). A trench of 4 x 2 meters at the apex of the mound

was excavated to 1 meter deep. Meanwhile, one pit which had already been dug up by looters

to the depth of 5 meters revealed useful information for excavators, providing a guideline of

the stratigraphy of the site. The 7 meter profile wall of the pit was meticulously cleaned for

further analysis.

In 2010, the archaeologists devoted their efforts to a systematic examination of the

stratigraphy by excavating the trench down to the geogenic deposits. Chogha Golan preserves

a thick stratigraphic sequence that includes 8-meter-deep archaeological deposits. Eleven

archaeological horizons (AH) were identified and associated with lithic artefacts, mud brick

walls, and other material culture remains. Also, it has been reported that sediments are rich in

floral remains (Riehl et al. 2012). The zooarchaeological examinations is still awaiting to be

fully investigated but the preliminary results document that the faunal data is large in species

diversity including caprines, wild boar, gazelles, equids, large bovids, rodents, hares, reptiles,

birds, fish, mussels and freshwater crustaceans (Riehl et al. 2013).


Figure 5: The stratigraphy of Chogha Golan excavation (Zeidi pers. comm.. 2013) with calibrated AMS

dates published in Riehl et al. (2013).


The majority of findings in AH I were chipped stone artefacts and bone remains. Zeidi and

Conard (in press) report that AH I consists of three sub-layers that were characterized by the

first appearance of mud brick structures (AH Ib) in addition to mortars and pestles, grinding

slabs, and stone and clay objects (AH Ib and AH Ic). Zeidi and Conard (in press) report that

AH II displays “relatively soft and light homogenous ashy silt with light brown to grey color”.

This archaeological horizon is rich with ground stone assemblage and organic remains. It also

includes abundant chipped stones, mud brick, stone structures, and plastered floors.

III.3.2 Chronology

The absence of pottery in all eleven archaeological layers together with the typology of the

lithic assemblage suggests that Chogha Golan was inhabited during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic

period (Zeidi and Conard, in press). This earlier assumption of excavators had been verified

by ten available mass spectrometry (AMS) dates which locate the occupation period of the

site between 12.000 and 9.800 calendar years before present (cal. yr. B.P.). Riehl (2013)

assumes that these dates make the site contemporary with PPNA and middle PPNB sites in

relation to the Southern Levantine chronology5

Radiocarbon dating demonstrates that regionally the start of Chogha Golan occupation

antedates any other PPN archaeological sites in western Iran that have been published so far

(Figure 6). Only Sheikh-e Adab shows evidence for earlier dates than the start of Chogha

Golan occupation (Matthews et al. 2010). According to Riehl et al. (2011), Chogha Golan is

“simultaneous with Nevali Çori in Southeast Anatolia, final Jerf el-Ahmar and Dja‟de in Syria

and Yiftahel, Jericho and Beidha in the Levant. The earliest horizons at Chogha Golan are at

least 1,000 years older than the earliest PPN layers of Ganj Dareh and roughly 1,500 years

older than Ali Kosh”.

5 On the issue of chronological timeframe among different sites in Fertile Crescent, Riehl et al. (2011) emphasize

the difficulty of interpreting the absolute dating as a reference to the cultural similarities and differences in a

relatively large geographical area like Southwest Asia. Nesbitt (2002) points out the same issue as “period terms

such as PPNA are used here [in the text] simply as a convenient shorthand for sites similar in date and do not

necessarily imply cultural similarities”.


Figure 6: The chronological sequence in southwest Asia correlated with southern Levantine sequence

(Zeder 2011).



Archaeobotanical sampling was carried out by the excavators, Mohsen Zeidi and Nicholas

Conard from the University of Tübingen, through a judgmental sampling method based on the

small area of excavation sections and visible changes in the soil profile. In total 717

archaeobotanical samples had been collected by excavators with a mean sediment volume of

10 liters. The collected samples were processed at the site by bucket floatation, using sieves

with mesh sizes of 200 µm (Riehl et al. 2012; 2013). In the meantime, excavators dry-

screened all the sediment removed from the excavation unit with 2 mm mesh (Zeidi and

Conard, in press).

In later analysis, all samples from Chogha Golan were accompanied by archaeobotanical

documentation sheets, providing information including the date, the trench, coordinates, and

sediment volume. During the laboratory process, the samples were separated by dry sieving

them into different fractions (2 mm, 1 mm, 0.63 mm and 0.090 mm) to capture as many plant

remains as possible for efficient sorting. Typical remains of the 2 mm fraction are cereal

grains, large seeded pulses and charcoal. The 1 mm fraction mostly contains small-seeded

pulses and most of the other taxa/genera. Most of the small-seeded grasses were recovered

from the smaller fractions. Other types of objects such as charcoals, increments, and straw,

and awn segments are not directly relevant to the purpose of this research and have been

omitted from the analysis.

The material studied consists of 28 archaeobotanical samples, which are now housed in the

University of Tübingen. From these samples, over 25.000 seed and chaff remains have been

identified and at least categorized in 2012. The identification of plant remains was carried out

in the archaeobotanical laboratory in the Institute for Archaeological Sciences, University of

Tübingen using the comparative collections in the Laboratory of Archaeobotany at the

University of Tübingen and with reference to relevant archaeobotanical publications (e.g.

Anderberg 1994; Berggren 1969, 1981; van Zeist et al. 1984; van Zeist and Bakker-Heeres

1982, 1984a, 1984b, 1985; Nesbitt 2006; Bojnanskỳ and Fargavsová 2007) The plant remains

were identified using a Euromex brand binocular with 10-30x magnification. On the advice of

Dr. Simone Riehl, sub-sampling was conducted for the smallest fraction (0.090 mm) using a

cumulative sampling method with a rifle-type sample splitter, which divides samples in two

identical halves. Sub-samples of 1/8 or 1/4 were sorted to obtain an appropriate number of


seeds. In the case of „missing taxa‟, the seed, if it matched one of the available species in the

collection, was described with the extension name „type‟.

The analyzed samples were tabulated in Excel by counting the number of seeds for every

taxa/genera. In total, 61 analytical categories were identified and have been further

amalgamated for clarity, resulting in 37 categories for which the find density and percentages

were calculated using Excel. Correspondence Analysis was performed by using find densities

in CANOCO 4.5 for Windows. A cut-off level of 10 seeds was assigned to exclude the rare

taxa from the data. There were only two plant taxa of which seeds occurred sporadically in the

assemblage (Adonis sp. and Rumex/Polygonum type) and which were removed from the


IV.1 Methodological considerations on sample size, taphonomy and quantitative


An important aspect of archaeobotanical sampling is estimating the required sample size to

recover a representative and accurate dataset (van der Veen 1982). It is generally agreed that

the archaeobotanical material found at a site represents only a small fraction of what was once

present. Furthermore, the principal way those samples are selected from the archaeological

context will possibly influence every later phase of the analysis and interpretation.

Van der Veen‟s (1982) mathematical modeling of sample size resulted in the estimation of a

minimum of 541 seeds/objects in 4 levels of investigation, namely, the site as a whole, each

occupation phase of the site, each category of feature (ditch, pit, postholes etc.) and the

individual samples. According to her formulation, the archaeobotanical material would be

representative only by including 541 seeds in every level described above.

Considering both propositions on sample size, analyzed samples in this research fulfill the

criteria of representativeness in most cases. Accepting van der Veen‟s proposition, only 12

out of 28 individual samples include more than 541 seeds/objects while the figure changes

after amalgamation of individual samples that come from the same horizons. In this level of

investigation, only samples from AH I and AH IX include a number of seeds lower than the


minimum amount. These archaeological horizons always demonstrate low number of objects

with low density.

It is also important to consider that the plant species represented in archaeobotanical

assemblages are heavily influenced through various taphonomic processes (i.e., pre-

sedimentary dung burning or crop processing) as well as the effects of post-sedimentary

bioturbation and differential preservation of plants under carbonization. Popper (1988) and

van der Veen (2007) both mention that the source of patterning in plant assemblage has

diverse origins ranging from the human exploitation of plants to the recording of each taxon

by the archaeobotanist.

With regard to this issue, the effects of carbonization and taphonomical processes produced a

substantial amount of over-fragmented plant remains and poorly preserved morphological

features in the Chogha Golan assemblage. van der Veen (2007) noted that the carbonization of

plants would lead to a differential preservation of some species at the expense of others (i.e.,

fruits, condiments, vegetables, and oil-rich seeds are less likely to become preserved).

Hubbard and Clapham (1992, after Fuller 2008b) divide archaeobotanical assemblages into

three distinct groups according to the relationship between context and assemblage. In the

first group, called “class A”, are the remains that were found in situ in the context from which

they were recovered (primary deposition). The context as well in this case should indicate the

signs of burning. The second group of findings (class B) represents an assemblage that comes

from an event (here a burning event) but has been re-deposited from the original context to a

secondary one (secondary deposition). The last group (class C) includes the assemblage from

diverse charring events and many different activities and is considered the most ubiquitous

find class in archaeobotany.

Van der Veen (2007) and Hillman (1984) state that the formation of carbonized plant

assemblages depends on five routes of deposition activity. Following are the routes of entry of

plant remains into an archaeological context, of which the first two represent recurrent daily

activities while the other three display rarer events in the formation of an archaeobotanical


“1) first and foremost, plant remains used as fuel, both intentional and „causal‟ use.

„Causal‟ use refers to the discard into a fire of fine-sieving residues of glume wheats,


dehusked on daily basis, as well as of nut shells, fruit stones, and similar. Intentional use

represents the deliberate use of chaff and straw of free-threshing cereals as fuel (in Roman

Egypt traded for such a purpose), and in arid and semi-arid regions the use of animal dung

(which will include chaff and straw remains as well as arable weeds and seeds of grazed


2) foods (especially cereal grains and pulses) accidentally burnt during food preparation

(e.g. bread baking, cooking, roasting), including parching of glume wheats where practiced;

3) stored foods and fodder destroyed by fire in accidents or in deliberate and/or hostile


4) plants destroyed during the cleaning out of grain storage pits using fire;

5) diseased or infested crop seeds that needed to be destroyed” (van der Veen 2007).

As the Chogha Golan excavations were operated for only two excavation seasons because of

limited time and funding, the archaeological contexts are poorly defined. After the first

excavation season in 2009, excavators decided to dig through the whole sequence down to the

geogenic deposits. This vertical excavation eventually limited the contextual analysis of the

plant remains in the current research. In the mean time, Riehl et al. (2013) informs that source

deposits were relatively uniform in most cases as the collected samples are coming from

“mixed accumulation of ashes from many years of fires that incorporated numerous cycles of

seasonal activities”.

All aspects related to the nature of archaeobotanical data are further complicated by the low

number of samples processed in this research, which could lead to misinterpretation of the

archaeobotanical data. Riehl (1999) stressed that enlarging the number of samples to the

widest possible range of sampled units provides the highest probability for a representative

investigation. However, during this research it was impossible to meet either goal (a large

number of samples and of sampled units) due to limited time and the excavation strategy.

Quantitative measurements are necessary methodological tools to search and describe the

patterning in the data and to distinguish the patterning defined by the research questions from

other sources of patterning. Different methods of quantification would eventually treat the

data with different degrees specificity, require different conditions and provide different

information (Popper 1988). That indicates that the best method of quantification mostly

depends on the condition of the archaeobotanical data.


Jones (1991) stresses two basic approaches to statistical analysis, namely pattern searching

and problem-oriented analysis. She mentions that pattern searching starts with counts of the

individual taxa identified in plant parts and uses statistical techniques “to group samples or to

identify major axes of variation on the basis of botanical composition”. On the other hand,

problem-oriented analysis starts with specific questions and applies handles the dataset to

analyze the particular research problem. During this research, pattern searching analysis was

employed mainly to characterize the spatial and temporal variations in the assemblage.

One of the methods applied to the dataset is to express the data through percentage

occurrences of plant taxa within one sample and layer. Converting absolute ratios to a

standardized measure of percentages gives an account in difference of sample size. This

analysis indicates a clear pattern in the increase and decrease of certain species taking the

different occupation periods into consideration (Riehl 1999). A disadvantage of this kind of

measurement is that an increase in one species always results in a decrease in the relative

proportions of others (Jones 1991).

Another method of quantification is to reflect the data as densities per one liter of soil

sediment. According to Jones (1991), the find density analysis “partly reflects the rate of

deposition and can therefore help to distinguish material discarded all at once from that

discarded piecemeal over a period of time and mixed with other refuse”. Riehl (1999),

however, mentions that taphonomic considerations should be taken cautiously as it is not

possible to discern the true number of seeds originally discarded in one deposition event.

A third method that is commonly used in archaeobotany but lacking in this research is to

compare the relative frequencies (ubiquity scores) of plant species through time. This analysis

shows how common a species is within the set of samples. Another important characteristic of

this measurement is that the score of one taxon does not affect the score of another thus

making it possible to evaluate each of the taxa independently. The principal reason for not

applying this measurement to the current dataset is the low total number of samples processed

and the comparatively homogeneous nature of the botanical composition of the samples.

Correspondence Analysis was carried out to distinguish what individual taxa are associated to

certain archaeological horizons in Chogha Golan. Additionally another CA plot was

performed to explore patterning in the dataset to identify similarities between samples on the


basis of their species compositions and identifies which species co-occur frequently. Lange

(1990; after Colledge 1999) mentions that “in graphical form the results of a Correspondence

Analysis bring out the position of each samples relative to all other samples and to all the

species, and of each species relative to all other species and to all the samples in the analysis”.

Colledge (2002) and van der Veen (2007) noted that this multivariate analysis enable the

researcher to identify similarities between samples on the basis of their species compositions

and allows looking for any meaningful grouping of samples and species from the sites and

chronological periods and phases to be investigated.

IV.2 Further limitations in the current research

Certain constraints that affect the archaeobotanical interpretation of the Chogha Golan

assemblage should be further considered in detail. For example, the degree of expertise of the

examiner is an important criterion in the identification process. It is obvious that identification

of carbonized plant materials requires well-grounded experience in the morphology of the

seeds as well as a deep understanding of plant ecology and biology. Choices in research

strategy and limited time for laboratory analysis made it impossible to assign detailed species-

level identifications; rather, most taxa were coarsely identified at the genus level or

identifications remained tentative and indeterminate. This caused the loss of valuable

palaeoecological information in this research.

There are two other major limitations, both closely related to the biological aspects of plants.

The difficulty in identifying the pulses (Fabaceae) at the species level was the result of large

intraspecies variations within this family, which are mostly attested to their nitrogen-fixing

ability through symbiotic bacteria that makes them adapt well to nitrogen-deficient soils. For

instance, the Astragalus genus in Iran comprises over 500 species, complicating the issue

further, even for botanists. Another biologically-derived aspect could be the presence of

extinct or still-undiscovered species. Some taxa in the assemblage such as the Triticoid type

and Agrostis type have no modern equivalents in identification manuals. Both types were

defined through their close morphological similarities to Triticum and Agrostis genera, but it

is uncertain that these remains truly belong to these groups.



The overall composition of the Chogha Golan plant assemblage indicates the dominance of

two plant families throughout the occupation period: grasses (Poaceae) and pulses (Fabaceae).

Grasses outrank any other plant family with 77 % of the assemblage while pulses comprise

only 17 % of all remains examined. Eleven different families share the remaining 6 %; their

varying contributions to the assemblage differ relatively within each layer and sample. It

should also be noted that the analysis of percentages demonstrates that the Poaceae family

increases until AH III at the expense of other families through the occupation period (Graphic


Graph 1: The floral composition of the Chogha Golan assemblage in percentages throughout the

occupation period.

The density of the findings is ~91,80 seeds/chaffs per one liter of soil, while ~70,29 of the

findings come from the Poaceae family; ~15,66 belong to the Fabaceae family and the

remaining ~5,84 finds come from the other eleven families that were represented in the floral

assemblage. The density of the findings fluctuates over time, with maximums of almost 300

findings in AH IV and about 200 in AH V. The lowest recorded values are in AH IX with

18,5 finds, AH II with 21,52 finds, and AH I with only 4,35 finds per one liter of soil.

















Archaeological Layers





V.1 The Composition of Poaceae (Grass Family)

The plant family Poaceae consists of fourteen categories in varying frequencies. In total, nine

of the fourteen categories include seed remains, which were classified into two categories as

large- and small-seeded grasses according to their sizes.

Another characteristic of the Poaceae spectrum is the high percentages of chaff remains in

general. Five categories have been documented as rachis remains in the findings belong to

Hordeum cf. spontaneum, Aegilops sp., Triticum sp., Taeniatherum sp., and “unidentified

Poaceae spikelet base type” (Graphic 2).

Graph 2: Relative percentages of Poaceae chaff and seed remains in the plant assemblage.

V.1.1 Large-seeded Poaceae remains

Hordeum cf. spontaneum (wild barley) is a well-represented species in the assemblage. It is

ubiquitous in every layer and findable in most samples except AH I. The absence of barley

grains in AH I could be associated with the small sample size, since the chaff remains of this

species do exist in this layer. In total, the absolute percentages indicate low values that range

from 0,22 % to 1,95 %. The highest values are recorded in AH VII and AH IX, although the

sample size for both those layers is relatively small. In the meantime, the find density analysis

















Archaeological Layers




demonstrates a fluctuating pattern: AH V and AH IV show higher densities with 0,94 and

1,17 respectively. The density of the remaining layers ranges from 0,05 seed to 0,87 seed per

one liter of soil.

Morphological features of certain barley grains point out those larger grains typical of a two-

rowed domesticated barley species (Hordeum cf. distinchum) that may exist in the

assemblage. This type of barley grain was discussed in van Zeist et al. (1984) in the Ganj

Dareh account. No analysis regarding the relative percentages of H. cf. spontaneum and H. cf.

distinchum was performed. However, it is evident that H. cf. distinchum is as ubiquitous as H.

cf. spontaneum.

Hordeum cf. spontaneum spikelet bases are more abundant in the assemblage than seed

remains. The absolute percentages of wild barley spikelet bases fluctuate between 12 % and 5

% throughout the occupation period (Graphic 3).

Graph 3: The changes in percentages of wild barley grains and chaff remains in the floral composition

over the occupation period.

Most of the chaff remains of Hordeum cf. spontaneum are indicative of wild type shattering,

with a smooth incision scar (99 %; n=1960) rather than the rough incision scar (1 %; n=22)

expected in domesticated phenotypes. The low occurrences of these features are rather


Hordeum sp. (rachis) 4,597 4,203 3,284 7,577 9,194 5,395 9,652 7,054 12,07 8,492 9,490

Hordeum spontaneum/distinchum

0 0,221 0,259 0,390 0,466 0,443 1,947 1,143 1,621 0,956 0,752















striking with respect to the long occupation period at Chogha Golan. No pattern is evident in

the assemblage to show an increase of non-shattering phenotypes during the succeeding

periods of occupation.

Some seed remains show a close resemblance to the wild siblings of Hordeum cf.

spontaneum. This group of wild barley remains was not successfully determined at the species

level. The absolute percentages of the findings for this group are lower than those of H. cf.

spontaneum, which has values higher than those for wild barley only in AH IV. The density

values also display the same pattern in that AH IV is significant for higher find density of this


Aegilops sp. (goat grass) seeds are rarely represented in the assemblage. The absolute

percentages vary from 0,16 % to 0,76 % regarding the whole assemblage although it is absent

in the two uppermost layers. However, the chaff remains of this genus are very well

represented in the assemblage, as in the case of Hordeum cf. spontaneum.

Aegilops sp. chaff remains compose one of the most abundant categories within the large-

seeded grasses category and within the plant assemblage as a whole. The rachis remains of

this genus are highly fragmented into smaller objects, while complete remains of spikelet

bases and glume bases exist rather in low counts. The absolute percentages for these findings

are always high, the lowest being 4,50 % in AH IV and the highest 36,70 % in AH VIII. The

find density analysis, on the other hand, demonstrates the densest values in AH III with ~40

fragments per one liter of soil. In other layers, the values range from 0,90 (AH I) to 26,67

(AH XI) per one liter of soil.

Taenitherum sp. and Bromus sp. are relatively smaller grasses in comparison with Aegilops

sp. and Hordeum cf spontaneum. Both genera appear ubiquitously in most samples which

could indicate that these two plants were a permanent element of the vegetation. However, the

absolute percentages of both taxa vary between the ranges of 3 % to 1 %.

The highest percentage is recorded in AH VII for Bromus sp. with 2,79 %. Taenitherium sp. is

much better represented by its chaff remains than by its seeds. The spikelet bases of this genus

compose 0,76 % of the assemblage in AH VII. The density of Bromus sp. reaches its peak in


AH VII with ~1 seed per one liter of soil, while Taenitherium sp. seed and chaff get their

higher values in AH V and AH IV, respectively.

“Indeterminate large-medium seeded grasses” include all grass remains left unidentified

during the analysis of the plant remains. This category is relatively large and includes many

different types of grasses. The higher percentages were recorded in the levels below AH III,

with the exception of a suspicious decrease in AH V. The upper layers show lower

percentages than were recorded for the earlier layers. The highest densities of these finds

occur in AH IV (7,17 seeds per liter) and in AH XI (3 seeds per liter).

Only one specimen of Triticum sp. (wheat genus) seed remains was recovered from AH III.

Preliminary examinations demonstrate that this finding may belong to T. monococcum ssp.

boeticum (wild einkorn) or T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides (wild emmer).

Another pattern in the Chogha Golan assemblage is the frequent occurrence of Triticum sp.

chaff remains. Even though these remains appear from the earlier layers on, their absolute

percentages become increasingly pronounced in the later levels of occupation. In particular,

the three uppermost layers consist of a considerable amount of Triticum sp. chaff remains.

This observation aside, further analysis of the domestication status of Triticum sp. spikelet

bases, based on the differentiation of chaff morphology, was hard to confirm due to the highly

fragmented nature of preservation.

In AH VII, the absolute percentages of Triticum sp. is suspiciously high (2,71 %) although the

neighboring layers show little or no evidence for this type of chaff remains. The percentages

gradually rise from 0,35 % in AH IV to 18,39 % in AH I. The find density on the other hand,

fluctuates between 0,03 (AH XI) and 1,90 (AH II). The uppermost layer indicates relatively

low values of density with 0,90 chaff per one liter of soil.

One specimen of Triticum sp. chaff remains needs special attention in the evaluation of the

Chogha Golan plant assemblage. This specimen, found in AH III, shows close morphological

similarities to the free-threshing type of spikelet bases. The morphological characteristics

resemble T. aestivum (bread wheat) rather than the T. durum (hard wheat) type. In addition,

the abscission scar of this particular spikelet base is smoothly broken, rather than resembling

the non-shattering free-threshing types.


V.1.2 Small-seeded Poaceae remains

Four categories within the Poaceae family were defined as small-seeded grasses. These

categories consist of Agrostis type, Phalaris sp., Triticoid type and “unidentified Poaceae

rachis type”. Agrostis type makes up almost half of the whole assemblage (52 %). In total,

these four categories contribute 63 % of the assemblage.

Agrostis type is a broad group of grass remains that the group mainly include several types of

seeds less than 2 mm in length. The type was defined previously in the publication by van

Zeist et al. (1984) on the Ganj Dareh plant assemblage. The most abundant finding in this

category, this type of grass was classified as “Agrostis type” in accordance with that

publication. The fossil plants in this category were concentrated in AH V, IV, and III, while

their overall contributions are much less pronounced in the remaining layers.

Phalaris sp. (canary grass) is a well-represented genus in the assemblage. The percentages of

this genus fluctuate from 8 % to 1 % throughout the occupation period, with the steady

occurrences in earlier layers altering dramatically in AH V with a rapid increase in percentage

The find density of Phalaris sp. reaches its highest values in AH V and AH IV, while the

density in other layers is generally less than 1 grain per one liter of soil. Considering its

ubiquity in the assemblage, it is obvious that Phalaris sp. is an important vegetational


Triticoid type grass remains are frequently occurring in every layer, albeit in low percentages

(from 2 % to 0,3 %). This type of grass remains was also first defined by van Zeist (1984) at

Ganj Dareh, due to its close morphological similarities to the Triticum genus, although it is

comparatively much smaller in size. The density of these findings indicates that AH VI and V

differentiate with the highest values of these objects. On the other hand, the percentage

analysis displays the highest value in AH XI, with a decrease through succeeding layers. No

remains of the Triticoid type were recorded in AH II and AH I.

“Unidentified Poaceae rachis type” is a type of object that was not successfully identified in

this research. Among many other unidentified objects in the assemblage, the remains defined

under this category demonstrate high density values and relatively high percentages (from 8

% to >1 %). For this reason, this type is included pending further analysis. The highest values


of absolute percentages are recorded in AH VIII (~6 %), AH V (~8 %), and AH II (7,3 %).

This type of object shows the highest density values only in AH V.

V.2 The Composition of Fabaceae (Pulse Family)

Two distinct categories, which are fairly uniform in all layers and samples, were identified for

the pulses of the Chogha Golan plant assemblage. The first category comprises larger grained

pulses such as Lens sp. and Vicia/Lathyrus type remains. The second group of pulse grains

includes the plant genera Astragalus sp., Trigonella sp., Medicago radiata and unidentified

small-seeded pulses. The overall composition indicates that the larger-grained taxa make up

14 % of all Fabaceae remains, while small-seeded taxa dominate the assemblage with 86 %

(Graphic 4).

Graph 4: The changes in composition of small- versus large-seeded Fabaceae remains in the plant
















ve P





Archaeological Layers




V.2.1 Large-seeded Fabaceae remains

The absolute percentages of Lens sp. and Vicia/Lathyrus demonstrate two peak points in AH

IX and AH VII (Graphic 5). Nevertheless, the sample sizes examined for both layers were

relatively small. The relative percentages of the Fabaceae assemblage point to a trend in the

representation of larger-grained pulses in AH V at the expense of small-grained pulses. It is

not possible to follow this trend in terms of absolute percentages because higher values of

Agrostis type suppress the contribution of Lens sp. and Vicia/Lathryus in these two layers.

The find density of Lens sp. and Vicia/Lathyrus type remains displays an almost identical and

gradual increase from the lowermost layer to AH IV. Afterwards, the density of these two

taxa becomes rare in the assemblage (Graphic 6).


Lens sp. 2,298 0,885 0,172 0,846 0,980 2,586 6,011 1,334 2,882 1,486 0,578

Vicia/Lathyrus 1,149 1,327 1,253 0,889 1,291 2,143 3,302 0,762 3,423 2,229 0,839













Graph 5: The contribution of larger-grained pulses in the assemblage in percentages.


Graph 6: The find density analysis for the large-grained pulses.

V.2.2 Small-seeded Fabaceae remains

Small-seeded Fabaceae remains in this research are represented by four categories, the

composition of which in these findings is: Trigonella sp. (41 %), Astragalus sp. (% 31),


Lens sp. 0,1 0,190 0,2 2,5 1,968 1,458 2,028 0,7 0,533 0,7 0,666

Vicia/Lathyrus/Pisum 0,05 0,285 1,45 2,625 2,593 1,208 1,114 0,4 0,633 1,05 0,966
















Astragalus sp. 5,747 3,982 1,728 2,285 1,089 4,804 7,027 10,10 6,846 7,324 13,51

Trigonella sp. 12,64 9,070 4,408 2,920 2,629 6,504 7,874 8,960 9,729 10,82 14,41

Fabaceae, indet.(small) 0 2,876 0,777 1,665 1,089 6,430 8,213 3,622 4,324 8,492 12,18














Graph 7: The absolute percentages of small-seeded pulses throughout the occupation period.


“unidentified small-seeded Fabaceae taxa” (26 %), and Medicago radiata (2 %). Except for

Medicago radiata which occurs sporadically in the assemblage, the other three categories

display relatively similar distributions throughout the occupation period. The absolute

percentages demonstrate high values at the lower layers until AH V. Then, a sharp decrease is

visible for AH V and AH IV. The percentages increase again to a certain degree in the three

succeeding layers (Graphic 7).

It should be noted that the prevelance of Trigonella sp. is comparatively higher than any other

small-seeded Fabaceae genera from AH V on. Trigonella sp. in this research includes two

types of plant remains: Trigonella astroides and unidentified Trigonella (most probably)

objects. Unlike most of the fossil plants in the assemblage, Trigonella astroides is one of the

few taxa that were identified to the species level due to its distinct morphological


The find density of Trigonella sp., Astragalus sp. and unidentified small-seeded legumes

displays a constantly decreasing pattern from the lowermost layers to the uppermost layer.

The remains display the highest density in AH XI, around 16–14 seeds per one liter of soil.

These values from this particular layer are never achieved again in the remaining layers. AH

VIII differentiates from the neighboring layers with an increase in density for Astragalus sp.

and Trigonella sp., and then another rapid increase is apparent in AH IV.


Astragalus sp. 0,25 0,857 2 6,75 2,187 2,708 2,371 5,3 1,266 3,45 15,56

Trigonella sp. 0,55 1,952 5,1 8,625 5,281 3,666 2,657 4,7 1,8 5,1 16,6

Medicago radiata 0,1 0,238 0,25 1,041 0,281 0,208 0,114 0,15 0 0,05 0,466

Fabaceae, indet.(small) 0 0,619 0,9 4,916 2,187 3,625 2,771 1,9 0,8 4 14,03
















Graph 8. The density of small-seeded pulses per one liter of soil throughout the occupation period.


Interestingly, the density of small-seeded Fabaceae genera in AH V is not as dense as in AH

IV, even though both layers indicate an almost similar floral composition. While Trigonella

sp. has the highest density among small-seeded legumes, the last three layers show very low

density values in all three categories (Graphic 8).

V.3 The Composition of Other Plant Families

Plant families which are neither Poaceae nor Fabaceae compose 6 % of the assemblage.

Eleven plant families were identified during this research, consisting of 18 genera/categories

in total (Graphic 9). The number of genera/categories included in the data analysis does not

reflect the real picture regarding the species diversity in the Chogha Golan assemblage. Some

unidentified seed remains and some sporadically occurring genera were not included in the

actual data analysis due to low counts of these remains. Thus it should be kept in mind that

the species diversity in the Chogha Golan plant assemblage is much larger than is expressed

in this study.

V.3.1 Anacardiceae (Sumac Family)

The plant family Anacardiceae is represented by only one genus, Pistacia sp. This genus

occurs in every sample in varying percentages and it is the largest category (29 %) among

other genera that do not belong to the Poaceae and Fabaceae families.

The highest values in percentages indicate its significance in AH XI (6 % of the whole

assemblage). In the upper layers, the absolute percentages vary from 3 % to >1 %. The find

density analysis demonstrates a similar picture as the highest values are recorded in AH XI

with much lower densities in the remaining layers. Pistacia sp. is relatively abundant in AH

VIII, and AH V and IV display a sharp peak in the find density of the remains. Interestingly,

AH VII and AH VI demonstrate very low densities for this genus.


Graph 9: The composition of other plant families in the assemblage that are neither Poaceae nor Fabaceae


V.3.2 Brassicaceae (Mustard Family)

The remains belonging to the Brassicaceae family were not successfully identified to a genus

or species level due to their comparatively small seed size and the negative effects of

carbonization. This family composes 17 % of all non-Poaceae/Fabaceae remains and it is

ubiquitous in all layers at varying frequencies. The density of Brassicaceae remains shows

decreasing values from the earlier layers (AH XI and AH X) through to the upper layers

V.3.3 Caryophyllaceae (Pink Family)

This family is identified in three genera/categories: Silene sp., Gypsophila sp., and

“indeterminate Caryophyllaceae seeds”. In total, 11 % of the non-Poaceae/Fabaceae

assemblage belongs to this family. The percentage analysis indicates higher values from AH

XI (2,95 %) to AH VI (0,74 %). Afterwards, the representation of this family decreases

dramatically in the remaining layers. The highest percentage recorded in the uppermost layers










1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11













is 0,23 % in AH V. The find density analysis displays very low values of less than 1 grain per

one liter of soil, except AH XI with 3,40 grains.

V.3.4 Malvaceae (Mallow Family)

This family is represented in the assemblage by only one genus, Malva sp. The genus exhibits

the highest percentage in AH IX, while in other layers the percentages are between 2,30 % to

0,27 % of the whole assemblage. The find density analysis records about one seed remain per

one liter of soil in AH IX, AH VII, and AH V. The remaining layers show lower densities.

Apart from that, this genus is ubiquitous in all archaeological horizons.

V.3.5 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae (Goosefoot/Amaranth Family)

The family Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae is represented by four genera/categories

including Salsola sp., Atriplex sp., Suaeda sp., and “indeterminate Chenopodiceae objects”.

This family is ubiquitous in all layers except in AH I.

The range of percentages varies from 3,13 % to 0,10 % of the whole assemblage. It is evident

that there are distinct differences between AH X, AH VII, and AH VI, which have relatively

high percentages of this family, and the remaining layers that indicate lower percentages,

mostly less than 1 % of the whole assemblage. The density of these remains fluctuates from

1,45 to 0,10 seeds per one liter of soil. As seen in the percentage analysis, the particular layers

mentioned above exhibit high densities together with AH XI. Furthermore, an interesting

pattern occurs when all four genera/categories are plotted in the same chart. This shows the

density of Suaeda sp. peaking in certain layers such as AH X, AH VI, and AH IV, while it is

non-existent in the remaining layers. At the same time, Atriplex sp. and Salsola sp. are more

ubiquitous in the assemblage despite their lower densities, while “indeterminate

Chenopodiceae objects” are concentrated only in AH VII and VI.


V.3.6 Cyperaceae (Sedge Family)

The absolute percentages of this family are less than 1 %. It is represented by only one genus,

Scirpus sp. The percentages exhibit comparatively similar values in each layer, on average

0,50 % of the whole assemblage. Only in AH VI, AH V, and AH IV do the percentages

decrease notably. The find density analysis displays the highest values in AH XI, AH VI, and

AH III. Nevertheless, this genus is ubiquitous in all layers except AH I.

V.3.7 Boraginaceae (Borage Family)

The family Boraginaceae composes very small portion of the whole assemblage (~1 %) even

though it is ubiquitous in all horizons except AH IV. The remains of this family are most

abundant in AH XI and AH V. Among other genera like Lithospermum sp. and Arnebia sp.,

Heliotropium sp. is the most abundant genus recorded in the assemblage.

V.3.8 Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)

The only plant category identified for this family is Centaurea type. The absolute percentages

of this category are less than 1 % of the whole assemblage. The analysis exhibits the highest

percentages in AH X, VII, and VI, while the density of this plant is higher in AH VII and VI.

It is present in all layers except AH I.

V.3.9 Asparagaceae

The remains for this family are classified under the category of

Ornithagalum/Muscari/Bellavalia. Because of the difficulties in identifying these genera due

to the effects of carbonization, they are all included in the same category. The absolute

percentages are the highest in AH VII, with 2 % of the whole assemblage. Other layers show

percentages lower than 1 %. The find density for this category displays higher values from


AH VII to AH IV, while it is less densely represented in the remaining archaeological


V.3.10 Rubiaceae (Bedstraw Family)

Galium sp. is the only genus identified for this family and is present in low percentages (<

0,21 %), although it is not present at all in AH V, AH III, and AH I. The find density analysis

shows the highest density of this genus in AH XI, with decreasing densities after this

lowermost layer.

V.3.11 Papaveraceae (Poppy Family)

Papaver sp. is present only in AH VI, with roughly 2 % of the whole assemblage. This genus

is represented by a density of 1,20 seeds per one liter of soil in this particular layer.

V.4. General Patterns in the Chogha Golan Assemblage

A closer look at the composition of the plant assemblage indicates that a large number of

plant genera/taxa occur rather ubiquitously throughout the occupation period. However, they

are not uniformly distributed over all layers and samples. It is evident that certain layers and

samples are more associated with certain plant taxa than others in the assemblage.

Plotting the covariational relationships between taxonomic compositions of individual

samples reveals that three patterns predominate in separatingthe location of samples in the CA

plot (Graph 10). The strongest separation appears along the first principal axis (horizontal)

and explains 42.8 % of all variations in the dataset. This shows that the first principal axis

separates the samples that include a large number of small-seeded taxa (both grasses and

legumes) from the samples with predominantly including large-seeded grasses and wheat



This situation can be illustrated by looking at some samples that come from the same

archaeological horizon but are located in negative or positive sides of the plot. For instance,

among four samples examined from AH VII, three of them (sample no. 52, 366, and 367) tend

to locate at the negative side of the first axis. These three samples are enriched with small-

seeded legumes and the remains of Chenopodiceae family, Ornithagalum/Muscari, and

Centaurea type as well as large-seeded pulses like Lens sp. and Vicia/Lathyrus type. On the

other hand, sample no. 613 dislocated from this cluster at the positive side of the axis due to a

strikingly large amount of wheat spikelets. Such a pattern is also identifiable in AH II

samples, in which samples no. 160 and 147 located at the positive side of the axis while

sample no. 137 tends to cluster more negatively. This is mainly the result of the sample

composition of no. 137, which includes a substantial amount of large- and small-seeded

pulses in contrast to low proportions in other samples. Instead samples no. 160 and 147

consist of large amounts of wheat spikelets with small amounts of large- and small-seeded


The second principal axis (vertical) explains about 12 % of the variations in the assemblage.

The negative side of the axis is characterized by the samples that include a large amount of

small-seeded grasses, while the positive side of the axis shows the groupings of samples that

generally include the remaining taxa. For instance, all three samples from AH V indicate a

different pattern according to their location in the plot. Sample no. 327 consists of a large

amount of small-seeded grasses (Agrostis type, Phalaris sp.) and is located at the negative

side of the axis while two other samples differ from this pattern by the variations in their

composition. Sample no. 320 tends to cluster with the samples at the positive side of the

second principal axis but also at the negative side of first principal axis. This sample is

enriched by a large amount of small-seeded legumes and Brassicaceae remains in comparison

with other samples in this horizon. Yet, sample no. 536 also differs from the others at the

positive side of second axis and this time appears at the positive side of first axis. The main

reason for this separation is the enrichment of the sample by the remains of Aegilops sp. The

rest of plant species in these samples appear proportionally identical.

The second CA plot in this research (Graphic 11) has more explanatory power than the first

plot. It distinguishes 59.5 % of the cumulative variance of species data in the assemblage in

the first axis (horizontal) and 71 % in the second axis (vertical). In total, the four principal

axes explain 88.8 % of the cumulative variance. In this plot, all samples from each


archaeological horizon were amalgamated into one sample and additionally species data were

inserted to identify the variations layer-by-layer and species-by-species.

One feature of this plot clearly shows a separation in the first principal axis concerning

probable food plants with large seeded pulses (lentil and vetch/grass pea) and wild barley

grains and rachis remains. It is highly possible that this distinction could be related to food-

processing activities that contributed differently to the depositional history.

A second feature of the assemblage expressed in the first principal axis is the distinction

between large-seeded and small-seeded pulses. Small-seeded pulses strongly cluster with

plant taxa from the Caryophyllaceae, Chenopodiceae, and Brassicaceae families rather than

the large-seeded pulses. On the other hand, large-seeded pulses display a sort of closely

clustering with Centaurea type, Medicago radiata, Aegilops sp. grain and rachis remains,

Malva sp., Scirpus sp., and the Ornithagalum/Muscari complex. This may indicate a different

source of patterning rather than crop processing residues, or food preparations may have been

prominent for large- and small-seeded pulses.

The two lowest layers (AH XI and X) tend to be associated more with the cluster of small-

seeded pulses, pistachio, Chenopodiceae, and Caryophyllaceae remains and to locate at the

negative side of the axis. The next four horizons (AH IX, VIII, VII and VI) exhibit a more

centroid distribution on the plot, closely clustering at the positive side of the first principal


The second principal axis separates Agrostis type and Phalaris sp. from the rest of species

dataset. These two taxa are closely associated with layers AH V and IV. The final three layers

(AH III, II, and I) tend to cluster at the positive side of second principal axis in contrast to AH

V and AH IV. The large amount of Aegilops sp. finds in AH III makes this layer different

from the next two subsequent layers but if this taxon is excluded AH III tends to cluster more

closely to AH II and AH I.


Graph 10: Correspondence Analysis plot for the compositional variations of analyzed samples. The first

letter on the sample point denotes AH number following by sample number assigned during the

excavations. The encircled samples represents that of explained in the text.


Graph 11: Correspondence analysis plot for the co-variational relationship between amalgamated samples

from AHs and identified taxa. Abbreviations used:, AEGISPE: Aegilops sp.; AEGIRAC: Aegilops rachis

remains; ASTRSPE: Astragalus sp.; ATRISPE: Atriplex sp.; BORAUNI: Boraginaceae indet.; BRASUNI:

Brassicaceae indet.; BROMSPE: Bromus sp.; CARYUNI: Caryophallaceae indet.; CENTTYPE:

Centaurea type; CHENUNI: Chenopodiceae indet.; FABAUNI: Small-seeded legumes indet.; GALISPE:

Galium sp.; GYPSSPE: Gypsophila sp.; HELISPE: Heliotropium sp. HORSPOD: Hordeum cf.

spontaneum/distinchum; HORDUNI: Hordeum indet.; HORDRAC: Hordeum rachis; LENSSPE: Lens sp.;

LEPISATI: Lepidium sativum; MALVSPE: Malva sp.; MEDIRADI: Medicago radiata; ORNIMUBE:

Ornithagalum/Muscari; PHALSPE: Phalaris sp.; PAPASPE: Papaver sp PISTSPE: Pistacia sp.;

POACINM: Medium-seeded Poaceae indet.; POACINS: Agrostis type; SALSSPE: Salsola sp.; SCIRSPE:

Scirpus sp.; SILESPE: Silene sp.; SUASPE: Suaeda sp.; TAENCAP: Taenitherum grains.TAENRAC:

Taenitherum rachis; TRIGSPE: Trigonella sp.; TRITRAC: Triticum rachis; TRITTYP: Triticoid type;

UNISPIK: Unidentified Poaceae rachis type; VILAPIS: Vicia/Lathyrus type.



The next sections aim to discuss the results derived from the analysis of the Chogha Golan

plant assemblage followed by questions formulated during this research. The first section

summarizes and discusses the current state of archaeobotanical, archaeological evidence from

Chogha Golan. This is designed to answer the first research question, whether there are

variations in the composition of floral assemblage of Chogha Golan.

The subsequent sections discuss the Chogha Golan dataset from the perspective of the

similarities and dissimilarities of this site‟s floral compositions in relation to other sites in the

region. Its aim is to find out any pattern in the plant assemblages that would be connected to a

general development towards the establishment of farming economy. First the theoretical

background of changes in plant management strategies and the archaeological sites in Eastern

Fertile Crescent will be considered in detail; then the recent discussions on the fixation rate of

domesticated phenotypes and geographical origins of domestication will be reviewed to

pinpoint the temporal and spatial extent of domestication and farming economy at eastern

Fertile Crescent. ,

VI.1 Variations in the Chogha Golan plant assemblage

The composition of the lowest layer, AH XI, is characterized by the highest percentage of the

Fabaceae family with ~42 %, and the lowest recorded for Poaceae with ~44 %. Moreover, the

proportions of small-seeded pulses compose ~40 % of the dataset. In this respect, AH XI

represents an unusual figure compared with the succeeding layers. Zeidi (pers. comm. 2012)

reports regarding the mixture of knapping debris with debris from fireplaces that “this layer

seems to be an unusually rich midden deposit”. Neither bone remains nor flints have any sign

of contact with fire. In short, this layer suggests a complex pattern of accumulation including

many phases of deposition.

AH X represents a divergence from the previous layer in showing increasing values of grasses

at the expense of pulses but interestingly the contribution of other plant families is as high as

it is in AH XI. Nevertheless, the composition of plants that are neither grasses nor pulses is


different from the uppermost layer. This difference is characterized by the increase of the

Brassicaceae and Chenopodiceae families and the decreasing contribution of the Pistacia

genus and the Caryophillaceae family. This layer displays the first appearance of mud-brick

walls and floors plastered with red ochre. There are also indications of a fixed in situ pecked

boulder and probably mortars as well (Zeidi pers. comm. 2012).

AH IX shows an increasing trend for Poaceae and decreasing values for other plant families.

The find density declines for all organic and inorganic remains. The composition of the plant

assemblage shows that barley seeds and chaffs, lentils, Vicia/Lathyrus type, Agrostis type,

and mallow are higher in comparison with the two lower layers. This layer is defined as the

probable remnants of building debris (Zeidi pers. comm. 2012).

In AH VIII, a sudden increase becomes evident in the percentages and density of Poaceae

remains. This change can be seen chiefly in the increase of two categories in the assemblage:

the chaffs of Aegilops sp. and the unidentified Poaceae spikelet bases. Meanwhile the other

categories of grasses and pulses decrease in relation to earlier layers and only Astragalus sp.

shows a small increase in percentages at the expense of other small-seeded pulses. It is

reported that the find density of archaeological remains is high. The excavators also reported

that very thin ash lenses are apparent in this layer (Zeidi pers. comm. 2012).

Interestingly, AH VII displays a sudden decrease in Poaceae percentages, which is atypical

given the generally increasing trend of Poaceae remains in the assemblage. The remains in

this layer include a sudden occurrence of Triticum sp. chaffs in high counts. This figure could

be important because, with this exception, such high counts were not recorded in the

assemblage until AH III. However, it should be noted that the sudden occurrence of Triticum

sp. chaff remains in this particular layer may be related to the contextual variation among

sampling units. The composition of other samples coming from subsquares 0/99 and 1/99

does not contain as large an amount of Triticum chaff remains. The excavators reported that

the sample that has this high amount of wheat chaffs also includes human skeletal remains.

AH VI is characterized by the rapid increase of Aegilops sp. and Agrostis type in the

assemblage, with high density values. On the other hand, Papaver sp., which is not recorded

in any other layers and samples, is present in AH VI. The sediment in this layer is reported to


be very soft and silty, consisting of substantial amounts of charcoal, ash, and bone fragment

as well as river pebbles. The pisé wall from the previous horizon penetrated into AH VI.

The next two succeeding layers, AH V and AH IV, show a constant increase of the Poaceae

remains, which could be owing to the extremely high density and proportions of small-seeded

grasses (both Agrostis type and Phalaris sp.). Interestingly, the density and percentages of

Hordeum cf. spontaneum chaffs become higher than Aegilops sp. chaff remains in AH V and

AH IV. This rapid boost in the density of these findings is accompanied by the relatively

small but still apparent increase of larger-grained Fabaceae seeds in AH V at the expense of

small-grained pulse genera.

The uppermost three layers, AH III, AH II, and AH I, do indicate a decreasing pattern of

grasses in contrast to the other families. Hence, the composition of the Poaceae assemblage in

the uppermost layers is different from others in respect to the frequent occurrences of

Triticum sp. chaff remains. Among all the categories tabulated in the percentage analysis,

only Triticum sp. chaff remains show continuous increases from AH IV to AH I.

AH III shows the highest densities for Aegilops sp. chaff remains as well as the sudden

decrease of Agrostis type seed remains. This layer also differs from other layers with the

occurrence of one rachis specimen, most probably belonging to a free-threshing type, and

another grain specimen identified as wild einkorn or emmer. Archeologically, this layer

shows several thin plaster floors on top of each other. Zeidi (pers. comm. 2013) also reports

burnt surfaces, mud brick features with straw temper, and an impression of matting made of

reed that is visible on clay lumps.

In AH II and AH I, the archaeological evidence recorded several grinding and pounding

implements that were classified as hoes, mortars, grinding slabs, handstones, pestles, and

pounders. Most of the chipped stones represent debitage. Sickle blades are present but not

very numerous in the lithic assemblage; in total, 13 blades and 17 bladelets with sheen were

recovered from these layers. It was reported that traces of natural asphalt were found on one

edge of some blades. The main architectural features are chineh walls and associated stone

structures and mortars. AH I has mud brick structures; this layer shows partially burnt,

trampled floors that seem to have been renewed several times, visible as different layers that

average 2-3 cm thick.


The floral composition from AH II clearly indicates the rapid increase of certain plant

taxa/genera, namely, those that belong to small-seeded pulses and other wild plants, at the

expense of diminishing percentages of grass finds such as Aegilops sp. chaffs and Agrostis

type. Among the grasses, only two categories display a significant increase, Triticum sp.

chaffs and Phalaris sp. seeds, while new plant taxa like Brassica rapa type and

Rumex/Polygonum type are first recorded in this layer, although they exist in small counts.

In contrast to other layers that include plentiful archaeobotanical findings, AH I has a very

low count of remains (n=87) in two samples examined. This low amount of singular finds

raises questions as to whether the findings from AH 1 are sufficiently representative for the

accurate evaluation of this layer. However, the same spectrum of frequently-occurring taxa

found in previous layers is still present in this layer, together with the apparent high

percentage of wheat chaff remains.

Another important issue is that wheat spikelet base remains fall outside of the main clusters in

the CA plots which recognizes wheat rachis remains as an outlier. It is quite possible that the

samples from AH I might indicate a primary deposition rather than having been discarded to

this context from an original one. All in all, the distribution of plant taxa on two CA plots is

highly homogenous and does not primarily suggest a clear patterning for different formation

processes such as crop processing activities as had been argued in van der Veen (2007). The

lack of spatial data from Chogha Golan also limits the interpretation of probable causes for

various routes of entry for plant materials.

In the mean time, many herbaceous taxa had been defined as an element of steppic vegetation

cover also occurs in Chogha Golan assemblage. Leguminous genera such as Astragalus,

Trigonella, Medicago are common steppe plants (van Zeist et al. 1984). Similarly, the taxa

defined under the family Brassicaceae are also common constituents of steppe vegetation.

Furthermore, the large variations of grass taxa demonstrate that the natural vegetation cover

included those taxa of steppic associations. Helbaek observed that the earliest layer of Tepe

Ali Kosh contain mostly drought-resistant and salt-tolerant species which is also true for

Chogha Golan as the taxa coming from two plant families, namely Caryophyllaceae and

Chenopodiceae occur proportionally high in the lowermost layers. More detailed

investigations needed to be done for the ecological significance of the distribution of plant

taxa over different AHs, which remain obscure in the current research.


VI.2 Evaluations of plant management strategies in eastern Fertile Crescent

According to the most recent archaeobotanical and archaeological evidence, the process of

subsistence change from true hunting-gathering to farming-herding was a gradual transition.

The conceptual framework of the classification of the plant exploitation systems confers three

evolutionary stages6 of food procurement and prodaction. Harris (2007) and Zvelebil and

Dulokhanov (1991) proposed basicly similar approaches to explore the developmental route

toward resource specialization of harvesting seeds of wild grasses and other herbaceous

plants. Those modes are wild plant-food procurement (foraging as the principal plant

subsistence mode), wild plant-food production (cultivation of crop plants and foraging

strategies together) and agriculture of domesticated crops (farming as the principal mode of


This predictive model comprises two aspects of early human-plant relationships. First, it is the

recognition of human communities with “low-level food production” that encompasses

temporally-extended plant management strategies between a hunting-gathering subsistence

economy and a farming-herding economy. A second feature for the transition to agriculture is

the intensification of production by generating increasing amounts of labor into the managed

landscape and followed by a predominance of domesticated plants (Harris 2007; Fuller 2007;

Smith 2001, 2007a, 2007b; Zvelebil and Dulokhanov 1991).

The communities with low-level food production are considered to be neither hunter-gatherers

nor agriculturalists; they relied on low-level production of domesticates with a heavy

6 Trigger (2006) rightly puts forward some major limitations of the role of law-like generalizations in the

archaeological explanation following the remarks of Murdock (1959 in “Evolution in social organization”); “[…]

Many evolutionary generalizations may be formulated inductively as a result of detailed efforts to interpret

individual cultural sequences and then raised to a higher level of significance after their cross-cultural

applicability is noted. Because of the overlapping nature of many competing high-level theories of human

behavior, it often remains unclear which of them best accounts for such empirical generalizations. It may further

be argued that the ultimate task of evolutionary theory, and the standard by which it must be judged, is its ability

to explain what has happened in the past, as revealed through idiographic studies, rather than to construct

hypothetical schemes of development that are invariably too general to predict what actually happened in the



emphasis on using and management of wild resources. This assumption contrasts to Childe‟s

dualistic approach, which posited a radical and rapid shift between two static stages, with no

turning point from farming into other forms of subsistence strategies. Such “middle ground

territory” between two modes of subsistence has long been recognized in studies on the

emergence of agriculture in Mexico. The temporal-developmental distances between

domestication and the emergence of the first agricultural communities is separated by 5.500

years in Mexico characterized by the temporal gap between the domestication of squash

(Cucurbita pepo) and the beginning of the village-based communities with maize-beans-

squash farming (Flannery 1973; Smith 2001). Furthermore, Zvelebil and Dulokhanov (1996)

and Smith (2001) stress that these communities should not be seen as incipient or transitional

reference points; as once Braidwood presumed; in the evolution of agricultural life but rather

as successful and appropriate solutions to local environmental settings.

Human efforts to shape local biotic communities use different forms of niche construction or

ecosystem engineering activities such as controlled burning of vegetation or management of

wild plants by tilling, tending and sowing. Although archaeological records are scarce for

active human intervention to the landscape, this has been documented in the North American

Southwest in 550 individual locations where agave plants were transplanted by Hohokam

communities (A.D. 600 – 1350). These agave cultivation sites include archaeological features

for water manipulation, rock pile complexes around individual plants, discarded processing

tools, roasting pits and relict agave populations (Smith 2001). Smith (2007a) further reframes

the nature of niche contruction as follows “[…] all of these different activities comprised an

integrated and traditional resource management strategy of direct and sustained manipulation

of a broad array of culturally significant populations of plants and animals and their habitats

in order to maintain their abundance, productivity and diversity”.

With regard the archaeological research in the Near East, Asouti and Fuller (2012) infer a

similar developmental route through interpreting well-tuned archaeological, archaeobotanical

and chronological data in order to explore the changes in plant management strategies and the

subsequent prevalence of fully domesticated “crop packages”. In their interpretation of the

comparative dataset from southern Levantine PPN sites they cautiously note that, “full

domesticated status was assigned where non-shattering rachis remains represented the

majority of the assemblage, or they were found at late sites alongside significantly enlarged

grains”. Their regional analysis concludes that the intensification of subsistence production


(the appearance of fully domesticated crop packages) may have happened after the

demographic aggregation that occurred in the context of LPPNB megasites in southern

Levant. Prior to this phenomenon, what is largely seen is that “local early PPN traditions of

plant management” (Asouti and Fuller 2011) in which it is proposed (Fuller et al. 2010) to

exist a balance of differing selection pressures on cultivated and wild populations that allowed

for the coexistence of both natural shattering populations and populations under domestication

pressure in the same environment.

Both Hole (1984) and Harris (2007) recognized the very same assumption that the subsistence

strategies and habitation patterns during the PPN might have been more diversified and

permeable among each other than had been presumed on the basis of archaeological records.

Consequently, Hole (1984) argues that prior to the middle PPNB in western Iran, subsistence

economy may have depended heavily on different combined strategies like gathering and

herding or cultivating and hunting. For instance, Hole (1996) mentions that seasonal sheep-

goat transhumance could be a prominent subsistence strategy that it was herders-cultivators

who first introduce agriculture into the region and subsequently spread it through the Zagros

foothills. The harvesting profiles of faunal assemblage of Ganj Dareh also signal to active

management of caprine herds that the reexamination of goat remains show at this site

uncertain evidence of domesticated phenotypes but it appears that they were actively managed

to maintain an age-sex profile resembling to that of farmers-herders practiced (Zeder and

Hesse 2000; Zeder 1999). The archaeological records on the rapid increase of sedentism and

the number of known sites reflect that there was a convergence toward heavy dependence on

both farming and herding evidenced at Ganj Dareh Level D, the lower phases of Tepe Guran,

the Bus Mordeh phase of Tepe Ali Kosh and Çayönü (Hole 1984).

Bearing in mind Harris‟s conceptual framework and related archaeological evidence, it is

possible to identify certain similarities and dissimilarities in the development of plant

management strategies among western Iranian sites regardless of the rarity of

archaeobotanical records. Comparative evaluations of plant remains from three relatively

well-studied sites; Chogha Golan, Tepe Ali Kosh (Helbaek 1969), Ganj Dareh (van Zeist et al.

1984) were able to demonstrate that on theoretical grounds, that there are similar site-specific

trajectories in Western Iran akin to that of Harris‟ model in many aspects. This trajectory is

also basically concurrent with the early management of wild plants and the beginnings of

cereal domestication over much of the Fertile Crescent in terms of the empirical data retrieved


during the last decade (Willcox 2004; Fuller 2007; Purugganan and Fuller 2009; Fuller et al.


The comparative evaluation of published data for three PPN plant assemblages in western Iran

exhibit that the lowest archaeological levels always consist of high proportions of small-

seeded legumes and other wild taxa that basically may reflect local food procurement

practices, while subsequent occupation phases display a decrease in small-seeded pulses and

the increasing “visibility” of large-seeded taxa such as wild barley and wild lentil as occurs at

Chogha Golan and Ganj Dareh. This shift to heavy emphasis of large-seeded wild taxa might

have been the result of changes in plant management strategies from wild food procurement

to wild food production in the context of pre-domestication cultivation. Finally, following the

comparative data from Charles (2007), the archaeological levels that are inhabited from late

PPNB onwards such as Tepe Ali Kosh, Tell Maghzaliyeh, Jarmo, Chogha Bonut, Tepe Abdul

Hossein, are characterized by the abundance of morphologically domesticated emmer wheat

remains supplemented by domesticated barley and crop plants which signal the evidence for

the establishment of the agriculture in the region. The presumed developmental trajectory

during the Aceramic period in western Iran can offer a firm basis in order to compare the

developmental trajectories to better identify the temporal frame of probable changes in plant

management strategies.

Certain constraints of this interpretation should be taken into consideration. It is highly likely

that wild food procurement might always have been a simultaneous element in the subsistence

of PPN communities which might have been adopted along with other modes of plant

management strategies in varying arrangements in relation to local environmental settings,

seasonal changes or during the time of decrease in food resources. In the case of site occupied

for as long as Chogha Golan, it is not easy to gauge the importance of these remains by

analyzing their varying proportions. Even though a large amount of small-seeded legumes and

pistachio predominates in samples at the earlier layers, there is also sufficient evidence from

these levels that to some extent the early inhabitants of Chogha Golan simultaneously

exploited large-seeded grasses and pulses.

Contextual evidence from the earliest level of Ganj Dareh can provide helpful insights for this

issue. Although many samples contain large amounts of small-seeded legumes and pistachio

remains in the two lowest levels of occupation, wild barley must also have been utilized


intensively, judging by its dominance in a sample from one particular context. Accordingly,

Helbaek (1969) also recognizes two types of plant use that occurred simultaneously at Tepe

Ali Kosh that are based on both the heavy dependence on collecting wild, endemic legume

plants and the cultivation of both wild and domesticated types of wheat and barley. At Tepe

Ali Kosh the exploitation of endemic legumes appears to have been practiced more intensely

in the course of the earliest phase and again in the last phase of occupation, but as with

Chogha Golan and Ganj Dareh, it was always accompanied by large-seeded grass taxa like

emmer and/or einkorn and to lesser extent barley. Finally, the chronological significance of

these specific patterns of plant occurrences poses another problem. There is a large

chronological gap between the earliest habitation phases of Chogha Golan and Ganj Dareh

about 1.000 years and roughly 1.500 years with Tepe Ali Kosh occupation that creates

problem in incorporating the specific temporal range of plant occurrences into predefined

evolutionary stages that eventually requires well-established chronological data which was

missing in the current research.

Therefore, the simplification of the overall occurrences of certain plants into predefined

evolutionary stages should be approached cautiously and only for analytic purposes. For

instance, a wide spectrum of potential wild edibles can be found in the plant assemblages of

western Iranian sites and occasionally these may have contributed to the dietary practices.

However, the principal problem is that the presence of such wild taxa cannot be recognized as

direct evidence of either intentional harvesting or collecting from the wild unless they have

been found in large concentrations associated with primary depositional contexts (Hillman

2000, van Zeist et al. 1984). In the mean time, dung burning for fuel has been recognized as

an alternative taphonomic process in the formation of the archaeobotanical assemblage

(Miller 1984) and specifically for Western Iran sites (Charles 2007). Instead of interpreting

the plant remains only for the dietary importance, Miller (1984) and Miller and Smart (1984)

observed the fact that seeds and chaffs eaten by a range of animals can survive the passage

trough digestive system. They further proposed that accumulation of many seeds of non-

cultivated plants including hard-to-collect small-seeded legumes and so-called arable weeds,

may have resulted in dung burning as fuel and incorporated into the plant assemblage from

this route.


VI.3.1 Wild plant-food procurement

Contemporary hunter-gatherers such as the indigenous communities inhabited in temperate

regions of North America encounter higher levels of dietary diversity occupying resource

environments that are ecologically more varied. Harris (1977) proposes that broad spectrum

subsistence economies would possibly occur within generalized natural eco-systems where

there is a large variety of plant and animal species and populated by a small number of

individuals, especially in transitional vegetation zones such as on the margins of upland and

lowland mountainous regions or woodland and steppe. On the contrary, specialized

economies are likely to emerge where there are limited varieties of plant and animal species

but a large number of each species.

Hillman (2000) points out “the remarkably diverse diet of the Maidu of the Sacramento

Valley in California derived from a catchment that embraced open oak-dominated park-

woodland, grading below into a chaparral-grassland mosaic, the equivalent of the woodland-

steppe in Western Asia, with marshlands, rivers, and lakes below that”. Regarding his

paleoenvironmental reconstruction at Tell Abu Hureyra in 11.500 cal. B.P., Hillman (2000)

assumes a similar richness in dietary diversity resembling to that of indeginous communities.

Among 142 plant taxa in the assemblage, of these 118 were ethnographically identified plants

used as food sources among hunter-gatherers. It is proposed that such diversity in potential

foods was used to supplement the meat-based diet with plants that are rich in starch and oil,

and several of them were used as caloric staples. Adding up the probable uses of roots, green

shoots, leaves, flower buds, and other soft tissues that have little chance of being preserved

from charring, he further predicts that the total number of wild edibles consumed at Abu

Hureyra may have been over 250. This assumption would also be suitable for Chogha Golan

as considering the diversity of grasses and pulses found in the archaeobotanical assemblage.

Small seeded legumes

The small-seeded legumes comprise a large amount of plant species especially from the

genera of Trifolium, Astragalus, Medicago, Trigonella and Coronilla. Today they are a major

constituent of pasture, animal feed and green manure worldwide. These remains are usually

well-represented amongst the plant remains recovered from PPN sites. In general, seed pods

are not found intact but usually seed remains are present (Weiss and Zohary, 2011).


Helbaek‟s comments on endemic species gathered at Tepe Ali Kosh include various plant

species that are also present in the Chogha Golan and Ganj Dareh assemblages. The

characteristic feature of the lowest occupation phase (Bus Mordeh) is an extreme abundance

of “endemic legumes” (94,2 % of the assemblage), which consists a large number of

Trigonella species, two probable Astragalus species and certainly Medicago radiata. The

lower occupation phase of Ganj Dareh (Level E) also shows high ubiquities of small-seeded

pulses with decreasing values in the succeeding levels. Even though the small-seeded legumes

of Chogha Golan were only partially identified at the species level, the close association of

these “endemic legumes” with the lower levels of occupation of both sites needs further


Hillman (2000) suggests that the accumulation of the small-seeded pulses at Tell Abu Hureyra

must have been the result of a deliberate activity, considering such a large number of findings.

It is worth noting that also in the Chogha Golan assemblage the find density values of small-

seeded legumes, including Astragalus sp., Trigonella sp., and the indeterminate small-seeded

legume category, follow the exact same gradient over different AHs, while Medicago radiata

differentiates from others with its sporadic occurrences throughout occupation period. This

species appears highly associated with Lens sp. and Vicia/Lathyrus type in the CA plot, which

could indicate that Medicago radiata might have charred as a result of another taphonomic

pathway (e.g. field weeds) or simply that its distribution was not as wide as other legume


Butler (1995) discusses further possible routes of entry of these small-seeded leguminous

species into archaeobotanical plant assemblages. She considers these remains to be human

food resources rather than having been deposited in the form of dung, basing her argument on

the absence of domesticated flocks during the PPN, since wild species like gazelle leave their

dung in a dispersed manner that would not be time-efficient to collect. Materials used for

thatching, bedding or basketry are discounted, that is, generally not included among legume

plants. Alternatively, Hillman (2000) suggests food resources, flavorings, medicines, and dyes

as probable routes of entry for these remains. Helbaek (1969) and van Zeist et al. (1984) also

consider the probable role of small-seeded legumes as human food resources. Riehl (2013)


classifies some legume seeds7 from the Chogha Golan assemblage as arable weeds, which are

assumed to have been transported to the site along with the cultivated plants.

Ethnographic data suggests that there are a number of different uses for small-seeded

legumes, ranging from insect repellants, perfume, and honey plants to flavoring, coloring or

food preservatives to medicinal use and human food. For instance, the indigenous tribes in

North America use clovers (Trifolium sp.) as food resources that vary from season to season.

The seeds of clovers were rarely eaten by these communities because consuming the plant

parts as green vegetables is more common. Moreover, the seeds were eaten raw and

unprepared, when they were still in the green state8 that may represent a recent parallel to the

past gathering activities in temperate regions. Luomala (1978, after Butler 1995) reports that

the Tipai-Ipai tribe of southern California exploits two species of Trifolium genus for their

seeds which are collected into baskets using seed beaters, later on the seed are parched,

threshed and winnowed before being stored in covered pots (Butler 1995).

In the meantime, small-seeded legumes are also frequently represented in the assemblages of

Hallan Çemi, Demirköy, and Qermez Dere but in very small proportions, in contrast to sites

in western Iran. For instance, the fact that the ubiquity figures of small-seeded legumes show

high values, with about 50 % of all samples, illustrates the presence of these taxa, but their

proportions vary between 0,2 % and 7.4 % of the whole assemblage for each of these three

sites (Savard et al. 2003, 2006). This evidence demonstrates that small-seeded legumes are

7 In Riehl (2013) the classification of small-seeded legumes of Chogha Golan includes more plant taxa than

those are discussed in the present research. Additional legume taxa that are not successfully defined in this

research are Coronilla sp. and Medicago sp.

8 I personally also remember that during my childhood in Turkey in the 1980s chickpea seeds were sold together

with the whole plant in its green state, either in the market or by individual sellers from a cart on the streets. The

seeds were consumed raw, like eating nuts. I assume that this way of consuming chickpeas still continues today

in provincial towns in Turkey and that they can be easily found at farmers‟ markets. Luczaj et al. (2012) also

reports how children approach nature by collecting wild edible plants as so-called “snacks”, proposing that this

kind of collecting and consuming of wild food plants could be the true relict of once prevailing hunting-

gathering practices. The authors give examples from around Europe of children eating the immature seeds of

various Fabaceae species such as Lathyrus cicera, Vicia villosa and V. lutea as well as the flowers of Trifolium

spp. Finally, during a conversation with one of my acquaintances from western Iran, he informed me that his

family too usually ate wild cereal grains like nuts, after slightly parching them on the fire in order to easily

remove the grains from the enclosing glumes.


present but their contributions to the composition of the plant assemblage are not as

significant as at western Iranian sites.

Other probable wild edible plants

The highly nutritive fruits of the pistachio tree must have constituted a valued source of

vegetable fat for early inhabitants of western Iranian sites. As at Chogha Golan, the earlier

archaeological horizon of Ganj Dareh displays higher proportions while pistachio nutshells

contributed less in succeeding levels. Even though pistachio is the only arboreal fruit taxon

recorded at Chogha Golan and Tepe Ali Kosh, Ganj Dareh has wild almond nutshells, albeit

in low frequencies. Beyond this, no site shows evidence for the presence of acorns, except for

Jarmo in the late Aceramic (van Zeist et al 1984; Helbaek 1969; Charles 2007).

With regard to the dietary potential of the plant species of the Chenopodiceae family, Hillman

(2000) posits that these plants might have served as food plants during the second phase of

Abu Hureyra‟s occupation. Most plants produce their seeds in winter when other staple foods

may have been scarce. The seeds of the shrubby chenopods in particular have been intensely

collected by hunter-gatherers in North America. The Cahuilla tribe incorporated Suaeda

suffruticosa and other two species of Atriplex sp. in their diet; the use of seeds from

chenopods by the Seri and the Lakota has also been recorded ethnographically (Hillman

2000). The combined finds of seeds of various chenopods is mostly associated with earlier

levels of occupation at Chogha Golan. What is interesting is that the remains of chenopods

were not reported from either Ganj Dareh or Tepe Ali Kosh. On the other hand, no reliable

records for this group of plants exist for other sites of western Iran.

Scirpus maritimus has also had scholarly attention for its contribution as a potential food. The

nutlets of Scirpus are rich in starch and its incorporation into the human diet is evidenced by a

find of a human coprolite from Late Paleolithic Wadi Kubbaniya, Egypt (Hillman 2000). This

species never reaches high proportions at Chogha Golan, but it is a ubiquitous one and no

apparent proportional change exists in earlier and later horizons. At Ganj Dareh, the high

ubiquities of the remains of this species in earlier levels drop sharply in succeeding

occupation periods. Interestingly, the use of this species was more widely practiced at PPNA

sites at southeastern Turkey such as Hallan Çemi and Demirköy (32.1 % and 70 % of the

whole assemblages respectively) than at Iraqi and western Iranian sites. This sort of sharp


contrast can also be seen in the near absence of the Rumex/Polygonum complex at western

Iranian sites in contrast to the abundant finds at sites in southeastern Turkey and northern


Aegilops sp. is widespread at sites all over the Fertile Crescent and is chiefly identified as a

weed taxon of cultivated cereal fields. Owing to its apparent mechanical difficulties in

separating the grains from its tightly enclosed glumes, the probable contribution of Aegilops

sp. type remains may have been misjudged in the literature, where it has been considered as a

noxious weed of cultivated fields. Keeping this in mind, ethnographic records from Europe

(Luczaj et al. 2012) demonstrate that Aegilops geniculata was used as a bread additive

alongside other less preferable plants during famines in 19th

century. It is highly likely that the

Aegilops species at Chogha Golan may have contributed to the human diet rather than being

merely a noxious weed infesting the disturbed grounds. The spikelet bases of this plant were

always found to be highly fragmented at Chogha Golan, which could be interpreted as the

processing residues of barley cultivation or an intentional activity directly aimed at

incorporating this plant into dietary practices. In short, one should certainly not reject the

possibility that Aegilops sp. contributed to the diet of the inhabitants of Chogha Golan.

The role of two types of small-seeded grass taxa remains obscure, that is to say, Agrostis type

and Triticoid type. Agrostis type remains frequently occur from those sites such as Chogha

Golan, Ganj Dareh, Tepe Abdul Hosein in western Iran. Ubiquity scores of this taxa display a

sudden increase after the lowermost layer at Ganj Dareh. The same pattern is also visible in

Chogha Golan assemblage that an increasing trend after two lowermost horizons and another

suspicious increase in AH V and AH IV makes up approx. 57 % and 64 % of the assemblage

composition respectively.

Riehl et al. (2013) tentatively interpret this pattern as a shift in subsistence economy. When

looking at Ganj Dareh dataset, it is evident that there is a contrast between Hordeum finds and

Agrostis type finds indicating that contextual evidence could be significant to determine the

status of this plant small-seeded taxa. Agrostis is most ubiquitous in the provenance group IV

(”other deposits” such as loose brown soil, occupation layer, room fill) while Hordeum mostly

associated the area of food preparations in the provenance group I which comprises hearts,

ovens and kilns. Additionally, this type of grasses reported from Tepe Abdul Hosein as the


most abundant plant finds in the site but no further evaluations has been made in relation of

these finds.

Triticoid type is also recorded in two other sites, Ganj Dareh and M‟lefaat, outside of Chogha

Golan. In any sites referred above, these remains do occur ubiquitously albeit in very low

proportions. Riehl et al. (2013) mentions this type of remains in respect to the evidence of the

already-high diversity in wild Triticum-type cereals in the local environment. Gale et al.

(2003) prefers to include this group into Triticum boeticum/Secale complex. Ganj Dareh data

indicates that this type relatively occur more such contexts like heart, kiln, oven where the

food preparations activities are centered around.

VI.2.2 Wild plant-food production

The eight founder crops of Near Eastern agriculture appear to form a well-balanced crop

package between cereals and pulses that complement each other with their nutritional and

agronomic properties. In the early Holocene, the wild grasses of the Fertile Crescent were

(and still are) highly productive, forming dense stands in their natural environments, and they

progressively served as important food sources for early Holocene communities (Miller

1984). Hillman (2001) mentions the reasons why the wild cereals and pulses were selected as

the first cultivated crops rather than other caloric staples. According to him, the emphasis on

wild cereals and pulses;

“[…] reflects the fact that, of the various staples, they were the only ones amenable to annual

cultivation on a large scale in densely sown stands, they produce a heavy yield (unlike perennial

equivalents), and were able to produce an easily stored product in a single season. Cereals also

yield secondary product: straw, that is useful as tinder, thatching and bedding, and that would one

day also prove useful as fodder for domestic herbivores”.

The nature of early human-plant interaction and the role of morphologically wild large-seeded

taxa in plant management strategies during the PPN is also widely discussed that the large-

seeded grasses and pulses were either collected from the wild as Kislev (2004) and

Ladizinsky (1987) proposed for grasses and pulses respectively or that they may have been

actively cultivated by humans without initially leading to domestication in the course of Late


Epipaleolithic (Hillman 2000, 2001) or PPNA (Weiss et al. 2006; Colledge 2002, Willcox


Early cultivation before the appearance of domesticated phenotypes of crop progenitors is

evident from an abrupt increase of probable arable weeds9 at the beginning of the PPN, as

well as some other markers such as indications of the heavy use of particular food plants

outside the area of natural distribution, shifts in specific patterns of wear on flint sickle-blades

and archaeological evidence of large sedentary populations that would not have been

supportable by hunting-gathering alone (Hillman 2000, 2001; Weiss et al. 2006). Willcox

(2012) suggests that the presence of seeds of presumed weeds becomes more and more

readily visible in the PPN floral assemblages that would most probably signal human-induced

vegetation changes in the environment through an intensification of cultivation10

. Some

scholars argue that the assumption of pre-domestication cultivation fits well to Harris‟ model

of the evolutionary continuum for plant management strategies as the stage of wild plant food

production (Fuller et al. 2012).

In many respects, the evolutionary relationship between human and weeds went hand-in-hand

with that between humans and cultivars. The early weeds were pioneers of secondary

succession and possessed adaptive properties such as high reproductive capacity or short life

cycles that allowed them to proliferate in disturbed grounds. A different set of adaptations was

imposed on the weed populations within an arable field through the selective pressures of

agricultural practices (Barrett 1983). For example, such selection for a weedy habit of Vicia

sativa and Lathyrus sativus in lentil cultivation enforced both plants to adopt adaptations to

9 Zohary‟s remarks on the modern distribution and origins of segetals and ruderals include valuable observations.

He argues that Near East is a center of speciation and more than 30 % of the weeds around the world are

endemic to the Near East and the largest centre of local weeds is eastern and southern fringe of Mediterranean

territory and the adjacent borderland with Irano-Turanian territory. Furthermore, according to him, there is a two

way traffic in the migration of the weeds that induce many typical Mediterranean weeds such as Trifolium,

Medicago, Vicia, Bromus, Erodium pushed eastwards into Irano-Turanian cultivated lands and many others

occurring among Eastern Mediterranean crops are Irano-Turanian by origin. It is most interesting to see that the

weeds which are associated with Irano-Turanian vegetation zone are missing in Chogha Golan assemblage.

10 A principal criticism of this assumption is that in many cases the identification of weed seeds remains at the

family or genus level. Given the species diversity of such families and genera in southwest Asia, only a few of

them are obligatory weeds (Abbo 2012). Hillman (2000) also recognized that the ecological and nutritional

characteristics of the presumed weeds are too broad to be restricted to cultivated lands as “weeds”.


agricultural cycles through loss of dormancy, early vigor, biomass production and

phenological adaptation (Erskine et al. 1994). In this regard, Harlan (1992; after Leonti et al.

2006) states that modern weeds presumably did not exist in their present form before

agriculture and following on this assumption, it is highly likely that the formation of

cultivated lands in the early Holocene landscape may not only have favored the first crop

plants but also consciously or unconsciously a wide array of “weedy” plants that had a broad

ecological tolerance and were well-adapted to newly emerging and relatively less-competitive

agricultural habitats.

It appears that arable weeds do constantly become the subject of intentional gathering among

traditional farmer communities11

. Many scholars have observed that wild gathered weedy

plants were widely utilized as foodstuffs and for medicinal purposes by both farmers and

hunter-gatherer communities (Leonti et al. 2006; Luczaj et al. 2012; Stepp and Moerman

2001; Abbo et al. 2012; Hillman 2000). According to their observations, the weeds of fallow

and cultivated fields constitute a large number of species gathered for their potential

pharmacological and physiological properties (e.g. toxic, antimicrobial, anti-flammatory, anti-

oxidant, appetizing, etc.) by agriculturalists and contemporary foraging communities (Leonti

et al. 2006, Steep and Moerman 2001). Therefore, Leonti et al. (2006) argue that the culinary

use of wild gathered weedy greens may have evolved together with neolithization process,

initiated through tolerating these weedy taxa in cultivated fields, because these taxa are more

fibrous than cultivated plants and contain higher concentrations of secondary compounds that

provide crucial chemicals to compensate pharmacologically active substances. This

ethnographically derived observation can give a new perspective to the role of presumed

weeds in the PPN. It is plausible that human intentionality may have played a central role in

selecting a wide array of other plants together with the early cultivars, eventually confining

both plant groups to the agricultural habitat in order to enrich dietary breadth and avoid a

heavy dependence on cultivated crop plants as well as to secure other crucial medicinal and

nutritional elements. This perspective accords with Smith‟s remarks (2001, 2007a, 2007b) on


Such observation can also be distinguished in the contrast between the total number of obligate weeds in the

Near East and the total number of obligate weeds without any ethnographically recorded use. Zohary (1973)

states that among nearly 1500 segetal and ruderal species in the Near East, 420 of them are obligatory weeds that

only flourish in cultivated fields. On the other hand, Willcox (2012) mentions only 19 taxa that are well-suited

for the interpretation of pre-domestication cultivation and have any textually and ethnographically defined use in

the literature.


the central role of human intentionality in the co-evolutionary relationships between human

and target species that eventually resulted in the intensification of human efforts to modify

local environments.

“[…] domestication quite likely occurred within integrated strategies of ecosystem engineering

based on a comprehensive storehouse of knowledge about local biotic communities that had

been acquired over hundreds, if not thousands, of years of direct experience (Smith 2007b).”

In addition to Chogha Golan, so far twelve archaeological sites have been proposed as that the

pre-domestication cultivation might have been practiced during early stages of the PPN

(Hillman 2000; Colledge 2002; Willcox 2012). Riehl et al. (2013) recently argue (and as it is

apparent in the current research) that crop progenitors such as barley, wheats, lentil and other

large-seeded pulses and also probable arable weeds12

are present in the Chogha Golan

assemblage, which signifies that such an early cultivation of morphologically wild taxa might

have been performed by the inhabitants. Wild barley and lentil are particularly important early

grain crops, considering their widespread occurrence at PPN sites all over the Fertile

Crescent. Weiss and Zohary (2011) note this aspect of these two plants by defining them as

“pioneer crops” because their cultivation seems to appear somewhat earlier than others in the

Fertile Crescent. The probable role of Vicia/Lathyrus type in the subsistence economy will

also be considered in detail.

Wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum)

Today, wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum) is massively spread over southwest Asia, where

the Fertile Crescent constitutes its primary habitat. It is considered as a part of the rich grass

cover associated with the open woodland Quercus brantii belt that occurs at elevations from

500 to 1.500 meters in the Zagros region of Iraq and Iran. It does not tolerate extreme cold

conditions while it withstands drier and warmer environments, poorer soils, and some salinity.

Bor in Rechinger (1970) stresses the weedy habit of this species as well, noting that it thrives


The arable weeds of Chogha Golan as identified by Riehl et al. (2013) following the list of arable weeds in

Willcox (2012) includes following taxa; Trigonella sp., Silene sp., Reseda luteola, Ornithagalum/Muscari,

Medicago radiata, Malva sp., Lithospermum sp., Heliotropium sp., Gypsophila sp., Galium sp., Fumaria sp.,

Erodium sp., Coronilla sp., Centaurea sp. and Adonis sp.


in “deserts, gravelly, sandy or silky soils; in waste places and invading cultivation”.13

Nevo et

al. (1986) and Harlan and Zohary (1966) state that there are several wildraces of wild barley

in the Fertile Crescent, and that robust plants with large spikes and big seeds occur in more

mesic environments like oak woodland belt, while a special wadi race has slender and smaller

forms and grows mostly in elevations from about 600 meters above sea level to 350 meters

below sea level. Another race of an intermediate type thrives in arid steppes or at the edge of


On the geographic origin of barley domestication and early research by Badr et al. (2000)

inferred that barley was only domesticated once in the Levant. However, certain

methodological problems arise from this research, relating to sampling that is flawed through

the overrepresentation of Israeli wild accessions (Abbo et al. 2001). The most recent

molecular evidence (Morrell and Klegg 2007) exhibits two domestication events for wild

barley; one occurred on the western barley wildrace in the Levant and, based on their analysis,

the other originated approximately 1.500 to 3.000 km farther east. This evidence suggests that

the western foothills of Zagros or a locale farther east in central Iran may well be a center of

barley domestication, as this eastern wildrace contributed most of the diversity in barley from

Central Asia to the Far East. Jones et al. (2008, after Fuller et al. 2011) recently distinguished

photoperiod insensitive barleys that are better adapted to northern latitudes [and] share a

genetic mutation that derives uniquely from wild barleys of the mountains of Iran and not

from post-domestication mutations. This evidence suggests that there should be at least three

source populations from domesticated barley phenotypes.

The grains of wild and domesticated barley from the sites in western Iran are frequently

occurring. A marked increase in the proportions of wild barley grains is apparent after the

lowest level at Ganj Dareh as also recorded at Chogha Golan and is simultaneous with the

decrease in ubiquities of small-seeded legumes at both sites. Wild barley is also the only

large-seeded cereal species in the assemblage of Ganj Dareh and it is also ubiquitous. Van

Zeist et al. (1984) define the two types of barley grains in their account as Hordeum


Interestingly, according to Nevo et al. (1986), the allozymic variations of wild barley in western Iran display a

high level of genetic diversity that varies in relation to certain factors such as altitude variations and

ecogeographical and climatic variables. The population of genetic variations of wild barley specimens collected

from both the Amirabad plain and the town of Ilam exhibits a higher genetic diversity than the mean value

recorded for most wildraces and landraces from other regions in western Iran.


spontaneum-type and Hordeum distichum-type. Additionally, they report no marked increase

in the proportions of the two-rowed domesticated distichum-type remains at the expense of

the two-rowed wild spontaneum-type throughout the occupation period as well as few rachis

internodes were present in the assemblage. That is why the authors refrained from drawing

conclusions about the domestication of barley in the absence of firm evidence from the

examination of rachis internodes.

Considering later sites such as Tepe Ali Kosh and Tepe Abdul Hossein, it is also hard to

evaluate the status of barley domestication because of the poor evidence of barley rachis

internodes and the lack of quantitative data. However, Helbaek (1969) reports wild barley

(Hordeum spontaneum) in quantity from the earlier level on and six-rowed hulled forms

(Hordeum vulgare), identified through their twisted grains, appear with lower counts later

during the occupation but hegives no information about the rachis internodes of his barley

findings. On the other hand, his remarks match the temporal development of plant

assemblages in that the six-rowed forms appear late in the middle of final phase (Mohammad

Jaffar) of the Tepe Ali Kosh occupation, which is close to the end of the Aceramic Neolithic

in western Iran. Hubbard (1990) notes that there are not enough rachis internodes of barley

recovered from Tepe Abdul Hossein to make a judgment. But, he argues that the barley grains

are two-rowed domesticated barley (Hordeum distichon) and that this is the only barley type

found at Tepe Abdul Hossein.

The rachis internodes of wild barley from Chogha Golan comprise a significant portion of the

composition as recorded in Graph 3 in the current research. The appearance of chaff remains

in high quantity is rather dissimilar in comparison with the other sites in western Iran such as

Tepe Ali Kosh, Ganj Dareh, and Tepe Abdul Hossein. In terms of context, chaff-rich

assemblages are usually encountered from secondary and tertiary depositional contexts such

as refuse deposits pits, ditches, hearths, dung, and fuel (van der Veen, 2007).

On the other hand, no apparent changes have been detected regarding the probable increase of

non-shattering phenotypes throughout the occupation period at Chogha Golan. Only 1 % of

all the wild barley rachis remains indicate that non-shattering phenotypes did not usually

prevail in the environment. Furthermore, Kislev (2004) documents that in nature

approximately 10 % of barley rachis internodes may show rough articulation scars owing to


their position on the stalk. It has become a standard criterion in archaeobotany to assume

cereal domestication over this limit.

In this aspect, the Chogha Golan assemblage shows a close resemblance to many other PPN

sites in regard to the fixation rate of domesticated phenotypes in the environment, that is to

say, the frequent appearance of brittle rachis remains of cereals in high counts rather than

non-brittle rachis is a widespread phenomenon that occurs at several early PPN sites in the

Fertile Crescent. Tanno and Willcox (2006, 2012) illustrate a slow increase of non-shattering

rachis remains of barley and emmer/einkorn recovered from six PPN sites. Fuller et al. (2011)

also show that the time frame of the domestication process should extend for as long as 1.500

years in emmer and einkorn and 2.000 years in barley through compiling a comparative

dataset from all over the Fertile Crescent. This allowed the authors to suppose that weaker

selective pressures cause a rate of phenotypic change for non-shattering types of around 0.03

– 0.04 % per year in wild populations under domestication pressure (Purugganan and Fuller

2009; cf. Abbo 2012, Hillman and Davies 1990).

It is thought that various types of harvesting methods can retard the fixation of this adaptive

trait (Hillman 2001; Hillman and Davies 1990). For instance, harvesting by sickle-reaping or

uprooting would favor those mutant phenotypes with a non-shattering trait, but harvesting by

beating into baskets – which is the type of harvesting usually recorded among contemporary

North American hunter-gatherers and also apparently a more productive way, as experimental

research shows in Hillman (1990) – would favor the types already about to shatter.

Nevertheless, Hillman (2001) argues that “even after the potentially domestication inducing

methods of harvesting were applied; several other factors might have slowed dramatically the

fixation of domestic traits. These include the effects of harvesting crops that were

incompletely ripe; wet weather during harvesting time; introgression from nearby stands of

wild cereals of the same species (then much more widespread than they are today); and

modifier genes” or, as Kislev noted (2004), gathering disarticulated dispersal units from the

ground may have prolonged this time frame considerably. Also, some other researchers have

suggested the constant gene flow into proto-domesticates through bolstering the stored

harvests with collected wild grains as the principal reason for a slow rate for the fixation of

the non-shattering rachis trait (Fuller 2007; Purugganan and Fuller 2009; Fuller et al. 2010;

Fuller et al. 2011; Asouti and Fuller 2011; Fuller et al. 2012a). White and Makarewicz (2011)

note that distinct markers on barley rachis internodes can indicate a practice of harvesting the


barley ears when they are still partially in the green state. The experimental harvesting of

unripened barley ears by hand showed that a considerable proportion of the barley internodes

(% 22) exhibit a domestic scar or a “ripped” scar that extends down the ventral surface as if

they were ripped off of the ear. Similar markers on barley rachis internodes also exist at

Chogha Golan.

On the other hand, the comparative data from carbonized grain measurements shows that an

increase in grain size precedes the fixation of non-shattering types in the archaeobotanical

record. Fuller et al. (2012b) discovered that the breadth of wild barley increased about 50 %

during the course of domestication. Relatively faster fixation in grain size and shape points to

a 500 – 1.000 year time frame in archaeological records, while the non-shattering trait became

fixed over about 1.000 – 2.000 years (Willcox 2004, 2006; Fuller 2007; Purugganan and

Fuller 2009; Fuller et al. 2011). However, both Willcox (2004) and some other scholars

(Weiss and Zohary 2011; Abbo et al. 2012) approach this evidence cautiously because such

an increase would impose some other factors such as a plastic response to improved soil

conditions, the participation of different varieties, or simply a founder effect.

Wild lentil (Lens culinaris)

Lentil is a characteristic companion of a cereal-based diet in Southwest Asia. What makes it

so appreciated by the Near Eastern farmers is its protein content (about 25 %), which

constitutes an important meat substitute along with other pulses. In nature, wild lentil grows

primarily on shallow stony soils and on gravelly hillsides in open habitats. It also enters

disturbed localities such as stony patches near orchards and cultivated fields of cereals,

especially barley. It usually forms small scattered colonies in the wild, but some populations

are rich, comprising hundreds of plants together. The species occurs frequently side-by-side

with annual vetches, clovers, medics, and grass peas in their primary habitats (Weiss and

Zohary 2011; Abbo et al. 2009; Sonnante et al. 2009).

The first signs of domestication for lentil and pulses in general are the retention of the seed in

the pod (pod indehiscence) and the loss of germination regulation (seed dormancy). The

examination of chloroplast DNA restriction patterns indicates that lentil might have originated

from the regions around southern Turkey and northern Syria, but this evidence is not definite.

Ladizinsky (1987) suggests that wild lentil might have undergone a stage of intensive


collection by humans through which a strong selective pressure on the plant allowed it to

mutate and lose germination regulation (seed dormancy) before the beginning of its

cultivation. Ladizinsky‟s assumption has been challenged by Zohary (1989), whose

experimental research on wild lentil cultivation demonstrated that wild lentil reacts rapidly to

the improved soil conditions in cultivated fields, boosting the productivity of individuals up to

70 seeds, as opposed to an average of about 10 seeds in natural conditions. On the other hand,

even under present-day traditional farming practices in the Near East, farmers tend to harvest

domesticated pulse crops after most pods have attained full maturity but before the crop has

completely dried up in order to avoid the potential seed losses from dehiscent pods (Abbo et

al. 2009).

This plant displays widespread occurrences in most of the PPN sites and is always

encountered together with emmer, einkorn, or barley. Among the richest sites are Tell Aswad,

Tell Abu Hureyra, Jericho, and Çayönü. A large hoard of carbonized lentils (ca. 1.400.000

seeds) that was contaminated by a typical weed of lentil cultivation (Galium tricornutum) was

retrieved from the MPPNB site of Yiftah‟el. This evidence indicates that lentil was already

under cultivation in northern Israel during this period. The available archaeobotanical

information indicates that wild lentils must have been a valuable food resource for PPN

communities (Weiss and Zohary 2011).

In western Iran, one striking feature of the Tepe Ali Kosh assemblage is the rare occurrences

of lentil throughout all occupation phases; Helbaek notes that these few lentil finds must be a

small-seeded race of wild lentils endemic to the Zagros Mountains. The presence of lentils is

firmly evidenced in the Ganj Dareh account, albeit in low quantity. Van Zeist et al. (1984)

observed that the size of lentils corresponds with that of wild Lens orientalis as well.

M‟lefaat, Qermez Dere and Nemrik also show evidence of wild lentil in the assemblages

(Charles 2007; Savard et al. 2006). In Neolithic Tepe Sabz, which was settled on the Deh

Luran Plain after the abandonment of Tepe Ali Kosh, the size of lentils is reported to be as

large as that of domesticated lentils, 4.2 mm in diameter.

The rates of lentil size increase are equivalent to those of wheats and barley. According to

Fuller et al. (2011, 2012b), a time frame of 2.000 years is proposed to capture a high rate of

directional change, comparable to the rates of barley and einkorn, following which a slower

rate toward an increasing lentil seed size continued for the next 2.000 years over the course of


the Neolithic period. Over the entire domestication period, the total amount of seed size

change for lentils is over 50 % (Fuller et al. 2012b). The seed size measurements of Chogha

Golan lentils (n = 57) display varying sizes between a range of 2.76 and 1,95 mm that

corresponds to Helbaek‟s and van Zeist et al.‟s remarks on a small-seeded race. The results

display an interesting progression: the lowest layer contains relatively large-sized grains, after

which the size suddenly drops in the next layer and then enlarges constantly up to AH III,

when it reaches values similar to those of AH XI. The next two layers contain so few lentils

that no measurements were taken.

Vicia/Lathyrus type (vetch/grass pea)

The recognition of the lost crops or “false starts” opens a valuable discussion of the possibility

that the collection of the classical eight founder crops may be only a relic of a large number of

taxa that were genuine crops in early cultivation in certain locations at certain points in time

(Fuller et al. 2011; cf. Abbo et al. 2013). Apart from Vicia ervilia (bitter vetch), which is

within the classical eight, three of these lost crops may be present in the Chogha Golan

assemblage: Vicia peregrina (rambling vetch), Vicia faba (broad bean), and Lathyrus sativus

(grass pea). The assemblage may also contain cultivated Vicia species like Vicia sativa

(common vetch). On the other hand, Zohary and Hopf (2000) argue that “since there are no

reliable diagnostic traits by which wild and cultivated forms of bitter vetch cannot be

distinguished from each other”. This situation is also prevalent for grass pea finds so that it is

difficult to determine whether they represent cultivated forms or collection from the wild.

In recent times, pulses like Vicia ervilia, V. sativa, and Lathyrus sativus appear as tolerated

weeds in traditional farming systems (Abbo et al. 2009) and they are always associated with

fodder and famine food, but it is also well-known that they can be consumed as food after

detoxification (Melamed et al. 2008; Valamoti et al 2011). There are three members of the

genus Vicia that are characteristic of Mediterranean grain agriculture. Vicia faba (of which the

wild form is still unknown) is considered as one of the principal crops in southwest Asia. The

origin and natural distribution of Vicia sativa is also obscure. Wherever this plant is present, it

often occurs in low quantity in comparison to other pulse remains; it also mimics the seed of

lentils, making it difficult to separate the seeds of both genera from each other. Erskine et al.

(1994) argue that the simplest hypothesis for the domestication of this species could be that it

was selected as a secondary crop from weeds of the primary crop lentil. Vicia ervilia is


capable of colonizing abandoned fields and roadsides. This plant is always accompanied by

annual vetches, annual chickpeas, peas, and lentils in natural habitats. Sporadic occurrences of

this species have been reported from several PPN sites, but its widespread cultivation was

centered in Anatolia and the Balkans and is heavily associated with Neolithic and Bronze Age

contexts. Lev et al. (2005) report that up to the present day the seeds of Vicia ervilia have

been used to treat skin diseases and burns, coughing, leprosy, and hemorrhoids.

The finds of the genera Vicia sp. and Lathyrus sp. are reported at the Middle Paleolithic

Kebara Cave (65 – 48 ka B.P.; Lev et al. 2005) and from numerous sites during the Aceramic

Neolithic. Both genera were found at PPN Tell Abu Hureyra, Yiftah‟el, and Nevali Çori.

Helbaek (1969) does not report any occurrences of large-seeded pulses such as Vicia sp. or

Lathyrus sp. in his findings from Tepe Ali Kosh, but Vicia sp. is firmly evidenced in the Ganj

Dareh account, and there is also evidence for the presence of both genera and Vicia ervilia

from M‟lefaat (Savard et al. 2003).

Experimental research by Valamoti et al. (2011) indicates important results for the Chogha

Golan remains. The authors argue that the processing of Vicia to render it edible by removing

the toxic substance from the seeds can be detected in the archaeobotanical record. By

investigating the probable processing stages of Vicia ervilia and Lathyrus sativus, their

experiment shows that specimens boiled prior to processing have a clear depression on the

inner cotyledon surface that was not observed in specimens that were not treated by water or

in specimens that were soaked. They concluded that the seeds would have split into separate

cotyledons either prior to charring, through grinding or pounding, or perhaps after charring,

due to soaking or more probably boiling.

Most specimens in the Chogha Golan data are also separated into cotyledons but no

depression was observed on the inner cotyledon surfaces, which are usually found flat. In the

experimental study by Valamoti et al. (2011), specimens that had been untreated or soaked

(but not boiled) also demonstrated this flat surface pattern. Moreover, many specimens of

large-seeded pulse taxa recovered from AH III are extremely appressed on both dorsal

surfaces, giving the impression that they were somehow subject to a mechanical force like

grinding or pounding.


VI.2.3 The prevalence of domesticated crop plants

A clear pattern of change over Fertile Crescent PPN sites is that domesticated plants prevail in

the plant assemblages from the end of MPPNB onwards; they are well-documented at a

number of sites together with larger settlement sizes and presumably an increase in

population. Although today domesticated emmer wheat is a relic crop and its area of

production is sporadic, it was the principal wheat of southwest Asian agriculture in the

Neolithic and early Bronze Ages (Nesbitt 2002; Weiss and Zohary 2011). As Hillman (1984b)

noted during his ethnographic studies in southeastern Turkey in the 1970s, farmers even then

still favored the use of domesticated hulled emmer wheat for making cracked wheat (bulgur)


Domesticated emmer (Triticum turgidum subsp. dicoccum)

In natural habitats, wild emmer is an element of the herbaceous flora typical of the Near

Eastern oak-pistachio park-forest belt. There are two distinct races of wild emmer that are

geographically, morphologically, and genetically separated from each other: a western

Palestine race and a Middle Eastern Turkish-Iraqi race. The western emmer populations are

more interconnected and intermixed within each other, so they do not indicate a clear

population structure. On the other hand, the eastern race, which consists of all accessions from

Turkey, Iraq, and Iran, has populations that are genetically more separated from each other

and so harbors more genetic diversity. The wild lines from this race are proposed as better

candidates for domesticated emmer because they might have better adapted to the climatic

conditions in mountainous regions in central Anatolia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and

Europe than the heat- and drought-tolerant lines coming from the southern Levant. Moreover,

most wild emmer from the southern Levant has the disadvantage of having an extremely thick

glume, which makes it hard to process the grain (Abbo 2009; Özkan et al. 2005, 2010; Weiss

and Zohary 2011).

The genetic studies considering the geographic origin of the domestication of emmer and

einkorn have pointed to the Karacadağ and Kartal regions, which today are located

respectively in the Diyarbakır and Gaziantep provinces of southeastern Turkey (Özkan et al.

2005, 2010; Heun et al. 1997). This molecular evidence for signaling a single geographic

origin for emmer and einkorn is opposed by some scholars They mainly argue that the


molecular studies based on estimating the genetic distance of today‟s wild and domesticated

plant population is inefficient in determining multiple domestication events because the

combination of hybridization among populations, migration, and genetic drift might affect the

shape of phylogenetic trees, which would eventually result in the reduction of the allelic

variation among populations and lead to false assumptions of a single origination event

(Purugganan and Fuller 2009; Fuller et al. 2010; Fuller et al. 2011; Allaby et al. 2008, Brown

et al. 2009).

The earliest unequivocal finds of domesticated emmer appear during EPPNB Çayönü and

Cafer Höyük, with hundreds of spikelet bases showing rough abscission scars. The evidence

of emmer domestication represents region-wide occurrences all over the Fertile Crescent after

the middle PPNB, while prior to this period wild emmer appeared only at southern Levantine

sites and not in northern Syria or southwestern Turkey, where einkorn was present alongside

rye and barley (Willcox 2005; Weiss and Zohary 2011).

Later phases of the Aceramic period in western Iran are characterized by widespread

occurrences of domesticated plants at several sites, including Chogha Golan. Riehl et al.

(2013) found firm evidence that domesticated phenotypes of emmer wheat were being used

during the AH II and AH I periods by the inhabitants of Chogha Golan; that finding is also

associated with the probable weed taxa in the assemblage. This association of domesticated

types and later levels of the occupation is also consistent with the results of the current

research. The proportional contribution of emmer spikelet bases – although defining the status

of their domestication was out of the scope of this research – becomes more pronounced at

later AHs of the occupation.

Ganj Dareh has no or equivocal evidence of the use of any domesticated crop plants. This

situation could be attributed to its brief occupation period, which was less than 200 years

according to Zeder and Hesse (2000). AMS dates show that the site was occupied around

10.000 years ago, that could be possible that the site was abandoned before the earliest

appearance of domesticated emmer at Chogha Golan in AH II. The final phase of Tepe Ali

Kosh (Mohammad Jaffar) indicates the presence of domesticated einkorn/emmer spikelet

bases together with the grains of two-rowed hulled barley. One interesting phenomenon is that

during this last phase of occupation it appears that the collection of wild edible plants of the

steppic environment, especially small-seeded legumes, increased again on a huge scale, in


contrast to the contribution of cultivated plants, which declines from 55 % to 4 % of the

composition. Additionally, during the last phase of the occupation, wild cereals completely

disappeared from the assemblage. Furthermore, all other sites in Western Iran that postdate or

were inhabited during the final phases of Chogha Golan occupation (Tell Maghzaliyeh,

Jarmo, Chogha Bonut, Tepe Abdul Hosein) demonstrate the presence of domesticated plants

with a wide crop spectrum. Charles (2007) notes that the predominant domesticated crops of

this and subsequent phases are emmer and barley, while lentil and einkorn appear less

abundantly in these sites. In addition, there is also evidence for the presence of peas, grass

peas, and/or vetches. The persistence of wild forms of these latter species in plant

assemblages from the late Aceramic of western Iran were also noted by Charles (2007).

Free-threshing wheats

Singular finds of a free-threshing type spikelet base with brittle-rachised abscission scar (Plate

7G) was found in layer AH III of Chogha Golan (and also two other specimens in AH XI, as

Riehl et al. (2013) noted). This find represents an unusual figure comparing the lack of

evidence on free-threshing type findings in western Iran during the Aceramic Neolithic. The

earliest firm evidence for free-threshing wheat spikelet bases on the basis of a reliable rachis

criterion comes from the MPPNB onwards in low quantities at the sites of Tell Aswad, Can

Hasan III, Tell Bouqras, Çatalhöyük, and Tell Ramad (Weiss and Zohary 2011).

Genetic studies and crossing experiments indicate that the progenitors of Triticum aestivum

(AABBDD) are the tetraploid Triticum turgidum (AABB) and a diploid wild grass Aegilops

tauschii ssp. strangulata (DD). At the same time, to date no wild form of Triticum aestivum

has ever been found in the nature, strengthening the theory of natural hybridization among the

two species in cultivated fields (Matsuoka, 2011).

The role of the D-genome donor plant, Ae. tauschii subsp. strangulata, is central to this

speciation event. The contemporary natural distribution of this species is restricted to

Transcaucasia and southwest fringes of Caspian Sea in northern Iran. This strengthens the

theory that agriculture and tetraploid wheats radiated to this region to allow hybridization with

Ae. tauschii. However, the earliest archaeobotanical evidence of Neolithic farming in the

Caspian region suggests that this might have happened during the Neolithic Period, while

hexaploid free-threshing wheats from the Neolithic have already been identified at several


sites in the Fertile Crescent (Nesbitt and Samuel 1996). Considering this discrepancy, Riehl et

al. (2013) and Nesbitt and Samuel (1996) raise the question whether the past distribution of

this species was more widespread than today, allowing for much earlier hybridization in a

different region.

Two major qualitative trait loci (Tg and Q) contribute to the modifications of rachis fragility

and glume tenacity in the T. turgidum lineage, which further gave rise to free-threshing

tetraploid ssp. durum (hard wheat) and hexaploid T. aestivum (bread wheat). The Tg

(tenacious glume) locus controls glume toughness while the Q locus supports the formation of

square-headed ears with good threshing capacity (Peng et al. 2011; Salamini et al. 2002;

Matsuoka 2011). The origin of the dominant Q allele is ambivalent in the sense that it might

have first appeared in hexaploid wheats, which later introgressed into tetraploid wheats

through hybridization. But it is also probable that the recessive q to dominant Q mutation

might have appeared only once in tetraploid wheats and was inherited by hexaploid wheats.

Therefore, on a genetic basis, a genotypic change from qqTgTg to QQtgtg is considered

essential to the emergence of the free-threshing wheat species. In other words, because Tg

conceals the action of Q allele, the QQTgTg genotype results in a non-free threshing (hulled)

phenotype (Matsuoka 2011).

In the case of Triticum and Aegilops hybridization, Matsuoka et al. (2008; 2011) state that

there are at least 57 natural hybrids known in botanical sources but no natural occurrence of a

Triticum turgidum and Ae. tauschii hybrid has ever been found in nature. Furthermore,

crossing experiments show that hybridization of T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides with Ae.

tauschii results in fragile-rachised hulled hexaploid wheat. The only known cases of this type

of wheat are the wild variety of Triticum macha var. megrelicum and another brittle-rachised

hulled hexaploid wheat in Tibet (Nesbitt and Samuel 1996; Cao et al. 1997). The progenies in

the cross of Tibetian semi-wild wheat with T. aestivum spp. spelta indicates that three genes

regulating rachis fragility interact to result in three different types of this trait such as a semi-

wild wheat type with shattering rachis, a spelta type, and the tough rachis of common wheat

(Cao et al. 1997).

In view of the molecular evidence and crossing experiments, it is highly probable that the

hybridization of two genera may have occurred at Chogha Golan. In particular, the

appearance of Aegilops and Triticum specimens in layers AH XI and AH III of the occupation


is rather striking insofar as the highest find density values of Aegilops remains were recorded

in these two AHs. It is nearly impossible to understand the true nature of what species might

have been involved in the emergence of these types of findings, but given the recorded cases

of hybridization between the Aegilops and Triticum genera in the wild and the species

diversity of Triticum complex at Chogha Golan shown in the current research, it is highly

likely that these singular spikelet base finds may represent a hulled hexaploid type resembling

weedy wheats such as Triticum macha var. megrelicum or the Tibetian semi-wild wheat.



On the basis of existing knowledge, Chogha Golan is a good candidate to fill the

developmental-temporal distance between the Upper Paleolithic and middle PPNB periods in

western Iran. The particular changes in the composition of the Chogha Golan plant

assemblage signal the strong likelihood of simultaneous plant management strategies over

central Zagros sites similar to those over much of the Fertile Crescent.

Although archaeobotanical studies of western Iran are only now emerging and there are few

comparable well-studied sites, certain similarities are evident among assemblages. In the

course of this research, the changes in the Chogha Golan plant assemblage are defined as

three systems of plant exploitation that are also congruent with the theoretical assumption of a

stepwise evolutionary continuum towards the intensification of human intervention in the

managed landscape and, eventually, the establishment of village-based agricultural


The first stage of this trajectory comprises wild plant-food procurement, which is represented

by the suspicious abundance of small-seeded taxa, especially legumes in western Iran sites.

Even though the earliest phases of Chogha Golan are separated by more than 1.000 years

from the earliest phases of Tepe Ali Kosh and Ganj Dareh, the heavy emphasis of small-

seeded taxa during earlier occupations is quite striking. This pattern favoring small-seeded

taxa comprising Scirpus maritimus, Rumex/Polygonum, and various other species is also

prevalent in PPNA sites like Hallan Çemi and Demirköy.

A second stage in the developmental route to a farming economy is considered to be wild

plant-food production that focused on the cultivation of large-seeded grasses and pulses, and

is characterized by a decreasing dependence on gathering wild plants for food and an

increasing input of human labor per unit area of exploited land. Following the argument of

Riehl et al. (2013) on the appearance of crop progenitors and arable weeds in the Chogha

Golan assemblage that signal pre-domestication cultivation, it is proposed that this stage of

plant exploitation is represented through a conspicious decrease of small-seeded pulses and

other wild taxa while there is an apparent increase in the representations of large-seeded taxa.

This pattern is also evident in the Ganj Dareh assemblage although there is a long

chronological gap between two sites. It is most probable that this changing trend represents a


change in subsistence strategy from a heavy emphasis on wild food procurement to wild food

production in the Chogha Golan and Ganj Dareh assemblages.

A final stage of plant management strategies is proposed to be the establishment of a farming

economy in western Iran that is evident with the widespread appearance of domesticated crop

plants. This phenomenon is stressed more after the end of the MPPNB or, specifically, at the

final phase of the PPN in western Iran. The sites that are inhabited within this temporal frame

show well-developed crop plant assemblages as do many of the sites in the Fertile Crescent.

Additionally, singular free-threshing type spikelet bases are among most interesting finds in

the Chogha Golan assemblage that illustrate the high species diversity of the Triticum

complex and the genetic potential for speciation at the Zagros foothills.

In conclusion, the floral remains examined during this research clearly coincide with an

expected regional trajectory towards the establishment of a farming economy regarding the

developmental timing of PPN settlements and the appearance of wild and domesticated crop

plants over much of Fertile Crescent.

VII.1 Future Research at Chogha Golan

Continuing research at Chogha Golan will help to clarify the role and nature of neolithization

processes in the central Zagros region. In particular, Chogha Golan offers a wide array of

research topics for bioarchaeological disciplines. In addition to the recent contributions of

Riehl (2011, 2013) and this current study, more research in archaeobotany, zooarchaeology,

micromorphology, and archaeology is being conducted by the scholars and students of the

University of Tübingen. These new studies on Chogha Golan will make positive additions to

our current understanding of the early history of farming societies in this region.

The current research did not undertake a ubiquity analysis due to small sample size.

However, the application of more quantitative measures to the Chogha Golan data, with more

analyzed samples, could bring out valuable information on the variations of the floral remains

throughout the occupation period. For instance, as Ganj Dareh data is readily available for


researchers in the publication of van Zeist et al. (1984), a comparison of the Ganj Dareh and

Chogha Golan data could display very interesting results.

The formation process of the plant assemblage was out of the scope of this current research.

Among different routes of entry for plant remains at Chogha Golan, intentional/deliberate

activities like gathering wild plants for nutritional or pharmacological purposes was

investigated through ethnographic data. However, other principal routes of formation such as

crop processing activities or dung burning as fuel should also be taken into consideration

regarding the evidence posited in Riehl et al. (2013) for the pre-domestication cultivation at

the site.

The necessity of contextual evidence is widely echoed in archaeobotanical literature. The

increaseof horizontal excavations in prehistoric archaeology now represents a prerequisite for

developing a better comprehension of intra-site contextual variations within different phases.

For this reason, resuming excavations at Chogha Golan would help to clarify contextual

evidence for various plant use practices as well as to pinpoint the area of crop processing or

perhaps communal consumption of cultivated plants.

The lack of archaeological research in the eastern part of the Fertile Crescent belt also retards

the probable contribution of this region to our understanding of the development of farming

communities. The contribution of Riehl et al. (2011, 2013) at Chogha Golan clearly

demonstrated that even though studies on the origins of agriculture started early in the last

century, we are still at the very beginnings for understanding this major transformation. More

regional and site-specific investigations will shed light on new perspectives. In this respect,

archaeological research in western Iran is enhanced by the potential to reshape our

understanding of the origins of agriculture and will help to develop models better suited to

clarify the true nature of neolithization in Southwest Asia.



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The contents of this inventory comprise morphological and ecological descriptions of

identified taxa as well as length of the finds. For some taxa, the information of economic

significance has also been added.

CHENOPODICEAE/AMARANTHACEAE/ (Goosefoot/Amaranth family)

Atriplex sp. (orache)

Plate: 1-A, 1-B

Seed length: 1.34 mm

ID criteria: One seeded nutlet, enclosed within two appressed bracteoles which are fused to

nutlet at the margins. Due to charring only impressions of bracteoles attached to the seed can

be recognized in most cases. Exocarp is not recognizable as well. Seeds have a circular,

elliptic shape in outline with a slightly projected radicular tip. Bracteoles are diamond-shaped

in outline and the surface is distinctly nerved.

Ecology: Hedge in Rechinger (1997) notes that in SW Asia the species are distinctly segetal,

halophytic, and semi-desertic; many species are important grazing plants. Most thrives into

salty marshes and cultivated lands. 21 species were described in Iran and adjacent regions.

Hedge in Rechinger (1997) informs that Atriplex hastata records from Iran are certainly

misidentifications of A. patula and A. microantha. A. hastata is a European species

Salsola sp. (saltwort)

Plate: 1-C

Seed length: 2.10 mm

ID criteria: The seed is distinctly helix-shaped. No pseudocarp remains detected.


Ecology: Small or dwarf shrubs, annuals and rarely small trees. 48 species described in Flora

Iranica. The genus often associated with semi-desertic plant communities although a few of

the species penetrating into humid areas along coast lines and on ruderal and other disturbed

habitats (Freitag and Rilke in Rechinger 1997). In Davies (1967), it is noted that mostly

thrived into “sandy, salt-rich soils near the sea or scattered and partly naturalized in sandy,

salty places inland.”

Suaeda sp. (sea blite)

Plate: 1-D

Seed length: 0.88 mm

ID criteria: The shape of seed is reniform or elliptic with usually projected tip of radical. The

margin of the seed is transversely obovate-rhombic. The surface is glossy.

Ecology: Annuals, undershrubs or shrubs. Sandy, salty places (Davies, 1967). 16 species

defined in Flora Iranica (Akhani and Podlech in Rechinger 1997).

Indeterminate Chenopodiceae objects

ID criteria: The presence of distinct tip of radicle and the peripheral embryo surrounding the

albumen like a ring is attributed to the amaranth family.

ANACARDICEAE (sumac family)

Pistacia sp. (pistachio)

Plate: 1-E

Seed length: 4.36 mm


ID criteria: The pericarp of pistachio nuts was mostly found fragmented. Only one specimen

recovered intact which is oblong in outline with an opening on top.

Ecology: The arboreal species is widely distributed over Mediterranean and further inland to

Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia. Following Zohary and Hopf‟s (2000) description,

Pistacia vera ranks among the most drought resistant fruit trees in west Asia. The cultivated

form, Pistacia vera is “dioecious, wind pollinated tree and fruit-bearing female clones have

been traditionally planted intermixed with male individuals”. P. khinjuk is an Irano-Turanian

element thrives rocky slopes of gorges at the altitude between 1000 – 1800 m. P. atlantica is a

deciduoud tree up to 7 m thrives into dry hillsides, cemeteries, edge of fields, roadsides. Often

occurring as a relic of destroyed forest. According to Yaltırık in Davies (1967), “[I]ts survival

in many localities may be explained by its economic use: its seeds are (or have been) used for

tanning and for soup-making, and its gum is applied as an antiseptic to wounds.”

ASPARAGACEAE (asparagus family)

Ornithagalum/Muscari/Bellevalia type

Plate: 2-F

Seed length: 2.46 mm

ID criteria: The seeds of this group of plants are almost globular or obovate with mostly

distinct suture on the ventral side. There is a circular opening visible in most of objects

accrossing cylindrically from the tip to the base. The surface is always smooth and no

recognizable testa exists.

Ecology: Bulbous perennials, mostly found on a wide range of different habitats such as

rocky slopes, hillsides and meadows.


ASTERECEAE (sunflower family)


Centaurea type (knapweed)

Plate: 2-A, 2-B

Seed Length: Small type: 1.77 mm; Big type: 2.87 mm.

ID Criteria: The usually fragmented nature of these objects and distinctly large species

variability in the sunflower family hampers species or genus level of identification. Following

the Ganj Dareh account of van Zeist et al. (1984), all objects of this family were attributed to

the category of Centaurea type. Some specimens which has an intact pappus rim show

similarities with the description of small Centaurea type in van Zeist et al. (1984). The shape

is obovate in outline, truncated at the apex and tapering and hooked at the base, where the

hilum should have been located. While another specimen has 3 layered-rim and a larger fruit

size. This diversity would indicate that there is more than one plant species may have

involved in Chogha Golan.

Ecology: Thrives into different habitats such as steppic vegetation, fallow fields, stony slopes

and sandy dunes.

BORAGINACEAE (borage family)

According to van Zeist and Bakker-Heeres (???), the finds of boragineous fruits pose some

problems. They note that “[…] On burning, the nutlets do not turn black, but they acquire a

whitish to grey colour which is due to the silica skeleton. Because of the silica skeleton also

of non-carbonized fruits the wall may remain preserved in archaeological deposits”.

Considering this remark, some Chogha Golan boragineous fruits show sign of carbonization

and some others not. As no intrusion reported from both archaeologists and in the papers of

Riehl (2011, 2013), these remains can mainly be considered as a part of archaeological

deposition rather than being modern intrusions.


Arnebia sp.

Plate: 2-C

Seed Length: ~2.97 mm

ID criteria: The nutlets of this boraginous plant are trigonous, have a broad triangular base

and widely spaced, a large verrucae. The apex is rather obtuse. The triangular base is bordered

by a distinct collar. The ventral keel extends over the upper 2/3 of the fruit. The surface is

densely covered with wart-like projections.

Ecology: Annual and perennial herbs; rootstock is yielding purple dye (Edmonson in Davies

1978). Riedl in Rechinger (1967) described 19 species of this genus from Iran and adjacent


Heliotropium sp. (turnsole)

Plate: 2D

Seed Length: 0.90 mm – 1.12 mm

ID criteria: The nutlets of this plant are slightly compressed on both sides of the keel. The

characteristic attribute is the protruding hilum, that is easily recognizable on CG objects.

Ecology: Annuals and perennials, 74 species of this genus described by Riedl in Rechinger

(1967) in Iran and adjacent regions. Riedl in Davies (1978) described this taxa thrives broad

range of habitats such as gravelly and rocky slopes, streambeds, vineyards, fields, roadsides.

Mostly ruderal.


Lithospermum sp. (groomwell)

Plate: 2E

Seed length: ~1.61 mm

ID Criteria: The prominent humps on sides, small rounded triangular base and rather pointed

apex are the main characteristics of this species. The surface is densely covered by wart-like


Ecology: The species thrives in cultivated fields as well as steppe vegetations.

BRASSICACEAE (mustard family)

The remains of this family are not successfully identified in most cases to a genus or species

level due to comparatively small seed size and the degrading effects of carbonization. Most

identification remains indeterminate for these reasons. In addition, some objects were found

intact to the fruit pods.

Allysum type

ID criteria: Obovate-elliptic shape in outline with a narrow tip of radicle, which is shorter

than the cotylenodary one. No membranous wing is still present due to charring.

Ecology: Annuals, biennials and perennials. An element of steppic habitats; many species

thrives into disturbed grounds.

cf. Arabis sp.

Plate: 3A

Seed Length: 0.92 mm


ID Criteria: The cotylenodary part of the seed is twice as wide as the radicular one. The tip

of radicle is longer than the tip of cotyledons. The shape is oblong-elliptic and flattened in


Ecology: Cullen in Davies (1965) defines most species thrives into cliff, stony, rocky places,

limestone rocks, fields and cultivated lands.

Brassica type

Plate: 3B

Seed length: 1.12 mm

ID criteria: The seed is spheroidal and the cotyledons are conduplicately located to the

radicle. Due to charring, the cotyledons slightly get apart from the hilum and make humps on

both sides exposing the hilum and the radicle. The surface is papillose.

Ecology: Annual, biennial or perennial herbs. Many species of Brassica genus have been

cultivated as food plants nowadays and others are widespread segetals thrive in dry rocky

slopes, steppe and cultivated fields. 7 species described in Flora Iranica (Hedge in Rechinger


Lepidium cf. sativum (garden cress)

Plate: 3C

Seed length: 1.49 mm – 1.01 mm

ID criteria: The seeds are obovate to semiobovate. The tip of radicle and cotyledons severely

deformed due to carbonization. Therefore no comparison between two elements is possible.

Testa is in all case partially lost; exposing the cotyledons.

Ecology: Annual. Hedge in Rechinger (1968) notes that ssp. sativum is a cultivated form of

this species while ssp. spinescens is xerophytic plant. Both subspecies occurs in waste places

and cultivated fields.



Many objects remain indeterminate because of densely damaged outer surface. It should be

noted that more species/genus of similar morphological attributes may have been involved in

the assemblage.

Gypsophila sp.

Plate: 4A

Seed length: 1.25 mm

ID criteria: The seeds are almost circular in outline, with a short but projected radicle-tip.

The surface is papillose, presents the concentric rows of radially elongated verrucae.

Ecology: Huber-Morath in Davies (1967) mentions that the main distribution area of this

genus comprises the arid parts of Anatolia and adjacent areas. Rechinger (1988) classifies 41

species of this genus in Iran and adjacent areas.

Silene sp. (catchfly)

Plate: 4B

Seed length: 1.36 mm

ID criteria: The shape is kidney-shaped/reniform in outline, compressed together around the

hilum. Concentric rows of radially elongated wart-like projections on side faces and dorsal

face. Both features are heavily influenced through charring; especially dorsal surface is

completely missing in most cases.

Ecology: Wide range of ecological adaptations. Some species (Silene alba) are weeds

growing in refuse sites, field margins and such disturbed habitats. Some (silene vulgaris)

occurs in impoverished meadows, stony areas and forest margins.


CYPERACEAE (sedge family)

Scirpus cf. maritimus (sea club-rush)

Plate: 4C

Seed length: 1.95 mm

ID criteria: The nutlets are obovate-trigonous in outline, tapering towards the base. The

ventral side is flat, while the dorsal side is roof-shaped with a rounded median ridge. Single

fruit contents had also been found. The surface is smooth.

Ecology: Davies (1967) informs that the species occurs in “freshwater and saline marshes

with Typha, Juncus and Phragmites, stagnant swamps, water meadows with Orchis palustris,

by streams and rivers, dried up river beds, soda lakes, thermal springs, saline and alluvial

flats, beaches, edge of irrigation ditches and ricefields.” In Flora Iranica, Kukkonen in

Rechinger (1998) described the habitat of this species as “in salt marshes, in shallow water

brooks, rivers and lakes.”

FABACEAE (pulse family)

Lens sp. (lentil)

Plate: 4D

Seed length: varies between 1,93 mm and 2,76 mm; mean=2,17 mm; n=57

ID criteria: Seeds are lenticular in outline, slightly compressed at both sides with sharp or

blunt margins. The surface is smooth. The size class of Chogha Golan lentils corresponds to

the small-seeded race of wild lentil (Lens orientalis) rather than domestic lentils (Lens

culinaris) with larger sizes.

Ecology: The natural distribution area of the wild lentil comprises the Zagros Mountains in

Iran at elevations between 700 – 1700 m. (van Zeist et al. 1984). ABBO! On the other hand,


Chrtkova-Zertova in Rechinger (1979) reports only 3 species in Iran which are Lens cyanea,

Lens culinaris and Lens orientalis.

Vicia/Lathyrus type (vetch/grass pea)

Plate: 4E, 4F

Seed length: ~2.70 mm

ID criteria: Vicia/Lathyrus type seeds show large variations in shape; some objects are

almost spherical to biconvex types, while others are rounded-cubical. Hilum in most cases is

missing; which is considered an important attribute to distinguish various types of species in

these genera (Butler 1996). van Zeist and Bakker-Heeres (1982) mention the difficulty to

make a distinction between lenticular vetches and lentil seeds and also between small peas

and large, spherical vetch seeds. Most probably, several different vetches, grass pea and pea

species may have involved under this category. Pisum sp. (pea) is an important early crop

plant in Near Eastern agriculture but its identification was also problematic for the same

purposes. For that reason it was added up into this category.

Ecology: 51 Vicia species had been described in Iran and adjacent regions by Chrtkova-

Zertova in Rechinger (1979). Apart from that the genus Lathyrus has 25 species identified by

the same author. The genus Pisum is represented by only two species in Iran; P. sativum and

P. formosum. The latter species is a boreal form discovered in Mount Tuchal (2.400 mt.),

Tehran. The former P. sativum is divided into two subspecies subsp. sativum and subsp.


Astragalus sp. (milk vetch)

Plate: 5A

Seed length: 1.66 mm

ID criteria: Typical specimens attributed to this genus are laterally compressed obliquely

quandrangular in outline (van Zeist and Bakker-Heeres, 1982). Anderberg (1994) and van

Zeist and Bakker-Heeres (1982) note that the seeds of Astragalus genus are variable in shape.


Hilum is usually sunken in the hilar notch that is mostly missing; the divergence of radicular

lobe is variable among specimens in the assemblage.

Ecology: The genus Astragalus is extremely rich in species diversity. Parsa (1948, after van

Zeist et al 1984) states that there are more than 550 species in Iran, that the majority of which

are dwarf shrubs.

Medicago radiata (ray-podded medick)

Plate: 5B

Seed length: 1.23 mm

ID criteria: Laterally compressed seeds, ovate to almost circular in outline. A characteristic

surface pattern is the irregular longitudinal wrinkles.

Ecology: Heyn in Davies (1970) mentions that the species appears in steppe and desert-steppe


Trigonella sp. (trigonel)

Plate: 5C, 5D

Seed length: varying from 2.21 to 1.68 mm

ID criteria: The seeds consist of two types of remains, which look morphologically similar to

each other. Trigonella astroides type remains are cylindrical in outline with transversely

irregular wrinkles on the surface. It is characterized by the truncated upper and lower ends. In

some specimens upper end is rounded. Apart from this, some seeds defined underthe category

of Trigonella sp., have also cylindrical shape in outline, while not truncated at both ends and

lacks wrinkles but finely punctuate on the surface.

These identification criteria should be taken seriously because of phenotypic similarities of

various pulse genera such as Melilotus, Trifolium and Medicago.


Ecology: Trigonella astroides appears to be an Irano-Turanian element, thrives in steppe

vegetations as well as cultivated fields (van Zeist and Bakker-Heeres, ???). Other Trigonella

species are also associated with steppic vegetations.

Indeterminate small-seeded pulses

Plate: 5E

Seed length: 1.73 mm

ID criteria: This category is composed of heavily carbonized or fragmented objects as well as

the remains that are not successfully attributed to one of the identified genera or any other

genera. This is mostly the result of the phenotypic plasticity of this plant family.

MALVACEAE (mallow family)

Malva sp. (mallow)

Plate: 5F

Seed length: 1.32 mm

ID criteria: The seed is reniform, has a deep hilar notch. The length of radicular lobe and

cotylenodary lobe is equal or the radicular lobe is slightly longer in some specimens. The seed

is the thinnest at the ventral side. The surface is smooth, mostly dorsally damaged by

carbonization. Mericarps of Malva sp. had been also recovered, which demonstrates radiaaly

favulariate surface patterns. This feature resembles that of M. nicaeensis or M. parviflora


Ecology: Various mallow species are common in disturbed habitats such as fields, roadsides

or waste places. Riedl in Rechinger (1976) records 13 species of this genus in Iran and

adjacent regions.


POACEAE (grass family)

Aegilops sp. (goat-face grass)

Plate: 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D

Seed Length: 5.05 mm

ID criteria: The robust caryopsis is oblong-ovate in outline, that the longest breadth on the

dorsal side is usually seen above the proximal end. Parallel sided specimens are also present

and show smaller grain sizes than other specimens. The striations on the dorsal face are

recognizable. Most Aegilops objects are laterally grooved, while for some specimens, it is

already lost due to carbonization or fragmentation. Without exception, all objects display

wide ventral groove with often flattened ventral flanks. In cross-section, it is dorsally

compressed ventrally flattened. For too few specimens it is dorsally domed.

The rachis remains of this genus are highly fragmented into smaller objects, while complete

remains of spikelet bases and glume bases exist rather in low counts. All intact spikelets show

attributes of barrel-type disarticulation. Nesbitt (2006) notes that these type of disarticulation

are found in the modern species from the section Vertebrata (Ae. crassa, Ae. juvenalis, Ae.

tauschii, Ae. vavilovii, Ae. ventricosa) and Ae. cylindrica. Except Ae. vavilovii and Ae.

ventricosa, other 4 species appears in the inventory of Flora Iranica (Bor in Rechinger, 1970).

The glume tips are generally missing and no venation patterns on glumes is easily

recognizable. The attachment scars at the base triangular and sometimes quadrate.

Ecology: Thrives into stony slopes, dry grasslands and weedy places.

Hordeum cf. spontaneum (wild barley)

Plate: 6E, 6F, 6G, 6H, 6I, 6J

Seed Length: 6.18 mm

ID criteria: The caryopses of this species are narrowly elliptic/spindle shaped that the breadth

becomes wider above the scutellum. Dorsally compressed through a keel crossing 2/3 of the


grain and angular margins. These two dorsal features are not always present. Mostly laterally

and ventrally grooved.

Another type of objects defined as Hordeum distinchum type show close morphological

similarities with domesticated two-row barley species. The shape is almost circular in cross-

section, that the ventral and lateral grooves are not pronounced at all. This type of barley

grains had been also discussed in van Zeist et al. (1984) in Ganj Dareh account. Addiitionally,

some seeds remains show close resemblance to wild siblings of Hordeum spontaneum. Those

grouped under the category of “Hordeum sp.” in the dataset also includes the fragmented

Hordeum caryopses that has no clear identification attributes.

Ecology: Today, wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum) is massively spread over southwest Asia

where Fertile Crescent constitutes its primary habitat. It is considered as a part of the rich

grass cover associated with open-woodland Quercus brantii belt occurs at elevations from

500 to 1500 meters in the Zagros region of Iraq and Iran. It does not tolerate extreme cold

conditions while withstands drier and warmer environments, poorer soils and some salinity.

Bor in Rechinger (1970) stresses the weedy habit of this species as well, noting that it thrives

in “deserts, gravelly, sandy or silky soils; in waste places and invading cultivation”

Economy: Two domesticated types of barley serve as principal crop plants for world

economy. Most barley cultivars are of the “hulled” variety which is mainly used for different

purposes such as animal fodder or the production of malt for brewing. The other form of

barley cultivar is “naked” barley principally makes use of human food because of its ease of

processing and edibility. This type is mostly prevalent staple food in the high altitude areas of

Nepal and Tibet, whereas its cultivation is very limited in southwest Asia and Europe (Lister

and Jones 2012).

Triticum sp. (wheats)

Plate: 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7G

Seed length: 4.95 mm

ID criteria: Only one specimen of Triticum sp. (wheat genus) seed remains is recovered from

AH III. Preliminary examinations demonstrate that this finding may belong to T. monococcum

ssp. boeticum (wild einkorn) and/or T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides (wild emmer). Several


specimens of spikelet bases had been recovered. No further analysis to attribute the

domestication status had been performed but Riehl et al. (2013) clearly identified wild and

domesticated emmer in the findings.

One specimen of Triticum sp. that is found in AH III shows close similarities to the free-

threshing type of spikelet bases. The morphological characteristics resemble T. aestivum

(bread wheat) rather than T. durum (hard wheat) type. In addition, the abscission scar of this

particular spikelet base is smoothly broken, not resembling the non-shattering domesticated

types (Plate 7G).

Ecology: Zohary and Hopf (2000) notes that wild emmer grow “as common annual

components in the herbaceous cover of oak park-forest belt and related steppe-like herbaceous

plant formations. They are confined to basaltic and hard limestone bedrocks and completely

absent on marls and chalks. In rocky places which have not been severely overgrazed,

dicocoides wheat often grows in large stands […] Whereas dicocoides wheat occurs alone in

Syrian-Palestine area, it grows sympatrically with a second wild tetraploid wheat T.

timopheevi subsp. araraticum in the northeastern part of its distribution area.”

Economy: Today, bread wheat is one of the most important crops for world economy among

other domesticated cereals such as rice, maize. It accounts for about 95 % of global wheat

production. Additionally, about 20 % of the total human food calories are provided by this

cultivar (Peng et al. 2011).

Bromus sp. (bromegrass)

Seed length: 3.67 mm

ID criteria: Dorsally compressed in cross-section. Distinct ventral grooves, always flattened.

Many objects are somehow quadrate in cross section, while others have wide and deep ventral

furrows. V-shaped scutellum is not recognizable due to fragmented nature of these remains.

Ecology: A large genus including about 150 species worldwide. 44 of them are reported from

Iran and adjacent regions (Bor in Rechinger 1970). Such large species diversity hampers

taxonomic identifications even in botany (Nesbitt 2006). Stebbins (1981; after Nesbitt 2006)

suggests that the annual species of Bromus may have evolved rapidly from perennial species


in section Phigma, through adaption to agriculture, particularly grazing by animals. The

annual species are weeds of disturbed ground and arable fields.

Taeniatherum caput-medusae (medusahead)

Plate: 7E, 7F

Seed length: ~6.16 mm

ID criteria: Narrow and elongated caryopses. Apex rounded. Dorsally compressed. The

ventral grooves shallow and wide or deep and narrow. Lateral groves are distinct features in

every specimen. The spikelet bases mostly found with glumes still attached.

Ecology: Both subspecies of this plant (ssp. asper and ssp. crinitum) are reported in Flora

Iranica (Bor in Rechinger, 1970). Thrives into sandy places in the mountains or in sandy, dry


Indeterminate large-seeded grasses

Plate: 7H

Seed length: 3.87 - 3.27 mm

ID criteria: This group of caryopses includes all grass remains left out unidentified during the

identification process. This category is relatively large including many different types of

caryopses. Morphological attributes of one type of these remains display similarities with the

identification made by van Zeist and Baaker-Heeres in Bronze Age Selenkahiye and Hadidi as

“Gramineae type B”. This type of caryopses has slender shape in outline, almost parallel

lateral sides and it has a circular shape in cross section. A ventral groove generally is not



Agrostis type

Plate: 8A

Seed length: 1.07 – 0.99 mm

ID criteria: This type of remains has no modern equivalent described in the literature.

Following the description of van Zeist et al. (1984), it is defined as Agrostis type due to close

morphological similarities with Agrostis genus. It is important to note that more than one

species and genus may have involved in the assemblage.

The shape of the caryopses is mostly ellipsoid in outline; dorsally compressed, attenuate

towards apex but always rounded at the apex. Circular-ellipsoid in cross-section. The hilum is

missing in most specimens. van Zeist et al.‟s (1984) description show sub-basal linear hilum.

The effects of carbonization are mostly seen on the ventral side that the caryopsis puffed up


Ecology: Possibly weed of disturbed habitats.

Triticoid type

Plate: 8B

Seed length: 2.36 mm – 2.72 mm

ID criteria: No modern equivalent exists for this type of remains. van Zeist et al. (1984)

described this sort of caryopses while there are also recognizable morphological variations

and size differences among the remains. The authors also mention that although it is named

after the resemblance of Triticum genus, it is also highly likely that this type of plants belongs

to another genus.

One pattern appears to be common. The caryopses with flat ventral surface are dorsally and

laterally curved at the apex while other specimens with deep ventral furrow are somehow

dorsally compressed and slender in outline. Striations which are caused by stiff glumes are

visible in many objects. The carbonization affects most the lateral surfaces of the remains.

Ecology: Possibly weeds of disturbed habitats.


Phalaris sp. (canary grass)

Plate: 8C

Seed length: 1.50 mm

ID criteria: Laterally densely compressed caryopses with longitudinally curved ventral and

dorsal sides. Relatively large radicle shield extending over 1/4 to 1/3 of the dorsal side. Apical

and basal ends rounded; some specimens have slender morphology with less laterally

compressed outline and pointed apex. More than one species must have involved in the


Ecology: Usually dry weedy places. P. arundinaceae prefers moist soils. Five species are

described in Flora Iranica (Bor in Rechinger 1970). Riehl (1999) informs that the grains of

Phalaris minor are very nutritious, but more suitable as animal fodder than human nutrition

because of the difficulty to harvest.

Unidentified Poaceae rachis type

One group of rachis remains appears to be the third numerous rachis finds in the assemblage

after Hordeum and Aegilops chaffs. “Unidentified Poaceae rachis type” comprises one type of

object that is not successfully identified in this research. No relevant information had been

found in archaeobotanical literature about this type of remains. Given relatively small sizes of

this type of chaff remains, it can possibly belong to small-seeded taxa of grasses.

Plate: 8D

ID criteria: Nesbitt (2006) notes that “the fertile spikelet of Phalaris paradoxa is subtended

by deformed or reduced sterile spikelets, which sometimes survive charring”. Interestingly,

the percentages of these unidentified objects follow more or less the same trend of Phalaris

finds in the assemblage. However, ne any other reliable criterion is present to identify these



RUBIACEAE (bedstraw family)

Galium sp. (cleavers)

Plate: 8E

Seed length: ~0.79 in diameter.

ID criteria: The seed is more or less spherical in outline with a round concavity on the ventral

side indicating the position of hilum. On the surface there are slight humps in some

specimens, others are smooth.

Ecology: Galium is a large genus, mainly described as “typical weeds” in the

archaeobotanical literature (Riehl 1999).

PAPAVERACEAE (poppy family)

Papaver sp. (poppy)

Plate: 8F

Seed length: 0.66 mm

ID criteria: The shape is broadly reniform in outline with distinct reticulate surface structure.

Dorsal side convex, ventral side concave. Upper and lower lobes are usually equally long.

Ecology: Annual, biennial and perennial herbs. A genus with 30 species over Iran and

adjacent regions (Cullen in Rechinger, 1966). Papaver somniferum is a cultivated species

grown for medicinal, culinary and narcotic purposes (Bojnansky and Fargasova 2007). Other

species are usually described as weeds in cultivated fields and waste places.



Plate 1: A) Atriplex sp. with bracteoles; B) Atriplex sp. seed; C) Salsola sp.; D) Suaeda sp.; E) Pistacia sp.


Plate 2 A) Centaurea type three-rimed specimens; B) Centaurea type small-headed specimen; C) Arnebia

sp. D) Heliotropium sp.; E) Lithospermum sp. F) Ornithagalum/Muscari.


Plate 3 A) cf. Arabis sp.; B) Brassica type C) Lepidium sativum.


Plate 4 A) Gypsophila sp.; B) Silene sp., C) Scirpus cf. maritimus; D) Lens sp.; E) Vicia/Lathyrus type; F)

Large-seeeded pulse specimens.


Plate 5 A) Astragalus sp.; B) Medicago radiata; C) Trigonella sp.; D) Trigonella astroides; E) Indeterminate

small-seeded pulses; F) Malva sp.


Plate 6 A – C) Aegilops sp. grain; D) Aegilops rachis; E – F) Hordeum cf. spontaneum; G) Hordeum

rachis internodes, smooth scar; H – I) Hordeum distinchum type; J) Hordeum rachis internodes; rough



Plate 7 A - C) Triticum sp. grain; D) Triticum spikelet base; E) Taenitherium cf. caput-medusae; F)

Taenitherium cf. caput-medusae rachis remain; G) Hexaploid type spikelet base; H) Indeterminate

medium-seeded grasses.


Plates 8 A) Agrostis type; B) Triticoid type; C) Phalaris type; D) Unidentified Poaceae rachis type; E)

Galium sp.; F) Papaver sp.



Cultural Layer I I IIb IIb IIb Trench 1/99 1/0 1/1 1/1 1/99 Botanical Sample No 106 168 160 137 147 Finding Code BFb BFd BFd BFc BFd Exact Provenance (x, y, z) 75, 75, 18.65 75, 25, 18.71 75, 25, 17.90 25, 25, 18.07 75, 60, 17.99 Sediment Volume (ml) 10000 10000 14000 12000

Excavator MZ MZ MZ MZ MZ

Plant Name Absolute counts

I-106 I-168 II-160 II-137 II-147

Hordeum spontaneum C.Koch 1

Hordeum distichum-type 1

Hordeum sp.

Hordeum fragments

Hordeum sp. (smooth incision) 2 10 10

Hordeum sp. (rough incision)

Hordeum sp. (lower part of spikelet) 3 1 3 13


Aegilops sp.

Aegilops sp. (spikelet base) 4 7

Aegilops sp. (glume base) 6 12 23 68 123

Unidentified Poaceae grain type

Unidentified Poaceae spikelet base type 2 4 4 58

Phalaris sp. 2 5 10 17 27

Triticoid type 1 1 1

Hulled Triticum type

Triticum type free-threshing grain

Triticum type spikelet bases 4 1 7 2 7

Triticum type glume bases 6 5 12 4 48

Free-threshing wheat spikelet base

Taeniatherum caput-medusae 1

Taeniatherum sp. (spikelet bases)

Bromus sp.

Poaceae, indet. (large, medium) 1 1 5

Poaceae, indet. (small) 4 6 26 66 91

Poaceae, indet. (grain fragments) 5

Lens sp. 2 1 4 3

Vicia/Lathyrus/Pisum 1 1 9 2

Astragalus sp. 2 3 10 17 9

Trigonella astroides 2 4 30 6

Trigonella sp. 5 4 15 27

Medicago sp.

Medicago radiata 1 1 8 2

Fabaceae, indet.(medium)

Fabaceae, indet.(small) 3 13 10

Silene sp. 1

Gypsophila sp.

Caryophyllaceae, indet. 1

Scirpus/Bolbochenius sp. 5 3

Malva sp. 2 3 2 5

Heliotropium sp. 1 1 1

Lithospermum sp. 1 1

Arnebia sp.

Boraginaceae, indet. 1

Pistacia sp. 1 2 3 13 10

Brassica type 2

Brassicaceae, indet. 1 4 4

Alyssum type

cf. Arabis

cf. Lepidium sativum

cf. Lepidium

Ornithogalum/Muscari/Bellevalia 1

Galium sp. 1

Centaurea type 1

Salsola sp.

Atriplex sp.

Suaeda sp.

Beta sp.

Chenopodiceae, indet. 4

Rumex/Polygonum 4

Papaver sp.

Adonis sp.

TOTAL 43 44 118 314 476


Cultural Layer IIIb IIIb IV IV V V V Trench 1/0 1/1 1/0 1/99 1/0 1/99 1/99 Botanical Sample No 413 216 480 275 536 320 327 Finding Code BFb BFd BFc BFa BFd BFa BFb Exact Provenance (x, y, z) 60, 75, 16.86 75, 25, 17.00 25, 25, 16.07 25, 75, 15.95 75, 25, 15.42 25, 75, 15.39 75, 75, 15.32 Sediment Volume (ml) 10000 10000 12000 12000

12000 8000

Excavator MZ MZ MZ MZ MZ MZ MZ

Plant Name

III-413 III-216 IV-480 IV-275 V-536 V-320 V-327

Hordeum spontaneum C.Koch 4 4 7 2 3 11

Hordeum distichum-type 2 4 13 2 1 11

Hordeum sp. 1 1 3 20 13

Hordeum fragments 12 4

Hordeum sp. (smooth incision) 28 22 156 223 104 1 334

Hordeum sp. (rough incision) 2 7 1 8

Hordeum sp. (lower part of spikelet) 21 5 45 28 21 2 120

Aegilops/Hordeum 2 1 1

Aegilops sp. 7 4 2 11 2 3 5

Aegilops sp. (spikelet base) 11 6 1 13 10 1 9

Aegilops sp. (glume base) 446 338 193 112 293 66 78

Unidentified Poaceae grain type 4 1

Unidentified Poaceae spikelet base type 28 17 87 8 83 1 430

Phalaris sp. 32 17 106 354 22 4 264

Triticoid type 3 2 6 25 4 15

Hulled Triticum type 4 12 10

Triticum type free-threshing grain 2 1

Triticum type spikelet bases 7 1 5 1 1

Triticum type glume bases 18 16 3 2 1

Free-threshing wheat spikelet base 1

Taeniatherum caput-medusae 4 6 1 5

Taeniatherum sp. (spikelet bases) 3 2 7 7 3 33

Bromus sp. 1 3 16 3 1 5

Poaceae, indet. (large, medium) 6 14 44 5 17

Poaceae, indet. (small) 732 258 1023 3564 373 205 3123

Poaceae, indet. (grain fragments) 8 25 85 6 4 23

Lens sp. 2 2 18 42 12 10 41

Vicia/Lathyrus/Pisum 6 7 13 49 6 8 59

Astragalus sp. 26 14 36 126 23 13 34

Trigonella astroides 25 46 39 34 14 49 47

Trigonella sp. 13 18 51 83 40 19

Medicago sp. 1

Medicago radiata 4 1 3 22 1 3 5

Fabaceae, indet.(medium) 12 4 8

Fabaceae, indet.(small) 18 51 67 33 8 29

Silene sp. 3 2 1 4

Gypsophila sp. 1 3

Caryophyllaceae, indet. 1 1 2 3 2 3

Scirpus/Bolbochenius sp. 10 4 6 13 2 3

Malva sp. 5 3 10 9 9 3 26

Heliotropium sp. 2 1 32

Lithospermum sp. 1 1

Arnebia sp. 1

Boraginaceae, indet.

Pistacia sp. 12 14 34 35 28 7 34

Brassica type 1

Brassicaceae, indet. 14 5 8 9 16

Alyssum type

cf. Arabis

cf. Lepidium sativum 1

cf. Lepidium

Ornithogalum/Muscari/Bellevalia 5 9 2 5 3

Galium sp. 2

Centaurea type 1 7 13 3 2 4

Salsola sp. 1 1 1 3

Atriplex sp. 1

Suaeda sp. 8

Beta sp.

Chenopodiceae, indet. 2 3


Papaver sp.

Adonis sp. 1 1

TOTAL 1522 796 1994 5094 1123 421 4882


Cultural Layer VI VI VII VII VII VII Trench 1/99 1/0 0/99 1/99 1/99 1/0 Botanical Sample No 342 555 52 366 367 613 Finding Code BFa BFc BFb BFa BFa pLa Exact Provenance (x, y, z) 25, 75, 14.13 25, 25, 14.99 75, 55, 15.00 25, 75, 14.74 25, 75, 14.72 45, 68, 14.49 Sediment Volume (ml) 12000 12000 5000 10000 10000 10000 Excavator MZ MZ MZ MZ MZ MZ

Plant Name

VI-342 VI-555 VII-52 VII-366 VII-367 VII-613

Hordeum spontaneum C.Koch 3 1 8 4 5 3

Hordeum distichum-type 2 3

Hordeum sp. 4 2 4 2

Hordeum fragments 2

Hordeum sp. (smooth incision) 28 25 30 15 19 15

Hordeum sp. (rough incision)

Hordeum sp. (lower part of spikelet) 16 4 32 3


Aegilops sp. 3 4 3 2 3 1

Aegilops sp. (spikelet base) 9 2 2 1 2 5

Aegilops sp. (glume base) 362 69 49 74 69 52

Unidentified Poaceae grain type

Unidentified Poaceae spikelet base type 63 5 4 2 2

Phalaris sp. 8 4 4 3 6

Triticoid type 3 4 3 1 2

Hulled Triticum type 1

Triticum type free-threshing grain

Triticum type spikelet bases 2 5

Triticum type glume bases 1 1 24

Free-threshing wheat spikelet base

Taeniatherum caput-medusae 1 1 1 1

Taeniatherum sp. (spikelet bases) 1 7 2

Bromus sp. 2 2 3 18 12

Poaceae, indet. (large, medium) 2 13 10 5 14

Poaceae, indet. (small) 173 78 64 16

Poaceae, indet. (grain fragments) 6 8 4

Lens sp. 4 31 11 32 20 8

Vicia/Lathyrus/Pisum 14 13 8 11 12 5

Astragalus sp. 31 34 8 28 27 20

Trigonella astroides 41 29 13 12 11 29

Trigonella sp. 12 6 5 11 5 7

Medicago sp.

Medicago radiata 3 2 2 2

Fabaceae, indet.(medium) 2 3

Fabaceae, indet.(small) 67 20 13 31 38 15

Silene sp. 4 1 4 3

Gypsophila sp. 1

Caryophyllaceae, indet. 3 2 3 7 2

Scirpus/Bolbochenius sp. 2 1 1 1 4

Malva sp. 4 4 3 3 4 1

Heliotropium sp. 1 2

Lithospermum sp. 1

Arnebia sp. 1

Boraginaceae, indet. 1 1

Pistacia sp. 8 1 1 3

Brassica type

Brassicaceae, indet. 16 12 11 2 14

Alyssum type 1

cf. Arabis

cf. Lepidium sativum 13

cf. Lepidium

Ornithogalum/Muscari/Bellevalia 7 8 12 8 5

Galium sp. 1 1 1

Centaurea type 5 6 3 1 3

Salsola sp. 2 1

Atriplex sp. 5 4 3

Suaeda sp. 8 1 1

Beta sp.

Chenopodiceae, indet. 16 4 13 10


Papaver sp. 28

Adonis sp. 1 2

TOTAL 944 409 326 314 288 256


Cultural Layer VIII VIII IX IX IX Trench 1/0 1/99 1/99 1/0 1/0 Botanical Sample No 601 390 403 625 636 Finding Code BFc BFa BFb BFc BFd Exact Provenance (x, y, z) 25, 25, 14.37 25, 75, 14.39 75, 75, 14.17 25, 25, 14.08 75, 25, 13.95 Sediment Volume (ml) 8000 12000 10000 10000 10000 Excavator MZ MZ MZ MZ MZ

Plant Name

VIII-601 VIII-390 IX-403 IX-625 IX-636

Hordeum spontaneum C.Koch 2 6 1

Hordeum distichum-type 3 7 2

Hordeum sp. 6 1

Hordeum fragments

Hordeum sp. (smooth incision) 9 52 13 5 29

Hordeum sp. (rough incision) 2 1

Hordeum sp. (lower part of spikelet) 4 7 18 1

Aegilops/Hordeum 1 1

Aegilops sp. 2 1 1

Aegilops sp. (spikelet base) 2 9 7 2

Aegilops sp. (glume base) 166 208 51 28 45

Unidentified Poaceae grain type 1

Unidentified Poaceae spikelet base type 5 61 1 1 1

Phalaris sp. 3 7 7 1 2

Triticoid type 3 1 1

Hulled Triticum type 2 1

Triticum type free-threshing grain

Triticum type spikelet bases

Triticum type glume bases

Free-threshing wheat spikelet base

Taeniatherum caput-medusae 1

Taeniatherum sp. (spikelet bases) 3

Bromus sp. 3 1 1

Poaceae, indet. (large, medium) 5 4 3 2

Poaceae, indet. (small) 4 113 80 7

Poaceae, indet. (grain fragments) 7 6

Lens sp. 8 6 2 5 9

Vicia/Lathyrus/Pisum 2 6 10 3 5

Astragalus sp. 12 94 14 3 21

Trigonella astroides 51 18 6 5 20

Trigonella sp. 10 15 23

Medicago sp.

Medicago radiata 1 2

Fabaceae, indet.(medium) 1

Fabaceae, indet.(small) 9 29 12 2 10

Silene sp. 3

Gypsophila sp. 1

Caryophyllaceae, indet. 4 1 1

Scirpus/Bolbochenius sp. 1 6 2 1

Malva sp. 4 15 6 2 20

Heliotropium sp. 3 3

Lithospermum sp. 1

Arnebia sp.

Boraginaceae, indet. 1

Pistacia sp. 4 31 7 1 9

Brassica type

Brassicaceae, indet. 8 8 1 1

Alyssum type

cf. Arabis

cf. Lepidium sativum

cf. Lepidium

Ornithogalum/Muscari/Bellevalia 1 2 3

Galium sp. 1 1

Centaurea type 1 1

Salsola sp. 1

Atriplex sp. 1

Suaeda sp.

Beta sp.

Chenopodiceae, indet. 1 1


Papaver sp.

Adonis sp.

TOTAL 306 743 289 66 200


Cultural Layer Xb Xb XI XI XI Trench 1/99 1/0 0/0 1/0 1/1 Botanical Sample No 446 660 130 710 238 Finding Code Bfa BFc BFb BFa BFc Exact Provenance (x, y, z) 25, 75, 13.29 25, 25, 13.27 75, 75, 12.88 25, 75, 12.87 25, 75, 13.19 Sediment Volume (ml) 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 Excavator MZ MZ NJC NJC NJC

Plant Name

X-446 X-660 XI-130 XI-710 XI-238

Hordeum spontaneum C.Koch 2 6 6 8 4

Hordeum distichum-type 1 1 6 1

Hordeum sp. 2 6

Hordeum fragments 1 5 2 12 1

Hordeum sp. (smooth incision) 16 52 38 111 60

Hordeum sp. (rough incision) 1

Hordeum sp. (lower part of spikelet) 3 8 28 81 10

Aegilops/Hordeum 1 2 1

Aegilops sp. 2 2 4 3 4

Aegilops sp. (spikelet base) 4 16 30 5 5

Aegilops sp. (glume base) 18 265 355 243 162

Unidentified Poaceae grain type 1 2

Unidentified Poaceae spikelet base type 4 2 13 8 69

Phalaris sp. 6 12 40 20 7

Triticoid type 1 4 11 12 2

Hulled Triticum type 9 6 2

Triticum type free-threshing grain

Triticum type spikelet bases

Triticum type glume bases 1 1

Free-threshing wheat spikelet base

Taeniatherum caput-medusae 1 3

Taeniatherum sp. (spikelet bases) 2 9

Bromus sp. 1 2 3 1

Poaceae, indet. (large, medium) 6 11 10 15 8

Poaceae, indet. (small) 40 32

Poaceae, indet. (grain fragments) 14 17 14 24

Lens sp. 9 5 5 9 6

Vicia/Lathyrus/Pisum 10 11 10 13 6

Astragalus sp. 25 44 223 175 69

Trigonella astroides 20 56 141 194 41

Trigonella sp. 11 15 88 23 11

Medicago sp.

Medicago radiata 1 10 2 2

Fabaceae, indet.(medium)

Fabaceae, indet.(small) 25 55 193 172 56

Silene sp. 3 4 3 10 6

Gypsophila sp. 1 2 3 5 4

Caryophyllaceae, indet. 1 26 35 10

Scirpus/Bolbochenius sp. 2 5 5 9 4

Malva sp. 4 7 12 3

Heliotropium sp. 1 6 8 3 3

Lithospermum sp.

Arnebia sp. 2 2

Boraginaceae, indet.

Pistacia sp. 8 8 97 79 27

Brassica type

Brassicaceae, indet. 40 8 9 32 16

Alyssum type 1

cf. Arabis 16

cf. Lepidium sativum

cf. Lepidium 1 1

Ornithogalum/Muscari/Bellevalia 1 2 3 2

Galium sp. 2 1 6

Centaurea type 1 4 2 2

Salsola sp. 1 3 1 9 1

Atriplex sp. 1 1 7

Suaeda sp. 17 2 2 1 8

Beta sp. 1

Chenopodiceae, indet. 3 2 3 1


Papaver sp.

Adonis sp.

TOTAL 247 695 1434 1385 637