a man of god - blessing youth mission


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BLESSING / April 2018 2

I fi rst heard Evangelist Billy Graham in 1957 in Palayamkottai of Tamilnadu, India. As a10-year old boy, though I didn’t understand much of what he preached, I enjoyed attending such a huge meeting. I remember how much, as a 6+ feet tall American, he had to bend to be garlanded by short Indians! I had the privilege of listening to him again in 1977 in Chennai. As a college student in the 1960s I used to regularly listen to his broadcast, ‘Hour of Decision.’ One of my long desires was to somehow shake hands with this man of God. God caused it to happen in Amsterdam ’83, the International Conference for Itinerent Evangelists in Holland. We were over 200 servants of God from India in this Conference. Late Dr. Prakash Yesudian, Late Mr. Samuel Ganesh, Late Mr. N. Jeevanandam and Mr. Sadhu Chellappa were among us who enjoyed this privilege. My fellow-worker in the Blessing Youth Mission (BYM), Mr. Michael Achary, was also a delegate. Dr. Ravi Zacharias spoke in an evening session and Dr. Sam Kamalesan sang the song, “Jesus is all to me,” in Tamil to that international audience of 5000 delegates.

So many titles are awarded to Dr. Graham, but I would like to call him as “a Man of God.” As a tribute to him I hereby highlight 10 of his outstanding characteristics —1. He depended on the Grace of God

He was once asked, “Dr. Graham, why has God used you more than anyone

else?” He politely answered, “That’s the fi rst question I would ask God when I meet Him in Heaven. For now I would say, It’s the sheer Grace of God!” For a similar question late in his life he answered, “I want to ask God why He chose me to be one of His followers. I don’t even deserve that.” Billy never forgot his humble background. He came from a farmer’s family. Addressing a group of modern youngsters, he humorously said, “Dear boys and girls, if electricity fails you won’t be able to do anything. But as for me, I know fi shing, farming, milking, and so on, and would be busy doing something!” The hymn that has been sung after Graham’s sermons in all his crusades is, “Just as I am!” That’s the title of his autobiography also. His message over the last seven decades has been, “By grace we are saved through faith in Christ, and that not of ourselves; it is the gift of God!” (Eph 2:8). An African delegate in Amsterdam ’83, during an open forum, asked Dr. Graham, “Could you have reached these heights if you had not been an American?” With all humility he said something like what Paul confessed, “I am what I am by the Grace of God” (1 Cor 15:10). Once he told President George W. Bush, “One should strive to be better, but we’re all sinners who earn God’s love not thro’ our good deeds, but thro’ His grace.” About this George Bush later testifi ed, “I did not fully grasp this profound concept that day. But Billy had planted a seed. His thoughtful explanation made the soil less hard, the brambles less thick!”

BILLY GRAHAM(1918-2018)

A Man of God A tribute by R. Stanley, India

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2. He preached the Word of GodOne of Dr. Graham’s famous phrases

was, “The Bible says ...” He would proudly lift his leatherbound Bible and would not be tired of thundering this any number of times. He preached the unadulterated Gospel of Christ. He never deviated from it. The banner that was at the background above his head on the Crusade platform was, “Jesus said: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (Jn 14:6). He never wasted his time on the pulpit by telling stories. He was not an entertainer; he was an Evangelist head to toe. The Cross of Christ was central in his message (1 Cor 2:2). Only once he failed to present the centrality of the Cross, and that sermon was a fl op! His words were forceful but they would bring you only under conviction and not condemnation. He preached the same message whether it was to Oxford University students or African jungle tribes. President George W. Bush has said about Dr. Graham: “His love for Christ and his gentle soul helped open hearts to the Word of God, including mine.” “Peace with God” is one among the earliest of Billy’s 33 books, published in 1953. I understood the Gospel of Christ better through the reading of this book as a teenager.

The theme chorus of Amsterdam ’83, which we sang so often during that 10-day Conference, was —

Let’s talk about Jesus,This King of kings is He;

The Lord of lords supremeThrough all eternity.

The great I am the Way,The Truth, the Life, the Door;

Let’s talk about Jesus more and more!

3. He stayed in the Will of GodIt is said of King David, “After he had

served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep” (Acts 13:36). This is true of Billy Graham. A friend once offered to Dr. Graham a large stretch of land with an advice to build an University. He politely refused, saying, “God has called me to be an Evangelist and not an Educationalist!” Church history has many sad examples of mighty servants of God deviating from God’s primary calling in their lives and then got into trouble. Billy Graham operated on the apostolic principle: “We will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word” (Acts 6:2-4). Dr. Graham was included 61 times in “America’s Most Admired” list. (Queen Elizabeth comes second with 49 appearances.) Some of his well-meaning friends once suggested that he should run for presidency, and no one would contest against him. His reply was like that of Nehemiah: “I’m doing a great work; I cannot come down!” (Neh 6:3). Dear young preacher friends, we have so much to learn from this spiritual giant!

4. He fulfi lled the Purposes of GodGod, down through the ages has used

Prophets, the men of God, to convey to Kings His message of counsel, correction and rebuke. Prophets Elijah, Nathan, Isaiah, Daniel and John the Baptist are some examples. They reminded the Kings of God’s purposes concerning the nations and the world. God used Billy Graham on these lines. He moved closely with 13 Presidents of America beginning with President Eisenhower. He was called the “Pastor to Presidents!” Many of the nation’s leaders looked to him for guidance and prayer. He

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has advised Queen Elizabeth especially on forgiveness. Once he addressed the cabinet members of the famous British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill (1874-1965). The gifts of the “Word of Wisdom” and the “Word of Knowledge” were in operation through Dr. Graham (1 Cor 12:8). King Pharaoh consulted Joseph. King Nebuchadnezzar consulted Daniel. Is there any Christian leader in India whom the national leaders consult? When will such a day dawn in Bharat? In his tribute to Dr. Graham, President Barak Obama has said, “He was a humble servant who gave hope and guidance to generations of Americans!” Though Billy was close to so many Presidents, he never sought any favour from them!

5. He respected the Servants of GodAs the largest crowd-puller in world

evangelism, Dr. Graham never thought that he was superior to other servants of God around the globe. Since 1947, some 215 million people at more than 400 Crusades, including the one in Soviet Russia, have heard him! His love and appreciation for his associate evangelists in the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) is a living testimony for oneness among Christian workers. Dr. Cliff Barrows (1923-2016) and Mr. George Beverly Shea (1909-2013) had been working with him for so many decades. He treated his associates as his friends (Jn 15:15). Cliff Barrows a singer once told Billy Graham, “Billy, you won’t have any job in Heaven, because there is no preaching there. But I would be fully occupied with singing!” Dr. Graham was not without critics from among preachers, Bible scholars and Church leaders. But

he didn’t waste his time and energy in responding to their criticism. His policy was, “No offence, No defence!” When he came to India, Brother Bakhtsingh was one of the outstanding servants of God who refused to cooperate with him. Bakhtsingh was not for sending the altar-call respondents back to “dead” Churches! But Billy Graham graciously visited him and sought his prayers! Billy Graham as the Chief Guest delivered the Dedication Address for the Oral Roberts University in April 1967. President Jimmy Carter has said, “Broad-minded, forgiving, and humble in his treatment of others, Dr. Graham exemplifi ed the life of Jesus Christ!”

6. He edifi ed the Family (Church) of God

In all his evangelistic endeavours, Billy Graham was committed to strengthen the existing Churches. The forerunners of his Crusades would spend months in seeking the cooperation of the local Churches. Billy was transdenominational. Do you know that he was a Baptist and his wife, Ruth Graham (1920-2007) was a Presbyterian? An interdenominational family! Besides labouring for bringing sinners to repentance and salvation, Billy had a passion for revival in the Church. He believed that unless the Churches were revived, the fruits of evangelism could not be preserved. The International Congress on World Evangelisation in Lausanne, Suitzerland, July 1974, was initiated by Billy Graham. It drew delegates from more than 150 nations. One of the slogans from the Congress was, “The whole Church must carry the whole Gospel to the whole World!” Though Billy Graham is never said to have spoken

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in tongues, even hard-core Pentecostals thronged to hear him, both in local Crusades and international Conferences. Though he was more an Evangelist, than a Revivalist, local Churches experienced a spiritual awakening during and after his Crusades.

7. He was fi lled with the Spirit of GodBilly Graham’s sermons are known for

their simplicity but they did not lack power and authority. Apostle Paul’s testimony suits Billy: “My speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power” (1 Cor 2:4). The presence of the Holy Spirit would engulf his audience. That was unmistakable. He always stressed to Christians the necessity to “be fi lled with the Holy Spirit” (Eph 5:18). One of the evening talks in Amsterdam ’83 was on the Holy Spirit and the speaker was Dr. Bill Bright (1921-2003), the Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. His talk was descriptive but not prescriptive enough. Dr. Graham went to the podium after Bill Bright sat down, and this is what he said with deep brokenness: “Friends, go on your knees when you get back to your rooms. Seek God for a fresh anointing. Don’t get up until you know that you’ve got it!” Billy was a man of prayer. He confessed so often how he could not preach without the Spirit’s anointing on him. Showing his palms, wet with sweat because of his nervousness, he said that was why he depended solely on the enablement of the Holy Spirit. There was a standing ovation following this! What an encouragement to those who think they are not talented or eloquent enough to be a preacher! Jesus today does not ride on lofty horses but lowly donkeys!

8. He was devoted to the Ministry of God

Ever since Billy Graham committed his life to Christ in 1934, as a 16-year old, in response to the altar call of the famous evangelist Mordecai Ham (1877-1961), he had a burning desire to lead others to Christ who completely transformed his own life. He was the fi rst fulltime Evangelist of Youth For Christ (YFC) which was started in 1946. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) was formed in 1950. He was chiefl y instrumented in launching the periodical, Christianity Today, in 1956. John Wesley (1703-1791) told to Christians, “You have only one business on earth, and that is to win souls for Christ!” On another occasion he said, “The world is my parish.” Billy Graham was consumed by the sayings of such legends. For him, a farm boy, the world became the “harvest fi eld” (Mt 13:38). He received only a salary from BGEA. When there was so much of scandal about the love offerings received by preachers, Billy and a few others formed Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). The BGEA is above reproach in fi nancial matters. Its monthly, Decision, in its 58th year of publication, is standing tall among Christian periodicals worldwide.

Even though Dr. Graham had to spend so much time away from home for his Crusades, his entire family steadily grew in the knowledge and fear of God. The credit goes to Mrs. Ruth Graham (1920-2007) who passed away after 64 years of happy marriage. All their fi ve children, two sons and three daughters, are in Christian ministry. The Graham’s grandchildren are now nineteen and great grandchildren are

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numerous! As a principle, Dr. Graham and his associates would never be alone in a room with another woman. What a character! Billy’s son, Franklin, 65, is now leading the BGEA as per the decision of the Board. He is also the president of Samaritan’s Purse, a worldwide relief organisation. Ann Lutz, 69, one of Graham’s daughters, is a good Bible teacher. The decision of Joshua of old was that of Billy also: “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Josh 24:15).

9. He loved the World of GodBilly Graham’s most quoted Bible

verse is John 3:16, “God so loved the world ...” Both Billy and Ruth regularly prayed for the world. Once Ruth was asked whether she had a prayer guide. Her reply: “Yes, the daily newspaper! I hold it on one hand and the Bible on the other!” Just like God burdened the prophets of old about various nations, Billy Graham used to break down in holy intercession before God for the aches and longings of the people around the world (Isa 13:1; 15:1; 17:1; etc.,) He took time during his Chennai Crusade in 1977 to visit Andhra Pradesh which was devastated by unprecedented fl oods. He literally cried while listening to the pathetic plea of the affected villagers. The BGEA sent them huge funds for relief. This they have done all over the world to help the victims of natural disasters, epidemics and wars. India is one of the many nations to which Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse sends gift boxes of clothes and playthings for children year after year. The “Compassion” of Jesus was behind the miracles of Jesus, especially in feeding over 5000 men with just fi ve loaves and two fi sh. Billy showed his compassion in many practical ways. He

had no racial prejudice. He was a friend of Martin Luther King Jr(1929-1968), a Civil Rights activist who was assassinated. In one of his Crusades the organisers had separate seating arrangements for whites and blacks. Billy went down from the dais and personally removed the ropes of separation! In his evangelistic team he had two Indian Evangelists, Dr. Akbar Abdul Haqq and Dr. Robert Cunville. President Donald Trump in his tribute has called Billy Graham “God’s Ambassador to the world!”

10. He lived for the Kingdom of God“Thy Kingdom come!” This was the

longing and prayer of Billy Graham all through his life. The Glory of God was his sole aim. He did everything possible to encourage evangelists and missionaries, especially those who were labouring for the Kingdom of God in remote areas and hostile situations. Billy’s father-in-law, Dr. Nelson Bell (1894-1973) was a medical missionary in China. Ruth Graham as a young girl grew up in this missionary family. No wonder the entire Graham family has imbibed the missionary spirit. Dr. Ravi Zacharias in his tribute has said, “There cannot be another Billy Graham!” Yes, there cannot be another Paul, but there can be so many Timothys and Tituses. I call upon Christian youngsters, especially in India, to seek the face of God so that at least some pieces of the mantle of Billy Graham might fall on them. Our country is badly in need of evangelists with calibre, character and Spirit-given charisma to turn the millions of Indians towards the Living God. This generation of Indian Christians is responsible for this generation of Indian non-Christians.

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Notable Quotes of Dr. Billy Graham ➢ We say to our children, ‘Act like grown-ups,’ but Jesus said to the grown-ups, ‘Be like children.’ ➢ “The will of God will not take us where the grace of God cannot sustain us.” ➢ “God never takes away something from your life without replacing it with something better.” ➢ “Take one day at a time. Today, after all, is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.” ➢ “Sin is the second most powerful force in the universe, for it sent Jesus to the cross. Only one force is greater—the love of God.” ➢ “The message I preach hasn’t changed. Circumstances have changed. Problems have changed, but deep inside man has not changed, and the Gospel hasn’t changed.” ➢ “When we come to the end of ourselves, we come to the beginning of God.” ➢ “Scripture is fi lled with examples of men and women whom God used late in life, often with great impact - men and women who refused to use old age as an excuse to ignore what God wanted them to do.” ➢ “Success is always dangerous, and we need to be alert and avoid becoming the victims of our own success. Will we infl uence the world for Christ, or will the world infl uence us?” ➢ “There are many things that I don’t understand” ➢ “The time has come for all evangelists to practice full fi nancial disclosure. The world is watching how we walk and how we talk. We must have the highest standards of morality, ethics and integrity if we are to continue to have infl uence.” ➢ “Integrity means that if our private life were suddenly exposed, we’d have no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed. Integrity means that our outward life is consistent with our inner convictions”.

Billy Graham was not afraid of death. In fact he was eagerly looking forward to it like D.L. Moody (1837-1899), another great American Evangelist, who said, “The earth is receding; Heaven is beckoning; This is the day of my coronation! O death, how sweet!” I would like to imagine that Jesus would have stood up in the early morning hours of Wednesday the 21st of February 2018 to welcome His servant Billy Graham with the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant ... Enter into the joy of your Lord!” (Mt 25:21,23). Billy as a simple man, who

preached a simple message, is buried in a simple casket made by prisoners as per his wish.

Thank you, Billy, for giving us a defi nition for a man of God: “A Man of God is one who depends on the Grace of God, preaches the Word of God, stays in the Will of God, fulfi lls the Purposes of God, respects the Servants of God, edifi es the Family of God, is fi lled with the Spirit of God, devotes himself to the Ministry of God, loves the World of God, and lives for the Kingdom of God!”

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1. Elisha Bharath M Vasava 02 Jan 20082. Roselin Joice Pal 04 Jan 19953. Tanisha Raizel Selwyn 04 Jan 20094. Vikash Sadhu 05 Jan 20055. Pratyush Rabindra Kusha 05 Jan 20146. Sapna Hariram K 06 Jan 19997. Korban Samraj Ruban 06 Jan 20108. Mahima John Milton 06 Jan 20109. Bikash Bilendra Mandi 07 Jan 200010. Jacinth Brahman Chella 08 Jan 200811. Aarathana Rajasekaran 08 Jan 201412. Susmita Dongri 09 Jan 199813. Justin James Immanuel 10 Jan 201114. Shilpita Gladys 11 Jan 200815. Prashid Sachin 11 Jan 201116. Timothy Solomon 12 Jan 200317. Daniel Luis 13 Jan 199418. Joshua Jayakumar 14 Jan 200319. Harsh Kishore Kathe 15 Jan 201120. Jemimah Titus Paraja 17 Jan 200521. Samarpan Nalavade 17 Jan 200822. Rejoice @ Jim Kishore 18 Jan 200423. Madhu Raju Ahirwar 18 Jan 201324. Janes Athsal Jayakumar 19 Jan 200225. Namrata Jitendra Nadge 19 Jan 201126. Anne Ramanathan 19 Jan 201227. Trupti Ramdas Andher 22 Jan 201528. Ashish Devakumar 24 Jan 199329. Vishal Sadu Chintaman 25 Jan 2000

30. Abhishek Giftson James 25 Jan 201031. Jenin Paul Laxmanan 26 Jan 200732. Liza Priyanka Dukhu 26 Jan 201133. Nehemiah Roshan Siddi 28 Jan 201734. Preethi Tulasiram Mhase 29 Jan 201035. Chandra Shekhar Roshan 31 Jan 200336. Pratik Rabindra Kusha 02 Feb 201137. Sam Durairaj Mohanraj 02 Feb 201638. Alwin Felix Selwyn 02 Feb 201039. Noahson Nabin Nanda 08 Feb 201240. Akshaya Yuvaraj 09 Feb 201441. Anugrag Gulsan Nanda 10 Feb 200942. Stephanas Somasundaram 12 Feb 200843. Sandesh Ganesh Satvi 12 Feb 201244. Joyce Lily Arul 14 Feb 200845. Prince Dhanapati Santa 14 Feb 201046. Snehalata Umakanth Sagar 14 Feb 201047. Graceraj Bilod Mandi 15 Feb 199848. Rufus Billy Ebenezen 17 Feb 199849. Hemalatha Nagappa 17 Feb 200050. Sharon James 17 Feb 200751. Sneha Imrat Ahirwar 20 Feb 200852. Crispus Dhanapati Santa 20 Feb 201453. Jemima Selvaraj 21 Feb 199554. Ephraim Jason 21 Feb 200755. Brainerd Sam Madasamy 21 Feb 200956. Santhese Bavathes Siddi 23 Feb 200957. Jessie Joy Namburi 25 Feb 201058. Heaven Lily Arul 27 Feb 2010

Our Bundles of JoyThe names of the children (up to 25 years) of the missionaries of the Blessing Youth Mission are listed here with their birthdays. The child’s name is followed by the name of the father. As their parents are in the frontline to liberate the captives from the bondage of darkness, the children become a prime target of the enemy. Pray regularly for these children so that what was written about little Samuel can also be said about them: “As young Samuel grew taller, he also continued to gain favour with the Lord and with the people” (I Sam 2:26). You can also warm the hearts of these kids by sending them a Birthday greeting or a gift

through Blessing Youth Mission, Church Colony, Vellore 632 006, India. Detach this sheet to be kept inside your Bible or Daily Devotional.

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59. Beulah Prakash 28 Feb 200660. Jesintha Laxmanan 01 Mar 200961. Prince Solomon Gollori 05 Mar 200962. Tryphena Ebenezen 08 Mar 200063. Deepchand Komal Prasad 10 Mar 199764. Arpita Suryakant Sagar 11 Mar 200965. Praisy Christina Kumar 12 Mar 201266. Asha Slecer Ramanathan 13 Mar 200067. Briliantson Christodas 15 Mar 200668. Aaradana Gulsan Nanda 15 Mar 200769. Ruba Lekha Xavier Babu 15 Mar 201470. Sathvik Shantgouda 15 Mar 201571. Princy Suvetha Suyambu 16 Mar 200972. Harsha Joseph 16 Mar 201773. Nikhil Dukhu Khosla 18 Mar 201374. Amos Raghavan 21 Mar 199775. Prarana Kumari Mohanty 23 Mar 200476. Sharona Suryakant Sagar 24 Mar 200677. Mamta Sachin Havare 26 Mar 200978. Vinanti Kalpesh Pared 26 Mar 201179. Benison Christodas Kuldip 30 Mar 200080. Anil Hariram 31 Mar 200681. Laxmi Narayan Choudhary 01 Apr 200282. Yehoshua Pradeep Rajwadi 01 Apr 200983. Silvanas Somasundaram 02 Apr 201284. Shalom Joshua Shadrach 03 Apr 200985. Priyanka Jitendra Nadge 04 Apr 200286. Jelin Jeya Shruthi Arun 06 Apr 200387. Jael Samuel Vasava 08 Apr 201288. Karuna Gulsan Nanda 09 Apr 200689. Sonu Komal Prasad 11 Apr 199990. Jonathan George Allemby 11 Apr 200891. Karuna Pawar 14 Apr 199392. Abishek Ganesh Kadam 14 Apr 200293. Jones Abraham John 14 Apr 201594. Jakin Lourdhu Xavier 14 Apr 201495. Agnes Chrysolity Victor 15 Apr 201096. Jyoti Manda Naresh 16 Apr 199597. Deborah Dhanaraj 16 Apr 199698. Puspanjali Sabar 17 Apr 200399. Finney Vijayakumar 18 Apr 2000

100. Susanna Susant Digal 18 Apr 2000101. Jenifer Keziah Jeremiah 19 Apr 2001102. Hepzibah Prakash 19 Apr 2004103. Karishma Choudhary 21 Apr 1998104. Julie Ashok Kumar 21 Apr 2000105. Ruth Angel Kishore Jagat 21 Apr 2001106. Simon Bostam Bagh 23 Apr 1999107. Mathew Jeba Thinakaran 23 Apr 2006108. Apeksha Sanjay Khane 23 Apr 2009109. Amisha Sanjay Khane 25 Apr 2003110. Enosh Appalaswamy 26 Apr 2011111. Alibha Rusav Sagar 27 Apr 2011112. Jeremiah George Allemby 29 Apr 2015113. Elijah Ratnakar Rao 30 Apr 2001114. Keren Happuck Pawar 01 May 2003115. Prithi Ganpath Prasad 04 May 2001116. Gifta Samidoss 05 May 1996117. Pratik Tulasiram Mhase 05 May 2015118. Darshini Kadhirvel 08 May 2009119. Satyajeet Manding 09 May 2008120. Abigail Leence Joel 09 May 2011121. Riya Praisy Premkumar 10 May 2003122. Sumeet Solomon Das 10 May 2004123. Blessi Rani Dayadan 13 May 2009124. Pradeep Prabhudas 15 May 2004125. Ashwini Manda Naresh 15 May 1997126. Fanny Packiavathan 15 May 2006127. Bandhana Leelan Banskar 16 May 2002128. Shraddha Kailash Mane 16 May 2008129. Iniya Elson 16 May 2015130. Prarthana Raju Kurane 17 May 2004131. Wesley Jaisankar 19 May 1998132. Ananth Brahmam Chella 21 May 2009133. Ishika Bharath Vasava 25 May 2006134. Jagruti Jitendra Nadge 28 May 2007135. Merlin Mohana Krishnan 02 Jun 2007136. Somiya Rani Dayadan 02 Jun 2012137. Hemalatha Anita Arun 03 Jun 1995138. Rebecca Netham 03 Jun 1999139. Gaurav Dhanwar Kiran 03 Jun 2008140. Pramita Netrananda 04 Jun 2001

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141. Simon Kother Bhai 04 Jun 2008142. Nibedita Bagwan Pangi 06 Jun 1996143. Moti Ranjan Sanjip Deep 07 Jun 1997144. Evangelin Solomon 07 Jun 2006145. Kirti Kiran Dhanwar 08 Jun 2016146. Asha Jessica Devakumar 09 Jun 1994147. Elgiva Angeline Paul 09 Jun 2004148. Sukanti Hiron Khosla 11 Jun 1998149. Jerolin John Pandian 11 Jun 2016150. Jerome Paul Pragasam 11 Jun 2016151. Mary Ida Jaisanker 12 Jun 2006152. Aayush Lakshman Shelar 12 Jun 2014153. Caleb Chezhian 15 Jun 1995154. Mercy Abhimonue Bhatra 15 Jun 2001155. Sandeep Ashok Kumar 16 Jun 1996156. Vishaka Sadu Malakari 16 Jun 2003157. Faithy Florence Sudhakar 16 Jun 2006158. Jonathan Jeba Thinakaran 18 Jun 2004159. Praisy Suresh Babu 18 Jun 2016160. Nancy Antony Samy 21 Jun 2008161. Elsa Jerslyn Raja 21 Jun 2017162. Prasanna Rose Allen 22 Jun 2005163. Krupa Sanjay Kamble 22 Jun 2011164. Jesman Jeremiah 25 Jun 2003165. Lincy Hiron Khosla 26 Jun 2001166. Shyam Bagwan Pangi 29 Jun 1994167. Jenita Albert Jayaraj 29 Jun 2002168. Poona Ganpath Prasad 30 Jun 1996169. Archana Hariram 01 Jul 1995170. Ankita Ashish Deep 03 Jul 2005171. Blesson Smith Raveendran 05 Jul 2004172. Lydia Agnes Mohanraj 08 Jul 2010173. Dorathy Dhanaraj 09 Jul 1998174. Jezliah Jeyaraj 09 Jul 1999175. Jaresiah Jeyaraj 09 Jul 1999176. Prathana Mothis Siddi 10 Jul 1993177. Blessyrani Bilod Mandi 11 Jul 2002178. Arularasi Paul Vasantharaj 11 Jul 2004179. Lionel Samuel Robin Sam 13 Jul 1997180. Ruben Subhanand Siddi 15 Jul 1999181. Sandhya Ashok Kumar 15 Jul 1999

182. Satyajothi Bostam Bagh 15 Jul 2001183. Milky Dhano Santa 15 Jul 2009184. Vivek Daniel Masih 16 Jul 2004185. Shiny Srinivasa David 16 Jul 2009186. Utakarsh Motiram Satvi 17 Jul 2015187. Abhilasha Paltoo 18 Jul 2006188. Sonam Hariram 21 Jul 2002189. Ronald Rabindranath Das 21 Jul 2003190. Hannah Suyambu Selvam 23 Jul 2011191. Joy Nathan Nabin Nanda 24 Jul 2008192. Paulin Supritha Arun 27 Jul 2006193. Benita Albert Jeyaraj 30 Jul 2000194. Jesvin Vadivel James 30 Jul 2013195. Ashwini Imrat Ahirwar 31 Jul 2005196. Daniel Sada Nag 01 Aug 1997197. Praisy Prabhudas Patro 02 Aug 2005198. Aruna Kother Bhai 03 Aug 2006199. Mariam Jhitku Santa 06 Aug 1993200. Jedidiah Jeyaraj 06 Aug 1996201. Magdalene Raveendran 06 Aug 2007202. Prabhu Periasamy 07 Aug 2003203. Ichha Ganpat Madavi 07 Aug 2017204. Bidyut Kumar Bilendra 08 Aug 2002205. Paul Reacher Perumal 09 Aug 2007206. Ravi Shankar Hariram 10 Aug 1996207. Prajwal Neelappa Harijan 10 Aug 2005208. Stewan Samuel Rahute 11 Aug 2009209. Shrusti Shantgouda 12 Aug 2005210. Amos Imrat Ahirwar 14 Aug 2003211. Narendra Hariram 15 Aug 1994212. Esther Shakina Ratnakar 15 Aug 2004213. Samarpan Wagmare 16 Aug 2006214. Arpan Lakshman Shelar 16 Aug 2011215. Vijay Hanamantha 16 Aug 2015216. Unnati Motiram Satvi 18 Aug 2013217. Ajit Manda Naresh 19 Aug 1993218. Adira Jael Guru Prasath 19 Aug 2016219. Sathwika Pasala Ramana 20 Aug 2003220. Priansu Shashikanta Barik 21 Aug 2015221. Ruben Ajay Suna 22 Aug 1998222. John Premkumar 23 Aug 1999

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223. Stuti Samuel Rahute 23 Aug 2002224. Nancy Robinson Gilbert 23 Aug 2003225. Darshani Sada Nag 24 Aug 2010226. Kirubakaran Durai 26 Aug 1998227. Vimochana Hanamantha 26 Aug 2017228. Arpita Narendra Kusha 27 Aug 1996229. Simon Sanjay Turuk 27 Aug 2012230. Merlin Roshi Dhaneswar 28 Aug 2001231. Blesson Christodas Kuldip 30 Aug 2002232. Jessy Vadivel James 02 Sep 2010233. Jyoti Prakash Rusav Sagar 03 Sep 2005234. Sugvansil Rabindranath 03 Sep 2006235. Sudarshan Nalavade 04 Sep 2005236. Amy Karunya Sudhakar 06 Sep 2008237. Preethi Xavier Babu 07 Sep 2016238. Prince Joysuron Daitori 08 Sep 2012239. Susil Kumar Suresh Santa 09 Sep 2000240. Susanthi Parasuram 09 Sep 1996241. Gracema Simon Peter 10 Sep 2005242. Alice Rathod Kumar 10 Sep 2009243. Sandes Sanjay Kamble 10 Sep 2015244. Pabitra Netrananda 11 Sep 2003245. Agalya Yuvaraj 11 Sep 2012246. Enoch Subhanand Siddi 12 Sep 1997247. Paul Raven Rajasekaran 12 Sep 2012248. Alisha Gladys Mohan 12 Sep 2017249. Benny Paul Abraham 13 Sep 2004250. Abishek Jasper Victor 15 Sep 2006251. Milcah Mariaraj 15 Sep 2008252. Mary Slessor Murugan 16 Sep 1996253. Abhishek Abhimonue 16 Sep 2006254. Ashish Umakanth Sagar 17 Sep 2008255. Jack Stains Rajan Kumar 19 Sep 2009256. Supritha Bavathes Siddi 20 Sep 2004257. Sakshitha Grace Saroj 21 Sep 2012258. Rupendra Ajay Suna 22 Sep 2001259. Sharon Gulsan Nanda 23 Sep 2003260. Jothiraj Hilson Moses 23 Sep 2005261. Samraj Silas Khosla 26 Sep 1998262. Mahima Srinivasa David 27 Sep 2004263. Mahima Daniel Masih 28 Sep 2015

264. Abishek Pushparaj 29 Sep 2000265. Ajit Kumar Kailash Nag 29 Sep 2005266. Prabhasini Suresh Santa 01 Oct 1997267. Ruchilin Dhaneswar Jena 02 Oct 2003268. Devaraj Harvest Moses 02 Oct 2004269. Rutuja Raju Kurane 03 Oct 2000270. Isaac Jeeva Mohan 03 Oct 2015271. Prince Arputha Kumar 04 Oct 2008272. Prahiksha Ganpath 05 Oct 2006273. Subhranshu Srikant Barik 05 Oct 2008274. Praisy Vinayagam David 06 Oct 1995275. Angel Montue Kar 06 Oct 2013276. Sanskruti Kishore Kathe 07 Oct 2014277. Hemalata Umakanth Sagar 08 Oct 2004278. Ashish Gulsan Nanda 10 Oct 2011279. Elim Royal Rathod 10 Oct 2015280. Ashir Daniel Ramanathan 11 Oct 1996281. Christina Simon Peter 11 Oct 1995282. Ragland Vijayakumar 13 Oct 1996283. Manisla Balchand Prasad 13 Oct 2003284. Christophini Mohendra Pal 14 Oct 1998285. Prakashni Ganpath Prasad 15 Oct 2003286. Jothi Ganpath Prasad 16 Oct 2010287. Hephzibah Corrie Melbin 16 Oct 2014288. Sharon Josephin Shadrach 17 Oct 2006289. Abhishek Paltoo 17 Oct 2007290. Daniel Paul Raju Sabbiti 18 Oct 2017291. Athisaya Elson 19 Oct 2012292. Sandeep Shivram Roshan 20 Oct 1995293. Deepak Shivram Roshan 23 Oct 1998294. Melchi Mariaraj 24 Oct 2011295. John Wesley Yacobu 24 Oct 2011296. Praveen Appalaswamy 27 Oct 2006297. Esther Jhitku Santa 28 Oct 1997298. Praveen Mohanty Takri 28 Oct 2001299. Ashwin Stanley Mylappu 29 Oct 2017300. Mirdula Elsheeba Kesavan 01 Nov 1998301. Srushti Subhash Wagmare 01 Nov 2007302. Roshni Shivram Roshan 02 Nov 2002303. Deepchand Ashok Kumar 04 Nov 1995304. Archana Manuel D’Souza 04 Nov 2009

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305. Sarah Jhitku Santa 06 Nov 1995306. Esme Robina Robin Sam 07 Nov 1993307. Sunil Komal Prasad 07 Nov 1995308. Immanuel Leo Kadhirvel 10 Nov 2014309. Lorence Dhaneswar Jena 11 Nov 2006310. Preethi Periasamy 12 Nov 2000311. Ida Jenima Mohan 13 Nov 2013312. Roseline Rajamani 16 Nov 2004313. Candyda Julies 17 Nov 1997314. Rina Pabitra Bagh 18 Nov 2007315. Jeevanantham Sakthivel 19 Nov 2002316. Apollos Bharath Vasava 19 Nov 2010317. Chandan Sabar 22 Nov 2000318. Esther Paul David 22 Nov 2007319. Samuel Raju Ahirwar 22 Nov 2016320. Prince Shashikanta Barik 24 Nov 2011321. Rachana Leelan Banskar 25 Nov 1998322. Tyndale Verwer Saravanan 25 Nov 1997323. Brighta Sam Madasamy A 25 Nov 2010324. Calvin Chezhian 26 Nov 1998325. Naveen Nagappa 28 Nov 1998326. Nita Charlotte Saravanan 28 Nov 2001327. Karmugil Durai 30 Nov 1996328. Diptimaya Sanjip Deep 30 Nov 2006329. Daniel Paul Vasantharaj 30 Nov 2006330. Nikhel Nagappa 03 Dec 2001331. Pradeep Dhano Santa 04 Dec 2003332. Sumeet Samuel Hantal 05 Dec 2010333. Mahima Keziah Kesavan 07 Dec 1996334. Blesson Goyaram Baghel 07 Dec 2009335. Samyajit Manding 07 Dec 2013336. Pragathi Ramdas Andher 08 Dec 2011337. Krupa Zechariah 08 Dec 2016338. Shantha Raj Silas Khosla 09 Dec 1996339. Asha Hiron Khosla 09 Dec 1996340. Persia Packiavathan 10 Dec 2003341. Shanti Priaya Silas Khosla 11 Dec 1994342. Maranatha Mohendra Pal 11 Dec 1996343. Vision Kumar Baghel 11 Dec 2006344. Revival Queen Kumar 12 Dec 2001345. Shadhana Leelan Banskar 13 Dec 2000

346. Nahomi Laxmanan 13 Dec 2002347. Jermy Titus Paraja 14 Dec 2002348. Rebecca Raju Kurane 15 Dec 2005349. Teena Grace Perumal 15 Dec 2010350. Abhishika Kusha 17 Dec 1994351. Johanna Susant Digal 17 Dec 2001352. Mamatha Murugan 18 Dec 1994353. Carolyn Leence Joel 18 Dec 2007354. Jaden Paul Pragasam 18 Dec 2012355. Ziegenbalg John Milton 21 Dec 2005356. Francis Ashish Deep 22 Dec 2009357. Anushya Joslin Mylappu 23 Dec 2009358. Nixon David Kumar 24 Dec 2002359. Samuel Rajamani 24 Dec 2002360. Surabhi Sanjip Deep 25 Dec 2001361. Sushree Srikant Barik 25 Dec 2006362. Priskila Pradeep Rajwadi 25 Dec 2010363. Pratik Neelappa Harijan 27 Dec 2006364. John Paul Pushparaj 29 Dec 1997365. Sam Jeyanthan Sakthivel 29 Dec 1999

Prayer Request by Missionary Kids ! Pray for us for God’s protection as our

parents are engaged in the spiritual battle.

Pray that we grow strong in our spiritual life and walk in the footsteps of our parents.

Pray for our education so that we might excel in studies and bring glory to God.

Pray for our mental well-being as some of us stay in hostels away from our parents.

Pray for our future life and settlement.

BLESSING / April 2018 13

The Power of Risen ChristDr. Billy Graham

The vast majority of the people around the world are looking to politics, science and education for the solution to life’s problems, and not to Jesus Christ. Why is this? What is happening?

I believe part of our dilemma is that we have preached a weak, watered-down Christ. We have preached a watered-down Gospel. We have caused young people to doubt the authority of the Scriptures. We have given people a god of our own imagination. Christ has been robbed of His deity. The supernatural has been eliminated from our faith. We try to rationalize away the full deity of Christ, which includes His resurrection from the dead.

It was the resurrection of Christ that caused the disciples to go out as burning young revolutionaries to change the world of their day. They preached that Christ was alive. This should be our message, not only at Easter but every day of the year. The risen Christ wants to come into our hearts today.

But beware—He is a disturber! He did not come to bring peace; He came to bring a sword (Matthew 10:34). He came to divide even families. People reject that kind of Christ because it costs too much to follow Him in this materialistic, secular, pleasure-mad age.

We Christians must share the guilt. We have limited Christ to the sanctuary, to the temple, to the religious area of our lives. We worship Him behind thick church walls. We tuck Him away in quiet little recesses. From Sunday to Sunday, He is rarely mentioned. We spend little time reading His Word

or praying. We Christians act and live as though Christ was dead.

This kind of Christ will never make an impact on the world. This is not the Christ of the Bible. He is too weak and small; He is irrelevant. The weak, emaciated, impotent Christ of the church of today bears little resemblance to the Christ that Isaiah the prophet talked about. He bears little resemblance to the Christ who is found in the early church, who dared to challenge the world and turn it upside down.

When Christ was on earth, He would go to the temple, but He did not stay there. He went into the streets where the sick, the needy and the dying were. His love and compassion broke the bounds of class, race and creed: “The common people heard him gladly” (Mark 12:37).

I was invited to have coffee one morning with Konrad Adenauer before he retired as the chancellor of Germany. When I walked in, I expected to meet a tall, stiff, formal man who might even be embarrassed if I brought up the subject of religion. After the greeting, the chancellor suddenly turned to me and said, “Mr. Graham, what is the most important thing in the world?”

Before I could answer, he answered his own question. He said, “The resurrection of Jesus Christ. If Jesus Christ is alive, then there is hope for the world. If Jesus Christ is in the grave, then I don’t see the slightest glimmer of hope on the horizon.”

Then he amazed me by saying that he believed that the resurrection of Christ was one of the best-attested facts of history. He

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said, “When I leave offi ce I intend to spend the rest of my life gathering scientifi c proof of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

Yes, Jesus Christ is alive. This risen Christ, taken by faith in all of His power and glory, is great enough and big enough to cope with every problem the human race faces at this hour.

First, a risen Christ is big enough to cope with the tyranny of man over man. Not only can He save the individual, but His power also has worldwide implications. Isaiah 9:6 says, “The government will be upon His shoulder.” He has not abdicated His sovereignty in the affairs of men. He is still the Lord of history.

When He was crucified, the Bible says, “an inscription also was written over Him in letters of Greek, Latin and Hebrew: ‘THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS’ ” (Luke 23:38). He was then, and still is, King; only we have changed. One of our failures is not seeing Christ as King of the physical and material as well as the spiritual, of the mind as well as the soul, of the government as well as the heart.

In this country we are engaged in a debate on the separation of church and state. But there is a sense in which Christ cannot be separated from anything that pertains to life, for He “is all and in all” (Colossians 3:11). He said, “Ye call me Teacher and Lord, and … so I am” (John 13:13). He is the Master of every phase of our lives.

He is Master of our business on Monday and Tuesday as well as our religious life on Sunday. Secularism is growing because we have tried to get Him to abdicate from the realms of economics, politics and science. We think that the world’s problems

could be solved by diplomacy, by scientifi c advancement, by economic progress. We have lost the New Testament concept that envisioned a cosmic Christ who was woven into the warp and woof of the universe and who could not be taken out without destroying the fabric of the whole world.

Nazism blossomed in Germany only after the church had failed to fi ll the vacuum following World War I. When the church failed to present and declare a dynamic, living Christ, Germany was robbed of a Savior and gave birth to a dictator. When people reject Christ’s rightful place as Lord in any nation, tyranny takes over.

In the United States our Declaration of Independence speaks of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” but it is the pursuit of happiness that is guaranteed and not happiness itself. Chasing happiness may be fun for a while, but the entertainment of it soon wears thin.

There is a better way. Paul says, “The kingdom of Heaven is not a matter of whether you get what you like to eat and drink, but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17, Phillips). Christian joy is dependent on a personal relationship with God, not on externals.

In the upper room Jesus told His disciples, “These things I have spoken to you … that your joy may be full” (John 15:11). He further told them that His joy is one that cannot be taken away (John 16:22). No pagan philosophy, no atheistic ideology, no deep sorrow can dislodge the joy that Christ gives.

Second, the resurrected Christ is also big enough to cope with the gigantic social

BLESSING / April 2018 15

problems of these times. The race problem is not limited to any one city, nor to any one part of the United States. The race problem is a worldwide problem. Wherever two races or two nationalities or even two religious groups live together, there is friction and misunderstanding.

It is into this kind of situation that Christ can come with the healing “balm of Gilead.”

We must recognize the relationship between Christianity and healthy social conditions. One of the greatest and most far-reaching social revolutions of history was directly related to and grew out of the great evangelical revivals of the 18th century under John Wesley and George Whitefi eld.

I believe that a great spiritual revival today would have social consequences throughout the world. Christ has an answer to the social problems. He can meet them in His resurrection power and glory.

But let us not forget that man does not in himself have the capacity to love his neighbor. He does not have the capacity to live according to Christian ethics until he has come to Jesus Christ. When you repent of your sins and receive Christ as Savior, He enlarges your capacity and gives you new ability to love your neighbor. When you come to know Him, He gives you new powers, new directions, new strengths, new visions, new dimensions of living.

Jesus once said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed” (Luke 4:18).

This is good news for the poor. This is good news for the suffering. This is good news for the blind. Christ can indeed cope with the social and political problems of the world.

The world today offers many saviors, but none of them saves to the uttermost. The world today offers many panaceas, but they cannot reach to the depths of our depravity. The world today offers many shortcuts to salvation, but to be truly saved we must be reconciled to God.

Give your life to Jesus Christ today. Receive Him as your Lord and Savior. And whatever personal problems you may have, and whatever great problems you may face in the world, you can fi nd help, and you can make your contribution to this generation by making your commitment and your decision for Jesus Christ. Let His joy, His peace, His love, dominate your life. ©1964 BGEA

Statement about ownership and other particulars about newspaper BLESSING

Form IV (see Rule8) 1. Place of Publication : Chennai 2. Periodicity : Monthly 3. Editor : J.D. Sapphire 8 Church Colony, Vellore 632 006. 4. Publisher : V.Ashok Immanuel 21 West Coovam River Road, Chennai 600 002. 5. Printer : Paul Aravamudhan Bapuji Printers, 5 Kurban Ali Street, Chennai 600 002. 6. Owner : Blessing Ministries Church Colony Vellore 632 006 I, V.Ashok Immanuel, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. V. Ashok Immanuel March 2018 Signature of Publisher

BLESSING / April 2018 16

Resigned or Re-signed

“Then I said, I will not make mention of Him, nor speak any more in His name. But His Word was in mine heart as a burning fi re shut up in my bones, and I was wary with forbearing, and I could not stay” (Jer 20:9).

In this remarkable verse the prophet Jeremiah announces the impossible. He resigns and then declares immediately that he cannot resign; he quits, but he cannot quit. Any true preacher can understand Jeremiah’s crisis.

Almost every man of God had a spell when he was ready to resign and knew all the time that he couldn’t. A man cannot really preach until preach he must. If he can do something else, he probably should! Paul said, “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!”(1 Cor 9:16). Necessity was laid upon him; he had to do it.

Becoming a minister of God is not a matter of looking over an assortment of professions – law, medicine, physics, music – and then saying, “I think I’ll be a preacher.” God is not running a cafeteria where you choose your favorite piece of pie.

Jeremiah had a holy bone-fi re. He did not merely have to say something – he had something to say. There is a lot of different between pouring out one’s heart and getting something off one’s chest. Many a preacher has spent an hour in pulpit airing his pet grievances under the impression that he was speaking for God.

Such men are ready to resign when things don’t go their way. A preacher who runs a heavenly fever like Jeremiah’s cannot resign even though nothing goes his way.

- Vance Havner

For Contribution Towards Blessing Youth Mission

All those who want to send their offerings to BYM, please note the following accounts. When you transfer an amount online, do send an email to [email protected] stating the purpose.

Home & NRE donorsName : Blessing Youth Mission

A/c No. 10545849472Bank: State Bank of India

Vellore 632 006Branch Code: 007274

IFSC No: SBIN0007274MICR Code: 632002012

Overseas DonorsName : Blessing Youth Mission

A/c No. 1074703964Bank: Central Bank of India

Vellore 632 004IFSC No :CBIN0280887MICR Code:000016000

Gulf DonorsA/c Name : T. Prince Stachys Ravindran

A/c No: 35374362080Bank Name : State Bank of India

Branch Name : Siruthozhil,Vellore 632 004

IFSC No : SBIN0007274

Do not miss the revival messages that we

air in the Sathiyam TV every Wednesday 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM.

BLESSING / April 2018 17


➢ 530 were blessed in two ladies meetings. Missionary Saritha shared the Word of God.

➢ 500 attended one day meeting in Saura Baptist Church. Mrs. & Mr. Somasundaram shared the Word of God.

➢ Promod Ujjaini, a new missionary family has joined us in Noaligaon. Pray for their ministry.karnataka

➢ God enabled our missionary Mohanakrishnan to share the Word of God in 5 various places.

➢ 80 students were blessed in a Youth meeting at Bagalkot. Pastor Johnson shared the Word of God.

➢ Gauramma was delivered from evil spirit. ➢ For healing - Pramod (Cancer) and

Devaki (Asthma). ➢ For salvation - Pakhirappa, Chanappa,

Shashikala, Shitavva, Shantavva, Nilagappa, Padmavathi, Salim, Mulali, Fatima, Manjunath and Gouramma. madhya pradesh

➢ Pinky, Susheela, Sweety, Shalu, Sweta, Smitra, Neetal, Elina, Kamala and Bavani to have children.

➢ New contacts - Paramlal, Poonam, Ramprasad, Ravi, Rasi, Kamlesh, Vinetha, Vasanthi, Karga and Ramvathi.

➢ For Salvation - Udhal, Dallendru, Santhosh, Sivaram, Suklal and Mohan.

➢ For life partners - Sonu and Ashwin. ➢ 85 boys attended a youth meeting in

Shahgarh. 52 committed their lives to Christ and 18 prayer cells have been formed.

➢ 140 students participated in the exam-goers meet in Jabalpur and Katni.

➢ Missionary John Pandian shared God’s Word in a church at Katni.

➢ 9 came to the Lord. ➢ For job - Anikit, Selvan, Tanu, Rohit,

Evan, Apna, Ujjwal, Daniel and Samuel. ➢ Pooja’s father was bitten by a snake but

escaped unhurt. Praise God! ➢ Healing - Maya & Nancy (Cancer);

Prem(Chest pain); Dhilip (Bone T.B); Kushi(Cerebral Palsy); Jithender(Boils in the neck); Kiran(Asthma); Charles (Piles) and Ramdayal (Swelling in liver).

➢ Beetham, the 20 year old only son of the parents is suffering from Bone Cancer. Pray for healing.

➢ Varsha, Lalitha, Divya and Milan to be delievered from evil spirit.

➢ Mrs. Suja George (61yrs), sister of missionary Robinsam went to be with the Lord on 31st January. maharashtra

➢ Anand Melawa was conducted in four places in which 5851 participated. All the needed money was raised locally.

➢ Worship shed was dedicated in Dhuktan. ➢ 304 young people participated in a youth

meeting in which 52 committed their lives for the Lord. Mr. Megnath Pawar was the resource person for this meet.

➢ 44 confessed their faith in the Lord. ➢ 75 people were blessed in the one day

family seminar at Gargoti. ➢ 15 members from Kolhapur visited our

fi elds in Gargoti, Murugud and Radhanagari and were challenged.

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➢ Salvation - Datta and Mangal. ➢ For healing - Mr. Pandurang Kamble,

father of missionary Sanjay Kamble (Paralysis); Sankpal & Mangal(Asthma); Sunitha(Cyst); Dhilip (Fracture) and Babasaheb(Cancer).punjab

➢ 250 people were blessed in a Mission Sunday at Chandigarh. 8 Magazine subscribers were raised and `1110/- worth of literature was sold.

➢ 2 ESAP cells and a Sunday school was started in Ludhiana.

➢ Pray for the planned youth prayer cell in Ludhiana. rajasthan

➢ 50 Aeronautical engineering students and 80 other college student heard the Gospel.

➢ Bansilal was healed from piles. He was suffering for 15 years. Ramila was healed from ulcer.

➢ Sushila was delivered from evil spirit. ➢ 21 were led to Christ. ➢ Vishal’s father and Babu need to be

delivered from alcohol addiction. ➢ Pray for healing - Ramsingh(Mental

Illness); Meena & Girish (Kidney Stone); Filu (Blindness) and Walu (Stroke).

➢ Sukna, Kala and Rasu to have children. ➢ Kanika, Pooja, Manoj, Rajesh and

Surender to get a job. ➢ Vikash, Shakka, Ashmitha to be delivered

from evil spirit. tamil nadu

➢ 45 heard the Good News and 145 tracts were distributed in Keeraipatti area.

➢ Vasanth was delivered from drugs. ➢ Jayaseeli accepted Christ. ➢ For backslidders - Latha, Satish,

Sathyaraj, Viji, Tamilarasan, Prakash, Senthamil and Sivaraj.

➢ For salvation - Baby, Arul, Radhiga, Palaniammal, Shanthi, Saroja, Vidhya, Sathya, Sivaranjani, Avitha, Thulasi, Kavitha, Govindan, Varadhan and Annamalai.

➢ For healing - Unnamalai (Unable to walk); Vimala (Soriasis & Uterus Problem); Chennaian (Stroke); Paanjali(Wheezing); Ramesh (T.B) and Lakshmanan (Arthritis).

➢ Our missionaries Arul and Nishanthi have moved to Nochikuttai. Pray that their ministry in those areas will be fruitful.

➢ Mr. J. Samuel (81yrs), father of our missionary Samidass went to be with the Lord on 9th January.telangana

➢ Missionaries Mrs.& Mr. Ratnakar Rao shared the Word of God in Nazareth Baptist Church at Nekkonda and Maranatha church at Kurnool.

➢ Radhika came to the Lord. ➢ 70 heard the Good News and 35 Cancer

patients received the New Testament. ➢ For suitable life partner - Sharon, Sweety,

Rebecca, Annapurna, Samson, Vinay, Sangeetha, Tabitha, Pravalika and Amala.west bengal

➢ 8 confessed their faith publicly. ➢ 6 new villages were visited. ➢ Punchu fell down from a tree and escaped

unhurt. ➢ 70 people attended the Gospel meeting. ➢ Our missionary Pintu Bagh, son of our

Odisha missionaries Santi and Amos Bagh joined hands with Ushangini on 17 February in Balangir. Pray for their married life.

➢ For Salvation - Hari, Sunita, Mangola, Essa, Machswar, Rupalil, Lakda, Rakesh, Kapila, Bejan, Ringhu, Subint and Buduni.

➢ For Healing - Hebel (Leg Injury); Nirmala (Mental Illness) and Reena (Chest pain).

BLESSING / April 2018 19