1971-01 january the electrical workers' journal.pdf - ibew


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The objects of the International Brotherhood of Electr ica l Workers are: To organize all workers in the entire electrical industry, including all those in public utilities and electrical manufacturing, into local unions, to promote reasonable methods of work , to cultivate feelings of friendship among those of our industry, to settle all disputes between employers and employes by arbitration (if possible) , to assist each other in sickness or distress, to secure employment, to reduce the hours of daily labor, to secure adequate pay for our work, to seek a higher and higher standard of living, to seek security for the individual, and by legal and proper means to elevate the moral, intellectual and social conditions of our members, their families and dependents, in the interest of a higher standard of citizenship.


EXECUTIVE OFFI CE RS CHARI.ES II . PII . LAIID ht~"'dli_od I·r~.;,t ... ,

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Official Publication of the International Brotherhood of Elect rical Workers


Volume 70, No. 1 January, 1971

Features Annual Meeting of System Council EM· I , Atlanta ,

Georgia National Electrica l Week, Feb. 7·13, 197 1 The Chicopee Story IBEW Founders' Scholarship Program ISEW Members Produce "Better Ideas"

Departments Editorial Comment ISEW Members in the News Washington labor Report Congressional Cable Apprenticeship and Training Safety TIps Handyman 's Corner With the ladies Local lines Research and Education In Memoriam Death Claims

On Our Cover-

5 8

10 12 17

2 3 4 9

14 15 16 18 22 28 54 55

"What is it?" is the question you no doubt are asking yourself. This truly fantastic picture was taken by the Institute for Mate· rials Research, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. It shows pa rt of the double spiral tungsten filamen t from a used fluorescent lamp and was made in the National Bureau of Standards' Scanning Electron Microprobe at about 100 X magnification. The red intensity is proportional to the target current to the wire, the blue intensity to the time differential of this current. The white ridges fo rmed at the boundaries of the large recrystalized tungsten grains during service. The triple oxide coating was removed with dilute Hel prior to photograph· ing by Dr. Jurt F. J. Heinrich and Dr. Harvey Yakowitz.

Editorial COllnDeDt


By Charl~s H. PIllard, International President

New Year Presents Us with Opportunity to Reflect On the Brotherhood 's " Objects" and Further Our Cause.

~ As we begin to work and live in this new year, it seems to be a good time to pause a moment and think how, in the days. weeks, and months ahead, the progress of our Brotherhood can be further advanced to bring more security to all rSEW members. As all our local union officers and members are well aware, things are already beginning to become a little tough. There always has been a marked resistance toward letting unions achieve too much success. either at the bargaining table or by adding new members in organizing efforts. With Increased restrictions and additional anti·labor legislation all aimed at defeating organized labor's Just causes, it just isn't easy these days to make steady progress. Despite all the hindrances that might delay us slightly, there is no reason why the ISEW cannot continue to pursue its objects and goals.

First. we have to consider that we are not just an organization; we are a Brotherhood. We are a service organization morally obligated to make the ISEW, not Just the largest, but also the best union from the point of service to all the members and to the electrical industry from which we gain our livelihood. This fact should be stressed to any and all members. In 100 many local unions. we have many dedicated officers who work hard to accomplish and perform tasks With minimum help from the loyal rank and file. Surprisingly. at times. progress is made. But much more could be accom­plished if those officers received complete cooperation from JII the members. The objects fo r which the IBEW was founded are for every member to promote Ihe enti re Brotherhood so that all members and their families can have a happy li fe. Electrical workers in every segment of the industry have been the concern of our Brotherhood since 1891. Their work and welfare is most Important. and the best job we know how to do must be done in unity. Right now is the time to make a pledge that you. as a member of our great labor organization. will take a good look at the preamble of our IBEW Constitution and renew once again The "Objects" for which our Brotherhood was founded. They are just as Important to us today as they were 10 the founders of our union. Those "Objects" In our Constitution point the way to making ours a real Brotherhood. They set the guidelines for us to follow which will make our union and every member in It a tower of strength as we move forward , always striVing to better ourselves and the society in which we live.


IBEW Members

International Representative George J. Knaly Re·Elected Cha irman, Government Employees Council

~ Internatjonal Representative George J. Knaly. Di rector of Gm· crllm CIl{ Operations, lI3EW, \\;JS

elected chai rm an of thc GO\ crnmcnl Employcc~ Cou ncil. AFL-CIO. for the ensu ing year at ils December, 1970. meeting. International Rep· rcscnt;llivc Kna ly Iws been one of Ihc JBEW dclo:gatc~ 10 the GEe since 1962. and he has served a~ an elected member of thc Board of Directors frolll 1966 until his initial electIon ;\s chairm:m iH the councirs January I, 1970. meeting.

• In the News

Thc GEe is cu rrently composed of 35 lI.uional :md intern.uion:!1 un­ions :;md represents approximatdy 1.2-million fcdcral crnplo~cc mCIll­

bcr~ through those aflilintcd postal UlljtJll~ and o ther AF L-C IO unions that rl!preSCrH federal cmployel!s in whoic. or in pan. 'I he eotlnei l. in cooperation with the aflili:Hed na­tional and irHanal iorwl un iom and the AI-L-C IO Department of Legi-,­lation, h;b fulfilled tho! legislative need:. of fl!der;11 employees by mak­in~ n,:prl.'sent:llions 10 Congress in their behal f \\'ith a st rong unilied \oice.

Orlicers elected to the GEe in December arc Vice Chairman J. Swnly Lewis, Vice I)resident. Na­tional Association of Leuer Car­riers; Secretary-Treasurer J:lllle'l F. Bai ley, general representative. Uniled Brotherhood of Carpenters and J oine r~; Board of Director,> membcrl> John F. Griner, Pr~si(kn t , American Feder:Hion of G mern­mellt Employees; Henry T . WilSall, Director and cOlllll>d. Federal Pub­lic Service Di vision. Labor\!fl>' Int er­national Union; Michael J . Cullen. President, National Associ;ltioll of Spcci.IJ Ocli\ery Messengers; CharJc" G. P;llusb, special repre­senl:ltive, InternatIOnal Union of Operming Engineers; Chester W.

Local 581 Participating In New Health Service


Bert Carr, Assist, ant Busilless Man· ager of Local 581. Mornstown. N. J .. prepares for blood pressure check in mobile Health Care + A Van as part of an exten· slVe health screen· ing, as members of hiS tocal partl' clpated m a new health service de· veloped by the Warner· Lambert Pharmaceutical Company of Mor· r is Plams, N. J.

I}arrish, President, National Federa­tion of Post Oflicc Motor Vehicle Employces; and Monroc C. Crable, Prc!oidclll. National A<;~oci:l1i()n of p()~t Office and Gcneral Scn ices M:l illtcnance Employees.

Brother Sedivy Named To Advisory Committee

Joseph F. Sedivy. Secretary· Treasurer 01 the OhiO State BUlldmg and Construction Trades CounCil, has been named to t he U. S. Department 01 Interior AdVISOry Committee to help develop health and salety standards l or non·coal mines. A member 01 the IBEW, Brother SediVy was busmess manager of Local 129. Lorain, OhiO, lor 18 years. He is an act ive ciVIC leader In Lorain and the surroundmg communities.

Ends Distinguished Career

F. E. Fair, long·tlme member of the !BEW and General Manager of the Eastern Iowa Light & Power Cooperative since 1944, was recently honored at a speCial IIldustry dinner lor his dIS!ln · I!:ulshed career in the rural electrlfica· hon movement. He retire<! December 31, 1970. During Brother Fair'S 27 years, the cooperatlVe's Investment III lines, substations. and equipment grew from $2 mltlion to more than $29 mil· lion.


W ashington L a bor R e port

Unemployment Rate of 5.8% Is Highest in 7.5 Years

New ISEW Fi lm, "Where To," Released For Showing

AFl-CIO Urges Congress To Pass Stronger Food Stamp Bill , Including Strikers ' Rights

Supreme Court Agrees To Rule on labor Department 's Power to Police Internal Affairs of Unions

Notion Is Spreading That Nixon Could Be One-Term President


The Labor Depar t ment has reported that a bigger-tha n­usual rise in unecployment 1n November and a drop 1n non- farm jobs, pushed the nation's jobless rate up to 5 . 8%, the highest level in seven and one- half years . In response to the latest announcement . AFL- CI O officials called the continuing rise in the jobless rate " tragic , n a nd added that "we wished that our predic t ions had not been so accurate .~ Average weekly earnings . reflecting the decline in the work week, dropped 66 cents to 5121. 07 . Over the year ended in October, the average weekly earnings were down 2% when adjusted for consumer price increases . Factory overtime also declined two- tenths of an hour to 2 . 5 hours, the loy.'est since April , 1963 . The I BEW ' s newly- produced. half-hour, color movie dealing with the problems of communications and understanding among diverse segments of American society is now ready for national distribution . Entitled, -Where TO,· it is a fast - moving movie aimed at bringing the nation together . The setting is the national monuments, parks , government buildings, and ghettos of metropolitan Washington, D. C. Any AFL- CI O union or other in t erested group can make application to receive and show the film by writing : IBEW, 1200 Fifteenth St . , N. W. , Washington, D. C. 20005 . In a s pecial letter to meobers of the U. S . House of Representatives , AFL- CIO Legislative Director Andrew J. Biemiller has urged Congress to enact a substantially- more improved food stamp bill than has been reported by a House Co~mittee, as this issue of the Journal 'A'ent to press . The letter also asked defeat of any effort to amend the bill so as to deprive needy persons on strike from obtaining stamps . The U. S . Supreme Court has agreed t o study and make a ruling on the scope of the U. S. Labor Department ' s authority to police the internal affairs of unions . Because of the 1959 Labor- Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, the Department of Labor can sue to change union vo t ing practices and certain other matters . This is after a member has not gained reform through internal union procedures and has filed 8 complaint with the Labor Depar t ment. The decision should come some ti me i n 1971. The belief that Richard Nixon migh t not win re - elec ti on is spreading in Washi ngton circles . Specifically , economic policymakers are thinking that t he state of the economy may spe ll trouble for Nixon in 1972 in terms of re - elec tion hopes . Rumors are flyi ng around the nation ' s capital t ha t monied Republican liberals are already seeking a candidat e to meet Nixon head- on in the 1972 Republican primaries . As yet , few names are be ing mentioned .


Annual Meeting of

System Council EM-I Atlanta, Georgia

Shown at head table, left to right, are International Representative John Zal­usky. Research and Education Depart· ment: Eighth District Vice President S. E. Thompson; Filth Dlstnct Vice Presl· dent J. B. Pate; Director of Manufac· tunng Operations Paul H. Menger; International PreSident Charles H. Pil· lard; Council Secretary· Treasurer Willard Pease; CounCil PreSident Michael Gober; CounCil VII;:e PreSident Jesse Dupree; and Couilcil ExecUlive Board members Gerry Sed lacko, LouIs Nunner, and Edwin Scarinzi.


.. The tBEW Sy~tclll Council EM-I, representing appruxima tdy 15.000 W":-~Iingh{)usc cmplo),cc", held II~ I .. hh Annual Uu~inc\S Con­ference at the Atlanta American rVlO\Of Hotel in Allam:!. Georgia. Oil OClObcr 30th-3 1st.

-lllC meeting W:IS chaired by Council P rc~idenl Michael Gober. Loe.il I H83, Willes-Barre. Penns),l­\ania. who presided o\er 1\\0. full dOl)'> of business procccdings.

-, he delegate!> were honored hy the presence of Inlernational Pres i­tlcnl Ch nrlc~ Pilla rd. \\ ho addrc~~cd thl.! meeting on October 30th, AI,o allending and ,tddrc.,<,ing the asselll­bled delegales. "cre Vice PrC.,iJcnl J. B. Pate of the Fifth Di,l ricl ; \ 'icc Prc:.idcllt Stanky Thompwll of the Eighth District : H;lrry Bex]ey. [ Iller~

na lional EXl!cutivc Cou ncil mcmher of th l! Fourth Intcrnat ional EXl!cu· thl! Council Di"trict. and P;IUI II. Menger. IBE\\ Dir~'ctor of Manu~ r"clUring Operations.

International Rcprc,>cntati\e John Z<llusky of the International Onicc'" Rl!sc;lreh and Education Dcpart~ IIlcnt pTe:oented ;1 very c()mprehcn~ :oi\'e scminnr on iob c\ aluation tech· niques, \\ ith cmpha~js on the \\'e"l~ inghou .. e systcm of total job eOIll~

parh.on, after which the dck-galcs

transacted all couocil busincss on the agenda.

I h~ final order of hu .. iness hcfore thc ddcgates was the cleClion of oflkers for the eT15uing 1970-1972 term of oflice.

Those eiccted for the next three· year term of office arc President Gober; Vice President Jcs<;e J. Du­pree, Local 1903, \Iontcvallo. Ala­bama: Secrctary-Treasurer Willard J . Pease. Loc:!1 1833. Horschcad!o. '\c\\ York: and EXCClllh-c Boanl members Lou is A. Nunner. Local 2070, Cincinnat i, Ohio; G. A. Sed­lacko. Local liJ 63. Young\\ood. I)cnnsylvania: Ed\\ in Scarinzi. Local 1035. Ne\\ a rJ... New Jersey; Grady ParJ..~, LOC;ll 1136, Lin le Rod, AT­J..an~as; amI John Cod,eriwlll, Local 20 I, Beaver. Penm) iV:Lni;l.

Fo llowing the h:ll1oting. the nc\~ly-c1ected ofliccrs were sworn in by International ReprescnI:uhc Or­ric Babish of the Ninth District :lIld a~<;umcd office immediately.

The;,e oftker<; witl compri~c the National Negotiating Comm itt cc wh ich will face Westinghouse in the 1973 contract year.

J he conferencc was well attended by delcgates nnd alternutes from lo­cals across the countr). as \~ell as mally International Reprcsentati\c .. \\ho service We~tinghome plant ....



System Council EM -1

Oelegates and representatives are shown at the registration desk.

2 Delegates and representatives care fu lly pay attention to tI,e program of the 14th Annual Business Con ference of System Council EM· l.

3 CounCil President Michael Gober addresses the delegates. Sealed IS Willard Pease, CounCil Secretary-Treasurer from local 1883, Horse­heads, N.Y.

4 Paul H. Menger, Director of Manufacturing Operat ions addresses the conference. Shown also are Council Vice President Jesse Dupree LU 1903. Montevallo. Ala.; CounCil Executive Board member Gerry Sedlacko, LU 1963, Youngwood, Pa.

S The 14th Annual Busmes5 Conference of System CounCil EM ·I was well attended by delegates and alternates from tocals across the country, as well as many International Representatives who serve Westinghouse plants.



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"Electricity Is for People" is Iht 15th anniversary theme of National Electrical Week. As in the past. the plannrng gUIde, which is built around the 1971 theme. wrll assist the electrical industry in organizing and carrying out an effective observance. The guide, held by Mrss Mary Lou Thomure at National Electrical Week Headquarters in 51. Louis, is now being distrrbuted.

~ '"Electricity Is for People" is the theme fo r the 197 1 Na tional Elcclrical Week to be observed throughout the United Siaies and Canada from February 7th through the 13th.

Complete kits for planning local and regional obscnanccs of Na­tional Flcclrical Week have been dj'lribulcd \0 sOllie 6.500 major dis­tribution [Xlin!" in both the U.S. and Canad: .. The lit contains sample publicil) and ad\crtising. materials. proclamations. sug.g~stions for youth programs. and hundreds of ideas for e\ents ;1111.1 :lctivities that have pr()v~1I to be successful in past local :Ind regiOlwl ob~en ances. Speeches. hanncr~. decals. place mats. bal­loon... sticlers. and other helpful items can be ordered from a listing included in the pla nning guides.

Roocrt w. BaschnageL Ch'lirman of the Sponsoring Commillee. said. "Empha~is in the 1971 materials is on the industry's sen icc to the peo­ple. as expressed in the new theme. 'Electricit} h fo r People.' Nation:11 Electrical Week gi\es us a real op­portunity to join hands in making known our contributions to our communities. regions. and nations."

The planning. guides \\erc s~nt to e1ectric'll manufacturers. contr;lc­tors. distributors. utilities. I BEW local unions. and major industry suppliers. The purpose of National Electrical Week is to bring attention to the electrical indu .. try and elec­tricity's broad rung~ of services to the people in the United States and Canada.

The electrical industry is rcspon­~ible for boosting the economy by ~rnploying o .. cr thrce million people. \\hich put<; billions of dollars into circulation each year. nle industry directly cmploys people in manu­facturing. construction. distribution. \t'nice. :lIld power generation. and these branches of the industry caliSC many more people to be emplo}'~d in ;lllied industries.

National Electrical Week is the time to talc a good look at the marvelous and gigantic indust!) \\ hich plays such an importalll part in the Ihes of all or us. All IBEW local unions and its members are urged !O take an active part in the obscn ance of this important indus­try event.



Familiar Face Before Congressional Committees. Nader Issues Toy Balloon Warning

AFl-CIO Thanks Represen tative Mills for Alerting the Public On Health Crisis

Senator-Elect Hubert H. Humphrey Seeking Democratic Unity on 1972 Candidate

latest Job Injury Statistics Should Boost Chances for Job Sa fety Bill in Congress

Consumer advocate Relph Nader , a familiar face before congressional hearings, has just issued a warning t o t he government tha t billions of toy balloons may be funnelling asbestos dus t into the lungs of children. Nader said talc that is used in the inner walls of rubber balloons may be contaminated wi th asbes tos dust . Talc is used to keep the sides of the balloons from s ticking together . When thi s happen s , it is hard to blow a balloon up . "An immi­nent hazard exists for a large segment of our population, and thus , existent stocks of contaminated balloons must be destroyed, " Nader said in a letter to the F~d and Drug Administration ' s Bureau of Product Safety .

The AFL- CI O has thanked Representative Wilbur O. Mills ID- Ark . ) , Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee , for bringing to public a ttention - t he crisis of costs in the health industry . · Andrew J. Biemiller, AFL- CIO Director of Legislation, wrote Representative Mills that he made "a significant contribution by pointing out the dangers of cost - plus­~eimbursement which contributes to the escalating costs of medical care ." The labor movement, accord­ing to Biemiller, will be backing a bill to be introduced in the next Congress to establish a national heal t h insurance .

StreSSi ng that Pre sident Nixon would be no push- over in 1972 , Senator- elect Hubert H. Humphrey is pushing for the Democratic Party to unite behind a s ingle candidate for President in 1971 to avoid a party split in the 1972 presidential e lections . Humphrey saId , " I am interested in the party ' s winning in 1972 . The party is deep in deb t and has been wracked by disunity . My Democratic friendS have got to realize that we can ' t squander money, energy, and t alent in fratricidal warfare. I am a living example of this . I lost the election because of it, and I don ' t like it" .

A preliminary work- injury report, just released by the Labor Department , should help lobor's plea before Congress for a strong occupational health and safety law . The report , coming from the Department ' s Bureau of Labor Statistics, showed tha t , in 1969, the injury frequency rate--the number of disabling in­jurieS per million employee-hours worked--increased t o the highest level in almost 20 years . The rates for 18 of the 21 major industry groups in ma nufac­turing we re higher in 1969 than in 1968. The injury rate in contract con s truction also rose, reversing a long period of general ly- declining rates .

... The minutes of the Ilcdly manage ment and union meeling be­tween Ihe F, W, Sickles Di vi .. ion of the General Inst rument Corporat ion and IHEW Loc:.1 Union 1500. Chicopee, M assachusetts. on Au­gust 3, 11)6-1 , read as follows:

"Mr, Cohefl {/{It/res.led tile /lIIioll re/Jr('.I('lIll1ti\·e~ rt!/alir(! /0 IIII' opell­illg of {/ 1'/(/11/ ill Tojll'(/II. Il l' sill/I,d IIUI/ IiiI' 0IIt'lIiIlM of (/ gl'//{'w/ i//\/(II­lIIellt I)twlt ill '/ aiwtlll W{II {III illdlls­Irial 11101'(' to fight fOri·i!:!11 cOlll/lni­lioll, ellie/h' ill Japal1 l/ml / wh, (/Iuf ro strengtllt'll IIIl' COIll/IllI/,r'\ flOli­tiull ill lhe Il'Iel'ir;oll ;"dllflf.\'. lie f lll'lller .slatl'l/ Ifllll Ihe 11l'1I' /1101'('. hOIl'I' I'l'I', .\fl(m/tl II()/ 11",'1' (11/1' ad­I'er,w~ eUl'cl 011 /lIIsim'l!!' 1II ,Ill' Chi­copee II/till I (lml ,11m IIU' loll' ("OH 0/ /JrOdlll'illg ;11 'I (/ill"(/II \l'ifJ ('1Il/ble the COII/flal/)' 10 lew?! aU Iheir ,I£llfillg price."

And thus bCg:Ul the Chicopee story- a ~tory that was 10 :l lert, for the nex t six years, \\urkcr\ in the electron ics indmtry of the loss of thOlls:md .. of jobs due to the trans­rer of their production lines to low-


wa!;c Oh'r~cas arcas, It"s the story o f Amcriean jobs

also, and Ihcy have told it to COI1-

gressmcn. senators, g.overno rs. two Presidcllls o f the United States, :md to their fe llow trade union mcm­bers.

At peak e mplo}mel1 t. Lac,,] 1500 h:ld 3AOO lllember,-2,500 at the Chicopee, M a\SiLC husClh, pla nt and a no ther 900 at the cOl1lpaTl) -.., ncar­by Ludl(J\l, Mas~achu\eth, plant. Bul h p];mb \\\: I t.: Ullil~ ur the Gen­eral Instrument Corporation.

Local 1500's membe r~ \\orl.ed 0 11 the rn anufacilirc of IdcI i"iull com ponents and 011 gove rn lllent COll tr:ICtS.

Today, the local is down tn 850 mell1 be r\, a ll at the Chicopee plant. H:ll f of thl"it membcr, arc currently work ing 0 11 govC fIl llll'll1 cunt ract', and they' re not ~u rc how long thei r pres\!nt job~ wi JJ las t. T he Lud low pla nt was clos.cd Jawn in M;Jrch, 1969.

A Legi~la tile Action Committec w .... appoinTcd h) Ihe prc,idcn t of LU 1500 as soon as. ib membcr~hip

A port inn nf Ihp. F, W Sickles General Inst rument Corp, plant at Chicopee. Mass., IS pictured.


began d\\ ind ling. The cOl1uniltcc b\!gan its work by immcdi atcly ml0 l'ting a resolution, "Control of Fo re lg.n Imports ot I V Com­pone nts," in its own local and then submitted it to a ll futu rc dist rict progres,) meetings and state and na­lional cOlI\cnliollS of thc AFL-C IO. It was also sent to evcry state and U,S. congre'slI I;1I1 ,l lId sena to r. the TarilT Commission. the I-louse Ways and \1can~ Committcc, the Depart­mCTlt of I orcign AlTairs. and the olliee of the S[X-cial Rcpresentati\c ur T rade Negoti:ttions. Inc.

The widely circu lated resolution ca lled fu r support :lIld endorse lll cnt in an elTon to protect the members' jobs. income, and security. It a lso eallcd for ;1 com plcte study of the importation of foreign electronic prod uch, T hc Legislmivc Acrion Com mine\! of Loca l 1500 ga thered much inro rm;ltion a nd made .111 ex­l\;lIl~lhl' ~llIdy of Ihc o fT-sho re pro­duction of the Gene ra l Inst rument Corporation, \\ ilh Ihis information, Ihe commil(ce had sevaal confer­ences wilh Congressmen Ed\\ard

U. S. l abor Department certi fication for adjustment assistance to more than 2,000 unemployed workers of Local 1500, Chicopee, Mass .• as au thorized by President NI~on, IS given t o Second Dist ric t Vice Presiden t John E. Flynn by Interna tiona l Representat ive John J . Havey.

3 Looking over the long list of unemployed workers of the F. W. Sickles General Instrument Corp. at Chicopee. Mass .. who have been cerh fled as elllllbte for adjustment assl<;;tancp. hy the labor Department are.

Chicopee from left to r ight, Robert Dllion, International Representative; Muriel Otto, local 1500: Ethel Gregoi re. President, Local 1500; [sther Dubllo, Recordmg Secretary, Local 1500; Stanley Papuzenskl, Business Manager, Local 1500; and Anthony BelhssullO, Assis tant to International President t:llarles Pillard.


Boland and Silvio Conte of Massa· ChUSCllS and received their full sup· port and coope ration . Both of these congressmen con tacted Ambassador Carl Gilbert. the Presidcnt's Special Representativc for Trade Nega tia· tiom. and Commissioncr Glenn W. Sulton, of the U.S. Tariff Commi,,· ~i()n. They suggc'iitcd thai the local union ])Ctition the U.S. Tariff Com· l11i"sion for adj u, tl llcnt a'i~i~tance under the Trade Expansion Act of 1962.

" he Tmdt' 1!,lf}(Jmioll Act oj 196] I"el (/I'ide (I f/fOl"ilioll to ('lIah/e

l\'orJ.en who Imt Ilwir jOh.f (/11(' /0

i llcr('{/'W't/ impor/I 01 limilar itl'1I11 th(lf II't'r1' bl'iIl,![IIIl1II11Jacmred ill 'lit' UI/it(i'r! Sfal('I' /II(' rl.r.:'" 10 pl'lil irm

Ihe U.S. TuriD ('fIII/III;llio/1 lor wi· jlHIIIIl'1II lIUilllll/Ce.

On the b'lsis of the abO\e pro· visions. the IBF\\ liIed a petitll1n on to!:l) 25. I 97(). f\)r a dctermina· tioll of eligibility tn appl) for :IIJiu,t· ment a~sistance (In lx.'half of the production and maintenance I~or~· ers at the Chicopcl.' and Ludloll. Mas~achusctt'ii. planl'> of the F. W.

Sickles Division, General Instru· ment Corporation.

A public hea ring in conncction with this investiuation was held ,11 the U.S. Tariff C~mmi~sion on June 23, 1970. The IBEW and i t ~ Local 1500 testified <II the hearing in sup· port of its earlier peti tion. Thi .. was the fir~t C:ISC in the hi~tury of thc Tariff Conllll i"ioll that a public hc;tring II a~ held in a worke r .. case for adjUi-trllcnt a\\i~l<Ince.

On July 24, 1970, the Hndi llg of the cOlllmiv,ioll 1~:lS equalJ) di\ilicd. '1 h, .... ~pJit deci~i(Jn" wa~ indeed a r;m: determination on behalf of the COlllm i,,,ion.

The cornm issi()n-~ report \\la, sent to the I'r(',ident of the United States for ;. fi nal determ ination.

On October 7, 1970. J'resident Nixon broke the tic and authorized the S..-cretar) Ilf Labor tll certify the workef\ fo r benefits under the pro· \ i~ions of the 1962 1 rade Expan­sion Act. The I'rc~ident agreed that the production of tdevi~ion com· ponen'" in -, ail~ an and Portugal by the General Instrument Corpora-

lion, components that were once produced in Chicopee and Ludlow, Massachusetts, did indeed allribute to the loss of jobs.

On Novcmber 4, 1970. the Labor Department. acting on the dirccti ve from the Prcsidenl of the United St:lte~. certified the Chicopee :md Lud low worker~ I~ ho 10M thei r job-..

' I he Labor Depanment certifica­tion, the first in the electronics in· lImt ry, provides that Ilorkcrs from the Sickks plant .. \1 ho became un· emplo}ed or ulHkrcmplo}ed after October 18. 1968. arc eligible to apply for adju<,tllll'nl as~ist:Ulce . 'I hi~ a .. siSlance includl's cash rc~uJ·

justllleot allowance,. te<oting. coun· ,cling. training and job placement. and relocation. if needed or desired.

Paymenb of up to S85 a wcek ar..: '1llowcd for 52 \~eck .. , but an extcn~ion of 26 ,\-eds i!. permitted to enable workers to complete :11>-­proved training cour,cs. An addi· tional 13 weeks of pHyment is also '1lIowed for workers (Wl.'r 60 \~ Ito losl th..:ir jobs.



EXPANDED As directed by the recent

29th International Convention, the ISEW has reviewed and re­vi~ed its ISEW Founders' Schol­arship Program in an effort to offer broader opportunities for college-level education to more ISEW members. The major changes for the 1971 program arc: • The age limitation has been

removed . • The continuQus-JBEW-mem­

bership-in-good-standing re o quirement has been reduced from five to four years. This is waived in the case of an original member of a local union which has been In ex­istence less than four years. ISEW members in apprenticed skilled trades shall have com-

pleted a full apprenticeship. as established in their trade and area.

• The program has been broad­ened to allow a wide choice of curricula. offering scholar­sh ips in virtudlly ev~ry Ilhd!>~ of our industry. rather than just in electrical engineering. The scholarships are worth

$2.500 a year for up to four years of study. They can be ap­plied to study toward a college degree in anyone of the ap· proved fields listed below. A maximum of 12 scholarships will be awarded In the 1971 program. on the basis of one scholarship for each 25 quail· fied applicants.

Applicants must take the Schola!ilic Antilunp. Tpsl whir.h


BL B.S.E. BH. S.H.f. BU. RSH. B MI. B,BI E. B.S.!.£.

Bltlt' r 01 SCIent! n Aero-Space bglneering B3cnflor of Ci~'1 Eng!neer.ng Bachelor of Sc;e~c. in Ci~il Engineering Bachelor of Chemical Enlineering B3cheiOf 01 Science In ChemlCiI Englnwlng Bachelor of Engineer ng B.chelor of Sci~ce in Engineering Bachelor of f'eclflul [nglneef!ng B~dlt!lllI uf S~;tIlC~ II, ElrtliiCdl Ensinuring Bachelor 01 Engineering Science Bachelor of Science in Engineering Stience 83chfl~r III Mechanical rne nWlne B)chlor of Science In Meehln'c.l Eng nUlinK Bachelor of Stle~ce In Industr al [naneeflnl



Will be administered In commu­nities throughout the United States and Canada. The test can be taken on anyone of the following dates: January 9, 1971. or March 6. 1971.

CU11I1Jlete IIdUrrfl(1liun on this and other requirements. In·

structions, and official applica· tion forms may be obtained from your local union or by mailing the coupon below 10: ISEW Founders' Schol<l rship Committee. 1200 15th St reet. NW., WaShington, D.C. 20005. Requests for application forms must be received by January 31, 1971 . Note: This is an adult program for members only­Dependents of members are not eligible.


OTHER COURSES B.S.Ace. 8.Arch S.SA B.S.B 8.S.8.A. HEe. B.tO B.S.I.M. B.S.f.R. B.S.tT. B,S.Met.

Bachelor 01 Sc ente In Acco~nrng Ibche or 01 Arehltecture 8achclor of BU$I~eu Alll"1ln<sl,atioA 83chelor of Science In BUSiness Bachelor 01 Science in Business Adrr1lnIstrati~" Bachelor of Science in Economics Bachelor 01 IJlCIustrlal UeSli" Bachelor of Science In Industrial Manallement B,chela! of Science in Industri.1 Relations Blchllor of Scilnc, in Induslllli Technoklgy Bachelor Df Science in Metallurgy

I , Please send me the leaflet. " 1971 ISEW FOUNDERS' SCHOL· I ARSHIPS" and necessary apphcation materials. I will have been I an tBEW member m continuous good standing for at Icast I lOUr (4) years before I would start usmg this scholarship next t fan. I I NAME; I Ip"'" d. type)

I , ADDRESS; I (5,' .... ,)

I I I fe lly) (. t.,, ) (zipl

I I tBEW Loca' Union No. Ca rd No.

Mrs. Nora Casey Retires after 50 Years of Faithful Service to IBEW

Mrs. Nora Casey, retiring after 50 years of service as 8n office employee of the (SEW, stands beside the chalf and other presents from her fellow employees. Her first boss, former International Secretary Charles P, Ford. deceased, can be seen in the photograph behind her.

Shown With Mrs. Casey are some of the "gang" who came to Wish her well III her retirement years.

~ " I IUl vc e njoyed every minute Ihat I have worked for the IB EW," said Mr:.. Nora Casey to her fellow employees al the Inlcr· n:lIion;ll Oflicc in Washington, D. C.. when Ihey gathered 10 honor her upon her retirelllent from the employees' stafT after 50 yc:,rs uf service [0 the J I3EW. Always known for her lovable and friendly Irish nature. Nora Casey was also known for her dedicated and hard-worl..ing abil­it) to do :I good job in her daily \:Isks at Ihe tBEW headquarters.

On May 6, 1920, she st arted working as <I clerk-typisl. At that

time, the 1.0. staff was very small. '( he entire staff. including the In­ternational oflicers, occupied the fifth floor only of the old Inter­national Association of Machin­ists' headquarters at 91h and ~lt.

Vernon Place N.W., in W:lsh­ingtoll, Retiring as the 1.0, char­ter clerk. Mr~. C:lsey worked under eight I nternational P resi­

dent!> and four Intcrnmiun:ll Sec­r"-:Iaries. She recalls man) of the

ple:l!o<'llll things lhal occurred dur­ing the many )cars of IBEW growing pain:.. Nora cxpla ins. "Working for the Brotherhood all

these years and !.eeing the I BEW progress ha~ been wonderful, but il never W:I~, and nevcr will I:x!, ea~y:' "I alll \cr) proud that my two sons. Bernie and Jimm). arc electricians and :Ire members of I BE\\' Local 26." Her retirement is effective January I, IY7l,

Mrs. Casey is an active lIlem­ber of thc I BEW o lliee cmployees' 00\\ ling league and plans 10 con­tinue I..nocking the pins down, The Brotherhood wishes Nora Casey the best of lucl... good health. and many marc YC:lfS of happiness.

Japanese Trade Unionists Learn About IBEW

The ISEW's history, structure, and operation were the tOpiCS of diSCUSSion when a study team from the International MetalWorkers Federation, Japan Councit (tMF·JC), met reo centty With three tSEW staff members in Washington, D. C. m the El(ecutive CounCil Room of the AFL·CtD Headquarters

bUilding. Pictured With the group are Tom Hannigan, tBEW Director of Research and Educ<ltlon, seated second from left; Tony BelliSSimo, ASSistant 10 President Pillard; and tnter· national Representative Dick Mills, Department of Manufac· t unng Operallons. standing. center,


~ By now, mo~t of our ;Ippr~n­tic~ship and training programs arc in full :owing acro~ .. the natiull. and \\e hcar. \~ ith our car, to th~ ).!wund. I1mn} .. ighs of sati,factlon. a fel\ groans from thc .!ltru!!!.!lc .. \If gCHing ~Iartcll. :lIld a fCII "Ooop", did it again!" Fortunatel~, ther..:: arc more .. igh, of ":I!i~faclion tl1;111 tho~e e:\­damation" of ... urpri,c :md (Ji~ap­puinlrllCnt. It i, quite n;lluf,,1 that none of u~ an.: going II) be perfect in our effort .. to do our joh a .. \\ell a .. \\~ \Iould lil-c to. 1I00\e\cr, tlH:re :tro..: many thing .. lhat wo..: could do to improvc our IIpcration and elimi­nate th(l~c .. am..::. lIld. grim crml"'> ami mi .. wh' .. Ih;11 cunlinu<llIy occur in our prcp"rilliun .. for thc opcr;l­lion of .. good, \I ell·run 1('liuiug program.

You h:lle pruh;lhl) heard it .. aid lito..: IIlal} II hu nC\"O;:1" madc a nlistal,.c ju~t nCh'r did .111) thing. Imt It ha .. :11'0(1 been ~ilit..l that a 1ll;ln profit\ from his mi\tal,.~',. rh~ro! :Iro! nwn} thin,!!!> that O(.'l,;ur : .... Ill' plan iUld ope rat.:: our Ir;uning prligrilllh Ihat \Ie .. Iunlld docUI11CIH. II" IIC I,.ept a



record of our aetilitic~, \Ie mi).!ht po~~ibl) bc :Ihle In pid out lho,c 'l'tl,itilc :lrca .. ;lIld put fUflh ;1 spe­cial effort to clill1in:H~' thcm.

All too nhen. problem .. ;lrc en.:· at~d. not b~ rni~lil"~" that \II! mal-c :lI1d Ihin~!> th:1I \~.:: uo. hut rilth~'r by our f;iling to do II hat nCl'd, to b..: done at lh.: proper lim C'. "I here· forI.!. one t\)oJ )Oll could lise i~ a check list (.k~igned 10 meet }our \)\\n panicul:lf needs. Operating a tr .. ining: progralll r~quire~ a gr.:at deal 01 planning. Part). of the phlll n.:cd 10 be PUt into act ioll II ithill ,urne "inL! of a timetable or time­fr:une ).n Ihat thc) c:In pl:l) Iheir 1I\1 n part 10 hclp .. uppon lhc pro­gram in the II hok. It i) rcali7eu. of 1:\lUI .. e. that nothill!! will Clcr work Ix'rkctl~ for cler)one. The t~pc of cheel,. li\1 or pbnning 1\ ill dqlCtlU enlird) upon }lIlir mIn need ... lUlll

upon )our 0\\11 pcf'lInal, indhidual l\it) of doing thing'.

lherdor.:. the ~ugg.: .. tinm offered h~r~ cannot h.: 11 hard. fa't ruk from \\hich onc c:mnOI d,,'li;uc or :ldapt to a local ,iluatinn. hut r;lllll'r ,

,Imuld \timul:lh! )our thinl,. ing and help) ou to de\ clop iI ~}stcm II hith Ilill 1)C,t meet I\)ur necd~. Another ",uggc,tion might Oc 10 co-ordin:ltc Iho~c parl~ uf )our planning 0) placing them on ,W ;1I111ual caknd:lr. \Ihcrdl} thing, that necd to be donc on a certain o;lIe can b .... noted Oil

)\Hu' calcl1l!ar. rhell. you C:ln :le­

emnpli~h thme thing~ when nect'­"w·). thus pal ing the way 10 the next ... tep or the ncxt ~tage of opera­lion. r:llh~r Ih"n doing rour pre­limill:lf) \\orl.. in:t haphaLitrll. :>uIIlC­lime~ confu~ing. and incffcctive wa).

Sorm:timcs, ~imply keeping a di;Il'~ ul il daily journal of 1 11ll~e diI1icultie~ ~uu cxperience. docu­mcntilll! Ilhat \OU thinl- coulo hale l)cclI d'Onc tl) -eliminate this proh­lem, 1\ ill b.: (If gr~at hclp. Thi .. re­quir~~. hO\leler. regu larit} in I-eep­ing }our journal (lr dia~ and .. tart­ing I/{Ill'. Ag;tin. it ought to be reeo!!­ni/ed that \I hat ~ou aro.! doing ~holiid he ,Ill aid :lIId a hdp: ~ou lihould lIut bceolllo.! il .. Ial~· W \lhat )Ou do.

(""''';1111,'/ oil f'<I.(!,· 11

Apprenticeship Workshop Held in Washington

The commItteemen attentively listening to the words 01 Andy Phillips. The Rraduatmg apprenllces and theIr ladles.

~ A tllO - da) ;\ppr~l1(icl'!>hip

\\orl.shop for Joint Apprl'ntic('~hip and T raining COlllnllttce nll'mbcr, ,1110 instructors \la"; hcld on No\cm­Ix:r 13th and 14th in Spobnc. Washington. T he \\url-shop \Ia~

conducted by Local Unions 73, ~pok;mc; 112, Kenne\licl,.; and 497,

\\'~natchce; and th~ Inland Empire ('hapta of NECA.

And) Phillip". ;\ .. <;i .. t;101 Dircctnr, ational Joint Apprclltkcship and

rlllinil)£. Committee. co nducted the inforll1ati l C ~e!., iolh for thc JA rc CUlIl mill co.! lI1en. l lis coll c:tgu.::, Bob Chcsslcr, conducted special eOIl-

:.tructilc M's!>ion~ for the 10 instruc-1m" in the O\er-all program.

A graduation ccr.::mon}. held in conJunctioll 11;lh Ihe Ilorkshops. honored 34 nCII wi remcn. graduatcs of the pa~t year in thc are:l, IIhlCh is administered b) six committecs and a co-ordinatur who \lorks wi th a ll or the comm ittees.


SAFETY TIPS for You and Your Family

Like man) injuries to IhC' hum'lIl body, frostbite can f:lngc frO Ill "(lIllC­

thing so minor ilS to go vir tually un­not iced to a tragic lo .. s of linge rs. loc .. , ;Hld even enti re limbs. But un­like rno~1 mjurics. frostbi te can stri l.c an d ca u\c gric\'ou\ damugc before its victim becomes aWMC of an) threat. and the danger is nut limited 10 the extremities or jU~1 III head und facial areas.

Intense " Uiting" Discomfort

An illt cn ~c "biting" discomfort and a follO\\il1g 1000s of sensat ion and ;111 odd .. tiffnc .. ~ arc the c:lr licsl ~ylllpIOIll ~ of frostbite.

TEMP "' 35 30 25 2, 15


Frostbite Younger children afC particularly

su\ccptiblc III frostbite's m\ldIUU., at­laci... and fro7en car.., :lnd 1l 0'C~ arc COllllllon among tot" rhc numhed parh rna} IUrn g lo~s} white or i!ray­j,h-)cllow. hut :1( thb point. thcre\, link pain and thc victim may nnt be ~marc of trouble. A }oung.qer n11l) not heed the num bnc!.!. warning. and he doesn't kll0W about the white OJ' grayi"h-yellow skin color th at means frostbite.

" roper Trell tmcnl

If recogni/ed quid l) and given pmper treatmcnt. fros tbite ma~ do no SCTlom Jumage. Scyere or llC-

glcclcd ca\cs can develop in to gan­grene and rc~u1t 111 I!xtenl,l\e tb,stle l (ls~. The () IJ - f:l~hj(lned rCllledy call ed f(Jr cold \\ atc r--nr \~()f<,C,

~no\\ or icc-applied to thc :Iffeclcd area. This co uld se\ crcl) inc rease ti!.~uc damage and dri\e the frec/ing deeper. NE, 'FR RUB icc. SIHJ\\. or even bare hands on frostbillen ski n. I:vcn li ght rllbbing C:t ll do damage tll frozen tissue.

The modern trca tlllent is jll'" the opposite. ca lling fur re\\ann ing in lukewarm \'ater. Water temperature ~hould nc\cr cxceed 112 I·. " hile heming the w,lIer. .,tarl w;trm lllg the injured part s by ho lding (nOI rub-

10 5 o - 5 -10 -15 -20 - 25 - 30 -35 -40 -45

WIND CHILL INDEX MPH (EQUIVALENT TEMPERATURE)-EqulValenl In cooling power on exposed flesh under calm conditions ~

CALM 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 '-"10 ,"" , " 20 ~2~30~35 - 40 -45

5 33 27 21 16 12 7 1 - 6 - 11 -15 -20 -26 -31 -35 - 41 - 47 -54 VERY COLD

10 21 16 9 2 -2 -9 - 15 -22 -27 -31 -38 - 45 - 52 -58 - 64 -70 -77

15 16 11 1 - 6 - 11 - 18 -25 -33 BlmRLY COLO

-40 -45 -51 -60 - 65 - 70 -78 - 85 -90

20 12 3 -. -9 -17 -24 -32 -40 - 46 - 52 - 60 - 68 -76 - 81 -88 - 96 - 103

25 7 0 - 7 - 15 -22 - 29 - 37 -45 EXT REME

-52 - 58 - 67 - 75 -83 -89 -96 - 104 - 112

30 5 - 2 - 11 - 18 -26 -33 - 41 - 49 -56 -63 - 70 -78 - 87 -94 -101 - 109 -117 COLO

35 3 -4 - 13 -20 -27 -35 -43 - 52 -60 -67 -72 -83 - 90 -98 - 105 - 113 - 123

40 1 -4 - 15 -22 -29 -36 -45 -54 - 62 -69 -76 -87 -94 - 10 1 - 107 - 116 - 128 EXPOSEO FLESH FREEZES

45 1 -6 - 17 -24 -31 - 38 - 46 -54 - 63 -70 - 78 -87 -9' - 10 1 - 108 - 118 - 128

511 0 - 7 -17 -24 -31 -38 - 47 - 56 - 63 - 70 - 79 - 88 -96 - 103 - 11 0 - 120 - 128

Wind speeds greater than 40 mph have titt le additional chilli ng effect.

The u.s. Army W ind Chill Indell

To use the chart, find the est imated or actua l wind speed in the left-hand column and t he act ual tempera · ture in degrees F. in the top row. The equivalent temperature is found where these two intersect. For example, wi th a wind speed of 10 mph and a temperature of -10 F .. the equiva lent temperatu re is _3 10 F. This lies within the zone of increasing danger of frostbite , and protective measures should be taken .


bing) Ihem \\llh a \'arm hand. hold­ing Ihem close 10 a fire. etc. W:1rI1l fu nher with blunkelS and a hot dri nk. Coffee. lea. or soup arc Illost often recommended.

Re\\anning of a severe case should lIot be auempted. unless the victim can be tal,.en indoors :lI1d I,.ept \\arm until recmer) is complete. Wall,.ing on recentl)-th,l\\ed feet. for c\­lImple. ma~ cause more damage tlwn continuing 10 \\all,. on them \Ihile ,>till frolen.

Rub the expmed skin \\ hen it starts to tingle, but never rub a numb area. Rubbilll! the tinl!ling spol \IiI! restore ciret7l:nion. N~llIb-': nc'>.'> meall', frostbite has sct in: rub­bing could permanent!} damage Ihe flesh.

R el1l~l1lbcr, !'cvcrc fro~tbite is a mettica! emergcnc} thaI calls for

"Only God C;iIl n);ll,.e a trl'e. , . But man can sa\e 17 trees \\ith

every ton of old nC\lsp"pcrs s:ll­\aged frOIll refuse and used again. Furthermore. that rec)ded l1e\I"­print can bc sa!\;lged lime nfler time to rcpcal the process. resulting in even grea ter conscrvllti(Jn. Bul there arc ~till morc benefits from s;lling old ne\\sp;lper\. For each ton of l1e\lsprint reqcled, air pollution and trash di~posal co,ts arc les­senl'd. By sep:lrating uld nel\ ~pa­per~ from tra,h, a city's garbag!! \'olul11c IS \ub'lt'lIltially reduced, since p;q>CI' repre~enlS ;Iilout one­half of :l home 0\\ ncr's !!aTbagl'. Numerous cit~ gmernmcnts hal\! adopled a polic~ n:qucsting hou~!!­holdcrs 10 <oeparate nell ,paper-. from other rcfu~e, \\hich f;lcililale'> pickups. and r!!duce~ \axes, Many schools conduct paper drhes regu­larly, ;md in ~Oll\e aro:a'>, Bo} Scout~ and ch:lrity groups hale organized to collcct old papers to raise money.

To make S;l\ ing old ne\\'lpapcr~ easy and orderl), \\e hale dc .. igncd thc papcr bundler, sho\\11 here \\ith ,.

skilkd treatment. parllcularl) during Ihe recolcr~ period.

Wind Chill E fI"ccl

Wind J'> an important cau~e uf fro~tbile. An) temperature below frecling. coupled \\ith \\ind~ of 10 10 20 mph. can bring on rilpid frce7-in!! of the skin'~ surface. The chillint! I.'ffcct of 20-del!ree air mm in!! at -15 mph is the sa~le as 2-1-bd(l~I-Il'm ,Lir 011 a slill da). In '>uch \le;lIher, I\all,.ing in the wind along an open arca, such as a tal,.e front. is espe­cially dangerou~. An uncO\ ered car can be sel-erel) dama,ged in a t\\O­block \\alk.

l\ lost \\(.'athcr broadca!>ter, \\ill give the lemperaturc and 1\ ind ~I>ced predictions without mentioninl! the wind chill eiTl!CI. ~() \I-e :lfe ~Igaill pubti~hing the Wind Chill Index. r he right side of Ihe chart shows

the temperatures al \\ hich exposed lle"h will frecze and fros tbite SCI in. Frostbite, \\ hCIl promptly and prop­erly treated, usually won', result in permanent disability, but whcn the equi\alcnt temperature sinks 10

60 F., death entl.'rs Ihc picture.


~:(n REFUSE ~:'\VJ. TO WO RK

k~"",£,""-/ I N AN E~CLOSEO AREA

YoV R (/n / ON W/t .. L S",ck You Vp i

Handyman's Corner

Bundle Up ... actre:-.s Donna Douglas. It hold, ;IP­pro'illl;Hcl~ one month's accumula­tion, so you can keep them in a neal bundle until ii's time for dis­po5:l1 or collection. E\cr)thing you need to tie the pilper:. in compact bundle,> is buill right illtn the fad. There's a box \Ihich hold" the string. A ra'lor blade ha~ he..:n built right into Ih..: box fur CUlling the string. To usc the bundler, )OU

lIll!rcl) hi) the ~tring under tht: first paper.. )OU put into il. Then. whcn it's full. ~illlrl~ tic and cut ;md )OU hale :1 nc:1I pad:lge,

An}one can build this bundler. \1 h~'n he lhe!; the full-~ize pattern. A )olll1g<,\cr can undertake this \\ilh :.ucccv'. ;IS \Iell a~ an ad ult. You nel.'d only trace the pattern P:lrtS on \\ood, thl'll '>all" them oul and put Ihcl11 togelher. The path:rn gi\ e~ .... . :h} -Io-understand directions. Scr;lp 1\00<.1 i~ all )ou need.

ro obtain the full-sill' paper bun­dler, p:lttl'TIl Numbcr 2-16. send 50 cenh to:

Steve EIlIlli!lson The Electrical Workers' Journal

Pattern Dept. PO. Box 2383 Van Nuys, CalifornIa 91409

Other patterns )OU will enjoy:

No. 3-10 Trash bin .. ,., .. SI.OO No. 417 1)001 table .. , .... S 1.00 No. -131 Pol,.er t;lble ., .... S 1.00 Booklet picturing O'er

-150 projects .,. No, 332 Indoor playhouse

75, . S 1.00


IBEW MEMBERS PRODUCE "BETTER IDEAS" ~ From time to lime. the Journa l publishes descriptions of inventions, etc., by ISEW mem­

bers. We are glad to offer the members this publicity: however, Journal policy, established many years ago, states thaI all information concerning such descriptions must be directed 10 the orig· inator. Please do not write to the ISEW. Below are some of the more recent "better ideas" of 'SEW members:

Conduit Bending Guide

Stan Pugh, member of Local 71 B, Parsons, Kansas. de· SCribes his "Conduit Precision Bendill8 Revised" booklet. as " the most complete set of tables and formulas for slm· pllfied precIsion bending ever published." The 32·page gUide sells for $3.00. Write: CondUit PreciSion Bending, P.O. BOI( 516. Parsons, Kansils 67357.

Syd's Chili One of our retired Brothers from Clute, Texas, Walter S.

~:;;;;i!i~~~!!;;:~ Cushenberry, is offering for

sale his own chili recipe, which he describes as "a real good one, welt wor th the

~_ _"...,,=-.--price." For thiS "deliciously· ~ different" chiti recipe. send

one dollar to Brother Syd's Chill. Box 866, Clute Texas 77531 .


United States Postmark Album

Brother John Toma. a memo ber of Local 697, Gary and Hammond, Indiana. has copy· r ighted a new postmark album for the hobby of collect ing post .office marks. This Is the first of ItS kind ever published in the Untied Siaies. The II. bum, selling for $3.50, has 168 pages With spaces for more than 7,000 postmarks. Send $3.50 for each album to: Postmark Albums, P.O. BOK 458. Crown Point, Indiana 46307.

"Duct Donuts" "Duct Donuts," invented, pat· ented, and produced by lyle " WhItey" Mathews of local 413. Santa Barbara, Callfor­ma, IS an underground spacer for cement·encased conduits and duct runs. All you halle to do is slip it on the duct and It fits all makes and types of ducts and condUi ts. It can be ordered in all sizes, from two Inches through SIX inches, with three-inch separation in aU directions. For complete information, write "Duct Do­nuts" Underground Spacers, P.O. BOK 2304, Fullerton, Cali­forma 92633.

Member Designs Lubricating Coupling Morton Heller, Local 113, Colorado Springs, Colorado. has a patent pendmg on a lubricatmg coupling, called "Lubricouphng." With thiS coupling, you can prefube the conduits and add lubricant while the wires are bemg pUlled. Write Morton Heller, 1935 Shore Parkway. Brook· Iyn NY. 11214.

I -- •

Handmade Quilts A. S. "Bill" Hennell, a reltted member of Locil 595. Oak· land, Cali fornia, IS now work· ing on hiS hObby of making beautlfully·destsned quilts on a full·time baSIS. The qUilt pictured above requited more than 400 hours of hand work For information, write, A. S "Bill" Hennell. 3170 High Street. Oakland, callfornia 94619.


.... Can you believc anOlher year is starting. ladies? It seems as if it were only ycsterday that I wa" \\fit­ing this column for the Janu;lrY, 1970, j ournal, anti here it is 1971 already.

Perhaps it's a sign of o ld agc--{)r at least. of gelling o lde r- but my thoughts. more ;lIllI more, turll to looking and planning ahe;ld. I find mysel f resolving to in~lIre my future and to make it as secure a~ I can, nOI just financially. but mentally and phy,ical1y as \\ell.

And speaking of rcsoh ing, ~incc

this is that time of }ear \\ hen peo­ple traditionally make their Ihts of resolutions. it might be a good idea fo r you. too. to re\ohe to do you r utmOSI to prO\ ide for you r future and the futures of those you lo\e.

For inst:lI1ce. asidc from thc ob­\ ious <lssur:tnces, such as medic:ll and ho~pitalization protection. lifc insurance. and a ,avings account. what arc you doing III as~ure your­self and you r family of sou nd bodies and ~ound minds in th..: future? Or hadn't you thought of that w;;pect of your future?

I thi~k it \\ould be a good idea for all of us to take ~toc k of condi­tions around our hOllies and to re­solve to keep peace and harmony among the f;lIllily nll'lllher, at all tinll'S. e\en at the co ... t of a lot of pride, so that WI! can assure e:lch of o ur 100ed one~ of a~ sound :1 mind as it is possibk for an ou\!:>i(k in­fluence to instill in anothe r indi\ id­uaL

Try !>howing a linle bit of 100e to you r family membl:r .. : it hdps them to he reminded I.'h·T) once in a while that Ihc important peoplc in their liws do ca re. and it hdps to ease the burdens that e;tch rlll'l11ber must ca rry alone. Peace of mind

tranquillity ... so good for the body and soul.


As the principal homemal.ers and thc fam ily cooks. 11Idk's. irs our obligation 10 sel.' to it that ou r fam­ilies give their bodies proper ca re and thut they receive well-balanced diets thm givc sustenancl.', keep them healthy, and help them to ward ofT illnesses.

When you plan your daily me:I I ~.

do you kee p in mind the different kinds of foods that arc nceded for :111 adequate diet? You shou ld plan to ser\e foods from each of the fol-10\\ ing four groups ncr)' day.

Mi lk group--includcs milk in all forms ( flu id whole o r ~kim . c\apo­rat~'d, dry, and buttermilk). For children undt' r nine. allo\\ th l.' equi v­<l lent of two or threl.' cu p~ of fl uid milk daily; for those nine to 12. th ree or more cups: for Il.'el1:lgeN. four or more cups; and for adults, two or more cups.

Meat g roup- includ cs meal. poultry. fi~h. eggs. dry beans. pca~. lentils. nuts. peanuts, and pc:mut buller. Provide two or Illore !ocr\'­jngs dai ly.

Vegetable-fruit group--includes vegetables and fruit.s of all kinds. Provide four o r morc sl·ning\. in­cluding a citrus fruit or o ther fruil or wgeta ble important fur \ it(lln in C d<tily and a dark-grt.!en or deep­yellow \egetable for \itamin A al least evcry o the r day.

Brcad--cerea l group---incllldc~ all brcads and cereals 1hat are \If "hole gmi n o r that arc en riched or re­storcd. Provide fou r or Jll(lfl! ~ef\­

ings daily. It certainly \\ ill pay in jX';lce of

mind and in many other \\;t)~ if \\e all rcsohe to look after the health of our famil y members and of our­selves in ot her ways, 100. Fur in­sta nce. if you have an i!l\ "lid in you r family, do you Iry to make it as casy and pleasa nt as po ...... ibl e for that person to remember to take re-




quired medications. 10 stick to ... pe­d:!1 d iets, to gel the proper res!. etc.?

A rc therc family member~ \\ ho need to lose wcight? T hat excess fnt they carry around is onl y harming them-it cou ld be the hnrbinger of hcart disease. diabetes. o r other ai l­ments. Get the overweight person to a doctor \\ ho can recommend a scn"iblc diet; then. help that pcr~on overcome the difficult days thnt lic :lhc:.d.

And how about the hca\ y smok­ers or drinkers? For thei r s:!kes :1111.1 for our o\\n, let's try to get them 10 break those bad habits. h;lbits that can cause sickness and lead to death. but Ids do it \\i thout nag­gi ng and c:lusi ng bitter fcelings. Another special problem in man) families no\\adays is the use of dru!{!>. If you arc faced with Ihat dilcmma. resolve to help the af­nietcd person in all ways possible­through profcs~ioJlal counseling: the a id of a doc tor ; the wise counsel of a minister. priest. o r rabbi : ;lIld a lot of patience and undcrstanding.

Yes. it's time to look ahead-timc to resolve to hel p ourselves and our 100e" ones to longer and fuller lives, so that evc ry year will be a happy new year fo r everyone.

Ladies, Do You Know?

~ Want a fla\orful. )et cconom­ical dinner for a blustery c\ening.? T ry a bladl' chuck rlXI!if. Although c(Jn~idered a less lender cut. this roast has cxcellent beef flavor if properly prepared. In the U. S. De­partment or Agriculture's Prime and Choice grades. it can be oven roash.'d - the dry hC:H mClhod of roasting­e\en though it has sect ions that v:lry in tenderness.

Or, you might want to braise the beef. using tomato juice, tommo sauce, or dry onion soup mixed \\ ith


water to add a flavo r twist. When br":lising. be sure to usc a covered roastcr or seal the ch uck ronst ill hCilvy duty alumill um fo il.

When broiling chop:., a thick cut of meat should be placed fur th!!r away from the he:lI than a thinner cut. to assure proper cooking. Proper cooking helps assure whule­someness. U. S. Department of Agri ­c ulture meat inspectors .tdvisc.

A thermos of plenty is a marvelously IOvigoratlllg lunch for your faVOrite outdoorsmen. Appet ites whetted by crisp air and miles of walking are sure to respond to spaghettl ·based Chock Full of Stew. Si t e·sized chucks o f ham. tender baby Uma beans, and energy· gIving golden corn make this outdoor meat a gourmet treat.

Would you believe that this spectacu· lar·looklng creation is the familiar old favorite-a bowl o f soup? With the hoi · iday spiri t still ,n the a ir. Broccoli Suo p reme Soup is the perfect first course for the festIVe board. Broccoli spea rs frozen in butter sauce give full ·bodled flavor to thiS icy delight.


............... ......... .................... ..... .. ........ ......... ..... ....... .. .. ....................

This Month's Recipes

Here Are Some Great "Cold-Weather Recipes"

.... \\Ih:1I d<x:~ one sene a hungr) brood in the car on the W:ly to grandmother\, hou:.e or that outdoor-lo\ ing hu!>band of }ours'! The ... mart homemakcr will pack ll iong II hOi and henrly thermo:. of ChOl'k Full of Stew! The spaghcttl basc i~ packed \\ ilh bi le-::;i/e chunk~ of ham. and the f\a\'Qr b further cnlwnced with b,lcon bilS. Tender baby lima beans anu cnc rgy·giving goldcn whole kernel corn, both fre,h frOIll the fr..:czcr. givl' the ~l..:w Ill,trvc[ous flavor. Becau'ie it li ts :.0 ca~i ly in a thermos, it's a pcrf..:ct take-along. too, fo r the mall o f the house who's going 10 b'lg hi~ own holiday bird. H..:re·s how to IlwI..c thh, appctit l'-pro\oking ~tew:


IO ·o~. packaae baby lima beans. fro· ze n in bUllar 5P"C~ 'n cook'ng pouch lO·o~. package whole ke.ne l co.n. hozen ,n bullar Sauce in cook,ng pouch

1 1·oz p"dagfl spaahell, . ur.COOked Z hbllHpoons salt 1 Pound cooked "am. cuI in '/, ·inch


Pound bacon. diced 4 '1I' Ol lar s liced mushrooms. dra ined

2 28·0l canS slewed tomatoes " hUPOQn sea!iOned pepper I. Teul>QOn cflle.y seed V. Teaspoon omon salt

Salt. ,I dU"fld

Slip pouches of baby lima be<llls frOlen in butter sauce ,lIId \\hok kernel corn frO/":1l in buller sa uc.: into boiling. water. Drin g W:He r to ~econd bl)il ; continue c00king 14 llI itlllt ..:S. Do not covcr pan . Coo" ~p:lghelti in bo iling. salted water until nearly tcnder. Drain and ri lhe. SilUt~ diced ham and bacon in large Dutch o\en until slightly bf()\\lled. Drain cxccss drippings and remove Illcal to onc side: ~,Iut~ mushrOOIll~. Add all ingredienh to mcat mi x. tu rc. Stir gently until blended; si mme r 30 minutc:'). Yield : 1010 12 :,cT\·jng:. .

.... Anothcr mcal problem many homcmak ers run into is-what so up has enough elega nce to compct.: with the o ther courses in a fan cy dinncr. If it's Urocculi SUprCIIIl' Soul'. it might just s1ca! thc show. A wond!..:ffu l plus for the bu~y lady of thc housc i~ Ihm this chillcd creamy d ish can bc prepared thc (J:IY bcfNe a nd then ~eT\'cd up triumpha ntly" ... Ihe luscious first course :lI the fcsthe bO:lrd. This ~Ollp. dclicatcl) dol1oped \\ ith a dut o f sour cream and parsley or \\alercre~, ~prig .... wi ll have your gueSh asking for the marvelous recipe. And hcr..: it is :

Imoccol.l SUl'ltEME SOUl'

10 oz, padage young broccoli spears frozen ,n bulle, SilUCe '" lIavor IIKI>I cookIng pOucn 10 '/,,02. can condensed C<Um of chick .. n soup

1 Cup I·ghl Cream '.' T"aspoon bf!au monde Sfl8&onlng

Oalry SOur Crel>m WalerC.ess

Slip pouch of young broccoli spears intn boi ling watcr. Bring water to a secoud boil: continue cool..ing I (, minutes. Do not cove r pan. Opcn [Jouch ; slip contents into bknder; whirl until smooth. Add soup. crC;Jlll . and beau mondc :.e'l'ioning; blend thoroughly. Chill ;1I least 4 hours. Scn·c \\ ith a do llop of dairy sour crc'lm and garnish with a sprig of wate rcress. Yield: 3 Vl cups sou p o r "" to 5 sen ·jngs.


Charities Fund Aids Needy .. "The need exists at all limes;

we're only 100 glad that we arc able to help in !lome small \\ay:'

That Slal.:m("nl expresses the feel­ings of tilt.! IBEW olliec cmplo}cl.'s. members of Local 2, Olliec and Professional Emplo)"c(':-. Inlcrnalional Union: Ihe member). of the Inter­national Olliec staff; Inlanational RL'present:lti\C50: and friend .. across the country \\ho cheerfully contrib­ute throughout Ihc year to the M ;lrie V. Down..:) MClIlorin l Chari ­lies Funt/.

As the name of the fund implies, it is u!>I.':U to give charitable ;lsl>istancc to those \\ 110 arc in need. 1\ is named in memory of the late Marie V. Do\\l1cy. \\ho WOIS marwging editor of The E/f'{'lriclI/ lV(lr~('n' JOllrlla/ for many YC;' fS and II ho originated the fund.

In 1970. monics from the fund were donated to Childrl'n's Hcr..pital in Washington. D.C" th..: hospital which nc\ cr turn .. ;twa} a sick child. even \\ hen the parents afC unable to pa}; to the Salva tion Army for Chri~llllas "Iod,ings for unfortunate bo}s and girls: to the Unk Sbters of the Poor Home for the Aged for Thank ~gi\ ing and Christmas dinners for thc elderly resi(knh: to providc toys and complete outfit .. of clothing for 15 boy~ and girl~ at the Cent ral Union Mi~sion in Wa~hillgton. D.C.: to provide food for homc~"'ly le

part ies for the wounded "('(.:ran" in Walter Re ... d l'IO"pital: 10 D.C. Vi l­lage to provkk he lp for the 850 elderly folks confino.:d there; to For Lovc of Chi ldren, an organi zation

thai cares for homelcs~ children who arc :maiting adoption: to a polio \ ictim who ha~ onl) the usc of her toes: to SC'\'cral older indi\ iduals \\ ho arc suffering from blindm.'''s and 1:IIIl('n('ss; and to other individuals and (:ullilies who. through 110 fault of their own. need a lillIe help to tide them owr.

The \\ork of the fo,'\;lrie V. Do\\ ney ~'lcmorial eh'lrilleS Fund b extended throughout the )ear. and fll nd~ arc gratefu lly accepted. Chec~s or money orders ~hould be mailed to: Miss C:uherine O. Fionl, Trca~urcr ,

M'l ric V. Do\\ncy Memorial Cha ri­ties Fund. Intern;tlional Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 1200 Fif­teenth Street, N,W., Washill);lOll, D.C. 20005.

These lap robes were made by Mrs. Virginia Whitehouse. supervisor, Micro· film Department, 1.0., and were donated to lour of the elderly ladles at the little Sisters of the Poor Home lor the Aged. Mrs. Whitehouse has made Similar robes and donated them 10 I he elderly for many years.

Delighted With the complete ctoth· ing outfits for 15 in the Washington, D.C., area, are these members of the MemOrial Chanties Fund Committee. all members of l ocal 2, OPEtU. who at the International Office of the IBEW. left to right, are Hazel Gross, Secretary; Irene Gambino; shop steward Gladys Waddell, Chairman; Catherine Fiora; Treasurer. and Cecilia Williamson.

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers-Pension and Death Benefit Payment Report



TOTAl NUMBER ON PENSION 37,764 11,266 -----

TOTAL PENSION PAYMErlTS LAST MONTH $ 2,004,507.41 $ 665,418.88

TOTAL PENSION PAYMErlTS LAST 12 MONTHS $22,795,444.00 $7,573,192.38

DEATH BENEFITS PAID LAST MOrlTH $ 243,075.28 $ 564,330.43 --DEATH BENEFITS PAID LAST 12 MONTHS $ 2,522,023.56 $5,205,333.13


Apprenticeship CQI1I;l/Il l'd from page 14

but ralher it should be an automatic response to meet a need. Hopefully, you will benefit rrom PitSl mistakes :md errors, when you bcgin plan ning for )our future training program.

To eliminate confusion in solv ing your problems, you need an orga­niLcd plan. Logically. one ough t to nnaJp:c his problem bermc he be­gins trying to solve it. Next, he needs to ma!..c a decision about what he will do. and. third. he should act dcci~ivcly to accornpJi~h his goal. The rnost ditliclIl! and ~ccmingJy­insurmountable prohlems will fall prey 10 a logical and org:mizcd ap­proach to thcir solution. I f your first aCliOIl') do nO( give satisfactory re­sui, .. , review [he entire process and adjtl~L your actions to go.!! lhe results (hat you want. The NatiorHiI Joint Apprenticeship and Training Com­millee sl:lnds ready to provide you with the necessary help and its vast experience whenever tlnd wherever it is nccded.

A further suggestion. in closing, is tlwt only you at lhe local level CWI

carry out your training program. Only you can make decisions affect­ing your local training program. No one can think for you or act in your place. It is your re~pon~ibility to Iransla t ~ your dec i~ions into actions economica lly. cllicicnt!y, tlnd effec­tively :lIld nwJ..e your training the wry best Ihm you can. You can, ho\\cver. draw upon the experience of your past mistakes, the services of your NJATC, :lIld the rescrvoir of ability of the people within your loc,,! training tlrca. Remember, it is your responsibility. Do not ignore ii, but honor it.


JOSEPH O. KEE NAN, International Secretary 1200 15th Street, N.W., Washington, O. C. 20005

Enclosed find my check (or mone~ orderl for $

No. Desired Item Numbe' Description

................................ for:


My ring size,s' 0 IiI rins is orderedl


l otal S

Card No.

Street Address or Box No

City Stale Zip

Ib~ Iboo-e·flued ~fr'tlrs .,,11 be I~pphl!d 0"1, w~'" r~f Olopt/ ,,,,"""t hU bun remitted. P~tll~ Inj t .~ 'ns eh ... u ." DI,d b~ I~t Int.mlhonll. All (IOt1 . re I ~el.,td.



J apanese Contractors Visit St. Louis Local L.U. I. ST. l.Ot ' IS :'\to.-Our lox:'ll ~3S reeenily \i~ited by 51 nlenlbe~ uf JECA. Ibe Jarmn Electrical CUnlr:U;IOrs Al>l>OCialiun. I\ho»c nlain purlW'C ~l" 10 ob"cr\e the te,hnique~ and lraining pro­cedure~ al the EIe,lrieal Imhhtf) I rain­in~ Center.

Our membe .... ,Ire JU\liliahl) proud of thh modern Ir .. inin~ faeilit). e,peci,III) when a group of people trawl arounJ Ihe \lurid 10 ....:e it in upt.'ntlion. Th ... membe .... of JECA \lere llm ll l<.~J at the t ... chnkal training in ph)~ic,. me,h:lnkal drawing. blueprint reading .• 10.1 higher mathemlllie~ th;J\ our ;Lpprcnlice~ liTe lallllhi.

Thi~ 1apllne ..... ,kkgatiun ~a, leI' b) S\lm ... hilo Mil;Ini, the leader of the group. and Mit,uo .... \lII:I,himll. Secre­tary General, JFCA.

A number uf con,truclion proje'" and ma,lufaClUring faci1i'ie~ in thl' grea1Cr S, Loui- :Irelt ~cre al .. o melu,ted in the lIi,il0r,' agenda. BII,inc's Hepre­"cntali\'e Jame, lIartmann condlKlCd the group on a tour of Ihe ~orld·famou~ SI. l oui, Ar(h. includinl,l a behind·the-

<,«ne~ lour of the mtth:mkal anJ e!ec­trkal portions of lhe Ar,h thai :Ire not normal1~ seen.

At the Silt Flag~ mer \l id-Amerka Amu..emenl ('enter. now umier con,ln,,­lion ju~t lIe~t of SI. Loui~. our IlUC,I, \lere able to oh-.ene. lir,th:,"d. the highl) technical ~or]. that twa)'" "ire­man mu~t be able 10 .xrform. I he building, there are repreo;el1U1tl\C of Ihe lime, from the Hevulu,ion;lry War 10 the 20lh C<,n 'ury. anJ a I<'rrili..: amOllnl of ill-Ih<,-field engineering mU'1 he ]ler­formed by our IJ rolhe~ to m:lh' ca,;!in Ih"t Ihe electrical \lorl "lend, in "ilh Ihe various bac].gTounds. ~hkh proH'~ ag:lin how Ihoroullhly trained our ap­premice, nHl~1 be in ;, 11 a'peel\ of the indu,try_

Other tOll .... \lere eonducled at the 10-l al·energ~ plant al lhe \brl '1 ~ain

Shoppin~ ('enler. localed in SL Charle~. \l i\'oOuri: the Fedeml Pacific !olanufa,­luring Compln. in 51. Louis. "here lJu\ine,\ ReprC'<Cnlali\e Chue]. !'edrolli proved ;10 in"aluable guide in helping '0

conduci Ihe Ihor()lIghly.informalhe trip ,hr{)ugh ,he modern manufacturing fa,'il­il): G \I Ligh,ing. one of our area', larger ,peeialiled Ii'ture manufacturer,; and Ihe M:!d. Eleclric omc ... and ~hup. a modern and progre"ive electrical eon­tn"'lOr', facilitie, which ' he JECA mem­lier, enjO)'ed ,i~ilinJ!.

" ,peci!!1 \lorJ of Ihan]. , to Willi:lm A. ·'ate. J r .. JATC Tmining Co-orJina­Illr. ami Richard Did-haner. project "'11-J;in..:cr. M ad. Electric. ;tnd a Lo..:;,1 I member, who lICied a~ guide, and an­\wcrcd hunrJred~ of que~' ions from our o'·er:.c:" gu"t~.

Koger \l ar~ land. Pre,idl"nl. 51. Loui~

Visiting Japanese Delegation

This group of mem~rs of the Japan Eleet';c .. 1 Conlractors Associa· lion (JECA) recently paid ft vis i' 10 local I. S •. louis. eusiness Representativ. Jim Harlmann .. nd Training Co-ordinator W,IIi."n A.

Tale. J, appear in the back 'ow. ,ighl.

Lelt 10 righ t. Training Co-ordinalor Tate, JECA Secretary Genera' Milsuo Kuwuhlma, J Ee ... member Mike Kogure. and Local 1 member

R,chard Dickhaner.


The ",silors in the audlto"um of Ihe Electrical Industry Training Cenl.r.

BusIness RepresentMi". Chuck Pedrolt1 conducts the suesls Ihrough the Feder.1 Pacilic ManufaclUring Comple..


Chapler, NECA. and Koy 5aeh'>C, Hmi· ne .. ~ Manager, ",e re hO~I~ 10 Ihe JI:.C A vi~i ' ors.

Our eon !;r;.t u l ution~ On a job \le ll done to the mcmht'N of the j Ol/rl"'/

~taff for a nl:lllnilkent i~"iJe pertaining 10 the con\ention~

A happy and proo.peroos Ne\l Ye;IT 10

our \;",er locah from the onken and membe", of I 0<. ..... 1 I WI: fenenll) hope for II )e;lr of gre:1I gain, in the IHI W

and fur much pn.'penl) for all of our Illembcr...

Jt" G.\\I<\Ctu. P .s.

'T op-Out' Banquet Honors Local 10 Graduates 1..1 1. 10. III ITJ.I~R , 1'1\ . Our local hon­ored il~ graliuatinJ,l appr~mice, III a "top-ou," h:lntjuet. held :It the Gard~n

Gilh; Ke\taunlnt m~ar Butler. and ",e're h:IPP)' that thi, dinner. the lir,t (If ih kind fOf 1~lIllcr, \\,11 no\\ bccume an an­nual aff:lir for our I!X;II.

T here ",ere 110 p;lrti~ipanh pre:-.c:nl. in· cludlllg ,pea~er~. JA I C member, amI their \\ ive~, the ne\\ journeymen ;1111,1 their {We,ts. and in1er~'ted Local 10 membl.-r, and their \I iYe~,

!'re,idenl Rohert Simm ... Jr. arranged and MCd the progr;In1, .... hich induded a ehalicnging pre-cnlation 'pcech b) Williilm Di I'ielro of lhe: lIure:lU of Ap­prenlice,hip lmd I nllllillg. Uniled 5tlllC\ DCj'l:lrlmcn[ of I uhor

The principal \pe;llcr \la~ II )' Rich­mond, in~tructur. Penn Stale Uni\er,il)' 1;II>o.)r uten,ion cour-c~. \\ho preo;cnted an IIlfunnalive e\P\l'oo: uf merehanui"ng Iriclv. in II humorou .. 'ein. lind ga\e Ilr" on how 10 avoid bemg talen in by pa~l­aging .Ilimmid~ ilnd \lcight m:mipula­liom. \If. Kichmond .... :h imroduccd hy George Kun),uk, j'enn Swte We\tern Kerre..cntali-c for the I)cpMtrnent uf l ahor ~Iudiev.

An adliilionill humorou\ nule .... a' addcd by lI uvlllev~ ManAger Carl Swley. 'Iho prewnled eAeh nC\\ juurne)man wllh :t tr:tmp guide :tnd :t ro.1.d fln,p. -I he gifl m:ly have been prophelic ilt th;lI ... ince al leavt onc of the gr;ldmllev iv nU\I un Ihe ruml. 11 IV hoped Ihat the .IlfllduaIC~· ::.o:~uml gift. ;\ c('rlifkatc for tooh From " 101,::,1 eleclrical ,uppl) houw ..... ill be lIIore III leeping .... ilh lheir neeli\_

Ahhollgh .... c gr,IIIU;\led ~\'en men from our prOJ,lram. 11M:- 1t)1;1 1 number of appfen t ice~ ha, hcen I'edll~cli by onl)' one. vince .. i~ new lIpprentice~, al,o prev­ent :1\ Ihe h:mquel. I,ere inlienturcd ;1110 Ihe pro.llmm.

Our local union onicer, arc Previdenl Roberl Simm~. Jr" Ihl\ine~, M,lnll,!!er Carl Stale)'. 'ice I'rt'videnl l onny Cum­berl:tnli. Recording Scaelilr) Jame .. I're­menline. :lIId I reavurer Vernon (umOcr-1:lIId. T he F~ecuthe !Jo:tnl memberv arc Jamcv I-i,h"f, Harr)' 1 fy. lind Charlc\ Wagner. Jr.

A 1I0ie of furl her interevI-BrOlhef Vernon Cumlx:rland. who 'HOle lind pub l i~hcd the manulIl, "Simplified (on-

JOU~ NAL fO~ JA,NUA"', 1971

Graduating Apprentices

LOC:~1 10. B .. lte •• P .... held lis 1;<$1 8.ed"-,,on banq"et recenily, Wllh W,lh .. m Oi Pietro. BAT. U.S. Oepartmen! 01 L~bo,. fa, len. u • &"e_1 spe .. ~e .. He ,e. M,. OJ Plet,o cons ... t"t.tes Ihe 8r~d"ates, who a,e. front row, left to right. Lloyd W~r.ne" Paul Cypher, ~nd Ronald

Nebel, Second .ow. GeffY Newb',I, Dana Millet. and Andy Chaff,

duil Bending:' ha~ hlld a l;omp:lI1ion \O.!I of hill fold-sized I;h;lrh 11·6) printed, The SCI can he obtained by \\ riling 10 Conduit Bending. Nonh~lJc FlIfm,. Bul­ler. "enn\}hania 16()OI The co~1 of Ihe cham i~ SI.~5, and 1he I;o,t of Ihe hoo~ i~ ~lill S2.~5.

I ncidenlal1y. "Simplifi<'d ('undull Bendi",!!·· i, ~chcdulcd for II thirli prinl­in!! :lI1li h in U'>C in e~er) vlale in the union and four foreit:n .. o"nlrie~. JA 1( \ a~ro,~ the COUnIT) and III (anad" h,l\\' ordereli it in tjuantit),.

)incl: thc nmnu"l \\;" puhlivhed. Brother Cumber1:tnd h3. .. ~ondllued eon­duil ho: nding '>Cmimlr, in ,cH'ml 10e, I,. indllding Local 311. (Ievebnd. Ohiu,

JIMI, 1"tI~II'o;IIt'-f. K_S.

De troit Local 17 Men Complete Appprenticeship

I.. Il. 17. m:T1wrr. \l ICII.- 1 he fol­lowing ml'mbef\ havc rcccnily c<HlIplctcd their apprenlice,hip ami :Ire no ........ ,)ll­ing a) ioUrne)miln linemen:

American I inc BIUldef\ Apprenti~e ­

.. hip Training ! AI 11 /\ I) Pr<>t:ram­Ri,'hard A. Barry. David U. Comhe\l. h.eilh Houghtaling. Koher! Ri~ley . 1I .lr­uld F. Slephcn~. IJenni\ Thormann, J ()­

"I!ph VllnD)'l·k. and 1:I1I1C\ \arnc)' Cil)' of Dctroi1, Mll1lidpal-("h~rlc'

Currer. Bralile)' lIocriluf, and Kot>crt Sahalcrra .

Delroil Fdi\Qn ('ompany. L',ili,) ­h.enl Ikllborn. I imolhy Bryanl. D.micl (alla .... a). Jame, J)a,e~. Daniel Du:tri.:h. J"mc\ r crrell. Julin I i,hhll~~. Kobert 1Iolland. J'''lle~ I' h.cnne,I). Dale ,\Ic­I.. .. lughlin. l erry ' 1IIe'I .. ~i. h.ennelh "' Iur­gan. Craig Ne~\C'h. Dan) 11 1'allcr.on, Wilfred Ram<;cy. Gene Ki{:!:~. (,erald Wurnl:r. and Frilll Wc,..., I,.

Our congraWlalion, 10 nrOlhcr and

,\Ir.. Cillrence Allcn. \I ho<.c li;lIIJ:1htef. Clarice. a 14-month-old heauty quecn. \Ion lhe grand prile in the 361h .... ;t­,ional Children\ Photugraph ct)nte\t. .. pon\Qreli h) the 1. 1 Hudson Budget I'hoto 5wdi\l in Detroit. I iule (Iari .. e\ pri/c \lav 2.~OO .... mth of merchandi-c_ lIer dadd} i, a Ddroit Edison hnenhll1 (lUI of Ihe l en~ell W"rehou'>C.

R. L., "G. P.5.

Construction in Maryland Has Promising Outlook 1.. 1 . 2-1. IIA LT l\tO I{E, MO._Mar)·_ IlInd -cC111V 10 h~ une of the few \Iale .. in Ihe counl ry that Im~ not heen hurl Ill' thc Ni.\on 1\,lmini~lralion. a, far ;IV enn­\trUdion iv cuncerm::d. II looh :1' if \lC \lill con1lllllc 10 h:l\e a good \lin ter. \\ilh full el11plo}menl.

( .eneral I:leclric i\ hui1ding a t:ig:llltie. ne .... plant in the 1I;1!limorc area. \I ilh 111l1re than 411t) jotlrne}mCn on the j,lh !Hld nnOlher ]~O men nee<.led b)' March h t. It i, :lntkip;lIe(] Ihal tho: GE hui ld­In,. prO!!ram \I ill 1;,,1 up to eit:ht )C;lr'

/I. projed of Ihi .. ';7£. coupled .... ith all of Ihe olher \\ork in the :lrt'a un roo .... er­houw,. urhlln rerlC\I;I!. inner harhor de­\clopmenl. (,Irid tran~it ~)'stcm,. elc .. iv hlenJing inlo " perfe~t oprooTiunilY 10 orgllni!e the unQrgani/ed.

Our 10000al . in wnjunction \lith lhe huilding Irao.::v, iv guing 10 make 11 con­cenlralN eflon to gcl a~ man)' .. lilled me~hani.:\ oul of lhe: non-union field a\ r><",vihle. Furmer :I"i,I"1II1 hU'lIIe,~ man· tIger Joe 1\;.,1'1,1)11 iv \\or~ing for Ihe huillling \f;.dcv ;tv un orguni/er and i~ dlling "n e\ccllent l.)b.

,\, far :1> 1'111 ~nncerncd. lhe general eleclion in ~ l ar)lanli .... a .. a f"ilure. AI­Ih.)ugh mu .. 1 of Ihc CO I' F-bac~t:d cllnd;­dille, \lerc ,iclOriou\. \Ie lei a UIIII",1 ~t,ue) ~enatur \I'ho h:lli u nearl)-pcrfl'l'l


voting reconl be defe;lted by a congress­man who b again5t orgunized 1;lbor.

T here .... ere mal' y rea~ons why Sena­to r Tydings wa~ defeated, but I lIould lil.e 10 pa~ on one ma;or error that ( belie'e organized labor made. It is the job of orj;anized labor to leI it~ mem­bership I.no .... Ihe job that politidans are dOing. not to wOli t unlt l Ihe candidOlte.) arc up for fe·eledion :Ind then ,tan tell ­ing the membe~ how good Of bad It job the eandid:l1e has ,jone. If .... e h:ld been telling our labor membc:r, of Ihe good job Senator T)dings h .. , been ,jolng for !lix ),('an;. in,!;tt'ad or "ix month,!;. I bt!lie\e he "ould ha\e heen re·elecled.

Brother Fd Lamun "orl.e,j for '-cna­lur J'y,jings during the cnmpaign an,j did a fabulou, job.

The Young I ra,je Unionhh ha\c add.:-d IIVr HI n FR / WORK UN ION tie bOlrs to their line of II VF BFT ­TFR / WORK UN ION item.). Li~e the e nvelupe and bumper ,Iidel'>. the tic bars arc blue un,j "hite. They cost S2.00. Anyone whu .... i,he, to pur!;!uI:\<! a he h;lr 5hould write 10 Ilcrn:lrd R. Fb­berts, Young Tnuje Uniuni,h. 2 C;ls!>:!n­dra Coun. Randalhlo"n. Mar)l:md 211 )) or 10 F,j .... :Ird R . L:nllon. Young Tra~e Uniuni,h, 637 Wic~ham ROild, Balllmore. M.'T} land 21229.

We are pleased thlLl Wa.)hinglun. D.C .. ha.) ,tiLrted its Young '1 flU'!C Un­ionbl~ organllalion. :md .... e arc going to worl together on man) of our ne .... proj­«IS. If }Oll haH: ,ueh an orsaniz:ltion in ) our 'late. drop me .. tine at the abo\e addre.-s. We'd lil.e to he;lr from }ou.

II I RN\II.U R. FiliI! RTS. I' .S.

Local 26 Welcomes 38 New Journeymen '-- II. 26. \\'ASIII .... CTO-'". D.C.--Our J oi nt Apprenlicc,hip lInd "lr:lining Cum­mittee held il ~ Annual Apprcnlice Gnld­lJatiun to f,)TLlwlly recogni1e uur 31:1 proud new jouTlle} man members.

Gue\t \pc;l~er for Ihe event .... ;1\ Inler­national Secret:.r}' JuSf:ph D. Keenan. .... ho deli\ered an inspiring :Idures.\ 10

the graduate, and glte~". Other ,pea~crs included C h:. rle, E. " nuck'" Wi-.c. Pres i­dent. Wa<,hinglon. D.C.. Chapler. NECA; II lI'.ine.)\ 'I :Lnager Tom Noone. and Pre,idenl (.arT)' Ilogan.

No one. ho .... e\'er. e.\pre,-.ed a more \'i\ id picture of uur ,itualiQn lod;1\ an,j for Ihe fulure Ihan the diL\\ \alc,jiclori­ans. Brother. \l i~e (,Iumae and 'I I~e

Mahonc~·. BOIh cm pha,i.led the f;I~1 that only hy being ae lhe and alert in ollr in­lhl'olr), and our uniun c;tn "e he a"ured Qf the continued pro'peril) of the 60->.

Among our gue,h. "efe dignitaries from lahor. managemenl. lmd gowrn· men!. im:luding uur former bu~ine.),

manager. Boh 'IeAI .... ce. "ho i~ no .... man:.);ing c\/il llr of the Jmfrlllll: Hrolhcr~ Don Sahin. l um Wiley. ;.011 .... el1 I'd­.... :.r(l' ,If Ihe Il1tcm:" I<)Iml , ta lf; Broth­er. J al'~ McCorkle and Joe Pre,tianni from Ballimore: Uenry Formlra from


Graduating Class

Th" gtlOduat'ng ctau 01 locat 26, Wnh'l'l8lon. D.C .. pOSes 10' a lo.mat port .... ;1 willl Inl"'· national $OIe,"tary Jo~"ph O. Kunan. JI'ITC O".elo. Clint B";,,,or, iLnd Tom Noon", Busines~

MiLnllgef, lOCII 26.

Yesterday and Today

B.othe.s Bm C."ame, and B .... ce Jenkins. loclll 26. at the .enovalion of th. 0 51.e.t d<5PQSiLI plant. Broth ... Bitt was fo.eman on th" o.;g,nat inSlallation in 1931. Wllh Busi· ne55 ManaSe. Tom Noone as h,S app.enl,c •.

Phi1;!dclphia: Ihrry Zalln from Rj ~h­mond: and Joe Neen;Ln from [ OIlJ; Is­laml. Space lIon't perm it n;.minJ; Ihe o ther gue,b. M) 1"11 lIml ..... hile I'm ahead.

'VI.' have al"ay~ urged our membeh 10 partkipate in area chic atrair~. :10,\ one group doing a bang-up jub i~ COI11-po!oCd uf 'he Brother' .... hu imp:lfl their ,jme and ~no .... ledge 10 cQaehinJ; young· ,IeI'> in Ho~, Cluh and I iu le I e:tJ;ue 'porh aelhitie,. Special trihme goc:, oul 10 Brothers John \\ egc and Gene 110-\cllo for leading their leanh to a pla}-off d:l,h for ,he lOO-pounu football eh:ullpi ­on_hip of ,he Iklt .... ay League. Brother Ho\cllo hn~ pre"cmed tho,.' \iher ':tpring llo}, Club "ith ro chOlmpion,hip.) in 12 ~e:tr~.

'lore Ih;\n ~.OUO t>o), partidpat.:-d in lhe (he .... eiJ;ht dhi,ion,. '1 he play-ofT J;:lme had all the e,eitemcnt :Ln,j an\ll·t) o f the NFl . induuing tde\;,ion cover­age. '1 he perform;lnce of holh learn, il ­Iu"rat~d the lime 'pem in preparatiun. nut only ph)~ieally. bUI in ;lllilll,je. ,purhman,hip. and 'C:lm .... o rl. .

Lilting Weights

, .. -.... ,. .~, " . , .

Not II professional weight·"ft",. B,othe. H T Houghton. locat 26. instaUs 40-1001 tenglh$ 01 I,be'glass conduil on Ihe new 141h 51 .... '"


\Vorl in our areil is ~Iill good. ant job<. ha\e been available 10 an}' Bruther' "illing to perform an honest da)'~ .... or~ for top waJ;e~ . Local :!6 h;t~ nothing te otTer 10 imli viduHr~ or group~ ",110 in· tend to di'fupt its policy b}' ,eding ,e create di,harmony o n ;ob~. We have toe mlteh at ,'a~e to a llol\ ,ueh Pfllclice, to e~i,t. and appropriate aClion II ill be t;L~en 10 pTcvenl ,ueh anhity.

The W",hington Buitding Congrc<s rc· eenlly prc,ented Craflo,m:!n\hip Allard, to II rother, Don LOll. Ray Stcvcnson. an,j I'd Sche"ler for their supervis i!)n in the performance of ",orl. on the I"a­'ion .. 1 I>re~b)tcrian Cathedral. the An­lIerwn \l uM'um. and the John F. " en­ned} Cultural Center. We are jll,tl) prou,1 of Ihe .... and all our Brothcr~ "ho d;.il) '>Ce~ 10 ~el'P Qur local and the lBl-\\' ;,1 thc pinnacle Qf Ihe eQn,tfuetion indu\try.

The onl) commodity .... e haH to ..ell i~ our ahilit) to perform and produce lhe 101' job.

rhe oflieen and members of local 16 l'\Icnd <;cawn', J;rccting., and "i~he, for a pro,perom New YC;lf 10 all IHEW mernher~ in the Unitl'd State~ and Call­ada.


Strip Mill Pro;.ct

Members of local 38, Cleveland, Ohio. have been working on a new, 84·ln<;lI, tlol ~I"p mIll for Republic Sle"l. He'e is th" condUIt

work in Ihe molD. rOOm bnemenl

The moll's new wale, 1111,"'lon plan!.

Burrell Moody and Marty Coyne, Slewl",d ilnd forem'n , respectively, On the job.

Ou,,1 drove motors for the finIShing stands.

C leveland Members Work On New Hot Strip Mill Lli. 311, CU : VELANIJ, OHI O- B.:· c:w<,C of Ihc need lor :1 hi~hcr-1:radc )h~-e[ 'leel for the aUlOmOlivc and apr1i· nnec indllslric~. Republic Steel. Cleve· laml D j<;lricl. h in lhe pnxc,~ of con­, Irueling a neW, II4·i"ch, hOI Sirip mi ll . on which mnny of our members arc prescntly working.


The r;onstruclion \lilI lake Oler [\\0 Y"llrs to cOOlplete, and the job hilS cm­ployed approximately 450 elec tricians :11 ib pea L

T he contrac l for thi, new mill "a~ a .... arded 10 HHlficid Ekclric. one of our local NECA conlmCtOh, and i, one of the largest. ~ingle, electrical contract~

eH:r all arded. T he mill building it..elf i, one-h;tlf

mile long and inchu.k, 1\\0 ,1;lh }:tnh. a motor room mill 1,le, a roll ~hop, lind threc fllrna~c~. wilh C'ip,ll\,ion ruom for 111'0 morc under one roof.

T he mill i\le il.,.;:lf con,j,h uf file rougher, wilh 1m :Hcragc of :In l.IOO· hOf,ep<J"cr synchronOlh motor. 'i~ fin· i,hing ,landl> "ith lim;!. S,SUO-hor-.o:­po"cr urile,. and onc fini,hing ~Iand "ilh a uual, J.50(J·ho",.·pu\\cr drile.

There MC olcr 10 mile, of ~'ahlc tmy and morc conduit Ihan I "a, al1le 10 COllll1. cnrr~'ing mure Ihan 7.0()() illdilid­ual eahle pull .. fOf the poller and con­trol of Ihe mill OpNlIlioll,

I\",ocialcd ..... ith the 1;4-inch hOI mill. i~ a IlCI\ "clf:m: huilding. "ilh loder anu .. ho"cr roonl' for the mill poi.·f',on­nel. :1 ,,:ucr-cooling h)"er. and a chemi­cal tfeatment building.

Republic Sleel h,,, taken an01her major 'Iep in Ihc fillht again,t air and \laler pollution \lilh a ncw lilll':lli<l11 phlllt Ihat will fillcr all of Ihe ":Hcr u,ed in Ihe ne .... 114-inch mill. Ihe old '.III-inch mill. I",) ,'old·roll milb. llnd the temper mill. The filtered Ilaler returnc,1 1(1 lhe Cu),ahog" \\il1 he cleaner Ihan Ihe ":tter orillinally tul..en out for Ihe ~teel pmccs~ing .

(;000 cO'oper:llion bCI"ecn 'tc\\ard, Ili llTell ~I oody. AI Il:bkin. :Intl Bill Stemh.:rgef and gennal forcm;m Rar ~hu117 :lnd Bill Don:nl..ol\ ha, providel! :l ~mooth.running job.

'eed1c\~ to ":I). II joh of Ihi, ,iO£e uOt, rore.,cnl man~' different and \Ome­lime, lery seriOlh problem, het .... een hrother membcf'l 'lnd het"een union nntl 1I1;Hlag~lllent. '1 h:ll\l.., 10 Ihe hard work and good . ,oli<l judgment uf flu,ine,s 1\1 anager Ridmnl A~lOn. BII,ine'~ Rl'P­rl''>!:nU\lil'C Fdwanl Shingary, l' re,[oIcnt J , Gilhert Sleele. the job ,"peTlti""f' rore­liou,l} mentioned, and E. R. "nlOmJ ami Char1c~ I,mond of li:ltfield Electric. the..;: problem~ Ilere and hale heen k,'pl lu a minim 11m. In nearly clery ca<'c. a Icry sati~f:lc\Or)' l:onclmion h!l~ been rcached for ;ti l concerned.

I\l y Ihan l.. , 10 Repuhlic Sleel and lIat­field H~ctric for Ihe infurmation pro­vided fl)f thi~ art ide and for the .... ork thl'y have pr()lided for our memhcr' and Ihe many Il'lncling UrOlher, .... hll helpeu I" durinS the peak 1110nl h, uf the projc.:1.

J,\\IIS Fl INN, I' .s,

Committee for Journeyman Education Appointed 1,.If. 41. IH lF l~/\LO. N.Y.- Our loeul h,,~ :II\\a}s been lIell known for ;g lery fine mechanic~, and in I..eeping Ilith this

reput:lIion. Pre~idcnt Jo...cph Canniaaro appointed a Commillee for Journeyman Education.

Aided by Busil1CSS I\I :mager Raymond Schlemmcr and lhe union omeer~, Ihe follo"ing cour)C:s :Ir(' in progrC5\, B,,~ie Welding, AC and DC \l otor Conlrol, and Air Conditionin!! :tnd Rt'frigef;llion.

'1 he committcc. lIilh the co-opera lion of Ihe I lcclro I' roduct, Divi\ion of Ihe Jl\1 Company. prel>Cnted " !.Crk~ of cia"c, on ~plicing r c~hniqlle~. Dunng thi, ,i~-wecl..,· COllr'>l!, each journeyman had Ihe upporl li nilY of aCl uall y nml..iug up termination, and ,plkcs. and IIhik the f;OUfo,c did not Illa!'e eler~one .. top­notch ,pliler. it did prOI ide lhe I'>a'i~ theory :lnd prank!;!'.

A l lMin i, no ~tronllcr than ih "c:ll..c,1 linl. 'ike",i..;:, a c:thlc j, no ~Ir"nger. elcclricall>, than ih 'I'I icc. Thereforc, a conr<.e in cah1c-,pli~itlg i .. II !1l1l-t for t'very jUlirneymlln in (1rd<;1' lhm hc Gin f(Jl11iliari/e hilmelf "ilh cablc-,plicint! and the U'>I! of Ihe IJI~'I mClhlXh of ~plidnt!.

On the night of Ollohcr 291h. Ihe fol­lo",in!! memhers ret"';_e,1 cettificatc~ "I tl)l\lpletlOn for their p'lrtkipalion m Ihe Spiking 'whool. RkhanJ I DOle. Jim I tn­

manllek. }\nthon) 1I1I[:II..I1'"ki. I'ugene A. I<.. rc". MlITtin J. R)nn, "Iaff) I inne­gan, Richard 11 . ,\l arlin. S:tm ,\Iorel­IIIUI), Alfred W. Renni!;!'. Wray Blick· lac ......... enlleth I . Did. Bmce Swhcr, Mich;;cI Cuddihy. Gcoq!e J. Smith. ltnu John Dudll .

The committee e\prc~'>C, il~ thanl..~

and appreciation 10 in-truclor~ Norht:rt Re}nd"'r, an,1 Kennelh J. I),\'I for lhcir ('xcclktll wur\/: prco;cnlnliun.

'I h~ chairman of I h~ CUmmitl"c for JOllrnqman Fducalioll i, William 1- larl­na~do. :1 member of ollr F\ecuti,e Bo.;trd. J he other comrnillec membef\ are I:ugenc Emel">Qn. Ilarfy Uro,,",on. Donald 113nl..s, Frnnci, I-oru, Jo:.cph I t\ .

rio,o. 1· lori .. n Palle"k;. I'ugcnc lIach­o",ki, Norman Glc:I'Iln, lin" Angelu .. Donahuc.

It ha, been ~aid Ih:11 the flltllfe he· long, 10 thme who prep:lrc for it. Web­~IC(" l)i~li()narr ~ay' Ih,lt 10 prepare j, to "fit. :tdapt. or qllalih ht:forehand ror a p..'1rtleul;zr purpo'+C. end. or condition: to make rC.IlI}." I mining i, Ihe ,eh.de h~' "hid} \\c arrlle ;11 11 ,late of rc;tdi -ne~~.

COMM. 10M hl·MN. I, U!ic.

Local Welcomes New Members; Area Work Slows Down

I..l . 42. II ARTI'-On l). CO ...... " .- W,· lal..e thi' opportunity hI lIekOllle the mechanic" of Ihe T. D. 11 1'0'" U ne Con­stfllctiml Shop in Bloomllcld, Cunnecli­cut. 10 Ollr local union membcr .. hip. We hal'e Ml<:<:e"fully negoliated :lJ'I a1,:rce­ment Wilh the compllny. \\hich b one of Ihe Inr~e,l in Nell Englanu.

T he "ork picHlre is ~Iowing uo .... n in our area al this time, "ith IWO of our


Complete Spl icin g School

The members of lo~ .. 1 41. Bulimia, N.Y .. who recently compl~led a Splicing Sellonl posed w,lh the" inMruCIOfS for thue pholoS. He.e. left to right, are ,nstru.<:IO.s No,1> Reynde,s. James Emmanuele. Anthony BUr8kowSki, Rlchilrd Toole. Harry f",,,egan. Sam MoreuuZlO.

John Ouda, <lind Kenneth Dlci<.

Left to rIght. Alfred Rennie. Inst,ucto. No.b Reynders, Richard MarlIn. Eugene K,us. Mlch .. el CuddIhy. M .. rt." Ryan, Bruce Stuber, W.1I.y Bucklaew, and instructor Ken,..U. Dyl.

Instructor Reynders shOwS All red Rennie hOw to mah a spll<;e.

JOhn Duda ,e<:eiYes h;S c:e<1",cate 01 complellon from instructor Reynders.

hiSh lines dra"'ing to a clo!oe. Ho\\~\'cr, lIe hal'c only a couple of men on Ihe bench and hope 10 place them shortly.

I certainly do l han~ c"cryonc for mal.ing our fir~t picnic. held on Ocwbcr 17th at thc Rosewood ParI. in Sim~bur)'. Connecticut. a SllttC~. The caterer fed appro'timateiy 300 mrn and did a real. b:lng-up job w ith clam~ and cold cuh. clam and corn friuel'.. plenl)' of chow­der all day, and a ~irloin ,teal. dinner OIt 5;00 P,\ !. According to my rcporl, about eight barrch of liquid refrc .. h­mcnl" wcrc la~cn care of. I don'l be­lielc anyone wcnt home hungq or thir,,} !

Our than~, to NFCA :lnd our con­tractor, (ur the lery nicc gif., the} do­na1<:d. The main door prize ,".~ " 12-j;llUge. automati!; ,holgun. "on by one of our old-timer" hcddy Sclwit ... Whtl. 1 under~tand. wa~ the fir<;\ one al the picnic. tr)in!! to get one of Ihc ~e~,

tap~d OI l 11:30 A. M.! CongralUlatiom, Freddy!

Our other prizes indlHled different ~inus of tool~. a porlahle TV. a ca...:: of ,\hi~~ey, :md ;1 ca-.e of 10-30 oil. won by some ludy membe",.

I'cle Trac:e) and hb commillee diu a wonderful job. for whicb we olfer our cungr:llulalion~. In f;lel. the boy\ wcrc ~ pJcao;cd wilh the commillcc', lIor~ that thc) un;lnimou,ly nominaled Pete th c:hairlllan for nc,t year. Ye,. plan, are already under wa) for ne'l:l }i."ar. I ju~t hope the I.eeper or the fund, doc,n', haH! a heart auac:I. when he geh the tab for this ye:tr'~ affair. Keep c:alm. P,ml.

lJu,ines<; Man •• ger r TUllIan Sc:h1chofer and I '~nl a wry informalive wed :11 Ihe International conlc:nlion anu e\h:nd ollr congratulalion~ 10 the hO<;1 locah lor a really fanta,tic job. The accommo­dating of 2.700 dC'leg:lh:~. phb other,. i\ a tTf:mcndou~ underla~ing. E\.:rything I\'c cler heard :.OOUI Se:lIIle\ h.:ing a bclHl\ifu l cilY is truc. No lIo",'<'r thl' [}eoplc (Lrc ~o proud uf it!

That'~ all , have to r,-port at lh;, lime. Let'~ all loo~ for Ihe uniun label on our flurehao;cs.

Jl" FItA"UI, " .5.

New Secretary

local .2 eusiness Manage. T.uman Schte­hofe' Ifoe, to loll in for the sec,etary.


Hartford Members at Work

new m"m!>e<s of loc,,1 .2, H".IIo,d, eonn" "mployees o f Ih" T, D. B,O$s Un" Conslru.;llon Shop In BloomfIeld. work on lIne equIpment.

First·Aid Instruction

The Connecticu t Hellrl Anoci"hon 8;""S inSlructlon on moulh·Io.moulh reSuSClllttion 10 l oc,,1 .2 members emplo)'i!d by Ihe C",nlll ConllruCloon Comp~ny a l Ihe company's r"quell.

Local Extends Kudos

For Convention Efforts

I .. U. " 6, SE,\lT U :, \\ ASII.- r he In· tl'rn.llional con\l:nt ion. \Iohich \Ioa~ rl:' 1'1:1'111)' held in Seattle, .... a' ho>tl:d b} the Wa~hington Siall: A\socialion of EII:Clri . cil l Worlcl"i. An ntensh'e \'olumc of


Illbor hu"incs~ \\a~ 1rlln~"CICd. under Ihe able h!"der~hi fl and guidancc of Inh::rml­liumll I'rc~idcnl Pillard.

All or lhe mcmbeh and their "ivl:~ rrom the Wa~hinl,lton Stale Awtll,; illt;on arc I:nlitlc:d to pr,,,~ for the I'lf0000h Ihc)

put forth in arr.m!;ing for thl: eonH:n· tion and its aeth'itle.!..

'1 he FJi l:euth·c Bo.1rd o f our loc!!1 ex-

I l:nd~ its eongratlllation~ and apprecia· lion for the outStanding conduct of . n of the ddegates and thei r .... he~, \Ioho camc from all O\'er the Uniled Stliles and Cmada. The people of Seattlc ("ailrcssc" cah driveN. citilen\. etc.) wilh whom I have come in conlact ,ince thc convenlion huvc comme nted on Ihe fricndline~ :l!1d good rmlnner, of the comention partieipan".

Wc all regret Ihe pa,,-,ing of We,ley E. Oid.in\On, Alhert I' Roherl E. Hart. foolch In B. lI arold V. ....nern .... hield. and W. Bro"n.


E,h"ig. lI ,rrlletl. WillMrn

I~ rotheh J ames II . Ikrle)'. "'r .. Wil· li,lm S. E<tstnmn. Virgil I e\:tn~. and Vern L Hall hd\c llfll'licd for retire' men!.

C. J . .... 111'1'1. I'.S.

Springfield Local 5 I Tries To Reach Agreement

Ll i. 51. S I' RI ..... GI 11-'1.1), IU . .- \t the pre<oent. \Ioe arc in lhe ",rocc" of Ir)lOg 10 reach agrC('ment lin vur Gener'dl '1 d· ephone propert)', :Ind Ihi, ,hould he re­M)1~ed in the ncar future.

rhe inc rca~ In the eO\t of ho,prtHli· zmion :tnd med ic;,1 eMe i, of continurng cnneern. \\ hether \foe li~c it or Ilnl. thi­ilIa) ~cr)' "cll le"d 10 the federal ~o\· emment',. taling o\er anvther (unchon th:H ha) been h:tndled by pn\ale enlcr· pri-.e.

In the rccent ekctiv",. it wou1(/ ap· pe:.r that our membcr~ .11.1 :1 1,l00l1 Joh in goins 10 the poll, :Ind \oting fllr their rrknd~. I)erh:lp~. Ihere h:l, been enoul,lh changl: in Wa,hington <,() that the IInde· \irahle la .... ' \Orne of Ihe 1""ntaLer, h.l\c had in mind .... ill rIC\er get olr th ... ,round.

Gelling the righl peopk eleded i, no! Ihe end of the job Ihal ncell, to he done. Wc ~ hollid :11'>1) Iry 10 be a"are of which bilb have hecn inlrol.\ueclt inlU Congre"" and Ollr ,\llle Icgi,lature\ Hnd lei our rcpre'>Cnlali~e .. ~no\\ our (Celulg' aoollt them.

The philo\Ophic, th"t h:l\c !xcn fol · lo .... .:d b)' the .. dmini,tmlion h:l\c had :In impact on ollr con\lruetion \IoorL. hUI "e fee l thaI il \hould I'id. "I' ufter the hoi ida)'. There" tOO much dem"ml for more electric .. l ami cornmunk<ltion, equipment for il to do othcr .... i'oC.

1' ~C'n though inl\alion continue, un:l­":lIeU. "I.' h;l\c ocen ablC' 10 lC'cp our "age ra il'S al lea~1 nen "i th Ihe in· ere;I'-C\. Thb geh more dimcuh "\ time gee, on. however, bccau'>C no one eun ,\"} .... hat may happen in the future.

rhe holidat~ will I>t.: o"cr by the limc thi , j, being re~d. Wc hope you cnJo)eJ Ihcm leI'" all It) to maLI.' thi~ new lear the tJc..t ncr h}' "or~rng togcthcr for the heuerment of !lIL

RC'mC'mber_:aI .... a)' .... orL ..... fcly and attend )our union mcctrng\.

0.11. I'lltln . I' .S.


department of

r and

esearch ducat ion

Do You Have the Right to Your Ideas? ~ The answer 10 that qucstion is

thaI you probably don"1. You may have signed away your ri£hl to O\\n­crship of patentable or cOPFight ideas. a property right so import.mt that it is provided for in the Con­sliullion of the United Statt!s. Article I. Sect ion 8 provides thaI Congress shall have the power '"To promote the progress of science and useful arts by securing. for limited times 10 authors ;lIld inventors. the cxclu­si\'l.~ right to their respective writ ings and discoveries." Many I BEW mem­bers have given away this righI-a right the Founding F:Hhcrs placed in the Constitution ahead of provisioll<; enabling Congress 10 form courls, the Army. and the Nilvy_

This right is important. not only to the individual. bUI 10 Ihc nalion. It is a major incentive for individual initiative. a concept that major cor­porations tall a great deal about but do very little to promote. In fact. corporations discourage individual initiative by requiring that cmplo}­ccs assign their patent rights.

Many employees of major cor­pormions are not even aware that they signed ;I\\ay their rights to O\\n their inventions and copyrights \\hen they were hired. The pulicy of many corporations. requiring lIfI employ­ees to sign patent and copy right <lS­signmcnt p<lpcrs, is all too common in Ihb country today. These COIl­

tracts <Ire upheld in the courts on the assumption that there was an equal­ity of bargaining. How can there be equa lity of bargaining before there has been :m invention? The em­plo)ee cannot lnow \\hat he is giv­ing up.

Before there can be equa lity of bargaining, the futurc l'mp[oyee mU51 lnow what he or shc is sign­ing. Yet. most employees sign these papers without reading or consider­ing them. I.n the rush of processing


someone into a new job. th(.: person­nel oflice usually identifies the form as a patent assignment. Ho\\c\'er. it is mixed with a number of other fo rms the new employe!! is required to sign. sueh as witholding sta te­ments. i1lSur;1IlCC forms. and medical forms. In this con fused state. the in­dividual in need of a job is not on equal bargaining terms \\ilh his fu­ture employer, so he signs Ihe "standa rd" form.

Patent waivers or assignments usually assure the employer owner· ship of allY item patented by the em· ployee. Many of these contraet~ ghc the elllplo)er ownerl.hip of thc pat­elll. whether it is related to the worl-

er's job or not. For example. a maintenance electrician might invent :t bellcr gun sight while pursuing a hobby. Under many of the:.e p~lIent assignment contracts. his employer would be able to claim property rights to his invention. even though it had nothing to do with his job.

Ilatent assignment contracts frc­quently contain "trailer clau-.cs:· v, hich provide tlJilt the employer re· t:t ins rights to a former cmplo)ee's ideas. even after the employt'e ha'i left hi., job. Th is Iypc of clausc of­fers interesti ng o\\nership problems. Consider a college student \\orlin!! for the Short Circuit Electric Cor~ IX)ration \\ ho signs one of thr.-sc con-



Source: U. S. Deportment of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statislics

REVISED INDEX SERIESI-Reference Bose, U.S. Average, 1957·1959 = 100



Oct . 1970 137 .d 1330 13B .5 1348 133 .5 146 .3 Sep. 1970 136.6 133.3 137.8 133.6 131.0 ldS.7 Aug. 1970 136.0 133.5 137.0 131.5 130.6 ld5.1 July 1970 135.7 133.<1 136.2 131.<1 131.<1 ldd.3 June 1970 135 2 132.7 135.6 132.2 130.6 1d3.7 May 1970 134.6 132.<1 135.1 131.9 129.9 142.9

Oct. 1969 129.B 1272 1292 129.8 1257 138.6 Del. 1968 122.9 120.9 120.9 123.3 120.6 131.9 Del. 1967 117.5 115.7 1153 116.0 117.7 125.5 Del. 1966 114 .5 115.6 112.2 111.5 114.3 120.<1 Oct. 1965 , 10 .4 109.7 109.0 107.8 111.2 116.2

'SI0,'ing wilt. Jon"o,y 196<1. levi.ed Ind ... Se.;e. <ove" lom;ly "nil. ind"ding individuol wo<k... living olone. lelo,,, lhol dal" .h. Ind •• (O ..... ~ fomily "nih of 1"'0 Of mo •• pe"on. only.

NOTE, Con.ume, l'1i,e Ind .. 10' AU ITEMS ;n«eo."d 0.8 Ind ... Poinl, du.ing It.e po.l MONTH,o. , . rt.i. eq"olled on ANNUAL RATE Of INCRE ... SE Of , .10.6% X 12). Inc ....... d",ing lhe po •• YE .... wo. 7.6 IndIO" Poinl" Or ':'9'

~erc. n l "ge in .. eo.o ~Iw.en ..... 0 do'e. is ,ol'''loted by ."b'roc1inll ll1e Inde. n""'~r fo' Ihe .orlie, do'e 'rom .hol 10< ll1e fo'e, dO'e. ond by dividing lI,e , •• 1011 by lhe inde. number 10' lhe eo,Ii., do •• , then mul1ipl.,.ng by 100. VlAAPLE. 1o, one period O<lobe, 1969 '0 O"obe, 1970, 137 .• _ 129.8 = 7.6 Ind ... Point., 7.6 .;- 129.8 = 0.058551 lor .059 ,o"nded), .059 X 100 = 5.9%.


tracts . He finishes college, acccpts a job wi th the Sure Arc Eleclric Com­pa ny, inc., and s igns anot hcr form . Now, if hc invents somcth ing. who owns it? The silUat ion cou ld be fu r­thcr complicated, if he had \\orked on a university project while in col­lcge and a governmen t contract whilc at Su rc Arc.

Cou rt s uphold these COIHracts in part on the assumption that e:lch party had rdiltivcly-equal b:lrgaining power \\hen he ente red into the con­tract; i.e .. the employer offcred the new employce wages, :Hld in ex­change, the employee signcd away his con ~titu t ionaJ[y-provided right to own the producls of his mind. This logic was also used by Ihe courts nc-ar the !Un! of the century, \\ hcn uphOlding Ihe notorious "yellow­dog·' contracts-in exchange for a job. the wor~er agreed 110/ /0 ;oill a

I/Ilioll. The pat~[1\ ,lssignrncl1t con­tract required of our members today is one of the :trehaic "master­servant" concepts not yet replaced by modern labor rel,ltions doctrines ilnd law.

There ar~ real inequities involved with regard to the emp loycr and the individual ell1ploy~e-jnventor. Some workers arc hir~d to be inventive; others are not, but e\en \~orkers

hired to b~ creative. sLich as engi­neers and ch~mist". receive ~ubst;ln­tially less thun any real concept of justice wou ld permit. For example, the research worker~ OIl Odl Lab­oratories who invcnled the transistor received S 1.00 each: )el. the money c:!rned by AT&T from the inven­tion stagger,> the imagination. Dell Laboratorie~' employed inven tors obvious ly r~eci\'Cd less than a fair ~hare, although they were ell1pl()yeu to be creative.

Technicians who arc not em­ployed to be creative al~() have ocen invcntive. A technician at Collins Radio Jllad~ a significant break­through in radio design. fnr which he receive{1 .. small suggc::.tion award. but the employer generated mi ll ions of dollars in ~ak!> to the go\,ernment occause of this techni­cian's invention. Th~ technici:Ul is 1101 employed to be cr~a!ivc in the Slime sellse a~ ,til enginee r. The ~ug­gcstion award, determined solely by the company. yielded far less than equity to this technician. Often, the


worker earning less th;1I1 $5.000 per year is requ ired to sign a patent as­signlllent form . To :!rgue that he or she is be ing pa id to be creative is stretching the point beyond reason.

Suggestion Systcms

Employers frequently usc sugges­tion systems as handmaidens for patent assignments. For examplc, if you turn in a suggestion as an elll­plo)ce of Equitable Gas, the COIll­

pany reserves the paten t licen .. e. The same i!> truc of General Electric, Raytheon, RCA. Sylvani:t. Western Electric, Westinghouse, and many other employers.

There arc so m:my diffcrc-nt sug­ge .. tion plans in existence that it is hard to genemli1e, but they gen­eraJly go hand-in-glove with paten t anll/or copyright lIssiglllllellh. That is, Ihe ~ugg~stion !>ystem transfers patent ownership of ideas that arc turned in as sugg~stiolls to thl.! cor­poration. if patent a~sjgnmcnls have not alread) been obtained frOEll at! individual employees.

With few exceptions. suggc .. tion systems arc ndministcrcd solei) by nwrwgernent. Our re~eareh uncovers only three grievances involving ~ug­gestion a\~ards' going to arbitration. This is a very small number, con­~iderillg the number and nature of the ~ySlems and the unilateral de­cisions madc by management. In 1969, the I-h\ova Company re­port~d to! I awards. T he average value I)f each was $87. During 1969, Duquc~ne Light p:lid sugge .. tion ;l\~ards averaging $38 each \Cl ~iK of 1.000 employce .. eligible to par­ticipatc in the plan. The highest was only $70.

Suggestion systems arc :In area wherdn the union. through collec­tive bargaining. can make a .. ignifi­C;HIt contribution 10 its member,. 1'0 dat~, few grievances have been pur­sucd in the~e ;!reas, and few eOIl­tracts make reference to patent waiv­er!> or suggestion ~y::.tems. Yet, both ()bviotl~ly involve wor~ing condi­tion .. and. as such. arc subjcct to mandatory eolketivc bargaining. In fact. it may be argued thai the uniun ha .. a right to be present during mectings of ~ugge~tion awanl COI11-

mittecs under Section 9(;\) of the National Labor Rei:ltions Act. par­ticularly as th~se lmards relate to

te rms and conditions of employ­ment.

When bargaining on this genera l issue, local unions gene ra lly scck representation on the Suggestion S)stem Committec or seek to in­crease the size of the awards. llle cmployer Ihcn counters by offering to drop the suggeslion system alto­gdher. The company. of coursc. is more than willing to give Lip aW;Jrds. if it already has the emplo)ees' sig.n~d patent waivers.

Th~ best ])Osilion secms to be to gain p:lrticip:Hion in the opcration of the ~uggcstion sy~ tem. To en­hance the employec's barga ining po­sition. paten t :ls~ignments must be set :lsirJ~. Without patent :lssign­ment.s, the emplo)er will have to provide the worker an equitable .. e~ ward to gain patent rights over those provided by common law.

Thc Comlllun L:IW

Even without patent assignmcnt forms. Ihe employee's right 10 hi .. own idea" is sevcrcly limited by cOlllmon law and the ··!>hop-right" doctrine. COlllmon law gene rally t reat~ the employee-inventor in the follo\\ ing manner: If the employee creates ;1Il in\'ention independent of his job. on his o ..... n time, with his own facilities and equipment. and \\ ith\lIJt the help of his employer or a!>sistance of co-workers, the inven­tion belongs to him exclusively. On the ClIher ~xtr~me. if he i~ hired 10 invent :lIld the work he \~a!> cm­plo)ed to do rclat~s to the ill\ention. th~ invention belongs exclusively to the employer.

The middle ground. or the shop­right doctrine. is the imposing con­sideration. If the invention is made b) an employee who was not hired to invent but who used company idea,>, information. equipment, and facilities. the common-law concepl give!> the employer free license to lise the invention in his bu~ i nl:ss. The employee-inventor is beller off und~r common law. than if he Iws signed a p.llent waiver. but he still has sc-rious problems, even if he 1m" not waived his rights by signing a contract.

The rl:alilies of the situation arc that most worke rs cannot afford 10 pursue their rights under common law. As a rcsult, thc cconomics of


thc lcgal pu~uit of his rights oftcn forcc thc worl.ing inventor 10 acccpl lcss·than·a·fair rcward for his abi lity. That is. hc usually mtl~t sell his invention at less than its worth or give it to his employer. Thus, simply nullifying thc patcnt a~sign­mcnt fo rms and turning to the cl)urts will not :I\sure the \\orl.ing irl\cntor cquitable treatmcnt, lIor \\ ill il pro· vide him thc inccnti\e thi" mllion was built Oil. Other nations ha .... e t:ll.el1 progre~,i\e step~ in tlli" dircc· tiOll.

The EIII]llo~'ed In vento r In Other COlllllri",,,

In Sweden. employee-iT1\entors fall into one of four categoric .. : (I) in\"l,~n tioo" ha\ illg 110 conneclion \\ ith thc worl.cr's job: (2) imentions by worl.crs not employed It) in\cllt, but falling within thcir arca of Ole· tivity; (3) invention" devdoped from ideas suggestcd by the el11 ploycr; and (4) invention,> hy cmployee .. cmployed tn in\'cnL In\cntions falt· illg ill the la~1 C.ltegory entitle the emploY~'r to all thc property rights of the inventions. In the third and second situation. the the employer reeehcs '>hop right~: i.e .. the em­ployer has free license 10 u<,e the ill\ernion. Only in the fiNt situation docs the invention belong enti rely to the employee. The sill1ilari ty 10

United States common law is re· marl.able.

nle most imporlant and different a~pcct of Ihe Swedish law is that the cmployee"", reward is determined by 1111 Industrial Arbitration Board or 111\ ofikial bo:m.l. Thesc tribunals base the employee's reward on the economic value of the invention. the nature of his employment (the abovc fou r c:ucgories). thc cmployee's sal­ary. and the inventors expense. Usc of these crite ria by the tribunals gives the employed inventor a COIl­

siderably-better chance of a fair re­ward for his ideas than he b apt to receive unJer United St:lte .. com­Illon law.

The German law gocs substan· tlally beyond Ihe Swedish law in that sl l }:}:en;OI1.,· and thdr proper eOIl1· pensalion may also be ta~cn hefore the tribunal. The Swed;"h tribunal~ adjudie~ue matters ill\"olving pat ... nta­ble service in,'elHiolls onl). Essen­tially, the lIU llIe considerations used


b) Ihe S\\edish tribunals arc con· sidenxl.

D..:nmark and other European countries ha\ e simila r laws regard­ing the employed inventor. In the United St:ltes, we usc phrases like Yankee ingenuity. indi vidual initia­tive, and private enterprise. Yet, the ingenuity bclongs 10 the corpor:uion, a le!!:.l individual. rather than a rea l perslln. It's a shame that Europe.m <..'Ountries arc doing mon: to further indi' idu:!1 initiathc than the United State ...

Present U.S, Lcgi ... lalion

During the second session of thc 91 ~t Congress, Reprcsellt;ni"e Moss (0 .. C •• lifornia) introduCl.'d a bill to create "a comprehensivc federal sys· tem for determining the ow nership of :md amount of compcn~ation to be paid for imentions and proposals for technical improvements made by employed per~ons.'· A bill of this type is a gi:lI1t 1I1CP in the direction of pUlling the Amcriellll wtlrl.ing man on a par wilh his Europe:1Il counterpart.

Ilis bill prO\ ide~ that the D<.:part· men I of Labor sct up an advisury section under the Secretary of Labor to assi .. t emplo)ed imentors in ob· laining patents for servic<.: il1\eotions Hnd proposals 011 tcchnical improve· men I'>. '1 his :lssist:mcc would be free of cha/"g(' to the worker. It funller provides that there shall be an Arhi­tration Board in the I)atcnt Ofiicc. made up of a chairman and t\\O as·

If you a re a n IBEW membe r and while working, full or pa rt ·tlme, and mail to :

sociates. This board, upon petition by the employcc-imentor will be cn­larged to 'lccommodate a rcpre­sentatl ve from a labor un ion to rep­re~el1t hi., interests. Nu fces or cost shalt bc charged a.g:linst any party to the procceding~ hefore the Arbi­tratit)/} Board. While tlli" bill ap­parenti} lIleeh m:my of hlbor's goals, it ~holiid be cl:panded 10 include sugg<.:~tion a\~ards in a manner simi­lar 10 the I:m in Germany,


This bill. if it is acted on by Con­gres~, will be oppo~ed by the na· tion\ major corporations. thwart ­ing indi\ idll:ll initl;Uive and the l"!Cst interest<, of thi" natiun. Thus. it will probahly tlll.e ycar<; before it nc· IUally IlCCOllles ];1\\.

What can labor do now? The first "tcp i~ 10 in~iM on hargaining on .. ug· gestion sy"tC/llS and rcpre~enting cmployees during ~lIggestion COIll­

mittee mecting~. On Ilot ~imply re· \'o~c patent and copyright as~ign­

ment contrach at the b:lrgaining table, but de\clop contract languagl.' \\ !lich will oblig:He thc employer 10

as"i,t the employees in obtaining p;lIents. 'I his would be :l new and \\orthy fringe benefit.

• • • • • • • • • Information on how a local union

call SlUr! a credit lin ion i~ avnilahk from Ihe I!JEW Research :lnd Edu­e:ltion Dcp:lrtlllcnt. 1200 15th Slreet. N. W .. \\ll"hington, D.C. 200()5.

a re la kmg college· leve l cours es please complete coupon below

Department of Research and Educa tion , IBEW 1200 15th Street , N. W. Washington, D. C. 20005





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ATIENDED (University or College)




Columnist Stresses Dangers of Asbestos

I_II. 52. N[W /U t K . N.J.-An e~lreme· Iy.imponanl leiter fronl Ihe Deparlmenl of Labor and Indthlrl of the State of New Jersey" .. " re"d lit ollr regular No· \'cmbcr meeting. e,pre .. ~inll gr.ne con­cern reg..rding Ihe toxic cff"ct~ of a,Ilc~· to..,

The usc ur ,prayed-on, fire -proofing material cont.lining u,be,l"" in the l'on· "ruction of ne\\ l1uikling .. recehed p;!r­tieular critici .. m A,he,t(l' ,prn~ed into the atmo'phere of the \\orl.. arcu pre· -.cnls a Ycr)' .. eriOlI~ health ha/tlrd to con,truction \\url..cr .. , lind if :"he,lO~ j,

p;:rmitled to ew:. fJC into the :ltmu'phere, even oubide Ihe \\"rl.. arc:l, il j, 11 '>Cri· Olh halard 10 e\er~one in the \' idnit)'.

"TOlI:I)'\ lIe:llth," a 1II0nthly pub· Ij,hc<l b)' the American \ledieal ANJoI;i'I' lion. recent ly fcalllrcd II fuur·p:lge aniell!. "A (':.ncer '1 hre,1t Greater Than Cigurcth:\?-[)i\linlllli,lu:d Scientj.,t~ Arc Worried Arout A,I""IO" Inhalation :I, :1 C:lOccr Thrc:II:'

Until..e c<lrdnogen .. '"lh a~ c0.11 tnr and Ix"nlOp)rc~. a .. he\lo-. fihc.-r .. :iTe in· \Olul1le \lhen inhaled The Iiher. arc ,hllrp and 'Iiff and renMin in place f.lr year" .. tahhin{: the cell \lall .. I,ilh cadi re .. piralory n1l,)Iemenl.

\11111)' COn'lrtI.:lion \lorl.er .. uo nOI reali/e Ihat ur.ltuNne and fiherllla" con· Illin e\en morc of thi, Mcane:erou, dll,t" Ihan tlx- elcr·danI,!Cfl)u, a,besto,.

L \er)' nK:mber of 'e\\arl.. I (IC'I I 32 and New Yor~ l.oc.11 12 of the Intcrml' lional A,'>OCinlion of lIe:1\ anu I ro,t In· ~Illlltor~ ilnd A .. hc\lo<. \Vorl..en i\ re· quired to h;ne a <;;he'! X·ra~ and :IIl e'llminalion at le:l\t once 11 lear. New Yorl... inciuentatl~, re~entl} becante the fir,t cit)' in the e:ountry 1<1 ell11el a\hc'l05 regu1:ll ions.

Some limc ago, \\ hill! wIII·l..ing 011 II

major li lleralion ioh in a la rlll! ofllec Imilding, I plelll1cd with the engineer to. al kast. TOp.! off Ihc area \lhere a,he .. l0~ Wll\ being spT;l~'ed from the l1uor at h,'n't 16 feCi to\\ard~ the hui ldinll', 'Iecl ~I..clclon, Hi, curl rei'll)' \la, th.,1. if the health hazar,1 \\erc I..no\l11. thl! 1:lhorel1i I\otllu rduo,.: 10 clenn lip Ihe fallen u,­be' IO... The New J ero,.:~ code 'rcdfle~ Ih"t thc area he cleaned a, the job pro!;, rcs)("s anu tlMt il he fini,hed \\ith a \,IC'

uum ~weep.

For .... cd~ lifter Ihe ;111-<)\e epi..ode. or· dinar), coO\truction "~ti, itic, cau-.cd lhe \pT'J.}·ed :1 .. be,lo-. to fall lil..e ,nO\lJllll..c,. rhe entire arC,1 :lhme Ihe ceilin{: i\ an open plenum. I Icn the iluore\Cent fh· lure, are \'enloo 1(1 admit he:at into thi' area. The continua l circubtion of air Ihrough the omee' :100.1 return no uoUbl picb up \Ome " .. he,to, du~1. ;IOU I uften wonder if Ih..: l.ir drClllatin),l to Ihe ollice, has eller heen lln:d),/ed for jls

dungerous. C:lOcerOIl~ du,t contcnt.

Tto Fu"", I'.s.


Local 67. Quincy. lIIinois. Observes 75th Annivers" ry L. U. 61. QI II;\'C Y. ILL._·lhe hc:,.ltiful e'ening of Octoher 17th \I,I~ mat.lc to order for our local' .. 1!ilh Annile~r}

cc1ehr.uion. I he t>allroom of the I-Ioli­ua} Inn ""' la,lcfull} de.:or.ued III r:11I color, :Ind. in combinlllioll \\ ith bfi,:e IIWW \lall emblem'. pre'>!:lIt.;" :1 'cry plea'ini,: almo,phere for Ihe Uinncr·d;lOee affair.

Appro,imalel~' 150 pc......,n, rcgi .. tercd prior to the.- clXl..tail huur. Uonorc<l guc ..... int/ltde" Quine)' \la}or and \lr<., Don Ni~hul\On: Reprc-.cl1lnlil'~ Limo "kClain: I' rofl'"or Fral1l.. N:'F-Jli. econo· mbt, Qllinc), College: Lee lI ibh. r..ECA: Ch:.rle, IIllrnham. editor. QUiIWI' II cr· IIfd·lVhi]f: George Hro" n. repre..enling the: tlectrklll contractor, of our l,re,,: and Mr. :tnd \lr,. Jacl.. \l'r'llI. r"b", ,vI''''''. Quin!:),', onl~ 1:lhor ne\\'pal'l'T.

1 he fcalllre,1 spcahcr ":I' Intermltional Fxcelllivc COlln!:il memher lad "Ioore, who j, hlhine~, manngcr of 1(11::,1 453. !)pringficld. /l l i~..ouri.

Guc,t bu,ine>\ m,tnager. induded Charle~ Weer... Local 961. ""tnl..lll..eC. II· Hnok Di~L \\il1aert, I ulal 14~, Rocl.. hland. Illinoi-: Larry L.1,,'er, I IX;!I 146. Del·:lIl1r. l1Iinoi .. : anll. rront Ihe Ollin(~

area. Jim "'ell~. Pluml",r,: Raymond Eel... Carpenter,; Jim ..... :.lIel1. Ma~hin· i~h; and Ralph Fryc, LlboreN.

IIrother \loore pre\Cnled ...;r, ice pin' to I'ort> \Iaa ... 4!i year); (,corgI' IIro\\n and H:lrn' y Reic:l.. .. icel... 1(1: Don Calu· \lell. C. E. I ranI.., nen lIeeUe. 0, M, l oni,:, Da\e 'Iartin. 1111\1 I'alll I'ocpping. ::!,~: Fred Ane,i. Buh Bennett, ('MI Ilern· hardl. "'ennelh FO\tcr. John (,rimn. Bob "arold. and ('lifrord Willi.lm,. 10; ;.nu Don Bro\ln. i-'orre .. t ('a"id). I ind), I'd· "ard,. i-'mnl.. Ho"'>Cr. lIarold MC}er. Hob Slanule),. and Len WIt.!. IS.

We rClll'et Ihat BrOlher Cieori,:e Culli· \on eould nul I,c prc'-Cnt to receille hi\ 50·year pin. Retired ntcnthcr, prc...;nl in­cluded Joe Bocl..e. Wam:n IIMtLeH. ami Gilbert ... riner.

At Ihe conclu<.ion of fornmlitie,. the floor \la\ cleared and d,lncinl! \111\ en­joyed. wilh nlll~k furnhheu by our o"n Brolher Pl!le Viele lind hi, banu, mcm' bers of MII~kian .. Local :!6!i.

We all gilc a hig hand 10 Annilcr."ry Committee memben IJen lIeel..le. Mll..e irerid". and Hob !Jennett rur;1 job \lell done.

Local1),. lahar helu ii' o\ln in tile pa~1 el«lion and nlade \olIle {: •• in, ,tute'\liue, We hope the Cl:'onOl1t)' will ,how SOIlI\!

itnprOlemcnt h)' nC\1 )ellr Ihi, lime. We had a good turnOUI ror our ..... 0-

\ember meeling. t.Ic'pilc bad "ealher eondition\ 1 he prindpal bu,ine" "a~ the Ncgotillling Committee\ "plonalion of ch.JOge .. llOd addition, to our con­tract. \lhich j, due for I'ene\lal in Ihe l'arl~ 'pring.

Lee lI ihb, NECA, pre .. cnlell II", filrll. "Kight Ihe Fihl T ime." ;.n e";I:'ellent p;.:. ture uepieting elct;tric:nl in .. lll l1a tions

done in a nelll nnd \\orl..man·like man­ner, Copie, of the NECA Slandard of In 'llI llat ion \lerc ui~tributed. Afler\laru~. rcfn',hmcnt\ \\ere lI("rvcd. eondudin,!; :In inrornMlile and cnjoyable elening.

C. E. FR.\'t... I' .S.

Annual Dinner Meeting Held in Denve r

1..1 . MI. U.: .... '.:R. COLO.-The Wire· 1lI;ln'~ Brotherhood I und of l.oc'll I)S

held it.. Annual Dinner \'eeling at Ihe Ce:ntre: MOlel. bel,!innin{: \\ilh " \OCial hour, follo\\ed h} uinn\'r and a bu,inc ... , meeling. :11 \\hich rcporl\ "erc gi\'e ll ami omcer, for Ihe next ycar \lere elected.

1101'1 I cgino and Ihl\laHI Carler \lere elecled to the hoaru. and Hill Rich. t... en \'ullan)" Ion), Sirbin, and J:.cl.. ILlr· rinillon \\,'re elected ulternate~.

A 101:11 of 411 new member, bring\ Ihe IlIcml1el',hip 10 50!i. lind il h hoped thllt. b)' Ihe nexi All!lIIal Dinner :\-'iecling. ullr memher\hip \lill he IIller bOO, Wh:!t do }Oll ,a),. Ilrothe .... ·• If ~ou'rc not already memher... Join. If ~ou are member,. lall.. 10 your \\orl..ing buddie, and gel lhclll 10 toin_ IIclp }our Ilrothl."r" I "~ ehe:lp "t I\lice the e:O',t.

or ,pedal note. \1;1' the general di\· ~1I"I()n on Ollr retired Brother. ,Ind thu\\! \lho are loI.'mi · retired. S<:'eral ide'" \lere dl..c;u,'>Cd llOU \lill be of utmO\t con.:crn to til.! memher- of lhe boaro.l. More ;trout Ihi~ later,

I here hn'\ mlKh In Ihe \la) of new joh .. ,c:.rting in uur ar.-a. anti "e're on the ,hlJrt .. ille of ne:\I' righl nO\l.

With Ihe ~Iart of a ncw ~ear, perhap .. Ihe follo\\ ing \lould be .. good 1,:0.:11 for ull of u\. II i, Ikan Alfunge\ "1 Do Not (hoo-.c To Ik a Common M:tn."

- It h m) right to he une:ommon. If I ,·:tn, I -.eel.. opporhtnil},-nol sccuril)'. I 110 nOI \li .. h 10 he 0 ~epl ei li?en. hUllt· ble([ lUld dulled h), h:lIlin,!; thl:' 'tate louk lifter Ille.

"1 \\alll to tal..e the c:liculalcd rhl... 10 dream r.nd 10 build. to rnil and 10 'lIe­,ceu.

'" , refu-.c.: to hartcr incenlive for 1I

dole: I prefer Ihe ch:lll enge~ of life to the gllllntnteeu exi .. tence, thc Ihrill of fulfillment to Ihe ~Iale e::tlm of utopia.

" 1 \I ill not trade freeuom for a bcncfi· een.:e. nor my digmt)' ror a handout. I \lill ne~cr cO\ler beforc an) ma~ler, nor hcnu to .In) Ihre:l!' II h In) heril:!g .. to Ilaml eT«t. proud. lind unafraid: 1(1

thlnl.. and act for my'-.c.:lf: to enjo~ the I'l:nefil uf m)' cre:ltiom: lJOd 10 race the "tirlll hold l ~ and \lly. Ihis I ha\e done."

All uf thi, h \I hat it meun~ to be an AmerkHn.

"'i{:ning off for nO\l, ~ }ou at the Illeelmg. That's \lhere it"~ happening.

JOII" M. BLRt.: t . JR., P.S.

Roy Brock and Family Cited for Accomplishments Llf. 11. S.:ArrLE, WI\SIl ,-Rc«nll ~.


Ihe Tri.Ci/,Y II l'mid did II fC:llllrc 'tory on Bro[her Roy Brod-, and hi, fam ily. and we thin l its me~~age i~ worth telling "'re.

Bro[her IJ rock is a hnemun, .... ho .... as emplo)'ed on eo",,[rlletion out of OUf

Kennewid, office. At pre..cnt. he i\ ho-· pitalized :_t the Veteran, 1I11'l1imi in $c. nUle with :1 throat lli..ordcr. II i, " if I' .... orl~ raft . t;me a\ a Ihh counter :11 Icc lIarhor Dam.

Roy and hi, .... ife hale r .. i'l'.J 10 ehil· dren-\I\ of lheir o"n and fuur niel:e' and nephe"" Eal'h of lheir l:hildren h:" Ix-I'n I:IIIj.!hl he has an obli~,l[nJII w hi, country. and ul1 IIf the Bmd ho)' h:I\'e fulfilled or :Ire fulfilling th.lt ohlij.!ation.

\lkh,.I'!. ~2. ..en'ed III monlh, in Vielnnn1 nnd i!. now .. UI·n\!infl Columbia n3,in College. Da,id. ~U; t>Ou!!I,.,. 19: K\lv,ell Duncun. 11:1; lind <;,ml. 17: arc nil ,erving their cuuntry in the Army al Ihe pre,enl.

We lnU\\ thaI m{)~t of the j'oung peo· pie uf our country h)le il :lIld :Ire vcr) p:uriotic. but "hen )011 rCiid :Ii'loul the few .... ho are Irying to le,.r it du"n. a (:ullil> lile Ihe II rocl I lUlllly j, lile a brealh of fre,h air.

('t'l Ilell \0(1n. KIlY: jour family .tnd friend .. ill1 mi" you.

RCCl'nlly. the Senule I,III1,t;lt;011 Oper­alo .... • lOll It)~ P31d Id"ule to ' lorlC) Houd .. \lorle) .... orled for 'liule (,il)' Lij.!hl for 32 )en .... an,1 h,., h.;en a mem-ber of our loe:11 f\lr 'II )e,II'o_ Ill' "or~ed al S~agil from 1')111 until 1951. .... hen he Iran)ferreJ to Bothcll Sub,ta' lion

\Iorley .... a\ ;111 aCII,e melllhc:r. to ~y the lea,\. Ill' ";I, ,hop ~le"";lrJ. l>t'f\cJ on grte,-an(c commlllce'. \ill 111 on nego­li;<lion,. :ond J' ,I p:I'1 IIIcmto.:r of our t= xeellilve Hoard. 'I he onl) reilwn he \\iI~ nole tn l'1'1 lI\\a) with ~pcnllin!; '0 nHlt'h lime on union "Llililie' i, Ihal he i) a bachelor.

,'I orle). \\c \I;,h )011 many Imppy )Cllf'i of relirement.

5 1'.\/>1 !lOWI N, I' ,S.

New York Locals Conduct ' Fun' Bowling League 1., ( , 86. IW C II J.:,"-II.;t(. N.Y,- Ten )e;lr, II~O. '>Cleral of uur l'\ew Vorl 10-e;tl~ e\',ihli,hed a "(un" 1'00"1101,: league. in whi\:h c:Kh participntinj.! loeal t;l~e, i1\ turn for :1 fall or "inler meel and pro,ide, Ihe oc'Cr ;0011 ,nfT lirinl, amI Ilmle\ IHr.IO}lCmenb for a dlll~r .

-I he IOdi, idual 00" ler pa) \ for hi~

ho"llIll,: and dinner. u\lJ;tlly I100UI 55, The only ~tlpulallon i, Ihill II minimum of live ho"ler, from each loe:11 mml at­lenu elllh mec\.

On (klOber 2.jlh ..... e journe)cu [0 I'u l­ton to parllCipale III the 00" 1in~ tuurn,,· Olcnl hO'ited by Local _1~1I. Q..."ego. New Vorl. , mEW ho .... lers from Roehe,· ler. I\uhurn. O\wego. Syr:leu'>C, Utica. lUlU BulIalo \\ere prel.Cnt. Ih"ine\\ ,\1an· :Igcr Bud Thorpe. H:,n Annorino. and Gene Burne) made us fee l ver) wel­comr ,

1\ bufrel dinner followed the bo .... ling.


ami ll\\ard, from Ihe previou~ meel to

Ulica l a~1 ,pring \\ere made- I he lOp Ihree '>Crutch· three games; I'd C'h " rle~. Auburn: R o,~ Pierce. Nonh h llb, and Bruce Beachnmn. S) ral'use. I he top [hree: !iCratch-.. ingle~: Gene Harne,. 0,­"ego; J. ,\I.Ich;a. Roche\ler: and W. Ika<;ocl.. Llicn. T he lOp three h:'fl(henp­Ihree gamel>: Whitey lJ ill" RodlC\ler: J I iquori. Syrueu..c: and J. Barry. O,\\C!!O, The top Ihree hanuic"p-,ingk, Ko~er

Dlm,more. O, .... ego: leo I)ul ... " .... l[i •. l. and J Goddcn aod 8ill I in..:h, O" .... el,:o ttied (or Ihird) Rm, DiI}'. O\ .... ego. tool. Ihe pril.e for Ihe lOll- game.

·1 hI' il1ler-cily meel will be held in Koehe,ler on \ l arch 27, 1971. al lhe L)'on\ Den BOl'oling II~II on RUlIie H).l WI'" Pre,itlen[ J im P i;:r~;.: i) the pui'llic· ily m"n for our inler-eit}- k:lj.!ue and h:I' ~nl invilUt;om 10 our IIU'W Brolher, in Dunlirl. Alb'lny. WalenO\\n, find J amC~lUwn 10 join u~. al<l'lg "ilh the bor' from the nhove·mcnliunc(' 1(11,:111 ...

'I (l an) of our ,i~ler loc:11, Ihat "(Juld lile [0 join our le~guc. con,idcr Ihi, an open invitalion, If imere\led. conlUli om league ,eerelary. Hart Annonnu. 117 We~t .~'h Sireet. O,"ego, New Vorl 13121>.

JI ,IPPY New Year t(J 311! T, MJ "Ci K \\ \1\ \(,11. P .S.

Press Secretary Expresses Gratitude for Thoughtfulness 1..1 r. 99. I·Ho"mt: .... cf:. IU._ I CAlend my pcr~on;11 Ihanl~ 10 8ill Lepore. Sr.. Bill [cpore. Jr.. Kich;.nJ Siromilcrg. Rkhard I ra~e. D.lnn} Farina, (,I;ld)" Ihe \Cr) IOlely office girl at .he IJeIi I le":lri.; Cumpany, our O"n Ann Clear). and 111)

fello" memhocr, for Ihe help and lind· ne,s th.:y eXlended 10 mc d"flnfl Ill) re­cent ho:.pitalizalion.

" "ny of the mcmhcr. ,i,ited me. and more thiln 100 of Ihe memhcr, ..cnl lind are ..ending me ler)' di'>Crimin,lIin~ get· well carl"-

Worth can'l cApre, .. Ihc deep I>r;[I;­tulie, humility. and ~incere (online), I havc in my hcart for Ihe Ihouj.!hlf"lne,' of 11 11 of )U!I d"" ihlhlc l~ol~le. ·1 hanl )'ou, one and all.

I .... ent)·/he Iirsl')"ar apprcnlil:e\ of 196'} "ill be \"orn in al our nc\1 local meelinj.!_ We nrc proud of Ihe quail I} of thc'>C young men who will, indeed. be crc,lil' 10 Ihe ind!l~lr)' :Ind to o!lr loe:11 '1 he eommillec extend~ connr.Hulallom 10 them 3nd .... i~he~ Ihem J1,ood hKI. duro inl,: lheir four )eah of Irial, IIn,1 tribula· lion,

Jacl Chandler ha~ been ap['lOinted 10 fill Ihe vacancy of imlf\l(tor at our ,choul ~'rcatcd hy Ihe dC;Jlh of Vice I' re~idenl I·r.tn~ "'eadu~,

As )011 llil lllOw. our I ir.t AnmHlI Dinner-Dance .... as a huge l>ucte~~_ Well. I're~idenl Siromberg ha, appointed an· olher Dinner·Dance Commillee for our Second Annual Ulnner-O:tnce, Del:, I1~

I~ill be j.!iven 0111 ;11 a [aler tI:lle. Gunnar Stromberg will retire from Ihe

Health :,nd Welfllrc Commime H\ or FebnUlr)' 1. 197 1, and Ihe election for

thl~ vacancy "as scheduled for lasl monl h.

!'re,ident Slromberg retent ly ap_ poinled a Buildin/-: Committee to lool inlo Ihe fea\ibility of our buying or building our o"'n union hall. I thinl Ih" ;, a flood idea dlle 10 the fael Ihat m3n) or lhe commilltt~. '\lch as Ht'alth nnd Welfare. thc Cre,lil Union. etc.. :,re crammed for 'race, I abo beliele Ihat Ihe area in .... hich we arc locall'd i" not ~unJu~i'e 10 attendance al mccling\. \incc a lot o( Hlnd.tli\m 10 member.' ~<l'" OC~Uh .... hile Ihc member. are al· len.llng ml'Clinj.!'

CongraI1l1"lIun~ to Uobbie DoJd unJ

MBT A Extension

-New cone .. ,. lin IIs.d on the Sollth Sho .. .~lenslOn .

Palll 0·811en anod Ronn... Meade prepare cable for ,he crew.

OiCk Kell,h.r, Olck Haley. aill Sullivan, Paul Magul,,", and W~yne Warren of loc:al 10l. Bo~ ton, lay slanal cabl. along .he Irick bed of th. Sou th Shore eXlension of the MB1 ....


New Journ e ymen

The new journeymen of lOC.llI 107. G •• nd Rapids.. Mlch , 'Un he.e wl.h 'hei. WI ...... lI.e. left to .llhI. 00<.18 B"U"'. MIke McKinney. 0 .. ". P,o.st, J'm Burton. JIm Roys. Denn" V.ndeIKuyr,

Ron lOdewyk Harvey Je~m ... Courtney Ouryen, Jon r .. rk ..... nd M .. ", Herrm.nn.

Joe I n S~oj:, on Ihc a,Mition .. 10 Iheir f;lI nilic~,

Prc .. kknl Siroml>c:rg :md all of Ihc of­tkcf' ami member-. "f I o)l:;J1 9') "i,h CI'­er)one ;J h,II'I'Y Ne" Ycar,

Sec )011 next monl h.

,\1 \KJo( II KL:i" I III, 1).5.

South Shore Extension

Of MBT A Nears Complet ion

U . 103. IIOSTO~. \ 1 \ SS.- f hc Soutb Shorc C\len-ion of Ihc \IIITA I' .. lo" ly coming !OlIard, cOIllplellon, -I hi, proj­eCI. III,kh will e,"o: nlll :, lIy ,d h)11 111110

eOlllnllller .. 10 u!>C nlpid tran .. i!. ,hou lu be rcady -.ollie lime '>OOn, :,\ far as Quincy ~c-nler_ r herc i .. now a prop:­tion of c,lcn\ion a .. far a .. Bminlrcc,

jun.,;riU!l \I ilh UIII)iuc s[llllal ;In,1 luning uni l,.

Man)- of our \IBTA Bmlh ... ", h;l\c la~cn rart in thi, pro;c~'- I he in-cab "'iring i~ tx-ing done l.t I'liot ' ;Ird. \lhi~h lIiII clcnw"l l) be tr:ln,pl"nlcd 10 Ihe I'enn Cenlral Rai lroad ' !lrd in the Soulh I nd, I he Signal, Con,truelinn. :lIld (onllllllniC!lIions Divi,ion .. hale :.1;,0 pl:l)ell ;1 large part h) w-ordinaling \lilh Ihe ollhidc conlr.aCtur,.

I 'cnhlll l IlMintenancc IIf Ihi, new roau \I ill bo.' the rc\pon,ihilil\ of Bob M •• gmrc. (hlef In .. pcctor uf ",gnal, :111.1 (Olllllluni,':lIion,. am! hi, ICf) able crcw. I'au l (:mllilfou~. Georl,'e I) \\)c r. Jim lill\c'. :'IC\,C 1-.e llihcr, AI Jone', Paul ::')III"'\<'. Mart) I{ o~crs. Al I-Ich.:. y, and (icorge ( n ,p. who i\ the ,tc"'lIfd.

I '" " h all of the IDCmlJ.cr' uf loc,,1 111,\ .1 Icr) h,tpp) anu rrd'f'CnJU' 1'-C\\ , e:lT.

£IRL F. " l c UR ml , JII,. 1'.5.

New LU 107 Journeymen Honored at Dinner

I_ l '_ 107, GRi\'1) R \I'II)S. 1\ II CII.­Journc)man crc-dentiah lIc-re conferred upon our gmuuating apprentice .. on 1'-0-' ember 6 th. til ceremonie .. for Ihe gmu­U<lleS anu their gue,,, Ihal heg~" "'lIh eoc~I;lih, fllllo"'ed Of ;tn excellent din­ner anu Ihe ~I\\;tflli ng of ecrlilk .. !c"

The Apprenlice,hlp Committec ma.lc clery crrorl t,1 in~lIre that Ihi~ "'"uIJ hc a memorahle elening for lhc ne" juur­l1C)mcn.

(,uc\h indudcd Al M;l, G. R Junior College. ami lIe.:lOr Dulud~'. Bure .. u 01 ApprenliLe,hip and I I"inins. l,llte.1 ~l:.l c~ IXpJlllIlcnt of I abot.

Our local h,,~ been gr1el'eu hy tllO un­e"pc~leJ IIcl\lh, recent I)'. Ihal of K", .. dl Palt un Odoher 91h "m! of lIo",ard ~kornia on Odohcr 2.1rd.

B .... ine'\ \l an:.gcr PUIi I H:.r\c} h:l\ in­(ornleJ u\ Ih:II George -Iagg<:rl . ",hI) ",a~ ...... ritJII,ly injured on the Gmnu \ill ­ley Colkge lob in I eoru;[t). 19611. 1\

lll!"in in Ihe ho .. pilal ( llutler\\"rth) lInd I~ in criticH I eond ilioll.

I Iltl I H IO", !'.S.

226 Attend Apprentice Training Conference L ll_ W i. 1' 11 11 .'\ 1)":1.1' 111 '\. More Ihan 226 (lCNlll' allcnde.1 Ihe 151h Amlual Apprcnti(e~hip lilld I nlln­ing Conferencc at lhe Penn- li ar ... , Motel in H .. rri~hurj;. l'cnn,)I~anja.

The ""'''Ion ",a, ca lled 10 ordcr b) Walter I "'milh. John r aber. (h;Jinn:.n. r rt"IC('" galc the "ekoming :nlurc\~

and Ihe In"lee,' report. j' reu I . Woer­ner. Apprcnlke Director. gave Ihc ad­minhtnuor\ rcport nnu "a, follo"'e.1 h)' (a~pcr 1I.al;le)' \lil h Ihc co-ordin:llOr\ n'por!.

Ihhinc\~ \f anger lIo",ard ( , r:.ocrt made a lepott un the praclical Inunmg foChooh. lind J.lmcs J . WOOo,h, ~:. fct)

Elcn though \lC hear of thc -.o·c"lIed defICit, "e IIho arc cllm.ru\'tion "'or~cr:. fL-e1 fortunale '" ilh Ihi , t)'1I<' of :.uull ion. fh ... pa rlicular prOJC\t ,tartel! 'ome t\\O and ,me -half }ear\ l' g') :10.1 III:.)' "ell I(I~e 1\\0 more' year, IJ.cforc elcntual ~ompl eti()n .

New Journ e ymen

In h:rnh of ele~lridt) "e halc donc ler)' "'ell. \ome of our ctmtr.allO", ",ho halc entplo)cd anu \ull emplo) our memocr.. tire Com'h)l:~- \ I ;tn/i-l'-!Ige r. doing Ihc .. ignal \)\lel11: Norfol~ Ilc(\ric :uld I'o\\er, rlcctric, doing Ihe '1'I . ion,: ~ .. "')er I lcelric. \lilh ( ,cm, :.n,1 nay ~(ale I Icetric. "orkinll tln the v,lriou~ po"'cr "lUI ions and ,uh~I.llion': :lIld Manli. on Ihird rail fecdcr\.

Ll'on completion. thi, projcd \lill be koo"n. in MBrA l..r~on. a .. Ihc ew <.,ophi,lie,'Ied 5ignill 'i)'lern for the ~olllh "'hore and II ill h:I\'c the cenler of iI, t)pt:f:'lion Ihrough illlljor ~'OINlk, 10-cate,1 :11 the Dewey Iltlllding, cor"lructcd by Norfoll I-Iectrie. ",hich i, adl,lcenl 10

South SIal ion. All operation, arc- "mul­taneOU\ Ihroogh in-<llb ,ignal" in con-


The .. 28 new jou.neymen 01 lOC.llI 126, ,.t" .. >delphill, w •• e IImonl th. 34 1970 IlI.Hullte apptenllCH honored lit ... ecent drnn •• me .. 11ns.


Rescue Demonstration

A5 pall of Ihe 151h Annuli Appfenl,ca5h,p 1md Tf.in'ng COllfefenee of locet 126. thiS pote lOP r",scue demonslf.t'On was perfo,med.

Director, U!j]jlk~ line Con~lrUClion Comp.lny, reporled un "Ifely, A movie, " 'I y PUp,:t Linem;ln." (ollo\loeu.

Then, the fo llo\loing uemon,lnHion, \Ioerc gillen: 3 pole-lOp fc\cUC_ \Ioilh 1'010 13riation\o--a fi\e-man crc'" ami a nine­man ere ... ; 'IIlU Ihe rc\Cuc of an inJurcu IlC"un ;" :t !,,,d.d tlu~k. T he demon­,tmtion~ Ilere unller the j;uiuanco,' of J"me~ I 0\ and Richilru Cona\loa)_ am,l the parli"ip:lnl~ incluucu J;tme~ Riggin,. \ Ieh,n I.ee, Denni, Smith. l)Qnalu ven­,ey, Ir:ln~ Seal. Cieorge 0al;01l. Ruger Jerl.erid. :lIll[ Jo,,:ph (omill.

I he elenin\: :.c,~ion Ila, devoted 10 dinner and Ihe pre'oCl1\.uion of certifi­<:aIC' and a"'aru,. at \Iohiclt Ilu\lI1e" fo l,1I13ger Grabert '01;1\ tile chairman. !-red Woerner g:l ~e Ihe hk"ing. 1':1\11 I'fllthell. Hure,lLl of Appremicc,hip ;Ind Tnllning. Uniled ~Iute, l'kpan ment of La l:>or. pre\Cnled the department\ eertifi­eatc.~ o( completion. (., llin Peter...,n. I' re\iuent. pre\l.'nu::-d Ihe /'I.ationfl l Jom! Apprcntice,hip anu I minmg cerlifi~';lIeS

and meuallion~: ami Chlf lIarmon, D;I) (,nu tlmmerman. (llIplo)er Irmtee. pre· '>Cnteu \Ioa tches.

'1 he )01 gr.luuate~ who received Ihe :1\11".1, arc George \ \ illiams, Roher! Gardner. Robert Nei,h. Robert Ir'\\JIl.

l oJ~ard \fetl:. Hane)' Spielman. !)arr)'1 Uue~. Oonald Wil~on, Jam"" Cenenal. 1I0wa,,1 011. Jallle\ Ril!l!in" Lynn Dn,ke. Rona ld G ibhon,. 11 :,rry Erhuld. Wa)ne " rumer. I hurmnn Waher,. rhonm~ KC'Cley. Dennis Donahue. l ero) fahr. hlllC'i " repl". (,eUlgc T,umman. Andrew Colu.:ci. J r" MI"hael " 13\ .... n, John Guruin. Romll.! " rupa . George Rc.:d, Norrn:,n NO:I I, Willi"m R:lin~)',

S:'muel !)onia. Reeu I Ilea,. Jad Buell­ncr. Barr) Shir~, Cialen Baughman. :lIId Jon Wiltiam~.

A\lan:h to the three ,)llt~tanding grad­U:I I':~ w,lund up the fe"ivilie~. Th~ SIOO gO\ernn .. !nl bond Ad:orn E. Miller I\~aru "n, m .. de by trustee Bernaru Ilagan 10 George Troulilian '>f'cont\ run­ner-up.


T he SIOO bond lIar ry h eedma n Awaru W;IS made hy Ph ili p Kamen, I' ro­gre"j\"e Electric Company, to Darryl

""". The Uuc~ Faust A",urd, the offici:!1

lineman ... ring. \loa.'> lIIaue by George Mohley. T rmtee allli Stofety Director for Ilen~cl\ & 1<1cCoy. in mcmory ot Hud hlll'1. to \\a)ne "r.lIllcr. ou"tanding gradu;<le apprentin'.

l'n\\l'r I inf. Freetor; proviJeu IX'O' an,I'penLII .<oeh for ... 'e!,}one :t\lending Ihe LUnference.

110\\ IIIIl CiIl~I!llI r. I3.M.

Nucle ar Power Plant Is Area 's First

Lt'. IJO. ;-.,' J.:\\ ORLE \ '\5, l.A.-The new Waterford Cienerating 'i1:llIOn :tn­nounced by Ihe L.uli,inrm PO\locr aou I ighl Company \Iill inl'luue Ihe 1i"1 nu· clear flU"'cr pl:lnt in thi~ area :Ind i~ proje~lcd 10 ,liHl ~on,tnlction in the mi.t·1971t<..

I'rior 10 the ,'art of Ihi~ $:!30'million unll. [I'&L pl"n, 10 con,tnll'! t\\o. 410.0()O· "W. gn,·firell unit, on thc .. ame ,ile. Ih .. · 100 .. tion of the new ~tatiOn I\ill be aoom lj mile\ upriler from /'I.e'" Orle;on" "dia..:-ent 10 Ihe Union Carbide PI!ln! !II raf!. L(HII,i'1I1:1.

In the l110 rc immediale fulurc. one 7.~O.O()()· K\V unit \Ioill be completed Ihb month by I-'i",hh:tlh and Moore. Inc., anoJ anol~T i,lrmi.:al IInil hal been ~Iarteu nut to il al ll'&L'~ nine-mile­POlllt , till ion.

It 111'01.\ a~ if f'>U\\efhou'ie \Ioor~ in Ihi, :Irea lIill hold ib U"'11 throughoul Ihe 197t),

Ille dome ,tauium on \Ioh!!;h I re· purtell in Seplelliher i, de~cloping 510111)' helau'<! of a number o( flletON. One of Ihe'<! h.IS heen Ihe leJ;al rcu lape of ~ile acqui~llion anu triuling. "I hi, i, !.!9 per ~enl . complete. and the demoJbhing of e\l\tmg building, i\ nUW under \\ay. If Ihe h.llld .. e:ln he \01tt at Ihe ~ix p"'f cent legal limit. :tLtllal lon'truellon \ hould hegin ahoul mid·I!.!71.

I he ( . IM Oil Refinery job :It Doml[u , ,,,nlille. Loui,i"na. ha, ta~en n few men and ",ill help 10 Illll1lmile the IJnempl,,),­ment thn t ha) been hanging o\er u\ for the la,t hair of 19711. AI Ihi\ lime. ap­pro\lmale[~· :!jO men are on Ihe bench. Some of Ihem lire trn~elinll. anu a \\ord of Ih;II1~~ i~ in urder 10 OUI' ",ter local\ throughuut the country I\ho :Ire putting our Brothcrs 10 \Hlfl.

\t the end of ea,h )ear. \\e lool t"oac~ ilflU rdleet on the P3,t )ear. I ou~· ing ";jl~. \IoC liTe ,aducned hy Ihe ueillh\ of Il rOlhCN Churle, Iby. Jr .. I. J. I"ro), dair, W. J. H;ullovlv,"ew. M. r. Rou, queUe. P DeGeurge, L C. Champagne. 1-' . J. Rec~. Sr. J . J I incL>.. J. J. An_ \l.'lmo. A. L. !I,ln""n, C. J . 1'''mili3. II . J. - Jew" Schwartz, J . M. !>aniM, and r. Iloillllan.

rhey will nOI he forgotten, as they pla}ed ~ey rok~ in Ihe affairs of our loca l at one lime or another.

llc~t wishes to a ll for a pro~pcrous and progrcs,jve Ncw Year.


Active Citizen

[.,1 S",<lh. local 131. Albany. N Y .. ~"IIPG Ict'~e !n h,s un,on's analrs and in h,s COm

mutlny's Inle,e5lS.

Earl Smith Is Active Union , Community Man

I . l . 1'\7, \In,\,\y, ,\ .y .-It;\ \lith greal pka\ure that I '" rite thi. article ahollt one uf our I'ery acti\c Ilrotha~. f ar l ~milh.

Urother 'imllh joil1t!J the IB I·W on Ilttembrr 1-'. 19JII. ;li "ecne. '\e'" Yor~. "'here he became a memt.cr u( l ocal 764. Since then. hi\ record reau, lt~e a ~lIcce" ~tory.

b lrl ...::rveu in ollr IOCil 1 ;l~ a ,tcIIMII in SchCnf.dad) illld S.:ha£htko~e. '\e'" Yor~. ami (or :!(t )ear,. \loa,> a lltle( \tc\\nru in the Tro) ..... e~ Yor~. dhlri..-t lie \\a, an I',eculi\e 1I0:lrd l1lemllCr fur :!J year, ami 'CTl'eu it, dlllirman uf Ihe hoaru for mun) )l'ilf\ Il l' It'nt hi, ,~ill, :1111.1 t;J[f.nt to ol1r 10c,,1 anu heJpocJ 10 or­I,:anil.c it a, il i\ tOtia~ .

In addition to being ;tn e:\ccplional Lleuit to the IB I W, Brulher Smith hn .. heen an etlcrgeti,,; nnoJ 'te"d(a~! elil/eu of hi~ eOn1ll1llnil). lie \CneJ a, 111:,)or III the \"ill,,~e of Sdt;oJ;htico~e for ,"0

tefln, iI96j·J969) anu a\ :t tru,lee in the li11age for t"'o teTlm (1961 ·1 'J6~ I­IIh aceomph,hmenl~ ;" lIIa)or are tuo numerous 10 rnenllon here. hut man) "f the local mell,:1 h:lle prai-..:u Brother ~rnillt for hi~ vigurou, drorh ilnu fur It" deuication to hi, ':Ul11rnunjl) __ \Ioel ­farc

I arl 113, pre,ident of Ihe Vohllllecr I ire Di~lrict for four )'eilf\. chairman of the Schaghtiro~e l alf ( . round,. :lIld chllirman of Ihe Cenl.:nnial Celebr:llilln for SI.·h:tl:hti~o~c and the Schaghtieo~e I ire o.:p;ortlllent.

O.er the )ean. lIrOlher Earl ~nlith h"," ,pread hl~ good 'oIor~\ in bOlh umon and ('ommumty aUlur,. lie i, an e:'\ul11 r ic or an aeli,e union man \Ioho c:lrric\ \lUI It i, ci\'il ulllie, fur Ihe bellerment of hh community.

R. F. 10'/::5. I ,S

Press Praises Unions For Aiding Local Family

L. U. lol l. 1' lr '-SIIl HC II . 1' ,\ .- 11 h 111-1I'a), a plea\ure to report the goocJ pre."


that la\x:lr occ~l~ionlllly receives. The ar­tide below b (In editOrial thai appeared in the Octotx:r 61h b~ue of the IJN/l'rr COilII/y Tillles, nnd Ihe lBEW loc,11 re· ferred 10 in Ihe. article i§ Local 712 of Beaver.

"Onee again. :t group of labor union member.; h:l~ demon~lrau~d Ihe compa" ,ion and kindne,~ for I' hieh the peuple of Ihis di!.triCI lire nOled. In thi, in· 't:lnce. Ihe union men are dona ting Ihdr ~kill, 10 aid II Monaca family I\ho~e home was badly d.lmaged by the to r· nad.) \lhich \lrollghl havoc in the town on September 3rd.

"1 n co·oper'llion \I ith Ihe Beaver Calmly Chapler. American Red (ro"",, memtx:rs of loc'll union'> amliated \lilh Ihe Beaver CUtlllly Bui lding Trade .. COllncil arc performing wor~ on the ~lOnn·(I ,mlllged home of Ihe Anthony John) Family. Malerial., for Ihe rep;Iir.; ;Ire being pro\' ided by the Red ('ro" al an c~limated CO)I of $3.100. l ;nlile oliter homes \I hieh \lere d;uJlag,,,", by the 10rn;ldo. Ihe John) horne \Ill'- unin· ~lJred.

"Crafhmen \Iho lire gi'ing of Iheir time ;tnd ,hill, \lilhoUl charge arc mem· her, uf Ihe Clr[lCnter ... Con,>lruClion :lnd Genem l 1 ... ahoreN, I'lumix:n an,1 SIC:lm· fiucf'>. Brid.I:t)er~. Inh:rnalional IJrOlher· hood of Flcetric:!1 Worle". :md olhcr union, in the arc:t . "inaneial :t"i,t~Ince :11-0 h:ls been gil'cn h)' Ihe Red CTo-" 10 ~i.I. olher famille, in lhe MOn:IGI arca who)e home, were among Ihe 37 .III ell­ing' (In(.\ eommel'cial buil(.\ing~ in the counlY Ilhieh wen; damaged by Ihe Iwhler.

'"Repair'> being mao.:- (0 the Johns home would CO~I Ihe family Ihomands of dollah if Ihey had (0 be paid for. Ilul. Ihanh, Ii) Ihe help or thc ~ind­hearkd union wlJlker, 10 ,I fellow IlIUII

in di~tre,~. the f:lIl1ily \lill be ,pared Ihe ditliculty of being 'Hddled with n he,"y debl. For Ihi~ , Ihe craftsmen arc to be commended,"

1'\lI 511l)(1f'. 1'.5.

Harrisburg Members Mourn For Luther W olfe rsberger Ll 1. ,.U, II A KR ISlll tKG, I'A. It b \\jlh deep re!lret Ih;ll 1 report thc ,Ie:\,h of one of our relired Brothers .. 'ulher "l'eal}" Wolfer,berger. \lho died Oil Oc­toher 11th. follol';ng a 10llg iIlne'>' Ihat had him ho~pitali/ed ,irlCe la~t Jul}'.

Peat)' "':.~ rClired from Ihc i"oava] Supply Depot al Mechnnic~bllrg. after which he worhcd in the local IIntil 196M. He lIa~ a brother \() ,til \lho hnc\I him. ;tnd Iho...: \lho lIerc clo", 10 him \O,ere mueh beller ofr for having had Ihe priv· ilege of lnowing him. Local 1·0 "''>Iends the ,ympath)' of the membership to hh family.

Work is .,Iill on the good ~ide. :l11d it ]oo~s like :Inolhcr good Ilinler: huwCl'cr. Ihere will be ,I 101 uf cold \\'or~. as quile a few lIew johs arc jUM ~Iarting.

With Ihe lime grO\lins shorler, much intere~1 is cenlered upon I' h:!1 the new


contract wi]1 have for Ihc men in Ihe local. Tllo ~pctial meeling~ that I'ere held pl'ovell Ihal vcr)' litt le change had come nboul. Thc main point of inlereSI is Ihe double lime for all ovcrtime. ThOll b \lh:'1 nil of the BrOlheh arc for, nOl just part of Ihem. as the contraelOh \lill give douhlc lime onl} on Ihe nell \lorl. It h Ihe ho[lC of el'eryonc thlll mailers will won he ,Iraighlcncd 0111.

CU,IRLl S D. NI.\"ON, 1'.5.

Jacksonville Local Re ports G ood Work Situation

1..1 1. 177. JACKSO:SV" LI-: , F I.A._ OIiT r .. porl on the hrighter ,ide of thing~ Ihi, monlh b Ihm Ihe \10Th ,JllIa­lion ,ecnt, good. l'axOI1 Flectrie had a conlr:WI 10 relight Ihe GUlar 110\\'1. 011 which I "':1, fortunale enough 10 'Work,

We ..... t fOllr 142·foot to\l.:r~ 'Which had 72 I..sOO· \lau merellry vapor lamps on elleh to\ler. T hat pub a lot of light on Ihe .. "h;eCI. Wor!.in,!,! \I ith me on Ihc job. WCl'e lineman J . W. Mor!;"n and grollndm,tIl Denver Tulbot..

A, for Ihe olher ,ide of our rCporl, I ;1m ':Id 10 "1y Ihal Ihc line ncgotiOilion, have come 10 a ~Ialcmalc. which means thai I'e \lilI prolnlbly have 10 go 10 the Coun,' il on I mlu~tria l Rel;llion ~. As of this IHiting. the line contract i~ un­~ignell The NegOlialing Commillce ha~ Ilor~ed diligent!y 10 gel Ihc conlr.lct SCI· Ikd. bllt 10 no avail.

We OIpprceiale Ihe COIll!llillee mem­bers' eXira etrorl~ and wi.,h Ihll! Ihere \lcrc:t \luy 10 ;Jgree on a cOntmCl \lilh· 0111 going to the council.

J . C, "{"ARI" SMrrlt, 1' .. 5.

Retiree Milton Shahaw Writes First Book L t!. 111 1, I fII CA. N .Y.--One of our retirell mcmbers. Millon E. Sh,ma\\,. has heen \lriling ,hart ,lOrie, for the pa~t fhe }ear., '>Cleml of \lhich have been publi,hed in n:uionally·di~lributcd m:'gll­lines.

Mo,1 recently. Brother Mill Ill" en­couraged by AmeriC;J1l We,1 I' lIblicalions to wrile 1, full-Icnglh 0001.. relaling his experience, :t .. a bo} OUI We\! more Ihan 611 }'ear, Itgo. and he ha~ dOlle ..0.

Hi~ , tory is f,,(tllal .lOd is relatcd agail1\t a haddrop of open·mnge farm­ing counlry -oulh of Ihe 1l1:ldfool In­dian \{e'>(!TI'al10n. ncar the I Cl''' Up· Ihru,.. thc jagged 11101lOtaill\ of Ihc conlinental "ivide ilnd Ihe c,,,tern \x:Iundar) of Glacier /'I/ali01\;11 I'ar~ ..

The name of Brolher ~h"lra\l', hook i, "Thm.,hin· I jmc." II " pul>Ji,hcd by Ihc American We,1 f'uhli~hing Company of 1'.010 Alto. California.

We. Ihe rnenlbers of Lo,'al 181, arc prOlld uf BrOlher ,\ Iill\ lilerary ability, and Iho\e of liS who h:lVc read Ihis boo!. find it refreshingl} humOToII, and imere'ling in its descriplion of Ihc many h.1rd,hip' which were endllred by lhe pi·

Gator Bowl Lighting

Mombttl"1i of LC>cat 177 .. Jacksonville, Ftll .. r~e .. nlly worked on II relrghllng prolect al th~ Galo, Bowl. Here .. Oenver Talbol Is al

work on top of the press box.

Lineman J. W. Morsan On lOp of a 142·foOI tower.

A sel of fighls beIng hung on a lower ..

The lower 1$ complete.


Retiree Turns Author

Mil lon E. Shal,aw. ,etl,ed m~mbe, 01 LoclIl 181. Ulica. NY. has ,.cenlly hlld hi' li,.1 book. "Th,ash;n' Tim .... pLlbll.h~d. It Is II

fachlal s tory 0 1 his uperlen.;n as a boy out We"

once!', ,If thai period (Iround Ihe 1\1n! of Ihe century.

We \-Ihh Milt " I hra~hin' T ime" crary endeavor.

,"cec" wilh nny (ullire lil-

J I~ M i liUM. P.S.

Convention Hall Annex Nears Completion 1..11. 211. ,\TLA"TI (' ('ITY. N.J.­Worl on Ihe ('onlenliun J Jail anne, i, nC;Iring COmplelion. II 1-1 ill adl1 an ;,tlui­lionnl 2nn.OOO 'qUillC feet of Hoor ~pace 10 Ihe pre..enl h,,11 which llU~ 3~(),(MMJ sqt!:!re ree l of l1o()l';ng. maling il Ihe I;lrge,1 hall in Ihe ea,l.

Eillhl-hllnured comhinalion inc;lnlle~­ccnt (Inu merCllr} Vllpor lixLllrc,. 35 feel hi!:h und conlrolled III fuur locution~. go inlO Ihe high hay Illlhting of the main 11oor. BrOlher, Dan lIuliod and John I i,h. Jr. \\orl Ollt (If a budl'1 trud. in­stall inl: \l lch fi xtllre~.

'I he I K inche .. of (Iecl con la in approx­inmlely 64.000 feet of thl·cc·and·une-hulf inch conduit. ., hal doe~ nut induue the IHirtlel'OU\ run, of Ihree·qllilncr lind of une·ineh condllit. A 'llCda1 concrete i~ poured ovel' the dee l: .

I I", llnne)( i, Ihe large\! jub in OUf territory (II Ihi~ lime :111(1 i, he;nll lIone h)' Ril!g, Di'l1cr I leclrie uf Philudcl­phill. \lilh 55 men prewnlly emplo}e.!. Winme RC}l1old, i, Ihe ,upcrimel1.!ent. lI ill ellnnon i\ the ~cncri,l furenmn. wilh Ed Needham, 11111 MeAd:ml. Bob Curkhill. Dcnnl\ MalGrogan, :Inu George Felll-l id a, hi, (oren1:l11. Robin Eger 1\ Ihe slc\\:lrd.

The llIemhcr, who lire \\or~ing on the annex and who :Ire \Ccn in the aecom­pan}i ng photo arc. ~neeling. fronl row. lefl to righl . R, Gray. J. O· Brien. D. Leell\. /.1. Steelmun. 1l . Blumberg, J. FgCf. J . I·bh. D. I omhnrdi. II . Ikl1:m.!, T Rmllim. II . BI·cnn:m. E. ROl-lc, J. l omha rdi. W. ClImp. II . Armbu\lcr. G. Fcnwiel . :1 nd D. ~l lLcGrogan,

Knee ling, cen ter, J im Bo nner, I\l i ~ c


Convention Hall Annex

These arl! thl! mcmbel' o f Loca l 211. Atlllntlc Ci ty. N.J .. who ftre p"n lnB Ihe finiSh In, touches to Ihe largell hall In the Eell. Convention Hall on Ihe Boa,dwalk.

General fo,eman Bill Cannon and Susincn Mpn~e.t Hiltner OIICU15 " .. nslo,me,s and bliSS duCI connections wllh stew~,d fllel lind fo,eman Cotkhlli.

left to "Bhl, J. O·S"en. Uk. Allen. ~nd stewlI,d R. Ese,. with J Collelto In Ihe backg,ound. pulling feeele .. In Iwitehbo.,d room.

Fiore. Charles Pfromrner, Tony Del Ilea. Phil Va\...alo. Mile BUl ler. I'd Woolh, John T racy. Mac Dono\an. I hlrr)' Camp. F. Ikme1tO, H. Dchm, J. Chlld~, R. Fger. Jr .. and J. SchOll.

Stllnd ing. Ed Need hltlll. Phil Camp. Uke A llen, Joe Barret. Bob Cork hill , Bob 5.:u l1 . Jo hn CO~! cl1o. Rigg, Di,t ler rcprc,entat ivc Walt Si mp,on, , upcrinlend·

en! Winnie Reynold,. a~~i5Ian l ~upcrin·

IcnJcnl Bill Uood. lI i1l Cannon. Bu,inC'>.' Munagcr 1'larfY Hiltner. Jr .. Hill Mof11!, Sam fl :l'pcl. Ed fl uff. Harry Southre}. Bill MeAJam. Dan Bul1ocl . Ed Smith. :tnJ Char1e~ L:IlIer.

LUCid 211 play, ;111 important role in the annllnl pre\Cntation of Ihe \-Iorld­f:t moll~ t.1i ,s Amcriell Pageunt in CI)n-


\enlion 11;.11 and has ~omple l e in~ide jur­io;diclion o\'er lhe hall, Since il wai huill in 1929, Ihe hall has plu)ed hO)1 10 nu· merou, convenlions and ,porting evcnh.

The hall's 147',l-foo!·high ceiling h accc~~ i ble from bolh balconie~. rhe IImin audilOrium ha~ a ,Tage 140 feel "ide and IQ.t feel dccp, It hou'5(" lhe "orld'~ large~1 pipe orgnn and con...olc.

We of tocal 211. lIlong wit h c\er)one in Atlanlic Cily. ho[IC Ihnl Ihi~ largc'l hllll in the Ea)1 will bring more com en­lions and proo.perily 10 our dlY.

KOIu IIf GII~\, I'.S.

Branch Unit Established In Yankton , South Dakota 1 .. 1'. H I. SIOI IX CIIV, IA.-lJu,ine\S Manager Tim Muna) reJlQrls Ih'll a hnmeh unl! of our loc;.!l. 10 be: 1..1'10"1'1

::1\ ::!_11·::!, ha, been e\I •• "h,hed in '1'.10),.­

tnn. St,ul h D:,l..ol", '1 he unit oftieer, arc Chairm:1O Donald Schulte, Vke (hair­man M:. rvin Nocder, :md Reconting Secrelary Gordon IiUl'"il/.

I he unil h". 12 memher, al the pre\­enl. and "e are hopeful of inerea.ing Ihh memhc"hip by orll:miJing lhe non· union ,hop" in the :lfe: .. We haH~ hcen .ucee"ful in neg01i:uing II l'onlraCI "ilh Bauer Ele,lric of Y:lnl..\OI1. and 1'1.' hUl'e 'ilified an ;Ipprenli..'e,hlp If:tining ,.:houl for the area, II ith (jord(1n Burll itz :h in· ,tru':lor,

We are ..addencd '" rcporl lhe delllh of Le.ler Schllab, a member of Ihe Ida Counl) Co·op. Lc!>ler f"i''>Cd alia) on (klober 31 ~l. We e\ll'n,1 our deepc!>1 ,ympalhie~ lu hi. falllll)'.

Ollr An1llia l Bcl[. R in~ing Carnpai~1l for Ihc Salvation Army t hri'lma~ Fund lIa, held on Ik'Cemher 191h, Joe f";or· Ion. Jr. "',I' lhe chairm:," and he lias a,,)'led on Ihe commillC'C by Don Kelo' ,Ier. Gary Gilhert, and Ra) Sl..ogen,

Tom DI,ldano, Jr. 1111' appointed as chairman of our Annu;! 1 Chrhlll1l1S I'arty by Pre. idem Robert Beacom. I he other 'Om)lli1lc ... meml'er, "ere Pat Cor· rig;1I1. Larry Ik nnc"lI}. Dennis Il lIi,· man, J!le),. O'Dell. :lnd KOj:er ThomP'On.

We hope all of )t)1I hale a H'r)

happy ami <;afe New Vcar.

LIRII' N ' ll 'L'>:. 1'.5.

Two-Year Pact Ratified By Toledo Members L. tr. 245, TOLEDO. UIIIO---Hu_ine..s \ l anager Carl Yenricl.. reporl~ Ihal Ihe re.,tit'! of nellOti:'llion, IIlIh Ihe A,­plundh, Daley. and Nel,on [inc clear­~nce ComraCION hale tleen ratified hy the members IIho lIorl.. on Ihe Toledo l' di'i.On Company property.

The contract i, for 1110 )ear~. II ilh a "'agc reopener Ihe Ihird )e"r. ImprOle· mel'll) indude triple pay for holida),: 1110. pllid·ab:.enee day, ~r ~ear; ..... vcn ['<t id holid;t)~. 10 be de,illm'h:d in ae· eord:lnee wilh "pplil':lhle la\\: beller c:,J]-OUT. pl:tnned o~erlime, :tnd meal c!IIU'\CS: addiTional da)'~ for death in Ihe fanu[y and a day ofr fur being a p;tll·


ALBA T Classrooms

TIM,. apprentIces 01 LOCiI 245, Tot.do, 01'110, aUend'ng class under the Ame"cln Lin. eultders App,entice,h,p Tr.'n,ng {"LeAT) P'II8,am II Ihe Penl. Counly Vocal,onal


Lell to '18hl, em John.on lind John McKnleht work in Ihe '"bo,a tory.

Gary S ... or works on an assignment,

be:trer: un inereasc in Illcatiun to fn)IT

wed, for 18 year, in 1971. four I\eel..s for 17 )e;\fS in 1972, lind four lIeel..s for 15 )ear~ in I!ln: a pa.)'menl of IS C'enh per hour 10 lhe OUI,ide I leclrical Welfare hll'ld: "nJ the emplo)er', p;I)'

in~ SDO or more for eaeh emplo)"c 10 llu:tlifr for Ihe JIC\\ pfognull.

I he 10\111 co,t o( the pacl..age j, 78 tcnh per hour (or the fir'l 1110 }e:tr, of the euncracl. liu,ine,. Mnnllger Y~'nrkl..

";1' (I"i,'ell oy John tiih-..>n, A_plundh; Jerry Rhooe~. D:I\ey; and Loub Kobin· ..on, .... e[...on: in nellotiation~,

A"hl:ml Hu,ine,~ \lamlgu J im Gun· ,elman rcport~ lhal II furma l apprel1lke­,hip pru~rnrn h il~ heen e,l:loli_hed in Ihe I'rnn,porlalion ])eparll1leol of the Toledo Edi..on Company and Ih,'1 RI]

cmplo~ec~ ha,c toeen imlentured. I' re,· enlly. lie haw prOI!r.tm~ in Ihe I inc. Underground, \leler. Suh'talion. and l'Ollcrhou'-e f> l ainl~nontC Ocpatlmenh,

rhe union ;.nd tho.: comp;tny Me I\orl..;ng on olher proJ;ram~, unJ lie .hould he announcing Ihem soon. 'I he..e pro~rnm~ as.sure II' of more qualir .... d meehl'nic, and, beller )el, a higher T3le

of P:'lY IIhile IrJ.ining for Ihe journe)man rnte.

Our Ameriean Line Builders Appren· I k~'hip Training (A U JAT) i' rosrnm memtltN hale ehlmsed Iheir c la,~, 10 lhe Penta COUl1ly Vocalional School. John lIolfman. 1O'lTIlelor. who i~ fore­lllan for HiJ;h VolI,lse S)'lenh. Inc .. ~ I :lted Ihal Ihi, new faeilit) h," S:!SO,OO() II<)I-Ih uf equipmenl in Ihe electrical lab· omlor). Cla,~roorn, lind a lIorl..)hop for \\clding training arc aho avail:.ble.

\\c ure pre..enl ly prep;lring a Iraining prollmm in URD in order 10 quulify our mcmherl>.

Congralulalion" to John D) I..,'rn. Wi!· li, Schllicbert, Jarne~ Prell ill. (jary Bcally. and Vince Hrolld, who hale ful· filled Iheir oolij:alion .. 10 Ihe /\LBAT Pmgr,lm.

W, R. "lUG MIt.;' " \\"'OIlO\\~Kt, ".S.

Calgary Friends Help Couple Celebrate 25 Years

I..l l. 25-' . CALC \KY. \L" A_- So:pTcm­ber \\01' Ihe lime 10 edebr"le Ihe \iher WeJding Annilel'Jr) of Grale and hI At-.elsclh. and uppru\imalel) I ()O of Iheir friend, Hllended the pOlTI) lmd d;lnte in lheir honor at Seehe I/all, MallY I ()(;:11 :!S4 mo.:mhcrs "erc in al­len,!:.nce. (',peei"lIy the e~ecllth.: tIlem­tlers of Unit J.

Jal ,\bel'\c:lb i~ lIell rememt>crcd a~ lhe fir" elected chairman of lhe unit. lie lIiI' 1.1~ one of lhe organil£h of The tll'llt in 1950. AI tbnt lime. J ~I II"S Ihe 11 ~llru l'lanl rcpreICntalhc for Ihe ('al· Ililry I'o\\er, I III , Fmpil)yee,' ,\"I'II;ill­lion: he h;uj the l'icH,ure of re,igl1ing and informinil Ihe :I\...ocialion Ihal the II )Jr(l I' laOI 'lair had IOled 10 ;oin lhe IBI w_

Jal had 101~ of help (rOIll relloll lIor),.er~ in forming Ihi, unil. a~ 11,'11 ;,~ di reclion from ~uLh dedi":ued union men ". lI ill LaJ}nlitn, J:u:1.. Ru,~, :lnd John Ru)ntnnJ.

J:l1 joincd Calg;try POller in 19-'(; he enli,lc,1 in Ihe 'iCr\ice and, after Ihe 11M. came hac),. It) &ebc in 1945 lIith hi~ hride. He i, noll an a"i,l3nl ~upcr· intendenl \\ ilh Ihe lI~dro (>I.tnl 1>000p"rl· menl,

C\mSf3ll1lmion,. Gmce and J:.1. on )uur 25lh Wcddin~ Anniver,ar)! And Ih"nl.., ;.gain. Jal, f{lr )'our help in orga­nitin!: :.nd running the Seehc Uni!.

K. "I'. AnI\(, 1'.5 .

Labor Day Picnic Has Good Turnout

1.. (1. 2711. CORl'l tS ( 'URIS"'I . 'I"~ X ._

Our 1000al union picnic "-:l~ held at So),.ul lIall Ihi~ ),c"r on Labor D .. ~ ;If· lern,)()n. ilnd there II"S a 1l00d lurnoul of the memocr,hip. In addItion 10 Ihe h",·h·ll and rdre,hmcnls, Ihere IIcre prile, and rihllon, I1l1arded 10 lIinnen of Ihe '·:,riou~ g:lmc\,

I hi, )ear, our local <'pon!oOred a jun· ior \~rl>i')' footb,, 11 tcam. and b) prc)s


Silver Anniversary Celebrants

Jun ior Varsity Team

The lac,1 lell 10 ,IlhI, ,re

lime, lhe [cam had "on a ll o f i[ .. <;ca<;on g;'imc~ and wa~ il pproa~ hinJl. Ihe l'\umbcr Om:: "pot in the league. T o have: these: lillk fe:ll~s home of .... hom arc .,on, of mo.:mllcr,) pla)tng Iheir hear!, oUI in IIU' W I ,U 278 jcr.:,c)~ i~ good ad~crli -.c· menl of our memhenhip. Uere\ hoping Ihey ~o all Iho.: "Ily. Brolher Phillip In· gram is thdr he:ld eOllch. and he b a\­~ 1';lcd by Ilr01hers Bob Melton lind Gu ry Clftnlon.


,i, The eo,eM •. Mellon. ,nd G")I ClintOn.

For tho'iC of YOIl who may not ~no .... it . Brother Lynn T ale i~ now Ihe lI"i ' I' :nil hu~inc~ mana{!er lind ha, heen ,ince: Seplember. He .... a~ Ihe aCling hINI'IC" manager during Ihe lime Ihal nll'IIIC~' M;tnag.::r IJilI Tuc~er "a) in W;i\hmglon for ' he IIlEW Con\enlion ilnd ha, no", been re lilined on a permunelll !liI,i. !I~

ll"l>i'lani. Our Bui lding Commillee mel .... ilh Ihe

arrhilrci reeem!) for ,Iorm damage e,li· male,. and a sc:uicmenl Ilct"een Ollr IUI;:oI und Ihe insliranl;e I;omp<ln)' i, nuw peOOing. II i~ hoped Ihal the mouo:') 00' lained on Ih ... ~lOrm damage " ill pa) fllr re\loring the hall 10 bcuer·lhan·origm;ll ~hapc.

KI('II\lU) U. STI U""()MIIi. I' .S.

Negotiations Under Way; Work Picks Up

t . l l. 336. C Il1 CAGO, II.I .. -When .... e ,i!;ned a three·)·ear I;untr:let ending ~I four_aml.onc·half monlh ~ I r i~ r. in 19611. 197 1 seemed a long way off. Now, .... e:

find Ollr\C l ve~ fa ced .... illl forth comin!; IlC!;otiation, " jlh lllinoi ~ Bell.

Our eontraci e~pire) on June 26,h. and flrcparlllions for the negOti:olion\ h;\\e been undef .... a)' fOf Ihe pa~1 ..e\­er;11 monlh ~.

In ;In llltempt 10 find oul "hith item, ;Ire 0 1 Ihe Greale,' impomUl~e fVI the nellolialion~. it ",a~ determined Ihat Ihe memhc ..... con,ider a large ",;\~e inc-rea'>C Ihe nlo" import.. .. nt ilem, The scc-ond mO~1 imflorlanl i"ue i, the inch"lon of il ~o,t ,,,f·li\' ing t"e:llalOr !;I,m\./! in Ihe COl1lraet

I inle ha~ prm!"d [hal the mise:mhlc pre.ne\=oliilled pattern -..cttlemenl in Ihe lJ.c1l "'},Iem j, 10tall) inadequale. B) Ihe lime thh arlicle ;lpf'C" ..... in the JOilf/wl. Ihe ,pirali"!! CIl" of Ii,in!! ..... iII h,,~e re· dw;cd our lop pay ra le, hy more Ihan S2~ II "ee~. in lerm, of 19M! dollar"

We h'I\'e heen a .... ;lTe of Ih;, I;omli lion for ,ume time and ha\e tried Iv J;ct the company 10 renegotiate Ihe \\;ll;e rai l" during the Icrm of the :ll:!reemcnl. ll u"· ever. it h;l) corhi~ ! cnlly rehl',ed. AI OUt'

poinl 1;"t ,ummer. Ihe comflan) pro· po....:d a I)rollre)\ Sharing 1)11111 ..... hiLlI .... a, e~'lCn liall) a hOIlll\ ph." ha...cd on inl;fe:l\C' in producti\i l ~

Afler di\Cu,~jng the propo,;li with the COnlfl;II1Y o\er :l period of lillie. 011T

"xal felt Ihal Ihe propo-.al "a~ nol ac· eCPIJbh:. Illimarily bceall\C of the I;om­pan)\ refu...al 10 agfce to certain ...afc· IlU;lrd, and an adequale \) ,Iem of !luditing COlllflany figure, on proJucli~.

it),. We c~pcc t Ihi, \car·, ncgotialion~ 10

be: e\er)' hil lI\ difli~ult a~ IhlhC in 19til! T he r.r;1 round of PT\'·ncgotialed in·

crca-.c\ Iloe~ in to crre.:! in rcbru:ory for our membcr$ in Unil 6. In lu.ldition 10 the inerca'iC~ in hou ri) r:ote,. lhere will al-.o be an inn .. ",>!, in Il\=r diem :1110 .... · lince" Wor~ i~ pic~ing up for oor member~

in Unit ti emplo)ed hy Iht: Automali..: l'Ied! i .. Comp~ny. ·1 he eomp;.ny had nOI hircd in ~ tallcr~ for ,evcfil l lIl onlh ~ ii ' il l'o.:,ult of a ~lri~e early Ilhl year al Ihe fa~tory. While thcre I'ere no 1:t)'ofT~ . .... e did 10'>1' a eon,iderllble number o f lIl..,m· N:h throu~h normal :llIri lion. It i, good tl) 'ICC thh si lUation nnpro\ing.

Will iAM J . RY ~N. V. I' .

Provincial Unionists March Against Anti -Labour Laws

I..ll. JS3, TORO~TO. 0 .... r .-On Octo· her 141h. unioni\1\ frum lI lI over Ihe pro"ince comerged on nur 1';lrli301eol huilding~ to demon\tr:ttc our ill feclmg lo .... ard\ Ihe anti· lahour la1ll\ thai Ihe 1;0n..eTV;IIi\C go\'cmment i~ tr)'ing to for~c 011 U\.

An orderly 1;fl)\\U or approxirmltcly 16.000 concerned umoni,,, ,urpri..ed Ihe....: II II ·loo-confldent polilician" We hupe Ih;1I our actioll will innuclH.~ 11,,,'>1' politKilll1\ 10 modify Ihe ~lIllcnumenl~ or to thro" them oul completel) .

AI our Scplcml>t:r ml'eting. :1 mmbn "(IS pUI for .... ;lru a~~in!; our member~hip


10 amliale \I ilh Ihe Onlurio h .'dernlion of I uhour (O"'L ). The almO!lHlnani­mou~ \Ole 10 ;tmliale £OI\e th a eh,lOce 10 ~nd nine delegales 10 lhe Con\Cnllon in No\cmber.

Now. y,e haH.' a voice find \OIC on i~­~ue~ Ihal alTe!;1 our Ir.lde and Ihe direc· lion in \I hich unionhm nW~1 go. The 9()() deleg;lles from anu\, Ihe province ui-.cu\M:d luul re..o1veu ~u(h i~~ue' ll\ Ihe federJI go\ernment":. 11">(' uf lhe War Me,l,ure~ I\ CI. I\li l ;-"0. 167 {anli·lahour 13\1,}, upd;lIing lhe ~fC1Y a(1. \lelf;Irc, and ",lIlleruu~ olher problem,.

All of our me",her~ arc preo;cntly em· ployell. but ... ~ u,ual ",jth (old \lcather. "'or\. pro...peCI' .1101mb-h.

i{OIiI III (,R\" I. I'~.

Perth Amboy Membe rs Mourn William J . Clausen

1..1 1. 3511. I' I': I~ III A '\IIIU\', :\ .J . With hea\y hcart. \Ie report the pll~,ing of Brother Wi ll iam J . Clau>cn.

10 the man)' Brolher, "'ho ]",ncw him. Brolher (lau..e ll \\;1$ II mun \Iho \:ould he counted on to do a joh. '" hether it he of an elcori!;;11 n:llurc or a, the percnnial trea,urer of local 358. A mc:mber of the II.l I W for 55 ~eal"!i prior 10 hh re lire­ment in 19611. BrOlher (l1w-.cn "':1' our local union lrca,urer for ~II ~e:u'~. A, all of our memher, call :lite" 10. he \l1I~ :1 I.)ugh "';lIdlu"!; for Ihe 104;':11, :1\ \lell Ih fur the Brotherhood he ..er~e.t \11 capahl~.

II rOlll1.'f Cbll .... 11 \\a, II lifelong friend of lIu"ne" M:I1H1!;er John C. Boll lind a <.Ievotcll falher :tnu Ic:u.:her of hi\ '''In. WiJli:lIl1 A .. who. :It the lime o f hi, fa· ther\ retirement. l4a, appointeu our new t~a,urer. ;1 Jl'O'>I thai he ~I""ce,»full)' "'on 111 the la~1 ck':lion.

On the hghlt'r ,ide. IJrOlher I ran]", 1"()!1l1",arn \\ III unce lllWI1I chair the Dinner·Dllnee ("omllli!lec. He \\ill he ll" ,hteu b) Vice J' rc~i(lcnl (I:Uluc I umt, T re:I\urer Clall'oCn. lind i{ccording \ccre· Hlr)· ~te\e R. Schein. A I'c!'>mar) llfr:,ir i~ nO\l being arl1lnge<.l.

Congratulation, 10 Ihe four Brother, who fecenlly he~:l nle journcynwn \I irc­lIIen, D:lIlici I. lboyan. i{u.\l>I.'1l S:IIl]",.

Mo urned

W,/II.m J, C' .unn. a long·tlme member of Local 358. Pe.lh Amboy. N J., whO d,ed reo

cently. Is mou,ned by His B,ol he,lO


TheooJorc I' ile,y, a nu Cl1llrle~ E. SuflCld, ),.

A special ""hello"" to lIrOlher George Zolda]",. "'ho i) pfc<;('nll), on a hunllng trip in Penn~~ h-ania. Uring ba~L a big ooe. George!

We are \el") happ)' 10 'oCC BrOlher Jo· '>Cph r. lokhan h:lc]", in Ihe f(lld after an e~lcnded Sl:'~ in the Icahe)· Clinic In

IIO'10n. /"0 our loe:tl union memhcn and 10

lhe emnbmed JIl l W mcmt-cr,hip. \lC e\­tenJ \li .. he~ for a mO\1 JO~OII' and proy perou, Nc\\ ) cur,

Srr" ]( \tIUI"', K_S.

Work Picture Looks Promising for Le banon

I..L', 361. I.EIlA ,'O', l 'A._ III1,ine" Manuger Kohert I'i,her rcport- that lhing' are pidinll up ,Iillhl l) an.1 th:lt the \lor]", pkture lou]"" promi~ing for neu ,pring anll summer. We .. holiid ,oon need /III of ollr llrother~ here <I' home.

("ongralulation~ 10 Kon .. lu Ibir. our oe", feeon.lin~ -.ccrct:lr). lind be\t \I i,hes for ;t "right an<l happ~ 'uture to Hrolher Timolh~· \lei aughlin and h., hrille. Llroll

We \li,h ;1 'pc-edy re,o\er~ til Brother rmer,on G. LC lenl!u.,xt. \lho l4as humeu \lhilc \lor~in); 1Il thc Iler,hey Mediclli O.-nlt:r. We :Ire looking for\l:lrd 10 1I<:eing ),011 :11 Ihe meelm);\ anu b"d un lhe job ..oun. BrOlher LevenllOOl.I. We are all pulling for )ou. (,ell4ell 'oon.

We c.'\lcn<l our be'l \I i,hn for a

happy and I'ro'pcrOlh New Year to all of )OU. l et u\ all eltrf)' our brotherly lo\e for Ollr fello\l man throughout the )eaf. And for tho-.c ",ho ma]",e ,,",ew Yc;)r'~ re..olulion~. au<l anOther one. Rc­..oJ-c to allem! Ollr monlhl) meelln1>' on the lhird I ri.l~y of /'1"<")' monlh. I.ct grudgc, and per..onal dilferenee, Me put :"ide and nOI -rand in Ihe 11:l} of wor]",· ing lind pulling logetlk:f :I~ a !'>rother· hood. \\hich lIe :.re.

! hale noti!;cd th" l. ",hen a pcro,(ln 11.11,.', 'ome1hlnl: Oul of Ihe ordinar)'. ~·on· gr.ltulalion, IIfC in onleT. Any man. \lhclher on lhe job or :H home. Ii]",e ... to hoc luld that he i\ doing a good ;ab. When \la, the la" time that ra:oj!nition "'a\ ,tk.l4n to tJur ollkef\. "'ho ,il be· fore Ih e\cr~ monlh'! Why 14~lit for ,omething 'f'Cclal tu occur'.' The) uu a !;Ot)ll Joh e\'e,"> munlh: let them know it i~ appred:.tcd.

1 or ~Ilur \,I]",e :IIIU )our f'tlnily's. plca-.c he \ .. fet)·llIinde.1 al\\a)\, al home :lnd on the joh. Winler i, here: bundle up. W"rm tuh ... are fe'" and f<lr bclwt'en.

Let 11\ :111 get logether-OI I the next meeting.

HI 11111 II.f It. ileUM". _111_. I'.~.

Local 363 Observes 45th Anniversary with Dinner

I., t . 363. '\E\\ ( 'n Y, N. \ '.-Dur loca l oh..ened ii, .Hth Anni\'er-.ar} wilh a uinner·dan(e ;.1 Kipple, of Roc]", la"d.

Iteprc">('nlatjlc, of -.c\'eml ~urroundin!; locah \lerc prclo(!nI, :,ntl Inh,'malion .. 1

At Anniversary Observance

AbOve, GueslS al .he Celeb'lIhOn 'ncluded leI! 10 ,illht. Inle,"al,on.1 Rep.esenlatrYe Dunl •• v~: Allen Minckle'. Elu~"'ns M"na&e •. local 806. Ellen~,lle. N.Y; Harry G, M,ller. Ass,stant BU$I"e", Manilla •. local 63\, New· bU'lIh. N.Y.: Thomas Van A,"da.e. Bustneu Manalf'. lOClOI 3. New Yo.~ City: Local 363 Business Man"e, D"m,an.; F.ed W"lhl. BUI'ne~S Manale" lOClOl 501 Wh,te Plains. NY: Ja",~ O"H.,a. Bustne .. Rep.eunlll,ye, local 3: [d C .... ry. P.es,dent. Local 3: and

Lac,,1 363 P'e$Odenl Thia~,II •. R'lhl Plei>Sed w,'h Ihe oble .... ance Dt Ihe 45,,, Ann've.s.,~ cel.b,.rron 0' Local 363, New CITy, N.Y., 'fe lelt 10 .iehl. Inl •• nallon.1 Repf.",nl.t,ve Robe,t Dun.e.~y. BUlO.ness Man.,,, Pat Oem'anl. and Presid.nt Al



Reprc;,cnlalive Rohen Dunlcav}' gave a fine :.pcech on Ihe III·Ol hcl'lIoOO.

Everyone "110 allcOlled ~pcn l lin en­jo}ublc e\emng.

JOlll'o 'IARIII. P,S.

Unemployment, Organizin9 Consume Local's Efforts t. I I, 3"/9. CII\ HI.O II t:. i" .C-Pre\­emly. Ihin!" in 11\(" rh,uIQ\te area couldn', 1001. "I)P.c! We ha\(: men on lhe bench and o\er IIMI memher"> lramp­ing. Our Ihanl., 10 our \i"ler local~ for \Oolrk :n~i~llInce during lhe unemplo}­men' ,I1U(l(lon "e are e~pcriendng. I han~ )OU Hr}' much l

!-ven "ilh "or~ drorpinll off, \Ie have mlll1ll:lIne\l our elTorl\ 10 organi/.c in our urea \ \ 1.' h:ne pidel\ on four non-union ele~lrk:11 ~Oll1rneling hrnl~ in IlId.or)'. Nonh Carolina. ," of Ihi, "riling. \\1.'

hale mainl,lined Ihe'oC pidd~ for 18 wee\..,.

We hn~e n Irial d:llc '-<:t and arc opli­llli,lic lIbOUI Iht' re,ult, Tilt.' (lfirinal Iri;11 time ":1\ f'O"lponed through unf:lir. unju,ufied legal m:tnipulaling. I al\O \Ih­peel Ih ;1I wme polill(,11 pre"urc ":1\ ap­plied 10 lhe "I KH "nother n',I'IOn for II' to gel more pulilkally aelil e and ciCCI people who :Ire friend~ of Ihe "or!.in!:! man.

Let\ all rencw our ell or" 10 organilC and Ei,e a \oole of ctlnfidcn~ to Ihe men on \trike. '011 kno". lhe..c men arc v.all.ing and c;arr)ln!: ,il:n\ 1o acquire a righl Ihne \Orne of u, 1.ll..e for J,':ranted -Ihe righl 10 .:ollc..:ti~c hargaioing.

I cl', ne\er ftHgel Ih ;11 our predt'ce~­

"or~ \llcrifi.:o!u 1<1 m:l!.e Iht' progre,s, great or , mall a\ il rna) ne. that "e enjo}. We here in -"urth Carolina hnc come :1 Ion); "a~. nut v.e ~ti ll hale fur­Iher 10 l!o.

A, }<lU I.nOIl. h:I\'(' put lou ie Crllmp on my ,t .. lf ;,~ ;11\ organil.er. Bl'Uthcr Crump lH" hecll illv:,luahlc :1ml h:h I;ili ncd much cxpcncn~e for Ihe campaign, ahead.

A\ '1Iltcu carlier. "orl. i\ very ,Ial\.. at Ihe rre\Cnt, hili IIC :Ire optiml~lic IIboul Ihe future. We h\Jpoc :lnd arc pl;tn­ning for an all-oul lIrhe in (h"rlulle in Ihe ,ummer uf ('HI. NMurall). Ihe "or\.. piC\lIrc al th111 lime "ill haw a !!re:1! hearing 011 our plan,. bUI "e arc opllmhlk.

Who lIa, the 'tril.e:r IIho mea~urcd hi, piel.c1 .. "ll.illl; JI~I.lnt"e and found he could h;\\c IIIlI\..ed from U'e\..or) 10 Or, I;lOdu. Florid:!" I "On't gile hi, namc. bill hi" iniliah arc JI RKY SlORY.

We h;\d a large ~ru\lt.l ;Ind a I;ood lime :\1 our Chri\tnl:l\ 1',lrty on I)c~cm­ber Ill1h.

We donaled the lIirin8 r<lr lhe I e,li· lal 10 Ihe I>ark "gain Ihi, year. The fe,­lilal lIa, a hU8e ~uc~e". a~ mual.

["0 our BrOlhe,", :tn,l !:>i\ler~ in Ihe Un,IeJ '5lale,. rnna,ln I'uerlll Rko. :lnd Ihe (';10,,1 'lonc, (Jur I-C\I "i,hc~ fur a happ) and prosper"u, New Year.

[";Ike ,·are ; be Ihc gOO<.l l onl willing, I'll \\rile ~ou next month.

S. I Ul,,1 'II R t;1 I. 8 .M.


Effective Picketing

lell to riah!. Bill M.",n. Jerry SIOr),. Ind Aonn.. Coffe),. l~1 319. Cha,lotte. ... C. .,e three 01 Ihe men who h .... e hel~ 10 mike plcl<eUna al'.jn~t "un·u",U" fI~lroCi I Contraclina ",m5 pou,bI. and as fllf.cl'VI

as 'I '5.

Organizing Helps Local 400 1 .1 . ",00. "Sill In I' ,\I~K , , . , . ·A m'ljoril} o f otlr mcmbch IUrned uul fnr "'" local union clcction. The new unicer, arc Pre,idenl Donal,1 ,\I cr~cr. V;'c I're~idenl '1 hUlIlll, Dri\(:oll. I"rca" tlrer John lcrvi., III , Recurdin!; Secret:try Ch:tr1c, 1. Nellman, Jr .. and FimllKial Seeretar) We~ ley \lorri,.

I he ExecUlhe Hoard memher\ an' Wilh,lm Parnlentier. Allan We,t, I huma~ Bro"n. Philip S;llamone. and Alfred Rutledge.

r he memncr\ of the FAuminin{! IImml are h me, ~I C:Hlhy. DominicI. ";lila , John Ur{!o. Frank I a'lv.ood. ,md Rkhard Millcr.

Our bu~illCss m:IIl:lger. v.ho scr">ed as our delegate 10 Ihe Inle,,, .. t;,,,l .. l .:on\'eo­lion. i- Grnnl!";lte, Jr. \\,lIiam J. Darby "a' Ihe aiternale dele!;:tle.

All of otlr memOcr, join in a trihule to I rcd Clayton, rel1red IInancml ...:erc· lary "ho ~r">ed our local failhfulI) :II1J v.ell for many yca~,

Our local ha, prOl.·ured a l,!n'at deal of ...... nkc ,Ialion and re,idenli;l! lIork Ihrough Ihe con'>Cicnliom ellorb of lJu, i· nc \s Manager I lite lind Bu~ines~ Rcpre­_elll;lt ilc, William Dal'by and lame, ( irallull. Since the mcrger of uur 101:al .mJ Local 516. wc h:llc had (!real ,ue· ce~ in lhe ~j!;ning of new eOlltr:tdor,.

J tlll'l/ r:. BR\("I, P.S.

Ladies Auxiliary Installs Officers at Dinner PClrly 1..1 ' . . 12~. 1\ \KEI~"'FI E I .n . C \I. IF,­The T1C"ly-ckclcd officer\ of our 11:":01 1 ",:!oS Lldies All\ilillry lIere III_lalled ii11 a nn·ho,! dinner part)' fur the aU\lhary members anti Iheir hu .. h,m,h. T he theme lind mble decoration, u'>Cd \lere. ··Aloha. 11 "",,ii:'

I he officer1. in~lalled for thi, lerm of onke arc Pre\ldent I mn Stech!. I il'l \ke I're~idcnt BeIer" lI all. \ceond \ icc Presidenl Sher1cnc lI au'>Cr. Rccord­in,. SCnelary i"ila Ward. and -I rea,urer K"therine Giraud.

1.1)1::.1 428 Bu,ine,," Manager han Beal "n '>Cn·cd a, IIm,ler uf ccre!llonic,. IIhile Gnlee Glintnef performed thc in­stallation ceremony.

Our retiring rre,idenl HaTel Thulo­IIc,l. "as prc'-t'nled "ilh a gll\cI de\k

plaque a~ :m emblem of apprecialion. Pn:sidenl Steelc made the pre<;cnwlion.

Many of our au~i l i(jry members have been "cry aCIl\'e in COPE. and thcy contributed much linle to the rceenl campaign 10 I,!et COI'F-cndor;ed c:lndi­dale, elccled. 1 he au~iliary comribUied $1()0 10 the CO l'!:: Gcl-Out-llle-\ote­hmd .

Pre,iuenl Sleele ha' :Ippoinletl the fol· 1(J"ing cumminee eli;,irmC'n: Vi"i:m John\On. 1I 0,p'lalll~; lou"c Iiali . I'ub· Ikll)~ 'ihc.orlene 1I ;III'>('r, and \\antl;a I'hil­lip,. I>rogram. ~han," Lanier. Leg"la­IUIIl. \I.lulk UCill;1n, Lnion Label: Jella Simp\On. (haplain. ;lnd Doroth) Gra). Communil}' Ser,ice.


New Aux iliary Office rs

The re<;enll~·iMI.Ued new officers of Ille l.chn "".'''.ry of loe.t 428. B.kersfield, C ... f .• /iI,e. lell to ''6hl. P,.&od.nl r.~n 51f1ele. FlrSI Vice P,nKl1lnt S .... rtt Hall. Second Y";fI P'es,dflnl Shfl.tene H.U5f1,. (W.nd. Ph,1 lips stlnd,na ,n 10' RKo,d,ng Sec.elary ""Ia

Wa,d) •• nd T'fI.surer Kalhe.;nfl Gir.ud.

l()("~1 4?fI P,,,,~jdem l. l. Ph,lhp$, kneflllnR. uplluns Ihfl politlc.1 plClu.e 10 £. Ph,llIps. B. Gray. G. WhMo.d. W Whitford. and M


P'c:G,dflnl Stefll. p,asenl5 '" pl .. q" .. 10 Huel Thulow.,I. lell, past presidenl.




• AppnJ~illHHely 300 of our members

;Lnd their i:IIC~b recenlly enjo}eoJ ont' of the nice ~1 picnic~ 1ha1 our local h:1\ Cler conducted.

II "'" held. through the (Ourlei) of the Shd! Oil Comp~n}. :1\ Shclf\ " ern River I'knic Ground .. _ h eryonc ,c~l11ed

\0 coil)} thoroughly Ihe picni!;. \\ 11 h ih ,pecially-cooled I>arhccuc . ..ala.!, N::lO'. etc.: the g.Lme, ami rene"lion. 1he ,'0>0' le~h: (Loll Ilic full d3) of '>OCial'oic rcl:na-110n.

Th..: !.Chi ldren Ilcre Cl11el"lainl'd II ilh ~"mc,. ~onlc,h for pdfC\, amJ \00 mud. '>Olla pop.

The ,nluth \\or),.cJ un rklli..: ;."icn­menl_: ""I,heu Ihe \\mld St-ric .. : plI,hed hor.,e .. hvc .. : played hing!); \ hitcd (Uld lied 10 c,,~h olher alNn! 11:1\\ clenh anll. IXh\ihly. Ihe (luure: amI dr:ln). l'lIlfcc ,md 'O( lhl.'lf 0"0. lIT their frienu" liter.

Don Hoe.II1Mo :lnu \iudl Lin.I-c) daim w h:IH ;ll:min PWH'U 10;11 Ihel lire Ihe hor-o:,hue plh;oin!! dUltllpion,_ r hi, a,­...cnion "',I'. hOlleler. 'IHlIl!!ly Prlltc,!.:.! ,I' bcin~ pn .. to:nlioo, h) Juhn ILlII. J"d, John,on. OI"\;lle I'h illip'. Joe Hulmc'. Hud. /-I urn. Ham 'vrl.. IkJ I tclm ~. (hud. I I.HI-cr. <lnu nMn~ ulher half­-.ober. ~lin!!in~. hur....:,hue arti,,,_

IJrolhcr~ \\ ill) II UI ... ,li, ;lnd \!lm!. Bryan haJ t'ocen appllinleu h) I' re,iuenl l:lch I'hillil'" a, ~'u-d1;lirll1cn III lhc Picnic (ull1millee , I hel nul on I) ",,,r~cd

Ille do~' un lhi~ IOliph a~,ij,:nll1enl. toUI lI)e)' elen ,nitred ;tIld la,I.!.!. ",hen in ..lout-I. ;111 \l( the memher'; beer 10 m;l~e Ilootoll ~llIe Ihal no (uu(, "''', un lhe rrcmi~e"

Thel ld,u JraflcII :lhOUI hl111 Ilf Ihe mClllt>er.. thc "pprenlin:,. aru Ihe :ul\il­i"I1' meml>cr, 10 .I"i" Ihem ""Ih Ihe man)' ;I"ipnmenl, "nJ funclion, ne.:e,· ,,,ry fur :t ,uCI.·c"ful ril'nic In re~\I!!ni­lion of Iheir om,laHuin!! JOto. I' rc,illenl I'hilhp _. '" ilh Ihe aprr.,v . .r of Ihe memo ilcr.. ha, ;1\1"rucu lhel11 ",ilh Ihe l'hair­m:in_hlp nf lin}' future pknic.

There Ilerc pri/e, for almo" elery· Ihin~ \\1IlIe or Ihc :lllult, whll o:mllun'l "'in al "m~u trieu hi .:umpcle til Ihe children', .:UllIe_IS. unliJ IhcI "'ere 1Ii­

formed Ihal Ihe pr~reqmsile \\,\\ IU qualify in the ,:. .. ~ rao:e,.

Vili:m John",". \\ho. J'I~~ ~IHim,. ,lart.·J 1x1!1{! Jud.) IIhen she m,lIrieu him. "'\\11 Ihe !,:r;mu priLe. " lenilh clocl r,lui(l,

Thu,," pre,cnl Uliunll11O\hl) agreeJ Ih:.( Ih.: lu~,d ~huulJ nHl~e Ihew r,~n,,:,

an annual "ffair. Wilh Ihe C\~cpli"n nf Willie ;Inu M \ln~', U.\wnting 1m Ihe fir'l ilem. Ihe nleml:>o:" al'<I r"~{lmrnenlleu .:onlmUII1I: ",ilh Ihe _ •• I1Ie' [li.:nl': ,,·hlllr· man anJ Ihlng the "mle I ~p;.: of f .... KI. heler";\!!.:" :111..1 enlerla\nmCnt.

h I~ III II I'>. II \ 1

Canadian Local Honors 60-Year Members

I.. l ', .us. \\ I;'\ .' " 'FG. '''' .'.. We re­l'cnlly honored IWO of our mcmt>el' ",ho halc athicI'cd the di,lmelion of hal In!;


California Picknickers

Howl>fd Bryan ~"d W B H"e~r'l seryed .. PIC"'C Comm ,tlee CO-c1I~"me" lor & recent plcn'c held by local 428_ Bake.s/,eld, Caltl

lo",.e Halt c"iI. the nllmber. '0' Ihe bonitO lame,

The ch,ld.en prlp.,e .". ,he ,Ick 'liCe,

Th",,- hOrSeshoe p,lchers are John Hflil. Jflmes H" .. ald. and V"I,I L,ndsey

on \Car' of ,erlke \Iilh Ihe IBrw. '>. \ \Ier, "OIl '\ 1I0\cr.

\\c e'l"re" our apprc~i,'li.1Il IU I<e­,uruint! ~ael"r) \\ Sherid;\n anJ Ou_i_ ne" \I anager \lIi,lar \1 ,ld'hehOn of 1.,..,,1 U,-,O. II ,Lii(;". ' 01.\ '>.:O\IU. for rreo,cnlin!! Ihe (lO-Il'ar pin ,mJ "allel 10 IIr,,'h.-r AIel', lin "lIf 1>d1.l1f. We re{!rCI h!.·illll un;oble 1<1 !!el 10 Ifulil:" 10 m;,~c Ihe prc..cnrallon "ul ..... ml \lur ler) be'l \\"he, 10 Bt\llher "'Ie ..... a long-lime m~mlx-r or Ihi, lutal.

I "1I1l,,,ing Ihe Seaule conlcnlion. IItI,inc" ~Iana!lel' 1-1 . Warne \Iuppcd 011' in \ i.'loria. IIrili\h CuJumoi,\, I') ma~e ;1 _Imilar 6O·~ear pre-..!nl:llion 11) Brolh~r

nmer. "ho i. c:njo~inj,: a m,"1 atlhe re­un.:menl. ta~in~ ",,"ng illler~'I' ill 00111· 1I1!l. l'urlin!l. nnJ I1H1ny o,crl'I~C duh,.

IIr.llher BUler "i~he, 10 he r~lllcm·

t>creJ 10 hi, ler) mi\ll~ fricnd, in Ihe BrolhcrhooJ :mu hi~ fello", cmplo)cc:~ ul Ihe \laniloh:1 l elephone \).Icm. One

60- Year Members

Buslnen M~na!i~' H WaHl~. loeal 435. W,n n'peR. Man. "lilll. p.nenls a 60 yur pin and certlt,ca ,e '0 II Boyer. whO '5 presenlly

enlOy lng an ICI,'" re . .. ement

RecO'd,nR SKretary W Sh .. "dln of Loc'" 1030. H"Io'a •. N 5 .. "Rh!. dod Ihe honors '0. toc,,) e35 In m"~InB Ihe 6O-yea. preHnl"-

\lOn5 ,,, B«olnl' 5, A. Aye.5,

prouu a~hielement h) IIrOlher Ilu)cr i, hi~ imrOlltitlion of Inlt'rnalion;,J \ ile I're"uenl lIill LIU\m;ln 10 our r.'n~',

1<. I .... 01 \\!>. I'S.

Local 44 J Picnic

The crowd l"lhered .eelnlly "I Ihe Annual P,cn,c of loe,,' ee I 5""." Ana_ C,,'"

The "p~"entoCH ch"llenaed 'he lourneymen 10 " b",eblll lIa"",. 1M outcome O. wh'ch

.. as I,n"lIy ehillenged

Santa Ana Local 441 Holds Annual Picnic

L.lf. ~~ I , S"I\TA "I"". l,;,\ L II·.­Nearly 600 of our Brolhen: and Iheir famIlies Joined l o~ethe r Ihb: }ear for a fun-fi lled da~ at Ihe nion Oil I'H:nie Ground, for our Annu:II I'il-nic, The !>ile y,a~ ide;lll) located In Ihal il provi,'cd adequ:ue ~heher (rom the pre\aiting ~:lIl1a Ana "'nd~ 11f."' IIII f." Itw hem Y,:I\C.

e\er)'onc ,,:c,m::d 10 ~njoy the alTair Ihorou~h l )'.

I'ic",c Commillee Chairman hel. " I).o,lon" Roher ... y"lh the leamy,orl of h" CllmnllUee menrt-..!r,_ did an out· '1;lI1ding job in Ort;.1nilmg Ihi, yeOlr', aCII"ilie\. The cmnnllllcc mcmbers .... ere Kay t :IIJol1c. JIII\ Slc ..... lrt. AI Adam~.

Paul Todd. 1):111 S'11l.ter,. Jlln S:.ndeh. AI WintcNdn, I nri Amdol1e, "'Illn "illnuqlU,l, Andy I'opp. and Kenn) I reeman.

Aell\ille~ for Ihe (hI)' included lin ellg-Hl" for adllih and children. "heel· harruw racc,. childn'Il~' ra(:r~ f!lr Ihe \nri,)U\ age ~mup,. :lnd hor.c,hoc pill-h­ing. rhe actl\ili c~ .... ne highlighled hy I he juu mc ymen· \'c r,m·lhe·:, ppren I ice~ h:uehall game. II hI" ocen reported Ih ll l the ,ournnmcn y,on. :.llh(HIgh Ihere is \ollie u"Hgreelllellt ;1\ Itl Ihe: linul score AI ,my ra te. y,e appreillice:>. y,ilI nOI lei II hallpen ne~1 )e;tr.

A slJ(!cial note uf th;LIl~\ 10 Frnnl. l aguna ;lnu to thc ,\ le\ 1I Corporation. l'r;ln ~ '"tcrcd our pi!:IlIC y, ith pfofc,' ~ional lechnique. '1 he fuotl \On, excellent. Me\u suppl ie:d a public addrcs, ,y~lerll

ant! y,;II~ie·I;Lllje,. y,hi,h .... ere • great help 10 Ihe orl';lnilil linn Ilf ullr a(ti\t lie~.

We aho th!tnl Iho'l(' people and orga· nizations nol mentl!!nell herein for the:ir 'UflP()f1 111 n1:l~jng the day :1 ,cry en,o),· I\ble one. It i~ r ... ully grcul 10 sec ~ mUIlY of OLlI' mell1he .. ~ ge tting Illgdher and having 11 guod lime. I hOfIC Ihal ....,e duuble uur attendance ne\l )e'Lr.

G,\R" A NUI KSQS, P.s. I'RO T! M

Three Montgomery Men Advance to Journeyme n

L. U. 4~J , l\IO""TGO\IEnY, ALA ._ Con.ll rlll u l:Ll ion~ 10 Ihree o f our Illemhcr~ who rccenlly fini,heu Iheir apprentice· ,hip Irailling and he,ame: journeyman .... iremen. rhcy are Ilrot hel"\ Ronnie D. Golden. Georfl' ( Mc '""enzi.... and J ame~ D. Weldon . '1 hey ure all line: men, 11~ y,e:1I a, fine eleelrici:,"~. anu I I\m sure Ihey will he ereuilS to our trade.

It is my $:I t! dULY 10 repOrt Ihal BrOlher Jimmy L. DillOn y,as in\ol~ed in II \ery :.eriou, mOlorC)'cle IIccilient. "I IhlS lime:. BrOlher I)illoll i~ much 1m· pro\ed. bUI il is upcued Ihal he y,iIl be: Out of y,orl for III lea' l nine months.

The accompanyiny pholo shoy,s 1I r11l hcr L I.. "5:1111" Colley hard :11 "ork on Ihe ney,' Union tt:Ln~ lI uildiny in Montgomery. '1 he eleelrical contme· Inr nn Ihis job h Ihe Lonf!- McGehec Fleclrical Company', whkh y,e organized


early this )ear am' which, so fllf, has mude us a line conlrllCIOr.

Again. I Ihank all of the locals Ihal are "orkin\: our men.

L . E . I)OZ"-M,\N. ".5.

Job Steward

L L. "Sam" Colley. memlHlr o f l ocal 443, Monlgomery. Ala .. i, job steward on Ille

Un,on Bank job In Montgome.y,

Newly-Elected Officers

left to riglll. Re<:ordlng Se<:retary Ph.I Ey.e, Presiden, Jack Van Bllrcum. end Busine .. Manage r·flAancial Sec. e lary louis M,llerwer, reeently el .. ct~d 10 1 .. , .. 1 I n~~1 44~. A~rlln

C • ..,k. Mic h .

New mem~~ 01 Ille E.ecul,,,e Boa.d •••• lell 10 rigllt. Ha rold Nelub. Ro~.t DeVor •. Jotl lima. Go rd on leonard, and l eon Mudge.

New Officers Run Local 445 Affairs L lI. +IS, UA1TU: CHEEK. ~lI CII . The Il:,uhs of our election are: in. lind Ihe fotloy,inS m\!lllhcl"\ y,cu' elecled IU ollieI.'. I' res ident Jnel Van Blareum. Vke I' re"denl Da~id Vandlen. Reconli"K Scerelllry Ph il Eyre. rrea\urer I.arry Ney,m:ln, nnd lJu,ine" Mnnager· l lIlan· ci,, 1 Sccn:tary t ouh Mi1Ie: r.

The Executi\e IJO:lr,1 members are

Th e 'Big One'

" Ih ree,sto ry addlllon .s ~Ing plac.d e .op Ihe f lderal li le anti Casua lty Company Sulltllllg. Ille "B;g On'" In flallie Creek, Tn, Walk IS being manned by local 445 em' ploy",s 01 Iha Motor Shop Efe<:Hical Can ".uclion Compan~. willi DavfI K",uUng as

foreman .nd Jolin Hubbart as ... ewatd_

Denni, Ik:tl1y. Rollerl DeVore, Gordon Leonaru. Le:on Mudge, H:lrold Ncill~:I. and J IX: Zima_

1111.' rnernher, of Ihe Examining Iln:tr( t flr(' 11;111 Clemence. Beecher Hox,",orlh . and I-Iarold 'I a~c"

W(' congrdtulate our ney, officer<; anu hope for the full \UPPOrl of all of lhe member<; for II \uece"ful lerm of offi~e:_

We: s,1dt) report the unlimel~ de:ath of Riehard IIroo.lod. and y,e eXlend our ,)mpathie~ 10 hi~ fllmil}. Richa rd hild almo~1 eompleled hi\ apprenlkc,hi" . .... hen he unexpc:elL:.JI) pa,sed ;)y,;)}.

I y,oulo.l li~e to c'pre~~ our apprecia· tion to 1\' ~ \If I)ur member>. "hI) ha\c ~pc:nl many hour\ of Ihe:lr time: y,orling on Ihe Local " cmion Comminee and the l.oc!ll 445 Credil Cnion. A big "I han~ }OLl" In ('harle" l'a~lor for hi, cha irman,h ip of Ihe I)c n ~ ion Com mittee :LIld 10 Gt'orj;e tJ.cul1cr flJr hi ~ " orl: LIl Ihe ere:uil union.

Jerry [)eVore i ~ our ne" CO PE t:hai r· m:lIl. l el\ IlUi :l nd ~ecp labor cHndi· 1,1:'le) in olliee hy ~l1 pportin lf: CO PE.

L IR R" NI \\,,\1 IN. 1'.5.

Midland Members Mourn For Two Brothers 1 •• 1 '. 460. \1101. ,, :-.,'1>. TEX ._Our deepe,t ~)mpalhK') go out 10 Ihe fami­lie\ and frienu\ of IY,O of our 8rolhcr~ y,ho recently dIed, John Kodeghiero and Roher! Har\'c) Carlcr.

Brother Rooe:l;hiero pa~~d a .... ay on A.U I:USI 12th . Thc members of our local and Ihrn.c of ~urrounuing local, will Illl~ him for hIS outstanding y,orl: on poy,eroou!oC: comlruction.

OrOlher Carter, y,hnm we all knew and admire:u. p:l''''U ay,ay 011 Oclohcr 91h. ·· Roughhou..e" Carter. as many pe0-

ple called him. will long be. rememben:d rtll the re'peet uou eomp<l~,ion he showeu for h is fe llow man.

Brother C. W. Wihon 5toppcd in for Il ,hort "i~11 on hb way 10 Corpus Lhrisli. Te:OO:!h. He :.aid Ih <l l 1',1111 YII! '


At Labor Day Celebration

The cameraman caught 8,olhe, 80 Gent.y a\ the l abo r Day celeb'''I;o" o f local '60. Midland. Te_, Brother Gentry il the eleClrlcal

,nspectOr 01 MIdland,

Anothe. pa.l,cipanl al the labor Day eVent was Jack T,sdale, who 10115 .e<:enlly •• I""d.

The occupants of Illis "rolld 'runne," ar. Brothe. Chtl Cole and "is daughtl!', Kilfen Karen was .unner·up In the bell"ty contes t

a, the labor Oay celeb.nllen.

horough and olh..-r mCnlOc,", of 101:,,1 460 arc \Iorking lin the ,amc Juh :1\ hI!.

Ro" I l ammond. "hl) j, .... orl-ill!; in I)'llia'. 'HOle Ih:, 1 he IUh injured on the job bIll j, ill)" re<.:oH'ring.

Our mcmher' ;ITC proud of the 'ego­[ial ing CQJnmiucc. Ihe nmlr:ICIOrl>. :U1J olher, for Ihe end fe'lIlt, of their car· nc~t crforh. T!\;'n\..,. fc llo""

Wor \.. at Ihe R~\all Ch.:mkal Corn· ple~ in Ode'~1. Tex,,\. i~ a l mo~t COlli" pleled There arc ...ch"ral other jot" \:oming up. bUI l11u,1 of ",. mdmlio~ me. "i ll be on Ihe ro:hl.

Word ha' be.:n received Ihal Brollh.'r 8 i1l Hale i~ le .. chin~ an eleclrical voca, tional clll\S in $;In Anlonio. rC\:I~. He j,

also nuenJing ni.:hl da,...e, in order 10 furl her hi, own educ;l1ion. We arc all very prOlld of Il rO lher Ha le.

Jad. T b da1c h:l~ relired at Ihe ape~ of


hi, life and ellreer. a go;.! Ihal I am sure man} of 11\ hope 10 oblain.

Our Labor f),,~ celebralion \loa" en­jo)'cd by elcr)'une. Among. Ihe aclil ilies 1111, II healll} COnIC,1. and BrOlhcr Cliff Cotc\ daughler. "-a rl·n. \Ion, runner·up in Ihe compeliti..,n for \ I i,>s Union Qucen. \!ar} I' llen CIani} prOlided Ih.:: mlhic .Iuring. thc come'l. Ilhich II:" en· jo)ed b) eler}one.

I' re,idcnl J im Ml'I'l'i1i II){)~ :1 few ~m,p\huh during Ihe l"elehr:llion. in\:hlll· ins One of lin (,efllfl . Brolher Bo. Ihe e1cclrical in,peclor of MiJland. " rc· mcmnercd h) l11an) of our \llder mem· ber, fllr lhe ma l1l relinel)' )ub, he u-.cd 10 lun. all of "hi,:h Ilere "ell uone.

I ~nOII Ihat eler)onc i, h;'ppI lh:11 \Ioe hale \IUI~cd OUI our olJ <.:l1nlr,ICI and Ihal Ihe ne\\ rale h n.)" in elfee!.

1 h:11 I·on.llldc, Ihe Ile,,, from Ollr arc;;.

I)"L{.I''> • . IIII\IS, I'.S.

Local Mourns Ken erson; Margaretos Wins Honor L. I I. "'7f1. 1·1,\' ":1(1 111.1.. \ I,\ S.".-Ollr oflicer, ;"Ind Illcmbc*" \Iocrc .... ddencu 10 rcecilc lIord of lhe .Ie,llh of tllle of our fI,'lircu Brmh,'f'. HunK'C I· . "ef1cr,u f1 . Brother "~Ilcr'oll Ji~d un Scplclllher ~91h :It rhe age ,If 75.

He 11;"1, a 111~/11"er ul \lllr 'OGII for 3~ )i.'ar,. h[l\inJ; juine,1 Ih,' k.;ll on Dc~~I11·

ber :::S, I'J:::~ Ilrolhcr "t'ner""n 1I:1~ IU)' aelili.' in lo.:tl arTa lr, and held Ihe olliee uf Te<.:llrdinJ; w.rel:"·)' I('f :::5 yell ...... He rellred in \U,gIl~I. J'}lil.

" 'e hcl,1 a mnmcot ,'I \ilenee in r ... · ~pcel ,)f 'llir bit' Ilruther at our O<.:'obcr /11~eli!l!!. Our dCepe'l '>111I':,lhi ... , ;lfe ex' tenJed 10 Hr\,Jlher ""!la,on\ famiil and frknd'

Our ].II.al i, ler} pmu.1 .lnJ ple;l-.cd of ,ml!' uf ii' fell.,\\ I11CI11I><:",. 1),"Id \ Iarg"rel,),. ,,1m ha, Ihe di,linlunn "f bein!! nil!.' 01 unly I.~ rartidr:lnt\ 'c· leered in Ihe ')::lle uf r-1.I"aehll,clI, fur a pfllgr.Ull Ih;11 "ill Ic;,,' 10 a \I,,,ter, Degrt'e in Fuu,'.J\ion.

The pmgr:,", I' he;ng ollere.! "I Nurlhea'lcrn l'n;lcr,ill anJ We,lneld Stale Cuilcge Oil " fuli'lim\! ba,i,. h;;l. in!! ,Iilrle<.l ill SCplembcr and runnillg (In unlil Junc. 1971 The purpo'<!: 01 the prO/!fnm i, hi ,h,'lclop leadcl'lohip in 01;­

t'ul':lliolwl I'dll~"liun in Ihe ,Iale in 'Ih:h ,clling' ;\, 1'(lcllion:!1 ,du)[11,. cummu· nil> wlle!!e,. :11111 Ihe ')lale Dh i,inn of o.:cupalionul I .Iuc:lli{'n.

DalC ha~ hcen silen :1 IC<I,c·of'l,l"cnle frOI11 Ihe H"I'ct'hili Trade St·hool. II here he lUI, been leaching il1 the ' · leclrie:1l lJepa l"l!llenl for Ihe ra,t :W lear"~ He :Hcn,1c11 Fil~hl>lIr!: Slale College ,mu the 10ll.cll ' r echni"al In_lilUlC lInu h(,ru, ,I Docmr of Seil'ncc Dq;rce,

Dale ...ervcd Ililh Ihe Lnile.1 SI:,lc' ,\ I'II1Y Engill~el" during World Wal' II. He j, m"rried 3011 ;, thl' f:llher of three. one of "hom. lIe under,mnd. i~ ,,1'>0 III· tending <.:ollege.

Good hll· ~. I):' IC. lo.:al 470 b proud o f you .

RICH,RD A. KI SNt UY, 1'.5.

Retiree Dies .. Horace E. K ...... son.

.trl.ed m.mb.. of LOC~1 470, HII" .. hili. Mau .. died ""e ... lly ..... d is mOll.ned by

h,s Broll)" •.

Receives Distinct Honor

O~ve M~rga"IOS. left, 15 tongratuillted by fe llow locol 410 Srothe, ~nd teache •• Guy Ratti. upon Il,s be'ng selected .. 5 one of only IS p"rticipanls In a prograM tI.", will f""d

10 .. MastelS Deg .... ,n £ducal,on.

Memphis Local 474 Members Perform C o mmunity Work

1..1 . ... 7 .... \ . "\ II ' IIIS, '1' .. : " .... ,- 1 am prOlill 10 relXlrl thaI .)ur mClllhcr, han:. ac tt'd un,clfi,hl~' in ~lIpponin,g Uoy 'SeuUl '1 roor ..17-1 h) pro.''>Cnting the Iroop \lith a S4()U ehed 10 1>111 '>lIppJic,> anu 1=""1' fOf <':'1I11P"'1=.

1110 of Illir fourrlH~ar apprcnliee~. ,,"ellh B,llc\ ami DOlig I i,her. Ilork "irh Ihl' lroop ani! h:llt' heen "ggre"i~e and 1,I<.:Iflll in \\orkin/! lo\\:u\h ma~in/! Troop ... 7 ... :I ,uc~e"

,\1'0 in !he II0r~, nc~t ~pri!1/!. Ollr 1111'lIll>er, I'ill ,Jona1c Iheir lime and ollr nlJllr3~IIIr, I\ill don"tc Ihe maled:.I, 10 "ir ~ondili{lll tht' Home fur Int"Inlhle,.

I hi, ~iml of '-Cn I(C ,h.)uld he lIlore r,":lllil\, !I\aihthlc for the I'uhlic. "hich i\ 111 I1n'J , It ,Iue, uur loell good 10 .tu· n,IIC ii' ""nie," in !hi, "")'; Ihe com· IllUnll\ '\Ill Ihen rc(Oj;nil.<' 11\ :1'> an ;\,-ct.

Our I\ork ,iwlHion. at Ihe pre'-Cnl. is lei"l .~ood ;lml i, e\pc,le,1 10 i01l'ro\·e. We hav~ ;'Pl'r'l\i l11 all'lv 150 ua~(;lc!'. \\"1 ~in,g nUll and e,pcl·t IU need :Ibout IIMI !H:,n> mOle in Ihe monlhs ahelld,

Our mcmller'hip rccelllr~ '\IoCpl in a l1e\\ hlhinc" m3n;,ger. pre,iden!. and ,II her onker,. h ,r Ihe 111o" pnrt. Ihe Ircn.1 11,1' IU\lard\ IOlln~l'r onker~. brirwinS in ne" blOOlI. \vc hope lhal Ihc Ir;.",fu,ioo lIork~ 0111 II ell; :,Ire:n.l}. Ibe palienl i\ )hOlliu!! imprmemell!.

I h~ o flkcr, arr Il l"ine" J\I Hnnger· J ina"ei:.1 SeCrelar) Albert B)3r\. I' re,i · dent rirn Cra\en. rrea'urer Kennelh M(· Clr\er. Vicc Pre,idenl I !lIearle /leall). :lnd Recontinf! <>CcreIH} 1)31 iu 11,,11::).

I he F;>,1Hnining IJ03rd i, <.:ompo,ed of 1 10)1.1 ( hi,um. l crr~' Wolfe. Ray At-ter­~un, and W. M. Gramm,'r,


Me mphis Officers New, One-Year Agreement Negotiated in Mississippi

L.I T. 605, JACKSON, ;\IISS.-Negoria­tion' of our local a nd Local 985. Cleve­lanu. \I i~\i\,ippi. \I ith the \1 issi~ippi PO\ler :lnu 1 ight Campan} ha,'e betn concludell. 'I hI.' !le\l agreemenl b for a period of one )ear. ending on October I~. 19"1

I hi~ la,t round of negoti,lIioM "as. to .1I1T LnO\llcdgc. one of the roughest "e hale e'er had \lith thi~ employer. A large number of propo'><1. ls "ere SLLbmil~ led hy hOlh .iue,. \Ihich amountell 10 :L ,cry hea'y "orl.. load fo r the cOllllllit­le ... ~. and it ... a~ a long. dra ... ·n-out SC~­


These oHicer5 of loc,,' .1. Memphis. Tenn. posed for the cameraman '" a ,ecenl donner meeting. Seated, leU 10 right. Execu l lve Commill"" membo> .... Sonny I-iawku and Paul Jonu. Vice PresIdent laveerle Be.Uy. and EU,"ln,"g Board member Jerry Wolfe S""din.,-:. Execu t ive Commlllee membelS BIlly Basham. lOUIS Burns. and Charles Lea therwoOd; BU$lnus Man~8er . F in~ncl"l Secretary Albert Byars; Pre$ldenl T,m Craven; Reco,dlnl Secretary Dave

1 he 1110--1 important feature of the new contract i~ wages. A 7 ' ll(- incr ... asc "ill be ltpplied to Ihe ma\imnm of e:L~h cla~\ificmion . The increascs are S5S for journeyman lineillen. bringing their \Calc 10 S829 per month. and $3~ for grOllnll­men. hr inging Iheir rn unthl y salary 10


Baln: T'euure' Kenneth MeCarver; and Execu t Ive CommIttee member Bob InabInet.

As a re.ult of the recent general elec­tion. our congre, .. ional delcgill ion repre­scming the Memphi~ area i~ made up of Repre<.entathe Ray Blanton. a moderate­con..enath·c Democrat: Repre..entilthe Dan Ku)Lendali. a con<.en-athe Repuhli­can: Senator lIo\l.lflJ IhLer. Repuhlitan: and SenalOr Bill BrocL. II con..en-ali\e Repuhliean.

T he<;c men .... ilh the c~ception of Rcprewntath"e BI .. nlOn. ha"e vuting ret­onh ad\C!"'e 10 lahor. as reported hy COPE. II h e~idenr thlll our member<;. the membcl"'i of organized labor a, a \I hole. the \ariOIl" group •. and )'oung people in general did not ,ote or did nOi folio" Ihe rel"ommcndation~ of their Icader~.

T hc pallern of ~ot ing denotcs a pa­thetic unconccrn on Ihe part Ilf our peo­ple. "'ho , hOlild bc the one~ mO~1 con­cerned.

J AC t.1I L. Sit \N[)~. p.s.

Local 500 Scores High In United Fund Drive LU. 500. S,\ .... ,\ vro .... ·lo. TEX.-Our local. once again. 'Cored high in the Annual Uniled l und Charil} Drivl·. c)(­ceeding I:hl Yl'ar\ ~mal h)' 21 per cent.

T he C PSB. a~~i~ted h} I ocill ~()Q. "<IS a\larded an h<lIlor cerrifkate for contrib­uting o\er 7!r per l"Cnt of Ihe allotted fair ~hare, Thi~ meiln, that e:Rh union member ga\e in eXce'~ of one hour a month.

Coming to the aid of Celia'~lrkLen Corpus Chrhti. the C P')I! ~nt a (On\oy of Ihree line cre\l~. fhe I\lo-mlln '-Cf\icc l-re",. plu~ other ,l..il1 ... d "orkcr~ and equipmem to the de"a,tilted llre:l. After familia riling thCI",elve, "ith preliminary ~t .. ndard •• the!>C dedie:lted ami ,lilled linemen procce,lcd 10 fe.lUre !>C r,ice lind to rebu ild t>:m cred line\. Afler three " "eels of 14-hour ..... }~. the ,hllilercd city bcg;tn to re!>Cmblc pre.Celia Corpus Chri~l i .

The re,idcnh of Snn AnlOnio enjo)' the lowest. eomhim:d rut ... , o r the 25 major United Statc~ ci ti,', or of any or the 15 I .. rgeq citie~ in T"'''h, Thi, i, due to the efficiency and org;,niution of a eonscicntiou~ po\ler department. from Ihe auxi liar) operator to the control room operator. each emplo)tt: i~ famil­iar wilh :ICCllra..::}. 'peed. and LnO\lkdge of c;lch t .. ~I...

President E. D lIall and Vice Pre,i­dem Charle~ Carruth hrousht b:lcL per­linent information from the Internalional con'ention heM III Staille. " re\ident H .III commented on Ihe ,Irong union pre-.encc in Wa!>hin~lon. "here 95 per cent of the ... orLing ~pu lation \le:Lr, a union lal-oo:l. Seattle \las enriched to Ih,' tLLne ur S500.000 by the ,"", t numher uf uclegllle~ ,L1tending the eo", cnl iorl.

L\r-!)lI.u~1 LOI It N, I' .S.

The ne ... IIgrccmcnl pro'idc~ that :tn emplo}ee rna) reo;chedule hi, lacation, if he i\ ill or in the ho-.pi tal during his schedule latallon. Sub,istence is to appl)' to individuah. rather than cre\l mcmbcl"i. "ith the amount increased from S7.00 to 9.00 for employees \\ho commute. r:tther than sta} a"ay from home. on job :ts,ignmenls. Tool allo\l­llnCe j, incrcil'>Cd from SI5 to S:!5 per )ear. Shift diITeremial i~ increa!>Cu from rour eent;, anu ,ix cems to ~i~ cen t ~ and eight cents pcr hour.

The qualif)ing period of performance for upgrading in a higher dassification job h:t, been reduced from four hours to t"O hOlLr~. II has been ct .. rified that the semor qmlliljell he:tdqllarlcrs ... if! crator"

grOllnurnan at cre" relieve equipment op-

Apprenticeship Topping-Out Ce'ebration

A recent d,nner.(!ance party celeb,aled Ihe toPpinl out 01 the lalnL group 01 apprentices 01 Local 575. Portsmouth. Ohoo, whO ~,e «en he,e WIth some 01 Ih e~r .0fflcerS. leU 10 ,Ight. AuisLalli B"",neu Manage, BIll Mill ... DirKlor o t App<enhceshlp T,a,nong BI".Crews, liarold Jordan, Richa,d Eastwood. William Tipton. J ames R. CunnIngham. and BUSiness Manage r

Oon BatLerSon.


rhe nCII concr,u,:t lo\\er\ the "crvi.:e J1Criod from 25 10 20 year, required of di ... 1bled employee,. rca~.igned \\i[h no reduc tion in pa}. and amcnll, and clnri­fic~ [he clause on promOhll!; rehabili­I;ucd em plo)cc~. Many ,,[her chan!!cs ;11..0 improlc and ct:lrify the IIgreemen[

We s.1hue Ihe [ .... 0. hanl· .... nrl.ing. .... 1,'­

gOliating C-ommil1ee, :lfId lhe local union mcmhcr~ for Iht" formuJ,l1ion ;lnll 1in;ll acecpllllll't" (,f [hi. Jlew ugrecm':111. \ Iay i[ \C IIC lI' :1 huo.t to future rela-1l0Jl\_ and mal' \\.., haH' m:m) >ear. \If h:lf'lP} :lnd harmoniou.. rcl:uion.. !"m ,ure thaI all con~'emcd pauie, Mt h"",,1 10 hale Ihe job all huttoned up unlil l11i. time nc\! year.

The Nq:(!Iilllin): Commillee for n1:ln­,Igement .... iI' compo ..... " of C. I Jone', Joe Bo~, I arnar ~Iephen-on, N_ I. I're,· -.on. (jmham remplc_ I eon,lTd Durr, Sle\\arl I Trlme. L I l:k1:!r. und G('\lrge I edlow.

The un;\In .... egotialin!! Comminee "<IS nl!llie up of Intermuional KepTe-.enlali,c II F. Wager; [or:aJ 60.'1 mcmneh Boh \ Iorri-.on. C I·:. ~hllfrer. Farl Itendril­,on. Char1c, Ain"lonh. 1- Ii. I-IlIlItl. De\\e)' Butler. anJ FJd DUI1;I\\a): ,Ind [ocal 911~ memhel' (harle, Thoma'. K L HooJ'ICr, Curli, Algee. Ka}molld Jone,. and t)mlle)' 1'1 Ie,.

j, W_ Rl"-llt. p.s

New Building C ontracts Award ed in Hamilton

1 .11. 6·UI . 11 \ \111 1'0"" . OIlIO_We made anolher ,Iep lo\\ar.h <lO.:cuplin!! ullr o .... n huildin~ ..... hen. un Q..:tohcr ~~nd. Ihe ... :hroder ('orf'l'uratilm oJ'ICned hid~ for Ihe con~lrttelion of OIiT ne" bllilding.

Ihe gener,,1 conlr.u.:1 \\a~ lI"arded 10 lhe '\nlenen Con'lrlidilln (ompan~; the cledricaJ \\url. ""anted to the Il<mbrij!hl I Icclric (ump"n): <lnd the plumhinl' healing. :10.1 air condilioning :I\\arded lU Ihe Walker Company.

rhe ..... ,Ife all local eonlr.tdOr<.. and lIe Ihink Ihe) ranI. .lOmng [he b.!,1 in the area. n1(' ~on'lruelion of Ihe build· in!! ,holllJ IMle ,I goud ,t;trl hy Ihe lime vou re<ld Ihi" anll \Ie hof'IC 10 hale pi~· lure, of Ihe ~ruuml breal.in!! or of lar­iou~ ,Iage, or ~'on'lruclion for future i,\ue!) of Ihe JII/mm/.

We re\'~nll) Ira'cie,1 10 Cin"innati Ii) '>(1,' Ihe Hengal, pla~ Ihe Clel'eland Bro .... ·ns, <lnll il \la' ,I let) !!()()ll game Aholl! :!OU m,'mi-c-r. and IheiT -.01'1\

milde Ihe Irip I \1,lnder if Mr. 'Iodell ,till think, he maUl' [h.: righl malt when he wnt I' a lll Il l\ll' n dO\l n Ihe road.

r om \leehan \\a. a!!ain in ~'h,lrgc of Ihi .. elcm :~nd made all Ihe 1.001 :\T­rangemcn" Ihal hale 10 be nMde for .omelhing like Ihi., We Ihank you, T om. for a joh ,11,'11 done.

I he \\urk ,(Iualion around here i, :1 lillie efTliltc righl nO\l Wc hUlc <;orne ;ob, Ihal arc fini,hing up. and Ihen \\C halle a few lillie job~ Ih;11 lire Ir)ing 10 ge[ ~Iafled ., nothing;1\ :1 11 10 brag

JOUIt NAl fOIt JAN UARV , 191 1

aboul. bUI maybe \\e IliII halc '>Ome­Ihing going by ,pring or summcr,

Well. herc il i\ Ihe \Iarl of a new )enr. The pa\1 ~e;H cerl<lillly \\-en t f;I\1 11\ gOI 10 be U fad Iha\ Ihe oilier )OU get Ihe fe\ler .1,1)', Ihere arc in 11 )caf. \ I,I}be. during Ihi, IIC\\ Icar. \\(' can he helter union memt>cr.. allend :111 of the union meelm!!" he beller \\orl.er, on Ihe Juh. ,lnd \ho" " 101 more re'J'lCc1 anlt ~indne~s fur 0111' f~ltnll IIurkel"',

'ou kno\\. "e :111 h,I\1: 0111 lillle iuio­"naa~ic~ and ref'><Jn:t1 prohlenh. hut .... c do not n!Xu III take (hem 1\1 the jot;. and 10 make our tOl)1 huudie' ,urrer 100.

I hC:1ru ~"mclhinl: on r\ Ihe other nighl Ihal gUC\. "'l odH} i, the lir,[ dll, of Ih ... re,1 of your lif ... :· r:t~c ,I Jilli.: Ilmc ;Ind thin I. at.out Ih,l\ one.

We h\,f'C \011 ;III h:ld " ni.e (hrht· ma, lnd that 1971 "Ill t;.e ):(I\.lo..I 10 )OU :Ind )our~.

Elizabeth Local 675 Perfo rms Community Work l

Vigo rous Organizing Campaign

1.1'. 675. l:. II Z \ II"~ III ..... . J . In ~cep­

in!! \lith our elrorh [0 hecomc illIohed in communit) rroj('c". \Ie recenll) da­na[ed mer 1.lInO hour' of l;INlr on Ih.:: erC\;linn 01 Ihe h~hling ",Iem for Ilk.' Jel-.e) 1 i~er,. ~ new entranl 111 Ihe t\1-l:tIltie CIl:l ,1 C"nfcl'cnce loothall I.l!otguc. Ihc l i~~r" pn)<.'e~d, \lill go [0-

11 • .rd, Ihe underprililegeJ ~htMren or Ihe l ni()n (ullnll arc;!

Our m~mhcl'\ hale ,11'0 doraled ;lp I'Hl\inMtcl) ~7U m,ll1 hUllr, of free Ilmc in the ren"I,llil1!l an,1 complele rel.irinj! of [Inel' hUllll" in IJnullcI I~."h, .... C\l Jer--c) The,< h.mle\ :lIe Oil Ik.'U ,lrd "I' trolled 1'>1 ,h\' lnion ("oun" Lllhullc '<)lIlh OrganiJ;llion ". ,ummel 1,'(rl';O­liun:iI f;ldlilie, for Ihe underprilileged leen;IIlCh of l nttln Countl', ~I munki­""Iilie\. M,lleri:ll, u ..... d in Ihi\ endc;l,'or \\Cft' gradou,l) dunaled hI MI':! empluy­er ...

We arc be~uming more ami I1l1l1e in­lulled in I:OmmUnil1 ;luililie, of ;til ..orl;. Our mcmhcr, !Ire Lc«lou,h 10-lolled in ,uch ~ummunil}' elfun, :1, Ihe l ,il1le l eague. \vlunleer Iir,I':lid ,quad." rcli!liOIl' fdh,\I ,hip,. InKk le:II11'. cidc ,en icc dub\, (lib 5ctlUh. I~ol ~OUh.

\cOl S:Ollt~. and elen -.en irg , ... ,Idl i..or. on rur,11 anti urhan mUnicipal Pro,CCt-..

", ~ou Ciln lell. our Illemhcl' are. nol (101) I\ell rounlied in IIniuni'ill, hll[ :11.u ill COll1l1l1l11;I)" llClil'ili~, :lnd re'ron\ibil· ilie,.

Recenll~. \\e initialt'.1 a ligurou, cam­p;!ign 10 elimin;!le nil non-llniun .... ork hcing dOl1c In our lerrilor). Wc ha\c lI ..... d pickeling 10 a degree uf grc:11 ,uc­C(,'~, All uf \Iuf mClllhc ['~ parl id""le in Ihi, elTort III ,li'''oOhc lIli non-union ,hop' and to organi/e ,III \\ork in our lermor)' .It i, our (celin!! Ihal no job is tou 'r1Illt1 or unill1purmm I' ideling 1\ now ta kin.: phl1:c :.t \lIeh \lo rk \ile\ a.

ga~ 'tation~_ garden :1partmenh, lind fran~hi"c food Oulle ....

II h:l\ ber:ome a pmclice \\ tlh II II\i­nc\, M,mager John J . O'COnnor and IJU',IIIC"- Repre,cnLRlil"c\ Neil Boyle lind Al Ghlln; to cllfry eamera~ at Hl I lime\ in ordt'r 10 g;l\her piClorial proor uf IIn­f:m joh\ and lallOr praclites and IInlhual cir(lIIll,18nce, Ih:11 mighl be u-.ed in fu­lUTe kg,ll actiun\, \\c :Ile confidenl Ihal we II ill he ,ucec ... fll l in our C:Ullf'1:lign :t!lolin,t unorg;tniled 1:II,u(.

DO\I TRIOI \. 1'.5.

Local 769 Me mbe rs Train In Cable-Splicing School

1..1 . 769. 1'110..- .... 1'(. \ Rll.._Cahle· 'f'lIi.:in!, ",hool .t.I)' ,Irc here at'ain. ;mu Ihanl., 10 Ihe !!ener,,<.u) of I:klta,llart ford Ilcelti,' (olllraclur\. Monlrose (olurado: Ihe pt:r'''I~n,·c of Itrnlhcr [lon l'elcr"oOn: :md lhe co-opentti"n of John ';'hide> "f Ihe COlllp:my ..... e \\iII '\\)Un hale a red IIf ~30·" V, k:.d ~ualcd. oil-filled. direcl-hurial c:thlc 10 ,Idd ttl Ollr training prollr.tm.

(o·uperation like [h" hct"ccn con­,Irllction !X'r-onncl ;tnd our loc:11 uniun j, ctlmmendahle lind i, no end of help 10 our ,chool (Ind Ihe ,p.::~ial Lmining. .. tcclled to nMn jot>, in undeTllTOund di"lriilulion.

IIrMlher Ch.ule, U,ml;"on i, riding herd on [he 'Il:hook and atl pel'om in­lerc,[~\l In aHending ci:",c\ "f\' 1t1'!lc\1 10 wnwCl him,

I he t;.'I\.1k\ arc 10a\leJ. lind from Ihe lonk, til the: re'lIlh of lhe election. thing, .... 111 go (rum I'>aJ 10 \\or-.c. Re­puillk.1II f'lro'f'Cril~ i, ....,melhing lIe C:1n dll ICI')' nicel} 1\ ilhulIl,

Bill I ilghm;tn. [ K "U,lh" Johl1'.on. \lcllin 'lean,. Joe 'iltlrm, and I are on Ihe 'I~I.. lame .• Ind !;Ill 11\1.

\\l1h deef'IC'l rl:):rcl,. \\e announce Ihe f'I,I"ItI!! of \\ illi;!n! I une. a lung'lnlle member. We e\lenJ nllr \1c~f'IC'l '\mpa­Ihie, 10,1 hi\ f:unih.

I 111\ (,OOtJRI( II, I'.S.

Word Picture Remains Stationary in Lake Charle s

I.. t '. SU. 1.,\ ... 1-: ( II \ IU ES. I \ .-A~­

,i.!;In[ IIIt,im:" \1;1!~nJ!cr Ch('\ICf h m­IcnOI r~ported recently Ih;11 Ollr .... ork picture i, :1ooUI Ihe ,1I11C and that \\e arc \Iill .... orkin!,! :IPf'lro1in!,ud} 2JI Ir.I\· cling Urolhers in \lur juri,diction.

IImlher Fonlenol fcroTlcd Ihlll Ihc Fhl. I lcclric (urnp,1I1} "f HUII'l\)n. IC':I ~, hll~ [he nm[f,I\;1 for Ihe recliner in'lall;llion~ al Lulf Coo'l t\lUttllnUIll, H\I.\ ,upcrinlenti~nl. I~rolhcr \Iaddol. inf<>rmell Ole Ih;ll lit: \\ill Iry to ¥i\C U~ ,ome pholo" of Ihe wlid·,lale. :ocmi-eon­dliCIlIr in'lallaliol) :1\ ,l)I)n a~ he Clln 1ll;lke :ITnmgemenl. Future expan\iol\ al PP(; 1\ nOI e\J'lCclcd 10 ,Iarl for "1011,' I,me.

Jimmie FOl. 1I11'lOe~, Manager, and Kohert "'ino\\ ball" Coc. Assistllnl UI1\i­nes, \lanaSer. "ho allended the Inlerna-

Ground-Breaking Ceremonies

flnanclnl!: 10. th. 1 ... lnln" c.nte. w ..... anged '''",ugh Ihe loe,.1 915 Credl' UnIOn, H,r,. th' e.,dl\ unIOn', trUltee. lIalh,. around the sIgn. lelt to "8nl, K'''1Il G,lbertson, Ra~mond Roel. Chafin W .. de.

PartlC'Pl'niS al th. g.ound·b ••••• ng cerlmOrll,' for Ihe new 1""'""'8 «nr.. fot loe,,' !n 5. 1IImP'". fl •. , ,,'eluded Dr. Raymond D. Sh,lton, Hillsborough Count,. Public School System Supe"n'endttnl; Braille. Cene Hyda: P' Gtildont C. P C"rrl{;on: GCtO.g. McKendree; 1I0"30ld Ham,lIon; JOhn Shetler, NEeA ChaP'l' Ma"ag .. ; John Oarnhardt,

Howard Foeld •• Philip Humphrey. AI Ka,nr, and John Garnhardt.

local 915 Credit Unit TrUI .. "r: and Pl>illp Humphr,y.

tional con'tnlion. l!;ne lI\ their reporl and Ihan~('d the local fur h",jnt: scnt them, Brother ("oc h:I' now rt"igOC'd hi~ po'iition a, Brother h)\\ :n,i'lant be· eau<.e of heallh I'e:hon .. , We ttll Ihanl. him for the fine ;01'0 Ih:tl he rendered 10 thi~ loc:t l \\hilf.' he \\11' on Ihe joh.

We wi,h Brolher I unlenOl !ll1l~h lurk in Ihe new joll: it ilppcll r~ IhlLt he i .. III · relLdy doing a veterltn's joh.

Our .. incere condolencc, to Brother Doh C;t~lleherry on lhe lu" uf hi .... i,te t in .. recenl trullk rni, lt1tp in .... hieh lIoh\ son ...... , ..criml,ly injured.

We .... i .. h u \peed~ recovery 10 Il rOlher L 0 Flo .... er~ ..... ho underwent major I.idne)' ~ur~eo·.

Since the leller in \\hi~h \\e Illl\e de­laih of our new conlr:u.:1 nelloli:uc,J .... lIh oul local l'ontr:I>:lOr" tlUI' memhch ha\e arrangcd t(l ha\e eiJ,lhl peT een! of our gro,~ wcell) e:lrninJ,l\ placed tn ;t ,,1\­ing' pl:ln which can N: .. '>Cd ,,, .. 'rl~"­tion fu nd.

The commitlee hu.. mude Itrrant:e­menl~ .... ilh a 10e<l1 han I. l\I place th" fund in an IO tere,t-elLrninll- .... t\in!! .. ;u:­eounl .... hi,h ,:m he dra .... n uflOn after ~jx month,. or. if ;Hty uf the Ilrother, prt:rrr th!') mil)' lea\e their );tvin!=, in the uceount 10 earn more di'idemh­.... hkhe\er plan ~ui" Ihe individual

rhe contraClor dedud\ the eill-ht rer cent each \\eel. und '>Cl1ll .. II 'nlo.) lhe local union, 11'0" pl,\!l i, ;t nicc 11'01011 for ..orne of our ,trothe ........ 1'00 ne\er ..cern 10 h:l~e enough s;l\ed fur Iheir \"llcn· lions.


To all of the local ""LUU menlheM and to the International Office "taff. our OlcOlber; .send best .... i~he\ for a happy Ncw Year.

We're al1 glad 10 hear IhM Marl. McKinley is doing "el1 after hi, recent heart ~l1ae l. . Herman Sattler b recuper· :uing at home from a calan'CI oprrarinn and i., doing ,h .... ell as can he exreeted. !:lure hope 10 sec him bacl. on the joh

""',. I\ lalcolm Htdlligo ha, been "1Ifl'erlng

"ith nn old arm injury and hn, Occn con,idering ,urger}: ho .... cvcr. he <'ceOl' 10 he doirg Ocller no". an(t .... e hope hi~

:Irm continucs 10 impro\e. Jame~ -I mhan. J r. h .. till in Hou'lon

for Iherapy. Paul 5:l\oie i, hacl. on 1he job nfler an ann injury. nnd Hum Son· mer j, bael. after <;Ihtaining an anl.lc in­jury.

At.:[)R\ A 1'1.1'\1'.11, I'''i

G round Is Broke n For Training Center 1 •• 11. 9 15, T A;\ II'A. FLA. Our ne .... cenler for apprentll-e~hip lminirg .... n' ~t,lTIed "ith j:TOund.breal.inj; cefemonie, on Ouober 10th. This building "ill be fi .... t cla<;\ in al1 phasc:~.

II i~ to be located on a \('len·nn.l­one·half aete plm thaI 1'0, ... II 1O·t1J.'TC 1:1I.e adjoining II Our local "eedell one :Icn: to Ihe Joint Apprenti~e,hip and Iminin!! Comminee for the !>Chao1. which. Ilhen com ple[ed, "ill COlIlHltI 10

\\'or~Jhor. cla\sroom!. admini,tTl!.lhc office'. and room ft.lr c'([101",ion.

Gene I-l}de. rml,ter of ceremonies at the ground·brcal.ing ceremonie~. intro­duce,1 the .. pta~e .... -Dr. R<t)mond O. Shelton. Su~rintendent. I lill .. borough COllnt) Public School S)'''lern: " rbidenl C. 1'. Garri~on . I.oc:tl 'illS: and John !)hefrer. Chapler Manager. NEe A.

I lil.ed Dr Shellon', prurni'oC Ihal the loChool hO<lrd will co-operate Ilith our und ... rwl.ing llith "lIpplie~ lind other 11\

.,i,lailec. Afler Ihe 'pe{'"chc<;. there .... a' a lillie dirt-turnin!! und piC1ure·lal.ing, I hen. "e hitt! eurree und doullhnut~ and

!lood (ello\\ ,hip. We are proud of our member<; .... 1'00

del'ole "0 mll~h of their lime 10 OUT )otm~ mcmhcr,. \t:) that thco;e )ouni: men .... ill N: a"le 10 do ,I heBer joh in Ihe dcelri~·lIl field. We are aho proud of the 10Llng Oll;'n th,lI our ...:hool i .. lurn­inll- OUI. 1 he\' "re ll-INll electrici,ln'_

I ill3neinll- of Ihe huildilll! "H~ nf­

r.tn\:cd thr(lLl~h Ihe I 1.IC;tl Lnioll 915 Cr~'dit Union We arc prout.! Ihat our mcmher,_ \\i[holll ouhide help. "cre :Ihle 10 meel thi~ requirement. Credil l'nion Pre"itlCnI Dkl. Moon. Tre"~lIrer John Gernhardl. and the Ir\l~lcc\ ar­r.lnget.! the finan~'inll- .

One of Ihe be'l ;at"- .... c·'c had ill }c;lr\ h n" .... fin[~hing "I". The Itig Bend I''' .... er Stalinn. elm,lrueted for Ihe I ;ttnp;1 t Icdri.: Comp;tn}. 1'0,,, an output or 4~O.O()n I.ilo .... ;tll~_ f be initial outla) for Ihe joh I'll, S67-million. Uni t -' ",0

huw now been ' Ianet!. SlOne and Web-


Graduation Banquet

Th~ 1969 araduates whO attended th e gradual,on banQu ... t and who a.e non here w,th the" ,ns\rilctors ar .... I""t to roght, Gary L Rutherford, R.cha.d fI. Sm'th. '-"rry K. Bra.dwood. Den' nls W R,nglien . Jon D. luch~nb,U. B.ue ... A. Bowman. Eldon D. lut1ley. Jun.or Paul ('nstruc· tor). Thomas B~nYIi. Vern Enghsh 1.n~l,uc IO'), Robort T. Jones and Adtl8n R. Teachout

The ]970 R.;oduatu '!lre. ~n .. hng. lelt to 'ight. John W Maizel. K ... nneth C Cathey. Donald C. F.n .... t)'. and Hugh E. Rousseau Standlna. John L Mason. Roger fl.. Sack. Richard K. Waaner. Richard L. Clemmons. R.chard E. Eisinger, John 8. W,lIiams, Welter R Ethridae. Y .. rn Enalish

(instructo!). Dav.d l. Taylor . Ma.k L. Wyme. , and Jun.o. Paul (director).

Clare Coge •• tight. rKeiv ... s a plaque 10' his s~t1Iices rendered as past appr ... nt.c ... s hip cha"man lor local 948. Flint. M.eh , fl.ppren liceship Chaorman Jim H.rr.s makes Ihe

pr~senlation .

'Ier i, Iht: !;Onlra!;lOr. \\ilh BrOlher H. V. Cloud a ~ ele!;trkal sUpl"rintendenl and .... Id Simp-.on and Franl \ an z.,nJI as Ilenentl foremen.

Our nCI\ ly-ohlig;'lcd apprcnl;Ce~ afe Fdward C. Ai~t:n,. r.lallri!;c V. Altman. Charle, Arendc~. Kichanl F AlI,tin. Fr­nC'1 L. Botggeu. Arlhur F Ikll. John S. Bell. '\!ieh:leI J. Bell. William B(mer. John C. BOllle,. Kt:nnC1h t.1. IJre\\ cr. Charles C. Cm.on. J amcs R. Combs,


Robert h.. D;II'i,. Jary S. Dye. John F\\aoo\\,l;i. Raot.lall Flo}d. J llme~ /\. Fo\\ ler. I)aul Geneti" Ronald W. Grant. Robert Hammond. Victor Harrell. 11,,11 Han-ey. lamc~ King. Rene I.con.

Thorn:" Loomi,. Rubert Lo\\c. "en­neth \ Iartin. Victor r.It)Ore. ):lnle, ,\Iul ­ford. Lonnic Ni.·hol>. I ran~ "almcira. }o...:ph l'ar'oOn~. Iknn} l'a"IIIore. Ed,dn I'aync. John I'ratL D~nnis KaJ;anu. David Roddguez. Georgc Sandn,. Fran~ <;cali..e. hed Stridland. Gurdon Sharrer. Willium Stringfcllow. Curli, Thornp-.on, Jc,...: Wed" and Ron;lld lintel.

At "1 t\IR. I'.S.

Biannual Graduation Banquet Honors New Journeymen

L.I '. 9411. FUNT, \lI e ll.- Our lAT(' recentl} held ih Ili;tnnuotl GrmJuatil)1\ B:lnl./uet for the J,lTlh:tuatc, of 1'169 an.1 1970. Ccnilk:tI(', of t'()mpletion from the Ikp;trlmenl of Lllhor ami from Ihe NJATC were prnentcd to all of the sraduUtcs.

Mourn ed locat 9<48. flint. M.eh .. mOurn' deeth o f f'.n~ G8be ••• who was a member 01 the

EXKulfve Bo.rd.

Among the honored !;!lle)h. \\ns Ed Pm'L Unikd SI;lIe~ Department of L.1bor. \\ho prc-.cntl'd a !;crlific;llc of award and merit 10 (,Iarc Cnger for hi~

dedicalion and con~i-rcncy in helpin/; youn!l men in aflprcntice~hip lurn inlo wcll·qualified journc}men. \Ir. Cogcr was our former apflTcntice,hip chairman.

A J. Phillip,. A",i,tant Director. NJt\ rc. prc\tCnt('d H ,cry good tall.. 00 Ihe deClrkal industr} as it concern, U5

toda}. Andy Su~~i. Bu,ine" " Ianager. ami

Guy Peter,. our delcg:lle, 10 lhe Interna· tional con'ention. Il(l\c returned nnd halle e~pre ... -.cd Ihe rc,ult~ of the conwn· lion and fulure hope, for the mcmher­~hip.

Ollr nlernhc,., were deeply ~addened at

the new~ of lht' dC;tlh on OC10ht'r 13th. of one of our mo-.t belo'ed Brothers. Gmnl.. Gabera. Brother G;,hera joinet.l the. IBEW in 1948 in locRI 1:176. Grand Rnpid,. Michignn. He 1l"an,ferred inlO our local in 1951.

Since thai lime. Hrolher Gabera hlll! .saerifi!;ed hi~ 0" n time to do \\ hat he could on various !;ommiut:e~ ami in lIar­iou, olh("r or!!rtniZ"lit)n~. uwally ~vcral at lhe ~,lmc lime. I It· ".:t~ wrying hi" third term on our F~e!;uti\"c Boarrl. lie Ica~e~ twO "ons. Donald J . and Richard F .. holh memb('r~ of our local.

After 1()O.OOO eketri!;al man·hour' of \\--or~ by (Hlf Brtlthel'~. the E;!,tl:tnd Shopping \hLJI reee.ntly opened for hll,i· ne". Thi~ T·~haped. Sl1'million ~tnl!;' lUre !;ootain, 5.10.0110 ,quare feet ami 47 teo"nt~.

II , unu,unl atlraction~ indude a 30.­On(l·ga!ion. ,haIlOI\ pool with ,uhmcr'!;cd !;olort.'.1 Iighh ;tnd J;cy-,cr~. Ihat help, to accent Ihe cenlr:,1 'qu;lre. '1 he light~ :,nd !;cy...er~ nrc on one-hour-qde elc,·trie timer, . There i~ al'tl :1 1 .. ~(JO-,q llarc - fuOI

planter thaI l'hanJ;e~ ,!;enery aeconlin1:t to Ihe -.ca~on.

l1aylight r leetrk emplo}et.l Chllrlie s.,c~ 3' ,upcrintent.lenl. \\ilh Frnn~ Ga­ber.!. Tony I ind-,cy. Red Golf. Don Cm}pcr. ](ay Robin,on. Ch.re Sper'ling. Neil O:;lilt. Jim S:Jnder'on. Mile SlI,~i. and lim Ringljne:J~ fortmcn.

n,e motll h:J'lIn 11,320"011. I.S00-amp. Ihrce·ph:l«e -..:rvict. "ith <Clen primal'Y ~"itt'hc, for t.li~lrihtlli()n. Ollt:r a mile of primal') callie Ila, u.-.cd. 'lhe ele~lric

moto" in Ihe !;ompre,o;or~ (or the flir conditionin!:- rlre e"pahle of pUllin!:- OLII

2.000 lon' of !;oolin{!: Ihe boile" ;Ire rated al 33.UOO.()O() B ru.

l'.'l illiorh of dollar, ;He now being spent on larlle auditions to Ih ree of our


Diploma Presentation

George Anderson. Chairman. Matietta Area Electrical JATC. p resen ts diplomas 10 t he new journeymen of Local 912. Madella. Ohio. Fron1 row. left to right. lire Joe W,lght. Chairman Anderson. Kenneth Radabaugh. Leonard W,lliam Shea's. and JATC Sec,elary-Treasurer Neal S. Boyce. Business Manage. f'nancial See:retary of Local 972. Back row. Joltn Hackathorn.

John Wallac.. frank Mounts. :and David Rogers.

major ho\pilak SI JO'tCph. \!claren. and Flin1 o.,teopalhk. I will hale more information on them in fuwre i,~ues.

Hl){,u Roussl ~u, 1'.5.

Graduation Dinner Honors 10 New Ohio Journeyme n

Lt '. 912, \IA!tIl;:-n · \ . OI IlO- The Mariella Area Flcctrical Joinl .... ppren­lice~hip and Trainin.&: Comminee held a gr.ldualion dinn('r :11 tho;! Lafa~ette Hotel in Marietta on 1he clening of NO"e:mber 61h for our 10 new jourlle}lllen ...... ho re­c('mly completed Iheir four-}e;lf apprcn­tice~hip training.

After the honored guests and their wi"es and fnend~ had enjo}cd a fine dinner. the toa'tma~ler. JA-' C St'cre-1ary-Tre;IMJrer and Local 972 H",ioc..s Manager- Financi:ll Secretary Neal S. BO}'ce, inlroi!llCed the gue,t 'peal..er. Roy Ki,tner. held I{epre,entative. Ea~t ­

ern Region. Nat ional 1· lectrical Coni rae· ton A,~ociation. Ilho g:,ve an in,piring lillk.

Comments were abo m;uic by A, J. Hallemann. Chapter Ma nager. C h<trlcs­IOn, We~t Virginia. NFCA: Will iam Cre"'. \\6t Vir!,:inia-Ohio V"lIe} Arc:, Joint Apprenti..:e,hip and Training Direc· lOr: Georg(' B"II. Ball Electric Com· pany: Brolher 1I0~ce: lind upprenticc in· struclUr Fred D, I'emon.

Diplomas \\ere lhen pre>,('nted to the graduate). John Hac~athorn. Fran~

Mount:.. h.cnnclh Ra..!al-augh. John Wal· lace. Joe: Wright. David Koger.. and L('onard Sheaf'>. Carl Dougla~. Rohen \ Iendenhall. and Joe Proniu "ef(' not in attend,,"ce.

(jue~ts im:ludcd I're~idcnt Willi;lm Ik­diliun. A~~i"ant nLL~inc~~ \ Ianager and " ' r,. J,,,:I.. Cline. l,pprcntio:e in\lfuctor and Mr.. I- red I'en tun. lIpprenucc in· structor and Mr~. h.elton ' ·Iiehman. ;In ..! oflice ...ecretary Jo.;,nna 1'111 and her hu~· band, !tay. ..

The member; of the JATC anendins "ere Chainnan and Mr~. George Ander­son. Secretary-Treasurer and Mrs. Bo}ce. Mr. and Mr,. I'aul Anger!. ,\ Ir. and Mrs. George Ball. Mr. and Mr.. James Graham. and \Ir. and Mr~. Roger Kasler.


Press Secretary Denounces Non-Union Workers l.,ll, lOll. S"~ I' RAi'iCISCO. CAUF. -Non-union worl..er~ are I..nO\\n h) var­ious litles in different Union'. In our local. they arc known a5 leeche\ . fret'­loaders. charit)' ca:.e" and cancerous 10\\ lifers.

These free· lo.1ders ride on !he coat tai" o f a union and rccei~e e\er) benefit that good. diles-paying IInion member~ recch-e.

They are more li!..c1y to ..cah during a 51ri!..c. stealing bread from o ul of their fello\\' worl.. ers· mouth,. and Ihey arc more lil..ely to wll out their cO-l'.or1..e(\ for the 'ill!..e of that elll~i\e golden car­rOt lno"n tiS promo!ion.

All union mcmbt:h _hould hate "h;lt leeches stand for. Too many good men ha"e been I..illed. or maimed. throughout the hi,tor} of the labor movement. \\ hilc prolecting the umhal..able. S:lcred belief that all \\orl..er~ hale thc ril:ht 10 organize iNO collective bargaining uni" 10 r.e!,:otiate a decent li~ing w;tge and 10 liw as free men. unafraid of their em­ploy~r.· IInju~t \\rath

We ha~c it tOO '>Oft no\\,tda}s becau<;oL: or "hat past generation~ of good union men fough t for an(1 "on for 11\. We have bc.:ome I,IX about organizin!,: the ch<lrity ea'iC'.

When you pay }our union due~. you receive. for )'ollr mone}. :I mngihle com­modi!y of "hich you can be proud and wlti.:h you can eheri,h for Ihe resl of )'our life. You receive *eurity, ~anIlY .

and protection" hen "orl..ing for unjust cmplo}'crs.

You can tal..e pride in the fraternal brotherhood of ;1 clean. decent. demo­cratic organil;l tion. Togetherness is omni­present. United. \\C will nner f<lll!

'1 ighten }our r.lnl~. men. Sign lip. or O)lradZe, the garbaSe.

JOII" I-l \lIlItSO". PS.

Ambridge Employees Face Possible Plant Closing l..u, 1073. A\IItRmGE. 1' ,\ .-1-1. K. Porter informed our local union official, and 1111 of our member; that it ":I~ mal..ing e\ery endelilor to sell tht: plant to '-Omeune "ho "ould run il a~ a going concern.

If I I. K . l'OTier docs not succeed in finding :1 bll}Cr. il \\ill liquidate and Ili~­cOlllinuc :III operation,. After thi> ~ad lie", wn, related to 11'. there "ere hundred, of nmtor, felative to different people or corpontlion,' buy in!! the plant. Numer\lu, oflkiab from other outfi" toured Ihc plant. but. a~ of the dale of thi~ "ritin!:. nothing hn~ tran~pired. Franl..ly. the future: lool~ \er} blea!...

Our onicel"'t had onc meeting with the higher oflicial,. including the \icc pre~i· dent of thc Electrical Oivi,ion. and the report of th", meeting "a~ ~a,i~f"CIOT}. undcr the circum~tance~.

Company officiah hale confirmed "hat I halc reponed abo,e but h:l\c promi...ed to hIe up to nery condition of our lal-or agn:cmenl. ~ Iore impor­tantl}. Ihe} stated that it appear, th<lt therc ;Ire ",!fidem monic, ..et aside in our I'en~ion !'und to pen,ion off all who arc bcl\\een thc aile, of 60 ,,,,d 65 and Ihat they "ould probal1l} sct a~ide ,,,,nu· ilie<, for all of the other emplo}ee\.

The .... arc the onl} faCh that I can re­port al thb time: c\'erything ebe i~ con­jecture or rumor. I "ill male at lea" one mure report. If Ihing~ "orl.. out. of (our"". I ,';11 m;l!..e m;my mure. If nol. I \\'ill rela te everylhing lip IU dalc on Illy 111,1 report.

With Y'ollr pf:lyer~ and our,. hope· fully. lIOmething will come' up.

In any clent. J do "i"h c\cryone a happy N('" Year.

T! () " Olll";~II\S, P.S.

Newark Local I t 58 Makes Progress on Contracts l..I ' . IIS:K. "E\\ \Rh":. " ·J .--Qur mem­be", arc grateful to Hu~ine .. ~ Manager \l 1..:had Calabro and Ihe Internalion,,1 Reprc'\oCntatiH'~ for Ihe progre~s "h".::h ha, hecn made on our contracts during the pa~t ""H'r:,1 \\ee1..,.

I he>,(' contract~ pro,ide many of our mcmher~ "ith incrca,cd benefits and cundition~ of ~mplo}mem: (or in\tance, S~.OtlO in lif~ in'lImn..:e; ,kl..-Icave bene· fit, inaca-..ed from thre~ "a~, the fir,1 }C;'T to 'he: da~, ;tftcr Ihe .;ccond ~ear ;

a ~horter "orl.. \\ecl.. of 381! hours !he


fir~1 }car of Ihc eonlrncl do"n 10 35 h01l1"!> Ihe Ihird )car. ",ilh all hOllrs in c.'(ees, o f t~ reglliar "'orl "'ed, paid at the: nllc of double time: em ployer con­Irihul ions of eight ecnh per hour 10 Ihe Locil l 1158 Welfare l'IIl!1 and 10 cenlS rer hour 10 Ihc I'co>iun l' itHI. 'l<Jrting in 1971: 12 paid holida),: \ac:ll ion t.by~

ranl!inl! up to 25 dah after ~o Ica" of ...::rlkc: hourly ,,-agc in~·rea<,('~ of 2.~

ccn" ['Itr hour the fi"'l ,car ;tod ~n ce n" thc <;eeond and third yea r,: and a co\t-of-li\ins inde'(.

Our rnernhc" arc en~·uur:lged hy Ihe'tC j:ain\ an,1 arc I 'M)~in!! ((\f"arJ 10 \imi lar gain, in Conlr;ll"h ,·omin!: Ill' for nego­tialiurh in Ihe ncar fllturc.

J ')<;I I'll P \~II. I' 'i.

West Palm Beach Local Urges Attendance at Union Meetings 1..1 1. 11 9 1. \\ I~ST I' \1 ' I liE \ ('11 . FI. .\ .-\lr C 1/ A lind \\(Ilf. we Ihanl all of you f(lr the gr:lI\d picnic you made ro'-~ihle.

\I y information j, 'I(',·on.!hand. a~ 1 Ila\ a"ny enj(lling a 111:lrlcloll,. hcbled hone}l11oon. hUI Ihe lIonl i, out Ihal Ihe food lIa~ dcli..:iou, ;tn.! plentiful. Ihe picnic ":I~ !'oun·e"wl. ami cler~or.c "a~ '0 llia(1 that he went.

I'm plea<,cd Ih"l my idea for pony l'iding "or~e" nul ,0 IIcll 'iu. a!;ain_ C. 1/ . A. all i~ nllKh ;,ppred:llcd_

r lcn lhough n1("1 Jupill'r S.C pocr ... m­nel Ihe grealer di,tancc~ from \\1',1 Palm Be.H.·h. Jupiler Sf' h'h the hiehe,1 p~rcelltllge of :tl!l'ml~nec at IIn;un mcel­ing,. \l illhe lie ilre 'mull. hUI lie ;(1'e 'Irong. Plea<;e In lu he :. greater rarl ur our union. Uniled. \11.' ~Iandl

T I IOU Ilere ..0 fortun;lle hI hale ~U!·lill.'d lour conla"', I'\e.-I'one ,houiJ aliI a), he len mindful (If all IIf Ihe JlO,~it>le ha/af<l~ and mi,hap, in our "or~ Good Ihing 51. Peler lIa~ tOO bml thaI Saturday.

IInrn Hardec and (jiffy An(lerwn 'lifTered injurie, lute!y. Seem, a~ jf men who "Ml hard pial the \;!llle ":1). \1\ :Ire rccmering nkel\'.

Wc <,hould gile thanl' CH'rl' d:lI an" "(lmelimc' lie arc forgetful. hUI 111'" Ihal lIe :Ir(' in a nc" ~ear. I ho!'C' Ih"t In.' hale all he.:n in'lilled lIilh a fre,h :, nd !'ene"ed 'cn .... · of thanlru lne., ,lnd ~in,hip. lIappy 'l'" Year \(l all.

111 .1'1 l1-.lIrI. R '\

Members Show Support By Approving Dues 1ncrease I.. l . 1255, " ... ..,-1 ..... \ \(. t.: . ..... . \ . Wc "itne,.-.cd ;111 out'I;tlldin~ demon,lralion h)' oll r member, in 'lippon of ollr k..:al lind I'rc, idcnl Ilenlli1n '\\l llnenbl ulll. "hen Ihe memhe" "dllflled a due, in­ere:I"': Ihat IIa, Il1n~ Q\Cnlue and neee'­":11)'. The 10lC Iii" ju,1 unc ,h} of bcjn~' un;l nimOII~.

II ";,, len cn("otlr.lSinj: 111 Pl'c~idcnl wnnenhlum to hear our 111;11"1) IIlcmner, pra i\ing Ihe progre\§ of our union "nec


Discussion on Dues Increase

P,e~idenl So,,,,enb.um and V,ee P'es,dent W,II am M.",,, conK,al·,.ate eaell otlle, on

I .... dues ,nuene ..-'cto,y,

il~ conC'l'plion 10 Har, H~U. 'I anl' .h:\n~, f rl1l11 Hrulhel' lIern1:l11 to a ll of the m .... ml1i:r' (or the ir fine all~nd:l1lee :11 Ihe medin!;, tt\ ni~1." 10 ~nml. a, "e ap­pfll;lch the ~()Ih .'\nniler,arl of <lur 1,1.:;\1. Ih:ll lie :Ire 'Iron~er alll! more unite" Ih,.n e\l'r.

"" \011 read Ihi\, I' rc~;,lcnt Sonnen­hlum ,Ind Ihe 'eIWli;lIinc Commillcc ,no.' riphl in lilt' he;<1 of haUIe for ;1 nl''' ;l!1d ~tter ~onlracl, "" let", 1:lll I"r~el ~ \fter mure Ihan ~~ leur,. Ih<: I linl\",)le

Cum pam \1c~iJed 10 ~i~~ Ihe habi t of j:llin!! IlIrle~, 1(1 Ihe emplolcc, ,II Chri'lma\.

We :m: loo~in!= ("rllard to the ' t'.~o· li;uillg Committee'" m,,~in;! Ihe necl"­';.1,) nwnet;lI} rel';lla.ion for liIi, action: lie wan I {\tI l" fair ,IUHe of Ihe Iremen­dUll' prufih Iha. "ere rea!'ed lhi, 1';,,1 IC;lr 1"11' our I"bor 1(1( Ihe Pip..: f'rOllULh (.ruUI' of Ihe I linll,lle Com ram

1 here i, m'l ;1 uuUhl III 1111 mind Ih;.t III.' Me "II prcp:!red It, .10 II hal mu,1 he dune to j:et it. \..1. !;,lme I" "II of Ihe Ineelin;!, "nd ~cep informed un our L,lIIr'>!: of adion. Rij:hl ,In'

l' re,idCIII "'onnenhlum h:\, e'pr .... "e,1 hi, deep nlllcern uler Ihe -afel) and he:!llh cOlldilion~ uf nllr plulll. 1 hc "".fell Cummillec', 1i.1 of item, necdinr alienI ion 'e",m, 1\1 he !!ruII;n!! lon;!",r ,',\I;h month_ Ililh m,lIl\ ilem, toe;np IC·

fIC;llcd_ The ,mil l;\ll','lu,illn i, Ih;1\ Ill'

;Ire .Ioin;! ollr iuh III hril1!o'in!! .he .... Ihm!!' 1<) lij:ht: h.,lleler. Ihe eump;ony "':<.'111\ 10 he 1adin~ in ,·orrel.'lin;! ,II' "Iiminaling the e\i,linl: halar,h, \le;<n­\\hil<.'. ollr nc.;idenl rale "",nlinlle, It)

dimh. I' re,iden. Ucrm:1Il I);" in'lnKI .... " Ihe '\afell (\lmmiltee tu e\ert flwrt' I'fe"Ure al Ihe meelin!!,.

Our 1. ... 1 important report i. on \'fedit IIni"n hu,ine,,_ Our credil uni(ln i, hal· ing a b~nner I".ar. :11111 a !;ig:tllik dili­,lend i, anlicip:!lell. (Imle to Ihe '\111111,,1 i\lcclin!; :mll eniu} " n aflernoon .)f lei­,ure afler Ihe llC(e";U'1 hll,in ... ". '1 here arc ;11"'a~, plenly uf ...:ruml'li(1U' re· frc,hment, "ilh Ihe cnmplim"nt~ uf 1 ,,,,,,1 1 J_~~ an.1 the ne.lil union. 'alu· r;,II). II~ 'in~ereh Ih"n~ I' re~idcn l \on­nenhlum for hi, c\\"d1ent ~u·upcra:iun. IIhkh lIe can ailla}, defM'nd on.

AI a ,ecent mHt,nll: of Loca. 1255. West Ny~("~ NY .• P,uident He,mAn Sonnenb.um ellaa ",",In M,~e Lupa,do Aboul the oeeeu,'Y

fo' a dues ,nc,ene

HIe nOli. ~ !1d ~eep Ihe f"ilh. A happ~. health~. an,1 pw'peru(" New Yc;or to }OU "I!'

PILI r (jllllll"o{'''. 1'5.

Newport News Reports Increase in Work; VEPCO P;cketed

1 . .1'. J.'~O. 'E\\I'O In' 'EWS, \' ,\ .­W('r~ ,cen" 10 he pidinJ; up in 0111'

"re;1 and lie hope il II ill j!el 1'Clter. The lJ.endi\ ("(Impalll joto i, under

v.a~ :tod i, hein", rlln hI Ralph \ ",:d \nother job hein~ rnn hI II " Alef)

"ill he a g(Jt)!.1 .'re for Ihe re ,1 IIf Ihi-

I he redele!(lpIllCnl (If i'.ellport Nel" i. I'Hl<;eeding nkell. Ihe nell Cil~' 11,\11 i, nUll hein.!! con,trude,1 There are a fc" joh, hein);: ",lIle in Ihe ,hip)ard; IIlle i, hein/! run h) Vic \l ianle and ,molher III I'alll l'ollar.1. \ nother job at l Or! 1'1l,li, j, hein~ dune 1'1 Jllhnn) 'ihcolic.

Our i()"'al ree\'nlll (;11"11". 10 a deci,ion I1n a lon!!-di'l'II"ed item_ I he ~i!,' n inll of " mainlenance unil II,., Ih~ bi.t: ilem I' /I.: \\I I 1c~lrk lWII ha~ Ihe COnll';,e l at 1 anglel Field I he );:TOIII' has ih IIIIn "lIkef' and lIiIl ,kdde it- o",n :.ff"il"', rhi, i~ ;1 ,lerpin!!,IOne lo\\"rd~ touildinf! (llIr Iu.:al. hl\l ;\, lOll fll;ool a ,mall Irce :tod IIat~h il j:rtl". '00 HI(I "ill '>Ce our 1,11:,,1 );:1011 II "ill ;.1,". in all prohahil ­il}. hale ,lrUllC IOlIh :u1\1 "ill hl~,nch out an,1 f!et \Irongcr.

Our local ulliun meml-cr' e\prc'~

their Ilcepe'l 'I mp.llhie, In .he f:unih of W. (" ·\ nde""n. IIho p:l,'>Cd :1":11 re­ccnth. Itruther \nlie""n IIa, one of ,llIr relired me.uhcf' "ml "ill hc mi, ..... d tol ClcrYOlle \\00 ~nell hilll_

Ollr 19:0 \nnu;.1 O"ler Ro;"t IIa' c:llcred III the '\Illerkan 1 rgion. 1' .. )\\ 1'<<.>. J5, Hnd lie 11 ;\\1 the 1i'1Il11 .hiu j:' In

C'\I-<»)'I~r'. ,hdt11l'. e"ltl l·Uh. deviled crah~. daOl "hu"tler. :lI"Iti "II ~ou HlUiJ drin\., I lery,me ...... emed I .. hal'e :\ real J;!.""I time

II renlll i, nke f"r elel'\one Itl gcl IOgelher al ,u~h o~~:I<'it)n' :lod lu ..... e peufllc "hom Ihel halenl <;;'en 111 a lung lillie. Elen \Omc of our rClircd


members ",erc Ihere. I Ihin~ Ihe Ihing Ihrll broughl a 101 of Ihem oul wa, Ihe fumor Ihal .... e .... ere \uppo..ed 10 hal'e go·go girh presenl . There really \\efe some ~ad h.::es. \\hen Ihey found oul the go·~o ~ir[., hall ~one·~one. All I could find out Ill'~ Ih:1I Ihe ~irl, really "anled 100 much money to perform.

Afler e .. er~onc h;}d Clnen. Ihing~ ~l.u.rlcd gelling a lillie hH'her. I he dice \H'rl!': rl!'::!Il) rollin{l. \ ic \I ianle could feully lal~ Italian 10 Ihll'C hone,. and il '>Ccmeu 10 "ork OcCiOU'>(" he 10leu 10 .... 11"1.

All III all. elef\on-e le,~epl Iho'-l: .... 110 10\1) h.lu a Icry ~oo..l hmt. anu I am ,ure Ihere "ill he a . eUlrn cnll;lgemcnl thi, }4o'ar.

t\ few rnont h' :Ipll. member, of Ihe huilding t,,,de, ~1:I!!e(1 a pe~edlll demon· 'Ir;Ulon al Ihe Dutlh ( ,ap I'o"erholl">e in rc tlll;:"ion a~lIlI"I't VF I'( O. "hieh gltVc tht joh ttl :1 110n'UI1I<)11 t0l11mclOr. 'Ihe ,lclllon'lralioll "ii' a '111:~C$' ill every "I'Y. Sen;o llJr 11 \) .... 1.'11 ""," there. Irylr"l{: "Ii) keep the hig (10)\ hone\I." anu George Ra .... ling' . \\ho. ll1 the time. \\a~ running fur Ihe 'S-i:nllh.'. \\,1' :I I\() Ihert.

Wilh lhe 'tart of 11 I1tl\ )rar nur local I :'~c, time to "i,h :, 11 of it .. memo he". e'pcci"l1y t hll~ lIorkln!! out o f 10"n. anu "II other 1111 W mcmhtr~ II lery happy /'o.e" Year

[0" I' r Cn"'''()II(, 1'.5.

P;ttsbu'gh Local 1402 Holds Annual Banquet LI . 1402. ",rnml 1((; 11 , I' ,\ .-Our ,\nnu,,1 IJanl/uei ".,(; held ,It Ihe lIulida)' Ilt)llw in \I onroclli lle. I'enn,) 1~"nia. on OcIOb.!r :!4!h .

After II delightfu l eock1:li l hour in Iht Gold Room. lie lIere e..corted 10 the main dining room fur a me.,1 fit for roy· (Illy. T he menu eon~i,tcd of fruil cup. juicy lender 'teilk . b"kcd polato wilh butter 3ntl ,our cream. rcll'. l o~,ed ~1 1 ;ld. nnd de,...er1.

WI' "cre Ihen entc.'rt;linc.'u bv hankie I aine IInu compan)·. M uq of Ihe cro""d enjoyed Franl ic '0 nlt ll"h Ihnl they Mared for the '>Ceonu , holl 'I here is no douht IIhoU\ il. Ih:1I m:m ~';In 'ing!

Our .ery fir~t .icc: pre~iJen1. Daniel Creedon. IIho i, no" rclircd. ":.~ pres· enl "il h hh wife. The)' u'-l:iI the ocea' .. ion 10 celehrllte their 30lh Weddtng Annh·cr .. ary. WI.' (Ire "orry Ih;1\ \\e ha, e no piclure of them. hut .... e hOlpi: the)" arc wilh U~ 10 celennlle their 7~th Annj· "eNT)' We "i,h them man). many )e<ll"!> or continueil ha"pin-e\.\ tOgttheT.

RUTII A. IJRl "N. 1'.5.

Press Secretary Reviews Convention Proceedings 1 •. 11, '427, ClIIC,\GO. 11.1 .. I're, idenl Georgc E. Boyd nnd tllIr uther .Ielcg" t e~ hllllC relllrned .. afdy from the [nlc rn:t· tiona I ~vtIV"'llion and hilI'" rc~rted 10 o ur mcmber~ about Ihe OCCI1HenC" at


Annual Banquet

When LOC;1t I~02, PIU~bu 'l!h . h,td 11$ Annullt fllInf["~I. Ihl1e 10(;111 union .ep.esltntlltives. tnlernaLlonal Rep'l!untal,vu. and mana"e."ent pe,sonnll 01 Ihe [tecl"c31 P,odllels O,v,s,on. M,dlllnd·Rou Corporal ion. we,e C'''lhl b~ Ihe Clmeramlln F" ' I 'ow. te fl 10 "ghl. MfS. Sher marl WIII~lrI'. Mrs. "rid Financillt See,etn,y V J. Mutfl,ew. Mrs Robert Reeser. and Pe,son nat M.n~ge, Stantey Bennen. Second ,ow. [xecuirve Board eh."man She,man Wal ~ ins. T'easu,er

Jol". La llko. and tnl.,n ... onal Rep,e&ent;1t'U Rob<! . t Rel!"Ser.

From Ihe teft .• round the ",ble. Mr. Mtchllel Namadlln. Plant Manager and Mrs. W Andrews. tndu,trillt Relation, Mllna~.r lind M,s Robe" Ho" .. I. M,s. lind Inle , nallonal Representative V,ctor V •• d.bt. Bus'neu Manae"r 1Int1 M,,, t (l K'llmm .. t, lind International Representatl"e

M'~. Namlldlln

the conl·enliol1 . The m Ol in lhing~ that aprl)' to each ll1em~r "CI~ Icvic,,"ed.

The Inlcrnation:11 ~on~cn l ion I'u led HI incrc:l'oC Ihe per capi!:, dlle, (rum SI .~II a monlh 10 S:!.OO. Ollr h nann' ("ummlt­tee mel ri8h t after Ihe union meellOg :mu \leddc" thill. in no "II). \:Otl ld the local ab,orh lhi, increa,e; it .... ill . thtre· f(lft. h-r pa''oCd on to the Illemhcr~ ill lhe form of a UI~~ incre'I..c.

Some people m:!)' OI)l IIhy lhere is anolher dlle~ inerea..e I.e) ..oem after Ollr la'l one. Well. Ihe CO~I of hll,inc:,\ in· crea'>C~ con~t:.ntl). and the mone), hu\ to come frurn \()me"hcre. Rememhl:r. thi~ increa-.c i, nOI for Ihc loe:11 IInion hil i i, for Ihc Intemaliol',,1 TI,.: 100;111 II ill m,,[..e no money from lhc incrta'O('. Inci· d"mally. 11 11 five of ollr delct.:ille, 10 the conlention \ oted "S:lin\t lhe inerca\(.

Tht! nC~1 thing that l,l1ech yOIl and 1IIe: i, the fact Ihllt. ffllm no .... on. all local union otlieers will hi! clel:le,1 OfK"C el erll three \car., i",lead of once e\er)' 1""0 ')eal'l, 11' i, nOli the pntcti~c in Ollr 10000lIl. f hh ehan!;c II ill 1:0 Into effect "ith the n~~t loclII IlIlioll elec tion. In olher .... 0f(1~. whrn :I n':l1 prcsid~m i~ cleeled 10 heau ou r local in Jllne. 197!.

hi , term of ol1kt "ill aUlOmatically run until Jl1ne, 1')74. I his change """lie, to (III elcCled o!licef\-from the prc,idenl 10 the memhth o f the r '(eclltille Boan!.

., he 1;"1 challite h tha t. \\ hen a man h ele(ttd hy the F,eeUlilc l~rJ 10 fill a 1:lcnnC}. he "ill :1[.,0 I>t: a dclcgate II)

the Intenmtiumll conllcntion. if Ihe per· .;;nn IIhllm hr h replacing lIa, originally elecled :" a ~·tln"~ntion delcg"le.

Our Annual ChTi,tmas I'arly lIa, htld on De(;cmher 11th at the Midland HOle I Grantl 1I:llI mom. r he fe~li .. ili,,~ "'''''' Ihc: oflicer~' "ay of ,:tying thank, 10 the memhe" for Iheir ,uppert and co·opcra· Iton.

The Soul II1\'ade("<; pro.ided the mu~ic ror the affair. and as in pa~1 }ea f\. there .... ere plent y of l urkc:)'~ 8;ven a"ay. Si,· teT Sundy Carl..on. \\ho II", in dl,u~c

of the [)an~'e Comminee, told me thaI il good time .... ('"' had by all.

1'0 )011, my fe llo\\ local union m~m' bert and ofli~eN. and to a ll Brolh"n :,n\1 S"I"r, ".cr)'11 h"f". I M:nd my besl wi~hc, for u lIer) huppy Nell Yenr.

R. W. \Iot 0 1 N It.\UUt. 1'.5.


Elmer J. Garthoeffner Retires After 36 Years

L.l '. IH9. ST. 101 IS. '1O.-Sc\(~r:11 month~ :J!!,O. in iI ,pecial nutation to I'rc,iLlenl Pele (hn'>C. I mentioneu Elmer J . Garlhocllncr :lnd hi, fj,hinl: glorie, Wel1. FI,,'er ha, '10" I'etircu. anu '0. I uc,l;':ate thi, i"tle to him. u\ folio .... ,

Elmer J Gartho:tlner. a ~·han .. r nll:m­her tlf 1 111.;,1 1·119 lI f Ihe InleTOitll'IIl,,1 HfOlh~rho<lJ of I Jc~lrk:LI \\ (l r~ er,. h .. , decided. aller ~6 \\:ar, or '-\'I"\ice \\ilh Union I" k'dri(. II, h:lq: up hi, h:.rJ hnt nnd h:td\:1! 'II .. 12M.

Hmer held ".rioll\ joh, in Ihe 1I~1II~­mi"ion ,tn,1 dhtdhulivn o\erhe;t,1 con­'truction ficlJ, in !iiI. loui, (ollnl} He al,o hehl the rlthlliun IIf nighl ,j(lrcrwm allell,I:1I1I f,'r ;lhIH"1 eight \ear'> In

L'l1ion. " ;,-.ouri He. therl!for~·. "i,he\ ,,11 of 1111: 111 1 W

mellltocr, and IInkcr, "nJ :,11 l,f hi, friend, an,1 neigh""",. e,pcliall} lhu'oC in LOl.-al I-'W. Ill:"'\ h:LPp~ an,1 fruitflll ye,lr,_ Ik «dd, :I~ain In,' in,i lalion f<lf C\eT},UII: in Ihe Uniun. Wa,hinghJn. :Ire" lu 1011), him up allli Ill" Ii,hint: \I ith him.

Ik'i ,If Iud to \IHI, or I lmer: \OId]

be artlund \lilh "':III for .. long lime. ])on'l furge!. ful~,: Ihi, j, another rm

ill "hi.:h lIe m ll ,l h:..:), Ihe lc¥i,lal"r~ and onki:ll, \lhul1l lIe halt e1.-", led I II onkr hi ),eep il Ihal "a\· ;,hl;I}'. ,ule ri!!hr: IIf <.:uu~_ in orJer 10 ",Ie ri~h\. \le 1111"\ he n~!ti\lere.1.

The <.:;!ndidatc, lIe '-Clect :lnd ~·1.-cI <.:an help hi il1l: home doll:III for food and living e\pcrhe\. I el\ h'cp th<' nigh 1-l11,m:, I., ,j minln1(lm 1.:1\ ),eep c'en­Ihin!!, hI ;1 IO\l chi,.

'uur (Of'F dult,u i, .Iill the he,t in­n:,tl11cnl ,.m can n1;l~e for ItlUr I,r,',em and fllture life ;Inll harpJn~" ;md lh;<I uf \Ullr famil' \1"1. lour hu~)' r"r ('01'1 ".1 uoltar for dckn,,' 10 hell' cltt l <'andidatc, "hu \till \!;ond lip ;Iml had ItHI lmd }\!lIr IlIllon ag;lin,1 all:ll),~

fro", lilt' "l'l'o';""n G'MMI III~), 10 all

1~lnl\1I1) 1. SIIl"11 f,.. P,S.

Scribe Considers Defea t Of Philbin a Lesson

I..l. 1;1005. \\ \I III \ 'I . "\SS. Cnn­gre"TIl.1!1 I'hilip J . I' hilhin o f the I hiI'd Congre"iun.,1 Di,1I kl t W:llertl)lIll. \\al­Ihalll. 'e\\ton .... t~.l. our ~'I p"liliGII ;III}. \lho h;l.\ done much tl.) 'IrenJ;then lhe defen\C of Ihi, nalil'" :lml 10 ..... curc emplo'llIcnl fur lh(lll,"nd~ a1 l{a'lheon. "a\ lIde;Lle,! in lhe ..... "'{"miler ~lectit1n

by anti-tlden~ ~anJ,dal(>. lhe ),tevcrend ),tohc:rt D rinan. lar¥eh becau...: of tho: la~1 Ih:11 I'hilbin', n:lme "a. nol on the hallul. \lhi<h. in IlIfn, n<"1:c"ltaleJ hi, ~oIlJu(lin!; iI 'Iide! c:lmpaign.

lhc .jfl.IIIM ,ute, h~ ,Ire" IIere not enough 10 .. 'hiC\·~ \lelor} bUI "ere. nonelhele". an impfc~, i' e tOlal under Ihe ClrClll11""'tl:e\ :Ind demon'lraled lho!

JOUUIAl fOR JANUAtt'f . 1971

Campaign Strateg y

Proor to Ihe pall .Ieclion. Ih. off,c •• ~ 01 local 1505. W.U"am. Men. gOI togen, •• WIth Conllrenm,," Pt"lip J PhIlbIn (0 .• M'1I5S.) 10 dliCUU some Cllmpaign o;o",od.'."o", L"I to "~"I ... r. Bus,ness Mlnllger James F Mullone,. who is "Iso Ihe Second 0'''''0;1 member of

Ih" In,e'''''''O,,11 Euc;ullve Council: Cong'anon," PhIlbIn: and P,uiden, Arthur O.born.

dr~<lheflC"" of Ih~)"~ IIho "or~eu for him. Our memh-cr~, C,pcd;lll,. ,houM N: I'fou,1 IIf the "I,ur;ll!etUI~ .. "mrai!!n ef­for" of Iheir IJrotllcr, and "i'ter' in be­half of Conl!re,,,n;lIl Philhin.

Philhin \ ddeal ,,,,,II,, nul Im'~ oc­cllrre,1 had il n,'1 !>cell for Ihe nlrcmel, ·poof Hiler turnl.)UI on PrimaTl' 1),1\ &-';111"':: \l\lr\..ing f'Ctlple '1:1)ed hllrnc th,,' J:t\ lhe 'e\\ I efl fon:e, \lcre ahle tll "in IIith :I Telall\e h~ndf,,1 uf \ole,. lherd')' r~lIw'in!; Philhin\ n,lInc from the ballul

Bu,i~e" \1 "n.I~~r J,Ime' \Iullon..'v h." ~o~,i'lenll) ":ITOed u, Ih;lt lie C;II1'

nul )'eep nur frien.l, in plllitica] umce, lin Ie" lie afe prep"red I(! IUle and. if ne.:e"a(\·. to ,,,'r~ f,u the...: friend" I'crh;Lp, the 10" Llf nllr I.:h:llupilln. Con· ~re"lIl;ln I'hil!>in. lIiIl a\l:!),en ~II \lor),­..-'" hI lh~' J;In!!e, lit ,Ipath\ ,,"d inJiffer­en.:e tn pll l;l;c,,1 m .. lIel'.

Pre,i,lent Ni\un \elncd a hill Ih:ll \\oul'] hmil 1\ ,p-cmtin;! It, politic;11 c:tntlidate,. I he purr.' ...... of the "ilt "'''' In !;i\e l·onl~nJer' 01 m<><.lc,t me;II1' a I:h:.nec hI I->c I'lcd~,,1 ltl m~i,'r Uilke, in competllion \lilh \le:lllh\ c;lndHJ:Il~',

The I're,iJenl', m,,,i'e~ .,n· .)1->'10'" _in lhe 1 .• ,1 pr~,i\lcnli;,1 elnlion. hi~

p:trty fea-iH ... 1 \~II·l1lillion in campaign l.·onlrihuliol1'. "hile lhe ])enllll:r.'I>. in :t

(lidle allcmpl It) .·IIlllpele un c'en lerm\. \lenl ,leep" intu deht. \penJin!; Hln!;hly onc:-third ;1' nlll.h.

\\'1.' helil'\e Ih:ll hcjn~ a millionaire ,huuld not Ite ;1 r<-quircl11l'nl fur rllhlic ,lllice. If lh;ll l\;tli he~n Ihe intent of Ihe hHIIHling I·athe". il "mild have been made a eorhlilLlti'"l<l1 Tcqniremenl. We hopc Ih:ll (onI1Te~, h.I' eh"""n III o\er­rlUI' Ihe I'. e~idential ,cto,

The play. "),tumpel,lill,)'in:' \\a\ at­tenLled hr :I IHI!;e Ihrong of Cm';lrturcd chi ldren :It the IInion hall un December 1~lh. The perfurm:tnce h}' Ihc ChilJreo's

'1 hc:alrc Group \la" uelighlful to Ihe \O,,"g'I~'" ;II1J 10 Iheir r«rcnh, We are

plea'>CJ Ity the turnout anu Ihe enl hn­.. ia'lie re'!'l'n..;: b} all II hI) ' .. :1.\\ i1.

\\e hope lour (hri,lm,,, \l:" merr) nnd Ih,,' the 'C\\ 'e"l "ill he a h:lpp) ono:.

Support (OI'E,

HI'R' W \1"Ci' I. I' ,S.

At Work on Nuclear Plant

Laft 10 "v.M. Robb.e I-Iebb.on. Bo Jack Felle. and GIlle, Cook ;ore Saen .n Ihe ~wl'ch,a.d

al the H B Rob,n_n Nude~r POWI.houSI, a lob whiCh was fl!CenU, completed by Ihe

membit." of Local 15'<). Augusla. Ge.


Lelt 10 <If/h i. Roy Caulde, "nd JaCk W,I.on lalk on Ihl 5qu"w~·bo. al Ihe pI.n l

The t ... o Renl.a! foremen on The plenl job. Buck Da" ••. lell. and Mu".y Bell. ".nd on

Ihe ""bine dick.

Robinson Nucle ar Powerho use Completed in South Carolina

1.. 11. 1579. A I TGIlSTA, GA.-All (on· ~tnl(tion job~ (ome to an end. c~pecial1y Ihr ~ood onc\. Suth \Oo':I~ the ca--e at the 1\ R. Robin'lOll Nuckar I'o\\erhouse at lIarl' \ilk. South Carolina.

Sure "'ill mi~, Ihe reI10\\\ and the good limes \Ooc had

T hh Ila, (lne of Ihe fin.t nuclear po\\. erhnu\C~ built for (omrnerdal U\C in Ihe South.

r m not wrhing much Ihi~ munll1. il~

r m aho endo-.ing thr~,<, ,nap,hot, of wme of the fcllo\Oo\ on Ihe po\Oocrhou<;!: job. After all. lhc) ,ay that onc pkture i, heller lh:1I1 10.000 word ...

Worl . in und around our loel'll. i~ might)' , lad. lind about half of our nlcmhl.-r\hip i, (In the ro'Ld.

IlrOlher "icotty 1111)' undcr\\Cnl rn:ljor ~ ur !lcry nLi I i~ doing finc , Sem ly hml jLl, t re llLrLlcd. when he !lot laid up.

Ch:lrlel l'cnlL h" .. I". .... n I;;:r}' ~kl and h:.d In Clime h(JIllC from Florida.

Sam Connor. il ~li1l ~riou'l} ill. Our pr.l)ct' go OUI 10 the...: IJ l'othcr~

for Iheir lpee.l)' rC\:Olcriel and God\ ble ..... ings.

"Cen", nOI 10 give [hanl~ for you. "",li,,!!; nlenlion of IOU in mf prll)tn. I phelians I ' 16.

Gm DI '" D. C.IHO. r s

New President Named ; Building T rtlldes Ra lly Against Bill 167

Ll'. 1711K. 1'00WVrO, O~T.-Brolh· cr.. il\ been a long time ~incc I taq put pcn \{l puper. :,nd a 101 o f e~cn*, I, ;\\e driflcd dO\Oon Ihc river o f lime.

l-' i"l . OLLr ne\Oo prelident i~ Douglns I\IcNuno!\. \Ooho c:lme 10 our local (rum [he Ullil Cd I( LlhheT Worler~ ahulLt ~i:t ycar, 1I1l0. where he wa~ on the E:tccli' Iile IJ(lard :.nd \OoU' ehid ~te\Ooanl O\er Ih t ,lllled Inulc\

AI nre-.cnl. Doug i, chief , Ie\Ooard of the Pido!ring Alumic PU\Ooef Slutil)n. 1\ hkh h:II appro\im:Llcly ~()O c1cctrici:L!1 ~ worllng on It He i, chairman \If Ih t Uarguining C'ummi1[o!e. \Oohich. a_ a mul· ler uf relord. i, 'urrenll)' in neguli;lliun\ and uboUI \Oohkh I hODe 10 hale mure in· form:.tion for Ihe ne~ 1 i ... ~ue.

In uddiliol1 10 hcinlt :Icli-c in uniun alrlli". l're,ide~1 \k'laner ha... 111-.(, been auhe in lhe _['10m fiehi. t ic ht"lpcd 10 organi/e and :11'00 pla)ed \00llh Ihe hoclcy and h,l'o('hall le:.ml for our local. hoth of \00 hi~1I did \Ooe]] Ihi, }ear. Ind· de"L:,l1~ . \'oe :lrc hoping for a fo!w !fO_

phi~' in Ihe'o(' 111'0 'P'Orh. We \00 i,h I' re,idenl \l c"anc:v \Oot]] in

the future I hoJ'll,' \Ooe nil gi,c" him the ,>upP'Orl he needl. "I he h,l\ :, hilt lob :lhend o f him.

Alld n",I - ((,r Ihe propo_ed kI1L,t! ­lion 1\ hich hml ill \econd reading hefoL'e the provincial gl)l'efnrnCnl. IL il :lIlli· labour 1egi,lulion of Ihe fi"t degTeo!. ,JIld


President McNaney

Dougilis M<;Naney IS Ihe new pru,dlnt 01 LOGa' 1188, To,onto. Onl.

Buildin g Trades Demonstration

These membe.s o f the bu,ldm& I .. des tu,ned OUI ,n Queen's Pa.k to p.Ot.1I p'OPQHd

anti.labou. I.g,slaho,",

our government i~ tT} ing to ~ nea),. il Ihruugh the back door.

TI,,: ~u~crnlllen i ~a}, it i~ 10 eorreCI an imbalance in labour·maml!;ement re' 1;II;On\. The bill i, ~imilar 10 1Ii11 II in II ri li\h C(l iumhia amI n ill 190 in Que","!; 0111' lllembeN. along "lth our hrOlhc", in Ihe construction iodn-Iry. II1mcd out in great numbcr~ on Oclober 141h It, al· lend It one·d3Y rail} to Ihow our (lppo,i­lion to Bill 167.

Arler the roll). the gOI'o!rnmenl 'llid il "'ould 1(0),. al Ihe propo..cd legi,lalion in :1 different li!,h[ and wl)\L ld mll~e Ch:1I1!lCI in il. The 111:1" Illo!din ncliel'c Ihal Ihil h duc to (he po"ihiIiL)' of nn CiCCI ion ne~( )car and due (0 the ,i/e o f Ihe Jtmon~tralion, Arpro"(im:ttel} I ~.OOU men , ho"cd up from arouNI Ihc pm\' ince. We had t"O huo,c, "hich camc from IInmihon LO Toronlo for Ihe till>'. a",,1 the entire con,lnlclioo indu'I' y gruund to a hah.

Clarence "O;;:arg" Ar.cnllult ha~ been ""l'IOinted Polic\ Commillcc chairrn.ln hy I' re .. idenl \1c'lane} :,,,,,1 ~ .. lIcd lur II meelin!; on Iht' 5th and 6[h IIf Ix~ern· her 1 111: Enlertail'lllcnl ('omlllillee "'I 1)"' a tla~rl" III coirddc \00 ith Ihe mecting. antl n ro[her M. Do"nie', hand plale..!_

I hope 10 -.ce all of utlr IJrolher, aI

the ne\t regular mcclin~ CL LTf' A'I[llll~tl", 1'$.

Local 's 12th Anniversary O bserved a t An nua l Affa ir

" .11. 2013. NEWA K":. i'.J . Our !~ )'e,lr~ with (he IIl F W mule u .. vcr)' proud. and \Ooe I OO~ Lime to oh-.crve II,~ :moi,'el'>ury "iLh our 11th Annulil Af-

fair. held al ThollllllS Rell:tufanl in Ne \Oo ;lr l .... here \Ooe enjoyed good food a nd drin!: and danCIng 10 Ihc mUlie of The Fabulou~ Red lx' Lis :md the Nfte· I ditLons.

We \Oocre happ)' 10 lillIe man)' guests :lIleml our alrair. Among them .... ere In· lernational Repreo;cnta[i-c AI Giles: S}·~· lem Council U·2 I' relidenl Jilll McLoud ;11'111 hi, "ifc: S~'lem CouncLI 1.:·2 ih"i· ne.... Repre\.Cnt:l.Ii,e, H:lfr} OO\C aol1 II nie Ileld, amI Iheir \Ooil'e,: U-2 Secrc· t.lf}- I reawrer Boh Mac.lonald and hb ",ifc: I'rclidenl Charlie Ik .. ", and repre· o;cnlalhe" frolll l ..... al 8.~J. ,",earn)'. Ne\Oo Jer'o(') . Prc,idenl Charlie OliltT and rep' re'>Cnl:lli~e, from l ocal I lB. O lmden. New Jef\C}: Pre,ident Ton~ NOli) :Inti repreo,cnltLlh e\ from l oc:11 I(lH. Wood· hrid~e. New Jer..e); Bro[her Kelley from I oeal Il~O. Jer!IC} Ci l ~. Ne\Oo Jcr'oC): IIrnlher Neil)Qn from Local 136~. Burl· ingltln. Ne\\ lcr'iC)': Danny lIo)te from l. uc:LI 131\1. Hadc'Nlcl. Nc\Oo Jcr .... ·y: amI hl,1, bUl n01 Ie;,,!. mil' relired mem· ber~ und 25}ear n,,~mbcr~ \Oohom \001" I~an neler forgel,

We had a 10lal of 241 personl at tile: a!fair. and iL wal good to -.ce our memo be" and Iheir gue,[ .. Imvi"t; weh a gOOlI time.

1 he committee \Ooa l compo'o('d of I're· Sident <;.,1 Gornelli. Vice Pre,iden[ Stele Werner. Recordins 'kcret;ll) Martin CoI"O. Financi,,1 Secrctary Fran!: Zarro. Trea_url.'r Joe I)eCapuu. He., I\lenllfro. Gerr)' Kou . I'etc S'lbio. Jcrq Rus'iO. Ritl) l.oConte. "nd Jerr) 'lappa The"c: comminee meml'C" all de"c:ne II bi!; lhan),. ~ou for Ihe lime ,pent III malin, the Clcning a hugl' ML~.:-e~,.

M IIITIN 0)11..0. R .5.

Line Up For Flu Shots

Th, members of LOG~I 2014. WI''' WlfWI<;k. R'. employed by the v.cto. Electroc W .. e and Cable Co'po, .. '",n. we • ., g,ven Ihe OP pOrtun.ty 10 reCe,ve lIu 5hot5. end he ... 8ulI· neSS Mllnage. Semuel W,IIIIIm5 I"" p.e5' d .... Ju~"J,>h leve,II ••• 'c ~n, '''~I ,n lin .. ,n Ihe plant·s ',rsl·eld room ,e",dy 10 ,..:.'''.

II .... shots.

W ork Picture Re mains Brig ht for Floridi ans

Lot . 2105. " .... ' ·1 1' ,\L;\1 II F. \ CII. F l. \ ._Our local rc"re..cnh 'oOllle 2.200 hOllrly \\or),.e,", "I the RCA Infornmtion Sy,[elll\ I)ivi~ion PI'In! in WC,L 1':llm Beach. and \Ooc'rc happ~ to ~ay Ihat thl" \\ur),. picture for [he pl:onl ~till remnin~


Convention Delegates

Th., .. 5'~ member. of locil 2105. Wesl P"lm B .... eh, fl •.. seNe<! lIS Ih.," loeIl's delell-Iles 10 th., reeen' 'n,e"'IIoonll COnventIon In Sellll .. , left 10 riaht. (.ecuIIV., BOlrd member Jlck Ha"50n. ~hler i~Op ste",a.d Ralph P,Um.n. Bus," .. ss M,,"ager,Flnanclal Secretary Mu C. Dougt ... Vice Prnident t:d McDonatd, President Clla,les She.ldan, and ehl .. r shop 11 .. ",a,d

Jlmes Bronk,

t!o<.lI,l and 1001.., Icry t>rillht for the fu· lUre.

jour home lerriIOr)" don'l tell lhe re~t

of our IlI I· W memllch " hal 'We hale here in sunn), Soul h I lorida. After all. thi~ island .... ill only hold so 1I1an)' peo­ple!

So long for now from the Innd of Slln~hinc.

,\I ,I\: C. DouGus, LIl'!.



Onh (OflIPUlcl""i arc mannraclUrcd at th" "Iant. anu clcn Ihouj:h lIe arc in a "li!,hl·lo-"Orl..-- '1IIIe. our ullion mcmhcr· ,IIII' h;I' ,ho" II :1 ,'ead\ ~ain. Wc arc ,'ill 1I'>llill!; IUII,,,'d, ;t ~I\,d uf 1IIi! ret' ccnl unl"n mcmt....·r'hil' f"r our loell[ urlliln.

Check Your Social Security Record

Our udc~alc, 10 the rncnt IlIlcrnil· ti,m;11 ,'unlelllll'n 1"'lde" more th;m I),HIIi) mit.~·, 10 .,tlenU the .:onl(nlion. \Ihllh "a, hel,1 in ..... ·"'Ik, \\a~hrn!;IUn It \\,1' c"im;lIcoi lhal Ih~h' I,crc nwre than ~.()III) rCllpk in )cilltk I,,!, the ,,·on· \Cnl;Un, cQlJllIin!; "II ,I' 11w delq:atc,. thcir lIiIC'. ;IO\llh, .. ir dllhlr ... n.

I hi, ;oilair I,,,JI.. " I!ro:,,1 deal lOf pl.ln· nint: un thc ".ut III Iho.: Intern.lum "I Ottko.: 'tall. S!"'<lI.III!' ftlr ,)In Ud"'~"lc'. I ,"III "II I,ilhmll le-.o:l,,,,illl1\ Ih;I' thh Iii'" Ihe gr~;r,e'l 1111 \\' llllllcntiun eler held, I he cnlir ... lil'( ,L,}, IIf rllC Cotl\~I1-

11<"\ ,,\'to: .·halr~u Il} Intl'mallon,,1 l'l'c,i· dem Charle, I I l'ill;lr,l. IIhn-.o: 1c,ukr­'hll' "Ililil~' <lnl r'lir ;rnu dlkicm m.rnncr ,",cr,' r~"II) t>rlll1J!hl h.lm~ I" all III :h. ue1cg.Ut,

I 'cn,me cun<ell1eu lIith Ihe I'I.rnnin~ uf Ihe lonlcntl\H1 did an 1.\1Il\!;Ituling ,,,t>o and ol1r dcll'~'lIc,. ;(, \\cll ", Ihe uthcr uclcg.uc,. \Iill 10nl; rcml'mo.: , Ihi\ l'On\enlion a~ Ihe ler~ he'l CICf held in Ih~ hl'lur) of the 111 1 \\

O,lr ,klcg,ue' 1I000r;: I \c,'ulile 1I~);jrJ

mcm~r Jael. H.I11'oll. dud ,hop "CII' :Ir.[ H:lll'h Plltman. Itlhmc,", 'I ,magct l inan,i:ll SeClI.'"I;lr} \lUI (" /)ollgla,. \ kc I' rc,idc~1 1,1 Md )unald. Pr~,n"'ll1

(h'lrlc\ \herid:ln. "n.1 ,hid ~hop ,tC\\· "rd J1lmcs Brin~

We lIiIl h:lle Ihe numinalion und elcdiun of our uninn officer .. in \ I a)' ami hm;:. anu I eert,unl), "ill rC(l\J1t thc re~lIlt, al Ihe :'l'l'l'tJrriate Ilmc.

If )OU ,h01l1,1 hc li,ilin!! in Ihe Wc,t Palm tteach arC;I, \IUI' h) and \;1)' "hello" W II'> al Ihe union oniee. HIll for hc;\\Cn's '>al.e. IIhen lOU go b;rcl. 10


... -- I've b..:cn paying into Sncial Security Ch!r :'Iinel! it started Ill) ChCLkc ... hould be prl.'tt~ high, I gu..: .. !.:' Yllu'\(~ probably heard that remark Orlel1. but you don', h,\\( 10 glH:" abuut the sWIllS of your Social Sccurity account; il\ snnk·thing ~nlt (.:an. and .,hmtld. ehc,k rcgul;lrly.

Sodal Sccuril~ curr('ntly main· !;IUh the earning'> rccnrd~ of mo(1.' than 150-l11illion \\orL. ... r' in th,; lInitcd Stall·S. Mall) ~afcguarll ... arc u<;cd to in\urc thai each \\orkcr i .. ~i\\;n cn:dit for the correct ,1111011111 of monc) he has c;lrttl·d.

bUI M>ml!linll:s mi ... taJ...c\ do tlccur. rhe on I) IliI) IU be ceria in Ih;lI

Slx:ial Security Ita .. the correct in­formation ;rbmll ~(Jur earning,> i~ 10 chce"- yuur rc(nrc! ill leuSI o nce c\cr~ thrc.: )car .... If a mistal..c i .. flluml in )our Social Sccuril~ rcc' un!. It can lx- c(lrrcc\cd \cr~ ca,il~ by your IOC;11 Sodal $ccurity oflicc. p r()\ idcd it i .. found ,oon after it occur". \ l i .. t;rkes in n:­ported e:tming" \\ hich arc discm­cn::d mor~ than three ~C"ar~ afler they a rc made arc harder to cur­reet. hecau,\.' employer, ma~ 11\00e. go oul of bU'lIIess. or dcstro) ree­onl .. \\ hich arc nece .... :lry to pro· \ ide corrected information about

your w;lgC<,. Sometimes. lhi~ llIay n:\uh in a lo\\cr benefit \\ hen your dl"'cks arc due.

You ilia) ched. your Social Se­cu rity record by \\ riting ilin:ctly to:

Social SecUJity Administration P 0, Bo)!: 57

Baltimore. Marytand 21203

Be sure to include your Social 'iccurity numb..'r. )our d;ttc of hirth. and )OUf r,·turn addre~ .. in <my tr.:ttcr you \\ ril~·.

.\ ~pecial rO,t card form used tu rcquc~1 informatiun about your &~iaJ fil:curit) rec~lnJs is ;11<;0 ;I\ailablc Irom an) Social Securit} lIme.:. A,l. lor F(lrm QA R·7004. reque~1 for Statement of Earn ing ... If you arc age 60 or older . you ilia} u~c the ... lIlle form 10 req uest an e~timate of the henefit )OU will recei\\.· \\hen you retire. You ilia) <11~o usc this fmm to find out how Illw.:h \\urk under Social Sccuri ty you \\ ill nced in order to get checks ;U1d 11(11\ llIuch w()rl. ha~ aJread) b.:en crcdited to your ac­count.

In the Illclropolilan \\':lshington. D.c.:. ar.::a. the pholle nuntber to e;11I in o rder to obwi n the Requcst ror Statcm~'nt of Earnings po!>t c:ml i .. : 783-5666.



Prayer for Our Deceased Members

A /m ig"l." Cmf. ill Ihe {ir.\'I 111(111111 of 111(' New YI't/I', 1\'(' again hare 'he sad 11111,1' of liwill }: 'he 1/(//IIe:. of Ollr Brother,l' 11'110 art' 110 lOllgn lI'i lh 1/ 1', Receh'(' ,111'111 lI'illi 0Pt'll arms, \I'e pray YOII, lind h{l l't! II/ercy 0 11 Iheir souls. Too, ,grim/ 'heir IU'rt'(l l'ed !ami /ie.I' the hle\.\il/g,~ of YOllr COlli/Uri. which Ihey dlil/Jeralely 111'('(/ (If this liflll'.

A m/ , ol/r Fmht'r, Jlle(/ yO/lr figh, 111'011 I lf all. YOllf cl!illlrell, III/(/ be.lfflll' 0/1 liS Ihe ftrtlce to (/iSlill{,fllilli he­(11'eell Ihe }:om/ tmd the bad, {lilt! rhel/ gram liS fhe C{HIT(/'>:/' (Inti IJerj(' I-{'rtlllce 10 follow ill llle righl palh, {l$

exemplified by YOll r 5011, Ollf Sewiollr, ) (',I /IS Chrin A lllell.

1\l lwrt F rauk Dorris. 1..1". 16 ' ni,i, to'J if ~~~" I. 11110

1) "' 01 "'''f'''' d, 1910

Burr B(,I1I I(,I'. L.l ' , I i / n;,i,'rJ Srptc ... /t ... 16, 19H

D.,.J .1' .. , .. . . , "70

S l ae~' II , Wayman, 1..1', Ii , ,,;,, •• ~J 1"" lO, ""

D ... d .1'''1" . 1, 1970

Ben C"cil Ibn ·den. L. ( ' . 22 '~ i.i.uJ ,I/ ~, 4 , 19J8

1)«.1 A" ... " 1. I'ro "ernon W, i\"ickll'. 1..1',2 1

B", ~ J"lr 1 . '899 /" ."., • .1 O"~b .. , II, I H7

O" J J"I, 8. 1970

Oaniel !'imi lh, L.l l, 21 Bo ... A .. . ... . j, 190'

I .. ,,,., .. J .4",;1 1-. 1941 0 ... <1 A . . .. " If. 1970

llarr;s 'I. (ohl' n. 1..1'. 4 1 B", .. l .. lr 11. 1909

/ .w •• ,,.<1 A .. ~ .. " I I. 191U D, .. J J ...... ". 1970

Fra ncis ~1. F lun'. I..r, 11 B",,, l"'r ,. 1908

1." . .. ... .1 A .. ~ ." . ".1941 D, .. <I l"/y. /9;0

Will iam .1. In·in. L. I ·. i6 BM" 1 ... 11 • ..,. 18. 191'

1 .. ",.uJ ", •• do II. 19J! D , .. J A •• " " fl. 1970

Patrick 1. Hns('n t h,, ' . 1..['. 110 B,,,,. M ... 10 H. " ",,

1 .. ," .... .1 .1'1',,1 U . IU69 D ,eJ J .. " 111. 1970

Oh'3 1. Surli.'. 1..1'. 110 B.,.,. A .. , .. " 10, 191 J

, ,, ,,,,,.,..1 D .. ~ .. "''' .. , J, /9 ",0 /) .,..1 J,, '~ 6. "~O

Charll'" W. ('all"h:1II r . 1' . 310 /l Ot" I) .. .,. ... /t ... Z. 1908

/ .. ",,,, •. .1 .1'1',1/ .,. 1949 D ... J A " ... " JO. 1970

Bruno Bon, I_ l ' , 3;.3 liD' " ", ••• 10 -. ""

1 ... " •• ,.1 A ... " ,. 1'. "6' 1) ... .1 A ..... ,. 11. 1970

William II I' a l hc"ck. 1..1 , 3;;3 Bo . .. .1' ''1'' '' 4. 1907

I "", •• ,J 0 " .. 1 .... 16. 1940 1) ,,..1 A"."" HI. 1970

Hnl)l'rt H. lI irll'li rw, 1..1'.3.;:1 8"", I .. " ,. N. 19 ~8

/ .. " ..... .1 M dr fl. IQ-O D , .. J J"I, 1'. 1970

Hud,' I.. ~all :.:man . Lt'. 3:;i Bo ... .1'1' ,,1 16. "11

1. ;".uJ D .. u ... 1 .... /. 1966 D.~d A ... .. , . 13. 1970


Juh n P ricC' r ;llll;n, 1.. ... 129 B",~ I)N~ ... b~. 9. 1&0,

I ~",.,~J """,6. /91/1 Di .. J J .. lr r. IO -~)

Churll')' II. En~«'l br('cht. 1.,1 . 16;. B" •• V fi' ..... b~, 6. ,'94

I.",.,~J I)~u ... bt. 11. 19H D ... J .1'''1''''' ,,~O

L" .\o ll' r L. Haslitlg .... L'" 16.; /"", • • ,..1 A .. ~ .. " /B. /9 41

O ; ~J J .. " ... 197Q

W. B. lI'1nn' II , l..lT• 171

I "j".ud JI .,,10 ,. 194} 0".1 J./" 19~O

\ '. I .. \l c.OaI1 1el, Lt . 47 I l .. i,i., .. J s .. p, ..... ",.. 1-, '941

D"d A .. . .. ... 1970

I: a)' E. Tern-II, 1.. 1' . :;.;, B"." l on . ' r 16. 1900

1",,;.uJ J ...... .., !O. 194! lJ .~d J"I,lI. "70

,\ rehi£' C. H andll'~' , LX . :;:>11 I ~ ,, ;., ~J N' .. · ... H"~' 16. 19$0

O ; .. J J"' r n . 1970

Frank Fulfl' r, 1.,1". 602 1."' .... 4 Aptli 11. /960

n, ... A ...... 9. /970

na~ i l G. /.\' ltch, 1..('. 69i B" .. , S .. p"· ... b .. , I ~ . I'OJ

/" i.;., .. J A .. ~ .. " n. " 4' I) .~J A .. , .. ,. Ill. 1970

Fn'(t 'le(; llir(', I.X. il3 ',,", .... .1 J ...... " 10. 1969

I),~J A .. ~ .. " . 1970

Ernil l'lltlku'l' r. 1..1 '. il3 I "'f'.'ed D ......... h, n. 19'"

1),,<1 A ..... ". 1'170

El ij a h Gra nl. 1..'-' i 60 B" ... ;." .... , 19, 1914

/ .. ,,, ••• '.1 Ihu ... b~, II. IjIlJ D,~J J" I) 11. 1970

A l lt' ll S":I , Lt , 91.; B" ... J .. ,,~ 1'. 1906

/ "", ••• 'J M ... 1. 19j-0 ".1 .1'1',,1 !S. 1970

EH'l"Cll II . Bradl,·.,·. 1..1 '. 1141 " ""., .. .1 .... ·n . ~."b.·. ! ~ . /9 I'

I),~d A ..... ,. 19. 1970

lI ollle r I.. Land. I.. C. II 11 1,.,,,., .. .1 ,1/.,. I. 191J

I),~J .1' 10" .. " IJ. 1970

;\ Iarco ... Ah:tn. 1..1'. 1260 /l",,, S .. ,.u ... bt. 10. 1940

, ,,,,, . ... .1 F~b''' "'7 211. /96'1 V ;eJ A" , .. " I. 19-0

Budnllih .\ uc!r{· ... , L,l . 1260 BD." ",.,,10 11, 1911

1 .... , .... .1 S~p.~ ....... I. ''''~ 0, .. .1 .1' ''1'''' }O, 19~0

lI.,nr)' r , .\ rakaki. 1..1 ' , 1260 B .... " S.p .......... 19. 19r

/"",.",.1 A,, ~ .. ,. I. 19/11 /) ... 4 AUI " " lll. 1970

William Fernandez. 1..1'. 1260 Bo'" N"' .. m .... 4 . 19"

I ~ ..... ~<I 0 .. « ... 6 ... I. 194 7 1), .. .1 .1' '' 11"''' ' 11. /970

J u nWl< :'II. H" imll'r, 1..[ 1. 126.; Bm" 1 ... ... " 30. '9}4

1",.,., .. .1 .1'1',,1 4 . 19111 1) ... <1 .1' ''1'' '' ". /9-0

Hobt-rl I.. 'h~Clain, 1..1'. 126:> Bo ... 5 .. " ... ",b~. Ii. "14

1",,,.,,..1 Jl o1 II. /UO V 'cJ A" , .. " '0. I~ ~O

Elmer I). n,' rriu jl: l' r. 1..1 ' . 1139 Bo'" J"17 11. 1891

, ,,,,,., • .1 f .. b, ... ", /9~/I

1) ... .1 Jul, 111, IQ'O

Adam n, Ern!'!, 1.. 11. 11:19 B"." O""' u 11. lil9i1

I ,.",., .. J ' .. b .... ". 1946 1), .. .1 A .. ... " 9. ,,70

1',,),lor J a rnH'n. I..t'. lU9 Bo •• JI '1' /0. IS96

/ .. ",.u4 ' .. b, .. . ..,. 1946 1) ... .1 A .. ,,,,. 9. /970

O"('n \l el)mH1I'1I, 1..1 ' . 11 3'1 Bo'" J." ... .,. 10. 111'0

' " ....... .1 F.,b . ... ,y. IQ46 D,ed J"I~ r. '''~O

i\lllr il'l H. (uuk. 1.. 1' . !riO.; ' ,,"' .... .1 J .. " .. 21, 19 ~ 1I

DuJ A .. " .. " 2j. 1970

Luc:~' C"~ l a . 1..l'. l .iO:; ' ",., .... <1 J .... , 1&. IUD

D,~J A .. " . " 18, 1970

, \ IUIl' C. Ford. I..p, 1:;0:; l ~j,; •• ~J 1,,1, 11. 19'1

I),~J A u~ .. ,. r. /970

Th"lKlor~' June". L.l'. 1:;0.; 1,,,,i., .. J Jt.r I. 19~1i I),," S .. ~t< ... b ... I. 1970

1'; :11'11.. Tihlll'tl s, L,n. 1.;0:; 1 .. ",.".<1 M oy 11. 19" 0,." .1'''11"'''' 19. 1970

Glenn T , Wo mack. Lt ', /.',0:; , ,,;,; .... .1 J ..... I. "117

1) , .. <1 .1'''1'''' lB. /970


, , 3 3 3 , 3 3 , 3 3 3

" , , , " " " " " " " " " :! I 21 :!5 35

" " " " " " :;\

" ;"a 58 till

" " '" " " " ~" 103 1113

'" "0 "0 116 \2i; 12ft 1~r. 1;10 1:10 13~

'" '" I:U

'" '" 1~r. 1 :17 \.11

'" If; ~ I!H 19~ 1!l1l 210 222

Sur name

fall, I I. F'. J ... tTries. W. A. ~"'fllr;nger. A. I .. (\.II-man. II. ('on"'")". It. II .... Kllhn. W. l.iUII'. J. I.. . .. l le;ller. I •. lhHt,b)", C. 1' ... . Qui,.lan. M. J .. . ~atl('lli. \'. Smith. J. Slu<i<'nt. J.P. E'"'ltl~. K E, .. _. 1\~8~ l cr. II, S. Menny, J. 1" . ••..• " .. lie)", E ..... _. IIrll. It. It. \knill. Il.. A. \ 1"It('r. A. 0 1'.d"eU. W 1'­Quljl"I~) .. J. J. Belli I!')', II. C'. ])<)"'1'11. It. t:. lIu l rhinR. W. r._ Lemun, Jr .. \1 JuhnK.,,,, Jr .. C (", Smith. D. l-lchnl'lder. F E. 1\''''Rlski. J, J. \kAlIiMler. n, Sch""rt~. \\. II, I\rlO'fnachi,,!.!. II IIIIltler. F. U. I!,.pnon.d.!{ F. 1,·II ... h,. F. ,0\. Fn'cman, W It 'ltC,,) .. T. I •. 'h,,,rl'. (;. II K"IIN. C. . JIIl'k~otl . (". 1\'. IIllkl·r • . /r .. T Jli~kneh. Il. n. Smith. S. 1'. S~'I<"·r~. W. A l.t·",I. •. }1. W Fult"n. L. W [l",n. I). F. Innuui. R. W. :->RIHlIi, J. P. fI'llorkc, F. E. Timm. )1. J W'n~lmc; .. r. A II lI {Onll'),. n. w. n"'li{Oh. F. It. Sp~'"k~·r. !{ E. r.ew". A. J. U,,'lllllwn. E. Soninl. J. }1. IInrnhurK. F. f:, "rnuldi~. L. II Luk .... Jr .. J. I.i~"",.ki. E. l' Poland. C. t: T"mruk. K [)it-kl"~on. H. ,'. Kt·n"edy. \\', J. r."ytnn. O. \\'. Md,cod, J. (". nllll, D. n. !-:lruck, W. A IInrk .. r. A. Vn""lItre, It. E. )',,)ilh, (;, W. J"hn_IIn. ('. I I. \ld'hel'1lon. II G. ("mIre)'. J. (' I'nylon. n. }1. AI'fI"·gllrlh. Sr. (' Auwlin, II, F Sullintn. P. (: 'irlut· .. r. A. r.~c. I .. n . IIr.1ckhllu~. J. f:. Smith. P. (' Krllt·)". II. W Iledtt .. ldt. K II. J. .... k,·rt. II. \ ' ")'. R. M.


EWBA Death Claims Paid in October, 1970 Amounl

1.!!!iO.OO 1.250.00 1.2foO.00 1.2~,1I.00

1.2r.o.00 1.2foO.00 1.2M.GO 1.2;;11.00 1.2,,41.00 1.2!iO,00 1.2r.41,OO 1.2,,0.00 1.250.00 1.250.00 1.2!iO.OO 1.2!iO.OO 1.2r,0.00 1.2:;0.110 1.2;041.11/1 1.00(/,1111 1.2:,0.00 1.2;;0.00 1.2'-,11.00 1.2,iO.OO ].2'-,0(1) ].2.iO.OO 1.2'-,U.OO 1.2;,0.00 I.Z;",O.HII 1.2r,o.00 1.25')'00 1.2;,0.011 1.2;,0.00 1.2:-.0.410 1.2:-.0.00 /.2.;.(1.011 1.2.j(J 011 1.2;04l.00 1.2~H,()() 1.2:,41 .00 1.2Ml.00 I.ooo.no 1.2~ILnO 1.2:,0.011 1.2M/IO 1.2;;O.flll 1.2:,(1.1111 1.2;;11.110 1.2.~O.OO 1.2f,O.0I1 1.2r,O.00 1.2'-,0.00 1.2:,0.nO I.Z'-'O.OO 1.2r.O.OO 1.2.~0.00 1.2;;0.011 !.~,;O.OO 1.2;;0.00 1.2:.0.011 1";0 00 1 :2:-.0:111'1 1.2;,(1,110 1.2MUIO 1.2;,0.00 t.~.',O.HO 1 .~;,O.OfI I.Zr,O.oo 1.2;,0.00 1 .~:-.o.oo 1.2.i-O.nO !.250.0I1 1.2,",0.00

Z:I7.f,(j I.Z;;O.oo 1.2.;1\.011 t.2.~0.OO

1.2:;0.00 1.2:;0.00 t.2;;O,()0 1.250.00 ].21i0.OO

1i00.OO 1.2;,/1011 1.250.00 1.2:;0.(1) I.Z:;O,OO !~;;n.()O


1. .... 111

72;) 7~~ ,:I!I 7:13 i:I:,

'" 7!O~ 71\2 7lH 7!'ll !l2!l SI()

'" M;, I lH\~


'" !':i l \UM [01\1

!':;2 !I!.:; \1117 1 ]r,~ 12111; I~UI\

12':, 1:tt"12 1311:,

S urnnme

Trllvia, ~:. )ld~inn{Oy. A. P . Dubie. O. II ..... Z •• h"u. K ,\1 ••. . J~hl. C. )'nml,le~. Jr .• C. Briuain. M. G. Thllma~. K F .. . (:Ilrtman. C. T .. . \\i].on. W. \\ ... lIulcombe. It. t:. ]I~'rry. W. I) •.•. lIurr. F. \I u".'~. J. n. rh.IIllie}'. w. W. 1I'lruhill, A. ~ •.• ('nmj,beJ], K •••. TII'tnn. C. «. \lld·artne)·. W. \\ Irner. II. A •.. I'lul .. )·. A 1.. ~11·)'crl. Jr .. J. W. ('ron. i(r .. n. O . lil.dler, A. S ... . ('"nkiln. (L O .. . ~:mHi~k. W. n. 11.'''1''''. 1(. I, .... BIt·rna. M. C. lIK"nilt{Or. A. ('. " .. ('ollum, J. II. tOlIlI ... 5. 1I "l1ldll)", II. II. Ihulelock. II t), Hurnell. K \1. •. !leellrel. L. AI"'eI" .... f:, I' ... 11.1 ... (;. 1-'. . .••• P"""IIt'''' A. C .. . i(c"rpn. 1.. ~l. Delln. ~:. F. (,rel',lilcltl, S. (,oll"her, n. L. (",)Ole},. W. 1'. (;, .. nma~c. A. M. J"hn.nn. :\1. A •.. 1110"11. W. C .... . {'ehl". J. E ..... . ('I .... k, 5. \\" .... . Ar .. her. G. I.. Ernal. C. M " .. Idmllll. (;. (;. [ ... en,. S. A .... . IIl1hn. F W .. . I.)·on •. \\'. Sl'l'rrr. K 1' •... ('lirh"n. It . E ••.. (: r .. hle. \\'. \h·(;1'''. M. II . , .. /{ulTln. II. ,. \/lirkicwirJ. \\" L. ,",,,ndall. n. HTII ...... II. II ..... I·runk. B. I U"btrl •• O. II. .. Fry. I .. W. ::h)'M. F. K. .I'''Tllson. 1(. T. Sh·"{O".",,. T.. I,. \/ni!'lIa. A. A .... \/IIn~on. A. (;. '\"kh"loll)l. ~r .. G. I!lIgII. J, A. \·.nWinkl .. II. G. WlIr.U'r, L. E .. . ,'''r'' ill. J. K ... . ~;~Ib~r", K. It. "r"lIlm~nhn,·k. \\". nllrl"n. T. C. (;lIbHa. ~'.

lI"mmwnn. f:. D. 1I"n(. J. (; (;,rllna.::h"u~,·. A. "IMin. H . W .... .I"hn."n. It. M. ,. I'"r."n~. II. W",.kll')'. ,'. II. .• lluuman. t· II .. OI~ .. n, (;. W. \\.h·n{Ohok, J. A.

Am fl llni.

\'2r.o,00 \'2;;0.00 1,2:)(1.00 1.2t)(l,00 1,2:041.00 1.2:'41.00 ].2;;0.00 1,25/1,00 1.2:'1).00 1.2:,n,00 1.2:,H,nO 1.:!i',U.(I() 1.2i>H.00 1.~r.O.IIO 1.~fi().UO I.~;,().OI) 1.:!;;(J.lKl 1.~:;n,I~1 1.2:041.1~1

1.2.'041.110 1.2:.n.tlO 1.2:-041.1,111 \,~r,fI.OO 1.2;,0.00 1.2 • .0,00 I.~r,o.oo 1.2511,00 1.~f>U.00 \,2:;0.1)0 1,2'-~I.OU 1.2!iO,00 1.2MI.OO 1.2:\0.00 1.2,,0.00 \'Z,;O.OO 1.:!:,n.Of.I 1.2r,lJ.lIII ,,2:,O,()() \'2~0.(MI I.:mo ,no 1.2!10.00 1.2IiO.OO 1.~;;(),OO 1.2.i!l,1I0 1.2,,11,110 1.2:'(1.I1il 1.2:;0.011 1.2:,0.00 I.Zt,I1.00 1 .~r,o.(I(I

1.250.00 1.2511.00 1.2:;0.00 1,2!",O.f}0 1.250.1111 1.~.\0.0f)

ij1.2f1 1,2;,0.00 1,2~0.fH) 1.2!",o.0I1 1.2'~1.0I1 1~:-.oJIO 1.2.",11,1"' 1.2',IUlt' 1.:!!",UJIO 1.2,,0,00 1,2GO.OO I ,~r,o,oo 1.2r.1l.00 1.21'041,00 1.2:,11.110 \,2;;U,OO 1,2:,IUlO 1.2:\0,(1) 1.2i>0.OO I.:!;;O,IIII 1.2:,11.00 1.2;;0.00 I,zr;o,O/l 1.2:;0.00 1.2r,I1,O(l 1.2r,O.OO 1,200.0n I.~:;().O() 1.2;\/1,/10 1.2;;11./10 1,250.00 1,2;;n,1I(1 1.2;;11.00


J:l1!1 13!12 1393 U26 IUI ~ 11',111 If,:!:; 1:,7[, 1:;711 lfi7l1 lti:!!1 ]ill:l 1711 1755 It,.i5 l!'!i~ i!·,II1 21;;11

UI (!!H l.n.laUI I,t). (r,1I CU, (l:l~l 1.0.IUIII 1.0. 1:131) I.II.pll1) 1.0. (~:!;;I 1.0. tli2 1) 1.0, (732) 1.0, (R87) !.O. (!I:J!II 1.0.1101i1l) I ,ll, (\ 15Z) r.1I.II:?!\'JI 1. ... (13701 I.n. (1!'1i91 P .. u, II) !'(On8. t I) !'{Ons. (II l'cnB. (!I) l'~n8. (:0 1'{OnB. (3) l'en~.(31 l'ena. (31 Pcn •. (3) I',·n~. 1!l1 Pen •. un "!'nB.(3) I'{'<I'. (31 !'cn,.!!I) "en~. (31 Pen •. 131 Pen •. (3) 1''''18. (:1) J'c.,~. (SI I' l·IIR. PI) "~"I. (3) 1'~nl.131 1'1:'"'. (3) I' .. n •. 1:11 l'eRl. ,1"0) I' .. nt. F,) !'en •. cr.l l'{On •• flil I'ent.161 1-<'111. (!O) ""'''1. (!I) I'(»IB. (II) I'<'n., 11 J) l'"n~.CII) Pl:'nl, (III I'l'n8. (II) 1' .... _, (II)

Peno. (II) PI''' •. (II) rt'II~. f II) I',·n~. Ilnl Pen •. (171 ]'I'n •. (1111 Pt'n~, f lin I' ''II~, (2~) PenK. (2 1) I',,"R. (:II) l'enR.I~3) I'l'n~. 131l) J>e" •• (~l l'enK. (!llIl P<,n •. (:I<JI I'l'n8. (-I3)

S urn ''''' e

Karlnk)', J, J. , Clouon. A. J .... t:mmon •. J. D ... lI erberg. M. , ... Urown. II II ••. " EmenhiR .. r. O •.. . UCMrtl. ~. t:. I .ou~tllot, F. V. lIulf. S. T. -'lcDonnell. F. E. t;r,ffith. \I ('. \\·hitrij:ht. II. J. 1),,\"i<l8QII. A, I! . ('"Ui!<3. F. J ... I.l'lin)l'. H. I .. Kllmen. I,. I), .. . (l'Uri .. n. (;. E .. . I'elt""r. t·. J ... . Ingr •• n. (;. II 1.I .. laul:'h1<·r, \\". Miller, II. II .... . llitt~. (' C . ... .. ]lil1. J. :\1. ("Mne)" 'I. J ... . FrRzier, P. I, ... . Arrowslllith, I.. .. 1.lIw90n. W. J ... lteHew. J, O. Tennant. W. A. hRnk. E. C . •• ,. Shook. E. UII}"nc. II \\'. :->ugent. II K •.. Loek. ~I ... Iticcitelli. ~I .... )'1I"·i. J Atehi~on, 11,:-: ... 1I:<,lIer, W. V. \\'IIelt('rrilAlln, J. Adler. J . AMIII, 1-'. X. iJorn<,r, W. ,J. ... IJo~<,i". J J)il!on. T J. Dobbs. II, t·. , .. , 1)0 IJ",~. T II Fridl. II. A Gottfried, A. Grolllld~. II. t:. Jone~. J. 11. Keulef, L, H .... Krlmer. W ... Laura. F. \llIr;lIl1. t·. J. \In)'. A. C;. \IOrriut'J" I I. S. ,\lullen, . J . O·LeIlT)·. T. F. Shllrpl:', {; .•••••. Smith. 11. KrAll. J II. ,",ut:lbllul'r. G .... nos~t. L II. (,Hin, II. Itllu~"h. A. \' ... . ()"vis . . 1. ~ I ..... . Il(>c>]c},. It Tyrrdl, J. J .... . Arthur. ~;. I, ... . Fer~u'on .... A .. . lIurle~ .. A, F •... J"hn~on, T, J. ,., l."poe. !'. J ..... . \la"it)·, J. Obrien. (;. E. Tomlin~"n. W .. . l.a"·alln. It P ... . lIow.rd, \\. T. , .. !>lIm"n, \\. A . •.• RIlIlIA'hlcr. J J. ('" ... I ~). II K .... Heut<,r. II. ~'"Ik. O. ('. '!i11"T. It. C.

\I(lrA'nn. (. H. !lull .. r. (;. ,"" K .. II)·. W S. Urilt"n. t:. ~. Edinger. D.


1.250.00 1.250.00 I.Z;,(I.OO 1.2:'0.00 I.:!;;O.OO 1.:!~,O.fH) I.Z:;n.oO 1.:!';0,00 1.2;.0.00 1.2.'>ll.00 1.~foO.OO 1.2f,0.01l 1.~50.00 1.~t.(LI)O

1,2 .. 0.00 1,~1',o.on 1,2:;O.lHl I.:!:;O.OO 1.2~,q.00 1.2:041.00 1,IIII(UlO 1.2r.o.(Kl 1,2:,(1.1)0 1.~r,().OfI I.:!;"II.OO 1.:!nI).OO 1.2foO.0I1 1.2:,(1.00 1,2;,fI.OO 1.2,',0.00 1.2',().00 1,2f,I).00 1.2)',(1,00 1.2f041.0I) I.:!!',O.OI) 1.2.;(1.01) 1.2:.0.00 1.2:;0.00 1.2IiU.()() 1.2[,/1.00 1.2!'iO.l)0 I.~:;n.l~) 1.2:;U,OfI I.~'-,O.IIII

IfoIl.llIl 1.2~04'.00 I.ZfoO.OO 1.2t.o.00 1.:!"0.00 1,~50.l11) 1.~;'i(1.\1O I.~r,().oo 1.21i1).tlO 1,2~().11O 1.2,,11.410 1.~r,(I,u(1

1.2GO.O() I.:!:,ILOO 1.2:;ll./lO 1.2:;11.11(1 1.2:,0,00 1,11("1 (1) 1.2:;U.(") 1,2:,11.1111 1.2';(1.00 1.2[,0.00 1.~IiIl.()I)

I.:!M,OO 1.2;;11.1)0 1.:!:;U.l1t1 1.2:;(I.fit) 1.:!.'oIl.(I() 1.2:;0.11() 1.2 .... 0.00 1.2:;0.00 1.:!51l.0() 1.~r>l).OII 1.2;,(l.IIO 1.:!:'!).t"1 1.250.11(1 1.~r,II.UO I.~:H).OO 1.21i(),IJO 1.2M).0/) 1.2tj~I.0I) 1.:!;;I).tM.l 1.250,00 1,':=:.0.00 I.Z.:.o.OO



I.A)C. ' Pen •• (46) I'l'nl . ("8) Penl.I " 8) Penl. (48) 1'01"'. (.1 8) Pell!. ( 62 ) 1'011 '. (1)2) PCIL" (1;7) l' ~nI. ( &8) Pen I. ( 118) Pena. (fl81 " enl. (681 !'enl. Cr.!!! I'cn •. (Gg) I' .. nl. (77) l'enl.1771 I) ~n •. 177! I'en •. (77) I'l'n~. (77) I'~n l. (77) f'en ~. (77) I'~r". (771 I'cnl. {771 I 'f'n~. (1121 I'enl. ItU l'C'nl. tlU, " fn. HI~ Pens. (!131 I'enl. (II;:;) Pent. (!till l'"n ,.(IOOI 1'1'111.(1001 P Cnt. (lO:1J I'"" ... (lOll) Pcn.. (llUr !'en •. (1 1111 I· ~n •. 1 110 , /' N,~.(IIII I'('n l. ( litH I' .. n~. II!!:.!) " en I. (I2~ I 1'('''1. (124 ) I'l'nl.1I2lj) I'enl. ( 12,.1 I' en •. n2~1 Pe n •. ( 1311 I'en •. ( 1 3~1 I'l'''. ( 1;14 1 P l'I1I.II:UI I'enl. (134 ' I'('nl . (]341 Pe n'.II.HI I'C Ilft. ( 1:1 1) I'e nl. (13~ ) I'enl. (134) 1'1'111.1136. I'e nl. (13~1 !'(,nI.(lnl I'enl. (14\11 p.,n,. (11101 Pen •. (111 1) I'en ~. ( 1!l 1) Penw.{lflOI Pen •. (WII I',· n ~. (Ut:l) l'e n&.([\'51 l' cn8, (19:0) l'enl.I:! 10 1 I' .. na. I:! I:! I


S urna me

E~"h"'ir:, A . • '. Da\'il, J. T , MeI..auJ(hhn. L. Miller, J , A. IIII"ner, A. 1-:. lIullolT, A. Righter. C. II. Powell. n. L. . 'r,,'l c ri ck. J. ~I aj{e ... 1'. C. Rutk u .. ·.ki. J . . ·uln'''r. R. II. Br .. ul .. r. II. G. Wateu • • ' T. n'rn ,n~. W 1, 11 (0"" .• :. J " "(OI('IIIn.1. A. J.. Krumer. M .ll r l.lluKhlin. \1 . W"It ,·rK. E. E. Wi<l "", It . L. \\' ulbinl(', II F W)"~u. E. F Mycn. ~1. E .... Endell. J . F, :llci)un"ld. W . :II. St ..... "rt. ~ !'>. ('un Ie)'. (;. W. fUrr)', II. ll. Tllrlecki, I .. lJ "k~r. ,\ ('\ IItwo r[h )" , T. Pulner . • :. Smith, II A. DUll '" J . II'. "Ip'". t' J. I.yu". /. E. Shadd"x. I). K .. ilh. l'r .. W. \ ' A'lIl!n~, T B. L,n){!!. J W . S"h,,'lIb. H II. Br,l l. J P l'olT. II. II Wu .. uh,·ard. I .. T. ~I""u"n . • :. II . llIair, 1'. n. Frp ·. I. W. ( :.nhlllll. (:. I.. (; ru l'bl'r. E. E. 'hH ller. J. S. 1 ~l'r, \\ F I.an,,,. II A. Sicltlllan . • :. F Su lli 'lln .. 11 E. Fulln. I' II Crill. F. (;, \\,Ih'nb"'l(cr. L. ,\lcl'lImbridl('''' R. lI u!!km)'er, A. J. Kimball. 1'. H. Spurr, I., H. Blu.!nu. T. F. Fer)o:"u .oII . C. D. ~I ""r~, Il. K<'il, A J !\ocb"n. II J . ('ool,n. J E. 1I 0ntmann. F.

Amuu" t 1..25000 1.250.00

150.00 1.250,00 1.260.00 1.2S0,OO I.~r;o.oo 1.2;;0.1)0 1.000.00 1.2:;0.00 1.250,011 1 ..2.~O.4111 1.2:-.0.01' 1.25,fUMI t. ~/j.(HItI

1.:!.'.oO.OU I.:!:;U I~I 1.2;;O.IHI 1,~~U.()+l 1.2!",I) .UI) 1.~ !",(j.00 I.Z,-,o nn 1.2;;OJHI 1.2;-.0.1111 1.2:.f1,110 1..2:,1) IMI 1.:!:,1UI/I 1.2""UHI 1.2,,1) OU 1.2f>O.00 1.2.;O.ljI, 1. ~i)O.fHl 1,2a1LfHl l,~ fiO.fIH 1.2f,O.00 1.2S0.IHI 1.2;.0.(11) 1 .~.;o.IMJ

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(47!!1 (479)

.Hllnl , ( 4111\

1 ;,~I I , (iI!1I ,

S Urnllml'

Wan" .. tt. E. II , Brick er. II . Pr ... cott. E. G. Thom ... E. ('. Mllrlin. W. N. ll urk~l\rdt. C. J . T hollly.on, It. C. Jl IIY. . A. .. .... I.ce. (:. T . ~lllone. II . K Fred ... rick, t:. W. ll oor".f E. Rean. II . J f:'nmln. A. It Oull" ... W . J , ('r ..... rord. C, S. I'h llil'~. II , (' Bunce, 1\. M I'IIyt"n, W. F. C)':'\cld. Po. n . (; rill " rH . G. (; \\" iIRlln. II D. Jen!\ln~,. ". 1I""lI'hl. A . 'k('k{·ry. I.. W. 8urt. E. D. (;r,ol'1. F II 11"mrneutein. \\ J"hn~"n. It. J. (;.,.ken. C. ,I . Itun)""n, \\" . (; .. . Ucrl1cron. I. J, .. . I. inke. II Eo Cll lltzOB. A . 1.1 .,. Bridl1U. A. W. Shnw. X X Fuhnt·r. E J . !in"lIrl. II'. t .. lde,"o ... d. W. 1I ~,1. II Elibill. 1/ A. Fr{'cm~n . • ;. E. I.amberson. J It K"n~M"l". II. Ande, .. on. G, II . Gilcn. " Bennett. II n. I.l'cor"ne. (;. 1.1. !'>mith. 1'. ('unninf;!'hllnl. W. nllmier. H. W. W ill,..d. [., C. ,. \\ ultT, W. F ..... F,nlc)'. F It. lIi KbN!. {' Bro"·ne. C. f .... Tiltu". " t:. nUf'l"llr, I'. ('Iar. A (' Zunker. t:. F ~"tehell. (:. A. !;c"U, !i. A. Thomn8, T . J. Eml'r)'. F. J. Tucker. II' B. lIun,I'),. E. J . Swigllrt, II. E. I.un~, R f llm .. r. (;. J


1.250.00 l.2r,Q.OO 1.2;,0.00 1.250,00 I.~:>O.OO 1,250.00 I,Z50.1I0 1,260M 1.25/).00 1,2.,0 .00 1.2511.1)(1 U:,I),IJO 1.:!liOllIl I.Z:.o.llIl 1.2fit),011 1.2!iI1.1)(1

I~n-'H' I. ~;,O.HI) I.Z:-,O.UU 1,2MIOO 1.2;;O.H U l .zan.1111 1.~!",O.Utl I .Z:iU.11I1 1 .2,;1l.1~' 1.2;.0.111"1 1 .2:'(U~' 1.2~,(I.IMI

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1.:!."O.fHl 1.2.',0.111"1 I. ~'-,O.O() I,U,(UHI 1.250.1111 1 .2"'U~1 I .Z.-.o."O I. Z'-'O IHl 1 .2.~o.n(! 1.250.011 I ,Z;;O .4"11) I .Z511 Oil I .Z:-,O.OII I .Z.;o.11II 1.2.>1) (HI l.2 itO.oo I. ~;>O.OO 1.2:;0.1)(1 1,2:,0 .. ,1) 1.2r,flm) 1.250.00 1.2;ifl.'111 l.nOH.OO 1.2611.00 1./100,00 1.!M1.fHI 1.250.00


I'e".. (fo95) I'tna. C:.95 I Pen •. (595) 1'1.'" •• (&9", l'en5, (595) Pc".. ([)9ri ' I>c"~. (G9!i) i>{'Tl •. (IiOZ) I'enl. (604 ) 1','''8. 1601 . " ... n •. (filii I'<,nl. (fill' I'l'n~, Ili13' l'cn_.llilli' I' ,no. ("33' l'cn_.(6~'" I'{·n~. 1I>51H 1'I'!,o.II;;;I1) I'en •. (I;,.!.) 1'1"1", (IIHI , 1'1'''", (1;1i~ ) I'ell'. (filii;) I'l'n~. (fii.H I'Cnll. (1i1l4 ) I'I'~~. (.U~ ' I'(·no. (7131 I'"nl. (;11'1 I'('n •. (711;1 1'1.''''. (7.1~J I' .. n~. 173~ J I'('na. (7fiU) I'('n"(il;31 !"·IIM. 1770! I'<'II~ 177111 l'('n .,(!lI ~ )

P CM. (1114' I'(n •• (11161 I'elll. (816, I'l·na.I811;) P'·n.. ()I;I1. 1'1.',,11.1$.16' l' .. nl,11I42, I'enl, (1174 ) 1"'n8, (Mil' /'en~. (8961 Pcnl. (11(1111 !'('n.. (9231 Prll8. n(32) l' rll~. (!14\1 ) PrnA. (1'.'>3) 1· ... n8. (~Ii;;' P~II •. (!llJli) 1'"",. (103';, !'l'nM. (1070) I'"n~, (1120) " ""1.(11 41 1 I'~n 1 13151 P ... n •. 113!!2) I'l'n •. ( 14 ~6 1 I'ell ~. (III:!!)) I' cn$, (19841 I'cnt. (2011) I' (,IIS. (:!034)

Surnl m" Ben ed ill, II. P .... Dutton. G. I.. Hendenon. II . C, Sinc\lIir. J. ~I ... Vllldnl"inl~, I, .• , Willi . , I,. t :, Dicken. 11 . IV. Sell.r¥. A . K , • . •• Kolk, W . .... .. . ~I u'k. II EI Ii •• 11 W Wi ndro". F . D, •• P"lml'r. (' 1\ Younl(:. .. L 1I" .... len. \\' 'l:i>;. I) E, X,rholl. II F. RobinlOIi. O. D. Furt)·, ( " 1( . Iluhnlt H, (i. J ~1"'\I1eon . .Jr .. J, P"drick. ~. J. (;arri501l. \1 \\ . Il endtrllln. n, Ih.bern. n T. lI enn;n~. (;. Doucette. J. \\' . K reb~hB.l'h, F (,hllPI'tll. T. L. rJenll'n,n. !-lr .. It FeinbHIt'. S. Schul:tert. I.. I .. Bro .... ", E. ~I W~M. F 1\ . " Iln ])I'}·' 1'. A . Zu.n",,,II. I.. I.. D"n,,<,II. \' II Duudll!. ' I" W ... b~l<'r. \. Abbott. \\ . :. ('he'·itr. II \\ ('nl"'{ord. F J. O ... r"',"cl(·r. \ ('. " "'I'~" II. IT But er. (' II Str ... le. E, M J ... nkin •• J J. Lee. It. t;. Boehm, D. 11' . 1.1I11!:"l'r, A. 0. m illinI(', t· \1 lI ellli"I:"")'. (;. I.. lI oarl'. D. \\ LamberjC:, (. A Lllndreth. 1\ Brll,II<,)". E. II E'· .. n~. H Zl'lIer. M T. )[i tchdl. ~ . T. ('nller, J. II. Corbi", J . N, Dick",.on. II. C .. Lllrge, A. L .....

Amou"t 1.2';(1.00 1,250.00 1.~50.00 1.250.00

1IiO.00 1.250.00 1.250.00 1,2/10,00 I.ZIiO .OO I ,?f.o lin

HiO.fHl 1.2:.0.00 1.21iO.lH' 1.2ijlJ.()(1 1.1:,0.1"111 I.Z;,II.OII I .:!',O.OO 1.2r,O.OIJ

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1,2:,0.1111 1 .~r,U 1)(1 I .~r,() III, 1.2.;0,114'1 1 .2.~O.f>II I. :!;;O.IIII 1,2!",0.11I1 I.:! .-,O.IMI 1,2.\0,110 1.2;;0.00 1.2.-,tl.fHl I .Z;;II.IIII 1.25U.lIII 1.:!r'(UIO 1 .2r~UIII 1.2;,.{J./III 1.2;;0.00 1.2~,o-'HI I,Z:.oIIlJ 1,2M.IM) l ,t50 .()I) I.:! ~I).OQ


--Total Parm .. "l..1 •••.. $a72,730.43

---------------------. \' .'

Brothers, we want you to have your JOURNAL! When you have a change of address, please let us know, 80 sure to Include your old address and ploale don't forget to fill in L. U. and Card No, Thi. information will bo helpful in checking and keeping our rec­ord. straight,

, N .... ME •. ....................................... ,

1 NEW ADDRESS ............... _ .... .. _ ... _ ...................................... , PRESENT lOCAL UNION NO

• III unknown _ the" wi,h I nul




·---1 Z'P C..... I "'--'1

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··· .. ·1 ....... 1

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1 1

Mail to: Circulation Department International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 1200 15th Stleet. N.W., Wasblnrtoll, D. C. 20005


Ah, world, you are a troubled place: I weep lor you! All the chaos, riots, and hating Build up around your molten core, It's Irue! When, oh when, will men III sorrow Turn anew To 10vIOg one another and help to build A better lifer To do God's work, While on this earth we stay? We are meant to serve HlIll 10vll1gly In all our deeds each day, Help us, pLease: We seem to lack the power To break away from Violence and

dissent, W.II pawer-We need .t. Lord, to help us on our way To peace and happiness around the

wortd This New Year's Day.

Eltse M. Newgard Wile of Chellis F. Newgard Local 44 BuUe. Mon tana


I love you in the earty spTlng, When all of hfe seems to awaken ; The flowers bloom. and the birds sing Our beaut llul song of love unspoken.

I love you m the warmth of summer. The wannth I've found m your every

kiss; It·s made my heartbea t stop in wonder That we should share such perfect


I love you In the autumn splendor, When leaves have t urned to COlors gay: You have my heart In sweet surrender, Forever In your care. I pray.

I love you In the winter cold, That wonderland of ice and snow; My love in tender arms enfold. Together aware of thiS treasure we

hold. Stella Giguere Fortier Wife o f Philip J. Fortier Local 226 1 North Berwick. Maine


! doubt if I am apt to see A villain grea ter t han a tree­A t ree which grows in to the line And makes the circuit breakers whlOe,

An icy monster, arms outspread, Who routs us from our cozy bed; An owner's tree we cannot tTlm­We know of several names for hllll; A lIee which chafes the service wife. And fills the n'ght Wi th 11Isslng tlfes, A tree which drops lis leaves to rake, When we might picnic by the lake. When hfe's full drama has been played. They lay us down beneath Its shade, Where. 10 that dark. root tangled place. They get Ihe last poke at OUI face.

D. A. Hoover Local 1306 Decatur. illinois


The sky IS filled With snowflakes That fall without a sound; The earth IS wrapped In whltene.s. As the snow falls upon the ground. The mountains are filled With ma'esty: Their heads are crowned With while: The plains and tundra, drab and gray, Are soon ht up bright. The earth is all covered With snow; What a peaceful place to be. While snow. when you melt away. Please, won't you leave your serenity?

Some live it: Some give it.

V,ckre Hansen Wrle of Dalyf Hansen Local 1547 Anchorage, Alash


Some throw it away. Some take it as it IS; Some make It what It IS. Others enJoy It as It IS each day. That's life.

Pete Cole Local 357 Las Vegas. Nevada


Upon the walls 01 our memOlles, TI me---crysta IIlzed In snowflake shapes And rainbow colors, Securely attached Unltl JOlted and shattered By events; Then, dissolved away By the waters of time, Only to grow ag8m.

Arlene Beckels Daughter at John Beckers Local 25 Long Isfand, New York


Concern cannot enter l i S gates, Nor can Pity turn ItS latches.

Mercy flees from Its doorsteps crymg, Ane! charity win not dille at Its table.

For, greed blows out the lamp of truth To keep conscience chamed in


It freezes the heart Into ice, And love choke:; on Its blUer dust.

Beauty cannot walk beSide It. Nor can kindness hold ItS hand.

Blmd and Sick m the street 01 sorrows, Greed SitS alone and counts its com

Kltfy Yeager Wife of J. B. Yeager Local 647 Little Rock, Arkansas


Trees and flowers. vines and shrubs, Are Nature's way of showmg love. To those who walk on lulls and fields. At times, these th mgs look very unreal.

Crocuses on a spring· like day Lift thelf heads while children play; Daffodils sway III the breeze; Buds begm to grow on trees.

Animals also are a part Of nature's very generous heart. She wants to share her precIous

t reasures To give us all a lot of pleasures.

Gwendolille Andrisani Wife 01 Pat Andris3ni Local 2230 Patchogue, L.I .• New York

Frostbite, un like most injuries, can cause tragic loss of fingers, toes, and even entire limbs, before its victim becomes aware of any threat. An intense "biting" discomfort and a following loss of sensation and an odd stiffness are the earliest symptoms of frostbite. The affected area may turn glossy white or grayish-yellow. Frostbite, if recognized quickly and given the modern treatment of gradual rewarming in lukewarm water, may do no serious harm. However, severe frostbite requires immediate professional medical attention by doctors in a hospital.