2nd international congress on entrepreneurship Кыргызско-Турецкий...

Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университетинин басылмалары: 112 Конгресстер тизмеси: 16 Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi Yayınları: 112 Kongreler Dizisi: 16 Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университети Экономика жана Башкаруу Факультети Менеджмент Бөлүмү II ЭЛ АРАЛЫК ИШКЕРДҮҮЛҮК КОНГРЕССИ Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Birimler Fakültesi İşletme Bölümü 2. ULUSLARARASI GİRİŞİMCİLİK KONGRESİ Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Management Department 2 nd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP Кыргызско-Турецкий университет «Манас» Факультет Экономики и Управления Отделение Менеджмент II МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ КОНГРЕСС «ПРЕДПРИНИМАТЕЛЬСТВО» 07-10 май 2008, Бишкек 07-10 Mayıs 2008, Bişkek

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Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университетинин басылмалары: 112 Конгресстер тизмеси: 16

Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi Yayınları: 112

Kongreler Dizisi: 16

Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университети Экономика жана Башкаруу Факультети

Менеджмент Бөлүмү


Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Birimler Fakültesi

İşletme Bölümü


Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

Management Department


Кыргызско-Турецкий университет «Манас» Факультет Экономики и Управления

Отделение Менеджмент


07-10 май 2008, Бишкек 07-10 Mayıs 2008, Bişkek

УДК 334 ББК 65.050.9(2)2 Э 37 АРДАКТУУ КЕҢЕШ: Дикамбаев А.Ш. KP Президенттик Администрациясынын Экономика жана социалдык саясат бөлүм башчысы, Жапаров А.У., КР Экономика өнүктүрүү жана соода министри Болжурова И.С., КР Билим берүү жана илим министри Серпил У. Алпман, Түркиянын КР толук жана ыйгарымдуу элчиси проф., и.д. Кайыпов С.Т., К-Т «Манас» университетинин ректору проф., и.д. Угур Орал, К-Т «Манас» университетинин проректору ИЛИМИЙ КЕНЕШ: Койчуев Турар, Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университети, Али Акдемир, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Женгиз Йылмаз, Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университети, Касым Карахан, Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университети, Сахавет Гүрдал, Marmara University, Сейфуллах Чевик, Maltepe University, Байрам Кайа, Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университети, Селахаттин Сары, Beykent University, Белкыз Озкара, Afyon Hocatepe University, М. Али Билгиноглу, Erciyes University, Инжи Варынлы, Yozgat Bozok University, Атантаев Истанбек, Кыргыз Мамлекеттик Техникалык университет, Хулуси Демир, Eastern Mediterranean University, Урдалетова Анаркүль, Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университети, Тамер Муфтуоглу, Baskent University, Махмут Текин, Selcuk University, Йавуз Одабашы, Anadolu University, Али Жан Кавас, Winston-Salem State University, Жейхан Алдемир, Dokuz Eylul University, Метин Чакыжы, Isık University, Муаммер Доган, Dokuz Eylul University, Сыткы Гозлу, Istanbul Teknik University, Тамер Кочел, Istanbul Kultur University, Омур Озмен, Dokuz Eylul University, Дружинин Павел, Российская Академия Наук, Резан Татлыдил, Ege University, Семра Онжу, Celal Bayar University, Хусейин Озген, Cukurova University, Пиримбаев Жусуп, Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университети, Эрденер Кайнак, Pennsylvania State University, Бану Дурукан, Dokuz Eylül University, Гунеш Генчйылмаз, Istanbul Kultur University, Жемал Озгувен, Erciyes University, Исмет Мужук, Istanbul University, Кенан Озден, Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университети, Тургут Эрдемли, Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университети, Камалова Анара, КР Президентинин астындагы башкаруу академиясы, Осмоналиев Арстанбек, Кыргыз Экономика университети, Кочербаева Айнура, Кыргызстан – Россия Славян университети, Исмаилова Чолпон, Кыргызстан – Россия Славян университети, Кыдыралиев Сыргак, Central Asia American University, Хусейин Акай, Вalikesir University, Ахмет Бурчин Йерели, Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университети, Аббас Караагачлы, Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университети, Исмаил Кызылырмак, Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университети, Наабер Юрий, Кыргызстан – Россия Славян университети, Тунжер Өздил, Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университети, Ондер Мет, Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университети, Мустафа Боз, Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университети, УЮШТУРУУ КОМИТЕТИ: э.и.д., проф., Женгиз Йылмаз (төрага), э.и.к., доц. Кенан Өзден (төраганын орун басары), э.и.д.,проф., Турар Койчуев, ф-м.и.к., проф., Анаркүл Урдалетова, э.и.д., проф., Жусуп Пиримбаев, э.и.к.,доц., Тургут Эрдемли, э.и.к.,доц., Ахмет Бурчин Йерели, э.и.к.,доц., Аббас Караагачлы, э.и.к.,доц., Өндер Мет, э.и.к.,доц., Тунжер Өздил, э.и.к., Мустафа Боз, Ильхам Йылмаз, ага окутуучу, Сейил Нажимудинова, Азамат Максудунов, Гүлзат Айтбаева, Гүлзат Керезбеккызы Э 37 II ЭЛ АРАЛЫК ИШКЕРДҮҮЛҮК КОНГРЕССИ: Жыйнак / Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас»

университети, Экономика жана башкаруу факультети, – Б.: 2009. – 500 б. ISBN 978-9967-25-420-6

II Эл аралык Ишкердүүлүк Конгресси дүйнөнүн бардык өлкөлөрүнүн илимпоз жана изилдөөчүлөр менен ишкерлердин жолугушуусу үчүн мүмкүнчүлүк түздү. II Эл аралык Ишкердүүлүк Конгрессинин негизги максаты –өнүгүп келе жаткан экономикаларда ишкердүүлүккө түрткү берүү; ишкердүүлүктүн маанисине көңүл буруу жана анын орчундуу маселелерин талдоо; ишкердүүлүк жана илим чөйрөсүнүн карым – катнашын жогорулатууга мүмкүнчүлүк түзүү. Конгресске Австрия, Германия, Казахстан, Кыргызстан, Пакистан, Россия, Түркия сыяктуу өлкөлөрдөн келген илимпоздор, мамлекеттик ишмерлер жана ишкерлер катышты.

Э 0605010201-09 УДК 334 ББК 65.050.9(2)2 ISBN 978-9967-25-420-6 © КТМУ, 2009

ONUR KURULU: DİKAMBAYEV A.Ş. Kırgızistan Cumhurbaşkanlığı Ekonomi ve Sosyal Politika Daire Başkanı CAPAROV A.U. KC Ekonomik Gelişme ve Ticaret Bakanı BOLCUROVA I.S. KC Eğitim Bakanı Serpil U. ALPMAN, T.C. Bişkek Büyükelçisi Prof.Dr. Sulayman KAYIPOV, KTMÜ Rektörü Prof.Dr. Uğur ORAL, KTMÜ Rektör Vekili BİLİM KURULU: Turar KOYÇUYEV, Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi, Ali AKDEMIR, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Cengiz YILMAZ, Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi, Kasım KARAHAN, Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi, Sahavet GÜRDAL, Marmara Üniversitesi, Seyfullah ÇEVİK, Maltepe Üniversitesi, Bayram KAYA, Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi, Selahattin SARI, Beykent Üniversitesi, Belkıs ÖZKARA, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, M.Ali BILGINOGLU, Erciyes Üniversitesi, İnci VARINLI, Yozgat Bozok Üniversitesi, İstanbek ATANTAEV, Kyrgyz State Technical University, Hulusi DEMİR, Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Anarkül URDALETOVA, Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi, Tamer MÜFTÜOĞLU, Başkent Üniversitesi, Mahmut TEKİN, Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yavuz ODABAŞI, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Ali Can KAVAS, Winston-Salem State University, Ceyhan ALDEMİR, Dokuz Eylul Üniversitesi, Metin ÇAKICI, Işık Üniversitesi, Muammer DOĞAN, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Sıtkı GÖZLÜ, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Tamer KOÇEL, İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi, Ömür ÖZMEN, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Pavel DRUJİNİN, Rusya Bilimler Akademisi, Rezan TATLIDİL, Ege Üniversitesi, Semra ÖNCÜ, Celal Bayar Üniversitesi, Hüseyin ÖZGEN, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Cusup PİRİMBAYEV, Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi, Erdener KAYNAK, Pennsylvania State University, Güneş GENCYILMAZ, İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi, Banu DURUKAN, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Cemal ÖZGÜVEN, Erciyes Üniversitesi, İsmet MUCUK, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Kenan ÖZDEN, Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi, Turgut ERDEMLI, Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi, Anara KAMALOVA, KC Cumhurbaşkanı Yönetim Akademisi, Arstanbek OSMONALİEV, Kırgız İktisat Üniversitesi, Aynura KOÇERBAEVA, Kırgızistan-Rusya Slavyan Üniversitesi, Çolpon İSMAİLOVA, Kırgızistan-Rusya Slavyan Üniversitesi, Sırgak KIDIRALIYEV, Central Asia American University, Hüseyin AKAY, Balıkesir Üniversitesi, Ahmet Burçin YERELİ, Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi, Abbas KARAAĞAÇLI, Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi, İsmail KIZILIRMAK, Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi, Yuriy R. NAABER, Kırgızistan-Rusya Slavyan Üniversitesi, Tüncer ÖZDİL, Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi, Önder MET, Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi, Mustafa BOZ, Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi DÜZENLEME KURULU Prof. Dr. Cengiz YILMAZ (Başkan), Doç. Dr. Kenan ÖZDEN (Başkan Yardımcısı), Prof. Dr. Turar KOYÇUYEV, Prof. Dr. Anarkül URDALETOVA, Prof. Dr. Cusup PİRİMBAEV, Doç. Dr. Turgut ERDEMLİ, Doç.Dr. Burçin YERELİ, Doç.Dr. Abbas KARAAĞAÇLI, Yrd.Doç.Dr. Önder MET, Yrd.Doç.Dr.Tuncer ÖZDİL, Öğr.Gör. Dr. Mustafa BOZ, Öğr.Gör. İlham YILMAZ, Seyil NAJIMUDINOVA, Azamat MAKSUDUNOV, Gülzat AYTBAEVA, Gülzat KEREZBEKKIZI

2. Uluslararası Girişimcilik Kongresi, hem akademisyenleri, hem de iş adamlarını biraraya getirecek uluslararası bir faaliyet olmuştur. KTMÜ İİBF İşletme Bölümünce başlatılan Uluslararası Girişimcilik Kongrelerinin bu ikincisi, Türk Cumhuriyetleri’nde girişimciliği teşvik etmek için onun önemine dikkat çekmeyi, önemli sorun alanlarının altını çizmeyi, bilim adamları, girişimciler ve girişimci adayları arasında etkileşimi sağlamayı, sorunlara ortak çözümler geliştirmeyi, ülkeye yatırım ve yatırımcılar çekmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Yüksek katılımlı Kongremize Türkiye, Kırgızistan, Kazakistan, Rusya, Avusturiya, Almanya, Pakistan gibi ülkelerden bilim adamları, devlet adamları ve iş adamları katılmıştır.


Балкибеков С.Э., Баетов Батыркул. Перспектива и стратегия энергетической отрасли Кыргызской Республики ............................................................................................................................... 6

Abdullah ÇINAR .................................................................................................................................................... 9 Ümit ÖZGÜMÜŞ.................................................................................................................................................. 11 Турсунбеков Чыныбай Акунович...................................................................................................................... 12 Christopher W.J. Gaunt......................................................................................................................................... 14 Kazım ÜLKER. İşletmelerde Kurumsal Kaynak Planlaması Uygulamaları ve Yaşanan Problemler.................. 16 İzel Levi COŞKUN. Carl Partner Mazars ........................................................................................................... 17 Salih KUTLU. Beton Santralinde İhracat Lideri Olarak “GÜRİŞ”..................................................................... 18 Harald STUMMER, Cäcilia INNREITER-MOSER, Marianne LITTRINGER, Claudia EITZINGER.

Values in Entrepreneurial Firms – The Case of Business Succession.......................................................... 19 Numan M. DURAKBASA, Herbert OSANNA, M. Emin YURCI, J. M. BAUER. The Achievement of

Total Quality Management With Global International Cooperation of Collaborating Small and Medium Sized Companies............................................................................................................................. 25

Tuncer ÖZDİL, Doğan DEMİR, Günce YILMAZ. Bilgi İletişim Teknolojilerinin Girişimciliğe Etkisi: E-Girişimcilik ................................................................................................................................................... 32

Tugay ARAT. İşletmelerde Bilişim Teknolojileri Kullanım Düzeyi (Temizlik İşletmeleri Konya Örneği)........... 40 Mustafa BOZ. Başarılı Girişimcilikte Yenilik Ortaya Koymanın Önemi: Kırgızistan Örneği.............................. 47 Ayşe İRMİŞ, İbrahim DURAK, Lütfiye ÖZDEMİR. Gaziantepli Girişimcilerin Genel Özellikleri.................... 56 Kenan ÖZDEN, Gülzat AYTBAEVA. Yüksek Öğretim Kurumlarında İşletme Eğitimi Kalitesinin İşveren

Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Bişkek Örneği ............................................................................................... 66 Emre ÇAĞLAR, Selçuk KENDİRLİ. Are The Entrepreneurs Creative or The Creators? .................................. 73 Yaşar AYYILDIZ, Azamat MAKSUDUNOV. Kırgızistan’da Girişimcilerin Karşılaştıkları Temel

Sorunlardan Rüşvet ve Yolsuzluğun Şahıs İşletmeleri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi ................................... 78 Конокбаева Дамира Кыясовна. Предпринимательство сельского населения в Кыргызской

Республике:проблемы, факторы, возможности развития .................................................................... 88 Турдумамбетов Бакыт Усенакунович. Особенности развития предпринимательства в сфере

международного туризма Кыргызстана ................................................................................................ 94 Батыркул Баетов, Сагындык Турусбеков. Возобновляемые источники энергии как фактор

обеспечения энергобезопасности............................................................................................................ 100 Soner TASLAK, İbrahim DOĞAN. Kadın Girişimcilerin Sosyo-Kültürel Engelleri Aşmada Temel Kişilik

Özellikleri ve Başarı Güdüsünün Birlikte Etkisine Yönelik Bir Araştırma ................................................. 104 İlham YILMAZ, Evrim MAYATÜRK. Kadın Girişimciliği ve Türkiye’deki ve Kırgızistan’daki Kadın

Girişimciliği Üzerine Bir Uygulama........................................................................................................... 110 Şaban KAYIHAN. Uluslararası Girişimciliğin Hukuki Görünümleri ............................................................... 119 Hüseyin AKAY, Kutay OKTAY: Uluslararasi Girişimcilik (Girişimciler) Açisindan Küreselleşmenin

Muhasebe Uygulamalarina Etkisi ve Türkiye Uygulamasi......................................................................... 127 Seyfi YILDIZ, A. Kadir KÖKOCAK. Kırgızistan’da Faaliyet Gösteren Türk Firmalarının Durum Analizi

ve Yabancı Sermaye Olgusu ....................................................................................................................... 135 Arshad Zaheer, Khalid Mushtaq, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq. Reengineering the Procurement Process in a

Public Sector Organization: a Case Study ................................................................................................. 145 Cemal YUKSELEN, Sahavet GÜRDAL, Kerem ZEYBEKOĞLU. An Exploratory Research on Harmony

Between Incumbents and Successors, a Case From Turkey ....................................................................... 159 Seil NAJIMUDINOVA, Mirzat RAKIMBEK UULU. Renovation from Retrospective: The Thoughts on

Management of Yusuf Khass Hajib in Kutadgu Bilig ................................................................................. 164 Anarkül URDALETOVA, Cengiz YILMAZ, Tuncer ÖZDİL. Küreselleşen Dünyada Kırgızistan ve

Türkiye Arasındaki Ekonomik İlişkilerin Girişimcilik Boyutuyla İncelenmesi ........................................... 169 Nurullah UÇKUN. Türkiye’de Girişimciler Yatırım Kararı Verirken Hangi Metodları Kullanıyorlar? ........... 178 Ali SOYLU, Burak ÇAMURDAN. Türkiye’deki Yatırım Ortamının Girişimciliğe Olan Etkileri Üzerine

Bir Alan Araştırması (Denizli Örneği) ....................................................................................................... 183 İbrahim ANIL, Binali DOĞAN. Türk Cumhuriyetlerine Yapılan Türk Yatırımlarının Belirleyicileri ve

Uluslar Arası Doğan Firmalar Olgusu ...................................................................................................... 196 Timuçin YALÇINKAYA, Nergis Melis DURCAN. Globalleşme Bağlamında Girişimcilik Anlayışındaki

Değişimler ve Aile Girişimleri.................................................................................................................... 207 Osman DEMİRDÖĞEN, Mustafa Kemal YILMAZ, İnci VARİNLİ, Dilşad GÜZEL. Aile İşletmelerinin

Kurumsallaşma Düzeyinin ve İhtiyacının Belirlenmesi; Erzurum İli Örneği ............................................. 218 Kenan ÖZDEN, M. Sinan TEMURLENK, Selim BAŞAR. Girişimcilik Eğilimi: Kırgızistan-Türkiye

Manas Üniversitesi ve Atatürk Üniversitesi Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma ....................................... 229 Syrgak Kydyraliev, Kanaiym Kydyralieva. Influence of Different Types of Taxes on Entrepreneurship .......... 241 Stefan SCHMIDT. Value Oriented Design System VDS – Lower Manufacturing Costs & Better Quality ........ 246 Harald STUMMER, Cäcilia INNREITER-MOSER, Marianne LITTRINGER, Claudia EITZINGER.

Local Entrepreneurial Firms and Innovations of Mncs.............................................................................. 250 Yaşar AYYILDIZ. Türk Girişimcileri Kırgızistan’a Getiren Sebepler; Ampirik Bir Çalışmanın Bulguları,


Anket Sonuçları .......................................................................................................................................... 257 Ahmet OKUR, Mevlüt ÇETİNKAYA: Kafkasya ve Orta Asya Bölgesinde Girişimciliğin Gelişmesinde

Yatırım Ortamının Önemi ........................................................................................................................... 266 Elif Asude TUNCA, Kenan ÖZDEN. Kriz Yönetimi Sanatı: Halkla İlişkiler – 2005 Lale Devrimi

Sırasında Coca Cola ve Ata Grubu Örneği ................................................................................................ 279 Дамира Жапарова. Мотивация труда работников здравоохранения Кыргызстана ................................. 292 Дружинин П.В. Инновационное развитие региона с невысоким инновационным потенциалом .............. 296 M. Ali BİLGİNOĞLU. Gelişen Ülkelerde Girişimciliğin Geliştirilmesinde Rekabet Politikasının Rolü .......... 299 Mahmut YARDIMCIOĞLU, Hakkı M. AY. Türkiye’de Girişimcilik Üzerindeki Vergi Kolaylıkları ............... 306 Önder MET, Nurjan DJURAEV. Mikro Finansın Girişimciliğin Geliştirilmesındeki Etkinliği: Kırgızistan

Örneği......................................................................................................................................................... 316 A. Kadir KÖKOCAK. Geçiş Ekonomilerinde Kalkınmanın Lokomotifi: Kobiler .............................................. 324 Zümrüt (ECEVİT) SATI, Cengiz YILMAZ. Sürdürülebilir Bir Gelecek İçin “Yeşil Girişimcilik”................... 332 Mehmet Ali GÜROL. İş Dünyasının Karlılık/Sürdürülebilirlik ve Sosyal Sorumluluk Bağlamındaki

İkilemi: Mevcut Koşullarda Sosyal Sorumluluk Üstlenmek veya Üstlenmemek ......................................... 341 Özcan YENİÇERİ, Mehmet İNCE. Otoriter Yönetimlerden Demokratik Yönetimlere Geçişte Karşılaşılan

Sorunlar ve Girişimcilik ............................................................................................................................. 345 Левина Ирина Валентиновна, Проскурина Виктория Дмитриевна. Роль неправительственных

организаций в подготовке предпринимательских кадров .................................................................... 352 Насыров Алмаз Турусбекович. Современное состояние подготовки кадров для

предпринимательских структур Кыргызской Республики................................................................... 356 Джипар Айтуганова. Аспекты формирования экономической культуры в предпринимательстве ......... 361 Orhan KÜÇÜK. Türk Eğitim Sisteminde Girişimcilik ve Girişimcilik Eğitiminde Avrupa Birliği (AB) Hibe

Projelerinden Yararlanma Düzeyi: Bir Uygulama..................................................................................... 364 Yavuz ODABAŞI. Meslektaş Girişimci Üniversite ve Yönetimi: Türk Üniversiteleri İçin Bir Model

Önerisi ........................................................................................................................................................ 370 İlham YILMAZ, Sezen ÖZEK. Eğitimde Girışimcilik ve Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesinin

Üniversite Eğitimindeki Girişimcilik Adına Yaptıklarının İncelenmesi...................................................... 378 Muhsin HALİS, Hasan TAĞRAF. Üniversitelerdeki Girişimcilik Eğitiminin “Girişimsel Öz Yetkinlik”

Algısı Üzerindeki Etkisi: Bir Araştırma...................................................................................................... 388 Mete SEZGİN, Muammer ZERENLER. Otel İşletmelerinin Menü Planlamasında Yaratıcılık, Yenilikçilik,

Girişimcilik Faaliyetleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma......................................................................................... 396 Soner TASLAK, İbrahim DOĞAN. İçsel Büyümede Araştırma Geliştirme Faaliyetleri ve Girişimciliğin

Etkisine Yönelik Ekonometrik Bir Araştırma .............................................................................................. 403 Salim ŞENGEL. Yükseköğretimde Girişimcilik Eğitiminin İnovatif İş Fikirlerine Ulaşmadaki Etkisi

Üzerine Bir Araştırma ................................................................................................................................ 412 Ercan YILMAZ, Ali Murat SÜNBÜL. Okulların Örgütsel Yaratıcılıklarının Öğretmenlerin

Yabancılaşma Eğilimleri Açısından İncelenmesi........................................................................................ 419 ОСМОНАЛИЕВ А. О. Анализ и оценка состояния взаиморасчетов в системе управления

оборотным капиталом предприятия ..................................................................................................... 424 Елена Умарбаева. Повышение производительности труда в малом и среднем бизнесе за счет

внедрения инноваций ................................................................................................................................ 429 İsmail KIZILIRMAK. Kırgızistan’daki Otel İşletmelerinde Girişimciler Açısından Pazarlama

Anlayışındaki Gelişmelerin İncelenmesi..................................................................................................... 433 Burcu Candan, Kenan Aydın, Gonca Telli Yamamoto. Küresel Marka Yaratma Sürecinde Bir Model:

Turquality ................................................................................................................................................... 441 Hasan GÜL, Ercan OKTAY, Mehmet İNCE. Stratejik Bakış Açısıyla Girişimcilik........................................... 448 Ali SOYLU, Yüksel KEPENEK. Meslek Yüksekokulu Öğrencilerinin Girişimcilik Düzeyleri ve Aldıkları

Eğitimin Girişimciliğe Olan Katkılarının Belirlenmesi: Pau Honaz Meslek Yüksekokulu Örneği............. 459 Müslüm BASILGAN. Girişimcilerin Kişilik Profili Üzerine Bir İnceleme: Bursa Örneği ................................ 472 Hüseyin GÜRBÜZ. Girişimcilik Eğilimiyle İlişkili Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi ve Eskişehir Osmangazi

Üniversitesi İİBF Öğrencilerinde Bir Uygulama ....................................................................................... 485 Ali Murat SÜNBÜL, Ercan YILMAZ. Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Girişimcilik ve Atılganlık Düzeyleri

Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi................................................................................................................. 494 Hakan YILDIRIM. Müşteri İlişkileri Yönetimi: İnternet Bankacılığı Üzerine Bir Uygulama............................ 499 Didem RODOPLU. Havalimanı İşletmeciliğinde Girişimciliğin Önemi ............................................................ 510 Nedim YÜZBAŞIOĞLU, Murat BAY. Küresel Rekabet Ortamında Girişimci Firmaların Stratejik

Konumlarının Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi (Türkiye Örneği) ...................................................................... 520 Mustafa BÜTE. İç Girişimciliğe Verilen Önem Düzeyi ve Çevresel Faktörlerin İç Girişimcilik Üzerine

Etkileri ........................................................................................................................................................ 528



Mirzat RAKIMBEK UULU∗∗. Renovation from Retrospective: The Thoughts on Management of Yusuf Khass Hajib in Kutadgu Bilig

Abstract Yusuf Khass Hajib was an outstanding and distinguished scientist and writer of his age. He was born in

Balasagun city (near to modern Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan). The Kutadgu Bilig is an immortal masterpiece and heritage not only in Turkic literature but also in world literature, which was written in the beginning of XI century and presented to Karakhan State ruler Ulug Kara Bugra Khan.

This study aims to give an opportunity to today’s managers and entrepreneurs to benefit from management thoughts proposed by Yusuf Khass Hajib more than nine centuries ago. The knowledge of the past projected and interpreted in the present is one of the most influential factors on formation and development of mass cultural consciousness, which consolidates a society in a question of its cultural sense of belonging. It makes possible to renovate from the past.

The management thoughts of Yusuf Khass Hajib can be successfully used in both micro and macro level management. These management thoughts are based on managerial traits roles and functions. It responds on a question how to manage/rule in effective manner. Great author touched important issues of management like general principles and approaches in management, relationship with subordinates, consulting, psychological and physical characteristics of manager etc.

This study has an ambitious objective to suggest management thoughts and concept of Yusuf Khass Hajib to modern managers and entrepreneurs especially in Turkic countries as handbook. It will be wholesome for them from the cultural and social proximity with notable of Turkic world like Yusuf Khass Hajib.

Key words: Yusuf Khass Hajib, Kutadgu Bilig, management thoughts, managerial roles. JEL Classification Code: M10


Human beings have been shaping and changing organizations for many centuries. It might be deducted that from the earliest times groups of people have been organized to work together in order to achieve common goals. Retrospective view into human being history of development makes possible to trace the stories of people working together in formal organizations especially in military organizations. Management and organizations are products of different historical and social transformations. Therefore, it is possible to perceive the evolution of management theory in terms of how human beings have faced with matters of relationships at particular times in history.

Although early studies on management were not attempting to work out a theory of management in essence they deliver important message from the past. Management cannot be considered as something that originated in the United States or Europe in the end of XIX and beginning of XX century. It must be scrupulous in putting on historical and cultural glasses when, from the perspective of particular historical period, one thinks about the origins of management theory.

Scientists have also long been studying and writing about how to make organizations more efficient and effective. They benefit from the studies of modern scientists from different disciplines, and at the same time they are inspired from the early studies. It is indisputable that efficiency and effectiveness of any organization depends on human factor particularly on managers. The manager is a key success factor of any organization. At the result of different studies scientists have suggested managerial traits roles and functions. From the earliest times outstanding scholars of different cultures and nations studied on management concept. One of the distinguished representatives of Turkic scholar world from the earliest times was Yusuf Khass Hajib and his immortal creature Kutadgu Bilig is truly immense source for scientific inspiration. From different dimensions it is possible to enrich oneself from Kutadgu Bilig.

The knowledge of the past projected and interpreted in the present is one of the most influential factors on formation and development of mass cultural consciousness, which consolidates a society in a question of its cultural sense of belonging. This knowledge serves to modern people as an instrument of their identification. It is necessary to attribute to such kind of knowledge the Yusuf Khass Hajib, whose works and ideas are harmoniously blend with the present.

2. Yusuf Khass Hajib and Kutadgu Bilig

One of the outstanding writers and philosophers of Turkic civilization Yusuf Khass Hajib, who lived in Karakhan State period, was born in Balasagun (near to modern Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan) in the beginning of X century (approximately in 1015 according to Arat, and in 1018 according to Dilaçar). It was one of the few civilized centers of Karakhan State. His family is estimated to be one of the notables of the period. Yusuf Has Hajib, who was a distinguished scientist and writer of his age, is the first Turkic writer whose Turkic literature

∗ Graduate School of Social Sciences, Management Program, PhD scholar, Research-Assistant, Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan, [email protected] ∗∗ Graduate School of Social Sciences, Turkology Program, PhD scholar, Research-Assistant, Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan, [email protected]


book reached today’s reader. Educational source for Yusuf Khass Hajib was the recognized cultural centers of his age like Kashgar and Bukhara. Perfectly knowing Arabian and Persian languages, he had worked philosophical and scientific compositions on various branches of knowledge (Dilacar, 1995:21). Secular people of that age differed by wide range of interests, taking a great interest alongside with philosophy and a science, poetry and a policy, game in a chess etc.

He wrote his famous book Kutadgu Bilig promoting him all over the world in his 50. It is an age full of life experience and knowledge when educated people looking back can share with many useful recommendations and lesson. It is natural that Kutadgu Bilig was dosed with wise instructions for different life situations, as its author was highly educated and top intelligent individual. He completed his masterpiece during 18 months. It consists of 88 chapters and 6645 lines/couplets. After completion Kutadgu Bilig he presented it to Karakhan State ruler Ulug Kara Bugra Khan, in 1070. Wise Ulug Bugra Khan, who was also interested in literature and art, after having read the book, was truly admired and entitled Yusuf as "Khass Hajib" (chamberlain, top advisor) (Стеблева, 1984; Arat, 1991). Kutadgu Bilig is a didactic work in which the author reveals main principles of reasonable management, defines moral priorities and spiritual reference points for rulers/managers. It represents a statement of main principles and methods of management, duty regulations.

In 1870 H. Vambery called Kutadgu Bilig as a work of art that gives opportunity to dip into social and administrative situation of Turkic nations of that time, and as an ethical teaching manner where Orient in particular Turkic viewpoint is dominant (transferred by Kafeşoğlu, 1980:5-6).

The outlook of Yusuf Khass Hajib represents the greatest opening of that historical period. Not accidentally his treatise unconditionally became the political best seller in the international scale. For the first time in Eurasian area harmonious system covering problems of sociology, ethics, an aesthetics, theology, social psychology and the theory of management (Kakeev, 2004:115).

Kutadgu Bilig is one of the first and most important resources of the Turkic language and literature together. The ethical and didactic treatise of Yusuf Khass Hajib “Kutadgu Bilig” covers all the parties of a life of the ideal governor/ruler and its officials. Lectures are accompanied by data from the most different areas of a science: mathematicians, astronomies, and medicine (Стеблева, 1984:201). Today readers can admire of three copies of Kutadgu Bilig (Elgioglu and Ozden, 2004:20).

1. The copy in Vienna: (in Uighur alphabet). It was found in Herat in 1439. It was denoted to National Library

of Vienna by Hammer. 2. The copy in Cairo: (in Arabic alphabet). It was found out be the German Director of a Library in Cairo, Dr.

Moritz, in 1896. 3. The copy in Fergana: (in Arabic alphabet). Zeki Velidi Togan in Nemingah, Fergana, found it.

This study was based on three translations of Kutadgu Bilig.

1. “Kutadgu Bilig I Metin”, 3rd edition of translation into Turkish by Reshit Rahmet Arat in 1991. 2. “Kuttuu Bilim”, translation into Kyrgyz by Kozubekov T. in 1993. 3. “Beneficent Knowledge”, translation into English by Walter May in 1998. Table 2.1. Main figures in K.B. and their personification

Name Occupation Personification of Kyuntogdi – Rising Sun

King/Ruler Justice

Aitoldi – Full Moon

Vizier Fortune/Happiness

Ogdyulmish Sage/ Consultant


Odgurmish Ascetic Satisfaction/Modesty In Kutadgu Bilig great author gives main messages to reader in forms of dialogue between four figures.

Table 2.1. gives these key roles and which values and principles they personify and present. Kyuntogdi is a king/ruler who had, firstly, vizier Aitoldu and after death his son Ogdyulmish as a chief sage/consultant in court. Kutadgu Bilig is a poem consists of their dialogues. Topics of their dialogue were different. In this paper, dialogues referring to management topics are in the field of vision and source for interest. Table 2.2. Main terms used in K.B. related with management and their rephrasing

Used terms in Kutadgu Bilig Rephrase into modern management concepts Bey, ruler, leader, lord, master Manager, leader Sage, vizier Consultant/coach Folk, people, servant Subordinates, employee To rule To manage Enemy, foeman Competitor To praise Compensation Deed Practices, policy

Certainly and naturally that Yusuf Khass Hajib had not used terms and concepts that are in common usage

and jargon of nowadays in management. However their meaning content is almost the same. In order to lighten the task of reader, Table 2.2. gives the terms used in Kutadgu Bilig and their interpretation into today’s management terms.


3. The Main Thoughts on Management of Yusuf Khass Hajib in Kutadgu Bilig

Kutadgu Bilig is one of the earliest studies in Turkic literature where author gave a message to next generation readers on management. General thoughts on management in Kutadgu Bilig are based on following:

- Managerial Traits; - General Principles in Management; - General Instructions for Manager;

3.1. Managerial Traits In dialogue of Ogdyulmish with Kyuntogdi sage/consultant tells about what a Bey/manager should be.

While this dialogue, speakers advance a thesis on meaning of being a ruler/manager. Being a Bey (manager) is believed to be respective and worthy role. In Kutadgu Bilig (28th chapter) the managerial traits are divided into two parts: positive and negative traits. The positive traits should be present at manager character and they make manager stronger. Author underlines the meaning of being just and objective for rulers. Not accidentally King was named as Kyuntogdi. It means “Rising Sun” and personifies the Sun that shines to everybody equally. Negative traits that ought to be avoid for managers are shown in Table 3.1., too. Having these negative traits makes managers unsuccessful and they can lose respect of subordinates.

Table 3.1. Managerial Traits in Kutadgu Bilig

Positive Traits Negative Traits Be Just, Noble, Generous, Firm, Bold, Strong, Wise, Able/capable, Clever, Sharp-eyed, Watchful, Humble, Patient

Not to be Fool, Thoughtless, Hasty, Forceful/Despotic, Oppressive Gambler, Mean/greedy

3.2. General Principles in Management

Yusuf Khass Hajib underlined the keystone of managerial functions. Namely these principal values should serve as a guiding star for managers. They are key success factors that can ensure long-term existence. They are following: - Justice - Conscience - Truth - Knowledge - Experience - Sense - Wisdom - Caution - Humility Moreover from different side Kutadgu Bilig advices for managers to refrain from five factors (K.B. line 2060-2064). They are believed to be destructive for good management and principally should not been followed by good manager. They are following: - Haste - Greed - Bad temper - Stubbornness - Falsehood 3.2. General Instructions for Manager

For effective and efficient management great philosopher Yusuf Khass Hajib in his Kutadgu Bilig recommends followings. 1. Managers should have knowledge and demonstrate an intellect. (K.B. line 1949)


A man who assessed knowledge highly once said That learning gave power to one’s hand and one’s head. (K.B. line 2994) 2. Leading subordinates using sense and reason is effective way in achievement goals and objectives. A Bey who leads people with reason and sense, Will then achieve much, give his folk no offence. (K.B. line 1952) “The one who shows sense with his wisdom as well, Then call him a man, and his praises forth tell. (K.B. line 1993) 3. Skills and intellect are strategic source in competition war. To be wise and clever –that means a great aid - For such men succeed and their foes are afraid. (K.B. line 1954) 4. Penetrating manager would not been surprised by sudden negative external factors. “A Bey must be sharp-eyed, and also be wise. Then unforeseen troubles won’t darken his eyes. (K.B. line 1956) 5. A manager must pay attention on education of subordinates. Not educated subordinates is critical moment. With knowledge his people a good Bey must nurse. If they remain stupid – their fate is a curse. (K.B. line 1968) 6. To manage demands thoughtful approach, and manager should retrain from making unconcerned decisions. To rule is a task, which needs thoughts by the score, So keep out the thoughtless and you will do more. (K.B. line 1990) 7. In management one of the things that ought to be avoided is timeless haste. Haste resembles to raw food. And immature haste is the worst of them all. Raw food, eaten quickly will make a man fall. (K.B. line 1998) 8. Manager ought to be generous. Avidity is considered to be a crime. And never be mean, for great greed is a crime. Be generous, just, and tell truth all the time. (K.B. line 2000) 9. Manager’s actions should not be wrapped false and cunning, otherwise subordinates and consequently all organization will suffer. Where the Bey’s heart and words only serve cunning guile, The poor folk’s contentment flies off in a while. (K.B. line 2012) 10. Legality should be in priority value in managing people. This value makes managers stronger. A Bey must weave two things in one with firm hand – Legality, vigilance – roots of the land. (K.B. line 2015) If you dream to rule, in your majesty long, Then keep to the law, and your rule will be strong. (K.B. line 2033) 11. Despotic treatment towards subordinates accompanied by carelessness is a factor, which makes management and subordinates’ aims and objectives differ. These evils are carelessness coupled with force. They turn folk away from the Bey in due course. (K.B. line 2024) But force and oppression can never rule long – The folk will revolt; break the yoke, though it’s strong. (K.B. line 2030) 12. Kindness and calmness is a trait, which is, maybe for the first time, incompatible with other managerial traits. However these characteristics are a source of strength. A Bey should be kind, and his soul should be calm. A man who is calm has great strength in his arm. (K.B. line 2049) 13. With the right hand manager should control competitors and with the hand motivate and coordinate subordinates. Managers’ success depends on these basic factors. With the right hand at first, all your foes you must beat. With the left give out presents to all whom you meet. (K.B. line 2069) 14. Soothing rhetoric and empathic treatment towards subordinates is a way to receive their inclination and sympathy. Manager should have strong communicative skills. Show pity to all, with sweet-spoken speech, And then, great and small, all their hearts you will reach. (K.B. line 2070) The servant will offer the Bey his whole heart, When he’s kind to him, and will honor his part. (K.B. line 2960) 15. Physical appearance of manager is very important. Manager should be nor too tall neither too small. Stately middle-height manager with firm spine and broad chest is the physique for managers. A Bey must be noble, a pleasant, fine sight, Not a giant, nor pigmy – of medium height. (K.B. line 2083) If he is too tall, that is not good at all, And neither is that, when he is too small.( K.B. line 2087) And since this is so – middle-height is the best, But stately, and comely, firm spine and broad chest. (K.B. line 2088) 16. Manager should avoid intake of alcohol and gambling. Otherwise he will lose subordinates’ respect and confidence. The effective control cannot be point of issue. A Bey should avoid guzzling wine, not carouse. He loses respect if he keeps drunken house. (K.B. line 2091) And if they go gambling, place gold on the card, Then life, both for them and the rest, will be hard. (K.B. line 2093) If a Bey takes to drinking and gambling too, Then say, is he suited to rule me and you? (K.B. line 2103) 17. Manager should estimate subordinates by their performance and reward them. By motivating manager can receive loyal and grateful subordinates.


All Beys for their men should name the rewards he will give to them then. (K.B. line 2957) For all kinds odd service rewards must be made, Which should correspond to the work and its grade. (K.B. line 2974) When Beys give a good word of praise to a man, He’ll gladly do all for his lord where he can. (K.B. line 2977) 18. Firstly the manager should ensure satisfying physiological needs of subordinates. Hungry or unsatisfied subordinates cannot work effectively and productively. First off - he should give them their drink and their food, And help them along, when the going’s not good. (K.B. line 2958) 19. The manager should know and be aware of his subordinates. They are divided into two kinds: ones who are useful and ones who are source for trouble. First type subordinates should be empowered and second type demands special attention. About all his servants a Bey should know well – The ones who are useful and those who raise hell! (K.B. line 2973) 20. The manager should choose reliable honest and intelligent deputy or assistant. Their presence make manager feel in safety and more confident. The Vizier must always be your prop and stay! (K.B. line 2181) His mind and his knowledge are as deep as the sea. (K.B. line 2185) His honor and honesty must be as one, (K.B. line 2186) And on the right road must his good work be done.

From these instructions it can be considered that Yusuf Khass Hajib advised to ruler/managers to adopt paternalistic style of management. After all author advice managers to be a less dictatorial, the decisions tend to be in the best interests of the subordinates. He strongly advice not to be oppressive toward subordinates. The manager/ruler ensures subordinates’ needs are always met. This can help balance out the lack of worker motivation originated from an autocratic management style. Conclusion and Discussion

The majestic monument of the Turkic culture extant from the beginning from previous millennium Kutadgu Bilig is dosed by necessary information related with effective management issues. It responds on a question how to be good manager. Great author touched important issues of management like relationship with subordinates, general principles and approaches of management, consulting, psychological and physical characteristics of manager etc.

The knowledge of the past projected and interpreted in the present is one of the most influential factors on formation and development of mass cultural consciousness, which consolidates a society in a question of its cultural sense of belonging. This knowledge serves to modern people as an instrument of their social and cultural identification. While scholars are occupied with decryption of this masterpiece and translation it into common language, practitioners can benefit from the ideas of Yusuf Khass Hajib in their short and long run policies and strategies related with human resources management and external analyses particularly competitors. This study has an ambitious objective to suggest management thoughts and concept of Yusuf Khass Hajib to modern managers and entrepreneurs especially in Turkic countries as a handbook. It will be wholesome for them from the cultural and social proximity with notable of Turkic world like Yusuf Khass Hajib. This interdisciplinary work can be bravely called as a beginning of big project whose authors are with business administration and turkology background could look at theme from different perspectives. Reference Arat R.R. (1991), Kutadgu Bilig I Metin, 3.baskı, İstanbul Dilaçar A. (1995), Kutadgu Bilig İncelemesi, Ankara Elgioglu O., Ozden H., (2004) Common Thoughts of Socrates and Yusuf Khass Hajib on Wisdom and Virtue,

Journal of International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine, Vol. 3. pp. 20-25 Kafeşoğlu İ., ( 1980) Kutadgu Bilig ve Kültür Tarihimizdeki Yeri, Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları, İstanbul Kara M., (1998) Bir Başka Açıdan Kutadgu Bilig, 1.Baskı, T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları/2301, Ankara Kакеев А.Ч. Этика государственного управления в трактате Джусупа Баласагына «Благодатное знание»,

Общечеловеческое и национальное в философии: II международная научно-практическая конференция КРСУ, Материалы выступлений, Bishkek, сс.114-120

Yusuf Balasaguni (1998), Beneficent Knowledge, (translated into English by Walter May), Moscow Баласагын Жусуп (1993), Куттуу Билим, которгон Козубеков Т., Москва С т е б л е в а И . В . ( 1 9 8 4 ) Древняя тюркоязычная литература, История всемирной литературы:

Т. 2, Москва.: Наука, сс.196—204