a handbook of london bankers - forgotten books


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(ne w s l e t o

1890- 1 .


The Le adcnhall Pte fs . E. C .

5 .1'mph


n Al anlmll , Humi llan,Km! 6' Ca , Li d

N tw V Scrzbne r ér Welford , 743 745, 13roadw a]


DUN NG the time I setmys elf the plamnble task of inves t igat ing the early h is tory of

Child '

s Bank ! had occas ion to look through a vas tquan t i ty of old cheques , bi l ls, andcash-notes , extend ing intime clone upon two cen turi e s ; when I observed that all d raftspas s i ng through the hands of a goldsmi th or banker wen: e ndorsed by such goldsmi thor banker, and that inmostcas es the e nd orsements were w i tnes sed by one of the cle rka

l applied myse lf, there fore , to the collecti on of all the se drafts , or a fair sample of

them, wi th a view to se ei ng how far they would throw ligh t uponthe early h is tory of

bankers . This done, th e next step was to re fer to th e L191 of Goldsmi ths keepingmnnlng-a s hes, published in the “ Li ttle London Di rectory

”of (677. and to extract

li sts of all goldstm'

ths and bankers fromthe LondonD irectori es at the Bri ti sh Mus eum.

The first of the set —a thin vo lumo —was pub l i s hed in 1677 ; the se cond di d not appear

un ti l 1 736 ; and the next dates were 1 754, 1759, 1 763, and so on. wi th

occas ional intmals of a few yumdm to the pre sent date. To the se l have adde d

li s ts compi led fromdata atmy d isposal for the years 1m 1 725; the latter

list w il l show vhata thinnlng-out there was afber the d isnttous time s of the South SeaBubble. Upon turn ing agai n to the documen ts atmy d isposal, however, I d iscoveredthat the mis s i ng data, not to be obtai ned fromthe Bri tis h Museum, Gu i ldhall Library,

and other l ikely sources , could be supplied by the endorsemen ts to the ol d drafts and

w h-notes in the pos sess ion of Mess rs . Ch ild and Co. Inadd ition to these materials , Ihave been enabled to ob tain information respecti ng early goldsmi ths and bankers fromotherquarters , of which due acknow ledgmen t i smade inthe course of these pages .

My des ign further embrace s the complete series of Li s ts of Bankers as pub l is hed in

the various London Directories . The se l ists generally - have been obtained from the

Bri tis h Museum; ind i vi dual med ia are spe ci fie d at foot of those otherw ise derived . It

is a matte: of regret to me that an unbroken sequence of dates cannot be obtained

owing to the Di rectorim for many years not havi ng been preserved in the Nat i onal


Having regard to greater conve n ience for reference. 1 have elected to comp i le th isvolume after the s ty le rather of a di ctionary than of a running chrono logical account.The names of go ld smiths and bankcf s of whomno informat i on canbe gathered are


omitted , unles s such gold smith s'

or banke rs ’'

name s do not ap pear inth e l i sts at the end

of the vol ume , as they w ou l d s imply amount to nee d l e s s re pet i t i on.

Th e var i ous firms are d e sc r i bed und e r th e s tyles b y w h i ch such bank s last flourish e d

or w e re fami l iarly known, the name s of the firms be ing from t ime to t ime ment i oned w i threfe rences to the h ead s unde r w h ich they are record ed .

Dur ing th e peri od that has e lap sed s ince th e p ubl icat i onof the H andbook of London

Bank e rs " in 1 876, w h ich w as th e first ed i t i on of th i s w o rk,I have b een ab l e to correc t

e rrors, make large ad d i t i ons , and add a gre at

'd e al of ne w mate r ial to my forme r statementsre lat ing to the var i ous bank s . A s far as regard s Lombard Stre et, my s ince re thank s are

due to all the Bankers, th e owners of the var ious hou s e s (inc lud ing, in some cas e s , th eCorporat ionof the C i ty of Lond onand the Livery Compani e s), and the o the r inhab i tant sfor generou s ly giv ingme acce s s to t h e i r t itl e-d eed s, w h ich have enab led me to record th es igns and fo rme r occupant s of nearly eve ry house in that st re e t . T h i s has been large lysuppl emente d by refe rence to the R egi s te rs of the par i sh of St. M ary W oolnoth , inw h ich

s o many gol d smi th s and banker s hav e re s i d ed , al so to the book s of the pari sh of

St. Edmund t he K ing and M arty r, k ind ly p laced at my d i spo sal by th e Re v. CanonBenham. M uch intere st ing and va l uable h i s tory has al so b eengl eaned from th e Publ icRecord Office , the LondonGaze l le s , and o the r old new spapers , l ikew i s e fromvar i ous w o rk s ,th e t i t l e s of w h ich I t ransc r i be onth e next page .

Th e old gol d smith s , w ho se name s I have obtaine d from var i ou s s ou rce s befo re th e

Commonw eal th , w ere for the mo s t part s imply w o rk e rs inthe p rec i ous metal s , w ho w e re

s tyl ed plate-w orkers . F romabout th e year 1 7 10 I hav e (w i th fe w exce p t i ons) omi tte dch ronic l ing them, as aft e r that date, had they k e pt running- cash e s

,th ey w oul d hav e cal l e d

th emse lve s banke rs .A ft e r th e cl os ing of the Ex ch equer in 1 672 , s eve ral fresh names app ear as go l d smi th s

kee p ing running-cashe s, w ho had been for th e mo s t part servants , that i s to s ay, c l e rk s tobig men, s u ch as Backw el l , Vyne r, and o the rs

,w ho had been forced to suspend th e i r

payments in consequence of th e confi s cation of th e i r d epo s its in th e Ex ch equer,wh ich

amounted inth e aggregate to

I tak e th i s oppo rtuni ty of thank ing all th e Bankers and othe r fr i end s w ho have so

gene rous ly s u ppl i ed me w i th info rmat i onw h ensol ic i ted .

The cop ious re fe rence Inde x w i l l b e found u s efu l .





Lavno’s fl-IiuoqAM


“ Bank d tnM ’ by the Authov d“ The People

t ie Book .

-e y.

CoonBooh ol the Goldsmkhs ’ Commy.

Lee'mol Aldermae Baehven.Ledgenof fllanchu d d M etc.

“ Memenh h ol'


emple Noble.

Stau l s tnd othm inthe Pebfie Re eotti Ofi ce .

Old Note s nd Cheqm d l lm Chfld tnd CotW “ "M d Hh Ofl M "

M o“ Anmb ol the Coteqe f‘

“Tht fine s ol the Bnk d Enghndf bmm mfold Rogeu“ W d W lmu the Eu fimMm uf by h Andm .

“ Nmm cm ' by flenh y.

Silve r Colmo‘EnM'by E. Hawk ins .

“Gilda Au ifabtm ” by Chafie u

Regi stend St MaryWoolnoth.“Calendar of wms, Coe rtoa sfingJ Andoe .

PM Boob o‘St EM Ki'

u u d Manyr.

De eds re latiag to houses inLomhu d Sttminprivate hmda


LO N D O N BA N 'fK ER S .

Acton, John,Goldsmith to Charle s L, a


rm1600-3 1 . H e lived in the pni sh atSt. Mary Woo lnoth.

Wu a goldsmith. ln rfl z h m b amd at the m m inthe Sta Chu ingCrone ,

m in‘o sheo at this ume hou e . Rk had damm at th is sign innu , u we aee by the

d nly s. A gd d mufl-boa had been loQ u d the finda m de fi red to bdng it to Mr.

Adams or to hlnM Clwcolate Hmminfi jame s'

s Stre et. Thism the originof “ Wh ite 's

Clnh "

Goldsmith to King Edward l . Many ol the gold and silmvemls mde iof th e l ideboard of

flut i ingmnid to hnve be enh is mk.


Bood Sue eh in l soqmol sbat dmdmu itdoe s notappeu inthe listot


bu km iot 1 805. The mme otAdey had be enw mmma wm,m nmc@,m the yw 1 77o up w 1 30qvhich ratherp iou w tbe conchuionthathe ld tthe h ue r fitu tomna benh inODd Bond Suee t.

M i cah ,A M 1 400. Stov re iamthnt the re m amonument to h innd Margaret his wife .

inthe ehme h o‘St. johnb chu y. H e died 1 46 1 .

Wmmpimm e -M u me smmmm wmimsn. The London ammo:

September eo, x683, announces ame eting ol the ir crediton

Establis hed in 1 855, w ith aM ap capital and a reserve fund of£5oo,ooo. It

stopped payment inthe cris is of May, 1 866, atwhich time its liabilities were (Se eMmm ax. )

A lbi on Bank , 1 864- 1 1 . (Se e CM )

M Thomas , ”73 .0

Of the Wha tsheatand Star, inCheapsi de . Noth ing i s knownot'

h im.




A lexanders and Co.,

Of 24, Lombard S treet, bankers and bill-brokers , s tarted inbus iness in 1 806, by M r. Will iamA l exander joining JohnR ickman, the style of the firmbeing R ickmanand Co. Thi s firmwas

di ssolved in 1 8 1 0,and M r. A lexander carried on the bus iness by h imself, under the s tyle of

A lexander and Co. ,at33 , Lombard Street.

In 1 8 1 9 Will iamA lexander died, and fromthat t ime George Will iamA l exander, h is eldest son,who had beena cl erk inthe house for several years, took the management , he being only seventeenyears of age , and the firmbe ing AnnA lexander and Co. , represent ing the w idow of Will iamA lexander. Wh enhe came of age in 1 824, he became a partner

, and the s tyle was changed toM essrs . A . and G. W. A lexander and Co. In 1 862 the firmwas joined by the partners of the firmof Cunl iffe s and Co. ,

as A lexanders, Cunl ifi e s, and Co. Thi s firmwas again dissolved in 1 877 , and

w as carried onby George Wil liamA lexander and h is two sons , Robe rt Harry Alexander and WilliamCleverley A lexander, as A lexanders and Co.

The present firmcons i sts oiGe orge Will iamA lexander. .

Robert Harry A lexander .Will iamCleverley A lexander.Robert Ernes t A lexander.Will iamGe ofi'rey A l exander ,Henry Dav id Anderson.

A llen, T h omas ,Goldsmi th , 1 678, of St. Fos ter, London.

A l l i ance Bank (Limi ted),Bartholomew Lane , was establi shed in 1 862 , and reconstructed in 1 87 1 . I t has a paid-up

capi tal of w ith a reserve fund of£25 Th is bank has several branches .

A llyn, James ,Goldsmi th , 1 572

90, of the parish of St. M aryWoolnoth .

A l sopp, John,Goldsmi th and c itizenof London, of the parish of St. M ary Woolnoth : bu ri ed in 1 563 in

the church .

Amad es , R obert, 1 51 8,

Was goldsmi th to Card inal Wol sey, andmaster or keeper of the j ewels to Henry VIII. H e d iedin 1 533 , and des ired to be bur ied inthe church of St. M ary Woolnoth .

Ambre sbure,G e offrey d e ,

Gold smi th , ci rca 1 2 72 . By h is last will he gives and ass igns houses , gardens, and rents in the

parishes of St. Giles w i thou t Cruppe lgate and St. M ichael de Wode strate for th e purpo se of foundinga chantry ; the said rents to be collected by the wardens of the Fraterni ty of St. Dunstan(th epredecessors of the Goldsmi th s’ Company) . To hi s brother he devises certainhouses and to themonks of Clerkenwel l certain rent s for maintaining a chantry in their chu rch (

“ Calendar of Wills,

Court of Husting,

Amson, Edward , 1 706,Resid ing at the s ign of the R ing, Fleet Street, w as a goldsmith . H e died in 1 720, and h is

goods were adverti sed , to be disposed of, inthe London Gazette.


Amymd, Staples , and Cc., 1 763 . (See 01mm )

Appeared inth e listol hnnkeu in1 793 as can7 ing oo bnsineu at 1 7, Ph ilpot lane . They are

tnotfonnd inthe Directory afie t 1 81 3 .

Goldsmith, a°m 1590

-3, of St. johnl ae hary, bondon.

The a rlie stmentionot'

themis in1 101 3 they fail ed inr707 .

A rcher, Hyde, and Co. , 1 776. (Se e Duncan. )

nan, Sir Charla , M 00 , 1 755. (See N 1m 1m u . )

1 35, W l Stru t. xw -w

W WW “ ,

0d dsmith, of 8t M inSLVedafl lmmd r-m1 307 .

Of Lombu d Stre et, 1 738. (Se e Fau n. )

m m Mu oolnoth.

Wm h nkmmd p fln hh d vhomthe ec fia tm tionfoond is intw p‘

Di eyw ere located

inBu hange Aflcy, Lombatd Street. FromWh to nos the hrmw ns iued of Wi lliamAtveflmdAdrianCoumuy. The bner died inAnM 1 705, and m burie d inSLMaryWoolnoth


In 1 7 1 4 the firmbecame AtweU ind mond ; the bufim m afim rd s condueted byWillimflammond nnfil April lq1 7u , vhenthe fi find flh d l aM Cg bmghtaboutby the panic M emed npmthe w lh poe d the Sofl Su Bnbble ,m w w unced inthe Lu do~

Fromthe foflowing lhzeg vrittenby Gay in 1 7zo to Snov , the goldsmith, ve may infe r thatAtwe ll m shaky then;

m m u u m m m m,

M M n,mmm M mp M a-ay zWhenma gnioa ehh hed oo hh nin'sm

Th is firmm of shortduntion. We have be enfaromed by the sight ot’

a pmmimrynote ot’

the Harwood We ll Compmy, Wincanton, for £ 1 u . , domiciled at thei r house inOctober, 1 807 .

Thqwere euabhshed u 1qflenneua 300et, CoventGarden, betmn1 807md 1 8 1¢

M 1 63 1 . H e is re corded u havh g bofltthe aoe th doorway of SLCathe tine Cree church

at& own ex‘

pense . H is mnmbent e lhgy in a winding she eg which used to be over the door

extermily, hu justbeenremmed.


A ytonand Co. 1 774 and 1 785-

98. (See Le as . )

Backwell , A l dermanEdward,Was aneminent goldsmi th and banker. We are unable to trace th e originof h i s bus iness or the

exac t date whenhe began, bu t have ascertained that he was ina large way of bus iness during theCommonweal th and the reignof Charles I I . I t wou ld appear from the fol lowing extract fromthe Royal is t Comp . Papers ,

” series 1 , vol . vi ii . p. 609, that in 1 653—4 he w as inCheaps ide

“ John

Buckner went to a house in Cheaps ide, where he paid unto M r. Edward Backw e ll’s servant thesumof (cure hundred pounde s upona bond .


Fromthe State Papers we find Backwell w as employed to carry ou t some ne w coinage. In1 656

we read i t w as the Counc il’s intent ion to u se bul l ion suppl ied by Edward Backwel l. I t was to betakeninto the M int, andmade into coinby Peter Blondeau, w i th milled edge and Cromwell ’s head.

During the next year we find a large quanti ty of bu l l ion, wh ich V iner and Backwell had contractedw ith the Counc il to supply, was coined intomoney.

Backwell w as elected A ldermanof Bishopsgate Ward onJanuary 3 1 , 1 657 .

During the Commonweal th he usually paid 6 per cent. for money ondepos i t ; and th e ordinaryprice of s ilver w as from55. 611. to 53 . 7d. pe r ounce .Backwell was paymaster and treasurer of the Dunk irk garrison from the days of Cromwel l unti l

that townw as sold to the French k ing in1 662 . A ll themoney expended there was suppl ied by him,

he receiving Exchequer tal l ies inpayment . InFebruary, 1 659, he was paid ina very unusualmanner.I t is recorded inone of h is ledgers that he rece ived of the Commi ttee of Parl iament by old plate ,1 529 1 1 . 02.

His old book s are ful l of interest ing and valuable accounts for plate and jewel s suppl ied by h imduring the Protectorate and reignof Charles II.

, some of wh ich I have publ ished elsewhere .Ou A pril 29, 1 670, Prince Rupert was charged £960 9d . for various pieces of plate, of wh ich

the full part iculars are set forth inanold ledger under date . N ine or tenof the A lderman’s ledgersare in the possess ion of M essrs . Child and Co. , who, upon the fai lure of A ldermanBackwell, tookovermany of h i s cus tomers’ accounts ; and wi th whoma cons iderable number of their descendantsbank to the present day.

State Papers and h is ownbooks show that he had large operat ions w ith Ol iver Cromwel l, R ichardCromwell, and other celebri t ies, of whomthe fol low ing is a select li stK ing Charles I I .

Queenof England .

QueenM other (Henrietta M aria).James, Duke of York .

Prince Rupert.Henry Cromwell .Charles, Duke of R ichmond sonof the Duchess of Portsmouth

, natural sonof Charles I I .James, Duke of M onmou th, natural sonof Charl es I I.Duchess of Orleans .Countess of Cast lemaine .P rince of Orange.Samuel Pepys, the Diarist.The Earl of Sandwich.

Hyde,Earl of Clarendon.

Sir Josiah Child.

Thomas Chaffinch, closet- keeper to Charles I I . besides a great number of other people ofnote,who are oftenment i oned by Pepys inh i s Diary.


i tionto the above, the ledgers show the accounts of the East Ind ia Company the Goldsmi ths Company, and other C i ty companies ; Sir Thomas Vyner and Sir Robert Vyner, the gold


uniths ; Thomas Wood ot’ Li ttleton ; and johnHoublon, afterwards Sir johnHoublon, Lord M ayorM M Gomnmol the Bank of Enghn¢ upod the site d vhose houu the preoentBank of Englandm end ed . A ll the goldtmiths of that fime keptw oonnts with Backd s for e le aring purpose s, “they hkewh e did vith flamlnrd w d Chfld nd efl odifl goldmfitha vm theh bmh mlymBackve ll removed to Imbard Sne etaboutthe year 1 654. Hi s shopm atthe corne r ot

ChangeM es mhh rtinand

Ca m h pm imd a dmd e hmm matBa mcmhopperma me Gmt

Fire. w m m m m mw mh fi pfi agxwho vfimz‘flt is a large

M W h M M md u M d W W g am mk fimm t

Fire.” AM the Grm Fb e he pmchned w u idmbk pmpa ty ht b mbud Sae eg w ht epys

nid looked like a little m M ve ll mde lome ve ry imponant altentiomat the bae k othi s

wmmmandm fing fi r l um tha g he md l vflked to look uponBackv ell’c des ignofm gm mqfivmhh shopc m ap hnthem‘nge doa , which vmbe veqnoMe

mdqnite pctdon th e other t' o.

and l‘md themdone . Ontht afing the d d hh eaodlenfichg he took ‘u bnve mte plate

M a ppflnlieu ol tlm and cmi ed themoflby eme h.

Aha the Gt mh finbe m fiomfi ie fonovingmda thatme Mdm had b dgings gimhimby the State .

m e w nbuanfiate the vie v l have exptu ed d the high pu i donol MdamnBackwenu a

Whamithare hnmbly beennpre sentedmto na infam of A ld‘ Backwe llnhatby the lateM y d the fire hepeae d inoor C itty ol Imndog he is be oome de stimte of a house or fittabode{01m d And vg h king into our Prince ly eomideraconthe greatest im

am odmd w ith a w nmimtph a for f diammh nd amh g onhi l bnfia m have thw ght

r f Md‘ Backw nv‘ vhnb dgingsmcra hamCofledge ne inr pom md ponmion, it be ing

inorde rto our ovne mvice and y' betmw nne imqof omaflah a inhh hndqinw

‘ if y‘shau

hapyenw beqna fimedmia Ompm h tham fonhfi d i giu node e tba e d wmd w h b cipal Sea

' d Snmw the endm my give hmher orden the re in. Sepe y'

By hinhlatboommand,

66To our trust,u A RL'NOTON .

“ Dnjou thanGoddard.


OnDecemba 3q1 66&the Great Fue C0mmissionmw fihed thnEdmd Bu kwenm w

rebufld the premi se s dem'oyed inthe fire—

“ A ll thatv ere shopp atthe south end of the new alley,

w w w .a u wmbnd SM inme pafi sh M SLMa w lnmh ”- having a fionmge

of twenty-d x fe etmlombard SUe e h th iny-six feetinthe re ar, and a depth ot'

dxty fe et. The lee se

m enh rged bymaddidonal w mof forty yeammd the rentm fixed at£7m The la s e ol the

M u m formefly he ld by Charleo Everard. goldsmith, in 1 662 ; next by IohnWmomgold .

H e m fi equenfly wnt for by file xing whenhe m inne ed of money ; which it seems m a

chronie state v ith thatmonareh.


Backw ell , Al dermanEdward — contz‘mzcd.

Pepys ment ions the name of Edward Backwel l no less thantw entya s ix t imes. — OnJu ly 6, 1 665,he record s : “ A ldermanBackwell is ordered abroad upon some private score w i th a great sumofmoney whereinI was instrumental the other day insh ipping away. It seems some of h is cred i torshave takennotice of it, and he was l ike to be broke yesterday inhi s absence Sir G. Carteret tell ingme that the K ing and the K ingdommust as good as fal l w ith that great manat th is t ime ; and thathe was forced to ge t£4000 himself to answer Backw e ll’s people occas ions, or hemus t have broke ;bu t commi tted th is tome as a great secret.

A fe w days afterwards (on the 26th ) Pepys says :“ Whil s t Backwell i s s til l inFlanders , poor

RobinShaw, h is righ t—hand man, di ed of the plague."

Th e K ing himsel f inqu ired abou t Shaw, and, being told h e was de ad,"

sai d he was very sorry for it.And again, on November 23 , 1 665, Pepys -was w i th A ld ermanBackwell

,talk ing of the ne w

money, wh ich he bel ieves w il l never be counterfeited bu t i t is so deadly inconvenient for tell ing ;i t i s so thick

,and the edges are made to turnup.

OnJune 1 3, 1 667, Pepys records a runuponBackw e ll’s house : “ They are so cal led uponformoney that they w i l l be all broke, hundreds coming to themfor money and they answer h im

,i t i s

payable at twenty days — whenthe days are out, we w i l l pay you and those that are not so, theymake tel l over thei rmoney and make their bags false, onpurpose to gi ve cause to retel l i t and sospend time. I cannot havemy 200 pieces of gold aga infor s i lver, all being bought up last nigh t thatwere to be had

,and sold for 245. and 255. a pi ece. So I mus t keep the s i lver byme

,wh ich sometimes

I th ink to fling into the house of oth ee, and then again know nothow I shall come by it, i f we bemade to leave th e office .

”Th e house weathered that storm, as the same authority s tates that h e

cal led onBackwell onM ay 3 , 1 668, when the banker told h im how he had bough t an estate at

Bucke w orth , w i th infourmi les of BramptoninHunts .By a Privy Seal i ssued October 2 1

,1 661 , in the favour of Backwell, was ordered for

the pay of the garrisonof Dunkirk . The garrison consi s ted of 4400 sold iers, bes ides office rs , ands ix troops of horse and themonthly charge thereof w as 5587 1 8 1 35. 4d. permonth of twenty-eightdays . U ponthe pl ea of expense, and ow ing to Clarendon

’s fear that incase of war w i th France wecould not hold it, Dunkirk was ordered to be sold, and Backwel l was directed by a royal warrant,dated October 20, 1 662, to repai r to Paris for the purpose of receiving l ivres fromh isM ost Christ ianM ajesty, the French K ing. H e afterward s w as ordered to have th is sums truck intocoins by themi l l and press, wh ich , as we have already state d, he found so deadly inconvenient forte llii ig.

Backwell also brought outseveral large loans for the K ing. I have seenPrivy Seal s d irect ing theCommiss ioners of the T reasury to pay h im,


la1 ge sums for interes t on th e money he hadadvanced. Th e rate he received was 6 pe r -cent . , includ ing a gratu ity of two-th i rds for h is seasonablesupply of the money . OnSeptember 1 4, 1 667 , the K ing made hima free gift of j£8000 incons iderationof large advances to the Exchequer. Th e Privy Seal records that this sumwas g

iven, as

he was forced to admi t larger sums of othermen’smoney into the bank

,uponwh ich he had to al low

interest greater thanhe otherw ise would.There i s much interest ingmatter that I could add concerning th is banker, wh ich I amforced t o

omi t in consequence of want of space ; bu t, for the information of those who would know moreof h im, I would

refer themto a paper I read before the Londonand M iddlesex A rcha ological Soc ie ty(vol . ent i tled , Some A ccount of the Bus iness of A ldermanEdward Backwell . "

A Privy Counc i l having been cal led onJanuary 2 , 1 672 , the Exchequer was closed, whenthe Crown’s indebtedness to Backwell amount ed .to no less a sumthan55 1 65. 6a

'. Inl ieu

of this the K ing settl ed uponh imanannu i ty of~

£ 1 7,759 1 35. 8d. The original bond for the paymentof

this annu ity, bearing the autograph of the.

K ing, i s now the property of M r. Charles TyringhamPraed , who is a descendant of the Backw e lls . A copy of th is curious and interesting documentmaybe seenin Ye Marygold,

”and inthe A ppendix to th is


book .


Thiam a great blov for Backve l ho apparently had great oonfidenoe inth e honour of theKing u on july zs , 1 666, whe 11 Pepys met h im, he complained 0f some hard usage he had

mdong u uha w in he munhanM and l bd ieve him.

‘Of counqit eansed himto mpend

payment; stfll, we find he eontinued inhis bus ine a for a shorttime . H e m probably able to satis fy

the eh ims d his c ediwn by d lo' ing themwme mu interesg u we find fiomw vy Seab he

rw dvedmédeu hle amounu fiomthe Enheqw fiomdme w dme ; bngume pnud pd m neve r

pe i d inhis fiktimqhe became a benkmpt.H e m afiemrds employed by the xing onm fl ocamm wp to go ahmd to conduct

Pond lmdomatanluy ol £350 9e 1 annamunti l 1 674. From1 678 t0 1 68 1 he ntas memberof ParliamentforWendover.

The Lnl o-Ga d k ol l ime t, 1682, aenoene edm deéredmuke mdoemu the nid w mw ham fishe d hh pmM mdma they

v iflbe de liva ed to thanor any they shanpleu e nend lor themby hink ichu d Suagg or by someother pemonat l lr. Valentine Duncomhe ’s shop, where the u id Edvard Backwe ll t

ormerlyd we ltinInmbard Sue egmd mch u hve m ove inthe mnaym de dre dmnite '


Se veral othcrnotice s appa ndmh yw . Shordy afia thi s he nfired to flolhni w d the re d icd.

EM and 00. (Se e Dummu .)

Baker, f rench ,

Goldsmi th, 1 73 2, behind Royal Exchange .

Bannd, John,Was keepingmrming-e u hea atthe Unicorn inLombard Street in1 67 1 , the house formerly occu

pi ed by AJde rmanEdwu d Backwe ll mm Ga eta ol'

1 682 te lls na be was still there ; butthe m e joumal ol

Septemher s, 1694, 1ee onls he m hnnkmpt.

Goldsmi th, Lord Mayor in1 390, also in1 396 ; bug he dyih g during his mayomlty, the ce lebratedRichard Whittingtontook his plae e. Stow reoordl that ina greatdw th he pmcured comfrompartsbeyomd the seu , to be bmoghtthithe 1 (to the Tow e1 ) i e nch abundanoe u mthced to se rve the Cityand the conntri es near adjoining ; to the furthe ranoe ol w hich good w ork he took out ot


u phans’che st inthe Gui ldhafltvo thouund marks to buy the md oormnd each aldermanlaid out

twenty ponnds to the like purpose .

Bu k of tngland (The )Wu founde d in1 694. Itgrev outol


a loanol’

fi r,200,000 admoed to the Govemmentof theday for the pnblic service. The idea bf forming a National Bank ongiaated w ith ML Williamm mwminngSoomhm who eom enoed hia exertions for the e stablishmentotmch aniu titutionu e u ly u wgt.

The Bank was incorponted into a Socie ty onjuly 27, 1 695mdnyled the covemorand CompanyItvas enacted that the mmsement and govemmentof the oorporation

should be eomnfine dmthe covemormd twenty-fomDne etoe be eleete d betwemthe z sth dayd h w d the z sth day op ri l inmh yw , h

-omamong the dulyquali fied members ot' the


Bank of England (Th e )Company. Thequal ificationfor Governor i s £4000 s tock Depu tyGovernor, 3000 and Director,

2000 .

Ou January 1 , 1 695, the Bank of England commenced active operat i ons atGrocers’ Hall , inthePoul try and onFebruary 1 1 inthe same year, the follow ing advertisement appeared inthe London

Th e Court of Directors of the Bank of England hereby give notice that they have empoweredtheir cash iers, M r. Thomas Speed, M r. Robert Hedges, and M r. Thomas M adole e s , and one of themand no other, to give notes onbehal f of the Gove rnor and Company of the Bank of England, ei therfor payment ofmoney or bill s, for wh ich they are to be accountable.

N one of the notes issued by themat th is t ime were for a less sumthan twenty pounds . Th e

Bank also commenced to d iscount b ill s of exchange, usually between47} and 6 per cent .

InM ay, 1 695, they advertised inthe Gazette that they woul d advancemoney onpawns.A s early as A ugust 1 5, 1 695, the Bank cal led in their

“ marbled notes,

” some of themhavingbeenforged.

The first Governor was Sir JohnHoublon, who w as Lord M ayor in 1 695, and a Lord of theA dmiral ty. H e was the sonof James Houblon, an eminent Londonmerchant, remarkable for h ispiety and plainness of whomthere i s frequent mention by Pepys in h i s Diary. His survivingrepresentat ive is M r. JohnA rcher Houblon, of Hall ingbu ry, inEssex .

The Bank of England s toppe'

d payment in 1 696, during the great recoinage, ow ing ina greatmeasure to the fai lure of the Land Bank, whenBank notes fell to a heavy discount. InJune, 1 797,

they were at 1 3 and 1 4 per cent . d iscount. M r. H . D. M acleod,wr i t ing to the D ai ly N ew 5 onthe

subject of Banks of Issue onM ay 8, 1 875, says :“ In 1 697 a s tatu te w as passed to increase the

capital of the Bank , and i t was enac ted that, during the continuance of the Bank of England , noother bank, or any other corporat ion, soc iety, fellowship-company , or cons ti tu t ioninthe nature of abank

,shou ld be erected or establ ished, permit ted, _

suffered,countenanced or al lowed by A ct

of Parl iament w i th inEngland.

Th is clause only refers to banks es tablished by A ctof Parl iament ; i t d id notprohibi t any privatebank tromexist ing, or issu ingnotes, or cons isting of any number of partners . There were numerou sprivate banks issu ing notes in London; and, i f they had chosen, they might have assumed anynumber of partners, as many as the Bank of England i tself.I t d id not take long to get themoney that was requ i red to start th e Bank tendays seemto have


i ce d . Inreturnfor the loanof Government guaranteed to pay the Bank of Englandannually the sumof wh ich was 8 per cent. upon the capital and anadd it iona l £4000a year for the expenses ofmanagement .Capital i sts indeed evinced great eagerness to inves t their surplus money, as appears fromthe

fol lowing interest ing letter w ri tten to Sir F ranc is Child by the'

first Duke of Leeds, dated June 25,1 694 Sir

,I aminformed that the subscription to the Bank do fi ll so fas t that there i s att th is day

h eare'

£7 subscr ibed , so that i t must now necessarily be a bank I therefore d es i re that youw i ll subscribe foure thousand pounds forme e , and pay inone thousand pounds onmy account as th eA ctd i rects .

There is another curious letter wri tten abou t the same period, by M r. Locke to a friend at”

Amsterdam, which I quote fromM r. M art in’s “ Stories of Bank s and Bankers Your friend

J. F. (JohnFurley) has taken,56300 to the new bank, which has already gota capital of J61 ,000,000.

I shal lmysel f subscribe 500 atonce, and i t w i l l be fu l l to night.A fter the cris is of 1 696, in order to prevent any further su spens ion of money payments, the

capi tal was increased toWere I to wri te a fu l l account of the Bank of England, i t wou ld occupy farmore space than

I have atmy disposal . Those who des ire to study i ts const itut ion and various charters, and the

Francis Ch i ld and Co . issue d note s atth is t ime .


Bank of Englandmeral events mnne cted vith this great institutiomshonld eonsult the “ H istory of the Bank ot


Bagh adimby the anthor of the PeopkWs filue Book”and othe r works. I oontentmyse lf by

noting s few ofme principal events .mchsnerm renevedo

in1 697 untfl1 7u fln 1 708 itns further e ontinued t0 1 733 ; in1 7 1 2

to 1 743 ; in1 742 to 1 765 in1 763 to 1 786 ; in 1 78 1 to 1 8 1 2 ,in 1 800 to 1 833 ; in1 833 to 1 855;

and mtw ho Angust 1 , 1 855, and longe 1 , 1f the de btdue froui the w blicto the Bankwnp xsuoo)v ith intermeteme notps id sh er due notice .The Bankmpended eash ps yments inuw . OnFebmrysge i

thatye sr the Gau fk announced; the 3enenl slarmtbereuponbe ing intense .

M m m prmpect ol a mnonthe nu t day, when sn0rdet of Councflm imed,

prohibhing the Directonfrompaying cs sh l’

or the is note s Parliamenteoncnne d onthis pointg sndmm mmufiumm mmmm h m m wmmmgs,m pe ssed stthi s time .

£0 1 2 1 1 ; vherm inuu d gnqmconsolsm stwLand Bank swck statg.

Tempound notes vere fint imi ed in 1 759. 6w pound nows in 1 794, md one -ponnd and two

pou dmk s h uw flhe h fi h onh eqmfiydkmfinned wmg w w m y forgene s hfl ing be en

The first b rgery ot'

s Bank of Enghnd m m in 1 758. l tm oommitted bya linend raperd th nd sM Hfing h Stsfla d whom e onvicwdmd e s ew ted.

The husiness ol the flenhmtinued to be w ried ou inGmoers’ Hall inthe Poultry unti l Jnne sf1 734, vhentheymoved into the irne w preuus es thmjustcompleted.

1 h e foho' ing s0wmof the new premimol the h nk , vhie h occupy the d te of the house and

gardenol Sir johnHoublon, is takenf10mh mn’s “ flistory of Banking” — “ The original extent

d the Bank eompsehended di e site of the hm snd M eu foma lybdmginn h JohnHoublon,one ol the fisfi dhe ctorgmd m eompe rative ly s small structurqquite invi sfli le tow ards the street,

the mh m be ing fimgh manhed m g mm ded bymnymha bufldings z via , s chnmhcaned St Chsi stopher k Stoekg thre e tavems in' Bu thobmew h nqsnd two onthemth sidqandupvufls ol tventy printe honse s ; the vlsole ot


vh ich have be enremoved .

Themdeninthe Bank nh ich is now end ofl m the origiml chmhyu d of th e church of St

feetsix inche s inhe ight,m intened vithia ig tonve his eorpse homthe re smrectionists.The a igind Bankm buflt fiomthe du igme . Gw rge s‘t he mt snd wat wings

be ing sdded by Sir Robert ylor, betve en 1 766 2114 1 786 ; and Sir JohnSosne alterwards made

The Bsnk ol’

England joine d the Clening s e inApril, 1 864.

Inthe ee rly days of the Baa eople me pamitted to demand only partol tlnvs lue of s banknomme d u h a da fing uponitthe smountthathsd be enps id onscoount. This planm s dopted

by w y. vho rece i ved instalments unnl the vhole smount due onthe note s they he ld m s bsorbed.

ltm also fi'equently sdopted by those vho he ld Chi ld d ot's notes . Itmay therefore be surmi sed

M hm s eommonpnetice with hmkers genaflly.

m a ma“

Was es tablished about 1 856, 21 52, Thresdne edle Street, and 450, West Strand. Ithad 2 paid-upmptts l smmting to £4oqooqmd a remve fimd of£302g 2+

Atthe period cl i ts fail ure, in1 866, its liabili ties amounte d Its business was takenover by the Consolidated Bank.


Bany, John,Goldsmith , ci rca 1 64 1 , of St. Clement Danes parish .

Barber, Gab ri el l ,Gold smi th, circa 1 606, of St. M ary Woolnoth .

Barclay, Bevan, and Cc .

The bus iness of M essrs . Barclay, Bevan, Tri tton, Ransom, Bouverie, and Co . was certainly foundedprior to the year 1 694, as at that date we nud JohnFre ame a goldsmi th inLombard Street, and in1 698 Fre ame and Gou ld were atthe Three Anchors inthe same s treet, and remained there unt i l 1 702,according to anadverti sement in the l andart Gaze lte of December 7 inthat year, offe ring a reward

for one of their cash notes which had been los t . M essrs . Fre ame and Gou ld moved their shopbetween the latter dat e and 1 728, when they were located at the s ignof th e Black Spread Eagl e,now No . 56, part of the premises o ccupied by M essrs . Barclay. The bank premises now cons istof the whole block betweenGeorge A l ley and George Y ard , wh ich comprised the o ld s igns, theBlack Horse, now N o. 53 , where Pepys

’ friend, l it tl e Stokes, l ived, and whose descendant, JohnBland,remained there unti l 1 749 the Bib le

, No. 54, which was the res idence of a goldsmi th named GeorgeBrai thwaite in1 728 ; and the Three K ings, No. 55, the banking-house of M essrs. Smi th , Wrigh t, andGray, who left i t in 1 773 . Th e Black Spread Eagl e continued to be the s ignof the house N o. 56

until 1 770, whenall the houses were numbered, and the quaint o‘ld s igns were removed .

For the following account I amindebted to M r. J. H . Tri tton, of th is firmIn 1 728 Joseph Freame purchased the freehold premises inLombard Street, at the corner of

George Yard , fromone Curri er,c it izenand a scrivener,

’ who had in all probability conducted thesame bus iness on the same spot up to thi s t ime . The s igno f the banking—house in 1 728 was theBlack Spread Eagl e.

“ Joseph Fre ame , who was described in1 728 as‘ ci t izenand goldsmi th,

’w as inpartnership with

Thomas Gou l d, under the style of Gould and Fre ame , unti l 1 736, whenJames Barclay took the placeof J. Gould, and th e firmbecame Fre ame and Barc lay. In 1 768 Silvanus Bevan joined, and twoyears later the name of Fre ame disappeared onthe death -

of Joseph Fre ame in 1 770, h is sonJohnhaving died in 1 762. In 1 786 JohnHentonT rittonbecame a partner, and fromthat date up to h isdeath in1 833 the style of the firmwas Barclay, T ri tton, Bevan, and Co. Since theta th e names ranas Barclay, Bevan, Tri tton, and Co . unti l 1 865, when the bus iness of M essrs. Spooner, Attwood, andCo. w as takenover, and the name of Tw e lls w as added ; M r. Philip Tw e lls , one of the members forthe City of London, thenjoining 'the firm.

Th e James Barclay, whose name firstappears as a banker in1 736, was th e sonof David Barc lay,and the grand son of Robert Barclay, the

“ A pologis t.”

The i nain l ine of th e Scotch family ofBarclay of M ather and U rie, whose pedi gree i s traced back to Saxontimes

,and who have inter ~

married wi th th e descendants of Edward I I I . of England and Robert I I I. of Scotland , was carriedoh , indefau l t of mal e issue by h im, through h is young brother Al exander and i t is now representedby Robert Barclay, of Bu ry Hill, amcmb e ro f the firmof Barclay, Perkins, and Co.

Th e name of Silvanus Bevan(the elder) appears among the cl ients of the firmin 1 728. The

family is of Wel sh extract ion, and trace their ped igree e ven‘

furthe r back thanthe Barclays .David Barclay, the father (by h is firstw ife) of James and A lexander, w as amerchant inCheap

s ide, and w as al so one of the principal connections of the early bank ing house. H e is recorded tohave received successively onLord M ayor’s Day

, ath is house inCheaps ide, QueenAnne, George I. ,

George II. , and George I I I . David and John,hi s two sons by his second w ife, P risci lla Fre ame ,

succeeded to the banking bus iness. T he former had only one ch ild, a daughter, married to R ichardGurney, father of the late H ud sonGurney, and the latter was father—ia-law to JohnHentonT ri tton


and great-grandfather to the present Joseph Gurney Barclay. I t is wel l perhaps to add that thepresentmembers of the firmare all the d irect descendants of the above-named gentleman, and that


Barclay, Bevan, and Cc.— con1inued.

hole; acocked hat, powdered hai r, wi th pigtail and bagwig, and gold

-headed cane, s imi lar to thosecarried by footmenof ladies of rank dur ing the early part of th is centu ry.

The follow ing are the changes that have takenplace inthe style of the firm,as deduced fromthe

list of bankers inthe D irectoriesIn1 736

1 759

1 766

1 770

1 77 1

1 776

1 785

1 791

I 797

1 8 1 0


Fre ame and Barclay.

Freame, Barclay, and Freame .

Freame, Smith, and Bening (the lat ter had beena clerk inthe fi rmfor some years).Fre ame , Smi th , Bevan, and Bening.

Smi th , Bevan, and Bening.

Barclay, Bevan, and Bening.

Barclay, Bevan, Barclay, and T ritton.

Barclay and T ri tton.

Barclay, T ri tton, and Bevan.

Barclay, T ri tton, Bevan, and Co.

Barclay, Bevan, T ritton, and Co. unt il 1 865, when the amalgamationwi th Spooner,A ttwood, and Tw e lls took place, and the style was al tered to Barclay, Bevan, Tritton,Tw e lls, and Co . 5 the firmcons is ting oi

Robert Cooper Lee Bevan.

Henry T ritton.

Joseph Gurney Barclay.Joseph T ritton.

Franc is A ugustus Bevan.

Ph il ip Tw e lls .

Henry JohnT ri tton.

Robert Barclay.Joseph Herbert T ritton.

Ou July 2, 1 888, M essrs . Barclay, Bevan, Tri tton, and Co. amalgamated w ith M essrs . Ransom,

Bouverie, and Co.

,of Pal l M al l East, under the style of Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransom,


and Co. The bus iness is conducted as heretofore in Lombard Street and Pal l M al l East. The

partners are : Robert C .-L. Bevan, J. Gu rney Barclay, Franc is A . Bevan

,Charles T M urdoch

,M .P. ,

Robe rt Barclay, J. Herbert T ri tton, Lord K innai rd, Henry H . P. Bouverie, Wilfrid A . Bevan, andEdward E. Barclay. M essrs . Seymou r P. Bouveri e, and Roland Y. Bevan hold the s ignature of thefirm. (M r. R . C . L. Bevandied inJuly,

Barent ine,Si r D ru ,

Goldsmi th,w as a refounder of the Goldsmiths’ Hal l abou t 1 4 1 0, Sherin

in 1 393, Lord M ayorin 1 398 and 1 408. His name i s sometimes written Drew Barentyn.

‘ Stow s tates that he gavefai r land s to the goldsmiths he dwel t righ t against the Goldsmi th s

’ Hal l betw eenwh ich and hi sdwel l ing-house he bu i l t a gal lery thwarting the s treet, whereby hemight go fromone to th e other.H e died in1 41 5, and was bu ried inthe chu rch ofSt. JohnZachary, as w as Chris t ian, his wi fe, in1 427.



Goldsmi th, 1 732, atthe M orocco Ambassador‘s Head , inLombard Street.H e advert ised inthe D ai ly P051 that he wou l d pay a gu inea reward and ask no ques t ions for the

recovery of a cornel ianseal , se t ingold , engraved w i th a Cupid s i tt ing ona qu iver inthe water rowingW i th anarrow, amotto round it, L’

Amour trouvemoyen.

H e.

w as memb e r of Parl iament for th e C ity of Londonin1 394firstParl iament of H enry V .

5and 1 397—8 ; he w as againre turne d in141 3, th e

8 0mmand Oc ., 1 8 1 4- 52 . (Se e

Goldunith, um1 64 1 , ol St. Clement Dana pari sh.

Goldsmi th. H e married, September 1 6, 1 539, Joanne Boves, daugh ter 01 Sir Martin Bone s, goldnnith, 0“ .d Street. H e died in1 54 1 .

Bemtgnouqmd co.

N m proh hiyme d the oldeu bsnkh g budnm inw u itm pia me dw d the

premi ses knownby the signof the Black Houqvhich oontine ed w be the s ignol'

the hous e . M r.

Samud Hoare favoored me vith snimpreu ionol that signdone inse s ling-m It represents shmapnmh g fi th his he sdmw w the righh and ' ith floving ,

mne and u ihUpoo re ferenoe to the “ Uttle LoodonDirectoq” for r677. itvill be se enthata goldsmith of the

m d flumph c ks m a wemx k flm h IAmbu d Suu tNw h appa nfiomPepn h ry thu hlrfi wkeg u he m piu sed BM m inexistence

inhis time fnlly tve lre yean w lier. H e m mbsbly Samnd Pepyf m goldmhh snd itwssvith himmostlike ly tba be upt his pfime w ooum. Th at he bought his platqetc , of himis

prove d by the follov ing emncmfsomhi s b iny.

The m t epys keptvhh A ldm nBacknfl lw h m e like anofi dfl one thanone of s

M Stokeg my little goldsnfith '

s o

vife inPatunosta Rov , md thm ba pokens sflm chafing dhh fornrming ph te s ” Itwould

thas sppetr tlnt he m forme rly inh temoster k ow.

to Stokeg and there did rece ive £ 1 ooo wa th ingou peying 1M md 1 9d for othe rs e xchange .And onSeptembet s , 1 666, the ume smhority state s :

“ And mong othmI now saw my little(d dsmhh k a modfimg wme fi imd


s gooda whose houu iueHm bnmed the day afia f Ou

November 1 2, 1 666, Pepys records :“ Th is day ! received 450 pi e ee s ot


goldmore ol'

Mr. Stokes,but eostme s s i chsngqhut l m veflw nwnmd whh it I h vingm na fly £2800 ingold, sndv innot re st until I getfnll £3000 "

mviding of £6o for l lnhi oore towards the ansm ing of my lnrd Sandwich’s bi ll of exchangqhebe ing come to be eontented wi th my lendhlg himfi fi inpanof ig which pleammqsnd this,

vhich I do dt ope to secure w t d ph tqwhich m de live red into my custody of my lp rds ,the re i s enongh to

secure £ 1 00.


Pepys evidently had s viev to the minehance .Nothing funhe r a nbe m ine d of Stocks orStoke ; os of the Black Horse , untiIthe ye s 1 1 7oo,

whenwe hnd by the l ndonGa w t thatRobenStokesm stthe Bls ck Bouqthenonthe site ofthe prumtsy lpmbsrd sueet Fromanorigiml de ed inthe possessionol the V

'mtne rs ’ CompanyI&nd ths th hnfi lmdm st the Blach Horse innfi . H e masthave remained there untih ug,

Bh dmd Sonrmoved M od y thd r bus inm buthku i u theh dgnmthe mrw ot chinh ngsfi ervards nnmbered No ti z .

1 76 1 is the firstyear invhich the name ol Barnett is met w ith inoonjunctionw ith this firm,

whenit land , Bamett, snd Co. In 1 763 it be eame Bland, Bsmett, and Bland. In1 766 thestyle ol


the firmm Bland snd Bamett. Inrno the signof the Black Horse be ame knownu

62, 1.0mbard Stre et. And about 1 772- 3 they sssumed s fre sh pc tne 1 inthe pe rsonoe . Samue lHong vhenthe fim beame M c etg snd Hoare . The pre sentM r. Samue l Hoare (wh0is the fifi h of his nsme fi nforms me that his fami ly csme fiomCork about 1 730. In1 768 Sam11el


Barnet t, H oare , and Co.

Hoare was apprent iced to Henry Gurney atNorw ich . H e was anxious to become a banker, so helooked through the London Directory, and th ere he found that only one bank in the l ist had two

partners, that of Bland and Barnett. H e offered h imsel f to them, and he became a partner. H e

was the sonof Samuel Hoare, a partner in the firmof Gurne ll and Hoare, merchants, who l ived inBroad Street, where he had a pleasant garden.

In1 780 M r. Hill was admi t ted into the firm. In1 790 M r. Bland's name disappeared from it,

and M r. Barnett, j unior, w as admitted as a j unior partner, the firmthens tand ing as Barnett,Hoare,

Hill , and Barnett. Inthe year 1 800 the s tyle of the firmchanged to Hoare, Hill , and Barnett ; andin1 804 M r. Hoare

,j unior, became j unio r partner. Th e l is t of 1 808 shows that M r. Hil l had left

them, and the firmhad become Hoare , Barne tt, _

H oare and Co. Infl

1 826 the s tyl e of the firmchanged again to Barnett, Hoare, and Co. wh ich s tyle cont inued unt i l 1 864, whenthe old bankingfirmof M essrs . Hanbury, Lloyds, and Co. amalgamated w ith them and thenceforth i t w as knownas Bamctts , Hoares, Hanbu rys, and Lloyd, the business being conduc ted inboth houses, wh ich adj oin,i f . 60 and 62 , Lombard Street, the former be ing that of M es srs . Hanbu ry.

Oh M arch 4, 1 884, th is old-es tabli shed bus iness was takenover by Lloyd’s Banking Company,

and s imul taneously w i th i t the bus iness of Bosanquet, Sal t, and Co. , and the style of the housebecame Lloyds, Barnetts, and B


osanquet’s Bank, Limi ted .

Basyngstok e , R i ch ard d e ,

Goldsmith, of Wood Street, 1 349. H e left some tenements inthe parish of St. Lau rence J ewryto be devoted to themaintenanc e of chantr ies inthe chu rch of St. M ichael de Wode stre te , and otherlegac ies to h i s fami ly Cal endar of Wil ls, Court of Hus t ing, London

Basyngstok e , Th omas de,Goldsmi th, d irected h is body to be buri ed inthe Chu rch of St. M ichael de Wode stre te . Af ter

the d eceas e of h i s w i fe, all hi s tenements in the C i ty of Londonwere to be sold for pious andchari table uses, January 25, 1 349 Calendar of Wil ls

,Court of Hust ing, London

Bats onand Co . ,1 766

—93 . (See REM INGTON .)

Bayley, John,Goldsmi th , Lombard S treet, 1 707 ; bankrupt A ugus t 30, 1 7 1 5.

Beauchamp,Goldsmi th , Cheapside. The only record we have of th ismanoccurs inPepys’ Diary, N ovember

1 4, 1 660“ I went into Cheapside into M r. Beauchamp

fs the goldsmi th , to look ou t a piece of plat e

to give to M r. Fox frommy Lord, for h is favou r abou t the £4000, and did choose a gi l t tankard .

Again, on June 2 , 1 663 :“ To M r. Beacham, the goldsmi th, he being one of the jury tomorrow in

Sir W. Bat ten’s case agains t F ie ld. I have beentel l ing h imou r case, and I bel ieve he w il l do us goodserv ice there .”

~Be dingfe l d , H umfrey,“ Goldsmi th , 1 633 , of St. Fos ter’s parish .

Belay, D eri ck ,Goldsmith , 1 61 2 , of St. M argaret

’s pari sh, N ew Fi sh Street.

Benetl egh , Jo hn d e ,

Goldsmi th, of St. M ichae l inWode strate,ci rca 1 2 79.


8 0110110n 1 11 “ ,

Gokkmith, dms 1 289. By hu nll he le ft one mark snnual rent ol s house inthe parish of

St 'hlatthew inFi

Bentd g Andrew de ,

Goldsmith, 1 292, ol St. Michael, Wood Street.

Gd dsmith d lmdoqtime otflinhesh. H is name appem inthe Calendar to th e Close Roll,38minbeth, dm 15961 a

m loctq' lfllmwg .

De sefibed h a dee d inde pona dond the Phcenix fi n oaioe u s dnunmd goldsmith

m a m as ,Wss goldani lt ne enInbeM the wi fe of Edward II.

m a m a ,

Goldsmithmd the dh p be longh g b ha ehanbmmmwk ing he da chsbng shm d othg mpkins a nut

M ed with s dlm b og s mflw p d mw Me e ona ponding with the sd d nma lmspoons, empty ehe sts , ete. To l knl dmhis mothqone hmflred shfllingx To k ogcr. his son,w any pmds nu lhg md s mum otm md pnrb not u t inmmutensih mdimplementl apperu ining to his shOP andme mfld a gowmith l bnu w e ight of dxte enmrh ,

and one ste e lyw d. To ldoou and Ahmhis dsnghmwmpounds uerhng snd a cup otmmrespecti ve ly. Ab w his sk re-id wife and dsnghtenhouses md shops inWode snete inth e pafi shd St haeLand sho inth t of fi Albsnde WOde strete . l a the eventol all hi s ehildrendyingnnder sge snd be fou sdnnoementsnd m isgg he direcume chane is md money so le fttotha w be divided hy hb enca M a of the GoMmitha y of IA ndoo fw me fimebe ing into four psm: one penb r dngood d his mh anotha fa w oe his w iqth ird to he gimto the needi e stof hh rd afim snd the h anh w tto he d ividedmongthe poor of tbe coldsmitheryM (

“ Cs lmdar of Wfll n rtotHusting,

m anua l “ ,

Goldmith. 1 348. 0(St Pete s de W0de strete . Inthe eventotsll his childrendying withouthe irshe lam his mndmhoun inWodamu mthe Almmqol SLDunstanof the coldsmitha y,landmfor the maintemce of a chsnu-y inthe said ehumh d St Petet de Wodesuetqunder thesuperv

u ion of the wardens ol the said Goldsmithery C‘Cd endu d wuls Comt usting,

Bottoms ,mch s rd de ,Goldsmith. H e was hl syor in 1 3 26 ; snd memba of Parfisment fior the fi ty of Londonin

1 327-8 2nd nwted to be wes lthy. M W mhu “ H uwv d lpndomm 1ha s cmous

petitionwu msde by lnmin tnsflhe yw of the outbreak of the h ench wu . Inhi s petition,

u nsya ,md pedome d the otfie e d buw ,w imthre e hnndred md dny vd eu, u ch a nying s

silver cup ; bnt he eomph iu that the fe e which he rece ived fiomdi e King onth is ooossion— thefe e , inls et, sppende d to thatsa vicg whie h wss s iways s gold cup snd oover, with s gold ename lledem— wss mde the snbjectof a chsrge t

romthe fixchequer. The Sherifl'

s had be encalled upon


Be ttoyne , Ri ch ard deto levy an es treat uponthe goods and chattels of the sai d R ichard, to the appal l ing amount of£89 1 25. 6d . Wemay be sure Edward did jus t ice to his unfortunate pet it ioner bu t the fact is notrecorded .

Bi ddul p h and C ock s , 1 750. (See COCKS. )

Bi ll inge sgate , G i lbert d e ,Goldsmi th , a

’mz 1 280.

Binge , G eorge,Goldsmith , ci rca 1 6 1 5, of St. M ary Woolnoth .

Bi rch and Co.,1 796. (See CHAMBERS. )

Bi s ley, J01111 ,Goldsmi th, ci rca 1 702, St. Bride

’s, Fleet S treet .

Black ford , A n th ony, 1 7 1 3 ,Of the Cup and Crown, Lombard Street, advert ised for some lost jewels inthe D a ily Couranl .

Inthe PostBoy,in1 7 1 3, he advertised for a grey gel ding he los t fromgrass . In 1 7 1 6 he was dead,

and Thomas White, hi s apprent ice, gave not ice he hath w i thdrawn fromthe service of the w idow,M rs . DorothyBlackford .

Blackmore, H enry,Gold smi th

,of Lombard Street, 1 6 1 4— 51 .

Blanch ard , R obert, 1 676. (See CH ILD . )

Bland , G ray, and Co.,1759. (See SM ITH AND WRIGHT. )

Bland , H ugh ,Goldsmith , was one of the Sheriffs in1 243 .

Bland , John, and (See BARNETT .)

Bland , John, and M at thew D ove,O i Lombard Street, described as bankers, were advertised inthe LondonGazel/e of Novembe r 29,

1 720, as bankrupts.

Bl ount, Ral ph Le ,Gold smith , circa 1 2 75, and wardenof the Goldsmiths

’ Company. H e was A ldermanof Bass ishawWard, and in1 267 he was engraver to th e M int .

Bl oxh amand C c.

.Th is firmoriginated in the year 1 795, whenM essrs . Wilkinson, Polhil l, Pinhorn, Bloxham, and

Bulcock star ted a bank ing-house atSt. M argaret’s Hill, Sou thwark . In the nex t year M r. Pinhorn

retired fromthe firmto s tart a fresh one , for part icu lars of wh ich see Young.

”Th e s tyl e of th i s

firmin 1 796 was Wilkinson,Polh i ll

, Bloxham,and Bulcock . In1 799 i t was Wilkinson, Bloxham,

Bulcock,Wilkinson, and Taylor and in1 805 i t became S ir M at thewBloxham, Wilk inson, Taylor, andBloxham. They were thencarrying onbus ine ss at27, Gracechurch Street, where they remained unt i l1 809, inwh ich year I bel ieve they fai led.


h e bflw b gmndngmxdot satmda me ha d d mk hnu itpmbaNy sppfie dmiuhead psnner. It is exuacted fi'ot N e

-w s oflanmry g w s g z“ A m m u — M the pru entnbmeng whenw mueh is nid sbout bankmmd

h nking bufina gme folb wingmw dme of a deound membe r otthe mfi mynmbe umoepumeTha e pa wmw mnfluquflnud whh the fi eefiomold Knight— cnd thmmm y hfingwfil vouch fos its suthenticity.

‘The ls te Sir M— B— slws ys nsed to say,“ D— nm hg l

Ihste benking. WhenIm s bsnke s Inem slept sonndlyflnd there w er was a daw s s mtafraid of stopping payment." Some yean s lte r he fai led he nsed to te ll humorous storie s of the

m mm his bsnk had had fiomfime to fime ; uke the fi fb w ing u s spe cimenz— “ 0ne

know whstto do ; we hsve only£5oo and s little si lm and oopper inthe ti ll’

opu ed dsog L'

sooqwhie hmsde all l ight.home m shutmsnd s h rge mobm rotmd the doon. I-

or s long time l conld notaccountforitg st lsst itcame sa oss me hhe s fls sh of fi‘htnin; We had, only s we e k os two be fore we stopped,ts henins m da t to reph oe one thtt had d the mhie r, whenhe went w d inner, bymistake lefthimstthe coente r. fl e ehep m s Yod shhemmsnd st once ssw how things were ,M mhsving be enme d w mm he wtdm em w friend told s th ird, snd so we were

m oat. nk hows winny lor suth e other d a kqwe ps id themwemdmed themw euonces we eh— d hey knew oe rm snd kept it ior fnll tenlongm My finttou t s fte r d inne r


s lways

waa,“ D -n lasting ! c

’m M M I”snd the nextwas , to the clerks,

“ Cm ,

W hanstmcd sqmfiqfl w

mm m mmw mw mm nmvmmmw m H is

nme hrstsppw ed inthe listol bsnken inthe ym tnh and he ws s probsbly s goldsmith intheeu fie r penothis a reer. In1 742 he took 2 pertna ol di e nsme of Boiderqsnd the style of the

fimbem e hfinors sndnoldero.W w w hsn ukmph a , n the Dh e cmry shm tha d a o, Cana . Bflmwm5M i lh 1

Ipmberd Sueet u the d d hoosqwhid i m thennmnbe red n. In 1 800 the nsme of Adeydiu ppeu e d fiomthemM mhip ; snd h the yw ioflow ing I find by the DM oqmatanew firmhad bew rmwd u sLOId Boe d Smg unda the uyd dey,m fi d a . whie h bea meextinctbefore 1 805.

Inr787 1he firmof Bolderqey snd C0 1efi Iambsrd Sue eg snd removed to 30, Cornh i lLIn180 1 tM Mr Adeynnre d fromthe partnmh1p, the style of the firmbe csme Boldero, Lush1ng

This finnoeased to exmin1 8 1 2 .

A s w the othe r firm, which sevend its eonnectionw ith the sbove, msny ehsnge s inthe name s ofthe partners took plaoe . I0 1 786 11 wss Boldero, Snatth , 81kes, snd Boldero, 2nd 1n1 790 1he style

d the firmbeamemea sw th sn d hk h emfinue d w be the defigmdmmfil De cemba15, 1 825, when theywopped payment

n oldsmithg keepingmnnmw shes a the Cd denUmsfi erwu ds numbered 85, inLombsrdStreeg in 1 677, whe1e they had beenestablished since 1 673. Ins private letter, dated De oembe r,1 682, inthe posse ssionol w . 1.nly Esqho hss favoured me by its communication, the writer



Bol i th o, J011 11,and JohnW i l s ons tates : Theat is a fearfull Rou t inLombard Sti e et amongs t y" Bankers, yes terday went of M r.

Bolitho and M r. Wilsonof y° GoldenLyonand M r. Capell and M r. K i lborne fromy

° K ing’s Head

and i f Reports be true s eve ral l others wi l l follow.

” I t w as announced in the London Gazette of

A ugust 23 , 1 683, that Boli tho and Wilsonwere prepared tomake anagreement wi th their cred itors .

Bol ton, Job ,Was a goldsmith, keeping running-cashes in 1 677, atthe s ignof the Bolt and Tun, inLombard

S treet. Very l ittle is to be ascerta ined abou t him bu t a curious advertisement w as publ ished intheLondonGazette of October 1 , 1 683 , concerning a robbery. I w i l l trans


c_ri be i t in ful l Wil liam

Bateman, a youngmanabou t 25 years of age , beingdi sfigure d wi th the smal l pox, a flat bottle nose,somewhat bowl egged, went away ina l ight cloth coloured su i t l ined w i th black sattin, and blackbuttons

,having a Prize sad coloured coat over it Took away ou t of Lumbard S treet a cons iderable

sumofmoney, w i th some gu ineas, a sevens tone diamond,r ing w i th several d iamond rings and abou t

36 diamonds, and a parcel of smal l gold rings, a gold watch and one s ilver watch . If any personcan

give notice of the said Bateman, so as hemay be apprehended to Job Bou l ton, atthe Bolt 81 Tunh inLumbard Street, shal l have J£20.

Bond , Sons , and Co.

Were es tab l ished at 2, Change Al ley, Lombard Street, about 1 791 , by JohnBond and Son. In

1 805 they took a partner, and the firmbecame JohnBond, Sons, and Tatti shall, wh ich cont inuedto be the style unt il M arch 28, 1 83 1 , whenthey stopped payment.

Bonny, F ranci s .

His name i s met wi th in the LondonGazette of February 27, 1 689 :“ Whereas Franc is Bonny,

late o f London, goldsmith, d ied 1 1 00 indebted to the Crown. These are to give notice thereof toDebtors of the sai d Bonny, that theymay notmake any payment to the ir ownprej ud ice . ” InanotherGazette of the same month , Hes ter Bonny, h is widow, inserts a notice that Thomas Bonny had somet ime s ince “ fraudu l ently and deceitful ly got into h is hands, several trunks, whereinwas wr itings of

great value, Jewels, Plate, Linnen, etc . , of Franc i s Bonny decdand other persons. And all persons

are cau t ioned agains t buying the sai d goods.”

Booth , W i l l i am,

Goldsmith , ci rca 1 589, of St. Botolph’s, A ldgate .

Boo th by, George ,Gold smi th , also described as a banker, of the Parrot, inSt. Clement Danes, Strand.

His earl ies tdate i s 1 720 . The London Gazette of October 24, 1 74 1 , inwhich he is s tyled Silversmith andBanker,

”declares h ima bankrupt .

Bosanquet and Cc .

The hunof Bosanoue t, Sal t, Harman, Sal t, Bosanquet, and Whatman originated (according toparti cu lars kind ly suppl i ed tome by that firm) betweenthe years 1 770

- 80, when the s ty le of i t was

Bowles, Be achcroft, and Re e ye s . But I fai l to find anyment ionof theminthe Post Offi ce Directorybefore the year 1 796, whenth e s tyle of the firmappears to have beenBowles

, Be achcroft, Brown

Reeves, Coll ins, and Co. , who were carrying onbus iness at 1 8,Exchange A lley, Cornhill.

A bout 1 800 M r. Samuel Bosanquet, who had t il l thenbeena partner w i th M essrs . Foster,Lubbock

and Co. , l eft that firmand entered into partnersh ip wi th M essrs. Be achcroft and Reeves,who h

acibeenpartners inthe firmof Bow les, Be achcro

ft,and Co . Th e style of the firmin1 801 appears as

Bosanque t, Be achcroft, and Reeves, at“

No. 73 , Lombard Street . Thi s house was formerly knownby the signof the Fox, and afte rward s the Union. The firmof M essrs. Bowles , Brown, Ogden, Cobb,


Bos anque t and Co.

M oreover, private bankers , who have usual ly beengentlemen of fortune and posmon, th oughready enough formerly to conduct and to reap the fru i ts of a qu iet, old

-fashioned bus iness , hes i tate ,

notunnaturally, to sacrifice time and comfort, and to incu r the ri sk s and anxie ties wh ich appear to be

inc idental to the financial bus iness of the present t imes .OnM arch 4, 1 884, th is business, together w i th that of Barnett, Hoare, and Co.

,was takenover

by Lloyd

’s Banking Company, both firms having formerly acted as their Londonagents, under the

ne w style of Lloyds, Barnetts, and Bosanque ts ’ Bank, Limi ted "

Bo s sal l , H enry,Goldsmi th, 1 538— 1 546, was res i ding inthe pari sh of St. M ary Woolnoth.

Boswel l , James ,Goldsmi th , ofBishopsgate Street, bankrupt 1 696.

Bo tel er, W i ll i am,

Goldsmi th , ci rca 1 679, of A ll Hallows, Bread Street.

Bo th am,Peter,

8,O ld J ewry, 1 789— 97.

Bough ton, Th omas ,Goldsmi th, res id ing inthe parish of St. M aryWoolnoth between1 538


Boul ton, John,Goldsmith, 1 651 .

In th e Cal endar of State Papers, 1 651— 2

, is a copy of anassignment by JohnWalker, gent . ,

to JohnBou l ton, goldsmith , both of London, of a warrant for £200, due to h imfromJohnHuntand Humphrey Jones, treasurer for the sal e of the late K ing, Queen, and P rince

’s goods .Thi s Bou l tonwas probably the predecessor of Samuel Bou l ton, of the Fox, inLombard Street,

or of Job Bol ton, of the Bol t and Tun, in the same s treet.

Boul ton, Samuel ,A goldsmith , between 1 689 and 1 694, located at the Fox, inLombard S treet, afterwards num

bered 73 .

Bouv e ri e and Co.

Th is firmappears to have been s tarted in the year 1 81 3, at 33 , Craven Street, Strand , by th eH on. F. Pleyde ll Bouverie (who had beena clerk in the bank of M essrs . Bosanquet and Co. ) andE. Antrobus.

In1 827 i t became Bouverie and Lefevre and in 1 830 they removed to 1 1 , Haymarket. Two

years later the firmcons isted of the H on. P. Pleyde ll Bouverie, Henry N orman, and James GordonM urdock. In1 851 the style of the firmw aS

JBouverie , M u rdock , and Bouverie in1 853 Bouverie,

M urdock , Bouveri e, and James ; and in1 856 they amalgamated w ith M essrs . Ransomand Co. ,under

the s tyle of Ransom, Bouverie, and Co.

Bow d ler, Th omas , 1 677- 1 736. (See SHALri s . )



No . 73, Lombard Stre e t forms part of the prope rty beque ath e d to th e M e rchant Tay lors ’ Company in1615by SirW i l l i amCraven, and w as atthat time knownby the s ignof th e Bishop’

s H e ad .


Bowen, Th omas ,Goldfi sh. a

’ms 1 623, ol St. Margaret’s, Lothbury.

W u mfip d mm w M M Q CmmH M Sumflw fiSMng bafl m1 678 1 1111 1 688. H e stmch s meds l of d i e famous h otestmtmanmfi r Edmondshury Godfrey,whOse hody ws s found st the hsch of Primrose H ilLsupposed to have beenmurde red inOCtober,1678. The sneged murde rm we re Gre emBeny, and H ill ; thus Primrose H ill m long s fter.

mds knowns s Gre enBerry H in. Inthe Lmdos GM of Fehmaq26, 1 679, the fiollowingsdva tisement is to he t’ound h

“ Whamme efligies h Edmund Bmy Godfi e y hsth of h u be enemfly done w the fife


n s meds l. The se sre fio give notice that the nid meds ls sre to he hsd of hi r. Bowers st the

signof the Georgqs goldsmith '

s shog a s lisM y Comfle etStre et.”

Cnnninghsmm tions dnt the re is s wmenponrymedd of fixEdmondsbmy, representingM mmm m fims m ne cLM s M inhh hody ; md m the mmqSLDenh hnring his he sd inhis hsnd .

Sk uu finM Of Ahchu ch lnemLmhu d Smg s p kbmith d wme remwn, floufisheddu ing the re igns otflemy VUL, Edd L, Mary, snd ElinbedL He ws s member of Parlis»

meat tor the City 111 1 547- 1552- 3, 1 554, 2nd 1 555.

H e is mtcd hy flerberg in his “ Hi story ol tbe Goldsmiths' Companyf to hs ve lent H enry

mumm mm s mm fim mM M d M now Na 67, £om1e rly k110°wnbythe signd the Whhe mdnhsnh np hme o l GlmMflh d ot lnthe Committe emd oldmithi Hank s a ah d Sir Mu finBowqwith the mp he bet ed them.

Que enflinheth is u id to hsve drmk oe tof it stha coromfion.

WhenLord Msyor, in15461 he wu sccnse d of rootingnp s li the gnve stone s inthe crey f riu s ,

md se i ling thm for£5a H e h sfi ted byfls wtins ho have coined shi ii inminthe re ignof u md

VL, st the mint inDurhm Hoose , Stnnd. They w enmrhed with s nmm smw , or bow .

The coins muted with s how inthe re ignotflenry Vl l ere coined by Sir u Bowu . Hawkins

yeu of Edwu d.

H e die d in

Goldsmith ot lnmhu d Stre eL sonsnd he ir of the h te Sir flartinBowe s H e died june u »

1 591 , snd was buried inthe Chn1ch of St. Ms ryWooh101h.

Goldsmith, of 81. Michae l Basmhs w. in1 594 he mu fi ed bmmdsnghtet of james Harman,ol the ssme ph e e , s goldsmith.

Bow i es snd Co.,1 796- 1 808. (Se e Bum 11 11 11 C0. )

Bowmanflohnn696,Dumh e d u s gd dsmitmd the flm de u cqinthe Smnd. InMay of that yw an

sdvextisementsppeamd inthe b u 'onGou da to the effect that two gentlemenhad l eftthe ir cloaksins cosch ; 011e s scs rlet one with brosd gold h0e , snd the other s blne cioakmth gold edging.


Bowman, John— corztirzued.

A reward of two gu ineas was to be paid by JohnBowman. We find that th is goldsmith was at

the same place in1 7 1 4.

Boyl s ton, Th omas ,Goldsmi th, a

rfa 1 666, of St. Botolph’s, A ldgate.

Brai th w ai te,G e orge ,

A goldsmith, was , in1 728, at the s ign of the Bible, afterward s numbered N0. 54, now part ofthe premises of M essrs. Barclay, Bevan, and Co .

_bu t in1 732 w e lle arnfromthe D ai ly j oumal that

George Brai thwai te was atthe Crownand Th istle, inLombard Street.

Brand , Th omas ,Goldsmith , atthe Rose, inLombard Stree t, in1 705.

In1 7 1 4 he advertises that he has revers ionary annui t ies for sale, i ssuable ou t of the Exchequer.

Brand on, Josep h ,

Goldsmi th , in 1 685, at the Unicorn, in Fenchurch Street ; and in1 690 we find he had movedto the M orocco’s Head, inLombard Street .

Brandon, R obert,Goldsmi th

,1 548, residing in the parish of St. M ary Woolnoth . H is name appears , in con

junct ionw i th A Ffabe l Partridge, for purchase of plate forQueenE l iz abe th’s N ew Year’s gift s .

Brandone,H ugh d e ,

Goldsmi th , 1 348.

Branfi e ld , John,Of the Globe and Anchor

, inLombard Street, was probably a goldsmith , bu t th is is uncertain.

In the D ai ly Courant, February 2,1 7 1 4, the fol lowing advertisement appeared “ Taken from

a house three si lk purses, containing 1 20 SunP is toles, 50 old P is toles and £50 inguine as , andsome s i lver ina bag Branfi e ld offering a reward for their recovery.

Bras e y, Th omas ,Goldsmi th , probably of Lombard Street, became a bankrupt in 1 696.

Bras sey and Co.,1 707

—59. (See Lens .)

Braunce stre,Johnd e


Goldsmi th, 1 348, of Friday Street .

Bre ak spe are , W i l li am,

Gold smith , died 1 46 1 , and was buried inSt. JohnZachary’s .

Bre ak spe re , W i l l i am,

Goldsmi th, 1 46 1 .

Bret, R i c har d l e ,Gold smi th, ofWe stchepe , ci rca 1 3 1 0.

Bret, Robert La,Goldsmi th , 1 334. H e res ided inthe Goldsmi thery, inthe parish of St. Matthew de Friday StreteCalendar of Wil ls, Court of Hust ing, London


Bd eqsi r nngh ,inl andong snd one ot


the Governoss ol’

the King’s M intmthe Towu ol IA ndomnndetWilliam

mam mmamm w . Be bnflg inthe chmch of St M sryWoolnott mbardM s M t d lt hflndLu sh o pend the hody d me chmh md d the steeph mdp ve money wmd finishing thereofi he side s the stone wh ich he had prepsnd. H e also hequeatheda rmcharge onhis honse inlmbu d sce et. H e m bnried h the body ot

the churchu sfi .

M M Johndo,Goldmn'th, prohs bly ol rridsy5tnet, 1 334.

Bri ckw ood snd Cc. , 1 808.

Bristow mehu 'd,M umm mmmm fim mthe M /m al, 1 732, thathe sold

and de livered to sny psrt of the towmhristoLPancu s, Bath water. l note this ss it is a

strange commodity foc s golM ith to de sl in.

m w u w mmGoldsmith ; Mayos in1 3s 6.

Brood, John,Goldsunfli ,


rw 157g cl fi . Giles “, CW


1 732, Sr. hh chae l' ’

s Alley, Cornhm.‘

M 1 580- 1 607 , of St. MaryWoolnoth


s H e was buried inthat church in1 607 .

Brooks and Co. , 1 8 1 4- 24. (Se e Om . )

Bsnkmopene d s London branch 111 Th e bank ing bus ine ss wasa tablhhed himachhnsmtow s rds the close ol the last century, byWil lian1 Brooks , who descendedfioms long line of yeoman farmers. He took into partnersh i p wi th h ims wa lthy friend, namedRoget Cunlifl


e , ol Blackbum. Messrs . Cnnlifle sud Btoolts continued to prosper. They have nowse veral bunche s inthe Manchester di strict, and stBlackburn, A itn


nchsm, and Sale inChe shire, andDarwen inh na shire . Mt. Samue l Brooks was admitted 11 partner whenbe at taine d the age of

twenty-one , and BM to be sole partner, and indue course hi s sen, Will iamCnnlifl'

e Brooks, M.P.,

whom a es te d s bsroneg in1 886mtered the fim1 .Itnow ccms ists of the foliowing psnnm

SixWilhamCunlifle Brooks, Bart,M .P.

Samuel Butd Brooks.J ohn Brooks Close Brooks.

24 ON BA NKEK s . [BRO

Brown, C obb , and Cc.

The firmof M essrs . Bowl es, Beachcroft, Brown, Reeves, and Coll ins appears to have started as

bankers abou t the year 1 796, at 1 8, Exchange A ll ey, Cornhill, where they remained until 1 800, whena d issolut ion of partnership took place ; the Directory show ing that M essrs. Be achcroftand Reeve sretired

,and joined partnership w i th M r. Samuel Bosanquet, who left the firmof M essrs. Foster,

Lubbock,and Co. inthe same year.

In 1 80 1 M essrs . Bowles, Brown, Ogden, Cobb, and Stokes were at 67, Lombard Street ; but inthe year fol lowing another di ssolution took place, and M essrs. Bow les and Ogden left the firm tos tart a fresh concern, under the s tyle of M essrs . Bowles , Brickwood, Ogden, and Wyndham,


1 1 , Lombard Street ; wh ich in 1 808 became M essrs . Brickw ood , M organ, and Starkey, who ceasedto exis t after 1 8 1 0. M essrs . Brown, Cobb, and Stokes, fromwhomthey- seceded in1 802

, cont inuedthe bus iness in the same premises , ti e . 67, Lombard Street, and afterwards inNo. 66— unti l 1 8 1 6 ;

after which date they cannot be further traced.

Brown, C ol l ins on, and Tri t ton.

This firmw as founded by Henton, Brown, and Son, abou t 1 748 at least,that is the earl iest date

that can be found for them. In1 754 i t was Brownand Son. The styl e of the firm, as shownby

the Royal Annual Kalendar of 1 765, was Brown, Henton, and Son, who were carrying onbus inessin Lombard Street, fac ing th e Castle Tavern. In 1 770 th is house was numbered 58, LombardStreet, and the style of the firmwas al tered to Brownand Coll inson. In 1 778 the LondonDirectory shows that i t was Brown, Coll inson, and Tri tton) “ wh ich firmappeared for the last t ime inthe l is t of bankers in1 78 1 .

Brown, Jans on, and Co.

This firmoriginated abou t 1 8 1 3 , when i t was establ ished by M essrs . Thomas and StephenN icholson, Janson, and Co. , at75, Thre adne e dle Street. In1 81 5 theymoved to thei r present house,32, A bchurch Lane. In1 823 the s tyl e of thenrw became M essrs. Brown, Janson, and Co. , wh ich i thas beenever s ince.I t cons is ts of the fol lowing partners

Samuel James BrownHenry Oxley.James Wal ker Oxley.

Thomas Harr ison.

JohnWhitaker Cooper.

Bas i l Brai thwai te .

Brown, John, and Cc.,

Were established at 25, A bchurch Lane, abou t 1 851 , so far as canbe proved by the Direc tories .The present firmconsists of the following partners

Joseph JohnBrown.

Edward Stainton.

Brown, Langhorn, and Brai ls ford ,25, Buckle rsbury, from1 81 1 - 20.

Browne, R i ch ard,


Vit’as described as a goldsmi th, in 1 73 1 , at th e Three Angels, against George Yard, inLombardree

JohnHentonTrittonjoined the firmof Barclay, Bevan, and Co. in1 785.


This hanking firmws s mned intsoz hy M em Were ,2, Bsstholomew Lane .ne m e d kw d doa not sppa x inmymbsequent fist. In1 8 1 2 the style wn chsnged to

M M M M M sckemie . Dmi fig 1 8 1 7 snd 1 8 1 8 1his firmws s not fonnd among thelistot

hsnke rs. Theymsy hsve mwende d paymentO) In1 8 1 9 1he firmomoe , Simson, and Co.

is found inthe b heamy u hsnkers mying onbnsine ss u Na g AusfinPriua They oontinne dM 1 825, whenthey ces s0d to exist.

Goldsmimm 1 309, who hsd propeny inFlete sflate C‘M ol Wit ounof Husting,

M l ohn, 1 7 1 4,

A p ldmhh atthe flsck floyJ amdoa dge .

50, Bartholomew Close, 1 774-761

Goldsmith, 1 702, oI'

Cheapd de .

M appear inthe lmdonb irecta y s s hu km inxu r, at 85 and “ . Chu ps ide ; the firmm a jm mjm nmpmmm m m They do not sppes t inthe

M ama s ;

8 111 110, “ M l ohn,M i sfi h m ded u hs ving he ens mha d mer howls . SLG iIa


. C1ipplegste ,hs sn mmple insa ihed wish his nsme ss the mher.

A M d the Gd da minImnhsrd Sne et. Anthatunbe gle sne d conoeming himismmm mmm m , De oember g, 1689, thu he h0d stoppe d some plate whichwas supposed tnhave he enstoim.

Butter, Thomas ,Comm, 1 657. 01 81. Botolph

’s pari sh .

fi b firmu iginsted innns s l’yhug flydqborsetsnd CockeilJ t 1 48, New Bond 8treet. In


Cal l , M arten, and Co.

The lis t of 1 785 shows that the name of Cal l had takenthe place of Dorset (who res igned to unitewi th S ir H . M ackworth informing a new bank) as second partner and inth is year theyare described

of 1 48, O l d Bond Street.

In1 791th e firmbecame Pybus , Cal l, Grant, and Hale ; in1 802, Pybus, Grant, and Hal e and in

1 810,Pybus

,Cal l , M arten, and Hale. In 1 81 4 the style of the firmwas changed to M arten, Hal e,

and Cal l ; and in 1 8 1 6 to M arten,Cal l, and Arnold . In 1 82 1 they were at 25, O ld Bond Street,

where they had probably beens ince 1 785 No. 1 48mos t l ikely being anerror.S ir W. P.

Cal l (Bart), Arnold, and M artenwas the style of the firmin 1 827. Inand after 1 830

the s tyle of th e firmagainchanged to Cal l, M arten, and Co. , by whi ch i t was knownunt il M arch ,

1 865,whenthey amalgamated w ith M essrs. Herries, Farquhar, and Co. , of St. James’ Street.

Cal ton, T h omas ,Goldsmi th , circa 1 530, at the Purse inChepe .

Campbel l , George, 1 753—

56. (See Courrs . )

Campbell , John, 1 692— 1 7 1 2 . (See Couns . )

Campbe ll and Bruce, 1 748-

52. (See Courrs . )

Capi tal and C ounti e s Bank (Limi ted ),39, Thre adne e dle Street, w ith several branches in London and a great many in th e country.

Establ ished 1 834. I t Opened 3. Londonoffice firstabout 1 878, wheni t was the Hampsh ire BankingCompany. Paid-up capital , reserve fund ,

Cares , W il li am,

Goldsmi th, circa 1 590— 1 600, of the parish of St. M ary Woolnoth .

Carew, or Cary, Paul ,A goldsmith over agains t the Rose TaverninCovent Garden, 1 70 1 — 6.

Carey, George, (sometime s'

spe lle d Caro),Go ldsmith, 1 600— 1 1 , of the paris h of St. M ary Woolnoth .

Cary, W i l l i am,

InFleet Street, 1 661 .

Carte lage , Th omas ,Gold smith, 1 465, l iv ing inCh epe. Inthe “ Expenses of Si r }ohnHoward

” is the following i tem— “

v chargers of sylver, xvj dys she s, and v i i sausse rs , w eyinge lxix“ xix', after i ij

’ the unnce .

Cas te ll , Pow e l l , and Co.

This bus iness was establ ished abou t the year 1 759 inBirch inLane , by JohnCas tell and Son. In

1 763 the style 01“

the firmhad beenal tered to Castells and Whately. The LondonDirectory of 1 77 1shows that they assumed a partner of the name of Powell, the firmthus


becoming Castell , Whately,and Powell , carrying onbus iness at66, Lombard S treet, formerly the s ignof the Spread Eagle . In

1 785 i t became Castell, Powell, Summer, Powel l, and Willson. In 1 798 M r. Summer's name disappe are d fromthe firm, and i t thenbecame s tyl ed Castell, Powell, Son, and Wil son(sometimes SpeltWillson). I t is not seenamong bankers after the year 1 802 bu t onA pri l 28, 1 807, S. Cas tel l andW. Powel l paid a dividend.


Casw all and -M ount— mntz'rzued.

was sore ly pre sse d, and had to re sort to nume rous artifice s to de lay the payment of mone y . One

of the se i s e xplaine d inMacle od ’s The ory and Pract ice of Banking It employe d a numbe r ofcle rks to te l l out the mone y w hich was demande d, as w e l l as w hat was brought in. Payments weremade inlight s ixpence s and shill ings

,and large sums w e re paid to particular friends w ho w ent out

w i th the ir bags ofmone y atone door, to de l ive r themto pe ople place d atanothe r, w ho w e re letinto

pay th e same mone y to te l le rs, who took time to count i t ove r. The s e pe rsons w e re , of course , always

se rve d first. By this me ans t ime was gaine d ; th e friends of th e Bank rallie d round it, and mad e largesubscr iptions to support th e company th e fe s tival of Michae lmas, atw hich i t w as usual at that t imeto shut up th e Bank, came , and wheni t w as opened again, the public alarmhad pas se d off.

The South Se a Company w e re pe rmi tte d to s e l l annui t ie s to the value of a ye ar. The

Bank bought themat tw enty ye ars’ purchase , and was al low e d to add J54,000,000 to its capi tal .

A fte r the fai lure of th e Sword-Blade Company and of the South Se a Bubble , w e find that th is

bus ine ss was conducte d by JohnCaswall and JohnMount, th e latte r of whomhad s igne d th e note s ofTurne r and Caswall in 1 7 1 5. This firmcont inue d unti l January, 1 742 , w henw e le arn fromth e

LondonM agazine the y had be enannounce d as bankrupts .The oth e e of the Sword-Blade Company was onthe e as t s ide of Birch inLane , looking outonthe

churchyard of St. Edmund , King and Martyr. The y had a doorway and l ights opening onto it, for

which Ge orge Caswall paid the parish tenshill ings a ye ar. N a 1 9 now occupie s the s i te .

C entral Bank of London(L imite d ),52 , Cornhil l , e s tabl ishe d in 1 863 . Th e paid-up capi tal i s w i th a re se rve fund of

The y have branche s . (Se e Lis t s atth e end. )

Ch adw e l l,John,

Was a goldsmith, and carr ie d onh is trade , be tw e en1 7 1 0 and 1 722 , inCas tle A l le y, BirchinLane .

Ch al l i s and SonAppe ar to have e stabl ishe d themse lve s at3 7, We s t Smithfi e ld, about 1 851 . In1 864 th is bus ine ss

was me rge d into the A lbion Bank , which fai le d in1 87 1 . Th e LondonJoint Stock Bank appears

to have los t no time inopening a branch inth e Me tropol itanCat tle Marke t .

Ch amb e rs , A brah am,


1 683—

93 ,

Was a goldsmi th at th e Golden Eagle , some time s cal le d th e GoldenFalcon, ove r agains t St.Dunstan’s Church , inFle e t Stre e t . H e was brothe r of Jame s Chambe rs, th e founde r of the bankinghouse of Gos l ings . A brahamChambe rs ’ daughte r, He s te r, marrie d R ichard N icholls , a goldsmith,at th e GoldenK ey. A . Chambe rs die d in 1 693, and h i s sonA braham,

w ho w as inth e bus ine sswi th him, died inD e cembe r, 1 733 , leaving a sonof th e same name and thre e daughte rs, one of

w hommarr ie d Edward U sborne . Inth e D a i ly Courant, A ugust 1 6, 1 7 1 0, w as th e fol low ingnot ice“ This day, M r. Barnaby, anattorne y of Clifford’s Inn, came to th e Manage rs and D ire ctors of th eLotte ry at Guildhall, to claimthe Thousand Pounds a ye ar, drawnagains t one of h is t icke ts on

We dne sday las t . M r. Chambe rs , 3. goldsmith , of Fle e t Stre e t, who took out th e t icke t, camew i th h im.

In1 733 w e find A brahamChambe rs inpartne rship w i th Thomas U sborne th e bus ine ss be ingcarrie d onunde r th e s tyle of Chambe rs and Usborne until 1 749, afte r which date w e se e no moreof them. AbrahamChambe rs die d in1 756.

Ch amb e rs , Jame s , 1 707. (Se e GOSLING.)

Ch amb e rs and Son.

This firmwas e s tabl ished by Me ssrs . Chambe rs, Franks, H ercy, and Birch in 1 769, at 1 52 , N e w


Boqtte et. Thcnylc ol tbc fimbeame Chamberc rcy, and Birch in1 776,md in1 785H ercy,

M and flobbs. Inx791 1he name ot’

Chamben appe are d u that of the third panner ; andin1 796 the fitmbecxme 8irch . Chmben, M Hobbs ln1 8 1 z itoons isted of Birch tnd Chamba t,£ 1 60, 14a h 1 83 2 1he nyk m Chambeu md Som' hicb fimmPped paymentNovemba su Bu .

—, age d 8& H e m the

eldea d HaqflM Enq. . vho m e d bymyfl hcem in1 8u , the m e

chamber: and Usborne , 1 734- 49. (Se e A l u m Cum )

Goldsmith. 1011111111 1! Stre et, 161 4- 35. H e die d Fe lt ing 1 6, 1 6351 fromfalling dovnstaiu

Ol y lambard Suecg appw e d u the lnta of hnnkm bctmn1 77o—5, and noth ingmorc eaube am tained eoooeming tbem

cum and Cot,1 81 0-ao. (Se e Wunruon. )

Ch echen” , Johndqor chtchu urAnemincntp umith and d dm d b ndoqfl d the k ing

’s fi vyw md d the ndd ing

je we llery fot tbcmmiage of King Ed' u d l l l .h mmd the h dymmche .

H e m Sheri l in1 359,md laqmmd W W forme C ity ol mdonin1 369,

inwhicb yw the od e bu d illia alvonb 'qerifll He die d in1 38 1 , md by bis wi ll he

of Friday Suecg to his kinmnnjoho French ; and thc buik of tbe remainder of hil pmpa ty,b dnding a unmcntmncd the “ 8uu ymbd g '

be beqna thed w hh vife w cig md ah a ha

dm w hh wnwmt hM PHW ryottt mflyof Chicha ta f johnC Homn,Ohmy, RIeMGoldsmith. 1 59o Mary Wooa th. H e beqmd1e d £4 mnnally to

w w w . wmmm amm

N M M M h W am M mmmwd md ofigM by M r. Jmc m,

lt hu a gnamtee fnnd of £z 7poqmd a paid~up a pifi l of

46161 1 90Mr. n w itingtome onjnly so, 1 875, 1ay1

That spa b venlu w young annndcmking. lngivingmtccountof the objects aimed at

in iumbih hm l a nnot do betmdnnnproduce w hat hu becnwfim by themu lm uponthe nbject. Tbe foflov ing extracnl hnve ukenfiomthe firstmnmlmponr

“ lt hn be enu tablkhed ontbc pfind ple d m d ing the advmugu of banking w mnm fiommd w me mmmmot cm w thm w wmwhqfiomthe mmnm of the

m s which theym at any ooe time commznd, have h ithexmbe ennnable to bank ; and to the

mm mfllmnu efim d m khia m w hkhm bdov the mount fiorflfich it hu be en

m mdnv cbequcs and vhich, if dnwn, encnmber a bank ing account with s multimde

30 LONDON BA N KERS. [011 13— 011 1

Ch e que Bani; (Limite d )— contz'

7med .

“ This i s th e first fe ature of nove l ty : and the soundne ss of the principle onwhich i t i s bas e d

i s apparent fromthe analogy of all comme rcial unde rtakings, w hich show that the re is a gre at mineof profitto be w orke d by addre ss ing one

s s e l f to the wants and re quirements of th e greate s t numbe rof pe rsons .

“ A s no Che que Bank che que canbe obtaine d fromthe bank unti l the max imumamount forw hich i t canb e fi lle d up, and w hich is s tampe d onits face , has be endepos i ted, ch e que s onthis bankdiffe r fromthose onall othe rs in th is mos t important particular :— that the y are ce rtainto be paid

onpre sentation. No inqui ry into the me ans or Standing of the pe rsonwho draw s themis ne ce ssarythe y canbe taken inpayment, and canpass fromone hand to anothe r w i th th e same confidence ,be cause the y have th e same undoubte d value as a Bank of England note for th e same amount .

“ Anothe rmos t important pe cul iarity of Che que Bank ch e que s remains to be not ice d. Ord inary

che que s mus t be pre s ente d imme diate ly, or as soonas pos s ible afte r the y are re ce ive d. If anordinary

che que i s notso pre sente d— ih due course , as i t i s cal le d— the re spons ibi li ty and r isk of non—paymentfal l onth e holde r.

“ A lthough a balance sufficient to me e t i t may exis t at the t ime of th e draw ing inthe handsof th e banke r, the re i s nothing to pre vent its be ing drawnout shortly afte rwards by anothe r che que ;and th e only s e curity to the holde r l ie s in ins tant pre sentati on.

The Che que Bank doe s not pre tend to ente r into compe t it ionw i th othe r e xis t ing banks . I ti s bas e d ona ne w sys tem; and, as

i t offe rs advantage s h ithe rto unknown, i t looks ent ire ly to ne w anduntrie d source s of profit.

“ The i r intention i s that th e se che que s shal l gradual ly, but sure ly,supe rse de the w hole sys tem

of Pos t-office orde rs throughout the country, and e ventually, probably those in re lati onw i th fore igncountr i e s .

The re are no few e r than984 banks wh ich cash the i r che que s . He ad office s : 4, Wate rloo Place ,and 3, George Yard, Lombard Stre e t.

Ch e s sh e i re , Henry ,Goldsmith, 1 608, of St. Mary Woolnoth .

Ch e st, John,Goldsmi th , re s iding inChepe , 1 429, inthe re ignof H enry VI.

,for us ing s lande rous w ords agains t

the Goldsmi ths ’ Company, w as condemne d to come to Goldsmiths ’ Hal l, and onhi s kne e s ask all

th e Coni pany forgivene ss for what h e had“ mys sayde and was also forb iddento w e ar the l ive ry of

the company for a w hole month .

Ch i ld , John,A goldsmi th of Londoninth e re ignof El izabe th.

Ch il d and Co.

This hous e originate d inth e goldsmi th’s bus ine ss c arrie d '

on for many years inFle e t Stre e t bya family of th e name ofWhe e le r.

The firstre cord of a goldsmi th of this name i s metw ith inthe Court Books of th e Goldsmi ths ’Company as far back as 1 559 for which informat ionmy be s t thanks are due to M r. Will iams of thatd ist ingui she d company.Oh July 1 , 1 559, w henthe Goldsmi ths’ Company furnishe d a guard of honour from the i r l ive ry

to e scort Que enEl izabe th through th e City onh e r way to Gre enw ich, the name of JohnWhe e le r,

goldsmi th , appe ars as one of th e pykemen. H e was then re s ident inChepe h is sonw ent to Fle e tStre e t. H is name l ikew ise occurs onmany occas ions up to Octobe r 1 8, w hen h e d ie d


was buried -inSt. Gile s’, Cripple gate . The name of JohnWhe e le r, h i s son, also a goldsmi th, occu



hi tho Pafi sh Refi smd St Dum ’

s onOcmbcr 3 , 1 6oo, u follows zv

W inM Sm ; the d da d vhomin' the w i y panof the re ignoi Chu le-Lmoved fmmhk d d thOp

‘W hithenonm nendootmTcmpie Bm.

William e e lerm Canptrolia ol tt int inAnzdva fiscmemfou goM nmh shofi mthath i o e Mmygoklm a goldanith

’u hop

In1 663 the d de 1 WilliamWhe e ier died ; md inthe CourtBook of the Goldsmithl ’ Company" find the bfloving ummproving thatwmmwu dqjmimFNChfid s u dqoonfinu d u s

p umhh a— “zM AML1666— WdhamWhe dqthe d Whed en dmkhAm sed,

m u mm y a wmmmm mmum w m m mm mby h uinooy and paid u ol Cu wme . ’Fmd s Chfldm th e d obcflM d flu dinM WM M in1 656 he m apprenti00d

{01 2w m M d undoqa goldmith ; but ve hck infom doncon0erningd u w his refidm a om OnOw hu z , 167 1 , he mrried Mn ElinbethWhe e ler. Mn.

M M M M .

h 1 676 the mme d Whe e la is no more m The bu im m theninme hands of k obmw u nmmu mu mw w s im d jmw mm mWe h w p d m w bfi u e mw w m a gowsmhh u u fly u im la thelollov ing yw , 1677, vha the fl i ttle Loua he d a y

' m puNM ve find the m e . of

ma dm'd and Chi ld ku pingmnningo sha u Y' Mu ygold .

Robmmanch nd w fi ed the vidovm .

bem e pmm d of the vhoie fam ol the Whedmand of Bianchnd.M M £m w the Goldcmithi Comp¢ny w pay£4 a yw u ch m idovs the fim

u mmd h his fi lLM u tb y chmid dh wmh fi da-nd goodm mmw du fifiy yemd

age )n sbould be mmed by thc As istm d the Goldmitha H e likcw in lcfi t leg cy of£w o to

CW Cht oupih Lmdmotha £ 1w to Be dhmHospiuLAbout jnly. 1 681 , Frmci 1 Chi ld took i1uo pa u cu hip]ohnRogm

-ketd i of Francis Ch ild, vho,m diu wmm thc fi l nior d Sh JM Eh ChM by tvd nm u d ' u nppmtioed w wmhm

c is Chfld m tho flmbanka who p ve op the goi dmith ’s bflsm H e has he encalle dThe old ledgmd the firmprior to the yw wgo we re

npbte with gd dmhhi md p wnhmking aw ounu mixed np w ith bmkingmounm Inde e d,la ding mooqupon pledga mw a tha fime have he ena most pmflufle pand the gold

St ck ChM Knigt d dsnith m d ected m oa fingdonWard WiM W

1 6981-9 (bywhich oflice he m outof pockct

w rm m w mm m m mm wmmm dni y on

u ltmd ntes ol’ excise . Up w l h smm having bullioom ina posifionto take itto theM inumd re oe ive w e ight for we ight inmndnd ooim. h dxismr, howeve t, it is onreoord that

Sir Frmcis Child had 4 1 ,8 1 9 ¢nims eoine d ; and fro-Narcim Luttre li 's Dinry we gathcrthathe ,with h o a thre e mha bankug freqnendy admced large mms of money to the covemmentbctve en 1 6gi

-97. Be m Pnadent otChrist

‘s Hoepital in 1 7oz . and tepresented d1e C ity ia

the fimPnfiamento nea m H e had anmne rous fami ly,tand wme of his sons cnte red the

1660. c. 11 . Price .


Ch i l d and Co.- corztinued.

bank notably S ir Robe rt, who was e le cte d Al de rmanof Farr ingdonWard W i thout onOctobe r 2 2,

1 7 1 3. H e was Colone l of the H on. A rtil le ry Company, and die d in1 72 1 .

Francis (the s e cond sonof Sir Francis Ch ild) was e le cte d A lde rmanof FarringdonWard W ithoutonOctobe r 1 0, 1 72 1 ; Sh e rifl


1 72 2 ; Lord Mayor and knighte d in1 73 2 and Pre s ident of Chris t’sHospital be tw e en1 72 7 and 1 740. H e was also M .P. for Middle se x be tw e en 1 72 1 and 1 740, and a

di re ctor of the Eas t India Company.A bout the middle of th e ye ar 1 729 M r. Francis Child introduce d a printe d formof promissory

note, having a vigne tte of Temple Bar inth e ‘e ft-hand corne r. The s e note s , how e ve r, appe ar to

have be endiscont inued atth e end of th e las t century. The y w e re worde dmuch inth e same manne ras th e Bank of England note s are atthe pre sent day, and w e re probablyflth e first printe d bank note se ve r known. I have s e ennote s of Me ssrs . Chi ld and Co. for th e year 1 793, proving inconte st

ably that the y w e re not d iscont inue d in 1 750, as i s s tate d by M r. Law son in h is “ His tory 01

Bank ing.M r. StephenChild (sonof th e firstSir Francis) joine d M r. Tudman, a goldsmi th , aty

e Crown,inLombard Stre e t,

”be fore th e ye ar 1 708.

M r. Samue l Chil d (anothe r sonof Sir Francis Child) was for many years he ad of the firm. H e

was amembe r of Parliament, and die d in1 752 .

Mis s El i zabe th Child, th e e lde s t daughte r of Sir Francis Child, marrie d TyrringhamBackw e ll,‘sonof Alde rmanEdward Backw e ll, the ce le brate d banke r of Lombard Stre e t, w ho was ruine d byth e shutt ing up of th e Exche que r by Charle s I I. in1 672 .

This house i s the only bank inLondon in w hich th e cle rks all become partne rs in orde r of

s eniori ty which cus tomprobably originate d inthe pract ice of th e apprent ice , afte r s e rving h i s ful larticle s, be ing takeninto the firminpartne rship w ith h i s mas te r. Whenbanke rs d iscont inue d havingapprentice s (wh ich w as , I pre sume , about th e t ime the y le ft off the goldsmith’s trade ), the i r cle rksw ho had risen frombe ing juniors be came head cle rks and e ventually partne rs . This pract ice ,as far as th is house i s conce rne d , has beencont inue d e ve r s ince the latte r end of th e se vente enthcentury. In th e e arly part of th e e ighte enth century i t was a common occurrence for Londonbanke rs to take the i r cle rks into th e firm. Th e cus tomhas now ,

how e ve r, fal leninto disuse .

Me ssrs . Chi ld and Cc. are w e l l knownto be the las t that adopte d the plan of is suing printe d

che que s , w hich cus tomwas re vive d by themabout th irty-five ye ars ago. This was only a re vival,as has be enprove d bythe discove ry of a large numbe r of printe d che que s of th e year 1 762 , addre ss e dto Francis Child, Esq . , and Co. ,

w h ich are probably th e e arl ie s t on re cord . The y w e re cont inue d

by h i s brothe r, Robe rt Chi ld, and afte rwards by Me ss rs . Child and Co. ; and the y appe ar to havefal leninto disus e about th e end of th e las t century .

In 1 683 Prince Rupe rt’

s jew e ls w e re dispos e d of by a public lotte ry , subscript ions for w hich w e re

paid to M r. Child , atthe Marygold. Th e King himse lfmixe d the blanks atWhite hal l, inthe pre senceof a large numbe r of pe ople .1

The old le dge rs of this firmare reple te w ith accounts of pe ople famous inthe his tory of Englandinth e s e vente enth and e ighte enth centurie s . Of th e s e th e fol low ingmay be enume rate dMadame Ele anor Gwynne , the ce lebrate d mis tre s s of Charle s IL, who die d in debt to Me ssrs .

Francis Child and JohnRoge rs in1 687. H e r e xecutors w e re Laurence Hyde,Earl of Roche s te r ;

Lord Sydne y ; Sir Robe rt Sawye r, the A ttorne y-Gene ral ; and th e e ighth Earl of Pembroke . The y

s igne d th e le dge r on January 7, 1 687, agre e ing to pay 5 pe r cent . inte re s t onth e amount dueto th e firm,

and to s e l l ounce s of plate . Me ss rs . Child and Co. posse ss h e r autograph to

a draft date d De cembe r 1 1 , 1 686. Poor Ne ll was e vidently no scholar, as sh e could only makeTwo of the ir sons , Barne by and W il l iamBackw e l l , w e re takeninto th e bank, and the y both be came partne rs and

heads of the house . Barneby d ie d in1 733 , and Wi l l iamBackw e l l re tire d fromthe firmin 1 756 (for particulars , s e eY‘ M arygo ld and e stabli shed a bank inPal l M al l , at the s ignof the Grasshoppe r, of which de tai ls w i l l be found

unde r the name of DEVAYNES.

i LondonGazd /e, De cembe r 3 1 , 1683 .


herma kg vhich v ere“ E. C They likev isc possm the doctof s reoe ipt h attending hdadame

Gmne h ha h umnmmd b rm dk s and me didnqmounfing tozéw gAmtha nomblcm e h that r. Sdningfle eg Bishod omw , d whomthe foflow ing

neodote is told by CountGammontinhis “ Memoinotthe Counof Chafla lL

”Charleg homa oonld ju t uponhic difi cnltie s. H e ooce u ked StiIlingfleetwhy he alnysru d h s m omin the Chape l RoyaLbot ptmhe d extempou evcxyvhfl e d se . Stillingfle etm d flmhm fiomthe a' e of hi s audm and beg ed to kno' vhy his hh je sty read h is

spe echcs to l’arlisment. ‘Odd

s fish i Doctor: nid the King,"tis no ditficultquection. l always

a k fa money, md l have w o&a 1 a k0d for u tbu l m u h ped to look the membe rs mthe m.


Thcnthe tonowing w com mw be m inum m mmd thatpenod .

m m m w dmm.

Emm d Sir Pt-ml d y.

h m a flydqtarl of k ocha terJohnChmchfiLdi e fimDake otMarlbw w gh.

KingWilEaml lLlnd Mu y.

m vmm o‘w

mm v ho h u id w h n depoéwd £so h the handd r. mmchu d,m mm dooe empk Bqthe dhcm y d h rd Rochuw -bunia .

OnDecembe 1 1 8, 161 9. vfimCminghm inhh flandbw h inRu e Sum(betw ennm mmmxumdcnm mming bom bymme om ap iM Rmm mm M y am lwdmd vmded by thmm hind fmthe m n h m km by

W Efl l o‘Rochu w . Fifiy pmdcm oda ed by thcxing fmthe di oomy o‘the ofiendmand a p ndoninaddifiomif a pdmiml ot u w ym ld m e fa wu d . But Rocheoter’s

betternward. W M M na M mM v e h“ Emy onSafirq" ane-my

invhich hh la dsbipnce ivedm fiomnrydmTho loflofi ng adva fisem t h a h acted fim the l nln Ga dqmmbe r cmwn

“ Whenu johnM W m ofi Mooday, d1e 1 81h imm1, at night, bu bammly amulwd

md wmdedfinkme SM inCmt c demby dim m nnkmmHmy pa w a ke

oflyma ive fifiy pomdg whk h h dcpoéwd inmc hu ds d m.mu e hu¢ goldsmi th, u ndW w

Majesty is paciou ly pia nd to pm iu himhis pardanfot the ume .”The Duka d Bu M Dem ht olwn,

-idge water,

mm am nm mt m. and Robma y. Eafl d Oflord,meotifinator d the South Su Bnbble .

Duke of Kingston, who introduce d‘

hh M e dangbta , h dy Ha onkyMonmwhnmly e igiu ym oi¢ wme K itKatClnhhh m nmha ha nukmany fiomthe bmh md mthing hu be enhu rd of h for the h st

m u m am mw m amrw mmw a om mm,



C h i l d and Co.

mus t e ve r b e remembe re d w i th re fe rence to Child ’s . Onone occas ionwh ena rumour w as afloat

that a runw as about to be made onth e bank , sh e'

colle cte d as much gold as sh e could and broughti t downh e rse l f to Templ e Bar onth e ve rymorning the runwas to be made , so enabl ing the firmto

me e t al l demands uponthem.

Some pe ople say that she w rote a ch e que uponth e Bank of England for but that i s

probably an e xagge rate d s tatement, as no entry of such a transact ion can be trace d . I t poss iblymay be ane vent that took place much afte r th e one jus t d e scribe d

,or i t may b e anothe r account of

the same e vent.Inthe His tory of the Bank of England , M r. JohnFrancis, who quote s I re land as h i s authority

for th e ane cdote , give s th e fol low ing account of th e run , or push ,”as i t was thencal le d , made upon

Child’s by th e BankH e [Ire land]said h e re ce ive d i t froman authority not to be doubte d ; and i t i s , i f true ,

curious ly illus trat ive of th e e vil spi r i t wh ich, only a century ago, influence d publ ic bodie s . I t i s

probably a partial s tatement.A bout 1 745 th e pract ice of banke rs was to de live r, in e xchange for mone y depos i te d, an

accountabl e re ce ipt, which the y ci rculate d like a mode rn che que . Bank note s w e re then at a

discount and the Bank of England, j ealous of Child’s reputat ion, s e cre tly col le cte d th e re ce ipts ofthe ir ri vals , de te rmined, w henthe y had procure d a ve ry large numbe r, suddenly to demandmone y forthem,

hoping that Chi ld’

s would not be abl e tome e t the i r l iabil it ie s . Fortunate ly for th e latte r, the y

gotscent of th is plot, and, in gre at alarm,appl ie d to th e ce le brate d Duche ss of Marlborough , w ho

gave thema s ingle che que of onthe i r opponents .

Thus arme d, Chi ld’s wai te d th e arrival of th e enemy. I t w as arrange d that th is bus ine ss shoul dbe transacte d by one of th e partne rs, and that a confidential cle rk, ona given s ignal , should proce e dw i th all spe e d to the Bank to get th e che que cashe d. A t las t a cle rk fromth e Bank of Englandappe are d w i th a ful l bag and demande d mone y for a large numbe r of re ce ipts . Th e partne r wascalle d, who de s i re d himto pre sent thems ingly.

“ The s ignal was given th e confidential cle rk hurr ie d on h i s miss ion th e partne r w as ve ryde l ibe rate in h is movements and

,long b e fore h e had takenanaccount of all th e re ce ipts , h is

emissary re turne d w i th and the w hole amount of or was paid byChild’s , inBank of England note s . Inaddi tionto th e triumph of th is manoeuvre , Child’s mus t havemade a large sum

, frombank pape r be ing ata cons ide rabl e discount .”

M r. Francis cons ide rs i t i s mos t difli cultof be l ie f that any body of honourable mencould actsod isgrace ful a part. I t migh t probably have arisenoutof a spi r it of pique and re venge as in th e

ye ar 1 707 , w hen th e Pre tende r was e xpe cte d to invade England fromFrance w he re h e had madee xtens ive preparat ions , th e pe ople be came ve ry e xcite d , and th e demand for gold was ve ry gre at .The re sul t was, that a large sumwas draine d outof th e Bank o f England and out of th e hands ofth e goldsmiths.This was cons ide re d anopportuni ty for two goldsmi ths and banke rs tomake a joint runupon

th e Bank of England . The y w e re no le ss pe rsonage s than Sir R. Hoare and Sir Francis Child .

One of th emhad col le cte d bank bi lls to the value of and the othe r l ike w ise a large sumand the y demande d payment onpre sentat ion. This demand place d th e Bank in awkward ci rcums tance s but inthe end the y came outve ry w e ll

,as th e Que eninforme d the dire ctors that sh e would

al low 6 pe r cent inte re s t for the i r seale d bi lls for s ixmonths.Inadditionto th is , many of th e weal thy nob il i ty advance d large sums to th e Bank and sub

s e quently a cal l of 20 pe r cent . was made onthe proprie tors .Amongs t the many inte re s ting autographs in the colle ct ionof th e firm

,th e fol low ing may be

particularize dNe l l Gwynne .

Titus Oate s (as anendorsement to a che que of th e Duke of Bol ton).


Ch i ld and Co.

Anane cdote is al so told by one of th e cus tome rs of th e bank that, rathe r more than hal f a

century ago, hi s grandfathe r, hav ing a cons ide rabl e sumofmone y, was anxious tome e t w i th a London

banke r to take charge of it. With that v ie w h e took a journe y to Londonand vis i te d se ve ral

banke rs , w homhe consul te d as to th e te rms uponw hich the y w ould take h is mone y. Th e banke rs

anxious to accommodate h im, one said h e w oul d al low h im 2 pe r cent. ; anothe r said 3 pe r

cent. 5 w hile a th ird he s i tate d as to w hat h e would do. A t las t h e w ent to Child’

s— whe re he state d

h i s bus ine ss , and aske d w hat inte re s t the y w ould allow upon so large a sumof mone y. Th e repl y

was“ We shall b e happy to take charge of yourmone y, butw e w i l l notgive you any inte re s t for it.

This answe r appe are d so to grat ify and sat isfy th e old gentleman that h e e xclaime d , “

Then th is i s

th e place forme and h e the re uponopene d h i s account. H i s de scendants s ti l l bank w i th th e firm

but Me ss rs .Child and Co.

have givenup the ir old practice of not al low ing inte re s t for mone y on

depos i t.The fol low ing have be enth e various change s inth e firms ince th e t ime of Blanchard and Child,

th e succe ssors of Will iamWhe e le r and SonRobe rt Blanchard d ie d in June , 1 68 1 and in July of th e same ye ar Francis Child took John

Roge rs into partne rship w i th h im,and the firmcont inue d for some ye ars unde r th e style of Child

and Roge rs .

Sir Franc is Child die d in1 7 1 3 , whenth e firmcons is te d of Robe rt Child, Francis Child, Henry

Roge rs , and Henry Morse , unde r th e s tyle of Sir Robe rt Child and Co. S ir Robe rt Child died in

1 72 1 ; th e firmthen cons is t ing of Francis Child , Samue l Child , H enry Roge rs , Henry Morse , and

JohnMorse , unde r the s tyle of Francis Child , Esq. , and Co. H enry Roge rs die d onMarch 1 0,

1 736 upon w hich the firmcompr is e d Sir Francis Child, Samue l Ch ild, JohnMorse , and Barne byBackw e ll. Sir Francis Child d ie d in 1 740 ; th e firmthenbe came s tyle d Samue l Child , Esq. ,


Co . , cons is ting of Samue l Child, Barneby Backw e l l, and Will iamBackw e l l, grandsons of A lde rman

Edward Backw e l l . Samue l Child d ie d in 1 752, w hen th e firmw as compos e d of M rs . A gatha

Child, Barne by Backw e l l, Will iamBackw e l l, and Thomas De von, unde r the s tyle of Chi lds and

Backw e lls .

Barne by Backwe l l d ied inOctobe r, 1 754, and John Fludd be came junior partne r. In 1 756

Will iamBackw e l l re tire d , and th e fi rmcons is te d of A gatha Child , Francis Child (h e r son), ThomasDe von, and JohnFludd . The lat te r d i e d in 1 760, and th e fol low ing change occurre d inth e firmA gatha Child , Francis Child, Robe rt Ch ild, Thomas De von, and Robe rt Love lace , unde r th e s tyle

of Fl ancis Child, Esq. , and Co.

In1 763 both M rs . Child and Francis Chi ld die d , whenth e s tyle of the firmbecame Robe rt Child ,Esq, and Co . , cons is t ing of Robe rt Child

,Thomas De von, Robe rt Love lace , Robe rt D ent, and

JohnChurch .0

Robe rt Child d ie d July 28, 1 782 , whenth e firmcons is te d of M rs . Sarah Child (w idow), Robe rtLove lace , Robe rt Dent, JohnChurch, and JohnK eysall, trading unde r th e s tyle of Me ssrs . Childand Co.

In 1 786 th e firmcons is te d of the follow ing partne rs -M rs . Sarah Child , Robe rt Dent, John

Church, JohnK eysall, JohnEdgar, and JohnWormald .

In 1 788 JohnChurch d ie d ; and two ye ars afte r Will iamDonaldson, w ho had be ena cle rk at

Sir C . A sgill and Co .

’s, w as admi tte d into the firm.

In 1 791 M rs . Sarah Child marrie d Lord Ducie . She die d in 1 793 ; and in 1 795 JohnDentbecame junior partne r. In1 798 th e firmconsis te d of Robe rt Dent, JohnK e ysall , WilliamDonald5011 , JohnDent, and JohnWormald, junior. M r. Wormald

,senior, had re t ire d the ye ar be fore .

b ecome due , re ce ive d payment for one of th emfor£10 ata house inPiccadi l l y ; afte r w hich h e w ent to anothe r housefor the l ike purpos e , whenonexamining h is pocke t bdok , h e misse d a note for£50. H e immed iate l y hurri e d aw ay toste p payment, butw as too late , amanhaving, about half anhour be fore , re ce ive d payment of it all incash, h e abso lute lyre fus ing to acce pt any pape r ; and , w hat is remarkab le , s igne d th e rece ipt w ith the name of the gentlemanfromw homthe cle rk had re ce ive d the payment of th e


lohn-Deng whbm of aWestmorehnd fimfly, introduced the dog ug wh ich ws s passed underPitt. m this circmstanoe he m nniversally knowns s

‘tDog Dent."H e rreqnently reoe ived

W M M y pmhhed fi t s kgs phm u’mgmm md pu fi dge fi ngx d c ,

bmimariahly fil led with dw d lop .

Harry Smith entered the firminwoo ; snd in 1 805Robe tt Dentsnd WilliamDonaldsondi ed,the firmmenhdng johnxeyd johnDeng Johnm M d any Smith . OnMarch g

l ohnKeyu UR dred md Sanh Sopt M Cmtes of jm ywbecsme hu d panna In1808 1he 61mm represente d by the Connte ss of jeney, JohnDent, JohnWormald, HarrySmith ,Willia uIler, snd ]nme s Wood . Harry Smith d ied in 1 81 7 3 3nd intbe year follow ing lohnl i ster bwnme junior ps rtnet.

johnDentdi ed 1nDeoembet, 1 816 ; and inMarch, 1 827, Wi lliamShepherd and Ralph Addison

In 1 835 JohnWormld di ed,partner. lnthe tonow ing ya t johnBron wu sdmiM snd inwy WiuiamH enqith ; whenthe finnm the Counte s s ol h u ey, Wi lliamFulle r, Ralph Add ison, Will iamWhe lan, JohnBrown,and WilliamHenry Smith. Wi llim Whe lsnwas the lu tto wear powder. M1 . Wormnld, who di edin1 83s, wove a short htownpigni i w ig. M th is time me pumers and senior e le rks wore kne ebreecheg shoa snd bnckleg blne cmu w ith hrsu hnuommd wh ite ne ck-clotha ‘ Whenthey wentout they wore p ita

's w top boou In 1 840 W1ll ismWhe lsnreti1e d, snd Ralph Add isondie d,

d ohnWamnld bemme jnnior partne r. ln 1 842 W1'

llis 1nFnlle r retired, and in 1 843 johnBrowndi ed ; the bnfine ss wu thencnni e d onby the C01mtess ol Jeney,mmamH enry Smith,Johnwomi id, Will iamWood, and johnGopp. The 1amdie d in 1 848, and W i lliamWoodre tired in 1 849 ; nnd inumh o{ 1hat yee iIfim Shephe 1d. George Add ison, d d

Robinsonbeame ps rtnen. la tn nSmhh redM sod in1 86o'


homas H iraum admitted junior p rtne f . hh . She pha d died in1 86 3 , snd A lfred Mortime r wu sdmittcd to the51 111 . ln1 866 M1 . Frw die d. and Fre de 1ick WillismPrice beame h1mmpannenThe Connte ss ot

Jeut-y died onjnnw y sfi 1 867,md hi r. Mortime r retired inthe course of the

m m, whenCharle s Thow ld e filled the m nt ph ce . ln1 868 1he firmoonsisted of the

Addison, Edw111dRohhm f reda k h Wflhm Pricg and Chzfle s Thmld Fme . In1 87s the Hon F. W. C . V illiers

M M Gea ge Addbonnfired ; whmuponthe Efl l d jw y he ame head panna , d obenHughe s l

’otte r junior pnrtner.

yw johnWmu ld d ie i nnd Edward Prichard Enns bemme jnnior partna ; md inuarch, 1 875,Frede rick U td e ixales wns ndmitte d into the firm.

1 11 1 883 E P. Evans 1etired, snd Ge ovge Gnnningm admi tte d into the partne rship. In1 886

k fl Pm nfiM md inimFre da ick Gea ge H iltonPrice hecame s pu tne r ; F . U fi le hales

M M George nea hwoodm sdmitted into thc firm.

died, and in1 889 ]ohnflall be enme junior pu tner. Thns in1 890 1he bos ineu is mrrie d onby thenewesentatives ol the k ightH onomble Samh

nndexthe old style of Child snd Co.

Chi ld (Steph en) and Co. , 1 7 1 3. (Se e Wi tus . )

Goldsmith, 1 457.


C h urch i l l , M n,A goldsmith, near the Middle Exchange inth e Strand , adve rt i s e d inM ay, 1 676, offenng a reward

for some j e w e ls that had be en s tolen. H e i s probably the same man. who appe ars in the “ Litt le

LondonD ire ctory ” of 1 677 as a goldsmi th ke eping running—cashe s inth e Strand .

C i ty Bank (L imite d),5, Threadne e dle .

Stre e t, was e s tabl ishe d in 1 855. The paid-up capi tal 15 W i th a

re se rve fund of 25 The re are tenbranch e s inLondon.

C ity and County Bank .

Es tabl ishe d at33 , A bchurch Lane , about 1 872 . Stoppe d payment inMay, 1 875.

C lark , Franci s ,In1 693 was ne ar St. Dunstan

’s Church

,Fle e t Stre e t.

C lay, R i ch ard, 1 623— 38,A goldsmi th inChe aps ide . The Calendar of State Pape rs, 1 63 7

- 8,contains a pe t it ionof th i s

goldsmith to the King.

C layton, D avi d,

Goldsmi th , was atth e GoldenUnicorn, inChe aps ide , in1 703 .

Cl e aring Hou s e .

Th e sys temof cle aring, as first adopte d, was ce rtainly primi t ive and unsafe . M r. Law sonsaysThe cle rks of the various banking-house s use d to pe rformth e ope rat ionof e xchange s atth e corne rs

of s tre e ts and onthe top of a pos t the y thenme tby appointment ata publ ic-house 3 but, fromth e

inse curity of the se arrangements , it was at last thought advisable that th e principal City banke rs shouldrent a house near the Pos t-ofii ce inLombard Stre e t. This house w as cal le d the C le aring House ,

To i t banke rs s end all the ir b ills , che que s, e tc. , which have be enpaid in s ince the cle aring of th e

pre vious day.

”Inthe “ Grasshoppe r,

”M r. I. B. Martinsays that for clearing the y ve ry oftenre sorte d

to a bank ing-hous e , wh ich had a large re ce ss inthe w indow , w hich the y found convenient ; but thehouse inque s t ionfound it to be jus t th e oppos ite , and th e noise made such a hindrance to bus ine s sthat, as i t is said, the y w e re oftensummari ly turne d out. This le d to a house b e ing takenin1 8 1 0 .

M r. Martin th inks i t qui te poss ible that th e Grasshoppe r was th e rende zvous re fe rre d to but

anentry in1 773 ,“ Quarte rly charge for use of cle aring- room,

1 9s . give s an earl ie r date to its

e s tablishment.I have obs e rve d that inth e mi ddle of the s evente enth century i t w as th e practice of goldsmiths to

ke ep running accounts w i th e ach othe r, for th e convenience of be ing able to transfe rmone y fromthe i rre spe ctive accounts to those of othe rs, as d ire cte d by the ir cus tome rs having cash accounts w ith suchgoldsmi ths or banke rs . Thus ane arly sys temof cle aring was e s tabl ishe d

, w hich has s ince becomesuch a vas t and important e lement inthe banke r’s bus ine s s .

Inthe ledge rs of A lde rmanEdward Backw e ll (inth e pos se ss ionof M essrs . Child and Co . ) cove ring . the ye ars 1 663 and 1 672 , and inthe e arly books of Me s s rs . Blanchard and Child of th e samepe riod ,may b e se enaccounts te s t ifying to th e pre valence of th is cus tomamongmos t of th e principalgoldsmi ths of that t ime .

InMe ssrs . Child and Co.

’s cle aring books for about the ye ar 1 753 , I have notice d that banke rs

cle rks , call ing to col le ct the various che que s the y had uponth e hous e , w e re occas ional ly paid byche que s or cash note s that Me s srs . Child chanced to have upon such banke rs inpart payment, theremainde r be ing s e ttle d for by a cash-note or coin. For ins tance , suppos e that Me ssrs . MartinandCo. had a charge of 500 uponChild and Co.

— Child’s happening to have drafts onMartinto. th e

cu z— coc] LONDON BANKEKs .

m a fi d fi soqthe nlkd ed wmdd ake mchmmme hahnu woumu paid hy hanknotes or coin.

The ptesentsystemd the d u ringflonsefi s mthnprovement. H ere every hanlter, whomtheemmiue e d bankm sp e e w m ive h w me hm hn s ded initwhh hns mme sflixed ; 1ndda h homthe miomhmkenwme infiomdme w fimqwhenthe house h openfa bus inennndde liver all the cbeqnes they have 1ece i ved sin0e th e previous day to the de sks otthe se veml bankers

the ofigind cmse d cheqnqs pnctice now gena flly sdopud u s w cnnty sgainst fimd The

onthe Bank d Englmd ; sflthe da e ing banken hu pingm sw onntwhh mst inu imdon . On

Mt inand Ca intormed me that theymdved the m snd pnid the omermjd y g tmBd oce l h y u , 1 854, 1he d eu ing ws s settled by hsnk note s ; for which pnrpose sn sverage

m md £zoqooo wa reqnhe d w sdju hsmnncfionst -nh m dmiue d w thema fingflm onjune g rsscmmmm bmw ed bym im d eqd w nnqm w the hmhh g e ommunity,mmd y,

the estnblishmentol the Country Clenring Hous e onNovember n, 1 8s8 ; s o underuking devised bySir lohnlabboch fiart.nem iog hody ol this honse is u under

k C L BennBsq, Chs irmn.lm m m,mw ty €hs imsn.

qe Du hysht sq. . Chid inspector.John lnqnctot.

Honey“ . Dy hh wflh dsted Se ptemha rfi u sqhe de sired w be buried whmGod shd l ordain.Dyme m hsmw t afin lu ving w u inmpeny w hh m johmhe du imd the mmainda w

be sold nnd pot intmstfmthe good of his soclmd the mls of hh ti ldn. his h te w ifqh is father snd

0115. and Cc. , 1 759. (Se e Wanna . )

Were at4. Wh itehal l, from1 81 5-48. in1 846 the name s of the partners were George Cockbum

Oockg Bi ddd ph m o,

Of sgmmgm hnve hi formedme du tthey stamd inbns inm s bout 1 7501 The firmthencons isted of fnnci s mddulph, 11me s Cocb , snd 1 h omas Somers Cocks. The ir name s do notsppeat inthe listof hsnhm be fore the yw 1 763, whenw e find ths tBiddulph snd Cocks were at

Inthe follow ing year the name ol ceorge k idge is metwith oncash-notes , signing for the firm.

ML Ridge hsd [ormerly he ennnumyngeng snd hi s ancestor had beenPaymste f —Geneml to the

Pndhmentary army,md suhsequently he bemme mmyngent. The ironch e st inwh ich he kept

hh mh for the soldienis still inthe posses ionof the hmk. ln1 776 1he fim1 was Biddnlph, Cocks ,

40 LONDON BANKEKS. [coc— coc

Cock s , Bi d dulph , and CQEl iot

, and Prae d (M r. El iot afte rwards be came Lord St. Ge rmans) and in1 785 the y took M r. R idgeinto par tne rsh ip.

Inthe l is t of 1 792 two of the membe rs had le ft th e firm, and th e s tyle be came Biddulph , Cocks ,and Ridge

,w h ich continue d unt il 1 820, w henth e s tyle change d , and i t be came Cocks , Cocks , R idge ,

and Biddulph. From 1 827 unti l 1 845 i t was Cocks and Biddulph afte rwards i t be came Cocks ,Biddulph, and Co.

In1 860 i t was Biddulph , Cocks , and Co. ,and that cont inue d to be th e s tyle of the firmunt i l

1 865, wheni t re ve rte d to Cocks, Biddulph , and Co. , wh ich i s its pre sent de s ignat ion.

Amongs t the ir e arl ie s t accounts w e re JohnBe rw ick, of th e Old Banig, Worce s te r, and Bras enoseColle ge , Oxford ; both of wh ich connect ions are ke pt up to the pre sent day. The pre s ent premis e sw e re buil t in The firmcons is ts of th e fol low ing partne rs

Re ginald Th i stlethwayte Cocks .Michae l Biddulph .

Ge orge Tournay Biddulph .

Thomas Some rs Ve rnonCocks .

Codd and Co.,

Banke rs and navy agents , of CravenStre e t, Strand. The ir bank ing bus ine ss was transfe rre d to

M e ssrs . Cocks , Biddulph , and Co. , May 1,1 886.

Coggin, Henry ,Late Control le r of the Mint, had four ingots of s i lve r be longing to th e late King, brought to the

Mint by Fos te r, a goldsmith of Lombard Stre e t, Novembe r 9, 1 649 (“ Books of Comm“ for

th e advance ofmone y

Coggs , John,Was a goldsmi th ke eping running-cashe s, according to th e Little LondonD i re ctory publ ishe d in

1 677, atth e King’

s He ad, inthe Strand. H e e vidently had be eninbus ine ss long be fore th is, as h ekept anaccount w ith Blanchard and Child for purpos e s of cle aring, as e arly as 1 664, which accounti s he ade d Brothe r Coggs .

I have se enh i s s ignature onthe backs of drafts as e arly. as 1 685— 87. The fol lowing draft, of

wh ich I submit a copy, i s date d London, A ugus t 1 8, 1 685

I pray the be are r he re of, M r. JOhnCogs , goldsmi th , th e sumof foure te ene pounds , and put i tonth e account of Dr. Edward Chambe rlayne .

For Capt. Child Goldsmi th,Temple Bar.

In1 696 w e hnd that Coggs had a partne r, Charle s Hol low ay, and that JohnDann s igne d forthem.

The follow ing inte re s t ing adve rtisement appeare d inthe LondonGazette of july 6, 1 696, and give sa (late for the commencement of that grand ins ti tut ion

,Greenw ich Hospi tal

The Tre asure r of Gre enw i ch Hospi tal for Se amen, having appointe d M r. Cog’s agains t St.Clement

s Qhurch mthe Strand and M r. Nathanie l Hornby’

s inLombard Stre e t, goldsmi th s, to beplace s of h i s .re ce 1pt A ll Pe rsons w ho have subscribe d the re to, are de s i re d to pay in the i r mone y ;th e Foundat ions of the Bui lding be ing begunth e 3oth pas t inth e pre sence of the Commis s ione rs,and many hands atw ork .

Uponanothe r draft drawnin1 707 by Laurence Hyde , Earl of Roche s te r, infavour of th e EarlD e lorame , the fol low ing endors ement occurs

Witne ss Wm. Wi lson, t’

or M e ssrs . Coggs and Dann.


Thns itwill he se enthatl lr. Cog s had takens pnrtne t atthis period. 1 708 is the lastyeu inwhi e h Ihsve be ensble to find the name nponsny document.Th e fonowing intaw ing lenu , which h inthe poua aionom Clfild d 0 , was sddressed

to H enry Mone (one o( 1he partners inthatbe fore the days of pnw bookg we re inthe habitotcall ing atthe ir bankers

’to che ck the ir soconnts, “

foototwhich theymbsczihe d the irnsme s whh Itis ot‘

fi'equentoocurrenoeinthe ledgenot


uesas . Ch i ld snd Co.

“ Sm. Marsmns“ I love to go oninold fortne s it


the re be no msons uf oonsequenoe to y‘oontrary, and

tha d ore I send ymrwfifing thatwu sflnye s pmmr footol r scconnu betw e enMr. Coggs snd Iwhenthqwm pu ed fot nay hflfe yw u mmmd w this w i dng ur. 0mnand I sett our

“ I ain

friend to serve youLircnrmo.

t mt fld M u d Efi M nhe M o‘h la bmhanked whh thm,

to hh . Cntfmd, des iring himto payMr. Joh Cow M d W h Haa‘ the Eu i d Afla bury the m d three hundre d

mw m w w mmm w ‘mam’ — “ L0stonthe dsy d fla hlaju de s Cm iomma a e sminster M a diunond stomsch er with nm d me dhmonds downthe middlqwith knou of mmnm dhmmds onmh s id e g inthe

settingthe ir he ing s jointbetw ixt es e h knot. They we re s ll set ins ilvernnd sew ed onhlach ribbon,s lso s h rge mse dismondminsi lm snd fi stened to s hodltin. Whoever brings themto Me ssrs .

fos the swm he r snd so guineu lor the h rge stone .

Mam Cow and Dana M end s o w ing d a editonwas a lled onjanuaryI hu e seennnsccount in the

Estate ol johnCoggs d ohnDsnmmBsnkers inthe Susnd ”Intlut ye e r s dividend ot

p u inthemnnd m pnu the tmste e s be ing the k t. H on* JohnTylney, Esq. . 0om1nonly calle dLos sstlemain; Peter Walte r, Chs rle s Co1npton, Edward Coni pton, WilliamGranvi lle , and W ill iam

Goldsmith, 1576, ol the pu ish ot'

St. MaryWoolnoth.

Goldsmith, circa 1 483 . H e attende d the Mayor to Wes tminster 111 the coronationof Richard III .

Goldsmi th, atthe Anchor, inFle etStte et, 1694

The e sfliestdste stwhich snymentionummamnmof jm Colebmohe snd Ca , bsnke rs,is 1 706, whenthe irnsme is found uponanold w h-no te .

It y, 1 7zo, they sdvertised thus inthe h ndon6a d k :“

James Colebroohe snd Co. be ing in


Col e b rook e and Co.

pos s e ss ion of cons ide rabl e parce ls of Re ve rs ionary Annui t ie s onth e 1 4 pe r cent . and £3 700 pe rw e e k, give not ice the y are ready to tre at w i th th e nomine e s or Propr ie tors oi


th e orde rs for l i fe , i tbe ing the mutual inte re s t of both to have themjoine d toge the r. Jame s Cole brooke was cal le d a

scrivene r in 1 722 .

The y appe ar inthe LondonD i re ctory of 1 736 as Colebrooke,Rooke , and Harve y, be h ind the

Royal Exchange and , inanothe r l is t, as ne ar th e Antw e rp Tave rn, Thre adne e dle Stre e t. In 1 740

the s tyle of th e firmbe came Cole brooke and Ligh tfoot ; and in 1 743 i t w as Sir Jame s Col ebrooke ,Bart, and Co. In1 756 a cus tome r’s s ignature i s w itne s se d byW. Binns for Jame s Cole brooke , Esq. ,and Co.

‘ In 1 77 1 the D i re ctory show s furthe r change s ; th e firm s tanding as Sir Ge orge Colebrooke , Le s s ingham, and Binns . The lat te r had be enthe i r cle rk, and th e ir hous e w as thennumbe re d62

, Thre adne e d le Stre e t, wh ich in 1 778 was taken by Pre scott, Grote , and Co. The y s toppe d

payment March 3 1 , 1 773 .

OnM ay 4, 1 773 , w e le arnfromth e Annual Re gis te r A t a me e t ing of th e cre ditors"

of SirG e orge Cole brooke , the trus te e s , who ata forme rme e ting w e re appointe d to enqui re into th e e s tateand efl


e cts of that gent leman, made the i r report, by w hich it appe are d, that th e balance in favour ofSirGe orge was that fromthat balance th e trus te e s had thought prope r to w rite ofi


£ 1 20,000

onaccount of Sir Ge orge’

s engagements for h is brothe r- in—law ,M r. Gilbe rt, and w h ich had

be ense ttle d onLady Cole brooke and h e r'

family, wh ich re duce d the balance to be s ide s

th e e ventual chance of th e Chilhame s tate inKent ; that notw i ths tand ing this balance , by re asonof

th e diff use s tate of Sir Ge orge ’s efl’

e cts , i t mus t be ne ar two ye ars and a hal f be fore th e cre d i torscould be paid the ir principal and inte re s t but that 75. inthe pound shoul d be advance d w i thinth e

space of two months . With this promis ing s tate of Sir Ge orge ’s affairs th e cre ditors s e eme d w e l l

sati sfie d and i t was propose d by some gentlemenpre sent, that Sir Ge orge should again re sume th e

banking bus ine ss w i th h i s old partne rs ; but othe rs w e re of opinion that i t would be prope r to

associate a new partne r, w ho w ould have aninte re s t inke eping th e old debts dis t inct .A gain, onApril 24 : Ele venpicture s sold atSir Ge orge Colebrooke

s sale forne ar 2000. The

two capital w e re the vie w of N imeguen, 304 Card inal Tri e st, 24 1

001101, N i ch olas ,

Goldsmith, 1 635— 84, of th e parish of St. Mary Woolnoth .

Coll i e r, John.

Noth ing i s knownof h imfurthe r thanthat h e was one of those unfortunate goldsmi ths who hadmone y inth e Exche que r w hen i t w as shut up by Charle s I I . on January 2 , 1 672 . I t i s re corde dthat h e los t th e sum of 1 784 61 . 4d . , for w hich h e re ce ive d a bond fromth e King agre e ingto pay 1 07 1 1 . 1 d . per annumas inte re s t.

Col l i e r,Th omas ,

Goldsmi th,1 635

— 60, of th e parish of St. Mary Woolnoth .

Coll ins , John,Goldsmith, ci rca 1 580, of th e pari sh of St. Mary Woolnoth .

Colt, John,Goldsmi th

,1 600— 1 5, of th e parish of St. Mary Woolnoth .

Colvi l l , John,Was a goldsmith inLombard Stre e t, some ye ars prior to the Gre at Fire . H e was the younge s t son

f M e ssrs . Sir Ge orge Col e brooke , Bart and Co. , w e re l ike w is e banke rs in1 765atSt. M ary’s Abbe y, Dub l in.

Sl l‘ Ge orge Colebrooke , Bath , repre sented Arunde l inParl iament in1 768.


Cons ol i date d'

Bank (L imite d ),52, Thre adne e dle Stre e t, w as e s tabl ishe d in1 863 . I t has a branch inWe s t Strand and inM an

che s te r. Its paid-up capi tal i s and th e re se rve fund amounts to This bank

has absorbe d th e old private banks of Me ssrs . Hanke ys, and M e ssrs . He ywood , Kennard, and Co.

and i t l ike w ise took ove r the bus ine s s of th e Bank of London, w hentha t bank fai le d in1 866 butth e

Consol idate d Bank , notbe ing qui te s trong enough then, w as pul le d downby it, and suspende d payment for a short t ime . Inabout a fortnight, how e ve r, i t re sume d ope rat ions .

Cook and Cary .

Thomas Cook and N icholas Cary w e re goldsmiths ke eping running-cashe s at the Griflfin, in

Exchange A l le y, in1 677 . I have s e enthe i r name s fre quent ly be tw e enthat date and 1 683 as paying

into accounts w i th B lanchard and Child .

Cook e,Franci s ,

Goldsmith , circa 1 67 1 , of St. johnZachary.

Cook e and Gurne y ,Goldsmi ths and plate -worke rs, 1 733 , atth e GoldenCup , Fos te r Lane .

Cook e,Samue l , and Ste ph enV enabl e s ,

Banke rs inLombard Stre e t . We find one Samue l Venable s de scribe d as a goldsmi th in 1 690.

Th e ne xt re cord i s th e follow ing announcement inthe l ondonGazette of July 1 2,1 720 The Pe rson

posse ss e d of th e re ve rs ionafte r the l ife of Margare t Sope r, inth e 1 4 per cent . No . 5573 , and w i l l s e l lit, or buyhe r l ife , or any pe rsonthat hath lost a pe rmit of £4000 inM r. Stogdon

s Gene ral remi ttance ,e tc. ,

le t themapply to M 1 . Will is atMe ssrs . Cooke and Venable s , Banke rs , inLombard Stre e t, andde scribe th e Pe rmi t and pay this charge may have i t again.

” We may assume that spe culat ioninth eSouth Sea Bubble was toomuch for them, as we find the y fai le d Decembe r 1 9, 1 72 1 .

Coope r, Gi s s ingh am(Oftenspe lt Gifli inghaminth e dire ctorie s), a goldsmi th and banke r in th e Strand

,.at th e corne r

of A runde l Stre e t . Th e e arl ie s t date that I canme e t w i th i s 1 735, w henh is name appe ars as anendorsement to a draft . I have s e eni t onothe rs up to 1 761 , inwhich ye ar one i s endorse d Payth e contents to M r. Gism Coope r, Banke r, inth e Strand .

” H i s name appears for th e las t time ina

l ist of banke rs publishe d in 1 768.

Coope r, Robe rt,Was a goldsmith at


th e GoldenLyon, at the corne r of A runde l Stre e t inth e Strand , as w e le arnfromth e LondonGaze /fe of M ay 28

, 1 694. H e w as probably succe e de d inh i s bus ine ss byth e above .

Coote , H enry,Goldsmith of the She ri ffs in1 490. H e buil t St. Dunstan’s Chape l in Fos te r Lane , and d ie d

in 1 509.

Comew al l and Co .,1 774} (Se e Dmsmm. )


Goldsmi th . H e die d 1 509, and was burie d inth e church of St. Fos te r, Fos te r Lane .

Courth opp, G e orge ,Goldsmi th , ci rca 1 661

, of St. Clement Dane s .

con] LONDON BANKEK s . 45

Goifimith, 1 559, inLombard Street.

The vidd y hnovnbanking-house of M ems . Couus and Ca m originany established by s

M d the m e of cmge uiddm wbo kepi s shop a t Marfin’s ut t Martin'slane . mmm d thi s goidsmith occms inmsboutwgz , whenhe had s pum« of the

name d johnCsmpbefl. Thas inthatw esu s M iddietou d ampbe ll were o-nying onW h enumidsmithsmd bmkmJohnampuum stme flmootmh me a Y-lmgu fa d Mu kcg inx693 . In

iM mfi va tBemmtwr wmcming b u dirmmcmqnhu w fi piymhfi .

“ Cmd g”u the Thm

Crowns . We d so se e by the b adoncosd k that he m thm iniw and noz . Whenhe le ftSLMnfin’s Ltne ésnnfl m be mmine d ; h might hs v¢ beena fcv ym w fien lt is interestingw ph ce nponnoofl onthe nmc u thoritynhstm a the fla om , a mhamYu¢ inthe Smd ; thmpmving ths t thatm the signol the homc bd ore w ddi etou or Csmpbenmoved to it.M aha a dynme d mbm a podng s fi sw h w be fomd inthe fonofi ngmm g

vhich appa red inthe b d n GM o‘Febmu ynwfii o inthe momingmgcntlewommsteptins hsckney

brought a note

vfluqmd sboothalf snbms sfiu wu ds the u id £ i oom paid hy the Bank to s vomanz l i’ sny

my he recov h pe-nonshall tw civc fi‘omh h. Campbell £4o u s mu d. ” Th is is certainly

one ol'

the w iie st inmnoes of s fu ud he ing perpeua ed upons hankexby s we lI-drcs sed womm.

A very cufiomsdvemm u thst sppa red ine ve ckly pspe r called M Brdh k Apollo forMa d g nu y unu foflmu

“ This day suhs cfipdons m uken innponflinh md Mnniagcg fl the’


hre e Cmvng nextDutham-Yttd inthe SM fmw kg snd Senants 3monUu opons divi dmd. Likewi se subscripfiommukeninoponmmiageg upona ch imfot amonth. Tmue es bcing cha cmand undcniablesemrity is giventocme performanoe ol the m Pmponlsm to he had stthe Ofi ce Gmtis . "The next ui vertisemcnt se ie cte d by tu is of s diflerent chmcm It sppeared inthe b ci ly

Comd of jsamry, 1 7 1 4 : “ To be soid s good btick honscwetc s tthe end of fi i e five fid ds goingto Che isa Appiy to George M iddlctontt the Thre emns ." Apart fromthe intcre stingnatureof the sdmmemeng ith ninswe u proving the fi ctthatcew gemddlctonm thm at thsttime ,he be ing the sole pu tncr. JohnCe d i ed ini 7n,md m burie d inSLPaul ’s Churchyard,CovemGardm; d w rge M id wbol efi u his w k cmm ,mu ded Campbe lLHu sistu Eiimbcthmrried johnPa grimsnd M iddletontook Ceorge Campbe ll into panncrship.lthas bcenmy good fomme to see s lnge nnmba of old cssh-note s and drafts of M esm Child

and Ca M we en1 7o6 tod 1 748) benring endmements of this firm; some of vhich show the snto

mpbs oIGe Ofge Campben(msny of themwitnu w d by Dafi d Bmcc, wbo sflcrwards m admitted

W 1 743 snd 1 74BCe orge M iddlctondied, d eorge Campbe ll associate d h imse lf inma ship ' ith hh ckth b avid Bmce , who had w itne sse d the signstumof customcrs for the pu t

In1 753 the bus ine ss sppeau to have be ensoicly inthe hands of George Campbe ll. About 1 755,howe ve r, he took Jame s Coutts into partnership.

H e hsd heu d e sh b tmml l iddlctonu d Csmyd Cmpbenmd Bmce , Gme Cmpbdl , Campbcumd


Coutts and CQ.

— cozzl i /med .

This Jame s Coutts w as th e sonof JohnCoutts , ame rchant of Edinburgh , who by h is industry and

pe rs eve rance be came Lord Provos t from1 742 to 1 744. H i s portrai t i s in th e poss e s s ionof the

Barone ss Burde tt Coutts , and in it h e i s de picte d inth e cos tume of th e t ime of Ge orge I I. H e had

four sons, John, Jame s, Patrick , and Thomas. The two forme r s tarte d bus ine ss inEdinburgh as

com factors, and had for partne r th e i r cous inStephen w hi le Patrick and Thomas , w i th ThomasStephen, came to Londonand s etup inJ e ffre y Square , St. Mary A xe .I t i s s tate d that , w henJame s Coutts came up ‘

to Londonona vis i t to h is brothe rs , he happene d

to me e t a Miss Pol ly Pe agrim, the nie ce of Ge orge Campbe l l , th e goldsmi th of St. Mart in’

s Lane

and that he fe l l inlove w i th h e r, and w as marrie d to h e r. Shortly afte r th is happy e vent h e was takeninto partne rsh ip byM r.

Campbe l l , and atthe same t ime h e re t ire d fromthe old bus ine ss inconnexion

w i th h i s brothe rs inLondonand Ed inburgh .

The firmnow be came Campbe l l and Coutts ; ahd the y carrie d onth e ir trade ne ar DurhamYard,inth e Strand .

Ge orge Campbe l l d ie d in 1 761 w he reupon Jame s Coutts took into partne rsh ip h i s brothe rThomas Coutts , who atonce gave up h i s conne xionw i th th e bus ine ss inSt. Mary A xe , and th e s tyle

of th e firmbe came Cout ts and Coutts .Thomas Coutts be ing the only one le ft to conduct th e bus ine ss inSt. Mary A xe , i t w as ent ire ly

givenup, uponh i s be coming a banke r. The Edinburgh branch , how e ve r , cont inue d to prospe r for

many ye ars . Eventual ly i t as sume d th e s tyle of SirWil l iamForbe s and Co.

, and finallyme rge d intoth e UnionBank of Scotland.

M r. Jame s Coutts, w ho in 1 768 repre s ente d Edinburgh City inParl iament, die d in 1 778. The

charge of the bank inth e Strand thende volve d uponh i s brothe r Thomas , w ho long surv ive d h im,and

be came one of th e first banke rs inLondon. How e ve r, h e ne ve r forgot Edinburgh, w hich h e occa

s ionally v is i te d and h e w as pre sente d w ith th e fre e domof that ci ty.A characte ris t ic ins tance both of h i s shre wdne ss and of h i s ente rprise i s givenby M r Martin

in h is “ Storie s of Banks and Banke rs ,”e xtracte d fromLaw son’s “ His tory of Banking. Inth e

e arly part of h is care e r, M r. Coutts , anx ious to s e cure th e cordial co—ope rat ionof th e h eads of the

various banking-house s inLondon, w as inthe hab i t of fre quently invit ing themto d inne r. Oh one

of the s e occas ions the manage r of a City bank , inre tail ing the new s of the day, accidental ly remarke dthat a ce rtainnoblemanhad appl ie d to h is 61 111 for a loanof and had be en re fus ed . M r.

Coutts l is tened , and said noth ing ; but th e moment h i s gue s ts had re t ire d, about teno’

clock inth ee vening, h e s tarte d oh

to th e house of th e noblemanmenti one d, and re que s te d the honour of aninte rv ie w w i th h is lordship th e ne xt day. Onthe follow ingmorning th e nobleman cal le d at th e bank .

M 1 . Coutts re ce ive d h imw i th th e gre ate s t pol itene ss , and , taking thirty one -thousand-pound note sfroma draw e r, pre s ente d themto h is lordsh ip

. The latte r, ve i'

y agre e ably surpris e d, e xclaime dButw hat se curity amI to give you ?

’ I shal l be sati sfie d w ith your lordship’

s note of hand ,’

w as

th e reply. This was instantly given, w i th th e remark, ‘ I find I shall only re quire for the pre sentI the re fore re turnyou w ith w hich you w i l l b e ple as e d to openanaccount in

my name . The gene rous — or,as i t maymore truly be cal le d , e xce e d ingly w e l l-calculated— act

of M r. Coutts was not los t uponth e nobleman who, inaddi tionto paying inw ithina fe w monthsto h i s account

, be ing th e produce of th e sale Of an e s tate , re commende d s e ve ral h igh

pe rsonage s to patroni ze th e Bank inth e Strand . Among some of the cus tome rs who did so patronizei t w as King Ge orge I I I .

,w ho cont inue d to ke ep h i s accounts the re , unt i l th e fol low ing incident took

place , as re corde d by M r. Law sonM r. Coutts had advance d to Sir Francis Burde tt tow ards th e e xpense s of h is e lect ion

for Middl e se x . Oh th is fact be coming knownto the King, h e s ent for M r. Coutts,and

,afte r sat is

fying himse lf of the real facts of the cas e , imme d iate ly w i thdre w h i s mone y fromthe bank, a cons ide rabl e portionof which h e place d inth e hand s of a banke r atWindsor, who, to th e great mortificationof the King, subse quently faile d, cons ide rably inh is Maj e s ty’s de bt.”


The anw coontwith Mr. Dmmmond , s t Charinn ss with whomh e

MmmConfls d a han inthe itpossa s ioamd d gtfine g caned “the lucky guinn,


vhen l m itm inthe he eping of the chicfmhia . lt has an intere stingmd cmious h iatorysttached to it. Itwould sppw thatold hl r. ThomnCoutts m s mnwhom negligentof attire ;end onone occs s ion, no le ss thsns Christms s Ds y, he chsnce d to be ins ts vem, 01 esting-house ,vhm he md s henevd entmdem vhqw od ud ing fivm“ n€oum'

s sppmmoe thu he nw dmne ed of s good dinner, ofiend hims gnine s . The profl


ere d gifi m mdi lyi aooe pted by the wa lthy

hmhu , vho pres erved itss s cmios ity ; md it is fimha mwd thatvr. 00utts u w tained the mmeol hh bene fsctor. snd invi 1ed himto his bm , wbe a he rehwd fire w oodooe to h imand his gue sts ,uming himthsthe should ke ep the gnim ss long ss he live d . Itsnhscquentlybeame the ptope rtyd me Dmhm d SLt vwow , snd n ha dm se itm h ptmthe banh where it hs s

be enem since pru ened. Another equs lly smnsing story is told othlnCoutts goiog to se e s milletinKent. Uponpu fing v ith tbe banhcrwthe milia a id “ Remmym is hsfl s crown foryou

to lnve s gh ss otalc.‘

Shoniy s fters s the ma Qme M the Suand mw e ML Cmms mi mmnymmgh m gru dy horfifie d

nhoding he vu the msnhe had trw ed n s m ant. HL Contmhom enbeg e d he would not

spologitqu he m vu ymud obfigcd w him H e had hsd the gh ss oqmd shonld ke ep the

Mr. Coutu vlw hsd hved u bscbeb r tormany ym mu fiedmkabeth Stu key. s mperi0tdm dc sa vsnt inhis hmther's service ; md by ha he hsd thru dsughmwhom cflled the“ Thre e Gnces. Th e e lde sh Smmmnied the Eu l oqi ldford ; the se eond, a ce s,marrie dthe Msxqum of Bute ; snd Sophh hh third sod yommdw ghm.msrried Sit c es dett.

H rs Coutta s li er be ing sninvalid form e ym died. Mr. Conttl thenmsrried l fi ss M e llon,the M ; snd ioxmme dmmqrm both muchmoyed byme unvonhyw d ddiculomnw ks

thatme pu sed uponthe ir union. Such o iticism, hoveve 1 , ismpposed to have strengthened the irmaiml s ttschmcnt, fonvhenML Coutts die d onFe hruu y u , 1 8: 3 , st the sdvmce d sge of 87, hek fi his vidw me vhd e d hk pmpa ty, smomfing w £9oqw o ; s mfi ciuu pmd oflhe mfidmhe nposed inhe r.MmCoutts s ftetwatds mnb d the Dshe of St A lhsns . Shg hov evetneserved to herse lnby

w hgemfimmgme w k mcol othes propeny ; md u ha da th she k fi fiu whole d hfl gru t

wa hh to Anget demme younge stdanghmof Sir Frmd s Bui de tg who vn tbe fsvourite grsnddaughter oe . Thoms s Coutts. This h dy thenmme d the sdditioml snmme d Coutts ; andsubsequenuy she m au ted s pe eress vhh the tifle ol Bsmn urdettC oum.

The pve sent hsnk'mg-honse , No. 1 768. 011 the site

of the old house . InCunninghun’ss

”“ Baadbooh of London, under the bu d o! “ Strand ,”the

follow ing psrtimhnof the house mgivenz—J ltconu ins m e good marble ch imney-piece s of thcCipriani sns conschool. The diningmomis hung w ith Chines e mbjecu onpspe r, sentto Conttsby Imd Msw tney, while onh


u embany to China inx79s-95. lnmother roomis s colle ction

ol pommts of d ie u dymeods of the ves hhy hanker,md udmg the ponmtof 01 Armsb ong, thepoeh by Sit joshns Reynolda fl i e strong roomos vanlu ol the housqwfll tepay anenda vour

to obtains sightol them. The ordet inwhich the place is kept is wondrous ."

l t' ould be exuune ly intete sting to se e s list of the many histoxia l and distinguished personsvho have frmntime to time kept ttie ir swmmts v ith th is hoose . Among themare included the

kings sndqueemof Eugland fromthe time ol George Il . downto Que enVictoria, and the nriousmembets of the pre senttoys! family ; the mys l familie s of France ;


th e Jacob ite Earl of N ithsdale,vho a caped fromthe Tow er onFe bruary s s, 1 71 5, d isgnised as s woman, inthe cloakmd hoodprovided for himbyhis hfl '

oic vi fe ; the firstDuke ol We ll ington; WiIlumPitt; 8i1 Thos Lawrence ;


Coutts and Co.

Sir Walte r Scott ; the Earl of Chatham and Lord Ge orge Gordon, the le ade r of th e ce le brate d N o

Pope ry riots , w h ich caus e d such gre at commot ioninand about the ye ar 1 780.

A fte r th e d e ath of Thomas Coutts, th e firmbe came knownby the fami l iar s tyle of Coutts and Co. ,

which i t re tains to' the pre sent day. We may add that Me ss rs . Coutts and Co. absorbe d th e banking

firms of Me ssrs . Davi sonand Co. in1 8 1 6, and of Hamme rs le y and Co. in 1 840 .

The firmatth e pre s ent t ime cons is ts of th e fol low ing partne rsHugh Lindsay Antrobus , Edmund Coulthurst, and th e H on. Henry Dudle y Ryde r (truste e s for

th e pe rsons inte re s te d unde r th e w il l of Harriot, late Duche ss of St. A lbans).Hugh Lindsay Antrobus .

H on. Henry Dudl e y Ryde r .

Robe rt RuthvenPym.

WilliamRol le Malcolm.

Lord A rchibald Campbe ll.Ge orge JohnM arjoribanks .

Rob e rt Lindsay Antrobus .

JohnHe rbe rt Dudle y Ryd e r.

Cox and C o.

The bus ine ss of th is hous e originate d in 1 758, whenM r. Richard Cox, w ho had be en for some

t ime s e cre tary to Lord Ligonie r, at that t ime Fie ld Marshal Commande r-i h -Chie f and Mas te r—Gene ralof the Ordnance , w as appointe d by h imagent to th e I stRe giment of FootGuards . M r. Cox’s officew as inA lbemarle Stre e t , whe re h e carrie d onh i s bus ine ss alone t i l l 1 765, inw h ich ye ar h e ente re dinto partne rsh ip w i th M r. Henry Drummond, when the y commence d the i r joint bus ine s s inCraig’sCourt und e r th e s tyle of Cox and Drummond .

InJuly, 1 772, M r. D rummond l e ft th e bus ine s s to joinDrummond’s Bank, and was succe e de dinthe partne rship by M r. Mai r th e firmthenbe coming Cox and Mai r. In 1 779 M r. Cox took h isonly son, M r. Be the l Cox, into partne rship, th e fi rmbe coming Cox, Mai r

, and Cox. In 1 783 M r.

Mair d ie d , and was succe e de d by h i s cous in, M 1 . Gre enwood, who had be enass is t ing inth e management of the bus ine ss for some ye ars, w henthe firmb e came Cox, Cox, and Gre enwood . In 1 790

M r. Be the l Cox re t ire d fromthe firm,w hich thenbe came Cox and Gre enwood . In M r. Cox’s

grandson, M r. R ichard H enry Cox, be came a partne r, and in 1 803 M r. Cox

, the founde r of thehous e , die d atthe age of 86

, w he reuponth e fi rmbe came Greenwood and Cox.

Ii i 1 806 M r. Hamme rs le y, M r. Gre enwood’s nephew , was taken into partne rship, and th e firm

was then s tyl e d Gre enwood , Cox , and Co. M r. R . H . Cox’s son,M r. Henry R . Cox, be came a

partne r in1 828,th e name of th e firmremaining unal te re d . InJanuary, 1 83 2 , M r. Gre enwood d ie d

ahd two ye ars late r the -name of Gre enwood was droppe d, and th e firm be came Cox and Co., by

w hich name i t has be enknowne ve r s ince .

During all the s e ye ars , from1 765to 1 888, th e offi ce s of the firmremaine d inCraig’s Court but

inthe late r ye ar the ymoved into new and adjacent premis e s inCharing Cross , s ti ll, how e ve r, re tainingand occupy ing such portionof th e old Craig’s Court hous e as w as fre e hold .

The pre s ent firmcons is ts of the fol low ing partne rsHenry R ichard COX .

Charle s Hamme rs le y.Fre de ri ck Cox.

Ge orge A ugus tus Campbe l l .A rthur Charle s Hamme rs le y .

Cox (John) and (Edw ard) C l e ave , 1 7 1 5— 20


We re goldsmi ths and banke rs at th e Pe acock and Fe athe rs inCornhill . The y we re bank rupts


in1 720, and pe rsons having any claims onthemwere de s ire d attend house inComh ill

(LondonGazer“ ,Novembe r 22,

Cox and Drummond, 1 765. (Se e Con)

00: end Gre enw ood, 1 783 (Se e 00x. )

Cox, M erle , md Co. ,1 792. (Se e Mu te . )

M m , Cuthbe rt,Goldsmi th , 1 573, of the parish ol


St. Mary Woolno th .

Cranmer, Samue l,Goldsmith, 1 732, inFle etStre et.

Of Coventry Stre et. Fromthe M Bay of March 1 2, 1 7 1 3 , we le arnthat he s toppe d upon

suspicion“s Daimond Tag,” wh ich the true owne rmay have again, ongiving a descri ptionand

paying the expenses of th is sdvem'


Omchpls e e , Cuthbert,Goldsmith, a

‘ms 1 585, of St. Michael Bass i shaw .

In 1 675 he was 1 goldsmi th at the Be s t in Foste r Lane , sgs inst the Goldsmi ths ’ Hall, butde scribed inth e GM of December 4, 1 684, as s bsnlu'

upt. The sum: authority, onFe bruary 23,

1 692, announce s ths the is againcome to town, and is de s irous of me e ting al l h is cre di tors inorde rto make all poss ible sstist

action. A simi larnotice appeared inJuly, 1 7 1 6.

Goldsmi th, 1 558—66, 0! the parish of St. “ 1 17 Woolnoth.

Goldsmi th. a‘

ra 1 594, of St. Mary Woolnoth. H e was once Mas te rof th e Goldsmi ths’ Company.H e die d 1 62 1 , and le ft£4000 to the company for certainchari table use s . H e was burie d inSt. Bartho lomew’

s, by the Exchange .

Growth” , Ralph,Goldsmi th, 6m: 1 662, of St. MaryWoolnoth .

Go ldsmith, 1 640-57. of St. MaryWoolnoth.

A goldsmi th, in1 679, atth e Palsgmve Head, ne ar Temple Bar

Cull i ford, M ath ew ,

Gold smi th, time 1 630, of St. Mary Woo lnoth .


Cunl i fi’e,Brooks

,and Cc.

,1 836. (Se e A LEXAN DER.)

Gunlin‘e (Roge r), Sons , and Co.

Me ssrs . Roge r Cunlifi’

e,Sons , and Co. have informe d me that the i r house was e s tabl ishe d in

Londonabout the ye ar 1 8 15, as a branch of th e Manch e ste r Hous e of Cunlifl'

e , Brooks, and Co. ,

w ho w e re or iginal lymanufacture rs .The firmcons is ts of the fol low ing partne rs

Roge r Cunlifl‘

e .

Roge r Cunl ifTe , Jun.JohnBenjaminCharle s Heath .

Curri e s and Co.

This house appe ars to have Sprung into e xis tence in1 773 , th e ye ar afte r th e failure of th e bank inghous e of Me ssrs . Ne ale , Jame s, Fordyce , and Co. The y e stab l ish e d thems e lve s at29, Cornh il l th e

s tyle of the firmbe ing Mason, Curr ie , Jame s, and Yallowby.

I amof opinion that th e M r. Jame s above ment ione d was the same gent lemanwho was in

partne rsh ip w ith Ne ale and Fordyce . J. Yallowby was the ir cle rk, and had be en inth e hab i t ofw i tne s s ing the s ignature s of that firmfor some fe w years, as may be s e enonsome of th e old note sof Me s srs . Child and Co. In1 78 1 the firmwas Currie , Le fe vre , Jame s , and Yallowby and in1 785Le fe vre , Curr ie s , Jame s , and Yallowby. In 1 788 M r. Jame s’ name ce ase d to appe ar, and a junior

partne r of th e name of Raike s was admi tte d into the firm.

In1 807 the style of th e fi rmagainchanged, by th e d isappe arance of M r. Yallowby’

s name fromth e l is t, and the introduct ionof a new partne r of th e name of Law ford . In 1 8 1 4 the firmwas

s tyle d Currie s, Raike s, and Co. ; and from 1 827 unt il 1 864, when the y amalgamate d w i th M e ssrs .


,and Co. , the s tyle of th e firmw as Curr ie s and Co.

Th e firmof Dorr ienand Co. , of Finch Lane , amalgamate d w i th M e ssrs . Curr ie s in 1 842 ; but

that ci rcums tance did notal te r th e s tyle of th e firm.

Curti s , Robarts , and Co.

,1 8 1 8- 33 . (Se e ROBARTS. )

Cuth b e rt, M ath ew,

A goldsmi th, in1 70 1 , atth e Cross K e ys, inLittle Britain.

Cuth b e rt, Rob ert,Was a goldsmi th, ke eping running-cashe s at the Blackarnore ’s He ad

, inCheaps ide , in 1 675, asw e find fromanadve rt isement inth e LondonGazette of the loss of a quant ity of plate , a reward be ingoffe re d to be paid by h imfor th e apprehens ionof th e th ie f. Inth e Little LondonD ire ctory h i sname s imply occurs as M r. Cuthbe rt inChe aps ide , whe re w e find h imlocate d downto 1 703 .

Dale,Hugh ,

Goldsmi th, a'

rza 1 594, of St. Chris tophe r le Stocks .

Davi e s , Rob e rt,Goldsmith , circa 1 61 8

, of St. Edmund, Lombard Stre e t.

Dav i e s , Rob e rt, and Co.,

We re banke rs at 1 87, Shore di tch, be tw e en1 842 and 1 860.

Davi son and Co.

Me ssrs . Edwards, Smi th, Temple r; Middle ton, Johnson, andWe dgw ood w e re e stabl ishe d as banke rsm1 794, at 1 8, Stratford Place , Oxford Stre e t.


D evayne s and Cc.-corzfz


Edward ‘ Backw e l l, goldsmi th and banke r in the re ign of Charle s I I . M r. W i ll iam Backw e l lhad be eninthe bank of Me ssrs . Child and Co. formany ye ars, having ente re d that house about 1 720as a junior cle rk

,and inor about 1 740 having be entaken into partne rship w i th M r. Samue l Child

and h is brothe r, Barne by Backw e l l. A fte r M r. Child’s de ath in 1 752 , M rs . A gatha Child be camehe ad partne r intrus t for h e r two sons . The bus ine s s w as thenvirtual ly inthe hands of the two

brothe rs Backwe ll, the firmbe ing knownas M e s s rs . Child and Backw e l l. It having transpire d thatthe y had trie d to getth e w hole bus ine ss into the i r ownname , ignor ing th e Child inte re s t, a disputearos e be tw e enM rs . A gatha Chi ld and Will iamBackw e ll as to th e divis ionof profits and i t wasre fe rre d to, and se ttle d by, th e Lord Chance llor in 1 755, M r. Will iamBackw e l l re ti ring fromth e

partne rship.

The year fol low ing (1 756) h e e s tabl ishe d a bank at th e s ignof th e Grasshoppe r inPal l Mal l ,afte rwards numbe re d 39, th e s ite of the pre sent A rmy and Navy Club house . I have se encash-note sinMe ssrs . Child’s posse ss iondate d 1 756, endorse d For Me ssrs . Backwe l l and Co. , JohnBattye .

In1 765 th e Royal Annual Kalendar give s th e name s of th e firmas Backw e l l , Hart, Dare l l, andCroft . The latte r was Robe rt Croft, w ho had be ena cle rk at Me s srs . Child and Co .

s . By an

endorsement ona note date d 1 767 th e name of Willm. Noble appears as w i tne ss ing the s ignatureof th e firm, and h e subs e quently be came a partne r.

In 1 770 the firmappe ars fromth e D ire ctory to have be enCroft, Hart, and Backw e l l, the last gentlemanprobably be ing a de scendant of Will iamBackw e l l . In1 778 th e firmwas s tyle d Croft, Backw e ll ,Robe rts, and Croft and inth e fol low ing ye ar Crofts, Devayne s , Robe rts , and Daw e s . In1 782 i t wasCrofts, D e vayne s , Daw e s, and Noble . The style of th e firmchanged s e ve ral t ime s subse quently ; andonJuly 3 1 , 1 8 1 0, M e ssrs . Devayne s , Daw e s , Noble , and Co. s toppe d payment during the gre at paniccaus e d by ove rtrading inproduce and by e xce ss of e xports .

D e Vi sme s , Cuth b e rt, and Co.,1 796. (Se e MARSH . )

D iggl e , John,Goldsmi th, at the Re d H i t or Card inal’s Cap (both be ing

use d as synonymous te rms), ne arCharing Cross

,Strand, 1 696- 1 70 1 .

D imsdal e and Co.

Th e firstment ionI canfind of this old bus ine ss is inone of Me ss rs. Child and Co.

’s drafts for th e

year 1 762 , onwhich i s endorse d “ Witne ss for Me s srs . Amyand, Staple s , and Me rce r, Ge o.Faw e l l. ”

Th e Royal Annual Kalendar for 1 765 s tate s that Amyard (s ic), Sir Ge orge Staple s , and Me rce r w e rebanke rs, ne ar Grace church Stre e t, th e s ign of the i r hous e be ing th e Golden He lme t and th eGoldenBe ar.

In 1 770, w henhouse s w e re firstnumbe re d , the y appe ar inth e D i re ctory as at50, Cornhill . Inth e same ye ar Me s srs . D imsdale , A rche r, and Hyde we re atNo. 2

,White Hart Court

,Grace church

Stre e t . This firmmus t have be en e s tablished about th e same t ime as Amyands ’, for onth e back ofone of M e ssrs . Child and Co.

s note s of 1 769 i s th e fol low ing endorsement : Witne s s J. Woodville ,for Me ssrs . D imsdale , A rche r, and Hyde .

Sir Ge orge Amyand, Bart,marrie d in1 77 1 Cathe rine , only daughte r and h e ire ss of Ve lte rs Cornew al l, Esq. , of Moccas Court, He re fordshire , w he re uponh e assume d h i s w i fe ’s name and be came SirGe orge Corne wall. H e was M .P. for He re ford and a w e l l-knownpol i t ician


ZWe de rive fromLloyd’s EveningPostof Apri l 1 2, 1 773, the fol low ing account of a forge ry committed onth is firm

Oh Saturdaymorning a young sharpe r, w e l l dres s e d , w ent to M r. Barrow ’

s , I ronmonge r, inth e Strand , andpurchase d aquanti ty of goods , to th e amountof £20, w h ich h e ‘

de s ire d migh t be sent inth e afte rnoonto th e BedfordArms , Covent Qard en, and the y should be paid for onth e de l ive ry, d e claring that h e w as sonto anEarl h e thenw entto M r. Lawsons , H atte r and Sw ord-Cut le r, inthe same s tre e t, bought a gold lace d hatand a s i lve r h i lte d sw ord, and

11111— 0011] LONDON BA NKERS.

Bumb imsds le inthst yes r sppm to hs ve smlgsmswd with Sa plu d smtmde r the style

“ Supqam DM h lohnDimsds h d osist nd. 111 1 779 Me ssrs. Arche 1 , Hyde ,Msadqsnd CQ dissppeu ed fromthe listol


bu henh 1 785 h beame Bm Dimsddq80nn ms 1¢md Snpleqwhich uyle mnfinued w ith one

mfi o minmchmge s mfil s81g whmh becsme 3sm¢mmsdsh snd b imsds le ‘


he firmwas

smlgsmsted with them. This benking—house of hl essrx ore wettmkes its first sppemne e inthelondonDii e etoqin1 799, unde r the style of ]oseph 8mith d a Int S itwas Smith d olt;inthe follow ingyw ,

Wi llismHoit snd Cor; snd in 1 823 it bee sme 01ewett snd Fow ler. U p tothe yw 1 836 1he1 we1 e locsted s 1 6qd Bros tre et. In 1 837 the Di 1eowry shows thattheyM M W mPfim M Bfl La which hm M mmd unnlme smflgamfionwok ph ce whh ue a u Bu M M u d Ca inxsss , whenthe wyle of the fim becsme M em

In1 866 1he nsme of 01 ew ett is no longa to be se eninthe firm. Itthenwas Dimsds le , Fow ler,Dimsds le , who

and the GoldenBe sx.end insu s he m crested s bu onet. The fitmcoosists ol the following putnen

H erbertBsmmd.

joseph Cochfie ld Dimsds le.

JohnKM d d p t ho mbfishe d themsdm fl 1 6, Chmcu y h ne , sbout the yw1 787 . They sppe ss inthe l loodonb irectoty fos the finttime inuw .

The i rstchsnge to m d h the mhsfitntionol the m e of Dimnla thstof ClsM u junior

pummin ugt. ln i So s h beame Dsm mot md Dim In 1 81 4 the name ot'

Dswm h m bnga m the uyle of the firmbw oming Brq ommd Dixon, snd in 1 8 1 9Brooks snd Dimn lnsas s ceorge Brooh


s name doe s not sppes r ; butthe names of thre e new111 1 83 1 1t

Somsns ooh ; sndm1 836 011 011, h w kg snd b uomwhlch contmued to be the style nnnl w sg,whenthe bufina g wgetha whh wme ol the danm wmdmed w the vnionmnk ot lnndomwho opmed s bunchbanh u syme etm w a nymme old bufinm whkh by good m sge

mentincrmed eons idersbly. fl eymbsequenfly bnflt s new bank inChsnoay h nqwhere they

M i nna ,

Golckmith, 1 7 1 0, stthe Unicom, inFenchm-ch 8treet.

Asehev. snd l l M m inWh te Hs rt-C GrsmhmchW m a cm : Mmh wsonmmmmmm imammmumwhich ws s ts hen M mried be lou biz johnf ie lding who eo-u itted hln tom He ss id his m e ws sm u mm W h am


Doe,Ch arle s


Goldsmi th, 1 652

—66. Inthe “ Excheque r Bills and Answ e rs, Londonand Middle s e x, Commonw e alth,

”inthe Publ ic Re cord Oth e e , i s the follow ing cas e , unde r th e date of June 20, 1 652, be ing

the answ e r of Charle s Doe , goldsmith, to the complaint ofWill iamPaynte r, Esq.The plaintiff brought to th e de fendant a je w e l , and re ce ive d 20 uponit.

” P laint iff was to payinte re s t at the rate of 8 pe r cent. per annumonth e said sum. Th e inte re s t having long gotteninto arrear

,de fendant broke up th e j ew e l and sold it, butnot be fore having had i t value d by two

goldsmi ths , according to the cus tomof th e City of London.

This i s anins tance of pawnbroking, whi ch was ve ry usual w i th goldsmi ths during the s e vente enthcentury. In1 666 w e find that S ir Charle s Doe re ce ive d the thanks of th e Wardens and A s s is tants ofthe Goldsmi ths’ Company for having pre s e rve d th e company

s plate and pape rs, by tak ing themto h ishouse atEdmontondur ing th e Great Fire .

Dorri ens and Cc.

The firmof Dorrien, R'

ucke r, and Carle tons tar te d at22, Finch Lane , in1 770 . In 1 776 Carle ton’


name disappe are d, and two ne w partne rs came into the firm thus, inthat ye ar, i t was Dorr ien, Rucke r,Dorri en, and Mart in.

In1 779 i t be came Dorrien, Me llo, and Martin. Subse quently a M r. Magens ente re d the firm;and, w i th a fe w minor al te rat ions , th e s tyle of i t cont inue d to be Dorri ens , Magens, Me l lo, and Co.


unt il 1 842, w henthe y amalgamate d Wi th Currie s and Co .

, of Cornhi l l.

M r. Thomas HiramFrase r, for some years one of th e partne rs atM e s srs. Child and Co. ,Temple

Bar, was once a junior cl e rk in th is house . I have l ikew ise he ard i t as se rte d that BaronBramw e l lw as atone t ime a junior cle rk inth e bank of M e ss rs . Dorri ens.

Inth e year 1 798, inconse quence of th e e xtreme scarcity of s i lve r mone y, M e ssrs . DorrienandMagens s ent a quant i ty of bull ionto the Mint to be coine d according to law , w h ich had ne ve r be enrepeale d, by which i t was enacte d that any one s ending bull ionto the Mintmight have i t coine d intomone y uponpayment of ce rtaindue s . Th e w hol e was actual ly coine d into shi ll ings fromd ie s varying only fromthose of 1 787 inth e date 1 798 ; but th e ve ry day onwh ich th e banke rs w e re , byappointment, to have re ce ive d th e coin, anOrde r of Counci l was re ce ive d, commanding i t all to beme lted, uponth e ground that th e proce eding had be eni rre gular, and that no coinage was lawful w i thoutth e sanctionof a royal proclamat ion(Hawkins on Si lve r Coins ,


Dorse ttand Cc.

This bus ine ss, which was of but short durat ion, was e s tabl ishe d at68, N ew Bond Stre e t, in1 785,by Sir He rbe rt Mackworth, Bart, Dors e tt, Johnson, and Wilk inson. Th e firmsprang out of th e

bank of Me ssrs. Pybus and Co. , inw hich house Dorse t t had unt i l that ye ar be ena par tne r. In1 792

the name of Sir He rbert Mackworth i s not se en, and th e s tyle of th e firmbe came Dorse tt, Johnson,Wilkinson, and Be rne rs. In1 796 a junior partne r of th e name of Tilsonwas admi tte d ; butnothingcanbe asce rtaine d about themafte r 1 797, inwhich ye ar the y ce as ed to e xis t. The y probably s toppe d

payment during the mone y panic, wh ich arose fromthe drainof gold sent abroad for subs id ie s andloans to our al l ie s.

The price of consols (be i t note d) onApri l 6, 1 797, was 474} pe r cent.

Downand Co.,1782— 1 81 5. (Se e POLE .)

Doyl ey, Laud,Was a goldsmi th atthe P lough, inLombard Stre et, in1 694 poss ibly continuing the bus ine ss o f

White and Churchy. H e died in1 696 .

Dove , Pete r,Goldsmith, 1 696, atthe Ange l and Crown, Newport Stre e t, Le ice s te r Fie lds . H e was the re unti l 1 7 1 2 .

01111— 11 110] LONDON BA NKERS.

Thi s bnn'

ness odginated with jose ph Smimd md M OId Bmd SM who smned sbout

1 799. InsSoxthe firmbeame Smith d olh which continued to be the style unti1 1 8 1 8. In

the b llow ingw illismHoltm the sole uirvim. In1 823 the fixmwas WilliamHoltsnd Ca ;in1824 the style became Drewett snd Fowle r ; snd h1 1 836 they 1emoved to P1 ine e s St1e et, Bank.

The ssme firmoontinned until 1 852, whenthey sms lgsmsted with Mm Bsmard d a nnde-rthe ufi e d Dindst wetg Fow le rnns mu d.

Drummonds snd Co" of Chsnnn ss .

Th e bmineu ol th is bankm ests blished sbw tnu byml ndrem mmond, s goldsmith,who ws s sonof Sir loha mmond of l sduny.

lnMarch, 1 72s , hl1 . And1em mmond sdve1tised ths the would give s rewtiflof five guineas

fos one othis bank notes losg snd wonld ssk noqne stions. Itws s'

psrticnlarized as be ing torthemmot£ 1 oqted Febtmry g 1 72nsnd psys hk to H enry Collettorbw en

As fu u l anssw a inthn igh the lhnsnd the sgq d d dnfimu dm bmmond hs dthe bfi ne ss inhis ownhsnds nntil shout tu t. l hs ve s dp snne d johnbnmmmd signing forML Asdrew DI-m ond in1 741 . Whenthe next list is re fened tqthst for 1 7s4, it w ill be se enthetthe fimtws s Andtcm mmond tnd CaIn1 77o the style oi the fixmhsd he eoo e lohn0mmond snd Cot ; snd in1 775 itws s Robert

W M Q M mh fl w k M W M 1M wM M m M mmMbee sme he sd pu tner. ln1 8358 0mmmmond becsne hesd psrtner, snd oe enpied ths tpositionimtil 1 847 ; inwhich ye s1 And1 ew Monime 1 Dmm1nond beame he s d of the fim Since 1 804 it

has he enhnawnby the style ot’

bmnmond snd CaH e wss trie d for high tremnst

Weminua fld h snd be ha dem om Hfl Apnl g s 747, ons new bloch procmed for theoccss iomwhich the cnflonsmy set ia El

’msbeth‘s Amoury inthe Towa . H e ws s the ls st

pe i sonbe hesde d inthis eonnay.

WhenGea e lLbeume dhpla s ed w ith his bsnka . Commhe w ithdrw hh bahnmsndmskrred itto hl ew s nmmmond. Geod noe os le s likew ise hept snsccountwith themfoc some ye sn; butwhetha he wu too exns vsgsntu ths ttime does notmnspire . Sufiioe itto ss y

thstthe King de s iree . Dmmmond not to mke sny ttmhe 1 sdnne e s to his m This ordet

ph ced l la nmood insns whwu d prediament lf he disobeye d his hl sje sty, he would lose the

sm b md p inthe fi vom d them ; mthe mhe 1 hsn¢ he wonld oflend the Pfinmmd b sethe roys l se cotmts st the de e es se of the xin‘. Like s b yflmbéx g howu fl , he obeyed d i e wm.

mand othis hi s je sty. snd, whenthe Pfinoe ot le s spplied tor furtl ier sdmoeg hl r. Dnnnmondwas te lncuntly obl iged to refnse him; uponwhich the Prinoe wentto Mr. Coutts , who let himhavewh the nu snd the roys l fsmi ly hs ve bu ked there eves s ine e .

Th e D -ummondsma the h da e embomthe mble Scmeh fimfly otSmthensn, who lontheh

the commercis l world.A good nmy h cmmtmthe e l ea thsg oninmigind uu fingnChs finn the omm fi .

the flsmwere so sms ll thsts ss i lor wbo hsd snosder nponthem£01 £2o pflze money generouslyoflc ed to h ke £5 onsoeoont u d eo a ll tot the ru idne ins mondi a two r

—Ju k be ingmostsolicitous notto ovmtrfinthe irmource s .

The firmnow coas ists of the lollowing ps rtnenz

Edgu Athe lingDmmmond .

George l sme s mmond .

Charle s Drummond .


Dryd en, H enry,Goldsmith , ci rca 1 666, of St. C lement Dane s .

Duci e,Rob e rt


Was a goldsmi th and banke r inth e re ignof Charle s I. H e was She riff of London in1 620, was

create d a barone t in1 629, and be came Lord Mayor in1 630. S ir Robe rt Ducie i s said to have los t

J£80,000 by th e King ; but, havmg accumulate d great w e al th, h e d ie d, about 1 634, worth ove rOne of h i s sons marrie d a Miss More ton, fromwhomth e pre s ent family of th e Earl of

Ducie are de scende d .

Duck , John,Goldsmith, of the parish of St. John Zachary . H e was the sonof Edward D uck, a barbe r of

Marlborough, 1 667— 1 745.

Duck et, Laurence ,Goldsmith . I t i s re corde d by Stow , inh is

“ Surve y of London, that inthe ye ar 1 284, the

thi rte enth of Edward I.,Laurence Ducke t took she lte r inOld Bow church, afte r having wounde d

one Ralph Crepin inWe stche ape . During th e night the re ente re d in ce rtaine vil pe rsons , friends

of th e said Ralph, and the y s lew'

Laurence and hange d h im, placing h imas though h e had hange dhimse lf, and so i t was found by inquis it ion by wh ich fact h e was drawnby th e fe e t, and bur ie d in

a ditch outs ide th e City, but afte rwards a boy, who lay w ith Laurence whenh e was kille d, disclos e d

th e truth, and four menw e re attainte d, a w omanname d A l ice was burnt,s ixte enmenw e re drawn

and hange d, and a fe w riche r pe rsons , afte r imprisonment, w e re hange d by th e purs e . The churchitse l f was inte rdicte d, and the doors and w indow s we re s toppe d up wi th thorns, but Laurence wastakenup, and hone stly burie d inth e churchyard .

Duck ett,A goldsmi th, in1 597mad e amace for the M e rchant Taylors ’ Company .

Duck ett, Abrah am,

Goldsmi th , ci rca 1 579, of St. Michae l-ad-Bladurn, orSt. Michae l the Que rne , as i t is be tte r known

by. I t i s inth e FarringdonWard With in.

Duncomb e , Ch arl e s ,and 1 669

- 1 705. (Se e MART IN . )Duncomb e and K ent,

Duncomb e , Val entine , 1 684— 88. (Se e MART IN . )

Dutton,Humfre y,

Goldsmith , ci rca 1 582, of St. Botolph, A ldgate .

Eal e s , Be rnard ,Goldsmith, ke eping runmng-cashe s inLombard Stre e t in 1 678. H e had be enas sociate d w i th

S ir Robe rt Vyne r, inw hose se rvice h e had probably be enas cle rk, for he fre quently w itne s se d Vyne r’


s ignature to Exche que r w arrants . Eale s d ie d in1 694, and was burie d inSt. Mary Woolnoth ’s .

East, Edw ard,

Cit izen and goldsmi th, 1 656. Ve ry l i ttle i s known of him furthe r than that he lodge d the

follow ing bi ll in1 656


“ Complaining shew eth nnto your honours li dws rd Atkyns one of the jndges ol’

the Coui-t of

Edward East, e itizensnd

gouldsmith of l pndoqflenry Pinckne y, d fise is and gouldsmith oI IA ndon, em They hs ve beenfior sbonthfl fomym pafi pme nof the Rec d St Dumhn’m the -West inwhich parish

m divers sne ient house s fromwhich s snmof mone y in lie u of tithe is payable This tithe is

withhe ld. The Defendants ple sd they sre not inthe Parish.


A nmihx bill i s presented aste r 1 66 1 , so thatEast snd Pinckney w e 1e both alive then

(‘ Es chequa Bi lk and AnswaxLondonsnd M iddleseL Commonwa ltmNa sg f Public Record

Ofi e e ).Edward Es stwas possibly the prede e es sor oU ohnEast, of theBumwithontTemple Bar. Henry

Pinchney ws s stthe Thre e Sqnirrels inFle etStreet.ta g l ohn,Wu s gb ldsmhh ume Sumwhhom ple Bflw inthe Stmd H e m estshlished oertainly

eu lia than 1 663, inwhich yeu his name sppw s inmsne hard’s le dgen; snd onDe cember “ ,

1 67¢ the foflow ingquaintsdve 1tisementsppmed inthe l om Gum .— “ Runsway s Sootch boy

aged 1 6 to 1 8 w ith wme dhmonds emfiomLyndsey Hoase , Wesanimter, whoeve 1 shansecu1 ethe u id boy snd gi re na ice to johnEu g goldsmhh, “ the SunwithoutTemple Bu shall have fi s(or the ir pninsf

’This sdvenisementsupplements the “ Little londos Dire ctory "of 1 677, as thatonly

— inth e Stnnd.

” By the b wl ow Gasd k of 1 687 we lt-arn

Es stwas s goldsmith s tthis sign.

M nHBoge r

m anne d ,

Goldsmith, 1 7 1 4, stthe cotnet ol St. Mu-7 Axe , lu denhall Street.

3 41 11 111 14 3tGoldsmith, 1 389, Engrave s to the M int.

“ w ards and Cc. , 1 794- 1802 . (Se e s tsos . )

M eson, Chri stoph er,Goldsmith, a

rw 1 667, of St. Bartholomew the Cres t.

“ Ch ristophe r,

Goldsmith,m vu denof londonBridge fiomM iehsdms s inthe twenty-u cond yw offlea II.

unti l the hlichae lmas ensuhig, H e died in1505, snd w1 s b111 i ed in8t johnl achs ry’s churchyard.

Incli sh k lntStock Bank .

Establishe d in 1 866, wi th s ps id-up e spits l ot£ 150,ooo, 11nd s reserve fund ol £6oco. l t

suspended peyment inthe ssme yw . (Se e Ow ixa )

mm m was establishe d in1 71 : a 26, BirchinLanc, hy Sir James Esdaile (who wasA lderman for Cripplegate Wardmd Lord Mayor in under the style of Esdaile , Hamme t,snd Esdai le . In1 781 theymoved to 73, Lombard Stre et.10 1 79: the firmamalgama te d wi th Messrs Smith, Wrigh t, and Co.

, ot'

2 1 , Lombard Stre et, which


Esdai l e and Co.— confinam'.

fi rmwas originate d about 1 759 at the Thre e K ings , afte rw ards N o. 55, Lombard S tre e t, by Me ss rs .

Bland, Gray, and Ste phenson. In 1 763 the ir s tyle was Smi th , Wright, and Gray, w h ich it cont inue d

to be unt il 1 792, w henthe amalgamationtook place w i th Esdaile s . Th e s tyle of th e new firmwas

Sir Jame s Esdail e , Esdail e , Smith, Wright, Hamme t, and Co. , and the y carrie d onthe i r busme ss at

2 1 , Lombard Stre e t .In1 799 th e D

ire ctory show s as that th e new inte re s t had le ft the firm,and that th e s tyle was 811

James Esdaile , Esdai le , Hamme tt, Esdai le , and Hamme t and this continue d to be the style of th e

firm,w i th a few change s among the junior partne rs , who w e re apparently sons of th e senior partne rs ,

unti l the year 1 833 , w henth e firmbe came S ir Jame s Esdaile , Esdaile , Grenfe l l, Thomas , and Co.

This firms toppe d payment in 1 837 ; but th e y paid all the ir cre ditors by a loanof 365000 that

w as advance d th emby all th e principal bank e r'

s inth e City of London, w hich loanhas s ince be en

repaid, th e las t payment having be enmade onFe bruary 3 , 1 873 .

The panic of 1 83 7 was cal le d the Ame ricanpanic, fromth e ci rcums tance that i t originate d w i th

me rcanti le hous e s connecte d w i th th e Unite d State s . Th e amount of gold inth e Bank of England, i tmay be note d, was atsuch a low e bb that that e s tabl ishment had tomaintainits cre dit by a loanof

fromthe Bank of France .

Esw ey, Ralph ,

Goldsmith ; She rifi’

in1 239, and Mayor in 1 242 and 1 243 .

Evance and Hal e s .



Eve rard , C harl e s ,A go

ldsmi th atth e Unicorn, inLombard Stre e t, prior to 1 655, buthe le ft i t in 1 662 and w ent to

the Star , inth e same s tre e t. H e die d of the plague in1 665, and was burie d inSt. MaryWoolnoth’


Everettand Co.

This house originate d inthe firmof Newnham, Eve re tt, D rummond, Tibb i tts , and Tanne r, whos tarte d in1 785 at65, Lombard Stre e t, w he re the y cont inue d to carry onbus ine s s until 1 791 , w hen

the y remove d to 9, Mansi onHous e Stre e t. What appe ars to b e a s ingular ci rcums tance i s that inthi s ye ar M r. Tanne r, w ho had be enth e junior partne r inN e wnhams, l e ft themto be come juniorpartitter inanothe r new firmthat s tarte d in 1 791 und e r th e s tyle of Harcourt, Blake , Sansom, Pos tl ethwai te , and Tanne r, who be ganope rations inth e ve ry premise s, N o. 65, Lombard Stre e t, w hich hadbe enoccupie d by N ewnhams .

In1 80 1 th e numbe r of th e ir house w as 2,Mans ionHous e S tre e t inth e follow ing ye ar th e name

of D rummond i s not se en, and anothe r M r. Eve re tt be came junior partne r. In 1 8 1 0 anothe r changeoccurre d by M 1 . Tibb i tts’ name di sappe aring fromth e li s t, and the y w e re againlocate d at9, Mans ionHouse Stre e t . I cannot he lp th ink ing that the change to 2 is an e rror inth e D i re ctory

, as the y

probably ne ve r le ft No. 9 atall .

In 1 8 1 2 th e s tyle of th e firmbecame Eve re tt , Walke r, Mal tby, Ell is , and Co. , which continue dunti l 1 825, onD ecember 1 4 of w hich ye ar the y failed .

Ew e r,John, 1 730—54.

H e was a banke r inPal l Mall, butw e have be enunable to trace the “

s ignof hi s house , or w hatbecame of h i s bus ine ss . In1 7 1 5, be fore he setup for h imse lf, h e w as cle rk to George Middl e ton, atth e Thre e Crowns , inthe Strand.The LondonGazette of 1 735announce d that JohnEw e r, goldsmi th and banke r, late of Pal l Mall,

was declare d bankrupt . Could he have be enthe same pe rsonas i s de scribe d above ? If so, h e soonrecovere d h ims e l£


F enruth e r, Rob e rt,Goldsmi th A lde rman, Mas te r of the Mint in1 493 She rifl


in 1 51 2 ; and Prime Wardenof the

Goldsmiths’ Company in1 51 6- 1 7 .

Pinen, T e dge ,Goldsmi th, ci rca 1 61 0, London.

F itzh ugh , W i ll iam,

Goldsmi th Comptrol le r of th e Mint from1 400— 1 8. H e d ie d in 1 434, and w as probably burie d

inSt. Mary Woolnoth’

s,as h e de s i re d to be .

F itz 0th o, W i ll i am,

Goldsmi th, inre ignof King Henry I I I . H e was Ke epe r of the Exche que r. The re w e re se ve ral

of th is name inthe th i rte enth century, w ho w e re Mas te rs and Engrave rs to th e Mint, viz. Edward,Thomas, Hugh, Thomas , and W i l l iam.

F itzw i l l iam,W i l l i am,

Goldsmi th, who founde d about 1 2 1 2 , atSt. He len’

s, inB ishopsgate , a priory of Bene d ictine Nuns ,th e ru ins of wh ich w e re pul le d downin1 799.

Flae l , Ralph ,Goldsmi th and A lde rman, of th e t ime of Henry I I . H e he ld in deme sne the ward of

A lde rsgate .

Fl eming, Benjamin,Goldsmi th, in1 7 1 0 atth e GoldenK ey, against St. Dunstan

s Church , inFle e t Stre e t .

Fl int, Th omas ,Goldsmi th, circa 1 597, of St. Margare t, Lothbury .

Ploye r, Pete r,Goldsmi th , 1 695, of Love Lane . H e was also a re fine r ina large way of bus ine s s . Inthat ye ar

h e had bulli oncoine d into gu'

ine as atth e Mint .

Folkingh am,Th omas ,

A goldsmith atth e GoldenBall , corne r of Be arbinde r Lane , inSt. Sw ithin’s Lane , Lombard Stre e t .In January, 1 7 1 0, h e adve rtise d inth e D ai ly Courant for a runaway apprent ice , one Jabe z Tench ,“a

“ young manne ar 2 1 ye ars of age , of low s tature , w e ars a browncoat and a brownnatural w ig.


H is name i s Spe l t var ious ly, Faulke ringhamand Falkenham, inthe re giste rs of th e parish of St. MaryWoolnoth .

Fosbrook e , Th omas ,Goldsmi th , ci rca 1 61 6, of St. Sepulchre .

Foster, Lubbock and Cc . , 1 786— 1 80 1 . (Se e Ronanrs .)

Fow l e , Rob e rt,

A goldsmith, in1 675 l iving atthe Que en’

s He ad, at Fle e t Bridge . H e was probably connecte dWi th Thomas Fow le , of the Black Lion, inFle e t Stre e t.


row lenrhomqos l 'ow lo,Was a goldsmith inthe time of Chsxle s IL, hsving s shop st the Black Lion, inF1e et Stre et,

A s e sfly u s666 hh name sppe sn inthe ' ledgeu of 8dward Backwe0md of Blmchu d mdChi ld. Jndging tromthe sise othis sooonnt inthe books otthe fomer, he mnst hs ve beendoing sls zge trsde ss s bsnket. H e is teoorded inthe “ l .ittle LondonDirectory

”of 1 677 as he epingmnning

a shes . In1 686 he served the ofi oe 01’

8he 1 ifl.In1 682 Th01nas W0non si¢ned f01 his m2ste1 , MnThoms s Fowlg snd in1 69 1 Robert Fowle

signed fios hismssta , 8irThoms s Fowie .

In1 691 Sh Thom-ss Fowles lettsnannnitymr fe e tarmW f fi o to the Goldsmi ths' Company,fmmthe Bishop os th snd We llg to pay sonye sfly, onSt Thdtnas

’Day, to five poorwidows of

The follow ing is snm s ing sdvestisementotthe dsys otlame s Il , whenh ighwaymenw ere upon

“ Wha e s s hlnflerbenJoneg Attomey st w . inthe townol hlonmonth, we ll kn0wnby be ingsevenl yeu s together Under~8he 1 iflotthe sarne county, hs th ol lste clivers time s 10bbed the mai lcoming fiomthsttownto londmmd txhenont letters snd wfimsnd is now tled fiomjusticqsndswposed to hs ve she ltered himse lf insome ot


the new nis ed troops . Thes e u e to give notioe , ths twhosoem M m e


the nid Ha benjoneg w u to be oomnnned inorde r to smw er these saidcfimmy ‘ive nofice themf to Sis Thomn Pawle s goldsmith, Temple Bar, London, or to M 1 .

Inthe l os donGmmd 1 694 w 1 703 thmmnvafl sdmfinmenu fimu fid a b st for whie h

s teward is to he ps id by k obertFow le d homu WoM gd dmhhg stthe Blsck Lyon, inFleetStre et InApril, 1 694, he was snth01i zed by the T1

-esmy, ss one of the gd dsmithg to rece ive oon.

tributions {01 nising£ 1 .ooo,000 11ponthe new dnty sn'

sing froni le it end uponthe new nte s of

Itwould sppw fromthe tollowingnofioe inthe b nb s cw md june 15, 1 704, thatFowle snclWm snd Fow le snd hl esd, we 1 e close ly connecte d. Probs bly the lstter w ried onthe bus ine ss .

masters k ohe rt Fow led h om Wom both dsted e htm h snsnd payable to MnEdw. Jone s or Bearer, one f01

£ 15oo the od 1e1 101 £ 1 186 ¢ e l tsny such hiotes shs ll come to your hands yonsre des ired to

stop them, snd give notioe to htr. Fow le snd 311 . Mesd, 00ldsm1ths, s t Ternple Bar sndhave Five guinea reward, Payment be ingmp1 .


Goldsmith, 1582 ; di ed 1596 , snd was barie d inthe church 0f $t. MaryWoolnoth .

Goldmfith. 1570-9&ol the pu ish d 8t. MaryWoolnoth.

Goldsmi h inl ombard Stre et; burie d 1588 inst. MaryWoolnoth'


M u cu s, John,Also es lled SirJohnFrancis, smoldsmith , who was Sherifl


in1 390 11nd Mayor in

f rom», John, 1 694. (Se e Bancu v. )

h enna, Jos eph , 1 729. (Se e


Prensab a, John,Goldsmith , 1 382 . H e was probably amake r of mase r cups, as w e le arnfromR ile y

s London

Life ” that he had two of the se cups s tolen— one bound w i th s il ve r-gi l t, value d at 1 01 ,and anothe r

value d at animmense contras t, i tmay be note d, to the price s the y fe tch now .

Pram, or Fre ar, Rob e rt,Goldsmi th, 1 545—50, of th e parish of St. Mary Woolnoth .

Frow i ck , Th omas d e , or Frow yk e ,A goldsmi th, 1 270. H e was Wardenof th e Goldsmi ths ’ Company, and A lde rmanof Che apWard

in1 2 79. H e i s re corde d by He rbe rt, inh i s“ His tory of th e Goldsmiths ’ Company,” to have made

a goldencrown for Edward’

s second que en, Margare t. H e l ive d at Old Fold, in th e parish of

South Mimms . The re i s much to be le arne d conce rning this old fami ly , who furnishe d London

w i th s e ve ral w e althy goldsmi ths , in South Mimms ,” by the Re v. F. C . Cass (London,

Frow yk e , Roge r d e ,Goldsmi th, was A lde rmanof Langbourne Ward in1 3 1 2 . Inh i s w i l l it i s s tate d that h i s principal

house was inthe parish of St. Olave , ne ar th e Tow e r. H e w as Comptrol le r of the Mint at Cante rbury, 5— 1 5Edward I I . , and Wardenof th e Exche que r at Cante rbury and Bri s tol , 28 Edward I. at

Londonand Cante rbury, 6 Edward I I . , A .D . 1 3 1 2 . H e appears to have had prope rty inLondonand

inHe rtfordsh ire . (For furthe r particulars , se e“ South Mimms


” by Rev. F. C . Cass .) The w il l of

Roge r de Frowyke was prove d in 1 328.

Fry , W i l l i am,

Goldsmi th , ci rca 1 637, of St. Andrew’s, Holborn.

Frys and Ch apman(Quake r banke rs ), of St. Mildre d’s Court, Poul try, s tarte d in 1 806 as Fry and Sons . In 1 81 5

the s tyle be came Frys and Chapman, and i t so cont inue d unt i l Novembe r 24, 1 828,whenthe y

s toppe d payment, at w h ich t ime amembe r of th e socie ty took h i s account to Jone s Loyd . We

think you right, friend,”said th e senior partne r ;

“ it i s w ise r to place thymone y w i th a rich s inne rthana poor saint.

Full er, Banbury , and Co.,

77, Lombard Stre e t . The bus ine s s of this firmoriginate d in that of A tkins, Hone ywood, andFul le r , who firstappe ar inth e l is t of banke rs inth e LondonD ire ctory for 1 738, as carrying ontrade

atth e Ram, now 57 , Lombard Stre e t . I have found the i r mani e oncash-note s of 1 737. Th e s tyl e

of th e firmbe came Honeywood and Ful le r in 1 746, inw h ich ye ar th e name of J. Hal ford i s s e en

w i tne ss ing s ignature s for h i s mas te rs, Hone ywood and Ful le r and this cont inue d to be th e s tyle

unti l 1 754, wh enI find that J. Vaughan endorse d drafts for Hone yw ood, Ful le r, and Co. A boutth is t ime the ymove d to Birch inLane . I t appe ars to have be ena commonpractice for banke rs inthe las t century to admit the i r cle rks into partne rship. I t ce rtainly was adopte d by th is firm, as both

I. Hal ford and J. Vaughansubs e quently be came partne rs , as w i l l be pre sently shown.

Be tw e en 1 761 and 1 764 th e name of Hone ywood di sappe are d fromconne xionw i th th is hous e ,and th e s tyle of th e firmbe came Full e r and Cope . In 1 770 i t be came Fu lle r, Bake r, and Hal ford .

A bout 1 774 the ymove d to 84, Cornh ill. The firmthenw as Fulle r, Halford, and Vaughan and in1 778 Ful le r, Son, Halford, and Vaughan. Th e ne xt change occurre d in 1 78 1 , whenthe firmwas

s tyl e d R ichard Ful le r, Sons , and Vaughan. R ichard Full e r was membe r of Parl iament for Ste yningin1 768. Be tw e en 1 781 and 1 805 ano the r change took place , as inth e latte r ye ar th e name of

R ichard Fulle r, sen. , i s not se en, nor that of J. Vaughan, th e s tyle of the firmbecoming R ichard


Fuller, Ge onga lle 1 , tnd Co. Subsequently, sbont 1 827, itbecame Fulle rs snd Co. In1 840 the yThe members otthe hrm

mfinningnntilhard Stre eg whenths firmbe came Fulle r, Bsnbnry, N is and hi athie son. They sti ll occupy the

pnennse s . 77, L0mbu d Smet, which w e 1 e fosmu47 hnownby the signotthe VinePos the vu ions change s inthe firmotSapte and Ca , se e nnderthathe sd.

fi e firmnow cons isu ol the follow ing psrtnena

George Artha-‘


Edward W'mke lmsnnN ix.

A stoqis told ol snold M1 . Fnlle 1 , of C01nhill, who bd onge d to thatvery old-fashioned, p1 imdu d hsnkmwe ll known inthe lastoentmy, who we 1e hardly ever sbsent f10mthe ir de sk intheshop snd who s lwsys sk ptover the bsnk. H e m a cs re fnh eoonomics l msn, who always had his

ws shing done sthome . One dsy every wnekntnoonnfint of beu ws s bronght insnd plsoed atthe foot otthe mhs fa the wnha womsnws shing-dsy he ing s lnys known inthe City by thi s

W e e . Once , howeve r, th is pintbe esme s pot. News ol‘

the nnhe s rd-o i innovationquickly

M and e snsedquite s se imtioninLombu d Smet snd hifl. Ind e ed , snold cnstotne 1nfld nwnhh w nmomau npm hh emmmumdflng himthah shhw gh he hsd hs d grw

nfisfi cfion inhe eping hh w oounu whh himfiumemhe now hardly oons idered h imfit to ts ltechasge of othu people

’smoney, since he did nothn0w how to take a re of h is own

fi ll er and 8011,Wi ll iam, 1 774-99. (Se e Wm‘mon. )

Pnrley, Lubbock, end Cc., 1 785. (See Kosam )

Goldsmith, d ied 163 1 , and was buried inthe church ol St. MaryWoolnoth .

In 1637, according to Rnding s comM m mw w mb gowmmmm mthe fi ar fi mbenmm gmsnd si lver out of the hingdominto fore ignps rtsJ or cnlling out the weighti e st eoinsJ 01 me ltingdon his hh jewy

’smoney inw bnh iomsnd fmgivingnlne sbove the price s of his hlaje sty

's u int

torsold snd si lve r. It ame ont that he did bny ligh t go ld , wh ich he fumished 10 Violet, anothe rgoldsmith, Potte r’snsme sppw s inthe listol those inhs hiunts oth ngbome Wsrd, in 1 640, wh0 we 1 e shle to contribete towsrds raising s losnol £200p oo fmChaxle s L

00141 11661, 1 357. H e le fttw enty shil lings to Margarethis si ster, 2 nunof Clerkenwe lle ; and tothe wtfe oi


lohnAddmsix sflm spoons snd a small maser cup wi th s ilves -gi l t he ad. H e s iso le ft

K etchant, of Lombard Stre et. Ou May 20, 1 647, he had inkeeping £400 of Sir johnMills1 delinquent. 1710111 this statement one might suppose himto have keptmnning-cashe s.


Gambl e , El l i s ,Goldsmi th, l ived atthe GoldenAnge l in Cranbourne A lle y, in1 7 1 2 . Inh i s adve rtis ements he

profe sse d tomake buns, e tc. ,and to s e l l all sorts


of plate , rings , and j e w e ls . H i s name has be comefami l iar to the world through th e ci rcums tance of Hogarth having be enapprent ice d to h imfor th e

purpose of le arning the art of s ilve r—plate engraving ; and shop-b i l ls of Gamble ’s , engrave d by his

famous apprent ice , are much sought afte r by col le ctors of engravings .

Gardene r, J0111 1,Goldsmi th, of the parish of St. Mary Woolnoth , 1 539—42 .

Gard ine r, Ph i l ip,Goldsmith

,circa 1 624, of St. Duns tan-ia-th e -We s t .

Garrard, John,Goldsmi th, of th e parish of St. Mary Woolnoth , d ie d 1 52 1 .

G arre tt,Th omas


Goldsmi th , of the parish of St. Mary Woolnoth . On June 28, 1 61 4, h e was appointe d by theKing

’s le tte rs patent tomake farth ing tokens ; and in1 622 th e authority was e xtende d to Ire land .



Goldsmi th,1 566, of the parish of St. Mary Woolnoth.

G ayw ood,John


A lso Joseph Gaywod, w e re goIdsmith s atth e GoldenCros s , ne ar Exe te r Change , inth e Strand ,1 693



G ayw ood, Jos eph ,

In1 7 1 2 was atthe D ial, ne ar the Savoy Gate , Strand.

G e rrard, Ralph ,

A goldsmi th, in1 699 re s id ing at th e Tbre e Lions, inLombard Stre e t . B e tw e en1 701 and 1 706

h e appe ars to have takena partne r, as th e firmwas thenstyle d Ralph Ge rrard and Ge orge N ew e l l .They adve rtise d inthe LondonGazette of Octobe r 29, 1 702 , for a los t note , drawnby Thomas Row e .

The y subse quently remove d to th e Fox, inLombard Stre e t afte r w h ich w e lose al l trace of them.

G i bb e s,W i ll i am


Goldsmith , of A lde rsgate Ward With in,appe are d inth e l is t of the inhab itants of that ward, in

1 640, who w e re able to contr ibute towards rais ing a loanof for th e use of Charle s I.

G i ll,Th omas

, and Co.,

Banke rs, e stabl ishe d at42 , Lombard Stre e t, about th e ye ar 1 8 1 0. In1 83 2 th e firmwas Thomasand Fe l tham, and from 1 834 to 1 865 the y w e re knownby th e s tyle of Fe l thamand Co. The yremove d to Ball ’A lley in1 859.

G ine s, G e orge and W il l i am


We re banke rs atthe s ignof th e Ros e and Crown, inLombard Stre e t . The firstment ion0f them15 onanold che que of 1 754, and the next inth e LondonD ire ctory for the ye ar 1 759. In 1 770 theRose and Crownwas numbe re d 50, Lombard Stre e t, and th e s tyle of th e firmwas Gine s and A tk inson. The y do notappe ar inth e l is t of banke rs afte r th e year 1 78 1 .

0111— 01 1] L ONDON BA NKERS. 65

Glneg Georgo snd wmlsm— wmmI‘

romshout 1 7 1 4- 32 there was s Rie hard Gine s , s goldsmith snd plate -worlter, who had his shopinLosnbsrd Stre et. H e prohably was the lotemnne r of this bus iness.

Goldsmith, u’m 1 597, ol St. MaryWoolnoth.

Glenand Ve re , 1 733. (Se e N IGHTINOALL)

Goldsmith, 1541 , of the pe rish 01 32 111 17 Woolnoth.

Glouce ster, Wi ll iamof,1 298. Re made s

i lm imsge ho be sctnp ontbe tomb ol tharinqdnughte t ol H enry III for w hich he was paid

Glonou tre ,nenry de ,Goldsmith. By h is wi ll , dsted November 3o, 1 332, we tind ths t he died posse ssed ol several

hos ses in sue Cone , cte . H e le ft

e iouoe-m,mamas ,Moneyer, a

'ms 1 3 1 4, live d inTow erStre et.

Gloucemnobe rtds ,Goldsmitludrm1 308.

Glove r, tdw s rds , l mbnry, Omeg Benhow , sns ndemsn,The ir cs re er was a very short

onqu they fs ilod in1 794-5.

M 1 . Henry B Hyde Oate Genea l ger of the Nstions l Bsnk of U verpool) has favon1 ed mewith the sightol s oonple ot

bills drawnuponthis firm; one by hl e ssrs . Burman, Glove1 , Haynes,md Smith h nha s of Strstfortl upon—Avomsnd snother by Cmss, Fry, d o. of Bri sito l.


The only re cord we hs ve otthis goldsmith is notveqtepntable . Itis s s t'

ollows In1559, onM c Tne sdsy, the wife ol Henry Glyn, goldstnith , ws s ca1tod abont London, (01 be ing bawd to he rowndsnghter.

”The pnnishrnentfor this disgusting ofl


ence m to be drivenround the parish ins

mwhh s pspes setfing fiofth d i e fnflparfimland the u ime phmed w the dre ss

This 61m, which hu the re putationol having a large : bus ines s thanany othe r pri vate bank inghonse hi the C ity ol London, sppeanto have commence d 2t 1 4, Lombard Street(so far as can be



G l yn, M i l l s , and Co.

told by th e LondonD i re ctory), be tw e enth e ye ars 1 740 and 1 754, th e pre cis e date be ing di fficultto

asce rtainincons e quence of no l is t of banke rs be ing forthcoming for the inte rval be tw e enthose twodate s . Th e s tyle of th e firmin1 754 was Ve re , Glyn, and H all it


The re i s l i ttle doubt but that th e firms of Ve re , Glyn, and Co . , and Ve re , A sgi ll, and Co. had a

commonor iginand w e re s tarte d by M r. Jos eph Ve re ,*and that be tw e en1 752 and 1 754 a dissolut ion

took place inthe partne rsh ip, as w e find upon a cash-note of Me ssrs . Samue l Child and Co. , of

Septembe r, 1 752 , the fol low ing endors ement : “

J. M e re dith,"w itne s s T . Huck for M e s srs . Ve re ,

A sgi ll, and Co. and upona s imilar note of Child and Backw e lls , inFe bruary, 1 754 : Robt . Carr,”

w i tne ss T .Huck for M e ssrs . Ve re , Glyn, and Co. Th e lat te r firmmove d to Birch inLane , w h e re as

A sgi ll and Co. remaine d inLombard Stre e t . In 1 754 Henry Mittonw i tne sse d s ignature s for th e

firm,and h e w as subse quently admi tte d into th e partne rship.

In1 770 th e i r house inBirch inLane was numbe re d 1 8 ; and th e firmcons is te d of Sir R ichard Glyn,knight and barone t , M .P. for th e City of London, A lde rmanof Dowgate Ward , and a colone l of th eCity Mil itia (h e was She riff in 1 752 , and Lord Mayor in and Thomas H alli fax, who was

Alde rmanof A lde rsgate Ward. Sir Thomas H alli fax, i t may be note d , was a nat ive of Barns le y, andw as apprent ice d to a groce r in that town, but came to Londonand be came a partne r inth is firm.

H e was Lord Mayor in 1 776-

7, and d ie d in 1 789 In1 773 Sir R ichard Glyndie d , and Sir ThomasH all ifax assume d thre e partne rs th e firm in that ye ar cons is t ing of Sir Thomas H allifax, Mills,R . C . Glyn, and Mitton. Th e ne xt change to b e note d was in1 777, w h enM r. Charle s Mills cameinto th e firmas fourth partne r. In1 783 or 1 784 M r. Mills senior’s name d isappe are d fromth e firm,

w hich be came Sir Thomas H allifax, R ichard Carr Glyn, Charle s Mills , and Henry Mitton. In 1 789

th e name of Sir ThomasH alli fax i s nots e en, and th e bus ine s s was conducte d at 1 2 , Birch inLane , byR . C . Glyn, Mills, and Mitton. A bout 1 790, accord ing to the D i re ctory, R ichard Carr Glyn was

knighte d , w henh e se rve d th e ofli ce of She riff h e w as Lord Mayor in In1 797 th e fi rmw as

Glyn, Mills , H allifax, and Co . , and i t continue d unt il 1 8 1 1 , w henth e s tyle of th e firmbe came Glyn,Mills

,H allifax, Glyn, and Co. so cont inuing unt il 1 823 , w henanoth e r M r. Mills came into it. In

1 826 the ymove d to th e i r pre sent premis e s , N o. 67, Lombard Stre e t, w hich hous e be longe d to th e

Goldsmi ths’ Company, having be enle ft to themby Sir MartinBow e s , the eminent goldsmi th inth e

re ign of Que enEl i zabe th,inw hose t ime i t was knownby the s ignof th e White Lion, and afte r

the Gre at F ire of 1 666, as the Blue Anchor. Me ssrs . Glyn,Mills

, and Co. have re cently purchas e dth e house atanenormous figure .

The s tyle of the firmw as againal te re d in 1 830 to Sir R . C . Glyn, H allifax, Mills , and Co. , con

s isting of Thomas H all ifax, Charle s Mills , Sir R ichard C . Glyn, Bart, Ge orge Carr Glyn, ThomasH all i fax

, jun., and Edward Wh e le r Mills . In 1 851 i t be came Glyn, Mills , and Co .

,w h ich i t con

tinne d to be unt il 1 864, w hen the y amalgamate d w i th the old firmof Currie s and Co., of Cornhil l,

s ince which t ime th e s tyle of th e firmhas be enGlyn,M i lls


Curri e , and Co.

In 1 869 Sir Ge orge Carr Glyn was create d a pe e r unde r th e t i tle of BaronWolve rton. The

pre sent Lord Wolve rtonsucce e de d to the t i tle in 1 888.

This firmwas conve rte d,in January, 1 885, into a joint-s tock company, w ith unl imite d liabil i ty .

They have a paid-up capi tal of J61 ,000,000, and a re se rve fund of Al; and publ ish a balanceshe e t half~ye arly.

The bank premise s are ve ry e xtens ive , occupying th e w hole frontage fromBitchinLane to th e

passage le ad ing to Change A lle y. Th e name s of th e s igns of th e diffe rent house s, th e s i te s of w h ichare include d In the ir house , are (commencing w ith Birch in Lane ) th e Black Bull, th e hous e at th ecorne r of Birch inLane , forme rly occupie d by Ove rend and Co. ; the Cat and Fiddle , the BlackLion; th e Spread Eagle ; and th e Blue Anchor, w hich Is the s ignof N o. 67, and the re fore the s ignof the house . The SalutationTave rnalso forme d a port ionof the s i te , hav ing be eninthe re ar of th eBlack Lion.

A Joseph Ve re w as cle rk to ThomasI

Martinand Co. in1 7 19.


Gold smith s — (outinued.

M r. H . D . Macle od, inhis The ory and Pract ice of Banking, give s the follow ing de finitionof

the w ord bankI t i s popularly suppos e d that the word bank come s fromthe Ital ianbanm,

a bench , or table ,be caus e the mone y—deale rs, or mone y—change rs , kept th e ir mone y pile d onbenche s or table s, w henceth ey w e re cal le d I t i s also said that w hen the y fai le d the i r bench was brokenup (11aflcoratio) hence our bankrupt.

Ne ve rth e le ss, the re canbe no poss ible doubt but that th is de rivat ionis a pure de lus ion. Inthe

firstplace , the mone y-de ale rs , ormone y-change rs , as such, w e re ne ve r cal le d banc/zz‘


inth e MiddleA ge s . The y w e re calle d Cambz’a/ores

,Campsores , A rgmmn



, N ummulan'


, Trapez z’

taz and

thos e w ho lent mone y w e re also cal le d D anz'

stw, Collybz'

stae,and M umalores



; and

the ir place s of bus ine ss w e re ca l le d casane and banc/zz’


We shal l show what the real me aning of bank i s , not only inI tal ian,butas i t was unde rs tood

inEngl ish w heni t w as firstus ed, as appl ie d tomone y de al ing.

Muratori hims e lf says that the Indianbal lad , or 11mm, i s de r ive d fromthe Goth ic or Scand inavian

bamk, a heap or mound. The true original me aning of banco i s a heap ormound and th is w ord

was me taphorical ly appl ie d to a common fund , or joint s tock, forme d by th e contribut ions of a

mul ti tude of pe rsons .

“ A s i s e xplaine d ina subse quent chapte r, th e State of Venice , be ing hard pre sse d inwar in1 1 7 1 ,

le vie d a force d loan fromits ci tizens,and promise d them inte re s t inpe rpe tuity at4 pe r cent. and

this loan, or publ ic debt, was cal le d a banco, or monte . Ce rtain commis s ione rs w e re appointe d to

manage th e loanwho w e re cal le d th e Camera deglz'


ti,or Chambe r of Loans and the i r offi ce ,

w h e re the inte re s t was pai d and th e s tock was transfe rre d, was also calle d banco ormonte . Th e

Bank ’of Venice was , th e re fore , nothing buta publ ic de bt, manage d by Commis s ione rs . Two sub

s e quent loans w e re made , calle d M onte M 1000 and M onte N uovz'

ss z'mo

, of th e same nature 5 and i t wasnot t il l 1 587 that th e se commiss ione rs w e re appointe d to re ce ive publ ic cash ondepos it, and be camewhat w e cal l a bank . The re i s no doubt w hate ve r that th e words monte and banco are e quivalent inI tal ian, and w e re first appl ie d to a publ ic de bt, and thenafte rwards to the ofii ce inwhich i t wasmanage d .

M r. Macle od furthe r adds that th e w ord bank me ans a gene ral contribut ion re ce ive d fromth e

publ ic, ine xchange for w hich credit i s cre ate d, and that th e bus ine ss of a banke r ” i s to cre ate cre di t.Charle s I.

,w i th the w eak ide a of improving th e approach to St. Paul

s, de te rmine d to cle ar Che aps ideof 1111 but the goldsmi ths , those who re fuse d to remove be ing cas t into prison. OnNovembe r 1 6,1 634, the fol low ing proclamat ionwas is sue d : Whe re as inGoldsmith’s Row ,

in Che aps ide and in

Lombard Stre e t, dive rs shops are he ld by pe rsons of othe r trade s , w h e re by that uni formshow w h ichwas anornament to those place s and a lus tre to th e City i s now greatly diminishe d , all th e shops inGoldsmiths ’ Row are to be occupie d by none butgoldsmiths and all goldsmiths who ke ep shops inothe r parts of th e City are to re sort th ithe r or to Lombard Stre e t or Che aps ide .

”A gain, in 1 637, th e

King issue d anothe r e qually tyrannical orde r thre atening the Lord Mayor and A lde rmenw i th imprisonment i f the y did notatonce enforce h is command

,that all shops should be shut up inChe ap

s ide and Lombard Stre e t, save those . that w e re goldsmi ths ’ shops .

I t was about the ye ar 1 645 that th e London goldsmiths first be gan to act as banke rs . The yre ce ive d moneys and rents fromth e i r cus tome rs, to whomthe y gave some inte re s t for the use of th esame . The y also lentmone y onpawns, and issue d note s .

WhenCharle s I. was re fuse d a loan by the City of London, h e was advise d by h i s minis te rs tos e ize uponthe mone y that had be ende pos ite d in the Royal Mint, in th e Tow e r

of London, by theLombards and goldsmi ths , amount ing inall to th e sumof

9-6 wh ich ope rat ionwas the cause

of ruintomany. The goldsmiths had up to that t ime be eninth e habit of placing the ir mone y the refor s e curity ; buthence forth the y w ere force d to ke e p i t in the i r own shops, and to lend i t outtocustome rs at inte re s t. “

A fte r this shame ful robbe ry by. the King of th e goldsmiths’

.money, i t i s not

con— coo] L ONDON BA NKERS. 69


tintthe Goldflniths' Company shonld hs ve snhsm’

be d u sh and mento he lp Cromwell in

During the Commonw ealth the number 0? goldsmi ths increase d conside rably ; and they thenreodved momys of mhlemmmd ge oflemenwho depodwd the h smplma sh whhmemfor sak

a stody. Th e goldsmiths m ny isw ed reoe ipu m eash-note s for the mqpayable ondemnd ;and the se reoe ipu passed fi

-omhand to hand snd wemcafled goldaniths

’ notes . A custome r wish ingto w ithdraw sny snmwould dnw s note or dnflpayable to his ownor some one e ise ’s osder ; sndthis ws s the ofiginof chequesCharle s l l . be ing distre ssed formoney (with himna mmnsns l d rcmnstancexsnd nnwi lling to

spply M the Hm of Commmmmoned hh mininm b r thf pumou of uking counsd u w

h dng fi eh h gmuhyme womiw dme ofi a d w m mmyw e whommmw me meanaAltes di e ka tmadmthe p ldunhhs w e inme hahh d depodth g h di e Emhequa me h flmfing

es pitaLsnch ss they did notreqnire los the ir b or the me of which the King gave themh igh

thanhy di e Goverrtment snd by debts otthe King, they gote smnch ss 20 per ccnt, snd some timeseveninexoess of thatrate , to the gre stdishonomof the covernment.Imd Ashley had nnguardedly oommnnimed to Sir Thoms s Clifl’ord the exped ientof shtrttingnp

the Bscheqne r snd se i zing these sccnmulations. SirThomas instantly went before the King, in£onn~

h g hi s hl s jesty that he hsd hit ons good notion.

good nmyM if yoncsnfind the money.

” Sir Thomas theninformed the King thatthe banlrers

ttpt Accordingly on]snns ry s , 1 67 2, the Excheqna m da e i snd s ll payments to the bankmwm w spmde d ;mh mvd mode d rd k vh g the myal nems ifia a ndngmimnmw lymmostofthemflsmhh h ithkew ise w many d di e ir onstomm The exact smomt of money inthe li xchequer stthattime wss fi x,328,526 A s s reward t


or this rohbery, 8i1 Thomas Clifl’

ord ws smsdeId igh Tmsm snd nised to the pe enge .Th e King origins lly de signed to cb se the Es cheqner for onlyone yw ; bntyw sfi er year ps sse d ,

and ne ither wincipal nor interest wss retnmed. Public indignsti onrose to snch s he ight at th is

injustice thatonApril 1 6, 1677, justfive ye sss afie 1 the seizure, the K ing cansed letters patentto be

granted to es eh of those goldsmiths who hsd entrusted th e irmoney to the Excheqner, covensnting topsy intere st stthe me


ol 6 per cent pe r anmnn. The oblip tionwas obse rved up to u dy Day,Inthe re ignot


WilliamIII. s greatstir wasmade , 1nd the hsnkmnot only lost s ll the i1 interest, bnt inthe end wm paid only half ofthe ir original debt. Itws s the first itemwith which the hi stions l De btwas chs rged, snd itultimate lybecame a part ol the oe iehrated Soutli Sea nd.

M ow gd dunifi is bu ida ddng a dinsqbankm’ md gd dmiths’ bnfinmsdvmoedmmqe ponpkdgeg s s the pswnhf ohers donow . Inthe ufly le dgmof fi dwars ckwe ll snd ot


Blanchs rdto wh ich s ll interest snd profit sris ing l

rommoney lent onple dmormore mrketable secnrity, was ph e ed. Inthe days harle s ILtheyfrequently clmged ss mnch as m snd p per cent t


or money, while they neve r appe s r to have

allowedmore th2n6 per cent 0ndepos it.

Were goldsmi ths in1 69 1 ,ne xtthe FountainTavern, inthe Strand. Edmund Goodere is de scribe d

Goodw in, John,Goldsmi th, 1 6391 of Lombard Street, was buried inthe church of St. Mary Woolnoth in


Gorton, John,Goldsmi th

, 1 668, at the Que en’s Head , ne ar Be dford House , inth e Strand . Inth e LondonGaze/te of Octobe r 1 9 of that ye ar, h e offe re d to pay a re ward for th e re s t i tut ionof “

a plaingoldcup and cove r, w i th a gold salve r, all


about 45 ounce s , having onth e s ide of the cup and inth e

middle of th e salve r a coat of arms engraven th e coat of arms be ing 3 bucks’ he ads w ith a corone t

on th e top and a Flourish, be longing to the Rt H on. th e Earl of De vonshi re , toge the r w i th

a coat of arme s , be longing to H i s Grace the Duke of Ormond , and onthe top of th e cove r a snak eand a le af.”

Gos l ings and Sh arpe .

This bank i s of cons ide rable ant iqui ty . I t originate d , in commonw ith many othe rs , ina goldsmith ’s bus ine ss carrie d onby one Jame s Chambe rs , the brothe r of A brahamChambe rs of th e GoldenEagle , who i s d e scr ibe d as of th e Thre e Squirre ls , ove r agains t St. Dunstan’s Church, in Fle e tStre e t

,as e arly as 1 684, though th e re al date i s probably e arlie r. In 1 650 w e hnd the re was a w e l l

known goldsmi th of the name of Pinckne y at th is hous e ; but in 1 67 1 h e i s de scribe d as of th e

Gold en D ragon, ne ar th e Inne r Temple Gate ; fromw hich w e may infe r that Chambe rs w as

locate d the re soon afte r . Ove r the centre w indow o f th e pre sent hous e , No. 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t, th e

old s ignof th e Thre e Squi rre ls may s t il l be se en inthe i ronwork. Th e original s ign, w hich i s of

coppe r, i s pre se rve d inthe front shop.

Th e fol low ing remarkable circumstance has be ennote d, name ly, that one fami ly of th e nameof Chamb e rs be ars thre e squirre ls inthe i r arms . Might not th is fami ly have adopte d this coat fromth e fact of th e ir be ing locate d atth e house of that s ign Many of th e d i ffi culti e s I had to contendw i th

,and the e rrors I fe l l into inth e firste dit ionof this work, have be encle are d up and re ctifie d by

M r. Robinson; of 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t, through h is having d iscove re d a quanti ty of old pape rs and booksinth e bank re lat ing to the e arly his tory of th e hous e , w hich have enable d me to corre ct e rrors andshow w ho th e Chambe rs, Wanle ys , and Fow le rs w e re , also to prove that Pinckney

s mus t have be ena s eparate bus ine ss , as was also that of Will iamGos tl ing, and l ike w ise that of Chambe rs and

U sborne .

In1 695 anadve rtis ement appe are d inth e London Gazette , inw h ich M r. Chambers was to pay

a re ward of one guine a for the re cov e ry of some w rit ings le ft ina hackne y coach. In1 706 w e find ,by endorsements to bank note s , that Ge orge Wanle y w itne sse d h i s s ignature . In1 707 th e same w as

w i tne sse d by Ge orge Cradock. A ccord ing to anadve rtis ement inthe D ai ly Courant, January 26, 1 7 1 4,the firmwas Chambe rs and Wanle y

, as the y adve rtise d for some Exche que r b il ls los t. From1 7 1 3to 1 720 th e s tyle of the firmappe are d to be


Ge orge Wanle y and Cradock— Jame s Rocke s igne d forthem. Fromth e books in Me ssrs . Gos l ing’s pos se ss ion it

,appears that in 1 723 th e firm was

A brahamFow l e r and Rocke ; in 1 728 Jame s Sympson or Simpson(spe l t both w ays) was takenintopartne rship. [It was announce d inthe D aily j ournal , June 1 3 , 1 73 2, that onSunday be tw e en

9— 1 0 in th e e vening, M r. Simpson, a banke r in Fle e t Stre e t, going w i th anothe r gentl emen ina Hackne y coach to Tottenham,

w e re s et upon by a s ingle highwayman by th e pond on StamfordHill , who took fromthema gold and s i lve r w atch and w hatmone y they The s tyle of the

firmwas A br. Fow le r and Co. unt i l 1 735, w hen i t became Rocke and Co. From 1 739 to 1 74 1

i t was Jame s S impsonand Ward ; in 1 742 Ward and Gos l ing ; in'

1 743 Gos l ing and Benne t ; in1 750 and 1 752 Gosl ing and Benne t, de scribe d of th e Thre e Gold enSqui rre ls . In1 755the s ignatureof the firmw as w i tne s s e d by M r. B enjaminSharpe . In 1 764 th e firmw as Francis Gos l ing

,Robe rt

Gos l ing , and G . Clive ; in 1 78 1 Gos l ing, Clive , and Gos l ing ; in 1 789 Robe rt, Francis, and WilliamGos l ing ; in1 796 i t w as Francis Gos l ing, Will iamGos l ing, and Benjamin Sharpe ; and th e firmhase ve r s ince that (late be ens tyle d M e ssrs . Gos l ings and Sharpe .

I t w ould appe ar that Ge orge Wani ey was anant iquary, as i t is re corde d byPe te r Cunningham, inh is “ Handbook of London,

” that, in 1 707, Wanle y and Le N e ve met at the Young De vil Tave rn,


adjoiaing D1ck‘

smFle etSM md ongmatcd or gave the firsh mpulse to the formationof, theSociety ol Antiqmna .

InSt Dunstan's Chmct H e etStreeg u s monnmenml inscriptionto th e memory of Jame sChamba g Esqa d dm goMsmith formefi y sneminent hanker ot


th is parish , w ho fine d for


of london, 1 11110 1 730 :“ A mancourteous to h is ne ighbours, Hearty to h is Fricnds , and

dagnhrly jnst to Emy Body, ve fy hene ficient to his Relations, to whomhe pa tedm'

th upwards of

£ 1 0,000 inhi s lifetime .

“ Inthe same vaul t lye . also interf d h is nephew Ahu bamChambers, Senior, C itizenandGoldsmith. A mneva y vsy valuahle inLifen loving Husm'a Tender Fathe r, 1nd a sinoereFriend. Oh hh y 9, 51 .

“ To the memoqof whomins M flu h oflet hh monumentqmcted hy dwir

lnmy forma edifimthe m e ot iflmancoufingmm fioned u prohahly he bnging th thi sfirm. h is m scppooed thsthe hs d nothing w do w ith themghe is therd ore descrihe d unde r

l han he enfarocred hy Dr. M d Stepney Msm Ofi oa Old jev hsmhemwith s shonpedigre e d the Chsmhcrs fimiiy, vhich vfil he found inthe sppendm Itv ill there be se enthatth w o h oma s Ah ahammd jma vm both goldsmiths csrrying onthe irmpective trade s insepantc hons e s infleetStreeLmarmd uesm cosfings snd Shu pe eonsimd the follov ing partna s

Wi ll iamCnnlifl‘e Gos l ing,

Was a goldsmith ot'


le etStreet. As eafly u wnh is uame hu be enmetvith. H e musthaveheminhtu inenmany ym stthis time .

fl e m d M'

a r. N®k h hh “ Memorials of‘


emplesu ocis te d vith the firmin1 67¢ £ormongnme rous wcords of the 3e cret$crvioe moneys expendedinthe time of Charle l d amc lL, oocm tli s eatqz

To Richard Bokenhaminfii ll formeral pamfls of goldmd fi lm h ce honghtom Gost

fing and pu tnm onhh y a, 1674, hy the Dmha s ot Cleavehnd for the wedding cloaths of the

IA dy Sussex snd l i tchfic“ Now th is Wi llaiamGoslingm mbseqnently knighted , and heame Aldermnof the Ward, 1 684


m Sherifl'

) to 1 686. And his descendant, Francis (also knigh ted). was originally a hookse ller, socceeding

‘K Gooting‘at the M i tre and Crown, opposite SL Dnnstnn

s Church , who

nom-‘nhed hetve eo nu md xu o. It ir Francis Gosling whom boob efle r to Browne Will is ,

I do not think thzt the Wi lliamGosti ing above -mcntioned hzd anyth ing to do w ith the presenthome of the Thre e Squirre ig buthold tlu the m a goldsmith and hooks e ller, snd finally hookse lleronly. The name Gosling first sppeared atthe Th ree Squirre is in1 74z , the style of the hanking firm

‘ OnNovmbu so, 1 718, ohns Esq. m u ni ed toM W h M Stne


ti“ Emm i).


Goul d , Samue l ,Banke r, 1 733 , de scribe d inth e D ai ly j ournal i or Fe bruary 23 in that ye ar as late of Cornhi ll,

gave not ice to all pe rsons inde bte d to h imto pay the i r de bts to Me s srs . R . Dye r and ThomasJackson, or the y w il l be sue d .

”H e was a bankrupt.

G oul d,Th omas ,

Banke r, of Cornhi l l . A ll that i s knownof h im i s gath e re d fromth e London Gazette , M ay 6,

1 735, wh e re inhe i s de scribe d as a bankrupt, and h i s cre d i tors are de s i re d to me e t th e as s igne e s at

the White LionTave rn, inCornhill.

G ravatt, R i ch ard,Was a banke r carry ing onbus ine ss at51 , Fle e t Stre e t, in1 770 . H is care e r was of short durati on,

as h is name doe s notappe ar inth e D ire ctory afte r 1 778.

Gre enand Amb e r, 1 745. (Se e HORN AN D K ILLM A INE. )

Gre en,N ath ani e l ,

A goldsmi th , 1 696, at th e Black Lyon, inLe ice ste r Fie lds (now Le ice ste r Square). Inthat ye arh e offe re d a re ward of £ 1 0 for some s i lve r plate stolenfromthe house of th e Duke of Ormond.

Gre ene and C o. ,1 7 1 8

—42 . (Se e W ILLIS. )

Gre ene,Edw ard


Goldsmi th, of St. Botolph’

. H is name i s found inthe l is t of th e inhab i tants of A lde rsgate Ward,in1 640, w ho w e re able to contribute towards rais ing a loanof for th e s e rv ice of th e King.

Gre ene,Edw ard


Goldsmith,f i rm 1 586, of St. Mary Woolnoth .

Gre ene,Th omas


Goldsmith of London,appre hende d for tre ason. Inan inventory of h is goods, e tc. ,

M ay, 1 576

Exch e que r Spe cial Commiss ion i t i sment ione d that h e had , amongs t oth e r things, ge ldings inke epingo t

M r. R ichard Martyn,a goldsmith . Gre ene was convicte d of “ diminish ing h e rMaj e s t ie s coigne

and inJuly, 1 576, h e i s spokenof as“ late ly e xe cute d .

" But inthe [ Vewgaz'

e C/zrom'

f le i t i s s tate dthat onM ay 30, 1 584, h e w as drawn fromNe wgate to Tyburn

,and the re hange d, headed, and

quarte re d, for cl ipping of co in, both gold and s i lve r.H i s re ady mone y, plate , j ew e l s , etc. ,

in London was val ued at 53 2 91 . 1 1 5211 , and bonds w e refound inh is house to th e value of £ 1 530 1 7s . 9d. This was a cons ide rable sumfor those days , andhe mus t have be enfai rly w e ll off, w hich make s i t difli cult for us to unde rs tand why h e should haver iske d h i s l i fe for the smal l sums h e coul d have gaine d by cl ipping th e coins .

G re ete , Edmond ,Goldsmith, ci rca 1 580, of th e parish of St. Mary Woolnoth .

G re gory, Barnaby,Goldsmith, f i rm1 602

, of St. Mary Woolnoth .

G re sh am, Si r R i ch ard ,Was King

s Exchange r, and agent for H enry VI I I . atAntw e rp in 1 534. In conse quence of thegre at inconveni ence me rchants w e re e xpose d to by be ing outof doors inall w e athe rs , h e forme d a


pw de finw s mqmhangqinl omhard Stre et. 1n1531 he 111hmitted to Cromwe ll,the Lmd Pfia t da igns b r a hut to be afi er the phnof the Exchange atAntwerp ; buthis phmwe re notsdopted. H e m l o rd Mayor inrsy JohnGre shamhe ing She rifl

; and inthat

yw he msde mother fi tempt inthe nme directionne fening to the designthathe had snbmitte d inme prefims yw , tped fyh g om: inhoma whk h he propme d the usymand Corpomfim shOMd

sequire andercompulsory powers. Thh greatw hemem howem. le fi for his sonto aocomplish.

Sh k k ld rd nmd thmgh amma . ocammfly didmma the hmm of a goldsmith , uthe following will show . WhenAnne of Cle ve s ame to Enghnd u the fonrth hride otwflenry Vl l lin1 539. the fioflow ing psymentis reoorded :

“ To SirRiche rde Grenhamb r a cheyne oflyne golde whiche m givento a gentthatcame fromthe Duke otBarye r. £ 1oo

H e died in1556.

Gmhmmr l 'homu ,

A p idsmhh nd mchmd pu tmowninthe dme ofmiu hethmanie d onhufinm st the

sip d the Gnsshoppe rfinlomhu d SM - upoo the tite d the pre senthank of him hh rtinmd

to the time ol a ham.

Sir Thoms Gmhsm’

s fathe r, SirRichsrd Gmhsm,m the King’s Exchange r inthe re ignot

H enry VIfl. , hy whomhe m gru dy e ste emed. SirThoms mooee ded hh fatlwr inthis ofliog hutm npa se ded ha e enMu y onhe r scw -ionto the duooe . H e wag however, s f


H e h d d ve hnnm d me w fia mmh nu whomded mme Emlndiqhy whichveatures he w cnmnbted nst riche s one

m u ring semsh ips outto the w lndie s, he hadmiscalcuh ted the date stwh ich they wouldretm-qcircnmstance that u u ed himmnch emhemment. H e, howeve r, soonrecove red fmmhis temponry inoomenience .

which was theo he ld inbomhu d Sue eg s u ilor pru ented h imwith a letter fromthe capu inof oneof his shipg which eonuiaed themti fying informtiontha two otthemhad arrive d safe fromtheBa th dks md thatflnbu whichme ha ra wmld dd immmined wme dhmondsmd pa fls ofgreetvslne — anmple ol the richa the ships had hroughthome .

H e hsd amime home otgru tmp ifim inBi shopsgate Smeg whkh m aflmards knmu Gre shamCoflege .Upon”W w Lyww

H estons Ostefley a me into th e poss eu ionof Sir Thomas Gmham, and the Park was end ose d hyh im. A fter he hsd md os ed the Psrk stOsterley, he heganto re-bnild the hlanorflousqbut itwasnotcompieted nntih sn. Inthe pu k is s fair heronrie .

1 11 1578Q11e enfliu heth vi sited 051erley, whenSir Thoms Gru hamentertained her Majecty ina verymagnificentmanne r. There is e tnd iti onthat e enEliu hcth sdmired the house and parkmymch with the ringle exceptionof a walle d oomtyard. Whenthe Qne enhad retired for the

nigt hmma Gmhampm red aflthe m he w d i snd m'M w workmd demolished itOu her Maje sty

’s mppearanoe inthe morning, she was much grati fied at se e ing the improvement



hornas hadmde athe rmggestion. Towmd s the end ol the seventeenth oennny , 05te d ey Parkcame hiw me pamfimd St d s M whou de soendmt onthe femd e dde Ohe Earl otJe rse y) stmpossea es it.SirThoms s Greohsmfonnded the Royl xchange , of which the fimuone was laid oa ne 7,

1566 ; the huilfing he ingopened hyQue enElizabeth inpersononjsnuzry sg, 1572b The follow ingaccountof the oeremony is givenhy sww :

“ The Que en's Maje sty, attended w i th her nob il i ty, came fromher house atthe Strand, called


Gre sh am, Si r Th omasSome rs e t House , and .

ente re d the City by Templ e Bar, through Fle e t Stre e t, Che ap, and so by the

north s ide of th e burse , through Thre adne ed le Stre e t, to Sir Thomas Gre sham’

s house inBishopsgateStre e t

,whe re she d ine d . A fte r d inne r H e r Maj e s ty re turne d through Cornhill , ente re d the burse on

th e south s ide,and afte r that she had vie w e d e ve ry part the reof above the ground, e spe cial ly the pawn,

w hich was richly furnishe d w i th all sorts of th e fine stware s inth e City, sh e caus e d th e same burs e , bya he rald and trumpe t, to be proclaime d Th e Royal Exchange ,

’and so to be cal le d fromthence forth,

and notothe rw ise .

This bui ld ing was de s troye d by th e Gre at Fire of 1 666.

-Sir Thomas Gre sham l ikew ise founde d Gre shamCol le ge , w h ich h e endow e d w i th s ix profe ssorships , viz. D iv ini ty, Law ,

Phys ic, Philosophy, A stronomy, and M us icrw ith 50 a ye ar to e ach , for

th e purpose of giving gratui tous le ctures onth ese science s to th e ci t i zens of Londonfor e ve r. The yare d e l ive red inLatinand inEngli sh to th e pre s ent day inBas inghall Stre e t.

To Gre shamw e ow e th e abol itionof loans fromfore ign s tate s . By h i s counse l El i zabe th was

induce d, w hena loanwas nece s sary, notto us e s trange rs, buthe r ownsubj e cts , that i t might be se en

what a prince of pow e r she was .

”A ccording to M r. Francis , “ h e r firstappl icat ions to th e ci tizens

w e re notmet w i th sufficient alacrity to ple ase th e impe rious Que en. She who could imprisona

favourite for l i fe , or send a ri val to th e block , w as che cke d by he r plebe ianbutw e althy subj ects . The

pride of H enryVIII. had de scende d w ith hi s Crownto h i s daughte r, and sh e cause d it to be intimate dto the unw i ll ingme rchants that to borrow the i rmone y was amatte r of gre at grace and favour. ”

A s much as 1 2 and 1 4 pe r cent. was pai d for th e accommodationofmone y inthis re ign.

I e xtract fromLaw son’s “ His tory of Banking”th e fol low ing s ingular ane cdote re late d of th is

prince lyme rchantThe Spanish Ambassador to th e Engl ish Court having e xtoll e d the gre at riche s of th e K ing, h i s

mas te r, and of the grande e s of_

h is k ingdombe fore Que enEl i zabe th , Sir Thomas, who was pre s ent,told h im that th e Que enhad subj e cts w ho, at one me al , e xpende d not only as much as the dai lyre venue s of h i s King, butalso of all h i s grande e s

,and adde d

,This I w i l l prove any day, and lay you

a cons ide rable sumonth e re sult . ’ Th e Spanish ambassador soonafte r came unaware s to the houseof Sir Thomas , and dine d w i th h im w hen

,finding only anordinaryme al , he sai d ,

‘We l l, s ir, you

have los t your wage r. ’ Notatall,

’ repl ie d Sir Thomas ; and this you shal l pre sentlyl

se e .

’H e then

pul le d outa box fromh i s pocke t, and , taking one of th e large s t and fine st e as te rnpe arls outof it,

e xhibi te d i t to th e Ambassador afte r which h e ground it, and drank the powde r of i t ina glass ofw ine , to the he al th of the Que en, h is mis tre ss . My Lord Ambassador,’ said Sir Thomas, ‘

you knowI have oftenre fuse d for that pe arl. Have I los t or w onP I y ie ld th e w age r as los t,

saidth e Ambas sador and I do not think the re are four subj e cts inthe w orld that w oul d do as much forthe i r sove re ign. ’

At his dea th, w hich took place onNovembe r 2 1 , 1 579, th e bulk of h is w e alth w as found to

cons is t of gold chains . H e was burie d inSt. He len’s Church, Bishopsgate . Th e inscript iononthes tone i s

Sir Thomas Gre sham,Knight

, bur ie d 1 5th D e cembe r, 1 579.

Finally, i t has to be re corde d that to Sir Thomas Gre shamw e ow e th e introducti onof the orangeinto England.

Gre vi ll,F ranci s


A goldsmi th , 1 698, inLombard Stre e t.


A goldsmith, in1 679, atthe GoldenLyon, ove r agains t Fe tte r Lane end of Fle e t Stre e t.

Grote and Cc .

,1 820— 38. (Se e Paascorr .)


H alge ford , John d e ,Goldsmi th , 1 308, of th e parish of Holy Trini ty the Le ss . H e le ft forty pence to the A bbe y of

We s tmins te r Calendar of Wills, Court of Hus ting, London

Hal l , John,Goldsmith, a

rm1 626, of St. Clement Dane s .

Hall , W i ll i am,

Of London, goldsmi th . Whe re h is shop was has batfle d all inqui ry. A ll that i s knownof h imisthat Francis Child , afte rwards of Y

° Marygold, was apprent ice d to h imin1 656, for e ight ye ars .

Hal l e , M ath e w ,

A goldsmith . From Inquis i t ionp.m. , October 25, 4 Edward IV. , w e le arn that Mathew Hal le,

late ci t i zenand goldsmi th of London, he ld four me ssuage s , w hich w e re late JohnGodeman’

s othe rw is e cal le d Fraunceys, late cit izenand goldsmith of London, inth e parish of St. Ve das t, London,fromth e gi ft of El i zabe th Godemanor Fraunceys and Thomas Pope lton, late ci tizenand goldsmi th,of th e annual value of £8. Hal le also he ld anothe r me ssuage inthe parish of St. Ve das t, w orth

1 12. H e die d Octobe r 20, 3 Edward IV. (ci rca le aving daughte rs— Margare t, w ho be cameth e w i fe of R ichard Galyon, ci t izenand goldsmi th Kathe rine , and Joan— who w e re h i s joint he irs .

H all e tt and Co.


1 4, Gre at G e orge Stre e t, We s tmins te r . This bus ine ss , cons is t ing of bank ing and navy agency,was

e s tabl ishe d atth e above addre ss about 1 82 2 by Me ss rs . Johnand Thomas Maude and Charle s W .

Halle t t. A bout 1 825 th e firmd isappe are d fromth e l is t of banke rs but i t is to be found againin1 854 unde r th e s tyle of Hal le tt, Robinson, and Co. In1 858 i t be came Hal le t t, Maude , and Hal le tt ,and Maude and Hal le tt in 1 862 ; inw hich ye ar the y amalgamate d w ith a navy agent of th e nameof Ommaney, and th e s tyle of th e firmwas change d to Halle tt, Ommaney, and Co . The y do notappe ar inth e D i re ctory afte r 1 866, w henthe y ce ase d to e x is t as banke rs butthe navy agency i s s t il lcont inue d at7, St. Mart in’s Place , unde r th e s tyle of Halle tt and Co.

Hal l ett, G e orge ,Goldsmith, 1 682, corne r of Buck inghamStre e t, Strand .

Hall ett,Jame s ,

Gol dsmi th, 1 690- 1 700, atth e Ange l , inChe aps ide .

Hal l i day and Co.

The firstmentionof th is firmi s in1 770, whenth e LondonD ire ctory show s that Hal l iday, Fl ight,Hall iday, and Co . w e re at 34, Lombard Stre e t. Oh re fe rence to the same source of informat ion, Ifind that in 1 776 the y had move d to 3 , Fre eman’s Court, Cornhill, and th e s tyle of th e firm had

be come Hall iday, Duntz e , Prae d, and Co. I t i s a s ingular coincidence that in th is ye ar, whenth ew e l l-knownbanking name of Prae d first appe are d inthe

“ LondonD i re ctory, the re should be two of

that name intwo'

s eparate firms one inHal l iday’s, and the oth e r inpartne rship w i th Biddulph andCo. In1 78 1 that name disappe ars fromHal liday’s , which had become Hal l iday, Duntz e , Saunde rs ,and Hamil ton. The y be came e xt inct afte r 1 782 .

H all i fax and Co.

,1 774

— 88. (Se e GLYN . )

H al ste d, John,Goldsmi th, circa 1 587, of St. Dunstan

s-in-the -We s t.

11 1 11— 11 1 11] LONDON BA NKERS.

Ed i ted , Robert, 1 676—1 703,

A goldsmith, atthemnand DiaI. infle etStreet. H is name appeared in1 676, ofl'

eringa rewardfor a griu ly gny gelding loat. H e mootbe traced alter u oy

Kame raley, 8 ugh ,umm cmnmm nm inmsm 1685.

Kameraley, Ri chard,Atthe Snnand Marygold. a H e m a hankmpt inrogs. It

h t hatthenh ub e a e-wm them w ith M I c h nged.

MnThomas Hammmley, originally a d erh inhIm H erries'banh was one ot

the original

m mmmam um mw m,mm bmkmgmm h g mmMall, in1 786.

The style ot’

In 1 8o6 it he came

ayle of the firmhecoming fim ers i ey, 01e enwood, and nroohshank. They stopped paymentSeptember 1 0, 1 840 ,

when the ir depos its amounted to ow ing to the death otHugh

Hamma skywthe sole partoe r 1'

his hmineu wu ahnrhed hy him Contts and Co , who took

onaflthe eta hg w whomthey hd uved nqm oodyw eodoning oflmme of the old ooea The

afi mwere plae ed inChance ry, and the estate only yie lded teo lhi llings inthe pound.

lntSas the Io odonJoint-Stock Bank opened a hraneh onthu e premise s.

M W (Se e Arwm )

Established ahout 1 779 byMessrs Hanbury, Taylor, Lloyd, and Bowman, at 1 4, Lombard Stree t.In 1 779 1heymoved tqIm hard SM d1e si¢not whkh honse was the Kin¢s H ead acd

Hmm mh oru md a pmme doing htm u goldmiths inwn. In1 784 1he named flmh uy d iaappa red fiomthe fimand ithe came Tayior, o d, and Bowman. 1 11 1 791 itwas

Tayior, Lloyd , Hanbury, and Cc. ; in1 80 1 , Taylor, Lloyd, Hamhnry, and Bowman. In1 8 15anothe rehange took plsce inthe style ot

the 61-111, the

and Lloyd. Intsss km flanhuqand w which continue d to be the style untfl1 864, whe 11 it

Mr. Samue l Hoare infomu me that the Hanhorya are one ol’

the olde st Esse x familiea the ir

re sidence atHolBe Id Gnage e steodhrg orer thre e hundred ye araThe Hanburys. aims 1 740, were tob oco—brokers inGreatTow e r Stre e t.

A goldsmhh a rrying onhh mde inkmxHSM CovcmGardeminnro.

M h nh tno-as ,


his waa oae ot’

the olde stbanking honse s inthe C ity otIondon The w i ieatrecord ot’

it is tohe iound mthe LoMonGa dtc oI Septemher, 1685.


Hank e y s and Co.— c071tz



w itted, and a re ward w as ofi'

e re d by Captain Samue l Hanke y, goldsmith, at the R ing, unde r St.

D ionis Backchurch, inFanchurch Stre e t .M r. Thomas Hankey, of Che s te r Square , th e s enior surv ivingmembe r of th e firmof Hanke y and

Co. ,informs me that he doe s not know th e actual date of th e e s tablishment of th is banking-hous e ,

buth e had fre quently s e enanold cash-book of daily re ce ipts and payments date d (he be l ie ve d) 1 693 .

That the y w e re original ly goldsmi ths the re i s no doubt ; and th e y probably w e re also pawnbroke rs ,as mos t goldsmiths of that pe riod embrace d that profitable bus ine s s inthe i r trade . On re fe rence to

the “ Royal Annual Kalendar of 1 765, i t w il l be se enthat Sir Joseph and SirThomas Hanke y w e reatth e s ignof the Thre e GoldenBal ls , inFenchurch Ste ee t,

— a s ign ve ry sugge s t ive of th e i r origin

and de scent fromth e e arly Longobards .

The s ignof the house was commonly knownas th e Golden Ball in Fenchurch Stre e t, and M r.

Thomas Hanke y s tate s that h e has always be enle d to be l ie ve that h is pre de ce ssors w e re goldsmi thsata sh0p ne arly oppos i te N o. 7, Fenchurch Stre e t, and that th e hous e was e stabl ishe d as a bank ”

abou t th e same t ime as Child’s .

Inanadve rtis ement inth e LondonGazette of January 8, 1 70 1 , for some ships’

pape rs los t, w e s e e

that Henry Hanke y, goldsmi th , w as atth e R ing and Bal l inFenchurch St re e t . This may have b e enth e shop re fe rre d to as b e ing oppos i te N o . 7 .

Th e name appe ars as an endorsement ona draft drawnby Si lvanus Be van onChild ’s,date d

Septembe r 25, 1 704 :“ Witne s s Je ff e ry V ibcr fl


or mymas te rs Henry Hanke y and Co. ; and s e ve ralmore documents show th e same s tyle of the firmup to 1 735. Ou anothe r draft

,date d 1 72 2, Thomas

Hanke y w itne ss e s a s ignature for h i s fathe r, Henry Hanke y . Th e LondonGazette,March 23 , 1 7 23 ,

s tate s that “ a ve ry fine onyx i s to be sold , found unde r th e ruins of an ancient s t ructure , suppos e dto be hundre ds of ye ars old . A pply to M r. Henry Hanke y, Goldsmi th, Fenchurch St re e t. ” A bout1 73 2 h e was knighte d, as in that year th e firmw as Sir Henry Hanke y and Sons . In1 737 i t wasJos eph Hanke y, Esq. , and Co. H e also w as subs e quently knighte d, as e vidence d by the fact thatfrom 1 739 to 1 768 the s tyle of th e firmwas Sir Jos eph Hanke y and Co. In th e latte r ye ar the

partne rs w e re Sir Joseph Hanke y, Sir Thomas Hanke y, Joseph Chapl inHanke y, Thomas Hanke y,and StephenHal l . Sir Jose ph Hanke y, w ho w as A lde rmanof Langbourne Ward in 1 73 7, d ie d in1 769. In1 774 Jos eph Chapl inHanke y was th e he ad partne r ; and in 1 778 Thomas l

H ankey fi lle d

that pos i t ion, w h ich h e maintaine d unt il 1 793 , when h e die d . In1 794 th e firmcons iste d of J. C .

Hanke y, StephenHall , Robe rt Hanke y, R ichard Hanke y, A ugus tus Hanke y, and Co.

In1 805 i t w as s tyle d Hanke y, Hal l, Hankey, and A le rs and from1 8 1 2 to 1 865 i t was knownbyth e s tyle of Hankeys and Co. N o amalgamat ionw i th any othe r firm e ve r took place unt il 1 865,w h enth e old and t ime ~ honoure d fi rmof Hanke ys and Co. me rge d into th e Consol idate d Bank

, which

had s tarte d only th e ye ar be fore .

The Bri'

tzs/z C/zromcle for June give s th e followmg curious account of a forge ryThe forge ry commi tte d by draft onHanke y and Co. for £73 . 1 0. was done by a lad who late ly

l ive d w ith a Gentleman1nRood Lane , and soonafte r h e was turne d away, h e made fre e to imi tate h i sMas te r’5 hand w ri ting for th e above sum, which was paid onMonday

, the 5th ins t. Onthe day fol low ingh e s et oh

,w i th a companion, ina pos t chais e and four, for Tilbury , the re h e discharge d th e chais e ,

and s ent 4 guineas back to h i s mothe r, by th e Pos t il lion; h e afte rwards cros se d to Grave send, w entto Roch e ste r, and the re got onboard a Dutch turbot hoy, bound to Hol land .

Sir JohnFie lding'smen gave th is re lat ionof hi s rout , having pursue d h imall th e way, and if th e forge ry had b e endiscove re d soone r, h e ce rtainlymus t have be entaken.

H arach e , Pete r,

Goldsmith and plate -worke r, of Sufl'

olk Stre e t, corne r of Charing Cross , 1 689— 1 706. A ccord ingto Chati e rs , h e was the artifice r of s e ve ral we llo knownpie ce s of plate .


Harcourt, Blake , and Cc. ,1 791

- 1 800. (See 511 115011 1 111) C0. )

m m ama efimmu s ; w imw mme mm ra me neepie ome chmof SL hIa ow the mmd £4q

Goldmi th a’

rmrsSzml the parish of St hh ryWooinoth.

Goldsmith, 1 308. By hh wmhe k fi Sahmqhh w ilqhis mm age s inthe pafishe s oI St

Sepulchre within

Goldsmith, rims 1 61 3 , of St. Matthew , FridayStreet.

Hartman” ,

Goldsmith. 1590. H e di e d inrM and was huned t. MaryWoohxoth’

s .

Sir Charlea

and fle hcher in1 773, and started aootha bah k, under the style oI Raymond, Harle y, Wehber, and'

Co. . atGeorge Su-ee t, hlaos ioni lm

and ir1 1 789 1 h omas flarley, Cameron, and 80os was the styte of the firm. Inthe course of that

year ithecame a tinct. M homm upoo the site otthe Coc h ich innu was atthe east endof the Stocks Markeg and was then inthe oocnpatioo ot


fliomas Stevensoa, a fishmonge r. Whenhi essrs Smith , Payoe , and Sm11hs 1nade some ah erations in1 874, they drscovered mthe t

oundauonsamm sh h dated w snrepreseoting a cock fighting a snakqwhich war prohnbly the signot


s house . The hm d umra Smitlg Paynqmd Smith’s estahlhhmentnow oocupiu the

site otthatedi fice .

W l ohn,A goldam1th, estahi ished inLomhard Stre etprior ho r66o . We find froma de ed that i11 1 666 he

m at the s’

gnol the nmmd cmmmwma nm nowm pied by No. 80 . 11'

e die d1 69 1 ,md wn hurie d inSLMaryWoolnoth

s church

Goldsmith, rims 1 645, of St. Le onard, Fod e'rLane .

Goldsmith, draw ot'

St. Boto lph, A ldgate .

A goldsmith, 1 692, atthe Three Flower dc Luce , Strand .

Goldsmith, dm 1 66 1 , of St. Paul, Covent Garden.


Harri son,Edw ard


Was at th e H enand Chickens , inChe aps ide , in1 690. The ne xt t ime w e me e t w i th hi s nameis inth e LondonGazette of Fe bruary 4, 1 7 1 6, announcing h is de ath , and giving not ice that se ve ral

parce ls of plate , &c.

, w e re ple dge d inh i s hands , and that all pe rsons conce rne d should re deemthe

said e ffe cts be fore IstApril ne xt, or the y w il l be dispose d of by the e xecutors.

Harri son, Th omas ,A goldsmi th in1 452 , re s id ing inWood Stre e t, inChe ap.

H arri sonand Co.,1 785. (Se e PR ICE. )

H art,John


Goldsmith, 1 540- 4, of th e parish of St. Mary Woolnoth .

H ay, Th omas Atte ,Was a goldsmi th , who in1 405 le ft,

th e Hornon th e Hoop,forme rly knownas the HornTave rn,

now Ande rton’

s Hote l, 1 64, Fle e t Stre e t, to the Goldsmi ths’ Company, for the be tte r support andsus tentat ionof th e infirmmembe rs of the Company .

H ayford , or H eyford , Si r Humph re y,Goldsmi th ; Comptrol le r of the Mint, 1 452— 9 ; She riff in1 467 ; and Lord Mayor in 1 477 . H e

was burie d inth e church of St. Edmond th e King and Martyr, inLombard Stre e t. The follow ingitemis quote d by Chafl


e rs inh is “ Gilda A uri fabrorum,

”1 465

— “ I tem, th e ye are aforsaid and th e

xxvi ij day of Marche , mymas te r bout of Umfrey th e Goldsmyth e a chafl'

e r of sylve r w e yinge xvi ijunce s and a quarte r, andmymas te r payd bymthe re for of old grote l 1

'and innew grote z ij


pai d"a 1 1for e ve ry unce i i )

H ayne s , G e orge ,Goldsmith, 1 572 , of the parish of St. Mary Woolnoth .

H e d e , W i lli am,1 456,

Goldsmi th, be ing of th e Live ry of th e Goldsmi ths’ Company, as w e l l as hi s w ife , bothmade com

plaintto th e Wardens of the i r apprent ice , WilliamBowden;“who i rre ve rently, shame ful ly and of

froww ine ss e ” had be aten h i s said mis tre ss . H is punishment, as orde re d by th e Wardens , was thath e should be “ had into y

° ke chynof the Hal l, and the re s trippe d nake d , and by th e hands of h i s

mas te r be aten unt i l such time as h e raise d “blood uponh i s body, in l ike w ise as h e did uponh is

mis tre ss, and that he should thenbe made to ask h is maste r ’

and mis tre s s of g'ace andm'eynakyd

as h e was betyn (He rbe rt’

s History of th e Goldsmi ths ’

H enton,Brown

,and Son

,1 748

535 (Se e BROWN . )

H e rcy and Co .

,1 776. (Se e CH AMBERS. )

He ri ot,Jame s ,

Was a de scendant of th e ce le brate d Ge orge He r iot, who was goldsmi th to King Jame s the Firs t,and a bene factor to th e ci ty of Edinburgh .

I t would appe ar that, uponthe Stuarts coming to the throne of England, th e He riots migrate dsouthwards , as inthe “ Little LondonD ire ctory ” of 1 677 w e hnd Jame s He riot (Ge orge He riot


brothe r—ge rman) was a goldsmith ke e ping running-cashe s , atth e Nake d Boy, inFle e t Stre e t.I have se enh is name ona draft of 1 691 , and againin1 70 1

— 2 .




m -up cw . o (rfio p o . W PM

m mm d w m mcw . amt“


ju n h u m an, liq Jan 81111111 1 1011 . Esq.W Alma . joan Hu aota . Ea; Ma nnRi ot." 8 11 11 11 , Bag.

“ haunt l . Ancaw h nvu ju nta. l ag T . Sw ans ». Esq. , M .P.

Au ” 0. H . Bag. Goo. D. W ann a, Bag.

Suntarp - Patou c s Sam . A cm .— Rn:u ao Wanna Ju n.

N om Branch e s throughout th e cm “ 1

VICTOR IA . 00 1 1 11 3 14 1 11 0 . TASM AN IA.

M 3 “ ! “ 16 t SO UTH A USTRALIA . NBW Z EALA N D .

LETTERS O F C HBD IT A N D BILLS O F EXC H A N GE m grand nu an d the 1p Establi shments d flltBach h (haa Ch i l l .

BILLS C an Q . Anna‘s al l Nev l u b ed an aqu a “ se at i ncollection.TELEGRA PH IC TRA N SFERS M A DE.

DEPOS ITS M in lM at tamnt h r l rd M u u ms -M w h m n the m .


‘Br Command ‘Ded r'

ca lcd to H e rmaj e sty the Que en.

Ito H l s to ry — S t re e t s - T ra rflc Eu 1Id !nqs Pe o p l e .

By W. J. LOFTIE, B.A F.S.A .

300 Illustrations by W. LUKER, Jr.,fromOriginal Draw ings .

A mos t inte resting and supe rbly i llus trate d qua rto.

Tw o gu ine a r .


He yw ood,K ennard

,and Co.

This banking bus ine ss w as s tar te d by Joseph Denison and Co. in 1 806,at 1 6, St. Mary Axe .

Th e l is t of banke rs in the LondonD irectory for 1 81 4 give s thema d iffe rent addre ss, z'

.e . 1 06,

Fenchurch Stre e t . In 1 837 th e s tyle of th e firmbe came D enison, He ywood, Kennard, and Co. , andthe y had move d the i r bus ine ss to 4, Lombard Stre et. In 1 851 th e firmchange d to He yw ood ,Kennard, and Co. w hich was its s tyle unti l 1 864, w hen


th is bus ine ss was me rge d into th e Consol idate d Bank .

H iggens , Steph en,A goldsmi th in 1 682

,atth e GoldenBal l, ne ar TurnStile , inHolborn.

H i l l, G e orge ,A goldsmith

,be tw e en 1 684

—91 , atth e Black Lion, corne r of Sal isbury Stre e t, Strand .

H i l l,John


Goldsmith, of Lombard Stre e t, 1 604

—46. H e probably carri e d onh is trade at th e Hatt and

Harrow . Inth e book inth e Re cord Oth e e , cal le d “ A Book be longing to the Commi tte e for rais ingMone y for th e U se of th e Parl iament,

”w e find that Hill , th e Gouldsmithe inLumbe rstre e te ,” was

asse sse d at£200, ci rca 1 644. H e die d in1 646, and was burie d inSt. Mary Woolnoth ’s church .

H i l l and Sons,Ch arle s ,

1 7, We s t Smithfi e ld . This bus ine ss was s tarte d by M r. Charle s Hill,who had be enmanage r

to Me ssrs . Sharpe and Sons,of We s t Smithfie ld, w ho faile d in 1 825; afte r w h ich he imme diate ly

s tarte d as banke r, and carrie d th e bus ine ss on in h i s sole name for thre e or four ye ars , w henh e

was joine d by h is sons,Ge orge Hill and John Hill . Charle s Hill d ie d in 1 846, and Ge orge and

JohnHill carrie d onth e bus ine s s unt il April, 1 867, w henJohnHill d ie d, and JohnHill, junior, wastakeninto partne rsh ip w ith h i s uncle .

Th e firmof Charle s Hill and Sons i s now conducte d by JohnHill, H enry M e ak ins Hill, He rbe rtH ill, and Charle s Llew e i lenJohnHill .

H i ll e,John


Goldsmi th in 1 430, who be que athe d to . th e Goldsmi ths ’ Company nine te enme ssuage s inth e

parish of St. Ve das t, Fos te r Lane , and le ft othe r be que s ts for the re l ie f of [3001 goldsmi ths .

H ind,A brah am


A goldsmi th, atth e GoldenBal l, inFenchurch Stre e t, 1 690

H ind , John and Th omas K i rw ood,

We re goldsmiths ke eping running—cashe s, ove r agains t th e Exchange , inCornhi ll . The bus ine ssappears to have originated w ith JohnHind, who was flourish ing as e arly as 1 663 . In1 670 the i rname s are to be s e en inBackw e ll’s and inBlanchard’s le dge rs ; and in1 672 anadve rt is ement wasinse rte d inthe LondonGazel l e conce rning some account' books tha t w e re los t, and directe d to bebrought to Thomas K irwood . Anoth e r adve rtisement appeare d on S eptembe r 1 6

, 1 675, for th e

re cove ry of anOrd e r of the Garte r los t, the prope rty of th e Earl of Mulgrave , which w as to be

brought to M r. Hinde . Inth e Little LondonD ire ctory ” of 1 677 w e find th e name s of JohnHindand Thomas Carwood

, who w e re e vidently th e same pe ople anothe r ins tance of phone tic spe ll ing, socommona tthat t ime .


Th e London Gaze lle of De cembe r 20, 1 685, has the follow ing adve rt is ement Whe reas M r. JohnTopladye , late partne r w i th CaptainHind, goldsmi th, doth abscond fromh i s bai l , who are bound forh imfor cons ide rable sums of mone y If any pe rsongive not ice whe re h e i s to CaptainMould at

11 111 — 11 011] L ONDON BA NKERS. 33

Itwould appear froma previous advatisement, dated htarth 23, 1 685, that this Taplady had rohbed himof cons ide rablesuma as we leamCaptainjohnHind is to have ame eting ol his creditors . H e failed inI-

chrus ty,1 706 .

made , John, 1663. (Se e 11 11111 armm oon. )

Gd dsmithg were at the Flow er de LnoeJnIAmbard SM as early u sw y I have metw iththe m e d BenjaminHead withmuintomthe goldmith and othm va ymmy ; hut Iord H o se e hoa I-l intoname inwith a galh at or two fiomCourg and do so eaIl Coaen’

ML Hintomthe goldsmith ; hut

i 11 1 61 7 ; aod inthe LasJo

proposah lor the paymentotanhh debtg hoth princi pal and intcre st. In]sne, 1 693 , the ereditors

i p h advertise inthem ccm fos aay“concealed e state ”

ol the said i l intonfls In1 7oz hem de scrihed as deca s ed and a hanhmpt.

Wu ptohah iy a goldanith aod a descendantotthe ahove . H is name appears uponsnold draltHinton.

H oare, Barne tt, and Co. , 1 808- 1 6. (Se e Bas sm .)

Hoare , 11111, and Co., 1 800-7. (Se e

Goldsmith, o(Lomhard Street, die d 1 673,

Bow am a ,

37, I"ie et Stre et.

l ondonDirectory"01 1 677 de sa i he s u ke epingmnning-cashe s atthe 001denBottle inChe aps ide .

Mr. Nohle , 1nh1s “ Memoriais otTempie Bar 'states that froma very scaroe volume of famti y

private iy printed at Bath, 1 81 9), it appu rs that there was a Wili iamqd k kM DeVOQ temp Richsrd l iqfromwhom(says our anthor) “ l aminclined to thinkthat cur family came originaliyl

'd mdnh wnd WflhamHme d htorQwas inwg a

“citiz enand oooper

” runningH e di ed s t

Edmontonin1 694. Amoog the Se cretSe rvioe moneys ot'

Jame s ILI find this payment“1 686 — T0 Chafla m mbe d amu Horg Esq1 1 1 1wo of the h te Comra for execufing

the oflice ofmasterworher otthe Ming insatisfac‘ioo ot‘ somnchmoney hy themexpended and paidw mafl omcm inpau ing nmnqmw fee s paid to ofi cers otthe Eschequer onrece ipt

Jame s H oare , 1be probabte tounda ormn oidm mmpmua orme mmi inxasx,Smeyor ol the hl e ltings and CIerk of the lrons in1 665, and from1 679 to 1 68 1 Wardenoi

th e Mint.Th is same jame s floate had anaccountwith AldamnnBackw e lLotLomhard StreeMn1 664,

“ for

84 L ONDON BA NKERS. [ 1101

Hoare s and Co .

gol d le ft to be coyne d,”and for cash paid inand out; in fact, a sort of cle aring account, w hich, i t

appears fromBackw e ll’

s le dge rs , th e majority of goldsmi ths had w ith e ach othe r . During all thist ime Jame s Hoare was atth e GoldenBottle inChe aps ide . H e mus t have migrate d to Fle e t Stre e tafte r 1 690.

In1 694 th e Empe ror of Ge rmany borrowe d mone y of Sir R ichard Hoare for the us e of th e PrinceEugene .

M r. Noble says that th e pre sent premise s occupy th e s i te of se ve ral bui l d ings , 34 to 39, including

th e famous old Mitre tave rn associate d w i th Dr. Johnson’s name . So far as th e numbe r of hous e sinclude d inth e pre s ent bank of Me ssrs . Hoare s i s conce rne d , I make no demur butI do notagre eincons id e r ing th e old Mitre w as one of them. For Cunningham, w ho i s anauthority uponLondon,s tate s that th e Mitre of Johnsonand Bosw e l l— w he re Johnsonuse d to drink h is bottle of port andke ep late hours , and whe re Ol ive r Goldsmi th us e d occas ional ly to sup

— i s s ti ll inexis tence inMitreCourt, Fle e t Stre e t, ove r agains t Fe tt e r Lane .

To re turn, how e ve r. Ve ry l ittle canbe asce r taine d about Jame s Hore , or w henh e joine d R ichardHoare or Hoar, who w as s e ttle d as a goldsmith inFle e t Stre e t, atth e s ignof the GoldenBot tle , about1 690 . Th e fol lowing entry occurs among th e de bts of the gre at Hyde , Lord Clarendon

“ To M r.

Hore , for plate £2 7 3d .

Th e old s ignof th e GoldenBottl e may s t ill be s e enfromth e s tre e t, ove r the doorway, uponente ring th e bank . Sir R ichard Col t Hoare cons ide rs i t to have be en“

a barre l ; a s ignadopte d by Jame sHore of Che aps ide fromth e ci rcums tance of h is fathe r, Ralph , be ing a ci t izenand coope r of the Cityof London.

” Th e popular ve rs ion, says M r. Noble , was that i t repre sente d the le ath embottle carrie dby th e founde r of th e firmw henh e came to Londonto se e k h is fortune . The le ath embot tle forcarrying of ale nutbrown” i s ment ione d as use d by haymake rs in1 682 .

Th e fi rstment ionof R ichard Hoare , th e goldsmith , i s uponanold draft of Me ssrs . Child, drawnby a M r. Thynne for one thousand pounds, date d june 8, 1 687 . I t be ars th e fol low ing endorsement :M r. Child, pray pay the contents of this b il l to M r. R ichard Hoare . JA . FOSTER .

June y°1 3


, 1 687.— Re d l yn full of th is b i l l one Thousand pounds— for M

'. R ichard Hoare ,


I t i s ve ry probable that R ichard Hoare was originally of Che aps ide , as in 1 703 he w as e le cte dA lde rmanof Bre ad Stre e t Ward . H e was She riff in1 709, and Lord Mayor in1 7 1 2.

In company w i th some othe r London goldsmiths, M r.'

R ichard Hoare w as authorize d by th eTre asury in 1 694 to re ce ive cont ribut ions for rais ing ,g onth e duty aris ing fromsal t andth e ne w rate s of e xcise .


Sir R ichard Hoare , goldsmi th, was classe d among th e re taine rs gene ral inth e l is t of those whow e re to re ce ive pre sents at Samue l Pepys

’ fune ral in1 703 . H e was pre sente d w i th a mourning ringof th e value of 2012 , and hi s foreman, M r. Arnold (whomI jus t ment ione d as re ce iv ingmone y fromM r. Child), w i th a ring value d at 1 51 .

A t foot of the l is ts of pre sents of rings and mourning givenatPepys’ death and funeral , i s th e

follow ingmemorandumThat 2 of the R ings place d inthe 1 51 . columnw e re of th e 201 . sort, and givento 2 (butw hich

unce rtain) of th e 1 7 pe rsons thus marke d, v so that th e true numbe r of e ach sort d is tribute d , e i the rat th e fune ral or s ince , to th is 3 1 5t De c.

,1 7 1 0, has be enprovide d as pe r Sir R . Hoare ’s account

the re of.”

Inw r it ing of th is gentleman, Sir R ichard Col t Hoare obse rve sWe ne e d only re fe r to th e w il l of h i s grandfathe r, Henry Hoare of Walton, in 1 664, for

a confirmation of th e good efl'

ects of indus try,hone s ty

,and re l igious principle , which we re so

constantly di splaye d throughout th e l i fe of this R ichard Hoare . H i smoral characte r procure d forLondonGazette

,Abri l 9, 1694.


hfmthe genufla uemd his hmthu dfis engmd nbed the mondkfinguhhed d fi c hom


Que enAnne ’s re ign. Re fine d the high posifionof lmd hlayor in 1 1 1 3 ; he was also Pres identd Chfin’s HmphaLandm appdnwdm d me wmmiuee fmsupefinkndmgme hmwing of fihyne w dmrches inLondon.”mw mafim ummm oma,mw e m a m. nm m

m inw a dng a showh g the me mmma s mde of the h goldsmiummd hankm inthose dsys

The first is dawd February 3, 1 701 .“

M aboutChristmas M a bond oI the h te Sir Rohefi Vyne f s dated zo hi amh l 668 irt

penahy of £soo for psyment of £s sy rg on s rst june follow inp Whoever brings the samé toMrJ i oau ’s shop a the ColdenBonie inFle etSnea M have two gnhwas nward

Sh k k hard floarqpayahw ir Joh i Spenca , Bu t ; nd madvu fisementm insa ted fmhhapprehens ion. OnSeptemher rr, 1 708. the b llow ingnotioe was adve rtis0d :

“ Whereas a personcame to Sir Rid urd Hoare’s shop onI-‘

riday xoth of Sept nos ahoutfi oC'

inthe evening to re ee ive £roo ior a note otthe nid Richnd flonmwhich note is at pre sentmidaid. Tha e fou fi f the pany whome ived h wmcome w the mvantwho paid himthe money,md wmgin hhnmsm ntw whomthe m m pap hiqshsnnw ve £s k ewu d fior hh mnueand any fnrther satisfactionif reqnired .

Two th ings w instr'ike the modemreader of this last admtisement. The os e is the fact that

M mhhs’ shop and banh b di ow dap hemopennefly aflme em u mdimgomnfiwshops domwadays ; and the nomd k the cash ifl , a da h bdng cfie¢ swmd ing w me then

The nextadvertisement l have to nodce is tromthe b a ’

ly Cmml of xyrg wha e we read that

a fighte obmed pefiw igm kR M a hae kmy coadgmd thu whoemm i d hdng it irRichard

Hoare should have tenshillings re ward.SirRichard Hoare and Sir Francis Chi ld are snid to have united tomahe a runuponthe Bank of

Enghnd innonwhentha e m w mnch emd temanmse d hy the mmonw d invasionby thePretende r. It h afimedma m d mm had conected fi sm mdme otha a h rge mmand

pnshe d themat the Bank and demande d paymem. The Bank didmefl the mddmdemanQbutitputthemto eonsiderable inconvmience .

“ Whenthe lahe hnrry ot an expected invasion,”says a pamphlet entitlcd md u bmy d

W d flq, “ mnk the prioe of rtock r4 or 15 per cent , who were the menthatmade a runnponthe Bank of England, and pnshet at themw 1th some part1cnlar p1qne too ii


pomhle to havemnthemdowmand hronghtthe rnto a stop of pe yment? I here by refe r,

procecds the write r,“to,

and cnnrecail tomemory, two goldsmiths (Knights also, and one of thema hi emhe r ot' l’arliament,too) inIinvas iontromFrsnce . One ot


them, 1twas sa1d, had gathe red aquantrty of Bank Bi lls to tbe value

Sir Richard Hom wipe d oflthe imputationof he ing a favourer of the l’retende r, and how oflenin

vainhe prote sted he did itwith no snch viewnnd how hu d the Wh igs were to be li eve him.

Betwe en1 7o6 a11d 1 7 1 8 the style of th is firmwas 8ir Richard Hoare and Coa and the major-ity otdrafts of thnt date (of M essrs Chi ld) ba r th e signature of Christoph e r Amold, who s igned fix the

home . InJannary, 1 7 1 8, 8ir Richard Hoare die d, “ may be gathered fromthe following e x tract

fromthe Psrish Registe r oi St Dunstan'M Fle etStre et“1 7 1 8, Jan. 1 3.By a heqne st dated inthat ye sr, he iettto the Goidsmiths ’ Company£zoo, for d istri bution“

z e s esch yeariy, for ever, amongst e ight poor widows of fre emen, who shouid he of good life and


Hoare s and Co .— wntz



conve rsation,and most fre quently re ce ive th e Sacrament, according to th e usage s of th e Church of


A draft, date d Novembe r, 1 7 1 7, drawnto the orde r of Sir R ichard Hoare , bears h i s ownendorsement and uponthe back of anothe r i s w ritten

Pay the contents to S‘r R ichard Hoare and Partne rs inFle e t Stree t for y

‘3use of y

° Honourableand Rev“ . M "

. Edward Finch .

‘Ralph R igby .

For S"R ich“ . Hoare ,Benj “ . Hoare .

I t was atame e t ing atth e Saint Dunstan’s Cofi'e e -house ,’ Fle e t Stre e t, onJanuary 1 3, 1 7 1 5, thatH enry Hoare , Esq. , the banke r, sugge s te d th e foundationof the We s tmins te r Hospi tal, Charle s Hoareact ing as treasure r.

InA pril, 1 7 1 8, M r. Henry Hoare was th e h e ad partne r.In1 7 1 6 h e , inconjunctionw


ith Lady Has t ings , Be au Nash,

and othe rs, founde d Bath Gene ralHospi tal, to w hich inst itut ionth e firmhave cont inue d tre asure rs to th is day (s e e

“ M emorials of

Temple BarThe firmwas knownby th e s tyle of H enry Hoare and Co. unt il about 1 722, w henHenry Hoare

die d , and le ft £200 to th e Goldsmi ths’ Company to be laid outat inte re s t, and £8 to be paid yearlyto poor fre emenor th e w idow s of such .

A fte r th e de ath of Henry Hoare , the firmbe came BenjaminHoare and Co.,th e oth e r partne rs

probably be ing Henry Hoare , R ichard Hoare , and Christophe r A rnold , as the i r name s all appe ar toendorsements of drafts be tw e en 1 729 and 1 746. The firmwas fre quently s tyle d Hoare and A rnol dduring this pe riod . In th e D irectory of 1 736 th e name of Chris toph e r A rnold alone appears as

a banke r of Fle e t Stre e t, w h ich prove s th e inaccuracy of those l is ts at that t ime . In 1 738 i t w asBenjaminand H enry Hoare , whe reas those of 1 740 and 1 754 have Hoare and A rnold


for th e style .

Sir R ichard Hoare was anA lde rman of FarringdonWard Without. H e'

s ucce e de d Sir FrancisChild in 1 740 b e came Lord Mayor in 1 745, and d ie d

‘ in 1 754, as prove d by the re gis te r inSt.T unstan’s Church 1 754, Oct. 2 1

, Sr R ichard Hoar, inS

‘r R ichard Hoare ’s vaul t. ”

M r. Noble , inh i s Memoi rs of Temple re fe rs to a curious and scarce broads ide , publ ishe dby th e se cond Sir R ichard, inwhich h e , atsome length, ent ire ly denie s th e fals e and mal icious reportwhich had be enci rculate d that h e had attempte d


a run onth e Bank of England by sending for tenof the i r note s of 1 0 each, w ith th e de s ignto send se ve ral pe rsons w i th th e said note s to re ce ive th emone y the re on, so as to e ffe ct h is i l l de s igns, and to bring a disreputat iononth e bank, and occas iona dis turbance inth e City.

Inth e Gui ldhal l Library i s a volume labe l le d Choice Scraps, 1 642— 1 770 fromwhich I subjoina copy of th e said broads ide

Whe re as the re hath be en s e ve ral false and Mal icious Reports indus trious ly spre ad abroadrefle cting onSi r R ichard H oare , Goldsmi th , for occas ioning and promot ing a Runfor Mone y onth eBank of England and inparticular, s e ve ral of th e D i re ctors of th e said Bank

,reporting that th e

said Sir R ichard s ent to the Bank for tenof the i r Note s of J£IO e ach w i th a de s ignto s end s e ve ral

pe rsons w ith th e sai d Note s to rece ive th e mone y the reon, so as to e ff e ct h i s i l l de s igns and to bring

a disreputat ion onth e Bank and occas ion a dis turbance inthe City of London: This i s to satisfi e

all pe rsons that th e R ight H on. the Lord A shburnham, Fathe r of the H on. Major A shburnham,

Major of the Firs t Troop of H er Maj e s tys Life Guards who was orde re d to march for Scotland,

s ending to th e sai d Si r R ichard Hoare fora large quanti ty of Gol d and for tenBank Note s of 1 :1 0

e ach for th e said Major to take w i th h imto be ar h i s expens e s' th e Gold w as sent to h i s Lordship

accord ingly and Sir R ichard’

s se rvant w ent to the Bank for tenNote s of 1 0 e ach which the Cashie r

Ihave s e enh i s bookplate , inw h ich he i s styl ed H enry H oare , Goldsmith inLondon. 1 704.

11011 — 1101] LONDON BA NKERS.

of the Bank refuw d to p'

ve . But i f Sir Richu-d had intended to promote amnb r Money onth eBanh, he eonld have done it inamore e ffectual manner, having hy himai i the time thstthe great

demand for uoney was onthe banh several thons and pounds inNote s ps yable hy the Banlr ; andaho tha e m hronght h Richard hyM gemmninthe fime of the Runonthe BankNue s pap hk hyme said flsnk ammfing w a p u tm ythom ds d wnnds whkh he m de shed

w uhe md recd ve the uoney prm dy fiomthe nsnh whfl h mfmed w do, unfil the greatdemand onthe Bsnk t’orMoney was over.

“ N.B— Thmdnk epa u sgain£ 8h k k havd lnve be enm mahd omthanha dnh menfioned,which he iorhears to insertfor brevity sake .


I think that the m k highiy improhaue fm, dndng the time that d1 i1 8h k khard Hoare

Bvedu érw demande d bomthe flmk otznghndmuid mmomhave injmed igmhs ve mw d

amnnponig thana similarmmwonld atthe pmemds y.

In1 754 the fim1 was styled Hemy I-Ioare and 004 and in 1 763 it oomisted of H enry IIoare ,

I have se enthe simtw e otthe ahove k ichard flw e signiag for the firmin 1 751 , prohahlybe fore he had heoome a partner.

Mr. T . C Nob1e w pplie s me with the b llowingnote“ h di e a igiml da ignlw flw ne cdmd the flnth flospiqzy

-a ampy d whichmw hmgs

M W mm de shedmnndmd rmwibndm iM Nu h , Esq4 Frmd s Sanguk r, Esq4ana Olim at Bath ;London. ’ Prinoe i i oare lett the hospital amcy ol £6omand itfi lliam I-Ioarqthe k oyal

1° 1 77o the 001denBottie heame No 3 7, fle etStreet. In ins the list shows that i i enryHoar3 1 101», was adutitted ss jtni iorpartner, the firiu thenconsisting otflenry, Richard, Richard, andH enry Hosre . Inx788 00e Richard Hoare retired, and another H enry Hoare hecame panner.In 1 788 1he name of Chafla Hmre firstappeu s inthe fimm' H enry Mcyfick Hoare was

admitted ahoutngr.For the rems inde r l shnli oontentmyse lf with simply re oording the vari ous styles ot

the firm; the

gmmchanges became so numermas nny he se enuponre fcrfimto the lists othanhers atthe endthis hooh.

The flrmcontinned to he hnownas flemy floe re and Co and Sir H enry Home and Co. until1 84 3. ' bend1e styie changed to Charle s Hoare and Co. . which style theyhave kept up to the pre sentday. Th e firtnnow consists ot

Charles Arthur Richard Hoare.

Charles floare.A lgernonAugus tine De Li lle Stri ckland .

H enry C-e rard floare .

A lfred li oare .

BodsoII, Wi lliam, goldsmith , 1 751 . (See

Th is firmwas establishe d b t r. WilliamPepys abont the year 1 729, inLombard Street. “I hu e gathered frominformationgleaned fromold note s bearing his name .M 1 . Pepys was a sonof John Pepys, a lineal de scendant of Sani ue l Pepys, the d iaris t. The

loflowingmnmcement of his firstmarriage is mlled fromo

the Londos Evem’

MgParl January rs,1 736 1—

“ Thursday, 111 1 . 11“ a Pepys, aneminent Banke r inLombard Stre e t, was married at St.


Hol l ingsw orth and Co.

C lement’s Church inthe Strand to M rs . Susannah A us ten, w idow , who late ly kept Pontack’


whe re

she acqui re d a cons ide rable fortune w i th unive rsal e s te em.

M r. Pepys marr ie d, se condly, Hannah , daughte r of Dr. R ichard Russe l l, of Le w e s, and w idow

of A le xande r We lle r, by whomh e had two sons — Sir Will iamWe lle r Pepys, who be came a mas te rin Chance ry, and Sir Lucas Pepys , a court phys ician. Sir W. W. Pepys


sonbe came Lord HighChance llor, and was create d Earl of Cottenham. .

In1 73 1 th e s tyle of th e firmwas Will iamPe pys and Co. , which cont inue d for about five ye ars .

During that inte rval Charle s A sgill and JohnN ight ingale both s igne d th e note s onbe hal f of Pepys

and Co . as cle rks , and i t i s s ingular that the y both le ft this firmto be come partne rs inth e bankinghous e of C le gg and Ve re . N ight ingale probably remaine d w i th this firmunt i l the i r end . (Se e

C LEGG. )In 1 736 th e s tyle of th e firmal te re d, be coming Pepys and Hol l ingsworth. In1 742 M r. Will iam

Pepys die d, and i t be came Hol l ingsworth and Co.

,w hich cont inue d unt il 1 750, afte r which date

noth ing canbe trace d of them.

The bus ine ss w as probably transfe rre d to A sgi11, N ightingale , and Co. (P).

Holme s,John


A goldsmi th, of London, 1 670. H e marrie d Martha, daughte r of JohnColvi ll, of Lombard Stre e t .

Holt, A l exande r,Goldsmith, Lombard Stre e t . H is name i s found in th e l is t of the inhab itants of Langboume

Ward , in 1 640, who w e re able to contribute towards rais ing a loanof for th e use of

Charle s I.

Holt,Law ri e

, and Cc.


1 7, White hal l Place .

This firm i s th e re sul t of an amalgamation, 1n1 884, of the firms of Hol t and Co. and Lawrieand‘ Son.

Th e Hol t branch of th e bus ine ss originate d w ith Wil l iamKirkland , who commence d bus ine ssas anarmy agent at8, Benne t t Stre e t, St. Jame s ’s , about 1 809. In1 8 1 5he was succe e de d by NugentK irkland, who appe ars to have also brought w i th h imth e army agency pre vious ly carri e d on in

Dubl inby M r. Ve se y.In 1 82 2 Nugent Kirkland was joine d by John K irkland (afte rwards knighte d) unde r the styl e

of N . and I. Kirkland, and in 1 82 3 the ymove d to 8, Wate rloo Place . Two ye ars late r NugentKirkland re t ire d, and JohnKirkland move d to 6, White hal l, and in1 83 1 to 80, Pal l Mal l

,Schombe rg

Ii ous e .

H e was subse quently joine d by Ve se y We s tonHol t, w hose family had formany ye ars be ene stablish e d as banke rs atGrantham,

inLincolnshire ; and in1 859 S ir John Kirkland and Co. move d to

1 7 , White hal l Place , incons equence of th e premise s inPal l Mal l be ing re qui re d for the pre sent War

Office .

Onth e d e ath of Sir JohnKirkland, in1 87 1 , th e bus ine s s was carr ie d onby V. W. Hol t, who was

subse quently joine d by h is son, Ve se y Ge orge _

M ackenz i e Hol t.Ve se y We s tonHol t die d in1 88 1

, and the bus ine s s was carrie d onby Ve se y Ge orge MackenzieHol t, one of th e pre sent par tne rs, unt il the amalgamat ionw i th Law rie and Sonin1 884.

Th e Law rie branch of th e bus ine ss w as founde d about 1 780 by Andrew Law rie , w ho came fromEdinburgh and s tarte d as an army agent at 1 5, Ge orge Stre e t, York Buildings . A bout 1 795 h e

Pontack’s w as a famous e at ing hous e inLombard Stre e t, starte d by a Frenchmanname d Pontack . The RoyalSocie ty usual ly d ine d the re atthe end Of the sevente enth century .


Hopk insonand SonsKnyve tt as sume d th e style



Hopkinsonand C0. Since 1 870 the firmhas be enknownas Charle sHopkinsonand Sons, cons is t ing of th e follow ing partne rs

Charle s Hopkinson.

Ge orge Henry Hopkinson.

Ame lius A rthur Hopkinson.

Horn(Ge orge ) and Ki llmaine (D avi d )We re goldsmi ths and banke rs at th e Ange l and Crown, ove r agains t the N ew Exchange inthe

Strand , the e arlie s t date be ing 1 7 1 6. In 1 72 1 w e find ‘Jame s Temple s igning endorsements for DavidK i lhnajne and C0. inor about 1 735. The s tyle of th e firmthenwas Home and Temple . In1 736

— 8

i t was s tyle d Temple and Hawn(s ic) and in the Compleate Guide to London publishe d in 1 740,

th e firmwas th e same , w ith th e e xcept ionof M r. Home ’s name be ing spe l t Haoru.

”The first.was

probably corre ct, i t be ing th e mode inwh ich the y spe l t the i r ownname s inw riting endorsements . In

1 733 w e nud the name of N . Ambe r s igning for the firm; subs e quently i t be came Gre enand Ambe r,w hos e name s appear inKent

s D i re ctory for 1 745 as be ing ne ar DurhamYard,Strand . We have

be enunable to trace themafte r that date .

Jame s Temple be came bankrupt in1 740 .

Horne by, Jos ephA goldsmi th , w ho re s ide d in1 666 at the s ignof the Unicorn, inLombard Stre e t, but afte r th e

Gre at Fi re h e trans fe rred i t to Edward Backw e l l.

By th e clos ing of th e Exch e que r on January 2 , 1 672 , he los t for which sum6 per cent. w as awarde d as inte re s t, amounting to £ 1 352 1 7s . 1 011. pe r annum.

H e appe ars to have had some t rouble ove r th is , as w il l be se en fromthe follow ing short abstractobtaine d at th e Pub l ic Re cord Office , which s e ts forth th e way inwh ich mone y was lodge d inthe

Exche que r“ Complaint by ‘ Jose ph Horneby, cit i zenand Goldsmi th of London.

H e now e xe rcis e s and‘ for d ive rs years las t

’has e xe rcis e d ‘

th e trade of a goldsmi th mLondon, ’ and ‘have ing inthat t ime ,atth e de s i re of the K inge s mos t e xce l lent M aje sti e and the gre at minis te rs and office rs of hi s re venue

of h is Exche que r, advance d and furnishe d, as h i s Maj e s tie ’s occas ion re qui re d, cons ide rable sums of

mone y for h i s and th e publ icke s e rvice upponth e only se curity of be ing repayd the same w ith inte re s tby. w ay of orde rs onth e Exche que r Tal l ie s and A s s ignments upponth e dut ie s of customs

, e xcise ,fire -he arthe s , and othe r branche s of th e King

s re venue .

For th e advance of such loans , th e re was a re gular cours e s e tt le d by th e Court of Exche que r forthe payment of allmonie s borrow e d . This course was obse rve d for d ive rs ye ars , &c.

D ive rs pe rsons , and part icularly th e De fendants to th is act ion, who w e re unacquainte d w i th the

proce e dings of ,th e Exche que r and the way of paying inand re ce iving outmone y advance d as afore

s aid, and who regarde d th e sums theycould lend as so small, that i t w as notw orth th e labour ofat tend ing the said Exche que r for th e same , ‘d id , w i thout so much as e ve r be ing spokento by your

orator or any onh i s behalfe , for that purpose , fre e ly and voluntar ily apply themse lve s to your oratorto take and re ce ive of h imseve rall sums of mone y to be lent and d ispose d by your orator, upponthese curi tie s and th e cre ditt afore said , the y taking notice that your orator, by re asonthat h e had exe r

cise d that k ind of deal ing and was e xpe ri ence d the re in, and that the re w e re d ive rs pe rsons that d id

ent rus t your orator soe to dispose and lend the irmonie s, by which means your orator had opportunit ie s of putt ing seve rall pe rsons

’monie s into one sum,


and of advancing and lending gre ate r sums ofmone y thanh imse lf or any othe r private pe rsoncould doe , and for carrying onthat affai re wh ich w as

noe othe r way to be done .

’ ‘Note s or Bonds ’

w e re givenby your orator, or h is s e rvants , acknow .

le dging the payment 01'

somuchmoney to your orator, ‘as'

the mone ys w e re paid at h is shopps,’and

110 11— 11 110] L ONDON BA N KERS. 9 1

promising the nepayment ‘w ith dmages at six per cent pe r annumnppondemand orwithinfive

days flenu the nmll course m '

“ One d me De kM anqjohnWhite , so lentmoney and went abaoad 3 1nd onreturning to

England leuntot‘the stopp olme Exeheque rJ The omtmptid himpanof whathe had leng on

canditionhe would notm himfor the remainder ti ll theow sued ontor in

King’s Bcnch.

“ A ll the de fendantsmke mw er.

m e with the M ph inmg uking for the m a note ‘mda the hmd otone Jonx Omu, then

mvm to the comph imng inh ir d ofp inthe se mdfltha is to u yey— May the sixte enth. 0nethomnd six htmdred l emtymd one. I ptomise to pay tmto ur. 6flberthl etcalfe or the ba re r

thru hmdredmd fi rn pw nds nyneM nshfllhw fl dem d ymfla k ut omhy — JohnChton,


(“ Excheque r Bills and Answers, Londonand M iddlese x, N01 987 .

Michae lm u Charle s ILh u td‘p D.

Horne by, .l oceph md nath nld .

Joxph and N’

athanie l Hmhoy‘(ope lt thus ) were ke epingmnning-a sha atthe Star, inLumbcrd

Stre et, in1 677. By s de ed inpou eu ionof the Phoenix F'

nre Ofi ceJtappeanthatJoseWBornebym atthe signof thQSnnorSur, now Na m, which y

~evions to t11e 0t ire wu the Wh ite M n,inaccupafiond WinizmImg a vintne r.In 1696 ML Nathanie l flmne bym appoimed one of the

, goldsmiths . with M 1 . Cogg1 . ot’


e e ce ive mbscriptiomfiorthe cm w ich Hoapitah thenjusthegun.mb u amined by the da ing ofme lh cheqw no doobt injure d themcons iderably, “ nointe restwas pnid for tome yu u ;

M IM a the Bnnch of GflM Chu paide.

M W IflO- d‘.A goldsmith at the Pa eock

’s 1?a Royal ExchangqinCornhill. The 001m 1

ol May z9, 1 7 10,mnonnce d that s note of his nnde r the hand of David Shrimptonhad be enlost,and a remd wonld be paid oniu he ingtakento h is shop.

l i inw . of the parish ol St. Boholph without Aldmgate . By his w ill dated March 27, 1 3 : 8, he

beque athed aflhh tenements w h is wi fe nndm tw enty pounds formaking a gate at “ le barbe cu e”

withoutAklmp te and for ltpatring the highway the re , and the remainder to pious um (" Calendar

m mmm a mma mnmnm mmmmmmxmnowN°n 1 ‘0

111 1 70 1 the firmm ROga and 101111m I have several dnfts betweenthe years 1 70 1M 1 7 14 be ering the ir endmemenn. Inme l ondqa cm ol Augun z¢ 1 7o6, Roga Hudsonadva dm fw his d a h w ho had nbw onded w ith e ightlnmdred gninm In1 7 1 3 he s ppeanto have

moved to SLSwhhin's Ianqu he adva fim indi e Daw mttor amte bfl undu the hand oi

Upw a hitl dnwnby the fi rl otcw enaine in1687 thqendovu d the irm u flome by.


H ud son,Roge r— contz



Matthew Eade s . The lat te r was probably the same as Math ias Eade s , who w ent into partne rship w ithM r. Gre ene atth e Crowninthat ye ar.

H umbl e,W i ll i am,

Goldsmith, l ive d inth e parish of St. Mary Woolnoth,1 539.

H umfrey, W i l l i am,

Goldsmith, ci rca 1 605, of St. Kathe rine Cre e .

H utch ins,Rob e rt,

Goldsmi th , ci rca 1 597, of St. Mary Woolnoth .

H yd e , Edw ard ,

Goldsmi th, ci rca 1 597, of St. Mary Woolnoth .

H yltoft, John,Goldsmi th, of Chepe , 1 369. H e was burie d inSt. Dunstan’s Chape l, inSt. Paul

’s Cathe dral .

H ynge ston, Johnd e ,Goldsmi th , of Wood Stre e t, 1 349.

H yngge ston, Johnd e ,Goldsmi th, 1 335, of St. Margare t

s, Lothbury.

Ilge r,Goldsmith, 1 2 22. H e was Wardenof the Mint.

Impe ri al Bank (Limi te d ),16, Lothbury , was e s tablishe d in 1 862 . Th e paid-up cap1ta1 i s £67 The y have four We s t

End branche s, and a re se rve fund of

Ire land , W i l l i am,

Goldsmi th, circa 1 61 6, of St. Mary Woolnoth.

Irons i d e and Be lch i e rWe re banke rs at the s ign of th e Black Lion, afte rwards 65, Lombard Stre e t. A ll that canbe

asce rtaine d i s that the y flouri she d be twe en1 729-


Sir Edward Irons ide w as Lord Mayor in1 753 .

In 1 73 1 Me ssrs . Knigh t and Bourne had a cle rk of th e name of W. Be lch ier, and, as i t i s anuncommonname , it i s probable that h e jo ine d Irons ide inpartne rship.

The re was a goldsmith name d Edward Irohsi de inLombard Stre e t in 1 697, who was probably th e

pre de ce ssor of the above .

Is sod,Th omas


A goldsmi th and plate -worke r at. the White Horse onFle e t Bridge . Inthe l ouder: Gazette ofA ugus t 7, 1 690, i s th e fol low ing not ice for a runaway apprent ice Nathanie l Whitebre ad


apprent ice age d 1 8, be ing a w e l l fe d lad of a ruddy comple x ion, l ightish brown hair, w ent fromh i s

mas te r Tho. Issod , Goldsmith , at the Wh ire Horse onFle e t B ridge the 3rd Ins tant, w i th a cons i de rable sumofmone y. Whoe ve r secure s and brings h imto h is mas te r afore said, shal l have 5 rewardand the ir charge s .

94 L ONDON BA NKERS. [1011— 1011

Johnson,Si r John


A goldsmith and A lde rmanof Cheaps ide , 1 642 .

Johnson, John, 1 675,Goldsmith, atthe Thre e Flowe r d e Luce s , inCheaps ide . H e adve rtise d the loss of j ew e lry inth e

LondonGazette . Inthe “ Little LondonD i re ctory ” of 1 677 we find the name of Jame s Johnson,

de scribe d as of the same house , ke eping running cashe s .The fol low ing curious adve rtisement re specting pr i ze s ma lotte ry appe are d inth e l ondonGazette

of Novembe r 23 , 1 693 :The se are to give not ice that M r. Neale , th e Truste e s, Ove rse e rs , and Goldsmiths havingadjuste d

allmatte rs and accounts re lating to th e Profitable Ady enture to the Fortunate late ly drawninFre eman’s Yard Cornh ill, have so orde re d th e mone y that e ach Fortunate t icke t be ing onTue sday ne xt

or atany t ime afte r brought to th e Goldsmi th whence th e same was taken, w il l forthw i th be paid, asw i l l also be pai d all such Fortunate t icke ts as w e re s igne d by Thomas N e ale , w henbrought to th eshop of M r. JohnJohnsonatth e Thre e Flow e r de Luce s inChe aps i de London.

In 1 696 w e re ad of h imas Sir John Johnson, at th e same s ign and in 1 703 w e nud HenryJohnsonlocate d the re .

Johnson, Rob e rt,Goldsmi th and A lde rman, 1 525.

Johnson, Th omas ,Goldsmi th , circa 1 625, of St. Mary, Strand.

Johnston Hugh and John and Cc .

First appe are d inth e D i re ctory inth e l is t of bank e rs in th e ye ar 1 83 1 , at 15, Bush Lane , asJohns tonand Co. In1 838 th e s tyle was Hugh and John Johns tone and C0. in1 846 th e par tne rsw e re JohnLafore y Butle r, Fe l ix Prior, and Charle s Butle r, but th e s tyle remaine d th e same ; and in1 849 Paul Butle r took th e place of M r. J. L. Butle r. In 1 854 the y w e re at 62 , Gre at Bush Lane ,anti 2 7, Cannon Stre e t ; and from 1 855 to 1 864 the y w e re at 28, Cannon Stre e t. In 1 865 th e

Me rchant Banking Co. of Londonoccupie d the ir premise s .

Jone s , Cave ,Goldsmi th, 1 732 , atth e GoldenBal l, atthe corne r of St. Michae l’s A lle y, Cornh ill.

Jone s,Law rence ,

Goldsmith, ci rca 1 595, of St. Mary A bchurch .

Jone s , Loyd, and Cc .

The firmof Jone s, Loyd, and Co. was s tarte d by Joseph Jone s and Co. inManche ste r, and a

b ranch bank w as s tarte d -at 1 7, Watl ing Stre e t, inthe ye ar 1 784. The y ne xt w ent to Walbrook , and

finally took N o. 43 , Lothbury, inor about th e ye ar 1 788. In 1 794 th e firmbecame Dani e l Jone s ,Barke r, Loyd, and C0. and in1 799 Jone s, Loyd, and Co.

The fol low ing account, e xtracte d fromM r. F. Martin’s “ Stori e s of Banks and Banke rs, w i l le xplainhow th e Loyd inte re s t was introduce d into the firm

,a1though I cannot quite agre e w i th him

that M r. Lew is Loyd was th e actual founde r of th e bank , as th e l is t of banke rs for th e ye ar 1 788

d is t inctly show s that the house at 43 , Lothbury, w as e stabl ishe d by M r. Joseph Jone s . Sti ll, I giveth e s tory, as i t i s probably qui te true , be ing original ly ment ione d by Lawson inh i s “ His tory of

Banking .


Mr. Le w is Loyd, the founde r of the hous e , fathe r of th e pre sent Lord Ove rstone , beganh i s


am u s Wekh M fing minister ins mflehape l at Mancha w , the oongregnionot'

wh ich

Insdditionto hi r. jone s tl1ere m s

w hy the mh inena d the mpqunng the pm proud mchm w nld nm mnxnt to the0

01m m the d’

s ir bemme knownto w joneg a h cod d nmfiflw hqhe m exoeed

ingly snm; bng see ing thnthinp we ut onptetty cmnforubly with his daughter, he heame recond le d inthe end to hh metend son—tnchw . Howe ver, though fond of sttend ing sermons , he did notthink pu sching amd hndnmu dma da e w thatmlayd shouid gin upme Wehh

h ndomsndmhlish s hnnk nnder the nm d the usnche sw fim.

This m dma h h niddnomm d w donu’ londonm who wm upmthatfime

mkingnpeated comph ints ahontme tronble ot’ l eeping the acoount. Had theynot done nthe

Lmdmhouu d jm lnyi mdmmw psou bly hanmm beenw md htmM a snd CQ wonld hfl e hsd me u tish cfimd be ing one of the h xgmpnm banm in

jm u yi and Ca t ondon. The se

ensh swd b di e bnowh g h d danz— Mrd nyd lnvh gm dsya fle d nmnam fl whm smphm me h nka hd i mdme ume hsving be endnmnponthe hm


h mdonhy s fim sbmtransactions .to putsqmfionto yon. ’ Atme ume fimqopeni i g s dnm, he produce d sevenl bi lh dmnby

“ Pray, sir, are thcse

-4M tnnsactions ? " Th ism so unexpectednretortthatur. l oyd retind withoututte f ing another w01¢Afta s hng and homunbk w eenl b d xwh u yd mhed fiomthe hankme di ed wonh thne

mflfiomua fingxsnd m mme ded u hu d of tbe fim hy hh mmw ne l jonu u y¢ who

m ini ssqamd lm ventone . Uponthis eventttw follow ing d ever line s wcre writtenz


H emme fidmdm d the rkheflmbjefls h themld, hs vb g h¢mwu th upwu ds of fiu miflbns

The follow ing a pits l story is told otjone s Loyd'

s up city. Itsppu red that for somemsonormtha l wmk omsd fimud s spiu sgm unh y¢ w he dm ed uponnyingwminhis61m. Onemmomsfi er thre e o


dmh the Bm pd d inmhh m umwitt qlnyd, d o.

the h rge m d £5oqm ,mde np ol bank notqehequa nponhu kers,md e oin Uponthis

the Bamnintende d mischi e f,m ¢ted tbe a sh iernotw dw the charge pe id in, hutto put itanyins hag snd lock it ep inthe mong roomju t u it wu . The nu tmoming aboutteno’clock ,

dem ded to he paid inbank notes. The mlfier went at onoe to hl rl aoyd tome ive inmd ons.

sams the counter, w ith its contents inthe same conditionu thcy wmk fi the nightbd orqhe said .


Jone s , Loyd , and Co.— conlz



Th e re ! Take your rubbish back , and te l l BaronRothsch ild that I ne ve r w ish to se e i t again.

Thus,inall probabi l ity, a grave calami ty w as ave rte d .

In 1 864, much to th e surpris e of th e w orld at large , M e ssrs. Jone s, Loyd, and Co'

. d ispose d ofthe i r bus ine s s to th e Londonand We s tmins ter Bank.

Ina work ent i t le d Th e Bank of England ” (by th e author of th e Pe ople’

5 Blue Book,Long

mans) i t i s state d that some mi ll ions of d epos i ts have be enadde d to the Londonand We s tminste rBank by amalgamat ionw ith th e hous e of Jone s , Loyd, and Co. ,

th e large s t private banking—hous e 1n

th e City of London, and the most inve te rate of all th e enemie s of th e joint- s tock banking principle .

Inv ie w of th is fact i t i s curious to re ad th e e vidence gi venin1 840 by M r. Samue l Jone s Loyd be foreth e Parliamentary Commi tte e onth e Bank Charte r A ct. Condemning th e joint-s tock systemas quiteinappl icable to banking, he de clare d on that occas10n: “ I th ink joint-s tock banks are de fici ent in

e ve ryth ing re quis i te for th e conduct of bank ing bus ine ss e xcept e xtende d re spons ibi l ity .”

Jone s and Son, 1 809—48. (Se e STR IDE. )

Jukal, John,Goldsmith, f i rm 1 284. Inh is w ill he made se ve ral be que sts to h i s fami ly, and one for th e

maintenance of wax torche s inth e church of St. Michae l de Cande lwyke strete Calendar of W il ls,Court of Hus t ing, London

J11 11 , Edw ard ,Goldsmith , circa 1 583 , of St. Mary Woolchurch H aw .

K ay and Co .

,1 825

32 . (Se e PR ICE.)

Kayl l , H ugh ,Goldsmith

,of Lombard Stre e t, circa 1 586. Inth is ye ar d ie d a poor boy name d Thomas, w hom

he had takenup inth e s tre e t and place d w ith W iddow e Price ath is owne prope r cost. H e was in

partne rship w ith Sir R ichard Martin. Inth e Royal A ccounts forN e w Ye ar’s Gifts the ir name s occurse ve ral t ime s inre lationto cos tly article s purchase d from them for pre sentat ion to dis t inguishe d

pe rsons . Hugh K ayll was A lde rmanDeputy of Langbourne Ward, and h is son, Thomas Kayll, w as

M .A . and Fe l low of J e sus Col lege , Cambridge . Hugh Kayll die d 1 603 , and was burie d inSt. MaryWoolnoth ’s .

K e al e , John,Goldsmi th , 1 539— 74. H e re s ide d inth e parish of St. Mary Woolnoth .

Ke ate , Lance lot,Was at the Unicorn, in th e Strand


as w e le arn froma not ice inthe London Gazez‘fe of

Novembe r 1 9, 1 702, whe re in h e adve rtise s th e loss of lot te ry ticke ts ; and again, onMarch 3 1 ,1 70 1 , the fol low ing appe are d — “ Onth e rst, 2nd, and 3rd M ay ne xt thre e Plate s w i l l be runfor onMe rrow Downs, ne ar Gui lford in Surre y th e particulars are ment ione d inthe Gaze tte of

Fe bruary 24 las t. Th e contributors be ing to pay the i r mone y a month be fore , are de s ire d to pay i tto M r. Ke ate , Goldsmi th, atthe Uni corninth e Strand, London. A Prize w i ll l ikew ise be runfor bywomen w i th othe r d ive rs ions .

” The s e othe r dive rs ions probably took th e formof cock-fighting orbul l-bai t ing, both of which sports w e re of fre quent occurrence , e spe cially the forme r, in those days ,and of which not ice s oftenappe are d inthe Gazette. Ke ate ’s addre ss cont inue d at the Unicornin1 7 1 6.


K i bome and Capi ll — contz'

zzued .

H e ad , had gone away. I t i s e vident from th is that the ir care e r ende d in 1 682 , and that the ysuspende d payments .

Kinloch , G . F . ,and Sons


Starte d as banke rs about 1 807, at5, Dye r’

s Court, A lde rmanbury and about 1 81 1 the ymove d toN o. 1

,N e w Broad Stre e t, w h e re the y cont inue d to transact bus ine s s unt il 1 844.

Ki rby, John,Goldsmith, 1 584, of St. Fayth

s unde r Pow le ’s .

Ki rke,Jonath an


A goldsmi th, of Lombard Stre e t. In 1 705 h e was at th e s ignof th e Gol denCup, th e s i te of

wh ich is N o. 83 .

K i rk e by, John,Citi zenand goldsmi th of London

,w hos e w i l l was date d March 2 1

, 1 483 (“ Exche que r Ancient

M i sce ll. Wills , Re cord Offi ce ).

Ki rw ood, Si r M atth ew

,Rob e rt Jenk e s , and Co .

We re de scribe d as goldsmi ths and banke rs of th e Fl e e ce , inLombard Stre e t. The ir bus ine ssappe ars to have originate d w i th Nathanie l Wollfry and Co . , who carrie d on the i r trade atth e sames ign from1 702 . 111 1 695 Nathani e l Wollfry s igne d for Sir JohnSw e etapple of th e Blackarnoor


He ad , inLombard Stre e t, which was be fore h e s e tup for himse lf. In1 7 1 9 the y w e re bankrupt.

K i rw ood , Th omas , 1 663 . (Se e H IND . )

Knight, Batson, and Cc.,1 763 . (Se e REMIN GTON .)

Knigh t and BourneWe re banke rs atth e Bri tannia, inChange A l le y, Lombard Stre e t. The fi rs t re cord of th is firm

be ing ine xis tence is uponold cash-not‘

e s e xtend ing from 1 730 to 1 735. In 1 73 2 and 1 73 3 W.

Shuttle worth w itne sse s s ignature s inthe capaci ty of cle rk . In1 73 7 the name of Bourne i s w i thdrawnfromthe firm, and that of Shuttle worth subs ti tute d thus inthat ye ar the s tyle be came Knight andShuttleworth . Noth ing canbe trace d of themafte r 1 745.

Kni gh t and Jack son, 1 729— 1 750. (Se e REM IN GTON . )

Knigh t, Jos eph ,A goldsmith , at the Flow e r de Luce , Great Russ e l l Stre e t . Covent Garden, in 1 697 . Inth e

London Gaz ef/e of Septembe r 1 5, 1 698, w e read :“ Wh e re as Thomas Fow le r, Danie l Scanlanand

N icholas Moor (now inN e wgate ) s tand indicte d that the y w i th othe rs (not yet taken) onthe 1 8

Aug. las t, did commi t a robbe ry uponJose ph Knight and othe r goldsmi ths inBosw e l l Court, inth eparish of St. Clement Dane s inth e county of Middle se x '

to the value ofI have se ve ral che que s b e tw e en1 702 and 1 7 1 1 be aring h is name . H e was a bankrupt Octobe r

Lacy, Hartland , Woodbri dge , and Co .


Banke rs , of 60, We s t Smithfie ld. This house was founded about 1 809, unde r the s tyle of


Pocklmfi onand Lacy, b m loaeph Pockl ingtonand BenjaminWH Lacy In 1 849 MrH BLacf sqharle l jame s h ey, was admitted a partne r, whenthe firmbe came Pocklingtomla ey,and Son. Mr Pockltngtandi e d tnwsqand tnrssx the firmbecame h cy and Son, wh1ch s tyle

gmdm Charlea Jame s IA cy, jnn. , nnti1 1 87s, when, uponthe admmionof Mt. D ixon-Hartland,the firmbe came la cyH Sonand Ih nland. Ia nthe bnfines mresented thre e old countryhanking hrma as hlr. Dixon-Hartland is the 1ast tepru entati ve ottho l ynnRegi s bankaxGalea,Dh omand uaney,md aln d the hmd flanhnd. PfimH Pmaor and Emhorpqwho a rfied onthe wb dml h nfi ng h fim h cbmminand d M He fornpwu ds d ammqanB‘

r h lLand whqinxSsa w ld the hanb w the Gloum hhe ntnking Company.

The banking-home ath ww Smhhheu btfih b r the firmhi raoa and re bui ltand enlatged ih

M m piea fi e simd me edifice fiomwhich Qum hunwhnmed the baming d me mnmwhomfla et mhhfid d dming ha nigmu d the ch rw d pou b whk h thqwmmpposedmhanbe enattached was notmany ym ago dugnp opposite the bank.

-e stablished firmof flull,m mmu vm . The atyle ol the fimtherefi re ehanged to laq, flartland ,Woodbridge ,mmmmw m amm mw m mmorum umsmmm


his firmwas ot'

oomidmhle antiquity. notwitlntanding itdoe s not appear inthe listof banhminthe Dimecta '

y befiore tnr ; inwhich yw its atyle m Sir Robe rt Ladbroke SomRawlinsornandPertendoing busine ss atthe Phanh ahmardsqombard Stre et. It is evident that they we ree stablished u early as l 736, probably as goldani itha as hy anendorsement to one of M essrs . Chi ld

and Ca '

s drafi s fite W e of ' RobenIA dt h tt O-"tmy be ae enduly w itneu ed by the ir

Sit Robe rt IA dhtoke was IA td H aya int747, and Aldermano(Btidge Without, a member of

Pu fiamentfor the Chy of Londomand a colone l of the C ity M i l itia. Inanold almanne k he mdeaa xbed u “ Fad1e r of the C ity

” In1 774 h1s sonwas head ol’

the bank and they hadmove d fromLombard Streetto Bana i ldings . Mm h dbmke and h gave np the ir buainm inrh z , whenitwas tahenove r by hl esns Glynand Co.

Goldsmi th. 1695, atthe Thre e Kings, inCheaps ide .

“ l i ttle londonDirectory'was puhlished in1 677. Th is was atte rwards numbere d p . H is nnme

my be mm fly se eninadvmisemenu intbemwtk np to nq.

We le arnfromanold de ed thatin1 7oo he was in0ccnpationof the 0nicorn, in110mbard 8ueett

Goldanhha 1 694

Erected by Actof Parliament in1696 to advance moneyonly onthe ti tle-de e ds of unencumbe re dkee hold e s tates .

The bank, proje cte d by Dr. Chamberlain, was patronize d» by the Earl of Sund erland, through


Land Bank — corzl imzm’.whos e inte re s t, and that of Fole y, Harle y, and th e Torie s , a Bi l l was pas se d th rough Parl iament. I tw as re solve d that a fund , re d e emable by Parl iament, should be se t tle d ina Nat ional Land Bankthat th e sumof should be rais e d by subscript ion, for w hich 7 pe r cent . should be

paid ; and that the bank should not lend mone y butonlande d s e curi t ie s, e tc.

Books w e re opene d at Exe te r Change onJune 5, 1 696, but the y fai le d to ge ta suffi ci ent amount .

subscr ibe d . £5000 was subscribe d inth e King’s name .

I t i s said that its e xis tence was marke d ch iefly by a pape r w ar w i th the Bank of England, inw h ichi t was he ld that th e latte r gotthe wors t of th e encounte r. One fly-s he e t of the y e ar 1 696 proclaimsf ‘th e trial and cond emnat ionof the Land Bank atExe te r Change formurde r ing th e Bank of England

atGroce rs ’ Hal l ,”while anothe r give s anepi taph : He re l ie s th e body of th e Bank of England , .who

w as borninthe ye ar 1 694, and die d M ay 5, 1 696, inth e th ird ye ar of its age .

The fai lure of th is Land Bank and oth e r cause s brought about the s toppage of th e Bank of

England, whenthe i r note s fe l l to such a he avy discount.


Goldsmi th, at th e Rose , inLombard Stre e t, adve rtis e d in1 695 to se ll coppe r me dals of KingCharle s I. , having onth e obve rs e th e royal e ffigy, and onth e re ve rs e a


landscape , w i th th e motto :

V irtuteme xme, fortuname x ali is .

” The se w e re engrave d and s truck by Roetti e r at th e'

M int;

price s , 1 01 . and 55. plain, and in s i lve r,'

25s . e ach . H e also,in 1 694, adve rtis e d large fune ral

me dal s of coppe r, to pre se rve th e memory of he r late Maj e s ty, Que enMary . One s ide repre sente dh e r Maje s ty, th e othe r having th e motto, “ Sublatamex Ocul isquae rimus invid i i” also engrave d byRoe tti e r.

Lane , Benj amin,Goldsmi th

, 1 685, inLombard Stre e t . In 1 67 1— 2 h e was se rvant and book-ke epe r to Row e and

Gre en, of the Ge orge , inth e same s tre et.

Langston, Polh i l l , and Co. ,1 777 . (Se e OLbi NG . )

La l e y, Jame s ,Was a goldsmith ke e ping running—cashe s at th e Thre e Cocks, inChe aps ide ,m1 677, and al so in

1 688. Ve ry little can be asce rtaine d about h imbe yond th e fact th at by an adve rtis ement inth e

London Gaz et/e of March 1 9, 1 693 , w e find he had a me e t ing of h i s cre ditors , and that h e die dsoonafte rwards .

In1 703 anothe r goldsmith, Capta inPe arce , was locate d atth 1s s ign.

Las s e l ls, R i ch ard ,

A goldsmi th ke eping running cashe s atth e Unicorn, inth e Strand , ne ar Charing Cros s, be tw e en1 680 and 1 694. Thos e are th e only ye ars inw h ich h i s name has be enme tw i th . H e w as one of

th e goldsmi ths appointe d by th e Tre asury mMarch,1 694, as a re ce ive r of contr ibut ions for rais ing

a sumnotto e xce e d £ 1,000

,000 uponthe new dut ie s ar is ing froinsal t and th e new rate s of e xcise

Latch , Samu e l , 1 645,Goldsmi th , of Lombard Stre e t, was spokenof as trying to ch eat the State , Octobe r 1 5, 1 651

(“ Commee for advance ofmone y,” etc .

, Publ ic Re cord Office ).

Law rence , Th omas ,Gol dsmi th , 1 594— 1 605, of the Par i sh


of St. Mary Woolnoth .


L e w i s,G e orge — conl z


nued .

the fol low ing, that appe are d in th e London Gazette of June 1,1 702 , may s e rve as an e xample

Los t a note date d M ay 1 1 th 1 702 givenby M r. Ge orge Le w is, goldsmi th , agains t the N e w Exchange

for£ 1 50, payable to Charle s Will iams Esqr or h i s ord e r. A ll pe rsons are de s ired, i f offe re d , to s top i t,

Payment be ing alre adymade , and w hoe ve r brings i t to the said M r. Lew is, shal l have i os. Re ward .

Le w i s,H enry,

Goldsmi th , circa 1 596, of St. JohnZachary.

Le w i s , Th omas ,Goldsmith, ci rca 1 588, of St. A lphage .

L incoln, Walte r d e ,Goldsmi th , 1 3 23 . H e had a tenement adjoining the Goldsmlths ’ Hall .

Lloyd s Bank (L imi te d ),72, Lombard Stre e t, w i th five We s t End branche s . Es tablishe d by th e amalgamanonof Lloyds ,

Bame tts , and Bosanquets’ Bank, Limite d, w i th the Birmingham Jo int Stock Bank, Limite d, and

the Worce s te r Ci ty and County Banking Company, Limi te d, inFe bruary, 1 889. Paid-up capi tal ,Re s e rve fund i s

Lockh art, Jame s and Jame s ,Starte d in 1 787 at 36, Pal l Mall . In 1 793 th e firmbe came Lockharts and M axtone ; inth e

follow ing ye ar Lockharts , M axtone,Wal lace , and C lark and in 1 797 i t appe ars for the las t t ime in

the l is t of banke rs unde r th e s tyle of Lockharts, M axtone , Wal l is, and Pate rson.

Londonand County Bank ing C ompany (L imite d),2 1 , Lombard Stre e t, w as e s tabl ishe d in 1 836. The paid-up capi tal is The y have a

large numbe r of branche s th i rty-s ix inLondonand suburbs, and 1 33 inthe country .The re se rve fund amounts to

Londonand Provinci al Bank (L imite d ),7 ,


Bank Bui ld ings , Lothbury, w i th e ighty-one branche s invarious place s . I t w as e s tabl ishe d in1 864, w i th a paid-up capi tal of J£400,000, and a re se rve fund of about

Londonand South -W e ste rnBank (L imi te d ),1 70 , Fenchurch Stre e t, w as e s tabl ishe d in 1 862 . The y have many branche s in London, the

suburbs , and th e country. Th e new premis e s occupy th e s i te of the fo llow ing hous e s, which e xis te din 1 7 1 2 : th e Thre e Kings, th e Black Lion, and th e Cros s Ke ys , up to IngramCourt. A be auti ful

planof th e old house s may be s e en inth e bank . Th e paid-up capi tal is J£400,000, and th e re s e rvefund amounts to

Londonand W e stminster Bank (L imite d )Was e s tabl ishe d in 1 834. Up to this date i t had always be encons id e re d that no joint—s tock bank

could be e s tabl ishe d w i th ina radius of s i xty-five mi l e s of London.

M r. Jame s W i l liamGilbart, w ho commence d h is banking care e r as a cle rk to a City banke r in1 8 1 3 , subse quently w ent to Ire land as manage r of a jo int- s tock bank , and then re turne d to London.

Having d iscove re d that th e old not ions.

as to th e formation of a jo int-s tock bank w e re e rrone ous, hes e tto w ork to formamode l one and th e re sul t w as th e “Londonand We s tmins te r Bank.

N o scheme e ve r me t w i th more formidable oppos it ion, not only fromthe pr ivate banke rs , but

Lox- Lov] LONDON BA NKERS. 103

1 h at idea was spe e dily d iss ipate d uponthe que stionbe ing put to the Solici tor-Gene ral, who gave itas his opinionthatanynumbe r of joint-stock banks might be e stabi


nhed, ormight have be en, s incethe ioundafionof fi e Bank of Enghnd provided they did not issue mtes withinsixty

-five mi le s ofthe metropohsWah a paidmp u piu l d £5qooo the Londonand Westminster Bank commenced business at

38, 1 hmgmonon8ue eg onhlarch Previously to so dob g they had applied bo the Bankot


England for permiss ionto have a dmwing account; bnt the ir apptk afionwas mfiue d They also

nke d the Committe e ol Bankm to he anowed a seat inthe Cleu h ig Rousqbutthatappl ieationwashkew ise re fnsed ; M afia mpented applieafimthey did notgainadmittane e nnnl june , 1 854.

Afteta flewmore w pos itions onthe panof the Bank of E t he hmdonand We snninsterBenk snoce eded inho id ing its pos ition.Th e follow ing banking busina se s have be enabsorbed by itz— Young and Son, of Southwark, who

gave up onaooountof the death ot'

the latter ; StrahamPauLand Bates ; Comme rcial Bank otlmdon; Unity jointStock Bank ; and Londonand hi iddie se xBank.lthas a paid—up a pital of g sfloop oo. with ame rveThe Londonand Westminste rBank has th ine enbranche s inthe metropolis .

Was establishe d in1 836, and regi stere d onSe ptember 30, 1 883 . Read ofi ce , 5, Princes Stre e t,with sevenbsanche s inother pans ot


lnndon. (Se e lisqThe paid

—up capital is £ 1 ,80qooo. and its gmxante e fund amounts toLong, John,

A banke t of Lombard Stre et, was bankrupt inSe ptember. 1 7 30.

Longs , Richard Lo,Goldsmith, 1 349.

Colds nith, 1 590-98, of the parish o(SL MaryWoolnoth

M l ohn,Goldsmith. H e was Maste r of the hunt from157 1

-6, and die d 111 1583, and was buried inSt.Vedast

’s, Foster Lane .

Lonth e , Johnde , and Berklnge , Wi lli amde ,Goldsmiths , and principal je we lle rs to Isabe lla, Que enof Edward I I. Particulars of some of the

je we lry purchase d by this Que enhave be encommunienwd to the Society of Ant iquarie s by M r.

E. A . Bond Ardmologia,” 1 1111 11. 11

Lou i e” , John,Goldsmith, 1591 - 1 61 2, of the paris h of St. Mary Woolnoth. H e die d inthe latte r year

, and was

bnried inthe pnrish chnrch .

Lovett, Drew ,

Goldsmi th, of St. Andrew’s, Holborn, was pre sente d at th e M iddlfi e x Se ss ions onjnne 1

, 4th

Charle s I. , fornotgo ing to church M idd les e x Se ss ions Rolls ," Public Record Othe e . )


Low d e rs,

Goldsmith, 1 693—4,atthe Jew e l and Crown, ne ar DurhamYard, inthe Strand .

Low e , Ve re and Co .,1 779 (Se e W ILLIAM S. )

Low ry , N ew ton, and Me rce r,

A t 24, Grace church Stre e t, corne rof Lombard Stre e t, 1 7 7 1 — 78.

Lub bock and Co.,1 8 1 4

— 60. (Se e ROBARTS

Lucy,Goldsmi th, 1 687, at the GoldenCup, inRuss e l l Stre e t, Covent Garden th e shop w hich was

afte rwards occupie d by Wrights .

Lund , John,Goldsmi th , 1 695— 1 7 1 2 , atth e Thre e GoldenLions , ne ar Temple Bar. H e w as bankrupt in1 7 1 2 .

Lupart, Pete r,Goldsmi th , 1 696, atthe GoldenLion, Lombard Stre e t

L yas , G e rman,Goldsmith, a fore 1gne r, a rca 1 450. Inth e re ignof Henry VI . h e w as accuse d of various offence s ,

amongs t othe rs of se l l ing a table t of adul te rate d gold . H e was compe lle d, by w ay of puni shment, togive to th e frate rni ty of th e Gold smi ths a gilt cup w e igh ing 24 ounce s, and to implore pardononh i skne e s .

Lynd s ay, or L ind s ay, John also Lindse y,O i th e Ange l inLombard Stre e t, probably in front of th e church of St. Edmund th e King,

a goldsmi th, a rm 1 663 . H is account inBackw e ll’s ledge rs w as ve ry cons ide rable . H e subse

quentlymarrie d Dorothy, th e w idow of JohnColvill, of Lombard Stre e t.H e was e s tablishe d inLombard Stre e t prior to th e Gre at Fire , but took a shop in


Broad Stre e tduring th e re bui ld ing Of h is place of bus ine ss . Ou January 1 0, 1 669, a not ice w as inse rte d inth eLond on Gazette to th e e fie ctthat h e had remove d fromBroad Stre e t to h is house inLombard Stre e t.On Fe bruary 1 4, 1 675, the fol low ing adve rtisement appe are d —

“ Los t, in N ew Fish Stre e t, ove ragains t th e N ew Pyramid, 70 Guine ys of gold,ina canvass bag,- i f any shal l give not ice to M r. Lindse y ,goldsmith , at th e Ange l inLumbard Stre e t, shal l have 1 0 Guineys for h is pains .

”H e subse quently

took a partne r, one Pe i rce Re e ve and the Gazette for October2 , 1 679, announce d thatthe cre d itorsof JohnLyndsay and Pe i rce Re e ve , goldsmi ths , had appointe d tome e t ona ce rtainday to hear the i r

proposals .The re i s anannouncement that a me e t ing of the cre ditors of John Lindsay , late of London,

banke r, now be yond th e se as, w as to take place inJuly, 1 684. This i s th e e arlie s tmentionof th e

te rm banke r ” I have metw i th.

Lynne , Jame s ,Goldsmith , 1 553


59, of the parish of St. Mary Woolnoth .

M abb , John,Goldsmith , 1 578, of th e Tabard

,in Southw ark. H is w il l was publ ishe d in the A t/mzreum,

No . 3 1 1 7, July 23 , 1 887.

M ackw o r th , Si r H ., and Co .

,1 785


92 (Se e


M are sch al,Th omas — contimtea’.

le ft tenements , shops, and rents inth e parish of St. O lave , Silverstre te ; inA lde rsgate Stre e t, parishof St. Botolph , e xtending up to th e garden of Reymundy Burde aux, cal le d “

Je w e s gardin and in

We stch epe to hold intai l remainde r intrus t for sale for pious and charitable use s ._A lso to h is

said daughte r, Thomas ina, a bas inand e w e r, a be s t be d, two borte clothe s (board cloths), and twotowale s

” Calendar of Wills , Court of Hus ting, London

M arkynfe ld , Johnd e ,Goldsmi th, of Chepe , ci rca 1 349.

M arlar and Cc.

,1 772

— 8 1 . (Se e POLE . )

M arlow,Je remi ah ,

Of th e Spre ad Eagle , now N o. 66, Lombard Stre e t, w as the re as e arly as 1 694. H e fre quentlyadve rt is e d h is ware s inthe LondonGazette up to th e ye ar 1 702 , of w hich th e fol low ing is ane xample

Those who are curious ins eal s , cutincorne l ian, aggat, Be rti l, Onyx, Sardonyx ,&c. w ith a varie tyof fine fancie s He ads and figure s , both ancient andmode rn, may be furnishe d— w he re youmay haveyour coat of arms . Cyphe rs and oth e r d e vice s curious ly engrave d onany sort of s tone .

”H e was

e vidently a s imple goldsmi th . I have no re cord of h i s ke eping running—cashe s. Ou February 26,1 722 , h e adve rtise d inth e D ai ly Courant:

“ Any one that has a place of One , two, or thre e Hundre da ye ar to dispos e of, i f the y w i l l give not ice to M r. Marlow e

,ne ar A ldgate

,may be informe d of a

pe rsonwho w il l tre at for th e same . Th e s ign of h is hous e , as de te rmine d by an adve rtisement in1 734, was Blackmore

s Head. H e appe ars to have die d shortly afte r this date , as w e learnfromth e

D az’

ly j ozzmal, January 20, 1 735, that th e ent ire colle ct ionof th e late J e remiah Marlow ,of A bchurch

Lane,je we lle r and auct ione e r, w as to be dispose d of. I t i s rathe r opento doubt w he the r th is was the

same manwho w as forme rly atthe Spre ad Eagle inLombard Stre e t, and afte rwards w ent to A ldgate

yetthe article s to be sold w e re s imi lar to thos e he had be eninth e habit of adve rtis ing for sale .

M arlow e,John,

Goldsmi th, at th e Spotte d Dog, inLombard Stre e t , 1 686— 97. H e was some time s addre sse d as

CaptainMarlow e . I have be en unable to i dent ify this s ign,‘

furth er than that i t was in th e parish

of S&‘

Edmund th e King and Martyr.

M arxmon, Jame s ,Goldsmith, circa 1 673, of St. Duns tan—in-th e -We s t.

M arryatand Co.

,1 8 1 9

— 24. (Se e Pw ca. )

M arsh , Stracey, and Co .


Of 6, B e rne rs Stre e t, Oxford Stre e t, an old -e s tab l ishe d -bank , faile d through th e forge r ie s of the i r

partne r, Henry Fauntle roy, w hich w e re d iscove re d inth e ye ar 1 824.

The name of Henry Fauntle roy, th e fathe r, w ho had original ly be ena cle rk to a City banke r, firstappeare d as a partne r inthe firmin 1 797.

The s tyle of th e bank in1 796, inwh ich ye ar it first appe ars inthe LondonD ire ctory, was De

Visme s , Cuthbe rt, Marsh, Cre e d, and Co. Henry Fauntle roy, sen. , d ie d in 1 807, w hen h e w as

succe e de d inth e partne rsh ip by hi s son, Henry, the forge r. In 1 8 1 4 h e was appointe d one of thre etrus te e s to the e state of a fami ly cons is t ing of e ight children. H e shortly forge d th e s ignature s of h i sco- trus te e s to a pow e r of attorne y for th e sale of s tock s tanding inth e ir name s inthe Consols . Thatope rat ionbe ing succe ssful, he trie d othe rs, unt il at las t h e had de fraude d th e Bank of England of th esumof some portionof which, i t is be l ie ve d, th e y have re cove red .


The discovery was ace identallytnade byone of the truste es ininvestigating the books atthe Bankot

Engiant hat ee rtainmms he los t no time inwmannieafing with the pohoe and Famda oy wu m wd inthe bank paflommBa nemSuee t

H e had keptaocurate aocounts of ai l the forgeri es he had oommitted.0n0ctoba 30, 1 8s 4, he was charged at the Old Bailey w ith forgery, ot

which ofl'

ence be was

fomd gni lty, and onNovetnbe t 3o fotlowing he was executedAmongst his papers the fol lowing statement was discovered, by s itse lt


sufli ci ent to prove his

“ Inorde r to keep up the credit of our honseJ have fiorge d pow ers ot‘

attomey for the above

wms and paruqand sold outto the amounthe re stated, and withoutthe know ledge of my partne rs.I he ptup the payments ot


the d ividenda bntmade no entrie s ot'

snd i payments inour books . The

Bank firu beganw nfnse mdkconntomacoepune eqand mdw oy the a editof our hom The

Bank shall anart iot it."

Fanntleroy keptanOpenhonse dnring the days of his supposed prosperity, and sogathe red toge thera h rge cird e of aequaintanoea Dickens nsed mre h te mmecdote which shows whatmanne r ofmenthe se acquaintanoes w ere . ltmnst be premise d thac at the e legant dinne rs inBemers Stre e tand a Bdghmsome panieularly choice emona always made its appearanoe . The nightbet

ore the

mcnfimthrce gmtlemenvis ite d the condemne d ce ll atNewgate . and , as they were aboutto re tire .-oy, yonstand onth e verge of

the grave . Rememba the mgmy dw m thatwe bmnghtnothing into th is world, and it isoeru inwe eantake nothing ont.

mmw m ?”

This finnswpped payment in 1834 . Ou July 3 1, a dividend ot’

twe lve shillings ands ixpence inthe ponnd was de e lared .

Th e lollow ing w ions acoonntis ukenfiommh 'm of jannary g tsm“ M 11. Ex-Snu un Pu tnam'

s Exci sion“ Bi tu — The [flea “ 01mm! in Excheque r B il ls,

ducod such confus ioninthe Money Market, and which bid Iait to find the ir way ul timate ly into the

pocheu d Commis iona s otBankmpu and u wyemappmmhangone thmugh u mny penh u

mm de d inthe ‘Adventiue s of a Guinen. ’ M1 . M e 1ifl'

Parkins is we ll knownto have be ena moet eooentric maninai l bis transactions . H e forme rly hept cash at dfam. fll ank, Skq, and

s anh and a shontime ptevionsmthe disoovery of Faunfleroy’s fowgefi e g and the fnilnreof that honse , “ r. ExShe riflone night d1

-eamt that hi s money was injeopardy, and w ly the next

mning he wmu ded w fli e hanking-hm md whhdmw the whoi e of hh bahncqamounnng w{ mow inExehequetBillst Fanntlavymde some ensive replyto gaintimqor if possible preventthe money frombe ing withdrawn butthe ExSherifl


was inexorable . H e was fully convince d th erewas some t'onndation l’or h is midnightvifim and vow ed he would not leave the honse w ithout hisExe heque rBills . A bmdk of Excheqi lh wme ammntd £ so,mom awmding}y paid ovaw ww . and he imme diate ly proce eded to de pooit theminMm Child d a


s bank ; but onuking aooountof the bfllg itwu disoovd ed thatthey we re notthe mme numba s as the bills he had

depos ite d wi th Fauntleroy.

~H e however congratulate d h imse lf onhis'

sags city in forese e ing th e

embanu amentof the honse , and brohe out into a strong invecti ve against Faunt le roy. The partnerinMew s. Child


s honse repl ie d,‘that although they shou id be happy to rece ive his depos i ts, -the y

could not l is tento any slande t agains t any other tinn.’The Sherifl


, gctting into his wonted rage ,

m thstthey should have none of his money it’

they would not heat h is story, and , folding up thesaid Excheque r Bills, put theminto his pocket, and kepttheminh is ownposse ss ion.

— Soonatter thi sevent, the worthy XX presente d himse lf as a cand idate fo r the representat ion“ a ce rtainborough,u d mnd ing onthe hnstings , h is antagonist inquire d who be was, and who introduce d h imthere ?The She riff, inh is usual violent soonle t you know who I am, and whatare my


M ars h , Stracey, and Co.

re commendations 3’ and h e put h i s hand in h i s pocke t to pul l out, as he thought, tw enty thousandpounds inExche que r B ills , w hen, by the aid of some magic, th e pocke t was empty . Th e affai r cause dimme diate e xcitement inthe Marke tp lace . The Sherifi

swore more thanusual, and vow e d venge anceagains t the towns -folk, unle s s his mone y was re s tore d. A s e arch having be en imme diate ly inst itute d,th e bundle of bil ls was d iscove re d atthe foot of th e hus t ings, ve ry near th e worthy Candidate


pe rson,

and w e re ins tantly re s tore d to h imw ithout any re ward to th e finder. The unfortunate She riff soon

afte r w ish ing to place th e b i l ls inth e mostrespeftable lzouse for s ecurity, had the good [mb to depos itthemw i th M r. Row land Stephenson

M arsh al l , Th omas ,Goldsmi th, 1 539— 45, re s ide d inth e parish of St. Mary Woolnoth.

M artenand Co.,1 8 1 4

— 2 7. (se e CALL . )

M artinand Co.,

68, Lombard Stre e t . Thi s i s a ve ry old bus ine ss . Th e firm, inde e d, claims to be th e olde s t inth e C i ty of London. I t is suppos e d to have be ene stablish e d by Sir Thomas Gre sham,

that eminentgoldsmi th and royal me rchant (as h e was then te rme d) of Que enEl izabe th

s t ime , w ho founde d the

Royal Exchange and Gre shamColle ge , and vas tly improve d th e condit ionof trade . For furthe r

particulars conce rning h im, se e unde r GRESH AM inth is work .

M r. J. B. Mart inhas informe d me that Thomas Gre shamwas admitte d as a pens ione r of GonvilleHal l, Cambridge , though no regis te rs survive to prove the date . He re h e contracte d anenduringfriendship w ith Dr. JohnCai us, who, late r ou, w henSir Thomas Gre shamw as engage d inbui ld ing th eRoyal Exchange , was occupie d inth e e re ct ionof the col le giate bui ldings w hich, as Gonville and CaiusCol le ge , s t il l b ear h i s name . It i s a s trong point of pre sumpt ive e vidence as to th e conne ctionbe tw eenth e Grasshoppe r and Sir Thomas Gre sham that th e account of Gonvi l le and Caius Coll e gei s inscribe d inthe books d

romthe i r e arl ie s t date to the pre s ent t ime .

H e carrie d onh is trade in Lombard Stre e t at th e s ignof th e Grasshoppe r, by wh ich this housewas w ide ly knownunti l the ye ar 1 770, w henall th e house s w e re numbe re d , and th e Grasshoppe r

be came No. 68, Lombard Stre e t. I t i s amatte r of great regre t that this curious old s ign,w h ich was

made of brass , has be enlost, s tolen, or de s troye d M r. JohnBiddulph Martin,inh i s mos t inte re s t ing

and valuable pape r, ent itle d Th e Grasshoppe r, apropos of th e s ign, w rite sThe d isappearance of th e s igni s not, how e ve r, attributable to any w ant of re ve rence onthe part

of its owne rs , butto th e dishone s ty of th e w orkmenw ho re bui lt th e hous e in1 794-

5. I t i s said thati t was care ful ly putaway during th e re build ing, _butwas notforthcoming atth e comple tionof th e w orks .

This i s not a s ingular occurrence , as th e ve ry same th ing happene d to th e s ign of th e Crown,

M e ssrs . Will is ’, w henthat hous e was re built, and to the GoldenAnchor, th e s ignof Snow s , afte rwardsknownas Strahans , w hich s ignwas takendownand de stroye d as re cently as 1 875.

M r. Martinve ry prope rly re pudiate s the absurd ity of an old le gend w h ich was’

suppose d to havebe enthe originof SirThomas Gre sham’

s s ignand cre s t, viz . that a pas se r-by was attracte d by the chirpof a gras shoppe r, turne d a


s ide fromh i s path,through a me adow , and found Gre sham, a cas taway

infant. I t i s .ve ry w e l l known that Gre sham’

s fathe r fi lle d th e othe e of Camb iumRe gis, or Royal

ofii ce of Exchange , to Henry VI I I. , by w h ichmonarch and byCard inal Wols e y he w asmuch e s te eme d .

Whenth e latte r was d eprive d of the Gre at Se al, w hat appe are d to painh immos t, afte r the d isple asureof the King, w as that h e did not know how h e w ould be able to repay Gre shamthe sumof two

hundre d pounds he had borrow e d froni him.

The ne xt mentionof th e G rasshoppe r occurs inthe “ Little LondonD ire ctory ” of 1 677, w h ichshow s that Char. Duncombe and R ichard Kent w e re at that addre s s inLombard Stre e t. Be tw e enGre sham’

s t ime and that date noth ing canbe told of the house .


M artinand Co.


s Es tate atne ar and repute d to have as ne ar as much incash . A couple t of Pope’


immortali ze s the transactionAnd H e lms l e y, once proud Buck ingham

s de l igh t,Sl id e s to a Scrivene r or C ity-Knight .

The e s tate re fe rre d to was H e lms le y in Yorkshire , subse quently Duncombe Park,th e s e at of th e

Earl of Fe versham, a de scendant of Sir Charle s Duncombe , Lord Mayor of Londonin1 708—


Inone of Me ss rs . Child’s old le dge rs , a large sumof money w as d rawn out of hi s account byCharle s Duncombe at this date

,1 696. Probably i t w as to pay for th e purchas e of this e s tate .

Bishop Burne t, spe aking of the shame ful shutt ing-up of the Exche que r by Charle s I I . , s tate s thatthe Earl of Shafte sbury, know ing of th e d e s ign, had profite d by h is know le dge , as h e informe d theB ishop that h e had remove d all h is mone y outof h is banke r's hands, and had warne d h is friends todo th e l ike .

Sir JohnDuncombe also i s said to have had a large sumof h i s own, and anoth e r be longing to theMarquis of Winche s te r, in th e Exch e que r, fromwh ich h e w i thdre w thembe fore th e suspens ion of

payments took place . This Sir JohnDuncombe w as a sonof Sir Edward Duncombe , of Battle sd en,and one of th e Commiss ione rs of h is Maj e sty’s Treasury, and, onth e re s ignat ion of Anthony A shle yCoope r, be came Chance l lor of th e Exche que r in 1 672 . The Marquis of Winche s te r, afte rwardsDuke of Bolton, s trenuously supporte d Sir Charle s Duncomb e

s cause w henh e was impe ache d inthere ignof WilliamI I I . , h i s influence re scuing h imby one vote .

This i s probably the re asonwhy Blanchard and Child d id not sus tain a loss , as both BishopBurne t and th e Duke of Bol tonbanke d w i th th em.

Th e Duncombe s appe ar to have s e ve re d th e ir conne ct ionw ith th e Gras shoppe r in 1 688.

Eve lyn’s D iary, unde r date January 30, 1 69§ , re cords :“ The imprisonment of the gre at banke r

Duncombe : censure d by Parl iament ; acqui tte d by th e Lords s ent again to th e Tow e r by the

Commons,” for making false endorsements w i th othe rs onExche que r bi lls . H e , how e ve r, be cameShe riff of Londonin 1 699, w h enhe was knighte d ; and h e s e rve d th e office of Mayor in1 708. H e

d ie d unmarrie d A pril 9, 1 7 1 1 .

Inthe ye ar 1 688 w e find th e name of R ichard Smi th atth e Gras shoppe r buthow h e came to bethe re , no one has be enable to asce rtain. H e may have purchase d th e bus ine ss of D uncombe , orhavg starte d a fre sh one onh i s ownaccount ; or h e may have be enone of Duncombe ’s cl e rks , as inth e le dge rs of Blanchard and Child in 1 686 anaccount

,w hich was fre quently cre dite d by payments

fromDuncombe , w as once in that ye ar cre di te d by R ichard Smi th pe r Duncombe w hile inanothe raccount in 1 687 a cre d i t by R ichard Smith


and C0. i s se en, How e ve r, h i s name appe ars manyt ime s be tw e enthat date and July 2 2

,1 699, w henh e die d . In 1 697 h e i s associate d w i th h i s brothe r

i h - law,M r. Spinks. We find fromth e re gis te r of burials in St. Mary Woolnoth’s that R ichard

Smi th’s s is te r, M rs . Je ane Spinck e , w ife of Elme s Spincke , goldsmith , was inte rre d in Septembe r ;1 690 ; and wh enM r. R ichard Smi th d i e d

,on July 2 2

,1 699, both bodie s w e re taken to th e Is le of

Wight to be burie d . M r. R ichard Smi th w as one of th e goldsmi ths authorized by th e . Tre asury in1 694, inconne ct ionw i th se ve ral othe r w e l l-knownbankers of that date ,


to re ce ive contribut ions forrais ing any sumnote xce eding uponth e new dutie s ari s ing fromsal t and th e new rate s of

e xcise . H e i s al so said to have takenanact ive part inth e re s torat ionof th e coinage in 1 695— 6.

A ve ry hue portraiFoTM r. R ichard Smi th orSmythe hangs inth e bank parlour inLombard Stre e t,w hich I amw e l l acquainte d w i th . I t has be enass igne d to Huysman, a r ival of Sir Pe te r Le ly, andwas probably re s tore d by J. Hargrave in 1 760 .

In 1 698 w e find Andre w Stone d e scribe d as’

book-ke epe r to M r. Smith atth e Grasshoppe r, and in1 700 h e i s de scr ibed as a goldsmith at-the same place . Ou a draft

,date d in 1 70 1 , I have s e enth e

endorsement of Ge orge Stone , w ho w as probably re late d to Andrew . Thomas Mart inwas als oa cle rk to R ichard Smi th, and in 1 703 w e find he was inpartne rsh ip w i th Andre w Stone .

H e w as the sonof th e Re v. Samue l Smith , V icar of Cari sbroolte and Northwood , I s l e ofW’ igh t .


The Landau Gazette 01 May, 1 707, records that some personhath (throughmis take ) takenoutof the Exche que r two tallies , the one for the lastpayment of the annui ti e s of 1 706, for£ 1 0 a year to

Mr. Andrew Stone , and the other for the lastpayment a year to Mr. Thomas Martin, w hoeve rbrings the ame to Messrs . Stone and Mart inatthe Grasshopper inLombard Stre e t 811: shall have

every reasonab le satisfact ion.”

The issue of pas s books by banke rs appears to have be ena very early ins t i tution. The earl ies t

re ference ! have metw ith is anadvertisement inthe Darb Coami ee r7 10, announcing thata bookof ae counts of Messra Stone and Martinwas lost.

Whilst onthe subjectof advertis ements , I cannot re frainfromsubmi tting the following, whichappeared inthe l omfos Ga d k of October g 1 7so, inproof of the customprevalentat thatperiodot


banhe rs and other reputable peOple associating themse h es with amanlike JonathanWild. Seve ralotha instance s of th e like jo intre fa enou whh ofimgoldsmiths maybequoted :

M a pmket-booh wi th thre e e xche que r bi lls, (the nnmbe rs and amounts setforth ) i f ofl'


Ior paymenh pray stop themand give notioe to Thomas and jame s MartininLombard Street, or toJonathanWild . Old Baile y, and you shall have five gu ine as reward .

Inde scribing the change s that have takenplaoe inthe firmfromtime to time I shall, avai l ingmyse lf of the permbsionkind ly givenme hy th e author, give all the particulars M b fromthe

pape r onthe“ Grasshoppe 1

’by Mr. J. B Martin, wh ich is fi rmore accurate and precise , by re ason

of its materials be ing exmcted fmmfiw bw ks of th e fimthanany statement de rive d fromthe

LondonDirectorie s and other source s could poss ibly be .

Mr. Thomas Martincarrie d onthe busine ss alone until 1 7 1 4, wh enhe took into partne rship h isbrother james, who represented the borough of Cambridge inParliamentduring se veral years. H e

retired frombus ine ss sotne time be fore 1 73 1 .

According to Mr. Stone 's memorandum, itwas afte r the retirement of h is brother frombus ine ssthat Jame s Martin took two partners , Mark and Jame s Leaver ; and, the fo rmer also re t iring,Mr. Richard Stone , sonof Andrew Stone , ti lle d his place , a fourth partne r, Robe rt Suntan, joiningthem. These changes took ph oe betwe enthe years 17 1 4 and 1 73 1 , for at that date th e signature sof the partne rs are appende d to the yearly bab b e e -she et inthe fol low ing orde r : Jame s Martin,Robe rt Sunnan, Jame s Leave r. Richard Stone ; and the ir signature s are w itne sse d by John, thebrother 0! Jame s Martin.

Atthe end of the year 1 73 3 Jame s Leaver w ent outof the bus ine s s. and James Martin, Robe rtSurinan, and Richard Stone carrie d i t onunt il


1 744, w hen, onth e death of James Martin, h is brothe rJohntook hi s place . In1 748 the names of the partners w e re JohnMartin, Joseph Martin(his son),R. Snrman, and Ebene ze r Blackwe ll . The latte r had be ena clerk, hav ing w i tne sse d the s ignatures tothe annual balane e -sheetatChristmas, 1 73 1 . (His signature , I inayadd, likewise appears uponanoldcash-note otMe ssrs . Chi ld inNo furthe r change took place until 1 760, whenJohnMartinres igne d the head partnership in

(w on: of his son, joseph, whose younger brother, j ame s, joine d the firmatthe same time , toge the rw i th Richard Stone , jun. In 1 76: Richard Stone , sen. , d ied ; and atMidsumme r inthe follow ingyear johnPorter, who, l ike Blackwe ll, had . pre vionsly be ena clerk, was promoted to partne rsh ip.

His nmne appears as w itne ss in1 760 ; bntI have seenitonold cash notes as early as 1 754.

The firmoontinned unchange d unti l 1 770, when(February 1 0) Parke r reti re d, and JohnFootewas takeninto partnersh ip. H e married Joa Martin's daughter, but his family is now ext inct In1 774 Jos . Martinre ti re d, and apparently survi ve d only two years longe r, dying in 1 776. H e renfesented the borough of Gatton inParl iament, and subsequently that of Te wke sbury. H e was also

Sbe rifl‘


Londonin1 770, and the onlymember of the family who attaine d anyci vic d is tinction. H e

had be eninthe banking-house thirtyoone years.Th e ne xt change inthe firmwas caused by the retirement of E. Blackwe l l, alter a partne rship of

at leas t th irty-two years , and associationwi th i t for not le ss thanfortye ight years . Soonafte r hi s


M artinand Co. f corzfz'


death , in 1 783 , Jame s Porte r, who had w i tne sse d th e s ignature s for th e pre vious e ighte enye ars ,‘


admi tte d to partne rship ; and th e four membe rs, Jame s Martin, R ichard Stone , John Foote , and

Jame s Porte r, carrie d onth e bus ine ss for th e ne xt tenye ars , atthe end of w h ich pe riod Ge orge , sonof Richard Stone , was admit te d, and Porte r re t ire d .

In 1 794 th e Grasshoppe r was rebuil t . In th e ye ar 1 795 John, son of Jame s Martin, be came

s e cond partne r, and atth e end of th e fol low ingye ar JohnFoote re t i re d, butw as succe e de d afte r th einte rval of a ye ar by h is sonGe orge . R ichard Stone d ie d in 1 80 1 — 2 , and shortly afte rwards

,1 804,

th e firmwas re duce d to th re e membe rs (Jame s Mart in, JohnMartin, and Ge orge Stone ) by theaccid ental drowning inth e Thame s of Ge orge Foote . In1 806 Jame s, th ird and younge s t broth e r ofJohnMartin

,w as made a partne r and Iame S 'M artin, h i s fathe r, re t iring in 1 808

, the bus ine ss w ascarrie d onby JohnMartin, Ge orge Stone , and Jame s Martin. The above Jame s Martin, s en. , die din1 8 1 0 . From1 796 to 1 807 h e repre s ente d Tew ke sbury inParl iament .

N o furthe r change took place unt il 1 823, w h enJame s Martinre t i red , and was succe e de d in1 824

by Henry, brothe r of Ge orge Stone . John, e l de s t sonof JohnMartin, w as made a partne r in 1 826,

as also in1 830 was h is th i rd brothe r Jame s , w ith G e orge Stone , jun. , sonof Ge orge Stone . R ichardMart in, s e cond broth e r of John, also was mad e a partne r in 1 829, buthe d ie d a fe w months subs e

quent ly, and hi s name doe s notappe ar inth e books .

JohnMart in,s en. ,

die d in1 83 2 , age d fi fty- se ven ye ars , having be en th i rty-five ye ars inbus ine ss ,and Ge orge Stone then be came he ad partne r. Robe rt, fourth son of JohnMartin, s en. , b ecamea partne r in 1 836, and th e s ixmembe rs carrie d onthe bus ine ss toge the r unt i l 1 844, whenGe orgeStone , sen.

,die d

,having be enupwards of fifty ye ars inbus ine ss , as did h i s broth e r inth e fol low ing

ye ar. The re tirement of Ge orge Stone in 1 852 le ft th e bus ine s s ent ire ly inthe hands of th e thre ebrothe rs , John, Jame s, and Robe rt Martin, th e firmbe comingonce more Martinand Co. afte r a lapseof 1 33 ye ars and w i th the e xcept ionof th e admiss ionin1 861 of R ichard Biddulph , and in 1 864 of

JohnBiddulph , sons of Robe rt Mart in,and of th e re t irement of th e latte r atChris tmas, 1 872, th e s tyle

has s ince remaine d w i thout change fi"Th e partne rs now are

R ichard Biddulph Martin.

JohnBiddulph Martin.

Fre de rick H enry Norman.

Edward Norman.

M artin, G e orge ,Goldsmith, temp. El i zabe th . H e was apprent ice d to h is uncle , Sir Richard Martin.

M artin, G e orge ,Goldsmi th, circa 1 623 , of St. Anthol in

s parish .

M artinand How e l l,

Goldsmi ths , 1 703 , atth e Pe acock, inCornhill . This po ints to th e fact that Me ssrs . G. M e rttins

and Mitfordmust have vacate d the se premise s about th is date ;

M artin, Si r Ri ch ard , Km,

A goldsmith inth e re ignof El i zabe th , who w as cal le d to the l ive ry of the Goldsmiths ’ Companyin1 558.

InApril , 1572, th e Que engrante d to himthe oth e e of Ke epe r of the Exchange and Mint , w i th inth e Tow e r of London; At this time ’

h e re s ide d at th e Harpe , inGoldsmi ths ’ Row . Inthe parishaccounts of St. Mary Woolchurch H aw i s th e fol low ing entry

The y have e stab l ishe d five branche s and four agencie s inK ent .





Send/br complete papers to Me Society'

s ofi ce s

mansionBouse $treet, London, S. (l .

ForBanks, $trongRooms. Private Bouses, &c.(InNO CASES have fire s occurred ininstallations fitted up by the Company. )

Es lz’mate s F re e . Expe r i enced .Engz

ne e rs s ent to a”parts .

By means of wh/ch Gas canbe turned on, l ighted, and extinguis hed byme re ly pres s ing a push .

thus avoid/n‘

g the us e of matche s, dc.S PEC IA LLY S U IT EB FO R BA N KS .

na cmBE WORKED arr AN ORDINARY ELECTRIC» BELLCIRCUIT. em Prlces onapplication.




I U H S .




, Esq.SAMUEL H OARE , Esq. , M .P.




The Society’

s Special Feature s are

1 .— The abs ence of all Commi ss ionand Agent: Fe e s wh e re by

e xpense s are re duce d to a minimum, an membe rs thus

getth e ful l bene fitof all profitmade .

2 .- The pure l y mutua l characte r of th e Socie ty, so thatthe entire

funds— now exce e d ing J(4,250,000— 71 1'

e the prope rty of

the M embe rs alone .

3— The payment of th e ful l re s e rve value of all pol ici e s on

surrend e r. M embe rs are thus enab le d to re s ignth e ir 1 11te re st inth e soci e ty w ithout los s

4.— A new systemof Re duce d Premiums , w h ich enab l e s membe rs

to s e cure th e large st assurance fromth e outse t ; wh i le thePol icie s rank for ful l bonus .


untims irnlchu i xnt—mh u d .

“1560. itempaid to Richard Martin, goldsmith , £01 a comntnnyoncoppe we inge xxix oz. at

H e m Mastu of the hfint fi omnboutqh md inthe hner panof Ehnbeth ’s re ignhqinconjunctionwith hh m hd d the nme ofi oe unti l 1 61 7. when8i1 k ichard Manindied . H e mLord Mayof in1589. and ltept his mayoralty in

o( her wonted store d gd dmithg whichm the bennty of that fimomsfle eta for the yonng gold

inmha mw s mdmbw bg and inthe plw e gd dsd wp wmm d tomflfim bw ke senemSir Ri ehard Martin’s nnme appean ina roll ol

ptes eonthatwere giventoQueenEliu be th on

New Year's Day, 1593.

Goldsmith. d ata 1604, of St. Swithin’

s pnrish.

ImlabonoBank , 1 83 7- 4 1 .

It had ci he e s in Lombard Stre e t, Cavendish Square , and City Road , wi th a paid-upmpitnl ofWhenitstopped payment in1 84 1 , itowed ove r and the manage r's account was

said to have be enoverdnwn

flu sre r, 8hnonle ,Goldsmi th. 1 369. H e wu so named h'ombe ing aamknof ww denbowlamonnted insi lve t,

calledmaseu . H e m nbene factotto the coldsmiths' Company.

H al on, Gun“ , and Co. , 1 774-8 1 . (Se e Canne s. )

The w ha trecmd thatm be fonnd of dtk bnnkingh onw sppa n inthe lmdmnhed ory of

1 779, inwhie h ym M ildred d alke r were at z , White Haxt Confl. Ia bard Stre e t havinga i gimted h the firmd Dhnsds h Amw w flyM and Co whoee mooesson they wen In theM b wh g w t. Mu wmu mw e d the pammhip.md the nyh of the fitmbcame M ildmd,W M WM . Tmym h w dw firmm nnm PemWalka ,md M ildted. In18 14 the name ol' WaIker diu ppw ed fromthe lifi and nnother ot

the nnme ot’ hi astermannppe atss s the jnniot partna . In 1 833 theymoved to 35, N icholas une ; and in 1 863 the firmbecsmeM amu Hfldred Bixkbe e k, snd Co.

mw m m mmmmfi mmmmvnmm w t

Line . Inthe folb w ing yu r, dn1 ing the pnnic sy, 1 866, thh hudmfionswpped pnymentUnminea inthe money—nnrket begnnto be fe lt inthe first we ek of OCtaober, 1 865, whenthe

M of Englandmddenlynised the nte otdisomntfiomd to 7 pe 1 cent. By Ootobet g fim-class

papc conld hardly be disoonnwd evenntxo percent. InDecetnbet, 1 865, nslightdminoIgold form m mminwfi the k nk of i nghnd nked iumhfiwmm ofi nmmma

DM M bemme genafl; a panic ocemed inwhid 1 0vnmd, Gumq, snd Co mpend edpnyment;md inl h y tb is st0ppage m lollowed by sevenl joinw toek bannindnding the flnglish

JointStock, forma ly the private bank of Olding and Go. , and the Agn and hi asterman's Bank just

1 114 L ONDON BA N KERS. [ 11 11 5— 1 1 511

M aste rs and Co .,1 788. (Se e D 1x0N . )

M ath e w e,John,

Goldsmi th , 1 562 , of th e parish of St. Mary Woolnoth .

M aud e and Hal le tt, 1 8 1 2 . (Se e H ALLIZTT . )

M aw son,John, and Co.


A tthe GoldenHind , inFle e t Stre e t, w e re goldsmi ths atane arly date . The first record of themappe ars inth e LondonGazette of S eptembe r 28, 1 672 Los t frombe hind a coach be tw e enRoys ton

and St. Albans , a Portmantle w i th se ve ral th ings in it, w hosoe ve r shal l give notice the re of to M r.

Munson a goldsmi th at the GoldenHind ove r agains t S'

t. Dunstan’s Church inFle e t Stre e t, shal lhave a good reward . The name i s he re , i t w i l l be obse rve d, incorre ctly spe l t but that w ent for l ittle

inthos e days . I have s e en s e ve ral ins tance s of M aw son’s house , in 1 675, be ing s tyle d th e Gold en

Buck . Inth e “ Little LondonD ire ctory of 1 677 w e find th is firmrecorde d as goldsmiths ke epingrunning-cashe s .

M ayne and N e e dh am,

93 , Je rmyn Stre e t , St. Jame s’

. The y appe ar to have s tarte d in 1 770 . The s tyle w as Robe rtMayne and Co . in1 774, and Mayne and Grahamfrom1 778

— 82 . This i s th e las t trace of them.

M e ad and Co.

JohnMe ad, the founde r of th is bus ine ss , w as , in 1 690, at the Goat, ne xt door to the FountainTave rn, inth e Strand . Inth e LondonGazette of Octobe r 1 , 1 702 , appeare d anadve rtisement for a

dunnag los t th e finde r be ing dire cte d to apply to M r. Me ad, atth e above addre ss , for a re ward .

I have s e ena draft, date d 1 704, of Silvanus Be van’

s , w hich i s endorse d ove r to Robe rt Ffow le sand JohnMead , and w itne ss e d by JohnStroth e r for them. The fact of th e name of Fow le s appe aringh e re le ads one to suppos e that h e was a de scendant of Sir Thomas Fow le s of th e Black Lion, w hod ie d in 1 691 ; but informat ionconce rning h im is w ant ing be tw e en that date and 1 704, w henh e w asinpartne rship w i th JohnM e ad. Inth e ye ar fol low ing the name of JohnMe ad alone appe ars . In

1 708 h is cus tome rs’s ignature s are w i tne ss e d by Robe rt Brighthall, for M r. JohnMe ad.

Th e fol low ing i s fromthe F ly ing PostBoy , January 20, 1 7 1 3

Late ly stolen fromH is Grace th e Duke of Buckingham inSt. Jame s ’ Park, a large qui l t orcounte rpane of a be d of w hi te satin, 1 ich ly embro ide re d w ith gold and colours , as al so s e ve ral pie ce sof w rought cabine t plate and a s i lve r sconce . Whoe ve r brings the qui lt to M r. Me ad at the BlackLyonw i thinTemple Bar shal l have 5 guine as re w ard , and one guinea for e ve ry pie ce of plate .

A fte r 1 7 1 0 JohnMe ad, jun,

endorse d the drafts and about 1 7 1 5 Robe rt Brighthall was takeninto partne rsh ip w i th h i s mas te r

,as I find ona ch e que drawnby Jame s Tooke r, inOctobe r, 1 7 1 5, in

favour of th e Lady Lansdowne , and endorse d by h e r,th e s ignature w as w i tne sse d

,and contents of the

che que re ce ive d, by “ Jame s Trave rs , formyma“ . Messrs . Me ad and Brighthall.”

In 1 72 2 W. Me ad s igne d for M e ad and Co. A fte r that date noth ing furthe r conce rning themcan

be trace d .


To Me ssrs . Me ad and Co. mus t be ascribe d th e cre di t of be ing one of th e first banke rs onre cordw ho gave pass-books to the i r cus tome rs as in 1 7 1 5, Lady Carte re t, w riting to M r. Child, says : Ishould be glad of a Book as I use d to have a tM r. Me ad ’s w"1 anaccount of all that you have re c


uponthis art icle .

The H i ston’

cal Re giste r of Decembe r 5, 1 7 27, records : Dye d M r JohnMe ad , aneminent andrich Banke r ne ar Temple Bar.

Will iamM e ad doe s notse emto have be ene qual ly prospe rous, as th e LondonGazette of March 1 2 ,

1 727, announce s h imto be a bankrupt ; h is ce rti ficate be ing allow e d inth e fol low ing Septembe r. 1

.1 1 6 L ON D ON BA N KEKS. [MEY— M IL

M e yne l l , IsackH is name i s ‘ found inEdward Backwe l l’s ledge rs , ci rca 1 670, ke e ping a cons ide rable account . H e

d ied De cembe r 4, 1 675, and was buri e d atSt. Mary Woolnoth ’s , inLombard Stre e t. H i s probate w as

takenoutJuly 1,1 676, and Gilbe r t White hall , goldsmith , appeare d as h is principal creditor .

-M i ch on,

Goldsmi th , atth e Crownand Pe arl, inGraftonStre e t, Soho, w ho adve rtise d inthe LondonGazetteof M ay 30, 1 7 1 0. Th e announcement i s of so s trange a nature to emanate fromone of the craft, thati t i s w e l l w orthy of reproduct ion. I t i s as fol low s

M ay all pe rsons who for thems e lve s or Friends , having re d and gray hai rs would have themdy’


or turu’d'

black, or dark browncolour, w il l find ent ire sat is fact ion, as a great many have already, inth euse of a clear w ate r found outby M r. Michon, and i s to be sol d atth e said Michon’s, goldsmith ,” e tc.

M i ddl eton and Campb e l l , 1 692 . (Se e COUTTs . )

M i ddl eton, John,Goldsmith , die d 1 61 8

,and w as burie d inth e church of St. Mary Woolnoth .

M i d l eton, Simon,Citizenand goldsmi th of London, famp. th e Commonw e al th and Charle s I I . H e lodge d a com

plaint inth e Court of Exch e que r, Michae lmas , 1 662 , se t ting forth that Sir Hugh Middle tonof London,Bart , w as s e ize d infe e of a moie ty of th e N ew R ive r ; and about De cembe r, 1 657 , agre e d w i thSimonMidle tonfor 5s . to conve y th e sai d moie ty to h im(Simon) and h i s h e i rs Exche que rBills and Answ e rs , Londonand Middle s e x , Charle s N o . The s e documents fai l to s tatew hat th e re lat ionsh ip w as be tw e en Sir Hugh and SimonMidle ton, but the se facts are particularlyinte re s ting as show ing the value of amoie ty inth e N e w R ive r Company inthos e days . The high e s t

price e ve r obtaine d for a share in th e N e w R ive r, w h ich i s glgth of a mo ie ty, was in

A ugus t, 1 889.

M i l dre d and Co .

,1 778

90. (Se e M ASTERM AN . )

M i ll i onBank .

The i r ofli ce was inNag’s He ad Court, G race church Stre e t. Th e fol low ing account of th e unde rtaking I abs tract fromLaw son’s His tory of Bank ing

“.A bout the latte r end of th e ye ar 1 693 the re appe are d a scheme for a bank, commonly calle d the

Mill ionBank .

’ I t took its r ise froma numbe r of Londonbanke rs , w ho lent outmone y onple dge s ,agre e ing to purchase t icke ts inKing Will iam

s Million Lotte ry, and thence the y w e re cal le d th e

Company of th e Mill ionBank .

This bank w as finally e s tabl ish e d , and its affai rs w e re conducte d by a Board of D i re ctors , cons is t~

ing of tw enty-four membe rs , including a Gove rnor and Deputy-Gove rnor. Th e y subse quently purchase d many


re ve rs ions of th e fourte en pe r cent annui t ie s , and pe rmi tted many proprie tors of

annuitie s to purchase the ir joint s tock , w hich amounte d to 500 000.

The y w e re a partne rship by d e e d, enrol le d inChance ry , w i th a joint-stock fund . The y at firstdivided five per cent inte re s t, w h ich the y subse quently re duce d to four pe r cent. , and againraise d i tto five pe r cent, atw hich i t cont inue d ti ll th e dissolutionof th e bank .

Inth e [ oni on Gaz etfe of March 29, 1 694, the fol low ing not ice appe are d, w hich doubtle ss hadre fe rence to th is scheme

Th e R ight H onblo th e Lords Commiss ione rs of The ir Maje s tie s Tre asury have thought fit thatM r. Bartholomew Burtonat th e Exche que r, M r. John Knigh t at th e Cus tomHouse , M r. EdwardM ompe ssonand M r. R ichard Smi th of London

,Goldsmiths , (toge the r w ith Sir Francis Child , Sir

1111 — 1 100] LONDON BA NKERS. 1 1 7

StephenEvanoe , Charle s Dmcomb, Esq“ , Mr. h h da hl r. johmon, and M1 . Fow le who were namedinthe lastgazette ) shall be the i1 Maje sfie s Rece ive rs of the Contribofions uponth e act fonais ing anysnmnot exce eding TenHundred Thousand Pounds uponthe new Doty aris ing by Salg and ne wRates ol Es cis e. ” To this list the names of hlr. Richard Hoare and M1 . Wflliatn Shephard, goldmths , we re adde d onApril 9, 1 694.

I hs ve se enentrie s ottransae tions inthe ir stoek inthe le dgersmd among th e old pape rs be longingto hlm Ch ild and Co. The M illionBank existe d umi l the end al the lastcentm-y.

Th is was a hnbble compmy got up by fi rflnmflflty hh ckwonh , flmt , who has be endescribedas one of “

the d everestrogoe s oi his fimc,'u d who hs d a considenble intere st inthe great South

Sa Bubble .


e ss ing toms ke banking th e irchid bodnea they hsoed anunds d mta to a h tge mmntmoch mthe mnncmafionof thek uk ol England Nor was the ah rmeonfined to the flank. It afi ecte d evendncovernmeng who

took the natte s wp vigownsly with a vie w to potting a stop to the issue of sneh anttnlimite d nnmbcrofnotes . Itende d inthe follow ing enactmentbe ing passed z

“ That dming the eominume d the mrpomnmol the covm d ompnny of di e Bank ot

Englani it shall not be lawhtl Ior any body politic or corporate whatsoever to borrow, owe . or takeup anymmor snms olmoney inthe ir hills otnote s payable atdemand.

K lnon, Thomas , 1 738. (Se e Row no. )

Ol the GoldenFalcon, Fle et Stre et, 1 679—89. This house was afte rwards occupi e d byChambe ts .

Goldsmitlh dm Anne and Agne s, A ldersgate .

M itford and M a ttins . (Se e l l a rmrs. )

H ots.“ md Co. , 1 786- 1 806. (Se e Kmmo‘rons. )

H ompe ssen. “ ward ,Betwe en1 693 and 1 701 , was a goldsmi th res id ing at9, Bitch inlane , ne xtto Change Alle y. He

ptobably was emblished long be fore th is date , but this i s the only toca d of h imto be found. H e

was appointe d hy the Treasury in 1 694, ind°111p1111y w ith R ichard Smith of the Crasshopper, $ir

Francis Child, 8ir StephenEvance , and other goldsmiths ot’

the period, to rece ive contributions foru is ing£ 1 poq000 oponthe new dutie s onsaltand e scise

n anmd ,

Goldsmi th, ofLornbard Sne eh betwe en1 63 : and 1 678. He marrie d MaryViner, d ie d 111 1 678,md m bmwd inSt Mary Woolnoth’s.

w hom tnd Co.,1 777-86. (Se e Wane . )


M ord en,G e orge ,

Goldsmi th, circa 1 61 9, of St. Brid e , Fle e t Stre e t.

M orland and C o .

This bank w as s tarte d by Sir F. B. Morland in 1 8 1 9. H e w as forme rly in partne rsh ip w ithRansom,

Morland, and Hamme rs le y, at57, Pall Mal l,w i th whomh e cont inue d from1 786 unt il 1 8 1 9.

A ll th re e partne rs then s e parat ing , e ach founde d a dis t inct bank inPal l Mal l . Thus th e fi rms ofMorland and Co. and of Hamme rs le y and Co. had the i r or igin inRansoms . In 1 796 M r. H amme rsley le ftth e firm,

and its s tyle became Morland,Ransom, and Co. 1 8 1 4 th e y remove d to ne xt

door, 56, Pal l Mal l ; and in1 8 1 9, w hen Sir F. B. Morland dissolve d partne rship w i th M r. Ransom,

Morland and Co. againmove d to 57, Pal l Mal l, and th e s tyle of th e fi rmbe came Morland , A uriol ,and Co. In 1 823 the ymove d to N o. 50 , Pal l Mall . The y w e re known by this s tyle unt il 1 83 1 ,

whenthe firmbe came Ducke tt, Morland and Co. and inthe fol low ing ye ar, w hich w as marke d by a

cons ide rable mone y panic, the y fai le d .

M orre ys , John,Goldsmi th , ci rca 1 585, of St. Mary Woolnoth .

M ors e , T homas ,Goldsmith, 1 7 1 8, atth e Spotte d Dog, inLombard Stre e t.

M ors on and C o .,R i ch ard


Goldsmi ths, atth e Anchor and Thre e Crowns, inLombard Stre e t, in1 700 . The i rname oftenoccursuponold cash-note s up to 1 736, afte r w hich date the y are not se enbe aring the ir endors ement. Th e

fi rstand only t ime th e i r name appe ars inth e l is t of banke rs is l ike w is e in1 736, w henth e re cord i ss imply R ichard Morson.

”In1 7 2 1 h e adve rtis e d to pay thre e guine as and ask no que s t ions for th e

recove ry of some note s takenoutof the Bris tol mai l .

M osti an. (Se e M USCH AMP. )

M oul d en,Th omas ,

*G oldsn1 ith , 1 733, at th e Thre e Crowns , near St. Paul’s , Che aps ide . I t was announce d in th e

London Gazette of July 1 0,1 739, that a commiss ion of bank ruptcy was awarde d agains t Thomas

Moulden, of Fle e t Stre e t. It i s ve ry probable that th is i s the same man.

M unday, Si r John,- Goldsmi th , w ho w as Mayor in 1 52 2 , d ie d in 1 537 . M r. A l fre d J. Munday , in a le tte r to the

Somerset Cozmz‘y Gazette of M ay 2 1,1 887 , giving some mos t inte re s t ing de tails of the w i lls of Sir John

Munday and Dame Jul iana h is w ife , s tate s that th e name has be enw r it ten intw enty-s e ven di ffe rentforms . By his w il l, date d July 1 2

,1 53 7, he le ft a numbe r of be que s ts . Inaddi tionto le gacie s to h i s

family, h e 1e ft"‘ towards th e Re parione of the olde worke s of th e Cathedral Churche of SainctPaul eof Londonx' y to th e house of the black ffre re s of London11 1“ to the hous e of th e Gre y fi re re s inlondon to th e Whi te ffre re s inlondonxlfi ; to the fi


rere s A ugustyne s inlondonxl'to th e crosse d

Hre re s inLondonxl’ ; to the Brothe re d of the pis sh e [parish]cle rks inLondonxx'

and to th e Companyof Goldsmith e s inLondonto th intent that the y shal l ye re ly kepe anobbit forme for e ve r, and cometo th e same inSaincte Pe te rs in Chepe to my D i rige and mass e the re to saye D eprot

unds for th esoule s of me , my w ife s and all xpen[chris t ian]soule s lxvj

lixi i ij

‘ i i ijd

1 43 . The w i l l ofh is w idow i s full of e qually inte re s t ing de tai ls .

M und ay, Roge r,Sonof Sir John, w as l ike w ise a goldsmi th .


M ydd e lton, Hught rus t to dis tribute , outof th e profits hal f-ye arly, w e e kly port ions of 1 2 11 . a pie ce to th e poor of thesaid company, by th e discre t ionof th e Ward ens and A s s is tants of the said company, and e spe cial lyto such poormenof h i s name , kindre d , or country, as should be fre e of th e company. H e was burie dinSt. Mat thew ’

s, Friday Stre e t, onDe cembe r 1 0, 1 63 1 .

N ati onal Bank (L imi te d ),1 3 , Old Broad Stre e t ; e s tablishe d in 1 835. Its paid-up capi tal is and its re se rve

fund amounts to I t has inall nine ty-hye branche s

N ati onal Provinci al Bank of England (L imite d ),1 1 2

, Bishopsgate Stre e t e s tabl ishe d in 1 833 . Its paid-up capital amounts to 500.

This bank has branch e s inth e suburbs and invar ious parts of England,numbe r ing inall 1 63 . Its

re se rve fund amounts to

N e al e,Jame s , Fordyce , and Co .

Th e house of Samue l Roffe y , Ne ale , Jame s , and Fordyce was e stabl ishe d as banke rs atthe s ignof th e Union, oppos i te the Pos t Ofii ce , inLombard Stre e t, about the ye ar 1 757 .

Me s srs . Rofl'

e y and Ne ale w e re originall y bre w e rs and the y took into partne rship M r. A le xand e rFordyce , w ho, accord ing to M r. Martin

,w as original ly bre d a hos ie r atA be rde en. Coming to London,

h e became anoutd oor cle rk to Me ss rs . Bold e ro and Co. H e i s repre sente d to have be enamanof

handsome appe arance , and posse ss e d of cons ide rable ene rgy, w i th a flow of natural e loquence anda marke d suavity of manne r. H e no soone r be came a partne r in the firm than h e be gan to

spe culate inthe publ ic funds, hazarding large sums .In 1 766, w h enh e spe culate d large ly inEas t Ind ia s tock for a rise , the y w ent up e venh ighe r than

h e anticipate d , le aving h im inpos s e ss ion of ne arly H e thenpurchase d ane s tate , gavegre at ente rtainments, and inJune , 1 770,marrie d Lady Margare t Lindsay

,s e cond daughte r of the Earl of

Balcarre s . H i s e xtravagance kne w no bounds and he continue d h i s spe culat ions , wh ich afte r a t imeturne d outbadly. Onone occas ionof h i s spe culating for a ris e , the s tocks fe l l he avily, and h e sus

taine d a los s of about w henh e avai le d h imse lf of th e private fortune of hi s partne r, w ho11 113 h ithe rto re jo ice d inh i s as sociate ’s cle ve rne s s and tact . Luck continuing agains t h im

,h e had

re cours e to borrow ing frome ve ry one h e“

could, unt il at las t the Bank of England and other banketsre fuse d h imfurthe r ass is tance .

H e i s said by M r. Martinto have v is i te d a Quake r for the purpose of borrow ingmone y butthe

w orthy man w as too shre wd to be taken ia . H e w i tt ily parrie d th e appl icat ion w i th : “ Fri endFordyce , I have knownmany pe ople ruine d by two dice ; but I w i l l not be ruine d by four d ice .

The Quake r w as righ t, for shortly afte rwards Fordyce abscond e d , and th e fi rm found themse lve shope le ss ly bankrupt d iscove ry be ing made that h e had put h is name to b i l ls inc i rculat ionto th eamount of four mi l l ions s te rl ing.

OnJanuary 2 , 1 77 1 , John Clark and John Jose ph De foe w e re e xe cute d atTyburn for'

robb ingA le x’ . Fordyce of h i s gold w atch and some mone y uponth e highway. De foe i s said by th e Annual

Regis te r ” to be a grandsonof th e ce le brate d author of RobinsonCrusoe .

The s tyle of th e firmb e tw e en 1 770 and June 1 0, 1 772 , the date uponw h ich the y faile d, w asN e al e , Jame s , Fordyce , and Down, carrying onbus ine ss at 73 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t. One of the i r

cle rks , J. Yallowby, w ho w i tnes se d s ignature s of the firm in1 767, w as afte rwards a junior partne r in

th e firmof Mason, Curr ie , and Co. , of Cornh il l .The fol low ing account, takenfromth e Annual Re gis te r, of the memorable Monday, June 2 2 ,

1 772 , w il l s e rve to give th e re ade r an ide a of the preva il ing agi tat ion, w hich forcibly reminds us ofthe occurrence o f a fe w ye ars ago


“ Itis beyond the power of words to de scribs‘

the general oonsternationof the tnetropoli s atth isins tant. No event for fitty yean has be enremembered to give so tntal a blow to tmde and publiccred it. Annniversal bankruptcy was expecte d. The stoppage ot


almost every banker’s house inLondonwas looke d for. The whole C ity was inanupmar. Many ot


the fintfami lie s w ere intears .Th is me lancholym e beganwhh ammomthatone oi the grmte stbankeminl pndonhad stopped ;

assembled ,andme ans were concerte d to re vive trad e and presene th e natioml a editThey swpped payment on June 1 0, 1 772, and involve d seve ral Scotch banks wi th whomthe y

Tbe “ Annn:11 Regista"supptiu the mnmd im

was fonnd hanging ins cow-hoose stFalmonth, and his beother was soonafte r takennp ina fisher

man’s neg drowned. Each d thu e yoangm h t ad fi aooo ina h te banket’s handa the

loss of wh ich was the canse of this me lsncholy catamophe . It is added thata young gentlewoman,'

Onthe 1 6th oI the same month it is recorded z “ A motionwas made beIore the Barons oIthe

se cority for themmtil l the legality of the extents is detennine d, which ws s aooordingly granted,and the extenu are to be w ithdrawn.

Fmdycg md b omm he ld u cnfldhd h w dedm a difiM whenh appeared thatthe proofs

and e laims under the commissionamounte d to £ 1 8 1 ,330 54 ; and, the ass igne es having produced the i r scoonnta a balanoe remained inthe ir hands of£33 ,019 1 51 . zd. , wherenpona dividendd u inthe ponnd was orde red to be made . ”

gentlemanol characterfi nding the home disue-e i de pos ited there in(June 6, 1 771 ) the sumof

£7ooo for the purpose of sanng 11s ehatacte 1 during the holidays , t the bank was shut up ; butUtatonthe Thmsday follow ing hl e od yce find ing aflhh-s desperate , sent Mr. Fi she 1 two note s for

-be ing thenoutol'

town. The

actionwas btmghtfor the tecovery of the note s, andu

the canse stands fot jttdgmentne xtterm.

OnDe cembe 1 15 inthe san1e ym,:we read “ Came onat Gui ldhall an importantquestion.

w ifich arose onanissue directed by the Cod hancay : and Cope d o of AmsterdamandHoare and Co of lmdonm md the u s ignm of Fordyce and Co de fcndanu. The

que stionwas whetha ina none y ch culanonbetwe enFordyoe alone and the ph indfi’s a gumntee

givenby Fordyce inthe mme d the hom bound the house , though inthe handw ri ting of Fordyce ,aad though the plaintifi


s made no attetnpts to disoover whethet the house w ere privy to it or no.The jury l


onnd a verdict l'

or the de fendants .”

As la te as April 7, 1 795, th e follow ing adverti sement appeared inthe LondonGazette The

mditors oi the Estate ot’ Neale , Jame s , Fordyce , rece ivea final d ividend o(one shill ing inthe pound any Tue sday, Thursday, 01 Saturdaymorning, from1 0

to 1 2 d e lock, at the Counting Hous e of Mess rs. Stonard and Ryland, corne r of Savage Gardens ,Towe r H ill. ”

Inthe “ Table talk and Bon-mots of Samue l Foote w e read that atthe sale of Fordyce’s e ffectsat Roehampton, in1 772. Pack , who attended almos t e very day, bought no th ing but a pi l low . Onbe ing aske d what particular use he could have for a s ingle pi l low -

“ A s a namm'

rf’said he ; for i f

the original proprietor could sle e p 50 soundly onit, atthe t ime of ow ing so much as he did, i tmaybe of singulat se rv ice 10me onmany occas ions



N e lm,Anth ony,

Goldsmi th, be tw e en1 697 and 1 72 2, atth e GoldenBot tle , Ave Mary Lane , AmenCorne r.

N alth orpe , H enry,A goldsmi th ke eping running—cashe s atth e Rose

,inLombard Stre e t, in1 675. Inth e same ye ar ,

as w e learnfromth e LondonGazette , a Thomas N e lthorpe was l ikew ise doing bus ine ss as a goldsmi thatthe same s ign.

N e lth orpe , Ri ch ard ,A goldsmi th and banke r, onpremis e s inExchange A l le y, Cornhill, afte rwards numbe re d 27, as I

find fromanendors ement of anold ch e que in1 7 1 2 , and l ikew ise fromanadve rtis ement inth e LondonGazette , Septembe r 2 1

,1 702 , for one of h i s cash-note s w hich was los t. Anadve rtisement in th e

D ai ly Gourmette stifi e s that h e was the re in1 7 1 3 and Sir Roge r Hudsonhad a cle rk name d Will iamN e lthorpe in 1 7 1 4. A s this i s anuncommonname , the se thre e N e lthorpe s may have be longe d toth e same bus ine ss .

N e vett, Th omas , also spe l t Knevitt,Goldsmi th, of Lombard Stre e t, be tw e en 1 622 and 1 655. H i s name appears in a re turn of a

subs idy le vie d inLangbourne Ward in 1 628—9, also in 1 640, w hen i t was include d ina l is t of the

inhab i tants of this w ard w ho w e re able to contribute tow ards rais ing a loanof for Charl e sI. H e e vidently was one of those e arly goldsmi ths who ke pt running—cashe s, as w e hnd fromth e

re cords that h e had mone ys inh i s hands be longing to various pe rsons . Inthe Books of th e Committe e for th e A dvance of Mone y,

” inthe Re cord Ofli ce , unde r th e date of January 20,1 643 , w e find

that h e apparent ly ow e d £8000 as a de l inquent . It furthe r appe ars that h e had a brothe r Edward ,who was marrie d and had tenchildren, and was imprisone d at Norw ich . In 1 651 , accord ing to the“ Exche que r Bills and Answ e rs , Londonand Middle s e x, Commonw e alth, No. 3 9, h e lodge d a com«

plaint inthe Exche que r agains t Thomas Spence r ; but th e document unfortunate ly i s too fad e d toadmi t of de ciph e ring. Thomas N eve tt d ie d in 1 655, and was burie d in St. Mary Woolnoth ’s ,Lombard Stre e t .

N e w b e ri e , W i l li am,

Goldsmi th, a'

r'm1 670, of Sr. Gile s, Cr ipplegate .

N e w bol d e , G e orge ,Goldsmith, ci rca 1 580

90, of th e paris h of St. Mary Woolnoth .

N e wmanand Co .

,1 795. (Se e MA INWAR ING. )

N ewman, Ramsbottom, and Co .,

Of Old or N e w Broad Stre e t .

N ewnh amand Co. ,1 785. (Se e EVERETT . )

N ew ton, Jonath an,Goldsmi th, Lombard Stre e t, a


rm1 7 1 8—

32 . The fol low ing curious not ice is takenfromthe DailyPost, M ay 4, 1 732 Los t 6 s ilve r spoons . Five sh illings


w i ll be paid for e ach spoon, i f brought toh is shop, provide d the pe rsonw ho s tole themi s s e cure d."

N i ch oll e , R ich ard,Was a goldsmith ke eping running-cashe s at th e GoldenKey, w i thout Temple Bar, inth e par ish

1 24 LON DON BA NKERS. [ocx— ow

O ckol d, R ich ard,

Goldsmi th, also Spe l t Ocall, 1 6 1 8— 34, inwh ich latte r ye ar he was burie d inthe church of St. Mary

Woolnoth .

Old ing and Co.

This banking bus ine s s was e s tabl ishe d in Cornh ill, about th e year 1 766, by Me ssrs . We lch andRoge rs . The ymus t have had a s ign, but that I have be enunable to asce rtain. Inth e year 1 770the i r house was numbe re d 80, Cornhil l and in 1 778 th e s tyle was We lch , Roge rs , and Olding.

M r. O lding, who had be enprincipal cle rk for many ye ars , w as in1 77 1 made a partne r at a salary .

In1 785th e firmremove d to 3 , Fre eman’

s Court, Cornhill , i t thenbe ing We lch, Roge rs , O lding, andRoge rs the las t be ing Samue l Roge rs , th e poe t. In1 799 i t be came Roge rs, O lding, and Roge rs ;and in 1 8 1 1 the y amalgamate d w i th Langs ton, Towgood, Cazale t, and Co. , who appear to have s tarte din1 777 as Langs ton, Polh il l, Towgood , and Amory, at 29, Clement

’s Lane . Th e s tyle of the firm

in 1 8 1 2 w as Roge rs , Towgood , and Co. , at that addre ss . Th e h e ad of th e firm,M r. Samue l Roge rs ,

enjoye d the dist inguishe d reputat ionof be ing th e Banke r—poe t . H is e arl ie s t publ icat ionwas ent itle dAnOde to Supe rs ti tionand othe r Poems ,” and h i s subs e quent w r it ings gave h imaneminent place

inl i te rature . In1 792 h e produce d the Ple asure s of M emory,” by w hich h e i s mos t w ide ly known“ Th e Voyage of Columbus,” in1 8 1 2 ; Jacque l ine ,

”a tale , in 1 8 1 4 HumanLife


” in1 8 1 9 ; and

I taly,

” in 1 82 2 .

Roge rs was more particular as to th e qual ity thanas to th e quant i ty of h i s product ions . H e

posse sse d the pow e r of touching th e fine r fe e lings of h i s reade rs , and of ve rs ifying h is enlarge d obse rvat ionof l i fe and manne rs w i th gre at t ruth and e ff e ct . H e was amanofmos t de l icate re finement,and posse s se d a fine col le ctionof picture s by th e old mas te rs , w hich h e kept at h i s house , No. 2 2 ,

St. Jame s’ Place .

Th e te s timony of Lord Byronemphas i ze s th e tas te and culture of the fas tidious bardIf you ente r h is house , h i s draw ing-room,

h i s l ibrary —

you of yourse l f say :‘ Th is i s not the

dw e ll ing of a commonmind.

’ The re i s nota gem,a coin, a book thrownas ide onh is chimne y-piece ,

h i s sofa, h i s table , that doe s notbe speak analmos t fas t id ious e le gance inth e pos se s sor.”


occas ionh e save d poor She ridan froma mos t uncomfortable d i lemma. Oh M ay 1 5,

1 8 1 6, She ridanw rote to Roge rs fromh is house inSav ile Row : The y are go ing to put th e carpe ts

outmf w indow ,and bre ak into M rs .


’s roomand take me . For God ’s sake letme se e you.

” Th e

re sult was that Roge rs s ent h im£ 1 50 , w hich arrive d int ime to save h imfromth e inconvenience of

anane st.H e e xpende d w e eks upona couple t be fore h e brough t it,

to th e de gre e of hui sh e xacte d by h i sfast idious tas te . Whenh is friend Lord Ward had abuse d h i s confidence by w r it ing, or ass is ting in

w riting, a sat iric re view of one of the poems , inth e progre ss of w hich h e profe sse d to take th e kinde s tinte re s t, Roge rs, afte r prolonge d me di tat ion, re venge d h ims e lf by th e product ionof anepigram, w hich

for ke enne ss of e dge may vie w ith any inth e language

Ward has no heart , th e y say butI d eny it.H e has a he art— and ge ts h is spe ech e s by it.

To re turnfromth is l i te rary d igre ss ionto th e change s inth e s tyle of the firm. I t .wi l l be s e en

uponre fe rence to the D i rectory that in 1 838 i t be came Roge rs , O lding, and Co.

OnSunday, Novembe r 24, 1 844, ane xtraord inary robbe ry took place at the i r bank .

I t w as discove re d that th e strong-roomhad be en opene d , and that prope rty inbank note s , gold,and b i lls of e xchange , amount ing to about had be enabs tracted . Th e note s w e re princi

pal ly large one s , the re be ing no fe w e r than thirty-s ix one - thousand-

pound note s , and J£1 200 ingold.

The robbe ry had be ene ffe cte d w i thout any one inth e hous e know ing anything about it, notw ith stand

ing the re was aninval id partne r ups tairs, be s ide s a cle rk onduty as usual . A reward of 3000 was

offe re d for the re cove ry of th e prope rty, and h e r Maj e s ty’s fre e pardonto any one giving such infor

mat ionas would le ad to the capture of th e burglars . Th e numbers and de script ion of th e s tolen


note s we te fi ‘

e e ly advertised inall the neqpm'

; bntnothingm hw d e i the r of the robbers or of

the notu tmtil a confi dmble time afi emrdg whenammd m md ve d by the fimaddressed in

ammh nd w ntah ing aflthe bank notes tha had becnmlen.The m e d k ogm doe s not appe ax inthe firmafte r w ss. Inthe following year itbe came

Olding, Sharpe , and Cc. ; and in t86 : Old ing, Osborne . and Co. , w ho in 1 866 transferre d the irbasincsamthe zuglish jointStock Em h ie h stopped paymeminthe same ye ar jming the greatmoney pame .

Thtw dne edle Stre et; establ ishe d in 1 851 . I t s topped payment atrly in 1 884, OnJuly 1 8,

1 884, i t was te-formed unde r the style of the New Oriental Bank Corporation, Limi ted.

Wu one d the u d iea golduniths of whomwe have my re oord. T‘

he mme ooenninDoomsdayBmk u d one holdinghnds infiw md smlknnd thmappw to have be ente vemlmccu sonto

the ofiioe of engnvm to dte hl iatof the nme name — Otto tbe elderdnthe re ignofWi lliaml orIL,

Otto the younge r and WinhmFuz Otto inthatof H enry l . , d il liamFitt to inthatot’

John.Ruding finhis

“ Anmls ol the Coimge ”

) esteemcitu probable thatthe firstwas the fatherof Ottoth e w , to whomHenry l . , inthe a dy pnnof hh nigmrestore d the hlyste ry of th e Dies which

his father had he ld, together wi th all other his ofi ee l and ce rtainlands . The se were subsequentlyconfirmed to WilliamFitz Otu goldnnith.

lnthe sinh yeu of johmmtenthe nme authority, Wi lliunFi tz Othom oommnnded by writto mke the die for the Royal and Episcopal M ints at Chichener ; and inthe twenty-seventh ol


Oq l l lqhe we g nwd be fonme Bams d me Emheqnu Richmd AbeLgoMsmitmw be M a

and cutter ol’

the money dia .

Inthe forty-ninth of Henry IlL, Thoum Fitz Otho claime d, inthe Court of Excheque r. th ehmkmd iqu be longing to himof inhe riuncqand had his claimallow ed ; and thre e yem there

Rudh g hu a h rge m d h fomfionmow wing the cxme ; hot l umincline d to think l havequote dmfi e ientto prove thathe m a goldanith ofnome importance inhis day.

Goldsmith, betwe en1 720 and 1 733. atthe Wha tsheaf, inCheaps ide .

A goldsmith , some time s called Padd isle and Pand ey. He was constituted K ing's Exchange r by

an indenture in 1 42 1 , was Maste r of the Work: of Money inthe’


ower ol Londomand Mayor in1 440. By h is will, date d March 7 . 1 450, be bequeathe d all his land: and tenements , etc. , inthe

pari sh of St. Mildre d, Poultry, to the Goldsmiths ’ Company, oncondition that the y should keep them e ingood repd r,md should pay to five poor alm enof the it oompany u . z i nch we e ltly.

W h i ch ,

Was a goldmdth and banke r inf leet sue et. fi e u rlie etreoord thatcmbe ascertained abonthimis upona cash-note ot


the yw 1 7u , nponwh ich hh figmtme apm s igning for hiamaster,Mr. Wamer. In1 7x6 the ume wmoe shomthat he had pumm u h is firmm styled JohnPakock d o. Ahoi it 1 73 8 they umlgmate d with ThomnSnow, the goldsmith ; and the firm

Goldsmith, f irm1664, of St. Alphage .


Pardo,Th omas ,Was a goldsmi th ke eping running-cash e s , in 1 677, at the GoldenAnchor

,in Lumbard Stre e t,

afte rwards N o. 9. This end of th e s tre e t, i t may be e xplaine d, was demol ishe d inorde r tomakeKing WilliamStre e t.

Pare s and H e ygate

Starte d as banke rs at 63 , A lde rmanbury , about 1 805. The ymove d to 25, N e w Bridge Stre e t,Blackfriars, in 1 8 1 7 ; and in1 833 the y againmove d to 6

, N e w Broad Stre e t . Inth e fol low ing ye arthe y be came e xtinct.

Pargite r, John, 0

A famous goldsmi th of Fle e t Stre e t, w ho s e ems to have fi lle d th e firstof th e many parish offi ce sof St. Dunstan’s , in1 636. Whenth e Gre at Plague broke out, he remove d h i s fami ly to Kens ington,w he re two of hi s sons d ie d , and w e re burie d inA ugus t of that ye ar. I t appears froma complaintlodge d inthe Exche que r that h e w as one of thos e who w e re cons t i tute d “ Commis s ione rs and

Gove rnors of th e Excise and New Impos t fromSeptembe r 30, 1 659, t il l January 1 fol low ing. H is

premise s inFle e t Stre e t, which w e re s ituate d ne xt door butone to Se rj e ants’ InnGate , w e re de s troye dinth e Gre at Fire of 1 666, and not re bui l t unt i l thre e ye ars afte r. One of h i s sons Opene d a shop inSt. Clement’s parish, whe re h e was burie d , in 1 688.

For th e above informationI amindebte d to M r. T . C . Noble .

In M r. Bright’s e dit ion of Pepys’D iary

,unde r date Octobe r 2 1 , 1 66 1 , occurs th e follow ing

characte ri s t ic e s timate of th is goldsmi th Early w i th M r. Moore by coach to Che lsy, to my LordPri vy Se ale ’s but have mis se d of coming t ime enough , and have takenup M r. Pargite r, th e goldsmi th , who i s th e manof th e w orld I domos t know , and be l ie ve to be a ch e at ing rogue .


Inth e His torical Manuscripts Commis s ion,"unde r th e he ad of MSS. be longing to M r. G. E.

Fre re of RoydonHal l, Norfolk ,”i s a le tte r date d A ugus t 28, 1 669, fromT . Henshaw to SirR . Pas ton:

Pargetor, th e goldsmith, has be ende tecte d to have bought cl ippings of coine d s i lve r, and to have

he ld corre spondence w ith those k ind of rogue s : h e has put inbai l of to answ e r at th eSe ss ions , and h is e state i s alre ady begge d at adventure .

” This se ems to be ar outth e opinionthat

Repys he ld of h imin 1 661 .

Pargite r, John,Goldsmith, atCharing Cross, in1 687 . H e was probably a sonof th e above .

Pari s , M ath ew ,

Goldsmith, circa 1 629, of St. Mary Woolnoth.

Partri dge , A fi'

ab e l l,

One of th e chie f goldsmi ths to Que enEl izabe th. H e obtaine d a grant of arms fromWill iamHarve y, Clarencie ux, Apri l 30, 1 559. The Que en orde re d plate of h imto th e value of£ 1 1 6 1

1 7s . 911i , for dis tribut ionas N e w Ye ar’s Gifts in1 558.

Partri dge , John,Was at th e Whe atshe af, inChe aps ide , from 1 69 1 to 1 697. Th e follow ing adve rtis ement inthe

London Gazette of July 1 5, 1 697, speaks forhi s re spe ctab il ity and hone s ty —“ Whe are as about 3 ye ars

s ince a Si lve r Tankard was le ft w ith JohnPartridge , Goldsmi th . at the Wh e at sh e af inChe aps ide , tomend , by a Pe rsonwho i s suppose d to be dead The Owne r the re of discove ring the marks , may havei t againatth e Place above said .


Pe i rson, R i ch ard — mflfimzm'.

goldsmith, for th e use of M r. Samue l Cox . H e apparently was succe e d e d by Edward Pe i rson,

goldsmi th and banke r, w hose endorsement i s to be s e enupona draft inmy poss e s s iondate d 1 7 1 8 .

H e , how e ve r, subs e quently fai le d ; anadve rtisement inth e LondonGaze/z‘e of March 2, 1 730, not i fy

ing that the as s igne e w as pre pare d to pay th e se cond d iv idend inthe e s tate .

Pe k e,John


A goldsmi th , re s id ing inWood Stre e t in 1 44 1 .

Pemb e rton, Si r Jame s ,

Goldsmi th ; She riff in 1 602, and Mayor in 1 61 2 . H e e re cte d a fre e school at Eccle s ton, in

Lancash ire , and gave 50 a ye ar to i t for e ve r. H e also gave to Chris t’s Hospital , and 200

to th e Company of Goldsmi ths . H e die d in 1 61 3 , and was burie d inth e church of St. JohnZachary.

Pemb e rton, John,Gold smi th , ci rca 1 61 9, of St. Pe te r , We s tche ap.

Penni stone,Anth ony,

Goldsmith , Lombard Stre e t , 1 620— 44.

Pepys , Jo,Goldsmi th

,1 689

— 1 700 , ne ar’

the Se ss ions House , Old Bai le y .

Pe pys , W i l l i am,1 729. (Se e H OLLINGSWORTPI. )

Pe rce i‘ul l

,Pete r, and Ste ph enEvans , or Evance ,

We re goldsmi ths atthe Black Boy, inLombard Stre e t (now No. as recorde d by the LittleLondonD ire ctory ” of 1 677. This name i s an e xample of the phone t ic spe l l ing adopte d in thos edays , as upona draft date d 1 688

, endors e d ove r to Evans and Pe rcival], i s s igne d Pe te r Pe rcival]andCo., w hich would hardly be accepte d as a re gular endorsement in th e se days . Sir Steph enEvancew as one of th e goldsmi ths appointe d by th e Tre asury to re ce ive contribut ions for rais ing one mi l l ionofmone y, jointly w i th s e ve ral o the rs , uponth e ne w duty upon sal t and the ne w rate s of e xcise , inA pril, 1 694. H e succe e de d Sir Francis Child as j e w e l le r to th e King onM ay 20

,1 697 . Shortly

afte r this Pe te r Pe rce vall l e ft th e firm,as inth e LondonGazette of Octobe r 5, 1 702 , w e re ad that one

of the i r cash-note s w e re los t a reward being offe re d for its re cove ry and re turn to Sir Steph enEvance and Will iamHale s , goldsmi ths , inLombard Stre e t. Inanadve rt is ement of 1 708 Evans andHale s w e re , for th e first time , s tyle d banke rs . The y stoppe d payment in1 72 1 .

Pe rring (Si r John, Bart), Sh aw ,Barb e r, and Co. ,

Of 72 , Cornh il l, appear to have be en s tarte d in1 8 1 2 by the H on. S imonFras e r, Pe tting, Shaw ,

Barbe r. and Co. Sir JohnPe rring was I'. ord Mayor in 1 803 . This firm s toppe d payment on

Fe bruary 20, 1 826.

Pe w tre s s and RobartsWe re banke rs oppos i te the Thre e Kings , inLombard Stre e t . The first t ime the ir name appears

inth e l is t inth e D i re ctory is in1 754 ; and in 1 769 th e firmbe came e xtinct .The i r name occurs se ve ral t ime s uponthe old note s of Child and Co. be tw e enthose date s .

Ph i l i p, Si r M ath ew ,

Goldsmi th Mayor in 1 463 . H e was knigh te d onth e battle -fie ld for brave ry by Edward IV. (inhis fifth ye ar) wh enoppos ing the K entish re be ls .


Pi le , John,Goldsmith, dram1 637—41 , ol St. Martin’s-ih -the-Fiekls

mm, nm-y,

Somethne s called hh jorPinckney, a rfied onbusineu u a goldsmhh atth e Thre e Squimlaove rsmst St Dnm ’

s Church. The fint reeord of himoe curs inor aboot the yw 1 6so. fle ism dooed inBoyne ss haring ismed s h rthing token. Pepyg om ember 1 , 1 66o, writeo z

“ Mx.

Shepley end l went into Mndommd a i liag upoo Mr. Pinckney, the gold smith, he took us to a

tavernqsnd gave e s e pintol wine .“Inh is “ hl emorlals of 1 ‘emple Eu ,

"MnNoble states thnt,

mm rmmm mm m-m a u bm m m byme ccmmminAptiL1 667 ; and inthe mfi ingmh appun that “ uajor fi ncknef s

pmpeny oonsisted of

four houses le eding onthe sonth fiontage flo the'


emple Gu denf pmbably the churchyard

M M M W h mefimfisememinjnly, 1 67 1 , d the sddrmof WifliamPinckney,M a the Goldena the Innes


f emk ate fixe ume able suthority infen that it

m the hm edjoh in‘ the Thsu Sqd u eh which mbseqcenfiy beame Na tg, Fle e t Smet The

ad i lliamPincknye (Su ah Pinchney, of St Dimflmmlondomthe re lictol Wi ll iamPinckney,di ed in 1 68 1 , end mentioned inhe s wi ll Phifipmd l smad Pinekne y

) appu n inthe ledge rs of

M essrs. Bh adnrd d hild in1 663, ns heeping snsooountw ith thmas all the principal goldsmithsdid forthe u ke of eoovenienoe .In1 68qn h mhymadmfim eminthe b wdot e m u th e Goldea gomin

Fle etStre et ; butthe mttime his mme is mentioned— De oembes , 1 697— we find h e has moved tommM rw mu fl um m t mm wm .

defled AwflLnos z

No. 6ms 38. Whoeve t hrings the u id ticket toTemple Ih r, shsnhs ve 1 d reward. It is of no ns e to any one hut the owner, payment be ing

The nme d Philip Piachne-y l hnve metw ith as snendorsement to a hank note in1 7 1 s ; and

“ b oa t :

“ Sm,“ I desire you to pay nnto

summe d fmtyone pounds bmte enshmingx"

ohserve d ol the Pincknqs. The M Gautk ol May 1 7, 1 708, snnounce s s me eting of hi s

A a themae h LymmIsomhard Sweeg in1 686. The home was inthe parish ofSLBdmund the Kiogmd Martynaod wu mbeequently numbered 65, 0 1 have asoertained fromthe pu ish bw kg l indly ph oed atmy disposd by the k ectorfi he k ev. CanonBenham.

Pinh orntad Co. , 1 8 1 9-24. (See Wmmt. )Ptphmg nohefl de ,Goldsmith, 1 3rs , ot’ Gndmnlane (Gutte 1 Lane ). H e died posse sscd of several house s invarious

puts o‘the C ity.

8mmfro wfll stDocton’

Cm , favoure d by “ 1 . Erlym Ymclmey, d Bf adfonl-ou Avpn.



Pitman, Ursula,

Goldsmi th,in1 684

—90, was l iv ing atth e King

’s He ad

, ove r agains t th e Bul l Inn, inHolborn.

Pitts,C aptain,

A goldsmi th , in1 695 was ne xt door to th e C ross Ke ys Tave rn, inHolborn.

Planckne y, Rob e rt,Goldsmi th

,d ie d in 1 580, and was burie d inthe church of St. Mary Woolnoth .

Playe r, Simon,Goldsmi th

,ci rca 1 63 2, of A ll Hal low s, Lombard Stre e t .

Pol e and Co .

Marlar, Lasce l le s, Pe l l , and Downappe ar by th e D i re ctory to have s tarte d as banke rs in 1 773 ,

and to have takenNo. 1 0, Lombard Stre e t, th e premise s thenjus t vacate d by Ladbroke and Co . ,

w ho

had gone to Bank Build ings . The y d id not,how e ve r

,remain long in Lombard Stre e t, as in 1 776

the y w e re locate d at 1 , Bartholome w Lane . In1 777 Mr. Lasce l le s w ent outof the firm,and in1 782

i t comprise d only Downand Fe l l . In1 785 i t be came Down, Thornton, and Fre e and in1 793 the ytook inM r. Cornw al l as junior partne r. The s tyle of th e firmcontinue d unalte re d unti l 1 81 6, w henth e LondonD ire ctory give s i t as Pole , Thornton, Fre e , Down, and Scot t ; and th is was th e s tyle unt i lD e cembe r


1 2,1 825, w henthe y s toppe d payment. Th e fol low ing s tatement conce rning the failure of

this house I e xce rpt fromLaw son’

s His tory of Banking z”

Th e informat ionfurnishe d by M r. Richards , the Deputy Gove rnor of th e Bank , to th e Commi tte eof the Hous e of Commons, i s so graph ical ly de script ive of the s tate of Londonat this pe riod that w ecannot omit giving i t a place inour his tory . I t i s takenfromth e shorthand w ri te r’s note s, and wasne arly inth e follow ing w ords

I th ink,

’says M r. Richards, i t mus t have be eninthe autumnof 1 825 that th e Bank began

ve ry s e ri ous ly to contemplate w hat w oul d be th e re sul t of the spe culat ions and of var ious ci rcums tance s that w e re go ing forward. The y increase d inOctobe r and Novembe r, w hen the re cont inue dto


tbe a ve ry gre at d emand for gold, which, I th ink , be ganabout A pril and, I be l ie ve , i t advance ddownto th e firstSaturday inDe cembe r. N otonly th e Bank

, but, I be l i eve , e ve ryman’

s mind conne cte d w ith th e City w as inane xtreme s tate of e xci tement and alarm. I think I canre colle ct, inth e

firstSaturday inDe cembe r, having come home afte r a ve ry w e ary and anx ious day fromth e Bank,re ce iving a vis i t fromtwo membe rs of this commi t te e , and one of our banke rs , atmy ownhouse ,s tat ing a d ifli culty inwh ich a banking—house near to th e Bank was place d .

I w i l l not ass e rt it, but I be l ie ve the y had gone so far as to take care of the cle aring of thathouse that e vening, so as that i t might ful fi l its engagements . Th e obj ect of that vis i t was to asce r

tainwhat would be my vie w s uponth e subj e ct. I w as cal le d uponbe cause th e Gove rnor was part ien

larly conne cte d w i th th e hous e of Pole and Co. bymarri age and othe rci rcums tance s of re lat ionsh ip.

A fte r spe ak ing uponth e subj e ct for some t ime , I was pre tty sure that I could answ e r for th e

firmne ss of th e Bank and I venture d to encourage the se gent lemento h0pe that, uponanything l ikea fair s tatement, th e Bank w ould notlet thi s conce rnfal l through.

I t w as agre e d that uponth e follow ing“ morning (Sunday) w e shoul dme e t as many dire ctors as I

could ge t toge the r, w ith th e thre e gentlemenw ho had cal le d uponme , at th e house of one of them,

and that inth e me ant ime some eminentme rchants, friends of the house , should also be cal le d to th eme e t ing to ass is t w ith the ir opinion


. We so me t and, afte r he aring all the facts, w hich w e re col lecte d

i h the first ins tance by the banke rs and the me rchants pre s ent, th e dire ctors authori ze d th e i r Chair tosay that ass is tance should notbe want ing. I t was agre e d that should be place d atth e d i s

posal of Pole and Co. th e ne xtmorning, for which the Bank w as to re ce ive , and did re ce ive , as


Prae d s and Co.,

1 89, Fle e t Stre e t . This bus ine ss was s tarte d by M r. Prae d inLondon, in1 803 . The family hadlong be en se t tle d as banke rs at Truro, in Cornwal l inde e d , the y are said to have be ennote d as

e arly as the s ixte enth century.Jame s Praed was She riff of th e county in 1 654, and M .P. for St. Ive s in 1 661 .

In 1 7 1 7 th e fami ly be came e xtinct by the de ath of M r. WilliamPrae d, who le ft all h i s prope rty

to Will iamMackworth, w ho assume d th e name of Prae d. H i s grandson, Will iam, marrie d th e

daughte r and he i re ss of Barneby Backw e l l, Esq. , of Tyringham,Bucks, and gre at—granddaughte r of

Sir Francis Child .

Th e house M r. Wil l iamPrae d took for h i s bank was ve ry ce lebrate d, be ing knownas the Wax

Work a’épdt of M rs. Salmon, w homay be said to have be enthe Madame Tussaud of th e t ime . In

h i s “ Memorials of Temple Bar,”M r. Noble w r ite s : “ Inth e re ignof Que enAnne , at th e Golden

SalmoninSt. Martin’s, ne ar A lde rsgate , was to be s e enthe Royal Court of England, 1 04 figure s, allmade by M rs . Salmon, ‘

who te ache s th e ful l art, and s e l ls all sorts of moulds and glass e ye s .

A lsoth e famous Temple of D iana, etc. , by M rs . Salmon, w ho i s remove d fromSt. Martinle Grand to th eGoldenSalmonatTemple Bar, ne ar St. Dunstan

s Church , w hich is more convenient for th e qual i ty’scoache s to s tand Sh e subs e quently occupie d 1 89, Fle e t Stre e t, unt i l i t w as takenbyM r. Prae d, wheni t was pul le d down, and the pre sent bank bui lt, in1 802 , fromde s igns by Sir JohnSoane .

In1 805the D ire ctory show s that th e partne rs inth e firmw e re Praed, D igby, Box, Babbage , andCo. In1 807 i t w as Prae d , D igby, Box, Barnard , and N e wcombe . The i r addre s s was 7 1 , Fle e tStre e t, in 1 8 1 0, wh enthe name of Mackworth i s to be obs e rve d as that of th e s e cond partne r. Prae d,

Mackworth,and N ew combe cont inue d to be th e s tyle of th e firmunt i l 1 8 1 8, whenM r. Ve re Fane

was admi tte d as junior partne r ; and no furthe r change took place unt il 1 836, w hen th e name of

Ne wcombe d isappe are d, and th e firmbe came Prae d, Mackworth,Fame , and Prae d . 1 838 was th e

las t ye ar that M r. M ackworth’s name was associate d w i th th e firm. Inthe ne xt ye ar i t cons is te d of

Will iamTyringhamPrae d, Ve re Fane , Bulkle y JohnMackworth Prae d, and Patrick Johnson.

Since 1 850 th e s tyle of the firmhas b e enPrae ds and Co. I t now cons is ts of th e fol low ingpartne rs

Charle s TyringhamPrae d.

He rbe rt Bulkle y Praed.

Mackworth Bulkle y Prae d .

Th e fol low ing cur ious account, publ ishe d inthe Examiner of January 1 6

,1 8 1 4, se rve s as an

i l lus trat ionof th e risks banke rs raninthose days , by sending valuable parce ls by coache sI

“ Th e Buckinghams tage -coach has be eninth e pract ice of carrying s e ve ral banke rs’ parce ls, for anumbe r of ye ars pas t, to and fromLondon; and, though th e gre ate s t pre caut ions w e re usual ly taken,i t has be en late ly robbe d ina ve ry e xtraord inary manne r. Th e coach brought a parce l fromth e

A yle sbury Bank, containing b i l ls and note s to a cons ide rable amount, suppose d to b e s e ve ralthousands , dire cte d to Me ssrs . Prae ds , in Fle e t Stre e t. I t was put into th e s trong box, made forconve ying valuable parce ls , which w as locke d and s trappe d, and the coachman put th e key into hi spocke t as usual , and th e box w as place d unde r h im. Whenh e gotto the Gre enM anand Sti ll , inO x ford Stre e t , h e opene d th e box to take out anothe r valuable parce l , di recte d to anothe r banke r, atw hich t ime th e parce l fromthe Ayle sbury

Bank to Me ssrs . Prae ds was safe . The coach s toppe dagainoppos i te the Be l l and CrownInn, w he re a passenge r le ft the coach, and took two parce ls w ithh imoutof th e front boot, atwhich t ime th e coachmanhad e ve ry re asonto be l ie ve that the box w as

safe The coach did nots top againunt il itgotto th e King’

s A rms Inn, w he re i t puts up.

Th e coachmanw ent into the offi ce to s e ttle h i s way b i l l and accounts , which engage d h imabou ttenminute s and inthe me an t ime th e coach was turne d round , as usual , by amanemploye d intheyard . The coachmanthenw ent to unlock the box to take outth e parce l d ire cte d to Me s srs . Prae ds ,w h enh e discove re d that th e top of the box had be enforce d off, and th e parce l takenaway. The top


of the boxconld notthenbe fonnd, btttonMondaymorning itm fonnd nw the coach inthe yard .


he businea m inve stigawd nBow SUe eg butno penonm incustody. One Rodne y has sincebe enoommitted.

Th h hnnhng hme mmhhshed inflmdneedkmg u flie hom afiamds nnmbemd sponJanuary 1 , 1 766, by Me ssrs . George Prescott, Andrew Grote , Will iamCulve rden, and JohnHd fingswmth nnde r the style of l’rescotg crommu For th is

tnformntionl amindebted tothe cuntesy ol the presentfirm.

The follow ing chnnges l hs ve gleane d tromthe nrions Dire etori e s. In1 778 they we re loa ted

st 6s, Th1 endne edle Stre e t; and tn 1 199 1he w ne of Culve rdendoe s not appear the fmnstanding“ Prescom tqsnd Honmgsworth. In 1 80 1 itws s P1e scott, Grove , and Preecott; and in 1 820,

Gmt re scot nd ote ; whsch connnae d to be the style of the &rmnnttl 1 838 whenthe e lde r

m. fimte re fird snd thre e ne w pmen wm ndmitm It then stood thus : Pre scott, Grote ,mm mm Inthe foflowing yw the mme ot' Cave m mbstituted forBai lli e ; andthe pnhhshed hmkw the ymmamhngc w nu inthatd Amenwhk h had be ens ssociawd

w ith the finnt’

or the pnsttenyennMr. Joseph Grote re tire d Decembe r 3 1 , 1 874, whenthe style beam Pre sco tt, Cave , Foste r,

Bos ton, M A nd Co style becamePmoorg Cave , Buxton, Io de 1 , snd Cot Itnow eonsists ot


the follow ing partnersCharle s Andrew Pre scott.H enn srne r Prescott.

A lfre d Powe ll Buxton.

Charle s Cs ve Cave .

M l ohn.Goldsmxth, am 1 66 1 . 0(SL CIernentDane s .

m w mm Gc.

The we lltnownbnnking bu ine-ol Sis Chafle s Price , Marryat, and Co. originated inthe hankof Robert and Thorns: Harrison, e stabl ishe d at 77, Ironrnonge r h nqahoutthe year 1 785. In1 188 they we 1e loa te d nt 1 , Mans ionHouse Street.In1 794 1he name ol flarrlsonnnd Co . is not se eninthe l istof hanke rs ; butl obse rve thatSir

James Sander-son, Newmanwere carrying onbanking bus iness at r,

In 1 791 8ir jame s Snndersonnnd Mr. Brench le y w e re pe rtne rs innbank inghouse , doingbns ineu nnder the style ot

Snndessonnnd Co , inSouthwark They dissolved partnersh ip in1 794.

h 1 796 1he nyk of the fimm 8enda wmflnnisomPfichett snd N e wman In 1 799 5ir

Jsma finndanon's name drops omd the hsg the nyle thenbe ing flsnisonandm In 1 807 itSir Charle s

Price m lp rd hl zyor intsos . In rs rh me mme of flardwndisappenring rromth e firm, “

became Sir Charle s Price , Bast , SirWill iamKay, Bart, Charle s Price , jnnior, and Ge orge Chapman.In1 81 7 itwas Sirc. M b ynnd Coleman; snd in 1 8 1 9 Marryat, Price , Kay, and ChapmanIn1 823 100eph Marryat, conducting the bus inestColeman. Mnhls rrynt


u we ll knownu hsving beens lnrge coUector of porce laimand as the

mthor ol s valu ble book onPottery snd Pomeh in.


Pri ce, Si r C .

,and Co. continued.

In1 833 the s tyle of the firm be came Price , Marryat, and Co. ; and in 1 835 the ymove d fromMans ion-house Stre e t to King Will iamStre e t, w he re the y remaine d unde r th e same s tyle unt il 1 866,w henthe y s toppe d payment.

Pri ce,H ene age ,

Was a goldsmi th carry ing onhi s trade in\1 681 atth e Golden Lion, w ithout Temple Bar, onth e

south s ide of th e Strand . H e was one of th e nume rous family of JohnPrice , w ho posse ss e d lande dprope rty inMonmouthsh ire , by h i s w i fe Mary , one of the daughte rs and co-he i re sse s of Will iamGre ene , of Eas t Barne t . H ene age Price w as bornthe re and bapt ized onSeptembe r 1 7 , 1 659. The

Re v. F C . Cass informsme that anold Ve s try minute -book re cords a re solut ion that a legacy to the

parish of Monken Hadle y, of £ 1 00 be que athe d by th e R ight H on. Henry Coventry, should be

place d inthe hands of M r. H ene age Price , goldsmi th , inth e Strand, nigh Templ e -barr . OnM ay 2 2 ,

1 690, h e was appointe d tre asure r for re ce iving contribut ionmone y of one R ichard Mas te r, a bankrupt and th e LondonGa zette of Novembe r 1 4, 1 706, re cords that h e hims e lf was a bankrupt. H e

d ie d and was burie d atEas t Barne t onA ugust3 , 1 709.

Pri ce, Th omas ,

Was a goldsmi th . The fi rs t re cord w e have of h imi s furnishe d by the LondonGazel l e of M ay 1 0,

1 675, w he re th e fol low ing adve rtis ement i s to be s e en: Los t old s ilve r se al and QueenEl izabe th’sSixpence tye d to i t w ith a re d narrow satin r ibbon— the arms of th e seal i s a cross fiory in eachD e xte r, and thre e cros s cros s le ts ine ach s inis te r quarte r, w i thmantl ing and a buck couchant for thecre s t. Whoe ve r w i l l bring th e same to M r. Thomas Price , goldsmi th, atthe Goat inLumbard Stre e t,shal l have a ve ry good re ward .

”H e w as one of those ke eping running cashe s in1 677, as the Little

LondonD ire ctory ” show s h e was atth e Goat, inLumbard Stre e t.I have me tw i th h is name ona draft drawnupon Child and Roge rs in1 684 by one Will Barbe r,

who w rite s : “ Pray pay to M r. Thomas Price , goldsmi th, Lumbe r Stre ete , London, two hundre dpounds .

” I t i s endorse d by h im.

A fe w ye ars afte rwards , h e appears to have takeninto partne rsh ip w ith h imone Samue l Price , asinthe London Gaz etfe of Novembe r 4, 1 686, w e are informe d that a me e t ing of the cre di tors of

Thomas and Samue l Price of London, goldsmi ths , was convene d for th e roth of thatmonth . Th e i rass igne e s give not ice inth e Gaz ez

‘te of De cembe r, 1 7 1 5, and many w e e ks afte rwards , that the y havere cove re d some prope rty of cons ide rable value , and de s ire th e cre ditors to s end inthe ir name s w ith a

vie w to d is tribut ion.

The Public Re cord Office enable s us to le arn some w hat -of this membe r of th e goldsmi th’s craft.

Th e follow ing short abs tract i s made of ve ry lengthy proce e dings inst i tute d inth e Court of Exche que r.In“ “ Exche que r Bills and Answ e rs

,London and Middle se x , Wil liam No. 562, Trini ty Te rm,

1 694, w e re ad th e complaint of the A t torne y-Gene ral, onbe hal f of the King and Que en, agains t“ Thomas Price of London, goldsmi th, forme rly us ing th e trad e of a banke r, and the re by re ce ivinggre at sums of mone y of d ive rs pe rsons w ho paid the same into h is hands .

”Among those who so

entrus te d h imw as h is brothe r-in-law,JohnPrice , w ho w as Re ce ive r-Gene ral for Jame s I I. inIre land ,

and w ho,inthat official capacity, had paid to Thomas Price large sums as monie s be longing to th e

late K ing Jame s th e Se cond.

”A spe cial commis s ionwas opene d onD e cembe r 2 2 , to inqui re » w hat

sumre al ly was thus due by JohnPr ice to Jame s I I . whe reby i t was found that Thomas Price hadre ce ive d th e sumof 65. 941. This was se i ze d onbe half of th e K ing, and Thomas Price wastaken into cus tody by th e Se rj eant-at-Arms . Ment ion is made of Be rnard Taylor, gentleman, as

Price ’s trus te e .

The answ e r of Thomas Price admi ts the fact that h e , be ing a banke r,” had re ce ive d large sumsofmone y, and treats of h is marriage se ttlement and h i s inte re s t in Irish iron-works . Both h e and

Johnhad, according to the de tai ls given, much prope rty inLondon.

1 36 LOND ON BA N KERS. [ 11 11 114 1 1 1

Ransom,Bouve ri e , and Co.

In 1 8 1 9 S i r F. B. Morland l e ft th e firmto e s tablish a bank of h i s ownunde r the s tyle of Morlandand Co. Inth e fol low ing ye ar th e D i re ctory show s that Ransomand Co. move d to N o. 34, Pal lMall ; in1 82 1 to 25, Pal l Mal l ; and in 1 823 to 1

, Pall Mal l Eas t, atw hich house th e bank i s s t il llocate d .

A t the d e ath of M 1 . Ransom, th e H on. Douglas K innai rd (fourth son of th e se venth LordKinnaird , by El izabe th, daughte r of GafiinRansom,

Esq. be came h e ad partne r. H e was th e uncleof the late he ad partne r, the Honourable Arthur Kinnaird , and i t w as he who bui l t th e premise sN05. 1 and 2

,Pall Mal l Eas t

, as a bank ing-hous e .

The s tyle of th e firmwas Ransom and Co. unt i l Me ssrs . Bouve ri e , Murdoch, Bouve rie , and

Jame s , of 1 1 , Haymarke t, amalgamate d w ith themin1 856 s ince w h ich t ime th e s tyle of the firmhasb e enMe ssrs . Ransom, Bouve rie , and Co.

In1 876 th e firmcons is te d of th e fol low ing partne rsTh e H on. A rthur Kinnai rd, M .P. (afte rwards Lord Kinnaird).Jame s GordonMurdoch .Phil ip Pleyde ll Bouve rie .

Charle s Townshend Murdoch .

A rthur Fi tzge rald Kinnai rd.

H enry Hale s Ple yde ll Bouve rie .

I t was announce d inthe Times of June 25, 1 888, that Me ss rs . Barclay, Be van, Tritton, and Co.

had ente re d into partne rship w i th M e ssrs . Ransom,Bouve rie , and Co. , to take e ffe ct fromJuly 2,

unde r th e s tyle of Barclay,Be van, Tritton, Ransom,

Bouve rie , and Co. , and that th e bus ine ss wouldbe conducte d, as he re tofore , inLombard Stre e t and Pal l Mal l Eas t th e partne rs be ingMe ss rs . Robe rt C . L. B e van, J. Gurne y Barclay, Francis A . Be van, Charle s T . Murdoch , M .P. ,

Robe rt Barclay, J. He rbe rt Tri tton, Lord Kinnaird , H enry H . P. Bouve rie , Wilfrid A . Be van, and

Edward H . Barclay. Me ssrs . Se ymour P. Bouve rie and Roland Y. Be vanhold th e s ignature of

the firm.

Raw don, Edw ard ,

A goldsmi th , ci rca 1 458.

Rawl ins,W i ll i am


Goldsmi th, 1 607—37, of th e parish of St. .Mary Woolnoth .

Raw l inson, W i ll i am,

Goldsmith, a'

rca 1 582 , of the parish of St. Mary Woolnoth .

Raymond , H arl ey, and Co.,1 778. (Se e HARLEY. )

Raymond , W i l l i ams , and Co.,1 77 1 . (Se e W ILLIAMS.)

Rayne , John,Goldsmith, ci rca 1 626

,of St. Le onard, Fos te r Lane .

Rayne r, Th omas ,Goldsmith, atth e Ange l , inCranborne Stre e t, Le ice s te r F1e lds , adve rtise d lnthe London

January, 1 72 2 , that he de s ire d all pe ople who had prope rty w i th h imto fe tch i t away, as he de s igne dgivingup bus ine ss.


A goIdanhh of the parkh d St Ma oolndth and pmhahlya re sident inLombard Stre e t, be ingas w ly as 1 699 de se 1 i hed inthe registers oI the parish as a

“ Bancker. ” This is anearly date forthe terrn.

M , Bh 8 arth olome w ,

A goldsmith, wu K ing's Exchange s in 1 482. Mastes of the M int in 1 485, and Mayor in 1 502 .

He was bnried inthe Chnrterhonse. H e p ve £ 1 oo to h is parish chmh tlmtof 8t johnb cbarmia ch hi s wi fe was bnried, with a fai rmonumentrepre senthtg hes inthe habitof a widow . By h is

wflLc hm dad cmber rg rsog k heqnumed wme GoldsmiM Companya grmmanmninthe parish d SL johnZachary,md divu s mha tenemenu inthat and otha pu ishea H e also

leflme ans fot fionnding the crammar School atCmrneninNorfolh

W e and Co., 1 774-7 . (Se e Wu rs t.)

ne h nkh g hnfinm d uem k anb gmflephmomk emingwmand Toulminofiginu ed atthe UnicominIsomhnrd Stre et inthe firmol Knig/htand jsckson. Abontthe ye ar 1 7s9 theynppearto have be endoing a consi derahle busine ss ; we rnny there fore assume tor thema greater antiquity.

The buow ing b anenmple d me w ious bmine a mdau kenby some of the hankeu intheearly days . It is extrncted fromthe Londn t k ol March asnns z

“ The Nobility, Gentry and others who have viewe d the original Pictnre d’

Cupid and Venus byM ichae l Angda onaroti atEssex Hom Sflu LSta mayreoe ive the irTickets numbe red,che cke d and fine d up fos Satnrday the s9 March nextatMm Knightand Jackson, Bankem, Lombard Streeg onpayin/g to gnineas pe s ticketfor the aame .

N.B.— If the so fickets are not takenm y hy the z sth of the nid Mmh w e w ill re tumtbe

money paid onthataooonng the uonday fonowing onde livery up of the tickets givenbyns .” Thisnotice was n

gned“ Knightand jaekson.

The ir signatures are seenupona large nnmber ot‘

old drambetween 1 729 and 1 750, inwhich

partner. About 1 763 the firmwas styled Knight, Batsomsnd Co. ,who we re locate d inLombard

Scre enfacinnoyd’

s. The honse was numbered 69 inr7zot

In 1 166 1he Di1 e ctoqshows that the firmm Batson, Stephenson, and Hoggart RowlandStephensonm a clerk signing for hdartins innss .

In1 785the narne o‘ Hoggnrt is notse eninthe list, butit is su0cee ded hy the name s of two newK GIove r was a

clerk signing for Knight, Bataan, and Co. In1 794 i t was Stephenson. Batson, Remington, and Smi th ;and frorn

Mx. Lawson, inhi s “ H istory of Banking,”states that u rly inDe e emhe r, 1 828, some unfavourable

nm h d gmw mpecfing the a edit d um k em md m, of lombard 8meghmka g ineoosequence of whichmny customm removed theh accounu fiomth em.

To counteract the s e rumours and to allay all apprehens ions, five of the principal bankers inLondon inve stigate d the afiairs of the banh w ith the conditionof which the y w ere so w e ll satisfiedthatmh of thm advanced £sop oo onsnch se curiti e s as they found the bank to posse ss. Theyturthermade a dechntionof th e ir entire convictionof the solvency of the house , and went


so far as

to indnce many pnrtie s who had withdmwnthe ir accounts to rm mem.

Th is conditionof things , howeve r, d id not las t long, “ onDecember 27, 1 828, i t was reporte d

1 3s LONDON BA N KERS. {mm

Remingtonand Co.

that M r. Row land Stephenson, the act ive partne r, had absconde d w i th a large sumof money. H e

was M .P. for Le omins te r, and Tre asure r of St. Bartholome w ’

s Hospi tal , etc., e tc. The e ffe ct of th is

s e rious e vent was that the y w e re obl ige d to suspend payment ; a s tep that cause d the utmos t conste rnationinth e City. I t transpire d that M r. Stephensonhad be enadd icte d to gambl ing, and thath i s de falcat ions e xtende d to H e made off w i th 25


inExche que r bi lls be longing tovarious cus tome rs of th e bank .

Th e mode adopte d by Stephensonto de ce ive his partne rs w ith re spe ct to th e various depos i ts ofExche que r b i l ls was s imple enough . H e had s eale d packe ts w i th the name s and addre sse s of th edepos i tors and the amount of Exche que r bi l ls endors e d the re on so that th e banke rs

,w ho inve s t igate d

the affai rs of th e bank, concluding that the actual s e curi tie s w e re inclose d inth e enve lope s, did note xamine themfurth e r.

Row land Ste phensonw as charge d w i th bankruptcy and embe zzlement, and a w arrant was issue d

for th e apprehens ionof hims e lf and of h i s cle rk, Lloyd, w i th a reward of 1 000 for th e forme r, andof 300 for th e latte r.

A fte r various adventure s the y succe e ded in ge t ting to Clove l ly , whe re the y met w i th a ve sse lbound for Savannah .

OnJanuary 1 6,1 829, a s e condme e t ing of cre ditors w as h e ld inBas inghall Stre e t, w henth e total

amount of d e b ts w as e s timate d atabout 1 01 . 5d ,the asse ts be ing about

Me ssrs . Remingtons de clare d a d ividend on June 24, 1 829, of se ven sh il l ings inth e poundthe separate e s tate s of Remingtonand Toulminyie lding tw enty sh il l ings, and of Stephensone ighte en

pence inth e pound .

Th e N ew s of January 4, 1 829, furnishe s th e fol low ing part iculars of th e fai lure , and of th e absconding of M r. Row land Stephenson

We re col le ct no e vent inth e comme rcial w orld s ince the t ime of Faunf leroy, (and hi s cas e , hadas i t was, must be al low e d to be comparat ive ly trifling), w h ich has made somuch impre ss iononth epubl icmind as th e absconding of M r. Row land Step/zenson, th e mos t e ffi ci entpartne r inth e Bank ingfirmof Remingfon, Step/zefzsofl, Remington, and Toulmin. Of this affai r and the s ingular circums tance sattending it, w e shal l ende avour to give as succinct anaccount as poss ible .

I t now turns out that M r. Stephenson, contrary to hi s usual cus tom, absente d h imse lf'

fromtheBank ing-hou


se th e w hole of Friday s e’nnigh t. Unde r th e d ifficulti e s the house then laboure d

, w e

ratlTe r w onde r this unusual ci rcums tance d id note xci te onth e part of th e othe rmembe rs of the firm,some suspicionand inquiry butth e truth i s , the re are somany things to w onde r at inthis affai r


w e have no incl inat ionto dw e l l on th is s ingle ins tance of cre dulous supinene ss. Anxious inqui rie sw e re

‘ made by diffe rent pe rsons at the Banking—hous e for h imall that day, buth e came not. H ow

far h i s partne rs w oul d have cont inue d to e xpe ct h imw ithout s e eking afte r h im, w e know not— for, onthe Saturday, the y w e re informe d by a gentleman that M r. Stephenson had le ft h i s house inSt. Bartholome w ’

s Hospi tal (of w h ich e s tabl ishment h e w as Treasure r), at a ve ry e arly hour that morning.

The fact is , that M r. Stephensonhadmade anappo intment w i th a profe ss ional gentlemanto e xe cutesome mortgage de e ds at9 o

’clock onSaturdaymorning and i t was th e cal l ing of this gentlemanat

that hour, w hich cause d th e d iscove ry of M r. Step/zemon’r absence . When th is inte l l igence was

knownatth e Banking—house , al though its importance w as ve ry cons ide rably enhance d by th e s imultane ous absence of a Ai r. Lloyd, one of the cle rks , yet i t doe s not appe ar that the smal le s t ide a ofcr iminal ity was attache d to M r. Stephenson

s conduct, by any of hi s confid ing partne rs . The y w ent

onatthe Bank ing-hous e , paying and re ce iving as usual and it was notunt i l th e afte rnoonof Saturday,w henM r. Remington’s che que onth e Bank of England for a sumfar w i thinth e claimof th e house ,as s lated inth e ir books , w as re turne d unpaid, that suspicionbe ganto be e xci te d , and the nece s s ity ofstopping payment fully asce rtaine d . A ll was now alarmand confus ion; and the d e te ctionof one

villainous actonth e part of the absente e quickly le d to"

that of anothe r. I t was now discove re d that

all the depos i ts, s uch as Exche que r-bil ls , bonds of fore ignstock,&c. , &c. , which had be enlodge d in


Remingtonand Co.— contz



private friend , who, h e must at th e t ime have known, ne ve r would have be enrepaid . A ll Rumford,

in th e ne ighbourhood of w hich townM arshalls h i s princ ipal re s idence was, rings of h is vi llainie s .H e is s tate d to have bought s e ve ral smal l e s tate s around h im, and to have managed to get the t i tlede e ds , and to pe rsuade the proprie tors to le ave the mone y w ith h imas a banke r . Our informantsays that a mi lle r re ti re d fromtrad e had 566000 inth e funds

, which was sold through Ste phenson,and the money lodge d w i th himat 5 pe r cent . inte re s t ; that th e poor trade smenof Rumford are

ina s tate of gre at d is tre ss , M r. Stephensonow ing £600 to h is butche r, £400 to h is bake r, and tose ve ral of th e poore r classe s more or le s s , accord ing to the ir circums tance s or trade s . Infine , noe xpe d ient whe re rais ingmone y was inque s tions e ems to have be entoo low for Stephenson’s adopt ion.

A numbe r of bi l ls, i t i s said , are at pre sent inci rculat ion, drawn upon Stephenson by some daylabourer

, or fe l low al toge the r de s t i tute of prope rty, w hich, w i th a name upon i t so w e l l known,have

be en re adily discounte d, and th e amount, w ithout doubt , has pas se d into Stephenson’

s hands . Of

the se b il ls nota shill ing of course w i l l be paid .

We now come inth e cours e of d e tail , to the me ans w h ich have be enadopte d to appre hend th isculpri t, and the se se emto have be enbottome d onth e same scal e of activity as thos e which th e fivee xamining Banke rs adopte d to de te ct h is pract ise s inth e Banking-hous e . I t was notunt i l We dne sdaylas t, th e fif t/z day afte r h i s absconding, that th e Commi tte e of Banke rs, whoare so re ady inprosee ut ing e ve ry poor w re tch who commits th e smal le s t forge ry on any of the i r fe l low s

, e ven to the

gallow s ,*

offe re d any reward for Stephenson’

s capture , and then i t was so inade quate inamount toth e case (only t/zree luma

’red pounds or th e pr incipal, and one hundred for Lloyd th e cle rk) that i t

was laughe d at. Re solve d at length to do th e l ibe ral th ing, th e same partie s onThursday, put forthb il ls offe ring one t/zouscma' pounds for th e appre hending of Slep/zemon, and three lmmz'rea’ pounds forthat of th e cle rk. -Warrants w e re also obtaine d fromth e Lord Mayor, and backe d by th e Middle s e xMagis trate s onThursday. Now ,

had the se s teps be en taken e arl ie r, the re is l i ttle doubt that boththe runaways would ere now have be enincus tody. I t se ems that Ste phenson, afte r d ining onFridayw i th a w e l l—knownvocal is t at th e w e s t end of the town, re turne d to h is hous e inSt. Bartholomew ’


Hospi tal . A bout four o’clock onSaturday morning, he le ft that place inh i s owncarriage , a brownchariot w i th a pai r of gre y horse s , and w as drivento th e ne ighbourhood of th e R e gent

s Park . The rei t i s said h e awaite d th e arrival of Lloyd (th e cle rk). Lloyd s lept atth e Banking-house , and i s sup

pos e d to have made up a parce l of note s and s e curitie s afte r th e shut t ing of th e house onFriday

e vening. Soon afte r midnight h e was h e ard to go down stai rs , and to le ave th e house . H e i s

suppose d thento have joine d M r. Ste phenson, and to have proce e de d to Portsmouth , fromw h encethe y crosse d to the Isle of Wight,-and embarke d onboard th e Cambrzcmpacke t for N e w York , w hichwas sai d to have saile d onFriday, but which i t i s suspe cte d remaine d ofi


th e is land t il l Ste phensonarrive d. H i s carriage conve ye d h imth e firsts tage , butd id not re turnfor some days, incons e quence ,probab ly, of d irect ions given by M r.

’ Steph enson, to pre vent th e route h e had taken from be ingtrace d . The coachmanle ft th e s table s as soonas h e had brought back th e carr iage and horse s , andhas not be en s e en s ince . I t was gre at ne gl igence onth e

“ part of those employe d to look afte r

Stephensonthat h is s table s w e re notwatche d— th e more e spe cial ly, as it was soonasce rta ine d that h e

had le ft towninh i s owncarr iage . How e ve r, as to the embarkation, w e do notbe l ie ve a w ord of it,

and w e mus t have pos i t ive and d ire ct e vidence be fore w e canente rtain th e ide a that h e i s outof th ecountry . T hat h e did not embark inth e Cambriani s asce rtaine d, as th e ofli ce rs w e re onth e Spot,

prior to th e sai l ing of that ve sse l Th e report that h e has e scape d by a N ew York Live rpool packe tship 15 also w ithout foundat ion— notone has sai le d s ince h is absconding. W e repe at , w e mus t havegood e vidence to th e contrary be fore w e canbe l ie ve h e has le ft the country. A 1ne rica i s h i s onlyre fuge , for inany part of th e Cont inent he woul d be as amenable to Bri tish jus tice as inLombardStre e t .

It i s a s ingular circumstance that a fe w ye ars ago amanw ho had committe d a forge ry onth e house of M essrs .

Remmgfonand Co w as prose cute d by the Committe e , found gui l ty, and eventual ly hanged .


Mc e ral h-sirhmdth m pes fiomlosse s hs fe mined theme lves up w i th the disastrous oonse

quence s oi this event. Onthe fatlure of i‘

rys ewd cwm a deposi tof £r4,0oo 1nExchequerhflls hebngingmme d the Fa e iga t s odafionam mmow d by the Secremry inmth e

custody d k emingwnnd Co , c hm g w the know ledge of me oI the dh ecwma manof

m e w , he ordered the Es cheqm bills to be remomd imme diate ly into the Bank of England,whe re they were lodged insafe cnstody only a k w days be fore the honse stopped MrMStephensonssecuritie s u Tmsurer of St Banholomew ’

s HospiuLaho had a nam e sa pe Itse ems thattbemaning d hh ab eondingmqmpx wd m ething wmgnntw hh some dithcuhy prw fi led mthe Prefidmg fi r /m SGw , mfigna cheqoe fi thdrxwing £50w fiomthe h bd ame mthe

Bnnking-house ol £5.800 Thh cheque m rece ive d a rr o’

d och and bd ore lw , the firm

“ Itnow tnms ontthatMnSte phea whos e fimily hu be enre sid ing atDover for some time ,had opene d


a depositacoonntwith the hank of him hi ine t and Fector, and hl e ssra h thamandCa ' d tha plwn A lette s which was reoe ived onWedneaday fi'omDom, stated, that a chequemm e dmthe prevbns w ning a mh hmu b r the hahna umahfing the rqbutthe d a kshning hmd what had oocnrred inthe city onSaturdaywre fmed to pay them Onmentioning theM ana w the Mndpah d the hou e , hm dewmined mdaainthe pa wnwho pre sentedthe cheqnqhnthe had ukenthe alumw dm omnmppoeed by one ol the Londoncoaches .

“ Tha e umdmm mm motha h ndnl ca ueqnex e arisingfmmme iniquitw s condua of

this ooprina'

ple d man. We allude to the disputes i t must engender “ to the righ tful posse ssiono(certainpsopeny— fromwhie h dispnte s th e h wymwfllmp a goldenham The Exchcqucr-hi llmrtet has for some dqa beenina state ol confnaiondifi cnlt to desa ibe . No one has dared

pu e hu e the se w cmifiea kfl thqshoold pmn wme d thme ahstncte d by the fugifive It has

ahe sdy heenascertnined that bi lh and othermrfitie s of this de scription, to the amountof manythonnndamafloah some of whk h hsn paned to vafions pams by k xdfide sale ; othe rs , whichhsn he enpledged w nm the ir valqith rnonie d honses . The Lowdow u/c dnoahhbnhas issueds nodmwhh the nnmha s d theh hiflg and waming all pemmfiompmhas ing them Thisconne has he enlonowed by a npresentative of hi r exSh erifl

Parkins. A unfi ummo has alsopoued a papa ondnswck z schmgammmdng thatChilhnBonds w the amoumOfmm than

Colombianto the srnonntof £ 1 0,000 ; Mexicanto the amountof £4000 ; and B1-az i l ianto the amount 01’ which we re inthe hands of Messrs. Remington, Stephenson, and Company,mnmb rtheomm&uponthe nqnu tmde ior themfl the h bnnhingh ome ; that th ey are the

“ Undermh a state of thingsmeople knownothow to ect. fl e w ual security attendingpropertyse ems lost. It is said that the h w wi ll jmtify the poss e ssionof all mh Exchequer—hills as have

be enobtained by b nl j l e psmhase— eventhongh the se lle r of mch aoquire d themby fraud— hutthatwha e they have he enonlypld gd , thongh mthe h entire valne , theymnst he de livered up tothe ir original owne ra The re amhowe ve r, other ease s of amore ahstmse nature springing fromthecondoct oe . Stephenson, and which wi ll call for all the leaming of ourLawyers to de cide . Amongthe s e is the fonow ing z— A gendemankeeping w h atthe house was applied to bySte phensonto lertdhimhis procnissorynote for£8000 00 some pretence or othen The reque stwas complied with onthe mnrance that it shoold be provided for whendne ; and Stephenson, exhih iting the note to h ispanners a the resnh d a b nl fidemnsacfionof hmine ss betw e enthan, obtained that sumfor hi sownprivate account. Atthe pe siod whenthe note had arrive d atmaturity, Stephens0nassure d thegentlemanwho acoommodated h imw ith the loanof inthnt ithad beencance lled inthe regular form,nd he the refore thonghtnomore about it. Itnowmrns ontthatthi s note is sti ll inexistence , andthatStephenm afi er availing h imse lf of ittor its first snd regnlar usqhu depos ite d itwith a th ird

party as secnrity ior a hrither adme e ot’

rnoney. This party applie s to the original grante r ot‘



Remingtonand Co.

note for payment, w hich i s re s is te d ontwo grounds ,— first, be caus e he had the assurance of Stephensonthat i t was paid and ne xt, be cause i t is de eme d i rre gular to take a note of hand w hich is ove rdue as

a se curi ty for the payment ofmone y.This knotty point th e law ye rs w e he ar w i l l soon be cal le d uponto de cide . Infine , the re is no

saying whe re th e unfortunate conse quence s of th is afi'

air w i l l end . I t tends to cre ate d is trus t w he reconfidence forme rly e xis ted

,and tomake e ve ry man suspe ct h i s ne ighbour. The case of Fauntle roy

i s gene ral ly al low e d notto have be enne ar so fatal to publ ic cre di t as this de l inquency of Stephenson’


i s l ike ly to prove .

Conj e cture is busy as to what th e fugit i ve could have done wi th th e immense sum, e xce e dingw hich i t turns outh e has pi llaged. Though ane xpens ive man inh i s habits, ke eping two

or thre e e s tabl ishments , yet the re was no such e xce ss vis ible about h imas to e xce e d 8 or

per annum. This incours e cannot account for55 I t has be ens aid that h e gambled , but

h e ne ve r d iscove re d to h is intimate s th e le as t incl inat ion towards that vice . I t i s notbe l ie ve d thath e has takenmore than w i th h im, i f somuch .

“ M r. Row land Step/zenson i s the se cond sonof the late j olmStephenson, Esq. , of Gre at Ormonds tre e t, Que en-square , who was th e cous inof Row land Steplzeflson, Esq. , th e e lde r, th e original of th efirmof and Step/zmson, who subse quently introduce d into i t h i s cous in, th e above -name d JohnStephenson, Esq. , at w hos e d e ath h i s son, th e pre sent M r. Row land Stephenson, succe e de d to th e

partne rsh ip. H e marrie d h i s cous in, the e lde s t daughte r of Edward Stephenson, Esq. , of Farle y-h ill ,B e rkshire

,and of Que en-square , Bloomsbury, only son of th e original Row land Stephenson, Esq. ,

by w homh e has e zg/zt and i s now a w idow e r. H i s age i s about 50 ; though i t i s notimprobable that the re maynot e xis t any authent ic re cord of h i s b irth , he having be enbornatse a, in

th e Strai ts of Dove r. Oi hi s ch ildrenone son, th e e lde s t, w as inthe Banking-house two othe rs areinIndia and one i s inone of the Gove rnment publ ic-ofii ce s .

M r. Steph ensonappe are d inprivate to be of a ve ry gloomy unce rtaintempe rament. H e w ouldincompany s itfor a length of time w i thout spe ak ing, and would then suddenly bre ak out intome rriment, notcalle d for by anyth ing pe cul iar inth e conve rsat ion. Infine , h e had, inprivate socie ty, thatabs tracte d appe arance which one would e xpe ct to s e e inamanw homus t have passe d e ve ry hour, forbygone years , inagoni zing appre hens ionof w hat the ne xt migh t by pos s ib i l i ty produce .

Reygate , Johnd e ,Goldsmi th , ci rca 1 29 1 , of the parish of St. Pe te r d e Brade strate . H e le ft prov i s i on for the

maintenance of a lamp inthe said church of St. Pe te r de Brade strate .

Reygate , R ich ard l e ,Goldsmi th

,ci rca 1 302 .

Reynold s , John,Goldsmi th, 1 542—55, of th e parish of St. Mary Woolnoth .

Robarts , Lubbock , and Co.

Th e bus ine ss of th is w e l l-known bank ing-house was s tarte d at 1 1 , Mans ion-hous e S tre e t, on

Feb ruary 5, 1 772 , by Sir Will iamLemon, Bul le r, Furley, Lubbock, and Co. ,w hich was the s tyle of

th e firmunt i l 1 776, wh enM r. Bull e r re t ire d .

I t w as thenLemon, Futl e y, Lubbock , and Co. In

1 785anothe r change took place : Sir Wil l iamLemon’s name droppe d out of the firm, and the ybrought inM r. Bosanque t as one of th e junior partne rs,— th e s tyle be ing Furle y, Lubbock, Bosanque t,and Co. During the same ye ar th e name of Fors te r appe ars as head partne r inplace of Furle y th e

s tyle of th e firm thus be coming Fors te r, Lubbock, Bosanque t, and Co“ In 1 785 i t w as Fors te r,Lubbock , Bosanque t, and Co. and in1 800 th e Bosanquets re t ire d fromth e as sociat ion,— M r. Samue l



, and Co.— conti lzuea'.

wh ich came th e choice clare ts . H e came to Londonto e s tabl ish a famous eat ing-house , and set

up h is fath e r’

s he ad as a s ign, w h ich i s ment ione d by D ryden, Sw ift, and D e foe , l ike w is e Eve lyn, whos tate s that

, in1 694, th e Royal Socie ty dine d atPuntack’

s as usual . H e also de scribe s h imas havings tudie d w e l l inphilosophy, butch i eflyth e Rabb ins , and was e xce e dingly add icte d to cabal is t ic fanc ie s ,ane xte rnal hablador (romance r) and half d is tracte d by re ading abundance of the e xtravagant Eas te rnJe w s . H e spake all language s , was ve ry riéh



a handsome pe rson, and w as w e l l bre d,about

forty—five years of age . I think I may truly say of h im,w h ich w as not so truly said of St. Paul, that

much le arning hadmade h immad .

”Sw ift, inh i s le tte rs to Ste lla, ,

says that the w ine w as charge ds e venshill ings a flask are not the se pre tty rates P Be foi

fe Pontack had th e house , i t was known

by the s ignof th e White Be ar . Th e premise s now formpart of Me ssrs . Robarts’

bank .

Lubbock’s old house inMans ion-house Stre e t was a portionof S ir MartinBow e s’ be que st to th eGoldsmi ths ’ Company , and w as le as e d of them.

The firmnow cons is ts of th e fol low ing partne rsTh e Right H on. Sir johnLubbock, Bart, M .P.

A brahamJohnRobarts .

Wil liamCottonCurtis.Henry Jame s Lubbock.Be aumont Wil liamLubbock .

Ce ci l Chapl in.

Thomas Edward Robarts.JohnBirkbe ck Lubbock.Ge orge CottonCurt is .

Rob e rts,W i ll i am,

Goldsmith, atth e Thre e Black Lyons, ne ar Palsgrave He ad Court, w ithout Templ e Bar, cz'mz 1 707.

Rob inson,G e orge ,

Banke r and broke r of Lombard Stre e t. Th e only t ime I have met w i th h is name w as inth e

LondonGaz et/e of Novembe r 1 , 1 73 1 , w henh e was de clare d a bankrupt.

Rob inson, R i ch ard .

FtornRading I take th e anne xe d passageIn 1 577 the ofi


ence s of counte rfe i t ing and diminishing th e coins s t il l continue d to be pract is ed,notw i ths tand ing the pre caut ions which had be en takento -

pre vent them; for inthis ye ar R ichardRob inson, goldsmith , was drawnfromthe Tow e r of Londonto Tybome , and the re hange d , for cl ippingof gold .

Robyns , R i ch ard,Goldsmi th

,1 567

—77, of th e parish of St. Mary Woolnoth . H e was burie d inthat church in1 577 .


e y, N e al e,and C o.

,1 759

70 . (Se e NBALE. )

Roge rs and Co.,1 799

- 1 855. (Se e OLmNG . )

Roge rs , Ri ch ard ,Goldsmi th, circa x580, of St. Mary Woolnoth .

Roge rs , R i ch ard ,


Goldsmith, circa 1 602, of St. Edmund , Lombard Stre e t. In that ye ar he was Comptrol le r of th e


aoc— a'


Andrew , HoIbom.


Roked ey, 01 0¢0f7 do,Gousmith hi the te ignof fidward l . H e was ch ie f AssnyMaster ot

aflthe K ing'

s M ints thtongh

out England. and Ke eper of d1e K ing'

s Exdmnge at Londomand was e ighttime s Mayot, 1 .e . co11

tmnous ly fmm1 3 75 to snd in 1 1 85. H e lived inMflk Sqeeg ina house be ltmging to thc

Priory of Lewes ,’

111 Sussex, whereot’

he m tenant atw ill. paying twentyah illings by the ye ar, w ithoutother chargu . Such were the rents ot


thme time s . H e was btui ed inChrist’s Church, Newgate

Rolfe , Wll11un,Goldsmi th, of Lombard Stre et, 1604- 47 . H is name appeare d in 1 640 in the l is t of those

h habiunb d h ngbmune W'

srd who wu e able mmtdbuw we fi smg a lmnd £am,ow

for the nse o‘Chatles I.

Roux , Peter Le ,Goldsmith, c

'm 1 678, of St. hh rtin-in-the -Fid ds .

As itwas somctime s spe lt) was a goldsmith. Hi s name appmnu w lyas tminthc ledgers ofAldermanBackwe ll, w i th whomhe keptanacconnt.H e m one ol tboae goldsmiths who had money inthe Excheque r when it was cloeed by

Clnrle s I I. onJanuary 3 , 1 67 1 . The amounthe lostby that royal proce e ding was 1 71 . M ,

Iocwbich he had 6 per cent . interestpaid him, amountingto £ 1056 191 . per annum. Inthe “ LittleIJondonDireetory

”of 1677 the name s of Rowe and Green. ke epingmnning-a she s atth e ce orge ,


hi a bard SM lcad m w mppose that he m not cndmlymine d by the clos ing of the

Exche quer. " so many othe rs w e te . But be sppeujs to have had some litigatiomas the t’ollow ingextracts will show .

In the Public Record Office we have acce ss to some information respecting him. Unde rExchequer Speci al Commission. No. 63 1 5, 36 Charle s I I. 1 683 a wri t is is sue d to johnPhi lippa and othe ra dife cting themto inqnire into certainmatters as set out ina decre e of the

Coonof Exchequer.made onThursday, February to, 1 683, which reci te s that Michae l C lipsham,

merchant, had e xhib i ted his bill against Thomas Row ,Thomas Gre enqand Nathanie l Stone , said

bill setting fo rth that he was ame tchanttrad ing inwine s and othe r th ings which pay customs, andthat he had “

se verall times money by h imonpurpose to leave at some Goldesmithe '

s ready forddmying such charges.

"H e had de alt wi th the de fendant Row , and about March 3 3, 1 669, the y

had come to anaccount, and re lease d one another. The complainant owe d Row about £350.

Row alterwards took Gw eninto partnership, and the plaintiff confinued deal ing w ith them. A boutNovembe r last he demande d a sta tement of account, but could notobta inthe same . Uponh isrequiring s mmotmoneyd he de fendnnts advanced itto himonhis making over to tbemhis intcxe st

The compls insntpnye d re liefimd thatthe de fendmtsmighteome to a fair acooumw ith him.

The de fendants appeare d, and answ e red. AnOrdot of Court onNovembe r 2 directe d thatStone 's name shonld be tahcnontof the listof tle fendanmto enable h imto be examine d as a w ime ssIot the plaintifl

; and onthe satne day the whole matte r was re fcrred to Anditor Phi llipps. Intheintmogatorie s onbe half ol

the plaintifl, Row , Gre en, and Stone are de scribed as“of London,

Goldsmitha ”

Again, under Excheque t Spe cial Commission, No. 6697, 1 111 Jame s I I ., whena furthe r e xaminaNot 19, Lmh M Stmh h w w h the ompafimd the t nim Ofli ce .


[R0W— SA 1

Row e, Th omas , (or R0W )— contz


7med .

t ionof w i tne s se s took place , one of the inte rrogatorie s onbe hal f of th e plainti fi‘

was : H ow did you

d ischarge th e cre d it givenyou, by re ady mone y, or by note onany or w hat Goldsmi th Amongth e depos it ions onth e part of th e plaint iff w e have that of Chris tophe r Harrison, of London,me rchant;complainant

s s e rvant w ho know s Row as ke eping par t of th e account be twi xt them[Row and Clipsham], and re ce iving and paying s e ve ral sumand sums of mone y for account of th e s ai d plaint iff .Michae l Pre scott, of London

,disti l le r, l ike w ise depose s that inJanuary, 1 670, h e bought a parce l

of brandy of Michae l Clipsham,and that inFe bruary h e gave C lipsham

s man “a note ona gol d

smi th for£6o -“ hébe l i e ve s onM r. Thomas Row .

Two of the de fendants ’ inte rrogator ie s ran: We re you a s e rvant, book-ke e pe r , e tc for any of th e

de fendants, or for one John A ddis

,Goldsmi th in Lumbard-stre ete and h is partne rs

”P And

What sums ofmone y did th e de fendants pay to th e said “ A dd is and Company inAugus t, 1 678 P

H e may probably have s tr uggl e d on for a fe w ye ars , but w e find that h e did fail, as inth e

London Gaze lz‘e of Octobe r 9, 1 690, the re i s anadve rtisement of a d ividend inh i s e s tate to be paid .

And againonM ay 25, 1 704, occurs th e fol low ingnotice The cre di tors of Thomas Row e , late ofLondon, goldsmi th, de ce as ed, w ho claimt i tle to any part of th e old Exche que r de bt due to th e saidThomas Row e in th e ye ar 1 677, fromth e late King Charle s th e Se cond and for wh ich h e se t tle da pe rpe tual inte re s t onthe h e rid itary e xcis e , are de s i re d to me e t toge the r onThursday th e 29th day

of June ne xt atLaurence ’s Coffe e hous e inFre eman’s Court, Cornhill , London, at4 inth e afte rnoon,th e re to cons ide r and agre e upon some prope r me thods to be use d for obtaining the i r right. Th e

Cre di tors are de s i re d to b ring w i th th emall such w ri t ings as the y have to make out the i r claim.

Th e partne rs w e re Thomas Row e , Thomas Gre en, and Nathanie l Stone .

Row land,John,

Goldsmith and banke r, of Lombard Stre e t. H i s name first occurs inth e Little LondonD ire c

tory of 1 677 , inth e l is t ofme rchants , h i s addre ss thenbe ing inWinche s te r Stre e t. H e subse quentlymove d to Lombard Stre e t, w he re h e ce rtainly was in1 682 . H e i s repute d to have made a cons ide r

able fortune , and re t ire d into the count ry be fore the clos e of that century. H e became High She r iffinCarnarvonshire , and was a large lande d proprie tor. H e marrie d a daughte r of SirRobe rt Ow en, ofthe Porkingtonfamily, and die d 1 704.

Royal Bri ti sh Bank ,1 6, Tokenhous e Yard . This joint-s tock bank w as e stabl ishe d in 1 851 , w i th branche s at 429,

Strand,We s tmins te r Bridge Road, and 9


7, C osw e ll Road ,In 1 856 the y opene d more branche s and

s toppe d payment, ove rwhe lmingmany hundre ds of fami l ie s inruin.

Rus , W i ll i am,

Goldsmi th , was She rifl'

in 1 429. H e gave the s ix th he l l to St. Michae l’s , Cornhill , w h ich afte rh imwas cal le d Rus .

" I t rang nightly ate ight o’

clock. H e was a Mas te r of th e Mint.

Rus l in, JohnGoldsmith , 1 690— 1 709, atth e Golden,Cup, inSt. Swe e t ings (St. Sw i th in

s) Lane , Lombard Stre e t.

Ryve s , Rob e rt,

Goldsmith , of London, ke eping running-

cashe s , had th e sumof 1 6,368 41 . 4d. inth e Exche que r

w heni t was close d in 1 672 .

St. A lban, N i ch olas d e ,Goldsmi th , a


raz 1 259.


Sapte , M uspratt, and CO.

— coul z°mzed .

the D i re ctory for the follow ing ye ar show s that th e firmcons is te d of Ve re s , Smart, Baron, Hawkins ,and Turnbul l . In 1 8 1 4 the name of Turnbul l had d isappe are d, othe rw ise th e firmw as unchange d .

In 1 8 1 8 i t w as Ve re s, Baron, and Haw kins and in 1 824 i t be came Ve re s , Ward , and Co. That

s tyle cont inue d for tenye ars but in1 834 i t s tood as Ve re , Sapte , Banbury, and Co. In 1 838 M r.

M u5pratt’s name appeare d as a partne r. Th e D i re ctory of 1 844 e xhib its furthe r change ; M r. Ve re ,

th e h ead of th e firmformany ye ars , ce as ing to be conne cte d w ith it, and th e s tyle be coming Sapte ,Banbury

,Muspratt, and Co. In1 856 i t w as Sapte , Muspratt, Banbury, N ix , and Co.

,w h ich con

t inne d to be th e de s ignat ionunt il th e amalgamat iontook place in4 859 be tw e enth is firmand that of

Me ssrs . Ful le rs and Co., of Moorgate Stre e t, unde r th e s tyle of Ful le r, Banbury , N ix, and Math ie son.

Sayre , C oote , Purdon, and Co. ,

1 60, Oxford Stre e t, 1 774.

Scott,Humph re y,

Goldsmi th, 1 59g, of St. JohnZachary .

Scott (Sir Samu e l , Bart. ) and Co.Sir Claude Scot t i s said to have be gunl ife ina ve ry smal l way. By gre at appl icat ionand indus try,

how e ve r, h e gradual ly be came a w e althy me rchant, w as cre ate d a barone t, and inh is late r ye arsbe came a banke r. I t w as in 1 824 or 1 825 that h e . s tarte d the bus ine ss now so w e l l known and

fortunate ly i t de r ive d a gre at impe tus fromth e fact of h i s be ing abl e to s ecure a cons ide rable remnantof Marsh , Sibbald , and Co.

’s conne xion, afte r th e e xe cut ion of Fauntle roy. The y commence d

bus ine ss atHol le s Stre e t, Cavendish Square , and inthe fol low ing ye ar the y took th e premis e s th e ynow occupy, No. 1 , Cavendish Square . In 1 827 M r. JohnVill ie rs D ent

,forme rly a junior cle rk at

Child’s , jo ine d th e firm, when th e s tyle of i t be came Sir Claude Scott, Bart, D ent, and Co. Sir

Claude Scott and Co. cont inue d to be th e s tyle unt i l 1 847 , th e firmcons is t ing of Sir Samue l Scot t ,Bart

,C laude Edward Scott

,and Samue l Scot t. A fte r that date i t was s tyle d Sir Samue l Scott and

Co. , and th e de s ignat ionhas be enmaintaine d to th e pre sent day.

I t now cons is ts of th e fol low ing partne rsLady Scott .H i s Grace th e Duke of Fife , K .T .

Horace Farquhar.Francis


Hoare .

Scrimpsh aw , M i ch ae l (or Scrimpsh ire , or Skrimsh ire ),Was a goldsmith at th e GoldenLyon, inFle e t Stre e t. We find h i s name inth e LondonGaze l le

of Fe bruary 1 8,1 674, inanadve rtis ement for a s ilve r inkhornbe aring th e arms of th e Earl of Eus ton,

w hich was to be brought to h im. OnMarch 4 in th e same ye ar h e offe re d £ 20 re ward for th eappre hens ionof th e th ie f w ho s tole a large quanti ty

of s i lve r plate fromSir Thomas Wolstenholme ’s ,or fornot ice

,of any one offe ring any portionof th e same for pawnor sale . Many of th e adve rtis e

ments that appeare d inth e LondonGaz efle at this pe riod w e re ve ry quaint. Whenart icle s w e re los t,or e venw hens e rvants ranaw ay, th e re ward w as usual ly notifi e d to be paid by th e goldsmi th . Th e

fol low ing i s date d Octobe r 2, 1 676 One JohnRuddock , age d about 26, w i th brownflaggy hai r,le an, s lende r, and ofmiddle s ize , d id onMonday th e 2nd Ins tant, Steal outof th e s e at of h i s mas te rscoach (as i t s topt inSouthampton Bui ld ings) -one bag

of mone y of £ 1 00,anothe r of £50, and

anothe r of 24. H e thenhad ona Live ry of Cloth blood colour, th e coat th ick lac’d w i th ye l low ishand black . Whoe ve r can s e i ze h imand give not ice th e reof to M r. Skrimsh ire a goldsmith, at theGoldenLyon, inFle e t Stre e t, shal l have 255Re ward.


s name appe ars inth e“ Li ttle LondonD ire ctory ” of 1 677 as a goldsmith ke eping


running-a sheg and the Lamb Gasd k ot‘

January 30, 1 689, announces a mee ting of h is cre d itors .

Two others were announce d inNovember, 1 697, and May, 1 70 1 .

Sennour, Jame l (also spe ltSeama and Seymonr),Was a goldsmith , betwe en1 699 and 1 734, at the Flow er de Luoe , corner of M it1

-e Court inFle et

Swe et. hh ny advettisements appeared inthe lmdonpapa s abont 1 7os. stafing thathe re ce ivedsnhsa ipdons tos the florse kaoe onhlamw b owna atGoildford. Thgee plate s w e re to be mnfor,and, ” anadd itional ataactiomeock-fighting was to continue fmr the whole w ee k. InNovember,1 7 1 4, he adve 1t1sed fos a boxot

plate thatwas stolenfroma waggonbetweenEpsomand London.

sdmfise d the nle d two fte ehd d w inSahsbury Comfle etSue et

Goldsmith, 1 6 1 2—19, of the patish of St. Mary Woolnoth.

Goldsmith, a'm 1598, cf St. Matthe w , Friday Stre e t.

“ Bartholomew ,

Goldsmith , who, be ing also by trade ngold -beate r, was usual ly knownas“ Bartholomew Gold

beta .

In1 4aa he was made King's Exd tanger. H e d1ed 1n1 43o.

Goldsmith, 1 66o-98. ol ho1nba1d 811 e et. It is reoorded by Mr. Chafie rs that a personof thisname presented the Goldsmiths ‘ Commny w ith a silve r saltw ith a erystal cylinde 1 ; buthe did notknow his addrees. H e died in1 698, and was bu ied inthe ehnrch of 81. MaryWoolnoth.

Goldsmith, and Engram'

to the Mint in1 461 , ata salary of £1 0 pe r annum; She riff in1 474 ;Warden ot the Goldsmith! Company in 1 474 ; and Mayor in 1 483 . At the coronation ot

Richard IIL. which took plaee inhis mayonlty, he attended as cupbes rerwith greatpomp, whenhisd aimwas admitted and placed uponre cord. H e ws; goldsmith to this king and sold h imse ve ral

pie ce s of plate . Ath is decease he appointe d by h is te stament (write s Stow) h is executors, w i th th ecostof four hundre dmarks, and the stufl


of th e old gate , called Cripplegate , to bui ld the same gateot


new , wh ich was puformed and done inthe year 1 491 . H e also orde re d s ixte en rings of gold tobe givento his friends By his w i ll. date d March 11 0, 1 487, accord ing to He rbe rt’s “ His tory oi



Twe lve Osent Livery Compani e s,” he directed hi s executors to purchase and convey to the Go ldsmiths ’ Company sufficientproperty where outtheymigh t pay anannualquit~ 1 entof £ 1 7 ; 01 which

£ 1 o should be paid to supporta pri est“cunning ingrammar, and able to teach it,

”inthe parish ot

Stopford (Stockport), inth e county of Che s te r ; and the remaining£7 be appl ied to ce rtainsupe rstitioas m And he furthe r directed thatthe same prie stshould kee p a grammar school.

Bhaa (01 Sh aw ), 311 John,Goldsmith, of Wood Swe et, Cheaps ide ; Engraverto the M int in1 483 ; Wa1denof the Go ldsmiths ’

Company 1 492-7 ; Mayor 1 501 , in wh ich year he was knighte d onthe fi e ld of Bos worth by

Henry VII. I t is also recorde d thatthe first Lord Mayor’s fa st inthe pre sent Gui ld hal l was given

by him. Sw w writes that be appointe d by his te s tament the church and ste e ple of St. Pe te r theA postle , Wood Stre et, to be new ly buil t of h is goods, w ith a flat roof ; notwi ths tand ing, ThomasWood, goldsmith, one ot

the Sheriffs 1 49 1 , is accounte d principal be ne factor, be cause the roof ofthe middle ais le is supported by image s of woodmen. S ir JohnShaw die d 1 508.

1 50 LONDON BA N KERS. [51 111 — 511 15

Sh ak l eton, W i ll i am,

Goldsmith,1 578, of th e parish of St. Mary Woolchurch H aw .

Sh al e s and Smith inWe re gold smi ths ke e ping running-cashe s , and had both be enapprent ice s or s e rvants to A lde rman

Charle s Duncombe . Frome vidence at command the y s igne d for h imin1 684. UponDuncombe’


giving up h i s bus ine ss the y appe ar to have s tarte d for thems e lve s as goldsmi ths , at th e Unicorn, inLombard Stre e t . Charle s Shale s was a party to a d e e d of sale and bargain inwh ich h e and othe rs

purchas e d th e lease of th e premis e s knownas -the Unicorn,inLombard Stre e t, late ly inth e posse s s ion

of Henry Lambe and forme rly of Edward Backw e l l . The ne xt t ime w e find h imment ione d i s inthePublic Re cord Othe e (amongs t th e Exche que r Bi l ls and Answ e rs, Wil l iam II I . , London and

Middle se x ,”N o. 55 Apri l 28, 1 694. The fol low ing i s a short abs tract. Th e Complaint of Charle s

Shale s of London, Goldsmi th , s tate s that R ichard Kent, late of London, de ce ase d , in 1 687 and 1 688,

had d e al ings w i th h imabout th e paying and re ce iving mone y for the said Kent. Kent d e s i re d h imto pay to Robe rt Chambe rlayne of London, M e rchant, and to Charle s Danve rs of D e vize s , a sumof

mone y. This h e (Shale s) did .

M r. K ent came to your orator’5 house mLombard Stre e t mLondon, and le ft a bond w i th h im.

Int e re s t w as charge d atth e rate of 6 pe r cent . pe r annum. Kent d ie d about 1 690 .

The answ e r of Chambe rlayne re fe rs to Shale s as a Banke r and Ke e pe r of cash and re adymone yof y

esaid M r. Kent 5 w h ile that of Charle s Danve rs depos e s that h e (Danve rs) re ce ive d mone y att

a goldsmi th’s shoppe inExchange A l le y ne ar th e Royal Exchange .

I t would be inte re s ting to know w he th e r th is said R ichard Kent w as th e partne r of Duncombe ,as so l i ttle canbe asce rtaine d conce rning h im. In1 7 1 5w e find that Shale s had a new partne r, andthat Shale s and Bowdle r w e re thenatth e Vine , inLombard Stre e t. The y w e re goldsmiths to Que enAnne and Ge orge I. and I I .

Th e D i re ctory of 1 736 show s us that one Thomas Bow dle r remaine d butnothing furthe r can

be trace d of h im. This Thomas Bow dle r w i tne ss e d th e s ignature of A lde rmanBackw e l l at the

Exche que r, in1 677— 8

,w henbe ass igne d h is de bts .

Sh arpe and Sons,

We re e s tablishe d inWe s t Smithfie ld as banke rs about“

1 8 1 0. The y fai le d e arly inth e ye ar 1 825.

Uponthat e vent M r. Hill, w ho had be enthe i rmanage r, imme diate ly setup for hims e l f.

Sh e l d en, R i ch ard ,Was a goldsmi th occupying th e s ignof th e Re d Cross, inLombard Stre e t, in1 680.

Sh e l l e y, Ph i l ip,Goldsmith, die d in 1 603 , and b e que athe d mone y to the Goldsmi ths ’ Company, also to th e poor

of h i s parish , that of St. JohnZachary .

Sh eppard , W i l l i am,

A goldsmith, atth e Ange l , inLombard Stre e t, and ke eping running-cashe s in1 690 . We asce rtainfromth e Ve s try-books of St. Edmund King and Martyr that in 1 690 Will iamShe ppard, goldsmi th,occupie d


th e first house w e s tw ards of a vo id space infront of th e church, w h ich had a frontage in

Lombard Stre e t of 3 fe e t 3 inche s , w i th 3 fe e t 1 inch backwards and 2 1 fe e t de ep. Fromthis fact,the re fore , w e may as sume that th is house was knownby th e s ignof the Ange l .

H e w as authorize d by th e Tre asury inApril, 1 694, toge the r w i th s e ve ral le ading goldsmi ths, tore ce ive conti i butions inh i s shop for the rais ing of £ 1

,000,000 s te rl ing upon the duty onsal t and on

the new rate s of e xcis e . In 1 696 h e took into partnersh ip Joseph Bragg, w ho had be encle rk to SirJohnSw e e taple of Lorii bard Stre e t, the firmthenbecoming Sheppard and Bragge . I t 15 re corde d m

52 L ONDON BA N K ERS. [s1c —s 1~1 1

Si ck l emoreWent away fromh i s Mas te r th e 1 9th pas t, Edmund Sicklemore , age d 1 6, middle s tature

,fre sh

colou r,light brown hai r, a l i ttle curl

d,talks quick, w i th a Drabdube rry coloure d cloth Coat and

Bre e che s . Whoe ve r give s not ice of h imto M r.‘

Tho. Smi th , dis t il le r, atth e Pe asant and Bottle b e hindthe Compte r in Southwark, or to M r. Sicklemore , Goldsmi th , at the Star, on St. Margare t’s Hill,Southw ark , shall have £50 Re ward and charge s or i f he w i l l re turnto any of h i s Re lat ions, h e shal lbe k indly Re ce ive d .

Si k e s , Snai th and Co . ,1 790 (Se e BOLD ERO. )

Simps on, F abyan,Goldsmith

,ci rca 1 60 1

, of St. Mary WooInoth .

Simpson, Th omas ,Goldsmi th, 1 61 5, of St. Mary Woolnoth .

Smith ,A brah am,

Goldsmi th, 1 642—

55, of Sr. . Mary Woolnoth.

Smith , Be van, and“

C o.,1 7 7 1 . (Se e BARCLAY . )

Smith ,D avi d , 1 7 1 3 ,

Goldsmi th , inSmithfi e ld Bars .

Smith and Holt,1 8 1 8. (Se e

Smith ,Jame s

,1 7 1 0 ,

Goldsmi th, inLombard Stre e t.

Smith ,Jame s

,1 73 1 ,

Goldsmi th, atth e H enand Chickens , inToole y Stre e t,Southwark .

Smith , John, 1 696,Goldsmi th

,atth e GoldenCock, ne ar Norfolk Stre e t, Strand .

Smith , Jos eph , and C o .

,1 799. (Se e DREWETT. )

Smith (N i ch olas ) and Potte r, 1 683 ,A tth e Phoenix

,inLombard Stre e t .

Smith,Payne , and Smith s .

Th is banking firmi s first found inth e LondonD i re ctory in th e ye ar 1 759, wh enits s tyl e wasSmi th and Payne , carrying onthe i r bus ine ss ne ar ColemanStre e t, Lothbury . The same authorityshow s us that in 1 766 the y had remove d t6 1 8

,Lombard Stre e t

,a house known by th e s ignof th e

Hare .

This large bus ine ss originate d inNott ingham,ne arly one hundre d ye ars be fore the y e s tabl ishe d

the bank inLondon .

I am inde bte d to M r. F . C . Smith , a partne r in the bank at Nott ingham,for th e fol low ing

informat ionJohn Smith, of Crossw e l l Butle r, Not ts , a smal l farme r, d ie d in 1 64 1 . H is sonThomas was

511 1] L ONDON BANKERS. 1 53

apprenticed to ameme : inNottinghcm, and in1 653 houghtthe shopwhere he carried onh is business(ormay ym Itwu this Thomas Smith whomdually added the new bus inemot


banking to thatofme re e r ; md fiomdomments inposmsionof the NottinghamBank w e conclude that some timebe fore tmthe bmkm tai dy establishe d. At his death jin1 699 he was sncce eded inthe hank byhie e ide etm Thomg whom innu l figh Shu i fi of l e ice stmhirg hafingmns idemble pmpenyinfintconnty. This u cond 1

homas di ed in 1 71 7, and h ia hahnce the et thenprepu ed shows a

mM mhle businmwith the genfly d the eM and mmhmfl ot owmH is brothenSamtte lmd A be lmcce eded him; md itwu thgm of this Ahe l who founded the

hank ol Smith and Payne inconjunctioo w ith M1 . ]ohnPayne . This se cond A be l also founded the

Hufland LincoinBanh . H e m m fi PJ or difl'

a ent boroughs md the fi ther of Ge orge hflenwmds SirGeocge ) Smith. and the firstLord Catingtoo.

The NottingbemBank is the olda t exi sting coanty hank inEngbnd.ln1 71 3 Mm 8mth and e mokmaddifioml W Hwhenthe fimbeame Snfith Payne ,

and Smith. Int778 they wef e loa te d in6 e otge 811 e egmnsionflonse ; and in1 785 th e London

Dheau y dh cknu me hrmu eu ifi sdng d Smt aynqhh md Payne . Ia u Smith, Payne ,and Stmth we re at Mannow home Ph ce ; and m1 83o the y t

0und a local hab1tat1on1nNo.

bani she eQwhe re d iey sti ll are. Th e tiyle of the firmcontinue s to be Smitlt Payne , and Smi ths ,

Firstappu t inthe lb ndonDirectory in1 776 u bocupying 1 2, Aldennanbury. 1 11 1 794 the s tyleand inthe w ollow ing they removed to

73, Lomhu d 8tte et, whe 1 e they remamed unti l 1 800, whenthe y probably u'ens ferred th e ir busineu

to a que tand whomwe find inoccnpationotthe pwmisa inwm.

Bmith , Wright. and Co.,

1 1 , lnmbard Stre et. The bus iness ol this firmwas es tabl ishe d about the year 1 758 byBland,Gny, and Stephemoo, at the Time nogg inLombard Stre et. Inthe “ Royal Annual Kalendar


of 1 765. however. the ir house is calle d the GoldenBe ll. 111 1 761 1111 . Stephenson1mthe firm,

ptobably to joinBanon and Boggart informing 11 new one about this time (se e Ranmcrox). In1 763 the style beume Smith, Wrigh t, and Gray. In1 770 the ir house was numbe re d 55, and in1 774theymove d to the Anchor and Crown, 3 1 Lombard Stre e t, where they continued unti l the y amalgapmate d with Badai le and C01 in1 791 .

The follow ing cations s tory, il lustrating the danger: banke u’walkd erks were expose d to inthose

danu extncted fromthe W i s flagmhe ofnso .

AbrahamDamion! and Wi ll' I New tonwere ex‘ be fore themagistrate atGuildhal l, be ing charge dbyW

' Warts , cle rk tqSmith , Wright , and Gray, Bankers, wi th fobbing and attempt ing to murde rh im. I t appeared one xaminationthat one of the menhad lodge d anaccepte d bill atth e bank inghoon to be te ce

‘whendne , and the 111011t be remi tte d into the w untry according to direction.

As this pretented hill was directed to an empty house md had oevenl days tomnfi he vi llains intheme ant ime appl ie d to the pe rsons who had the le tt ing oi


the house , to take it, had takenit, and gotthe key, unde t the pre tence of ge tting th e house cle ane d The landlord , be ingmade acquainte d w ith


Smi th , Wrigh t, and Co.

th e has te h i s new tenants w e re into take pos se ss ion, and not ve ry w e ll l ik ing the ir de scription,de s ire d the mis tre ss of the Publ ic house onthe oppos i te s ide of the way to have an eye to the i r

proce e dings . A ccordingly,uponth e day w henth e bill be came due , she obs e rve d twomenente r th e

house and openthe parlour w indow s, and pre sently afte r a thi rd mancame and knocke d atth e door,was let i h , and the door shut. A t tend ing to se e th e e vent, sh e thought she he ard anuncommonnoise , and s tepping ove r the way, and l is tening, w as s truck w i th th e sound of Murde r ’ pronounce d ina

hoarse faint voice , succe e de d by a k ind of groaning, wCh ve rymuch alarme d h e r ; and, looking through

th e key hole , sh e saw twomendragging the th ird downth e ce l lar-stai rs , onwe llsh e crie d outviolent ly ,

t/zey’re murdering aman

,knocke d hard atth e door, and be gge d pe ople inth e s tre e t to bre ak i t open

butnone w ould int e rfe re . B e ing enrage d at the i r brutal ity, sh e burs t openth e w indow he rs e l f, and

w as ente ring, whenone of the villians opene d the door and was running off, butonth e cry of‘Stop

th ie f ’ h e was ins tantly taken. The othe r she s e i ze d by th e throat he rse l f, and dragge d h imto he r

ownhous e , by wCh this horrid contri vance was brought to l igh t . The y had robbe d th e manof h is

pocke t-book, and had ne arly throt tle d h imto st0p h i s noise , t il l the y had goth iminto th e back ce llar,whe re the y ce rtainly d e s igne d to have murde re d h im, had not the w omanby h e r forti tude provid entially inte rpose d to save h i s l i fe .

Smi th e,Luk e ,

Goldsmith, ci rca 1 580, of St. Mary Woolchurch. H e d ie d 1 604.

Smi th i e s , G e orge ,Goldsmith and A lde rman

,of St. Matthe w ,

Friday Stre e t. H e die d 1 61 5, and w as burie d in

St. Mary Staining church .

Sh agg, R i ch ard .

In 1 68 1 h e was de scribe d as a goldsmi th at th e Unicorn, inLombard Stre e t, forme rly th e houseinwhi ch A lde rmanBackw e l l carrie d on h is bus ine ss . I have re asonto be l ie ve that Sh agg w as oneof h i s apprent ice s . H e ce rtainly had some th ing to do w ith the A lde rman, as e vidence d by anadve r

tisement inthe LondonGazette of June 1 , 1 682, inw hich th e cre ditors of Edward Backw e l l are de s ire d19, - take notice that he has publ ishe d h i s proposals , which would be de l ive re d to th empe rsonal ly, or toanyothe rs w homthe ymay send for them, by M r. R ichard Snagg or by some . othe r pe rson, at M r.

Valentine Duncombe ’s sh0p which the said E. Backw e l l forme rly occupie d . H e appe ars to havele ft th e Unicornsoonafte r th is

,as in 1 683 h e was at the s ignof th e Exchange , and in 1 691 atth e

Flying Horse, both in Lombard Stre e t. H e prospe re d unt i l 1 708, w henw e le arnfromthe London

Gazétfe of M ay 2 7 of that ye ar that a sad calamity had be fal lenh im:“ Whe re as , Robe rt Yate late

of Lombard Stre e t,Goldsmith , has late ly absconde d hims e lf fromR ichard Snagg of Lombard Stre e t,

Goldsmi th, w ith a gre at sumof mone y tak en fromthe cash, and commi tte d othe r indire ct pract ice sand embe z e lments , which occas ione d a s top of th e currency of Payments inth e shop. Th e cre ditorsof the said R ichard Snagg are de s ire d tome e t onThursday the grd June at 1 0. a clock inth e morningatM r. Stracey

s house inGuildhall Yard inorde r to re ce ive proposals for due satisfact ionof all the i rjus t debts .” H e die d in1 7 1 5.

Sne ll , G e orge ,Goldsmith , of Lombard Stre e t, in1 649. H e was one of a commi tte e of goldsmi ths e le cte d and

sw ornby th e“ Commonw e alth to make two

s tandard trial'

pi e ce s for the coins . H e marrie d MaryVyne r, in 1 63 1 , at St. Mary Woolnoth

s . On January 20,1 651 , h e re que ste d th e d ischarge from

d e l inquency of Dr. Sne l l, ofWanne rton, co. Che s te r } H e was one of the unfortunate menw ho hadentrus te d the irmone y to the Exche que r atth e t ime of its clos ing in1 672 . The sumhe lost amounte d

Book of th e Committe e for Advance of M one y; Publ ic Re cord Ofii ce .


Sparrow ,R i ch ard

volume inth e British Mu’

s e um, containing misce l lane ous note s re lating to the affairs of one JohnSande rson, a Turke y me rchant of that day. The re i s a copy of a bond, date d March 4, 1 60g,w he re by two pe rsons , style d “ Thomas H e igh e hamof Be thnal—Gre en inthe county of Middle s e x ,Esquire , and R ichard Sparrow ,

cit izenand goldsmi th of London, engage to pay to Sande rsona sumof mone y onM ay 5 fol low ing, th e payment to be made atth e new shop of JohnMilton, scrivene r,[atth e Spre ad Eagle ,]in Bread Stre e t, London.

” The name “

10. Milton, i s appende d as

that of th e w itne ss inw hos e pre s ence th e bond was seale d and de l ive re d.

Th i s JohnMiltonwas th efathe r of th e poe t. Inthe same volume i s a bi l l of sale , date d A pril

s, 1 603 , whe re by, for th e sumof

£50 re ce ive d fromSand e rson, R ichard Sparrow make s ove r to h ima ce rtainornament of gold se t

w ith a gre at ruby re taining the right to re de emi t by paying to Sande rson 52 1 0s . onOctobe r 3fol low ing, ti e . th e principal w i th 5 pe r cent . of inte re st for the s ix months ’ loan. In this case th e

payment i s to be made atSparrow’

s ownshop inCheaps ide butth e w i tne s s w ho atte s ts th e transact ioni s Pe te r Jone s, s e rvant to JohnMilton, scrivene r.

Spoone r, Attw ood s , and Co .

Starte d as banke rs at40, Fish Stre e t Hill, in 1 80 1 . Th e firmat that t ime cons is te d of Spoone r,A ttwood , and H olmar. Uponre fe rence to th e D ire ctory i t w i ll be s e enthat in1 81 2 the y had move dto 2 7 , Grace church Stre e t. In 1 846 the same authority show s that th e firmcons is te d of Mat th iasA ttwood and JohnTw e l ls , trading unde r th e s tyle of Spoone r, A ttwoods , and Co .

,by which d e s igna

t ioni t cont inue d to be knownunt i l 1 863 , w henth e bi i s ine ss of th e firmw as tak enove r by Me ssrs .Barclay, Be van, Tritton, and Co . ,

who thenbe came Barclay, Be van, Tri tton, Tw e lls , and Co.

Spyce r, Rob e rt,Goldsmi th , 1 538, of th e parish of St. Mary Woolnoth .

Stale y, Ri ch ard ,

Of Covent Garden, 1 677, a gol dsmi th k e eping running-cashe s .

Stal ey, John,Goldsmi th , of Covent Garden, appe ars inth e LondonGaz el le ot

1 679 as a bankrupt. H e was

mos t probably a re lat ionand d e scendant of th e above . In 1 683 , he be ing late ly de ad, some of h is

cre d i tors de s i re that all h i s cre ditors w i l l me e t at th e Rose Tave rn,w i thout Temple Bar, on

We dne sday , th e 6th June ne xt, at th re e of th e clock inthe afte rnoon, to unde rs tand w hat proce e dingshave be enal re ady had uponth e s tatute , and to adv ise what furthe r course to take for th e bene fitof

all h i s cre d itors . In1 704 a not ice of a smal l d iv id end w as announce d .H i s son, WilliamStale y, was e x e cute d for speaking dange rous w ords agains t the l ife of Charle s I I .

Standul f, John,Goldsmith , 1 369.

Stane s , R ich ard d e ,Goldsmi th, ci rca 1 306. H e re s ide d in.th e parish of St. Gile s , Cripple gate . By h is w i l l he l e ft

Emma,h is w ife , shops ina lane calle d Eve rarde sw e lle strate ,

parish of St. Gile s w i thout Crepe lgate ,w i th fountainand gardenadjoining, for l i fe ; remainde r to John d e Stane s , h i s son3 remainde r topious and char itable us e s Cal endar ofWills, Court of Hust ing, London


Stanford, John,Goldsmi th

,mm1 600

, of St. Pe te r, We stche ap.

su — snz] LONDON BA .VKERS. 1 57

Stapl e s and Co. ,1 78 1 . (Se e Dmsnauz. )

Starte d bus ine ss as bankers at 79, Cornhill, in 1 796, having seoeded fromthe firmof Staple s ,Nam AM em M Ca They we re notbe ard of afte r that year, so we may snrmise thatthre esecess ions we re toomnch, and thattbey cense d to exist.

Bankers , started into existence at 83 , Cornh il l, about the ye ar 1 791 ; S taple s hav ing originallybe en inthe firmof Mess rs Dimsdale , Sons . Bamanh and Staple s . In 1 795 i t became Staple s,Newman, Ande rson, Staple s , and Lynn. Inthe following ye ar a spl it took place . and Staple s le ftto foond a new firmat 79. Comhill. style d Staple s and Co. , whilst N ewmmAndersonmnd Lynnremaine d at 83 , Cornhi ll, unti l 1 797, whenthe y remove d to Lombard Stre e t, but in 1 799 the yoccupied 80, Cornh ill ; the firtn The ybeame extinct in1 8 1 5.

Gold smith, 154 1-3, re sid ing inthe parish of St. Mary Woolnoth .

W . John.Goldsmith , u

’m 1 655-6, inCovent Garden.

Ste e l Yard (BW mSfimu 'd )Was situate d inUppe r Thame s Stre e t. Lawsonrepre sents that the me rchants of the Ste e l

yard w ere a corporationestahlished inthe reignof Henry I I I. They we re principally Germanmerchants trad ing w i th Lnndon, and we re endowed w i th important privilege s, and e xempted fromseve ral fiscal dnties pnid by oth erahens . Stow says that the ir hai l was

“ large , built of stone , withthre e anhed gata wmds the m nhe middkmoa whflw f b fu bigga dmnthe othmmd i snldmmnednhe other two be se cured upnhe ume is now cane d the old flalh”Cunninghamwri te s that he was assure d by h is triend , Mr. T . HndsonTurne r (thanwhom, he

m w penonalive was better vemd inme hi suwy ofmediz val london), thatthe 8te e lyard de 1i ve sits name fromits be ing the plaoe whe re the K ing

s stee lyard, or beam, was erected forwe ighing thetonnage otgoods imposted intnlondon. Whenthe tonnage was transterred to the Mayor andCamdmthe k hig


s bem m moved fimmComhflLand athemu ds e igh-hm vard ,inLittle Eastchenp.The se tne re hants w ere settle d inLondonas w ly as 1 250. Infadditionto the valnable privi lege s

which w ere grante d themby the K ing, the Corporationof London l ikew ise granted themothe rs ,inreturnfor which they we re expected to keep inrepair the C ity ga e of Bishopsgatg and to bear

Lawsongoe s onto snyM previons ly w -the year 1 1 84, they w ere not pe rmitted to rent anyhonse s orware housa inLondon, bntlodged daring the ir staywith the broke rs who sold the ir produce

for them. When, how eve r, they were permitted to occnpy honses and warehouse s of the ir own, theyno longe r employe d the brokers. but sold the ir merchandi se theme lves ; where in the y practise dmany fmndg particnlafly inthe ir w e ights . They w ere dete

cted inthe year 1 3 86, whenmany ot'

themw ere sentto the Towe r ; and, according to Fab ian, the i r we ights were publicly burnt. The y w e reafters pardone d anti the i r privilege s renew ed ; and all went we l l w i th themuntil the re ignof Elizabeth, whenthey againfe ll into diagraee .

Inthe year 1 597 QueenElizabe th issue d a commiss ionto the Mayor and Sherifl’


Londontoshutup the home inhab i te d by the me rchants of th e 91d inLondon, and ordere d all of themto quit he r dominiona Fromthat t ime the Ste e lyard was ne ve r use d fora l ike purpose .


Ste e l Yard (Ste l eyard , or Sti ll i ard ) — coutz’

nued .

I t was fromsuch bodie s as th e s e (w rite s M r. Francis inh is His tory of, th e Bank of Englandth e Ste e lyard me rchants,” our mas te rs inth e artof comme rce , that th e Kings of England, onanysudden e xigency, sought and obtaine d the i r principal suppl ie s, onwhat now appe ars an e xorbitantinte re s t. The important body of Ste e lyard me rchants was che rishe d w i th gre at and pe culiar privile ge s . If gre at priv ile ge s w e re grante d, how e ve r, gre at s e rvice s w e re oftenclaimed inre turn for


M r. Gilbart remarks, “ The Ste e lyard Company w as a kind of bank to our k ings w hene ve r the yw ante d mone y onany suddeneme rgency butthe company was sure

,inthe end

,to be w e l l paid for

such ass is tance .

Ste ph ens , Roge r, 1 654—73 ,

Goldsmi th, of th e parish of St. JohnZachary. H e was th e fath e r- in-law of JohnDuck .

Steph ens , or Stevens , Th omas,

Goldsmi th,1 549. Inthe re cords of th e parish of St. Mary Woolnoth i s anentry that he was

to be burie d inSt. Mary Woolnoth, and to have a monument . H e probably dw e l t in LombardStre e t.

Ste ph enson and Co. ,1 794

- 1 8 1 2 . (Se e REM INGTON . )

Stevens , or Ste ph ens , Humfre y,Goldsmi th , 1 552— 79 ; atwh ich latte r date h e was burie d inSr. Mary Woolnoth ’s .

Stevenson, Salt, and Co. , 1 800— 68. (Se e BOSANQUET. )

Steyndrop, G i lb e rt d e ,Goldsmith ; She rifl


1351 - 2 . H e w as burie d inthe church of St. Mary tle Stanynglane , 1 354— 5.

Sti rl ing, Si r W . ,and Co.

This firmoriginate d inthe bus ine ss of Will iamH od soll, a goldsmi th, at th e s ignof th e Sun,oppos ite Katharine Stre e t inth e Strand . Such i s h is de scriptionfrom1 7 1 2 to 1 752 . Inth e LondonDfi e ctory for 1 770 Edward H odsoll appears among the banke rs , ne ar Catharine Stre e t inthe Strand .

In1 776 he had a partne r, as w e nud th e firmwas H odsoll and Miche l l ; and in1 795 the y took into

partne rship Sir‘

Walte r Stirl ing, as junior partne r. In 1 799 th e s tyle of th e firmw as H od soll and

Stirling at 345, Strand, and that cont inue d unt il 1 824, w heni t be came Sir W. Sti rl ing, Bart, Stirl ing,and H odsoll. In 1 828 the y gave up bus ine s s , andmos t of the accounts w e re transfe rre d to Snow s

Stock s , Humph ry (or Stoke s ,A s h e i s calle d by Samue l Pepys inh is D iary). The Little LondonD i re ctory of 1 677 show s

that h e was ke eping running-cashe s atthe Black Horse , inLombard Stre e t butPepys’ re fe rence s to

himindicate that h e w as e s tabl ishe dmany ye ars previous .Bland and Sonw e re subse quently e s tablishe d at th is s ign. (Se e BARNETT , HOARE, A ND Co. )

Stone and Co., (Se e


rah an,Paul

,and Co .

This w as anold-e stabl ishe d bank , suppose d to have be enstarte d by Snow andWal ton, goldsmi ths ,atthe


s ignof Y“ GoldenAnchor


inthe Strand,1 660 (P) but it_mighthave be enmuch olde r . We have

be eninfomi e d that the i r earl ie r books show the y ke pt their accounts inde cimals which appears doubtful. It i s qui te e vident

,howe ve r, that

in 1 672 the y , incommonw i th all gol dsmi ths , did some pawn

1 60 L (?MD01V BA N K EA’S . [51 11 — v

Strah an, Paul , and Co .

th e same premis e s , w hich the y have occupie d e ve r s ince . Dur ing alte rat ions re centlymad e inth efront shop, the old s ignof th e GoldenAnchor was takendownfromth e wal l

,and probably has b e en

de s troye d .

Strange , D ash w ood , and C o .


Of 1 50, N e w Bond Stre e t, originate d in"th e firm of Walwyn, Pe trie , Hasse ll , Ward, and M ac

ge orge , about 1 793 . The name of Hasse l l i s nots e eninth e D ire ctory afte r 1 795. In1 799 th e firmcons is te d of Walwyn, Strange , Dashwood , Ste w ard , A gne w , and M acge orge . Th e name of Walwyndoe s notoccur inth e l is t in1 80 1 butthe firrri had change d its s tyle to Strange , Dashwood , Steward ,A gnew , and Co. and i t d isappeare d fromth e rol l of banke rs about 1 802 .

Stri d e , John, and W i l l i amSteph en,Of 4 1 , We s t Smithfie ld. Thi s bus ine ss appears


to have be en originate d by JohnJone s , about1 809, at 1 8, We s t Smithfie ld . A fe w ye ars afte rwards h e move d into No. 4 1 . In1 82 7 h e took h i ssoninto partne rship, unde r the s tyle of Jone s and Son; and that cont inue d to be the de s ignationunt i l 1 848, notw i ths tand ing th e bus ine ss w as inthe sole hands of A l fre d ]one s . I t woul d s e emfromthe D ire ctory that i t w as taken ove r by Stride and Stride in 1 849, as I find that in that ye ar the yw ere occupying the same premise s . The name doe s nothnd re cord afte r 1 873 .

Surmanand Co .

,1 754. (Se e VVALPOLE. )

Surman, Rob e rt, 1 736. (Se e WALPOLE . )

Sutton, John,Goldsmi th . Stow re cords th e fol low ing epi taph as be ing inth e church of Stf JohnZacharyH e re l ie th th e body of John Sutton, ci ti zen, goldsmi th and A lde rman of London, who d ie d

July 6, 1 450. This brave and worthy A lde rmanw as kille d inth e de fence of th e City, inthe bloodynocturnal bat tle onLondonBridge agains t the infamous Jack Cade and h i s army of Kentish re be ls .

Sw ann, W i ll i am,and £30 ,

jOf the Se venStars , inFriday Stre e t, 1 702— 23 . The re i s re asonto suppose that the y w e re banke rs,

butl i ttle canbe gl eane d about them.

Sw artbrigh t, W i l l i am,

Goldsmi th,die d of th e Plague , 1 577, and was burie d inthe church of St. Mary Woolchurch H aw .

Sw e etapl e , J011 11 ,Whose name i s re corde d inth e “ Little LondonD irectory of 1 677 as ke eping running-cashe s at

th e Black Moor’s Head, inLumbard Stre e t, was one of th e She rifl'

s of London in 1 694. H i s nameoccurs fre quent ly in th e London Gazette be tw e en 1 680 and 1 690. Unde r date of Septembe r 20,1 683 , w e read, that a cash-note of hi s was los t , payable to one Edward Cal lende r or be are r, for

J£99 ros . the finde rbe ing'

assure d of a re asonable reward " uponbringing i t to h i s shop inLombardStre e t . Th e ne xt not ice of h im occurs January 29, 1 70 1 , when w e le arn that Sir JohnSw e e taple ,BenjaminHodgkins , and R ichard Harris w e re bankrupts . Not ice of a se cond d ividend i s adve rtise dinth e same me diumfor A ugus t 7 , 1 704.

Sw ord -Blad e Company . (Se e CASWALL. )

Syk e s and Go . (Se e BOLDERO . )

81111— 1 1131] L ONDON BA NKERS. 16 1

Goldmith , a'm 1 600, otSLBotolph, Aldgate a

Goldsmith, 1590, oIthe parish of St. Mary Woolnoth. He di ed in1 608.

Goldsmith. 1 57 1 , otth e pari sh ol St. Mary Woolnoth.

A goldsmith ot’

London. 1 53 1 .

001mm, 1514. amm anmWoolnoth.

M l olm,

A goldsmhh mying onhis wade nthe Bumt mpqm the yenrs1 670 1nd 1 69 1 .


he house was afterwards numbered 7s .

A gowsmimu the fignd the Spmd w qinlombard Sce enafi erwards Na M . Very little

informationis to be hs d ooncerning this goldsmith . ms name oocurs ina curious advertisementthatappmed inthe l oudoe oou ttt ol

August 7, 1 676 z“ JohnJame s, forme rly be longing to th e

new b change , abont rayean of an mewhat fi eckled inthe tacqbrownhair, went swsy fromh


nfriends abouta twe hrernonth tiucc ia a gray onstand pewte r buttons. Whoe ver gives notice of

rewarde d.”



ledger ol Edward Backwe il'

s for the ye ar 1 663 we find the follow ing entry under the date

Jnly 7 :“ hin’


aylor tbe goldsmith for the le ase he had iny‘ signe of y' Lyon£oso zoo zoo .

Taylor, Lloyd, and Co. ,1 784

- 1 801 . (801: Hanson. )

Tempest, Robert,A M m pied the Thre e Crowns in1 7 s 3, aM wards No. 7, 1.otnbard Stre e t.

Mentione d by Pepys inhis Diary, nnder dabe September 3o, 1 665: “ M r. Temple , the fatblade ,Sir Robert Vine i ’s chie f mn. ” It is supposed that Sir RobertV iner, having lost a vast sumof

money by the d os ing otthe Exchequer onJanuary s , 1 67z , was obliged to give up h is bus iness , andthatjohnTemple , his ehie f man, set up as a goldsmi th, as inthe “ Little LondonDirectory


find johnTemple and johnSa le were ke eping mnning-cashe s at the Thre e Tuna, in LumbardStre eg in1 677.

For the b ilowing remarks respe cting the flarp and Cross money (money co ined by the Commonwfl lth ) l m indebted to l’epys, who state s thathe took themdowninwriting fromTempIe ’s ownmouth “ Be fore the Harp and Crosse money was cried down, he and his fe l low goldsmi ths did



T empl e , John— con/inued .

make some part icular trials w hat proportion that mone y bore to th e old King ’s mone y, and the yfound that i t gene rally come to, one w i th anothe r

,about £ 25 in e ve ry 15: 1 00. Of th is mone y the re

was, uponth e cal l ing of i t in, £6 at le as t brought into th e Tow e r and from thence h e compute s that th e whole mone y of England must be ful l J51 6, but

,for all th is , be l ie ve s that

the re i s about J£30,000 ,000 : h e suppos ing that about th e King

s coming i h , w hen h e be gun to

obs e rve the quant i ty of th e new mone y, pe ople be gunto be fe arful of th is mone y’s be ing cri e ddown, and so picke d i t outand set i t a go ing as fas t as the y coul d to be ri d of it; and h e th inks

£3o,ooo,ooo th e rath e r, be cause , i f the re w e re but the King,having

e ve ry year, w ould have th e w hole mone y of th e k ingdominh is hands ine ight years .“ H e te l ls me about s te rl ing was coine d out of th e French mone y , the proce e ds of

Dunkirke : so that, w ith what was co ine d of the Crosse mone y, the re i s new coine d aboutbe s ide s th e gold, w hich i s gue ss e d at i f500 000 .

“ H e te lls me that, though th e King d id depos it th e French mone y inmone y in pawnall the

w hile for h e was force d to borrow the re upon t il l th e tools could be made for th e new

mint ing inth e pre sent form. Yetth e inte re s t h e paid for that t ime came to 9-53 Vine r having

to h i s know le dge for the use of J£1 00,000 of it.”

A l de rmanBackw e l l also rnust have profite d from this source , as h is ledge rs show that h e kepts eparate accounts h e ade d Harpe and Cros se Mone y. ”

OnM ay 1 9, 1 663 , Pe pys vis i te d th e Tow e r w ith Sir JohnMinne s w henh e was shown by M r.

Slingsby and M r. Howard , Comptrol le r of the Mint, th e me thod ofmaking the ne w mone y, of w h ichth e y coine d 1 6 or pounds pe r w e e k: A fte r re lat ing th e proce ss, and anane cdote about amanswal low ing th e s i lve r insmal l globule s , by w h ich me ans h e acqu ire d a large amount ofme tal , h egoe s into a calculat ionabout th e Harp and Cross mone y, w hich I quote A tdinne r the y d id d i scours e ve ry fine ly to us of th e probab i l ity that the re i s a vas t de al of mone y h id in th e land, fromthis : that in King Charle s

s t ime th e re w as ne ar tenmi l l ions of mone y coyne d, be s ide s what wastheninbe ing of King Jame s

s and Que enEl izabe th ’s , of which the re i s a good deal at this day inbe ing.

N ext, that the re was but coyne d of th e H a1p ~

and Cross e mone y ; and of th is the rewas brought inupon its be ing cal le d in. And fromve ry good argument the y hnd thatthe re cannot be le ss of i t inIre land and Scotland than so that the re i s butrn' i ss ing and of that, suppose that the re should be not above s t il l remaining, e ithe rme l te ddown, hid, or los t, or hoarde d up inEngland, the re w i l l thenbe but le ft to be thought tohave be entransporte d .

N ow ,i f intw e lve ye ars ’ t ime los t but i f:1 00 000 indange r of be ing transporte d, then

£ 1 0 inthirty-five ye ars ' t ime w i l l,

have los t but 880 and odd pounds ; and, as the rei s £6 remaining afte r tw e lve ye ars ’ t ime inEngland

, so, afte r th irty-five ye ars’ t ime , w hich was

w ithinth is two ye ars , the re ought inproportion to have be en re s t ing or the re abouts ,be s ide s King Jame s and Que enEl izabe th’s money . N ow ,

thatmos t of th is mone y be h id i s e v ident,as the y re ckon, be cause of the de arth ofmone y imme diate ly uponthe cal ling inof th e State s’mone y,w hich was that come in; and th enthe re was notanymone y to be had inth is C i ty, w h ich ,the y say, to the i r ownobs e rvat ionand know le dge w as so. And the re fore , though I cansaynoth ingini tmyse lf, I do notd ispute it.

We learn fromth e Re gis te r of the parish of St. Mary Woolnoth that in February, 1 672, JohnTemple was marrie d to Dorroth i e Colvi ll, spins te r, by th e A rchbishop

s l icence . She was a daughte rof JohnColvi ll, goldsmi th, of Lombard Street. Nothing -

can be trace d of JohnSeal , w i th w homTemple w ent into partnership about this t ime 3 but I find that h i s future partne r, ' Thomas Temple ,was in1 672 assoc


iate d w i th Robe rt We alste ad , a goldsmi th, the ir firmbe ing thens tyle d We lste d (s ic)and Temple . Unle ss the re w e re two Thomas Temple s at this time , w e may infe r that h e did notremainlong w i th We alstead as th e anne xe d adve rtis ement w i l l te s t ify.


Th ursby, John,Was atth e Ball, inLombard Stre e t, in1 677, inwh ich ye ar h i sname appe ars inth e Li ttle London

D i re ctory.” We l ikew ise me e t w ith i t inth e LondonGaz elte of 1 686, inanadve rtisement for some

art icle los t, for which h e w i l l pay a reward. H e d ie d in1 700, and was buri e d atSt. MaryWoolnoth’s .

T imbre l l , Rob e rt, 1

Goldsmi th, of She rborne Lane, 1 690- 1 7 1 5.

T imbre l l , Th omas ,Goldsmi th and banke r, of Lombard Stre e t, be came bankrupt in 1 740.

Toppe s fe ld , John d e ,Go ldsmi th, r349.

Totenh al e , N i ch olas d e ,Goldsmith,


1 348, of St. JohnZakary.

Townl e y, Th omas ,Of Lombard Stre e t. H e probably was atth e s ignof the Ram,

as inth e Little LondonD ire ctory

of 1 677 w e find Ward and Townl e y w e re at that s igninLombard Stre e t, ke eping running-cashe s . In

A ugus t of that ye ar w e re ad inth e LondonGaz effe that a smal l picture set ingold w as found onth e

road be tw e enIs l ingtonand London, ne ar th e Pe s t-house , and that th e true owne rmight he ar of th esame at M r. Tho. Townle y’s , a goldsmith, in Lumbard Stre e t. The s ign of th e Ram has s ince

be come No. 57.

Towns end , Th omas ,Goldsmi th, 1 655, of St. Botolph

’s parish .

Trapi a, Rob e rt (or Trappi s ),A goldsmi th in1 526. A ll that canbe gathe re d conce rning h imis fromanepi taph recorde d by

Stow as be ing putup inth e choi r of th e church of St. Le onard inSt. Mart in’

s -le -Grand :

Whenth e be l s b e meri ly roong,And th e mass e devoutly sung,And . th e me atme ri ly e aten,Thenshal l Robe rt Trips , h i s w ive sAnd chi ldrenbe forgotten.

Tre at, R i ch ard ,Goldsmi th, circa 1 626

, of St. Mary Woolnoth .

Tre at, Rob e rt,Goldsmi th , ci rca 1 62 2, of St. Botolph , Bishopsgate .

Turne r, _


Was a goldsmi th at th e GoldenFle e ce , inLombard Stre e t 3 one of those who suffe re d by theclos ing of th e Exche que r onJanuary 2 , 1 672 .

_Th e amount ofmone y h e had lent was 591 . 8i .


for wh ich h e re ce ive d a bond covenant ing to pay h im'

6 per cent. inte re s t, ti e . J£976 1 01 . 6d. per

annum. The fol low ing curious adve rtisement i s inth e LondonGazette of Fe bruary, 1 674Los t froma coach be tw e enTottenhamHigh Cross and Kingsland, a box of Table and Chi ldbe d

Linnen, not ice to b e givento Be rnard Tumor, Goldsmith , at th e GoldenFle ece , inLumbard Stre e t,who shal l have 5 for h is pane s .

1 11 11— 11 11 1] LONDON BA NKERS. 16s

Inthe “ L_ittie LondonDirectory'ot


1 677 Ba'

rnard '


urner and Samue l Tooki e w e re keeping runningIn 1 7 1 8 the re was a finnot


banke rs styled Turner. Caswall, and Co., inLombard Stre et. May

Turner, Om an, and Co. ,

1 7 1 3 . (Se e Caswau . )

W ord, 81: N icholasWas a goldsmith to Edward II I . I-Ie was hlayor in1 388. Stow reoords ot


h imthathe and DameMarge ry, his wi fe , rebui ltthe ehurch ol 5t. ]ohnZachary. and 1nade a totnb for themse lve s and othersof the ir race . H e aho p ve to the chmch otSt hi auhew , Chu pe . a house w ith the appunenance scalle d the Grifl


ononthe Hope , inFriday Stre et.

Twining and OoaBsnha s, of 2 1 7, 5trand.W Twining

‘ mancestorotthe pru entfirminthe Smnd, e stablis hed the bus iness of a teamsnst Tom’s Gofie e Housefithe signof Y' GoldenLyon, inDevere ux Court, at the commencementof the eighte enth oentw ynhe same forming partot


the premise s inwhich th e trade has be enoarri edonby his lineal dese endsnts to the pre sentday.

Intbe W /or othb y 1 8, 1 7 1 2, anadve rtisementnamet r. Twining to pay a reward f01 someanicle b sg athis ColIee Housqinthe Strand .

Dufingamfida abk pu iod d theh efi swna the firmhad ew d u d dnfuna iond bankmmthd rlami ly oonnexions ; but itwas not unt il the year rBaathatthe thenpmmwes t-grandsons of the

(ounda ) opene d anothce with a separate entrance inDevere ux COurntor the ir banking bus ine ss.The result fully jnstified the ir expectations, and the premises soonbe came inoonveniently small t



the ir purpose . A site was aocord ingly cleare d for the e rectionof the pre sent banking-honse , onthe i r

property inthe Strand, the line oI Deve reux Court having be enaltere d for the purpose under theanthority of a writ fi

'oni the Cm and the bns ine ss ot

the ir bank was removed to it inthe year 1 836.The partners atthatdate oons isted otz

JohnAldre d Tw ining ; and

Tw i s e lton, John,Goldsmith and A lde rman, die d in1 525, and was burie d inSt. Mathe w’s, Cheape .

7 7 100 and 0u , 1 153-5 (Se e Wu 's )

UnionBank of London(Limite d),a, Prince s Stre et, was establishe d in1 839. I t has e ight branches inLondon, and has a paid-up

capi tal

mm hr h Twinning inthe indentm oh pprenfiou hip oInoms Tw ining in1694, bntbe signe d his name

with only one “ n.


Uni onBank of London(L imi te d )— f 0nl z'



ued .

The Chance ry Lane branch absorbe d th e banking bus ine ss of M e ssrs . D ixon,Brooks, and Co. in

1 860.

Its re se rve fund amounts to £8

Urb e r, Je fi re y,Banke r inFenchurch Stre e t, s toppe d payment in 1 72 1 . Inth e Londonj ournal of March 1 0,

1 722, w e hnd a note s tat ing that h e w as forme rly a banke r inLombard Stre e t , and w as appointe dass is tant to M r. De Gols , as tre asure r to th e trus te e s of th e forfe ite d_ ,

e state s of th e late d ire ctors , and

also one of th e cl e rks of th e tre asury of th e South Se a Company.

Vance , R i ch ard ,Goldsmi th

,1 636, of th e parish of St. Mary Woolnoth. H e di e d in1 64 1 .

Vand e lph , John,Goldsmi th , circa 1 497 . H e was a Dutchman. Inthe Privy Purse e xpens e s of Henry VI I .

the fol low ing itemi s re corde d : “ To John'Vande lf for a col lar of gold for th e King A lso

For garnysh ing a salettxxxvi ijlz'




Of the Socie ty of th e Ballard i .‘

This was a socie ty of Lombard me rchants, who w e re usually

mone y-lende rs and banke rs , ci rca 1 3 1 6. H e appe ars to have l ive d in th e parish of St. Antonin,and was poss e s se d of tenements e lsew he re in the C ity of London and inth e realm of France

Calendar of Wi lls , Court of Hus ting,

Vaus e,Lance lot,

Goldsmi th, circa 1 620, of St. Kathe rine Cre e parish .

Ve re and A sgi ll , 1 740. (See N IGHT INGALE.)

Ve re , Glyn, and Co .,1 754. (Se e GLYN . )

Ve re , Lucadon, and Co.

,1 788. (Se e SAPTE . )

Ve re and W i l l iams , 1 786. (Se e W ILLIAMS. )

V ince l i u s ,Banke r, in London, local i ty unknown, ci rca 1 748. I am favoure d w i th th is name , h ith e rto

unknownto me , by M r. C . A . Ward, who found a le t te r addre s se d to h imamongs t some pape rs hehad by h im.

_Vine r, Si r G e orge ,Elde s t sonof Sir Thomas Vyne r, was a goldsmi th and banke r inLombard Stre e t, inwhich he was

bornin1 638. H e was e ducate d at Me rchant Taylors’ School,and St. John’s Colle ge , Cambridge

and was knighte d by Charle s II.,to whomh e was goldsmith. H e died in1 673 .

V ine r,Jame s


Goldsmi th, Lombard Stre e t die d in1 666. H e w as a sonof Wil l iamVine r.

Vine r,Rob e rt


Goldsmith, Lombard Stre e t 5 d ie d'

onFebruary 24, 1 690, and was burie d inWarw ickshire .


Vyne r or Vine r, Si r Rob e rt

(Th e name w as spe l t both ways), was a goldsmith and banke r in a ve ry large w ay of bus ine ss

inde e d,h e has be en cal le d th e “ Prince of Goldsmi th s .

” H e re s ide d inLombard Stre e t, ne xt toSt. Mary Woolnoth

s church onth e e as t s ide , onthe s ite of the pre sent Pos t Offi ce , th e house and

grounds occupying about a quarte r of anacre . H e w as bornin 1 63 1 , and he cont inue d th e bus ine s s

of Sir Thomas V ine r and Sir Ge orge Vine rSir Robe rt Vyne r made th e Re gal ia for Charle s I I . , and th e Treasury paid h imJ£2 1 ,978 1 1 11 .

and £ 1 0,000 for tw o crowns , tw o sceptre s , and a globe of gold, s etw i th diamonds, rubie s , sapphire s ,eme ralds and pearls , St. Edward

s s taff, th e armi lla, ampull, and othe r the regal ia, all of gold . H e

l ikew ise lent Je w e ls and plate to h is Maje s ty for th e ce remony, ata good profit. H e was paid th is

account onJune 20,1 662 .

Sir Robe rt Vyne r w as Sh e rifl“ m1 666

,and the Goldsmiths’ Company lent the i r plate to h imduring

his shrie valty. H e was Lord Mayor of London in 1 674. A h amus ing anecdote i s told of thisPrince of Gold smi ths ” onth e occas ionof h i s ente rtaining King Charle s I I . at Gui ldhal l during

h is Mayoral ty. InGrammont’s Pe rsonal His tory of Charle s II.” i t i s re corde d that

“ Charle s more thanonce d ine d w i th th e good ci t i zens of Londononthe i r Lord Mayor’s Day,

and d id so th e ye ar Sir Robe rt Vine r was Lord Mayor. Sir Robe rt w as a ve ry loyal man, and, i fyou w i l l allow th e e xpre ss ion, ve ry fond of h i s sove re ign butw hat w ith th e joy h e fe l t at h e art for

th e honour done h imby h is Pr ince , and th e warmth h e was inw i th cont inual toast ing he al ths to theRoyal Family, h i s Lordship grew a l i ttle too fond of h is Maje s ty, and ente re d into a fami l iarity notal toge the r grace ful inso public a place . The King unde rs tood ve ry w e l l how to e xtricate hims e lf 1 11all such di fficulti e s , and , w i th a h int to th e company to avo id ce remony, s tole OH, andmade towardsh i s coach , w hich s tood re ady for h im1nGui ldhal l yard. But the Mayor l ike d h i s company so w e l l ,and was grown so int imate , that h e pursue d himhas t ily, and, catch ing h imfas t by th e hand, crie dout

, w i th a v eh ement oath and accent : ‘Sir, you shal l s tay, and take t’

oth e r bottle .

“ Th e ai ry monarch looke d k indly at h imove r h i s shoulde r, and w i th a smi le and grace ful air

repe ate d th is l ine of the old songH e that’s drunk i s as gre at as a K ing,

and imme diate ly re turne d back and compl ie d w i th h is hos t’

s invitat ion.

Inth e Stocks Marke t Sir Robe rt Vyne r s et up an e que s trian s tatue of Charle s I I. trampl ing onhi s enemie s . Th e s tatue was original lymade to repre sent JohnSob ie ski, Kingof Poland, uponhors eback trampl ing onthe Turk but, that monarch ’s he ad be ing taken off, that of Charle s was sub sti

tute d,and, in th e place of the Turk, the


he ad of the pros trate foe was al te re d to repre s ent O l ive rCromw e l l . This s tatue was remove d in 1 736 to make room for th e Mans ionHouse ; and in1 779

the Corporat ionpre s ente d it to Robe rt Vyne r, Esq. , th e le gal repre sentat i ve of th e loyal and con

vivial Lord Mayor, who had i t conve ye d to h is country s e at, Swake ley House , Middle se x .A happi ly conce ive d banmat is ascribe d to Vyne r. “ I amabsolute ly afraid,

"said th e Duke of

Buck inghamto Sir Robe rt, that I shal l die a beggar . A tthe rate you go,” repl ie d Sir Robe rt,

I amafraid you w i l l l ive one .

A fte r the Gre at Fire of 1 666,Sir Robe rt Vyne r temporarily occupie d th e A fricanHouse , ne ar th e

middle of Broad Stre e t . Se ve ral othe r goldsmi ths carrie d on the ir bus ine ss in Broad Stre e t andWinche ste r Stre e t . The l ondonGazette ofj une 20

,1 670, how e ve r, announce d that the y had remove d

to th e i r se ve ral hous e s inLombard Stre e t,as forme rly.

Pepys ment ions Si r Robe rt Vyne r se ve ral t ime s inh i s D iary. I give th e follow ing few e xtracts

the re from, as be aring uponth e goldsmi ths ’ trade .

Oh Septembe r 30, 1 665, Pepys re cords : Thence to th e oth e e , and thence tO' CaptainCooke


w he re I find M r. Temp1e , th e fatbl‘

ade , Sir Robe rt Vine r’

s ch ie fman.

This M r. Temple afte rwards s et up h imse lf as a goldsmi th inLombard Stre e t. (Se e“ Li ttle

LondonD i re ctory of 1 677, and unde r th e h e ad of TEM PLE inth is work.“ A rchaeologia, xxix. p. 262 .

me] 1. ONDON BANKER5. 159

Vyner oe ner, Str Bobe rt—wmmlInItwonld appear ‘

fromthe following extnct fromRe d ynors Bri ght’s e di tionof Pepys


thatSamue l Pepy-s ke pta ptivate account atVyne f s as we ll as at Stoke s’. Oh February 1 , 1 666, hewrite s : “ I to A id . Backw e ll's to set all my reckoning: straight there , whi ch I did, and took up all


(Th is m probably ofi cial bus inm) “ So evened to th is day, and thene e to Sir RobertVine f g wha e l did the lfiqleaving clw inhis hands jnst£s ooo ofmy owne money, to be mllcdforwbenl please d.

”No doubt this was a depos it account he had oyened at

V iner’s. OnMarch29 follow ing he notes thathe went to Viner

'a“to look ai ter the getting some money, thatis lodged

there l havingnomind to have it li e the re longe r.”The next day he write s as follows b fl outto

lambard sueetqand the re re ce ive d £u oo and brought it hom¢ ; and, oontrary to expectation,

and hath beena conveni ence to me as to care and te cmi ty ofmy hoose . and demandahle attwo days ’waming aa this hath be en. ” ‘


hus it would se emthatViner allowed him7 per cent for his mone yattwo days

’eall . -

e did agre e w ith himto

accommodate some bu ine ss ol' ullys ao as l shall get io ne arly£aooo into my ownhanda which is

inthe K ing‘

s upontallys ; wbich will be a plw ure tomennd satis factionto have a good suminmyownhandg whatever civi l distnrbnnoe s sbould be inthe State ; thmgh ittrouble s me to lose so great

and was be fore the King and hi s Cabinetabonttnoney.

InHerbert’s History of the Goldsmi ths' Company," under date Wedne sday, December 1 1 , 1 666,

we md :“ Mr. Wardenmade knownthathe had de livere d to Sir RobertVyner a bag with some of

OnApril s, 1 “ 7, Pemwentto se e 8ir kobe rtVyner and made up hi s aoeounts w ith h imto hisp eatcontentbothe remarhs : “ I find they do notkeep themso regularlyas to enable themto do iteas i ly, and truly, and re adily, nor would it have be en eas i ly state d by anybody onmy be hali



myse lf, several things be ing to be refened tomemom-

wh ich nobody e lse could have done , and the refore it is fnll q fof me to evenacconnts w ith the se people as oftenas l mn. ”OnMay Pepys write s : To Si r R. Vine r's, w i th 600 pie ces of gold to turninto si lve r,

And againonJune 1 7 , 1667 , Pepys records hi s fe ars “ That the banke rs are broke as to readymoney, though Viner had by himwhenour trouble began: that he and the Duke of

A lbemarle bave md ved h to thd rm h nfi , “ Vh e r, tM forme r£ 1 o,ooo, and the latter£ 1 a,ooo,

intallies or as ignmentg to sccnre whatwas inhis hands ot'

the irs ; andmany othergreatmenof ourmastm have done the like .

In1667, onthe firstappmranoe ot’

the Dutch, Pe pys reoords thatthe King and Courtare muchtroobled atthe idea that the bankers wi ll be broke as to re adymoney, though Viner had £w o.ooo

by hitnwbenthe tronble began.Injune , 1 673, a gi lt<:haw d d ish and gi l t sugar a stor, bearing his hlaje sty

’s arms , w ere stolen

fromtbe Confiectionary Offioe inWh ite hall. Informationooncerning the robbery was to be givento

In1 677 great loans we re advance d to the Gove rnment by the goldsmiths, onthe cred i t ot’


here di tary excise . To pay the interestof the se loans te rminable annuitie s w ere se cure d and chargeduponthat revenue , by lette rs patent granted tothe se ve ral contractors or principal cre di tors, who, in

the ir turn,made ass ignments of dive rs port ions of those annui tie s to the pe rsons who had contribute dbown'ds the ir locus Inthe A ss ignationBooks, for the payment of inte res t uponthe banke rs ’ loansfrom1 677 to 1 688, a gre atmay transfer: weremade byVyner and the othe r goldsmiths, who had lentthe ir cmtome rs’mone y to the Excheque r.By thatmemorable clos ing of the Excheque r onJanuary 2, 1 673 , Sir Robert Vyne r los t the sum


Vyne r or Vine r, Si r Rob e rtof 1 31 . incons ide rat ionof wh ich he w as awarde d £ 2 411. pe r annum outof

th e Excise ; and cus tome rs w e re commande d inthe me ant ime notto sue h im. Whe the r th e sameinjunct ionappl ie d gene ral ly to th e prote ctionof all th e goldsmiths who w e re s imi larly robbe d, I havenome ans of asce rtaining.

I t i s notknownhow long Vyne r cont inue d at h i s old sh0p afte r this he avy loss . We find, howe ve r

,that h e w as inColemanStre e t in1 680.

Inth e l ondon Gaz etfe of March 1 3 , an adve rtisement runs thus S ir Robe r t Vyne rde s ire s his cre ditors tome e t h imatthe Cardinal ’s Cap Tave rninLumbard Stre e t, onthe asth Instant ,atnine inthe morning to cons ide r th e be s t way for the sat is fact ionof the i r de bts .

”InD e cembe r of

the same ye ar he de s i re s themtome e t h imatth e Vine,inLumbard Stre e t, for a s imilar purpose . Sir

Robe rt d id so much for th e church of St. Mary Woolnoth that i t was cal le d Sir Robe rt Vyne r’schurch .

H e had a b lack boy, w ho d ie d of consumpt ion. H e had h i s body embalme d and kept ina box

ath is s e at, Swake ley House , Middle se x . Pepys ment ions having s e eni t (Diary, Septembe r 8,H e die d on Septembe r 2

,1 688

,atWindsor Cas tle , and was burie d at St. Mary Woolnoth ’s


Lombard Stre e t.

Vyne r, Si r Th omas ,Was a goldsmi th of high standing inth e days of Jame s I. , Charle s I. , th e Commonwe al th, and of

Charle s I I . H e w as e s tabl ishe d be fore 1 620 inh is trade .

I t i s re corde d by Rud ing that, onDecembe r 20,1 649, Lord Commiss ione r White lock reporte d

fromth e Counci l of State that inpursuance of anorde r of Parl iament of Novembe r 1 6, for th e makingof s tandard pie ce s of gol d and s i lve r, a jury of goldsmi ths appe are d be fore the Counci l

,and w e re

swornfor th e making the re of.Sir JohnWol las ton, Knigh t and A lde rman.

Thomas Vine r, A lde rman.

Thomas Noe l], A lde rman.

Francis A sh .

Thomas Smith ie s .

Francis Hal l .Ge orge Courthop.

JohnPe rryn.

R ichard Morre ll .Samue l Moore .

Ge orge Sne l l.R ichard Gibbe s .

Mat thew Mason.

A le xande r Jackson.

H e se rve d the office of Sh e rifl'

in1 648.

Inh i s Table ofEngl ish Silve r and Gold Coins Folke s‘

(as quote d by Ruding) depose s

Oh th e 6th De cember, 1 651 , SirThomas Vyne r Kut. andBart. Francis Meyne l l

,Esqr th e She riff of

London, and Edward Backw e l l , Esq‘r contracte d w ith H is Maj e s ty to take inby tale , and to coinw i th

convenient e xpe di tion, at the i r own charge , into Engl ish current monie s , th e coins w hich w e re cal le d

all Crownand Harpmonie s re ce iv ing forth e s ame a cons ide rat ionof 5 1 0° for e ve ry £ 1 00 intale ,

inl ieu of want of we ight and e xpens e of coinage . Upon w hich the re w as accord ingly re coined, of

the said monie s,th e sumof intale .

”For this s tatement no authori ty i s given. Th e trans ,

acti on, as Ruding obse rve s, i s ve ry e xtraordinary one ve ry account, and the date notqui te twomonthsafte r Charle s

s e scape into France , subs e quent to th e battle of Worce s te r.Throughout the pe ri od of the Com1110m1 e alth , Sir Thomas Vyne r and Edward Backw e ll made

1 7 2 L ON !) ON BA NKERS. [WAL— WAR

Walpol e , C lark, and Si s son.

This bus ine s s was e s tabl ish e d at th e corne r of Cl ement’s Lane , in Lombard Stre e t, by Robe rtSurman, who had be en inhi s e arly days w ith Caswall and Mount, and so was connecte d Wi th th eSouth Se a Company. From1 73 1 to 1 748 h e was inpartne rsh ip w ith

‘Martinand Co. Shortly afte rth is h e s tarte d a bank of h is own. The firmmake s its firstappearance inthe l is t of bankers of 1 754,w hich show s that th e style of the firmin that ye ar was Surman, D ih e ly, and Cliffe . In1 756 i t wasSurmanand Clifl


e , and in1 759 th e style change d again, be coming C lifie , Walpole , and Clark . Thiscont inue d unt i l 1 769, when Cliffe

s name vanishe s, and Walpole and Clark take in a new partne rof th e name of Bourne thus, in 1 770, th e firmw as Walpole , Clark, and Bourne , locate d at 28


Lombard Stre e t. In 1 776 th e y assume d a fre sh partne r of th e name of M r. Potts and in 1 789anothe r M r. Clark took th e place of M r. Potts, w henth e firmbe came Walpole , Clark, Walpole s , andC lark. Th e ne xt change was in 1 794, w henth e firmwas Walpole , Walpole , Clark, and Sissons .

That cont inue d to be th e style unt il 1 798, w hen i t w as al te re d to Walpole , C lark, and Sis sons, th ede s ignat ionenduring unt i l th e firmcame to anend in 1 808.

M r. J. B. Mart inhas informe d me that for some ye ars previous to (and including) 1 748, Robe rtClifi


e and Thomas D ine ley had current accounts at th e Grasshoppe r, butthe i r accounts w e re clos e din 1 749. The re fore w e may fai rly infe r fromth is ci rcumstance , that th is new firmw e re s e ce de rs fromMartins. Clifl

e had be enthe ir cle rk, and w i tne ss e d th e s ignature s of th e firm1 73 7—40.

Wal sh,John,

Goldsmi th,circa 1 370. Edward IV. i s re porte d to have bought a s i lve r-gi l t cup of him, de corate d

w i th ename l.

Wal sh , N i ch olas ,Goldsmi th , 1 348. A ll h e die d posse ss e d of w as de vote d to pious and charitable purpose s .

Walton, W i ll i am,

Goldsmith . H e was a gre at bene factor to th e Goldsmi ths’ Company, to whom,in1 458, he le ft

se ve ral house s inthe parish of St. Pe te r, We s t Che ap, for char itable use s .

Walw yn and Co.,1 793

— 1 800. (Se e STRANGE . )

Wanl ey, G e orge , and Co .

We re goldsmi ths, atthe Thre e Squi rre ls , inFle e t Stre e t, be twe en1 7 1 3 and 1 7 1 9. (Se e GOSLING. )

Ward , Rob e rt, and Towne l e y, John,We re at th e Ram,

inLombard Stre e t, in 1 677, ke eping running—cashe s ; but how much earl ie rthe y may have be eninbus ine s s , or how long the y cont inue d init, the re i s no e vidence to prove .

Ward,Si r W i l l i am,

A goldsmi th and j ew e l le r to Que enHenrie t ta Maria about 1 630 H e be came w eal thy, and re t ire dto h is se at inStafi


ordsh ire . H is w i fe w as a daughte r of M r. Humble , w hose s is te r Honor marr ie dSir Thomas Vyne r, a goldsmi th and banke r, also Mayor in 1 653 . Sir Wil liamWard’s son, HumbleWard, was e l e vate d to th e pe e rage in 1 644 as BaronWard of Birmingham. H i s pre sent repre sentat ivei s the Earl of Dudle y and Ward .

Ware ,

A goldsmi th , mm1 663 . The fol low ing entry occurs inone of Back 1ve ll’

s le dge rs ,]ulyFor a tankard

,w ey. 24


dtat5. 7. pe r oz . ih . 6. 1 6.

w ith amemorandum w hich w as paid for ingold .


Warham, Wi lli am, 1 698- 1 7 1 3 ,Goldsmith, atthe Go ldenCup, inShire Lane , Templ e Bar. In 1 72 1 he was inChance ry Lane ,

and advextis ed for a lost lottery order. He was bankrupt in1 7 1 1 .

Goldsmith, who die d in1 530, reques te d to be burie d inSt. Mary Woolnoth’

s church.

Goldsmi th keepingmnningo shen, was establishe d tu without Temple Bar, as early as1663. H e was re fe rred to inanadvertisement ol August3. 1 693 , as authonzedto pay anward of thre e gnine as for tbe recomy of a bh ckmarqstolenfi'omLord Saye and Se le ’some hm inGb oceamhhnby w o highnymm‘flhe one a M t -(w edm ma shonbob w igand s h rge brom k iding Coah the othe r a tafl


;thinh oe dman, with bob—w ig both aged about3o.

Itwonld appear fi'

omthis thag so long as the mare was recovered, they did not care at all about

apprehmding the highnymemwho w d d poh Ny re-ue d the mare a me M Oppom ity. Thish oniy omd the manymnge admfinmmfl whie hm ima wd inthe papa s d that daqmmk ing a mnd fi M mhfinn lmmk le be ukenmthe house of mch md mch a

By a cheqoe date d r7oe we find thatJohn Paltock was signing for h im. In1 7 1 : two cheque sof Lord Weymouth’s, payable to the order of Thomas Snow , are wi tne sse d by John Paltock forMr. Warner. Inr1 r6 a signature pw ves the firmto have beenjohnWarner and Co. . and, laterinthe lme w ot altock and Co. Betwe enthis year and rng Jot altock entered into

partnership with’


homas Snow , de scribed ofne etStreeg whentbeymoved to the signot'

Y‘ GoldenAnehor, w ithoutTemple Bar, inthe St1-and. The follow ing advertisement appeared inthe zondmGw a oflune nnosmhh withontTemple Bar, shall lnve s guineas reward onde livery.


A h interesting advertisement appears inthe LondonCau lk oi'

January 4, 1 7o6, for two notesThis is the first

menfimd thh mmunder which the bnsinmthereafter was so we ll known.For fnrther panicnlanol this bas ineas se e nnder the he ading om auan.

Warren, Laurence ,Goldsmith, Assay Master of the Mint in1 545.

Oi the GoldenLion, Holborn, 1 708. A formal announcement inthe Gazette of Novembe r, 1 747,informs us that M1 . Warte r, formetly aneminent goldsmi th atHolbomBndqied athis house in

Goldsmi th, 1 661 , was atthe Star, near Exchange A lley, Lombard Stree t.

Wem aobert,Atthe sgnoi the Hare , inLombard Stre e t (now No. 111 AldermanBackwe ll’s ledge rs of 1 663

is de scribed as a goldsmith. lnthe list ot’

goldsmiths who lostmoney by the clos ing of the

Exche quer in January, 1 67s , appe ars th e name of Robert We lsted (s ic). H is claimwas for

1 1 1 . 1d , and the amount he rece ive d pe r annumwas £678 91 . Early in 1 672 w e learnfromEdward Backwe ll’s le dgers that We lsted was inpartnership w ith one Thomas Temple . The

latter appeanto have joine d john'

remple atthe Ih ree Tuns shordy afiemarda unless, of course , i tshonld happento be the sarne name . His name appw ed inthe zondmGautte ot


1 6951111 a bankmpg and notices of dividends onthe a tate w ere adve rfised wme years afi emarda


W e bb,Rob e rt,

Goldsmi th, inSt. Martin’

s -i h -the -Fie lds . The fol low ing advert isement conce rning th is man, whoe vidently d id pawnbroking bus ine ss , i s inte re s t ing . I t appe are d inthe LondonGazel le for Octobe r 9,1 690

“ Whe re as Nathanie l Oldfi e ld, administrator to Robe rt We bb, late of St. Martins inthe Fie lds ,goldsmi th, Hath s e ve ral things inh is hands

\wh ich h e supposeth to be Pawns ; H e de s ire s th e owne rs

to come to the Mitre Tave rn inKing Stre e t, We s tminste r, by the rst N ov. ne xt, othe rw ise th e same

w ill be sold .

A t th is t ime i t was qui te th e usual th ing for e venth e large goldsmi ths to take inpawns . Manysuch transact ions are uponre cord inthe i r books .

W e bb , W i l l iam,

Goldsmith , f irm1 620,of St. Bride ’s , Fle e t Stre e t.

W e hb e , G e orge ,Goldsmi th

,1 539

—51 , of th e pari sh of St. Mary Woolnoth .

W e lch and Roge rs , 1 766.


(Se e

W e ld , John,Goldsmi th , circa 1 625, of St. Mary Woolnoth .

Wentw orth , Ch alone r, and R i sh w orth ,

A t 25, Thre adne e dle Stre e t, 1 8 1 3— 25.

W e re and Co.

,1 802 . (Se e BRUCE . )

W e rlyngw orth , N i ch olas ,Goldsmi th , 1 349, probabl y of Chepe . H e was burie d inSt. Paul’s churchyard (

“ Calendar ofWills

,Court of Hus t ing, London

We st, M atth e w ,

A goldsmi th , of th e Se venStars , C lare Stre e t, C lare Marke t, adve rtise d inthe F ly ing Postof 1 7 1 3that h e had purchase d a numbe r of lotte ry t icke ts , w hich h e w ish e d to d ispose of. Th e fol low ing i sone of h i s adve rt isements , w h ich appe are d inth e Londonj ournal , M ay 1 9, 1 72 2

MATTHEW WEST, Goldsmi th , at th e Se ven Stars in Clare s tre e t,Clare Marke t, give s

Not ice , that h e i s impow e re d by th e D i re ctor of th e Lot te ry set forth by th e State s of Groningen inHolland, to dispos e of 1 0000 Ticke ts , vi z. fromN o. 1 600 1 to 26000 inclus ive , i t b e ing th e mos tadvantagious that hath be en s et on Foot, cons is ting of 250000 Ticke ts be ing Pri ze s, and 7000

Premiums w h ich are given in grat is . This Lotte ry i s d iv id e d into 1 0 Clas se s , the Subscribe rs only

paying 55. in th e Ist Clas s , 1 05. for th e 2d, 1 51 . for th e 3d, £ 1 for th e 4th , and £ 1 55. for th e 5thC lass . Cre di t i s givenby th e State s for th e othe r 5 C lasse s ; and may gainby one Ticke t from

1 000 to £9000 or upwards , .as may be s e enby th e Scheme at large , givenGrat is atmy Houseafore said or atmy Office s at North’s Cofl


e e -house inKing stre e t , near Guildhal l, and at John’sCofl


e e -house inExchange A l le y l ike w ise atM r. Isaac Barbutt’s , Me rchant, atth e Blue Bal l inGre atSt. He l len, Bishopsgat e s tre e t , who i s impow ere d by the Di re ctor to dispose of th e l ike Numbe r, viz.from3800 1 to 48000 inclus ive .

H e appears to have be ene stabli sh ed atth e above addre ss from1 697 to 1 73 2 .

W e stonand Co. , 1 796. (Se e YOUN G. )


Wh ite h al l , G i lb e rtof payments in the Exche que r your orator w as disable d frompaying th e [ said]debt , ye t h eende avoure d by all the ways h e could th e payment th e re of and did at s e verall t ime s pay s e ve rall

sume s of mone y inparte the re of unto th e sai d BenjaminPe ake ,”amounting to £400 . Las t Octobe r

Pe ake pre sse d for anothe r 1 00, promis ingnotto sue White hall for one year if h e paid it. White hal l

compl ie d w i th th e demand 5butnotw i thstand ing th is , th e said Pe ake has late ly arre s te d White hal l andke eps himinprison.

The answ e r of BenjaminPe ake to ye b ill of complt of Gilbe rt Whitehal l, Compl‘ of London,Goldsmyth or Banke r,

”Octobe r 2 1 , 1 685, re cords that h i s promise was given on condit ion that

White hal l should pay the quarte rly inte re s t onth e bond inaddi tion to th e 1 00,w hich h e has not

done . And furthe r,“ that h e is th e w orse by know ing of ye complainant and h is partne rs and othe r

goldsmi the s [ havingP]the sumof 5000, w hich mone y was layd up to pay h i s late Maje s tie sCus toms ,” etc.

H e th inks h e w i l l be a los e r i f he forbe ars tak ing act ionto re cove r h i s deb t.White hall d i e d be tw e en 1 707, th e date of hi s w il l , and Apr il 20, 1 7 1 0, when i t was proved . H e

le ft prope rty inD e rbyshire and a cons ide rable sumofmone y.

Wh i te h e ad and C o.

This bus ine ss was s tarte d about 1 784 at5, Bas inghall Stre e t , by Johnand Ge orge White he ad . In1 791 JohnWhitehe ad, junior, was admi tte d into th e firm. In 1 7951011 11 White he ad, th e senior

partne r, re t ired, and inth e fol low ing ye ar i t cons is te d of Ge orge and JohnWhite he ad. In1 797 the

s tyle of th e firmbe came White head and Howard, and the ne xt year the ymove d to 24, Cate atonStre e t . ‘

In1 804 the y assume d a partne r of th e name of Haddock. Wh i te he ad, Howard, and Haddockfaile d about 1 81 5.

W iggs , Rob e rt, or Wygge ,A goldsmith inth e re ignof Que enEl izabe th . H e was le ft a l e gacy by Dame


Jul iana Munday ,the w idow of Sir JohnMunday, goldsmi th . The re i s anaccount forplate pub l ished in

“ Surre y ChurchNote s


”by J. R. D . Tyssen.

Wh itmore ’s .

This banking-hous e was s tarte d at th e s ignof th e A rt ichoke , now No. 24, Lombard Stre e t, about1 769, by W i ll iamFul le r and Son. In 1 799 th e s ty le of the firmw as Ful le r and Chatte ris , w hich itcont inued to be unti l 1 808, w heni t became Chatte ris, Yapp, and Co. and in1 81 2 i t was Chatte ri s ,Whitmore , and Co. In1 82 1 i t finally change d to Whitmore

,We l ls, and Wh itmore wh ich fir


tinue d unt il 1 84 1 , whenthe y fail e d.

W i ck end en and Co.,1 775

- 85. (Se e KENSINGTONS. )

W i lk e s , Di ck enson, and Co.


Bus ine s s was e stabl ishe d at 3 3 , Poul try , in 1 790, unde r th e s tyle of Pe e le s, Wilke s, D ickensons ,and Goodal l . In1 793 th e firmbe came Wilke s, D ickensons, Goodall , and F ishe r . In1 80 1 the nameof F isherd isappe ars, and that of D ickensoni s subs t i tute d .Th e firmcame to anend in1 805.

W i lk inson and Co., 1 796

— 1 804, (Se e BLOXHAM .)

The stre e t w as rename d Gre shamStre e t in 1 845— ve ry imprope rl y, Cunninghamsays . Catte Stre e t, corruptl y

cal l e d Catte tenStre e t, beginneth atthe north end of Ironmonge r Lane , and runne th to the w e st end of St. Law renceChurch (Stow , p.

m] LONDON BA NKEK s . 1 77

WIIIanme , Davld ,A goldsmith hay ing running-cashe s at the Windsor Castlc, Charing Cross , 1 686—90. H e after

warcls moyed to the GoldenBaninSLJame s ' Stre eg where he was in 1 7 1 6. H e was one ot'


Prote stants who fled frotnhIetz atte r the Revocationof the EdictoI Nante s declared onOctobe r s 4,

1 685.

I lnve beeu umble w trace dxis banking-bome fimher back thanthe yw 1 77 1 , whenthey appearmmm w m mmd w wm vmmqmmm,m amgbasine ss st81 , Cornhill . Five yeanlate r tbeymoved to No.

to No. 3 0, BirchinLw e , the site the ynow occupy . In 1 778 Sir Charle s Raymond, Bart. , re tiredfromthe firm. u 1d established anothe r bank atGe orge Strecg hIans ionHouse under the style of

Raymond, Harley, Webber, and Cat In 1 78 1 it became Raymond, Harley, Lloyd, and Came ron.

The last l e enof th is 611 11 was in1 789, whenitwas Thomas Harle y, Cameron, and $011 . M 1 . Fle tche rli kew ise re tired, and the s tyle in 1 779 be came Lorre , Vere , Will iams, and l e anings, the latte r nameoccurring only inthatyear. In1 786 the £11 111 consi ste d of Vere and Williams only. The y, howe ve r,took insome partne rs during the next year, as in 1 788 the ir style be came Ve re , Will iams, Son,Wi lfinson, and Drury. In1 790 Wi ll iams became he ad partne r, and in1 793 the name of Wilk insonis no longer se en, tbe style ot

rthe firmin that year be ing W111iarns, Son, and D rury. In1 799 the

name d hl ofl'

at is intmdnced ; and in1 80 1 3nadd itional partner, named Burge ss, was admitte d . In18 1 0 the name o! Dmry dia ppearg whercuponthe style d the firmbecame Wflhama Son, Moll



and Burges s. Be twe en and 1 8 1 8 the ir style was Williams, Son, Mofl’

at, Burge ss , and Lane .

The year follow ingflhe name s ol hi ofiatand lane dmp oug the firmoonsistingof Williams , Will iams,and Burge ss. From1 81 4 to 1 83 7 i t was Williams, Burgess, and Will iams ; in18 1 8W il l iams , Deacon,Labouchere , and Co. and in 1 841 it became “ filliams , Deacon, Labouchere , Thornton, and Co.

Thereafter the style was Williams , Deacon. and Cc. , unti l April 1 6, 1 890 , whenthe followingnot iceappeare d inthe 77m .

Me ssrs Williams, Deacon, and Cc. announce that the Manchester and Salford Bank (Limited),wi th which the y have be en intimate ly conne cted s ince its formationin 1 836, having de te rmined tomake Londonthe i r headqu flmthe unionol the two banks has be enagree d to. The London

busine ss w ill be conducte d as heretofore , with the same 313 6, and unde r th e same management Th e

style of the bank w i ll be Will iams, De acon, and Manches ter and Sal ford BankI t now consists of the follow ing partne rs

JohnDeacon.Wi ll iamSamue l Deacon.RobertWi lliams, jun.

WilliamFichus.JohnFrancis WilliamDe acon.

A memorable li terary reminiscence is as sociate d w i th th is firm.

InSir George Treve lyan’

s li fe of his distinguishe d nod e is recorded, unde r the date of March 7,1 856, anentry atonce inte resting and important Longmancame , w i th a ve ry pleasant announce

ment. H e and h is partners find that they are ove rflow ing w ith money, and think that the y cannotinvest itbetter thanby advancing tomm the usual terms of come partof what w il l be due to

me inDecember. We agre e d that the y shall pay twenty thousand pounds into Williams’

s bank ne xtw ee k. " The cheque is s t ill pre serve d, as i t should be , as a notable curios i ty among the archive s ofMessrs. Longmans’ firm “ The transaction,

”wri te s Macaulay, is qui te unparal le led inthe his tory



W i l l i ams,D e acon, and CO .

of the book- trade and both th e pe ople atSmith,Payne , and Smi ths ’ who are to pay th e mone y, and

my fri ends w ho are to rece ive it, have be enmuch amuse d . I w ent into th e City to day to giveins truct ions , and was mos t w armly congratulate d onbe ing a great mone ye d man. I said that I hadsome thoughts of going to the Chance l lor of th e Exche que r as a b idde r for th e ne xt loan.

Macaulay was, w e le arn, a gre at favourite w i th h i s banke rs , of w homM r. Henry Thornton, inde e d ,was anold col le ge friend . Th e latte r onone “

occas ion, at th e his torian’s re que st, e xplaine d to him

at some l ength th e d is t inct ionbe tw e enth e difle rent classe s of Spani sh Stock A ct ive , Pass ive , andD e fe rre d . I th ink

, said Macaulay,“ that I. catch your A ct ive Spanish bonds profe ss to

pay inte re st now , and do not. D e fe rre d Spanish bonds profe ss to bay inte re s t at some future t ime ,and w il l not. Pass ive Spanish bonds profe s s to pay inte re s t ne i the r now nor at any future t ime . Ithink that youmigh t buy a large amount of Pass ive Spanish bonds for a ve ry smal l sum.

W i l l i ams , Sir John,Who was s tyle d th e King’s Goldsmi th , and Maste r of th e King

’s Je w e ls, l ive d inEls ing Spi tal .

Stow re cords a fire ath i s house in1 541 , w henmany of th e King’ s j ew e ls w e re burne d or imbe se lle d .

W i l l i ams , Th omas , 1 677. (Se e W ILLIS. )

W i l l i s , Pe rcival , and Co.

This firmi s descende d froma goldsmith of the name of Thomas Will iams , who, accord ing to th eLittle LondonD ire ctory ” of 1 677, was ke eping running-cashe s at th e Crown, inLombard Stre e t

but fromthe parish re gis te rs w e le arnh e was th e re pre vious to 1 670, th e house be ing afte rwardsnumbe re d 76. We find by th e London Gazette of 1 694 that he was s ti l l at th e Crown5 and on

A ugus t 1 6, 1 697, the fol low ing adve rtis ement appe are d in that pape r : — “ Whoe ve r has any plate orj ew e l ls inth e hands of Thomas Wi l l iams late of Lombard Stre e t, goldsmith, de ce ase d, are de s ire d tofe tch themaway by Michae lmas ne xt ; othe rw ise the y w i l l be d ispose d.

”Inth e fol low ing year w e

find that BenjaminTudmanw as atth e Crown5 h e d ie d 1 7 1 2 3 and in1 70 1 BenjaminTudman, jun. ,

w as at the same house . When M rs . Tudman die d in 1 707, sh e was de scribe d as th e w i fe of

BenjaminTudman, Goldsmi th and Bancke r inLinnen” (Re gis te r of St. Mary Woolnoth). I havene ve r me tw i th th is trade be fore , and ente r i t he re as be ing remarkable .

The ne xt itemthat canbe asce rtaine d about this house i s that in 1 708 i t was conducte d byMe ssrs. Tudmanand Child, whos e name s w e obse rve uponsome of M e ss rs . Child and Co.

’s cash-note s ,

w i tne sse d by Thomas Gre ene , who subsequently w as admit te d into th e firm. In1 7 1 0 anadve rtisement appe are d for a cash-book of Tudman and Child, w hich had be en los t . This was probably a

pas s—book . Fromth e same source I find th e firmin 1 7 1 3 was Me s srs . StephenChild (a sonof Sir

Francis Child), Thomas Gre ene , and Math ias Eade s . In 1 7 1 8 M r. Child appe ars to have re s igne d,as th e firmwas thenGre ene and Eade s . In1 733 i t was Gre ene and Tysoe . In1 741 the i r s ignaturewas w itne s se d by W. Will is . In1 752 th e s tyle be came Tysoe , Willis , and Re ade in 1 755Will is andR e ade ; in 1 774 R e ade , Moorhous e , and Co. ; in _

1 778 Moorhouse , Will is , and Re ade ; in 1 787

Will is, Wood , and Co. in 1 792 Will is , Wood, Pe rcival , and Co. 5and in 1 8 1 4 i t be came Will is ,Pe rcival, and Co. , whi ch was the s tyle of th e firmunt i l February 28

,1 878, w henthe y unfortunate ly

s toppe d payment through th e failure of some Gre e k hous e , afte r having be enine xis tence ove r twohundre d ye ars . A t that date the firmcons is te d of Samue l Tomk ins, Samue l Le ith Tomk ins, andH enry Will is .

W i l l itt, Jame s ,Goldsmith, 1 697, atthe Thre e Black Lions, inth e Strand .

W i l son, Jos e ph ,

Goldsmi th, 1 688, ove r agains t St.Dunstan

s church inFle e t Stre e t .

80 L ONDON BANK ERS . [w oo— w w

Woodw ard,Ri ch ard and Th omas — mntz’mzed.

Gui ldhal l onth e 23rd ins tant to prove th e same . Inth e Gazette of M ay 4 anadve rt is ement de s i re sthat all cre ditors whose books are not s e ttle d and balance d would leave the same at th e shop of th e

Woodwards , inorde r to have the same adjus te d.I t is e xtreme ly probable that R ichard Woodward was forme rly at A twe l l’s, and afte r h i s fai lure

cont inue d the bus ine ss , as in1 7 1 3 w e le arn froman adve rtisement inthe D ai ly Couram‘ that twot icke ts inth e J£1 0 lotte ry for the ye ar 1 7 1 2 had be en lost, and w e re to be brought to R ichardWoodward atM r. A tw e l l’s shop inExchange A lle y.

InA pril , 1 734, the y paid a th ird d ividend of 5s . inthe pound.

Wool fry, N ath ani e l , and Co. ,1 702 . (Se e K IRWOOD . )

Wragg, Samu e l ,Goldsmi th , 1 700, of th e GoldenLion, inFle e t Stre e t.

Wri gh t and Co.

Many w i l l remembe r ve ry we l l the banking-house of Me ssrs . Wright and Co . I t originate d ina goldsmi th’s bus ine ss carri e d onby M r. Will iamWright as e arly as the ye ar 1 699. In 1 708 th e

bus ine ss was conducte d by M r. R ichard Wright . OnNovembe r 2 2 , 1 7 1 5, th e loss of tenorde rs of

th e Class is Lotte ry of 1 7 1 2 was announce d in th e London Gazette , and M r. Wright offe re d fivegu ine as reward for the i r re cove ry. Ona draft date d 1 729 I have se enth e fol low ing endors ementTo be paid only to M r. Anthony Wright

,goldsmith , Gre at Russ e l l Stre e t, Covent Garden. Witne ss

for Anthony Wright, H . Gyle s .

Anothe r i s addre s se d in 1 754 to“ Anthony Wright, Esq., aty° GoldenCup, CommonGarden

(s ic), London.

WhenAnthony Wright move d fromGre at Rus se l l S tre e t to Y° GoldenCup inHenrie tta Stre e t,Covent Garden, is unknown; but h e appe ars to have turne d h i s attent ionrathe r to banking thantogoldsmi the ry. Inth e ye ar 1 759 h i s name firstappe ars amongs t th e Londonbanke rs .

In1 775he took h is son into partne rship ; and in 1 785 th e s tyle of th e firmbe came Anthony,“ Francis, and Thomas Wright. Inthe cours e of that year Anthony Wrigh t mos t probably die d , as in1 786 th e firmw as Francis and Thomas Wright . Inth e follow ing ye ar Francis Wright re t ire d fromth e bank, and Thomas Wright took into partne rship Me ssrs . Se lby and Robinson the s tyle be comingWright, Se lby, and Rob inson. In1 81 6 it was Wright, W


right, Wright, S e lby, and Robinson. Thishouse was knownas Wrights and Co. unti l Novembe r, 1 840, whenthe y s toppe d for ami l l ions te rl ingand th e Comme rcial Bank of London opene d a branch on th e premise s , wh ich continue d unt i l1 861 , w henthe bank s toppe d payment. The follow ing ye ar th e Londonand County Bank opene da branch in Jame s S tre e t, Covent Garden, in hope s of obtaining some of the old bus ine ss and ,find ing i t succe ss ful, in 1 864 the y took posse ss ionof th e old premise s, 5, Henrie tta Stre e t, forme rlythe GoldenCup, w he re the y have carrie d onthe i r ope rat ions to th e pre s ent t ime .

Wyk en, Rob e rt,4

Goldsmith , 1 349, of Gode rone lane (Gutte r Lane ).

Wyl e rsby, G e orge ,Goldsmi th, 1 468, pe t i t ione d th e King agains t Hugh Brice , goldsmi th , ke epe r of th e King’s

Exchange , who w as accuse d of put ting a bad al loy into th e s i lve r coins (Ruding, vol . IL).

Wyth e rs , F abyan,Goldsmi th , 1 539— 48, of the parish of St. Mary Woolnoth .

m— You] L ONDON BANKERS. 1 8 1

The firmof Yowng and 1 795 at 3 7, inthe Borough, by Me ss rs . We s ton,PinhormGolding, bla m e , and Weston. Sir JohnPinhornsevere d his conne xionw i th Me ss rs .Wilk insonand Co. to joinM t. Westoninforming th is ne w bank. In 1 808 the name of Go ld ingdoe nmappear. The style ol the firmotherwise continue d unaltere d until 1 8 1 7, whenthe Dire ctorydisclomthat ithad be come We ston, Pinhom, and Weston.From1 8 1 8 to 1 81 4 the firmwas Sir John Pinhora, Weston, and $011. Inthe follow ing year

it bmmWw omYomg and Bostock. In 1 83 1 the name of Bostock d isappears fromthe l ist,and thatot

We ston in1 847, whenthe ir s tyle became C . A . Young and Young Junior. Inconse

quence , it is said , of the de ath of his son, Mr. Young in 1 849 re linquished the bus iness , which wastakenby the Londonand Westminste rBank, who opened a branch the re . Th is was the firstprivatebenk thatm nbsorbed hynjoint—stock bank.


16 70.

(Compi le d fromdata atthe disposal of th e Author. )

Backwe l l, A lde rmanEdward,‘ Unicorn, Lombard Stre e t.Blanchard and Ch ild, Marygold, Fle e t Stre e t .Coll ie r, John.

Colvi ll,John.

Eas t , John, Sun, Strand .

Fow le s, Thomas , Black Lion, Fle e t Stre e t.Harl ing

,John, He art and Crown, Lombard Stre e t.

Hind and K irwood, ove r agains t Exchange , Cornh ill .Hinton, Benjamin, and Co.

, Flow e r d e Luce , Lombard Stre e t.Hoare , Jame s, GoldenBot tle , Che aps ide .

Holme s, John.

Horne by, Jos eph and Nathanie l, Star, Lombard Stre e t.Lindsay, John, Ange l, Lombard Stre e t .Maw sonand Co.

, GoldenHind, Fle e t Stre e t.Me yne l l, Isack , Lombard Stre e t .Pinckne y

,Will iam,

GoldenD ragon, F le e t Stre e t.Portman, John, Lombard Stre e t.Row e , Thomas, Ge orge , Lombard Stre e t.Ryve s, Robe rt.

Sne l l , Ge orge , Fox, Lombard Stre e t .Snow ,

J e remiah , Lombard Stre e t.Snow and Walton, GoldenAnchor, Strand.

Stoke s , or Stocks , Humphry, Black Horse, Lombard Stre e t.Tass e l], John, Bunch of Grape s , Lombard Stre e t .Turne r, Be rnard , GoldenFle e ce , Lombard Stre e t .V ine r, Sir Ge orge , Lombard Stre e t .Vyne r, Sir Robe rt, Lombard Stre e t.Warne r, John, w ithout Temple Bar.We lstead, Robe rt, Hare , Lombard Stre e t.Wh ite hal l, Gilbe rt.Will iams , Thomas, Crown, Lombard Stre e t .

167 7 .

(Extracted fromth e Little LondonD ire ctory.

A ddis and Co. , atthe Sun, inLumbard Stre et.Bol i tho and M r. Wilson, atth e GoldenLion, inLumbard Stre e t.Bal lard , atth e Unicorn, Lumbard Stre e t.

M r. Martinhas a de ed show ing that about this date A lde rmanBackw e l l was atthe Grasshoppe r.


Chambe rs , Jame s, Thre e Squi rre ls , Fle e t Stree t .Child and Roge rs , Marygold , Fle e t Stre e t.Coggs, John, King

’s He ad , Strand .

Duncombe , Charle s and Valent ine , Grasshoppe r, Lombard Stre e t .Eale s

,Be rnard, Lombard Stre e t.

Eas t,John

, Sun, w i thout Temple Bar.Fow le s , Sir Thomas , Black Lion, Fle e t Stre e t.Hanke y, Samue l, Ring, Fenchurch Stre e t.H e riot, Jame s , Nake d Boy, Fle e t Stre e t.Hoare , Jame s , GoldenBottle , Che aps ide .

Horne by, Nathanie l, Star, Lombard Stre e t .Johnson

,John, Thre e Flow e r de Luce s , Che aps ide .

Lamb , H enry, Grape s , Lombard Stre e t.Laple y, Jame s , Thre e Cocks , Che aps ide .

Lasse ls, R ichard , Unicorn, Strand .

Pe rcivall,Pe te r, and Co.

,Black Boy, Lombard Stre e t.

Pinckne y,Will iam

,GoldenDragon, Fle e t Stre e t .

Price , H ene age , GoldenLion'

,w ithout Temple Bar.

Row land,John, Lombard Stre e t.

Shale s an'

d Smith in, Unicorn, Lombard Stre e t.Snagg, Richard, Flying Horse , Lombard Stre e t .Snow and Wal ton

,GoldenAnchor, Strand.

Swe etaple , John, Black Moor’s He ad,Lombard Stre eL

Tasse l l,John, Bunch of Grape s , Lombard Stre e t .

Thursby, John, Th e Bal l, Lombard Stre e t .Wade

,Pe te r, M e armaid

,Lombard Stre e t .

Wall is,Major Joh . , Ange l, Lombard Stre e t.

Warne r, John, Strand.

We alste ad, Robe rt, Hare , Lombard Stre e t .Wh i te

,Pe te r, Plough , Lombard Stre e t.

White,Thomas , Blue Anchor, Lombard Stre e t.

Wi l liams,Thomas

,Crown, Lombard Stre e t .

(Compi l e d fromdata atthe d isposal of th e Author . )

A tw e ll and Courtnay, Exchange A l le y, Lombard Stre e t.Brasse y and Caswall, A corn, Lombard Stre e t.Chambe rs , A braham, GoldenFalcon, Fle e t Stre e t.Chambe rs, jame s, Thre e Squi rre ls, Fle e t Stre e t.Child

,Sir Francis , and Co. , Marygold , Fle e t Stre e t.

Coggs and Darm, King’s H e ad


Cooke and Venable s, Lombard Stre e t.Fow le s and Wotton, Black Lion, F le e t Stre e t .Freame and Gould, Thre e Anchors , Lombard Stre e t.G e rrard, Ralph , Thre e Lions , Lombard Stre e t:Hanke y

,Henry, R ing and Bal l, Fenchurch Stre e t.

H e riot,Jame s

,Nake d Boy, Fle e t Stre e t.

Hoare,Sir Richard

,GoldenBot tle , Fle e t Stre e t.


Johnm h johmTluee Flowa de a eg Cheaps ide .

Knight, joseph, Flowe r de Luce , GreatRuss e ll Street, Covent Gard en.

Mentiu , George , Peacock, Cornh ill.

Mompessen, Edward, BirchinLane ,Morton, Richard, and Co. , Anchor and Thne Crowns , Lombard Stre e t.Pea ce , Captain, Three GoldenCocks, Cheaps ide .

m m mmPercivall and Evans, Black Boy, Iombard Street.Pinckne y, Ph ilip, 8011, w ithoutTemple Bat.

StoqobutBlack Hone , Lombard Stmet.

Wilson, Joseph. Plough, Lombard Street.Wright, Wi ll iam, GoldenCup. CoventGarden.


17 25.

(Compiled (m data atthe disposal of the A uthoe .)

Caswafland hl ounh lpmhard SUe e t

Colebrooke and Co. . behind the Royal Exchange .

Fowler and Roche , Thre e Squirre ls , Fle etsumGreene and Eadet, Crown, Lombard Stre e t.Hankey, Henry, and Co. ,

Ring and Ball, Fenchurch Stre e t.

1 85


Hoare , Benjamin, and Co. , GoldenBottle , Flee t Stre e t.H odsoll

,Wil liam

, Sun, Strand .

K illmaine and Co. ,Ange l and Crown, Strand.

Martin, Thomas and Jame s, Grasshoppe r, Lombard Stre e t.Me ad and Co. , Goat, Strand.

Middle tonand Campbe ll, Thre e Crowns , Strand.

Morson, R ichard, and Co. , Anchor and Thre e Crowns , Lombard Stre e t.Pal tock , John, and Co. , Fle e t Stre e t.Shale s and Bowdle r, Vine , Lombard Stre e t.Snow


,GoldenAnchor, w i thout Temple Bar.

Stoke s , Robe rt, Black Horse , Lombard Stre e t.Wil son

,Will iam, Strand .

Wright, Anthony, GoldenCup, Covent Garden.

1 7 3 6.

(Extracte d fromK ent ’s D ire ctory . )

A rnold, Chris tophe r, Fle e t Stre e t .Bowdle r, Thomas , Lombard Stre e t.Brasse y, Nathanie l, and Co. , Lombard Stre e t.Caswall and Mount, Lombard _Stre e t.Child, A ld

n Sir Francis , and Co .,Temple Bar.

Colebrooke , Rooke , and He rve y, be hind Royal Exchange .

D rummond, Andrew ,Charing Cross .

Freame and Barclay, Lombard Stre e t.Glegg and Ve re , Lombard Stre e t.Gre enand Tysoe , Lombard Stre e t.Hanke y, A ld

nSir, H enry and Sons, Fenchurch Stre e t.Hoare , Henry, Fle e t Stre e t.

Je rnegar, Henry, GtRusse l l S“, Covent Garden.

Imnside , Edward, Lombard Stre e t.Knight and Jackson, Lombard Stre e t.Knigh t and Bourne , Change A l le y.Mart in, Jame s, and Co. , Lombard Stre e t.Middle ton, Ge orge , Strand.Morson, R ichard, Lombard Stre et.Pepys and Hol l ingsworth, Lombard Stre e t.Snow , Thomas , Strand , near Temple Bar.Stone , R ichard, Lombard Stre e t.Surman, Robe rt, Lombard Stre e t .Temple and Hawn, Strand, oppe N ew Exchange .

1 7 3 8 .

A tkyns , H onywood, and Fulle r, Lombard Stre e t.Nathanie l Bras se y and Co. , Lombard Stre e t.Caswall and Mount

,Lombard Stre et.

Will iamChambe rs , Fle e t Stre e t.A lde rmanSir Franci s Child and Co. , T emple Bar.


1 745.

Be l lamy, Sir Edward, Knt. , A lde rman, and Bank D i re ctor, De vonshire Square .

Benson, Bryan, Esq. , Bank D i rector, Trinity Lane .

Bland , John, Banke r, Lombard Stre e t.Bras s e y, Nathanie l, and Comp. ,

Banke rs, Lombard Stre e t.Brooksbank, Stamp, Esq. , Bank Di re ctor, Hackne y.Burre l l, Me rr ick , Esq. , Bank D i re ctor, atM r. Panton’s , ColemanStre e t.Carbonne l , De lille rs , Esq. , Bank D i re ctor, Mark Lane .

Child,Samue l, and Co. , Banke rs , Temple Bar.

Chisw e l l, R ichard, jun. ,Bank D i re ctor and Turk . M ercht King

s A rms Yard , ColemanStre e t.Colbrooke and Lightfoot , Banke r


s,behind th e Royal Exchange .

Cooke , Thomas , Esq. , Bank D i re ctor, Stoke Ne w ington.

D rummond , Andrew , Banke r, Charing Cross .Faw kene r, Will iam, Esq. , Bank Di re ctor, Rood Lane , Fenchurch Stre e t.Fox, Ge orge , Mone y Scr ivene r, M oorfi e lds .

Fre ame and Barclay, Banke rs , Lombard Stre e t.

Gault ie r, Jame s, Esq. , Bank D i re ctor and M e rcht. , Lime Stre e t Square .

Gre enand Ambe r, Banke rs , Strand, ne ar DurhamYard.

Hanke y, Sir Joseph and Thomas, Banke rs , Fenchurch Stre e t.Harve y, John, A ccomptant to th e Bank of England, atth e Bank .

H e rring, Henry, Esq. , Bank D i re ctor and Insure r, Mincing Lane .

Hoare,R ichard , Esq. , A lde rman, Fle e t Stre e t, ne ar St. Dunstan’s Church .

Hoare and A rnold,Banke rs

,Fle e t Stre e t

,ne ar St. Dunstan’s Church.

Holl ingsworth and N ightingale , Banke rs , Lombard Stre e t .Hone ywood and Ful le r, Banke rs, Lombard Stre e t.Hunt, Will iam,

Bank and Royal Exchange A ssurance D i re ctor, Little Tave l Stre e t .Knight and Jackson

,Banke rs , Lombard Stre e t.

Knight and Shuttl e worth, Banke rs, Change A l le y .

Leth icullie r, Benjamin, Esq. , Bank D i re ctor and Tarke y M ercht. , Dowgate Hill.

Lie ve r, Jame s , Esq. , Bank D ire ctor, Hackne y .

Lew in,Robe rt, Se cre tary to th e Bank of England, Grub Stre e t .

Longue t, Benjamin, Deputy Gove rnor of th e Bank, Crosby Square .

Mar tin,Surman, and Stone , Banke rs , Lombard Stre e t .

Middl e tonand Campbe ll, Banke rs , Strand , ne ar DurhamRoadM inors and Bolde ro, Banke rs , Lombard Stre e t .Ne ale

,Henry, Esq. , Bank and LondonA ssurance D i re ctor, Be dford Row .

Ne ttleton, Robe rt , Bank D i re ctor and M e rcht. , D istafi’

Lane .“

Osborn, R ichard, Banke r, Fle e t Stre e t .Rape r, Matthew ,

Esq. , Bank D ire ctor, New ingtonGre en.

Sal isbury, Robe rt, Bank D ire ctor and M e rcht. , Botolph Lane .

Salw e y, The ophilus, Esq. , Bank D ire ctor and Turke y M e rcht.,Great St. H e llens .

Savage, Charle s , Esq. , Gove rnor of th e Bank and M e rcht. , Mark Lane .

She afe,A le xande r, Bank D i re ctor and M e rcht. , Budge Row .

Snow,Thomas , and Comp. ,

Banke rs, w ithout, Temple Bar.South


,Esq. , Bank D ire ctor, Je fi’e ry’s Square , St. Mary A xe .

Thomas, Pe te r, Bank D ire ctor, Martin’s Lane

,CannonStre e t .

Thornton, Robe rt, Esq. , Bank D i re ctor and Insure r, Mark Lane .

Tysoe and Will is,Banke rs, Lombard Stre e t.

Ve re and A sgi ll, Banke rs, Lombard Stre e t.


Whate ly. Thoma , Esq. , Bank Director and Turke y M ercht. , Epsom, or Sword-blade Cofl'

ee House,

Bitchinlane .

Bodle ianLibrary . )


George Campbea m DnrhamYard , Su-and.

Cldlds ans ck‘nlLTemple Bs r.CooperGissinghnm, e orne r of Amnde l Su-e et.Andrem mmond d a , CharinnWilliamGibson, Bow Lane .

Sit jose ph and SirThomas Hankey, Fenchurch Sae ct.Hmmmd Amold , Fle etSt1ee t.Honeywood and Fuller, BitchinLane .Martins, Stone , and Blackwe ll, Lombatd Stree t.M inors and Bolde ro, Lombard Stre et.

Vere , Glynn, and Hallihx, Lombard Street.

17 69 .

Joht nd and Somlmbard Stre et.

BM Gny, and S&phmon, Iombad tN et

Bm y, Le e , and Son, Lombsrd Stre etCmpbeflnnd a DnthamYM Sttand.

Childs and Co ,Tetnple Ba1 .

James and George Cole bmoke and Cc. , be hind th e Royal Exchange .

CooperGissinghnm, come r otAmnde l Street. Strand .

Andrew Dmmmond and Cc. , Chan'

ng Cross.Freame , Barclay, and Freame , Lombard Stre e t.

Huntand Robinson, Banke rs and Agents, George Street, Voth Buildings.Martins , Stone , and Blackwe l l, Lombu d Stre et.Minors and Boldero, Lombard Stre e t.

RoEey, Neale , Jame s, and Fordyce , Lombard Stree t.Smith and Payne , Lothbury.Snow and Denn, wi thout Temple Bat.Vere , Glyn, and Hallil


ax, B itch inLane .Will is. Reade , and Cc. , Lombard Stre e t.Anthony Wright, Henrie tta Stre et, Covent Garden.


1 7 63 .

Biddulph and Cocks , Charing Cross .Bland

,Barne tt, and Bland, Lombard Stre e t.

Bolde ro,Carte r, and Co.

, Lombard Stre e t.Cas te l ls and Whate ly, Birch inLane , Cornh ill .Childs and Co. ,

Temple Bar.Clifl


e, Walpole , and C larke , Lombard Stre e t.

Coope r Giss ingham,corne r of A runde l Stre e t; Strand .

Jame s and Thomas Coutts, ne ar DurhamYard, Strand .

Fre ame , Barclay, and Fre ame , Lombard Stre e t .Ful le r, Son, and We lch, Lombard Stre e t.Ge orge and WilliamGine s, Lombard Stre e t.Sir Francis Gos l ing, Benne tt, and Gos l ing, Fle e t Stre e t .Sir Joseph , Sir Thomas , and M r. Joseph Chapl inHanke y, Fenchurch Stre e t .Henry Hoare

,R ichard , and R ichard , Fl e e t Stre e t, ne ar St. Duns tan

5 Church .

JohnMurray, Fle e t Stre e t .Pe wtre ss and Robarts

,Lombard Stre e t .

Roffe y, Ne ale , Jame s , and Fordyce , Lombard Stre e t.Smi th and Payne , Lothbury .

Smith, Wright, and Gray, Lombard Stre e t .Snow and D enn, w ithout Temple Bar.Ve re , Glyn, and H all ifax

,Birch inLane .

Will is, Re ade , and Co.

, Lombard Stre e t.Wright , Anthony, Henrie tta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

1 7 65.

(Fromth e Royal Annual Kal endar.

Amyard (s ic), Sir Ge orge , Staple s , and M e rce r, near Gracechurch Stree t.fi sgill, Sir Charle s , N igh t ingale , and Wickenden, facing Lloyd

s , Lombard Stre et.

Backw e ll, Hart; Darre l, and Croft, Grasshoppe r, Pal l Mal l .B iddulph and Cocks , N ew Build ings, Char ing Cross .

Bland, Barne tt, and Bland, Black Horse , Lombard Stre e t.Brown, H enton, and Son, facing Cas tle Tave rn, Lombard Stre e t .Bland , Gray, and Stephenson, GoldenBal l , Lombard Stre e t .Bolde ro

,Carte r, and Co.

,Vine , Lombard Stre e t .

Brasse y, Le e , and Son, A corn, Lombard Stre e t .Cas te lls and Whate ly, Birch inLane .


e , Walpole , and C larke , corner of Clements Lane .

Child and Co. ,joining inTemple Bar.

Cooper Gis s ingham,corne r of A runde l Stre e t, Strand.

Cole brooke , Sir Ge orge , and Co.,ne ar Antw e rp Tave rn, Thre adne e dle Stre e t.

Coutts, Jame s , ne a1' DurhamYard, Strand.D rummond and Co.

, Charing Cross .Fre ame Barclay, and Fre ame , ne ar Ge orgeYard , Lombard Stre e t.Fulle r, Son, and We lch , facing St. Edmund’s Church, Lombard Stre e t .Ful le r and Cope , Birch inLane .

Gine s, George and Will iam, Rose and Crown, Lombard Stre e t .Gos l ing, Gos l ing, and C live , Thre e Squi rre ls , Fle e t Stre e t .


Bolde ro, Carte r, and Co. , the Vine , Lombard Stre e t .Brasse y, Le e , R . and W. A yton, the A corn, Lombard Stre e t .Cas te l ls and Whate ly, Bi rchimLane , Cornhil l .Cliffe , Walpole , and Clarke , corne r of Clement

s Lane , Lombard Stre e t .R . Child and Co. ,

jo ining Temple Bar.Coope r Gi ss ingham, corne r of A runde l Stre e t, Strand .

Cole brooke , Sir Ge orge , Le ss ingham, and Co. , ne ar the Exchange , Thre adne e dle Stre e t.Coutts, Jame s and Thomas , ne ar DurhamYard , Strand .

D rummond and Co. , Charing Cross .

Fre ame , Barclay, and Fre ame , corne r of Ge orge Yard, Lombard Stre e t.Ful le r

, Son, and We lch,facingBirch inLane , Lombard Stre e t.

Fulle r and Cope , Birch inLane , Cornhil l .Gine s, Ge orge and Will iam,

facing Wh ite Hart Conrt, Lombard S tre e t.Gos l ing

,Sir Fr. , Gos l ing, and Clive , Thre e Squirre ls , Fle e t Stre e t.

Hanke y, Sir Jos . and Sir Thomas, and Co. ,GoldenBall , Fenchurch Stre e t .

Hoare , H enry, R ichard, and R ichard, Le athe r Bottle , Fle e t Stre e t .Hunt and Rob inson, York Bui ld ings, Strand .

Knight, Batson, and Co. , facing Lloyd’s , Lombard Stre e t.

Martin, Stone , and Blackw e ll, Grasshoppe r, Lombard Stre e t .Murray, John, atth e Crown, Fle e t Stre e t.Pewtre ss and Robarts, atth e Thre e Kings , Lombard Stre e t.Rofl

ey, Ne ale , Jame s, and Fordyce , Union, oppos ite Pos t Oth e e , Lombard Stre e t .Smi th and Payne , ne ar ColemanStre e t, Lothbury.Smith


,and Gray, Thre e Kings, Lombard Stre e t.

Snow and D enn,th e Anchor, w i thout Temple Bar.

Ve re , Glyn, S ir R ichard , and H alli fax,Birch inLane , Cornhi ll .

Will is,Re ade

,and Co. , th e Crown, near Pope

’s He ad A l le y, Lombard Stre e t .

Wright, Anthony, GoldenCup, H enrie t ta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

1 7 7 0.

Sir Ge o. Amyand, Staple s , and Company, 50, Cornh il l .Batson, Stephenson, and H oggart, 69, Lombard Stre e t .Biddulph and Cocks , Char ing Cros s .

Bland and Barne tt,62

,Lombard Stre e t.

Bolde ro, Carte r, Barns ton, Snaith , and Carte r, 5, Mans ionHouse Stre e t .Bolde ro, Kende ll , A de y , and Co. , 77, Lombard Stre e t.Browns and Col l inson, 58, Lombard Stre e t .Chambe rs and Co N e w Bond Stre e t .Robe rt Child and Co. ,

1,Fle e t Stre e t.

Jame s and Thomas Coutts , ne ar DurhamYard, Strand .

Croft, Hart, and Backwell, Pal l Mal l .D imsdale , A rche r, and Hyde , 2 , White Hart Court, Grace church Sti e e tJohnD rummond and Co. , Charing Cross .

Fre ame , Smith, Be van, and Bening, 56, Lombard Stre e t.Will iamFul le r and Son, 2 7, Lombard Stree t .Ful le r

,Bake r, and Halford, 20, Birch inLane .

Gine s and A tkinson, 50, Lombard Stre e t.Gos l ing and Clive

,89, Fle e t Stre e t.

R ichard Gravatt, 51 , Fle e t Stre e t .


Hal l iday, Fligh t, Hal liday, and Co. , 34, Lombard_Stree t.

Hmbttry, Taylor, Lloyd, and Bowman, 1 4, Iombard Stre e t.Sir Thomas Hanke y, Joseph Chaplin Hankey, Thomas Hankey, and Stephen Fenchurch

Hoare , Henry, Richard, and R ichard, 37, Fle etStree t.Edward Hodsoll, near Catherine Stre e t, Strand.Le e and Ayton, 7 1 , Lombard Stre et.Mattias, Stone , Blackwe ll, and Porter, 68, Lod Stre e t.Mayne and Nee dham, JermynStre e t, St. Jame s’.Jame s Neale , Foxdyce , and Down, 73 , Threadne edle Stteet.Pre scott, Gra te , Culva den, and Holl ingsworth, 57, Thte adne edle Stre et.Smi th and Payne , 1 8, Lombard Street.Smi th, Wright, and Gray, 55, Lombard Swe et.Snow , Denn, and Sandby, withoutTemple Bar.Walpole , Clark, and Bourne , 1 8, Lombard Stre et.We lch and Rogers, Se , Cornh ilLWillis, Ru de , and Cc. , 76, Lombard Street.Anthony Wright, Henrietta Stre et, CoventGarden.

1 77 1 .

Sir George Amyand, Suple s, and Watts, so, CornhilLBatson, Stephenson, and Hoggart, 69, Lombard Stree t.W md M CM fimCmBland and Bametg 6s , Lombu d St1eetBoldero, Carter. Barnston, Snai th , and Carte r. 5, Mans ionHouse Stre e tBoldero, Kend e l l. Ade y, and Kende ll, 7 7, Lombard Stre e tBrownand 00111115011 , 59. Lombard Street.Caste ll, Whateley, and Pow e l l, 66, Lombard Stre et.Chambers, Franks, Hu ey, and Birch, New Bond Stree tChatte r and Rivers . 5. Lombard S tre et.Robe rtChi ld and Cc. , 1 , Fl e e t S tre et.Sir Ge orge Cole btook. Lu ingham, and Binns, 63 , Threadne e dle Stre et.Jama and fl oms CmM ne ar DurhamYu¢Stmn¢Croft. Hart, and Backwe ll, Pall Mall.Dimsdale , Archer, and Hyde , 3 , Wh ite HartCourt, Gracechurch Stre etDorrien, Racke t, and Carleton, n, Finch Lane , Cornh ill.johnDrummond and Co. , Charing CmPulle r, Baker, and Hali oul, 1 1 , BirchinLane .

Gine s and Atkinson. 505 Lombard Stre etSirRichatd Glynand Thomas Ballit


as , 1 8, Bitch inLane .

Gos ling and Cl ive , 1 9, Fle etS tre et.Richard Gravatt, 51 , Fle e t Stre e t.Halliday, Flight. Hal liday, and Co. , 34, Lombard Street.Hoare , Henry, Ri chard , and Richard, 3 7, FleetStreet.Edward Hodsoll, ne ar Catherine Street, Strand .

SirRobe rt Ladbroke , Son, Raw linson, and Parker, 1 0, Lombard Stree t.Le e and Aytom, 7 1 , Lombard Street.Lowry, Newton, and Mercer, 24, Gracechurch Stree t, the corne r of Lombard Street.Mayne and Nee dham, JermynStre et, St. James'.


J ame s Ne ale , Fordyce , and Down, 73 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t .Pre scott, Grote , Culve rden, and Holl ingsw orth , 57 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t .

Raymond, Will iams , Ve re , Low e , and Fle tch e r, 8 1 , Cornhill .Smi th

,Be van, and Bening, 56, Lombard Stre e t .

Smi th and Payne , 1 8, Lombard Stre e t .Smith , Wright, and Gre y, 55, Lombard Stre e t .Snow ,

D enn,and Sandby, w ithout Temple Bar.

Walpole , Clark, and Bourne , 28, Lombard Stre e t .We lch and Roge rs, 80, Cornhi ll .Will i s, Reade , Moorhouse , and Cc. , 76, Lombard Stre e t .Anthony Wright, H enr ie t ta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

1 7 74 .

Sir Charle s A sgill, N ight ingale , Wickenden, and N ight ingale , 7o, Lombard Stre e t.A ytonand Co . , 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t.Batson, Stephenson, and Hoggatt, 69, Lombard Stre e t .Biddulph and Cocks, Charing Cross .Bland

,Barne t t, and Hoare , 62 , Lombard Stre e t .

Bolde ro, Carte r, Barns ton, Snai th, and Carte r, 5, Mans ionHouse Stre e t.Bolde ro, Kende ll , A de y, and Kendall, 77 , Lombard Stre e t.Brownand Col l inson, 38, Lombard Stre e t.Bul l

,John, and Co. , 50, Bartholomew Clos e .

Cas te l l , Whate ley, and Pow e l l, 66, Lombard Stre e t .Chambe rs , Franks, He te y, and Birch, N e w Bond Stre e t.Chate r and Rive rs, 5, Lombard Stre e t.Chi ld, Robe rt, and Co.

,1 , Fle e t Stre e t.

Colebrooke , Sir Ge orge , Le ss ingham, and Binns , 62 , Threadne e dle Stre e t .Cornewall , Sir George , Stapl e s , and Watts

, 50, Cornhill.Coutts , Jame s and Thomas, ne ar DurhamYard, Strand .

Qroftand Backw e ll, Pal l Mall .D enne ,Wi lliamand Corne l ius , and W i l l iamSandby, w i thout Temple Bar.D efl


e,Sir Wil liam, and Co.

, GraftonStre e t, Bond Stre e t.D imsdale , A rche r, Hyde , D imsdale , and Co. , 2 , White Hart Court, Gracechurch Stre e t .Dorien, Rucke rs , and Carle ton, 2 2 , Finch Lane .

D rummond and Co. , Charing Cross .Ful le r, Hal ford , and Vaughan, 84, Cornhill .Ful le r, Will iam, and Son, 24, Lombard Stre e t.Gine s and A tkinson, 50, Lombard Stre e t.Gos l ing, C l ive , and Gos l ing, 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t.Gravatt, R ichard, 51 , Fle e t Stre e t.Hall iday, Flight, Hall iday , and Co.

, 34, Lombard Stre e t.H al lifax, Si r Thomas, Mills , Glyn, and Mitton, 1 8, Birch inLane .

Hanbury , Taylor, Lloyd, and Bowman, 1 4, Lombard Stre e t .Hanke y, Jos eph Chapl in, Thomas Hanke y, and StephenHal l, 7, Fenchurch Stre e t.Hoare , Henry, R ichard, R ichard , and Henry, 73 , Fle e t Stre e t.H odsoll, Edward , ne ar Cathe rine Stre e t, Strand .

Ladbroke , Raw l inson, and Porke r’

, 73 , Bank Bui ld ing.

Lemon, Bul le r, Furle y, Lubbock , and Co. , 1 4, Abchurch Lane .

Low ry, New ton, and Co., 54, Lombard Stre e t .


Ladbroke , Raw l ingson, and Porke r, Bank Buildings .

Le e , A yton, Bras se y, and Eaton, 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t .Lemon, Sir Wil l iam, Bul le t, Furle y, Lubbock , and Co. ,

1 1,Mans ionHouse Stre e t.

Low ry, Ne w ton, and Co ., S . E . corne r of Lombard Stre e t.

Marlar, Lasce l le s,‘

Pe l l, and Down, 1 , Bartholome w Lane , near th e Bank .

Martin, Stone , Blackw e l l , and Foote , 68, Lombard Stre e t .Mason, Currie , Jame s, and Yallowby, 29, Cornhil l .Mayne , Robe rt, and Co.

,Je rmynStre e t, St. Jame s ’.

Pre scott, Grote s, Culve rden, and Hol l ingsw orth, 57, Thre adne e dle Stre e t .Pybus, Hyde , Dorse tt, and Cocke ll, 1 48, N ew Bond Stre e t.Raymond

,Sir Charle s, Bart, Ve re , Low e , and Fle tche r, 20 , Bitch inLane .

Re ade , Moorhouse , and Co. , 76, Lombard Stre e t.Smi th , Payne , and Smith , Ge orge Stre e t, Mans ionHouse .

Smith, Samue l, and Son, 1 2, A lde rmanbury.Smi th, Wright, and Gray, 2 1 , Lombard Stre e t .Staple s, BaronD imsdale , Son, and Co. , 50, Cornhil l.Walpole , Clarke , Bourne , and Potts, 28, Lombard Stre e t .We lch, Roge rs , and Co.

, 80, Cornhil l .Wickenden, M ofiatt, Kens ington, and Bole r, 20, Lombard Stre e t.Wright, Anthony, and Son, Henrie tta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

1 7 7 8 .

A rche r, Hyde s , Maude , Watts, and Co.

,24, White Hart Stre e t, Lombard Stre e t.

A sgill , Sir Charle s , N ightingal e , and N ight ingale and Co ., 70, Lombard Stre e t.

Barclay , Be van, and Bening, 56, Lombard Stre e t.Batson, Stephenson, and H oggart, 69, Lombard Stre e t.Biddulph, Cocks , El iot, and Prae d, Charing Cross .

Bland, Barne tt, and Hoare , 62 , Lombard Stre e t .Bolde ro, Barns ton, Carte r, Snai th , and Barns ton, 5, Mans ionHous e Stre e t .

Bolde ro, Kendall, A de y, and Bras ie r, 77, Lombard Stre e t,Brown, Col l inson, and Tri tton, 58, Lombard Stre e t .Cas te l l, Whate ley, and Pow e l l, 66, Lombard Stre e t.Chambe rs , H e rcy, and Birch , N ew Bond Stre e t .Child

, Robe rt, and Co.,1,Fle e t Stre e t.

Coutts , Thomas, and Co. , 59, ne ar DurhamYard , Strand .

Croft, Backw e ll, Robe rts , and Croft, Pal l Mall .D enne , Will iamand Corne l ius , Robe rt Snow ,

and Will iamSandby , 2 1 7, w i thout Temple Bar.

Dorrien, Rucke r, Dorrien, and Martin, 2 2, F inch Lane .

D rummond , Robe rt, and Co .,Charing Cros s.

Ful le r, Son, Hal ford , and Vaughan, 84, Cornhill .

Ful le r, William,and Son, 24, Lombard Stre e t .

Gine s and A tkinson, 50, Lombard Stre e t .Gos l ing,

Cl ive , and Gos l ing, 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t .Gravatt, R ichard, 51 , Fle e t Stre e t .Hal l iday

,Duntz e , Prae d , and Co. , 3 , Fre eman’s Court, Cornhill.

H al lifax, Sir Thomas, Mills, Glyn, Mills , and Mitton, 1 8, Bitch inLane .

Hanbury, Taylor, Lloyd , and Bowman, 1 4, Lombard Stre e t.Hanke y


,Joseph Chapl inHanke y, StephenHall, and Robe rt Hanke y, 7, Fenchurch Stre e t.

He rrie s, Robe rt, and Co. , St. Jame s’- Stre e t.


Hoé oflmdmchi a athe rine Sae etSmnd.

Iangston, Polhill, Towgood, and Amory, 39, Clements Lane , Lombard Stre e t.qAyton, and Bumey, 7 1 , Lomba1d St1e etLemon, Sir Wi lliam, Bart, Bullet, Farley, Lubbock, and Cc. , 1 1 , Mans ionHouse Stre e t .Lowe , Vere , Williams, and Jennings , s o, BitchinLane .

Lowry, Newton, and Co . , SE. comer, Lombard Stre e t.Marlar, Pell,md Down, 1 , Battholomew h ne , near the Bank.

Mason, Currie , Jame s , and Yallowby, 1 9, Cornh ill.Mayne and Gnham, ]e1mynStree t, St JM .

Moorhouse , Willis , and Reade , 76, Lombard Stre et.Prescotts, Grate s , Culverden, and Hollingswocth, 61 , Threadne edle S tre et.

1 48, Ne w Bond St1 eet.Raymond, Sir Chatle s , Bart, Harle y, Webbe r, and Cc. , George Stre et, Mans ionHouse Stre e t.

Mans ionHouse .

Smith, Samue l, and Son, 1 1 , A ldermsnbmy.

Smith, Wright, and Gray, 1 1 , Lombard Stre e tStaple s , Roger, BaronThomas Dimsdale , JohnDimsdale , and jos iah Barnard, so, Cornhi ll .Walpole , Clarke , Bourne , and Potts , 1 8. 11ombard Sum.

We lch, Rogers, and Cot, 80, Cornh il l.Wickenden, 110111 11, Kensington, and Boler, s e , b mbard Street.Wright, Anthony, and Son, Henrietta Stree t, Covent Garden.

17 79 .

Asgill, Sir Charles, N ightingale , end Nigh tingale , 70, Lombard Stree t .Barclay, Bevan, and Betting, 56. 1.0 d Stre et.

Batson, Stephenson. and Hoggzrt, 69, Lombard Stre e t.Biddulph, Cocks , Eliot, and Praed, Charing Cross.Bland, Bamett. and Hoare , 61 , Lombard Stre e t.Boldeto, Barnston, Carter, Snaith , and Barnston, 5, Mans ionHouse Stree tBoldem, Kendall, A dey, and Bras ie r, 77, Lombaxd Stre etw n, Co llinson. and Tritton, 58, Lombard Stre e t.Caste l t te ley, and Powe l l, 66, lpmbard Stre et.Chamben, H ercy, and Birch, New Bond Street.Chi ld. Robert, and Cc. , 1 , Fle e t Stre et.

M W M CQ , W DM YM , SUM .

Cram, Devaynes , Roberu, and Dawe s, 39, Pall Mall.Denne , Wi lliamand Corne lius, RobertSnow, and W ill iamSandby, w i thout Temple

1 1 , c h h ne '

Drummond, Robert, and Co., Charing Cross.Fuller, Son. Halford, and Vaflshln, 84, Cornhi ll.Fuller, Wi ll iam, and Son, 3 4, Lombard Stre et.G ine s and A tk inson, so, Lombaxd Stre et.Gosling. Robe rtand Francis, 1 9, Fle e t Street.

Hallifax, Sir Thomas, Mills , Glyn, Mil ls, and Mitton, 1 8, BirchinLane .

Hanbury, Taylor, Dayd, and Bowman, 60, Inmbard Stre e t.


Hanke y, Thomas , Joseph Chapl in Hanke y, Stephen Hall, and Robe rt Hanke y, 7, FenchurchStre e t.

He rrie s,Robe rt, and Co.

,1 6

, St. Jame s’ Stre e t.Hoare , Henry, R ichard, H enry, and Henry, 37, Fle e t Stre e t,H odsoll and Miche l], ne ar Cathe rine Stre e t, Strand .

Ladbroke,Raw l ingson, and Porker, Bank Buildings .

Langs ton, Polhill, Towgood, and Amory, 29, C lements Lane , Lombard Stre e t.Le e , A yton, Bras s ey, and Sat te rthwai te , 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t .Lemon, SirWill iam, Bart, Furley, Lubbock, and Co. ,

1 1,Mans ionH ouse Stre e t,

Low e , Ve re , Will iams, and Jennings, 20, BirchinLane .

Marlar, Pe l l, and Down, 1 , Bartholome w Lane , ne ar th e Bank .

Martin,Stone , Blackw e ll, and Foote , 68, Lombard Stre e t.

Mason, Currie , Jame s , and Yallowby, 29, Cornhill.Mayne and Graham, Je rmynStre e t, St. Jame s ’ .Mildre d and Walke r, 2 , White Hart Cour t, Lombard Stre e t .Moorhouse , Will is, Re ade , and Co. , 76, Lombard Stre e t .Pre scotts, Grote s , Culve rden, .and Hol l ingsworth

,62 , Threadne edle Stre et.

Pybus, Dorse t, Cock e ll, and Pybus , 1 48, N e w Bond Stre e t.Raymond, Sir Charles , Bart, Harle y, Webbe r, and Co. ,

George Stre e t, MansionHous e .

Smith , Payne , and Smi th, Ge orge Stre e t, Mans ionHouse .

Smi th, Samue l, and Son, 1 2 , A lde rmanbury .Smi th, Wright, and Gray, 2 1 , Lombard Stre e t.Staple s , BaronThomas D imsdale , JohnD imsdale , and Jos iah Barnard , 50, Cornh il l .Walpole , C larke , Bourne , and Potts; 28, Lombard Stre e t .We lch, Rogers,

and Co. , 80, Cornh i ll .Wickenden, Moffat t

,Kens ington, and Bole r, z o, Lombard Stre e t.

Wright, Anthony, and Son, Henr ie tta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

1 7 8 1 .

As gi ll, Sir Charle s, N igh t ingale , and N igh tingal e , 70, Lonibard Stre e t .Barclay, Be van, and Bening, 56, Lombard Stre e t .Batson

,Steph enson, and Hoggatt, 69, Lombard Stre e t.

Biddulph , Cock s, El iot, and Prae d, Charing Cross .

Bland,Barne t t, Hoare , and Hil l , 62 , Lombard Stre e t .

Bold e ro, Barnston, Carte r, Snai th , and Barns ton, 5, Mans ionHouse Stre e t .Bolde ro, Kendall , A dey , E. G. Bold e ro, and Bras ie r, 7 7, Lombard Stre e t .Brown, Coll inson, and Tritton, 58, Lombard Stre e t.Cas te ll , Whate le y, and Pow e l l , 65, Lombard Stre e t.Chambe rs , H e rcy, and Birch , N e w Bond Stre e t .Child

,Robe rt, and Co.

,1 , Fle e t Stre e t .

Coutts , Thomas , and Co .,59, ne ar DurhamYard , Strand .

C rofts , Robe rt, D evayne s , and Daw e s, 39, Pal l Mal l .Currie , Le fe vre , Jame s , Yallowby, and Co .

,29, Cornhill .

D enne , Will iamand Corne l ius , Robe rt Snow ,and WilliamSandby, 2 1 7, w i thout Temple

Dorriens , M e l lo, and Martin, 2 2, Finch Lane .

Drummond, Robe rt, and Co. , Chari ng Cross .

Esdaile , Sir Jame s , Esdai le , Hamme tt, and Esdai le , 26, BirchinLane , Cornhill .Ful le r, R ichard, Sons, and Vaughan, 84, Cornhill .Fulle r, Wi l l iam, Son, and Co. , 24, Lombard Stre e t .


Drummond, Robe rt, and Co. , 49, Charing Cross .Esdai le

,Sir Jame s , Esdaile , Hamme t, and Esdai le , 73 , Lombard Stre e t.

Ful le r, R ichard , Sons , and Vaughan, 84, Cornhill .Ful le r

,Willi am, Son, and Co. ,

24, Lombard Stre e t .Gos l ing

, Robe r t and Francis, 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t .Hal l iday

, Duntz e , Saunde rs, and Hamil ton, 33 , Fre eman’s Cour t, Cornh i ll .

H alli fax,Sir Thomas, Mills, Glyn, Mills , and Mitton, 1 8, B irchimLane .

Hanbury, Taylor, Lloyd, and Bowman, 60, Lombard Stre e t.Hanke y, Thomas , Joseph Chapl inHanke y, StephenHall , and Robe rt Hanke y, 7, Fenchurch Stre e t.He rr ie s, Robe rt, and Co. ,

1 6, St. Jame s

’ Stre e t.Hoare

,H enry, R ichard, Henry, and Henry ,


37, Fle e t Stre e t.H odsoll and Mich e l , near Cathe r ine Stre e t, Strand.

Ladbroke , Raw l ingson, and Porker, Bank Build ings;Langs ton, Polhi ll, Towgood, and Amory, 29, Clements Lane , Lombard Stre e t .Le e

,A yton, Brasse y, and Satte rthwai te , 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t.

Lemon,Sir Will iam

,Bart, Farle y, Lubbock, and Co. , Mans ionHouse Stre e t .

Low e,Ve re

,and Williams


,BirchimLane .

Martin, Stone , Blackw e l l , and Foote , 68, Lombard Stre e t.

Mayne and Graham, 93 , Je rmynStre e t, St. Jame s’.

Mildre d,Mas te rman

,and Walke r, 2, White Hart Court, Lombard Stre e t.

M oorhouse,W i llis

,Re ade

,and Co. , 76, Lombard Stre e t.

Pre scotts, Grote s , Culve rden, and Hol l ingsworth , 62 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t.Pybus

,Dorse t

,Cocke ll, Pybus , and Hale , 1 48, N e w Bond Stre e t.

Raymond,Sir Charle s


,Harle y


,and Came ron, Ge orge Stre e t, Mans ionHouse .

Smi th, Payne , and Smi th, Ge orge Stre e t, Mans ionHous e .

Smi th, Samue l, and Son, 1 2, A l de rmanbury .

Smi th,Wright

,and Gray, 2 1 , Lombard Stre e t.

Staple , BaronThomas D imsdale , Sons , and Barnard , 50, Cornhil l .Walpole , Clarke , Bourne , and Pot ts, 28

,Lombard Stre e t.

We lch, Roge rs , and Olding, 80, Cornh ill .Wickenden

,M ofi


att,Kens ington, and Bole r, 20, Lombard Stre e t.


,and Son, Henrie tta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

1 7 85.

A sgill, Sir Charle s , N ightingale , and N ightingale , 7o, Lombard Stre e t .A yton

,Brasse y, Le e s , and Satte rthwai te , 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t .

Barclay,Be van, Barclay , and Tritton, 56, Lombard Stre e t .

Batson,Stephensons , Grave , and Glove r, 69, Lombard Stre e t.

Biddulph , Cock s, El iot, Praed, and R idge , 43 , Charin‘

g Cros s .Bland

,Barne tt, Hoare , and Hill , 62 , Lombard Stre e t.

Bolde ro, Kendall , A dey, E. G. Bolde ro,and Bras ie r

, 77, Lombard Stre e t .Bolde ro, Snai th , Sike s , and Bolde ro, 5, Mans ionHous e Stre e t .Cas te l l, Pow e ll, Sumne r, and Co.


,Lombard Stre e t.

Child and Co. ,1,Fle e t Stre e t.


,and Co. , 59, near DurhamYard

,Strand ;

Crofts , De vayne s , Daw e s , and Noble , 39, Pal l Mall .D enne

, Will iamand Corne l ius, Robe rt Snow , and Will iamSandby, w i thout TempleD imsdale , Baron, Sons , Barnard, and Staple s , 50, Cornh ill .Dorriens

,M e l lo

,and Martin

,2 2

,Finch Lane .


49, Cha.ring Cross .

1 1 , MannonHonse St1 ee t

3 4, 10mba1d SU ee tGod ing Robefi and a d a xg fle etStree t.

W $ flm mmummmnomz&w mHanke y , Thomas, Joseph ChaplinHanke y, Ste phenHall, RobettJ h nkey, and Richard Hanke y,

Harrison, Robertand'


homu , 77 , Ironmonger Lane .

Hmieg Sir Robu g and Co " 1 6, 8t jamet' Stre et.Hoare , Henry, Richard, and Henry, 37, Fle etStreet.Hodsoll and M iche l], near Catharine Stre et. Strand.Ladbroke , Raw lingson, Porke t. and Watson, Bank Build ings.Lu p tom. Towgoods, and Amory, 39, Clement Lane, Lombard Stree t.Ld evre , Curries , Jame s , and Yallowby, 39, Cornhi ll .Lowe , Vere , and Wi lliams, 3 0, BirchinLane .

Mackworth, SirHerbert, Bart, Dorse tt, Johnson, and W ilkinson, 68, New Bond Stre e t.Martin, Stone . Foote, and Porter, 68, Lombard Stre e t .M W M WM , 3 , WhimHmCOumlombard Stre e t.Momhonse , W illis, and Co. , 76, Lombard Street.Newnham. Evere tt, Drummond, Tibbi ts, and Tanne f , 65, Lombard Stree t.qcotn, Grate s, Culverden, and Hol l ingsworth, 63 , Threadneed le Stre et.Pybng Call, PM Gmg and I—Iale , Old Bond Stre et.Ramon, Mound, and Hammenley, 57, Pall Mall.

Mans ionHouse .

Smith Psynqhhs md PaynqC-e ome Stre et, Mans ionHouse .Smith, Samue l. and Son, 1 3 , Alde rmanbury.Smith,Wright, and Gray, 3 1 , Lombatd Stre e t.Taylor, Lloyd. Bowman, and Cc. , 60, Lo d Street.WM Clarke, and Pott, 3 8, Lombard Stre et.We lch. Rogers, Olding, and Roge rs, 3, Fre eman's Court, Cornh il l.Wh itehead, Johnand Ge orge , 5, Bu inghall Stre e t.Wickenden, Moflatt, Kens ingtons , and Bolet, 3 0, Lombard Street.Wright, Anthony, Fu nd s, and Thomas , Henrie tta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

17 86 .

Asgfil, Sir Charles, N ightinsflt. and N ightingale , 70, Lombard Stre et.A yton, Brass ey, Le e s , and Satte rthwai te . 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t.Barclay, Benn, Barclay, and Tritton, 56, Lombard Street.Batsons, Stephenson; Grave , and C love r, 69, Lombard Stre e t.Biddulph, Cocks, El iot, Praed, and Ridge , 43 , Charing Cross.Bland, Barnett, Hoare, and Hil l , 63 , Lombard Stre e t.Bold ero, Kendall, Ade y, E. G. Bolde ro, and Bras ie r, 77, Lombard Stre e t.Bolde10, Snaith, Site s, and Bolde ro, Mans ionHouse Stre et.Caste ll, Power, Sumne r, and Cc. , 66, Lombard Stteet.Child and Co. , 1 , Fle e t Street.


Coutts,Thomas , and Co.

, 59, ne ar Durham'

Yard , Strand .

Crofts,D evayne s, Daw e s , and Nobl e , 39, Pal l Mal l .

D enne , Will iamand Corne l ius , Robe rt Snow ,and WilliamSandby, 2 1 7, w i thout Temple Bar.

D imsdale,Baron, Sons , Barnard, and Staple s , 50, Cornh ill .

Dorriens, Me l lo,and Mart in, 22 , Finch Lane .

Down, Thornton, and Fre e , 1 , Bartholomew Lane , ne ar th e Bank .

D rummond , Robe rt, and Co. , 49, Charing Cros s .Esdai le , Sir Jame s , Esdaile , Hamme t, and Esdaile , 73 , Lombard Stre e t .Fors te r, Lubbock , Bosanque t, and Co. , 1 1 , Mans ionHouse Stre e t ."

Ful le r, R ichard, Sons, and Vaughan, 84, Cornh ill.Fuller,Wi lliarn, Son, and Co.

,24, Lombard Stre e t .

Gibsonand Johnson, 5, Laurence Lane , Cheaps ide .

Gos l ing, Robe rt and Francis , 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t .H all ifax, Sir Thomas , Glyn, Mills , and Mitton, 1 8, Birch inLane .

Hanke y, Thomas, Joseph Chapl inHanke y, Steph enHall, Robe rt Hanke y, and R ichard Hanke y,7, Fenchurch Stre e t .

Harr ison, Robe rt and Thomas, 1 7, Ironmonge r Lane , Che aps ide .

H ercy, Birch, and Hobbs , N e w Bond Stre e t.H e rrie s , Sir Robe rt, and Co.

,1 6

, St. Jame s’ Stre e t .Hoare , Henry, R ichard, and Henry, 37, Fle e t Stre e t.H odsoll and Miche l], ne ar Cathe rine Stre e t, Strand .

Ladbroke , Raw l ingson, Porke r, and Watson,Bank Bui ld ings .

Langs tons , Towgoods , and Amory, 29, Clement’

s Lane,Lombard Stre e t.

Le fe vre , Currie s, Jame s , and Yallowby, 29, Cornhill .Mackw orth , Sir He rbe rt,Bart, Dors e t, Johnson, and Wilkinson, 68, N ew Bond Stre e t .Martin

,Stone , Foot, and Porte r, 68, Lombard Stre e t .

Mildre d, Mas te rman, and Walke r,1,White Hart Court.

Moffatt, Kens ington, and Bole r, 20, Lombard Stre e t.Moorhous e , Wil l is , and Co.

, 76, Lombard Stre e t .Newnham,

Eve re tt, Drummond , Tibb its , and Tanne r, 65, Lombard Stre e t._Bre scotts , Grote s , Culve rden, and Hol l ingsworth , 62 , Thi e adne e dle -Stre e t .Pybus, Call, Pybus , Grant, and Hale , Old Bond Stre e t .Ransom

,Morland, and Hamme rs le y, 57, Pal l Mal l .

Raymond , Sir Charle s , Bart, Harle y, Lloyd, and Came ron, Ge orge Stre e t, Mans ionHous e .

Smith,Payne , and Smi ths, Ge orge Stre e t, Mans ionHouse .

Smi th, Samue l , and Son, 1 2, A lde rmanbury.

Smi th,Wright

,and Gray

,2 1

,Lombard Stre e t .


,Bowman, and Co. ,

60, Lombard Stre e t.

Ve re and Will iams , 20, BitchinLane .

Walpole , Clarke,and Pott, 28, Lombard Stre e t .We lch , Roge rs , Olding, and Roge rs , 3 , Fre eman

’s Court

,Cornh ill .

White he ad , Johnand Ge orge , 5, Bas inghall Stre e tWright

,Francis and Thomas, 5, H enrietta


Stréet,Covent Garden.

1 7 88 .

A sgill, Sir Charle s , N ightingale , and N igh t ingale , 70, Lombard Stre e t .A yton, Brasse y, Le e s , and Satte rthwaite , 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t.Barclay, Be van, Barclay, and Tritton, 56, Lombard Stre e t.Batsons , Ste venson, Grave , and Glove r, 69, Lombard Stre e t .


Walpole , Clarke , and Pot t, 28, Lombard Stre e t.We lsh , Roge rs, Olding, Roge rs , and Roge rs, 3 , Fre eman

s Court, Cornhi lLWhite he ad, Johnand G eorge , 5, Bas inghall Stre e t .Wi l l is , Wood, and Co. , 76, Lombard Stree t.Wright, Se lby, and Rob inson, 4, Henrie tta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

1 7 89 .

A yton,Brasse y, Le e s , and Satte rthwai te , 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t


,Barclay, and Tritton, Lombard Stre e t .

Batsons,Ste vensons, Grave , and Glove r, 69, Lombard Stre e t.

Biddulph, Cock s, El iot, Praed , and R idge , 43 , Charing Cross.Bland, Barne tt, Hoare , and Hill, 62 , Lombard Stre e t.

Bolde ro, A dey, Lushington, and Bolde ro, 5o, Cornhil l .Bolde ro, Snaith, Sike s , and Bolde ro, 5, Mans ionHouse Stre e t .Botham,

Pe te r, 8, Old Je w ry.Cas te l l , Pow e l l, Sumne r, and Co. ,

66,Lombard Stre e t.

Child and Co. ,1,Fle e t Stre e t.

Coutts , Thomas , and Co. , 59, ne ar DurhamYard, Strand .

Crofts,D e vayne s, Daw e s , and Noble , 38, Pal l Mal l .

Denne , Corne l ius, Robe rt Snow ,and Will iamSandby

,s en. and jun,

2 1 7, w ithout Temple Bar.D imsdale


, Sons , Barnard , and Staple s, 50, Cornh ill.Dorriens, Me llo, and Martin

,2 2

,Finch Lane .

Down, Thornton, and Fre e , 1 , Bartholomew Lane , ne ar the Bank .

Drummond, Robe rt, and Co. , 49, Charing Cross.Esdaile

,Sir Jame s , Esdaile , Hamme t, and Esdaile , 73 , Lombard Stre e t.

Forste r,Lubbock , Bosanque t, and Co. ,

1 1,Mans ionHouse Stre e t.

Ful le r, R ichard, Sons, and Vaughan, 84, Cornhil l .Ful le r, Will iam, Son, and Co.

,24, Lombard Stre e t .

Glyn,R ichard Carr

,Charl e s Mills , and Henry Mitton, 1 2, BirchinLane .

Gos l ing, Robe rt, Francis , and William, 1 9, F le e t Stre e t.IIankey, Thomas, Jos eph Chapl inHanke y, StephenHall, Robe rt Hanke y, and R ichard Hanke y,

Fenchurch Stre e t.Harle y, Came ron, and Son, Ge orge Stre et,


M ans ionHous e .

Harrison, Robe rt and Thomas, and Co. ,1, Mans ionH ouse

Stre et.

H e rcy, Birch , and Hobbs, N ew Bond Stre e t .He rrie s and Co. , 1 6, St. Jame s

’ Stre e t .Hoare

,Henry, Henry Hugh Hoare , and Charle s Hoare , 37, Fle e t Stre e t.

H odsoll,and Mitche ll , near Cathe rine Stre e t, Strand .

Jone s , Joseph , and Co. , 43 , Lothbury.Ladbroke , Raw l ingson, Porker, and Watson, Bank Bui ld ings .

Langs tons, Towgoods, and Amory, 29, Clement’

s Lane,Lombard Stre e t.

Le fe vre , Currie s, Yallowby, and Raike s , 29, Cornhill.Lockhart, Jame s and Jame s, 36, Pal l Mall .Mackworth

,Sir He rbe rt

,Bart, Dorse tt, Johnson, and Wilk inson, 68, N e w Bond Stre e t .

Mart in,Stone

,Foot, and Porte r, 68, Lombard Stre e t.

Mas te rs,R ichard, Esq. , and Co .

,26, Chance ry Lane .

Mildre d,Mas te rman

,and Walke r

,2,White Hart Court, Lombard Stre e t.

M ofl'

att, Kens ingtons , Bole r, and Styan, 20, Lombard Stre e t .

Newnham,Eve re tt

,Drummond, Tibbits, and Tanne r, 65, Lombard Stre e t .



Amm ,qend S-atterthwalted t. Iomhnrd Street.Bu ch p and '

h i ttomsa lmbu d StmetLombard Stre et.

M M M Gna d Glovn lmbu d sm

m m . 8, 0kl jewry.M M W , M CO , 66, Inmbc d Sue et

Coutts Thomag and Coa wmw ow hamYM Stnnd.

Crofig Denynes a egmd Nohb , 3&PaflMafl

w w w .qmd M 5qCanhmDomhmmmd P'

ne ,M W M CQ , 49, CM IN CM

rm u bmw mm, 1 1 , ) Izmioo Honse Stre et.34, C01nhi ll.

Mitton, 1 3 , 8i1ch inLane .

M M M M W . 1 9, Fle etStre et.

Hankey, “ m jooeph auplinHankey,’

StephenHall, RobenHankey, :nd7, Fench03ch 8tree t.

Hm m mw mm, 1 , hh nflonflonse 8tre et“ my. Bhtk Chambmand Hobbe . 153 , New Bond Stre et

Hoare , !l enry, Hmry Hngh Hoare , and Chsrles H0u e , 37, 1’le et8t1e et.

Iona . Joocph.m mm, 43,mm.

W ithout



Ladbroke , Rawlingson, Porker, and Watson, Bank Bui ld ings, Lombard Stre e t.Langs tons , Towgoods , and Amory , 29, Clements Lane .

Le fe vre,Currie s , Yallowby, and Raike s , 29, Cornh ilL

Lockhart, Jame s and Jame s , 36, Pal l M alL

Mackw orth, Sir He rbe rt , Bart, Dorse tt, Johnson, and Wilk inson, 68, N e w Bond Stre e t .Mart in

,Stone , Foot, and Porte r, 68, Lombard Stre e t.

Mas te rman, Pe te rs , Walke r, and Mildre d , 2 , White Hart Court, Lombard Stre e t .Mas te rs , Daw son, Brooke s , Kirton, and D ixon, Chance ry Lane .

M ofi’

att, K ens ingtons , and Styan, 20, Lombard Stre e t .Ne wnham,

Eve re tt, Drummond, Tibb its, and Tanne r, 65, Lombard Stre e t .N ight ingale

,Will iamand Ge orge , 70, Lombai‘d Stre e t.

Pe e le s , Wilke s , D ick insons , and Goodall, 53 , Poultry .Pre scotts , Grote , Culve rde n, and Holl ingsworth , 62 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t .Pybus


,Grant, and Hale , 1 48, Old Bond Stre e t.

Ransom,M orland, and Hamme rs le y, 57, Pal l M alL

Sande rson, Sir Jame s, Robe rt Harrison, Brenchle y, Bloxham, and Co. , St. Margare t’

s Hill,Southwark .

Sike s , Snaith, and Snai th, 5, Mans ionHouse Stre e t.Smi th , Payne , and Smiths , Ge orge Stre e t, Mans ionHous e .

Smith,Samue l

,and Son, 1 2 , A lde rmanbury.

Smith,Wrigh t, and Gray, 2 1 , Lombard Stre e t .

Staple s , Day, Cox, Staple s , and Lynn, 83 , Cornh ilLSte venson, William, 85, Que enStre e t, Cheaps ide .Taylor, Lloyd, Bowman, Hanbu ry , and Co.

, 60, Lombard Stre et.Ve re , Lucadon, Troughton, Lucadon, and Smart, 77, Lombard Stre e t .Walpol e , Clark, Walpole , and Clark, Lombard Stre e t.We lch , Roge rs , Old ing, and Roge rs , 3 , Fre eman

s Court, Cornhill .White head , John, Ge orge , and John, 5, Bas inghall Stre e t.Will iams, Son, Wi lk inson, and Dru ry, 20, BitchinLane .

Will is , Wood, and Co .

, 76,Lombard Stre e t.Wright

,Se lby, and Rob inson, 5, Henrie tta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

1 7 92.

A yton, Brasse y, Le e s , and Satte r thwai te , 7 1 , Lombard Stre et.

Barclays and T ritton, 56, Lombard Stre e t .Barne tt



, and Barne t t, 62 , Lombard Stre e t .Batsons , Stephensons , Grave, and Glove r, 69, Lombard Stre e t .Biddulph , Cocks , and R idge , 43 , Charing Cross .

Bolde ro, A dey , Lushington, and Bolde ro, 30, Cornhill .Bond

,John, and Son, 2 , Change A l le y.

Botham,Pe te r, 8, Old Je w ry .

Caste l l, Pow e l l, Sumne rs , '

and Co. ,66, Lombard Stre e t .

Child and Co. , 1 , Fle e t Stre et.Coutts


, and Co. , 59, ne ar DurhamYard, Strand.Crofts, Devayne s , Daw e s , and Nobl e , 39, Pal l Mal l.Denne

,Corne l ius

,Robe rt Snow ,

and Willi amSandby, sen. and jam, Temple BarW i thout.D imsdal e


, Sons, and Barnard , 50, Cornh ill .Dorriens, Me llo, Martin

,and Harrison, 22 , Finch Lane


Dorse tt, Johnson, Wilkinson, and Be rne r, 68, N e w Bond Stre e t.Down, Thornton, and Fre e , 1 , Bartholomew Lane , near the Bank.


Barclay and Tritton, 56, Lombard Stre e t.

Barne tt, Hoare, Hill , and Barne t t, 62 , Lombard Stre e t.Batsons , Stephensons , Grave, and Glove r, 69, Lombard Stre e t.Biddulph , Cocks, and R idge , 43 , Charing Cros s .Bolde ro, A dey, Lushington, and Bolde ro, 30, Cornh il l.Bond

,John, and Son, 2 , Change A l le y.

Botham,Pe te r, 8, Old j ew ry.

Cas te l l,Pow e ll


,and Co. ,

66,Lombard Stre e t.

Ch ild and Co. ,1 , Fle e t Stre e t .


,and Co. , 59, ne ar DurhamYard , Strand .

Cox,Me rle , and Co. ,

2,Cox’s Court, Li ttle Bri tain.

Crofts , Devayne s , Daw e s , and Noble , 39, Pal l Mall .Denne , Will iam and Corne l ius , Rob e rt Snow ,

and WilliamSandby, sen. and jun. ,

2 1 7, TempleBarWithout.

D imsdale , Baron, Sons , and Barnard, 50, Cornhill .Dorri ens, Me llo, Martin

, and Harr ison, 2 2 , Finch Lane .

Dorse tt, johnson, Wilkinson, and Be rne rs , 68, N ew Bond Stre e t.Down, Thornton, and Fre e , 1 , Bartholomew Lane , ne ar the Bank .

Drummond, Robe rt, Henry , Andrew B. ,John, and Co. , 42, Charing Cross .

Esdai le , Sir Jame s , Knt. , Esdai le , Smi th , Wright, Hamme t, and Co.

,2 1

,Lombard Stre e t.

Forste r, Lubbock , Bosanque t, and Co. ,1 1

,Mans ionHouse Stre e t .

Ful le r,R ichard , Sons, and Vaughan, 84, Cornh ill .

Ful le r, Will iam, Son, and Co. ,24, Lombard Stre e t.

Glove r, Edwards , Embury, Cross, Bembow ,and Sand eman, 79, Lombard Stre e t.

Glyn,S ir R ichard Carr, Kut. , Charle s Mills , and H enry Mitton, 1 2, Birch inLane .

Gos l ing, Robe rt, Francis, and William, 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t.Hanke y, Thomas, Joseph Chapl inHanke y, Stephen Hal l, Robe rt Hanke y, and R ichard Hanke y,

7, Fenchurch Stre e t.Harcourt , Blake , Sansom, Pos t le thwai te , and Tanne r, 65, Lombard Stre e t.Harle y, Thomas, Came ron, and Son, Ge orge Stre e t, Mans ionHous e .

Harrison, Robe rt and Thomas , and Co. , 1 , Mans ionHouse Stre e t.H ercy, Birch , Chambe rs, and Hobbs, 1 52, N ew Bond Stre e t.H e rrie s, Sir Robe rt, Kut. , and Co. , 1 6, St. Jame s ’ Stre e t.Hoare , Henry, Henry Hugh Hoare , and Charl e s , and H enry M e yrick , 37, Fle e t Stre e t.H odsoll ahd Mich e ll , near Cathe rine Stre e t, Strand .

Jone s , Joseph and Danie l, and Co. , 43 , Lothbury.Ladbroke , Raw l ingson, Porker, and Watson

,Bank Build ings .

Langs tons , Towgoods, and Amory, 29, C lement’s Lane , Lombard Stre e t.

Le fe vre , Currie s , Yallowby, and Raike s, 29, Cornh ill .Lockharts and M axtone

, 36, Pal l Mall .Mart in, Stone , Foote and Porte r, 1 8, Change A l le yMas te r, Daw son, Brooke s, Kirton, and D ixon, Chance ry Lane .

Mas te rman, Pe te rs , Walke r, and Mildre d, 2, White Hart '

,Court Lombard Stre e t.

M ofiatt, Kens ingtons , and Styan, 20, Lombard Stre e t.Newnham,

Eve re tt, Drummond, and Tibbe ts, 9, Mans ionHouse Stre e t .N ightingale , Will iamand George , 70, Lombard Stre e t .Pre scott, Grote , Culve rden, and Hol l ingsw orth , 62, Threadne e dl e Stre e t.Pybus, Call , Grant, and Hal e , 1 48, Old Bond Stre e t.Ransom,

Morland , and Hamme rs le y, 57, Pal l Mal l .

Robarts, Curtis , We re , H ornyold, Be rw ick, and Co. , 35, Cornhil l.


Smdam Sir Jame s . li chen Hil l, Southwark

Smhh Samneh end Sons snd Ca , 1 3 , Alde 1manbury.

WfiPOlG-Clarqd polqand Ch tke 3 8. 140mbu d 8t1e et.Wekh km Olding and Rogmy Freemn’s Cm Cmnh iILWhitehM JOhn, Cm . and johmy h finghall Stre et.Wi lkeg Die k insong Goods ll , and Ca . 3. Poultry .

Wiuig Wood, Percivs h and CoqQLombM Stre et.


Andemmjohnmd A lennde r. 1 7 , Ph ilpotLine .

Bu ch y u dmtmsa bombu dmBurne tt, Hoare , H ill, md Barnett, 61 , Lombard Stre e t.Biddulph Cod g d idl ' 1 43. Chz finnm anch w mw d nolde rmmw m

Child d o, 1 , Fle et8tre et.

cmmvaynegmm snd Noblq anMalLm.

De Vamea Cnthban h Cmdqd oaq tre eh Oxfmd Sm

Edmn rm’th, Templar, Mi ddletonJohmm. d edgwood, Stratfo1d Ph ce , 0xford

M M WM LM M CQ , 3 1 , Lombard Stre et.1 1 , Mansionl i om 8trect.

Fuller, Richa1d, Sona nnd Vanghan, 34, C011 ihill.3 4, 1.0mberd 8tre et.

Glyn, Si1 Richard Can, M Chnle s M ills , end H enry M itton, 1 3 , 8i1‘chinLane .19, Fle et8t1 e et.

Hankey, Jose ph Chaplin. StephenHall, Robert Hankey, Richard Hankey, Augustus Hankey,

H arcourt, Blake , 801100111, Pmtlethwaite , 3nd Tanner, 65, Lombard Stre et.


H e rcy, Birch , Chambe rs, and Hobbs, 1 52 , N ew Bond Stre e t .H e rrie s , Sir Robe rt , Knt. , and Co. , 1 6, St. Jame s ’ Stre e t.Hoare, Henry, Henry Hugh Hoare, and Charle s and Henry Me yrick, 37, Fle e t Stre e t .H odsoll and Miche l], ne ar Cath e rine Stre e t , Strand.Jone s , Danie l , Barker, Lloyd , and Co. , 43 , Lothbury .

Ladbroke, Raw l ingson, Ladbroke, Porker, and Watson, Bank Bui ld ings .

Langs tons , Towgood , and Amory , 29, Clements Lane , Lombard Stre e t.Le fe vre , Currie s , Yallowby, and Raike s , 29, Cornh i ll .Lockharts , M axtone , Wal lace , and C larke , 36, Pal l Mal l.Martins

,Stone s , and Foot, 68, Lombard Stre e t.

Mas te rman, Pe te rs, Wal ke r, and Mildre d , 2 , White Hart Court, Lombard Stre et.

Mas te rs, R ichard, and Co. , Chance ry Lane .

Moffat t; Kens ingtons , and Styan, 20, Lombard Stre e t.Ne wnham, Eve re tt, Drummond, and Tibbi ts, 9, Mans ionHouse Stre e t.N ightingale ,Will iamand Ge orge , 70, Lombard Stre e t.Pre scotts

, Grote s , Culve rden, and Hol l ingsworth, 62 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t .Pybus , Call, Grant, and Hal e, . 1 48, N e w Bond Stre e t.Ransom,

M orland , and Hamme rs le y, 57, Pall Mall.Robarts , Curtis , Were, H ornyold, Be rw ick , and Co. , 35, Co rnh ill .Sande rson, Sir Jame s , Brench le y, Stace y, Parker, and Ne wman, 1

,Man51onHous e Stre e t.

Sike s , Snai th, and Snaith , 5, Mans ionHouse Stre e t.Smi th, Payne , and Smi ths , G e orge Stre e t, Mans ionHous e .

Smi th, Samue l, Sons, and Co . ,1 2, A lde rmanbury.

Staple s, Newman, And e rson, Staple s, and Lynn, 85, Cornh il l .Ste phensons , Batsons , Remington, and Smi th, 69, Lombard Stre e t .Ste venson, William, 85, Que enStre e t, Che aps ide .

Taylor, Lloyd , Bowman, Hanbu ry, and Co. ,60

,Lombard Stre e t.

Vere , Lucadon, Troughton, Lucadon, and Smart, 77, Lombard Stre e t.Walpole , Walpole , Clark, and Sisson, 28, Lombard Stre e t.Walwyn,Wm. ,

Pe trie , Has s e ll ,Ward , and M acge orge , 1 50, N ew Bond Stre e t.We lch

,Roge rs , O ld ing, and Roge rs , 3 , Fre eman

s Court,Cornh il l.

White he ad , John, Ge orge , and John, 5, Basinghall Stre e t.Wilke s

,D ickinsons

,Goodall, and Fishe r, 32 , Poul try .

Wilkinson, Pol h ill, Bloxham, Pinhorn, and Bulcock, St. Margare t’s Hill, Southwark .

Will iams, Son, and D rury, 20, Birch inLane ;

W i ll is,Wood , Pe rcival , and Co. , 77, Lombard Stre e t.

Wright , Thomas, Esq. , and Co., 5, Henr ie t ta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

17 96

Ande rson, Johnand A le xande r, 1 7 , Philpot Lane .

A yton, Bras s e y, Le e s , and Satte rthwai te , 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t .Barclays and Tritton, 56, Lombard Stre e t.Barne t t


,Hill, and Barne tt, 62 , Lombard Stre e t.

B iddulph , Cock s, Cocks, and R idge , 43 , Charing Cros s .Birch , Chambe rs , and Hobbs , 1 52, N ew Bond Stre e t .Bolde ro,A dey, Lushington, and Boldero, 3o , Cornh ill .Bond , John, and Son, 2 , Change A lle y.Botham,

Pe te r, 8, Old J ew ry,Bow le s , Beachcroft, B rown, Re e ve s, B. C . Col l ins

,and Co 1 8

,Exchange Cornh ill,


Taylor, Lloyd , Bowman, Hanbu ry, and Co. , 60, Lombard Stre e t,Ve re , Lucadon, Troughton, Lucadon, and Smart, 77 , Lombard Stre e t.Walpole , Walpole , Clark, and Sisson, 28, Lombard Stre e t.Walw yn, Pe tr ie , Ward, and M acge orge , 1 50, N e w Bond Stre e t.

We lch , Roge rs , Olding, and Roge rs , 3 , Fre eman’

s_Court, Cornhil l .

We s ton, Pinhorn, Golding, Ne w some , and We s ton, Borough.White he ad , Ge orge and John, 5, Basinghall Stre e t.Wilke s , D ick insons , Goodal l, and Fishe r, 33 , Poult ry .

Wilkinson, Polh il l, Bloxham,and Bulcock, St. Margare t

s H i ll, SouthwarkWil l iams , Son, and D rury , 20 , Birch inLane .

Will is,Wood

,Pe rcival , and Co. , 76, Lombard Stre e t.

Wright,Thomas , Esq. , and Co.

, 4, Henrie tta Stre e t , Covent Garden.

1 7 97 .

Ande rson, Johnand A le xande r, 1 7, Philpot Lane .

A yton, Brasse y, Le e s , and Satte rthwai te , 7 1 , Lombai d Stre e t .Barclays , Tritton, and Be van, 56, Lombard Stre e t.Barne tt, H oare, Hill, and Barne tt, 62 , Lombard Stre e t.Biddulph, Cocks, and R idge , 43 , Char ing Cros s .Birch

,Chambe rs , and Hobbs, 1 52 , N ew Bond Stre e t.

Boldero,Adey, Lush ington, and Boldero, 30, Cornhill .

Bond , John, and Son, 2,Change A lle y.

Botham,Pe te r, 1 , O ld Jew ry .

Bow le s , Be achcrol'

t,Brown, R e e ve s , and Co. ,

1 8,Exchange A l le y, Cornh ill .

Cas te ll, Pow e l l, Sumner, Pow e l l, and Wilson, 66, Lombard Stre e t .Child and Co. ,

1 , Fle e t Stre e t.Cout ts , Thomas , and Co.

, 59, Strand.

Cox,Me rle , and Co.

,2, Cox

s Court, Little Bri tain.

D enne , Corne l ius , Robe rt Snow ,WilliamSandby, s en. and jun, and Nathanie l Kinch , 2 1 7 , Strand.

De vayne s , Daw e s , Noble , and Co. , 35, Pal l Mall .D imsdale , Baron, Son, Barnard , and Son, 50,

Cornhill .Dorrien, Magens, Me l lo, Mart in, and Harr


son, 2 2 , Finch Lane .

Dorse t , Johnson, Wilkinson, Be rne rs , and Tilson, 68, N e w Bond Stre e t .D own, Thornton, Free , and Cornw al l , 1 , Bar tholomew Lane .

D rummond , Robe rt, Andrew B. , and John, and Co . , 49, Char ing Cross .

Edw ards,Temple r, Middle ton, Johnson, and We dgwood,Stratford Place , Oxford Stre e t.

Esdai le , Sir Jame s , Kut. , Esdai le , Wright, Hamme tt, and Co. ,2 1

,Lombard Stre e t .

Fors te r, Lubbock, Bosanque t, and Co .

,1 1

,Mans ionHouse Stre e t .

Ful le r, R ichard, Sons, and Vaughan, 84, Cornh il l .Ful le r, Will iam,

Son, and Co. , 24, Lombard Stre e t .G lyn, Sir Richard Carr, Knt. , Charle s Mills, Thomas H allifax, and Co.

,1 2

,Bitch inLane .

G os l ing, Francis and Will iam, and BenjaminSharpe , 1 9, Flee t Stre e t .H ammersleys and Co. , 76, Pal l Mall .Hanke y, Jos eph Chapl in, StephenHal l, Robe rt Hanke y, Richard Hanke y, A ugus tus Hanke y, and

Co ., 7 , Fenchurch Stre e t.

H arcourt, Blake, Sansom, Pos tle thwai te , and Tanne r, 65, Lombard Stre e t .Harle y, Thomas , Came ron, and Son, Ge orge Stre e t, Mans ionHous e .

He rrie s , Sir Robe rt, Knt. , and Co. , St. Jame s Stre e t .H oare, Henry, Henry Hugh, Charl e s, and Henry Me rr ick Hoare, 3 7 , Fle e t Stre e t.


am ukmmmw w m m m-y.

m m mm ,m, c1m rs une umba dmm

m um wnug mi pm u mmm am mmmumbmsm

-mrl 0mbard 8ue en

NM Em DmM d ibbiqg hlmfionflofl emPybug CnKGmg end Hale , tea,mM MM M CQ , 56, M M 3D.

M CM WmHmM M M CQ , 1 5, Lomberd 8tre et.Si nd i e Bart, W M M Nm 1 ,mns ionHou e Street

M M M M Q , 73, Lombard 8tre et.m ammm mm g mmmM W Sy Qoe enStre t-g a u pude .

Taylor, 60, !0mbu d Sue et

Walpole , W31pole , Ch 1ke , and Sl-m. 38, bombu d 8tre etwm wmm wmmmm xsqxa w mwmm owmmm ym flncm comhmWestoml’inhom. Golding. Newm d estomBom’


Whitebead and l lm rd , 5, 8nin¢h ll 3tre etm mnm cmnmdmw dbm .

Wilkinsom, Polhi ll, Bloxham, snd Bulcock, 8t. Margaret's Hill, Southwaflt.

Will iamSomnnd Dmry, 30, BirchinLane .“ filth , Wood, and Pa civnh snd Ca , 76, Lombu d Street.Wrighgfl omu , Esq. , and CO, 5, H enriefla Street, CoventGarden.

17 99.

Andenomjohnsnd Alemdet, and Co. , 1 7, ? h ilpotL3 11e .Barclay, Tritton, and Bevan, 56, Lombard Stre et.Barnett, Hou se, Hill, and Barnett, 63 , Lombard Stteet.Biddulpt ks Ridgg snd Ca d y a u innM Chambc g snd Hohbs, 153 , N ew Bond Stre et.

Bond, John, and Son, 3 , Change Alle y.Bowqo chat mmRme s d w xa, Exchange Alley, Comhi lLCaste ll, Powe ll, 8011, and Wilson, 66, Im hard Stree t.Chi ld and Cc. , 1 , Fle etStreetCout ts, Thomas , and Co. , 59, Strand.Cox, Ma le , and Co.; 3 , Cox

s Court, Little Britain.

2 14 2 157 OF BA N KERS.

De vayne s , Daw e s , Noble , and Co., 39, Pal l M alL

D imsdale , Baron, Sons, Barnard , and Son, 50, Cornh ill .Dorrien, Magens , M e llo, Martin

,and Harrison, 2 2 , Finch Lane .

Dorse t,Johnson, Wilkinson, Be rne rs , and Tilson, 68, N e w Bond Stre e t.

Down, Thornton, Free, and Cornwall, 1 , Bartholome w Lane .

D rummond, Robe rt, Andre w B.

, John, and Charle s , and Co. , 49, Charing Cros s .Edw ards , Temple r, Middle ton, Johnson, and


We dgwood , Stratford Place , Oxford Stre e t.Esdai le

, Sir Jame s , Knt. , Esdai le , Hamme tt, Esdai le , and Hamme tt, 2 1 , Lombard Stre e t.Forste r

,Lubbock , Bosanque t , and Co.

,1 1

, Mans ionHouse Stre e t .Ful le r

, Richard, Sons, and Vaughan, 84, Cornhill .Ful le r


,and Chatte ris , 24, Lombard Stre e t.

Glyn,Sir R ichard Carr, Knt. , Charl e s Mills , Thomas H alli fax, and Co. ,

1 2,Birch imLane .

Gos l ing,Francis and Will iam,

and BenjaminSharpe , 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t.H amme rs leys , Montol ie u, Brooksban

k , Gre enwood , and D re we , 76, Pal l Mal l .Hanke y

,Joseph Chapl in, StephenHal l, Robe rt Hanke y, R ichard Hanke y, A ugus tus Hanke y, and

Co. , 7, Fenchurch Stre e t .Harcourt, Blake , Sansom,

Pos tle thwai te , and Tanne r, 65, Lombard Stre e t.Harrison, Pricke tt, and Newman, 1 , Mans ionHouse Stre e t.He rrie s, Farquhar, and Co .

,1 6

, St. Jame s ’ Stre e t .Hoare, Henry, Henry Hugh , Charle s, Will iamHenry, and Henry Me rrick Hoare

, 37, Fle e t Stre e t.H odsoll and St irl ing, 345, Strand .

Jone s , Lloyd , Hu lme, and Co., 43 , Lothbury.

Ladbroke,Raw l ingson, Ladbroke, Porker, and Watson, Bank Bui ldings .

Langs ton, Towgood , Amory, and Cazale t, 29, C lement’

s Lane, Lombard Stre e t .Lee , Ge orge , R ichard Lee , and Mile s Satte rthwaite , 74, Lombard Stre e t.Le fe vre , Currie s , Yallowby, and Raike s , 29, Cornh i l l.Mainwaring, Son, Chatte ris , and Co .

, 1 3 , Lombard Stre e t.Marsh , Sibbald , Stracy, and Fauntle roy, 6, Beme rs Stre e t.Martins

,Stone s , and Foote , 68, Lombard Stre e t.

Mas te r,Daw son, Brook s, and Co. , Chance ry Lane .

Mas te rman, Pe te rs , Walker, Mildre d , and Co. , 2 , White Hart Court , Lombard St re e t .Me h att, Kens ingtons, and Styan, 20, Lombard Stre e t.N e wnham, Eve ret, Drummond, and Tibbits , 9, Mans ionHouse Stre e t .Pre scot t, Grote , and Hol l ingsworth, 62 , Thre adne edle Stre e t .Pybus

,Cal l, Grant, and Hal e, Old Bond Stre e t.

Ransom,M orland, and Co. , 56, Pal l Mal l.

Robarts , Curtis, Were, H ornyold , and Co. , 1 5, Lombard Stre e t .Sike s , Snaith , and Co. , 5, Mans ionHouse Stre e t.Smi th

,Joseph, and Co. , 60, O ld Broad Stre e t.

Smi th,Payne

,and Smi th , Ge orge Stre e t, Mans ionHouse .

Smi th, Samue l, Sons, and Co. , 73 , Lombard Stre e t .Snow ,


Wi lliamSandby , sen. and jun. ,JohnDe anPau l , and Nathaniel Kinch , 2 1 7, Strand .

Ste phensons , Batson, Remington, and Smith, 69, Lombard Stre e t.Ste venson, Wil l iam,

80, Lombard Stre e t.Taylor, Lloyd, Bowman, Hanbu ry, and Co. , 60, Lombard Stre e t.Ve re s , Lucadon, Trough ton, Lucadon, and Smart, 77, Lombard Stre e t.Walpole , Clark, and Sis son, 28, Lombard Stre e t .Walw yn, Strange , Dashwood , Stewart, Agnew ,

and M acge orge , 1 50 , N ew Bond Stre e t .

Roge rs , O ld ing, and Rogers , 3 , Fre eman’s Court, Cornhill .W e s ton, Pinhorn, Gold ing, Ne w some , -and We ston, Borough.


Martin, Stone s , and Foote , 68, Lombard Stre e t.Mas te r, Daw son, B rook s , and Co . , Chance ry Lane .

Mas te rman, Pe te rs , Walke r, Mildre d , and Co .,2, White Hart Court , Lombard Stre e t;

M ofl'

att, Kens ingtons , and Styan, 20, Lombard Stre e t.N e wnham, Eve re tt, Drummond , and Tibb i ts, 2 , Mans ionHouse Stre e t .Pre scott, Grote , and Pre scott, 62 , Thre adne e dl e Stre e t.Pybus, Call, Grant, and H ale

, , Old Bond Stre e t.Ransom, M orland, and Co.

, 56, Pal l Mal l .Robarts , Curtis , We re , H ornyold , and Co. ,

1 5, Lombard Stre e t .Roge rs , O ld ing, and Rogers, 3 , Fre eman’s Court, Cornhill .Sansom, Blake , and Pos t le thwaite , 65, Lombard Stre e t .Sike s , Snai th , and Co. , 5, Mans ionHouse Stre e t .Smith and Hol t

,60, Old Broad Stre e t.

Smi th , Payne , and Smi ths, George Stre e t, Mans ionHouse .

Snow ,Robe rt , Will iamSandby, JohnDe anPau l, and Nathanie l Kinch , 2 1 7 , Strand .

Stephenson, Batson, Remington, and Smith, 69, Lombard Stre e t.Ste vensonand Salt, 80, Lombard Stre e t.Strange

,Dashwood , Ste ward, A gne w , and Co. , 1 50, N e w Bond Stre et.

Taylor, Lloyds, Hanbu ry, and Bowman, 60, Lombard Stre e t .Ve re s , Lucadon, Troughton, Lucadon, and Smart, 77, Lombard Stre e t,Walpole , Clarke , and Sisson, 28, Lombard Stre e t.We s ton, Pinhorn, Golding, Ne w some , and We s ton, 37, Boro


White he ad and Howard, Cate atonStre e t.

Wilke s , D ickinsons , Goodall, and D ickinson, 33 , Poul try .

Wilkinsons , Bloxham,Bulcock, Wilkinson, and Taylor, St. Margare t’s Hil l, Southwark .

Will iams , Son, Drury, and M oflatt, 20, Birch inLane .

Will is , Wood , Pe rcival , and Co., 76, Lombard St re e t.

Wright, Thomas, Esq. , and Co. , 5, Henrie tta Stre e t.

1 802.

Anderson, Johnand A le xande r, and Co. ,1 7, Philpot Lane .

A dey , M acge orge , and Co .,2 2

, Old Bond Stre e t.Barclays , Tritton, and Bevan, 56, Lombard Stre e t.Biddul ph , Cocks, R idge , and Co.

, 43 , Charing Cros s .Birch , Chambe rs , and Hobbs, 1 52 , N ew Bond Stre e t.Boldero, Lush ington, Boldero, and Lush ington, 30, Cornhill .Bond , John, and Son, 2 , Change A lle y .

Bosanque t, Beachcroft, and Re e ve s , 73 , Lombard Stre e t.Bow le s , Brickwoods , Ogden, and Wyndham, 1 1 , Lombard Stre e t .Brown, Cobb, and Stoke s , 67 , Lombard Stre e t .Cas te l l, Pow e ll, Son, and Wilson, 66, Lombard Stre e t.Child and Co. ,

1 , Fle e t Stre e t.Coutts, Thomas, and Co.

, 59, Strand .

Cox,Me rle , and Co . ,

2, Cox

s Court, Little Bri tain.

Daw son, Brook s, Son, and D ixon, Chance ry Lane .

Devayne s , Daw e s, Noble, and Co. ,


39, Pal l Mall .D imsdale , Baron, Sons, Barnard, and Son, 50, Cornh ill.Dorrien, Magens


,and M e l lo

,2 2

,Finch Lane .

Dorse tt, Johnson, Wilk inson, Be rne rs , and Tilson, 58, N ew Bond Stre e t .


M & Jm mm flm m md flm etg u flpmbu dmt

Gos lina mk and Will iam, and BenjaminShu pe . 1 9, l-‘

le etSmM W M k, Gre enwoo¢md Drewe , 76, Pall MalLHanke y, Joseph Chaplin. Ste phenHall, RobenHankey, Richard Hanke y, Augustus Hankey , and

w . Alert, 7 . Fenchmd : Street.Hmison, Prickett, and Newmn. 1 , Mansionflou3e 811e etHmieg Puqnbumnd Ca J QSt jnme s’ Sm

l l enry,md flen17 Me 1 1ick Hoare, 37 ,Bomflil and hametts fi flmbudmHodsoll and Stifling. 345, Stnnd .

IM GoodchM d a . Comenlng UppetThamee Streetlm ydt fluimand CoqothbmIndbrokqh wlingsomh dbroke , Pmka , and Wstson. Bank Bmld ingalaa M Cank g snd CQ , 39, Clemenf s lane , lnmb3 1d StmqGe orge , Richmd leqsnd hl ile s Snttenhwaite , 7 1 , 1101nbard Stre e t.ld ev nnig and Raikeg 3 g C0mhm.Mainwaring, Son, Chatterig and CQ , 80, Cornhil l.

h M Gt M W W Sfi efl.

Robmts Cm-tis , H ornyold. and C0 ., 1&Enchmge A lley.

Rogmmdh g md k ogerg y fne emn’s CM Comlfi ll.

Smhh and flolt 6q0ld 81md 8tmet.Smitt ynqand SufiduGe orge Stre eg MansionHm8now , Robe 11, WilliamSandby, .nd johnDennPanl, 3 1 7, Stnod.

Fish Su'eet l l ill.

W M W M M ®, M SM

Taylor, Lloyds , Hanbury, and Bow1nan, 6o, lambard Street.

Walpole , Clark, and Sisson, 38, Lombard Stre e t.Were, Bruce, Ree d, Simeon, and Taylor, 3 , Bartholomew Lane.Weston, Pinhotn, Gold ing, Newsome , and We ston, 3 7, Borough.White he ad: and Howard, CateatonStre et.W ilke s , Dick insons, Goodall, tind Dick inson, 33, Poul t ry.


Wilk insons , Bloxham, Bulcock, Wilkinson, and Taylor, St. Margare t’s Hill, Southwark.Wi l l iams , Son, D ru ry, and M ofl


att,20, Birch inLane .


,Pe rcival , and Co. , 76, Lombard Stre e t .


,Esq. , and Co. ,

6, Henrie tta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

1 805.

Ande rson, Johnand A lexande r, and Co. ,1 7, Philpot Lane .

Barclay, Tritton, and Be van, 56, Lombard Stre e t.Biddulph s , Cock s, and R idge , 43 , Charing Cross .

Birch , Chambe rs , and Hobbs, 1 52 , N e w Bond Stre e t.Bloxham,

Sir Matthe w ,Wilk inson, Taylor, and Bloxham, 27 , Grace church Stre e t .

Boldero,Lushington, Bolde ro, and Lushington, 30, Cornh ill.

Bond,John, Sons, and Patti sall, 2 , Change A l le y, Cornh il l.

Bosanque t, Be achcroft, and Re e ve s , 73, Lombard Stre e t.Bow le s, Brickwood, Ogden, Wyndham, and M organ, 1 1 , Lombard Stre e t.Brown, Cobb, and Stoke s , 67 , Lombard Stre e t .Child and Co. , 1 , Fle e t Stre et.Coutts , Thomas , and Co. , 59, Strand.

Cox,M e rle , and Co . ,

2,Cox ’s Court, Li ttle Bri tain.

Davi son, Noel, Temple r, Middle ton, Johnson, and We dgw ood, 34, Pal l Mal l.

Daw son, B rooks , Son, and D ixon, Chance ry Lane .

De vayne s , Daw e s, Noble, and Co., 39, Pal l Mall .

D imsdal e , Baron, Barnard, Son, and D imsdale , 50, Cornhi ll .Dorr ien, Magens , Dorrien


,and Me l lo, 2 2, Finch Lane .

Down, Thornton, and Fre e , 1 , Bartholomew Lane .

D rummond, Andrew B., John, and Charle s, and Co. , 49, Charing Cros s .

Esdai le , Sir Jame s , Esdaile , Esdai le , Hamme tt, and Hamme t t, 2 1 Lombard Stre e t.Forste r, Lubbock, Forste r, and Clark, 1 1 , Mans ionHous e Stre e t.Fu l ler

,Chat te ris, and Co. , 24, Lombard Stre e t.

Eu lle r, R ichard, Ge orge Fu l ler, and Co . , 84, Cornh ill .Glyn, Sir R ichard Carr, Bart, Charle s Mills , Thomas H allifax, and Co. ,

1 2,Birch inLane .

Gos l ing, Francis and Williams , and Benj . Sharpe , 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t.H amme rs leys , Gre enwood , D re w e , and Brooksbank, 76, Pal l Mall.Hanke y, Hall , Hanke y, and A le rs , 7, Fenchurch Stre e t.Harrison, Pr icke t t, and N ewman, 1

, Mans ionHous e Stre e t.He rrie s , Farquhar, and Co. ,

1 6, St. Jame s ' Stre e t.Hoare

,Henry, Henry Hugh , Charle s, WilliamHenry , and H enry Me rrick Hoare, 37 , Fle e t Stre e t.

Hoare, H i ll , Barne t ts, and Hoare, 62 , Lombard Stre e t.H odsoll and Stirl ing, 345, Strand .

Jackson, Goodchild , and Co. , CouzenLane, Uppe r Thame s Stre e t .Jone s, Lloyd , H u lme, and Co. , 43, Lothbury.Ladbroke, Raw l ingson, Ladbroke, Porker, and Watson

,Bank Bui ld ings .

Langs ton, Towgood, Cazal e t, Boycett, and Fore ste r, 29, Clement’

s Lane .

Le e s , Satte rthwai te , and Bras se y, 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t.Le fe vre , Currie s , Raike s , and Co. ,

29, Cornh ill.Mainwaring, Son, Chat te ris , and Co. ,

80,Cornhi l l .

Marsh, Sibbald, Stracey, Fauntle roy, and Ste w art, 6, Be rne rs Stre e t.Martins, Stone , and Foote , 68, Lombard Stre e t .Mas te rman, Pe te rs , Walker, Mildred , and Co. ,

2, Whi te Hart Court.



Down, Thornton, Free, and Cornwall , 1 , Bartholome w Lane .

Drummond,Andrew B. ,

John, and Charle s , and Co . , 49, Char ing Cross .

Esdaile , Sir Jame s , Esdai le , Esdaile , Hamme tt, and Hamme tt, 2 1 , Lombard Stre e t.Forste r, Lubbock, Forste r, and Clark , 1 1 , Mans ionHous e Stre e t.Fu l ler

,Chatte ris

,and Co. , 23 , Lombard Stre e t.

Ful ler,R ichard, Ge orge Fu l ler, and Co. , 84, Cornh il l.

Glyn,Sir R ichard Carr , Bart, Charle s Mills , T. H al lifax, and Co.

,1 2

,BirchinLane .

Gos l ing and Sharpe , 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t.H amme rsleys , Gre enwood, Drew e , and Brooksbank, 76, Mall Mal l .Hanke y, Hall, Hanke y, and A le rs , 7, Fenchurch Stre e t.Harrison, Pricke tt, and Ncwman, 1 , Mans ionHouse Stre e t.H e rrie s , Farquhar, and Co. ,

1 6, St. Jame s ’ Stre e t.Hoare, Henry, Henry Hugh , Charle s WilliamHenry, and Henry M e rrick Hoare , 37, Fle e t Stre e t.Hoare, Hil l, Barne tts, and Hoare, 62, Lombard Stre e t.H odsoll and Stirl ing, 345, Strand .

Jackson, Goodchild, and Co. , Couz enLane, Uppe r Thame s Stre e t.Jone s , Lloyd, Hu lme , and Co. , 43 , Lothbury.Ladbroke

,Raw l ingson, Ladbroke, Porker, and Watson, Bank Build ings .

Langs ton, Towgood, Amory, and Cazale t, 29, C lement’s Lane .

Le e s, Satte rthwai te , and Brasse y, 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t.Le fe vre , Currie s, Yallowby, and Raike s , 29, Cornhill.Mainwar ing, Son, Chat te ris , and Co.

,80, Cornhill .

Marsh, Sibbald, Stracey, Fauntleroy, and Stewart, 6, Be rne rs Stre e t , Oxford Stre e t.Martins

,Stone , and Foote , 68, Lombard Stre e t.

Mas te rman, Pe te rs , Walke r, Mildre d, and Co. ,2,


White Hart Court, Lombard Stre e t.Moffat t, Kens ington, and Styan, 20, Lombard Stre e t.Ne ale , Will iam,

8,Low e r JohnStre e t, G oldenSquare .

Newnham,Eve re tt, Tibb itts , and Eve re tt, 2, Mans ionHouse Stre e t.

Pare s and H eygate , 63 , A lde rmanbury.Prae ds , Digby, Box, .Babbage , and Co. , Fle e t Stre e t.

f re scott, Grote , and Pre scott, 69, Threadne e dle Stre e t.Pybus, Grant, and Hale, Old Bond Stre e t.Ransom,

M orland, and Co. , 56, Pal l Mal l.Robarts , Curtis , Robarts , and Curtis, 1 5,


Lombard Stre e t .Rogers , O ld ing, and Rogers, 3 , Fre eman

’s Court, Cornh il l .

Sansom,Blake, and Pos tle thwaite , 65, Lombard Stre e t.

Sike s, Snai th, and Co. , 5, Mans ionHous e Stre e t.Smith and Hol t, 60, Old Bond Stre e t.Smi th, Payne , and Smiths , Ge orge Stre e t , Mans ionHouse .

Snow,Robe rt, WilliamSandby, sen. and jun., JohnDe anPaul, and Kinch, 2 1 7, Strand.

Spooner, A t twoods , and Holmer, 40, F ish Stre e t H i ll .Stephenson, Batson, Remington, and Smi th, 69, Lombard Stre e t;Ste vensonand Sal t, 80, Lombard Stre e t.Taylor, Lloyds, Hanbury, and Bowman, 60, Lombard Stre e t.Ve re s , Lucadon, and Smart, 77, Lombard Stre e t,Walpole , Clark , and Sis son, 28, Lombard Stre e t.Were

,Bruce, Simson, and Taylor, ‘

2, Bartholome w Lane .

We s ton, Pinhorn, Gold ing, Ne w some , and We s ton, 3 7, Boro’


White he ad , Howard , and H addockL Cate atonStre e t .Williams, Son, Drury, and Moffat, 20, BitchinLane .


W i ll is, Wood, Percival . and C0 , 76, Lombard Stree t.Wrigh t, Selby, and Howard, 5. Henrietta Street, Gow t Garden.

1807 .

1 7, Phi lpoth ne .

w m mm saummmBiddulpucm tnd k idga 43 Ch dng C1me .

BM Chambunnud Hobhq153 , New Bond Street.M & Sh uatthe w , Wilk inson, Tay lor, snd B

loaham, 3 7, 6uoechnrch Street.BoldmLmhh gmBoldmmd Lushingtom3qmhflL

Comhill.Bocnqa et d m 75 b nbud SMm m m ww mw u a omw dmM Cobh md Smkea h J ombas tw et.

M M mHM M Cm GamChild and Co , 1 , Fle etStnet.CoomThomas and Ca . 59»Stnnd.

Davina, Noel, Templer, Middleton, Johmmand Wedgwood, 34, Pal l Mal l,DammfltoonM nnd Dim hanw y une .

M m Dam Noble , d O-1 39omhh ll.

Donkmhh pmbotdemnnd ue llo, 3 3 , F‘

1nch lane .1 , Bsnh0l0mew h ne .

Esdai le , !i sdenk flsmmemmd flsmme tt, 3 1 , 1100)d1 1 , 3I3ns ionl’louse 8tre et.

GlymSt hard Cu-r, Bart, 1 3 , Birchinl . 1ne .Goshng and Shsrp, 1 9, Fle etStreet.Hmmmlen menwood, Dm md flrooksbmk,76, Pall hIalLHankey, Hd h flsnkey, and A len, 7, l

HanbomKay, and Chnptmn, 1 , MansionHou e Stmet


H0d10l1md 8tirliog, 345, 8tmnd.yumm mmmm m ummmum

43, Lothbury.Kens ingtons snd Coambombu d Stre et.Ladbroke, Raw l inson, Ladbml e , md wason, BankBuild ings.mfi m ’


owgood, Clement's Lane .Im Sauenhwaitqsnd Bru sey, 7 1 , 1.0mbatd Stre et.Ixfevre , Cttrrie e, Raike s , :nd Lawford, 3 9, Comhi ll.Mainwaring, Son, Chatte ris, and Cc. , 80, Cornhi l l.111 1-1 11, S ibbald, Stracey, Fauntlemy. and Stewart, 6, BernenStree t, Oxford


Martins , Stone , and Foote , 68, Lombard Stre e t.Maste rman, Pe te rs , Walker, Mildre d, and Co. , 2 , White Hart Court, Lombard Stre e t .Ne ale , W il l iam, 8, Low e r JohnStre e t, GoldenSquare .

Ne wnham,Eve re tt, Tibbi tts, and Eve re t t, 9, Mans ionHous e Stre e t.

Pare s and H eygate , 63 , A lde rmanbury.Praeds , D igby, Box , B ernard, and Newcombe , Fle e t Stre e t.Pre scott, Grote , and Pre scott , 62 , Thre adne ed le Stre e t .Pybus



,and Grant

, Old Bond Stre e t.Ramsbottoms , Ne wman, Ramsbottom, and Co. , 7 2 , Lombard Stre e t .Ransom

,M orland , and Co.

, 56, Pal l Mal l .Robarts, Curt is , Robarts , and Curt is , 1 5, Lombard Stre e t.Rogers, O ld ing, and Rogers , 3 , Fre eman

s Court,Cornhi ll .

Sansom,B lake

, and Pos tle thwaite , 65, Lombard Stre e t.Sike s, Snai th , and Co.

, 5, Mans ionHouse Stre e t.Smi th and Hol t, 60, Old Broad Stre e t.Smi th


,and Smi ths

,G e orge Stre e t, Mans ionHouse .

Snow,Robe rt, Will iamSandby, and JohnD e anPau l

, 2 1 7, Strand .

Spooner, A t tw ood , and Co. , 40, Fish Stre e t H i l l .Stephenson, Batson, R emington, and Smi th, 69, Lombard Stre e t.Ste vensonand Salt, 80, Lombard S tre e t.Taylor

,Lloyds, Hanbu ry

,and Bowman, 60, Lombard Stre e t.

Ve re s,Lacadon, and Smart, 77, Lombard Stre e t.

Were,Bruce , Simpson, and Taylor, 2 , Bartholomew Lane .

We s ton, Pinhorn, Gold ing, Ne w some , and We s ton, 37, Borough .

White he ad, Howard , and Haddock, Cate atonStre e t.W il l iams,


8011 , Drury, Moffat t, and Burge s s, 20, Birch imLane .

Will i s,Wood

,Pe rcival , and Co. , 76, Lombard Stre e t.


,and Robinson

, 5, Henrie t ta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

1 808 .

Ande rson, Johnand A le xande r, and Co. ,1 7, Phi lpot Lane .

A us tin, Maunde,and A us t in, 1 0, Henr ie tta Stre e t, Covent Gard en.

Barclays , Tritton, and Bevan, 56, Lombard Stre e t.Biddulph , Cock s, and R idge, 43 , Char ing Cross .

Birch , Chambe rs , and Hobbs , 1 52 , N ew Bond Stre e t.Bloxham,

Sir Matthe w,Wilkinson


,and Bloxham,

27, Grace churchBolde ro and Lush ington, 30, Cornhill .

Bond , John, Sons , and Patti sall, 2 , Change A l l e y, Cornhill .Bosanque t, Beachcroft, and l

Re eve s , 73 , Lombard Stre e t.Brickwood , M organ, and Starke y, 1 1 , Lombard Stre e t .


Brown, Cobb,‘

and Co. , 66, tombard Stre e t .Chant le r, Thomas , and Co.

,20, H enrie t ta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

Child and Co. ,1,Fle e t Stre e t.

Cout ts , Thomas , and Co. , 59, Strand .

Cox,Me rle , and Co. ,

2,Cox ’s Court, Little Brita



Dav ison, Noe l, Templer, We dgw ood , and Middle ton, 34, Pal l Mal l.Daw son, Brook s, Son, and Dixon, Chance ry Lane .

D enison, Jos . , and Co. , 1 6, St. Mary A xe .

De vayne s , Daw e s , Noble , and Co. , 39, Pal l Mall .

224 L1 5 7”


Ve re s , Lucadon, and Smart, 77, Lombard Stree t.Walpole , Clark , and Sis sons , 28, Lombard Stre e t .We re , Bruce , Simpson, and Taylor, 2 , Bartholome w Lane .

We s ton, Pinhorn, New some , and We s ton, 37, Borough .

White he ad, Howard, and Haddock , Cate atonStre e t.Will iams , Son, Drury, M ofl

att, and Burge ss, 20, Birch imLane .


,Pe rcival, and Co.

, 76, Lombard Stre e t.Wright


,and Robinson, 5, Henrie tta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

1 8 10.

Ande rson, Johnand A le xande r, and Co.,1 7, Philpot Lane .

A us ten, M aude, A us ten, and Tilson, 1 0, Henr ie tta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

Barclay, Tritton, Bevan, and Co. , 56, Lombard Stre e t.Biddulph , Cock s , and R idge, 43 , Charing Cross .

Birch , Chambe rs , and Hobbs, 1 52 , N e w Bond Stre e t .Bolde ros and Lush ington, 30, Cornhill .Bond , John, Sons, and Pattisall, 2 , Change A lle y, Cornh ill .Bosanque t, Be e chcroft, and Re e ve s, 73 , Lombard Stre e t .Brickwood, J. Raine r, M organ, and Starke y, 1 1 , Lombard Stre e t.Brown, Cobb, and Co. , 66, Lombard Stre e t.Chatte ris , Yapp, and -Co . , 24, Lombard Stre e t.Child and Co. , 1 , Fle e t Stre e t.Cout ts , Thomas , and Co. , 59, Strand.

Cox, Me rle , and Co. ,2,Cox’s Court, Little Britain.

Davison, Noel , Temple r, We dgwood , and Middle ton, 39, Pall Mall .Daw son, Brooks , Son, and D ixon, Chance ry Lane .

D enison, Joseph , and Co. , 1 6, St. Mary A xe .

Devayne s , Daw e s , Noble , and Co. , 39, Pal l Mal l.D imsdale , Baron, Barnard , Son, and D imsdale , 50, Cornh ill .Dorrien, Magens , Dorr ien, and Me l lo, 2 2 , Finch Lane , Cornhill .Down

,Thornton, Fre e , and Down, 1 , Bartholome w Lane .

D rummond , Andrew B John, and Charle s , and Co. , 49, Charing Cross .

Elton, Hammond, and Co. , 24, Milk Stre et.Esdai le , Sir Jame s , Kut. , Esdai le , Esdaile , Hamme tt, and Hamme tt, 2 1 , ,

Lombard Stre e t.Fors te r, Lubbock s, Forste r, and Clark, 1 1 , Mans ionHous e Stre e t .Fry

,W . S. ,

and Sons , 4, Sr. Mildre d’s Court, Poult ry.

Fu l ler,R ichard , Ge orge Fu l ler, and Co. , 84, Cornhil l.

Gil l, Thomas , and Co . 42 , Lombard Stre e t.Glyn, Sir Richard Carr, Bart, Charle s Mills , T . H all i fax

,and Co. ,

1 2,Bi rch imLane .

Gos l ings and Sharpe , 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t.H amme rsle ys , Gre enw ood , Drew e , and Brooksbank, .76, Pal l Mall .

Hanke y, Hal l, Hankey, and A le rs, 7 , Fenchurch Stre e t.Harrisons , Price, Kay, and Chapman, 1 , Mans ionHouse Stre e t.He rrie s , Farquhar, and Co. , 1 6, St. Jame s

’ Stre e t.Hoare, Barne tts , Hoare, and Co. , 62 , Lombard Stre e t.Hoare

,Henry, Henry Hugh , Charle s , Will iamHenry, and Henry Me rrick Hoare, 37, Fle e t Stre e t.

H odsoll and Stirl ing, 345, Strand .

Hopk inson, Ge orge , Cae sar, C harle s ,.

and Edmund , 5,St. A lban’s Stre e t.

Jackson, Goodch ild , and Co. ,Couz enLane, Uppe r Thame s Stre e t.

u s ? or B'


Jone s, John, 1 8, WestSmithfie ld.

Kmingwmd ohqmbu d Stre et.

M C. Dyet't C001t, ,


39, C lement’3 h ne .W W W “ , 1 1111 53 15 7 1 , Lombard Stre et.Iz knn fi eg Raikeg and h wford, 3 9, C0mhill.W W W , and Ca , 80, Comhill .

w m wnmmm mcmgm nmm“m l s um as md cm1 1 . 11m si re ee smna

Pano and fleygate , 63, Aldermanbm-y.

M M W M M Neweot-hg 7 1 , fle et5tre etM M M M 63 , W W

Rmbouomg Nm b nwbom end CQ , 7 3 , 110mba1d Street.M MM M CQ JQM M LRM Cm-tig k obang and tis, 15. 1.0mbnd Stre et.

M M M W 65 Lombu d SmSharpe md Somt sqithfie ld.

Smhh snd Holg fi Old Bond Sae et

Snow, Robo t, WilliamSandby, JohnDunPaul, and JohnRobbins,Spooneg Attwoodg and Ca , 40, Fish SUe etfli ll.

Taylor, Hanbtuy, Bowman, Lloyd, and C01, 60, Lomband Street.T0d and Ca , 1 , M ime Coun, hIilk 8tre etVm Sm g M Hawfing and Tmubua ombu d StreetWmm 5m M M 3 , M dm mWm PinhomNewm e , and Weston, 37, Borough .

White hM HM md flsddoch sg Cnes tonSue et.Willmml lofiatg andm sqmmhinh ne.W WM PercinLand w nmbu d Stre e t

Young Abnham, 1 1 , 8mith6e ltL

1 812.

Anda son, Johnand Alexander, and Cat, 1 7, Phi lpot Lane .

Austen, Msnnde , Aus t in, and Tilson, 1 0, Henrietta Stre et, Covent Garden.Barclay, Tritton, Be van, and Co. , 56, Lombatd Stre et.



Biddulph , Cock s, Ridge, and Co. , 43, Charing“ Cross .

Birch and Chambe rs, 1 60,N e w Bond Stre e t.

Bolde ros and Lush ington, 30, Cornhill .Bond

,John, Sons, and Pattisale , 3 , Exchange A l le y, Cornhil l ,

Bosanque t, Be achcroft, and Co. , 73 , Lombard Stre e t.Brown


,and Co.

,67, Lombard Stre e t.

Browne , Langhom,and Brails ford

,23 , Buckle rsbury.

B ruce,Simson, Fre en, and Mackenzie , Bartholomew Lane ,

Chatte r is,Whitmore

,and Co.

,24, Lombard Stre e t .

Child and Co.,1,Fle e t Stre e t.

Coutts,Thomas, and Co. , 59, Strand .

Cox,Me rle , and Co.

,Cox’s Court, Little Britain.

Davidson, Noel, Temple r, Middle ton, and We dgwood, 34, Pal l Mal l .Daw son, B rook s , Son, and D ixon, Chance ry Lane .

D ennison, Jos eph, and Co. , St. Mary’s A xe .

D imsdale,th e H on. Baron


, Son, and D imsdale , 50, Cornh iJI.Dorrien



,and M e l lo, 2 2 , Finch Lane .

Down,R ichard , H enry Thornton, Pe te r Fre e , and Edward Down, 1 , Bartholome w Lane .

D rummond,Andrew B. , John, and Charle s, and Co. , 49, Charing Cross .

Esdai le,Sir Jame s



,Esdai le ,


H ammet,and Hamme t, 2 1 , Lombard Stre e t .

Eve re t t,Walker

,Mal tby, El l is, and Co.

, 9, Mans ionHous e Stre e t.Fors te r, Lubbocks, Fors te rs, and Clark, 1 1 , Mans ionHouse Stre e t .Frase r, H on. Simon

,Pe rring, Shaw ,

Barber, and Co. , 72 , Cornhill .Fry

,W. S. ,

and Sons,St. Mildre d’s Court, Poul try .

Fu ller,R ichard and Ge orge , and Co.

,84, Cor-nhill.

Gil l,Thomas

,and Co. , 42, Lombard Stre e t .

Glyn,Sir R ichard Carr


,Mills, H alli fax

,Glyn, and Co. ,

1 2,Birch inLane .

Gos l ings and Sharpe , 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t.H amme rsleys , Gre enwood, Drew e , and Brooksbank, 76, Pal l Mal l .Hanke ys and Co. , 7 , Fenchurch Stre e t.Harrisons , Pr ice, Kay, and Chapman, 1 , Mans ionHouse Stre e t .He rrie s , Farquhar, and Co. ,

1 6, St. Jame s ’ Stre e t.

Hoare,Barne tts , Hoare, and C o . , 62 , Lombard Stre e t .


,Henry Hugh Hoare

,Charle s Hoare, WilliamH enry Hoare, and Henry Me rrick

Hoare, 37 , Fle e t Stre e t.H odsoll and Stirl ing, 345, Strand .

Hopkinson, G. C . C . and E. , 5, St. A lban’

s Stre e t .Jacksons


,and Co .

,Dowgate IronWharf, Uppe r Thame s Stre e t .

Jone s , John, 1 8, We s t Smithfie ld .

Jone s,Lloyd

,and Co.

, 43 , Lothbury .

Kens ingtons , Styan, and A dams, 20, Lombard Stre e t.Kinloch , G . F .

,and Sons

,1, N e w Bond Stre et

Ladbroke s, Watson,and Gillman

,Bank Bui ld ings , Cornh il l .

Le e s , Satte rthwaite , Brasse y, and Farr, 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t.Le fe vre , Currie s , Raike s, and Co. , 29, Cornhill .Mainwaring


,Chatte ris , and Co.


, Cor’

nhill .Marsh, Sibbald , Stracey, Fauntle roy, and Ste w art, 6, Be rne rs Stre e t.Martins

, Stone , and Mart in, 68, Lombard Stre e t.M aste rmans , Pe te rs, Walker, Mildre d , and Co.

,2,White Hart Court,Lombard Stre e t.

Pare s and H eygate , 63, A lde rmanbury.


Eve re tt, Walker,Mal tby, El l is , and Co.

, 9, Mans ionHous e Stre e t .Fry and Sons, 4, St. Mildre d

s Court, Poul try .

Ful ler,R ichard , Ge orge F111101 , and Co.

,84, Cornh ill .

Gill,Thomas , and Co.

, 42 , Lombard Stre e t.Glyn, Sir R . Carr, Bart, H all ifax, Glyn, and Co. ,

1 2,Birch inLane .

Gos l ing and Sharpe , 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t .H amme rs leys, Gre enwood, D re w e , and Brooksbank, 76, Pall Mal lHankey, Hanke y, A le rs , and Hanke y, 7 , Fenchurch Stre e t .

H e rr ie s , Farquhar, Hall iday, andHoare

,Barne tts, Hoare , and Co .

,62 , Lombard Stre e t .

Hoare , Henry, Henry Hugh , Charle s , Will iamHenry, and Henry Me rrick Hoare, 3 7 , Fle e t Stre e t .H odsoll and Stirl ing, 345, Strand .

Hopkinson, Ge orge , Cae sar, Charle s , and Edmund , 5, St. Alban’

s Stre e t .Jacksons , Good child, and Co.

, Couz enLane, Uppe r Thame s Stre e t.Jone s, John, 1 8, Smithfie ld.

Jone s , Lloyd, and Co. , 43 , Lothbury .

K inloch , G . F . , and Sons, N e w Broad Stre e t .Ladbroke s, Watson, and Gillman, Bank Bui ldings , Cornh ill .Le e s , Satte rthwai te , Brass e y, and Farr, 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t .Lubbock , Sir John, Bart, Lubbock , Fors te r, and C larlte , 1 1 , Mans ionHouse Stre e t .Mainwar ing, Son, Chatte ris , and Co. , 80, Cornhill .Marsh , Sibbald, Stracey, Fauntle roy, and Ste wart, 6, Be rne rs Stre e t.Martin

,Hal e

,and Cal l, Old Bond Stre e t .

Martin, Stone , and Martin, 68, Lombard Stre e t.

Maste rman, Pe te rs, Mildre d, Mas te rman, and Co.

, 9, White Hart Court, Lombard Stre e t.M orland , Ransom, and Co.

, 56, Pal l Mal l .Mowbray, Holl ingsworth, and Co. , 53 , Lothbury.N icholson, and S.

,Janson, and Co. , 75, Thre adne e dle Stre e t .

Pare s and H eygate , 63 , A ld e rmanbury.Paxtons , Coeke re ll, Trail, and Co. , 57, Pal l Mal l .

_Pe rring, Sir John, Bart. , Shaw , Barber, and Co . , 7 2 , Cornh il l .Prae ds , Mackw orth, and Ne wcombe , 1 89, Fle e t Stre e t .Pre scott, Grote , and Pre s cot t, 62, Thre adne e dle Stre e t.Price, Sir Charle s , and Sir Will iamKay, Barts .

,Charle s Price, jun.

, and Ge o. Chapman, 1 , Mans ion

House Stre e t .Ramsbottoms , Ne wman, Ramsbottom,

and Co. , Lombard S tre e t .Robarts , Curtis , Robarts , and Curt is , 1 5, Lombard Stre e t.Rogers, Towgood , and Co .

,29, Clement

’s Lane

,Lombard Stre e t .

Sansom,Postle thwai te , and Sansom, 65, Lombard Stre e t.

Sharpe and Sons, 8, Smithfi e ld .

Sike s , Snai th , and Co . , 5, Mans ionHous e Stre e t .Smi th and Hol t, 60, Old Broad Stre e t .


Smi th , Payne , and Smi ths, Ge orge Stre e t, Mans ionHouse ._

Snow ,Robe rt, Wil liamSandby, and JohnD e anPau l, 2 1 7, Strand .

Spooner, A t twoods , and Co.,27 Grace church Stre e t.

Stephensons , Remingtons , Smi th , and C0. , 69, Lombard Stre e t .Ste vensonand Sal t, 80, Lombard Stre e t.Taylor Hanbury, Bowmans , and Lloyds, 60, Lombard Stre e t .Ve re s , Smart, Baron, and Haw kins, 77, Lombard Stre e t .Wentworth, Chalone r, and Rishworth , 25, Thre adne e dle Stre e t .


Wm PinhmmNe wwmqand Wm sb wWhitehead HoM d nddmh sg Catettou


Stw t-t.

m w ma , 76, 11oinhad tre et.

Wright, Thomas , Thom: HenryRobinson,

5, H emietts Stmet, CoventGarden.

Yonng Abnham. 1 1 , 8mithfie ld .

18 16.

M M M M sg.


W M M W 43 M M

Birch and Chsmben, 160, New Bond Stre et.

W W M M M M 7LW M W .

M W M W 35, W M M 7 .

M &m Fm and Ca . 1 , 801 1h0l0111ew L3 11e.

Dmfimmgmmmmneuqmm3 1 .m¢ m 00mhi lt

EM fi lm mW Q M HM M CM M J A Qbu d

fi ys snd Ch pm g SLM ildw d’

s CM Poulw .

FM M GW W , d o , 84, 001mGHLW M CQ 4 3 , M M 8110¢L

Gosling and Shupe , 1 9, Ple etStre et.Hmmaflen f eea Drewqmd h ooh benkqa 1mm

Hm flemy. Rmy HugLChafleg WilfiamH ema d flenry M erfiek Hw ed Lfle etSueet

HM W , C& 1 , - Albl n'l sm1m m , and Ca , Com une . Upper



hama Stnet.

Imm and cmn bothmM G M ? "md SomNn Brmd Sum

mw m ,m1m, 7 1 ,mw 5m

2 30 2 1 57“


Lubbock,Sir John, Bart, Lubbock , Fors te r, and Clark, 1 1 , Mans ionHouse Stre e t .


, Stracey, Fauntle roy, and Ste wart, 6, Be rne rs Stre e t.Marten, Call, and A rnold , O ld Bond Stre e t.Martin

,Stone , and Martin, 68, Lombard Stre e t.

Mas te rman, Pe te rs , Mildre d, Maste rman, and Co.,2, White Hart Court, Lombard Stre et.

M orland , Ransom, and Co., 56, Pal l Mall .

N icholson, T . and S. , Janson, and Co. , A bchurch Lane .

Pare s and H eygate , 63 , A lde rmanbury.Paxtons , Cocke re ll, Trail, and Co. , 57, Pal l Mall .Pe rring, Sir John, Bart, Shaw ,

Barber, and Co., 72 , Cornh ill .

Pockl ingtonand Lacy, 66, Smithfie ld .

Pole, Thornton, Free, Down, and Scot t, 1 , Bartholomew Lane .

Prae ds, Mackworth, and Ne wcombe , 1 89, Fle e t Stre e t.Pre scot t, Grote , and Pre scott, 62, Thre adne e dle Stre e t.Price, Sir Charle s , and Sir Will iamKay, Barts , 1 , Mans ionHous e Stre e t.Ramsbottoms, Newman, Ramsbottom, and Co. ,

1 2,Lombard Stre e t.

Robarts , Curtis, Robarts , and Curtis, 1 5, Lombard Stre e t.Rogers, Towgood, and Co.

,29, Clement’s Lane, Lombard Stre e t .

Sansom,Postle thwai te , and Sansom, 65, Lombard Stre e t .

Sharpe and Sons, 8, Smithfi e ld .

Sike s, Snai th, and Co .

, 5, Mans ionHous e Stre e t .Smith and Hol t, 60, Old Broad Stre e t.Smi th, Payne , and Smiths, Ge orge Stre e t, Mans ionHouse .

Snow ,Robe rt, and Co .

,2 1 7, Strand .

Spooner, A ttw oods, and Co. , 27, Grace church Stre e t.Stephensons , Remingtons, Smi th, and Co. , 69, Lombard Stre e t .Ste vensonand Sal t, 80, Lombard Stre e t .Ve re s , Smart, Baron, and Haw kins , 77, Lombard Stre e t.Wentworth, Chalone r, and R ishworth, 25, Thre adne e dle Stre e t.We s ton, Pinhorn, Ne w some ,


and We s ton, 37, Borough .Will iams , Son, Moffatt, Burge ss , and Lane, 20, BitchinLane .

Wi ll is, Pe rcival , and Co., 76, Lombard Stre e t .

Wright,Thos. , s en. , Thomas Wright, jun. ,

JohnWright, N icholas Taite Selby, and Henry Rob inson,

5, Henr ie tta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

Young, A braham,1 1

, Smithfie ld.

1 8 1 7 .

Barclay, Tritton, Bevan, and Co. , 56, Lombard Stre e t .Barnard, D imsdale , and D imsdale , 50, Cornh il l .Biddulph, Cock s, and R idge s , 43 , Charing Cross .B irch and Chambe rs , 1 50, N ew Bond Stre e t.Bond, John, Sons, Patti sale , 2 , Change A l l ey, Cornh ill .Bosanquet, Pi tt, Anderdon, and Franks, 73 , Lombard Stre e t.Bouve rie and Antrobus, 35, CravenStre e t, Strand.B rooks

, Son, and D ixon, 25, Chance ry Lane .

Browne , Langhorn, and Brailsford, ,25, Buckle rsbury.

Chat te r is , Whitmore , and Co. ,24, Lombard Stre e t .

Child and Co. ,1 , Fle e t Stre e t.

Coutts , Thomas , and Co .

, 59, Strand.


Ste vensonand Sal t, 80, Lombard Stre e t.Ve re s, Smart, Baron, and Haw kins, 77, Lombard Stre e t.Wentworth , Chalone r, and R ishworth, 25, Threadne e dle Stre e t .We s ton, Pinhorn, and We s ton, 37 , Borough .

Wi ll iams, Son, M ofi


att,Burge ss , and Lane, 20, Birch imLane .

Willis , Pe rcival , and Co. , 76, Lombard Stre e t.Wright

,Thomas , s en. ,

Thomas Wright, Wright, N ich .

5, Henrie tta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

Youngs, A braham,1 1

,Smithfi e ld .

1 8 1 8 .

Barclay,Tritton, Bevan, and Co. , 54, Lombard Stre e t.

Barnard , D imsdale , and D imsdale , 50, Cornh il l .Biddulph , Cock s, and R idge, 43 , Charing Cross .Birch and Chambe rs , . 1 69, N e w Bond Stre e t.

Bond,John, Sons, and Patti sall, 2

,Change A ll ey, Cornh ill .

Bosanque t,Pi tt

,Ande rdon

,and Frank s, 73 , Lombard Stre e t.

Bouve rie and Antrobus , 35, CravenStre e t, Strand .

BrookshSon, and Dixon, 25, Chance ry Lane .

Browne , Langhorn, and Brai ls ford, 25, Buckle rsbury.

Chat te ris , Whi tmore , and Co. ,24, Lombard Stre e t.

Child and Co. ,1,Fle e t Stre e t .

Coutts , Thomas , and Co.,59, Strand .

Cox,Me rle , and Co. ,

2, Cox

’s Court, Little Bri tain.

Currie s, Raike s , and Co. ,29, Cornhi ll .

Curt is,Sir Will iam

,Robarts, and Curt is , 1 5, Lombard Stre e t.

D enison,Jos e ph , and Co.

,1 06

,Fenchurch Stre e t .

Dorrien, Magens , Dorrien, M ell o, and Co . ,2 2

, Finch Lane, Cornh ill .D rummond , Andre w B. ,

John,Charle s , and Henry , 49, Char ing Cros s .

Esdai le , Sir James, Kut. , Esdai le , Esdai le , Hamme tt, and Co. ,2 1

, Lombard Stre e t.Eve re tt, Walker

,Mal tby, El l is , and Co . , 9, Mans ionHouse Stre e t.

Frys and Chapman, 4, St. Mildre d’

s Cour t, Poul try.

Ful ler,R ichard

,Ge orge Ful ler, and Co. ,

84, Cornhil l .Gill

,Thomas , and Co. , 42 , Lombard Stre e t .

Glyn,Sir R . Carr, Bart, Mill s , H allifax, Glyn, and Co. ,

1 2,BirchimLane .

Gos lings and Sharpe , 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t.H amme rs leys , Gre enw ood , Dre w e , and B rooksbank , 76, Pal l Mal l .Hanbu ry, Taylor, and Lloyds, 60, Lombard Stre e t .Hanke ys

,A . ,

R . ,W . , A . , and T . , 7, Fenchurch Stre e t .

He rrie s,Farquhar, Hall iday, Hal l iday , and Chapman, 16, St. Jame s

’ Stre e t.Hoare, Barne tts , Hoare, and Co . , 62, Lombard Stre e t.Hoare

,Henry, Henry Hugh , Charle s, WilliamHenry, and Henry Me rr ick Hoare, 37,

Hod soll and Stirl ing, 345, Strand .

Hopkinson, George, Cae sar, Charle s, and Edmund , 34, Pal l Mal l .

Jackson, Goodchi ld, and Co. , Couz enLane, Uppe r Thame s Stre e t.Jone s , John, 4 1 , Smithfie ld .

Jone s , Lloyd , and Co. , 43 , Lothbury:Kinloch

, G . F and Sons, N ew Broad Stre e t .

Ladbroke and Gillman, Bank Bui ld ings, Cornhil l.

Rob inson,

Stre e t.


Ii tterthwaite , a sey, end Fa1u bboeLSh johA BamIA bboch Fa stunndfi h fi , 1 1 , 513ns ionl-l onse 511e et.

M M M W J LLomM Stmt

W M M W M W g W HmM MmM SW L

M m mmd amuanNkholsomT. M &jm d a , Abchnreh l ane .Pu es and l l eyp te , 35, New Btidge Stre et, Blackfi

-ianPu tong Cockete iLTraiLd a . 571 5 11 1113 11.


House Stre et.

-lm hombu d &mt.

mmmam sd a

S&qhh d on y hh ns ionflouse Stw tt

m mnma ow w mSnow, R0bett, d ot. 3 1 7, 8tnnd.

SW RW M M Q Q W SMStevmwnand Salg sqlombu d Sue et.m lnd fle whh g nfla nhndmww w . andmm 35, 1


hre sdne edle Stre et.Wm fi nhamand Wem ,

W M NM M M M mM IMWflli s, Patinh and Ca J Qbotnbnd Stre et.W M m Tho s jun, JohnWright, Nicholas Taite

5, Henrie t13 5tre et, CovemGu denYom Abnhmnmithfie ld.


Currie s , Raike s , and Co. ,29, Cornhill .

Cur ti s, Sir Will iam, Robarts, and Curt is, 1 5, Lombard Street.Den i son


,and Co.

,1 06, Fenchurch Street .



,Mel lo

,and Co. ,

2 2, F inch Lane , Cornhill .D rummond, Andre w B. , John, Charle s , and Henry , 49, Charing Cross .Esda ile

,Sir James

,Knt. , Esdaile, Esdail e, Hamme t, and Co. ,

2 1, Lombard Stree t.

Everett, Walker, Mal tby, E ll i s , and Co. , 9, Man s ion House Street .Frys and Chapman , 4, St. Mildred

’s Court, Pou lt ry.Ful le r

,R ichard , Ge orge Ful le r, and Co. ,

84, Cornh ill .G lyn , Sir R . Carr

,Bart, M i l l s, Hal ifax, Glyn, and Co. ,

1 2,Birch inLane .

Goslings 11nd Sharpe , 1 9, Fleet Street.H amme rsleys, Gre enw ood, D re w e , and Brooksbank, 76, Pall Mall .Hanburys, Taylor, and Lloyd, 6o, Lombard Stree t.Hankeys

,A . , A . ,

and T .

, 7 , Fenchurch Street.Herries


,H al liday

,Hall iday, and Chapman, I6, St. Jame s ’ Stree t.

Hoare, Barnetts, Hoare, and Co .,62

,Lombard Stree t.

Hoare, H enry, Henry Hugh, Charle s, Will iam Henry, and H enry Me rrick Hoare, 37, Fleet S treet .

H odsoll and Sti rl ing, 345, Strand .

Ho l t,Wi l l iam


,O ld Broad Stre e t .

Hopkinson, Ge orge Caesar, Charle s , and Edmund, Waterloo Stre et.Jacksons, Goodchild, and Co.

, Couz enLane, Upper Thame s Street .Jones

,John , 4 1 , Smithfi e ld.

J ones, Lloyd, and Co. , 43 , Lothbury .

Kinloch , G . F. , and Son , New Broad Streét.Ladbroke s and Gillman

,Bank Bu i ld ings.

Lees, Satte rthwaite , Bras sey, and Farr, 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t .Lubbock, Sir John, Bart, Lubbock, Fors te r, and Clark, 1 , Man s ion House Stree t .Marryat, Price, Kay, and Chapman, Man s ion House Stree t.Marsh, S ibbald, Stracey, Fauntleroy, and Stewart, 6, Berners Street, Oxford Street.Marten

,Call, and A rnold, O ld Bond Street.

Mart in, Stone, and Mart in, 68, Lombard Street .Mas te rman , Pe ters, Mildre d, Masterman, and C04, 2 , White Hart Court, Lombard Street .Merle

,Will iam


,and Co. ,

2,Cox’5 Court, Lit tl e Britain .

Morlands,A uriol , and Co. , 57, Pal l M a ll .

N icholson, T . and S. , Ianson, and Co. , A bchurch Lane.Pare s and H eygate , 25, New Bridge Street, Blackfriars .Paxton s, Cocke re l l, Trail, and Co. ,

8, Aust i n Fr iars .Peni ng, Sir John, Bart, Shaw, Barber, and Co. , 7 2, Cornh ill .Pinhorn

, Sir John, Wes ton , and Son, Borough Bank, Sou thwark.

Pock l ingtonand Lacy, 66, Smithfie ld .

Pole, Sir Peter, Bart, Thornton, Free, Down , and Scott, 1 , BartholomewPrae ds

,Mackworth , N e wéombe , and Fane,


1 89, Fleet StreetPrescott

,Gro te

,and Pre scott, 62 , Thre adne e dle Street.

Ransomand Co., 56, Pa11 Mall .

Roge rs , Towgood, and Co ,29, Clement

5 Lan e, Lombard Street.Sansom, Postlethwai te, and Sansom, 65, Lombard Street.Sharp and Sons, 8, Smithfi e ld.

Sikes, Snaith, and Co. , 5, Mans ion House Street.Sm i th , Payne, and Sm i ths, Ge orge Street, Mans ionH ouse .Snow, Robe rt , and C o. , 2 1 7, Strand.


Ladbroke s and Gillman, Bank Bui ld ing, Cornh il l .

Le e s , Brasse y, Fa rr, and Le e , 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t .Lubbock, Sir JohnW. , Bart, Forste r, C lark, and Co. , 1 1 , Mans ion House Stre e t.Marryat

,Kay, _

Price , and Coleman, Man s ion Hous e Stre e t .Marsh , Sibbald, Stracey, Fauntle roy, and Ste wart, 6, Be rne rs Stre e t.Marten, Cal], and A rnold, Old Bond Stre e t.Mart in, Stone , and Martin, 68, Lombard Stre e t.Mas te rman, Pe te rs , Mildre d, Mas te rman, and Co.

,2,Wh i te Hart Court, Lombard Stre e t.

Me rle , Wm. , Son , and Co.,2, Cox

’s Court,Little Bri ta in.

Morlands,A uriol , and Co .

, 57, Pal l Mal l .N icholson, T . and S.

,Janson , and Co.

, A bchurch Lane .

Pare s and H e ygate , 25, N ew Bridge Stre e t, Blackfriars.Pax ton , Cocke re l l, Trail, and Co. ,

8, A ust in Ftiars.

Pe rring, Sir John, Bart, Shaw ,Barbe r, and Cornhill .

Pinhorn,Sir John

,We s ton, and Son , Boro

’ Bank,Southw ark .

Pockl ington and Lacy , 66, Smithfie ld .

Pole , Sir Pe te r, Bart, Thornton, Fre e , Down, and Scott, 1 , Bartholomew Lane .

Prae ds , Mackworth, Ne w combe , and Fame , 1 89, Fle e t Stre e t.Ran som and Co. , 34, Pal l Mal l .Roge rs , Towgood, and Co.

,29, C lement

s Lane,Lombard Stre e t .

San som and Pos tle thwai te , 65, Lombard Stre e t.Sharpe and Sons, 8, Smithfie ld .

Sike s , Snai th, and Co. , 5, Mans ion House Stre e t .Sm i th

, Payne , and Sm i ths, Ge orge Stre e t, Mans ion House .

Snow,Robe rt, and Co .

,2 1 7, Strand .

Spoone r, A t twoods, and Co. , 27 , Grace church Stre e t.Stephensons, Remingtons , and Sm i th, 69, Lombard Stre e t .Ste vensonand Sal t


,Lombard Stre e t.

Ve re s, Baron, and Hawk ins, 77, Lombard Stre e t .Wentw orth, Chalone r,

and R ishworth , 25, Thre adne e dle Stre e t.Wifliams

,Will iam s

,and Burge ss




Birch inLane .

Will is, Pe rcival, and Co .

, 76, Lombard Stre e t .Wright


, s en,Thomas Wright

, jun., john Wright, N icholas Tai te Se lby, and H enry Robin son,

5, Henrie t ta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

Young, A braham, 1 1 , Smithfi e ld.

1 8 21 .


, and Be vanand Co., 54, Lombard Stre e t.

Barnard, D imsdale , and D imsdale , 50, Cornh ill .

Birch and Chambe rs , 1 60, N e w Bond Stre e t.Bond



, and Pattisall, 2 , Change A l le y, Cornhill .Bosanque t

,P i tt

,Ande rdon, and Franks , 73 , Lombard Stre e t .

Bouve rie and Antrobus, 35 CravenStre e t, Stra'

nd.Brooks and D ixon, 25, Chance ry Lane .

Child and Co. , 1 , Fle e t Stre e t .Cou t ts , Thomas , and Co . , 59, Strand .


e, R . , jun.

,and Co. , 33 , Buckle rsbury.

Currie s , Raike s , and Co. ,29, Cornh il l . .

Curt is, Sir Will iam, Robarts , and Curti s, I5, Lombard Stre e t .

U S? or BA NKERS. 237

Dw ia gmgm b orficnmd ud lqd a fi z, Finch h nqmhm

m d Ch pm g a ufldred's CM Poulny.

Gfl h om d o. . 4z , lpmbu d Su-eetmmfi x cm 11m, M W M M CQ,

1 2. 81mbinb oe .

mm mm ,m mdm nqmmIm johm4x, 8mithfidd.JM M M CW Qomm(M G R . and Song z, Nc road Strm

1 1 . Mansion Housc Stne t.

M M M M 25 OM M W

Ma le,Nichohoq‘


. M &Jm u a . Abchmh h nc.h mand fleygxtc, z s, c Btidge Sueet, t kfi ianPM Sh JM M , Shaw , Ba be , d a , 1 2, Combill.Piohmmgtjot cM md SOQ Bod M Sombm

M M Nent c , 1 89. 1‘1 e et8tre et.

M M CQ ,25, P1 11 MAH.

Rom Tw M u d c lcmeof s h nqLombu d SmSharpe nd Soa Smhhfid d .

-lom 8um

Sww m d gmLombard Stru-LVa cs, Bm w dmwkim, 71 , 1.omhnxd 3uu t.


Wentworth, Chalone r, and R ishworths , 25, Thre adne e dle Stre e t .Wh i tmore

,We l ls

,and Whitmore , 24, Lombard Stre e t.

Will iams,Will iam s

, and Burge ss , 20, Bi rchimLane .

Will is,Pe rcival, and Co. , 76, Lombard Stre e t.


,sen .

, Thomas Wright, jun.,JohnWr ight, N icholas Tai te Robinson


5, Henrie tta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

Young, A braham ,

n, Smithfie ld.

1 823 .

Barclays, Tri t ton , Bevan , and Co., 56, Lombard Stre e t .

Barnard,D imsdale , and D imsdale , 50, Cornhi ll .



,and Patti sall, 2 , Change A l l e y, Cornh il l .

Bosanque t, P i tt, Ande rdon, and Co. , 73 , Lombard Stree t .Bouve rie , Hon . P. Pleyde ll, and E A n trobus

, 35, CravenStre e t, Strand .

Brooks and D ixon, Chance ry Lane .

Bruce,Sim son

,and Co.

, 9, A us t inFriars .Chambe rs and Son, 1 60, N ew Bond Stre e t.Child and Co.

,Temple Bar.

Cocks,Cock s, R idge, and B iddulph , 43 , Charing Cro ss .

Cou tts and Co. , 59, Strand .


e,R . , jun.

,and Co.

,24, Buckle rsbury.

Currie s,Raikes

,and Co. ,

29, Cornh i ll .Cur ti s

,Sir Will iam


, and Curt i s, I5, Lombard Stre e t.Den ison


,and Yo .

,1 06

,Fenchurch Stre e t.

Dorrien, Magens, Dorr ien, and Mel lo, 2 2 , Finch Lane, Cornh ill.Drummond

,Andrew B. ,

John,Charle s, Henry, and Co. , 49, Charing Cros s .

Esdai le,Sir Jame s

,Kut. , Esdai le , Esdaile , Hamme t, and Co. ,

2 1, Lombard Stre e t .

Eve re tt, Walke r, Mal tby, E l l i s, and Co. , 9, Mans i on Hous e Stre e t .Frys and Chapman , St. Mildre d

’s Court, Pou lt ry .

Fulle r, Ri chard and Ge orge , and Co.,84, Cornh ill .

Gi Thomas , and Co . , 42 , Lombard Stre e t.Glyn

,Sir R ichard Carr


,M i l ls

, H alIifax,

~G1yn, M i l l s, and Co.,1 2

,BirchimLane .

Gro te, Pre scot t, and Gro te, 62 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t.Gos l ings and Sharpe, 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t .H amme rsle ys, Gre enw ood, and Brook sbank, 69, Pal l Mal l .Hanbury s


,and Lloyds


,Lombard Stre e t.

Hanke ys and Co. , 7, Fenchurch Stre e t .He rrie s, Farquhar, Hal l iday, and Chapman , 1 6, St. Jame s

Stre e t.Hoare

,Barne tts


, and Co .


, Lombard Stre e t.Hoare

,Henry, H enry Hugh Hoare, Charle s Hoare, and H enry Me rrick Hoare, 37, Fle e t Stre e t.

H odsoll and Stirl ing, 345, Strand.

Hol t,Wil liam

,and Co. ,

60,Old Broad Stre e t ,

Hopkinson,Ge orge , Cae sar, Charle s, and Edmund, Re gent Stre e t, Wate rloo Place .


, 4 1 , We s t Smithfie ld .

Jones, Lloyd , and Co., 43 , Lothbury.

K in loch , G. F. ,and Sons, 1 , N ew Bro


ad Stre e t .Ladbroke s and Gi l lman

,Bank Bu i ld ings, Cornh ill .

Le e s,Brasse y, Farr, and Le e , 7 11 , Lombard Stre e t.

Lubbock,Sir JohnWill iam


,Fors te r, C larke , and Co.

,1 1

,M ansionjH ouse Stre e t.


Dre w e t t and Fow le r, 60, Old Broad Stre e t .Drummond,

Andre w B John, Charle s, Henry , and Co. ,_49, Charing Cross .

Esdai le,Sir James

,Knt. , Esdaile , Esdai le , Hamme tt, and Co. , 2 1 , Lombard Stre e t.

Eve re tt , Walke r,Mal tby , E l l i s, and Co. , 9, Mans ionHouse Stre e t.

Frys and Chapman , St. Mildre d’

s Cour t, Pou lt ry .Ful le r, R ichard and Ge orge , and Co.

,84, Cornhill .

Gill and Co. , 42, Lombard Stre e t .G lyn

,Sir R ichard Carr, Bart, M i l ls, H all i fax


,M i l ls

,and Co. , 1 2 , B i rch imLane .

Gos l ing and Sharpe,1 9, Fle e t Stre e t.

Grote,Pre scott, and Grote, 62 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t .

H amme rsleys , Gre enwood , and Brooksbank , 69, Pall Mal l.Hanbu rys


,and Lloyd s

,60, Lombard Stre e t.

Hanke ys and Co. , 7 , Fenchurch Stre e t .He rr ie s , Farquhar, H al l idays

,and Chapman , 1 6, St. Jame s

Stre e t .Hoare

,Barne tts, Hoa re , and Co. , 62, Lombard Stre e t .

Hoare, Henry, Henry Hugh Hoare, Charle s Hoare, and Henry iMe rrick Hoare, 37, Fle e t Stre e t

H odsoll and Stirl ing, 345, Strand .

Hopkinson,Ge orge , Caesar, Charle s, and Edmund, Re gent Stre e t, Wate rloo Place .

Jones,John, 4 1 , We s t Smithfie ld .

Jones, Lloyd , and Co. , 43 , Lothbury.Kin loch

, G . F. , and Sons, N e w Broad Stre e t.Ladbroke s and Gillman

,Bank Bui ldings , Cornhi ll .

Le e s, Bras se y, Farr, and Le e , 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t.Lubbock, Sir JohnWm. ,

Bart, Forste r, C lark, and Co.,1 1

,Mans ionHouse Stre e t.


,M .P. ,

Sir Wm. Kay,Bart, Sir Charle s Pr ice , Bart, and 1 . Co leman, I, Mans ion

House Stre e t.Marsh, Stracey, Fauntle roy, and Graham , 6, Be rne rs Stre e t .Mar ten , Cal l , and A rnold, 23 , Old Bond Stre e t.Mar tins, Stone, and Stone, 68, Lombard Stre e t.Mas te rman, Pe te rs , Mildre d, Mas te rman, and Co. ,

N icholas Lane, Lombard Stre e t.Maude, Johnand Thomas, and Charle s Will iamHal le tt, 1 3 , G eorge Stre e t, We s tmins te r.Morlands, A uriol , and Co. , 50, Pal l Mall .Pare s and H eygate , 25, Bridge Stre e t, Blae kfriars .Pe rring, Sir John , Bart, Shaw, Barbe r, and Co . , 72, Cornh ill .Pinhorn

, Sir John, Wes ton, and Son, 37, Borough .

Pole, Si r Pe te r, Bart, Thornton, Fre e , Down , and Sco tt, 1,Bartholomew Lane .

Prae ds, Mackworth

,Ne wcombe , and Fane, 1 89, Fle e t Stre e t .

Ran som and Co. ,1,Pall Mall East.

Remington, Stephenson, Remington, and Toulm in , 69, Lombard Stre e t .Roge rs, Towgood, and Co. ,

29, C lement ’s Lane, Lombard Stre e t .San somand Pos tle thwai te

,65, Lombard Stre e t .

Sharpe and Son s, 8, We s t'

Smithfi e ld.

Sikes, Sna i th , and Co. , 5, Mans ionHonsSm i th, Payne, and Sm i ths, Mans ionH ou

Snow, Rober t, and Sir J. D . Paul , Bart, BarWithout.

dle Stre e t.


M JW M CQ , 106, Fcnchmc ue ct.

1 3 , BirchinLane .mm mm u w mM M M J QM SMHmmmq. Gre enwood, Brooh bank, d larke, 69, Pd ! Ma l l.

Hankcy and Cc. , 7. Fenchurch Stre et.Hm Farqnhar. Halliday, Davidm, and Chapman. 265. Regent Stre e t.

m um. flmflugh flmmmrk s flm md flcmueyflck fim 3p flm

Lubbock, JohnW. , Bu t, Forste r. Clarke , and Ca . 1 1 , Mans ion House Stre e t.Marten, Call. tad Amok], 25, Old Bond Stre et.Martin, Stoae, and Mart in, 68 , Lombard Street. ‘

24 1


Mas te rman, Pe te rs, Mildre d, Mas te rman, and Co. ,N icholas Lane, Lombard Stre e t.

Maude,Johnand Thomas

,and Charle s Will iamHal le tt, 1 4, G e orge Stre e t, We stmins te r.

Morlands and Co. , 50, Pal l Mall .Pare s and H eygate s , 25, Bridge Stre e t, B lackfr iars .

Pe rrin, Sir John, Bart, Shaw, Barbe r, and Co. , 7 2 , Cornh ill .

Pole, Sir Pe te r, Bart, Thorn ton , Fre e , Down, and Scot t, 1 , Bartholome w Lane .

Prae ds , Mackw orth, Ne wcombe , and Fane, 1 89, Fle e t Stre e t.Ransomand Co.

,I , Pal l Mal l East.

R emington, Ste phenson, Remington, and Touimin, 69, Lombard St’

fe et.

Roge rs , Towgood , and Co. ,29, Clement

s Lane , Lombard Stre e t.Sansomand Pos t le thw ai te

,65, Lombard Stre e t.

Sco tt,Sir Claude , Bart, Will iams, and Co. , Holle s Stre e t, Cavend ish Square .

Sharp and Son s, 8, We s t Smithfi e ld.

Sike s , and Snai th , and Co. , 5, Mans ionHouse Stre et.Sm i ths


, and Sm i th s, Mans ionHouse Place .

Snow,Robe rt , and Sir I. D . Pau l , Bart. , Temple Bar Without.

Spoone r, A t twoods, and Co.,2 7 , Gracechurch Stre e t.

Ste vensonand Sal t, 20, Lombard Stre e t.Sti rl ing, Sir W .

,Bart, Sti rl ing, and H odsoll, 345, Strand .

Ve re s , Ward , and Co. , 77 , Lombard Stre e t.Wentworth , Chalone r, and R ishw orth , 25, Thre adne e dle Stre e t.Weston


,and Bos tock , 3 7 , Borough .

Whitmore , We lls , and Whitmore , 24, Lombard Stre e t .Williams , Burge s s , and Williams , 20, Birch inLane .

Willis , Pe rcival, and Co. , 76, Lombard Stre e t .Wrights

,Se lby, and Rob inson, 5, Henrie tta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

1 827 .

A shle y, James, 1 35, R e gent Stre e t.Barclay, Tritton, Bevan, and Co. , 54, Lombard Stre e t.Barnard , Dimsdale s , and Barnard , 50, Cornhill.Barne tts , Hoare, and Co.


,Lombard Stre e t .

Bond , John , Sons , and Pattisall, 2 , Change A lle y, Cornh ill . ~

Bosanque t, P i t t, Ande rdon, and Co ., 73 , Lombard Stre e t.

Bouve ri e and Le fe vre , 35, CravenStre e t, Strand.

Brown , Janson, and Co. , 3 2 , A bchurch Lane .

Cal l , SirWill iamP., Bart, A rno ld, and Marten, 25, Old Bond Stre e t .

Child and Co. ,Temple Bar.

Cockburnand Co . , 4, White hal l .Cocks and Biddulphs , 43 , Charing C ross.Cou t ts and Co . , 56, Strand .

Cunli fie s , Brooks , Cunlifi’

e, and Co. ,

24, Buckle rsbury.

Currie s and Co. , 29, Cornh ill .Cur t is, Sir Wi ll iam, Robarts , and Curt is , I5, Lombard Stre e t.D enison, Joseph , and Co. ,

1 06,Fenchurch Stre e t.

D ixon , Langdale , D ixon , and B roeks, Chance ry Lane .

Dorrien, Magens, Magens , Mel lo, and Co. ,2 2

,Finch Lane

,Cornh ill .

D re w e tt and Fow le r,60

, Old Broad ~ s tre e t.D rummond , Andre w B.

, John , Charle s , and Henry , and Co.

, 49, Charing Cro ss .


Band , John , Sons, and Patti sale , 2, Change A i ley, Cornh ill .Bosanquet

,P i tt

, A nderson , and Co. , 7 3 , Lombard Stre e t .Bouve rie and Le fe vre , 35, CravenStre e t , Strand .


,and Co. , 3 2 , A bchurch Lane .

Cal l, SirWill iamP. , Bart, A rnold , and Marten, 25, Old Bond Stre e t.

Child and Co. ,Templ e Bar.

Cockbumand Co. , 4, White hal l .Cocks and B iddulph , 43 , Charing Cros s .C ou tts and Co. , 59, S trand .

Cunl ifle s , Brooks , Cunlifie , and Co .,24, Buckle rsbury.

Currie s and Co. ,29. Cornh ill .

Curt is, SirWilliam, Robarts, and Cur t is , 1 5, Lombard _

Stre e t.

Den ison,Joseph

,and Co. , 1 06, Fenchurch Stre e t.

D ixon,Langdale

,D ixon , and Brooks , Chance ry Lane .

Dorrien,Magens , Magens, M el lo, and Co. ,

2 2,Finch Lane

,Cornh il l .

D re w e t t and Fowler, 60, Old Broad Stre e t .Drummond

,Andre w B.

, John, Charles, Henry, and Co ., 49, Charing Cros s.

Esdai le, Sir James , Esda i le, Hamme t t, and Co. , 2 1 , Lombard Stre e t .

Frys and Chapman , St. Mildre d’

s Cou rt,Poul try.

Ful le r and Co. , 84, Cornh il l .G i l l , Thomas , and Fe l tham, 42 , Lombard Stre e t .Glyn , Sir R ichard Carr, Bart , M i lls, H allifax

,G lyn

,M il ls

, and Co . , 67 , Lombard Stre e t.Gos l ing and Sharpe , 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t .Gro te, Presco t t, Gro te, and P rescot t, 62 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t.H amme rs leys , Gre enw ood, Brooksbank, and C lark , 69, Pal l Mal l .Hanburys


,and Lloyd s , 6o , Lombard Stre e t.

Hanke ys and Co . , 7, Fenchurch Stre e t .He rrie s


,Hal l iday

,David son , Chapman , and Co. ,

1 6,St Jame s ’ Stre e t .

Hoare, Henry, Hen_

ry Hugh Hoare, Charle s Hoare, and H enry Me rrick Hoare, 37 , Fle e t Stre e t .

~11 0pkinson, Charles, Charles, jun. , and Ge orge Hen ry, 3 , Re gent Stree t, Wate rloo Place .

Jones, Loyd , and Co. , 43 , Lothbury.Jone s and Son

, 4 1 , We s t Smithfi e ld.

Kay , SirWm. , Bart,Sir C . Price, Bart, Jose ph Marryat, and J. Coleman, 1

,Mans ionHouse Stre e t.

K inloch , G. F . , and Son s, 1,N e w Broad Stre e t .

Ladbroke s, K ingscote, and G i l lman , Bank Bui ld ings , Cornhill .

Lees , Brasseys , Farr, and Lee, 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t .Lubbock , Sir JohnWm. , Bart, Fors ter, C larke, and Co. , 1 1

,Mans ionHous e Stre e t .

Mart in , Stone , Stone , and Martin , 68, Lombard Stre e t .M aste rmans , M i ldred , Mas terman , and Co. ,

N icholas Lane,Lombard Stre e t .

Mine ts and Strides , . 2 1 , A ustinFriars .

Morlands and Co . , 30, Pal l Mall .Pare s and H eygate , 25, Bridge Stre e t, B la


ck friars .

Prae ds , Mackwor th , Ne wcombe , and Fame, 1 89, Fle e t Stre e t .Ransomand Co. , 1 , Pal l Mal l East.Rem ington , Ste phenson, Rem ington , and ~Toulmin, 69, Lombard Stre e t .Rogers , Towgood , and Co. , 69, C lement’s Lane, Lombard Stre e t.Sansomand Pos tle thw ai te

, 65, Lombard Stre e t.Sco t t, Sir C laude, Bart, Den t, and Co.

,1,Cavendish Square .

Sm i th , Payne , and Sm i th s , M ans iori House Place .

Snow, Robert, and Sir J. D . Paul,Bart, Temple Bar Without .


” , dStirling. SirW. , Ban, Stirling. and Hodsoll, 345. Strand .

vm wmmm77. w mmWm Ym u d Ba tocL 37 . Ba ongh.Whitma g wals and Whhmotc. 24. 1.ombard 8mt.

mm mm, ; s, umbu dm

1829 .

Asbk y, jamcs , 1 35, RegentStre d[u nbu d Stre eL

-nbil l.Barne tts , Hm , d a . 63 . lo u btvd Suu t

M Jm tnd Ca , 3t. Abchurch h nc

Child d o . . Tmplc Bar.

Coekbamtnd . 4, t ehalL

Cocksmd Bid h ,q, Chu innConmu d Ca , 59, Smnd.

CW SixWilBam, RohaM d utfis , 15. 1.ombu d Stf e et.

106. Fmbuw h smDimmh ngdalmb immmd flmoks mm h m.

Danica ,q M ens wenqd a , tq. FinCh U nc. Comh iILm mrw , u , omw mCharing Cross .

M i h fi t jaq l hmmnflnd w nxJ aombu dmYnlla o d Ca , 84, CornhHLGm, 1 1wmqmd f cuhq . lombu d 8ue etGlymSirRk bnd Cafl,


-e et

Hmkeys and Co., 7 , Pa ckard : Stree t.1 6. 8t. lama ’

Stml .

Hoare , Henry Hcgh Ch M Hmy Mafia ,Hugh Richard, and Hemy Cluflcs Hoare , 3 7,

Hopkimoo, Chxtlu , Charla ,M a ud George Henry, 3 ,W M , Wate rloo Place .

10001 . Lloyd. and Co. , 43 , Lothbury.Jone s and Son. 4 1, West Smilhfie ld.

W., Bart, Sir Charles Price, BarL Ja cph Manag ua! J. Coleman, 1 1 , Mu s ionHouseStreet.


Kinloch, G. F. ,

and Sons, 1 , N ew Broad Stre e t.Ladbroke s

,K ingscote s , and G il lman , Bank Bu i ld ings , Cornh ill .



,and Lee, 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t.

Lubbock, Sir JohnWm Bart, Fors ter, C larke, and Co. ,

1 1,Mans ionHouse Stre e t.

Mar t in,Stone


,and Mart in , 68, Lombard Stre e t.

Masterman,Pe ters, Mildre d, Mas terman, and Co. ,

N icholas Lane , Lombard Stre e t.Mine ts and Strides , 2 1 A ustinFriars .

Morland and Co. , 50, Pall M al l .Rem ington

,Stephenson, Rem ington, and Tou

lm in, 69, Lombard Stre e t.

Pare s and H eygate s , 25, N ew Bridge Stre e t, _Blackfriars .

Prae ds , Mackworth , Ne wcombe , and Fane, 1 89, Fle e t Stre e t.Ransomand Co. ,

I Pal l Mal l East .Rogers, Towgood , and Co. ,

29, Clement’s Lane


’mbard Stre e t.Sansomand Pos tle thwaite ,


65, Lombard Stre e t.Sco t t

,Sir C laude, Bart, and Co. ,

1 , Cavendish Square .

Sm i th , Payne, and Sm i th s, Mans i onHouse Place .


,and Sir J. D . Pau l , Bart, Temple Bar Without.

Spooner,A t twoods

,and Co. ,

27 Grace church Stre e t.Ste vensonand Sal t, 20, Lombard Stre e t.Tw ining, R ichard, Ge orge , JohnA ld red , and R ichard, D e ve re ux Cour t, Strand.

V eres,Ward , and Co. , 77, Lombard Stre e t.

Wes ton,Young

,and Bos tock

, 37 , Borough .

Whi tmore,We lls

s,and Whitmore

,24, Lombard Stre e t.

Will iams , Deacon, Labouch e re , and Co. ,20

, Birch inLane .

Will is,Perc ival , and Co. , 76, Lombard Stre e t.

Wright and Co. , 5, Henrie tta Stree t, Covent Garden.

1 8 3 0.

A shle ys and Son, 1 35, R e gent Stre e t .Barclay

,Tri tton, Bevan , and Co. , 54, Lombard Stre e t.

Barnard,D imsdale s

,and Barnard, 50, Cornh il l.

Barne t ts,Hoare

,and Co. ,

62,Lombard Stre e t.

Bond,John , Sons, and Patti sall, 2 , Change A l ley, Cornhi l l,

Bosanquet, P i t t, Ande rdon, and Co., 73 , Lombard Stre e t .

Bouve rie and Le fe vre , 1 1 , Haymarke t .Brown


,and Co. , 3 2, A bchurch Lane .

Cal l,Sir W . P. , Bart, and Co.

,25, Old Bond Stre e t.

Child and Co. , Temple Bar.

Cockburnand Co., 4, White hal l .

Cock s and Biddulphs , 43 , Charing Cross.Coutts and Co. , 59, S tra


nd .


e s,Brooks

,Cun l iffe , and Co. ,

24, Buckle rsbury.

Curr ie s and Co. ,29, Cornh ill.

Curt is,Sir Will iam, Robarts, and Curt i s, I5, -Lombard Stre e t.

Den i son, J oseph , and Co. ,1 06, Fenchurch Stre e t.

D ixon,Langdale

,D ixon

,and Brooks

,Chance ry Lane .


,Me l lo

,and Co. ,

2 2, Finch Lane, Cornhill .

Drew e tt and Fowler , 60, Old Broad Stre e t.D rummond

,Andre w B. ,



, and Co. ,Charing Cro ss .


Brown,Janson, and Co.

, 3 2 , A bchurch Lan e .Cal l

,Sir W. P.

,Bart, Marten , and Co . ,

25, O ld Bond Street .Child and Co.

,Temple Bar.

Cockburnand Co. , 4, Whi tehall .Cocks and Biddulph s , 43 , Char ing C ross .Cou tts and Co . , 59, Strand .

Cunl iffe s , Brooks , Cunl iffe , and Co. ,24, Buckle rsbury.

Currie s and Co. ,29, Cornhill .

Curt is,Sir Will iam


,and Cur tis , 1 5, Lombard S treet.

Denison,Joseph , and Co. ,

1 06, Fenchu rch St reet .D ixon


,and Brook s

,Chance ry Lane .

Dorrien,Magen s


,and Co. ,

2 2, Finch Lane, Cornhil l .D re w e tt and Fowle r, 60, O ld Broad Street .Drummond

, Andre w B. ,John, Charles, Henry, and Co.

, 49, C haxing Cross.Duckett

,Morland s

,and Co.

, 50, Pal l Mall .Esdaile

,Sir Jame s , Esdaile , Hammett, and Co. ,

2 1 , Lombard Street .Ful le rs and Co. ,

84, Cornhill .G i ll, Thomas , and Feltham , 42; Lombard Street .Glyn, Sir R ichard Carr, Bart. , H allifax


,and Co. , 67 , Lombard Stre e t.

Gosl ings and Sharpe , 1 9, Fleet Street.Grote



,and Prescott, 62 , Thre adne e dle Stree t.

H amme rsleys , Greenwood , and Clarke , 69, Pal l Mall .Hanburys


,and Lloyd s


, Lombard Street .Hanke ys and Co. , 7 , Fenchurch Street .Herrie s , Farquhar, Davidson , Chapman, and Co. , 1 6, St. James

’ Stree t.Hoare

,H enry Hugh , Charle s, Henry Merrick, Hugh R ichard , and Henry Charle s Hoare , 3 7 , Fle e t

Street .Hopkinson, Charle s , Barton, and Co.

, 3 , Regent Stree t, Wate rloo P lace.Johns tonand Co. , 1 5, Bu sh Lane .

Jones, Loyd, and Co., 43 , Lothbury.

Joqe s and Son, 4 1 , WéstSmithfie ld .

KETy, Sir Wm. , Bart, Sir Charle s Price , Bart, Jose ph Marryat, and J. Coleman, 1 , Mans ion HouseStreet .

Kinloch, G. F . ,

and Son s,1 , New Broad Street .

Ladbroke s , Kingscote , and Gillman, Bank Bu ildings, Cornhill .Lees, Brassey, Farr, and Lee, 7 1 , Lombard Stree t.Llibbock, Si r JohnWm. ,

Bart, Fors te r, C larke, and Co. , 1 1 , Mans ionHouse Street .M ab e rley, John, and Co . , 47, Bread Stre e t .Mart in s , Ston e, Ston e s, and Mart in s, 68, Lombard Street .Masterman , Pe ters, Mild red , Mas terman , and Co . ,

N icholas Lane,Lombard Street .

Pare s and H eygate s , 25, Bridge Street, Blackfriars .Prae ds, Mackworth , Ne w combe , and Fane, 1 89, Fle e t Street.Ransomand Co. ,

I, Pal l Mal l Eas t.

Rogers, Towgood, and Co. , 29, Clement’s Lane

,Lombard Street.

Sansomand Pos tlethwaite,65, Lombard Street.

Scott, Sir C laude , Bart, and Co. , I , Cavend ish.

Square .Smith , Payne , and Smiths, I , Lombard Stree t.Snow, Robert, and S ir J. D . Pau l


Temp le Bar Without.Spooner, A ttwoods , and Co. , 27, Grace church Street .Spooner, Thomas, Leggatt, and Co.

,G e orge Yard .


Fria r.

Vera ,

Westond oung 3 1 . Bomogh .

Wh itmoc ng and Wh innaqag Lombu d SmWimmm , [A bonchcrg md cmamBirch inh ac.

Wfifig Pa tivaLand Ca , 1 6. lAmbu d 8uecL

M q‘nd Son, 1 35, c mtSac

w m mw sgmM M M CQ , 61 , M M SM

m mmys mmmu , Hayuurkct.

Child d o», Tempk 8u .

Cockburnand Ca , 4. Whitchall.Cocks u d Biddnlplu, 43 . Chnin¢ CmCoutu and Ca . 59 8mCmfiflqBrooks Cunfidqd a ,n ucklcnbmy.

Curdcs and Ca , 39, Comh in.Cnflig SitWillnm, Rm d unu. 15. 10nbu d 3ueet.Denison, ]onph, aod Cow IO}, Fcocha ch Stred .

m m m mmngm m wM and FommOId Bmd Suu LDr-M Andrc-K , joho, Chu h

M MM M CaqallmM . Sh jq M Hm and Cc , 3 1 , !ombu d 3met.Folleu lnd Ca ,

84, Comh in.

W M M 1 9 M SM

m m mmm oz ,mmmmM W M M M M HM

Hmbw yg Tayla , tnd U07ds 6mLombu d Smc

Hmke ys d o. . 1 . Fenchnrch SumtQSL jama ’

Stre ct.

Hm flm flnmmdeg flmy Ma rkh flugh RicM and Henry Charles Hm JLflcct

Hepkbm amlqflmtmw d Ca , &RegentStrm,Wmedoom

Jobmtond a , 15, 13t

JM M M CG -43. L0tbbm7 o

Iow and Smg 4 l , WmSmithfi¢ld.

i ,mns ionflom Suu t.

Kiniochfli F., and Som, l , Nem d S/Ue e t.


Ladbroke s, Kingscote, and Gillman, Bank Bu i ldi ngs , Cornhill .Lees, Brassey , Farr, and Lee, 7 1 , Lombard Street .Lubbock

,Sir JohnWm.

,Bart, Fors te r, C larke, and Co 1 1 , Mans ionHouse Street .

M abe rley, John, and Co., 47, Broad Street .



,and Mart ins, 68, Lombard Street.



,Masterman , and Co. , N icholas Lane , Lombard Stree t .

Pare s and H eygate s , 25, Bridge Street, Blackfn‘

ars .

Prae ds , Mackworth , Newcombe, and Fame , 1 89, Fle e t Street,Puget, Bainbridges, and Co. ,

1 2,St. Pau l’s Churchyard .

Ransomand Co. , I , Pal l Mall Eas t.Rogers, Towgood , and Co. ,

29, C lement’s Lane, Lombard Street.

Scott, Sir Claude , Bart,and Co. ,

1, Cavendish Square.

Smith, Payne, and Smith s , I , Lombard Stree t.Snow, Robert, and Sir I. D . Paul, Bart, Temple Bar Withou t.Spooner, A t twoods , and Co. ,

27 , Grace church'

Stre e t.

Spooner, Thomas , Leggatt, and Co. , 4, G e orge Yard .

Steven son and Sal t,20

,Lombard Street .

Thomas and Fel tham, 42 , Lombard Stre e t.

Tw ining, R ichard , George , JohnAldred , and R ichard , Devereux Cou rt, Strand .

Vere s, Ward, and Co. , 77 , Lombard S treet.Weston and Young, 3 7, Borough .

Whitmore , Wells, and Whitmore, 24, Lombard Street.Will iam s, Deacon , Labouchere, and Co. ,

20,Bi rchimLane .

Will is, Pe rcival, and Co. , 76, Lombard Stre e t.Wright and Co.

, 5, Henri e tta Street, Covent Garden.

1 8 3 3 .

A shle y and Son , 1 35, Regent Street .Barclay , Tritton, Bevan , and Co. , 54, Lombard S treet.Barnard, D im sdale, ah d Barnard , 50, Cornhill .Bfinetts, Hoare , and Co. , 62 , Lombard Street.Bosanquet, P itt, Ande rdon, and Co. , 73 , Lombard Street.Bouverie, N orman, and Murdoch , n,

Haymarket.Brown , Jan son , and Co. , 3 2 , A bchurch Lane .Call, Sir W . P. , Bart, Marten , and Co. ,

25, O ld Bond Street .Child and Co.

,Temple Bar.

Cockburnand Co. , 4, White hal l.Cocks and Biddu lph

, 43 , Charing Cross.Coutts and Co. , 59, Strand .

Cunl ifie s , Brooks , C unl iffe , and Co. , 24, Buckle rsbury.

C urr ie s and Cb.,29, Cornhill .

Curti s , Sir Will iam, Robarts , and C urt is, 1 5,« Lombard Street.Den ison , Jos eph, and Co. , 1 06, Fenchurch Stree t.D ixon, Son , and Brooks , Chance ry Lane .Dorrien , Magens , Mello, and Co. , 2 2 , Finch Lane , Cornh ill .Drewett and Fow ler

, 60, O ld Broad_

s tree t.D rummond , Andrew B. , John, Charle s , Henry, and Co.

, 49, Charing Cross.Esdai le, Sir James, Esdaile, Grenfe l l, Thomas, and Co. ,

2 1 , Lombard Street.Fulle rs and Co.

,84, Cornh ill .


Chi ld and Co . ,Temple Bar.

Cockbumand Co.

, 4, White hal l .Cocks and Biddulph, 43 , Charing Cross .

Cou tts and Co. , 59, Strand .

Cunl it’fe s , Brooks , Cunlifi'

e , and Co. ,24, Buckle rsbury.

Currie s and Co .,29, Cornh ill .

Den ison , Joseph , and Co. ,1 06, Fenchurch Street .

D ixon,Son , and Brooks, Chance ry Lan e .

Dorrien, Magen s, Mello , and Co.,2 2

,Finch Léme , C ornhi ll .

Dre w e tt and Fow le r, 60, O ld Broad Stree t.Drummond

,Andre w B. , John , Charl es, H enry, and Co.

, 49, Charing C ros s .Esdaile

,Sir James




,and Co . , 2 1 , Lombard S t ree t.

Fe ltham,John, and Co. , 42 , Lombard Stree t.

Ful le rs and Co. , 84, Cornhill .Glyn

,Sir R ichard Carr

,Ba rt, H all ifax, Mills, and Co.

,67 , Lombard Street .

Gos l ings and Sharpe, 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t.Grote


,Grote , and Prescott, 62 , Thre adne e d le Stree t.

H amme rsleys and Clarke, 60, Pal l Mall .Hanbu rys , Taylor, and Lloyd s, 60, Lombard Street .Hanke ys and Co. ; 7 , Fenchurch Stre et.H erries

,Farquhar, Davidson , Chapman , and Co.

,1 6

, St. Jame s’ Stree t .

Hoare,Henry Hugh , Charles, Henry Me rr ick

,and Hugh R ichard , and Henry Charl e s Hoare, 3 7,

Fleet Stree t .Hopkinson



,and Co. , 3 , Regent

’s Street,Wate rloo P lace .

Johns tonand Co.,1 5, Bush Lane .


,and Co. , 43 , Lothbury .

Jone s and Son , 4 1 , Wes t Smithfie ld .

King,Charle s , and Co.

, 42 , Bolton Street , Piccadilly .Kinloch

, G . F. ,and Sons

,1,New Broad Street.

Ladbroke s , Kingscote, and Gillman, Bank Bui ld ings, Cornhi ll .Li es , B rassey, Farr, and Lee, 7 1 , Lombard Street.Lubbock

,Sir JohnWm. ,

Bart,Forste r, Clarke , and Co. ,

1 1,Mans ion Hous e Stree t .

Mas terman,Peters



, and Co.

,N icholas Lane , Lombard S treet .

Pares and H eygate s , 6, New Broad Street .Praeds

,Mackworth, Newcombe , and Fane, 1 89, Fle e t S treet.

Pr ice,Marryat

,and Co.

,1,Mans ion House Stre e t .

Puget,Bainbridge s

,and Co.

,1 2

, St. Pau l’s Churchyard .

Ransom and Co.

,1,Pall Mall Eas t.

Robarts, Cu rtis, and Co .

,I5, Lombard Stree t .

Rogers,Towgood, and Co.

, 29, C lement’s Lane

,Lombard Street .

Scott,Sir Claude , Bent ,

1zCavendish Square .

Smi th,Payne, and Smiths, 1

, Lombard Street.Snow


,sen . and jun.

,Wil l iamStrahan

,Sir J. D . Pau l

,Bart, and J. D . Paul , jun. , Temple

Bar Wi thout .Spooner


,and Co.

,2 7 , Grace church Street .

Ste vensonand Salt, z o, Lombard S treet .Stone, Mart ins, and Stones , 68, Lombard Street .Tw in ing, R ichard , George, JohnA ldred , and R ichard , Devereux Court, Strand .

Vere s,Sapte, Banbu ry, and Co.

, 7 7, Lombard Stree t.We stonand Young , 3 7 , Borough .


Wbm w tns d himovcfl g Lombu d SmWfllhmgm h bomhmmdmnqméhinh nc.

d btd a , s, c riemSuect. Covea ardm

A shle’

y and Son, tss, RegentStrw .

Barclay,m m mmw mm smM M M W SO , CW M

m am . and Ca , 61 , lnmhard Strect.Bomqnet Anda domd a d s mba d SMM Nm d mdoch, 1 1 ,nmarket.

Chi ld and Ca , Temple e .

Cmb md ulphg 43 ChuM CmCoafixd a , 59. Sm d.

Cmfih M Cunfifig M Cmu , Buckla wbury.

Cmfi u d a , 29, Comhill.DeaisoQ Jooeplg aad Co , nob, Fenchurch Stre ct.Mm smand Brooks Chaaou-y la ne.m uw m nd cmnfi h ch LanQ CmnhflL

Endafle , 8k jamm 0mfen.m md cmzumw d 8tm

Fufla and u Ca nMn

Goslinp and Shu pe . 1 9, ? le etSueet.“ m u m “ ,mmHnimd mm hw ch sue tt.

Hmia . Faquhar, Davidm Ct m M Ca . Jam '


Hoare , ]i cory fluk nles, Bw y blcnick, Hugh RM M Henry Hoare, 3 7, Fleet

HopkhmmCh rle s Bam d a , 3, RqentSumWamloo Ph wJohmtonaod Co . 1 3, 8nsb h ne .

Jona nd Son, 4t, WenSmithfidd.m1. , z,mniqm

| , Nev Bmd Stre et.

Lawton, KM , and Cc. , 1 7. Backla sbnty.

Lea , Bum, Farr. and Lee, 7 1 . 140d Stru t.Lubboch SErJohnWm, Ban, rm mm. and Ca , House Stre ct

Mas terman, Penn, Mildred, Maste rman, and Cc. , Nicholas Lane, bombard Street.Prae d, Mackintosh, New combe, and Fame , 1 89, Fle et Sued .


Pre scott, Grote , Pre sco tt, and Grote , 62, Thre adne e dle Street .P rice , Marryat, and Co.

,I , Man s ion Hous e Stree t.

Pfiget, Bainbridge s , and Co. , 1 2, St. Paul’

s Churchyard .

Ransom and Co. , 1 , Pal l Mal l Eas t.Robarts , Curtis, and Co.

, I5, Lombard Stree t.Roge rs , Towgood, and Co. ,

29, Clement’s Lane

,Lombard Stree t .

Scott, Sir Claude , Bart, and Co. ,I,Cavendish Square .

Smi th,Payne , and Smiths , Thre adne e dle Street .

Snow,Robe rt, s e h . and jun. ,

WilliamStrahan, Sir I. D . Paul, Bart, and JohnD . Templ eBar Withou t .

Spoone r, A ttwoods , and Co.,27, Gracechurch Stre e t .

Stevenson and Salt, 20, Lombard Stree t .Stone , Mart ins, and Stone s, 68, Lombard Stree t.Tw ining, R ichard , Ge orge , JohnA ldre d, and R ichard, Devereux Court, Strand .

Ve re , Sapte , Banbury, and Co. , 77, Lombard Street.Weston and Young

, 3 7, Borough .

Williams , De acon, Labouche re , and Co. ,20, Birch inLane .

Willis , Pe rc ival, and Co., 76, Lombard Stre e t.

Wright and Co. , 5, Henrie tta Stre e t, Covent Garden .

1 8 3 6 .

A shle y and Son, 1 35, Regen t Street.Barclay

,Be van

,Tritton, and Co. , 54, Lombard Stree t.

Barnard, Dimsdale , and Barnard, 50, Cornhill .Barnetts, H oare , and Co. , 62 , Lombard Street .Bosanque t, Ande rdon, and Co . , 73 , Lombard Stree t.Bouve rie , Norman, and Murdoch , 1 1

,Haymarke t .

B rown,Janson‘

,and Co .

, 3 2 , A bchurch Lane.Cal l, Sir W. P. , Bart, Marten, and Co. ,

25, Old Bond Street.Child and Co. , Temple Bar.C eckburnand Co. , 4, Whitehal l .Cocks and Biddulph s , 43 , Charing Cross .Coutts and Co. , 59, Strand .

Cunlifle , Roge r, 24, Buckle rsbury.


e s,Brooks , Cunlifi


e , and Co. ,29, Lombard Street .

Curries and Co. ,29, C ornhill .

Denison, Jos’

e ph, and Co.

,1 06, Fenchurch Street .

Dixons, Brooks , and D ixon, Chance ry Lane.Dorr ien, Magens , Me l lo, and Co. , 2 2 , Finch Lane , Cornhill .D re w e tt and Fow le r, 60, O ld Broad Stree t.D rummond, H enry, A . Mn

. J. , C . , A . R. ,and G. Drummond , 49,


Charing Cross.Esdai le , Sir Jame s , Esdai le , Grenfe l l, Thomas , and Co 2 1 , Lombard Stree t.Fe ltham,

John, and Co. , 42 , Lombard Street.Fulle rs and Co . , 84, Cornhil l .G lyn, Sir Richard Carr, Bart, H al lifax, Mills , and Co. ,

67, Lombard Stree t.Gos l ings and Sharpe , 1 9, Flee t Stree t.H amme rsle ys and Clark , 60, Pal l Mai l].H anburys , Taylor, and Lloyds , 60, Lombard Street.Hanke ys and Co. , 7, Fenchurch Street;


Cunli ff e s , Brooks , Cunl iffe , and Co.,29, Lombard Stree t.

Currie s and Co. ,29, Cornhil l .

D enison, H eyward , Kennard, and Co. , 4, Lombard Street.D ixons


,and D ixon

,Chance ry Lane .

Dorrien, Magens , Me llo,and Co. ,

2 2,Finch Lane

,Cornhill .

D re w e t t and Fow le r, Prince s Stre e t, Bank .

D rummond, H enry,A M . J.

, C .,A . R. , and G . Drummond , 49, Charing Cross .

Esdai le,Sir Jame s, Esdai le , Grenfe l l, Thomas , and Co.

,2 1

,Lombard Stree t.

Fe ltham,John

,and Co.

, 42 , Lombard Street.Ful le r and Co .

,84, Cornh ill .

G lyn, Sir R ichard Carr, Bart, H all i fax,Mills,and Co .

,67 , Lombard Stree t.

Gos l ings and Sharpe , 1 9, Fle e t Street .H amme rs leys and Clark


,Pal l M all .

H anburys , Taylor, and Lloyds , 60, Lombard Street .Hanke ys and Co. , 7, Fenchurch Stree t.He rrie s , Farquhar, Davidson, Chapman, and Co.

,1 6

, St. Jame s' Street.

H oare , H enry H ugh , Charle s , H enry Me rrick,Hugh R ichard , and H enry Charle s H oare

, 3 7, Fle e tStreet.

Hopkinson, Charl e s , Barton, and Co., 3 , Regent Stre e t, Wate rloo P lace .

Johns tonand Co.,1 5, B u sh Lane .

Jone s,Loyd

,and Co .

, 43 , Lothbury .

Jone s and Son, 4 1 , We s t Smithfi e ld .

I re land, Nat ional Bank of, 39, Old Broad Stree t.

I re land, Prov inci al Bank of, 42 , Old Broad Street .Ke i l

, J. ,2,Bill i te r Square .

King,Charle s

,and C01 ,

24, Bolton Stre et, Piccadilly.Kinloch

, G . F . , and Sons , 1 , N e w Broad Street.Ladbroke s , Kingscote , and Gillman, Bank Bui ld ings , Cornh ill .Londonand We s tmins te r Bank , 38, 1

hrogmortonStre e t, and 9, Waterloo P lace , Pal l Mall .Lubbock

,Sir JohnWm. ,

Barn, Fors te r, Clarke , and Co.,1 1

, M ans ionHous e Street.Maste rmans , Pe te rs , Mildre d ; Mas te rman, and Co. , N icholas Lane , Lombard Stree t.Middle se x County Bank, 1 7, Buckle rsbury.

Prae ds,Mackworth , Fane , and Prae d, 1 89, Fle e t Stre e t.

Pre scott, Grote , Pre scott, and Grote , 62 , Thre adne e d le Street.

Price,Marryat, and Co.

,King Will iamStre e t.

Puge t, Bainbridge s , and Co. ,1 2

, St. Pau l’s Churchyard .

Ransom and Co. ,I, Pal l Mall East .

Robarts,Curt is

,and Co. , I5, Lombard Street.

Roge rs, Towgood , and Co. ,29, C lement

’s Lane , Lombard Stre et .Scott, Sir Claude , Bart, and Co . , 1 , Cavendish Square .

Smi th,Payne , and Smiths , 1 , Lombard Street .

Snow, Robe rt, WllliamStrahan, Sir D . Paul, Bart, and JohnD . Paul, jun.

,Templ e BarWithout .

Spoone r, A ttwoods , and Co. ,2 7, Grace church Street .

S teven son and Salt, 20, Lombard Street.Stone , Martins , and Stone s, 68, Lombard Street .Tw ining, Richard, Ge orge , JohnA ldre d, and R ichard , 2 1 5, Strand .

V e re , Sapte , Banbury, and Co. , 77,-Lombard Street .

Weston and Young, 6, We ll ingtonStre e t, Sou thwark .

Wh itmore , We l ls , and Whitmore , Lombard Stree t .Will iams , De acon, i buuch e re

,and Co .


,BirchimLane .

E E f c bmch Skre et.

g E a f . WmSmithfwld .

Georgt, 49, Charing


Mas te rman, Pe te rs , Mildre d, Mas te rman, and Co., 35, N icholas Lane , Lombard Stre e t.

National Bank of I re land, 39, O ld Broad Street .National Provincial Bank of England, 1 3 , A us tinFriars .

Ove rend and Co. ,65, Lombard Street

Pocklingtonand Lacy, 60, West Smithfi e ld .

Prae ds , Mackworth , Fame , and Prae d , 1 89, .f 1e e t Stre e t.P re scott, Grote , Ame s , Bail l ie , and Grote , 62 , Thre adne e dle Street .Price , Marryat , and Co .

, 3 , King Will iamStre e t, City.Provincial Bank of I re land, 42 , Old Broad Street.Puge t, Bainbridge s , and Co. ,

1 2, St. Pau l

’s C hurchyard .

Ransomand Co.,1,Pall Mal l East .

Robarts , Curtis , and Co.,1 5, Lombard Street.

Roge rs , O lding, and Co.,29, Clement

s Lane , Lombard Street.Scott

,Sir Claude , Bart, and Co.

,I Cavendish Square.

Smith,Payne , and Smiths , 1 , Lombard Street.

Snow, Robe rt , Will iamStrahan, Sir I. D . Paul, Bart, and JohnD . Paul, Temple BarWithout .Spoone r and A ttwoods , 2 7 , Grace church Street .Stallard, Will iamH enry , 76, Wes t Smithfie ld .

Ste vensonand Salt, 20, Lombard Stre e t.Stone , Martins , and Stone s , 68,

'Lombard Street .Tw ining

,R ichard, Ge orge , JohnA ldre d , and R ichard, 2 1 5, Strand.

Ve re , Sapte , Banbury , and Co., 77, Lombard Street .

Wake fie ld, Franc is , and Co. , 70, Old Broad Street.We s tonand Young, 6, We l l ingtonStre e t

,Sou thwark.

Wh itmore,We l ls, and Whitmore , 24, Lombard Street .

Will iams,De acon, Labouch e re , and Co . ,

20,BirchimLane .

Will is,Pe rcival , and Co. , 76, Lombard Street .

Wright and Co. , 5, H enrie t ta Stre e t, Covent Garden .

Young and Sons , 1 1 , Wes t Smith fie ld .

1 8 3 9 .

A gricul tural and Comme rcial Bank of I re land, 1 4, St. Helen’s P lace .

A shle y,Jame s , and Son, 1 35, Regent Street .

Bank of A ustralas ia, 8, Moorgate Stre et, Bank .

Bank of Brit ish North Ame rica, 7, St. H elen

’s P lace .Barclay

,Be van

,Tritton, and Co.

, 54, Lombard Stre et .Barnard

,Dimsdale , Barnard, and D imsdale , 50, Cornhill .

Barne tts , H oare , and Co .


, Lombard Stre e t .B icke rstaff, Wm. and John, 8, West Smithfie ld .

Borough of St. Marylebone Bank, 1 7, Cavendish Square.Bosanquet

,Anderdon, Franks , and Co.

, 73, Lombard Street.

Bouve rie , Norman, and Murdoch, 1 1 , Haymarke t.

Brown,Janson, and Co .

, 3 2 , Abchurch Lane.Cal l, Sir W . P.

,Bart, Marten, and Co . , O ld Bond Stre e t .

Child and Co. ,T emple Bar.

Cockbumand Co. , 4, White hal lCocks and Biddulph s , 43 , Charing Cross.Colonial Bank , 1 3 , Bishopsgate Within.

Coutts and Co. , 59, Strand .


T isdal l, Thomas Ge orge , 1 5, West Smithfie ld.

Tw ining, R ichard, Ge orge , JohnA ldre d , and R ichard , 2 1 5, Strand .

UnionBank of A ustral ia, 38, O ld Broad Stre e t.Ve re


,Banbury, Muspratt

,and Co.

, 77, Lombard Stre e t .

Wake fie ld, Franc is , and Co.

, 70, O l d Broad Street .We e don


, 36, West Smithfie ld .

Wes ton and Young, 6, We ll ingtonStre e t, Borough .

Whitmore , We lls , and Whitmore , 24, Lombard S treet.Will iams , De acon, Labouche re , and Co.



Will is,Pe rc ival, and Co . , 76, Lombard Street.

Wrights and Co. , 5, Henrie tta Stre et .Young and Sons , 1 1 , West Smithfi e ld .


A gricul tural and Comme rcial Bank'

of Ire land,1 4, St. Helen

’s Place.Bank of A ustralas ia

, 51 , Lothbu ry .

Bank of Bri tish North Ame rica, 7, St. H el en’s P lace .

Barclay,Be van

,Tr itton, and Co. , 54, Lombard Street .

Barnard,D imsdale s , Barnard, and D imsdal e , 50, Cornh ill .

Barne tts , H oare s , and Co. , 62 , Lombard Street .B igge rstaff, Will iamand John, 8, West Smithfi e ld .

Borough of St. Maryle bone Bank , 1 7, Cavendish Square.B 1sanquet, And e rdon, Franks , and Co .

, 73 , Lombard Street.Bouve rie , Norman, and Murdoch , 1 1 , Haymarket .Brown


,and Co .

, 3 2 , A bchurch Lane .Call, Sir W. P.

,Bart, Marten, and Co .

,25, O ld Bond Stre e t .

Child and Co.,Temple Bar.

Cockbumand Co. , 4, White hal l .Cocks and B iddulph , 43 , Char ing Cross .Colonial Bank , I 3 , Bishopsgate With in.

f outts and Co . , 59, Strand .

CunlifTe , Roge r, 24, Buckle rsbury.

Cunlifi e s , Brooks , Cunl ifl'

e , and Co. ,29, Lombard S tree t.

Currie s and Co. ,29, Cornh il l .

De Lis le , Janvrin, and De Lis le , 1 6, D e vonshire Square , Bishopsgate .

Denison, H e ywood, and Kennard, and Co. , 4, Lombard Street .D ixon, Brooks , and Dixon, 25, Chance ry Lane .Dorrien, Magens , M e llo, and Co. ,

2 2, Finch Lane , Cornhill .

Drew e t t and Fow le r, Prince s Stre e t, Bank.

Drummond, H enry, Andre w Mortime r, t u

,Charle s , Andrew Robe rt, and Ge orge , Charing

Cross .Dundee UnionBranch Bank , 2 , Bil l i te r Square .Fe ltham,

John, and Co. , 42 , Lombard Street.Ful le rs and Co. ,

84, Cornh ill .

Glyn, Sir R ichard Carr, Bart, H all ifax, Mill


s,and Co. , 67, Lombard Street.

Gos l ings and Sharpe , 1 9, F le e t Street.H amme rsleys and Co.

,69, Pal l Mall .

Hanburys , Taylor, and Lloyds , 60, Lombard Stree t.Hanke ys and Co. , 7 , Fenchurch Street.H e rrie s , Farquha

r,Davidson, Chapman, and Co.

,1 6, Sr. Jame s

’ S tree t .


H ill, Charle s, and Sonl , x7, WcstSmitbfie ld.

Hm Sir H emy umm nm umici mghmcmmd ummHW M M M CG . 3. RW Sm W3mi mJobnfi omflogbmd jommu 15, 803!) t

Immmd ctxu sdmhbmjona nd Son, u ,

Wm8mkhfid d.

M G R, and Som, l , Nev Broad 8mw w w w w w

Londmjohu c k Banh y Pfia M

laudond a uninna Banh 38, Lofifim-y.

xy Manfiou Hm Sue et.

Mam PfimW Mm M Cmsy NicholnmMempofinnBant muanEu t.Nafioml h nk ol l rchnd, 39. 0id 3rm6 8tnaNafiond vincial k oIEnghnd, 1 3. AnninFrim

M FmM md jobm 1 89, M Sue et.

M W AM camM GM e , 6a, M dneedk Suu tPfioquu lyag aod Ca , 3. K in‘W1llhnSt1-e eg €ity.h ovh ch l Bank d lM u Old Bmad SumM . Eninbddgegmdmu , 81. Paul

a nrcbymLRmm d o. . x. Pfll ManE-utRm cmma ng lombu d wm amma ng cummmSmuSk Ch nq M Ca , x,&mdhb 8qnu c

M W M W LW M WD. ? zuLM md jobnll i , Temple

-u echurch 8m

Stum Snlgmd Somtqlmnbu d Suectm w w w w w w wTndah fi m cemn x5 WmSmkhfid d.

W M M GW JOM M M RM 1 15, 81rand.Um'oa k of AmUalia, 38, 0ld Bmcd SmUM M M M QW M AW W CL

WM Fmd g d m7qd w mWeedomEdv in, 36, Wm8mithfie ld .

WM M YW QWM W WM Wemand Wh imn l d Stu etwmmm uq mm,mnm mWM Percia d Co. . 16, Lombu d Stru-L

Yom‘md Son, n,WestSmithflcld


Bank of Australas ia. z , Moorp tc Stre et.Bank of Bri t ish Noah America, 7 , St. He len’s Place .

26 !



Barclay, Be van, Tritton, and Co. , 54, Lombard Stre e t.Barnard

,D imsdale s , Barnard, and Dimsdale , 50, Cornh i ll .

Barne tts , H oare,and Co.


,Lombard Stre e t.

B igge rs taff, Will iamand John, 8, We s t Smithfi e ld .

Borough of St. Maryle bone Bank , 1 7, Cavendish Square .

Bosanque t, Ande rdon, and Franks , 73 , Lombard Stre e t.Bouve rie , Norman, and Murdoch , 1 1 , Haymarke t.Brown

,Janson, and Co. , 3 2 , Abchurch Lane .

Bult,Jame s

, Son, and Co. , 85and 86, Che aps ide .

Cal l , SirW . P. ,Bart. , Marten, and Co.

,25, O ld Bond Stre e t .

Championand Co.,1 1

,We s t Smithfie ld .

Ch i ld and Co.

,Temple Bar.

Cockburnand Co.

, 4, White hall.Cocks and B iddulph , 43 , Charing Cross .Colonial Bank , 1 3 , Bishopsgate Within.

Comme rcial Bank of London, 3 , Moorgate Stre e t .

Cou tts and Co. , 59, Strand .


e,Roge r, 24, Buckle rsbury.

Cunliffe s , Brooks , and Cunlifie , and Co.

,29, Lombard Stre e t .

Currie s , 29, Cornhill .D e Lis le

, Janvrin, and De Lis le , 1 6,De vonshire Square , Bishopsgate .

D enison, H e ywood,Kennard

, and Co. , 4, Lombard Stre e t .D ixon, Brook s , and Dixon, 25, Chance ry Lane .

Dorrien, Magens , Me llo, and Co. ,2 2

,Finch Lane

,Cornh ill .

D re w e tt and Fow le r, Prince s Stre e t, Bank .

Drummond, H enry, Andre w Mortime r, John, Charle s , Andrew Robe rt, and Ge orge , 49, Char ingCros s .

Dunde e UnionBranch Bank , 2 , Bill ite r Square .

Fe ltham, John, and Co ., 42 , Lombard Stre e t .

Ful le rs and Co.

,65, Moorgate Stre e t.

G lyn, Sir Richard Carr, Bart, H alli fax, Mills , and Co.,67, Lombard Stre e t .

Gos l ings and Sharpe , 1 9, Fle e t Stre et.H anburys , Taylor, and Lloyds , 6o , Lombard Stre e t.Hanke ys and Co. 7, Fenchurch Stre e t.He rrie s , Farquhar, Davidson, Chapman, and Co.

,1 6

, St. Jame s ’ Stre e t .H il l, Charle s , and Sons , 1 7 , We s t Smithfie ld .

H oare , Si rHenry H ugh , Charle s , H enry M e rri ck , Hugh R ichard , and Henry Charle s , 37, Fle e t Stre e t .H opkinson, Charle s , Barton, and Co.

, 3 , Re gent S tre e t, Wate rloo Place .

Johnston, Hugh and John, and Co. , 34, Abchurch Lane .

Jone s, Lloyd, and Co. , 43 , Lothbury.Jone s and Son, 4 1 , We s t Smithfie ld .

Ke il, Jame s , 2 , Bill ite r Square .

Kinloch, G . F . ,

and Sons , 1 , N ew Broad Stre e t.Ladbroke s , Kings cote , and Co.

,Bank Bui ldings .

Londonand County Joint Stock Banking Co. , 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t .London Joint Stock Bank , 3 , Prince s Stree t, Bank .

London and We s tmins te r Bank,’

38, Lothbury. Branche s : Wate rloo Place 2 1 3, High Holborn

3 , We l l ingtonStre e t, Boro’87, White chape l ,

and 1 55, Ox ford Stre e t.Lubbock , Sir JohnWm. , Bart, Forste r, and Co . , 1 1 , Mans ionHouse Stre e t .Maste rman, Pe te rs , Mildre d, Maste rman, and Co , 35, N icholas Lane .


Child and Co. ,Temple Bar.

Cockburnand Co. , 4, White hal l .Cocks and B iddulph , 43 , Charing Cros s .Colonial Bank , 1 3 , Bishopsgate Within.

Comme rcial Bank of London, 3 , Moorgate Stre e t, and Henrie t ta Stre e t , Covent Garden.

Coutts and Co. , 59, Strand .

Cunl i ffe , Roge r, 24, Buckl e rsbury.

Cunli fi’

e s,Brooks

,Cunl iffe

,and Co. ,

20,Lombard Stre e t .

Currie s , 29, Cofnh i ll.Dav ie s , Robe rt, and Co. ,

1 90,Shore ditch .

De Lisl e , janvrin, and De Lisle , 1 6, D e vdnshire Stre e t, Bi shopsgate .

D enison, H e yward, K e rmards,and Co. , 4, Lombard Stre e t .

Dixon,Brook s

,and Dixon

,25, Chance ry Lane .

Dorri en, Magens , M e l lo,and Co. ,

2 2,Finch Lane , Cornhill .

D re w e tt and Fowle r, 4, Prince s Stre e t, Bank .

Drummond , H enry, Andre w Mortime r, Charle s , Andrew Robe rt , Ge orge and Harve y, 49, Charing

Cross .Dunde e UnionBranch Bank

,2,Bil li te r Square .

Fe ltham,John

,and Co. , 42 , Lombard Stre e t .

Ful le rs and Co.,65, Moorgate Stre e t.

G lyn, Sir Richard Carr, Bart, H alli fax,Mills

,and Co. , 67 , Lombard Stre e t.

Gos l ings and Sharpe , 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t.H anburys


,and Lloyds , 60 , Lombard Stre e t .

Hanke ys and Co.

, 7, Fenchurch Stre e t.He rrie s , Farquhar, Davidson, Chapman, and Co.

, 7 , St Jame s’ Stre e t.

H il l, Charle s, and Son, 1 7, We s t Smithfie ld .

H oare,Sir Henry H ugh , Charle s, Henry Me rr ick , H ugh R ichard , and Henry Charl e s H oare , 37,

Fle e t Stre e t.H opkinson

,Charle s


,and Co . , 3 , Re gent Stre e t, Wate rloo Place .

IonianBank (WilliamKe t tle we l l , 77 , Bas inghall Stre e t .Johns ton

,Hugh and John

,and Co. ,

1 5, Gre at B u sh Lane .

Jame s , Lloyd, and Co., 43 , Lothbury.

Jone s and Son, 4 1 , We s t Smithfie ld .

Ke il,Jame s, 2 , Bill ite r Square .

Kinloch , G. F and Sons,1,N ew Broad Stre e t.

Londonand County Joint Stock Banking Company, 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t.LondonJo int S tock Bank

, 5, Prince s Stre e t, Bank , and 69, Pal l M all .Londonand We s tmins ter Bank

, 38, Lothbury ; 9, Wate rloo Place ; 2 1 3, High Holborn; 3,We l l ingtonStre e t, Borough ; 87 , White chape l ; and 1 35, Oxford Stre e t.

Lubbock , Sir J. Wm.,Bart, Forste r, and Co.

,1 1

,M afi s ionHous e Stre e t .

Maste rman, Pe te rs , Mildre d , Maste rman,and Co. , 35, N icholas Lane .

National Bank of I re land, 1 3 , O ld Broad Stre e t .Nat ional Provincial Bank of England , 1 1 2 , Bishopsgate Within.

Pickstock, John, Luce , and Co., 39, Clement

s Lane .

Pockl ingtonand Lacy,60

,We s t Smithfi e ld .

Prae d, Fane , Prae d , and Johnson, 1 89, Fle e t Stre e t.Pre scott, Grote , Ame s , Cave , and Grote , 62 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t.Price


,and Co. , 3 , King Will iamStre e t, City.

Provincial Bank of I re land, 42, O ld Broad Stre e t.

Puge t, Bainbridge s , and Co. ,1 2

,St. Paul


s Churchyard .

2 157 OF BA NKERS. 265

Ranm a d n, Pall Nall Ent.

15, 1.ombard Street.

Royal Bank ol Aumfia. t, uooup te 5ue d , C ity.

Smith hmmd Smithg lm u cl SM

Snow , Rotten, Wi ll iamSta lin. Six 1. D. Paul, But, and Jokaw jun. , Temple Without,3 1 7, Strand.

Spooner, Attwoods, and Co. , 21 , GnmbmdnStre et.sumWil liamHenry. 76, WenSmitbfid d.m mmmmm mmSuida and 80m. 6, Copth l l Cmw w w .m WTW M M JM AM M NM fl sj mUM M M AW M Q OM M SM

Unionflmk of b ndon. 8, MW e SM (Gncnl Manager,Wm. Cmss ,mumm im wmw ) ; W W M W k Manager) ,

vmm fltnbm. M

WM M IM M M M C%20, M M

WM Pcrd u Ld a . 16. 1.ombu d 8ued .

Band mM a MoofpmSuu t.Bank o‘Brifish Noflh AM im, 1 . 8LHdm‘

s M Bhbop-gue .Band t g SLSvithin

l h nc.m am w m

-e et

M M M M M SQ Mm m mma mw d smW WmM M QWmWBounqoeg Anda doa ntg and Coq1$ laombc d SM

1 1 , Haymartet.M Jm M Con st. Abcbufch lme .

M JM SM M CQ , 35M .6,W

Chi ld d a . Temple B-

u .

Cockhmnd a . 4, WhizehalL

Colonial Bank, 1 3, W att W ith in.CW M M M 5 MW R SM M QHM M Ct WmCourt: and Ca , 59, Strand.


c, Robe rt, 34, Bocklctsbufy.

Cunl iflq, Brooks, Cunlifl'c, and Cc. , 29, lnmbu d Stree t .Carrie and Cc. , 29, Cornhi ll.Davie s , Robert, and Co. , 1 87, Shond itch.De Lis le , janvrin, and De Lisl e . 1 6. Devonsh ire Square , Bishopsga te .

Durban, He ywood, Kenw ds ,md Co. , 4. Lombard Stre e t.


Dixons , Brooks , and D ixon, 25, Chance ry Lane .

D rew e t t and Fowle r, 4, Prince s Stre e t, Bank .

Drummond,H enry, Andre w Mort ime r, Charle s , Andrew Robert, and Ge orge and H arve y

, 49, CharingCross .

Fe l tham,John, and Co. , 42 , Lombard Stre e t.

Fulle rs and Co. ,65, Moorgate Stre e t.

Glyn,Sir R ichard Carr, Bart. , H allifax, Mills , and Co. , 67, Lombard Stre e t.

Gos l ings and Sharpe , 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t.H anburys , Taylor, and Lloyds , 6o, Lombard Stre e t .Hanke ys and Co.

, 7, Fenchurch Stre e t.H e rrie s , Farquhar, Davidson, Chapman, and Co.

,1 6

, St. Jame s’ Stre e t.

H i ll,Charle s , and Sons , 1 7, We s t Smithfi e ld .

H oare , Charle s , Henry Me rr ick, Sir Hugh R ichard , Bart, Henry Charle s, and Pe te r R ichard, 3 7 ,Fle e t Stre e t.

H opkinson, Charle s , Barton, and Co. , 3 , Re gent Stre e t, Wate rloo Place .

IonianBank (Wm. K e ttlewe l l, 77, Bas inghall Stre e t .

Johnston, Hugh and John, and Co. , I5, Gre at Bush Lane .

Jone s, Loyd, and Co., 43 , Lothbury.

Jone s and Son, 4 1 , We s t Smithfi e ld .

Ke il , Jame s , 2 , Bill i te r Square .

Kinloch, G. F.

,and Sons , 1 , N e w Broad Stre e t.

London and County Joint Stock Banking Company, 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t, and 1 1,We st Smithfi e ld.

London and DublinBank, 5, O ld Broad Stre e t, City.London Joint Stock Bank , 5, Prince s Stre et, Bank , and 69, Pal l Mall .London and We s tmins te r Bank, Lothbu ry ; 9, Wate rloo Place 2 1 3 and 2 1 4, High Holborn ; 3 ,

We ll ingtonStre e t, Borough 87, Wh ite chape l and 1 55, Oxford Stre e t .Lubbock, Sir JohnWm.


,Forste r, and Co. , 1 1 , Mans ionHouse Stre e t.

Mas te rman, Pe te rs , Mildre d, Maste rman, and Co., 35, N icholas Lane .

Nat ional Bank of I re land , 1 3 , O ld Broad Stre e t .Nat ional Provincial Bank of England, 1 1 2 , Bishopsgate Within.

Eickstock , John, Luce , and Co. , 39, Clement’

s Lane .

Pockl ingtonand Lacy, 60, We s t Smithfi e ld .

Prae d,Fane

,Prae d, and Johns ton, 1 89, Fle e t Stre e t.

Pre scott, Grote , Ame s , Cave , and Grote , Threadne e dle Stre e t.Price , Marryat, and Co. , 3 , K ing Wil liamStre e t , City.Provincial Bank of I re land, 42 , O ld Broad Stre e t .Puge t, Bainbridge s , and Co.

,1 2

,St. Pau l’s Churchyard .

Ransomand Co. ,1 , Pal l Mal l Eas t .

Robarts, Curt is , and Co. ,1 5, Lombard Stre e t .

Roge rs, O lding, and Co. ,29, Clement

s Lane .

Royal Bank of A us trali a, 2, Moorgate Stre e t .Scott

, Sir Claude , Bart, and Co. , 1 , Cavendish Square .

Smithfi e ld A gency and Banking Co. , 59, We s t Smithfie ld .

Smiths,Payne , and Smith s , 1 , Lombard Stre e t .

Spoone r,A ttwoods , and Co. ,

27, Grace church Stre e t.Stallard, Wm. H enry, 76, We s t Smithfi e ld.

Ste venson, Salt, and Sons, 20, Lombard Stre e t .Stone , Mart ins, and Stone s , 68, Lombard Stre e t .Strahan

,Will iam

,Sir J. D. Paul , Bart . , J. D . Paul, jun. , and Robe rt M . Bate s, Templ e Bar Without,

2 1 7, Strand .


H e rrie s , Farquhar, Dav idson, Chapman, and Co.

,1 6, Sr. Jame s’ Stre e t .

H il l, Charle s , and Son, 1 7, We s t Smithfi e ld.

H oare,Charle s, H enry M e rrick, Sir Hugh R ichard, Bart, and H enry Charl e s, and Pe te r R ichard ,

3 7, Fle e t Stre e t.H opkinson, Charle s, and Co. , 3 , Re gent Stre e t, Wate rloo Place ;IonianBank (Wm. Ke ttle we l l , 77, Bas inghall Stre e t.Johnston, H ugh and John, and Co. , Gre at Bush Lane .

Jone s , Loyd, and Co . , 43 , Lothbury.Jone s and Son, 4 1 , We s t Smithfie ld.

Kinloch , G. F . ,and Sons , 1 , N e w Broad Stre e t.

London and County Joint Stock Banking Co. (Henry Luard, Gene ral Manage r), 7 1 , Lombard Stre e t,and 3 7 , We st Smithfi e ld .

Londonand Dubl inBank (S. W . Pe rrott, 3 , Old Broad Stre e t .London Joint Stock Bank, 5, Prince s Stre e t, Bank , and 69, Pall M al l .London and We s tmins te r Bank , Lothbury ; 9, Wate rloo Place ; 2 1 3 and 2 1 4, High Holborn; 3 ,We l l ingtonStre et, Borough 87, High Stre e t, White chape l ; and 1 55, Oxford Stre e t.

Lubbock , Sir JohnWm. ,Bart, Forste r, and Co 1 1 , Mans ionHous e Stre e t



Maste rman, Pe te rs, Mildre d, M aste rman, and Co. , 35, N icholas Lane .

National Bank of Ire land (N . S. King, 1 3 , Old Broad Stre e t.National Provincial Bank of England (D. Robe rtson, Gene ral Manage r), 1 1 2

,Bishopsgate Stre e t




,and Co .

, 39, Clement’

s Lane .

Pockl ingtonari d Lacy, 60, We s t Smithfi e ld .

Prae d, Fane , Praed, and Johnston, 1 89, Fle e t Stre e t.Pre scott

,Grote , A


me s,and Cave , 62 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t .

Price , Marryat,and Co. , 3 , King WilliamStre et, City .

Provincial Bank of Ire land, 42 , _

Old Broad Stre e t.

Puge t,Bainbridge s , and Co. , 1 2 , St. Paul

’s Churchyard .

Rans omand Co. ,1,Pal l Mal l East .


,and Co.

,1 5, Lombard Stre e t.

Roge rs , O lding, and Co.,29, Clement

’s Lane .

REfyal Bank of A us tral ia (T . H uggins , 2, Moorgate Stre e t.



,and Co. , 77 , Lombard Stre e t.

Scott,Sir Claude , Bart, and Co.

,1,Cavendish Square .

Smith,Payne , and Smiths , 1 , Lombard Stre e t .

Spoone r,Attwoods , and Co. ,

27, Grace church Stre e t.Stallard, WilliamH enry

, 76, We s t Smithfi e ld .

Ste venson, Salt, and Sons, 20,Lombard Stre e t.

Stone,Martins , and Stone s , 68, Lombard Stre e t.

Strahan, William,Sir J. D . Paul , Bart . , John D. Paul

, jun.,and Robe rt M . Bate s , Temple Bar

Without, 2 1 7, Strand .

T isdal l, Thomzis Ge orge , 1 5, We s t Smithfie ld .

Tw inings , R ichard, Ge orge , JohnA ldre d, and R ichard, 2 1 5, Strand.UnionBank of A ustral ia, 38, Old Broad Stre e t .Union Bank of London (W. W . Scrimge our, Gene ral Manage r), 8, Moorgate Stre e t ; Charing Cross

branch, 4, Pal l Mal l Eas t (A le x . Wright, Manage r) Re gent Stre e t branch , A rgyle Place (H T .

Clark,Manage r).

We s tonand Young, 6, We l l ingtonStre e t, Lambe th .

Williams,D e acon, Labouch e re , Thornton, and Co.

,20,Birch inLane .

Will is,Pe rci val , and Co . , 76, Lombard Stre e t .



Bank ol Anmh s iamm. a, b(oorpne Sueet.Bank o(British North Ame rica (600. 00m A tw ood . Helen’s Ph at, BishopsgateWithin.

Bank oc ylon(“ ugh M GM

Bank d Euglani Thru dne ed le Smet

Bomqmg k s d hmAQ 1 s lmbud Suea .

Bouverie , Nm and umdoch. 1 1 , t mrket.

Bfitt dmt and lo anCa o. &Hollowq, Accwmthqoorgfle Sueet

M jam and Son, 85md 86. Che-ps idcCalLSirw . 25, 01d Bond Stm

Cockbnmand Ca , 4, WhiuM lLcmmw m¢1 0m g cflm

1&W k h in.

Coutu d a , 59. StnndCmfifiqk oger. 34. 80cklcnbury.

Cmfil g fllookg d ang lmbu d Sue et.

Cmia d a , 29. Col-nbill

W M M CO" 1 31 , 8boreditcb,

De tqthumd De lDmhmflqwooi l nmdg nnd Co. . 4, lmbu d SamM M M M 25 M L‘M

Harvey, 49, CharingCm

PM JM M Cama bombu d SMFullmnnd Ca , 65, l (oomte 8ue eLGlymHali ifag M iBg nd Ca , 67 , Lombu d Stteet0055a n l 9. a

Hanbctyg Tayla ,md o ds 6°. Lombatd SumHankep d o. . 1 , Fenchxt ue et

HQLCharlegmd Som, 1 1 , West8mitb5d ¢11mm H enrqrict, Sir Hugh nod Pete : Riclutd.

louhnBana KafiM Se cxfi GM W‘mchw m

JM Hugh d t M Ca , 1 3, 0m1 Bu-b h ne .JM M M Ca u y bothbnrrjma w d Somnmithfid d.lmdmd mty Jofiltc k Bmking Company (HmyLmrd, Gm Lombard

“ 6 37,m


LondonJoint Stock Bank, 3 , Prince s Stre e t, and 69, Pal l Mall .

Londonand We s tmins te r Bank , Lothbury ; 1,St. Jame s’ Square (Ol ive r V i le , M an. ) 2 1 3 , 2 1 4, High

Holborn (WilliamEw ings , Man . ) 3 , We l l ington Stre et, Boro’

(Ed. Kings ford, M an) ; 87 ,White chape l High Stre e t (Willm. D ent A spe rme , and 1 55, Oxford Stre e t (Ge o. M .

Mitch e l l,M am).

Lubbock,Sir I. W. ,

Bart. , Forste r, and Co. ,1 1

,Mans ionHous e Stre e t.

Martin, Stone s , and Martins,68, Lombard Stre e t .

Maste rman, Pe te rs , Mildre d , Mas te rman, and Co. , 58, N icholas Lane , Lombard Stre e t.Nat ional Bank of Ire land (Nathanie l Sadle r King, 1 3 , O ld Bro

ad Stre e t.National Provincial Bank of England (Danie l Robe rtson, Gen. 1 1 2

,Bishopsgate With in.

Pickstock, John, Luce , and Co. , 39, Clement

s Lane .

Pocklingtonand Lacy, 60, We s t Smithfi e ld .

Prae d , Fane , Prae d , and Johns ton, 1 89, Fle e t Stre e t.Pre s cott, Grote , Ame s , and Cave , 62 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t.Price

,Marryat, and Co.

, 3 , King Will iamStre e t, City.Provincial Bank of

I re land, 4 1 , Old Broad Stre e t.Puge t , Bainbridge s , and Co . ,

1 2, St Pau l

’s Churchyard .

Ransomand Co.,1 , Pal l Mall Eas t.

Robarts,Curtis , and Co. ,

1 5, Lombard Stre e t.Roge rs , O lding, and Co. ,

29, Clement’

s Lane .

Royal Bank of A us tral ia (Thos . Higgins , 2,Moorgate Stre e t .

Sapte , Banbury, Muspratt,and Co. , 77 , Lombard Stre e t.

Scott, Sir Claud, Bart, and Co. , 1 , Cavendish Square .

Smith , Payne , and Smith s , 1 , Lombard Stre e t.Smithfi e ld A gency and Banking Co . , 59, We s t Smithfie ld .

Spoone r, A ttwoods, and Co. ,27 , Grace church Stre e t .

Stal lard,WilliamH enry, 76, We s t Smithfi e ld .

Ste venson, Salt, and Sons , 20, Lombard Stre e t.Strahan, William,

Sir I. D. Paul , J. D. Paul , and Robe rt M . Bate s , Temple BarWithout.T isdall

,Thomas 1 5, We s t Smithfi e ld .

N inings , R ichard , Ge o. JohnA ldred , and R ichard, 2 1 5, Strand .

UnionBank of A ustral ia, 38, O ld Broad Stre e t.UnionBank of London(Wm. W. Scrimge our, Gen. M an. Wal te r Laurie , 8, Moorgate Stre e t,

principal offi ce Charing Cross branch , 4, Pal l Mall East (A le xand e r Wright, M am) ; Re gentStre e t branch , A rgyl l Place (Henry T . Clark, M am).

We s tonand Young, 6, We ll ingtonStre e t, Borough.

Williams, De acon, Labouche re , Thornton, and Co .,20

,Birch inLane .

Willis , Pe rc ival, and Co ., 76, Lombard Stre e t.

1846 .

Bank of A us tralas ia (Will iamMill iken, 8, A us t inFriars .

Bank of British North Ame r ica (Ge o. De Bosco A ttwood, 7, St. He len’

s P lace , BishopsgateWithin.

Bank of Ce ylon(Hugh Mackay, 7 2 , Old Broad Stre e t.Bank of England , Thre adne e dle Stre e t.Barclay, Be van, Tri tton, and Co. (D

avid Be van, Robe rt Barclay, Robe rt Coope r Le e Be van, H enry.Tritton, Jos e ph Gurne y Barclay, Jos eph Tritton), 54, Lombard Stre e t.

Baqnard , Barnard, and D imsdale (Benjamin Barnard , JohnBarnard , and. Jos eph Corfie ld Dimsdal e ),50 , Cornhill .


H opkinsonhnd Co. (Charl e s H opk inson, Care jr Se ymour Knyve tt), 3 , Re gent Stre e t, Wate rloo Place .

IonianBank (Will iamKe ttle we l l , 6, Gre at Winche s te r Stre e t .

Johns ton, Hugh and John, and Co. (John Lufne y Butle r, Fe l ix Prye r, Charle s Butle r), 1 5, Gre at BushLane .

Jone s , Loyd , and Co. (Samue l Jone s Loyd, Edward Loyd, Lew is Loyd , jun. ,Charle s Wi llm. Tabor),

43 , Lothbu ry .Jone s and Son(A lfre d Jone s ), 4 1 , We st Smithfi e ld .

London and County Joint Stock Banking Co. (Henry Luard, Gen. 2 1,Lombard Stre e t, and

3 7, We s t Smithfie ld .

London and Dubl inBank (Samue l Wm. Pe rrott, 46, Piccadilly.LondonJo int Stock Bank (Ge o. Pol lard, Manage r), 3 , Prince s Stre e t, Bank We s te rn branch , 69,

Pall Mall .London and We s tmins te r Bank, Lothbury . Branche s : St. Jame s ’ Square (Ol ive r V ile ,

and 2 1 4, High Holborn (Wm. Ew ings , 3 , We l l ington Stre e t, Boro’

(Ed . Kings ford ,Man . ) 87, White chape l High Stre e t (Wm. Dent A speme , Man . ) 5 and 4, Stratford Place (Ge o.

A . Mitche ll, M am).Lubbock , Fors te r , and Co. (Sir JohnWm. Lubbock , Bart. , Edward Forste r, Henry A le xande r Brown),

1 1,Mans ionHous e Stre e f.

Martin,Stone s

,and Martins (JohnMart in

, Ge o. Stone,Henry Stone , Jame s Martin, and Robt .

Martin), 68, Lombard Stre e t.Maste rman, Pe te rs , Mildre d, Mas te rman, and Co. (JohnMaste rman, M .P. ,

W i llm. Pe te rs , Danie lMildre d, JohnMaste rman, jun. , Fre de ric Mildre d, and E. Maste rman), 35, N icholas Lane .

Nati onal Bank of Ire land (Nathanie l Sadle r King, 1 5, O ld Broad Stre e t.Nat ional Provincial Bank of England (Danie l Robe rtson, G en. 1 1 2

,Bishopsgate With in.

Oriental Bank (Wm. Wal te r Carg i l l, 4, Walbrook .

Pocklingtonand Lacy (Josh . Pocklington, Benj . Lacy), 60, We s t Smithfie ld .

Prae d , Fane , Prae d, and Johns ton (Wm. TyringhamPraed, Ve re Fane , Bulkl e y JohnMackworthPrae d , Patrick Johnston), 1 89, Fle e t Stre e t.

Pre scott, Grote , Cave , Ame s , and Cave (Wm. Ge o. Pre scott,Charle s Grote

,Chas . Cave , Le vi Ame s ,

Danie l Cave ), 62 , Thre adne e d le Stre e t.Price , Marryat, and Co. (Sir C . Price

,Bart. , Jose ph Marryat

,Charle s Rugge Price ), 3 , King William

Stre e t, City.Provincial Bank of Ire land (Jas. Marshal l

, 42 , Old Broad Stre e t.Puget, Bainbridge s , and Co. (Ed. Thos . Bainbridge

,Henry Bainbridge , Wm. N e wton, Chas . H enry

La Touch e ), 1 2, St. Pau l

’s Churchyard .

Ran som and Co. (John Squi re , R ich . Will iams,Fre d . Squire , Hon . A rthur Kinnaird), 1 , Pal l Mal l

East.Robarts , Curtis , and Co. (Abraham Wilde y Robarts , Sir Wm. Curtis , Bart. , A brahamGe o. Robarts ,

Wm. Curtis , 1 5, Lombard Stre e t.Roge rs , O lding, and Co. (Sam). Roge rs , Ste phenO ld ing, Sam]. Sharpe , W illm. Boycott , Stephen

O ld ing, jun), 29, Clement

s Lane .

Royal Bank of A us tral ia (Benj . Wood,

2,Moorgate Stre e t.

Sapte , Banbury , Muspratt, and Co. (Franci s Sapte , Will iamBanbury, JohnPe tty Muspratt, Wm.

Banbury, 7 7, Lombard Stre e t .Scott

,Sir Claude , Bart. , and Co . (SirSam]. Scott, Bart. , Claude Edw . Scott

,Samue l Scott), 1 , Cavendish

Square .

Smith , Payne , and Smiths (Abe l Smith , Sam]. Ge o. Smith , Ge o. Robt. Smith , Oswald Smith , MartinTucke r Smith), 1 , Lombard Stre e t .

Smithfie ld A gency and Bank Co. , 59, We st Smithfi e ld.

Sou th A us tralianBanking Co. (Edmd J. Whe e le r,M an”) 54, Old Broad Stre e t, City.


w wmiamflmyJ QWestSmithfid d.W w emm amm mjmn n wmmum smM PM M M M MmM Sfi J. U. PanLBnn, Johnu qLRobLMakin

2 1 7, 5mnd.TaddLM Gea . 15,mM (M TW M TM JOM MM TW M W MJ M , W HM

wmmm u boum w ndm1m wmamummmmnu boucmBmS b M HmM W M MM M WfllM M LmBfia

Wilt a cinl u d Coi fi au Toa kh g mch PudnLRk b. McPherson, w ww w

Tomking jnnJ lmyw jnxzflbombnd Stm

1847 .

nuM d M Ncflh Amfia (W De Bow o Aflvood. 3¢c h 7-3L

-w 8mad 8metm a w w m

M mju ep w wmd ayJ ooep finOnLud mw d Stm0

w m mm m M JM M JW Cockficld Dumdale ), so,

m m mu meofl mym Same]Hm johnGmcy Hone , HenryBamctt,M h flm Ch rkaGeam ), 6z . Lomh rd Sum

w mm-W Joa M QWa tsmhhfid d.

w rmmwum om wmmn W M FM WmGodfi'qu

Bouverie ; Narmu , md am mo. Phi l ip l’k ydd l flonvcrie , Henry Norman, Jame s C-OtdooMnrdoch). u , s mrm

“ W SW

m m mm(Wm. wmhm h roma uda flnn, 10bnWhittaker. Ed jznwm'




Call l i u tmd oi wie Batdcy Call),


Coutts and Co. (Edward M ajoribanks, S ir Edmund Antrobus, Bart. , Wm. Matthew Coulthurst, and

Edw . M ajoribanks, jun. , as trus te e s), 49, Strand.Cunlifl


e and Roge rs , 24, Buckle rsbury.

Cunl ifl'

e s,Brooks , and Co. (Willm. B rooks

,Jame s Cunlifl'e , and Samue l Brooks), 24, Lombard Stre e t .

Currie s and C6. (Isaac Ge o. Currie , Henry Currie , Raike s Currie ), 89, Cornhil l .Davie s

,Robe rt, and Co. (Robt. Davie s, Joseph Davie s ), 1 87 , Shore di tch .

Deni son, H e ywood, K e rmards , and Co. (Wi llm. Jose ph D enison, JohnPembe rtonH e ywood, JohnPe irs e Kennard, Henry Hew e tt Kennard), 4, Lombard Stre e t .

D ixon, Brooks , and D ixon(Wm. Dixon, Francis Henry ,B rooks , and John Spofforth Dixon), 25,

Chance ry Lane .

Drew e tt and Fow le r (JohnD rew e tt and Thomas Fowle r), 4, Prince s Stre e t, Bank .

Drummond, Me ssrs. (Henry Drummond, Andrew Mortime r Drummond, Charle s Drummond, Andre wRobt . Drummond, Ge orge Drummond, Harve y Drummond), 49, Charing Cross.

Fe l thamand Co. (JohnFe ltham, j ohnCoope r), 42,1

Lombard Stre e t.Fulle rs and Co. (R ichard Fulle r, Ge orge A rthur Ful le r), 66, Moorgate Stre e t.Glyn, H all ifax, Mills, and Co. (Thos . H all ifax, Charle s Mills , Sir R ich . Plumptre Glyn, Bart . , Ge orge

Carr Glyn, Thos. H allifax, jun. , and Edward Whe e le r Mills), 67, Lombard Stre e t.

Gos l ings and Sharpe (Francis Gos l ing, Robt. Gos l ing, R ichard Gos l ing, Benne tt Gos l ing), 1 9, Fle e tStre e t.

H anburys , Taylor, and Lloyd (Osgood H anbury, O sgood H anbury, jun. , Jame s Taylor, Henry Lloyd ,Philip H anbury), 7, Fenchurch Stre e t.

He rrie s , Farquhar, Davidson, Chapman, and Co. (Sir Wal te r Rocklifi'

Farquhar, Bar t. , Wal te rSte vensonDavidson, Wm. Chapman, Harvie MortonFarquhar), 1 6, St. Jame s

’ Stre et.Hill and Son s (Chas. H ill,Ge o. H i ll

,JohnH i ll), 1 7 We s t Smithfie ld.

Hoare s (Charle s H oare , Henry Me rrick H oare , Henry Charle s H oare , Pete r R ichard H oare , HenryH oare ), 3 7, Fle e t Stre e t.

Hopkinsonand Co. (Charle s Hopkinson, Care y Se ymour Knyvett), 3 , Regent Stre e t, Wate rloo Place .

IonianBank (Wm. Ke ttle we l l, 6,Great Winche s te r Stre e t .

Johns ton, H ugh and John, and Co. (John Lafore y Butle r, Fe l ix Pryor, Charle s Butle r), 1 5, GreatBush Lane .

Jone s, Loyd, and Co. (Samue l Jone s Loyd, Ed . Loyd, Le w is Loyd, jun. ,Edward Loyd, jun Wm.

7 ? Jone s Loyd , and Charle s Wm. Tabor), 43 , Lothbu ry .Jone s and Son(A lfred Jone s), 4 1 , We s t Smithfie ld .

London and County Joint Stock Banking Co. (Henry Luard , Gen. 2 1 Lombard Stre et, and37, We s t Smithfie ld.

London and Dubl inBank (Wm. Fai rl ie , M am; E. M . Dacre , 46, Piccad il ly.London Jo int Stock Bank (Ge o. Pollard

, 5, Prince s Stre e t, Bank We s te rn branch , 69, Pal lMall.

London and We s tmins te r Bank,Lothbury— Branche s : St.

Jame s’ Square (Ol ive r Vi le , 2 1 3

and 2 1 4, High Holborn(Wm. Ew ins,M an. ) 3 3 , We l l ingtonStre et, Boro

(Edw ard .Kingsford ,M an) ; 87, White chape l High Stre e t (Wm. D ent A sperme , Manage r) and 4, Stratford Place

(George M . Mitch e l l, Man. )Lubbock, Forste r, and Co. (Sir John Wm. Lubbock , Bart. , Edward Forste r, Henry A le xande r

Brown), 1 1 , Mans ionHous e Stre e t .Martin, Stone s, and Martins (JohnMart in

,Ge orge Stone , Jame s Mar t in

,and Robe rt Mart in), 68,

Lombard Stfe et.M aste rman, ? e te rs, Mildre d, M asperman, and Co. (JohnMaste rman, M .P. , WilliamPe te rs , Danie l

Mildre d, JohnMas te rman, jun. ,

Fre de r ick Mildre d, Edward Mas te rman), 35, N icholas Lane .

Nat ional Bank of Ire land (Nat. Sadle r King, 1 3 , Old Broad Stre e t.Nat ional Provincial Bank of England (Danie l Robe rtson, Gen. 1 1 2

, Bishopsgate With in.


Bank of Ce ylon(Hugh Mackay, 3 2, N ew Broad Stre e t.Bank of England

,Thre adne e dle Stre e t .

Barclay,B e van

,Tri t ton

,and Co. (Robe rt Barc lay , Robe rt Coope r Le e B e van, Henry Tritton, Jos eph

Gurne y Barclay, Jos eph Tri tton), 54, Lombard S tre e t.Barnard, Barnard, and D imsdale (Benj . Barnard, JohnBarnard, and Joseph Cock fie ld Dimsdale ),

50, Cornhill .Barne t t, H oare s, and Co (Ge o. H en. Barne t t, JohnGurne y H oare , H enry Barne tt, Joseph H oare ,

Charle s Ge o. Barne tt), 62 , Lombard Stre e t.Bigge rstafl

s (WilliamBigge rstaii'

,John 8

,We s t Smithfie ld .

Bosanque t,Frank s

,and Whatman (Jame s Whatman Bosanque t, Charle s Franks , Wm. Godfre y

Whatman), 73 , Lombard Stre e t .Bouve rie , Norman, and Murdoch (Hon . Phil ip Pleyde ll Bouve rie , H enry _

N orman, Jame s GordonMurdoch ), 1 1 , Haymarke t.

Bri t ish Colonial Bank and Loan Co. (J. R. H ol loway, A cct), 50, Moorgate Stre e t.Brown, Janson, and Co . (Wm. Will iams Brown, Charle s Barr, JohnWhitake r, Edward Janson, Thos .

CorbynJanson), 3 2 , A bchurch Lane .

Bul t, Jame s , Son, and Co (Jame s Phil ip Bult, George Fre de rick Bult), 85and 86, Che aps ide .Cal l , Marten, and Co. (Si 1 Wm. Prat t Cal l , Bart. , Ge orge Robe rt Mai ten, WilliamBe rke le y Call),

25, Old Bond Stre e t .Child and Co. (The R ight Hon . Sarah Sophia Child, Counte ss of Je rse y, Will iamHenry Smith , John

Wormald, Will iamWood, JohnCopp), Temple Bar.Cockburnand Co. (Ge o. Cockburn

,BenjaminWill iams), 4, Wh i te hal l .

Cocks, B iddul ph , and Co. (Thomas Some rs Cocks, Robe rt B idd ulph , Thos. Some rs Cocks, jun. ,

Ormus B iddulph , Re ginald Th i stlethwayte Cocks ), 43 , Charing Cross .

Colonial Bank (Chas . A . Calve rt , 1 3 , Bishopsgate With in.

Comme rcial Bank of London (A lfre d R . C uth ill, Manage r), Lothbury, and 6, Henrie tta Stre e t, CoventGarden.

Coutts and Co. (Edw ard M ajoribanks , Sir Edward Antrobus, Bart. , Will iamMatthew Coulthurst, andEdward M ajori banks , jun.

, as trus te e s), 59, Strand.

Cunl iffe , Brooks, and Co. (WilliamB rooks, Jame s C unlifi e , and Samue l Brooks), 24, Lombard Stre e t .Cunl iffe , Roge r, 24, Buckle rsbury.


Currie s and Co. (Isaac Ge o. Currie , H enry Currie , Raike s Currie ), 29, Cornhill.Davie s , Robe rt, and C o. (Robe rt Davie s , Joseph Davie s), 1 87, Shore ditch .

D enison, H e ywood, Kennard, and Co. (Wm.]oseph Denison, JohnPembe rtonH e ywood, JohnPe irseKennard, Henry H ew i tt Kennard), 4, Lombard Stre et.

D ixon, Brook s, and D ixon(Will iamD ixon, Francis Henry Brooks, JohnSpofl'

orth Dixon), 25, Chance ry Lane .

D re w e tt and Fow l e r (JohnDrew e tt and Robe rt Fowle r), 4, Prince s Stre e t, Bank .

Drummond , Me ssrs . (Andrew Mort ime r Drummond,Charle s Drummond , Andre w Robe rt Drummond ,

Ge orge Drummond, Harve y D rummond) , 49, Charing Cross .

Fe l thamand Co. (JohnFe l thamand JohnCoope r), 42, Lombard Stre e t.Ful le rs and Co. (Richar-d Ful le r, Ge orge A rthur Ful le r, WilliamWal te r Fulle r) 66, Moorgate Stre e t.G lyn, H al lifax, Mills , and Co. (Thos. H allifax

,Charle s Mills, Sir R ichard Plumptre G lyn, Bart. ,

Ge orge Carr Glyn, Thos. H allifax, jun. , and Edward Whe e le r Mills), 67, Lombard Stre e t.

Gosl ings and Sharpe (Francis Gos l ing, Robe rt Gos l ing, R ichard Gos l ing, Benne tt Gos l ing, JohnCharle s Sharpe ), 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t.

Hanburys , Taylor, and Lloyds (Osgood H anbury, Osgood Taylor,Henry Lloyd,

Philip H anbury), 6o, Lombard Stre e t.Hanke ys and Co. (Will iamA le rs H anke y



Hanke y, JohnA le rs Hanke y , Thos. A le rs H anke y), 7, Fenchurch Stre e t.


mmm wnfia-Chapm flufi e nw Parqutm). 1 6, 81 1amu ’Strect.

H i llmd Sommeocge Hillmd johnflin). 1 7 , WestSmithfie ld.

M (Cbado flw g flw yumick Hoarg flcnry Chafla Hoarqtcr Richard Houmflem-yHopkinnnand Ca (Chnk-Hopkinm CuqmmKna 3, c emSUea,

WM oo PmloninnBank flVm. M . Se cxacmtWiachcsta Stre et

m ammmmmomm m mfi xmgn Budd ), 1 5, 0mnBush

1006 . Loyd. “ Ca (Samod Jone s Loyd, 5dmd Loyd , l .evis Ind iumfi dnrd Loyd , jun. ,Wa lm u M Cham hmTtba x43 Lo1bbmy.

Jona tnd SmMAlfredlmdou and CouN y joimc k Bmking Ca M enryLM Gmum), u , Lombard Stre¢t.

Londonjointsw M (Geo. bnncM EdumndJaninghm and flw y kobh lmm y fi h ll um

lmdmmd wm h nk,mw y 2 1 3 1 1111

1 1 4 11151 Balboa (WilliamEw ing . Mm) ; c flhsgtonSuea , K ingsford.Mm) ; 81 , Wh iuchapd High Summfln.

labbocLFoma . and Ca (s t jolmWm. Lubbock, M M Fa stenceuge Hotlmn). n ,

W M N W UM M m SQM M W W W ), M MmM

W h ats, Mi ldred, Manam andm(John Manama, M.P. . WmiamPm Danicl

M ]M W M , M W W MM L39 NM WNM M d W (mm m s« . 1 u ou w mw mmn wmm m 1 7 , wmM W N M Oa h Pockfim flem Lu yL6w 8mimfid dM M C a Fm Bnlql obo Mackworth PM c i ll Pang and l’nrick johmbon),

139mmm m .m u a nmmw m cmu cm ,m a nm u n162. 1


hmdneedlc 8mct.


Proviadd Bank d lnhnd CThoc vag SecLu , Oid Bml d Sww tW W M CG Wd M W mHmm WM NM M

m a m ma a muammRm md a hn8qnix'é. Riclnrd WilliamFre derick Squirqand Hou Anhur Kinnaird), 1 ,

m m w m rm m mmx15, 1mbard 8ue et.

Olding, jun. , JohnOsbom), 29, Clemen1'| Lune.Royd Bnnk ol Am liamcnjmdn 2, Moorp te $1rm ’

m um w .mmm m 1mmnmmmwmhmnmbomm11 7. 1.ombu d Stmc1.

Smod h rtqd a fi it Stme l Scon, Bart. , Ch ude


Shank , John, 76, We s t Smithfie ld .

Smith , Payne , and Smi ths (Abe l Smith , Samue l George Smi th , George Robe rt Smi th, Oswald Smi th ,Mart inTucke r Smith), 1 , Lombard Stre e t.

Smithfi e ld A gency and Banking Co., 59, We s t Smithfie ld.

South A us tral ianBanking Co. (Edmund J. Whe e le r, 54, Old Broad Stre e t, City.Spoone r, A ttwoods , and Co. (Matth ias A ttwood, JohnTw e lls), 2 7, Grace church Stre e t .Ste venson, Salt, and Son s (JohnSal t, Will iamSal t , Ge orge Sal t), 20, Lombard Stre e t .Strahan, Paul , Paul , and Bate s (Will iamStrahan, Sir J. D . Paul, Bart. , JohnD e an Paul , Robe rt

MakinBate s), Temple Bar Without, 2 1 7, Strand.

T isdal l, Thomas Ge orge , 1 5, We s t Smithfie ld.

Tw inings (Richard Tw ining, Ge orge Tw ining, JohnA ldre d Tw ining, Richard Tw ining, jun.,Samue l

Harve y Tw ining, Will iamBre w s te r Tw ining), 2 1 5, Strand .

UnionBank of A us tral ia (Sam. Jackson, 38, 01d Broad Stre e t .

UnionBank of London (Wm. W. Scrimge our, Gen. M an.,Wal te r Laurie , principal offi ce , 2 ,

Prince s Stre e t, Mans ionHous e ; Charing Cross branch , 4, Pall Mall Eas t (A le x. Wright, M an. )Re gent Stre e t branch , A rgyl l Place (H . T . Clark, M am).

Williams , De acon, Labouche re , Thomton, and Co. (Robe rt Will iams , John De acon, JohnLabouche re ,Henry Syke s Thornton, Hon. JohnThorntonLe sl ie Me lville , Robe rt Will iams , 20, Birch inLane .

Will is , Pe rc ival , and Co. (Samue l Tompkins, R ichard Pe rc ival, R ichard M cPh e rson,H enry Willis ,

Samue l Tompk ins , jun. , Henry B lanshard , 76, Lombard Stre e t.Young, Charle s A l len, and SO11 (Charle s A llenYoung), 6, We llingtonStre e t, Borough .

1 849 .

A gra and Uni te d Se rv ice Bank (LondonAgency, Henry Wm. Irvine Wood , Agent), 1 5, Old Jew ry .Bank of A ustralas ia (Wm. Milliken, 8

,A us t inFriars .

Bank of British North Ame rica (Geo. De Bosco A ttwood, 7, Sr. He len’

s Place , BishopsgateWithin.

Bank of Ce ylon(Hugh Mackay, 3 2, Old Broad Stre e t .

‘ Bank of England , Thre adne e dle Stre e t.Barclay

,B e van, Tr itton, and Co . (Rob e rt Barclay, Rob e rt Coope r Le e B evan, Henry Tritton, Jos eph

Gurne y Barclay, and Jose ph Tr itton), 54, Lombard Stre e t.Barnard


,and D imsdale (BenjaminBarnard, JohnBarnard, and Joseph Cockfie ld Dimsdale ),

50, Cornh ill .Barnett, H oare s , and Co. (Ge o. Henry Barnett, JohnGurne y H oare , Henry Barne tt, Jos eph H oare ,

Charle s Ge orge Barnett), 62 , Lombard Stre e t.Bigge rstaffs (W111 . Bigge rstafl


,John 8

,We s t Smithfie ld .

Bosanque t, Franks , and Whatman (Jame s Whatman Bosanque t, Charle s Franks , Wm. Godfre yWhatman), 73 , Lombard Stre e t .

Bouve rie , Norman, and Mu rdoch (Hon . Phil ip Pleyd e ll Bouve rie , Henry Norman, Jame s GordonMurdoch), 1 1 , Haymarke t.

Brit ish Colonial Bank and LoanCompany (J. R. H olloway, A ccountant), 50, Moorgate Stre e t.Brown

,Janson, and Co. (Wm. Will iams Brown, JohnWhittake r, Edward Janson, Thomas Corbyn

Janson,Henry Oxl e y, and Edward Whitmore , 3 2, A bchurch Lane .

Bult,Jame s , Son, and Co. (Jame s Ph ilip Bu lt and Ge orge Frede rick Bul t, 85and 86, Che aps ide .

Call,Marten, and Co. (SirWm. Prat t Call, Bart. , Ge orge Robe rt Marten, Wm. Be rke le y Call), 25, OldBond Stre e t.

Child and C0. (Th e Righ t Hon . Sarah Soph ia Child, Counte ss of Je rse y, Will iamHenry Smith , JohnWormald

,Will iamWood

,and JohnCopp), Temple Bar.


Scott,Sir Samue l, Bart and Co. ,

1, Cavendish Square .


, 76, We s t Smithfie ld.


,and Smiths, 1 , Lombard Stre e t.

South A ustral ianBanking Company, 54, O ld Broad Stre e t, City.Spoone r

,A ttwoods

,and Tw e lls, 27, Grace church Stre e t.

Ste venson,Sal t, and Sons, 20, Lombard Stre e t .

Strahan, Paul , Paul, and Bate s, Temple BarWithout, 2 1 7, Strand .


,and W11 1. Ste vens, 4 1 ,We s t Smithfie ld .

T isdall,Thomas Ge orge , 1 5, We st Smithfi e ld.

Tw inings,Me s srs . , 2 1 5, Strand .

UnionBank of A us tral ia, 38, O ld Broad Stre e t.Union Bank of London

,Prince s Stre e t, Mans ionHouse Charing Cross branch ,

A rgyll Place , W.

Will iams,Deacon

,Labouche re

,Thornton, and Co.


,Birch inLane .

Willis,Pe rc ival

,and Co.

, 76, Lombard Stre e t.


Agra and Uni te d Se rvice Bank,1 5, O ld Jew ry.

Bank of A us tralas ia,8,A us tinFriars.

Bank of British North Ame rica, 7, St. He len

s Place .

Bank of Ce ylon, 3 2 , N ew Broad Stre e t.

Bank of England, Thre adne e dle Stre e t.Barclay, Be van, Tritton, and Co.

, 54, Lombard Stre e t.Barnard

,Barnard, and D imsdale , 50, Cornhil l.

Barne tts , H oare , and Co. , 62, Lombard Stre e t.Bigge rstafls, Wm. and John, 8, We s t Smithfie ld .

Bosanque t, Franks , and Whatman, 73 , Lombard Stre e t .Bouve rie , Norman, and Murdoch , 1 1 , Haymarke t .Brit ish Colonial Bank and Loan Co. , 50 , Moorgate Stre e t .linown, Janson, and Co. , 3 2, Abchurch Lane .

Bui t, Jame s, Son, and Co.,85 and 86, Ch e aps ide .

Call,Marten, and Co. ,

25, O ld Bond Stre e t.Child and Co.

,Temple Bar.

Cocks , Biddulph s , and Co., 43 , Chafing Cross .

Colonial Bank,1 3 , Bishopsgate Within.

Comme rcial Bank of London, 6, Henrie tta Stre et, Covent Garden.

Coutts and Co. , 59, Strand .

Cunlifie , Roge r, 24, Buckle rsbury.

Cunl ifl'

e s, Brooks , and Co.,24, Lombard Stre e t.

Currie s and Co. ,29, Cornh ill.

Davie s , Robe rt, and Shored i tch .

D enison, H e ywood,Kennard, and Co. , 4, Lombard Stre e t .

D ixon, Brooks , and Dixon, 25, Chance ry Lane .

Drew e tt and Fow le r, 4, Prince s Stre e t, Bank . .

Drummond, M e ssrs .

, 49, Charing Cross .

Fe l thamand Coope r, 42, Lombard Stre e t .

Ful le rs and Co.


,Moorgate Stre e t.

Glyn,H al li fax

, Mills , and Co. ,67, Lombard Stre e t.

Gosl ings and Sharpe , 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t .


Hanbm '


aylor, M M M M SM

Hankcys and Ca . 7. Peochnrch Strec1.Hmieg rarqnmmvidqh pm d a , taSLJmcs



Hillmd Son. 1 7, WenSm11hficld.m um 37, lfle e1 81re et.

M HmM Jobmd a , 1 5, 0111“ mIm bmmd cw w la hbm.

Loodonmd jointStock Banking Ca , n, Lombu d Sum

mmmwm m a ym w numd " 4, 111311Bom’


m m pm um um mdmss mm mNm’

ona k ol lrehnd, 1 3, 01d 8m4 81mc1.NM v indflBnnk d Eq , Bishome Within.M w e-w nlhnk oflnd

n, 6: , Mou p 1e 81rcct.Odmu l Banh 1 , Walm

M fm and jom l g mmm m ammamu w mmm mcm3 x1ngmmmsmeg cuy.

w m am 4g ow w mM W NM M IA TM

1 , 21n11a11m.

RM Cnrtimd a , 15, 1.ombnd 8ue et.m m m ,m& , eg a emfl h nRop l Bank ol Aumfig mMoorp u Sm

M Johm1a Smi 1bfid d.

South Anmlia kingmu Old M SM C ity.

Sum mandmqombardmSM PanLM M Bu empk BarWM N LSmM

W W W 1 3,,mm um nl g smUnionM d Amunfiqfi Old Bmd Stred

House ; Clming Crou hnnd 1, 4.M M M W.

Wi ll is,

Amand Unite d Servioe Bank, 15, 01d l ewry.

M d Anstrah afn, 8, AmfinF1iau .


Bank of Brit ish North Ame rica, 7 , St. He len’s Place .

Bank of England, Threadne e dle Stre e t .Barclay

,Be van, Tr i t ton, and Co. , 54, Lombard Stre e t.

Barnard, Barnard, and D imsdale , 50, Combifl.

Barne tt, H oare s , and Co. ,62

, Lombard Stre e t .Baue r, A braham, and Co. ,

1 1 3 , Leadenhall Stre e t .Biggerstaffs , Wm. and John, 8,We s t Smithfie l d .

Bosanque t, Frank s, and Whatman, 73 , Lombard Stre e t,Bouve rie , Murdoch , and Bouve rie , 1 1 , Haymarket.

Bri tish Colonial Bank and LoanCo. , 50, Moorgate Stre e t,Brown, Janson, and Co. , 3 2 , Abchurch Lane .


,and Co. ,

25, A bchu rch Lane .

Bul t,Jame s

, Son, and Co.,85 and 86



Che aps ide .

Cal l,Marten, and Co.

,25, O ld Bond Stre e t .

Child and Co. ,Temple Bar.

Cocks, B iddulph , and Co., 43 , Charing Cross .

Colonial Bank , 1 3, Bishopsgate Within.

Comme rcial Bank of London,'

Lothbury, and 6, Henrietta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

Cout ts and Co. , 59, Strand .

Cunl ifl'

e , Roge r, 24, Buckle rsbury.


e s,Brooks

,and Co. , 24, Lombard Stre e t.

Currie s and Co. ,29, Cornhill .

Davie s, Robe rt, and Co. , 1 87, Shore d itchDixon

,Brooks , and D ixon, 25, Chance ry Lane .

Drewe tt, Fowle r, and Fowle r, 4, Prince s Stre e t, Bank .

Drummond,Me s srs . , 49, Charing Cross.

Fe l thamand Coope r, 42, Lombard Stre e t .Ful le rs and Co. ,

66, Moorgate Stre e t.

Glyn,H all ifax, Mills , and Co. ,

67, Lombard Stre e t .Gos l ings and Sharpe , 1 9, FIe e t Stre e t.H anbury, Taylor, and Lloyd, 60, Lombard Stre e t.H&nk ey and Co. , 7, Fenchurch Stre e t.H e rrie s

,Farquhar, Davidson, Chapman, and Co.

,1 6

, St. Jame s’ Stre e t.H e yw ood, Kennard, and Co. , 4, Lombard Stre e t .H i ll

,Ge orge and John, 1 7, We s t Smithfie ld .

H oare s, M e s srs ., 37, Fle e t Stre e t.

Hopkinsonand Co. , 3 , Re gent Stre et, Wate rloo Place .

IonianBank, 6, Gre at Winche s te r Stre e t .Johnston, Hugh and John, and Co. ,

1 5, Gre at Bush Lane .

Jone s , Loyd, and Co.

, 43 , Lothbu ry.London and County Joint Stock Banking Co. , 2 1 , Lombard Stre e t, and St. G eorge ’s P lace , Knights

bridge .

London Joint Stock Bank, 2, Prince s Stre et, Bank , and 69, Pal l Mall .London and We s tmins te r Bank, 1 , St. Jame s’ Square 2 1 3 and 2 1 4, High Holborn 3 , We l l ington

Stre e t, Boro’87, High Stre e t, White chape l ; and 4, Stratford Place .

Lubbock,Fors te r, and Co .

,1 1

, Mans ionHouse Stre e t.Martin

,Stone , and Mart ins , 68, Lombard Stre e t.

Mas te rman, Pe te rs, Mildre d, Mas te rman, and Co. , 35, N icholas Lane .

Nat ional Bank of Ire land, 1 3 , O l d Broad Stre e t.Nat ional Prov incial Bank of England; 1 1 2, Bishopsgate With in.


Cocks, B iddulph , and Co. , 53, Charing Cros s .

Colonial Bank , 1 3 , Bishopsgate Within.

Comme rcial Bank of London, Lothbury, and 6, Henr ie tta Stre e t, Covent Garden.

Coutts and Co. , 59, Strand .

Cunl iffe , Roge r, Son, and Co. , 24, Buckle rsbury.

Cunli ffe s, Brooks , and Co. ,24, Lombard Stre e t .

Currie s and Co. ,29, Cornhill.

Davie s , Robe rt, and Co. , 1 87, Shore ditch .

D ixon, Brooks , and Dixon, 25, Chance ry Lane .

Dre we tt, Fow le r, and Fowle r, 4, Prince s Stre et, Bank .

Drummond, M e ss rs ., 49, Charing Cross .

Fe ltham, John, and JohnCoope r, 42 , Lombard Stre e t.Ful le rs and Co. , 66, Moorgate Stre e t.Glyn

,Mills, and Co. , 67, Lombard Stre e t

Gos l ings and Sharpe , 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t.H anburys , Taylor, and Lloyd, 60, Lombard Stre e t.Hanke ys and Co.

, 7, Fenchurch Stre et.H errie s, Farquhar, Davidson, Chapman, and Co. , 1 6, St. Jame s’ Stre e t .H eywood , Kennards , and Co. , 4, Lombard Stre e t .Hill and Son, 1 7, We s t Smith fie ld .

H oare s , Me ssrs . , 3 7, Fle e t Stre e t.Hopkinsonand Co. , 3 , Re gent S tre e t, Wate rloo Place .

IonianBank, 6, Gre at Winche ste r Stre e t .Johnston, Hugh and John, and Co. ,

1 5, Gre at Bush Lane .

Jone s , Loyd, and Co. , 43 , Lothbu ry.London and County Jo int S tock Banking Co. ,

24, Lombard Stre e t St. George’

s Place , Knightsbridgeand Connaught Te rrace , W.

London Joint Stock Bank, Prince s Stre e t, Bank, and 69, Pal l Mal l.London and We s tmins te r Bank, Lothbury 1 , St. Jame s

’ Square ; 2 1 3 and 2 1 4, H igh Holborn

3, We ll ingtonStre e t, Boro’87, Whi te chape l H igh S tre e t and 4, Strat ford Place .

Lb bock, Fors te r,'

and Co. ,1 1 , Mans ionHouse Stre e t .

Martin, Stone , and Mart ins,68

, Lombard Stre e t.Maste rman, Pe te rs , Mildre d, Mas te rman

, and Co. , 35, N icholas Lane .

National Bank of Ire land, 1 3 , O ld Broad Stre e t.National Provincial Bank of England , 1 1 2 , Bishopsgate With in.

North-We s te rnBank of India, .

62 , Moorgate Stre e t.O riental Bank , 7, Walbrook .

Pockl ington, Lacy, and Son, 60, We s t Smithfie ld .

Prae ds and Co. ,1 89, Fle e t Stre e t.

Pre scott, Grote , Cave , and Cave , 62 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t .Price , Marryat


,and Co. , 3 , KingWill iamStre e t, City.

Provincial Bank of Ire land, 42, O ld Broad Stre e t.Puge t, Bainbridge s, and Co 1 2 , St. Pau l

’s Churchyard .

Ransomand Co. ,1 , Pal l Mal l Eas t.

Robarts , Curt is, and Co. ,1 5, Lombard Stre e t:

Roge rs, O ld ing, Sharpe , and Co.,29, Clement

s Lane .

Royal Bri tish Bank , Tokenhouse Yard, Lothbury 429, Strand 77 , Bridge Road, We s tmins te rBridge 97 , Gosw e ll Road.

Sapte , Musprat t,Banbury, and Co. , 77, Lombard Stre e t.

Scott, Sir Samue l , Bart. , and Co. ,1, Cavendish Square .


M john, 76,mSmith, Payne , znd Smi1hs,

1 7, 6 1m hmh 81net.W M M q lombu d SmW M Pw Lmd M Temple BarWimoot, 1 1 3 311 1 1111.Sfi dqjoM d Stcpbeng 41 , Ww Smithficld.

W N W“ xg ww Smkhfie ld.Tvining l lm , 3 1 5 5111 1111.

Unioa nk ol Anstnlig fi Old Bm‘d StrmUnioa k os , Prinoes Sue et, HmsionHomc ; g PaHMall Entnnd Argyfll e ,

WM PM M CO. . 76, LOM SM

Amand Uniwd Se rvia BanLQOId jew y Chambeu

Bank ol British Nonh Amd w mM y. Bev rittomd a , “ Lomba d Smm am mm, u ,mm3m

1 1 3 m mw wmhmsod jobn, &WmSmithfid d .

m pumwnm mm.n,mumsumm um m mym u , Haymarkd .

M johmd n Abchw ch Lme .M M M M : 5, M W M

Challis d a , 37 , WestSmi 1hficld.Child d a , Tmple Bu .

CockaBiddnlph d au g CharinnColonial Bank, 1 3,Bi sbopnp te Within.

Cm a tial Bank d lmM QLothbury,md 6, flemietu Suefl,

Coumtnd Ca , 59, Stnnd.Canmmagtrng lluckleubnn.

Curria d a . 29, Comhi ll.Davieqllobag and Ca , 1 87, Sboreditd 1.

M M M Dim as, Cbu ca-y h n¢.

M M fl Cbafinn u

t bmd mm ba d Strm


Gosfinp md Sbu pg n le etSmHanburys, Taylor, nd Lloyds , 60, Lombard Street.Hankeyt and cw b l

’cocht trmBenito,qulw , Davidson. Onmnnd ca . Jame s 'mecc.


H e ywood, Kennards , and Co. , 4, Lombard Stre e t .Hil l and Sons, 1 7 , We s t Smithfie ldH oare s , Me ssrs .

, 3 7, Fle e t Stre e t.Hopkinsonand Knyve tt, 3 , Re gent Stre et, Wate rloo Place .

IonianBank, 6, Gre at Winch e s te r Stre et.Johnston, Hugh and John, and Co.

,1 5, Gre at Bush Lane .

Jone s, Loyd, and Co. 43 , Lothbury .

London and County Joint Stock Bank ing Co. ,2 1

, Lombard Stre e t ; St. Ge orge’s P lace , Knights

bridge ; and Connaught Te rrace , W.

LondonJoint Stock Bank, 3 , Pr ince s Stre e t, Bank, and 69, Pall Mal l .London and We s tmins te r Bank, 1 , St. Jame s ’ - ;Square 2 1 3 and 2 1 4, High H olbom 3 , We l l ington

Stre e t, Boro’

87, White chape l High Stre e t ; and 4, Stratford P lace , W.

Lubbock, Fors te r, and H otham, 1 1 , Mans ionHouse Stre e t.Martin, Stone , and Martins , 68, Lombard Stre e t .Mas te rman, Pe te rs , Mildre d, Maste rman

,and Co.

, 35, N icholas Lane .

Nat ional Bank of I re land, 1 3 , O ld Broad Stre e t.Nat ional Provincial Bank of England, 1 1 2 , Bishopsgate Within.

North-We s te rnBank of India, 62 , Moorgate Stre e t.Oriental Bank Corporat ion, 7 and 8, Walbrook.Pockl ington, Lacy , and Son, 60, We st Smithfie ld,

Prae ds and Co.,1 89, Fle e t Stre e t.

Pre scott , Grote , Cave , and Cave , 62 , Threadne e dle Street.Price , Marryat, and Co. , 3 King WilliamStre e t, City .

Provincial Bank of I re land, 42, O ld Broad Stre e t.Puge t, Bainbridge s , and Co. , 1 2, St. Pau l

’s Churchyard.Ran som and Co. , 1 , Pal l Mall East.Robarts, Curt is , and Co. , 1 5, Lombard Stre e t.Roge rs , O ld ing, and Sharpe , 29, C lement

3 Lane .

Royal Brit ish Bank, 1 6, Tokenhouse Yard, Lothbury , 429, Strand 77 , Bridge Ro'

ad, We s tmins te rBridge ; and 97 , Gosw e ll Road

Sapte , Muspratt, Banbury, and Co. , 77, Lombard Stre e t.Sébtt, Sir Samue l, Bart. , and Co. , 1 , Cavendish Square .

Shank , John, 76, We s t Smithfie ld.

Simla Branch Bank, 4, St. Martin’s Place .Smith , Payne , and Smiths, 1 , Lombard Stre e t.Sou th Austral ianBanking C o. , 54, O l d Broad Stre e t, City.Spoone r, A ttwoods, and Co. ,

27, Grace church Stre e t.Ste venson, Sal t, and Son, 20, Lombard Stre e t.S trahan, Paul, Paul , and Bate s, Temple Bar Without, 2 1 7, Strand.

S tri de,John, and WilliamSte phens, .41 , We s t Smithfie ld .

Tw inings , Me ssrs. , 2 1 5, Strand.UnionBank of A us tral ia, 38, old Broad Stre e t.UnionBank of London, 2 , Prince s Stre e t, Mans ionHouse 4, Pal l Mal l Eas t ; and A -rgyll P lace , W.

Will iams, De acon, Labouche re , Thornton, and Co. , 20, Birch inLane .

Will is,Pe rcival , and Co. , 76, Lombard Stre e t.

1 854 .

A gra and Uni te d Se rv ice Bank, 9, O ld Je w ry Chambe rs .Bank of Aus tralas ia, 8, A us tinFriars.


North-We stemBank of India, 4, Trafalgar Square , Charing Cross .Oriental Bank Corporation, 7 and 8, Walbrook .

Prae ds and Co. , 1 89, _Fle e t Stre e t.Pre scott, Grote , Cav e , and Cave , 62 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t .Price

,Marryat, and Co.

, 3 , King Will iamStre e t , City.Provincial Bank of I re land , 42, O ld Broad Stre e t.Puge t, Bainbridge s , and Pau l’s Churchyard.

Ran som and Co. 1 , Pal l Mall Eas t.Robarts , Curt is, and Co. 1 5, Lombard Street.Roge rs, 01dir1g, and Sharpe , 29, Clement

’s Lane .

Royal Brit ish Bank , 1 6, Tokenhouse Yard, Lothbury 429, Strand 77, Bridge Road, We stmins te rBridge and 97, Gosw e ll Road.

Sapte , Muspratt, Banbury, and Co., 77, Lombard Stre e t.

Scott, Sir Samue l , Bart. , and Co. ,1, Cavendish Square .

Shank,John, 76, We st Smithfi e ld.

Simla Branch Bank, 4, St. Mart in's Place .

Smith,Payne , and Smiths, 1 , Lombard St re e t.

South A us tral ianBank ing Co. , 54, O l d Broad Stre et, Ci ty.

Spoone r, A ttwoods , and Co. ,27 , Grace church Stre e t.

Ste venson, Sal t, and Sons, 20, Lombard Stre e t .Strahan, Paul , and Bate s, Temple Bar Without, 2 1 7, Strand .

Stride , Johnand Will iamSte phen, 4 1 , We st Smithfie ld.

Tisdale and Ward, 1 5, We s t Smithfi e ld.

Tw igg, Charle s, 29, Great St. H e len’

s .

Tw inings , Me ssrs .,2 1 5, Strand.

UnionBank of A us tral ia, 38, O ld Broad Stre e t.UnionBank of London, 2 , Prince s Stre et, Mans ionHouse 4, Pal l Mal l East ; and Argyl l P lace , W.

Wil l iams, D e acon, Labouche re , Thornton, and Co.,20

,Bi rchimLane .

Willis, Pe rc ival , and Co. , 76, Lombard Stre e t .

1 855.

Agra and Uni te d Se rvice Bank, 9, O ld Jew ry Chambe rs.Bank of Australas ia, Thre adne e dle Stre e t .

Bank of British North Ame rica, 7, St. He len’s Place .

Bank of England , Thre adne e dle Stre e t .Barclay, Be van, Tritton, and Co. , 54, Lombard Stre e t,Barne tt, H oare s , and C o. , 62, Lombard Stre e t.Baue r, A braham, and Co.

,1 1 3 , Le adenhall Stre e t.

Bigge rstaffs , Wm. and John, 8, We s t Smithfi e id.

Bosanque t, Franks, Whatman, and H arman, 73 , Lombard -Stre e t.

Bouve rie , Murdoch , Bouve rie , and Jame s , 1 1 , H aymarke t,Brown, Janson, and Co.

, 32 , A bchurch Lane .

Brown, John, and Co. ,25, Abchurch Lane .

Cal l,Marten, and Co. , 25, O ld Bond Stre e t .

Chal li s and Son, 3 7, We s t Smithfie ld .

Child and Co. ,Temple Bar.

Cocks, B iddulph, and Co . , 43 , Charing Cross .

Colonial Bank, 1 3 , Bishopsgate With in.

Comme rcial Bank of London, 6,‘

Lothbury,and 6, Henrie t ta Stre e t, Covent Garden.


Coutts and C11 , 59, Strand.

Cnnl ifl’

cs ms g b mbud Sue eL

Davie s, Roba g d a , 1 81 , Shomdicd 1 .BM W Fowler. and a rd, so, Cornh ill.DixomBrookgmd Dimn,q, Chmou7 Lanc.W MM 4QM GCM

Fcifbm d onq‘ombard Strmmmmcmw. ummdmGosfinp and Sharpe , 1 9, F1ec1 811 e et.m m mu tg w w fge M ct wm .

Hmboqsmd M fiqld SumM kmand Ca , 1 , Fenchmth Sou LHmi en uhn, D¢vid

W M M CQ , 4, W WHill u d Sou n, WestSmithfid d.

m mm3m m wm mimm acmzmmma mJohsm flngbmd johmmd cmsQCannoo Strect.JM M M CQM L IM .

mmmoQWmmmlmdoo ind County JOW c k BmkinxComptny, n, Lombard Stre et; SLGeorge'1

Loadond ectmmflct Bank, 1 , St lna’

a sqm ; 1 1 3 , 1 1 4, High

-nionflo1m81mMu fins and Ca , 60, IAmbu d SUtetM M , W MM M M C¢ , 5QNM WNw m a im u w w w

W W M OIW u a Bi-bq ithim

Pmds d a , 1 19 mmM GM Camd w 63 Thru dne e dle S1mt

m um mm5mngwmmm cm.

Provincnl k ol lrd and , 4z , Old BM SM

M W M M 1 2,& M I W-M .

M CM M %15, W M


Sou th Aus tral ianBanking Co. , 54, O ld Broad Stre e t.

Spie lman, A dam,1 0 and 79, Lombard Stre e t.

Spoone r, A ttwoods, and Co. ,27 , Grace church Stre e t.

Ste venson, Sal t, and Son, 20, Lombard Stre e t.Strahan, Paul, and Bate s , Temple BarWithout, 2 1 7 , Strand.


, and Wi llm. Ste ph en, 4 1 We s t Smithfi e ld.

Tw igg, Charle s , 29, Gre at St. H e len’s .Tw inings , Me ssrs . , 2 1 5, Strand .

UnionBank of A us tral ia, 38, O l d Broad Stre e t .UnionBank of London, 2 , Prince

’s Stre e t, Mans ionHouse 4, Pal l Mall

White , Ludlow, and Co. , 6, Haymarke t.Will iams , D e acon, Labouche re , Thornton, and Co. ,

20, BirchimLane .

Willis , Pe rcival, and Co . , 76, Lombard Stre e t .

1 856 .

A gra and Unite d Se rvice Bank, 9, O ld J ew ry Chambe rs .

A l l iance (France and England), 3 1 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t.Bank of A us tralas ia, 4, Thre adne edle Stre e t.Bank of British North Ame rica, 7, St. He len’s Place .

Bank of Egypt, 1 7 and 1 8, Gre shamHouse , O l d Broad Stre e t .Bank of England, Thre adne edle Stre e t and Bai l ingtou Gardens .

Bank of London, 52 , Threadne e dle Stre e t 450, We s t Strand.

Bank of N ew Sou th Wal e s, 3 7 , CannonStre e t .

Barclay, Be van, Trittori , and Co., 54, Lombard Stre e t .

Barnett, H oare s , and Co .,62 , Lombard Stre e t.

Bauer and Co. ,1 1 3 , Leadenhall Stre e t .

Benne tt, Will iam, 5, Bank Buildings , M etropol itanCattle Marke t .Bigge rstaffs, Wm. and John, 8, We s t Smithfi e ld

,and 6

,Bank Build ings , Me tropol itanCat tle Marke t .

Bosanque t,Franks

,Whatman, and H arman, 73, Lombard Stre e t .

Brown, Janson, and Co .

, 3 2 , A bchurch Lane .


,and Co.

,25, Abchurch Lane .


,and Co.

,25, O ld Bond Stre e t.

Chai li s and Son, 37, We st Smithfie ld,and 1 2

,Bank Bui ldings , and Me tropol i tanCattle Marke t

Charte re d Bank of A s ia, 50, 01d Broad S tre e t .

Charte re d Bank of India,Gre shamH ous e

,O ld Broad Stre e t .

Child and Co .,1,F1e etStre e t, Temple Bar.

City Bank, Thre adne e dle Stre e t temporary offi ce , 2 , Royal Exchange Bui ldings .

Cocks,B i ddulph

,and Co.

, 43 , Charing Cross .

Colonial Bank,1 3 , Bishopsgate Within.

Comme rcial Bank of London, 6, Lothbury , and 6, Henrie tta Stre e t, Covent GardenCoutts and Co .

, 58 and 59, Straii d.

Cunl ifl’

e,Roge r , 24, Buckle rsbury.

Cunli fTe s and Co.,24, Lombard Stre e t.

Currie s and Co.,29, Cornhill .


vie s,Robe rt

,and Co. , 1 87, Shore ditch ,


D imsdale,Drewe tt, Fow le r, and Barnard , 50, Corrih i ll .

Dixon, Brooks , and Dixon, 25, Chance ry Lane .

Drummond,Me ssrs .

, 49, Charing Cross .

Engl ish , Scott ish , and Aus tral ianCharte re d Bank, 61 , Moorgate Stre e t .



,and Co.

,Leice s ter Square.


, 4, Bank Bui ldings , Metropol itan Cattle Market.Smith


,and Smiths

,I,Lombard Street.

Sou th Aus tral ian Banking Co., 54, O ld Broad Stre e t, City.

Spie lman,A dam

,and Co.

, 79, Lombard Street.Spoone r

,A ttwoods

,and Co.

,27 Grace church \

Stre et.

Ste venson,Sal t

,and Sons


,Lombard Stree t.


,and W i l l iamSte phen

, 41 , West Smithfie ld, and 8, Bank Buildings , Metropol i tan CattleMarket.

The National Bank,I3 , O ld Broad Stree t.

Twinings , 2 1 5, Strand .

UnionBank of A us tral ia, 38, O ld Broad Stree t.

Union Bank of London,2,Pr inces Stre e t

,Mans ionHouse ; 4, Pal l Mal l Eas t ; A rgyl l P lace , W . ;

temporary offi ce , Fleet Street.U n ity Joint S tock Mu tual Banking A ssoc iation

,Uni ty Bu i ld ings ; 1 0

,Cannon Stre e t

,City ; and

I,N e w Coventry Street.

Ward (Thos . 1 5, West Srp ithfi e ld 4, Bank Build ings , Metropol i tan Cattle Marke t.West Metropol itan Bank (Joint Stock), temporary office , 3x, Parliament Stree t .We stemBank of London, z i , Hanover Square.White and Co.

,6,Haymarke t.

Williams,De acon

,Labouche re , Thornton, and Co.


,Bitch in Lane.

Willis,Pe rc ival

,and Co.

, 76, Lombard Stree t.

1 857 .

A gra and United Service Bank, 9, O ld Je w ry Chambers .

All iance (France and England) Bank , 3 1 , Thre adne e d le Street.Bank of A us tralas ia

, 4, Thre adne e dle Street.Bank of Bri ti sh North Ame rica

, 7 , St. H elen’s P lace.

Bank of Egypt, 1 7, Gre shamH ouse , O ld Broad Stree t.Bank of England, Thre adne edle Stre e t , and Burl ingtonGardens , W.

Bank of London, 52 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t, and 450, We st Strand .

Bank of New South Wale s, 3 7 , CannonStreet.

Barclay,B e van

,Tri tton

,and Co.

, 54, Lombard Street .Barne tt

,H oare s

,and Co.


,Lombard Stree t.

Baue r and Co.,1 x3 , Le adenhall Street.

Bennett, Will iam, 5, Bank Bui ldings , Metropol i tan Cattle Market .Bigge rstaffs , Williamand John, 8, West Smithfie ld , and 6

,Bank Bui l d ings , Metropol itan Cat tle

Market .Bosanque t, Frank s, Whatman, and H arman, 73 , Lombard Stree t.Brown

, Janson ; and Co. , 3 2, A bchurch Lane .Brown, John, and Co.

,25, A bchu rch Lane.

Cal l, Marten, and Co .

, 25, O ld Bond Street.Chal l is and Co.

, 37 , Wes t Smithfie ld, and 1 2, Bank Bui ldings , Metropolitan Cattle Market .Charte red Bank of India

,A ustral ia, and China, 34, Gre shamH ouse , O ld Broxd Street.

Chi ld and Co . , 1 , Fle e t Stre e t, Temple Bar.Cocks , B iddulph, and Co. , 44, Charing Cross.Colonial Bank, 1 3 , Bishopsgate With in.Comme rcial Bank ofLondon

,6, Lothbury, and 6, Henrie tta Stre e t, Covent Garden .

Coutts and Co. , 58 and 59, Strand.


Cmfik koge r, 800, d 0 . 3 4, 3005"qCunfifla w d C t lombmd Su'

e et.

Cmia tnd C05 29, Comhi ll.Davieg kok rg and Ca , x$1 , Sbomdi ldLDimdaqrtvemFovla , and Bnmard , 50, Comhill.Dhqlmkgmd Dixomz s, Chme a-y une .

Dmmmon¢Mm , 49, Chari0g Ct0

W W W W W M n w gn-SaxcFM M Ca

, u ,lombard Suw .

FuBmd a ,66

, Hoorp te Stre et.

General Bank of S' itw hnd , 0, Royal Exchmge BnildiagsGlu i lflt d Ca J p Lomlmd Sued .

God ingsmd Shnrpe , 1 9, }1m5cnet.M W M Q , 3 1 , W M SM

BM W , M HaM gm Cw m ,W¢-tmimm

Haahnysmd uoydg fi flmbw dmw ww . p l


Ba dt quhar, Davidson, Chapuun, d o. , t6. St. Jame l ’ Stre e t .HM KM M CQ . 4, W M SM L

H ill and 8005, 3 7, Wed Smhbfie ld, and a, Bank Buildings, MetropolitanCattle Marke t.Roam, Manx, 37, Fleet Street.

Jackm wu bhxgwo), ay cmhamHome , 0ld Bmad S¢re ct.JM Hughmd jobmw , Cmnoo 8m

Loodoo ChnM d Bank ol Amflh , u , Cw 8mMndond omuy Joint c k Bnnkinn u , lmbnd Suu t; A lba mc, Knighubridge


l‘m , Edgwmk oad ;

H igh Sa'

eet ; and s, Deptford Bmdw-ay.

undmmdm nankinn pou fiomn, CamonSum; “ , Mark Lane ; 30, Pal a ll ; andx36, Weubomne Tance .

lmdond utminM Bmk, " 4, H it olbom; 3, Weningt00 8ttect,Boto

; 81 , Whitechnpe l fligh 8trm; “ W M MOM SUM ands'znfi umd.

Lubbock, Form, d a , n, Mms ionflom Stnct.

Matfins and Ca , 68, Inmbard Sm

l lm fle Bmd g Londomw d Cq Old Bmd Sae et.National incinl Bu k otEoghnd , xu , Bishop-p te wmxin.Noa utanBank oflndh , u , O ld Bm¢d 8tmet

w w w .w w w


Provincial Bank of I re land , 42 , O ld Broad Street.Puget, Bainbridge s , and Co.

,1 2

,St. Pau l ’s Churchyard .

Ransom,Bouve rie , and Co.

,1,Pal l Mal l East.


,and Co.

,1 5, Lombard Stree t.

Royal Bank of A us tral ia, 4, Sambrook Court, Bas inghall Street .Samuel and Montague , 2 1 , Cornh ill .Sapte



,N ix

,and Co.

, 77, Lombard Street.Scott

,S ir Samue l


,and Co.

,1,Cavendish Square .

Se ale,Low

,and Co,

,Leicester P lace

,and 7, Leicester Square .

Shank , John, 4, Bank Buildings , Metropol itan Cattle Marke t,Smiths


,and Smith s

,1,Lombard Street.

South A us tral ianBanking Co. , 54, O ld'


road Sne e t,C i ty.

Spie lman,A dam

,and Co. , 79, Lombard Street.

Spoone r, A ttwood s , and Co.,2 7, Gracechu rch Street.

Ste venson,Salt, and Sons , 20, Lombard Stree t .

Stride,John, and Wm. Ste ph en, 4 1 , Wes t Smithfi e ld, and 8, Bank Bui ld ings , Metropol itan Cattle

Market .The City Bank

,Thre adne e dle Stre e t, corner of Finch Lane .

The Nat ional Bank,1 3, O ld Broad Street .

Tw inings , Me ssrs . , 2 1 5, Strand .

Union Bank of A us tral ia, 38, Old Broad Stree t.

Union Bank of Canada, 2 7, King Stre e t, Ch eaps ide.UnionBank of London, 2, Princes Stre et, Mans ionHou se ; 4, Pal l Mal l Eas t 5 1 4, A rgyl l Place and

I 3 , Flee t Street.U n ity Joint Stock Mutual Banking A ssoc iat ion, Uni ty Build ings, I O, Cannon Stree t I

,New Coventry

Street and Eaton Lodge,Lower Belgrave P lace.

Ward -

(Thomas Ge orge ), 1 5, West Smithfie ld, and 4, Bank Bui ldings , Metropoli tan Cattle Market .Western Bank

of London,2 1

,Hanover Square .

White and Co.

,I I


Will iams,D e acon

,Labouche re


,and Co.

,20, Birch inLane.

Wil li s,Pe rc ival , and Co.

, 76, Lombard Street.

1858 .

A gra and Uni ted Serv ice Bank,

~ 2 7 , Cannon Stre e t, E.C .

A ll iance (France and England), 3 1 , Threadne e d le Stre et, EC .

Bank of A ustralas ia, 4, Thre adne e dle Stre e t, EC .

Bank of Brit ish North Ame rica, 7, St. H elen’s P lace , EC .

Bank of Egypt , 26, O ld Broad Stre e t, EC .

Bank of England, Thre adne e dle Stre e t, and Burl ington Gardens , W.

Bank of London, 52 , Thre adne e dle Stre et, and 450 , Wes t Strand .

Bank of N ew South Wale s,

3 7 , CannonStre e t, EC .

Barclay,Be van


,and Co.

, 54, Lombard Street.Burnett, H oare , and Co.


,Lombard Stre e t

, EC .

Bauer and Co.

,1 1 3 , Leadenhal l Stre e t, E.C .

Benne tt,Will iam

, 5, Bank Build ings, Metropol i tan Cattle Marke t, N .

Bigge rstafl'

s (Wm. and John), 63 , We st Smith fie ld, EC ,and 6

,Bank Bui ld ings , Metropol i tanCattle

Marke t.Bosanque t



,and H arman, 73 , Lombard Stree t.

Brown, Jans en, and Co., 3 2, A bchurch Lane , E.C .


Nat ional Provincial Bank of England , Bishopsgate With in, E.C .

North Western Bank of India, 25, O ld Broad Stre et, E.C .

O ld ing, Sharpe , and Co. ,29, Clement

’s Lane , E.C.

Oriental Bank Corporation, South Sea H ouse , Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E. C .

O ttoman Bank , 26, O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Prae ds and Co.,1 89, Fleet Stre e t, EC .

Pre scott,Grote , Cave , and Co. , 62 , Threadne e dle Stre et, E. C . .

Price , Marryat,and Co. , 3 , King Will iamStre e t, E.C .

Provincial Bank of Ire land , 42 , O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Puge t, Bainbridge s, and Co. ,1 2

, St. Pau l’s Churchyard , E.C .

Ransom,Bouve r ie , and Co. , 1 , Pal l Mal l Eas t,S.W.


, and Co.,I5, Lombard Stre et, EC .

Royal Bank of Aus tral ia, 4, Sambrook Court, Bas inghall Stre e t, E.C.

Samuel and Montague , 2 1 , Cornhill , E.C .


,Banbury, and N ix , 77, Lombard Stre e t, EC .

Scott,Sir Samue l, Bart. , and Co. ,

1,Cavendish Square , W.

Se ale , Lowe , and Co., 7, Leicester Square , W .C .

Shank, John, 4, Bank Bui ld ings , Metropol itan Cattle Marke t, N .


,and Smi ths

,1,Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Sou th A ustral ianBanking Co. , 79, O l d Broad Stre e t , EC .

Spie lman, A dam,and Co. , 54, O ld Broad Stre e t, EC .

Spoone r, A ttwoods, and Co. ,2 7, Gracechurch Stre e t , E. C .

Ste venson,Sal t

,and Sons , 20, Lombard Stre e t , EC .

Stride , John, and Wm. Ste phen, 4 1 , West Smithfie ld, EC ,

and 8,Bank Build ings , Metropol itan

Cattl e Marke t,N .

Th e City Bank,corner of Thre adne e dle Stre e t, EC.

Th e National Bank,1 3 , O l d Broad Stre et, E. C .

Tw ining,R ichard

,and Co.

,2 1 5, Strand , W.C .

UnionBank of A us tral ia, 38, O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

UnionBank of London,2,Prince’s Stre e t, Mans ion H ous e , EC ; 4, Pal l Mal l East, S.W. 1 4,

h. A rgyle Place

,W. and I3 , Fleet Stre et, EC .

Unity Joint Stock Mutual Banking A ssoc iation,chief offi ce

,I O

,Cannon Stre et, EC and I

_ ,N e w

Coventry Stre et,H aymarket


Ward , Thomas Ge orge , I5, We st Smithfie ld, EC , and 4, Bank Bui ldings , Metropol i tan CattleMarke t, N .

Western Bank of London,2 1

, Hanover Square , W.

White and Co.,1 1

,H aymarke t, S.W.

Will iams,De acon, Labofxch e re , Thornton, and Co. ,

20,Bi rch imLane

,EC .

Willis, Pe rc ival , and Co. , 76, Lombard Stre et, EC .

1859 .

A gra and United Service Bank, 27, CannonU

Stre et, EC .

Bank of A ustralas ia, 4, Thre adne e dle Stre et, E. C .

Bank of Brit ish North Ame r ica, 7, Great St. Helen ’s P lace , E.C .

Bank of Egypt,26

,O ld Broad Stre e t, EC .

Bank of England , Thre adne e dle Stre e t, and Burl ingtonGardens , W.

Bank of London, 52 , Threadne e dle Stre e t, EC . 450, West Strand,Bank of N e w Sou th Wale s , 37, CannonStre e t, EC .

Barclay,Be van


,and Co.

, 54, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .


m am mdm,63 , 1mbard Suecg EC.

W W M JM 6LWQ M M ,Bank M dingn opoliunCude

M N .

Bamqac nnknnunanflnd Hna LMmbard Sma , ELG.

Abchurtb h nc, E..C.

M johmd a ,mm mm,as, 01d Bond Stm , .W

ChafinM Soo, 36, WmSmithficld , E.,C.

M e d lmaqT‘bmdne edle SM EC.

Chafing Crms w.

Colonh l Bann Bishom WM KC.

Cm a d d d t t Summ , B.C.

am mu mummm ac.

m m mmxah w sx


Gu emrdfipmM Cmt oorp R Sn C.

w m a smmamm mmac.

God h p md Shu peu g flmSM EC.

m m mmduw m ncW M M HM 1QW W M WW M ,

3 W.

w mm h w mmcM L FM M M EC.


Hillmd Som, 1 7, WmSmRbficld, H ctmpoliunCattle Market, N .

W W , M M 1 1 3 , W @ M SM EC

JM Hnfi M m yQQm SuM EC.

1mmmm. 4s, w mmflcjoocs d e bow , 4x, d ¢e Houu

Um g Mome Suu g EC.

Londoo and nty JointStock Banklng Ca , 3 1,1.ombard 8ae et,m am», Berkqhc dgvu e Road , H igh

ann cptford BroadnyJ J-Z.


London and Eastern Bank, Gresham H ous e , O l d Broad Stre e t, E C .

LondonJoint Stock Bank, 5, Princes Stre et, Bank, EC , and 69, Pall Mal l East, S.W.

London and Wes tmin ster Bank,Lothbury. Branches : 1 , St. James

’ Square , S.W 2 1 4, H ighH olbom

,W.C . 3 , Well ington Stre e t, Boro

, S.E. 87, Whitechapel High Stre et, E. 4, Strat fordP lace

,O xford Stre e t

,W . and 2 1 7, S trand , W.C .

Lubbock,Forste r, and Co. ,

1 1,Mans ionH ouse Stre e t, EC .

Martins and Co.,68

,Lombard Stre e t

,E.C .

Mas te rman,Pe te rs, Mildre d , Maste rman

,and Co.

, 35, N icholas Lane , EC .

Mercantile Bank of India, 50, O ld Broad Stre et, EC .

National Provinc ial Bank of England , 1 1 2 , Bishop sgate Within, EC .

N orth Western Bank of India, 25, O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

O l ding, Sharpe , and Co.,29, Clement

’s Lane , EC .

Oriental Bank Corporat ion, Threadne e dle Stre e t, E.C .

O ttoman Bank, 26, O l d Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Prae ds and Co.,1 89, Fleet Stre e t, E.C .

Pre scott, Grote , and Cave , and Co.,62

,Threadne e dle Stre e t

,EC .

Pr ice , Marryat,and Co. , 3 , King WilliamStre et, D C .

Provincial Bank of Ire land, 42 , O l d Broad Stre et, EC .

Puge t, Bainbridges , and Co. , 1 2, St. Pau l’s Churchyard , EC .

Ransom, Bouve rie , and Co. , I , Pal l Mal l Eas t .Robarts , Curtis, and Co. , I5, Lombard Stre e t, EC .

Samuel and M ofltague , 2 1 , Cornh il l , E.C .

Sapte , Banbury, N i x, Mathie son, and Co., 77, Lombard Sne et, E C .

Scott,Sir Samue l , Bart. , and Co. ,

1,Cavendish Square.

Se ale,Low , and Co. , 7 , Leicester Square , W.C .


, 4, Bank Build ings, Metropol itan Cattle Marke t , N .

Smith, Payne , and Smi ths , 1 , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

South A us tral ian Banking Co. , 54, O ld Broad Stre e t, E C .

Spie lman,A dam,

and Co., 79, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Spoone r, A ttwoods, and Co. ,2 7, Gracechu rch Stre e t, E.C .

Ste venson, Sal t, and Sons , 20, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Stride (John and Wm. Ste phen), 4 1 , Wes t Smithfie ld , EC , and 8, Bank Build ings , Metropol itanCattle Marke t

,N .

Th e City Bank , Th readne e dle Stre e t , corne r of Finch Lane, EC .

T he N ational Bank,I 3 , O ld Broad Stre e t, EC .

Tw ining, R ichard , and Co.,2 1 5, Stfand , W. C .

Union Bank of A us tral ia, 38, O ld Broad Stre e t, EC



Union Bank of London,2,Princes Stre e t

,Mans ion H ous e , E.C . 4, Pal l Mal l Eas t


A rgyl l Place,W . and 1 3 , Fleet Stre e t, EC .

Unity Joint Stock Bank, 1 0, Cannon Stre e t , EC ,and I

,N ew Coven try Stre e t, W,

Western Bank of London,2 1

,Hanove r Square


White and Co.

,I I

,H aymarke t



Will iams,De acon

,Labouche re , Thornton,


and Co.,20


,E.C .

Will is,Pe rc ival

,and Co.

, 76, Lombard Stre e t, EC .

1 8 60.

A gra and United Service Bank, 27, Can'

nonStre e t, EC .

Bank of A us tralas ia, 4, Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E C .

Bank of British North Ame rica, 7, St. Helen’s P lace , EC .


London and County Joint Stock Banking Co.,2 1

,Lombard Street . B ranche s , A lbert Gate , Knights

bridge , S.W. 2 1,Hanover Square

,and 6

,Berkeley Place

,Edgeware Road, W. , 44 1 , Oxford

Stre e t,W 20 1

,Boro’ H igh Stre e t, SE. and 7 , Kens ington H igh Stre e t,W.

London and Eastern Bank , 263 , Gre sham H ouse , O l d Broad Stre et, EC .

London Joint Stock Bank , 5, P rince s Stre e t, Bank , and 69, Pal l Mall, S.W.

London and West A us tral ianBank , 4 1 , Gresham H ous e , O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

London and Westmins ter Bank , Lothbury; EC . 1, St. James

’ Square,S.W . 2 1 4, High H ol born


W.C . 3 ,Well ington Stre et, Borough , S .E . 87 ,Whitechapel High Stre e t, E. 4, Strat ford P lace ,Oxford Stre e t

,W. and 2 1 7 , S trand ,W.


C .

Lubbock,Forste r

,and Co.

,1 x

,Mans ionHouse Stre e t, E.C .

Martins and Co.,68

,Lombard Stre e t , EC .

Mas te rman,Pe te rs

,Mildre d

,Mas te rman, and Co.

, 35, N icholas Lane , E.C .

Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China, 50, _

Old Broad Stre e t,E.C .

National Provincial Bank of England , I 1 2 , Bishopsgate Within, EC .

North Western Bank of India, 25, O ld Broad Stre e t , EC .

O l ding, Sharpe , and Co.,29, Clement

’s Lane , E.C .

Oriental Bank Corporation, Thre adne e dle Stre e t , E.C .

O ttoman Bank,26

,O l d Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Praeds and Co.,1 89, Fleet Stre e t, EC .

P re scott,Grote


,and Co.


,Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E.C .

Price,M arryatt, and Co .

, 3 , King WilliamStre e t , E.C .

Provincial Bank of Ire land , 42 , O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Puge t, Bainbridge s , and Co.,1 2

,St. Pau l’s Churchyard , E.C .

Ranson,Bouve rie

,and Co .

,1,Pal l Mall East


Robarts and Co.

,1 5, Lombard Stre e t, E C .

Samuel and Montague , 2 1 , Cornh ill , E.C .

Scott,Sir Samue l, Bart. , and Co.



vendish Square,W.


,and Co.

, 7 , Le ices ter Square , W.C .


, 4, Bank Bui ld ings , Metropol i tan Cattle Marke t,N .


,and Smi ths

,I,Lombard Stre e t

,E.C .

Sou th A us tral ianBanking Co., 54, O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Spie lman,A dam

,and Co.

, 79, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Spoone r,A ttwoods , and Co.

,27, Gracechurch Stre et, E.C .

Ste venson, Sal t, and Sons , 20, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Stride (John and Will iamSte phen), 4 1 , Wes t Smithfi e ld , and 8,Bank Buildings , Metropolitan

Cattle Marke t,N .

Th e C i ty Bank , Thre adne e dle Stre e t , corner of Finch Lane , EC .

The Nat ional Bank , 1 3 , O l d Broad Stre e t , E.C .

Tw in ing and C o.,2 1 5, Strand , W .C .

Union Bank of Aus tral ia, 3 8, O ld Broad Stre et, E. C .

Union Bank of_

London,2, Princes Stre e t , Mans ionH ouse

,E C . 4, Pall Mal l Eas t

,S.W. 1 4, A rgyll

P lace , W. and 1 3 , Fleet Stre e t, E.C .

Uni ty Joint Stock Bank, 1 0, CannonStre e t, EC ,and 1

,New Coventry Stre et


Williams , Deacon, Labouche re , Thornton, and Co.


,Birch inLane

,E C .

Will is,P e rc ival

,and Co.

, 76, Lombard Stre e t , EC .

1 86 1 .

A gra and United Service Bank,27 , Cannon Stre e t, E. C .

Bank of A ustralas ia, 4, Thre adne edle Stre e t , EC .

U S? 01? BA NKERS. 301

mxa zm 24 0unrmsm nc.

W ww m ac. M Budia nd .

Smad, W.C.

w o’

W M M Ca , 43 , Ca gCrmW Wm tnd john, 63 , Weu 8mhhfid d ; a d am w ldiogx,

“ M N.

mm md cc fl smwm sm w .

cum. and Son, 26, WestSmithfie ld, 1 2,Bank Bd ldingn, M etropol itanCattle M et, N.

W M d W M M M w, W ¢M EC

Chfld tnd CQ,

CityBank. Sec TM Cky B-mk.Colonial k, x3 , Bishoptp tt bin, EC .


Bod la sbw y, E.C.

CM M Cg ag umbu d SM EC.

Curria and Ca ,

DM M PW J M M fl W flLECM MM , 49, CW C1u

Buali-h, Sootfinb, and AustralianClutte red Bu t, 73 , Cornh ill , KC.

Pena , Banbury, N ix, and W 0, 71 , Lombard Stru t, E.C.

Godh p a d Shmn SmQ EC.

M mmuq, u , umhamm nc.

HankmL Fencht M li c

m ym m mm u d 0m|QSt jM Stmg 3 W.

M M M CQ , 4, IM M M BCMnkcg N.

Hm 37, M Smg&C

loninnBanh 6, e Wmchcs mflJobnm flngb and johm28, Cmoa Stre et, EC.

Jmmmflcmw lmhbm. flc



Road,W. , 44 1 , Oxford Stre e t, W. , 20 1

,Boro ’ High Stre e t

,SE ; 7 , Kens ington H igh Stre et,

W. ; temporary office , 79, Shored itch H igh Stre e t, E.C .

LondonJoint Stock Bank, 5, Princes Stre e t, Bank , EC ,

and 69, Pal l Mall,S.W .

London and South African Bank , 1 6, GreshamH ous e , O l d Broad Stre e t, E.C .

London and Wes t A ustral ian Bank, 4 1 , Gresham H ouse , O ld Broad Street.

London and Wes tmins ter Bank, Lothbury, E.C . 1,St. James’ Square

,S.W. 2 1 4, High H olbom,

W.C . ; 3 , Well ington Stre e t, Boro’

,SE ; 87, Whitechapel High Stre et, E. 4, S tratford Place ,

Oxford Stre e t,W. and 2 1 7, Strand , W .C .


,and Co.

,1 1

,Mans i on House Stre e t

, EC ,and 1 5, Lombard Stre et, E.C .

Martins and Co.,68

,Lombard Stre e t , E.C .

Mas te rman,Pe te rs

,Mildre d

,Maste rman, and Co.

, 35, N icholas Lane , E.C .

Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China, 50, O ld Broad Stre et, E. C .

N ational Provincial Bank of England, 1 1 2 , Bishopsgate With in, E C .

O ld ing, Sharpe , and Co.,29, Clement

’s Lane,E. C .

Oriental Bank Corporation,Thre adne e dle Stre e t

,E.C .

Ottoman Bank,26

,O ld Broad Stre e t

,E.C .

Prae ds and Co.,1 89, Fleet Stre e t, E.C .

Pre scott,Grote


,and Co.


,Thre adne e dle Stre et

,E.C .


,and Co.

, 3 , KingWill iam Stre e t, E.C .,

Provincial Bank of I re land, 42 , O ld Broad Stre e t, E. C .

Puge t,Bainbridge s , and Co.

,1 2

,St, Paul

’s Churchyard .

Ransom,Bouve rie

,and Co.

,1,Pal l Mal l Eas t


Samuel and Montague , 2 1 , Cornh ill , E.C .

Scott,Sir Samue l


,and Co.

,1,Cavendish Square , W . .

Scale , Low ,and Co. , 7, Leicester Square , W.C .

Shank,John, 4, Bank Bui ld ings , Metropol i tan Cat tle Marke t

,N .


,and Smiths , 1 , Lombard Stre e t, E C .

Sou th A ustral ian Banki ng Co., 54, O l d B roa‘d Stre e t, E.C .

Spie lman,A dam,

and Co., 79, Lombard Stre et, E.C.

Spoone r,A ttwoods

,and Co .

,27 , Gracechurch Stre e t, E.C .

Ste venson,Salt

,and Sons


,Lombard Stre et, E.C .

Stride,John and Wm. Ste phen, 1 1 , West Smithfield , EC ,

and 8, Bank Buildings , Metropo l itan

Cattle Market,N .

The City Bank,Thre adne e dle Stre e t , EC .

The N at ional Bank,1 3 , O ld Broad Stre e t , EC .

Twinings , Richard, and Co.,2 1 5, Strand, W. C .

Union Bank of A us tral ia, 38, Old Broad Stre et, EC .

Union Bank of London,2,Prince’s Stre e t

,Mans ion House ; 4, P214 Mall Eas t , S.W. 1 4, Argyl l

P lace,W. and 1 3 , Flee t Stree t.

Unity Joint S tock Bank,1 0

,Cannon Stre e t

,EC . 1 N ew Coventry . Stree t.

Will iams,De acon

,Labouche re


,and Co.


,Birch inLane .

Wi l l is,Pe rci i/a]

,and Co.

, _76, Lombard S tre e t, E C .

1 8 62.

Agra and United Service Bank , 2 7 , Cannon'

Stre et,E.C .

Bank of A us tralas ia, 4, Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E.C .

Bank of British N orth Ame rica, 7, St. Helen’s P lace

,E.C .

Bank of Egypt, 26, O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Bank of England , Threadne edle Stre e t, and Burl ingtonGardens , W.


LondonJoint Stock Bank, 5, Princes Stre et, Benk , EC ,

and 69, Pal l Mall, S.W.

Londonand Sou th A fricanBank,1 0

,King WilliamStre e t, City, EC .

London and Wes tm ins ter Bank, Lothbury, EC . 1, St. James

’ Square, S.W. 2 1 4, High H olborn


W.C . 3 , Well ington Stre e t, Borough , S .E. 87, Whitechapel H igh Stre e t, E. 4, Stratford Place ,Oxford Stre e t

,W. and 2 1 7, S trand , W.C .

Mart inand Co .

,68, Lombard Stre et, E.C .

Maste rman,Pete rs

,Mildre d

,Maste rman

,and C o.

, 35, N icholas Lane , EC .

Maude and H al le tt,1 4, Great George Stre e t, We stmins te r


M etrOpol itanand Provinc ial Bank , 2 7, Gresham Stre e t , E.C .

National Provincial Bank of England , 1 1 2 , Bi shopsgate Within,O lding, Osborne , and Co.

,29, Clement

’s Lane,E.C .

Oriental Bank Corporation, Threadne e dle Stre e t , E. C .

O ttoman Bank,26

,O ld Broad Stre e t

,EC .

Prae ds and Co.,1 89, Fleet Stre e t , E.C .

Pre scott,Grote


,and Co.

,62, Thre adne e dle Stre e t , E.C .

Pr ice,Marryat, and Co.

, 3 , King Wi l l iam Stre e t, Ci ty, E.C .

Provinc ial Bank of I re land, 42 , O l d Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Puge t, Bainbridge s , and Co.,1 2

,Sr. Pau l ’s Churchyard

,E.C .


,and Co.

,1,Pall Mal l Eas t



,and Co.

,1 5, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Samuel and Montague , 2 1 , Cornh ill , EC .

Sco tt, Sir Samue l, Bart. , and Co. ,1,Cavendish Square

,W .

Se ale,Low

,and Co .

, 7 , Leicester Square , W .C .

Shank, John, 4, Bank Bui ldings , Metropol itan Cattle Marke t .Smi th , Payne , and Smi th s, 1

,Lombard Stre e t, E C

South Austral ianBank ing Co., 54, O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Spie lman, A dam,and Co. , 79, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Spoone r,Attwoods

,and Co .

,2 7, Gracechurch Stre e t, EC .

Ste venson,Sal t and Sons


, Lombard S tre e t, EC .

Stride,John, and Willi amStephen, 41 , Wes t Smithfie ld , E C ,

and 8,Bank Bui ld ings , Metropol i tan

x_ Cattle Marke t,N .

Th e C i ty Bank , Threadne e dle Stre e t , corner of Finch Lane , EC .

The Nat ional Bank , 1 3 , O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Tw ining, R ichard , and Co.,2 1 5, Strand, W.C .

Union Bank of A us tral ia, 38, O ld Broad Stre e t , EC .

U nion Bank of London,2,Princes Stre e t

,Mans ion H ouse


E.C. 4, Pall Mal l Eas t, S.W. 1 4,A rgyll P lace

,W. and 1 9, Fleet Stre e t, E.C .

United KingdomBank, 90, CannonStre e t, EC .

U nity Joint Stock Bank, 1 0, Cannon Stre e t, City, EC . 1

, N e w Coventry Stre et, W.Lambeth

branch (J. P. Turne r, Manage r), 34, Mount S treet .We s t End Joint Stock Bank

,1 1

,H aymarke t


Will iams , Deacon, Labouchere , Thornton, and Co.



, EC .

Willis,Pe rc ival

,and Co.

, 76, Lombard Stree t, EC .

1 8 63 .

A gra and United Service Bank,27, Cannon Stre e t, EC .

A ll iance Bank of London and Live rpool, 5, Lothbury,

EC .

Bank of A ustralas ia, 4, Thre adne ed le Stre e t , EC .

Bank of British Columbia,80

,Lombard Stre e t

, EC .


Bank of British North America, He len’s P iece , EC .

BAnk ol'

Egypt,M MW M M SM M BM W W W.

Bank oi ndum ,

Band ondomsz , Thr0adne0dle Sueet, l-Z C. ;

Bi nk of Nev Socth WM 37, CmnonSuecg £ C.

Bdnk of Nev Za hnd, 50, 0M Bmd Sa0ct, ECBank o ue emhnd , 26, h mbu d SM EC.

Bank of Victoria EC .

Barnett, Hum,and Co. ,

mam as, w an na john, 63, w as m ad e , na , and s, Bankm ap ,Me tropohunCame

. M N.

W a wwmmmd fla ombard M EC.

M JM , M CO. , 32, Abdmch lanc, KC .

W M d WM M tI , W M W , ECChallis and Soo, 16, West Smi tlfi d d, EC , and Buildings , Metropolitan M et. N .

W M d W W M M 2q W EC

Cbumd ua canfile flank of lodig sa,mu due 0dk &m&c

QtyBank. Ste'

flt Citmk.

Colonial Bank, 1 3, W WM EQComm id d lndk u Hoa gue SM Bmk fi c

Comma ck l flanking Ca ol Syfiq41 CombHLKC.

M M Fa

DW M en-mwxmmcm s w .

W M M W W M 7ym ac

FM M Ca , 2, BAnAnq, Lombu d Suu-QKCc a l ank M St had, n, Royd b chmge BefldimEC

w mm xgmm ncw w w . ssmmw nc .

tg GM Gw Sum imtct, S.W.

Hmbnrys ,Hankqa d a , 7 , Pm m nc.

16, 8L1ma’8ueeg s w .

md 2, Bana i ldiap , hi ctropolimCatle Market, N.

“ M mmd , RegentSM Wmloo Place , S.W.

impa ial Bank, 6, Lothbmy, xc.


IonianBank , 6, Great Winch e ster Stre e t, EC .

Johnston, Hugh and John, and Co 28, Cannon Stre e t, EC .

Jone s,Loyd

,and Co.

, 43 , Lothbury , E C .

Lacy and Son,60

,Wes t Smith fie ld , and M e tropohtanCattle Marke t, N .

Lombard Bank of Londonand Yorkshire , 36, O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Londonand Brazi l ianBank , 2 , O l d Broad Stre e t, E.C .

London, Buenos A yre s , and R ive r P late Bank , 40, Moorgate Stre e t, E.C .

London Charte red Bank of A ustral ia, 1 7 , CannonStre et, EC .

London and Colonial Bank , 83 , Lombard Stre e t , E C .

London and County Joint S tock Banking Cqmpany, 2 1 , Lombard Stre e t , EC . A lbert Gate,n hts

bridge,S.W. 2 1

,Hanover Square , W. 1 9, I sl ington High Street 6

,Berkel ey Place , Edgw21 e

Road,W-5 44 1 , Oxford Stre e t, W.C . 20 1

,Borough High Stre et, SE ; 7 , Ken s ington nh

Stre e t,W . , 1 87 , Shoreditch High Stre e t, N E. 5 Bayswate r, We stboume G rove

,W. C ovent

Garden 2 7 , James’ Stre e t

,Stratford , Essex.

London Joint Stock Bank, 5, Princes Stre e t, Bank , EC ,

and 69, Pal l Mal l,S.W.

London and Middlesex Bank,Finch “

Lane , Cornhill , E.C . 1 0, Upper St. Mart in

’s Lane , W . and

34, Mount Stre e t,S.

Londonand Sou th A fricanBank , IO , KingWill iamStre e t , EC .

London and Wes tm in ster Bank , Lothbury , EC . 1,St. James


Square,S.W. 2 1 4, H igh H olborn,

W. C . 3 , Wellington Stre e t, Boro’

,S.E. 87 , Whitechape l High Stre e t, E. 4, Stratford P lace ,

Oxford Stre e t,W. 5 and 2 1 7 , Strand , W.C

Martinand Co .,68

,Lombard Stree t, EC .

M aste rmans,Pe te rs

,Mildre d

,B i rkbe ck

,and Co.

, 35, N icholas Lane , EC .

M e trOpo litanand Provincial Bank , 2 7 , Gresham Stre et, E. C .

O ld ings , Osborne , and Co.,29, Clement

’s Lane,E.C .

Oriental Bank Corporation,Thre adne e d le Stre e t, EC .

Ottoman Bank, 4, Bank Bui ld ings , Lothbury , E.C .

Prae d s and Co .,1 89, Fleet Stre e t, EC .

Pre scott,Grote

,Cav e

,and Co.


,Thre adne e dle Stre et, E.C .


,and . Co.

, 3 , King WilliamStre et, City, E.C .

I rovincial Bank of I re land, 42 , O ld Broad Stre e t , E.C .

Puge t,Bainbridge s

,and Co .

,1 2

,St. Paul ’s Churchyard, E. C .

Ransom,Bouve rie

,and Co.

,1,Pal l Mal l East



,and Co. , 1 5, Lombard Stre e t, EC.

Samue l , Montague , and Co.

,2 1

,Cornh il l

,E.C .

Scott,Sir Samue l


,and Co.

,1,Cavendish Square


Se ale,Low

,and Co.

, 7 , Le icester Square , W.C .


, 4, Bank Build ings , Metropol i tan Cattle Marke t, N .

Smith,Elde r

,and Co.

, 45, Pal l Mal l,S.W.

Smi th,Payne

,and Smiths , 1 , Lombard Stre e t , EC .

Sou th Austral ian Banking Co., 54, O l d Broad Stree t , EC .

Spie lman,A dam, and Co.

, 79, Lombard Stre e t, E C .

Spoone r,Attwoods , and Co.

,2 7 , Gracechurch Stre et, EC .

Standard Bank of Brit ish South Ame rica, 2 7, Moorgate Stre e t , E C .

Ste venson,Sal t, and Sons , 20, Lombard Stre et, EC .

Stride , John, and Wm. Ste phen, 4 1 , We s t Smithfi e ld, EC ,

and 8, Bank Build ings , Metropol itan

Cattle Marke t,EC .

The City Bank , Thre adne e dle Stre et, corner of Finch Lane , EC .

Th e National Bank,I 3 , O ld Broad ,

Stre e t, EC ; 1 9, Gloucester Gardens , BiShOP’S Road .

Tw inings , Richard , and Co. ,2 1 5, Strand , W .C .


Cunl iffe , Roge r, Sons , and Co.

,24, Buckle rsbury, E C .

Cunli fie s and Co. ,24, Lombard Stre et, E.C .

C urries and Co.,29, Cornh ill , E. C .

Dimsdale,Dre wett, Fow le r, and Barnard , 50 , Cornh il l , EC .

D rummond , Me s srs . , 49, Char ing Cros s , S.W.

Eas t London Bank , 1 24, Fenchurch Stre e t, EC ; 3 1 , High Stre e t, Shore ditch , 97 , High

Stre e t, Whitechapel , E and 26,Tooley Stre e t, SE.

Engl ish and I rish Bank , 25, Poultry, E C .

English and Russ ian Bank , 69, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Engl ish , Scottish, and A us tral ianChartered Bank , 73 , Cornh ill , E.C .

Engl ish and Swedish Bank , 1 03 , Gresham H ouse , O ld Broad Stre e t, E. C .

Eu ropean Bank,83 , King Will iamStre e t, City, E.C .

Exchange Bank of the East,25, BirchimLane , E. C .

Fel tham and Co. , 4, Ball A lle y , Lombard Stre e t, E. C .

Ful le r, Banbury, N ix , and Mathie son, 77, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

General Bank of Sw itz e rland,2,Royal Exchange Bui ld ings , EC .

General London Bank,2 7 , James Stre e t, Covent Garden, W.C .

Glyn, Mills , and Co. ,67 , Lombard Stre e t, EC .

Gos l ings and Sharpe,1 9, Fleet Stre e t, E.C .

Grindlay and Co. , 55, Parl iament Stre et, S.W .

Haggard and Co.,85 and 86

,Che aps ide , E.C .

H al le tt, Ommanney, and Co.,1 4, Great George Stre e t , We s tminste r, S.W.

Hanburys and Lloyds,60

,Lombard Stre e t , E. C .

Hankey and Co. , 7 , Fenchurch Stre e t, E.C .

H e rrie s , Farquhar, Dav idson, Chapman, and Co. , 1 6,St. Jam es’ Stre e t, S.W.

H e ywoods , K ennards , and Co. See C on sol idated Bank .

Hill and Sons,1 7 , Wes t Smithfie ld , and 2

,Bank Bui ld ings , Metropol itan Cattle Marke t, N .

H oare s , 37, Fleet Stre e t, E.C .

H opkin son and Co.

, 3 , Regent Stre e t, Waterloo P lace , S.W.

Imperial Bank,6,Lothbury, E.C .

Imperial Ot toman Bank , 4, Bank Bui ldings , Lothbury, E.C .

IonianBank,6,Great Wincheste r Stre e t, E.C .

Johns ton, Hugh and John, and Co.,28

, CannonStre e t , E.C .

Jone s,Loyd , and Co .

, 43 , Lothbury, EC .

Lacy and Son, 60, We st Smithfie ld, Metropol i tan Cattl e Market, N .

Londonand Bagdad Banking A s soc iation, 79, Great Tower Stre e t, EC .

LondonBank of Scotland, 24, O ld Je wry, E.C .

London, B i rmingham,and Sou th Staffordshire Bank, 1 1 0, Che aps ide , EC ,

and Honey Lane Market,E C .

Londonand Braz il ian Bank,2,O l d Broad Stre e t, E.C.

Londonand Buenos Ayres and R iver P late Bank, 40 , Moorgate Stre et, E C .

LondonChartered Bank‘

of A ustral ia, 1 7 , CannonStre e t, E. C .

Londonand Colonial Bank , 83 , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

London and County Jo int S tock Banking Co. ,2 1

,Lombard Stree t ; Albert Gate , Knigh tsbridge ,

2 1, Hanover Square ; 1 9, I s l ington High Stree t ; 6, Berkeley P lace , Edgware Road ;

44 1 , Oxford Stre e t, W.C . ; 20 1,Boro’


H igh Stre e t, S.E. ; 7 , Ken s ington High Stre e t, W. 1 87 ,

Shored i tch H igh Stre e t, N .E. ”Bayswater 2 2

,Westbourn e Grove ,W.

,CoventGarden, Henrie tta

Stree t ; 77, Bridge Road , Lambeth , S.,Stratford ,

Es s e x , and Broadway, D 1 pl ford , S.E.

London, H amburg, and Continental Exchange Bank, 7 2 , Lombard Stre e t, E. C .

LondonJoint S tock Bank, 5, Prince s Stre e t, Bank , E C , and 69, Pal l Mal l , S.W.


Londonmd NonbemBaa Benk Baflcfinga lmbbwLEC .

M ndonmd Sontb Afi ia t nh xo, Kinn flamSuu g EC .

LondonM ‘

Soufi Ama im M 33 00mbfll, EC.

Londoo and Sot a temBank, 27 ,London and Weuminstet Bank, Lothbury. EC ; 1 , $1. d 2 1 4, H igh Holbom,

Bom’. Sfl ; 87 ,m H igh w a ; 4, 81ntfordOxford Strec q and 9x, Wcsm1in ridge Road , S.

mmmg sm 1 6, 0105hmBoqld Bmd Sma , £C

“ 3 1602 “ d 68, Lombard Stre et, EC.

Masterman, Pm ,Mildned , Birkbeck , d a , 35, Nichoh s Laa C.

Mct Bmking Ca of london, 21 , floot

Nationz l Provincial Bank ol Englanud, 1 1 2 , 8hbopqu e With in, EC.

Nu w w cm a m w mmcOda na k Camiou h M e e dk-SM EC.

m u m,1 39, FlactStreet, EC.

M GM , Cave , and Co. , 62 , Thru dnce dlc Stre et, E.C.

Price , W M CQ , 3 , Kin¢WIlliamSuuProvincial Benk ofl rchnd

, 42, OM Brmd Sae eg ac

RM Lubm d a , 15, 1Ambu d SM EC.

Royal lhnk ol lndu , 1 3, 1.a denhnll 8tnct EC.

Royal N2vnl and M 1hurm ¢Cmponoou n lmM 8m

Union Bnnk of lmh ad, 52, ”0013210 511001, E.C.

Union Bank o‘ laoodoo, 2 , Prince s Suw , Mans ionHome , E.C ; 4, Pal l Mall M &“ fi i IM N KY"

Place,W. ,md 1 3, Fle etStre e t, EC.


W i ll iams,De acon

,Labouche re


,andCo .


,Hirchih Lane , EC .

Will is,Pe rc ival

,and Co.

, 76, Lombard Stre e t , E C .

1 8 65.

A gra and M aste rman’s Bank , 35, N icholas ne,E.C .

A lbionBank , 1 6, We st Smithfi e ld , E.C .,an Bank Bui ldings , Metropol i tan Cattle Marke t, N .

A le xande rs , Cunl ifl'

e s , and Co.,24, Lombard Stre e t , E.C .

A l l i ance Bank, 5, Lothbury , EC ,

and 255, Boro’ High Stre e t


Anglo- Ital ianBank , 1 6, Le adenhall Stre e t, EC .

A s iat ic Banking Corporation, 4, Lombard Stre e t , E.C .

Bank of A ustralas ia, 4, Thre adne e dle Stre e t , E.C .

Bank of Brit ish Columbia, 80, Lombard Stre e t, EC .

Bank of Brit ish North Ame rica, 7 , St. Helen’s P lace

,E.C .

Bank of Egypt, 26, O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Bank of England , Thre adne e dle Stre e t , EC ,and Burl ington Gardens

,W .

Bank of H indus tan, Ch ina, and Japan, 1 , Bank Bui ld ings , Lothbu ry.Bank of India

,1 1

,N e w Broad Stre e t , EC .

Bank of London, 52 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t, EC ,

and 450, We st Strand ,W.C .

Bank of N ew Sou th Wale s, 3 7, CannonStre e t , E.C .

Bank of N e w Z e aland, 50, O ld Broad Stre e t , E.C .

Bank of Otago, 5, Adam

’s Court, O l d Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Bank ofQue ens land , 26, Old Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Bank of Victo ria (A ustral ia), 3 , Threadne e dle Stre et, E.C .

Bank of Wales . See Provincial Banking Corpor_

at ion.

Barclay,Be van

,Tr itton, Tw e lls , and Co. , 54, Lombard Stre e t , EC .

Barne tts,H oare s , H anburys

,and Lloyd

,60 and 62

,Lombard Stre e t , E.C .

B iddul ph , Cocks , and Co. See Cocks,B iddulph

, and Co.

Bigge rstafl“

,Wm. and John, 63 , We st Smith fie ld


,and 6

,Bmk Bui ldings

,Métroml itan Cattle

Marke t,N .

li osanque t, Franks , Whatman, and H arman, 73 , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Brazil ianand Portuguese Bank,1 3 , Sr. Helen

’s Place,EC .

British and Cal ifornianBanking Co., 72, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Brooks and Co.,8 1

,Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Brown,Janson, and Co.

, 3 2 , Abchurch Lane , E.C .

Brown, John, and Co.,25, Abchurch Lane , E.C .

Cal l,Marten, and Co. ,

25, O ld Bond Stre e t , W.

C entral Bank of Western India,2 2

,O ld Broad Stre e t, EC .

Chall is and Son. See A lbionBank .

Chall is’s Banking Co.,69, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Chartered Bank of India,A ustral ia, and Ch ina, 20, Thre adne e dle Street .

C hild and Co. , 1 , Fleet Stre e t, Temple Bar, E.C .

City Bank . See Th e City Bank .

Cocks,B iddulph

,and Co. , 43 , Charing Cros s , S.W.

Colonial Bank,1 3 , Bishopsgate With in, E.C .


Commerc ial Bank Corporat ionof India and the Eas t,64, Moorgate Stre e t , E.C .

Commerc ial Banking Co. of Sydne y, 33 , Cornh ill , E.C .

Consol idated Bank, 7 , Fenchurch Stre e t, EC .

Continental Bank Corporat ion, 9, King

’s A rms Yard,Moorgate Stre e t , E.C .

Cout ts and Co . , 57 , 58, and 59, Strand , W.C.


Londonand Venezuela Bank,84, Bas inghall Stre e t , E.C .

London and Wes tm in s ter Bank,Lothbury

,EC ; 1 , St. Jame s

’ Square,S.W. ; 2 1 4, H igh H olborn


W.C . ; 3 ,We l l ington Stre et,Boro’

,S.E. ; 87 ,Wh ite chape 1 H igh Stre e t, E. ; 4, S tra tford Place ,

Oxford Stre e t,W. 2 1 7 , Strand , W .C . 89 and 9 1 , Westmins ter Bridge Road , S.

Madrid Bank,8 and 1 6

,Gre sham H ous e

,O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Martinand C0.,68

,Lombard Stre e t, E C . 1

Maste rman,Pe te rs

,Mildre d

,B i rkbe ck , and Co. Se e A gra and M aste rman’s Bank .

M ercant ile and Exchange Bank, 4, Lombard Stre et, E. C .

M erchant Banking Co. of London, 28, CannonStre e t, E.C .

Metropol i tan and Provincial . Bank, 75, Cornh ill , EC . 86

,Oxford Stre e t , W. H amme rsmith


Woolw ich,SE.

Midland Banking Co., 38, N e w Broad Stre et, EC .

Mortgage Bank of England, 1 96, Strand,W.C .

National Bank of A ustralas ia,1 0

,Cornh ill

,E.C .

National Bank of India,1 2 , Fenchurch Stre e t , E.C .

National Bank of Scotland,2 1

,Finch Lane

,EC .

National Provincial Bank of England , 1 1 2 , Bishopsgate W ith in, E C .

N e w Z ealand Banking Corporation, 38, N ew Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Old ings , Osborne , and Co.,29, Clement

’s Lane,E.C .

Oriental Bank Corporation,Threadne e dle Stre e t, E.C .

Peninsular,Wes t Indian

,and Sou thern Bank , 34, Great E.C .

Prae ds and Co.

,1 89, Flee t Stre e t, E.C .

P re scott,Grote


,and Co . ,

62,Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E.C .


,and Co.

, 3 , King WilliamStre et, E C .

Provincial Bank of I re land, 42 , O ld Broad Stre et, E. C .

Provincial Banking Corporat ion, 25, Poul try, E.C .

Puget, Bainbridge s , and Co., 5, St. Pau l

’s Churchyard,E.C .

Ransom,Bouve rie

,and Co.

,1,Pall Mal l Eas t



,and Co.

,1 5, Lombard Stre e t , E.C .

Royal Bank of India,1 3 , Le adenhall Stre e t, E.C .

Samue l , Montague , and Co.,2 1

,Cornh il l

,E.C .

Seiunde rs,O tle y

,and Morgan, 9,Waterloo P lace , S.W.

Scinde,Punjaub, and Delh i Bank Corporation, 80, King Will iamStre et, EC .

Scott,Sir Samue l

,Bart .

,and Co.

,1,C avend ish Square

,W .

Scottish and Universal Finance Bank, 85and 86, Che aps ide , EC .

Se ale,Low

,and Co.

, 7 , Leicester Square ,W .C .


, 4, Bank Bui ldings , Metropol itan Cattle Marke t,N .

Smith,Elde r, and Cc.

, 45, Pal l Mal l,S.W .

Smi th,Payne

,and Smiths

,1 , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Sou th Aus tral ian Bank ing Co.

, 54, O l d Broad Stre e t, E. C .

South Eastern Banking Co.,60

,Gracechu rch Stre et

,E.C .

Spoone r , A ttwoods , and Co. Se e Barclay , Be van, and Co.

S tandard Bank of British Sou th A fr ica, 90,

CannonStre e t,E.C .

Ste venson,Sal t

,and Sons


,Lombard Stre e t

,E.C .

Stoy,Jose ph

,and Co.

, 7 , Victoria Stre e t, We stminste r,S.W.


,and Will iamSte phen

, 4 1 , We'

stSmithfi e ld , EC ,and 8

,Bank Bui ld ings , Metropol itan

C attle Marke t,N .

Th e City Bank , Thre adne e dle Stre e t, corner of Finch Lane , and 34, O ld Bond Stre e t, W .

T he Imperial Bank,6,Lothbury

,EC ,

and We stm in ster Chambe rs , Vic toria Stre e t, S.W.

The Na t ional Bank, 1 3 , Old Broad Stre e t, EC ; 1 9, Glouces ter Gardens , Bishop’s Road, W. , 9 and


and Camdish


Unioa k ol ImM smMoa gflc SM EC.

Union Bank of London, 2, Prin¢02 Sm l h ns ionHouse , “ Pall Mall M 8W. ; 1 4,


Wdfig rcrdu k d anfi Lombu d Smg k c.

Agnmd uz stcrmanhm 35, N icholas b ac, E. C.

-C nnd mflw u iufldimm m mm N.

m mm mmM ass.m '

Hkh SM . s a


umBank, 7 . 81 M 2 cooa, Poultry, EC.

m w m fi ,mwuum sm ac

Anglo lul ianM k, l fi la dmhaBSM EC.

W M W QW M M ECm a w fi w m sm z c.


M N W 6L OId BrM Sceeg E-C.


Bank of flindm Clfing d Ap o, 1 , 83 5k Be ildinp , Lothbw y, ac:

M d M n W flC CM 450, Wa tStnnd Wfi .

M d Sot aleg u , Cannoa Suu t, KC.

Band c a hni so, Old Bmd Su

Band m fi Old c d Stm EC.

M ag floamflh nbmyg md w 60m<i 6mmbfl d smk flcBiddulpb, Coch , d o. Sec Cocks , Biddulph, u d Ca81332121232, Williamand john. 63, W021 Smithfie ld , EC ,

and 6, Bunk Buildings; M etropolitanW W N .

Bombay Chy Banh 6md 1 , Emlndia Amoc, Lu dcnhan8met, l-LC .

a q mmHmmmd Bomqm7L Lombard Stre eg EC,

Brooh u d Ca ,8 1 , Lombard Su

M jm d my t Abchmc nqflc.

AbdmrcbCentml Bsmk ol WestemIndia,(31121112 2111! (20. 800 A l Bank.


Chartered Bank of India,A ustral ia

,and China, 20 , Thre adne e d le Stre e t, E. C .

Charte red Mercan tile Bank of Ind ia,London, and China, 52 , Thre adne e d le Stre e t , E. C .

Child and Co ., 1 , Fleet Stre e t , Templ e Bar, E.C .

City Bank . Se e Th e C ity Bank .

Cocks, B iddulph , and Co. , 43 , Char ing Cros s , S.W .

Colonial Bank,1 3 , Bishopsgate Within, E.C .


Commerc ial Bank Corporat ionof India and th e East, 64, Moorgate Stre e t, E. C .

Commerc ial Banking Co. of Sydne y, 33 , Cornh il l, E. C .

Consol idated Bank, 7 , Fenchu rch Stre e t, EC .

Cou tts and Co., 57 , 58, and 59, Strand , W.C . .

Cunl iffe,Roge r, Sons , and Co .

,24, Buckle rsbury, E.C .


e s and Co. Se e A le xande rs , Cunlifie s , and C0.

Curries and C0.

Se e Glyn, Mills , Currie , and C0.

Delh i and LondonBank , 76, King Will iamStre e t, E.C .

Dimsdale,Fow le r

,and Barnard

, 50, Cornhi ll , E.C .

D rummond,M e ss rs .

, 49, Charing Cros s , S.W.

East India Bank , 1 2 , Le adenh-a ll Stre et, E.C .

East London Bank , 51 , 52 , and 53 , Cornh ill , E.C . ; 3 1 , High Stre e t, Shoreditch , M E ; 97,Stre et


,E. and


,Tooley Stre e t


Engl ish Joint S tock Bank , 29, Clement’s Lane

,EC ; 1 38, High Stre et, Notting H ill , W.

Engl ish , Scottish , and Austral i an Chartered Ew k, 73 , Cornh il l , E.C .

Engl ish and Swedish Bank , 1 3 , Sr. H elen’s P lace

,Bishopsgate With in

,EC .

European Bank , 83 , King WilliamStre e t, E.C .

Fulle r,Banbury

,N ix

,and Math ie son

, 77 , Lombard Stre et, E.C .

General Bank of Sw itz e rland, 3 , Royal Exchange Bui ld ings , E.C .

Gen eral Exchange Bank, 79, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

General London Bank,27 , James

’ Stre et,Covent Garden

,W.C .



,and Co.

,67, Lombard Stre e t, E. C .

Gos l ings and Sharpe , 1 9, Fleet Stre e t, E.C .

Grindlay~ and Co., 55, Parl iament Stre et, S.W.

H al le tt,Ommanney, and Co.

,1 4, Great George Stre et,Westm in ster.

Hanburys and Lloyds . Se e Barne tts,H oare s

,H anburys

,and Lloyd .

Hankey and Co. Se e Con sol idated Bank,H arwood

,Knigh t, and A l len, 3 3 , Abchurch Lane , E.C .

H e rrie s , Farquhar, Davidson, Chapman, and Co.,1 6

,St. Jame s’ Stre e t , S.W.

H i l l and Sons , 1 7 , West Smithfi e ld , EC ,and 2

,Bank Bui ldings

,Metropol i tan Cattle Marke t


H oare s, 3 7, Fleet Stre et, EC .

Hong-Kong and Shanghai Banking Co.,25, O ld Broad Stre e t, E. C .

Hopkinsonand Co.

, 3 , Regen t Stre et, Waterloo P lace , S.W.

Imperial Bank . Se e The Imperial Bank .

Imperial Ott0manBank , , 4, Bank Bui ld ings , Lothbury , E.C .

I ndian Peninsula, London, and China Bank , 9, Gresham H ous e,O ld Broad Stre e t

,EC .

Ionian Bank,6,Great Winche ster Stre e t

,EC .


and Son,60

,Wes t Smithfie ld


,and Metropol i tan Cattle Marke t

,N .

London and Baghdad Banking A ssoc iation, 79, Great Tower Stre e t, E.C .

LondonBank of Mexico and Sou th Ame rica, 1 6, King W i ll iamStre e t, E.C .

LondonBank of Scotland , 1 44, Gresham H ous e , O ld Broad Stre et, E.C .

London and Bombay Bank , 1 0, Clement’s

London,Braz i l ian

,and Maua Bank , -2 , O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

LondonChartered Bank of Austral ia, 1 7 , CannonStre e t, E.C .


Sc inde,Punjaub, and Delh i Bank Corporation, 80, King Will iamStre et, E.C .

Scott,Sir Samue l


,and Co.

,1,Cavendish Square


Se ale,Low

,and Co.

, 7 , Le ices ter Square , W.C .

Shank, John, 4, Bank Bu i ldings , Metropo l i tan Cattle Mark e t,N .

Smith,Elde r

,and Co. , 45, Pal l Mal l

,S.W . ; 65, Cornhil l, E C ; and 4, White LionCourt , E.C .


,and Smi ths

,1 , Lombard Stre et, E.C .

South Austral ian Banking Co., 54, O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

and Co . Se e Barclay,B evan, and Co .

Standard Bank of British Sou th A frica, 90, CannonStre et, E.C .

Ste venson,Sal t, and Sons , 20, Lombard Stre e t, EC .

Stoy,Jose ph

,and Co.

, 7 , Victoria Stre e t , We stminste r,S.W.

Stride,John and Will iamSte phen

, 4 1 , West Smithfi e ld , E C ,and 8

,Bank Buildings , Metropol itan

Cattle Marke t,N .

The City Bank,Thre adne e dle Stre e t

,corner of F inch Lane

,E C , and 34, O ld Bond Stre e t, W .

Th e Imperial Bank,6,Lothbury

,EC ,

and 1,Victoria Stre e t

,S.W .

The M e xico, H avanna,and Colonial Bank

,1 5, CannonStreet We st

,E.C .

The National Bank , 1 3 , O ld Broad Stre et, E.C . 1 9, Glouce s ter Gardens , Bishop’s Road Wes t ;

9 and 1 0,Charing Cross

,S W . ; I89, H igh Stre e t , Camden Town, N .W. , 2 2 and 23 , O ld

Cavend ish Stre e t,W . and 4, Arabel la Row, P iml ico, S.W.

Twining, R ichard , and Co. ,2 1 5, Strand , W.C .

Union Bank of A us tral ia, 3 8, O ld Broad S tre et, E. C .

UnionBank of I re land, 52 , Moorgate Stre e t, E. C .

UnionBank of London,2,Princes Stre e t

,Mans ion H ouse

, EC ; 4, A rgyl l P lace , W . and 1 3 , Flee tStre e t

,E.C .

United Service Co., 9, Waterloo P lace , S.W.

Unity Join t S tock Bank, 40, Broad Street Build ings , E.C .

Universal Banking Corporation, 1 1 0,Che aps ide

,E C

,and Honey Lane Marke t

,E C .

Williams,De acon, Labouche re , Thornton, and Co.



,E.C .

Will is,Pe rcival

,and Co.

, 76, Lombard Stre e t, EC .

1 8 67 .

A gra and M aste rman’s Bank (ih l iquidat ion), 35, N icholas Lane , E.C .

A lb ionBank, 2, Bank Build ings, Lothburfi, E.C . 1 6,Wes t Smithfie ld, E.C . 1 2

,Bank Bui ldings


Metropol itan Cattle Market,N .

A le xande rs,Cunl iffe s, and Co.

, 30, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Al l iance Bank . Se e The All iance Bank .

A nglo-Austr ian Bank, 7 , St. Mildred

’s Court,E.C .

Anglo~EgyptianBank , 27 , C lement’s Lane

,E. C .

A nglo-Indian Bank, 40, St. Mary’s A xe

,E. C .

Anglo—Italian'Bank,1 6

,Le adenhall Stre e t

,E.C .

As iatic Banking Corporation(ih l iquidation), 52 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E C .

Austral ian Joint Stock Bank,1 8

,King Will iamStre e t

,E.C .


Bank of A ust ralas ia, 4, Thre adne e dle Stre e t , EC .

Bank of Bri tish Columbia, 5, Eas t India A venue , Le


adenhall Stre e t,E.C .

Bank of Brit ish North Ame rica, 1 24, Bishopsgate Stre et, E.C .

Bank of Egypt, 26, O ld Broad Stre e t , E.C .

Bank of England , Thre adne e dle Stre e t, EC , and Bu rl ington Gardens , W .

Bank of London (ih l iquidation), 1 7 ,. Tokenhous e Yard , E.C .

Bank of N e w South Wale s,64, O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

u s f OF BA NKERS. 3 1 7

-LC .

Bmk d komsaig 1 3 l in§ 2 Am Yu¢ bloorp u Str0eg £ C

32212015123 02, d 0 , 1 36, 1a denh2fl8trecg flc.


Biddulph , Cock2, 20d Co. mm mmmmW W M JM 6$ W0£ W EQ M Q M Renopoliun

0 010 211 1201 14.

W W W M M M 71 W M E CW M W M l y a fldmh M KC.

Bfififi d alifixuha kingCaqomba d Strecg flC.

m d a Ju lmbud SM BvC.

M lm mw gmAbcbmb lm KC.

M M M W 25, Abchmh h a .C.

Challismd Son. Se e A lbioo Bmk.Chamd Bank d lndig lmdomnd Chh g flumCoummdnw dk SnmECW M M J W 65. W &M S¢M EC

CityBa k. Sec W C itmL

M W M CG . 4&CMM Cm 8W.

w m ng w m ac

Cobd flBand M 1o~ Na Bmd M EC

020552, 5, Prim:02 8m001 , Mans ionHouse . KC .


a and Co. 80e Akmdan filqand Co.Cw fia and Co.

w m , 49, Cbarinn -W

Embondoa nmh p , ” . Comhifl, KC ; 3 1 , H igh SUng Shomdild t, High

“ M E ; 21111 26 ToquetLSI-I.m mm mmfl w m ac


W W M AM W M 1 1 CWM £ C

M a . .B

GlmM ifln fiqd a Jmlmberd SM EC.

Harwood , Knight, and Allen, 33, Abdmrtb Lane , EC .

Hcrf ics . Farquhar, Davidson, Chapman, and Cc. . 1 6, Se Jama ’

Sm , S.W.


Hill and Sons , 1 7 , West Smithfie ld , EC ,and 2

,Bank Bui ld ings,Metropol itanCattl e Marke t, N .

H oare s, 37 , Fleet Stre e t, E.C .

Hong-Kong and Shanghai Bank ing Co .,25, O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Hopk insonand Co.

, 3 , Regent Stre et, Waterloo P lace , S.W.

Imperial Bank . Se e The Imperi al Bank .

Imperial O ttoman Bank, 4, Bank Build ings , Lothbury , E.C .

IndianPeninsula, London, and China Bank , 48 and 49, Gresham H ous e , O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

International Agricul tural Credit Bank,We stm ins ter Chambe rs

,Vic toria Stre e t, S.W.

Ionian Bank,6,Great Winchester Stre e t

,E.C .


Lacy and Son,60

,Wes t Smithfi e ld , EC ,

and Metropol itan Cattle Marke t,N .

London and Baghdad Banking A ssoc iation, 79, Great T ower Stre e t , E.C .

London Bank of Mexico and South Ame rica,1 6

,King WilliamStre e t

,E.C .

LondonBank of Scotland,1 45, Gresham H ous e , O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

London and Bombay Bank (inl iqui dation), 1 0 ,Clement’s Lane

,E.C .

Londonand Brazi l ianBank,2,O ld B road S tre e t

,E. C .

London Chartered Bank of A us tral ia,88

,CannonStre e t

,EC .

Londonand Continen tal Bank, 1 0, Clement’s Lane

,E.C .

London Credit Bank,Langboume Chambe rs , Fenchu rch Stre et

,E.C .

London and County Joint Stock Banking Co.

,2 1

,Lombard Stre et, E.C . ; A lbert Gate , Knights

bridge , S.W . 2 1,Hanover Square

,W . ; 1 9, I sl ington H igh Stre e t, N . 6

,Berkeley P lace


Edgware Road ,W. ; 44 1 , Oxford Stre e t ,W.C . ; 252 , Borough High Stre e t , S.E. 3 2 , Ken s ingtonH igh Stre et

,W. ; 1 8 1 and 1 82

,Shoreditch High Stre e t

,N .E. ; 74, Westbou rne Grove , W . ;

H enrietta Stre e t,Covent Garden

,W.C . ; 1 65 and 1 67 , Westmins ter Road, S. Deptford Broad

w ay, S.E. S tratford Broadway,E. 3 24 and 3 25, High H olborn, W .C . 1

,Amherst Road


H ackne y,N .E. 1

,Providence Place

,Lime hous e

,E. 5High Stre e t, Ne w ington, S. 3 , Victoria

Stre e t,We stmins te r

,S.W. 1 93, Caledon ian Road, N . Stockwel l Stre e t

,Greenw ich


Bromle y,S.E. Barne t

,N . 5, Spencer P lace , Blackheath , S.E. ; and Pow i s Stre e t, Woolw ich ,


London and Exchange Bank, 79, Lombard Stre e t, E C , and 1 59, Strand , W. C .

LondonJoint Stock , Bank, 5, Prince s Stre e t, Bank ; 69, Pal l Mal l

,S.W. and 1 24, Chancery Lane ,

E C .

London and Middlesex Bank, 39, King Stre e t , Che aps i de , E.C .

London and R iver P late Bank, 49, Moorgate Stre et, E.C .

Londonand SanFranc isco Bank,2 2



Broad Stre e t,E.C .

London and Sou th A fricanBank,1 0

,King Will iamStre e t, EC.

London and South Western Bank,29, Lombard 2 7, Regent Stre e t, S.W. 67 and 68,

Park Stre e t,Camden Town

,N .W . High Stre e t, H ampste ad

,N .W. Circus Road

,St. John’s

Wood,N .W. High Stre e t

,Wandsworth , S.W. 2

,Manor Te rrace , Kilburn, N .W . 2


Te rrace , Norw ood , S. 98, High Stre e t, Pe ckham,S.E. 24, K ing

’s Road,Ch e lsea

,S.W. 1 0 ,

Loughboro’ P lace,Brixton

,S. ; H igh Stre e t, P

utne y,S.W. ; COmmercziaJ Road, Stepne y ,

E. ;

and 3 , George Te rrace , Commercial Road East, E.

Londonand Venezuela Bank , 9, Tokenhous e Yard , E.C .

London and Westminster Bank , 4 1 , Lo thbury , E.C . 1,St. Jame s’ Square , S.W . ; 2 1 4, H igh H olborn,

W. C . ; 3 , Well ington Stre e t, Boro’

,S.E. ; 1 30, 1 3 1 , and 1 3 2 , Whitechapel H igh Stre e t, E. ; 4,

Stratford P lace , Oxford Stre et, W. 2 1 7 , Strand , W .C . and 9 1 , Westm inster Bridge Road , S.

Mart in and Co .


,Lombard Stre e t, EC .

Merchant Banking Co. of London, -1 1 2

,CannonStre e t , EC .

Metropol itan and Provincial Bank , 75, Cornh ill , E.C . H amme rsmith,W. Woolw ich


Midland Bank ing Co., 38, N e w Broad Stre e t, E.C .

National Bank of A ustralas ia, 1 0,Cornh ill

,F C .


1 8 68 .

Agra Bank, 35, N icholas Lane , E.C .

A lbionBank,2, Bank Bui ld ings , Lothbury , EC . 1 6

,Wes t Smithfie ld

, E.C . and 1 2,Bank Build ings


Metropo l i tan Cattle Marke t,N .

A lexanders , Cunl ifi'

e s,and Co. , 30, Lombard Street , E.C .

A ll iance Bank . See The A l liance Bank .

Anglo—A us trianBank, 7 , St. Mildred

’s Court,E.C .

Anglo-Egyptian Banking Co. , 27 , Clement’s Lane , Lombard Street, E C .

Anglo-I-tal ian Bank , 1 6, Le adenhall Street , E._

C .

A s iat ic Banking Corporat ion, 4, Lombard Street, E.C .

Aus tral ian Joint Stock Bank,1 8, King Will iamStreet, E.C .

Bank of A ustralas ia, 4, Thre adne e dle Stree t, EC .

Bank of B r itish Columbia, 5, Eas t Ind ia A venue , Le adenhall Street, E. C .

Bank of Bri tish North Ame rica, 1 24, Bishopsgate With in, E C .

Bank of Egypt , 26, O ld Broad Street, E.C .

Bank of England, Thre adne edle Street, E C , and Burl ingtonGardens , W.

Bank of London (inl iquidat ion), 1 7, Tokenhouse Yard, EC .

Bank of New South Wales , 64, O ld Broad Street, E.C .

Bank of New Z ealand, 50, O ld Broad Street, E C .

Bank of Otago, 5, A dam’s Court, O ld Broad Street, E.C .

Bank of Roumania, 1 3 , King’s A rms Yard

,Moorgate Stre e t

,E.C .

Bank of South Aus tral ia, 54, O ld Broad Street, E. C.

Bank of Victoria (A ustral ia), 3 , Thre adne e d le Street , E.C .

Barbe r,Jame s


,and Co.

,1 36, Le adenhall Stree t, E.C ,

Barclay,Be van


,Tw e lls

,and Co.

, 54, Lombard Street, E. C .

Barne tts,H oare s

,H anburys , and Lloyd , 60 and 62 , Lombard Street, E.C .

B iddulph,Cocks

,and Co. See Cocks

,B iddul ph

,and Co.

Bigge rstafi’

,Wm. and John

,63 , Wes t Smithfie ld , E.C . ,

and 6, Bank Build ings , Metropol itan Cattl e

Marke t,N .


que t,Salt


,H arman


,and Bosanque t , 73 , Lombard Street , E.C .

Brooks and Co.,8 1

,Lombard Street

,E. C .


,and Co.

, 3 2 , A bchurclp Lap e , E.C .


,25, A bchurch Street, E. C .

Chal l is and Son . See A lbion Bank .

Chartered Bank of India,A us tral ia

,and China

,Hat tonCourt

,Thre adne e dle Street , E.C .

Chartered Mercantile Bank of Ind ia,London

,and China

,65, O ld Broad Street , E.C .

Child and Co.,1,Fleet Street

,Temple Bar

,E C .

C ity Bank . See The City Bank .

Cock s,B iddulph

,and Co.

, 43 , Charing Cross , S.W .

Coloni al Bank,1 3 , Bishopsgate With in, E.C .

Colonial Bank of A ustralés ia,1 0A

,N e w Broad Street

,E. C

Comme rcial Banking Company of Sydne y, 33 , Cornh iJ1, E.C .

Consol idated Bank, 52 , Thre adne e dle Street, E.C . , and 450, Wes t Strand , W.C .

Coutts and Co. 58, and 59, Strand , W. C .

Cunl ifi’

e,Roge r


,and Co. ,

6,P rinces Street

,Man s ion H ouse


Cunli fTe s and Co. See A l exanders; Cunlifi e s , and C0.

Currie s and Co . See Glyn, Mills , Curri e, and C0.

Delh i and London Bank, 76, King Will iam Street, E.C .

Dimsdale , Fowl er, and Barnard , 50, Cornh ill , E. C .


Drummon¢M 4g Chafing Crog smEast London Bank, 51 , 53. Cornhi ll, ac ; 3 1 , H igh 5mm, Shored i tch, N E ; no. High

Sm WhimchnpeLE ;W N W M M W M EC

Englh ly Scotfisk and AmuflhnChnw ed Banh 73 Comhm, E.C.

M a ufianbmy N ig d a hic-oa nmba d Strceg KC,

Gmaflflxchange nmh nflambu d SM EC.

(Hyml l it nrrienod Ca , 67 , 10mbatd Street, E.C .

Godh gsmd qng M Btrn -C .

Hanbwnmd uoyds . Su M n flmh rn

Herries , Puqnbu ,

HHImd Soog rLWea SmitM Kd mBk ui ldin' , MetropolitanCame Mu ket, N .

Hw a nd hnd,n, FlmW EC .


Imperial “ Se e‘nxe lmpa id Bmk.

lmperid OuommM fi Bas k BuM imLothbmy,&C.


louhnM 3 1 , Fb sbmm 2, EC .


LondonBtnk ol H exico and South Amcria , 26, King WM mSmx-t, EC .


lmdonmd flomh ymnh 1 8, 01d flmd sued , flc.

M W M M AM “, W W


M M CW M Q ,Mba t Gqnightsbridgc,

W. ; xg lnlb gtoo flin oecQNq6, Be rke lcy Ph ce , EdgwareBord Hin umSK ; 32, Remington


De ptfi>rd Bmd~

Hm w c AmhcmRoad East,

M Wcstmimw ,

M NU and PomSUe egWoolwicb. S.E.

E.C . ; 69, 1’211 M2Jl, S.W. ; 2nd 1 24, Chance ry


lp ndoa d iverPlfle Bm , Moorgate Su-e et, I


Londonmd Soutb-WeucmBank, 29, 12ombu d Sumac ; 27 ,Park Strcet. N .W. ; H igh Stre et, Hampstead, N .W. ; Circus Road, 8t. John




Wood,N .W. ; High Stre e t, Wandsworth, S.W. ; 2

,Manor Te rrace , Kilburn, N .W. ; 2


manTe rrace , Norwood , S. 98, High Stre e t, Pe ckham,S.E. 24, King

s Road,Ch e ls e a, S.W.

1 0, Loughborough P lace , Brix ton, S. 5High Stre e t, Putne y, S.W. and 3 , George Te rrace , C omme rcial Road


Londonand Venezuela Bank, 9, Tokenhous e Yard, _

E.C .

Londonand We stmins te r Bank, 4 1 , Lothbury , E.C . 1

,St. Jame s’ Square , SW. ,

2 1 4, High H olbom,

W . .C 3 , We 11ington Stre e t, Boro’


,1 30, 1 3 1 , and 1 3 2 , White chape l High Stre e t , E. 4,

S tratford Place , Oxford Stre e t, W. 2 1 7 , Strand, W.C . and 91 , We stminste r Bridge Road , S.

Martinand Co.,68

,Lombard Stre e t

,E.C .

Merchant Banking Co. of London,1 1 2

,CannonStre et

,E.C .

Me tropol itanBank , 75, Cornhill , E.C . H amme rsmith,W. and Woolw ich , S.E.

Midland Banking Co., 38, N e w Broad Stre e t , E.C .

Nat ional Bank . Se e The National Bank .

National Bank of A us tralas ia, 47 , Cornh il l , E.C .

Nat ional Bank of India, King Will iamStre e t,E.C .

Nat ional Bank of Scotland , 37 , N icholas Lane , E.C .

Nat ional Provincial Bank of England,Bishopsgate Stre e t

,corner of Th readne e dle Stre e t, E.C . 1 4,

Wate rloo P lace,Pall Mall

,SW 28

,Baker Stre e t


,1 73 , Upper Stre et, Is l ington, N .

Oriental Bank Corporation, Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E.C .

Praeds and Co. ,1 89, Fleet Stre et, E. C .

Pre scott, Grote , Cave , and Co.,62

,Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E.C .

Provincial Bank of I re land, 42 , O l d Broad Stre et, E. C .

Provincial Banking Corporat ion, 7 , Bank Bui ldings, Lothbury , E. C . 80,Connaught Te rrace , Edgware

Road, W. and 560, Kings land Road, Kings land .

Ransom, Bouve rie , and Co. ,1, Pall Mall Eas t, S.W.

R ichardsonand Co .,1 3 , Pal l Mall


,and 23 , Cornh ill, E.C .

Robarts , Lubbock, and Co.,1 5, Lombard Stre et, E.C .

Samue l, Montague , and Co 60, O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Scott, Sir Samue l, Bart. , and Co. , 1 , Cavend ish Square , W .

Se ale , Low , and Co 7 , Le ice ste i' Square , W.C .

Shank, John, 4, Bank Bui ld ings, Me tropoli tanCattle Marke t, N .

Sillar, W. C . , and C0 , 62, Cor11h iII, E C .

Smith, Elde r, and Co. 45, Pal l Mal l, S.W.,65, Cornhill, E C . 5 and 4, White LionCourt, E.C .


,and Smi ths, 1 , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

South A us tral ianBanking Co. Se e Bank of Sou th A us tralia.

Spoone r, A ttwoods , and Co. Se e Barclay,Be van

,and Co.

S tandard Bank of Bri tish Sou th A frica, 1 0, Clement’s Lane , E.C .

Ste venson, Salt, and Son s . Se e Bosanquet, Sal t, Whatman, H arman,and Co .

Stride,John and WilliamSte phen, 4 1 , We stSmithfie ld , EC , and 8, Bank Bui ld ings , M e tropol i tan

Cattle Marke t, N .

The A l l iance Bank, Bartholomew Lane , E.C . 255, Boro’ High Stre e t, S.E.

Th e City Bank , T hre aane e d le Stre e t, cqrne r of Finch Lane , E C"

; 34, O ld Bond Stre e t, W. 25,

Ludgate H i ll , E.C . and 1 59 and 1 60,T ot tenham Court Road, W.

Th e Impe rial Bank , 6, Lothbury, E C , and 1 , We s tminste r Chambe rs , Victoria Stre et, S.W.

The LondonJoint S tock Bank . Se e London Joint S tock Bank .

T he Mil i tary and Civil Se rvice Bank and G eneral A rmy A gency, 42, Charing Cros s , S.W.

The Nat ional Bank , 1 3 , O l d Broad Stre e t, E C.,1 9, Gloucester Gardens, Bishop

s Road , W. 9 and

1 0, Charing Cross , High Stre e t, C,amde r1 Town, 23, O l d Cavend ish Stre e t,

W. and 4, Arabella Row , Piml ico, S.W.

Twining, R ichard, and Co. ,2 1 5, Strand, W.C .


Colonial Bank,1 3 , Bishopsgate With in, E.C .

Colonial Bank of A ustralas ia,IOA

,New Broad Stre e t

,E.C .

Comme rcial Bank ing C0. of Sydne y, 3 9, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Consol idate d Bank , 52 , Thre adne e dle Stre et, E C , and 450, We stStrand,W.C .

Coutts and Co., 57 , 58, and 59, Strand , W.C .

Cunlifie,Roge r


,and Co.

,6,Prince s St1 e e t

,Mans ionH ouse

,E.C .

Cunl i ffe s and C0. Se e A le xande rs,Cunl ifl


e s


,and Co.

Curri e s and Co . Se e Glyn,Mills


,and Co.

D elh i and London Bank, 76, King WilliamStre e t, E.C ,

D imsdal e,Fow le r

,and Barnard

, 50 , Cornh ill , E.C .

Drummond,Me s srs .

, 49, Charing Cross , S.W'


East London Bank, 51 , 52 , and 53 , Cornh ill , EC ; 3 1 , High Stre e t, Shore di tch , 1 1 0, High

Stre e t,Whitechapel

,E. and 26

,Tooley Stre e t


Engl ish Bank of R io de Jane iro,1 3 , St. Helen

’s Place,E.C .

Engl ish, Scottish , and A us tral ianChartered Bank, 73 , Cornh il l, E.C .

Fulle r , Banbury , N ix , and Math i e son, 77 , Lombard Stre e t , E.C .

General London Bank,27 , James Stre e t, Covent Garden, W.C .



,and Co.

,67 , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Gos l ings and Sharpe , 1 9, Fleet Stre e t , E.C .

Grindlay and Co .

, 55, Parliament Stre e t, S.W.

Hanburys and Lloyd . Se e Barne tts,H oare s

,H anburys

,and Lloyd.

H arwood, Knight, and A l len, 33 , Abchurch Lane , E. C .

H e rr ie s,Farquhar



,and Co.

,1 6

,St. James ’ Stre e t

, SW

Hill and Sons,1 7 , We stSmithfie ld , EC , and 2

,Bank Buildings , Me tropol i tanCattle Mark e t


Hoares and Strickland , 37 , Fleet Stre e t , E.C .

Hong-Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, 3 2 , N icholas Lane , E.C .

Hopkinsonand Co.

, 3 , Regent Stre e t, Waterloo P lace , S.W.

Impe rial Bank . Se e The Impe rial Bank .

Impe rial O ttoman Bank , 4, Bank Bui ldings , Lothbury, E.C .

Inte rnat ional A gricul tural Credi t Bank , 2 , We s tminste r Chambe rs,Victoria Stre e t


IonianBank , 3 1 , Finsbury Circus , E C .

King, Henry S.,and Co.

, 45, Pal l Mal l,S.W. ,

and 65, Cornhil l, E.C .

Lacy and Son,60

,We s t Smithfi e ld, and 1 1 , Bank Bui ld ings , Me tropol i tanCattle Marke t

,N .

London and Baghdad Banking A ssoc iat ion, 79, Great Tower Stre et, E.C .

London Bank of Me xico and Sou th Ame r ica,1 6

,King Will iamStre e t, E.C .

Londonand Brazil ianBank,2,O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

LondonChartered Bank of A ustral ia, 88, CannonStre e t, E.C .

London and County Banking Company, 20 and 2 1 , Lombard Stre e t , E.C . ; Albert Gate , Knightsbridge

,S.W. 2 1

,Hanover Square

,W. 1 9, Is l ington High Stre et, N . 6

,Berkeley P lace


Edgware Road , W. ; 441 and 442, Oxford Stre e t, W.C . ; 252 , Borough High Stre e t, S.E. ; 3 2,

Kens ington H igh Stre e t, W. ; 1 8 1 and 1 82,Shoreditch H igh Stre e t, NE . 74, We stboume

Grove,W. 6

,H enrietta Stre e t, Covent Garden, W .C . 1 65, We s tmins te r Bridge Road, S.E.

Deptford Broadway, S.E. Stratford’

Broadway, E. 3 24 and 3 25, High H olborn, W .C . ; 1 ,

Amhers t Road East, H ackne y, N .E. 1,Providence P lace

,Lime house

,E. High Stre e t


N ew ington, S.E. 3 , Victoria Stre e t, We stminste r,S.W. 1 93 , Cale donianRoad , N . 20


wel l Stre e t,Greenw ich , S.E. B romle y

,S.E. ; Barne t, N . 5, Spencer P lace , Blackheath , S.E.

and Pow is Stre e t,Woolw ich


London Jo int S tock Bank, 5, Prince s Stre e t , Bank , E C ; 69, Pal l Mal l , S.W. ; and 1 24, Chancery

Lane , E.C .

London and Natal Bank, 5, Finsbii i


y Place South , E. C .


Londonand South—WmemBank, 29, Lombard SM EC ; 67 azui 6s ,

Ch pt ommon; CircusRoad. St. John

’s Wood , N.W. High Sce egWamk l onb, SW. 2, Manor Terrace , Ki lbum,

N .W. ; 2, WoodmanTerrace , Norvood, S15 ; 98, High Street, Pe ckham, S.E. ; 24, K ing’c

Road , Che ha . SW. ; 1 0, Loughborough Place , M SM ; H igh Stree t, Putncy, S.W. ;

Londonmd SnburbmBank, 262, FulhamRo‘d , S.W.

W.C. ; 3, We llington“ H igh Sn ; 4,

Stratford Ph ce , Oxford Street, w . ; md '

91 , WestminsterBridge Road , S.E.

Matfinand Coqfl lm bard Suu g EC.

MembantBu kmg Ca of London, 1 1 2 CAM SM EC.

“ momfiua L75 CanhflLEC 1 8m a smhLW” tnd Woolwich, S. l-l .

N idlnd flnkinn , “ NW M M EC

Natiou lnank ol Amnh dn.Nafiond dm u , d fimScu g £ C

NM W M M M W M W J W W , EC ; 1 4,

M 1 75 Uppa 8ue eg l slingwn, N .


M GM , Camnd Ca ,

Prw inch l king Ca ponfimp flaak M dmnt -y ; 163,

Kinp hnd RM Kinp lnd.

Richavdwnand Ca , 1 3,

M Mm M CQ M, OId Bnmd SM EC

M BitSnmoeLBan. 1, Cavcndkh 8qum,



16°, TowmhamComRood.

Tbc LoodonJoimc k Bank. Se e hmdonlointStock Bmk.Tt i litary d ivil Sa vioe Bmk aad Gcnenl Anny Agency, 15, 01d Bood SUe egW.


Th e Nat ional Bank , 1 3 , O ld Broad Stre e t, EC ; 1 9, Gloucester Gardens , Bishop’s Road

,W. ; 2 1


Grosvenor Gardens , Be lgravia, S.W . 9 and 1 0,Char ing Cross

,S.W. 1 89, High Stre e t, Camden

Town,N .W. 282

,Pentonville Road, N . 1 58, High Stre e t, Notting H i ll, W. ; and 23 , O ld

Cavendish Stre e t, W.

Tw ining, R ichard , and Co .,2 1 5, Strand , W .C .

UnionBank of Austral ia, 1 , Bank Bui ld ings , Lothbury, E.C .

UnionBank of I re land, 2 , Telegraph Stree t Chambe rs , E.C .

Union Bank of London,2, Prince s Stre e t, Mans ion H ouse , E.C 4, Pal l Mal l East, S.W. ; 1 4,

Argyll P lace , W. and Chancery Lane,W.C .

Ve rnon, Henry Charle s, 6, New Inn, W .C.

We s t LondonComme rcial Bank, 34, Sloane Square , Che ls e a, S.W.

Will iams,D e acon

,Labouche re

,Thornton, and Co. ,

20,BirchimLane .

Will is , Pe rc ival, and Co. , 76, Lombard Stre e t, E C.

1 8 7 0.

A ddisonand Co. , 1 5, O l d Bond Stre e t , W.

A gra Bank, 35, N icholas Lane,W.

A lb ionBank,2, Bank Bu ildings, Lothbury, E.C . 1 6, We s t Smi lhfi e ld, E.C . and 1 2 , Bank Bui ld ings ,

Me tropol i tanCattle Marke t, NA le xande rs , Cunliffe s , and Co. , 30, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

A ll iance Bank. Se e The A ll iance Bank .

Anglo-A us trianBank , 1 8 and 1 9, Fenchu rch Stre e t, E.C .

Anglo-Egyptian Banking Co., 27, Clement

’s Lane , E. C .

Anglo—HungarianBank, 1 8 and 1 9, Fenchurch Stre e t, E.C .

Anglo—Ital ianBank, 1 6, Le adenhall Stre e t, E.C .

A us tral ianJoint S tock Bank,1 8

,King WilliamStre e t, E.C .

Bank of A ustral ia, 4, Thre adne edle Stre e t, E.C.

Bank of Brit ish Columbia, 5, Eas t India A venue , E.C .

Bank of British N orth Ame rica, 1 24, Bishopsgate Within, E.C .

Bank of Egypt, 26, O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Bank of England, Thre adne e dl e Stre et, E C , and Burl ingtonGardens , WBank of New Sou th Wale s, 64, O l d Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Bank of New Z e aland, 50, O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C.

Bank of Otago, 5, A dam’s Court

,O ld Broad Stre e t


Bank of Roumania, 1 3 , King’

s A rm s Yard,Moorgate Stre e t, E.C .

Bank of Scotland,1 1

,O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Bank of South Aus tral ia, 54, O ld Broad Stre e t , E. C .

Bank of Victoria (Aus tral ia), 3 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t , E.C .

Barbe r, Jame s , Son, and Co.,1 36, Le adenhall Stre e t,

'E.C .

Barclay, Be van, Tri tton, Tw e lls , and Co., 54, Lombard Stree t, E. C .

Barne t t, H oare s , H anburys , and Lloyd, 60 and 62, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Benas , A lfre d, and Co.,Cornhill Chambe rs

,62 and 63 , Cornh ill, E.C .

B iddulph , Cock s , and Co. . Se e Cocks,B iddulph

,and Co.

Blgge rstafi'

,Wi llm and John, 63 , We st Smithfie ld

,and 6

,Bank Buildings , Me tropol itan Cattle

M axket,N .

Bosanque t, Sal t, Whatman, H arman,Sal t

,and Bosanque t

, 73 , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Brooks and Co.,8 1

, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Brown, Jansen, and Co., 3 2 , A bchu rch Lane , E.C .

Brown, John, and Co.,25, A bchurch Lane , E.C .

328 1 1 57 OF BA NKERS.

Gre enw ich , S.E. ; Barne t, N . 5, Spencer Place , Blackhe ath , S.E. ; and Pow is Stre e t, Woolw ich

, S.E.

London Joint Stock Bank , 5, Prince s Stre et, Bank, E. C . 69, Pall Mal l, S.W. 1 24, Chancery Lane ,

E C . 3 and 54, St. John Stre e t, E.C .

Londonand Natal Bank , 5, Finsbury P lace South , E.C .

Londonand R ive r P l ate Bank, 40, Moorgate Stre e t, E.C .

London and SanFranci sco Bank , 2 2 , O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

London and Sou th A fricanBank , 1 0, King Wil l iamStre e t , E.C .

London and Sou th-Western Bank, 29, Lombard Stre e t, E.C . 27, Regent Stre e t, S.W. 67, 68, Park

Stre e t, Camden Town, N .W. Clapham Common High Stre e t, H ampstead, N .W. CircusRoad, St. John

’s Wood, N .W. Bank Bui ldings , Wandsworth , S.W. 2

,Manor Te rrace , Kilburn,

N .W . Westow H i ll,Norwood, S.E. 98, H igh Stre e t, Pe ckham,

S.E. 1 0,Loughborough Place ,

Brixton, S.W. High Stre e t,Putne y, S.W . ; 3 , George Te rrace , Comme rcial Road, E and

1 1, Seven Sis te rs

’ Road, H ol loway , N .

Londonand S ub u rban Bank , 262, Fulham Road , S.W.

Londonand We s tmins te r Bank, 4 1 , Lothbury, E.C . 1 , St. James

’ Square , S.W. 2 1 4, High H olbom,

W . C . 3 , We l l ington Stre et, Boro’

, S.E. ; 1 30, 1 3 1 , and 1 3 2 , Whitechapel High Stre et, E. ;

4, S tra tford P lace , Oxford Stre e t, W. 2 1 7 , Strand,W .C . and 91 ,We stmins te r Bridge Road, S.E.

Martinand Co. ,68

,Lombard Stre et, E.C .

Mercantile Bank of Sydne y, 30, Great Sr. H e len’s , E C .


Merchant Banking Co. of London, 1 1 2 , CannonS tre e t, E.C .

Me tropol itanBank , 75, Cornhill , E.C . H amme rsmith , W. and Woolw ich , S.E.

Midland Banking Co. , 38, New Broad Stre et, E C.

Morton, Rose , and Co. , Bartholomew H ouse , Bank , E. C .

National Bank. Se e The Nat ional Bank.

Nat ional Bank of A ustralas ia, 47, Cornh ill, E. C .

Nat ional Bank of India, 80, King Will iamStre e t, E.C .

National Bank of Scotland, 37 , N icholas Lane , E.C .

Nat ional Provincial Bank of England , Bishopsgate Stre et, corner of Thre adne e dle Stre e t,1 4, Waterloo Place , S.W . 28

, Baker Stre e t, W. and 1 73 , Upper Stre e t, Is l ington, N .

®ri ental Bank Corporat ion, Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E.C.

Prae ds and Co. , 1 89, Fleet Stre e t, E. C .

Pre scott , Grote , Cave , and Co. ,62

,Thre adne e dle Stre e t , E. C .

Provincial Bank of Ire land, 42 , O ld Broad Stre et, E.C .

Provincial Banking Corporat ion, 7 , Bank Buildings , Lothbury, E.C 1 63 , Edgware Road , W. and

560, Kings land Road, E.

Ransom, Bouve rie , and Co .,1,Pal l Mall Eas t, S.W.

R ichardson and Co. ,1 3 , Pall Mal l

, S.W . , and 23 , Cornh ill , E.C .

Robarts , Lubbock, and Co. ,1 5, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Samue l , Montague , and Co. ,60

,O ld Broad Stre et, E.C .

Scott, Sir Sani ue l, Bart . , and Co. , 1 , Cavendish Square , W .

Se ale , Low , and Co., 7 , Leicester Square , W .C .

Se yd and Co. , IA , Pr ince s Stre e t, Bank , E.C .

Shank, John, 4, Bank Buildings , Me tropol i tanCattle Marke t, N .

Si llar, W . C . ,62

,Cornhi ll , E.C .

Smi th , Payne , and Smiths , 1 , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Spoone r, A ttwoods, and Co. Se e Barclay , Be van, and Co.

S tandard Bank of Bri tish Sou th A frica, 1 0, Clement’

s Lane , E.C .

Ste venson, Salt, and Son s. Se e Bosanque t, Salt, Whatman, Harman, and Co.

Stride, I. and W.

, 4 1 , We s t Smithfie ld , EC , and 8,Bank Buildings, Me tropol i tanCattle Marke t, N

1 157 OF BA NKERS.

Aunnce nanh Bu tholoma h ng EQQ 2551 W H igh Sue eQSE.

-l igh Stmct,Whhu bzpd a ;

Tbe d ncntal Bu ka g Lomhnd Su'ecg EC.

londonjointStock Bmk. Se e lmdonjointStock Bmk. o‘

Tbe M ilituy d i ril Sexvia -Bmk, 1 5, 01d Bood 8m W.

M W. ; 2 1 ,

w m Gardens Bd sfi M Sqand l g aufian q$W4 1 8g H igh SM CamdcnTova, HilLW. ; md 22 211113 3,Old a vendinh SmgW.

UW M “ M 1 , M W W , EC

UmonBank of lmdm, 2, Priace 1 .1, Axgyll

M M? d hnmqh a .C.

Vernon, H enry Chnla , 6, Nev 11m,W.C.


187 1.

Building ,

Menopoliunl e Lh tkcg N .

Anglo-Amimnank, 1 8 21 11! 19, Fenchurch 8m , EC.


Angio-Hnnp rianlhnk,m xmq m m z c

Am lianjoimSmck Bank, 1&KingW‘

1HiamStmt, K C.


Bank d fi ifi st mbh y w b dh Amne , E. C.

Btnk d Bfifisb Nmth Aw icQ u QW Wuh ig flc.

Bmk ol Egypt, 26, 016 M 9uu g ECm a w w m na mw w w

Bmd w Sofi h Walq65 01d Bm-J M EC.

Bmk ol c Z-d and, 50, 01d Btoad Stre eg E.C,

m am ym '

1m omnmdm ac

Bank of South Amflia, sg omnrmd SM EC.

Bank ok toria

1 36, 1u dcnhaflSue egflc.

m a flmbmmd M 6o w 6 62, Lombard Sn C.


B iddulph, Cocks , and Co. Se e Cocks , B iddulph , and Co .

B igge rs taff, Will iam and John, 63, We s t Smithfie ld, E.C . , and 6,Bank Bui ld ings, Metropol i tan

Cattle Marke t,N .

Brook§ and Co.,8 1 , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .


, and Co., 3 2 , A bchu rch ,

Lane , E.C .

Brown,John, and Co. ,

25, Abchurch Lane , E.C .

Central Bank . of London . Se e The Central Bank ofLondon .

Chartered Bank of India,A ustral ia

,and China, Hatton Court, Threadne e dle Stre e t, E.C .

Chartered Me rcantil e Bank of India, London, and China, 65, O ld Broad S tre e t, E.C .

Chi ld and Co. ,1,Fleet Stre e t, Temple Bar, E.C .

City Bank . Se e The City Bank .

Cocks , Bi ddulph , and Co., 43 , Charing Cross , S.W .

Colonial Bank,1 3 , Bishopsgate With in, E.C .

Colonial Bank of A ustralas ia, 4, Royal Exchange Build ings , E.C .

Comme rcial Banking Co. of Sydne y, 3 9, Lombard Stre e t, E C.

Consol idate d Bank, 52 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E.C .

,and 450, We s t Strand , W.C .

Continental Baink, 70, Lombard Stre et, E.C .

Cooke (Jay), M cCulloch , J. H . Pule ston, and Frank H . Evans, 41 , Lombard Stre e t, E. C .

Coutts and Co., 59, Strand, W .C .

Cre dit Foncie r of Spain,1 1 0, CannonStre e t, E.C .


e,Roge r, Sons , and Co . ,

2,Prince s Stre e t, Mans ionHouse

, E.C.

Cunlifie s and Co. Se e A le xande rs, Cunlifl'

e s, and Co.

Currie s and Co. Se e Glyn,Mills


,and Co.

Delh i and London Bank , 76, King Will iamStre e t, E. C .

Dimsdale , Fowle r, Barnard, and Dimsdale , 50, Cornhill, E.C .

D rummond, Me ssrs . , 49, Charing Cross , S.W.

Engl ish Bank of R io de Jane i ro, 1 3 , St. Helen’s P lace , E.C .

Engl ish, Scottish , and A us tral ianChartered Bank, 73 , Cornh i ll, E.C .

Fulle r,Banbury


,and Math ie son, 77, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

General LondonBank , 7, James Stre e t, Covent Garden, W.C .

Gille tt Brothers and Co .

, 7 2, Lombard Stre e t, E. C .



,and Co. ,

67 , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Gos l ings ari d Sharpe , 1 9, F leet Stre e t, E C .

Grindlay and Co., 55, Parl iament Stre e t , S.W.

Hanburys and Lloyd . Se e Barnetts , Hoare , H anburys , and LloydHartland and Co. , 79, Lombard Stre et, E.C .

H arwood,Knight

,and A llen, 1 7 and 1 8

, Cornhill, E.C .

H e rrie s, Farquhar, Chapman, and Co. ,1 6

,St. James’ Stre e t, S.W.

Hill and Sons , 1 7, We stSmithfi e ld , E.C .,and 2

, Bank Bui ld ings, Me tropol i tanCattle Marke t,H oare s , 37 , Fleet Stre e t , E.C .

Hong—Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporat ion, 24, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Hopkinsonand Sons , 3 , R egent Stre et, Waterloo P lace , S.W.

Impe rial Bank (Limi te d). Se e Th e Impe rial Bank .

Impe rial OttomanBank, 4, Bank Buildings, Lothbury.IonianBank

, 3 1 , Finsbury Circus, E.C .

King, Henry S. , and Co. , 45, Pall Mall, S.W. , and 65, Cornh ill, E.C .

Lacy and Son, 60, We s t Smithfi e ld, E.C ,anci 1 1

, Bank Bui ld ings, Me tropol i tanCattle Marke t, N .

Land Mortgage Bank of V ictoria, 1 7, K ihg’s Cross Yard, Moorgate Stre e t, E.C .

Londonand Baghdad Bank ing A s sqciation, 79, Gre zitTower Stre e t, E.C .

London Bank of Me xico and Sou th Ame rica, 1 44, Le adenhall Stre e t, E.C .


Seyd and Co.,I A , Prince s Street, Bank, E.C .


, 4, Bank Bu ild ings , Metropol itan Cattle Market, N .

Sillar,W. C . , I , Sr. Sw i thin

’s Lane,E C .


,and Smiths, 1 , Lombard Street , E. C .

Spooner, A t twoods , and Co. See Barclay

,Bevan , and Co.

Standard Bank of Brit ish Sou th A frica,1 0, Clement

’s Lane,E. C .


,and Son . See Bosanquet, Sal t, Whatman, and Co.

Stride, J. and W. S. , 41 ,West Smithfi e ld, E.C . , and 8, Bank Bu i ldings, Metropol itan Cattle Market, N .

The A l l iance Bank, Bartholomew Lane , E C .

The Central Bank of London, 52 , Cornhill , E C . 5 3 1 , High Street, Shoredi tch , E and 26, Tooley

Street , S.E.

The City Bank,Thre adne e dle Street (corner of Finch Lane), E C ; 43 , O ld Bond Street, W. 25,

Ludgate Hill,E.C . and 1 59 and 1 60

,Tottenham Court Road .

The Imperial Bank,6,Lothbury

,E C . I , Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, S.W. ; and 1


Sydney P lace, On s low Square , S.W .

The London Joint Stock Bank. See Londo n Joint Stock Bank .

The M i l i tary and C ivi l Servi ce Bank, I5, O ld Bond Stree t, W .

The National Bank, I3 , O ld Broad Stree t, E C . 5 68, Bishop’s Road

,W . ; 2 1 , Grosvenor Gardens ,

Belgravia, S.W. 9 and 1 0 , Charing Cross, S.W. 1 89, High Street , Camden Town , N .W. 282 ,

Pen tonville Road, N . ; 1 58, High Street, N ott ing Hill, W. and 2 2 and 23 , O ld Cavendish

Street,W .

Tw in ing, Richard , and Co. ,2 1 5, Strand , W.C .

Union Bank of A ustral ia, 1 , Bank Bu i ldings, Lothbu ry, E.C.

Union Bank of London , 2, Princes Street, Man s ion House, E.C . 4, Pal l Mall Eas t, S.W. ; 1 4,

A rgyll P lace,W Chancery Lane

,W.C . and H olbomCircus, E.C .

Vernon and Co. ,23 , Regent Street, Waterloo P lace , S.W .

Wes t LondonCommerc ial Bank, 34, Sloane Square, Chelsea, S.W.

Will iams,Deacon

,Labouchere, Thornton, and Co. ,

20, Birch inLane,

Willis,Percival, and Co. , 76, Lombard Street, E C .

1 8 7 2.

A ddison and Cc.,1,Waterloo P lace, Pall Mall , S.W.

Agra Bank , 33 , N icholas Lane , E.C .

Al exanders, Cunlifl


e s , and Co. , 30, Lombard Street, E.C .

A l l iance Bank. See The A ll iance Bank.

A nglo-A ustrian Bank,1 8 and 1 9, Fenchurch Street, E.C .

A nglo-Egyptian Banking Co. , 27 , Clement’s Lane

, E.C .

Anglo-Hungarian Bank, 46, Lombard Street, E.C .

A nglo- Ital ian Bank,1 6, Le adenhall Stree t, E.C .

Austral ian Joint Stock Bank , 1 8, King Will iam Stree t, E.C .

Bank of A ustralas ia, 4, Thre adne e dle Street, E.C .

Bank of British Columbia, 5, Eas t India Avenue, EC .

Bank of Bri t ish North Ameri ca, 1 24, Bishopsgate Street With in,Bank of Egypt, 26, O ld Broad Stree t, E.C .

Bank of England,Threadne edle Stree t

,E. C .

,and Burl ington Gardens


Bank of New Sou th Wal es,64, O ld Broad Street, E.C .

Bank of New Z ealand, 50, O ld Broad Street, E C .

Bank of O tago, 5, A dam

’s Cou rt, O ld Broad Street, E.C .

Bank of Roumania, 30, A ust in Friars, E.


Bank ofScodand, 43, Lotbbnry, EC.

m am ‘xm fig u ou w m xi :

W M M CO. Sce Cockg Biddnlpt d Co.

W Wmd ohm63 WmSmhhfid d, &C md QBat fildings, M enopoliunl e

M N .

Bid hed h nh zqmd mfinmptoa fidimChmeu-y h mw .0

m mw m mw mw n w m ac

m ymmmzs mmmmCentral k ol lmdon. w w w w ww

w m am w mm m m w m ac

w um m amm mm cg w w m a e

Comerd d Bnking Ca o‘Sydu y.mLmh ni Sm EC

W m sa, w m m4§qmm¢mcem mmmw dm nc.

Cool e Uay), McC ufloch . and Co. , 4 1 , M M EC .

Conmd a .

CmditFoncia o‘Spdn. 3 3 O|d 8rmd 8tmg flfiM Lymmg s Au dnfi iuy EC.

m m, M and a , 6, Princu Suun ionHom, EC .

Cunlifictand Co. Se e Aku ndmCunBfl’qu d Co.

Curria tnd Ca Se e Gm flh CM nd Cammm mmmwmm ac.


M NM Qe h gm s W.

W h i d k io de jmcim[L& Hd eah Ph cqKC.


Genea l lmdoo flank, 7, 1m W Ct -u den. W.C .

GM Bmthmd aqamhu d M Efi .

G ymHnCmEd Ca fi b lmbard Streeg l’h C.

Goolinp md Sbu pg t M EC .

(h indh y d a ,

w mmmmnymmcmmnc.

Herrie s, ?uqnhfl , Chapmamand Ca . x6, fi lmd Stre eLSW.

mumm x1 , ww 8mnhfid d , EsC" aud z , Bank Bui ldin Mad ag N .


Hong—Kong and Shangha i Banking Corporat ion,24, Lombard Stree t, E.C .

Hopkin son and Sons, 3 , Regent Street, Waterloo P lace, S.W.

Imperial Bank . See Th e Imperial Bank .

Imperial O ttoman Bank , 26, ThrogmortonStreet, E C .

Ionian Bank, 3 1 , Finsbury Circus , E C .

K ing, Henry S. , and Co. , 45, Pal l M al l, S.W. ,and 65, Cornhill , E.C.

Lacy and Son, 60, Wes t Smithfie ld, E C and 1 1 , Bank Buildings , Metropol itan Cattl e Market, NLand (The) Mortgage Bank of India, ,1 7, Change Alley, Cornhill , EC .

Land Mortgage Bank of V ictoria, I7, King

’s Arms Yard , Moorgate -Street, E.C .

London A gency of the International Bank of Hamburg, 6, Lombard Street, EC .

London and Baghdad Banking A ssociat ion, 56, Great Tower Street , E. C .

London Bank of Mexico and South America,1 44, Le adenhall Stree t, E.C .

Londonand Brazil ian Bank , 2 , O ld Broad Street, E C .

LondonChartered Bank of A us tralia, 88, CannonStreet , E C .

London and County Banking Co.,2 1 , Lombard Street, EC . 5 3 , A lbert Gate , Knightsbridge , S.W. 5

1 1 2,A ldersgate Street

,E C . 5 2 1

,Hanover Square

,W . 5 1 9, I sl ington H igh Street , N . ; 6,

Berkeley P lace, Edgware Road , W. 5 44 1 and 442 , Oxford Street, W .C 5 34, Borough High

Stree t, S.E. ; 67, Kens ington High Stree t, W . ; 1 8 1 and 1 82 , Shoreditch High Street , E. ; 74,

We stboume Grove, W . 5 6, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden , W.C . 5 1 65, Wes tm in ster BridgeRoad

,S .E . ; Deptford Broadway , S.E . ; Strat ford Broadway, E. 5 3 24 and 3 25, H igh H olbom


W.C . 5 1 , Amherst Road, Eas t Hackney ; 1 , Providence P lace, Limehouse, E. 5 High Street ,New ington , S . E . 5 3 , Victoria Stree t, We s tm in ster, S.W. 5 1 93 , Caledon ian Road , N . 5 20


well Stree t, Greenw ich, S .E . 5Barnet, N . 5Blackheath, S .E. 5 and Powi s Street, Woolwi ch, S .E .

London Joint Stock Bank , 2, Princes Stree t, Bank , EC . 5 69, Pal l M all, S.W. 5 1 24, Chancery Lane ,

E C . 5St. John Street, E C . 5 28,Borough High Street, S.E. 5 and 1 2

,Bank Bu i ld ings, Metro

pol itan Cattle Market, N .

London Provident Depo s it Bank, 26, Moorgate Street, E.C‘


London and Provincial Bank, 7, Bank Bu ild ings, Lothbury, EC ; 1 63 , Edgware Road, W. 5560,

Kingsland Road, E. 5 1 8,Lew is P lace

,Lew isham 5 and 5, High Stree t, Sut ton .

Londonand R iver Plate Bank, 40, Moorgate Street, EC .

L ondon and San Franc isco Bank, 22 , O ld Broad Street, EC .

London and Sou th A fricanBank, I O, King Will iamStreet, E.C'


London and Sou th-Western Bank , 7 , Fenchurch Stree t, EC . 5 27, Regent Street, S.W. 5 67 and 68,Park Street, Camden Town , N .W. 5


Claph am Commpn, S.W. 5 High St reet, Hampstead, N .W. 5

Circus Road, St. John

’ s Wood, N .W. ; Bank Bu i ld ings, Wandsworth, S.W. ; 2, Manor T errace,

K i lbum,N .W . 5 2

,Woodman T errace, Westow Hill , Norwood, S .E . 5 98, High Street, Peckham ,

S.E. ; 304, Brixton Road , S.W. ; H igh Street, Pu tney, S.W. 5 3 , George Te rrace, Commerc ialRoad East, E. 5 1 1

,Se ven Sisters’ Road, Holloway, N High Street

,Fores t Hill

, S.E. ; andChurch Terrace

,Eal ing, W.

London and We stmin ste r Bank, 4 1 , Lothbu ry ,. E C . 5'

1, St. James

’ Square, S.W. 5 2 1 4, High H olbom,

W.C . ; .6,Borough High Street, S.E. ; 1 30, 1 3 1 , and x32 , Whitechapel High S tree t, E 5 4,

Stratford P lace,Oxford Street, W. 5 2 1 7, Strand, W.C . 5 91 , Westminster Bridge Road, S.E.

Martin and Co. ,68, Lombard Street, E.CI

Mercanti le Bank of Sydney, 3 , Great St. Helen’s, E.C .

Merchant Banking Co. of London, 1 1 2 , CannonStreet, E.C .

Metropol itan Bank, 75, Cornhill , E. C . 5Hammersmith , W. 5 and Woolw ich, S.E.

Midland Banking Co., 38, New Broad Stree t, E.C .

Military and Civil Service Bank, 1 1 , Waterloo P lace, Pal l M al l,S.W .

National Bank . See The Nationalfi


Nat ional Bank of A ustralas ia, 37 , Cornhill, E.C .


Al l iance Bank . See The A l l iance Bank.

Anglo—A us trianBank , 3 1 and 3 2, Lombard Stree t, E.C .

Anglo-Egypt ianBanking Co.,27 , Clement

’s Lane, E.C .

Anglo-HungarianBank, 46, Lombard Street, E.C .

Anglo -Ital ianBank , 1 6, Le adenhall Street, E.C .

A ustral ianJoint Stock Bank, x8, King Will iam Street, EC .

Bank of Bri tish Columbia, 5, East India A venue, E C .

Bank of British N orth America, 1 24, Bishopsgate Street With in, E.C .

Bank of Egypt, 26, O ld Broad Stree t, EC .

Bank of England , Thre adne e dle Street, E.C . , and Burl ingtonGardens, W.

Bank of New South Wal es,64, O ld Broad Sfre et, E C .

Bank of New Zealand, 50, O ld Broad Street, E.C .

Bank of O tago, 5, A dam’s Court, O ld Broad Street, E.C .

Bank of Roumania, 30, A us tinFriars, E.

Bank of Scotland, 43 , Lothbury, E.C .

Bank of Sou th A ustral ia, 54, O ld Broad Street, E.C .

Bank of Victoria (A ustral ia), 3 , Threadne e dle Street, E. C .

Barber,James, Son, and Co.

,1 36, Le adenhall Street, E.C .

Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Tw e lls , and Co. , 54, Lombard Street, EC .

Barnetts,Hoares, Hanburys, and Lloyd, 60 and 62, Lombard Street, E.C .


,and Co. See Cock s

,Biddu lph , and .Co.

Bigge rstafl'

,Will iam and John

,63, West Smithfi e ld, E. C . ,

and 6,Bank Bu i ldings, Metropol i tan Cattl e

M arke t, NBirkbeck Bank

,29 and 30, Sou thampton Bu il dings, Chancery Lane, W .C .

Bosanquet, Sal t, Whatman, Harman, Sal t, Bosanquet, and Whatman, 73 , Lombard Street, E.C .

Brit ish and Foreign Exchange and Inves tment Bank , 56A , Thre adne e dle Stree t, EC .

Brooks and Co. ,8 1 , Lombard Street, E.C .

Brown, Janson, and Co. , 3 2 , Abchurch Lane, E. C .


,and Co. , 90, Cannon Street, E.C .

Burt,Fre dk . ,

and Co . , 1 , Princes Street, Bank, E.C .

C en tral Bank of London. See The Central Bank of London .

Chartered Bank of India, A ustral ia, and Ch ina, Hatton Court, Threadne e dle Street, EC .

Chartered Mercant ile Bank of Ind ia, London, and China, 65, O ld Broad Street, E C .

Child and Co .,1 , Fleet Street, Temple Bar, EC .

City Bank . See The City Bank .

City and County Bank, 33, A bchurch Lane, E.C .

Cock s, Biddu lph, and Co. , 43 , Charing Cross, S.W.

Colonial Bank,1 3 , Bishopsgate With in, EC .

Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, 39, Lombard Street, EC .

Con sol idated Bank, 450, West Strand, W .C .

Continental tBank, 79, Lombard Street, E.C .

Cooke (Jay), M cculloch, and Co. , 4 1 , Lombard Street, E.C .

Cou tts and Co. , 59, Strand, W.C .

Credit Lyonnais, Lyons, Paris, and Marseille s, 29, Lombard Street, E C .

Cunlifie , Roger, Sons, and Co. ,6,Princes Street, Mans ionHouse

,EC .

Cunliffe s and Co. See Alexanders, Cunl ifi’

e s, and Co.

Curries and C0. See Glyn, M ills; Currie, and Co.

Delh i and London Bank, 76, King Will iam Stree t, E.C


Dimsdal e,Fowler

,Barnard, and Dimsdale, 50, Cornh il l, E.C .

Drummond,M essrs .

, 49, Charing Cross, S.W .


Ennb Bank of Rio de lme iro, 1 3. 8L H e len’l M EG.

W W M AW CW M 7L CON W ECm . Dauba y, Nk md w a ombard Sumflc.

GHlemBrothcrg and Ca nmlmbu d Sue eQEC.

Glyn, MiBg Cnnt dnd Ca .

Gocfinp and Sbu l g flmSn C.

M W M Ca , zy lm bardm aC.

Gm '


omkimon, M M , 32, N'

wbd as h a C.

Gfindh y d mss h d iammSme s w .

w w gmm u gm ac

Markeg N .

HongHopfim nd Sm g kqmtSM wm m s w .

lmpa inl k. 500 l a

xw w mmw m ac

hmnafiond h nk of flmbmgmd M I sy Cmm Sae cg flc.

loniaa k, 3 5J“mbmy CimmJ l C.


mm m a vm n. xiagmm vmnm m z c


lmdoa d cfi eo and Soufi AmM u g lu dcnhd l M EC.


londmChtfi a ed Bcnd m fig u , Canm 8tnet. E-C.

S.W. ; 35, Bu bia n, E.C. 5 2 1 , 8nova 8qw e , W. ; H igh Stre et, N. ; 6. Be rke le yM W 8 13.

Gmq QM M M M W.C 5 1 65,m im Bfidp M S&5

Dcpdord Bmdm. 8.E. 5Smdord BmdM M M W , E 5

Nev iagmSlod weflSM v kLSK 5BAmcqTnnquflV¢ M 3 E 5Powh 8mcgWoolv ich. 8 F. 5md n, KingSM Weu Hsmmunnhh

W.C. ; Chumbou e SM EC ; Cattle Market. ld ington, and Fore ign Cattle Market,md g CnnnM W.

lmdoa ident kflwuoorp tG SM KC.

lnndonnnd Prw inch l Btnh h nmk M dingx lothbmy 5 l 63 5dgwm km¢q6qKmp hnd M E ; M 1 8. Lcw is Ph oe ; W y fi ighm and


v ickenham,

Londmmd k iva Ph te Banh mMoww cSamEC.

lmdonand Sanc iw o Bank, u , Old Brond Suect. EC.

lnndmmd Sonth A frican Bank, to, RingWim SnmEC.


Londonand Sou th We stern Bank, 7 , Fench urch S tree t , EC . 5 2 7, Regen t Street, S.W. ; 67 and 68,

Park Street,Camd enTown, N .W. ,

ClaphamCommon, S.W. ,High S treet, Hampstead, N W. 5

Circus Road , St. John's Wood

,N .W . ; Bank Bu i ld ings , Wandsworth, 2

,Manor Terrace ,

K ilbum, N .W. ; 2, WoodmanTerrace , Westow Hill, Upper N orwood , S.E 5 98, High Street,

Peckham,S . E . 304, Brixton Road, S.W. ; H igh Street, Pu tney, S.W. 3 ,

George Terrace,Comme rcial Road Eas t, E. 5 1 1 , Seven Sisters

’ Road, Holloway, N . 5 High Street, Fores t Hill,S .E. 5 Church Terrace, Eal ing, W. 5 3 , Campbe l l Terrace, Bow , E. 5 Thu rlow P lace, LowerNorwood Street, E.

Londonand Wes tminster Bank , 4 1 , Lothbury, E.C . 5 I, St. James

’ Square, SW ,2 1 4, High H olbom,

W.C . ; 6, Borough High Street, 1 30,1 3 1 , :1nd 1 3 2, Whitechapel High Street, E. 4, S tra t

ford P lace,Oxford Street

,2 1 7, Strand, W. C and 91 , Westmins ter Bridge Road , S.E.

Londonand York shi re Bank , 59, O ld Broad Street, E. C .

Martinand Co. ,68, Lombard Street, E.C .

Mercantile Bank of Sydney, 3 , Great St. Helen’s, E.C .

Merchant Banking Co. of London, 1 1 2 , CannonStreet, E.C .

Metropol i tan Bank . See The M e tropolitan Bank .

Midland Banking Co. , 38, N e w Broad Street, E.C .

Mil itary and Civi l Service Bank , 1 1 , Waterl oo Place, Pal l Mall .Nat ional Bank . See The N at ional Bank .

Nat ional Bank of A ustralas ia, 47, Cornhill , E.C .

National Bank of India,80

,KingWilliamStreet, E.C .

Nat ional Bank of Scotland, 3 7, N icholas Lane, E. C .

National Exchange and Cre ditBank, 3 2, Lombard Street, E.C .

Nat ional Prov incial Bank of England , Bishop sgate Street , comer of Thre adne e dle Street, E.C . 5

Waterloo P lace, Pal l M al l , S W. ; 28, B1 ker Street, W. 5 and 1 73 , Upper Street, I sl ington,N ew London and Braz il ianBank , 2 , Old Broad Street, EC .

Oriental Bank Corporat ion, Thre adne e dle Street, E.C .

Prae ds and Co. ,1 89, Fleet Street, E. C .

P rescott , Grote , Cave, and Co . , 62 , Thre adne e dle Street, E.C .

Provincial Bank of I reland , 42 , Old Broad Street, E.C .

“ Ransom, Bouverie , and Co. , 1 , Pal l Mal l Eas t

, S.W.

R ichardson and Co. , 1 3 , Pal l M al l, S.W. ,and 23 , Cornh il l, E. C .


, and Co. ,1 5, Lombard Street, E.C .

St. James’ Bank , 1 7, Charles Street, St. james’

, S.W.

Samuel, M ontague, and Co. , 60, O ld Broad Street, E.C .

Scott,Sir Samuel

,Bart. , and Co. , 1 , Cavendish Square, W.

Seyd and Co. , IA , Princes Street , Bank , E.C .

Shank, John, 4, Bank Bu ild ings, Metropol itan Cattle M arket,N .

Sil lar, W. C .,I , Sr. Sw i thin

s Lane, E.C .

Smith , Payne, and Smith s, 1 , Lombard Street, E.C .

Spooner, A t twoods, and Co. See Barclay, Bevan, and Co.

S tandard Bank of Bri t ish Sou th A frica, 1 0, Clement’s Lane

, E.C .

Stevenson, Sal t, and Sons . See Bosaa Et, Sal t, Whatman, Harman

,Sal t

, and Bosanquet.Stride, J. and W. S.

, 4 1 , West Smithfi e ld, E. C .

,and 8

,Bank Bu i ldings, M e t1


0politan CattleM arket, N .

The A lliahce Bank , Bartholomew Lane, E.C .

The Central Bank of London, 52, Cornhill, E C . 3 1 , Shoreditch High Street, E. 5 1 1 0, High Street,Whitechapel , E. 5 and 26, Tooley Street, S .E .

The City Bank , Thre adne e dle Street, corner of Finch Lane, E.C . 34, O l d Bond Street, W. 5 25,

Ludgate Hi l l , EC . 5 and 1 59 and 1 60,To ttenham CourtRoad

,W .


Brook s and Co. ,8 1

,Lombard Street , E C .

Brown, Janson, and Co. , 3 2 , Abchu rch Lane, E. C .


,and C0 . ,

25, Abchurch Lane, E.C .


,and Co . , 7 1 and 72 , Cornh ill , E.C .

C entral Bank of London . See Th e Central Bank of London .

Chartered Bank of Ind ia, A ustral ia, and Ch ina, Hat tonCourt, Threadne e dle Street, EC .

Chartered Mercant ile Bank of Ind ia, London, and China, 65, Old Broad Street, E.C .

Cheque Bank , 1 8,Pal l Mal l Eas t, S.W. ,

and Cockspi'

i r Street . S.W. ; City Oth e e, 1 24, Cannon

St reet, E.C .

Child and Co. ,1,Fleet Street

,Temple Bar

,E.C .

City Bank .,See The Ci ty Bank.

City and County Bank , 3 3 , A bchurch Lane, EC .

ClarendonBank , 1 51 , Strand , W. C .

Cock s,Biddu lph , and Co.

, 43 , Charing Cross, S.W.

Colonial Bank,1 3 , Bishopsgate With in, E.C .

Comme rc ial Banking Co. of Sydney, 3 9, Lombard Street, E. C .

Consol idate d Bank, 52 , Thre adne e dle Street, E.C . , and 450, West Strand, W.C .

Continental Bank , 79, Lombard Street , E.C .

Cooke (Jay), M cCulloch , and Co. , 4 1 , Lombard Street, E. .C

Coutts and Co. , 59, Strand , W.C .

Cre dit Lyonnai s,‘

Lyons, Paris, M arsei l les, Sain t E t ienne, Grenoble, and M acon, 29, LombardStreet , E.C .

Cunl iffe,Roger, Sons, and Co.

,6, P rince s Street, Mans ionHou se

, E.C .


e s and Co. See A lexanders, Cai i lifie s , and Co.

Currie s and Co. See Glyn,M i ll s, Currie, and Co.

Delhi and LondonBank , 76, KingWill iamStreet, E. C .

Dimsdale,Fow fe r

,Barnard, and Dimsdale s , 50, Cornhill, E.C .

Drummond, M essrs . , 49, Charing Cross, S.W.

Engl ish Bank of R io de Janeiro , 83 , St. Helen’s P lace

,Bishopsgate Withou t


Engl ish , Scottish , and Austral ianChartered Bank , 73 , Comh ill, E.C .

~Fu ller,Banbu ry, N ix, and M ath ieson, 77 , Lombard Street, E.C .

Gi l let t Brothers and Co. , 7 2 , Lombard Street, E.C .

Glyn, M i lls, Cu rrie, and Co. ,67 , Lombard Street, E.C .

Gosl ings and Sharpe , 1 9, Fleet Street , E.C .

Grant Brothers and Co . , 24, Lombard Street, E. C .

Green, Tomk inson, and Lloyd , -3 2 , N icholas Lane, E. C .

G rindlay and Co., 55, Parl iament Street, S.W.

Hanburys and Lloyd . See Barnetts, Hoares, Hanburys, and Lloyd .

Hartland and Co. (Continental Bank), 79, Lombard Street, E.C

Harwood, Knight, and A l l en, 1 8,Cornhi l l

, E.C .

Herrie s, Farquhar, Chapman, and Co. , 1 6, James’ Street


Hill and Sons, 1 7, Wes t Smith fie ld , 2,Bank Bu ild ings, M etropol itanCattl e M arke t


Foreign Cattle M arket,Dockyard , Deptford, S. E .

Hoares, 37 , Fleet Street, E.C.

Hong-Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporat ion, 3 2, Lombard Street, E.C .

Hopkinsonand Sons, 3 , Regen t Street, Waterloo Place , S.W.

Imperial Bank . See The Imperial Bank .

Imperial O ttoman Bank , 26, Throgmorton Street , E.C .

International Bank of Hamburg and London,1 1 3 , CannonStreet , EC .

IonianBank , 3 1 , Finsbury C ircus, E.C .


King H enry Ss, d o. , M 65, Comhill . K C.

mmmoqwmw xc ; 1 1 , 83nk nm1dmgg 1 1euopoumw ue mrkegmmd

h nd MW Bmd m h p h g‘t ArmYmuoorgu e W EC

W M W W gM fiM 3 W ’ Hfll Cm W M M EC

IM M M NM N M M l u lu dQ M SM EC.

landoa Banking As och fiomg Bank Bufirfiog aC. a‘

m w mta am mm mmacKnightsbridgc S.W

55, Bu bimn, l 4i, 82 1d

H igh W SiK ;

67, RemingtonH igh Stre e t, W. ; 1 8 1 and Showdi lch H igh Street, E. 5 74. WeaboumeW.C 5 165 Wuminuu 81 idge km sn5

W W y, S.E 5SmM M . E 5 3 : 4md 335, High Holbom, W.C . 5 1 , Am

v idxafl 5flam¢u bi 4 1 h nqnil VM W SE 5PW B Smg wmk h 8 E 5md

u ndonJOintc k BW.C ; CW M K C 5M HM W M M FW Canle Marke t, l

k pt~

lo odmh ovidmtflmh zfi noovp u Stru-QEC .

londonnd h minct L M Bifild ingg Lothboq.Street ; W N W ; Wod v icis st Gm '

Zs l'nd.

l andcomd k imPhte Bmh mMoomu Sumfi C .

m mmrmmn md w wmfi c.

lnndoomd Somb Afiku BanhqingWiflhmm ac

londonw d Sw th Wa temBenb 7 , l

46, d M & john’

s Wood. N .W. ; Bunk 11 1 11111119 , 2. ManorTm KM N ,W. 5 a, Woodm m mv HM Uppe t Nonrood, SE. 598, H igh

Suun M SE 5 3w mumRmd , SW. 5H igh Stmg Pumcy,11011“ .v Hin trteg Fore st H i ll,

8 E 5 Chu1cb Tcmce . Suing, W. ; 3, Campbe ll Terrace . Bow , E ; and 203 , FulhmM . SW.

Iondonand Wa unin mL4 1 , lp thbury. E.C 5 1 , 8LJama ’

Squ re , S.W. ; Rolhou ,

W.C. ; QM M W SK ; 1 30.

M M W WJ WemiM a Btidgc Road , S.E.

m mvm mmw w m ac.

M M Conu lnmbomd Sumflc.


Ank of Sydncy, 315 6 1221 31 . Helen’s. EC .

W W CQ M M HmCanmm EC .

m mmm m ,mmzm s w

National “ Se e The Natioml Bank.Nnfiond mnd w nma xmbndw hall SM EC .

National Bnnk of Soodmd,


Nat ional Provincial Bank of England , Bishopsgate Street, corner of Thre adne e dle Stree t, EC . 5 2 1 2

Piccadily, W . ; 53 , Baker Stree t, W. ; and 2 1 8, Upper Street, I sl ington, N .

N e w Londonand Braz il ianBank , 2 , Old Broad S tree t, E.C .

O rien tal Bank Corporation, Thre adne e dle Street, E.C .

Prae ds and Co. , 1 89, Fleet Stree t, E.C .



,and Co.

,62 , Thre adne e dle Street, E.C .

Provincial Bank of I reland, 42 , O ld Broad Stfe e t, E.C .

Ransom, Bouverie , and Co. , 1 , Pal l Mall East , S.W.

R ichardson and Co. ,1 3 , Pal l M all

,S.W. , and 23, Cornh ill, E.C .

Robarts, Lubbock , and Co. ,1 5, Lombard Stree t, E. C .

St. James’ Bank,1 7 , Charles S treet, St. James

,W. C .

Samuel , M ontague, and Co. , 60 , O ld Broad Street, E.C .

Scott, Sir Samuel, Bart. , and Co. ,1,Cavendish Square


Seyd and Co.,IA , Princes Street, Bank, E. C .

Shank,John, 4, Bank Bu i ld ings , Metropol itan Cattle M arket


Si llar, W. C ., and Co. ,

1, St. Swi th in

’s Lane,E.C .

Smi th , Payne, and Smiths, 1,Lombard Stree t, E.C .

Spooner, A ttwoods, and Co. Se e Barclay, Bevan, and Co .

S tandard Bank of Bri t ish Sou th A frica, 1 0, Clement’s Lane

,E.C .

Steven son, Sal t, and Sons . See Bosanquet, Sal t, Harman, and Co.

T he A ll iance Bank,Bartholomew Lane, EC .

The C entral Bank of London, 52 , Cornh i l l, E C . 5 3 1 , Shoreditch High S t reet, E 5 1 1 0, High Stree t,

Whitechape l, E. 5 and 26

,Tooley Street, S.E.

T he City Bank, Thre adne e d le S treet, corne r of Finch Lane, E C ; 34, O ld Bond Street , W. ; 25,

Ludgate and 1 60,Tottenham Court Road

,W. 5 1 50, Prae d Street ; and 2 1 9 and

22 1,Edgware Road


The Imperial Bank , 6, Lothbu ry, E. C ; 1,We stm in ste r Chambers

,V ictoria. Street, S.W. ; and 1


Sydney Place,On§low Square, S.W.

The LondonJointS tock Bank. See London JointS tock Bank .

Th e Metropolitan Bank, 76, Cornh ill , E C .

Th e National Bank, 1 3 , 01d Broad Street, E C . 5 70,Glouce ster Gardens,W. 5 2 1

,Grosvenor Gardens ,

Belgravia, S.W . 5 9, Charing Cross, S.W . 5 1 89, High Street , CamdenTown, N .W. 5 286,Penton

ville Road,N 5 1 58, High Street , N ott ing Hill , W. 5 and 23 , O ld Cavendish Street, W .

Twining, R ichard , and Co. , 2 1 5, Strand , W.C.

UnionBank of A us tral ia, 1 , Bank Bu i ld ings, Lothbu ry, E.C .

UnionBank of London, 2 , Princes Street, Mans ionHouse, E. C . 5 66. Charing Cross, S.W. 5 1 4, A rgyl lPlace

,W. ,

Chancery Lane , W.C . and H olbomCircus, E.C .

Valentine and Co. , 1 7 and 1 8, Cornhill , and 1 73 , Fenchurch Street, E. C .

Vernon and Co. ,23 , Regent S treet, Waterloo P lace

, S.W.

W est London Comme rc ial Bank , 34, Sloane Square, Chelsea , S.W.

Westm in ster D istrictBank, 4, Arabel la Row, P iml ico, S.W.

Whiteley, Wi l l iam, 43 , We stboume Grove, WW i ll iams, Deacon, Labouchere, Thornton,

and Co . ,20, Birch inLane, EC .

W il l is,Perc ival

,and Co . , 76, Lombard Street, E C .

18 7 5.

A gra Bank , 35, N icholas Lane, Lombard Street, E.C .

A lexanders, Cunli ffe s , and Co. , 30, Lombard Street, EC .

A ll iance Bank . See The A l liance Bank .


Imperial Bank . See Th e Imperial Bank .

K ing, Henry S. ,and Co. , 45, Pal l M all , and 65, Cornh ill, E.C .

Lacy and Son, 60, West Smithfi e ld, E.C . 5 .1 1 , Bank Bu i ld ings, Metropol itan Cattle M arket,N . ; and

Fore ignCattle M arket,Dockyard, Deptford, S.E.

LondonBank of Commerce , 5, Lothbu ry, E.C .

LondonBank of Tunis, 1 1, St. Helen

’s Place, E.C .

Londonand County Banking Co.,2 1

, Lombard Street, E C ; 3 , Albert Gate, Knightsbridge, S.W. 5

1 1 2, Aldersgate Street, E C . 5 2 1,Hanover Square, W. 4 and 5, Uppe r Street, I sl ington, N . ;

6,Berkeley P lace, Edgware Road , W. ; 44 1 and 442 , Oxford


Stre e t, W.C . ; 34, Borough H ighStreet, S.E. 5 67, Kens ington High Street, W. 5 1 8 1 and 1 82

, Shoreditch High Street , E. 5 74 and

76, Wes tbourne Grove, W . 5 6, H enriet ta Street, Covent Garden,W .C 1 65, Westmins te r BridgeRoad

, S.E. 5 Deptford Broadway , S.E. 5 S tratford Broadway, E. 5 3 24 and 3 25, High Holborn,W.C . 5 1 , Amhers t Road, Eas t Hackney, E 5 680, Comme rcial Road East, E. 5 1 8

,New ington

Bu tts,S.W. 5 1 93 , Cale donianRoad , N . 5 3 , V ictoria Street, W es tminster, S.W . 5 20

,Stockwel l

Stree t,Greenw ich , S.E. 5Barnet, N . 5T ranqu il Val e, Blackheath , S.E. 5 Pow is Street, Woolwich ,

S.E. 5 and 1 2,King S treet, West Hammersmi th, S.W.

LondonJointStock Bank , 5, Princes Street, Bank, EC ; 69, Pall M al l , S.W. 5 1 24, Chancery Lane,W.C . 5 Charterhouse Street, E C . 5 Cattle M arket

,I sl ington, and Foreign Cattle M arket ,

Dep tford ; 28,Borough High Street , S.E. 5 and 9, CravenRoad, W.

London and P rovinc ial Bank, 7 , Bank Bu i ldings, Lothbury, E C ; 1 63 , Edgware Road , W. ; 560,

Kings land Road , E. 5 Lew isham , 1 8, Lewis P lace ; Su tton, 5, High Street ; Tw ickenham ,King

S tree t 5R ichmond, Hill Stree t 5Woolw ich , 38, Green’s End 5 Stoke New ington, 1 63 , High Street 5

Tottenham ,Comm erce T e rrace .

London and South A fricanBank, 1 1 , KingWill iamStreet , E.C .

Londonand Sou th Wes tern Bank , 7 , Fenchu rch Street, EC . 5 27, Regen t Street, S.W. 5 67 and 68,Park Street, CamdenTown, N .W. 5 ClaphamCommon, S.W. ; High Street, Hampstead , N .W. 5

Well ington Road, St. John’s Wood, N .W. 5Bank Bu i ld ings, Wand sworth

,S.W. 5 2 , Manor

T errace , K ilburn, N .W. 5 2, WoodmanTerrace, Wes tow Hill, Upper Norwood, S.E. 5 55, High


,S.E. 5 304, BrixtonRoad, S.W. 5High Street, Pu tney, S.W. 5 379, Comme rcial

Road Eas t, E‘

23 , Seven Sisters’ Road

,Holloway, N . 5High Street, Fore st Hill, S.E. 5 Chu rch

Terrace,Eal ing, W. 5 3 , Campbe l l T errace , Bow , E. 5 202,Fulham Road , S.W. 5 250, Cambe r

wel l Road , S.E. 5 1 0, City Road, Finsbury, EC . 5Rai lway Te rrace , Wimbledon, S.W. 5 1 37,

Ladbroke Grove, Notting Hill, W. Sub-branches atA c ton, W. , and Lower Tooting, S.W.

Londoh and Westm inster Bank , 4 1 , Lothbury , EC . 5 1, St. James

Square, S.W . 5 2 1 4, High Holborn,W . C . 5 6, Borough High Street, S.E. 5 1 30, Whitechapel High Street, E. 54, S tratford P lace, OxfordStreet

,W . ; 2 1 7 , Strand, W .C . ; 91 , Wes tminster Bridge Road, S.E.

Mcculloch and Co. , 41 , Lombard Street, E.C .

Martinand Co.,68, Lombard Street , E. C .

Mercantile Bank of the R iver P late,6,Lombard Street

, E.C .

Merchant Bank ing Co. of London, 1 1 2 , CannonStreet, E.C .

Metropol itan Bank. Se e The Metropo l itan Bank .

N at ional Bank . See The National Bank .

N ationgl Provincial Bank of England , Bishopsgate Street, corner of Thre adne e dle Street, EC . 5 2 1 2 ,

P iccadi l ly,W . 5 53 , Baker Street, W. 5 and 2 1 8

, Upper Street, Isl ington, N .

Prae ds and Co.,1 89, Fleet Street , E.C .

Prescott,Grote, Cave, and Co.

, 62 , Thre adhe e dle Street, E. C .

Ransbm, Bouverie , and Co . , 1 , Pall'

M all East, S.W .

Rel iance Bank . Se e Th e Rel iance Bank .

Richardson and Co . , 1 3 , Pal l M all , SW . 5 23 , Cornh il l , EC .

Robarts, Lubbock, and Co.,1 5, Lombard Street, E.C .

u s r or BA NKERS. 345

SL jamu'

MBankSWM Momgug d o. mow amw nc

Sqd d m1 ~ P1 inm SM BanLEC

M JM Q M M M MempofimnCaule Mamg N .

w mm mm 1 , 1.ombard 811m, E.C.

SW , M M CQ Se e Bu d ay, Be vzn, w d Co.


SE 5md 239, t kfi hnRoed, SEFioch b oc ; 35 016 80011 801“q 6 1 1 1111 63,

IW BmEC 5 1 59 md l 6o. TW CM M W. 5 6 M 7 . mnda Tcm ,

Knighfi bridgg SWqM a l gmd 22 1 , 8dam koad , .W

Tu lmpa h lm a lmhw ’,

Sydmy Pt Ondo' Sq W.

The Londoo loimswck Baok. Se e lp odonjointc a nk.‘


be l l etropolimBnnh 75 Comhin, EC.

c cd gnvia, 1 89, Hin tmLCamdc m N .W. 5

Sm w .

Twining. Richard. 2 1 3 811 1 116, W.C.

ArgyBPM Wt ancety umWCqd ofiboru C imA EC.

Wmlmdoo CmmmH M u Slmqm Chdm s w.

We stminsterd bcL

W e lch wmifl i . 41 m oam Grm W.

W M M W M CQ J Q W EW , ECWi lfig PatinLand COnm bu d Sue cg EC.


Agn Banl LimiM J$ Nkhoba h ng lpmbvd Stm EC .

AknndcmC -mlifie s . and C01 , 30, Mmbnrd SM l'l C.

m am. Se e'


be Alliance Bmk.

M d EoghM Tbmdne e dle M EC ; d em bnnn w fimon1 36. 1.a dcnball 81ne 1, EC .

M flm flznbqand M 6omd 62J ombnd Saecg flc.

fi ddxfipLCocks w d Co. Sce Cockg Biddulply d a

W Wmmd jobm65 Weu Smitbfid d, E.C. 5 6. 81nk Boild ingg flctropolim CattleMM NqM FM Ca tk M eQM M q-ms a

W q md p , SombampwnBuildim anw yLme , W.C

BonnqJlg Hm SalgBounqueu d hz tmm,

346. [ 1 5T OF BA N K ERS.

Brooks and Co. (Wm. Cunl iffe Brook s, 8 1,Lombard Street

, E.C .

Brown, Janson, and Co., 3 2 , Abchu rch Lane, E. C .

Brown, John, and Co. ,25, Abchu rch Lane, E.C .

Burt,F rederick

,and Co. , 7 1 and 72 , Cornhil l, E.C .

Cate s and Son, 84, King W i l l iamStreet , E.C .

Central Bank of LondonLimi ted . See Bank of LondonLimi ted .

Cheque Bank Limited , Pal l Mal l Eas t, S.W. , and Cockspur Street, S.W. ; City ofli ce , 1 24,

~ CannonStreet, E.C .

Ch ild and Co. , 1 , Fleet Street, Temple Bar, E. C .

City Bank. See The City Bank .

Cocks, Biddu lph, and Co. , 43 , Charing Cross, S.W.

Consol idate d Bank Limi ted, 52 , Thre adne e dle Street, E.C . ,and 450, Wes t Strand , W .C .

Continental Bank (S tan ton and 79, Lombard Street, E.C .

Coutts and Co. , 59, Strand, W.C .

Cunli fi'

e, Roger, Sons, and Co. , 6, Princes Street, Mans ionHouse, E.C .


e s and Co. See A lexanders, Cunli ffe s , and Co.

Currie s and Co. See Glyn, M i ll s, Cu rrie, and Co.

Delh i and London Bank Limi ted, 76, King Will iamStreet, E. C .

Dimsdale, Fowler, Barnard , and Dimsdale s , 50,Cornhill

,E.C .

Dobre e , Samuel , and Sons, 6, Tokenhous e Yard , E.C .

Drummond, M essrs . , 49, Charing Cross, S.W.

Ful ler, Banbu ry, N ix, and M ath ieson, 77 , Lombard Street, E.C .

Gille tt Brothers and Co., 7 2 , Lombard Street, E.C .

Glyn, M ills, Currie, and Co, 67, Lombard Street , E.C .

Gosl ings and Sharpe, 1 9, Fleet Street, E.C .

Grant Bro thers and Co. ,24, Lombard Street, E.C .

Green,Tomkinson, and Lloyd, 3 2 , N icholas Lane, E.C .

Grindlay and Co . , 55, Parl iament Street, S.W.

Hanburys and Lloyd . See Barnetts, Hoares, Hanbu rys, and Lloyd .

Harwood,Knigh t, and A l len, 1 8, Cornh il l, E.C .

Herries,Farquhar, Chapman, and Co.

,1 6, St. James

’ Street, S.W.


,and Co. ,

1 4, Waterloo P lace, Pal l M all , S.W.

Hill and Sons, 1 7 , West Smithfi e ld, EC . 5 2 , Bank Bu i ld ings, Metropol itan Cattle Market,N . ; and

Foreign Cattle M arket,Dockyard, Deptford, S.E.

Hoares, 37, Fleet Street, E.C .

Hopkinsonand Sons, 3 , Rege n t Street, Waterloo P lace, S.W.

Imperial Bank Limite d . See Th e Imperial Bank .

I nte rnational Bank of Hamburg and LondonLimi ted, 1 1 3 , CannonStreet, E.C .

K ing, Henry S. , and Co. , 45, Pall M al l, S.W. , and 65, Cornhil l, E. C.

Lacy, Son, and Hartland, 60, West Smithfie ld, EC . 5 8, Bank Bu i ld ings, M e tropol itan Cattle Market,

N . 5 and Foreign Cattle M arket,Dockyard, Dept ford, S.E.

London Bank of Commerce Limi ted, 5, Lothbu ry, E.C .

Londonand County Banking Company, 2 1 , Lombard Street , E.C . Metropol i tan branches : 3 , AlbertGate

,Knightsbridge, S.W. ; 1 1 2

,A ldersgate Street, EC ; 2 1 , Hanove r Square , W. ; 4 and 5,

Upper Street,Is l ington, N . 5 6, Berkeley P lace, Edgware Road ,W . ; 44 1 and 442 , Oxford Street,

W. C . ; 34, Borough High Stre et, S.E. ; 67 , Ken s ington High Street, W. ; 1 8 1 and 1 82 , Shore"

d itch High Street, E. 5 74 and 76, Wes tbourne Grove, W. 5 6, Hen rietta Street, Covent Garden,W .C . 5 1 65, Westminster Bridge Road, S.E. 5 Deptford Broadway, S.E. 5 S t ra tford Broadway, E. 5

3 24 and 3 25, High H olbom,


W .C . 5 1 , Amhers t Road Eas t, Hackney, E 5 680, Comme rcialRoad East

, El ; 1 8,New ington Bu tts

, S.E. 5 3 , Victoria Street, Wes tminster, S.W. ; 1 93 , Cale ;


Spooner, A ttwoods , and Co. See Barclay, Bevan, and Co.

S tan ton and Co. (Continental Bank), 79, Lombard Street , E. C .

Stevenson, Sal t , and. Son s . See Bosanquet, Sal t, Harman, Sal t, Bosanquet, and Whatmm.

The Al l iance Bank Limi ted , Bar tholomew Lane, E C .

The Central Bank of LondonLimi ted, 52 , Cornhi l l , E C . 5 3 1 , Shoredi tch High Street, E. 5 1 1 0 , HighStreet , Whi techapel , E 26

, Tooley Street , S . E . ; and B lackfr iars Road, corner of StamfordStreet , SE.

The C ity Bank, Thre adne e d1e Street, corner of Finch Lane , E. CtBranch office s : 34, 01d Bond

Street,W. ; 6 1 and 63 , Ludgate Hill , E C ; 1 59 and Court Road

,W. ; 7 ,

Lowndes Terrace , Knightsbridge, S.W. 5 and 2 1 9 and 2 2 1 , Edgware Road ,W .

Th e Imperi al Bank Limi ted , 6, Lothbu ry, E. C . Branche s : 1 , We stmins te r Chambers, V ic toria Stree t,S.W. 5 and 1

,Sydney P lace

,Onslow Square

, S.W.

The LondonJointS tock Bank . See LondonJo int S tock Bank .

The Metropol i tan Bank Limited , 75, Cornh ill , E C .

The Nat ional Bank , 1 3 , O ld Broad Street, E. C . Metropol itan branches 68,Glouce ster Gardens

,W. 1

2 1 , Grosvenor Gardens , Be lg12via, S.W . ; 9, Charing Cross, High Street, CamdenTown, N .W. ; 286

,Pentonville Road

, N . 5 1 58, High Street , Notting Hill , W. 5 and 2 2 and 23 ,

O ld Cavendish Street, W;Tw ining, Richard , and Co. , 2 1 5, Strand ,W.C .

Union Bank of London, principal ofli ce , 2, P ri nces Street, Mans ionHouse

, E.C . 5Charing Cros sbranch


,Charing Cross, S.W. 5 Regent Stree t branch , 1 4, A rgyll P lace, W. 5 95, Chancery

Lane, W .C . 5 and H olbomCircus, E.C .

Valent ine and Co . , 1 73 , Fenchurch Street, E.C .

Venables, Al fred, and Co. , 30, Royal Exchange, F C .

Wes t Ldndon Comme rc ial Bank Limi ted, head offi ce , 34, Sloane Square, Chelsea , Earl ’sCourt branch

, 4, John's Terrace, Earl

’s CourtRoad , K ensington, S.W.

Wh iteley, Will iam, 43, Westbourne Grove , W.

W illiams , Deacon, Labouchere, Thornton, and Co. ,20

, Birch inLane , E. C .

W ill is, Perc ival , and Co. , 76, Lombard Street, EC .

1 87 7 .

Agra Bank Limi ted, 35, N icholas Lane, Lombard Street , E.C .

A l exanders , Cunlifl'

e s, and Co. , 30 , Lombard Street, E. C .

Al l iance Bank . See The Al l iance Bank.Anglo-Belgian Bank Limited,St. Benett

s Chambers, Fenchu rch Street, E.C .

A nglo-Egyp t ian Banking Co. Limi ted , 27 , Clement’s Lane, Lombard Street, E.C .

Bank of Be lgium and Holland Limi ted , 3 1 , Lombard Street, EC .

Bank of England, Threadne ed le Street, E. C .

,and Wes tern branch , Burl ingtonGardens, W.

Bank of Scot land , 43 , Lothbu ry, E. C .

Barber, James, Son, and Co .

,1 36, Le adenhai l Street, E.C .

Barclay, Bevan, Tri tton, T w e lls , and Co., 54, Lombard Street, E. C .

Barker,George, and Co. , 39 and 40, Mark Lane, E.C .


Barnetts, Hoares, Hanburys, and Lloyd, 60 and 62 , Lombard Street, E.C .

Biddu lph,Cocks

, and C0. See Cock s, Biddulph , and Co.

Bigge rstafl“

,63 , West Smithfi e ld, EC . 5 6, Bank Bu ildings, Metropol itan Cattle M arket


Fore ignCattle M arket, Dock Street , Deptford, S . E .

Birkbeck Bank , 29 and 30 ,Sou thampton Bu i ld ings, Chancery Lane, W.C .

Bosanquet, Sal t, Harman, Salt , Bosanquet , and What'man, 73 , Lombard Street, E.C .

Brook s and Co. ,8 1

,Lombard Street,E.C .


M Fm M Ca , 7 1 u d 72, t im&CCcnml Banh ol lmdoo Limited. Se e Tt entml Bank of l ond-mLimi i ed .

CityBank. Se e'


ht yB-mk.

cm umnuormm h w mump um ac

Comofidfi ed Bank Limited , 32, Tbmdmedlc Suva . E.C . , tad 450, WestStrand , W.C.

Cw fincnuJBnnh 7g lpmbu d Strmli C.

HM K C .

Cunl’dru d o. Su AknndmCG W d o.

Cmie s d o. mcmumcmmmDd h i and Lmdoo Bank li 165 l ingWi lflamStre eg flc.

so, Cornhill , EC.

DM MM , 49, M 3 C10Q 8.WFuBa ,m1117 , N ix, 2nd bl201icsoo, 71 , 1.ombnd Sm flC .

67 , 1mbard SM EC .

m mm uamm mcGm khm tnd Ca . 32, Nichoh a lane , KC.

m mm55, w w sim s w .

Rmpubire Banking Ca , c omce , Hmp1hin Bak nildm, W d Tbmdae edkW M EC ; Ww w ofi a ,

29, 01£ord Su-ect, w

Bnbarys aad uayd. Sc cugm fls obem,ml oyd

w m mmnammmmc


Imperial flaak l imiud. Se emlmpa h lnmk.1m m ammmm w m3 m m nc

8, Bank Bufldingn, Mw opolimCauc zrket,

2116 21 7 2114 2”,qStre et.

Menopolitmbnncbes :3 , Albert Gate , Knighubridge , S.W. 5 1 1 2 , Aidengm:m ac ; 2 1 , Hanover Sqm w .

M W. 544 1 2 11d 442,

182 , Shored itch H igh Stree t , 74 and 76, We stbonme Grove, W. 56, Henrietta Street , Covent


Garden,W.C . 5 1 65, Westm in ster Bridge Road , S.E. 5 Deptford Broadway, S. E . 5 S t ra tfo rd

Broadway, E. 5 3 24 and 3 25, High Holborn, W .C . 5 1,Amhurs t Road East


,E 5 680,

Comme rc ial Road East,E. 5 1 8

,New ington Bu t ts

,S .E . 5 3 , V ictoria Street, Westminster, S.W . 5

1 93 , Cale donianRoad, N 5 20,Stockwell Street

,Greenw ich

,S .E . 5Barnet , N . 5 Tranqu i l Vale,

Blackheath,S .E . 5 Powi s Street, Woolwich , S.E. 5 1 2

,King Street West, Hammersmith 5 Sussex

P lace, Queen’s Gate, S.W. 5Erith 5 and Surbiton.

London and Hanseatic Bank Limited, 36, Lombard Street , E.C .

LondonJoint S tock Bank , 5, Princes Street , Bank, EC . 5 69, Pal l M all, S.W. 5 1 24, Chance ry Lane,

W. C . ; Charterhouse Street .branch, Charterhouse Street, E C, 5 Cattle M arket , I s l ington, andForeign Cattle M arket, Deptford ; Sou thw


ark branch, 28,Borough High Street, S . E . 5 and

Paddingtonbranch, 9, CravenRoad, WI


Londonand P rovincial Bank Limi ted , 7, Bank Bu i ld ings, Lothbu ry, E.C . Branches : 1 63 , EdgwareRoad , W . 5560 . Kingsland Road , E. 5 Sou th K ensington, 1 , Bank Bu i ldings, Sussex P lace,Qu een’s Gate, W. 5 Lew isham, 1 8, Lew is P lace 5 Sut ton, 5, High Stree t ; Twickenham ,

KingStree t ; Woolwich , 38, Green

’s End ; Stoke N ewington, 1 63 , High Stre e t 5 Tottenham ,6,Com

merce Terrace 5Beckenham 5 Anerley , S .E . 5Enfie ld 5 Carshalton5 Surbiton; WalhamGreen,


Londonand R iver P late Bank Limi ted, 52, Moorgate Street, E.C .

London and South We stern Bank Limi ted,head office

, 7 , Fenchurch Street , E C . 5Wes t End branch ,27, Regent Street , S.W. Metropol i tan branche s : High Street, A c ton, W . ; 1

,A nerley Road


S.E. 5 90 and 92 , Bow Road , E. ; 275, Brixton Road, S.W. ; 250, Camberwe l l Road , S.E. 5

Park Street,CamdenTown, N .W. ; Clapham Common, S.W. ; Uxbridge Road, Eal ing, W . ;

1 0,City Road

,E C . 5High Street, Fore st Hill , S .E . 5 28

,High Street , Hampstead

,N .W. 5 2 28


Kentish Town Road,N .W. 5 3 , Bank Bu i ldings , Kilburn; 26

,A dd ison Terrace, Nott ing Hill ,

W. 5 1 37 , Ladbroke Grove , W. 5High Street, Peckham,S. E . High Street, Pu tney, S.W. 5Wel

l ington Road, Sr. John’s Wood

,N .W. ; Uxbridge Road , Shepherd

’s Bush,W . ; High Street ,

Sou th N orwood,S.E. 5 379, Comme rc ial Road East , E. ; 3 , Eldon P lace , Streatham,

S.W. ;

High Street, Sydenham, S .E . 5High Street, Lower Tooting, S.W. 5Westow H i11_,Upper N orwood


S.E. 5 Bank Bu ild ings , Wandsworth, S.W. ; 202, Fu lham Road

,S.W. 5 Railway T errace

Wimbledon, S.W.

London and Wes tminster Bank , 4 1 , Lothbu ry, E.C . Branches : 1, St. James

’s Square,S.W. ; 2 1 4,

High H olbom

,VV.C . 5 6, Borough High Street, S.E. 5 1 30, 1 3 1 , and 1 3 2 , Whitechapel High

Street,E 5 4,

S tratford P lace , Oxford Street , W. ; 2 1 7 , Strand , W.C and 91 , Westm inste r

Bridge Road,S .E .

M cCulloch and Co., 4 1 , Lombard Street , E.C .

Martinand Co.,68

,Lombard Stre et, E.C .

Mercantile Bank of the R iver P late Limi ted , 6, Lombard Street, E. C .

Merchant Bank ing Company of LondonLimited, 1 1 2 , CannonStreet, E.C .

Metropol itan Bank . See The Metropoli tan Bank .

Nati onal Bank . See The National Bank .

National Bank of Scotland , 37 , N icholas Lane, Lombard Street, E. C .

National Depos i t Bank , 16 and 1 7, Russell Street, CoventGarden, W.C .

National Provinc ial Bank of England, C it); office , Bi shopsge te Street , corner of Thre adne e dle Street ,EC . 52 1 2 , P iccadilly,W. 5 53 , Baker Street, W. 5 and 2 1 8

,Upper Street

,I sl ington, N 5Lincoln


Innbranch , 8, Serle Street, W .C .

Prae ds and Co. ,1 89, Fleet Street, E. C .

Prescott,Cave, and Co.


,Thre adne e dle Street , E.C .

Ransom, Bouverie, and Co. ,I , Pal l Mall Eas t, S.W.

Reeves,Whitbu rn

,and Co. ,

27 , Clement’s Lane , E.C .

Richard son and Co.,1 3 , Pal l M al l , S.W. ,

and 23 , Cornh ill , E.C .


AngloyItalianBank Limited, 1 6, Le adenhall Street , E.C .

Anglo—Pe ruvianBank Limited, 4, Bank Bu ildings, Lothbury, EC .

A us tral ianJoint Stock Bank, 1 8, King WilliamStreet, E.C .

Aynard and Ri i fTe r, 39, Lombard Street, E C .

Bank of A u stralasia, 4, Threadne e dle Street, E. C .

Bank of British Columb ia, 5, East India A venue, Le adenhall Street, E. C .

Bank of Bri tish North America, 3 , Clement’

s Lane, Lombard Street, E.C .

Bank of Constantinople , 1 25, Gre shamHouse , E. C .

Bank of Egypt, 26, Old Broad Street, E.C .

Bank of M ontreal, 9, BirchimLane, E C .

Bank of N ew South Wal es, 64, Old Broad Street, E.C .

Bank of N e w Z e aland , 1 , Que enVictoria Street, E.C .

Bank of Roumania,1 5, Moorgate Street, EC .

Bank of Sou th A ustral ia, 54, Old Broad Street, City, E.C .

Bank of Victoria (A ustral ia), 3 , Thre adne e d le Street, E. C .

Banque Francaise et Ital ienne, 60, Thre adne e dle Street, E.C .

BaumBrothers, 37 , Haymarket, S.W. , and IO

, Warnford C ourt , E.C .

Blydenste in, Benjamin Wm. ,z og, Gre at St. Helen

’s, E.C .

Bonn Brothe rs and Co. , 5, Ange l Court, Throgmortor1 Street, E.C .

Bow le s Brothers, 2 , Adelaide Street, Strand, W . C .

Charte re d Bank of India, A ustral ia, and China, Hatton Co ,urt Thre adne e d le Street

, E.C .

Charte re d M e rcantfle Bank of Ind ia, London, and China, 65, O ld Broad Street, E.C .

Cohn, M aurice

,and Co . ,

2 2,Thre adne e dle Street, E. C .

Col linson, john, and Co. , 50, O ld Broad Street, E.C .

Colonial Bank, 1 3 , Bishopsgate With in, E.C .

Colonial Bank of N e w Zealand , I 3 , Moorgate Street, E.C .

Comme rcial Bank ing Company of Sydney, 39, Lombard Street, E.C .

Comptoi r d’

Escompte de Paris, 1 44, Le adenhall Street, E.C .

Credit Lyonna‘ is, Lyons, Paris, M arseilles, Saint Et ienne , Grenoble, M acon

, Geneva, A le xandria,Cons tant inople , Cai ro, and M adrid

, 39, Lombard Street, E.C .

D avid (Corne i l le ) and Co. , 43 , Mark Lane,E.C .

Deutsche Bank , Berlin, so, Old Broad Street, E.C.

Dre yfus Brothe rs and Co. , 1 5, Le ad enhall Street, E.C .

-Duff, Last, and Co.

, 42 , CannonStreet,‘E.C .

Engl ish Bank of Rio de Jane iro Limi ted , I 3 , St. Helen’s P lace

,Bishopsgate With in, E.C .

Engl ish , Scottish , and Aus tral ian Charte re d Bank , 73 , Cornhill , E. C .

Exchange and Investmen t Bahk , 56, Thre adne e dle Street, E.C .

Erlange r,Emi le

,and Co.

, 43 , Lothbu ry , E.C .

Flachfe ld Brothers,25, Savage Gardens, Crutche d F riars, E. C .

Ge rmanBank of London Limited, Bartholomew Hou se, E.C .

Gille spie Brpthe rs and Co., 1 4, Waterloo P lace, Pal l M all

, S.W.

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporat ion, 3 1 , Lombard Stree t, E.C .

Impe rial O ttomanBank , 26, ThrogmortonStreet, EC . Coupondepartment, A lderman’s Walk

, E.C .

Ionian Bank , 3 1 , Finsbury Circus , E.C .

K eyser, A .

,and Co. ,

2 1, Cornh ill, E.C .

K u lb,A . , and Co. , 1 6, Cornhil l, EC .

Land (The ) Mortgage Bank of . India (Cre d it Foncie r Indien) Limi ted, 4, Eas t India A venue,Le adenhall Street, E.C .

Land Mortgage Bank of Victoria Limited, 1 7 , King

’s A rms Yard, M oorgate, E. C .

LondonBank of M e xico and SoutH Ame rica Limi ted,1 44, Le adenhall Street , E C .


LondonChflw e d Bmk ol Anstnlig M CannonLBM C ty. EC.

Imdonmd SanFmM Bank l imfi ednu om ad Sm EC .

lmdonaad South Afi ia nBaqh xo, KingWflliamSM EC.

Mfi fimBmk d me Donfiniond Canadg 3$ lmbu d Sueeg KC

Mayer, David, 7, 2a h dia Amu , EC.

Ha untile flmk of Sydney, 30, 01u t81. Helen'

s, EC .

Nmonal k of Anstnh sia, 1 49, 1a dcnhaflStrec15 5 CNM M k d lnt k , t Wfllt meg EC .

Nmoml Bank ol gmy umhed, ag cm wm sm ac.



w w w . g cmmm ac.

m m mmng w m mM M t cignTndqmbu d SumI-LC.

Unioo Band nmfig u Bk aflding Lothbmnfi cWm BmM 6z , M fly,W.

w ens ,WesternM alianBmk,n M Bmad Sue et, E.C .

Stre e t, EC .

187 8 .

M W M M 5&OH M M ECBcnk o‘Bdgiummd Bonmd UmiM m hu d SM EC.

M d W M M EC d Wm M W GMmW.

M oti lontraLg Birchiu lm l’LC.

M M Ru M M M fi M 6qM d SM fi c.

w oy wmmM BCqfi M W W pofimm uutFa chnCatde M c od Sue eg DapM SE.

M M mM 3qSomhamM Bufld ingg Chmw y hqC .

m mm mm mm nw m nc

Cm M M M‘


CM M d lmdonumiwd. See'


be Central Bank of LondmIimited.


Che que Bank Limited, he ad oth ee, 1 24, CannonStre e t, EC . 5 branch , 20, Cockspur Stre e t,Child and Co. , 1 , Fle e t Stre e t, Temple Bar, E.C .

City Bank . Se e The City Bank.

Clyde sdale Bank ing Co. Se e Th e Clyde sdale Banking Co.

Cocks,Biddu lph

,and Co.

, 43 , Charing Cros s , S.W.

Cohn, M au rice,and Co. ,

2 2, Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E.C .

Comme rcial Bank of A le xandria Limited, I 3 , Moorgate Stre e t, E. C .

Consol idate d Bank Limi ted, 52 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E.C .

, and 450, We s t Strand,W .C .

Cont inental Bank, 79, Lombard Stre e t, E C .

Coutts and Co., 59, Strand, W .C .

Cunl i ffe , Roger, Sons, and Co.,6, Prince s Stre e t, Mans ionHouse

, E. C .

Currie s and Co. Se e Glyn, M i l ls, C 11m'

e,and Co.

D e lh i and London Bank Limi ted , 76, King Will iamStre e t, E. C .

Dimsdale, Fowl er, Barnard, and D imsdale s , 50, Cornhill, E. C .

Dobre e , Samuel,and Sons , 6, Tokenhouse Yard, E.C.

Drummond, M essrs . , 49, Charing Cross , S.W .

Ful ler,Banbu ry, N ix, and Mathie son, 77 , Lombard Stre e t, EC .

Gille tt Brothe rs and Co.

, 72 , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Glyn, M i lls, Currie , and Co.

,67, Lombard Stre e t , E C .

Gosl ings and Sharpe , 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t, E.C .

Grant Brothe rs and Co .,24, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Gre en, Tomk inson, and Co. , 3 2 , N icholas Lane , E. C .

Grindlay and Co .

, 55, Parl iament Stre e t, S.W.

Hampshire and North Wil ts Banking Co.

,he ad ofi‘i ce , 39, Threadne e dle Stree t, E. C. 5We st End

branch , 29, Oxfo rd Stre e t, W.

Hanburys and Lloyd. Se e Barnetts, Hoares, Hanburys, and Lloyd .

Harwood, Knight, and A llen, 1 8, Cornhill , E. C .

He rri e s , Farquhar, Chapman, and Co. , 1 6, St. Jame s’

Stre e t, S.W.

Hick ie,Corman, and Co .

, 1 4, Wate rloo Place, Pal l M al l, S.W.

Hill and Sons, I 7, We s t Smithfi e ld, EC ; 2,Bank Bu i ld ings, M e tropol i tan Cattle M atke t, N . 5 and

Fore ignCattle M arke t, Dockyard , Deptford, S.E.

Hoares, 37 , Fle e t Stre e t, E C.

Hopkinson_and Sons, 3 , Re gent Street, Wate rloo P lace

, S.W.

Impe rial Bank Limi te d. Se e Th e Imperial Bank .

Inte rnat ional Bank of Hamburg and LondonLimi ted, 1 1 3,CannonStre e t, EC .

K ing,’

H enry S. , and Co. , 45, Pal l M al l , S.W. , and 65, Cornh ill , E.C .

Lacy, Son, and Hartland, 60, We s t Smithfie ld, EC . 5 8, Bank Bu i ldings, M e tropol i tanCattle M arket,N 5 and Fore i gnCattle M arket



, S.E.

Lombard Bank Limited, 35, Lombard Stre e t, EC . 5 and 277 and 279, Re gent Stre e t, W.

Londonand County Bank ing Company, he ad oth ee, 21 , Lombard Street, E.C . Me tropol itanbranche s

3 , A lbe rt Gate, Knightsbridge , S.W . 5 1 1 2 , A lde rsgate Stre e t , EC ; 2 1 , Hanove r Square, W. ;

4 and 5, Uppe r Stre e t, I sl ington, N . 5 1,Connaught Stre e t, Edgware Road, W. ; 441 and 442 ,

Oxford Stre e t, W.C . 5 34, Borough High Stre e t, S.E. 5 67, Kens ingtonHigh Stre e t, W. 5 1 81 and

1 82,Shore di tch High Stre e t

,E. 5 74 and 76, We s tbourne Grove,W. 5 6, Henrie tta Stre e t, Covent

Garden, W. C. 5 1 65, We s tmins te r Bridge Road , S.E. 5D ept ford Broadway, S.E. 5 Stratford Broad

way, E. 5 3 24 and 3 25, High H olbom,W.C . Amhurst Road East, Hackney, E. 5 680, Com

me rcial Road East, E. 5 1 8, Ne w ingtonButts , S.E. 5 4, Bank Bui ldings, Norwood, SE. 5 3 , Victori a Stre e t, We s tmins te r, S.W. 5 1 93 , CaledonianRoad , N . ; 20, Stockwe l l Stre e t, Gre enw ich ,S.E. 5Tranquil Vale, Blackheath, S.E. 5 1 2

, King Stre e t West, Hamme rsmi th 5 and Susse x P lace,Que en’s Gate, S.W.



Ste venson, Sal t, and Son s. Se e Bosanque t, Sal t, Harman, Sal t, Bosanque t, and Whatman.

The A l l iance Bank Limi te d, Bartholome w Lane , E C .

The Central Bank of London Limite d , 52 , Cornhill , E C . 5Blackfriars Road (corne r of StamfordStre e t), S.E. ; 95, Ne w gate Stre e t, E C . 5 3 1 , Shore di tch High Stre e t, E. 5 26

,Toole y Stre e t, S.E. 5

and 1 1 0, White chape l High Stre e t, E.

The C i ty Bank, Threadne e dle Stre e t (corner of Finch Lane), E.C . Branch office s : 34, Old BondStre e t, W. ; 61 and 63 , Ludgate Hill, EC ; and 1 59 and 1 60

,TottenhamCourt Road, W. ; 7 ,

Lownde s Te rrace,Knightsbr idge , S.W. 52 1 9 and 2 2 1

,Edgware Road, W. 5and A ldgate Bu ildings,

Fenchurch Stre e t, E C .

The C lyde sdale Banking Co. , 3 2, Lombard Stre e t, EC .

The Impe rial Bank'

Limite d,6,Loth bury, E.C . Branche s : 1 We s tmins te r Chambe rs, Victori a

Stre e t, S.W. 5and 1 , Sydne y Place , Onslow Square , S.W.

The LondonJoint Stock Bank . Se e London Joint S tock Bank .

The Me tropol itanBank Limite d, 75, Cornh ill , E C .

The Nat ional Bank , he ad oFfice , 1 3 , Old Broad Stre e t, E.C . Me tropol i tanbranche s : 68, Glouce s te rGardens ,W. 5 2 1 , Grosvenor Gardens , S.W . 5 1 89, High Stre e t, CamdenTown, N .W . 5 9, Charing

Cross, S.W. 5 286

,Pentonville Road, N . 5 1 58, High Stre e t, Notting Hill, W . 5 and 23 , Old

Cavendish Stre e t, W.

Trade s Bank Limite d, 35, N ew Bridge Stre e t, E.C .

Tw ining, Richard, and Co.,2 1 5, Strand,W.C .

Union Bank of London, principal offi ce , 2,Prince s Stre e t, M ans ion


H ous e , E.C . 5 Charing Crossbranch , 66, Charing Cross , S.W . 5 Re gent Stre e t branch, 1 4, A rgyll Place , W. 5 95, Chance ryLane , W. C . 5 and H olbomCircus , EC .

Valentine and Co. , 1 73 , Fenchurch Stre e t, E.C .

Venable s, A lfre d, and Co., 79, Cornhill, E.C .

,and 30, Royal Exchange , E. C .

We st LondonComme rcial Bank Limi te d, he ad office , 34, Sloane Square , Che ls ea, S.W. 5Earl’

s Courtbranch, 1 69, Earl

s Court Road,Kens ington

, S.W. 5Batte rs e a Park branch,1 , Victoria Road,

Batte rse a Park Road .

White le y,Will iam

, 3 1 to 53 , We stborne Grove , W . ,and 1 47 and 1 49, Que en

s Road,W .

W il li ams, De acon, Thomton, and Co . , 20, BirchimLane , ,


W i l l is, Pe rcival, and Co. , 76, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .


Londonand Yorkshire Bank Limi te d, he ad office , 59, Old'

Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Midland Banking Co. Limi ted , 38, N ew Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Provinc ia l Bank of Ire land, 42 , Old Broad Stre e t, E.C .


Anglo-Ame ricanLand Mortgage Bank Limi te d , 52 ,Que enVictoria Stre e t, E.C .

A nglo-Austr ian Bank , 3 1 , Lombard Stre e t, E0Anglo-Cal ifornianBank (The ) Limi te d, 3 , Ange l Court, Bank, E.C .

Anglo-EgyptianBank ing Co. Limited, 2 7, Clement’s Lane , E. C .

Anglo-Fore ignBanking Co. Limi te d,2 , Bishopsgate Stre e t With in, E.C .

Anglo- I tal ian Bank Limite d, 1 6, Le adenhall‘ Stre et, E.C .

Anglo-Pe ruvianBank, Limite d, 5, Copthall Bu ildings , E.C .

A us tral ianJoint Stock Bank, 1 8, King Wi l l iam Stre e t, E.C .

A ynard and Rfifl‘

e r, 39, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Bank of A ustralasia, 4, Thre adne e dle Stre e t , E.C .

Bank of Bri tish Columbia, 5, Eas t India A venue , Le adenhall Stre e t, E.C .


Bank of Stre et, E.C .

Bank ofM d Eg pflfi OU M SflM EC.

Band n Sonth Walq65 01d Btoad SM EC .

M d M n V’

wtofia ScmEC.

w ww xg w m ac

Bmk otSooth Am hg u OId Bmad SumCity, EC .

M u oma dflqkd g d lndnstfiefic (Sod éd Ammx3,-Bnthobmn lanqflc

Bau m ” ,-C.

mydcnsfie in, BcnjaminWm, 1 09. 01m81. He ld “ . KC.

BonnBrotbeu d a , 5, Ange l ComW ononSM EC

w w am am mm flm m w w dkm ac.

M MW M d M M M CM Gs, W M W EC-Z.C.

ColouM Bank ol Nev Zu hnd, 1&MW M EC .

Commeh lmnkt ompu y otSydney, 39. lmba1d SumEC.

Comptoir d'Exompfie c nig szJ'

hmdnce dk SumEC.

m m m mm w m m m mmmmm,

DM M Bcrfin,m m mmxy w m ac

Englhb lhnk d mo dc janciro l imiwd, 15 $ HM NM W M M EC


W and lnveum tflank sfi Tbmdoe edlc Sue eg EC .

W W 15, S¢W M W Fm flCm m am w w nm ac

m mmm mmsg w m g ac


lmpa t nomanBanh tqmogmom SuunEC.

KnmAqd o "

Lnd Moflc u k o‘ lndia (Cu-d it Fonda India Avenue , Le adenhallStreet EC.

h nd uonp gaflank of Vid ot imiwd,lmd BtmhmM CQ h Old Brmd SauQEC.

LondonBank ol Mexicomd Smh Amcfi e-Umiwd. 1 44, 14 3denhan80e eg I-LC .

lmdonBank oflIub umiwd, 5M 6, G1 eatW£nct m EC .

londmChuw ed Bund m fig M CannonSu-M CRL M .

M M M PW M M 3 3 , W &M SM SE.

358 1 157 OF BA N KERS.

Maye r,David, 7 , Eas t India A venue , E.C .

Me rcant ile Bank of Sydne y, 30, Gre at St. He len’

s , E.C .

Me rcantile Mortgage Bank, 1 80, Gre shamHous e , E. C .

Me rchants’ Bank of Canada, 32 , Lombard Stre e t, E. C .

Nat ional Bank of A ustralasia, 1 49, Le adenhall Stre e t, E. C .

Nat ional Bank of India Limi te d, 39A , Thre adne e dle Stre e t, EC .

National Bank of N ew Ze aland Limite d , 37 Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Nat ional Bank of Paraguay Limi ted , 1 4, Gre at Winche s te r Stre e t, E.C .

N e w London and Brazil ian Bank (Th e ) Limi ted , 2 , O ld Broad Stree'

t, EC .

Oriental Bank Corporat ion, Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E.C .

Pe irson, A lfre d, and Co. , 5, CranboumStre e t , W.C .

Ral l i, Antonio A le xande r, 9, Grace church Stre e t, E.C .

R e inhardt, Charl e s , and Co. ,1 4, Coventry Stre e t,W.

Ross itt, O tto , ColemanStre e t Exchange , E. C .

Russ ian Bank for Fore ignTrade, 40, Lombard Stre e t, EC .

Schus te r, Son, and Co. , 90, CannonStre e t, EC .

Standard Bank of Bri tish South A frica Limite d, 1 0, Clement’

s Lane , Lombard Stre e t, E.

UnionBank of A u stral ia, 1 , Bank Bu i ldings, Lo thbury, E.

. C .

WarrenBro the rs,62

,P iccadilly, W. , and 3, Copthall Chambe rs , EC .

We l ls , Fargo, and Co. ,61

,King Will iamStre e t

, E. C .

We s te rnAustral ian Bank, 54, Old Broad Stre e t, E C .

1 8 7 9 .

Agra Bank Limited, 35, N icholas Lane , Lombard Stre e t, EC .

A le xande r, Fle tche r, and Co.

, 1 0, King’s A rms Yard, E C .

A le xande rs and Co. , 9, Birch inLane , EC .

A l l iance Bank . Se e The A ll iance Bank .

Bank of England , Threadne e dle Stre e t, EC . 5and We s te rnbranch , Burl ingtonGardens ,Bank of Montre al, BitchinLane

, E.C .

fBank of Scotland , 43 , Lothbury, E. C .

Barbe r, Jame s , Son, and Co., 1 36, Le adenhall Stre e t, E.C .

Barclay, Be van, T ri tton, Tw e lls , and 54, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Barke r,Ge orge , and Co.

, 39 and 40 , Mark Lane , E.C .

Barne tts , Hoare s , Hanburys, and Lloyd, 60 and 62 , Lombard Stre e t, E C .

Biddulph , Cocks , and Co. Se e Cocks,Biddulph, and Co .

Bigge rstafi'

,63 , We s t Smithfie ld, E C . 5 6, Bank Bu i ldings, Me tropol itan Cattle Marke t, N . ;

Fore ignCat tle Marke t, Dock Stre e t, Deptford, S.E.

Birkbeck Bank,29 and 30, SouthamptonBu i ldings, Chance ry Lane , W. C .

Bosanque t,Sal t, Harman, Sal t, and Whatman, 73 , Lombard Stre e t, E C .

Bri tish LinenCompany Bank, 1 0, King Will iamStre e t, E C .

Brooks and Co.,8 1

, Lombard Stre e t, E. C . .

Brown, janson, and Co. , 3 2, A bchurch Lane , E. C .

Brown, John, and Co.,25, A bchurch Lane , E.C .

Burt, Fre dk.,and Co. , 7 1 and 72, Cornh ill, E.C .

Cate s and Son, 84, King Will iam Stre e t, E.C .

Central Bank of London Limited. Se e The Central Bank of London Limi te d.Che que Bank Limi te d, he ad office , 1 24, CannonStre e t, EC. 5branch, 20, Cockspur Stre e t, S.W.

Child and Co. , 1 , Fle e t Stre e t, Temple Bar, E.C .

City Bank . Se e The City Bank .


Londonand Provincial Bank Limi ted, 7 , Bank Bu ildings, Lothbury, E.C . Branche s i 1 63 , EdgwareRoad

,W . 5 560, Kingsland Road, E. 5. Suss e x Place

,Que en’s Gate, W. 5 Blackheath , S.E. 5

Le w isham, S.E. 5Stoke New ington, 1 63 , High Stre e t 5 Anerley, S.E. 5WalhamGreen, S.W.

London and R ive r Plate Bank Limi ted, 52 , Moorgate Street, E.C .

Lohdonand SanFranci sco Bank Limi ted, 2 2 , O ld Broad Street, E. C .

London and South We s te rnBank Limi ted, he ad oth ee, 7 , Fenchurch Street, EC . 5We s t End branch ,27 , Re gent Street, S.W. Me tropol i tanbranche s : High Street, A c ton, W. 5 1 , Ane rle y Road, S.E. 5

90 and 92 , Bow Road , E. 5 275, BrixtonRoad, S.W. 5 250, Cambe rw e l l Road, S.E. 5 67 and 68,

Park Street, CamdenTown, N .W. 5 C laphamCommon, S.W. {N orth End, Croydon; Broadway,Eal ing, W. 5 3 2 , Finsbury Place, E C . 5_

High Street, Fore s t Hill , S.E. 5 28, High Street, Hampstead

,N .W. 5 403 , Hol loway Road, N . 5 2 28

,Kent ish Town Road, N .W. 5 Stat ion Road,

K ilbu rn,N .W. 5Thurlow P lace, Low e r Norwood, S.E. 5 1 3 7, Ladbroke Grove, W 5High Street,

Pe ckham,S.E. 5 The Cre scent, Putney, SW. 5 We l l ington Road, St. John

s Wood, N .W. 5

Uxbridge Road, Shephe rd’

s Bu sh , W. 5 87 , High Street, South Norwood, S.E. 5 368, Comme rcialRoad East

,E. 5 3 , Eldon P lace, Stre atham, S.W. 5 Bank Bu i ldings, Sydenham, S.E. 5High

Street, Tooting, S.W. 5We s tow Hill, Uppe r N orwood, S.E. 5 Bank Bu ild ings, Wandsworth , S.W. 5

202,FulhamRoad, S.W.


5Rai lway Te rrace , Wimble don.

London Trading Bank Limi ted, 1 , We st Street, F insbury, E. C.

Londonand We stmins te r Bank, 4 1 , Lothbu ry, E.C . Branche s : 1 , St. Jame s’ Square, S.W. 5 2 1 4,

High Holborn,W.C . 5 6, Borough High Street, S.E. 5 1 30, 1 3 1 , and 1 3 2, White chape l High S treet,E. 5 4, Stratford P lace, Oxford Street, W. ; 2 1 7, Strand, W.C . ; and 91 , We s tmins te r BridgeRoad

, S.E.

Mcculloch and Co. , 4 1 , Lombard Street, E.C .

Martin and Co. ,68

,Lombard Street , E.C .

Me rcant ile Bank of th e R ive r Plate Limited, 5, Copthall Bu i ld ings, E.C .

Me rchant Banking Company of London Limited, 1 1 2,CannonStreet, E.C .

Me tropol i tanBank . Se e Th e Me tropol i tanBank .

Nat ional Bank . Se e Th e Nat ional Bank .

National Bank of Scotland, 3 7 , N icholas Lane, Lombard Street, E.C .

National Provincial 'Bank of England, City office , 1 1 2 , Bi shopsgate ‘Stre etWith in, E.C . Branche s

2 1 2,P iccadilly, W. 5 53 , Bake r Street, W. 5 2 1 8, Uppe r Street, I sl ington, and Lincoln’s Inn

branch,New Cou rt, Care y Street, S.W.

Pembe rtonand Co.,62

, P iccad il ly, W.

Prae ds and Co . , 1 89, Fle e t Street, E.C .


,and Co.


, T hre adne e dle Street, E.C .

Ransom,Bouveri e

,and Co.

,1,Pall M al l Eas t, S.W.

Re e ve s , Wh itbum,and Co. ,

27 , Clement’

s Lane,E.C .

R ichardsonand Co .,1 3 , Pal l M all

, S.W.


,and Co. , 1 5, Lombard Street, E.C .

Royal Bank of Scotland, 1 23 , Bishopsgate Stre e t With in, E C .

Sr. Jame s ’s Bank Limi ted, 27, Charle s Street, St. James’s, S.W.

Samuel,M ontagu , and Co. ,

60, O ld Broad Street, E.C .

Scott,S ir Samuel , Bart . , and Co. , 1 , Cavendish Square, W.

Se yd and Co. , 38, Lombard Street, E.C .


, 4, Bank Bu i ld ings, Me tropol i tanCattle M arket, NSmith

,Payne, and Smi ths, 1 , Lombard Street, E.C .

Spooner, A ttwoods, and Co. Se e Barclay, Bevan, and Co.

Stan ton and C0. (Cont inental Bank), 79, Lombard Street, E.C .

Stevenson, Sal t , and Sons. Se e Bosanquet, Sal t, Harman, Sal t, and 'Whatman.

The A l l iance Bank Limi ted, Bartholomew Lane, E.C .


Blad friars k oad (corner of $tamf01dM umm a n1SJ oo1qsm sn;

M 1 1t itechad in E.

8 111 11011 0506 ; 34, 0111 d

8110015 1125 6 1 md 63, Lndp te 1 1 59 M 1 6qT0fi cnhamC0urt RM Wq7,A ldgahe Bui ldings ,


ch Streeg ECqM &Hd bomVudnql-LC.

The Imperial Bank 1.1111110d, 6, Lothbury, EC. Bunches : 1 , M ins te r Chambers , Victoria

mundonloimStock Bank. 800 1 10116011 ]d k

mnm mma mumma c


he Nafimfl Bnnh ha d ofi og 15 0ld Broad SM KC. Metmpol ih nbnncbe c : 68, 01011m

Old Cavcndish Sue g-QW.

TM M M CN 2 1$ M W.C

Um w k d m mw fi g m m w m , ECqafinn“ W.a d flolbanCircu EC.

umm a w u cmmacVM AM M M mM EM E.C

WmLmdonCmma cfl M Um a d ofi cqu SIme Sq hdm s w . ; Eu lk

CommancA 16g w s C0mM Kmdnm, &W. 5Bana w-M bmch, 1 , vmm mm am vw mnmm ac.

M b wmiam, 51 110 53,m onme Cm W. , nd 147md W.

M M W M s qM M EC

10 111 1014 01mm or Coum r Bu tts .

w mm m w m fi w m ac Bruncha z 195, EdgwmM W. 5 16 1mbu d Sttt

N01 011mm011 301mm As

AngIO-Amiannank , 3 1 , 1.0mbnrd 8110eLEC.

mm m w u mmm nc.


Anglo Egypfiaa ing Ca Umfied au Clmm’

s Lmql-LC.

Anglo Fmd anking Ca l immhm ithin, EC .

Anglo l’cmvimBank Limited, 5, CopduflBuilding , EC.

11 C .

Bank of Am h s ig g Thta dne edle SM EC.

Bmk o‘Bfitiah Colmbia, 28, Comhill, E.C.

Bmk d Bfiuab Noflh Amcficg y Clement’s Lqombard SMBonk otComunfiw pk ,

362 1 15 7 OF BA NKERS.

Bank of Egypt, 26, Old Broad Street, E.C .

Bank of N e w South Wales, 64, Old Broad Street, E.C .

Bank of N e w Zealand, 1,Que enVictoria S treet, E.C .

Bank of Roumania, 1 5, Moorgate Street, EC .

Bank of South A ustral ia, 54, Old Broad Stre e t; City, E.C’


Bank of Victori a (A us tralia), 3 , Thre adne e dle Street, E C .

Banque Comme rciale , Agricole, e t Indus trie l le (Socié té Anonyme ), 3 , Bartholome w Lane , E.C .

Baum Brothe rs, 3 7, Haymarket, S.W. , and 1 0, _

Warnford Court, EC .

Besser,Gottlob Robe rt, 5, Southwark Street, S.E.

Blydenste in, BenjaminWm. , 55, Thre adne e dle S treet, E.C . , and 4, He rcule s Passage, EC .

Charte re d Bank of India, A ustral ia, and China, Hatton Court, Thre adne edle Street, E.C .

Charte re d Me rcanti le Bank of Ind ia, London, and China, 65, Old Broad Street, E.C .

Chick,A lfre d Y .

,and 58, Old Broad S treet, E. C .

Coll inson, john, and Co.

, 50, Old Broad Street, E.C .

Colonial Bank , 1 3 , Bishopsgate Stre e t With in, E.C .

Colonial Bank of N ew Zealand, 1 3 , Moorgate Street, EC .

Comme rcial Bank of A l e xandria Limi ted, 1 3 , Moorgate Street, E.C .

Comme rcial Bank ing Company of Sydney, 39, Lombard Street, E.C .

Comptoi r d’

Escompte de Paris, 52 , Threadne e d le Street, EC .

Credi t Lyonnais, Lyons, Paris, Marse il le s, Saint E t ienne, Grenoble , M acon,Geneva, M ad rid


Petersbu rg, A l exandria, Cons tant inople , Cairo, and Port Said, 3 9, Lombard Stree t, EC .

David (Corne i l le ) and Co., 43 , Mark Lane, EC .

D eutsche Bank , Berlin, 1 , Drape rs’ Gardens, ThrogmortonA venue , EC .


,Last, and Co .

, 42 , CannonStreet, E.C .

Engl ish Bank of R io de Jane i ro Limi ted , 1 3 , St. He len’

s P lace,Bishopsgate Within, EC .

Engl i sh , Scottish , and Aus tral ian Charte re d Bank , 73 , Cornhi ll, EC .

Erlanger, Emi le, and Co. , 43 , Lothbury, E C .

Exchange and Inve stment Bank , 56, Thre adne e dle Street, EC .

Flachfe ld Brothe rs, 25, Savage Gardens, Crutche d Friars , E. C .

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporat ion, 3 1 , Lombard Street, EC .

Tmpe rial O ttoman Bank , 26, ThrogmortonStreet, ECIon ian Bank, 3 1 , Finsbury Circus, E.C .

K eyser, A . ,and Co. ,

2 1, Cornhill, E.C .

K u lb,A .

,and Co. , 1 6, Cornhill, E.C .

Land Mortgage Bank of India (Cre d it Foncie r Indien) Limi ted, 4, Eas t India A venue , Le adenhallStreet, -E.C .

Land Mortgage Bank of Victoria Limi ted , 1 7, King’s A rms Yard, Moorgate Si teet, E.C .

London Bank of Me xico and South Ame rica Limi ted, 1 44, Le adenhall Street, E. C .

London Bank of Utah Limi ted , 5 and 6, Gre at Winche s te r Street, E C .

London Banking A ssociationLimi ted, 57 , Old Broad Street, E.C .

London Charte re d Bank . of A ustral ia,88

,CannonStreet, City, E C.

M addi son, Edward, Chatre s , and Co., 3 1 and 3 2 , Lombard Street, E.C .

Mari time Bank of the Dominionof Canada, 33 , Lombard St reet, EC .

M ayer, David, 7 , Eas t India A venue, EC .

M e rcant ile Bank of Pe ru Limi ted, 5, Copthall Bu i ldings, ThrogmortonStreet, E.C .

Me rcantile Bank of Sydney, 30, G(e at St. Helen’s, E. C .

Me rcant ile Mortgage Bank , 1 80, Gre shamHouse, E.C .

Nat ional Bank of A ustralas ia, 1 49, Le adenhall Street, E.C .

Nat ional Bank of India. Limi ted, 3921 , Thre adne e dle Street, E C .

Nat ional Bank of N e w Ze aland Limi ted, 37, Lombard Street, E.C .


Continental Bank (Stantonand 79, Lombard Street, E. C .

Coutts and Co.

, 59, Strand, W. C .

Cripplegate Bank Limited, 30, Low e r Wh ite cross Street, E C .

Cunl ifl'

e , Roger, Sons, and Co .,6,Prince s Street, Man s ion House, E.C .

Currie s and Co. Se e Glyn, M i l ls , Curri e , and Co.

D e lh i and LondonBank Limited, Royal Bank Bu i ld ings, 1 23 , Bishopsgate Street,Dimsdale, Fowler, Barnard, and D imsdale s , 50, Cornhill , E. C .

Dobre e , Samuel , and Sons, 6, Tokenhouse Yard, E. C .

Drummond, M essrs. , 49, Char ing Cross, S.W /

Fu l ler,Banbury, N ix, and Mathie son, 77, Lombard Street, EC .

Ge rmanBank of London Limi ted, Bartholomew House, E. C .

Gille tt Brothe rs and Co.

, 72 , Lombard Street, E C .

Glyn, M il ls, Currie , and Co . ,67 , Lombard Stree t, EZC ,

Gos l ings and Sharpe , 1 9, Fle e t Street, E.C .

Green,Tomkinson, and Co.

, 3 2, N icholas Lane, E. C .

Grindlay and Co. , 55, Parliament Street, S.W.

Hanbury and Lloyd . Se e Barnetts, Hoares , Hanburys, and Ll oyd .

Harwood, Knight , and A l len, 1 8, Cornhill , E. C .

Herries, Farquhar, Chapman, and Co.

,1 6, St. Jame s Street, S.W.

Hickie,Borman, and Co.

,1 4, Wate rloo P lace, Pal l M all , S.W.

Hill and Sons, 1 7 , We s t Smith fie ld, E C . 5 4, Bank Bu i ld ings, Me tropol i tan Cat tle M arket,N . ; and

Fore ignCattle M arket, Dockyard, Deptford , S.E.

Hoares, 3 7 , Fle e t Street, E. C .

Hopkin son and Sons , 3 , Re gent Street, Wate rloo P lace, S.W.

Impe rial Bank Limi te d . Se e Th e Impe rial Bank .

Indust rial Bank Limited, 26, Finsbury P lace, E C .

Inte rnat ional Bank of Hamburg and LondonLimi ted, 1 1 3 , CannonStreet, E. C .

K ing, Henry S.,and Co. , 45, Pal l M al l, S.W.

, and 65, Cornhill , E. C .

Lacy, Son, and Hartland,60

,We s t Smithfie ld , EC ; 8 and 9, Bank Bu ildings, Me tropol itan Catt le

M arket, N 5 and Fore ignCattle M arket, Dockyard, Deptford, S.E.

f ondon Bank of Utah Limi ted, 26, A ustinfriars , E. C .

London and County Banking Company, he ad ofli ce , 2 1 , Lombard Street, EC . M e tropol i tanbranche s : 3 , Al be rt Gate , S.W. 5 1 1 2, A lde rsgate Street, EC . 5 2 1

, Hanove r Square , W . 5 4 and

5, Uppe r Street, N . 5 1 , Connaught Street, W. 5 44 1 and 442 , Oxford Street, W.C . 5 34, BoroughH igh Street, S.E. 5 67, Kens ingtonHigh Street , S.W. 5 1 8 1 and 1 82

,Shore d itch High Street, E. 5

74 and 76, We stboume Grove,W. 5 6, Henri e tta Street, Covent Garden, W. C . 5 1 65, We s tmins te rBridge Road, S.E. 5 D e ptford Broadway, S.E. 5 Stratford Broadway, E. 5 3 24 and 3 25, HighHolborn, W. C . ; 1 , Amhurs t Road East, Hackney, E 5 680, Comme rcial Road East, E. ; 1 8,

New ingtonButts, S.E. 5 4, Bank Bu ild ings, N orwood , S.E. 5 3 , Victoria Street , Westminster, S.W.

1 93 , Cale donianRoad, N . 5 20, Stockw e l l Street, Gre enw ich , S.E. 5 Tranquil Val e, Blackheath ,

S.E. 5 1 2 , King Stre e t West, Hamme rsmi th ; Susse x P lace, Que en’s Gate, S.W. 5 and Pow isStreet, Woolw ich.

London and Hanse at ic Bank Limi ted , 36, Lombard Street, E. C .

London Jo int Stock Bank , 5, Prince s Street, Bank , EC . 5 69, Pall M all , S.W. 5 1 24, Chance ry Lane,W.C . 5 Charte rhouse Street, E.C . 5Cattle Market, I sl ington, N . 5 Fore ignCat tle M arket

,D ept

ford, S.E. 5 28, Borough High Street, S.E. 5 and 2

,CravenRoad, W.

Londonand Provincial Bank Lini ite d, 7, Bank Bu i ldings, Lothbu ry, E.C . Branche s : 1 63 , EdgwareRoad

,W. ; 560, Kingsland Road, E. 5 Susse x P lace, Que en

s Gate,W. 5 Blackhe ath, S.E. 5

Le w isham,S.E. 5 Stok e New ington, 1 63 , High Street, N . 5Anerley, S.E. 5WalhamGreen


Londonand R ive r Plate Bank Limi ted, 52, M orgate Street, E. C .


lnndonmd Soutt Bank LimiM hu d d fioe , 7, Fenchmth Smet, EQ 1,011 d31 , Regent Strect, S.W. ; H in treet, Acton, W. ; 1 , Ane f lcy Road, Brigade Terrace,

Road.TomN .W. 5Clapham

Fmbnry l’boe , E.C. 5H igh SM Fore st Hill ,SE ; Road,

Kmtish nudov Ph og l o we f

3 W. 5WeflingtonM & John’

s Wood,

S.W. ; Bank Build ing; Sydenhamsn; H in trect, Tooting. &W. ; Wm H ill, UpperNorwood, M Bufidia mdw onh, S.W. ; m , W hamRoad , S.W.

Loo iond a unim BanL u , lmhbw y, E.C Brmcho z x, SL Jamu '


High Holbom, W.C. ; High Street, 8.E. 5 1 30, 1 33 , Whiwdnpe l High


MM M CQ 4 1 , Lombu d Stn C.

M M Cm“ , lmM SM EC

M M d tt imM LimM s, CopthnUBd ldinp , EC

National Bank. Se e'


be Na iou a nk.

Nafiouflmnh d lndia LhnM 3M 1‘

hrendne edle Sumz c

NM PM M M W GWM ( 1 3 . 8itbopcgl le Sue et h in. EC. Bu nchesan, Piccadi lly. W. ; 53, Baku Street, W. ; " 8, Upper N. ; Nev

Sm w .C.

Pneds d a , |89, Flu tSumF-. C .

m ammdm,cz , w m ac

m mmmm, u,mumms w .


In gmmmumw finncw km x.

M M W LW IflSM E-CSpoow , Aztvoodt, u d Co.

Seevmomsugmd Sons w w w g flam mmmmThe Anim Bk imM Banbolomct EC.

lqhiteclnpcl fligh Sn .

Lorie). Branch ofi oes : 34, 01d Bond



Street,W 61 and 63 , Ludgate Hill , EC ; 1 59 and 1 60

,Tot tenham Court Road, W . ; 7,

Lownde s Terrace, Knightsbridge, S.W . ; 2 1 9 and 2 2 1 , Edgware Road, W. 5Al dgate Bu ildings,Fenchurch Street, E. C and 34, H olbomV iaduct

, E C .

The Impe rial Bank L imite d, 6, Lothbu ry, E.C . Branche s : 1,We s tmins te r Chambers, Victoria

Street, S.W. , and 1 , Sydne y P lace, Ons low Square, S.W.

The London Joint Stock Bank. Se e LondonJoint Stock Bank .

The National Bank, he ad ofli ce, 1 3 , Old Broad Stree t, E.C. Me tropol itanbranches, 68, Glouce s te rGardens ,W . 5 2 1 , Grosvenor Gardens, S.W. 5 1 89, High Street, CamdenTown, N .W. 5 9, Char ingCross, S.W. ; 286, Pentonvil le Road, N . ; 1 58, High Stre e t,

" N otting Hil l, W. 5 and 23 , Old

Cavendish Street, W.

Twining, R ichard, and Co. ,2 1 5, Strand, W.C .

Union Bank of London, princ ipal ofli ce , 2,Prince s Street

,Mans ionHouse

, E.C . 5 Charing Crossbranch , 66, Charing Cross, S.W 5Re gent Stre e t branch , 1 4, A rgyll Place, W. 5 95, Chance ryLane , W.C. 5and H olbomCircus

, E C .

Un ion Bank of Scotland, 62, Cornhill , E C .

Venables , A l fred, and Co. , 30, Royal Exchange, EC .

We s t London Comme rcial Bank Limi ted , he ad office , 34, Sloane Square, S.W. Branche s : 1 69;

Earl’s Court Road,S.W. 5 1

, Victoria Road, Bat tersea, S.W. 5 and 1 1, B


atte rse a Square, S.W.

Whiteley, Will iam, 3 1 to 53 , We s tbourne Grove, W . , and 1 47 and 1 49, Que en’

s Road,W

Wi i liams,Deacon


,and Co . ,

20,Bitch inLane

, E.C.


Londonand Yorkshire Bank Limi ted, head office , 7, Drape rs’ Gardens, Throgmorton A venue, E.C .

Midland Banking Co. Limited, 38, N ew Broad Street, E.C .,

Provincial Bank of I reland, 42 , Old Broad Street, E.C .


Anglo AustrianBank, 3 1 , Lombard Street, E.C.

A nglo-Cal ifomianBank (The ) Limited, 3 , Ange l Court, Bank , E.C .

Anglo-Egyp tian Banking Co.,Limi ted

,27, Clement

s Lane, E. C .

Anglo-Fore ignBanking C o. Limi ted, 2, Bi shOpsgabe Stre e t With in, E C .

Anglo—Ital ianBank Limited , 1 6, Le adenhall Street, E.C .

Anglo—ParaguayanBank Limited, 1 4, Gre at Winche s te r Street, E.C .

Anglo-Pe ruvianBank , Limi ted, 5, Copthall Bu i ldings, E.C .

A ustral ian joint Stock Bank, 1 8, King Will iam Street, E C .

Aynard and Rfifie r, 39, Lombard Street, E.C .

Bank of A frica. Limited, 25, A bchwrch Lane, EC .

Bank of A ustralas ia, 4, Threadne e dle Street, E.C .

Bank of Brit ish Columbia, 28, Cornh ill, E. C .

Bank of Briti sh N orth America, 3, C lement’

s Lane, Lombard Street, EC .

Bank of Constant inopl e,'

1 25, Gre shamHouse, EC .

Bank of' Egypt, 26, Old Broad Stree t, E.C .

Bank of N e w South Wal es,64, Old Broad Street, E C .

Bank of N ew Zealand, 1 , Que enVictoria Street, E. C .

Bank of Reumania, 1 5, Moorgate Street, EC .

Bank of South A ustral ia, 54, Old Broad Street, City, E.C .

Bank of Victoria (A ustral ia), 3 , Threadne e dle Street, E.C .

Banque Commerc iale, Agricole, etIndus trie lle (Société Anonyme), 3 , BartholomewBaumBrothers, 37, Haymarket, S.W.

,and 1 0, Warm’ord Court, EC


Russ ian Bank for Fore ignTrade, 40, Lombard Street, E.C .

Schuster, Son, and Co .

, 90, CannonStreet, E.C .

Standard Bank of British South A frica Limi ted, 1 0, Clement’


Ttuninge r and Co., 4 1 , Threadne e dle Street, E C .

UnionBank of A ustral ia, 1 , Bank Bu ildings , Lothbu ry, E C .

Wells,Fargo, and Co .

,61 , King Will iam Street, E C.

We stemA ustral ian Bank , 54, O l d Broad Street, E C .

1 88 1 .

Agra Bank Limited, 35, N icholas Lane , Lombard Street , E. C .

A lexander, F letcher, and Co. ,2, St. He len

s Place , EC .

A le xande rs and Co., 24, Lombard Street, E. C .

A l l iance Bank Limi te d. See The A ll iance Bank Limi tedAnglo—Unive rsal Bank Limi ted , 4 1 , 42 , and 43 , ColemanStreet, E.C .

Bank of England, Thre adne e dle Street , EC . 5 and We s te rnbranch , BurlingtonGardens, WBank of M ontreal

, 9, Birch in_

Lane , E C .

Bank of Scotland, Lothbu ry, E.C .

Barclay, Bevan, T ritton, and Co. , 54, Lombard Street, E.C .

Barker, G. , and Co., 39 and 40, Mark Lane

,E.C .

Barnetts,Hoares, Hanbu rys, and Lloyd, 60 and 62 , Lombard Street, E. C .

Biddu lph , Cocks , and Co. See Cock s, Biddu lph, and Co.


,W . and J.

,63 , We s t Smithfie ld, E C . 5 6, Bank Bu ild ings, Me tropol itanCa ttle M arket


and Fore ignCattle M arket, Dock Street, Deptford, S . E .

Birkbe ck Bank , 29 and 30, SouthamptonBu i ldings, Chance ry Lane, W.C .

Bosanquet, Sal t, Harman, Sal t, and Whatman, 73 , Lombard Street, BC .

British LinenCompany Bank , 4 1 , Lombard Street, EC .

Brooks and Co. ,8 1

, Lombard Street, E.C .

Brown, Janson, and Co.

, 32 , Abchurch Lane , E C .

Brown, John, and Co.,25, A bchurch Lane , E C .

g un, Fre dk . , and Co. , 7 1 and 7 2, Cornhil l, E.C .

Capi tal and Count ie s Bank Limi ted, he ad oth ee, 39, Thre adne e dle Street, E.C . Branche s : 1 95,Edgware Road

,W. 5 25, Ludgate Hill , E C and 29, Oxford Street, W.

Central Bank of London Limi te d. Se e .Th e Central Bank of LondonLimi te d .

Che que Bank Limi ted, head ofii ce , 1 24, CannonStreet, EC. 5 branch, 2o, Cockspur Street, S.W.

Child and Co. 1 , Fle e t Street, E.C .

City Bank Limi te d . See Th e City Bank Limi te d .

Clyde sdale Banking Co. , 30, Lombard Street, E.C .

Cock s, Bi ddu lph, and Co. , 43 , Charing Cross, S.W,

Cohn, M au rice, and Co. ,2 2

, Threadne edle Stree t, E C .

Comme rcialU nionBank Limited, 8, Talbot Cou rt, E. C .

Consol idate d Bank Limi ted, 52 , Thre adne e dle Street, E. C . , and 450, We s t Strand,W. C .

Continental Bank (Stantonand 79, Lombard Street, E C .

Cout ts and Co. , 59, Strand, W.C .

Cox and Co.,1 and 2


’s Court, Charing Cross, S.W.

Cripple gate Bank Limited, 3 1 , Low e r Wh ite cros s Street, EC .

Cunl ifie , Roger, Sons, and Co.


~ Princes Street,Man s ion House

, E C.

Curri e s and Co. See Glyn, M il ls, Curr ie, and Co.

De lh i and London Bank Limite d, Roya1 Bank Bu i ldings, 1 23 , Bishopsgate Street, E.C .

Dimsdale, Fowler, Barnard, and Dimsdale s , 50, Corn11 i ll, E.C


Drummond, Messrs. , 49, Charing Cl e a , S.W.

Fuller. Banbnry, N ig md Mnhie oon, 1 7, Lombard Screet. RC .

GemnnBank of LoudonLiufiwd , Bnnholoma Home , EC.

Gille ttBrothend o. . 7 z , Lombard Street, KC.

Glyn, M ilk . Cunie , and Co. , 67, Lombard Strea , EC .

Goalinp md Sharpe,


Gm Tomkimon, and Cc. , 32, N icholas M EG.

Grindh y tnd Ca , 55, ParfiamcntSmg SW.

HM W M AM 1&CM HLECHa fiqf uquhts Cham aod Ca J QSLW Sums w .

g flnnk Bui ld ingg l l ettopoliun

Hm m mw . 37~ Flc¢t8h e cg li 0

-a , s .w

W CW M M 3m ,wm m s w .

King fi euqs , and Co. . 45, Pall Mall, 81W" M 65. Cornhill. F. C .

M . SOQ M W M WM W , EC ; S ann ank Build ingxMcuopol im Cualg

W N. 5M Focd afi le MaM Dod M &E

lmdond oufla nking Ca LimiM ba d ofi cg u , Lombard Sucd . KC Metropol i tan


H igh Stre et, S.E. 561 , Kcndngtou H igh SM W. 5 1 8 1 and 1 82, 8hme ditch H igh Sued , E ;

Bfidgz Road. S.E. 5 Dcpdord Broadway, S.E. ; Smdord M m, 324 1 1111 325, High

1 93. Caledon ian Road,1 ¢, King 8umWest,Woolvidx

lmdonmd flnnmfic k nk hmiM nJ ombu d SM EC.

W.C ; Cbanu bouu w 21 0 5k M uta , N h gmN . 5Fa e ignCattle Markel , o

Londonand Ptovincinl Bl nk Limite d, 7 , Bank Buildings . Lothbury, EC . Bu nches : 163, EdamRoad W Z SGQ K ingsld oad , E , 5m m , Que en


wcate w w u s a

M MSE.-1 5Wd ham6mcns.w

Intdmand k iver Platc Bank Umhed, sz , Moorgau Sm EC.

lmdonM SAna cisco BM M M WW M RW M M M LFW SM EC londonbmnche s

Battenu Park Road,S. .

-W 159, Old Km2 !


Cambe rw e l l Road, S.E. 5 67 and 68

,Park Street, CamdenTown, N .W. ; ClaphamCommon,

SW. 5Broadway, Ealing, W . 5 82 , Finsbury Pavement, E. C . 5 High Street, Fore s t Hill , S.E. 5

High Street,Hampstead, N .W . 5 6, Suthe rland Gardens, Harrow Road , W. 5High Street, High

gate , N .W. ; 403 , Holloway Road , N . 5 2 28,Kentish TownRoad, N .W. 5 Stat ion Road, K ilburn,

N .W . ; Thurlow P lace , Low e r N orwood, S.E. 5 1 3 7, Ladbroke Grove , Nott ing Hill , W. 5High

Street, Peckham,S .E . 5Th e Crescent , Putney, S.W. 5We llington Road, St. John

s Wood, N .W. 5

Uxbridge Road, Shephe rd’

s Bush , W. 5 87, High Street, South N orwood, S.E. 5 368, Comme rcialRoad Eas t

,Stepney, E 5 3 , Eldon P lace, Streatham, S.W. 5 Bank Bu i l d ings, Sydenham,

S.E. 5

High Street, Tooting, S.W. 5 Bank Bu i ld ings , TurnhamGreen, W. ; We s tow Hill , Uppe r Nor;

wood, S . E Bank Bu ild ings, Wandsworth, S.W. 5 202 , FulhamRoad , S.W .

LondonTrading Bank Limited,1,We s t Street, F insbu ry, E.C .

London and We s tmins te r Bank Limited, 4 1 , Lothbu ry, E.C . Branche s : 1

, St. Jame s’ Square, S.W. 5

2 1 4, High Holborn, S.W . 5 6, Borough High Street, S.E. 5 1 30, 1 3 1 , and 1 3 2 , White chape l HighStreet, E 5 4, Stratford Place , Oxford Stree t, W . ; 2 1 7 , Strand, W.S. 5 and 9 1 , We s tmins te rBridge Road

, S.E.

M cCulloch and Co. , 75, Lombard Street, E.C .

M cGrigor, S ir B. R. ,Bart. , and Co.

,25, Charle s Street, St. James, S.W.

Martin and Co. ,68

,Lombard Street , E C,

M aynard,Harris

,and Co.

,1 26 and 1 27 , Le adenhall Street, EC .

Me rcant ile Bank of th e R ive r Plate Limi ted , 5, Copthall Bu i ldings , E. C .

M e rchant Banking Company of London Limited , 1 1 2 , CannonS treet , E.C .

National Bank . See Th e Nat ional Bank .

National Bank of India Limi ted , 39A , Thre adne e dle Street , E.C .

National Bank of Scotland, 37 , N icholas Lane, Lombard Street , E.C .

National Me rcant il e Bank Limi ted, 1 6 and 1 7 , Rus s e ll Street, Covent Garden, W. C .

Nat ional Provincial Bank of Engl and Limi ted, Ci ty office,1 1 2 , Bishopsgate Stre e t With in, E.C .

Branche s : 2 1 2 , P iccad i lly, W. ; 53 , Bake r Street , W . ; 2 1 8, Uppe r Street, N . ; and N e w Court ,Care y St reet , W .C .

Prae ds and Co. , 1 89, Fle e t Street, EC .

Prescott, Cave , Buxton, Loder, and Co. ,62

,Thre adne edle Street

,E.C .

~Ransom,Bouverie , and Co. ,

1,Pal l Mall East

, S.W.

Reeves , Whitburn, and Co. , 27, Clement’

s Lane,E.C .

R ichardsonand Co. ,1 3 , Pall M al l

, S.W._

R idgway and Sons,2, Wate rloo Place

, Pall M all, S.W.

Robarts, Lubbock , and Co. , 1 5, Lomb'

ard Street, E C .

Royal Bank of Scotland,1 23 , Bishopsgate Stre e t With in, E.C .

Royal Exchange Bank Limi ted, 75, Cornh i ll , E.C .

Samuel , M ontagu , and Co. ,60

, O ld Broad Street, E C .

Scott,Sir Samuel, Bart. , and Co. , 1 , Cavendish Square, W.

Seyd and Co . , 38, Lombard Street, E.C .

Shank,John, 4, Bank Bu ildings, Me tropol i tanCat tle M arket

, N .

Smi th,Payne, and Smiths, 1 , Lombard Stge et, E. C .

Spooner,A ttwoods

,and Co. See Barclay, Bevan, and Co.

Stanton and Co. (Cont inental Bank), 79, Lombard Street, E C .

Stevenson, Sal t , and Son s . See Bosanquet, Sal t, Harman, Sal t, and Whatman.

The A l l iance B ank Limi ted, Bartholome w.

Lane, EC .

The Central Bank of London Limited, 52 , Cornhill, E.C . 5 Blackfriars Road (corne r of StamfordStreet), S.E. 5 95, Ne wgate Street, EC . 5 3 1 , Shoredi tch High Street, E. 5 26

,Toole y Street, S .E . 5

and 1 1 0,White chape l High Street, E.

The City Bank Limi ted, Thre adne e dle Street , EC . (corne r of F inch Lane ). Branch offi ce s : 34, O ld


BaumBrothers, 46, Re gent Street , W .

Blydenste in, BenjaminWm. , and Co., 55 and 56, Thre adne e dle Street , E.C . , and 4, He rcule s Pas sage,

E C .

Charte re d Bank of India, A us tral ia, and China, Hatton Court, Thre adne e dle Street , E C .

Charte re d Me rcanti le Bank of Ind ia,London

,and China

,65, Old Broad Street , E.C .

Chick,A lfre d Y. ,

and Co. , 58, Old Broad Sfre et, EC .

Colonial Bank , 1 3 , Bishopsgate Stre e t W i th in, EC .

Colonial Bank of N ew Zealand, 1 3 , Moorgate Street, E.C .

Comme rcial Bank of A le xandria Limi ted, 2, Moorgate Street, E.C .

Comme rcial Banking Company of Sydney, 3 9, Lombard Street, E C .

Comptoi r d’

Escompte de Paris, 52 , Thre adne e dle Street, E.C .

Cook,Thos . , and Son, Ludgate Circus, E.C . , and 445, Strand , W .C .

Cre di t Lyonnais, Lyons, Paris, M arseilles,Saint E tienne

,Grenoble , N ice, M acon

,A ix l es Bains

Geneva,M adrid , St. Petersburg, A l exandria, Constant inople, Cairo, Port Said , and N e w York,

39, Lombard Street, E C .

David (Corne il le ) and Co.

, 43, Mark Lane, E C .

D e renbe rg and M eyer, 6A , Austinfriars , E C .

D e utsche Bank , Berl in, 1 , D rape rs’ Gardens

,ThrogmortonA venue, EC .


, Last, and Co. , 42 , CannonStreet, E.C .

Engl ish Bank of R io de Jane i ro Limi ted, 1 3 , St. He len’

s P lace,Bishopsgate With in, EC .

English , Scottish, and A us tral ianCharte red Bank , 73, Cornh ill, EC .

E rlanger, Emi le, and Co. , 43 , Lothbu ry, E. C .

Exchange and Inve s tment Bank , 56, Thre adne e dle Stree t, E C .

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporat ion, 3 1 , Lombard Street , E.C .

Impe ri al O t toman Bank, 26, ThrogmortonStreet, EC .

IonianBank , 3 1 , Finsbury Circus, E.C .

K eyser, A . , and Co.,2 1 , Cornhill , E. C .

K ul b , A . ,and Co. , 1 6, Cornh i l l , EC .

Ladenburg, W. , and Co. ,6 Copthall Cou rt, E C .

Land Mortgage Bank of India (Cre dit Foncie r Indien)-Limi ted

, 4, East India A venue, Le adenhallStreet, E.C .

Land Mortgage Bank of Victoria Limi ted, 1 7, K ing’s A rms Yard, Moorgate Street, EC .

Lazard Brothe rs and Co. ,60, Old Broad-Street, E C .

LondonBank of Me xico and South Ame rica Limi ted , 1 44; Leadenhall Street, E C .

_London Banking A s sociat ionLimi ted , 57 , O ld Broad Street, EC .

London Charte re d Bank of A ustral ia, 88, CannonStreet, City , E. C .

Luke, Thomas, and Co. Limited , 1 37 , Leadenhall Street, EC .

M add ison, Edward , Chatres, and Co., 3 1 , Lom bard Stre et, E C .

M ayer, David , 7 , Eas t Ind ia A venue, E.C .

Me rcant ile Bank of Sydney, 30, Gre at St. Helen’s , EC .

Me rcanti le Inte rnational Bank Limi ted , 5, Copthall Bu i ld ings, ThrogmortonStreet, EC .

National Bank of A us tralas ia, 1 49, Le adenhal l S treet, E C .

Nat ional Bank of N e w Ze aland Limi ted , 37 , Lombard Street , EC .

N eck , johnF .

,and Co. , 1 1 0, CannonStreet, EC .

N e w Londonand Brazil ian Bank (The ) Lirri ite d , 2 , Old Broad Street, E C .

Oriental Bank Corporat ion, 40, Thre adne e dle Street, E C .

Pa ley,Scr iven, and Co. , 34, Gre at St. Helen

’s, EC .

Peirson,A l fre d and Co.

, 5, CranboumStreet, W. C :

Que en§ lap d Nat ional Bank Limi ted, 50, O ld Broad Street, EC.

Ral l i , Antonio A lexander, 9, Grace church Street, EC .


Reinhardt, Chark s, and Co. , 1 4, Coventry Szreeg .W.

Rm omand Ca , g OId Brmd SUteg EC.

RmianBaak fior Foce ignTu dq ombu d Sue eg EC.

Standa d flmk otfll itish South Afria limitednqCIemcm’sm ,

M amm4 l , flmdnw dk%ng fi c

wm am nm w ow w w ac

Amh nk Lh fiM 3g Nkhoh s ungm Swmac.

-, E£

M of l nglmd, 1\mdne edk m &c 5d mnbnnd u BurfingtonGardens ,CoombnmLRoyaICou u of juq£ .

M M M M , M IM 6O M 63 , IM M SM EC

W M M CQ Set Cockg fi ddulptgnnd Co.


M M 29 M 3QW W W M M W.C

m w m w gmdmm 7gmbardm ac.

Btitt inmCanpcny Banhq tmd Sung EC .

M M M IW tCommp LM SLM M Ladp u Chcmfi c.

M ,


M W M CQ , 1 1 M 1 1 , CM MLECW M W M M M M mW W EC Branche s z l gs,

-ect, w .

W h i d lmdonljmiwd. Se e‘


he Ccntral Bank otl donLitnited .

Chu inn M vm mc podt b amfledbt Cmt u dcmW.C .

C ity sank l imite d. Set e Cixmk Limited.


s Cw nd Cheque Bank, 40, Haymarket, S.W.

Consolida ed Bank Umited, 52, 1W ne edle Strect, tl c 450, Wests trand, W.C.


Coutts and Cu .

, 59, S trand , W.C .

Cox and Co.,1 and 2

,Craig’s Court

,Charing Cross, S.W.

Cripple gate Bank Limited , 3 1 , Low e r White cross Street , E.C .

Cunl ifl'

e,Roger, Sons , and Co.

,6,Prince s Street , Mans ion House, EC .

Currie s and Co. See Glyn, M il ls , Cu rrie , and Co.

D e lh i and LondonBank Limi ted , Royal Bank Bu i ldings , 1 23 , Bishopsgate Street,Dimsdale

,Fowl er

,Barnard , and D imsdale s, 50, Cornh ill , E. C .

Dobre e,Samuel , and Sons , 6, Tokenhouse Yard , E.C .

Drummond,M essrs.

, 49, Charing Cross , S.W.

Engl ish Bank of the R ive r P late, Limited , 8, .O ld Jew ry, E.C .

Full er,Banbu ry, N ix, and Co .

, 77 , Lombard Street, EC .

Ge rmanBank of London, Limited, Bartholome w House, E C .

Gille tt Brothe rs and Co., 7 2 , Lombard Street, E.C .

G lyn, M i l ls, Cufri e , and Co . ,67 , Lombard Street, E C .

Gosl ings and Sharpe, 1 9, Fle e t'

Street , E C .

Grant and Co .

, 5, Lothbu ry, E.C .

Grant,M au rice, 4, Moorgate Street, E. C .

Green,Tomk inson, and Co. , 3 2 , N icholas Lane , E C .

Grindlay and Co . , 55, Parl iament Street , S.W.

Hanbury and Lloyd See Barnetts, Hoares, Hanburys, and Lloyd .

Harwood, Knight, and A l len, 1 8, Cornh ill , E.C .

Herries,Farquhar, and Co. ,

1 6,St. Jame s’ Street, S.W .

Hick ie, Borman, and Co .

,1 4, Wate rloo P lace , Pal l M all , S.W.

Hill and Sons, 1 7 , We s t Smith fie ld , E C ; 2,Bank Bu i ld ings, Me tropol i tan Cattle M arket, N . 5 and

Fore ignCattle M arket,Deptford, S .E .

Hoare,Charles, and Co. , 37 , Fle e t Street, E.C .

Holt,Ve se y W . , and Co . ,

1 7 , White hal l P lace , S.W .

Hopkinson, Charles, and Sons, 3 , Re gent Street, Wate rloo Place, S.W.

Impe rial Bank Limi te d. See The Impe r ial Bank Limi te d .

Inte rnat ional Bank of LondonLimited , 1 1 3 , CannonStreet , E.C .

K ing, Henry S. , and Co. , 45, Pal l M al l, S.W . ,

and 65, Cornh ill , E.C .

Lacy,H artlamd

,Woodbridge, and Co.


,We s t Smithfi e ld, E C ; 8 and 9, Bank Bu i ld ings , Me tro

pol i tanCattle M arket, N . 5 Fore ign Cattle M arket, Dockyard , Deptford , S.E. 5 and 98, JamaicaRoad , Bermondsey , S.E.

LondonBank of Utah Limi ted, 26, A ustinfriars , E.C .

London and County Banking Co . Limi ted, he ad office , 2 1 , Lombard Street , EC . Me tropol i tanbranche s : 3 , A lbe rt Gate , S.W . 5 1 34, A lde rsgate Street, E C . 5 2 1

,Hanove r Square, W . 5 4 and

5, Uppe r Street, N . ; 1 , Connaught Street, W . 5 441 and 442, Oxford Street, W. C . 5 34, BoroughHigh Street, S.E. 5 67, Kens ingtonHigh Street, _

W . 5 1 8 1 and 1 82, Shore di tch High Street, E. 5

74 and 76, We s tbourne Grove,W. 56, Henrie tta Street , Covent Garden,W. C . 51 65, We s tmins te r

Bridge Road, S.E. 5 D eptford Broadway, S.E. 5 Stratford Broadway, E 5 3 24 and 3 25, HighHolborn

,W.C . ; 1 , Amhurs t Road Eas t, Hackney, E 5 680, Comme rcial Road East, E 5 1 8


Ne w ingtonBu tts, S.E. 5 4, Bank Bu ild ings, N orw ood, S.E. 5 3 , Victori a Street, W estminster,S.W . 5 1 93 , Cale donian Road, N . 5 Church Street, Greenwich , S . E . 5Tranquil Val e, Blackheath ,S . E . 5 1 2 , King Stre e t West, Hamme rsmi th 5 Sus sex Place, Que en’s Gate, S.W. 5 and Pow isStreet

,Woolw ich .

Londonand Hanse atic Bank Limited, 2 7 , Lombard Street, EC .

London Joint Stock Bank , 5, Prince s Street , Bank , E C ; 69, Pal l M al l,S W . 5 1 24, Chance ry Lane,

W .C . 5 Charte rhous e Street, E.C . 5 Cattle M arket, I sl ington, N . ; Fore ign Cat tle M arket , Deptford

,S.E. 5 28

,Borough High Street

, S.E. 5and 2, CravenRoad , W.


Samuel , M ontague, and Co. ,60

, O l d Broad Street, E.C.

Scott,Sir Samuel, Bart. , and Co. ,

1, Cavendish Square , W .

Se yd and Co. , 38, Lombard Street , E.C .

Shank,John, 4, Bank Bu i ld ings, Me tropol itanCattle M arket


Smi th,Payne, and Smith s, 1 , Lombard Street, E.C .

Spooner, A t twoods, and Co. See Barclay, Be van, and Co.

Standard Bank of_London Limi ted, 29, Lombard Street, E.C .

Stanton and Co. (Cont inental Bank), 79, Lombard Street, E.C .

Stevenson, Sal t, and Sons . See Bosanquet,Sal t

,Harman, Sal t , arid -Whatman.

The A l l iance Bank Limi ted , Bartholome w Lane , E.C . , and High Street, K ens ington, W . (temporaryoffi ce s , 2 , Church Stre e t).

The Central Bank of London Limi ted , 52, Cornh i ll, EC . 5Blackfriars Road (corne r of StamfordStreet), S.E. 5 9 1 , Ne wgate Street , E.C . 5 3 1 , Shore di tch High Street , E 5 26

,Toole y Street , S.E. 5

and 1 1 0,White chape l High S treet, E.

The City Bank Limited , Thre adne e dle Street, E.C . (corne r of F inch Lane ). Branch offi ce s : 34, O ldBond Street, W. ; 6 1 and 63 , Ludgate Hill , E.C .

,1 59 and 1 60, TottenhamCourt Road , W. 7 ,

Lownde s Terrace , Knigh tsbridge, SW 5 2 1 9 and 2 2 1, Edgware Road , W. ,

A ldgate Bu ild ings,Fenchurch Street, E C . 5and 33 , H olbomV iaduct

, E C . 5 and Great Easte rnStreet , E.

The Impe rial Bank Limited , 6, Lothbury, EC . Branche s : Victoria M ans ions,Victoria Street, S.W .

and 1 , Sydne y P lace, Ons low Square, S.W.

Th e London Joint: S tock Bank. See LondonJoint Stock Bank .

The National Bank Limi ted, he ad oth ee, 1 3 , O ld Broad Street, E. .C M e tropol itanbranche s : 68,Glouce s te r Gardens, W. ; 2 1

,Grosvenor Gardens, 8.W . 1 89, High Street, CamdenTown, N .W . ;

9, Charing Cross , S.W. ; 286, Pentonvil le Road, N . 1 58, High Street, Not ting Hill ,W.

,23 , Old

Cavendish Street, W . ; Elgin V i llas, Elgin Road , Harrow Road, W. ,and Bank Bu ildings,

I sl ington, N .

Twining, R ichard, and Co. 2 1 5, Strand, W .C .

UnionBank of London, principal office , 2, Pr ince s Street, Mans ionHouse, E.C . 5 Charing Cross

branch, 66, Charing Stre e t bra11 ch, 1 4, A rgyl l Place , W 95, Chance ryLane , W.C . 5and H olbomCircus , E.C .

UnionBank of Scotland, 62 , Cornhill , E. C .

Venables, A l fred, and Co., 30, Royal Exchange, E.C .

W est London Comme rcial Bank Limi ted , he ad offi ce , 34, Sloane Square , Branche s : 1 83 ,Earl ’s Court Road, S.W. 5 1

,V ictoria


Road, Battersea, S.W. 5and 2 1 4, Uppe r Kennington Lane,

W hiteley,Will iam, 3 1 to 55 and 6 1 , We s tbourne Grove, W.

, and 1 47 to 1 59, Que en’

s Road, W .

W i lliams , Deacon, Thornton, and Co .


,Birch inLane

,E.C .

Wil l is and Co .

, 1 5, Cockspur Street, S.W .



Londonand Yorkshire Bank Limi ted, h e ad oth ee, 7, D rape rs’

Gardens, ThrogmortonA venue, E.C .

Provincial Bank of Ireland, ThrogmortonA venue, E.C .


Anglo-A ustrianBank , 3 1 , Lombard Street , E._C .

Anglo-CalifomianBank (Th e ) Limi ted , 3 , Ange l Court, Bank , E.C .

Anglo—EgyptianBanking Co. Limi ted , 27, Clement’s Lane, E.C .

Anglo Fore ignBanking Co. Limi ted , 2, Bishopsgate Stre e t W i thin, E.C .

Anglo Ital ianBank P lace, EC .

A us tralas ianA gency and Banking Corporat ion E.C .


Aus tralian 101111 8c Bank, 1 8, King “ 1111t EC .

Ayw dmd kflfl'

ct,mb a bard fitrceg flc

Bank of Anmhtmg Thmdnu dk SM EC.

Bmk d Bfi tish Cohmfi a fi , Cornhifl, E.C.

M k d fldfisb flmh Ama iQ 3 Ckmnf s h nqlpmh rd Stm fi C .

Bank of Comundnopk . IQW WM M EC .

Bank onypg fi , Old Bmed Sae eg EC.

M ol Nev Sonth Wak s , 64, 01d Bumd SM E-C.

Bank of N ev Z e-hnd.Bank ol llommh , 1&Mm1p fi SM EC .

Bank ol City, E.C.





Ca bmtcd.”

35 Quen fi ao¢fs 8meg flc

Banqu de lamfl de h h imw M M E-C.

W M k MW M M M HuM M M M EC .

Chumd umnfilc flmk d lmh ndomu d CM 6ymd Bmad SM EC

ma m a mdmdqow w m nc.

CM NM LM CQ . 4. W SM WM ECCt nh 1 5 W ¢ 8uw Wiflflm£CCob ah lmnk of Nfl Za hni l g uoorgzte ScetQEC.

Cm mh l Bank of Alamdria Umhcdn. Moo¢p tnd , EC

Comma d al Bu kin‘ Compu y of fi doqd 9m mi M EC.

w e w am sa w m ac

M FW dc t u Old Bw-d sm flc.


-C .

m mm uw w mw onlkmmk c

t d mqa ammSmeg ECm w amdem um ma nmam w wabmacm m a w w wmw m ac.

m m mm w m nmmac-LC.

Exchmge aod lmammflamsanmdmedkm ac

Houghongnd Shnnghni Banking Corponfiomm bu d StM LKC.

IM W M 26,W S1M EC.

Ladmburg, W. , and Ca ,

Land Mmm lhnk ol lnd ia (Cre dit Pond er lndicn) Lhnited , 4, East Ind ia Avenue , LeadcnhtllM EG.

Lmd Mofi p ge Bunk of V ictoria Limited, EC.


LondonBank of Me xico and South America, Limited, 1 44, Le adenhal l Street, E. C .

London Banking A ssociat ionLimi ted, 57 , Old Broad Street, E. C .

London Charte re d Bank of A ustral ia, 88, CannonStre et, C ity, E.C .

Luke, Thomas, and Co.


,1 40, Le ad enhall Street , E. C .

Maddisonand Co. , 3 1 , Lombard Street, E.C .

M ayer,David, 7, East Ind ia . Avenue , E. C .

Me rcant i le Bank of Sydney , 30 , Gre at St. Helen’s,E C .

Me rcant ile Inte rnat ional Bank Limi ted, 5, Copthall Bu ild ings , ThrogmortonStree t, E.

National Bank of A ustralas ia, 1 49, Le adenhall Street, E.C .

Nat ional Bank of N e w Ze aland Limited, 3 7, .Lombard Street, E.C .

N eck , JohnF . , and Co. ,1 1 0

,CannonStreet, E.C .

N e w London and Braz il ianBank (The ) Limi ted, 2 , O ld Broad Street , E.C .

O riental Bank Corporat ion, 40, Thre adne e d le Street, E. C .

Pal ey, Scriven, and Co .

, 34, Gre at Sr. Helen’s, E. C .

Peirson, A l fred , and Co. , 5, CranboumStreet , W . C .

Que ens land National Bank , Limi ted, 50 , O ld Broad Street, E.C .

Rall i,Antonio A lexander, 9, Grace church Street, E C .

Re inhardt Charles, and Co. , 1 4, Coventry Street, W.

Rosset,O tto, and Co .

, 9, O ld Broad Street , E.C.

Russ ianBank for Fore ignTrade , 40 ,Lombard Street , E. C .

Schuster, Son, and Co .

, 90, CannonStreet , E. C .

Standard Bank of Briti sh South A frica Limi ted, 1 0 ,Clement’s Lane

,E. C .

Truninge r and Co.

, 4 1 , Thre adne e dle Street, E. C .

Unive rsal Comme rcial Bank , 37 , J ew ry Street, E.C .

UnionBank ofA ustral ia, 1 . Bank Bu i ld ings, Lothbury, E. C .

Wells, Fargo , and Co. , 99, CannonStreet , E. C .

We s te rnA us tral ianBank, 54, Old Broad Street, E. C .

Yokohama (Japan) Spe cie Bank Limited, 84, Bishopsgate Stre e t Within, E C .

1 8 8 3 .

A gra Bank Limited , 35, N icholas Lane , Lombard Stree t, E.C .

A lexander, F letcher, and Co. ,2, St. He len

s Place , E.C .

A le xande rs and Co. ,24, Lombard Street, E.C.

A l l iance Bank Limite d. See The A ll iance Bank Limi te d .

Bank of England, Thre adne e dle Street, E. C . 5 and We s te rn branch , Burl ingtonGardens, W. ; Law

Courts branch , Royal Courts of Just ice,W.C .

Bank of M ontreal , 9, BirchimLane, E. C .

Bank of Scotland , 43 , Lothbury , E. C .

Barclay, Bevan, Tr it ton, and Co. , 54, Lombard Street , E.C .

Barker, G . ,51nd Co. , 39 _and 40, Mark Lane

, E.C .

Barnetts, Hoares , Hanbury, and Lloyd , 60 and 62,Lombard Street

, E.C .

Biddul ph , Cocks , and Co. See Cock s, Biddu lph, and Co.

Biggerstaff,W. and J. ,63 ,West Smithfie ld, EC . 5 6, Bank Bu i ldings, Me tropol i tanCattle Market

,N . 5

and Fore ignCattle M arket, Dock Stree t, Deptford , S.E.

Birkbe ck Bank , 29 and 30, South emptonBu i ld ings , Chance ry Lane ,W. C .

Blocke y, A . , Greig, and Co ., 33 , Clement

s Lane , E.C .

Bosanquet, Sal t , Harman, Sal t, and Whatman, 73 , Lombard Stree t, E.C .

Bradbrook , Thos . Fre dk . ,1 1 7 and 1 1 9, Gre enStreet , Be thnal Green, E.

British LinenCompany Bank , 4 1 , Lombard Stree t, E.C .


K ing, Henry S.,and Co. , 45, Pal l M al l

,S.W. , and 65, Cornhil l , E.C .


Lacey, Hartland , Woodbridge, and Co. ,60

,We sf Smith fie ld, EC . 5 8, Bank Bu i ld ings, M e tropol itan

Cattle M arket , N . ; Fore ignCattle M arket, Dockyard , Deptford , S.E. 5 and 98, Jamaica Road ,Bermondsey, S. E .

London Bank of Utah Limi ted , 26, A ustinfriars , E.C ._

London and County Banking Co. Limite d ,\ he ad oth ee , 2 1,I ombard Street

, E.C . Me tropol itanbranche s : 3 , A lbe rt Gate, S.W. ; 1 34, Al de rsgate S treet, E C 2 1 , Hanove r Square , W . 5 4 and

5, Uppe r Stre et, N 1,Connaught Street, W. 44 1 and 442 , Oxford Street ,W .C . ; 34, Borough

High 67 , Kens ingtonHigh Street , W. ; 1 8 1 and‘

18 2 , Shore di tch H igh Street, E 5

74 and 76, We s tbourne Grove, W. 5 6, Henrie tta. Street , Covent Garden, W.C . 5 1 65, We s tmins te rBridge Road , S .E . 5D e ptford Broadway, S . E . 5 S tra tford Broadway , E. 5 3 24 and 3 25, HighHolborn

,W .C . ; 1 , Amhurs t Road East , Hackney , E. ; 680, Comme rcial Road East , E. ; 1 8


Ne w ingtonBu tts, S. E . 54, Bank Bu i ld ings, N orwood, S . E . 5 3 , V ictoria Street ,Westminster, S.W . 5

1 93 , Cale donian Road, N . 5 Church Street, Greenw ich , S.E . Tranqui l Vale,Blackheath

, S.E. 5

1 2 , King Stre e t West, Hamme rsmith 5Susse x P lace , Que ens Gate,‘

S.W. ; 369, Brixton Road ,S.W. 5 Harrow Road , W. 5Kings land 5 and Pow is Stree t, Woolw ich .

London and Hanse atic Bank Limi ted,27 , Lombard Street , E.C .

London Joint S tock Bank l i ted, 5, Prince s Street , Bank , E. C . 5 69, Pa1l M al l

,S.W . ,

1 24, Chance ryLane

,Charte rhouse Stree t, E. . 5C Cattle Cattle M arket


Deptford,S .E . 5 28

,Borough High S treet

,S . E . 5 and 2



London and North We s te rnD is trict Bank Limi ted , 9, N e w Broad Street , E.C .

Londonand Provincial Bank Limi ted, 7 , Bank Bu i ld ings , Lothbury, E.C . Branche s : 1 63 , Edgware

Road,W . ; 560, Kingsland Road, E. 5 Sus se x P lace , Que en

s Gate,W . ; Blackheath , S.E. 5

Lewisham,S.E ; S toke N ew ington, 1 63 , High Street, N . 5 Stratford , E. 5 Anerley, S.E. 5

WalhamGreen,S W .

Londonand R ive r Plate Bank Limi ted , 52 , Moorgate Street , E. C .

London and SanFrancisco Bank Limi ted , 2 2 , Old Broad Street , E.C .

London and South We s te rnBank Limited,he ad offi ce

, 7 , Fenchurch Street , E.C . London branche s27 , Re gent Street , S.W. 5 High Street, A cton, W. 5 1

,Ane rle y Road

,S . E . 5 1 7 , Ramsden Road ,

Balham,S.W . ; Batte rs e a Park Road , S.W . ,

1 59, Old Kent Road , S.E., 90 and 92 , Bow Road ,

E 5 275and 451 , BrixtonRoad , S.W . ; 250, Cambe rw e l l Road , 67 and 68,Park Street


Camd enTown,N . .W ,

ClaphamCommon,S. . 5W Low e r A ddi scombe Road

,A dd iscombe , and

North End,Croydon; Broadway, Eal ing, W . ; 82 , Finsbury Pavement , E.C . 5 Finsbury Park

Bu i ld ings , Finsbury Park , N . ; High Street, Fore st Hil l , S.E. 5 High Street , Hamps tead , N .W . ;

6,Suthe rland Gardens

,Harrow Road

,W. ; High Street , Highgate , N .W. ; 403 , Hol loway Road ,

N . 5 2 28,Kentish TownRoad

,N . . 5W Bank Bu i ld ings , Station Road , K i lbu rn, N . . 5W Thurlow

P lace,Low e r N orwood


,1 37 , Ladbroke Grove , N ot tingHill , W.

,High Street , Peckham,

S.E ;

1 27 , Uppe r R ichmond Road , Pu tney , SW.,W ell ingtonRoad , St. John

s Wood,N .W.

, U xbridgeRoad

,Shephe rd

’s Bush

,W. 5 High Street , South N orwood , S.E. 5 368, Comme rcial Road East ,

Stepney,E. 5Stre athamRoad , Streatham,

S.W . ; Bank Bui ld ings , Sydenhan1 , S.E. 5Broadway ,Toot ing,

S.W. ; Bank Bu i ld ings , TumhamGreen, W. ; We s tow Hi l l,Uppe r N orwood , S.E. 5

Bank Bu ild ings , Wand sworth , S.W. 5 20 2,FulhamRoad , S.W. 5Broadway, W imbledon.

LondonTrad ing Bank Limi ted , 1, W est Street , F insbu ry, E.C .

Londonand We s tmins te r Bank Limi ted , 4 1 , Lothbury, E. C . Branch e s : 1 , St. Jame s ’ Square, S. . 5W

2 1 4, High Holborn, W .C . ,6,Borough High Street, S .E . 5 1 30, 1 3 1 , and 1 3 2 , White chape l High

Street,E. 54, S t ratford P lace , Oxford Street , W. ,

2 1 7 , Strand , W. .C We stminste r BridgeRoad

, S.E.,and Brompton R ,

oad S.W.

M cGrigor, Sir C . R. ,Bart . and Co.

,25, Charl e s Street , St James’ , S.W .

Martinand Co. , 68 , Lombard S treet, E. C .

M aynard,Harris

,and Co. ,

1 26 and 1 27 , Leadenhal l Street , E.C .


Melvi lle, Enmu d Ca , 75, 110mbard Strect, EC.

M erchambankmg Company of IA M M 1M'1 1L CannonSt EC.

Mmfis kobet uMnChnmbcrg 8, c entSm S.W.

Nafioud Adv anh zg WellingtonM . SM WC .

NM M M Se e'


he Natioml Bank Limiwd .

Nafioml fltnk d lndia LimM 39~ Ttmndne edle SuemECW M MW 37, N i¢hoh s h ne , Lombard SumEC

National Provincnl Bank of England LimM City office , 1 1 2, W Within, EC .

Branches : N . ; Carcy

W.C. ; and 88 , BromptonRoad. S.W.

M M W mLOda HM Co . 62, 1‘

hmdne edle 81mn, RC.

Rum flocvefiqd a u , M M M SW.

M M M CQ ,

Royal lh ak ol Soothnd, nzy w m mmE.C‘


w m muw mm ac


ummmdmu ou w m ac.

Scoa, SirSamueLBu t. and Co., 1 . Cave od1

Seyd d m38. lm b¢1d Sm EC .

W M M SOM . Sa amo Stlg Bm SAhJ od Whumanmw m m w m m ac ,mumw umm W.

m Cmml Bu k ol Londoo LiufituLy , Comhili , EC. 5 t kfrinn lload (eome r o( 8nmfod

M 3 5 16 Tod ¢y 8me g 3 3 5u dq b inchapd lfinm E

W W M M W W EC W M M W ). M 06 05 :

Bond SueQ Wq7. 1mudu k ui ghuh i dgg 3 W4 3 1 9-11d 3 2 1 , EAgt ambW EC ; “ Hd bot dncLECqand Gmt s unSM E.

mxmpamm w ms ,mbeq, ac W zvmhmmm vm sw g s w”

M enopoliunbmncbu : 68,

M M M NJ l ga fi in Notting flilLW 5 s 3,M W M W. ; 111311. v k W W W Bank Bmldings,I&finM Nq

Tr iump h ant“ !Unb a Bank d londm l infitd pfind paIM L Pfinm SUmMamionHw a E£qCharing

Cl ogs bnnch, 66 CbamgC 1on, 8.W

Unioa k of Soodand LimiM 625 Comhi ll , E.C.


Venable s, A l fred, and Co. , 30, Royal Exchange , E.C .

Watson , Wm., and Co. , 27 , Le adenhall Street, E. C .

West London Comme rcial Bank Limited,head offi ce , 34, Slow e Square , S.W. Branche s 1 83 , Earl

’sCourt Road

, S.W. 5 I, Victoria Road , Battersea, S.W. 5 and 2 1 4, Upper K enningtonLane , S.E.

White ley,Will iam

, 3 1 to 55and 6 1 , We stbourne'

Grove , W . and 1 47 to 1 59, Queen’s Road



l iams, Deacon , Thornton , and Co. , 20, BirchimLane, E C .

Willi s and Co. , 1 5, Cockspur Stree t, S.W .


London and Yorkshire Bank Lim ited,head offi ce , 7 , Drapers

Gardefis, ThrogmortonA venue,

Provinc ial Bank of Ire land Limited,ThrogmbrtonAvenue , E.C .


Anglo-Aus trianBank , 3 1 , Lombard Street, E.C .

Anglo-Cali fomianBank (The) Limited , 3, Ange l Court, Bank , E. C .

Anglo—Egypt ianBanking Co. Limited , 2 7, Clement’s Lane, E.C .

A nglo-Foreign Banking Co. Limited, 2 , Bishopsgate S treet Within , E C .

Anglo- Ital ian Bank Limited, 9, St. H elen

’s P lace , E.C .

A ustral ianJoint Stock Bank, 1 8, King Will iam Street, E.C .

A ynard and Rii ffe r, 39, Lombard Street, E. C .

Bank of A frica Limited, 25, Abchurch Lane , EC .

Bank of Aus tralas ia, 4, Thre adne e dle Street, E. C .

Bank of Br i tish Columbia, 28, Cornhil l, E. C .

Bank of Bri t ish North America, 3 , Clement’

s Lane, Lombard Stree t, E. C .

Bank of Cons tantinople , 1 9, Great Winch e s te r Street, E.C .

Bank of Egypt, 26, O ld B road Street, E C .

Bank of New Sou th Wales, 64, O ld Broad Street, EC .

Bank of New Z ealand, I , Queen Victoria Street, E C .

Bank of Roumania, 1 5, Moorgate Stree t, E.C .

Bank of Sou th A ustralia, head office , 54, O ld Broad Stree t, Ci ty, E.C .

Bank of Victoria (A ustralia), 28, C lement’

s Lane , E C .



46, Regent Streét, W .

C lydenste in, Benj. Wm. , and Co. , 55and 56, Thre adne e dle St reet, E.C .

Charte re d Bank of India, Australia, and Ch ina, Hat tonCourt, Thre adne e dle Street , E. C .

Charte re d Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China, 65, O ld Broad Street, E.C .

Chick,A l fre d Y. ,

and Co. , 58, O ld Broad Stree t, E. C .

Colonial Bank , 1 3 , Bishopsgate Street Wi th in , E.C .

Colonial Bank of New Z ealand, 1 3 , Moorgate Street, E.C .

Comme rcial Bank of Alexandria Limited, 2 , Moorgate Stree t, E. C .

Comme rcial Bank of A ustral ia Limited, 67,Comme rcial Banking Company of Sydney, 39, Lombard Street, E.C .

Comptoir d’

Escompte de Paris, 52 , Thre adne e dle Street, E. C .

Cook, Thos. , and Son , 1 05 to 1 07, Fle e t Street, EC . 5Ludgate Circus , E C . 5 35, Piccadilly, W,

445, Strand, W.C .

Cre dit Lyonnais, 40, Lombard Street, EC .5

Dav id (Come i lle ) and Co. , 9, Fench urch Avenue, E.C .

D enton—Cardew,George , 1 1 5, CannonStreet, E.C .

Berenberg and Me ye r, 6A , A ustinfriars, E. C .

Deu tsche Bank (Berl in), 1 , Drapers’ Gardens

,ThrogmortonAvenue , EC .

Du ff,Wm.

, and Co. ,1 1

' CannonStreet, E.C .


A le xande rs and Co.,24, Lombard Stree t, EC.

A l l iance Bank Limi te d . Se e Th e,

A l l iance Bank Limi te d.

Bank of England , Th l e adne e dle Stre e t, E C . 5 and We s te rnbranch,Burl ingtonGardens

,W . 5 Law

Courts branch , Royal Courts of Jus t ice , W .C .

Bank of Montre al , 9, Birch inLane , EC . (removing inMarch, 1 884, to 2 2

,A bchurch Lane ).

Bank of Morocco Limite d , 1 1 0,Fenchurch $tre e t, E C .

Bank of Scotland , 43 ,Barc lay

,Be van, Tri tton, and Co. , 54, Lombard Stre e t, E. C .


rke r, G .,and Co. , 39 and 40 ,

Mark Lane,E C .

Barne tts , Hoare s , Hanbury , and Lloyd , 60 and 62,Lombard Stre e t,

Be thnal Gre enBank , 1 1 7 , Gre enStre e t , Be thnal Gre en, E.

Biddulph , Cocks , and Co. Se e Cocks , Biddulph , and C0.


,W. and 63 ,We s t Smithfie ld , E C . 5 Bank Bui ldings , Me tropolitanCat tle Marke t

,N . 5


and Fore ignCattle Marke t, Dock Stre e t , De ptford , S.E.

Birkbe ck Bank , 29 and 30 ,SouthamptonBui ldings , Chance ry Lane , W .C .

Blockey, A . , Gre ig, and Co. , 33 , Clement’

s Lane , E.C .

Bosanque t, Sal t, Harman, Sal t, and Whatman, 73 , Lombard Stre e t , BC .

Briti sh LinenCompany Bank,4 1 , Lombard Stre e t , EC .

Bri tish Mutual Bank ing Co . Limi te d , Bank Build ings , Ludgate Circus , E C .

Brooks and Co. ,8 1 . Lombard Stre e t , E.C .

Brown, A l ex , and Co . , 79, Lombard Stre e t , E C .

Brown,Janson, and Co. , 3 2 , A bchurch Lane , EC .

Brown, John, and Co .

,25, A bchurch Lane , EC .

Curt,Fre dk . ,

and Co. , 7 1 and 72 , Cornhil l, E.C .

Capi tal and Countie s Bank Limi te d , he ad office , 39, Thre adne e dle Stre e t , EC . Branche s : 1 95,

Edgware Road, W. ; 1, Long A cre , W .C . ; 25, Ludgate H il l , E C . 5 and 68, Oxford Stre e t , W.

Central Bank of London Limi te d . Se e Th e Central Bank of London Limi te d .

Charing Cross Bank , 28, Be dford Stre e t , Covent Garden, W. C .

Che que Bank Limi ted , h e ad office , 20, King Will iamStre e t, E C . 5 branch , 20, Cockspur Stre e t, S.W.

Child and Co.

,1, Fle e t Stre e t, E.C .

City Bank Limi te d . Se e Th e City Bank Limi te d .

Clyde sdale Bank (The ) Limi ted , 30, Lombard Stre e t , E.C .

Cocks,Biddulph , and Co. , 43 , Charing C ros s , S.W .

Cohn, Maurice , and Co.,27 , ThrogmortonStre e t, E C .

Comme rcial Bank of Scotland Limi ted, 1 23 , Bishopsgate Sfre e tWith in, EC .

Consol idate d Bank Limi te d, 52 , Thre adne edle Stre e t, E.C ., and 450, We s t Strand , W. C.

Coutts and Co. , 59, Strand , W. C .

Cox and Co.

,1 and 2

, Craig’

s Court , Charing C ross , S.W

Cripple gate Bank Limi te d, 3 1 , Low e r Wh ite cross Stre e t, E.C .

Cunl iffe,Roge r, Sons , and Co.

,6, Prince s Stre e t, Mans ionH ous e

, E C .

Currie s and Co. Se e G lyn, M il ls , Currie , and Co.

D e lh i and LondonBank -Limi te d , Royal Bank Bui ldings, 1 23 , Bishopsgate Stre e t, E.C .

D imsdale , Fow le r, Barnard , and D imsdale s , 50, Cornhill , EC .

D is trict Bank of London, Limi te d , 49, Oxford Stre e t , W .

Dobre e,Samue l , and Sons , 6, Tokenhouse Yard , E C .

D rummond , M e ssrs .

, 49, Charing Cross , S;W.

Engl ish Bank of th e Rive r Plate Limi te d , 8, O ld Je w ry, EC .

Fulle r,Banbury , N ix , and Co.

, 77 , Lombard Stre e t , E.C .

Fye rs , R . D .,and Co .

,1 5, Gre at Ge orge Stre e t, S.W .

G e rmanBank of London,Limite d, Bartholome w Hou se , E.C .


G illettBrothd s and Ca , 72, lomhard Smg a Cf

God ings md Shu pqng M Sm , EC.

Gnmznd Ca , 5, Lothbury, EC.

Gm Tomkimoo , d a , 3 : , Nichoh s me , EC.

Grindh y and Ca ,

-Smtt; SW. Branches : 147 ,KentRocd , S.E. ,

M 1 98, Emcx ll oad , N .

Ham migbt, aod .knen, 1 8, Comhill, !Benin, Puquhar, ond Cu , 16, 8t. jama '


A m w uaropoflnnCattle Market, N. 5

Hmm ma . 37 . flmm l c

Hok, V., d ow 1 7, Whiuball Ph cc. 8W.

lmpcrial Bank ljmited. Sec'


be lmpa-h l nk Limiwdlm adoml flank ol la odmb u iwd , 1 1 3 Cmoo SnM EC

mm s , nnd Ca w 45 PaflMalLSW M 63. Comhfll, EC.

m. fi ammwm mcmfi WmSmM Ec 5 Bufldxngg u etmpobml M CW MM M M DepM SE ; md fi jauu ia k oad ,

Bumondscy, 8.&

lmdoo nd Cocnta nking Ca iM he-d omcg au lpmh rd sumac Metropolitan

M E 5 1 4 M 7$ WM M W4 Q HM SM ConmGarden, W.C. 5

1 65. Wes tminster d gt M S51 5 Dcpdovd Btmdny, Sta tion! Broadway, E 5

mm mq y Ned d Tm l hm-M a p flinacc ingshnh

lo adond mml Bank Unfiu qudge Rov , EC.

lmdonu d flametfic Bank Umited, n, lmbard SM E.C

landmjointStk ank UmiwLy Pfim Suu uBanLEC ;

ua dC. Chuurboou SM EC ; Came Hutcg lfi ngtoq Pore ignCufle Mu kct,a, Cram Road. W. 5and nmd u , 01 e at

Tm Stw etOemponry).undonmd h-WM M Q M M g Na M M EC

Brancha : 163, £dgwu c

Blackha tb, 8. l7. 5M SS. ; Stoke New ington, 1 63. H igh 8trect, N . 5m a ; Ane rlq, 8.E. 5Walbam

m mm mm um p , um m ac


London and Sou th-We stemBank Limi te d,he ad o ffice , 7 , Fenchurch S tre e t, E C . Londonbranche s

27 , Re gent Stre et, S.W. ; High Stre e t , A c ton’

,W . 5 1

,Ane rle y Road, S.E. 5 1 7 , RamsdenRoad ,

Balham, S.W. 5 Batte rse a Park Road, S.W. 5 1 59, O l d Kent Road, S.E. 5 90 and 92 , Bow

Road, E. ; 275 and 451 , Brixton Road , S.W . 5 250, Cambe rw e l l Road , S.E. 5 67 and 68


Stre e t, CamdenTown, N .W . ; 3 , Garfie ld Te rrace , Clapham,S.W. ; Clapham Common, S.W. 5

Low e r A dd iscombe Road , A ddiscombe, and North End , Croydon5 Broadway, Eal ing, W. 5

82,Finsbury Pav ement, E C . 5Finsbury Park Bu i l d ings , Finsbury Park, N . 5 3 , Romford - Cross ,

Fore s t Gate,E. 5High Stre e t , Fore s t H il l , S.E. 5High Stre e t, Hamps te ad, N .W . 5 6, Suthe rland

Gardens , Harrow Road , W. 5Hendon5 High Stre e t , H ighgate , N .W. 5 403, Hol loway Road, N . 5

2 28,Kent ish TownRoad

,N .W . 5 Bank Bui ld ings , Station Road,K i lburn, N .W . 5 Thurlow P lace ,

Low e r N orw ood , S .E . 5 1 37 , Ladbroke Grove, Not t ing H i ll , W . ; High Stre e t, Pe ckham, S. E . 5

1 93 , Eas t India Dock Road, Poplar, E. 5 1 27 , Uppe r Richmond Road, Putney, S.W. 5Well ingtonRoad, St. John’s Wood, N .W . 5 Uxbridge Road

,Shephe rd

s Bush , W . 5 High Street, SouthNorwood, S.E. 5 368, Comme rcial Road East, Stepne y, E. 5Stre athamRoad, Streatham, S.W. 5

Bank Bui ld ings , Sydenham, SE, 5 Broadway, Toot ing, S.W. 5 Bank Bui ld ings , TumhamGre en, W. 5Wes tow H il l , Uppe r N orwood, S.E. 5 Bank Bui ld ings , Wandsworth , S.W. 5 202 , Ful

hamRoad,S.W . 5Broadway , Wimbledon.

London Trading Bank Limi ted , 1 , Wes t Stree t, Finsbury, EC .

Londonand Westminster Bank Limi ted , 4 1 , Lothbury, E. C . Branche s 1, St. Jame s ’ Square , S.W. 5

2 1 4, High Holborn, W . C . ; 6, Borough High Stre e t , S .E . 5 1 30, 1 3 1 , and 1 3 2 , White chape l H ighStre e t, E. ; 4, Stratford P lace , Oxford Stre e t, W. ; 2 1 7 , S trand, W. C . 5 9 1 , Wes tminster BridgeRoad , S.E. 5 and 1 , BromptonSquare , S.W.

M cGrigor, Sir C . R. ,Bart . , and Co. , 25, Charle s Stre et , St. Jame s

, S.W.

Macle anand Co. ,2 7 , Le adenhall Street , E. C .

Martinand Co. ,68, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

M aynard , Harri s , and Co . ,1 26 and 1 27 , Le adenhall Street , E.C .

Me lvi lle , Evans , and Co.

, 75, Lombard Stre e t, EC .

Me rchant Banking Company of London Limi te d , 1 1 2 , CannonStre e t, EC .

M orris , Robe rt , Carl tonChambe rs , 8, Re gent Stre e t, S.W .

National Bank Limi te d. Se e Th e National Bank Limi te d .

National Bank of India Limi te d, 39A , Thre adne edle Stre e t , E.C .

N ational Bank of Scotland , 37 , N icholas Lane , Lombard Stre e t, EC .

Nat ional Provincial Bank of England , Limi te d, City oth e e,1 1 2 , Bishopsgate Stre e t Within, E C .

Branche s : 2 1 2 , P iccadilly, W. ; 53 ,'Bake r Stree t, W. ; 2 1 8

, Uppe r Stree t, 5 Care y Stree t,W .C . 5 and 88, Cromw e l l Road, S.W

Prae ds and Co.,1 89, Fle e t Stre e t, E.C .

P re scot t,Cav e , Bux ton, Loder, and Co.

,62 , Threadne e dle Stre e t, EC .

Ransom, Bouve r ie , and Co.

,1,Pall Mall Eas t, S.W .

Re e ve s,Whitburn

, and Co . , 27 , Clement’s Lane , EC .

R ichardsonand Co . , 1 3 . Pal l Mall , S.W.

R idgw ay and,Sons, 2 , Waterloo Place , Pal l M al l , S.W .

Robarts , Lubbock , and Co. ,1 5, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Royal Bank of Scotland, 1 2 3 , Bishopsgate Stre e t Within, EC .

Royal Exchange Bank Limi te d, 75, Cornh ill, E.C .

Samuel, M ontagu, and Co.


, O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Sco t t, Sir Samue l , Bart. , and Co. ,1, Cavendish Square , W .

Se yd and Co . , 38, Lombard Stree t,. E C .

Shank, john, 4, Bank Bu ild ings , Me tropol itanCattle M arke t

,N .

Smi th,Payne, and Smi ths, 1

,Lombard Stre e t

,E. C .

Spoone r, A t twoods , and Co . Se e Barclay, Bevan, and Co .


Bank of Bri t ish North Ame rica, 3 , Clement’

s Lane,Lombard S tre e t

,EC .

Bank of Cons tantinople , 1 9, Gre at Winchester Stree t, EC .

Bank of Egypt, 26, Old Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Bank of Morocco Limi te d , 1 1 0, Fenchurch Stre e t, EC .

Bank of N e w South Wales , 64, O ld Broad Stree t, -E.C .

Bank of N e w Z e aland, 1 , Que enVictoria Stree t, E.C .

Bank of Roumania, 1 5, Moorgate S tre e t, EC .

Bank of South A us tral ia, h e ad offi ce , 54, O ld Broad Stre e t, C i ty, EC .

Bank of Victoria (Aus tral ia), 28, Clement’

s Lane, E C .

BaumBrothe rs , 46, Re gent Stre e t, W .

Blydenste in, Benj . Wm. , and Co. , 55and 56, Thre adne edle S treet, E.C .

Charte re d Bank of Ind ia, A us tral ia, and Ch ina, Hatton Court, Thre adne e dle Stre e t, EC .

Charte re d M e rcant i le Bank of Ind ia, London, and Ch ina, 65, Old Broad Stre e t , E C .

C h ick , A l fre d W . , and Co. , 58, Old Broad Stre e t, EC .

Cohen, Nathanie l , and Co. ,Le adenhall Bu ild ings , E. C .

Colonial Bank,1 3 , Bishopsgate Stre e t With in, E. C .

Colonial Bank of N e w Z e aland, 1 3 , Moorgate Stre et, E.C .

Comme rcial Bank of A le xandria Limi te d,2,Moorgate S tre e t, E.C .

Comme rcial Bank of Australia Limi ted, 67, Cornhil l , E.C .

Comme rcial Banking Company of Sydne y, 39, Lombard S tree t, E.C .

Comptoi r d’Escompte de Paris , 52 , Thre adne e dle S treet, E C .

Cook , Thos . , and Sons , 1 05 to 1 07, Fle e t Stre e t, E.C . 5 Ludgate C i rcus , E.C . 5 35, Piccadilly , W. ;

and 455, Strand, W. C .

Cre dit Lyonnais , 40, Lombard S treet, E.C .

David (Corne ill e ) and Co. , 9, Fenchurch A venue, E.C .

D enton-Carde w , George , 1 1 5, CannonS tree t, EC .

Be renbe rg and Me ye r, 6A , Aust in Friars , E.C .

D e utsche Bank , Be rl in, 1,D rape rs

’ Gardens,ThrogmortonA venue , E.C .


,Wm. ,

and Co. ,1 1 3 , CannonStre e t, E.C .

English Bank of Rio d e Jane iro Limi te d, 1 3 , St. He len’

s Place , Bishopsgate Within, E C .

Engl ish , Scot tish , and A us tral ianCharte re d Bank , 73, Cornh il l, E.C .

Erlange r,Emile, and Co. , 43 , Lothbu ry, E.C .


and Inve s tment Bank (B. W. Blydenste inand 55and 56, Thre adne e dle Stre et, E.C .

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporat ion, 3 1 , Lombard Stre e t, E. C .

Impe rial O ttomanBank , 26, ThrogmortonStre e t, E.C .

I onian Bank Limi ted, 33 , Lombard C ircus, E C .

Ke ys e r,A .

,and Co. ,

2 1,Cornhill , E.C .

K u lb,A . ,

and Co. ,1 6


,EC .

Ladenburg,W . ,

and Co.,6,Copthall Court, E.C .

Land Mortgage Bank of India (Cre di t Foncie r Indien) Limi te d , 4, -Eas t India A venue, Le adenhallStre e t , E C .


Land Mortgage Bank of Victoria Limi ted , 1 7, King’s Arms Yard , Moorgate Stre e t , EC .

Lazard Brothe rs and Co. ,60

,Old Broad Street , E.C .

Lazard, Edward , and Co. , 35, Lombard Stree t, EC .

LondonBank of Me xico and South Ame rica Limi te d,1 44, Le adenhall Stre e t, E.C .

London Banking A ssociat ionLimi te d , 575'O ld Broad Stre e t , EC .

LondonCharte re d Bank of A us tral ia, 88, CannonStre e t, C i ty , E.C .

Luke , Thomas , and Co. Limi ted , 1 38, Le adenhall Stre e t , E.C .

M aye r, David , and Co., 7 , Eas t Ind ia A venue , E C .

Me rcant ile Bank of Sydne y,1 58, Le adenhall Stre e t, E. C .

OF BA NKEKs . 339

M ercuufle International Bank Limited , 55 00945111 Buildings , ThmgmononSue et, EC .

NafionflBand M lmw d Sc e eg fi c.

Neck, John F. , and Ca ,

EC .

Nmtbcomada d hu la jamq1 5 3 ,md s, Pahna stoa fldings . Bisbopsgme With in,EC.

Odmul Bank Corpmudm5 4t ru dna dk Stn C.

He len’s, EC.

a dmd Nafimd Bank Limha mumband Sumflc.

RmhnBank for FordgnTndgm M d M EC.

Sttndasd flnnk ol’

Sooth Afriu umiml,Tmn’mw d o

4 4u Thmdne edt tm fi c.

UnionBank ol Amalia,Univmal Commcrd aa k. 37. 1cm3mcg EC.


Alexanda 5 Flctche1 , aod Co.,

m am w m EC 5tnd We smnbranch , Burl ingtonGardens ,Conu h anmw wm d jnsfic C .

Bank ol l looml,

Bmd ooM g Lothbmy. E.C.

W M M CO. Se e Cocks Bfildtlm d Co.

Bfikbe ck Baa gmd sg SomhamptonBfi ldimcm m WC .

British LinenCompany Bank, 41 , lpmbard 8md , E.C .

M nah Mumd Bankhna UM Bk a p , Lodgzte Chcug h C .

Brooks d a , 8 1 , Lombu d Strte

M lumand Ca . 3a, Abchmth lme , EC .

Brown, John, anq , 35, Abchurch Lanc, F. C.


Burt,Fre dk . ,

and Co. , 7 1 and 7 2 , Cornhill , E.C.

Capital and Countie s Bank Limi ted , h e ad office , 39, Thre adne e dle Stre e t, EC . Branche s : 1 95,

Edgware Road , W. 5 1,Long A cre, W .C . 5 and 68, Oxford Stree t, W .

C ent ral Bank of London Limite d . Se e Th e Central Bank of LondonLimi te d.

Charing Cros s Bank , 28, Be dford Stre e t, Covent Gard en, W.C .

Che que Bank Limi te d , he ad oth e e, 20, King .

\W i ll iamStre e t, EC . 5 branch , 20

,Cockspur Stree t, S.W

Child and Co. ,1 , Fle e t S tree t, EC .

City Bank Limi te d. Se e Th e City Bank Limi ted .

Clyde sdale Bank (The ) Limi ted, 30, Lombard Street, E.C .

Cocks , Biddu lph , and Co. , 43 , Charing C ross , S.W.

Cohn, M aurice, and Co. , 27, ThrogmortonStreet, E.C .

Comme rcial Bank of Scotland Limi te d , 1 23 , Bishopsgate Stre e t Within, E.C .

Consol idate d Bank Limi ted , 52 , Thre adne e dle Stre et, E.C .,and 450, West Strand, W.C .

Coutts and Co. , 59, Strand, W .C .

Cox and Co. , 1 and 2, Craig

s Court, Charing C ross, S.W.

Cripplegate Bank Limi te d , 3 1 , Low e r Wh ite cross Stre e t, EC .

C unl iffe , Roge r, Sons , and Co. ,6,Prince s Stree t, Mans ionHouse

, EC .

Currie s and Co. Se e Glyn, Mil ls , Currie , and Co.

D e lh i and London Bank Limi te d , Royal Bank Bui ld ings , 1 23 , Bishopsgate Stre e t , E C .

D imsdale, Fow ler, Barnard , and D imsdale s , 50, Cornhil l, E.C .

D is trict Bank of London, Limi te d , 49, Oxford Stre e t , W.

Dobre e , Samue l , and Sons , 6, Tokenhouse Yard, E.C .

Drummond , M essrs . , 49, Charing C ross , S.W.

Engl ish Bank of th e Rive r Plate Limi te d , 8, Old J ewry, EC .

English Banking Company , Limi te d, 5, A us t in Friars , E.C .

Fu l le r, Banbury, N ix, and Co. , 7 7, Lombard Stre e t , E.C .

Ge rmanBank of London Limi te d , Bartholome w House, EC .

Gille tt Brothe rs and Co. , 72 , Lombard Stre e t, E C .

Gil l ig, Charle s A . ,Giles

,and Co. , 9, Strand , W. C .

G lyn,M il ls , Currie , and Co. ,

67 , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Gos lings and Sharpe , 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t, E.C .

Grant and Co . , 5, Lothbury, E.C .

Grant, M aurice , 4, Moorgate Street, E.C .

Gre en, Tomkinson, and Co . , 3 2 , N icholas Lane , E.C .

Grindlay and Co., 55, Parliament Stree t, S.W.

Grosvenor Bank (T he ) Limi ted , 26, Gre at Smi th Stre et, Westminster, S.W.

Harwood , Knigh t, and A l len, 1 8, Comh i ll EC .

H e rrie s , Farquhar, and Co . , 1 6,St. Jame s Stre e t, S.W.

H ick i e, Borman, and Co . ,

1 4, Waterloo P lace , Pal l M al l, S.W.

H i l l and Sons , 1 7 , Wes t Smithfi e ld , E.C . 5 2,Bank Bu ild ings , Me tropol i tan Cattle M arke t

,N . 5and

Fore ignCattle M arke t, De ptford, S.E.

H oare,Charle s , and Co. ,


37 , Fle e t Stre e t , E.C .

Hol t,V . ,

and Co. , 1 7 , Whitehal l Place , S.W .

Hopk inson, Charle s , and Sons , 3 , Re gent Stree t, Waterl oo P lace, S.W.

Impe rial Bank Limite d . Se e The Impe rial Bank Limite d .

Inte rnational Bank of London Limi te d , 1 1 3 , CannonStre e t, EC .

K ing, H enry S. , and Co. ,65, Cornhill , E.C .

, and 45, Pall M all, S.W.

Lacy, H artland , Woodbridge, and Co. ,60

, Wes t Smithfi e ld, E.C 8,Bank Build ings , Me tropol itan

Cattle M arke t,N . ; Fore ignCattle M arket



ckyard,Dep tford , S.E. 5 and 98, Jamaica Road ,

Be rmondse y, S.E.


M cGrigor, Sir C . R . , Bart . , and Co. ,25, Charle s Stre et, St James


Mancheste r and Live rpool D i stric t Banking Co. Limi te d, 75, Cornh il l, EC .

Martinand Co.


,Lombard Stre e t

,E.C .

M aynard,Harris

,and Co. , 1 26 and 1 27 , Le adenhall Stre e t, E C .

Me lv ille , Evans , and Co ., 75, Lombard Street , E.C .

Me rchant Banking Company of London Limi ted , 1 1 2 , CannonStree t , E. C .

M orris , Robe rt, Carl tonChambe rs , 8, Re gent Stre e t, S.W.

National Bank Limi te d . Se e The National Bank Limite d .

National Bank of Ind ia Limi te d, 39A , Thre adxi e e dle Stre e t, EC .

Nat ional Bank of Scotland Limi te d , 37 , N icholas Lane, Lombard Stre et, E C .

National Provinc ial Bank of England Limi te d, C i ty office , 1 1 2 , Bishopsgate Stre e t W ith in, E.C .

Branche s : 2 1 2 , Piccad i l ly, W . ; 53 , Bake r Stre et, W. ; 2 1 8, Uppe r Stree t, N . ; Care y Stre e t ,

W . C . 5and 88, Cromw e l l Road, S.W.

Prae ds and Co.

, 1 89, Fle e t Stree t, E.C .

Pre s cot t, Cave, Bux ton, Lode r, and Co. , 62 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t,Ransom

, Bouverie , and Co.,1 , Pal l Mal l Eas t, S.W .

Re eve s , Whitburn, and Co.,2 7, Clement

s Lane, E.C .

R ichardsonand Co ., 1 3 , Pall M al l , S.W.

R idgway and Sons , 2, Waterloo P lace , Pal l M al l, S.W.

Robarts , Lubbock, and Co., 1 5, Lombard Stre e t, E C .

Royal Bank of Scotland,1 23 , Bishopsgate Stre e t W i thin, E.C .

Royal Exchange Bank Limi te d, 1 23, CannonStre e t , E. C .

Samue l , M ontagu , and Co. ,60

,O ld Broad Stre et

,E.C .

Scot t, Sir Samu e l , Bart. , and Co. , 1 , Cavendish Square , W.

Se yd,and Co. , 38, Lombard Stre et, E. C .

Shank, John, 4, Bank Bui ld ings, Me tropol i tanCat tle Marke t, NSmi th

,Payne, and Smi ths , 1 , Lombard Stre et, E C .

SociétéGénérale de Paris , 38, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Spooner, A t tw oods , and Co. Se e Barc lay, Be van, and Co.

Stxlw e ll and Sons, 2 1 , Gre at Ge orge Stree t, S.W.

Th e A l l iance Bank Limi te d,Bartholome w Lane , E.C . 5 88 and 90, High Stre e t, K ens ington, W. ;

239, Re gent Stre et, W. ; and 1 76, High Stre e t, CamdenTown, N .W.

The Central Bank of London Limi ted, 52, Cornhill , E C . 5 488, Be thnal Gre enRoad , E. 5 BlackfriarsRoad (corne r of Stamford Stre e t), S.E. 5 7A , Charte rhouse Bu i ld ings , EC . 5 9 1 ,New gate S tre et,EC . 5 3 1 , Shore di tch High Stre e t, E. 5Toole y Stre e t (corne r of Be rmondse y Stre e t), S.E. 5



1 IO , White chape l High Stre e t, E.

The City Bank Limi te d , Thre adne e dle Stree t , E.C . Branch oFfice s : 34, O l d Bond Stre e t, W . ; 6 1

and 63 , Ludgate H i l l, EC . 5 1 59 and 1 60, TottenhamCourt Road, W . 5 7, Lownde s Te rrace ,Knightsbridge , S.W. 5 2 1 9 and 2 2 1 , Edgware Road , W . 5A ldgate Bui ld ings , Fenchurch S tre e t,EC . 5 34, H olbomV iaduct

, EC . 5 and Gre at Eas te rnStree t, E.

The Impe rial Bank Limjte d , 6, Lothbury, E.C . Branche s : Victoria M ans ions , Vic toria S tre et , S.W . ,

and 1 , Sydne y Place, Ons lowThe LondonJoint S tock Bank Limi te d . Se e London Joint Stock Bank Limi ted .

The Nat ional Bahk Limi te d, head office , 1 3 , O l d Broad Stre e t , E.C . Me tropol itan branche s : 68,Glouce s te r Gardens, W. 5 2 1 , Grosvenor Gardens , S.W. 5 1 89, High S tre e t , CamdenTown, N .W . 5

9, Charing Cross , S.W. 5 286, Penton'

ville Road , N . ; 1 58, High Stree t , Notting H il l , W. 5 276,

Oxford S tre e t,W. ; ElginV il las , Elgin Road, Harrow Road, W . ; 36 1 , Gosw e ll Road , E.C . 5

Bank Bui ld ings, I s l ington, N . 5 and Sr. Mary’s Road , Harl e sd en, N .W .

Tw ining, Richard, and Co .

, 2 1 5, Strand , W . C .

Un ion Bank of LondonLimi te d , principal office , 2 , Prince s Stre e t , Mans ionHou se,E.C . 5 Charing


Cross bu nch, 66, Cha in; Croat. SW. 5.. Regmt Stre e t bunch. 1 4, A rgyll Place , W. ; 95,

Chanccry lane , W.C. 5M bomCirn Cq67 , Bishop’s Rocd,UnionBank ol Spaind ngiand li nfiM au Old Bmad Smg fi c.

Vq Alficd d aqoyz l Eu hmgqflC.

WM Wm. . nnd Co ,

Wd m Cm d d M l i bu d ofimw w fi m s w . Bunches z 1 83,

Eu f s CounRoad, S.W . ; 1 . Vicmria Road, Uppe r KcnningtonLune ,S.E.


Whiteley, Wdi iam, 3 1 55and 6 1 , WW Grove , W.

,and 1 47 10 159, Qoecn

s Road, W.

WM DCM W M CG 5 3a m RC .

Wynne w d Son, 3 1 , 1. incoln'

o lmFidd .C .

Lmdoncad Yorksbht B

Kma u nm011 3 111 1111 33 1 5 11011 11011 Bu ms .

Anglo Amtr’

unBank, 3 1 . lombu d Smet,AngioAnglo Egyptiu Banking Co. Limite d , 27 , 0ment’s Li te .Anglo-Fore ignAnglo lnlianBank UM QSLHe len


s Pb ce , EC.

Mmthnlointc k Bmh s , KingWint ued . KC.


M d AM g Th u dne edlc StrmEC.

m am Brood Sn C .

m a M Am w mw m , 3n,mmm cmncBank ol Victoria Mmd iz ), 3 8, Clanent

's Lane , EC.

c h odms, 46, k egmt sm W.

M M M M CG , 38. t 111, EC.


W M d lmAm h M Ching Hm Com dw et M EC.


Cow m w w sm wmKC.

Coloniaa nh oc v Za M 1 3, Moorp u SUect, EC .


Comme rcial Bank of South A us tral ia, 24, Lombard Stree t, E.C .

Comme rcial Banking Company of Sydne y, 39, Lombard Stre e t, E. C .

Comptoi r d’

Escompte de Paris , 52 , Threadne e dle Stre et , E. C .

Cook,Thos .

,and Son, 1 05to 1 07 , Fle e t Stre et , E.C . 5 Ludgate C ircus , E C . 5 35, Piccad i l ly , W. ; and

445, Strand, W. C .

Cre d it Lyonnais , 4o, Lombard Stre e t, EC .

Cruickshank Brothe rs and Co. , St. Margare t’s M ans ions,Victoria Stree t

, S.W.

David (Corne i l le ) and Co., 9, Fenchurch A venue , E.C .

D e renbe rg and M e ye r, 6A , Austin Friars , E C .

D e utsch e Bank (Be rl in), 1 , D rape rs’ Gardens , ThrogmortonAvenue, EC .

Dufl‘,Wm. ,and Co.

,1 1 3 , CannonS treet, E. C .

Engl ish Bank of Rio de Jane iro Limi te d , 1 3 , St. He len’

s P lace , Bishopsgate With in, E.C .

Engl ish , Sco t t ish , and A us tral ianCharte re d Bank, 73 , Cornhi ll,E.C .

Erlange r, Emi le , and Co. , 43 , Lothbury, E.C .

Exchange and Inve s tment Bank , 55and 56, Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E. C .

Gi l l ig, Charle s A .,Gi le s , and Co.

, 9, Strand, W .C .

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporat ion, 3 1 , Lombard Stre e t, EC .

Impe rial O ttomanBank , 26, ThrogmortonStre e t, E C .

Ion ian Bank Limi te d, 33 , Lombard Stree t, E. C .

I ronmonge r, H e ale , and Clarke , 8, Old Broad Stre et, E. C .

K e yse r, A . , and Co.,2 1 , Cornhill , E. C .

K le in, Will iam, and Sons , 3 and 4, Fowke s’ Bui ld ings , E. C .

,and 1 0

, O ld CornExchange ,K u lb, A .

,and Co. ,

1 6, Cornh il l, E.C .

Ladenburg, W . , and Co.,6, Copthall Court , EC .

Land Mortgage Bank of India (Crédit Foncie r Indien) Limi te d, 4, East India A venue, Le adenhallStre e t, E.C .

Land Mortgage Bank of Victoria Limi ted, 1 7, King’s A rms Yard

,Moorgate Stre e t

,E.C .

Law son, Hon . Le onidas More au (Florida Land and Mortgage Co . Limi te d), 20, Buckle rsbury, E C .

Lazard Brothe rs and Co., 9 and IO

, Tokenhouse Yard, E.C .

Lazard, Edward, and Co. , 35, Lombard Stree t, E.C .


i ondonBank of M e xico and South Ame rica Limi te d , 1 44, Le adenhal l S tre et, E.C .

London Charte re d Bank of A us tral ia,2, Old Broad Stre e t , C i ty, E C .

Luke , Thomas , and Co. Limi te d, 1 38, Le adenhall Stre e t, E.C .

M aye r,David

,and Co. , 7, East India A venue , E.C .

Me rcantile Bank of Sydne y, 1 58, Le adenhall Stre e t, E C .

M e rcant ile Inte rnat ional Bank Limi te d, 5, Copthall Bui ld ings , ThrogmortonStre e t, E. C .

National Bank of A us tralas ia, 1 49, Le adenhall Stree t, E.C .

Nat ional Bank of N e w Ze aland Limi te d , 7 1 , Old Broad Stre e t, E.C .

N e w London and Brazil ianBank (The ) Limi te d , 8, Tokenhous e Yard , E.C .

N ew O riental Bank Corporat ionLimi te d , 40, Thre adne e dle Stre e t , E.C .

Pale y, Scriven, and 34, Gre at St. He len’

s,EC .

Ph ill ips , S. ,Sons

,and Co. , 1 1 0, CannonS treet, E. C .

Pos t, M artin, and Co., 5and 7 , Fenchurch S tree t , E. C .

Que ens land National Bank Limi te d,29, Lombard Stree t, E.C .

Re inhardt, Charle s , and Co. , 1 4, Coventry. Stree t, W.

Russ ian Bank for Fore ignT rade , 3 2 , Lombard Street, E. C .

Schus te r, Son, and Co. , 90, CannonStre e t, E.C .

Standard Bank of South A frica Limi te d, 1 0,Clement’s Lane

,E.C .

Stuart, john, and Co.

,28 and 29, St. Sw i thin

s Lane, E.C .

Townand Country Bank of South A us tral ia, 1 8,King WilliamS tre e t

, EC .


Cou tts and Co. , 59, Strand , W.C .

Cox and Co. ,1 and 2

,Craig’s Court, Charing Cross , S.W.

Cre dit Lyonnais, 40, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Crippl e gate Bank Limi te d , 3 1 , Low e r Wh ite cros s Stre et, EC .

Cunlifi e , Roge r, Sons , and Co. ,6, Prince s Stree t , Mans ionHouse , E.C .

Currie s and Co. Se e G lyn, M il ls , Currie , aind Co .

D e lh i and LondonBank Limi te d , Royal Bank Bu ild ings , 1 23 , Bishopsgate Stre e t With in, E C .

D imsdale , Fow l e r, Barnard, and D imsdale s , 50, Cornh i ll , E.C .

D is tr ict Bank of London, Limi te d , 49, Oxford Stre et, W .

Dobre e , Samue l , and Sons , 6, Tokenhouse Yard, EC .

D rummond , M e ssrs . , 49, Charing Cross , S.W.

Engl ish Bank of the R ive r Plate Limi te d,8,O ld Jewry

, E.C .

F indlay and Co. , 46, Lombard Stree t, E.C .

Ful le r, Banbury, N ix, and Co. , 77 , Lombard S tre et, E.C .

G e rmanBank of London Limi te d , 34, O l d Broad Stre e t, E. C .

Gille tt Brothe rs and Co., 9, Bi rchimLane , E.C .

Gi l l ig, Charle s A . ,Giles , and -Co . , 9, Strand, W.C .

Glyn, M il ls, Currie, and Co.,67 , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Gos l ings and Sharpe , 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t, E.C .

Grant and Co . , 5, Lothbury , EC .

Grant, M aurice, 4, Moorgate Stre e t, E.C .

Gre en, Tomk inson, and Co., 3 2 , N icholas Lane , EC .

Grindlay and Co., 55, Parl iament Stree t, S.W.

Harwood, Knigh t, and A l len, 1 8, Cornh i ll , E.C .

He rrie s,Farquhar

,and Co. , 1 6, St. Jame s

’ Stree t, S.W.

H ick ie , Borman, and Co.,1 4, Wate rloo P lace , Pal l M al l

, S.W.

Hill and Sons , 66, We s t Smithfi e ld, E.C . 2, Bank Buil d ings , Me tropol i tanCat tle M arke t, N . and

Fore ignCattle M arket, De ptford, S.E.

Hoare , Charle s , and Co. , 37 , Fle e t Stre e t, E.C .

Hol t, Laurie , and Co. , 1 7, White hal l P lace , S.W.

“ Hopk inson, Charle s, and Sons , 3 , Re gent S tre et, Wate rloo P lace , S.W.

Impe rial Bank Limite d . Se e Th e Impe rial Bank Limi te d .

Inte rnat ional Bank of London Limi te d, 50, O ld Broad Stre e t , E.C .

K e yser, A . ,and Co. ,

2 1 , Cornh i l l, EC .

K ing, Henry S. ,and Co. , 65, Cornh i l l , E.C . ,

and 45, Pal l M all , S.W.

Lacy, Hartland, Woodbridge , and Co. ,60

, We s t Smithfi e ld, E.C . 8, Bank Bui ld ings , Me tropol itanCatt le M arke t

,N . Fore ign Cattle M arke t, Dockyard, Deptford, S.E. and 98, Jamaica

Road , Be rmondse y, S.E.

Lenn, John, and Co . Limi te d, 4 and 5, Groce rs

’ Hal l Court, E. C .

Lloyds, Bame tts , and Bosanque ts ’ Bank Limi ted, 60 and 62 , Lombard S tree t, E.C . ; 54, St. Jame s’

Stre et, S.W. and_1 3 and 1 4, High Stre et, Hamps tead, N .W .

London and County Banking Co. Limi ted , h e ad office , 2 1,Lombard Stree t

, E.C . Me tropol i tanbranche s 3 , A lbe rt Gate , S.W. 1 34, A lde rsgate S tre e t, E.C . 2 1 , Hanove r Square , W.

4 and 5, Uppe r Stree t, N . 1 , Connaught Stre e t, W. 1 09 and 1 1 1 , N e w Oxford Stre et, W.C .

34, Borough High Stre et, S.E. 67 , _Ke‘

ns ingtonHigh Stre e t, W. 1 80, 1 8 1 , and 1 82, Shore di tchHigh Stre e t

,E. 74 and 76, We stboume Grove , W. 6, Henrie t ta Street , Covent Garden,W.C .

1 65, We s tmins te r Bridge Road , S .E . D e ptford Broadw ay , S.E. Strat ford Broadway, E.

3 24 and 3 25, High H olbom,W.C . ; 1

,Amhurs t Road Eas t

,Hackne y

,E. ; 680, Comme rcial

Road Eas t, E. ; 1 8, Ne w ingtonBu tts , S.E. ; We s tow H il l

,Uppe r N orwood , S.E. ; 3 , Vic toria

Stree t , We s tmins te r, S.W. 266 and 268,Pentonville Road , N . Church Stre e t , Gre enw ich , S.E.


Le e Road, m an; 1 3 , King Sgtect st, Hamme rsmith ; Sus se x Plzce , Que en's

lmdmaad cmml flmk Umq Bndge KO' MEC

h odmmd flanmficmnk l imite d, 1 1 , 1»mbard Strecg EC.

lmdmjointSd ank lhnM 5, PrinmStreet, Bank , E.C. ; 69. PauMnll, S1W. ; 1 23 , Chance ryClnnu boux Sue eg EC ; Cafle uarkcg l dm hlqFomga ttle Markc-t,

Towe rStrcct, E.C.

W M NN WM DM M M 9. Nc

M M M M M W M 9 M 1QTW YmLflcm mw mnkmam7 .m aoma mw , ac

H igh stre et, M E ; W W W ? Oate , SW. ; Blackbcaxh .

M M RimM M k w u flw w M EC

lo udmmd Sana cisco Bank UmM u , 0ld Broad Sue d , E.C

hu nches : 27 , Regent Street. S.W. ; u , Noah Andqaec . ; Bank Bui ldings ,m ,w . ;

junction, S.W. ; Ch plmncomb: Road and North End, Croydon ; Broadway, Suing, W. ; 83 , Fintbmy Pavement,E.C. ; Finsbvry Park Bui ld ings, Fmm N . ; 1 6, Woodm RM Fm Gaq-L;HQh SM Fm HflLSE ; gumm Hm cM RM W4 28, High street,Hmpnu d , N .W. Heodon; Bigh Sumlfi gh

M N ; w y nonowayM Nqua Kcndt mq w Baok Bufldingg Kilbm-n,N .W. ; 435. Noumod Rood, Low e : Norwood . S.E. ; 3 41 , Lew isham H igh Road , S.E. ;

1 31 , 14 dbroke cmc, Netting Bfl W. ; 451 , 01 501d 8meg W4 High Snec e ckham:S.E. ; 1 95 M b t oct M Poph r, E ; 1 27 , Upper Ricbmond Ru d.We lfingtoo M SLJOhn


MWM N W 48,mNev Road, Hampcmad,M E ; M W M 8W4 Bana ild ingg Sydenhams a ; Broadway,Tooting, S.W. ; WW M Upper Nonood, SE ; M W WM SWq

and TmhamGre enJ ‘V. , Broadway,Wimbledon.

s it olbmmWwC. QW M W SE ; 1 30. 1 3 1 , w d 1 3 3 , b tecbape lnhSuu g li ; 9 1 , W¢mminstc ridge

Manche ster and uverpool b imictmnking Ca unfitedJ $ ComhmaC1 36m


flg Em and Ca d y Lombu d Streeuflc.

M iddle se x Bank ing Cc. l imitu l, 9o, Leaden)nll SuMonia Robefl, CarltonChambem3, c emStrect, S.W.


Nat ional Bank Limi ted. Se e The National Bank Limite d.

National Bank of India Limi ted, 39A , Thre adne e dl e Stre e t, E.C .

National Bank of Scotland Limi te d, 37, N icholas Lane , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

National Provincial Bank of England Limi te d , City offi ce , 1 1 2, Bishopsgate Stre e t With in, EC .

Branche s : 2 1 2 , Piccad il ly, W. 5 53 , Bake r Stre e t , W . 2 1 8,Uppe r Stre e t, N . ; Care y Stre et ,

W.C . 88, Cromw e l l Road , S.W . A udle y M ans ions , South A udle y Stre e t, W.

N e w Oriental Bank Corporat ionLimi te d , 40, Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E. C .

Official and Gene ral Mu tual Banking A ssoc iat ion Limi ted, 1 9, SouthamptonBui ld ings , W.C .

Prae ds and Co.,1 89, Fle e t Stre e t , E.C .

P re sco t t, Cave, Bux ton, Lod e r, and Co. , 62 , Thre adne e dle Stree t,Ransom,

Bouveri e , and Co . , 1 , Pall Mall Eas t , S.W.

Reeves,Wh i tburn, and Co. , 27, Clement

s Lane , E.C .

R ichardsonand Co. , 1 3 , Pall M al l , S.W.

Robarts,Lubbock , and Co. , 1 5, Lombard Stree t, E.C .

Ross , George , and Co . ,80

, Cornh il l, E.C .

Royal Bank of Scotland, 1 23 , Bishopsgate Stre e t With in, E C .

Royal Exchange Bank Limi te d, 1 26, Cannon S treet, EC .

Samue l , M ontagu, and Co. ,60

,O ld Broad S tree t, EC .

Sco t t, Sir Samue l , Bart. , and Co. ,1,Cavendish Square , W.

Se yd and Co. , 38, Lombard Stree t , EC .

Shank , John, 4, Bank Build ings , Me tropol i tanCattle M arke t,N .

Smi th,Payne, and Smi th s, 1 , Lombard Stree t, EC .

Soc iétéGénérale de Paris , 38, Lombard Stre e t , E.C .

Spooner, A twood s , and Co. Se e Barclay , Be van, and Co.

Sti lw e l l and Sons , 2 1 , Gre at G e orge Stre e t, S.W.

The A ll iance Bank Limi te d , he ad office , Bartholome w Lane, EC . Branche s : 88 and 90,

Stree t, K ens ington, W. ; 2 39, Re gent Stree t, W. 1 76, High Stre e t, CamdenTown, N .W. 23 ,

King’s Road, Ch e lse a, S.W. (temporary) and 74, High Road, K i lburn, N .W .

The Central Bank of London Limi ted , 52 , Cornh i l l, E. C . 488, Be thnal Gre enRoad, E. BlackfriarsRoad (corne r of Stamford Stre e t), S.E. 1 0, Charte rhous e Buildings , E. C . 91 , Ne wgate S tre e t ,E.C . 3 1 , Shore ditch High Stre e t, E. Toole y Stre e t (come r of Be rmondse y Stre e t), S.E. and

1 1 0, White chape l High Stree t, E.

Th e City Bank Limi te d, Thre adne e dle Stre e t , E.C . (corne r of Finch Lane ). Branch office s : 34, O l dBond Stre e t, W.

,6 1 and 63 , Ludgate H i ll , E.C . , 1 59 and 1 60

,TottenhamCourt Road , W.

7 , Lownde s T errace , Knigh tsbridge , S.W. 2 1 9 and 2 2 1 , Edgw are Road, W. A ldgate Build ings ,Fenchurch Stre e t , E.C . 34, H olbomV iaduct , E. C . and Gre at Eas te rnStre et


The Impe rial Bank Limi te d, 6, Lothbury , E C . Branche s Victoria M ans ions,Victoria Stre e t

, S.W.,

and 1, Sydne y P lace , Ons low Square , S.W.

Th e LondonJoint Stock Bank Limi te d . Se e LondonJoint Stock Bank Limi te d.

The Nat ional Bank Limi te d , he ad oth e e , 1 3 , O l d Broad S tre e t, EC. Me tropoli tan branch e s : 68,Glouce ste r Gardens ,W . 2 1

,Grosvenor Gardens , S.W. 1 89, High Stre e t, CamdenTown, N .W.

9, Charing Cross , S.W. 286,Pentomgille Road, N 1 58, High Stre e t, Notting H ill , N .W. 2 76,

Oxford Stre e t,W. ElginV il las

,ElginRoad , Harrow Road , W . 36 1 , Gosw e ll Road , E. C . and

St. Mary’s Road, Harle sden, N .W.

Tw ining, R ichard, and Co.,2 1 5, S trand , W. C .

Union Bank of London Limi ted , pr inc ipal office , 2 , Prince s Stre e t , Mans ion H ouse,E. C . Charing

C ro ss branch , 66, Charing C ros s , S.W. Re gent Stre e t branch , 1 4, A rgyl l P lace , W . 95,

Chance ry Lane,W .C . H olbomC i rcus , EC .

.67, Bishop

s Road , Bayswate r, W.

UnionBank of Scotland Limi te d , 62 , Cornh i ll , E.C .

UnionBank of Spainand England Limi te d , 2 1 , O ld Broad Stre e t , E C .


Cre di t Lyonnais, 40, Lombard Stre e t , E C .

Cruickshank Brothe rs and Co.

, St. Margare t's M ans ions,Victoria Stree t , S.W.

David (Corne i lle ) and Co., 9, Fenchurch A venue , E.C .

Be renbe rg and M e ye r,6A

,A us tinFriars

,E.C .

Deutsche Bank (Be rl in), 1 , Drape rs’ Gardens, ThrogmortonA venue , E.C .


,and Co .

,1 1 3 , CannonStre e t, E.C .

Engl ish Bank of R io de Jane iro Limi te d , 1 3 , St. He len’

s P lace , Bishopsgate With in, E C .

Engl ish , Scot tish , and A us tral ianCharte re d Bank , 73 , Cornh i ll , E C .

Erlange r, Emil e , and Co., 43 , Lothbury, E.C .

Gi ll ig, Charle s A .,Gi le s

,and Co .

, 9, Strand , W.C .

Gordon, Smi th , and Co.,1 39, CannonStre e t,E. C .

Hongkong and Shangha i Banking Corporation, 3 1 , Lombard Stre e t, E. C .

Impe rial O ttoman Bank , 26, ThrogmortonStre e t, E'

.C .

Inte rnat ional D iscount and Depos i t Bank Limi te d , 34, O ld Broad Street , E.C .

IonianBank Limi te d, 33 , Lombard Stre e t, E C .

I ronmonge r and Clarke, 9, O l d Broad Stre e t, E C .

K e ys e r,A . ,

and Co.,2 1 , Cornh ill , E.C .

K le in,Wi ll iam

,and Sons

, 3 and 4, Fowke s’

Bu i ld ings , E. C .,and 1 0

,O ld CornExchange , E.C .

K u lb,A

,and Co. ,

1 6,Cornh i ll

,E.C .

Ladenburg, W. , and Co. ,6, Copthall Court , E. C .

Land Mortgage Bank of India (Cre d i t Foncie r Indien) Limi te d , 4, Eas t Ind ia A venu e , Le adenhallStree t , E.C .

Land Mortgage Bank of Vic toria Limi te d , 1 7 , K ing’s A rms Yard , Moorgate Street,

Lawson, Hon . Leonidas M ore au , 20, Buckle rsbury, E. C .

Lazard Brothe rs and Co. , 9 and 1 0,Tokenhous e Yard , E.C .

Lazard, Edward , and Co. , 35, Lombard Stree t, E.C .

London Bank of Me xico and South Ame rica Limi te d,1 44, Le adenhall Street , E. C .

London Charte re d Bank of A us tral ia, 2, O l d Broad S tre et, C i ty, E.C .

Luke, Thomas, and Co. Limi te d,1 38, Le ad enhall S tree t, E. C .

M augham,JohnHalbert

,83 , Lombard S treet, E. C .

M ayer, David , and Co., 7 , Eas t India A venu e , E.C .

Me rcantile Bank of Sydne y, 1 58, Le ad enhall S tre et , E.C .

Me rcant ile Inte rnational Bank Limi te d, 5, Copthall Bui ld ings , ThrogmortonStree t, E. C .

National Bank of A us tralas ia, 1 49, Le adénhall Stree t, E.C .

National Bank of N e w Ze aland Limi te d, 7 1 , O ld Broad Sti e et, E C .

N e w London and Brazil ianBank (The ) Limi te d , 8, Tokenhouse Yard , E. C .

Paley, Scriven, and Co. , 34, Gre at St. Helen’s,E. C .

Pos t, M art in,and Co.

, 5and 7 , Fenchurch Street, E. C .

Que ens land National Bank Limi te d , 29, Lombard S tre e t, E.C .

Re inhard t, Charl e s , and Co. ,1 4, Coventry S tre e t, W.

Russ ianBank for Fore ignTrade, 3 2 , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Schus ter, Son, and Co. , 90, CannonStree t, E.C .

Standard Bank of South A frica Limi te d , 10, C lement’

s Lane , E.C .

Stuart,John, and Co.

,28 and 29, St. Sw i thin

s Lane,E.C .

Townand Country Bank of South A us tral ia, 1 8, King Wi ll iamStreet, EC.

Truninge r'

and Co. , 4 1 , Thre adne e dle Stre et, E. C .

Turne r, A . P. ,and Co.

, 50, Threadne e dle Stre e t, E.C .

UnionBank of A us tral ia, 1 , Bank Bui ld ings , Lothbury, E.C .

Unive rsal Comme rcial Bank , 37 , Je w ry Street, E C .

W e lls , Fargo, and Co. , 99, CannonStreet, E.C .

LIST 01? BA NKERS. 40 1


1887 .

A lexander, Fletcha , and Cc. , 2, St. He len’

s Place ,Aknadmand Con zg lpmbard Smcg EC.

M M Q LBM 93 M 9$ PM M M W SM WuMm£ CBmk o‘Enghnd mu dneedlc Sueeg l-l c ; snd wm bmch h rfinglonGardcnq Law

M M W M M JM Wf .

M d umM za Abcbmt nQ EC.

Ban d ‘b La bbw y, ECM y. BevzmTM d msg lmw d Sm EC.

M mmand w l h d h ng EC.

W M M 1 1 1 , GM SM M M M R

BM Cockg d o. Se e Coch Biddd ph d o.

Bdtt M Cmpanq u Lomhu d Stncg flc.


M M M Caqomba d Su'mLC.

m jmmcu agmm mnc

w mm m w mw m g w m ac 1 95,

W m l oadfl‘h ; sy Ludp w H ilLEC ; md 68, Oxf01d Strev.-1, W.

Cat Banl nfiwLJA Fmbnry PavemmKC.

Central Bank ol lmdonlimite d.Charing CM BtnL 3 8, Bcdford Stmt, Cov -ndcn, w .c

Chumvd uau ntfle h nk d lndh lmdomand Chinq6s. 0ld Bm-d 8mg&cChqne lhnk t bead ofi ce,

Citmk l imiwd. Sec The Cit mk Limiwd.(Jyda dalc flcnkfl

henimke i gqlmbndm flc

mm mmu 1 0hafin¢cm aw

W d hnd lm fi tzt bopsp u Sm Vfitfin, EC .

Coxd mt and z , Cu ig's Conrt, Chnrinn a



e,Roge r, Sons , and Co.

,6,Prince s Stre e t

,Mans ionHouse , E.C .

Currie s and Co. Se e G lyn, M il ls , Curr ie , and Co.

D e lhi and London Bank Limi te d, Royal Bank Build ings , 1 23 , Bishopsgate Stre e t With in, E C .

D imsdale, Fow ler, Barnard , and D imsdale s , 50, Cornh i l l , E C .

D istrict Bank of London Limi te d, 49, Oxford Stre e t, W.

Dobre e , Samue l, and Sons , 6, Tokenhouse Yard, E C .

D rummond, M e s srs ., 49, Charing Cross , S.W.

Engl ish Bank of th e Rive r Plate Limi te d, 8, O l d Jewry, EC .

Findlay and Co., 46, Lombard Stree t, E C .

Fu l le r,Banbury, N ix, and Co. , 77 , Lombard Stre e t, E C .

Ge rmanBank of London Limi t e d, 34, O ld Broad Stree t, EC .

Gille tt Brothe rs and Co. , 9, Birch inLane, EC .

Gi l l ig, Charle s A . , Son, and Co., 9, Strand, W.C .

G lyn,M i l ls


,and Co. ,

67, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Gos l ings and Sharpe, 1 9, Fle e t S tree t, E .C .

Grant and Co. , 5, Lothbury, E.C .

Grant,M aurice , 4, Moorgate Stree t, E C ,

Gre en, Tomk inson, and Co. , 3 2 , N icholas Lane , E C .

Grindlay and Co. , 55, Parl iament S tre e t, S.W.

H arwood , Knigh t, and A l len, 1 8, Cornh il l , E C .

H e rrie s , Farquhar, and Co. , 1 6, St. Jame s’ Stre et, S.W.

H ick ie,Boxman, and Co. , 1 4, Waterloo P lace, Pal l M al l , S.W.

Hill and Sons , 66, West Smithfie ld, E C . 2,Bank Bui ld ings , M e tropal itan Cattle M ark e t , N . and

Fore ignCattle M arke t, De ptford , S.E.

Hoare, Charle s , and Co. , 37, Fle e t Stre e t, E C .

Hol t,Law rie , and Co. , 1 7 , White hal l P lace, S.W.

Hopk inson, Charles, and Sons , 3 ,Re gent Stre e t, Waterloo Place


Impe r ial Bank Limite d . Se e Th e Impe rial Bank Limite d .

Inte rnat ional Bank of London Limi te d , 50 , O l d Broad Stree t, E C .

Keyse r,A .

,and Co.

,2 1

,Cornh i ll

,E C .

K ino, Henry S.,and Co.

,65, Cornh i ll , E.C .

,and 45, Pal l


M al l, S.W.


,Woodbridge , and Co. ,

60,West Smithfi e ld, EC . 8

,Bank Bu i l d ings , M e tropol i tan

Cattle M arke t,N . Fore ignCattle M arke t


,De ptford

,S.E. and 98, Jamaica Road ,

Bermondse y, S .E .

Lloyds, Barne tts , and Bosanquets ’ Bank Limi ted, 60 and 62,Lombard Stree t

,E. C . 54, St. Jame s

Stre e t,S.W. ; 1 3 and 1 4, High Stre e t, Hamps te ad, N .W. ; 42 , D enbigh Stree t, P iml ico, S.W. ;

and 42 , Hamme rsmi th Road,W.

London and County Bank ing Co. Limi te d,he ad offi ce , 2 1

,Lombard S tree t

,E C . Me tropol i tan

branche s : 6, A lbe rt Gate , S.W. 1 34, A lde rsgate Stree t, E C ; 2 1,Hanove r Square , W . ;

4 and 5, Uppe r S tre e t, N . 1,Connaught Stre e t,W. ; 1 09 and 1 8 1

,N e w Oxford Stree t

,W.C . ;

34, Borough High Stre e t, S. E . Kens ingtonHigh Stre e t,W. ; 1 80

,1 8 1

,and 1 82

, Shore ditchH igh Stre e t




and 76, We s tbourne Grove,W. 6

,H enrie tta Stre e t, Covent Garden,W.C .

1 65, We s tmins te r Bridge Road, S.E. } D eptford Broadway, S .E . Stratford Broadway

,E. ; 3 24

and 3 25, High Holborn, W.C . ; 1,Amhurs t Road Eas t, Hackne y, 52 , Eas t India Dock

Road Eas t, E. 1 8,Ne w ingtonButts

, S.E. ; Westow H i ll , Uppe r N orwood , S . E . 3 , Vic toriaStre e t,


We stminster, S.W. 266 and 268

,Pentonvil le Road

,N Church S tre et

,Gre enw ich


Le e Road, Blackh eath , 1 2,King Stre e t Wes t

,Hamme rsmi th 490 and 492, Hol loway

Road , N . 24A , Susse x P lace , Que en’

s Gate, S.W. 369 and 3 7 1 , Brixton Road, S.W. 5, Ne e ld

T errace , Harrow Road,W. 3 87, High S tre e t, K ings land, E. ; 1 00

,High Stre e t



S.W. 1 1 1,Pow is S tree t

,Woolw ich 5High Road, Chisw ick and 4, Th e M al l

,Eal ing, W.

404 u s r OF BA N KER5.

Branche s : 2 1 2 , Piccad i l ly, W. ; 53 , Bake r Stre e t, W . ; 2 1 8, Uppe r S treet, N . Care y Stre e t,

W . C . 88,Cromw e l l Road, S.W. A udle y M ans ions , South A udle y Stre e t ,W . 1 85, A lde rsgate

Stre e t, E.C .

N ew Or iental Bank Corporat ion Limi ted , 40, Thre adne e dle S tre e t, EC .

Prae ds and Co. , 1 89, Fle e t Stree t , E C .

Pre scot t, Cave , Bux ton, Lode r, and Co. ,62


\Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E.C .

Ransom,Bouve rie , and Co .

,1 , Pal l Mal l Eas t , S.W.

Re e v es , Wh i tburn, and Co. ,27 Clement

’s Lane

,E.C .

R ichardsonand Co. ,1 3 , Pall M al l , S.W.

Robarts,Lubbock , and Co . , 1 5, Lombard S treet, E. C .

Ross,Ge orge , and Co. , 80, Cornh il l , E.C .

Royal Bank of Scotland, 1 23 , Bishopsgate Stre e t With in, EC .

Royal Exchange Bank Limi te d , 1 26, Cannon Street,E. C .

Samue l , M ontagu, and Co. ,60

,O l d Broad Stre e t

,E C .

Sch us te r,Son

,and Co. , 90, CannonS tre e t, E. C.

Scot t,Sir Samue l , Bart. , and Co.

,1,Cavendish Square

,W .

Se yd and Co., 38, Lombard Stre et, E C .

Shank,John, 4, Bank Bu i ld ings , M e tropol i tanCattle M arke t

,N .

Silver,S. W. ,

and Co., SunCourt , 67 , Cornh i l l , E.C .

Smi th,Payne

,and Smi th s, 1 , Lombard Stre e t, EC .

Soc iété Ge’

nerale de Paris , 38, Lombard S tre e t , E.C .

Spooner,A t twoods , and Co. Se e Barclay

,Be van

,and Co.

St ilw e l l and Sons , 2 1 , Gre at Ge orge Stre e t, S.W.

The A l l iance Bank Limi te d, h e ad office,Bartholome w Lane

, EC . Branche s : 88 and 90, HighStre e t

,K ens ington, W. 239, Re gent S tre e t , W. 1 76, High Stree t, CamdenTown, N .W. 1 4,

Sloane Square , S.W . and 74, High Road , K i lburn,W.

Th e Central Bank of London Limi te d , 52 , Cornh i l l , E.C . 488, Be thnal Gre enRoad , E. Blackfriars Road (come r of Stamford S tree t), S.E. ; 1 0

,Charte rhous e Bu il d ings , E. C . 91 , Ne wgate

Stree t,E C . 3 1 , Shore d itch High S tre e t , E. Toole y Stre e t (corne r of Be rmondse y Stre e t), S.E . ;

237 , TottenhamCou rt Road, W. and 1 1 0,White chape l High Stre e t, E.

~ ‘

Th e City Bank Limi te d, Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E. C . (corne r of Finch Lane ). Branch office s : 34, O ldBond S tre e t

,W. ; 61 and 63 , Ludgate H i l l, E C ; 1 59 and 1 60

,Tot tenhamCourt Road, W. ;

7 , Lownde s T e rrace, 2 1 9 and 2 2 1,Edgware Road,W. A ldgate Bu ild ings ,

Fenchurch Stre e t, E.C . 34, H olbomV iaduct,E. C . Gre at Eas te rnS tre e t, E. and 73 , Que en

Victoria Stre e t , E C .

Th e Impe rial Bank Limi te d, 6, Lothbury, E. C . Branche s : Victoria M ans ions,Victoria S treet


1,Sydne y P lace , Ons low Square, S.W. and 1 07 , High S tre e t, M arylebone


Th e London Joint Stock Bank Limite d. Se e LondonJoint Stock Bank Limite d.The National Bank Limi te d, he ad oth e e

,1 3 , O ld Broad Stre e t, E C . Me tropol i tan branche s : 68,

Glouce s te r Gardens ,W. 2 1,Grosvenor Gardens , S.W. 1 89, High Stre e t, CamdenTown, N .W. ;

Charing Cross , S.W 286, Pentonvil le Road, N . ; 1 58, High Stree t, Not t ing H i l l , W. ; 276,

Oxford Stre e t, W. Elg inV il las, ElginA venue , Harrow Road, W. 361 and 363, Gosw e ll Road ,

E C . and St. Mary’s Road , H arle sdon, N .W.

T w ining, R ichard , and Co.,2 1 5, S trand,W.C .

UnionBank of London Limi ted, principal‘

offi ce,2,Prince s Street

,Mans ionHouse

,E.C . Charing

Cros s branch , 66, Charing C ros s , S.W. Re gent Stre e t branch , 1 4, A rgyll P lace , W. 95,

Chance ry Lane,W.C . H olBorn C ircus

,E.C . 67 , Bishop

s Road,Bayswater

,W. 89, A ldgate

High Stre e t,E. 97 and 98, Tot tenhamCourt -Road, W.

Union Bank of Scotland Limi ted, 62 , Cornh i l l, EC .

UnionBank of Spain and England Limi te d, 2 1 , O ld Broad Stree t, E. C .


Veu blqAM d ow zg k oyflExchangg EC .

Wm , KC.

WmM ndmCmma d al M l it a d ofi c Slme Sqm s w .

White ley,mama, 3 1 10 55and 61 , Wa 1bonme Grove , W. , 1nd 1 47 to 159, Que en'

s Road, W

M M M mM Ca,1 o, Birchinh ne , EC

Wyme and SomstJ incoln’s lnnFie ld C .

Louvox Om or Comcfl Bu u .

hmindflBank d lnh ad Lhfi M QThrogmnmAn C.

Normanna 011 81mm 113 Loam Bu mm m mm m mm w c ;m3, amM M M 3 1 . M SM EC

mw m a w nxm am . EC.

Anglo-Fomignh nking Co. Limited, a w w ww n. EC.

M gb lulhnM UmM $ & Hclw’

l1 Ph ce , E.C.

Aym'd and Riifl'

a ,

M d Amw as Abchnmh t C.


Bank d Bridsb Nmth AmfiQ 5 Clcm¢nfl h nqmu 1d 81mECBtnk of Conlnntinople , 1 9, 01m chewa 80u t, EC.

M d St M M OH W M fi C

81 1 1 d 15, ) loorga e Sn EC.


M W W HOW , E.C.

Bingd md Scbmnn,M M M CQ, ‘ 1 , COM CM EC

W M LWm, M Co . SSmd 56, 1hmdne edle SM EC

W M d IM AM M M Hm CNmM M Sn C

M NM LM Ca , M deM Bufldhp , EC


Coloni al Baak of Nev Zu hnd, 1 3, Moorp 1e Strect, EC.

Canmemial k of AnstmhaM g B'

uhopmte Sae et lfimEC .

d a M sz ,nmm e 8M EC

” Gnocchnrch SHeeQEC

CreditLymnais, 40, Lomba1d Street, EC


Cruickshank Broth e rs and Co .

, St. Margare t’s M ans ions , Victoria Stree t, S.W.

De renb e rg and M eye r,6A

,A ustinfriars , E.C .

D e utsche Bank,1,D rape rs

’ Gardens , ThrogmortonA v enue, E. C .

Duff,Wm. , and Co.

,1 1 3 , CannonStre e t , E.C .

Engl ish Bank of Rio de Jane i ro Limi te d,2A , Moorgate Stree t, E.C .

Engl ish , Scot t ish , and Austral ian Charte re d Bank , 73 , Cornh i l l, EC .

Erlange r, Emi le, and Co ., 43, Lothbury, E.C .

Gil l ig, Charle s A .,Son, and Co. , 9, Strand,W. C .

Gordon, Smi th , and Co. , 1 39, CannonStree t, E.C .

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporat ion, 3 1 , Lombard Stre e t , E.C .

Impe ri al O ttoman Bank , 26, ThrogmortonSt1e e t, E.C .

IonianBank Limi te d, 33 , Lombard Stree t, EC .

I ronmonge r and Clarke, 9, O l d Broad S tree t, E. C .

Jay and Co.,8,UnionCourt

,O l d Broad Stre e t

,E. C .

K e yser,

Co. ,2 1

,Cornh i l l

,E.C .

K le in, Wi l l iam,and Sons , 3 and 4, Fowke s

Bui ld ings , E.C .,and 1 0

, O l d CornExchange , E C .

Ku lb, A ., and Co. ,

1 6, Cornh il l , E.C .

Ladenburg, W.,and Co . ,

6, Copthall Court, E.C .

London Mortgage Bank of India (Credi t Foncie r I talian) Limi te d, 4, East India A venue , Leagi enhallStre e t, E. C .

London Mortgage Bank of Victori a Limi te d , 1 7 , King’s A rms Yard, Moorgate Stre e t, E.C .

Lazard Brothe rs and Co., 9 and 1 0, Tokenhous e Yard, E.C .

Lazard, Edward , and'

Co., 35, Lombard Stre e t, E. C .

London Bank of Me xico and South Ame rica Limi te d, 1 44, Le adenhall S tree t, E.C .

London and Brazil ian Bank Limi te d, 8, Tokenhouse Yard, E.C .

LondonCharte re d Bank of A us tral ia, 2 , O l d Broad Stre e t, C i ty, E C .

Luke, Thomas , and Co. Limi te d , 1 38, Le adenhall Stre e t, EC .

M augham,JohnHalbe rt

,83 , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

M ayer,Dav id , and Co .

, 7 , East India Avenue , E.C .

M e rcant il e Bank of Sydne y,1 58, Leadenhal l Stre e t, E C .

Me rcant i le Inte rnat ional Bank Limi te d , 5, Copthall Build ings, ThrogmortonS tre e t,National Bank of A us tral as ia, 1 49, Le adenhall Stre e t , E C .

National Bank of N ew Ze aland Limi te d, 7 1 , O ld Broad Stre e t, E C .

Pal e y,Scriven, and Co. , 34, Gre at St. He len

s, EC .

Ph il l ips, S.


,and Co. , 1 1 0, CannonStre e t, E. C .

Pos t, M artin, and Co. , 5 and 7 , Fenchurch S tre e t , EC .

Que ens land Nat ional Bank Limi te d, 29, Lombard S tre e t, E.C .

Re inhard t, Charles , and Co .,1 4, Coventry Stre et, W.

Russ ian Bank for Fore ignT rade, 3 2 , Lombard S tre e t, E.C .

Standard Bank . of South A frica Limi te d, 1 0 , C1eme nt’éLane, E.C.

Townand Country Bank of South A ustrali a (The ), 1 8, King Wil liamS tree t, E C .

Truninge r and Co., 4 1 , Threadne e dle S tree t, EC .

T urner, A . P and C01, 50, Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E.C .

Union Bank of A us tral ia, 1 , Bank Buil d ings , Lo thbury, E.C .

Unive rsal Comme rcial Bank , 37 , J ew ry Stree t, EC .

W e l ls,Fargo, and Co. , 99, CannonStre e t, E.C .

WesternA ustralian Bank, 3 1 , Lombard Stre e t, E C .

Yokohama Spe cie Bank Limi ted, 84, Bishopsgate Stre e t Wi th in, E.C .


Coutts and Co. , 59, Strand , W.C .

Cox and Co. ,1 6 and 1 7, Charing Cross , S.W .

Cred it Lyonnais , 40, Lombard Stre et, E.C .

Cripple gate Bank Limi te d, 3 1 , Low e r Wh ite cross Stree t, E.C .


e,Roge r, Sons , and Co.

,6,Prince s S tre e t

,Man s ion Hous e , E.C .

Curri e s and Co. Se e G lyn, M i l ls , Cum’

e,and Co.

De lh i and LondonBank Limi te d , Royal Bank Build ings , 1 23 , Bishopsgate Stre e t With in, EC .

D imsdale , Fow l er, Barnard, and D imsdale s , 50 ,Cornh il l


Dobre e , Samue l , and Sons , 6, Tokenhous e Yard , E.C .

Drummond,M essrs . , 49, Char ing Cross , S.W . .

Engl ish Bank of the Ri ve r Plate Limi te d, 8 , O l d Jew ry, E.C .

Ful le r,Banbury , N ix, and Co .

, 77, Lombard Stree t, E.C .

Ge rmanBank of LondonLimi te d , 34, Ol d Broad Stree t, E.C .

Gille tt Brothe rs and Co ., 9, BirchimLane , E C .

Gi l l ig, Charle s A Son, and Co., 9, Strand, W . C .

Glyn,M i l ls


,and Co. ,

67 , Lombard Stre e t, E. C .

Gosl ings and Sharpe, 1 9, Fle e t Stre e t, E.C .

Grant and Co., 5, Lothbury, E.C .

Grant, M aurice, 4, Moorgate Stre et, E.C .

Gre en,Tomk inson, and Co .

, 3 2 , N icholas Lane , E C .

Grindlay and Co., 55, Parl iament Stre e t, S.W.

Harward,Knigh t, and A l len, 1 8, Cornh i ll , E. C .

Herrie s , Farquhar, and Co .,1 6

, St. Jame s’ S tre e t, S.W.

H ick i e,Borman, and Co .

,1 4, Waterloo Place

,Pall M al l

, S.W.

Hill and Sons , 66, West Smithfi e ld, E C ; 2,Bank Bui ld ings , Me tropol itan Cattle M arket


Fore ignCat tle M arke t,D e p tford

,S .E .

Hoare , Charle s , and Co., 37 Fle e t Stre et, E C .

H ol t,Law ri e , and Co.

,1 7 , Wh i te hal l P lace , SJW.

H opk inson, Charles , and Sons , 3 , Re gent Stre e t, Waterloo P lace,S.W.

Impe rial Bank Limite d. Se e Th e Impe rial Bank Limi te d.

Inte rnat ional Bank of London Limi ted, 50, O ld Broad Street, E C .

K e yse r,A . ,

and Co .,

Cornh i ll,EC .

K ing, Henry'

s” and Co.,65, Cornh il l , E.C.

,and 45, Pall M al l

, S.W.

Lacy , Hartland,Woodbridge , and Co. ,

60,West Smithfi e ld

,E.C . 8, Bank Bu i ld ings , M e tropol i tan

Cat tle M arke t,N . ; Fore ign Cattle M arket


,D e ptford

,S .E . ; and 98, Jamaica Road ,

Bermondse y, S.E.

Lloyd s , Barne t ts, and Bosanque ts’ Bank Limi te d , 7 2 , Lombard Stre et, E.C 54, St. Jame s’ Stre e t


S.W. 1 3 and 1 4, High Street , Hamps tead , N .W. 42 , Denbigh Stre e t, Piml ico, S.W. and 42 ,Hamme rsmi th Road, W.

London and Brazil ian Bank Limi ted , 8, Tokenhouse Yard , EC .

L ondon and County Banking Co. Limi te d, he ad offi ce , 2 1 , Lombard Street, E.C . Me tropol i tanbranche s : 6

,A lbe rt Gate , S.W. 1 34, A lde rsgate Stree t, E.C . 2 1 , Hanove r Square , W. 4 and

5, Uppe r Street, N . ; 1,Connaught Stre e t

,W. ; 1 09 and 1 1 1

,N ew Oxford Stre e t, W.C . ; 34,

Borough High Street, S . E . Kens ingtonHigh Stree t, W. ; 1 80,1 8 1

,and 1 82

,Shore ditch High

Stre e t,E. 74 and 76, Westbourne Grove , W. ; 6, Henrie tta. Stre e t, Covent Garden, W.C . ;

1 65, Westminster Bridge Road , S .E . D e ptford Broadway, S . E . ; Stratford Broadway, E. 3 24

and 3 25, High Holborn, W.C . ; Amhurs t Road , Hackney, E. ; 52 , Eas t India Dock RoadEas t

, E. I8,Ne w ingtonBut ts , S .E . Westow H i ll , Uppe r N orwood

,S.E. 3 , Victor ia. Stree t,

W e s tmins ter, S.W. 266 and 268

,Pentonville Road, N Church S treet, Greenw ich , S.E. Le e

Road, Blackhe ath , S .E . 1 2,King Stre e t Wes t, Hamme rsmi th 490 and 492, Holloway Road ,


184 3415 511530: Plzoa een’s 369 and

Mndoumd flam tic Bank Umiwd, 1 3 10 11160111 8n EC.

Cattle Market,

Tower sue eg k c.

M adonnad Provinciaa nk DmM L M Buflcfiaa lmhbmnk c. a che s : 1 63 , Edgn1-e

londonand Sna c m Bank bm1n¢ z z old Btmd SM KC

Londonmd Sot eae rnBank Lim a d ofi cqws ,londonbnnchu : M W Acton,S.E. ; Higlt lhmMSW W M M SW. ; 1 ,W M M W M

Low er Add‘

ucombe Road mdNorth End, C roydon ; Broadway, Eating, W. ; 81 , Fimbury Pavement, Park

H igh stre et, H im N . ; 4o3, Holv y kM NqCrouch End H ill, Horme y, N . ; 1 83,

M 1 m w xmm s w4 1 fi mmrm m nww Bank B1n’

ld ings, K ill n H igh 451 ,

Upper Richmond Road, Wellington Rand, St. John'

s Wood, N .W. ; Uxbridge

Rood, Sootl1 Hampue-d,

Bui ldings , 878mm, S.E. ; 81011111 ” ,n S.W. ; Westow H i ll, Uppe rUppa Kcnni ogton



ndhg flmk l imite dnmCokm Sm KC.

lmdoa d a tmimtetBank fi nnted 41 , 1451 t EC. Bunche s : 1 , 8L 11md 5qm s wdz l g fligb flolbom, W. ;C. QW H igh Sceeg s E ; 1 30, 1 3 1 ,md 1 3 1 .Wh1wchape l H 1gh

SM E ;

1 1 4

and 1 1 5. Holbom, E.C. ; 269 1 11d 3 70,

Lmd Yme e h nk UmiM k Ad OM La a t’Gard C.


M e lvi lle , Evans , and Co .

, 75, Lombard Stre e t, E. C .

Me rchant Banking Co. of London Limi te d,1 1 2

,CannonS tre e t

,EC .

Middle se x Banking Co. Limi te d , 90, Le adenhall Stre e t, E.C .

M orris,Robe rt

,Carl tonChambe rs

,8, Regent S tre e t, S.W .

N ational Bank Limi te d . Se e The Nat ional Bank Limi te d .

Nat ional Bank of India Limi ted, 3 9A , Threadne ed le Stre et , E C .

N ational Bank of Scot land Limi te d, 37 , N icholas Lane , Lombard Stre e t , EC .

National Provincial Bank of England Limi te d,C i ty ofli ce , 1 1 2 , Bishopsgate Stre e t With in, E.C .

Branche s 2 1 2,Piccad il ly

,W . , 53 , Bake r Stre e t, W. ; 2 1 8;


U ppe r S tre e t,N . ; Care y Street ,

W .C . 3 88, Cromw e l l Road , S.W. A udl e y M ans ions , South A udle y Street, W. 1 85 A lde rsgateStre e t

,E C .

N ew Oriental Bank Corporat ionLimi te d , 40, Th re adne e dle Stre e t, E.C .

Praeds and Co.,1 89, Fle e t S treet, E C .

Presco tt, Cave , Buxton, Loder, and Co. , 62 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t,Ransom


,and Co.

,1 , Pall Mall Eas t , S.W .

Reeves,Wh i tburn, and Co. ,

27 , Clement’

s Lane , EC .

R ichardsonand Co.,25, Suffolk Stree t, Pall Mall Eas t, S.W.

Robarts,Lubbock , and Co.

,1 5, Lombard Stre e t, E C .

Ross , George , and Co. ,80

, Cornh il l , E. C .

Royal Bank of Scotland,1 23 , Bishopsgate Stre e t W ith in, E.C .

Royal Exchange Bank Limite d,1 26

,CannonStre et

,EC .

Samuel,M ontagu , and Co. ,

60,O l d Broad Stre et

,E C .

Schus te r, Son, and Co., 90 ,

CannonStre et,E C .

Scott, Sir Samue l , Bart . , .and Co .,1,Cavendish Square


Se yd and Co., 38, Lombard Stree t, E C .

“Shank,John, 4, Bank Bui ld ings , Me tropol i tanCattle M arke t, N .

Silve r, S. W.,and Co.

, SunCour t, 67, Cornh i ll , E. C .

Smi th,Payne , and Smi ths , 1 , Lombard Stre e t, EC .

Société Générale de Paris, 38, Lombard S tre e t , E C .

Stilw e l l and Sons,2 1

,Gre at Ge orge Street

, S.W.

T h e Al l iance Bank Limi ted , he ad office , Bartholomew Lane , EC . Branche s : 88 and 90, High Stree t,K ens ington, W. 3 239, Regent Stre e t, W. 1 76, High S tre e t, CamdenTown, N .W. (temporaryo ffice ) 1 4, Sloane Square, S.W. 74, High Road , K ilburn, W. ; 30, V i c tor ia, Road, Batte rs e aPark

,S.W. 20 1

,Earl’s Court Road

, S.W. 820,Hol low ay Road, N . ; and 1

,Th e Triangl e ,

Stre atham,S.W.

T he Central Bank of London Limi te d, 52 , Cornh i ll , E C ; 488, Be thnal Gre enRoad , E. Blackfriars

Road (corne r of Stamford Stre e t ), S .E . 1 0,Charte rhouse Bui ld ings , E.C . 91 , N e wgate S tree t,

E.C . , _3 1 , Shore ditch High Stre e t, E. ; Toole y Stre e t (corne r of Be rmonds e y Stree t), S . E. ; 23 7,

TottenhamCourt Road,W. and 1 1 0

,Whi te chape l High Stree t, E

T he C i ty Bank Limi ted,Thre adne e dl e Stre et

,E C . (corne r of Finch Lane ). Branch office s : 34, O ld

Bond Stre e t,W. 61 and 63 , Ludgate H i l l , E. C .

,159 and 1 60, TottenhamCourt Road, W. 5

7 , Lownde s Terrace , Knigh tsbridge , S.W. 2 1 9 and 2 2 1,Edgware Road ,W. A ldgate Bu i l d ings ,

Fenchurch Street,E C ; 34, Hoihow V iaduct

,E.C . Gre at Eas te rn Stre e t, E. ; 73 , Que en

Victoria Stre et,EC . and 1 00 and 1 01

,Fore Stre e t

, EC.

T he Impe rial Bank Limi te d, 6, Lothbury, ,

EC . Branche s Victoria M ans ions , Victoria S tree t, S.W .

1,Sydne y P lace

, Ons low Square, S.W., 51 , Wigmore Stre e t, W. 49, High Stree t, Peckham,

S .E . and 1 4, The P romenade , Eas t Dulw i ch, S.E.

T he London Jo int Stock Bank Limi te d . Se e London Joint Stock Bank Limi te d .~

T he N ational Bank Limi te d,he ad offi ce , 1 3 , O ld Broad S tre e t , E C. Branch office s 68

, Glouce s te rGardens , W.. 2 1

,Grosvenor Gardens

,S.W. 1 89, High Street,CamdenTown, N .W. Charing


Colonial Bank,1 3 , Bishopsgate Stre e t Wi th in, E. C .

Colonial Bank of N e w Z ealand , 1 3 , Moorgate S tre e t, E.C .

Comme rcial Bank of Austral ia Limi te d , 1 , Bishopsgate Stre e t With in, E C .

Comme rcial Banking Company of Sydney, 1 8,BirchimLane

,Lombard Stre e t

,E.C .

Comptoi r d’

Escompte de Paris , 52 , Thre adne e dle Stree t, E. C .

Cook, Thos .,and Son, 1 05 to . 1 07 , Fle et

hStre et, Ludgate C ircus , E.C . 99, Grace church Stree t,EC ; 35, Piccad i l ly, W. and 445, S trand , W .C .

Coxh ead, Goldsmid, and Co.,1 3 , O l d J ew ry Chambe rs , E. C .

Cre di t Lyormai s , 40, Lombard Stree t, E.C .

Cruickshank Brothe rs and Co.,St. Margare t’s M ans ions, Victoria Stre e t, S.W.

Be renbe rg and M e yer,6A , A ustinfriars , E.C .

De utsche Bank (Be rl in), 1 , Drape rs’ Gardens , ThrogmortonA venue , E. C .



,and Co.

,1 1 3 , CannonStreet, E.C .

Engl ish Bank of Rio de Jane i ro Limi te d, 2 A , Moorgate Street, E.C .

Engl ish , Scot tish , and Aus tral ianCharte re d Bank , 73 , Cornh i l l, E.C .

Erlanger, Emi le, and Co. , 43 , Lothbury , E C .

Fe deral Bank of A us tral ia Limi ted, 1 8, KingW i ll iamStree t, E.C .

Gordon, Smi th , and Co.,1 39, CannonStre e t, E.C .

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, 3 1 , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Horton, H . L. ,and Co. , Bartholomew Hous e , Bartholome w Lane , E. C .

Impe rial Ot tomanBank , 26, ThrogmortonStre et, E. C .

IonianBank Limi te d, 33, Lombard Stre e t, E. C .

Ironmonge r and Clarke , 9, Qi d Broad Stre et, E C .

Jay and Co.,8,UnionCou rt , O l d Broad Street, EC .

K e yser, A . ,and Co.

,2 1

,Cornh i l l

,E.C .

K le in, W il liam,and Sons

, 3 and 4, Fowke s’ Bui ld ings , E.C .

,and 1 0

,O ld CornExchange,

K u lb, A . ,and Co.

,1 6

,Cornh i l l

,EC .

Ladenburg, W. ,and Co.

,6,Copthall Court, E.C .

Land Mortgage Bank of India (Cre dit Foncie r Indien) Limi te d, 4, Eas t India Avenue, Le adenhallStre et

,E. C.

l and Mortgage Bank of Victoria Limi ted,

King’s A rms Yard, Moorgate Stree t,E.C .

Laz ard Brothe rs and Co., 9 and 1 0

,Tokenhouse Yard, E.C .

Lazard,Edward, and Co. , 35, Lombard Stre et, E.C .

London Bank of M e xico and South Ame rica Limi te d , 1 44; Leadenhall Stre et, EC.

London Charte red Bank of A us tral ia,2,O ld Broad Stre e t

,C i ty

,E C.

Luke,Thomas , and Co.

,Limi ted, 1 38, Le adenhall S tre et, E C .

M augham,JohnHalbert

,83 , Lombard Stre e t, E C .

M ayer,David , and Co.

, 7, Eas t India A venue , EC .

Me rcant ile Bank of A us tral ia Limi te d, 39, Lombard Stree t, E C .

Me rcanti

le Bank of Sydne y,1 58, Le adenhall S tre et, E. C .

Nat ional Bahk of A us tralas ia,1 49, Le adenhal l Stree t, E.C .

Nat ional Bank of N ew Ze aland Limi te d, 7 1 , O ld Broad Street, E.C .

Pale y,Scriven

,and Co. , 34, Gre at St. Helen

s , E.C .

Ph i ll ips , S. , Sons , and Co. ,1 1 0

,CannonS tree t

, E.C .

Pos t,M art in

,and Co.

, 5 and 7, Fenchurch Stre e t, E.C

Que ens land N ational Bank Limi te d, 29, Lombard Stre et, EC .

Reinhard t, Charles , and Co.,1 4, Coventry Stre e t, W .

R ii fi'

e r, A .

,and Sons

, 39, Lombard Stre et, E.C .

Russ ian Bank for Fore ignTrade , 3 2 , Lombard Stre et, EC .

Standard Bank of South A frica Limi ted,1 0

,Clement ’s Lane

,E.C .



um w a mm nc

Wm AnmfianBank, 3 1 , Lombard Stre et, EC

18 89 .

1 7 , 6noechmh 81meg fi c,

Angb lufiaa k M g a fldn’

s ac

Amsflvagnd Ca umM 93md 95, Pflmc1nonBui ld inp , Old Bmad SM EC.

M M M W M EC ; M WM M W M W M ; h w

ComM Temple Bu , W.C.

M d M n, Abchw ch h ne , EC.

Bmk ol Soodmd, 43, la thbn1-y, EC.Barclay, M M M M m d a . Pall l h ll Ean,



W GM M 1 1g Gm Stmc 1hnflGm E

M dd ph Cockg u d Ca Sa Cm a w d Co.

W M 1 9 M mm mW CW 7 M W.C

M Q-M GM QM CQ , 3J, W 1 M EC

M M M 1 1 4 V‘

M SM 8W.

W M W M 4 1 , LM M EC.


M M M CQ , 32, Ab¢h1

M Johmd mzs, A behmd 1 1me , B-C.

M FM M CQn1 And 7a Canh iEEC.

-1, EC.

Capitd nnd nda Bank Um u d ofi eq3g w -dne edle 8ue eg flc. 1 95,s s u dgamflifl, EC. .md 1 1 3,

Cu ltoa k M fi Ph sbmy Pavmn C.

CM M d Londonumiwd . Se e c nnal k of LoodonUmiwd

Chu temd um fi le Bmk of lnt mdomd hing fl, 01d Bmad SM EC

Yard,W M LC

Ckmk Umited. See‘

rbe CityBank Limitcd.

14 u s r OF BA N KERS .

Cocks,Biddulph , and Co.

, 43 , Charing Cros s , S.W.

Cohn,M aurice

,and Co. ,

27, ThrogmortonStre e t, E.C .

Comme rcial Bank of Scotland Limi te d , 1 23 , Bishopsgate Stre e t With in, EC .

Consol idate d Bank Limi te d , 52 , Threadne e dle Street, E.C .,and 450, WestStrand, W . C .

Country Che que Cl earing Bank Limi te d , 43 , Coleman Street, E.C . , and 33 and 34, CravenStre et,Strand

,W.C .

Coutts and Co. , 59, Strand, W.C .

Cox and Co. , 1 6, Charing Cross, S.W.

Cre di t Lyonnais, 40, Lombard Stre e t, EC .

Cripple gate Bank Limi te d , 3 1 , Low e r Wh ite cross Stre e t , E C .

Cunl iffe,Roge r, Sons , and Co.

,6,Prince s Stre e t

,Mans ionH ouse , E C .

Currie s and C0. Se e G lyn, M il ls , Currie , and Co.

D e lhi and London Bank Limi te d, Royal Bank Bui ld ings , 1 23 , Bishopsgate Stre e t With in,De utsche Bank (Be rlin) , 4, Ge orge Yard, Lombard Stre e t , EC .

D imsdale,Fow le r


,and Dimsdale s

, 50, Cornh i l l, EC .

D iscount Bank of London, 6, Duncannon Stre e t, Strand , W .C .

Dobre e , Samue l, and Sons , 6, T okenhouse Yard, EC .

Drummond, M essrs . , 49, Charing C ross , S.W.

Engl ish Bank Of th e R ive r Plate Limi te d,1 5, St. Sw ith in

s Lane , EC .

Fu l ler,Banbury, N ix, and Co. , 77 , Lombard Street, E. C .

Ge rmanBank of London Limi te d , 34, O ld Broad Stre et , E.C .

Gille tt Brothe rs and Co., 9, BirchimLane , EC .

Gi l l ig, Ch arle s A .

, Son, and Co., 9, S trand , W.C .

G lyn,M i lls

,Cu rrie

,and Co .

,67 , Lombard Stre e t, EC .

Gos lings and Sharpe, 1 9, Fle e t Stree t, EC .

Grant,M aurice

, 4, Moorgate Stre e t, EC .

Gre en, Tomk inson, and Co. , 3 2 , N icholas Lane , E C .


y and Co.

, 55, Parl iament Stree t, SW.

H errie s,Farqvuhar, and Co. , 1 6, St. Jame s

’ St re e t, S.W.

H ick ie,Borman, and

Co .,1 4, Wated oo P lace , Pal l M all, S.W.

H i l l and Sons , 66, West Smithfie ld, EC . 2, Bank Bui ld ings , Me tropol itanCat tle Marke t


Fore ignCattle M arke t, De p tford, S.E.

Hoare , Charles , and Co., 37, Fle e t

Hol t,Lawrie , and Co.

,1 7 , White hal l P lace, S.W.

Hopk inson, Ch arl e s , and Sons , 3 , Re gent Stre e t, Waterloo P lace , S.W.

Impe rial Bank Limi te d . Se e The Impe ria l Bank Limi te d .

Inte rnat ional Bank of London Limi te d , 50, O ld Broad Stre e t, E C ,

K e ys e r, A . , and Co. ,2 1 , Cornh i ll , E. C .

K ing, Henry S.

,and Co . ,

65, Cornh i ll, E. C . , and 45, Pal l M all , S.W .

Lacy, Hartland , Woodbridge , and Co. , 60 , West Smithfi e ld, E C ; 8, Bank Build ings , Me tropol i tanCattle M arke t, N . Fore ignCattle M arke t

,Dockyard , Dept ford , S . E . and 98, Jamaica Road


Be rmondsey, S .E .

Lloyds,Barnet ts , and Bosanque ts ’ Bank Limi ted , 72 , Lombard Stre e t, E.C 5-4, St. Jame s’ Stre e t ,

S.W. ; 1 3 and 1 4, High Stre et, Hamps tead , N .W. ; 42, Denbigh Stre e t, Piml i co, S.W. and 42 ,Hamme rsmith Road, W.

Londonand Brazil ianBank Limi te d,8,Tokenhouse Yard, E.C .

London and Cont inental Bank andExchange Limi te d , 79, Lombard Stre e t, EC .

London and County Banking Co. Limi ted, he ad ofli ce , 2 1,Lombard S treet, E;C. Me tropol i tan

branche s 6,A lbe rt Gate , S.W. 1 34, A lde rsgate Stre e t, E.C . 2 1 , Hanove r Square , W . 4 and

5, Uppe r Stre e t, N . ; 1,Connaught Stre e t, W. ; 1 09 and 1 1 1

,N e w Oxford Stree t, W.C . ; 34,


Londonand Westminster Bank Limi te d, 4 1 , Lothbury, E.C . Branche s : 1,Sr. Jame s ’ Square , S.W. ;

2 1 4, High H olbom, W. C . 6, Borough High Stree t, S.E. 1 30, 1 3 1 , and 1 3 2, Whitechape l High

Stree t, E. ; 4, S tratford P lace , Oxford Stre e t, W. 2 1 7, S trand , W.C . ; 91 , Westminster BridgeRoad

,S.W. ; 1 , Brompton Square , S.W. ; Vic tori a S tre e t, S.W. ; We stboume Grove , W. ; 1 1 4

and 1 1 5, H olbom, EC . 3 269 and 27o , Uppe 1 Stre e t, N . and 44 and 46, Hampste ad Road, N .W.

London and Yorkshire Bank Limi te d, he ad 7 , Drape rs’ Gardens , EC .

M cGrigor, Sir C . R .


,and Co. ,

25, Charle s Stre e t, St. James’

, S.W.

Manche s te r and Live rpool D is trict Banking Co. Limi te d , 75, Cornh ill , E.C .

Mart inand Co. ,68

,Lombard Stre e t

,E.C .

M aynard, Harris , and Co. , 1 26 and 1 27 , Leadenhall Stre e t, E. C .

Me lvi ll e , Evans , and Co. , 75, Lombard Street , E.C .

Me rchant Banking Co. Limi te d , 1 1 2 , Cannon Stre e t, E. C .

Middle se x Banking Co. Limi te d , go , Leadenhall S tree t, E C .

M orri s , Rob e rt, Carl ton Chambe rs , 8, Re gent Stre e t, W .

Nat ional Bank Limi te d . Se e The National Bank Limi te d .National Bank of India Limi te d , 39A , Thre adne e dle Stre et , E.C .

National Bank of Scotland Limi te d, 3 7, N icholas Lane , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Nat ional Provincial Bank of England Limi te d,City oth e e, 1 1 2

, Bishopsgate Stre e t With in, E.C .

Branche s : 2 1 2 , P iccad i l ly,W 1 ; 53 , Bake r Stre e t,W. 2 1 8,Uppe r Stre e t, N Care y S tre e t, W. C .

88, Cromw e ll Road , S.W. A udle y M ans ions,South A udle y Stre e t, W . 1 85, A lde rsgate

Street , E. C . .

N ew Oriental Bank Corporation Limite d, 40, Thre adne e d le Stre e t West End branch , 25, CockspurStre et, S.W.

Prae ds and Co. ,1 89, Fle e t S tre et, E.C .

Prescot t , Cave , Bux ton, Loder, and Co.

,Threadne edle Stre e t, E. C .

Reeve s , Wh itbu rn, and Co . , 27, Clement’

s Lane, EC .

R ichardsonand Co. ,25, Su ffolk Stre et , Pall Mal l Eas t

, S.W.

Robarts, Lubbock , and Co. , 1 5, Lombard Street, E.C .

Ross , George , and Co. ,80 , Cornh i l l , E C .

Royal Bank of Sco tland, 1 23 , Bishopsgate Stre e t With in, .E.C‘

Royal Exchange Bank Limi te d , 1 26, CannonStree t, E.C .

Samuel,M ontagu, and Co. ,

60,O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C.

Sch us ter, Son, and Co. , 90, CannonS tre et, E.C .

Sco t t, Sir Samue l , Bart , and Co.,1 , Cavendish Square , W .

Seyd and Co. 38, Lombard S.

,tree t E.C .

Shank , John, 4, Bank Build ings , Me tropol i tanCattle M arket,N .

Silve r, S W. , and Co , SunCourt, 67 , Cornh il l, ENC

Smi th , Payne , and Smi th s , 1 , Lombard Stre e t, E. C .

Soc iétéGénérale de Paris , 38, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .,

Stilwe l l and Sons,2 1

,Gre at Ge orge Stre e t, S.W.

The Al l iance Bank Limi ted, he ad office, Bartholome w Lane, E C . Branche s : 88 and 90, High

S tree t,K ens ington, W. 239, Regent Stre e t, W.


-1 76, H igh Stre e t, CamdenTown, N .W.

(temporary office ) 1 4, Sloane Square , S.W. 74, High Road, K i lbum,W.

, 30, Victoria Road ,Batte rse a Park, S.W. ,

20 1, Earl 5 Cou r t Road, S.W. ; 820, Holloway Road, N .

,and 1


Triangle,Streatham, S.W.

The Central Bank of London Limi te d, 52 , Cornh i l l, E C . 3 488, Be thnal Gre enRoad, E. BlackfriarsRoad (corne r of S tamford Stree t), S . E . IO

,Charte rhouse Bui ld ings , E.C . 9 1 , N e wgate Stre e t,

E. C . 3 1 , Shore ditch High Stre et, E. 90 , Toole y Stre e t, S.E. 23 7, Tott enhamCourt Road, W.

1 1 0, White chape l High Stre e t, 'E. and 91 , Mile End Road , E.

The Ci ty Bank Limi ted, Thre adne e dle Street, E.C . (come r of Finch Lane ). Branch offi ce s : 34, Ol d


Bond $11q4 6 1 1 1111 63, and 16o, Tottcnh.-1mCourt Road, W. ;

7, 1mndu Tm KnigbtshfidqW4 A ldgate Buildmgs,Femhnt M EC ; 34, Holbo1

-nViaduct, EC ; Gmt EastemSn ; 73, Quee t1

The lmperial Bank l-imSwLG, 10 111111117 , K C. 81 1 1101100 : Victoria Mandong V ictoria SUccfi SWqSE ; and 51 , La dsh ip Dulwi ch , S.E.

Tbc lmdonjointflock Bank Limitd . Su undonlointswck M Limited.1 3 0 K1 600t mh0¢ ha d ofi oq1$ Old Bmzd SM EC Bnnch offices :


M W. ; Elgh Vflt kh Avq flrov RM WqM &M tM M mN .W.

Twining, W and Cc. , 1 15, Strand, W.C.

A ldgate H igh

M d w 61 , Cmnfi lLEC

Unh o Deposi l Banknp Kinn lim Sm flC,

Vq Afi ea d Ca , 1 9, Royal Exchange , E.C.


t dq, “ 81151 111, 3 1 10 53 and 6 1 , Weabouruc Grove , W. . 1 1111 1 47 10 1 59, Que en'

s Road, W.

Wynne and Sm, 3 1 , Lincoln'

s InnFie lds, W.C

Loam Omcz or (30a

Provincial Bank ol lmhnd Limited, 8, 1 11 1030101100 Avenue , EC.

N01 0111 1 1 1 110 011 801 111030 .1 1 11 1 11 11011 811 11 11 1 1 5.

Anflo-Au uimBmk,M M W ) M 3, M C0011 , Bank, 110Anglo Egypt

nnBank (Th e ) Lunit0d,Angio FonignBanking Ca Limited, 1 , 851 110111q Within, E. C .

AW IW M UM QSLHdm’s Ph cg EC .

Banco lmemtioml de a il auo de jand ro), Prim 811001 Chambers, Princes 811001, Bank, EC .

M d Afi b Unfiw i ny CamonSM EC .

Bmd m h fi g g Thmdne edlem flcBanl of Brififi ColumbA fi CornhilLflfi .

Bmk ol Comtntinople ,

M d Nu Sot M 65 01d Broad 811001, E.C.

M k ol c Z u hnd,Bmk ol konmania,Bnk ol Somh Austnlia Limiutd , 3 1 , h mbard SUect. Cay, E.C .


Bank of V ictoria (A us tral ia), 28, Clement’s Lane

,B. C .

Be tzold , W.,and Co. Limited

,Bar tholome w House , B.C .

Blake,Bois se vain

,and Co.

,1 1 , Copthall Court, B.C .

Blydenste in, Benj. Wm.,and Co.

, 55 and 56, Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E. C‘


Chartered Bank of Ind ia,A us tral ia, and Ch ina, Hatton Court, Thre adne e dle Stre e t,

Ch ick,A lfre d Y .

,and Co.


,O ld Broad S tre e t

,B. C .

City of Melbourne Bank Limi te d , 1 1 7 , Bishopsgate Stre e t W i th in, E. C .

Coffinand Stanton, 2 1 6, Gre shamH ouse , E.C’


Coh en,Nathaniel

,and Co.

,Le adenhall Bui ldings , E.C .

Colonial Bank,1 3 , Bishopsgate Stree t Wi th in

,B. C .

Colonial Bank of New Z e aland, 1 3 , Moorgate Stre e t, B.C .

Comme rcial Bank of Austral ia Limited , 1 , Bishopsgate Stre e t Wi th in, B.C .

Comme rcial Bank of Mani toba,1 , Queen Vic toria Street, E C .

Comme rcial Banking Company of Sydney, 1 8, Bi rch imLane , Lombard Street, B.C .

Comptoi r (l’

Escompte de Paris , 52, Thre adne e dle Stre e t, B.C .

Cook , Thos .,and Son, 1 05 to 1 07 , Fle e t Stre et, Ludgate C i rcus , B.C . 99, Grace church Street, E.C .

35, P iccadilly, W . 445, Strand , W. C . and 82 , Oxford Stre et, W.

C redit Lyonnais , 40, Lombard Stre e t, B. C .

Cruickshank Brothers and Co. ,St. Margaret’s M ans ions

,Vic toria Stre e t

, S.W.

De renbe rg and M e ye r, 6A , A ustinfriars , B. C .

Duff,Wm. , and Co.

,1 1 3 , CannonStre e t, EC .

English Bank of R io de Jane iro Limi te d,2A

,Moorgate Stre e t

, B. C .

Engl ish,Scot tish

,and Austral ian Chartered Bank

, 73 , Cornhill, B. C .

Erlange r, Emi le , and Co.

, 43 , Lothbury, E.C .

Fe de ral Bank of A us tral ia Limi ted , 1 8, KingWilliamStre e t, E. C .

Freehold Investmen ts and Banking Co. of A us tral ia (The ) Limited, 5, Lothbury,Gordon

,Smi th , and Co.

,1 39, Cannon Stre e t , E.C .

Hongkong and Shangha i Banking Corporat ion, 3 1 , Lombard Stre e t, B. C .

Horton, H . L.,and Co.

, Bartholome w House , Bartholomew Lane , E.C .

Imperial O t toman Bank , 26, ThrogmortonStree t, E.C” Ionian Bank Limi te d , 33 , Lombard Stre e t, B.C .

Ironmonge r, Be ale,and Clarke

, 9, O ld Broad Stree t, E.C .

Jay and Co.,8,Union Court

,O ld Broad_ s tre e t, E.C .

K e yse r, A . ,and Co.

,2 1

,Cornh ill, B.C .

K le in,Will iam , and Sons , 3 and 4, Fowk

‘es’ Bui ldings , E.C .,and 1 0

,O ld Corn Exchange , EC,

K u lb,A .

,and Co.

,1 6

, Cornhi ll, E.C .

Lad enburg,W . ,and Co.

,6, Copthall Court, E.C .

Land Mortgage Bank of Ind ia (Cred it Foncie r Indi en) Limited , 4, Eas t Ind ia A venue , E.C .

Land Mortgage Bank of Victoria Limited,1 7 , King

’s A rms Yard,Moorgate Stre et

,E C .

Lazard Brothers and Co.

, 9 and 1 0,Tokenhouse Yard, E.C .

Lazard , Edward , and Co., 35, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

London Bank of Mexico and South Ame rica Limi te d, 1 44, Le adenhall Street, EC.

LondonChartered Bank of Aus tral ia, 2 , Old Broad Stree t, C i ty, B.C .

Luke , Thomas , and Co. Limi ted , 1 38, Le adenhall Stree t, B.C .

Maugham,JohnHalbert, 83 , Lombard Stree t, E.C .

M aye r,Dav id , and Co.

,1 0

, Drapers’ Gardens

,E.C .

M ercant ile Bank of A ustralia Lini ite d , 39, Lombard Stree t, E.C .

M ercan t i le Bank of Sydne y, 1 58, Le adenhall Stre e t, E. C .

Mid-Nor thampton sh ire Bank Limi te d, 56, Ch e aps ide , E. C .

National Bank of A ustralas ia, 1 49, Le adenhall Street, E.C .


Edgware Road , W. ; 35, King Street , Covent Garden, W. C . ; 25, Ludgate H il l , B.C . ; 1 25,Oxford Stre e t

,W. ; 47 and 49, New ingtonButts , S.E. 35, P iccadilly, W. ; and 50, Uppe r Stre et,

Is l ington, N .

Carl tonBank Limite d, 3 8, Finsbury Pavement, B.C .

Central Bank of London Limite d . Se e The Central Bank of LondonLimite d .

Charing Cros s Bank , 28, Bedford Stre e t, Cox‘

fentGarden, W.C .

Charte re d M e rcanti le Bank of Ind ia, London, and Ch ina, 65, O l d Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Che que Bank Limite d , head offi ce, 4, Wate rloo P lace , Pal l M al l


~ C i ty ofli ce , 4, Ge orge Yard ,Lombard Stre e t

, E.C .

Child and Co .

,I,Fleet Street

,B.C .

City Bank Limite d. Se e Th e City Bank Limite d .

Clyde sdale Bank (The ) Limi te d, 30, Lombard Street, E. C .

Cocks , Biddu lph , and Co., 43 , Char ing Cross , S.W.

Cohn,M aurice

,and Co.

,2 7, ThrogmortonStr


e e t, E.C .

Comme rcial Bank of Scotland Limi te d , 62 , Lombard Stree t, E.C .

Consol idate d Bank Limi te d, 52 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E.C .

,and 450, Wes t Strand , W.C .

Country Che que Cle aring Bank Limite d , 43 , Coleman Stree t, E.C .

,and 33 and 34, Craven Stree t,

Strand,W.C .

Coutts 2ind Co., 59, Strand, W.C .

Cox and Co .,1 6

,Charing Cross, S.W.

Cre di t Lyonnais, 40, Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Cripple gate Bank Limite d , 3 1 , Low e r White cross Street, E. C .

Cunl iffe,Roge r, Sons , and Co.

,6,Prince s Strect, Mans ionHouse, E.C .

Currie s and Co. Se e Glyn,M il ls


,and Co.

De lh i and London Bank Limite d,Royal Bank Build ings , 1 23 , B ishopsgate Stre e t Within, E. C .

Deutsche Bank (Be rl in), 4, George Yard, Lombard Stre e t, E. C .

D imsdale,Fow le r, Barnard , and D imsdale s , 50 , Cornhil l, E. C .

DiscountBank of London,6,DuncannonStre e t, Strand , W .C .

Dobre e,Samue l

,and Sons

,6,Tokenhous e Yard , E.C .

Drummond,M e ssrs . , 49, Charing Cross , S. .W

Engl ish Bank of the R ive r P late Limi te d, Sr. Sw ith in’s Lail e

,E.C .

Ful le r,Banbury

,N 111 and Co.

, 77 , Lombard Stre e t, E. C .

German Bank of LoridonLimite d, 34, O ld Broad Stree t, EC .

G i llettBrothe rs and Co .

, 9, B irch imLane , E.C .

G lyn, M il ls , Currie , and Co.

,67, Lombard Street, E.C .

Gos l ings and Sharpe,1 9, Fle e t Stre et, E.C .

Gre en,Tomkinson

,and Co. N 1cholas Lane , E.C .

Grindlay and C0. 55, Parl iamentStree t, S.W.

H e rrie s,Farquhar

,and Co.

,1 6

,St. Jame s ’ Stre e t, S.W.

H ickie,Borman, and Co. ,

1 4, Waterloo P lace , Pal l M al l , S.W.

H i l l and 80113,66



Smithfi e ld,E.C . 2

,Bank Bui ldings , M e tropol itanCattl e Marke t


Fore ignCattle M arke t,D e p tford



Hoare,M e ssrs .

, 37 , Fle e t Stre e t, E C .

Hol t,Law rie

,and Co.

,1 7, White hal l P lace, S.W.

Hopk inson,C harle s , and Son, 3 , Regent Stre e t, Waterloo P lace , S.W.

Impe rial Bank Limite d. Se e The Impe rizi l Bank Limite d .

Inte rnational Bank of London Lini ite d, 50, O ld Broad Street, B.C .

K e yse r,A .

,and Co.

,2 1

,Cornhill, E. C .

K ing, Henry S.,and Co.

,65, Cornh i l l, E.C . ,

and 45, Pall M al l, S.W.

Lacy,H artland

,Woodbr idge , and Co.


,West Smithfie ld

,E.C . 8

,Bank Build ings , Me tropol itan


Cattle MM R ; Fa tignCattle Road ,Damondsey, S.E.

o ds Baok Limiwdqz,

811001, SW. ; 33, Bclgmvc Road ,

Iondonand Condncnul Bank u d Exchnnge Limibcd , 79, lAmbard Sn .C

Mbu nche s : 2 1 , Hanoveqnm,

W. ; 4 ar1d

Borout in M SE ; Kemmgtonfl1gh 8mgW , 1 8o 1 8 1 md 1 82 511010ditch 1figh

74 21x1 76, WW Gm W ; Ik nmmScmCment cardemW C 1 65,

Wesminfi a Bridgc RM SE ; 324 111111

3 : 5, H igh Holbom,W. ;C. m m w wfi fi . 53 , 22a lndia Dock R02d East,

Wm flflLUppcr Nomood, 8.E ; 1 7 ,3 , t

Church SmgGm fi cms fi ;

1450 Road, “ M SS. ; 1 2, K ing 901m Hammersmith ; 490 and 492, Holloway

HmmM Wg 87 , H igh Stnet, Ku p hndHigh sae e t, Croydon

Londonand fi encnl lhnk Limited, 20, Budge RomEC.

Lond mu fic Bank umM nflnmbu d SM EC.

Cattlve l larkcg ls lingtomN” ; Fore ignCattle N arkct,

M Ea nd u y Leadznhall SM EC.

undonM t Wk tdc nnk LimM sy Na M d SM EC.

Branches : 1 63 , Edgw210

Green. S.W. ; Cmaing ’

l’m , Hackne y, E ; New ington010011, N . ; Wood 010011, N . ;

Edmonto0 ; u 0 0m0 ; md Le ytonflooc.

M M M WM M M M M 1Q 1 6Q M 1 70, FM h SM ECLoodonbnnchu : Ancflcy Rond ,

131 11011102

90 2 1x1 92,Bow l esdfli ; 256, 8rizzol H i lLSW. ; 1 75 111111 465 8 d Road , S.W. ; 295, H igh R02d ,

61 2114 68,

M M M SW4 Bank Bui ldings , Ch isw ick, Clapham

Road and Noflb M Ctoydon; 183, 5tti'

s Court Road ,Finsbury Pavement, EC ; Yinsbm'

y Park Buildings , Finsbury S treet, B. C. ;

“ Danmouth koad , Fore stflill ,M flacknqwm 28, H igh Smg HampsM NJmBtmdvay, }h nv e ll ; Hmdon; H in tre eg H igb



S.E. ; x3 7 , Ladbroke Grove , Nott ing H i l l , W. ; 451 , Oxford Stre e t, W. ; High S tre e t, Pe ckham,

S .E . ; 1 93 , Eas t India Dock Road , POplar, E. ; 1 27 , Uppe r R ichmond Road, Putne y, S.W. ;

Wel lingtonRoad , St. john’s Wood

,N .W. Uxbridge Road , Shepherd

’s Bush,W. 48, Finchle y

New Road,Sou th Hamps te ad , N .W. High S tre e t, South N orwood

,S. E . 368, Commerc ial

Road Eas t, E. 23 8, ClaphamRoad, S.W. Bank Buildings , Stre atham, S.W . Bank Bu ildings,

Sydenham, S.E. ; Broadway, Toot ing, S.W. Westow H il l , Upper N orwood, S.E. ; 2 1 4, UpperKennington Lane

, S.E. 260,Walw orth Road , S.E. Bank Bu i ldings


, S.W.

202,FulhamRoad, S.W. 435, Norwood _

Road, West N orwood, S.E. and Bank Bui ldings,


London Trading Bank Limi ted,1 2

,ColemanS tre e t, B. C .

London and Unive rsal Bank Limi te d , 2 7, J e rmynStre e t, .Piccadilly, S.W.

London and Westminster Bank Limited, 4 1 , Lothbury, B.C . Branches 1

, St. Jame s’ Square, S.W.

2 1 4, H igh H olbom, W.C . ; 6, Borough High Stre e t, S.E . 1 30, 1 3 1 , and 1 3 2 , Wh itechapel HighStre e t, E. ; 4, Stratford P lace, Oxford S1re et, W. 2 1 7 , ‘Strand , W. C . 91 , Westminster BridgeRoad, S.W.

,1,Brompton Square, S.W . 62

,Victoria S treet, S.W . , We stboume Grove , W . ;

1 1 4 and 1 15, H olbom,E. C . , 269 and 2 70, Uppe r Stree t, N . ;


and 44 and 46, Hamps te adRoad , N .W.

London and Yorksh ire Bank Limi ted , 7, D rapers’ Gardens , E.C .

M cGrigor, Sir C . R. ,Bart. , and Co. , 25, Charle s Stre et, St. Jarhe s

, S.W.

Manchester and Live rpool D istrict Banking Co. Limi ted , 75, Cornh ill , EC .

Martin and Co. , 68, Lombard Stree t, .E.C .

M aynard , Harris , and Co. ,1 26 and 1 2 7, Le adenhall Stree t , EC .

Melville, Evans , and Co. , 75, Lombard Stre et , B.C .

Merchan t Banking Co. Lim ited,1 1 2 , Cannon Stree t, E. C .

Middle sex Banking Co. Limi ted, 90, Le adenhall Stre et, E.C .

M orris , Robe rt, CarltonChambers , 8, Régent Street, S.W.

Nat ional Bank Limited. See Th e Nat ional Bank Limi te d.National Bank of India Limited , 39A , Thre adne e dle S tre et, E. C .

National Bank of Scotland Limited, 3 7 , N icholas Lane , Lombard S tre e t, S . E .

National Provincial Bank of England Limited, City office , 1 1 2,Bishopsgate Stree t With in

, E C .

Branche s : 2 1 2 , Piccadi lly, W . ; 53 , Baker Stree t, W . 2 1 8, Uppe r Stre e t, N . Care y Stre e t


W.C . 88,Cromw e l l Road , S.W. A udle y M ans ions , South A udle y Stree t,W . 1 85, A lde rsgate

Stre e t, B.C .

New Oriental Bank Corporat ionLimi te d , 40, Thre adne e dle Stree t, B.C . West End branch , 25,Cockspur Stree t, S.W.

Prae ds and Co.,1 89, Fleet Stree t, E C .

P re s cot t, Cave , Bux ton, Lode r, and Co.,62

,Thre adne e dle Stre e t

, B. C .

Re e ve s ,Whitbu rn, and Co. ,27, Clement

’s Lane, E.C .

R ichardson and Co. ,25, Suffolk Stre e t, Pal l Mal l East

, S.W.

Robarts , Lubbock , and Co. , I5, Lombard Stree t, B. C .

Ross , Ge orge , and Co. , 80, Cornhill, E. C .

Royal Bank of Scotland , 1 23 , Bishopsgate Stre e t With in, EC .

Samue l , M ontagu, and Co. ,60

,O ld Broad Stre e t, E. C .

Scot t, Sir Samu e l , Bart, and Co . ,1,Cavend ish Square , W.

Seyd and Co. , 38, Lombard S tre e t, B.C .

Shank , John, 4, Bank Bu i ldings , Metropol itanCattle M arket,N .

Si l ver, S. W. , and Co. , Sun Court, 67, Cornhill , E.C . ,and 29, O ld Bond Stree t,W .

Smi th , Payne , and Smi th s , I , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Soc iétéGénérale de Paris, 38, Lombérd Stree t, E.C .

Stilw e l l and Sons, 2 1 , Gre at Ge orge Stree t, S.W .


Anglo-Fore ignBanking Co. Limi te d, 2 , Bishopsgate Stre e t Wi th in, E. C .

Anglo- I tal ian Bank Limi te d, 9, Sr. Helen’s P lace

,B.C .

A us tral ianJoint Stock Bank , 2 , King Will iamStre e t, B.C .

Banco Nac ional do Brazil (R io de Janeiro), Princes Street Chamb e rs, Princes Stre et, Bank, E.C .

Bank of A frica Limi te d, 1 1 3 , Cannon Stree t, E.C .

Bank of A ustralas ia, 4, Thre adne e dle Stre e t,‘

E. C .

Bank of Brit ish Columb ia, 60 , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

Bank of Bri t ish North America, 3 , Clement’s Lane , Lombard Stree t, E. C .

Bank of Constantinople , 1 9, Gre at Winche s te r Stre e t, B. C .

Bank of Egypt Limi te d, 26, O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Bank of New Sou th Wal es,64, O ld Broad Stre e t, B. C .

Bank of New Z e aland,I,Queen Victoria Stree t

,E.C .

Bank of Roumania,1 5, Moorgate Stre e t, B.C .

Bank of Sou th A ustral ia Limi ted, 3 1 , Lombard Stre e t, C i ty , B.C .

Bank of Victoria (A ustral ia) Limi te d , 28, Clement’s Lane

,E. C .

Be t zol d,W. ,and Co. ,

Limi te d , Bartholomew H ouse , E.C .

Blake , Bo is se vain, and Co. ,1 1 , Coplhall Court, E. C .

Blydenéte in, Benj. Wm.

,and Co. , 55 and 56, Thre adne e dle Stree t , B. C .

Cambil and Co. Limi te d, 35, Finsbury C i rcus , B.C .

Chartered Bank of Ind ia, A us tral ia, and Ch ina, Ha t ton Court, Thre adne e dle S tre e t, B. C .

Ch ick,A l fre d Y . ,

and Co. , 62 , O ld Erdad Stre e t, B.C .

Ci ty of M e lbourne Bank Limi te d, 1 1 7 , Bishopsgate Stree t With in, B.C .

Coffinand Stanton,2 1 6

,Gre shamH ouse , E. C .

Coh en,N athanie l

,and Co.

,Le adenhall Bu ild ings , E.C .

Colonial Bank,1 3 , Bishopsgate Stre e t Wi th in, B.C .

C olon ial Bank of New Z e aland, 92 , CannonStree t, B. C .

Comme rcial Bank of A ustralia Limi te d,1,Bishop sgate Stree t With in, B.C .

Comme rcial Bank of M ani toba,I,Queen Victoria Stre e t , B. C .

Comme rcial Banking Company of Sydne y, 1 8, Birch inLane, Lombard Stre e t, EC .

Compto ir N ational d ’Escompte de Paris, 52 , Thre adne e dle Stre e t, E.C .

6ook , Thos . ,and Son, 1 05 to 1 07, Fle e t Stre e t, E.C . Ludgate C ircus , B. C . 99, Gracechurch Stre e t,

E.C . , 33 , Piccadilly,W. ; 445, Strand , W .C . and 82 , Oxford Stree t , W.

Cre di t Lyonnais , 40, Lombard Stree t, E.C_.

Crown Bank Limi te d , 56, Che aps ide , E.C .

Cruickshank Brothe rs and Co., St. Margaret

’s M ans ions,Vic toria Street


D e renbe rg and M e ye r,6A


,E. C .

and Co. ,1 1 3 , CannonStre et, B.C .

Engl ish and A us tral ianMortgage Bank Limi ted, 3 7 , London Stre et, E.C .

English Bank of R io de Jane i ro Limi ted, 2A , Moorgate Stre e t,E. C .

Engl ish , Scot t ish , and A us tral ianChartered Bank, 73 , Cornhill, E C .

Erlange r, Emi le , and Co., 43 , Lothbury, E.C .

Fe de ral Bank of A us tral ia Limi te d , 1 8, King Wil liamStre e t, E. C .

Fre e hold Inve stment and Banking Co. of A us tral ia (Th e ) Limi te d , 5, Lothbury,Gordon, Smi th , and Co. ,

1 39, CannonStre e t, B.C .

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporat ion, 3 1 , Lombard S tre e t, B.C .

Horton, H . L. ,and Co. ,

Bartholomew H odse , Bartholomew Lane, B.C .

Impe rial Bank of Pe rs ia, temporaryaddres s , 1 00, Winche s te r House, O ld Broad Stre e t, E.C .

Impe rial O ttoman Bank , 26, ThrogmortonS tre e t, E C .

IonianBank Limi te d, 3 3 , Lombard Stre e t, E.C .

I ronmonge r, H e ale , and Clarke, 9, O ld Broad Street , EC .


Jay and Ca , 8, UnionComg Old Bmd SM EC .

M WM M M 3 M 4, FM W EC , M 1 0, OM CM EM BQ

m ump m am m aumm omw m nc1.211 d Banl ol


India (Cred itFond a Indigo) Limued, 4, Emlndi c Avenue, B.C.

umd Btmhmand Ca ,61 , 01d Bru d Sa ecg EC.

lmdonBank of uexioomd Somh Amerb Umiwd, 144, 1A 2d00h2nS11000EC.

landmCh rme d Band u uflh z, Old B1md SM CRy, EC.

mm mmmmua, 1102110111125 “ B. C.

i mmsfi mmm ac.


Ma a ntik Bank of Sydnq151 m m EC

W Funk, 21111 8011, 1 1 , A030I00n1, EC.

Naw flank hmiwd, 156 2110 1 57. lu da 1112n311001 , EC.

National flnok ol Am h fia, ny w m wmE.C


Oppeahd uua lqand con 751 01d Bond 8M l-1 C.

Paley, Scrimmd Hckn't, B.C.

Quamhnd Nnhnd ljmiu sg lmbu d M KC

m mmmm. 15 Cm01q8M W.

M M M FM M 3 2, M M M EC

w muam m w m

UnionBank of Am fia,

Univcml Comma ch l flant efl y Sce eg k c.

Wemim nd nmonSmQ EC.

Wm AumlhnBanL3 1 , Lombu d Suu 1. EC.

nk n um -y owfl b u h m xeflynd a h m undfi hm nfl owmmmm m )







(The or iginal in the possess ion of C. T . Prae d, EsqCHARLES R.

OurW il l and pleasure is that you forthw i th prepare a Bi ll for Ou r Royal l S ignature topass Ou r great Seale in these words or to th i s effect .

CHARLES THE SECOND by the grace o f God of England Scotland Fframe and Ireland King Defendo f the fai th &0" To al l to Whom these presents shal l come Greet ing Whereas s ince th e t ime of Ou rhappy Re storacénWe have been invo lved in great Forre igne Warrs as well for the Safety of OurGovernment as for the vindicacénof the Righ ts and pr iv ileges of Our Subject s. Ih ' the prose cucénwhereof we have been constrayne d for some years past contrary to Our Inclinacéns to postponethe paym‘ of the moneys due from as to Several Goldsm i th s others upon Talleys Struck and OrdersRegistred on payable out of Se ve ral l Branches of Our Revenue and otherwise And although thepresen t Posture of Ou r afl

aire s cannot reasonably spare so greate a sum as must be app l ied to thesat isfac tion of those debts Ye t con s idering the grea t difii cultys wh ich very many of Our Lov ingSubjects (Who pu tt the ir moneys in to the hands of those Goldsm iths o thers from whom We rece ivedit) doe at presen t l ife under almost to th e ir u tter ruine for . wan t of the ir said moneys We have rather071050 outof Our pr incely care 81 compass ion towards Our peop le to suffer in Our owne A fiaire s thenthat Our Lov ing Subjects should wan t Soe seasonab le a Re le i fe , And hav ing ser iou sly cons ide red ofthe way mean s to effect th is Our presen t purpose We could no t find any more e ffe ctuall les s

prejud iciall to U s in the presen t posture of Our Revenu’ then by gran t ing to each of them the sa id

Goldsm i ths 81 others to whom We are indebted as aforesaid respect ively and to h is 8: the ir re spe etiveh e ire s Ass ignes an annual] sumor paymt an sw erab le in value yearly to the In terest of the irrespective deb ts at the rate of Six pounds WCen t WAnnum for al l such moneys as are due un tothem

,The consi de racénwhereof induced us to command Our high T rear of England to cau se a l l

the Accompt s of the said Go ldsm iths to be s tated and made up by R ichard Aldwor th Esqr (one o fOu r Aud i tors) to the firstday of January One thousand Six hundred Seven ty Six Wh ich hav ing beenaccord ingly cast up and Settled , it appe are s thereby that there i s due owing by U s unto Our trustyand wellbeloved Subjec t Edward Bakewe ll o f London Esqr y°Sumof two hundred n inety five thousandn ine hundred n inety foure pounds s ixte en sh i ll ings and Sixpence . Insat i sfact ion whereof accord ingto Our in ten t in these presents expressed We have resolved to gran t un to h im the sumof Sevente enethousand seavenhundred fli rty n ine pounds th irte ene sh il l ings Eigh t pence Wannum Out of thatpart of Our Revenue of Excise which was gran ted un to U s Ou r be ires and Successors for ever by anAct of Parliamtmade in the tw e lveth ye are of O ur Re igne Entitule d (AnAc t for tak ing away theCourt ofWards Liverys Tenures in Cap ite and by Kn igh ts Serv ice Purveyance and for Settl inga Revenue upon h is M aty in l ieu thereof K now Ye therefore that We for the cons ide racénaforesaidari d in Satisfact ion or Lieu of the sa id deb t or sum of Two hundred ninety five thousand n ine hundred


of Our Excheq'. or else where to the use of Us Our h e ire s or succe ssors before the le vying of suchTal lys or before paym‘. be made to the said Edward Backw e l l h i s beires or ass igne s respect ively ofthe said yearly rent or sum of s e auente ene thousand s e auen hundred ffifty nine pounds th irte eneshill ings and eightpence or any part thereof accord ing to the true intent of these Our Lre s PatenteThen and in such case Our e xpre sse Wil l and pleasu re is, and We doe hereby of Ou r furthe re spe cial l grace certaine know le dg and meer inocon for Us Our h e ire s and succes sors au thorize andrequ i re the high Trear and Com“

. of the Tre ary Chance l]r Under Trear Chambe rlaine s and Barons

of the Exch eq'. of Us O ur b e ires and succes sors for the t ime being and all other Ofli ce rs Ministers ofthe Exch eqr and of the Rec‘. thereof That they or such of them to

‘whom i t apperteyne s doe from

time to t ime as often as need shal l be w e l l '

and tru ly pay or cause to be payd to the said EdwardBackw e ll his bei res and ass igne s respectively outof such moneys as shal l be soe payd into Our Exchq'.or elsewhere to the use of U s Our h e ire s or succ“ . al l such or so much of the said yearly rent or sumof s e avente ene thousand se auenhundred fi fty nine pounds th irte ene sh ill ings and eightpence as shal lfrom time to t ime be inarre are or unpayd after the fi


e astdaye s and t imes of paym‘. afore said or anyof them w ithou t any further or other Warrant to be sued for had or obteyne d in that behalfe andwi thou t anyAccot Impres t or other charge to be sett uponhim the said Edward Backw e l l h is beires orA ss ignes for the same or any part thereof And these Ou rLre s Patente or the Exempl ificaconEntry orEnrollm‘. thereof shal l be unto the high Trear Com“

. of the Tre ary Chance llo' and under Trear

Cbamb e rlaine s and Barons o f the Exch eq'. of Us O ur beires and succ” . and all other Office rs andMinisters of the sai d Excheq’. and to the Corn“ . Tre ars . Re ce iv” . Collectors Harmors and all otherOfii ce rs and Minis ters of O ur said Revenue of Exc ise a good and suffi ci entWarrant and d ischargefor all and whatsoever they or any of them respect ively shal l do or cause to be done inor abou t thepremisse s pu rsuant to Our Wil l and pleasure herein before declared, And O ur further Will andpleasure is and We d-oe hereby of Our e spe cial l grace certaine know le dg and meer moconGrantd irect and appointe that all such Tallys of Pro or A s s ignem‘. or other Tallys as shal l be hereafterLe vyd or Struck uponOur said Revenue of Exc ise at the Ins tance or desi re of the said Edward Backwel l his beire s or A ss igne s respectively for or toward s the satisfaction or securing the paym'. of thesai d ye arly ren t or sum of Se avente ene thousand Se avenhundred ffi fty nine pounds th irte ene shill ingsand Eightpence or any part thereof shal l be well and truly payd and sati sfi e d ou t of the said Revenue

Quarterly and e ve ry


Quarte r as afore sai d and shal l be preferrable and preferred before any oth erQuarterly paym‘. ou t of the same by vertue or colour of any Warrant O rder or d irect ions whatsoeverof any After date Excepting only such yearly sums as are necessarily payable for th e managem‘. ofOur said Revenue, and Except the yearly sums amount ing unto twelve thousand two hundred andnine pounds Fi fte ene shills fourpence hal f peny or th e re abts Payable thereou t to Our dearestCon sort the Queene as parce l]of her jointure, and the yearly sum of Twenty foure thousand pounds

payable to ou r deare Brother Jame s Duke of York, which said s eve ral l sums We w il l and doe herebydirect shal l be payd and sati sfi e d unto O ur said dearest Consort, and to our said mos t deare Bro therou t of Ou r said Revenue duely and con s tantly and inth e firstplace before any of the said Paym". orany other paym“ whatsoever to be made ou t of the same , and Ou r Will and p leasure is and the saidEdward Backw e l l doth hereby for h im se l f h e ire s Exec" . Adm“

. Covenant grant and agree to w ithU s Our h e ire s Succ". That he the said Edward Backw e l l h is h e ire s ass igne s shal l and w il l at anyt ime or times w ith in one ye are next ensuing the date thereof Gran t and ass igne proporconable partparts of the said yearly rent or sum of Seavente ene thousand Se avenhundred fi fty nine pounds

th irte ene shil ls Eightpence unto such of hi s Creditors (or others by their as w i l l becontent to deli ver up their Secu ri tys and take such A s s ignem". insatisfaction of their debts accordingto the Trus t herein before expressed And that he the said Edward Backw e l l his he ire s or A s s ignesshal l not or w il l during the said Space of one ye are make any Grant or A ss ignem‘. of all or any partof the said yearly sum of Se avente ene thousand s eavenhundred ‘ ffifty nine pounds th irte ene sh ills andEightpence unto any person or person s bu t such as are Credi tors o f the said Edward Backwe l l (orothers by their as afore said And that i f any d ifference shal l at any t ime or times w i thin


tbem of one yw e az anhalfe the said Bdward Backu ll his he ire sotmy of themtonch ing di e u sigu

m M W M e Compmnd the Lord high Tmr a the Com'. of the

Aanigne s and tomb puma: be mde u‘

d oro

nidmpa fivd y bmpa obmmongfl thanmme me M OM bundred pomds Pfind paHmoneyb r u ch anq Sh M V Ammvfi ch thqm a mol tbemrapl m w gmmh nmd cnioy ol the nid yu fly Snmd Su omm momnd Sum hundmdmfiynine pomdsm mw e fikbw mwm wm am mm a am am '

Aa lp an' u eh nbe mde &enmncd u afmenid md w e afiu thooe proporobmmd mmm a ma m s u tbe respecfivcm duu happcnend ako the amatu ofl he mdm d Samm e mow nd Sam bmdre d fi fiyniu ponnds thinemc thflh k flghtpmccany be ) 1


hat thenthm ptucnu &the 0nnt ba cbymade ol the u id yu flymmol SeavenbeeneM W bm mmm w mmmm mumAnfi hh ‘ ha eh bcb te w owynd w tbe mmm hhmw imAnd c o bmby d OmfmhuW m m mmazm m mmour bcimsmd Suoc' . Gnn1 nnto the midEdwu d BaLkvenhis be iru and am m ma pw-e Plew m is

’nmrhm Omlns PatentsM u a y Ch use Anid e &Senunce the re incoatcyned vbemrpou eny ambiguity or doubt shall ormy u h c that th e m sbaflbcnt antima a pounded &ukcnmou favounbly&bcneficiany forme tdnntage oty‘ nid fidm'd Backrd l hh hcimmd Amgna , And ths ttbe se Ou t Patemsshall be good t cflecmll inh v and tbaflbe avayletble to the nid Edward Backwe ll his bcires i zmigmmpecfinly for hh and the irreoeivh gmd enioying themd yuflyrentormmof Seamte enethousand Scavmlmndred difiyninc pouods ‘


hincene Shillingu nd Eightpence witb all themenraguw mm abm id xmhhmfingmemm gmmm fingmw mlynnd ocrtainlyndfi g orm cbmng ol any Actor Acts ol Pu fiam‘. vhereby the ni d Re venue m givensrgrante d

We h nreoe ive or enioytlie nme , And notwithnnndingth enotrecifing ornotmeuconing in1his Onr ' myLa x or lma Gmntoe nuChu ge-orcmrgeomde ol or upoo or omd the nid Re venue ormy pantba eof abne onthe u id kmnuqor ontbem e nd myothe r penor pnmof Our Remne ol Excine or gem llyou Our Revenue orthc datc orContents olmch lm a Cmts orot)

‘ Pemns to whomthe nme are made Andnotwithstandingthatnomentionbe hcre inof tbe dkect&cmaine yw ly&otba renu &profits of the premise smol

them inc tme orcfirectnamre ofmch renu arprofits orbow or invhatmannertheyarisc becomc duemd pnyzble unto Us Onr bcire-arSooc". And notwi thsundiog tbe notmenooi ih g how az inwhatmanner the u id debtdne fromUs to the u id Bdwu d Be cknll arisetb pnnicuhfly ormymistake ir.the mfing or inflieqmfity a mmof thc afore menofimd de btdue or he rcinmenczned to be dueby Us to flxe u id Edvu d BacM And notwithstanding the Stamtc of H enry tbe 4

‘. late King of



England publi sh’

d in the first ye are of h is re igne , And notw ith s tanding the Statu te of Henry thelate King of England

‘made published in the 1 8myeare of h is re igne , And notw i thstanding theStatu te of Henry y

8 late King of England made publi shed in the yente of his re igne , Andnotw i thstanding the Statutes or Acts of th is present Parliam‘. made 81 publ ished in the 1 2


yeare ofO ur reign whereby the said Revenue was or wasmenc6ne d or intended to be granted settled and . con

fi rme d un to Us O ur h e ire s and Succ“ . OranyA rt icle Clause Sentence or Re straynttherein conteyne dand notw i thstand ing any defec t in Our Grant, Or any Ac t Statu te O rd inance , ProclamacGnProvi s ionor Re strayntwhatsoeve rmade or provided or any othe r A ct matter or th ing whatsoever to the con ~

trary hereof in anywise notw i th s tanding And lastly O u r Will pleasu re is and We do hereby of Ou rmore abundan t grace certaine knowle dg 81 meermocon for Us Our he ire s 81 Succ". C ove fint grantto w ith the said Edward Backw e l l h is h e ires Ass ignes that due paym

'. shal l be mad e of the said

yearly sum of Se avente ene thousand Se aven hundred fi fty n ine pounds th irte ene shill ings Eightpence hereby Granted all other th ings hereby directed to be done on our part shall be from timeto time done performed according to the true in tent and meaning of these presents And that i fat any t ime hereafter any defec t or ques tion shall be found ormade of or in the val id ity of th is Ourpresent Grant That then uponthe humble pe ticonof the said Edward Backw e l l h is he ire s or Ass igne sWe O ur h e ire s or Succ" . w i l l

,be grac iously p l eased to make such further Grant A ssurance confir

macanof the said yearly rent or sum of Se avente ene thousand senven hundred {fi ftynine pounds th irteenshills Eight pence to the said Edward Backwe l l Esqr h is beires or Ass ignes as by Ou r AttorneyGen'. shall be approved of and advised by the Counc i ll learned in the Law of the said EdwardBackwe l l h i s h e ire s or A ss ignes shall be advised and des ired and w ith such bene ficiall

-clauses to bethe rein conte yne d as shall be thought expedien t most conduc ing

_to the performance of Our Wil l 8:pleasure herein before declared . Inw i tness Witne s And for Soe doe ing this shalbe yo



warr‘. Given at our Court at Whitehal l the 1 6mday of Apri ll i n the ye are of our Raigne .

To our A t torney or By his Ma“ Command

Sol ic itor Gen". DANBY.


Th e l ike Bi l l to be drawne for Gilbert Whitehal l and his h e ire s for the sum of Fourte ene Thousandn ine hundred thirty one pounds nine te ene sh illings four pence Wannumfor the Cons ide raconof twohundred fl


orty Eight thousand Eigh t hundred s ixty s ix pounds three shill ings five pence

1 6th April]1 677 By his Mats Command

To Our A ttorney or DA NBY.

Sol ic i tor Gen“ .


The l ike Bil l to be drawne for Joseph Horneby of London Goldsmith 8: his h e ire s for y° sum of

Th irte ene hundred fli fty two pounds Se avente ene sh il ls Tenpence Wannumfor the cons ide raco'

nofTwenty two thousand five hundred fforty Eight pounds five shills Sixpence

To our At torney or By h is Ma“ Command

Solic i tor Gen". DANBY.


The like Bill to be drawne for John Portman of London Goldsmith his .be ires for the sum ofHome thousand Six hundred fi ve pounds th irte ene sh il l ings annumfor the cons ide raconOf

Se aventy s ix thousand Se avenhundred Sixty pound s Eighte ene shill ings two pence

To our Attorney or By his Ma“ Command

Sol ic i tor Gen". DANBY.

2 A PPEN D !X .

Jame s Chambers,also a goldsmith of London appears to be his brother.

The w ife of AbrahamChambers was name d Hes ter. She died beforerlr M ar. 1 707 .

They had a sonA braham , born abou t 1 680, and a daughter Heste r.Hes ter Chambers married R ichard N icholls. Ou J u ly 1 7 , 1 7 28, she is described as the w idow of

R ichard N icholls,late of th e parish of St. Clement Danes, goldsmith .

She had fou r son s,Abraham


,Norton , and James, and a daughter Ann. She died in the

year 1 728.

Abraham Chambers,her brother

,is descr ibed from Apri l 25, 1 704, to November 1 1 , 1 724, some

times as of the parish of Whitechapel,sometimes as of London,_ but i n all case s as gmtleman

ou 127 February, and July 1 7 , 1 728, as of London, goldsmz


t/z. H e died before December 1 1,

1 733 , leaving an only son, A braham ,and three daughters El i zabeth

,who married Dod Esther


married Sayer and Mary,who married Edw ard U sborn.

A braham Chambers,the aforesaid only son

,i s de scribed December 1 1

,1 733 , and unti l h is death ,

as c it izen and goldsmith of London. H e died in 1 756.

In 1 747 , 1 748, and 1 749, he is mentioned as a goldsmith at the Falcon, in Fleet Stree t.

AbrahamChambers ,111 . Hesterd . 1 693 .

Abraham Hester,m. Richard Nichol ls .

lAbrahamChambers . El izabe th , Esther, M ary,

m. Dod . m. Sayer. m. Edw ardUsborn.

I N D EX .

A lmdonBanhct (M h -M CO $ Amym 11 4

Ad en) h no‘. (Nova ) 2 1 , (31 001 Cc», 3. (Di l l i

-nty) jiAbolitioncl fm m

Andm 1uah vv hg). 105. (M O )

and C0. M o}.

nu. 1 3 1

(M iami 1 1 .

JCM ) 50

W . (Hote ls ! ) 30. (N M

Anah e im) 1 3 1

w 0!

Amber. N. and KMM 501 1011 012 , 7501010 0 11133 )




mm m “ 0c " 1 C l

A-a trmum. a

liaw a. J'


Hu n,

(Cumi ljnn

a 8. 9.Avg“ . (Hana ), 83 (Land Bank!100‘



1 '76 Wife : 1001-111) 43

.R-Jm 02 108

Charla (Homop voflb i . u Banke r. a d ieu mentionof (Lyndsay),2 0: C. , Cu . 3. (W )

I Poet, 1110 10 1 349

? Mg 3m: -M gm d (Martin).



I eh 3‘13:

Mg“ .

D ina , 3 “ 111 d u h . dancer: 10 (S1n11h,AM and Cc . , 3, (Woodward ) 180 Wrigh t . and C01 ) 1

Att' oa

fi , nd Co. . 156A . “ (


" 3



John 10Anna, “ nae , w en. 1.

Ma y b ac Ann Cm Ne lm , l'cmA


Bother. Cnbd e 1. 10Annoa. Wink s , 3 1 114 0 1 . 10Aytonand Cc . , 4. (Lee ) 101


Barent ine, Sir Dru, 1 2

Barker (Jones, Lloyd , and 94

john, 1 2Barnard (Prae ds ), 1 32

and Co . , 1 3, (D imsdale) 53Ernest Wyndham, 53Herbert (D imsdale), 53Jos iah (D imsdale), 53

Barnes, John, I3Barnet t , Hoare, and Co . , 1 3 , (Stocks)1 8

Ii arii ston(Boldero), 1 7Bartholomew Goldbete r (Seman), 149

C lose (Bul l ), 25Lane , (Al liance) 2 , (Bruce)

25Baron(Sapte) , 148Barton(Hopkinson), 89Bas inghall Stree t (Wh i tehead), x76Basyngstoke , Richard de, 1 4

Thomas de , 14Bateman’s robbery at Job Boul ton’s,1 8

Rates (Strahan), 159Bath ‘

H ospi tal , founders of (Hoares),86

Batson(Remington), 1 37and Co . , 14, (Remington) 137,

A (Smi th, Wrigh t , and Co . ) 153Knigh t, and Co. , 98, (K eni ing

tori ). 1 37Hay l e y, John, 14Be achcroft(Bosanquet), 1 8

and Reeves (Robarts), 1 43Bear ” (Crofts), 49Beauchamp, I4Be d ingfe ld , Humfrey, I4Be lch i e r and Irons ide, 92Bcle y, Derick, I4Benbow (Glover), 65Bene tlegh , Johnde, 1 4Bene tleye , A lande, 15

Eenne ttStreet (Hol t), 88Bentele, Andrew dc, 15Be rb loke , VVi lIiam, I5Be re blocke , Wi l l iam, 15‘Berk inge, \Vi lliamde, 15

W i l l iamde, and Louth e , Johnde, 103

Be rky'nge , Thomas de, 15

Be rkyngg, Simonde, 15Berners (Dorse tt ), 54"

Berners Street (M arsh), 106Berwick (Robarts ), 143Be taigne , Richard de, 23‘Be ttoyne . Richard de, 15Bevan(Barclay), 10


A ugustus , (Barclay) 1 2 ,(Ransom) 1 36Robe rt Cooper Le e , (Barclay) 1 2 ,

(C learing House) 39, (Ransom), 1 36Ro land Y . (Ransom), 1 36Si lvanus (Barclay), 1 0

Smi th, and Co. , 152, (Barclay )

Wi l frid A . 1 36Bible, ” (Barclay) 1 0, (Brai thwai te)22

Biddulph and Cocks, 1 6, (Co'

cks) 39G eorge Tournay (Cocks), 40M ichael (Cocks), 40

Bi l linge sgate , G i lbert de, 16


Binge , G eo rge, 1 6Binns (Co l e brooke ), 42Birch (C hambers and Son), 28

and Co . , 1 6, (Chambe rs), 29Bi rchin Lane, (Caste l l ) 26, (Esdai l e )57 , (Mompe ss en) 1 1 7 , (Wi l l iams ) 1 77

Birkbe ck and Co . (M as terman ), 1 1 3Bishopsgate ‘ Stree t, (Boswe l l)(Nat ional Provincial ) 1 20

E1 s l e y, Joh n , 1 6Blackamore ’s H e ad

"(Cuthb e rt), 50

Black Boy,” (Buck) 25, (Gylbard )75, (Pe rce full) , 1 28

H o rse , (Ad ams) 1 , (Barclay)1 0, (Barne tt) 1 3 , (Ke tch ) 97

L ion, (Fow l e s ) 6 1 , (H i l l ) 82 ,

(I rons ide ) 92, (L. and S.-\V. Bank)



(Gre en) 72 , (Pinfo ld)

Spre ad Eagl e ” (Barclay), 10Swan (Wood ), 1 79

~a-M oor’s H e ad”

(Norcot t), 1 23Blackford , A n thony , 1 6Blackmore , Henry , 1 6Blackmore 's Head ” (M ar low), 106

Blackwe l l , Ebenez e r (M art in ), 1 1 1Bla ir, jame s Hun te r (H err ies), 8 1Blake (Everet t ), 58

(Sansom), 1 47H arcourt, and Co. , 79, (San

som), I47Blanchard , Robert, 1 6, (Ch i ld )


3 1

Bland , Barne tt, and Bland , 1 3, Gray , and Co . , 1 6, (Smith and

\Vright) 153Hugh , 16

, John , and Co . , 1 6, (Barne tt) 1 3 ,(Stocks ) 1 58John, and M at thew Dove, 1 6

Blonde au, Pe ter, (Backwe l l ) 4, (Sir T .

Vyne r) 1 7 1lount, Ralph Le , 1 6Bloxhamand Co . , 1 6

Blue Anchor (Wh ite ), 1 75Pe rriw ig


(Farran ), 59B 1hune , M ichae l (Fow les), 61Bo lde ro and Co 1 7

, ,K ende l l and Co . (Ade y

Bo le r, (Kens ington’5) 97 , (N ightingal e )1 23

Bo l itho, John , and JohnW i l son, 1 7Bo lt and Tun” (Bo lton), 1 8

Bo lton, Job , 18Bond g iven by Charl e s II. to Ald. E.

Backwe l l , copy of (Append ix ), 426Sons , and C o. , 1 8

Bonny, Francis , 1 8

Booth , W i l l iam, 18

Ge orge , 1 8Borough. Th e (Young), 1 81Bosanque t and Co . , 1 8, (Robarts) 142Bossal l , H gnry, 20

1 81Bosw e l l , james , 20Bote le r, Wi l l iam, 20

Botham, Pe te r, 20Bough ton, Thomas , .20

Boulton, John , 20, Samue l , 20

Bmme (Wa lpole ), 1 72and K 11 1fl ht

, 98

Bourse , proposal to erect a (Gresham,

Sir 73Bouve r ie (Barclay), 10

and Co . , 20

H enry H al e s Pleyde ll (Ransom),1 36

Ph i l ip Pleyde ll (Ransom), 1 36Ran som, and Cc . , 1 35Seymour l ’. (Ransom ), 1 36

Bowd l e r, Thomas , 20, (Sha les) 150Bowen, Thomas , 2 1Bowe rs , G e orge , 2 1Bowe s , Sir M . , 2 1

Thomas , Lombard St reet , 2 1Thomas, St. M ichae l Bass ishaw,

2 1

Bow le s and Co. , 2 1 , (Brownand Co. )24Beachcroft, and Re e ve s (Bosanquet ), 18

2 1

(Hanbu ry), 77Box (Prae ds ), 1 32Boy lston, Thomas, 22Bragg, Jose ph (Sheppa rd), 1 50Brai l s ford , Brown, and Langhorn , 24Braithw ate , Bas i l (Brown, janson , andCo 24

Braithw aite , Geo rge , 22, (Barclay) 10Bramwe l l . Baron(Domens ), 54Brand , Thomas , 22Brandon, Joseph , 22

Robe rt, 22Brandone , H ugh de , 22Brand e r (M ainwaring), 105Branfi e ld , John, 22Bras ey, Thomas, 22Brasse y and Co. , 22 , (Le e s ) 10 1Bmunce stre , Jnhnde , 22Bre ad Stre e t 20

Breakspe re , W i l l iam, 22

Brench le y (Pri ce ), 1 33Bre t, Richard le , 22

Robert le , 22Brice , Sir Hugh , 23 , (Wyle rsby) 1 80Brich e ford , John d e , 2Brickw ood and Co. , 23, (Brownh Cobb,and 24

Bridge s Stree t ,qentGard en(Leeke),10 1

Brighthall . Robe rt (Mead), 1 14Briscoe , Stafford , 23Bristow , W i l l iam, 23Britaine , R ichard , 23Britannia (Kn igh t ), 98

Apollo (Coutts ), 45Clzrom'

c/e (H anke ys), 78Broad , john , 23Broml ey, John, 23Brooke , Richard , 23Brooks and Co. , 23 , (D ixon ) 53

D ixon, and Co . , 53Ge orge (D ixon), 53JohnBrooks C lose, 23Samue l Burd , 23SirW i l l iamCunlifl'e , 23

Brooksbank (H amme rs le y), 77Brown(Bosanque t), 1 8

, Cobb, and Co. , 24

, Col l inson and Tritton, 24, (H en1011 , Brow11 , and Son) 80janson, and Co.



C oote , Sayre , Pardon, and Co . , 148

Coote , H enry , 44C ope (Ful l e r, Banbury , and 62

and C0. (N eal e ), 1 2 1Copp, John(Ch i ld ), 37Cordw aine r Stre e t (M unden), 1 19Corne w all and C o. , 44, (D imsdale ) 52Cornh i l l , (Bosanque t) 1 8, (CentralBank ) 28, (Cox and C l e ave ) 48,(Currie s ) 50, (D imsdale) 52 , (Gould )72 , 105,

(Martin and H ow e l l ) 1 1 2 , (M e t ropol i tan Bank) 1 15, (O ld ing) 1 24,

(Pe rring) 1 28, (Staple s ) 157, (W i ll iams ) 1 77

Coste , H enry, 44Coullhurst, Edmund (Cou t ts) , 48Country C learing House , e stab l ishmentOf, 39

C ourthopp, Ge orge , 44Courtnall , N icholas , 45Courtnay, A drian(A tw e l l and 3Cout ts and Co . , 45

Jame s , 46Thomas , 46

Covent Garden, (Care w ) 26, (Jemingham) 93 , (Stal e y) 156, (Stayle r) 157

Coventry Street (Creagh), 49Cox, Be th e l , 48

and C o . , 48

and Drummond , 49, (Cox) 48and Gre enwood, 49, (Cox) 48and M air, 48Fre de rick , 48H enry Richard , 48John, and Edward C le ave , 48M e rle , and C o . , 49, (M e rle ) 1 15Staple s , Day, and Lynn, 157

C ox’s Court, L itt le Britain(M e rle ), 1 15C rackplace , Cuthbe rt, 49C radock, G e orge (Gos l ings ), 70Cr


s Court, (Cox) 48, (Hopkinson)

Cranborne Stre e t, Le icester F i e lds

(Rayne r), 1 36C ranbourne A l le y (Gamb l e ), 64C ranme r, S1mue l, 49Craven Stre e t, (Bouve ri e ) 20, (Codd )40

C re agh , Ge orge , 49Cre e d (Marsh ), 106C rockplace , C uthbe rt, 49C roft, Robert (De vayne s ), 52C ro fts , R ichard , 49C rooke , Hugh , 49Cross (G love r), 65C rosshaw ,

R ichard , 49Cros s K e ys , (Cuthbe rt) 50, (L. andS.

-W . Bank) 102 , (Pitts ) 1 30Crown, (Ch i ld ) 32, (H udson) 92,(M urray) 1 19, (Wi l l is ) 1 78

and D ia l (H als ted), 77and Pe arl , (De l l) 51 , (Faulkne r)

59, (M ichon) 1 16C rownand harpmone y (Vyne r, Sir1 70

C rowth e r, Ralph , 49rump, Thomas (H inton, Thomas ), 83

C rumpton, john, 49C rutch , 49C u l l i ford , M ath e w, 49Culve rden, Wi l l iam(Pre scott), 1 33


Cunl i fTe and Brooks (Brooks). 23Brook s , and Co . , 50, (A lex

ande r) 2Roge r, 50Roge r, jun. , 50Sons , and Co . , 50

Cunlifle s and Co . (A l e xande rs), 2Cup and Crown, ” (Blackford ) 16Cupid

"(Tho), 1 63

C urr ie , Be rtramWodehou se (G lyn),67

Currie s and Co. , 50Curt is , Ge orge Cot ton(Robarts), 1 44

Robarts,and Co. , 50, (Robarts )

W i l l iamCo t ton (Robarts), 144Curz onLane (Jacksons), 93Cuthbe rt (M arsh ), 106

M ath e w, 50Robe rt, 50

D ai ly Courant, (Blackford) 1 6, (Branfie ld) 22, (Casw all ) 2 7, (Chambers)28

, (Coutts ) 45, (Fo lk ingham) 60 ,

(Gos l ings ) 70, (H oare s ) 85, (H ow e l l)91 , (H udson) 91 , (M add ing) 1 05,(Marlow ) 106

, (M artin) 1 1 1 , (N e lthorpe) 1 22 , (Payne) 1 27, (Robarts)1 43, (Woodw ard ) 180

Da i ly j ournal , (Braithwaite ) 22 , (Bristow ) 23, (Gos l ings) 70, (Gould ) 72 ,(M arlow ) 106

D a i ly Poyt, (Barke r) 1 2 , (N e w ton) 1 22Dale , Hugh , 50Damn, John(Coggs ), 40Dare l l (De vayne s ), 52Dashwood , Ge orge Lione l (Chi ld), 37

Strange , and Co. , 160

Dav ie s , Robe rt, 50Robe rt , and Co . , 50

Davisonand Co . , 50Daw e s (De vayne s ), 52Daw sonand Co . , 51 , (Dixon) 53

Edward (D ixon ), 53Day, G e orge , 51

Stapl e s , Cox, and Lynn, 157De V i smes (Cuthbert) and . Co . , 52 ,(Marsh) 106De acon, j ohn (W i l l iams , De acon), 1 77

JohnFrancis Wi l l iam(Wi l l iams ,D e acon), 1 77

W i l l iam Samue lDe acon), 1 77

D e fie , Sir W i l l iam, and C o. , 51De l l , Humph ry, 51De l ve s , Edward , 51Denisonand Co. , 51 , (H e yw ood) 82Denne and Co . , 51 , (Strahan) 1 59Denny , W i l l iam, and JohnBack e , 51Dent, John (Ch i ld), 37

j ohn V i l l ie rs (Sir S. Scott), 1 48Robert (Ch i ld ), 36

Denys , R ichard , 51De rbysh ire , George (C le aring Hous e ),39

De ricke , Anthony, 51De rivationof ste e lyard


De ss e , W i l l iam, 51De vayne s and Co. , 51Deve reux Court (Tw in i ng) , 165De von, Thomas (Ch i ld ), 36

(Wi l l iams ,

D ial (Gayw ood), 64D ickenson, W i lke s , and Co . , 1 76D igby (Prae ds ), 1 32D igg le , John, 52Dimsdal e and Co . , 52, (M hste rman) 1 1 3

John (D imsdal e ), 53j oseph C ockfie ld (Dimsdal e ), 53

D ine ly (Walpo l e ), 1 72D ixon, Brooks , and Co . , 53Dixon-H artland (Lacy), 99Dodd , Jame s , 53Doe , C harl e s , 54Dog Den t (Ch i ld ), 37Dona ld son,W i l l iam, (Chi ld) 36, (N igh tingale ) 1 23

Dorriens and Co . , 54Dors e t (Cal l ), 25Dors e tt and Co. , 54Dove , M atthe w , and JohnBland, 16Dove Cour t (Denny), 51

Pe te r, 54Down(N e ale ), 1 20

and C o . , 54, (Pole) 1 30Doy l e y , Laud , 54D re w e (H amme rs l e y), 77Drewe t t (D imsdal e ), 53

and Fow l e r, 55Drummond (Eve re tt), 58

and Cox. 49, (Cox) 48A l lanHarve y , 55Andre w , 55Andre w M ortime r, 55C harl e s , 55Edgar Ath e l ing, 55George Jame s , 55H enry, 55

1 John, 55Robert . 55

Drummonds and Co . , 55Drury (W i l l iams, De acon), 1 77Dryd en, H enry, 56Ducie , Lord (Ch i ld), 36

Robe rt, 56Duck , john, 56Ducke t , Laurence , 56Ducke tt , 56

Abraham, 56

M orland , and Co . (Morland), 1 1 8Due l betweenWhate ly and Templ e(Cas te l l ), 27Duncombe , Charl e s , 56, (M art in) 1 09,(M i l l ionBank) 1 1 7

Sir Edw ard (Martin), 1 10Si rJoh n (M a rt in ), 1 10Val entine , 56, (M artin) 109and K ent, 56, (M artin) 1 09

Duntze (H al l iday), 76Button, Humfre y , 56DurhamYard (Low d e rs), 104Dyer’s Court (Kinloch). 98

Ead e s , M ath ias 1 78Bale s , Be rnard , 56East, Edward , 56

1 JOhnt 57Eas ton, Roge r, 57Edgar, John(Ch i ld), 36E(l l in, Samue l , 57Edmund , John, 57Edwarde s , H on. C uthbe rt(Ho lt, Lawri e , and 89

El l ison

mm m mu u o


EM { H ind 3 1111-01111 h .

3 ”fiw w ’

(NM ) 1 M 163.32.

(Woodward ) 879

3 13w m a tfimh n.



‘M , at ]:

M U , S§ IM §9

11mm “ 101

1511 Wang : (Ha wks). I 1

{man ual C01 ). 101am ,

“ Father?! 1h: C117 "

(W e ).rm 01 15: h ow .

"(Ch ild

T. ,

(W ) 1}Fm Rota te . 59


? cnh md 597m(Dead )

emu ) 100 1111501 1 1 “Yamaha , 110021 1 . 60m d cdm dncPh a lq, Roam(Ma d), 1 14rm wm-qwmuqm Vmcio’ m mfl tbe “ m ”


1 77


“ mm 110 Luce .”(80m ) 3 1 ,

(M &(sflm fl149mm.m o 60

Fludd, john(Child ),fl" Flying H one " M 154— M (wo t1. 11 4

rm k

1 1 1

1 1 :

M a l. Ind “ 7011'


(13am,FM M CO. (Cod b h fi

861 William11 11 81Fu dyce . Ka le. nd Cc. , no

1 21

“ 3



l tnb 491(31131001 11)


("sni (H itler)I

M a d . 60—5 w e K0 ‘M L l

“ Fanni Tm ”(

7 00 10 (Mi lli e . M ), 1 17Robe rt. 6051: Rob“ ! N icholas ,

Ammsfmmy 1 33




WW ). 1Gauge .(M 14145

Gun” "1 . sad 7 , 1 1

W M M Hm AHu ky)1 7

York 8071 M (Hd tk S}

Yu ri (w oe ) 24. (Cheque



1. w . (Loodo‘ 1 111 West100

G ill. Thomas M Cm. 64M (m e and Wi llhm, “W

W “M 65M 65


vere ,



Glenton, Thomas , 65G lobe and Anchor ” (Branfie ld ), 22G louce s te r, W i l l iamof, 65Glouce stre , H enry (10, 65

R ichard de , 65R ober t (le , 65

G love r, Edward s , Embury, C ross ,Benbow, and Sandeman, 65

G love r (Rem ington ), 1 37G lyn, Ge o ffre y Carr, 67

Ge orge Carr (G lyn), 66H enry , 65M i l ls , and Co . , 65Pascoe C harle s , 67Richard Carr (G lyn), 66

Gylbard , 75Goat


(M e ad ) 1 14, (Price) 1 34,(Thorpe ) 1 63

Godd e ryke , 67Go ld , Thomas , 67Gold enA ncho r ” (Pardo), 1 26Ange l (Gamb l e ), 64Bal l , ” (Briscoe ) 23 , (Polk i_ng

ham) 60, (H anke ys ) 78, (H iggens) 82 ,(A . H ind ) 82 , (J ones) 94, (Smith and\Vright) 153 , (Wi llaume ) 1 77

Be ar ” (D imsdal e ), 52Bottl e , (H oare s ) 83 , (N clm)

1 22 , (M add ing) 105, (Thorne ycroft)1 63

Boy (Hane t), 77Cock (j ohn Smith ), 152Cross (Gayw ood ), 64Cup,

"(But l e r) 25, (Cooke and

G u rn ey)44 , (Lucy) 104 , (Kus l in) 1 46,(Warham) 1 73Dragon, (Gos l ings ) 70, (Pinck

ney) 1 29Eag le , (A . Chambe rs ) 28


(Gos l ings ) 70Fa lcon (M inshu l l ), 1 1 7F l e e ce ”

(Turne r), 1 64H e lme t (D imsdale ), 52H ind ” (M awson), 1 14Inn (M ydde lton), 1 1 9K ey, (F leming) 60, Uennings )

93 , (N ichol ls ) 1 22Lion,” (Bo l itho) 1 7, (Lupart)

1 04, (Price ) 1 34, (Warte r) 1 73,(Wragg) 180

Lyon, (R. Coope r) 44, (Grim.

stone) 74, (Scrimpshaw ) 148Tun (Whe e le r), 1 75Unicorn (C layton), 38

Gold ing (Young and Son), 1 8 1Go ld sm i ths, Notes onthe , 67Goldsmith sActon, John, 1Adams , R ichard, 1A de , 1

Ad i s , John, 1A l len, Thomas , 2A l lyn, Jame s , 2A lsopp, John, 2Amad e s , Robe rt, 2Ambre sbure , Ge o ffre y d e

, 2

Amson, Edward , 2Anthony

, Charl e s , 3A ssch ingdone , W i l l iamde , 3A tk inson, Thomas , 3A t twel l and Co . , 3A venou, w' i l liam, 3

1 1VDEX .

Goldsmi th sBackwe l l , A lde rmanEdward , 4Bake r, Francis , 7Ba l lard , John, 1 82Bamme , Adam, 7Barry, John, 10Barbe r, Gabrie l], 10Barentine , Sir Dru, 1 2Bark e r, j ohn, 1 2Barne s , John, 1 3Basyngstqke , Richard de , 14

Thomas de , 1 4Bay ley , John, 14Be auchamp, 14Be d ingfie ld , Humfre y, 14Be le y , De rick , 14Bene tlegh , Johnde , 14Bene l leye , A land e , 15Bente l e , Andre w de , 15Be re hlocke , W i l l iam, 15Berblok e , W i l l iam, 1 5Be rk inge , W il l iamd e , 1 5Be rkynge , Thomas de , 15Be rkyngg, Simonde , 15Be ttoyne , Richard de , 15Bi llinge sgate , G i lbe rt (le , 1 6Binge , G e orge , 1 6Bis le y, John, 16

Blackmore , Henry, 1 6Bland , Hugh , 1 6Blount, Ralph Le , 1 6Bo l itho and W i lson

,1 7

Bo l ton, Job , 18Bonny, Franc is , 1 8Booth , W i l l iam,

1 8

Boothby, Ge orge , 1 8Bos sal l , H enry , 20Bo


sw e l], Jame s , 20Bote le r, W i l l iam, 20

Boughton, Thomas , 20Bou lton, John, 20

Samue l , 20Bow en, Thomas , 2 1Bowe rs , Ge orge , 2 1Bowe s , Sir M .

,2 1

Thomas (Lombard Stre e t),

(St. M ichae l Bas s islmw ), 2 1


, 2 1

Boy l s ton, Thomas , 22Bra ithwa ite , Ge orge , 22 , (Barclay)1 0

Brand , Thomas , 22Brandon, Jos e ph , 22

Robe rt, 22Brandone , Hugh d e , 22Bras ey, Thomas , 22i raunce stre , johnde , 22Bre ak spe are , W i l l iam, 22

Bre akspe re , W i l l iam, 22

Bre t, Richard le , 22Robe rt le , 22

Brice , Si r Hugh , 23Brich e ford, Johnd e , 23Bri scoe , Stafford , 23Bris tow , R ichard , 23Bri laine , R ichard , 23Broad , John, 23Broml e y , john, 23Brooke , Richard , 23Browne , Richard , 24

GoldsmithéBrun, N icholas le , 25Buck , John, 25Bul lock, Robe rt, 25Burde (or Bird ), John, 25Burde yn, john, 25Burgh , Simonde , 25But le r, John, 25

Thomas , 25Calton, Thomas , 26Care s , W i l l iam, 26

Carew (or Cary ), Paul , 26C are y , G e orge , 26Carl e lage , Thomas , 26C hadwe l l , john, 28Chambe rs , Abraham, 28

Jame s , 70Chapman, Franc is , 29C he che s l re , J ohn de (01 Ch ich este r), 29

C hene y , Richard , 2930

Ch e s t,John, 30

Ch i ld and Co . , 30

John, 30Chris t ian, Hans , 37Church i l l , 38C lay , R ichard , 38C layton, Dav id , 38Coggs and-Dann, 184

John, 40C o le , Emanue l], 4 1

H enry , 4 1Robe rt

, 4 1

Co l l et, N icholas , 42Co l l ie r, john, 42

Thomas , 42Col l ins , John, 42Co lt, John, 42C olvi ll, John, 42C ombe , Benjamin, 43Cook and Cary, 44Cooke , Francis , 44

and Gurne y , 44and Venab l e s , 1 84

Coope r, G iss ingham (or G i fflingham)1 44

Robe rt, 44Coo l e , H enry, 44Cos le , Henry , 44C ourthopp, G e orge , 44Courtnall, N icho las , 45C ox and C l e ave , 48Crackplace , C uthbe rt, 49C ranme r, Samue l , 49C rockplace , Cuthbe rt, 49C rofts , R ichard , 49C rook e , Hugh , 49C ros shaw , Richard , 49C rowthe r, Ralph , 49C rumpton, John, 49C rutch , 49Cul l iford , M ath e w, 49Cuthbe rt, Mathe w , 50

Robe rt, 50Dale , Hugh , 50Dav ie s , Robe rt, 50Day, G e orge , 51D e l l , Humphre y , 51De lve s , Edward , 51Denny, W i l l iam, and JdmBackc,5!

440 INDEX.

Goldsmith sLane , Benjamin, 1 00Lapl e y, jame s , 1 00Lasse l ls , Richard , 100Latch , Samue l , 1 00Laurence , Thomas , 100Layfie ld , Samue l , 101Le e k , Samue l , 1 0 1Le e ke , Ra lph , 1 01Le e s and Co.

,1 01

Le ofs lane , H enry F112 AlwinF itzIO I

Le we s , Thomas , 1 01Le w is , Ge orge , 1 01

H enry, 102Thomas , 1 02

Linco ln, Walte r de , 1 02Lind say, john, 1 82Longe , R ichard Le , 1 03Longw orth , Francis , 1 03Loni son, john, 1 03Louth e , john d e

,and Be rk inge ,

W i l l iamd e , 103Lovejoye , John, 103Lov e tt, Dre w, 1 03Lowde rs , 1 04Lucy , 1 04Lund , j ohn, 104Luparl , Pe te r, 1 04Lyas , G e rman, 1 04Lyndsay (or L indsay), John, 104Lynne , Jame s , 104M abb , John, 1 04M add ing , 1 05M ainw aring, W i l l iam, 1 05M ak enhe ve d , John, 1 05M albe ry, Franc is , 1 05M allyngg, Johnd e , 105M an, R ichard , 1 05M ant le , W i l l iam, 105M are schal , Thomas , 1 05M arkynfe ld , j ohn de , 106M arlow, J e remiah , 106M arlowe , John, 106M armion, Jame s , 106M arryott(Chi ld ), 3 1M arshal l , Thomas , 108M arl in, G e orge , 1 1 2

(St. Anthol in), 1 1 2Sir R ichard , 1 1 2Thomas , 1 1 3and Howe l l , 1 1 2

M artyn, Richard (Thomas Gre en).72

M ase re r, Simonle , 1 1 3M athe w e , John, 1 1 4M awson, John, and Co . , 1 1 4M e ad , john, 185M e rtl ins, Ge orge , 1 85M e tca l fe , Thomas , 1 15M e yne l l (or M ayne ll), Francis , 1 15

Isaclc, 1 15M itford and M e rttins , 1 15M ichon, 1 16M idd l e ton, and Campbe l l , 1 85

Ge orge (Coutts ), 45John, 1 1 6

M id l e ton, Simon, 1 1 6M i lward , W

’ i l l iam, 1 1 7M itche l l , R ichard , 1 1 7M ompe ss en, Edward , 1 1 7M oorc , Samue l , 1 1 7

Goldsmi thsM orden, Ge orge , 1 18M orreys , John, 1 1 8M ors e , Thomas , 1 18M orsonand Co . , 1 1 8M oulden, Thomas , 1 1 8M unday, Sir John, 1 18

Rage r, 1 1 8M unden, Stephend e , 1 1 9M uschamp, Thomas , 1 19

(Ring w i th Ruby), 1 19Mydd e lton, Hugh , 1 1 9N e lm, Anthony , 1 22N e lthorpe , H enry, 1 22

R ichard , 1 22Thomas , 1 22

N e vett, Thomas , ,1 22

N e w be ri e , W i l l iam, 1 22

N e wbold e , Ge orge , 1 22N e w ton, Jonathan, 1 22N icho l ls , R ichard , 1 22

N ightingal e and Co . , 1 23N oke , W i l l iam,

1 23N orcott, Daniel and Jos eph , 1 23N orman, G e offre y, 1 23N utshaw e , Thomas , 1 23Ockold , R ichard , 1 24Otto, 1 25Owen, W i l l iam, 1 25Padde s ley, John, 1 25Pal tock , John, 1 25Panton, Thomas , 1 25Pardo, Thomas , 1 26Pargite r, J ohn(Fle e t Stre e t), 1 26

(Charing Cross ), 1 26Paris , M ath e w , 1 26

Partridge , A ffabe ll , 1 26Parys , Roge r de , 1 27Pass i l l , Iohn, 1 27Payne (or Paine ), Edmond , 1 27Pearce , Captain, 1 27

Nathanie l and JohnM ath e w,1 27Pearson, 1 27

John,1 27

Pe irson, Richard , 1 27Pe ke , John, 1 28Pembe rton, Sir Jame s , 1 28

John, 1 28Penni stone , Si r Anthony , 1 28Pe pys , Jo ,

1 28Pe rce fu ll and Evans , 1 28Pe rcival]and Co . , 1 84Ph i l ip, Sir M ath e w , 1 28P i le , John, 1 29P inckne y , H enry,


1 29Ph i l i p, 1 85W i l l iam, 1 82

P info ld , Edward , 1 29Piphurst, Robert d e , 1 29P itman, Ursula, 1 30P itts

, Captain, 1 30Planckn


ey, Robe rt, 1 30P laye r, b imon, 1 30Po l l e , Thomas , 1 3 1Pork le e , Thomas d e , 1 3 1Portman, j ohn, 1 3 1Potte r, N athani e l, 1 3 1

Thomas, 1 3 1

Pre s ton, John, 1 33Price , H ene age , 1 34

Thomas , 1 34

GoldsmithsPrince , Jame s , 1 35

, John, 1 35Punge , C lement, 1 35Purve y , Thomas , 1 35Radcl ifl


e , H enry (P), 1 35Ram, Ste ph en, 1 35Ramme , Anthony , 1 35Rands , Henry, 1 35Rawdon, Edward , 1 36Raw l ins , W i l l iam, 1 36

Raw l inson, W i l l iam, 1 36

Raws on, Wi l l iam(Ch i ld ), 3 1Rayne , John, 1 36Rayne r, Thomas , 1 36Re ad , Ge orge , 1 37Re ade , Si r Bartho lomew, 1 37Re ade , Richard , 1 37Reygate , Johnde , 142

Richard le,1 42

Re yno lds , John, 1 42Robe rts , W i l l iam, 1 44Rob inson, R ichard , 144Robyns , R1chard , 1 44Roge rs , Richard (St. Andre w), 145

(St. Edmund ), 144(St. M ary Woo lnoth ),

1 44Rok e s ley, Gregory de , 145Ro l fe , W i l l iam,

145Roux , Pe ter Le , 145Row e and Gre en, 1 83

T homas , 145Row land , John, 146R113 , W i l l iam, 146

Kus l in, John, 146Ryve s , Robe rt, 146St. A lban, N icholas de , 1 46St. Dunstan(patronsaint), 1 47St. John, jame s , 147Sale sburi e , W


i l l iam, 147Sand ford , Edward , 147Sanke y, W i l l iam, 1 47Scott, Humphre y , 1 48Scrimps haw (Scrimps hire orSk 1‘ im4sh ire ), M ichae l , 148

Se amour (Se ame r or Se ymour),Jame s , 149

Se dge w ick e , Symion, 1 49Se l low e s , John, 149Seman, Bartholome w , 149Se ymour, Thomas , 149Shaa (or Shaw ), Sir Edmund , 1 49

Sir John, 1 49Shak e lton, W i l l iam, 1 50

Shale s and Smith in, 150She ld en, R ichard, 150She l l e y , Ph i l ip, 150Shephard , W i l l iam(M i l l ionBank ),1 1 7

Sh eppard , W i l l iam, 150Sh ipman, john, 151Shorden, W1 l iam, 151Shordych , Robe rt de , s enior, 151

W i l l iamd e , 151Shore , M atthe w,


Shrimpshaw , M ichae l , 1 83Shute , Francis , 151Sick lemore , 151Simpson, Fabyan, 152

Thomas , 152Smith , Abraham, 152

Tm , Béna d, 164— md 1 'mk1c. 183

152 Tr ib al , 811 14111 1013 ;-(Lonb01 d Stru t), 15: 1 011011011, 0115 1115

M &S’

s‘ $M 1ml

z1 1

151ahbe rs , , 154 Vou c, h acd«, 166154 VinnSir 166ml

W 1 ,54

fl m’“8000 , 81 1 i (01 1m ), —

5 W 1nh 167lS’

SW (N M ). 135

1 104

51Sobo (N icbon1, 1 16

001116 1 111;q (Bu ck y ), 10-, Su w e l. 71

—. Tbomu , 1


(im 111 1. 1 37“W W U) 5. (Dewayne ! )53. (M M

(Ma fia ) 108. 109,1 10, 1 1 1 . 1 31 .


Gu y (Sank , 1 33“ 01 1 3 1 Bubble Ym "

159M Lane (Johnna ). 94

-Gou ge 811111 1 76W I81nd (Knighn, 98

Gw en 1 0d Ambe t, 72, (H orn andKfllmnim) 90Conn Old 10m(Tho), 163

—, Bahausa. 71M (Rm ), 146

0101 111 and Cc . , (Willis ) 1 18tad El de s ( 1 78

_1mm (88. W » 3

um (St. Mary7:11 1011101 , 72

M (Cu nd c fi- nnd Cox,

Stre et(N e lmpol iunBank). 1 1 30101 11 1. Franck , 74" 0 116 11 ” (Cook and Cary), 44Ow e .

1 33_


cmmm ‘ "1 '33

1 37

1 7of (Caswall),

3 711 001 1! of 011 1101 (FM ) 129, (Wynn)

and Walton. 183


Wodcvu de , W111“ , 1 79

TM . M

KM 164 (CM ). 43 180Tm 13 mange commodity“

(BM ). 1 3 'Gylhu d , 73


Hack er, 75H addock (Wh i tehead ), 1 76H addon, F ranc is , 75H a ies, 75H ale (Cal l ), 25IIalford , J. (Fu l le r, Banbury , and62

H alge ford , John d e , 76H a l l , John, 76

(Ch i ld ) , 37S tephen(l l ankeys ), 78

,W i l l iam , 76

H a l le, M at thew, 76

Ha l le tt and Co . , 76

Ge orge , 76Jame s , 76

H al l iday andH alli fax and Co . , 76, (G lyn) 66

Thomas (Glyn), 66H alste d , John, 76

Robe rt, 77H ame rs l e y, Hugh , 77

R ichard, 77H ami lton(Hall iday), 76H amme rs le y and Co . , 77

A rthur Charles (Cox), 48Charl e s (Cox), 48

H amme t (Esdai le and 57H ammond, W i l l iam, 77, (A twe l l) 3H ampsh ire Bank ing Co . (Capital andCo


unti e s ), 26H anbury and Co . , 77, (Barnet t , Hoare,and Co . ) 14Hand, W i l l iam, 77H ane t , Paul , 7 7H anke y , Augustus, 78

H enry , 78Jos e ph , 78Jose ph Chapl in, 78R ichard , 78Robe rt, 78Samuel , 78

1 . Thomas , 78H anke ys and Co . , 77H arach e , Peter, 78H arcourt (Everet t ), 58

, Blakc, and Co ., 79, (Sansom) 147

Hard ing, Robert , 79Hardinge, Edward, 79Hare , ” (Smith and Payne ) 152,(We alste ad ) 1 73

H are w e , W i l l iamd e , 79H argrave , Humph rey, 79I'Iargre ave , H enry, 79H arle y and Co . , 79, (Raymond ) 1 36

Thomas (W i l l iams , Deacon), 1 77H arle y’s South

,Se a Company scheme

(Casw all), 2 7H arl ing, John, 79H arman(Bosanque t), 1 8

Jame s (Bow e s ), 2 1Harp and Cros s mone y (Temple ), 161“ H arpe (Mar t i n ), 1 1 2H arri s , Francis , 79

“'i ll iam, 79

Harrison, 79and Co . , 80, (Price ) 1 33Abraham, 79C uthbert , 79Edward , 80Thomas , 80, and

Co . ) 24


Ilge r, 92

Impe rial Ba) k , L imite d , 92

H art (De vayne s ), 52, John, 8o

Hart land , Prior, Proctor, and Easthorpe(Lacy), 99Hart land , Lacy, Wood bridge , and C098

H artichoak (Thomas), 163H arve y (Co le brooke ), 42

A l fred S. (G lyn), 67H as sal l (Strange), 160H at t andqrow

(H ill ), 82Hawk ins (Sapte). 1 48H ay, Thomas At te, 80H ayford (or

'Heyford), Sir H umph rey,80

H aymarke t (Bouve ri e ), 20Haynes , Ge orge , 80H e art and Crown (Harl ing), 79

H ea th , JohnBenjaminChar les (Cunli fie ), 50

IIe de , W i l l iam, 80H enand Ch ickens(Jame s Smith) 1 52H enrie tta Street , (Austen) 3, (Comme rcial Bank of London), 43Henton(B row n , Co l l inson, andTritton),24


arrison), 80,

Brown, and Son, 80, (Brow n ,Co l l inson, and Tritton) 24

H e te y (Chambe rs and Son), 28and Co. , 80, (Chambe rs) 29

He r iot , George, 80Jame s , 80

H e rkins , M argery, 81

H e rri e s , Farquhar, and Co., 81 , (Cal l )


Robert , 81H ertz ’s Cheque Bank system, 29H essey, Thom as , 81Heywood , Karmard , and Co . , 82 ,

(Denison) 51H iggins , Stephen , 82H igh treason , tria l for (Ha ie s), 75H i l l (Sharpe and Sons), 150

Char les, 82and Sons, 82L lewe l lyn John , 82

Ge orge , 82H enry M e akins , 82H e rbe rt , 82John , 82

H i l le , Joh n , 82I-Ii llingclon, Lord (G lyn), 67H ind

,A braham


John , and Thomas K irw ood, 82H inde , John , 83, (H ind and K inwood )82

H inton, Benjamin, and Co. , 83Thomas , 83

H oare (Barne tt), 1 3Barnett, and Co. , 83. (Barne tt) I3H i l l , and Co . , 83 . (Barne tt) 1 4and C0. (N e ale ), 1 2 1A lfre d (Hoares), 87Benjamin(Hoares), 86

, Char les (H oare s), 87A rthu r R ichard (Hoares), 87

, Francis (Sir S. Scott), 148

EH emy (Hoare s ), 87

G e rard (Hoares), 87M eyrick (Hoares ), 87

—, Jame s (Hoage s ), 83

Hoare, R ichard , 83,(M i l l ionBank ) 1 1 7

Samue l (Barne tt), 1 3Si r R ichard , 84

H oare s and Co . , 83H obbs (C hambers and Son), 29H od soll

, VViIliam, 87 , (St irl ing) 158Hogarth apprent ice d lo Gamb le , 64l loggart, \V. (Remington), 1 37H olbom, (Pitman) 1 30, (Pitts ) 1 30,(Warme r) 1 73 , (Wood ) 1 79

H oll

gsSlre et, Cavend ish Square (Scott),

1 4Ho l l ingsworth (Prescot t), 1 33

and Co , 87H ol low ay, C har les (Coggs) , 40H olmar, Spoon er, and At twood, 156H o lme s , John, 88Hol t

,Alexander, 88and Smith , 152, (D rew e t t) 55Law rie , and Co . , 88

Vesey Ge orge M ackenz ie (Hol t,Lawri e , and 88

VeseyW e s ton(Ho lt, Lawrie , and88

W i l l iam(Drew e t t), 55H ol y Trinity th e Less (H alge ford ), 76H one ywood (Ful l e r, Banbury, and C0.


(H cares ) 84,

and Ful le r, 89, (Ful l e r) 62H ook e r, N icholas , 89Hopk ins , John , 89Hopk inson, A rne ljus A rthu r (Hopk inson ), 90

and Sons, 89 _

Char l es (Hopk inson), 89E. (H opk inson), 89

Edmu nd (Hopk inson), 89George H en ry (Hopk inson), 89L ie ut . -Col. G. C . (Hopk inson), 89

H ore , Jame s (Hoares), 83H ornand K i llmaine , 90

and Templ e (H orn and K i l lmaine ), 9o

onthe H oop (Hay), 80H ome by, Jose ph , 90

, Joseph and N athanie l , 91H ornyold (Robarts), 1 43Hosk ins , Thomas, 9 1Houblon, J. A . (Bank of Enga

d),, SirJohn(Bank of England ), 8

Howard (Wh itehe ad ), 1 76g


H ow e l l and M artin, 1 1 2Benjamin, 9 !

H ube rd , W i l l iam, 9 1

Hudson, John , 91Roger, 9 1 , (N e lthorpe ) 1 22

Hul l , Smith , and Co. (Lacy ), 99 .

Humb le , W i l l iam, 92

H umfre y, W i l l iam, 92

Hungerford M arke t (Pearson), 1 27Hutch ins , Robert , 92H yde (Ca l l ), 25

(D imsdal e ), 52Edward, 92

H yltoft, John , 92H ynge ston, Johnd e , 92Hyngge s lon, Johnde , 92


Li st of Banke rs1828,1829,1 830,183 1 ,1 832 ,1 833 .1 834,1 835.1 836,1 837,1 838,1 339,1 840,1 84 1 ,1 842,1 843 ,1 844,1 845,1 846,1 847,1 848,1 849,1 850,

1 851 .1 852 ,1 853 ,1 854,1 855.1 856,1 857.1 858,1 859,1 860,1 86 1 ,1 862,1863,1 864,1 865,1 866,1867 ,1 868,1 869,1 870,

1 87 1 ,1 872,1 873.1 874,1 875,1 876,1 877,1 878,1 879,1 880,1 88 1 ,1 882 ,1 883 ,

1 884,1885,1 886,1 887,1 888,1889,






2 73275278


28 1











3 10

3 1 3

3 16

3 20















39540 1


4 1 31 89o , 14 19

L itt l e Brita in(Cuthbe rt), 50Lombard Stree t (W i lson), 1 79

Little hale s , Fre de rick (Ch i ld ), 37I Joyd (Ii nnburyL77

(H arle y), 79, (W i l l iams , De acon)

Tay lor, and C o. , 16 1 , (H anbury) 77

I Joyds ,14


Lloyd ’s Cofie e H ouse (Robarts ), 143

Barne tts ,

Evening P01 ! (D e vayne s ), 52N e ws (Robarts ) , 143

and Bosanque ts ,London and Coun ty Bank ing Co . ,

L imite d,1 02

and Provincial Bank , L imited ,

Bank , L imi te d , 102Loans from Fore ignState s , abo l it ionof and South -We s te rn(Gre sham, Sir 74 Limi te d, 102

Lockhart , Jame s and Jame s , 102 and We s tminste r Bank , Limite d,Lod e r, Pre scott, Cave , Buxton, and 102

Co . , 1 33 Br idge (Buck), 25W i lfrid Hans (Pre scott), 1 33 Evening Poxt, (Ho l l ingsworth ) 87,

Lombard Street 1 , (A lexande rs ) (Hopk ins ) 89

Bank ,

2, (Bal lard ) 7, (Barclay) 1 0, (Barnes)1 3, (Bayle y ) 14, (Blackford ) 1 6,

(Blackmore ) 1 6, (B land ) 16, (Bolde ro )1 7, (Bo l ton) 18, (Bond) 1 8, (Boulton)20, (Bow es ) 2 1 , (Brand) 22, (Branfi e ld ) 22 , (Bras ey) 22, (Brooks) 23,(Brown, Cobb),24, (Brown, Co l l inson)24, (But l e r), 25, (Cas w all ) 27 , (Caste l l ) 26, (C hapman) 29, (C hal et) 29,(Colvi ll ) 42, (Cook e and Venab l e s )44, (Courtnall) 45, (Dav ie s )50, (Day)51 , (De lves ) 51 , (Doyl e y) 54, (Eales56, (Esdai l e ) 57, (Everard ) 58, (Eve re tl ) 58, (Ew ing) 59, (Fe l lham) 59(Franklyn) 61 , (Fu l l e r, Hanbury , andCo . ) 62 , (Gal e ) 63, (Ge rrard ) 64,(G i l l ) 64, (G ine s ) 64, (Gladw ini 65,(G love r) 65, (G lyn) 65, (Go ld ) 67,(Goodwin) 69, (Gre sham) 73, (Grevi l l ) 74, (H acke r) 75, (Hal l iday) 76,(Hanbury) 77 , (Harl ing) 79, !(H e r

k ins ) 81 , (H i l l ) 82 , (H inton) 83,(H oare ) 83 , (H e yw ood ) 82, (Ho l l ingsw or th ) 87, (Ho lt) 88, (H orne by) 90,

91 , (H ud son) 9 1 , (Irons ide ) 92 ,

(Jenk ins and K ing) 93 , (Kens ington)97, (K iborne and Capi ll) 97, (K irke )98, (K irw ood ) 98, (Lamb ) 99, (Lambe rt) 99, (Ladbroke ) 99, (Lane100, (La tch ) 100, (Lay


fie ld) 10 1

(Lees ) 101 , (Lloyds ) 102 , (Long) 1 03(Lupart) 104, (Lynd say ) 104, (M ainw aring) 105, (M arlow ) 106

, (Mar

Iow e ) 1o6, (M artin) 1 08, (M aryl e boneBank) 1 1 3 , (M eyne l l ) 1 1 5, (Moore )

champ) 1 19, (N eale ) 1 20, (N e lthorpe )1 22, (N e ve tt) 1 22, (N e w ton) 1 22,

(Pardo) 1 26, (Payne ) 1 27. (Pe arce )1 27, (Pcnni stonc) 1 28, (Pe rce full)1 28, (Pe w tre s s ) 1 28, (P info ld ) 1 29,

(Playe r) 1 30, (Pole)

Gal /e , (A dd is ) 1 , (Amson) 2,

(Backw e l l ) 7, (Bal lard) 7, (Bankof England ) 8, 9, (Barclay) 10,

(Ba rne t t ) 1 3 , (Bland ) 1 6, (Bo l itho)1 8, (Bol ton) 18, (Bonny) 1 8, (Boothby) 1 8, (Bow e rs ) 2 1 , (Bowman) 2 1 ,(Bu t le r) 25, (Casw all) 27, (Ch i ld ) 33,(Coggs ) 40 , 4 1 , (Co l e brooke ) 4 1 ,(k e and Venabl es) 44, (Coope r)44 . (C ou t ts) 45, (Cox and C le ave )49, (East) 57, (li w e r) 58, (Fe l ls )59, (Fow les) 6 1 , (Ge rrard ) 64, (Gorton) 70, (Gos l ings ) 70, (Gould ) 72,(Hankeys) 78, (Harri son) 80,(H ind) 82, (H inton) 83 . (H oares) 84,85, (Horne by, ) 9 1 , (Hudson) 9 1 ,(153011) 92 , (Jenk ins ) 93 , (Je rningham)93, (Johnson) 94, (Keate) 96, (Knight)98 , (Lamb ) 99, (Lees) 1 0 1 , (Le w is)1 02

, (Lyndsay ) 104, (Marlow ) 1 06,

(M artin) 109, 1 1 1 , (M aw son) 1 14,(M e ad ) 1 1 4, (M e rttins ) 1 15, (M ichon)1 16, (M i l l ionBank ) 1 16, (M oulden)1 1 8, (N e ale ) 1 2 1 , (N e lthorpe ) 1 22 ,(N orco t t) 123 , (Partridge ) 1 26 ,

(Pas s i ll) 1 27, (Pe arce ) 1 27, (Pe irson)1 27, 1 28, (Pcrée ful l) 1 28, (Pinckney)1 29, (Price ) 1 34,(Remington) 1 37 (Roba rts ) 1 43,(Rob inson) 144, (Row e) 146, (Scn

’mps haw ) 1 48, 149, (She ppard) 151 ,(Sick lemore ) 151 , (Snagg) 1 54,(Snow ) 155, (Stale y) 156, (Swe e 1 ~

apla) 160, (Tayle r) 16 1 , (Templ e )

1 63 , (Thursby ) 1 64, (Townle y) 1 64,(Tu rner) 164, (Vyn er) 1 68- 1 70,

(Wa l l i s ) 1 7 1 , (Warner) 1 73, (VVarte r)1 73 , (We alste ad ) 1 73 , (Webb ) 1 74,(Wh ite ) 1 75, (W i l l is ) 1 78, (Woodw ard ) 1 79, (Wright) 1 80Jo int Stocs ank , Limi te d , 103j our na l (Urbe r), 1 66

, (“ l a id1 3 1 , (Ramsbottomsf 1 35, (Radcl i ffe )1 35, (Ram) 1 35, (Remir1gton) 1 37,

(Rob inson) 1 44 , (Roge rs ) 144, (Ro l fe)145, (Row e) 145, (Row land ) 1 46,

(St. John) 147, (Sansom) 1 47, (Sapte )1 47 , (Seymour) 1 49, (Sheppard ) 1 50,

(Shore ) 1 51 , (Smith) 152 , (Smith ,Payne , and Smith ) 152 , (Smi th ,Wright, and Co ) 153, (Sne l l ) 154,(Snow ) 155, (Sw e e taple ) 1 60 , (Te lupe st) 16 1 , (Temple ) 1 6 1 , (Talboys )1 61 , (Tass e l l ) 1 6 1 , 16 1 , (T e rrey) 1 63 , (Thome y ) 1 63 , (Thursby)


164, 164, (Townl e y) 1 64,

(Tu rner) 1 64, (V ine r) 166, 1 67,

(Wade) 1 7 1 , (W'

al l is) 1 7 1 , (Wardand Towne lcy) 1 72, (We alste ad )

grave ) 1 7 1 , (Wes t) 1 74Al agnz iue (Casw all ), 28P ad '

e/ (Ch i ld ), 35Long, John, 1 03Longe , R ichard Le , 1 03Longman

s notab l e ch eque to LordM aca111ny(\Vi l liams , De acon), 1 77

Longworth , Francis , 1 03Lou ison, John, 1 03Lothbury (Comme rcial Bank of LO11don43 , (Impe ria l 1311 11 1092 , (Jone s ,Loyd, and Co . ) 94

Louthe, John (10,

W i l l iamd e , 103Love Lane (P loye r), 60Lovejoye , John, 103Love lace , Robe r t (C h i ld ), 36

and Be rk inge ,

104. (Wima n.


T imon. 108Hm Wi llh 1Kohu u l, Mana ma “ .

Cal l, and Cc. , 35Mania.

and Cc ., 1

(WM )mand 11m “ . 1 1 :

(Gra ham) 73.

.M (St. Swab ia’1L" 3

Martyn, Ri chard 1Gmnc,‘


bomuM M 1 1

“ w hac k . 8otée s— a pmba 1l’ 6!

1 13Mammy “ .

1 13. 1Cu 1 iq)pNam. 33Nm u d Co4 1 1 (Agra) !Madmnnd Co , l u. 1 ca ) §jMaM

JM 41 14

Muh iu anSc— 1Fnll er,minty, M 63Slaw and MGouda“ .

Mad cn-d

Na ve l]. S11 l lMayne “ Ne eding , 1 14

Hmtflnpia ) Mu d (Focus ), 61'57Wi lliam, 105

Nm1Co: a t! C0“ . 4!Nahum Jahnlo;M M . FM 103“ d enim, W ink . kalk 1Ca lu). 48

- M C01 . 1 14. oh fll a d nd Co J. 1 14

11113 1 11. 1 14“ W "

Md h flkxdm).N a w ‘Dimdd c .

W N W“ ; M n),M

3311, 1 15M

(Ha u l ).Mmmw l l s. (undo

“ (M M M lrs.

”Mamie . How e SM (Event! ) 58.(Price ) ! 1118 1-10 1 14:

" Ma bu m ‘md w ; 1


Haw k , Thomas, 1 1 ;Mamp ihhnBunk, 1 15Mm ((Yong ) 18 1que l l (arMayan), Franck , 1 15“

lo ck, "5Mk b

nn, "6ummw y

cgnpd u G, (000111 14;com 11

: m'

1 “ M m ) “

M ildred M C“ , 1 16, 1MW ) l l

M itche l l , Robe rt, 1 1 7H id e “ ! and 51011 11115, 1 1 7. (H eaths )1 1

—s(or 1 15

1 14Conn. ne et sum(Se am),

149and Crown”

(W ). 71M ). 66

Noon, Sa ne]. 1 17Moomtc Strum(Cm ch l Bank ofLondon), 43

floors“ and Cc. , 1 1 74 11111111 1 1 78

3 81011111 358811, and C01 ).1

Mmand Cc. , 1 18511 P. 11 . 1 134 112110051) 1

“ 010000 Ambu u dor’o Ha d ”

i a ), “01111, 8Na u ru, 1 1m i (CW u d Co. )J 61 M 1 36

1 18Mono: god Cc. , 1 18Momma , A lfred (Ch ild ). 37Mania», 1 18, 1311udmnp) 1 19Mould en, Thoma . 1 18

Monnttnd Cnvd l, 2;Mmday, Sh 01111 1

A . J. 1 18

r. Roget, 1 18

do, 1 1“ M m1 011311t (K211.tom). 136

Nag’s Head Conn(M illionBank). 1 16

b alm]Boy ”111 011011, 80

18q Bank . Limiwd , 1 20Provincial Bank of England,

Limited. 120N Jane l . Foulyec. and Cc . , 1 20

N and Mayne , 1 14N e lm, Anthony. 1 2:

W ?“

446 INDEX.

N e w Bond Stree t (Chambe rs ) 29, (D01 .

54, (Strange) 1 60Br idge Stre e t (Pare s ), 1 26Broad Stre e t (Pare s ), 1 26Exchange , (H ornand K i llmaine )

90, (Lewis ) 1 0 1F ish Stre e t (Be le y), 14Ori ental Corporat ionBank (Ori

enta l ), 1 25R ive r ” Co. , (M id le ton) 1 16,

(M ydde lton) 1 1 9St ree t (Faulkne r), 59

N e w be ri e , W i l l iam, 1 22

N e w bolde , Ge orge , 1 22N e w combe (Prae d s ), 1 32N ewgate C/tram


c/e (Gre ene ), 72N ewman(Price ), 1 33

and Cc 1 22 , (M a inwaring) 105,(Staple s) 157

Ramsbottom, and Co . , 1 22

N e wnhamand C o . , 1 22 , (Eve re tt) 58N e w port S tree t (Dove ), 54N e w s , T/ze , (M arsh) 1 07, (Bloxham)

1 7 , (Remington) 1 38account of th e ab scond ing of

Row land Stephenson (Remington),1 38

N e w ton, Jonathan, 1 22N icho l ls , R ichard , 1 22 , (Gos l ing) 70N icho lsonand Co . , 1 23 , (Brown, Janson, and Co. ) 24

N igh tingale and Co . , 1 23Ge orge , 1 23John, 1 23 (Ho l l ingsworth ) 88W i l l iam,

1 23N ix, Edward W ink e lmann (Fu l le r,Banbury, and 63JohnHennings (Ful le r, Banbury ,

and 63N ob l e (De vayne s ), 52N oe l (Dav isonand 51

N oke , W i l l iam, 1 23N orcott’, Danie l and Jose ph , 1 23N


on'olk Stre e t, Strand (John Smith)1 2

N or

sman, Edward (M art in), 1 1 2Fre d e rick H enry (M art in), 1 1 2Ge offre y , 1 23H enry (Bouve r ie ), 20

N orr ington, Benjaminand JohnEw ing ,

N utshaw e , Thomas , 1 23

Ockold , R ichard , 1 24O ld Ba i l ey (Pe pys ), 1 28

Bond Street (Ade y) 1 , (C al l ) 26Broad Stre e t(Dre w e 1 1 and Fow le r)

55, (Nat ional Bank) 1 20, (N e wman)1 22

O ldes t cou 'n ty bank (Smith ), 153O ld ing and Co . , 1 24

Ommane y (Hal le tt), 76One -pound n o tes first is sued , 9Orange introduce d 10 England (Gre sham, Sir 74

O riental Bank Corporat ion, 1 25Original subscribe rs to th e loanof s ixmi l l ions , Ju ly , 1 784, 43 1

O tto, 1 25O ve rend , Gurne y , and C0. (M as te rman), 1 1 3

Ove rstone , Lord (Jone s , Loyd , andCOJ , 95


Owen, W i l l i am, 1 25Oxford S tree t (Sayre ), 1 48Ox le y, H enry (Brown, Janson, andCo 24 .

, Jame s Walke r (Brown, Janson,and Co. 24

Padde s ley, Sir John, 1 25Pa l l M al l , (Ew e r) 58, (H amme rs le y)77, (Hopk inson) 89, (Lockhar t ) 1 02,(Paxtons) 1 27 , (Ransom), 1 35

East, (Barclay ) 1 2 , (Ra nsom)1 36

Palsgrave Head (C rutch ), 49Court (Robe rts ), 144

Pal tock , John, 1 25, (Snow and Pal

tock ) 155, (Warne r) 1 73Panic inLondon(N ea le ), 1 2 1Panton, Thomas , 1 25Pardo, Thomas , 1 26Pare s and H eygate ; 1 26

Pargite r, John(Charing Cross ), 1 26(Fl e e t Stre e t), 1 26

Paris , M athe w, 1 26Parke r (Price and 1 33Park ins ’s excheque r b i l ls (Marsh ), 1 07Parrot ” (Boothby), 18Partr idge , A fTabe ll, 1 26

John, 1 26Parys , Roge r de , 1 27Pass-books first is sue d (M e ad), 1 14

issue 0f (Mnrtin), 1 1 1Pass ill, John, 1 27Patérson(Lockhart), 102

Thomas , 1 27W i l l iam(Bank of Eng land), 7

Pate s ley (Padde s le y), 1 25Pau l , J. D . (Strahan) , 159

Stmhan, and Co . , 158 .

Paxton, Cocke re l l , Trai l], and Co . , 1 27Pay ingnotes by ins talments , 9Payne and Co. , 1 27

(or Paine ), Edmond, 1 271 John1 153Smith , and Smi ths , 152

Pe acock , ,(Mart inand H ow e l l ) 1 1 2,(M e rttins ) 1 15Peacock’s Fcath e rs (Howe l l), 9 1

Pe agrim, Johr'

i (Coutts ), 45Pe arce , Capta in, 1 27

N athanie l , and JohnM athe w, 1 27Pe arson, 1 27

John, 1 27Pe e le s and Co. , 1 27 , (\Vi lke s) 1 76Pe irs on, Edward , 1 28

R ichard , 1 27Pe ke , John, 1 28Pe l l (Pol e and 1 30Pembe rton, John, 1 28

Si r Jame s , 1 28Pennant ’s Father of th e Profe ss ion(Ch i ld ), 3 1

Penni stone , Anthony, 1 28

1 26, 1 29, 158, 169, 1 7 1

and C o . , (Ho l l ingsworth) 88,(N ightingale ) 1 23Jo , 1 28W i l l iam, 1 28, (Ho l l ingsw orth ) 87

Pe rce full, Pe te r;~

and StephenEvans ,1 28

Pe rcival , W i l l is , and Co . , 1 78Pe rring, Sir John, Bart. , Shaw, Barbe r, and Co . , 1 28

Pe ters (M aste rman), 1 1 3Pe trie (Strange ), 1 60Pe w tre s s and Robarts , 1 28Ph i l ip, Sir M athe w , 1 28

Ph i lpot Lane (And e rson), 3Phoenix , ” (Ladbroke ) 99, (Smith andPotte r) 152, (Wh ite ) 1 75

Pickstock , J ohn, Luce , and Co . , 1 29P i l e , john, 1 29P inckne y , H enry, 1 29P info ld , Edward , 1 29Pinhornand Co . , 1 29, (Young) 181Piphurst, Robert d e , 1 29P itman, Ursula, 1 30Pi tt (Bosanque t), 1 9P itts , Captain, 1 30Planckney, Robe rt, 11 30P laye r, Simon, 1 30P lough ,

(Doy le y ) 54, (Wh ite ) 1 75,(W i lson) 1 79Pocock , JohnC . (Cl e aring Hous e ), 39Pock l ingtonand Lacy (Lacy), 99

Jose ph (Lacy), 99Po l e and Co. 1 30

Poll1 i ll, Langston, and Cc. , 100, (Olding) 1 24Po l le , Thomas , 1 3 1Ponsonby, JohnH enry (He rrie s) , 81Pontack’s (H ol lingswortb), 88

Porke r (Ladbroke). 99John(M anin), 1 1 1

Pork le e , Thomas (le , senior, 1 3 1Porte r, Jame s (M art in), 1 1 2Portman, John, 1 3 1Post b

’oy , (C re agh ) 49, (N icho l ls) 1 23,

(Robarts ) 1 43Post l e thwa ite 58

(Sansom), 1 47Pot ter and Smith , 152

N athanie l , 1 3 1Rob e rt Hughes (Ch i ld), 37Thomas , 1 3 1

Pot ts (Walpo l e ), 1 72Poultry (W i lke s ), 1 76Powe l l , Cas te l l , and Co. , 26

Prae d (Hal l iday), 76Bulkle y JohnM ackworth , 1 32C harle s Tyringham, 1 32

H enry Bu lk le y , 1 32M ackw orth Bulk l e y , 1 32W i l l iam, 1 32

, W i l l iamTyringham, 1 32Prae ds and Go. , l 3z

Presco t t . Cave , Buxton, Lod e r, andCo 1 33

C harl e s Andre w, 1 33Ge orge , 1 33H en ry Warne r, 1 33

Pre ston, John, 1 33Price , Fre de rick W

' i l l iam(Ch i ld), 37H ene age , 1 34Samue l (Price , Thomas ), 1 34Sir C . , and Co . , 1 23Thomas , 1 34

Pricke tt (Price ), 1 33Prince , Jame s , 1 35

, Jo lm, 1 35Prince of go ldsmith s (Vyne r), 1 68P 1 ince s Stre e t, (Drew e t t and Fowle r)


93, (K e al e ) 96, (Ke l inge )97, (Re ui lw ood ) 97 , (Ke ttle w ond) 97, (Lawrence ) 100, (Longworth) 103 , (Lovejoye) 103, (Lynne ) 104, (M ainw aring)1 05, (M albe ry) 105, (Man) 105,

(M antle ) 105, (M arshal l ) 1 08,

(Math e w e ) 1 1 4, (M idd le ton) 1 1 6,

(Moneys) 1 1 8, (N e w bolde ) 1 22

(Nutshaw e ) 1 23 , (Paris ) 1 26, (Planck1 35, 1Raw l ins ) 1 36,

(Raw l inson ) 1 36, (Read ) 1 37, (Reymo lds ) 142 , (Robyns ) 144 , (Roge rs )144, (Sankey) 147, (Se dge w icke ) 149,

1 52 , (Smith ) 152 , (Sm ithe) 1 54,

(Spyce r) 156, (Staunton) 1 57 , (Sympson ) 1 61 , (Tasker) 16 1 , (Tre at) 164,(Vance) 1 66, (We hbe ) 1 74, (We ld )1 74, (We th e re l l ) 1 75, (We th e rh i ll)1 75, (Wi lkins ) 1 77, (Wyth e rs ) 1 80

St. M ary atH a l l (Potte r), 1 3 1St. M atthe w , Friday Stre e t, (Bene tle ye )15, (I

-Iargrave ) 79, (H ooke r) 89,(Ram) 1 35, (Rands ) 1 35, (Se lloq)149, (Smi th ies) 154

St. M ichae l Bass ishaw , (Bowes) 2 1 ,

(Crockplace ) 49Bread Street (Winte rh e cke ), 1 79in Wode strate , (Bene tlegh) 1 4,

(Ben tele) 15th e Querne (Duck e t t), 56

St. M ichael ’s A l le y, Cornhi l l ,(Bromle y)23 , (Jones) 94

St. M i ld red ’s Court (Frys ), 62St. Paul , Covent Garden(H arrison), 79St. Paul ’s , Ch e aps i de , (M oulden) 1 18,(Puget) 1 35

Sr. Pe te r, Ch e ap, (H arri son) 79,

(Noke ) 1 23We s tche ap, (Pemberton) 1 28,

(Stan ford ) 156, (Walk e r) 1 7 1d e Brade strate 1l<e ygate ), 142

St. Sepulchre (Fosbrookc), 60SQSW ith in(M art in), 1 1 3St. Swith in’s Lane , (Folkingham) 60,

(Rus l in) 146Sr. Ve das t, (A sschingdone ) 3 , (H i l le )82 , (Sh ipman) 151

Sale sburi e , W i l l iam, 147Sa l isbury Street (H i l l), 82Sqlmon’s Wax Works Depot (Prae d ),

1 32

Sa lt (Bosanquet), 19S tevenson, and Co . ,

(Bosanque t), 19Sandby (Murray), 1 19

W i l liam1Strahan), 159Sande rsonand C


o . , 147, (Pr ice) 1 33Sir jame s 1Price ), 1 33

Sand ford , Ed w ard , 147Sandeman (G love r), 65Sanke y , W i l l iam, 147Sansom(Eve re tt), 58

and Co ., 147

Sapte , M u sprat t , and Co . , 1 47Sat te rthw a i te (Lees and 1 0 1

Saunde rs (H a l l iday ), 76Savoy Cate (Gayw ood ), .64Sayre , Coote , Purdon, and Co. , 148

Scott, Sir Samue l , Bart . , and Co. , 148

(Po le and 1 30Sir C laude

, 148


Sco t t , Lady , 1 48C laude Edward , 148Humph rey, 148Samue l , 148

Scrimpshaw (Scrimpsh i re or Skrimsh i re), M ichae l , 148Sea l , John(Temple ), 1 62Se amour (Seamer or Seymour), Jame s ,1 49

Se dge w ick e , Symion, 1 49Se lby and Rob inson(Wright), 1 80Se llow e s , John, 149Seman , Bartholome w , 149“ Seven S tars ,

(Swann) 1 60, (We s t)1 74Seymou r, Thomas, 149Shaa (or Shaw ), Sir Edmund, 149

Sir John, 1 49Shakle ton, W i l l iam, 1 50Sha l es and Smithin, 150Sharpe and Gos l ings , 70

and Sons , 1 50Benjamin(Gos l ings), 70J ohn Charl e s (Gos l ings ), 7 1

Shaw,Pe rring, Barber, and Co . ,

1 28She ld en , R ichard , 1 50She l l ey

,Ph i l ip, 1 50

Shephard , W i l l iam(M i l l ionBank), 1 1 7Shepherd, W’ i l l iam(Ch i ld and 37Sheppard , W i l l iam, 150Sherborne Lane (Timbre l l ), 1 64Sheridan and Roge rs (O ld ing), 1 24Sh ipman , j ohn, 151Sh i re Lane , Templ e Bar(Warham), 1 73Shorden, \Vi lliam, 151Shordych , Robert de . senior, 151

W i l l iamd e , 151Shore, M atth e w , 1 51

Shu te, Francis , 151Shu t t ing . up the Exchequer (Goldsmiths ), 69S ibba ld and Co . (S i r S. Sco t t), 1 48Sicklemore , 151S ikes (Boldero), 1 7

Sna i th , and Co. , 152 , (Bo lde ro) 1 7S imp son and Ward (Gos l ings ), 70

Fabyan, 152Jam'

e s (Gos l ings), 70Thomas , 152

S imson, Bruce , and Co. , 25

S isson,Walpo le , and C lark, 1 72

Smar t (Sap te), 1 47Sm i th , Be van, and Co . ,

1 2

152 , (Barclay)

Payne , and Sm i t hs, 1 52\Vright, and

(N icho las ) and Potte r, 152(Samue l ) and Son , 153and H o lt, (Drewe tt) 55(Davison and 50Abel , 153Abraham,

152David , 152Eric Carrington, 153

—1 C e onge , 153H arry (Ch i ld and Co . ) 37 0

, Jame s (H enand Ch ick ens), 152(Lombard S t

'ree t), 152(C le aring Hous e ), 39

, John, 152Joseph , and Co .

, 152, (Drew e tt)

Sm i th , M ar t in R id ley, 153Osw ald Augus tus , 153Richard , 153 , (M art in) 1 10, (M i l

l ionBank ) 1 16Robe rt, 1 53Samue l G e orge , 153Thomas, 153

Sm i the , Luk e , 154Smith fie ld (Young), 1 81

Bars (David Sm i th ), 1 52Sm i th ies, Ge orge , 154Smitbinand Sha les, 150Snagg, Richard , 154, (Backw e l l ) 7Snamh (Bo lde ro), 1 7

, Sike s , and Co 152Sne l l , Ge orge , 154Snow and Co . 155, (S t irl ing) 1 58,(S t rahan) 159

and Denne (Murray), 1 19and Pal tock, 155, (S trahan) 159and th e Je w broker, 159and Walton(S trahan), 158Sir J e remiah (or J e remy), 155T . (Warne r), 1 73Thomas (S t rahan ), 159

Socie ty of Ant iquarie s , origin of

(Gos l ings ), 7 1Soho Square (Desse), 51Somerset County Gaze l ld M unday), 1 1 8

H ous e (H ame rs le y ), 7 7Sore l , Thomas , 155Sou th Sea Bubbl e , (Atw e l l ) 3, (Casw al l)27 , (M ine Adventure rs ) 1 1 7

originator 01’ 1Ch i ld ), 33Company, 155, (Casw all ) 27,

(Urbe r) 1 66, (Walpo l e ) 1 72Fund (Go ldsmiths ), 69

Sou thwark , (Bloxham) 1 6, (M abb) 1 04,(Price ) 1 33

Sow thow s e , W i l l iam, 155Sparrow , R ichard , 155Spectator , th e (Tw ining), 165Spincke , Elme s (M artin), 1 10Spooner, Attw ood s , and Co . , 156Spo t ted Dog,

(M arlow e ) 106,

(M orse ) 1 1 8Spread Eagle ,” (Caste l l ) 26, (M arlow )106, 1Sparrow ) 156, 1Tay1e 1 ) 1 61

Spyce r, Rober t , 156S tacey (Price ), 1 33S ta in ton, Edw ard (JohnBrown andCo 24S ta ley, John, 156

R ichard , 156, W i l l iam, 156

Standulf, John, 156S tanes, R ichard d

se , 156

S tan ford , john, 156S tap l es (Dimsdal e ), 52

and Co . (Cornh i l l), 157157, (D imsdale )52

Day, Cox, Stapl e s , and Lynn,157

“ S tar, (Everard) 58, (H orneby) 91 ,

(Wasson ) 1 73Starkey (Brow n , Cobb, and 24Staunton, Row land , 157Stayle r, john, 157S tee l Yard (Ste le yard or Sti ll iard), 157S tephen , W i l l iam, and John Strid e ,1 60

S tephen s , Roge r, 158


.Swpbeu 1 SM LM 158


nd a» 158, (W )


500 5-1“

1A468 ) 1 ,

Wm“ :(Canal!) 37. — Liom"

1L-nd ), m1 11-1 1 1 1 . 1W

'xd p h ;

"100-lino ). 7°

M 60,7,

Grace s”

17th ad Con560

M 7 s


(Puma s ) 1 35.M "53— U cn 1. 64— Squ1mk , " (Eu ! ) 7 1 1001 11110 )

100-01nd 1 1 . t

6mw zmm'”

l l mlSynon

WW W ).Tuba l

(Mabb). Th ornton 1111 W ). John. 1631‘

110m. 161

Tom 1v ttx’— 1S~ a

“33 31


l l

T .nykt men, 161 ITM , 1Dun) 51 , (Ramon) 136.t v 161 (Wiiliu u ) 1 77

Tobacco broken(Hannah?111mm)“ Lg

Tanking Samue l (Willis161 . (Hnbutyn‘

) Sunni Ld lh 1W 1 78

s euM m 16 1 Tooldc, Same ! (Tame r). 165

" _1 l

am b acdotu “

icbohn. 165


Travis» and Hawn1Hom and 1 111 Tooley Stre et, Southmk uam vm w 1m mvmua ),n inth ” Smith), 152

1 11-mu .

mam as. cs

z’ fimM ) 1 25, M ) 133 1WM“1 .1mm

(M W N S5, (Bmdoo)3. 1Enn1‘d) 58. God

40 7 1 em)Luann“ 100. 1Nu le )


51m. ) 1 (51 133511.

UnaM el boudoo. Umh ed , 165,ADM ) ,

- § oth od 1Cantt1 ). 46Joint Stock Bank (LondonM e ), 103

em sm mm ), 1 79

nM M SM fi M Yu d), 157166

umdfi f’mm19

450 IN DEX .

Venab les , S tephen, and Samuel Cooke ,44Vere (H arle y), 79

and A sgi ll, 166, (Nightingale ),1 23

and Wi l l iams, 166, (Wi l l iams) 1 77G lyn, and Co. , 1 66, (G lyn) 66Joseph (N ightingale ), 1 23Lucadon, and Co. , 1 66, (Sap te)

Samuel (N igh t ingale), 1 23V ictoria S tree t , Wes tm ins ter (Nati onalPenny Bank), 1 63

V i l l iers , H on. F . W . C . (Ch i ld), 37Vince lius , 166V ine , ” th e (Bo ldero), 1 7V iner, SirGe orge , 1 66

Jame s , 1 66Robe rt, 1 66W i l l iam, 1 67

V iolet , Thomas , 1 67V yner (or V iner), Sir Rob e rt, 168

Si r Thomas , 1 70and Charle s II. , 168

Wade , Pe te r, 1 7 1 3Wager be tw e en th e Span ish ambassador and Sir T . Gre s ham, 74

Walbrook (Jone s , Loyd , and 94Waldgrave , Edward , 1 7 1Walk cle rk’s mis fortune (Ch i ld), 35Walke r (Eve re tt), 58

and M i ldre d (M as terman), 1 1 3Richard , 1 7 1

Wal lace (Lockhart), 102Wall ington, 1 71V

VaIl is (Lockhart), 102

Major Joh . , 1 7 1Walpol , Johnd e , 1 71VV

alpoIe , C lark, and S i sson , 1 72Wa lsh , John, 1 72

N icholas, 1 72Waltonand Snow (S trahan), 158

W i l l iam, 1 72Walwyn(S trange ), 1 60

and Co. , 1 72 , (S trange) 160Wanl e y, George, and Co. , 1 72 , (Gosl ing) 70

Ward (S trange), 1 60and Gos l ing (Gos l ings), 70Lord, and Rogers ’ epigram,

(O ld ing), 1 24Robert , and JohnTowne ley, 1 72S i r Wil l iam, 1 72

Ware , 1 72Warham,

W il l iam, 1 73Warle y, N icholas , 1 73Warne r, John, 1 73 , (S trahan) 158Warren, Law rence , 1 73Warte r, R ichard , 1 73Was son, John, 1 73Wate rloo Place (Cheque Bank), 30Watl ing S tree t (Jone s , Loyd, and94Watts (D1msdale ), 53

We alste ad , Robe rt, 1 73We bb , Robe rt, 1 74

W i l l iam, 1 74We hbe , Ge orge , 1 74W e bbe r (H arley), 79Wedgwood (Davison and 50We l ch and Roge rs , 1 74, (O ld ing) 1 24

Roge rs , and Olding 101d ing), 1 24We ld , John, 1 74Wentworth , Chalone r, and R ishworth,i 74

We re (Robarts), 143and Co. , 1 74, (Bruce ) 25

W e rlyngw orth , N icholas , 1 74We s t, M atth e w, 1 74

Smithfie ld, (Chal li s ) 28, (H i l l ) 82,(Lacy) 98, (Sharp e) 150, (S t ride) 1 60

We stchepe (Bre t), 22'

We stminste r Hospi ta l, of

(H oare s), 86We stonand Cc. , 1 74, (Young) 1 81We the re l l , Thomas , 175W e th e rh i l], John, 1 75Whate l y (Cas te l l ), 26

and T emple , duel be twe en, 27Whatman(Bosanque t), 18W2e atshe af,

10w en) 1 25, (Partridge)1 2


and S tar (Aldw orth ), 1Wh e lan, W i l l iam(Ch i ld), 37Wh e e le r, Charle s , 1 75

John, 1 75, (Ch i ld) 3 1W i l l iam, 1 75, (Ch i ld) 3 1

Wh i te Horse,” (Issod) 92W h ite , 1 75

and Churchil l , 1 75, (Peter Wh ite )1 75Pe te r, 1 75Thomas 1 75

Wh ite Bear (Robarts), 144Hart Court, (D imsdale ) 52,

(M as te rman) 1 1 3H ors e (Layfie ld) 101 , (N igh t

mgale ), 1 23, (St. John) 1 47Swan (H omeby), 9 1

Wh i te ’s Chocolate H ous e (A dams), 1C lub , originof (Adams ), 1

Wh ite hal l , G i lbe rt, 1 75, (M e yne l l ) 1 1 6Whi tehal l (Cockburn), 39Wh ite ha l l Place (H olt), 88Wh i tehead and Co. , 1 76

Ge orge , 1 76John, 1 76

Wh i tmore ’s, 1 76W ick endenand Co. , 1 76, (K ens ingtons )97John(N igh t ingale), 1 23

Wiggs (orWygge ), Robe rt, 1 76W i ld ,Jonathan, 1Madding) 1 05, (M art in)1 1 1

W i lkes , D ickenson, and Co. , 1 76W i lk ins , John, 1 77W ilkinson(Dorse t t), 54

(Wi l l iams , Deacon, and 1 77and-Co . , 1 76, (Bloxham), 16

Wi llaume , Dav id , 1 77

W i l l iams, Benjamin(Cockburn), 39W i l l iams , Sir John, 1 78Will iams, De acon, and Co . , 1 77

Robe rt (Wi l li ams , D eacon), 1 77Thomas , 1 78, 1\Vi lli s) 1 78

W i l l is , Henry , 1 78Pe rciva l and Co. , 1 78

W i llitt, Jame s , 1 78W i l lson(Caste l l ), 26Wi lson, John, and John Bol itho, 1 7

Joseph (Plough), 1 79(St. Duns te n’s), 1 78

M ichae l , 1 79W i l l iam, 1 79

W indsor Cas tle (W i lliaume ), 1 77Winte rh e cke , M ichae l Van, 1 79Wod e warde , W i l liam, 1 79Wollfry, N athani e l , and Co . ,

(Kirw ood ) 98Wo lve rton, Lady (Gl yn), 67

Lord (Glyn), 67nantrad ingas goldsmi th 1H e rk ins ),


Wood (W i l l is), 1 78Jame s (Chi ld ), 37R ichard , 1 79Thomas , 1 79

Wood S tree t, (Basyngstoke ) 14, (Ben.

t e le) 15, (De l l ) 51 , (Famdon) 59,(H arri son) 80, (Hynge ston) 92 ,

(Peke) 1 28, (Porkle e ) 1 3 1 , (Shaa) 1 49Woodbridge, H . W . (Lacy, H artland ,and 99Lacy, Hart land, and Co. , 98

Woodnot, Arthur, 1 79Woodward , Richard and Thomas , 1 79Woolfry, N athanie l, and Co. , 1 80,

(Ki rw ood) 98Wormald, John(Chi ld), 36Wotton, Thomas . 1Fow le s), 61Wragg, Samue l , 1 80Wright and Co. , 1 80

Sm i th , and Co. , 153Wri gh t, Anthony, 180

Francis , 1 80Richard , 1 80Thomas , 1 80W i l l iam, 180

Wyk en, Rob e rt, 1 80Wyle rsby, George, 1 80Wyth e rs , Fabyan, 180


Yallow by, (Currie s ) 50, (N eal e ) 1 20Ye ate s , Francis , 1 8 1Ye Go lden Anchor,(Warne r) 1 73

Cup (Wr igh t), 180Lyon (Tw ining), 165

Ye Marygold , (Backw e l l) 6, (Ch i ld )3 1 , (Prince ) 1 35Ye Spot ted Dog (Gladw in), 65

York Bui ld ings,S trand (N orcott), 1 23

Young, Abraham, 1 81

and Son, 18 1Young Devi l Tave rn(Gos l ings ), 70

(S trahan) 158,


C ayne , Andrew ,

Gold smith,1 696, Bi shopsgate Wi thout.

C h apman, W i l l i am,

Gold sm i th,1 681 , a t the Rose, Tower S tree t .

00110 or C olney , Ste ph e n ,Gold smi th

,t ime of Henr‘y V I .

C ord i al ,Go ldsmi th

, 1687, Rose and Crown, Cheaps ide .

C ory , Th omas ,Goldsmi th

,1 689, near Fleet Bridge .

D avy , Ol i ve r,Go ld smi th

,1 474. H e bequeathed money to th e

Go ld smi ths’ Company .

D ays , Th omas ,Go ldsmi th , 1 687, Queen

’s H ead, over against St.M argaret’s Church, Southwark .

D ors e ttand Cc . ,

Bankers , of 68, New Bond Stree t .La tely Sir Herbert M ackw orth

’s bank, at Swan

sea,forwarded by th e mail coach fromthence to

their banking-house , in London, 2000 gu ineas ; theywere packed up t igh t ly in s trong brown paper rouleaus ,and inclosed in a smal l hamper. As far as Bris tolthey were carri ed safe , but th ere in shift ing andd ivid ing the luggage

,i t fe l l to the lot of th i s l it t le

hamper,as i t was judged too heavy for the mail

coach ,to be pu t in to tha t par t cal led the rumble -tumbleof another coach belong ing to the same propri e tors


which se ts ou t the same t ime a s the mai l, bu t doesno t travel qu ite so fa s t . When the coachman cameto unload a t Thatch emh e found some loose guineas111 the bo ttom of the rumble- tumble, on wh ich heimmed iate ly call ed M r. Froment , his mas ter theysearched

,and found the content s of th e

_hamperworked 011 1— 383 guineas were all that cou ld bega thered in the bot tom of the rumb le—tumb le, the restwere a l l d is tr ibu ted on th e road by this t ime i t wasn igh t

,and i t was in va in to go and look for them

However, a tradesman’s rider came in, and he wasbragging of h i s good luck, for that he said he had loston the road, a few days before, 30 gu ineas, ou t of ahole in h i s pocke t

,he had now had the good fortune

to p ick up 29 on that same road ; on wh ich they wereimmed iately challenged as the property of Sir Herbert M ackworth W hat, said the r ider, shal l


I haveth e 111-luck to lose, and never have the good luck tofind ? Be s ide s, how do I know they are not thei den t ical gu ineas I have lost ? There is no swearingto a guinea . Accord ingly he kept the treasure, andsa id he would jus t ify i t in any cour t in th e k ingdom .

Th e remainder w as never seen nor heard of,but i t i s

supposed fel l th e for tuna te prey of the poor I rishh aymakers, w i th swarms of whom eve ry part of this

road at that time abounded.

”— From the Yorkshi re

?oumal, June 28, 1 788.

El l ysme r, R obe rt,Gold sm i th

,t ime of Henry VI .

Ev e rard , C harl es ,C i t iz en and gold smi th , 1 658- 1 700, son of Charle s

Everard,late of the Unicorn in Lombard Stree t, who

d ied in 1665. From a deed in th e po s se s s ion ofM essrs . M art in and Co. h e appears to have had ahouse inExchange Alley, known by th e s ign of thePal sgrave’s Head

,which had been bui lt byAlderman

Backwe l l .

Emyng. H arry .

Goldsmi th,t ime of Henry V I .

F aukne r,Go ldsmi th

, 1 681 , the Ange l, Charing Crgs s .

F od en, J ohn,Gold smi th

,1692, near Furnival

’s Inn, Holborn .

G i lp i n ,Go ld smi th

,1698, the Go lden Anchor, inCheap

s ide .

Gre e n , John,Go ldsmi th

,1 689, Henrie tta Street, Covent Garden .

H e was adver t ised to pay a reward for a s ilver tankard that was supposed to be s tolen, Augus t 2 2,1 689.

G rosve nor, W i l l i am ,

Go ld smi th,of the pari sh of St. M ary Woolnoth,

Lombard Street, 1657 .

H al e ,'W i l l i am,

Banker. The follow ing i s extracted from th e

London7oumal,Sep tember 14, 1 728

“ M r. William Ha le, formerly Partner w i th Sir

Stephen Evance , a Banker, in Lombard - stree t ,hav ing

,by some ind i rect M eans, posse ssed h imse lf

of a Frank for a Letter s igned by Tho. Gibson,Esq. , one of the Representa t ives in Parl iament forM arlborough, who l ives in Lothbury, craz ed out th eWord Fre e

,and over the Name drew a P rom i ssary

Note for 64001. payable to one Wat son, wh ich he sen tlast Sa turday to M r. Hoare and Company, Bankers,in Fle e tstre et, and they gave him the i r own No te sfor it

,and th e same Day h e go t them e xchanged at

M r. Alderman Hankey’s, and a t M r. Bras sey’s th eBanker’s, for the i r own and Bank No te s, w i th whichhe Ye s terday bought some Ind ia and Sou th—Se aBond s . Yes terday Afternoon, M r. Hoare ’s Peoplesent the Note to M r. G ibson, who was much surpri seda t the Sight of it, hav ing never g iven such a No te,and not knowing the P erson ’twas made payable tobut observ ing

,by Help of a Cand le , the Word Free

crazed , the Fraud was d iscovered : Oh wh ich im

Gramme ar flnngert’ord hh rket.h im1 1 Alde rmanHanke y's and M r. Bmu y’s bore ,

thcym t to the Bank to uop Paymeng but iotmd

inthe Goldsmith, 1687 ,m Exchange , Strand.

Goldsmith, 1687 , Golda aloon,WemSmithfie ld .M M HenryV l .

PM . BM 011,

Goldsmi th, 1691 , of Smithfid d, adve rtised for aGd dmfith ml dflqh bomh rd sm d lvu new panthatm lo-t

rumb a ,Coldw a time ol flemy V1 Go ldm anCrownand Pearl, Strand. 111 theE I Lemm otjnly zg wqx be adveni se d fior au

Row M 0m 1 , or they would be 1011!

W i ll i am.w nmmnw nmw mmmdma nmvx

M M W Q’ SM h AF i"1695 1 1111 d M vu m d mm d the w ldGoldea M M mjmw y, 169 1-2.m W m'“ 3

w ww . sm sm sm Cousmlmnme ol flmryvlGoldsmith Buck Sl lh bmy 00141 111 1111, 1 1596, at the Spring C lock and Crown,Home , 5m

m“ , R“ W mcorner “ Admi ralty 085061 , nearWhi tehall .

Jonah “ t un,M IM M PQIIM Goldsmi th, 1691 , Goldc11 M Nm advm-tuedm .fohn.Goldsmith, ol Hen ‘ l

xmm, Re gine 'Y

W i th. 1697 .near York 801mm“ Strand.Goldnmtb, 11 11111 01 Mm vi . 3 0mmW i ll iam.

Go ld smi th, 1685-88, Cross Keys, Fle etStre e t.John.M

Goldsmith, orSouthwark, time of Henry W.

mum“ '67"”mm"1 'mSM “

Go ldsmi th, PantonStre et, adverti se d inthe London001111 11 11 111, of M 11]: Stru t, dwd March 1 , 1636.

3 at, Decembe r u, 1691 , that a H coachxn otm, mnhad found a gold head of amqtnd thatif the6 01113 1111111 , 1687 , the Leopard, over agains t right on e : come s for it, and give s 1 gratui ty to Mr.Ckmcnt’g Strand .


Somme rs ,Gold smi th, 1686, at the Golden H ind, in FleetStreet.

Stri ck l and, Sam u e l ,Go ldsmi th

,1699, Katherine S tree t, Strand .

T ore t, H e nry ,

Goldsmi th , t ime of Henry VI .

Tre h e rne , Ph i l i p,Go ld smith

,1673, near Somerset House, S trand :

W ak yngknygh t, H e nry ,

Go ld smi th, t ime of Henry VI .

W alk e r, W i l l i am,

Gold sm i th, 1684— 89, Black Lyon, near Durham

Yard, Strand .

W are yn, W i l l i am ,

Gold smi th, and a warden of the Goldsmiths’ Company in the re ign of Henry VI .

W artop s , Row l and,Go ldsm ith

, 1673, at the Lyon, in Lombard Street.


W h arton, Edw ard ,

Go ldsmi th,1694, Black M oor’s Head

, CharingCross .

W i l cox, Th omas ,Goldsmi th, 1681 , the Crown, near the Savoy Gate .

W e e k e s ,

Gold sm i th,in 1681 , at the Black Lyon, near the

M aypo le in the Strand .

W i l l i am s , D avi d ,

French goldsmith,1 697, at the Golden Ball,

Pall M al l . H e advertised for some plate stolen fromthe Dutch Ambassador. I have reason to be l ievethat th is man was the same as D av id W i llaume , andthat


th i s entry in the LondonGaz ette , Novembe r 81 697, is an error .

W i l li ams , C apt. John,

A goldsmith ofCheaps ide, d ied September 14, 1637 .



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