2014 本科培养计划 - 国际教育学院英文站点

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014 本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表 2014 本科培养计划 EDUCATION PLAN UNDERGRRUDUATE STUDENT 南京理工大学教务处

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南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表

2014 本科培养计划



南京理工大学 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表目录




的古都南京。学校由创建于 1953 年的新中国军工科技最高学府——中国人民解放军军事工程学院(简称“哈

军工”)分建而成,先后经历了炮兵工程学院、华东工程学院、华东工学院几个发展阶段,1993 年更为现

名,1998 年 9 月,江泽民同志为学校亲笔题写了校名。1995 年,学校成为国家首批“211 工程”重点建设

高校;2011 年,获批建设“985 工程优势学科创新平台”。在六十余年的建设历程中,学校秉承“哈军工”





学校北依紫金山,西临明城墙,校园占地 3118 亩。校园内曲塘潋滟,佳木葱茏,碧草如茵,景色宜人,

与中山陵风景区浑然一体,是修身治学的理想园地。校舍建筑总面积 87 万平方米,固定资产总值 25 亿元,

各类基础设施齐全,后勤服务系统完善。现有实验室 59 个,各类教学科研仪器设备 9.9 亿元;图书馆藏有

中外文图书文献 240 余万册。




学院等 15 个专业学院,建有研究生院、教育实验学院、国际教育学院、中法工程师学院、继续教育学院,


学校现有国家重点学科 9 个,江苏省优势学科 6个,江苏省一级重点学科 7个,工信部重点学科 7个,

在长期发展过程中形成了兵器与装备、电子与信息、化工与材料三大优势学科群;国家级特色专业 9 个,

教育部卓越工程师培养计划试点专业 13 个,江苏省重点专业类 12 个(覆盖 38 个本科专业),江苏省品牌

专业建设一期立项 6 个;博士后流动站 16 个,博士学位点 50 个,硕士学位点 117 个;具有 12 个专业学位

授权点,其中工程硕士涵盖 27 个工程领域;具有高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)授予权;具有在职人


3 万余人。

学校现有教职工 3200 余人,专任教师 1900 余人,教授、副教授 1200 余人,其中,两院院士 8人,外

国院士 3 人,“千人计划”专家 10 人,“万人计划”专家 9 人(其中杰出人才 1 人),“长江学者”14

人,“国家杰出青年基金”获得者 7 人,“国家级教学名师奖”获得者 3 人,国务院学位委员会学科评议

组成员 5人(其中召集人 1 人),“973”首席科学家 8人,“国家百千万人才工程”人选 14 人,“国家

级有突出贡献中青年专家”8人,享受国务院政府特殊津贴 196 人,入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计

划”、“江苏双创计划”、“江苏特聘教授”等省部级以上人才计划 300 余人。教育部创新团队 5 个,国

家级教学团队 5 个,国防科技创新团队 8个,江苏省创新团队 15 个。 学校具有教授任职资格整体审定权,



门人才和工程精英,造就求真务实、开拓创新、引领发展、具有国际视野的社会中坚。60 多年来,累计为

国家培养输送了 16 万余名各类高级专门人才,其中 12 人当选中国科学院、中国工程院院士,许多人成为

南京理工大学 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表目录


高校、科研机构、企业和政府部门的领导和骨干。 “十二五”以来,学校获得国家级教学成果奖 3项;省

部级教学成果奖 15 项,其中特等奖 2 项,一等奖 6 项。

学校既是教育中心,又是科技中心,设有 120 个研究机构,拥有 1 个国家级重点实验室,1 个国家级

工程技术研究中心,1个国家级技术研究推广中心,1 个国家级技术转移示范机构,1个国家级质检中心,

10 个部省级重点实验室,5个省级哲学社会科学研究基地,建有国家级大学科技园,并以此为依托承担了

一大批国家重大科研任务,取得了一批标志性的科研成果。近十年来,学校获得省部级及以上科技奖励 286

项,其中国家级科技奖励 16 项(国家自然科学二等奖 2 项,国家技术发明二等奖 6项,国家科技进步二等

奖 8项)。






学校努力推进大学国际化进程,与俄罗斯鲍曼国立技术大学、德国慕尼黑工业大学等 100 多所海外知

名高校建立了密切的合作关系,开展各类人才联合培养和学术交流合作工作。2011 年以来,与高外高校和

知名企业建立了 9个国际联合实验室,与美国卡内基梅隆大学、英国考文垂大学等开设了经教育部批准的

中外合作办学项目。2012 年,学校与德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院合作建立了格莱特纳米科技研究所。该研究



为拓宽筹措办学资金渠道,凝聚各方兴学力量,学校于 2006 年成立了教育发展基金会,支持学校在人


学金 80 余项,受益师生 8000 余人次。 学校将继续发扬优良传统,抓住中华民族伟大复兴的历史机遇,与




南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表

目 录机械工程学院...................................................................................................................................................................1





















电子工程与光电技术学院.......................................................................................................................................... 143








计算机科学与工程学院.............................................................................................................................................. 194







南京理工大学 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表目录












建筑环境与能源应用工程.......................................................................................................................................... 300





















光电信息科学与工程(理)...................................................................................................................................... 434




英 语...........................................................................................................................................................................457

日 语...........................................................................................................................................................................464


南京理工大学 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表目录


法 学...........................................................................................................................................................................473








附录一:南京理工大学关于制定 2014 版本科培养计划的指导意见...................................................................527

附录二: 南京理工大学本科专业目录(2014.10)..................................................................................................532

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表

机械工程学院机械工程学院由原一系、二系、五系(制造工程学院)组建发展而成,成立于 2001 年,是学校规模



万人才工程”、国防科技工业“511 人才工程”、江苏省“333 工程”、“青蓝工程”、“六大人才高峰”培养对象的

优秀中青年专家。“武器系统与工程”专业课程教学团队被评为国家级教学团队,2 人获江苏省教学名师奖。


程系、工业工程系和航空宇航系 7 个系,9 个研究所、3 个国家级工程中心。学院现有教职工 254 人,全

日制在校学生 3401 人,其中本科生 2144 名,硕士研究生 971 名,博士生 286 名。



成立了 4 个国家级工程实践教育中心。

学院拥有兵器科学与技术、机械工程、仪器科学与技术、航空宇航科学与技术 4 个一级学科,其中有

3 个国家重点学科,6 个省部级重点(优势)学科,1 个工信部新兴交叉学科。现有 4 个博士后流动站、16

个博士学位授予点、17 个硕士学位授予点、7 个专业学位研究生(工程硕士)培养工程领域,有机械工程、


甲车辆工程等 8 个本科专业。其中 2 个国家级特色专业,2 个教育部“卓越工程师”教育培养计划试点专业,

1 个工信部重点专业,2 个江苏省重点专业类。

学院人才培养工作成绩喜人,现有 4 门国家级精品课程、3 门国家精品资源共享课和视频公开课、13

门省级精品(优秀)课程(群)。已出版教材百余部,其中入选国家、省部级规划教材 40 余部,获评国家

级精品教材 3 部,省级精品教材 4 部,兵工高校优秀教材 6 部。获国家级教学成果奖 3 项,省级教学成果

奖 10 项。总计教育培养 24000 多名学生,为国家各行业输送了大批优秀人才,校友中涌现两院院士 6 人、






南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


School of Mechanical Engineering

School of Mechanical Engineering,founded in 1953, is one of the most powerful schools in the NUST. The

School consists of 7 departments: Mechanical Design and Automation, Manufacturing Engineering and

Automation, Mechatronic Engineering, Vehicle Engineering, Instrument Science and Engineering, Industrial

Engineering and Aerospace, as well as 9 research institutes and 3 national engineering centers. Currently, the

school has about 260 faculty and staff, over 3,400 on-campus students, including over 2,100 undergraduates,

about 1,000 master graduate students and about 300 doctoral candidates.

The School has an excellent faculty team, including academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering,

Cheung Kong Scholars Distinguished Professor ,winners of China National Funds for Distinguished Young

Scientists, experts of the Recruitment Program of Global Experts and a group of outstanding young and mid-aged

experts who have joined the “New Century National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project”, “511

Talent Project of National Defense”, “333 Engineering”, “Youth Elites Project (Qinglan Project)” and “Six Talent

Peaks”. The professional teaching team of Weapon Systems and Engineering is awarded the National Teaching

Team. 2 professors have gained the Jiangsu Distinguished Teacher Award.

The School has a Smart Ammunition National Defense Key Laboratory, a Provincial Mechanical Engineering

Experimental Teaching Demonstration Centre, a Provincial Weapons Systems and Engineering Experimental

Teaching Demonstration Centre, Instrument Science and Technology Experimental Teaching Center, Aerospace

Science and Technology Experimental Teaching Center and 4 National Engineering Practice Education Joint

Centers with enterprises.

The School has 4 primary disciplines: Weapons Science and Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Instrument

Science and Technology, Aviation and Aerospace Science and Technology. There are 3 national key disciplines, 6

provincial key disciplines and 1 emerging interdisciplinary in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

The School provides 4 post-doctoral programs, 16 doctoral programs, 17 master programs and 7 professional

master programs (Master of Engineering) educational fields. The School has 8 majors: Mechanical Engineering,

Weapons Systems and Engineering, Measurement and Control Technology and Instruments, Vehicle Engineering,

Industrial Engineering, Flight Vehicle Design and Engineering, Ammunition Engineering and Explosives Techniques

and Armored Vehicle Engineering, among which there are 2 national key majors, 1 ministerial key major and 2

provincial key majors. Weapons Systems Engineering and Mechanical Engineering are selected into the “Excellent

Engineers Plan” of Ministry of Education.

The School has 4 national key courses, 3 national key open courses and 13 provincial key courses. More than

100 textbooks and monographs have been published, including more than 40 national and provincial planning

textbooks, 3 national quality textbooks, 4 provincial quality textbooks and 6 quality textbooks of ordnance

universities. The School has won 3 National Teaching Achievement Awards and 10 Provincial Teaching

Achievement Awards. Over 24,000 excellent graduates have been cultivated for different lines, among whom

there are 6 academicians, over 10 generals and plenty of talents in education, engineering, businesses and


The School focuses on international academic exchanges and joint education. Partnerships have been

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


founded with Russia Bauman State Technical University, University of Dayton, Arizona State University, Institute

Mines-Telecom, Karlstad University, Coventry University, and Chinese University of Hong Kong. The School

initiated and hosted plenty of international academic activities, including International Mechanical Engineering

and Mechanics Conference, the International Conference of Electromechanical Systems and Testing Techniques,

International Forum on Special Equipment and Engineering Mechanics.

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



机械工程专业起源于 1953年建校的中国人民解放军军事工程学院(简称“哈军工”)的火炮与自动武器、


学硕士学位授予权,1986年获机械电子工程博士学位授予权,1998 年获机械制造及其自动化博士学位授予














1. 具有较好的人文社会科学素养、较强的社会责任感和良好的工程职业道德;

2. 掌握从事机械工程工作所需的数学和其他相关的自然科学知识以及一定的经济和管理知识;

3. 掌握机械工程基础理论和专业知识,具有系统的工程实践学习经历;了解机械工程前沿发展现状和趋


4. 掌握在机械工程实践中基本工艺操作等各种技术、技能,具有使用现代化工程工具的能力;具备设计


5. 具有综合运用所学科学理论和技术方法对机械系统和过程进行系统表达、建立模型、综合分析并提出



6. 具有追求创新的态度和意识,掌握基本的创新方法,具备对产品进行技术改造和创新的初步能力;

7. 具有良好的经济、质量、安全、效益、环境、职业健康、法律、伦理和服务意识;

8. 掌握文献检索、资料查询及运用现代信息技术获取相关信息的基本方法;

9. 了解与机械工程相关的职业和行业的生产、设计、研究与开发、环境保护和可持续发展等方面的技术


10. 具有一定的组织管理能力、语言文字表达能力和人际交往能力以及在团队中发挥作用的能力;

11. 对终身学习有正确认识,具有不断学习和适应发展的能力;

12. 具有国际视野和跨文化环境下的交流、竞争与合作的初步能力;

13. 具有应对危机与突发事件的初步能力。


南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表















本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Mechanical EngineeringⅠ. Introductions

Major of Mechanical Engineering, originating in the major of Artillery and Automatic Weapons, Ammunition,

and Fuse Technology of the Harbin Military Engineering Institute, was established in 1953. It began to provide

master programs of Mechanical Manufacturing and Mechanics in 1984, doctoral program of Mechanical and

Electronic Engineering in 1986, doctoral program of Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation in 1998, and

primary discipline doctoral program of Mechanical Engineering in 2000. The Major is one of the earliest established

key major in Jiangsu, national characteristic major construction base of Ministry of Education, pilot major for

Excellent Engineers Plan. The Major, with the characteristic of advanced manufacturing technology and

mechatronics control, integrates mechanical design, mechanical manufacturing and mechanical and electronic

engineering. Graduates are expected to engage in the research, design, manufacture, control, detection and

management of all kinds of mechanical and electronic products and automatic control systems and manufacturing

equipment in research institutes, universities and high-tech enterprises.

Ⅱ. Objectives

The Major aims at training comprehensive engineers and technical talents with basic theory and knowledge of

mechanical engineering to engage in the job of engineering design, mechanical manufacturing, technology

development, scientific research and production organization and management.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to acquire the basic theory and knowledge of mechanical design, mechanical

manufacturing and control, to receive basic training of mechanical engineer, and to grasp basic ability to engage in

design, manufacturing, technology development, scientific research and production organization and management

in the field of mechanical engineering.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good quality of humanities and social sciences, a strong sense of social responsibility and good

engineering ethics;

2. Master knowledge of mathematics, other related natural science and certain knowledge of economics and

management needed in the job of mechanical engineering;

3. Master the basic theory and expertise of mechanical engineering, have training experience of engineering

practice and understand the frontiers and trends of mechanical engineering;

4. Master technologies and skills in mechanical engineering practice, have the ability to design and implement

engineering experiments, and analyze the experimental results;

5. Own the ability of describing, modeling, comprehensive analyzing and proposing solutions in mechanical

engineering by applying scientific theories and technical methods, have the preliminary capacity to research,

develop and design new products, new processes, new technologies and new equipment in machinery industry;

6. Have the attitudes and awareness to pursue innovation, master the basic creative methods, own the

preliminary ability of technical improvement and transformation;

7. Have a good awareness of economy, quality, safety, efficiency, environment, occupational health, ethic and


南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


8. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

9. Understand the technical standards, policies, laws and regulations on production, design, research and

development, environmental protection and sustainable development of profession and industry related to

mechanical engineering;

10. Have the ability of organization and management, communication and team corporation;

11. Have the ability of self-study and self-development;

12. Gain the ability of communication, competition and cooperation with international perspectives;

13. Have abilities to respond to crises and emergencies of mechanical engineering occurring in projects.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. Leading Disciplines and Interdisciplinary Subjects

The Leading Disciplines: Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics, Power Engineering and Engineering


Interdisciplinary Subjects:.

Ⅵ. Core courses

Theoretical Mechanics,Mechanics of Materials,Engineering Graphics, Electrical Engineering,Analog and

Digital circuits , Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering, Fundamentals of Control Engineering, Engineering

Material and Forming Technology, Fundamentals of Machine Design, Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing,

Machinery Manufacturing Equipment,etc.

Ⅶ. Collective Practical Teaching Session

Metalworking Practice, Course Design of Mechanical Design Basis, Course Design of Mechanical Manufacturing

Basis, Analog and Digital Circuit Experiment, Production Engineering Investigation, Graduation Project, Military

Training, etc

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other specialized

optional courses.

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


机械工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Mechanical Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论 ‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础 ‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现 代史纲要 ‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702 Visual C++程序设计‖C++ Programming Design 4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ) ‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ) ‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05121704 工程图形学(Ⅰ)‖Engineering Graphics(Ⅰ) 3 48 3 001

05221704 工程图形学(Ⅱ)‖Engineering Graphics(Ⅱ) 2.5 28 12 2.5 001

03030404 工科大学化学‖College Chemistry for Engineers 2 32 2 003

01072301机 械 工 程 导 论 ‖Introduction of MechanicalEngineering

1 16 1 001

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

11020502 材料力学‖Mechanics of Materials 4 58 6 4 013

01023702 测试技术‖Measuring and Testing Techniques 2.5 32 8 2.5 001

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

16022803 工程材料及成形工艺‖Engineering Material andForming Technology

3 44 4 3 016

11138101工 程 力 学 实 验 ( Ⅰ ) * ‖Experiments inEngineering Mechanics(Ⅰ)*

0.5 8 0.5 013

11238101工 程 力 学 实 验 ( Ⅱ ) * ‖Experiments inEngineering Mechanics(Ⅱ)*

0.5 8 0.5 013

01022201工程流体力学基础* ‖Fundamentals of FluidMechanics*

2 28 4 2 001

05022701互 换 性 与 测 量 技 术 ‖Interchangeability andMeasurement Technology

2 26 6 2 001

01124103机 械 设 计 基 础 ( Ⅰ ) ★‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Design(Ⅰ)★

3 42 6 3 001

01224103机 械 设 计 基 础 ( Ⅱ ) ★‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Design(Ⅱ)★

3 42 6 3 001

01024201机 械 设 计 基 础课 程 设 计 ‖Course Design ofMechanical Design Fundamentals

3 120 3 001

05124205机械制造基础(Ⅰ)‖Fundamentals of MechanicalManufacture(Ⅰ)

2.5 36 4 2.5 001

05224205机械制造基础(Ⅱ)‖Fundamentals of MechanicalManufacture(Ⅱ)

2 28 4 2 001

01049202机械制造基础课程设计* ‖Course Design ofMechanical Manufacture Fundamentals*

2 80 2 001

23020105 金属工艺实习*‖Metalworking Training* 4 160 4 022

01026302控 制 工 程 基 础 ‖Control EngineeringFundamentals

2.5 34 6 2.5 001

11027802 理论力学‖Theoretical Mechanics 4 62 2 4 013

04126401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅰ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅰ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04226401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅱ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅱ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04026501模拟与数字电路综合实验 ‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Analog and Digital Circuits

2 80 2 004

01058301 热工基础‖Fundamentals of Thermo-Dynamics 2 28 4 2 001

05027601生产管理与控制‖Production Management andControl

2 28 4 2 001

01028206微机原理及接口技术‖Microcomputer Principleand Interface Technology

3 38 10 3 001

05029703液 压 与 气 压 传 动 ‖Hydraulic and PneumaticTransmission

2 28 4 2 001

必修课程·专业方向课 【除公共部分外,任选一组修读】

Compulsory Course·Specialized Course(Choose one group, besides the general courses)

01023402机 电 传 动 控 制 基 础 ‖Fundamentals ofElectromechanical Transmission Control

2 26 6 2 001

01067001 机械振动学‖Mechanical Vibrations 2 28 4 2 001

05022302机 械 制 造 装 备 ‖Machine ManufacturingEquipment

3 44 4 3 001

05027902 数控技术‖Numerical Control Technology 2 28 4 2 001

01031623 毕业设计‖Graduation Project

14 560 14 001

01027623 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 2 80 2 001

01070101机床电气可编程控制技术‖Machine ToolElectrical Programmable ControlTechnology

2 28 4 2 001

01028002精 密 与 特 种 加 工 技 术 ‖Precision andSpecial Processing Technology

2 28 4 2 001

01070201先进制造技术综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment on Advanced ManufacturingTechnology

1 40 1 001

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

01031623 毕业设计‖Graduation Project

14 560 14 001

01027623 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 2 80 2 001

01070501电液控制技术 ‖Electro-Hydraulic ControlTechnology

2 32 2 001

01070601电 液 控 制 综 合 实 验 ‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Electro-Hydraulic Control

1 40 1 001

01070401液压元件与系统 ‖Hydraulic Componentand System

2 24 8 2 001

01031623 毕业设计‖Graduation Project

14 560 14 001

01027623 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 2 80 2 001

01048902机电系统控制电路设计 ‖Control CircuitDesign of Electromechanical System

2 24 8 2 001

01023502机 电 系 统 设 计 ‖Design ofElectromechanical System

2 28 4 2 001

01036601生产过程控制综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Production-Process Control

1 40 1 001

01031623 毕业设计‖Graduation Project

14 560 14 001

01027623 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 2 80 2 001

01049103机械结构设计与分析‖Design and Analysisof Mechanical Structure

2 28 4 2 001

01070701机 械 设 计 综 合 实 验 ‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Mechanical Design

1 40 1 001

01024503 机械系统设计‖Mechanical System Design 2 28 4 2 001

01031693 毕业设计‖Graduation Project


14 560 14 001

01027693 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 2 80 2 001

05026104成形加工工艺及装备技术‖Technology ofForming Process and Equipment

2 28 4 2 001


Comprehensives practice of MechanicalEngineering

2 80 2 022

01026103模具设计与制造‖The Technology of ModelDesigning and Manufacturing

2 28 4 2 001

01070302 模 具 设 计 与 制 造 综 合 实

践 ‖Comprehensive Practice of Design andManufacture of Molds

2 80 2 001


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

01020104 CAD&CAM 技术‖CAD/CAM Technology 2 24 8 2 001

01072501Visual Basic 程 序 设 计 ‖Visual Basic .NETProgramming

2 32 2 001

01020501单片机原理及应用‖Theory and Application ofSingle Chip Microcomputer

2 24 8 2 001

01035201机电系统仿真与虚拟技术 ‖The Simulation ofElectro-mechanical System and the Technology ofVirtual Propertyping

2 32 2 001

01037101机电系统综合实验‖Comprehensive Experimentof Electromechanical System

1 40 1 001

05025803机器人创新设计与制作基础‖Fundamentals ofRobot Innovative Design and Production

2 24 8 2 001

05025802机 器 人 技 术 基 础 ‖Fundamentals of RobotTechniques

2 30 2 2 001

05032102机 器 人 技 术 综 合 实 验 * ‖RoboticsComprehensive Experiment*

1 40 1 001

01048703机械产品虚拟设计‖Mechanical Product VirtualDesign

2 27 5 2 001

01035701 机械创新设计‖Innovative Machine Design 2 32 2 001

01036702机 械 创 新 综 合 实 践 ‖Mechanical InnovationIntegrated Experiment

2 80 2 001

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

01036005机械工程新技术专题教授讲座 ‖Lectures onNew Technology of Mechanical Engineering

1 16 1 001


机 械 零 件 三 坐 标 测 量 及 反 求 综 合 实

验 ‖Comprehensive Experiment of MechanicalParts Three-Coordinate Measurement andInverse Design

1 40 1 001

01056101 机械设计学‖Mechanical Design 2 32 2 001

01024404机 械 系 统 动 力 学 建 模 与 仿 真 ‖DynamicsModeling and Simulation of Mechnical System

2 28 4 2 001

01024702 机械优化设计‖Optimal Design of Machine 2 24 8 2 001

01067201 计算流体力学‖Computational Fluid Mechanics 2 32 2 001

01031102可编程控制器及应用‖Programmable Controllerand Application

2 24 8 2 001

01023905 可靠性设计‖Reliability Design 2 32 2 001

01022102 逆向工程技术‖Reverse Engineering Technology 2 28 4 2 001

01071201企 业 技 术 管 理 ‖Enterprise TechnicalManagement

1 16 1 001

01049403嵌 入 式 微 处 理 器 及 应 用 ‖EmbeddedMicrocomputer and Application

2 24 8 2 001

01027501 人机工程学‖Ergonomics 2 32 2 001

01071001 实用计算方法‖Practical Calculation Method 2 26 6 2 001

05024701 网络与数据库基础‖Network and Database 2 32 2 001

01021001微 机 电 系 统 设 计 概 论 ‖ An Introduction toMicroelectromechanical Systems Design

2 32 2 001

01070801现 场 总 线 与 网 络 化 控 制 ‖Fieldbus andNetwork-based Control Systems

2 28 4 2 001

01041703现代设计制造一体化综合训练‖ComprehensiveTraining of Mechanical Design and Manufacture

1 40 1 001

01036801液 压 与 气 压 综 合 实 验 ‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Hydraulic and PneumaticTransmission

1 40 1 001

01035301有限元基础及应用 ‖Basics and Applications ofFinite Element Method

2 26 6 2 001

05032502质量管理与可靠性 ‖Quality Management andReliability

2 28 4 2 001

方向 I 组:必修课程汇总

Group I:Compulsory Courses Total166 1868 1660 25.5 22.5 26 19.5 23.5 24 11 14


GroupⅡ:Compulsory Courses Total166 1868 1660 25.5 22.5 26 19.5 23.5 24 11 14


GroupⅢ,:Compulsory Courses Total166 1864 1664 25.5 22.5 26 19.5 23.5 24 11 14


GroupⅣ:Compulsory Courses Total166 1868 1660 25.5 22.5 26 19.5 23.5 24 11 14


GroupⅤ:Compulsory Courses Total169 1868 1780 25.5 22.5 26 19.5 23.5 26 10 16

选 修 课 程 汇 总 ‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

55 685 363 14 41

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



车辆工程专业源于 1984 年的汽车设计与制造选修方向,1992 年获教育部正式批准建立汽车设计与制

造本科专业,2000 年按着教育部学科专业调整的要求更名为车辆工程专业,为江苏省和工信部重点建设品















1. 具有人文社会科学素养、社会责任感和工程职业道德;

2. 具有从事工程工作所需的相关数学、自然科学以及一定的工业美学和经济管理知识;

3. 掌握机械工程、工程力学、电工电子技术、计算机应用技术、自动化、测试技术、市场经济及企业




4. 具备设计和实施工程实验的能力,并能够对实验结果进行分析;

5. 掌握基本的创新方法,具有追求创新的态度和意识;具有工程制图、计算、实验、测试、计算机应



6. 掌握文献检索、资料查询及运用现代信息技术获取相关信息的基本方法;

7. 了解与本专业相关的职业和行业的生产、设计、研究与开发、环境保护和可持续发展等方面的方针、


8. 具有一定的组织管理能力、表达能力和人际交往能力以及在团队中发挥作用的能力;

9. 对终身学习有正确认识,具有不断学习和适应发展的能力;

10. 具有国际视野和跨文化的交流、竞争与合作能力。




南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表













本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Vehicle EngineeringⅠ. Introduction

Vehicle Engineering, originating in the major of mechanical engineering, was established in 1989. It began to

provide master programs of vehicle engineering in 1995, doctoral program of vehicle engineering in 2000. With

the characteristics of modern vehicle design and manufacturing technology, mechatronics control, electric and

hybrid vehicle. It is the provincial key major in Jiangsu, and also is key construction branding specialty of the

Ministry of Industry. Graduates are expected to engage in the research, design, manufacture, and management

of all kinds of automobile, tractor, locomotive vehicle, military vehicle and engineering vehicles in research

institutes, universities and high-tech enterprises.

Ⅱ. Objectives

The major aims at training comprehensive engineers and technical talents with basic theory and knowledge of

vehicle engineering to engage in the job of vehicle design, manufacturing, technology development, scientific

research and production organization and management.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to acquire the basic theory and knowledge of vehicle design, manufacturing,

testing metrological technology and control technology, to receive basic training of vehicle engineer, and to grasp

basic ability to engage in design, manufacturing, technology development, scientific research and production

organization and management in the field of vehicle engineering.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good quality of humanities and social sciences, a strong sense of social responsibility and good

engineering ethics;

2. Master knowledge of mathematics, other related natural science and certain knowledge of economics and

management needed in the job of mechanical engineering;

3. Master the basic theory and expertise of vehicle engineering, have training experience of engineering

practice and understand the frontiers and trends of mechanical engineering;

4. Master technologies and skills in vehicle engineering practice, have the ability to design and implement

engineering experiments, and analyze the experimental results;

5. Own the ability of describing, modeling, comprehensive analyzing and proposing solutions in vehicle

engineering by applying scientific theories and technical methods, have the preliminary capacity to research,

develop and design new products, new processes, new technologies and new equipment in machinery industry;

6. Have the attitudes and awareness to pursue innovation, master the basic creative methods, own the

preliminary ability of technical improvement and transformation;

7. Have a good awareness of economy, quality, safety, efficiency, environment, occupational health, ethic and


8. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

9. Understand the vehicle technical standards, policies, laws and regulations on production, design, research

and development, environmental protection and sustainable development of profession and industry related to

mechanical engineering;

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


10. Have the ability of organization and management, communication and team spirit;

11. Have the ability of self-study and self-development;

12. Gain the ability of communication, competition and cooperation with international perspectives;

13. Have abilities to respond to crises and emergencies of mechanical engineering occurring in projects.

Ⅳ. Length of Program and Degree

Standard Length: Four Years

Duration: Three to Six Years

Degrees Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. Leading Disciplines & Interdisciplinary Subjects

Leading Disciplines: Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics, Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics.

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Materials Science and Engineering,Electronic Science and Technology,Control

Science and Engineering,Computer Science and Technology.

Ⅵ. Core Courses

Engineering Graphics, Theoretical Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Fundamentals of Mechanical Design,

Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacture, Fundamentals of Control Engineering, Engineering Materials and

Forming Technology, Measuring and Testing Techniques, Electrical Engineering, Analog and Digital Circuit,

Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Automobile Construction, Automobile Theory, Automobile Design, Automobile

Powertrain, Automobile Experimental Science, Specialized Integration and Entrepreneurial Innovation, etc.

Ⅶ. Collective Practical Teaching Session

Metalworking Practice, Course Design of Mechanical Design Basis, Course Design of Mechanical Manufacturing

Basis, Analog and Digital Circuit Experiment, Production Engineering Investigation, Graduation Project, Military

Training, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other specialized

optional courses.

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


车辆工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Vehicle Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论 ‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础 ‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现 代史纲要 ‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702 Visual C++程序设计‖C++ Programming Design 4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ) ‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ) ‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05121704 工程图形学(Ⅰ)‖Engineering Graphics(Ⅰ) 3 48 3 001

05221704 工程图形学(Ⅱ)‖Engineering Graphics(Ⅱ) 2.5 28 12 2.5 001

01072301机 械 工 程 导 论 ‖Introduction of MechanicalEngineering

1 16 1 001

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013必修课程·专业基础课

Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

11020502 材料力学‖Mechanics of Materials 4 58 6 4 013

01023702 测试技术‖Measuring and Testing Techniques 2.5 32 8 2.5 001

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

11138101工 程 力 学 实 验 ( Ⅰ ) * ‖Experiments inEngineering Mechanics(Ⅰ)*

0.5 8 0.5 013

11238101工 程 力 学 实 验 ( Ⅱ ) * ‖Experiments inEngineering Mechanics(Ⅱ)*

0.5 8 0.5 013

01022201工程流体力学基础* ‖Fundamentals of FluidMechanics*

2 28 4 2 001

01124103机 械 设 计 基 础 ( Ⅰ ) ★‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Design(Ⅰ)★

3 42 6 3 001

01224103机 械 设 计 基 础 ( Ⅱ ) ★‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Design(Ⅱ)★

3 42 6 3 001

01024201机 械 设 计 基 础课 程 设 计 ‖Course Design ofMechanical Design Fundamentals

3 120 3 001

05124205机械制造基础(Ⅰ)‖Fundamentals of MechanicalManufacture(Ⅰ)

2.5 36 4 2.5 001

05224205机械制造基础(Ⅱ)‖Fundamentals of MechanicalManufacture(Ⅱ)

2 28 4 2 001

23020105 金属工艺实习*‖Metalworking Training* 4 160 4 022

01026302控 制 工 程 基 础 ‖Control EngineeringFundamentals

2.5 34 6 2.5 001

11027802 理论力学‖Theoretical Mechanics 4 62 2 4 013

04126401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅰ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅰ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04226401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅱ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅱ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04026501模拟与数字电路综合实验 ‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Analog and Digital Circuits

2 80 2 004

01058301 热工基础‖Fundamentals of Thermo-Dynamics 2 28 4 2 001

01028204微机原理及应用★‖Microcomputer Principlesand Application★

2.5 32 8 2.5 001

05029703液 压 与 气 压 传 动 ‖Hydraulic and PneumaticTransmission

2 28 4 2 001


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

01031624 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 001

01037702汽车拆装与驾驶实习* ‖Practice of VehicleDisassembling and Driving *

2 80 2 001

01052201车辆专业综合课程设计* ‖Vehicle IntegratedCourse Design*

2 80 2 001


Comprehensives practice of MechanicalEngineering

2 80 2 022

01027624 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 2 80 2 001

01022002 车辆动力装置‖Vehicle Powertrain 2 28 4 2 001

01026902汽 车 电 器 与 电 子 学 ‖Automobole ElectricAppliance and Electronics

2 24 8 2 001

01027002 汽车构造‖Automobile Construction 3.5 30 26 3.5 001

01027103 汽车理论‖Automobile Theory 2.5 30 10 2.5 001

01027202 汽车设计‖Automobile Design 2 32 2 001

01054201 汽车实验学‖Automobile Experimental Science 1.5 16 8 1.5 001选修课程·专业选修课

Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

01072501Visual Basic 程 序 设 计 ‖Visual Basic .NETProgramming

2 32 2 001

01020106车 辆 CAD&CAE 技 术 * ‖Vehicle CAD&CAETechnology*

2.5 24 16 2.5 001

01036004车辆工程教授系列讲座*‖Lectures on VehicleEngineering*

1 16 1 001

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

01020501单片机原理及应用‖Theory and Application ofSingle Chip Microcomputer

2 24 8 2 001

16022803工程材料及成形工艺‖Engineering Material andForming Technology

3 44 4 3 016

05022701互 换 性 与 测 量 技 术 ‖Interchangeability andMeasurement Technology

2 26 6 2 001

01024405机 械 系 统 动 力 学 ‖Dynamics of MechanicalSystem

2 28 4 2 001

01024702 机械优化设计‖Optimal Design of Machine 2 24 8 2 001

01067201 计算流体力学‖Computational Fluid Mechanics 2 32 2 001

01031102可编程控制器及应用‖Programmable Controllerand Application

2 24 8 2 001

01023905 可靠性设计‖Reliability Design 2 32 2 001

01026703汽 车 车 身 结 构 与 设 计 ‖Automobile BodyStructure and Design

2.5 32 8 2.5 001

01035002汽 车 环 境 工 程 ‖Automobile EnvironmentEngineering

2 32 2 001

01058701 汽车热管理‖Automotive Thermal Management 2 32 2 001

01034901 汽车新技术‖New Technology of Automobile 2 32 2 001

01057701汽 车 振 动 与 噪 声 控 制 ‖Vibration and NoiseControl of Automobile

2.5 34 6 2.5 001

01049403嵌 入 式 微 处 理 器 及 应 用 ‖EmbeddedMicrocomputer and Application

2 24 8 2 001

01027501 人机工程学‖Ergonomics 2 32 2 001

05027601生产管理与控制‖Production Management andControl

2 28 4 2 001

01071001 实用计算方法‖Practical Calculation Method 2 26 6 2 001

05024701 网络与数据库基础‖Network and Database 2 32 2 001

01021001微 机 电 系 统 设 计 概 论 ‖An Introduction toMicroelectromechanical Systems Design

2 32 2 001

01058601新 能 源 汽 车 理 论 与 设 计 ‖New EnergyAutomobile Theory and Design

2 32 2 001

01035301有限元基础及应用 ‖Basics and Applications ofFinite Element Method

2 26 6 2 001

01027203 专用汽车设计‖Speciality Vehicle Design 2 32 2 001

01077401专业融合与创业创新 ‖Specialized Integrationand Entrepreneurial Innovation

1 16 1 001

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 160 1710 1794 25.5 22.5 26 16.5 23 21 9.5 16选 修 课 程 汇 总 ‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

52.5 748 92 3 5.5 15.5 28.5

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



工业工程专业于 1999 年设立,为江苏省特色专业,2008 年列为国防紧缺专业建设点。具有自主设置















1. 具有人文社会科学素养、社会责任感和工程职业道德;

2. 具有从事工业工程工作所需的相关数学、自然科学以及经济学、管理学、运筹学、统计学和系统工


3. 掌握工业工程基础理论和专业知识,具有系统的工程实践学习经历;了解工业工程前沿发展现状和




5. 具有综合运用所学科学理论和技术方法对工业工程涉及的系统和过程进行表达、建模、综合分析并



6. 具有追求创新的态度和意识,掌握基本的创新方法,具备对产品进行技术改造和创新的初步能力;

7. 具有良好的经济、质量、安全、效益、环境、职业健康、法律、伦理和服务意识;

8. 掌握文献检索、资料查询及运用现代信息技术获取相关信息的基本方法;

9. 了解与工业工程相关的职业和行业的生产、设计、研究与开发、环境保护和可持续发展等方面的技


10. 具有一定的组织管理能力、语言文字表达能力和人际交往能力以及在团队中发挥作用的能力;

11. 对终身学习有正确认识,具有不断学习和适应发展的能力;

12. 具有国际视野和跨文化环境下的交流、竞争与合作的初步能力;

13. 具有应对危机与突发事件的初步能力。


南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表















本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Industrial Engineering

Ⅰ. IntroductionIndustrial Engineering, originating in the major of mechanical engineering, was established in 1999. It began

to provide master programs of industrial engineering in 2000. It is a provincial key major in Jiangsu, with thecharacteristics of manufacturing information, production management, logistics & supply chain management,complex life cycle production operations management, control and cost analysis of products and systems.Graduates are expected to engage in the planning, design, management, control, consultation, evaluation andoptimization for production and service system in research institutes, universities and high-tech enterprises.

Ⅱ. ObjectivesThe major aims at training comprehensive engineers and technical talents with basic theory and knowledge

of industrial engineering to engage in the job of planning, design, management, control, consultation, evaluation,optimization and innovation for production and service system.

Ⅲ. RequirementsStudents are required to acquire the basic theory and knowledge of manufacturing information, production

management, logistics & supply chain management, complex life cycle production operations management,control and cost analysis of products and systems, to receive basic training of industrial engineer, and to graspbasic ability to engage in the production, operation and service management system analysis, planning, design,management & control, quality control, evaluation and standardization.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:1. Have a good quality of humanities and social sciences, a strong sense of social responsibility and good

engineering ethics;2. Master knowledge of mathematics, other related natural science and certain knowledge of economics

and management needed in the job of industrial engineering;3. Master the basic theory and expertise of industrial engineering, have training experience of engineering

practice and understand the frontiers and trends of industrial engineering;4. Master techniques and skills in industrial engineering practice, have the ability in planning, design,

management, control, consultation, evaluation and optimization for production and service system;5. Own the ability of describing, modeling, comprehensive analyzing and proposing solutions in industrial

engineering by applying scientific theories and technical methods, have the preliminary capacity to research,develop and design new processes, new products, new technologies and new equipment in machinery industry;

6. Have the attitudes and awareness to pursue innovation, master the basic creative methods, and own thepreliminary ability of technical improvement and transformation;

7. Have a good awareness of economy, quality, safety, efficiency, environment, occupational health, ethicand service;

8. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;9. Understand the technical standards, policies, laws and regulations on production, design, research and

development, environmental protection and sustainable development of profession and industry related toindustrial engineering;

10. Have the ability of organization and management, communication and team spirit;11. Have the ability of self-study and self-development;12. Gain the ability of communication, competition and cooperation with international perspectives;13. Have abilities to respond to crises and emergencies of mechanical engineering occurring in projects.Ⅳ. Length of Program and Degree

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Standard Length: Four YearsDuration: Three to Six YearsDegrees Conferred: Bachelor of EngineeringⅤ. Leading Disciplines & Interdisciplinary SubjectsThe Leading Disciplines: Mechanical Engineering; Management Science and Engineering; Logistics

Management and Engineering.Interdisciplinary Subjects:Ⅵ. Core CoursesOperations Research, Probability and Statistics, Microeconomics, Business Management, Basis of Industrial

Engineering, Facilities Planning and Logistics Analysis, Human Factors Engineering, Production Management andControl, Quality Management and Reliability, Product Development Project Management, Cost Management,Modeling and simulation of manufacturing system and Business Logistics and supply chain management ,etc.

Ⅶ. Collective Practical Teaching SessionMetalworking Practice, Course Design of Mechanical Design Basis, Comprehensive Course Design,

Synthetic Project on Industrial Engineering, Senior Practice in Engineering, Comprehensive Experiment ofProduction-process Control, Synthetic Experiment on Production-process Control, Synthetic Project on Life-cycleCost Analysis, Graduation Project, Military Training, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation RequirementsTo achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some otherspecialized optional courses.

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


工业工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Industrial Engineering


Course No课程名称

Course Name学分



Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学





PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论 ‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础 ‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要 ‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702 Visual C++程序设计‖C++ Programming Design 4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ) ‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ) ‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05121704 工程图形学(Ⅰ)‖Engineering Graphics(Ⅰ) 3 48 3 001

05221704 工程图形学(Ⅱ)‖Engineering Graphics(Ⅱ) 2.5 28 12 2.5 001

01072301机 械 工 程 导 论 ‖Introduction of MechanicalEngineering

1 16 1 001

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



Course No课程名称

Course Name学分



Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学





PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

11020502 材料力学‖Mechanics of Materials 4 58 6 4 013

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

16022803工程材料及成形工艺‖Engineering Material andForming Technology

3 44 4 3 016

11138101工 程 力 学 实 验 ( Ⅰ ) * ‖Experiments inEngineering Mechanics(Ⅰ)*

0.5 8 0.5 013

11238101工 程 力 学 实 验 ( Ⅱ ) * ‖Experiments inEngineering Mechanics(Ⅱ)*

0.5 8 0.5 013

01124103机 械 设 计 基 础 ( Ⅰ ) ★‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Design(Ⅰ)★

3 42 6 3 001

01224103机 械 设 计 基 础 ( Ⅱ ) ★‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Design(Ⅱ)★

3 42 6 3 001

01024201机 械设 计 基 础课 程 设计 ‖Course Design ofMechanical Design Fundamentals

3 120 3

05124205机 械 制 造 基 础 ( Ⅰ ) ‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Manufacture(Ⅰ)

2.5 36 4 2.5 001

05224205机 械 制 造 基 础 ( Ⅱ ) ‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Manufacture(Ⅱ)

2 28 4 2 001

01049202机械制造基础课程设计* ‖Course Design ofMechanical Manufacture Fundamentals*

2 80 2 001

05021802基础工业工程* ‖Fundamentals of IndustrialEngineering*

2 28 4 2 001

23020105 金属工艺实习*‖Metalworking Training* 4 160 4 022

11027802 理论力学‖Theoretical Mechanics 4 62 2 4 013

04126401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅰ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅰ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04226401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅱ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅱ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04026501模拟与数字电路综合实验 ‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Analog and Digital Circuits

2 80 2 004

01071401 企业管理学‖Enterprise Management 2 32 2 001

05027604生产管理与控制‖Production Management andControl

2.5 32 8 2.5 001

05024705数据库基础及应用‖Fundamentals of Databaseand Application

2.5 40 2.5 001

01028204微机原理及应用★‖Microcomputer Principlesand Application★

2.5 32 8 2.5 001

07032201 运筹学‖Operational Research 3 44 4 3 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

01031628 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 001

01027638 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 2 80 2 001


Comprehensives practice of MechanicalEngineering

2 80 2 022

05022803工业工程综合课程设计‖Industrial EngineeringComprehensive Course Design

2 80 2 001

01050201产 品 开 发 项 目 管 理 ‖Product DevelopmentProject Management

2 32 2 001

01043601 成本管理‖Cost Management 2 32 2 001

05022504 企业信息化‖Enterprise Informationization 2 24 8 2 001

01027504 人因工程‖Human Factors 2 24 8 2 001

05027401设施规划与物流分析 ‖Facility Planning andLogistics Analysis

2.5 32 8 2.5 001

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



Course No课程名称

Course Name学分



Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学





PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

05032502质量管理与可靠性 ‖Quality Management andReliability

2 28 4 2 001


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

01020104 CAD&CAM 技术‖CAD/CAM Technology 2 24 8 2 001

01072501Visual Basic 程 序 设 计 ‖Visual Basic .NETProgramming

2 32 2 001

01020501单片机原理及应用 ‖Theory and Application ofSingle Chip Microcomputer

2 24 8 2 001

11039102 工程经济学‖Engineering Economics 2 28 4 2 013

01024405机 械 系 统 动 力 学 ‖Dynamics of MechanicalSystem

2 28 4 2 001

01024702 机械优化设计‖Optimal Design of Machine 2 24 8 2 001

01067201 计算流体力学‖Computational Fluid Mechanics 2 32 2 001

01058001 价值工程‖Value Engineering 2 32 2 001

01036003 教授系列讲座‖Professor Lecture Series 1 16 1 001

01031102可编程控制器及应用‖Programmable Controllerand Application

2 24 8 2 001

01023905 可靠性设计‖Reliability Design 2 32 2 001

01048502企业决策支持技术‖Enterprise Decision SupportTechnology

2 32 2 001

05032603企业物流与供应链管理‖Enterprise Logistics andSupply Chain Management

2 32 2 001

01049403嵌 入 式 微 处 理 器 及 应 用 ‖EmbeddedMicrocomputer and Application

2 24 8 2 001

05027002软 件 工 程 导 论 ‖Introduction of SoftwareEngineering

2 32 2 001

01058201设 备 维 护 工 程 ‖Equipment MaintenanceEngineering

2 32 2 001

01036601生 产 过 程 控 制 综 合 实 验 ‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Production-Process Control

1 40 1 001

01071001 实用计算方法‖Practical Calculation Method 2 26 6 2 001

01054501网 络 与 系 统 集 成 ‖Network and SystemIntegration

2 28 4 2 001

07029802 微观经济学‖Microeconomics 3 48 3 007

01021001微 机 电 系 统 设 计 概 论 ‖An Introduction toMicroelectromechanical Systems Design

2 32 2 001

01041703现 代 设 计 制 造 一 体 化 综 合 训 练

*‖Comprehensive Training of Mechanical Designand Manufacture*

1 40 1 001

01035301有限元基础及应用 ‖Basics and Applications ofFinite Element Method

2 26 6 2 001

05032701制造系统建模与仿真‖Modeling and Simulationof Manufacturing System

2.5 36 4 2.5 001

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 163 1792 1760 25.5 22.5 26 19.5 20.5 23 12 14

选 修 课 程 汇 总 ‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

46.5 644 148 3 14 29.5

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



武器系统与工程专业始建于 1953年成立的中国人民解放军军事工程学院(简称哈军工)炮兵工程系。




下设地面武器机动工程、弹药工程与爆炸技术、武器系统与发射工程和探测制导与控制 4个二级专业。目前,





中处于领先地位。本专业对应的 “兵器科学与技术”学科为国家级重点学科,拥有国家重点实验室,国家首批

















1. 具有良好的职业道德,强烈的敬业精神和社会责任感,丰富的人文素养;

2. 掌握兵器科学与技术、力学、机械工程、电子科学与技术、控制科学与工程等学科的基本理论和专业




3. 具有综合运用所学科学理论,分析和解决解决工程技术问题的基本能力;

4. 具有一定的科学研究和实际工作能力;具有一定的批判性思维和创新意识;

5. 掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有信息获取、知识更新和终身学习能力;

6. 具有良好的质量、环境、职业健康、安全和服务意识;具有武器专业试验,以及应对突发事件应急处

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



7. 具有一定国际视野,较强的交流沟通、环境适应、语言表达、团队合作和工程管理的能力。






主干学科: 兵器科学与技术










本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Weapon System and EngineeringⅠ. Introduction

Weapon System and Engineering is a national distinguished major. The research areas cover the following 7

directions, i.e., artillery, infantry weapons, rocket launcher, rocket ammunition and fuse, weapon launching system

and intelligent ammunition. The Major is also a pilot major of the “Excellent Engineers Plan” of Ministry of

Education, a provincial key major in Jiangsu. The Major has an excellent faculty team with outstanding experts at

different research directions. It offers bachelor, master and doctor degree, and also provides post-doctoral program.

Ⅱ. Objectives

The Major aims at training comprehensive engineers and technical talents with basic theory and knowledge

of weapon system and engineering, to engage in the relevant fields of scientific research, technology innovation,

engineering design, product manufacturing, production organization and management .

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to obtain the basic theory and knowledge of the general technology of weapon systems

and their subsystem technology, as well as the basic theory and professional knowledge of Mechanical Engineering,

Automation and some other relevant civil engineering, to receive basic training in weapon system designing,

technology integrating, product developing, experimental testing and technology management, and acquire the

basic abilities for the jobs of comprehensive weapon system analysis, engineering design and calculation, computer

application, test and detection, management of science and technology, etc.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good understanding of humanities and social sciences, a strong sense of social responsibility and

good engineering ethics;

2. Master the basic theory and professional knowledge of relevant disciplines, including mechanics, mechanical

engineering, electronic science and technology, control Science and Engineering, etc.; Acquire the analysis and

design methods of weapon system and engineering, as well as the relevant product research and development

technology; Be aware of the basic theory and professional knowledge for the tactical and technical performance

evaluation of weapon system, as well as their working principle and structure, utilization and engineering support;

Be aware of the current situation and development trend in weapon system and relevant technical field of civil


3. Master technologies and skills in ammunition engineering and explosion techniques, have the ability to

design and implement engineering experiments, and analyze the experimental results;

4. Have the preliminary capacity to research, develop and design new products, new processes, new

technologies and new equipment in ammunition engineering and explosion techniques;

5. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query. Have the ability of self-study and


6. Equip with basic economic, environmental, legal, safety, health, ethics skills to solve engineering problems;

7. Gain the ability of communication, competition and cooperation with international perspectives;

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. Lleading disciplines & interdisciplinary subjects

The Leading Disciplines: Weapons Science and Technology

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering, Control Science and Engineering

Ⅵ. Core courses

Engineering Mechanics, Fundamentals of Machine Design, Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing,

Analog and Digital circuits, Fundamentals of Control Engineering, Sensors and Testing Technology, Structures of

Automatic Weapon, Ballistics, Modern Design Method of Rocket Weapon System.

Ⅶ. Collective Practical Teaching Session

Metalworking Practice, Course Design of Mechanical Design Basis, Course Design of Mechanical Manufacturing

Basis, Analog and Digital Circuit Experiment, Production Engineering Investigation, Graduation Project, Military

Training, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other specialized

optional courses.

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


武器系统与工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Weapon System and Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论 ‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础 ‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要 ‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000602Visual Basic 程 序 设 计 ‖Visual BasicProgramming Design

3 32 16 3 006

06001001Visual Basic 课程设计‖Course Design in VisualBasic

1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05121704 工程图形学(Ⅰ)‖Engineering Graphics(Ⅰ) 3 48 3 001

05221704 工程图形学(Ⅱ)‖Engineering Graphics(Ⅱ) 2.5 28 12 2.5 001

23020105 金属工艺实习*‖Metalworking Training* 4 160 4 022

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

11020502 材料力学‖Mechanics of Materials 4 58 6 4 013

01023702 测试技术‖Measuring and Testing Techniques 2.5 32 8 2.5 001

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

16022803工程材料及成形工艺 ‖Engineering Materialand Forming Technology

3 44 4 3 016

11138101 工程力学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in EngineeringMechanics(Ⅰ)

0.5 8 0.5 013

11238101工程力学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in EngineeringMechanics(Ⅱ)

0.5 8 0.5 013

01022201工程流体力学基础 ‖Fundamentals of FluidMechanics

2 28 4 2 001

05022701互 换 性 与 测 量 技 术 ‖Interchangeability andMeasurement Technology

2 26 6 2 001

01124103机 械 设 计 基 础 (Ⅰ ) ★‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Design(Ⅰ)★

3 42 6 3 001

01224103机 械 设 计 基 础 (Ⅱ ) ★‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Design(Ⅱ)★

3 42 6 3 001

01024201机械设计基础课程设计 ‖Course Design ofMechanical Design Fundamentals

3 120 3 001

05124205机 械 制 造 基 础 ( Ⅰ ) ‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Manufacture(Ⅰ)

2.5 36 4 2.5 001

05224205机 械 制 造 基 础 ( Ⅱ ) ‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Manufacture(Ⅱ)

2 28 4 2 001

01026302控 制 工 程 基 础 ‖Control EngineeringFundamentals

2.5 34 6 2.5 001

11027802 理论力学‖Theoretical Mechanics 4 62 2 4 013

04126401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅰ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅰ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04226401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅱ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅱ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04026501模拟与数字电路综合实验 ‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Analog and Digital Circuits

2 80 2 004

01028204微机原理及应用★‖Microcomputer Principlesand Application★

2.5 32 8 2.5 001

01030301 武器专业导论‖Introduction of Weapon Major 1 16 1 001

必修课程·专业方向课 【任选一组修读】

Compulsory Course·Specialized Course(Choose one group)

01074101 毕业设计‖Graduation Project

14 560 14 001

01074201 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 2 80 2 001

01050301 火炮弹道学*‖Artillery Ballistics* 2 28 4 2 001

01050601火炮反后坐装置设计 ‖Design of RecoilMechanism for Artillery

2 28 4 2 001

01038802 火炮构造‖Artillery Construction 3 40 8 3 001

01071801火炮设计理论课程设计*‖Course Designof Artillery Design Theory *

2 80 2 001

01038901火 炮 实 验 技 术 ‖Artillery ExperimentTechnology

2 16 16 2 001

01050502火 炮自 动机 设 计 ‖Design of AutomaticMechanism of Artillery

1.5 24 1.5 001

01050402 炮身设计‖The Design of Gun Tubes 1.5 24 1.5 001

01074106 毕业设计‖Graduation Project

14 560 14 001

01074206 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 2 80 2 001

01023303自动武器弹道学*‖Ballistics of AutomaticWeapon*

2 32 2 001

01030001自动武器动力学‖Dynamics of AutomaticWeapon

2 30 2 2 001

01030102自动武器构造 ‖Structures of AutomaticWeapon

2 24 8 2 001

01030206自动武器结构设计 ‖Structure Design ofAutomatic Weapon

2 32 2 001

01071802 自动武器课程设计* ‖Course Design of 2 80 2 001

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

Automatic Weapon*

01026605自动武器气体动力学 ‖Gas Dynamics ofAutomatic Firearm

2 32 2 001

01056001自动武器实验技术 ‖Automatic WeaponExperiment Technology

2 16 16 2 001

01074103 毕业设计‖Graduation Project

14 560 14 001

01074203 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 2 80 2 001

01022607固 体 火 箭 发 动 机 气 体 动 力 学 ‖GasDynamics in Solid Rocket Engine

2 32 2 001

01022602固体火箭发动机原理‖Principles of SolidRocket Engine

2 32 2 001

01022701火箭弹构造与作用* ‖Construction andFunction of Rocket Projectile*

2 32 2 001

01071803火 箭 弹 课 程 设 计 * ‖Course Design ofRocket Projectile *

2 80 2 001

01022804 火箭弹设计‖Rocket Projectile Design 2 32 2 001

01055901火 箭 弹 外 弹 道 基 础 ‖Fundamentals ofRocket Exterior Ballistics

2 32 2 001

01022901火箭实验技术 ‖Measuring Technique forSolid Rocket Motor

2 16 16 2 001

01074104 毕业设计‖Graduation Project

14 560 14 001

01074204 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 2 80 2 001

01040404现代引信目标探测与识别‖Modern FuzeTarget Detecting and IdentifyingTechnology

2.5 34 6 2.5 001

01024603 现代引信设计‖Modern Fuze Design 3 48 3 001

01039901引信工程基础* ‖Fundamentals of FuzeEngineering *

2 30 2 2 001

01031404引 信 构 造 与 作 用 ‖Construction andFunctioning of Fuzes

2.5 32 8 2.5 001

01039701引信实验技术‖Experimental Techniquefor Fuze

2 20 12 2 001

01071804引信综合课程设计*‖ComprehensiveCourse Design of Fuze*

2 80 2 001

01074105 毕业设计‖Graduation Project

14 560 14 001

01074205 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 2 80 2 001

01055603火箭发射燃气流动与仿真‖Gas Flow andSimulation of Rocket Launching

2 26 6 2 001

01039401火箭发射系统结构分析*‖StructureAnalysis of Rocket Launching System*

2 28 4 2 001

01039302火箭发射系统设计‖Design of RocketLaunching System

2.5 32 8 2.5 001

01039605火箭发射系统实验技术‖ExperimentMethodology of Rocket Launching System

1.5 8 16 1.5 001

01055002火箭发射装置工艺学‖Rocket LauncherTechnology

2 32 2 001

01051002火箭发射装置控制系统设计‖Design ofRocket Launcher Control System

2 32 2 001

01071805火箭炮课程设计*‖Course Design ofRocket Launcher *

2 80 2 001

64020101靶场实习*‖Practice in Shooting Ground*


1 40 1 064

01074107 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 001

01074207 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 2 80 2 001

01050304 弹道学*‖Ballistics* 2.5 36 4 2.5 001

01040102弹 药 工 程 设 计 概 论 ‖Introductionof Ammunition Engineering Design

2 32 2 001

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

01071807发 射 系 统 综 合 课 程 设 计

* ‖Comprehensive Course Design ofRocket Projectile *

2 80 2 001


Comprehensives practice of MechanicalEngineering

2 80 2 022

01072601火控系统设计概论‖Introduction of FireControl System Design

2 32 2 001

01073201武器发射系统仿真和优化技术‖WeaponLaunching System Simulation andOptimization Technology

2 32 2 001

01072901武 器 发 射 系 统 结 构 分 析 ‖StructuralAnalysis of Weapon Launch System

3 40 8 3 001

01073001武器发射系统设计理论‖Design Theoryof Weapon Launch System

3 48 3 001

01073101武器发射系统自动化技术‖AutomationTechnology of Weapon Launch System

2 30 2 2 001

01073301武 器 发 射 系 统 总 体 技 术 ‖GeneralTechnology of Weapon Launch System

2 32 2 001

01072701武 器 实 验 技 术 ‖Weapon ExperimentalTechniques

2 16 16 2 001

01073401武器制造工艺‖Weapon ManufacturingProcess

2 80 2 001

64020101靶场实习*‖Practice in Shooting Ground*


1 40 1 064

01074108 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 001

01074208 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 2 80 2 001

01050304 弹道学*‖Ballistics* 2.5 36 4 2.5 001


Ammunition Damage Technology2 32 2 001


Comprehensives practice of MechanicalEngineering

2 80 2 022

01073901固体火箭发动机基础‖Fundamentals ofSolid Rocket Engine

2 32 2 001

01072601火控系统设计概论‖Introduction of FireControl System Design

2 32 2 001

01073002武器发射系统设计概论‖Introduction ofWeapon Launch System Design

2 32 2 001

01072701武 器 实 验 技 术 ‖Weapon ExperimentalTechniques

2 16 16 2 001

01073402武器制造工艺‖Weapon ManufacturingProcess

2 80 2 001

01073801智 能 弹 药 设 计 理 论 ‖IntelligentAmmunition Design Theory

3 48 3 001

01073501智能弹药原理与构造‖Principles andStructures of Intelligent Ammunition

3 48 3 001

01073701智 能 弹 药 制 导 与 控 制 基

础 ‖Fundamentals of IntelligentAmmunition Guided and Control System

2 32 2 001

01071808智 能 弹 药 综 合 课 程 设 计

* ‖Comprehensive Course Design ofIntelligent Ammunition*

2 80 2 001


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

01072401 C++程序设计‖C++ Programming 2 32 2 001

01020104 CAD&CAM 技术‖CAD/CAM Technology 2 24 8 2 001

01020501单片机原理及应用‖Theory and Application ofSingle Chip Microcomputer

2 24 8 2 001

01072101 发射系统液压与气压传动‖Hydraulic and 2 22 10 2 001

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

Pneumatic Transmission of Launch System

01053601反 恐 装 备 概 论 ‖Introduction ofCounter-Terrorism Equipment

2 32 2 001

01022604固体火箭冲压发动机设计理论‖DesignTheory of Solid Rocket Ramjet Engine

2 32 2 001

01050802固体火箭发动机传热学‖Heat Transfer in SolidRocket Motor

2 32 2 001

01055501 航空发动机原理‖Principles of Aircraft Engine 2 32 2 001

01021401火箭导弹概论与进展*‖Conspectus andProgress of Missile and Rocket*

2 32 2 001

01040201火箭发动机燃烧学‖Combustion Theory ofSolid Rocket Engine

2 32 2 001

01059701火箭发射技术进展*‖Evolution of RocketLaunching Technology*

2 32 2 001

01072201火箭武器系统现代设计方法‖Modern DesignMethod of Rocket Weapon System

2 24 8 2 001

01052801火炮发射动力学概论‖Introduction of LaunchDynamics for Artillery

2 28 4 2 001

01055401火炮技术新进展*‖Development of ArtilleryTechnique*

2 32 2 001

01055101火炮可靠性工程‖Reliability Engineering ofArtillery

2 32 2 001

01040901 火炮总体设计‖General Design of Artillery 2 32 2 001

01024405机械系统动力学‖Dynamics of MechanicalSystem

2 28 4 2 001

01024702 机械优化设计‖Optimal Design of Machine 2 24 8 2 001


Computational Fluid Mechanics2 32 2 001

01031102可 编 程 控 制 器 及 应 用 ‖ProgrammableController and Application

2 24 8 2 001

01023905 可靠性设计‖Reliability Design 2 32 2 001

01049403嵌 入 式 微 处 理 器 及 应 用 ‖EmbeddedMicrocomputer and Application

2 24 8 2 001

01027501 人机工程学‖Ergonomics 2 32 2 001

05027601生产管理与控制‖Production Managementand Control

2 28 4 2 001

01071001 实用计算方法‖Practical Calculation Method 2 26 6 2 001

05024701 网络与数据库基础‖Network and Database 2 32 2 001

01021001微机电系统设计概论‖An Introduction toMicroelectromechanical Systems Design

2 32 2 001

01072001武 器 系 统 技 术 前 沿 系 列 讲 座 ‖WeaponSystems Frontier Technology Lecture Series

1 16 1 001

01071901新 概 念 火 炮 概 论 ‖Introduction of A NewConcept for Artillery

2 32 2 001

01053001引 信 数 字 化 技 术 ‖Digitized TechnologyConspectus of Fuze

2 28 4 2 001

01031803引 信 系 统 动 力 学 及 仿 真 ‖Fuze SystemDynamics and Simulation

2 26 6 2 001

01035301有限元基础及应用‖Basics and Applications ofFinite Element Method

2 26 6 2 001

01040601制导与控制原理‖Principle and Technology ofGuide and Control

2 32 2 001

01044302自 动 武 器 弹 药 学 ‖Ammunition Theory ofAutomatic Weapon

1.5 24 1.5 001

01055201自 动 武 器 发 射 控 制 技 术 ‖Firing ControlTechnology of Automatic Weapon

2 24 8 2 001

01051201自动武器现代设计方法‖Modern DesignMethod of Automatic Weapon

1.5 24 1.5 001

01051102 自动武器新原理与新结构‖New Principles 2 32 2 001

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

and New Structures of Automatic Weapons

方向 I 组:必修课程汇总

Group I:Compulsory Courses Total154.5 1708 1612 24.5 22.5 25.5 21 24 15 6 16

方向 II 组:必修课程汇总

Group II:Compulsory Courses Total154.5 1714 1606 24.5 22.5 25.5 21 23 16 6 16

方向 III 组:必修课程汇总

Group III:Compulsory Courses Total154.5 1724 1596 24.5 22.5 25.5 21 23 16 6 16

方向 IV,组:必修课程汇总

Group IV:Compulsory Courses Total154.5 1712 1608 24.5 22.5 25.5 21 23.5 15.5 6 16

方向 V 组:必修课程汇总

Group V:Compulsory Courses Total154.5 1706 1614 24.5 22.5 25.5 21 23.5 13.5 8 16


GroupⅥ:Compulsory Courses Total167 1846 1810 24.5 22.5 25.5 21 24.5 19 13 18


GroupⅦ:Compulsory Courses Total167 1856 1800 24.5 22.5 25.5 21 24.5 19 13 18

选修课程汇总‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

72 1052 100 18 54

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表










攻防一体化作战平台等研究方面具有明显的特色与优势,教学质量在国内处于先进行列。本专业对应的 “兵













设计 CAD、机械产品生产管理和工艺实施、装甲车辆及主要部件的设计等方面的基本训练,掌握进行装甲车



1. 具有自然科学、人文和社会科学基本素养,掌握工程力学、机械工程及控制工程学科的基本理论、基


2. 掌握装甲车辆总体及主要分系统、部件的分析方法和设计方法;

3. 具有进行装甲车辆总体及各分系统、主要部件的设计、分析和制造的基本能力;

4. 熟悉国防工业的方针、政策和法规以及本专业技术领域相关的质量、环境、职业健康安全等的管理体


5. 了解武器系统及装甲车辆工程领域的理论前沿、应用前景和发展动态;

6. 掌握文献检索和资料查询的基本方法,具有终身学习的能力;

7. 具有一定的科学研究和实际工作能力。




南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




主干学科: 兵器科学与技术










本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Armored Vehicle EngineeringⅠ.Introduction

Armored Vehicle Engineering, originating in the major of Rocket Launcher of the Harbin Military Engineering

Institute, was established in 1953. In 1998 Ground Weapon Mobile Engineering was established by merging part

of the Artillery and Automatic Weapons and the military part of Vehicle Engineering. In 2012 Ground Weapon

Mobile Engineering was renamed as Armored Vehicle Engineering according to the new major list revised by the

Ministry of Education. The corresponding discipline Armament Science and Technology is a national key discipline,

which boasts a state key laboratory, and one of earliest doctor and postdoctoral programs in China. The major is

one of key construction branding specialties of the Ministry of Industry. With the characteristic of modern

Ground Mobile Weapon design and manufacturing technology and mechatronics control, the Major integrates

mechanical design, mechanical manufacturing and mechanical and electronic engineering. Graduates are

expected to engage in the research, design, manufacture, and management of all kinds of the land-based

attack-defense integrative weapons with wheeled armored vehicles, military vehicle in research institutes,

universities and high-tech enterprises.

Ⅱ. Objectives

The major aims at training comprehensive engineers and technical talents with basic theory and knowledge

of vehicle engineering to engage in the job of armored vehicle design, manufacturing, technology development,

scientific research and production organization and management.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to acquire the basic theory and knowledge of Armored Vehicle design, manufacturing,

testing metrological technology and control technology, to receive basic training of armored vehicle engineer,

and to grasp basic ability to engage in design, manufacturing, technology development, scientific research and

production organization and management in the field of armored vehicle engineering.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good quality of humanities and social sciences, a strong sense of social responsibility and good

engineering ethics, master knowledge of mathematics, other related natural science and certain knowledge of

economics and management needed in the job of mechanical engineering;

2. Master technologies and skills in armored vehicle engineering practice, have the ability to design and

implement engineering experiments, and analyze the experimental results;

3. Own the ability of describing, modeling, comprehensive analyzing and proposing solutions in Armored

Vehicle by applying scientific theories and technical methods, have the preliminary capacity to research, develop

and design new products, new processes, new technologies and new equipment in machinery industry;

4. Understand the Armored Vehicle technical standards, policies, laws and regulations on production, design,

research and development, environmental protection and sustainable development of profession and industry

related to mechanical engineering;

5. Master the basic theory and expertise of vehicle engineering, have training experience of engineering

practice and understand the frontiers and trends of mechanical engineering;

6. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


7. Gain the ability of communication, competition and cooperation with international perspectives.

Ⅳ. Length of Program and Degree

Standard Length: Four Years

Duration: Three to Six Years

Degrees Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. Leading Discipline & Interdisciplinary Subjects

The leading discipline: Armament Science and Technology

The interdisciplinary subjects: Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering, Control Science and Engineering

Ⅵ. Core Courses

Theoretical Mechanics,Mechanics of Materials,Engineering Graphics, Electrical Engineering,Analog and

Digital circuits, Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering, Fundamentals of Control Engineering, Engineering

Material and Forming Technology, Fundamentals of Machine Design, Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing,

Machinery Manufacturing Equipment, Introduction of Land-based Weapons, Armored Vehicle Structure,

Armored Vehicle Design Theory curriculum

Ⅶ. Collective Practical Teaching Session

Metalworking Practice, Course Design of Mechanical Design Basis, Course Design of Mechanical Manufacturing

Basis, Analog and Digital Circuit Experiment, Production Engineering Investigation, Graduation Project, Military

Training, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other specialized

optional courses.

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


装甲车辆工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Armored Vehicle Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论 ‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000602Visual Basic 程 序 设 计 ‖Visual BasicProgramming Design

3 32 16 3 006

06001001Visual Basic 课程设计‖Course Design in VisualBasic

1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05121704 工程图形学(Ⅰ)‖Engineering Graphics(Ⅰ) 3 48 3 001

05221704 工程图形学(Ⅱ)‖Engineering Graphics(Ⅱ) 2.5 28 12 2.5 001

23020105 金属工艺实习*‖Metalworking Training* 4 160 4 022

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

11020502 材料力学‖Mechanics of Materials 4 58 6 4 013

01023702 测试技术‖Measuring and Testing Techniques 2.5 32 8 2.5 001

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

16022803工程材料及成形工艺‖Engineering Materialand Forming Technology

3 44 4 3 016

11138101 工程力学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in EngineeringMechanics(Ⅰ)

0.5 8 0.5 013

11238101工程力学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in EngineeringMechanics(Ⅱ)

0.5 8 0.5 013

01022201工程流体力学基础‖Fundamentals of FluidMechanics

2 28 4 2 001

05022701互换 性与测量 技术‖Interchangeability andMeasurement Technology

2 26 6 2 001

01124103机械 设计基础 (Ⅰ)★‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Design(Ⅰ)★

3 42 6 3 001

01224103机械 设计基础 (Ⅱ)★‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Design(Ⅱ)★

3 42 6 3 001

01024201机械设计基础课程设计‖Course Design ofMechanical Design Fundamentals

3 120 3 001

05124205机 械 制 造 基 础 ( Ⅰ ) ‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Manufacture(Ⅰ)

2.5 36 4 2.5 001

05224205机 械 制 造 基 础 ( Ⅱ ) ‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Manufacture(Ⅱ)

2 28 4 2 001

01026302控 制 工 程 基 础 ‖Control EngineeringFundamentals

2.5 34 6 2.5 001

11027802 理论力学‖Theoretical Mechanics 4 62 2 4 013

04126401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅰ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅰ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04226401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅱ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅱ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04026501模拟与数字电路综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Analog and Digital Circuits

2 80 2 004

01028204微机原理及应用★‖Microcomputer Principlesand Application★

2.5 32 8 2.5 001

01030301 武器专业导论‖Introduction of Weapon Major 1 16 1 001


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

01061701 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 001

01061601 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 2 80 2 001

01050303 弹道学基础*‖Fundamentals of Ballistics* 1.5 24 1.5 001

01061301专 业 综 合 课 程 设 计 * ‖SpecialtyComprehensive Course Design*

2 80 2 001

01061201装甲车辆底盘设计‖Armored Vehicle ChassisDesign

2 32 2 001

01061501 装甲车辆防护‖Armored Vehicle Protection 2 32 2 001

01069901 装甲车辆构造‖Armored Vehicle Structure 3 40 8 3 001

01061001 装甲车辆理论‖Armored Vehicle Theory 2 32 2 001

01061101装 甲 车 辆 武 器 设 计 ‖Weapon Design ofArmored Vehicle

2 32 2 001


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

01072401 C++程序设计‖C++ Programming 2 32 2 001

01020104 CAD&CAM 技术‖CAD/CAM Technology 2 24 8 2 001

01022001 车辆动力装置‖Vehicle Powertrain 2.5 38 2 2.5 001

01062501车辆悬架理论与设计‖Theory and Design ofVehicle Suspension

2 32 2 001

01062001车 载 武 器 概 论 ‖Introduction ofVehicle-Mounted Weapons

2 32 2 001

01020501单片机原理及应用‖Theory and Application ofSingle Chip Microcomputer

2 24 8 2 001

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

01024405机 械 系 统 动 力 学 ‖Dynamics of MechanicalSystem

2 28 4 2 001

01024702 机械优化设计‖Optimal Design of Machine 2 24 8 2 001

01067201计 算 流 体 力

学‖Computational Fluid Mechanics2 32 2 001

01062301 军用机器人技术*‖Military Robotics* 2 32 2 001

01031102可 编 程 控 制 器 及 应 用 ‖ProgrammableController and Application

2 24 8 2 001

01023905 可靠性设计‖Reliability Design 2 32 2 001

01034901汽车新技术*‖New Technology of Automobile*

2 32 2 001

01057701汽车振动与噪声控制‖Vibration and NoiseControl of Automobile

2.5 34 6 2.5 001

01049403嵌 入 式 微 处 理 器 及 应 用 ‖EmbeddedMicrocomputer and Application

2 24 8 2 001

01027501 人机工程学‖Ergonomics 2 32 2 001

05027601生产管理与控制‖Production Management andControl

2 28 4 2 001

01071001 实用计算方法‖Practical Calculation Method 2 26 6 2 001

05024701 网络与数据库基础‖Network and Database 2 32 2 001

01021001微 机 电 系 统 设计 概 论 ‖An Introduction toMicroelectromechanical Systems Design

2 32 2 001

01061901 新概念武器*‖New Concept Weapon* 2 32 2 001

01035301有限元基础及应用‖Basics and Applications ofFinite Element Method

2 26 6 2 001

01061801 专业前沿讲座‖Professional Front Lectures 1 16 1 001

01027204 专用车辆设计‖Speciality Vehicle Design 2 32 2 001

01062201装甲车辆火控技术‖Fire Control Technology ofArmored Vehicle

2 32 2 001

01062401 装甲车辆试验‖Armored Vehicle Test 2 24 8 2 001

01062101装甲车辆综合电子信息系统*‖IntegratedElectronic Information System of ArmoredVehicle*

2 32 2 001

01061401装甲车辆总体设计‖General Design of ArmoredVehicle

2 32 2 001

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 155 1740 1588 24.5 22.5 25.5 21 23.5 16 6 16

选修课程汇总‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

56 820 76 2 14 40

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表





















1. 具有良好的职业道德,强烈的敬业精神和社会责任感,丰富的人文素养;

2. 掌握力学、机械工程、电子科学与技术、控制科学与工程等学科的基本理论和专业知识;掌握弹药战




3. 具有综合运用所学科学理论,分析和解决解决工程技术问题的基本能力;

4. 具有一定的科学研究和实际工作能力;具有一定的批判性思维和创新意识;

5. 掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有信息获取、知识更新和终身学习能力;

6. 具有良好的质量、环境、职业健康、安全和服务意识以及应对突发事件应急处理的初步能力;

7. 具有一定国际视野,较强的交流沟通、环境适应、语言表达、团队合作和工程管理的能力。








南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表








本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Ammunition Engineering and Explosion Techniques

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ammunition Engineering and Explosion Techniques is a national key discipline, subordinating to the primary

discipline, Weapons Science and Technology. It offers bachelor, master and doctor degree, and also provides

post-doctoral program. Meanwhile, it belongs to the first group of majors of the “Excellent Engineers Plan” of

Ministry of Education. It has an excellent faculty team with outstanding experts at different research directions. It

has obvious characteristics and dominated advantages in the research of high efficient damage, intelligent and

smart ammunition, as well as new concept of ammunition. Plenty of excellent graduates have been cultivated for

ammunition product planning, design, development, management and research. Graduates are popular in

research institutes, universities, military departments, enterprises and technology management departments.

Ⅱ. Objectives

The Major aims at training comprehensive engineers and technical talents with basic theory and knowledge

of ammunition engineering and explosion techniques, to engage in the jobs of scientific research, technology

innovation, engineering design, product manufacturing, production organization and management.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to obtain the basic theory and knowledge of mechanics and explosion dynamics, to

receive basic training of ammunition engineer, and to grasp basic ability to engage in scientific research, technology

development, ammunition design, manufacturing, and production organization and management in the field of

ammunition engineering and explosion techniques.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good understanding of humanities and social sciences, a strong sense of social responsibility and

good engineering ethics;

2. Master the basic theory and professional knowledge of relevant disciplines, including mechanics,

mechanical engineering, electronic science and technology, control Science and Engineering, etc.; Acquire the

analysis and design methods of ammunition system and engineering, as well as the relevant product research

and development technology; Be aware of the basic theory and professional knowledge for the tactical and

technical performance evaluation of ammunition systems, as well as their working principle and structure,

utilization and engineering support; Be aware of the current situation and development trend in ammunition

system and relevant technical field of civil engineering;

3. Master technologies and skills in ammunition engineering and explosion techniques, have the ability to

design and implement engineering experiments, and analyze the experimental results;

4. Have the preliminary capacity to research, develop and design new products, new processes, new

technologies and new equipment in ammunition engineering and explosion techniques;

5. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query; have the ability of self-study and


6. Equip with basic economic, environmental, legal, safety, health, ethics skills to solve engineering problems;

7. Gain the ability of communication, competition and cooperation with international perspectives.

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. The leading disciplines & interdisciplinary subjects

The Leading Disciplines: Weapons Science and Technology

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Mechanics; Mechanical Engineering

Ⅵ. Core courses

Theoretical Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Engineering Graphics, Fundamentals of Machine Design,

Fundamentals of Control Engineering, Ammunition Introduction, Fundamentals of Ballistics, Explosion mechanics,

Ammunition Terminal Effect, Ammunition Design Theory.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Metalworking Practice, Course Design of Mechanical Design Basis, Course Design of Mechanical Manufacturing

Basis, Analog and Digital Circuit Experiment, Production Engineering Investigation, Graduation Project, Military

Training, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other specialized

optional courses.

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


弹药工程与爆炸技术专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Ammunition Engineering and Explosion Technology


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论 ‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000602Visual Basic 程 序 设 计 ‖Visual BasicProgramming Design

3 32 16 3 006

06001001Visual Basic 课程设计‖Course Design in VisualBasic

1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05121704 工程图形学(Ⅰ)‖Engineering Graphics(Ⅰ) 3 48 3 001

05221704 工程图形学(Ⅱ)‖Engineering Graphics(Ⅱ) 2.5 28 12 2.5 001

23020105 金属工艺实习*‖Metalworking Training* 4 160 4 022

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

11020502 材料力学‖Mechanics of Materials 4 58 6 4 013

01023702 测试技术‖Measuring and Testing Techniques 2.5 32 8 2.5 001

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

16022803工程材料及成形工艺‖Engineering Materialand Forming Technology

3 44 4 3 016

11138101 工程力学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in EngineeringMechanics(Ⅰ)

0.5 8 0.5 013

11238101工程力学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in EngineeringMechanics(Ⅱ)

0.5 8 0.5 013

01022201工程流体力学基础‖Fundamentals of FluidMechanics

2 28 4 2 001

05022701互换 性与测量 技术‖Interchangeability andMeasurement Technology

2 26 6 2 001

01124103机械 设计基础 (Ⅰ)★‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Design(Ⅰ)★

3 42 6 3 001

01224103机械 设计基础 (Ⅱ)★‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Design(Ⅱ)★

3 42 6 3 001

01024201机械设计基础课程设计‖Course Design ofMechanical Design Fundamentals

3 120 3 001

05124205机 械 制 造 基 础 ( Ⅰ ) ‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Manufacture(Ⅰ)

2.5 36 4 2.5 001

05224205机 械 制 造 基 础 ( Ⅱ ) ‖Fundamentals ofMechanical Manufacture(Ⅱ)

2 28 4 2 001

01026302控 制 工 程 基 础 ‖Control EngineeringFundamentals

2.5 34 6 2.5 001

11027802 理论力学‖Theoretical Mechanics 4 62 2 4 013

04126401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅰ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅰ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04226401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅱ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅱ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04026501模拟与数字电路综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Analog and Digital Circuits

2 80 2 004

01028204微机原理及应用★‖Microcomputer Principlesand Application★

2.5 32 8 2.5 001

01030301 武器专业导论‖Introduction of Weapon Major 1 16 1 001


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

01055701 爆炸力学‖Mechanics of Explosion 2 32 2 001

01031627 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 001

01027627 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 2 80 2 001

01050302 弹道学基础‖Fundamentals of Ballistics 2 32 2 001

01021103 弹丸终点效应‖Terminal Effects of Ammunition 2.5 40 2.5 001

01021301 弹药概论*‖Ammunition Introduction* 2 32 2 001

01039001弹 药 设 计 理 论 ‖Theory and Design ofAmmunition

2.5 40 2.5 001

01051302弹药设计理论课程设计*‖Course Design ofAmmunition*

2 80 2 001

01041001弹 药 实 验 技 术 ‖Ammunition ExperimentTechnology

2 16 16 2 001


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

01072401 C++程序设计‖C++ Programming 2 32 2 001

01020104 CAD&CAM 技术‖CAD/CAM Technology 2 24 8 2 001

01020501单片机原理及应用‖Theory and Application ofSingle Chip Microcomputer

2 24 8 2 001

01059401 弹丸飞行力学‖Flight Dynamics of Projectiles 2 32 2 001

01050701弹 药 系 统 工 程 ‖Ammunition SystemEngineering

2 32 2 001

01055801弹 药 制 导 与 控 制 系 统 基 础 ‖AmmunitionGuided and Control System

2 32 2 001

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

01024301 导引头技术‖Homing Head Technology 2 30 2 2 001


机 械 零 件 三 坐 标 测 量 及 反 求 综 合 实

验 ‖Comprehensive Experiment of MechanicalParts Three-Coordinate Measurement andInverse Design

1 40 1 001

01024405机 械 系 统 动 力 学 ‖Dynamics of MechanicalSystem

2 28 4 2 001

01024702 机械优化设计‖Optimal Design of Machine 2 24 8 2 001

01067201计 算 流 体 力

学‖Computational Fluid Mechanics2 32 2 001

01072001武器系统技术前沿系列讲座‖Weapon SystemsFrontier Technology Lecture Series

1 16 1 001

01031102可 编 程 控 制 器 及 应 用 ‖ProgrammableController and Application

2 24 8 2 001

01023905 可靠性设计‖Reliability Design 2 32 2 001

01049403嵌 入 式 微 处 理 器 及 应 用 ‖EmbeddedMicrocomputer and Application

2 24 8 2 001

01027501 人机工程学‖Ergonomics 2 32 2 001

05027601生产管理与控制‖Production Management andControl

2 28 4 2 001

01071001 实用计算方法‖Practical Calculation Method 2 26 6 2 001

05024701 网络与数据库基础‖Network and Database 2 32 2 001

01021001微 机 电 系 统 设计 概 论 ‖An Introduction toMicroelectromechanical Systems Design

2 32 2 001

01059601武器系统工艺学基础‖Technology Foundationof Weapon System

2 32 2 001

01035301有限元基础及应用‖Basics and Applications ofFinite Element Method

2 26 6 2 001

01052601战 斗 部 数 值 仿 真 ‖Numerical Simulation ofWarhead

2 18 14 2 001

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 155.5 1740 1596 24.5 22.5 25.5 21 23 17 6 16

选修课程汇总‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

44 612 116 4 17 23

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



飞行器设计与工程专业始于 1953年哈尔滨军事工程学院的火箭武器专业,目前依托航空宇航科学与技













1. 具有较好的人文社会科学素养、较强的社会责任感和良好的工程职业道德;

2. 掌握飞行器总体设计的基本理论、基本知识;

3. 掌握飞行器结构设计的分析方法和实验方法;

4. 具有飞行器结构设计的工程能力;

5. 熟悉航空航天飞行器设计的有关规范和设计手册等;

6. 了解飞行器设计的理论前沿、应用前景和发展动态;

7. 掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有终身学习能力;

8. 具有初步的科学研究和实际工作能力,具有一定的批判性思维能力;

9. 具有一定的组织管理能力、表达能力和人际交往能力以及在团队中发挥作用的能力;

10. 具有国际视野和跨文化的交流、竞争与合作能力。













南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Flight Vehicle Design and EngineeringⅠ. Introduction

Flight Vehicle Design and Engineering is based on the 2 national key disciplines, aeronautical and

astronautical science and technology, weapon science and technology. It has a distinct feature of aviation and

aerospace, and closely related to mechanics, mechanical engineering, etc. It offers bachelor and master degree.

Graduates are popular in research institutes, universities, military departments, enterprises and technology

management departments.

Ⅱ. Objectives

The Major aims at training comprehensive engineers and technical talents with basic theory and knowledge

of mathematics, mechanic basis, aircraft overall design, aerodynamic design, structural and strength analysis,

experimental technology, and engaging in design, scientific research and technology management in areas of

weapons and aerospace engineering.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to obtain the basic theory and knowledge of flight vehicle overall design, flight vehicle

structural design, theory of control system, aircraft manufacturing process and design, experiment, etc., have

abilities to apply large advanced general-purpose computing software relating to flight vehicle overall design,

aerodynamic design, structural analysis and design, have related ability to processing and analyzing the actual


Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good understanding of humanities and social sciences, a strong sense of social responsibility and

good engineering ethics;

2. Master the fundamental theories and knowledge of flight vehicle overall design;

3. Master technologies and skills in flight vehicle design and engineering;

4. Mater the analysis and experimental methods of aircraft structural design;

5. Have an engineering ability of aircraft structural design;

6. Be familiar with the specification and design manuals relating to aerospace vehicle design;

7. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

8. Have the ability of self-study and self-development;

9. Equip with basic economic, environmental, legal, safety, health, ethics skills to solve engineering problems;

10. Gain the ability of communication, competition and cooperation with international perspectives;

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. Leading disciplines & interdisciplinary subjects

The Leading Disciplines: Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology, Mechanics

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Weapons Science and Technology, Mechanical Engineering

Ⅵ. Core courses

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Mechanics of Materials, Theoretical Mechanics, Theoretical Mechanics, Fundamentals of Viscous Fluid

Dynamics, Structural Mechanics of Flight Vehicle, Missile Aerodynamics, Flight mechanics of Missile, Missile

Overall Design, Missile Control & Guidance, etc.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Metalworking Practice, Course Design of Mechanical Design Basis, Course Design of Mechanical Manufacturing

Basis, Analog and Digital Circuit Experiment, Production Engineering Investigation, Graduation Project, Military

Training, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other specialized

optional courses.

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


飞行器设计与工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Flight Vehicle Design and Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论 ‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++ 程 序 设 计 ‖C++ ProgrammingDesign

4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05121704 工程图形学(Ⅰ)‖Engineering Graphics(Ⅰ) 3 48 3 001

05221704 工程图形学(Ⅱ)‖Engineering Graphics(Ⅱ) 2.5 28 12 2.5 001

23020105 金属工艺实习*‖Metalworking Training* 4 160 4 022

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

11020502 材料力学‖Mechanics of Materials 4 58 6 4 013

01023702 测试技术‖Measuring and Testing Techniques 2.5 32 8 2.5 001

11021201 弹性力学‖Elasticity 3 46 2 3 013

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

01023601 导弹飞行力学‖Flight Mechanics of Missiles 2 32 2 001

01022502导弹总体设计课程设计*‖Course Design ofRocket and Missile*

2 80 2 001

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

16022803工程材料及成形工艺‖Engineering Materialand Forming Technology

3 44 4 3 016

11138101工程力学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in EngineeringMechanics(Ⅰ)

0.5 8 0.5 013

11238101工程力学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in EngineeringMechanics(Ⅱ)

0.5 8 0.5 013

11024002 工程数学‖Engineering Mathematics 3 48 3 013

05022701互换 性与测量 技术‖Interchangeability andMeasurement Technology

2 26 6 2 001

01024102机械设计基础‖Fundamentals of MechanicalDesign

4 50 14 4 001

01024203机械设计基础课程设计*‖Course Design ofMechanical Design Fundamentals*

1 40 1 001

11024801 计算方法‖Computational Method 2 24 8 2 013

01026302控 制 工 程 基 础 ‖Control EngineeringFundamentals

2.5 34 6 2.5 001

11027802 理论力学‖Theoretical Mechanics 4 62 2 4 013

04126401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅰ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅰ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04226401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅱ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅱ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04026501模拟与数字电路综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Analog and Digital Circuits

2 80 2 004

01058303 热工基础‖Fundamentals of Thermo-Dynamics 2.5 32 8 2.5 001

01028204微机原理及应用★‖Microcomputer Principlesand Application★

2.5 32 8 2.5 001

01021201粘性流体力学基础‖Fundamentals of ViscousFluid Dynamics

2 24 8 2 001


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

01031629 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 001

01027629 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 2 80 2 001

01024002 导弹空气动力学‖Aerodynamics of Missile 2.5 32 8 2.5 001

01041303导弹制导与控制技术‖Theory of Guidance andControl for Missile

2 28 4 2 001

01021402火箭导弹技术引论‖Introduction of RocketMissile Technology

2 32 2 001

01022805火箭导弹总体设计‖General Design of Rocketand Missile

3 40 8 3 001


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

01020104 CAD&CAM 技术‖CAD/CAM Technology 2 24 8 2 001

01072501Visual Basic 程 序 设 计 ‖Visual Basic .NETProgramming

2 32 2 001

01020501单片机原理及应用‖Theory and Application ofSingle Chip Microcomputer

2 24 8 2 001

01024901弹箭姿态控制系统基础‖Fundamentals ofMissile Attitude Control System

2 26 6 2 001

01024301 导引头技术‖Homing Head Technology 2 30 2 2 001

01027301飞行器流动仿真‖Foundation and Applicationof Fluid Field Numerical Simulation

2 28 4 2 001

01024801固体火箭发动机设计‖Design of Solid RocketMotor

2 32 2 001

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

01026501航 空 航 天 推 进 系 统 ‖Aerospace PropulsionSystems

2 32 2 001

01024405机 械 系 统 动 力 学 ‖Dynamics of MechanicalSystem

2 28 4 2 001

01024702 机械优化设计‖Optimal Design of Machine 2 24 8 2 001

01067201计 算 流 体 力

学‖Computational Fluid Mechanics2 32 2 001

01031102可 编 程 控 制 器 及 应 用 ‖ProgrammableController and Application

2 24 8 2 001

01023905 可靠性设计‖Reliability Design 2 32 2 001

01049403嵌 入 式 微 处 理 器 及 应 用 ‖EmbeddedMicrocomputer and Application

2 24 8 2 001

01027501 人机工程学‖Ergonomics 2 32 2 001

05027601生产管理与控制‖Production Management andControl

2 28 4 2 001

05024701 网络与数据库基础‖Network and Database 2 32 2 001

01021001微 机 电 系 统 设计 概 论 ‖An Introduction toMicroelectromechanical Systems Design

2 32 2 001

01025001武器 系统 作战 效能 分析 ‖Weapon SystemOperational Effectiveness Analysis

2 32 2 001

01035301有限元基础及应用‖Basics and Applications ofFinite Element Method

2 26 6 2 001

01026101战斗部设计基础‖Fundamentals of WarheadDesign

2 32 2 001

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 156 1760 1536 25.5 22.5 28.5 23 17.5 14 9 16

选修课程汇总‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

42 606 66 2 16 24

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表






































南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表























本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Measurement Control Technology and InstrumentsⅠ. Introduction

Measurement Control Technology and Instruments is a provincial key major in Jiangsu, subordinating to the

discipline of instruments science and technology. It offers bachelor, master and doctor degree. It has an excellent

faculty team with outstanding experts at different research directions, including electronics, computer, control

engineering, precision machinery and optics. The Major focuses on cultivating cross-disciplinary talents. Graduates

are expected to pursue careers in institutes and enterprises in aeronautics and astronautics, weapons, machinery,

electronics, energy, chemistry, communications and transportation.

Ⅱ. Objectives

The Major aims at cultivating top engineering talents who have good understanding of theoretical knowledge in

measurement and control, possess the capacity of manufacturing and applying modern measuring and control

systems. The graduates are expected to carry out design, manufacture, application research and operation

management of modern measuring and control systems in different departments and enterprises.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to obtain the basic theory and knowledge of modern measuring and control technologies

including modern electronics, sensing, intelligent instruments, PV detection, computer application and process

control, etc. The graduates are expected to have the abilities of applying, developing and researching the modern

measuring and control systems.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good understanding of humanities and social sciences, a strong sense of social responsibility and

good engineering ethics;

2. Master knowledge of mathematics, natural science and basic theory, knowledge and methodology of

engineering mathematics, engineering optics, management science;

3. Master the basic theory, knowledge and methodology in the field of engineering technology involving

mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, optics, sensor, measurement and control and so on; understand the

scientific development frontier, prospects and development of measurement and control engineering;

4. Master technologies and skills in measurement control technology practice; have the ability to design and

implement engineering experiments, and analyze the experimental results;

5. Have the preliminary ability of technical improvement and transformation;

6. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

7. Equip with basic economic, environmental, legal, safety, health, ethics skills to solve engineering problems;

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working;

9. Have the ability of self-study and self-development;

10. Gain the ability of communication, competition and cooperation with international perspectives.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Ⅴ. Leading disciplines and interdisciplinary subjects

The Leading Discipline: Instruments Science and Technology

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, Computer

Application Technology, Optical Engineering and Biopharmaceutical Engineering.

Ⅵ. Core courses

Electrical Engineering, Analog and Digital Circuits, Theory and Application of Sensors, Microcomputer

Principles and Application, Fundamentals of Control Engineering, Signal and Testing System, Intelligent

Mechanical Design Principles, Digital Measuring And Controlling Technique, Design of Precise Instrument, Design

of Measuring and Controlling Circuit, Intelligent Instrument Design, Introduction of MEMS Design.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Metalworking Practice, Course Design of Mechanical Design Basis, Course Design of Mechanical Manufacturing

Basis, Analog and Digital Circuit Experiment, Production Engineering Investigation, Graduation Project, Military

Training, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other specialized

optional courses.

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


测控技术与仪器专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Measurement Control Technology and Instruments


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论 ‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖The Outline of Chinese Modernand Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++ 程 序 设 计 ‖C++ ProgrammingDesign

4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

01062601测控技术与仪器专业导论‖Introduction ofMeasurement and Control Technology andInstrument

0.5 8 0.5 001

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

11024001 工程数学‖Engineering Mathematics 4 64 4 013

05021701 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 3 39 9 3 001

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

01041401测 控 电 路 课 程 设 计 ‖Course Design ofMeasuring and Controlling Circuit

1 40 1 001

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

01038601测 控 电 路 设 计 ‖Design of Measuring andControlling Circuit

3 36 12 3 001

01020302测 控 工 程 学 ‖Measurement and ControlEngineering

3 40 8 3 001

01053902测 试 信 号 处 理 与 分 析 ‖The Processing ofMeasured Signal and Analysis

3 40 8 3 001

01020402传感器原理及应用‖Theory and Application ofSensors

3 40 8 3 001

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

04033902 电子工艺实习*‖Electronics Training* 2 80 2 022

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

04036301 工程光学‖Engineering Optics 3 48 3 004

11023801 工程力学‖Engineering Mechanics 3 48 3 013

01021602机电执行器及控制‖Electromechanical Driverand Control

2.5 32 8 2.5 001

01025301 计量学基础‖Fundamentals of Metrology 2 28 4 2 001

01038501检 测 技 术 综 合 实 验 * ‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Measuring Technique*

2 80 2 001

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

01025901精 密 机 械 课 程 设 计 * ‖Course Exercise ofPrecision Machine Design*

2 80 2 001

01026002精 密 机 械 设 计 基 础 ‖Fundamentals ofPrecision Machinery Design

3 44 4 3 001

01026302控 制 工 程 基 础 ‖Control EngineeringFundamentals

2.5 34 6 2.5 001

04126401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅰ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅰ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04226401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅱ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅱ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04026501模拟与数字电路综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Analog and Digital Circuits

2 80 2 004

01028204微机原理及应用★‖Microcomputer Principlesand Application★

2.5 32 8 2.5 001

01041802误差理论与数据处理*‖Error Theory and DataProcessing*

2 32 2 001

01021902信 号 与 测 试 系 统 ‖Signal and DynamicMeasurement System

4 58 6 4 001

必修课程·专业方向课 【除公共部分外,任选一组修读】

Compulsory Course·Specialized Course(Choose one group, besides the general courses

01031625 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 001

01027625 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 2 80 2 001

01043502精密仪器课程设计‖Precise InstrumentCourse Design

1 40 1 001

01042201精 密 仪 器 设 计 ‖Design of PreciseInstrument

3 40 8 3 001

01021001微机电系统设计概论‖An Introduction toMicroelectromechanical Systems Design

2 32 2 001

01041901智能机械 设计原理‖Design of SmartMechanism

3 40 8 3 001

01059002光电检测应用技术‖Electronic-OpticalDetection Technology

2 24 8 2 001

01025602计算机控制技术‖Controlling TechnologyBased on Computer

3 38 10 3 001

01041501智能仪器课程设计‖Course Exercise inDesign of Smart Instrument

1 40 1 001

01029601智 能 仪 器 设 计 ‖Design of SmartInstrument

3 40 8 3 001


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

南京理工大学机械工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

01020104 CAD&CAM 技术‖CAD/CAM Technology 2 24 8 2 001

01072501Visual Basic 程 序 设 计 ‖Visual Basic .NETProgramming

2 32 2 001

01038301测控技术新进展‖Advancing of Measurement& Control Technology

1 16 1 001

01038101测控总线技术‖Technique of Measuring andControll Bus

2 28 4 2 001

01020501单片机原理及应用‖Theory and Application ofSingle Chip Microcomputer

2 24 8 2 001

01057901 电路仿真与设计‖Circuit Simulation and Design 2 10 22 2 001

01024405机 械 系 统 动 力 学 ‖Dynamics of MechanicalSystem

2 28 4 2 001

01024702 机械优化设计‖Optimal Design of Machine 2 24 8 2 001

01067201计 算 流 体 力

学‖Computational Fluid Mechanics2 32 2 001

01031102可 编 程 控 制 器 及 应 用 ‖ProgrammableController and Application

2 24 8 2 001

01042701 可编程逻辑器件‖Programmable Logic Devices 2 24 8 2 001

01043402可编程逻辑器件课程设计*‖Course Design ofProgrammable Logic Device*

1 40 1 001

01023905 可靠性设计‖Reliability Design 2 32 2 001

01049403嵌 入 式 微 处 理 器 及 应 用 ‖EmbeddedMicrocomputer and Application

2 24 8 2 001

01027501 人机工程学‖Ergonomics 2 32 2 001

05027601生产管理与控制‖Production Management andControl

2 28 4 2 001

01036601生产过程控制综合实验*‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Production-Process Control*

1 40 1 001

01071001 实用计算方法‖Practical Calculation Method 2 26 6 2 001

01038003数 字 化 测 控 技 术 ‖Digital Measuring andControlling Technique

2 24 8 2 001

01043001数 字 信 号 处 理 器 及 应 用 ‖Digital SignalProcessor and Application

2 32 2 001

01043101数 字 信 号 处 理 器 开 发 实 验 ‖DevelopingExperiment of Digital Signal Processor

2 80 2 001

05024701 网络与数据库基础‖Network and Database 2 32 2 001

01028802微惯性传感器基础‖Fundamentals of MicroInertial Sensor

2 32 2 001

01042102无线传感器网络技术‖Technology of WirelessSensor Networks

2 24 8 2 001

01038203 虚拟仪器‖Virtual Instrument 2 24 8 2 001

01042601遥 测 遥 控 技 术 ‖Telemetry & TelecontrolTechnology

2 24 8 2 001

01035301有限元基础及应用‖Basics and Applications ofFinite Element Method

2 26 6 2 001

方向 I 组:必修课程汇总

Group I:Compulsory Courses Total156 1743 1625 24 20 25 19.5 24.5 11.5 15.5 16

方向 II 组:必修课程汇总

Group II:Compulsory Courses Total156 1733 1635 24 20 25 19.5 24.5 11.5 15.5 16

选修课程汇总‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

51 626 286 2 18 31

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese

南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


环境与生物工程学院南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院成立于 2010 年 7 月,其前身是南京理工大学化工学院环境科学与


生物化工二级学科博士点,拥有教育部工程研究中心 1 个、江苏省高校重点实验室 1 个及江苏省实验教学

与实践教育中心 1 个。

环境与生物工程学院目前开设 3 个本科专业:环境工程、生物工程、辐射防护与核安全,这三个专业



截至 2014 年 6 月,全院共有教师 51 人,其中教授 15 人,副教授 23 人,教师和科研人员中拥有博

士学位的比例达到 80%,具有海外留学背景的超过 60%,形成了结构优化、团结协作、富有创新的团队。



以上奖励 30 多项。学院积极拓展国际交流,已与美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、德国、法国、英国、日本、









南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


School of Environmental and Biological Engineering

School of Environmental and Biological Engineering, based upon the former Department of Environmental

Science & Engineering and Department of Bioengineering, was established in July of 2010. Now, the School has

Environmental Engineering as a secondary key discipline of Ministry of Industry & Information Technology,

Environmental Science & Engineering as a primary doctoral program, and Bioengineering as a secondary doctoral

program, a Research Center of Engineering & Technology of Ministry of Education, a provincial key laboratory and

a provincial Teaching and Practice Center in Jiangsu.

The School has 3 undergraduate programs: Environmental Engineering, Bioengineering and Radiation

Protection and Nuclear Safety, all of which are orienting to the emerging strategic industries. Both Environmental

Engineering and Bioengineering are key majors in the Twelfth Five Year Plan of Jiangsu Province. Radiation

Protection and Nuclear Safety is an urgently-needed major in China.

Currently, the School has 51 faculty and staffs, including 15 professors and 23 associate professors. 80% of

them with a PHD degree and more than 60% with experiences of overseas studies contribute to an innovative

team with an optimized structure, unity and cooperation.

The School has developed several research fields with high academic influence, cultivated distinguished

academic leaders, and formed research groups with high reputation. The School has won over 30 national and

provincial awards, including the first prize of National Science and Technology Progress. The school endeavors to

expand international communications and has established a long-term cooperative relationship with universities

and academic institutes from many countries and regions, such as the United States, Canada, Australia, German,

France, Britain, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan.

The School has been pursuing the concept that education is the root of building the school, and trying hard

to create a rigorous and relaxing academic atmosphere. Students not only acquire professional knowledge but

also develop all-round talents so as to meet the demands in fields of environment, bioengineering and radiation


The School attaches great importance to the exploration and innovation of environmental and biochemical

technologies. So far, the School has accomplished hundreds of designs and consultancy projects in the

environmental and biochemical industries, achieved many national and provincial awards, and owned plenty of

patents in the fields of environment and biology.

南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



环境工程专业始建于 1979 年,1980 年开始招收第一届本科生,是国内较早成立该专业的高校之一。1987

年获环境工程硕士学位授予权,2000 年获环境工程博士学位授予权,2004 年获环境科学硕士学位授予权,

2010 年获批环境科学与工程一级学科博士点,2012 年获批环境科学与工程博士后科研流动站。本专业以化

















1. 具有较好的人文社会科学素养、较强的社会责任感和良好的工程职业道德。

2. 具有运用工程工作所需的相关数学、自然科学以及经济管理知识的能力。

3. 掌握扎实的化学化工类工程基础知识、环境工程专业的基本理论和知识;掌握污染物监测和分析的基


4. 运用所学的基础知识和基本理论设计并解决工程问题的能力;具有实际动手能力和仪器操作能力;

5. 具有创新能力和对环境工程中的新兴技术、新型设备和先进方法的研发和设计能力。

6. 掌握文献检索、资料查询及运用现代信息技术获取相关信息的基本方法,能将计算机技术应用于环境


7. 了解与本专业相关的政策和法律、法规,具有区域环境规划管理的技能。

8. 具有一定的组织管理能力、较强的表达能力、人际交往能力以及在团队中发挥作用的能力。

9. 对本专业的概况和发展现状具有清晰的了解,并将其与未来职业规划相联系,具有不断学习和适应发


10. 具有国际视野和跨文化交流、竞争与合作能力。




南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表













本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Environmental Engineering

I. Introduction

Environmental Engineering, founded in 1979 as one of the earliest colleges in China, has enrolled

undergraduates since 1980. The major, a characteristic and key specialty in Jiangsu Province, can lead to degrees of

bachelor, master and doctor, and the post-doctoral program right now. Our major has been selected in the list of

Excellent Engineer Training Plans launched by Ministry of Education. Furthermore, the department has a Jiangsu

Province Environmental Science and Engineering Practice Education Center. Based upon Chemistry and Chemical

Engineering, our major contains the fundamentals and technologies of water and wastewater treatment, air

pollution control, treatment and disposal of solid wastes, physical pollution control, environmental monitoring,

processing and assessment. We always strengthen fundamental training, broaden the scope of professional

knowledge and pay attention to the abilities of engineering design and practice in order to cultivate talents for the

national environmental protection.

II. Objectives

The major aims to cultivate students with excellent moral characters, qualities of humanities and social

sciences and professional ethics. Students are required not only to be familiar with the knowledge of chemistry and

chemical engineering, but also to possess broad basic theories, practical and application methods in environmental

engineering, treatment technology of environmental pollution, environmental monitoring and assessment,

environmental planning and management. Students are also expected to have the abilities of environmental

engineering research and design of pollution treatment and operational management. With these capabilities,

students will become senior engineers and technical professionals who devote themselves to planning and design,

research and development, education and management in design units, academic institutions, colleges, industrial

enterprises and environmental agencies.

III. Requirements

Students are required to possess the fundamental theories and knowledge about chemical engineering,

environmental monitor and pollution control engineering. Students are expected to have the abilities to carry out

engineering design, scientific research, environmental planning & management, information collection,

organization and operation.

Graduates should acquire a variety of knowledge and abilities as followings:

1. Have excellent social responsibility and occupation morality and well understand state-of-art, latest progress,

prospects and the development direction of the discipline.

2. Have knowledge of math, science and economic management in engineering projects.

3. Grasp the theories, principles and knowledge about chemistry, environmental engineering, pollutant

monitor and analysis, and the skills of environmental monitor and quality assessment.

4. Obtain the abilities not only to design and solve engineering problems but also to apply theoretical

knowledge into practices.

5. Have the innovative minds and capabilities to develop and design novel technologies, new equipment and

advanced methods in Environmental Engineering.

南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


6. Grasp the methods of the literature and profile search and the abilities of data processing, engineering

drawing and simulation.

7. Grasp the related policies, laws and statutes of Environmental Engineering, and the skills of regional

environment planning and management.

8. Possess the abilities of organization and management, communication skills and teamwork.

9. Possess the abilities of career planning and lifelong learning.

10. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query, fluency in foreign languages and abilities of

competition and cooperation with international perspectives.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

V. Major Discipline and Interdisciplinary Subjects

Major Discipline: Environmental Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Technology

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Chemistry

Ⅵ. Core coursesWater Pollution Control Engineering, Air Pollution Control Engineering, Treatment and Disposal of Solid

Wastes, Physical Pollution Control, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Microbiology, EnvironmentProgramming and Manage, Specialty Experiments of Environment Engineering, and Environmental QualityAssessment.

VII. Collective Practical Teaching Session

Military Training, Engineering Training, Practice for Principles of Chemical Engineering, Comprehensive

Chemistry Experiments, Curriculum Design for Environmental Engineering, Curriculum Design of Environmental

Monitoring, Graduation Project, Graduation Practice.

Ⅷ. Graduation RequirementsTo achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some otherspecialized optional courses

南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


环境工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Environmental Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Required Courses·General Education Courses

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computers 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖Overview to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialism With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Situation & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖Chinese Modern HistorySummary

2 24 8 2 019


Required Courses·Specialized Education Courses

06000602Visual Basic 程 序 设 计 ‖ Visual BasicProgramming Design

3 32 16 3 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大 学 物 理 实 验 ( Ⅰ ) * College PhysicsExperiments (Ⅰ)*

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大 学 物 理 实 验 ( Ⅱ ) ‖ College PhysicsExperiments (Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Advanced Mathematics (Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Advanced Mathematics (Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Practice 1 40 1 022

11023801 工程力学‖Engineering Mechanics 3 48 3 013

05021701 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 3 48 3 001

03028002环境工程导论‖ Introduction to EnvironmentalEngineering

1 16 1 002

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Required Courses·Specialized Core Courses

03022506 分析化学‖Analytical Chemistry 2.5 24 16 2.5 003

03044203 工程流体力学‖Engineering Fluid Mechanics 2 32 2 002

南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

03126803化工原理(Ⅰ)★‖ Principles of ChemicalEngineering (Ⅰ)★

2.5 40 2.5 003

03226803化工原理(Ⅱ)★‖ Principles of ChemicalEngineering (Ⅱ)★

2 32 2 003

03026901化工原理课程实习‖ Curriculum Practice forPrinciples of Chemical Engineering

2 80 2 003

03043701化工原理实验‖ Experiments in Principles ofChemical Engineering

1 16 1 003

03037701化学综合实验*‖ Comprehensive ChemistryExperiments *

3 120 3 003

03027802 环境监测★‖Environmental Monitoring★ 3 48 3 002

02020301环境微生物实验‖Environmental MicrobiologyExperiments

1 16 1 002

03028103环境微生物学★‖Environmental Microbiology★

2 32 2 002

03042902环 境 仪 器 分 析 ‖ Instrumental Analyses inEnvironment

2 32 2 002

03044101环 境 仪 器 分 析 实 验 ‖ Experiments ofInstrumental Analyses in Environment

2 32 2 002

03132602 无机化学(Ⅰ)★‖Inorganic Chemistry (Ⅰ)★ 3 48 3 003

03232602 无机化学(Ⅱ)★‖Inorganic Chemistry (Ⅱ)★ 2 16 16 2 003

03132801 物理化学(Ⅰ)‖Physical Chemistry (Ⅰ) 3 48 3 003

03232801 物理化学(Ⅱ)‖Physical Chemistry (Ⅱ) 2.5 40 2.5 003

03032901 物理化学实验‖Physical Chemistry Experiments 1 16 1 003

03034703 有机化学‖Organic Chemistry 3 48 3 003

03034803 有机化学实验‖Organic Chemistry Experiments 1 16 1 003

必修课程•专业方向课 【除公共部分外,任选一组修读】

Compulsory Course•Specialized Course(Choose one group, besides the general courses)

03021501大 气 污 染 控 制 工 程 ‖ Air Pollution ControlEngineering

3 48 3 002

03025402固体废物处理工程‖Treatment and Disposal ofSolid Wastes

2 32 2 002

03027501环境工程专业实验‖Environmental EngineeringExperiments

5 80 5 002

03044301环境规划与管理‖Environment Programmingand Management

2 32 2 002

03028402环 境 影 响 评 价 ‖ Environmental ImpactAssessment

2 32 2 002

03132103水污染控制工程(Ⅰ)‖Water Pollution ControlEngineering (Ⅰ)

2 32 2 002

03232103水污染控制工程(Ⅱ)★‖Water PollutionControl Engineering (Ⅱ)★

3 48 3 002

03028301 物理性污染控制‖Physical Pollution Control 2 32 2 002

03020806 毕业设计‖Graduation Project


13 520 13 002

03031006 毕业实习#‖Graduation Practice# 4 160 4 002

02027001水 污 染 控 制 工 程 课 程 设 计 * ‖

Curriculum Design for Water PollutionControl Engineering*

2 80 2 002

02027101大 气 污 染 控 制 工 程 课 程 设 计 * ‖

Curriculum Design for Air Pollution ControlEngineering*

2 80 2 002

02027201固 体 废 物 处 理 工 程 课 程 设 计 ‖

Curriculum Design for Treatment of SolidWastes

1 40 1 002

03020896 毕业设计‖Graduation ProjectⅡ(


13 520 13 002

03031096 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 4 160 4 002

南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

02037901工业废水处理课程设计*‖CurriculumDesign for Industrial WastewaterTreatment*

2 80 2 002

02038001烟 气 处 理 课 程 设 计 * ‖ CurriculumDesign for Flue Gas of Air Pollution ControlEngineering*

2 80 2 002

02027201固 体 废 物 处 理 工 程 课 程 设 计 * ‖

Curriculum Design for Treatment of SolidWastes*

1 40 1 002


Selected Courses·Selected Specialized Courses

03021102 波谱分析‖Spectrometric Analyses 2 32 2 002

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

03038502 给水管网设计‖Water Supply Network Design 1.5 24 1.5 002

07022604 管理学原理‖Principles of Management 2 32 2 007

02028401环保设备基础‖Fundamentals of EnvironmentProtection Equipment

2 32 2 002

03039301 环境法规‖Environment Laws and Regulations 2 32 2 002

03044401环 境 工 程 Auto CAD * ‖ Auto CAD forEnvironmental Engineering*

2 16 16 2 002

02020701环境工程施工‖Construction of EnvironmentalEngineering

2 32 2 002

02022501环 境 功 能 材 料 ‖ Environmental FunctionMaterials

2 32 2 002

02020801 环境生态学‖Environmental Ecology 2 32 2 002

02022401 膜分离技术‖Membrane Separation Technology 2 32 2 002

02020501水 处 理 药 剂 与 应 用 ‖ Water TreatmentChemicals and Applications

2 32 2 002

02025001学科前沿系列讲座‖ Seminars on AcademicFrontiers

1 16 1 002

02020601文献检索与学术论文写作‖Literature Searching& Academic Writing

1 16 1 002

方向 I 组:必修课程汇总

Group I:Compulsory Courses Total157.5 1672 1696 23.5 23 27.5 15.5 19.5 16.5 15 17

方向 II 组:必修课程汇总

Group II:Compulsory Courses Total157.5 1672 1696 23.5 23 27.5 15.5 19.5 16.5 15 17

选 修 课 程 汇 总 ‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

26.5 408 16 4 7 6.5 9

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese

南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



生物工程专业的前身是 1994年创建的“生物化工专业”,2010年教育部专业调整为 “生物工程”。自 2010



































南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表

















本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


BioengineeringⅠ. Introduction

Bioengineering was developed from Biological Chemical Engineering in 1994. Since then, plenty of domestic

and overseas experts in bioengineering have been introduced. The department is now of powerful mentors,

advanced scientific research equipment and excellent experiment facilities. The major is based on biochemistry

and covers diverse curricula of biological, chemical, biochemical, and bioengineering, etc. so that graduates are

cultivated with fundamentals and principles of biology and bioengineering, and the key technologies in the

domains of biochemistry (including modern biology, molecular biology and genetic engineering, enzyme and

protein engineering, fermentation and metabolic engineering, biological reaction engineering and bioseparation

engineering, etc.).

Students are cultivated with strong abilities of rational thinking, analyzing and problem solving. Students are

expected to acquire solid skills for biological researches, development of novel biological resources and mass

with high activity. Graduates are able to conduct biological researches, biotechnology productions, and biological

engineering design. All of these will lay a solid foundation for outstanding students in their postgraduate

recommendation or entrance examination, and overseas studies.

Ⅱ. Objectives

This major aims to train interdisciplinary applied talents with fundamental knowledge in biology, engineering,

natural science and humanities. Graduates are capable of engaging in the production of biological products, process

design, production management, the research and development for new technologies and products in the domains

of biotechnology and engineering.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to acquire fundamentals, theories, knowledge about bioengineering. Students are

expected to have abilities to carry out bioengineering design, scientific research, problem analysis and solving in the

research and manufacture of biological products.

Graduates should acquire a variety of knowledge and abilities as followings:

1. Have excellent social responsibility and occupation morality and well understand state-of-art, latest progress,

prospects and the development direction of the discipline.

2. Have knowledge of math, science and economic management in engineering projects.

3. Grasp the theories, principles and knowledge about Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry,

Physical Chemistry, Principles of Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Bioengineering

Equipment, Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering etc.

4. Obtain the abilities not only to design and solve engineering problems but also to apply theoretical

knowledge into practices.

5. Have the innovative minds and capabilities to develop and design novel technologies, new equipment and

advanced methods in Bioengineering.

6. Have the abilities of data processing, engineering drawing and simulation.

7. Grasp the related policies, laws and statutes of Bioengineering.

8. Possess the abilities of organization and management, communication skills and teamwork.

南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


9. Possess the abilities of career planning and lifelong learning.

10. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query, fluency in foreign languages and abilities of

competition and cooperation with international perspectives.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. Major discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Major Discipline: Biology, Chemical Engineering and Technology

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Biomedical Engineering, Food Science and Engineering, Chemistry, Materials

Science and Engineering, Environmental Science and Engineering, etc.

Ⅵ. Core courses

Biochemistry, Principles of Chemical Engineering, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Fermentation and

Metabolic Engineering, Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, Enzyme and Protein Engineering, Bioseparation

Engineering, Biological Engineering Equipment, etc.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Engineering Training, Practice for Principles of Chemical Engineering, Comprehensive

Chemistry Experiments, Curriculum Design for Bioengineering, Graduation Project, Graduation Practice.

Ⅷ. Graduation RequirementsTo achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some otherspecialized optional courses .

南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


生物工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Bioengineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Required Courses·General Education Courses

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论 ‖Overview to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialism With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础 ‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Situation & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要 ‖Chinese Modern HistorySummary

2 24 8 2 019


Required Courses·Specialized Education Courses

06000602Visual Basic 程 序 设 计 ‖ Visual BasicProgramming Design

3 32 16 3 006

06001001Visual Basic 课程设计‖Course Design in VisualBasic

1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大 学 物 理 实 验 ( Ⅰ ) * ‖ College PhysicsExperiments (Ⅰ)*

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大 学 物 理 实 验 ( Ⅱ ) ‖ College PhysicsExperiments (Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Advanced Mathematics (Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Advanced Mathematics (Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021701 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 3 48 3 001

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Required Courses·Specialized Core Courses

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

03022506 分析化学‖Analytical Chemistry 2.5 24 16 2.5 003

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Practice 1 40 1 022

03126803 化工原理(Ⅰ)★‖ Principles of Chemical 2.5 40 2.5 003

南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

Engineering (Ⅰ)★

03226803化工原理(Ⅱ)★‖ Principles of ChemicalEngineering (Ⅱ)★

2 32 2 003

03026901化工原理课程实习‖Curriculum Practice forPrinciples of Chemical Engineering

2 80 2 003

03043701化工原理实验‖ Experiments in Principles ofChemical Engineering

1 16 1 003

03037701化学综合实验*‖ Comprehensive ChemistryExperiments*

3 120 3 003

02037801 基础生物学‖Fundamentals in Biology 2 32 2 002

03045501生物工程课程设计*‖Curriculum Design forBiological Engineering *

2 80 2 002

03037902生 物 工 程 设 备 ‖ Biological EngineeringEquipment

3 48 3 002

03038301生物工程综合实验*‖Biological EngineeringExperiments *

2 80 2 002

03131302 生物化学(Ⅰ)‖Biochemistry(Ⅰ) 3 48 3 002

03231302 生物化学(Ⅱ)‖Biochemistry(Ⅱ) 3 48 3 002

03031502 生物化学实验‖Biochemistry Experiments 3 48 3 002

03032403 微生物学★‖Microbiology★ 3 48 3 002

03032503 微生物学实验‖Microbiology Experiments 2 32 2 002

03055304 无机化学‖Inorganic Chemistry 3 40 8 3 003

03032804 物理化学‖Physical Chemistry 3 48 3 003

03032901 物理化学实验‖Physical Chemistry Experiments 1 16 1 003

02020901 细胞生物学‖Cytobiology 2 32 2 002

03034703 有机化学‖Organic Chemistry 3 48 3 003

03034803 有机化学实验‖Organic Chemistry Experiments 1 16 1 003


Required Courses·Specialized Courses

03020807 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 13 520 13 002

03031007 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 4 160 4 002

03021702发酵与代谢工程‖Fermentation and MetabolicEngineering

3 48 3 002

02024201发 酵 与 代 谢 工 程 实 验 ‖ Experiments inFermentation and Metabolic Engineering

1 16 1 002

03038103分子生物学与基因工程‖Molecular Biology andGenetic Engineering

3 48 3 002

02024101分子生物学与基因工程实验‖Experiments inMolecular Biology and Genetic Engineering

1 16 1 002

03030202酶 与蛋 白 质工 程 ★ ‖ Enzymes and ProteinEngineering ★

3 48 3 002

02022601 生物传感器‖Biosensor 2 32 2 002

03031602生 物 分 离 工 程 ‖ Biological SeparationEngineering

3 32 16 3 002

02024001生物分离工程实验‖Experiments in BiologicalSeparation Engineering

1 16 1 002


Selected Courses·Selected Specialized Courses

03036702工 业 微 生 物 遗 传 育 种 ‖ Industrial geneticbreeding on Microorganism

2 32 2 002

02021001 免疫学‖Immunology 2 32 2 002

03049001 生物反应工程‖Bioreaction Engineering 2 32 2 002

02022801 生物工程专业英语‖Bioengineering English 2 32 2 002

03045301 生物信息学‖Bioinformatics 2 32 2 002

南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

02022901 生物学文献检索‖Biology Literature Retrieval 1 16 1 002

02023101生 物 仪 器 分 析 ‖ Instrumental Analyses inBiology

2 24 8 2 002

03031802 生物制药学‖Biopharmaceutics 2 32 2 002

02023001 天然产物化学‖Chemistry of Natural Products 2 32 2 002

03045401 细胞工程学‖Cell Engineering 2 32 2 002

02022701 生物纳米材料‖Biological Nanomaterials 2 32 2 002

必修课程汇总‖Required Courses Total 157 1656 1704 25.5 21 24.5 22 24.5 16.5 10 13

选修课程汇总‖ Selected Specialized CoursesTotal

21 360 8 2 6 15

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese

南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



辐射防护与核安全专业设立于 2007 年,是工业与信息化部的国防特色专业,国家能源战略发展的紧缺专

业。2008 年招收第一届本科生,2012 年初经江苏省学位委员会评定获得学士学位授予权。本专业融辐射防


































南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表













本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety

I. Introduction

Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety was established as a characteristic major of national defense by

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in 2007 in order to meet the critical demands of national energy

development strategy. The major has integrated with radiation protection, nuclear and radiation safety

engineering, radioactive pollution prevention and control, and specialized in Radiated Environment Monitoring

and Evaluation and Radioactive Pollution Benign Treatment. Based upon experimental environment and practice

centers, the department, which is oriented by the education reform, is committed to cultivate talents in the

research and engineering of radiation protection and nuclear safety with all faculty efforts. Graduates are

expected to engage in the safety evaluation and management of facilities and equipment which are installed with

radioactive resources in corresponding institutes, universities, enterprises, high-tech companies. Graduates are

also involved in the treatment and disposal of radioactive wastes, radioactive contamination, environmental

radiation monitoring and evaluation.

II. Objectives

The major aims to cultivate students with fundamentals of nuclear physics, radiation dose measurement

and control, radiation detection and data analysis, radiation protection, radio-chemistry. Graduates are qualified

to work in academic institutes, enterprises, hi-tech companies involving in environmental radiation monitoring

and evaluation, nuclear and radiation safety, radiation control and remediation of environmental pollution,

radioactive waste treatment and disposal, etc.

III. Requirements

Students are required to acquire the fundamental theories and knowledge about radiation protection and

nuclear safety, environmental monitor and pollution control engineering. Students are expected to have the

ability to carry out radiation detection, radioactive pollution treatment, nuclear and radiation safety assessment,

organization and management of radiation protection, engineering design and implementation.

Graduates should acquire a variety of knowledge and abilities as followings:

1. Have excellent social responsibility and occupation morality.

2. Have the knowledge of math and science for engaging in the work of radiation protection and nuclear


3. Master the engineering fundamentals and theoretical knowledge of radiation protection and nuclear safety,

have systematic engineering practice experiences, and well understand state-of-art, latest progress, prospects and

the development direction of the radiation protection and nuclear safety.

4. Be capable of designing and implementing engineering experiments, and analyzing the experimental data.

5. Have the innovative minds and capabilities to develop and design novel technologies, new equipment and

advanced methods in in Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety, and to apply theories and techniques into the

design with the overall consideration of economic, environmental, legal, safety, health, ethics and other constraints.

6. Grasp the methods of the literature and profile search using modern information technologies.

7. Grasp the guidelines, policies, laws and regulations of industrial production, design, research and

南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


development, and other aspects related to radiation protection and nuclear safety.

8. Possess the abilities of organization and management, communication skills and teamwork.

9. Possess the abilities of career planning and lifelong learning.

10. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query, fluency in foreign languages and abilities of

competition and cooperation with international perspectives.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. Major discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Major Discipline: Nuclear science and technology, environmental engineering, chemical engineering.

Interdisciplinary Subjects: biological engineering.

Ⅵ. Core courses

Introduction to Nuclear Science and Technology, Nuclear Physics, Radiation Dosimetry, Radiochemistry,

Nuclear Electronics and Nuclear Instrumentation, Radiation Protection, Courses for Fundamentals in Radiated

Environment Monitoring.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Engineering Training, Practice for Principles of Chemical Engineering, Curriculum Design for

Radiation Protection, Curriculum Design for Radiated Environment Monitoring, Graduation Project, Graduation


Ⅷ. Graduation RequirementsTo achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all thecompulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specializedoptional courses .

南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


辐射防护与核安全专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Required Courses·General Education Courses

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ An Overview to Mao Zedong Thought andThe Theoretical System of Socialism With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Situation & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖Chinese Modern HistorySummary

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000602Visual Basic 程 序 设 计 ‖ Visual BasicProgramming Design

3 32 16 3 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大 学 物 理 实 验 ( Ⅰ ) * ‖ College PhysicsExperiments (Ⅰ)*

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大 学 物 理 实 验 ( Ⅱ ) ‖ College PhysicsExperiments (Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Advanced Mathematics (Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Advanced Mathematics (Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021701 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 3 48 3 001

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Required Courses·Specialized Core Courses

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

03046702 放射化学‖Radiochemistry 3 48 3 002

03022506 分析化学‖Analytical Chemistry 2.5 24 16 2.5 003

03047001 辐射防护‖Radiation Protection 2 32 2 002

02021101辐射防护课程设计*‖Curriculum Design ofRadiation Protection *

2 80 2 002

02021201 辐 射 环 境 监 测 ‖ Radiated Environment 2 32 2 002

南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


02021301辐射环境监测课程设计*‖Curriculum Designfor Radiated Environment Monitoring *

2 80 2 002

03046901 辐射剂量学‖Radiation Dosimetry 2 32 2 002

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Practice 1 40 1 022

02020101核电子学与核仪器仪表‖Nuclear Electronicsand Instrumentation

2 32 2 002

03126803化工原理(Ⅰ)★‖ Principles of ChemicalEngineering (Ⅰ)★

2.5 40 2.5 003

03226803化工原理(Ⅱ)★‖ Principles of ChemicalEngineering (Ⅱ)★

2 32 2 003

03026901化工原理课程实习‖ Curriculum Practice forPrinciples of Chemical Engineering

2 80 2 003

03043701化工原理实验‖ Experiments in Principles ofChemical Engineering

1 16 1 003

03132602 无机化学(Ⅰ)★‖Inorganic Chemistry (Ⅰ)★ 3 48 3 003

03232602 无机化学(Ⅱ)★‖Inorganic Chemistry (Ⅱ)★ 2 16 16 2 003

03032804 物理化学‖Physical Chemistry 3 48 3 003

03032901 物理化学实验‖Physical Chemistry Experiments 1 16 1 003

03034703 有机化学‖Organic Chemistry 3 48 3 003

03034803 有机化学实验‖Organic Chemistry Experiments 1 16 1 003

03046801 原子核物理学‖Nuclear Physics 3 48 3 002


Required Courses·Specialized Courses

03020804 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 13 520 13 002

03031004 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 4 160 4 002

03047301 反应堆工程‖Nuclear Reactor Engineering 2 32 2 002

03047202放 射 性 废 物 处 理 与 处 置 ‖ Treatment andDisposal of Radioactive Waste

2 32 2 002

02021701辐射剂量与探测实验‖ Radiation Dose andDetection Experiments

2 32 2 002

02021501核安全法规与实务‖Regulations and Practicesof Nuclear Security

2 32 2 002

03046601核科学技术概论★‖ Introduction to NuclearScience and Technology ★

2 32 2 002

02021401核实验方法与数值分析‖Nuclear ExperimentalMethods and Numerical Analyses

2 32 2 002

02021601核 物 理 基 础 实 验 * ‖ Nuclear PhysicsExperiments *

2 32 2 002

02021801环 境 放 射 化 学 实 验 ‖ EnvironmentalRadiochemistry Experiments

1 16 1 002

03147102环 境 工 程 学 ( Ⅰ ) ‖ EnvironmentalEngineering(Ⅰ)

2 32 2 002

03247102环 境 工 程 学 ( Ⅱ ) ‖ EnvironmentalEngineering(Ⅱ)

2 32 2 002

03027501环境工程专业实验‖Environmental EngineeringExperiments

5 80 5 002


Selected Courses·Selected Specialized Courses

02022101 γ能谱分析‖γ Spectrum Analyses 2 32 2 002

03040802安全检测与检控技术‖ Safety Inspection andControl

2 32 2 003

03020503安全原理与系统工程‖ Safety Principles andSystem Engineering

3 48 3 003

03022002防火防爆工程★‖ Fire and Explosion SecurityEngineering★

3 48 3 003

南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

02022001 辐射生物学‖Radiation Biology 2 32 2 002

04023002 固体物理‖Solid State Physics 3 48 3 004

03047501 核环境学‖Nuclear Environment 2 32 2 002

02021901核科技英语与文献检索‖Nuclear Science andTechnology English and Literature Retrieval

1 16 1 002

02028401环 保 设 备 基 础 ‖ Environmental ProtectionEquipment

2 32 2 002

03044401环 境 工 程 Auto CAD * ‖ AutoCAD forEnvironmental Engineering*

2 16 16 2 002

03042302燃烧与爆炸理论★‖Combustion and ExplosionTheory ★

4 64 4 003

03132103水污染控制工程(Ⅰ)‖Water Pollution ControlEngineering (Ⅰ)

2 32 2 002

03232103水污染控制工程(Ⅱ)★‖Water PollutionControl Engineering (Ⅱ)★

3 48 3 002

02025001学科前沿系列讲座*‖Seminars on AcademicFrontiers*

1 16 1 002

02020601文献检索与学术论文写作‖Literature Searching& Academic Writing

1 16 1 002

必修课程汇总‖Required Courses Total 155 1744 1488 25.5 22 26.5 20 19.5 15.5 9 17

选修课程汇总‖ Selected Specialized CoursesTotal

33 512 16 12 11 10

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese


南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


化工学院化工学院是南京理工大学的一个直属学院。前身为创建于 1953 年的哈尔滨军事工程学院有关系科,

1988 年 9 月更名为化工学院。学院设有制药与精细化工系、应用化学系、化学工程系、化学系、非金属材



学院拥有博士学位授予权一级学科 3 个,硕士学位授予权一级学科 3 个、二级学科博士点 10 个、二

级学科硕士点 17 个、工程硕士培养领域 4 个、博士后流动站 5 个、本科专业 7 个。学院拥有国家重点学

科 3 个,建有国家级工程中心 1 个,国家级检测中心 1 个,教育部重点实验室 1 个,省市工程中心 6 个。

建有国家级化学化工实验教学示范中心 1 个。

学院有教职工 220 余人,其中中国工程院院士 1 人,白俄罗斯外籍院士 1 人,副高级以上职称教师 130

余人,博士生导师 50 余名。化工学院在校各类学生总数 2300 余人,其中博士研究生、硕士研究生约 1100

人、本科生约 1200 人。

学院拥有授权专利 200 余件,获国家级科技成果奖 23 项,国家级教学成果奖 2 项。学院年度科研经

费约 1 亿元,校办科技产业利润 1000 余万元,有用于结构分析、性能测试等先进的大型仪器设备 140 余




南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


School of Chemical Engineering

The School of Chemical Engineering (“the School”) is an institute directly subordinated to NUST, and its

predecessor is relevant departments and subjects of Harbin Institute of Military Engineering founded in 1953. In

September 1988, it was renamed as School of Chemical Engineering. The School has more than 20 facilities,

including Department of Pharmacy and Fine Chemical Engineering, Department of Applied Chemistry,

Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemistry, Department of Nonmetallic Materials Science

and Engineering, Department of Safety Engineering, National Special Superfine Powder Engineering Research

Center, National Civil Explosives Materials Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, and relevant research

institutes and sci-tech industries, etc.

The School’s disciplines and programs include: 3 primary disciplines with the right to confer the Doctor’s

Degree, 3 primary disciplines with the right to confer the Master’s Degree, 10 doctoral programs of secondary

disciplines, 17 master degree programs of secondary disciplines, 4 in the cultivation of master of engineering, 5

mobile post-doctoral stations, and 7 bachelor's degree programs. In addition, the School owns 3 State-level key

disciplines, and 1 State-level engineering center and 1 National inspection center, 1 key laboratory of the Ministry

of Education, 6 provincial and municipal engineering centers,and 1 National Chemical Experimental Teaching

Demonstration Centre.

The School has over 220 faculty and staff, with 1 academician of Chinese Engineering Academy, 1 foreign

academician from Belarusian, 130 of them holding professional titles at sub-senior level or above, and over 50

Ph.D. tutors. The School has 2,300 students enrollment, including 1,100 graduate students (Ph.D and M.S.) and

about 1,200 undergraduate students.

The School has more than 200 issued patents, and has won 23 State-level sci-tech achievements awards,

and 2 State-level teaching achievements awards. The School has annual scientific research fund of more than

RMB 100 million and the School-run sci-tech industries can realize the profit of more than RMB 10 million. The

School possesses over 140 pieces of advanced large-scale equipment for the structure analysis and performance

test of materials and has a complete set of specialties in the field of chemistry and chemical engineering,

materials science, energetic materials and civil explosive materials and equipment, and the School is particularly

and distinctively powerful in these areas.

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表














本专业学生主要学习化学工程学与化学工艺学等方面的基础理论, 接受化学化工实验技能、工程实践、















军事训练、化学综合实验、工程技术实习、化工原理课程实习、VISUAL BASIC 课程设计、化工课程设计、



本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Chemical Engineering and TechnologyI. Introduction

Chemical Engineering and Technology is the key major of both JiangSu province and the state. It has a primary

doctoral-granting discipline and a post-doctoral station. Chemical Engineering and Technology is based on the

process industries, including chemical engineering design, process optimization and process control. The major is

famous for green chemical technology and advanced catalytic technology. National Chemistry Experimental

Teaching Demonstration Center and National Chemical Engineering Practice Professional Education Center are used

as training base of talents. With a guide of teaching reformation and based on national teaching team, a large

number of advanced engineering and technical talents has been trained in the chemicals, petroleum,

pharmaceuticals, energy, light, materials, food, environmental protection and other departments engaging in new

technology, new products, new technology research and development, production technology management and

other aspects.

II. Objectives

This major aims at training senior engineering and technical talents to grasp the basic knowledge and

application ability in chemical process design, process optimization, process control. They are required to have

innovative spirit, pragmatic work style, economic point of view, and environmental protection and safety

consciousness, and the international vision so as to engage in research and development of new products, new

technology, and production technology management, in departments such as chemicals, petroleum, medicine,

energy, light industry, material, food, environmental protection, etc.

III. Requirements

The students are mainly required to grasp the basic theory of chemical engineering and chemical technology,

to receive the basic training on chemistry experiments and skills, engineering practice, computer applications,

scientific research and engineering design, to possess the necessary ability of testing, design, calculation, drawing

and document retrieval, and to gain the capability of simulation optimization, innovative transformation and

production management in modern chemical industry production process and of research and development in new

products, new processes and new technologies.

IV. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering.

V. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Chemical Engineering and Technology;

Interdisciplinary Subject: Chemistry

VI. Core courses

Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Chemical Engineering

Principle, Chemical Thermodynamics, Chemical Technology, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Chemical

Engineering Machinery and Equipment, Chemical Automation and Instrumentation, Chemical Experiments, etc.

VII. Collective practical teaching session

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Military Training, Comprehensive Experimental Chemistry, Engineering Internship, Internship Program of

Chemical Engineering Principles, VISUAL BASIC Curriculum Design, Chemical Engineering Curriculum Design,

Production Practice, Graduation Design.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


化学工程与工艺专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Chemical engineering and technology


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000602Visual Basic 程 序 设 计 ‖ Visual BasicProgramming Design

3 32 16 3 006

06001001Visual Basic 课程设计‖Course Design in VisualBasic

1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)*‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)*

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021701 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 3 48 3 001

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

03022204 分析化学‖Analytical Chemistry 3 48 3 003

03022302分 析 化 学 实 验 ‖ Analytical ChemistryExperiment

3 48 3 003

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

03126803化工原理(Ⅰ)★‖ Principles of ChemicalEngineering (Ⅰ)★

2.5 40 2.5 003

03226803化工原理(Ⅱ)★‖ Principles of ChemicalEngineering (Ⅱ)★

2 32 2 003

03026901 化 工 原 理 课 程 实 习 ‖ Course Practice ofChemical Engineering

2 80 2 003

03043701化工原 理实验‖ Experiment in Principles ofChemical Engineering

1 16 1 003

03037701化学综合实验*‖ Chemistry ComprehensiveExperiment*

3 120 3 003

03132602 无机化学(Ⅰ)★‖Inorganic Chemistry (Ⅰ)★ 3 48 3 003

03232602 无机化学(Ⅱ)★‖Inorganic Chemistry (Ⅱ)★ 2 16 16 2 003

03132801 物理化学(Ⅰ)‖Physical Chemistry (Ⅰ) 3 48 3 003

03232801 物理化学(Ⅱ)‖Physical Chemistry (Ⅱ) 2.5 40 2.5 003

03132902物理化学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiment in PhysicalChemistry (Ⅰ)

1 16 1 003

03232902物理化学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiment in PhysicalChemistry (Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 003

03134701 有机化学(Ⅰ)★‖Organic Chemistry (Ⅰ)★ 3 48 3 003

03234701 有机化学(Ⅱ)★‖Organic Chemistry (Ⅱ)★ 2 32 2 003

03134802有机化学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiment in OrganicChemistry (Ⅰ)

1 16 1 003

03234802有机化学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiment in OrganicChemistry (Ⅱ)

2 32 2 003


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

03020803 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 13 520 13 003

03031003 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 4 160 4 003

03025702 化工工艺学‖Chemical Technology 2 32 2 003

03026003化工机械与设备★‖Equipment and Machineryfor Chemical Engineering★

2.5 40 2.5 003

03026301化工课程设计*‖Course Design of ChemicalEngineering*

4 160 4 003

03026401化 工 热 力 学 ★ ‖ Chemical EngineeringThermodynamics★

3 48 3 003

03037304 化工实验‖Experiment of Chemical Engineering 3.5 56 3.5 003

03027002化 工 自动 化 及 仪 表‖ Chemical EngineeringAutomation and Instruments

2.5 32 8 2.5 003

03027102 化学反应工程‖Chemical Reaction Engineering 2.5 40 2.5 003


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

03060501MEMS 技 术 与 应 用 * ‖ Technology andApplication of MEMS*

1 16 1 003

03040802安 全 检 测 技 术 ‖ Safety MeasurementTechnology

2 32 2 003

03060401安全科技前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofSafety Technology*

1 16 1 003

03020301 安全人机工程‖Security Ergonomics 2 32 2 003

03020703爆炸与爆破技术‖Explosion and BlastingTechnology

2 32 2 003

03020902表面化学与日用品化学‖ Surface Chemistryand Domestic Chemicals

2 32 2 003

03021201材料表面与界面‖ Surface and Interface ofMaterials

2 32 2 003

03042001 材料及其改性‖Materials Modification 2 32 2 003

01021301 弹药概论‖Ammunition Introduction 2 32 2 001

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

03049501分子模拟的基本原理及应用‖MolecularSimulation: Principles and Application

2 16 16 2 003

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

03022902高分子材料 配方设计‖ Formula Design ofPolymer Materials

2 32 2 003

03040201高分子成型设备与模具‖Polymer ProcessingEquipment and Mold

2 32 2 003

03023502 高分子复合材料‖Polymer Composites 2 32 2 003

03023703高 分 子 化 学 与 物 理 概 论 ‖ Introduction toPolymer Chemistry and Physics

2 32 2 003

03060001高分子科学前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiersof Polymer Science*

1 16 1 003

08024402 工程流体力学‖Engineering Fluid Mechanics 2 30 2 2 008

03025102 功能材料学‖Functional Materials 2 32 2 003

03025202 功能高分子材料‖Functional Polymer Materials 2 32 2 003

03020203含 能 材 料 安 全 技 术 ‖ Safety Technology ofEnergetic Materials

2 32 2 003

03022102化 工 分 离 工 程 ‖ Separation Processes inChemical Engineering

2 32 2 003

03045701化 工 过 程 分 析 与 开 发 ‖ Analysis andDevelopment of Chemical Industrial Processes

2 32 2 003

03026003化工机械与设备★‖Equipment and Machineryfor Chemical Engineering★

2.5 40 2.5 003

03026102 化工计算‖Calculation of Chemical Engineering 2 16 16 2 003

03026202化工计算机辅助设计‖Computer-Aided Designof Chemical Engineering

2 16 16 2 003

03059701化工系统工程‖System Engineering of ChemicalIndustry

2 32 2 003

03060301化工学科前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofChemical Engineering *

1 16 1 003

03027201化学化工文献‖ Literature of Chemistry andChemical Engineering

1 8 8 1 003

03028001环境科学导论‖ Introduction to EnvironmentalScience

2 32 2 002

03029502 结构化学‖Structural Chemistry 2 32 2 003

03059901界 面 与 胶 体 化 学 ‖ Colloid and InterfaceChemistry

2 32 2 003

03060101精细化工前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofFine Chemical Engineering*

1 16 1 003

03030002 聚合反应工程‖Polymer Reaction Engineering 2 32 2 003

03045802绿色 化学 化工技 术‖ Green Chemistry andChemical Technology

2 32 2 003

03059601 民用爆破器材‖Civil Blasting Materials 2 32 2 003

03030301纳米材料与纳米技术‖ Nanomaterials andNanotechnology

2 32 2 003

03030702 热分析‖Thermal Analysis 2 32 2 003

03044001 生理学‖Physiology 2 32 2 003

03048601 生物医用材料‖Biomedical Materials 2 32 2 003

03048402 通用安全技术‖General Safety Technology 2 32 2 003

03040602 无机化工‖Inorganic Chemical Engineering 2 32 2 003

03048701新 型 碳 材 料 化 学 ‖ Chemistry of NewCarbon Materials

2 32 2 003

03033702 药理学‖Pharmacology 3 48 3 003

03034502 有机合成设计‖Organic Synthesis Design 2 32 2 003

01031401引 信 构 造 与 作 用 ‖ Fuze Construction andFunction

2 32 2 001

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

03024602 有机分析‖Organic Analysis 2 32 2 003

03034601有机化工原料及中间体‖Organic ChemicalMaterials and Intermediates

2 32 2 003

03048301 职业卫生‖Occupational Health 2 32 2 003

03060201制药前 沿讲座*‖ Lectures on Frontiers ofPharmacy*

1 16 1 003

03023201 助剂及其应用‖Aids and Application 2 32 2 003

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 148.5 1504 1720 23.5 23.5 24.5 22 13 15 10 17

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

93.5 1470 26 18 37.5 40

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




国民经济的发展至关重要,是 21 世纪化学发展中的重要学科,南京理工大学是全国首批开办材料化学本科

































南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表








本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修

课若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Materials Chemistry

Ⅰ. Introduction

Materials Chemistry, established in 1990s, is a provincial key major in Jiangsu China. It offers bachelor,

master and doctor degree, and also provides post-doctoral program. The major focuses on the basic science of

chemistry and physics, the traditional application areas of metallurgy or ceramics, and modern high techniques

concerning telecommunications, information technology, transportation, clinical diagnosis and care, and energy

generation, etc.

Ⅱ. Objectives

The major aims at cultivating students with basic knowledge of materials chemistry, providing opportunities

for students to engage in research, development and management of new products, new technology and new

techniques in the fields of chemicals, petroleum, medicine, energy, light industry, material, food, environmental

protection, etc.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to master the basic knowledge of materials science and technology, to understand the

relationships between the arrangement of atoms, ions, or molecules comprising a material, and its overall bulk

structural and physical properties. Graduates are expected to have abilities of scientific research on synthesizing

and characterizing new materials, and of predicting structures and properties of materials. Graduates are also

expected to engage in new materials creation, production and quality control in industries of pharmaceuticals,

agriculture, diamond exploration, plastics manufacturing, aerospace, biotechnology, etc.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Master basic theories and knowledge of inorganic material chemistry, metallic material chemistry,

polymer material chemistry and composite material chemistry.

2. Understand design methods of material preparation techniques and equipment.

3. Have preliminary abilities of researching, developing and designing in new product and novel techniques.

4. Understand the laws and regulations regarding production, design, research and development in the

profession and industry of materials chemistry and engineering; have the awareness of environmental protection

and sustainable development.

5. Have an understanding of theories, techniques, technologies and equipment in new material preparation

and application.

6. Having the ability of innovation and obtaining new information.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years.

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years.

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering.

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading disciplines: Materials Science and Engineering, Chemistry.

Interdisciplinary subjects: Physics, Chemical Engineering and Technology.

Ⅵ. Core courses

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Principle of Chemical

Engineering, Solid State Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Materials Physics, Materials Science Research Methods,

Catalytic Materials, etc.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Comprehensive Experimental Chemistry, Engineering Practice, Practice of Chemical Engineering Principles,

Course Design of VISUAL BASIC, Course Design of Chemical Engineering, Graduation Practice, Graduation Project,


Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


材料化学专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Material Chemistry


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000602Visual Basic 程 序 设 计 ‖ Visual BasicProgramming Design

3 32 16 3 006

06001001Visual Basic 课程设计‖Course Design in VisualBasic

1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)*‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)*

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021701 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 3 48 3 001

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

03022204 分析化学‖Analytical Chemistry 3 48 3 003

03022302分 析 化 学 实 验 ‖ Analytical ChemistryExperiment

3 48 3 003

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

03126803化工原理(Ⅰ)★‖ Principles of ChemicalEngineering (Ⅰ)★

2.5 40 2.5 003

03226803化工原理(Ⅱ)★‖ Principles of ChemicalEngineering (Ⅱ)★

2 32 2 003

03026901 化 工 原 理 课 程 实 习 ‖ Course Practice ofChemical Engineering

2 80 2 003

03043701化工原 理实验‖ Experiment in Principles ofChemical Engineering

1 16 1 003

03037701化学综合实验*‖ Chemistry ComprehensiveExperiment*

3 120 3 003

03132602 无机化学(Ⅰ)★‖Inorganic Chemistry (Ⅰ)★ 3 48 3 003

03232602 无机化学(Ⅱ)★‖Inorganic Chemistry (Ⅱ)★ 2 16 16 2 003

03132801 物理化学(Ⅰ)‖Physical Chemistry (Ⅰ) 3 48 3 003

03232801 物理化学(Ⅱ)‖Physical Chemistry (Ⅱ) 2.5 40 2.5 003

03132902物理化学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiment in PhysicalChemistry (Ⅰ)

1 16 1 003

03232902物理化学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiment in PhysicalChemistry (Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 003

03134701 有机化学(Ⅰ)★‖Organic Chemistry (Ⅰ)★ 3 48 3 003

03234701 有机化学(Ⅱ)★‖Organic Chemistry (Ⅱ)★ 2 32 2 003

03134802有机化学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiment in OrganicChemistry (Ⅰ)

1 16 1 003

03234802有机化学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiment in OrganicChemistry (Ⅱ)

2 32 2 003


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

03020805 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 13 520 13 003

03031005 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 4 160 4 003

03021302 材料化学★‖Materials Chemistry★ 3 48 3 003

03043802材料化学专业实验‖Professional Experiment inMaterials Chemistry

3 48 3 003

03042201材 料 化 学 综 合 实 验 * ‖ ComprehensiveExperiment of Materials Chemistry*

3 120 3 003

03041802材料科学研究方法★‖Methods of MaterialsScience Research ★

3 48 3 003

03024504材 料 物 理 基 础 ‖ Fundamentals of MaterialPhysics

2 32 2 003

03021403催 化 材 料 基 础 ‖ Fundamentals of CatalyticMaterials

2 32 2 003

03025303 固体化学‖Solid State Chemistry 3 48 3 003


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

03060501MEMS 技 术 与 应 用 * ‖ Technology andApplication of MEMS*

1 16 1 003

03040802安 全 检 测 技 术 ‖ Safety MeasurementTechnology

2 32 2 003

03060401安全科技前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofSafety Technology*

1 16 1 003

03020301 安全人机工程‖Security Ergonomics 2 32 2 003

03020703爆炸与爆破技术‖Explosion and BlastingTechnology

2 32 2 003

03020902表面化学与日用品化学‖ Surface Chemistryand Domestic Chemicals

2 32 2 003

03021201材料表面与界面‖ Surface and Interface ofMaterials

2 32 2 003

03042001 材料及其改性‖Materials Modification 2 32 2 003

01021301 弹药概论‖Ammunition Introduction 2 32 2 001

03049501 分子模拟的基本原理及应用‖Molecular 2 16 16 2 003

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

Simulation: Principles and Application

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

03022902高分子材料 配方设计‖ Formula Design ofPolymer Materials

2 32 2 003

03040201高分子成型设备与模具‖Polymer ProcessingEquipment and Mold

2 32 2 003

03023502 高分子复合材料‖Polymer Composites 2 32 2 003

03023703高 分 子 化 学 与 物 理 概 论 ‖ Introduction toPolymer Chemistry and Physics

2 32 2 003

03060001高分子科学前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiersof Polymer Science*

1 16 1 003

08024402 工程流体力学‖Engineering Fluid Mechanics 2 30 2 2 008

03025102 功能材料学‖Functional Materials 2 32 2 003

03025202 功能高分子材料‖Functional Polymer Materials 2 32 2 003

03020203含 能 材 料 安 全 技 术 ‖ Safety Technology ofEnergetic Materials

2 32 2 003

03022102化 工 分 离 工 程 ‖ Separation Processes inChemical Engineering

2 32 2 003

03045701化 工 过 程 分 析 与 开 发 ‖ Analysis andDevelopment of Chemical Industrial Processes

2 32 2 003

03026003化工机械与设备★‖Equipment and Machineryfor Chemical Engineering★

2.5 40 2.5 003

03026102 化工计算‖Calculation of Chemical Engineering 2 16 16 2 003

03026202化工计算机辅助设计‖Computer-Aided Designof Chemical Engineering

2 16 16 2 003

03059701化工系统工程‖System Engineering of ChemicalIndustry

2 32 2 003

03060301化工学科前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofChemical Engineering *

1 16 1 003

03027201化学化工文献‖ Literature of Chemistry andChemical Engineering

1 8 8 1 003

03028001环境科学导论‖ Introduction to EnvironmentalScience

2 32 2 002

03029502 结构化学‖Structural Chemistry 2 32 2 003

03059901界 面 与 胶 体 化 学 ‖ Colloid and InterfaceChemistry

2 32 2 003

03060101精细化工前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofFine Chemical Engineering*

1 16 1 003

03030002 聚合反应工程‖Polymer Reaction Engineering 2 32 2 003

03045802绿色 化学 化工技 术‖ Green Chemistry andChemical Technology

2 32 2 003

03059601 民用爆破器材‖Civil Blasting Materials 2 32 2 003

03030301纳米材料与纳米技术‖ Nanomaterials andNanotechnology

2 32 2 003

03030702 热分析‖Thermal Analysis 2 32 2 003

03044001 生理学‖Physiology 2 32 2 003

03048601 生物医用材料‖Biomedical Materials 2 32 2 003

03048402 通用安全技术‖General Safety Technology 2 32 2 003

03040602 无机化工‖Inorganic Chemical Engineering 2 32 2 003

03048701新 型 碳 材 料 化 学 ‖ Chemistry of NewCarbon Materials

2 32 2 003

03033702 药理学‖Pharmacology 3 48 3 003

03034502 有机合成设计‖Organic Synthesis Design 2 32 2 003

01031401引 信 构 造 与 作 用 ‖ Fuze Construction andFunction

2 32 2 001

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

03024602 有机分析‖Organic Analysis 2 32 2 003

03034601有机化工原料及中间体‖Organic ChemicalMaterials and Intermediates

2 32 2 003

03048301 职业卫生‖Occupational Health 2 32 2 003

03060201制药前 沿讲座*‖ Lectures on Frontiers ofPharmacy*

1 16 1 003

03023201 助剂及其应用‖Aids and Application 2 32 2 003

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 148.5 1536 1664 23.5 23.5 24.5 22 19.5 10.5 8 17

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

93.5 1470 26 18 37.5 40

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese


南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



高分子材料与工程专业设立于 1991 年,是江苏省重点专业,教育部卓越工程师教育培养计划专业,











新精神的研究应用复合型高素质专业人才。毕业生经过 5 年的工作,能够胜任工作岗位要求,取得相应工
























南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表













军事训练、工程技术实习、VB 课程设计、化学综合实验、化工原理课程实习、高分子制备课程设计、




本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Macromolecular Materials and Engineering

Ⅰ. Introduction

Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, established in 1991, is a provincial key major in Jiangsu and an

“Excellent Engineers Plan” of Ministry of Education. It offers bachelor, master and doctor degree, and also

provides post-doctoral program. Its supporting discipline “Materials Science” is a national key discipline. The

Major attaches importance to scientific research, technology development and engineering application. The

Major focuses on modification and processing of polymers, synthesis and application of functional polymers. The

graduates are expected to engage in the jobs of theory research, technology development, engineering

application and production management about polymer synthetic, polymer modification and polymer processing

in polymer industry and other fields.

Ⅱ. Objectives

The Major aims at cultivating students with a solid grasp of basic knowledge and professional skills,

technologies and methods of processing and modification, and research method of polymer. The graduates are

expected to have abilities of theory research, technology development, engineering application and production

management about polymer synthetic, polymer modification and polymer processing. The graduates are

expected to undertake scientific research, teaching, technical development, technological design, production and

operation management in the fields of polymer materials.

Ⅲ. Requirements

The students are required to master the basic theory of physics, chemistry and chemical industry, the

professional theory of polymer chemistry, polymer physics, polymer processing and materials science and

engineering, and the research methods of polymer materials, and the professional skills of polymer synthesis,

modification, processing, production and application. In addition, the graduates should have the strong practical

and innovation ability of engineering.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good understanding in humanities and social sciences, social responsibility and professional ethics;

2. Equip with basic knowledge of mathematics, natural science, economics and management in engineering


3. Acquire basic knowledge of chemistry and chemical engineering, and theories of polymer science and


4. Obtain the abilities of analyzing, designing and solving engineering problems, and those of scientific

research and innovation through the application of the basic knowledge and theories;

5. The abilities of utilizing computer language and software to process data, simulate, calculate and draw;

master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

6. Have the awareness of creativity and the preliminary capacity for researching, developing and designing

new products, new process, new technology, and new equipments;

7. Understand the laws and regulations regarding production, design, research and development in the

profession and industry of polymer engineering; have the awareness of environmental protection and

sustainable development;

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working;

9. Have self-learning ability and social adaptability.

10. Have global vision, and ability of cross-cultural communication, competition and cooperation.

Ⅳ. Length of Program and Degree

Standard length of schooling:Four years.

Period of study:Three to four years.

Conferred degrees:Bachelor of Engineering.

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading discipline: Materials Science and Engineering

Interdisciplinary subjects: Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Physics

Ⅵ. Core courses

Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Principles of Chemical Engineering, Polymer

Chemistry, Polymer Physics, Principles and Techniques of Polymer Processing, Research Methods of Polymer

Materials, Polymer Processing Equipment and Mold, Functional Polymer Materials, etc.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Engineering and Technical Training, Course Design of VB, Chemical Comprehensive

Experiments, Course Practice for Principles of Chemical Engineering, Experiments Design of Polymer Preparation,

Comprehensive Experiments of Polymer Processing, Graduation Practice, Graduation Project, and other practical

programs for “Excellent Engineers Plan” of the Ministry of Education.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


高分子材料与工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Micromolecular Materials and Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000602Visual Basic 程序设计‖Visual BasicProgramming Design

3 32 16 3 006

06001001Visual Basic 课程设计‖Course Design in VisualBasic

1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)*‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)*

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021701 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 3 48 3 001

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

03022204 分析化学‖Analytical Chemistry 3 48 3 003

03022302分析化学实验‖Analytical ChemistryExperiment

3 48 3 003

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

03126803化工原理(Ⅰ)★‖Principles of ChemicalEngineering (Ⅰ)★

2.5 40 2.5 003

03226803化工原理(Ⅱ)★‖Principles of ChemicalEngineering (Ⅱ)★

2 32 2 003

03026901化工原理课程实习‖Course Practice ofChemical Engineering

2 80 2 003

03043701 化工原理实验‖Experiment in Principles ofChemical Engineering

1 16 1 003

03037701化学综合实验*‖Chemistry ComprehensiveExperiment*

3 120 3 003

03132602 无机化学(Ⅰ)★‖Inorganic Chemistry (Ⅰ)★ 3 48 3 003

03232602 无机化学(Ⅱ)★‖Inorganic Chemistry (Ⅱ)★ 2 16 16 2 003

03132801 物理化学(Ⅰ)‖Physical Chemistry (Ⅰ) 3 48 3 003

03232801 物理化学(Ⅱ)‖Physical Chemistry (Ⅱ) 2.5 40 2.5 003

03132902物理化学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiment in PhysicalChemistry (Ⅰ)

1 16 1 003

03232902物理化学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiment in PhysicalChemistry (Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 003

03134701 有机化学(Ⅰ)★‖Organic Chemistry (Ⅰ)★ 3 48 3 003

03234701 有机化学(Ⅱ)★‖Organic Chemistry (Ⅱ)★ 2 32 2 003

03134802有机化学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiment in OrganicChemistry (Ⅰ)

1 16 1 003

03234802有机化学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiment in OrganicChemistry (Ⅱ)

2 32 2 003

必修课程•专业方向课 【除公共部分外,任选一组修读】

Compulsory Course•Specialized Course(Choose one group, besides the general courses)

03024504材料物理基础‖Fundamentals of MaterialPhysics

2 32 2 003

03022502高分子材料成型原理与工艺‖Principles andTechniques of Polymer Processing

3 48 3 003

03023802高分子材料研究方法★‖Research Methods ofPolymer Material★

3 48 3 003

03023602 高分子化学★‖Polymer Chemistry★ 3 48 3 003

03023903 高分子基础实验‖Basic Experiment of Polymer 2 32 2 003

03024002 高分子物理★‖Polymer Physics★ 3 48 3 003

03023904高分子专业实验‖Professional Experiment ofPolymer

2 32 2 003

03020809 毕业设计‖Graduation Project

13 520 13 003

03031009 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 4 160 4 003

03040502高分子成型综合实验*‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Polymer Processing*

2 80 2 003

03040402高分子设计及制备实验‖Experiment onDesign and Preparation of Polymers

2 80 2 003

03020899 毕业设计‖Graduation Project


13 520 13 003

03031099 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 4 160 4 003

03040502高分子成型综合实验*‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Polymer Processing*

2 80 2 003

03040402高分子设计及制备实验‖Experiment onDesign and Preparation of Polymers

2 80 2 003

03050101高分子工艺设计‖Polymer ProcessDesign

3 120 3 003

03059801 企业生产工艺‖Production Process 2 32 2 003


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

03060501MEMS 技术与应用*‖Technology andApplication of MEMS*

1 16 1 003

03040802安全检测技术‖Safety MeasurementTechnology

2 32 2 003

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

03060401安全科技前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofSafety Technology*

1 16 1 003

03020301 安全人机工程‖Security Ergonomics 2 32 2 003

03020703爆炸与爆破技术‖Explosion and BlastingTechnology

2 32 2 003

03020902表面化学与日用品化学‖Surface Chemistryand Domestic Chemicals

2 32 2 003

03021201材料表面与界面‖Surface and Interface ofMaterials

2 32 2 003

03042001 材料及其改性‖Materials Modification 2 32 2 003

01021301 弹药概论‖Ammunition Introduction 2 32 2 001

03049501分子模拟的基本原理及应用‖MolecularSimulation: Principles and Application

2 16 16 2 003

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

03022902高分子材料配方设计‖Formula Design ofPolymer Materials

2 32 2 003

03040201高分子成型设备与模具‖Polymer ProcessingEquipment and Mold

2 32 2 003

03023502 高分子复合材料‖Polymer Composites 2 32 2 003

03023703高分子化学与物理概论‖Introduction toPolymer Chemistry and Physics

2 32 2 003

03060001高分子科学前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiersof Polymer Science*

1 16 1 003

08024402 工程流体力学‖Engineering Fluid Mechanics 2 30 2 2 008

03025102 功能材料学‖Functional Materials 2 32 2 003

03025202 功能高分子材料‖Functional Polymer Materials 2 32 2 003

03020203含能材料安全技术‖Safety Technology ofEnergetic Materials

2 32 2 003

03022102化工分离工程‖Separation Processes inChemical Engineering

2 32 2 003

03045701化工过程分析与开发‖Analysis andDevelopment of Chemical Industrial Processes

2 32 2 003

03026003化工机械与设备★‖Equipment and Machineryfor Chemical Engineering★

2.5 40 2.5 003

03026102 化工计算‖Calculation of Chemical Engineering 2 16 16 2 003

03026202化工计算机辅助设计‖Computer-Aided Designof Chemical Engineering

2 16 16 2 003

03059701化工系统工程‖System Engineering of ChemicalIndustry

2 32 2 003

03060301化工学科前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofChemical Engineering *

1 16 1 003

03027201化学化工文献‖Literature of Chemistry andChemical Engineering

1 8 8 1 003

03028001环境科学导论‖Introduction to EnvironmentalScience

2 32 2 002

03029502 结构化学‖Structural Chemistry 2 32 2 003

03059901界面与胶体化学‖Colloid and InterfaceChemistry

2 32 2 003

03060101精细化工前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofFine Chemical Engineering*

1 16 1 003

03030002 聚合反应工程‖Polymer Reaction Engineering 2 32 2 003

03045802绿色化学化工技术‖Green Chemistry andChemical Technology

2 32 2 003

03059601 民用爆破器材‖Civil Blasting Materials 2 32 2 003

03030301纳米材料与纳米技术‖Nanomaterials andNanotechnology

2 32 2 003

03030702 热分析‖Thermal Analysis 2 32 2 003

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

03044001 生理学‖Physiology 2 32 2 003

03048601 生物医用材料‖Biomedical Materials 2 32 2 003

03048402 通用安全技术‖General Safety Technology 2 32 2 003

03040602 无机化工‖Inorganic Chemical Engineering 2 32 2 003

03048701新型碳材料化学‖Chemistry of NewCarbon Materials

2 32 2 003

03033702 药理学‖Pharmacology 3 48 3 003

03034502 有机合成设计‖Organic Synthesis Design 2 32 2 003

01031401引信构造与作用‖Fuze Construction andFunction

2 32 2 001

03024602 有机分析‖Organic Analysis 2 32 2 003

03034601有机化工原料及中间体‖Organic ChemicalMaterials and Intermediates

2 32 2 003

03048301 职业卫生‖Occupational Health 2 32 2 003

03060201制药前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofPharmacy*

1 16 1 003

03023201 助剂及其应用‖Aids and Application 2 32 2 003

方向 I 组:必修课程汇总

Group I:Compulsory Courses Total147.5 1488 1720 23.5 23.5 24.5 22 15.5 15.5 6 17

方向 II 组:必修课程汇总

Group II:Compulsory Courses Total152.5 1520 1840 23.5 23.5 24.5 22 15.5 15.5 9 19

选修课程汇总‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

93.5 1470 26 18 37.5 40

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




展趋势,在培养计划上体现“重基础、宽口径和交叉复合”的特点,在打好学生 “四大化学”的扎实理论基础





















(1) 具有遵守职业道德的能力,较好的人文和社会科学素养,有效的人际交流能力及终身学习的能力;

(2) 坚实掌握基础化学、化工原理、精细化学品合成化学与工艺学等方面的基本理论、基础知识和实


(3) 掌握精细化学品的研发、分离分析、化工过程控制与绿色化等方面的基本技能;

(4) 熟练掌握一门外国语;较好掌握计算机基本知识和应用技术;掌握中外文献检索及运用现代信息


(5) 了解应用化学的前沿理论、应用前景、最新发展动态及化学化工相关产业的发展状况。

(6) 达到了助理工程师技术能力要求,可获得助理工程师技术资格。






南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表








军事训练、金工实习、VB 课程设计、化工原理课程实习、化学综合实验、精细化工工艺课程设计、生产



本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修

课若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Applied ChemistryI. IntroductionApplied Chemistry is a provincial key major in Jiangsu. Based on Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry,

Physical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry, the major closely follows the progress and development at home

and abroad. Students are required to systematically master the basic skills and techniques in synthesis and design

of chemical compounds, development of preparation technique in lab and for industry, property analysis and test,

and etc., especially the synthesis of fine chemicals, the process techniques, and their engineering application.

Students are also required to flexibly apply professional knowledge to solve practical problems and carry out

scientific research so as to be engaged in management, teaching, research, and product development at related

national defense departments, research institutes, colleges and universities, and enterprises.

Supported by the national key discipline of Applied Chemistry at Nanjing University of Science and

Technology, the major offers bachelor, master and doctor degree, and also provides post-doctoral program. It

owns the National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center and the Provincial Experimental Teaching

Demonstration Center.

II. ObjectivesThe major aims at cultivating students with a solid grasp of chemical fundamentals and professional

knowledge in the design, synthesis technology, and process control of fine chemicals. Graduates are expected to

be talents undertaking scientific research, teaching, technical development, technological design, production and

operation management in universities, research institutes, government agency and industry. Graduates are to be

engaged in research and development or management in the areas of chemical engineering, pharmaceutical

industry, petrochemical industry, environment monitoring, customs office, commodity inspection, etc.

Ⅲ.RequirementsStudents are required to obtain fundamentals, basic theories and skills in chemistry, chemical technology

and engineering design.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good understanding in humanities and social sciences, social responsibility and professional ethics;

Maintain capabilities of people skill and self-learning;

2. Have basic theoretical knowledge and experimental skills in chemistry, principle of chemical engineering,

synthesis and technology of fine chemicals, and the preliminary ability to carry out research and practical work;

3. Grasp skills in the development, analysis and isolation, process control of green fine chemicals;

4. Gain the abilities of using English (or another foreign language), and the essential computer skills; master

the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

5. Have some understanding of the current situation and frontiers of applied chemistry and its related


6. Meet the ability requirements of assistant engineers for obtaining the corresponding certificates.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Degree: Bachelor of Engineering.

V. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjectsLeading Discipline: Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Technology

Interdisciplinary subjects: Chemical Technology, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Environmental Science and


Ⅵ.Core coursesInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Principle of Chemical

Engineering, Organic Synthetic Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Technology, Design and Application of Fine

Chemicals, Green Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, etc.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching sessionMilitary training, Metal Processing Practice, VB course design, Principle of Chemical and Engineering Practice,

Comprehensive Chemical Experiments, Fine Chemical Engineering Technology, Graduation practical training,

Graduation Design, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


应用化学专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Applied Chemistry


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000602Visual Basic 程 序 设 计 ‖ Visual BasicProgramming Design

3 32 16 3 006

06001001Visual Basic 课程设计‖Course Design in VisualBasic

1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)*‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)*

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021701 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 3 48 3 001

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

03022204 分析化学‖Analytical Chemistry 3 48 3 003

03022302分 析 化 学 实 验 ‖ Analytical ChemistryExperiment

3 48 3 003

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

03126803化工原理(Ⅰ)★‖ Principles of ChemicalEngineering (Ⅰ)★

2.5 40 2.5 003

03226803化工原理(Ⅱ)★‖ Principles of ChemicalEngineering (Ⅱ)★

2 32 2 003

03026901 化 工 原 理 课 程 实 习 ‖ Course Practice ofChemical Engineering

2 80 2 003

03043701化工原 理实验‖ Experiment in Principles ofChemical Engineering

1 16 1 003

03037701化学综合实验*‖ Chemistry ComprehensiveExperiment*

3 120 3 003

03132602 无机化学(Ⅰ)★‖Inorganic Chemistry (Ⅰ)★ 3 48 3 003

03232602 无机化学(Ⅱ)★‖Inorganic Chemistry (Ⅱ)★ 2 16 16 2 003

03132801 物理化学(Ⅰ)‖Physical Chemistry (Ⅰ) 3 48 3 003

03232801 物理化学(Ⅱ)‖Physical Chemistry (Ⅱ) 2.5 40 2.5 003

03132902物理化学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiment in PhysicalChemistry (Ⅰ)

1 16 1 003

03232902物理化学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiment in PhysicalChemistry (Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 003

03134701 有机化学(Ⅰ)★‖Organic Chemistry (Ⅰ)★ 3 48 3 003

03234701 有机化学(Ⅱ)★‖Organic Chemistry (Ⅱ)★ 2 32 2 003

03134802有机化学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiment in OrganicChemistry (Ⅰ)

1 16 1 003

03234802有机化学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiment in OrganicChemistry (Ⅱ)

2 32 2 003

必修课程•专业方向课 【除公共部分外,任选一组修读】

Compulsory Course•Specialized Course(Choose one group, besides the general courses)

03024103精细化工工艺学‖Process and Technology forFine Chemicals

2 32 2 003

03026003化工机械与设备★‖Equipment and Machineryfor Chemical Engineering★

2.5 40 2.5 003

03027102 化学反应工程‖Chemical Reaction Engineering 2.5 40 2.5 003

03024102精 细 化 学 品 设 计 与 应 用 ‖ Design andApplication of Fine Chemicals

2.5 40 2.5 003

03024602 有机分析‖Organic Analysis 2 32 2 003

03025602 化工工艺设计‖Chemical Process Design 2 32 2 003

03022402 有机合成化学‖Organic Synthesis Chemistry 3.5 56 3.5 003

03020800 毕业设计‖Graduation Project

13 520 13 003

03031000 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 4 160 4 003

03024202制药与精细化工课程设计‖ CourseDesign of Pharmaceutical and FineChemical Process

2 80 2 003

03022801精 细 化 工 实 验 * ‖ Fine ChemicalEngineering Experiment*

4 64 4 003

03020890 毕业设计‖Graduation Project


13 520 13 003

03031090 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 4 160 4 003

03024202制药与精细化工课程设计‖ CourseDesign of Pharmaceutical and FineChemical Process

2 80 2 003

03022801精 细 化 工 实 验 * ‖ Fine ChemicalEngineering Experiment*

4 64 4 003

03061001应 用 化 学 综 合 实 验 ‖ ComprehensiveExperiment for Applied Chemistry 2 80 2 003

03061101化工工艺设计实践‖Practice of ChemicalTechnology Design 3 120 3 003

03061201质 量 管 理 体 系 ‖ Quality ManagementSystem 1 16 1 003

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

03061301化工工艺控制‖ Control Technology ofChemistry Engineering 1 16 1 003


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

03060501MEMS 技 术 与 应 用 * ‖ Technology andApplication of MEMS*

1 16 1 003

03040802安 全 检 测 技 术 ‖ Safety MeasurementTechnology

2 32 2 003

03060401安全科技前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofSafety Technology*

1 16 1 003

03020301 安全人机工程‖Security Ergonomics 2 32 2 003

03020703爆炸与爆破技术‖Explosion and BlastingTechnology

2 32 2 003

03020902表面化学与日用品化学‖ Surface Chemistryand Domestic Chemicals

2 32 2 003

03021201材料表面与界面‖ Surface and Interface ofMaterials

2 32 2 003

03042001 材料及其改性‖Materials Modification 2 32 2 003

01021301 弹药概论‖Ammunition Introduction 2 32 2 001

03049501分子模拟的基本原理及应用‖MolecularSimulation: Principles and Application

2 16 16 2 003

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

03022902高分子材料 配方设计‖ Formula Design ofPolymer Materials

2 32 2 003

03040201高分子成型设备与模具‖Polymer ProcessingEquipment and Mold

2 32 2 003

03023502 高分子复合材料‖Polymer Composites 2 32 2 003

03023703高 分 子 化 学 与 物 理 概 论 ‖ Introduction toPolymer Chemistry and Physics

2 32 2 003

03060001高分子科学前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiersof Polymer Science*

1 16 1 003

08024402 工程流体力学‖Engineering Fluid Mechanics 2 30 2 2 008

03025102 功能材料学‖Functional Materials 2 32 2 003

03025202 功能高分子材料‖Functional Polymer Materials 2 32 2 003

03020203含 能 材 料 安 全 技 术 ‖ Safety Technology ofEnergetic Materials

2 32 2 003

03022102化 工 分 离 工 程 ‖ Separation Processes inChemical Engineering

2 32 2 003

03045701化 工 过 程 分 析 与 开 发 ‖ Analysis andDevelopment of Chemical Industrial Processes

2 32 2 003

03026003化工机械与设备★‖Equipment and Machineryfor Chemical Engineering★

2.5 40 2.5 003

03026102 化工计算‖Calculation of Chemical Engineering 2 16 16 2 003

03026202化工计算机辅助设计‖Computer-Aided Designof Chemical Engineering

2 16 16 2 003

03059701化工系统工程‖System Engineering of ChemicalIndustry

2 32 2 003

03060301化工学科前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofChemical Engineering *

1 16 1 003

03027201化学化工文献‖ Literature of Chemistry andChemical Engineering

1 8 8 1 003

03028001环境科学导论‖ Introduction to EnvironmentalScience

2 32 2 002

03029502 结构化学‖Structural Chemistry 2 32 2 003

03059901界 面 与 胶 体 化 学 ‖ Colloid and InterfaceChemistry

2 32 2 003

03060101精细化工前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofFine Chemical Engineering*

1 16 1 003

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

03030002 聚合反应工程‖Polymer Reaction Engineering 2 32 2 003

03045802绿色 化学 化工技 术‖ Green Chemistry andChemical Technology

2 32 2 003

03059601 民用爆破器材‖Civil Blasting Materials 2 32 2 003

03030301纳米材料与纳米技术‖ Nanomaterials andNanotechnology

2 32 2 003

03030702 热分析‖Thermal Analysis 2 32 2 003

03044001 生理学‖Physiology 2 32 2 003

03048601 生物医用材料‖Biomedical Materials 2 32 2 003

03048402 通用安全技术‖General Safety Technology 2 32 2 003

03040602 无机化工‖Inorganic Chemical Engineering 2 32 2 003

03048701新 型 碳 材 料 化 学 ‖ Chemistry of NewCarbon Materials

2 32 2 003

03033702 药理学‖Pharmacology 3 48 3 003

03034502 有机合成设计‖Organic Synthesis Design 2 32 2 003

01031401引 信 构 造 与 作 用 ‖ Fuze Construction andFunction

2 32 2 001

03024602 有机分析‖Organic Analysis 2 32 2 003

03034601有机化工原料及中间体‖Organic ChemicalMaterials and Intermediates

2 32 2 003

03048301 职业卫生‖Occupational Health 2 32 2 003

03060201制药前 沿讲座*‖ Lectures on Frontiers ofPharmacy*

1 16 1 003

03023201 助剂及其应用‖Aids and Application 2 32 2 003

方向 I 组:必修课程汇总

Group I:Compulsory Courses Total151.5 1552 1640 23.5 23.5 24.5 22 16.5 12 12.5 17

方向 II 组:必修课程汇总

Group II:Compulsory Courses Total158.5 1584 1840 23.5 23.5 24.5 22 16.5 12 17.5 19

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

93.5 1470 26 18 37.5 40

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表





工程技术,包括新工艺、新设备、GMP 改造等方面的研究、开发、放大、设计、质量控制及优化等。本专业





























军事训练、VB 课程设计、化学综合实验、药物制备实验、制药工艺课程设计、生产实习、毕业设计。


本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修

课若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Pharmaceutical Engineering

Ⅰ. Introduction

Pharmaceutical Engineering was founded as fine chemistry in 1993. It was renamed to Pharmaceutical

Engineering in 1998. It offers bachelor, master and doctor degree, and also provides post-doctoral program. The

major focuses on applied engineering technology and science which combines chemistry, biology and medicine. It

mainly addresses the problems emerging in pharmaceutical production process and manufacturing practice, such

as research and development of new processes, new equipments and GMP refining. The major is related to

chemical engineering, biological medicine engineering, mechanic engineering, control engineering and computer

science. Students are expected to be competent in corresponding areas, such as medicine, pesticide, fine chemical

engineering, biological technology, biological medicine, food and food additives, toiletry, and medicine

macro-control in drug supervision, etc.

Ⅱ. Objectives

The major aims to cultivate high-quality talents to apply the pharmaceutical engineering knowledge of

synthesis and process research in the fields of pesticides, fine chemicals, bio- chemical, pharmaceutical products

and pharmaceutical product development.

Ⅲ. Training Requirements

The students are required to obtain basic knowledge of organic chemistry, physical chemistry, principles of

chemical industry, pharmaceutical synthetic chemistry, pharmaceutical technology, medicinal chemistry,

pharmacology, pharmacy, and biological chemistry. The graduates are expected to be competent in chemical

experiments, engineering practice, computer, scientific investigation and methods of engineering design.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1.Master basic knowledge of chemical pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, traditional Chinese

pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical preparation technology and engineering.

2.Master design methods of pharmaceutical preparation techniques and equipment.

3.Have preliminary abilities of researching, developing and designing in new product and novel techniques.

4.Be familiar with national guidelines, polices and codes of production, design, research, development and

environmental protection in chemical engineering and medicine.

5.Have an understanding of novel theories, novel techniques, new technologies and new equipments in

pharmaceutical engineering and preparation.

6.Have the ability of innovation and obtaining new information.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. The leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: chemistry, chemical engineering and technology

Interdisciplinary Subjects: biology

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Ⅵ. Core courses

Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry, Principles of Chemical Engineering, Organic Synthesis

Chemistry, Chemical Pharmaceutical Technology, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics, Quality

Management Engineering in the Manufacturing of Drugs, Design in Drug Synthesis.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Course Design of VB, Comprehensive Experiment of Chemistry, Experiment for Preparation of

pharmaceutical chemicals, Course Design for Technology of Chemical Pharmacy, Graduation Practice, Graduation


Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


制药工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Pharmaceutical Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000602Visual Basic 程 序 设 计 ‖ Visual BasicProgramming Design

3 32 16 3 006

06001001Visual Basic 课程设计‖Course Design in VisualBasic

1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)*‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)*

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021701 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 3 48 3 001

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

03022204 分析化学‖Analytical Chemistry 3 48 3 003

03022302分 析 化 学 实 验 ‖ Analytical ChemistryExperiment

3 48 3 003

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

03126803化工原理(Ⅰ)★‖ Principles of ChemicalEngineering (Ⅰ)★

2.5 40 2.5 003

03226803化工原理(Ⅱ)★‖ Principles of ChemicalEngineering (Ⅱ)★

2 32 2 003

03026901 化 工 原 理 课 程 实 习 ‖ Course Practice ofChemical Engineering

2 80 2 003

03043701化工原 理实验‖ Experiment in Principles ofChemical Engineering

1 16 1 003

03037701化学综合实验*‖ Chemistry ComprehensiveExperiment*

3 120 3 003

03132602 无机化学(Ⅰ)★‖Inorganic Chemistry (Ⅰ)★ 3 48 3 003

03232602 无机化学(Ⅱ)★‖Inorganic Chemistry (Ⅱ)★ 2 16 16 2 003

03132801 物理化学(Ⅰ)‖Physical Chemistry (Ⅰ) 3 48 3 003

03232801 物理化学(Ⅱ)‖Physical Chemistry (Ⅱ) 2.5 40 2.5 003

03132902物理化学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiment in PhysicalChemistry (Ⅰ)

1 16 1 003

03232902物理化学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiment in PhysicalChemistry (Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 003

03134701 有机化学(Ⅰ)★‖Organic Chemistry (Ⅰ)★ 3 48 3 003

03234701 有机化学(Ⅱ)★‖Organic Chemistry (Ⅱ)★ 2 32 2 003

03134802有机化学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiment in OrganicChemistry (Ⅰ)

1 16 1 003

03234802有机化学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiment in OrganicChemistry (Ⅱ)

2 32 2 003


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

03020801 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 13 520 13 003

03031001 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 4 160 4 003

03035601化学制药工艺学★‖Chemical PharmaceuticalTechnology★

3 48 3 003

03031302 生物化学‖Biochemistry 3 48 3 002

03040001 药剂学★‖Pharmacy★ 2 32 2 003

03033903 药物化学★‖Medicinal Chemistry★ 3 48 3 003

03034004药物制备实验*‖Pharmaceutical PreparationExperiment*

4 160 4 003

03022402 有机合成化学‖Organic Synthesis Chemistry 3.5 56 3.5 003

03024202制药与精细化工工艺课程设计‖Course Designof Pharmaceutical and Fine Chemical Process

2 80 2 003

03025602 化工工艺设计‖Chemical Process Design 2 32 2 003


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

03060501MEMS 技 术 与 应 用 * ‖ Technology andApplication of MEMS*

1 16 1 003

03040802安 全 检 测 技 术 ‖ Safety MeasurementTechnology

2 32 2 003

03060401安全科技前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofSafety Technology*

1 16 1 003

03020301 安全人机工程‖Security Ergonomics 2 32 2 003

03020703爆炸与爆破技术‖Explosion and BlastingTechnology

2 32 2 003

03020902表面化学与日用品化学‖ Surface Chemistryand Domestic Chemicals

2 32 2 003

03021201材料表面与界面‖ Surface and Interface ofMaterials

2 32 2 003

03042001 材料及其改性‖Materials Modification 2 32 2 003

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

01021301 弹药概论‖Ammunition Introduction 2 32 2 001

03049501分子模拟的基本原理及应用‖MolecularSimulation: Principles and Application

2 16 16 2 003

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

03022902高分子材料 配方设计‖ Formula Design ofPolymer Materials

2 32 2 003

03040201高分子成型设备与模具‖Polymer ProcessingEquipment and Mold

2 32 2 003

03023502 高分子复合材料‖Polymer Composites 2 32 2 003

03023703高 分 子 化 学 与 物 理 概 论 ‖ Introduction toPolymer Chemistry and Physics

2 32 2 003

03060001高分子科学前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiersof Polymer Science*

1 16 1 003

08024402 工程流体力学‖Engineering Fluid Mechanics 2 30 2 2 008

03025102 功能材料学‖Functional Materials 2 32 2 003

03025202 功能高分子材料‖Functional Polymer Materials 2 32 2 003

03020203含 能 材 料 安 全 技 术 ‖ Safety Technology ofEnergetic Materials

2 32 2 003

03022102化 工 分 离 工 程 ‖ Separation Processes inChemical Engineering

2 32 2 003

03045701化 工 过 程 分 析 与 开 发 ‖ Analysis andDevelopment of Chemical Industrial Processes

2 32 2 003

03026003化工机械与设备★‖Equipment and Machineryfor Chemical Engineering★

2.5 40 2.5 003

03026102 化工计算‖Calculation of Chemical Engineering 2 16 16 2 003

03026202化工计算机辅助设计‖Computer-Aided Designof Chemical Engineering

2 16 16 2 003

03059701化工系统工程‖System Engineering of ChemicalIndustry

2 32 2 003

03060301化工学科前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofChemical Engineering *

1 16 1 003

03027201化学化工文献‖ Literature of Chemistry andChemical Engineering

1 8 8 1 003

03028001环境科学导论‖ Introduction to EnvironmentalScience

2 32 2 002

03029502 结构化学‖Structural Chemistry 2 32 2 003

03059901界 面 与 胶 体 化 学 ‖ Colloid and InterfaceChemistry

2 32 2 003

03060101精细化工前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofFine Chemical Engineering*

1 16 1 003

03030002 聚合反应工程‖Polymer Reaction Engineering 2 32 2 003

03045802绿色 化学 化工技 术‖ Green Chemistry andChemical Technology

2 32 2 003

03059601 民用爆破器材‖Civil Blasting Materials 2 32 2 003

03030301纳米材料与纳米技术‖ Nanomaterials andNanotechnology

2 32 2 003

03030702 热分析‖Thermal Analysis 2 32 2 003

03044001 生理学‖Physiology 2 32 2 003

03048601 生物医用材料‖Biomedical Materials 2 32 2 003

03048402 通用安全技术‖General Safety Technology 2 32 2 003

03040602 无机化工‖Inorganic Chemical Engineering 2 32 2 003

03048701新 型 碳 材 料 化 学 ‖ Chemistry of NewCarbon Materials

2 32 2 003

03033702 药理学‖Pharmacology 3 48 3 003

03034502 有机合成设计‖Organic Synthesis Design 2 32 2 003

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

01031401引 信 构 造 与 作 用 ‖ Fuze Construction andFunction

2 32 2 001

03024602 有机分析‖Organic Analysis 2 32 2 003

03034601有机化工原料及中间体‖Organic ChemicalMaterials and Intermediates

2 32 2 003

03048301 职业卫生‖Occupational Health 2 32 2 003

03060201制药前 沿讲座*‖ Lectures on Frontiers ofPharmacy*

1 16 1 003

03023201 助剂及其应用‖Aids and Application 2 32 2 003

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 151 1576 1736 23.5 23.5 24.5 22 17 10.5 13 17

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

93.5 1470 26 18 37.5 40

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




年,获批“兵器安全技术”硕士学位授予权,1996 年获批“兵器安全技术”博士学位授予权。随后,经学科调

整,此硕、博士点并入“武器系统与运用工程”学科。经教育部批准,该本科专业 1999 年正式挂牌招生。2003

年,我校建立了“安全技术及工程”硕士点,2005 年获准“安全工程”领域培养工程硕士。经过多年发展,目


色专业(2007 年)、2011 年通过教育部工程教育专业认证。专业以化学化工为载体,以各类危险物质安全、






能在安全科学与工程等相关学科进行更高层次的深造。毕业生经过 5 年的工作,能胜任工作岗位的要求,
























南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


10. 具有外语综合运用、国际视野和跨文化交流、竞争与合作能力
















本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Safety EngineeringⅠ. Introduction

Safety Engineering, established in 1999, is one of the national key major, and is the first major in NUST that

has passed the qualification on “Engineering Education Accreditation”. It offers bachelor, master and doctor

degree. The Major is based on the Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, and focuses on the materials safety and

process safety on all hazard materials and chemical reaction process, and has its own features and advantages in

fire/explosion and related protection techniques. After more than twenty years’ development, research fields

based on propellant, explosives and related products have been extended to general chemistry industry and

related industry fields. The major cultivates engineering and technical talents to pursue careers in the national

defense industry, public security fire control institutions, general chemistry, chemical industries and related fields.

Ⅱ. Objective

The Major aims at cultivating high-quality talents of engineering application, research and management to

engage in risk identification and assessment, safety technology research and design, safety test and control,

safety supervision and management in the fields of national defense, public safety, fire protection, chemistry and

chemical engineering. Students can further study in the Safety Science and Engineering discipline and related


Ⅲ. Requirement

Students are required to obtain basic knowledge of chemistry and chemical engineering, abilities and skills

of safety analysis, assessment and design of the core elements of production system, including man, machine,

material, method, and environment, etc. Students are expected to have abilities of research and development,

analysis and assessment, programming and design, information collection, organization and operation.Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good understanding in humanities and social sciences, social responsibility andprofessional ethics;

2. Equip with basic knowledge of mathematics, natural science, economics and managementin engineering practice;

3. Grasp the solid basic knowledge of engineering and theories in chemistry, chemical engineering, and

safety engineering;

4. Obtain practical and operation abilities and skills of analyzing, designing and solving engineering problems,

and scientific research and innovation by studying the fundamental experimental courses of chemistry and

chemical engineering, and by the training of specialty experiments, centralized comprehensive experiments,

graduation project and etc.

5. The abilities of utilizing computer language and software to process data, simulate,calculate and draw; master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

6. Have the awareness of creativity and the preliminary capacity for researching, developingand designing new products, new process, new technology, and new equipments;

7. Understand the laws and regulations regarding production, design, research anddevelopment in the profession and industry of Safety Engineering; have the awareness of

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


environmental protection and sustainable development; have the strong safety consciousness;8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working;9. Have self-learning ability and social adaptability.10. Have global vision, and ability of cross-cultural communication, competition and

cooperation.Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Disciplines: Safety Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Systems


Interdisciplinary Subjects: Mechanics, Management Science and Engineering, Power Engineering and

Engineering Thermophysics

Ⅵ. Core courses

Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Principles of Chemical

Engineering, Hydromechanics, Engineering Mechanics, Combustion and Explosion Theory, Safety Principles and

Systems Engineering, Safety Ergonomics, Safety Management, Safety Measurement Technology, Material Safety

and Reaction Process Safety, General Safety Technology, Occupational Health.

Ⅶ.Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Engineering Practice, Course Design, Cognition Practice, Computer Application and Practice,

Chemical Comprehensive Experiments, Safety Engineering Specialty Experiments, Centralized Comprehensive

Experiments, Graduation Practice, Graduation Project, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


安全工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Safety Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000602Visual Basic 程 序 设 计 ‖ Visual BasicProgramming Design

3 32 16 3 006

06001001Visual Basic 课程设计‖Course Design in VisualBasic

1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)*‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)*

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021701 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 3 48 3 001

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

03022204 分析化学‖Analytical Chemistry 3 48 3 003

03022302分 析 化 学 实 验 ‖ Analytical ChemistryExperiment

3 48 3 003

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

11023801 工程力学‖Engineering Mechanics 3 48 3 013

03126803化工原理(Ⅰ)★‖ Principles of ChemicalEngineering (Ⅰ)★

2.5 40 2.5 003

03226803化工原理(Ⅱ)★‖ Principles of ChemicalEngineering (Ⅱ)★

2 32 2 003

03026901 化 工 原 理 课 程 实 习 ‖ Course Practice ofChemical Engineering

2 80 2 003

03043701化工原 理实验‖ Experiment in Principles ofChemical Engineering

1 16 1 003

03037701化学综合实验*‖ Chemistry ComprehensiveExperiment*

3 120 3 003

03132602 无机化学(Ⅰ)★‖Inorganic Chemistry (Ⅰ)★ 3 48 3 003

03232602 无机化学(Ⅱ)★‖Inorganic Chemistry (Ⅱ)★ 2 16 16 2 003

03132801 物理化学(Ⅰ)‖Physical Chemistry (Ⅰ) 3 48 3 003

03232801 物理化学(Ⅱ)‖Physical Chemistry (Ⅱ) 2.5 40 2.5 003

03132902物理化学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiment in PhysicalChemistry (Ⅰ)

1 16 1 003

03232902物理化学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiment in PhysicalChemistry (Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 003

03134701 有机化学(Ⅰ)★‖Organic Chemistry (Ⅰ)★ 3 48 3 003

03234701 有机化学(Ⅱ)★‖Organic Chemistry (Ⅱ)★ 2 32 2 003

03134802有机化学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiment in OrganicChemistry (Ⅰ)

1 16 1 003

03234802有机化学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiment in OrganicChemistry (Ⅱ)

2 32 2 003


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

03041203安全工程课程设计*‖Course Design of SafetyEngineering*

4 160 4 003

03021401安全工程认识实习‖Cognition Practice of SafeyEngineering

1 40 1 003

03144603安 全 工 程 专 业 实 验 ( Ⅰ ) ‖ ProfessionalExperiment in Safety Engineering(Ⅰ)

3 48 3 003

03244603安 全 工 程 专 业 实 验 ( Ⅱ ) ‖ ProfessionalExperiment in Safety Engineering(Ⅱ)

3 48 3 003

03041301安 全 工 程 综 合 实 验 ‖ Safety EngineeringComprehensive Experiments

2 80 2 003

03044501 安全管理‖Safety Management 2 32 2 003

03020503安全原理与系统工程‖ Safety Principles andSystem Engineering

3 48 3 003

03020808 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 13 520 13 003

03031008 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 4 160 4 003

03022002防火防爆工程★‖Fire and Explosion ProtectionEngineering★

3 48 3 003

03042302燃烧与爆炸理论★‖Combustion and ExplosionTheory ★

4 64 4 003

03048901物质安全与化工过程安全‖Material Safety andReaction Process Safety

2 32 2 003


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

03060501MEMS 技 术 与 应 用 * ‖ Technology andApplication of MEMS*

1 16 1 003

03040802安 全 检 测 技 术 ‖ Safety MeasurementTechnology

2 32 2 003

03060401安全科技前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofSafety Technology*

1 16 1 003

03020301 安全人机工程‖Security Ergonomics 2 32 2 003

03020703爆炸与爆破技术‖Explosion and BlastingTechnology

2 32 2 003

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

03020902表面化学与日用品化学‖ Surface Chemistryand Domestic Chemicals

2 32 2 003

03021201材料表面与界面‖ Surface and Interface ofMaterials

2 32 2 003

03042001 材料及其改性‖Materials Modification 2 32 2 003

01021301 弹药概论‖Ammunition Introduction 2 32 2 001

03049501分子模拟的基本原理及应用‖MolecularSimulation: Principles and Application

2 16 16 2 003

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

03022902高分子材料 配方设计‖ Formula Design ofPolymer Materials

2 32 2 003

03040201高分子成型设备与模具‖Polymer ProcessingEquipment and Mold

2 32 2 003

03023502 高分子复合材料‖Polymer Composites 2 32 2 003

03023703高 分 子 化 学 与 物 理 概 论 ‖ Introduction toPolymer Chemistry and Physics

2 32 2 003

03060001高分子科学前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiersof Polymer Science*

1 16 1 003

08024402 工程流体力学‖Engineering Fluid Mechanics 2 30 2 2 008

03025102 功能材料学‖Functional Materials 2 32 2 003

03025202 功能高分子材料‖Functional Polymer Materials 2 32 2 003

03020203含 能 材 料 安 全 技 术 ‖ Safety Technology ofEnergetic Materials

2 32 2 003

03022102化 工 分 离 工 程 ‖ Separation Processes inChemical Engineering

2 32 2 003

03045701化 工 过 程 分 析 与 开 发 ‖ Analysis andDevelopment of Chemical Industrial Processes

2 32 2 003

03026003化工机械与设备★‖Equipment and Machineryfor Chemical Engineering★

2.5 40 2.5 003

03026102 化工计算‖Calculation of Chemical Engineering 2 16 16 2 003

03026202化工计算机辅助设计‖Computer-Aided Designof Chemical Engineering

2 16 16 2 003

03059701化工系统工程‖System Engineering of ChemicalIndustry

2 32 2 003

03060301化工学科前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofChemical Engineering *

1 16 1 003

03027201化学化工文献‖ Literature of Chemistry andChemical Engineering

1 8 8 1 003

03028001环境科学导论‖ Introduction to EnvironmentalScience

2 32 2 002

03029502 结构化学‖Structural Chemistry 2 32 2 003

03059901界 面 与 胶 体 化 学 ‖ Colloid and InterfaceChemistry

2 32 2 003

03060101精细化工前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofFine Chemical Engineering*

1 16 1 003

03030002 聚合反应工程‖Polymer Reaction Engineering 2 32 2 003

03045802绿色 化学 化工技 术‖ Green Chemistry andChemical Technology

2 32 2 003

03059601 民用爆破器材‖Civil Blasting Materials 2 32 2 003

03030301纳米材料与纳米技术‖ Nanomaterials andNanotechnology

2 32 2 003

03030702 热分析‖Thermal Analysis 2 32 2 003

03044001 生理学‖Physiology 2 32 2 003

03048601 生物医用材料‖Biomedical Materials 2 32 2 003

03048402 通用安全技术‖General Safety Technology 2 32 2 003

03040602 无机化工‖Inorganic Chemical Engineering 2 32 2 003

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

03048701新 型 碳 材 料 化 学 ‖ Chemistry of NewCarbon Materials

2 32 2 003

03033702 药理学‖Pharmacology 3 48 3 003

03034502 有机合成设计‖Organic Synthesis Design 2 32 2 003

01031401引 信 构 造 与 作 用 ‖ Fuze Construction andFunction

2 32 2 001

03024602 有机分析‖Organic Analysis 2 32 2 003

03034601有机化工原料及中间体‖Organic ChemicalMaterials and Intermediates

2 32 2 003

03048301 职业卫生‖Occupational Health 2 32 2 003

03060201制药前 沿讲座*‖ Lectures on Frontiers ofPharmacy*

1 16 1 003

03023201 助剂及其应用‖Aids and Application 2 32 2 003

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 155.5 1536 1872 23.5 23.5 24.5 22 15.5 15.5 14 17

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

93.5 1470 26 18 37.5 40

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




计、制造和应用的军民两用专业,是国防科工局重点建设专业,2012 年获批教育部卓越工程师计划专业,

含能材料与安全实验教学中心为工信部实验教学示范中心。自 1953 年创立以来,为我国军工和民用爆破

器材行业培养和输送了大量专门技术人才。本专业以 “军事化学与烟火技术”和 “应用化学”两个国家级重
































南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表












军事训练、VB 课程设计、工程技术实习、化工原理课程实习、化工综合实验、含能材料实验、含能材



本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Special Energy Technology and Engineering

Ⅰ. Introduction

Special energy technology and Engineering is a major for civil and military use based on chemistry and

chemical engineering, involving the design, manufacturing and application of energetic materials of gunpowder,

explosives, pyrotechnics and fireworks, etc. It is ministerial and provincial key major. The major has an

Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and is in an

“Excellent Engineers Plan” of Ministry of Education. Since its establishment in 1953, a large number of

professional and technical talents have been cultivated and transported to China's military and civilian blasting

equipment industry. The major is supported by the two national key disciplines, Military Chemistry and

Pyrotechnic Technology and Applied Chemistry, and its main research areas include technology of propellants

and explosives, pyrotechnics, fireworks and photoelectric countermeasure technology, soft killing technology,

remote sensing technology, electrochemical and anti-corrosion technology, MEMS and chemical chip technology,

energetic film material technology, anti-terrorism technology and civil blasting equipment and application


The major attaches importance to the cultivation of research and innovation ability. Apart from learning and

research environment, the innovation fund to do extracurricular science and technology activities is established

for two-year research practice training in laboratory under the supervision of professional teachers. Students are

expected to have strong capability of system design, technology development, product manufacturing, testing

and technology management in the defense industry, research institutions, industrial explosive enterprises, and

public security & fire departments.

Ⅱ. Objectives

The major aims at cultivating talents with application and research abilities. Graduates are required to

master the fundamentals of chemistry and chemical engineering, the systematic knowledge of basic principles,

technical features and application in core courses. Students are qualified in research and design, manufacturing,

detection and application, marketing management of energetic materials, such as explosives, pyrotechnics and

fireworks technology, so as to be able to solve practical engineering problems and to meet the demand for

specialized talents in industrialization and informationization.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to obtain basic knowledge of chemistry and chemical engineering, and then,

professional basic principles and knowledge of energetic materials, combustion theory, explosive theory, energetic

material application technology and energy conversion. With basic training of synthesis and preparation, system

design, technology development, product development, performance test and engineering application, students

have the basic ability of system analysis and comprehensive application, engineering design and manufacture,

computer application, testing etc.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good understanding in humanities and social sciences, social responsibility and professional


南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


2. Equip with basic knowledge of mathematics, natural science, economics and management in design,

manufacturing and experiment of energetic materials and devices;

3. Acquire basic theories and engineering knowledge, a systematic engineering practice experience, and

the current situation and frontiers of Special Energy Technology and Engineering;

4. Has the ability of designing and implementing engineering experiments, and analyzing the

experimental results;

5. Master the basic innovative method, have the awareness of innovation, the ability to design systems and

processes with theory and technology in design process; take into consideration of economy, environments, laws,

security, health, ethics and other constraints;

6. master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

7. Understand the laws and regulations regarding production, design, research and development in the

profession and industry of Special Energy Technology and Engineering; have the awareness of environmental

protection and sustainable development;

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working;

9. Have self-learning ability and social adaptability.

10. Have global vision, and ability of cross-cultural communication, competition and cooperation.

IV. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering.

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading disciplines: Chemistry, chemical engineering and technology, science and technology of weapon

interdisciplinary subjects: Materials science and engineering, mechanics, safety technology and Engineering

Ⅵ. Core courses

Combustion and explosion theory, Energetic materials technology, Initiating explosive device design and

process technology, Energetic materials charge technology, Pyrotechnics.

Ⅶ.Collective practical teaching session

Military training, VB Course design, engineering practice, course practice of the principles of chemical

engineering, comprehensive chemical experiment, energetic material experiment, energetic materials course

design, graduation practice, graduation design.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


特种能源技术与工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Special energy technology and Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000602Visual Basic 程 序 设 计 ‖ Visual BasicProgramming Design

3 32 16 3 006

06001001Visual Basic 课程设计‖Course Design in VisualBasic

1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)*‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)*

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021701 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 3 48 3 001

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

03022204 分析化学‖Analytical Chemistry 3 48 3 003

03022302分 析 化 学 实 验 ‖ Analytical ChemistryExperiment

3 48 3 003

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

11023801 工程力学‖Engineering Mechanics 3 48 3 013

03126803化工原理(Ⅰ)★‖ Principles of ChemicalEngineering (Ⅰ)★

2.5 40 2.5 003

03226803 化工原理(Ⅱ)★‖ Principles of ChemicalEngineering (Ⅱ)★

2 32 2 003

03026901化 工 原 理 课 程 实 习 ‖ Course Practice ofChemical Engineering

2 80 2 003

03043701化工原 理实验‖ Experiment in Principles ofChemical Engineering

1 16 1 003

03037701化学综合实验*‖ Chemistry ComprehensiveExperiment*

3 120 3 003

03132602 无机化学(Ⅰ)★‖Inorganic Chemistry (Ⅰ)★ 3 48 3 003

03232602 无机化学(Ⅱ)★‖Inorganic Chemistry (Ⅱ)★ 2 16 16 2 003

03132801 物理化学(Ⅰ)‖Physical Chemistry (Ⅰ) 3 48 3 003

03232801 物理化学(Ⅱ)‖Physical Chemistry (Ⅱ) 2.5 40 2.5 003

03132902物理化学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiment in PhysicalChemistry (Ⅰ)

1 16 1 003

03232902物理化学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiment in PhysicalChemistry (Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 003

03134701 有机化学(Ⅰ)★‖Organic Chemistry (Ⅰ)★ 3 48 3 003

03234701 有机化学(Ⅱ)★‖Organic Chemistry (Ⅱ)★ 2 32 2 003

03134802有机化学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiment in OrganicChemistry (Ⅰ)

1 16 1 003

03234802有机化学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiment in OrganicChemistry (Ⅱ)

2 32 2 003

必修课程•专业方向课 【除公共部分外,任选一组读】

Compulsory Course•Specialized Course(Choose one group, besides the general courses)

03043103含 能 材 料 化 学 工 艺 学 ‖ Chemistry andTechnology of Energetic Materials

3 48 3 003

03045903含 能 材 料 实 验 ‖ Experiment in EnergeticMaterials

4 64 4 003

03028503火 工 技 术 ★ ‖ Initiating Explosive DeviceTechnique★

2 32 2 003

03042302燃烧与爆炸理论★‖Combustion and ExplosionTheory ★

4 64 4 003

03033502 烟火学★‖Pyrotechnics★ 2 32 2 003

03020802 毕业设计‖Graduation Project

13 520 13 003

03031002 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 4 160 4 003

03039002含能材料综合实验*‖ComprehensiveExperiments of Energetic Materials*

2 80 2 003

03029002火炸药装药设计‖ Design of Explosiveand Charge Technology

2.5 40 2.5 003

03020892 毕业设计‖Graduation Project


13 520 13 003

03031092 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 4 160 4 003

03039002含能材料综合实验*‖ComprehensiveExperiments of Energetic Materials*

2 80 2 003

03029002火炸药装药设计‖ Design of Explosiveand Charge Technology

2.5 40 2.5 003

64020101靶场实习*‖Practice in Shooting Ground*

1 40 1 064

03060801烟 火 设 计 实 践 ‖ Design Practice ofFireworks

4 160 4 003

03060601火工品材料与加工技术‖Materials andMachining Technique of Primer

1 16 1 003

03060701火 工 品 装 配 工 艺 学 ‖ AssemblyTechnology of Primers

2 32 2 003


南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

03060501MEMS 技 术 与 应 用 * ‖ Technology andApplication of MEMS*

1 16 1 003

03040802安 全 检 测 技 术 ‖ Safety MeasurementTechnology

2 32 2 003

03060401安全科技前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofSafety Technology*

1 16 1 003

03020301 安全人机工程‖Security Ergonomics 2 32 2 003

03020703爆炸与爆破技术‖Explosion and BlastingTechnology

2 32 2 003

03020902表面化学与日用品化学‖ Surface Chemistryand Domestic Chemicals

2 32 2 003

03021201材料表面与界面‖ Surface and Interface ofMaterials

2 32 2 003

03042001 材料及其改性‖Materials Modification 2 32 2 003

01021301 弹药概论‖Ammunition Introduction 2 32 2 001

03049501分子模拟的基本原理及应用‖MolecularSimulation: Principles and Application

2 16 16 2 003

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

03022902高分子材料 配方设计‖ Formula Design ofPolymer Materials

2 32 2 003

03040201高分子成型设备与模具‖Polymer ProcessingEquipment and Mold

2 32 2 003

03023502 高分子复合材料‖Polymer Composites 2 32 2 003

03023703高 分 子 化 学 与 物 理 概 论 ‖ Introduction toPolymer Chemistry and Physics

2 32 2 003

03060001高分子科学前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiersof Polymer Science*

1 16 1 003

08024402 工程流体力学‖Engineering Fluid Mechanics 2 30 2 2 008

03025102 功能材料学‖Functional Materials 2 32 2 003

03025202 功能高分子材料‖Functional Polymer Materials 2 32 2 003

03020203含 能 材 料 安 全 技 术 ‖ Safety Technology ofEnergetic Materials

2 32 2 003

03022102化 工 分 离 工 程 ‖ Separation Processes inChemical Engineering

2 32 2 003

03045701化 工 过 程 分 析 与 开 发 ‖ Analysis andDevelopment of Chemical Industrial Processes

2 32 2 003

03026003化工机械与设备★‖Equipment and Machineryfor Chemical Engineering★

2.5 40 2.5 003

03026102 化工计算‖Calculation of Chemical Engineering 2 16 16 2 003

03026202化工计算机辅助设计‖Computer-Aided Designof Chemical Engineering

2 16 16 2 003

03059701化工系统工程‖System Engineering of ChemicalIndustry

2 32 2 003

03060301化工学科前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofChemical Engineering *

1 16 1 003

03027201化学化工文献‖ Literature of Chemistry andChemical Engineering

1 8 8 1 003

03028001环境科学导论‖ Introduction to EnvironmentalScience

2 32 2 002

03029502 结构化学‖Structural Chemistry 2 32 2 003

03059901界 面 与 胶 体 化 学 ‖ Colloid and InterfaceChemistry

2 32 2 003

03060101精细化工前沿讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofFine Chemical Engineering*

1 16 1 003

03030002 聚合反应工程‖Polymer Reaction Engineering 2 32 2 003

03045802绿色 化学 化工技 术‖ Green Chemistry andChemical Technology

2 32 2 003

南京理工大学化工学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

03059601 民用爆破器材‖Civil Blasting Materials 2 32 2 003

03030301纳米材料与纳米技术‖ Nanomaterials andNanotechnology

2 32 2 003

03030702 热分析‖Thermal Analysis 2 32 2 003

03044001 生理学‖Physiology 2 32 2 003

03048601 生物医用材料‖Biomedical Materials 2 32 2 003

03048402 通用安全技术‖General Safety Technology 2 32 2 003

03040602 无机化工‖Inorganic Chemical Engineering 2 32 2 003

03048701新 型 碳 材 料 化 学 ‖ Chemistry of NewCarbon Materials

2 32 2 003

03033702 药理学‖Pharmacology 3 48 3 003

03034502 有机合成设计‖Organic Synthesis Design 2 32 2 003

01031401引 信 构 造 与 作 用 ‖ Fuze Construction andFunction

2 32 2 001

03024602 有机分析‖Organic Analysis 2 32 2 003

03034601有机化工原料及中间体‖Organic ChemicalMaterials and Intermediates

2 32 2 003

03048301 职业卫生‖Occupational Health 2 32 2 003

03060201制药前 沿讲座*‖ Lectures on Frontiers ofPharmacy*

1 16 1 003

03023201 助剂及其应用‖Aids and Application 2 32 2 003

方向 I 组:必修课程汇总

Group I:Compulsory Courses Total151 1640 1576 23.5 23.5 24.5 22 20.5 13.5 6.5 17

方向 II 组:必修课程汇总

Group II:Compulsory Courses Total159 1688 1776 23.5 23.5 24.5 22 20.5 13.5 11.5 20

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

93.5 1470 26 18 37.5 40

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


电子工程与光电技术学院电子工程与光电技术学院由创建于 1953 年的新中国军工科技最高学府—中国人民解放军军事工程学


息与通信工程 3 个一级学科博士点。光学工程为国家重点一级学科、江苏省优势学科以及工业和信息化部



光电信息科学与工程、电子科学与技术、微电子科学与工程、探测制导与控制技术和信息对抗技术 7 个本






学院现有在职教职员工 227 人,其中正高职称 47 人、副高职称 66 人、中级职称 79 人、博士生导师

23 人、硕士生导师 112 人,(双聘)院士 2 人,国家“海外高层次人才引进计划”(千人计划)专家 2 人,

“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授 2 人,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者 2 人,国家“青年千人”1 人,江苏

省教学名师等其它各类荣誉称号获得者 50 余人。学院现有国家级长江学者创新团队 2 个,江苏省高等优

秀科技创新团队 1 个,江苏省“青蓝工程”创新团队 1 个。学院在精密光学测试与仪器、光电成像与信息









南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


School of Electronic and Optical EngineeringSchool of Electronic and Optical Engineering, developed from Departments of Electronic Engineering and

Optoelectronic Technology, was established in 1992. The School holds 3 doctoral programs – Optical Engineering,

Electronic Science and Technology, and Information and Communication Engineering. The Optical Engineering is a

National Key Discipline, Provincial Distinguished Discipline in Jiangsu, and Key Discipline of the Ministry of

Industry and Information Technology. The Electronic Science and Technology is a Key Discipline both in Jiangsu

and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and its sub-discipline Electromagnetic Field and

Microwave Technology is a National Key Discipline. The Information and Communication Engineering is a

Provincial Key Discipline in Jiangsu. The School provides 7 undergraduate programs, including

Telecommunications Engineering, Electronic Information Engineering, Optoelectronic Information Science and

Engineering,Electronic Science and Technology, Microelectronic Science and Engineering, Detection, Guidance

and Control, and Information Countermeasure. Majors including Telecommunications Engineering, Electronic

Information Engineering, Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering , and Electronic Science and

Technology are National, Provincial, and Ministerial Key and Distinguished majors. Majors of Electronic

Information Engineering, Electronic Science and Technology, Detection Guidance and Control are selected into

“National Excellent Engineer Project”.

The School has over 200 faculty members,among whom there are 47 professors, 23 Ph.D. supervisors, 2

academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2 Distinguished Professors

of “Cheung Kong Scholars”, 2 recipients of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, and 1

expert of the Recruitment Program of Global Experts. The School is particularly strong in the following research

areas, including Precision Optical Testing and Instrument, Optoelectronic Imaging and Information Processing,

Optoelectronic Functional Material and Device, Micro- and Nano-meter Optoelectronic Device and Measurement,

Electromagnetic Theory and Microwave Technology, Radar and Signal Processing, Millimeter Wave Technology,

Antenna Array and Array Signal Processing, and Smart Sensor Network and Wireless Communications. The School

has several advanced scientific research platforms, including Jiangsu Provincial Key Lab of Spectral Imaging and

Intelligent Perception, National Defense Key Subject Lab of Short-range High-speed Target Detection.

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



该专业源自于 1953 年创建于哈尔滨军事工程学院的“军用光学”专业,1964 年随学校由军队转入地

方。本专业(原光电成像专业)为国家级特色专业、江苏省特色专业、国家“卓越工程师教育培养计划” 专


































南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表













军事训练、金属工艺实习、电子工艺实习、电工电子综合实验、EDA 设计、专业综合实验、科研训练、



本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 170 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Electronic Science and Technology

I. Introduction

Electronic Science and Technology was initially established in Harbin Military Engineering Institute as

Military Optics in 1953.This program is a national distinguished major and provincial key major in Jiangsu. It offers

bachelor, master and doctor degree, and also provides post-doctoral program.

The major emphasizes a cross-disciplinary study between optical technology and information processing,

and its research strength is presented in optical detection, imaging, display and comprehensive information

processing theory and technology. The major has provincial and ministerial key laboratories, research and

practice bases. These facilities can provide excellent experimental environment for scientific research and

high-level training. Graduates are expected to be involved in the high-tech research and development areas such

as optical information processing, large-scale and ultra large scale integrated circuit design, communications,

intelligent instruments, advanced medical equipment, voice and video signal processing.II. Objectives

Students are required to obtain the fundamental knowledge of optical engineering, integrated circuits,

optoelectronic devices and materials, electronic functional materials and devices, optical communications,

computer and other related fields to meet the requirements of the rapid high-tech development of the

information society. Students are expected to pursue career fields such as product design and manufacturing,

technology development and engineering design, science research, education, operation management, etc.III. Requirements

Students will study the basic theories and principles in physical electronic and optoelectronic, photoelectric

information detection, transmission, processing, display and optical imaging, real-time image processing, and

other engineering applications. Students should have the basic skills in optical system design, development,

integration and application.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good understanding in humanities and social sciences, social responsibility and professional ethics;

2. Equip with basic knowledge of mathematics, natural science, economics and management for


3.Grasp the fundamental knowledge of physical electronics, optoelectronics, engineering graphics,

electronics technology, computer technology, software design, principles and techniques of laser, optical

information processing, optical fiber communications, image processing;

4.Have study experience in engineering, and ability to design and analyze engineering experiments, to

master basic knowledge of optical information collection, sending, transmission, processing, storage and display,

and to have skills in the analysis, research, development, design, manufacturing and other engineering

application skills in connection with relevant systems and devices;

5.Have the awareness of innovation and sustainable development; equip with basic economic,

environmental, legal, safety, health, ethics skills to solve engineering problems;

6. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

7. Understand the laws and regulations regarding production, design, research and development in the

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


profession and industry of electronic science and technology;

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working;

9. Have self-learning ability and social adaptability.

10. Have global vision, and ability of cross-cultural communication, competition and cooperation.IV. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of EngineeringV. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Disciplines: Electronic Science and Technology, Optical Engineering

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Information and Communication EngineeringVI. Core courses

Circuits, Analog Electronic Circuits, Signals and Systems, Digital Logic Circuits, Microcomputer Theory and

Applications, Solid State Physics, Electrodynamics, Physical Optics, Laser Theory and Technique, Microwave and

Optical Wave Technology Courses.VII. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Metalworking Practice, Electronic Technology Practice, Electronic Integrated Experiment,

EDA Design, Professional Comprehensive Practice, Scientific Research Training, Graduation Design, Graduation

Practice, etc.Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 170 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


电子科学与技术专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Electronic Science and Technology


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++ 程 序 设 计 ‖ C++ ProgrammingDesign

4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

11024001 工程数学‖Engineering Mathematics 4 64 4 013

05021705 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 2 26 6 2 001

11031201 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2.5 40 2.5 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

04140002EDA 设计(Ⅰ)*‖Electronic Design Automation(Ⅰ)*

1 40 1 004

04240002EDA 设计(Ⅱ)‖Electronic Design Automation(Ⅱ)

1 40 1 004

04053201半导体及固体物理综合实验‖Semiconductorand Solid-State Physics Experiment

1 40 1 004

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

04020202半 导 体 物 理 基 础 ‖ Semiconductor PhysicsFundamental

2.5 40 2.5 004

04060201 电动力学‖Electrodynamics 2.5 40 2.5 004

04137001电工电子综合实验(Ⅰ)‖ Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅰ)

0.5 20 0.5 004

04237001 电工电子综合实验(Ⅱ)*‖Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅱ)*

1.5 60 1.5 004

10022104 电路‖Circuits 4.5 64 8 4.5 004

04033902 电子工艺实习‖Electronics Training 2 80 2 022

11022502 概率与过程‖Probability and Stochastic Process 4.5 72 4.5 013

04023003 固体物理‖Solid State Physics 2.5 40 2.5 004

04053001光电成像与显示综合实验‖OptoelectronicImaging and Display Experiments

0.5 20 0.5 004

04043101光 电 信 号 处 理 ★ ‖ Optoelectronic SignalProcessing★

3 40 8 3 004

04023602 光电子器件‖Optoelectronic Devices 3 48 3 004

04053101光电子器件综合实验‖Optoelectronic DevicesExperiments

1 40 1 004

04038102光电子线路综合实验*‖Optoelectronic CircuitExperiments*

2 80 2 004

04052901光 辐 射 测 量 综 合 实 验 ‖ Optical RadiationDetection Experiments

1 40 1 004

04025104激 光 原 理 与 技 术 ‖ Laser Principles andTechnology

2 32 2 004

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

04026801 模拟电子线路‖Analog Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

04026302 数字逻辑电路‖Digital Logic Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

04060301微波与光导波技术‖Microwave and OpticalWaveguide Technology

2 32 2 004

04030002微机原理与应用‖Principle and Application ofMicrocomputer

3 48 3 004

04039702微机原理与应用综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment in Principle and Application ofMicrocomputer

1 40 1 004

04022603 物理光学★‖Physical Optics★ 3 48 3 004

04030803 信号与系统★‖Signals and Systems★ 4.5 64 8 4.5 004

必修课程·专业方向课 【任选一组修读】

Compulsory Course·Specialized Course(Choose one group)

04032403 毕业设计‖Graduation Project

14 560 14 004

04032503 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 004

04023204光电成像原理与技术‖ Principles andTechniques of Optoelectronic Imaging

2 32 2 004

04030501光电显示技术‖Optoelectronic DisplayTechnology

3 48 3 004

04023902光 辐 射 测 量 技 术 ‖ Optical RadiationDetection Technology

2 32 2 004

04032403 毕业设计‖Graduation Project

14 560 14 004

04032503 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 004

04020601 薄膜技术‖Thin Film Technology 3 40 8 3 004

04050901 光电功能材料‖Optoelectronic Materials 3 48 3 004

04037902 真空电子技术‖Vacuum Electronics 2 32 2 004

04032493 毕业设计‖Graduation Project Ⅲ(卓工)

14 560 14 004

04032593 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 004

04056201模拟集成电路设计‖Analog IntegrationCircuit Designing

2 32 2 004

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

04023902光 辐 射 测 量 技 术 ‖ Optical RadiationDetection Technology

2 32 2 004

04023205光电成像原理与显示技术‖Principles ofOptoelectronic Imaging andDisplay Technology

4 64 4 004


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

04036602 DSP 应用技术‖Application Techniques of DSP 2 32 2 004

04043401 超大规模集成电路设计★‖VLSI Design★ 2 24 8 2 004

04021502 电视原理‖Principles of Television 2 22 10 2 004

04053301光电传感器应用技术‖Photoelectric SensorsApplication

2 32 2 004

04023302光 电 检 测 原 理 与 技 术 ‖ Principles andTechniques of Optoelectronic Detection

2 32 2 004

04038001光电子与微电子技术综合实验‖Optoelectronicand Microelectronic Techniques Experiment

2 80 2 004

04024203 光纤应用技术‖Fiber Application Technology 2 32 2 004

04027502数字图像分析与处理‖Digital Image Analysisand Processing

2 32 2 004

04029502 微电子技术‖Microelectronics Technology 2 24 8 2 004

04055301文 献 检 索 概 论 ‖ Introduction to LiteratureSurvey

1 16 1 004

04038501学科前沿系列讲座‖ Lectures on Frontiers ofthe Discipline

1 16 1 004

04034903 应用光学‖Applied Optics 2 32 2 004

方向 I 组:必修课程汇总

Group I:Compulsory Courses Total155 1738 1698 24.5 22.5 24.5 21.5 17.5 21.5 6 17

方向 II 组:必修课程汇总

Group II:Compulsory Courses Total156 1746 1706 24.5 22.5 24.5 21.5 18.5 20.5 7 17

方向 III 组:必修课程汇总

Group III:Compulsory Courses Total156 1754 1698 24.5 22.5 24.5 21.5 17.5 22.5 4 19

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

22 294 106 1 2 5 14

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



该专业源自于 1953 年创建于哈尔滨军事工程学院的“军用光学”专业,1964 年随学校由军队转入地



光电信息技术是 21 世纪及未来世界发展的重要技术领域,本专业针对光电信息技术和现代多学科广泛



























10 具有国际视野和跨文化的交流、竞争与合作能力。





南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表











本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 170 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering

I. Introduction

Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering was initially established in Harbin Military Engineering

Institute as Military Optics in 1953.This program is a national distinguished major and provincial key major in

Jiangsu. It offers bachelor, master and doctor degree, and also provides post-doctoral program.

Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering is an important technology in 21st Century. The major

emphasizes integrating the knowledge of optical and electronic information, which is characterized by the

engineering of optoelectronic information and technology. The major cultivates talents of optoelectronic

information engineering and technology required in today's information age for the relevant departments, the

state scientific research institutes, universities, enterprises, high-tech companies.

II. Objectives

Students are required to obtain the fundamental knowledge of optical engineering, optoelectronics, optical

communications, computer and other related fields, to specialize in optical information detection, transmission,

optical imaging, optical display and storage, image information processing and computer applications. Students

are expected to pursue career fields such as product design and manufacturing, technology development and

engineering design, science research, education, operation management, etc.

III. Requirements

Students will study the basic theories and principles in optical engineering, obtain basic training regarding

analysis and design of optical information systems, and master basic skills to design, develop, integrate and apply

the optical information systems.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good understanding in humanities and social sciences, social responsibility and professional ethics;

2.Equip with basic knowledge of mathematics, natural science, economics and management for optical


3.Grasp the fundamental knowledge of optics, optoelectronics, engineering graphics, electronics technology,

computer technology, software design, laser principle and technology, optical information processing, optical

fiber communications, image processing, and understand the state-of-the-arts trend of optical information

science and engineering;

4.Have study experience in engineering, and ability to design and analyze engineering experiments, to

master basic knowledge of optical information collection, sending, transmission, processing, storage and display,

and to have skills in the analysis, research, development, design, manufacturing and other engineering

application skills in connection with relevant systems and devices;

5.Have the awareness of innovation and sustainable development; equip with basic economic,

environmental, legal, safety, health, ethics skills to solve engineering problems;

6. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

7.Understand the laws and regulations regarding production, design, research and development in the

profession and industry of optoelectronic information science and engineering;

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working;

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


9. Have self-learning ability and social adaptability;

10. Have global vision, and ability of cross-cultural communication, competition and cooperation.

IV.Length of Program and Degree

School System: 4 years

Length of Schooling: 3-6 years

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading discipline: Optical Engineering

Inter-disciplines: Instrumentation Science and Engineering, Electrical Science and Engineering

Ⅵ. Core courses

Circuit Analysis, Analog Electronic Circuit, Digital Logic Circuit, Signal and Systems, The Principle and

Application of Microcomputer, Physical Optics, Applied Optics, Photoelectric Detection Technology, Optical

Measurement, Laser Technology and Applications, Fundamentals of Optical Fiber Communication Theory,

Principles of Sensors

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Metalworking Practice, Electronics Practice, Optic Comprehensive Experimentation, Course

Design, Scientific Research Training, Graduation Design, Graduation Practice, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 170 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


光电信息科学与工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Opto-Electronics Information Science and Engineering



课 程 名 称

Course Name

学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester




Code讲 课


实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism 3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education 3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History 2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++ 程 序 设 计 ‖ C++ ProgrammingDesign 4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ) 1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ) 1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

11024001 工程数学‖Engineering Mathematics 4 64 4 013

05021705 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 2 26 6 2 001

11031201 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2.5 40 2.5 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

04140002EDA 设计(Ⅰ)*‖Electronic Design Automation(Ⅰ)* 1 40 1 004

04240002EDA 设计(Ⅱ)‖Electronic Design Automation(Ⅱ) 1 40 1 004

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




课 程 名 称

Course Name

学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester




Code讲 课


实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

04137001电工电子综合实验(Ⅰ)‖ Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅰ) 0.5 20 0.5 004

04237001电工电子综合实验(Ⅱ)*‖Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅱ)* 1.5 60 1.5 004

10022104 电路‖Circuits 4.5 64 8 4.5 004

04033902 电子工艺实习‖Electronics Training 2 80 2 022

11022502 概率与过程‖Probability and Stochastic Process 4.5 72 4.5 013

04140904光学综合实验(Ⅰ)‖Optical ComprehensiveExperiment(Ⅰ) 0.5 20 0.5 004

04240904光学综合实验(Ⅱ)‖Optical ComprehensiveExperiment(Ⅱ) 1 40 1 004

04340904光学综合实验(Ⅲ)‖Optical ComprehensiveExperiment(Ⅲ) 1 40 1 004

04440904光学综合实验(Ⅳ)*‖Optical ComprehensiveExperiment(Ⅳ)* 1 40 1 004

04025101激 光 技 术 与 应 用 ‖ Laser Technology andApplication 3 48 3 004

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

04026801 模拟电子线路‖Analog Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

04026302 数字逻辑电路‖Digital Logic Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

04030002微机原理与应用‖Principle and Application ofMicrocomputer 3 48 3 004

04039702微机原理与应用综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment in Principle and Application ofMicrocomputer

1 40 1 004

04022601 物理光学‖Physical Optics 4 64 4 004

04030803 信号与系统★‖Signals and Systems★ 4.5 64 8 4.5 004

04034901 应用光学‖Applied Optics 4 64 4 004

必修课程·专业方向课 【除公共部分外,任选一组读】

Compulsory Course·Specialized Course(Choose one group, besides the general courses)

04032404 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 004

04032504 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 004

04022201 傅里叶光学★‖Fourier Optics★ 3 48 3 004

04023301光 电 检 测 技 术 ‖ Optoelectronic DetectionTechnology 3 40 8 3 004

04024601 光学测量‖Optical Testing 3 48 3 004

04023802光 度 与 色 度 学 ★ ‖ Photometry andColorimetry★

3 32 16 3 004

04024201光 纤 技 术 与 应 用 ‖ Fiber OpticalTechnology and Application 2 32 2 004

04040202光学 CAD 课程设计‖Optical CAD CourseDesign 3 120 3 004

04041101象 质 评 价 技 术 ‖ Imaging EvaluationTechnology 2 32 2 004

04021101 传感器原理‖Sensor Fundamental

3 48 3 004

04043602光电传感器设计综合实验‖PhotoelectricSensor Design Experiment 1 40 1 004

04024401光 纤 通 信 理 论 基 础 ‖ Fiber OpticalCommunication Basis 3 48 3 004

04041001信 息 物 理 基 础 ★ ‖ Fundamentals ofInformation Physics★ 3 48 3 004


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

04053901 FPGA 应用系统设计‖FPGA System Design 2 32 2 004

04020401 薄膜光学‖Thin Film Optics 2 32 2 004

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




课 程 名 称

Course Name

学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester




Code讲 课


实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

04056001电 子元 器件 识别 与检 测技 术‖ ElectronicComponent Recognition and Detection 2 32 2 004

04023203光 电 成 像 技 术 ‖ Optoelectronic ImagingTechnology 2 32 2 004

04041601光电系统设计综合实验‖Photoelectric SystemDesign Experiment 3 120 3 004

04054001光学可视化仿真课程设计‖Course Design inOptical Visualization Simulation 2 80 2 004

04024701光 学 零 件 工 艺 学 ‖ Optical ComponentManufacturing Technique 2 32 2 004

04041202 光学图像处理‖Optical Image Processing 2 32 2 004

04054101光 学 显 微 导 论 ‖ Introduction to OpticalMicroscopy 2 32 2 004

04053501 光子学基础‖Fundamentals of Photonics 2.5 40 2.5 004

04025301几 何 量 测 量 ‖ Geometrical ParameterMeasurement 2 32 2 004

04043701实用图像处理方法及软件‖Methodology andSoftware of Image Processing 2 24 8 2 004

04044001 视频技术基础‖Video Technology Basis 2 32 2 004

04055301文 献 检 索 概 论 ‖ Introduction to LiteratureSurvey 1 16 1 004

方向 I 组:必修课程汇总

Group I:Compulsory Courses Total 155.5 1706 1762 24.5 22.5 24.5 21.5 19 21.5 5 17

方向 II 组:必修课程汇总

Group II:Compulsory Courses Total 155.5 1754 1666 24.5 22.5 24.5 21.5 22 17.5 6 17

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal 28.5 366 210 1 2 6 19.5

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



电子信息工程专业起源于 1953 年创办的新中国军工科技最高学府——中国人民解放军军事工程学院

(简称哈军工)的“雷达”专业和“指挥仪”专业。伴随着国家教育体制改革,1985 年“雷达”专业调整

为“电子工程”专业,“指挥仪”专业调整为“系统工程”专业;1996 年“系统工程”调整改造为“信息

工程”专业;1998 年 “电子工程”专业与“信息工程”专业合并为 “电子信息工程”专业。

该专业是江苏省首批省部级品牌专业和国家级特色专业,国家“卓越工程师教育培养计划” 、江苏省

“卓越工程师(软件类)教育培养计划” 专业。专业所在学科“信息与通信工程”具有硕士和博士学位授






























南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




10 具有国际视野和跨文化的交流、竞争与合作能力。










机原理、电磁场与电磁波、雷达原理、DSP 应用技术、通信原理等。





本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 170 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Electronic Information Engineering

I. Introduction

Electronic Information Engineering was developed from the departments of Radar and Artillery Director in

the Harbin Military Engineering Institute, which was founded in 1953. In 1985, the Radar Department was

changed into Electronic Engineering, and the Artillery Director Department was changed into System Engineering

which was finally regulated as Information Engineering in 1996. In 1998, the departments of Electronic

Engineering and Information Engineering were merged into Electronic Information Engineering.

The major has become the national, provincial and ministry key major. It offers bachelor, master and doctor

degree, and also provides post-doctoral program. The department conducts electronic system design and

information process by modern technology, which concerns the capture, transmission and processing of

information, the design, development, integration and application of electronic devices and information system.

It integrates modern electronic information and communication technology with advanced technology in modern

radar system design and signal processing.

II. Objectives

Students are required to obtain the fundamental knowledge of electronic information engineering and

related majors, and strong ability of engineering practice. Graduates are capable of engaging in the research,

design, development, manufacturing and operation of electronic systems in the field of aviation, aerospace,

marine, ground detection, communication, monitoring, medical and consumer electronics, etc.

III. Requirements

Students will study the basic theories and principles in designing, developing, applying and integrating

electronic information systems.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good understanding in humanities and social sciences, social responsibility and professional ethics;

2.Equip with basic knowledge of mathematics, natural science, economics and management for electronic

information engineering;

3.Grasp the fundamental knowledge of Electronic circuit, Computer technology, Software design, Signal and

system, Digital signal processing, Electromagnetic field and wave, Radar, Communication, and to understand the

cutting edge and development trend of electronic information science and engineering;

4.Have study experience in engineering, and ability to design and analyze engineering experiments, to

master basic knowledge of information collection, sending, transmission, processing, storage and display, and to

grasp the basic analyzing and designing approach about electronic information engineering;

5. Have the awareness of innovation and sustainable development; equip with basic economic,

environmental, legal, safety, health, ethics skills to solve engineering problems in electronic information


6. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

7.Understand the laws and regulations regarding production, design, research and development in the

profession and industry of electronic information engineering;

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working;

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


9. Have self-learning ability and social adaptability.

10. Have global vision, and ability of cross-cultural communication, competition and cooperation.

IV. Length of Program and Degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of engineering

V. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Information and Communication Engineering

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Electronic Science and Technology, Computer Science and Technology, Control

Science and Engineering

VI. Core courses

Electronic Circuit, Analog Circuit, Digital Logic Circuit, Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology,

Signal and System, Digital Signal Processing, Microcomputer Fundamentals, Electromagnetic field and wave,

Radar Fundamentals, DSP Applications, Communication Fundamentals, and etc.

VII. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Metalworking Practice, Comprehensive Experimentation, Course Design, Scientific

Research Training, Graduation Design, Graduation Practice, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 170 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


电子信息工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Electronics Information Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++程序设计‖C++ ProgrammingDesign

4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

11024001 工程数学‖Engineering Mathematics 4 64 4 013

05021705 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 2 26 6 2 001

11031201 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2.5 40 2.5 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

04140002EDA设计(Ⅰ)*‖Electronic Design Automation(Ⅰ)*

1 40 1 004

04240002EDA设计(Ⅱ)‖Electronic Design Automation(Ⅱ)

1 40 1 004

04060101 半导体器件基础‖Semiconductor Device 2 32 2 004

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


04021301电磁场与电磁波‖Electromagnetic Fields andWaves

3 44 4 3 004

04137001电工电子综合实验(Ⅰ)‖Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅰ)

0.5 20 0.5 004

04237001电工电子综合实验(Ⅱ)*‖Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅱ)*

1.5 60 1.5 004

10022104 电路‖Circuits 4.5 64 8 4.5 004

04021902电子电路综合设计‖Comprehensive Design ofElectronic Circuits

2 80 2 004

04033902 电子工艺实习‖Electronics Training 2 80 2 022

11022502 概率与过程‖Probability and Stochastic Process 4.5 72 4.5 013

04022502高频电子线路‖High-Frequency ElectronicCircuit

3 48 3 004

04055601高频电子线路综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment of High-Frequency Electronic Circuits

1 40 1 004

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

04026801 模拟电子线路‖Analog Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

04026302 数字逻辑电路‖Digital Logic Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

04027705 数字信号处理★‖Digital Signal Processing★ 3.5 48 8 3.5 004

04028302 通信原理★‖Principles of Communications★ 3 48 3 004

04037502通信原理综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiments of Communication Principles

1 40 1 004

04030002微机原理与应用‖Principle and Application ofMicrocomputer

3 48 3 004

04039702微机原理与应用综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment in Principle and Application ofMicrocomputer

1 40 1 004

04030803 信号与系统★‖Signals and Systems★ 4.5 64 8 4.5 004

必修课程·专业方向课 【除公共部分外,任选一组读】

Compulsory Course·Specialized Course(Choose one group, besides the general courses)

04036601 DSP应用技术‖Application Techniques of DSP 3 32 16 3 004

04040404电子信息工程课程设计*‖ElectronicInformation Engineering Project*

1 40 1 004

04040403电子信息工程综合实验‖Electronic InformationEngineering Comprehensive Experiment

1 40 1 004

04038501学科前沿系列讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofthe Discipline*

1 16 1 004

04032401 毕业设计‖Graduation Project

14 560 14 004

04032501 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 004

04042002雷达信号分析与处理‖Signal Analysis andProcessing for Radar

3 40 8 3 004

04041904 雷达原理‖Principles of Radar 3.5 48 8 3.5 004

04036001随机信号处理基础‖Introduction toRandom Signal Processing

2 32 2 004

04032401 毕业设计‖Graduation Project

14 560 14 004

04032501 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 004

04024801RFID原理及应用‖Principle andApplication of RFID

2 32 2 004

04025902 传感技术‖Technology of Transducer 2 32 2 004

04025701无线网络技术‖Wireless NetworkTechnology

3 48 3 004

04025502物联网导论‖Introduction to Internet ofThings

1.5 24 1.5 004

04032491 毕业设计‖Graduation Project Ⅲ(卓工) 14 560 14 004

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

04032591 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 004

04041905雷达系统与原理‖Radar System andPrinciple

2 32 2 004

04042003 雷达信号处理‖Radar Signal Processing 2.5 32 8 2.5 004

04060701信号检测与估计‖Signal detection andestimation

1.5 24 1.5 004

04051303嵌入式系统原理与设计‖Principles andDesigning of Embedded System

2 24 8 2 004

04060001电子装配与高速PCB设计‖ElectronicAssembling and High Speed PCBDesigning

1 40 1 004


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

04051701操作系统与数据结构‖Operating Systems andData Structures

2 32 2 004

04021201单片机原理与应用‖Microcontroller Theoryand Application

2 24 8 2 004

04021502 电视原理‖Principles of Television 2 22 10 2 004

04021603电子测量技术‖Electronic MeasurementTechniques

2 24 8 2 004

04055801多媒体技术基础‖Fundamentals of MultimediaTechnology

2 26 6 2 004

04042205计算机网络与安全技术‖Computer Networkand Security

2 24 8 2 004

04052001 可编程逻辑器件‖Programmable Logic Devices 2 32 2 004

10025404控制工程基础‖Control EngineeringFundamentals

2 32 2 010

04027804频率综合技术‖Frequency SynthesisTechniques

2 24 8 2 004

04051302嵌入式系统原理及应用‖Principles andApplications of Embedded System

2 24 8 2 004

04051901软件无线电基础‖Introduction to SoftwareRadio

2 32 2 004

04027503 数字图像处理‖Digital Image Processing 2 32 2 004

04028002天线与电波传播★‖Antennas and WavePropagation★

2 32 2 004

04028902 微波技术‖Microwave Technology 2 32 2 004

04055301文献检索概论‖Introduction to LiteratureSurvey

1 16 1 004

04051801无线定位导航理论与技术‖Theory andTechnology of Wireless Navigation

2 32 2 004

04042302虚拟仪器的设计与实现‖Virtual InstrumentTechnology

2 24 8 2 004

04036101 语音信号处理‖Speech Signal Processing 2 32 2 004


Group I:Compulsory Courses Total155 1686 1762 24.5 22.5 24.5 21.5 20 12 13 17


Group II:Compulsory Courses Total155 1702 1746 24.5 22.5 24.5 21.5 20 10 15 17


Group III:Compulsory Courses Total155.5 1662 1802 24.5 22.5 24.5 21.5 20 10 15.5 17

选修课程汇总‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

35 496 64 1 4 14 16

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



本专业是在原哈尔滨军事工程学院炮兵工程系雷达科的基础上组建成立的,分别于 2003 年和 2010 年

被江苏省教育厅批准为江苏省特色专业建设点、江苏省品牌专业建设点。2012 年通过江苏省教育厅组织的

































南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表





10 具有国际视野和跨文化的交流、竞争与合作能力。















本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 170 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Telecommunication EngineeringI. Introduction

Telecommunication Engineering was established in 1994 based on the radar section in the Department of

Artillery Engineering, Harbin Institute of Military Engineering of the PLA. In 2003 and 2010, this major has

become the provincial key major in Jiangsu. It offers bachelor, master and doctor degree, and also provides

post-doctoral program.

Among the faculty members, there are 1 Distinguished Professors of “Cheung Kong Scholars”, 2 recipients of

the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 1 Chinese female Young Scientist Award winner, and

2 New Century Excellent Talents Support Plan winners. The major emphasizes on the theory and technological

research of information transmission, switching and network technologies, especially the wireless

communication and network switching. In addition, the major has some professional laboratories for

communication principle, system and networks, electromagnetic field, RF/microwave systems. Graduates are

expected to be involved in the jobs of research, design, development, manufacturing, operation, planning, and

management in the fields of modern communication system.

II. Objectives

Students are required to obtain the fundamental knowledge of telecommunication engineering and related

majors, and strong ability of engineering practice. Graduates are capable of engaging in the research, design,

development, manufacturing and operation of modern communication system and device, as well as the

development and application of telecommunication technology in various government branches and defense


III. Requirements

Students will study the basic theories and principles in telecommunication system and network, modern

telecommunication system and network technology.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good understanding in humanities and social sciences, social responsibility and professional ethics;

2.Equip with basic knowledge of mathematics, natural science, economics and management for

telecommunication engineering;

3.Grasp the fundamental knowledge of engineering cartography, electronic circuit, electromagnetic field and

microwave, computer technology, signal and system, digital signal processing, principle of telecommunications,

wireless, mobile, satellite, and fiber communication systems;

4.Have study experience in engineering, and ability to design and analyze engineering experiments, to

master basic knowledge of telecommunication information collection, sending, transmission, processing, storage

and display, and to grasp the basic analyzing and designing approach about communication systems, networks,

antennas, RF circuit and devices;

5.Have the awareness of innovation and sustainable development; equip with basic economic,

environmental, legal, safety, health, ethics skills to solve engineering problems in telecommunication systems and


6. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


7.Understand the laws and regulations regarding production, design, research and development in the

profession and industry of telecommunication science and engineering;

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working;

9. Have self-learning ability and social adaptability.

10. Have global vision, and ability of cross-cultural communication, competition and cooperation.

IV. Length of Program and Degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of engineering

V. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Information and Communication Engineering

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Electronics Science and Technology, Computer Science and Technology

VI. Core courses

Electric Circuit, Analog Electrical Circuitry, Digital Logic Circuit, High-frequency Electronic Circuit, Signals and

Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Electromagnetic Field and Wave, Microwave Technology, Communication

Principle, Principle and Application of Microcomputer,Communication System, etc.

VII. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Metalworking Practice, Electronic Technology Practice, Electronic Integrated Experiment,

EDA Design, Professional Comprehensive Practice, Scientific Research Training, Graduation Design, Graduation

Practice, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 170 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


通信工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Telecommunication Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702 Visual C++程序设计‖C++ Programming Design 4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

11024001 工程数学‖Engineering Mathematics 4 64 4 013

05021705 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 2 26 6 2 001

11031201 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2.5 40 2.5 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

04140002EDA 设计(Ⅰ)*‖Electronic Design Automation(Ⅰ)*

1 40 1 004

04240002EDA 设计(Ⅱ)‖Electronic Design Automation(Ⅱ)

1 40 1 004

04060101半导体器件基础‖Semiconductor DeviceFundamental

2 32 2 004

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

04021301电磁场与电磁波‖Electromagnetic Fields andWaves

3 44 4 3 004

04137001电工电子综合实验(Ⅰ)‖Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅰ)

0.5 20 0.5 004

04237001电工电子综合实验(Ⅱ)*‖Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅱ)*

1.5 60 1.5 004

10022104 电路‖Circuits 4.5 64 8 4.5 004

04021902电子电路综合设计‖Comprehensive Design ofElectronic Circuits

2 80 2 004

04033902 电子工艺实习‖Electronics Training 2 80 2 022

11022502 概率与过程‖Probability and Stochastic Process 4.5 72 4.5 013

04022502高频电子线路‖High-Frequency ElectronicCircuit

3 48 3 004

04055601高频电子线路综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment of High-Frequency Electronic Circuits

1 40 1 004

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

04026801 模拟电子线路‖Analog Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

04026302 数字逻辑电路‖Digital Logic Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

04027705 数字信号处理★‖Digital Signal Processing★ 3.5 48 8 3.5 004

04028302 通信原理★‖Principles of Communications★ 3 48 3 004

04037502通信原理综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiments of Communication Principles

1 40 1 004

04030002微机原理与应用‖Principle and Application ofMicrocomputer

3 48 3 004

04039702微机原理与应用综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment in Principle and Application ofMicrocomputer

1 40 1 004

04030803 信号与系统‖Signals and Systems 4.5 64 8 4.5 004

必修课程·专业方向课 【除公共部分外,任选一组修读】

Compulsory Course·Specialized Course(Choose one group, besides the general courses)

04032402 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 004

04032502 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 004

04040301通信工程学科前沿技术讲座‖Lectures onFrontiers of Communication Engineering

1 16 1 004

04028201 通信系统‖Communication Systems 3 48 3 004

04037602通信系统综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiments of Communication Systems

1 40 1 004

04051501微波、毫米波系统★‖Microwave andMillimeter-Wave Systems★

2 32 2 004

04028901 微波技术‖Microwave Technology 3 48 3 004

04052101微波技术综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiments of Microwave Technology

0.5 20 0.5 004

04052201计算机网络通信‖Computer NetworkCommunications

2 32 2 004

04052401通信网络综合实验*‖ComprehensiveExperiments of Communication Networks*

0.5 20 0.5 004

04052301通信网与现代交换技术‖CommunicatonNetworks and Modern Switching Technique

2 32 2 004


Comprehensive Experiments ofRF/Microwave Systems*

0.5 20 0.5 004

04051601微波、毫米波测量技术‖Microwave andMillimeter-Wave Measurement Techniques

2 32 2 004


Microwave/Millimeter-Wave CircuitsAnalysis and Design

2 32 2 004

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

04036602 DSP 应用技术‖Application Techniques of DSP 2 32 2 004

04043401 超大规模集成电路设计‖VLSI Design 2 24 8 2 004

04036901电磁兼容原理‖Principles of ElectromagneticCompatibility

2 32 2 004

04044101多媒体通信技术‖Multimedia CommunicationTechnology

2 32 2 004

04020302纠错编码技术‖Error Correction CodingTechnology

2 32 2 004

10025404控制工程基础‖Control EngineeringFundamentals

2 32 2 010

04051301嵌入式系统应用‖Application of EmbeddedSystems

2 20 12 2 004

04028002天线与电波传播‖Antennas and WavePropagation

2 32 2 004

04055301文献检索概论‖Introduction to LiteratureSurvey

1 16 1 004

04051801无线定位导航理论与技术‖Theory andTechnology of Wireless Navigation

2 32 2 004

04056101无线与移动通信技术‖Wireless and MobileCommunication Technology

2 32 2 004

04052601 现代雷达新技术‖Modern Radar Technology 2 32 2 004

04052501移动通信原理‖Principles of MobileCommunication

2 32 2 004

方向 I 组:必修课程汇总

Group I:Compulsory Courses Total155.5 1726 1730 24.5 22.5 24.5 21.5 24 15 6.5 17

方向 II 组:必修课程汇总

Group II:Compulsory Courses Total155.5 1726 1730 24.5 22.5 24.5 21.5 24 13 8.5 17

选修课程汇总‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

25 380 20 1 4 20

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表






































南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表









军事训练、金属工艺实习、电子工艺实习、电子电工综合实验、EDA 设计、光电子与微电子技术综合



本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 170 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Microelectronic Science and Engineering

I. Introduction

Microelectronic Science and Engineering aims at cultivating engineering talents to satisfy the demand of

national development and innovation industry, including semiconductor, optoelectronics, new materials, and

nanotechnology. This major subordinates to Electronic Science and Technology, which is a national distinguished

major and provincial key major in Jiangsu. It offers bachelor, master and doctor degree, and also provides

post-doctoral program. The major features a combination of semiconductor technology, IC design and technique,

MEMS, nanomaterials and devices, etc. Graduates are expected to be involved in the high-tech research and

development areas such as IC design, optoelectronic technology, semiconductor technique and design, novel

materials, and new energy resources in government branches, research institutes, universities, and high-tech


II. Objectives

Students are required to obtain the fundamental knowledge of semiconductor materials and devices, IC

design and fabrication, MEMS design and test, nanomaterials and devices to meet the requirements of the rapid

high-tech development of the information society. Graduates are expected to pursue career in microelectronics

and related areas including industries such as semiconductor, optoelectronics, new materials, and


III. Requirements

The major focuses on the training of fundamental knowledge and skills in microelectronics area. Graduates

should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1.Have a good understanding in humanities and social sciences, social responsibility and professional ethics;

2.Equip with basic knowledge of mathematics, natural science, economics and management for

microelectronic engineering;

3.Grasp the fundamental knowledge of semiconductor, integrated circuit, optoelectronics, MEMS,


4.Have study experience in engineering, and ability to design and analyze engineering experiments, to

master basic knowledge of solid-state physics, semiconductor physics, micro- and nano-optoelectronic devices,

integrated circuit design and application, micro- and nano-structure design and application, and to have skills in

the analysis, research, development, design, manufacturing and other engineering application skills in connection

with relevant systems and devices;

5.Have the awareness of innovation and sustainable development; equip with basic economic,

environmental, legal, safety, health, ethics skills to solve engineering problems;

6.Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

7.Understand the laws and regulations regarding production, design, research and development in the

profession and industry of microelectronic science and engineering;

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working;

9. Have self-learning ability and social adaptability.

10. Have global vision, and ability of cross-cultural communication, competition and cooperation.

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


IV. Length of Program and Degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

V. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Electronic Science and Technology

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, Optical Engineering

VI. Core courses

Solid-State Physics, Advanced Semiconductor Materials, MEMS Systems and Applications, Semiconductor

Integrated Circuits, VLSI Design, Fundamentals of Photonics, Solid-State Electronic Devices, Fundamentals of

Microelectronic Chemistry Technology, etc.

VII. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Metalworking Practice, Electronic Technology Practice, Electronic Integrated Experiment,

EDA Design, Professional Comprehensive Practice, Scientific Research Training, Graduation Design, Graduation

Practice, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 170 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


微电子科学与工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Microelectronics Science and Technology


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++程序设计‖C++ ProgrammingDesign

4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

11024001 工程数学‖Engineering Mathematics 4 64 4 013

05021705 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 2 26 6 2 001

11031201 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2.5 40 2.5 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

04140002EDA 设计(Ⅰ)*‖Electronic Design Automation(Ⅰ)*

1 40 1 004

04240002EDA 设计(Ⅱ)‖Electronic Design Automation(Ⅱ)

1 40 1 004

04060101半导体器件基础‖Semiconductor DeviceFundamental

2 32 2 004

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

04021301电磁场与电磁波‖Electromagnetic Fields andWaves

3 44 4 3 004

04137001电工电子综合实验(Ⅰ)‖Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅰ)

0.5 20 0.5 004

04237001电工电子综合实验(Ⅱ)*‖Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅱ)*

1.5 60 1.5 004

10022104 电路‖Circuits 4.5 64 8 4.5 004

04033902 电子工艺实习‖Electronics Training 2 80 2 022

11022502 概率与过程‖Probability and Stochastic Process 4.5 72 4.5 013


Optoelectronic and Microelectronic TechniquesExperiment*

2 80 2 004

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

04026801 模拟电子线路‖Analog Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

04026302 数字逻辑电路‖Digital Logic Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

04030002微机原理与应用‖Principle and Application ofMicrocomputer

3 48 3 004

04039702微机原理与应用综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment in Principle and Application ofMicrocomputer

1 40 1 004

04022603 物理光学★‖Physical Optics★ 3 48 3 004

04030803 信号与系统★‖Signals and Systems★ 4.5 64 8 4.5 004


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

04043201半导体集成电路‖Semiconductor IntegratedCircuit

3 48 3 004

04032408 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 004

04032508 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 004

04043401 超大规模集成电路设计★‖VLSI Design★ 2 24 8 2 004

04044402固体电子器件★‖Solid-State Electronic Devices★

2 32 2 004

04023003 固体物理‖Solid State Physics 2.5 40 2.5 004

04053501 光子学基础‖Fundamentals of Photonics 2.5 40 2.5 004

04023701 集成电路课程设计*‖IC Course Design* 2 80 2 004

04053601微电子化学技术基础‖Fundamentals ofMicroelectronic Chemistry Technology

2 32 2 004

04024502 微电子机械系统应用‖Mems Application 2.5 40 2.5 004

04023102先进半导体材料★‖Advanced SemiconductorMaterials★

3 48 3 004

04050203真空镀膜技术‖Vacuum Film DepositionTechnology

2.5 40 2.5 004


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

04036602 DSP 应用技术‖Application Techniques of DSP 2 32 2 004

04051002 固体光学‖Solid-State Optics 2 32 2 004

04053301光电传感器应用技术‖Photoelectric SensorsApplication

2 32 2 004

04023302光电检测原理与技术‖Principles andTechniques of Optoelectronic Detection

2 32 2 004

04043102光电信号处理‖Optoelectronic SignalProcessing

2 32 2 004

04023604 光电子器件‖Optoelectronic Devices 2 32 2 004

04025105激光技术及应用‖Laser Technology andApplication

2 32 2 004

04060501集成光学及应用‖Integrated Optics andApplications

2 32 2 004

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

04053701 计算微电子学‖Computational Microelectronics 2 32 2 004

04060401量子力学基础‖Fundamentals of QuantumMechanics

2 32 2 004

04056201 模拟集成电路设计‖Analog IC Design 2 32 2 004

04024101 片上系统设计‖SOC Design 2 32 2 004

04060601微 电 子 工 艺 简 介 ‖ Introduction toMicroelectronic Techniques

2 32 2 004

04055301文 献 检 索 概 论 ‖ Introduction to LiteratureSurvey

1 16 1 004

04038501学科前沿系列讲座‖ Lectures on Frontiers ofthe Discipline

1 16 1 004

必修课程汇总‖‖Compulsory Courses Total 156 1766 1650 24.5 22.5 24.5 21.5 19.5 16.5 10 17

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

28 448 1 6 6 15

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



本专业是国内首批建立的国防军工特色专业之一,为国防重点专业,2011 年获批教育部“卓越工程师

教育培养”试点专业。本专业拥有优良的实验室环境和高性能的实验仪器装置,2012 年获批工业和信息化


































南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表






















本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 170 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Detection, Guidance and Control Technology


Detection, Guidance and Control Technology is one of the earliest established key defense and military

industry majors. It specializes in radio detection, target tracking and recognition, electromechanical system

control, jamming and anti-jamming. It offers bachelor, master and doctor degrees.

Students will have solid foundation and professional knowledge in target tracking and recognition,

information sensing and obtaining, electromechanical system control, system design and integration, computer

and communication. Graduates are expected to be involved in the jobs of the research, design, fabrication and

management for radio detecting system, modulation/demodulation, signal processor and controller, etc.

Ⅱ. Objectives

Students are cultivated to have the basic principle and knowledge of detection guidance and control

technology, to be qualified to design, construct, manage, and maintain the most advanced defense weapons and

electronic information. They are expected to qualify for both military and civilian work in the areas of

communication, radar, automatic control, signal and information processing.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students will study the basic theories and principles in target tracking and recognition, information sensing

and obtaining, electromechanical system control, system design and integration, computer and communication.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1.Have a good understanding in humanities and social sciences, social responsibility and professional ethics;

2.Equip with basic knowledge of mathematics, natural science, economics and management for


3.Grasp the fundamental knowledge of high and low frequency electronic circuits, signal and system, digital

signal processing, electromagnetic field and wave, radio frequency and microwave technology, computer

technology, sensor signal conditioning, etc.;

4.Have study experience in system engineering, and ability to master basic knowledge of target tracking and

recognition, information sensing and obtaining, system control, system design and integration, computer and


5.Have the awareness of innovation and sustainable development; equip with basic economic,

environmental, legal, safety, health, ethics skills to solve engineering problems;

6.Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

7.Understand the laws and regulations regarding production, design, research and development in the

profession and industry of detection, guidance and control technology;

8.Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working;

9.Have self-learning ability and social adaptability;

10.Have global vision, and ability of cross-cultural communication, competition and cooperation.

Ⅳ. Length of Program and Degree

Standard school system: 4 years

The limitation of education time: 3 to 6 years

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Degree: Bachelor Degree of Engineering

Ⅴ.Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading discipline: Information and Communication Engineering

Inter-discipline: Electronic Science and Technique, Mechanical Engineering, System Engineering

Ⅵ. Core courses

Analog Electric Circuit, Digital Logic Electric Circuit, Signal and System, Digital Signal Processing,

Electromagnetic Field and Wave, Microcomputer Principle and Application, Radio Detecting System,Guidance

and Control Technology, Sensor Signal Processing, Electronic Countermeasures, etc.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Metalworking Practice, Electronics Practice, Comprehensive Experimentation, Course

Design, Scientific Research Training, Graduation Design, Graduation Practice, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 170 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


探测制导与控制技术专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Detection Guidance and Control Technology


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++ 程 序 设 计 ‖ C++ ProgrammingDesign

4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

11024001 工程数学‖Engineering Mathematics 4 64 4 013

05021705 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 2 26 6 2 001

11031201 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2.5 40 2.5 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

04140002EDA 设计(Ⅰ)*‖Electronic Design Automation(Ⅰ)*

1 40 1 004

04240002EDA 设计(Ⅱ)‖Electronic Design Automation(Ⅱ)

1 40 1 004

04060101半 导 体 器 件 基 础 ‖ Semiconductor DeviceFundamental

2 32 2 004

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

04021301电磁场与电磁波‖Electromagnetic Fields andWaves

3 44 4 3 004

04137001电工电子综合实验(Ⅰ)‖ Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅰ)

0.5 20 0.5 004

04237001电工电子综合实验(Ⅱ)*‖Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅱ)*

1.5 60 1.5 004

10022104 电路‖Circuits 4.5 64 8 4.5 004

04021902电子电路综合设计‖Comprehensive Design ofElectronic Circuits

2 80 2 004

04033902 电子工艺实习‖Electronics Training 2 80 2 022

11022502 概率与过程‖Probability and Stochastic Process 4.5 72 4.5 013

04022502高 频 电 子 线 路 ‖ High-Frequency ElectronicCircuit

3 48 3 004

04055601高 频 电 子 线 路 综 合 实 验 ‖ ComprehensiveExperiment of High-Frequency Electronic Circuits

1 40 1 004

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

10025404控 制 工 程 基 础 ‖ Control EngineeringFundamentals

2 32 2 010

04026801 模拟电子线路‖Analog Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

04026302 数字逻辑电路‖Digital Logic Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

04027705 数字信号处理★‖Digital Signal Processing★ 3.5 48 8 3.5 004

04030002微机原理与应用‖Principle and Application ofMicrocomputer

3 48 3 004

04039702微机原理与应用综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment in Principle and Application ofMicrocomputer

1 40 1 004

04052801无线电射频电路理论★‖RF/Microwave CircuitTheory★

2 32 2 004

04030803 信号与系统★‖Signals and Systems★ 4.5 64 8 4.5 004

必修课程·专业方向课 【除公共部分外,任选一组修读】

Compulsory Course·Specialized Course(Choose one group, besides the general courses)

04042101 电子对抗‖Electronic Countermeasure 2 32 2 004

04030204无线 电近 程探 测系 统‖ Short-Range RadioDetection System

2 32 2 004

04038501学科前沿系列讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofthe Discipline*

1 16 1 004

04042902陀 螺 与 惯 性 技 术 ‖ Gyroscope and InertialTechnology

2 32 2 004

04038303制 导 与 控 制 技 术 ‖ Guidance and ControlTechnology

2 32 2 004

04055101近 程 目 标 探 测 原 理 ‖ Short-Range TargetDetection Principle

2 32 2 004

04038602探测制导课程设计‖ Detection, Guidance andControl Technology Course Design

1 40 1 004

04040501探测制导与控制综合实验*‖ Detection,Guidance and Control TechnologyComprehensive Experiments*

1 40 1 004

04052701无线电射频系统综合实验*‖ RF SystemComprehensive Experiments*

1 40 1 004

04032406 毕业设计‖Graduation Project


14 560 14 004

04032506 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 004

04038403传 感 器 信 号 处 理 ★ ‖ Sensor SignalProcessing★

1.5 24 1.5 004

04032496 毕业设计‖Graduation ProjectⅡ(卓工)

14 560 14 004

04032596 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 004

04056501 无线电工程‖Radio Engineering 2 32 2 004

23020503 电 子 信 息 工 程 综 合 实 习 ‖ 2 80 2 022

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

Comprehensive practice of electronic andInformation Engineering


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

04038403 传感器信号处理★‖Sensor Signal Processing★ 1.5 24 1.5 004

04021201单片机原理与应用‖Microcontroller Theoryand Application

2 24 8 2 004

04021502 电视原理‖Principles of Television 2 22 10 2 004

04050701宽带数字接收技术‖Wideband Digital ReceivingTechnology

2 32 2 004

04051901软件无线电基础‖ Introduction to SoftwareRadio

2 32 2 004

04054901射频电路仿真与设计‖Simulation and Designfor RF Circuits

2 32 2 004

04028002天 线 与 电 波 传 播 ★ ‖ Antennas and WavePropagation★

2 32 2 004

04028303 通信原理‖Principles of Communications 2 32 2 004

04055301文 献 检 索 概 论 ‖ Introduction to LiteratureSurvey

1 16 1 004

04055201 无线电测量技术‖Radio Detection Technology 2 32 2 004

04051801无 线 定 位 导 航 理 论 与 技 术 ‖ Theory andTechnology of Wireless Navigation

2 32 2 004

04052601 现代雷达新技术‖Modern Radar Technology 2 32 2 004

04042203信息保密与安全技术‖ Confidentiality andSecurity of Information Technology

2 32 2 004

04044302信息对抗导论‖ Introduction to InformationCountermeasure

1.5 24 1.5 004

方向 I 组:必修课程汇总

Group I:Compulsory Courses Total156 1734 1730 24.5 22.5 24.5 21.5 20 12 14 17

方向 II 组:必修课程汇总

Group II:Compulsory Courses Total158.5 1744 18100 24.5 22.5 24.5 21.5 20 12.5 14 19

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

26.5 406 18 1 2 11.5 12

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




的实验仪器装置,2002 年获批工业和信息化部“电子信息实验教学示范中心”。在无线电对抗、信息保密






能力强和工作作风踏实等特点。学生主要学习电子对抗、信息保密与安全技术、BD/GPS 原理及应用、计算




























南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表





















本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 170 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Information Countermeasure Technology

Ⅰ. Introduction

Information Countermeasure Technology is one of the earliest established key defense and military industry

majors. It specializes in radio Countermeasure, information security and safety. It offers bachelor, master and

doctor degrees.

Students will have solid foundation and professional knowledge in electronic Countermeasure, information

maintain secrecy and security, BD/GPS principle and application, computer and communication,system design

and integration, radar receiver/transmitter, modulation/demodulation, signal processing, network security,

information encryption and decryption, etc.

Ⅱ. Objectives

Students are cultivated to have the basic principle and knowledge of information countermeasure

technology, to be qualified to design, construct, manage, and maintain the most advanced defense weapons and

information countermeasure. They are expected to qualify for both military and civilian work in the areas of radar,

interference and anti-interference of electronic system, network security, information encryption and decryption.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students will study the basic theories and principles in information obtaining and processing, information

security and encryption, electronic Countermeasure, system design and integration, computer and


Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good understanding in humanities and social sciences, social responsibility and professional ethics;

2. Equip with basic knowledge of mathematics, natural science, economics and management for


3. Grasp the fundamental knowledge of high and low frequency electronic circuits, signal and system, digital

signal processing, electromagnetic field and wave, radio frequency and microwave techniques, computer

techniques, information security and encryption etc.;

4. Have study experience in system engineering, and ability to master basic knowledge of information

acquisition and processing, information security and encryption, electronic warfare, and information integrated

design, computer and communication;

5. Have the awareness of innovation and sustainable development; equip with basic economic,

environmental, legal, safety, health, ethics skills to solve engineering problems;

6. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

7. Understand the laws and regulations regarding production, design, research and development in the

profession and industry of information countermeasure technology;

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working;

9. Have self-learning ability and social adaptability;

10. Have global vision, and ability of cross-cultural communication, competition and cooperation.

Ⅳ. Length of Program and Degree

Standard school system: 4 years

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


The limitation of education time: 3 to 6 years

Degree: Bachelor Degree of Engineering

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Main discipline: Information and Communication Engineering

Inter-discipline: Computer Science and Technology, Electronic Science and Technique, System Engineering

Ⅵ. Core courses

Circuit Analysis, Analog Electric Circuit, Digital Logic Electric Circuit, Signal and System, Digital Signal

Processing, Electromagnetic Field and Electromagnetic Wave, Radio Frequency and Microwave Circuit, Computer

Technique Series Courses, Control Engineering Foundation, Electronic Countermeasure, Information Maintain

Secrecy and Security, etc.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Metalworking Practice, Electronics Practice, Comprehensive Experimentation, Course

Design, Scientific Research Training, Graduation Design, Graduation Practice, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 170 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


信息对抗技术专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Information Countermeasures Technology


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++ 程 序 设 计 ‖ C++ ProgrammingDesign

4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

11024001 工程数学‖Engineering Mathematics 4 64 4 013

05021705 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 2 26 6 2 001

11031201 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2.5 40 2.5 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

04140002EDA 设计(Ⅰ)*‖Electronic Design Automation(Ⅰ)*

1 40 1 004

04240002EDA 设计(Ⅱ)‖Electronic Design Automation(Ⅱ)

1 40 1 004

04060101半 导 体 器 件 基 础 ‖ Semiconductor DeviceFundamental

2 32 2 004

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

04021301电磁场与电磁波‖Electromagnetic Fields andWaves

3 44 4 3 004

04137001电工电子综合实验(Ⅰ)‖ Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅰ)

0.5 20 0.5 004

04237001电工电子综合实验(Ⅱ)*‖Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅱ)*

1.5 60 1.5 004

10022104 电路‖Circuits 4.5 64 8 4.5 004

04021902电子电路综合设计‖Comprehensive Design ofElectronic Circuits

2 80 2 004

04033902 电子工艺实习‖Electronics Training 2 80 2 022

11022502 概率与过程‖Probability and Stochastic Process 4.5 72 4.5 013

04022502高 频 电 子 线 路 ‖ High-Frequency ElectronicCircuit

3 48 3 004

04055601高 频 电 子 线 路 综 合 实 验 ‖ ComprehensiveExperiment of High-Frequency Electronic Circuits

1 40 1 004

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

10025404控 制 工 程 基 础 ‖ Control EngineeringFundamentals

2 32 2 010

04026801 模拟电子线路‖Analog Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

04026302 数字逻辑电路‖Digital Logic Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

04027705 数字信号处理★‖Digital Signal Processing★ 3.5 48 8 3.5 004

04030002微机原理与应用‖Principle and Application ofMicrocomputer

3 48 3 004

04039702微机原理与应用综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment in Principle and Application ofMicrocomputer

1 40 1 004

04052801无线电射频电路理论★‖RF/Microwave CircuitTheory★

2 32 2 004

04030803 信号与系统★‖Signals and Systems★ 4.5 64 8 4.5 004


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

04055401BDS/GPS 原 理 及 应 用 ‖ Principles andApplications of BDS/GPS

2 32 2 004

04032407 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 004

04032507 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 004

04042101 电子对抗‖Electronic Countermeasure 2 32 2 004

04050701宽带数字接收技术‖Wideband Digital ReceivingTechnology

2 32 2 004

04041902雷 达 技 术 及 应 用 ‖ Radar Technology andApplications

3 48 3 004

04052701无 线 电 射 频 系 统 综 合 实 验 ‖ RF SystemComprehensive Experiments

1 40 1 004

04042203信息保密与安全技术‖ Confidentiality andSecurity of Information Technology

2 32 2 004

04044302信息对抗导论‖ Introduction to InformationCountermeasure

1.5 24 1.5 004

04040601信 息 对 抗 技 术 综 合 实 验 * ‖ InformationCountermeasure Technology ComprehensiveExperiment*

1 40 1 004

04039502信 息 对 抗 课 程 设 计 ‖ InformationCountermeasures Technology Project

1 40 1 004


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

04036602 DSP 应用技术‖Application Techniques of DSP 2 32 2 004

04038403 传感器信号处理★‖Sensor Signal Processing★ 1.5 24 1.5 004

04021201单片机原理与应用‖Microcontroller Theoryand Application

2 24 8 2 004

南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

04021502 电视原理‖Principles of Television 2 22 10 2 004

04051901软件无线电基础‖ Introduction to SoftwareRadio

2 32 2 004

04055501射频电路 ADS 仿真与设计‖ADS Simulation andDesign for RF Circuit

2 17 22 2 004

04028002天 线 与 电 波 传 播 ★ ‖ Antennas and WavePropagation★

2 32 2 004

04028303 通信原理‖Principles of Communications 2 32 2 004

04055301文 献 检 索 概 论 ‖ Introduction to LiteratureSurvey

1 16 1 004

04055201 无线电测量技术‖Radio Detection Technology 2 32 2 004

04030204无线 电近 程探 测系 统‖ Short-Range RadioDetection System

2 32 2 004

04052601 现代雷达新技术‖Modern Radar Technology 2 32 2 004

04038501学科前沿系列讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofthe Discipline*

1 16 1 004

04038303制 导 与 控 制 技 术 ‖ Guidance and ControlTechnology

2 32 2 004

必修课程汇总‖‖Compulsory Courses Total 156 1734 1730 24.5 22.5 24.5 21.5 20 13 13 17

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

25.5 375 40 1 2 13.5 9

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


计算机科学与工程学院计算机科学与工程学院起源于 1953 年创办的哈尔滨军事工程学院模拟计算机研究组,先后经历了炮兵

工程学院计算机教研室(1960 年)、华东工程学院计算机科学与工程系(1979 年)等发展阶段,2005 年 12

月计算机科学与技术学院成立,2012 年 5 月改为现名。





学院现有教职工 120 余人,其中博士生导师 23 人,教授 21 人,副教授 48 人,专任教师 100 人,博士

化率达 70%。




学科)4 个硕士点,并获“985”优势学科创新平台建设工程立项支持。学院拥有 4个本科专业:计算机科

学与技术、软件工程、网络工程和智能科学与技术,在校生规模 1200 余人。




省部级项目 80 余项,合同总经费逾亿元。申请发明专利百余项,授权发明专利、软件著作权 80 余项。获

国家级、省部级科技进步奖 20 余项,其中 2009 年获得的国家自然科学二等奖实现了学校在该奖项上零的






升学率和出国率超过 40%,学生年度就业率达 99%以上。


利亚国立大学、澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学、法国矿业联盟大学等 10 多个国家 30 多个大学、研究机构

建立了密切合作关系,其中 2010 年学院与卡耐基梅隆大学机器人研究所开展的“机器人技术”硕士研究生


南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


School of Computer Science and Engineering

The School of Computer Science and Engineering originated from the Computer Analog Research Group

established in 1953 of Harbin Institute of Military Engineering. It evolved into the Computer Teaching and

Research Section of Artillery Engineering Institute in 1960, the Computer Science and Engineering Department of

East China Institute of Technology in 1979, and the School of Computer Science and Technology in December

2005, which was renamed into the current name in May 2012.

The School consists of 9 teaching and research divisions, namely the Department of Computer Science and

Technology, the Department of Software Engineering, the Department of Intelligent Science and Technology,

the Department of Digital Media Theory and Engineering, the Department of Computer Network and

Communication Technology, the Computer Science and Engineering Experimental Center, the Computer

Application Institute, the Information Processing and Security Technology Institute, and the Intelligent Robotics

Institute. We also own the Ministry-of-Education Key Laboratory of Intelligent Perception and Systems for

High-Dimensional Information, and a Provincial Key Laboratory of Social Public Safety.

The School has 120 faculty and staff at present, including 23 doctoral advisors, 21 professors, and 48

associate professors. Of the 100 faculty members, 70% own Ph.D. degrees.

The School owns a national key discipline in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems, two provincial key

disciplines in Computer Science and Technology and Software Engineering. It owns primary discipline doctoral

programs in Computer Science and Technology and Software Engineering, and a secondary discipline doctoral

program in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems and the corresponding post-doctoral work stations. It

also provides master programs in Computer Science and Technology, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems,

Software Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering. The school's programs are supported by the "985" Project

Innovation Platform. The School provides 4 undergraduate programs, namely Computer Science and Technology,

Software Engineering, Network Engineering and Intelligence Science and Technology, with 1,200 students


The School serves the critical state development demands, emphasizes on fundamental research, and is

featured with a combination of military and civilian research. The faculty have accomplished remarkable

research achievements in many fields, including Pattern Recognition Theory and Application, Intelligent Robots

and Systems, Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Computer Simulation and Virtual Reality, Artificial

Intelligence, Information Security, Remote Sensing, Intelligent Detection, etc. In the recent years, the school was

funded by national, provincial and ministry programs for more than 80 grants with total amount exceeding 100

million. There are filed over 100 patent applications, and received 80 patent authorizations. It has been awarded

more than 20 national and provincial progress prizes in Science and Technology, among which the second prize

of National Natural Science Prize in 2009 is record-breaking in our university on this award.

In recent years, the School's research achievements have been successfully transformed and applied in

finance, mobile communications, intelligent transportation and other fields, such as the automatic identification

system for the authenticity of the seal, the automatic bank check processing system, and the first proprietary

vehicle for road surface condition detection in China.

The School embraces strong academic atmosphere, showing rigorous teaching and learning styles, with

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


focus on connection between theory and practice. The quality of our graduates has been widely recognized. In

recent years, 40% undergraduate students continue for graduate study or go abroad, and the annual

employment rate upon graduation exceeds 99%.

The School has established close connections and collaborations with more than 30 universities and

research institutes from over 10 countries, including the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Illinois, the

University of Southern California, Michigan State University, Australian National University, Australia Royal

Melbourne Institute of Technology, the University of the French Union of Mining. The school has developed a

joint Graduate Program in Robotics Technology with the Robotics Institute (RI) at Carnegie Mellon University

(CMU), approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education in 2010, as the unique program with CMU-RI in Asian and

Pacific Regions.

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



计算机科学与技术专业源于 1953 年创办的哈尔滨军事工程学院模拟计算机研究组,目前是江苏省品牌

专业(2011 年)和江苏省重点专业(2012 年),具有一级学科博士学位授予权。本专业以计算机科学与技


技术实验示范中心”、省级校企合作实践中心“IT 人才实训中心”、“高维信息智能感知与系统教育部重点
































南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表

















本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 170 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Computer Science and Technology

Ⅰ. Introduction

The major of Computer Science and Technology (CST) originated from Research Group of Analog Computer

at Harbin Institute of Military Engineering in 1953. It is now recognized as both the brand specialty and key

specialty in Jiangsu province and offers bachelor, master and doctoral programs. There are plenty of teaching

experimental facilities, such as the provincial Computer science and technology experimental demonstration

center, University-enterprise cooperation IT practice center, the Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of

Intelligent Perception and systems for High-dimensional Information, and so on. Directed by the national

development and the requirements of industry and defense, this major aims to prepare students with solid

technical fundamentals, wide knowledge, innovative ability and high quality.

The major covers computer architecture, software theory, computer application, intelligent computing and

system. Featured by high performance computing, embedded system and intelligent information system, it

cultivates a large number of interdisciplinary talents in the field of computer science and technology. Graduates

are able to plan, design, develop, manage and research in computer hardware, applications and systems.

Graduates are competitive in a variety of positions, such as hardware and software design and development,

system design and analysis, IT management and technical consulting, etc.

Ⅱ. Objectives

The major is oriented by the development demands of state economy and defense industry. Students are

required to master the fundamentals in mathematics and natural sciences, and to acquire theories and

techniques of computers, networks and information systems. Graduates are capable of engaging in computer

science research, system design, development and application, and etc.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students will study the basic theories and principles in designing, developing, applying and integrating

computer and information systems.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good understanding in humanities and social sciences, social responsibility and professional ethics;

2. Equip with basic knowledge of mathematics, natural science, economics and management for electronic

information engineering;

3. Grasp the fundamental knowledge of computer architecture, software and theory, applications,

information security and so on, and understand the cutting edge and development trend of computer science

and technology;

4. Have study experience in engineering, and ability to design and implement experiments of computer

technology and application, and be able to analyze the results; engage in computer application research,

development and maintenance;

5. Have the awareness of innovation and sustainable development; integrate and apply the theoretical

techniques for the design, development and analysis of computer systems with referring to economy,

environment, law, safety, health, ethics and other constraints;

6. Master the basic methods of information retrieval and query;

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


7. Understand the laws and regulations regarding production, design, research and development in the

profession and industry of computer science and technology;

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, social skills, and team working;

9. Have self-learning ability and social adaptability.

10. Have global vision, and ability of cross-cultural communication, cooperation and competition.

Ⅳ. Length of Program and Degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of engineering

Ⅴ. The leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

leading discipline: Computer Science and Technology

interdisciplinary subjects: Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System, Software Engineering

Ⅵ. Core courses

Discrete Mathematics, Data Structure, Principles of Computer Organization, Database, Computer Networks,

Operating System, Compiler Principle, Computer Logics, Embedded System, Fundamentals of Computer

Programming (I, II), Object-oriented Programming

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching sessions

Military Training, C++ Course Project, Software Design Project (I, II, III), Hardware Design Project (I, II),

Graduation Practice, Graduation Project, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 170 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


计算机科学与技术专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Computer Science and Technology


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

10033801 电路‖Circuits 3 40 8 3 004

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021705 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 2 26 6 2 001

04044501 模拟电子线路‖Analog Circuits 3 40 8 3 004

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

06031601 C++课程设计*‖C++ Course Design* 2 80 2 006

06021904 编译原理‖Compiler Principles 2.5 40 2.5 006

06022005 操作系统‖Operating Systems 2 32 2 006

06131501程序设计基础(Ⅰ)‖Fundamentals ofProgramming Design (Ⅰ)

4 48 16 4 006

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

06231501程序设计基础(Ⅱ)‖Fundamentals ofProgramming Design (Ⅱ)

2 24 8 2 006

06030702计算机逻辑基础‖Fundamentals of ComputerLogic

3.5 48 8 3.5 006

06020102 计算机网络‖Computer Networks 3 40 8 3 006

06020802计算机组成原理‖Principles of ComputerOrganization

4.5 64 8 4.5 006

06022105 离散数学‖Discrete Mathematics 4.5 72 4.5 006


2 24 8 2 006

06027002 嵌入式系统‖Embedded Systems 2.5 32 8 2.5 006

06125403软件课程设计(Ⅰ)*‖Software CourseDesign(Ⅰ)*

1 40 1 006

06225403软件课程设计(Ⅱ)‖Software CourseDesign(Ⅱ)

1 40 1 006

06325403软件课程设计(Ⅲ)‖Software CourseDesign(Ⅲ)

1 40 1 006

06022404 数据结构‖Data Structures 3 40 8 3 006

06022507 数据库基础‖Database Fundamentals 3 40 8 3 006

06023102算法设计与分析‖Design and Analysis ofAlgorithms

2 26 6 2 006

06125303硬件课程设计(Ⅰ)*‖Hardware CourseDesign(Ⅰ)*

1.5 60 1.5 006

06225303硬件课程设计(Ⅱ)‖Hardware CourseDesign(Ⅱ)

1.5 60 1.5 006

必修课程·专业方向课 【除公共部分外,任选一组修读】

Compulsory Course·Specialized Course(Choose one group, besides the general courses)

06025203 计算机系统结构‖Computer Architecture 3 40 8 3 006

06022201软件工程与方法学‖Software Engineering andMethodology

2.5 32 8 2.5 006

06031101智能计算技术‖Intelligent ComputingTechnology

3 40 8 3 006

06020201 毕业设计‖Graduation Project

14 560 14 006

06021101 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 3 120 3 006

06031201高级数据库技术‖Advanced DatabaseTechnology

2 32 2 006

06031301高效能计算引论‖Introduction to HighPerformance Computing

2 32 2 006

06029202人机交互技术★‖Human ComputerInteraction★

3 48 3 006

06020291 毕业设计‖Graduation Project


14 560 14 006

06021191 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 3 120 3 006

06132901高级数据库基础‖ Advanced DatabaseFundamentals

2 22 10 2 006

06232901高级数据库应用‖ Advanced DatabaseApplication

2 80 2 006

06032801 云计算‖Cloud Computing 2 28 4 2 006

06033001UNIX 操作系统基础‖Fundamentals ofUNIX Operating System

2 20 12 2 006

06033201移动互联网业务平台及应用‖MobileInternet Business Platform andApplications

2 24 8 2 006


Theories and Techniques on ProfessionalQualities and Skills

2 32 2 006

06032701移动应用开发技术‖Mobile ApplicationDevelopment Technology

2 80 2 006

23020503 电子信息工程综合实习‖ 2 2 022

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

Comprehensive practice of electronic andInformation Engineering

06032701WEB服务技术与应用开发‖Web ServiceTechnology and Application Development

2 80 2 006


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

06027801J2EE 实用基础‖Fundamentals of J2EEApplications

2 24 8 2 006

06023502TCP&IP 原理与技术‖TCP/IP Principles andTechniques

2 32 2 006

06029903WEB技术与应用‖Web Techniques andApplications

2 24 8 2 006

06026901操作系统核心技术‖Kernels of OperatingSystem

2 32 2 006

06022801 计算机仿真‖Computer Simulation 2 26 6 2 006

06020405 媒体计算技术‖Media Computing Technology 2 32 2 006

06027301 软件测试技术‖Software Testing Techniques 2 24 8 2 006

06023201 数字图像处理‖Digital Image Processing 2 26 6 2 006

06028301 网络编程技术‖Network Programming 2 24 8 2 006

06021403微机系统与接口技术‖Micro-ComputerSystems and Interface Technology

3.5 48 8 3.5 006

06030101信息安全技术及应用‖Techniques andApplications in Information Security

2 32 2 006

方向 I 组:必修课程汇总

Group I:Compulsory Courses Total150 1700 1476 27.5 24 26.5 17.5 12.5 13.5 14.5 14

方向 II 组:必修课程汇总

Group II:Compulsory Courses Total161 1714 1828 27.5 24 26.5 17.5 13.5 19.5 16.5 16

选修课程汇总‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

23.5 572 116 4 6 7.5 4 2

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




1998 年组建通信工程专业,于 2003 年获得教育部批准设置网络工程专业。本专业依托国家重点学科“模式


































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离散数学、操作系统、数据结构、程序设计基础(I、II)、计算机网络、TCP/IP 原理与技术、信息安全





本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 173 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Network EngineeringⅠ. Introduction

Network Engineering originated from the Research Group of Analog Computer at Harbin Institute of Military

Engineering in 1953. It evolved into the Computer Network and Communication program in 1991 and the

Communication Engineering program in 1998, and was formally established in 2003 with approval from the

Ministry of Education. The major is based on the national key discipline Pattern Recognition and Intelligent

Systems, the provincial key discipline Computer Application Technology, and the two primary discipline doctoral

sites in Computer Science and Technology and Software Engineering.

With the objectives of "broad subject, solid knowledge, strong capability, and high quality", the major

curriculum is designed with the basis in Computer Science and Technology, and a combination of Network

Communication, Information Security and Network Application. The major is featured in the two areas of Future

Network Techniques and Network and Public Information Security. Talents of advanced engineering and

technology are able to apply their knowledge and skills in network communication and network information

security on planning, design, development, management and research of network and information security

products and applications. Graduates are qualified to engage in research, design, education, application,

management of network devices, network protocols, network security, network engineering planning, and

network application system in governments, research institutes, enterprises, and high-tech industrial companies.

Ⅱ. Objectives

Oriented by the development demands of state economy and defense industry, the major aims at

cultivating students to be capable of analyzing and resolving problems in these areas of computer science,

computer software and hardware system, computer applications, network communication and information

security. Graduates are qualified for computer science and network communication related jobs in governments,

research institutes, enterprises, high-tech companies, and for tasks of research, design, development, education,

industrial application in related areas including computer system, network devices, network protocols, network

information security, network engineering planning, and network application system.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to obtain basic knowledge of natural sciences, humanities and social sciences,

fundamental theories of computer science and software engineering, and fundamental capabilities and

preliminary experience in network development. Basic practice in communication engineering is also necessary.

Professional competence and engineering qualification are of great importance as well.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good understanding in humanities and social sciences, social responsibility and professional ethics;

2. Equip with basic knowledge of mathematics, natural science, economics and management for computer and

network application engineering;3. Grasp the fundamental knowledge of engineering, computer science and technology, network

communication and information security, engineering thoughts, methods and typical approaches, good and

systematic experience in engineering practice; be familiar with computer science development trend and frontier;

4. Possess the capability of using varieties of software/hardware in computer and network application

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


engineering, designing and implementing computer-related experiments, analysis skills of experiment results,

computer application system design, development and maintenance;

5. Have the awareness of innovation and sustainable development; integrate and apply the theoretical

techniques for system design, development and analysis in computer science and network technology with referring

to economy, environment, law, safety, health, ethics and other constraints;

6. Master the basic methods of information retrieval and query;

7. Understand the laws and regulations regarding production, design, research and development in the

profession and industry of network engineering;

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, social skills, and teamworking;

9. Have self-learning ability and social adaptability.

10. Have global vision, and ability of cross-cultural communication, cooperation and competition.

Ⅳ. Length of Program and Degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of engineering

Ⅴ. The leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjectsleading discipline: Computer Science and Technology, Communication Engineering

interdisciplinary subjects: Software Engineering

Ⅵ. Core coursesDiscrete Mathematics, Operating Systems, Data Structures, Fundamentals of Computer Programming (I, II),

Computer Networks, TCP/IP Principles and Techniques, Fundamentals and Applications in Information Security,

Principles of Data Communication, Computer Network Organization Theory, Network Programming.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching sessionsMilitary Training, C++ Course Project, Software Design Project (I, II, III), Hardware Design Project (I, II),

Graduation Practice, Graduation Project, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 173 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


网络工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Network Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

10033801 电路‖Circuits 3 40 8 3 004

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021705 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 2 26 6 2 001

04044501 模拟电子线路‖Analog Circuits 3 40 8 3 004

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

06031601 C++课程设计*‖C++ Course Design* 2 80 2 006

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

06021904 编译原理‖Compiler Principles 2.5 40 2.5 006

06022005 操作系统‖Operating Systems 2 32 2 006

06131501程 序 设 计 基 础 ( Ⅰ ) ‖ Fundamentals ofProgramming Design (Ⅰ)

4 48 16 4 006

06231501程 序 设 计 基 础 ( Ⅱ ) ‖ Fundamentals ofProgramming Design (Ⅱ)

2 24 8 2 006

06030702计算机逻辑基础‖Fundamentals of ComputerLogic

3.5 48 8 3.5 006

06020102 计算机网络‖Computer Networks 3 40 8 3 006

06020802计 算 机 组 成 原 理 ‖ Principles of ComputerOrganization

4.5 64 8 4.5 006

06022105 离散数学‖Discrete Mathematics 4.5 72 4.5 006

06031401面 向 对 象 编 程 技 术 ‖ Object-OrientedProgramming

2 24 8 2 006

06125403软件课程设计(Ⅰ)*‖ Software CourseDesign(Ⅰ)*

1 40 1 006

06225403软 件 课 程 设 计 ( Ⅱ ) ‖ Software CourseDesign(Ⅱ)

1 40 1 006

06325403软 件 课 程 设 计 ( Ⅲ ) ‖ Software CourseDesign(Ⅲ)

1 40 1 006

06022404 数据结构‖Data Structures 3 40 8 3 006

06022507 数据库基础‖Database Fundamentals 3 40 8 3 006

06024303数 据 通 信 原 理 ‖ Principles of DataCommunication

2 32 2 006

06023102算 法 设 计 与 分 析 ‖ Design and Analysis ofAlgorithms

2 26 6 2 006

06125303硬件课程设计(Ⅰ)*‖Hardware CourseDesign(Ⅰ)*

1.5 60 1.5 006

06225303硬 件 课 程 设 计 ( Ⅱ ) ‖ Hardware CourseDesign(Ⅱ)

1.5 60 1.5 006

必修课程·专业方向课 【除公共部分外,任选一组修读】

Compulsory Course·Specialized Course(Choose one group, besides the general courses)

06023502TCP&IP 原 理 与 技 术 ‖ TCP/IP Principles andTechniques

2 32 2 006

06026101计算机网络综合实验‖ Computer NetworkComprehensive Experiments

2 80 2 006

06025702计算机网络组网原理‖ Computer NetworkOrganization Theory

2.5 24 16 2.5 006

06020203 毕业设计‖Graduation Project


14 560 14 006

06021103 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 3 120 3 006

06027002 嵌入式系统‖Embedded Systems 2.5 32 8 2.5 006

06022201软 件 工 程 与 方 法 学 ‖ SoftwareEngineering and Methodology

2.5 32 8 2.5 006

06028302 网络编程技术‖Network Programming 4 48 16 4 006

06030103信息安全基础及应用‖Fundamentals andApplications in Information Security

3.5 48 8 3.5 006

06020293 毕业设计‖Graduation Project


14 560 14 006

06021193 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 3 120 3 006

06022201软 件 工 程 与 方 法 学 ‖ SoftwareEngineering and Methodology

2.5 32 8 2.5 006

06028302 网络编程技术‖Network Programming 4 48 16 4 006

06030103信息安全基础及应用‖Fundamentals andApplications in Information Security

3.5 48 8 3.5 006

06033302Java 核心技术与应用开发‖ Java CoreTechnologies and Application Development

2.5 100 2.5 006

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

06033201移动互联网业务平台及应用‖MobileInternet Business Platform andApplications

2 24 8 2 006

06032701移动应用开发技术‖Mobile ApplicationDevelopment Technology

2 80 2 006

06032801 云计算‖Cloud Computing 2 28 4 2 006


Theories and Techniques on ProfessionalQualities and Skills

2 32 2 006


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

06027801J2EE 实 用 基 础 ‖ Fundamentals of J2EEApplications

2 24 8 2 006

06029903WEB 技 术 与 应 用 ‖ Web Techniques andApplications

2 24 8 2 006

06032501恶意代码分析与检测‖Malware Analysis andDetection

2 24 8 2 006

06028401计 算 机 网 络 管 理 ‖ Computer NetworkManagement

2 28 4 2 006

06025203 计算机系统结构‖Computer Architecture 3 40 8 3 006

06032601数据恢复与计算机取证‖Data Recovery andComputer forensics

2 24 8 2 006

06029802 通信系统‖Communication Systems 2 24 8 2 006

06032401 网络仿真技术‖Network Simulation 2 24 8 2 006

06030501网 络 攻 防 原 理 与 应 用 ‖ Network DefensePrinciples and Applications

2 24 8 2 006

06029903WEB 技 术 与 应 用 ‖ Web Techniques andApplications

2 24 8 2 006

06021403微 机 系 统 与 接 口 技 术 ‖ Micro-ComputerSystems and Interface Technology

3.5 48 8 3.5 006

06029002无线网络与移动通信‖Wireless Network andMobile Communication

2 32 2 006

06028501 现代交换原理‖Modern Switching Theory 2 32 2 006

方向 I 组:必修课程汇总

Group I:Compulsory Courses Total153 1692 1580 27.5 24 26.5 17.5 18 12 13.5 14

方向 II 组:必修课程汇总

Group II:Compulsory Courses Total161 1744 1784 27.5 24 26.5 17.5 22 11.5 16 16

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

26.5 596 140 4 2 12.5 8 0

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



本专业源于 1953 年创办的哈尔滨军事工程学院模拟计算机研究组,目前具有一级学科博士学位授予权。


算机科学与技术实验示范中心”、省级校企合作实践中心“IT 人才实训中心”、“高维信息智能感知与系统教



















毕业生应具备以下 10 方面的能力:














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本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 170.5 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Software EngineeringⅠ. Introduction

Software Engineering (SE) major originated from Research Group of Analog Computer at Harbin Institute of

Military Engineering in 1953. At present it has the right to grant the primary discipline doctoral degree. This

major is based on software engineering discipline, with the orientation of industry and national defense

construction, relying on the Computer Science and Technology Experiment Demonstration Center at the

provincial level, provincial university-enterprise cooperation practice center IT Talents Training Center, the

Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Intelligent Perception and systems for High-dimensional Information and

other teaching experiment platforms and excellent national and provincial teaching teams. It attaches significant

importance to cultivate the students with firm and wide knowledge, high qualification, innovative spirit and so


Students are well qualified to engage in the industry of software development and application. Involving in

programming language, database, software development tools, system platforms, and design patterns, the

major is featured to research systematic application, regulation and quantified procedural method to develop

and maintain software. It has cultivated a large quantity of students equipped with advanced software

development and process management technologies. Graduates will work in software companies, enterprises

and institutions, universities, research institutes, and administrative agencies to do research, developing,

designing, education, and management work.

Ⅱ. Objectives

The major is oriented by the development demands of state economy and defense industry. Students are

required to master the fundamentals in mathematics and natural sciences, and to acquire theories and

techniques of software development and program management. Graduates are capable of engaging in software

engineering technology research, software design, development and testing, program management, and service,


Ⅲ. Requirements

Students will study the basic theories and principles in designing, developing, applying computer software.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good understanding in humanities and social sciences, social responsibility and professional ethics;

2. Equip with basic knowledge of mathematics, natural science, economics and management for software


3. Grasp the fundamental knowledge of computer software and software engineering, engage in systematic

engineering practice, have a clear understanding of the development trend of software engineering and

cutting-edge technology;

4. Gain the ability to use varieties of usual methods, techniques, and tools in software engineering, solve

problems of complexity in software engineering methods, analyze the experimental results, conduct systematic

software research, development and maintenance work;

5. Have the awareness of innovation and sustainable development; integrate and apply the theoretical

techniques for the design, development and analysis of computer software with referring to economy, environment,

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


law, safety, health, ethics and other constraints;

6. Master the basic methods of information retrieval and query;

7. Understand the laws and regulations regarding production, design, research and development in the

profession and industry of computer software engineering;

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, social skills, and teamworking;

9. Have self-learning ability and social adaptability.

10. Have global vision, and ability of cross-cultural communication, cooperation and competition.

Ⅳ. Length of Program and Degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of engineering

Ⅴ. The leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjectsleading discipline: Software Engineering

interdisciplinary subjects: Computer Science and Technology, Intelligent Science and Technology, Network


Ⅵ. Core coursesDiscrete Mathematics, Data Structure, Algorithm Design and Analysis, Database Foundation, Operating System,

Compiler Principle, Object-oriented Programming Technology, Software Modeling Technology, Software Testing

Technology, Software Design Patterns, Software Architecture.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching sessionsMilitary Training, C++ Course Project, Software Design Project (I, II, III), Hardware Design Project (I, II),

Graduation Practice, Graduation Project, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 170.5 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all

the compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


软件工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Software Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

10033801 电路‖Circuits 3 40 8 3 004

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021705 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 2 26 6 2 001

04044501 模拟电子线路‖Analog Circuits 3 40 8 3 004

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

06031601 C++课程设计*‖C++ Course Design* 2 80 2 006

06021904 编译原理‖Compiler Principles 2.5 40 2.5 006

06022005 操作系统‖Operating Systems 2 32 2 006

06131501程 序 设 计 基 础 ( Ⅰ ) ‖ Fundamentals ofProgramming Design (Ⅰ)

4 48 16 4 006

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

06231501程 序 设 计 基 础 ( Ⅱ ) ‖ Fundamentals ofProgramming Design (Ⅱ)

2 24 8 2 006

06030702计算机逻辑基础‖Fundamentals of ComputerLogic

3.5 48 8 3.5 006

06020102 计算机网络‖Computer Networks 3 40 8 3 006

06020802计 算 机 组 成 原 理 ‖ Principles of ComputerOrganization

4.5 64 8 4.5 006

06022105 离散数学‖Discrete Mathematics 4.5 72 4.5 006

06031401面 向 对 象 编 程 技 术 ‖ Object-OrientedProgramming

2 24 8 2 006

06027002 嵌入式系统‖Embedded Systems 2.5 32 8 2.5 006

06125403软件课程设计(Ⅰ)*‖ Software CourseDesign(Ⅰ)*

1 40 1 006

06225403软 件 课 程 设 计 ( Ⅱ ) ‖ Software CourseDesign(Ⅱ)

1 40 1 006

06325403软 件 课 程 设 计 ( Ⅲ ) ‖ Software CourseDesign(Ⅲ)

1 40 1 006

06022404 数据结构‖Data Structures 3 40 8 3 006

06022507 数据库基础‖Database Fundamentals 3 40 8 3 006

06023102算 法 设 计 与 分 析 ‖ Design and Analysis ofAlgorithms

2 26 6 2 006

06125303硬件课程设计(Ⅰ)*‖Hardware CourseDesign(Ⅰ)*

1.5 60 1.5 006

06225303硬 件 课 程 设 计 ( Ⅱ ) ‖ Hardware CourseDesign(Ⅱ)

1.5 60 1.5 006

必修课程·专业方向课 【除公共部分外,任选一组修读】

Compulsory Course·Specialized Course(Choose one group, besides the general courses)

06027801J2EE 实 用 基 础 ‖ Fundamentals of J2EEApplications

2 24 8 2 006

06020503 分布式系统★‖Distributed Systems★ 2 32 2 006

06027301 软件测试技术‖Software Testing Techniques 2 24 8 2 006

06020204 毕业设计‖Graduation Project


14 560 14 006

06021104 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 3 120 3 006

06027402软件过程与管理‖Software Process andManagement

2 24 8 2 006

06026603软 件 建 模 技 术 ‖ Software ModelingTechniques

2 26 6 2 006

06030301 软件设计模式‖Software Design Patterns 2 24 8 2 006

06026701 软件体系结构‖Software Architecture 2 32 2 006

06027403软 件 项 目 管 理 ‖ Software ProjectManagement

2 24 8 2 006

06020294 毕业设计‖Graduation Project


14 560 14 006

06021194 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 3 120 3 006

06026603软 件 建 模 技 术 ‖ Software ModelingTechniques

2 26 6 2 006

06030301 软件设计模式‖Software Design Patterns 2 24 8 2 006

06027403软 件 项 目 管 理 ‖ Software ProjectManagement

2 24 8 2 006

06129904WEB 服务技术与应用开发‖Web ServiceTechnology and Application Development

2 80 2 006

06133601软 件 开 发 平 台 与 应 用 ‖ SoftwareDevelopment Platform and Applications

2 80 2 006

06033201移动互联网业务平台及应用‖MobileInternet Business Platform andApplications

2 24 8 2 006

06032701移动应用开发技术‖Mobile ApplicationDevelopment Technology

2 80 2 006

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

06032801 云计算‖Cloud Computing 2 28 4 2 006


Theories and Techniques on ProfessionalQualities and Skills

2 32 2 006


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

06031901 LINUX 程序设计‖Linux Programming 2 32 2 006

06023502TCP&IP 原 理 与 技 术 ‖ TCP/IP Principles andTechniques

2 32 2 006

06020405 媒体计算技术‖Media Computing Technology 2 32 2 006

06029202人机交互技术★‖Human Computer Interaction★

3 48 3 006

06032101 软件服务工程‖Software Service Engineering 2 32 2 006

06030001图形学和可视化计算‖Computer Graphics andVisualized Computing

2 24 8 2 006

06028801 网格计算技术‖Grid Computing Technology 2 32 2 006

06028301 网络编程技术‖Network Programming 2 24 8 2 006

06032201 无线网络系统‖Wireless Network System 2 32 2 006

06030101信 息 安 全 技 术 及 应 用 ‖ Techniques andApplications in Information Security

2 32 2 006

06032301 云数据管理‖Cloud Data Management 2 32 2 006

方向 I 组:必修课程汇总

Group I:Compulsory Courses Total150.5 1686 1498 27.5 24 26.5 19.5 13.5 14.5 11 14

方向 II 组:必修课程汇总

Group II:Compulsory Courses Total158.5 1734 1742 27.5 24 26.5 19.5 17.5 16.5 11 16

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

23 352 16 13 4 6

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




合的综合性学科。该专业于 2013 年经教育部批准而设立, 2014 年正式招生。本专业以南京理工大学的国家












生毕业后,将具有较强的国际交流和团队协作能力,毕业生可在国际一流的 IT企业、科研院所、高新技术





生应掌握智能科学的基本理论以及相关领域的设计开发技能,应具备以下 10 项能力:

















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本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 170.5 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Intelligence Science and TechnologyⅠ. Introduction

Intelligence Science and Technology (IST) is an interdisciplinary discipline of computer technology,

automation, modem sensing, electronic technology and mechanical engineering. Approved by the Ministry of

Education in 2013, the major began to enroll undergraduates in 2014. Supported by the national key discipline,

Pattern Recognition and Intelligence System, the award-winning faculty and researchers have gained remarkable

achievements in artificial intelligence related fields, and our on- and off-campus laboratories provide a

state-of-the-art computing environment for students.

The major is dedicated to fostering interdisciplinary talents with fundamental theories of information

science, intelligence science, modern science methodology, and professional knowledge of computer, artificial

intelligence, information network, and information processing. Graduates are qualified for a variety of positions,

such as information processing, intelligence product design and development in the field of electronic

administration, electronic commerce, cultural education, health service and defense.

Ⅱ. Objectives

Oriented by the development demands of state economy and defense industry, the major aims to cultivate

students to apply intelligence science principles across a wide variety of fields. Graduates are expected to have

international communication skills, teamwork spirit and fundamental knowledge of information science,

intelligence science, modern science methodology. Graduates are qualified for jobs in world-class IT enterprises,

research institutes, domestic or high-tech enterprises, governments, etc.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to obtain basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, computer, information

processing and multidisciplinary knowledge of robotics, and fundamentals of intelligence science as well as

design and development skills across a wide variety of fields.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good understanding in humanities and social sciences, social responsibility and professional


2. Equip with basic knowledge of mathematics, natural science, economics and management for

computer-related applications;

3. Grasp the fundamental knowledge of computer software and hardware, intelligence science, intelligent

robot and so on; have engineering practice and learning experiences; be familiar with intelligence science

development trend and frontier;

4. Possess the capability of using varieties of common equipments and software in computer engineering

systems, the ability to design and implement experiments of computer technology and application, analysis skills

of experiment results, computer application system design, development and maintenance;

5. Have the awareness of innovation and sustainable development; integrate and apply the theoretical

techniques for system design, development and analysis in computer science and network technology with

referring to economy, environment, law, safety, health, ethics and other constraints;

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


6. Master the basic methods of information retrieval and query;

7. Understand the laws and regulations regarding production, design, research and development in the

profession and industry of intelligence science;

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, social skills, and team working;

9. Have self-learning ability and social adaptability.

10. Have global vision, and ability of cross-cultural communication, cooperation and competition.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. The leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

leading disciplines: Intelligent Science and Technology, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems

interdisciplinary subjects:Computer Science and Technology, Information and Communication Engineering,

Electronic Science and Technology

Ⅵ Core courses

Discrete Mathematics, Data Structure, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Computer Logics, Principles of

Computer Organization, Operating System, Fundamentals of Computer Programming (I, II), Embedded System,

Digital Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Robots, Pattern Recognition

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching sessions

Military Training, C++ Course Project, Software Design Project (I, II, III), Hardware Design Project (I, II),

Graduation Practice, Graduation Project, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 170.5 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all

the compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


智能科学与技术专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Intelligent Science and Technology


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

10033801 电路‖Circuits 3 40 8 3 004

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021705 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 2 26 6 2 001

04044501 模拟电子线路‖Analog Circuits 3 40 8 3 004

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

06031601 C++课程设计*‖C++ Course Design* 2 80 2 006

06021904 编译原理‖Compiler Principles 2.5 40 2.5 006

06022005 操作系统‖Operating Systems 2 32 2 006

06131501程 序 设 计 基 础 ( Ⅰ ) ‖ Fundamentals ofProgramming Design (Ⅰ)

4 48 16 4 006

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

06231501程 序 设 计 基 础 ( Ⅱ ) ‖ Fundamentals ofProgramming Design (Ⅱ)

2 24 8 2 006

06030702计算机逻辑基础‖Fundamentals of ComputerLogic

3.5 48 8 3.5 006

06020102 计算机网络‖Computer Networks 3 40 8 3 006

06020802计 算 机 组 成 原 理 ‖ Principles of ComputerOrganization

4.5 64 8 4.5 006

06022105 离散数学‖Discrete Mathematics 4.5 72 4.5 006

06031401面 向 对 象 编 程 技 术 ‖ Object-OrientedProgramming

2 24 8 2 006

06027002 嵌入式系统‖Embedded Systems 2.5 32 8 2.5 006

06022404 数据结构‖Data Structures 3 40 8 3 006

06022507 数据库基础‖Database Fundamentals 3 40 8 3 006

06034001算法分析课程设计*‖ Algorithms AnalysisCourse Design*

2 80 2 006

06023102算 法 设 计 与 分 析 ‖ Design and Analysis ofAlgorithms

2 26 6 2 006

06034101智能机器人课程设计*‖ Intelligent RobotCourse Design*

2 80 2 006

06034201智能信息处理系统设计‖Design of IntelligentInformation Processing System

2 80 2 006


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

06020205 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 006

06021105 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 3 120 3 006

06034601 模式识别技术‖Pattern Recognition Techniques 2 32 2 006

06034401人工智能与智能机器人‖Artificial Intelligenceand Intelligent Robots

3 48 3 006

06034701数据挖掘与机器学习导论‖ Introduction toData Mining and Machine Learning

2 32 2 006

06023202 数字图像处理★‖Digital Image Processing★ 3 32 16 3 006

06024202 数字信号处理‖Digital Signal Processing 2 26 6 2 006

06034501智能科学技术导论‖Introduction to IntelligenceScience and Technology

2 32 2 006

06034301自 动 控 制 技 术 与 应 用 ‖ Automatic ControlTechnology and Applications

2 32 2 006


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

06035101 Matlab 编程‖Matlab Programming 2 32 2 006

06035601 感知传感器★‖Sensing & Sensors★ 2 32 2 006

06035401 机器智能★‖Machine Intelligence★ 2 26 6 2 006

06035501 计算机视觉★‖Computer Vision★ 2 32 2 006

06035301 人机交互★‖Human Computer Interaction★ 2 24 8 2 006

06035001认 知 科 学 基 础 ‖ Fundamentals of CognitiveScience

2 32 2 006

06034801数 字音 视 频 处理 ‖ Digital Audio and VideoProcessing

2 26 6 2 006

06030001图形学和可视化计算‖Computer Graphics andVisualized Computing

2 24 8 2 006

06028301 网络编程技术‖Network Programming 2 24 8 2 006

06021403微 机 系 统 与 接 口 技 术 ‖ Micro-ComputerSystems and Interface Technology

3.5 48 8 3.5 006

06034901 虚拟现实‖Virtual Reality 2 32 2 006

06035201自然语言处理导论‖ Introduction to NaturalLanguage Processing

2 32 2 006

南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 150.5 1710 1474 27.5 24 26.5 21.5 11.5 14.5 11 14

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

25.5 364 44 2 10 7.5 2 4

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


经济管理学院南京理工大学经济管理学院的前身是 1980 年组建的华东工程学院(南京理工大学前身)企业领导干

部进修系,翌年更名为管理工程系,1991 年 7 月组建成立了经济管理学院。学院现设管理科学与工程系、

企业管理系、会计学系、国际贸易学系、应用经济学系和信息管理系等 6 个系。


程、工商管理、图书情报与档案管理 4 个一级学科硕士学位授权点和 12 个二级学科硕士学位授权点,拥

有面向全日制学生的金融(MF)、国际商务(MIB)、会计(MPACC)、图书情报(MLIS)、工程管理(MEM)等 5 个专


理硕士(MPA)、工业工程、项目管理和物流工程等 6 个专业学位授权点,拥有 10 个本科专业。



国际经贸问题研究中心和人力资源管理研究中心等 7 个研究机构,设有经济管理省级实验教学示范中心、

EMBA 教育中心、MBA 教育中心、经济管理高级研修中心。南京理工大学创业教育学院挂靠在经济管理学


学院现有教职工 130 多人,其中高级职称 85 名,5 名教师入选江苏省“333 工程”,8 名教师入选江苏

省“青蓝工程”,2 名教师入选“全国会计领军人才”。各类在校生总数约 3000 名,其中硕士以上研究生

1300 多名。30 多年来,从经济管理学院走出的各类毕业生和接受过培训的学员数以万计,分布于祖国的










南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


School of Economics & Management

School of Economics & Management (SEM) dates back to Department of Advancement Studies for

Enterprise Leaders of East China Engineering Institute (predecessor of NUST), Management Engineering

Department in 1981, School of Economics & Management in July 1991. At present, SEM consists of six

departments: Department of Management Science and Engineering, Department of Business Administration,

Department of Accounting, Department of International Trade, Department of Applied Economics, and

Department of Information Management.

SEM has a post-doctoral station in its primary discipline of Management Science and Engineering. It has a

doctoral program of the Management Science and Engineering, and 4 master programs: Applied Economics,

Management Science and Engineering, Business Management, Library and Information Science, in which there

are 12 concentrations. In addition, it has five full-time professional programs: Master of Finance (MF), Master of

International Business (MIB), Master of Professional Accounting (MPACC), Master of Library and Information

Studies (MLIS), Master of Engineering Management (MEM), and six part-time professional programs: Executive

Master Of Business Administration (EMBA), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Public

Administration (MPA), Master of Science In Project Management (MS-PM),Master of Science in Industrial

Engineering (MS-IE) and Master of Science in Logistics Engineering (MS-LE). SEM also has 10 undergraduate


SEM has 2 provincial research bases: Jiangsu Intensive Industry Innovation Research Base and Jiangsu

Science & Technology Talents Research Base, and 8 research centers: Soft Science, Applied Economics , Modern

Logistics, E-business, Modern Management, Management Information Technology, International Economy and

Trade Studies and Human Resources Management, and 1 provincial Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center

on Economy and Administration. Entrepreneurship incubator of NUST is administered by SEM.

Currently the SEM has over 130 teaching and administrative staffs among whom 80 teachers have senior

professional titles, 5 teachers were selected in "333 Project of Jiangsu Province ", 8 teachers were selected in

“Blue Project of Jiangsu Province", 2 teachers were selected in "National Accounting Leading Talent". There are

altogether 3000 students; more than 1300 are postgraduate students. Thousands of gradates and trainees from

the school over the past 30 years are working throughout China.

In the past few years, the School has accomplished over 100 scientific research projects including National

Natural Science Foundation of China, National Social Science Foundation of China and “863 Programs”, many of

which received province-ministry level awards. The School has excellent international education environment and

education conditions, and has also extensive co-operations in talents cultivation and academic exchanges with

universities in USA, UK, France, Japan, S. Korea, Canada, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Long-term collaborative links has

been established with some excellent domestic enterprises.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



本专业原名“贸易经济学”,1996 年开始招生,现具有一级硕士点授予权;以现代经济学教育为导向、
























5. 熟练地掌握现代经济分析方法,具有向经济学相关领域扩张渗透的素质和能力。











南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表






本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 161 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


EconomicsI. Introduction

Finance dates back to the major of Commercial Economics in 1996. Currently, the major offers bachelor and

master degree. Oriented by modern economical education, the major features by the combination of economics,

mathematics and industries. The major has an excellent faculty team, undertaking a number of projects

supported by the National Natural Science Foundation, the National Social Science Foundation, the Science

Foundation of Ministry of Education, and other projects commissioned by local governments and industries. The

major has also established a stable relationship with many industries and financial institutions to provide

internships to students.

II. Objectives

The major aims at cultivating economical talents with systematic knowledge and business skills in economics.

Students are required to be competent in modern economic theories and scientific analyzing methods. Students

are expected to be able to analyze and solve practical economic problems with the methods of mathematical

analysis and econometrics analysis. The program aims to cultivate talents who have a broad perspective on the

frontiers and hot issues in economics, so as to work on economic modeling, econometrics, cost-benefit analysis,

and forecasting in financial institutions, enterprises, government agencies and research institutes.

III. Requirements

Students are required to obtain knowledge in economic theories, public finance, finance and commerce.

Students are expected to be trained in using relevant theories and mathematical tools to conduct qualitative and

quantitative analysis of practical economic and social issues.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Possess a solid theoretical foundation in economics; have a good understanding in humanities and social

sciences; maintain capabilities of communication;

2. Master systematic theories and fundamentals in the fields of economics; Understand frontiers and

development trend of economics; understand historic and present development of economy;

3. Master the basic methods of information retrieval and query; be capable of mathematical analysis, and

using economic analysis software;

4. Have a good understanding of the mechanisms of market economy; be familiar with related economic

policies, laws and regulations;

5. Grasp the modern economic analysis methods;

6. Have abilities in self-learning and innovation.

IV. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Economics

V. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Economics

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Business management:

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


VI. Core courses

Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Game theory and information economics, economic laws, public finance,

Finance, industrial economics, regional economics, institutional economics, investment, Economics History,

Econometrics, applied economics statistics, management statistics, etc.

VII. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Academic Papers, Graduation Practice, Graduation Thesis, Comprehensive Financial


Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 161 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


经济学专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Economics


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000502 Visual FoxPro 程序设计‖Visual Foxpro 3 32 16 3 007

06001101Visual FoxPro 课程设计‖Course Design ofVisual Foxpro

1 40 1 007

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

07022301 管理统计‖Management Statistics 3 48 3 007

07022603 管理学原理‖Principles of Management 3 48 3 007

07024202 宏观经济学★‖Macroeconomics★ 3 48 3 007

07029801 微观经济学‖Microeconomics 3 48 3 007

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013

07032201 运筹学‖Operational Research 3 44 4 3 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

07039402博弈论与信息经济学★‖Game Theory andInformation Economics★

3 48 3 007

07020501 财务管理‖Financial Management 3 40 8 3 007

07020701 财政学‖Public Finance 2 32 2 007

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

07023202 国际金融★‖International Finance★ 2 32 2 007

07023402 国际贸易‖International Trade 2 32 2 007

07024501 会计学‖Accounting 3 40 8 3 007

07024801 计量经济学‖Econometrics 3 44 4 3 007

07055701 金融学‖Finance 2 32 2 007

15023601 经济法‖Economic Law 3 48 3 015

07056701 投资学‖Principles of Investment 2 32 2 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

07038709 毕业论文‖Graduation Thesis 12 480 12 007

07038509 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 5 200 5 007

07021002 产业经济学‖Industrial Economics 2 32 2 007

07021701 发展经济学‖Development Economics 2 32 2 007

07025802 经济思想史‖History of Economic Thoughts 2 32 2 007

07047701经济预测与分析‖Economic Forecasting andAnalysis

2 28 4 2 007

07056201 企业伦理‖Business Ethics 1 16 1 007

07027203 区域经济学‖Regional Economics 2 32 2 007

07054001 认识实习*‖Cognition Practice* 2 80 2 007

07050902 行为经济学‖Behavioral Economics 2 32 2 007

07153001 学年论文(Ⅰ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅰ)* 1 40 1 007

07253001 学年论文(Ⅱ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅱ)* 1 40 1 007

07353001 学年论文(Ⅲ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅲ)* 1 40 1 007

07031704 应用经济统计学‖Business Statistics 2 32 2 007

07032503 制度经济学‖Institutional Economics 2 32 2 007


2 32 2 007


2 32 2 007

07057401 专业英语‖Specialized English 2 32 2 007


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

07020401 财务分析‖Financial Analysis 2 32 2 007

07058601 公共经济学‖Public Economics 2 32 2 007

07057801 金融经济学‖Financial Economics 2 32 2 007

07025402 金融市场学‖Financial Marketing 2 32 2 007

07047903经济分析软件及应用‖Economic AnalysisSoftware and Applications

2 16 16 2 007

07043202 劳动经济学‖Labor Economics 2 32 2 007

07052401 实验经济学‖Experimental Economics 2 24 8 2 007

07058701 数理经济学‖Mathematical Economics 2 32 2 007

07058801 文献导读‖Introduction of Literature 1 16 1 007

07030302项目评估与管理*‖Project Assessment andManagement*

2 16 16 2 007

07057901应用经济学研究方法论‖ResearchMethodology in Applied Economics

2 32 2 007

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 140 1692 1300 24.5 21 20 20 14 10.5 16 14

选修课程汇总‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

21 296 40 4 4 9 4

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.


南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



本专业原名“投资经济学”,1996 年开始招生,现有金融学硕士点;本专业依托理工科院校的综合优


































本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修课

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


若干,方可达到 163 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


FinanceI. Introduction

Finance dates back to the major of Investment Economics in 1996. Currently, the major offers bachelor and

master degree. Building on the University’s academic and research strength in science and engineering, the

major adopt the cultivation mode of “business school”. The major focuses on the combination of finance and

company management, especially the practical issues in the field of finance. The major has a Provincial

Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center. It also has established a stable relationship with many industries

and financial institutions. Graduates are expected to work for banking, financial companies, multinational

enterprises, commercials, government and research institutes.

II. Objectives

The major aims at cultivating financial talents with solid fundamental theories, systematic knowledge and

business skills in finance. Students are required to be competent in finance, science and engineering so as to

engage in the fields of banking, securities, investment, insurance and government.

III. Requirements

Students are required to obtain knowledge in financial theory, bank business and management,

international finance, corporate finance, financial engineering and investment. Students are expected to be

trained in handling bank, security and insurance businesses with relevant theories and mathematical tools.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Possess a solid theoretical foundation in finance; have a good understanding in humanities and social

sciences; maintain capabilities of communication;

2. Master systematic theories and fundamentals in the fields of banking & management, international

finance, corporate finance, finance engineering and investment.

3. Master the basic methods of information retrieval and query, and mathematical analysis;

4. Understand frontiers and development trend of finance;

5. Grasp the preliminary research ability, organizing and managing skills; be familiar with global financial

business criterion, customs and regulations;

6. Have abilities in self-learning and innovation.

IV. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Economics

V. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline:Finance

Interdisciplinary Subjects:Business management

VI. Core courses

Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Public Finance, Finance, International Finance, Investment, Principles of

Insurance, Business and Practices of Commercial Bank, Corporate Finance, Investment Banking, Securities

Investment Analysis, Finance Engineering, Financial Risk Management, etc.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


VII. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Academic Papers, Graduation Practice, Graduation Thesis, Comprehensive Financial


Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 163 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


金融学专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Finance


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000502 Visual FoxPro 程序设计‖Visual Foxpro 3 32 16 3 007

06001101Visual FoxPro 课 程 设 计 ‖ Course Design ofVisual Foxpro

1 40 1 007

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

07022301 管理统计‖Management Statistics 3 48 3 007

07022603 管理学原理‖Principles of Management 3 48 3 007

07024202 宏观经济学★‖Macroeconomics★ 3 48 3 007

07029801 微观经济学‖Microeconomics 3 48 3 007

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013

07032201 运筹学‖Operational Research 3 44 4 3 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

07039402博弈论与信息经济学★‖Game Theory andInformation Economics★

3 48 3 007

07020501 财务管理‖Financial Management 3 40 8 3 007

07020701 财政学‖Public Finance 2 32 2 007

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

07023202 国际金融★‖International Finance★ 2 32 2 007

07023402 国际贸易‖International Trade 2 32 2 007

07024501 会计学‖Accounting 3 40 8 3 007

07024801 计量经济学‖Econometrics 3 44 4 3 007

07057501 金融法‖Financial Law 3 48 3 007

07055701 金融学‖Finance 2 32 2 007

07056701 投资学‖Principles of Investment 2 32 2 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

07039501保 险 原 理 与 实 务 ‖ Insurance Theory andPractice

2 32 2 007

07038704 毕业论文‖Graduation Thesis 12 480 12 007

07038504 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 5 200 5 007

07020401 财务分析‖Financial Analysis 2 32 2 007

07057601 公司金融‖Corporate Finance 2 32 2 007

07055401 金融风险管理‖Financial Risk Management 2 32 2 007

07040901 金融工程学★‖Financial Engineering★ 2 32 2 007

07025402 金融市场学‖Financial Marketing 2 32 2 007

07045801金 融 学 综 合 实 验 * ‖ ComprehensiveExperiment of Finance*

1 40 1 007

07056201 企业伦理‖Business Ethics 1 16 1 007

07054201 认识实习*‖Cognition Practice* 2 80 2 007

07027702商业银行业务与管理‖ Commercial BankingBusiness and Management

2 32 2 007

07041201 投资银行学‖Investment Banking 2 32 2 007

07048001 行为金融学‖Behavioral Finance 2 32 2 007

07153201 学年论文(Ⅰ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅰ)* 1 40 1 007

07253201 学年论文(Ⅱ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅱ)* 1 40 1 007

07353201 学年论文(Ⅲ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅲ)* 1 40 1 007

07038004 证券投资学‖Securities Investment 2 32 2 007

07057701 职业道德‖Professional Ethics 1 16 1 007

07057401 专业英语‖Specialized English 2 32 2 007


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

07023101 国际结算★‖International Settlements★ 2 24 8 2 007

07048203 国际投资学‖International Investment 2 32 2 007

07058001金 融 产 品 分 析 与 设 计 ‖ Financial ProductsAnalysis and Design

2 32 2 007

07047904金 融 分 析 软 件 及 应 用 ‖ Financial AnalysisSoftware and Applications

2 16 16 2 007

07057801 金融经济学‖Financial Economics 2 32 2 007

07047701经济预测与分析‖ Economic Forecasting andAnalysis

2 28 4 2 007

07030302项 目 评 估 与 管 理 ‖ Project Assessment andManagement

2 16 16 2 007

07057901应 用 经 济 学 研 究 方 法 论 ‖ ResearchMethodology in Applied Economics

2 32 2 007

07033001 中级经济学‖Intermediate Economics 3 48 3 007

07040701 中央银行学‖Central Banking 2 32 2 007

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 142 1712 1336 24.5 21 20 17 14 14.5 17 14

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional Courses 21 292 44 4 5 8 4

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I、III、V、VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II、IV、VI、VIII 为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, VI, VIII are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



本专业发轫于 1985 年开设的工业外贸专业,并于 2005 年成为江苏省教育厅批准的第一批江苏省特色






兴中小型外贸公司和金融机构国际业务部门已成为本专业学生的毕业实习基地。专业成立 30 年来,本专





























南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表






本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 162 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


International Economics & Trade

I. Introduction

International Economics & Trade, a provincial key major in Jiangsu, dates back to the major of Industrial

Foreign Trade in 1985. Currently, the major offers bachelor, master and dual degree. The major also has

undergraduate and graduate programs for overseas students. Building on the University’s academic and research

strength in science and engineering, the major has formed the cultivation mode of “Integrating Arts and Sciences,

Combining Engineering and Economics”. Different teaching methods such as case study and simulation operation

are adopted. Graduates are expected to work for international trade companies, multinational enterprises,

banking, commercials, government and research institutes.

II. Objectives

The major aims at cultivating global business and management talents with solid fundamental theories,

systematic knowledge and operational skills in international business. Students are required to be familiar with

international customs and practices, commercial policies and regulations.

III. Requirements

Students are required to obtain abilities to survey independently, analyze problems integratedly, and make

decisions on international businesses by theory learning and skill training in international economy and trades.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Master systematic theories and methods in international business;

2. Be competent in foreign languages, mathematics and computer skills;

3. Be familiar with domestic and foreign laws and regulations about commerce;

4. Maintain capabilities of communication, social skills, and team working; master the basic methods of

information retrieval and query;

5. Master qualitative and quantitative analysis methods in international business; to manage and execute

international business deals;

6. Possess abilities to solve international business issues, conduct business analyses and decisions;

7. Understand frontiers and development trend of international business; have abilities in self-learning and


IV. Length of Program and Degree

Regular duration : 4 years

Flexible duration : between 3 and 6 years

Academic degree: Bachelor’s degree of economics

V. Leading discipline and inter-disciplinary subjects

Core discipline: economics

Interdisciplinary fields: management, statistics

VI. Core courses

International Finance, International Trade, International Economics, International Business Simulation,

Business English, International Trade Practices, Business Writing, International Settlement, International Business

Law, International Business Negotiations, International Business Planning, etc.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


VII. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Engineering Practice, Academic Papers, Scientific Research Training, Cognition Practice,

Graduation Practice, Graduation Thesis, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 162 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


国际经济与贸易专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of International Economics & Trade


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000502 Visual FoxPro 程序设计‖Visual Foxpro 3 32 16 3 007

06001101Visual FoxPro 课 程 设 计 ‖ Course Design ofVisual Foxpro

1 40 1 007

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

07022301 管理统计‖Management Statistics 3 48 3 007

07022603 管理学原理‖Principles of Management 3 48 3 007

07024202 宏观经济学★‖Macroeconomics★ 3 48 3 007

07029801 微观经济学‖Microeconomics 3 48 3 007

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013

07032201 运筹学‖Operational Research 3 44 4 3 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

07020501 财务管理‖Financial Management 3 40 8 3 007

07020701 财政学‖Public Finance 2 32 2 007

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

07023202 国际金融★‖International Finance★ 2 32 2 007

07023402 国际贸易‖International Trade 2 32 2 007

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

07024501 会计学‖Accounting 3 40 8 3 007

07024801 计量经济学‖Econometrics 3 44 4 3 007

07055701 金融学‖Finance 2 32 2 007

15023601 经济法‖Economic Law 3 48 3 015

07056701 投资学‖Principles of Investment 2 32 2 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

07038706 毕业论文‖Graduation Thesis 12 480 12 007

07038506 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 5 200 5 007

07023101 国际结算★‖International Settlements★ 2 24 8 2 007

07055302国 际 金 融 市 场 ★ ‖ International FinancialMarket★

2 32 2 007

15022503 国际经济法‖International Ecnomic Law 2 32 2 015

07023302国际经济技术合作‖ International Economicand Technological Cooperation

2 32 2 007

07034001 国际经济学★‖International Economics★ 2 32 2 007

07023601国际贸易实务★‖ International Trade Practices★

3 48 3 007

07042901国际商务模拟实习*‖ International BusinessSimulation Practice*

2 80 2 007

07048201国 际 投 资 与 跨 国 公 司 ★ ‖ InternationalInvestment and Multinational Corporation★

2 32 2 007

07055501 国际物流★‖International Logistics★ 2 32 2 007

07039001 经贸英语‖Business English 3 48 3 007

07056201 企业伦理‖Business Ethics 1 16 1 007

07054101 认识实习*‖Cognition Practice* 2 80 2 007

07056801 商务写作‖Business Writing 3 48 3 007

07153101 学年论文(Ⅰ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅰ)* 1 40 1 007

07253101 学年论文(Ⅱ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅱ)* 1 40 1 007

07353101 学年论文(Ⅲ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅲ)* 1 40 1 007

07032901中国对外贸易概论★‖ Introduction to ChinasForeign Trade★

2 32 2 007


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

07042701 国际服务贸易‖International Trade in Services 2 32 2 007

07057001 国际商务策划‖International Business Planning 2 16 16 2 007

07056901国 际商 务风 险与 决 策模 拟‖ InternationalBusiness Risk and Decision Simulation

2 16 16 2 007

07057301国 际 商 务 沟 通 ★ ‖ International BusinessCommunication★

2 32 2 007

07048301国 际 商 务 谈 判 ★ ‖ International BusinessNegotiation★

2 24 8 2 007

07055901 国际商务统计‖International Business Statistics 2 32 2 007

07048402国 际 商 务 英 语 口 语 ‖ Oral English forInternational Business

2 32 2 007

07070601国 际 银 行 管 理 ‖ International BankManagement

2 32 2 007

07041401 国际营销学‖International Marketing 2 32 2 007

07047902统 计 分 析 软 件 及 应 用 ‖ Statistical AnalysisSoftware and Applications

2 16 16 2 007

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 142 1688 1384 24.5 21 20 18 17 11.5 16 14

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

20 264 56 2 12 6

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.


南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表

























3. 具有质量管理、运营管理、财务、人力资源、决策等管理专门知识和应用能力;

4. 掌握现代管理信息系统及其相关 IT 工具的应用;


6. 具有较强的语言与文字表达、人际沟通能力和一定创业精神和能力;










南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表










本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 165 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Business Administration

I. Introduction

Business Administration is a provincial key major in Jiangsu, subordinating to the discipline of management

science and engineering. It offers bachelor, master and doctor degree. The major has an excellent faculty team,

undertaking a number of projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation, the Science Foundation

of Ministry of Education, and other projects commissioned by local governments and industries. The research

area covers quality management and quality engineering, production and operation management, management

information systems, business quantitative analysis, decision-making and evaluation. Graduates are expected to

work in industrial and commercial enterprises, government agencies, research institutes.

II. Objectives

The major aims at cultivating high-quality, inter-disciplinary and applied talents of business administration

with professional knowledge and skills of modern administration, economy and law. Students are expected to

engage in the fields of business administration, teaching and researching in profit and non-profit organizations.

III. Requirements

Students are required to obtain basic knowledge of modern management, including professional

management, general management, technical economy, business quantitative analysis and decision-making,

computer-assisted management, engineering, information management, operation and supply chain

management. Students are expected to understand the latest development of this field, and have the basic

ability to analyze and solve the management problems.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1.Master knowledge of management, economics, and modern enterprise management;

2.Have the ability to use qualitative and quantitative methods for business administration;

3. Have the knowledge and skills in the fields of quality control, operations management, finance, human

resources, and decision-making;

4. Be familiar with modern management information system, and gain the ability to use relevant IT tools;

5 . Be familiar with relevant management policies and regulations, and the international business

management customs and practices;

6. Maintain capabilities of communication and social skills; have the spirit of entrepreneurship;

7.Understand frontiers and development trend of business administration

8. Master the basic methods of information retrieval and query; have the preliminary capacities of research

and practical work.

IV. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Management

V. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Business Administration

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Interdisciplinary Subjects: Economics

VI. Core courses

Principles of Management, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Management Statistics, Operational

Research, Strategic Management, Operations Management, Quality Management, Quality Authentication,

Management Information Systems, Marketing, Human Resources Development and Management, Organizational

Behavior, Accounting, Financial Management, Multivariate Data Analysis, Forecasting and Decision-making,

Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Project Management, etc.

VII. Collective practical teaching session

Military training, Engineering Practice, Business administration simulation, Enterprise Sand Table Simulation,

Academic Paper; Cognition practice, Graduation practice, and Graduation Thesis, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 165 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


工商管理专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Business Administration


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000502 Visual FoxPro 程序设计‖Visual Foxpro 3 32 16 3 007

06001101Visual FoxPro 课程设计‖Course Design ofVisual Foxpro

1 40 1 007

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

07022301 管理统计‖Management Statistics 3 48 3 007

07022603 管理学原理‖Principles of Management 3 48 3 007

07024202 宏观经济学★‖Macroeconomics★ 3 48 3 007

07029801 微观经济学‖Microeconomics 3 48 3 007

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013

07032201 运筹学‖Operational Research 3 44 4 3 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

07020501 财务管理‖Financial Management 3 40 8 3 007

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

07022101 管理沟通★‖Managerial Communication★ 2 20 12 2 007

07022501管理信息系统‖Management InformationSystem

3 48 3 007

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

07024501 会计学‖Accounting 3 40 8 3 007

07027401人力资源开发与管理‖Human ResourceDevelopment and Management

2 32 2 007

07061101 商法‖Commercial Law 2 32 2 007

07028201 生产运作管理‖Production OperationManagement

3 40 8 3 007

07028602 市场营销‖Marketing 2 32 2 007

07028901 统计学原理‖Principle of Statistics 3 48 3 007

07027002 战略管理‖Strategic Management 2 32 2 007

07033202 组织行为学‖Organizational Behavior 2 32 2 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

07038702 毕业论文‖Graduation Thesis 12 480 12 007

07038502 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 5 200 5 007

07039403 博弈论★‖Game Theory★ 2 32 2 007

07031703多变量数据分析‖Multivariate StatisticalAnalysis

3 40 8 3 007

07059101 服务运营★‖Service Operation★ 2 32 2 007

07047301工商管理模拟实训*‖Industrial andCommercial Management Practice*

2 80 2 007

07047101供应链与物流管理‖Supply Chain and LogisticsManagement

2 32 2 007

07038904管理综合评价‖Comprehensive ManagementEvaluation

2 32 2 007

07061201企业经营沙盘模拟‖Enterprise Sand TableSimulation

3 24 24 3 007

07056201 企业伦理‖Business Ethics 1 16 1 007

07054401 认识实习*‖Cognition Practice* 2 80 2 007

07030201 项目管理‖Project Management 2 32 2 007

07153401 学年论文(Ⅰ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅰ)* 1 40 1 007

07253401 学年论文(Ⅱ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅱ)* 1 40 1 007

07353401 学年论文(Ⅲ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅲ)* 1 40 1 007

07033901预测与决策★‖Prediction and Decision-Making★

2 32 2 007

07032701 质量管理‖Quality Control 3 44 4 3 007


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

07022605 管理学案例分析‖Management Case Analysis 2 32 2 007

07026102 可靠性工程‖Reliability Engineering 2 32 2 007

07048801客户关系管理‖Customer RelationManagement

2 32 2 007

07059001离散系统仿真与建模‖Simulation andModeling of Discrete System

2 16 16 2 007

07041502 试验设计‖Experiment Design 2 26 6 2 007

07051901 税法‖Tax Law 3 48 3 007

07047902统计分析软件及应用‖Statistical AnalysisSoftware and Applications

2 16 16 2 007

07048701 统计过程控制‖Statistical Process Control 2 28 4 2 007

07060801小微企业创立与发展‖Small and MicroEnterprises Establishment and Development

2 16 16 2 007

07045701学科前沿系列讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofChemical Engineering *

1 16 1 007

07032801 质量认证‖Quality Authentication 2 32 2 007

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 143 1660 1428 22.5 23 23 16 15 11.5 18 14

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

选修课程汇总‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

22 294 58 3 2 8 9

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I、III、V、VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II、IV、VI、VIII 为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, VI, VIII are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



本专业本科招生始于 1994 年,所在工商管理学科被评为江苏省“十二五”高等学校重点专业(类)”。




















3.具有良好的计算机运用能力,熟悉 IT 技术发展趋势,并能与市场营销和创业领域的信息化需求相联















南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表









本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 162 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



I. Introduction

Marketing, a provincial key major in Jiangsu, began to recruit undergraduates in 1994. Based on

management and economics, the major stresses the cultivation and improvement of the students' abilities and

qualities. Students are expected to gain actual marketing skills and entrepreneurial skills. Oriented by job market

and entrepreneurship, the major integrates enterprises and entrepreneurship practice to promote students’

competitiveness in job market.

II. Objectives

The major aims at cultivating marketing talents with global vision, innovative spirit and entrepreneurship.

Students are required to obtain knowledge and skills in management, economics, laws and marketing. Graduates

are expected to engage in the fields of marketing management, business management, teaching and research in

enterprises, public institutions and government agencies.

III. Requirements

Students are required to obtain basic knowledge of modern marketing, entrepreneurial management and

business management, and to gain marketing and entrepreneurial methods and skills, and to develop the ability

of entrepreneurship, analyzing and solving problems.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have the basic knowledge and skills of management science, marketing, entrepreneurship, economics,

humanities and laws;

2. Be competent in a foreign language (English); be familiar with the latest development of marketing;

3. Be competent in computer skills; be familiar with the latest development of IT technology;

4. Equip with related fundamentals of mathematics and statistics; have the ability of data collecting and


5. Master the basic methods of information retrieval and query; grasp qualitative and quantitative analysis


6. Have the abilities of commercial communication, commercial planning, and market and brand expansion;

7. Have the abilities of decision-making, organizing and team administrating, source collecting and


8. Have the potential of career development, innovation and entrepreneurship;

9. Have awareness of professional ethics and law.

IV. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Management

V. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Business Management

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Economics

VI. Core courses

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Principles of Management, Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Market Research, Advertising, Logistics and

Channel Management, Service Marketing, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship Plan and Case, Small and

Micro Enterprise Establishment and Development, etc.

VII. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Engineering Practice, Academic Papers, Scientific Research Training, Cognition Practice,

Entrepreneurship Simulations, Entrepreneurship Probation, Graduation Practice and Graduation Thesis, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 162 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


市场营销专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Marketing


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000502 Visual FoxPro 程序设计‖Visual Foxpro 3 32 16 3 007

06001101Visual FoxPro 课程设计‖Course Design ofVisual Foxpro

1 40 1 007

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

07022301 管理统计‖Management Statistics 3 48 3 007

07022603 管理学原理‖Principles of Management 3 48 3 007

07024202 宏观经济学★‖Macroeconomics★ 3 48 3 007

07029801 微观经济学‖Microeconomics 3 48 3 007

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013

07032201 运筹学‖Operational Research 3 44 4 3 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

07020501 财务管理‖Financial Management 3 40 8 3 007

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

07022101 管理沟通★‖Managerial Communication★ 2 20 12 2 007

07022501管理信息系统‖Management InformationSystem

3 48 3 007

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

07024501 会计学‖Accounting 3 40 8 3 007

07027401人力资源开发与管理‖Human ResourceDevelopment and Management

2 32 2 007

07061101 商法‖Commercial Law 2 32 2 007

07028201 生产运作管理‖Production OperationManagement

3 40 8 3 007

07028602 市场营销‖Marketing 2 32 2 007

07028901 统计学原理‖Principle of Statistics 3 48 3 007

07027002 战略管理‖Strategic Management 2 32 2 007

07033202 组织行为学‖Organizational Behavior 2 32 2 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

07038701 毕业论文‖Graduation Thesis 12 480 12 007

07038501 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 5 200 5 007

07060601创业计划与案例‖Business Planning and CaseAnalysis

2 24 8 2 007

07021901 服务营销‖Service Marketing 2 32 2 007

07051401管理决策模拟与实验‖ManagementDecision-Making Simulation and Experiment

3 32 16 3 007

07030003 广告学★‖Advertising★ 2 32 2 007

07049401 品牌管理‖Brand Management 2 32 2 007

07056201 企业伦理‖Business Ethics 1 16 1 007

07054501 认识实习*‖Cognition Practice* 2 80 2 007

07043004 市场研究‖Market Investigation 3 36 12 3 007

07049102物流与渠道管理★‖Logistics and ChannelManagement★

3 48 3 007

07030501 消费行为学‖Consumer Behavior 3 48 3 007

07153501 学年论文(Ⅰ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅰ)* 1 40 1 007

07253501 学年论文(Ⅱ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅱ)* 1 40 1 007

07353501 学年论文(Ⅲ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅲ)* 1 40 1 007

07049602 营销策划‖Marketing Planning 2 32 2 007


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

07059801 创新管理‖Innovation Management 2 32 2 007

07048602创业模拟与实训*‖EnterpreneurshipSimulation and Training*

2 80 2 007

07023905 国际市场营销‖International Marketing 3 48 3 007

07026401 零售营销‖Retail Marketing 2 28 4 2 007

07047902统计分析软件及应用‖Statistical AnalysisSoftware and Applications

2 16 16 2 007

07040501 网络营销‖Network Marketing 2 24 8 2 007

07060801小微企业创立与发展‖Small and MicroEnterprises Establishment and Development

2 16 16 2 007

07045701学科前沿系列讲座‖Lectures on Frontiers ofChemical Engineering

1 16 1 007

07046601 整合营销‖Integrated Marketing 2 32 2 007

07059701组织和行为研究方法‖Organization andBehavior Research Methods

2 16 16 2 007

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 142 1676 1348 22.5 23 23 18 18 11.5 12 14

选修课程汇总‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

20 228 140 2 10 4 4

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



本专业招生始于 1994 年,全国首批,所在工商管理学科被评为江苏省“十二五”高等学校重点专业


教师 14 人,其中教授 4 人,副教授 6 人,博士生导师 1 人,硕士生导师 9 人,多位教师获省部级奖励。














3.具有良好的计算机运用能力,熟悉 IT 技术发展趋势,并能与人力资源管理领域的信息化需求相联系;



















南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 164 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Human Resource Management

I. Introduction

Human Resource Management, a provincial key major in Jiangsu, began to recruit undergraduates in 1994.

After 20 years development, it has established an experienced faculty team and a completed professional

curriculum system. In order to promote the competitiveness in job market, the major focuses on professional

knowledge and ability to solve practical problems. The major has 14 faculty members, including 4 professors, 6

associate professors, 1 Ph.D. supervisor and 9 master supervisors.

II. Objectives

The major aims at cultivating high-quality, inter-disciplinary and applied talents of management with

professional knowledge and skills of HRM. Students are expected to engage in human resource management and

development, personnel management, teaching and science research.

III. Requirements

Students are required to obtain basic knowledge of management, economics and human resource

management and professional skills in HRM. Students are also expected to understand personnel systems,

policies and regulations in the organizations of labor, to master methods and skills of HRM in order to gain

practical abilities in investigating and solving human resource management problems.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have the basic knowledge and skills of management science, human resource management, economics,

humanities and laws;

2. Be competent in a foreign language (English); be familiar with the latest development of human resource;

3. Be competent in computer skills; be familiar with the latest development of IT technology;

4. Equip with related fundamentals of mathematics and statistics; have the ability of data collecting and


5. Master the basic methods of information retrieval and query; grasp qualitative and quantitative analysis


6. Have the abilities of coordination and communication, leadership and decision-making, organization

designing and managing;

7. Have the potential of career development, innovation and entrepreneurship;

8. Have awareness of professional ethics and law.

IV. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Management

V. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Business Management

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Economics, Psychology

VI. Core courses

Principles of Management, Organizational Behavior, Human Resources Development and Management,

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Human Resource Strategy and Planning, Job Analysis, Recruitment and Assessment, Training Management,

Performance Management, Compensation Management, Labor Relations Management, etc.

VII. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Engineering Practice, Academic Papers, Scientific Research Training, Cognition Practice,

Graduation Practice and Graduation Thesis, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 164 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


人力资源管理专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Human Resource Management


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000502 Visual FoxPro 程序设计‖Visual Foxpro 3 32 16 3 007

06001101Visual FoxPro 课程设计‖Course Design ofVisual Foxpro

1 40 1 007

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

07022301 管理统计‖Management Statistics 3 48 3 007

07022603 管理学原理‖Principles of Management 3 48 3 007

07024202 宏观经济学★‖Macroeconomics★ 3 48 3 007

07029801 微观经济学‖Microeconomics 3 48 3 007

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013

07032201 运筹学‖Operational Research 3 44 4 3 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

07020501 财务管理‖Financial Management 3 40 8 3 007

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

07022101 管理沟通★‖Managerial Communication★ 2 20 12 2 007

07022501管理信息系统‖Management InformationSystem

3 48 3 007

07024501 会计学‖Accounting 3 40 8 3 007

07027401 人力资源开发与管理‖Human Resource 2 32 2 007

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

Development and Management

07061101 商法‖Commercial Law 2 32 2 007

07028201 生产运作管理‖Production OperationManagement

3 40 8 3 007

07028602 市场营销‖Marketing 2 32 2 007

07028901 统计学原理‖Principle of Statistics 3 48 3 007

07027002 战略管理‖Strategic Management 2 32 2 007

15042501 中国劳动法‖Chinese Labor Law 2 32 2 015

07033202 组织行为学‖Organizational Behavior 2 32 2 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

07038707 毕业论文‖Graduation Thesis 12 480 12 007

07038507 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 5 200 5 007

07036902 工作分析‖Work Analysis 2 32 2 007

07047201 绩效管理‖Performance Management 2 32 2 007

07043202 劳动经济学‖Labour Economics 2 32 2 007

07044103 培训管理★‖Training Management★ 2 32 2 007

07056201 企业伦理‖Business Ethics 1 16 1 007

07044001 人力资本概论‖Introduction to Human Capital 2 32 2 007

07043904人员招聘与测评‖Staff Recruitment andEvaluation

3 32 16 3 007

07054801 认识实习*‖Cognition Practice* 2 80 2 007

07060101 心理学原理‖Principles of Psychology 2 32 2 007

07044603 薪酬管理‖Compensation Management 2 32 2 007

07045701学科前沿系列讲座‖Lectures on Frontiers ofChemical Engineering

1 16 1 007

07153801 学年论文(Ⅰ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅰ)* 1 40 1 007

07253801 学年论文(Ⅱ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅱ)* 1 40 1 007

07353801 学年论文(Ⅲ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅲ)* 1 40 1 007

07048901员工关系管理‖Employee RelationManagement

2 32 2 007

07044802组织理论与设计‖Organization Theory andDesign

2 32 2 007


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

07036702 管理工效学‖Management of Ergonomics 2 24 8 2 007

07051401管理决策模拟与实验‖ManagementDecision-Making Simulation and Experiment

3 32 16 3 007

07039901 管理思想史‖History of Management Thoughts 2 32 2 007

07060201 领导力开发‖Leadership Development 2 32 2 007

07052302 企业文化管理‖Corporate Culture Management 2 32 2 007

07060301 人力资源信息化管理‖HR Informationalization 2 20 12 2 007

07047902统计分析软件及应用‖Statistical AnalysisSoftware and Applications

2 16 16 2 007

07060801小微企业创立与发展‖Small and MicroEnterprises Establishment and Development

2 16 16 2 007

07049002职业健康与劳动保障‖Occupational Health andLabor Protection

2 32 2 007

07056301 职业生涯管理‖Career Management 2 32 2 007

07059701组织和行为研究方法‖Organization andBehavior Research Methods

2 16 16 2 007

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 144 1728 1328 22.5 23 23 20 20 8.5 13 14

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

选修课程汇总‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

23 284 84 4 2 13 4

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.


南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



本专业始建于上世纪 80 年代初,经过三十多年的发展,已形成我校会计学专业数理基础扎实、动手








适应 21 世纪社会对会计人才的要求,紧密结合实际,突出素质教育,注重能力培养,具有扎实的会



























南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表





本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 160 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



I. Introduction

Accounting, established in the late 1980's, has developed its features in solid mathematical foundation and

operation ability. Oriented by market demands, the major gives full consideration to the social need and focuses

on accounting operation skills.

The major stresses basic professional knowledge and reinforces the accounting operation, including

cognition practice, social survey and simulation practice, comprehensive computer simulation experiment,

scientific research training, graduation practice and graduation thesis, in order for students to adapt to the

society after graduation. Graduates are expected to work for enterprises, commercials, financial firms,

accounting offices, government departments and research institutes.

II. Objectives

The major aims at cultivating accounting talents with high quality and operation ability. Graduates are

required to have a solid foundation in accounting theories and methods to be qualified for the jobs in industrial

and commercial enterprises, financial enterprises, accounting offices, government and research institutes.

III. Requirements

Students are required to obtain abilities of accounting, supervising, surveying independently and analyzing

integratedly by theory learning and skill training in accounting. Students are able to meet the requirements of

certification examinations on Certified Public Accountants, International Finance Managers and Certified Tax


Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Master systematic theories and methods in accounting;

2. Be competent in foreign languages, mathematics and computer skills;

3. Be familiar with domestic and foreign laws and regulations about accounting;

4. Maintain capabilities of communication, social skills, and team working; master the basic methods of

information retrieval and query;

5. Master qualitative and quantitative analysis methods in accounting;

6. Possess abilities to solve accounting issues;

7. Understand frontiers and development trend of accounting; have abilities in self-learning and innovation;

IV. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of management

V. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: business management

Interdisciplinary Subjects: economics, finance

VI. Core courses

Accounting, Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Financial Management, Management Accounting,

Advanced Financial Accounting, Auditing, Accounting Information Systems, Statistics Principles, Microeconomics,

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Macroeconomics, Management Statistics, etc.

VII. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Engineering Practice, Academic Papers, Scientific Research Training, Cognition Practice,

Graduation Practice, Graduation Thesis, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 160 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


会计学专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Accounting


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000502 Visual FoxPro 程序设计‖Visual Foxpro 3 32 16 3 007

06001101Visual FoxPro 课程设计‖Course Design ofVisual Foxpro

1 40 1 007

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

07022301 管理统计‖Management Statistics 3 48 3 007

07022603 管理学原理‖Principles of Management 3 48 3 007

07024202 宏观经济学★‖Macroeconomics★ 3 48 3 007

07029801 微观经济学‖Microeconomics 3 48 3 007

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013

07032201 运筹学‖Operational Research 3 44 4 3 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

07020501 财务管理‖Financial Management 3 40 8 3 007

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

07022101 管理沟通★‖Managerial Communication★ 2 20 12 2 007

07022501管理信息系统‖Management InformationSystem

3 48 3 007

07024501 会计学‖Accounting 3 40 8 3 007

07027401 人力资源开发与管理‖Human Resource 2 32 2 007

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

Development and Management

07061101 商法‖Commercial Law 2 32 2 007

07028201 生产运作管理‖Production OperationManagement

3 40 8 3 007

07028602 市场营销‖Marketing 2 32 2 007

07028901 统计学原理‖Principle of Statistics 3 48 3 007

07027002 战略管理‖Strategic Management 2 32 2 007

07033202 组织行为学‖Organizational Behavior 2 32 2 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

07038703 毕业论文‖Graduation Thesis 12 480 12 007

07038503 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 5 200 5 007

07020401 财务分析‖Financial Analysis 2 32 2 007

07021201 成本会计‖Cost Accounting 3 40 8 3 007

07051302 高级财务会计‖Advanced Financial Accounting 3 48 3 007

07022203 管理会计‖Management Accounting 2 32 2 007

07038802 会计实训*‖Accounting Practical Training* 2 80 2 007

07024403 会计信息系统‖Accounting Information System 3 32 16 3 007

07056201 企业伦理‖Business Ethics 1 16 1 007

07028101 审计学‖Auditing 3 40 8 3 007

07051901 税法‖Tax Law 3 48 3 007

07153601 学年论文(Ⅰ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅰ)* 1 40 1 007

07253601 学年论文(Ⅱ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅱ)* 1 40 1 007

07353601 学年论文(Ⅲ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅲ)* 1 40 1 007

07045903中级财务会计‖Intermediate FinancialAccounting

5 70 10 5 007


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

07020504高级财务管理‖Advanced FinancialManagement

3 40 8 3 007

07046102国际财务管理‖International FinancialManagement

2 32 2 007

07052102国际审计与鉴证‖International Auditing andVerification

2 32 2 007

07051101 金融会计‖Financial Accounting 2 32 2 007

07049801 内部控制学‖Internal Control 2 28 4 2 007

07061201企业经营沙盘模拟‖Enterprise Sand TableSimulation

3 24 24 3 007

07047104供应链成本管理‖Cost Management in SupplyChain

2 32 2 007

07047902统计分析软件及应用‖Statistical AnalysisSoftware and Applications

2 16 16 2 007

07045701学科前沿系列讲座‖Lectures on Frontiers ofChemical Engineering

1 16 1 007

07038001证券投资分析‖Security Analysis andInvestment

2 24 8 2 007

07033101 资产评估‖Capital Rating 2 32 2 007

07059701组织和行为研究方法‖Organization andBehavior Research Methods

2 16 16 2 007

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 144 1702 1354 22.5 23 23 19 18 12.5 12 14

选修课程汇总‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

23 324 76 5 9 9

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



本专业始建于上世纪 90 年代后期,经过近二十年的发展,逐步形成数理基础扎实、专业能力强的办








适应 21 世纪社会对财务管理人才的要求,紧密结合实际,突出素质教育,注重能力培养,把学生培



























南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 160 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Financial Management

I. Introduction

Financial Management, established in the late 1990's, has developed its features in solid mathematical

foundation and excellent ability. Oriented by market demands, the major gives full consideration to the social

need and focuses on financial management application technology and integral management ability.

The major stresses basic professional knowledge and reinforces the financial management application,

including cognition practice, social survey and simulation practice, comprehensive computer simulation

experiment, scientific research training, graduation practice and graduation design thesis, in order for students to

adapt to the society after graduation. Graduates are expected to work for enterprises, commercials, financial

firms, accounting offices, government and research institutes.

II. 0bjectives

The major aims at cultivating financial management talents with high quality and application ability.

Students are required to have a solid foundation in financial theories and methods, related knowledge in

management, finance and law. Graduates are expected to be qualified for the jobs in industrial and commercial

enterprises, financial enterprises, accounting offices, government and research institutes.

III. Requirements

Students are required to obtain abilities to survey independently, analyze problems integratedly, and make

decisions on related financial management problems by theory learning and skill training in financial

management. Students are able to meet the requirements of certification examinations on Certified Public

Accountants, International Finance Managers and Certified Tax Agents.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Master systematic theories and methods in financial management;

2. Be competent in foreign languages, mathematics and computer skills;

3. Be familiar with domestic and foreign laws and regulations about financial management;

4. Maintain capabilities of communication, social skills, and team working; master the basic methods of

information retrieval and query;

5. Master qualitative and quantitative analysis methods in financial management;

6. Possess abilities to solve financial management issues;

7. Understand frontiers and development trend of financial management; have abilities in self-learning and


IV. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of management

V. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: business management

Interdisciplinary Subjects: accounting, finance

VI. Core courses

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Financial Accounting, Financial Management, Advanced Financial Management, Financial Analysis,

Management Accounting, Cost Accounting, International Financial Management, Macroeconomics,

Microeconomics, Financial Information Systems, Operational Research, etc.

VII. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Engineering Practice, Academic Papers, Scientific Research Training, Cognition Practice,

Graduation Practice, Graduation Thesis, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 160 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


财务管理专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Financial Management


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000502 Visual FoxPro 程序设计‖Visual Foxpro 3 32 16 3 007

06001101Visual FoxPro 课程设计‖Course Design ofVisual Foxpro

1 40 1 007

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

07022301 管理统计‖Management Statistics 3 48 3 007

07022603 管理学原理‖Principles of Management 3 48 3 007

07024202 宏观经济学★‖Macroeconomics★ 3 48 3 007

07029801 微观经济学‖Microeconomics 3 48 3 007

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013

07032201 运筹学‖Operational Research 3 44 4 3 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

07020501 财务管理‖Financial Management 3 40 8 3 007

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

07022101 管理沟通★‖Managerial Communication★ 2 20 12 2 007

07022501管理信息系统‖Management InformationSystem

3 48 3 007

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

07024501 会计学‖Accounting 3 40 8 3 007

07027401人力资源开发与管理‖Human ResourceDevelopment and Management

2 32 2 007

07061101 商法‖Commercial Law 2 32 2 007

07028201 生产运作管理‖Production OperationManagement

3 40 8 3 007

07028602 市场营销‖Marketing 2 32 2 007

07028901 统计学原理‖Principle of Statistics 3 48 3 007

07027002 战略管理‖Strategic Management 2 32 2 007

07033202 组织行为学‖Organizational Behavior 2 32 2 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

07038705 毕业论文‖Graduation Thesis 12 480 12 007

07038505 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 5 200 5 007

07020401 财务分析‖Financial Analysis 2 32 2 007

07021201 成本会计‖Cost Accounting 3 40 8 3 007

07020504高级财务管理‖Advanced FinancialManagement

3 40 8 3 007

07022203 管理会计‖Management Accounting 2 32 2 007

07046102国际财务管理‖International FinancialManagement

2 32 2 007

07038802 会计实训*‖Accounting Practical Training* 2 80 2 007

07056201 企业伦理‖Business Ethics 1 16 1 007

07051901 税法‖Tax Law 3 48 3 007

07153701 学年论文(Ⅰ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅰ)* 1 40 1 007

07253701 学年论文(Ⅱ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅱ)* 1 40 1 007

07353701 学年论文(Ⅲ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅲ)* 1 40 1 007

07038001证券投资分析‖Security Analysis andInvestment

2 24 8 2 007

07045903中级财务会计‖Intermediate FinancialAccounting

5 70 10 5 007


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

07039501保险原理与实务‖Insurance Theory andPractice

2 32 2 007

07046402 财务信息系统‖Financial Information System 3 32 16 3 007

07051302 高级财务会计‖Advanced Financial Accounting 3 48 3 007

07052102国际审计与鉴证‖International Auditing andVerification

2 32 2 007

07049801 内部控制学‖Internal Control 2 28 4 2 007

07061201企业经营沙盘模拟‖Enterprise Sand TableSimulation

3 24 24 3 007

07028101 审计学‖Auditing 3 40 8 3 007

07047902统计分析软件及应用‖Statistical AnalysisSoftware and Applications

2 16 16 2 007

07056701 投资学‖Principles of Investment 2 32 2 007

07045701学科前沿系列讲座‖Lectures on Frontiers ofChemical Engineering

1 16 1 007

07033101 资产评估‖Capital Rating 2 32 2 007

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 142 1678 1346 22.5 23 23 19 17 11.5 12 14

选修课程汇总‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

25 332 68 3 7 15

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



本专业始建于 1985 年,是我国改革开放以来较早建立的同类专业之一。2005 年作为“江苏省特色专业”

挂牌招生,2012 年入选工业与信息化部“十二五”重点专业。本专业毕业生遍布国防科技信息研究单位、政


































南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表








ERP 原理与应用、计算机原理、计算机网络基础及应用、数据库原理及应用、面向对象的程序设计及 Java语





本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 160 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Information Management and Information Systems

I. Introduction

Information Management and Information Systems, a ministerial and provincial key major, was established

in 1985. Currently, the major offers bachelor and master degree. The major has an excellent faculty team,

undertaking a number of projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation, the National Social

Science Foundation, the Science Foundation of Ministry of Education, and other projects commissioned by local

governments and industries. Graduates are expected to pursue careers of information system developing, data

processing and information analyzing in scientific and technological information service and research

organizations, government, financial industries, and large state-owned enterprises and listed companies.

II. Objectives

The major aims at cultivating high-quality information management talents with solid fundamental theories,

systematic knowledge and operational skills in information organization and analysis, computer technology,

economic management and industrial information management. It is oriented by national economic construction,

promoted by research projects and teaching reform, and based on combined labs and internship bases.

III. Requirements

Students are required to obtain knowledge of information system development technology based on

network, information analysis and decision-making, informational resources management, and economic

management. Students are also expected to grasp basic methods in information organizing and processing to

apply to the processing of network information and science information.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Grasp basic methods and abilities of information collecting, organizing and processing;

2. Grasp basic methods and abilities of data modeling and analyzing;

3. Grasp basic methods and abilities of information refining and decision-making;

4. Be capable of using data-analyzing softwares and tools;

5. Grasp basic knowledge and abilities of demand analyzing and planning of information systems;

6. Grasp basic methods and abilities of designing information systems;

7. Be familiar with data base principles and methods; be competent in a computer language; have abilities in

developing and framing information systems;

8. Be familiar with basic procedures of organizing and implementing informationization projects; grasp

abilities of organizing and implementing projects.

IV. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Management (BOM)

V. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Information Management and Information Systems

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Computer Science, Management, Economics

VI. Core courses

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Information management, Information analysis and decision-making, Theory and practice of competitive

intelligence, Information Organization, Information retrieval, Management information system, Principle and

application of ERP, Principle of computer science, Foundation and application of network, Principle and

application of database, Object-oriented programming and Java, Webpage making and website construction, etc.

VII. Collective practical teaching session

Cognition practice, Academic papers, Graduation practice, Graduation thesis, Military training, Social survey,

Disciplinary frontiers, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 160 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


信息管理与信息系统专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Information Management and Information Systems


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++程序设计‖C++ ProgrammingDesign

4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

07022301 管理统计‖Management Statistics 3 48 3 007

07022603 管理学原理‖Principles of Management 3 48 3 007

07024202 宏观经济学★‖Macroeconomics★ 3 48 3 007

07029801 微观经济学‖Microeconomics 3 48 3 007

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013

07032201 运筹学‖Operational Research 3 44 4 3 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

07058101ERP 原理与应用‖Principles and Application ofERP

3 32 16 3 007

07040404电子商务概论★‖Introduction to E-Commerce★

3 40 8 3 007

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

07022502管理信息系统★‖Management InformationSystem★

2 32 2 007

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

07024501 会计学‖Accounting 3 40 8 3 007

07050201计算机网络基础及应用‖Computer NetworkFoundation and Application

3 32 16 3 007

07024903计算机信息检索‖Computer InformationRetrieval

2 30 2 2 007

07036301 计算机原理‖Principle of Computer 3 40 8 3 007

07047002竞争情报理论与实践‖Theory and Practice ofCompetitive Intelligence

2 24 8 2 007

07054301 认识实习*‖Cognition Practice* 2 80 2 007

07041802数据库原理及应用‖Principles and Applicationsof Database

3 32 16 3 007

07040002网页制作与网站建设‖Webpage Design andWebsite Construction

3 32 16 3 007

07030901 信息管理学‖Information Management 3 46 2 3 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

07038708 毕业论文‖Graduation Thesis 12 480 12 007

07038508 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 5 200 5 007

07020802 操作系统原理‖Principles of Operating System 3 44 4 3 007

07042001电子商务物流管理‖E-Commerce LogisticManagement

3 32 16 3 007

07050702面向对象的程序设计及 JAVA语言‖

Object-Oriented Programming and the JavaLanguage

3 32 16 3 007

07028701 数据结构★‖Data Structures★ 3 32 16 3 007

07030701信息分析与决策‖Information Analysis andPolicy Making

3 32 16 3 007

07031304 信息组织‖Information Organization 3 36 12 3 007

07153301 学年论文(Ⅰ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅰ)* 1 40 1 007

07253301 学年论文(Ⅱ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅱ)* 1 40 1 007

07353301 学年论文(Ⅲ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅲ)* 1 40 1 007

07042501 专业课程设计*‖Course Design* 2 80 2 007


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

07050601Web 程序设计技术及应用‖Web ProgrammingTechniques and Applications

2 20 12 2 007

07058401 科学研究方法‖Method of Scientific Research 2 32 2 007

07048801客户关系管理‖Customer RelationManagement

2 32 2 007

07028602 市场营销‖Marketing 2 32 2 007

07047902统计分析软件及应用‖Statistical AnalysisSoftware and Applications

2 16 16 2 007

07040501 网络营销‖Network Marketing 2 24 8 2 007

07058201信息获取与信息咨询‖Information Retrival andInformation Consultation

2 32 2 007

07058301 信息经济学‖Information Economics 2 32 2 007

07041701 信息系统安全‖Information System Security 2 26 6 2 007

07051502信息系统开发工具‖Information SystemDeveloping Toolkit

2 20 12 2 007

07045701学科前沿系列讲座‖Lectures on Frontiers ofChemical Engineering

1 16 1 007

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 143 1552 1536 23.5 27 21 18 20 5.5 14 14

选修课程汇总‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

21 282 54 2 17 2

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I、III、V、VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II、IV、VI、VIII 为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, VI, VIII are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



2001 年全国首批 13 所院校开办的电子商务本科专业之一。电子商务在宏、中、微观经济活动中都具

























4.掌握网页设计、信息组织、网站建设和 web 开发的知识和技能,具备网站建设和维护能力;










南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表






电子商务概论、电子商务物流管理、市场营销、网络营销、客户关系管理、管理信息系统、ERP 原理





本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修

课若干,方可达到 160 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Electronic Business

I. Introduction

Electronic Business, founded in 2001, is among the earliest 13 universities in China to provide

undergraduate program in e-business. The major focuses on the theories and techniques related to online

business activities, including mobile commerce, electronic capital transfer, supply chain management, Internet

marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management, etc. This

program aims to cultivate a new generation of managers, planners, analysts, and programmers devoted to

e-business. The major is featured by knowledge incorporation and practice orientation, so as to develop

students’ abilities in problem analyzing and solving, business data analyzing, data mining, and business network

technique application.


The major aims at cultivating high-quality e-business talents with solid fundamental theories and systematic

knowledge in economic management, contemporary commerce, technology of information system management

and application, e-business, online marketing, online finance and modern logistics. Graduates are expected to

work at a wide variety of industries and professions, including e-business companies, manufacturing firms,

logistics corporations, to dedicate to e-procurement management, inventory and distribution channel

management, customer relationship management, planning and design of e-business systems, etc.

III. Requirements

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Grasp basic knowledge and theories in economics, trade, and business management; be capable of

managing business;

2. Grasp basic knowledge of marketing, e-marketing, e-business security, online banking management; be

capable of e-business application;

3. Grasp basic knowledge and skills of colleting, organizing and analysis of market, technical and other

related enterprise information; be capable of data collecting and analyzing;

4. Grasp basic knowledge and skills of webpage making, information organization, website construction and

web programming; be capable of website construction and maintained;

5. Grasp basic theories and skills of design, analysis, development and application of management

information systems; be capable of information system planning and architecture;

6. Be capable of analysis and design of e-business systems;

7. Be capable of construction and application of e-business systems;

8. Be capable of organizing and managing e-businesses.

IV. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Management (BOM)

V. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Leading Discipline: E-Business

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Management, Economics, Information Management and Information System,

Computer Science and Technology

VI. Core courses

E-business, E-logistics Management, Marketing, E-marketing, Customer relationship management,

Management information system, Principle and application of ERP, Information management, Information

analysis and decision-making, Webpage making and website construction, Theory and practice of competitive

intelligence, etc.

VII. Collective practical teaching session

Cognition practice, Academic papers, Graduation practice, Graduation thesis, Military training, Social survey,

Disciplinary frontiers, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 160 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


电子商务专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Electronic Business


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++程序设计‖C++ ProgrammingDesign

4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

07022301 管理统计‖Management Statistics 3 48 3 007

07022603 管理学原理‖Principles of Management 3 48 3 007

07024202 宏观经济学★‖Macroeconomics★ 3 48 3 007

07029801 微观经济学‖Microeconomics 3 48 3 007

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013

07032201 运筹学‖Operational Research 3 44 4 3 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

07058101ERP 原理与应用‖Principles and Application ofERP

3 32 16 3 007

07040404电子商务概论★‖Introduction to E-Commerce★

3 40 8 3 007

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

07022502管理信息系统★‖Management InformationSystem★

2 32 2 007

07024501 会计学‖Accounting 3 40 8 3 007

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

07050201计算机网络基础及应用‖Computer NetworkFoundation and Application

3 32 16 3 007

07024903计算机信息检索‖Computer InformationRetrieval

2 30 2 2 007

07036301 计算机原理‖Principle of Computer 3 40 8 3 007

07047002竞争情报理论与实践‖Theory and Practice ofCompetitive Intelligence

2 24 8 2 007

07054901 认识实习*‖Cognition Practice* 2 80 2 007

07041802数据库原理及应用‖Principles and Applicationsof Database

3 32 16 3 007

07040002网页制作与网站建设‖Webpage Design andWebsite Construction

3 32 16 3 007

07030901 信息管理学‖Information Management 3 46 2 3 007


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

07038700 毕业论文‖Graduation Thesis 12 480 12 007

07038500 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 5 200 5 007

07020802 操作系统原理‖Principles of Operating System 3 44 4 3 007

07042001电子商务物流管理‖E-Commerce LogisticManagement

3 32 16 3 007

07050702面向对象的程序设计及 JAVA语言‖

Object-Oriented Programming and the JavaLanguage

3 32 16 3 007

07028701 数据结构★‖Data Structures★ 3 32 16 3 007

07030701信息分析与决策‖Information Analysis andPolicy Making

3 32 16 3 007

07031304 信息组织‖Information Organization 3 36 12 3 007

07153901 学年论文(Ⅰ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅰ)* 1 40 1 007

07253901 学年论文(Ⅱ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅱ)* 1 40 1 007

07353901 学年论文(Ⅲ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅲ)* 1 40 1 007

07042501 专业课程设计*‖Course Design* 2 80 2 007


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

07050601Web 程序设计技术及应用‖Web ProgrammingTechniques and Applications

2 20 12 2 007

07058401 科学研究方法‖Method of Scientific Reasearch 2 32 2 007

07048801客 户 关 系 管 理 ‖ Customer RelationManagement

2 32 2 007

07028602 市场营销‖Marketing 2 32 2 007

07047902统 计 分 析 软 件 及 应 用 ‖ Statistical AnalysisSoftware and Applications

2 16 16 2 007

07040501 网络营销‖Network Marketing 2 24 8 2 007

07058201信息获取与信息咨询‖Information Retrival andInformation Consultation

2 32 2 007

07058301 信息经济学‖Information Economics 2 32 2 007

07041701 信息系统安全‖Information System Security 2 26 6 2 007

07051502信 息 系 统 开 发 工 具 ‖ Information SystemDeveloping Toolkit

2 20 12 2 007

07045701学科前沿系列讲座‖ Lectures on Frontiers ofChemical Engineering

1 16 1 007

07057401 专业英语‖Specialized English 2 32 2 007

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 143 1552 1536 23.5 27 21 18 20 5.5 14 14选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal 23 314 54 2 17 4

南京理工大学经济管理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I、III、V、VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II、IV、VI、VIII 为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, VI, VIII are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



供燃气、通风及空调工程等多学科为主的综合型学院。现有国家级重点学科 1 个,国家级重点实验室 1 个。

有博士学位授权点 5 个,博士后流动站 2 个,硕士学位授权点 10 个。

学院设有武器发射工程、能源与动力工程、新能源科学与工程、建筑环境与能源应用工程 4 个本科专

业。武器发射工程为国家特色专业、工业与信息化部重点专业。4 个本科专业均为江苏省重点专业。学院

每年招收约 250 名本科生,100 多名硕士和博士研究生(含留学生)。

学院现有教职工 152 人,其中中国工程院院士 2 人,长江学者特聘教授 2 人,“国家杰出青年基金”

获得者 1 人。博士生导师 21 人,正高级职称 31 人,副高级职称 50 人。学院拥有“国防科技创新团队”2

个、江苏省“科技创新团队”1 个。“兵器科学与技术”为国家重点一级学科。“工程热物理”为江苏省



金”等高层次项目,并参与多项重大型号项目的研究工作;年均科研经费 4000 万元以上,每年在高水平学

术期刊上发表论文 100 余篇。学院在国防科学技术研究领域取得了一批高水平的科研成果,近五年获得国

家级科技奖励 5 项,省部级科技进步奖 30 余项。




了学院在国内外学术界的影响。与中国兵工学会合作共同负责,于 2010 年在我国北京举办了“第 25 届国际





南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


School of Energy and Power Engineering

The School of Energy and Power Engineering is a comprehensive school with the following disciplines:

Weapon Science and Technology, Power Engineering and Engineering Thermal Physics, Dynamics, New Energy

Science and Engineering, and Gas Supply, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Engineering. The School has 1 national

key discipline and 1 national key laboratory. The School offers 5 Ph.D. programs, 2 post-doctoral programs and 10

master programs.

The School offers 4 undergraduate programs, i.e., Weapon Launch Engineering, Energy and Power

Engineering, New Energy Science and Engineering, and Building Environment and Energy Engineering. Weapon

Launch Engineering is the national key major, and key major of the Ministry of Industry and Information

Technology. All the 4 majors are the provincial key majors in Jiangsu. The School enrolls 250 undergraduates and

100 graduates each year (including overseas students).

Of 152 faculty and staff members, there are 31 professors (21 doctoral supervisors) and 50 associate

professors. There are 2 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2 professors of Cheung Kong

Scholars and 1 winner of The National Outstanding Youth Fund. There are 2 Defense Science and Technology

Innovation Teams and 1 Science and Technology Innovation Team of Jiangsu Province. Weapon Science and

Technology is the national key primary discipline. Engineering Thermal Physics is the provincial key discipline in


The School undertakes the high level projects such as National Project “863”, National Project “973”, the

National Natural Science Foundation and the major defense projects. The average research funding is over 40

million Yuan (RMB) per year. The faculty members publish over 100 academic papers on high-level academic

journals per year. The School has many achievements in scientific research fields of national defense science and

technology, of which 5 projects obtained national science and technology awards, and 30 projects got ministerial

or provincial science and technology progress prizes since the Eleventh Five.

The School actively involves in academic communication with domestic and overseas research institutions.

Up to now, it has invited professors and experts from US, Germany, Russia, etc. for academic communication and

cooperation. Many professors and experts are invited to give lectures and conduct collaborative research

internationally. The School takes charge of the edition of 1 Chinese core journal, Journal of Ballistics.

Collaborating with Chinese Ordnance Society, the School hosts the 25th International Symposium on Ballistics in

2010 in Beijing.

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



建筑环境与能源应用工程专业为江苏省能源动力类重点专业,开办于 1990 年,1994 年正式获准成立,

1999 年根据教育部专业目录调整更名为“建筑环境与设备工程”,2001 年获得“供热、供燃气、通风及空

调工程”硕士点并于 2002 年开始招收硕士研究生。2010 年通过了建设部高等教育建筑环境与设备工程专

业评估委员会的专业教育评估。2012 年普通高等学校本科专业目录中将建筑智能设施、建筑节能技术与工










培养适应 21 世纪国家建设需要的德、智、体、美全面发展,基础扎实、知识面宽、素质高,具备从












1. 具有强烈的社会责任感、科学的世界观、正确的人生观,求真务实的科学态度,踏实肯干的工作作


2. 具有建筑环境与能源应用工程领域工作所需要的相关数学、物理、化学等相关的自然科学知识以及


3. 掌握扎实的公共基础理论知识、专业基础理论及专业技术知识与技能,了解本专业的发展现状和发


4. 熟悉本专业施工组织与管理方法;了解与本专业有关的政策、法律及法规和本专业领域的技术标准


5. 具备应用语言(包括外语)、文字、图表、计算机和网络技术等进行工程表达和交流的基本能力;

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


6. 具有综合运用所学专业知识与技能,提出工程应用的技术方案、进行工程设计及解决本专业一般工


7. 具有从事系统与设备设计、开发及工程施工与管理的能力;

8. 具有综合应用各种手段查询资料、获取信息的能力,以及拓展知识领域、继续学习的能力;

9. 具有国际视野和跨文化的交流、竞争与合作能力;

10. 具有建筑环境控制、能源供给与应用及节能工程中应对危机与突发事件的初步能力。













实验、VISUAL C++ 课程设计、毕业设计(论文)等。


本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修

课若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Building Environment and Energy Engineering

Ⅰ. Introduction

Building Environment and Energy Engineering, founded in 1990, offers bachelor and master degree. The

major covers the following research areas: Building Environment Control, City Gas Applications, Building

Energy-saving, Building Facilities Intelligent Technology, etc.

Building Environment and Energy Engineering provides an interdisciplinary platform for researching and

teaching. It expands into civil engineering, energy and power and new energy-related fields, adapts to the

demands for low-carbon economy and sustainable development, and the specifications of certified public facility

engineers. It has research and development potentials for new technologies. The major cultivates students with

wide ranges of knowledge and solid foundation. The graduates are able to be engaged in planning and design,

research and development, manufacturing, construction organization, operation management, system security

and other technical and management work of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, heat source, purification,

energy applications in the research institutes and enterprises.

Ⅱ. Objectives

Building Environment and Energy Engineering cultivates high-quality researchers and engineers with

innovative consciousness, international vision and professional competitiveness. With fundamental theories and

practical capabilities in planning, design, construction, debugging, running management, scientific research and

product marketing of building environment and energy engineering, graduates will be able to do research,

development, teaching and management about heating, ventilation, air conditioning, air cleaning, heating and

cooling source and energy application, and other related fields.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to acquire knowledge of natural science and engineering technology, and professional

skills in building environment and environment control system, including Principle and Method of

Thermodynamics, Principle and Method of Mechanics, Mechanical Principle and Control, Electronic and

Intelligent Control, Fundamental of Building Field, Energy Application Technology, Engineering and Economic

Management, Computer Application Technology. Students are expected to have abilities in planning and design,

development and application of equipment, construction organizing and management, system operation and

debugging of building environment and energy engineering system.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have social responsibility and occupation morality; Understand state-of-art and development trend of the


2. Have knowledge of basic theory and technology, including mathematics, physics, chemistry and others of

natural science, and technical economy and management.

3. Have knowledge of building environment and energy engineering.

4. Be familiar with the professional construction installation, debugging and basic testing method;

understand relevant policies, laws and regulations of building environment energy engineering, and the main

codes and standards about engineering and equipment.

5. Have abilities to use different methods to express engineering technique.

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


6. Possess abilities of designing, analyzing and solving problem in building environment and energy

engineering with integrated use of knowledge and professional skills.

7. Have abilities to develop and design related products and systems, and to perform construction

installation, debugging, operation and management.

8. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query, and have abilities of lifelong learning.

9. Have abilities to communicate, compete and collaborate internationally.

10. Have abilities to respond to crises and emergencies of building environment control, energy supply &

application, and energy conservation occurring in projects.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering.

Ⅴ. The leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Civil Engineering

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, Mechanical Engineering,

Environmental Science and Engineering.

Ⅵ. Core courses

Heat Transfer, Engineering Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Building Environmental Science, Fluid

Transmission Network, Principle and Equipment of Heat and Mass Transfer, HVAC, Refrigeration Technology,

Boiler House Technology and Equipment, Automation of Building Equipment and Energy System, Measurement

Technology in Building Environment and Energy System, Fundamentals of Machine Design, College Physics,

College Chemistry, Advanced Mathematics, College English, Computer Technology, Mechanical Graphing,

Electrical Engineering, Fundamentals of Control Engineering, etc.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Cognition Practice, Metalworking Practice, Course Design in Building Environment and

Energy Engineering, Course Design in Fundamentals of Mechanics, Professional Experiment, Course Design in

Visual C++ , Graduation Project (Thesis), Graduation Practice, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

Complete all the compulsory courses and optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits). The

minimum requirement for Bachelor of Building Environment and Energy Engineering is 175credits.

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


建筑环境与能源应用工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Building Environment and Energy Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++ 程 序 设 计 ‖ C++ ProgrammingDesign

4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计*‖Course Design in C++* 1 40 1 006

03030403 大学化学‖College Chemistry 2 32 2 003

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021701 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 3 48 3 001

01052302 画法几何‖Descriptive Geometry 2 32 2 001

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

08021502 传热学★‖Heat Transfer★ 4 58 6 4 008

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

11023801 工程力学‖Engineering Mechanics 3 48 3 013

11038102工程力学实验*‖Experiments in EngineeringMechanics*

1 40 1 013

08024502 工程热力学★‖Engineering Thermodynamics★ 4 60 4 4 008

04022801 工业电子学‖Industrial Electronics 4 54 10 4 004

01024101机械设计基础‖ Fundamentals of MechanicalDesign

3 44 4 3 001

01024203机械设计基础课程设计*‖Course Design ofMechanical Design Fundamentals*

1 40 1 001

11024801 计算方法‖Computational Method 2 24 8 2 013

08035401 建筑环境学‖Building Environment 2 32 2 008

08054301建 筑 环 境 与 能 源 应 用 工 程 专 业 导 论 ‖

Introduction to Building Environment and EnergyEngineering

1 14 2 1 008

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

10025404控 制 工 程 基 础 ‖ Control EngineeringFundamentals

2 32 2 010

08024404 流体力学★‖Fluid Mechanics★ 4 58 6 4 008

08037801 流体输配管网‖Fluid Pipe Network 3 48 3 008

08037702热 质 交 换 原 理 与 设 备 ‖ Principles andEquipment of Heat and Mass Transfer

2 30 2 2 008


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

08021001 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 008

08030901 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 008

08021702锅炉房工艺与设备‖Boiler Room Equipmentand Technology

2 28 4 2 008

08020802锅炉房课程设计‖ Course Design for BoilerRoom Equipment

2 80 2 008

08038203建筑环境与能源系统测试‖Testing Technologyfor Building Environment and Energy System

2 32 2 008

08036703建筑设备与能源系统自动化‖Building andEnergy Automation System

2 32 2 008

08137903暖通空调(Ⅰ)‖Heating, Ventilating and AirConditioning (Ⅰ)

3 48 3 008

08237903暖通空调(Ⅱ)‖Heating, Ventilating and AirConditioning (Ⅱ)

3 48 3 008

08020102暖通空调课程设计*‖Course Design for Hvac*

2 80 2 008

08030803 认识实习*‖Cognition Practice* 1 40 1 008

08027401 制冷技术‖Refrigeration Technology 3 48 3 008

08020401制 冷 技 术 课 程 设 计 ‖ Course Design forRefrigeration Technology

2 80 2 008

08142801专业系列实验(Ⅰ)‖ Specialty ExperimentSeries(Ⅰ)

1 40 1 008

08242801专业系列实验(Ⅱ)*‖Specialty ExperimentSeries(Ⅱ)*

1 40 1 008


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

08036601 建筑电气工程‖Building Electrical Engineering 2 28 4 2 008

08026401 建筑概论‖Introduction to Architecture 2 32 2 008

08036201建筑给水排水工程‖Building Water Supply andDrainage

2 32 2 008

08054901建 筑 环 境 模 拟 与 应 用 ‖ Simulation andApplication of Building Environment

2 24 8 2 008

08036303建筑节能与绿色建筑‖ Energy-Efficient andGreen Building

2 32 2 008

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

08054401建筑设备工程经济与管理‖ Economy andManagement of Building Equipment Engineering

2 32 2 008

08054501 建筑信息模型‖Building Information Modeling 2 20 12 2 008

08042902空调蓄能技术‖Energy Storage Technology forAir Conditioning

1 16 1 008

08027201 空气洁净技术‖Air Cleaning Technology 2 32 2 008

08054601暖通空调工程设计方法‖Design Method forHVAC Engineering

2 30 2 2 008

08054701 暖通专业外语‖Specialized Foreign Languages 1 16 1 008

08042401 热泵技术‖Heat Pump Technology 2 32 2 008

08060801 施工组织‖Construction Organization 2 32 2 008

08041103太阳能热利用技术‖ Solar Energy ThermalUtilization Technology

1 16 1 008

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 157 1778 1654 24.5 24 26 19 18 19.5 10 16

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

25 374 26 2 1 6 5 11

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.


南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




能源与动力工程专业成立于 1986年,由国家级重点学科——弹道学拓宽发展而来。目前本学科是“211



















1. 具有较好的人文社会科学素养、较强的社会责任感和良好的工程职业道德。

2. 具有从事工程工作所需的相关数学、自然科学知识以及一定的经济管理知识;

3. 掌握扎实的工程基础知识和本专业的基本理论知识,主要包括工程力学、机械、动力工程与工程热


4. 获得本专业领域的工程实践训练,具有本专业领域内某个专业方向所必要的深入的专业知识, 掌握



5. 具有较强的计算机能力,掌握文献检索、资料查询及运用现代信息技术获取相关信息的基本方法;

6. 具有创新意识、科学研究的初步能力和对新产品、新工艺、新技术和新设备进行研究、开发、技术


7. 了解与本专业领域技术标准,相关的职业和行业的生产、设计、研究与开发的法律、法规,熟悉环



8. 具有一定的组织管理能力、较强的表达能力和人际交往能力以及在团队中发挥作用的能力;

9. 具有适应发展的能力以及对终身学习的正确认识和学习能力,具有较强的创新意识和较高的综合素


南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


10. 具有较强的外语应用能力,具有国际视野和跨文化的交流、竞争与合作能力。












包括认识实习、毕业实习、专业课程设计、热工综合实验、金工实习、VISUAL BASIC 课程设计、毕业



本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修

课若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Energy and Power Engineering

Ⅰ. Introduction

Energy and Power Engineering, founded in 1986, offers bachelor, master and doctor degree. The major is

"211 Project" key and brand discipline, and provincial key major in Jiangsu. The major focuses on "energy

utilization and management, measurement and control". Based on excellent experiments environments and

faculty team, the major has cultivated lots of high-profile engineering and technical talents in the area of energy

and power engineering. Graduates are expected to apply the technologies and knowledge of power engineering

and engineering thermal physics, mechanical engineering, automatic control, computer application technology to

develop, design, manufacture, test, operate and manage the energy and power engineering system and its

automatic control for government agency, scientific research institutions, colleges, high-tech companies.Ⅱ. Objectives

The major aims at developing cross disciplinary talents with basic knowledge and innovation abilities of

power engineering and engineering thermal physics, mechanical engineering, automatic control, computer

application technology, and the skills in modern energy science and technology, information science and

technology and management techniques. Graduates are able to develop, design, manufacture, test, operate and

manage the energy and power engineering system and its automatic control, information processing, computer

application, environmental protection, refrigeration and air conditioning, energy efficient and clean utilization,

and the development of new energy in various lines and departments.Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are expected to obtain basic theories of power engineering and engineering thermal physics,

mechanical engineering, and basic technologies of measurement control and computer applications. They are

also required to receive basic training for modern cross disciplinary technological talents and gain the preliminary

abilities for the related technical work.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have awareness of humanities, social responsibility and occupation morality;

2. Have the required knowledge of mathematics, natural science and economic management;

3. Have solid fundamental knowledge of engineering mechanics, mechanical engineering, thermal power

engineering and engineering thermal physics, electrical and electronic engineering, measurement and control

theory, computer application technology; understand state-of-art and development trend of the discipline;

4. Obtain in-depth expertise and basic skills in energy and power engineering to analyze and solve

engineering problems; receive practical engineering training to participate in the work of design and operation of

production systems, and of operation and maintenances;

5. Have a proficient computer skill; master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

6. Have the awareness of innovation; possess preliminary abilities of designing, researching and developing

for new products, new processes, new technology and new equipment;

7. Understand technical standards, laws and regulations in the related occupations and sectors of

production, design, research and development; be familiar with principles, policies and regulations of

environmental protection and sustainable development; have awareness of quality, safety, efficiency,

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


environment protection, occupational health and sense of service; understand the impact of engineering on the

nature and society;

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working;

9. Have self-learning ability and social adaptability; have abilities to respond to crises and emergencies

10. Have a proficient foreign language skill; have abilities to communicate, compete and collaborate

internationally.Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years

Degree awarded: Bachelor of EngineeringⅤ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Power engineering and engineering thermal physics

Interdisciplinary subjects: Mechanical engineering, Control science and Engineering, Computer science and

technologyⅥ. Core courses

Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Automatic Control Theory of

Thermal Process, Fuel and Combustion, Thermal Measurement Instrumentation, Heat Source System and

Equipment, Heat Power Engine etc.Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Cognition Practice, Graduation Practice, Courses Design, Thermal Integrated Experiments, Metalworking

Practice, VISUAL BASIC Course Design, Graduation Design, Military TrainingⅧ. Graduation Requirements

Complete all the compulsory courses and optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits). The

minimum requirement for Bachelor of Energy and Power Engineering is 175 credits.

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


能源与动力工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Energy and Power Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖ Introduction to theBasic Principles of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000602Visual Basic 程 序 设 计 ‖ Visual BasicProgramming Design

3 32 16 3 006

06001001Visual Basic 课程设计‖Course Design in VisualBasic

1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021702 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 4 50 14 4 001

11024801 计算方法‖Computational Method 2 24 8 2 013

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

08021403 传热传质学★‖Heat and Mass Transfer★ 4 56 8 4 008

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

11022402 复变函数与积分变换‖Complex Functions and 3 48 3 013

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

Integral Transformation

11023802 工程力学‖Engineering Mechanics 4 64 4 013

11038102工程力学实验‖ Experiments in EngineeringMechanics

1 40 1 013

08024502 工程热力学★‖Engineering Thermodynamics★

4 60 4 4 008

04022801 工业电子学‖Industrial Electronics 4 54 10 4 004

01024102机械设计基础‖ Fundamentals of MechanicalDesign

4 58 6 4 001

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

08024404 流体力学★‖Fluid Mechanics★ 4 58 6 4 008

08029201热 工 测 量 仪 表 ‖ Measuring Instruments ofThermal Energy

3 40 8 3 008

08029701热工过程自动调节原理‖ Auto RegulationPrinciples for Thermal Process

4 56 8 4 008

08035301热 工 综 合 实 验 * ‖ Synthetic ThermalExperiment*

2 80 2 008

08030502 热力发动机‖Thermal Engines 3 44 4 3 008

11029404数 学物 理方 程‖ Equations of MathematicalPhysics

3 48 3 013

必修课程·专业方向课 【任选一个组修读】

Compulsory Course·Specialized Course(Choose one group)

08030913 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice

3 120 3 008

08021013 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 008

08028902 燃料与燃烧学‖Fuels and Combustion 2 30 2 2 008

08030302热交换器原理与设计‖Fundamentals andDesign of Heat Exchangers

2 28 4 2 008

08025002热源系统与设备‖Heat Source Systemand Equipment

3 44 4 3 008

08030800 认识实习*‖Cognition Practice* 2 80 2 008

08032902制 冷 及 压 缩 技 术 ‖ Refrigeration andCompression Techniques

3 42 6 3 008

08034603 专业课程设计‖Course Design 4 160 4 008

08030923 毕业实习‖Cognition Practice

3 120 3 008

08021023 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 008

08025201过程控制软件技术基础‖Fundamentalsof Software Technique in Process Control

3 40 8 3 008

08025901计算机控制技术‖Controlling TechnologyBased on Computer

2 28 4 2 008

08029401热工过程自动控制系统‖Control Systemfor Theorem Dynamic Process

2 26 6 2 008

08030802 认识实习*‖Cognition Practice* 2 80 2 008

08031802微 机 原 理 及 应 用 ‖ MicrocomputerPrinciples and Application

3 40 8 3 008

08034604 专业课程设计‖Course Design 4 160 4 008

08030993 毕业实习‖Cognition Practice


3 120 3 008

08021093 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 008

23020504机 械 工 程 综 合 实 习 ‖

Comprehensives practice of MechanicalEngineering

2 80 2 022

08025802计算机辅助设计技术‖Computer-AidedDesign Technique

2 16 16 2 008

08028903燃烧污染物控制‖Combustion PollutantControl

3 48 0 3 008

08061101热 交 换 器 设 计 ‖ Design of HeatExchangers

2 16 16 2 008

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

08025003热源系统设计‖Design of Heat SourceSystem

3 32 16 3 008

08030804 认识实习*‖Cognition Practice* 2 80 2 008

08034605 专业课程设计‖Course Design 4 160 4 008

08070001热源系统课程设计‖ Course Design ofHeat Source System

1 40 1 008


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

08023502 分布式能源系统‖Distributed Energy System 3 46 2 3 008

08042301核反应堆工程‖Nuclear Reactor Principles andApplications

2 32 2 008

08025601 集散型控制系统‖Distributed Control System 2 24 8 2 008

08025702 计算传热学‖Numerical Heat Transfer 2 16 16 2 008

08026101计 算 机 控 制 网 络 技 术 ‖ Computer ControlNetwork Technology

2 28 4 2 008

08022601 洁净煤技术‖Clean Coal Technology 3 44 4 3 008

08027801 流化床技术‖Fluidized Beds 2 32 2 008

08054001流 体 机 械 原 理 与 设 备 ‖ Principles andEquipment of Fluid Machinery

2 28 4 2 008

08023103能源工程计算机辅助设计‖ CAD in EnergyEngineering

2 17 15 2 008

08061201 能源管理‖Energy Management 2 32 2 008

08028903燃 烧 污 染 物 控 制 ‖ Combustion PollutantControl

3 48 3 008

08054201热工 DSP 技术‖ DSP Techniques in ThermalEngineering

2 32 2 008

08030101热 工 系 统 辨 识 与 计 算 机 仿 真 ‖ SystemIdentification and Simulation for Thermal Process

3 36 12 3 008

08030201热工专题讲座*‖Lectures in Thermal Scienceand Engineering*

2 32 2 008

08030701热物理量测技术‖Measurement Technology ofThermophysics

2 32 2 008

08041401新能源发电技术‖Technology of New EnergyGeneration

2 32 2 008

08034401制冷装置自动化‖Automation of RefrigeratingMachines

2 32 2 008

方向 I 组:必修课程汇总

Group I:Compulsory Courses Total154 1716 1620 22.5 24 23 22 19 10.5 14 19

方向 II 组:必修课程汇总

Group II:Compulsory Courses Total154 1716 1630 22.5 24 23 22 19 10.5 14 19

方向 III 组:必修课程汇总

Group III:Compulsory Courses Total157 1706 1750 22.5 24 23 22 19 10.5 17 19

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

38 541 67 3 13 22

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表





有新能源科学与工程硕士点和工程热物理博士点新能源方向。本专业成立于 2010 年,是我国首批 11 所新














1. 具有较好的人文、艺术与社会科学素养;

2. 具有较强的社会责任感和良好的工程职业道德;

3. 具有良好的中英文口头和书面表达能力,具有较强的计算机应用能力;

4. 具有从事工程工作所需的相关数学、自然科学知识以及一定的经济管理知识;

5. 掌握必要的工程基础知识以及本专业的基本理论、基本知识;受到本专业实验技能、工程实践、计




6. 掌握文献检索及运用现代信息技术获取相关信息的基本方法;

7. 了解与本专业相关的职业和行业的生产、设计、研究与开发的法律、法规,熟悉环境保护和可持续


8. 具有一定的组织管理能力、较强的表达能力和人际交往能力以及在团队中发挥作用的能力;

9. 具有对终身学习的正确认识和学习能力,具有适应发展的能力;

10. 具有国际视野和跨文化的交流、竞争与合作能力。







南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表










本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修

课若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


New Energy Science and EngineeringⅠ. Introduction

New Energy Science and Engineering, a provincial key major in Jiangsu, is a supportive discipline serving for

the national strategic emerging industry — New energy industry. It offers bachelor, master and doctor degree.

The major was founded in 2010 and is one of the first 11 New Energy Science and Engineering undergraduate

programs. Students are required to obtain knowledge in efficient and clean exploitation of the regular energy and

the utilization of the new energy. The major focuses on solar energy, wind energy, bioenergy, clean coal, and

power equipment & system. Graduates are able to engage in the design, manufacturing, testing and control for

the equipment and system of the regular energy and the new energy industry.Ⅱ. Objective

The major aims at cultivating high-quality engineering talents with solid foundation of new energy science

and technology, professional knowledge and related skills of exploiting and utilizing the regular and new energy.

Graduates are expected to be capable of theoretical research, equipment and system research, design,

manufacturing, testing, operation and management in the new energy and related field.Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to obtain knowledge about efficient and clean energy conversion, energy exploitation

and utilization, including mechanics and mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, engineering

mathematics, energy conversion and utilization technology. Students are also expected to grasp basic expertise in

the above four areas, to receive training on modern engineering and technology, and to gain ability to pursue

engineering and technology work related to new energy.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have good quality in humanities, arts and social science.

2. Have awareness social responsibility and occupation morality.

3. Have proficient language and computer skills.

4. Have the required knowledge of mathematics, natural science and economic management.

5. Acquire general engineering knowledge and basic theories in new energy science and engineering;

receive professional training in experimental skills, engineering practice, computer application, scientific research

and engineering design; understand state-of-art and development trend of the discipline; have basic ability to

solve practical engineering problems.

6. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query.

7. Understand technical standards, laws and regulations in the related occupations and sectors of

production, design, research and development; be familiar with principles, policies and regulations of

environmental protection and sustainable development; understand the impact of engineering on the nature and


8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working.

9. Have self-learning ability and social adaptability.

10. Have abilities to communicate, compete and collaborate internationally.Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering.Ⅴ.Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Power engineering and engineering thermal physics

Interdisciplinary subjects: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering.VI. Core courses

Energy Chemistry, Engineering Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Solar Thermal

Process, PV Devices and Systems, Principle and Equipments of Wind Energy Conversion, Wind Power Generation

and Control Technology, Theory and Equipments of Combustion, Bioenergy Engineering, Principles and

Equipment of Power Machinery, Principles and Technology of Energy Storage, Motor and Drive, Power Electronics,

etc.VII. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Metalworking Practice, Cognition Practice, Graduation Practice, Course Design, Research

Training, Graduation Design, etc.Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

Complete all the compulsory courses and optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits). The

minimum requirement for Bachelor of New Energy Science and Engineering is 175 credits.

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


新能源科学与工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of New Energy Science and Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++ 程 序 设 计 ‖ C++ ProgrammingDesign

4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021702 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 4 50 14 4 001

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

08021403 传热传质学★‖Heat and Mass Transfer★ 4 56 8 4 008

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

11022402复变函数与积分变换‖Complex Functions andIntegral Transformation

3 48 3 013

11023802 工程力学‖Engineering Mechanics 4 64 4 013

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

11038102工程 力学实 验‖ Experiments in EngineeringMechanics

1 40 1 013

08024502 工程热力学★‖Engineering Thermodynamics★ 4 60 4 4 008

04022801 工业电子学‖Industrial Electronics 4 54 10 4 004

01024102机械设计基础‖ Fundamentals of MechanicalDesign

4 58 6 4 001

11024801 计算方法‖Computational Method 2 24 8 2 013

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

10025401控 制 工 程 基 础 ‖ Control EngineeringFundamentals

3 48 3 010

08024404 流体力学★‖Fluid Mechanics★ 4 58 6 4 008

08021901能源动力测量原理与技术‖MeasurementPrinciple and Technology in Energy and PowerEngineering

3 40 8 3 008

08053501 能源化学‖Energy Chemistry 3 44 4 3 008

11029404数 学 物 理 方 程 ‖ Equations of MathematicalPhysics

3 48 3 013

08034605 专业课程设计‖Course Design 4 160 4 008

必修课程·专业方向课 【除公共部分外,任选一组修读】

Compulsory Course·Specialized Course(Choose one group, besides the general courses)

08021005 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 008

08030905 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 008

08022202储能原理与技术‖Principles and Technology ofEnergy Storage

3 46 2 3 008

08053801动 力 机 械 原 理 与 设 备 ‖ Principles andEquipment of Power Machinery

3 44 4 3 008

08030805 认识实习*‖Cognition Practice* 2 80 2 008

08026201燃烧理论与设备‖ Combustion Theoryand Equipment

3 42 6 3 008

08021101 生物能源工程‖Bioenergy Engineering 3 44 4 3 008

08021201太阳能热转换原理与技术‖Solar ThermalPrinciples and Technology

3 44 4 3 008

08053701 电机与拖动‖Motor and Drive

3 44 4 3 008

08053101电 力 电 子 技 术 ‖ Power ElectronicsTechnology

3 44 4 3 008

08054101风力发电系统与控制技术‖Wind PowerGeneration and Control Technology

3 44 4 3 008


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

16033207材 料 科 学 与 工 程 导 论 ‖ Introduction toMaterials Science and Engineering

2 32 2 016

08023602电 气 工 程 概 论 ‖ Introduction to ElectricalEngineering

2 28 4 2 008

08023502 分布式能源系统‖Distributed Energy System 3 46 2 3 008

08023001风 能 转 化 原 理 与 技 术 ‖ Principle andEquipments of Wind Energy Conversion

3 44 4 3 008

08053401工业测控技术‖ Industrial Measurement andControl

2 28 4 2 008

08060901 光伏器件与系统‖PV Device and System 3 46 2 3 008

08042301核反应堆工程‖Nuclear Reactor Principles andApplications

2 32 2 008

08053301 机电传动控制‖Electric Drive Control 2 30 2 2 008

08022601 洁净煤技术‖Clean Coal Technology 3 44 4 3 008

08054001流 体 机 械 原 理 与 设 备 ‖ Principles andEquipment of Fluid Machinery

2 28 4 2 008

08023103 能源工程计算机辅助设计‖ CAD in Energy 2 17 15 2 008

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


08061001生 物 质 转 换 原 理 与 技 术 ‖ Principles andTechnology of Bioamss Transformation

2 32 2 008

08053901新能源并网控制技术‖New Energy Grid ControlTechnology

2 32 2 2 008

08024001新 能源 专题 讲座 ‖ Special Lectures in NewEnergy

2 32 2 008

方向 I 组:必修课程汇总

Group I:Compulsory Courses Total157 1800 1536 23.5 24 26 22 19 16.5 7 19

方向 II 组:必修课程汇总

Group II:Compulsory Courses Total157 1802 1534 23.5 24 26 22 22 13.5 7 19

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

32 471 43 2 6 7 17

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.


南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表





士点和博士后流动站。本专业成立于 1960 年.2012 年,教育部将本科专业目录“武器系统与发射工程”更

名为“武器发射工程”专业。“武器系统与发射工程”专业系 1998 年高等学校本科专业目录调整后由原

















1. 掌握科学的世界观和方法论,具有强烈的社会责任感、崇高的职业道德,了解本专业的发展现状和


2. 掌握较好的人文、经济、艺术等知识,具有良好的社会科学素养;

3. 掌握扎实的基础理论与专业知识,包括:数学、力学、机械学、电子学、计算机、控制科学、弹道


4. 掌握武器发射工程专业的基本技能与专业技能,具有从事本专业领域产品设计、开发、生产制造、


5. 具有借助计算机和相关仪器设备,综合运用所学专业知识与技能,解决工程技术实际问题的基本能


6. 熟悉国家有关技术经济和国防建设的方针、政策及法规,了解本专业领域的技术标准和规范;

7. 掌握综合运用各种手段查询资料、获取信息的基本能力,具有一定的科学研究和实际工作能力;

8. 具有一定的国际视野和熟练的外语交流能力;

9. 具有较强的自学能力、创新意识和较高的综合素质;

10. 具有一定的组织管理能力、较强的表达能力和人际交往能力,富有团队合作精神。



南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表












毕业设计、毕业实习、金工实习、VISUAL BASIC 课程设计、机械设计基础课程设计、武器专业课程设



本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修

课若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Weapon Launch Engineering

Ⅰ. Introduction

Weapon Launch Engineering, founded in 1960, is a national key major. It offers bachelor, master and doctor

degree, and also provides post-doctoral program. Weapon Launch Engineering deals with the science and

technologies of mechanics phenomena, movement principles, and testing methodology for weapons in the

process of launch, flight and target hitting. The major covers the following research areas: interior ballistics,

launch theory and control technology for modern guns, exterior ballistics theory and flight control technology

for projectiles and rockets, aerodynamics and range extension technology for projectiles and rockets, ballistic

experiments and simulations, and launch technology of rockets and missiles. The graduates are able to be

engaged in the engineering design, product manufacturing, experimental test, and project management of

weapon launch system in the research institutes and military enterprises.Ⅱ. Objectives

To meet the requirements of the ordnance industry development, Weapon Launch Engineering cultivates

high-quality researchers and engineers with innovative consciousness, international vision and professional

competitiveness. With fundamental theories and practical capability on general design of weapon system,

launch technology of combat loads, mechanical engineering and automation, the graduates are expected to

engage in the system design, technical development, product manufacturing, experimental test, and

management in the academic institutes, universities, and military enterprises.Ⅲ.Requirements

Students are required to acquire the fundamental theories and knowledge about weapon launch, delivery,

civilian mechanical engineering and automation. Students are trained in the aspects of system design, technical

development, product manufacturing, experimental test and management. Students should possess the basic

capabilities of analysis and synthesization, engineering design and computation, computer application and

experimental testing.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have social responsibility and occupation morality; Understand state-of-art and development trend of the


2. Gain some knowledge about humanities, economics and arts.

3. Have solid fundamental theory and professional knowledge about mathematics, mechanics, mechanology,

electronics, computers, control science, ballistics, etc.

4. Master basic and professional skills of Weapon Launch Engineering; Have capabilities in the design,

development, manufacturing and management of products.

5. Possess the basic capability of solving practical problems by using the specialized knowledge and skills

through computers and other related equipments.

6. Be familiar with the policies, laws and regulations about technical economy and national defense

construction; Understand the technical standards and norms in the professional field.

7. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query.

8. Be fluent in foreign languages.

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


9. Have autonomous learning ability and innovative consciousness.

10. Have the organization and management ability, interpersonal communication skills and team spirit.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years

Degree: Bachelor of EngineeringⅤ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Weapon Science and Technology, Mechanics

Interdisciplines: Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, Mechanical Engineering, Control

Science and EngineeringⅥ. Core Courses

Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Engineering Thermodynamics, Aerodynamics for Projectiles and Rockets,

Interior Ballistics, Exterior Ballistics, Experimental Interior Ballistics, Experimental Exterior Ballistics,

Computational Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer for Weapons, Propulsion Principle for New Conceptual Weapons,

Flight Dynamics for Missiles, Flight and Control Principle for Projectiles and Rockets, Principle of General Design

for Guided Projectiles.Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Graduation Design, Graduation Practice, Metalworking Practice, Course Design in Visual Basic, Course

Design in Fundamentals of Mechanics, Course Design in Weapon Discipline, Scientific Research Training, etc.Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

Complete all the compulsory courses and optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits). The

minimum requirement for Bachelor of Weapon Launch Engineering is 175 credits.

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


武器发射工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Weapon Launch Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000602Visual Basic 程 序 设 计 ‖ Visual BasicProgramming Design

3 32 16 3 006

06001001Visual Basic 课程设计‖Course Design in VisualBasic

1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021702 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 4 50 14 4 001

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

11020501 材料力学‖Mechanics of Materials 3 46 2 3 013

08040601弹箭空气动力学‖Aerodynamics for Projectilesand Rockets

3 44 4 3 008

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

08024401工程流体力学★‖Engineering Fluid Mechanics★

3 44 4 3 008

08024501 工程热力学‖Engineering Thermodynamics 3 46 2 3 008

01024101机械设计基础‖ Fundamentals of MechanicalDesign

3 44 4 3 001

01024203 机械设计基础课程设计‖ Course Design ofMechanical Design Fundamentals

1 40 1 001

05024202机械制造基础‖ Fundamentals of MechanicalManufacture

3 44 4 3 001

11024801 计算方法‖Computational Method 2 24 8 2 013

23020105 金属工艺实习*‖Metalworking Training* 4 160 4 022

10025404控 制 工 程 基 础 ‖ Control EngineeringFundamentals

2 32 2 010

11027804 理论力学‖Theoretical Mechanics 5 80 5 013

04126401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅰ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅰ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04226401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅱ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅱ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04026501模拟与数字电路综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Analog and Digital Circuits

2 80 2 004

08031802微机原理及应用‖Microcomputer Principlesand Application

3 40 8 3 008

必修课程·专业方向课 【除公共部分外,任选一组修读】

Compulsory Course·Specialized Course(Choose one group, besides the general courses)

08028101 内弹道学‖Interior Ballistics 3 44 4 3 008

08037303 实验内弹道学‖Experimental Interior Ballistics 1.5 16 8 1.5 008

08037304 实验外弹道学‖Experimental Exterior Ballistics 1.5 16 8 1.5 008

08031602 外弹道学‖Exterior Ballistics 3 48 3 008

08134701武器专业课程设计(Ⅰ)*‖Course Design forWeapon(Ⅰ)*

2 80 2 008

08234701武器专业课程设计(Ⅱ)‖Course Design forWeapon(Ⅱ)

2 80 2 008

08021004 毕业设计‖Graduation Project

14 560 14 008

08030904 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 008

08040803计 算 流 体 力 学 ‖ Computational FluidDynamics

3 40 8 3 008

08041002 武器传热学‖Heat Transfer for Weapons 3 44 4 3 008

08032002 武器概论★‖Introduction to Weapons★ 2 32 2 008

08037401新 概 念 武 器 发 射 原 理 ‖ PropulsionPrinciples for New Conceptual Weapons

2 32 2 008

08021004 毕业设计‖Graduation Project

14 560 14 008

08030904 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 008

08041701弹箭飞行控制原理‖Flight Control Theoryfor Projectiles and Rockets

3 40 8 3 008

08042001导 弹 飞 行 力 学 ‖ Missile FlightAerodynamics

3 40 8 3 008

08041801飞行控制器件原理‖Principles of FlightControl Devices

2 28 4 2 008

08042101制 导 飞 行 器 概 论 ★ ‖ Introduction toGuided Vehicle★

2 32 2 008

08021094 毕业设计‖Graduation Project


14 560 14 008

08030994 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 008

64020101靶场实习*‖Practice in Shooting Ground*

1 40 1 064

08042001导 弹 飞 行 力 学 ‖ Missile FlightAerodynamics

3 40 8 3 008

南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

23020504机 械 工 程 综 合 实 习 ‖

Comprehensives practice of MechanicalEngineering

2 80 2 022

08060101可燃元器件与装药技术‖CombustibleComponents and Charge Technology

2 16 16 2 008

08041002 武器传热学‖Heat Transfer for Weapons 3 44 4 3 008

08060201制 导 弹 药 技 术 ‖ Guided MunitionsTechnology

2 16 16 2 008

08042101制 导 飞 行 器 概 论 ★ ‖ Introduction toGuided Vehicle★

2 32 2 008


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

08061301弹 箭 发 射 动 力 学 ‖ Launch Dynamics ofProjectiles and Rockets

2 32 2 008

08055301弹箭飞行动力学建模与仿真‖Modeling andSimulation of Flight Dynamics for Projectiles andRockets

2 32 2 008

08040902弹 箭 简 易 制 导 技 术 ‖ Practical GuidanceTechnology for Projectiles and Rockets

2 32 2 008

08055201弹箭组合导航原理与技术‖ Principles andTechnology of Integrated Navigation forProjectiles

2 32 2 008

01021301 弹药概论‖Ammunition Introduction 2 32 2 001

08029002含 能 材 料 燃 烧 理 论 ‖ Energetic MaterialsCombustion Theory

2 32 2 008

08025302 火箭外弹道学‖Exterior Ballistics for Rockets 2 32 2 008

08055101火炮装药设计及安全性技术‖ Design andSecurity Technology for Charge of Guns

2 32 2 008

08060001有 限 元 方 法 及 软 件 应 用 ‖ Finite ElementMethod and Software Application

2 24 8 2 008

08041901制导弹药总体设计原理‖Principles of GeneralDesign for Guided Projectiles

2 32 2 008

08055001智能弹药及其发射原理‖Smart Projectile andLaunch Principles

2 32 2 008

01040501 智能化单兵武器‖Intelligent Individual Weapon 2 32 2 001

方向 I 组:必修课程汇总

Group I:Compulsory Courses Total156 1758 1610 24.5 24 23 20.5 15.5 20.5 9 19

方向 II 组:必修课程汇总

Group II:Compulsory Courses Total156 1750 1618 24.5 24 23 20.5 15.5 20.5 9 19

方向 III 组:必修课程汇总

Group III:Compulsory Courses Total161 1758 1752 24.5 24 23 20.5 15.5 20.5 10 23

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

24 376 8 4 20

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表















在 20 余年的专业教学实践活动中,学院教师潜心教学、锐意进取,在跨学科专业教学、研究性教学








(IDEF)”、国际合作课程及“48 小时”快题设计挑战赛,以及讲座、WORKSHOP、网络合作教学、交换

学生等活动形式,极大地为学生营造了国际化的专业教学背景。2013 年,获得教育部正式批准的、我



南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


School of Design Arts and Media

School of Design Arts and Media at Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NUST) was founded in

2010, including two departments, Department of Design Art and Department of Journalism & Communication,

one provincial-level experimental teaching model center (Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center for Art

& Design), and one research and development center (Jiangsu Industrial Research & Design Center). There are

over 50 faculty and staff, 16 professors and associate professors, among whom 15 are advisors for

postgraduate students. There are 1 Industrial Design doctoral program and 3 postgraduates master programs:

Design Science, Industrial Design and Communication Studies, and 1 professional master program of Industrial

Design Engineering; 5 undergraduate programs: Industrial Design, Product Design, Visual Communication

Design, Environmental Design, and Broadcasting & TV. The school has over 600 students, of whom more than

500 are undergraduate students; more than 100 are doctoral and master postgraduate students.

School of Design Arts and Media has an excellent teaching team, which is well-structured, young and active,

dynamic and intellectual. The school actively explores talents developing models and teaching methods, which

has gained great achievements in continuously deepening the teaching reform to cultivate high-quality talents. In

recent years, the school has been rewarded 1 prize for the National Teaching Achievement, 1 first and 2 second

prizes of Jiangsu Teaching Achievement, 1 Provincial Excellent Course Programs and 1 High-quality Course.

Industrial Design Program has been approved as the Provincial Special Program; in 2009, Experimental Teaching

Center for Art & Design became the demonstration center for the Provincial Experimental Teaching for art design;

the teaching team of the industrial design was awarded as the National Teaching Team in 2010. Industrial Design,

Product Design, Visual Communication Design and Environmental Design were honored Jiangsu Key Discipline

(Class) in 2012; 2 young teachers have been ranked Top-30 of Guanghua Dragon Prize for three times (Year

2011,2012,2013), and were nominated Top-10 Designers.

During the past 20 years, the teachers of the school have been devoted themselves to teaching and

forged ahead with determination. They have established a relatively complete system in interdisciplinary

teaching, teaching research and teaching practice and have incorporated appropriate practice with program


1. The School has pioneered in comprehensive talents’ development of inter-disciplines and

inter-programs in China.

2. The School has innovated the mechanism of teaching, which applies different systems into

classroom teaching, such as studio training, students design and innovation competitions, and practical

working bases and postgraduate workshops established with different enterprises. The students’ innovation

ability and practical capability are well strengthened through various reformed teaching methods, such as

research-style teaching, interactive teaching, case-study teaching, and supervising by professional designers

from enterprises.

3. The School has optimized teaching resources and attached great importance to the construction of

solid foundation of courses with emphasis on theoretical application and practical abilities. Many

well-known scholars, experts and professors have been invited to give lectures to widen students’ vision and

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


improve their professional quality.

In recent years, the school has developed international cooperation and exchange activities in various

forms, and has established friendly cooperative relationships with Purdue University(USA), University of Illinois

Urbana-Champaign(USA), Auburn University(USA), Pratt Institute(USA), Coventry University(UK), Politecnico di

MILANO(ITA), Hochschule Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences(GER), Sapienza University of Rome(ITA),

Kyushu University(JPA), National University of Singapore(SG), Hong Kong Polytechnic University(HK), Taipei

University of Technology(TW), Yunlin University of Science and Technology(TW). Students’ international

professional education background has been greatly improved through various activities, such as International

Design & Education Forum(IDEF),“48 hours”Design Project cooperated with Purdue University, and lectures,

workshops, online cooperative teaching as well as exchange student programs. In 2013, the School launched a

Joint-education Program of Industrial Design with School of Art Design in Coventry University, which promotes

the international education idea and method.

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



产品设计专业依托于工业设计专业已有的办学基础和资源,2013 年首次面向艺术类学生招生。本专业










材料、结构、工艺、功能的关系,建立产品与人、市场、环境的友好关系。学生在毕业 5年内,有能力在


























南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



















本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 165 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Product Design


Product Design, a provincial key major in Jiangsu, began to enroll students in 2013. Supported by the

educational resources and experiences of Industrial Design, the major focuses on the combination of theory

and practice, and attaches importance to the interaction of disciplines. A systematic and scientific teaching

pattern has been established. The major has advantages and characteristics in product form design,

computer-aided design, and new products development. It has built several teaching practice bases to

cultivate cross disciplinary talents in the design of information products, household facilities, transportation,

equipment and defense products.

Ⅱ. Objectives

The major aims to cultivate talents with solid foundation of knowledge, theory and skills in product design

and innovation to engage in design, management, research and education. Based on the idea of “Creative Life”,

the program focuses on developing qualities of art and technology. Students are required to be familiar with

design principles and rules to deal with the relations of a variety of products between form, structure,

materials and processes, to establish friendly relationship between people, environment and market. They will

also have the ability to independently organize the implementation of the actual product development tasks

for “Creative Living".


Students are required to have consciousness of serving the society; have a good learning ability and

all-round quality. Students are expected to understand professional relevant laws and regulations, abide by

professional ethics, have the ability of systematic theoretical knowledge and technical expertise in product

design. Students are also required to have awareness in humanities, social sciences and natural science.

Emphasis will be put on cultivating students' innovative thinking, modeling capabilities, design analysis and

presentation skills.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have abilities to comply with professional ethics: compliance with relevant laws and regulations,

have awareness in security, confidentiality, environmental protection, intellectual property protection;

2. Have sense of social responsibility and mission, domestic traditional culture, global perspective; have

a profound understanding and awareness of social ethics, sustainable development and other issues in

design aesthetics, have a general knowledge of market economy and management;

3. Have a good sense of teamwork and the ability to articulate views, to organize the collaboration with

the people from different backgrounds, to have good language and writing skills to exchange and


4. Master knowledge structure and systematic framework in product design, develop good study habits

and literature retrieval capabilities, and be able to understand the trends of the frontier discipline.

5. Have design and processing capabilities through basic training courses, have perception and

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


processing capabilities in 2D, 3D design, and be able to solve problems in materials, shape, color, surface

treatment and other processing;

6. Have abilities to investigate and analyze consumers’ psychological needs, and be capable of analyzing

human-machine relations, product using patterns, application of materials, structural design, be able to

evaluate and select different technical designs;

7. Have expression ability in hand-sketch, computer-aided design and modeling, be able to express

through the design of sketch and computer renderings, 3D digital model, physical model, and animation, etc;

8. Have knowledge of natural science in mathematics, mechanics, psychology and other areas through

learning drawing, ergonomics, structure design, user research;

9. Have engineering theory and ability by learning engineering drawing, mechanical structure,

manufacturing, materials processing;

10. Have innovative ability and global horizons by improving students' ability in creating graphics, 3D

shape, and structure design.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Art science

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Mechanical engineering

Ⅵ. Core courses

Design Sketch, History of Art & Design, Fundamentals of Form, Design Presentation, Graphics of Industrial

Design, Product Form Design and Research, Basis of Product design, Ergonomics, Product Structure Design,

User Research, Product design (series), Furniture Design, Exhibition Design

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Model technique, Product Design Survey, Metal Technology Practice, Folk-custom Research and Sketches,

Graduation Practice, Graduation project, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 165 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


产品设计专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Product Design


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

09030102 FLASH 软件应用‖Flash Application 2 16 16 2 009

09030202 论文写作*‖Thesis Writing* 1 16 1 009

09037401民 俗 调 研 与 写 生 ‖ Folklore Investigation &Sketching

2 80 2 009

05035201 设计概论‖Introduction to Design 2 32 2 009

09031202 设计色彩‖Color Design 3 16 32 3 009

09031302 设计素描‖Design Sketch 3 16 32 3 009

01047601设 计 图 学 基 础 ‖ Fundamentals of IndustrialDesign Graphics

2 24 8 2 009

01047701 设计艺术史‖A History of Art Design 2 32 2 009

09137801 形式基础(Ⅰ)‖Fundamentals of Form (Ⅰ) 3 16 32 3 009

09237801 形式基础(Ⅱ)‖Fundamentals of form (Ⅱ) 3 16 32 3 009

09034201 用户研究‖User Research 3 32 16 3 009

09031101 专业英语‖Specialized English 2 32 2 009


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

01054002 编排设计★‖Format Design★ 3 32 16 3 009

09131401 表现技法(Ⅰ)★‖Representation Skills (Ⅰ)★ 3 16 32 3 009

09231401 表现技法(Ⅱ)‖Representation Skills (Ⅱ) 2 8 24 2 009

09030401 产品工程图‖Product Engineering Drawing 2 32 2 009

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

09030501 产品设计调研‖Investigation of Product Design 1 40 1 009

09031601 产 品 设 计 基 础 ‖ Fundamentals of ProductDesign

3 24 24 3 009

09037901产品形态设计与研究‖Product form Design &Reserch

3 24 24 3 009

09021001机械设计基础‖ Fundamentals of MechanicalDesign

3 32 16 3 009

09056901计 算 机 辅 助 产 品 设 计 ‖ Computer-AidedProduct Design

3 24 24 3 009

05024802计算机辅助二维设计‖Computer-Aided TwoDimentional Design

3 24 24 3 009

23020105 金属工艺实习*‖Metalworking Training* 4 160 4 022

05033102 模型技术*‖Modeling Technique* 3 8 40 3 009

05026703 人机工程学★‖Ergonomics★ 3 24 56 3 009


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

09020103 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 540 14 009

09020003 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 009

09031501产 品 动 画 演 示 ‖ Product AnimationDemonstration

3 24 24 3 009

09030701产品结构设计‖ Structural Design of ProductDesign

3 32 16 3 009

09130601 产品设计(Ⅰ)‖Product Design (Ⅰ) 3 24 24 3 009

09230601 产品设计(Ⅱ)‖Product Design (Ⅱ) 3 24 40 3 009

09330601 产品设计(Ⅲ)‖Product Design (Ⅲ) 4 24 40 4 009

01048102 家具设计‖Furniture Design 3 24 24 3 009

01048401设计 材料 与加 工工 艺‖ Design Material &Processing Technic

2 32 2 009

09038001信息与交互设计‖ Information & InteractionDesign

3 24 24 3 009

09037601 展示设计‖Exhibition Design 3 24 24 3 009

09038101 专项设计与研究‖Special Design and Research 2 16 16 2 009


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

09038301 包装容器设计‖Packaging Containers Design 3 20 28 3 009

01024103产 品 制 造 基 础 ‖ Fundamentals of ProductManufacturing

2 28 4 2 009

15020703 大学语文‖College Chinese 2 32 2 009

09038801 多媒体设计‖Multimedia Design 3 24 24 3 009

01053301 公共艺术‖Public Design 3 24 24 3 009

01045201 广告学‖Advertising 2 32 2 009

09030901 交通工具设计‖Transportation Design 3 24 24 3 009

09035802 竞赛设计‖Design for Competition 2 8 24 2 009

09030801企 业 产 品 开 发 战 略 ‖ Enterprise ProductDevelopment Strategy

2 32 2 009

01053101 摄影‖Photography 3 24 24 3 009

09038201 图形设计‖Graphic Design 2 16 16 2 009

09037701 玩具设计‖Toy Design 3 24 24 3 009

05043802 学科系列讲座‖Academic Lecture Series 1 16 1 009

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 147 1216 1916 23.5 21 22 19 24 15.5 3 19

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

31 304 192 4 13 11 3

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese..

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表





一体,涉及艺术和科学两大领域的多门学科内容,具有多学科交叉、渗透、融合的特点。 环境艺术其主要











关系。学生在毕业 5 年内,有能力在室内环境、景观设计、展示设计、环境设施等领域,独立完成或组织






















南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表








10 创新能力:培养学生开阔的专业视野、创新意识和想象能力。通过提高学生在图形、形态、空间设










中外园林史、 环境艺术设计概论、人机工程学、空间设计基础、景观设计方法表达、室内设计方法与





本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 162 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Environmental Design


Environment Design concentrates on cultivating talents for landscape design, interior design, exhibition

design or design of relevant facilities. The major covers research areas including exterior and interior design,

landscape design, modern exhibition design, public environmental design. Based on strong engineering

background, students are expected to master fundamentals in both theory and practice, and develop the

abilities to accomplish environment design tasks in architecture, landscape design, urban planning, exhibition

and other professional fields.


The major focuses on developing students with fundamental knowledge of environment designs, design

skills, innovative abilities and all-round qualities. Students are expected to engage in designing, management,

research institutes, etc. Graduates will be qualified to apply relevant principles and approaches in

environmental design to deal with relations involving form and materials, structure, processing and function.

Students will be capable of accomplishing environment design tasks in architecture, landscape design, urban

planning, exhibition, etc..

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to have consciousness of serving the society; a good learning ability and all-round

qualities. Students are expected to understand professional relevant laws and regulations, abide by

professional ethics, have the ability of systematic theoretical knowledge and technical expertise in product

design. Students are also required to have awareness in humanities, social sciences and natural science.

Emphasis will be put on cultivating students' innovative thinking, modeling capabilities, design analysis and

presentation skills.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have abilities to comply with professional ethics: compliance with relevant laws and regulations,

have awareness in security, confidentiality, environmental protection, intellectual property protection;

2. Have sense of social responsibility and mission, domestic traditional culture, global perspective; have

a profound understanding and awareness of social ethics, sustainable development and other issues in

design aesthetics, have a general knowledge of market economy and management;

3. Have a good sense of teamwork and the ability to articulate views, to organize the collaboration with

the people from different backgrounds, to have good language and writing skills to exchange and


4. Master knowledge structure and systematic framework in product design, develop good study habits

and literature retrieval capabilities, and be able to understand the trends of the frontier discipline.

5. Have design and processing capabilities through basic training courses, have perception and

processing capabilities in 2D, 3D design, and be able to solve problems in materials, shape, color and

environmental design;

6. Have abilities to investigate and analyze human behavior psychology, and be capable of analyzing

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


human-environment relations, rationality of functional design, be able to evaluate and select different

technical designs;

7. Have expression ability in hand-sketch, computer-aided design and modeling, be able to express

through the design of sketch and computer renderings, 3D digital model, physical model, and animation, etc;

8. Have knowledge of natural science in aesthetics, design representation, landscape design, interior

design, ergonomics, materials, design graphics, history of art design and environmental design;

9. Have engineering theory and ability by learning engineering drawing, architecture drawing,

gardening engineering, materials processing;

10. Have innovative ability and global horizons by improving students' ability in creating graphics, 3D

form, spatial design, and structure design.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts

Ⅴ.Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Design science

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Landscape, Architecture Science

Ⅵ. Core courses:

History of gardening, Introduction to Environmental design, Ergonomics, Space design, Landscape design

expression, Interior design expression, Landscape design engineering and practice ring, Environmental

structure planning and design, Display design .

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Folk-custom Research and Sketches, Cognition Practice, Graduation Practice, Graduation project, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 162 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


环境设计专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Environmental Design


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

09030102 FLASH 软件应用‖Flash Application 2 16 16 2 009

09030202 论文写作*‖Thesis Writing* 1 16 1 009

09037401民 俗 调 研 与 写 生 ‖ Folklore Investigation &Sketching

2 80 2 009

05035201 设计概论‖Introduction to Design 2 32 2 009

09031202 设计色彩‖Color Design 3 16 32 3 009

09031302 设计素描‖Design Sketch 3 16 32 3 009

01047601设 计 图 学 基 础 ‖ Fundamentals of IndustrialDesign Graphics

2 24 8 2 009

01044801 设计心理学‖Psychology of Design 2 32 2 009

01047701 设计艺术史‖A History of Art Design 2 32 2 009

09137801 形式基础(Ⅰ)‖Fundamentals of Form (Ⅰ) 3 16 32 3 009

09237801 形式基础(Ⅱ)‖Fundamentals of form (Ⅱ) 3 16 32 3 009

09031101 专业英语‖Specialized English 2 32 2 009


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

01054002 编排设计★‖Format Design★ 3 32 16 3 009

09057001环 境 设 计 表 达 ‖ Representation ofEnvironmental Design

3 16 32 3 009

09031902环 境 艺 术 设 计 概 论 ‖ Introduction toEnvironmental Design

3 48 3 009

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

05024802计算机辅助二维设计‖Computer-Aided TwoDimentional Design

3 24 24 3 009

09056902计 算 机 辅 助 环 境 设 计 ‖ Computer-AidedEnvironmental Design

3 24 24 3 009

09032002 建筑制图★‖Architectural Graphing★ 3 24 24 3 009

01051502建 筑 装 饰 构 造 ‖ Architectural DecorativeStructure

3 24 24 3 009

09031702景观设计基础与原理‖Basis & Principles ofLandscape Design

3 24 24 3 009

05033202 空间设计基础‖Fundamentals of Spacial Design 3 24 24 3 009

05033103 模型技术*‖Modeling Technique* 3 8 40 3 009

05035001 认识实习*‖Cognition Practice* 1 40 1 009

09031801室内设计基础与原理‖Basis & Principles ofInterior Design

2 32 2 009

09037601 展示设计‖Exhibition Design 3 24 24 3 009

09038701 中外园林史‖History of Gardening 3 36 12 3 009


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

09020101 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 540 14 009

09020001 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 009

09032801环境设施规划与设计‖Planning & Design ofEnvironmental Facility

3 24 24 3 009

01047903景观设计方法与表达‖Methods & Presentationof Landscape Design

3 24 24 3 009

09032701景观设计工程与实践‖Engineering & Practiceof Landscape Design

3 24 24 3 009

09032301景 观 植 物 配 置 设 计 ‖ Layout Design ofLandscape Plant

3 24 24 3 009

05026703 人机工程学★‖Ergonomics★ 3 24 56 3 009

09038601设计 材料 与加 工工 艺‖ Design Material &Processing Technic

3 48 3 009

09032101室 内 设 计 方 法 与 表 达 ‖ Methods &Representation of Interior Design

3 24 24 3 009

09032201室内设计工程与实践‖Engineering & Practiceof Interior Design

3 24 24 3 009


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

09038301 包装容器设计‖Packaging Containers Design 3 20 28 3 009

01024103产 品 制 造 基 础 ‖ Fundamentals of ProductManufacturing

2 28 4 2 009

15020703 大学语文‖College Chinese 2 32 2 009

09038801 多媒体设计‖Multimedia Design 3 24 24 3 009

01053301 公共艺术‖Public Design 3 24 24 3 009

09033002 光环境设计‖Light Environment Design 2 16 16 2 009

01045201 广告学‖Advertising 2 32 2 009

01048102 家具设计‖Furniture Design 3 24 24 3 009

09035802 竞赛设计‖Design for Competition 2 8 24 2 009

09030801企 业 产 品 开 发 战 略 ‖ Enterprise ProductDevelopment Strategy

2 32 2 009

01053101 摄影‖Photography 3 24 24 3 009

09037701 玩具设计‖Toy Design 3 24 24 3 009

05043802 学科系列讲座‖Academic Lecture Series 1 16 1 009

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 144 1276 1696 23.5 21 22 18 19 17.5 4 19

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional Courses 31 304 192 2 13 10 6

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.


南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




设计”等名称。1998 年作为专业方向并入“艺术设计”专业,2003 年成为“设计学”一级学科下属二级学




























综合以上所述,本专业毕业生能力具体要求为以下 10 项:

1. 遵守职业道德的能力

2. 人文和社会科学素养

3. 交流与协作的能力

4. 学习的能力

5. 设计的形式感觉与处理能力

6. 设计分析能力

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


7. 设计表达与表现能力

8. 自然科学理论与知识

9. 工程学理论与能力

10. 创新能力














本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 160 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Visual Communication Design

Ⅰ. Introduction

Visual Communication Design, one of the earliest major in China in the field, is a combination of artistry,

humanity and technical nature. The major focuses on traditional fields of advertising design, packaging design,

books design, and new areas of video media display design, film design, and visual environment design, etc..

Graduates are qualified to engage in advertising corporations, design offices, press and net media, etc..

Ⅱ. Objectives

The major aims to cultivate students with global vision to conduct design with Chinese characteristics and

meet the requirements of new era. Graduates will be qualified to conduct design, teaching and management in

media institutions, marketing departments, and research institutes, etc..

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to have consciousness of serving the society; a good learning ability and all-round

qualities. Students are expected to understand professional relevant laws and regulations, abide by

professional ethics, have the ability of systematic theoretical knowledge and technical expertise in visual

communication design. Students are also required to have the abilities in creative thinking, oral and written


Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have abilities to comply with professional ethics;

2. Have awareness in humanities and social science;

3. Possess abilities to communicate and collaborate;

4. Be capable of self-learning;

5. Have delicate perception of shapes and forms;

6. Have design analysis abilities;

7. Be able to express and present designs;

8. Grasp knowledge of natural science

9. Master theories and skills in engineering;

10. Have innovative consciousness.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts

Ⅴ. The leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Design science

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Communication, Aesthetics, Psychology, and Engineering

Ⅵ. Core courses:

Text design, Graphic design, Layout design, Advertising design, Packaging design, Books design, Animation

design, Multimedia design, Corporate identity design, Exhibition design, History of Design , Psychology of

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Design .

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Folk-custom Research and Sketches, Cognition Practice, Graduation Practice, Graduation project, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 160 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


视觉传达设计专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Visual Communication Design


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

09030102 FLASH 软件应用‖Flash Application 2 16 16 2 009

09030201 论文写作*‖Thesis Writing* 1 16 1 009

09037401民 俗 调 研 与 写 生 ‖ Folklore Investigation &Sketching

2 80 2 009

05035201 设计概论‖Introduction to Design 2 32 2 009

09031202 设计色彩‖Color Design 3 16 32 3 009

09031302 设计素描‖Design Sketch 3 16 32 3 009

01047601设 计 图 学 基 础 ‖ Fundamentals of IndustrialDesign Graphics

2 24 8 2 009

01044801 设计心理学‖Psychology of Design 2 32 2 009

01047701 设计艺术史‖A History of Art Design 2 32 2 009

09137801 形式基础(Ⅰ)‖Fundamentals of Form (Ⅰ) 3 16 32 3 009

09237801 形式基础(Ⅱ)‖Fundamentals of form (Ⅱ) 3 16 32 3 009

09031101 专业英语‖Specialized English 2 32 2 009


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

01054002 编排设计★‖Format Design★ 3 32 16 3 009

01044902 标志设计‖Logo Design 3 32 16 3 009

01052402 动画设计★‖Animation Design★ 3 32 16 3 009

05024802 计算机辅助二维设计‖Computer-Aided Two 3 24 24 3 009

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

Dimentional Design

09056903计算机辅助视觉设计‖Computer-Aided VisualDesign

3 24 24 3 009

09032401 界面设计‖User Interface Design 3 32 16 3 009

01054101 漫画与插图‖Comics and Illustration Drawing 3 32 16 3 009

05034101 企业形象设计‖Corporate Identity Design 3 32 16 3 009

05035003 认识实习*‖Recognizing Internship * 1 40 1 009

01053101 摄影*‖Photography* 3 24 24 3 009

01129802 图形设计(Ⅰ)‖Graphic Design (Ⅰ) 2 16 16 2 009

01229802 图形设计(Ⅱ)‖Graphic Design (Ⅱ) 2 16 16 2 009

05028902 文字设计‖Character Design 3 32 16 3 009

01053402 印刷工艺‖Printing Technology 3 24 24 3 009

05034202 装饰基础‖Decoration Basis 3 32 16 3 009


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

01123201 包装设计(Ⅰ)‖Packaging Design (Ⅰ) 3 32 16 3 009

01223201 包装设计(Ⅱ)‖Packaging Design (Ⅱ) 3 32 16 3 009

09138501包装设计课程设计(Ⅰ)‖Course Design ofPackaging Design (Ⅰ)

1 40 1 009

09238501包装设计课程设计(Ⅱ)‖Course Design ofPackaging Design (Ⅱ)

1 40 1 009

09020102 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 540 14 009

09020002 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 009

01123101 广告设计(Ⅰ)‖Advertising Design (Ⅰ) 3 32 16 3 009

01223101 广告设计(Ⅱ)‖Advertising Design (Ⅱ) 3 32 16 3 009

09138401广告设计课程设计(Ⅰ)‖Course Design ofAdvertising (Ⅰ)

1 40 1 009

09238401广告设计课程设计(Ⅱ)‖Course Design ofAdvertising (Ⅱ)

1 40 1 009

01045502 书籍设计‖Books Design 3 32 16 3 009

09038501书籍设计课程设计‖Course Design of BooksDesign

1 40 1 009


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

09038301 包装容器设计‖Packaging Containers Design 3 20 28 3 009

15020703 大学语文‖College Chinese 2 32 2 009

09038801 多媒体设计‖Multimedia Design 3 24 24 3 009

01053301 公共艺术‖Public Design 3 24 24 3 009

01045201 广告学‖Advertising 2 32 2 009

01048102 家具设计‖Furniture Design 3 24 24 3 009

09035802 竞赛设计‖Design for Competition 2 8 24 2 009

09037701 玩具设计‖Toy Design 3 24 24 3 009

05043802 学科系列讲座‖Academic Lecture Series 1 16 1 009

09037601 展示设计‖Exhibition Design 3 24 24 3 009

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 142 1264 1764 23.5 21 25 15 20 13.5 5 19

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

25 228 172 2 3 8 8 4

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




南京理工大学工业设计专业自 1993 年招收本科学生,2003 年成为江苏省特色专业,2005 年取得国家教















计等领域的开发、研究、策划、教育和管理工作的复合型人才;毕业 5年内,有能力独立完成或组织实施实



















南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


















本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 172 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Industrial Design

1. Introduction

Industrial Design, a provincial key major in Jiangsu, began to enroll students in 1993. The faculty team was

awarded National Teaching Achievement in 2005, and granted National Teaching Team in 2010.

With the goal of mass production and environment optimization, through the analysis of the relation

between “human" and "object", industrial design reflects and implements the principles and methods of

"sustainable" environmental design in the whole process of production, circulation and junking. With the

innovative product design and the method of service system design, industrial design aims to meet the

different needs of users on various aspects, including product's function, operation, form and emotion. As a

cross discipline, Industrial Design has the following characteristics in its teaching system: focusing on practical

teaching and the enlightenment of innovative ideas, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration across

professional and independent research. The major has established a number of teaching practice bases.

The major meets the need of defense industry and local economic development. Relying on the

university's engineering background and academic advantages, the major is committed to cultivating the

industrial design talents for information appliances, transportation, defense industries and other areas.

2. Objectives

The major aims at cultivating interdisciplinary talents with professional knowledge and application

capabilities, global vision and social responsibility, creative mind and team spirit. Graduates are expected to

engage in communication design, human-computer interaction design, environmental and display design in

related enterprises, institutes and government agencies. They will also have the ability to independently

organize the implementation of the actual product development tasks in 5 years after graduation

3. Requirements

Students are required to obtain the basic theoretical knowledge of industrial design and design methods,

to receive basic training in the principles, programs, methods and expression of industrial design. They are

expected to understand and be able to handle the relationship between industrial design and environment,

user, market, function, form, color, structure, material and manufacture process among all sorts of products

and services.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good understanding in humanities, social responsibility and professional ethics, an attitude to pursue

innovation and excellence, and strong patriotic professionalism;

2.Have a solid foundation of natural sciences and social sciences; understand the relevant technology

and social trends;

3. Have the ability of coordination, interpersonal communication and teamwork.

4.Have ability of self-learning; grasp professional knowledge, including design fundamentals, design

history and design theory, human-computer interaction, sustainable design, service model and business

model design;

5.Have ability of arts appreciation and creation; have a good perception of forms;

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


6.Have ability to analyze and solve problems with acquired scientific knowledge to satisfy social and

individual demands; have ability to plan, design and maintain products and services;

7. Have abilities of design expression, design practice and creation; be proficient in computer, Internet,

multimedia and foreign languages;

8. Have good design management capabilities, and the ability to respond to the crisis and emergencies;

9. Grasp systematic engineering theory and related knowledge to promote the feasibility of products;

10. Have global vision, and ability of cross-cultural communication, cooperation and competition.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. The leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Design science

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Mechanical engineering

Ⅵ. Core courses

Introduction to Design, History of Art & Design, Fundamentals of Form, Design Presentation, Graphics of

Industrial Design, Product Form Design and Research, Ergonomics, Computer Aided Product Design, User

Research, Product design (series), etc.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Model technique, Product Design Survey, Metal Technology Practice, Folk-custom Research and Sketches,

Graduation Practice, Graduation project, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 172 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


工业设计专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Industrial Design


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

09030102 FLASH 软件应用‖Flash Application 2 16 16 2 009

11020803 大学物理‖College Physics 3 48 3 013

11020902 大学物理实验‖Experiments in College Physics 1 16 1 013

11023302 高等数学‖Calculus 4 64 4 013

09031201 色彩‖Color 3 16 32 3 009

05035201 设计概论‖Introduction to Design 2 32 2 009

01047701 设计艺术史‖A History of Art Design 2 32 2 009

09131302 素描(Ⅰ)‖Sketch (Ⅰ) 3 16 32 3 009

09231302 素描(Ⅱ)‖Sketch (Ⅱ) 2 8 24 2 009

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013

09137801 形式基础(Ⅰ)‖Fundamentals of Form (Ⅰ) 3 16 32 3 009

09237801 形式基础(Ⅱ)‖Fundamentals of form (Ⅱ) 3 16 32 3 009


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

09131401表现技法(Ⅰ)★*‖Representation Skills (Ⅰ)★*

3 16 32 3 009

09231401 表现技法(Ⅱ)‖Representation Skills (Ⅱ) 2 8 24 2 009

09038901产品控制原理‖ Control Principles in ProductDesign

3 32 16 3 009

09031601 产 品 设 计 基 础 ‖ Fundamentals of Product 3 24 24 3 009

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


09021001机械设计基础‖ Fundamentals of MechanicalDesign

3 32 16 3 009

09056901 计 算 机 辅 助 产 品 设 计 ‖ Computer-AidedProduct Design

3 24 24 3 009

05024802计算机辅助二维设计‖Computer-Aided TwoDimentional Design

3 24 24 3 009

23020105 金属工艺实习*‖Metalworking Training* 4 160 4 022

09037401民 俗 调 研 与 写 生 ‖ Folklore Investigation &Sketching

2 80 2 009

05033102 模型技术‖Modeling Technique 3 120 3 009

05026703 人机工程学★‖Ergonomics★ 3 24 24 3 009

01048401设计 材料 与加 工工 艺‖ Design Material &Processing Technic

2 24 8 2 009

01047602 设计图学‖Graphics of Industrial Design 4 54 10 4 009

09034201 用户研究‖User Research 3 32 16 3 009


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

09020104 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 009

09020004 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 009

01054001 编排设计‖Format Design 2 32 2 009

09031501产 品 动 画 演 示 ‖ Product AnimationDemonstration

2 32 3 009

09030701产品结构设计‖ Structural Design of ProductDesign

2 32 3 009

09130601 产品设计(Ⅰ)‖Product Design (Ⅰ) 3 24 24 3 009

09230601 产品设计(Ⅱ)‖Product Design (Ⅱ) 2 32 3 009

09330601 产品设计(Ⅲ)‖Product Design (Ⅲ) 2 32 4 009

09131601产品设计综合实践(Ⅰ)‖ComprehensivePractice of Product Design (Ⅰ)

2 80 2

09231601产品设计综合实践(Ⅱ)‖ComprehensivePractice of Product Design(Ⅱ)

3 120 3

09030501 产品设计调研‖Investigation of Product Design 1 40 1 009

09037901产品形态设计与研究‖Product form Design &Research

3 24 24 3 009

09035802 竞赛设计‖Design for Competition 2 80 2 009

09038001信息与交互设计‖ Information & InteractionDesign

3 24 24 3 009

09038101 专项设计与研究‖Special Design and Research 2 80 2 009


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

09038301 包装容器设计‖Packaging Containers Design 3 20 28 3 009

01024103产 品 制 造 基 础 ‖ Fundamentals of ProductManufacturing

2 28 4 2 009

15020703 大学语文‖College Chinese 2 32 2 009

09038801 多媒体设计‖Multimedia Design 3 24 24 3 009

01053301 公共艺术‖Public Design 3 24 24 3 009

01048102 家具设计‖Furniture Design 3 24 24 3 009

09030901 交通工具设计‖Transportation Design 3 24 24 3 009

05033803交通工具设计表现技法‖Automotive DesignRepresentation

3 16 32 3 009

09030801企 业 产 品 开 发 战 略 ‖ Enterprise ProductDevelopment Strategy

2 32 2 009

01053101 摄影‖Photography 3 24 24 3 009

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

09038201 图形设计‖Graphic Design 2 16 16 2 009

09037701 玩具设计‖Toy Design 3 24 24 3 009

05043802 学科系列讲座‖Academic Lecture Series 1 16 1 009

09037601 展示设计‖Exhibition Design 3 24 24 3 009

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 154 1214 2066 27.5 23 23 24 18 15.5 4 19

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

36 328 248 4 14 12 6

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.


南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表






法、教材等;引进的课程总数将超过总课程数的 1/3;引进专业核心课程接近全专业课程 1/2),同时基于现











通工具设计的开发、研究、策划、教育和管理工作的复合型人才;毕业 5年内,有能力独立完成或组织实施





















南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表
















本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


“3+1” Cooperative Program of Industrial Design

Ⅰ. Introduction

“3+1”Cooperative Program of Industrial Design is co-sponsored by the Nanjing University of Science &

Technology and Coventry University, UK .

The program is based on the Industrial Design Program of NUST, a provincial key major in Jiangsu, and the

advantages and resources of Coventry University, UK in industrial design, particularly in vehicle and

automotive design. With a large number of introduced high-quality teaching resources (including curriculum,

faculty, teaching philosophy and methods, materials, etc.; the introduced modules will be over 1/3 of the total

modules; the introduced professional core modules are close to 1/2 of the total professional modules), and the

existing excellent conditions of a domestic leading design program (Nanjing University of Science & Technology

had trained a large number of professional automotive design talents during the past two decades for Chinese

automobile enterprises), the program aims to cultivate the professional design talents for the development of

Chinese automotive, marine and transportation industries to meet the requirements in the process of

conversion as "China shifts from manufacturing base to a country with innovation design and brand".

To implement the "project-driven" professional teaching ideas, the program helps students gradually

adapt to British teaching patterns by setting the practical curriculum projects, introducing advanced teaching

ideas, approaches and methods. Relying on the advantages of the School, the program devotes to expanding

students' global vision by encouraging students to participate in international innovation design competitions.

Ⅱ. Objectives

The program aims at cultivating interdisciplinary talents with professional knowledge and application

capabilities, global vision and social responsibility, creative mind and team spirit. Graduates are expected to

engage in the design of automobile, ship, bicycle and related transportation in related enterprises, institutes

and government agencies. They will also have the ability to independently organize the implementation of the

actual product development tasks in 5 years after graduation.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to obtain theoretical knowledge of industrial design, to apply design principles and

laws to deal with relations of all sorts of products, especially the relations between form (automobile, ships

and other traffic tools) and structure, material, process, and the relations between products and people,

environment, market. Students are also expected to grasp basic knowledge of design management,

man-machine quality evaluation and man-machine interface design, together with the primary ability to

develop and design new products.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good understanding in humanities, social responsibility and professional ethics, an attitude to pursue

innovation and excellence, and strong patriotic professionalism;

2.Have a solid foundation of natural sciences and social sciences; understand the relevant technology

and social trends;

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


3. Have the ability of coordination, interpersonal communication and teamwork.

4.Have ability of self-learning; grasp professional knowledge, including design fundamentals, design

history and design theory, human-computer interaction, sustainable design, service model and business

model design;

5.Have ability of arts appreciation and creation; have a good perception of forms;

6.Have ability to analyze and solve problems with acquired scientific knowledge to satisfy social and

individual demands; have ability to plan, design and maintain products and services;

7. Have abilities of design expression, design practice and creation; be proficient in computer, Internet,

multimedia and foreign languages;

8. Have good design management capabilities, and the ability to respond to the crisis and emergencies;

9. Grasp systematic engineering theory and related knowledge to promote the feasibility of products;

10. Have global vision, and ability of cross-cultural communication, cooperation and competition.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Design science

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Mechanical engineering

Ⅵ. Core courses

Introduction to Design, History of Art & Design, Fundamentals of Form, Design Presentation, Product

Form Design and Research, Ergonomics, Computer Aided Product Design, User Research, Automotive Design,

Boat Design, Bike Design, etc.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Model technique, Product Design Survey, Metal Technology Practice, Folk-custom Research and Sketches,

Graduation Practice, Graduation project, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


工业设计(3+1)专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Industrial Design(3+1)


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

09030102 FLASH 软件应用‖Flash Application 2 16 16 2 009

11020803 大学物理‖College Physics 3 48 3 013

11020902 大学物理实验‖Experiments in College Physics 1 16 1 013

11023302 高等数学‖Calculus 4 64 4 013

05032803 绘画色彩‖Color Painting 3 16 32 3 009

05035201 设计概论‖Introduction to Design 2 32 2 009

01047701 设计艺术史‖A History of Art Design 2 32 2 009

09131302 素描(Ⅰ)‖Sketch (Ⅰ) 3 16 32 3 009

09231302 素描(Ⅱ)‖Sketch (Ⅱ) 2 8 24 2 009

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013

09137801 形式基础(Ⅰ)‖Fundamentals of Form (Ⅰ) 3 16 32 3 009

09237801 形式基础(Ⅱ)‖Fundamentals of form (Ⅱ) 3 16 32 3 009


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

05033001 表现技法‖Design Sketching and Presentation 3 48 3 009

09037901产品形态设计与研究‖Product form Design &Reserch

3 24 24 3 009

09056901计 算 机 辅 助 产 品 设 计 ‖ Computer-AidedProduct Design

3 24 24 3 009

05024802 计算机辅助二维设计‖Computer-Aided Two 3 24 24 3 009

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

Dimentional Design

09034001交 通 工 具 与 产 品 创 新 ▼ ‖ Transport andProduct Innovation▼

4 32 32 4 009

09035001 交通设计与制造▼‖ Transport Design andManufacture▼

4 32 32 4 009

23020105 金属工艺实习*‖Metalworking Training* 4 160 4 022

05033102 模型技术‖Modeling Technique 3 8 40 3 009

09035501汽 车 设 计 表 现 ▼ ‖ Automotive DesignRepresentation▼

3 16 32 3 009

05026703 人机工程学★‖Ergonomics★ 3 24 56 3 009

01047602 设计图学‖Graphics of Industrial Design 4 54 10 4 009

09034201 用户研究‖User Research 3 32 16 3 009


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

09020105 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 540 14 009

09020005 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 009

09034301车辆工程与空气动力学▼‖Vehicle Engineeringand Aerodynamics▼

3 48 3 009

09134401 船舶设计(Ⅰ)▼‖Boat Design (Ⅰ)▼ 3 24 24 3 009

09234401 船舶设计(Ⅱ)▼‖Boat Design (Ⅱ)▼ 3 24 24 3 009

09056703 汽车内饰设计▼‖Automotive Interior Design▼ 3 24 24 3 009

09035301 汽车设计▼‖Automotive Design▼ 3 24 24 3 009

09034501 汽车造型▼‖Automobile Styling▼ 3 24 24 3 009

09034701 设计分析▼‖Design Analysis▼ 4 32 32 4 009

09036001 职业发展▼‖Professional Development▼ 5 90 5 009

09034101 自行车设计▼‖Bike Design▼ 4 32 32 4 009

09034801综 合 交 通 工 程 设 计 ▼‖Integrated TransportDesign▼

4 32 32 4 009


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

09038301 包装容器设计‖Packaging Containers Design 3 20 28 3 009

01054002 编排设计★‖Format Design★ 3 32 16 3 009

09035201产 品 设 计 营 销 ▼‖Marketing for ProductDesign▼

2 32 2 009

01053301 公共艺术‖Public Design 3 24 24 3 009

09021001机 械 设 计 基 础 ‖Fundamentals of MechanicalDesign

3 32 16 3 009

09034901交 通 、 社 会 与 环 境 ▼‖Transport, Society &Environment▼

2 32 2 009

09035801 竞赛设计▼‖Design for Competition▼ 4 64 4 009

09035701可 持 续 交 通 设 计 ▼‖Sustainable TransportDesign▼

5 80 5 009

09056706汽车造型油泥模型实践▼‖Clay Model Practiceof Automobile▼

2 8 24 2 009

01048401设 计 材 料 与 加 工 工 艺 ‖Design Material &Processing Technic

2 32 2 009

09038201 图形设计‖Graphic Design 2 16 16 2 009

09037701 玩具设计‖Toy Design 3 24 24 3 009

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 159 1440 1806 27.5 23 24 19 19 18.5 9 19

选 修 课 程 汇 总 ‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

34 332 212 4 6 7 8 9

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




广播电视学专业成立于 2002 年,依托理工类学校的特长,培养兼有人文科学和自然科学素养的复合型


































南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表










本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 165 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Broadcasting and TV

Ⅰ. Introduction

Broadcasting TV and was founded in 2002, relying on the university's specialty in science and

engineering to cultivate interdisciplinary talents who have both humanities and natural science knowledge.

The major puts emphasis on the teaching of practical skills, and students' English ability. Students are expected

to have comprehensive media skills in the new media era, and acquire bilingual ability to edit, interview,

program, plan, host and manage in radio and television stations, newspapers, websites, advertising, film and

TV production companies, government agencies, and etc. To adapt to new technologies and rapid development

in the field of radio & TV broadcasting, with particular emphasis on theory and practice teaching, technical

operations and social practice never interrupted during the 4 years of study.

Ⅱ. Objectives

Based on the inherent principles of journalism and to meet the practical needs of radio and television

broadcasting, the major aims to cultivate interdisciplinary talents with extensive cultural knowledge, keen

social insights, broad global visions, excellent professional skills, and communication technologies and new

media development concept. Graduates are expected to engage in interviewing, reporting, shooting, editing,

hosting, planning, managing for radio & TV companies and other Medias, enterprises and institutions, etc.

Ⅲ. Requirements

The major cultivates interdisciplinary talents with solid theoretical foundation and skilled communication

technology. Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Master the core knowledge of journalism and communication;

2. Own basic skills on interview, writing, shooting, production, editing, etc;

3. Have abilities of oral and written expression, spot coverage or interview on camera, social investigation

and social activity, and program planning, production, commentary and analysis;

4. Understand the policies and regulations of radio and television broadcasting;

5.Acquire knowledge of humanities and social science and natural science, understand the current

situation and growing trend of domestic and foreign radio & TV;

6. Have the essential computer competence for the specialty;

7. Have fundamental English skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing; be able to read professional

books and magazines in English and interview in English;

8. Use new media technology proficiently;

9. Have the ability to do scientific research of humanities and social science;

10. Be able to fulfill the heavy tasks physically.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Arts

Ⅴ. The leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Leading Discipline: Journalism and Communication

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Film & TV Art, Advertising, Sociology

Ⅵ. Core courses:

Introduction to Radio and TV, Introduction to New Media, Introduction to Communication, Introduction to

Journalism, TV Camera, TV Editing and Production, Journalism Editing, Journalism Writing, Journalism

Interview, Network Communication.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Practice teaching, media internship

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 165 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


广播电视学专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Broadcsting and TV


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

15020702 大学语文‖College Chinese 3 48 3 009

15038403 电视摄像‖Tv Photography 2 16 16 2 009

11023302 高等数学‖Calculus 4 64 4 013

15025803 公司法学‖Company Law 2 32 2 015

15024001 劳动法学‖Labor Law 2 32 2 015

09030202 论文写作‖Thesis Writing 1 16 1 009

15024602 逻辑学‖Logic Science 2 32 2 015

15027401社会调查理论与方法‖ Social Survey Theoryand Methods

3 48 3 015

15028001 社会学原理‖The Introduction of Sociology 3 48 3 015

15039102 网络传播‖Network Communication 2 32 2 009

15032402 政治学‖Political Science 3 48 3 015


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

09037101传 播 学 概 论 ★ ‖ Introduction to MassCommunication★

3 48 3 009

09057101 电视节目编辑制作‖TV Program Production 3 20 28 3 009

15041002电视栏目策划与设计‖ Tv Program Planningand Design

2 24 8 2 009

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Trtaining 1 40 1 022

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

15038101广 播 电 视 概 论 ‖ Introduction to TelevisionBroadcasting

3 42 6 3 009

15039502名记者与名作品研究‖Famous Reporters andWorks Research

2 32 2 009

15039001 普通话语音训练*‖Mandarin PronunciationTraining *

1 16 1 009

15050701 认识实习*‖Cognition Practice* 2 80 2 009

15038302 视听语言★‖Audio-Visual Language★ 2 26 6 2 009

15046202文 化 传 播 导 论 ‖ Introduction to CultureCommunication

3 48 3 009

15050901 现代广告学‖Modern Advertising 3 40 8 3 009

09037201 新媒体导论‖Introduction to New Media 4 64 4 009

15039303 新闻编辑学‖Editing in Journalism 3 36 12 3 009

15038003 新闻采访学‖Interviewing in Journalism 3 48 3 009

15038202新 闻 伦 理 与 法 制 ‖ News Ethics and LegalSystem

3 48 3 009

09036201 新闻摄影*‖Press Photography* 3 48 3 009

15038005 新闻写作‖Writing in Journalism 3 32 16 3 009

15037902 新闻学概论‖Introduction to Journalism 3 48 3 009

15150301 学年论文(Ⅰ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅰ)* 1 40 1 009

15250301 学年论文(Ⅱ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅱ)* 1 40 1 009

15350301 学年论文(Ⅲ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅲ)* 1 40 1 009

09036401 中外新闻史‖History of Journalism 3 48 3 009


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

15020106 毕业论文‖Graduation Thesis 7 280 7 009

15028206 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 10 400 10 009

15040202 播音与主持‖Broadcasting and Hosting 2 32 2 009

15040303广 播 电 视 作 品 评 析 ‖ Works of Radio andTelevision Comments

3 48 3 009

15040102 媒介经营与管理‖Media Management 3 44 4 3 009

15039801影视广告设计与制作★‖Tv Advertising Designand Production★

3 28 20 3 009


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

09036901 电视发展史‖History of Television Broadcasting 2 32 2 009

15021902公 共关 系学 ‖ Theory and Practice of PublicRelations

2 32 2 009

09036701 纪录片研究‖Documentary Studies 3 48 3 009

09036501 媒介批评研究‖Media Criticism Research 2 32 2 009

15051201 媒介文化研究‖Media Culture Research 2 32 2 009

09036801 媒体素养‖Media Literacy 3 48 3 009

15025201 美学基础‖Principles of Aesthetics 2 32 2 009

09037001 新闻评论‖Review and Writing in Journalism 3 48 3 009

15034702 应用文写作‖Practical Genre Writing 2 32 2 009

09036601 中国文化概论‖Introduction to Chinese Culture 3 48 3 009

15036401中外文化概论‖ Introduction to Chinese andForeign Cultures

3 48 3 015

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 145 1708 1340 21.5 20 23 20 16 16.5 9 19

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

27 432 4 8 15

南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表



学院“火炮动力传动”专业。经过专业的不断改造,院系调整,学校迁移等变化,于 1984 年正式成立了华

东工学院自动控制系,1996 年改名为南京理工大学自动化系,2005 年更名为南京理工大学自动化学院。

自动化学院现有自动控制系、电气工程系、信息工程系和交通工程系四个专业系,设有 C3I 系统、过程

控制等八个研究所。全院现有教职工 120 余人,包括中组部“千人计划”2 人、教育部"长江学者"特聘教授 2

人,"长江学者"讲座教授 2 人,国家外专局高端外国专家 2 人,国家杰出青年基金获得者 1 人,博士生导师

13 人,正高职称 19 人,副高职称 53 人。



及相应的硕士学位授予权,电气工程和交通运输工程 2 个一级学科硕士点,控制工程和电气工程 2 个专业具





江苏省自动化实验示范中心和工信部电气工程实验示范中心各一个,学院现有在校本科生 1500 余人,硕士

研究生(含工程硕士)1500 余人,博士研究生 100 余人。



取得了丰硕成果。拥有三个江苏省工程技术研究中心。获国家级、省部级以上各类科技和教学奖项 60余项;

发表高质量学术论文 1500余篇,有近 600篇论文被 SCI、EI、ISTP收录。




大学生科技活动成果丰硕,近四年获国际、国家级奖励 30 余项,省部级奖励 60 余项。学生就业形势好,考



作关系,并聘请了包括中科院院士、IEEE Fellow 等在内的近二十名国内外知名学者任我学院的兼职教授和



南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表


School of AutomationThe Automation School of Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NUST) dates back to Command

Instrument specialty in the Artillery Engineering Department of Harbin Institute of Military Engineering and

Dynamic Transmission specialty of Artillery Engineering Institute of People's Liberation Army. After constant

professional development and department adjustment, Automatic Control Department of East China Institute of

Technology was established in 1984. In 1996, it changed its name to Automation Department of NUST. In 2005, it

was renamed to Automation School of NUST.

Currently, there are 4 departments (Automatic Control, Electrical Engineering, Information Engineering and

Traffic Engineering) and 8 research labs (C3I, process control, etc.) in the School. The School has more than 120

faculty and staff, including 2 scholars of Recruitment program of global experts, 2 Cheung Kong Scholar

professors, 2 Cheung Kong Scholar chair professors, 2 National Bureau of Foreign Experts of high-end, 1 winner of

a National Outstanding Youth Fund, 13 doctoral advisors, 19 professors and 53 associate professors.

The School has a post-doctoral station in the discipline of Control Science and Engineering, and it has 1

primary discipline doctoral program of Control Science and Engineering, including 5 secondary discipline doctoral

programs, specifically, Control Theory and Control Engineering, Systems Engineering, Navigation, Guidance and

Control, Detection Technology and Automation Devices, and Intelligent Grid & Control, and the corresponding

master programs. There are 2 primary discipline master programs of Electrical Engineering and Transport

Engineering, and 2 professional master programs of Control Engineering and Electrical Engineering. In addition,

Control Science and Engineering is a primary key discipline of Jiangsu province and national preliminary key

discipline, and Systems Engineering is a key discipline of Commission on Science, Technology and Industry for

National Defense.

The school has 4 majors: Automation, Electrical Engineering and Automation, Electronic and Information

Engineering, and Rail Traffic Signal & Control. Automation is the Featured Specialty under construction at

national level and also the provincial key major; Electrical Engineering and Automation is the provincial key major.

The school has a provincial experimental demonstration center for Automation and an experimental

demonstration center for Electrical Engineering of MIIT (Ministry of industry and information technology).

The school has an excellent cooperative tradition in academic research. It has established prominent

reputation in the special fields of modeling and control of complex systems, firepower and command control,

network control systems, network and information security, and multi-sensor information fusion, etc. The faculty

members have achieved a considerable number of research accomplishments, such as National Outstanding

Youth Funds, and nearly 300 research projects supported by related companies and institutes. The school has 3

provincial engineering technological research centers. The faculty members have gained more than 60 national

and provincial awards and have published over 1500 high-level academic articles, of which 600 papers have been

cited by SCI, EI, and ISTP systems.

The school has superior experiments and research facilities, nearly 22,000 square meters of office and

laboratory area, and 5000 sets of equipment, which provides favorable conditions for students.

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表


The faculty is notable for their devotion and for their pedagogical skills. Students have won over 30 items in

national competitions and 60 items in provincial contests.The school takes an active part in setting up international cooperative programs in teaching and researching withforeign countries, such as the U.S.A., the U.K., Germany, France, Japan, Canada, Singapore, etc. It invites plenty offamous scholars, including Chinese Academy of Sciences Fellow, IEEE Fellow as chair professors and part-timeprofessors. It also encourages professors to develop overseas communications and researches.

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表













内外知名企业。毕业生动手能力强、适应面宽,综合素质高,得到用人单位广泛赞誉。近 3 年毕业生约 60%

继续在国内外深造,就业率达 99%。







为使本专业学生达到培养目标,要求毕业生应具备以下 10 项能力:

















南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表










控制工程基础、现代控制理论基础、运动控制系统、过程计算机控制系统、PLC 原理及应用、微机原





军事训练、金属工艺实习、电子工艺实习、电工电子综合实验、EDA 设计、控制系统综合课程设计、



本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表



Ⅰ. Introduction

Automation technology is widely used in industry, agriculture, aerospace and national defense, etc.

Automation is the Featured Specialty under construction at national level and also the provincial key major. The

faculty members have gained honors and titles as national distinguished teachers and a national excellent

teaching team. With “people-oriented and student-centered” in mind, it has built a set of practical education

systems for training system designers. The major specializes in four areas, namely motion control systems,

process control systems, network control systems and the embedded control systems. There are national and

provincial core courses, national bilingual teaching demonstration courses, and a provincial automation

experimental teaching demonstration center. Students have achieved over twenty awards in various National

Undergraduate Competitions, including the Challenge Cup National Undergraduate Competition, the Industrial

Automation Challenge Contest, the National Undergraduate Intelligent Car Contest, the Chinese Robot Contest

and the National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest. Graduates are expected to engage in system

designing, product manufacturing, and software/hardware development in automatic field.

Ⅱ. Objectives

The major aims at cultivating students with scientific knowledge of humanities quality, social responsibility

and professional ethics; innovative mind and engineering practice ability. Graduates are expected to acquire

global vision, frontiers and trends of automation development, teamwork spirit and management. Graduates are

required to obtain fundamentals of automatic control system, and to undertake design and development of

automatic testing systems, embedded computer control systems, networked control systems, and manufacture &

operation of automation equipment.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have awareness of humanities, social responsibility, self-confidence, and engineering professional ethics;

2. Acquire knowledge of control engineering, mathematics, natural science and certain knowledge of

economics and management;

3. Master techniques and skills in automatic control, signal processing, automatic measurement, computer

application, and networking; understand state-of-art and development trend of the discipline;

4. Apply instruments skillfully; have abilities of experiment design, implementation and analysis, automatic

control system research, development and maintenance;

5. Have the awareness of innovation; possess preliminary abilities of designing, improving and developing

for products, system and process; be familiar with principles, policies and regulations of environmental

protection and sustainable development;

6. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

7. Understand technical standards, laws and regulations in the related occupations and sectors of

production, design, research and development; be familiar with principles, policies and regulations of

environmental protection and sustainable development; have awareness of quality, safety, efficiency,

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表


environment protection, occupational health and sense of service; understand the impact of engineering on the

nature and society;

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working;

9. Have self-learning ability, exploration spirit, and social adaptability;

10. Have abilities to communicate, compete and collaborate internationally.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. The leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Control Science and Engineering

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Technology.

Ⅵ. Core courses

Control Engineering Fundamentals, Modern Control Theory Fundamentals, Motion Control Systems, Process

Computer-Aided Control Systems, PLC Principles and Applications, Microcomputer Principles and Interface,

Electrical Circuit, Analog Electronic Circuits, Numerical Logical Circuits, Embedded Control Systems Design and

Applications, Application and Design of MCU System, Transducers and Detect Techniques, Computer Aided

Design and Simulation of Control system, Network Techniques for Industrial Automation, Introduction to Robot

Control, Basic Principles of Navigation Technology, Fuzzy Control and Applications, Introduction to Aerospace

Control System, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Control Techniques.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Metalworking Practice, Electronic Technology Practice, Electronic Integrated Experiment,

EDA Design, Course Design, Graduation Practice, Graduation Project, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表


自动化专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Automation


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000704 C语言程序设计‖C Programming Design 4 48 16 4 010

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

11024002 工程数学‖Engineering Mathematics 3 48 3 013

05021705 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 2 26 6 2 001

07022604 管理学原理*‖Principles of Management* 2 32 2 007

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

04040001 EDA设计‖Electronic Design Automation 1 40 1 004

10030304 EDA综合实验*‖EDA Synthetic Experiments* 1 40 1 010

04137001电工电子综合实验(Ⅰ)‖ Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅰ)

0.5 20 0.5 004

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

04237001电工电子综合实验(Ⅱ)*‖Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅱ)*

1.5 60 1.5 004

10021703 电力电子技术‖Power Electronics Technology 2.5 36 4 2.5 010

10022104 电路‖Circuits 4.5 64 8 4.5 004

04033902 电子工艺实习‖Electronics Training 2 80 2 022

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

04022503高 频 电 子 线 路 ‖ High-Frequency ElectronicCircuit

2 32 2 004

11024003 工程数学‖Engineering Mathematics 2 32 2 013

10025406控 制 工 程 基 础 ★ ‖ Control EngineeringFundamentals★

3.5 48 8 3.5 010

11027803 理论力学‖Theoretical Mechanics 2 32 2 013

04026801 模拟电子线路‖Analog Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

06025003 软件技术基础‖Software Technology 2 32 2 006

10031701数据通信与网络‖Data Communications andNetworks

2.5 34 6 2.5 010

04026302 数字逻辑电路‖Digital Logic Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

10027003微 机 原 理 与 接 口 技 术 ‖ MicrocomputerPrinciple and Interface Technology

4 56 8 4 010

10028202现代控制理论基础★‖Modern Control TheoryFundamentals★

3.5 48 8 3.5 010

必修课程·专业方向课 【除公共部分外,任选一组修读】

Compulsory Course·Specialized Course(Choose one group, besides the general courses)

10020104 PLC原理及应用‖PLC Principles and Applications 2.5 28 12 2.5 010

10020802传 感 器 与 检 测 技 术 ‖ Sensors and TestingTechnology

2 26 6 2 010

10024601过程计算机控制系统‖Process Computer-AidedControl Systems

3 32 16 3 010

10050001控制系统案例分析‖Case Study on AutomaticControl System

2 32 2 010

10028902控 制 系 统 综 合 课 程 设 计 ‖ ComprehensiveCourse Design of Control Systems

2 80 2 010

10032001嵌入式控制系统及应用‖Embedded ControlSystems Design and Applications

3 32 16 3 010

04027703 数字信号处理‖Digital Signal Processing 2 32 2 004

10029601 运动控制系统‖Motion Control Systems 3 40 8 3 010

10028003 自动控制元件‖Automatic Control Components 2.5 32 8 2.5 010

10032401嵌入式控制系统综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiments of Embedded Control Systems

1 40 1 010

10044201优化理论及应用‖Optimization Theoryand Its Applications

2 32 2 010

10020306 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 010

10020406 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 3 120 3 010

10020396 毕业设计‖Graduation Project


14 560 14 010

10020496 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 3 120 3 010

10051201液 晶 器 件 制 造 工 艺 ‖LCD devicemanufacturing process

1 16 1 010

10051301光 电 子 技 术 概 论 ‖ Introduction tophotoelectronic techniques

2 32 2 010


Comprehensive practice of electronic andInformation Engineering

2 80 2 022

10051401电路CAD及印制电路板设计技术‖CircuitCAD and printed circuit board designtechniques

1 16 1 010


南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

10031201导航技术基础‖Basic Principles of NavigationTechnology

2 24 8 2 010

10022402电气制图及CAD*‖Electrical Drawing and CAD*

1.5 8 16 1.5 010

10023301工业自动化网络技术‖Network Techniques forIndustrial Automation

2 16 16 2 010

10037101航 天 控 制 概 论 ‖ Introduction to AerospaceControl System

2 32 2 010

10023901 机器人控制导论‖Introduction to Robot Control 2 24 8 2 010

10031801建模与辨识基础‖ Introduction to Modellingand Identification

2 24 8 2 010

10043901 控制软件设计‖Design of Control Software 2 32 2 010

10025502控制系统计算机仿真及辅助设计‖ComputerAided Design and Simulation of Control System

1.5 8 16 1.5 010

10032101模 糊 控 制 及 应 用 ‖ Fuzzy Control and ItsApplications

2 24 8 2 010

10044101 实时数据库系统‖Real-Time Database System 2 24 8 2 010

10026602 数字图像处理‖Digital Image Processing 2 32 2 010

10032202微控制器应用及系统设计‖Application andDesign of MCU System

2 24 8 2 010

10044001无人机控制技术‖Unmanned Aerial VehiclesControl Techniques

2 16 16 2 010

10128601学科前沿系列讲座(Ⅰ)*‖ Lectures onFrontiers of Modern Control Systems (Ⅰ)*

0.5 8 0.5 010

10228601学科前沿系列讲座(Ⅱ)‖Lectures on Frontiersof Modern Control Systems (Ⅱ)

0.5 8 0.5 010

10328601学科前沿系列讲座(Ⅲ)‖Lectures on Frontiersof Modern Control Systems (Ⅲ)

0.5 8 0.5 010

10428601学科前沿系列讲座(Ⅳ)‖Lectures on Frontiersof Modern Control Systems (Ⅳ)

0.5 8 0.5 010

10032501移 动 机 器 人 综 合 实 验 ‖ ComprehensiveExperiments of Mobile Robot

1 40 1 010

10027803虚拟仪器技术与设计‖Virtual InstrumentationTechnology and Design

2 4 28 2 010

10022701多媒体技术基础‖Fundamentals of MultimediaTechnology

2 26 6 2 010


Group I:Compulsory Courses Total160.5 1806 1610 25.5 21 28.5 22 20 16.5 11 16


Group II:Compulsory Courses Total164.5 1838 1690 25.5 21 28.5 22 20 18.5 9 20

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

32 312 232 0.5 0.5 10 8.5 12.5

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese..

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表




















维护和技术支持等方面工作。为使本专业学生达到培养目标,要求毕业生应具备以下 10 项能力:


















南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表















军事训练、金属工艺实习、电子工艺实习、EDA 综合实验、轨道交通信号控制综合实验、轨道交通信



本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 174 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表


Rail Transit Signal and Control


Rail Transit Signal and Control, established in 2013, belongs to Automation, providing such courses as

mathematics, circuit electronics, control engineering, and information engineering transportation, etc. Based on

the accumulation of control theory, control engineering, and transportation engineering, this major cultivates

students with fundamentals and research/design abilities in automatic control, rail transit signal control, road

traffic control, etc. Graduates will be well prepared to do analysis, planning, design, construction, operation,

management, development, maintenance and technology support in the fields of rail transit signal control system

and road traffic signal control system.

The Department of Transportation has built a good relationship with companies, and research institutes of

rail transit, rail transit signal control, and road traffic signal control. Nanjing University of Science and Technology

and Nanjing Metro Company have signed a joint protocol to promote the development of the major. Generally,

graduates are able to find jobs or to further studies in the fields of rail transit systems, metro systems, rail transit

signal control systems, road traffic control systems and other related departments.

Ⅱ. Objectives

The major aims at cultivating engineering technicians and scientific talents with innovative spirit, practical

ability, solid basic knowledge and theory in automation, rail transit signal and control to be competent for the

jobs such as system analysis, engineering construction, system design, system management, system operation,

device development, etc., in the areas of automation, rail transit signal and control and road traffic signal control.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to master the engineering technologies and specialty knowledge in the areas of

electronic technology, control theory, system engineering, rail transit signal technology, information technology,

communication technology, computer technology and application, etc.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have awareness of humanities, social responsibility, self-confidence, and engineering professional ethics;

2. Acquire knowledge of rail transit signal and control, mathematics, natural science and certain knowledge of

economics and management;

3. Master basic knowledge and techniques in control engineering and transportation engineering;

understand the state-of-art and development trend of the discipline;

4. Apply instruments skillfully; have abilities of experiment design, implementation and analysis, rail transit

and road traffic system research, development and maintenance;

5. Have the awareness of innovation; possess preliminary abilities of designing, improving and developing

for products, system and process; be familiar with principles, policies and regulations of environmental

protection and sustainable development;

6. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

7. Understand technical standards, laws and regulations in the related occupations and sectors of

production, design, research and development; be familiar with principles, policies and regulations of

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表


environmental protection and sustainable development; have awareness of quality, safety, efficiency,

environment protection, occupational health and sense of service; understand the impact of engineering on the

nature and society;

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working;

9. Have self-learning ability, exploration spirit, and social adaptability;

10. Have abilities to communicate, compete and collaborate internationally.

Ⅳ. Length of Program and Degree

Standard schooling: four years

Length of program: three to six years

Degree awarding: bachelor of engineering

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading discipline subjects: control science and engineering, transportation engineering

Interdisciplinary subjects: electronic science and technology, information engineering

Ⅵ. Core courses

Circuits, principle and interface of microcomputer, fundamental control theory, modern control theory,

signal and system, rail transit vehicle, system reliability and safety, sensors and detection technology, rail transit

signal devices, rail transit signal control, rail transit operation control technology, network and communication

technology of modern rail transit, road traffic signal control, etc..

Ⅶ Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Metalworking Practice, Electronic Technology Practice, EDA Design, Comprehensive

experiments of rail transit signal control, Course Design of rail transit signal control, comprehensive experiments

of road traffic control, Graduation Practice, Graduation Project, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 174 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表


轨道交通信号与控制专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Rail Transit Signal and Control


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000704 C语言程序设计‖C Programming Design 4 48 16 4 010

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021705 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 2 26 6 2 001

07022604 管理学原理‖Principles of Management 2 32 2 007

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

04040001 EDA设计‖Electronic Design Automation 1 40 1 004

10030304 EDA综合实验*‖EDA Synthetic Experiments* 1 40 1 010

10020104 PLC原理及应用‖PLC Principles and Applications 2.5 28 12 2.5 010

10020802传 感 器 与 检 测 技 术 ‖ Sensors and TestingTechnology

2 26 6 2 010

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

04137001电工电子综合实验(Ⅰ)‖ Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅰ)

0.5 20 0.5 004

04237001电工电子综合实验(Ⅱ)*‖Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅱ)*

1.5 60 1.5 004

10021703 电力电子技术‖Power Electronics Technology 2.5 36 4 2.5 010

10022104 电路‖Circuits 4.5 64 8 4.5 004

04033902 电子工艺实习*‖Electronics Training* 2 80 2 022

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

11024002 工程数学‖Engineering Mathematics 3 48 3 013

10025406控 制 工 程 基 础 ★ ‖ Control EngineeringFundamentals★

3.5 48 8 3.5 010

04026801 模拟电子线路‖Analog Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

06025003 软件技术基础‖Software Technology 2 32 2 006

04026302 数字逻辑电路‖Digital Logic Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

10027003微 机 原 理 与 接 口 技 术 ‖ MicrocomputerPrinciple and Interface Technology

4 56 8 4 010

10043001系统可靠性与安全性‖System Reliability andSafety

2 32 2 010

10028202现代控制理论基础★‖Modern Control TheoryFundamentals★

3.5 48 8 3.5 010

04030804 信号与系统‖Signals and Systems 2 32 2 004

10028003 自动控制元件‖Automatic Control Components 2.5 32 8 2.5 010


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

10020305 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 010

10020405 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 010

10043101 道路交通控制‖Road Traffic Control 3 44 4 3 010

10043201道路交通控制综合实验*‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Road Traffic Control*

1 40 1 010

10037201 轨道交通概论‖Introduction to Rail Transit 2.5 40 2.5 010

10037701轨道交通控制综合实验*‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Rail Transit Control*

1 40 1 010

10037601轨道交通网络与通信技术‖ Network andCommunication Technology of Rail Transit

2 28 4 2 010

10037801轨道交通信号课程设计*‖Course Design ofRail Transit Signal *

1 40 1 010

10037401轨道交通信号控制‖ Signal Control of RailTransit

3 40 8 3 010

10037301轨道交通信号设备‖Signal Equipments of RailTransit

2.5 32 8 2.5 010

10037501轨道交通运行控制技术‖Operation ControlTechnology of Rail Transit

2 26 6 2 010


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

10038701 MATLAB及其应用‖Matlab and Its Application 2 16 16 2 010

01032901城 市 客 运 交 通 ‖ Urban PassengerTransportation

2 32 2 010

10038601道路交通现代控制技术‖Modern ControlTechnology of Road Traffic

2 32 2 010

10043301 轨道交通车辆‖Rail Transit Vehicles 2 32 2 010

10038501轨道交通牵引供变电技术‖Power Supply andSubstation Techniques for Eletric Traction of RailTransit

2 32 2 010

10038301轨道交通信号抗干扰技术‖Anti-InterferenceTechnology of Rail Transit Signal

2 32 2 010

10038401 轨道交通信息技术‖Information Technology of 2 32 2 010

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

Rail Transit

10024601过程计算机控制系统‖Process Computer-AidedControl Systems

3 32 16 3 010

10050901 交通安全技术‖Traffic Safety Technology 2 24 8 2 010

10032001嵌入式控制系统及应用‖Embedded ControlSystems Design and Applications

3 32 16 3 010

10032401嵌入式控制系统综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiments of Embedded Control Systems

1 40 1 010

10026201数据库原理及应用‖Principles and Applicationsof Database

3 34 14 3 010

04027703 数字信号处理‖Digital Signal Processing 2 32 2 004

10028605 学科前沿系列讲座‖Lectures on Frontiers 1 16 1 010

10029601 运动控制系统‖Motion Control Systems 3 40 8 3 010

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 156 1750 1594 25.5 23 23 24 20.5 18 3 19

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

32 418 118 3 2 5 10 12

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表



电气工程及其自动化专业源于 1993 年和 1994 年创办的“电气技术”和“电力系统及自动化”专业,

1999 年合并成立电气工程及其自动化专业。电气工程专业是现代科技领域中的核心专业之一,从一定程度


优越,2005 年获批为江苏省特色专业。















为使本专业学生达到培养目标,要求毕业生应具备以下 10 项能力:


















南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表












术(C 语言设计、软件技术基础、微机原理及接口技术、单片机应用技术)等。






本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表


Electrical Engineering and Automation

Ⅰ. Introduction

Major of Electrical Engineering and Automation, originating in the major of Electrical Technology and Power

System, was established in 1999. The major was approved a provincial key major in 2005.

The major has clear objectives, good atmosphere of teaching and researching. The major focuses on

fundamentals of strong electricity and weak electricity, software and hardware, and systems and components.

The major specializes in four areas, namely power system, motor and electrical appliances, electrical power and

electronics, and electrical measurement. Graduates are expected to engage in electrical system designing,

product manufacturing, and software/hardware development in the fields of power system and electrical system.

Graduates will be well prepared to do scientific research, technological development, product design, or relevant

technical management in institutes, universities, and relevant hi-tech enterprises.

2. Objectives

The major aims at cultivating students with scientific knowledge of humanities quality, social responsibility

and professional ethics; innovative mind and engineering practice ability. Graduates are expected to acquire

global vision, frontiers and trends of power system and electrical system, teamwork spirit and management.

Graduates are required to obtain fundamentals of power system and electrical system, and to undertake design

and development of power system and electrical equipment.

3. Requirements

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have awareness of humanities, social responsibility, self-confidence, and engineering professional ethics;

2. Acquire knowledge of electrical engineering, mathematics, natural science and certain knowledge of

economics and management;

3. Master techniques and skills in power system, motor and electrical appliances, electrical power and

electronics, and electrical measurement; understand state-of-art and development trend of the discipline;

4. Apply instruments skillfully; have abilities of experiment design, implementation and analysis, power

system and electrical system research, development and maintenance;

5. Have the awareness of innovation; possess preliminary abilities of designing, improving and developing

for products, system and process; be familiar with principles, policies and regulations of environmental

protection and sustainable development;

6. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

7. Understand technical standards, laws and regulations in the related occupations and sectors of

production, design, research and development; be familiar with principles, policies and regulations of

environmental protection and sustainable development; have awareness of quality, safety, efficiency,

environment protection, occupational health and sense of service; understand the impact of engineering on the

nature and society;

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working;

9. Have self-learning ability, exploration spirit, and social adaptability;

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表


10. Have abilities to communicate, compete and collaborate internationally.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. The leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Electrical Engineering

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Control Science and Engineering, Computer Science and Technology

Ⅵ .Core courses

Electric Circuits, Electric Machinery, Engineering Graphics, Engineering Electromagnetic Field, Power

Electronics, Electrical Towage Control Systems, Power System Analysis, Technique of Electrical Measurement,

Electronics (Analog Circuits, Digital Circuits), Automation Control, Signals and Systems, Electrical Drive, Power

Convert, Computer Technology (C Language Design, Foundations of Software Technology, Microcomputer

Principle and Interface Technology, Microcomputer Technology Application), etc.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Metalworking Practice, Electronic Technology Practice, Electronic Integrated Experiment,

EDA Design, Electrical Engineering Cognition Practice, Course Design, Graduation Practice, Graduation Project,


Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表


电气工程及其自动化专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Electrical Engineering and Automation


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000704 C语言程序设计‖C Programming Design 4 48 16 4 010

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021701 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 3 48 3 001

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

04040001 EDA设计‖Electronic Design Automation 1 40 1 004

04137001电工电子综合实验(Ⅰ)‖ Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅰ)

0.5 20 0.5 004

04237001电工电子综合实验(Ⅱ)*‖Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅱ)*

1.5 60 1.5 004

10130602 电机学(Ⅰ)‖Electrical Machinery(Ⅰ) 3 40 8 3 010

10230602 电机学(Ⅱ)‖Electrical Machinery(Ⅱ) 3 40 8 3 010

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

10021701 电力电子技术‖Power Electronics Technology 3 40 8 3 010

10030303电力电子设计综合实验*‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Power Electronics System*

1 40 1 010

10022104 电路‖Circuits 4.5 64 8 4.5 004

10050401电气工程认知实习*‖Electrical EngineeringCognition Practice*

1 40 1 010

04033902 电子工艺实习*‖Electronics Training* 2 80 2 022

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

10041301工 程 电 磁 场 ‖ Engineering ElectromagneticFields

3 45 3 3 010

11024001 工程数学‖Engineering Mathematics 4 64 4 013

07022604 管理学原理‖Principles of Management 2 32 2 007

10022204 检测技术‖Detection Technology 3 40 8 3 010

10025406控 制 工 程 基 础 ★ ‖ Control EngineeringFundamentals★

3.5 48 8 3.5 010

04026801 模拟电子线路‖Analog Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

06025003 软件技术基础‖Software Technology 2 32 2 006

04026302 数字逻辑电路‖Digital Logic Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

10027003微 机 原 理 与 接 口 技 术 ‖ MicrocomputerPrinciple and Interface Technology

4 56 8 4 010

04030804 信号与系统‖Signals and Systems 2 32 2 004

必修课程·专业方向课 【除公共部分外,任选一组修读】

Compulsory Course·Specialized Course(Choose one group, besides the general courses)

10028801电工仪表与测量综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Electrical Instrumentation andMeasurement

1 40 1 004

10029002电 气 工 程 课 程 设 计 * ‖ Course Design ofElectrical Engineering*

2 80 2 010

10043501电机设计技术与CAD‖Electrical MachineDesign and CAD

2 32 2 010

10020301 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 010

10020401 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 010

10033103电气测试系统原理‖Theory of ElectricalTesting System

2 26 6 2 010

08039901电 气 工 程 基 础 ‖ Fundamentals ofElectrical Engineering

4 56 8 4 010

10041502交 直 流 调 速 系 统 ‖ Modern MachineAdjust Speed Systems

4 48 16 4 010

10041601开关电源设计与应用‖ Principles andDesign of Switching Power Supply

3 40 8 3 010

08034801 电力系统分析‖Power System Analysis

4 60 4 4 010

10020301 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 010

10020401 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 010

08022402电 力 系 统 继 电 保 护 ‖ Power SystemProtective Relaying

4 56 8 4 010

10033101电气设备在线检测‖On-Line Monitoringand Diagnosis for Power Equipment

2 32 2 010

08023301发电厂电气工程‖Electrical Power PlantEngineering

3 44 4 3 010

08024002 高电压技术‖High Voltage Technology 2 28 4 2 010

10043501电机设计技术与CAD‖Electrical MachineDesign and CAD Ⅲ


2 32 2 010

10041502交 直 流 调 速 系 统 ‖ Modern MachineAdjust Speed Systems

4 48 16 4 010

10020391 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 010

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

10020401 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 010

10041601开关电源设计与应用‖ Principles andDesign of Switching Power Supply

3 40 8 3 010

08034801 电力系统分析‖Power System Analysis 4 60 4 4 010

08022402电 力 系 统 继 电 保 护 ‖ Power SystemProtective Relaying

4 56 8 4 010

10051501电气设备制造工艺‖Technic of ElectricalEquipment

1 16 1 010

10051601 专业综合设计‖Comprehensive Design 2 80 2


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

10021101单片机应用技术‖Technique and Application ofMCU

3 36 12 3 010

10050601 电力电子器件‖Power Electronic Devices 2 32 2 010

10050701电力电子系统建模与控制‖Modeling andControl of Power Electronics System

2 32 2 010

10041701 电力系统电磁兼容‖EMC of Power System 2 26 6 2 010

08035001电力系统计算机辅助分析‖Computer AidedAnalysis of Power System

2 22 10 2 010

08032501电力系统远程监控原理‖Remote Monitoringand Control of Power Systems

2 30 2 2 010

08034904电 力 系 统 自 动 化 ‖ Automation of PowerSysytem

2 32 2 010

10033502电能质量分析与控制‖Analysis and Control ofPower Quality

2 32 2 010

10050801电 器 逻 辑 控 制 技 术 ‖ Programmable LogicControl Technology

2 24 8 2 010

10030601建 筑 电 气 技 术 ‖ Architecture ElectricTechnology

3 40 8 3 010

10031103灵活交流输电技术‖Technology of Flexible ACTransmission

2 32 2 010

10034101无线传感器网络技术基础‖Fundamentals ofWireless Sensor Network Technology

2 24 8 2 010

10028204现代控制理论基础‖Modern Control TheoryFundamentals

3 48 3 010

10040902新能源发电技术‖Technology of New EnergyGeneration

2 32 2 010

10050501新 型 电 机 及 应 用 ‖ New Type Motor andApplication

2 32 2 010

10033701虚拟仪器与自动测试技术‖Virtual Instrumentsand Automatic Testing Technology

2 24 8 2 010

10030201 学科前沿系列讲座‖Lectures on Frontiners 1 16 1 010

10043701 智能电网概论‖Introduction to Smart Grid 1 16 1 010


Group I:Compulsory Courses Total159 1783 1633 26.5 23 25.5 22.5 26 11.5 7 17


Group II:Compulsory Courses Total159 1801 1615 26.5 23 25.5 22.5 26 11.5 7 17


Group Ⅲ:Compulsory Courses Total164 1833 1711 26.5 23 25.5 22.5 26 15.5 7 18

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

37 536 56 22 15

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.


南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表



该专业最早是于 1995 年创办的信息工程专业,1998 改成电子信息工程专业,2012 年为响应国家面向新




































南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表


10 具有国际视野和国际交流能力,能进行有效的工程技术沟通、合作与竞争。













金属工艺实习,EDA 设计,电工电子综合实验,电工仪表与测量综合实验,智能电网课程设计、毕业实



本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 172.5 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表


Information Engineering for Smart Grid

Ⅰ. Introduction

Information Engineering for Smart Grid, provincial key major in Jiangsu, was established in 2012. It offers

bachelor, master and doctoral degrees. Information Engineering for Smart Grid combines power electronics

technology, automatic control on electrical power system and information engineering. The main characteristic of

this major is smart grid information technology, distributed generation and control of electric power. With an

excellent faculty team, the major attempts to cultivate students in the field of electrical engineering and

information engineering with high quality and innovation spirit. Students are required to be familiar with the

developments of Smart Grid and the rules of power system. Students are trained to be equipped with new

energy power generation and intelligent access technology, grid intelligent scheduling and control technology,

energy measurement and monitoring, computer and network communication technology, etc. Graduates are

expected to engage in manufacturing, engineering design, system operation, system analysis, technology

development, education and scientific research in the field of networking, information technology, and intelligent

electrical system.

Ⅱ Objectives

The major aims at cultivating engineering technicians and scientific talents with innovative spirit, practical

ability, solid basic knowledge and theory in electrical engineering and information engineering for smart grid to

be competent for the jobs of research, design, development or integrated application on smart electricity, smart

schedule and control, intelligent substation, distributed power generation, micro-grid, etc.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to master knowledge in electrical and electronic technology, control technology,

power system, new energy technology, information processing, automatic inspection, computer application and

communication networking technology.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have awareness of humanities, social responsibility, self-confidence, and engineering professional ethics;

2. Acquire knowledge of smart grid and information engineering, mathematics, natural science and certain

knowledge of economics and management;

3. Master basic knowledge and techniques in smart grid, information processing, automatic inspection,

computer application, network and automatic control; understand the state-of-art and development trend of the


4. Apply instruments skillfully; have abilities of experiment design, implementation and analysis, smart grid

information system research, development and maintenance;

5. Have the awareness of innovation; possess preliminary abilities of designing, improving and developing

for products, system and process; be familiar with principles, policies and regulations of environmental

protection and sustainable development;

6. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query;

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表


7. Understand technical standards, laws and regulations in the related occupations and sectors of

production, design, research and development; be familiar with principles, policies and regulations of

environmental protection and sustainable development; have awareness of quality, safety, efficiency,

environment protection, occupational health and sense of service; understand the impact of engineering on the

nature and society;

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working;

9. Have self-learning ability, exploration spirit, and social adaptability;

10. Have abilities to communicate, compete and collaborate internationally.

Ⅳ. Length of schooling and Degree to be awarded

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. The leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Electrical Engineering, Control Science and Engineering

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Computer Science and Technology, Information Engineering

Ⅵ. Core CoursesCircuits, Electronic Technology Fundamentals, Electromechanics, Power Electronics Technology, Software

Technology Base, Signals and Systems, Control Theory, Information Technology of Smart Grid, IntelligentSubstation, Micro-network and its Control, Advanced Sensor Technology of Smart Grid, Design and Application ofEmbedded System, New Energy Generation Technology, Fundamentals of Power System Analysis, etc.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Metalworking Practice, EDA design, Comprehensive experiment of electrical and electronic, Electrical

instrumentation and measurement experiment, Course Design of Smart Grid, Graduation practice, Graduation

project, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 172.5 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all

the compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表


智能电网信息工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Information Engineering for Smart Grid


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000704 C语言程序设计‖C Programming Design 4 48 16 4 010

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021705 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 2 26 6 2 001

07022604 管理学原理‖Principles of Management 2 32 2 007

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013

16026501新材料技术概论*‖ Introduction to AdvancedMaterials*

2 32 2 016


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

04040001 EDA设计‖Electronic Design Automation 1 40 1 004

04137001电工电子综合实验(Ⅰ)‖ Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅰ)

0.5 20 0.5 004

04237001 电工电子综合实验(Ⅱ)*‖Electrical and 1.5 60 1.5 004

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

Electronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅱ)*

10030603 电机学‖Electrical Machinery 3 38 10 3 010

10021701 电力电子技术‖Power Electronics Technology 3 40 8 3 010

10030303 电力电子设计综合实验*‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Power Electronics System*

1 40 1 010

10022104 电路‖Circuits 4.5 64 8 4.5 004

04033902 电子工艺实习*‖Electronics Training* 2 80 2 022

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

10041301工 程 电 磁 场 ‖ Engineering ElectromagneticFields

3 45 3 3 010

11024001 工程数学‖Engineering Mathematics 4 64 4 013

10025401控 制 工 程 基 础 ‖ Control EngineeringFundamentals

3 48 3 010

04026801 模拟电子线路‖Analog Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

06025003 软件技术基础‖Software Technology 2 32 2 006

04026302 数字逻辑电路‖Digital Logic Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

10027003微 机 原 理 与 接 口 技 术 ‖ MicrocomputerPrinciple and Interface Technology

4 56 8 4 010

04030804 信号与系统‖Signals and Systems 2 32 2 004

10045001 智能电网导论‖Introduction to Smart Grid 2 32 2 010


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

10020303 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 010

10020403 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 010

10028801电工仪表与测量综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Electrical Instrumentation andMeasurement

1 40 1 004

08034801 电力系统分析‖Power System Analysis 4 60 4 4 010

08022404电力系统继电保护‖Power System ProtectiveRelaying

3 48 3 010

08040502嵌 入 式 系 统 设 计 与 应 用 ‖ Design andApplication of Embedded System

3 40 8 3 010

10042001智 能 变 电 站 技 术 ‖ Intelligent SubstationTechnology

2 28 4 2 010

10045101智能电网课程设计*‖Course Design of SmartGrid*

2 80 2 010

10045201智能电网信息技术‖Information Technology ofSmart Grid

3 48 3 010


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

10020102 PLC原理及应用‖PLC Principles and Applications 2 24 8 2 010

10033603电力系统故障分析‖ Fault Analysis of PowerSystem

2 32 2 010

10051001电力系统计算机辅助分析‖Computer AidedAnalysis of Power System

2 22 10 2 010

10042802电 力 系 统 通 信 技 术 ‖ Electric PowerCommunication System

2 32 2 010

10022701多媒体技术基础‖Fundamentals of MultimediaTechnology

2 26 6 2 010

10045301人 工 智 能 技 术 ‖ Artificial IntelligenceTechnology

2 32 2 010

10031102柔性交流输电技术‖Technology of Flexible ACTransmission

2 32 2 010

10051101 图像处理技术‖Image Processing Technology 2 32 2 010

10030101微机测控技术‖Microcomputer Measurementand Control Technology

3 38 10 3 010

南京理工大学自动化学院 2014本科专业教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

10042701微网集成与控制技术‖Micro Grid Integrationand Control Technology

2 32 2 010

10034101无线传感器网络技术基础‖Fundamentals ofWireless Sensor Network Technology

2 24 8 2 010

10045901 先进传感技术‖Advanced Sensor Technology 3 48 3 010

10040902新能源发电技术‖Technology of New EnergyGeneration

2 32 2 010

10034601学科前沿系列讲座‖ Lectures on Frontiers ofThe Discipline

1 14 2 1 004

10042501 智能电量计量‖Intelligent Electricity Metering 2 24 8 2 010

10045601 智能仪器与仪表‖Intelligent Instruments 2 32 2 010

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 154.5 1765 1555 25.5 21 25.5 21.5 26.5 12.5 3 19

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

33 476 52 7 26

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.


南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


理学院理学院成立于 1993 年,是我校以理学为主的主要承担基础研究、应用基础研究和基础教学的学院。理

学院现由 7 个系、3 个研究所、3 个实验中心和 1 个图书资料室组成,包括:应用物理系、信息物理与工程


研究所、数学及其应用研究中心、激光与测试技术研究所、物理实验中心、 数学实验中心、力学实验中心

和图书资料室。学院现有教职员工 179 人,其中博导 27 名,教授 34 名,副教授 68 名。

学院目前拥有 7 个本科专业, 3 个一级学科博士点, 2 个二级学科博士点,和 23 个硕士点。7 个本科专业



特色专业,信息与计算科学为江苏省品牌专业。3 个一级学科博士点包括:光学工程、数学和力学。2 个二

级学科博士点包括:测试计量技术及仪器和物理电子学。23 个硕士点包括:凝聚态物理、原子分子物理、等





学科,工程力学类专业和“信息与计算科学”专业也于 2012 年分别获批江苏省“十二五”重点专业类和工信部重

点专业。目前理学院每年招收 330 名本科生,120 多名硕士生,20 名以上博士生。






发明奖获得者,大学数学教学团队被评为国家教学团队。学院还聘请了 2 名中科院院士、2 名美国院士和 1





理基础教学繁重任务的同时,在国内外学术刊物上发表论文逾百篇,2012 年和 2013 年共发表论文 400 多篇,

其中 1/3 被 SCI 和 EI 收录,另有多部著作和教材出版。我院姚卫博士在攻读博士学位期间共发表学术论文 17

篇,其中 6 篇为 SCI 收录。姚卫的博士学位论文 2000 年入选全国百篇优秀博士论文,8 篇博士学位论文入选




学院以教学为中心,大力进行教学建设。学院共开出本、专科及硕、博士研究生的各类课程 280 余门。




南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


了“洪礼壁奖学金”、 “77 数力奖学金”和“波长奖学金”,以鼓励大学生在学业上勤学上进。




鹏等同学在全国大学生“挑战杯”竞赛和“展望 21 世纪主题设计竞赛”中,均荣获一等奖的好成绩;不仅如此,








南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


School of ScienceThe School of Science, founded in 1993, focuses on fundamental and applied researches, and offers

fundamental college courses in mathematics, physics and mechanics. The School consists of 7 departments, 3

institutes, and 3 experimental centers, namely, Department of Applied Physics, Department of Information

Physics and Engineering, Department of Applied Mathematics, Department of Information and Computing

Science, Department of Statistics and Financial Mathematics, Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science,

Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Applied Fundamental Science, Center for Mathematics and its

Applications , Institute of Laser and Testing Technology, Experimental Center for Physics, Experimental Center for

Mathematics, and Experimental Center for Mechanics. The School has 179 faculty and staff members, including

27 Ph.D. advisers, 34 professors, and 68 associate professors.

The School offers 7 undergraduate programs, 3 Ph.D. programs of the primary discipline, 2 Ph.D. programs of

the secondary discipline, and 23 M.S. (Master of Science) programs. The 7 undergraduate programs are Applied

Physics, Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering (Bachelor of Science, B.S.), Mathematics and Applied

Mathematics, Information and Computing Science, Applied Statistics, Engineering Mechanics, and Civil Engineering,

among which Applied Physics, Information and Computing Science, Optoelectronic Information Science and

Engineering (B.S.), Engineering Mechanics and Civil Engineering are all the provincial key majors. The 3 Ph.D.

programs of the primary discipline include Optical Engineering, Mathematics, and Mechanics, while the two Ph.D.

programs of the secondary discipline contain Testing and Measuring Technology and Instruments, and Physical

Electronics. The 23 M.S. programs cover Condensed Matter Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Plasma Physics,

Optics, Optical Engineering, Acoustics, Testing and Measuring Technology and Instruments, Pure Mathematics,

Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Statistics, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Finance,

Operational Theory and Cybernetics, Dynamics and Control, Solid Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Engineering

Mechanics, Civil Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Optical Testing and Instruments, Optoelectronic Science and

Engineering, and Laser Science and Engineering. In addition, the School offers M. Eng. (Master of Engineering)

programs in Optical Engineering, Architecture and Civil Engineering, and Instrument and Meter Engineering. Among

all of these programs, Optical Engineering is a national key discipline, while Engineering Mechanics and Information

& Computing Science are selected as the provincial and ministerial key majors.

The School has highlighted the introduction and cultivation of advanced talents, so as to optimize our

academic and teaching teams. Tens of research projects are funded annually by National Natural Science

Foundation of China, provincial and ministerial Natural Science Foundations, and National Defense Key Programs.

The School has also established a Basic Science Annual Reward Fund, to encourage the faculty members in the

School to get more fundings in advanced research projects and publish more scientific papers in peer-reviewed

academic journals. In spite of the heavy load in teaching fundamental college courses, the School publishes more

than 100 papers in academic journals each year. Especially, a total number of 400 papers were published in 2012

and 2013, among which one third are SCI or EI journals. In addition, the School has published a number of

monographs and textbooks. One of our Ph.D. students has published 17 papers during his Ph.D. study, among

which 6 were SCI journals, and his dissertation was selected as one of the National 100 Outstanding Doctoral

Dissertations by the Ministry of Education in 2000. In addition,8 dissertations in our School have been selected

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


as Provincial Outstanding Doctoral Dissertations.

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



本专业以数学与应用数学综合素质的培养为基础, 注重数学基础理论以及数学与计算技术、数学与控


















1. 掌握系统的数学基础,计算机学、金融学等方面基本理论、基本知识和技能;

2. 对数学有浓厚的兴趣,具备应用数学知识建立数学模型和解决科学技术中实际问题


3. 了解数学与应用数学的理论前沿、应用前景的最新动态以及发展状况

4. 具有较强学习能力、适应能力、创新精神和实践能力;

5. 掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有一定的科学研究和软件开发能力。












南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表





本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 170 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Ⅰ. Introduction

Mathematics and Applied Mathematics focuses on pure mathematics and its interactions with other fields

such as scientific computing, cybernetics, economical and financial sciences. It covers the following research

areas: non-linear partial differential equations, geometric analysis and image processing, algebra and cryptology,

financial mathematics, operator theory and inverse problems, ordinary differential equations and cybernetics,

biological mathematics, etc.

The major aims at cultivating students with the basic theories in mathematics and applied mathematics.

Students will develop the ability to apply the mathematical knowledge to solve problems in other disciplines.

Graduates are expected to engage in universities and research institutes, banking and computer industry, etc.

Ⅱ. Objectives

Students are required to have fundamentals in mathematics, be skillful with computers and know the basic

knowledge about the financial market. They will develop their abilities to solve mathematical problems in natural

sciences, humanities, engineering and technology. Graduates are expected to become experts in math-related

fields such as the computer system integration and development, image processing, information security, finance,

insurance, and communications, etc.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to learn the basic theories in mathematics, computer science and finance. They will

be able to do research, solve practical problems, develop new techniques, in mathematics, engineering or some

other fields.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a solid background in mathematics, computer science and finance;

2. Have the ability to build mathematical models and solve practical problems;

3. Know the frontiers of mathematics and applied mathematics; be aware of the possible applications and

the new developments in applied mathematics;

4. Have abilities of self-learning and team working;

5. Learn the method of literature retrieval.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree:Bachelor of Science.

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading discipline: Mathematics

Interdiscipline: Computer science, cybernetics and finance

Ⅵ. Core courses

Mathematic fundamental courses (Mathematical analysis, Algebra, Differential geometry), Real analysis,

Functional Analysis, Mathematical modeling, Probability theory and statistics, Foundations of modern Analysis,

Differential equations, Basics of computer science, Financial mathematics, Image processing, Numerical

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


calculation, Operations and optimization, etc

Ⅶ. Collective practice procedureMilitary Training, Cognition Training, Graduation Practice, Graduation Project, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 170 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


数学与应用数学专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++ 程 序 设 计 ‖ C++ ProgrammingDesign

4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123202代 数 与 几 何 ( Ⅰ ) ‖ Algebra and AnalyticGeometry(Ⅰ)

4 64 4 013

11223202代 数 与 几 何 ( Ⅱ ) ‖ Algebra and AnalyticGeometry(Ⅱ)

4 64 4 013

11129201 数学分析(Ⅰ)‖Mathematical Analysis(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11229201 数学分析(Ⅱ)‖Mathematical Analysis (Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

11329201 数学分析(Ⅲ)‖Mathematical Analysis (Ⅲ) 6 96 6 013

15031502 知识产权法*‖Intellectual Property Law* 2 32 2 015


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

11020601 常微分方程‖Ordinary Differential Equations 3 48 3 013

11022403 复变函数‖Complex Analysis 3 48 3 013

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

11022606 概率论‖Probability Theory 3.5 56 3.5 013

11037501近代数学课程设计*‖ Project on AdvancedMathematics*

4 160 4 013

11027302 近世代数‖Abstract Algebra 2 32 2 013

11027701 离散数学‖Discrete Mathematics 4 64 4 013

11028502 认识实习‖Cognition Practice 2 80 2 013

11038301 实变函数‖Real Analysis 3.5 56 3.5 013

11028902数据库与数据库系统‖Database and DatabaseSystems

3 40 8 3 013

11029102 数理统计‖Mathematical Statistics 2.5 40 2.5 013

11029401数学物理方程★‖Equations of MathematicalPhysics★

3 48 3 013

11037601数学应用软件设计*‖Mathematical SoftwareProject*

3 120 3 013

11029803 数值分析‖Numerical Analysis 4 56 8 4 013

11032302 最优化理论★‖Optimization Theory★ 4 64 4 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

11020306 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 013

11020406 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 013

11046001 多元统计分析‖Multivariate Statistical Analysis 2 32 2 013

11037202 泛函分析‖Functional Analysis 2 32 2 013

11029302 数学建模‖Mathematical Modeling 3 48 3 013

11030602 拓扑学基础‖Elementary Topology 3 48 3 013

11040202 微分几何‖Differential Geometry 3 48 3 013


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

11046602 博弈论‖Game Theory 2 32 2 013

11046502 风险管理*‖Risk Management* 1 16 1 013

11046301 公司理财‖Corporate Finance 2 32 2 013

11025203计算几何与计算机图形学‖ ComputationalGeometry and Computer Graphics

2.5 32 8 2.5 013

11046201 计算智能‖Computational Intelligence 2 28 4 2 013

11037802 金融工程学‖Financial Engineering 2 32 2 013

11037302金 融 市 场 统 计分 析 ‖ Statistical Analysis ofFinancial Market

2 32 2 013

11040101 密码学基础‖Foundation of Cryptanalysis 2 32 2 013

06022402 数据结构‖Data Structure 3.5 48 8 3.5 006

11034703 数字图像处理★‖Digital Image Processing★ 2 32 2 013

11046101 统计诊断‖Statistical Diagnosis 2 32 2 013

11037401现代数学新进展‖Recent Progress in AdvancedMathematics

2 32 2 013

11031403信 息 论 及 编 码 学 基 础 ‖ Foundation ofInformation and Coding

2 32 2 013

11046901 应用线性回归‖ Applied Linear Regression 2.5 32 8 2.5 013

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 153.5 1824 1456 27.5 24 20.5 18.5 22 14 10 17

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

29.5 444 28 3.5 7.5 6.5 12

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表

















1. 具有扎实的数学基础,掌握信息科学、计算科学的基本理论和基本知识;

2. 能熟练使用计算机(包括常用语言、工具及一些专用软件),具有基本的算法设计、分析能力和较强


3. 了解某个应用领域,能运用所学的理论、方法和技能解决某些科研或生产中的实际课题;

4. 对信息科学与计算科学理论、技术及应用的新发展有所了解;

5. 掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有一定的科学研究和软件开发能力。















南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 170 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Information and Computational SciencesⅠ. Introduction

Information and Computational Sciences has awarded the specialty major of Jiangsu province and the

key major of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which offers bachelor, master and Ph.D

programs in mathematics. The distinctive research fields cover information and image processing, financial

information analysis, modern scientific computing and applied software design etc. There is a teacher

group and academic echelon with reasonable structure and strong capability, which is leading by a teaching

master at the national level and has a backbone composed of young and middle-aged academic leaders.

Facing to the modern information processing and scientific computing, we have established

theory-application combined curriculum system and talent cultivation mode for the major.

Ⅱ. Objectives

Students are expected to master the fundamentals of information and computational sciences which

enable them to solve the practical problems in different areas, such as fundamental mathematics,

computational mathematics, information science, economics and management etc.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to learn the basic mathematical theories and applications, and develop

innovative scientific thinking and practical abilities in computer application and software development.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a solid mathematical foundation, and master the basic knowledge and theory of information

and computational sciences;

2. Have the capability of using computer skillfully, the basic ability of algorithm designing and analyzing

and the strong ability of data processing and programming;

3. Have the capability of solving practical problems by using mathematics;

4. Know the frontier developments of the theory, technology and application of the information and

computational sciences;

5. Master the basic skills of literature retrieval, and have the ability of scientific research and software


Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor Degree of Science

Ⅴ.Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading discipline: Mathematics,

Interdiscipline: Computer Science & Technology

Ⅵ. Core courses

Mathematic fundamental courses (Analysis, Algebra, Geometry), Probability and Statistics, Foundations

of Modern Analysis, Mathematical Models, Physics, Fundamental courses on Computer Science (Database

System, Algorithm and Data Structure, Basic Computer Softwares), Foundations of Information Science

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


(Information Theory, Coding Theory), Image Processing, Numerical Computation, Computer Graphics,

Optimization etc.

Ⅶ. Collective practice procedure

Military Training, Cognition Training, Graduation Practice, Graduation Project, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 170 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


信息与计算科学专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Information and Computational Sciences


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++ 程 序 设 计 ‖ C++ ProgrammingDesign

4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123202代 数 与 几 何 ( Ⅰ ) ‖ Algebra and AnalyticGeometry(Ⅰ)

4 64 4 013

11223202代 数 与 几 何 ( Ⅱ ) ‖ Algebra and AnalyticGeometry(Ⅱ)

4 64 4 013

11129201 数学分析(Ⅰ)‖Mathematical Analysis(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11229201 数学分析(Ⅱ)‖Mathematical Analysis (Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

11329201 数学分析(Ⅲ)‖Mathematical Analysis (Ⅲ) 6 96 6 013

15031502 知识产权法*‖Intellectual Property Law* 2 32 2 015


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

11020601 常微分方程‖Ordinary Differential Equations 3 48 3 013

11022403 复变函数‖Complex Analysis 3 48 3 013

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

11022606 概率论‖Probability Theory 3.5 56 3.5 013

11027702 离散数学‖Discrete Mathematics 3 48 3 013

11028504 认识实习‖Recognizing Internship 2 80 2 013

11038301 实变函数‖Real Analysis 3.5 56 3.5 013

06022402 数据结构‖Data Structure 3.5 48 8 3.5 006

11028902数据库与数据库系统‖Database and DatabaseSystems

3 40 8 3 013

11029102 数理统计‖Mathematical Statistics 2.5 40 2.5 013

11029302 数学建模‖Mathematical Modeling 3 48 3 013

11029401数学物理方程★‖Equations of MathematicalPhysics★

3 48 3 013

11037601数学应用软件设计*‖Mathematical SoftwareProject*

3 120 3 013

11029803 数值分析‖Numerical Analysis 4 56 8 4 013

11037502信息与计算科学课程设计*‖ Project onInformation and Computational Science*

4 160 4 013

11032302 最优化理论★‖Optimization Theory★ 4 64 4 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

11020301 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 013

11020401 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 013

11046201 计算智能‖Computational Intelligence 2 28 4 2 013

11046702 数据挖掘与处理‖Data Mining and Processing 2.5 32 8 2.5 013

11034703 数字图像处理★‖Digital Image Processing★ 2 28 4 2 013

11031403信 息 论 及 编 码 学 基 础 ‖ Foundation ofInformation and Coding

2 32 2 013


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

06021802 JAVA程序设计‖JAVA Programming Design 2 24 8 2 006

11049301 并行计算‖Parallel Computing 2 24 8 2 013

11046602 博弈论‖Game Theory 2 32 2 013

11046401 动漫设计*‖Animation Design* 1 9 7 1 013

11046502 风险管理*‖Risk Management* 1 16 1 013

11046301 公司理财‖Corporate Finance 2 32 2 013

11025203计算几何与计算机图形学‖ ComputationalGeometry and Computer Graphics

2.5 32 8 2.5 013

11037802 金融工程学‖Financial Engineering 2 32 2 013

11037302金 融 市 场 统 计分 析 ‖ Statistical Analysis ofFinancial Market

2 32 2 013

11040101 密码学基础‖Foundation of Cryptanalysis 2 32 2 013

06028301 网络编程技术‖Network Programming 2 24 8 2 006

11037401现代数学新进展‖Recent Progress in AdvancedMathematics

2 32 2 013

11046901 应用线性回归‖ Applied Linear Regression 2.5 32 8 2.5 013

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 152.5 1784 1480 27.5 24 24 21.5 14 14 10.5 17

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

25 353 47 8.5 6.5 10

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.


南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表






































南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表





本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 170 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Applied Statistics


Applied Statistics focuses on the application of statistical methods and the operation of statistical software.

It is important for natural science and the social economy. The major covers diverse fields of applied statistics,

economic statistics, financial statistics, management statistics and mathematical statistics. There are leading

scholars and professors. The Probability and Statistics is National Quality Course.


Students are expected to acquire professional knowledge and develop the ability of analysis and research.

Graduates are familiar with basic statistical theory, and eligible for data analysis and processing, statistical

analysis, etc.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to master basic statistical knowledge, data statistical method and statistical


Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have solid statistical and mathematical knowledge, basic knowledge of economic theory, finance,

management and social sciences;

2. Master fundamentals of statistics, including parameter estimation, nonparametric statistics, applied

linear regression, multivariate statistical analysis, the statistical prediction and Bayesian analysis, statistical

computing, statistical data processing, sampling survey, experimental design, and computer application


3. Grasp statistical principle and methods, and have the ability of observing, analyzing and managing various

data independently;

4. Participate in social practice, and develop the capability of statistical analysis, statistical computing, data

processing and so on;

5. Know the frontiers and trends in statistics;

6. Have abilities of self-learning and team working;

7. Have the innovative consciousness and the ability to analyze and solve problems.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Science.

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading discipline: Applied statistics

Interdiscipline: Mathematics, Computer Science & Technology, Economics, Finance and Management

Ⅵ. Core courses

Basic courses in mathematics (mathematical analysis, algebra, geometry), probability theory, mathematical

statistics, computer foundation, stochastic process, applied regression analysis, time series analysis, multivariate

statistical analysis, sampling survey, experimental design, statistical prediction and Bayesian analysis,

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


nonparametric statistics, statistical computing, statistical applications, data mining and processing and so on.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Cognition Training, Graduation Practice, Course Project, Graduation Project, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 170 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


应用统计学专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Applied Statistics


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++ 程 序 设 计 ‖ C++ ProgrammingDesign

4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123202代 数 与 几 何 ( Ⅰ ) ‖ Algebra and AnalyticGeometry(Ⅰ)

4 64 4 013

11223202代 数 与 几 何 ( Ⅱ ) ‖ Algebra and AnalyticGeometry(Ⅱ)

4 64 4 013

11129201 数学分析(Ⅰ)‖Mathematical Analysis(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11229201 数学分析(Ⅱ)‖Mathematical Analysis (Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

11329201 数学分析(Ⅲ)‖Mathematical Analysis (Ⅲ) 6 96 6 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

11020601 常微分方程‖Ordinary Differential Equations 3 48 3 013

11047401 多元统计分析‖Multivariate Statistical Analysis 3 40 8 3 013

11047101 非参数统计‖Nonparametric Statistics 2 32 2 013

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

11022403 复变函数‖Complex Analysis 3 48 3 013

11022606 概率论‖Probability Theory 3.5 56 3.5 013

11046801 认识实习‖Cognition Practice 2 80 2 013

11047001 时间序列分析‖Time Series Analysis 2 32 2 013

11038301 实变函数‖Real Analysis 3.5 56 3.5 013

11029102 数理统计‖Mathematical Statistics 2.5 40 2.5 013

11029302 数学建模‖Mathematical Modeling 3 48 3 013

11030103随 机 过 程 引 论 ‖ Introduction to StochasticProcess

4 64 4 013

11047201 统计计算‖Statistical Computing 2 26 6 2 013

11031402 信息论‖Information Theory 2 32 2 013

11046901 应用线性回归‖ Applied Linear Regression 2.5 32 8 2.5 013

11032302 最优化理论★‖Optimization Theory★ 4 64 4 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

11020308 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 013

11020408 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 013

11047601 抽样调查‖Sampling Survey 2 26 6 2 013

11047801 试验设计‖Experiment Design 2 28 4 2 013

11046702 数据挖掘与处理‖Data Mining and Processing 2.5 32 8 2.5 013

11047501统计决策与贝叶斯分析‖Statistical Decisionand Bayes Analysis

2 32 2 013

11047701 统计软件‖Statistical Software 2 12 20 2 013

11047301统 计 学课 程 设 计* ‖ Curriculum Design ofStatistics*

4 160 4 013

11046101 统计诊断‖Statistical Diagnosis 2 32 2 013


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

07022604 管理学原理*‖Principles of Management* 2 32 2 007

11037802 金融工程学‖Financial Engineering 2 32 2 013

11037302金 融 市 场 统 计分 析 ‖ Statistical Analysis ofFinancial Market

2 32 2 013

07047701经济预测与分析‖ Economic Forecasting andAnalysis

2 28 4 2 007

11029803 数值分析‖Numerical Analysis 4 56 8 4 013

11034703 数字图像处理★‖Digital Image Processing★ 2 32 2 013

07029801 微观经济学‖Microeconomics 3 48 3 007

11037401现代数学新进展‖Recent Progress in AdvancedMathematics

2 32 2 013

11047902应用统计新进展‖ New Progress of AppliedStatistics

2 32 2 013

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 152.5 1812 1380 25.5 24 19.5 22 12.5 17.5 14.5 17

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

21 324 12 8 2 9 2

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表































4. 具有较强的计算机应用能力,能熟练运用计算机工具,解决相关科学和技术领域中的实际问题。



6. 具有较强的自学能力、良好的团队协作精神和开拓创新意识。




南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表














本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选

修课若干,方可达到 171.5 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Applied PhysicsⅠ. Introduction

Applied Physics is a provincial key major and offers bachelor’s and master’s programs in physics. The major

covers two main research fields:Microscale Physics with Applications in New Materials & New Energy Technology,

and Laser & Optoelectronic Technology.

Microscale Physics with Applications in New Materials & New Energy Technology aims to study novel

physical phenomena of materials at nano- or mesoscale and explore their potential applications in new materials

and new energy technology. Microscale materials act as a bridge between microscopic and macroscopic systems.

An in-depth theoretical and applied study on microscale materials plays an active role in developing novel

nanomaterials and nanodevices, spintronic materials and devices, highly magnetic materials, highly efficient

catalysts, new energy materials (such as high-density hydrogen-storage materials, lithium-ion batteries, solar cells,

and solid oxide fuel cells, etc.), as well as environment-purifying materials.

Laser & Optoelectronic Technology is an interdisciplinary field of laser, optics, optoelectronics, and computer

technology, and is extensively applied in such hi-tech fields as laser location and detection, laser radar, laser

guidance technology, optoelectric detection, optical communication, optical storage, optical display, and optical

processing, especially in the optics-mechanic-electronics-computer-integrated industry.

Ⅱ. Objectives

This major emphasizes both fundamental theory and technological applications. It aims to develop students

into advanced and specialized talents to have solid background in physics, mathematics, and computer

techniques, to grasp the specialized knowledge and experimental techniques in microscale physics or laser &

optoelectronic technology with various applications in new materials, new energy technology, laser and

optoelectronic information technology, and to know the frontiers and trends of relevant hi-tech industry.

Graduates will be well prepared to do scientific research, technological development, product design, or relevant

technical management in institutes, universities, and relevant hi-tech enterprises.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to master fundamental theory and experimental techniques in physics, have

knowledge in mathematics and develop computer skills. They are also required to grasp specialized knowledge

and experimental techniques in microscale physics, new materials and new energy technology, or laser and

optoelectronic technology. Students will be well trained in scientific research so as to develop their innovative

and creative thinking abilities.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1.Grasp knowledge and experimental techniques in physics, and have fundamentals in mathematics;

2.Master specialized knowledge and experimental techniques in microscale physics, new materials and new

energy technology, or laser and optoelectronic technology, and develop hands-on experimental skills;

3.Be aware of the frontiers and trends of relevant discipline and hi-tech industry;

4. Develop computer skills to solve scientific and technological problems in relevant fields;

5.Know the basic methods of information retrieval and query; and have communication and scientific

writing skills for academic exchange.

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


6.Develop self-learning, team-playing, innovative and creative thinking abilities.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Science

Ⅴ. Leading Discipline and Interdisciplinary Subjects

Leading Discipline: Physics;

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Materials Science, Optical Engineering.

Ⅵ. Core courses

General Physics, Electrodynamics, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Solid State

Physics, Computational Physics, Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics, Physics of Magnetism, Nanomaterials

and Technology, New Energy Materials and Applications, Laser Principles, Laser Technology, Laser Sensing and

Measuring, Information Optics, Optical Image Processing, Optoelectric sensing technology, an so on.

Ⅶ Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Metalworking Practice, Production Practice, Electronic Technology Practice, Theory and

Practice of Science and Technology, Course Project, Student Research Training Program, Graduation Project


Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 171.5 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all

the compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


应用物理学专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Applied Physics


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Oueline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++ 程 序 设 计 ‖ C++ ProgrammingDesign

4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021701 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 3 48 3 001

11031201 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2.5 40 2.5 013

11039002纳米技术基础及应用*‖ Fundamentals andApplications of Nanotechnology*

2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

11021701 电动力学‖Electrodynamics 3 32 16 3 013

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

11022302 分析力学‖Analytic Mechanics 2 32 2 013

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

11033301 固体物理‖Solid State Physics 3 32 16 3 013

11024402 光电图象处理技术‖Optical Image Processing 3 32 16 3 013

11024704激 光 原 理 及 应 用 ‖ Laser Principles andApplications

3 48 3 013

11044301 计算物理‖Computational Physics 3 36 12 3 013

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

11027201 近代物理实验‖Experiments in Modern Physics 3 48 3 013

11031701 量子力学‖QuantumMechanics 4 48 16 4 013

04126401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅰ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅰ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04226401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅱ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅱ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

11138802 普通物理(Ⅰ)‖General Physics(Ⅰ) 4 64 4 013

11238802 普通物理(Ⅱ)‖General Physics(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

11138901普通物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in GeneralPhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11238901普通物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in GeneralPhysics (Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11044202热 力学 与统 计 物理 ‖ Thermodynamics andStatistical Physics

4 48 16 4 013

11044101数 学 物 理 方 法 ‖ Method of MathematicalPhysics

5 80 5 013

04030002微机原理与应用‖Principle and Application ofMicrocomputer

3 48 3 004

11035401 物理学史★‖History of Physics ★ 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

11020304 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 013

11020404 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 3 120 3 013

11049001 功能材料‖Functional Materials 2 26 6 2 013

11027504科 技 理 论 与 实 践 ‖ Theory and Practice ofScience and Technology

2 80 2 013

11049101新能源材料及应用‖New Energy Materials andApplications

3 32 16 3 013

11039501 学科前沿系列讲座*‖Seminar in Mechanics* 1 16 1 013


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

11043601 X射线衍射学‖X-Ray Diffraction 2 32 2 013

11035602半 导 体 光 电 子 学 ‖ SemiconductorOptoelectronics

3 48 3 013

11034002 单片机系统设计‖Single Chip System Design 2 8 24 2 013

11040801光 电 传 感 技 术 实 验 ‖ Experiments inPhotoelectric Sensor Technology

1 16 1 013

11043201光 电 传 感 器 技 术 ‖ Photoelectric SensorTechnology

2 32 2 013

11033602光 电 显 示 与 存 储 技 术 ‖ Technology ofPhotoelectric Display and Storage

2 32 2 013

11024202光纤技术及应用‖Optical Fiber Technology andApplications

2 32 2 013

11024301光纤通信导论‖ Introduction to Optical FiberCommunication

2 28 4 2 013

11045901 光子晶体导论‖Introduction to Photonic Crystal 2 32 2 013

11031103 几何光学‖Geometrical Optics 2 32 2 013

11035501 信息光学‖Information Optics 3 48 3 013

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 149.5 1718 1412 24.5 23 24.5 20.5 18.5 17.5 7 14

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

23 356 60 5 12 6

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



应用物理学(激光与光电技术)专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Applied Physics(Laser & Photoelectric Technology)


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Oueline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++ 程 序 设 计 ‖ C++ ProgrammingDesign

4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11022403 复变函数‖Complex Analysis 3 48 3 013

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021701 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 3 48 3 001

11031201 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2.5 40 2.5 013

15031502 知识产权法*‖Intellectual Property Law* 2 32 2 015


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

11021702 电动力学‖Electrodynamics 2 32 2 013

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

04137003电工电子综合实验(Ⅰ)‖ Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅰ)

0.5 20 0.5 004

04237003电工电子综合实验(Ⅱ)*‖Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅱ)*

1.5 60 1.5 004

10022104 电路‖Circuits 4.5 64 8 4.5 004

04033902 电子工艺实习‖Electronics Training 2 80 2 022

11033303 固体物理‖Solid State Physics 2 32 2 013

13120401光电信息综合实验(Ⅰ)‖ComprehensiveExperiments in Optoelectronic Information (Ⅰ)

1 16 1 013

13220401光电信息综合实验(Ⅱ)‖ComprehensiveExperiments in Optoelectronic Information (Ⅱ)

1 16 1 013

13320401光电信息综合实验(Ⅲ)‖ComprehensiveExperiments in Optoelectronic Information (Ⅲ)

1 16 1 013

11131102 光学(Ⅰ)‖Optics (Ⅰ) 3 48 3 013

11231102 光学(Ⅱ)‖Optics (Ⅱ) 3 48 3 013

11040501 光学基础实验‖Basic Experiments in Optics 1 16 1 013

11027203 近代物理实验‖Experiments in Modern Physics 2 32 2 013

11031702 量子力学‖QuantumMechanics 2 32 2 013

04026801 模拟电子线路‖Analog Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

04026302 数字逻辑电路‖Digital Logic Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

11033401 信号与线性系统‖Signal and Linear System 3 48 3 013

11035501 信息光学‖Information Optics 3 48 3 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

11020305 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 013

11020405 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 3 120 3 013

11043201光 电 传 感 器 技 术 ‖ Photoelectric SensorTechnology

2 32 2 013

11024402 光电图像处理技术‖Optical Image Processing 3 32 16 3 013

11140902光 电 信 息 导 论 ( Ⅰ ) ‖ Introduction toOptoelectronic Information (Ⅰ)

0.5 8 0.5 013

11240902光 电 信 息 导 论 ( Ⅱ ) ‖ Introduction toOptoelectronic Information (Ⅱ)

0.5 8 0.5 013

11035603 光电子学‖Optoelectronics 3 48 3 013

13030601光 通 信 原 理 ‖ Principle of OpticalCommunication

2 32 2 013

13030501激光探测与信号处理‖ Laser Detection andSignal Processing

2 32 2 013

11024704激 光 原 理 及 应 用 ‖ Laser Principles andApplications

3 48 3 013

11039501 学科前沿系列讲座*‖Seminar in Mechanics* 1 16 1 013


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

13030801MATLAB 工 程 计 算 ‖ Engineering CalculationBased on Matlab

3 32 16 3 013

11033602光 电 显 示 与 存 储 技 术 ‖ Technology ofPhotoelectric Display and Storage

2 32 2 013

11045801光电新技术及产品专题‖ Lectures on LatestOptoelectronic Technology

1 16 1 013

13031401 光量子通信‖Quantum Communication 2 32 2 013

13031101光 声 信 息 原 理 及 应 用 ‖ The Principle andApplication of Optical and Acoustic Information

2 32 2 013

13031001 光学设计‖Optical CAD 2 16 16 2 013

13030901 机器视觉‖Machine Vision 2 32 2 013

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

11045502激 光 制 造 原 理 与 技 术 ‖ The Principle andTechnology of Laser Manufacturing

2 32 2 013

13031301集成光电子器件与微纳光学‖ IntegratedOptoelectronic Devices and Micro/Nano Optics

2 32 2 013

13030701嵌入式系统应用‖ Application of EmbeddedSystems

2 20 12 2 013

11040302数理方程与特殊函数‖Mathematical PhysicsEquations and Special Functions

3 48 3 013

10027002微 机 原 理 与 接 口 技 术 ‖ MicrocomputerPrinciple and Interface Technology

4.5 54 18 4.5 010

13031201新型激光器件及应用‖Novel Laser Devices andApplications

2 32 2 013

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 151 1744 1344 25 22 25.5 21 20 17.5 6 14

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

29.5 414 58 0 0 0 3 2 10.5 14 0

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.


南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表





第一家开办该专业的高等院校。2005年网上全国本科专业综合评估中,专业被列为四个 A++级(最高级)光







学”等一级学科和“生物医学工程”等二级学科硕士学位授予权,建有约 700m2的专业和学科实验室。专任教师

中拥有高级职称的教师比例为 65%,承担国家自然科学基金、总装型号、国防“973” 等项目,人才培养力量











1. 掌握数学、物理学和光电子学等方面的基本理论和基本知识;

2. 掌握“光电信息科学与工程”专业的基本知识和基本实验技能;

3. 具有较好的光电信息系统分析、设计、开发方面的实践动手能力;

4. 熟悉激光、光电子及应用技术方向的专业知识,了解学科前沿和发展趋势;

5. 具有一定计算机相关知识和较强的计算机应用能力,较熟练使用计算机工具,解决工程中的有关问题;

6. 掌握文献索引、资料查询的基本方法,熟悉国家信息产业政策及国内外有关知识产权的法律法规,具


7. 具有较强的自学能力和工作适应能力,具备协助精神和创新意识。







南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表










本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 172学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Optoelectronic Information Science & EngineeringⅠ. Introduction

Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering (Bachelor of Science), originated from the Optical

Information Science and Technology in the School of Science, was established in 2000. In 2009, it was selected as

provincial key major.

On the basis of Optical Engineering, the major attaches importance to physics and information technology.

Students will play important roles in the relevant fields of laser, optoelectronic and computer science, especially

in the optics-mechanic-electronics-computer-integrated industry.

Ⅱ. Objectives

This major aims at cultivating students with basic knowledge of optoelectronic information science and

engineering, basic skills of laser and optoelectronics technology. Students are expected to develop careers of

research, design, development, application and management in optoelectronic information and technology fields,

be engaged in advanced scientific and technological research work.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to master the theory of optoelectronic information science and engineering, be

trained to conduct researches on electro-optic information systems. Graduates are expected to be qualified for

research, design, development, integration and application on the optoelectronic information systems.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Acquire basic knowledge of mathematics, physics and optoelectronics;

2. Obtain experimental skills of optoelectronic information of science and technology;

3. Possess the ability of analysis, design and development on optoelectronic information system;

4. Be familiar with the expertise on laser and optoelectronics application technology and be aware of the

frontiers and trends of the discipline;

5. Have the knowledge on computer science to solve engineering problems;

6. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query; have the ability of analyzing and solving

problems, writing academic dissertation and participating in academic activities

7. Have abilities of self-learning and team working; have the innovative consciousness

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor Degree of Science

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading discipline: Optical Engineering

Interdiscipline: Physics

Ⅵ. Core courses

The core courses of this major include fundamentals of circuits, analogue circuits, digital circuits, signal and

linear system, optics, optoelectronics, principles and applications of laser, solid state physics, quantum mechanics,

electrodynamics, information optics, optical sensor technology, optical communication theory, laser detection

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


and signal processing, photoelectric image processing and so on.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Electronic Technology Practice, Metalworking Practice, Course Project, Graduation Practice,

Graduation Project, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 172 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


光电信息科学与工程(理)专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Oueline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++ 程 序 设 计 ‖ C++ ProgrammingDesign

4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11022403 复变函数‖Complex Analysis 3 48 3 013

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021701 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 3 48 3 001

11031201 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2.5 40 2.5 013

15031502 知识产权法*‖Intellectual Property Law* 2 32 2 015


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

11021702 电动力学‖Electrodynamics 2 32 2 013

04137003电工电子综合实验(Ⅰ)‖ Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅰ)

0.5 20 0.5 004

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

04237003电工电子综合实验(Ⅱ)*‖Electrical andElectronic Comprehensive Experiment (Ⅱ)*

1.5 60 1.5 004

10022104 电路‖Circuits 4.5 64 8 4.5 004

04033902 电子工艺实习‖Electronics Training 2 80 2 022

11033303 固体物理‖Solid State Physics 2 32 2 013

13120401光电信息综合实验(Ⅰ)‖ComprehensiveExperiments in Optoelectronic Information (Ⅰ)

1 16 1 013

13220401光电信息综合实验(Ⅱ)‖ComprehensiveExperiments in Optoelectronic Information (Ⅱ)

1 16 1 013

13320401光电信息综合实验(Ⅲ)‖ComprehensiveExperiments in Optoelectronic Information (Ⅲ)

1 16 1 013

11131102 光学(Ⅰ)‖Optics (Ⅰ) 3 48 3 013

11231102 光学(Ⅱ)‖Optics (Ⅱ) 3 48 3 013

11040501 光学基础实验‖Basic Experiments in Optics 1 16 1 013

11027203 近代物理实验‖Experiments in Modern Physics 2 32 2 013

11031702 量子力学‖QuantumMechanics 2 32 2 013

04026801 模拟电子线路‖Analog Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

04026302 数字逻辑电路‖Digital Logic Circuits 4 56 8 4 004

11033401 信号与线性系统‖Signal and Linear System 3 48 3 013

11035501 信息光学‖Information Optics 3 48 3 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

11020305 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 013

11020405 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 3 120 3 013

11043201光 电 传 感 器 技 术 ‖ Photoelectric SensorTechnology

2 32 2 013

11024402 光电图像处理技术‖Optical Image Processing 3 32 16 3 013

11140902光 电 信 息 导 论 ( Ⅰ ) ‖ Introduction toOptoelectronic Information (Ⅰ)

0.5 8 0.5 013

11240902光 电 信 息 导 论 ( Ⅱ ) ‖ Introduction toOptoelectronic Information (Ⅱ)

0.5 8 0.5 013

11035603 光电子学‖Optoelectronics 3 48 3 013

13030601光 通 信 原 理 ‖ Principle of OpticalCommunication

2 32 2 013

13030501激光探测与信号处理‖ Laser Detection andSignal Processing

2 32 2 013

11024704激 光 原 理 及 应 用 ‖ Laser Principles andApplications

3 48 3 013

11039501 学科前沿系列讲座*‖Seminar in Mechanics* 1 16 1 013


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

13030801MATLAB 工 程 计 算 ‖ Engineering CalculationBased on Matlab

3 32 16 3 013

11033602光 电 显 示 与 存 储 技 术 ‖ Technology ofPhotoelectric Display and Storage

2 32 2 013

11045801光电新技术及产品专题‖ Lectures on LatestOptoelectronic Technology

1 16 1 013

13031401 光量子通信‖Quantum Communication 2 32 2 013

13031101光 声 信 息 原 理 及 应 用 ‖ The Principle andApplication of Optical and Acoustic Information

2 32 2 013

13031001 光学设计‖Optical CAD 2 16 16 2 013

13030901 机器视觉‖Machine Vision 2 32 2 013

11045502激 光 制 造 原 理 与 技 术 ‖ The Principle andTechnology of Laser Manufacturing

2 32 2 013

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

13031301集成光电子器件与微纳光学‖ IntegratedOptoelectronic Devices and Micro/Nano Optics

2 32 2 013

13030701嵌入式系统应用‖ Application of EmbeddedSystems

2 20 12 2 013

11040302数理方程与特殊函数‖Mathematical PhysicsEquations and Special Functions

3 48 3 013

10027002微 机 原 理 与 接 口 技 术 ‖ MicrocomputerPrinciple and Interface Technology

4.5 54 18 4.5 010

13031201新型激光器件及应用‖Novel Laser Devices andApplications

2 32 2 013

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 151 1744 1344 25 22 25.5 21 20 17.5 6 14

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

29.5 414 58 0 0 0 3 2 10.5 14 0

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;

2.课程名称标有“★”的课程为中文、全英文授课课程,标有“▼”的课程为全英文授课课程,其余课程均为中文授课课程.Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese...

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表






































南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Engineering Mechanics1. Introduction

Engineering Mechanics is a provincial key major. It offers bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and post-doctoral

programs. The major covers diverse areas of engineering, including Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering,

Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Vehicle Engineering, Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering,

Transportation Engineering, Weapon Systems, Materials Engineering, Electrical and Communicational

Engineering, and Intellectual Mechanical Engineering, etc. The major is designed to provide students with solid

foundation on theories and applications of engineering mechanics, and to develop their abilities in modern

computational methods and experimental techniques.

2. Objectives

The major aims at cultivating students with fundamental theories on mechanics, capabilities of numerical

simulations and experiments in engineering application, and skills of computer applications and software

developments in engineering designs. Graduates are expected to be talents to do scientific researches, technical

developments, and engineering designs.

3 .Requirements

Students are required to master the basic theories and principles of mechanics, mechanical and civil

engineering structures, computer technology, and numerical simulation techniques. Graduates are expected to

gain the abilities to design and develop engineering software, and design and analyze engineering structures.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Master solid foundations in nature science, basic knowledge in human science, arts and social science, as

well as communication skill;

2. Have basic theories and broad visions in Engineering Mechanics, including solid mechanics, dynamics,

fluid mechanics, and electric circuit & electronic technology;

3. Gain analytical capabilities and experimental techniques to solve the engineering technical problems;

4. Obtain skills to use computer, techniques to develop software for applications of mechanics in


5. Have self-learning and creative thinking abilities, and higher comprehensive quality.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor Degree of Engineering

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading discipline: Mechanics

Interdisciplinary: Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Aerospace Engineering.

Ⅵ. Core Courses

Theoretical Mechanics; Mechanics of Materials; Elasticity; Engineering Fluid Mechanics; Theory of Vibration;

Computational Mechanics; Experimental Mechanics; Structural Mechanics; Aerodynamics; Electric Circuit &

Electronic Technology; Computer Fundamentals & Programming; Principles of Computer Composition; Data

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Structure; Computational Method; Computer Aided Engineering (CAE).

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching sessionMilitary Training; Metalworking Practice; Cognition Practice; Production Practice; Social Practice; Course

Project; Graduation Project(Thesis).

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


工程力学专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Engineering Mechanics


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Oueline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++ 程 序 设 计 ‖ C++ ProgrammingDesign

4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021702 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 4 50 14 4 001

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013

15031502 知识产权法‖Intellectual Property Law 2 32 2 015


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

11120501 材料力学(Ⅰ)‖Mechanics of Materials(Ⅰ) 3 48 3 013

11220501 材料力学(Ⅱ)‖Mechanics of Materials(Ⅱ) 2 32 2 013

11021201 弹性力学‖Elasticity 3 46 2 3 013

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

11138101工程力学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in EngineeringMechanics(Ⅰ)

0.5 8 0.5 013

11238101 工程力学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in EngineeringMechanics(Ⅱ)

0.5 8 0.5 013

11028103 工程流体力学‖Engineering Fluid Mechanics 4 64 4 013

04022801 工业电子学‖Industrial Electronics 4 54 10 4 004

01024102机械设计基础‖ Fundamentals of MechanicalDesign

4 58 6 4 001

01024203机械设计基础课程设计*‖Course Design ofMechanical Design Fundamentals*

1 40 1 001

11024802 计算方法‖Computational Method 3 40 8 3 013

11024902 计算机辅助工程‖Computer-Aided Engineering 3 32 16 3 013

11038401计算机辅助工程课程设计‖Computer-AidedEngineering Design

1 40 1 013

06020803计 算 机 组 成 原 理 ‖ Principles of ComputerOrganization

3 40 8 3 006

11025403 计算力学‖Computational Mechanics 3 48 3 013

11038601计算力学课程设计*‖Procedure and Softwareof Computational Mechanics*

1 40 1 013

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

11127805 理论力学(Ⅰ)‖Theoretical Mechanics(Ⅰ) 2.5 40 2.5 013

11227805 理论力学(Ⅱ)‖Theoretical Mechanics(Ⅱ) 2.5 40 2.5 013

06022403 数据结构‖Data Structure 3 40 8 3 006


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

11020303 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 013

11020403 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 3 120 3 013

11022301 分析力学★‖Analytic Mechanics★ 2 32 2 013

11023202高 等 实 验 力 学 ‖ Advanced ExperimentalMechanics

1 16 1 013

11037902力 学 理 论 与 实 践 ‖ Theory and Practice ofMechanics

3 120 3 013

11028506 认识实习*‖Recognizing Internship * 1 40 1 013

11039501 学科前沿系列讲座‖Seminar in Mechanics 1 16 1 013

11031801 振动理论‖Theory of Vibration 3 46 2 3 013


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

08021403 传热传质学★‖Heat and Mass Transfer★ 4 64 4 008

11022102 房屋建筑学‖Housing Architecture 3 40 8 3 013

11022201 非线性振动‖Nonlinear Vibration 2 30 2 2 013

11038502复杂机械系统运动计算机仿真‖ComputerSimulation of Complex Mechanical Systems

2 32 2 013

11022801 钢结构‖Steel Structure 3 48 3 013

11022904钢 筋 混 凝 土 结 构 ‖ Reinforced ConcreteStructure

3 44 4 3 013

11023603工程计算可视化‖Visualization of EngineeringCalculation

3 32 16 3 013

11023704工程建模与软件设计‖Engineering Modelingand Software Design

2 16 16 2 013

11026402 建筑施工‖Building Construction 3 38 10 3 013

11026702 结构力学‖Structural Mechanics 2 32 2 013

11039901 空气动力学‖Aerodynamics 2 32 2 013

11030001 塑性力学‖Plasticity 2 32 2 013

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

11030402土 力 学 与 地 基 基 础 ‖ Soil Mechanics andFoundation

3 38 10 3 013

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 151 1702 1538 23.5 24 21 19 27 9.5 13 14

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

34 478 66 21 11 2

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.


南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表





工、土木工程材料、工程测量、流体力学、结构仿真等 6 个专业实验室,具有土木工程一级学科硕士点,













1. 具有较扎实的自然科学基础,了解当代科学技术的主要方面和应用前景;

2. 掌握理论力学、材料力学、结构力学、弹塑性力学、岩土力学、流体力学的基本理论,掌握工程规




3. 具有工程制图、计算机应用、主要测试和试验仪器使用的基本能力,具有综合应用各种手段(包括


4. 了解土木工程主要法规;

5. 具有进行工程设计、试验、施工、管理和研究的初步能力;

6. 具有工程意识、创新意识和较强的工程实践能力,具有独立获取知识的能力。











南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表






本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 175 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Civil Engineering

Ⅰ. Introduction

Civil Engineering is a provincial key major and a key construction discipline for the “Twelfth Five-year Plan”

of Jiangsu province. The discipline aims to cultivate compound technical talents specialized in civil engineering,

and train outstanding graduates for higher level education of domestic and foreign elite universities and

infrastructure construction of the country. This major possesses 6 specialized laboratories, including Engineering

Structure, Soil Mechanics Civil Engineering Materials, Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Surveying, Fluid

Mechanics, Structure Simulation laboratory. The department offers master programs of the first-level discipline in

civil engineering, and engineering master enrollment eligibility in the field of architecture and civil engineering.

In the professional training, the solid theoretical foundation and broad knowledge of students are

emphasized, and the students’ practical ability and innovation are well developed.

Ⅱ. Objectives

Students are expected to master the basic knowledge and principles of civil engineering, and possess the

abilities of planning, design, construction and management of civil engineering projects. Graduates will be

engaged in the fields of housing construction, underground construction, tunnels, roads, bridges, mines, etc.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to study fundamentals of Theoretical Mechanics,Mechanics of Materials , Structural

Mechanics, Elastic-plastic Mechanics, Rock and Soil Mechanics. They will learn the theory, techniques and

methods of civil engineering design, construction, management, and investment, and receive basic training of

course design, test equipment operation and on-site training. Graduates will be able to engage in civil

engineering planning, design, research, construction and management.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have solid foundation of natural science, and basic knowledge of contemporary science and technology;

2. Master the basic theory of Theoretical Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Structural Mechanics,

Elastic-plastic mechanics, Rock and Soil Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics; acquire the basic knowledge of project

planning and selection, Engineering Geology, engineering materials, structural analysis and design, ground

handling and economic management; master the basic techniques of engineering test and experiment,

construction technology and organization; Be familiar with the basic principle of disaster prevention and software

in civil engineering;

3. Have basic skills of engineering drawing, computer applications, operation of testing and measuring

equipment; know the basic methods of information retrieval and query;

4. Understand regulations in civil engineering;

5. Have the preliminary ability to carry out the engineering design, testing, construction, management and


6. Develop self-learning, team-playing, innovative and creative thinking abilities.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Degree: Bachelor Degree of Engineering

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading discipline: Civil Engineering, Mechanics

Inter discipline: Communication Engineering

Ⅵ. Core Courses

Theoretical Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Structural Mechanics, Elastic-plastic Mechanics, Soil

Mechanics, Civil Engineering Materials, Engineering Surveying, Civil Engineering Construction, Concrete

Structural Fundamentals, Steel Structures, Foundation Engineering, Design of Concrete and Masonry

Structures, Bridge Structures, Earthquake Resistance & Disaster Prevention of Engineering Structures,

Engineering Economics, etc.

Ⅶ. Collective practice procedure

Military Training, Surveying Practice, Structural Experiments, Cognition Practice, Production Practice, Course

Design, Graduation Project (Thesis), etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 175 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


土木工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Civil Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Oueline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702Visual C++ 程 序 设 计 ‖ C++ ProgrammingDesign

4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

03030403 大学化学‖College Chemistry 2 32 2 003

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics(Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus(Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus(Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

01052302 画法几何‖Descriptive Geometry 2 32 2 001

13020001 土木工程设计基础‖Civil Engineering Drawing 4 40 24 4 013

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

11120501 材料力学(Ⅰ)‖Mechanics of Materials(Ⅰ) 3 48 3 013

11220501 材料力学(Ⅱ)‖Mechanics of Materials(Ⅱ) 2 32 2 013

11021102弹 塑 性 力 学 基 础 ★ ‖ Foundation ofElastic-Plastic Mechanics★

2.5 40 2.5 013

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

11043801 工程测量‖Engineering Surveying 2 32 2 013

11044001 工程测量实习*‖Engineering Survey Practice*

2 80 2 013

11029902 工程地质*‖Engineering Geology* 1 16 1 013

11039102 工程经济学‖Engineering Economics 2 28 4 2 013

11138101工程力学实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in EngineeringMechanics(Ⅰ)

0.5 8 0.5 013

11238101工程力学实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in EngineeringMechanics(Ⅱ)

0.5 8 0.5 013

11022905混凝土结构基本原理‖Principle of ReinforcedConcrete Structures

4 60 4 4 013

11035002混凝土结构课程设计‖Practice of ReinforcedConcrete Structure Design

1 40 1 013

11026701 结构力学‖Structural Mechanics 5 80 5 013

11025903 结构试验‖Structural Experiment 2 80 2 013

11127805 理论力学(Ⅰ)‖Theoretical Mechanics(Ⅰ) 2.5 40 2.5 013

11227805 理论力学(Ⅱ)‖Theoretical Mechanics(Ⅱ) 2.5 40 2.5 013

11028501 认识实习‖Cognition Practice 1 40 1 013

11030301 土力学‖Soil Mechanics 2 24 8 2 013

11025503 土木工程材料‖Construction Material 2.5 32 8 2.5 013

11035702土 木 工 程 概 论 ★ * ‖ Introduction to CivilEngineering★*

1 16 1 013

11026403 土木工程施工‖Civil Engineering Construction 3 40 8 3 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

11020302 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 013

11020407 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice* 4 160 4 013

01037801 道路工程‖Road Engineering 2 32 2 013

01034503道路工程课程设计‖Road Engineering CourseDesign

1 40 1 013

11022801 钢结构‖Steel Structure 3 48 3 013

11036101钢结构课程设计‖ Practice of Steel StructureDesign

1 40 1 013

11039201工程结构抗震与防灾‖Engineering StructureSeismic-Defensive Design

3 40 8 3 013

11039401混凝土及砌体结构设计‖Design of ReinforcedConcrete Structures and Masonry Structures

3 40 8 3 013

11021502 基础工程‖Foundation Engineering 2 32 2 013

11036201基础工程课程设计‖ Practice of FoundationDesign

1 40 1 013

11036002 建筑学课程设计‖Practice of Architecture 1 40 1 013

11022104 建筑学与规划‖Architecture and Plan 3 48 3 013

11044601 桥梁工程★‖Bridge Engineering★ 2 28 4 2 013


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

11036301 创造学基础‖Fundamentals of Creatology 2 26 6 2 013

11021402地基处理与基坑支护‖Ground Treatment andExcavation Engineering

2 28 4 2 013

11035902地 下 结 构 工 程 ‖ Underground StructureEngineering

2 22 10 2 013

11021901房地产开发与经营管理‖Development andManagement of Housing and Land

3 44 4 3 013

11023003高层及特种结构‖ Tall Buildings and SpecialStructure

2 28 4 2 013

南京理工大学理学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

11039301工 程 测 试 技 术 ‖ Engineering TestingTechnology

2 20 12 2 013

11025802工程结构计算机辅助设计‖Engineering andStructural CAD

2 32 2 013

11028101 工程流体力学‖Engineering Fluid Mechanics 2 28 4 2 013

11025701 工程预概算‖Engineering Estimate and Budget 2 22 10 2 013

11036402国际工程项目管理‖ Project Management ofInternational Engineering

2 32 2 013

13020201计 算 结 构 力 学 ‖ Computational StructuralMechanics

2 28 4 2 013

13020301抗 冲 击 与 抗 爆 结 构 ‖ Anti Impact andExplosion Structure

2 28 4 2 013

11036801土 木 工 程 常 用 软 件 简 介 ‖ Introduction toSoftware Used in Civil Engineering

2 16 16 2 013

11043901土木工程专业问题研讨‖Symposium on CivilEngineering

1 16 1 013

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 158 1788 1612 25.5 23 26 20.5 22.5 17.5 9 14

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

28 338 110 10 16 2

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV,Ⅵ,Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.


南京理工大学外国语学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表





IELTS(雅思)考点。学院现有英语语言文学、外国语言学与应用语言学、MTI(翻译硕士)等 3 个硕士学


目前在籍全日制本科生 400 余人、硕士生 100 余人。现有教职工 92 人,其中教授 4 人、副教授 20 人、

博士 19 人,每年还聘请 10 名左右的外国专家或外籍教师来学院任教。此外,还聘请客座教授和兼职教授

9 人。学院承担全校博士、硕士和本科生公共外语(英、日、法、德、俄、西班牙等)教学工作。

学院与国内外学术交流广泛,近年来先后派遣了 100 多人次赴美、英、澳、加、俄、日、法、韩等国

进修、访学或合作研究。 2011 年学院成为澳大利亚悉尼大学 TESOL(英语教育硕士)的授权协作单位。





文 220 余篇,出版学术专著和教材 17 部,获校级和省部级以上教学与科研项目 55 项,其中仅 2011 年内,

在 CSSCI 来源期刊上发表论文 8 篇,SSCI 杂志上发表论文 2 篇,A&HCI 杂志上发表论文 2 篇,获批教育部

人文社会科学基金项目 2 项,省社科基金项目 1 项,省教改项目 1 项。





单位青睐和好评。连年初次就业率超过 95%,年终就业率均在学校率先实现 100%。学生出国升学率稳步提升,

2011 年达 46.15%,多人被英国爱丁堡大学、约克大学、香港大学、香港中文大学、新加坡南洋理工大学、



阶段,由 2010 年的 113 名(全国 582 所开设英语专业)上升到 2011 年的 68 名(全国 608 所开设英语专业),




南京理工大学外国语学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


School of Foreign StudiesSchool of Foreign Studies, formerly the Department of Foreign Languages, now consists of English

Department, Japanese Department, Department of College English for Undergraduates, Department of College

English for Postgraduates, Department of Minority Languages, Training Center and Language Experimental Center.

It has Institute of Foreign Culture Studies, Institute of Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Institute of

American Literature Studies, Institute of British Literature Studies, Institute of Pedagogy, Institute of Translation

Studies and so on. It also hosts an internationally authorized IELTS training and testing center. The School now

offers two undergraduate programs in English and Japanese as well as three graduate programs, including an MA

in English Language and Literature, an MA in Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, and an MA in Translation

and Interpreting.

The School now has more than 400 registered full-day undergraduate students and over 100 graduate

students. The number of faculty and staff is 92, among whom are 4 professors, 20 associate professors and 19

PhDs. The School also employs about 10 foreign professors and experts annually as a supplement to the teaching


The School has made wide academic communications at home and abroad. In recent years, it has

dispatched over 100 faculty members to visit institutes and universities in America, Britain, Australia, Canada,

Russia, France, Japan, South Korea and so on.

The School has an advanced digital language lab, a foreign language research and development center, a CAT

lab, a simultaneous interpretation lab, multimedia lab, the intelligent broadcasting and recording system and

foreign language FM. The School is complete in subject ranks and research direction, and is fruitful in academic

research. In recent years, over 220 academic papers, 17 monographs and textbooks have been published. The

school has 55 research projects of university level or provincial level. In 2011, 8 CSSCI papers, 2 SSCI papers, 2

A&HCI papers were published, and 2 humanistic and social science fund projects of Ministry of Education, 1

provincial social science fund project, and 1 provincial teaching reform project are undertaken.

The School pays high attention to talents cultivation. It implements thoroughly the erudition education

theory, and promotes student talents with excellent Chinese and foreign culture. The talents cultivation reflects

the inclusion of liberal arts and science, and actively permeates some basic knowledge and common sense of

science and engineering, so as to enable students to have wider choices on the way to success. The school sticks

to the principle of mentor guide, daily supervision, students’ self-discipline to create a good study atmosphere. It

also adheres to the guideline of practice making talents, grabbing accessible education resources and conducting

practice platform to enhance skills and contribute to society. In recent years, graduates are welcomed greatly by

social employers.

The School will strive for progress to establish a truly opening, international, and high-level teaching and

researching college with top-ranking subject, faculty, academic area, education, and talents.

南京理工大学外国语学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


英 语一、专业介绍

英语专业自 1989 年开设专科,1994 年开办本科,建设 20 多年来一直为学生提供进一步深造和就业的








来,专业学生的就业率仍然保持在 95%以上。深造比例每年高达近 45%,其中不少学生被国内知名大学免














1. 基本语言应用能力: 具有扎实的英语听、说、读、写、译能力,同时具备较强的汉语表达能力,



2. 跨文化交际能力:较系统地掌握英语国家的社会与文化,具备较强的跨文化交际能力;

3. 专业领域的英语使用能力:掌握适用于一定专业领域的英语知识,主要包括电子商务英语、法规英


4. 基本科研能力:具有英语语言文学所必要的专业知识和交叉学科知识,了解其科学前沿及发展趋势。




6. 身心健康和相关的就业能力:能够应对相应的脑力和体力劳动,能够掌握相关的就业策略和适应市


7. 思想道德修养和素质:具备较高的思想道德修养,具有不断提高自身思想道德素质的能力。


南京理工大学外国语学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表















本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 161 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学外国语学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


English Language and LiteratureI. Introduction

English Language and Literature, established in 1989, began to enroll undergraduates in 1994. With

curriculum internationalization as its core concept, the major tries to integrate skills with knowledge, static

knowledge with practical and critical competence. In order to strengthen students’ capability of language use and

appreciation, the major has embarked on a curriculum reform to replace skill-based courses with multi-textual

reading and writing courses, classic reading courses and domestic-culture courses. Combined with advantageous

disciplines (finance & management) in NUST, the major devotes to cultivating talents in two main professional

areas – translation and business English. In recent years, students have achieved excellent performance in various

national contests, including speech contest, debating contest, interpretation contest and writing contest. The

employment rate has maintained over 95% in recent years. Graduates mainly engage in jobs concerning foreign

trading, foreign affairs and education. Each year almost 45% of the graduates further their studies in both

domestic and foreign well-known universities.

II. Objectives

The major aims at cultivating cross-disciplinary talents in English language and literature. Students are

required to have solid foundation in English language, strong ability in professional practice and innovation, good

humanistic qualities, and broad knowledge in science and technology. Upon graduation, students are expected to

be able to flexibly apply English to such jobs as teaching, translation, management, research, and business in

foreign trade companies, enterprises, departments and divisions concerning culture, education, foreign affairs,

economics and trade, science and technology, etc.

III. RequirementsStudents are required to master knowledge of English language, basic theories of English linguistics and literature,history, culture, politics, and economy of the English-speaking countries, in combination with proficient skills inlistening, speaking, reading, writing, and translating. Special emphasis is given to the cultivation of translatingcompetence. Students are expected to be qualified for translating generic-texts and escort interpreting tasks.Students are also expected to preliminarily master a second foreign language, and have basic knowledge ofhumanities and social sciences, international business, science and technology.Students are expected to acquire knowledge and abilities in the following aspects:1. Have a good command of English skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translating, andcommunication skill in Chinese as well; be competent in English-Chinese and Chinese-English translation,including science and technology translation; be capable of community interpreting, liaison interpreting, andinterpreting on conferences about trading and forensic affairs;2. Have systematic knowledge about society and culture in English-speaking countries so as to have desirableintercultural communication ability;3. Acquire English knowledge in some specific areas, including e-commerce English, forensic English, periodicalEnglish, English of science and technology, foreign trade practices and correspondence, applied translation andliaison interpreting;4. Master professional knowledge of English and interdisciplinary subjects; be familiar with the latestdevelopment and tendency of the major; have the awareness of innovation;5. Have the ability to apply what has been learnt to practical context;

南京理工大学外国语学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


6. Have the ability to carry out mental and manual work; master some employment strategies to cater for themarket;7. Have high morality and the ability to constantly enhance the moral quality.IV. Length of program and degreeStandard Academic Year: 4 yearsLength of Schooling: 3 to 6 yearsDegree: Bachelor of ArtV. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjectsLeading discipline: Foreign Language and LiteratureInterdisciplinary subjects: Chinese Language and Literature, Philosophy, Economics, Management ScienceVI. Core coursesWestern Classic Culture Reading; Chinese Classics Reading; English Viewing, Listening and Speaking; Translation;Interpreting; A Survey of English-Speaking Countries; American Literature; English Literature; International TradePractices and Communication; Intercultural Communication, etc.VII. Collective practical teaching sessionMilitary Training; Course Practice; Metalworking Practice; Graduation Practice; Social Investigation; Volunteering;Graduation Thesis, etc.Ⅷ. Graduation RequirementsTo achieve a minimum requirement of 161 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all thecompulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some otherspecialized optional courses.

南京理工大学外国语学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


英语专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of English Language and Literature


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

必修课程·通识教育课 【除公共部分外任选一个语种修读】

Compulsory Course·Course of General Education(choose one language, besides the general courses)

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the Basic

Principles of Marxism3 32 16 3 019


论‖Outline of Mao Zedong and Theoretical

System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological and

Moral Cultivation & Basic Law Education3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖Outline of Chinese Modern

and Contemporary History2 24 8 2 019

14120202 大学德语(Ⅰ)‖College German (Ⅰ)

4 64 4 014

14220202 大学德语(Ⅱ)‖College German (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

14320202 大学德语(Ⅲ)‖College German (Ⅲ) 2 32 2 014

14120302 大学俄语(Ⅰ)‖College Russian (Ⅰ)

4 64 4 014

14220302 大学俄语(Ⅱ)‖College Russian (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

14320302 大学俄语(Ⅲ)‖College Russian (Ⅲ) 2 32 2 014

14125002 大学法语(Ⅰ)‖College French (Ⅰ)

4 64 4 014

14225002 大学法语(Ⅱ)‖College French (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

14325002 大学法语(Ⅲ)‖College French (Ⅲ) 2 32 2 014

14120402 大学日语(Ⅰ)‖College Japanese (Ⅰ)

4 64 4 014

14220402 大学日语(Ⅱ)‖College Japanese (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

14320402 大学日语(Ⅲ)‖College Japanese (Ⅲ) 2 32 2 014

14107003 西班牙语(Ⅰ)▼‖Spanish (Ⅰ)▼


4 64 4 014

14207003 西班牙语(Ⅱ)▼‖Spanish (Ⅱ)▼ 4 64 4 014

14307003 西班牙语(Ⅲ)▼‖Spanish (Ⅲ)▼ 2 32 2 014


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

11023302 高等数学‖Calculus 4 64 4 013

14047301 文体与修辞‖Stylistics and Rhetoric 2 32 2 014

14040003 学术写作‖Academic Writing 1 16 1 014

14045102 英语辩论‖English Debate 1 16 1 014

南京理工大学外国语学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

14004902 英语演讲*‖English Speech* 1 16 1 014

14045801 语言与逻辑‖Language and Logic 2 32 2 014

14022802 中国文化概论‖Introduction to Chinese Culture 3 48 3 014

14047701 专业导论‖Introduction to English Major 1 16 1 014


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

14121802 笔译(Ⅰ)‖Translation (Ⅰ) 2 32 2 014

14221802 笔译(Ⅱ)‖Translation (Ⅱ) 2 32 2 014

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

14047501科普阅读与写作‖Popular Science Reading and

Writing2 32 2 014

14122201 口译(Ⅰ)‖Interpreting(Ⅰ) 2 32 2 014

14222201 口译(Ⅱ)‖Interpreting(Ⅱ) 2 32 2 014

14020801 跨文化交流‖Intercultural Communication 2 32 2 014

14023402 美国文学‖American Literature 3 48 3 014

14045901 实用文写作‖Practical Genre Writing 2 32 2 014

14046101西方经典散文阅读‖Western Classic Essay

Reading2 32 2 014

14046301西方经典哲学阅读‖Western Classic Philosophy

Reading2 32 2 014

14024802西方文化经典阅读‖Western Culture Classic

Reading3 48 3 014

14045701新闻英语阅读与写作‖Journalistic English

Reading and Writing3 48 3 014

14023302 英国文学‖English Literature 3 48 3 014

14021402英美报刊选读‖Selected Readings from English

Newspaper and Periodicals2 32 2 014

14046001 英语表演*‖English Performance* 1 16 1 014

14145801 英语测试(Ⅰ)‖English Testing (Ⅰ) 1 16 1 014

14245801 英语测试(Ⅱ)‖English Testing (Ⅱ) 1 16 1 014

14045802 英语高级测试‖English Advanced Testing 1 16 1 014

14121502英语国家概况(Ⅰ)‖Introduction to English-

Speaking Countries (Ⅰ)2 32 2 014

14221502英语国家概况(Ⅱ)‖Introduction to English-

Speaking Countries (Ⅱ)2 32 2 014

14021703英语经典短篇小说阅读‖English Classic Short

Novel Reading3 48 3 014

14047401 英语朗读*‖English Oral Reading* 1 16 1 014

14145901英语视听说(Ⅰ)‖ English Viewing, Listening

and Speaking (Ⅰ)2 32 2 014

14245901英语视听说(Ⅱ)‖ English Viewing, Listening

and Speaking (Ⅱ)2 32 2 014

14345901英语视听说(Ⅲ)‖English Viewing, Listening

and Speaking (Ⅲ)1 16 1 014

14445901英语视听说(Ⅳ)‖English Viewing, Listening

and Speaking (Ⅳ)1 16 1 014

14545901英语视听说(Ⅴ)*‖English Viewing,

Listening and Speaking (Ⅴ)*1 16 1 014

14645901英语视听说(Ⅵ)‖English Viewing, Listening

and Speaking (Ⅵ)1 16 1 014

南京理工大学外国语学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

14023203英语语言学导论‖Introduction to English

Linguistics2 32 2 014

14045501 中国传统经典阅读‖Chinese Classics Reading 2 32 2 014


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

14023103 毕业论文‖Graduation Thesis 9 360 9 014

14023003 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 8 320 8 014

14046501 电子商务‖E-Commerce 2 32 2 014

14046201 法律英语‖Legal English 2 32 2 014

14025203国际贸易实务与函电‖International Trade

Practices and Communication3 48 3 014

14047601 科技英语翻译‖EST Translation 2 32 2 014

14040201 实用文翻译‖Practical Genre Translation 2 32 2 014

14046401 语言学经典阅读‖Classic Linguistics Reading 2 32 2 014


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

1404700120 世纪西方文学理论‖20th Century Western

Literary Theory2 32 2 014

14025001 词汇与句法‖Lexicology and Syntax 2 32 2 014

14021802 翻译概论‖Introduction to Translation 2 32 2 014

14046601翻译鉴赏与批评‖Translation Appreciation and

Criticism2 32 2 014

14020601经贸英语选读‖Selected Readings From

Business English2 32 2 014

14047201 联络口译‖Liaison Interpretation 2 32 2 014

14025101 商务沟通‖Business Communication 2 32 2 014

14024901 应用语言学‖Applied Linguistics 2 32 2 014

14047101 英语教学管理‖English Teaching Management 2 32 2 014

14046801 语篇分析‖Discourse Analysis 2 32 2 014

14046701 语义学与语用学‖Semantics and Pragmatics 2 32 2 014

14046901汉英语言对比分析‖Contrastive Analysis

Between Chinese and English2 32 2 014

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 141 1848 1016 23.5 17 20 20 21 18.5 10 11选修课程汇总‖Specialized Optional Courses

Total24 384 8 8 8

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学外国语学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


日 语一、专业介绍

日语系的前身为南京理工大学外语系小语种教研室。1972 年外语系成立日语教研组,2005 年成立外

语系小语种教研室,2010 年成立日语系,2012 年开始招收本科生。

日语系现有教师 7 名,其中博士毕业 2 人,在读博士 1 人,硕士毕业 3 人。所有教师均有长期留学或

赴日进修的经历。此外,常年聘请日籍教师 1-2 名,中日客座教授若干名,并与日本多所大学建立学术交


日语专业每年招生 25 人左右。实行小班教学,严格控制教学质量的同时,注重培养学生的实践活动













1. 具有良好的思想道德品质,尊老爱幼、勤俭节约、遵纪守法,具有良好社会公德的社会主义核心价


2. 锻炼和养成健康的、积极向上的身体素质和心理素质。

3. 掌握扎实的日语听说读写等基本功;

4. 掌握日语语言、日本文学、日本社会文化(包括地理、历史、政治、经济、风俗、宗教等)方面的基


5. 具有较强的日语语言实践能力,能够胜任一定水平的口笔译工作;能够在商务社交、跨文化交流等



6. 了解和掌握中国传统文化及其对日本文化的影响,形成完善的知识结构及文化修养;同时具有较好


7. 掌握一定的数学、计算机及信息技术应用等方面的知识,从而能够运用这些知识获取信息、数据并


8. 具备初步的科研能力(发现问题、调查问题、分析问题及解决问题的能力)和实践创新意识和能力。





南京理工大学外国语学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表











本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修

课若干,方可达到 165 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学外国语学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Japanese Language and Literature

I. Introduction

Japanese Language and Literature, formerly the Minority Languages Teaching & Research Office of Foreign

Language Department in NUST, was established in 2010, and began to recruit undergraduates in 2012.

Among the current 7 faculty members in the major, 2 have the Ph.D. degrees, 1 is a doctor candidate, and

another 3 have master’s degrees. All the teachers have the experience of short-term or long-term study in Japan.

In addition, 1 to 2 native Japanese teachers and some guest professors are employed permanently in the major.

Several academic communication programs have also been established with universities in Japan.

The major enrolls about 25 students annually. Teaching quality is strictly controlled and students’ practical

ability is guaranteed. Moreover, a number of practice bases have been or intended to be established in language

schools and enterprises home and aboard.

II. Objectives

The major aims at cultivating cross-disciplinary talents in Japanese language and literature. Students are

required to have a good command of Japanese language in which five basic skills, namely, listening, speaking,

reading, writing and translating, are well founded and can be applied to practice. They are required to have

abundant knowledge in Japanese and Chinese cultures, and some general knowledge of English. Upon graduation,

students are expected to be able to apply Japanese flexibly to such jobs as translation, teaching, management,

and research in foreign-related business and trade companies, foreign-owned enterprises, departments and

divisions concerning foreign affairs, education, culture exchange, science and technology, and military affairs, etc.

III. Requirements

Students are required to master the basic theory and knowledge of Japanese language, literature, history,

economy, politics, diplomacy and social culture, in combination with skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing

and translating, so as to develop the practical ability in communication with Japanese. In addition, a preliminary

capability of scientific research is expected to be gained so as for students to apply the professional knowledge in

researching, analyzing and solving problems, and to lay foundations to adapt to various jobs and positions or to

pursue further study after graduation.

Students are expected to acquire knowledge and abilities in the following aspects:

1. Have high morality, observe laws and principles, and maintain socialism core values;

2. Build up healthy and positive physical and psychological quality.

3. Have a solid foundation of the basic Japanese language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

4. Have a good basic knowledge of Japanese linguistics, Japanese literature, Japanese social culture

(including geography, history, politics, economy, customs, religion, etc.), and have some understanding and basic

knowledge of the principles of international trade and practice of international trade affairs.

5. Obtain desirable practice skills in Japanese so as to be qualified for translating and interpreting, be

proficient in using Japanese in cross-culture communication, be skillful at stylistic transforming (honorifics and

non-honorifics) on proper occasions, and be capable of writing (especially, an academic paper) in Japanese.

6. Understand and grasp Chinese traditional culture and realize its effect on Japanese culture, form a

completed knowledge structure and culture accomplishment, have a good command of English and intercultural

南京理工大学外国语学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


communicative awareness in order to be able to conduct the cross-culture communication comfortably.

7. Master some knowledge in mathematics, computer and information technology in order to be able to

retrieve information and data, and handle related problems.

8. Gain the preliminary capability for scientific research (the capability to find out, investigate, analyze and

solve a problem) and develop innovative consciousness.

IV. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years

Degree: Bachelor of Art

V. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subject

Leading discipline: Japanese Language and Literature

Interdisciplinary subject: Chinese Language and Literature

VI. Core courses

Basic Japanese, Advanced Japanese, Japanese Translation, History of Japanese Literature, Introduction to

Japanese Linguistics, Introduction to Japan, etc.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Military Training, Metalworking Practice, Social Investigation, Volunteering, Graduation Practice, Graduation

Thesis, etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 165 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学外国语学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


日语专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Japanese Language and Literature


Course No课程名称

Course Name学分



Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学





PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖Outline of Mao Zedong Thought andTheoretical System of Socialism With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖Outline of Chinese Modernand Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019

14120507 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 2 32 2 014

14220507 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 2 32 2 014

14320507 大学英语(Ⅲ)‖College English (Ⅲ) 2 32 2 014

14420507 大学英语(Ⅳ)‖College English (Ⅳ) 2 32 2 014


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

11023302 高等数学‖Calculus 4 64 4 013

14044701 古典语法‖Classic Grammar 2 32 2 014

14144001日语口语实践(Ⅰ)*‖Oral JapanesePractices(Ⅰ)*

1 40 1 014

14244001日语口语实践(Ⅱ)*‖Oral JapanesePractices(Ⅱ)*

1 40 1 014

14344001日语口语实践(Ⅲ)*‖Oral Japanese Practices(Ⅲ)*

1 40 1 014

14044601 日语语法‖Japanese Grammar 2 32 2 014

14044501日语语言学概论‖Panorama of JapaneseLinguistics

2 32 2 014

14044801 学术写作‖Academic Writing 1 16 1 014

14045502 中国传统经典阅读‖Chinese Classics Reading 2 32 2 014

14050201 现代汉语‖Modern Chinese 2 32 2 014

14050301 古代汉语‖Ancient Chinese 2 32 2 014

南京理工大学外国语学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



Course No课程名称

Course Name学分



Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学





PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

14143601 高级日语(Ⅰ)‖Advanced Japanese (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14243601 高级日语(Ⅱ)‖Advanced Japanese (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

14343601 高级日语(Ⅲ)‖Advanced Japanese (Ⅲ) 2 32 2 014

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

14120404 基础日语(Ⅰ)‖Basic Japanese (Ⅰ) 8 128 8 014

14220404 基础日语(Ⅱ)‖Elementary Japanese (Ⅱ) 8 128 8 014

14320404 基础日语(Ⅲ)‖Elementary Japanese (Ⅲ) 8 128 8 014

14420404 基础日语(Ⅳ)‖Basic Japanese(Ⅳ) 6 96 6 014

14143501 日语翻译(Ⅰ)‖Japanese Translation (Ⅰ) 2 32 2 014

14243501 日语翻译(Ⅱ)‖Japanese Translation (Ⅱ) 2 32 2 014

14143201日语泛读(Ⅰ)‖Japanese Extensive Reading(Ⅰ)

2 32 2 014

14243201日语泛读(Ⅱ)‖Japanese Extensive Reading(Ⅱ)

2 32 2 014

14143101 日语会话(Ⅰ)‖Japanese Conversation (Ⅰ) 2 32 2 014

14243101 日语会话(Ⅱ)‖Japanese Conversation (Ⅱ) 2 32 2 014

14143001 日语听力(Ⅰ)‖Japanese Listening (Ⅰ) 2 32 2 014

14243001 日语听力(Ⅱ)‖Japanese Listening (Ⅱ) 2 32 2 014

14343001 日语听力(Ⅲ)‖Japanese Listening (Ⅲ) 2 32 2 014

14443001 日语听力(Ⅳ)‖Japanese Listening (Ⅳ) 2 32 2 014

14143401 日语写作(Ⅰ)‖Japanese Writing (Ⅰ) 1 16 1 014

14243401 日语写作(Ⅱ)‖Japanese Writing (Ⅱ) 1 16 1 014

14343401 日语写作(Ⅲ)‖Japanese Writing (Ⅲ) 1 16 1 014

14443401 日语写作(Ⅳ)‖Japanese Writing (Ⅳ) 2 32 2 014


Compulsory Course· Specialized Course

14023104 毕业论文‖Graduation Thesis 9 360 9 014

14023004 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 8 320 8 014

14043703 日本文学史‖Japanese Literature History 3 48 3 014

14043803日本文学作品选读‖Japanese Literary WorkReading

3 48 3 014


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

14143301高级日语视听说(Ⅰ)‖Advanced JapaneseViewing, Listening & Speaking (Ⅰ)

1 16 1 014

14243301高级日语视听说(Ⅱ)‖Advanced VideoEducation of Japanese Listening and Speaking(Ⅱ)

1 16 1 014

07023302国际经济技术合作‖International Economicand Technological Cooperation

2 32 2 007

14025204国际贸易实务与函电‖International TradePractices and Communication

2 32 2 014

14045201经贸日语选读‖Selected Readings fromBusiness Japanese

2 32 2 014

14045301科技日语选读‖Selected Readings fromTechnical Japanese

2 32 2 014

14020802 跨文化交流‖Intercultural Communication 2 32 2 014

南京理工大学外国语学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



Course No课程名称

Course Name学分



Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学





PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

14044401 日本概况‖Introduction to Japan 2 32 2 014

14043901日文报刊选读‖Selected Readings FromJapanese Newspaper and Periodicals

2 32 2 014

14045401 日语口译实务‖Japanese Interpretation 2 32 2 014

14025102 商务沟通‖Business Communication 2 32 2 014

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 146 2000 1016 24.5 19 24 24 16 15.5 12 11

选修课程汇总‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

20 320 2 9 3 6

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表


人文与社会科学学院人文与社会科学学院成立于 1994 年,是国内理工院校中较早成立的人文学院之一。

学院下设社会学系、公共管理系、法学系等 3 个系;设有公共管理与政策研究中心、科技政策与科技

管理研究所 2 个学术研究机构;设有综合管理办公室、研究生教育与学科建设办公室、学生工作办公室、

文科信息与实验中心、MPA教育中心办公室等 5 个二级职能部门。

学院建有公共事业管理、社会工作、法学、公共事业管理(双学位)等 4 个本科专业,其中社会工作

专业被评为江苏省特色专业;建有社会学、行政管理、民商法学、高等教育学等 4 个二级学科硕士点以及

公共管理硕士(MPA)、社会工作硕士(MSW)等 2 个专业学位硕士点,与马克思主义理论教学研究部.共

建二级学科博士点(思想政治教育)1 个。

学院现各类在校生 1296 人,其中本科生 502 人,双学位学生 206 人,学术型硕士研究生 128 人,专

业学位硕士 370 人,博士生 90 人。

学院现有教职工 63 人,其中专任教师 43 人,教授(研究员)12 人,副教授(副研究员)20 人,其

中:博士生导师 7 人,硕士生导师 14 人。教师中江苏省“青蓝工程”培养对象 1 人,民政部社会工作职

业资格评价委员 1 人。

近 5 年来,学院承担省部级以上各类科研项目 40 项,其中国家社科基金,国家自然科学基金多项;

到帐科研经费突破千万元,其中纵向经费超过 250 万元;发表相关科研论文超过 800 篇,其中核心期刊

(CSSCI、GCJC)超过 250 篇;出版专著与教材 55 部,其中专著 47 部。




南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表


School of Humanities and Social SciencesThe School of Humanities and Social Sciences, established in 1994, is one of the earliest schools of

humanities and social sciences that established by polytechnic universities all over the country.

It consists of 3 departments: Department of Sociology, Department of Public Administration, and

Department of Law. 2 research centers are under the supervision of the School: Public Administration and Policy

Research Center, Scientific Policy and Management Research Center. In addition, there are five management and

teaching auxiliary offices: Comprehensive Office, Graduate Education and Discipline Construction Office, Student

Affairs Office, Liberal-arts Information and Experiment Center and MPA Education Center Office.

The School offers 3 undergraduate programs, including Public Affairs Management, Social Work and Law.

Among them, Social Work is a provincial key major in Jiangsu. It also has 4 secondary discipline MA programs,

including Sociology, Administrative Management (ADM), Civil and Commercial Law, Higher Education, and 2

professional MA programs, namely Master of Public Administration (MPA) and Master of Social Work (MSW). The

School has 1 secondary discipline doctoral program. The School now has 1,296 students, including 502

undergraduates, 206 students with dual degree, 128 academic MA students, 370 professional MA students and

over 90 Ph.D. students.

Currently, the School has 63 faculty and staff members, 43 of whom are full-time teachers, including 12

professors (fellows), 20 associate professors (associate fellows), 7 doctoral supervisors and 14 master’s

supervisors. Among them, 1 is the candidate of Young Elite Project (Qinglian Project), and 1 is the member of the

social work profession qualification evaluation committee of Ministry of Civil Affairs.

In the past five years, the School has undertaken about 40 ministry and provincial-level projects, including

several projects on National Social Science Fund and projects on National Science Fund. The scientific research

funds have reached 10 million RMB. Over 800 scientific papers have been published, over 250 of which are

published on core journals (CSSCI GCJC). In addition, 55 monographs and textbooks have been published.

The School aims at developing talents, improving the level of scientific research, and vigorously promoting

discipline construction level and influence.

南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表


法 学


本专业自 1995 年开始招生,是全国设立较早的法学专业之一。经过近 20年的发展,本专业已经具有较


并正在申办法律硕士。本专业课程设置在完成国家教育部核定的法学专业 16 门主干课程的基础上,突出民

































南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表













本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 160 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表


LAWⅠ. Introduction

Department of Law, being one of the early founded law departments, started admission since 1995 and has

profound resources after twenty years of development to cultivate systematically law professionals with sound

theoretical and practical abilities. The Department provides master degree program in law and is in the process

of applying for juris master program. The department provides 16 core courses ratified by Ministry of Education

with a focus on cultivation of talents specializing in civil and commercial laws, particularly in its international

economic laws; in the mean time, the department is in close coordination with the College of Intellectual

Property in Nanjing University of Science and Technology, which is co-administered by the People's Government

of Jiangsu Province, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and State Intellectual Property Office. It also

features the cultivation of intellectual property talents. With further promoting the rule of law in China, and

increasing demands of interdisciplinary talents, the Department of Law focuses on cultivating law practitioners

with interdisciplinary abilities in law, international business, English, intellectual property and strong practicing

abilities. The Department endeavors to provide legal professionals with profound knowledge, broad mind, solid

legal foundation and strong law practicing ability for administrative agencies, judicial authorities, various

enterprises and law firms, and thereby enables the discipline of law to contribute significantly and distinctively to

the development of the innovative country and the implementation of the new round of country’s reform plan.

Ⅱ. Objectives

The Department of Law is devoted to cultivating law practitioners with interdisciplinary abilities. Graduates

should have knowledge and abilities in three aspects: first, solid knowledge of law and strong ability of law

practicing, especially fundamental knowledge in civil law, criminal law, administrative law, economic law and

international law, and proficient application of such knowledge in serving the society; second, comprehensive

apprehension of theories of international economic legal system and the practicing ability of international

economic and business; third, necessary knowledge and strong working ability in intellectual property,

particularly the systematic knowledge in patent, trademark, and copyright and the relevant management or

protection ability. After graduation, students can work not only in judicial authorities, administrative authorities,

public service departments, enterprises and law firms, traditional legal occupations, but also in intellectual

property management authorities, courts, enterprises and intellectual property agencies, occupations of

intellectual property management and intellectual property protection.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students should acquire the core theories in civil law, criminal law, administrative law, economic law,

international law, intellectual property law and intellectual property management, should receive basic

professional training in law and intellectual property rights and therefore have basic working ability of trial work,

prosecution, judicial administration, litigation and non-litigation practice, arbitration, in-house counsel, business

management of intellectual property.

Graduates should gain knowledge and ability in the following aspects:

1. Have solid foundation of social science, foundation of science and ability to correctly use native language;

2. Grasp systematically the core theories of laws, mainly including fundamental knowledge of jurisprudence,

南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表


history of law, international law, municipal laws, management and intellectual property right;

3. Have legal mind and critical analyzing skills, and abilities necessary for society administration, trial work,

legal counseling, representation in litigation, internal legal affairs management for enterprises, international

economic and business, intellectual property management for enterprises, etc.;

4. Have strong ability to use computer and English ;

5. Grasp specialized knowledge in the discipline of law and have a thorough understanding of its latest


6. Have elementary research skills in social science and organization & management ability;

7. Have strong ability of learning, innovative thinking and comprehensive qualities.

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Law

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Law

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Management

Ⅵ. Core courses

Jurisprudence, constitution law, civil law, criminal law, administrative law and administrative procedure law,

civil procedure law, criminal procedure law, economic law, commercial law, Chinese law history, basic theories of

intellectual property law, labor law and social security law, resource law and environmental protection law,

international law, international economic law and international private law.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Practical training includes military training, specialty practice, social survey, term paper, cognition practice,

graduation practice and graduation paper etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 160 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表


法学专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Law


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

15020702 大学语文‖College Chinese 3 48 3 009

11023302 高等数学‖Calculus 4 64 4 013

15024602 逻辑学‖Logic Science 2 32 2 015

15032402 政治学‖Political Science 3 48 3 015


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

15021204 法理学‖Jurisprudence 3 48 3 015

15031701 中国法制史‖Chinese Legal History 3 48 3 015

15022402 国际法学‖International Law 2 32 2 015

15022502 国际经济法★‖International Ecnomic Law★ 3 48 3 015

15022602 国际私法★‖International Private Law★ 2 32 2 015

15026203环境法与资源保护法‖ Environmental andResourses Protection Law

2 32 2 015

15023701 经济法学‖Economic Law 3 48 3 015

15024002劳动法与社会保障法‖ Labor Law and SocialSecurity Law

3 48 3 015

15025407 民法总论‖Civil Law 3 48 3 015

15025501 民事诉讼法‖Civil Procedure Law 3 44 4 3 015

15050501 认识实习*‖Cognitive Practice* 2 80 2 015

15037301 商法总论‖General Theory of Commercial Law 2 32 2 015

南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

15030101 宪法学‖Constitutional Law 3 48 3 015

15130401 刑法学(Ⅰ)‖Criminal Law(Ⅰ) 3 42 6 3 015

15230401 刑法学(Ⅱ)‖Criminal Law(Ⅱ) 3 42 6 3 015

15030503 刑事诉讼法学‖Criminal Procedure Law 3 44 4 3 015

15030603行政法与行政诉讼法学‖Administrative Lawand Administrative Procedure Law

4 60 4 4 015

15150101 学年论文(Ⅰ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅰ)* 1 40 1 015

15250101 学年论文(Ⅱ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅱ)* 1 40 1 015

15350101 学年论文(Ⅲ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅲ)* 1 40 1 015

15031504知 识 产 权 法 基 本 理 论 ‖ Basic Theories ofIntellectual Property Law

2 32 2 015


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

15020101 毕业论文‖Graduation Thesis 7 280 7 015

15028201 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 8 320 8 015

15054401 法律方法论‖Legal Methodology 2 32 2 015

15054501 法律英语‖Forensic English 2 20 12 2 015

15025803 公司法学‖Company Law 2 32 2 015

15022801 合同法学‖Contract Law 3 48 3 015

15037501 亲属法‖Law of Domestic Relation 2 32 2 015

15064601 侵权责任法‖Tort Liability Law 2 32 2 015

15051601 商标法‖Trademark Law 2 32 2 015

15054301 物权法‖Property Law 2 32 2 015

15051901 著作权法‖Copyright Law 2 32 2 015

15051701 专利法★‖Patent Law★ 2 32 2 015


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

15029901 保险法‖Insurance Law 2 32 2 015

15055001 担保法‖Guarantee Law 2 32 2 015

15054601 法律社会学‖Sociology of Law 2 32 2 015

15027102 国际商法‖International Business Law 2 32 2 015

15055301 国际投资法‖International Investment Law 2 32 2 015

15050101 国家赔偿法‖State Compensation Law 2 32 2 015

15037701 竞争法学‖Competition Law 2 32 2 015

15045101 模拟法庭训练*‖Moot Court Training* 2 8 24 2 015

15054901 票据法‖Law of Negotiable Instrument 2 32 2 015

15055401 司法文书‖Legal Document 2 32 2 015

15055101 网络法‖Network Law 2 32 2 015

15054801 英美法概论‖Anglo-American Legal System 2 32 2 015

15031102 证券法‖Securities Law 2 32 2 015

15031505知 识 产 权 管 理 ‖ Intellectual PropertyManagement

2 32 2 015

15050201 知识产权战略‖Intellectual Property Strategy 2 32 2 015

15054701中 外 法 律 思 想 史 ‖ Chinese andWestern Legal Thoughts

2 32 2 015

15055201 仲裁法‖Arbitration Law 2 32 2 015

15055501 综合法律实务‖Legal Practice 2 24 8 2 015

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 137 1716 1132 26.5 25 27 19 11 4.5 7 17

南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

36 544 32 6 12 14 4

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表




该专业创建于 1994 年,是国内创办较早的社会工作专业之一,目前已经成为省级特色专业,具有社


































南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表








本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 161 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表


Social WorkⅠ. Introduction

Social Work, founded in 1994, is one of the earliest professional social work in China. It is a provincial key

major in Jiangsu, with a bachelor degree of sociology, social work. We have developed the concept of “Basing on

ability, paying attention to the teaching process, cultivating the practice platform”. We focus on balancing the

relationship between theory and practice, teaching and researching. At the same time, we are trying our best to

build 4 systems contributing to the construction of characteristic Social Work specialty: Scientific research and

teaching content system, Professional practice platform system, Teaching staff construction system, Professional

education management system. We have cultivated a large number of senior professional and technical talents of

social work with the ability of using the concept of professional Social Work, social management knowledge and

technology, who have excellent ability to innovate, research and practice in the relevant government

departments, schools, hospitals, enterprises, high-tech companies, private nonprofit service organizations, or to

work in the different sectors of investigation and research, planning, project design, project development,

management and service.

Ⅱ. Objectives

The major aims to cultivate excellent and application-oriented Social Work professionals with humanistic

spirit. Our training enables students to apply professional knowledge and skills of Social Work as well as to be

engaged in the research of various social management and social service, project development, design,

management, implementation and evaluation work. Students majoring in Social Work will be capable of working

in government departments, schools, hospitals, enterprises, high-tech companies, non-governmental and

non-profit organizations.

Ⅲ. Requirements

The students will mainly acquire basic professional theory of Sociology, Social Work, Psychology, Politics,

Management, Law and other social science, Methods of Social Research, Theory of Social Work, Management of

Social Work, Social Work Practice skills and so on. By basic training and practice of social work, students should

have abilities of research, management and service in order to engage in the government, society, economy and

meet the welfare needs of different levels of people in different areas.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have the humanities and social care concept as well as the comprehensive quality and ability to

communicate with all kinds of people, grasp basic knowledge of social work.

2. Have the ability to systematically master the basic theory and knowledge of this field, mainly including the

Method of Social Research, Theory of Social Work, Social Work Practice, Social Work Research, etc.; have the

ability to understand themselves and others, understand social environments and phenomena, have the ability to

organize social welfare institutions and make policies.

3. Have the ability of social work strategy thinking and professional technology

4. Have the ability to perceive the cultural differences

5.Have the preliminary capabilities of social work research, project development and organizational


南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表


6.Have the ability of professional survey on demands of social welfare, social service project’s

design, implementation, evaluation, supervision and management.

7. Have strong ability to use computer and English

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Law

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Sociology, Social Work

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Psychology, Law

Ⅵ. Core courses

Sociology, Method of Social Research, Principle of Social Work, Human behavior and Social Environment,

Introduction to Social Welfare, Social Policy, Social Work Administration, Social Psychology, Case Work, Group

Work, Community Work etc..

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Military training, Engineering practice,The Student Internship, Graduation practice, Graduation Thesis

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 161 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表


社会工作专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Social Work


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

15020702 大学语文‖College Chinese 3 48 3 009

11023302 高等数学‖Calculus 4 64 4 013

07022604 管理学原理‖Principles of Management 2 32 2 007

15023301 教育学‖Pedagogic 2 32 2 015

15024602 逻辑学‖Logic Science 2 32 2 015

15053701 普通心理学‖General Psychology 2 32 2 015

15027401社会调查理论与方法‖ Social Survey Theoryand Methods

3 48 3 015

15028001 社会学原理‖The Introduction of Sociology 3 48 3 015

15039102 网络传播‖Network Communication 2 32 2 009


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

15021102 发展社会学‖Sociology of Development 2 32 2 015

15035202 个案社会工作‖Case Social Work 4 48 16 4 015

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

15026601人类行为与社会环境‖ Human Behavior inSocial Environment

3 48 3 015

15050601 认识实习*‖Cognitive Practice* 2 80 2 015

15032901 社会保障学‖Social Security 3 48 3 015

15044301 社会工作成长小组★‖ Social Work Growth 2 24 8 2 015

南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


15027501 社会工作原理‖Principles of Social Work 3 48 3 015

15027701 社会经济统计学‖Socio-Economic Statistics 3 48 3 015

15027801 社会心理学‖Social Psychology 3 48 3 015

15030001 社会行政‖Social Administration 3 48 3 015

15033401 社会政策与法规‖Social Policy and Regulations 2 32 2 015

15035501 社区工作‖Community Work 3 48 3 015

15035301 团体工作‖Group Work 3 48 3 015

15029702 西方社会学理论‖Western Sociological Theory 3 48 3 015

15029801 西方哲学史‖History of Western Philosophy 3 48 3 015

15052301现代社会福利思想‖Modern Ideas of SocialWelfare

2 32 2 015

15150201 学年论文(Ⅰ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅰ)* 1 40 1 015

15250201 学年论文(Ⅱ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅱ)* 1 40 1 015

15350201 学年论文(Ⅲ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅲ)* 1 40 1 015

15032002中国社会思想史‖ Chinese History of SocialThought

2 32 2 015

15052201 组织社会学‖Organizational Sociology 2 32 2 015


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

15020102 毕业论文‖Graduation Thesis 7 280 7 015

15028202 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 8 320 8 015

15044501 家庭社会工作‖Family Social Work 2 24 8 2 015

15044601 矫正社会工作‖Social Work of Correction 2 24 8 2 015

15028501 老年社会工作‖Senior Social Work 2 24 8 2 015

15052501 农村社会工作‖Rural Social Work 2 32 2 015

15044401 青少年社会工作‖Adolescent Social Work 2 24 8 2 015

15052601社会工作价值与伦理‖Social Work Values and Ethics

2 32 2 015

15025901社 会统 计软 件 SPSS 使 用‖ Social StatisticsSoftware Spss

2 16 16 2 015


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

15052801 法律社会学‖Sociology of Law 2 32 2 015

11022601 概率与统计‖Probability and Statistics 3 48 3 013

07047201 绩效管理‖Performance Management 2 32 2 007

15025405 民法学‖Civil Law 2 32 2 015

15044701 企业社会工作‖Corporate Social Work 2 24 8 2 015

15045001 人格心理学‖Personality Psychology 2 32 2 015

15045803社会工作案例讨论与分析‖Case Discussionand Analysis of Social Work

2 32 2 015

15052701社会工作研究与评估‖Social Work Researchand Evaluation

2 32 2 015

15052401 文化人类学‖Cultural Anthropology 2 32 2 015

15044902西方社会工作原著选读‖Selectives of WesternSocial Work

2 32 2 015

15029201 学校社会工作‖School of Social Work 2 32 2 015

15044801 医疗社会工作‖Medical Social Work 2 24 8 2 015

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 141 1728 2108 25.5 26 25 17 15 10.5 5 17

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

25 384 16 2 2 10 11

南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表


注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese

南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表




公共事业管理本科专业创办于 2000 年,是国内较早设立该专业的院校之一。目前,该专业已经发展



本专业同时具有行政管理学和 MPA公共管理硕士学位授予权,教师队伍博士化率达到 85%以上。本系
































南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表











本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8 学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 165 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表


Public Affairs ManagementⅠ. Introduction

Public Affairs Management was established in 2000. It is among the earliest establishment of the program in

China. Currently, this major has been one of the influential teaching and scientific research bases in Eastern China.

It has become the model of many universities. And its graduates are highly praised by employers.

The major has bachelor program of Public Affairs Management and master program of Master Public

Administration (MPA). 85% of the teachers have Ph.D. degree. Teachers have hosted dozens of national and

provincial research projects, and have published hundreds of high-level academic papers. We emphasize the

impartation of theoretical knowledge and method of modern public administration, especially the impartation of

knowledge of government administration and of public administration in the field of culture, science and

technology, education, environmental protection and social security. We attach great importance to research and

internationalization. We aim to improve students’ ability in solving practical issues concerning public

administration and to cultivate practical ability with a creative mind and a sense of responsibility for public sector


We cultivate senior management talents for the following departments: administrative departments of

governments at all levels and of industry, non-governmental public sector, administrative departments of public

enterprises, enterprises and social organization.

Ⅱ. Objectives

This program aims to cultivate interdisciplinary and application-oriented talents who master the systematic

theory and method of modern public administration, have the ability to apply the knowledge, to identify and

analyze issues concerning public administration against the global economy based on market and knowledge,

have the knowledge of economics, management, law and have public administration skills to serve in the public



Students in this major are required to acquire the basic theory of modern management, to master public

management techniques and methods, and to grasp the basic knowledge so as to be capable of any management

work of all kinds of public organizations.

Graduates should gain knowledge and ability in the following aspects:

1. Grasp the basic theory and principles of management, form a conceptual framework, and get some

knowledge of the frontiers of public management ;

2. Be familiar with the laws, regulations and policies related to public management . Have an understanding

of reform and development in the field. Dig into one program according to your own interest;

3. Be equipped with the ability of planning, organization, coordination, communication, and


4. Master the qualitative and quantitative approaches, be capable of doing some social research and grasp

the point and method of learning;

5. Grasp basic office skills, be capable of practical writing and word processing;

6. Be good at communication and have professional ethics cognition.

南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表


Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years;

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years;

Degree: Bachelor of Management

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: public administration

Interdisciplinary Subjects: management, science of administration, economics, politics, sociology, law

Ⅵ. Core courses

Public Management, General Introduction to the Management of Social Public Affairs, Public Administration;

Public Economics; Managerial Economics, Applied Statistics; Quantitative Analysis for Management;

Management Psychology, Leadership; Human Resource Management of public sector; Comparison of Chinese

and Foreign Civil Service System; Public Policy Analysis; Public Relations; Public Organization Theory; Constitution

and Administrative Law; Management of NGO, Public Finance, Quality Assessment of Administrative Staff,

E-government; Introduction to Social Security, Economics of Environment and Resources; Introduction to Science

& Technology Management; Cultural Industry and Management

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Practical training includes military training, specialty practice, social survey, term paper, cognition practice,

graduation practice and graduation paper etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 165 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表


公共事业管理专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Public Affairs management


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist With ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E(Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E(Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E(Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E(Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

11023302 高等数学‖Calculus 4 64 4 013

15043604 公共经济学‖Public Economics 3 48 3 015

15028101 管理学‖Principles of Management 2 32 2 015

07050201计算机网络基础及应用‖Computer NetworkFoundation and Application

3 32 16 3 007

15042601 科学技术史‖History of Science and Technology 2 32 2 015

15024602 逻辑学‖Logic Science 2 32 2 015

15027401社会调查理论与方法‖ Social Survey Theoryand Methods

3 48 3 015

15028001 社会学原理‖The Introduction of Sociology 3 48 3 015

15032402 政治学‖Political Science 3 48 3 015


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

23020501 工程技术实习‖Engineering Training 1 40 1 022

15021903公 共 关 系 学 与 礼 仪 ‖ Public Relation andEtiquette

3 48 3 015

15065701公 共 管 理 案 例 讨 论 与 分 析 ‖ PublicManagement Discussion and Analysis

2 28 4 2 015

15041303 公共管理学★‖Public Administration★ 3 48 3 015

15065301公 共管 理研 究方 法‖ Research Methods inPublic Administration

2 32 2 015

南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

15035801公 共 事 业 管 理 概 论 ‖ Introduction to TheManagement of Public Utilities

3 48 3 015

15036001 公共政策分析★‖Public Policy Analysis★ 3 48 3 015

15042801 管理经济学‖Managerial Economics 3 48 3 015

15022201 管理心理学‖Management Psychology 3 48 3 015

07022501管 理 信 息 系 统 ‖ Management InformationSystem

3 48 3 007

15024301 领导科学‖Science of Leadership 2 32 2 015

15050801 认识实习‖Cognitive Practice 2 80 2 015

15064801西 方 行 政 学 说 史 ‖ History of WeternAdministrative Theories

3 48 3 015

15030604宪法与行政法‖Constitution and AdministrativeLaw

3 48 3 015

15041502行政人员素质与能力测评‖Evaluation of theAdministrative Personnel Quality and Ability

2 16 16 2 015

15150401 学年论文(Ⅰ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅰ)* 1 40 1 015

15250401 学年论文(Ⅱ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅱ)* 1 40 1 015

15350401 学年论文(Ⅲ)*‖Academic Paper(Ⅲ)* 1 40 1 015

15042701 应用统计‖Applied Statistics 3 42 6 3 015


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

15020104 毕业论文‖Graduation Thesis 7 280 7 015

15028204 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 8 320 8 015

15065201城 市 规 划 与 管 理 || Urban Planning andManagement

2 28 4 2 015

15023801地 方 政 府 与 行 政 ‖ Local Government andAdministration

2 32 2 015

15045901 电子政务‖E-Government Affairs 2 24 8 2 015

15043201非 政 府 组 织 管 理 ‖ Management ofNon-Governmental Organizations

2 32 2 015

15053301 公共项目管理‖Public Project Management 2 28 4 2 015

15065601环 境 与 生 态 管 理 ★ ‖ Eco-EnvironmentalManagement ★

3 48 3 015

15053801科技管理概论‖Management of Science andTechnology

2 32 2 015

15027301 社会保障概论‖Social Security 3 48 3 015

15036303中外公务员制度比较‖ Comparison of CivilService Systems in China and Foreign Countries

3 48 3 015


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

15025601创 新 与 创 业 管 理 ‖ Innovation andEntrepreneurial Management

2 28 4 2 015

15053401 公共危机管理‖Public Crisis Management 2 28 4 2 015

15065101公共组织理论与实践‖Theory and Practice ofPublic Organization

2 28 4 2 015

15065401 公益慈善事业管理‖Philanthropy Management 2 28 4 2 015

15020901 管理文秘‖Management Secretarial 2 26 6 2 015

15053102 绩效管理‖Performance Management 2 32 2 015

15065001 批判性思维‖Critical Thinking 2 32 2 015

07027401人 力 资 源 开 发 与 管 理 ‖ Human ResourceDevelopment and Management

2 32 2 007

15053902 文化产业管理‖Cultural Industry Management 3 48 3 015

15025901社 会统 计软 件 SPSS 使 用‖ Social StatisticsSoftware Spss

2 16 16 2 015

南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 2014本科教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

15065501 新政治经济学‖Neo - Political Economy 2 32 2 015

必修课程汇总‖Compulsory Courses Total 145 1806 1178 22.5 20 27 20 19 18.5 1 17

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

20 282 38 4 2 6 4 4

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ为春季学期;


Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


材料科学与工程学院材料科学与工程学院可追溯至 1953 年哈尔滨军事工程学院建校时的金工金相教研室。1992 年成立材

料科学与工程系,2010 年成立材料科学与工程学院。目前,下设材料科学系、材料成型及控制工程系、材



学院师资力量雄厚。现有教授 25 人、副教授/副研究员 21 人、博导 22 人。其中,中国科学院院士 1

人、中组部“千人计划”1人、国家“杰青”1人、国家“优青”1 人、教育部新世纪人才 3 人、江苏省“双

创”人才 2 人、江苏省特聘教授 1人、江苏省“333”工程人才 5 人、江苏省“青蓝工程”人才 7 人。具有

海外留学经历的教师比例约 60%,博士化率近 90%。



料科学类江苏省“十二五”重点专业类立项建设。拥有国家级工程实践教育中心 1 个、江苏省工程实践教

育中心 3个,出版高等教育材料科学与工程“十二五”规划教材 14 部、专著 6部,教育部精品视频公开课

1 门。




有工程硕士学位培养和授予权。2011 年和 2013 年获江苏省“创新团队”2 个;2012 年,先进微纳米材料

及装备协同创新中心被批准为江苏省首批立项建设的协同创新中心;2013 年,“微纳米材料与装备引智基


学院以国际科学前沿、国家战略需求和服务地方经济为导向,承担了 973、863、国家自然科学重点基


术发明二等奖 1 项、教育部技术发明一等奖 1项、江苏省科学技术奖一等奖 2项。在《Science》、《Nature

Communication》、《Angewandte Chemie》、《Advanced Materials》、《Acta Materialia》等国际顶级学术期


维原子探针、氦离子显微镜、聚焦离子双束、300 千伏球差透射电镜等世界一流的实验仪器与设备,为师


“十二五”期间,学院先后主办 NANOSPD5 等国际会议 11 次,长期与美国橡树岭国家实验室、俄罗斯





南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


School of Materials Science and Engineering

School of Materials Science and Engineering dates back to Heat Treatment Section in 1953, Department of

Materials Science and Engineering in 1992, School of Materials Science and Engineering in 2010. The School has 4

departments and 6 centers, including Department of Materials Science, Department of Materials Forming and

Control Engineering, Department of Materials Physics, Department of Materials Engineering, Material Structure

and Performance Test Center, Experimental Teaching Center, Engineering Research Center of Materials Behavior

and Design Ministry of Education, Large Structure Welding Technology Application Research Center, Nano

Structural Materials Center and Optoelectronic Nanomaterials Center.

The School has 77 faculty and staff, of whom there are 25 professors, 21 associate professors and associate

research fellows (22 doctoral supervisors), 60% having overseas experiences and 90% having Ph. D. degree. They

have been awarded by national and provincial honors, including 1 academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences,

1 National Thousand Talents Plan, 1 National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) for Distinguished Young

Scholars, 1 NSFC Excellent Young Scientist Fellowship, 3 Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University,

2 Shuangchuang Talents Plan of Jiangsu province, 1 Distinguished Professor of Jiangsu Province, 5 Jiangsu “333”

High-level Cultivation Program, and 7 Jiangsu Provincial Innovative Program.

Materials Science and Engineering is both a national key major and a provincial key major. Materials Forming

and Control Engineering is a provincial key major. Nano Materials and Technology is one of the majors first

approved by the Ministry of Education in China oriented to national strategic emerging industries. All the four

majors including Materials Physics, belong to the provincial key major-class of materials science. The School has 1

national engineering education center and 3 provincial engineering experimental centers. 20 textbooks and

monographs have been published and 1 national key open course has been approved by the Ministry of

Education in China.

Materials Science is a national key discipline and Materials Science and Engineering is a provincial key

discipline. The School offers bachelor, master and doctor degree, and also provides post-doctoral program. 2

research groups were awarded Innovation Team by Jiangsu Province in 2011 and 2013. Collaborative Innovation

Center of Advanced Micro-nano Materials and Equipment was first approved by Jiangsu Province in 2012. Base of

Micro-nano Materials and Equipment has been selected by the Ministry of Education and Bureau of Foreign

Experts Affairs as Talent Introduction Plan in discipline innovation of colleges and universities.

The School has developed several influential academic research fields, cultivated distinguished academic

leaders, and formed research teams with high reputation. The School has undertaken projects supported by the

Key Project of Chinese National Programs for Fundamental Research and Development (973 Program), National

High-tech Research and Development Projects (863), and National Natural Science Foundation of China. The

School has won plenty of national and provincial awards, including 1 Second Prize of National Technological

Invention Award, 1 First Prize of Technological Invention awarded by the Ministry of Education and 2 First Prize of

Provincial Science and Technology Award. The faculty has published academic papers in prestigious journals like

Science, Nature Communications, Angewandte Chemie, Advanced Materials, Acta Materials, and so on. Materials

Structure and Performance Test Center now has excellent facilities which include Three Dimensional Atom Probe,

Helium Ion Microscopy, Focused Ion Beam, 300 KV Aberration-corrected High Resolution Transmission Electron

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Microscope, and so on.

The School has extensive international collaborations which include University of Singapore, Oak Ridge

National Laboratory of the United States, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, and so on. There is an

increasing number of exchange students and visiting scholars from France, Russia and Pakistan at the School.

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表







































南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表









本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 172 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Materials Science and Engineering

Ⅰ. IntroductionMaterials Science and Engineering is one of the earliest provincial key majors in Jiangsu. The major covers

the following 3 research areas: metal materials engineering, inorganic nonmetallic materials engineering and

materials processing engineering. Based on the fundamental research, application and development of high

performance materials, the major focuses on the four elements (ingredients/structure, preparation/synthesis,

performance and application) in materials. The major sticks to the cultivating principles of solid foundation,

international vision, comprehensive ability and high quality.

Ⅱ. ObjectivesThe major aims to cultivate students to be familiar with the knowledge of structure, properties, design,

manufacture, and use of all classes of materials, and with energy, environmental, health, economic, and

manufacturing issues relating to materials. The students are required to develop a solid foundation in the

fundamentals, methods and tools of the field, and gain a mastery of state-of-the-art methods of materials design,

processing, analysis. The graduates will be in high demand by industry and government for jobs in research,

development, production, and management, and they will be prepared to function knowledgeably, competitively

and responsibly in a global professional environment.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are expected to learn the basic theories of materials science and engineering, and understand the

fundamental laws of the relationship in materials synthesis, processing, constitution, structure and performance.

They are required to master the basic skills of preparation, processing and performance analysis and detection of

all kinds of advanced materials such as metal materials, inorganic nonmetallic materials and composite materials.

They are supposed to have the abilities to perform materials design, preparation processing design, to improve

the materials performance and the quality of products, and to develop and research new materials and crafts.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have awareness of humanities, social responsibility and occupation morality

2. Have the required knowledge of mathematics, natural science and economic management

3. Have solid fundamental knowledge of materials science and engineering; have the systematic study

experience of materials science and engineering; understand state-of-art and development trend of the discipline

4. Obtain in-depth expertise and basic skills in materials science and engineering to analyze experimental


5. Have the awareness of innovation; possess preliminary abilities of designing, researching and developing

for new material and products

6. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query

7. Understand technical standards, laws and regulations in the related occupations and sectors of

production, design, research and development; be familiar with principles, policies and regulations of

environmental protection and sustainable development; have awareness of quality, safety, efficiency,

environment protection, occupational health and sense of service

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


9. Have self-learning ability and social adaptability; have abilities to respond to crises and emergencies

10. Have a proficient foreign language skill; have abilities to communicate, compete and collaborate


Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Disciplines: Materials science and engineering

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Physics, Chemistry

Ⅵ. Core courses

Physical Chemistry of Materials, Analytical Chemistry, Transmission Theory, Physical Properties of Materials,

Engineering Mechanics, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Forming Principle of Materials, Research Methods of

Materials, Fundamentals of Materials Science, Solid-State Physics, Experiment of Material Science, etc.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Military training, Specialized experiment, Metalworking practice, Comprehensive training in material

engineering, Production practice, Course design, Graduation design (thesis), etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 172 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


材料科学与工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Materials Science and Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester




Code讲 课


实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist with ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P. E. (Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P. E. (Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P. E. (Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P. E. (Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702 Visual C++程序设计‖C++ Programming Design 4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

03022506 分析化学‖Analytical Chemitry 2.5 24 16 2.5 003

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus (Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus (Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021702 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 4 50 14 4 001

11031201 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2.5 40 2.5 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

16030804材料成形技术基础‖Basis of Materials FormingTechnique

3 42 6 3 016

16030001材料工程综合训练*‖Comprehensive Trainingon Materials Engineering*

4 160 4 016

16121203 材料科学基础(Ⅰ)‖Fundamentals of Material 1.5 24 1.5 016

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester




Code讲 课


实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

Science (Ⅰ)

16221203材料科学基础(Ⅱ)‖Fundamentals of MaterialScience (Ⅱ)

4 64 4 016

16021302材料科学基础实验*‖FundamentalExperiment of Material Science*

2 32 2 016

16033201材料科学与工程导论★*‖Introduction toMaterials Science and Engineering★*

1 16 1 016

16031001 材料力学行为‖Mechanical Behavior ofMaterials

3 40 8 3 016

16133203材料物理化学(Ⅰ)‖Physical Chemistry ofMaterials (Ⅰ)

3 40 8 3 016

16233203材料物理化学(Ⅱ)‖Physical Chemistry ofMaterials (Ⅱ)

2 24 8 2 016

16021701 材料物理性能‖Physical Properties of Materials 2 32 2 016

16026701材料研究方法‖Analysis Methods in MaterialsScience

4 48 16 4 016

16026603 传输原理‖Principles of Transfer Process 2.5 40 2.5 016

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

11023801 工程力学‖Engineering Mechanics 3 44 4 3 013

16029502 固体物理‖Solid State Physics 4 64 4 016

01024101机械设计基础‖Fundamentals of MechanicalDesign

3 44 4 3 001

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

必修课程·专业方向课 【除公共部分外,任选一个方向修读】

Compulsory Course·Specialized Course(Choose one group, besides the general courses)

16026304 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 016

16025804 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 016

16031301材料表面工程‖Surface Engineering ofMaterials

2 26 6 2 016

16028902 粉末冶金‖Powder Metallurgy 2 28 4 2 016

16022601 复合材料★‖Composite Materials★ 2 30 2 2 016

16038101结构与功能金属材料‖Structural andFunctional Metal Materials

4 58 6 4 016

16024104 金属热加工工艺‖Metal Heat Processing 3 44 4 3 016

16033502热处理原理与工艺‖Principles andTechnology of Heat Processing

3 42 6 3 016

16033902 半导体物理‖Semiconductor Physics

2 30 2 2 016

16033802 电子陶瓷‖Electroceramics 2 30 2 2 016

16033803陶瓷与耐火材料‖Ceramics andRefractory Materials

2 32 016

16033702无机材料学基础‖Fundamentals ofInorganic Materials Science

2 32 2 016


Inorganic Materials Technology CurriculumDesign

1 40 1 016


Introduction to Inorganic Materials ProcessDesign

1 16 1 016

16030704无机非金属材料工艺学‖Processing ofInorganic Materials

2.5 40 2.5 016


Comprehensive Experimental of InorganicMaterials

2 80 2 016

16034002无机生态材料‖Inorganic EcologicalMaterials

1.5 24 1.5 016

16036502材料加工工艺设计‖Materials ProcessingDesign

Ⅲ 1 40 1 016

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester




Code讲 课


实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

16030404材料加工设备‖Equipment of MaterialsProcessing

2 30 2 2 016

16039201材料加工专业综合实验‖MaterialProcessing Comprehensive Experiment

1 40 1 016

16022805工程材料与热处理‖Engineering Materialand Heat Treatment

2 30 2 2 016

16034702 合金及熔炼‖Alloy and Melting 3 44 4 3 016

16032202模具设计与制造‖Design andManufacturing of Molds

2 30 2 2 016

16034802塑性成形工艺学‖Metal Plastic FormingTechnology

3 46 2 3 016

16028702 铸造工艺学‖Foundry Technology 2 30 2 2 016


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

16035801薄膜材料与技术‖Thin Film Materials andTechnology

2 28 4 2 016

16034402材料工程数值模拟技术‖Computer Modelingin Materials Engineering

2 28 4 2 016

16036601 材料失效分析‖Failure Analysis of Material 2 32 2 016

16022001 材料制备技术‖Materials Preparation 2 32 2 016

16036501电池材料与技术‖Battery Materials andTechnology

2 30 2 2 016

03029401高分子材料导论‖Introduction toMacromolecular Materials

2 32 2 003

16027301 功能材料‖Functional Materials 2 32 2 016

16034501教授授课研讨式课程*‖Seminar on MaterialsScience and Engineering*

1 16 1 016


2.5 30 10 2.5 016

16029401 生物材料‖Biomaterials 2 30 2 2 016

16031801 实验设计‖Design of Experiment 2 28 4 2 016

16033601特种加工原理与技术‖Principles andTechniques of Special Processing

2 30 2 2 016

16030501学科前沿系列讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofMaterials Science and Engineering *

1 16 1 016

16038501专业科技写作*‖Professional TechnicalWriting*

1 16 1 016

方向 I 组:必修课程汇总

Group I:Compulsory Courses Total152 1716 1464 22.5 22 24 21.5 16.5 21.5 8 16

方向 II 组:必修课程汇总

Group II:Compulsory Courses Total152 1692 1560 22.5 22 24 21.5 16.5 20 9.5 16

方向 III 组:必修课程汇总

Group III:Compulsory Courses Total152 1698 1530 22.5 22 24 21.5 17.5 18.5 10 16

选修课程汇总‖Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

25.5 380 28 2 5.5 6 12

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.

2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese .

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




1985 年成立焊接工艺及设备专业,2000 年更名材料成型及控制工程,1996 年获硕士学位授权,2000

年获博士点授权。近 30 年来,已培养本科生 1000 余名、硕士博士生 160 余名、在读博士 24 名、在读硕士

近 60 名。本专业焊接团队自 1999 年连续评为南京理工大学优秀课题组,2007 年获国防科技工业“工艺工

作创新团队先进集体”,2012 年获江苏省教育厅青蓝工程创新团队,建立了国防科技工业大型构件焊接技

术应用研究中心,成为国防工业体系焊接技术的主体支撑单位。近年获国家技术发明二等奖 1项、国防科

技二等奖 2 项、兵器科技二等奖 4项、国防科技三等奖 3 项、江苏省科技三等奖 3 项;拥有国家技术发明

专利 63 件(含授权 29 件),发表论文 200 余篇,其中 SCI、EI 收录 100 余篇。近 10 年获总装项目 15 项、

国防基础科研 6 项、国防技术基础 4 项、国防 973(参加)1 项、国家自然基金 2 项、国家 04 专项 3 项(参

加)、江苏成果转化 6 项、江苏高新(支撑)5项、兵器技术开发项目 2 项,科研经费 1 亿余元;研究并应



























南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表

































本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 172 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Materials Forming and Control EngineeringⅠ. IntroductionThe major of welding technology and equipment was established in 1985, and was changed to material

forming and control engineering in 2000. It has bachelor, master and doctorate programs. The welding team has

won the prize of outstanding research group in the university since 1999. In 2007 it was honored innovation

advanced team of process and technology by national defense science and technology industry. In 2012 it was

awarded the QingLan engineering innovation team of Education Department of Jiangsu Province. The welding

application of technology center of national defense science and technology industry large structural center was

established and it became the main support unit of welding technology of national defense system.

The major has won many honors, such as second prize of state technological invention 1 time, second prize of

national defense science and technology 2 times, second prize of weapons technology 4 times, second prize of

national defense science and technology 3 times, third prize of science and technology of Jiangsu province 3 times.

It had 63 pieces of state technological invention patents (including authorized 29), published over 200 academic

papers, in which SCI, EI included over 100 articles. It has achieved 15 projects of Chinese PLA General Armament

Department, 6 national defense basic researches, 4 national defense technology bases, 2 national natural science

foundations, 3 “National Science and Technology Major Project”, 6 Jiangsu achievement transformation projects, 5

Jiangsu high-tech achievement transformations, 2 national weapon technology development projects. The research

fund reaches 100 million RMB. It has solved a series of problems of application basis and application technology in

the national high-tech project. It provides a number of key techniques, technology and equipment for many fields

of weapons, high-end equipment, aerospace, new energy, new materials, electronics, shipbuilding, pressure vessel.

Material Forming and Control Engineering is a cross-disciplinary of mechanical engineering and materials

science and engineering. The major covers a variety of knowledge with manufacturing specialty in engineering

colleges. It is one of the most important application-oriented disciplines of modern industry. Students are required

to obtain knowledge of materials, mechanical engineering, power electronics and automatic control, computing.

The major aims at cultivating students with comprehensive abilities of practical exercise, innovation process

planning, designing and experimental research, electromechanical gas-liquid integration of new equipment analysis,

designing and development, and analysis of materials organization performance.

Graduates are expected to engage in manufacturing aerospace, weapons, ships, new energy, automobile,

electronics, microelectronics, rail transportation, instruments, pressure vessel, petrochemical, marine, construction

in research institutes, universities and high-tech enterprises.

Ⅱ. ObjectivesStudents are required to obtain basic theoretical knowledge of advanced manufacturing, material engineering

and control engineering. They are expected to have the ability of technology application and innovation, structure

design, processing technology, automatic control and intelligentization, performance and quality detection and

control, experimental research, technology management. It aims at cultivating comprehensive talents with

international perspective.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to acquire the basic knowledge of materials science, mechanical manufacturing and

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


controlling, and training of modern materials science, advanced manufacturing and mechanical engineering.

Students are expected to engage in advanced molding process technology development and testing, power

equipment, thermal processing structure and tooling designing, basic technical management and production


Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have a good quality of humanities and social sciences, a strong sense of social responsibility and good

engineering ethics

2. Master knowledge of material forming and control engineering, mathematics, other related natural science

and certain knowledge of economics and management

3. Master techniques and skills in material forming and control engineering; Understand state-of-art and

development trend of the discipline

4. Be familiar with the analysis, design and implementation capacity of material forming and control

engineering experiment; be able to solve practical engineering problems; participate in the work of design and

operation of production systems, and of operation and maintenances

5. Have the awareness of innovation; possess preliminary abilities of designing, improving and developing

for products, system and process; be familiar with principles, policies and regulations of environmental

protection and sustainable development

6. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query; have self-learning ability and social


7. Understand technical standards, laws and regulations in the related occupations and sectors of

production, design, research and development; be familiar with principles, policies and regulations of

environmental protection and sustainable development; have awareness of quality, safety, efficiency,

environment protection, occupational health and sense of service; understand the impact of engineering on the

nature and society

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working

9. Have consciousness of service, quality, safety, efficiency, environment, occupation health

10. Have abilities to respond to crises and emergencies of material forming and control engineering

11. Have abilities to communicate, compete and collaborate internationally

Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Discipline: Materials Science and Engineering; Mechanical Engineering

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Power Electronics

Ⅵ. Core courses

Engineering Graphics, Engineering Mechanics, Mechanical Design, Mechanical Manufacturing Base, Materials

Structure and Phase Change, Materials Forming Principle, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Metal Materials and

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Heat Treatment, Thermal Processing Technology Foundation, Electrical Engineering, Analog and Digital Circuits,

Computer Theory and Applications, Materials Processing Measurement and Control Engineering, Testing Technology,

Thermal Processing Mechatronics Technology and Equipment.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Military training, Specialized experiment, Metalworking practice, Comprehensive training in material

engineering, Production practice, Course design, Graduation design (thesis), etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 172 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


材料成型及控制工程专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Materials Forming and Control Engineering


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论‖Military Theory 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist with ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P. E. (Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P. E. (Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P. E. (Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P. E. (Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702 Visual C++程序设计‖C++ Programming Design 4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

03030403 大学化学‖College Chemistry 2 32 2 003

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus (Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus (Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05121704 工程图形学(Ⅰ)‖Engineering Graphics (Ⅰ) 3 48 3 001

05221704 工程图形学(Ⅱ)‖Engineering Graphics (Ⅱ) 2.5 28 12 2.5 001

11031202 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2 32 2 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

16030804材料成形技术基础‖Basis of Materials FormingTechnique

3 42 6 3 016

16027901材料加工测量与控制工程基础‖Fundamentalsof Material Processing, Measurement andControl

4 58 6 4 016

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

16033201材 料 科 学 与 工 程 导 论 ★ ‖ Introduction toMaterials Science and Engineering★

1 16 1 016

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

11023801 工程力学‖Engineering Mechanics 3 44 4 3 013

16072201机 械 工 程 材 料 基 础 ★ ‖ Basic MechanicalEngineering Materials★

1.5 24 1.5 016

01024101机械设计基础‖ Fundamentals of MechanicalDesign

3 44 4 3 001

01024202机械设计基础课程设计‖ Course Design ofMechanical Design Fundamentals

2 80 2 001

16024103金属材料与热处理‖Heat Processing of MetalMaterials

3 44 4 3 016

23020105 金属工艺实习*‖Metalworking Training* 4 160 4 022

16072101 金属学原理‖Principles of Metal 4 64 4 016

04126401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅰ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅰ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04226401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅱ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅱ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04026501模拟与数字电路综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Analog and Digital Circuits

2 80 2 004

01044001软 件 技 术 基 础 ‖ Fundamentals of SoftwareTechnology

2 32 2 001

01028203微机原理及应用‖Microcomputer Principlesand Application

3 40 8 3 001

16072301现代制造技术基础★‖Foundation of ModernManufacturing Technology★

2 32 2 016

16130201专 业 综 合 实 践 ( Ⅰ ) ‖ ProfessionalComprehensive Practice (Ⅰ)

3 120 3 016

16230201专 业 综 合 实 践 ( Ⅱ ) ‖ ProfessionalComprehensive Practice (Ⅱ)

2 80 2 016

必修课程·专业方向课 【任选一组修读】

Compulsory Course·Specialized Course(Choose one group)

16025802 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice*

3 120 3 016

16026302 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 016

16030403材料加工电源、设备及控制‖MaterialsMachinery Control Technology

2.5 34 6 2.5 016

16035902成型与焊接结构‖Forming and WeldingStructure

2 28 4 2 016

16035401电弧物理与现代焊接方法‖Welding ArcPhysics and Modern Welding Methods

3 40 8 3 016

16035301非平衡组织综合实验*‖Non-equilibriumMicrostructure ComprehensiveExperiments*

2 80 2 016

16034604焊接原理与工艺学‖Welding Principlesand Technology

2.5 34 6 2.5 016

16025802 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice*

3 120 3 016

16026302 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 016

16020504材 料 成 型 与 焊 接 方 法 ‖ Method ofMaterial Forming and Welding Process

2.5 40 2.5 016

16035301非平衡组织综合实验*‖Non-equilibriumMicrostructure ComprehensiveExperiments*

2 80 2 016

16036203加工过程检测与质量评估‖Testing andQuality Assessment of Processing

2 28 4 2 016

16035502热加工机电一体化技术及设备‖HotWorking Power Supply &Electromechanical Integration

2.5 32 8 2.5 016

16028602 无损检测‖Non-Destructive Testing 3 44 4 3 016

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

16025892 毕业实习*‖Graduation Practice*


4 160 4 016

16026392 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 016



合 实 践* ‖ Comprehensive Practice onMicrostructure and Performance ofMaterial Forming and Welding*

4 160 4 016

16030403材料加工电源、设备及控制‖MaterialsMachinery Control Technology

2.5 34 6 2.5 016

16035902成型与焊接结构‖Forming and WeldingStructure

2 28 4 2 016

16035401电弧物理与现代焊接方法‖Welding ArcPhysics and Modern Welding Methods

3 40 8 3 016


Operation of Welding Robot and Practicesof Business Application

4 160 4 016

16034604焊接原理与工艺学‖Welding Principlesand Technology

2.5 34 6 2.5 016

16030202专 业 企 业 实 践 ‖ Professional BusinessPractices

2 80 2 016


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

16036201材料加工件质量检测‖Material WorkpieceQuality Testing

2 28 4 2 016

16026701材料研究方法‖Analysis Methods in MaterialsScience

4 48 16 4 016

16028002高能束流加工及应用‖Power Beam ProcessingTechnique and Application

2.5 36 4 2.5 016

16035202焊接机器人技术综合实验‖Welding RobotTechnology Experiment

1.5 60 1.5 016

16028201 机器人应用技术‖Robot Application 2 28 4 2 016

16034501教授授课研讨式课程*‖Seminar on MaterialsScience and Engineering*

1 16 1 016

16036102 金属制造与艺术‖Metal Fabrication and Arts 1 14 2 1 016

16024201 近代表面技术‖Advanced Surface Engineering 2 32 2 016


Programmable Logical Controller Theory andApplication

2 28 4 2 016

16028403 微连接技术‖Microjoining Technology 2 28 4 2 016

16030501学科前沿系列讲座‖ Lectures on Frontiers ofMaterials Science and Engineering

1 16 1 016


Group I:Compulsory Courses Total152 1648 1748 26.5 23.5 25 15.5 19 17 9.5 16


Group II:Compulsory Courses Total152 1656 1740 26.5 23.5 25 15.5 19 17 9.5 16


Group III:Compulsory Courses Total161 1648 2108 26.5 23.5 25 15.5 21 17 12.5 20

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

21 274 98 6.5 6 5 3.5

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ为春季学期;


Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




材料物理(光电功能材料)是 2009 年教育部批准的专业,并于 2010 年正式招生。本专业是材料科学

















3. 掌握光电功能材料、凝聚态物理、电子科学与技术等方面的基础理论知识;






9. 具有不断学习和适应发展的能力;

10. 具有一定的组织管理能力、表达能力和人际交往能力。











南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表






本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 172 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Material PhysicsⅠ. IntroductionMaterial Physics (functional optoelectronic material) was approved in 2009 and started to enroll students in

2011. It is interdisciplinary of Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics. The major offers bachelor, master

and doctor degree, and also provides post-doctoral program.

The major focuses on the development trend of the miniaturization, functionalization, and intelligentization of

material science. It covers various types of optical, electrical, magnetic materials, and their physical properties and


Ⅱ. ObjectivesStudents are required to master basic theory of photonic and electronic materials systematically, and have the

basic skills to prepare, test and evaluate the optoelectronic materials and devices, semiconductor materials and

devices. Graduates engage in research, teaching, technology development in photoelectric functional material, etc.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are required to know the fundamentals and skills of material science. They are expected to have

scientific mind to do research, and master the basic theory, knowledge and skills of optoelectronic materials.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have awareness of humanities, social responsibility and occupation morality

2. Have the required knowledge of mathematics, natural science and economic management

3. Have solid fundamental knowledge of functional optoelectronic material, condensed matter physics and

electronic science and engineering

4. Obtain in-depth expertise and basic skills in design, preparation, test, evaluation, and application of

functional optoelectronic material

5. Have fundamental knowledge of electronic science and engineering

6. Know the frontiers of functional optoelectronic material and prospects of application

7. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query

8. Have the abilities to design experiment, analyze the results and write academic paper, to communicate


9. Have self-learning ability and social adaptability; have abilities to respond to crises and emergencies

10. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working

Ⅳ. Length of learning & degree

Standard Duration: four years

Period of Study: Three to six years

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Disciplines: Materials Science and Engineering

Interdisciplinary Subjects: Physics, Electronic Science and Technology

Ⅵ. Core Courses

College Physics, Fundamental of Materials Science, Solid State Physics, Physical Chemistry in Materials,

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Analytical Methods of Modern Materials, Physical Properties of Materials, The Physics of Semiconductors,

Semiconductor Materials and Devices, Optoelectronic Materials and Devices, Analog and Digital Circuits,

Nano-Materials and Applications, Magnetic Materials, Electronic Packaging and Materials Technology, Principle of

Silicon Devices and Integrated Circuits, Battery Materials and Technology and so on.

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Military training, Metalworking practice, Comprehensive training of materials engineering, Experiments of

optoelectronic materials, Graduation design.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 172 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


材料物理专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Materials Physics


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist with ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E. (Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E. (Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E. (Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E. (Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702 Visual C++程序设计‖C++ Programming Design 4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120901大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220901大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

03022506 分析化学‖Analytical Chemistry 2.5 24 16 2.5 003

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus (Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus (Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021702 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 4 50 14 4 001

11031201 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2.5 40 2.5 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

16033905半导体材料与器件★‖Semiconductor Materialand Device★

3 46 2 3 016

16033904 半导体物理★‖Semiconductor Physics★ 3 46 2 3 016

16030001材料工程综合训练*‖Comprehensive Trainingon Materials Engineering*

4 160 4 016

16121203 材料科学基础(Ⅰ)‖Fundamentals of Material 1.5 24 1.5 016

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

Science (Ⅰ)

16221203材料科学基础(Ⅱ)‖Fundamentals of MaterialScience (Ⅱ)

4 64 4 016

16033201材料科学与工程导论★*‖ Introduction toMaterials Science and Engineering★*

1 16 1 016

16133203材料物理化学(Ⅰ)‖Physical Chemistry ofMaterials (Ⅰ)

3 40 8 3 016

16233203材料物理化学(Ⅱ)‖Physical Chemistry ofMaterials (Ⅱ)

2 24 8 2 016

16021701 材料物理性能‖Physical Properties of Materials 2 32 2 016

16026701材料研究方法‖Analysis Methods in MaterialsScience

4 48 16 4 016

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

16023202功能材料制备工艺‖Preparation Technology ofFunctional Materials

2 30 2 2 016

16029502 固体物理‖Solid State Physics 4 64 4 016

16038701光 电 功 能 材 料 实 验 * ‖ OptoelectronicMaterials Experiment*

2 32 2 016

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

04126401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅰ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅰ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04226401模拟电路与数字电路(Ⅱ)‖Analog and DigitalCircuits (Ⅱ)

2.5 40 2.5 004

04026501模拟与数字电路综合实验‖ComprehensiveExperiment of Analog and Digital Circuits

2 80 2 004


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

16026306 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 016

16025806 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 3 120 3 016

16035803薄 膜材 料 与技 术‖ Thin Film Materials andTechnology

2.5 38 2 2.5 016

16023901电子封装材料与工艺‖Electronic Packaging andMaterials Technology

2 30 2 2 016

16023301光电子材料与器件‖Optoelectronic Materialsand Devices

3 44 4 3 016

16024301硅器件与集成电路原理‖Silicon Devices andPrinciples of Integrated Circuits

2.5 38 2 2.5 016

16023601 纳米材料与应用‖Nanomaterials & Application 2 32 2 016

16024701太 阳 电 池 原 理 及 应 用 ‖ Principle andApplication of Solar Cells

2.5 38 2 2.5 016


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

16036501电 池 材 料 与 技 术 ‖ Battery Materials andTechnology

2 30 2 2 016

16024801电化学分析方法‖ Electrochemistry AnalysisMethod

2 30 2 2 016

16033802 电子陶瓷‖Electroceramics 2 30 2 2 016

16034501教授授课研讨式课程*‖Seminar on MaterialsScience and Engineering*

1 16 1 016

16031801 实验设计‖Design of Experiment 2 28 4 2 016

16033803陶瓷与耐火材料‖ Ceramics and RefractoryMaterials

2 32 2 016

07030201 项目管理‖Project Management 2 32 2 007

16030501学科前沿系列讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofMaterials Science and Engineering *

1 16 1 016

16038501专 业 科 技 写 作 * ‖ Professional TechnicalWriting*

1 16 1 016

必修课程汇总‖‖Compulsory Courses Total 151 1694 1518 22.5 22 24 21.5 14.5 19.5 11 16

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

15 230 10 2 7 2 4

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




纳米材料与技术专业是 2010 年教育部批准的首批新兴战略产业专业,并于 2011 年正式招生。支撑学



































南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表














本专业学生除修满专业教学计划中规定的必修课以外,还需选修通识教育选修课 8学分、专业选修课

若干,方可达到 174 学分的毕业学分要求。

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


Nano Materials and TechnologyⅠ. IntroductionNano Materials and Technology, one of the earliest emerging strategic industries approved by the Ministry of

Education of China in 2010, began to enroll students from 2011. Materials Science is a national key discipline and

Materials Science and Engineering is a provincial key discipline. The major offers bachelor, master and doctor

degree, and also provides post-doctoral program.

The major focuses on the requirements of talents, with micro-nano processing technology of semiconductor,

optoelectronics, and microelectronics, for the emerging strategic industries. The major adopts “3+1” pattern. For

the first 3 years students will learn the theoretical courses at the university and selective practice in Suzhou

Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics, and Suzhou Industrial Zone in the 4th year.

Engineering Practice Center of Nano-Material and technology, a provincial experimental teaching

demonstration platform, was established by Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Suzhou Institute of

Nano-tech and Nano-bionics, and Suzhou Industrial Zone in 2011.

Ⅱ. ObjectivesThe major aims at cultivating highly qualified applied talents specialized in modern micro-nano processing

technology and nano materials. Students are required to master basic theory of micro-nano processing technology

and nano materials systematically, and have the basic skills to prepare, test and evaluate semiconductor materials,

nano materials and devices. Specialized talents engage in research, teaching, technology development in micro -

nano processing technology and nano materials, etc.

Ⅲ. Requirements

Students are expected to learn the basic theories of materials science and micro-nano processing technology,

and understand the fundamental laws in experiments of micro-nano processing technology and nano materials.

They are supposed to have the abilities to develop micro-nano processing technology and nano materials, to

improve the materials performance and the quality of products.

Graduates should obtain knowledge and ability of the following aspects:

1. Have awareness of humanities, social responsibility and occupation morality

2. Have the required knowledge of mathematics, natural science and economic management

3. Have solid fundamental knowledge of nano materials and micro-nano processing technology; have the

systematic study experience of nano materials science and engineering; understand state-of-art and

development trend of the discipline

4. Obtain in-depth expertise and basic skills in nano materials and micro-nano processing technology to

analyze experimental results

5. Have the awareness of innovation; possess preliminary abilities of designing, researching and developing

for new material and products

6. Master the basic methods of retrieving and information query

7. Understand technical standards, laws and regulations in the related occupations and sectors of

production, design, research and development; be familiar with principles, policies and regulations of

environmental protection and sustainable development; have awareness of quality, safety, efficiency,

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


environment protection, occupational health and sense of service

8. Maintain capabilities of organization and management, people skill, and team working

9. Have self-learning ability and social adaptability; have abilities to respond to crises and emergencies

10. Have a proficient foreign language skill; have abilities to communicate, compete and collaborate


Ⅳ. Length of program and degree

Standard Academic Year: 4 years

Length of Schooling: 3 to 6 years

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Ⅴ. Leading discipline and interdisciplinary subjects

Leading Disciplines: Materials science and engineering

Interdisciplinary subjects: Electronics and Communication Technology

Ⅵ. Core courses

Fundamental of Materials Science, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Physical Chemistry in Materials, Solid

State Physics, Physical Properties of Materials, Analytical Methods of Modern Materials, Physics of Semiconductors,

Semiconductor Materials and Devices, Optoelectronic Materials and Devices, Micro-Nano Processing Technology,Design of Mask, Nano-Materials and Preparation, Materials Failure Analysis

Ⅶ. Collective practical teaching session

Military training, Metalworking practice, Experiments of nano materials, Cognition practice, Production

practice, Comprehensive training in photoelectronic device, Comprehensive training in micro-nano processing

technology, Micro-nano processing technology course design, Graduation design (thesis), etc.

Ⅷ. Graduation Requirements

To achieve a minimum requirement of 174 credits for graduation, students are required to complete all the

compulsory courses, the optional courses of general education (no less than 8 credits) and some other

specialized optional courses.

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


纳米材料与技术专业教学计划进程表Table of Teaching Plan for Major of Nano Materials and Technology


CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ


Compulsory Course·Course of General Education

07057201 创业教育‖Entrepreneurship Education 1 16 1 007

20000102 大学生职业生涯规划‖Career Planning 0.5 8 0.5 020

14120506 大学英语(Ⅰ)‖College English (Ⅰ) 4 64 4 014

14220506 大学英语(Ⅱ)‖College English (Ⅱ) 4 64 4 014

06000102 计算机导论‖Introduction to Computer 1 16 1 006

20000301 就业指导‖Employment Guidance 0.5 8 0.5 020

21020503 军事理论*‖Military Theory* 2 16 16 2 033

21020303 军事训练*‖Military Training* 2 80 2 020

88000001 科研训练‖The Scientific Research Training 2 80 2 000

15045202马克思主义基本原理‖Introduction to the BasicPrinciples of Marxism

3 32 16 3 019



论‖ Outline to Mao Zedong Thought and TheTheoretical System of Socialist with ChineseCharacteristics

6 48 48 6 019

15045602思想道德修养与法律基础‖ Ideological andMoral Cultivation & Basic Law Education

3 32 16 3 019

21120101 体育(Ⅰ)‖P.E. (Ⅰ) 1 32 4 1 021

21220101 体育(Ⅱ)‖P.E. (Ⅱ) 1 32 4 1 021

21320101 体育(Ⅲ)‖P.E. (Ⅲ) 1 32 4 1 021

21420101 体育(Ⅳ)‖P.E. (Ⅳ) 1 32 4 1 021

36000002 形势与政策‖Position & Policy 2 16 16 2 036

15042401中国近现代史纲要‖ The Outline of ChineseModern and Contemporary History

2 24 8 2 019


Compulsory Course·Course of Discipline Education

06000702 Visual C++程序设计‖C++ Programming Design 4 48 16 4 006

06000901 Visual C++课程设计‖Course Design in C++ 1 40 1 006

11120804 大学物理(Ⅰ)‖College Physics (Ⅰ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11220804 大学物理(Ⅱ)‖College Physics (Ⅱ) 3.5 56 3.5 013

11120904大学物理实验(Ⅰ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

11220904大学物理实验(Ⅱ)‖Experiments in CollegePhysics (Ⅱ)

1.5 24 1.5 013

03022506 分析化学‖Analytical Chemistry 2.5 24 16 2.5 003

11123301 高等数学(Ⅰ)‖Calculus (Ⅰ) 5 80 5 013

11223301 高等数学(Ⅱ)‖Calculus (Ⅱ) 6 96 6 013

05021702 工程制图‖Engineering Drawing 4 50 14 4 001

11031201 线性代数‖Linear Algebra 2.5 40 2.5 013


Compulsory Course·Specialized fundamental Course

16033904 半导体物理★‖Semiconductor Physics★ 3 46 2 3 016

16030001材料工程综合训练*‖Comprehensive Trainingon Materials Engineering*

4 160 4 016

16121203材料科学基础(Ⅰ)‖Fundamentals of MaterialScience(Ⅰ)

1.5 24 1.5 016

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

16221203材料科学基础(Ⅱ)‖Fundamentals of MaterialScience(Ⅱ)

4 64 4 016

16033201材料科学与工程导论★*‖ Introduction toMaterials Science and Engineering★*

1 16 1 016

16031001材 料 力 学 行 为 ‖ Mechanical Behavior ofMaterials

3 40 8 3 016

16133203材料物理化学(Ⅰ)‖Physical Chemistry ofMaterials(Ⅰ)

3 40 8 3 016

16233203材料物理化学(Ⅱ)‖Physical Chemistry ofMaterials(Ⅱ)

2 24 8 2 016

16021701 材料物理性能‖Physical Properties of Materials 2 32 2 016

16026701材料研究方法‖Analysis Methods in MaterialsScience

4 48 16 4 016

10021301 电工学‖Electrical Engineering 3 40 8 3 004

11023801 工程力学‖Engineering Mechanics 3 44 4 3 013

16029502 固体物理‖Solid State Physics 4 64 4 016

01024101机械设计基础‖ Fundamentals of MechanicalDesign

3 44 4 3 001

23020104 金属工艺实习‖Metalworking Training 2 80 2 022

16036901纳米材料基础实验*‖Basic Experiments inNanomaterial*

2 32 2 016


Compulsory Course·Specialized Course

16033905半导体材料与器件★‖Semiconductor Materialand Device★

3 46 2 3 016

16039001半导体器件TCAD设计‖Technology ComputerAided Design of Semiconductor Device

2 28 4 2 016

16026305 毕业设计‖Graduation Project 14 560 14 016

16025805 毕业实习‖Graduation Practice 4 160 4 016

16023301光电子材料与器件‖Optoelectronic Materialsand Devices

3 44 4 3 016

16038901光 电 子 器 件 实 验 ‖ Photoelectric DevicesExperiment

1 16 1 016

16037502纳米材料及制备‖Nanomaterial Science andPreparation

2.5 36 4 2.5 016

16038002 认识实习‖Cognition Practice 2 80 2 016

16039101微纳米加工工艺课程设计‖Curriculum Designof Micro-Nano Processing

1 40 1 016

16026401微 纳 米 加 工 技 术 ‖ Micro-NanofabricationTechnologies

3 44 4 3 016


Optional Course· Specialized Optional Course

16035803薄 膜材 料 与技 术‖ Thin Film Materials andTechnology

2.5 38 2 2.5 016

16036601 材料失效分析‖Failure Analysis of Material 2 32 2 016

16023901电子封装材料与工艺‖Electronic Packaging andMaterials Technology

2 30 2 2 016

16037801计 算 机 在 纳 米 材 料 与 技 术 中 的 应 用 ‖

Computational Technique in NanomaterialScience and Nanotechnology

2 24 8 2 016

16034501教授授课研讨式课程*‖Seminar on MaterialsScience and Engineering*

1 16 1 016

16031801 实验设计‖Design of Experiment 2 28 4 2 016

16024701太 阳 电 池 原 理 及 应 用 ‖ Principle andApplication of Solar Cells

2.5 38 2 2.5 016

07030201 项目管理‖Project Management 2 32 2 007

16030501学科前沿系列讲座*‖Lectures on Frontiers ofMaterials Science and Engineering *

1 16 1 016

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



CourseNo课 程 名 称

Course Name学 分


课 内 学 时

Credit Hours学期 Semester 开课学



讲 课

Lecture实 践

PracticeⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ

16038501专 业 科 技 写 作 * ‖ Professional TechnicalWriting*

1 16 1 016

必修课程汇总‖‖Compulsory Courses Total 152 1650 1626 22.5 22 24 21.5 18.5 16.5 11 16

选修课程汇总‖ Specialized Optional CoursesTotal

18 270 18 2 5 4.5 6.5

注:1.课程名称标有“*”的课程为夏季学期开设的课程,I, III, V, VII 分别包含夏季、秋季两个学期,II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ为春季学期;



Notes: 1. Courses with “*” are for summer semester. No. I, III, V, VII are for both summer and autumn semesters. No. II, IV, Ⅵ, Ⅷ are for spring semester.2. Courses with “★” are taught both in Chinese and English. Courses with “▼” are taught in English ,Other courses are taught in Chinese.

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


附录一:南京理工大学关于制定 2014 版本科培养计划的指导意见





决定制定 2014 版本科培养计划。为保证本轮本科培养计划的制定工作顺利进行,提出如下意见。



























5. 夯实基础。大力提高基础课程的教学质量,推进基础课教学内容改革,改革基础课程教学模式,开



6. 与国际接轨。树立国际化的教育理念,研究国际高水平大学同类学科的培养方案及课程设置特点,

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表











毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 6 学分、马克思主义基本原理 3 学分、中国近代史纲要 2

学分、思想道德修养与法律基础 3 学分、形势与政策 1 学分。


会主义理论体系概论为 3+3 模式,课堂讲授与课内实践(参观、讨论、讲座、报告等)学时比为 1:1。马克

思主义基本原理、思想道德修养与法律基础为 2+1 模式,课堂讲授与课内实践学时比为 2:1。



8 学分;二级可免修大学英语(Ⅰ),修读大学英语(Ⅱ)4 学分。学校鼓励英语水平较高学生选修高级英语

课程。其他语种须修满相应语种共计 8 学分。外语专业须修读 8学分的第二外国语课程。

C. 军事体育类

军事理论 2 学分、军事训练 2 学分、体育 4 学分。




E. 计算机基础类

计算机基础类课程包括大学计算机导论和计算思维两门课程,每门课程 1 学分。各专业可根据专业培养

要求选择其中 1 门课程作为必修课程。

F. 创新研修:本科生科研训练等






B.工程技术类: 图学类、信息技术应用类和工程技术实习类课程。





南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


A. 专业基础课程





B. 专业方向课程



规模达 60 人以上的专业原则上可根据学科、专业研究现状,设置若干个专业方向课程模块。为加强学生对

专业内涵、研究水平、发展现状的认识,各专业可根据实际情况设置 1~2 学分专业导论课。








计划。实践教学环节累计学时,理科类、经管、文法类专业一般不应少于总学时 30%,工科类、艺术类专业

一般不应少于总学时的 40%。

A. 实验

包括独立设课和非独立设课两种。理工、艺术类专业至少安排 3个综合性课程设计或综合实验;文法、

经管、外语类专业必须完成学年论文或社会调查论文 3篇。




C. 毕业设计(论文)







2. 学院重新审视教学内容,加大对课程的整合力度,对所有课程进行详细论证;鼓励开设目标明确、




3. 个性发展课程由学校统筹规划,开课单位负责建设。各专业应设置 25 学分左右的专业选修课程(专

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表



排开课学期。各专业必须开设 3门及以上,能同时用中、英文讲授的课程。

4. 课程的学分与学时结构。一般理论性较强的课程每 16 学时计 1学分,并按 1:1 确定课内、外学时比;

需要教师全程参与、现场指导且无课外作业要求的课程每 32 学时为 1 学分;集中实践环节,如课程设计、

综合实验、学年论文、实习、毕业设计(论文)等, 1 周为 1学分。应精心、合理、科学地分配课程各教学



期安排课程总学分不超过 4学分,春、秋季学期不超过 25 学分;集中实践环节应尽可能地安排在夏季学期。



所占比例为 60%;军事理论、思想政治理论课以及实践类课程为考查课程,以平时成绩为主,所占比例为




逐步实现 50%以上的专业课能进行全英文授课。鼓励有条件的学院同时制定副修、双学位培养方案。






1.专业介绍(含专业沿革、专业优势与特色、就业与服务面向等,不超过 500 字)

2.培养目标 (含本专业培养的毕业生应具备的知识和能力、所胜任的工作、领域、人才类型定位等)

3.培养要求 (本专业学生主要学习的基本理论和基本知识,受到的基本训练,掌握的基本能力)







南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表




课程分类理科类 工科类 经管类 文法类 艺术类








思想政治教育类 15

外国语类 8

军事体育类 8

创新创业类 4

计算机基础类 1





践 24-34)


35-40 35 25-30工程技术类





79-74 79 79-74



发展20 选修






通识教育 8

学分合计 170 170 160 160 160

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


附录二: 南京理工大学本科专业目录(2014.10)序号 学科门类 专业类 专业代码 专业名称 学制 学位类别 类型 学院

01 法学 法学类 030101K 法学 四年 法学 普通本科 人文与社会科学学院

02 法学 法学类 030102T 知识产权 二年 法学 第二学位 人文与社会科学学院

03 法学 社会学类 030302 社会工作 四年 法学 普通本科 人文与社会科学学院

04 工学 安全科学与工程类 082901 安全工程 四年 工学 普通本科 化工学院

05 工学 兵器类 082101 武器系统与工程 四年 工学 普通本科 机械工程学院

06 工学 兵器类 082102 武器发射工程 四年 工学 普通本科 动力工程学院

07 工学 兵器类 082103 探测制导与控制技术 四年 工学 普通本科 电子工程与光电技术学院

08 工学 兵器类 082104 弹药工程与爆炸技术 四年 工学 普通本科 机械工程学院

09 工学 兵器类 082105 特种能源技术与工程 四年 工学 普通本科 化工学院

10 工学 兵器类 082106 装甲车辆工程 四年 工学 普通本科 机械工程学院

11 工学 兵器类 082107 信息对抗技术 四年 工学 普通本科 电子工程与光电技术学院

12 工学 材料类 080401 材料科学与工程 四年 工学 普通本科 材料科学与工程学院

13 工学 材料类 080402 材料物理 四年 工学 普通本科 材料科学与工程学院

14 工学 材料类 080403 材料化学 四年 工学 普通本科 化工学院

15 工学 材料类 080407 高分子材料与工程 四年 工学 普通本科 化工学院

16 工学 材料类 080413T 纳米材料与技术 四年 工学 普通本科 材料科学与工程学院

17 工学 电气类 080601 电气工程及其自动化 四年 工学 普通本科 自动化学院

18 工学 电气类 080602T 智能电网信息工程 四年 工学 普通本科 自动化学院

19 工学 电子信息类 080701 电子信息工程 四年 工学 普通本科 电子工程与光电技术学院

20 工学 电子信息类 080702 电子科学与技术 四年 工学 普通本科 电子工程与光电技术学院

21 工学 电子信息类 080703 通信工程 四年 工学 普通本科 电子工程与光电技术学院

22 工学 电子信息类 080704 微电子科学与工程 四年 工学 普通本科 电子工程与光电技术学院

23 工学 电子信息类 080705 光电信息科学与工程 四年 工学 普通本科 电子工程与光电技术学院

24 工学 电子信息类 080705 光电信息科学与工程 四年 理学 普通本科 理学院

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


序号 学科门类 专业类 专业代码 专业名称 学制 学位类别 类型 学院

25 工学 航空航天类 082002 飞行器设计与工程 四年 工学 普通本科 机械工程学院

26 工学 核工程类 082202 辐射防护与核安全 四年 工学 普通本科 环境与生物工程学院

27 工学 化工与制药类 081301 化学工程与工艺 四年 工学 普通本科 化工学院

28 工学 化工与制药类 081302 制药工程 四年 工学 普通本科 化工学院

29 工学 环境科学与工程类 082502 环境工程 四年 工学 普通本科 环境与生物工程学院

30 工学 机械类 080201 机械工程 四年 工学 普通本科 机械工程学院

31 工学 机械类 080202 机械设计制造及其自动化 四年 工学 普通本科 机械工程学院

32 工学 机械类 080203 材料成型及控制工程 四年 工学 普通本科 材料科学与工程学院

33 工学 机械类 080205 工业设计 四年 工学 普通本科 设计艺术与传媒学院

34 工学 机械类 080205H 工业设计 四年 工学 合作办学 设计艺术与传媒学院

35 工学 机械类 080207 车辆工程 四年 工学 普通本科 机械工程学院

36 工学 计算机类 080901 计算机科学与技术 四年 工学 普通本科 计算机科学与工程学院

37 工学 计算机类 080902 软件工程 四年 工学 普通本科 计算机科学与工程学院

38 工学 计算机类 080903 网络工程 四年 工学 普通本科 计算机科学与工程学院

39 工学 计算机类 080907T 智能科学与技术 四年 工学 普通本科 计算机科学与工程学院

40 工学 力学类 080102 工程力学 四年 工学 普通本科 理学院

41 工学 能源动力类 080501 能源与动力工程 四年 工学 普通本科 动力工程学院

42 工学 能源动力类 080503T 新能源科学与工程 四年 工学 普通本科 动力工程学院

43 工学 生物工程类 083001 生物工程 四年 工学 普通本科 环境与生物工程学院

44 工学 土木类 081001 土木工程 四年 工学 普通本科 理学院

45 工学 土木类 081002 建筑环境与能源应用工程 四年 工学 普通本科 动力工程学院

46 工学 仪器类 080301 测控技术与仪器 四年 工学 普通本科 机械工程学院

47 工学 自动化类 080801 自动化 四年 工学 普通本科 自动化学院

48 工学 自动化类 080802T 轨道交通信号与控制 四年 工学 普通本科 自动化学院

49 管理学 电子商务类 120801 电子商务 四年 管理学 普通本科 经济管理学院

50 管理学 工商管理类 120201K 工商管理 四年 管理学 普通本科 经济管理学院

南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2014本科专业介绍及教学计划进程表


序号 学科门类 专业类 专业代码 专业名称 学制 学位类别 类型 学院

51 管理学 工商管理类 120202 市场营销 二年 管理学 第二学位 经济管理学院

52 管理学 工商管理类 120202 市场营销 四年 管理学 普通本科 经济管理学院

53 管理学 工商管理类 120203K 会计学 四年 管理学 普通本科 经济管理学院

54 管理学 工商管理类 120204 财务管理 四年 管理学 普通本科 经济管理学院

55 管理学 工商管理类 120206 人力资源管理 四年 管理学 普通本科 经济管理学院

56 管理学 工业工程类 120701 工业工程 四年 工学 普通本科 机械工程学院

57 管理学 公共管理类 120401 公共事业管理 四年 管理学 普通本科 人文与社会科学学院

58 管理学 管理科学与工程类 120102 信息管理与信息系统 四年 管理学 普通本科 经济管理学院

59 经济学 金融学类 020301K 金融学 四年 经济学 普通本科 经济管理学院

60 经济学 经济学类 020101 经济学 四年 经济学 普通本科 经济管理学院

61 经济学 经济与贸易类 020401 国际经济与贸易 二年 经济学 第二学位 经济管理学院

62 经济学 经济与贸易类 020401 国际经济与贸易 四年 经济学 普通本科 经济管理学院

63 理学 化学类 070302 应用化学 四年 工学 普通本科 化工学院

64 理学 数学类 070101 数学与应用数学 四年 理学 普通本科 理学院

65 理学 数学类 070102 信息与计算科学 四年 理学 普通本科 理学院

66 理学 统计学类 071202 应用统计学 四年 理学 普通本科 理学院

67 理学 物理学类 070202 应用物理学 四年 理学 普通本科 理学院

68 文学 外国语言文学类 050201 英语 四年 文学 普通本科 外国语学院

69 文学 外国语言文学类 050207 日语 四年 文学 普通本科 外国语学院

70 文学 新闻传播学类 050302 广播电视学 四年 文学 普通本科 设计艺术与传媒学院

71 艺术学 设计学类 130502 视觉传达设计 四年 艺术学 普通本科 设计艺术与传媒学院

72 艺术学 设计学类 130503 环境设计 四年 艺术学 普通本科 设计艺术与传媒学院

73 艺术学 设计学类 130504 产品设计 四年 艺术学 普通本科 设计艺术与传媒学院