"^ w n n t d a varna coup by russians as pictured


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■ ' ’ AltrJ

U "^ w n n t d U S T t M i n.1, 1 . -..y; I'i.'iS

If n * B m w i w imIt B m A T ?, UU, N E W A R K . N . J „ W E D N E S D A Y . D E C E U B E B 2 2 . 1 9 1 5 .-T W E N T Y -E 1 G H T F A D E S . T W O C E N T a


U k m r f F n t M i c U n i T i i l C ilM ifit AIm L ain C aant-

l a a i f Q M M n iF p t t X O ff a n PU N I IkV.I N



Iw m M tb a l Hr, Dm >% BMlm laBaM I fer MWi m w • ( i M tb A «nrl«t— IMattV* «• IvIm Um • f P n M M 4 c a a p Wl»-t<—<« l*M W T» af ■■■!■— —Maya* R ajrttaal M a r ' SaccaM Mia.

Jatin CatU n D a ta and C h arlu Bra4< lay, arhoa« In ta m t i aa m im tnra a( tha mAwrlal bu ltd ln t comrnlUaa a t th i C aam lltM or Ona Handrad, ar*- T aa|ln |r tha oaUbralton of Nawark'a 2Mlh taa lv araarr, hava baan ragaidad

,a a maluat tn all Ihlapa. h a ta raatcaad tiMa tha eommlltaa. At tha lajna lima Mr. Dana atvcrad h it ralatlont with tho OMamlttaa of Ooa Hundrat Itaalt bad a lto a t a m tm brr of tba City Maa CMninlaaieii.

ta tha inaaa ttw a othar Tftmbara «f tba maa|orlal bulldlnp commlttat, la- o lad la i form at oovem or Mnrphr and Vial H. HcCartar, ara aadtaaortng la ptavall bpon Mayor Raymond to taka tha Mm * w ida vaoant by Hr, Dana ahoain tiM Common Connell n(roa to, tba anbatilullon. Thin auh>act w at dlt* cMtad in a oenfaranea la tha Mayor'a oMot tiMay btti»Mn (ba Mayor, Hr. Har- Mr. H o ^ rta r, t ^ a U a n W. iWcantpan and a u Clark AlaxM dar ArohlbaM. who la tonorary aacratary of tha Com- mHiaa Oaa Htfndrod. Tba bnlldlna CBMhiltiaa, arhila a aub-commlttaa o( tha laa li oommUlaa, la alto an adrliory ta tba Commof Council, and aa such ta iiaaiad by f to aldaHnaa.

Tho r a a ia n i^ n a t Hr. Dana from tha mamaiinl naf|iUn( eoramlttaa had aat baan racalvad by tha city e ltrh a t a lada h h ir thla attam eon, acoerdlaa to tlw aMWrtlah of' My, Archibald bimialt, hot Hr. D ^ a , In raaponaa to a a lb'


U iw im iy In iib g (S n i R in ik hy Smm h f t n , Esphin Jir-

Njr U w ytr, fiuy C nst.DBOKR BOUtS NATIOrS ATTENIfONTMa Maaaaao tba V in t Rtpaata RIahtrr

aa W ianall Waaod Intaapaatattaa an tba OMba#iw that Man bonk la. Ab- thaopk botbatllnlltaly Hatad Ita Fit* Hlafc Rtntidantlal a r Otbarartao. Waa

Ara Elafad.


oulry fynm th a Ntwa. lald fea had lant tha lattar I t tha alty hall by a a n a ' aan ao r..

Whan l^ t rtalanatlott from tha City Vlaa C ^inlu lO D and tho Commlttat af Ona Hundrod wara f l r tn out today. Hr. p ay ^w M aakod If h t Intandad alto

from tha mamorlal butldlna At f lr tt h t w u noD-eom'

I t l a t i r adm itttd that h t had t h it raatgnatlon today aa a af tha building committaa. Oaioa la f nalMtnm at.

Ai M th t raaaom trhleh pimnptad Matarg. Dana and Bradley to aavtr tb tlr relalleni with th t bnlldlng oom- m M ttt th v a t i nothing hot oonjacturt. In h li cotniauatantlon to Hr. Amhl' bald, trttlch la to h t forwarded ta th t Cammoa Counoll to n ig h t Mr. Bradley garvo iw explanation of hi* acticm. Hr. Dana, howavtr. In h li la tte r to tormar Uoternar Mnrpliy aa chairman of tho gw aral comialHot, gmoa ta hla ana p re a tu m da a tltte datlaa.

ffha aonlaotira daalt prinelpallr w ith the datarmlnatVai a t Hr. Dana to ratira tddm tha manwittBl building oom- mUUak, According to report bo l i dlt- OaUtflod With tho alto unocttd by tho oaainilttoo at Camp and Bmad itroou- It .Ii fn rth tr raportad th a t aa an ax- part th muMuni worh ha pluad hla Jndgmant »< to tha alta agalaat that af a faaJarlty af tha oammiUta, who fait tbay w tra battar qualified to dtclda upon the future and probable den lop- ment of tha d tp . -

Tha eoarta af H taam Dana lad Bradfty, tt I t dtelarad, did not eaait M any great aurprU t to tha ether mem- b a n a t tba building eommlttea. There waa not eren a hint of the allaatlon g lrea a t a meeting of tha geaegal com- m tltaa la the Board of Worke roam* at (Ha city hall thla morning, but Inuae- dHialy a lta r tha aaoaioa th tra wa* the oaaftranee with the Mayor.

th e Tleara of the executive wlUl r l- latloit to the Ate, aa ho axpreaee* them on eighing the rteolailon of tha SHm- nioa Coaacll approving tho aclawlon. Irapraaaad the romaluing membbn of tha building dommtttaa with ina Idaa th a t tba Mayor Wnmalf m ight make a gaod member of the commlttpa.

IB h li roaignatlon ta Hayqt Raymond from tha O ty Plan Commlealan Mr. Dana aat forth atm llar reaflona ta thoao whtdi ware contained In'W a latter la t ^ i r m a a Murphy of tan calabratlon committaa, .


M c k . I & . if NewT«k K l 197.533 fir $500.^

M O r n t b o e .

BHtt Carveipgedaacr.n w YORK. Doc. n . —Rlrhard V.

Ukdabary, who waa ona of tha gaaala a t tha Oary dinner to Thaodoro Rooca> volt laat P rldar. dofinad vary poelilvaly today hla a ttitude toward Proaldont Wllaoa. Ho la for him, net agalnat hint

A let of unw arranted meaning la balag deduced by certain newepaparg Hr. Undabury aald, from a ona-word raply made by him Monday to a rbanoa query put by ona of a group of ro- M rU ra In tha K idsral building In Now York,

Hr. Undabury'a veralon of the ocour- renoe waa given to the Newa reportar In tha PPdoral building hare. He aald that whan laavlag tha court room, where tho New Haven lu lt la being tried before Judge Hunt, ba ansauntcr- ed a grang of raportara In tha corridor, one of whom aakad: "Are you going lata tha bualnaaa of Preeldant-making a g a ln f To thta query Mr, Undabury aaya hla ra|olnd«r, laughingly given,

la “Haverr'T had no thought," Hr. Undabury

wagt on to o i Plata, ‘th a t that would bo taken aa a repodlallon of the Preel- den t I didn't th ink It would ^ under- iteod th a t way. Aa a m atter of fact," he added, by way of further correc­tion, "I am tor Proaldent Wllaon—not appoaod to him."

HaklBg Capital ta r Demirrata, Pnm Me gMAlnpleo gareaa ef Me g r i g .

m a .VgWgWASHINOTON, Doc. l l . —DItcufalon,

•ettona and frtvolooa. over the Oary din' ■nr to Colonel Rooaevell. la traveling along OB tha high gear. No matter what the actual purpoaea or eignlflnnce of the affair wae. It haa c o m to aaaunn aa Im- portaaca nationally that a t the preaeal moment overahadowa every other quee- tloB of political Importaace.

While, a* elated In theae columaa yoa- terday on authoritative lafonnatlon. Ihero waa BO dtacaaalon of pollUca, PrealdoBtlal or oiherwlae, tha Oenoocrata are elatad over the tdeatlfylag of Colonel Rooaevalt on the eva of tho 1111 campaign, with the

WOttUI B U D n AnUURCE, n r a n B H iB r iH iT O

Agalaat ihq oivioa of Dr. A. Jullua flordiB. ambulanee eargana, a waman em p l^aa ta a fectavp a t l i t Ogden • treat thla m aralng rafnaad ta be lahea la tha C ity Hacpllgl wbda mhea til a t work. Laaa than two mlautea later aa auto trunk ermahad law tka.A de of tha am kttlanc, atU ntartag tka alda panela n aar wbera tha patlaat would liava baeu lying. Tha phratA in and ohaatfaur aaaaped Inlary.

Tha aioholance waa bAM drtvaa awith In Plana airaal by tha chaanaur. Barnard Brady. At tba eama NnN a truck driven ky Alfred C. OlheoB. colored, and balong- Ing to tha Wadewonh Canty Company of BIT Jolltff aveniio, i ta r la l to eroea Ptane Areal a t Larkawagna gvanua. Olheou appaaiad to becoma raafuaed when he heard the idraB homr of tha ambulance, and hla auto atruck tho alda af the lighter vehicle. The- ambulance p a t ih iw n to one aide, but did not ovaittan. U waa able to proceed under Ita aam power.


tir itie i N n r S c e iM f N v d m i i C d tr Crtf i.

R io n v E THOuorr not fan off

to A 44 to OCito*4by rowwty Iwv Caplaie't>4leacTlpHva Otrootaia' Betug Olairtbalad Baai •aat bM Waralaga af Marbarlag Fugltlva Met teratad- krw Ptevtaa of Man Havtag Bern Pewa Crop Vg.

I 37.8S0

“inaleractora af grant w ealtt." Tbaf hava had no oompuDctlen la poa|«rliig and •preadlBff tha tlrat ImpreaMeu that tho ob- Kot of Uw dlnaer was to eoaatlluU Cole- net Rooaavoll aa tba leader of the "asy- thlog-to-beat-Wllaon’’ awrement.

It la the belief of tbo adailnlatrBtleB circle that the ooleDOl, aotwIlhaUbdlng diaclalmari ho haa made through trlanda la a caredldata for tba RepubUcan nmataa- tlon and ta martly waiting for .tha pro- varblal Aioka of Hghlalng to atrlba.' And, •ay the adntlBlatratlcia apekeenian. noth- iBi would pleaee them better then to have Hr. Roneevalt aa the nouriaee. with tba baddna of auch wealth aa waa arrayed arnuad tbe beard at Judge Oary'* bonea Priday aW it laat. I t la avowed that an-

t r t h m etreametaneea Hr. Wilaea otould .ve, alagla-balldad. no trauMe tn dlapo*-

lag of tbe cowael.Tba frWkda a t Judge Oary who have

nadartakan pttvataly la eavract the ho- nremloB th a t tha affair waa a Balehai- ■apg Haat. ata axpaMaatug dlftlmrttr la M a M M Igipwaalnm Tht* haqgum tin t raporta In tka iMWapapttg HghUv or wrotvly. placod ga tglawmkiUek • • the gatbariiw that haa auak Ig.

M ftoMtlMl U M oYat thoaa who h a a * Judge Oary and

know aoBMthing aboat the coavloUoaa of the man Invited to meet the coloaA believe without raaervallon that It would hava boon abaurd to *tart any­thing of a polllica! raovamont In that gathering. Aalda from the belief that the colonel's owi* political ■agaolly would prevent anything of Ihte sort, there la the fact th a t ih rra ware men In the aaaemhiaga who, whila willing to meat tho oolonel In a aoclal way, would navrr travel with him polit­ically. •

A Waahlngtoo man who well knows tha ways of Judgs Oary aald today tha dlaner waa wholly a m nlfaata tloa of Judge O arya poaohant to r giving din- aor* to raaioua paraoualltlia and n t - tlng a company a t hla croalaa around ta anjay the M g-w tgg praaattoe.

• t t reMilnda ma." aaff t tU ahaarvfg, 1»f tb« haWt a f aomq a r aidr aaplgty damp* la gtviBg taag aiA r*o*gtlaga for tha opera alagerd and th e tango daaoara Tha polonal lo a p o l i t i c'^(Cmmaaad an Id gagh «tb celum air


gaarehlng part lea eeeklng Antonia Ptdariol, tho fugitive alayar of two pa- lleanien. are now eenlorlng their tivltloe In WoBtem Eaeex, parttcalarlp naar the locality In Cedar Orove Taw» ahlp where tbo motdere oeeurrod last Saturday m ernlag. ReporU awde to the au thorities of the man's poatlbla whereabouta near the Cedar Qraoe boarding house where tbe tugltlvi •pent three months, lad la the aendlag •u t of tw a aqaada af poUoamea morning.

Tha grand Jury wilt meet this after­noon and tt la aapected that two mur­der com p lain ts agalnet rederlel, awora to by Chief Walmar of tbe proarcutor'e staff, w ill be taken up. Thie wae tha rumor e n m a t a t the court house to day. Two eomplalnta for alleged har­boring of th e fugitive by Mr. and H ra Vlaoaaso Fugaro, wbo condueled the Cadar Grove boarding boueo, hava been w ithdraw n by .Asalatant Proaacutor U ett a fte r hearing Ihelr elatements and m aking an Inveallgallon of etaiies told by tho couple. Tbe murder com- plalnta were made before Justice of the Peace Franole W. Smith a t the court house. ■***

Lagi lAquorl and Vlnrento Fuearo, the la tte r a nephew of tho board!


OfficU Ni pn iiir i f«r h e tim F li Rcfirt wilk C urt

M U H lC V j*

U A B U m S ARE AMWT 11.311,000An appraisal af tho Nawark Dally

Advertlaar Pabllshliig Company waa filed In tba Court of ChAaodry at Trea- lea thla aflam aoa and plAcaa a total valae of tlU < tU .(l an tha assets of Iba coacara, wrklch awag tha Nawark Bvealng g tar and Mawark Bagle- The appraisal waa filed hqr the Fldgllly Trust Company AS raoelvar,

T h o » m aktag tha apgrataal wara lAiula Hanneok, bualpaaa makagor of the ganday Cktl, and Harry M. Frland, general aianager a f tka Hagai Prree and a former aew ipager publlekar. Al- legother the appralagi was ona of tka moat voluadaoua avar tiled with tha Chancary Court s a d gooo lato great delall.

That total, aoeording to tha ap prilesl which covert It* cloaaly typewritten pagea la mgdo up of tha faHowtag gen­eral liema:

Fatal af laaetaTotal value of aquipmant. 11)1,011.11;

marchandlaa aa hand, 11,100.20; metal aa hand, lAOfO; furaltura. ate. (la branch otfloaa a t Orange and Mont­clair), 1120; advortliing tlgaa, t i t . bound file* lla Star atfleo), BIBO; mla- collaptoue atoek, l l l f ; prdmlum aup- pltea. lAOOO; unaxpirad conlracta, ilB.OaO; Aaaeeialad Froaa and Unitad Preaa tranchla.^ ' |44,0M; circulation. lU.OOt; book aoeauatu loa <4 Novam- bar n , I t l t , a fte r allowing lo r dopro- elation). tll.B40.TI; goad will.

la a recapltulatlan of tbo aodauat* reoolvable the la t i l aa a t Navambar tT, without deprocdalien, lo plhoad at t lt .2 tt .H , whlMi aum daaa net Igaludo tha "euapenao aoeouat'* of IT ,<ll.tl, most of tha llem i la which ara ragardad aa of little value aa aaaala

According to tha list of erodlloiu. upon which nearly 'tod nsniat apgadr, the targaat claimant la J. IL Halaay A gmitb, to which ooooora l l . l tA ltd la

,aald to bo dua Tho aoxt largoat creditor la tha ManufsetBrera' Paper Contpany of New Tork City, from which

lUBMY SV aSD S lOMIO,M M T U B U K ’S n o o n

----- --LONDON, D aa t t .—U eutaaaat Oca-

seal Sir Archibald H uiray has been appolntad ta auooead t t r Charteo HoUro, as BHIIah oansaiander a t tha Dardt- aetlea, aayi aa affletal atalam eat laiued this afum oaw,

i t r Charlag M aara haa baan appolnlad' In cammand af tha F irst British Army In Franca, In aneeaaaloa to Sir DouglasHaig.

Qanaral H urray was chlaf of the Imperial Staff a t London until a tow days asm Premier Asquith announced yesterday that ha had been Bocceedad by U eulanaat Oaneral Rabarison, chief of tbe ganaral a u t t la tba field, and that ba waa ta reeatva an Important j oemmand. Tbo laadarahip of the First ' Britlab Army waa made vacant by the I ro mot loo of Oeasral Haig to be tho



W « T w m i f I 4 k e r A t e u e i if Baby l iy Itew Have


Two beuri' thought last night by twelve men made poaelMe tbe beat Chririmax ever In tba Uvea of tow-hoaded twine. Ihiea-yaar-otd bays. Tha man cumprieol a Jury that aat Hra, Biall Jaaean. the hoya' motbar. free on a charge of mur- der. i

Tko crime charged agglaal Ura. Joaaeii 1 retted oa the death of a baby Iwra to her AufUOl 0 at her borne, 10 Dawlon ftnet. Bollarille. The pbyelelane called uiwn I to iaveattgate the case said tlw baby had been etraaglad. The roolhtr has spent the tael fnur munlha la JaU.

The Jury reported about 0 o'cloi-k that K h td reached a eeaclualon, but hoforo Judge Harry V. Oeborna, Judge of tho Ojwr gad Termlaer Court, where the Uiel WBi beld, oould be reacbed. tbrre were slaty ndaulea mors of auapeaee Mr. Jeneen, tbe huaband. sat waiting with the two hove. 'The Mttia fellowe were ver.v quiet end enmber. ae that It alrauet


V I Q M l i A I I D SText if HejMtor te Y m u W Ut

N )iic -4 )rifiiil R efm ti Are Rnteritid.


United States D ed iies lo D ncatt O ^ r TestineDy T h ii tkat Of-

fered by A is t r iu A d n n h y .NO DEBATE-ON HUMANE PRWCUIIS

POINTS IN NEW NOTEHold* AiHirlin Adminlty re-

iponxibtc tef tinb'tii of Ancona ind deatht of Amcrlcgn*.

Btiei CAM on AuiUia'* own story of the lorpcdoint of lh« Ancona.

Refuse* to dl*cui* tetlimony 1* to dcidlls of trdudy.

Declares culpability of sub­marine commander It cletfly eiiablished.

Decline* to debate the Initf- niHontl law or to discuss prls- ciplet of human Ify “wilfully violited.”

Renews demands ttrasep madt for disavowii of set, ggplsh- ment of tubnurlnc commtgder ind indemnity for detllH of Americtna


■ ' f

B M i g i n u B l t d S e i h K i

G i p t v e i L i i I n

H e a r t .

C A B L E S U N C O N F I R M E I ^

C a r R e n t e d te H ive h flic t id D*> f e l t e i H i t o i t o i Beiides


The London report th a t th* Bulgarian Black g*a port of Varna had beta taken by th* Russian* la atlll uhaetiflrtaad. hut It naa vauaed saoltement In th* British capital, a* Indloatlag the begin­ning or tbe long loohvd for offensive by th* I t e r against B ulgaria

Thvre hss been no official announte- ineni on tho aubjoct, tha Inforiasllon rrsching London coming In prtag meg- ■agea filed one day s f is r the repotla lelliug of the bombardtasnt of Ihs Bid- ta rlsn city by Rasalaa emrahlps eseori- Ing trsn sp o rta

Rrllleb reintoroamcnia see reechlag Keloiilkl, •ci.'ording to Rerlta Trosgs have bcwa moveil from ths Aegean iNlands

eAtiMra «hlt« pftp*r for {

_____ Mf*house keeper, who hsd been held alnr* Saturday by the Haat Orange authori­ties a s m aterial witneesea have been released on ball. Liquorl snpplled bonds of tl.SM last night, while l i t* hall w as furnished a t noon today by young liusara.

Bailor th a t Fodertid did get travel fa r tram Codar Grevo a tta r tbo gtag- lag of Dotaativea Robert Rhanapa af East Oraaga aad WlUlam F. Bterla a t Blooiatleld la strengthened la lb* apla- lea a f tbe autbnriiles by tha tlaU agyeaterday aftam eea ef a P*lr * t ha had aew ly golad reeently; iM ited by Chief WlUiem fc « t

O raage la a elaaet of tha baard- Ing house. OUST petaone U vlig a t tbs Maoe sold orMetli tk a t lb* iBasa t o - sridi were la tu rd ay wsre la bad SbAga

fCoatlaucd OB bd page. Id oaluiaa,)'

th* printing of the Bagl* and Htsr. T b it corporailoo bee two claim* agsiBsl th* publishing company—on* for M.fST.St and th* othor for Itl.U M *. n total of Ise.SST.AB. Th* Horgon- thalor Llaotyp* Company I* anothor largo creditor with oa* elaira of II.SM and another of tl. t ll .lS . ’

To James Smith Jr. th* srbeduls ■hows that tll.M * Is due, end Georg* D. Bmlth, the editor of th* newspepern, has a rlsiht wgstnst the companir for

for money advanced, sad lo Henry J. Auth, buitacsi manager of the publlmtioqe, ISIS I* due on s loan thel he nude. i.Hher largo credltore sie : Public Service Corporellon, 11.112.2* for light, heat end power; Western Union Telegraph Companf. tl,0M.20; New York Telephone Compasy, Jl.lAl.**; S*- bring Pottery Compqny. Ssbrtag, O., Bk*Tt.t* for premluihi, and etat* of New Jersey, Bl>t<>* for U xea The total debts are ehown to bs 11,211,ItB.lf.

At the otncea of the Fldollty i t Was eiplaliMd today by LoMi HeOl, the comsaay’s general counssL th a t Ukdfr th* pnbltabed advertlsemdat credHers • f th* publlxbtnf oompaay wRI ha*a natll January I f aext te flie greofe ef their elglms with th* inset earn- peay la Its nepanlty ss reasivsr. Blew aoen after th a t dal* fo rlhsr aottea will be Igben by th s reosiver le a atatler th a t has a to yet ~be*g deftattoly da- tormlseb. bh t Mr. Heed d * « l ^ work will be carried forward aa podltloutly as pqsgible.

waiting in tbe shadow of dsaih.o f those to whom th* Jury's finding

iiieenl much, however, there seenivtl none more tons* th e n 'e grsy-halred. elderly man. When th* Jury repurtsd Its vsidlri. hs rose from hie **•(. hie fesiu r.* working. Ho sank beck for s momeiU, seemingly exhsusied, then left fh* courtroom hurriedly.

'Two fteye ago, when th* ateta's case egalnsi Mrs. Jenson had been preaented, the man, recogntied latar aa John Nor, ris of South Grove street. Irvliiglon. remarked to a stranger whom he met

W.tSHlNllTON. Dec. 2*.—The United Steles' rejoinder to Austria In ths An­cona ease, urion the rc iy to ehhh dv- psiiile whether dlpUim.itlc telHtlons be-

' IWfeen the two rouniriss will conllnue. mua mad* public today. Ths nsw note, although briof and friendly In tone,

I calla upon Aualrla-Ilungary to coiniiiy with denianda already made, end bases the Dual Monerchy'e respnnslblllly for

{ tha deeth of Amerirsn* upon the ad- t milted slalem enis of the Anilritn Ad­

miralty.j In renewing II* demands tor lb* dis­

avowal of th* slnklQg of th* vosatl. I pnnlshmeni of the auhnwrlne cont-


O pera lM C o to ided te l i f t Ite- pTHM^ SkiB, b i t EtkerU

E ffccti Prove Fita).


iind IndfRinJty Am^rlcaiilivM, th« t-nH*4 Btotoi dccUoto to 4 li“

Ihe covrt room: "*Oh, I iUM« ;«b«'ll toll* tell rifflil." Hli Kl iti9 horror hi* rem«rk brou(hl to ^thte «tton(ter'• fteo* tiirnto to coru'orn k ! oth^r ttetetlmonjr thten thtel, « rmomtiat lal«r wh#n h« waa Informed ihtei thte man to whom had apoteen

to -

lie agio uadiMSHIFA OSO-bo oeW A t.

______ uadsr tbo dlroetloa i n i eshteolof tbe Court of Cbonoery, but Jest when that sal* wlU ba hold Mr. Hood doclarod ■hat he waq aol a i peooeat gropacod to say. Ho did osy, bowovor, that dus no-

was tho woman's husband.Yesterday Mr. Norris again sal '

through the trlsl, and walled for the vordtel. 11* did not spesk to Mr. Jen­son, so far ss could bs learned, but his dem seasr shewed the effect of the tugpono* under whloh he labored. To muTt sttsches he confided thst he felt keenly tk a gain th a t h* hsd unwil­lingly browgbt through Ms rssual re- msvh, on anothor whoso burden il- ready was g re a t ~ ’

The defense, ss presented by H ra Jensen's attorney, Jacob 1- Hawmsn, wag that fb t baby had bsen born with­out Biadlsal attondanee, and that Ite death reaultod when Hra. Janaan lapaad Into uneonacleuanesa Tha uaaa for the s ts ta w at p raa th ta t by Raeotid Aaaittabt Proaoeqtoe Andrew Van Blsreom.

Uc* of th* tIRW tad will b* publlehad

gtac* of th* sale

WklH tba cansgalttoa of Oa* Hundrod today FM hgFftvtng tha tMoctiaa *i th* Broad on# Catgp strosto HU for th* lo- catlog M th* Usmorial BaUdlgg at W oMm laRxy Ih* Beard o( Waihs ikoai f f the city halt, CUy CoatroUer Tyior fgn iiiy sold tha f in t laotalgMiit of t u g ^ of tha Issus a t Hs-movla) BuMlag bead* to Ramlck, Hadges A Co., M Mow Task a t a rat* ef IBY.Bn.

Thar* w«i« ofavan hkldan. T han will ho a ' joaoUiw tonight of th* CoaMaoa (Mundl to tatify tha aal*.

Tha other Udders and tlid r bids fellows Katabraok A Co.. Nsw Tork. lOT.tt; J.

g, fapgd A <*o„ twa elty, IM.BC Fldsllty Ttmtt Co„ 10t.IT; Nornblowor A Wssks, BostoH A. B. Lsaob A Co., MewYork, t t f JT t; J. ■. Baeka A Oo. Nsw Toth. IM .H I: Harris, Forbas A Oo„Mso Toth, iBT.ygt: yhdsrat T rutt Caaqwky, jBt; Baasv County NaUoaol Baah, 1*1; Goorgo B. Qtbboua A O s, Naw York, }(g.fi.

Tho boltdi a r t f t ,*4* e o u ra beaiiag cartHIgtto*; datod Novamkor I. I t t l , and ■ayibi* Novotobor 1, 1141. Tboy .bsar. tm r and nno-lialf par coat lalsioaL g a y aV t goBd-aanutllF.

Tho kaoUen to approva tho sMo hi tho C^BiintUto of One Hundred was mad* by Dt. loaagh Ku*<iy. It WM that th* (oaimHlsa apptovo tho aollen ot tho sab-

|tqa OB atsinorlat buIHlag In the . . i n af (h* Broad and Camp ttrssta

._ .f* r lh* tocatK* irf so rt a hoUdIW. I t W*ai oaaalatously sdoptsd. Tke awei- U« w aohsid ta III* Btoard of Works room

1 a t tho d tp haU. . Foriaor Oovamsf t-yaDbltn Hnrphy, chalnaaa, praMM-

Dt. Knoap’o a>«*»Wt wag mada aftto tMaadlag o f ^ iRcratacy'g wpert ^ »Mt

AMairttio of tho »*■*<<=“Hh Chatnaan. wa hava xH h w ^

tsNPtod duiihg tho gaot month In ^ Sklqlagt* o n i l r q i M that hava bswi di; rOciad U alnat tbo aelioB of t*o memorisl bdiidigg i.smadstoi in lu '*«**«, ‘•Hs ^ thla waadarful wiitlioontal af NawiaA'a progtoga _ ^

"Wh ara aU kwara of tho lh « whengfgr m tiu la a hwgo oxgonditw* d pubMo foa ta a»4imgTovsnwrt ig joontomplaWd. thototogj* natntdRy ba aaggg wbo afo mamad to ShwrrM a id U a tamm with what psara to ib*m to ho r t Host on eitor at ladgawnt-

____ __________wo k n o i tho" aharaetor of tho Wha sowpoao H ai>d th? t't"* orgy that thoy hava alregdy dovo t^

, W «MI prajaei. and whila It i w ba nootgaary, I « a v a pan. sir* cgaualttaa aa * whato poneur In and

D inctors T ite te E itik fak S m i P t e C n t B u b t t 525,000,000

G ff ib l Steck.

TO DBTUIDTE 1 34 ROAHEILTBtoad upon a grant growth ot lacetn*

duNag tha laat year tha board of dlrsc- leva af tho PuMlo •srrloo Corporatton ha* voud to tacnao* th* yanity dividond rata on Ht stock from six ip sovon p#» cant This dodsloa waa nmd* ooaersts whoa tha fureelnra adopt** a roosIntlOB yoatoaday aftorpeon d tcliriag a dividood of oa* an* throo-quartoTS par «**d. for th* praaoBl qtiartor, oadtag Docoaabor It.

Aa th* capital atoefc ot tha eoTpavatlua I* |tL**d.PM. tha dlvMciUI wttT lasaa tbo dtotrlhottoa a t fdBT.IgP tor tbo now foar Inglaad ot th* t ) T I ,m apparttonod sack thro* Mouth* ainc* tha bagtoniag of t tU . Th* ogataoBF paid four per cent animal dtndon** frem Jana **. IH f. natB J«M PL I t t l , and a t tha rata a( fiv* per oaat. tN in Bspuatoeg IP, IBM. naffi Daoemhor 11. 1111.

Jattlffoatlon fo r tho inoraasa In tha

v vew w

aruM littod with tb* eaoap-‘ rJ S n S ^ th a t e««lttgx:

•fbenilnwad on i t h B y . w rotumg.)

W i r a B sp liam nL Hm. Hash** n w X— fto haatsiaah dtpawa.

dlMdond l i Indlontad la tha stxtamenta of buHaooa dnriag Movasher loot, and daring tba olevan awath* ondlag with November. Th* Novombor grog* bu*l- aoia ghbwxd a total Igeroaa* of IBIT.ft4.1T, o r ton and otM-tonth par een t O ariav tn* flrat,*l*v«n moatb* of tbo proaont yoar thaMfua* total bugl' noaa wa* anlargod tU l tA f C l t oval a * aaam porlod o f IP tf, tbo ratio of laer ixg* boing 4.41 par oant,

A ttsr th* paygaOBi ot oporatlag *>• poBSO*. tixad ohargeo; ainking tand ro- gntromonta and tk a Uk*. theta wa* x todanxa avxHxbl* from tbo Navambar earalMM Ms', xm arttoatioa dividond* and surplus am euntlag to liTT.iss.Tf, th * lasf sao* la aurplax avallabl* for dividsadd w t t a m aath of 1*14 w as tH .Tlf.4l.

F a r th s slovan otoMka' period tho uportlsaUen, divtdsnd and surplut kal- !^ B v a i)* b l* to ta l* d tl.4 T L iH .tf , Tk* lacroao* la th* surplus a^ l a b l o tor dividsiidx up to tha oad of NovMitosr waa fllt,t44-4t.

Ig plaeing th* corparatlog upon th* aM tn per oen l baata th* dirostoro actod. aeoordlag to a statem eat gluon M i t« # e y ,-> f te r It wax ahowa that tho omauato X*t aoMa to r an to rtte tian

^ r y llbacal. bad lb* ourptaa ae- rauat waa In a u*ry aatlafartory *M- dltlon."

apiMa and LIdtw ti fto CkriaiiMa.

A dapreoahm la tha Msull ef nino-year- eld Edward Aeott, oolond. of 111 natsox avenu* araa driving th* boy blind and probably Would hava reaultod In inntnity, •c last night an oporatton was performed an him at tha City Hospital. Bacausa ef the tyaipbatlo condition of th* hoy's body, th* adminlatratloB of othor Mllad him, th* C h iu expiring Juot as th* sorgaen fln- Wted tba work which might hav* mad* Edward a » r m a l boy again,

Tba dainwaston la lb* boy'i ehutl bad bean caoaod by a fall, and It waa oiihr after having been threatonod with arroet that his nutitwr, Hra. Bohatt Rcott had consented io the operatlo*.

One day last Augusl Edward tell while (daylag, and struck Ua head against a stoD*. Ha cams hota* that day la a daxMl eondttlon. Ha had difficulty In aaipng. but after a whila th* dlxNseaa and atupor lafi him and excapt far the trouble lo hla eyes bs appereRUy was Pttls the- worse tor his btnap. But Ms oye* «OR* tfnucd te tronbi* Mm, and tnatead af get­ting batter, acemed to grow won*.

Before the acrMeat Edward ams a aor- mal, rollicking boy. but as the months PMMd he grew xtoiM and uanbla toYe- rwmber th s gimpisst thlaga Ms awther told him. Hs gttendad the Csntrsl Ava- Bua gehool. and aa hit mamory drew worse and his evea baeams washer, ha at- tfgAod Iho attention ot the Mbaol nura*. gh* advised that he bs trsxtsd.

■o h it mother took Mm to tha City Hbopitai. Thor* ib* wat told that her bay was Boftortag toom a dsprsaalon o t th* aBtuli, which had tonnsd a idiR on Jilx bralB. TW* d o t waa driving her boy blind, they told bay. and prtftoMy would a ak * him iaaan* la to* very naar tutui*. To laUave him It would naceaaary t* op- ataba toay aald.

Sr bool Rasa* Aalad,But Hr*, dcotl ratussd te M Iham us*

Ih* knife. Bhe took Edward ham* aad •aat him to t c h ^ again. Th* .taasher* aad the nura# watolwd him draw wort* a tch surceediii* day. .m m <N,^imr** went to Hr*, le a n aad told bar that ano M ra tic n waa KdEdn'l want to 5 * her be* blind xM hope- l«Md, Insane. H ra dtott ww obdurato; idw Md a horrav of opm tleea.

I ^ n w h ilo Edward waa lu t in g « g h t aaarty gaa*. alotoA lo-

JI5Ii!r*nt la M* talk, hi* c m t o l ^ wa* Bltlable- The aura* want lo tbo Chll- giwn't Aid and Bootaty far tba Prsvan- tion o t Urualty t* Chlldron la Mutharry sS S .^ and tMd Ih* odn#l*l* toar* allabout the caa*. ** H*l*«*r,aupartnlendont a f th* fotlaty, taa l dn* of " l a aide* ‘X acoompani th* nura* hack to Ih* Hcott horn*.

"hev aakod Mr*. Bcatt to 1*1 tha aaliBaons onoratd.au BdSfard. Otioa m m yoX irefusod- Th* oodoly afftahil a h a w o ^ h a d g * and told Mr*. Baatt that a a i m M w ^ x n H ^ *t the* ta an op- o n t t a n m would h* arrastod. R* aald h ^ k l t m authority u nd tr th* 1*11 **lf*fO law," whiah makaa It msa da- fam t m Pd^x tx eaaaaat ta traatm ant ^ t ^ y i m m p o t o n t daattvs. AA tbi* H ra B M t mlanladL •* Edward waa tak a* to tk* haapllal-

pm a APtod Bpara Msa•M ta h a d pgt an to* aparattag toki*.

th T h e w M a glvsn th* atoad aad Or. Watta F. itog latan psrfsraiad tha apavx-' i B ^ i i u o d ^ W pad*- »th aalunm.)


Eaisv Not Wdl E iet|k te Tint W tila i F ittI u HiJ



C k rittn i FrcM rti M s to Do- tnvteg May Bt Handed Oit


BBRUN (via wlTslea# to BayvtII*. L. 1,1. Do*. )2— Bmperor William I* ill and w in b* unabla to mak* tba vlalt b* had Planaad u th* wastarn fraai. it was aapouaaad this sftoraoap.

■A Blight latlAiamatidp. of Tha dfUpr lay gyataia ho* abuga# Ib* Mmporol: to stay In a law d*ya"»d*ld th* official aaaeuneomonl,

LONDON. paUi tf.—An ortlcUl mas- ■ « e racalvad her* today from Barlln deperihoa -WB**** WllUapi'a lllnoaa aa "aallMWobaatsusednag" (mar* tra- qUXnlly glvtai i s -blRdegowobonugaad-

[As tu lharlts tlv* medical publtsa- Uaa ghroB th* tarm "osllulltia" sad da- serlbaalt aa fmiowa: In n sm m atlea i t cgllular o r loaa* eeansctiv* tlsaaa, ehlafly aabcutaneoua bat alao of that batwoon muaclas and vlaoora, or sur- rnundlag various o rgaaa U Is chsrac. torixod by th* sams spraadtng a r atonic Charactsr,aa arysipolaa, and I* clrcam- ■erlbod or d if tu n . Tbo awalllng i* markod oarty by braneblng line ef tym phsngitia la in I* tw t v x •"« gvsat sod toe sbsorbsnt glaada sad ^••••Is are often laflammod, Oanstita- tional symptoms ar* grav*. Tbs dla- tasB I* often mild tn degree end the lymphgtlcg may dlsgos* of th* polaoa kad gappuratlen tall to oocur,” ]

Emperor William has bceg lit, so far ^ rrgorls hav* laHeatod, alac* early -hi* year, tos l#*t pemlou* rspart ef »H pmt - haring boon dtmtialod an Jaaugry IL wbea hs wa* oaM to b# im p in g to Bsrlln bsoaase of throat troubli end as t e s t i n g from a eWH- TkoPg w ts ofR- cis) ountitoiatiou of too rigattg. ho*-,

y,' and aethhig ,nm n wa* baard at

A lim e m ar* than a yoar ago. !>*■ combor i , i t i t , tljar* w as sdnclai M. mlopton th a t tha E m p ^ H ally wm III, .tka annouBoamant a ta tlag that k* was suftarlag frarn a favaaldli broathlal egtarrh. I t waa aalA bownvar, th a t k* waa aMa to glv* k l e a t o i ^ to rw o fta an th* war sliaanen tram th* ganaral atatf.All aorta H ruaiora war* airculatad

* — ------"‘ " 1 * ofOf tbo hftoWladg* rul*T'* Rlaaan wad R

fm. M* aad HI I

lu oonxxuaxao* „ „ _ „Ui* Oermaa rtHar'a Hlaaxn wad K waa tvsn rapevtod In Laadan a t oa* Urn* th a t h* waa daad. Tha aaihorlatd atatomant fallowod. howarar, Oqeambar l i that b* had imhrovad. aad H was a a t loog oftarward th a t h* yaoumad hla usual actlvHlao,

Apparaatly Ma tllnaaa last ygaf waa th* roauH of th* a tra la ho M u n io r sad to* M w ^ t a ^ _daring lb* oarly month* o t Ab* w«r. t t waa notad a* fa r h u h aa B g ^ iah ar, t t l4 , that t a eras a a t toaldag hi* wOat- adaalf. Adeouata *f aappohad Rlqiga** h* wa* suffaring fram wot* Hraulatod (ram Um* to lim a hat that* war* al- mast tavarlaU y dlwpnrrad, aad t ta r a I* litti* to ladtaata that a t XOF tim* a*, ospt during last Daaambar h* w aa toql- ty II) ankuBh to t a fore*^ to doriat* from hi* rsu tina

" ■' V " ■" • ......... .. ■ ' #Wlaa* aad Llgaata Ton Can IHdy Wm

Mawaih: lowodA iJ H* vaito—Voao Cigar Ohatoa,htfwiy mlia yri IxU-nxlNirea-e**.

In connactlon with a perelellng Im- > preaalon that Meyer Raymon'l will dis­pose e f hi* rammlning appolnlmenlt to d ty atflea* a* Cbiistma* presents to (evorod o asa Ihor* I* an oquallir per. •Istoat rum or timt a ■arprls* may be In < slora for tbo polttlcluna and th* public In tba fllllag of some of the position* IThothsr th is ha* anything to do with tho of floss of city contrallsr or auditor la still Ifft to ooniselura.

Ih la haBavod eartoln th a t the Mayor M ddetddd tiaslly ta sand In the nsm*

of .bis asqrslary, Brl* Moody, to th* Common Oounetl a t ita first meoling a a i t y m r for th* offlr* e f cent roller, to auccood Tyler Parinty. There would b* no aurprle* if an official tnnouncs- mont to th is effset should be nude this waak.

And there are those who, rogardteii of Ih* (act that the Democratic xldei- men bound lliemselve* by caucus action to block conflrmstlon, and thus eitond 10 Mr. Paraily a loss* of his lob, a n alltl spsculaling on ihe possibility ef sesing th* council confirm Ih* Miiyor's selsattou.

It Is bellevsd that the altuatinn ss lo th* tax i-ommlsslonerahlp has been Unslly settled In th* Mayor’s mind and Dial Samuel F, Wilson of th* Piitoenth Ward will be named bayond pared- vantar* lo succeed A. Wlldrlck Swain.

Th* announcement ot th* ulectlon of Mias Alice K irkpatrick for tha Beard of Rscraallon uommlaaioner*. and of UhriaSlao W. Felgenspsn a* memher of tba Board ot Rdncatlon to replace Charles P. Taylor, make up the sum of tba Mayor's appointmant* to dale, unless Judge lirederic L- Johnson carries out his announced Intention o( re tiring from tha Board of Hduontlon.


Through sn error In sending out naiul- nsttoB blanks the aominaUag commute* o( Ih* Now Jetuay State Ftoetatloo. of Woman'* Otobx bx* called (or nom lu- ttoaa fa r eadawmaat fund trusteaat al­though aucaodixg to th* bow bylaw* th* f ln t oUrtlon of trustee* will not Uko also* unUI tflT . I

H ra Thamas B. BtUlnun, of JalMy City, ehairwaa of th s committee, haa ao- t llM Mm Gaorga F. King, th* farmer vie* preeldent of th* aovcnlh dlolilol. of th* mlstak*' and ha* aakad that *b* , ^ t y th* club preaMaata la ih* dlftrld not to lead In aoinlnatloiM (or truatooa.

Mr*. King's auccoaaor ha* act baaa an* palBl*il )’•! xad ah* la Ptohtng th* aa* aouacakrint to tka tiuba.

c o n B A D i c n n B E r o i B Mn iujKss,(ir BEHHunNEW TOEKc D aa tlr-Ga*itradl*t*iT

raporta ar* rsaalvod bar* a* td th* ropattad Hiaagg of Barth BargihardL op* maaxxgo from Paris pleturad th* famati* aolraM aa srAtl aad ahl* to fa ltn X!) bar smgadrxmxata

Anathor m*«BBs* ofmlng from h r i* • jy m i ' lb* aasa* llpix doclarod that Bprahardl H . dying of gangroa* aonlng aa a exiNW to har aparailon w hat a lag wtM amputatad. Bara- kardt’a tfa iit* at-Hart* ddallnad t* aon-

(orded Liy til* Admiralty itslemenL It , likewise refuses sbsolutsly tO dsbet* Ihe rule* of Intarnstlonnl lew or prin­ciple* o( humanity Involved.

Dally ncgotlstloRa between Beer*- Inry of Blat* lan s ln g and Baron Swlad- enlk, Austrian C harga w*f* alaa ra- gerded as stgnlflcant. While Kwfed- enlk IS aa t ballavad yat to hXv* ra- ralvad plansry power to aetti* th* A a - . can* dlspula Intormsl represealatlaas gains fa r bayoad th* rc erved d lp la-, lasU* phraaaa af the two Amoriean uoto* hav* ta e a mad* to hint-

Seraa d Amarlsaa hate.The not* follow*: ,"Uapsrtmeut of giata,"Wasblngton, Docembor II. ItlA."Vou are Inslruclod In addrou a not*

to th* A usiro-llungsrlsn Hlnliler ot Porelgn Affairs Ivetually ss fellows:

"The government of tbe Vnitod fiistrs has received tbo not* of your *x- i-qlteiicy retstiv* to the sinking of th* Ancons, which was dsllversd Bt Vienna on IteceTiiber 14. Itl4 , and transmitted 10 Washington and hss givoa th* net* immediete end careful eonstderatloa. diet* and careful consideration.

"On November U, 1*11, Baron Zwla- denek. the Charge d'Affaires of th* Im­perial and royal governmsnt s t Wssh- Ingten. transm itted to th* Department of Hikte n report of th* Ausiro-iiun- gerlsn Admiralty with regard lo Ihe sinking of the atesmahlp Ancong, In which it was admitted that th* vessel wse torpedoed a n e r her engines hsd been stopped and when passengers were still on board. This admleslun alone Is, tn the view of the govern- Blent of th* Unltod Btetea sufficient lo fix upon th* rommr.nder of the lubms- rine wltlch fired the torpedo the re-

tConttnued on IXth pegs. 1st column.l


Captiio R e ^ n t , U n t n u t b Pr«- no ted New Men Added

to Force.


One cepleln resigned, on* lleutengnt w*s promoted lo (III his piece, two flri' m4n were made tieulennni* end Dve men were appointed firemen this afternoon at s meeting of the Fire Riiard.

The roolgnstlon of ''Hptyin Joseph Mcf'res of Engine 14 will become effec­tive December 21. He ha* been la III health and le eligible for a pension. The Fire Hoard took the reelgnstlon under constderstlon end decided to ac­cept It. Lieutenant Peter J. Norten of Engine 24. wboee home la a t 24 North Sixth street, will (III Captain HeCrea'e place.

Ueuteaakt Norton’s promotion end the redremaaL Novembar 14, of Ueulresnl r-harles Bntphen left two vacancies In the rank of lleutetumt. eo Joseph W. Brown of Ragln* 11, who lives at 14* South Kisvsath street nod Lawrence Banina oil Rngtne ), whom home I* at 41 Bunaat avenue, were moved up a peg.

Thei* firemen wet* named: Harry J. Gresley. 421 'Warren ttre s t; Atbsrt Dol- Itngsr. j l Morton itroel; Ernest Jokus. 112 West Kinney slreet; Chart** B. I^akemaa. 11 Fannlngton strsst; Ooorg* J, gehm idt * l Fairm oaat avepu*. This Dlls all tbo vaoanctss lo th* depart- m ea t -_______'

WARMER 1EA1HEI PIEDiaiDpartly claudy aad wanner tonight aad

tomorrow. Increasing southerly wind* ls tha efflctal weetoer forecast for Newark

Today la officially ton first day of winter. I t is alao th* shortast day la th* yaar. Th* aun rone at T:tl this m orning and la aqhsdulsd to aat a t 4:14o'rleoh.

Tha taM pomlur* a t 2 e'elnek this morning was *4 degree*, a t 7 o'rlook 2B, and a t I I Fatork. IB. Th* bumldlly a t f o'cloek eras ( I par cant, and s t I I atelnek At, A saulhwast atg-mlla wind blaw s t noon.

Toatarday's hlghaat tsmiieraturs waa Id dagrae*. th* )«w*«t Bl, aad th* avar- aga t l , i . Th* maximum humidity wa* I t p*v cant., th* mlaisBain I t, and the avarags 44- A northwavt wind that stiatnad a maximum valaelty a t nla* mil** an hour pravtilad.

On* yaar ago today th* Itmpsrxtur* wirlad Iroas « to M dogrooi. atriklng an avarag* *f 21.2, The day was oiaar.

C klixH w , ■ .I Waal ram Hm*

lo Join Ih* Balkan expedition. Brilhih beets h*)a been maintalaed on thas* Wenda.

It Is heHavad that th* Iraop* Iraas- frrrtd from Ualllisijl I'ralnaula win ap­pear at Jtaloallil. altlhiugh notblag a* to i)Mlr ,dt*iliuiiloii has yat baaa gtvaa uui. Tbe Turks Insist lbs British rs- tlred ID disorder ami left much baoly.

1'h* Teutonlu I’owera ara repreaaatad as (skins full advantage ut tha moral af­fect prudu.ed by Ihe withdrawal *t Brlt- teh from Usitipull I'anlaaula and to b* attcmptbia once more to awing Gf*ac* siHl Ruiiisbi;. u, llitlr eld* In tba Ral^saopTralli n*.

Whila Ih* Greek rNcilon* bavw glvqp • large majority to former Premier G*u- aarle, a ho I* not over friendly ta th* Eatent* l•o«crc. It la not bahevad la 1 ^ - don llw change will nave much of • • tf- feet pa tha attitude of Uraec*.

Aflar the French lutd made aa hapaa- tin t gain In the Voagea region, capturing the aamaUl of Hsrtmana*-)Vsl!«rhopf. th* Germana counter-attacked, and, aeodsR- lag to BrrHa, prgalami a portlo* of I ta lorn poalUoa. Bom* f,|X* Oeraiwi* smaa made priionara In th* llgktiig. Paris

v a n * Itopavxad w pte to* .LONDON, Dae. 21.—Uaofflriai raparl*

that th* Ruaglana have capiurad th* Importaat BalBX«laa soapxn af Vgffa ar* oUll aostatod with ronarru, Bus arouaod ogottoiiMat her* today.

N* m a e u S r ir* * ***2x of tox ham-bardmont of Varna |a tba P X U B i^ otriclsl atatomant lalagTtglMd baFslass night. But Aiapatohas from Bat**, Rom* aato Atban* rapaalxd Ih* naw# that * ' larB* Htmalan aqaadro* was ihalllag Varna an d Graak rmsswts t*M th* fleet wa* accompaatad by slstaaa beavlly ladaa traaep arta

A diapatch to The Ghrenlol*. report­ing ih* capture of V erna wa* f lM at Athaaa a t noon yealargay, SO* day later than other pres* mestages re­porting III* port betag eholled. It, wa* ■Uted that th* clt^ waa laid In rulaa and tbe forte allancod. Russia* lalaa- try and artillery war* toon landed. A neutral oansul a t Varna ssnl ib* aaw* to AtoOBi, Th* L'hronlcl* aowa wirod.

If th* Alhona reports are true the Ruselena have begun th* loiig-loohad- far Invaalon *( Bulgaria by a flanking •Hack th a t may oaua# IrenbI* fa r Ih* Bulgers on th* Groak frontier.

It t* aaeumed here that a Ruaaiaa •xM dltloa a t Varna would t a Bind* up of a t leant Ise.nM men before any march from the coaat la bagun. An army a t least th s t Is rg t would t a needed to w ithstand Bulgarian attaaka until a largar (arc* oould t a traaa- ported acroa* th# Black Baa fram tk* Odessa ragtoB.

"The Garman atfenalv* an th* IHga front haa eoraplataly failed," telegfaphs the Geneva cocrcapandent of th* Dally

fCoatlauod on


W H l CLEAR HWRk i IM RGIHary Attacke DffM te

M L iier N oorA ate-~ iu« i Stete* ■ ea t to Pobik.


Daolroo 4* Taka 141* Flae* on FttRag Mac and l-eavc* W llheal Any BI44av- Bvea Taward America— Bellov** l/Bited Xtalea aad (ieramay WBI MalBlBla k aatra llty t'a tll W ar's Bad. Attache Twa Papera, Pralaea TkIpC

HOBOKEN. Dec. 2I-—trsptaln Fraga von Papon. Germany’s rrcsiled military attache, left Iter* fur Kotlerdam to- day un the atesm er Noordain bearlsf a asfe conduct lo Germany from Ihe Ea- tent* Allies. He Issued a slsleineat to ths American people dactaring that ta daparted without blltorneaa, baing con­fident he would be vindicated In th* (u tu ra h i t alatenient follows;

"In Isavlag th is country, wbor* I hav* rooalvod to many proofs of klnd- naaa and haapKaUtr from Amaricaag and other*. I doeal H my duty to thank all than* who did not permit lhair friendly personal loellag* to b* polaqa- ad by Ih* hotrod created by th* wnr among tha na ttoaa

"Mr thaughts twrn back today •»- proaaly to thoao uiiforgeitabl* day# whoa I had th# honor and good lortuae to opoitd oom* Um* tqlth lb* **p*<1- tlonary fore# *1 Vor* Crus, whom t Isarnod to a im lra th* aplondld aotdiofly qaaUty and dmrollon to duty Of tko Unltod Btatoo onay.

“peraonally apoahlag, no groatar sgA- laiaetloe oquld t a glvon to mo thaa Aho fuinim satl a f my ardOnt dssir* to t a caltad tam a . WbOra asMIori xra fay more urgoolly needed than her*.

*T IXav* toy boat wAlbout any t**llng of Mttorneao. bmmuae I knaw too yrall. tkat Whan history lx anoo wriHaa It’ oa IXtlt pagh" W cydai^ 'i^

i d B a a a ^W taa I* NaerasB BMuo a t ]. a f f a 2 a . “ ? r s . ! i J 7 K i B et*S«to»to _________ ■

. J.’s. W

^ A

MISSION,m m m m

r iM H H P H M f M mmWi OMi i p M i « t i D i « B S i c h

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m u u I f SQ

u r m s e r e r n o tFOR STORM WAUR

O ily N m i l a d f i la r tM , Cm- i M h kmmm, Ch Um

F h M f a r S w f a e t D n i n f i .

PASUK OMCnORS THUS MET7 ik< PatMlo Vallajr trunk Mw«r li Bit

t* w r t l9 t ttarni «»lur l« ! fcBBtotpuWtlBU BBiM It Utoupt IB UU ! I i i t r uf Knwark aiu^ l»u a»a*it. wkara

WHI laa M a W a a l l r AM , ••>• draiaa«a aratam la a’ aaMkIaatlaa aantlary and ataria watarCBddiaia a l •a t* fa~ * a Maikat

laaw a t tiuauBMiala aad WBiaaTar ta ■aka Caaaala tkat AawHaa% P iiWlaBai ran* n tu n iai i ay

BOT a m n a a . v*.. nar n —Attar rafualBC ta dlacaaa tka aialtar aarllar IB Iha day rraaldant Wllaon laiar aaBt ward ta (ka aawaBapar naa liar* caa- niWlBK tka anUMiataBiant that Oolonal C. I t H*a*a la folna ta Kvrapa a t k4a raditkat, Tha Praaldaal daalad, *ai> Itkatlddilr. kaarvftr,- tkat iNrIoaal Hatiaa'a trip haa uiythlnc tu da with paaea. ru r tb a r Rian that ha would •a t dtacMa m atur.

A • • • * ar Mali « • • Noaivad tWa •aarnlkv tram Waakladlton. Tha Praal- daai daldyad aa aatamakUa rtda wKh Nra. Wllaon tor a ativn Uma wtalla ha araa dolnp aaar iMa mall.

I t Naa kaaa atina*acad tkat lha rraat- daat daalraa rurtbar rlral-haad inrortna- tlaa caaearalag Burotiaaa atTaira, and that Cataaal Haoaa wUI I'Onauli with Amarleaa Amkaadadara to Ihli and. Under oatlm iy otrcaawtaaeaa lha Fraaldawl k-ouM aaoura thia lalcawatlon ralUad Amhaaaadara boa# ta raporl, but Iti tha paaaaal ataia a t lataraatlonal alfklrt awh aettea la raaardad aa uawlaa and Cirional iloaia will maba tka mp to Ruropa at hla lariaat to coaTar with tham.

Tha rraaldant timrarraa with Bacratarr Lanataa Immadiataly altar braahfaal orar tha laav^ataara. praaumaMy ibaut tha Moaaa trip, but m iBfenaatioB concaralBd tha caataraata wai oblaiaahta.

AaaharltaHra BapiaBaHaa.WASHINUTON. Dar » — Aulhorlta

aawar Ma olhar mualslpallty will ha pariBlitad ta ampty Ita norm watar intp lha hta riuaaa ThIa lalarmaUpa aama today (raaa lha arrioa al lha raaaala Talloy nawarapa Cammlaaloa.

Tha alatamanl Iran tha oommlailon la or la la rta l In rlaw at tha auttuda ot tka City Cammlaalan ol raaaala laal aiclil In votlnp to withhold approral a l tha boraufha ol Haladao and Praa- pael Park aniartnc tha com pad ba< cauar thatr atorin wator m lfht an- danaar th t arwara oapaeity. It waa aatlmalad by tha Paaaalc remmlaalan that lha a to m walar rroai tbaoa two placat would amount lo too.aot aallona o day.

Jantaa 1C. Brooht. haallh alllcar or Oloo Rldaa and conaulltni a ad aaar ot tha Kaaai County Moauulio Bitarmlna- Uea Copiinlaaloh, apaaklnf Monday ha- tora tha lattar body, crltldard tba •h o la m n li aawar projaet. Among othor iblnsa ha aald ha did no! bollara It fa ir for munlclpalltlaa having aap- a ra ta aiorm waiar aawar aya'aina to ba cotnpollad to aniar into a aawar antar- grtaa dealpned for carrying both aiorm and aurfaca walar.

■agwlataca ta M ltm Plow.I t waa axplalnad al tha africt of

tha aawaraga commlaalon that In ihc dhaaa gf Nawarti and Pataraoa atorm w atar rould nal ha harrad without ra- gutrlBg ihoaa plaoaa to ronalruci nan aawar aytlam a For both lhaaa placaa. bgwovar. automatic ragulalora will ba Indtallad a t lha polnl whara Ibair aya tam i anU r lha truah. Thaaa rtguln- loya will cara lor tha flaw, and whan It aaoaoda a caru la pradaiariulaad

OalMat B- B. Hoaaaa trip ta Europa a t | aawar oullat amplylng Into lhatha raguaal af Praaldani Wllioa and ■aorotary iM aiog , ohlalnad Kara to ­day, dladloaoa that Colaaal Itoua* diapaaaa tha vlowa of tho Unitad Blataaaa gagaral inltritattimnl uuaatlona and will a tta tap t to daurmlna tho a u ia nf o fn ria l a ad phhUr apinton ‘ Ih lha aarlatM aoitnirlaa ha will vlatl. .

Coloaal Jtouaa vtaKad ■aarotar*tmafUig Ugt graah and war adriaad o |lha poalHon la which (ha Unllao PtataaQoudfOunani found liaalf In ragard m iBtjgaat lonal %aaal(aoa and what raaaadigi wwaturaa ahould ha lahai). Ha waa told th a t Ihla gauarnmani andrr •xlallBg elrcuaulaacaa had found llaalf aaahio fo put la writing an adaqaataaapPaMtOB of tho alalo ot public and afflclal aptnion ragardlap ImparlantnagottbUgna and that Amarlmn dtplo- Piatlo. ropredoatallree abraad warn oaaM k'to adylaa tha gtala Ihapnrtmant aa to Oka alaka o t goyoraaiontgl and pob ik opinion In Europa.

Ttm ■Ula Oapartmant la eanoaratd In Buraaiann gubllo opinion aa wall *aa aplaliwg baW by otnclaia Bararal ttama, It I t aald, a la«k a l undoratand-lag ka# prouaatad a aucoaaifut larwilaa- Um p i BogwHaltona.

Tho-dPlapal urUI ytaJt virtually all Ik ay oaplUla i f Bwopa. Ha win aall upok tha dtplauiatla rapraaaBtatlraa af tha Uhitod H a taa aad aiplalh la daUII daw n ran vlawg apoa rarlaua m atura. Bla dtaeua t lona will aot dtal with any partidala r gaoatlaaa, but will ba an- Urat* gonaraL

la ngtam . Oaloaol Haoaa wUI gathay tka Bpinipoa p«d vtowa a l Xorppaaa gpodiwttn ata, and will a t t a i ^ to farwi M dwalpals p I poMte oplalgg la ohott •awatry ha r lH ta Ba will kadagror to a ig fa aarta le th a t tba govarmnania of Batopo wwdorataitd tha ppaHlaa a t tho tIhHpi -gtataOi aad that tha tM tad

’ BUlaa akta laa fa ll raallaatlaa af ynatw hat tbap hallava aad thliA.

CwHag hla ta«r. OoiPBm Bauua mayoadi rataadlnga

In ypgafd da a ia na nagatlatlaoa ghauid . ha 4 a ao tag Bailail iu ta d wllj ha praoipti* adriaad. BawaPar, ha u flir laakb ha a fta rt (a aaaara rlawg aa thia p o la t Tha ggaaa gwedtlen-.H la alalad, ia tkaraly tndldaatal to hla t r ip '

Tha- B u ta Dtaartmam wanta It ogda ralood th a t tho rtalt af Calanal ■aoao ahooM not ha conitruad Into tM dhIng th a t thara la any dlBaaiiafae- tlaa w ith gay ol tba dlplomatlo rapro> aantatlraa a t tha Ualtod BUlaa. Aa a m attar a t fact It waa galil tha eoatrary la trtM.

Thaya la a raporl hara that ono of tho g r tn a ry a h j ^ a of Colopal Hoaaa'a r ia ll la th a Wraaldmi'a daalra to gat a aatU anant o l tha Luiltanla caao. It la atatad hdra th a t tha adminlitratlon haa boon adrlaod tha O am an Ooremmont faola th a Waahlngton atand on tho L aaltasla m attar la ona Uhan for **po- lltlaal raaaan(~-~an Anarlean *hlo(f.’' Tha raporl la that tha Praaldont through Oolonal Monaa, alma to eorroei a n p .dtap raaalan that tho Ualtod Statoo la apt la aarnaat.

Paoaala Rirar.Tha mlhtitra a t dirrriod would con-

U ln aurh a toiall quantlly of aowaga aa IP oooatitut* na nourca of pollu- llan, It ta Btalad. The rturadon of aurli divariad flow. It wau aluo pointed out. would be th o rt Thara would bo nol more than a half dou*n ulorma In (ha aiitiro year which wauld ho auffldoady aaroro do aocaaoltala dlvorulaa,

Huulclpalltlaa which now have aiorm walor aawar ayaiam* will •d ll allow lhair flow 10 anUr tha Paaanlv Ktvar. In Ihoaa plaeaa whara lhara la no auch ayatam tha walar will do aa II dooa now. aaoh lha rirar through aultara and by way of croaka and brooka.

At Uot night'o maadng of tha I’aa- •ale rommloolon tha two borougho mada formal roquaal for approval af lhair paituon lo ha allawad ta antar lha fluma projoct. Whila approval waa rafuaad, tba action waa aomawhal In­formal. Formal nodca will ba aarvad on tha borougha laiar.

iB dtaruaalnB tha auaailoa, diillupi A. Raid, commtaalonar of public Im- provomanta daclarad that tha normal flow of aawaga from tha borougha would ba approalmataly tIO.Mt galtona a day. Tha tiorm watar, ha ballavad, would bring tpla up to aa much au I.MP.Mi a day on accaaloop Tha u u la- mont from lha Bawaraga Commlaalon akowa thia U U tr baltat to ba nrrogaoua.


F n i l i A. D t i e ; . l U y Sfiteit C i. H edi, l U e f r m d e i t ; C. A.

> C irr ifU r H aaife r.•A |«a*a—P





B*W TOltlt. Pac. t t .—cohHwl B, M. Bouae ggva ontj^ha fuHowlag atatamanl taat night a t liw homa. 111 Eaat Fifty- third atraott

"1 a n going ta Eurapa at lha raggoat nf tba Froaidtnt and Saeraldry Lanaing Inc lha purpaaa of uking tntormatloa ta Ponia of our A nibaaaadoig In ordar that they may f«va a rmira lailpiaU knowi- «<lga Ilf Inii govarnnlanl'a afdtuda rt-

'gariHng eartalo phaaaa of pandlng Intar, national nuaadona, and In ordar to oin lam from them thair point of viow.

It la IhoiiKht liiadviaabla to bring houia al thia tinir any of our Amhaaoa- dora flora ihc Ivcillgaratil couatriao, and It haa been found ini|»aalbla to convey or la obiatii hy ratda or carreapoBdehce null* lha cotTcci atmnaphara.

"I Bhatl aall duiiny the naal weak I do not cara (.i hr more aiplictt about tha data. My trip win pot iwcupy mora lhan all or right uccKa '

Coioucl llnuac aa» aakad If rrporla from Wauhlngtor, that tia waa going abruad 10 put Inn. .fred , if poaaiolr. cer­tain plana of the riandcui lu bring about procr n rrr (nia lla aald-

If that ta what they aay, lury nava rof U all wrung, A iwoca uilaaion la iha laat thing I winihl go on at (Jiia time That la (ha wav I leal aloui (1. Uagard ■ ing iny Plata- ( aoi afraid I cannot bo more dafInJtc than I have barn "

Organlalng In lha officaa of lha ridatU y Truat Cumpaay today, lha Rob- a rt Troat Holal Company, which ia to conduot lha bow holal In Park placr. alortod diravtora and offlcara, an wall aa a tnanagar.

Voting unanlmoualy. tha, Incarpor- atora aalaclad aa diraetora Frank A. Tiudlpy, praaldant of lha Unllad Hotala CompaBy. fa r which lha ttobart Traat ronoarn la a holding corporation; Prad- r r k k tV. Rockwall, who la Blao •••«- r.latad wllh tha Unitad concarn. and Uanl H- MoCariar, praaldant of tha n d a llty . Tha dlracton aubaaquantly nmda Hr. Dudky pratldanl. Mr. Rock­wall vloa praaldant. arpi Edward A. I’rudcn. Iruft offica of (ha FldalUv Truat t'ompany, aauMtary and iraaa- urnr. Thay, In turn, alactad Charlaa A. OarMgaB to ba m anatar of tha naw holal.

In d a r a IMI.dff contract, which waa awardad racanlly to tha Cnarlaa A. Fullar COnatructlan Company of Naw York by tha Newark Hold Invaalmant Company—-a holding concarn for lha Kidatliy—work on tha alrucliira U being hurried. Il wan aald by Mr. McCariar that unJaaa iha unagpariad happona iMa conatrviatlon work will bo cemplatad aot later than April 1 and th a t ha haa no dnubi lha hotel will tm open for buainam by May 1.

tVhllo lha name of tha place haa not yet bain finally dalarmlnad upon. II nfobaWy will ba callad the Rohart Traal Holrl, Tha Mructura wHI rapra- wanl the Invaatmani of about tl.Pod.fOO. Il ban bean laaaad lo tha new heial company on a parcantaga baain which It la aatlmalad will make tha annual ren ta l about lU.SOh.



T h e N a m e o n t h e B o xWhen you present a gift o f in y sort with the

name Wiss on the hoi ft impresses the recipient as of value and worth even before the package is opened.

It means a great deal to the busy gift buyer to be able to step into a store like ours right at home and be sure of finding a line of goods that cannot be surpassed anywhere, from the moat elaborate gems and jewelry to the simplest gift for a child. Of an entire silver aervtce to a handsome but altogether practical carving set.

We offer you heit g ift things of every sort that yon wiil be proud to give—backed by a name that means guslity and worth wherever seen.

j r .V ^ s s & S o N 9J E W E L E R S ^

■ M m MW e v tu MI lk , l« iw tA a 4 iy ||,j |b

r S e

'„C’- >■■■ -C'..


M B H R Y C H R I S T M A S !



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M t f f B b R M h n l a i k a iBOSaAo raukr JUhih g a ^ I g i r t .

iw a m HMB B m m



i I .


AMERKlN T R O O n ^ T O iD T O R E n iR N

MEXICAN FIRINGM m U iit b l a I d r « -

tmAj F i l l f i n v D e i l l • ( M i t i i i i l « B u t e . *

A daalflaB ^ ahgrga lu ttp b Har- rwaa. e tty taovagfar, arltk A v ttlgttgai af the ta rw i aC hla oentraet ggd ta l« - poaa. bdglgiilke tgd«r, tka pdaAllr • (tIM a day. aa provtdad la tka agra«- maul, waa raaehad taday by mamharaot tha Board ot Wwrlia hi Goaforaaaa r r lo r to Uia dlaogaglgg. lagpeeterfc kg ' dor Ika dlraaclgg pr.O aa aral Baparlg- tandoat of Worka Charlaa M. Bblpman. mada a aurray of tba city to aacortala )aat bow maak eaik ag a aad aghaa Sava ha«g uiMioUadtad by tha aaniractar. It wat on I ho atrongth of Mr. Bhlpigan'l rapert th a t aetloa waa lakga.

Formal actida ra llfy la« tkla eaoMldg probably will ba takan b* tba haerd to­morrow. Tho city waa rtpraaanlad a t lha oontoranoa by Oammlialawar Ar­thur R. tlanman, ebalrm aa «f tba atraal cpmmlttaa of lha board; Chlnt Bnglnaar Morrla R. Bharrard and BaparlataadaBt Bhtpmaa. Oaerga W. FraaeoU. gupdrta- laadant far lha aoatraatar. rapraaaitad tba la ttar la lha diaoaaalaa.

Hr. Bhlgmaa ragortad th a t ba ab4 hla Intpaatora mada a tour tluw igb tba city atraata la atilamobliag tbM atara- iBg and found tha eurba pllad up with aabaa and rafuaa. Ha alaiad that It would ba Inpoaalhla tor lha ooatraotor to rtm ova all tba rafiiaa by taday.

It waa dacldad ta put M iiaaa of tba Board of Worha wagona oat Ihla sftar- noon and kaap tham a t warb uatU tba rtiy ta claanad Ihoroughly. A m a fu - lara ta war# mada alaa with tba Nawark Paving coiabaay tor tba long af ahaut twanly-fiva taama aad wagona to ba uaad lo tha eoliaction af tha ra taaa Mr. Fraaeott thoaght ha would bora about fitly o i tra toama out toawtrow and hava all tbe dabrla ramavad by avanlng.

Mr. Bhlpmaa atatad ba au d a d trip tkrougb part af tha ally yaatarda* attaraoon and foBBd aaadlttaaa la thirty good ordor. From Iko raporlt mada to him, ha aalA tba eanUwatar did good work lo hla caUaetlOBt yaw terday.

laapeattao T aw Badatad.Thia morolag'a aurvay w«a ordarad by

roBwUaaloner Daonma. ehaliraaa of tha eom nltlaa oa atraaM aad higbw an at a confarenoa with Mr. iklpam a. Bal cauae af tka aaowatorm laat w iab lha


ir a h jn g T ilg r im sJOIN FORD RANKS

S ecfid K n o M t l P m * ktt*tj R e id w i Q w itliu ia m S t e u -


CKRISTTANIA. flee. I f —Amcrii'a'a paace ptlgrima hara atere added to today when the poitr. wUch acounpaoleil Henry Ford on the liner Uacar II.. aeie Jolnad by thuai who cam avfron New York aboard (he eteamaUp Frcdarlck VIII.

The paclftata-wera gtvea a banquet by the Norwegian kkudante' Aeooclatloii laat ntsht. A ddNMStdlUItlia followed an an- nouncement by Iiaaiu F. lA.'hner, Mr. Ford'i a a c rd t^ , ' Ibd pcaoa leadar had preeaatad lha adgOflatton (ll.SVd tu aid In the bulldlliB of a aaw heuat.

The jlM gllbh bWtF WUl Ipava bate for kbont (oaMtrmw.stocl

with of the coneequencea that will (al­low the harhorlna of tba fagitiva.

LHtIo Falla Claa.Treteatlvea ace i/i l-lttla Falla today

Invaaltgadiig a alary (aid by Jotaph Cole, Who llvaa near tha boarding houee. He told of being awakenod by katurday'a eieltem ent aad baulag aoaa a man ha daacrlbaa aa Fadarlal harry­ing along Undoley road In the dlree- (ton of Btatena rond. Ha aaaartrd ta (he Buthaiittaa (hat FadarNl latar ra- turnad, going toward (he hoarding houee. and afterward .paaaed along Ktevaaa road In (he dlT*nion of UrMt .Notch. A aearch of houaaa In tha locality waa made by daterttvaa after hearing Cole'a atory. Uole aald he did DOi know yVhether or nol the aian car­ried a ahatgnn.

Another aearch (n tbb enow around tha Cedar Orove bearding houee yeeter- dey failed to locate the revolver eup- poeed to have keen carried by Merta The pcltoe. however, found amply thalla whMh bad caataliiad email bgllata and whAh (hey b*Heve wee ueed by Fed- e rla . thua acueantlng for the number of butlrte which **ecreoChed through the a i r f aa deaoribed by Itotectiv* David WMvdel af Raat Oraptd and Aptlng Rnundawaa Hlggtua.

Both Wandel and HIggIna are


WABKINOTON. Dec St— Amarlaaa tragpd a t ■> Rnaa. tha W ar Oapart* inant aanounaad today. hSva bapn e1**n ordari ig ‘T atura vlgareual* . • •* tgrthar daUbarata flrindr (roat Uu ItexIcM iida • ( tba barkar.

Oaaaral Farahlng. In command a t El Faaa. baa rapartad th a t the filing. whleS Hdbltdd lata yaataikay In tha danth af aa Amaiicag car Inapartar. waa tha dallbarau act of a aquad ot Hegihaga who appeared ha lt a mil* •a lt af tha InUrBatioaal bridga.

Amartcan Irabga, tha report eon- ttsood, ware aavarlne tba whole tira r front.

Oaneral Avila, who haa charga. of lha troega ta Ju a raa ordarad aovaral liotara abet, aeoording to m ilitary ra- porta from the border.

A State Departmant agent a t V F a » raparted that the American aar lappaelor w ia klUod by an Irraapanal- bla aoldler, who was a fttrw ard Wiled by hla awB nag.

The relraaq of th irty Ainerlaang de­tained a t Chthuahaa hy Oehtrai Villa It becama known today, waa a condi­tion Imptood od Villa in g ranting him permlaalog to eroia tho Amariaaa boundory Uao. Advieea th a t tho Aaivr- Icana had been Itborated alrengtbaned the Btata Dapartment'a ballaf tha* ‘ Villa Intanda to avail himaalf ol tba opportunity to aeeapa trani Maxiao.

•offla unaaalNaaa waa manlfaalad hart after raaalpt of advkqa th a t ad­ditional VlUa traopa wrra a.ottlag toward lu a ra a but povemm aat affl- Mata fall that the city aoon w oitd be In Carranaa'a paaaaaalon


U B A K C U R E S m u H ISl O f B i r o C O I E T I I A t t l l i a

EL FABO. Tax., Dec. U — FraaMaca Villa haa agreed to coma ta lha UalUkt Btalae. but will not paas through Juarei. according lo Oaooral Maaaal Banda. Tala Information wag ooatalaod la a atatamant by kanda Mada a t tha

___ ___ ooaclualen o l a cogfaraaca of formatcODtraetor fall betalad In hla wark. aad offlaara taday at Ju a raa

GH W k Draw W eapN iim Miff H tr M ai C N p n io i

' Held-


oamlnnlna lo ahnw Improve- Jf-aeplr* Boepital. Fator-

VP ta the preaeol Hlggloa wae.able to all up In

Rearing tkat her admirer Intended to have her arreeud, Mlaa Mary Claaca, twvBly yaara olA of 9< Blitevath avanua leal iddht drew an open raaar from her muff aa abr waa atandlng In the center of the juncUoo i f Springticll and Belmont avonuce. Pairalmaa Balter, on traffic duty. ^Mw the gleam at the blade and arraated botb Mlaa Claaca and the man Wllh her. Srneat Do Santa, thkty-flva of » a Ftftaenth avenue. Da deato, wanted oo a warrant charging aaaantt aad bat­tery, thia ttiomlag waa htid In It.ana ball, and Mlaa Claaca waa held In tMa bal on a chorgo ot carrying concealed' weapone by Judge Wolf In the Fourth

•o many eom plalnu ware auda lha Board of W orka a t a epaatal maatlag Monday, notified Mr. Marrona that aa- laaa ha had caught up In hla work by. laat night tha firm af t**S a dag farV •ach day ha la behind, aa agreed gpoa In hie coBtracl. would ba I m p a ^

In view of Ihla, Hr. Oaoataa aallad on tbe euperinteudeat af war ha lo learn If the e tra tt curha through tba d ty had baan claarad by lha e o n tr^ o r .

W ith lha aaparlBtandaat on tha aurvay warn laapaclara Rohart F. Niruhia. F ra n d i R. Sharrord. Fraak R. Broadwall, John J. Xlnnay aad Barry Doramua. Acaarding to tba rapurta mada to Mr. Bhigipan by tha Igipaat ara, thara ware twp.;'*«tM -a JM.had ahapa yeaurday. Thay Id* . M Caatral and Avon avoaaaa a n d 'k J r fo lh and South Nlnetaaath atraata. Tha In- •peclera rapartad that Marroaa'a aua claaaad up tha oanttal aaollaa a( lha cUy yaatarday.

Mr. Praaoott aald tba n u n lila li mada to tha Board of Kaaltb by realdanta of tbe Farwat Mill aaetloa that eotlactlana hava aot baan auda M that aectloa la two waaha warn un­founded. Ha aald th a t hla a u a WMit through that aaetlon Friday and again Monday. Mr. Pveaeott aald that aeau of tho rtoldonta of that aaettaa hava requaatad hla afflaa to callaat ovary two weaka.

m j m REASONS v n u ' S\ n K U TFLIGHT WILL NOT SAVE R U■ALTn-LO. M axl» (Via Eagta Faaa.

Tba.), 0 «!. Oaaaral MUa'a abaadoa- mant of the raroluUonary enuaa and hla •uppaaadly proMetad fltth l to tha Unitad BUlaa nay aot u v e him from pualih- nant. Oaoeral C arran u today ataUd that lha Haxlcaa Oovam iuant would not aah VllM'a aatradltlon al praatnt. bpldaMthat It would InvaatlgaU chargaa aga|a*t

to utahOahlha rabal laadar sw i atUmpt Ma aaiwonal gMU-.,-

" ta la r M,’'.eanUauad Carraaaa, “H hi poaalbla that wa an y aak Ibal ba Mt arraatad a id aani back to Haxlow but JuM now Wa ahall make no aoch reqiwM. Thara era many efaargu agalnat Wqa. It M true, but bafora damandlng hla aaVMltloa wa nuM uUbllab hla peraunnl gultt."


OALVEgTOM. Tea., IMc. glx Jnem- berg of lha robber band reoaatly qap- tutad la Maxloo City warn aiauuMd #ut>- Ucly tWa moralag. aecordlBg ta a ntaa- mga racalved by Juan T. Burua. Maitca n Coaaul In ra Four otbara coodenuMd tu d u tb waiw gtvaa a raaplla at lha laat

tune no Norwegian driegataa to the p u ro for a time veeterday afternoon. Wendal _ . _ coafarnipd-tava huMMUMAIed. b it Mr. 1, ,o ba atni aufferlag trom ahoek.. Pnclnet CourtFoM ddim M a hceitbl t tg t iome utganl; | A talepknna call frmli the View ganlo and H lu Claaco hava known

■ch other for aavaral yaara, accord-


rtva womaa arraatad with tha hand Wva baaa given long priaon ta rn u theni---- oaya. The robhera bad bean ableto avoid capture for aoma Uma j>y meant of larged dacuraeata. which mada tha

.Uot baUava they Ware a m y oftldto. Taday’a amaeage wya an otntdbl.an-

nHUKament regarding Um g o v a rd n ^ t'i peUc* toward the rodemptlon of outatgnd-

u tlo n Wtn take up the aaalfrr and aalact Hotel, Weat Orange, tkat Mn. Kata(Coatlaved from FIrat Riga.) ing netaa bp banka will be pubUkbed

■hortly. ‘delegatee. I idaek. who la ateppM lhare,

a maa dreeied hi womaa'a riothHig Knoy I from th i Ulchan wtaMow roauRad la tha I vendtag of Palioeman Daly to lha botal.

A uem aem oteM v o iin n e iaaM After a u lk with Mra. BMck. however,(HI PEACE S ffi* , SIXXUMBS Oely bedded tl.. t .he hemtne f ^ U n r f' ; becauer of raporta that Federicl waa In


iHRlBTTANIA, Dmc- 11— Lloyd M. BinchArn, hutbond of Am»lU Blniphim. the ind « member of tho ForipMco parly, died her* today from piMu*moolaa

BIr- binirhAm- on» of tho first to a t- r«pt Mr. Kord‘a Invltatioti, aconipanled the eapedlilon a t an otfLeUT enUr< Iplntr- Ho madj many fH^ndn amona the paare hU BobanUn-Um offandad aente of tha mara F^urttanv iraJ af ihe irayaaarm, TTiay auooaadad In havlna rallad off tka aancert ha had arranjted to h« held In mid-Atlantlic »nd urged that he ba laft behind at rhrlatUnla.

Mr. Hthgbarn b^t'ama til lo th« midat of 1M« tllMpprobuMofl. Ha coniraotod paaufoohla aboard ahip and wae ra* moved to a hoipltal th t day afi«r tba Oacar II- raachtd Chrlatlania- Ar* ranicanienta ar« te in f mada to ahtp hU b ^ y back to Ne« Yark.

KpeHur derrKT of <fcr VfTWA.HACKENSAfK, Der. H.—A tentenca

Id the tMftle Fleformatory for Woman ■ t ('Union wa* today impoaed on Atra. M«r» Roatti of 114 Jewel itra*«i. r^afv field, who wai coavlcia^i bufare Judfa WtUlarn M- duufart in tbe Hcrgen rou n ly Court of Common PUaa lait iwtabor of having Mt flr« to her homo nn i fiiada an attempt to defraud the rompany In which the buUdUg waa ineurad. The houee waa burned t>t- < embar 3D laat y*ar.

CHASE NEW ODES IN FEDERIQ HUNT(Ccntlnued from Flret Page >

Tha pollra think that tha fugitira wouM not travel far for thia raaaon. probably going tb aoaia haval which he had prepared In advaaoe.

Fartlea M art But.The flret group to go out thia morn­

ing on a clue left Raet Orange potion tieadquartere ehorlly after I o'clock. Tn the party were Sargaanta Nolan and While and Reeerveman Cllntock. Thair deatinatlon wee Weat lAvIngaton. where Federicl 1e aald to have trlende te whom h* nilxht go fa r proloctlan. Delecllre lleelln of Weat Orange laier Joined the pariy. Tha trip wan made In (he email pullce ear, and aavaral riflaa and ahotguna were takan along. Tha men warn Inatruotad hy O’Nalll to aearch the notthborhaod thoroughly. They did no without reaalt.

Another group o t polloomea waa aanl to Eaaei Kella te go through an Itallah quarter. The oaunir autharlHaa hava been particularly aetlva a t thia aacllon. Bcaldea going through honaaa tha offl- corn alao Intendad to look for poaalhla cavaa wher- the fugitive m ight have aalaclad a tilriing apot. Cloaa watsh la i ttn being kept a j the uarioui roada leadlay out of Cadar arova. t t waa thought that Fodartcl la auppllad with money, tha autharlttaa laarnlng yaatar- d a r that laot weak ba won tIM piaglae carda with aoma o t hla roualrrm an.

DWufhaM CUrowloTW.The antira a taff a t cegAty dataetlvud

waa aum monad ta lha court houta laat night and tn groupa of thraa were papt to different aectlona of tbe county to dlatrlbute large circulara conutn ing a picture of tho fugUlva and offer of tho tl.ASC roward for hla capture, daad or altva. Intarpratar Joaepb F ^ e rlo l and liallan detactivoa from thia pity •ad othar munlctpalUlea aocompattlad the dlffarenl groupa. AI every Italian u ttlo inan t they explained th a t a re ­ward wtn ba paid far Infarm atlaa th a t will lead to tho locatlop and wavtcWon of tha fuglliva Aboat 1.PM of tha elroulara ware printed, aeveral huildrad being dlatrlbutad up to thia wariilBg, Detectiqe Sergeant W alter Oodfrcr mapped cut the r««tag ta ba (fttavad-

Aaaiataat Froaacutar M att ta4a* laaued aaathar warning th a t nay a sa found harhoring tha mUagtA laurdarar will ha proaaeatad. Oadfra* aald thia maralag tkat la hM long aaporiaana ha bad laaraad that cartala alaaaae hava harborad auch fugitivaa la tba pant, and ha faara that aama aauAtrF- man af Fadcftal, laakloa agon htai •CmawiHt aa a b a n , lalght aaak pra- taellon ta r him tram th a gutharltlae. Tha Inlarpratara wha ataampanlad lha daiaetlvaa Mat aighi thraugbaat OtBRIF a id In Faaaala - '«M EM •Vdag W aI


llir locality and attar haarmg a believed he waa In (he hotel.

The but occupied by two rmployccu ol the O'Rourk# quarry In the Orange 1 Mauatatae off HI. Pleaaaat artaua waa •earched y u u rd a v iftenuKVi by Kart Orunku and Weot Orange poHc*. Ro- j order Francla A. Notl of EArt Cringe,

ermed with a Wlrchralrr. took up a PoMtlon on a cUft *ue feat ahave the , lait. Other! ta the party crept up ctaae te the hut and Hnlln ftaally entered. | No one waa found la the piaet, aowever. In a corner of tha roam waa found a

Ing to the latter. l>e Santo had III- treatod har, and P*rtday idaht he etruek her aeveral tlmee. the aald. Taetarday •he awore out • warrant (or him. and Dctectlvra Kuhs and Heller of headquar- trra act aut to find him. Tkla morning aa tha deteetivea were waiting for T>» Haotu at TS Thirteenth avenue, where he worha aa a aaleaman tn a wholcaaln gro- cwvy atefu. th ty were Inforgied ha had been locked up a t (ko Fourth Precinct. II uas on ihU (diaiga of aaaault and bat­tery that Do Bagto waa held.

I nHwaro th a t Mlaa Claaco had awom iMit a w arrant for hla arrant, De Santo called a t bar bona laat night and aeked her to t ^ e a walk with him. Baturday ■ha had bought a raaor with which to dafend henetf. Whan he refueed to

•naho charmer, and that'a what got him the Invitation to Oary*a"

And ao, while It ta probably traa that the dinner had Ita Ineaptloo In paraly •octal motivaa. It baa oataa to peiaaii a political manning that will ba a fac­tor In tba eolanal'a fortunaa (ar aoma tima to come. B u t aa hla frinnda ra- mark, he haa coataalttad woran India- cratlona and g a t away with IL



dta/f I

•hotgun loaded with two iRiUe Theaewore removed by tha t«Uca and the gim with h l ^ T ^ a th a r they walked toleft behind. Federicl !■ known to be acquataled with One of the Occupant! of the h u t the poltoe aay.

Met* Reward la Be O M e^ .Followlag a coaferanca today be­

tween Mayor Worrall F. Mountain and Colonel Oarar H. Condit of tba Kaat Orange Police ComBitaalon. the Bxecu- tivn announced hla Intontlon of urging (he CHy Oouncti to offer a reward of • ( ! • (or tha oaptura of FadarlcL Al a meottag ot the Hh.aarfleld Town Cean- cll lagt g lg h t Hayim Frederlek Sadler wee auUiorlaed, oi. motion of Chair­man Frail Storm of the police cotntnll- tce, to confer with eftlelala of Kaai Orange and (Hen RidgO In relation to having (ho tlirao munlalpaUlltn offer a lolnl roward.

UaroT Sadler promt aid lo taka up the

co(«e la ta her bouae, Mlaa Claaco want

Branch Brook Park. An they itrolled nroand tha laha, Mlaa Claaco told him If ha ntxanptod ta touch her aha had aonath tag with whiah to dafand haraalf, Sha waa afraid bo aUght try to throw bar Into tha lagoon, aha aald.

LMer they bad anpper togather In a raotaurant. Da Hanto had been tryingto perm ada her to load an immoral 11Minn Ctawm atntad, and halng afraid Mm ahe had thought tt beat te coneeot. Thon thoy quarrolad. De Baato walhod toward Patrolm an Salter. She urged him not to do thia, hat ha paralated. flha had a faallag ha waa gaing to have her orraaled barauaa of what aha had aald to him ahgut tho waapaa aba waa ea*- rytag-

Aa thay walked into flprIagflaU avo- nua amoag the nrowdad trafflo the fira alarm ball on the eornar atruck (

TRENTON, &•«. I t — TaU ag ao hU tax* U a "htllMA-.dellar dlBaor," giiroa by iudgo Oary to Oataoel RooaaualL acBotor charloa O'CaoBor Hnaaeaay to­day gave a u t a otatoaiant In whloh ha ■aid "the cholcaat oxpanaBta of prlvl- lagod baalaoaa gatharod w ith Mr. Rooaavalt” rafarrod aareaetleally ta Richard tf, U id a b a ry aa the "wlUIng and well paid aerrltar* t€ (hoaa latar- •eta rapreaentad a t tb a dinner, a n t callad upon tha DODioaroey o t Raw ia r- •ap to driua an t the lohhytata wht^ ha •alA bad raturaod lo tha htatu mpttal-

"Did you notioaw' aald RatUlfor Han- neaay, " that Naw Jaraoy waa ahly rap- rManipd a t tha axeliMlva fePtlrttlaa la Naw Terk tha other nlghtT t mean

CINCINNATI. Dee. 11— W ith !th» •ame neclUlo with which ehe attempted to take her own U(o itondey. Mre. Minnie Bchmltx feriy. today atrangled her aeventaen-year-old daughter Oortie (0 death, aceerdlng to the police. Oeergo H. SchmIM, carpenter, waa awaknnad early today by hla wife Biautlng In hla ear, tha authortlei atata:

T v a klllad a e r t i e r Behmita ran down etalre to '^ le

daughlar'a room, ramovod tha Ua m mher naok hnd triad to ravlva b a r . . I t a

ton IfttAiWhen the police arrlvejl Mre. Brhjiflti

waa weaptag In an upatatra room. She waa arreatad and held oii a temporary ct-- we nf tueplclon-

The mother and daughter, Schinltx kid, had quarrelled violently. Mra.

Bchmlti upbraided tha girl fbr going out nightf and for the company aha kopt-


For tba death April t l a f hie eight-■ ' ■ JKlolh.

that blUloa dollar dinner of JadgaQ ary wharo the ohotaaat axpanaata a l priel-

tuietoeaa gathered with Mr. RooMvalt under the laaplratlon af theleaed

yaar-old daughter, Bertha .JKIrih. under tba Wheeli of a public Barvtcq. Rairwey CoMpXHr oar in m a t of her home, HP Bifgea atrecL David Klein thia afteiw eii woo a verdict of |l,tldp agalnat Ihu rail-

i (folwh. Above tha nelae, PaUolmanmunk-lpallllaa. and ha win prohab|y have a report to maha on the autcoma of Me nefot 11 liana at aa adjeuraad •eaainn of rounHl n weok from totright. At tho ttaM Mayer Sadtar mode known hli Intaotlen of urging the eoaaell I* affar a aaparata reward, offlolala of Ulaa RMga woro un- deretooif to be making tita aanM prepara- tinoa. Acting Rouadaman WllUam K ; HIggIna e( the boroogh. wlw wae Injured hy onO ef Federtal'i hutteti Baturday ■ncirnlag a t Cedar Orova la Ukily ta re- i relva pertnaneni appotntlheiit •• ronnde- roan M of* New Tear't Day.

Meiabarn of Bloomfletd Lodge of Xtha ef wMeh Acting DetreUve WlUiam Merta waa a Bwmber, bavo itartad a aiiheortp- tlon ta tocure fuode to he added to the reward the munlclpaltUea may offer. Tho flret aabacripllon waa racatvoa fatal Will­iam Laarr of Ulaowood av#au< who lived In tha aaoM bouaa with Merla. Ha gave m . CMnf John DraheH of Oraaga yaa- terdidr Afternoon aald lia tavopad having the peMca departraenta ihroughoui tha •lata Jala la cotilrlbutlng lo tho fawned-

A crowd rrtimatod a t about I.Md por- •ona atttnded the funeral of Hartg yao- tarday afternoon at nieemflaM. The aar- vloea taOk tUaea at the ha«a af tha tewa Irtdga qf BIh*. At the conctualoB of the prayata hg Rev. Reml (. Battlnghauaea and Nd*. WllUam T. Upteo, hath of BloMfiflald. eervtraa ware MM hy tho Rlha, hm aa T Boyd Couhcdl, Jr. O. U. A. M.. ated Um Indapmdoat Drdor ot Fer- oatora. to which Marta helaaged, tha body eafriad through (wo Haaa af uaHhtwad fOUepmen (a ota haawa.

Tha floral plecwi, which ware aanl by palleo aaaoctationa froaa aU over lha cuuat* and W m ta raa l organlxAtloaa, wura In two ma rhae t aadtag ibh aro- eaaalaiB waa tha poUaa h M ot Ihla city, numhariag almut fifty pMona. Followliw It oamo pMlca from aovfita garreuadtag muatalpaittlea. town flifnwa aad frw- taraal aealaUoa. Aemwig tha olftetala pra*- aat wart t-’bief Di*beU. ChM Fredarick W. Wotamepf the proaaeutor'a datacllviA Chlf F a triM tlflB ^ « ( Rfdgw Judge BdwAfd wrwaediBAa ot Oewata a a i rup- MidatAUvfa ed tha Kaat Oraaga ddpait-

IMttor heard a cry, and glanolng behind him paw a man holding a womaa'a wrtat aad atmggllBg with har. He aaw a glaam 'at atael. aad In another m lanta wllh tha aid of PalrpJman Ttwkar, ha plaoad (ho two andar arrtot.

•Oitlraont of Waythteg to beat Wllaon,' That fine rap raaeau tlva of the eom- map paOBla of Naw Jerai* , BIMiArd V. Ltndabvry, waa th a n , and ha In da- •crlbed la iome of tha Naw Tork atwa-

wag coavnay In Judge William F. Har- Tha Jurytia’g Court of Uommon Flcua

wan out an hourBertha waa creating tha i4 'e t fiwm her

of a fril:pApara aa tba laading Panmorat wha

iolttlgallF, but

■tAto FrMUUAt Jamaa J. Barba ot tba FatrolmaA'A BapavAlaat Aaaoctattan lad mawbara At tho agaoetotloa tn ibe tunaral corlaga to the oamatary.

TAFT FEBOG K l i a TODAYCHICAGO. Do*. lJ.--Forawr rtwMant

Taft rdtUrgAd hara taday m n i South Band. Ind. Mr. Taft Mill M eufftrlag ffoaa ihraat trouWa aad haa haoa ad- v taA hr d thpatatan lon a h ^ hla H a „ l^ C h ( e ^ ihorti*balMu Boan for At>«ntewA be .|a ath<

wherehedal(d ta Mnnt% Ha MM ••


(Coatlnuad from P ln l P t f i J

Uen. But •■ ba atappad bach from hla work, heard tha othera about tbd table obaerve eomclhlng in tha appaarance i>f the pallent’a ayaa that eauead them le Jump forward In alarm. They fait of hta pulae end hla haari and teoF othar taeie. Tha boy waa deal.

An autopey waa performed thia af­ternoon hy Coanty PhyalMxn, William H. HcKcnile Ha toand that tha lymphatic candltlon of the body waa ■ncli ihat tha admlnlatratloa of tha •thar to the boy had baan fatal. Thia, tha phyalrian aald, waa not tinuanal, and la a condition ot haaUh whiah aaa- n o t. ba datarinlnad bofora gluiag Pan •thar.

F ifty mlnutaa latar. It waa Ita ra a i today, a talagram waa M at lafermlpg Mra. Scott th a t Edward waa l a a Mrioua condition.* Thia waa g t 1 M e'etaok. Rdward had dtad M o'clock. Aakod aa to tba aaMp Af MiA delay, Charlea B. TalboL auaerUHWAAMt of th« hoaplUL aald dAMg Mtat H waan't cuatoaiary to pond KfiBriiaig lo ralallvoa bluntly aantteaeleBAdAeth. Relativoa aro alw ayt InforiMft OWt tha pattant la In a aerioiM eoadlttan. ThWi whan thay coma u tb a haapltal tha aawa of tho death la brakda tA tkain.

Dr. Baglaaton oxalaJaad IhAt. A part of th t fiwoturod alraU waA dMfaaaIng tho bay'a bm la and atfaMlag tho optta honro.

Mra Scott aald that Muarfly Attor Bd- ward fell laat Aagaat hd M I again, thin lima down a fUgM. af atalfn In hla bonta. Tha hoFa aw ar. tan-yaar- eld Oraoo BaotL dtad ipant teataM Oe- toher • a t lha Cflg ItoaBUal, a fAW hoaru a fte r ahe had bOM admliiad.

helped to 'taaho WUioit . who la now aad and aorrg ahM t IL

" tt la urnll, jaa t MW, ta raeatl that iho root poOtieal ataangth of Wllahn In Naw Jaraay and t» a la FraaMaatlal campaign, aama trom thA lACt that ha waa baliouad ta ha es paaid M and by the men and tha lataraAta af whom Hr. J.lndabury haa alwaya boaa a Wllllag and watt paid aereltar. H t. ttataaraH won poputarity by hla maaa-bAltaTa fighta Agataat tho aaau tater tat i All F n ialdant W llaaa haa ta do la la ftflhl theaa p a a ^ and thair prtuBaBaa 1a iha m aa ta Win tha aallatinaar h ih ta l him a f th a t •m a t aad lavtealbM AMAg ad tha Amaricaa maaaaa who

heaaa to tho Iiobm of a frftj .^A ooat wagOB waa atandlng near tha eufh a lit- Ua below bar. It waa tha coalaatlon a t . tbe fallway company thnl the coat wagon ohaUuotad tha view th a t the Metormati of tha car didn'l aca the girl In time ta atop. Tba ptalallff argued that the coal wagon waa aufflclanliy far away V> glvAj tha Btatannan plenty of ppport'lhlty ta atop It be hadn't bean nufUgeni,' Tho trial began yaaurdag.

fAUHOOSI BURNED, FAHUES flEEJX R R T . CTTT, Doo. I t — aenntlly

cind, many famltiaa ran to tha atreat ahortly hoforo m idnight when a two-


■And. It oaema to bm, thrirq ta nagd that tha Dumosracy of Raw Jaraay ahould hoed a Mmttar moooogo. Tho Public Be erica CarpomttOA o f New Jar- •n r and H i alliad fbuiiMtal J a t a r ^ Who worn ratirud a few- yohni i j p from ikotr eaatral ef tha soTaMMaaM of Now Jaraog, ha*n oomo hack, a>«>B Tr^ Hio Ropuhilonn contrM of tb* U p lfla tiira

alarm firo oonptalaly dMlrogad ,tbo ra ttan warohoBaa of Otto QqrUAii a t Cota And Thlrtfonth a t r e a ^ and waa

tad from anraadlng ta toiMMHDt In tha ntigkborhood tha work

jrapoatad heoaae I _of aavaral fira aagtno hompaalaa .Tha dtaiaga ta aatiwatad a t l l l ,W . *

T hair lAhbglata warn ow tIM •tataatlg laat wtotor Api t lM r aMlitgtd Bwatpatnta the law-nMhlat ppwar af tho atata to ibotr aarHaa waf n o M r ^

t raeall that H waa MR IdhBahWgqphA tad tha gmllAht hBS« BtAttparafloUwgara who anoMadod Id e |leg iliig t t

gpigadaunt ta tha i eMUH Itavn gtroa aiBtttl af thair awath a t tba antaa IwliNBIB B M B tt gAMMotat w ith th a itABjljitW af AaaaMMg dietrtat ■Bi Bf i i lBi t a t t aOonatltutlon. for w h M tf I to ba aponaor. Aitampta tha oerpontlon lawg a t tha ^

M l A n F n p m i 11 FiM M i;

N E H r ■

.5310 COIN'

f o r C h r t o t m o o U uta .

|n tarua t of mqaopAlr wara I^ tbe otgllBnaa a t OaoeraM aad tha DemoaralM m iadrtlr-

■nta DamooraRa party ahh*t a h a t t a warfegtAPaaM affthr -tba Maadal of tha Breaib toontfAl. TMiw Bipat ha ^ „__Maw J mwmt b* ^ ap U H /rtta ji • law

i S £ a e o u > r o r o < e a a M >

- mmm wmmor

a m M Hi

laUooal Ndwatk BanidngCo,

M t t , C unrG IM M i S I

B io T R B o r u n r o n D Y MBgMB, Dao. l | , —JUigoi« Barja.

Mp m of lha lata D m riwa X. f i giift^oeordtag 1 adrHwi.Nd*H«i

B e l l -a n sA b s o I u t e l V R a m o v e B

S a v e a $100 ;;i —J H -—m i ' l y a i f e -t s t - e F - j r ^ g 4


M U d mf a W I


CHIEPOM IRapllratlon

today whan t New Jaraay ri •ay Fadarntic •ooaatnnca ol ou lha llquoi partloa have apnolCle topic thor aiehanai In tho nogotli oronta

Insldan tally aro not ontta Bonal auggeut contalna nute th s tartiiaaa

Tha naaolll tha langna Ni challanga In conaldered w j tien, while " roatated the wbioh waa ai day and dell

The league the “acceptati •ra tion . Ill ai Waa dodging peaod pracUt dlaanaaad aei hy tha leagui

(A'hat the I waa; "Reeolv advocated by Kaw Jaraey le a Juat, efferti for handling hovemgei."

ftoforinulatt tha aubject i probIbHIsn of haa of latoilc purpeoea la Chrintlan In c a re needy for

Aa the Ua the taderailo fend lha net fedoraiton rei •ra tion will propoelllon • •B the defeni ruallne the v aftirm allue i Ing a dobata

la auppori prtpoaltlon. J • f tha tedara to tba chalU tka laaguo:

I■WKh ehi

• ta ta tha pro « • ta have I tJva’ laha Ih waat to del lha fact thetupudlaled—ei aooetad and, tha Oaunt t twglatalara.

■Wa diatiki punnar and any anggaatii toephola lo a iongod party to auggoat I hated ang la goal ot yam Waa aat to fu llr aak yoi yapraaaBlatlT tho tolhiwtai ahoTo.

"To our ■ aad alreumal •adBOBlty fat that ahould b ta right aad ( ^ M•■ay, If aa-Chrtatiaa, mgaataatlon paaa H upoa

•niiat lathi ho dabotad fe a t our atata. i tloa auch aa ; • r local Ofrtle

In aandliw taaga to Rev. tandoat of tt pllaa aoma aa good faith of tattwr. Hr. 8i

"Wa aru ti rammunlcatiffl Wrhich you n •fflolal pnbHi cleal ao-calM hatag coadut guar laagiM i tba quoallon

He•TF# #0 no

lo bo faeatlo *■ aa avary fi •—ta Boto y« la latandad aanaoTtatlua a troagoot ari Aral work ol O ur kM wtad arganliatloB, ahoorvatloa i adoant ta Ma ponant of thi wouM oaatln ware to p r arguraanta tl an honaat di

■Whila Ihi ra fa r w aa In n lB latarial i who 'rapUad' praaa to aa ■ kanhoahar, 1 aop t a ehall fo r a pnhUf taH ali wa a M *a anaatn a f a gnaaial a ap t poor I

■Radaratu eaptanoa ta i

I th a WrgBAlai Mrauo of a Itaanaa and buetaaea an tapaah aaala autbaritlaa h ta lly cogati B a ta In 'riau a f fo a r pr«i tndloatad by th a praoa • •aplaa o t ye

■Aa to yoi halo bo give a ta to a t dll th a t a alngh e lty during J fn a hall to tivM a f hall t tp a rto d by t a maka 111

ahould not b patod, we aa dahata. arrai Oft the props

t a eoBolud

" I t la aim emptaata wl nnd yaur oi w in nttaw •algb t ho c o a rttF la yo

A at Mr. BhMi

iBohalbta, aft tha fadanllo

■1 wouU lueagalttoa I


th a t la lha DtataguO'Pat a iraa ia r iigt w t hava am

"Hy tatw waa haaad aftcial otBaar ' • a foBowai ‘ th a t op a a n

!m N p i

'f:. V-‘.

kfA K lt ”'K \ if 4 • 'i^J-< V 4 U . ! ! Z S r k ' l a i i f


ftt*n ■fMnr. . fItFt -■ *»(u

f»r b-ot i•1 s\••Ptril*•d *4• a V1ft dIt-imftft ;it^rr* «

hi•4 ftd-ftfff1-



CA %;#terntftdVh rr*Ml>fd


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1 >: ! w 1IF -iljrlit­ter ft jr*TITS>•11alt­ ft!' 1 'ar-srrh«r %•at 1 ’lltr M :at ft :

(00 * V }(ao

la ftoal sdr*'ta , ft

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A iti-S tlo N L eigH h A P n ^ a d e r i^ t i n W3I D itc u i Et3 i of ^

* R u H -P trk a p i.


RfpIfeatiM QUlektjr followwl »niw«r tAdftp wh«ii th« Antl*BiLlrHiH L^aiuc of Ktw from tht Nt«r J0r>•«V |Pt4of«Uoti of Liquor tnUrooti on Poo«pUnc« of ■ GhtUtiiifo to « dtb»t« 00 cJio liquor probUm. However, th« port lot hoT« npl y i acr««<1 on tho Ipoolftc topic to bo oonobloroii and fur> thor otehopffoa of potoo imoiu probabl# In tho bopotlatlona hetwyn ih» boUls- aranta.

Inoldantolly tbc two Utott m^iiwpta pro not ontlroly Imllcatlvo of tho aoa> aohal autceotfoti of ‘*avo4 wm." lUch contaitia notoi of arerlilty tlmt dovolpp tho tarttioaa of Ibo cotniminJcailons.

Tho BopoUaiiooo wor« ikiilated by tho looffuo Novombor 12 Iaot, with Iho cbplUngo In which the quootton to bo conaldored waj aei forth. The fodora* Hon. whilo "BCcepUna" tho challongo, rootatod tho prupoottion In a lettor wbioh waa aoni lo tho loaguo yoalor* i a r and dellvorod today.

Tho loagne thU afternoon ropTlod to tho **accopt«r>ce/' end doctitrod iba fed- •ration. In ouggeatlnc a now oubjott, Waa dodclni Iho lasue. U la now pro- poaod practk'ally that both topk'o be 4lMiiMOd aop^rately, that fonnulatod hr tho laafue fltat.

WJiat the ka<uo ptnpooed to dlocuu waa* '‘Roaoivod, Tim local opUua a* advocatod by tho Antl-KaJofm l^aguo of I Maw Joraoy la Amorican In pilat lplo, and a Juat» offevttvo and dtiaocratw method j for handlliif tha traffic In latoalcatini kavoragoi

Itafonnulatcd aa tha federation doairea tho oubjocl will be: "Heeolved, That^rohlbHIon of the manufacture, aalo and POO of mtoilcatliiK Uqnora, for bevorage purpoaoa, ta wrong in prtociplo. un- CKriatian In eharavler and powerlcaa aa a romedy for Intotnperanoe."

Aa tho loague laaued Ko chaUenge. tha foderatlon would havo ii.d to d i' f*n4 1h» n«(ttlv« cnnl«i<tloii: u tho <l4*rallon rciU tu thP lUbjMi, thr r«d- •t^ lon wUI luppurt lh« affirm.tiv*proposition and Ih* I r .f u t be |ilor«d•O IbO drftn.lvft. Both .Id*, oroh.bly POOIlM tho Tolae of (ho foot tbot (ho onirmatl** old* ho* Ih* right of cIm -

J»ra» r th« IlgtMr tprPM mi4Ih* Antl-Pilopn l.*h«iM tb* taiBiodlM* hiMPtlM firs t h* (hr«aB*4 ovu m « thht StMMIon U Vtpr d iw iiid tor th* righl (o h« p troa to tho rotor* In tho inwatol- PhUtHo In Nrof Joraor to ssttio ter ihojhoplros (ho BtHMtlop of tho grant- lug or «lllih«M lng ot lltonaoo to oolt Inloclrotlog muoro.

“Thi* moawiro woo hofor* tho Uat Lo«lslo(uro Midi will bo latrodueoll ocoln. and It WM an o itrw ia lf kctlvo and iloltrm lhlng 4W**tl«n In tho te n •lertivn.

"Liot ms romlnd yon (hot yonr orcon- Isntlon woo furmod In Ih* vtty of Tron- ton on lb* very dot* that th* dloro*- •lon on th* to*nl option bill wno held In (ho llonaa of A*a«mbly and tho found*- tlon of tho orsonlnallon w** to »r*y*ni th is natural Amorloan priviloa* b«lnc (Ivon to tho rotor* of Now J*r«*y. Your attoinpt to ih ift th* IMU* at thI* tint* iBdloaloo tbat you a rt afraid to publicly diaouo* It.

“tf lha Podoratlon of Uquor iMor- oati a ra sineoro In thrtr obiootlon* to local option thay will appoint a cham­pion to tiofond their old* of th* ques­tion and th* AtitUHoloon L**au* will ln*l*t that this quedlon b« dl*>:u***4 first.

"Wh*n th* local option proposition l i out of th* oay, It will (Iv* us plcaa- ar* to m*«t any chomplon you may ap­point to dU cun the proposition that you iubrolt s f ts r moklng n lew r«uon- ahla and loglonl vsrbal chang** In tho wording • • •

"Tho question of the traffic In Inlonl- eating liquor* I* a govornmenlsl prob- Isra. that of ih« use of liquors i* aa Individual problem, and In their discu*- aion th*y should b* ssporatsd.

"We will be pleased lo meet a cham­pion of the liquor forces oiler dlicuae- Ing the qusctlon* of local option and national prohibition lo dlacua* th* question of the relative merit* of total absllnenc* and Ih* ue* of IntollcaS Ing liquors. Aa to the tlm i and pUc* of th* dtacusplon. we ehall be gov­erned by circumstance*, hut tha sonnet the batter so far as we are conctrnsd.''

pnrobaaad wllhin tho Ust tw* wodha. (h« hatfitef la id b* laiandod i* call tho ntaUar to tha attoatlon a t th* tlaltad • la iaa Diatrlot huarwag.


Tha wharaaboute a t Jnhn Brhmid, bahar and onafaotlaaar a t l i i - i iT W aahingion straat, Oraag*- >■ atm un- haoim to hi* cradltora, who today held anothar masting la Bahhruptcy Court Mr. Schmid loft hU horn* a t the Wonh- Ington stroal addrosu Docamhsr 4, and. acoordlng (a th* teoUmony of hi* wif* and oniployoo*. It I* net known wher* h* went, r r s n k V. Wilkinson of m Bloom fiold arenu* hoph-bsspor (or th* baking oOBCsrn, Who a witnsss todsy betor* Itoforee Charlsa M Masun.

Mr. Wttkln-on (astiriad h* worked te r th* alJage.l bankrupt sine* last Jan ­uary. Th* Unjlehaepar waa called upon to g iro an rstlmot* of th* quanlUy of movabl* otni k a t IhO plant. William Harrla. counsol for (h* recolver. e*. plslnod that this ooura* was taken be­cause Ihor.- did not appear to he any­one ropreseiitlng Mr, Bchmld wh.j was empowored to draw up a **t of arhed- ulaa of ospeta and llablllUes. The hook - koapar aaid hs did not know where Mr. Schmid la at prsaanl.

Th* ItabllUls* of Ih* mlising mer­chant ar* aalimatad to b* llO.ons. and th* valu* of Ih* aaaata la not known. Counsal for th* racalvor. J- Trsacy Hor­ton, **ld (h* Schmid baking plant had boon aatlmatsd to b* worth


Dr. W tW w v i i f W id n i tM Gets State P i r a i t te Take E u H a a-

tieB tfir C n ite r’i PontiM.


Bla p^yaldana and two laymen, who ar* oipocted 10 compel* In Ih* civil **r- vlro oaamlnatton tor hoollh officor ot Ihls clly, a poolllon now Itinporarlly hold by Or. Charts* V. Crastsr, havo qualified befer* th* sta ts department of health for llctnses as hsaltA stfl- cer*. T sa tt were held Ihrea wiska ago to place the candidates for I>r. Oras- ler's Job In a position to tsk* (h* civil servlco siaininatlon, which Is to bs bsid January I. It 1* nscsssary th a t civil serric* siamlnatlen candidates hav* atat* Uesnasa.

Hr. Crostor already having ohialBsd a llcona* was not oh 11 gad to go bstor* ihe atai* haalth aulhorlUs* at this time, tncludgd among thoa* who passed the health dspartmsnt qnlt waa Or.

^ I H om C Woodward, diraelsr of hab­ile bsaltb U Waablagtan, wb* la ra-

Cf^ad i* a elaa* rtvnl of Dr. Crnatar r tha iistettoa h tr a Th* o than vha

MO onttllsd to llaoatse aro: Dr. Franh Ik Moahar, fonaor amiahor of lb* K tw . arh Soard af Haalth; Or. Onndas R. Camphall a f thi* olty, Maloolm Uw l* of HaaleUIr, Dr. Warrsn H. Toung of UU l* r a l l a Ur. John H. Whilloar of Oeaan City, Nals Naloon af Laag Branah and Dr, i , Wartwa Kalght ot Psaa Uiav*.

Candldota* who quallflad N r llcsnsaa as plumbing Inapaotor war* Hanry U w n u n of pasaala William A. tohnor ot

Pallaado Park, Oasra* Halawr a f lN tb - orterd . Edward A Hogan of M telnn, Thawiaa W alton of (Mmden and oaorg* F. IN In ty ra of Hamawotsa

Itichnrd J. Ik tlra th of Jsmoy City, W llltnm C, Kraanwr ot UnOan and Henry A McAuUy of Allaatln Clly qualltlod for sanitnry inspoctor of th* flrol clnaa and t'hario* Covarl of Looo- bu rg for oanitdry Inapoelor of th* third clnaa

Ait**l D. parkar of Dtlawnr* psaasd th* oiLom I nation for milk and dairy In- apoctar and Harry P. raMldy of Bhlla- dalphla th* oxatalnotlon tor food In- opoelor.


FMolHy howteg Moshteo H*4*f did r td o H tf ■t**«rW C*ataanst*vFa.

N A S«fbi Ehckk Cfk

Ing a dobata ta asupport ot th* rsframing nf the

graposltlon, John O. gchelbit, president of th* fodorailon, who wrote the reply to tho challsoge, says In (he letter to th* laaguo:

■am* Par roam."W ith eharactsrletlc modest r you

a tat* Iho proposition which you Invito BO I* hav* *n ‘acersditsd roprssenta- tlvo' tab* tho negotivo aide of. You araat to debate local option, despite th* tact that you yourself virluslly lipadlatsd—except as a means to th* aosmisd and, stata-wM* prohibition— tha Gaunt bill defsatsd by th* last leagtslatar*.

diatih* sm barrsislng you In any tea a nar and want sapeclally to avoid awy snggaallon that might glv* you a tosi^ol* lo withdraw, but aa th* chal- Hngad party w* claarly hav* (h* right fa auggaat tha propealllon to be da- hatad anA In rtow of th* fact that th* m l af ypur arganlaallon la problbi- itaw wat local option—wa raapact- fn llp aah yon to hav* your acerodllcd rspraasatatlT* take the nogatlv* aid* of Ibo following proposition," aa staled Bbova.

‘T o aur adnd, osaaldailng rondlttons and alTcumi l inssa, thi* propoaltlon i* aanlMntly teir and ambneas the points th a t should ho disouassd. It prohibition I* right *Ad ChrlaUaa, that aada all con- trovarsy. If It Id wraag In pHndpI* and «I-Chr1stla% by what right do you ar Die asgantaatton you rapreaant, aeah lo Ito- B*aa H upon the pcoplof

T h a t 1* III* qootUoD we bellev* should ha debatsd for tbs benefit of th* p*o»lo «f aur atalA not n sId* tssue of tbs ques­tion such a* yoar oiganixatlon has mad* a f local option."

In asndlng tho neespUnc* of the chal- longt to tlav. Jatno* K. Shields, suporln- toodont of th* lesgiM, Mr. Behclble ap- plinn poms saresam to th* methods and good filth of that arganliatlon. In h>a tetter, Mr. Bcbsibl* srrlt**:

"Wo MS In reesipt of your undatod canmnunlcnflon of tsvsml weeks ago In tehteh you refer to an editorial In our ■ m dal publication—Justlc*-~on tho fnr- cteal oo-callsd ‘wet and dry dlalogua dc- b a ttg coadurtad under the auaplca* of pwnr laaguo and In which both aides of th* qtHsCloii at* prtsented by your paid BCidmar toa,

Hothod* CrtlMood-**Wo Aa not know that you Intended

I* ha faeatloqa, but are Indaed amused *—A* avory falr-mlndad person must be ►—4* aat* pour statement: This dsbate N Intandad to set fairly bafor* th* aawaervntto* votara ot this slat* th* ptfoagaat. argunanta agatnat ib* gon- aral tram af th* Anll-8aloon Laagu*.' Otir knovladg* of th* mathoda of your arganliattoB, l^aad by aovoral yoarg •baorvatlaa and asparlanc*, gtva* ua an adaqiiaN idea of how long tha pro- panamt ot tha ‘waf aid* at th* gnastlon urauld aantlnna on your pay roll If ho war* to prsaswt the Ineontrovartiu* argumanta that would b* ptaaantad la an honaat dabata

-Mghll* th* adUorlal to which you Pafar w aa Is th* tnnin, a eriticlam of a m lnlatarlal ally of your organliatlon who TtpUod* throngh th* Passale city proa* to aa id d rao* mad* by Qaorga A. K ansaak tr, but who hogtactod te ac- • a p t a ehallang* fren Hr. Hwinackar fa r A psfeUe dabata on the auaitlens fAlaad. wa at* ranlly plsasad that you u w * aaaatmod th* asm* in th* light o f a gnaainl ohnltango, and gladly a«- aap t r e n t datl te dabata

*WAd*ratanA howevar, that thla ae- •aptaaa* I* not baaad on th* bollat that

i th * ■orgahlaatloa’ you raprasant Is ds- aliasN ot a full and fair diacuaslon of Itaaana and Ngnlallon ot tbs liquor fcueino** ns agninat illicit aalting In ^p aah aaalaa' over which th* public AUtkorttls* hav* no control W* aocapt, ta f lp cagalannt that th* object yob Anw* In vtow la th* furtbar advsrtlatng • f pour propaganda. Thla you clearly IllAloatad h r your action In turnlahing th * prasa a t th* au t* with advanc* aopia* of your Ehallang*.'

“Aa fa your tuggoation that th* da- bat* b* givan a t atvaral piaoa* fh th* Atat* At dtftarant timsa, w* hMlav* th a t A atngl* dsbata bald a t aur aapital ■Ity durlsg January af th* comlnd yoar. In a hall to b* tolaotad by rapraaanta- tlva* af both sldta, would b* ae fully t tp o rta d by th* proM af the atat* a* t a m ak t Ita rapatittas tlsawhar* un- paoaaaary. If. howavtr, th* ttau lt abeuM not b t aa laUifaolpry aa a n tld - patad, w* can. a t th* oonolualas ot tht* dabata. arrang* tor furthar dlacsnlOBa A( tb* propoaltlon alaawbara"

to ooAdudlng hla lattar. Hr. Sehalbls


Throufh a m1iund«rHUindtni of the of i Im bearing on th« JItnay onll*

nanca. auppoBed (o havo been held thla tnomlng it! ofice of Mayor KayriK^nd. tho eaact ttma that the Jitney men and tha Mayor will meei |p atUI urHla<'1d«"d.If a rhanga i'ar be made in another an- gagameckl of the Mayor for lomnrrow morning, the h*arfna may be held at that time. It wai eald today.

It developed today that >oina of th t Inieretted pardet undertlood the hFaiina waa lo be tfiday, while othert had lotnur* row aa the date. Amoni the latter waa Mayor Haynwind. who la out of the «:ity today. It alao haa bfM*n dlecovered by the Mayor'! aeiTeUry. p' Krle Moody, that the Mayor haa an engagement for tomorrow moralhi- lln tald ha lateaded rommunleattng thla afternoon with the offtcera of the Jitney Rar^U’e AaaoelaUon through on# of ihg. dlrtriort, William J. Morgan, in an efon to reetify tha mla* lake and decide on a date agreeable to all.

Tha ordlnaflte waa paaaad by the Com­mon CouiicU Friday night* and. according to law, muat either Iw atgned or vetoed by the Mayor within ten dayt after it haa tieen preaeniad In him. Tha hdiahng muat t« arranged for within that time lo be of any affeet. It haa been requeated by tha Jitney men ao they could preaent their aide of the caie In an endeavor to aacura the Mayor'! veto.


Investigation will b* mad* Friday ' into (hs alleged disappearance of tl.loq of assets from a shoe store condurtsg by Mrs. Fannie H. W slnthsl a( *0 Newark avanut, Jersey City. Morris H Cohn, a lawyar for several crsdllors In a to ta l liability of II.SOO. nieil an In­voluntary patltlon In bankruptcy yea- (arday afternoon In Ih* Newark branch of the I ’nited States Uiatrlft Court. Judge Thomas U. Haight appointed CTiarlt Herahensteln ot Jersey City recelv. fixing his bond xt tl.bu*.

Tile ijetlilon of th* creditors alleges th a t Mra Welnthai not only admitlad her Inaolvency. but had ascreled her alock of goods. Mr. Cohn said that ^m otlcally all of the I|.b0* of this kind o f asset had dlsappaared and that, when the racsiver vlalied the store at T o'clock last night. It was learned (hs goods had been removed two hours be­fore.

Mr, Cohn added that he had received an order for th* examination of Mrs. W elnihal and otheri before Referee Beach of Jersey City. In connection with his statement that 1140 of the stock alleged lo hav* disappeared waa

The Browe CompanyWM. A. SMITH, RECEIVER

MANUFACTURERS OF LIGHTING FIXTURES9 - 1 1 F r a n k l in S t , N e w a r k , N. J .

Announces Disposal Sale of All Fixtures at Great ReductionsLighting F ixtures for Every

Coneeivabie UseLarge A ssortm ent of Table Lamps, Silk & Glass Shades

Sale Ends Friday, December 24,1915

FROM WHOLESALER DIRECT TO YOUTou who ar« at thla laat mumant parpleiad

aa lu whal to giva har and you who bav# made up your mind tu gpi Kura and do not hinow wherr, ara aaaurad that by vlaiiing Par upataira Bhow room yati can aalacl rallabta fwra lo autt your taata arid puna atA SA V IN G o f 2 6 % t o 35%

of tha ratallar'a priraa.R E D F O X S nS I BLACK FOX S n S I NAT. RACCOON MUFFS

13.50 2 2 i0 45.00125.00 37,50 6 O D 0 |9 .S 0 1 3 j0 1 8 i0 • 2 . 0 0 t o 7 5 . 0 0 I O U r a i 't Fw i . 1 .7 5 t o 1 5 .0 0

Opel Evenlofs TM 10 O'clock Uai Xaas


7 0 7 BROAD STA.IbittiRHnMPETAme—TAKE CLCVATOI^ TO 4 t l i rUOOfl*'


F in cy suppers—Novelty Shoe^ RalEleven Big Bright

Blyn Stores filled with practical gifts in ample variety and immense quantities assure choice from complete stocks an* ta dosing time Friday night



F«It Comfort Sllppcn for Mon, Vonen tott Cbit- dran, *11 (tylM uid color*.1,00, 1.25 and 1,50

lUdiM* F*It JitU- ttto Sllp-

Otb»rJ«n«ll**■I lJ 5 i

*Tt 1* iliiMr*l|r hopad tbat thI* «*HMO* wlH b* aatlitaelorjr Co yott AOd Ytnw orgAnIxatiOA, hlul thAt y*« w in Allow nothing to h ip p w ttw t p x M t h* coMtruad a* lack *t Hae •*H tr >■ yo«r ehallanga*

AaH *ala*A HaJalAda*.Hr. IhteUa la hi* lattar t* Hr.

iSehotU*. attar ackhcwMclnt nicelpt of tt* tedaraUen mladva, goa* «n la lay:

"I WDuU paat over aa uawortby «t na*t*ltlCA tha alarring aa* nndlgalflad (iiiinruhta that peu laah* roganUiig tb* jMtdteteoA M*giH an* will n*r*l)r m y

la th* dl***-l*aul*oo W«t aad Dry Hr. rooliMi piitg iw A

tor tb* Itqtwr p««|l« IMA * * M « I «W heard ftwa *A* *1 IMtr

"Hy tetter, iMfttalnlMl tha Htalteiwt, wa* baaM MW ah edlMitel i* war ot- fklal «*warlMitiw‘ froa whfeb-l quet* aa feiewwM M lii wap. it oaeafii t* «* that W atiHIWMeaalaa* Hr. Oaorga

wHMtanwA attvAbateJot _ _ * * .'* h u **wwl , Utej»* Ih* •*»■ to tehair iM qA*»>

IteA *1 lowi •vOmi prahihHteh, outthaw iaawite Aoatitth* itiiWwt**

^ b * Aatt-MdiMMiWa* haow noth* Of th*** «dSU*ag*% hat in

«l «h* «5SB<n5tera*e* abav*••At to 'T^mqrhiw lADTA-

lAAM h*tW*»AaaA tha JtAH-HAleoA

M*W jrAnW.” AttHM th*eaVnot wp that f Aif totter of Dae*m**ti

and propwN* aa Attog«4l AAMtiOA. « • ar* tm aU Aatoto tha h r o e d ^ o i to a *d

I a** ■ArWtood!*ai**p It d«e|ra*I* aa attog«4h«r

IV . .la w Atm alip to d* 1*4•■urw M ft A i iMilhgiiwtea lA M*«r


SILK STOCKINGSla alt OTaulog *h*to* and dealrahl* aal*a*| haadaaai* h a 11 • a p has**, •jycelal valwaa ter the Chrtelmae a*a* sew,per wdr 50e md IX



IteiUar Stela Kvaatagto, ISbck, fat wMto,

OUttei____ , _ Ui EYcniaiSUmra, dttla and kid, , 1*111 aad hwM. 'i-

tu e , IM and SJ«


fter«hg*M modtatonpftfgn S f* rr mag he rx-ehmagtd at atm other K ifa Store. A iolUlatand ooerg maIMk*.




Lew Price* on Oar Stondard Lliw* of Rokber Boot*

Perfect and Folly WarrantedM«n'* Blir*, t to U ..............I J KBoy*' fUxea 1 to t ................ O hBoy*' Sliea 11 to t , ............ ].{#Chlldr*n'* bright and dull An-

lib. *l«** * to lo w ... . . , . , ISAMl****' « u a 11 to 1............ i l lDali Gate Boot*, Kaw L c i^Men'* Blxe*. * to I t . . . . . . . . -|1**Boy*' Boot*. *l*e* I to d ..... lBoys' Boot*, *lx** 11 to 1 ... , Lwdle*' Boot*. *!••* J 't.t* •- .Ml****’ Boot*. ■*•••11 to ,50 Chlldiwti’a Boot*, t to 1».... IjSS


iiidieifOfiritlteiHVklM etteh. fdialter

cat 1 •«*.>. *ivgX#QQPaarl irty. £rk nw.

fava m kiaifc uten,1, r*|*i*r rat l i e

*StoSn).M l*itU5

•J-2S ■ftea^Ssk




$5.00Extra high-cut

While Calf Novelty L*ce Boot, ptrforited vtmp*. high arch, Spanish heeta and well soles. Elsewhere S7 and $8.

SPECIALF w the Hoiidaya

Soya' two-buckle Storm Boot*—tan and black. Staaa la to IS l i . . . , $2.00 H a a a lto a ............T u

Mtut'a• n d


M l|h , C rifia

^ r m 'Boot* of aaft, baary wttorprwf grata ta UUl aad black; waited aala*; idll ate hardaa *r craek.Baya; Sbtoii, 11 to IIH ,

af *gASa■atefSIadteltol.. LMlta rA B Iiia ,* la lS . iM

Arismfif-fifl- m*uM ,r.e


689 Broad StreetMM, w ^ _ *lb -sSSB^iiBirSt sHr TtMHC

Store Open This Evening

W om en’s & M isses’ Cloth S uitsRegular $15.00 to $20.00

Reduced to $11.50Theie i* not an undesirable suit in the whole 65. and you will

recogoiie the exact same aa have been aold all season at the above prices. They are worth today their regular value, but we warn to beat a suit r«ord of a year ago tomorrow, hence the price; splen­did poplins and whipcords, belted or aemi-belted models or models with side plaited coals, velvet or fur trimmed, navy, black, brown,green.

Women'* & Migses’ Cloth Costa Worth 115.00 lo tlO-00

Many wiih fur chokrr collar*, bright tibelln*. soft tone overplaidt, brown snd olive green end nary, all ailk lined; mixtures and black and nsvy ehevioii; every coai in (he lot a decided bargain. Spt-eial ........................................ 1 U 5Girls’ Riin Coat, Hat & Bag to Match

Rubberised cgntona cloth, navy and thepherd checks; cut very roomy, so can be worn over coat or fwetier, with hoi and hag lo match; belt all around and button high lo neck; If not in need for immediate use, will make an Ideal Christmis gift ................................... ............................. 3.9tt

Girls’ Party FtmIu Reasonably PricedThe wanii of tb* girl tn her “toeni" are care­

fully snidied in seleetint these pretty frock*. They ar* last a* chic and dainty as her older eiiitrs*— fgshloned in nets, talTeta, velvets and challlai, in the mosi effective combinttion of taccs, tllk* and fur trimmings; slie* up to 10; price* range from

5.95. 7.95, lOOO and uB to 20.00Middy Blouses a t 1,00

Our aaaortment comprises about ten different style blouse* at $1.00; every one 1* made of ex­cellent quality non-shrinkable gollated and “Jean* Lonsdale;" all while or colored collars; aiict 6 year* to 44 bust measUremenii......................l.OO

Sreond tloorOIrts' W arm Coats

Sixes t lo It.Many fur irimme4, choicest fab-

rlci, exceptionally well lailored; xibellne, chevioit, mixtures, chin­chillas, broadcloth*, corduroys, vel­vets and plushes; price* nnte from S m 6-95. 7.95. 10.00 and uD to

The Owner of the

Beautiful Big: Doll

A e re c ix l eam m itt**— h o ld ltiit th e fo tlow liii ru m . h e r* — w ill m »k» the r/**- entnOnn te .rni* on* lln i* g ir l b u ld ln g o u t ot the lol" lo w in g n u m b tr t :

Tat *0.4 •■•ktr le *•*»»ra t ••Ta* ta ir* ■ •■ k « I* eoaxsa ra* (•■Ha •uiaatr i* asiMn Ta* a r tk austk tr U •WUM

Th* Urtl nuina.r will ^ liet* from IS utilll II tomorrow. Tuifrio*!'. !>*■ r*mb*r 13, If th t huldtr *f the dupllext* numUtr Set* n o t pr*»«anl th« eouiwti during ih tl Dm* ‘h» •*«: ond nuHib*r ixuntil I! o-cln-k will b* th* fortunBl* tl>* tnifdnumber will hf hold from \ i to I—tho fourth nwmhBf Horn X to 2 and tho Bilh iiumbor from Z lo I-It row Hold fVwo of TWoo

BWMiNkrO 1*0 V9Wrfooowt H Owrtiiv tb«

llowrw Bpooliod*

Tots’ Coats, SiMS 3 to 8Mgny models that hgve sold for coniideiabit

more; every one Rnished in the best poxiible man­ner; many with fur collars, cuff* and around bot­tom of coat; tibclinc, cheviots, corduroy*, velvets, plushes, chinchillas; big assortment of stylo and colors................. .100 .3.9R. 5.00 and « to 16.95

Christmas Pttticosts 1.00As a practical gift nothing would be more *p-

pteciitcd than one of ih«*a exccllenl pclilcoata, flnished In tplendicf quality satetn; plaJa shade* and the new Dreaden patierni; a vatiety of vary pretty Bounces, enibosm, pleated and tecilonal; colors ar* navy, purple, green and brown, alad black, at .............................................................l . t i

Worsted Shoulder Shawls, Sieqoes, Breakfast and Bridge J a c k ^ Cortbet

In rarlout combinaiion* with aalin rottttea snd bow*.Shawls,, price* range from.....................59c to 9.MJackets, prices range from.................1,00 to 5x00

Special Sale o f House Coats an d Robes■te’i 6.00l7.00liAUaA CamMatty In the lol made gown style,

button and buttonhole front, silk cord edgt, with girdle to mttch; also regu­lation bath robe atyle; great variety of coloringa, including Indian pat­tern*; *1*0 plain with fancy bordar on collar, cufn and bottom; all liisa; special .......................................4,05

N(i’t8 .0 0 IS .» lH h U t e lC in iHeavy weight blanket robe* and

gowns, moat all with sMk cord edge; a great variety of two-tone colorings and plain shad** with fancy bolder*;special ............................. .6.75

Nm’s Refdv II.K Al ffasl RaksFineei grede domeetlc wool blanket

robca, made gown atyle, silk cord edge, button and buttonhole front snd girdle to match; a variety of two- tone color* and Indian designs; spe­cial ...............................................9.75

Raggar 100 Hi8tt BHk RaksIn a neat varieiy of iwo-ione ef­

fects, full and roomy, piped armholes and satin yoke piece: )usi 25 robes, whllf they Iasi, apccial ............ 2,45

■ • ’a 7JI mU O I I n h CiHiShawl collar styla, collar! a* watt

a t cuff* and poekett trimmed with the rsrerse of material, boand with ailk braid, and cordad edgt; tyary daaired thadt, blua, grace, brawn, tan, maroon and gray*; all aiita, 34 to 40; regular aad ataui site*; in* grtal- eat spocitl in House Coats ever of­fered; special ..................... .---SJIO

■ li a 1.71 « 4 I N I mm Ch(iPine grade House Coals, In a varta-

ly of coloringa, broken llnaa; not every shade III each ttylt, but til slxci In tbc lot: two-tone coloriag*, gray*, blue, maroon and browns; perfectly tailored braid and cord edge; special ..............................7JN

i te ’i fk a t Giak I mm CbiBAt $11.00, fineii grade cloth, two-

tone colorings, broadcloth finish; all shades and tlic t—Men’s 15.00 Velvet Honac Csate.

.Special .................................... 12MMen’s 18.00 Velvet Honce Coets.

Spertal ................................ ,.11.50Mea’e 25.00 Velvet Hodsc Cette.

8p*el*l ....................... ; ...........11.50

C hristm as A prons L inens fo r Xmasla Maattn Uaderweer Seetion. Second Floor.

Visit our modem Apron Shop end your ides* of the usutl ebowing of apron* will be completely uptet. Here you will Bnd a maltltudlnoua astori- incnt of pretty stylet, ftahioned of various ma­terial* in tb* matter of foundation and trimmings.

In the special isction of white aprons are cor­rect snd new style* for the parlor maid, the nurse maid, govemcas, cook and all her aaalttants;

matron, housekeeper, seamstress; tiny bill of Ane lawn and laces for milady when the brews tea, neadlawork apron*, chafing dish aprons, 2Sc lo 2.18.

Whatever your deal re for aprons, it can be met at this tiore. Right now we are showing

A Charming Collection of Small Fancy Aprons

Noval shapes, tome made en­tirety of lace insertion, some of organdie and lace, side plaited, some embroidery trimmed; needle work dainty designs, unusual; many ribbon trimmed.

25c, 29c, 50c, 69c and go on up to 2.98

Gloves for C hildrenAny little boy or girl or the bigger

brother or sister would appreciate a pair of gloves for Christmas.

Miatoi, ChlUraa** aad Boys' One-Ciaap Ope Walking GIotc*—Perfect fitting, London embroid­ered backs; all tite* In tan; p air....................1,06

Mlaaaa’, CMIdna’a Two-Claap Glaeo KM Gtoa**—Perfect flttfng, Pari* point embroidered backs; alt tiis i In tan, black and white; pair..1,00

MiaBaa*, Cblldm'i tad Boy*’ Oaa-Clasp Moeha Gtovaa—Paria point embroidered backs; bsst •bade* of tan and gray; pair............................. 1.00

Mteaw’, Children’s and Boys’ Om -CIsmMocha Otorta—Selected skint, perfect ftttlog, P. X. M. aewu; all tlxet In gray; pair....................L60

MIbm^, CUtdraa'a aad Rayff’ OaaKlaaB PIqa* Kid Gliaaa—Ptrfact Kiting, telectod tkins; all alt** In taa and wblta; pair . . . . . . . ......................... 1.00

The Famns "Swan Braad”U » * r w e a r d ire c t fro M S w ttM r lu id

Knoam far It* axclnlvtiiaa* to atri* and Rn- ith. Veata, Tight*, Const Cotwrs aad Unhm Suita; mtflao, tin,and cotMa. ailk and wwl; light, ma- dltun tad bMvy wetjute. Vate* h m Ttrlout ■tylaa, Ugh, tow ot Oittdh aeeh; tong, short or thrsMitorten toaglh ttotvae; aatoa aultt, aboro eiyto*. kaee er ukto taNiih; dghto spea or etoaal kfloo ar aahto toaiih. ws carry veata, tight* sud uteaB nRa.to soNea. w

VMta Of to 3J5r

’j t e ; Tiikto . . . .Me; to IM 8Hitt . . .US to B.00

Great Christmas Sale1,100 Pairs Women's Imported

Reg. 1.50 Satin Quilted B oudoir Slippers

69c P a ir

They are made of the best felt, inner and outer soles, smuH silk pompons with satin quilted vsrope; ton different shades, lilac, lUMve, pink, rojrsl btoo, scarlet, eld nea, green, light blue aad black; all slies, 1 to 6; do not mlaa tola bargain; while they last, rag-ntor liO, at '6!c; 4,

O afla la .IU afto to d M d N fk M ’...^ghee Dafteft o w t ' • ’

— Ill .iiiai-t.**<


Faw gift* are more appreciated in a household than t set of fine Damask Linen, compriiing a tablecloth of the newest design with a doien nap­kin* to mttch. Or, equally sttisfaetDry. a beauti­ful lace or embroidered Luncheon Set, Centerpiece, Scarf or Dollies, especially if these lineni come from this store. Mala Floor.

New lliilw t falteni TaUa CMli aid Niploti I* Hitch at AttracttnPlica—M-Snich llktThe beat ttaortmem of Kne Table Linen* we

hive ever aitembled, including the celebrated John S. Brown Sons’ Shamrock brand, for which we arc sole iganta tn Newark; charming and pretty de­signs In great variety; sturdy kinds lo Kner grades for special occasion are here In abundance, all marked at price* that a r t from 20 to 25 per cent, lower than today’* market values.2i2 yarda. Pattern Ctotlia.

2.50, 2.75. 3.00, 3.50, 3.98, (.50, (.082x2 1 yards. Pattern riotha,

2.15, .1.(5, 3.75. i.:i9. (.98, 5.05, 0.252x3 yards. Pattern Cltelia,

3.75. 4.15. (.50, 5.2s, 5.98, 6.75, 7.50

NAPKINS TO MATCH20x20 Inch** ................................... ..... 3.00, 3.5022x22 iiiche*..........3,50. 3.08, (.50, (.98, 5.50, 5.082(i2( Inehn..........8.98, 4.60, 4.98, 5.50, 5.08, 0.50

I II" ■■■-


- li--..;

. . i

i lP E K l MISSION, nO O N D E O A R E S

1 X . ., .L


■ ■{

P r a l i a l M i l V nil Ikmi 9m t i D i w iA Sk &

n O b j ic L

R D u u T i SEE m iim mAMbMttMlf* r>*4k

t t t a m r r Will Im M # VM aalJr All n m iw » t — >»t> t * « i th w •« • • -tMM a t (mt HaAMTM «•■afea OOTMIa Ikal A a tr tn ^ IM M ht t fW I» ijaAim H i * kr

BOT AniOHM. V» I>M »|.—Aft*r r« tM ls( u diKVM th t aiattar M rlltr f« tk* dar rrMldatit i t l lo n latar m b I word to Iho Mokpopor ■••ii h*r* oon- AiWtUB Ik* oiiBBOnf—n o t that Colcmol

fo tn i to Boropa ol No rdBMdt, Tha Praildoat daalad. dai- rWl*t"**r kewaoor, Ikat CoIo m I Uouao'a trip haa MjrthtnB to do wttta poAea, tturikar nian ihal ho would aot diactiaa Ito nattar.

A pOMti m Mad waa rooalaod iMa WarnlAB ftoia WaBtlaftoa. Tba Proal- daat dalarad aa aataaaaWla rida wMh Mra. Witaoa for a lAort ttma ah tla ha waa polBB aaar iVa taalL

I t haa haaa amoaaoad that tba Praal- daat daalraa furihar flnt-haad mforna- lloh aeweamlns BaroitaaB affalia, and IhM CalOBal Keaaa atll i-onauK with AwarlMB Anbaaaadora la Ibta and. L'Dda’r

fkkj N m n ik aW h t m n , C a » whim hmmm. Cm Un

FIm m i i r S a fa c a D ru M g a .


H E IR Y CHRISTMAS I’.v t f : v y - v '-

m m



A/:,'* V,

Tha Paaaalc Vallar trank oawar laaoi daatfwad to aara far aloria w alar Id hiaii|nlpar*‘~i oaliid It oaoapt la tba oaaaa ad Mawaak a n / Hbtaaaba. arharatba uuBictpal draipa«a apatam la a aoBibtaatlon u n ita ry and alerm watar oawar Ko othar aiuniolpalltir will ba panclitad to amply liaatorm watar Imp tba bid (luwa Thla Infonbaltaa sama today from iha orriia of tha I-aaulc | Vallay NowarodW I'ammluloD.

Tha atatamant tra n tha oomniaalon la of lalaraai In vlaw of tha attlloda of tha City t'ammlailan of raaaatc lu c aldht In vnilnf to withhold approval of tha boroudha of Haladon and Proa* p M n i r h aniatlnd tha eompact ba- eauaa'"rKe|r 'ifkoriu' watay m labt an* danpar iha aowaya u p a rlty . It waa Mttmatad by tha Paaaalt Commlulon that iba a to m walor from th o u two plaoaa would amount to 100,Ml pallona a day.

iantoa K. Brooha. boalth offloar of Olon RIdaa and conaultina anotnaar of tba E a u i County Mooaulto lSitarmlna> ttod CommlMtOD. ap u k ln f Monday ba* fora tha latlar body, (.TltlclaTil tha whola IrMik Hwar proiaot. Amend othar tbinda ha aald ha did not bollovo It fa ir for munlclpallllM haviiid u p - arota aierw walar u w ar ayatana to ba aaaniwltnd lo antar Into a aawar antar- p riH dtalpnad for ra rry in t both atorm


mi i i


. M. . .

m m■■ -.iJVu*

-U '

FOR REFUSE U F TM a f W a f a l ir im M lia

IsiiM h r rw lh Urn

TOMi s w is u n a i r si

A lO aC A R lR O O R ^ T o u n o RETURN

MEXICAN FIRING*M m Um it h I i I d Vli*

oanlt Fdbaai Iw ll •(R d ia a l ■ I t t h r .

eribiAry atrcumaUacM tba Praatdaat a - ^ aarura thla lafoonauon r a t t l ^ , ^rirAthbesaeioti hoiat la raport, hut in Iha _ . . nPt i aia t atala af tatraullonal aflatra aurh . MadnUtoro la D ivn t Haw.Kottaa la rwaidad u uawlaa, aad Cotooal | >t waa axplalnad at Iha afflra or Iloflu wtU inaka tba inp to Europa a t tba u w araaa rommlulon that In Ihr bla yodoaot ip roafar with tbam, I aoddd »f Hawarii aad Patoraon atorm

Tba Piaaldoat confamd with Paeratary. w atar rauld not ha barrad without raIduwkM Imawdlalaly after braakfaat over tha laad*dUUani. praaumaMy ahant tba Howu iTtp, but M Ibfonnattoa concaralod tba eodlbraara waa ohiaibablt.

Aotbaaltalfva EaplaBattaa.WAPMlItUTtyN. Dar If.—A athnrlta-

tlva aiplaaatlea af tba purpoua af

dUtrlnd th a u plaeaa to ronalruct naa w w ar ayatami. For both th o u p ta rn . bawavar. autematle rapulatora will be Inatallad a t Iba point whara thair aya lawia aaitar tba trunh. Thaaa radula- lora will rara for tha flaw, and whan It aaeoada a oarula pradiornilnad au o u n t will divart tha ayrou Into tba

: p ra u m „ . . r .U iu t .m p .y .n , im . tb .tha ranaaol of Praoldani Wllaaa and Paaratary Lanalndi oMalnad bora ta* day. dwrlaow that CoUnal H au u will dltpodda Iha viawi af tba lialtad P ta ta i an d v a m l Intarnattonal duaptlana aad

P o au la ftivar.Tba jn fitara ao divartad would < aH*

u ln aorii K anmll quantity Of uw aco aa la oopitllula na aourra of pollu- ttan. It la alalad. Tha duration of aurh

y«!hl2s m n irlu '^h a wTTl vlaM " ** *•’'*'*y oH atia e a u n t r lu ha w ill a la lt. m o re th a n a h a lf d o tm a to rtua In ib aColeaal Itauaa vlaliad PaarataryLonptpd jAft .waah and wat adylaad mltba pomnon la '1 which Iba L'nital H ia tu Q aairw aant foand Itaalf <h rapard to te to n w la as l qaultaaa aad what rnpiadli l diaaaurtd dhauld ha Uhaq, Ha waa tatd that thla pavarnmaat andar aniatlap cireuaiataneu had found I tu l f aaahla la pat In wrlllop an adaqaata agpraulna of tha Mala af pufaltr aad afllclAl optnian reiardlap Im partant napoUdltiaaa o«d that Amarlran dipla* otBtta,. rapratanlatlvM tb r u d wara •oaM a'to adviaa Iha Plata Daportmant aa ta Iba atala af poyaramanial aad pabUc apitlon in Barapa.

TPa Btala Daparlmant la oaneamad In BtiraMoa auUlo opinion aa trail *na ipfaWaa b M by affIrUla Pororal tlMoai It ta u id , a la«h af undaralaad- Inp h a /p r a v u M a auceanful tormina* ttam a t oogotlatloita

TbadWtantl wtU vtaH virtually all fhaydloW bf ■•rapa. Ha will aoll wpop1tha dfplooutle rap rau aU ilv u af tba

L’iiUad Ptdtaa and uplada In datall AmarldbA vlawa npoa varlaua maUara. ■ ta d^totMalaua will aat daal with any p o n lea lar qoaallna, but artit ' tlaaly poatral.

In fqtarti. Oalooal Howu will pa tbar tba optnlawi and atawa a{ fCprap ta a poraiwmanta, and will a t i a r ^ la Imrm a« ppalyala af pablla aptalbn la aaoti• o t^ r y ha vlatta Hi will laaPtpTar t« •oafa u r ta in tbbt Iba povammanta af B d iap i tfodarataad tha pddKlaa a f th aValtad Ptataa, aad that iba OwHad P ta tu abtaioa full raallaafiao a t Mat wkot thay bMlava lind thliA

OtlHad bla todt. OelaiMn Mawu may

Inanpra u lani ar uadarataa ila p a rd ta paaaa nagatlaUatia. Phoald ao Iha DdIM PMlap will ha

adatoad. Hawaoar, ha oMl mabb~ Iw affarl ta aaaurt vtawa aa thla p o M id a»i

«!rTha paoM boaailan, It hi otatad.

id aidfaly InrldMiUl la bla tr ip 'Tba- Htata Papartoaani wanta it

apdaratood that tha vlalt af Caloaal ■cHwa ohonld nat ba nmatntdd la to naaaalnp that ihara It any dlautlatae* tia a wHh aay of tha dlplanutle rapra> aaputioaa a t tha Ualtad PUtaa. Aa a lOAttar of fw t It wM paid tha caBirary la traa.

Thara Id a raport hara that ona of th a primary obfocla of Colonal ttowaa'a vialt la Iha Pruldant'a d u ira ta ca t a aatUamant of tha Luiltaiita caaa. f t la ata tad bora that tha admlnlatratlon haa boon adviaad the Oarnan Oovarnmaat loMa tha WatIUndton aUnd an tha Lodltanla laattar la ona tahan ta r ‘*pa- llttra l raaiana"—an Amorlean ‘W hitl'' T h t raport In that tha Praatdaat. threnph rolonal Hotua. lima lo eorroci any ImpraoMon that tha Unitad P ta tu la nat In w rn u t.


sn tira year whlrh would bo auffletontly u a a ra la aarau lta ia dlvaraloa.

Muulclpalltlra whlrh now ha^c atorm w atar aawar ayataota wfB atlll allow ttielr flow to ontar iha Paaanlo HIvtr. In Ihw e pUraa whara thara io no ouch oratom tba water will do aa It dow now. a u h tha rivar through aullara and by «o) of r ru k a and brooha.

At laM nlpbt'a maalinf of iha f'aa* u l e ram nrlnton tha two horonpha mada forma) roquu l for approval of ihalr potlHan to bo allowod to antar tha riuma projaet. Whlla approval woo rafuaod. tha action waa um aw hat In* formal. Formal nolIra will be u rv ed on Iha boroopht latar.

In dtacuaatnp Iba quuHon, William A. Raid, commlaalonar of public Im* provaaianta daclarad that tha normal flow of M wata from tha boroufha wabld ba appraalmataly lld.ddd pallona a day. Tha a to m watar, ha bahavad, would brinp Ibln up la aa much aa I.MM.ddd a day on accaalona Tha a u u * ■bant from tho Powarapa CommlHien ah owe tbU laltar ballaf lo ba arronaoui.


F m k A . D ile ir . U iitiJ B oteii C f. Hm A, HtAe P renA nt; C. A.

* C ir r ip i , R u a f « f .

'I*' ?


I'J:‘■■'■W A-n 7-1


m -*«■!


S eeM d K v m m i f Peace A r f w j ReacLei O n i t i i i i a e s S t e ia -

e h « Freiefick VIO.


CHRISTfANIA. iJec. I t — Amertca a pwra pllprtma here wera added to today when tha party, which accompanlaJ Henry Ford on Uia Unar gacar II.. waiw jolnad by tbou who caaa> from New York atnard tha atcaiuhip Fradarlck VIII,

The paclflola «ara M«aa a banquat by the Norwaftaa Ptudaota' Aaeodattofi l u t nidhi. A daMbUdtpHtPR followed an an* nouncrmanC vr teldl* f . lAchner, Mr. Ford'a oaoiatanf. th il tbd iiuoa leader had prcaantad tba adboetotlon tlt.d M iq aid In tba bulldlnp of a paw hauu .

The ^ tpmldpp 'pdrtr Will tu v a hare for PtorhlwIM foiaamnr. Vp ta the p ra u a l

with of tha coneoqucnru that will fa l­low ihe hafborlnq of tba tupltlva

Llitia Polla i1aa.rietaaelvee wre in l.lltia Falla today

InvuU padiid a alary told by Joaopb Cole, who llv u near tha baewdina houoe. He told af belap awakaitad byhatu rd aF a aieilemant and bartap >

1al hna loaa ha deacrlbu aa PbdarlM harry- Inp alonp Undilav raad In Iha d lru - llon of Blavona road. Ha aaaarted ta ■ ho a u th a r it tu Ih ti FadartM latar ra- lurnad, aatiwr toward tha boardlnp houae, and afterward yaaaad aloap ittevaaa raad In tha dlrattlon of U ru t Notch. A aearch of hmiaw In Iha locality waa mada by datactivu after hearlnp Oole^a alory. Cola u Id ha did not know w^iMher or not tho mau c a r ­ried a ihatpun,

Anutboa lu r c h In tha anew around I tho Cedar Oreve b u rd ln f houaa yeatar- I day fitlad to looata tha ravotvar aup- I poi^d to hava bean rarrlad hr Marti.

Tba^polloo. howevar. found amply ahalla bad coBlalnad tmall ballalt and thay believe wai uaad by Pad-

thua B i'uuntlnt for tha numbar of which *bcreeChed ihrouph tha

aa durrlbed by I'etartlve David W4vdal a f Roat O rip it aad A ctla t R nundauaa Hlpplna

Both Wandel and Hldplna ara ra-partad a a eantloBind to ahnw improve* inwnt a t ^t, JoupKa BoepHil. Fatar- aoA IllPdih* waa.able lo Mt up In bod

w o u ON s n u c m tE is h u r u e d

l t* w rOBK. Dac u .^ 'o lo n a t E. M.I tp a u pat* outAlha foHowlnp atala Mai hl(ht at hll honw. t i t Eaat Fifty*third atreet:

"I a n fomp ta Eurapa s t tha rawMatof the Piwaldani and Haeratary t aaalad far tha purpou of laklnf Infarmatioa la acinia of our Ambauadort U ordar thatthey nmy fiava a mora l i t l p i ^ hnawi*

it'a aftttuda ra*edpe of thi* Rovernmant' oardind reitaln phaaaa of pondtnp inter. natknial quenloiia. and In enter lo ub> lam from thim iheir potnl of vlaw.

"U 1> thoiiuhl Inadriubla to bring home at title nme any of our Anibaou- doru from tile lieHiperonl <'001111100. and It haa been rimi]d Impoulbla to oactvey or to obtain In ralda or rorrupoudanca quite tba corm t alimieidiara. f

ehall eel! dnrlna the nevt waah 1 do not rare |u Im- more etpiicit about Iba

U rpanlilnp In tha offlcea of Iha ridaU ty T ru it Company today, tha Rob* a r t T ra it Holal Company, which la to irnaduct Iha now hotel In Park pla<». alactad diractora and officart, aa wall aa a m anaair.

Votltip unWRimoualy, tha, tnrorpor- a to r i aaiaetad aa diraciara Frank A. DuAtay. praoidant at Iha Cnllod Hoiala CaaifaBy, far whlrh Iha Robart T ra it r o a u rn la a holdlap earporatlon: Frad* e rk k W. Rockwell, who la aUe aaao- cdated with tha Unitad concern, and V'aol H. MeCirier. p ru ldant of tha Pldallly. Tha directera auliuquantly mada Hr. Dndlay praeldant. Mr. Rook* wall vloa praaldani, tied Edward A. Pruden. truat offica of the FIdallty Truat Company, aocraiary and treaa- urar. Thay. In turn, alactad Charloa A. tTartipan ta ba manaaar af Iha now bolal,

la d a r a IHI.PM canlract, which waa awwrdad racanlly to tho C h arlu A. P u lltr Conatruetlon Company of Saw Torh by tha Nawark Hotel Inveitmeiit Oompony—a holding eoncern for the Fidelity—work on Iho atruclura U balnp hurrlod. U waa n id by Mr. McCaHar that u rtftu Iha uneapeeiad happena thla canMmcilon work will ba reinplatad not latar than April I and that he baa no doubt tha hotal Win be open for bualneu by May I.

While Iha nama of the place haa not yet been finally daiarmlned upon. It urobably will ba called the Robart Trent Holel. Tha airucture will repra- aant Iha Invesiitianl of about tl.hoo.onp. It ban been laeaad to tha new hotal .-omiiany on a parcantapa baala which It la Htimatad will maha Iha annual ranla l about Itt.aa*.

lima ao Nerwotlaa dale/alw to tba p u t* | for a time yeaierdar afternoan. Wandal ■ ‘ ‘ b f l Mr. j ta n t d to ba ollll euffertaa from eboek,

A toiepbou call freWI flia CTfy Flawr ^ S T S T w . 'V S . ' S X I ; .Folfd MyaDe’e hodafiil that home otgaal u tlo n win lake tty the atelier end aedoct dclopatai.


REFORNATORY FOR INCENDIARYJlly Iriu t^ni m»t fH’cupy nkui-e lh»iT Sfirut nf (Af

Kill Of figlil w^ekii" I H.vCKKNRArK. Dfr. !J.~A «*nUnf«C«A#T»fl l l f lu f r w»j4 i f I to H ta te l l f t f o r n i t t o r y f o r W o m « n

fn<»m ii iR i * a t i ' l t i i l v i ) w * to A a y lmi><«i«4l on M ra .a b ro a J to put in in i-ffo rt, if ix in ium r. ) M h t v t t n a i l o f ) H a tre n t. < la r 't a in p l in « o f tl>i P iv itt io u t to O r iiig f t r id , «v)iio w a t b o fo r* J u d f aAbmtt ppHoo a.-prr inia if«

'J f that Im what t ipy nay. tlwy h*vt ro t It nil wmug, a miavioii in tb#la»t tljln* r wuulfl «o fin at ihia limp That U »av f #rvoui it U#caM UiV ntf Plata* I am afrakd 1 c-aoaot *n*rc- dtfinlle ihan 1 lief-n ’*

WlUlam M Hoofm In Ih# Berp^n ro u u ly Tourt of Oomiron n # a i laat Ortx»b«r of haOitf m i flra tn h#r homa nnd mad# #ki to dofraud th#tornp&ny In whkh Ih# biiUdtng wat Inaurad. Th# houM waa burnad D#* fm bar 30 laat ytdf


The Name on the Box


%'hcn you p re se n t a g if t o f any so rt wiitt ttie nttme Wiss on the box f t im p resses the recip ien t i s of valuu and w o rth ev e n b e fo re th e p ac k tg e is opened.

It means ■ g re a t d e« l to th e busy g ift buyer to be able to s tep in to a s to re like ours r ig h t i t home and be su re o f fin d in g t line o f goods th a t cannot be su rpassed an y w lie re , from the m ost e la b o n te gems and jew e lry to th e sim plest g if t for I child, or t o e n tire s i lv e r serv ice to t handsom e b u t sltogd thcr p ra c tica l c u rv in g set.

We offer you h e re g i f t th in g s o f every sort ihe t you will be p ro u d t e g iv * ~ -b K k ed by a n tm e tiie t m eens quality an d w o rth w herever seen.

J.W iss & SonsJ E W E L M S ^

MW c o l u MN lv 'A iiM tM .Jb

I'HntBTIAXIA. Dac. SI— Uoyd M. Blnphitii. huiband of Amalia Bingham, tha aetraaa, and a mamber of tha Ford paaca party, diad h«ra today froin poau- monla.

Mr. Blnpham. ona of tha flrot ta a c ­cept Mr. Ford'll Invitation, aconipanlec! tha axpcdltion ■■ an atftclal an tar- talaar. He madi many frlendn nmanp Ibr peace dalacalea but hit BohenlBn- lam affendad aoaie af tha inara I’uirUBn- leal af Ihe vayapara. Thay auoeaodad in havinp called off tbe aancert he had arrancad to ha held In mid. Atlantic and urged that he ba l if t behln4 a t Chrlatlanla.

Mr. Blnpbam b«ama III In tba mldot nf thla diaapproheilon. Ha cantraclod pnaumonla aboard ship and wna ra- inoved ID a hoapitat tha day aftar tha Oscar It. rasched Chrlatlanla. Ar* ranpamania ara bring mala lo ship hla body back to Naw York.

Hotal. Waot Oranpa, that Mn. Kata Idaak. wiM la atedptnp thara, bad aaan a man dCMaad M womaa'a atothtop |« a p from tha klKdian artodow taotiHad la tha aeodlap of pBlIeamiti IMIy to (ha botoi. Aftaa a talk wUh Mra. Hack, kowavar, Daly dcridad that aha hecoma frlphtaiiad becauaa of raporta that FadcHrl woi In the locality and attar haarinp a Dotte belirvrd he waa In tha hotal.

The hut cKxuplad by two aaiployeea a t the O'Ro'jrha quarry In


Girl W kt D n w W «I|m fr a # l i f f aad Her M u C a a p u iu




(Contlnueil from Flral Papa.)

Tha pollca think that tha luplUva would not trival tar for tb it raaaon, probably polBp (a aoma haval wbicb be had preparad In advanet.

Farflas Havt Owt.The flral group to pe out thla merit*

Inp nn a clue left Raft Orange polloa headquartara ahorlly aftar • o'cl<H-k. Til tha party wrra Harpaanta Nolan and Whlla and Haatrvaman CUntock. Thair daatinallon wan Waat Ldvtnpatan. whara Fadarlcl la u id lo hava trianda ta whom ha mipht pe fa r pretai'tten. Datwtive llaflln of Waat Oranpa latar lolard tha part> Tha Itip waa mada tn Iha atnall polica oar, and aavaral rIfiM and ahotpuna wara tahan along. Tha man wara Inatruetad by (FNalll lo ■aareh tha nalphhorhood Iborqopbly- ’n u y did 00 wlthmit raaalt.

Aaother proup of palleaman waa aaat tn Kaacf Fella to pn thenaph an lla llah quarter. Tha county aulbarltlao hava haaa particularly activa a t Ibta aactlon. Baaldaa pelnp through hOBiaa tha offl* cara alao Intandad to look for paaolbla cavaa where iha fqpUlva m lpht hava salactad a hiding tpot. CIsaa w a u h la atm balnp kept a t Ilia varloni road* laadlnp out of Cadar OroTt. I t «dalaadlnp out of caoar nroTt. i t waa thoupiit that Fcdqrfcl la tuppllad w ith monay. tha autharltlaa laarnlne yaatoa- day that last waak ba won SIM plaFla# cards with aama of hla countrsnaan.

Diafrthata O tm la n ,Tha antlra otaft at county dataoHvad

was Bummanad ta tha court houaa laPintphl and In pranpi of tlvao wara itept to dlfforaat aactlona of tha oounty tadlatrlbutt tarpa cIrcuUra con u ln in p a pictura of tha fupttiva and oftay of tha St.ats Toward for hla coptura, d tad a r allva. tntarpratar Joaaph F ^ a r te l anil ttaUan datacilvas from thla «Uy sad othar m unldpatltlai aocampaiUad the dirfarejii proupa. At avary Ita lian u tllam an t they applalnad th a t a rP'ward will ba paid far Intarm atlaa th a t will load to tha location and winvtctianof tha fuSrlltva Aboat t.dPS of tha clroulara wara printed, aavaral hundrod balne distributad up l« thip ptamlAB. Dataottya Sar^aaat, W alUr O o d lWmappad out tM ravtap ta ba fpUprWPlt.

Aaptetant froMeptar UqU IPtUFlaauad aaathar w an in g that nay orp (ound harbeHap tha aTltfod nupdiararwill ba praaaeutad. Oadfray paid tbip moenlnp ikat la h it long aaportanaa ba bad laarnad that oartain alapaaa bava harbored auah fufitivaa In tba paal, and ba faara that pama aoD iitrr' man af Fadorlai, tooklnf ppan him pomawkat aa a boN. m lttrt PMb pro* toollon far Mm frbm (ba aatbnrltlaP*Tka Intarpratara who eepppipenlad |M data ■alaetivop laM alpM throopbaut Wanty and li “ '

WHMd tvdiy

MauataMf off Mi. Piaaaant arooua wat aearcb ed maiardar triamuon by Koat Oranpa and VYeat Cfranpa poMca. Ro* carder Francla A, Nott of Kaat Orange, armed with a lA'Irchcater, took 'ip a poattlon on a cliff SO* faat Above the iHd. Othari la tbe party erapt up daaa ta the hut and HtMln (laalty antared. No one was fnupd Ip the ploea, aowovar. in a corner of tha room waa found a ohotpun loaded with too tpalU. TbaM ware removcrl by Iha (kUloa and tha pun left behind. Fadarlcl la known to ba acquplotcd with ana of tba accupanti of the h ilt the potlca aay.

Mara Reward ta Be Oftared.Followlap a uoafaranca today ha-

twacn Mayor W om ll F. Mauntala and Coleaal Owar H. Condit of tba Eaat OroJipa FoUca Commtaalon. (ba Exacu* tiva annonocad hla Intanllon of orptnp (ha City council ta tfta r a reward of ISM fob rba onplura af Stedarld At a m aotlap of tbe UhvoaHtetd Towa Coun­cil Ippt plpht, Ma>'>r Fraderlek SadUr w aa authorlied, on notion of Chalr- raan F f ^ Storm of iho polica remmlt- tae, to confer with efflelala of Raat Oranpa and Olen Ridpa In relation to having tbo thraa muntetpallttea offer a )olnt reward.

Mayor Badlar prenlaad |a taba up tba

Fbarlnp that bar admirer lutcndad ta bava hrr arraatad. Miaa Mary Claoca. tweaty yaeri old. of I t Plnteeath avantia. laat night drew an open riaor from bar muff aa aba was atandlnp In tba cantor of the lunctlon bf Pprt,-.pflelj and Balmont avamiaa Palrolman PMter, on traffic duty, aaw the flaam of tbe blade and a rro a t^ both Mlaa Claaoa and (ha maa with bar, Bmeat Da Panto, tbjrty-flva of 2 f t nfw enih avanu*. Da Paatq, wanted e« a warrant rharptna asaauU and bat­tery. thla mornlnp waa bald ta ll.bM bail, and Mtaa Claaea was held In |Md bol on a ebarpa of carrying cencaplad weapona by Judge Wolf tn tba Fourth Praclnet Court.

Da Panto aod Mlia Claaea hara knawa each other for itvufUl yaara, aecord- Inp to Iba latter. Da Santo had ill- treaied her, and Friday nipht ha struck her leraral Ihnea. aha aald. Tastorday ohe swore out a warrant for him. and Detartivta Kuhn and IlaUar'of haadquar* tera act out to And him. Tbta mornlnp os the daiactivea were waiting for De flamn at 71 Thlrteatith avenue, where he

(h r^ fw o M •o rk a aa a aaJaaman In a wbolraats pro*-----dUASi IhA

A doplalMi ^ ohprp* Jowpb Slar- rawp, alty aipvpippr. with • vtete tm t a f th« la n n i a t hiP eoniroot nod tp la* ptMM, baptenbip today, tba ponglty a t 1100 a day. ap pravidad In tbo aproa tnont. waa roa«bai today by mombora of tbo Hoard of Worba hi oonfaroooa. P rio r to tba dianpaloB. taapaatorc ua- dor (bo dirootlon of. Ooaoral Baparln- tondaat of Worba Charloa H. Phlpaan. made a •urvar of the city to aaeortala loot bow maob parbapo aad aabaa hava bean aaooUaotad by iha aaniraolar. It was on the itraoplh of Mr. Bblpman'a raport ib a l actlaa waa tahan.

Farraol actlaa ralltylap ibla Pa alalaw probably will ba Ukaa by Iba baprd to* -morrow. Tha city waa rapraaaatad a t Iba canfaranaa by OimnMialaaar Ar­thur R. Danmaa eliairmaa af Iba alraal cpmmlltaa of Iha beard: Cblaf Bnplaaar Horria R Pharrard and Peperleteadeai (Uilptnaa. (laorpf W, Fraaoatt, auportn* laadant far Iba aoatraatnr. rapraaaatpd th t U ttar la (ba dltcoaolao.

Mr. Bhlpmaa reported that ho aad hla inapaotora mada a tour Ihrouph tbo r lty atroata la atilamobllta tbia orara- lap and found tba curbs pllad up with aabaa aad rafuaa. Ua atatad Him tt would be lagpeialbU for Iba eaatraelar ta romova all tba rafuaa by today.

I t waa dacldad la put atataan af tbo Board a f Worba wapona out thla aftar- •tooB aod hasp tbapi a t work uati) Iha ■itr la cltaned ihorouphty. Armapu- m en u wara Rada alae with tha Newark Pavinp campaay tar the lean af abaat tw anty-flaa taama (nd wapooa to be aaad tn tba collactlon of Iba latuaw Hr. Praaaott thoupbl ba would have about fifty Optra laama out tamarrow and hava all tba dabria rowarad by avaalnp.

Hr. Bblpniaa atatad ba atada a trip tbroupb part af tba oily yoptarduf aflaraoon and fMnd oaodltloBt la fairly paod order. Fram tba raparla mada to bim, ba aald, Iba oantiwotar did pood work In hla caUactlaaa yaw tarPay.

loapaatloa Tour BaPofoKTbIa mtiTBlBp'a aurvay waa ardarad by

CooMBtaatonar DannWA chatimaa of tha oamaiKlaa ea atraata aad blpbwaya. a t a confaranca with Mr. BblpaiaB. P cooes a l tba oaowatorm loot w aib tba eoBlrocter fall behind In bla worb. and ao many complainta wara mada tha Board of Werho, at a Tytflat moaflnp Monday, notified Mr. Marrooa th a t ou- laan ba had caupbt up In bla work by laat nipbt tha Dna af tStd a day for oack day ha la bablod. aa apraod Ppoa In hla coatraot. would ba laipaaad.

In view ar tb ia Hr. Daoaua eoUed •n tha auparintaadaat af warka to laarn If tho a trta l coTba tbraupb tM city bad bean claarad by Iba aaotractor.

Witb (ba auperlBlaadaat on tba aurvay ware laapactara Rcbart F. Wrubla, F ra n d i R. Uwrrard, F rib b R. Broadwall, John J. XIaaay a«d ■orry Doramuo. Accarditip ta tba rapart t mada to Mr. SblFman by Iha Inapaatarm thara wara iw f aaeiiaaa In hod abapa yaatarday. They lay botwaaa CaaUwl and Avan aaaaaaa aad Norfolk and South Nlnataaath atroata. Tba In- epaetora reported that Marraaa'a aaaa claaoad up tba oantml aaotloa af tba <H(y yaatarday.

Hr. Praacott told tba complalata mada to Uw Board of HaMth by reakSonU of (ha Foraot Hill aaotloa th a t coUaetlaaa have oo( haaa oiida m th a t oacllen ta twa waalu ware on- founded. Ua aald that Ua maa weal Ihrouph that aactlon l^ d a y and opula Monday. Hr. Praaeatt aald that aeoM of the real d ail ta of that soctlea have raquaatod hla offloa ta eolloot ivory two waaka.

D. I m m COVER UVER nONTWA8HINOT0N, Dao SI.—Amaflca*

troppa a t I t Foao. tba War Daparl- leant qanounaad today, h s ta bean fjvan ordara (a *TtMm vlporaualy , a w fp rU ar dallbamta flrtop” from tha ■aaleaa atda of Iho bordar.

O aatral Farihlnp. la command M El Faso, has raportad that the flrln f ' whiPb rdlPlIad lata rattarday la tha daalh a t an Amarican car Inapactar. waa tha dallbarate act of a squad of Mix Im m who appaartd halt a tn llt aaat of tba latamational bridpa.

Aaurican (raopa, tho raport aan- ttauad, wara oavarlnp tba wbota H rar front.

aonarat Avila, who hat charpa. o f tha treopa In Juarta. ordarad aavaral rtotara abot, aoeerdlnt to military ro- porta from iha border.

A State Daparlmant npant a l Bf Faao reported that tba Am tlican par lu p ac to r waa klUad by ah Irrripoa tl- bla aotdlar, arto was aftarward kttlad by bla own map.

Tba ralaaao of th irty Amarlaaaa da- tainad a t Chihuahua by aanaral TitiaIt btoama known today, waa a (audi­tion Impcaad an Villa In prentlnp himpartniaatau to croia tha AnHiteak boundary Ilka. Advkaa tbat thaA nrar-tcana had baan llbtratad itranpibanad tba Slata Daparimant'a ballaf thav Villa Intanda to avail himaalf a l iha opportunity ta aaoapa from Maxloa.

Soma unaaalnaaa wai manlfaatad hara a fta r racalpt of ndvicaa th a t ad­ditional Villa iroopa wrra n«plnp toward Juarap but povammant offl- olala fait that tba cUy toon wovld ba In Carrania'a poaaataloa


eery atora. tltey Vfva Infnmed been locked up at tba Fourth Precinct. It Was on this charpa of aaaault and but­tery Ihet De Baato waa held.

Unaware that Mlaa Cluaco had sworn out a warrant (or hla arraal, De Kante called a t bar boma laat night and asked bee to taka a walk with klm. Saturday aha had bbupht a rasor with which to defend haraelf. Whan ha rafuaed to oorea fPto her houaa, Mlaa Claaea w ant with Mm. Topather thay walked to Branch Brook Park. Aa thay etrollad aroand tbo lake, Mlaa Claoca told him If ha a ttanp tad lo touch bar aha bad aomathlap with wbleb to defend baroalf. She won afraid ba might try to throw hor Into tha lapoon. aha aald.

Imtar thay had aopper topather In a roataurant. Da Santa had been try lnplo parauada bar to load aa Immoral l lf^Mlaa Claaoa atatad, and balnp afraid ol Mm aha hod thaapht tt baat to eenoowt. Tbon tb ty qaerralad. Da Saato welkad tow ard Fulralmon Paltar. Sha oiBad him not to do this, bat ha poratatad. Sha had a faallap ha was pelnp to have bar arraaled bacaum of what aha had irnld to him about Ua waapaa aha waa o m - rylbP'

Aa (hay walkad bita SprlapflaU asw- nua amoop tba orirwdad trafflo the (Ira alarm ball on the oornar itn ic k f

launlclpulltlaa. and Steltor baard a cry, and p landnp behind■ aulco m ajif hte »aw a maa holdlap a womaa snepotlatlona *t ,_nn a 4 k « i ^ aaw m M ^ ^ 0 1 abd atruppHap with har. Ho onw J^unct! a ^ s ^ ^ ‘M W t. At W ^ Plaam Of atael. and tn another miM ta,Mayor S a d ^ » 't b tba aid of Patrolman Tuohar, bare w a ^ .^ f lo la la af Ulap BMpa ware uo*r tb« Ml

tb* two mnd*r «rrMt.d*r#u>«4 be m*Unx tb* t*ia* Pt*p«iw- Uoj»*, Actinc RouiidtiMa WtIUw* ^ Hiagliia at Ue borough, who waa^tejured by oM af Fadeilel’a buitata fclnrday niornli* a t Cedar OruvU la Ukaly to ra* caiva parmanent appolDtateat aa rounda-roan bafora Naw YtaCa Day, __

Manatiarp of Rloomflald Dodpa of BIkA of which Aftinp DatecUva VflUtam Marta waa a mamber. bava staitad a -quhpcrlp- tioB to tacuT* funds to bo addad ta the reward tbo oiunlcIpallUaa may ofSar. Tha firat Bubacrtpllon was ncalvad from Will­iam Leary of uleawood avanum who lived In tba f m* houaa srlih Marta. Ha pnva I ts . eWaf John Draball of Oraapa yoa- terd a r afternoon aald ha farofod havlup Ihe ptOM dtpartmantf throudbout Iba sta te Salb la <y>ntrthHtlnp to tha rairaad.

crowd eatlmatad a t about t.W t pat-aona atWnded the funaiul af Marta yoa* larday afternoon at Blaomflstd. Tha aar- rlcea WiOh place at the bama at the toam Ikidga of Bibs. At Iha eonclualon of tbo prayers by Rev. Rami J, Butttnphauaaa end Rav. William T. UpteU, both af Bloowdlald, aarviraa wara bald by tho RlkB, Jmmas T. Boyd CoumU. Jr. O. V. A. M„ and tha Indapandaat Order of Far- aataaa. to which Marts bslappad, the bady osiviad thsottph two Uaaa af u t lnwBwd paliai taan U Qia haataa.

Tha floral placei, which w on sapt by paUea asaoelaiianf from all avar tba eatwty and by fratamsl arpanbrnttena. asara la two coaebaa. Laadlnp thh pro- eoaatan w m tba poHoa band af this city, numbarlap ab<iut (Itty yMma. Follawtnp h asm* poUca tram muBlalpdKilaa. tawn turnal ao^tlaa. Amaop ea t war# chief Dmbeii, cbiaf Fradarlch W. Walmar of iha proaaeutora daiaothraa,

kf f ■'TnrawiQSM fm j JvmuBtfiwt I fl^BnaB nod fra* am tba afdclala proa-

Chtf Fatrtab HtpidM of a u n RMpb Edward W. Waodmaa of Oranpt ailaaantatlvaa of tba Eaat Otokpa

Btata Fsaaldont Jamaa J. Burba of tb a F urohaan 'p Ranavalant Aasaclatlan lad m prnban of iba apsealaUan in tba fwriaral cartapa to tba samatary.

TAFT FEEUN Um TODATcnfC A ooi Daa. U.—Fermar FretMwnt

T aft rOturatd bars taday tm u South Band, .Ind, Mr. Tbft aijil w autrartnp from tbraut trouUa aad u a baas od- vteafb by a ■byaiaten to faffam ftwmu p ^ hip vtdt^ iRtoWPi Fftatnoon for AiMntavk, Pa„ whara ba -la aUaduM W l*n«r« Ha ^ pallPPiHnp b a -IM t.M M 'M M M LMr to fcaavbfl liti ablbiMMblB.


. (Coptlnuad from F ln l Fapa.)

lion. But as ha atappod bach from hla work, baard th t etbcTa about th t table obtarva aomethtnp In Uit appaarance of tha paticni'a ayaa that eauatd them to Jump forward In alarm. They fait of Mb pulac tnP hi! haart and to o t o lhar taste. The boy waa dosd.

An autopsy wag perfoTtasd tblg af. tem oen by County Ffeytlelan. WIHIam H. McKensle. Ha fu n d th a t the lymphallc condition af tU body was Bueh that tha adailnlatratloo of tha athor to the boy bod baan fatal. T blg tba phyalclu said, WM M t WBuma). aad la a condition i t haalth wMah aaa- Bot ba detarmlnad hofora p M a p ona alhar.

F itly mlnutaa latar. It w m laarnad today, a talipram w m aaat Infprmtpp Mrs. Scott that Edward woP *Vn a aaiiana condltlan.* Thla w u PS ‘Tifo (yciaek. Edward had diad a t o'rloak. Aakad Ka ta tbO MUM * t thla dalay, Charlaa K. Talbotj fWparUltaBdant of tho hoopltel, aald today th a t | t w asn't caataoiary ta pand taflRratM to ralaltyos bluntly aBnd'uaataBAdaaih. Ralativaa ara tJwayp lafprSMd th a t tha pailaut Is In a aarlsua aondtllan. Than whan thay coma ta tha hoppltal tha nawa of tha daath ta IwwkdB to tham.

Dr. Baplatton applalBSi th a t a pari of tha fraoturad akiilt waa daproMlnp tha bay's brain and atfoattiw th a optla narva.

Mra. Scott mid that Phsftly a tta r M - urard fall laM Aapuat bS M l apola. th is tlw a dawn a (UpBt af a ta ira In hla homa. Tbs bay’s aM sr. tan-yanr- eld OruM •ootl, died frMk ta n u n s Do- (ohar f a t Iha CUy K saptu l. p faw haora after she had hoan admlttod.

- a-ri —


iContiauad from First Fapa.)

potsnake charmer, and tUUs what bim tba Invltatlan to O arr'a"

And ao, while it la probably true th a t tha dinner bad Ha Inoapllon In paraly aoclal mirtivaa It Iwa coma to pnmias a peUtlcsl maanlnp tbat will ba a fac­to r in tba eulanal'e fortunaa to r aaaM tim e to coosa B ut m hla friaada re­m ark. he hM cqmnUttad wotua India* crstloBa and pot away with I t


staff (fprimfrai mmTRENTON, Daa *L—TahJpp m bU

tex t tha ’ lttlaaSdtU tr dtramr," plvan by Judge Oary (a OalOBal Raaaavalt, Baaator Charlaa O'Canaor Manaaaar ta­day p ara out a outam ant In which ha Mid ~tha cholcaat apponsnts af p rtrt- lopad buMaaaa paChprad with Mr. Raoaavalt.'* raferrad aarcastloally ta Richard V. Uadalbary a t th a "wlUbip and wall paid a a rrtta r ' af thoaa Inter- aais rapraaaa tad a t (ba dinaar, a n t cMlad upon tha Datnaoracy of Mow Ja r- soy ta Irlv* apt the lohbylplh who, ha aald. had raturnad to tha Mata aapttaL

m id you notioa" aald Banator Ban- neosy, "that Naw Jaraay w m ably rap- roMBtad a t tha axslualva fapUylttea Ih Naw Tork tba ether ntpM t I saaaa (bat biUloB dollar dlnnar of JadpaQ ary whara tha ch olaaM axponanti M prttrt- lapad bustBOM Mtharad srith Mr. Roosavelt undar the laeplratlon gf tba aantlm aat of lanytUnp ta bast Wllaon.’ That fine raprsaantattya of the eom- moyi paaMa ad Naw JOroty, Btotmrd V. Undahnry. was tharg and ha la de­scribed in aoma of tha Haw Torh news- papara a a tba loadlBp Damoorat who helped I t make WlJaaa polUloally, but who la now aad and sorry about I t

n t la (rail, Jnat new, ta raeall th a t (ha real political ttranplh of Witsbn In ■ - ■ 111New Jaraay said ht Fraaldsatlal

ipalpn, same bwm tha fM t tb a t ha wag ballawad ta ba eppaead lo and by(b f man aad Iha b taraata af wham Mr, lAadahury has always baan a wtllinp and wait paM aarrttar. Mr. Itaopayali won papulBrlty by h it maka-baltaya flphta apolaat tba aama InUraota Alt FraaM ant WtloaB hM to da Is to fipbt tbaM poopla and thair prtvttapas Ip iha oBoB ta win tha M ltetamat hahted him o f th a t Btaat aod loytoalNp army of tha AmortaaB maoaas who daatda gKadUBA

N in iE I or UTE FOK n iKb r ^ h f ^ > a ^ i ^ * L . i r & l I n d l i ^ c m . O n # w k a «

"And, R aaams to ma thfro It naad that tha Democracy of Ktw Joraay should haad a rtmiUr m aatw . Tba FbMIc Barrtea CoTporallon vrlltw Jar- Bay and it! alllal flnsMlal jataraota who wars raitrad a faw yaarl from thatr eaatral of tha poyarnnwirt af Naw Jarway. bam ecow baeh, alawp with tha RanbMaan conlrot of tba lOflSlatura Thair lohbylru wara “ '■ " —alMaafir laat winiar andtd itoBipwiBta tha law-maUBB pomar tth* atata to thair aarvloa wwb natatli

*T raaan (hat U w m .MK Undahwryarha lad tha paUant batid Of oarporatlon law yon who tuooaadod hi « M o a i^ tha aaoond paaaapa of Iha hPBio nMo hmMiBiint to Iho OaaatKptMk whMt w reS ilm ve gtyaS tho BihBMBalMtat ooMiwt of thair ewB allM n. tholtovo tb a t tho aama Intorooia omro aot wn- MBiaoctod artth tbo alapihter of th Aoparphiy diurtet aw ai& tB t to itk oonailtutlon, tir whioh I bad ^ honor

to dovttntlaiIho eorporaiiap lawa o f tho otnU la tbato ho aponoor.

Iniaraot af maaavolr war* MoaMd aaly by tba vtttlBhoa of Oovarnor Ftoldaraad tho DonwooaMo misorMr-

*7110 Domoantla Forty bibM mdor- ubothow rarti ' tho aooBdal a f eontiwi. TharaNaw Jaratp Of tha ap(rH arlMII n faw

H T w l M ' l B i M W M a ' t b a skats

OPBna psryy mua* anoar-I of atatHlBt tb a popBla la It tha proMBt iMAMtlaw ra mpM ba • l ash al la

EL PASO, Tax.. Dao. SL—Franalaaa Villa hM apraad to coma ta tba Ualtad etataa. but will aal paM throuph Juaras. according lo Oaparal Maposl ■*"S* Tala Inforaiatlan w m ooalalrad In a atAUmant by Banda omda a t tba oeaclualan af a coalaraaea -of formar v illa ottloara ladsy a t Juaraa.


•ALY1LL0. Masloo (Via Naflo FMa. Tba.). Dac. II.— tenoral Vlua'a ahoadoo- maot of tbs ravoluUanaiy aouaa and Ms suppeoadly projaotad (Htbl lo tha Ualtad Btalaa am j oot mve him from puoiab- mant. Oaesrsl C arrann today atatad that tba Maxkaa Oovarwmant would not Mk VlUu'a aptradlUon at pnoant. bptoaM that It wouH lavastiaala ehqrpaa apolPM tha n b sl taodar and attampt lo astahttab Ms II patooBol guilt

"Latar oo," Mnttaued CarroasA "It Ispooflbls that ws msy Mk that ba tei arraatad and sant lack to Maxteo, but Juat now wa shall make no such raqwsM. Thara ora many charass opoloat Mpu It Is tru a but bafora demsndlnp his asttodlUoa ws must sstsbUsb his psiuoaol imllt."

S n lEXICIUI lANHTS l u m i i j iOALVEfTON. Tss„ Dsc. tl._ M a a te m -

baro of tba robber Mod reoaotlr oap- turad la Maxkw ony wara axaouted pub­licly this oumlap. aecordtnp to a aiaa- ■opa racatvad by Juaa T. Burpa Maxlca n Consul hara Four otbara eowtemaad to daath wars plv*n a raaplta a t (ha iMt

Ftra womM arraatad with tbs hand h ara baan plvaa loop priaoa tarnu, the mesaapa saya Tha robbors hod baan abla(a avoid captor* f®' aoma (ima Jiy awaBs«f toipad dacumaala which mada tba jpedtea battava thay war* a m y offltiba.

;e Mya an otflcMJ.aii-oouaeamant npardlnp tha

I the radsmption of oupeUcy toward Ilap Botaa by banka will be publlsfaad abortly. '


CINCINNATI. Dee. II .—W ith rtha ■ame necktie with which ehe attempted to tab# har own life Sunday, Mrs.Minnie fchm lta forty, today etraOKled her aevantaen-year-old daUphter Oortt*to dMth, acoordinp to tha police. Oaerps H. RchmtW. earpantaf, w m awakanad aarly today by hla wife ahoutinp In bla Mr. tba aulhorllaa Mata:

T v a klllad G ertie:"Schmlti ran down stsirs to Ms

dsuphtaCs room, rsmoved tho tis from her naek and triad to rtv lva ha r.„ It WM tae la ta

Whan tha polica arriva l Mre. Srhirtit* WM weeptap In an upatatri roam. Ehe WM arraatad and held on a temporary fh * '•* of suxpirlon.

Th* mothsr aad dauphttr. Schmlls aaltl. hod qusrreiitd violently. l i r a RclUBltt apbratdad tb* pirl For poing out ntphts and for th* company aha kspL


For th* death April I t a f bla alpht- hler, Bertha undery*ar-old .

tlte whaelt of a FuMIe Mrvloa Rairtray Coaapoay cur In froal of her home, Bafpea street. David Klain tbta oftanL ur<m a verdict of (t,DDD apnlnai ibe rail way company In Judf* William F. Mar- tln’t Court af C oouBon^caa p m jvr WM out an hour.

Bertha wm craaslnp tha slfeat I houaa ta tbe home of a friend. wapOB waa elaadlnp naar tha i Ua badow har. It wM tha coutafeUon a t tha railway rotapany lhat tha eoaf wMon obptructad tha vlaw that, ilia mMormao of tba car didn’t aa* tha pirl In iltpa to atop. Tha ptalBtlft argued that the coal wapen WM lufflrtaatly far away to plrp. tha motorman plenty of ppportdbikr to ■lop If he hadn't bean n ^ tp a n t, Tha trial h a n n yastarlay.

WAREHOUSE BURNED, FAMUES FLEEJEM C T .CITT, »««. I t - « * « t u y cUd. m anr famtllat ran to Iha afraat

phortly hafere midnlsht wh*a a two- alarn ftra eetnpIilaTy daptray)||i ,thara ttan warabatiM of Otto OofMoii t t Colt and Thlrtaonth Mraola, aod w m MOfontad from aptoadlnt to tiRMaont hoBioo In tha nalphhorhood by Uio work of aavorat tiro anttno eemponiaa .Tho d o m ijra la j» rtlm * M jju ^

9wm 4* tw n iw fwnBjpi|


COIN l1 (■

F o r C f i r i # t m a # U a «

National Nowaili Banking Co,

Beix-ansA b s o lu t e t y R « m o ? e f

M l t , C u H r O M i i S L

Save a $100*’.r«.sroirP c i 'i x n S w i

e ^ I V


A M S t iH tt e W i



today whan t Naw Jaraay r aay Fadaratlc aoeaplanca oi on tha llquoi portlaa hava ■pacific topic tbar axchanp In tha napolli ara ilia

Incldantall) ara not antlr sonal augpaei contalna nuie tha lartnaaa

The napotli tha Isatua N eballanga In tonaldared w lion, while ’ r«tst*<t the which wee e day and del

The league the "acueplar omtioh. in s WPS dodging poied praclli dlsaueied **i by Ih* leapu

What the wsi: “Haeol-Pdvocattd by New Jereey li a lust, effect for bandlint beverace* ’

Rafermutati the subject prahlblUon of ut* of iBtoill parpoaea t* OirtiUan In , a remedy tor

As the 1*1 th* fsderatle fend th* n*i fsdarstioa r* ■ration win prapoaltton i an Ih* deten raallta ths i • ff lm stlv e I Inp s dshat*

la support praposlllen, , ■f th* fadsn ta Iha challi Ih* Isapua:

’W ith chi ptsta Ih* pn ua I* hsv* tlva' u h a II wost to del tha fact thi tapadtaied—* aovatad end. tha Oaunt I Laptelatara.

W e disllk pianaar and any Buppaatl bsephola la lanpad party ta sugpaat hated aaA It pea! af you (Im aM li fully Mk ya tapreasBtath tba fcilowla abova

*Ta ear a pad aireuma oantnaatly fU' (bat stwald I I* rtpht and troverpy. U BB-Chflatiaa, aeponlaatlon F«pa tt npoa

"That lath ha dehatad t of aar ata ta tlau aoch m af Iseal oMb

la aewhag laap* to Rav (andaut af t pllaa aoma a pood (kith a Irttar, Hr. I

"Ws ara i aammiinloatk irhich yau r ■ffhlal puMl edeal aa-ealla hates’ coadu poor teapua tha qaaatloa

t 'f‘‘


MW a da hi

ta ba faoatli *—a* avary I r—to aota yi la Intsndod ■opaarvattaa otronpaat at oral work a Oar hnawlai arpaalMlIap obaarvatlaa Mlponanl af t t would emtl: wara t» pi urpumanto I nn henaM i

W h ile tl rafar w aa h mlklatarlad wba ’rapUM praaa to aa Itam aakar, oapt A ehal fa r a poUi tktead, -wa I fcava aoBMt a l a panarm oapt yonr‘TTnAtroU oaptanea is

I tha terpanlt ptHoa of a HetHM and boalaaM ai tepH t tMl- aulhorttiM folly eapnl Rava In rtw of poor pra Ind teaM b; tha proM i aaplaa of y

•Ao to yi Rato ho pi* p u lo a l d: th a t a Binpi Mty during )n a hall to tivat of ho- raportod by to mako It

aksnid n o t ' Ratod, wo e dabata a mof tho prop

In ooMlu

•It lo •<»oaptanea wand your < win allow mlphi bo oartty In T

AmMr. Ihla

iBcbotbla af tha tadarati

"I would raaspaltion com w aia I AbM l a lBOB Omt la tba DlaMtao4N « « a p M III wa have if

"My MUi WM haatd Haiti etpap M MIowm that on PMUdMBMhIlwa . JnvqNNMyMai'trM taaw aftettaapad rtoK of lOH tbavfkUod

^ 0 Am Inp id (hot viSa' ad tl Mptod, wi «w Failowi oaau tho.

1 oanna lhat your I tba laaaa i

- dlfikraatl p




HIMPM«.■4m -

Mi«a '? iuMlI- (f I tetad > not t«Bl4 aMM

'It to .* 4 to* . ^t J u tlUMt., It toUUt>»






A n i j i l i i i L e ifM i M P n i e d e n ^ t M WiO D i m i i EvSi of '


lt#plkAtloti quickly fol1ow»d iniw «r tnd*y vh«h til* Atill-fliiloun oth tw J«r««y rec*lv*d from th« N«w J«r- ■•y Ft<l*rqtloti of Liquor IntorM ti on Reotutoucq of 0 chOtltiiK* lo n on Ik* liquor problem. However, the purtiM hove riot yot otr*o4 on the ipecltlc topic to kMi ooneldnrnd end fu f ther eKchunsee of notoe eeeiu probtble In Iho pogoUotione between the belUg- oronim.

IneldeRtnlly the two leteet meiNeget ore net entirely Indlcotlve of the e«0‘ •onol euffffMtlon of "Rood will.'* Koch eohloloe notee of ecerhlty that develop the Urtnoie of the rommunlcntlono.

The Begotlatlone were JriltUtcd by the lotgue November LS laet. with the cbaUeRie In which the queetlon to be coneidered wee eet forth. The federO’ lion, while *kccfpttht“ the chelletige. yeeteted the prupoeltlon in « Utter, whioh w*e nerit lo the Ito fue yeeter* dny and deliveied loilay.

The league thin «fte moon replied to tha *^rcaplane*," ■nd drrU rad III* f»d aration, in *ll■(r•tln■ a n*w lUbJ**'!. w u dodcina ih« Im u*. It la now pro poud praclli'ally inai both topic* be 4la«u***d a«paralrly, that forinulattd hy th* laaiu* rirtt.

What the league propoerd to dlecuM wea; "Heeolved, Thai local option aa Rdveented by the Anti-Saloun Ijrague of haw J*r**y li Anurlcan in priocipla, and a Ju t. atfactivc and democratic tiMthod for handUnc th* traffic In latoalcallDf battrmca* "

Itaforaiulatrd *■ llu f«dtr*ilon daiirca tha auhjatt will b«; "Hcaolvad. That ptahlblUon of tha manufactura, aal* and Pm of IploalcatlRi lldnora. for bavarape parpotaa to wmop In prlnclpto, un- OirlaUan In character and puwarleaa a* 4 r*tn*dy for liiwnpcrancc. "

Aa th* laapu* lanucd II* chalUnp*. tha fadcratlon would har* iiad lo d«- f* a i th* napativ* cnntciitlon: *■ th* f*4*rallon r*«iat«i Ih* tubjact, Iht f»d- aratlon win auppurt me affirmaiiv* Prapotollon and th* laapu* b* plartd an th* dafanviv*. Roth aid** probably raallt* tha valua of th* fact that th* • fflm a tla* aid* ha* th* rlpht ot claa-In^ a dabata

auppart of lb* n fram ln p of th* prapotiiian, John U Schalbl*, praaldani of th* fadaratlon, who wrol* Ih* raply to th* citoltoapc, u y * In th* lattar to th* l«ap«*:

! ■■ * Parcaaaa."With ebaract*r1*tlo mndaity you

•tat* Ut* propoaltlon which you Inrlt* pa I* ha*a an ‘nccradllad r*pr«**nta- tlr* ' taka tb* n*paii«* aide ot. You Ptoht to dfbatc local option, daapit* tha tact that you y o u ru lf rlrtually t*pu4tol«4—•leapt aa a UKani U> th* •ovatod and, atata-wld* prohibition— th* Oaunt bill if*f«al*d by th* laat Laplilatnr*.

"W* dUritk* am b arrau in p you In any htonntr and w ant •ipacially to avoid pay m ppaatlea that m lpht piv* you a toe^ol* to wlthdruar, but aa th* chal- lanpad party wa claarly h a t* th* rlpht 1* tugpaat th* propaattlon ta ba d*. hatad aad, ta Vl«w of tb* fact that th* ■aal *f ypor adaBtaatlon to prohlM- Waa pat local aptlon—w* r«*p*ct. fuU r a tk yau to h a r* your aeeradittd yapraaaaUtlT* taka th* aagaUr* aid* ot tb* fellawlac propoattloa," aa atatad •bar*.

'T * * « aPad. aoaaldarlnp condition* ■■4 adreuwalaaaah. th it propoaltlon la aalaantly fair aa4 awbraca* th* point* that *houl4 h* 4laeu***d. If prohibition to rlpht ah4 ebrtottoa, thpt and* all con- IrararPy- U R to wron# In prlndpl* and • •O ita t to a , by what rtpht 4« you or th* arpantiatlon you rapraaant, aaak to lia- pan* K upon th* paopleT

*^11*1 to tha unaartlon w* baltov* *lioald h* 4*h*ta4 for th* haacfli of th* p*epl* Of OUT atata, not a Mda toau* of the quu- U*« inch aa your onpanlnutlon ha* mad* *r tocal epilaa."

la aamUiiip th* aeeapUnc* of th* chal* Jaap* to Itov. J i tnai K. Mitohl*, aupoiin- tandaat of th* loapti*. Ur. Sch«lbl« ap- plla* *010* oarcaan la tb* mathod* and ■0*4 faKh of th a t u taolnalloa. In ku bttor, Uy. SdMlbto wrltaa;

"W* ay* la raoalpt of your undatad aaattouBloaUon of atvoral waoka aco In arhioh you n fa r to an adltorial la our offtatal puHIcatloh—Juatlc*—on tha far- cloaj ao-caltod *w*t **4 dry dlalotu* de­feat**’ coaduetod under tb* auapicu of pppy l**ptM and Is which both irtdn of th* quutloB u * proscated by your paid atat«*aytoa

Method* Crtttalaad.“W» 4o hot know that you Intanded

la b* taeatlona, but ar* Indaad amuaad •-HUi arary falr-m indod parson must b« I—to aoto ysdr atatsm ant: T hla d«b*ta I* hitandad to aot fairly bafor* th* oasearratiy* ro to n of thla atat* th* ■lro*d**t arruBiant* a fs tn a t th* aan- aral trorli of tli* Antl-Baloon Iitapu*.' Oar feaewM c* of th* mathodi of your orfaafsatlan, ■ala«d by aavaral yasr*' •h**rratl«a and •pparlano*. ■!*•* u* *n adaquat* Idaa of bow loap tho pro- poaoat of tfea Wat* alda of ttm quastlon would eoatlaa* oa yoar pay roll U ho war* to pr aaaa t tho incontrovartlbto a rru n o a ta th a t woald bo prsaoatad la aa henaat daba ta.

"Whlla tha adUortal to which you rufor waPt la tko nwin. p crlttcjam of ■ mlalatarlat ally of your oraanlaatlon who ‘ropllodf th rouph th* Paaaalo city

K'*m to aa addroa* mad* by Oaorp* A.OMOOkar, feat who noploclod to ae-

aapt h ohalloapa from Hr. Honaaoksr (or a ■ahllo dobalo oa tho quaatlena ta ia tl, wo pro roally pUaaod that you MOO oanatrm d tho aam* In tha llphl o t a ■aaoim) challoapu, and ptodly ao- •opl yoar dofi to dohato.

‘Tndoralaad, aowc«*r, that thla ae. oaptanoo 1* not baaad on tho bollat that

I tho torpahlsatlou' you raproaont la d*- atiana of a full and fair discussion of Ueona* and rapatotlon of tb* liquor bull**** aa apalnat Illicit aalllnp In topaafe aaptoa’ ovrr whicih th* public aulfeorlllaa hay* no con tro l Wo accept, fully eaphlaant th a t th* object you j^y* In ^o w la the fu rth er adTortlalnp a t yopr propapande. This you claarly ladtoatad by y osr aetlon In furalahlnp thq praap a t th* atnt* with sdvano* aopla* o t your ‘challanp*.’

"Ap to year auppaatlon th a t th* da- feat* fee piyan a t aovaral plaoas In th* plat* a t dlffarant timaa, w* b^lara Hiat a alMpI* dahat* bald a t our aaidtal elty dsrlnc Jannary of tfeo cowtop itoar. In a hall to fe* ooloetod by raprooanta- tivao of both alda^ would bo so fully rtportod fey tho prooo of tho utato a* to n ak a Ita ropatitloa alaowktra na- ■aaaaaary. If. howayar, tfea taaalt ahanid not b* aa aatltfaM ory a t an tld - hatad, w* can, a t th* oondualon of thla dohata. arranp* for fu rth er dlautualoBa of tho propoaltlon a ltow bora"

In oondudnp Wa totter, Itr . ■ehalbl*

**"!(* Ip pinoaraty hapad th a t thla oaptano* wilt b* aatlafaetory t* and your o rp an lu tlo a , had th a t you will allow noth lap to feappoa that tolpht ho coaatruad ao la w ot ala* cualty' lo yoar ohanoapa"

tfea AaU-hulaoi Laapu* th* InuMdiat* uuaatlaa first h* thraahad out, and that quaatlen to uar d>u*OUd for Ih* rlpht to h* p lraa to tho yotar* la tb* muntot- palHlha la .Vaw loruay ta aatti* for Ifeaaeaely** th* quaattos af th* praat- tup ar wltliliaMtnp of llcaaaa* to *011 inloalcallap llqaora

"Thla aiaaaur* « * • bafara the laat LaplaUlur* and> will b* Intraducsd ■pain, and It waa an aatraaialy activa and d*t*nnlalnd quaptloa In th* laat tlactloa.

''L*l ma raaalatd yau th a t your orpan- liatloii waa formed In Ih* city of Tren­ton oil th* very data th a t tb* dlwui- •Ion *n th« laaal opilan hill waa held In th* Uon** of Anaainbly and th* founda­tion of Ih* orpanlM lIon waa to pr***ni thi* natural Aatarlean prlvlltp* b«inf *lT*n to th* votar* of Now Jeraay. Your attampt to ahlft ih* to*u* at thI* tim* Indloato* that you ar* afraid lo publicly dlacun* It,

"It tb* Fadaratlon of Ulqpor Inlar- *•!■ ar* (Incar* In ihoir objactlon* to loi-al option thay will appoint * cham­pion to d*r*nd their aid* of th* quaa- tlon and Ih* Aiiil-Haloon I,4*pu* will ln*l*l that ihl* u u u tlo n b« dl*cu**ad flral.

"When Ih* local option propoaltlon I* oat of th* way. It will piv* u* pl**a- ur* to meat any champion you may ap­point to dtocua* the propoaltlon that yon •ubralt afiar m aklnp a few r«**on- abl* and Joplcnl verbal chinpaa In ih* worrtinp • • •

“Th* quotlon of th* traffic In Intoxl- oatlnp liquor* la n povarnmental prab- toin. that of the u*e of llquorn le a* Individual problem, and in their dlecua- ftlon thay ahould ha eapanled .

"W« will be plaaeed lo meet a chnm- ploii of til* liquor force* wfl*r dl*cu*a- Inp th* quaailon* of locel option and nallonil prohibition lo dincua* th* qucailen of th* relative merit* ot total ■l>*tlii*nc* and th* u ia of Inioilca* Inf liquor* A* to thu time and place of Ih* dlacuatlon, we ahatl be aov- erned by clrcumetance* but th* aoonef Ih* batter *o far a* we nr* roiicarned."


T iirm ifH « m l« u n d « r i iU n 4 ln c o t lb« da te o f tTi* toaorthg on th * J lin o y o rd i ' nahi'*. a u rp o o H to h a v* b*f>n h* ld th in roo m ing Ip the o f lo o u t U a y o r R aym n nd , tha * x a it tJmft th a t th * i l t n r j r m en and th* M ayo r ^ tll rneo i la i t i l l under-hied, i f a rhanga ra n b* m ad* in i i i io t h * r *n- gagom itnt o f the M a y o r f o r tom o rrow m om lnR . th* h e a r in g m a y be h* ld a t tha t tim*. II waa aaid to d a y .

Il d«veloped tifeday that aom* of Ih* lnt*rcii*d parue* undentood th* hearing waa lo be today* whll* othora had mmor* row aa the dai* Among th* latter waa Mayor K*ym»rMl. who la uut of the city today. It alao h** been dlMcovrred by (he Mayor* aecreiary. r** Krio Aloudy. that th* Mayor haa an engagement for tomorrow iriornlng- II* **ld ha intetided mmmunloatlng thi* aft*rnfH>n with the offlrer* of tho Jitney Harvk-o Aioocigtion through on* of the direotorv, William J. Morgan, in an efo^t li> reelify th* ml** lake and decide on a date agreeable to alt.

Th* ordIniriMc waa paawed by the t'ome mon Oouaetl Krlday night, and. arcnrdlng to law, muat either ha aigned or veii>ed \>y the Mayor within ten day* after It haa been prevented to him. Tha hearing rou*t la arranged for within that time to be of any e^ect. 11 haa l>e*n requeated by the Jitney men ao they could pretent thetr vide of th* case In an endeavor to •*cur* tlie Mayor'* veto.


Inveatliratfori will h* mad* Friday into the alleged dipAppearanca of tLKDD of aaaeta from a aho* etore nonduried by Mra. Fannie B. W einihat at fO Newark ay*aue, Jeraey City. Moriia H Cohn, a lawyer for aeveral crodlton In a total liability of |2,[»0d. filed an In- volantary petition in bajikrqptcy yea- terday afternoon In Ih* N«wark branch of the United State* DIatrIcl Court. Judg* Thomaa <i. H aight appointad Charh Herah«nat*in of J«re«y City r*c«l\> fixing hla bond at II.OOD*

Tht ,)*titloA of th* crodltor* «n*g*a that Mra W elnthal not only admitted her ifiMivency* but had aeereted her •lock of gocKla. Mr. Cohn aald that krgctlcally all of tke of tbi* kind« f aeeet -bad dtaappdardd And that* when the rac*lver vlaitod the atore at T o'clock laet night, it waa learnod tb* good* had been removed two houra be­fore.

Mr. rokn added that h« had received an order for th* •aatninatlon of Ura. Welnthal and other* bafor* Referee Beach of Jeraay City. In connaotiog with hla atatament that |409 of tb i ■took atlegad to bava diaappeared waa

punlw tad wUkIp tfe* la s t tw « w*dhA lb* Mtopur **14 b* l* ln d«d b* psil th* siSJtor lo Ito* •tt*PllSB t i tfea Ukllad Put** IMPtMbt A tlanw f.

cuMrMs s n i B H n,« u n a >MiiiRiirrTh* wltofStbcutt ■< A-fen dchmld,

bakar siid cosr*atlaB«r s i t i l -» T WusfeluptMi *tpssf. O rw p*. I* atlll un- kbowu to bto crsdltois, who todsj. k*|d ssethar maatinp Is B sskn ip tcp Court Hr. dcbmtd toft bto Kow* a t th* WsnP- Isplon •tr**r^<ldr«M 0*o*mb*r ♦, an*, scoordisp I* th* t*dtlm«ny of bl* wir* snd «mpl*r-o«. H to s s t kttown wher* k* want. Frank V. W llklnaon of t i t Bleoniftald svenu* bopk-k**p«r tor ib* bsklnp eoBcarn, w ss S w llp su lodap befor* Bafarcc Cfesrl** H U**«n.

Hr. WHhln.on t**ttf)*d b* wnrked te r lb* sltopc.l bankrupt *lnc« l u t Jan ­uary. Tb* buuk.h*«P-C ws* cs1l*4 upon to plr* sn cailmst* of th* quantity of roovabl* •In.-lc a t th* plant. William H ariia counaal for III* rcc*lvcr. c*- plalnwl that this couriM was taken b*- cau** lb*rn dIA not a p p u r lo b» ,n r- *n* f*pf**pullnp Hr. Pchmid who wn* cfnpow*r*d to draw up a **l of whad- ul** of a**«l* and ItobLIttls*. Tb* haok- k**p*r said h* did not know wliar* Mr. Schmid 1* a t pr«**nt.

Th* lUblllll** of tb* m lialnp mcr- t-hsnl *r« •■timatad to b* lie.on*, arid th* valu* of tho saoota to not known. f'oun**l for tbo r*oolv*r. J- Traacy ICur- ton, aald tbs Schmid bsk lnp plant had b**R aatlmaiad lo b* w orth tll.Slrl.


Dr. W oahnrd «f W u U n gtM Geb Stite PW ait to T ik e E u a i n -

iieirfer C m te r ’t P o a t iw .


Bli p^yaleian* and two laymen, who ar* (iiwctcd to compel* In lb* civil **r. vie* •i*mln*llon lor haallh ofticar of tbi* city, a poaltlon ndw tcmporarllp bald by Dr. t'barla* V. Cra«t*r. tatv* qu*Ufl«d bafor* th* *tat* d*partra«|it of health for llc*n*o* a* baaltb • ttl- car*. T**l* wer* hold tbre* wa*k* ape to olaca th* randldat** for Dr. Craa- Irr * job tn • poaltlon to taka tha civil tervic* •xamlnatlofl. which 1* lo b* haid January I. It Is n»c****ry that civil ••rvto* •lam ination candldat** hav* alat* llcansaa

Dr. Croatar already having cbtalnad a llctnaa was net ebllpad to po h*for* Iho ■III* h*alth authorltl** *t this titnr Includad among thoa* who pitsad tho liaalth daoarim tnt qrtu waa Dr.

W lltla i C WaodwaHL d iraetpr •< pub­lic haallfe a t WashlaHMt. whn to ta-

Rrdod *p a ol*sa rival of Dr. Cradtar r IS* MsHtos bar*. Tha otfear* wba

•r* antlllad to liasiuau ara: Or. FrankE Haahar, H rm tr sM iahar of th* Naw- ark Eeard *r Itas llh ; Dr. Duadaa R I'amaball af thla d ip , Halaolm Lawto of Haaielalr. Dr. W arran H. Tounp of U ttia Falla Dr. Jafea a W hilloar af Ocaau City, Nal* Nalsoa of Icosp Branob sad Dr. J, WarroB K aipb i of Fuaa Owa

Oandidoiaa who qoallflad to r llcansaa 0* pluablnp laopactor war* Hanry Uar- ■an of Faaaale. W illiam A. Bahnar irf

Faltoad* Park. Ooarpo Molaaar o f lN th - •rfoN . Edward E Sapor* of Tl«<<>n, -Tkoina* Waltun of O u ^ v n aa* Ottorpo P. Mclatyra of Haiamanaaa.

SIrhard J. Ucdrotb of Jasaoy City, WIIHsto C. Kraamor a l Llndaa and ilanry d. HcAulay ot Atlaatlo CUy qualltlad far aanltary Inapactor ot Iho nr*t otsaa, nnd Cknrtoa Covart of Laaa- bur* tor aoaiUry liupoctor of tho third alaas

Anaal P. Parkar of D atawars paiaad tha •■amlnatlan for milk and dairy In- •pacior and Harry P. Oaaaldy of phlla- dalphia tha axaailaallon fur food In- ■pactar.

pidtolly Itowtop SaakkM H»«o* d*d FldaWr Waoirto Cow law o eaeo F*.

D ia ie s E r e i t V n h i BH»i« fa .

The Browe CompanyWM. A. SMITH, RECEIVER

MANUFACTURERS OF LIGHTING FIXTURES9 " 1 1 F r a n k l i n S t , N e w a r k , N . J .

Announces Disposal Sale of All Fixtures at Great ReductionsLighting Fixtures for Every

Conceivabie UseLarge A ssortm ent of Table Lam ps, Silk & Glass S hades

Sale Ends Friday, December 24,1915

FROM WHOLESALER DIRECT TO YOUTou who are at thla laat mnment perplexetl

•A to what to gfva her and you who have road* up your mind to get Fura and do not know where, are maaurwrl that by vlilting ear upatatn •how room you can aelect reliable fur* lo auU your uuite and purae atA SAVING o f 25% to 36%

• f the rataller'a prlrea

REO FQ XSnS I BUCK FOX S n S I NAT. RACCOON MUFFS 13.50 2210 45.00l25.00 3710 6010 | 9.50 1310 1H10

• 2.00 lo 75.00 I aUci’tfvt . 1.75 to 16.00


70 7 BROAD ST .. RnttinHnOpen Evenlnfs T l 10

O'Cleck I t it l X a uU P S T A in S —TAKC CLtVATOH TO e t f e a F L O O R W i

A**t->*l*»*Hr. IhtaldA to Ida latlat t* Mr.

(•akalblto aftar ackaowtodpMp Ncalpt Iha Mtorallan mlatova. pua* •* to aayi

-T would pool ovar a* uaufortfey at yaaapidlloa tba alurrlsuL aad^^Umlftad

. t


_____ *to that Fou todka rapardlap thaAbU latoop LaaptM and will uaarOly aty Otot to tka Chtoo-Poulaon Wal and Dry DtoMpa*4HfeaM, Mr. Fwttooa puto up a *tNtw*t ngfet for tho Hoaor tta a

* w a^w w *T*r hoard t r m « w «f tbHr

"H f jMttot, *>atalfilnp tb* ilialtoata V jFW » « •« Ml *d««tol la p« tt M-

fIcM o fiu p JM kto,* froM wMeh I quota M M *w si W .tb o way. It o*e*n to a* that oa aiMipei •oeaMoa* Mr. Oaoip* A.

■to wulHtnown adroatto ot j toito .-* Itod ** * m l tM

________ ttto aaito to d*b«* tb* a * -t t ia *t total *pM*it and ptphiMttoa. ant~~ ' ~ I to iioDiAiW * ********

_____ tU-fM aW 'M IW k* ‘I’MW aath-r r f TIitit i i g f y ^ " - - r - t a t la

a l tBa UdtoiaaM abptm’ *aat I* ydli

tohM t r« r* -

1t h a t .tb* toMM dlHlstoil afraid to

^ l o B aadi I ta Aatl-Batoo*Mtop laraqr.*' aU M ta I ta

*a*t a a ’allopotfear ... Wfe ar* M l a t all U |s broad paoMtoa Ml

J0B aad wOl totl itotoi m v .w K v «* d t **k feat th a t w* taatot la^LdtoBM tfta la tf •*

apMiiM tar Myouf la tM ofloMM aai pMi

Store Open This Evening

W om en’s & Misses’ C loth S uitsRegular $15.00 to $20.00

Reduced to $11.50There it not an undesirable suit in the whole OS, and you will

recoKniie the exact same as have been aold alt season at the above prices. They are worth today their regular value, but we want to beat a suit record of a year ago tomorrow, hence the price; splen­did poplins and whipcords, belted or Mmi-belted models or models with side plaited coats, velvet or fur trimmed, navy, black, brown, green.Women't * Miaaaa’ Cloth Coat*

Worth IIS.OO to 118.04 Many with fur choker collars,

brifht ilbelln*. soft tone overptoida, brown and olive preen *nd n*vy, all tllli lined; mixture* and Msek tnd the cial

Second FleerQirla* Warm Coats

Site* d to If.Many fur trimmed, cbolceti fab­

rics, cKceptionally well tailored i libellne, cheviots, mixtures, chln- chlllu, broadcioilw, corduroy*, vel-

e from UD to

ind navy cheviots; every coal in j vets tnd pluihe*; price* rinpi he lot a decided btrpiin. $p*- SXM, 6.9a. 7.93, 10.00 Wid i*l .......................................... 11.7 5 1 27i0 .Girls’ Rain Coat, Hat & Bag to Match

The Owner of the

Beautiful Big Doll

\ *iHrl*l eommlliae— houmuf th t fotlowlii* rum - h»r*_wlll n’.*kr th* praa-vntatlon 10 loma on* iltll*,jlrl buldinit oil* » f th a Col- lowing nu>iib*r»:Tb* **•! •*■ *•* la ***n*ara*•**•■*■—•har to •* * » *lb* taird aurnb** to a*ShSl raw |MrSbuutob*r la *ai**t Tk* «nh uumb** to •a.'ISM

Tha fl**» n»i"b*r w ill ba h*ld from I® P " " ' “ * > " • tomorrow. Thf^adaV- !>•- rrmbar >5; If <h* holder ®f th* duplleaia numbar doaa not pr*aant tha *oupea dqflna thwl tIm* Iha ••«- i.nd nqmb*r he'd from II unill I! o'e10"k will h* forlunala ona—tha th ird numl>*r will h* hald from i; to 1—th* fourth nam har Irom I to C and Iba Of lb ii'jmbar frart * lo *■II ran lla ti Oa* a f -r*e»

hawhrr* Mo Sura »•■I**#*#*! I* tSw*ta* fke

llaurw »wa»tae4 .

Rubberiied cantons cloth, navy and shepherd check*; cut very roomy, lo can be worn over coal or sweater, a lth hat and b ip le maich; bell all around and button hlab lo neck; If noi In need for Immedlii* u w . will make sn Ideal C hristtnis gift ...................... .......................................................1 9 «

Girls’ Party Frocks Reasonably PricedThe wants o f the plrl In her "t«eni" ire care­

fully studied in aelectlng these pretty frock*. They sre ju tt I* chic and dainty aa her older lif te rs’— fishloned in nets, laScta , velvets tnd chalhfs. In the most effective combination of Itcei, allkt and tor trim m ings; stie* up to 16: price* range from

5 .9 ^ 7.9S. 10.00 an d ud to 20.00

Middy Blouses at 1.00Our aaaonm ent comprises sboui ten different

style blouiet at $1.00; every one Is made of ex- cfllent quality non-shrinkable gollcted and "Jeans Lonsdale;" all white or colored collar*; sizes 0 year* to 4d bu tt m easurem ents...........................1.00

Tots’ Coats, Sizes 3 to 8Many models that hive told for conaideftMt

more; every one flnished In ihe best possible man­ner; many wiih fur collars, cuff* tnd around boe- torn of coat; libeline. cheviots, corduroys, velvet*, plushes, cbinchillai, big ttsortmeni of aty le and colort.......... . ;lo6. 5 96.100 uul UB to 16.9S

Christmas Petticoats IJIDAt a pracilctl gift nothing would be more ap.

predated than one of ih«t* •xcellent pelilcotto, flniibed in splendid qutliiy sbieen; ptaia abadM tnd the new Dresden paitemi; a variety or ve^ pretty Hounccs, cm boated, ptetied and aectiaoai; color* art navy, purple, green and brawn, *l*d black, al ........................... ................................ 1.M

Worsted Shoulder Shawls, Sacques, Breakfast and Bridge Jackets,

In various oombinsilon* with aatia roeettta ■nd bowt.Shawls, prices range from....... . -59c to 9.00Jacket*, price* rang* from .............1,00 to SbOO

Special Sale of H ouse Coats and R obeslM ’i 6 N I 7 . N l i a U c s l fasMMany in the lot made gown fiyte,

hution and buttonhole front, tllk cord edge, with girdle lo m ilc h ; also rego- liilon bath robe iiy l* ; great variety of coloring*, including Indian pat­tern*; also plain with fancy border on collar, cuff* tnd bdtiom ; all t ite a ;special .............................................. 4.93

lb i 'i l .N A A M )lu k U a i A f a mHeavy weight blanket rob«a and

gowns, nuMt all with silk cord edge; a great variety of two-tone colorings tnd plain shades wtib fancy bolder*: •pcclil ......... ................................ ’--6 .75

Rto’i RMtlar ILM Al Waal U a iFinest grade domestic wool blanket

robe*, mtde gown style, tilk cord edge, button end buttonhole front tnd girdle to match; a variety of two- tone colon and Indian deeigna; spe-CIS)....................................9.75

RtidM IW B akel lUh KakiIn * neat variety of two-tone e f­

fects, full and roomy, piped armholes ■nd siiin yoke piece; |uai 23 robes, while they l i i i , i p c c i t i ................2A $

l a ’s 7.N ib4 &W Rm h fariaShawl collar siyte, collar* m wall

at cuffs tnd pocket* trimmed vtth ihe revene of mtterlal, boand with silk braid, tnd corded edfe; every desired shade, blue, greea, brown, taa, maroon and grays; all *11**, 34 to 46; regular and tieui ils ta ; tba gtoal- c*t ipecltl in House Coat* ever of­fered; spcciel ............................. S.50

I m's ATIimI m i I m h fapliFine grade Hout* Coat*, in a varie­

ty of colorlnts, broken I Inca; not every abade In each ttyto, biM all tisci in the lot; two-ioaa oataHnga.grayt, blue, maroon and brownt; perfectly leltored braid and cord edge; epecial ................................7 J 0

I ta 'i Fiwit Ciak I h m faa liAt SU M, finest grade clotb, nro-

tone coloring*, broadcloth finJab; ail shade* tnd sites—Men’s 1&.M Velvet Hoase Caala.

Spsdal ..................................... UAPMen’s 18.00 Velvet Honoe Ceate.

Itpectol ................................. V.IL50Men s 2S.OO Velvet Hedee Coata.

Speeiel...................... [ .............18,30

C hristm as A prons L inens for X m asIn MueUa Uaderwear Sectioe. Second Floor.

Visit our m odem Apron Shop end your ideas of the usual abowing of aprons will be completely upset. Hera you will And a mnliltudlnous assort- tnent of pretty styles, fashioned of vsrioue_ ma­terials in Ihe m atter of foundation and irimmings.

In the special section of white aprons sre cor­rect and new sty les for the parlor maid, the nurse maid, governess, cook and ail her sssletsn ts;

matron, houMkeeper, seam stress; tiny bits ot Ane lewn end laces for milady when the brews lea, needlework tpfont, chtAng dish aprons, 28c to 2.88.

W hitcvsr your dstirs for aprons, It can be met i t this store. Right now we sre showing

A Charming Collection of Small Fancy Aprons

Novsl shapes, some made en­tirely of lace insertion, some of organdie and lace, side plaited, some embroidery trimmed; needle work dainty designs, unusual; many ribbon trimmed.

25c, 29c, 60c, 69c and go on up to 2.98

Few gifts are more appreciated in a household than a set of Hne Damask Linen, com prising n lablecloih of the newest design with a dozen nap­kins to mtich. Or, equally satisfactory, a beauii- ful lace or embroidered Luncheon Set, ^ n te r p ie c e , 5>carr or Doilies, especiilly it these linen* come from this store. M ala n o a r .

New HtaUtsaa Futm TiUi QaAs aal Nsglriit I* Mild M Altricthf Fri(ci-~lrid-$(ild IdaThe b « t issonm ent of Ane Table Linen* we

have ever assembled, including the celebraied John S. Brown Sons* Shamrock brand, for which we arc sole agents In Newark; charming and pretty de­signs In great variety; sturdy kinds to Aner grades for special occasion are here in abundance, il! marked t l prices that t r t from 20 to 25 per cent, lower than today’s market values.

2x2 jarde , Fsttern C'loths.230, 2.75, 3.00, 330, 3.98. 4.80. 4.98

2x2^1 yards. Pattern Cloths,S.IS, 3.45, 3.75. 4.39. 4.98. 5.65. 6.25

2x3 yards, Pettem Cloths,3,75, 4,16, 4.50, 5.26. 5.98, 6,75, 7.56

NAPKINS TO MATCH20x20 inch** ..................................... - . . . . 3.00, 3,5022x22 In c h ee .......... 5.50, 3.98, 450, 4.98, 5.50, 5.9824x24 Inehe*.......... 8.98, 4.60, 4.98, 5.50, 5,98, 8.30

Gloves fo r ChildrenAny little boy or girl or the bigger

brother or sister would appreciate a pair of gloves for Christmas.

Miaeea, C h iM n a ’e ami Boy*’ One-Clasp Cape Walking Gtevem—Perfect Ailing, London embroid­ered backs; all aiaea In tan; p a i r .....................1,00

MIbm *’. ChlldnM ’a Twe-Clatp Glace KM Gtovea—Perfect fitting, Pari* point embroidered backs; all t l i t s in tan, bitch and white; pair. .1 .00

Niaaea’, C h iU rea’e and Beys’ Oi»-Ctos» Mocha Glevsa—Paris point embroidered backs; beat shades of fan and g ray ; p a ir..............................1 .0 0

Miaaaa’, C h lU re n 't and Bdyf O n f C b m M seta O lavea—Selected tU n t, perfect fitting, P. X. M. eewn; all e l m In gray; pair.....................L 5 0

N ieas^ , C h u t e ' s and I t e O at-C hap Plgne KU G lB vaB -^arfaet fining, lelectad skins; all alts* in tan and w U t* ; p a i r ..........................................U>0

TIm Fafflons " S w u BfiM TURteweir diroet fnai SwkztrluidttiMWB fa r ft* axehitlveiiat* la atyto tn d fln-

tih . Vesta, Tight*, C arasl Covara and U nhn Suita; merlao, aitk and cattoa. tllk aad waa); light, n s - dlujB tn d bapvy w alghtt. Vaett htvp varieu* atylan, U gh . ! • » w i » t * t e ; long, ta a r t nr th n n -m a r t tra langth nldavnt! «alM aults, above •tyVw, iM a a r an U a taM th i dgliM opaa a r nleaad. kiwd t r mUrta tangib . Wa nany vpttSy Oghtt and aaloB * M n Ib nonwB.

v V a p t i . . • n e . o p t o U 5......... . . H w t o M O

‘ Uafoa Suit* 1. .UK to MM


Great Christmas Sale1,100 Pairt Women's Imported

Reg. 1.50 Satin QuiltedB oudoir S lippers

69c P a ir

They are made of the best felt, inner and outer soles, smaH silk pompons with satin quilted vamps; ten differotit riitdei, lilne, naave, pink, roytl blw, learlet. old r«6», greea, light blue u d black; all ciget, S to 9; do not miee this birgnlii; while tbey laet ubu-1 JO, i t Me. ^

Ob S a k NiiB ItaTH M l M M e ir .Shat D m e m iw t- ;

' 0m M

M il


Till b M i Caa*tr P ark CommlMia* r«M«r<ir afttrnvM «Pr*«**d tk* M* tkHMt'i plam far th* pavUlMi t« k* t*«cUd In Wtnqwikl* P ark t« n u rk lk«

on *hleli cownlMdwMrn trokt tho Mtttoaonti ml KllMliotk *n« Hownrk ■Mt Mogr It, 1MI. a n t d t t la td tk* b«Mi- tortoa t t tko BiDnkIpallUtt. S o e r t tu r AIohh ChHroh of tko cnniialnnlon wto iM lrw tot lo ttv o rtlw for kMa.

Tke kolMink «UI bo oroetod mi Dlft- 'jdokl illlt, M tha raliad Ml of •raund OQ

arblvb tbo hlatarlo moatink i f u bald I*

riTlIl ArCMICI IFIm (ir W etfulK S in d m

« OH i M v y U m .TAMn IT soon SB)E PlfU

kMara, and «UI ba of oonomo and UU (onalniMton The axtorlot wtti bo of tllat f a color irtl to ba dotamlaod.

Under M area waieb fo rm part of |h« front of tba pivpeoad bulldlw *IU ba toft t ato m lata arkich it lapoMd to ilaoo a bmnao t aMot Hi* tSadlf laarrtW aa to tha blatorlcal datura ;

apoi. WhIU tko ruamlaalon «aa


k :

eoaoUcrlnf th* plana a rooHaunloatloB aa* rwotTod fraaa Thaaaaa P- Kaaaadr, ftM p a l of tha dvolb did* !ll«h ■ctMol, laaaatUaa that tha pupita of Ibal InitltU' tbw ba parmlttnl to araci lha tabM . Tha eanaalmlon prantad tha paouaot, apaelfy- («« oaip that tba orardtna of tha UWrl ba approvod by ib t rommlaalwi.

Mr. Eaaaady aald tn aaplanatlon af tba raaaaal tkM tha pnplta of tho aehool waald Inolla ih t paptia af Mat- 111 Hlfh loluiol la Kllaahaih ta Jain ortth tham In providlna tha u b ia t . Ma iaaUra* that vblta plaaa had not baaa ftnaad ti waa prahahio th a tah la t

Id ba pal la plana w ith appraprlaln «Im MomorUI Dap.

Tba parlllon witl ba maaotoa la ap-

K aaaa. ana af It# prinotpai faatkraa p larto eolamaa whlrta will aap-

amt a roof la tha abapa a t a dania What aauuni af moaap w ill ba apant

It WM not aiada fcaowa.Tbo aainmlMlaa paaaad a rosoluttan

aatharlalnp tha ararilon of two tom- patarjr woodoa okaltat: pavlllona ono a t Wataoaalad Park and lha othor at Orator Clataland Park la OaldwalU

iTka patlHana or tholtara, will ho built a t aaoa, aad ba aa eonatraclad th a t thap aaa ba takoo dowa and atarod aa aoon aa tba akatlnp 100.100 la aoar.

Tbo Park Palloa WanoTelanl Aaaocta- )llaa aoal tba aomwlaalati a A aok tar 'HM, witb tba ra«aoat th a t U ba addad i f tko park peiica paaalon fund. Thia

wbt dartoad froai tha ball lly tita n kp ika annietnttan ntid

W bmivM Ika total fund la ika larp ap la

Why Not Boy a Good Slipper-ttCosts No MoreYour Gift Bearinc tlic Ei>ele Trwle Mark wUt be Nwe Apprecialed-^t Standi for Quality and Wear

Mcn'i RodMM or SHppin SoM LetUter Tkrotigkoot

1.50 & 2.00

UiHi Pint QiaJIty C^mty Fitt SUppen; tUcolon................

Dtnkl Graea Makel i O

ladiu Moccaaim of Emr DcacrIptioM.



TMFnCFOUaPOUIE,urrAM am i insists

m o n tD C I K H B I K A D I I F I S F A N E N I M I U r t t a W

An Inpijj^ Into th# manaor In which a rnroclooura oal* of U. Pap lU w lap't hard- oaro itnro In Caldwell wan twnduclpd laot May waa hold tndoy In Hnnbrupicy Court briort fUfont ChoriM H. Hnoon. tUw- loy, who woo al on* tlma a ontmber of Iht Boroupta Council of Verona and re- oipnad, filed a voluntarp patlUon In bnnk- niplcr October II. He ootlmatad hlo Ita* Mlllleo at 11,111 and anW he had no ea- aait.

WllUim Harria, mu mol for crrdlion, auaotloaed the leptlllp <4 the foreatueure aala, hold lo mtlifp a chatial m nrtpotr plvea bp Hut bankrupt to Ur. William Moore Oould. The u tie r la a donllat with aa office ol I t tlolaop otreat and raii- danco In Coldwetl. Mr. Ilarrlo oold that Dr. OouM odnttled llw mortcapa war pivan to oeciire the dentlat for tndoroe- meoio on Hawltp'a noteo amauatlnp to , i i ,m .

Ma* A, Em. a lowper, tantifled Hut hlo brather-ln-law, Charlaa R Pandera of II noMtUle U m ce, had aocured th i itork ol haidworo pooda a t t in fora- claaaia aala. The wltnaew wld he had It broupbl la tor Mr. Bandora. Mr. Hartir later aald the atack of anode had baaa raniorad ta Holtpwood atanua, Kliaabatb Where tba Pandora' hardware atore la bainp aonductad. Tha InvaaUaalldn wli/ ba aohlinuad.

l^lMteer Ratal Camp No. IP, Opanlah (^fkr Vatanaa. Mat akiW alaatad aa cam- kiuMar, WHIIaai T. (XBoutka, aupartntan- 4 m af tka ritp bnMhia dapartamnt. Itr. jm eurke aartad aa a UaotawaM oo lha

Bkdpar. dUrlaf tka war. Tho waa baM al tha kaadaaartara e l

m paaaalBUw, l i t Mathat atraat. The baw aammaodar will ba laalallad Jaauarp I t aad arill fill aareral appotativa of-

I ’c o m a WONT o p p o s eM sm o w IS HEALTH HEAD

taaiOtplaa af a powataa UtL Intradnrad '■oaaa af naproaMtaUraw war# ra-

from Baproaealatira I ranldaa C.-----af Vlwauti, aattenal kaad of tkaM tal napnlaalluB. The aaiwp appretad di* Mb and aaHllaatlan af tha approval X ll ta mart to tba New daraap ■Mmbaia W b ^ branchaa r t Ooaprapa.^ '■'Otbar afflcara ettoaen -wara: tan la r tiaa

'■•WtotaMar, Oacmr Lwroaw; Jawtor via# dlMMBader, Rdwaid le WMpaaii etiap- 1 m Arthar Baaeh; ad ja laal. H a k a rt II. f i P f : TtaatoatoniWflem af Hw dap, Rabort W li ln » : Pf- Moar a t tba fuard. RMiafd H a n iB r

— Cimmi Ildar Kart ■V. t>abb

A mavatneni to have Dr. Oanlal L- MrCormiek appoia Ur. W llilata H. Dti- brnw for the pTMldencp of th e Board af Htalth whan Ihal body o rp a n litr naPI month wee knoebad In Che heed tndep whan Dr. Mmtormlek annaanced ha t m id not be k randldntn. Dr. Die brow la praeldent now and when Ur MrCnrmkk tu rn ed that tba fo m itr was wlllinp ta Uha tha o tftre fo r annlhar Itrm he aald ha would net e n te r the mea.

Dr, MoCanalak a lro lltrd It waa true ka had been offarad aupport for the pleet. hut did not care lo a ta ta Che namta of tha mambera of tha board who waald back htn.

*T would Ilka la be praaldant of tbo Beard af Haaltb.” Dr. McCormick aald. "bat I wouldn’t appeaa Dr. Otobrow far Ika plaoa."

Tito raaaoit far tba advancta made to Dr. McOarailah IP baoanaa aoaia of tha mambafa teal th tp have not boon traa l- ad la the wap they would Ilka on eom- mlttaa appolntmanta

An emphatic reply w as m ade thIa af­ternoon by Ceplain Jam ea A. Hcllell, commander of the traffic polio*, to (ba I'hnrpai made laai night bafore (ha Molar Truck Clab of New J a n e y by T. D. prait, preeldane of tha Malar Truck Club of America, th a t traffle polleemen here are dlaoourtaoua "The iraffle men do not d e u rv e th e crltieiam aimed i t them by Mr. P ra tt," waa the way tha oaptein aummad up hla viewa on the eublert

Captain M.'Rell deolarad ha believed lha Niwirk (raffle man lo ba aa flna a body of men aa can he found anpw hera He (nee anionp ihem dally, ha aaya and haa watched (hem at thalr w ork.

"They art all trained to bo rour- laoua" the ofnrer want on. 'They Knew that If (hey wara not courtaoaa neither (he chief nor 1 would atand for having (ham at Im portanl iwtariae- tlona

‘1 wonder If Mr. P ra tt, whan ha mada hie rrlUclem, ru llaed th a t th e four man at tha corner of Market and Broad ■treate look out for tha aafety of thoaaandt af people dally and rewu- lata the mavomanla a t thia Im portant Inlereartlon of thuuianda of vahielas,

■They have ta contend w ith all aorta of people and that they e ra courtaoaa and gentle In thalr traa lm en l of (ha public le a tlu tad In tba fact th a t whila hUndrede a t leehnteal vlolallona of the law are committad unw itting ly , they make few arraata thara. T b tra la not one trreal a weak for traR Ic vlolallon a t the Pour Caroara*'


n a i l

, *>/» .tre .ci'* '-

N ew ark S to r^ 6 9 3 -6 0 6 B road

Blouses at $2.98Just Right for Christmas Gifts

We know you'll like the« smart, new blouses, with their long ileevei and new collar effects. They are fashioned of the ever wanted


Georgette Crepe Crepe de Chine Filmy Silk Laces

The late blouses are lined with fine chiffon. The collars are low. Another beautiful model is of heavy white crepe dc chine, with turnback cuffs and collar of rose, mint green and maize.

Trimmed Hats at$3.00

Thc*t hats have sold as high as $8.9S. Some have been In slock but two or three weeVt, thereby eunrimceing newnesa of style. Every one of them »e9 made by our own artists, in our own room. work

Hats were 50 Hats were $6.95 25 Hats were H .95

TUre are models for dress wear, plain models Inr the tailored suits and many fur trimmed creations.

Millinery Parlors—2nd Floor

Hosiery for GiftsPacked in Fancy Boxes

Phoenix Guaranteed HosePacked two in a bos, the beat ill|c boat that

can be bought at thia price and only............ $1.50SILK HOHE, with reinforced liele tog and flara

garter top. In all ihadea for street or dreaa w»*r, including black, white, nivy, gold and atlver,• ' ..................................................................45e

Full fathioned pure allk hose, reinforced with lisle at bed and tog. In wbita, blaek, br«nsg, navy, tan and flath, a t ..................................... Mie

NovdHea in striped or pisid heae and haiid- paimed effeett. at .................. ........


m m

Gloves are al- waya appropriate for gift malting, and one can nover have too many of them, especially at Liaaner’a. mod­erate prices, AH the newest novel­ties can be found

here in a wjde asaortment. Superior quality Mocha, Doeakin

i' and Glace Kid Q lom , with haavi- ly embroidered backt.

$1.00 lo $L 50a phildren’a Glace Kid Clovaa and

Suede Glovee, warmly liaed er an- lined, at nrioea ran^Bg from

, 5 0 c . M l . 0 0

Furs for XmasThe Ideal Gift for MUady

M u H s S c a rfsGenuine S kunk............... •25.00Genuine Beaver .............52ZA0Genuine Lynx .................IXTJIOHudson Seal ...................IITAOBlick F ox ...................... I1S.05

- t l l J I

B e a u t i f u l S e U o f F u nFrom I25.M to IM.00

Conidne Skunk..........Genuine BM ver.............d ia wGenulns Lynx............. .|M .WHudson S«1 .................. I l ia dBlick Fox........................i id .w

Qiildroi’s Fur SetsI

They are sareIn all the new and fathionible fura to delight the kiddiea.

$1.00 to $15.00Third Floor1 '



M utt iM p rti ri WM N w it S ik ,y F U I n t B d S i U y i i

M law Iti p r i i .


A'o ntldnlabt kiaaaaa to usher In Chrlstoui will ba oalahrataO for ih* public In lha Nawarh glaces*. It Is atalcil by Rav. Dr. John J. Duffy, ch« chanctllor, who elated also th a t Blabep John 1. O'Conner had received no r«- queata froia aay ractoro of church*# for parmiMlon ta h a te lha m ldnlaht cola- bratlon*.

tn *oni, of the rallglpua Inetltutlona, however, midnight niaaaea w ill be c«ls- bralod tor thoaa resident In the InaU- tagion and olhara who asay rpcatve InvI- tatlona. At St. Damlnltfa m onaatary a iBldnlahl mega will ba aalebraled by Rav. Msitbaw I* H aasae, O. P.. and a t lha Houaa of tka Oaad abaeKard by Rav. William Quinn, D. P.

With lha tstllng down af tba bare agalnit Iba aala of beraa meat for faodIn Now Tork, tta rtln a January 1, tha local Inapeetari a t tha Beard of H ealth will Inertaaa thalr watchfulnai agalnat tha n la at tha meat hare na- lahaltd as luoh, a i atatad today by Charlaa V Craattr, haaltb offlear. While thara la oo law prohibiting tbo ■ala a t horee msai tn itaia cUy, It la bi Uavad that littia If any, la bandied. That tbla w||] ritanga, now th a t the aala will ba parmlttad In Maw Tork, la probabla and, If ao. tha daalara will have ta comply with tha nacaagary aanlury pravtslona and place dla- tlnfulshlng marks on the meat, aa ra- qulrad by law.

Tbs rsaclndlng of lha prohibitory ordinanea waa dona yeatarday by tba New Verb Board of Health I t waa declared at tha meeting th a t tbla wauM assitl In aolvlng th a high ooit of living, aa it would add to the aupply of m sata T hat horaa meat waa as good aa haaf and las t llkaly ta carry diaaaaa, waa tha ooa- lanlloa of the mambara of tha board.

Tbs sals of horse flaili for forks. BRF* Is ragulatsd by a atata law pa seed In IStS. This parmtta local baarga ta adopt conlormatory ordinanoaa and atlpulalss that all bora# moat aoM or diaplaysd for salo muat bo aaarhod such In Isttan not loaa Ibnn one laeh In bslghl plEcsd on n tag a t loa thraa by tour liishaa In alaa. F a lla ra la so tag tha horss flash will re su lt tn a fins of |I«S.


pursuant lo a doclslan roarhad a t a confsrsnrt ytalsrday of th e larger cradiiora of T. P. How ell B Co., ono of (ha leather canoems owned by Jam as Sfflilh Jr., farnisr praaldani a t the Fed- aral Trust Cempaay, a coasmlttao of five business men. ranrcaantlag varied business Intsrssi*. haa baca appsHntod to aid In the m insgsm ent of th a loathar plant for the benefit of c rod lto ra

In ihe opsrailon of tha p lan t tha oomnilttes will act In conjunotloa w ith tho ridsllly Trust Company In an s t- farl lo arraaga an amicable aattlam ant with ersdUora of tho laathor eempany, which, Mr Rmtlh dsetaroa la fully aol- Tsnt. The commlUse conMata of C. W. Pslgsupan, prsaldsut of th e Federal Trust L'ompsny, and Charlaa Nlobllag, president «l tha AmorloM National Bank, representing lha tlgaBolat Intar- asts, and H. giacy MmIth, whalaaala dealer In tan bark^ MatUiosr T. Oay, prssidani af Blanchard B rea A L ana leather m annlactarsra and Jeaopb H. Lucking, coal dealer, reprsaonting com­mercial latertsii.

Tlie appolntmenia w a rt mada by Louis Hood, general eounaal of tha (run company, who yaatarday aorvad as chairman at tha rrad ito ra m eeitng and waa authorlaed by tlio claim ants lo name Ihe commlttaa H r. Hood acted In (he m atter to r tb a Fidelity tn lia capacity as asstgnaa for Mr. Smith.

It ta eiipectad (hat lha commltteomrn, who ware netlflcd of th a lr appointm ent today, will meet In Iba n ear future with the Fidelity's rapraaantatlvaa for lbs parpoec of conslderlag tha leather company's affaire and th a t tbay will then report to iba o ther erodltora. It waa dtcided at (ba maoling yaatarday ta at anas pay all erodltora having clalma af l«u than |4*t.

coiinaTESYoiininiisrTHEE I B A S n TEN TEANS

Through tba lealracy aba wn blaa tMa morning by Judge Ortoa In Iba F trat Pro- rinct Coiift, Edward Rattoy, allaa Dough- arty. of III Bowary, Maw Tork. axpocta 10 be able Baturday to *aJoy hla Drat fraa Chriitmaa la ten yearo.

Ballay, »ho la only twoiity yosra aid, was trreeled Monday night wUb Uooroa Brown also of Maw Tork. by DaiacUvaa Ryan and Bonnet. They stara charged with attempting to aril ehaap rings for prnulao diamond rlaga. After bearing

' Bailey's atery ot optndlng tba laM ulna Chrlelnae day# hi Institutions. Judge Url«, Inatsad of aagding tba man to Jail, Imposed Ilnee of $ ti each an th e n and erdetad them to keep out of Newark. They said they beUavod they would bo able to pel the money ta pay thalr tinaa before Cbrlaiinaa.

Bailer admfttod ba had baaa a m i t r d to Maw Tork whaa tan yaara old for playing truant and seat to a refugaahome. Attar laavtag that plaaa. ha aald,

■ Hid fhe bad been arrsattd for lareaay and aent to a raforroatory. Ha later apent time In tha workhouea la New T ork and later In slate penlloatlartaa. In tbo lost ton years he baa beaa am atad ateo Dnua.

Captain Connell and Dataettv* Ryan aay that Ballay (old tbpm ba had thraa brotheia, all of wham died In prtaoo. One died In Bliaim Betarmobary. anotbar IB ■lug Bing tad a third la tha a tata priaoa at Treatoa only two weak# age.

CHIU) nnERTAlRS f i n RREA faar-yaar-ald ahii^ who oatar-

talnad twa ablliran guaou by building a bonfire of elothosplna. la stold ta have caused a fira which did IBM damage last nlfhl In tha apartmenta of Hyman Rosenthal On tba third Door of l i t Paehlne avtnua.

Mrs Hoaantbal said tbla ■norping that a neighbor, Mra Fannie Bebact- man of lOt Paahlna avaeiua, called on bar last night aad brought bar two children with bar. While tha two Bothert pal aver tba toaeupa tn tha kitchen, lha children played tagatkar wlih eoBia chithaapiBa In tka ndjatalng badroom. Baddaaly ftamad broke out and tha twa wamtn carried tha obUdraa Dom thd balldlag.

D 1

No tartltor word ban oaian from Charlaa Hueha, the aaoratary a t Iba Pannonia Building and Lean .A ana nla- (ion, wba dlaappearad Irera hla home. «t Kent ftraat, Deoambar I t , tbo mloa- tng maB*a Mathar-ln-lnv, Hru. rra g k Balichy, gt It Paablbg BTOaua, eald ta- day. Ib a H,k«h and hag thrwa ohll- dren aPa Uving with Urn, Badtck. wba oeys eba Will lo t ba abta ta supaart them muth laagar. Muahh'a dtaappaar- anca la altrlbatad by hla tam lty to an uabaiagaad mta« laduaad hy hard warn avar a (apart wbleh ha bad to mako a t aecratory af tha buUdUW and laan oatoclatlaa.

WiB Your Estate

Be In Good Hands If Youihottld |1B»5 tWBy? Are you lun thit the executor whom yon hive leleeted will not luccuiHb to tetnptitien? Are you potitivo that after you are gone he will always b« on hand when he ti mo*l wanted hy thoae who are dear lo you— that he haa the nceesaary integrUy aad axperieoce to protect the Intereit of your heire and that he will not die auddenly? Your own judgment and that of your family and best friends will tell you that you owe ir tn vnuneir. to yoyy work of a lifetime and to your heire to guard against all risk and danger. That you can best do by naming at once ae your executor the atroog, reliablo and experienced

Trust Department

FideKty Trust CompanyPrudential Building. Newark. N. J.

tti aervicet coat no more than thoae of an individual. It can never die. Under no circumstances can it diuppear. To ita clients it freely gives, without cost, not the wavering judgment of one inexperienced man. but the sound advice of its experienced trust department officials, the counsel of its other officers and the wisdom of Its Board of Directors which is made up of the most prominent and successful men in the community. Weigh all this and many other safeguards and advantages against the best work of an individual and you will quickly de­cide that in your cate, as in every other cate, the Fidelity Trust Company is the

Ideal ExecutorYou Are invited to

Ginw lo and Talk It Over

Set Four Xmas to Victor Music


T h e p o w e r o f H a h n e 's V ic to r t e r m s is t h e p o w e r o f ready money to y o u — t h i s l a s t b u s y w e e k . A f e w d o l l a r s d o w n ( a n d i t w il l a s t o n i s h y o u h o w ^ f e w ) a n d any V l c t r o l a , f r o m $15 t o $350 w il l b c ( sent to you in time fort Christmis giving—together with a record purchase, if you stso wish it. A few dol­lars a month for a few months pays the balance.

M y not Hfht your Chrlatmu Um year toVktor Mwie?

T h e r e I s S t i l l T i m e t o G e t T h a t C h r i s t m a s V i c t r o l aV l c t r o l a I X .

6 6 0Your choice of a weath-

arad otk or maboganji fln- iahed cakiiMt In this most popular of tha madiam aired ilylea.

$5 in Recordsmay also N talected if youlike. The entire

(Total,lira pi,5 M j


am onth


Deliveriesw ill b e m a d e p r o m p t ly . A ll a r ­t i c l e s p u r c h a s e d F r i d a y u p t o 10 P . M . w ill b e d c l iy - c r e d C h r i s t m a s D a y .

V i c t r o l a X L $100

A cabinet In oiibtr weath­ered oak of mahoaaiiy may be selected. Has larta rec- i ord cabinet This le the most popular |ifl of all the Victrola styles.

$5 in Recordstnty aitu be selected If yeu desire. The entire outfll

(Total, SlOSja

m onth

Hahne & Co.N EWARK


Xmas Gift SuggestionsOlAlliS nCRA Sffll BSSMC the aatitfaction of ytur daar onaa and baai frienda. pnaanta for gvgry numberMHiRbtoi BwvRH aiHto roawiw Ptwy gfgra tphoad aatoettofta. Owne any day, roy time. .

PerfomesrDjgM^Kiss a aaoers nm nm ia «t

urtme-WAK n a tm

Taleuai Faard


Pvrrumi Wa

Oodat'o d o rs_________ ___ _,n Watar.Talcum Powder, BoM Bid Baabat la tka asnia

In dam aM

Ths caMadu hi tba oountr aasiru (or tamorraw will bo as follovg:

•ueraoM Oaart Ciroult, rrsUtrie Adams, Judaa—BrgRtord gUao gaaaai-

ploaslng odor.OansiMi IVtomss mm f f t /swifiad nriemm Waa/$M#

A gift th a t M M B t l r appraaIgtM avaa hr oa who da BM a# a ru le b e r pwnuaaa ter

tbamaalvag.n rcq lt OaaH, Nalaaw T . PuRgsu.

Jadgs-H a ealL.Court a( CtsawnR toaoa, P e rt t.,

Wimaw r. Utotito M to * —Trasw ean af Uoaaaa h a a r lim tawwshig o f ganth OrangCi B tiH ga M. A. S ek n ld t ta Christian Ksrtsi H araun TL A- BChnildt (rain pwrtg.tlilrd atraat to aa«tbgaat eomsr MinbWB avowag g ad Valli •trsaL

Coart a t i M a l Baaal SBa. H orry T, Osboraa. Jatoa J iiaa B nagtog. a

a id holiare aw t rapa: J a a q ■aionaakl, aaaMit aad k a tla rF i J a a t tk Msiiitaali aidK iM M ag r i ada, gaaaa'

R a z o r sGILLtm m i OOm M FIfT

M A tO MMany laag r ta v e ayanf norelBc. Tkag wtll

ransm ksr M d agpraolata yaur g ift l « dojto_____r « BBATINO

llr wore prload It to

sold battary, t afCourt P a rt at._ eaauaas P I— -------------

Sorry T. O a k ^ JadBp—e m e la obawv s e r s r * , , .

• .a sB iS 'ss ri'S e sv tS !..Shbar. .

Candiesplaa^^SllXtlha tosB, W1 Wb%t BjRW aeaaptal

confaetioi to. Evaryl

W adew ernV rp ld Dui Bi Huytaifa wa^ oarry Eglntpa and Bookoiia, ii

oa Aisertmanta rbedr loves sandy, aare expaotad itabta glfl ta

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to give them. Am_ -. HllldT «

syiarto, QuiL'a

Choca!faneifromf a h V y ^ ^ k f ^ s and to i^evallF^ to


y d a ^ Cha , ad b eaag lt.. •It

Newest Model Caiterasw n r o m o w A i m r o v m m i i

her BtUm BaI hsaua/r pletnraa of amapd iud iiadia ,I ogiUo you avar and avar agaw to

If He SmokMcrcAJtf WOL ItSABS Mm MMMt



Hot Wafer Bottles^4 n

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V.• A '

t x l T w t 'l

7 8 141O p o f i A n r a g h t


i n m i Mr rets Vy IW to k o sf .


tlon of to AUti troll* )f of i Fm

»luol I'c both U of thli mutomn root* « m sUU

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•*A V fertlor quote* th* c* hlfthto i mov fttreti

-•v*r, rood r of ir*| of ftUCor uui th*n bth* V*:c*r."


Of N«* ■tote I hftroBjB 11c, *ni th* loi lnt*rei to poy ond >( lo ni*4 «ult» I wh«r* tlllort

A* ft ley lo plOGOd lofftft • th« r to driirftftonth*r« Ih* ca

Id II Judft* Morf h Th* IIWftB 4Mr. UiWolfft knohoforeInflictth*rootaetruor wbtionftito tk*ftOCM


ratifyB ltta t

Ths work af tbs n ssti] msslli m lttsi ta rs ( a n n a

Raf (a Ihi which corpo dtvidv Icaa t b ra tic

Mr. th a a In r*( tlons th* d

•Th Dnani "la tl they ( want ■II hi bratic

■tvi Induai Murpl diatri rived poalli ta Ihi

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Davromm data 1 had Iof I I audactEf.oo


Die smbn city, af th yeata hlatoi of thi mer I man i romiv Ihe e tee tl fo r a tha i Biltte


N E W A B K k V E N I N O K E m W E 0 K E 80 A Y , U K C E U t O S B •& O U .


A m j A n o c b iM D inctor Writes M g e l T a l f P e i i h i i t C i i l n v e w

State A lto b w . _

HARASSWC lOTOItBTS, HE AESEITSCkkttenains Ju4<e Woir* lntrrpr«ta>

lion of th f motor v*hlol< tow in ratorcBco to nutumubllKt* drtvinc In the left of tfoltof cor*. WtUlorn J. Morion, dlroclor of the Jitner Bervliw Aimelotloii. In o iettnr lent lu the ludfr of the Third Crlm- liul i'ourt todoy. oiotr* (hot h* belloveo ko»th the police ond the twilee moitotrole* of thio city hoc* been "horMolnl the ouloiuobile drlvlni public" by moklnc or* root* ond Infllcllhi fine* lii oppooltloa to o otole low.

Mr. Morton wye he "think* It I* hlfh time thAt the motorliti of Nrv Jertoy. ■n<f oipectalty of NVto'iirk, not only aAould toiti but ihould a wiuar* deal,that la. If tUey nr« worth t pinch of •miff.'*

AhAorllna that he rioea rot know where Judye Wolf aeta hia law from to Inflict flnea on miitorlata for paaa- In a a irotle> lri the left, Mr M organ 4|UOtea (.be ataic automobile act. Chup- ter Uwe of IM5. F'art I. Section II.

vehicle iirfM'eadlpg In ihe aame d i­rection aa a aire«t car." Mr. Morgan quote" the law. "operated on tracke m the center of any public road, airoet, highway or turnpike, whan passing • moving atrael ojir. ihall pMi iUcb • tre ti car on Ita right: privided, how-

-over, when through narrowneaa of road or alreet, or through congeatlon of traffic, standing at the curb or aide of auoh road or atreet. it la Impoeeible or unsafe to iMaa auch oar aa above, then by eaercleing eioeptlonal caution, the vehicle may pae* on Ihe left of egeb car."

i'egee R e fu s a l I s Psy V ia e s.Mr. Morgan eaem a that (he police

of Newark are themeeivca violating the •Is le law In making tboae arreaia "and heraagli^g the auionioblle driving pub* 11c, and If iherr r,re any lawyers among (he long suffering, they should In the Interest of pure law and Justice refuse to pay any more flnei Inflicted by you and your brother Judgea, end, It asents to ftje* although not >era«d In law, that suite for recovery should he Instituted whers you have eiacted finea In oppo* altlon to a state law."

Aa'an Illustration of passing a tro l­ley to the left within the reetrktlena placed the lew, Mr. Morgan aaye, in golag to husinese Lp en eutomobUe the o ther day he inatructsd the chauffeur to drive to Ihe left of a street car, as wagons were backed up at the curb and there was deep snow on the right of the oar

In enawer to Mr. Morgan's challenge. Judge Wolf said he agreed with Mr Morgan*s Intsrpretatlojt of the lew. The IHustralton cited hy Mr. Morgan was entirely lawful, the Judge eeld. Mr. Morgan's only mticoncepllon, Judge Wolf said, was that he did not have a knowledge of the caaei which came before Ihe Judge In which fines were Inflicted. These were cases In which there was no conception of traffic or obstructions s t the right of the trolley or where s driver failed to use tacep- tlonal caution tn passing a street car to the left when the etreet was blocked, according to Judge Wolf.


(Continued from Ftret Pegs.)

ra tify the eetlon of th« memorial com- Blttoe.**

The secretary’s report reviewed Ihe work of the varioue aub-cominlttees of the general coroitiUtae since the last n e stin g , November 17. Forty-three meetlnge of aommltteee and bob>com* m lttees heve been held a t laadquar- tere and a large number of confer- sneaa have taken place.

Reference Was made li |tib rgporl to the unusuel apIcN of ca-operatloa which the committee has deserved in corporations, boslnese firms and In­dividuals who have offered tbetr aerv- Icee to further the success of (he cele­bration. f

Mr. Murphy raplalnrd Ihe policy of the eiecutlve and finance committee In regard to granting the appropria­tions requested from time to time by the different eub-romrplti'^ei.

attitude of the executive and finance committee," Mr. Murphy said* *'li to give all the committees whal they deeirr if we hove the money. We want to keep enough money to pay all bills At the concluston of the cele­bration, and that le the end to which we must all work.'*

"When we know the reauU of the Industrial eapoeltlon,'* continued Mr. Murphy, "we may have more money to distribute, and In case a profit Is de­rived AS Is expected, we will he In a position to enlarge (he appropriations to ths iub'CommliUea

'T thtnk we are going to have a most Interesting celebration for the neopJa of Newark." Mr Murphy concluded.

David H. Merritt, treasurer of the committee, said the totel receipts to date was and that 9ihad been expended, leaving a balance of i m j 3 2 82. There are still unpaid eudscrlptlons amounting to about ffif.OOO: laid Mr. Merritt.


Tilacuaslon of a memorial volume to embrace an outline of the history of the elty* In addition to a complete record of the anniversary celebration*yesterday occupied the attention of the blstorlcAl end literary sub-commltfoe of the Committee of Ong Hundred, Por« (tier Governor Franklin Murphy, chair­m en of the general committee, told the romniltieo he believed he coald Induce the eiQcuttve and finance sub-commit­tee to mak* an appropriation of |$,000 for such a book. This, In idditlon to Ihe 11,010 already placed at the com- B lttee 'a service, tl Is bellevsd. will

snabis the membera to publish a book I commensurate with the ocraelon U will I perpetuate. A epeclel committee will fu rth er conaider the publication,

U 'w as Mr Murphy's expressed belief that auch a volume ahould ba made thotoughly credlleble, or, he said, aa some one had auggeeted to btBi "glorloua" The history of Newark, from It* beginning to the present t im a - should have a piece In such a book, thought Mr, Murphy, and the members of the committee thoroughly agreed with him. It Is the Intention to include

\ not only the story of the growth of Newark, but a pen picture of the stroag men who have figured prominently in lie making.

William T. Hunt, chairman of the committee, thought nioet of the a riling for the book should be done by local persona, and Mr Murphy agreed with tbla sentiment, although a few arflclesv he added* might be coi^trlbuied by out* aide talent

Mr. Murphy said he believed such a volume should be sold for from Co ! ! • and that there should be two or three cheaper edlUons, one. for Inslanoe, to soli at tl.&d to tt , and a paper edi­tion. possibly, which would sell for leea M r Hunt (houaht ih* book should be published as soon as possible after the conclusion of the celebration and to this end It w«s suggested that much prelim inary work, such as the collec­tion of the historical material, be dune early,

Maggvets 4'elebratloa iialde.Henry Wellinglon Wack* executive

adviser to the gvnerat rommIKee. sug­gested that a working manual or guide he iasued for use through the celebra­tion. this book not to interfere in any way with the proposed memorial volume, li was Mr. Week's Idea that this book sheuM be amall, r-onelse, of pocket aise. to se n e as a sort of direc­tory 10 the exhibition, as much for the benefit of vistlors as for Newarkere. Jt was (be exprtwoad belief Uiat (he public­ity committee might undertake thle book, with possibly a sub-committee of the historical committee to lend assist­ance,

Mr. Wack said he thought the book should be made eventually to pay for itself through sales.

Rev. Joseph F Folsom rasds a motion that a com m ittee of three be appointed to c o n sid e r plane for the memorial vo lum e o r other appropriate literature of the celebration and that the chair­man of the historical and literary eom - m iltee be a lso chairman of the su b­committee. The resolution was adppied. Mr. Hunt daferred appolDtmtDt. The plans fo rm u late d by the su b-o om m lilee will be presented to the fu ll com mittee fo r approval.

A motion was also adopted to Mk llts vxeckHive and finance commiUee for the appropristlon of |l,OOd

The committee, at the suggestion of M r Wack. Indorsed the action already taken on the selection of the judges for the prise poem coniait and agreed to assist In tbs work o( weeding out the ellglblie vereee from Ike maae W^oggrl- butlpne expected to flow Into the of­fices of the Committee of One Hundr«4 befere tbe close of the contret, April l i .

The preliminary Judges will be John Cotton Dana. Mr, Hunt and Mr W*ack. The others, so ta r as selected, are Judge Frederic Adams. MIse Margaret Goutt, l^ofeseor John C. Van Dyke of Rutgers Collegs end Mayor Raymond, Edwin Markham. E. H. M artin tgeorfe E. WcMKlberry and Bliss P irrv have also been asked to serve, but they have not yet replied.

i .J J . -»

vision for our activity hke made.It is nothing more than h uuiiisiinK. espoctally when Ihe rellfti*u» vkmmt at the foutidlng of the I'lly wai e.p |-t-ml- nent. Now. 260 ye«ra later, H ip» eaiy to take unusual meseure in 'rder to gain proper recognlllon."

"Uy belief," ooatinued I'r. Murklsnd, ’Is that e^erv religious denomination in

the city should hand together ar.d uork out sn sdeguate progrtm. *'ai.Ti itic. rroleetant. Jewish end (Jreek sIumjI-I *»\ equaly Interested. A (Mmimilte** >*f iiiin- let«r« could plan a celehniMon Kui.-isy, when servt<Ti mlshl !>*' held Iti ev«>ry church In lh»> city,

"Any pn»srsni In which the ('hitrrhr>t participau- should, in my opinion, he -lu- geated hv a rnmmlU»« of men dlroiijr Inlereslcd In such instlluiluAM at)d not hy a committee d«>vu(ed to schools and philanthropic work."


High praise for the fire rules in- eluded In the regulations for iho in- duetriel exposition issued yesterday by Merle (j tH>wns, nianager of the ex­position for the ('onvmiitee of (>n« Hundred, is sciorded hy t'sptaln r . Albert tlasser of Ihe bureau of com- bueiibles and rtre rieks.

Captain (Jaast-r dlrevii Ms letter to Mr. Downi and sayM.

"I want to Mil-knowledge receipt of your letter of recent dHlt smi Its In- closure of a coni i a n tleiik for spare In the First HeglniMnl Armory building In HupeeK svenue fui ngr big birthday celebration

"The regulations which you have made a pan of thix contract arc e i- cellent. In fact, tliin Is the most sensi­ble eel of rules, fruin our bureeu point of view, W'hich has ever come to niy eltcnilon, and I Just want you to know It te very much appreciated "


That the churches may have a rnore prominent part In the 3&Dth anniversary celebration, and to overcome as far as ro>sslbls a feeling that the rellgloue side of (he Jubilee has l>e«Q more or lees neglected, Rev, Dr. IT, Y, Miirkland. pastor of the Central Methodist Episoopal Church and president ot the Mlnlatere' Ae«o<'latlun of Newark, has asked Frank­lin Muirhy, chairman of tbe Copmittee of One Hundred, to appoint a special sub- committee of mlnieteri.

It IS possible the new committee will be appointed. Mr. Murphy having (old Ur. Murklend yesterday that the plan met with hie apnroval,

Jjr. Murkland's feeling that the churches have not been accorded a place In the celebration plans commensurate with *helr importance in tbe ^ r iy days of the city's life, Is shared by a number of <^lergymen In the city. The Atla1«tera’ Aaaoc^latlon as s body, however, has taken no acilofi on the question.

The committee on schnole and pbilan- thropy baa taken recognition of the churcliea and has formulated plaiu look­ing to their participation In the celebra­tion. Thle. however, Is in no eenee eatls- faetory to a large percentage of the ministers. i

"There has been abaolutely no rseognl- tlon of the churches of the city, «o far as the celebration Is ooticernedr* said Dr. Murkland, "except to tack ui on the tail-end of the echoes and phllanthtopy conuniitee. where, X believe, some pro-


T^nles^ Frank Csllnskl of ttg Megaslne aireet gives his wife IIP within ten days and pays her I t a week alimony h# will have to go to Jail, ac­cording to (he word of Vice (Chancellor Htevers, who listened loday to Ihe peti­tion for relief of Mrs. Eva (Jallnshi, the wife, now living with friends In Olympic terrace. ('Xallnskl. who earns about 130 a week as a knitter for the Rlvolt Hllk Hosiery (’ompany, fell be­hind 1^0 In payments to his wife.

The wife's attorney. Cl Herbert Walker, made Application for relief. John Q. Frey, attorney for nellnskl, said that hie client had been contribut­ing to the support of his children, but had pot paid the money directly to hla wife.

‘■While hs may consider that a dU- charge of his duty." said the vice chan­cellor. "it le a direct contempt of the court's order.'*

Gallnskl brought suit for divorce against hJs wife on statutory grounds and his wife filed a counter suit, mak­ing elm llsr allegations.


Samuel Beld. nianager of the Great Atlantic A Pai'iflo Tea Co.'s More at 13U Belmont avenue, was paroled for grand Jury action hy Judge Maneual* I'ngaro today In the Second l• H0lnct Court. He is aocuned iiy his slster-1n- law, Mrs. Jacob H. Seuk, of stealing a gold watch and chain which belonged to her hUKbend. now dead, his brother.

The watch and chain formed part of an estate left hy Held, and A l^eslle PrlcA counsel for Mr* Seld. ('ontended t h a t ' t h e defendant in keeping the watch and chain Instead of turning it over to the widow committed a crim­inal act.

Ju lius Feldman, counsel for the men- Ager. asserted that the ease was purely a civil one, and that the point at Ispue should be settled in a olvH court.

"X have no Jurisdiction in this m at­ter.'’ remarked ths court in paroling the defendant.

F R E K H T H tllP IDO E A R O p A lL Y i

(Hfiddt s( Lieet Ruiki Tkriigk Nswirk TUsk Eobarfoct WS


Oradiaal clearing of the freight coagee- lltm whtoh le holding thousande of cafg In the yards of New York. Jersey Oty end Newark Is the forecast by of(|«^|a of the trunk llnee running through thle illy. This le entirely by virtue of a continued embergo on precticelly tvery- ihing in carload end les* than carload lots, ea<‘#p^ the hst-fkilties of Ilfs end certain export rotielgnmenti. and ea ex* Lanaloa of the embargo hy thu Pennsyl­vania Railroad from Nsaark inland. Tha railroads thus seek to cheikmate Weat* trn shippers who persist In routigg cir* cullQuviy In an effort to rrarh ligbieracw lMnU.

Though ibe roeds hope, under Ihs eni* twrso to drain Ihe imiMailon cf freight ba 'k to a normal flow, il i* admllled that the prowss will Im i<i IIo.jis nhd luey ‘ seriously ban ttered st hH) time by f weather cofi'inInns* Jusi s* the closing [ of the Hudscu Ulver by li*»- hss already lM>en felt. Meanwhile there is lutle move­ment at this point.

Thi- tie-up k* geiwrtl. end ceusaw by so varied fsctors, thai aceelsreted movement of freight Into Sew England has not ghven grssl relief, especially as It le accompanied by ■ certain re­tu rn movement to Routhfru sysiemi term inating In New York. While dif­ficulty Is experienced locally in ge t­ting coal and other suppUee New Eng­land has been herder hit. Berauae of thle the I'enneylvama toed has an­nounced (hut 'regardless of conditions" N'l-w England coualgnments of nsceasi* (If-s wilt b< put through as fast ae poasiblf.

Katoarae K ateaded lelead,E x te n s io n o f th e re im sy lva tila sm -

b e rg o In la n d w as decided upon yester* d a y a f te rn o o n because u( fa ilu re of W e i te r n a h lp p e rs lo bold hark fre ig h t. T hey h a d been couslgnlng fre ig h t 10

i tlin m e e lv e s e t N ewark and thence t r a n s f e r r in g lo th* l*ackaw anna and

I \S ',* | H hur* Un,* It. *n to r ,* c hi . ( l ,w i i i , r , K r t l i h l irKinf*,* f«n no

' lutiKor to ll* pl»cH h .T ,, bu t m » r b*! m*>l« a t Sew Bruniwtrk.

A itAittwont curtwnt In Now Vurb th*t itio ln l,r* t* lr ('nmm!»*lon wa»irtpunolbt*. tn p*rt. for th» ..onfoillon tnruuil. having advi*«l oom* raltroail* to ilitlHw of miifb ll«ht,f**, »gulpm»ot •* uhn,i',*»*ry li rn’i r,|»rcl«l i,rtou*l» by ufri.-lal* of tin** niniJn* thmugh Now J , , . , ) All hod m«lnuln,d Ihnlr fluil- lii* ,lo<l( ond, In wim, r****, IddMl to H l.irfloolty of Hghlv,**, t» not Iho.r L.ig i.t..hl,.n, they i»y. .aoept In the r»r, inetoi.i.* wh,r« milgiilng •to*m «ri r«n U k, of tholr foroirn «in*1fnniei't*.

Ha'lr.iad men d«(*rf th*y *,« held Tip ».Tl 011*1 y by * lick of «hlp*, »nd Ih* ol.lp owner* d*e!ot, th,y *r, doferrtn*jwrrt I'l.oirwnr,* *nd th,n mndlnd *bip-T with hold* only p*rtly f'H«* Indication*, however, ar* that Inability of ahlpplng to fare fur * tr,mendou* for*l*n moTenient e»P*c|e|iy In grain, floor and w*r muni- tTonv had • large •hare In the ortglna’ bliMkliig of yard* I'nuaually b«*vy do- niealSi- ehlpmentj for Deiittiber **r* *a much rtaiKiiialhle, aiul the recent alonr. did Ita ahar*

* • _ Relief r>lt."A im i* relief la felt," 1* the com-

men. of the PeiiniylvanU ro»d’a pub- l lc t tr office, which ha* confidence In the eatcTielon of the freight ambarg* Inlnnd * ' * mean* of clearing th t yards h«je

Tbe Jersey Central finde no material Chang*, and wtll conlltiue (hs embarge Indefinitely, a* will the Lehigh, effect- ing a gradual clearing. The Lacka­wanna line gives th* cheering report th a t It can see daylight sbsad, but Its lifting of the rmbargo iirobahly will not <«ome until other lines are ready, as such actions under present re n d it io n s . Its officers state, would only bring a speedy relurti of congee- llon.

The In teteta ie Commstre Commie slon today in Wnstolngton beard pro tgste of ebtpperi and merchants II New ■ T o rk end todjacent (erriterf r»gatnst the rallroade' proposal lo re due# from thirty to fifteen days the lime allowed for free storage on ex­port ehlpmoiits. The railroads claim th is measure would help relieve auch condm ons as now obtain, gating that many shipments are sent too early, choking the yards for Umg periods The shippers, who stale that Ihe rail- roads ihsmaelves often hold frelghi longer than the fifteen-day period have learned that the cortiinUslon wll Investigate the proposed change befort It becornea effective Jsjius£y_l__^^^^_

M c G r e g o r ’ s5outh Broad at Lafayette Street

visrroRS study oty tax systemform er Mayor (Tharlc* Bruc* aiMl City

Enjflhccc ('hylatophcc llarrlBun of Kw. «rett. Man.. m*d« ycatrnliy aftarnoon I I I fnapcctlon of Ih* laving ayatom In vogu* tn *1" city. Th* drlalli were eg. plained tn ih rm by ih* ta i commlaalOD* ar* and .fame* J. FlUalmmona. a«cr«tnry to Ih* T«x Board.

The vial tor* auld that Ihe ayaUin la Rverrtt wna about lo revtard and that they were vl*1tlng dlffereiH citlea for Ihe purpoa* of grltlnf b»lt*r Id***. They declared that the ay*tein tn Ihl* city waa Ihe beat they have aecn.


! , T h e L a s t F e w D a y sUn ClrisUsat Uwpstag to vey tiiwome uid BtrainouA bat at

B B R X I w ’ S

DON’T WASTE TIME_________ In Miecting your Jewelry Gifts, go etreight to

r ' m m ' s chbistiias show windowW heie m oO O Worth o f Jewelry is Exhibited

Pfcic vrv^ O u t H ave I IV W rapped

iT a k a . I H om eu qniiik yea ean rtkl IMI, yen' tie eenred vhee yen oSm year eeiectlon from my e1»w witidowi.

The ether d«y t jentlemeii eustomer uid to me: T ea do oot know how 1 m that 1coiiU H l^aV S& t fnw ye«w llidow , H wHib ih s lir i and eaw* Your show wtodowi ate lesU ylhib^todQ idekw tw tow a.'* n «

Hoping I my heve Ibe pteuare te wekeme you at my mots end wiahlot yoe Se eompUmata of tbe'aueon, I ttmeis -Jh:-; ■ ■ , • ■-■....,1,... ., .

Yowf Ri^Mtany

N O R B E H T B ^ T L46 Springfldid Avenue^

B o y s ’V ery F in e O v e rco a ts

$15Twenty overcoats in sizes froin 6 to IJ

—made from ends of goods remaining from the cloth out of which we cut our men's $30 to $i0 overcoits.

B o y s ’M a c k in a w s

an d S w e a te r s

$5.00At f$ we ere specializing in Suits, Mtck*

inaws tnd Sweaters for hoys—all sizes from 6 lo 18. Better Meckiniws snd Suits St $7.50, $9.50 and 112.

G ive S e n s ib le G ifts to M enFurnishing Goods in Xmas Boxes

Bath Robes $3.50 to $10Fancy Vests $U5 to $4

Canes $1 to $5

Hand kerchiefs

Hoase Coats Mackioaws$5 to $12 $7.59 to $15Neckwear Underwear

50c to $2.50 50c to $4.00Wardrobe Men’s Shirts

Trunks, $14 $1 to $2.;0Mufflers Hats

Sweaters aSO to $10Umbrellas $1 to $0

Silk Shirts $5 and $6


Largest Retailers of Clothing in New Jersey* and We Make the Clothes Ourselves

J i " 'W

M A N M A T T A l f

fristag P r s to • to rpototoi* Bsehstoi, Css • a a to t ra la .tWtotoWe C lie rs . Itotssi* totod toitotoPoitosm

^ 65cpettNY! •ROFIT

BtTRKK* M UIM I —t'an rtalag COa* • « * l a , M eet*

h h m iR O I M V V


b U X » W C it lM a ia t K « r »"CRmdyaMM’* fer laham I m cm your SANTA CLAUSLOFT CANDY. Tbqr both bow n». ImpoRchoUo ropuUllono—• cloui roewS (or Iwyolty ond honooty, oatondlnf ever moro than • half contury--the two moot oooonllad factonof ChriotmM.

Nolthor ho*o o w boon known to dlaoppolnt yoa, to I ooh you to tot to fo tW and auppoat thoM by ootlnt th* whoU Chrlotnuo tkkot.*' It o*r> Ulnly do** look Uk* • tvolk ooor for Sonta ChOB and Loll Candy. Tim* lo flyinf morrily, •* whtfo tk* Klddlo* ar* doctdlny tho Wlnnoro, lank ta yo«r Chriatmaa ahopplny. SplandW taioctlaa I* affatod at all af out II Bly, Buay Storaa, ttaw •parhitllt with hundroda of brilliant fift lnaylratio«|. a*»..i.. gr* navar alloaaod to run low. A floot i f high poaror autoanoblU doUaory truak* aro ooa*- ■tantly piyint batwoao ilia otaraa and our Slf, Ogyllohl C ^ y Factory, booping th* aooortmonta gcn^*t* at all Mr

Est IA57

PURE NATIVE WINES for the Holidays

Brut Cavee Champagne Sparkling Borgundy Haul Santenie, Je.

8y tb« bottia to tabt boma with yoa’Phone or call

H. T. Dewey & Sons Co.Makers of Furs Wines and Qraps

.luir-s for svsT hair a esntury,IM ruNtoto Ml. g Ml NasMto M.. K* I* a

‘PboQS 1041 Gort

Bsiatihil Cbrisisiw Gift Paekiget

Dsrtosd sritto R s l l t e M h lito totod RIM wUli Mi tW M rttoM

Geld Seal ChocoUtes•r B w Rmw tog fhaceiaraa. r n i r s . r K R r A C R A u ai.aa. i.ta, i.#t, t.M PregTMaiTe Qiecolatea•r Bao Baa* *o4 ChaeaMat.r B i c K . RKR rA i'K a a O kt.aa. t .e . i .m Arialocrat Chocolateis v s r refesreJsr A ^ A O R ,

i.ia, B.aa. «.aa. T.aa

Special Offer t s StoinUy Schools, Churches, &c.

30 m W S $2.70 30 $3.30



o L o .r A J n w io ir u ) r u u m o a v - BY—^K s drUilil -imHe

B iir.f r i l l

P T M l% la MIXBlAa—Afl OWM to|||h lM s i FraW li tn w iH . Frtoli i r i l i r s , Bsto BstoSytorraatosU, Csraie^t o t m m x

Special Holiday

ulacr rRm» ravrr. lais t nor—a *oieo<iMoWWWioB ^ l eaf t autii g r u iR <ellrl*oa*e*a, w b - iMdoigg Apvlftolto* Fstora* FotorhFs. flaaast tnrrriFS SJb4 MtoV tothsr squally lostr klngi; all (no aolofsl IssoAeaia (Tavsri toretosrvsdi Hr (toe th a n Prorrss.F l T i > IR r iv i - r O V N R b o x e r * aod « n v A iMiiitorr ivlcaff fw Atos BstlMtoi setossto. I ' / n

^ I l - L B B o lkm . A tc.j !> • t ^

Combiaatieii PackafeiCstolalto iJks rsH#«ta«( 1*1' H lah t irai s Bsto Botos stoRslatss. 1% Bos Milk <1v MtorasctUtos C lirrrist. 1-R S ia liM Ositoi, t -lh , Tito lU r d i'toiidtttoi H

-Itof Box• B e x _

. _ . Atim toffniIh. Hex rreatot BritUr, I ' Mtdtowl M khst toll toirstp 111 a beaatiftol dsss*Ttote H s llr Rso, rm JcKo c ^ M F t r r * . 1.0

B E A l T i r t l * NATIN L IN E R M ARVrTH

Miss* F r M4»c* t ic , $1.10.

I 1 .HgATi;<i r o v M E u h a n d F A IN T K lt f 'A S ItV ■ o x , :*

k oST • 0 cte e -

i C a o - . . . . .^ * '

• I T U U O C O L A T U ae I a a , Ohaaateiev—Ren** Uwa

l » . Wro i im ROKH. aa.Mt,I -lb . baa**, beta*. •1.00 b*ta*...........


^1S;$L 80

MILK < llo rO L.A TG ( lirK K lK to — Th s rsai Irsn rli I'toorrles, |Msagrd ftoiiar Crwam, stocl revsred with oltr rsmoui Fcrmiiiito MlJh <he<N»lsls.

r m M > BOX

m a b a m c h i n o Ittsrleuw 4a Flrb

39c "

rH Q CO I-AW p IT A t.. lA ia I R R A S lt -B It - u r aweet rboralale W heto toad V to to I 11 A navereto CiTtotoi FStotsr* tffr Ibste as ■ rars

S"" 50c

M H A K C l.A t H T R h e T . O IH nTU HL* H i l l .<»Si; <«ighi <ui». Rfc'iv’' ‘1'““^ J!!-

TaHwrraw alghl tUI I*. N H .H T I* (O R T t.A M rT AT. MORROW X ld H T .

Op*. l l a l i S w,d t « w r e « f U T H K F O ll.O W -DighI till l l :M . INO M 'n r .» lL r !


Upro iM lt h l « u l lamarmt*Riaht (III 111*1).

<** HKIHIM R R TR R R T.Ol.rn (uDlgbl t ill a.

Tamorri.w elaht MU I*- ta KAoT I I I ) a T R R R T .

Open iRDlahl lilt lb,Tevaerraw niahl III! 11-

* H m .T O N AT., B'KI.V.N .Mpe* lP « ll.h .^ ^ « d ^ le -o rrR O j j y

ion nROARWAV.Open lotolgHt (III IM*

Tsmorrsw aintol till It. HT NANH,%|; to T R E rr.

(HM*a tSHlahl aad fntoieiTsto toillil tIU 7iMM

t m n ’CMT IsnTH RTmEBT. OiH>a mnlatot ami lo fnerrse

n ight till lliSM. t l WENT M TH RTREET.

Opou lofilgbl and (nmorrow a lfh t till II.

IH T H N'T. A N D 3D AVE.. OTH*ti lo n irh l toad (oMSprow

nighi t ill It .HY M A H H B T NT.. N EW A VIk Opro letilth t totod tomorroa

a lghl n i l l i n k .

BIGM OiLkDK 9QM B Q M m CH04 fw LATER aad R R t * A F F L I OLATW sf

irimstol of d | Chscslaisf — l Y T t s r o r X D B O X E I L

■ n is S g e r lie d veH ghf larltodea Ih# o e to fla st Ito etorh rtoes.

• laRfti I Ito 1-lh . tosiss,M-fto. tostea, mmffOc i M-lh. 7 v

V X H V H I U M n w i i i B rnorO w LATIM or Boa Bnaaa n d Cliorslalotomtr n t - r D C x ABOXER, R2*O0 alM 1-Ih. bvtos* MOtJ g«*1b> haXrS, a m«.2I

Thirty-fourth Street

S - A l tm a n $i d o .FIFTH AVENUE - MADISON AVENUE

NEW YORK T h ir ty -f if th S tree t

Afternoon and Evening Gownsat the reduced prices of $18.50 & 22.50

will constitute an offering of remarkable Interest to commence to-morrow (Thursday).

Department for Women’s Dresses (Third Floor).

Skating Suits and Dresses for Misses and the Younger Setare exhibited in the Department on the Second Floor in a charming collection of the latest models.

Misses’ Raincoatsof tan iUk poplin will be' on solo In this Ooportmont to-morrow, specially priced at

$fk7S f t $13.50 ,:r. tf;

Women’s Balta Bootsconsisting of several sm art styles, taken from the regular stock, have been marked ati very special prices for to-m orrow and Friday. These assortmehts represent th e best grade | of Balta quality in footwear.

A Sale of Silk Umbrellas j' for Men and Women |

jw ill present desirable qualities and styles

to-morrow at prlcest decidedly below their value.

Twilled Silk Umbrellas, w ith novelty handle# In a variety of designs . • S

Silk Umbrellas of w p orlor-q u all^ sDk, w lth;|

( ■ (..

■if ' fnovelty handies In a diversity of attfOCtlveH effects, . ' ■ ? tl-,

K e m s*Uhp. «■«*< Madv. tf

% t l « M iN Nh * M U l i f C r n n mtl*> til MaiM •**•*. » ••« * . *■

■M ^at M ilM HWUk. K. ■>■■ rM om o H ilM* Mlt*r TW»»a»» Hkrt*!

fltctw ■■■«>> l l i H K '

n u t . w * k i W 2 < > t i r

Hflk am ii* Tl»orftx*. n i l trtWM ■ M . D •' . a a iv M M l C»l*r»4*I n o r h Othi», MP 0 * « -

• tT H l f* l* Op»»f» I H t i M«fk»i MMMh « ' ..............

Miwwt UrtatncIII maathi. I**

«uba1M* rP»t»4't'M *11■Mk AfflM. II MM* MIWI .TH, l i t

■»■«* om«, Ml k W k « b o n I>. I. M « W T i l I H

milftiiM -aartiK fi>l.l K«ii»* OffW.*»»« « •« . *•■» IWIWII*. •»«n«n i M M lllk u rn . .

W«*tM ntlBc* OI<)M. I 1 ^ paw T'l I*M i l j ^ l i r M H i iM flr*. R a m I. f , rt M itiH M . Ti-I t*« .

ftnaHi otnra. * iMtr •ir«*l T*l ?»•(N«« J*rMvp PT»»'fh fWlc*, I B*kl-

M ff»*n CMt«rl T*lt»i

^ . . . . .......l i t s cu»iM ff»*iifir

ilV«t&Atr--4f Wm« ffl«U IIKr SSAMORI^ o m c * —IMMrtkaiuil r»ni»f M it« •v»nu« itjaarfa

Mtikkar'i rail iMaia akk' a**■ • a*i i7< Aakvrr F ir*

ntTT — T»« Dorlli* AtvartlilK Walrar R e i( l

tAKAi, wiuifrit om cr*tI H Ifaw iM irf nl«™. '<

111. Kirill •• . I*~ ' lUU. Rnulk Milk Mrwj. I l lAHA. ll Witla^ IT


* o n RRcoiU) roR peace,A m rntlhU form M ilTMt to tlM doMr* for

fl^M wh«n It M roflitorod In p«r1lomfnt«iTv«|Im . Tlita h w b o n dono In t)io Oormon KMAmN k. whom Ih t ioeUl D o n o c n t tho

poMHnI M i ^ Tbo » oMin |A o | m l t n of I

(roup, t i l l split ovsr tho t lo r lir fsotton. itUI llnfirliig' talk, h u ksk«4 th« (ororn-

to Mtoo o s r opportuBltr for p«*co kUom. Tho ntnorlty fortlon h is ro-

I TOto w esodiU,W m on tbo oMo of ths RiiBoritr. Tho ' ~'ity oM oosd tbo Idsa of ronquoot and

ktlon 1b worda Tho m lio rttr was >blo to roooBclIo tho wish lor poses with

oosiqucat, M d sithsr voted S(alnst ■tork war rrodlt or ob-

(|||too4 from votliif. NIostoon vosso woro N gj^^rsd u d tho roBMlnder of ths fo rtr- t f e ^ iBdtoBlo sHthdrow during tbo rots. T htelM s tho oppositloB (rown from tbo two

I 'OBOt hgr Dr. UobkBoeht and eno of hb ad tho owlsst of tho war.

Dpow th o spood and oa tm t of tho arorhlng tsavoa poata th s proapeet of poaoo. o f A ow tap stgas of w eakning and

fh M ih g ta tho O om an m llltarr auecoaosa, ' K taaslor AaqiiMh calla for a ntllloii mora

m aa and th a BrUMi Partlamont dobatao arM lf||raliamattoa th a BMaaa of railing out Ibo t^raaraltaMo MaHiiiam'’ of tho tmpiro. fygaoa a ad E u ab a ahow tho aama ap irtt

aMa tharo It a m aatfrat dotor< •ihntfD B fa fo rm OarmaBr to Haton to tbo aoiiaaolo o f tbo Soclallaia. ''

Irtlat Ic th a poolUon tahon br tho Atlloa. t h a ' ' | ^ o f all U a ir talh about Oorman l^rtlltarlain. j T ha war m utt ba eontlauad, I k t r m alalalii. tsnlll tho viowa n p ro toad h r M •oeUIlala provail. Whaa th a r a r t la pawwf. a parmaaoBt paaco can ho arraagod srlttw lhom t ho t If tha aapanalonlata aro to •ontM tio to tllroet Oorman pollcita aft armod

« t M I

Im o l’la all th a t cna bo aapoclad. It la onth o * to ln t o ( tha Alltaa’ apaar th a t tho •ootaiM a h a m apllC and la thia aplit tharo t a h w o f» r th a pradual rooovorr of Burapo

tta praooat war-alcknfoa

: oM lo r hotser oegilgp (or ftow* P * h 4 a to a M from Kow Tork h r (h* Poa**

a a 4 H adaoa tabca CommlinloQor haa a tn teb oa a tw o m at.' atthough bard fp apprava making tha promiaa

ta rm o n t Ih th a t a praroqulnlto for faToswhto aetloa aa tha r^ lriw d 'a datlra to a g ^ i h t “ itaeh of tho bottlo" b r Improving UrnTW e-ttack Market Piroat Btatlon. W hat. awerlR la ta tho way of atuffy rallroaJ book.

• r epoTaling convenience th a t fanllllp th a Oravo itreot change on New- a r h l ^ travaUng aptbwii needi a oura. Thla ts tO tfa r poin t moana a lialt In a damp, gli^^ani dangaon of o itatlon, and being ■JaaWItiil In overcrowded cars for iha atretch ■h at waiin Orovo atraet and Summit avenue. It t ro u ii oaam th a t i t tha tunnel line had no faagatten Its old m otto of MoAdoo a t not to ha ggfflefeaUy laganlout ta afford better

. ,#a||j||RtaiM at th is way, the ataam road th ig h t t r r running direct local tralna uptown to th a Ponnaylvanla alatlon. As It la. tho paapla a re drifting hack to tha railroads for

T hors m ight bs a profitable fieldf ig t a vaatlgatlen hers by tha Public L'tllltytlaaim lsaien . which haa a great way ■>t la a k lag rnllroadara surmount 'impDsslUii.


Chsm bortafn Mil. It la aatd, wonVI tkoapt graduataa o f mtlltaiy schools from conaertp* lion. T his would bo fsu l. J t would a t aaco Inntell a pHrlloged claaa and would m ake compuloonr aorvloa lo unpopular aa to la* aura Ita detaaL And rightfully au,

Computaory service oan only be defended When It M unlvarual. To open lo tho woll-to- do a door by which It can bo ouceeatfully evaded would he nul only to defre t lU pur- pooe but to leeve II wide open lo the charge of favorltlam and cleaa legislallon. M lilury tra in in g In schools Is snt to be diacouragod. but those who have eiporlonced Its bsneflls would be ell the more voluable In the treln - Ing campa, and Ihelr knowledge should ho available for the benefit of those leas favored by fortune.

If the country dolilrfraUly adople a policy ef conscription, there <un be no favored cleoeee besed upon wealth or poelllon. Huch dlacrimlnatton is IneonsIMent yrllh the theory of a democretlc government. But If every- body ll treated alike. If the sam e blanket coverc the millionaire and the bootblack, th e association cannot fall to elevate th e ir Ideals «f palHoltam and to make for a belter and a (lurcr democracy.

And w hllt tha compulsory i; stcni Is In the line of dem w rary , the voliiitleer system Is eseentlally untlemorrotlc because unjust and unequal. Democracy Impliee that every clt- laen ahall anjoy the lam e piivllegee, shara th a aama burdana perform the sam e duties and m aha tho oamo sacrltleea. Under the voluntaar ayttam all ths aacHttca la m ads by th s unaalfloh and patriotic. II la clalm ad for It th a t It brlngi Into the ranka men w ill­ing to fight Instead of men compelled to fight. But when tho life of the nation Is »t s taka man who ara not wllllna to fight should ba compelled lo fight, becauao It It unjuot th a t tha aolflih and tha cowardly •hould alt lafely a t homo, enjoying the aoeurlty bought a t tha price of the lives of th e ir unselfish and patriotic fellow cltliona Univaraal clttaen sarvlct Is tha only m ilitary policy consistent with tha Ideals of de ­mocracy.

loeal aoheaso la not big asMHigh to prwvtdM a praparadntaa th a t wapld ba of national Im- portanM. Thoaa who 4roam of warsWpo lukvlgatlng Uarnagat Ray and tho Maaaa- quan ara having a fantaalle vlatoa.

n m I'KPIKR »:i»VCAT10!f.A victory fur freedosi of aduoatlon la

roglstoreKl by Ihe action of tbo truataaa of tha Unlvarslty of Pennsylvania In uurU ng the iMwera which hitherto they hiive eserclssd autocratically. Prom now on tha trustees will remove a professor or assistant professor only sfler coneultmllon w ith th sfacully^^ This develops as a result of thswidespread protest over the dropping of Dr. Bcott Nearing from the university staff.

Dr. N rarlnga rhampluns have contended that It was Indefensible for iho trustees to d lsm lu the sssistsnl profeaa<jr of wonom lcs In the Wharton School without regard to tho wishot of tho faculty In tho m attor. W hatover the epeclal objections to Dr. N ear­ing wore, the point was made th a t the truatcee wrre attam pllns to d icta te the loeching policies of the liietllutton. There waa entirely natural ami perfectly Justifi­able resrntmetil.

H was felt not only by certain members of the university facoliy. but by many compeletil observers throughout th e country, th a t a chock had bean placed on academ ic freedom generally, and that tha check must be remuved. The spirit of liberalism in educatlun was s t Issue. The Im portance of the matter far tranKcndcd peraonaltlles.

The pressure hrousht to bear on the trueteei happily hae been effective. They have admitted the principle th a t Ihe faculty must pley lie part In determ ining Ita own make-up. Both the dignity and tho free­

dom of the teaching profeeeloii a re aiihanctd.

I t U H. R.


TH.iVKA FOR THE OOMPLUtCEKT,l a his role as eulogist of Alfred N. Dal-

rympM, Banator Auawh Colgate made a bid for tho applansa of hla hearers by catling th a Nows aa "old woman." T han k a ftana- tor, for th a oompltmant. It la protty hard to pull th a wool over tha ayes of au old woman. Thors Is no keener Judge of hum an nature, no mora accurate app ra lio r of m en and motlros, no more diocrtm lnating critic ef worth and choractor than a woman of ripa ago and eaporlsnoa. Sha m ay sonie- tlm aa develop a tondoaoy to scold, bu t aha generally haa good reason for her conaura.

And then there Is th is shou t an old wom an—aha haa tonl her ynulhtui lllualotia and In no longer mlalad by outw ard show. A young woman might ba faicinatod by a s ta l­w art form , captivated by a gorgaoua un i­form or even yield to tha seductive Influ- onceo of aoontod loapa and atnououa por- fomos, but an old woman Is proof against a ll such devicoo of tha davll. Aha knows bow dacoltfut ara appaaraacea, and whila th o doao not diooouraga tha nna of aoap aha well hnoars that tha odor of violets no more proven tho prenonoa of th a t modest flower th an dooa a big body ladicato a b ra in to correapond.

Tha old woman la Banator C elgalt'a atory had am pla Juatlflcallon for scolding A ltrad th o O raat when ho aegloeted hie duty and porm ltted the rakeo to hum . T ha News expaata to taaralta the lanm prlvtlaga tow ard th a m odern Alfred when It bollavoo th a t ha la o llhar naglaotlng h it duty or aaaum lng aa au th o rtty that does not belong to him. And th a Banator may roat aatured th a t fn thio auparvlaory builnoso ha will not oacapo a t­tention. I t h a t not forgotton how a tew yeani ago when tho Banator arai laohlng lo be raad m itttd Into full faith and fellowship w ith regu lar ItepuhUcana he confaeoed th a t he had been lad away by youthful folly, and It la not aura th a t ha la any wlaar today.

At atiy rate, tho Nowa old wom an though 11 bo, has charity enough to hope th a t when hla cam paign for Qovemor la over Banator Colgate may elltl leva Mr. D alrym pla as fohdiy aa ho appears to a t tha praaant time.

Itrmsnilg upon pereone of wicana a t this taason of the yeor for Ihe relief of tho needy are heavy, but there are few who It they knew where their contributlnne would surety relieve undeserved dlstreee and put to flight from the households of children the srlni specters of hunger end cold, would not write their check forthw ith and send It with gratified heart. Yet there are ten chances uf thla sort, particularly selected for their worthineoo, th a t itlll await thla exercise of the Chriotmaa spirit. For f t . t t a ten mother! and their famlllea of from three lo six children can be assured of a winter aefely on this elds of wretchednaai. These caaaa have been rigidly looked Into; there le no doubt that th e ir conoervativoly oetlmatod needa which range from a few dollars to a Iltlla more than two hundred d o llan for thla winter's amorgency. a re reel and argent. Thera aro genernui h earts In Newark. Here lo their opportunity.

tie reopeaoe te Us **NaU, Rewastll MaUDHell, Lampion! RsHt Who the hall are you!—You that hove Just dleeovorsd mo,Ma the Ancient NowsrklWhy. hire* your poet ears, *I've been on Ihe Job MO years rome next euiiuner.And III thet time a hummer!Well, relher!I nude shoes for your great-grandfather,I Old.When he was a kid.And If that ain'tKnough. I made the paintThey put on your graadpa'a doorThe year beforeYour dad waa born.Hall. Lampton. hall!Hall. If you like, all day.But I brietle with acorn,Aleo rase.When you eayThat I Improve with ago.Like an eld woman.All I've (ol to eay lo you la,"Blush, Lampton! Btush!"

DEMOCRAUV.N at th a laast of tha hanaflta of compuloory

al m ilitary aarrteo, as auggeeted In ary G arrison’s report, provided for In

th e C ham berlain bill and now In vnguo In HMIHlj t lotid and Auetralln, Is Iti Influence to thd direction of genuine democracy. Its adMiHUan haa been urged on Ihe ground of BtwpawodneM, and also because the leuone aC 'Alaelpllne and obodlenre to uuthorlty aadBpiarlly tneutested under military reg- « i > ^ a a re sadly needed by Atnerlcsn youth a f today. Im portan t as sre these, even more afi would ba th e better understanding, the

or tolerance and ths greater spirit of si hsipfulness th s t must necessarily from tbo aaaoclatlon of men of all

In tho common duty of preparation fg-*~f* posalble dangers to the country.

-•v'^Tigdhtbg but good can come from eom- B^Ulag tb o son of the man of meani and th s giD a ( th a day laborer to live together for a f^H od uador tho same rulei, on tha aamo ggrg an d anhjoct to the aame stern authority, Tk^yiji aaa ld ho no hotter oura for snobblab- BHa on th a one hand or of mistrust or envy o | m oro favored cisssee on the other. In

Ja il m an would be on a common levol. J t h o youth reared In luxury and tho

a ^ who had sufferad all tha paogi of pov- g |t trB * d m hbod ohouldere and ahared to- gjpthar th a R g m aijd prlvallona of m ilitary M b to r a bilad porlod tharo would ntooa- ■furflir Callow a a approclatlon on both atdaa i f to n dttttoa th a t both owed to ihotr eom- aigw g am try . Each would have attained a llj|gr’i(toW»olnt The aelon of wealth would lsik*a iaanM d ta (aeognlxa th a artifidaiity

' aC m oaay or poaltlea. while his loss fo m n a ta tgHyisKto would have discovered th s t afflu-

Bat BieessarHy msko a man th s eMI(j|jJfatgtat a r doprtw .alR of tho quailUoa

Only tern c lH n la the coan try perm it •a toon i to run all night, and New Jcracy has four of them, aooording to tho census rcoord. Tho official flguraa confirm tho reputation of this state aa being "liberal to the trade ," as the liquor deslersf o rg an isa­tion haa so frequently declared, bq t the etailetlclana might go conilderably fu rth er and not stretch the truth, Neverthoteog the caneue oftlra ehould he tipped off th a t In Newark, a t least, the eetoone a re not p e r­m itted to throw away their keys, for th ere 's a tac it iindentandlng that thsy will lock up a t midnight on ftaturday and not reopen until about f A. M. Bundaya

AN ELECTION RECOUNT HQUABBLE.An election recount haa been In progreaa

for several weeka paat In Elisabeth over the election of Excise Board m am bera A big fight wat made on this Issue last Novembar, and the first returns ihowed th a t four Demo­crats and one Republican were elected, the "reform " element getting only on# mombor. Thom were ITI rejected ballots. Then came the recount under en order granted by Supreme Court Juetlce Bergen,

At Ihe present stage It looks ae though a second reform candidate waa surely elected and a third probably so, but there la a bitter fight between legal counsel over each ballot. It It claimed (hat hundreds of voters hav* bsen disfranchised becauea of peculiar marks on some ballots and failures properly lo mark others, and should the re­form element win out on the recount an ap ­peal la threatened on th s ground th a t a rule made by Justice Bergen fo r Ihe counting or rejecting ol ballots is Incorrect.

Thei'e Is no end o ' squabbling over what sre and what ara not m arked ballo ta with totally Irreconcilable differences of opinion In each Individual cate. No ru le adopted by Ihe election board on any ona ballot •eem i to suit the n e tt ballot, particularly If It can be twisted lo favor one or th e other of the conteetsnti. There were objection* to the voting machines, when these devices were tried In this state several years sso. but they never mixed up end oompHcated inattere to mtch an extent aa some of the re­counts under the present system.

. I l n mtofto aekani haa basa haiisd as th a tpMad HMMMnkhstog laslUotiea of Um satns> N i y | e l dWWBMlsefy ttlllto rr servtoe would ha'NMtR N N to SR haganss It wobM hylad tygg lhar m dsr tbo a a n a tsadbtra and gah. }fet to MiB.totoa psfatoUiras the pradnoto a t ftoblte aad prlvmte sehooli. F o r l(tl

■It *

Is to adopt th s i f n v aagsostad Iht ffiy m i4 tiM vt

* » •

DREAMY PREPAREDNESS.Using the "natlonel preparednees" label

Is becoming s common custom with advo­cates of many plans that havs not been gen­erally considered as having anyth ing to do with th s defense of the country. The latest enterprlao placed on Ihe list of necessUlea lo prevent the Inveslon of the United Btates le th e New Jersey Inland waterway from Bay Head lo Cape May, with an extension from the Manaaquen Blver to Now York Bay.

The announcement In now m ade th a t the "subject Is of such trem endous Im portance lo the people" that Congressman leaao B acharach of Atlantic City "Is finding p ro ­found InteresI In the question am ong hla Congressional aasociatea," and he will p re­pare a bill, If he findi the tim e euaplcloua, under the terms of which the United States will lake over the waterway,

Such a hill would have shout as m uch chance In Washington e t would en orange tree a t the North Pole. II would be nipped by th e general "pork barrel" frost and frosen solid by the cold wave of economy. Ita hackers wovild bs given an Arctic recep­tion when they set forth the argum en t th a t Jersey had htaltated to give full su p p o rt to th e enterprlee because of the belief a t T ren ­to n th a t H wat a tectlonal project. In which th e sta te would not be Justified In Investing a targe amount of money.

Bo fa r aa waterways and preparedneas a ra concerned, there le already hetora Congreaa a m ore extensive propoul than th is projeet entlraty within the state. Those who are ready te support the pisn for Ihe A tlantic in land watanroy, Including th e sh ip canal aeroas New Jefsay, xeould not be w illing te la ju f* kMT ebaaoM they may have for sue- cssa by giving approval le th a lesser Im- provemonL

I t th a watsfway tlw t now opens and eon- n se ts tnloto In Now Jersey fo r tho use of m otorboats tn d ■mkll, sailboats Is to bo tu r th s r Improved and oxtondod. th an th s tundg m ost come out of th e a tato traasury • a d not In to t o t NaHoaat O to a n u n g n t Tha

B rtu ln . reaping tho Miior re su lu of a poHcy of secrecy toward her own peppio with reepset to war devetopmenla and proa- pseta l« coming rapidly to a .governm eplal showdown. Entirely to the point aro tho Inquiries vlgorousty pressed by Plr Edward Carson. John Redmond nnd John Dillon In the House of Commdna ysslerdsy. They re ­lated to the conscription Issue. In connection with Prem ier Asquith’s roquesl for a million more men, but their gist was why inform a­tion essential to tho country had boon w ith­held. I.oaders like the men mentioned sre Ecrklnic light, and they will got II. Mr. Ae<|Ulth. In hie statem ents, was perhaps not so nebulous se usual, but w hat he said waa tar from giving satisfaction. He did emphasixe the neceaally of the policy of Allied co-crdinatlon recently adopted, Iho reeult* ef which alresdy are to be seen. But ailde from this he denll. for the moat part. In generalllles, and England doea not relish such talk, especially at the preesut Junetnrs.

But b* that as It msy,And sll bslling asids,I take consldsrabls pride In meeting you, young m aa Maybe, ee you say,I'm a rather elderly dam a Rut all the eatna I'm pretty gay Yet.You bet;He I hope. If you can,Vou'U run ovel- next spring And Sge the biggest thing In elty'celcbrallona Thst any of Ihe nallens Ever knew.Adieu!


Before you work the committee te locate the Memorlel Building on your lot In Fereet HIM. pauie B while and think of the re r ear- vice up the! way. I heard last week that they had taken Dve care off the Mt. Pretperl line—though I don't believe that, because I have never been able to count more than four. 8TRAPHANOER.

dag sad In tha M l. laqutrsd a f ths a sst dsor aatghhar If toa RlUiasaB, W hla kaawtadga had haaa ara and or bad aal. aad did a fast atbsr ntilq things wbtab a ra aw tha f ig a tor gr ad*— a< aaaay maealng. In add lltsa W thata iMsgst there.w as a 'w ladaw which bad slaeh hasaiwa af e a ru ia alsMaglMrle aaadlttoBE aad I hod to pry thh) apaa fa r tha sake s i vanlllaUaa Tbara was a wifely fear th a t tha water In Ike healtr w«s gattlng dangaraaely law, ee 1 vlsHed tha cellar for tha purpoaa af l l t - paslag Iha caaaa a t anklaly. Tha prcaanca a t aama Ice en Iha atapa unused M ssnte hurried shaveling, a f te r whloh It was Hats far breakfael, aad a h a lf hear mere ihoa Mbm.

’’Froai the hour a t whM i I gat to the attlce until Hva In Ihe aftaraoon.'' aoatinaad dhe acoffer a t aid eaw a “I mm bulled With Ihoee little thinga the perfertaanee ef which prampte Ike ghoit to w alk each week, and when I arrive fcoma a t night It la t in e for dinner. There la a eureahae of tell dnlll the bedtime hour h a i com a Then there ere e f»w lliile th ing! to do. Among them are huliig through the houee lo eee Ibat dt wln-- dowa and doors ara lochod, pnlling out the* ret. If weather perm ltsf preparing Ine fire for the night, plaaing tho milk bottle, with explanatory note for the milkman appended, en tha raar parob; winding the eloeka draping baok the ourtalaa of tho varlosi bed reom wtndowa feeding Ihe deg and bedding dawn earn*, elasing up Iha p lan a giving Ihe coffee grinder It! allowance, seeing lo It once mere that all the doors ere Inched, making sure that all the lights are out, opening the bed room windowi. looking to the doors and the lights once egeln, and, laitly. going lo bed. The fellow who tvolved that old saying about man e work and auh to sun, eltker w ts craay or didn't know anything." .


FAVORSTht rtllgtotii «4ltor ht« r«e«1v«4 • hand-

•oT7i« lilk tcarf from a m inlitar and doatn't know whathar lo k«*p It or to oond It back with a f«w woll oHofon word* of thaako and rr«r*t.

“ll It graft, or ton't HT*The quoitloii hao stlrrod up a tot of dlt-

euooloo In tho effloo- If tho tia had com* from a browor or a politicians thoro would bo onljr ono rUw to taho of It. But from a mlnliUr, a man aetoatod onlr h r frlODdUnota —thero th« otkleal rulo of tho nowopapor profooiloji M tm i to app lr ra th tr voak tr. Tho m ajorltr opinion ••emp ta favor acotpt* Ihf tho icarf and ilnglng tha flrat aorta of

ba tha 11a that l^lnda"“Tndapandanc# firat" la a aafa ruU when

newapaper jvrU ara era tatnpted- roUowlng that nollon, the Newa rafralnod from Ford­ing tha Atlantio with Henrr. end tha eabla- graiwa from Ruropa hava etnoa prooed tha wtedoni of mhying at H anry'f h iup lta lttr; tha funnleal Ford etarlea of all hava bean tha ■toHce of tha anhepplnaea of H aarr'a newt- paper guaita

ll ta hard, eepeolallr at ChHitmae time, to belong to an eatale that can*t afford to aooept favora; but It la only by oboerving Iha rule thet the Fourth tSatata can maintain Ita Integrity. Tour favorlta Airman Nopea therefora, that any peraon who may be planning to pryaant him with en automobile on ftaturday win give It to th e Salvation Army Inatead.


Tour ptelur* of s M t Proipect csr the other nigbt wss good. Now poke a few hand* through the roof, heng eome victims on the trolley pole and other convenient pieces, label the car "Springfield" (Staple- wood). end you have your with for further euggcitlpna HIDTON.

LOCAL ITEMS.Tipped off by Will K. Hrely. we are e i

peeling hourly the arrival of two hendeome calondare from the well-known rat^ory of our popular a rt calendar-maker. Journallet sad ■tateemen, Edmund R Otborna. W'e a n keenly Interested to know whether the doml nant motif In Mr. Oeborne'a a rt this year will ba Ihe Bull Moose or the Bull E lephant

W ar with Auetrlt, It Is said, would only mean an end to commit nice tion. W here there aro notea there Is hope.

Hermany faces difficult financial prob- lem a hut a t th a t probably l i glad It la not a democratic administration.

Well, they seem to have gotten the base­ball combalenti out of th e tronchea hetora Christmas, at any rate.

The horrora of war Include destruction, separellona elarvatlon, m angling, alaughtar and dlaavowala

I t Is qne of tha eesaon’s rofreahlng things to hear Sheriff KInhM d preaching on political harmony.

Tha Governor of Kentucky hae Just slgntd the pledge. This surely will p rectp lts ts a liquor feud.

How much of a load of poaoo does too pubtlo sipeot one Ford to c a t ^ any wairT

As England denisn b n rtli tf o u r timdo ttw dtstresa must bo dlognonod n« grow ing palni,

As sn sdmonItloB, "dn It now " has tg h tn th s place of "shop early,"

The neglected eAUd wtu fool tlio Banto OtoWn, -

One emslt bey In Upper Montclair te een- gratulailng hlmeelf that Chrletmaa doesn’t come In Ihe summer lim a "W hat If t had to hang up a sock Instead of a slocklngT" says ho.

LEFT c o 6 d r n n c B t o f r i e n d s .Evsn If ono Is seventy-six. thera Is ao rsa-

sen why Ihe eeneo of porepoetlva should be werped by tha lane of y sa ra or the caoacUy for appreciating or enjoying the pleasurea ef life ehould have shrunk from Its proporllens of youngor end nlrabler day*. Therefore, (refttnge lo tho shade ef that ■ovinly-slx years youthful lady at Hoboken. In whose will It wee provided th a t tl.Ute be gives a pleasure club of flflean, of which she had been a member, the sum to he expended In good timoa iuch aa th ea ter parties estonie- bite rides and d innera

The money will be epeat, undeubtedly. la strict accordance w ith the provision of the will. The fifteen women who ara members of the club will nilia Ilia presence of their hoetcea who hae eteppod on boyood, and their regrot beesueo of her poaalng will not be diminished even by their conforming te the unusual sllpulallon regarding Ihe bequest to them. Not In the le a s t will their regard ter their departed friend be leeraned by the feet that the memory ef hoe will be euggeeted by and always present In their "good times."

If one would wish, a fte r death, te have tho thosghia of his or her friends plosaanl ones no surer way of bringing thla about could be found than that found by the Hoboken teelatrlx, who eharod her pleaturae with others In life and wished to provide for a conlinttance of those pleaeuraafer her friends This surely appealed to her as plaaaahter than mourning. There le fragraocs la tbs memory of a woman like that.

Through ranant pnbllstty UM pnBUs hng aama to IHMW ntnab r e t t r iU g tha sRy Man- agw plan aa applied to to* rw n to g of n. HiMilelpnllty. I t Is goaaratly rsaUasd that ths dnilas a f a city manager ara muHBariaus and th a t be w usi have wide and •. varied quallficattona How many and how dtvarsl- (led n ra the qBnlWtoattane necessary ta seder thet a man may be a isecaeeful oHy manager ha* haen tlluetratod l l a unlqtts way by the National ib o r t Ballat Oegaolsatlon. by pnh- ttshing In detail an eppllsaiion Rhich baa been made te r agpototmont as ctiy managsr a f Niagara F a lla N, T. The applicant Is W alter E. KruasI of Now Torh. and It Is ' pointed eu t th a t Hr. Kruael baa not renived the gppolnlmeat, neither le ll esra thet he will ha appointed. The application la repre- duced ae a madsi In aehjeci m ailer and He ■nenner of preaenlallon

Mr. Kruest evidently appreciates that e city whloh employe a m anager d tefrei to kODw eomethlag of the tomlly and ante- oesenis ef aa appgran t far appoiutsseat tu the poelllea ho he marahals the facta of hi* parentage, k ti hirlhptaea bis a g a hie private aad pubtlo tohool, collogo and nat- voretiy atioadanoo, and hla geaeral aiporitnce up to tha pjwaant tiraa under the general head of "biography."

Then the appllcanl, snder another heading, "training, experience and views" Seta forth those th iags appreprlato to tho caption. Hr waa commlealoncr of charltlo* and eorraetloti* of Bchonoctady. N. Y.. In tf1 i-I* Il. he alate*. te d aa auoh had full chars* of gll pnbtio rt- llof of tho Sick. Ih t poor and tho dopendeal. and of oorrectlenal work for dallneuanU. He tells of eoU bllaU nt a municipal ampteynwal bureau, a raanlclpal (arm. a munlolpal lodg- la s hoses aad a m solclpal a te ra with the at- tandaat earing. Hr. Kruesl talU af h it work In connsetien wiik city plea aad park de- velopmenta and ef e ther aotlvUlsa tn ■chenectady. Than, under Iha aame heading, le given hie prteent occupation, as a etadent of municipal a ffa irs aH lelani lo the Hayor'e eemmittee on unemployment In New Terk. of bis having mads a aurvsy e( oondlHoos of unemployment la Now Tork for Uw Delrelt Board of Commerca and tke eolary ke deelret.

Under the heading "program." Mr. Krueel outllnee hie Idea ef a city m eaagor's duties and of a ayslem to r operating a ally uadn tha manager ptna. He advocates a eetentlfl;- budget, and lelta why, In detail. He noem mende the grad aal abandoning of the prar- lice or laeulng bonds for non-revenut bearing Improvements In favor of a pay-aa-yoa-go policy. The applicant attnUons hla (ami Marti y with health proMoma aad gives h it vtewe en a city os an omployor. Ho rocommeade • praotlcal city plan, applicable partleulerlj to paving, a eultare program, citlsea ca- eperallaa with the gerernm ent through e volunteer advisory board, an annual eeonemli Burvty, and the publication ef Its raealt In manual form.

Last of all. tha applicant glvet a Nat ef referaneea as te his experlenoe aad eharactei' leclsdlag men prominent la the college ami the untverelty be a ttended and the vartou* organisatlone with which he has been eon- necled. W hatever Hr. KrueerequaUfleatloni for the position he deetraa hie appllcailou a w be regarded ae a nodet la scope and eeastractloa.

"The Public iervice will change the nemee of eeverel of Its car llnee." wrllaa Ooitln. " ran 't we prevail upon them lo ehangt llu lbarry ' to 'Cow-path'?"

Colonel Jemee w Howard w aste Princeton University to local* It* projected medical cnilage In Newark If It were a vaterinarr cnilege. now. we have a Horae that would make an Ideal eubjaei for the atudenis to uso In their study ef anatomy.

(ere and ThereDROI'PIXO "THE OLD MAN."

A few people—would there were more et them—feel quite oertsln that th s dlireepectfal phrase, "the old men." aa applied to one’s father, ta not so much la use as tt wea a number of yekr* ago. They don’t hoar lt ao often as formerly and a r t plaased to bellova that It la no longer popular. Perhaps other lleienerS do not not# any decreaao In tho uas of Ihe phraea but even if a few fall to hoar It, ■antlUvs and aonilble poopla may bo grate­ful.

Just what haa eauaod a dlerespeetfut class of boya to etep catting thalr father "Ihe old man" dose not appear. Perhaps It was a strong and Improaslva rehoaraal of that good old household d ram a "Tho Weadshed and tha Bhlngls." Fuesibly It was a sertos of parental leeluras that left no doubt of what would follow I t 'th e young hopeful penleted in t|io uae of the t t t ia Or It may be that the boyi of Amarloa ara beginning to lee, lor them- seWea that the practlco la dlegraceful, un­manly, a sign of ooaree breeding and coarser thinking.

Whatever the caaaa tf It be true that the vulgar practice la being discarded, thera IS much to be thankful for. Perhep* the time le near a t hand when the led who affectionately ■peaks of hla "father'’ will not be atked le eip lela whet he laeana






For the convenience of those who have had todelay getting their pUuioe until now there will be com plete service in all departmenU of the store tonight until 10:30 o’clock.

Delivery of ymir {xanoforte or Victrola in tim e for Christmas is assuredp no m atter if purchased as late as Christmas Eve.

Piano* at all prices. Lai^er Pianos from $350; others from $105. Player-pienot from $375 up; Lauter- Humanaa from $500. Uaed PitnoB from $85; used Player-piano* from $205, Supply of rotla and liand- some bmch free with playera. We do not char^ in­terest. Cabinets, Benches, Victrola* and Recordt— the beat of everything in Mnale. Special aate of Music Roll* catalogu^ up to $I.TB each, at lOe, ISo, ISe

LAUTER5 9 1 - 5 9 3

Rock* The

A H18UCA1»1XG BAWe Rig ahot etrltiKi Hafplng with every leap,

tit* unbuttoned veet elaeped together In one twRd, end the' other hnnd wildly goBUcuUl* In*, a man who appeared to be In aotnewhat of a hurry aueceeded In atopping and boards litf a trolley oar In tha a in to n UiJJ eeetloo ona mernlHK this week. He waa eur* to be late In reaching the efflee, even \ t he did gueoeed In catching thg t forUggliT «bt, g«4 th a t waa the caute e f h it eaettemdJUU FoTg an he anpUtoed t« an v h g IUmItmardiil IlM d ir aarnoi In Itb propiwit oity^' wgrde It !■ better and more eaitly u p ta taed te he a little Ufe te Work than It le te be good and late. **Anybody who ever geotea $0

Demoera an arliteci eacape eneven tbe n of ua the Vonderbilt gtemour. f they are fr Never did cantatJofia posMsa gn

Ueceuas fo cracy a i tain royal crowned h< of pubUcl word and 1 recent trir eiploU«4 lo l>e fron Slnee are 1 upon (bs Introduceddiiturbanr

In Ih* ne r f e l lc r J r Heir. "i.A Although 'Inatly ioit gave up menda, thl end bruta etrtke wef ohtU In ' a new reg

C a p it a l out labor.

Ilat. Bui w nere, w«i greater pr

For ma advltere p re ssed w an«1 other this gener the induat became a< featurca g frankly c •nmething co rd ltlo n elble thatftendered iroughi I hundreds

mined, ih« within mj means of elmiUr cc tn (he fan

loeng hr ed. f souJio e illile n ueUng fi

cemlier, |! terminate Fuel and(>r*ctira1

lad been n each r

chooee by to m eet n th e nompf t u a l con r m o re e f f i t a ln ln g Ti

T h a t w Which heCQinprehP

T\refeceisdu (he com pi adapted h Bgraemend a y ; It hment of euch dwe provided notiatituti l**here eh the romp: In gn y 1

Rlofhees 1 old m«H

purchaee ploy che< o f the mgeta projp

Some In g a rei th a t th* Ipof (u nity a tp lrn llo i

A ( r^urrenl

th e . comn • e rad o (rl

.T«hn r eradio fo w o rk in g leu n rh ed d u n vote dlffervTM m o n th i a fe lle r WB ro m m lis i ^oniilbili Colorado, la b o r WR' paper In

3ohn ttiorougl Wtnatloj gard to

Thera tho old eopfeo (DOpB .printedIdoptedmliMra. eerg wi ferenpferenpo ment OT the rep■ervft 0- ppwer 0The con ate moc

Mr. n

■ aoerm mato w* # erwus w mw W W OvwSOO gg ime that eld it* abenf a man’* work botoNt from *nn lo eun and a woman’* work nevto bolaa pona" the hurried Inaivlduel eald oftor gettinf a fairly firm trip on hi* breath. 'YuM to t to fight." ■)■t "After (S tu n g np a t the wmol tinio 'WUit S?

toornlag," praonegsd toe CUntna HUIer, •HrveAne to* Ore. to tke Iw tm M tot

RocktfeUers as They Are Depicted . in the Magazines

D tm d crtcy m * f f t te l l ih k ln vnftn «rlito«r»cy « f b ir t li. b u t tt caiinot

M Aristocracy of w sa lth , P «r even the ntoei sntf leon oclw tioof u«. t|»« nsnies of R o c ke fe lle r «n4 V enderbilt end the lik e beve e eobile ffTemour In ffnenclal end eoclel e irc U t thejr ere fran k ly names to con jure w ith. Never did “t>p«n Seaema*' o r aecrei ln« ranlatlons In the d a fa of black mafflo po eM ii tre a te r polenry.

Uecauee they are ae much of an a r t i* tocracy a i (hie country arh ievea a cer* ta in royal uneaelnees altenda th e ir un« crowned heada. and a fie rce w htte l l t h t of publicity beate upon th e ir every word and act. Youns Mr. H ockefa ller'a recent trip to rolorndo wee thoroughly exploited In the press I t hae ceoaed to t>a front paye nrwe, but (ha in a ia - alnee are s llil commeiitlnip upon It , and upon lbs Induatrla l scheme w hick he IntrodiM'sd ae a solution o f the labor dliturbanr^s out Ihcrc

In the new A llan tu -M onth ly .M r Rock* r fe lle r Jr rcncalts fo r h lineelf in an e r- Heir. '1 .ahor and i^apUal— l^artnera." Although th« Colorado a trlka waa tiora• Inally lost by the strlkprs. In th a t they (e ve tip w ithout enforcin it th e ir da* mends, this article auayeata th a t, U (ly and brutal aa many features o f the it r fk a wers- they may have been w orth while in helping: to b rin y about such a new reylme as le here described-

Cspitel cannot move a w heel w ith * out labor, nor lab o r adv:in<« heyond a




jerwy cr*f about up to laat ytar'f output, and fartnert are tatiiui hl|h prices for late yisM,

Early potaloet broucht low prieaa, not anou(h to juttlfy rala- [at tbtffl.

Daaalepinem of industry on wcitam thora of Maryland and Vlrglnii fertatailed early crop In tbli itite.

Pofwh fbartice due to the war mtkea fenlliztr coat eat up proHit and ilTorda seriaut prob­lem for next year.

a b ility to f s ln th e c a n f ld e n c e a itd co* o p e ra tio n of men. to b r ln i t e h p a r lle a In to harm ony, and to e ffe c t econom lee ill every possible way, b u t a ls o b e ca u ss o f bln p h ilan th ro p ic e n d e a v o rs th e r s is s till not the a l i ih le s t t r a c e o f b i t t e r ­ness hi hi* c h s rn c te r . an d he h o ld s In hia h e sr i no th in a r>ul good w ill to w a rd every innn. And if. In Ih e ir k in d n e s s of h e a r t the people o f C o lo ra d o h a v s found In me a n y th in g th a t m ay seem ad m irab le , th a t and w n a te v r r e lse I am o r muy he, I owe to my s a in te d m o th e r anil my honored fa th e r , w h o se ( r a in in g and exam ple t re g a rd a s a p r ic e le s s he ritag e .

A B e a l tw al*I> arso n 's , a very ra d ic a l l i t t l e m onth*

1y. h a s eom eth lng to a ay a b o u t th e fio ck e fe lle ra

T he real baste of th e f r ig h t f u l e x ­co ria tio n the .n d s a t r l s l R e U n o n a Com - m iiiio n gave to Jo h n D- R o ck e fe lle r

. . fe,. j I J f .. wae not th ia young m a n 's C h irac*ta t. B ui wi h labo r an d rA u it i l a s p a rt* , ^ o r his a u to c ra tic a c t io n s in «"ol- ners , w ealth Is c re s te d , an d a v e r i orado, but a profound, u n d e r iy in * fac t

e re p rim itive ex istence w ith o u t capi*Bi ' ‘ - ------w ealth Is c re s te d .

asib le.g re a te r p roductiv ity m ade . . .F o r m any yeara my f a th e r a n d hla

g dv lsera had been In c re a s in g ly Im - p reeaed w ith the lm r>ortanre o f th e se and o th e r econom ic p rob lem s. W hile th is g en e rs t su b je r t w as b e in g s tu d ied , th e in d u s tria l d ia tu rh a n c ea to i.''o]orado becam e scute . T h e ir m an y t lle tre a s in g fe a tu re s gave me the d eep ee t concern , 1 fra n k ly c u itfs u th a t I fe l l th e re w as

ong In I m a d e pos

something fumlamentslly wron condition of affnlra which sible that loss of human lives. «nfiendersd ha tred and h l t te r n e s s and irough l Buffering and prlvatf> ti upon

hu n d red s of hum an hsijigs. t d e te r ­m ined, th e re fo rs , th a t in so f a r a s It lay w ith in my power, t w o u ld seek som e m esna of avulillng th e |M >«slh|||ty of s im ila r co n flic ts a r is in g e lse w h e re , o r tn th e sam e in d u s ti^ in (h e f u lu r s .

I^eng b efo re the n e lo ra d o s t r ik e end* sd. 1 sought acivica w ith re s p e c t to

th a t a ll of ua would do w ell to ponder. I t Is th a t g re a t w sa lth m u s t s lw a y a be In itae tf tiie deadly enem y o f th e re* pub llosn form o f g o v e rn m e n t


F in s s n Git Giod Profit, However, M b b Cro^ Wkick I t in Con-

fid er iU i D e a u d .

FERTUUER W U OFFER PRORLEMThe g en era l p o ta to s i tu a t io n In Sew

J s rs e y d u rin g th e la s t sea so n h a s been o f m arked in te re s t io g ro w e rs and o th e rs In flm alely c an o e rn ed . a s coii- d ilione w ere u n u s u sh T h* v k te n t of th e crop, as a w hole , ie a s g m s t as la s t y e a r’s o u tp u t a n d In M onm outh C ounty the crop h aa been la rg e r th an la s t y ear 's

The fa llow ing a n a ly e ls o f th e p o ta to ■Ituailon in th e s ta l e Is m ad e by P r. J aco b A Lysm an. d ire c to r o f ih e New J e rse y E k p crlin an t H ia tio n s t New B runsw ick , and U su ry C. L en t, a spec* Is lls i there.

The po ta to crop h a s n o t been gen- e rs lly p ru fltab le , r io e p t fo r lUoae who had late po ta toes. At th * b eg in n in g of ih s-season p rices w sre low . lo w er ihan th sy had been a t a n y t im e la« i >»ar, th e m ark e t o p en in g w ith p o ia in e# a t a ev sn iy -f iv t re n ts a b a r re l , m u ch low er th an a rd liiaril> .

W hen the p rices o n ce b e g a n to rise, how ever, they w en t h ig h e r th a n usual, p resen tin g a p e cu lia r p h a s e In th e con* d lliens . ra n g in g from o n e e a t r e m s to th e o th e r, and bo th e x ire m e a b e in g out o f th e o rd in a ry . T h e a v e r a g e re tu rn s

to dtsposs p f tk em fro m th e riold a t fo rty cssjrts a bashel. T boaa w ho tuuk ckatooss and held aii la Ih t tu b a ra were m ors wise, and received M glwr price* thsD lb a e v tn l y ea ra and aJeo found th a t ih e hitght w as not a s a trlo u s a s fe s re ii.

The poU la bell o f W a n r n ( ’uun ty is th a t seettea aiuiig th e l>*l*wsra R iver i valley, from lla im u iiy th rong ii W hile and iHo|)s townships, ITwrodjjr** K Rennet. I n in lf tg t t r v | | f p F I l J g n r T i lB r t l lB J who has a fa rm in W hite lo w n s h lp , near j III r iW C llC V O w rU B HHetvidsre, and a lso a fa rm n^ar S tew arts- 'H ie. ralm d l.id o b tiaheis tu i i year on the farm near Tlalvtdere I l f had tw enty acres planted and the c ro p wea only about f^rty per cent norm al. On bia iij\rm ony Townahip fa rm he ra ised i.i'OC hushrla on twelve acres. L ast y ea r m e top |ir1i*e n r received w as s la ty c en ts e t ^ this S rg f he has so ld p a r t o f th« rru p a t one duller a bushel.

Mr. ftsruMl aeaerts that the isnet pfoDiable unless the pri<f is st least •Ikly c»>nia per h u th e i. He coiuidors a l&o*buihel-acre yield shout ih« M>eracs fur this section.

Moat farm ers in W arren dsvi>t« s t least ta o acres lo pedatoee, end clairu th a t on an average they can get as x' kmI r f tu rn s Ir4km the tw e acieg given to p4>tatoea as frufn a la rgs DHd o f o th e r tro p e Ait- otlier advan tage la th a t t)>e gprund alw» can be used to p lan t w h eal i>t r>e the same teaaon. whh-h le not the ra se with land gtvi n to re res ls .

It Is the it*n«Tal uplnioti <>r the fa rrm re


Petfielii I i S sb je c td to Con- ipcHOtts Test.



that ihc l » l l yield w as b e lo # th« aw ’ragu j Tor |h« laat fl^e years . 1*href yeara a«o ' «us the ba iiP tr year, and ih*- jle ld was i «tHi\e the average on a lm oet ev«-rv fa rm |

E arly aeanoh p u fe h a a e rs tiiia j r a i wur.j ab le to load ih c «.»ra ut fo rty cfiitft a bushel, a n d la te r w ere com - i pi-UeU to pay s la ty en d s ix ty live «*uta > per bushel, The fa rm eea a re now h o ld ­ing ru t fo r e ig h t) an d even f l a bushel D otaioes a re r e ta i l in g 1ri ib r coun ty s to res a t n tu a ty c e n ts , a h d ih c la r in e ra receive e ig h ty cerita p e r b u sh e l a t the su irse th a t a r e a e l llu g rh m t ou t a t ten cen ts advance p e r b u sh e l ovei' the price paid Ihe g ro w e r.

J N T lg a r o f B s lv jd e re v ic in ity had a crop of n e a r ly t.SdO b u sh e ls , an d Uow

Tn lAf H l l f t r of ik r VFk'g--flir—Msy T rep ly th ro u g h y n u r c o l­

um ns to the very a ev e re c r i tic is m of tl is Easev C ounty T e a c h e rs ' U uild . w hich appeared re c en tly In th e N ew ­ark Hundsy C a i r

The N ew ark P r lric lp a ls ’ A aspcla tlon did ask the o th e r le a c h a ra ' o r g a n is a ­tio n s of the c ity to Join In e x le n d ln g ah in v ita tio n to (he New J e r s e y S ta te T eachers ' A tsocla tlon to co n v en e in N ew ark In l>eceinher, lD |t , g iv in g Ihe oUy'a SoOih sn n lv e ran ry c e le b ra tio n , as (he only in c e n iy f . At f i r s t g la n c e th a t serin s r rsso n enough

Tuu nisy have t e r n th e c irc u la r n e '" o f 1 hy the a n tis d u r in g th e recen t

s u ff rs g e ra tn p a lg n , w hich b e g an ab o u t a s foilowa "T here a r e i^.OOu raaso n n w h j woman should no t v o te , o f w hich we m ention six re a so n s why the S la te T e a c h e r s ' Asao- c lid o n should not m eet In N e w a rk nex t )e a r . of which I w ill m e n tio n one : Do- rem h er will be the day a f t e r Ih e p a r ty , the cold, g ray daw n of th e m o rn in g

to f a n n t r a for ro u n d -s to c k p o ta to e s le j W lllever o f W h ite T o w n sh ip had abou t iT-ftO a b a rre l, a n d fb r g ia n t po­ta to e s . g row n e x lsn s iv e ly In M onm outh t 'o u n ly . the p rice Is a l i t t l e less , r a n g ­in g from 11-10 to •1-4®.

The low p rices w ere d u e lo (he g re a tly Increased p ro d u c tio n a lo n g (he w estern shore, in M ar> ian d an d V ir­g inia- T his in c rea sed p ro d g c ilo n wn* begun w ith in recen t y e a r s w ith th e r e ­su lt o f prac tlcsH y killiT ig th e J e rse y

1 m ark e t. F o rm erly th e e s r ly p u ta to e s J cam e from Klnrlda en d S o u th C aro lin a , and the Je rsey c ro p s cam e in w hen theSf crops w e rr e sh a u s te d -

W hen the w este rn s h o re csn>e In to prominence the Jersey g row ers pul off dlggln i In order In w att fo r a '’boost"In prices as long as Ihey couid Thsre was practically nu digging u n til th e first of August, which is is t^ . since ^lOtatrws were usually dug ai'oui Ju ly M anyleft their potatoes to the g round fo r a long tlms.

prleee Hess ta September.The reauUs were w eedy fields and

very slow digging The prices began lo rlM about b*plrm bet IS and m any g ro w ­ers. having left th»ir c rops in theground, hegsB to dig and th in m ade money.

It la (he praciu-e of Bouih Jerseyfartnere itolow ram dei» to grow second crop potaloes. o rd lra r lly ute«l for seed.These |»eople found ^hr sea so n a moat profitable vpf atn<w th is >esr • crop was g«xKl Ihey could ecU th e ir second4-rop potalosi e ithe r fo r ta ide iias orfor seed, thu* h s^ in g no th ing to loae

Rut to the

poasibl* methods of preventing and ad­justing such s altuHtInn, arid In De­cember, 11*11. aa soon as the s tr ik e was terminated, the officers of the ro lo rado Fuel gnd Trnn rom tw ny undertook tha(•ractical rlevelopn^ent of plaiiS which

isd been under consideration. Th e men n each mining ram p were in v ited to

choosa by secret hsiloi repreaeniutW ea to meet w ith the executive officers of the company to illscuea nm ttpra of mu* tual ranrern, and consider means of mors effsetive co-operation In m ain* ts liitng fs lr and friend ly reUMons.

That was the beginning of a plan Which has now bsen developed in to a cornprshrnalve " Industria l constitu ­tion.^' The plan was subm itted to a refsr*ads»m of the em nloreea In i l l the company’s coal and Iron mines, and adopted hv an overw helm ing v o l t The agreement provldea for an e Ig T t-h o u r day; It Uisurea the r •fn i-m o n th ly p a y ­ment of wages, it fixes chiirges fo rsuch dw-elllnsH. ligh t and w a te r as ars I a fte r la not the paycboioglosl moment provided by ihe cornpanv. • . • • The , company to arrive,onnilllu tion apeclflcally states th n l ;fh e r e ehall he no d lac flm ln a ilo n by ihe gulUl It a«sma fa r w laer tothe compani^ on RcCotini o f m em bership 1 land every effort to Ifrin g the taarher.'^

May........ ^ _ _ hpation,

purchase wtrera they choose anti t o em - j and to he to a degree respnnslble for , acre.T n U ? h -t - V h : <»’• •n ie rta in m e n t o f the procurcil A m lx lurs of from

o f th a men, shall »es to l l th a t sach . . , t - | - j *o t -S - I vkas used-gels proper crsdlt fo r h a w o rk . vis iting tearhera. To ask them for | greater part of potato fertJlIiSP

‘ I used wae wUb 4-1- 1 . Several grow.ra trix » r fp u b llf « f I» b o r C * r U ln M l tx , , i „ . re g a in , ! i . kikI n„t i . r io i i . ,n H )u iiU of In

in a com pany on ac ro u n i oi m em u eren ip i jwna every e rro r t to n r in g m e taac In *n y o r unlon^" T h * | o f Ih r •l> t> to N rw .rXp lo fe e s a re g u a ra n ts fd th e r ig h t to 'hold ineetinga on rom tu iny p ro p e r ty , to * ” <1 November, d u r in g th e celehpa

c« ' ■"d sveryihlna to sain^o (h a re a re s ix te e n . . . ______grow ers ef early pfital^ws th e aeas<>n wasalm ost disastrous, for mriai of th*»m con* ttdered lheTaaet^eM fo r iu n a te If they liroke even to pay for fe tllH ie rs and »eed.

Tlie ntiesiJon of ferllMxera has been a serious one. and had Ua effect on th* e**aaon s product cin The general cua-

■ tom haa be^n to use a " 4-1 - 10" fertiliser I ^foiiy fxmmdi ammnuls, eighty pounda

phosphorb' acid and 100 f»ounda potash 1 t/cr thaupacid of fertlUsefi. Formerly

1,00ft to J.400 pounds were applied to the Thit y^wr a 4- l - l e fertIHaer could

that the plan gives every emp L Op* Iftploywportunity to 'o ice hla ro m p a lin rt snd asplrallons

A Csl May l***k •« ■ Hlwit^^^urrerit opinion sums Up

the comment on Mr. R o c k s fo U c ^ Col-*• erat^o tr ip X*.

John D nockefe lier Jr, sroMMp r o l* erMlo for a month Beltteid. w now w orking plan for Industrlmt pogco tg launched and approved hv a refsriin * dum vote of employees. Th is Is a very different scene from th a t of a few months ago. when the same M r. flock#* } feUsr was before the Federal In d u s tria l Commlialon disclaim ing personal ra* 1 ■ponsibillty fo r comnsny pollciea tn 1 Colorado, while a b itte r and Moody lahtyr w ar waa racking tbe s la te New s­paper Interest In the change o f a tt i* t itM lends to overshadow diacusslon of the merlta of Ihe peace plan Itse lf.

No pictureeuue detail of M r. R orke* feiler'a visit eacaims the p u b lic ity men. Tfe was photographed in m iner's gsrh. | lie sat at A ciunp table between a negro sod a jflav. He danced w ith a mins bnaa'a wife. He was surprised at the rordlsUty ahowm hy coal m iners snd th e ir families w ilh whom he free ly is lksd niaiters over.

Numeroua religious papers nre much Impressed hv Mr. R ockefa lle i'a courso of action "AU sincere fH eiids of r ig h t Indsatrlst conditions w ill rejolrw th a t the young magnate has made th is lo u r of Inspection I t Is w o rth y of a lt com* mendstlon." reads the com ment of fiion 'a ‘TDrsTd, Boston.

Labor I ’nlon proas cor.iment docleres that Tuilernallam Is not Ihs eolutlon. **Kxposod In the ir nskednfsa by the dltglOBurea of a /edara ! In vestigation , diaerodlied In the eyes of every fa ir * minded man and woman, stained by tho aw fu l crime of Ludlow , l l f in a lly dswned upon these men th a t sn e ffo rt imtSi he msds to redeem thsm selvea In the public mind, and the best brains that their money could b u r w are put tn fhe task of d ra ftin g a document th a t wogid provide s more refined system of exploitation, and th a t In plausible t e f W would outUns plans fo r the b e a r­ing of grievances, w h ile a t the asms t i l ls , I I guarded ever so csrgfuUy S T f y vested righ t­

' s plan Is a doubtfu l fo rm of fefltSalIsm, according to tbe Toledo B lld s : m curiosity to the bsUsver In fodtat STolutlon. In tbs op inion o f tbs D ilro lt Journal, because tbs a ttem p t a t Insulation cannot hasp o u t tend* inalas that move In tha outside w orld, Tt la a plaster clapped on a a ery sora spot batter than W'bat has gone he* rera* thinks tha N ow ark E v e n in g News; a t ib is time tt may he unfeasonsbls to sxpast a cure,

Tha Flaw ra d a r ih e M lmwarape,John F itch of The Survey, who Is

thoroughly fscnitlar w ith th a Colorado gitugtiop, la not a n tira ly cord ia l In ra* VtPd to tha naw R ockafsU ar plan.

Thara Is something ramlniseant of tha old ragims In tha avidsnea that oeplaa of tna plan acoompanlsd by a prfntad gtstament th a t '»It bad haaii idoptad by repreaentatlvos of tha misers. In a confersnea with t h r offl- cars Fere given ot|t bafora tha con*

j leKted out various am o u n ts of potsah .H ave you ever v iiU ed a c i ty Ju*t nw>*i there w ss not a vary g rea t

a f te r the ce leb ra tio n Is o v e r— th e ex*! poaliion cioaed? It is a goo d d e a l lik e I th a day a f te r C h ris tm as in a la rg e d e ­

p a rtm e n t s to re— ev ery b o d y t ire d , s to ck s d sp ia ted , I doub t w h e th e r a n y o rg a n l- BBtton t i to hold a 1N14 c o n v e n t io n In N ew ark before M ay I, o r a f t e r N o ­vem ber Ij

T he G ram m ar Vice P r in c ip a ls ' A sso ­c ia tion a t Kb la st m e e tin g v o ted to lay the p r ln c ip a ii’ la t te r on th e ta b le . Doee th a t c o n s ti tu te Lhs a p p ro v a l o f th a t a s ­socia tion? ,

difference in the yields b ro u g h t about hy tha use of p o tis b fa rtlllsa rs . MsSl f»f these teats w ere m ada on old potato fields where there a a s a possib ility of an added acc-uniulatton o f po tash .

At pref^n( It d'.ies not seam that ll I will he possible to eupply fcrUtsets [ richer than l-R ? because of the potash \ shortage due to the war. \ \ i(h a high

price [Kitash It would Out be profitable to put on a richer mixture even if obtainshie.

All intereeting Item in p o ta to ra ising Is th e second c ro p p ro d u - 'lio n . The fu r th e r developm eut o f th e aecond cr<»p Industry la pne of the nvvat prom ising of (he potato ludiisiry of N rw Jersay The esuae hes been due to th a fac( nf tit* Importation of dleeasa wUhln recent y^sra from Maine and N'eW York cr<>pa It has been lesied th a t th a ra ta. not

_______ ________ - ______ ! nearly an m uch d laeaee fo u n d on sec-AND WATER POWHl RIGHTS] po***”-* «>>»« u.ed] seed.

nearly 1,000 bushels. Some of ihe (arm era o( the D elaw are V a lle y consider that the I l l s crop, is k in g the higher [ prices in consideration, was (he heal 111 k(*vera1 years.

Ils llow ay K. fiance o f I1ack< i tstow n ftwnv (wo (arm s and B|»ecial1zea on potatoes. Last season he hud tw e itiy * six ecrea In Ih ls croii, suri aaitiered t.Cftri bushels. They w ere w orth fl.Skft to him. N e il year h* w in plant f if ty scfeH, he anySp and ow ing lo ct>e hlgli coat ef fe rlH Iser due to I're w ar, lie lookv to see (he HoiMh Jer*ey farniers reduce the acreage Tt*e H vuihern farm - era depend la rg e ly ujtun cornntcrctsl frrn liie ra and cannot, itt M r. Ilsnce's Opinion, afford lo purchjtae the fer- ilMxrr at (he high prices The Hnufh Jerru « rop la ihe one lh a l aeherally pulls down the price un the N orih Jrr.»e> farmers


J idgini hy (he Hat Of Subscribers for the dame m he given Tuoadsy ntgtit St naslin Ifoitae, lo 6 l Broad r(ree(, for the ber.i-ftt >>f the lloapKsI of Hi Ham a- has. th* sKalr wiH be one of tha Isrgeet and most hrlUlanr of the b'didsya. Tbe memh*T* cf the execuitve t^iard of (he hospital guild art- In chargi of a rrange mentJ and u ill serve iia patronesM-a

Those who have subacrlbod to the dance and will m tltr |uesla ia<tude t.>r. and Mrs. Anhlliald Mercer, Mrs W illiam (^ Connell. Mish Durxdhy Conned, Mr. and Mrs ^^alnMlight Ripley, Miss Margaret Hlpiev. ,\lr. and Mrs. < ’liauh> cy (J. Darker ChaiiQcey G. Darker Jr., MUa Rdllh Parker. Mr and Mrs. r t^ r le s A Grum- mon. the Mfc-ssrs. Grurnmun. Miss Hen- rlettH •‘iinythe, Mr. and M r* Chandler W Hiker, the Mloaes Rlher. Mr. and Mrs. Hfiir> G AthA. Miss Margaret Aiha. Mr a td Mrs. H arry IHiraud, M Im Prudetii'r fMjrand, M r. sad Mrs Fred­erick FreltugbuyBOB.

Mr anil Mrs. Herbert V Q1eas«>n. Mr. and Mrs John I, Mwayxe, XIr aud Mrs. Jolia H Hardirc John H H an ltn J r . Miax h!21sabetii A. Hardin, C’harlea R Hardin, Mr. and Mrs. M aith iss Plum J r . Mis* Mary Osddl* Plmn, Gaddis Plum. Mr find Mrs- Koi«ert W I'um m m g. the Miaae’ Cuminiing, Mra. Campbell '.’lark . Miss Fe- I'cny Clark Mr. und Mrs H. .Arthur Hejier. Mr and Mrs. Kdgar W . Heller J r, the Allsaea i uiLdit. Mr. and Mrs. }'*rcy H art. Hchuyier Van Ness, Mr. wnd Atrs Roger A. Yuimg, Mrs Charlea Brad- lay.

Mr ahd Mrs W illiam T. f arter. Miss ( ‘artor.

The New Jersey B la is Teachers' Ae- aodation convened In N ew ark Oeesm- her S7, ?R and 79. 1909, K dw ln Bhepard prablding. G, M


To thr rilitnr of ihs \EWP:BIr— I have real with great Interest

ymir Aafloua editoelaU nri the Morris f'ansl W ill yr>u kindly explain why the state hss not ae good a right to take the canSI now under condemnation ptoceed- In fs as It wtU have In seven yewri from now under the charter rights? ft appears lo me that maintaining « liseless ditch for Seven additional years Is an sconomlc waste.

I should also like to ask why th e rt is an apparent conspiracy of alienee in re­gard lo tbs three or four m illion do llari worth of water power, which lies be­tween l.ake Hopatcong and Baxton'a Falls. I have never seen any dlscuaaion or re- port of this pari of the canal problem In any public report or In the prest.

Yours truly.W A R R E N B K A TT .

IlickeUatowa, N. J.

Crep la hmmmex Opty F a ir .Thv W iaiQ fri>p In Sueeax Couniy U

I only of fa ir proporttohs, according to I Paul P. Kennetch, euperlntendant of

fai m denionetratioii and director of ths BuBsex 'ountv Farm Bureau. Conaa- quenlly Mr. Bennetch says ths farm eif are receiving fa ir prices for the crop, which are In tho neighborhood of aeventy-five cents a buahei

Fewer (hnn twenty farm ers tn ths county raise potatoes on ths large scaM for the markei and plant from ten to twenty sore*. Almost every farm er, Mr. Bennetrh tays, plants an acre or two for hems consumptiun and sella ths smallKurpluB.

Kiwn with potatosa p lrn llfu l, sums of (he nieixliiLiits In (he county towns ars having potatoes shipped in. This a c is a i competition with the native crop and liulda the price to tha grow er down.

'T h e crop of potstoee th is year Is

Tn V ie n n a , a t ih e o th e r end o f th * w ire fro m ^ V a•h tltg (ou , d u r in g th e se c r i t ic a l d a ys w h irh w i l l d e te im d is tb s re la t lo n a iTetwpen (he I ’ n iie d ft ta tss and A u s t r lX ' l lu n g a r y , is a (v p ica . l r sp - re a e n ta t lv e o f ihe. n e w e r d ip lo m a c y '— th o s o r t o f d ip lo m a c y m ade in A m e r ic a - T ie is l ' ' re d « r lr D o u r l la n d P e n f ls ld , V n ita d H l& iea .A m b iiiM iiid o r to t h s d u a l m o n a rc h y F r a n k o f sp e e ch , k o en (o sensa S H u u lio n s , d e c is iv e In a c t io n l l (he A m e r ic a n .\m ha a aa do r, s n d t h is Is s g o od a iig u r y .

A c c r e d l ie i i (o a c o u r t s te e p e d In t r a ­d it io n s o f in l r ig u e . a c o u r t bo w in g d o w n (o p ' in c t i l ln a s a g d a n d Ih o r- o u g l i ly ''eraeci In the x r t o f u s in g w o rd s io con<*al (h o iig h ( . M r. r m f le ld , f ro m the b eg itM ilt iK o f (he w a r . h a s g iv e n thv V lem veae s iu iv e n te n m a n y n o v e l v tew - p o ln ia to c o u e ld fr . T h a t th e y , i im e and a g a in , h ave fo u n d h la id e a s v e ry w e ll W u rth w h ile Is one W ay o f •«a)lng th a t (he A m b a s s a d o r h a s m ade h la p la c e in A u s t r ia . T h a t he Is e i c e l i r n t l y q u a l i ­f ie d lo em p h a s ise , f i r s t h a n d , th e d e ­m a n d s o f A m e r ic a In th e A n c o n a case, Is n o t to he d o u b le d b y a n y one f a m i l ­ia r w ith h is w o r k a o d h la p e ra o n a lt ty .

T o Ih s s t a f f c o r r e s p o n d e n t w h osaw M r. P e n f ie ld a t t h e e m b a a ay a f t e r V ie n n a had h e c o m t a s t o rm c e n te r , the A inb sB H ado r na ld

"T h e one su re m s th o d o f g e t t in g r e ­s u lt s Is In s t a r t a f t e r th e m A n d the t im e to h*^gin Is r ig h t nw -ay.”

W h ic h r * m a rk sM in s u p Ih s A tnbas* ea do r . H* b e lie v e s In d o in g th in g s . W h en h r hd> m ode u p I lls m in d w h a t is (to. o r lo pu t K a l i t t l e d i f f e r e n t ly w h u i Is (0 h r done , he se ta a b o u t to a c o o n ip lls h ih e end d a a lre d .

KaJo)s MeetlMc D lfflrN llle e ,It w as a n o ih e r A r r r f l c a u d ip lo m a t—

on»> l ik e M r D i-n f ls ld . e x p e r ie iu a d In t l i r a« rv1cr - w ho to ld t h e sa m e i-o rre apon d - ent (h r ii he " lo v e d d if f ic u U le m ." He m ra n i tha t It w as happv cxc rc ta e fo r h im IO h e lp s t r a ig h te n o u t ( a n g le s . M r JN 'n f le lii (lu«s n u l need (o a a y Ih ls . H« Hltow* lh a l Ihe e x e r c is e Is e u fo y a b ie

'Ph»’ h N lt le f le ld o f <ll!d(Un«Pjr I* hOt an u n tr ie d g ro u n d fo r M r l^ en fie ld T i have been if i A u s t r ia s in e s 191.1 w 'ou ld g iv e h im c e r ta in m a r k e d i| u a l l f lc a ( io n s . Hu t In I t t u M r. J V n f ie ld w a s th e A m e r ­ic a n d ip lo m a t ic a g e n t a n d i ’ o n e u i G e n ­e ra l In E g y p t , r e m a in in g th e re f o r fo u r y e a rs H s g a ve sp e c 'la l a t te n t io n to the D an am s ( 'a n a l p ro b le m , a n d h y M s d iK u s B lo n o f l l w go la r g e ly in s t r t i m entM l In b r in g in g a b o u t th e A m e r ic a n p iir rh a s * o f K r i-n ch f 'a n a n ia r lg h te . It< ha* re ce iv e d m a n y fo re ig n d l ic o r a t io n a He hsB t ra v e le d w ld * i f . a n d h a s w r it - ' itr> m uch . H u i In h is J o u r n r y lh g s he n e v e r h i s loaf to u ch w ith A m e r lr a A n A m e r ir a n a tm o sp h e re s i i r io u n d a h im w h e re v e r he m ay l*c. T h a tc h # a p p e a rs f4u i(e a s m u ch e l hon»s V ie n n a a s on F i f t h a v e n u W ii , In one w a y , p ro o f o f lilit co sm o pu M ta h ls r ii. Tn a n o th e r , i t * (,m ds fo r th e s i ia g * (h a t a n A m e r ic a s f it* in t o h la s u r r o u n d in g s n o m a tte r w h a t p la ce he la k e s o f f h is h a t,

W hen M r. H on fle ld e e iah tla hed h im se lf in V ie n n a l l w as w ith a v e ry d e f in ite ob ject T h is w as fo p rom ote A u a tm - A in e r lc a n r e la i lo t if The e a r l ie r s tages o f the w ar g a ve h im h is c X 'w p t io n a l op ­p o rtu n ity , and lie lm p ro \* ’d It. T b e w s r a lso h o j g iv e n h im p rob lem a . th e m ost p re s t iu f o f w h ic h dev» b iped w hen an A u s tr ia n au b m o r in c sa n k a n I ta lia n

' s le sm sh ip . w ith A m e r ic a n s o n b o a rd , on Its voyage to the I 'n i ic d H U le a . Ths in ­c iden t o f (h« D u m b a re>all is a m s ll In com parisctn T h e re (h*n w as a p o a iH b llty

' tha t M r. PenfI*U l m ig h t Ire h anded h it I p sM po rts hy the A u s t r u -U u u g a r ia a Gov*

e rn m c iit H u t the A m e r ic a n case a g a in s t I lio m h a w as p la in enough , and M r, Pen*! r iH d had on ly to d r iv s the p o in ts home.

Th U . too, Is h is d u ty In the A n co na case

.AiwbaBeador*s P reaeot O p p e H a a lty .T o s (Mdicy o f e v a s io n a n d d e la y he

m ust b ring a t r s lg h t f o r w s r d n e s i a nd D rru- n rss. H e Has to Im p re ss A u s t r ie not on>y

F re d e r ic t'aw rtlaw g Peaffstd.

d ll


Th« most eSocriv* and economical artkte for ,7 cicanting and rearwing. , Painted, Vamiihed and Enameled Surfaces, Hard* '''i wood Floora, Aluminum, Nickel, Bran, Copper, Tia ,■nd Kitchen Ware, Glaaa Ware, . Oikloth, Bath Tubt, Marble, Tile. etc.Try ■ amalt can and you . wiil never be without i t

J . J . H o i^ e n jo s C aS29 Broad Street


ent <*lTX‘Uj»sUTv*es h la b a r te r ) i a t _ climax. Ih (he dram a of th« war os affecting America, bis poaltion again, oi>d more markedly (ban evor beturs, has be­come coTfipIruoua.

This, judging from M r. Pegfiald's rs«i* oed. cannot be other than ogresabla to him For years hs has boon lookinf for the big things, now he has ihsm. His own alhlatic physique typifies hlaplssiurs In struggle over nwiUara that counl. Th*( he has a part In an losua of far-rsacHlng importance must bu meat and drink to bim .

In rsKef work, In which his wife hxs notably participated, and In tha extansiow of friendly office# to Austria so far fu his position and the eiprasslon of Ameii- re's r is i neutrality havs permitted. Mr. I'eiifleld has a bai^kground wrhloh Vlegtis could Illy disregard. I t Is lo be rfiuem- bered sla>> (hat his persansl rwlaUons with (he clvanging A usiro -H iitigar an cabinets have kieen. froin all aorounta, of the heat l l la well that, whatever the outcome, SMch a man presents tbe ra lten tloo ol Amsrlca s demands.

K i l« l .K ih u it h A m e r ica n p s t le n ce . b u t wMi.B en ja m in heen . 1 '’ ’ “ _ ■ _ J , A m e r i c a u ir t c r m ln a r in n In a c fo rd a iic *

with U'aphinglon'e clear Inatmcliona, liw


The r iv l l A srv ire Commission w ill sit In Ih ls city Jan uary 14 lo hear ap­peals of (hree men seeking reinstate* m rnt In positions from which they were discharged. Tb « da le was fixsd be rhv commission in T ren ton yastar* day. •

tn the m orning the com m istinti w ill TIsien to the appeal o f Faysath O. Apao, form erly employed os Jan itor in the city dispensary of the Board o f Heatth» %vho w-pa diacharged fo r being absent without leave and p e rm ittin g un tid i­ness in Ihe dispensary- W illia m A. HnUih (he apothecary^ made the eom* plaint It Is a lleged th a t 8 pan w o i d i­rected to B ik pcrm ieaion fo r tim e o ff an<1 took It w ith o u t making.

The postponed b e a rin g o f the appeal of Frederick T- H ars h o f Orange, wb# seeks relnsta lam ent as sn inspecior for (h^ Rtate Hoard o f Tenem ant Ifouss Kupervislon. ad journed Pocember 10 when Aeslalant A tto rn e y Gensrml llerberi Uugga ralsod a question as to (he jtirlsd irtlu n o f ths commission in reluaiatlng tUachargsd omploysoo. w ill be laWeii up-

The commission a U o w i l l b * * r th# appeal of M e n fred l M ancual-Cngaro, brother of Polica Judge Mancusl* Dngaro, who wiras dlam lssed os Inapso* tor of construction o f the Board off Ed* ucaMon on the ground o f Incompetency. Mr. M ancual'lTngaro w ill be r tp re - iented by A lgernon T Hweensy.


Grand Masquerade Ball and Cabaret

— A T —

R a ls t r D o I R a n233 W a s h i n g t o n S i

A W u o tlfu l S I v a r v m * t» IIm M w faH n g tlM aiciat I f im M l tn iM , A la rg « e h r a r lo v in c c a g th e n a n w am rinit tiM a f a t caa e a a la n c . N a m e to a a a (h « r p t i M

AdiwiaBlon, In c lu d ln c W’t t d n i b v L a d i e s . . . 1 5 c G e n t s . . . ^

Christmas Eva.. Die. 24,1911




Mxrt U t l l l i l l

------------------------- Wt.DEC. aa, n . n.Chicaga Tribawa'a-.

CENui umEnaiB.;aa* ADMiMiow aia

D a r Wa*.

waw*iuc«a . » M .

•Mb Mr *A I IA M m ,

aaU aal. Wi t * t i a a . A Haia. M* to na


B I O H O X . X D A . Y B X X J ( /

lUari Narto. P i n *a a Camtrm. OtoaiV'vi^. C u t O la a a S t o r a T u a a , N lg M a ' ^

oEni;iHK CUT e u t a a uivBU X w A t, J a p a w a a a S tu rw T h m a , WtSh** . C a te h M jra ts H o u a M r, R a f f lc a ^ J

• ANi> wina so IN GOLD PRBE

------------------------------------------------------------ -tiUt#'

runAfTmiAtlnn pror«.din*t . t . n r t no*might fo r i* lh» M»te to p«y » oo nrtd fr-! Th« »«m»n ha* f * \o r * h l# lo™hl‘ l . r r - r .um for Ih . propnrty ‘han iwould iM. aw an irt undnr tho p ro « *illn g * droughU, bat tho dam p toaaon h a t be*n to b« takon hy viruio of th . char«*r pro- ftvoraU U to b a rto rla l d Ia M i* * . and

____ a aivan out btfa ra p w ihaoT a ta m h la d - T h * Kgraa- mont otrora no adaquat* protactloti to tha rapraaanlatlT ** o f tha man who aarva on oominlttaaa A * bafore, tha powar M control Ua* w ith tha company. Tha comrnlttaaa and tho wholo author* ate machlnary a x l it on lu ffo ran co only.

H aad lag I t to i l to VWth*a.M r. nookafallar'a D onvar ipo«ch b«-

tcra tha Chaoibar of Commoroo to r * - printad by I<atlla’g W o d h ^ . *■.’ .

M y laU w r Ito i V oM io r mMtoviraApA p good frla« 4 j r f .«*» . • ( « •of Colonde. m ’ y m ,hla ballaf la y » h U ^ f l M M I * th * futura of ih l f U w g . ju n to W d W rta a r ly ahown hy h i* h a v IM W Ut eotortUndfito autnt of monay in to tU p ^ a d r . a M tP U Induatrlaa of U tf a h r ta - - • ■,

I triah vary mneb ib A i M j r o t o k * to today, aom * df th# pajiprit rnan- ttopod my dam acratle a p frit. I t m y ia tb a r had haaa am a ii« *t m in t In rogan* »9 a u . - l i n t l d # w aiild hava haan mad*, ta r o f a ft Rian., h * lamoat damaorallo and a p n iw a e h a lm

C rlffcltod, m allgnad itod^m itotoninM tbasa many yaara not on ly tda"T il *T T * ' .ipi

Th* rtOMt sysr s r s d a ^ - - f i1ea wl>klg ikp rsoM »f svs^bsdy. Bm t, far i k i fari nise'i toaie: Sac. far iba lodlfo, a o iBparkllog Wurfiitidy fftr avafliaile.

E . W . K a la e i rM * aatal. T * l l I l t Martwt.

lalou. Evory yoar tho worth of tho canal grow* Ic*a, taking tho loalim ony of tho railroad at It* faro vaiuo that th * Opor- atlon of tho waterway reaulla In a heavy annual Ion. Of rourae the m aintaining of tho canal for *»v*n year* w ill b* pn aconomic w tifo . but the biirdon w ill b* homo by Ihe ™mpany, which haa boon l* f * * ly rwpontihle for Ih * fa ilu re of no- gollat'on* to bring about the abandonment of the canal. Knrthormor*. ihare I t lit i­gation pending now. th a t nrrda to be net­tled before a proper appraliml of the prop­erty ran he made. I t le even quntlooab l* wlieUior the ktat# could condemn the properly a* a whole, fo r portion# of th * lana l rlghta wore arqulred by condomna- tlon, and property *o acquired cannot be legally condemned fo r other purpoaee.

Tbe queelloii of tho w ater righ t* men* Uoned between I j k * Hopatcong and B a t­ten-* Fa ll* h ** been diecuaaed In official raporti and In the pr***. but not a t Iebd|b, In What w»» known aa th * "Three Oov- ernora" report tn I t d l . It waa declared th U upon Abe abandonment of the canal th * watof to litn from th * Munoonetcong ■ltd It* trlbatort** for canal p u rp o itt a t •tonhap*. W ttorioo, Saaton'* C a ll* and Port tW dan "would natu ra lly ra tu m to t t* tnolent phannal, the Muaeoattong Ilt to r ." L'nd*# *ueh atrcum etane**. the M M company wpuM h a *a no w a U r potr, •T T lghtt iho ia to •■it.

Bome b lig h t baa a p p e a ra d In v a r lo u * aectlnna, b u t n o t to a n a la r m in g da- g rae.

‘T h e a c re a g e o f p o ta to e a tn R u ta a i C o u n ty la e m a il c o m p a re d to aom * p a r t* o f the a tate . am t e v * n t b la e m a il a c r e ­ag e la te a lt* re d . T h e r e a re fe w b ig g ro w a rn In h u a a e i C o u n t y — Icaa th a n a a rn rr . O ne n o ta b le b ig g r o w e r I* A e a e m h iy m a n -e la c t E d w a r d A c k a r t o a o f T .a fa re tt* . w ho p la n t a d t w e lv e a c ro t . w h ic h ) 'le ld *d a c ro p o f 10* b u a h e la to th * acre. T h e re M r . A c k a r a o n e o ld f o r f i f t y - f iv a ce n ta a b u t h e l b e fo r e th e y w e re dug. (’ o n e e q u e n t ly h e l o i t in p r ic e H a d be h e ld t h t m u n t i l n o w h * w o u ld h a v o c o m m a n ito d o o v a n ty - f lv * con ta a b u ih e l. I w o u ld a a y t h e y to ld w aa good fo r th a a c r e a g * p la n ta d .

'-Tha fa rm e ra h a v * n o t r o u b le In d ta - p o a ln g o f t h e ir p o ta to ** , t h * e u p p ly a n d d em and taatng a b o u t o q u a t. I h a v * h e a rd o f no eaa** w h a r* th e b l lg h ia h av* c tu a e d e e r lo u a lo a a to t h * g r o w ­er*.*

W a r re a ’a N * l l i p t * B r r a e d .T h e II I* c ro p w a r s o t u p to th a re co rd

o f fo rm e r year*. T h * e a r ly c ro p h r e d the heal, b u t tbe la t* c ro p w aa a ffo c ta d by th* r a in y w e a th e r In A u g u a t a n d aoraa o f lb * potatoea a t f t ra t w ar* ' fo u n d to b* a ffe cted by b lig h t , o s u a ln g a rp t . r o y th a t re a ton th e fa t to o ta -w a r* a og lo a a

and - 't r i. A 1% S c h e re r , M laa E la lt K H.-hcrer, M r and M ra A l l ic r t II A thu . M r. and M r* H e n jn m in A th a J r . M r and I'^rg. Jan i.'e I.. I ig u cn M r o n d M ra. M a t- l i r e M Scudder, .Mia* t n lo in r i t e M. d cuddrf. M r and M ra . A r th u r II M ac - K le M r and M ra A i ia t c i i II. Mi-<Jreanf. M r 'a n d M ra n o t ia ld M c C re g o r . A . M a i- tulTTi M f-G r iir j r . M r sn - i M rx 7:adharis1» H e lr iis r , M l»s M a ry ^HeMaaara. B e lche r

Uuhert E Je n n ljiK * . M ra . .M ary S h a ii- lev J n ic p h S . S U a n lry . M r and M ra. Korr.-at V. D ry d fo . M '- a D o ro th y D rvdeu John F H ry d en W , M r a n d M ra H a r ry

im rrn . M r. a n d M ra H o r tra m l l R ip - l. y , M r. ahd M ra . I.u du lp h 11. C o n k lin , f i irm c r Judga and M ra. J a y T r n E y r k , U la a M a rg a re t T e n K y c l i, M r . and M r i. H a r t ' (J t 'u r r le r , the M eaar* . r i i r r l - r . Mr*. E d v iu B t v i l l la m a u n . th * MI*»oe W ll l la m t -n . H la a E l l ia b o lh M c C a r te r .

M r and M r* . J o h n W . M ow ed , Jo hn W . H o w e ll J r . . M la a F re d e r ic a H o w e ll. M r* A . tv . O am un. H r . a n d M ra . Jo th a m C . Johnaon, U r a n d M ra F. M a r t in P h il ip p i U r . F ra m d a R . H a u a i l ln g . P e te r I 'roam an . M laa H a r r ie t l* w * h e . Mra. H e n ry Vnung J r . R ic h a r d H a rta h o rn e , M r end U r* . Joaeph O. H p iir r . th e M1**-a Bpurr, j i i ie p h J s p u n - >d, M r . and M ra. 0 . H . T a y lo r , M r a n d M r* . H a r r la o n It, Va» U iiyn e . M r and M ra . M a i l e r K r c m e n l i . M r. and H r* . V ra n c la B o n n e a u , M r* . B o ra R lllln g a . r h e a le r B t i l ln i* . M r. and M ra Jo h n A . M ille r , J o h n A . M i l la r J r . , M r. and M r*. H a n d d f lo d g e , P a u l H e lle r . M r. and M ra. Jo hn l.e w la H a y . th e Mlaa.*a M ay , F ra n c ia W . H a y . M r* . H o w u rd K,Ogle, Mlaa A E ------■-Q rac* T rueade ll.

inual crirnh lne fo rce with ta ct.In b rie f, lb * pe raona l a ide o f A m e r ica '*

re p re a e n la t lu iii to A u a t r la rea l* w ith the Am baaaador a t V ie n n a . I 'n d e r Ihe prea-

l i im a g * a m o u n t in g to 1 1 1 * w ae | cauaed In The h o m e o f E d w a r d R a d e r j Hi b i t H -iU th K lg h la e u t h a fre e t a h o r t ly I b e fo re k o 'c liM -k la a t n ig h t h y a f i r e ! w hich a ta r i* .I f r o m a n u n r le te rm ln e d ; orig in . j

T h e d ro p p in g o f a l ig h t e d m a tch In ! the room * o f J a c o b E o l lc a t 35 t'lu liee i a ir e a t a ia r t e d a a m a l l f i r e a i *:15 o 'c lo c k la a t n ig h t . T h e lo a a w aa |50.


H o lb r o o k a n d M lu

I O t A r.tC T O R Y TO 1 OV I

■to 10 MW iltot dMltmi'4 TiillpR(«e, M g jr I


H w M e a l C h r i s t m a a G i f t !Sliy not Me good judsimtit and buy from a>, the menu'-

fucturen, end an th« Hiiest end nevut detignt at « Mviiti e( •lietit one-ddra, or, Ift ftftwr vords, a fift that ia worth WDO can bit bon^t here for ISiO. '

,% ,Vt bar* tte tataei pattai^toine of which i hava not tvee aaea dtem yet. Tbefo ladadt th*E ^ v i n i * . ^Awte.

^IksfiM M liM : RNtsiM m — fS a B O k k B S im it r lU l fa a 40B * | R v V * * S fl f s j s o t s ‘ *\*||S » a :e 5 fw s> V * v iu iopen M veniiHfS T h is Week

NEWAIK CUT CLASS OLn A C A K W s n m . F tN M y : U A i l l t o lM S K d


Advanced thccl* of No, S. Vol. X, "Official Bulletin of lb* National So­ciety, Ron* of the Amarlcan Revoliillon. ' to be liMued lo all Ih* member* within a few day*, contain* Infurmattoo aa lo plan* of national eaecutiva committee fur Amarlcanlalnf all cliliena of the tJoJoa.

It I* propo»ed to eiicouraae general reading of I'nitad 8 ta t« hlatory. and In a more altracHve manner than at preaant, with leaa attention to wara aod tariffa and more itudy to general growth of nation, life of th* people, etorle# of grait patriot Uvea, invrtitloaa and their uw- fiilneta and all llnea of activity tending to uplift humanitlpd.

Foreigner* dealrliui to become eltlaen* are to be directed to tlie neaieat night »chool. Th»y are to be aaked iheaa quea- tloa*.

"Can you ipaak Engllabf--1.10 you want to he an Americas elS-

**nl"Do you want a better Job? It 1* hard

to get a Job In Amarlca without apeaktnd Bsgllth.''

Additional eonmittoea hava boon samad hy Preaidant Oonarsl Ifewell B. Wood- worth of Byrseuai^ H. T. Profetaor Will­iam C. Armftreag, historian of New Jer­sey toclety. to nisde chslmiaji of me- mortol rommitlee. to ro-operate with three member* of Dsecesdente of Ih* Blgner* of ib* DoetorsUoa of Indepen­dence la the prepafstloB o t a naemonal vidusM of th* a ig ssn .

H r* eommltlee* at* o rg sn ln tle s for Paeiflo Coaat. WeaUrs oouniry. Middle ■Ulaa Kaw Bhgtosd sad th* floutb are sa***a, ana elgoroua alforta ato lo ha mad* tor InetosalBg tha n»mb*rahlp of lb* aoetolr. From Oclobrr R to November M. lU new meaabera w*T* enrolled, of which thtrlebn nr* creditod lo Haw Jer- aap*

A reaolnlinn on natlonsl prapstodnea*. bivoRng th* plan, to to ha aant to pu th* atot* aaqleU** for thair apptwesL

Wne* October 1 forty names havo baen •gdtd lo necrology Hat. Thas* of New ja n a r apolety arai Oaorge B. Callen, No. vtiphor I; Ortoadn X. CondU. Octobor tdi ansttto'f}. PutMua, Oetobor 1, -Hm editor of Th* BuUatlh, .A, Howsrd Clark, aaorc- M r aonanil. In hla nnnnuneonienu. apaaha »t th* thtr ly at vonth nannst oon- graas to h* hald |n Mewsrh pato Hay.

Sev«rml hundred of our higher priced suits have been added to the showing of m en’s sack suits

> R e d u c e d to425

P om er prieaa S3S, 138, $32, $30 and $28

A generous allotm ent of plain blue end black fabrics included.

B r o k a w B r o t h e r sM k x Piece & RwrthAiantte

'N e w Yorit.

P r o c t o r * # P a l a c eBiurtoit Io r VAtjowfiM o r iia l K - Am «ri(

H lO llE t t T T P * - - ,Mata, l i (4 and 4 ID K*»t>inn. i}l Rea' vsd M a li lit odvoiM}#. (*Hon« f 44f |||To d a y —a l e x a n d k k k id o . v a n ^ftt’ftENOK. HARRY II LKATCRjl.l'CaB a LVCILlaK. KOLR « KAX-UARi*i HOWARD w rfK k N ; ’Of* HUklJAND/’ OTHSR EXCLUHi PFATrRi:9.

lt» r i4 a re a M f t iu ra q a ra Im n ic lrif Fn treon l a M treax> 14c, (• i l a

Pleaelrtff P r* lu 4* o f F i lm T r lw m p ls open I and T ffharfL

IK EEN EY 'S MATl 10*11 EVC8. IS

BF.MT V A tH R III.IO hROW IN A FOR m r iffliiatYa

The Rote of %ala rXfoal " — "4'm HoiMtHeN a aeOirlaar

Uorrx l-e*(ef tk fo* <"MMryih;i M laortiBiae I

F a r ^ a a**#—Th ,

ct/Vi i*’n iMoi£lMi w H3®

lV in x { G :K * S 4WuhlBf(«a asd Hirkel. 'n tp a M t '

Hattaeoa Doilr,STAR and QARTER SHOW

^(lnsf e - ! -


"AI Horatofa i .•TTie (lr«»4 I ___

Wweh X>ac, 'Fulilea «f (ha DajT

T v O R W ’ SPprintneid Av«.. Bear Hl|l$ it .

reRRNHA A N rl.L .RtiiAer* i l i - l> a x < iH r Rare.

A tr^ d O lM C T *»- AM.


"The flanrih.' O—(Rtier Aet»


Cl)rl$titia$D I D i r D l i r c t r e a t e r o r g im w l . 'r k n n r U U a t rniusTM Ai M A tn m



VMto IMweMor to S ia lw.lir*. Citorislto UVIagatoR;of t l Ninth m m to ytototaf a t th* hsiM a t har

StiMMto. lb* . s 7 $ . Wwrtwtoto. la Sat- toh, whato I N wW dpaad Um CMatotoa

. ' " l i l iM to jj

Maw*ato cftr Btoittat 'toiMliML aiiaai Mri i i i a - „_^l*,*l,mtoJtotoieto

Mr*. WdtoHntth I to m " i t o a i

OM to-'toiajUto Btoh la.Itili 4 t |r

A Big Fresh Stock of

B d l e m t a d $ w u i $in Beautiful Packings

30c to $10joWeaeapCT>ajwoifieaMif.si?i.'VtA.?-.'-a

None Quite So Good

Also Page & Shaw, Mary Garden, Etc.

Free Delivery Within 100 M iles o f Newarkjiaapodqooioiodiooecwoogioooffoodtioooofloodjooottjijoodmoevjaia'joooooe

h r a n e n ’ s P h i u i i i i K yBroad and Market Streets

Rcserre Your Tablts for tbe Menuter t’antival Dance

and CabaretN o th in * ever acan In New ark Ilk *

ll Pamotia S-pInvo protvaaor H la lj bile O rclica lra and 13 profcwlonal a n t* r ta in -r * from Hli.ck A B arry- mora. New V ork » IU c n ia rU In a ll night (o r beiicnt of our patrong. W * w ill * * r '« * m ldn lah l clambaka or New Vaar'a dinner, the llnrat that monay w ill huv; B H lIafactW guar*ntei-d. Includ ing dinner, w ith admiaalun fo r your tabic.

$ 2 P e r H e a d . $1Ha.ndm n# Jew el Case to

tody and « i# fa n t leal her pocketFw ^ for ia n llo m a n ; aU o niintcroya o tlM f f in s a t

KJUSERHOFG arden R estauroitt

an d D an ce H a ll'The Aneat and largeat of Ha hlnA

In th * * t * te ; capacity. M M . ^

231 W ashington SL ~Ta l. U M W aH tel A tlo r g W. M . ^

— ^

No Ruse in Piice for Op C h rb tn iR S D in iw

■SftlftT jMit I'hwlS r

Va.arUI Miwa ew nsuli Mane labta 4'lwta 4laiiW| a bwda af wise, (or ' M.toSr. M.. e '■t*a» ■'

Cturlotasiaa Dap

TBEUBERBOFUIDi:» » Mhfto A N r XO# i-'i



i i W Di; Inum a Ik leekf Haaie Wu Tintd htg I krtmi, WakhM Giukd Ik SImm Setdtn


t iK t ^ *>*■n i fr*t*i te r* • t (imri*


AM it



■ay I I . ■■

w i m aiM «r aU. tMf«* fairly boafkt and aold

fair fawn did low.I itail nf t[i* didtha a (a it nithing faa*.

Aw Mckt k i t Ilttla of tiM iMiat.A4 aatraa a caaaal ataaaa will e a tt

On airaa aa daag kaltw; w latty daada a rt maanialn vaat

Fm a vlwra our tauatalaa Bow. T k i gratd ot gain, llM chaat af pawar. Ahaarfe tha oaaa af (ha Many.And In lk« hurry af u a ir kind.Whan all l» h fnnrard—faw bahind—

Wha haa tlina Far rana Mbilma.

That haard iba Ula of anargyOt a daap bnriad anatatryTBnt wa hiva ba lu r th aag b ta my

And gist Iba atrllb far wwrldly anda, Chaatantd by hallawad naisorlaa:

PandlnB w att adr rtra ran t aaaraa Bark I____; »a aar prlnigl aanraa.Thwa tmtafblly to lay What affarlng af anr gralaa wa may. ttoen thair (aatb* Who apad (ha way For fh t inarah af lha m ighty boat Of lb# madam Data and baaat •nab banuga ba K anra l« gay!—At laaat tor ana brighi day.

not and lath la wiga war again ti man nr rad man. yal thay alrailfatilv | malnlslntd Ibair rlgh lt In |wa; tfu l tini'- anlta In faar a t Q«d and lo o of humaully. I

II waa wall that a rflrtra had harn rhoaan at lha Aaguat p a l in g . Ihimi aftar rumora wara lifa nf Indian dapia- ! dalloaa. Heatlla trll>aa from a dlaianra wara rraalinn ananaa of daaaatatlon, I within aaay ditiwnoa af Nawarh. «o - graat waa tha nannarn for lawn aarurlly < that a maallng waa rallad Haiilanibar ■ ft, t i l l , whan a mollna praratlad “thai If wa ara dtalrad to loin wlih o th 'r Tawna la aand Man ta tha Indiana lo damind lha nahhara, that wa aheoM 1 aand Urn wlih Ibam “ J

CondUlona wara ail'alrr a firr thia. II a find nn rrmrd of • man'a Jninhig th" nro. roaad piinltlvr (nrrr. Knrthar ranablrri- |lon waa glirn Innn protn'IU>n whan Ihia Uain waa adnalrd;

■'ll waa alan by Ihr m aglalralt'a ar- dar pirhllBhrd, that In mnaldaratloo of lha Pmaant Dangar, and faar of what may torthar atiant, H’a do lharafora ra<nilra that avary llan In cur Town, undar Bill* and alniva Blaiaan Tanrt of aga, ahat) maat Ingalhar with thair anna wall n-i- ad. upon Eight of tha tloak on tha firat day of Oclohar, whirh la Ihia day Banlghl, Bpon tha Frnilly of Bra Bhlttlnga. “ a AmmnnKlon for rorh Uan In hrtng with him tiding Half a Pound of Powdrr. and Twrtra Bollata, fll for hla gnn. or Two l ^ d a of Platoi Ihillru and upon that Day tha goldlara ihalt chnaa lha raat nf thair ofnoara."


P BACBABLT pgrchaaad wwa th«iMd gpoa which our town wng HItlad, yal hoatita Indiana #p>

panpbd now and than In adlolnliig prow- Inaag nnd thrMtanad nartm l timag (o Inrgg# Sggt Janty. Karly In (ha (own’a taraar tha nulborlllaa (alt tha naad af Maparadnaas ngalntt paaalhtg ntiaab. Training Dny wna aalabllihad an libf n , tITi, and tor a eantnry»nd a half (hit papular towa holiday waa bhaarrad m th mncB tha aama aart

m indapiad anoaa t Inddraat paw Uwtra tiny abdt rvnnaaa

Trgialng Dar af blamad aaamaryl Wha af our cltltaiia y tt ramambar whana«y MIHIa natamblad tor raarly (ra in ­ing In antty Jnna—t in t Thandny to r nmngnay, wdond Taaaday far yagtmantT W hat a toy it waa ta parttolgaat gad

: antadfcartBigb and glrla wang aarly aatir an

TntoJng Dnya draaaad la Bandar riftbat. randy tor tba y llltg a g taan wbar* th* ntMItrt wtra ta 'Train.'* All gmrk ottMd abent th* farm and w ark- PbM Tnatbt and maMaaa nrarn la- taitoitad la ana anothar than la aai- d tow maaaMivtra w n n ta ra i about wUU tba aidambly waa mada aad plallim ianad far aU arir pdania ga rMiffh board bancbM prarldad by tha

^ATtba town Mttflng aa Hay H . IITI. i t tro t "Agrtad agon tbad tha t tb of iua* Ndit dball ba forthwith Pahllthad fo r arary M d itr that day to apiMar a t th ah a a t of lha dram, to dhaw hla Arma na4 Ammualllaa. and to gpand th a t day in Badrclblag thair Arma. aa thay pbiti Agiaa ■mang Thaawalran; andor th a tran a ltr of t a *d. to r Ahataon. aad an i tn n a r P raa ltr 'i Agraad u p m far hollig dafaotlrt la thair Arma—and thgT ao mat bball hara fuU paw ar to AMoInt aaalh tr day af H a a t la g - '^ d to l ifW tba Wattor af lha BanaAroM

10 Ido*tor.ltha carrying of A m i to anF 'rardH ig on tha r.erd'a Day D aring


thaT tato af Pnhileb a ia talto ; wMah Inth a ' Tawn’a mlad and ordar th a t It a h j ^ ^ h b Btrlhly Qbaaryd and At-

n a a r ly day aIh ttra in in g grauad waa n aat lha frag panA That aitm orahla fifth day af Jnnt, tho ( I n t tim a la Ito U atary (hat tba town tarnad au t In M Id ay a tllrt! What a to la o in j^ p p y tIma aar aawatora nhtortdt M riah aa wara iaada in gaing th raagh th a m arr-

.malitb aa dbubt, aad adwa a t th a abanaa tM g barn batn m lrtb-rroyahlag, but Ipiaw warn paaaad e«ar In aarionaataa i i« iP that ddy till IIM tba paaN# nf

1 Wawarii wara arar aa tba laakau t ' attaf*T. thaagk a t timaa did aavarai

aha of p tattakU eondtUana ptayatl an alarm to dlaturh th a dally

IMutlna It w u an a n of fran tla r U fa tha haginnint of a ntw e la iH utlon , and hgrdahipa wara andurnd th a t peatarity m ight praflt.

Tratolna Dny owtoara.Tralnina Day w u hald aa nauat an

th a d ra t Tnanday la Jana, liT l, whaa It WM fennd aaeaaury to hava parm anant aM earn aad adt to dapand upon tha u - Ipatlaa of eammaadanl apd aaotatantn a t tha Uma • ( tn in ing , aa It w aa da- aldad a t tha maaDaf on Aujrnni tb to aalatt panaantat military offloarn.

t ia u lia an t lamual iw am a and Tham- aa lahnaan, tha la ttar knapor nf tha IW dlaili or tavarn, wara aoiaeiad eap- tglBA Bargaant Ward and Joalah W ard Muitoaanta. g a rg u n t H arriaoa aad ’K r.” Bamuat Hantaan aanigna Though duly laatallad la thair a tatlaaa wa haw# ■a raaard af thair u n r l a u In aaUan with an aaamy. ItoritM a raaaon, par- h a ^ gtnaraJa a n t oolontla a ra not tdaatlflad with our galaalal biatery. Oga Parltaa tolbtra. bowavar, had a ■ggh g ru ta r fight on thair handa than wpgiag warfara sgalaat a human an- amy. n a l r apara tiaia w u naagad In fld h tin r tha davIL W llU at thay wara

Hlaa Phlllp’t Wav.n ao ftr thraairnvd ih t (own In th» war

batwcrn tloHand and Englanil. which tn- fulfod our pnvinrc of E u t Jrraoy, tral- tn tn a tha Pnmrlrlori and lu r in g lha rUfItatSM Ni FFiUUtlti* handt.

Ptaoc w u rvatorMl la due rourta. »n*l ao wrra the Prnprlrlnri. T h t f>»ti-h worn In power from July 1*1, I a ll , llll Oorcr- nor rartatat atain rtanintcl auftinHly at hla KUiatiotk Town haadoitaiirra, on No- I vember I. ttTt, Anothar alarm w tt ■ounded aad aaothtr war waa In piw- Part la Auruat, t i l l , TIM looal vnidlara wrra nol nnptapaiad for an alarm. Ite- porta had beta braaght Into town nf In­dian u ^ f ta g a King Philip and hit In. dIant had btea on th t waryalh In New Ragland. Ntlthborlna eolonlatt wen patiliw thrDUta a tcourga of Indian hatrad and It aalgbt ba B u t Jaraty'a turn nail. Haart-rtDdlng a to iiu of while paa- pla maaaaertd by Indiana wara vividly told by atafaring men naumhled a t lha Ordlury. King Philip, li w u aald, waa toat "narmlnt" up to hla woth of u larm - InatlPB lha whlta aian. tnri “thara waa no tailing when it would and or whera."

Ob ena particular day. tha I tth of Auguat. th# town dn;mm*r waa itn t aloBf tha hlthwayw b u tla a hla drum furlaualy. Tha town, now In Ita tenth yaar, w u an ordarly community, <»n- aladag of about thraa tnora and Ian tauUdlnaa of varloua daacriptloaa. taav- lag plow In (arrow, axa by wood plla and apada la irouad. all man of mIliUry aga pntcaadtd ta tha Maatlng llouae. Plraarau wart carried hy a faw. aa they had b a a aUa to pauat a t fcitrhea door and hurrfadly labt thair awurd or gun from Ita placa by tha hrarthatona. Cdhara, aot having lima to atop far Dm- nrmov had atout ptacaa of wood, opcar- lag roda and virlaua Implaniantt of toll.

Tho C hnaa a f a i l r a uCaptain Bwalna, a t tha town maatlng

called upon IHt day, iirgad proper prep- taratlon aaalnat ilw in d lau . Unanlmout waa lha aamlmant for bulwarking lha Muting Houu, and tam ing It Into a foTtraaa, whara all tha vlllaga folfe might repair In eaaa of aa attack. "It'a agnwd that Uia Maatlng Moum abgJI bo ipthad." raada lha Drat Itatn a*toptnd, "and ba rillad ap with Btoaa and Mortar b*l<>w th# OIrlt. and Ih# Charge hereof thall ba lavlad u tha Town ahall Agree."

"Item—ft la alao agroed for the bat- tar Securlly of lha Town, all ihe Men abova Blalew TcaraMf Age. ehall froin Day ta Day u their Turn# come, at- t a d Ihle Work about the bfeailng H au u till It be rinlahed, and bring tbeir Arma with Ihein. Twelva Men la appointed la appear In a Day."

Provlalan had been neglected (ar au- paiwlBlag efflctala ao a m eeting waa callad <» Baptember la and tha da- fact remadled In thIa m anner;' 'Tt la agraad that two Men of theee Twelve which are la come according to thair Turna, ara ehaun ta ba O v a rau rt ta appoint (ha Work, and to taka Notice wha la wanting." The work progm eed a little more emoothly a fte r (hla, but It needed town authority to ettabllan dirialora of the work. Method, even


C l


3A f T K t V U lM IT T o f i k t T«AtM1MO CvieOUMD L O O K S TO D A Y .

ttTt, but anothar apring found (ba Purl Ian honict aUndlng aa aeourely aa aver

Aa lha old y u r drew la a cloaa an account of war ntularlal atock waa taken and a deftclancy found. Are wo not patting through a almllar e ip e rl. once todayT John tA'ard, turner, de­clared that powder and ball were well- nigh exhaueted. Un r<dl lall, an alaym- Ing rondltlon w u dlerovered. Scaroaly a man had enough ammunition on hand ta keep away wolvea, let alone human enemlea. Actlaw taw erd reiaadylng tha defect waa taken:

"John Ward, turner, le chaean to pro. cure a Barrel af Powder and L u d Anawertbla to tt, u rraeanahly u ha can for the Tawn'e uea; provided that Ihe Town pay him once wllhin the week In t'orn. Fawla. Egga, ar In any way ta u tla fy him."

Tba Night W a ta .Walch waa provided (or In the yaar

1IT1, thut: "For tba battar taru rliyof Ihe Town, It la agraed to bava a W alch kapt In the Town, Three In a Night, at toma Houae appollHed by (he nnrgenta and one of ih t Three to Bland t'anlry, one a t on* Time and u - other at ano lh tr; and at tha break of Day or lliarealMnla all Three af them to be walking, th a t If there be Danger II mey be timely dlerovered and pre­vented, and ebeut half an hour after Deybraak to ra il the Drummer, and he le to beat the Drum. It la alao agraed lhat one-Fourtb Part of the Town a t a Time and to Taking their Turna abail carry arma to Meeting on the Lord'a Day—and (wo to ward, and two (a atand reotry ."

Th* drummer wna ralird out a t h r u k of day to aound hla drum for th* pur- pot* ot frightening any haatlla Indiana lurking about town. It waa tha favor-

bound traffic on the Main I,lna, and lha Public Harvlee had to aand out a wreck­ing craw to ramovo tha machlna (rewi Uia tracka It waa badly damaged. Heceiitly a touring car went onto the track! In a log.


In hurried preparatlona far u feg u ard - Ing hamea w u ever a Puritan trait.

Rafarring again to th* Auguet t t m*etlng; "It la agraed that (wo Flanokcra thall be made a t two fo r- Para ot th t Meeting Houee with Pall, ■adre or tltockadea; and the Charge of all thia Work lo he horna by Ih* Paraana and Etiataa as belonga to tha Town."

One of tha good "brothera" near th* and of the meeting wae minded ta apMk of ayatemattc w atrhing, and “It la agreed that all (he Home Loita aa balanga to thia Town watch according to thair Turn, aa well tboee aa are net Inhabited ae thoe* that are."

j Many alaapleaa nlghle came to Pun- tan famlllta In the tall and winter of

F a s h i o n ’s L a t e s t !N«w and Beautiful


Women*s Skating Shoes

F in t Appearance in Newark at the Marehall & Ball Store

Thete most fashionable of Skating Shoes may now be had here in white, black and tan tn alt wanted siies. They stand 9 indies hJA, arc reinforced over the

naiive padded tongues.

T h e P r i c e l a

•6 .5 0

a 0 7 o i i a B r e e d S t , N e a r M a r k e t ^ N e w e r k

|t€ hour ehoMn Ly Ytidl«n« for attaok | upon Mttloro' homeo. «nd It lo borofy peasibte IJiOt rovlnr benda hovlbs d«> iifn* upon ««rlr Newark of two OiB* lurU* and a half Afo. war* d«t*rr*d from contemplated raids by our id v a drummaf.

Nervous tramora ran through the town durlri< long winter night*, and ewan anowatorma, tending graat banka Into drift* many feet high abova tha maatlng houM did not dlaalpata tha aver presant fear of Indian Itivnalon. Wtfl awar* of tha Indian habit of »p- panring at ntinriae, the watch waa moat alert at tha glram lng «f early morn, walking etaaUhlly along Broad otraat and Market atraal. peering Intently Inward lha pine foreata around. Cecil* Blonally tha group on guard aaniad out Into tha night, going northward aa far •a Ihe corn ndD «at Clay gtraeO and ■outhwnrd to William ^'amp'K Bear Yeln- mln Park of our day The wgtehara’ only light waa a tallow candlOi anugly placad In a lantern, end aandlng a faint ray herdly a man'a length nbe*d.

In our forthoonilng p ag fiP t there will b<* no dlatraaaing scenaa of wom­en and children purauad by redman. Tm thia let na he grateful to th* ngi* lance and the fallhfulnaaa to duty of the Purilan foundara


Unteaa Leuli floffman of IT Ylldge* wood avaniii paya up within ten daya approalmalaly IIOD alimony arrearage! ha win find (he Jail poriala atandiug Invitingly open. Tha i«-n day*' grwc* waa ifcordad to him yaai«rday by Vice Chancellor fltevena, after K. Oarflald Gifford# rapraaenting Mr*. Hibecca Hofman, who Uvea In South Tenth ftreat. got through lelUng how the huaband had alwaya bean babind In hla paym*n(*e with the rtiu lt that yaatar* day's waa the third contempt proceed* Ing itartad agalnal him alnoa hU wife brought a aaparal* malntananca ault.

Tha alimony order, which waa made by Vica rhatioallor AMevana, originally directed Hoffman to pay | l a week for Ihe support of hla wife and two daugh* tars, thar both under aixtaan yaara of aga. For noti-compHanc* with 1ti terms tha man waa brought Into court otK a rule to ahow causa, when aoma masBura of adjuiimant rasuUad. In July ha waa again cited Into court In anothar contempt procaedlngi and this lima Vice Chancallor Emery let tha m atter go over until Saptembar on condition that tha t i payment* ba mada meanwhile.

In Eeplember the ca»e again came up before Vice Chancellor Btavans. who radurad fhe alimony (0 I t a weak, hold­ing that Inaamach a* one of Ihe daugh-* tars had reached her ilxleanth year •ha waa *'capab[s of aupportldg her* •elf."

According to Mr Gifford, the elder daughter had ahortly befor* obtained a position a t fl.2B a week, bul had lost I It almost at once# when it waa learned that she was not quits sixteen.

At yealerday’s hearing Philip J. Warihawflky In vain pleaded poverty In behalf of the recalcitrant hua­band.

SEAL KITATK TRA N ircRS.The following deeds were fU*d ya*t*r«

day In the county register*! offlo*: NKWARS.

George C Uagulra to Edward Duggan, ; Kinney at l id ft * fr Tylar at. Iddx

That h* haa r*foaed to rccogntsa the ] Church of 8t. Anthony, recently organ- lied In Hackensack by a number of member* of 8t, Mury a Church# th a t clly, waa staled today by Blahop O'Connor According to IN* latter, the r*w*on for founding the new chnrck waa that the memberR are not aatUfled with tliodlo- ceean rules. Work on the foundation of th* n*w church, which ta a t Broad­way and Lodi atreet, Hackeneacl^ baa been started.

DiHhop O'Connor declared that tha church la Incorporated as “The Old Catholic Church of 8i. Anthony/’ which hs averred* la a "achlamatlc church th<it dates hack aa far as the Vatican Coun­cil.'* The membora of th* new church profaaa to ba under Archbishop Vllatta of Green Bay. Wls* according lo tha hlahop.

Tt was asserted hy Bishop O'Connor that tba new church 1* an Independent one. Learning of ihe action taken by the former parlahloiiera of HI. Mary’a eburctv, lha lildhop wrote to Itav. J. F. Dolan, rector of the la tte r church, stating that the new church le without due authority, am! that the organlsara have cut (heinselvai off from com- munlofi In ths I'athollo Church, wbloh, ha wrote, "deprlv** iham of the *aor*- manta durthg lira and of ChrlitUD burial after death."

In agplaliitng his latter today, tha btihop said (hat "they eaoommunlcata thamaalvas by becoming Independent. It ta cuetotnary to sand such s latiar tn order to 1st the parishioners kn*w tba truth In lha m atter In order that ao oaa will be decalvad.**


When an .utomobll* moving van owned by x N*w York <mnc«rn ran onto (he privel* rtglil of w»y of lb* Publlo Hervlr* Rellway Company off North Broxd Btr**l In (he Lyone F*rmo **c- (ton ot H1IIbI*I* ahortly befor* 0 o'elook !■•( night, (hr** men on th* *eat vror* bump*# off. They foil on th* trelloy (raekt, nnd Berry Bnunden, n m am ba of th* firm that own* the truck, *Ht- (gfneo n frgotur* of tha right grm. Ho w u ( o k a to tho RltBobotb Qtnoral HoaptUI. Th* other two 'eernpod with errateheoi' WllHnm arahgoi, lk« ehouffour, w U xrrattod by 8t*t* Motor Vohicl* Inipoo- lor Abram r . Morris for rack leu drlv- (UBi Ho w u arrotgood botora JuailO# of th* Pagea Arnold F. Habho OM fln*d |14, which h* paid.

The auto hod b*M to nogollo witb •oiM fu rn ltu n , and w u roturniiiB to New York by way of tlile city. At tiM eouth end of IhO Publlg •ervloo r lfb l- o(-woy the ehouffeur, opporaatljrUmlllor with thg r o ^ , kept otrMjiMohond Inettod of lam ing with t h * ___(0 th* left. After lu v ltig th* rood tho bu m p in g of tho auto over th* traoh* joBilvd th* man from th* a*«t. Th* a r caught In U* tracka u id oioppod.

A oIUm b Intormod Mr. u ir tta , who nMdad nearby, and hg want to ‘ •wmo. Tho nirto « a a

a a EItT . t t .

F ran ria E H e«tb «t Uk to E bar H A t­kina, e a Broad at * t * w cor land B C V u N ia t. I t x t I . t l . '

william J Wo*Bi*t>dlek et ok to New­a rk Bny Bmalting A R afln lng Co, a w ro r jW m re rk 'a land , inaoaow land. P lum Point, Tt Ik* x Tl Ika, ond o ther trai-t, 11.

l,ora Lehrhnff and hue to Bamu«l B«bor*hy. w ■ MagnoBo at U f t n D lot Frank lf*nt*. Itxino, f t .

C hrlatopher Blaberaon e t a la to M ag­dalen* N'eldharl, w a Hobaon a t l i t ft n f r ghaw ov. lO i ta t . I t .

Ramiial A*b*raky to David Bebcraky w a Mognollt at in ft n D land Frank Ham*. U tion. {1.

Rllubeih H Poraon* ta Nathan X*m*1 at ol. trua, n w cor Elm nnd Bram at*. STxTt. I t .

E lix tb tth B aring to Jaco b Jayaon, n , l l t b av I to f t * f r Wood a t, t t x H . and o ther trac t, t l ,

N athan Danlach a t ux to T h n m u D B n rrl *t Ox. a * Elm t l ItT . f t * ( f Po- rlflv at. IT x lt, | I . |

Ixnila* A niedenfald t* KatbnriTm Mar- tlnka , w a n in to n pi 401 f t a f r Haw* I horn* »v. l l x t l t , f l .

Louie Fox r t ala to Qrgc* B F a tw , • * C harlton a t 10* f t • f r Bpnie* a t I t x 100. t l

iVUIltm p ra rk m an n a t a x to B ernard J Relil) . n w aor C arroll an d W lllet at*, Illx IF ia . and n thar trac t* , t l .

Ralph B Hchmklt (aherlffl to Ocorg* C Haldem an, n a C ottag* a t i l l f t n a f r M ulberry at. T tx ll . $ 1 « « .

A ton to Church, apee m at. to M ary Bkally, f , M cW horter a t dO f t * fr O ar- den at. toxlT . 11.000.

M ary J Lyona to P a tq u a l* Pagan*, a a A d tm t a t tlO f t a f r n r r y at, to xto. ft.

W ett Knd Homeatead Co t* H t r r r Srh lrffenhava, w a M orria a v I f f f t n f r Springfield av. TtilOO, f l .

H ex Olm an t l ux to David H ia a e t ux. * 1 s ITIh et m f t n (r I t t h av , t l x 101). t l .

OUTRIDE OF N EW A R K .Fhlletnon W oodruff, exr. to A uguet

rbaiiio, 8 O ra n p , a w a TiUou rd

l . t » : ft n w fr Ridgewood rd. IJO lS lI .lu n

Auguat d c h la rb tu m et ux to W illiam A K iru ee llr , 8 Orgnga, u m e proparty , t l .

F rank 11 H oorniann e t tix lo H ym an M aron, Hlorimfleld, x a Bloomflald av 41 (I w fr ( Iro v t at, (0x100. 11.

E b -r II A th lu . exr, to F rancl* « Ileatli. K Drang*, n a C en tra l av 401 f t * (r H a rr |i« n at, lO itlO . f t .

A rth u r D r u n e r t ux to 8*m u*l .f llelm ae. E O range, n a a F e m w -u ^ rd !Sn ft a * fr Olenwood av. ,0x1 ST. f l

Neill* H Sla.vboek et al lo M argaret M urray, U o n trta lr . n a ro r P a rk at and A lexander tv , llS x lS g . f l .

F rank Schoner el ala tn H enry tm lden. Nutlev, e e K a ie l >t 14S f t w fr P a e u w tv . ftilO O . f t .

Jam e* M erheri H and e t « i lo Leonard Ilolnw* *t ux, Irv ing ton , e ■ O range av a t n w cor lot G«org* Garwood, 44X 110. I t .

r 'l r lm iro Baplenaa e t u x (o Max M arl, Irvliiglnn. * a Colt et I.SIO f t • f t C o t­tage It, lOxtOO, f l . \

John Randall el ux tn l a r r L C rana, W Orange, w , Eagle Rook av a t n * cor lend Mary E llenvIUe. i ] i x t 4 l , I I

8am * lo ram*. W Orange, i w h Eagle Rock rd I oh SS Ik , w fr A W illiam* ve il, 3 acre*, and o th e r tra c t. II

M ary L C rane to 8up|* R tiida il, W O r­ange, u m c property. I I .

Sam e In SuKle Randell. W O range, w i Eagle Rock av a t n e cor M ary K R en­ville. l l t x T t l . M

Em il II FIrk Inger et ux tn M ontclair R ea lty A Oonat i.'n. M ontclair, a e Mid­land av and a a lend b tra ig b t. TO xIti, s '

C tr l F B ide et ux to Chart** F Riel*, M ontclair, n ■ Van V1*ck al a t a * cor land C F Blele, 31X5T, f l .

Em m a I, Owaton lo H enry J Bauer, 8 O range, t , Eurlld av 191 f t w f r R idge­wood rd, BflxISB, f t .

Jatne* H Moor* e t ala to Joeepbln* M Rueeom anuo, Bloomfield, e m Bloomfield av t i t l l t fr Orange et. InxlSO. IS.ngi)

E va L M rf'lellan and hue to Bevale L > McClellan, E Orange, e • S teuben et lOk i ft ■ fr Hui»ex »v, ISxlSO, I I . I

Joaepli Schecdel et ux to LHy Crellp . and hue. Trvtnxlon. c , R herm tn pi 100 1 ft t f r Clinton av, *4x100. f t .

Lily Crelin and h u , to Daley Taylor, > Irv lneton . e t Hberman pi TS ft ■ fr Clin­ton t r i tlXlOO. t l .

Daley T aylor c t *1 to Lily C rtU n and hue, In ln g to n , eam e property , f l .

cg y o ta u o n

Th i s model o f th e A eolian-V ocaL ion, and the n e w sty le D a t $35» b o th possess th e d is tinc tive tone for

w h ich th is w ondcifiil new phono­g rap h has a lread y becom e fam ous.

In richness, d ep th and beauty o f tone, in fiillness and volum e, in carry ­ing pow er for dancing, in ability to reproduce th e su b tle qualities th a t distinguish different instrum ents and voices, and in freedom from phono­graph stridency , th ese n ew models o f the A eolian-V ocalion establish an e n tire ly n e w s tandard fo r phono­graphs o f m oderate price.

A e o l ia n -V o c a l io n sCOST FROM $35 TO $2000

Moderate Monthly ^Payment$Conventional modelx, without the Gnduolk, from (J5 to ITT; witbtheGnduoIa.IlOOtollTO. Art Style* from UTTtipwutk

O/Jcn Eveningi.focaHon Rt'citals from eight to nine.


re t 4ssHs* OsaNMf

W h e n t h i I r i f C o m p e ff r e c e iv e r H U . It w * s W o u ld re o * l' Kow, hovev k e n d ie m e di f h m m s r ln t - t h e r s t e t e t in c u rre d by tee.

The erect t l^ e ilo n s in« tUe fu n d * In v in e d >iy U« lo w L n if Iw u f i t i n t (h e i e r e d lie r s .

A t th e om «*ed1nc« s e n te d W lIli p r c t ld e n l of se q u en t ly r r e iv e r a ndc r 'e d lh g a We K>sti} e n d ih m ade fo r 111 I t w s« h« el (h K t ihfi ' on The d u lU

T h e b a iih r o i f t n c t n w i n f n n d r io them. Hie a b le a n d th th^ JA e K so f New Vorh J local cimtrH

R'liA r r u r d l i i f

la f t f r r r e Arti on hend o f o b l l f AttOll*(. • h rou tri to f h rh e ld i»y i h r B u w frj e tr held he«‘k Lo forde f whirti in fif ty df^iUre a lio due.

In f iR u r i i hy fhi; (rU8i Tint In c tu d fr Inro ( |p«cM fl due llif* iru i t i it n t ij Io«r le n * r a s k r r a ie r it nU' li sn ifiu i’f a !• f in a ih laJI'<pIlOKf-d Ml I

The i< iU i y:efrT. e Ade1ni#tof.-n 4T< fh*' rnktli'T.

Tli4k|*r »■ a th e HiiMiuni

e th e • f >c f lhf?li iiiH r e r tn tn of g from Lite t i Upon (he I p * \e m o n t 1 euh*ronlra-’

T h r r r f r i th e n-TitfUni

Il•4l:ida1f ae p n*( t h is ep( I f i ia f f t t 'n e I h F ir in ie r i t ln g e n l r l« i

K* r»The rTedi

th ia e rh en u 0 « e of the

WHIrid p r lufl 1 a m o u n t due re fe re e eel*' a t (h a t tiM i

TV lie n Me asked If 11 a« irualer hr had in ]

■ f r f l, t ip r "IH i e.'h fii "i*n lh a

A* th e nn mleeloiva o] L e f f e r t e le to th e a a la te o f t |L 0 « a -« : \t

MORTOAdRa following mortgages also WaraThe


Eher TT Athlne to Henry Weber, e i Broad et H i fl a w fr Harvey St. IfS.

Mary flaelly to Industrial B * L, e • McWhorter »t 80 ft s fr Garden at. bl.lOO.

Annie T Tlghe and hut to Fourteenth Wsrd B A L, • a Finlay pi m ft w fr Vail Bt, and other tract, 11.004,

Pasqualo Pagano et ux to John Duffy, e B Adama st 4I& ft a fr Ferry at, and other tract# I BON

Why Not Give

F oo tw ear fo r X m as

'W* fugxegt S lippen, J a l l f t i .ibb - - - .Kpiiiem, Rubber Bwti tfld SHOES. Snieci litre from tht IgriMt itock gad complete ragortment of liiet.

2 ? L S T . 7Sc lo 2 .00l«d fa ' SIlHcn Md Jallttg, both

triamwd.. 75c t o 2.00Md Jallttg, both

C hlM m ’g SliM Brt. .10* to ll.OB 1 for boyi in d |l iU ,Rubbtr Bool^

complete tiiw tt popblti irtcHT To tb o M wtto Im v* ygt to try thtlr

flrat ptlr of TBED-IITB SHOES- w* a y —“Buy • p*ir of TfBd-Rlta- Tou w l glwiy* bt ftgnkful for tht coiRfort gild «M tbw glim yo«r fggt—md prtvgfit ill nm alliMtiig. Trod-Wta gra f«r Mim, tfomen and ChltdrwL *

^ a u o m a n


J Button Work* to Eleventh AVgrd B A L, n w cor Morrt* tv tnd .New *t, 11(1,000.

lltrry gcblffFnbtu* et t l to Norrolk B & L w • Horrl* tv 131 ft n (r kprlnf- rield tv, 14,100.

Went End llomettetil Co to etm*. w t Morria tv tOT ft n fr Bprlngtldd tv,• 4.200.

Rome to atme, w e Morrli *v 111 tl n fr Hpringfleld tv, 1 1 ,000.

Mtrto Wlnltcb tnd but to Jullui Mul- tor, w ■ 8 ttb *1 634 ft t fr Central tv13.000.

Frank D* PtaoutI* «t ux to Howard 8tv Init. w * Llttleto)) 4v 1(4 ft s tr Itth tv. 14,400.

|.:dwgrd D ufitn to Qeorg* C Mtgulra• ■ K Kinney *t 240 ft a fr Tyier a t 13.T4«.

Rber If Atkina to William T 8emer- vllle, e * Brotil t t 141 ft * fr lltiiry *L11.000 .

8* in* lo Franrla E Heath, atm* prop­erly, 1400

Patrick J Qtul *t ux to Edward Bart, w ■ 8 tih at 400 ft a fr tn angle, 11.400.

Max 8lmoo rt ux to Wlliltni U Btrk- hoin Co, e a 8 ITtb *t 1T4 ft n fr 14th *v. 1140,

Mtgdairnt Meldhtrt tnd hu* to Will­iam Blnhrnxon rt n1, w ■ Itobaon at 214 ft n fr Hhaw t r . |I0A.

Lent Trnper tnd hut to Roatvill* B R I., w a H n th tl 210 ft a (r l l th tv , 1404.

Ellxtbeth Hum tnd liua to Oeorg* «>lngtrt *t u*. 11 a Ann at 100 ft w fr Hamburg pi, tnd other tra c t tIOO.

littlite Vorigl et ux to WItlltm E HrImeUtdter, e e S ISlh t l £0 ft n tr 14lh tv. 12.300.

N tthtn Zemrt el t l to Ttnth Ward B IA L. n w cor Elm tnd Bman alt, tnd other trac t 14.000.

N tthtn Beniavli at ux to Court Boa** n A U a a Elm al 317 ft * fr Pacific tl. 16.100.

Katharln* Marllnkt to Chtrloe F W*b- tirr, w X Clinton pi IT* ft t (r Hawthorn* tv. 11.400.

8tm* to Louli* A Bledenfeld. w a Clin­ton pi 404 / I a fr Hawthorn* tv , 11,000.

Ceieattno Q toitgt rt ux to John H Hyde, e t Clifton tv 114 ft o (r ^ t a r parkway, fsoo.

o u t s id e o p NSW a m ,Hyninn Mtron to Frank H HaannnM

Bloomfield, a a Bloomfield *v 4 t t l W D Orovn at, |ioo.

Charlee A Bcheffmeyar et t l to LittI*-ton B A L, Irvington, n * oor l l th av tnd 13d tt, 11,00(1.

J tm et M ntllaghor e t ux to Lnurn Alllmgn. Mlllburn. ■ w oor Henry Bnlley land cm Old 8hort HlUn rd, fl.OOO.

Clark M Spoor et ux to Honry O T Merlin, exr. 8 Ortiwo, o t HmaM* pt111 ft c fr Mnitntalii Houao id, 44,001).

Kitnor B Muncey and hua to Storltoa B A Ta 8 Orange, a w nor UndglaF t n lIrv tn rio n

Leonard Holma* etand other tioAt. t4,Tl*.

1 to bTOlh_ Ihim HVail, Irvlnaton, * a OrsJim Ar W oor Oeorg* Garwood land, 11,144.

sanit (0 Jam** ii Band, Irringtea, ■am* property, 14TS.

Flank D tambi* et ux I t U m ar 0 Ratrlaa. Montclair, proparty dl Brook­field rd, 14.000.

I-oulea O Heberton and but to Bav tnvA Truat Co of B Urtnga, Bonth Qron n w * Charlton tv 204 f t ■.# f r io lito oUV. 14.004.V?tu

lOMSllBr. ■ 4 401briatoSbat■41 gnllnk to Meet-

llltm* Rtnlir c* to BtofS T O *Tr Co. Montclair, n n cor W alm aog a* l Montclair tvg, |a,t04.

Same to tnnia, M<___Wttohung av and ChtMoi

Margaret A aartB ai «n l elalr 8av Btnk. MontekUr, pi I IT ft a a (r a a r i nwwt av,

Catarinn Atrtt and tu a j ln

JnxephlD* M WnaniWj ond hug to Henry Hoorth, B toonK ldr a ■ ■lonm- (IM av M l ft a fr OrmBt 44.404,

Bam* to Llartt M W w l, WeeiBflald n ine primarty, 4140. «

Lily Oraiin and ho* W Sllaahatb ■I'l'lor- Irilngton, * g gliariiiM ^ Tl ft a ft citatok^av: iLtM,

BiM* lo T U o U fd ?T g jd n r, IfvmgtaK

Irvington, * g


IT E W A B E B V E K n iO K EW S. W E D N E S D X T , D E C E M B E R ^ IM S


' ■ \ V\V»' '* - " '

OUigitiois «f B«iknpk)f Offiaal in Higbet Cs. Cue Ei<

cii^ Hit Receipts.n n i PAY, FOR A l l ONCE ASSURED

i —W h«it th 4 .J o i« p h J . C<w»tr*cl-

l t ) f CMnp«lffy w e n t In to th * handa uf a ra c a lv a r to b a n k ru p tc y , In tiaptatnber, n i l . It w aa d«4'[ar»d th a t t h f urcdltora Would raoa lva 100 cen t* pn th e dollar. K ow, h o F ^ v # r . a ll th e p roapacts fi^r a b a tid ia m a d iv id e n d to them have gOOf F U m m arln f. T h e ra is n 't auuugh le ft In th e e a ta ta to p ay «v<>u th e obllB ution i Incurred by w illr e d C‘, Aoaiel aa truaU e.If#.

T he t i a c t a m o u n t o f the iru i ie e 'a pb^ t l ( a i io n a ia r u r r e o above thir b inount of h ie (u s d a tn h a n d hue Ju>m been dater^ m ined >iy Ite fe re e R dw in tj. Adainn, fot- low ln tf tw u df4'1aloutt rem lereil by him , f t x i n t th e d iapuleU rU im a of tru s to f 's c r td lto ra .

At th e o iitne t of th e Itatikruptcjr pro* e f f d i i i ^ P a u l H, L<rreit.t. whu repre* ■ en tfd W llh a in II M aalerboii, one tim# p re a ld in i o f th e cuiH*erti, anrl who MUb* • tQ u en tly rep reb en fed lioe ie l as ra- e e lv a r an ^ truNtoe, snid th a t ihe pro* fe fd lh B t W ere m iiy haititie ring tlie i*om* I>an)' and th n i an a p p itra ilo n would be m ade fo r tlic (IJPinsnebl nf iha recteivfr.I t waa h« sU u « liu tnude the e ta tero in t lh a l Ihe ''r e u i to ib w ould gut lOU ce iitl € 0 th e ilo U b r .

The b a n k ru p t ro m 'o ru had peveral r o i t t r i c ta w ith th e c ity for s tre e t pav- I h f an d KoHiei u n d erto o k tu ooniplete th fin . Ilta w o rk wna found unproflt* ab le and th e < 'o itiracte w ere sublet to th b JarKbOfi C o n tie r tln B Company o f Ntw' Y ork and Ita ljih San Oluvunnl, a loca l cu n trH rlu r .

i ' ia a a e e a • ! T ru a te e .A frurdiTia to flgureM prepared by

TtOferee AdHine, Koexel haa a balance i v.' on hand o f Hii» o u ta la n d ltifobli(tatlO!ie. liM-nrrei] by him aa tru flee , a in o u n t Co 11?.ADO SI. li> add ition to th e b o u fv e r , th e re Is with*held by th e m y th e sum of | l 452.30 iirt B ow ery s tre e t w ork . T iiere is alao held ha<'k tn th r i.“dy I47n nn the O aw - fo r t etre«»t job. In Kliaaitetli, Iw o-fifths | o f w hlrh is I <>w line 1'wu hondred and ] fif ty dollars on th<? (low erj s lre tt Job Is ^

th* ritjr uirM irMn >i*nM cm b« •MJitotl ttnatL

n » # c t ^ a ^ w lw w * r* In v tIM W tk * re fe re a t a t a k a p a r t l a th a o n n e ta v a *fara tk a H tH c a th O r a n l ia o o m p a a r o f B aaion, w b lrh k a a a eU lm o f t a r p r tn U a b la e k a a d c u rb a aupp llad to tk a i r u a to a ; ' Jaefcaim O o n tra c tln p ('om pait}', f tW k p ta n e a d u a on Ha oon . t r a c t) S a lp k B an a t o v a n n i l l l l . l l k a l- aaca d a a on c o n tr a c t a n d t o t m a lo rta l* fu rn lahad , a n d V an K a a ra n k B ona t l . l t t J t f o r m a la r ia la au p p lla d and ra n ta t o f d o ck fo r o to ra p o o f m a to r la la Thooo c la la ta , w ith a acor* o f •m all ouaa. a p p ra p a ta I U .l tO .lJ .

I t w aa Ih a d to p u te d c la im * a t Hnn O lovannI a n d V an Ifeu ro ii a Mona w hich th e ro fa rco d c ta rm ln c d • • to uniouni, In a n o p in io n Ju*t filed, Ou ilp r ll I t th o Jach B an t 'o n i r a c t ln e Com ­pany H ied a p a lt i lo u fo r th e p .iym ent o f tho b n lanco d o t th a t con ce rn , and tfic m a tte r wni, a d jo u rn e d fif to n n tim oa w ith o u t a h c a r ln p . t v to h e r i< th e r*f- ere* ad jm irn o d ll. “ to a d a ta In bo fixed ," T h e m a t te r v a * h e ld u p pend- Inp a d e te m iln a t in n o f how m uch th a tru e le e 'e c re d itu rn w ould p e t, Ae tu w ha t co m p en aa tlo n I tu i ie l w ill rccelvo or feoe will b* allow ed to l.e r te r ta unthlnK haa b een a rran B e .! aa yal. T h e re b e ln s In a u fr ic len t tn th e e a ta te to pay th e i r u a te e a c re d ito r* w ith o u t la k liip In to acc o u n t th a c la ln ia of Boa- aef and I . e l f e n a It la n o t k n o w n how th e m a tte r w ill w o rk o u t. T he re fe ree aald he hod n u t had a case lik e It b e ­fore.


U n eo iiloyM it B ir e s s s asd H eilA l i s u r u c e to B e DiscHssed

at Csofati Here.


Yesterdip’s C M tr i» t io u SweH To­tal la $391, Yet $730 ^ i t i o n i l

Asked for F a ir ie s .


C o ifeo lio i of Societioi o f tke Stale W a iB e H e M O B r is iM is ic

F e it in l .



Two n tfid M ili <H'ctirf<*<l In th is rUy yvs- tsrday nfternfKin a r t i ^ a rly lust n ig h i from chJidrwn <-o%sting on Icy stre^ta. Urtr rkilkJ WAS rtm dow n by p Irobsioct and a n ­other ro p jted in to an autom obil#. Th* la tte r was laUon to a hosp ita l, but nelth#r WHS Finrt sorltiiiily.

As bn w as sliding dow n th« (T id e of linaw s t r ^ l on his flexible filer shorUy a fta r dusk FLarry H-'IkmKcI, iw slve y s a f i old, of ^k'lm^lnt a v rru e . i-olllilrd wllh in aiitiinioiilli' n*ar Ekunf^rnfl s t r i t i . Ms siiffrT rt tw o r r a lb w ounds and w i t takan to HI. B arn ab as s H oapHsl by Louis M. Sifg ineistar of iZ t M orris avenue, who

driving thf* <ar A ft^r Iha b-^y had tr<‘a tin i'n i. SirgiiK 'later took him

h«.’n>r In Ids niwchlnsA botislsd kftofksd four-vf‘sr-o ld FM*

w ard f r o s s s n of TAB Flunterdon a trw t off bis f<^l MS the* b4?y w as crooaing flunyon stroat mt M u n tsrto n s trsa t Thw

hil'iran on tbs b<»b plokrti ih r Im>> up and

A m tm bar o f q u n a tlo n a v l u i h sff*ot* j Ing cK arltab la o rfa n r tA tlo iia Ihrough- o u t tliB a ta io w ill bo diacuoaotl .Monday a t th e iiiee iing o f th e Now Jers#> S ta le Asaoolollon of Iho O v o ra o e ri uf the l^oor in th e c i ty h o ll. O verseer of lh« p oo r H a rry I* B o rrk of IJo- boken, p re s id en i o f th e a t» te at* so<'|atlon. sa id ttita m o ru to g iha M ayors o ugh t <o a p p o in t an uusm ploye j m en t com niltiea , w h ich ^ u u ld 1rH‘lude . In Ita ine in b e rsh ip *11 r i a a u a ro n ie n ia d . { such a s em ployero, w o rk ln irin en , public orrieiBis. so c ia l w o rk a ra . c iv ic leadera an d repreB en tativoa o f ch u rch es aud lodges, to t a r r y o u t p rav an tw llv e meaa- ur«a to com ba t u iivnp loym aT ii and pov­e rty . I

"W h at we need.'* h a b a M . '’a ie per- m aiien t o rg a n ia a tio n a . n o t le m p fra rv a e tiv lty d u rin g a c rlaU . T h is 1 con- wider to be eMaantiaL T h la comm in eo. rei>orthtg on H bueta o f c a re fu lly roiw ite te d In fo im a tlo n g i th a r a d from am ploym enl iilflcee . re l ie f ag am 'la s simI all o lh s r re liab le aourcesu cou ld I'rlMK Hi* f iu ta uf th e a llu a tlo n hom e to every cM iien. end p u t u« fa r# to fai*e wMih

K urlhet rcaponoes to th e appoal for »eef]y famlHoa m ad e b y (he B ureau of ■\ssotdaied rh io r i t la s In B utun luy 'n and ) velerdny 'a *Nrws h av e bcMii n-ceU ed, am uun tlhg to $110. T h U b rin g s the ict»1 iipjAo I IP l. T h re e f*m ltl*a a re now p r o u d ^ fur, th a t o f th e bltm l man gU en Hs N un tba r F o u r havtr.g beau ad<l**d since y e e le i'd ay to N um ber Two and N um ber Niue.

Anxiety la ex p rao aed by iha bureau Ir^t e ll ih e sa fa tiill le s shou ld nul be rellrved . T h e ir ne«d la Im inineiii ahd rhi* eoidely 'a gcnerw i re lie f fund Is In- adei|uatc 10 n e a r ly sn ee t o th e r iietjiands pouring in d« il} . T h e am o u n t ailill re- uulreil Is 1#^# on ih e f ira l a tn o u u t asked rtnd $to fo r Ibe tw u akddlllona] cases meullor^td y e a tr rd a y .

FlHi#i:i(ed, th e ra s e a a re IheseNumitcr t.lne, |*f>x B ovs o f fnu rlesn

and ten >»ara, it ie rnnh i sup|K>rta of Iheir fam ily c o n s is tI t ig o f a widowed niothar, a l i t t l e s i s te r o f e ig h t yi:krs | iind tiieinaelvea. T h e o ld e r hoy h a s ' w urklog |»4ipera, h u t w a n ts to go to the i

fn d u a tr la l S chool su d le srn a truile Me Is now- e a rn fn g I t a w eek la s honthlai’k. T h tn an^ouni g iven Die fsmil> lo r a y e a r w ou ld p e rin ii the boy

ve.vr's p re p a ra tio n fo r a trad e . Tenthe a c lu a l l i ic . C . ( h e u n a h an d iha | „ „ , ,

’’’ .V*'". , .* .S I n r V N um har T h ree , ,\ m o th e r w in .” ft ia Intem led a t th is flni*l mre1ln.fIn N ew ark to d iscuaa a n d decide on a system of h e a lth In s u ran ce , w|ii< h la to provide, a t th e Jo in t e ip e n s c of the w orker, th« e rop loyer a n d th e s la te , fur h ealth ineurnnee fo r th e w o rk e r and for m edical care fo r lilm se lf an d Ms fam ilv. T h is system w ill a p p ly to a ll those e n ­gaged In m anua l la b o r an d to ull o th e rs e a rn in g leas th a n tiOQ p>.'r inonih.

“ It w ould prox id* every Insured w o rk e r w lt!i m edical c are , liiilu d ip g n u rs in g a tte iiden< ^ , tio ap lta l care, m ed i­cal nnd au rg lc a l su p p ltea and a cash benefit eq u a l to tw o - th i rd s of ih* w ages earned fo r a m axim um of tw cn iy -a lx w eek s In a je a t . I'o tt^e

took h 'm to the office of L»r. Louis Rob- \ w ife It o ffe rs sp ec ia l c a re a t ch ild b irth ,inson. M! «'briton avenue 'I'^c rhMd w as | and If site a l iu Is In su red , a cash bene-cut and bndaed elHtut the In ad , Yit fo r e igh t

atsn due.Ill f ig u r in g ilie H m ounti tu he paid

by the I ru s ie c , h o w e v e r the referee has n o t Includeri a babvnce due Ibe receiver In cnm niJaM 'ins n f l l l f i .n . There has no t been flg c re -l, ellhei-. cunim lsslona due 111* t ru s te r laTD DO, and cornpens*- tioft 1o Ixe ffcrls a^ »Hx attu riie} . The la t l s r a sk rf i fu r l*,200. but c red ito rs raiae<t sU 'li s rru iig o tiJeiL ona to the au lnu td a :<l ti'C cs1» lr Jlnelf was eo f in an iliiJ I . i u i 'o l \ id tl»at f .c f fc r ts was allowed a t Hist Line onij 1000

The allUntiMn w as ao s^Ti'ius th a t Tlef*^rte Ada IT’S cHlh-il tttgeth ' r five of the fn is tc s 's crr-dili-rs rr-i.-ent!>' to talk oxer the m att'T .

Tliei-e wup sonic hope expressed th a t th e hmiiUjH hcM bnt k bj, IhO rit} would g U e (he r i n ’jtorjf a ebanev to Kit most o f th r i i Mioiic. Ftiii ih e e e la tr is not re r r s t i t of u c l l ln g itic a ilib tiona l immey from the i‘it.> . bo(Tig held co itilngen t upon III* SCI ii-fft* io ry service of the p av em en t Iniil b> lb« tiu s te e or hla aub-ro titr«* 'l o? s

The re fe rc f i-dr| th e c red ito rs th a t th e s .n u u n t due from The j-IL be Ih ^c ld a tf 'l and th e e s la le clo-ied up a s sonii a s ]MisKible It w as suRgeeted a t thiS sp ec ia l session llia t ihe five la rg e s t 'r ie ih ln r s o f the iT-uslee po(d Ih s ir to te re -tis and bu \ up ihe con- fih g e n t ^ I h im

N* D eH slo a aa le roellM a-The c re d ito r '' lo.ti'keil fft\o jab lv upon

th is fk’bem e, b u t cam e (i> Tin rirclilou. One (•( them wAiiind to knew If thA tn is te * WHS nni linM c p e rs n n s lh , or i r id ^ r l in l‘ond fo r Ihe bnlatice n( the a m o u n t due them . tii peplv t(> th is the re fe re e sa id he had iin upiuion to offer B( th a t (loie

T\'haji seen v e s le rd sv . Ttoszel was asked If tiie am o u n t gf his llu h llltle i a« tn ia te e dnl not exceed the am ount be h n i in hand .

'1 re^iier- lo answer ' replied rinsEel."iHi w hftt K ifj'iud," inqu iry was mad*,

im th e gniAind o f gen era l prtnol- ple<*.'*th<* L u s ie e repiia^l.

As th e m A iier e tande. if H o siers com- m ieslm ta o f li.hDT a re allowed, and |.e f fo r ts tm a llo w ed n o lh in g In add ition to th e a lre a d y pAld to him. the• s la te o f th e tru s te e w ilt attll ow e |laOBo.B3 If Ihe fu ll am oun t due front


The firs t Ice sk ating of th e acaaon In the parks hereaboula w as |»o#albte > ea*

I terrlay Brtern<^>on. last riight and today wh-'fi Ihc w ading poola In \ \ ’cst Sid* and Y^'atscesl^g la rk s , and ih a lake a t G tuver f'leseliiMd i’t r k in I ’aldw ell fro£e to sufficient Ihlcknvas to he safe J* Is estim ated by the Cseex T ounty P ark police Ihut porson* sk a ted yester-da> afie rnoon and la s t n igh t a t ^^«st Hide and perhaps jfld more a t i ’aldweJI.

The wading P<»ol i \ W aise is lrif Hark froxe during ibe n ig h t and sWiilers were pennlltetl <*n it th is m orning.

8<i far. the la rge bodi«*s of w ater In the iMirkx, such ss th e lakes a t B ranch H rw k ami V\'ei>iuiiiiic. h a \* no t froaen lo suf- fb lept depth to safe , l l U a rule of the T'Brk com inlfaion not to perm it skating nil the la rge lakes ufitl! Ihe Ira Ip six Inches th ick , and , while the Ice has r»‘R'-h»‘d th s i dep th in some places on III- Iskes. ac< nrd ing to the polh'e. there are weak p|>da In It which p revent lU ' Use.

7 h)> pr^ids t»eing need how for sk a tin g ] tire very si^alio^ amJ sttuiII and a re con* I plibrrd Sijfe. **veh (hm igh the k # Is only aln*ul five lncli'-s thick, 1

w eeks, Mhd to the e n tlraI ra tn ily It g r a n t s m e d ic a l c a re and a

f u n e ra l b e n e fit on th e de ath c f the insured wags-eMcner.

•‘A tinlhcf th in g Ib s t w ill be d ls-usaed w ill be proposed s n ien d n irr its to over- i’oine Ihe de lay in w illow s’ petiliona. We also w ill d iscu ss m any o lh e r iiial* te rs p e r ta in in g to the w o rk of the ova rsesra of tiie poor th ro u g h o u t the Ktate

, s l \ cMlrlren Is e a r n in g (ess th an needed ' li> cr.re fo r Ihem . T h e f s ih e r is in a I H ansiorium , but hopi>s to ccsnuie ih r l r I "iippoit. The faM lIy nee'ila Yf a week ; liir six rtionthB

N'kimlier Vive, A n'ldovr*dTi ttih rr and fo u r c h ild re n T he m othar e iirrs w hat sh e can a s a , bu ltonhole tTisI.ri, hu t 13.70 a ijd li lo n a t n wv#L is ucided (o g iv e s u f f ic ie n t fond T'he burcMH a sk s th is n m o u itl fui h >ear,

NiMnhrr Hix, f ix . A d rs e r le d wife urid th ieo ch lld c en l lv h .g In one d a rk tunm The b u re a u w a n ts In tnovr them to ll) tfirnic ro o m s an d g h c fheni |1.50 n w.eli for one y e a r .

Niii i li.r JSeven, |113 W om an w hose hu»h;4-Ml c- m s h o s p ita l fot the Invana. i<hr li.M ("•*» youi<g rh iU h e n . H elp for SU mrmihs Is a sk e d . T he re n t Is |8 and 1 ! ,.ii h w eek 1» n eed ed fo r food.

Nil III- i- Ten. T em p o ra ry helpfor a rn.i n ou t o f w o rk beoHiiae of ill • T.»'ss Me Ints n w i / r an d fo u r litt le child! en I’ro b n b ly w ill be ab le to wOJk In the sp ririg . I

Number K leven. I I# T em p o ra ry help fo r a m o ther an d f ix e ctiU dren The liilsbeiMl itml f a th e r I* In Js ll for se\, sf,il ei*ek». hut w ill he ta k e n back hv bis em pbiyer w hen re le a se d

Nun^ber t w elve. I8 t . H elp fAr four monlb* for s wplow a n d f l ' e children. The wormirt eiiriiM a IlMie, hu1 Is not able lo work fu ll tim e , a s sVie is only slow ly rc ro v e r ln g fro m a com plete breakdow n T he neaarl Is a le g u la r am ount of w h o le so m e food, coating about f t s week.

j fo n lr lh u tlo n s re ce iv ed th is m orn ing I w ere Betijftiniiv A tha . fSO. K ills M otor ^ (’a r ('oT?ipan>. | t 3 . i'c<H M M arM shon


That the p lah itlff’s n*gligen«-f was re- BponalblA fur KIs in ju ry hy a tram and th a t Ihe injury luwlf w as not such as would result in i>crmanerit nervous de* rangem ent was the groundw ork of the defense of the Krle Ita llrn ad In tha suit«>f flaynmnd lle rshey of flu therfo rd . now .....................being heard in the N ew ark branch of lb# ’ ••’'*1 Sirs. Mul.'^fAhon, |1 0 : anoiiym otia.I'h iled B u te# P ls tr lc t i 'o u r l

Mr Tfentiev la suing for tlVOOD. Hla cnujjael. A lexander Rtmpoon of Jaraey I'ily , yesterday Introduced ecidenee to * show th a t hi.- ellent w as s truck by a I train a t the R u therfo rd sta tion on the | morning of Jan u a ry 27. I9M , suffering | in.ujiies th a t resnliv*! In a perm anent ' nervous derangem ent and susta in ing * j si-ar on his fa<e th a t will laat for life I The p la in tiff sHegM Insufflclenl pro­tection a* the esuar of Ihe ftc<-idenl.

I'arl M M erheit ' ’f th* firm of f ’olllns j A r'orbln, Je rsey ''My, appeared for th e ' laiJroad com pany, and iDtroduced te ttl- mony today In an e ffo r t lo show th a t I Ihe p la in tiff ra re le ss lv stepped on the I ira rk as the tra in was approaching . V*r i John J Mianiev of Ji-rwey KIty *av* med­ical toatimony for th e defense, s ta tin g I th a i h r and other dootura e ia tiin e d the | p laintiff H a irh 17, 1914. and in Uie fob [ lowing r^'^em lKs. I

Tha w itness teeilfied th a t the Injuries Thee* artic le s wMl la te r fo rm a p a rt of susiam ed ttguld n-o( neceaaaM iy result to tbe a ib lb ltiu n of (esiLle Industries of a perm anent nervous derangem ent and New Jersey be h<ld In the Vree Pub- ihaL raam lnaiiofi revealed no evideniwalie L ibrary from F eb ru a ry 1 to M arch IS. of any such pernianeni d isarrangem ent

IS; K Ta. A . I t . an d artonym oua. 91-

aU B TO HOLD HANDICRAFT EXHIETTTlie mmseuni com m ittee of tbe a rte and

Irtie rs dep artm en t of tlie ro n tem p o rary uf Newark, of w hich Miss K atherine Rummell is ch a irm an , w1|l hold a pH* vatc exhib it Jai»uary IS of hand-woven roverlets. hom espun s tu ffs , heaSi h a ft, ham l-niadc rugs, tiAnd-rnade lace and rrijbrolderlea. ep lnnlng wheels and loom*.

M em bers o f Ihe c lu b a re a sked to Joan an> su ch a r t ic le s th e y trvay h ave and to n o t ify the con im lM e e re g a rd in g su ch a r ­t ic le s w h ic h a r s ow n ed h y o the rs .

The rase Is being tried before Judge Thom as G H alghl. and It Is exyg. ted th a t It will go tu the ju ry la te this a f ts r- Tioon.

BISENZ TO HACH TEACHERS, TOOAnnouiii'ement h a s been m ade hy P ro ­

fessor Thea*d<'ie Ftl»ena. wh«» h*'' hoen InatructlTH snm#' of th e policr and le tter carriers m ri^n-ign lan g u ag es free of charge* l^iHt be '»ould con tinue b li free In stn i'tiiu i next )* a r and would offer the Him>' cppoi tu n lty to ai hool leache rt

.Ahfiiii IT" Irfte r rm r le r s a re enrolled fnr the n< w lo u rs* th a t wUl begin the first Mtuiday tn .January , and about Ihn paihremen have tak en ad v an tag e of the offer. A num ber uf erhoo l teachers have enrolled slresdv .

F’Tofes.*Mfr Risen* ap p ea red before the I’ohce Bi»ard sunt# t>m« ago and received peuniselorj f> o rg an ise claaa«s of police­men in sludv on ih e lr tim e off He agreed to give them ih in y leooons, f ie t of cbaxKe, and conaldarab ta progroas haa been mode h> his pupils. The le tte r car- ilcrs were ta u g h t u n d e r tbe sam e *r- ranfnineni. About tw en ty -flv e carriers decided yesterday to con tinue the ir study of Italian and ab o u t ItB will take up Hpanlsh The enro lling I* going on a t rrofesAor B laenz'a headquarters* (Ll Broad street.

Tha p ro je c t o f fo n r iln g a New Jersey N tate F e d e ra tio n of M u slr lan s ia ap pegling so s l r o u s ly to s in g e rs and ipuSlciahS w ho h a v e been appicm ched on Ihs su b jec t lh a t a co tiv en tlo n of lep re - s a n ta tlv s a from d if f e r e n t socieilea Ih ro tlg h o u l th e a ln ls w ill be held In ih la c ity d u rin g th e m usic fe^ lvH l n ex t May fo r th e pur|»oa* o f p e rfe c tin g tlis proposed o rg a iH sa llo n

T h s plan* a iig g ra tc d hy T horn ton ^V. A llen, p rea td e i.i o f th e N ew ark Mual- clufoi‘ C lub, an d a p p ro v ed hy ih a t bocly a r t In a cco rd w ith It* a c t iv it ie s in c o n ­nection w ith N e w a rk 's r3 n th a n n iv e r­s a ry cel*t>rallon in co m m e n tin g on the p ro ject, Mr. A lien sayn ih a t “for y e a n m any New J e rse y n iaa lc lu n e have been inem hsra o f th e New Y ork B tate Muaic T cachara ' .tb n o rla tlo n and h:>ve paid u itnual d u es iu ih e su p p o r t of th a t or- g a n la ttlo n . T h is la th e Hme, L believe, fo r th e New •Tevtpy m u s ic ian s to b reak aw ay fm n i Sew T o ik and to form o rg a n isa tio n s o f th e ir ow'n If «uch or* g sn iaa llo n a a re tu be o f ans b enefit lo tbsin .

“W hen th s N ew ark M usic ians’ (Tub w as o rg an ised o v e r a > ea r agu. It w as w ith th e idea b r in g in g tb e m usic ians jof N ew ark and 1h« s u b u rb s In to c loser | re la tlong lilp and o f e v e n tu a lly m ak- | Ing th is club a pi»wer In niuiilcipat i a f fa irs o f a inuafcal n a tu re . Follow* lug th e furm sitiott o f th e lo«*Al club, a I s im ila r aoi'lri> w as o rg a n is e d In J t r - ' eey C*1ty and th e n one sp ra jig up In i H sterson Rolh w e re im tie rn e d a f te r j the p U iif of Ihe N ew A tk o rg a n lt . l lfu i . : Now th a t ihcsft c lu b s a r e on ih e lr feet | and eacJi b o asts o f « la rg e , a c tiv e mem- | berahip , I brilex** th * tlm ^ Is r l |^ fo r j th e fo rm atin n of a s t a t e fed e ra tlu n of m u sic ian s w blch w ill a n s w e r tb s pur- . pMse of both A s ta t e p iusic teachers* i a sso c ia tio n an d a fe d e ra lto n of m usic clubs.

“T he firs t s tep In th is p lan w as tak en la st y ear w hen a t r l - c I ty m u s k fes- livx l Inc lud ing F a te ra o n , .Newark and \ Jersey c 'ity w as a r ra n g e d . T h is achem s b ro u g h t man> o f th e m u s ic ian s of (he th re e ru le s in to c lo s e r c o n ta c t and m any new* fr len d a w e re m ade. l,A*t w eek th e N ew ark M usic ians' Clul« ap- p o irtte i a co m in ltte e on pub lic a ffa irs , nf w hich r i i a r le a G ra n t (^haffer wns m ade ch a irm a n , an d from w lilch a suh- co rm n lttss Is to he se lec ted lo meet with a a irn lln r c o m m itte e front the o th e r c1M*« nf New J e r s e y In a r ra n g in g Ills d e ta ils for a c n m e iil lo n lo h* held here ocAt M ac H> ho ld in g th e ron - xchilon d u rin g tik* m usic fe s tiv a l the v isiting (Jelcgaies w d l h sx e ih e uppor* lunlt;t to a t le u d th e enneorta .

A p p r o v a l f»r t* iaa ."'With a fe d e ra tio n p e rf rc ic d an a n ­

nual I'onxcnllon w ill be held, th e mem- h*TS ineei rif each year In d ifferent cities Many of the Trenton, Jerrey n t y sntl P i te r a o n m usU Tana h ave a p ­proved the p lan an d w ill e x e r t (hem- selv sa to develop It Tlie s tan d a rd laa - llon o f m usic te a c h ln s and th e licen i- Ing of m usic te a c lie rs a re qusailons which a re IlkeF^' to be dlsi*uaaed al tht* ro n v en ilo n an d o th e r to p ics o f gen era l In te res t to th e m iis lc ls iis w ill be ron- sldf*red. Mowex'er. th e p r in c ip a l poliu Just now Is th e g a th e r in g to g e th e r uf the m u s ic ian s from e v ery c ity , inwrt Slid v lllsg e In th e s ta te for the tlli- cuj^sion pf m a tir r s o f mkJtirsI iniefeal.

''T h» men^bere o f (h e cetim m ltlee on l>ublic s f f s l r s , a p p o in te d t e r e n f ly ot a m e e t in g o f th e i»0« rd o f B-^vernors o f the N e w a rk M u s ic ia n s t ' lu b , a re r h a r le * ( I ra n t B h a f fe r . r h s i r m s n . J T fa r ry H u n t in g t o n J r . . W i l l ia m A T lkPuer, L o u is * W est-w ood F io r e n c ' 'M u l ■ fo rd H u n t , A le x a n d e r H e rne , K p s i ih l- lo g F ra se r , f l* c fg e In ia n ln g , O tto K H c h lll e n d T. M o r t im e r W is K e A meet* lu g o f th e Jo in t c o m m it te e s r e p re s e n t ­in g th e v a r io u s c it ie s ie to be c a l le d the f ir s t w e e k in J a n u a r y . Hkigges- ( lo n s a s to the p la n s o f th e new fe d ­e ra t io n s h o u ld be se n t (o ih e r i j a l r - m an , M r. R h a f f s r , o r to th e 4-o rrsspond - Ing s e c re ta ry o f th e N e w a r k M iis ir ls n H H u b . M is s M i ld r e d R A l le n , R7l R ro a il a tree t. N e w a rk , a n d th e y w i l l l>r b ro u g h t b e fo re th e c o itu n lt te e a t i i i m ee t in g .

“At a sm o k er g iven by (he Hohubert Olee (Tub of J e r s e y r i i y la s t Monday even ing a la rg e n u m b e r of Ih s mem-

^ ihM t M M W t BiMi AVNaSp P$n4 • la On M aaU av )■J a a n a r r . W h ila T r a a la a h a a n o t r a t a rc a a ta a ^ a muakeUna* c h ib » < tla * a . t lM o t M uala laaa fro m lh a t c ity w ilt alao m aat w ith th a u ih a ra . H a rry d l y an d low n la u r i a d t a a r r a n t * to r iha a a n d ln t a f an a o r in o ra d a l t t n l a a ao it to co m m u n lra t* w i th th a N aw arh eom- m ltte a « • a a r ly a a poaalh la ."


W ith In su ft ic le h t p ro o f b e fo re h im ea to Ihe f lo a n H a l a b tu ty o f C h a r le a fci, Moure, • re a l ee ta te ag en t, w h u h o a rd s ml <9 F la lie y s tree t. Iu p ro v id e fu r b i t w ife , M rs . tC liia lpe lh M ou re o f ro u g h k e e p iru N . V . re n d in g divorce proceedings. Vice Chancsitcri' n ie v t n i to d a y re fuoed tu n in kn an e n k r f ix in g a il i iu M iy a n d eouneej fees. Ap|i|i|ru ilup fu r 9? a w eek a lim o n y Hud 9T3 to u o a e l fees w an m a d e b y C\ H e rb e r l W e lk e r , e t tu rn e y f o r M rs . Ucw>te. A sm ijc l K a i is c h , w 1k » a p p e a re d f o r M uoro . sa id h la c l lr i iL had been i i u i u f w o rk fo r fuu r m kipths and had been com peLled t>* d ls io n t ln u e p a y in g h is w ife |7 a vreuk, w h ich he hud l»een g iv in g h * r v u lu t iU r i ly .

A f if 'r lo o k in g o v e r (he a f f id a v it o f M rs Moore, tbi! v li 's c h a n c e llo r s a id th e re wa» nu1l l 1lt^ in it to a id h im tn g a g in g the im u u n t w h ich k l'H i ie sh o u ld be c a l le d utkon (u M r W a lk e r w a s a sked lolirepare a n o th e r a f f id a v i t In w h ic h F i j iliinnw ttc life n f the M o o re s a n d Ihe tius-

f in a r c la l s ia n d ln a w e re m o re p a r- t ic i i la rU s i't fo rth - i

"I d u n 'l k iuw v w h e th e r I o lio u ld tlf^'W J l.n nu o r | t . " s a id (h* v l r c c h a n ce llo r

H oo re brni4s:ht a auU sA w lnM h i t w ife for i l L o r i * on Ihe g ro u n d o f d e se rt io n Mr^ M uo rc f ile d an a n s v .r r . t le to ln g d - ser(ii*n, and In s t itu te d c o u n te r prociMHi- Inas fo r d iv o rc e c h a rg in g ip f id c l lt y . T ii* M ie ch kn i’w llo r oftfd th a t. • • ( l ie husham i had bp^ught Ihe auK , h» w ti ii 'd l ia \ « lu n m tr lb o le to w a rd ih 'j w ife s defenae.

O I S S iO N D

Gold KnivesS |lo (ba exirtmely pUIn M Alt Valdemtr dealtn*. ^ O r ibb loii|, tiender ^ tv o 'b lad e paitcrni.I I A KrviceabI* fift. Sub- ^altnD ally niida •( OUtt OWN KACTORV.^ tk a u tif iil d i a m o n d . ^SO LID GOLD iidea. .

* 7o n s £V£Ki (V fSIM G.

A SoMiilUtout HoUt raarMaWay f t i ' r a . i f i m r « M .


I t W a a t P a r k 8 f . , n a a r B rv o d


Found g u il ty of (tie (h e f t o f tw en ty - five cP iiu from (he H ik e r- ileg e rn a n Comp;iny d ru g s io ie m( A farket mid W ash ing ton p tre e is , w h e re hp wgs em - ptO)ed. (J to rg e K. C an ip fle ld of 8 luy v eaen t avenue . I rv ln g io n . w gs a |. lowed in gr> hy J u d g e G rice In ih e F irst P rec inc t C ouri to d ay on s suspended sentence.

I 'am p rie ld w as em p lo y ed in th e slu r* for ie v e ra l y e a n . .Vocording lo M ark H *rnsiH n of W est |0 ;d a irep i New York. II se rv ice ri»an fo r th e d ru g coni- im n). Ihe la t te r waw s e n t h e re In Oclo- ^ r to In v e s tig a te (he loos o f m opey at the More. He te i t i f t e d (h a t he s en t a mail In io th e s lo re to m a k e an c ig tity - riv"'C en( p u rch ase a n d d isco v e red th a t only s ix ty cen ta w ga r u n g up on Uis ra sh re g is te r.

T he m oney w ith wYdrh (h e p u rc tia s s w ss m ade wan m a rk e d . R ern a te ln «d* m ltfed (hg( T am p fle ld S lib r n lt le d to be sear» lir t twh-e. The sei-ond tim e Hern- stein found a m ark ed tw enty- fiv r-cen t p ie r* on h im . i ’am pfle irt de ­nied (h a t hs look ih e m ohpy an d de- I U rsd th a t he ra n g up Ih e fitjl am ouni of Ihe p u rc h a se m ade b y th e m an sen t to the s to re by H e rn sie ln .

CHRISTUN ENDEAVOR ELECTSKl*ritf»n o f o ffirrire a n d s ( ' 'im e tm ss

p rogram w ere f m iu r r i i u f U»e m eeting o f the I'hflMtlaM K n d rg v n r f r tr l^ ly of Ihe F irs t |{■ptle( re<1i1|e M em orial i 'h lir rh h*'ld 1h.ni n ig h t In Ihe p a rlo rs of th a t eriiflre M rs M J o se p h T w om sy led the n ieeitng . w h ich wn.v concluded *'Uh Ihe fXc'hMugc o f glfljA b ro u g h t by the m einbsts

Thodr wU'> w ill s e rv e d u r in g 1919 a re I'resideM t. J n e rp h T llker. \ ir r p res- IJc-it, Jf'lni FiVew r lp l J 1 r**aeur»*r. Mis.+K 'lorrif e ijriim ^in • n f 're sp u u d ln g er.-Te-(s iv , Mif.x M srn .i »' T e r r ) . re< ArdlnK S A ifets i), M iss Ms ml* L au ierb ii- 'h , p ianist K W llllsm S m ith , re tir in g p rerl'len f rt'-slelnnl planiM ts. rU lh p llo rm li'k and Ihe .vilesr*. orfX''.» < lrum in and FJllrsl>eih I 'u s n d te r . sn^l Ju n io r <hrietlun Fndeavor suf*rrlntetn1snt, Mrs. S M iitrher ( ’u inm lt lee rh a lr - m»ti w-ers a p p o in ted an fullMWs: I^ o k - e«t, A rthu r V in e )a rd p ra y e r m eeilng . Miss R L aaheth ( 'h a n d le r , socia l, M rs Heri*ert M iller, v is itin g , M rs F r Joel fresh a ir . Mrs. H e rm a n H *herer, min- su m iry , Miss A ng ie W a r re n , press. Mies t:w rfrude liia*‘l'

KolhiW'livg th e b u s ln e» s sess io n vocal * e le iil” t!S wrert re n d e re d by >1 i.ia L s u ra H lsrk and th e Nflsses I ' s ’-ter, afle** w b u h a s m ia l ho u r, w H h re fre sh m e n ts , w as hell] T he an n u jil m e s l in g o f Ihe so rie iy fo r th s p re s e n ta tio n of re p o rts will be held n e \ i T u e sd ay n ig h t.

Siie r t Ecw iiaicilXNASTREEUGHTINGI

W llh O u r d reH w l

STORAGE BAHERIES|>ry HsitsrliM U»t wnly twof hours *f) sn* rbarg«> gloravs Batteries run c«fillat»«iu«iy tur fifty hwuria


t n Hatsey Newoelu’F lH iiM •TTI-«T ;t H o rk H .


. !

F o r R e n t T O P L O F T 7,500 Square Feet

G>r. Orange & High SU. Newark, N. J.

For manufartitrinic purpoaM. 30 min. from bUf.to !4t.N.Y. 25 min. In 1,'ortlandl St, N, Y.

.Mr-rtrr^ia renlfll. |ni-1*|ijtog Pow*Tl .ig 'i H H* uitd all nei ehhsry tm* pttikxtnenis fi.re .if« i) M'Hjsrn firs .aiariii afmni T h rc ift«er fleers t)i4iiote4l t»T nHvrr inllhs, fowrtb fi<i4ir trC4i)pli 4i hy m enufarturars *t ladles' 'kaUie.Appb H «l. Nfoue* IW Hall ig., N.T*f r | . B e e t e r I . in - y M r aw N b o s k r f



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f a |b |N if Adti Sim m Iup C».Tabi ■ ( M r ■ Cii-

M t M t.

m cm ns n KOBENSW TONK. Dm . I t . —C dm und Jiw>

tk*. • ■W*it WstehaiM siavlorwl br th*AUh HMKwtilp C oM panr. • M b M Ia n r «f 1b« H tn b u rS 'A n w rh ^ ii U m , « u >r> t ( « M S|r M t r a l «M Mrni tb U A ftrm ooa «|wrt*4 iHtk M M • p a rtr to th* « « • iftT M t t tn c tM r r o n th k oountriF M alnot th* Ei MbI* AHI«a h r l^ u l Ko*tiI« *nd•Unt sUm *4 ( to tn u i m «bU.

Ju*U n « •* ta k * a M o cnatoA r a t h ti Hm m 1m ftomth B ro o h lriv and **D> hi* • r rw t Um M lh * rlttM b*U*v* th * r tiav* rouM Ih* *W|IMm Itn k '' la tb* K a*ntf

It la cbartM th a t a t K otnic 'i Alrao- tlaii JbmIm aaeampanlM irnM rlek ICatllM. wh* ta atao ttniiar arrta t, to Quakao, mad thar* aou th t to d«t*rmlna ■M aambar o( troopa bolaa aant to th* Uattad Vlasdaim. what ablp* thajr would m H a*, locathcr with datall* ot artll- lanr aoalpfncnt and other luppllr* b»- lav aahl abraaA It la all*c*d that path anilfltlaa war* part or a m llltarr plot diNotrd frota tha Dnltad Rtataa

. a a t aa aaeh vtolalad fa d tn l atalutra Raporta wrr* cvlraht todap that Ihr

Vadtral Qrand Jurjr, Whicli haa b**n In- vaptlvallM all*«*Olot*, ha* found from Na to t*a hidtctimoi* a* a B**uri to tia taqulrr hHO tiw actlrlUa* ot l.ahor'i MVttanal P*a«* CouaHI. Thr rounc-ll

Q MlMod In ihr actlrtUo* of Frana von ItteMta to aUiitav up atrtk** In raunJ- tiM* faotanoa


tMUH Prut ftaff eermpenAat BKIILIN l*ta Aaaalardam). Dae. I t . —

Hunaarjr ta wUllnv to taka a atap to­ward WMlvlnv Ruaala that the Dar- daiwtlM wUl alwor* rm a la open tor Ruaalaii conDMro* aa a eondiUon of

(!oaiit Albert Apponpl. l*ad*r of th* OppoMtloa In th* tlunvartaa ParllaaMnt.


Dr. W llU an A D Iabrow , p n i ld v n t o t th * D aard o f H o ah ti. t h t i a f to m o o n ap-r at*d U lt lo to n K Irk p a trte fc . T hon tt*

Ckllan an d D r. C. F rw l W obn*r to VO hofor* tho f ln a a o a co m m ltlo * o t th* CMBBiea C o an rll a t I ta n o a t n i* * tln t a a d r*qM *t a n a p p ro p r la t la n to r tho t l l t i h s u p o t th * fo u r th flo o r and p a rt • f th* th ir d flo o r o f th o B oord o f B « * n h bp ild in v .

Th* hoord w a n t* a lo c tu r* rootn on Ih* to p d o r r a n d roowt *no«vh fo r a iav**ain o f ap p ltan ea* an d , oth** a r- ttr lM p o r ta ln in v to th * p ra o lk * o( BMdIelti*.

tWa S a a n C ountp M cdleal lloeM y and IhO e**d*eip of W M Idn* a ro dvatniu* of Tolaliltilna M H *dtcal Intwwol* In Ih* e t t r wtUi th* D M nl o f fl« a tth . ao Dr. H f . W p|tt» i|**r an d Dr. J . P . l i a w n t y o f th* iM B tr aeoM y an d D r. t , 8 . Worrlosn of Ih* Aoodomy o f M odtetn* wlU appaor br- IkM Ih* flaaae* eo M n llta* an d lend tlw lr trohw* to th* Hoard o f H oalth * pl«a.

mad* tbli ■tattnwal la aa Intoniaw at Budap**t. It I* important not onlr ho- (AO** of Ih* domlMnt podtion th* count orruplM in Auatro-Hurvarlan affair*, but b*nuM ht la an Inttmallonal prac* laailrr. *

"V* ean undaralaod why Ruaala want* •urh •■•uimnc**," aaM Apponyt,"h>tt w< cannot *M why the** pnirantlc* cannot b* virom without a t th* aam* itmc makini th* political pow*r of Ru*- ■la paramount when that power would b« a permanent menace to our eafety

“H unvary want* peace, but pear* makinc Impoaeihlr * return to th* con- dliloae that hrouvbl nbonl thie war. That Impllee deatruetlon of Ruaalan Influenc* la the Balkan*, which la iiacd only m - (roealrriy for capanaloo and conunaat."

Count Apponyl hellerr* Ruaala la Ih* traat etumbUnv block In the way of an early endinv of th* war. It* ■*•• no pru*p*cle for an early pear*.

R efer* to H * llw * a Addr***.~In hi* addre** to the Helcnitav,

th* German Chanoellor opened the way to an *apr«*eton of the cam* v<hk1 will on behalf of the Entrnt* Power*," the count obaarved. "Had they re- aponded. a common vround for dlacua- •Ion mtvhl ha*o been found, but I do not think the dlepoelilon for pence 00 ellhor aide rlp*n*d Into a reertl- nee* to enter pear* dlecueetnnt. Bo w* muet be prepared tor a lonvar dura­tion ot th* war. But w* f**l m orillj atrnnper for havinv viven ihe world an undaratandtnv of what wa were ready to do In behalf of peeco."

Count Apponyl. a* e th tr official* In. urolfwod In the Dual Menarohy. ea- praaMd aurprla* a t th* ton* adopt td by Amarlca In lb* not* to Auelrla- Hungery r*varcinc I he Ancona '

"If I had b**n oxawcrlnv the Amei lean nota, I would huva *ah*d your Htat* Dopartmenl to amend Ih* elyla and th* lanvuavo before I would con- eld*r a reply." h* aald. 'The violence of It* aapretelon* wae uncalled for. It

tE kM ' f H a t t d t h i lU U m a n tt o f ,Unn«ITi*d w ltf r M M And A C^pl* Ait^W t r u th ATAr^ AtAlAincnt aF ou r A ^vrr- AArjr. B u t ptrhApA ChA VH>r«lRn O tflo t wAi urtM In n o t A how thf how tnuoh tti« to n * o f t h t no t* WAt r*M iu«d. At m nr fAlA, 1 hop* ih « BO«D(lAtioni nrUI enA lA tl 4C«clor11y.'*

Count Apponyl dotm not Join with thOM whD pratAA th# AuftirUn r«ply. on th * g ro u n d thA t i t p ro rM th e mon- *rchjr*A dlplomAlio lndAp«ndence *t Oormuny.

*i nhouUn't InAlit on that,** h« a*'<S **I fth4 ^A rftoi unanlpiUy In th* po- Ittlcml AlmA And MntlminU of th t Ctn* tr*l rowr«r«, W# k««tily apprwclatA 0*rniAny^a m h m of Hdality In grav*

I momAAta And r*c lp rooat« It.**lAt^raMi'd !• Av^rlaa*

TYi« ooiinl aak«d niAny g u fitfo n a c on* CArtilrif davalopmanti In A tnrrlra , but a*M h* rould not und*rit*nd th* 1a< k

: of fAirtHUPA of th* Am*rlc«n prfli*.“I t hna be*n a k * m diM PP'^lnim enl

to m* to BA* th « sub**rvlenc« to NAt"- o n d -h a n d in fo r m it to n from Kngland d itp lA yed by y o u r p*opl*,“ ha Mild “1 fAll to u n d a r a U n i why and how Amar- j Ipa otitAiiglvB h*r aympAthlM w'lh a . Aide on w h ich H u m Ia la (Ifh lln ij In | RuaalA th a f p i r i t o f Dberly cannot pra* • vaII.**

Th* re f* r e n r «4 to G arm en mllllprlM n In A tn a rlrji a lau b ro u g h t a raply from , th« H ungA riA h l«a<Jar ^

•T h a reap o n a lb lllty fnr KvrrtipaAn arinARientB r^ata no t w ith u#. but wUh lb* p o w e ra riAkiiiK M >iac*aaary for ua to b e prepA rad to d ifa n d onrif«Iv*a;' | h« AAld. “T her* l« no d lfferanr* b*- . tw *an thA m llltA iiam o f FfAH* a. Humja And O erm anyp a ic « p t IhAt 0*rm *n> 'a ia ffiorc afflolant.* '



woiM nuiD I I snnrA T; N SBA m i m T DU«{D

rom D w niw im m n u u K NEUH u n a

l ic r e a t t o f 1,000,000 M w i i A m y A sk a i for Is ( i r u t e i Mali-

u f Total 4,000,000.


Atluelu Lawwehed Neatly by Tha** Member* Opp**l*v C'***etlpH**. M**r F a ll Aalee* **d Their *a*n^ Diatarh Npeahera- air Edward C'araaw Bad dab* Redmaad Acflv* la Aeadll- tav Adm ialelraile*—Reaeaaa Aehad.

KKW TORK. Dae. lt>~lfrB. Xaibdr- In* C^l* af i U t te r eourt, C teey le- Imad, WM hilled by a aubway tfmlm at lb* Ormad Canitml l lt ik ih amply t a ^ , Har huaband. In aa affoit to aa** b«r, waa dtrmeh hy ih* aam* train and par- bap* fatally lntur*d.

Th* C'elaa had b**n t* a theater la oaUbrallon of th* annl**nary af tlmlr wadding- At Grand C tnlral fluUon they alappad from a local train, tn- tandlng to wait for an aiproaa. Ac­cording t* *y*-wltne*aaa Mra Col* turmad to aptak to bar huaband and walked Into a plUar. Sh* w u thrown bank and dlraetly In front of aneibar local polling Into th* atatlen.

Before Itoterm an H*nry Craig brought th* train to a atop lha woman waa dragged twenty f e ^ h*r body w*dg*d ^ w e a n th* platform and tb* front of th* car. Cola had Jumped to hi* wit*'* rid* *■ aoon a* the wa* atruck and h*. too. wa* caught and dragged until the train waa brought to a atandtttll. Col* waa lakaa unean- aclon* lo Flower II*aplt*l.

Count Apponyl la well known In America. He vlalled thIe country four year* ago oh a !*■ ture tour under the auapicee of Ihe Civil Forum and I'eaoe Hncluly. At that time he wai a mem­ber of Th* Hague Tribunal and wa* Prl-ry Chancellor lo the King of Hun­gary. 11* hae bocn a member of the International Parliamentary Peece Con- rarencee elnce ihclr iirganlaalion, and wae elorted chairman of the meeting held In Parle to dUvuee the Boer* By ■ome writer* he hae been called tb* grealeet Hungarian etaUamaiL

MTa rATMNS TO HAVE TREETk* yoaag women who live at Hotel

Ohpollna t i l Halberry atpeat, arc plen- Rlng to Itove a large t.'hrlattnaa tree. Tho irag will be trimmed ('hriatmea kv* gad Ckrtelma* morning th* gu n t* trill iM unbl* aroahd It lo alng carolo and TaU-tid* nonga A Chrletmaa dlaimr of tb* old faghloned eort win bo g«r*#d a t 1 o'olook and la Ih* after-

th* young women wlU hold anlafarmal ealeeulnm ant In th* ho ldggrtgra. In the Ovoning therg r^ltl bo Balonlkl. The Overeaaa New* Agencyg p4enle cupper followed by dancing, to irh lah guaata hav* been Invited.

Mri. Vlctgiia Aahcreft Jukea, men- ager 0 | til* hotel, I* eo-operating with t tg young women In thair plan* for th*


AS PICTURED(rDottaiwd from PIrat Pag*.)


W n i CLEAR HIM(rontlnuad from nr*A Tu b )

KdSprtfa, ^F1*ld W *r«biil von H Indin* b u r s b aa b o in M itipnU ad to r iU ra ba* f o r t R u m Im i c o u fita r o lU o k a , a f t t r b u ry in g taia eaiinon m id nbandoiiing an tn o rm o tit n m o u n t o f m a io rU I. Th* O trm a n i, u n ab lo to r r o ta t h t Drina. h*v« a tiff tro d t t r y hw ivlly . F Iv t O tr- ; m m d lv la to n t r t t r a o iw l on TuK*bum , a s ii liia t w h frh th e R u aa tan i a ro | n d ^ m H n g . A a a n g u ln a ry b a tiU i* In j R irogrtta n re r U xhull.’*

tlw fB K B ritik h to t io lw lk l, B E R L IN , I Hr. I I (by wiroleaB (o Any* I

vtlln, L. I h»Tho C^Iogno Ugaattt roportt that RrUltfh trcMipo which hnvt botn atg- Gontd pn lelanda (n th# •oattrn Htdltar* TUiienti have brvn withdrawn to bo atnf \


u i’t:ro k ig n t Gm ettr pubhah ri o din-

notrh frnm A thrift atotltig that noorljr ail thr Jtrltiah troopa havr k ft Imbroo Tdrmr<« and T enrdoa laloisda. to ba ran t to KatoniM.

'T h t Imopt on fmbroa Uland wrrr moat dlaonnttntrd. Flomt of tha troopa ^mutlnM. ami fiv, or r i . u ff lc r , of th .■•naral ateff a rt rrporlad to h a rt bttfi

h a rb o r in g fr Irn d Jy f r r l ln g for my eoun* try , e la ted v a ry fa ir ly , w hrn d licu a itn g iny r f r « |i . i io w th a t lh« m a tte r la art* U td th e fac’t rhou«d be em p h a ilied th a t Ih r H u t r iH p a r tm tn t rnadr no rh u r g r r a g a in f t C a p ta in von I'apen and C ap tain Hoy-Kd whit-h rrfir< 'led In rllgM oai de- g f a r on ih H r h o n o r aa officera. <>r- ta in nrM upAporv h a v r made r e rk l t r a rh a rg e a w h irh ro u ld not be iiuppo»'trd by rv ir lrn rr* b u t ilif l. 'n ittd B la ta t Gov* e m in e n t n t v r r tn tim a ied th a t it b t- lie v rd t h e r r r h a r g a t to b t ira te"

*To tlua I hwvt nothing to add After ail fhir wor will not be won by the I’ro ld en re Journal anrl the livening T ele irran i w ith t i . r i r hvphenaled aiip- porlrTH, ft will i»e derliJod hy the auc- cr^a ot tur InviiulhU cierman armt*

“ I go hom n wUh th t u n th a k ib i* con- vU-tlon th a t no r f fn r ts , how ever In- •IrttM l Ih ty m ay b t. will accom pllili th r f r rv e n t d«« ira o f onr tnam v in am b rtill o iir c o u n try w ith ih la gro4t na- tloRv t*u r n o u tra t re la ilo n a will and muBl, on th a co n trtir ) '. InrvUably and g ra d u a lly jtn p ro v a a-i it breom aa r la a r

ldONrK>N, pa<' II .—After an all-n lfh l d rba tf tha Houaa of ('ojunrorti early to* day grarttrd an Inrreaae of I.DOO.DDO man in tha Brttlah army, bringing up Ita alraiigth oii paper in 4,<ibQ,(M)0.

t'omparativt ly Vieavy loate» have batn 1nf1k-tr<t on lha British army in MeitupO" laiiila Id the aavrra flghUnR n^ar Kut-al- Ainr.ra, foilowint lha r*draa( of Iba Brit* lab lo that point. Tho RecrcUry for hitlia. J. Auati*p Chamberlain, announcad (hat lha total caguaLtlea ot fianeral Town* hend a form attuH tha rtturn lo Kut*al* Amara wai InrludlDg 200 dagtha.

Til" Houra riebatr waa rarriad on moaily by the oppontiita of eonacnptlon and thoar mambara who have baan coh* apli^iioita for crlticlalhg (ha govarnment on thi' conduct of tha war. i-Hit of th i •mall number of mambara prcaant to praa«rva a quorum, many a era aalaap baforc i o'clock, the apaechaa baing punctured by moring. Hir Arthur IdArk* ham complaltiai} humorouiJy of thaaa intarruptiona, making at one point wliathar a Nationalial mambar wgg anoring a t him.

Blr Henry DaUlel, in the i-ouria of a •prach, declared that i( had bean da* n io h itra lr l (broughout tU? debate that there had baan umiDA'esiary waalaga In the liver of th* men liy blundera made at haadquariara

Sir lldward Crrioii waa one of tha leadern In the attacka on (ha gvvarvi* menl. Ifa tchoed a charge vuload by .lohri Kedmond. ihe Irjah leader, (hat behind the r»arrJan«lka fallura there la a arnrulal. Afore htformatlon about ih« Oalllpolt onterp^ <e waa deruandad, 8lr Kdward added I'la backing to a qua'a* tioti aakmj by H»-flmond aa to why a car* lain from Hir Un Hamilton,furinrrty nornmnodcr at tha Dardanellaa, had not baan matla public. Hr. Aaquith replied (hat (he diipatch rafarrad to had only recently baan raealvad.

One of tha etatanvanta by John I*. Dillon waa dial bafore iharo ia any con* acriptloa th r man raaponaibla for fall' urra muat be removed.


tgw M I • r iw ilt kf A* g g V t.JC M K T CITT, DW!. tL —F*uM la

th* vbA i rwogi «f tk* arev* *tr««t lab* ■tatton, oeoklnc mgrghln* U bieu la g ag**a held over llgbted niMcb**, Ed­ward Wimrg*, twMtg-«***B g*an utd, *g|«*nMan, who gg** hi* addiaag gg I t W*b*t*r pig**, Diwaklyn, wg* grr*M«d kg Detect Iv* lntr*cg**« and Patrol- ragn gharldgn of th* dljr hall atatlon a t t o'clock Ihig morning.

T h * g e llc* a * r tb g t B htrp* wa* alau In je c tIn g th * m erR k ln* In to hla rig h t a rm w ith g h g p o d e rm lc neadia aa f a i l a a th a d r u g b gcam * g lluuld th ro u g h th * h e a t in g p ro o ta a A ccording to th* p rla o n e r 'a o w n g tg t* m * i.t h* had baan In lh a w *ah ro o m ginoo l l : t 0 e 'clock Uec n ig h t, tn tr o c a a a * an d Sheridan found lb* g ll« g * d u**r o f d ru g * wbll* a tro ll- Ing cg au g llg a b o u t th a aiallon .

B aaldeg th a noad le , a boa of m or- gh tn* ta b la t* w a a found In Hharpe'* p a ck e t! . I t b o r* th * label o f a New­a rk p h a r w a e r a n d w a* apparantigr pr«- ■crlbad b g a ph y a lc ln n . ttharp* will t.e a r ra ig n e d b e fo re J u d g e O 'Brien in the Bacond C rim in a l c o u r t Ihle m orn ing on a c h a rg e o t , h a v in g m arph ln* In hla poeaeaatofi.

W hat b th e m atter vdthth e light?

Are you lure it is the light? It may be that the blurring of

.letters, when you try to read, it due to the fset that your eyes are strained for want of conect glasses.

An examinstion by one of our skilled Oculists will cost you nothing—whether you do or do not require glasses.

Call and sttify yourself.Hania Glaaaca. if they ire

required, cost $2.00 or more.

6 8 3 BRO AD S t r e e t(Next to David Strau* Co.)

M !W TOUK. rmc. J t . - K e w Y ork m u«t ge l In It* New Y**r * » « c*lebr* ilo* bg X A. M. M a te r M ltohal today d*cld«d to e i r ih e a com prnm lao w ith m lnleler*. ro p re a a n ta ttv e e or th a A nti-Saloon I-*agn* an d cafe ow ner* w ho hav* b**n e o n d u c tln g ra m p a lg n * a* to Ih* ex ten t N*w T o rh e re m ig h t c a r rg th e ir c e l ■bratlOB.



v o n t w rap * ll( to n o f th» i l tu a tlo n e r ra to d ra c o n lly by tb a d ropp ing of S co tt Nowrlfig, aM tutA nt profnaaor o f •co n o m ic t In th * W h o rto n School. tU* truatiH ia o f Ih* lT tilT*ralty of P th i i iy l ' v k n l* hftv* odoptM l. It h«a Jua( h**n onnounood . ii p rov ia ton th * ( In itru c to r* cfiriMOl b* d roppod by (h* truat««a w ith o u t a conaultD tIoD w ith th* ty-

T h* u in* n d m * n t o f th * ro fu la t lo n * 1*0 ppovid*fl (h u t fo tic * m u it b* flv e n an ln * tru riQ r a ap*oif|«d Um* befor* th* * i p i r a t l ^ o f h ia c o t i i r tc t If It la th e tn ta ritlo n o f th* tru* to*a to r* ta in him . T h a abaono* o f «uoh notlc* la to a*rv* aa a ralaM o* P ro faaao r N a a r in t 'a fr]«nd* co m p la ln o d th a t no nolle* waa flvan him*

Mp*rf*r of tk€ SrWtI.M ADISON, D or IB —S a c m a ry C harlci

W. niw ffvm un o f th o T. M. C. A. haa a rraD fod fo r a d ln tv tr to br tlvon In th* a iid ito rk im o f tho aaw>clat1on bulldlni tum orrow ulfK l fo r th* m*mb*ra a t- la n d in g c o ll tg a . T h* W ofiian'a A uxiliary will hav* c l ^ r a r o f (he dinnar. lu v lt t ' tldiui hav* b a rn a*ut to th irty -four youiiy iiM r and M r Bliuf*man liaa announerd (hat if a n y atu'^^nt ha* born omlttod b* will b* walcom rtJ if ha Will notify him ty tu n Jfh l.

A r* m m lttc* compoa*<t of Vfarbert ConkilP, O hurlr* P la tt Kofem and How- 0N>n ^V aterm an, will have r h a i f r of IH* daeoratiogia. Jo arp h M aato of New York, hurw ojiit and a in sc r, haa bean

it la a iro b a in f a rra h t* d (o liav« a ba«JiHtbail ta m e bat warn tw o loam* plckad from Ih* acboola and colCpar* (hi* MadiaoB boy* a tten d . I t will be given In th* a f ia rn o o n In the gymnaalum.

QeulXSXa omA O yALcJUu v » Six N. Y. Stores—2 Bklyn. Stores.

T h ig h Crw ahad a t f"wat Plawl.HAMPTON, Dae. 2 1 —-Ouia^pp* D uct,

fo r ty - fo u r y a a ra old, o f W llkaa-B arr* . P a . an em ploy** o f tb* I*ahlgli Coal and N a y tfaG o it C om pany, wa* cau g h t In a r* lo ad « r h e r* ya«(*rday and hla r ig h t th ig h w a a cruahad . K* waa ta k e n to th o ICaaton (1 ^ .) K oapltaL

Johaaoik H o lly C « a | C lio rrbaa gAeDTH*A p ^ a l g rr r ir r of (At Vt'IWg.

RBD BANK. Dec. I2.>a-rha “Boh" Johnaon *vang*M*tlc rtmpglgn. whtch rIo*r^ Monday night aV|*r txttnding oy*r a period of five And a half week*, aw? i the chuTThaa |I,I7I-TI. A atnali balance waa left In tlic trttaaary. about ||u0, and Ihla will b« u * ^ to carry on a apbClil ! •vaagaliaKe work apwmg th* m*a. Moat' Inga for them wIM b* held ,on Minday afternoon* Ln th* Y. M. C. A„ boglimlnf with gunday.

d s s n i ^ '^ 6L g

A RcliaM* Laaativ* Tablet lor Conatipailon and ta iy U*«Tv They do not )om thdr arte: . . . .______ rtar cootlriuad ua« — the doaa doaanot have to ^ incrcaiad, hi k usual wkh Ih* ordinary Calharlk, the ingrrdtenlB fa** iog purely vegetable, they are ibaoluUty

harmltM.gflid ftt BOTTLES a l olf Prn§ dtorei.

U c Zin4 SOc BottEg*

CHIROPRACTICBe a d rug loa t nhyatclan and bkyydleaa

lu rgoon; bci^tmc a doctor of chirupraciic. Win* rofor proapecluL

N. J. College of ChiropracticI S a R o m t IIIw A v w n u %

h « w a rli, N. J .


\N i 'A A A S H T t jS . New Zealand. D*r I t iviH la b a tU r to face th*

a n d l>* done w ith It th an (o proi w lih a n a n te rp rla e whichI'onim only halieveH to have b**n tha tf- a>ih of iii> e r r o r M Jurtgruanl.^ w aa th* C 'lnm iaht o f iMmiii K erguaon M aaary, I 'm n le i o f N eu Z«aland. ra la tiv o lo Hie H bandoiim eiit hy th* B ritlah of Ih* A n ia c <'ov* regtoii o f th* G allipoli l‘eiihiELiIm, H* I'liilcd on (he co u n try to fo rg e t jie rauna] an d polltioal mnlmoat' I k * a n d pr*B«h( a un ited fro n t to tha an tjn y .


T h t a*l* h f R aS C ro M C h rlaU n aa aeele a t tB i Begih n u tln ta la e d hx th e N ew ark A * t< -T a b « m lo * la A gaocla llon In ( r e n t * f th « g g a to ftlu a g a a te rd a y n a tU d S4S.T1 o r Skla am w tin l. S I4 .U w*e

In In th a m w m lng , w hen M lt* V nM l S m llb en d Mia* Buaaii Bowen w a re In e h a rv * i MS.SS in t h e a r te m o n n h-hen N Iaa R u th Q. J n m e a an d Hina D g iw th r T u m k ln a w a r* ta e k a rg e and IS .t l In th e a x en in g , w h e n A lfuiw e O rsM cm a n d W tllin re H . R o ll w ar* on

h e a th ^ n a a t te n d e d th la m o rn -Ih g t o Mlea J a i l * D. T h o m tu e n nnd Mian W llk e lm ln a E y r l4 h an d th i s a ( t* r-Been to Mlie Jasale Falltll* and lliat B aU n W oolgoa.


YIEID DEMANDS(Contlnuad front First rage.)

a lb tllty fo r h a v in g w lU u J lr v lo- In led th * iw o g n l ie d l a v o f n a llone a a d e a t l r a l r d la m g a rd e d th o s e hniiiane B rin e lp le t w h ich ev e ry b e lU g rren t •h a a ld o b se rv r In tb * c o n d u c t oi w a r

hilled. F inally th e troops w ere removed '■ a f te r th ey liad been promleed th a t no- { marou* retn fon-em ents would be sen t.”

T n rh e T e ll o f R ooty T e h ra . ImNSTA.VnKOPLK, Itec. t l (vl» ]

Londoat.—Yk* Tierkioh War Utlic* It

A m erican th a t G arm anv I* onaaxeii In a fu lly J iia llf la b l* and heroic fig h t fo r ■ xletonco an d th* very Ilf* o f th* n a ­tion . "

F a x v r I s R e a r* r r a a t .A i P a p la tn von l**pen wa* going

ab o ard th e N oordam he m et a reqiieet


th e following r ta te m a iit ineleta much i o f o 'i e r m a n re p o r te r fn r e e1a t* m ^ -tbouty wg* taAen * t th* Abafidoited B n t i*h powMkma in OwlllpoN PaAlneuI*:

'T h r r* wge local l ^ h l in g on tna Irak fron t tin M*eoi»utgml«> *( Kut-«l-AmArfta

“A ho itii* A tto rk M Ainet Lb* t*atb •**lar pn (h* Cgucneug fro n t wga r*- pglaad.

“On Ih* [>*rd«h*ll*B fron t hoatllo ahlp* viglently bomb*rd«<i un til l*t* in th* *v tn ing dlff*r«Tit ram p* In order to d*- •truy th* booty etMindanMt by the «n*my, Th* bom herdm ffnt failed to grhl*** l(a

w ith nn p in r* * a lo n of hia a e t l tf* r t le n a t b e in g hou n d fo r G erm any, w here h* cou ld tn k * hi* p l* r* on lh« fir ing Hn*. He ra id th a t even though h* h# given e ro m in ira lo n o f » low grade, he would he g U d to h* in th* a c tu a l fig h tin g . A g ro u p o f U * rm a n i w ho a r t r*ald*nl* In th is c o u n try accom panied Ih* a tta ch e to hla ah ip . h u t ao fa r aa l i know n h* haa no t r a v e l in g eom panlon.

1 w lih tP aaau re a ll (hut T feel mont

B E R L IN ( \ t a Wirelea*). D*p. I I . . - Official# who atand high in O erm any 'i m ilita ry eatabhehm em *xpreaa*d th* he- tVf today th a t Ivonl K llrhener voiild In the n ear fiito r* re tire from Ih* poat of C rttiuh ^ m re tn ry of \*'ar

“Th* re llre in e n t of H r John French."I aaJd one, “ will jicil rave Kitchener. Frepeh

followed U>* order# isaued direct by (h* Ttrltlah U a r tlfflc* . and ih«,l ia wall know n In E ngland , a* w ellea in Germ any.

T t le p**>1bl* (h a t np ch an t* In th* h lltla h I 'a tiln e t will I»* a n tio u m ^ fur »i>m* week*. hij( when It com*# w* b*- ll*^'* th a t K ltc liener a t leaat will |o . “

purpoee. Iloetlle a l le c k e e t (M d -e l.B a t.r , ,o th e g re a t num ber of U errdtBiaOilAfllt' kkdtF* BAdt 1 , _________ g_

INCENSED AT MAIL SEIZURErep ta ied ly w ere repulead.

'T i l t coun ting of th e w ar m ateria l and m ilitary rq u lp m en t left behind by the enemy a t Art R urnu anu A naiarig has not yet been com pleted. Among the booty near Arl tlu rn u were tw o heavy gunn on* Schneider field gun, a groat q u an ­tity o t am im m ltlon , eepeclally carirtdgas rifle*, a g rea t num ber of m ulei. am - m uhitloh carta , and te n ts filled with pro- r l i lo n i end telephone m ateria l,"

F la k t ia g l a Vaegea.R R R IJN (Via l-ondoni. I>*c. I} .—A

p a rt of the H erm an poattlon on the m m . m 't of I la rtm an r-W elle rk o p f. In th*

m n n -A m rrtc a n * In tlile coun try for th e ir e u p p o rl a n d •ym palhy ," Mr P apen xald In fo rm ally .

"I h a v e been ch arg ed w ith lot* of th in g s , b u t w hen Ih la a e r Is over you w ill eee th a t e v v ry th in g w ill corns out a ll r ig h t , 1 am aure. t hav* been her* fo r my c o u n try and t tr iad to e e rv i 11. b u t I h av e n o t clone an y th in g ag a ln e l c llp lom ailc ro u rto cy and I leave her* fe e lln s g ra te fu l th a t I can a t la i t be am o n g the, re a l ac tio n In th e Iron rh ea ." '

The r a p la ln w aa arro m p an led to the p ie r a t H oboken by a few trlende. w ith

C alg aM IH r K slak llab ad .*Tn v iew o f tb e s* a d m it te d e ircum -

sU aeo a tk * g o v g rn m e n t o t th a I 'n i t rd B tatea te s la J u a t l t ls d In h o ld in g ih a l th* d s la l ls o f Ih* s in k in g o f Ihe An- cwfig. th* w s ig h t a n d o h a ra c ta r o f the ad d itio n a l te a tin to n y c o r ro b o ra l in g the A dm ira lty '* r e p o r t a n d th * nu m b er of A rserlcans h ille d o r In ju re d a re in no

Th*(ih'rman a?m y ]icadciu*r|*ri today, a ta lrm vn i ia a# foJlaw*'

’‘W«>at*rh (h«altT of w ar; During th* aflrrnuon th* K r* tnh a lla rk a g our poat- Uop# uf H aH gianavW rltcrkopf and (p (b^ H ln format n o rth o f W altw aller with btrong f o r m . Th*y auccccd«d In tak ing th* aimnmlt of Iftrtm aaa-W ctle rk o p f and * amail puriinn o f a (ranch oti HUacn'* flrat. The »um m tt <>f Haftiqaaa«W «1lpr- kopL accord ing ta official F rro ch r«>porla. Ka# h*rn In poraraalun of tli* F rra ch vine* (h* #nd of April- «

, , a portion of th e lu it poaition on^ y PBM^nUal f n a l te r a o f dlianajklon 1 M «rtm *na'W »U#rkopf wa* captured dur- Tb# ctil|»abiHty * f th * c p m m an d « r 1# in I ipg th« forenoon today, opy CAM •# iab tl«h*d a n d th * und ia- ! ‘ An a tta ck mode upon M ctra r it brokef l l t f d fa c t i# th a t c tU oans o r Ih* irnMcd down Ih fron t of ou r iHialtlon.

Voagea. (b a t wa# ra p tu re d by the Fiwpch 1 w hom h* rh a l to d wbl** fall haggaga y«at*tday, ha# b#*#*! rtc a p tu ra d h y rirrtr ian ' w a# b e in g rxam liicd . Th« a ia m lu a tlo n troop#, it wa# ofM rtally oiutouDccd by j o f a ll b ag g ft* * fo b ig aboard #hlp wa#

B E R L IN , r>ec. 22 (via W lroltaa tn Hay- >111*. Id. 1.1.--A n io rkab# In Berlin, ViF>nna and Budar*p<t a r* Inccnw d a( th* ##iiur* by the R r lt l ih and French uf (*hti#tmaa le tte r# and pacK ogra <*n r^mt* to them

T he A m crlran authuriiic# In V im na And H udapcsl w ere Informf^d toda!.’ th a t the F ren ch au tboriti** hav# held up boga of Mwla# m all ('.ontaiging icitcr* and pr*s* rn t* fro m A m ericana in th* dual mon­archy . to th e tr frt#nd# a t home.

f lc v ^ a l A m erican girl atudent# hav* com plained th a t ch*«:k* a*nt by r^l«4lv«a bav# fallod to orHYO, placing them In an c m b a rro ra ln g p rcd lcan cn t.

• t a i r a w«r« klH ed. la ittre d . o r p u t in ira p a rd y by litai U w leaa a<’L

T h a r v ^ * f (n te fn a iio tia l law and th * p rlac lp la# o f k u m a a lty w h ich war* th b * w llfu ity tr1olat«d by th « com - n a n d c r o f th* KMbioartne hav* been «o l* ag an d w u tilt* raa U y r te e g a la c d ami o r* *0 m a n lfra t fronv th a ■land{vnin( nf f ig h t an d Jualii'a th a t ih* gov«rhm cn t o f th* U nited A lgtaa due* n o t fa*l callcii upon to d e h a ie th em , am i doc# not un* ■ d a ro tan d th a i th# im p e ria l and n>yal i g ovarnm an t q u catlona u r dSaputa# ihrm . i

T h * g o v c rn * iru t o f U h ltfd \K a ta# tb a re fo r* fm d# no o th e r rour#* Op«n to It b u t lo hold lh a In ip e ria l niid ro y a l g o v e rn m en t rcap o n aih le fo r the

‘.Mong the r«*at or (h# ffon l. w hara had w oather prevail# and inow ha# rattan, tb* ra ho# b*fl!i otdy #Ught Ac*llvUy,

“Tbefa 1# no th ing In report fm m lha B o ita rn arKl B alkan theater# of w ar.“


.ATIIPTNS. I>*c. 21.—T n rk lah pa tro l* huv* i-roM#ed th * E g y p tia n line aouili of Kl ArlMl) a n d h a v a an g ag ed ih# H ritiah outpoM #. New# o f th * aitacK a

__ ... . - ........................... .. w#" r<M*alv*d h * r* to d ay . T h i t a c tiv itya c t o t l t * n a v a l r o m n iL d e r aiig Vu re” | "u F .gy trtlsn b n rtle r m ay b* th* p re- n*w th* defliiH * b u t re sp ec tfu l il*. Ike l»ng -h* ral4eU T u r io -d e r -m anga m ad* In i ts co m m u n lca lto u o f " isn tlrlv* a g a in s t th e H uai r* im l th * l l h e f l>*r*m b*r. l» U . t t a lncerely ' H erm an o ffloera . II I* aeaerlert. hav* kep ee th a t th e to re a o ln g e la ten ta n t o f I » ' - " " 'k f">' m®nlh* p r« p e rli ie fo r

p u l In fo re* fu r th e flre t lim e to- rlay by th * H o lland -A m erlca line. Ot- f lc le la o t th * Him (l*clliied lo give etiy e p sc iric re a s a a e fo r U.

Vnti Papen wae appointed m ilitary a t ­tach* of th* ilcrnriAii Kmbamy In Do- vem ber. t* l> . Public aUciiUon » i* d i­rected to him la Hepleinber, laat. whsji a le lm r w hich he wrote to tale wife, w«e found am ong th e papers **l**d by the B ritish riovarn tnen t from Jeis*e F. J- A rclilbald, w hlla he was ra rry tn f them to Kiirope. H> 'r i le r Von Papen *1- liideit to 'bloedsliinl* Ysiilip**." a h h h w as tran a la led a* "Idiotic YanSe**." He said tills Icrm waa applied to Naw York new apapor publlihera . In wiioa* papers his ac llv ltie s hav* been crillclaed.

Ills racall and th a t of C sptaln Karl Boy-Kd, lh a U erm ati n o 'a l attach*, waa requeeted by H ecretary lan a in * December I ^ r |.an s liig deacrlbed their offrneea as c iim ulsllve , hu t Sava no parllculara. Th* H arm an tlm * rn m en t aaked for an e x ­p lana tion o f th* roaepn for Mr. l-an i- I n , ' , a c tio n and was informed that tha rtu im et fo r the w ithdraw al uf lha two a ttach * * wae du* to m illU rr and naval acU vttl*s Form al not.es of the ir recall

rei-aived f ro i i I** German Kmperur


Ifperlsl g e rriff of (A* HSW$I 'N IO N H t l .U Deo. l l . —M ni* than

lIo.eOA w a s d is trlb u tsd yea ltrd sy among th a erap loyesa of the O ansral Chemical P om pany a* a C hristm as bonus. The m oney w a s g iven to lb* m ea a t the P iret N ationa l B ank . Inm e o t tho old em­ployees o f th e com pany racelrsd h d , each, o th e rs racalved am ounta v ary lo ,

) frnm 111) to tfk - according to tha time they had s rrv e il In th* tic to ry .

'I'hls Is th * flra t y ea r th a t a bonus has been d la irlb u tad by th* General Cham bal Com pany. TYi* decision to ,lv * tb* man a bonus w aa reached several w eek, ago a t a m ae tln g o t th a d irecto rs of the com pany.

A o i u v Q t s a r y


Ka goaltlon w ill e n ah ia th * Im perial a n d ro y a l g a v e r iiin e n l lo parcel** the Jn stle s o f th o se dam aiid* a n d to com ply w ith th em In lb * eaLin* s p i r i t o t f r s n h - a ees and w ith th e sam e co n ce rn for th a good re la tio n * now e i i s t ln x li«- tw s e n Ih* C h tted B la taa an d A uatro- R n n g a ry Whiidi p ro m p ted th e g a re rn - m sn t a t th a U n itad h la ta a la m ake th fm . LANSING."

lijJ fU O N , Dac. SI.— A V irnn* le te jia m fsrw drded by R eu te r 's oorrespondrn t esys th a t delivery la th* A ustrian foreign adn la try o t Ih* aecond A ocuna not* from Ih* U alled in a U s ts anw uunrtd by th* MtiM Fraia Ftaeat.

th e t lg y p l l a i i c a m p a ig n . W e r s u p p lie s h s v e been s h ip p e d a lm o s t d a l ly o v e r the H y r ia n r a i lw a y , a n d m a n y b a U e r I r s o f h e a v y * u n a h a v e been I r a n s p o r ie d to J e ru s a le m f o r U se In th e K g y p i ia r i d r iv e . K p e c la l t r a n e p o r t c a r l* hn v* been b u i l t TO c a r r y a m m u n it io n a n d w a te r o v e r th e d e ae r i.



RKW YORK. Dan. *1,—T h* f lra t su r- v tv a r a f tb * A ncona lo ra ach Nsw York ■ friyed ta d a y . n * I* G io v an n i m M arco, a n tta a n -y a a r -o ld o a b ln bay . He waa a tP*M boy a a th * A n o o as w hen ah* w a a g a a b by a n A s s t r ta a aubm arln* .

"I W aa halow d a c h a w h a n th * eub- ■ h r i n t w a e a tg U la d ." s a id th * boy. “l h o a rd t r i m m t d o r k aw d w h o * I ruahad t ig 1 Jo gh d t h a t th * a a g i M had been ■ taggad. T h* a q h a ia r iB * w a s th a a abou t Ih fo* aMita aw ay , t o t ah* approached IP w it h in a Bitl* a a d th a n f l r to a sh a t lh a t i lo a t r o y c d M r w lrs laao g a a f . W han

W hile n d ju s lin g a d rill p ress Ihle m am ln g In th * p o w er house o f th e Publlo h s rv ic* R lec trlo Com peny, C osl s tre e t , T h o m as M oOlane o f MX Mouth P tigh laan th e tre a t a o e ld en ts lly se t th e m a rh ta * In m e tlo n w ith a m ovem ent of h ie fool. T w o fin g e r* o f h ie left hand w er* c a u g h t In Ih* m ach in ery and la c ­e ra ted .

N in e -y ear-n id P a u l B agdon of 11 1 Mouth e lro a l w aa In ju red a llg h ily by an au to m o b ile th la a f te rn o o n In H erm on ■ treet. A ry K a u fm a n n o t t a B enn ing ­ton e tra a t, d r iv e r o f th e m ac h ln * look th e boy to St. Jam ** '* llo a p its l. and d rova I* th e T h ird P re o tn r t H latlan to re p o rt th * a r r ld e n t .

F a llin g w h it* a t p la y In th e y a rd of

D e c d i-b e r 1# and Ih* H a lte d State* OoV' (T u m en t ir a m n j 'e t r t y a tk v d G rea t B H ta ln a n d K r s n r c to g iv a th em sa t* conduct lo I b 'U t r d s m .

I t IS re po rte d ih u t C a p ta in B o v -F d w ill le a ve f o r K o t le rd a m D m lu b c r I I on tho ■ l i e 'm r 'R o tte rdam .

T h e N o o rd a m . a lth o u g h o u tw a rd ly re ad y to v a il a t noon, w aa da leyed . f t w ae ih o u x M th a t th e re waa anin* d e la y In g e l l in g the sh ip ’ s papers arranged .

IA J N D O N . Dee. l t .~ T h * B r i t is h and F re n c h g o ve rn m an ta coneantad to g ive s e fa c o n d u c t* to C a p ta in s B o y - ^ snd von r a p e n . the O a rm an a tta che s re ca lle d f ro m th e H n ited M a te s , "In de to reuc* to th e a ip re a te d w ish o t the U n ite d m a le s G o v e rn m e n t ." I.ord Robert C e c il. P u r l la m e n ta r y t in d e r Re i-re tary to r F o r ­e ig n A ffu irw . s la te d In the lla u e * o f C o m ­m une to day .

T h e t in d e r S e c re ta ry 's sta tem ent waa In r e p ly to a q u e t to n Im p ly in g eon- d e m n a llo n o f th e g ra n t in g o t eat* o op . duc t* . Ih* q iiM tk m e r suggesting th a t b y t h is th e a t ts c h e n w ou ld be enab led to " d lrm -t t h e ir ene rg lee tow a rd th* In ju ry o f Ih le c o u n t r y neareV hom e." .

T o th e suggee t lon th a t th* " re lta g e " o f th * G e rm a n o t f le e t* m igh t h* nW d* th * o cp se lo n o f the rc leaae o t C o lo n e l II. D. N a p ie r and C a p ta in A r th u r S U a tv y W ils o n , ta k e n o f f a O ie r k it s a m e t In the M e d lte r ia n e a n , L o rd Robert angw erad th a t It w ae no t a question o f rdeae* o f Ihe O e rn ia n * b u t o f w hether they w ou ld do tno r* h a rm In the U n ited B la ta a th a n in t l ia ir o w n co u n try .

th* G a rfie ld B ehaal In N orth Boventh ■ traot y o g ta rd a y a fta v n o o n . J a r ryBeena. a lavd ii y a a ra a id , of 4 I t N orth F if th M raat. a u ffa ra d a g a sh a* hla la f t kna*. T h * I n ju r y w u tre a ta d byt o , A. J u l l w G ord in , C ity H o ap ila l am -

i S S T f l r t o M d ' l h ' t * . a ^ 4 ' « l t o ‘i » g * l ? X a n d a v d a u . th lg m ornEf ” • • • flfoA «A4 t a t o a lla r i f ## nnid.«m M r « a o » i a i e i t ^ T k a t ’ ^iTIw W in ia m N rliw Af 41 K lU at i io r a t ‘ V * fa ft, f r a m u r ln g h i* r ig h t kn o d ca p . M etciaflda’t do aaytbiBg. I s a t into a tms't

four wemaa aadthar* war* twg ataa. Aa awon u tha lifabaota h*.

to liav* tha ghip th* Aaitrian* - to Ifid d« iHb AhMl fatty ihaUs

n w a . * i t : c f t . ? v 2 s

was lakan lo lha City Hospital, will satabitsh our claan raeords daapit* tU th* mlarapraseuuilon and ultna* Btcu gpmd hroadcagt at gregant.

B iWgf iggiag a a O s* T api* , toh* Raw Torli Wbald, Wfttak sag.

I s l s jg ta B is M a a t a U m ao M to laa to

C o n cert a t T H o lly R etem eed C horeb."H i* B ir th d a y ." a c a n ta ta fo r w h irh

A m y L a ta v ra w ro t* th* te x t an d R- )(■ l la ro d l ih oom poood the m aale, wlH ho x u n a a t a o o n c a r t I* b* glyan In T r in ­i ty R afo rm ed C bureh , F t r r y a a d 'H a w k . In* a t r g g ta to m o rro w n tghL Tho p e r . fo rm an c * w ill b* under th* d trac tlen o t W jlllem H lllo r , chu lrm aa tw , and w ill e a ip loy H ta* A riM M llleriug, aopraooi Jaq tea N. R rpw n, tenor, and A to ta o d sr K n o t, b a rito n e , aa aololata, and a rh o ru * o f tw e n ty voteaa. Th* eocond p a r t o f fh * p ro g ram w ill ho n a d t up o f •o c u la r Buaiborav Th* ato ry In tb * a a n . t t l a w ill be ra a d by Ur*. Candll. a rita o f R av . m a r t a a R aach C a s to i p s a**r t o

■ •dRi-Mwooi-1 loi-sas ftoaasadRto

gpertel Srrrice of Me .V g ff.FL A N D E R S , Dac. A C hrla tm x i

o n ta r ta in m o n t w ill b* g tv an tom orrow , n ig h t b y th o p o p l l i o f Iho publlo tehool, UTiilar th o d iro c tlo n o f tho p rincipal, Miee Iv * t>. L ln ilab u ry o f B ariloy , and th e p r im a r y to a c h tr , U lis tvucy B. Mmllh.

T h * p ro g ra m w ill Inctudo p iano ao- leetlona b y Mrs. AbWe F. Hopler: vtolln •o ios, D o W Iti R llo p lo r e t B artloy ; ad- dreasoa, Bov. G eorge M arP h o rto n flu n - t e r e n d Bev, A ndrew H onry i aong* " S a n ta '* F a ro w o ll" a n d "H o rry , H orry , C h im in g B olls ," fay Ih* schooL ta v e re l d ia lo g u e* *nf1 e ie rc iso c ; tr io In b lsek - fac*. "Lueind*** H IsIs lu T an d "C hrla l- m *e B nhly Am a Comln',** by a lx boy* en d th r* * g irl* o f th * p r l a u r y d ep art- m * n t; " S tr ik * tn S a n ts '* Land." by C laud* Il**d, D eR 'tU B. H oplto , C b arl* , M elA U ghlln , A ndrew H onry , F lo ftn o * M ela lu sM In , H * ry A. D rab*. Lout** H lld o b re n t. G e rtru d * Colam en and V IoU t L y on* : "H r*. B row n’* V lattore," "T h* W h ip p in g th e t N ora isn D lto 't 0 * t ," a n d v o ca l sol*. " C h rH tm u Song*." by Ml** H a r r ia t l* L. Itl ld o b rsn t.

o th « r * w h o w ill l* h * p d rt * r* J u u m T a r . N o rm a n H u n te r . H o rh o rt HcCUlIn, C a r l R **d, C liffo rd Parllam M iL G lana H o p l t r a n d H a to l K cL oagh lln . T har* w in bo a M anta C lan* an d a t ro a

Every Suit and O vercoat in the H ilton Store is reduced to a fij^ure th a t means a big substan­tial savinjj for you. Realize what th a t means to you at th is time above all other tim es—right at Christm as and New Y ear’s.

Come in tom orrow by all means—for our Anniversary Sale offers you a unique opportunity. You can end the old year right and start the new one right, tailored by Hilton, and at a cost th a t lies within reach of pocketbooks tha t have been thinned by Christmas expenses.

J18S u its - | A 75IHUl


$22«Siiits# C .5 0•fid


uenns M T1|. 5 Il'.iH.OkOpen Eveoiiigs U d X i n s

$25 Suits• n d

Overcoats$20 Suits on.00Ovurcoits$30 S u it s q q .5 0Ovurcuits$35 Suits O i l ,5 0OvarcMts

H0W (NEi

E iU i r a l l

BpfrMI Com lO N D O J

H a rv a y , to < c a n R*vld< fa w d*y


. E n ,a* to *• fa* r* u * * l Arne fonitaOB of

I I I* b**i t h a t laartcc w h a r t r u s t .t*ln4*> •*>B r i t f *ff»li t ln u jn d *gi • n d r i t t e r n e r o p p g Impi t n g p t th * D AmOcan n o *pq j*n t* hi n c tw lt l i Hi t t • • *n An v iq e n d d*i q r |d f le e t; to h*p*ct tl *o;lce end to o h o m Ixii r r t i t i g mea fo inetaneei <-* n ew tp k p b fo r elogxi Iri l*. "N o F

:* fo r teei h i* *■ row t l B r itis h h o n Joum eli *<h e x im p i Ailerlou*, ■ r a * on LyOtl

lia rT # T 'aolonal 111

cv bava h*


|)oT(8 (hay ntiaYi. I'Mp a r r e l y floj oapalr. alioi (a n tlv th e ( th th e All Ian m ueh u All th i# ni

Iff (o MS >vt Dn# ot fh li nee o f the ( Jjoritorte o n tln u td v # ra o f ever npre ilL va i atmr. b#v m o h f (ho#< nikQ rou i^ou t 1 m bifinnii rOthtvha ve

up (0 a vU onr t U# ra rve l# ra# een f> p o rta in ui ectunn o f i (o r m ay ni'

If (Il no Horvtr (Sri' aupp ly ilrff In B ililh 's l o n t tcilni^ fo r a (9 da

“I fIS h a(th«r, TTfec b u t th io u i

End tuibar iu # t bireo

i-arlA ln l m lm l o& #1 tlv e# gfilL o f th#

Tliei-e hi (boutfh . i I tn ir I'on ic t ro n rerfiigutf thii HI K arh w«#, ha# HrojrH p]«lti(# Hd

T hi# x«l tn a n o d e lio rd N ^b th # I ld e r h a r g e i R'l’ c b e e r l n i l t neoTR a tu t


flwHal Ffralei of l i t VMW9,1 d m * K lto Doe* t ie —T h* ca iM ,

v a n tlo n a n d ««pa o f to b trau lo a l# w #ra tt$a k o f a a i r a o f a oU ro tim o o ti U e tv ra In Uia Opom Hotraa rMtkfikF oftor* a o o n anrl t v a f i l n f by Wy D#lb# 8m lth o f lh a S ta to E > a p ^ n ia iil o f Hraltfa.

SatUfaction Guarani^ or Money Refunded

B ee t, n u t r i t lo a * f o i 4 fpM h * lr ^ia n l lg h l . w k a n com M acd, **id S m ith , p re v id * th * o n ly poialM * cu re fo r th * d l«»*aa

T h ro u g h a a b r r a n g w n e n t w ttb t a p e r , v t io r J . B . C ran * . th * pup lla o f i n t B u tlo r acho«lB B ttendod Ik* a fu n o O * lo e lu r* . T h a BXhIbIt oanalatad of f i f . l o th c h « rt% ahow lB g th e tukorcl*

t ^ H I I v T O N ^

t « a i ’iTN.

b ao lllt, i lo cav w rad by Dr. Cook ! • ISH , th * « ffo e t o f th i* g e rm on th a lunga.tk * d l f f o jo n t a igg** o f th* dlaoaa* ggd

ln ip iw p * r l i v lu g oO Bd ltlona . T h o u k l b l t a n d la c tu r* w lU b* r*>

_ 'to4«.Sooralaiiiaia



i i \to«"gtotototo#<

sm .




H B W A R l i i a l f O N iw « ? ^ f f B D N E 8 D A T . D K 0 I M B B 8 22, 1916.


EilMr «f W AM ricu Review Weit I0 Loidoi f« Fids Be Miglit ’H m Reel i Loodei Cerretpended’s Artidei fir

I ; HcNlAsPMt.


gf§c(€t 9t the SEWS.t/)NDOf 1>«» Cojontl 0«ori#

tla rv sy , tf MtltDr of tbw N«rlb Ainert" eM R«vM* who Arrived lo lx)udon * U w dAVJkOi ffbve hti feUow country* fOAfi t t* o th e ^ here « iurpiiwo. Ho otmtodp Evonlng BUndord repre- M tiUtP for pubHcfttlon th«t be hod oome r Bnflftnd **to lAttffy blmeolf* 00 to ^ reol eUte r»f Affaire hero, be- eauM i Araerir^h **11(110 (ruetworthy in* fo n ti^ n ikby kind wee obtainable.**

I I !■ been th e gan ere l fe e lin g h e re t h a t r n tn c e ta one of the few ap o ie w her tm e tw o r th y In fo rm ation le oh* ta ln i |a . eeptMsIally in fo rm atio n a b o u t B r f t f a ffa ire . The London Vrt»9 h ae t l i ^ n d ag a in barn steeped In ea t ire und^ItterneaH over Ihe neceealty o f ro p f ig Im p o rtan t new s abou t th e do- In g p f th e i r ow n arm y and navy fro m Aml<Ab new spapers. A m eriran c o rre - apq!lentfl have b ren Invited to h o b - noR w itii B ritish troopa In F ta n d e re : I t « i an A m erican who wns cUoeen to v l^ an d describe the dally life o i th e g r id f le e t ; A m ericana w ere con d u cted to hapact the new depot! o f the a ir ■ejtce and Am ericana w ere (be o n e s tev h o m Lord I>erby described h ie re> r r t l n g m e a su re a T hese a re on ly a f a In s tap ees of (he fav o rin g o f A inerL < e n c w fp a p e rs over th e R rU lih . T h e b fe r s lo g an amo»if llrklieh Jo u rn a l- teflA "N o TCnfllflbman need apply. "

a fo r sec re t new s w hich A m erican s h ie aa com m on p roperty aii.d w h ich t | B ritish have never yet seen In th e ir on Jou rna ls, one need only m en tio n e lh ex am p les as Ihe s in k in g of th e A ^acloua, and Ihe d e la ils o f th e a ir rtfe on l^ndon.

H a rrey s L«ad»e ^ewe nefeetive^Colonel H arvey te lls us th a t A m e rl’

cia have been glvrn the Idea. In th e

fa lra . H e h u n g h ie a t ta c k on a p a r a ­g ra p h In a B uaalaii p ap er In w h ich th e R ueeian com plained of The Tim es, a s e d a n g e r to th e A llied cause.

T h e T im ae boldly c la im ed th a t th is p a ra g ra p h w a s a fak e urn) th a t It h ad b e en s e n t to th e R ussian p a p e r by th e B rttleh O overnm ent as p a rt of a g o v ern ­m e n t p lo t to In ju re l ^ r d N o rth r llf fe . T h is c la im T he T im es had to w ith d ra w . H ir J o h n Blmon also had to w ith d ra w h la a ta tem o n t th a t th e p a ra g ra p h cx- p reaeed R uealan opin ion w ith r e g s r d to T h e T Im e a Bu th e c o m b a ta n ta d rew o u t a b o u t even.

O n la s t T uesday seven h o u rs w e re s p e n t b y th e Kntiae o f ro n im n n e o v e r th is d eb a te , and th e c r itic e nf th e H ouae h a v e n a tu ra lly m ade use of th e In c id en t to re m a rk ag a in th a t th e n a tio n le p a y - |}(g th e Com m ons £400 a y e a r a p ie c e fo r th e ir eerT lces In th e ffngee. T h e sam e crIU cs ask If th e se e ld e rly stiFtea- m en w ould n o t pe rh ap s be s e rv in g th e i r c o u n try even b e tte r by g e tt in g o u t a n d d a n c in g a ro u n d a M aypole o r d o in g acm e b r ig h t and sim ple U tlag th a n by p la y in g w ith local in tr ig u e b e n ea th th e ro o f o f th e m o the r of p a r l ia m e n ts , w h ile th e g re a te s t w ar in h is to ry bo iled an d see thed .

I .« ag ea T ew s's ( 'e le a d a r .I<ord Derby a g a in on M onday rece iv ed

th « A m erican co rresp o n d en ts . T h ey a s k e d him If to n n 'r lp tlo n w as a n y n e a re r . H e rep lied In hU g a y es t m a n ­n e r th a t If cohs«'rip(loi) w ere tn com e It w as a w eek iie rre r th an w hen h e had seen them nn the iiieviuus 5londay.

T he d a te m arking the end of Lord D e rb y 's re rru H In g schem e s ti l l s ta n d s a t D ecem ber 11 end th e m en w ho h a v e n o t y e t Joined up a re no t a llo w ed to fo r g e t th e p assage of the d a y s T h e b lv eu in g News (L ondon) p u b lis h e s a

d r iM M d«w i tbtwuflk t>ia dark t« lf» r.11h fitter ttM t t thfi

rrowd tbfil dfitlifirfid aitfildd M,n»HktHall WM hkfiki kTfiwn- A fiM itaewto( fiirtrltfid CfiiifidlkM mfiiififfid t* nwli thfi hfitl. At tk« rfifir thfijr ffirmtd Ib u fi fifintrfil fore* with protecting wins* wnd fit the word . ^ ^ r i e ! ' ' thep ewept the mefitlns hwap. The frlahienod ■peakece duhed’fifit the bank paaeacet befora the say CfiMdUni reached the plattorm, aad tfioaptd' nnre«o«alfied. thanka to tha atl.fio*aloptBK darkaaaa outalde.

SInfInc of aongfi and ehaartng waa ronfluuAiM nutalda hi tha walttnp crowd#. When tha Canadlaa faatlral Inalde waa oVer and the vleterloae Heple LM fi Joined their well-wlaheri outilde aa Impromptu parada waa formad anfi a march alonv Fleat atreat and th , Htrand rollowed to tha tuna o( rhythmlo eheera and rlolant aong.

The U. I). C. hate alnee hcan putting etralnad dueitlaaa to the Hone# of Cnmmona aeklng why Ibe Ijondoo police, which was gathered In (eroe on Ihe eoene did nothing to the mafaudere cacept to niaotlon to them In a trlandly w ar that ihar should "mora on nnd not hlook the elreet." But Ihe vole, of Ihe U, U. C. hae about aa much chatica of helng heard In this connection ee would that of a eparrow "oheepliig'' In the Ihlch of a modern artlller) bailie. The"L 'nioii o f U------ C ranka,” a e th ey a reca llad , w ill have to w a it to r th e re tu rn o f Ih e d a y , o f tan g o teas. T ill th a n , th a w a r r io r WUl h r Ihe euprem e f ig u re he re . O B t ’ I L I. DflRRIAN.


GaMnl B o « i is A w al Ripirt. D sd in t SireigA b n iric iiit is

Ssppsrt Rwwsiln scnA D « n W U BAS CHANGED OPINIONX avp la I t t g Ih e a lg th a t e f Aw? j

Otbvff Ratlevifi B eav i A r g u n — A g re - r a t l g g ( 'M lh is lB g B glM lag IStlle?* Vaya l» g g a tH a l mm W ell a s HlUSatr? A gvagfggea W ill Be O a lae* —A eeerts a»kgMir4gee W ill N et Be aap rem ee



m CRLlX. Dec. *3 (by w ire le ss to b n y v ille ) .—Tlie explo it of a y o u th fu l A u s tro -H u n g n ris n cav a lry c a p ta in In co n n ec tln n w ith the cap tu re o f TMevtJe. In n o rth e rn M onlenegro, Is re p o rte d by (he O v ereek i Nvwe A gency s s fo llo w s

“T h e cap ta in , unaccom panied , m ade h U w ay th ro u g h (he M on teneg rin lln rs an d e n te r in g 1‘levlje s u rp ris e d ih« M nyor an d h ts <'< uncll In session . T he c a p U ln dem anded s u rre n d e r of th e tow n . fU cil the hour a t w hich H se rm e

I m u s t be hatMlpd over, and c a r ry in g tw o h o s la g e s w ith him re tu rn ed eafeiy to

I h ie reg im en t.'THt th e foMovk'Ing day the v ic to rio u s

A usirO ‘ l lu n |a r la t : trooDs e n te re d• DIevIJc, g ree ted hy the c n ee ts of th e \ A lohainm edan population. At a fix ed

h o u r a ll th e a rm s were handed o v e r In th e m unicipal build ing an d the hoa- ta g e s re le a se d .“

W AglilJv'OTON, Dec. T h a t th eI'liitod ftiatea navy a t Us prseent streR gth i i not s iitfh ’lent to back the diplom atic remon#tram*«s of the country or to ea* fu rre 1U policies la w ar Is a declaration m ade In th e annual report of the general >H>ard o f the navy, made public Iasi n igh t. 11ie board also asaerts th a t th e U nited H iatss needs a fleet th a t can no t only |te r- form Us function of derwnee. bu t can pro-


" t» ( n e w n in s H cw «"VSCCRUITING CALENDAR.

DAYS LEFT'* 4cf—gef >* a * 9 v a | fruM nifHttri gfitAia gntf Cfi4 ttrhttd 'IpufftMtm

aborts th e y g f l frum I..ondon, th a t (he PHieh. I'Hpecisllv Istc ly , h s \ e been g e re ly flQpr«Kn/>d, in f£ict ahnoet In isp s lr . sh o u t the wnr snel th a t ivnee* te n tly th e vast arm ies of s y in p a th lie r s i t h th e Allied esuee In A m rrh a h ave Sen m uch alarm ed.All th is n isk es very su rp rln ln g read -

ig to u s who are here The e tiff h u ik - ona o f th is coun try , the >vol n c ie p t- j n ee o f th e w orld w ar, Ihe aaug fro l'l . f Ijcm ioners thrMUghout Ih e ir long un lln iied v ig ils in dArktieas end li» s ea of evei -renew cd th re s ta and eom e n p re s llv s a<‘cum plishm eiila of Ihe s i r , oeniy. hsve bien constant then^es m o n g th o se who neinJ flispa trlies fro m | Yila dde. The unwavering fa ith . Q rou#iou t the rank end file h e re fro m tR Ysginnlng. that, (hough UnglamJ r ig h th a v a to wade th ro u g h d e fea t an d (iQod L>p to her DCt'k. she would a rr iv e a vicory a t the end. has lyeen ona of Ike ig rv c la of the w ar And Ih ia fa c t Ivs sen fa ith fu lly obeerved and re - po rtd in one phase or an id h e r In th la colurav o f the N ew ark Kvenliig N ew s fo r m ay m onths.

I f (I. SOUVC9-N from w hich U olagel H A rveydraw hut Inform atinn Aid Boig su p p ly i tm wUh th is ro n a la n t fn c lo e In B iltlit 's w a r It did no t la k e him lo n g tc flnd It out when he go t h e re , fo r a fg days a f te r hla a r r iv a l be sa id :

“ I flS E ngland a t her h e a t—v e ry sober, prfecit} calm and aeif-poaarasod. b u t thaough ly aroused and re s o lu te a n d su ih a rg ed w ith a confidence Ihwl m u s t b treck o n ed a sense of a b so lu te 4 -erla liit I have not futjud In th e m ind o h s ing le one of the re p re s e n ia - liv e s o ftl l r lsaaes Ihe a llg h te s t d o u b t o f th e oleoma of (his llianici s tru g g le ."

Avtlier N ew spaper W ar,T Ite re have been m any d o u b ta ,

th o u g h . ■ to the way th e w a r wap b e ­in g ru n ic lc d and m yriads o f d n u h ia concernkc the ab ility and 'g (»od fa ith o f th e Hltb-at and m ilita ry lendera . KAch wet, as we have tried to show , h a s hroRhl its fresh crop o f eom - p la ln ls Ml excited qoeetlona.

T h is wek h a s been la rg e ly dev o ted to an n tlp new spaper q u a rre l b e tw een lio rd NAhclIffs and ttir Johh (Hmon. th e Il<ie Hecrelary. T he la t te r c h a rg ed T h e Tim es w ith a id in g a n d rh e e r in g tb e enem y w ith pesslm tsU c n ew s eb Jt th s conduct o f B r itis h a f -

d a lly c a len d a r In a i onep icuous p<*el* Mon. It (rllti the dale, tiow m an y d a y s a re left and 'I'lnics nn ap tiro p ria ie . verpe o r a e i i l l n i c n t from a poet, la o n g - j fellow aervcil nn the recrulM rig s e r - . g en n t for \\>dMead*>''B ed tlion , a cco m - I p a n y ln g th e calendar lea f fo r th a t day . I

T h e f ir s t new s eoinea out to n ig h t o f j (he fo rm atifin of a new p o litic a l p a r ty . ■ If t l’u* Hd\aniT infrrrmall'in is ro r f v r l— ] w lih h In R* yi-i k'V nc m eans c e r ta in — llic p a rly w ill t»e called the N a llo iia l P a r ty jUkI Its plwtforrn w ill be » r e n ­al ru i 't i \ a one w illi pure, noble. pa li'ioU o | p la n k s Hurh » « “‘hi w ith th e w a r l j K trlk e h a rd and q u ick ly :'' ''O rg a n ise t r a d e fo r su p p lan iliig M erm an in d u a - ir lrs . ' "Kegin reionMiru<ijv« m essu re s agalnel the siiddcrt outbreak of peace," c(c.

It la s ta te d th a t th e m en w h o a r e fo rm ing th is parly b a \e bern incrU ng fo r m on th a a t the (Jrand H otel ( f a c in g T r a f a lg a r H quarel d ls ru se ln g th e p r o s ­p e c ts a n d g rad u a lly fo rm in g th e i r p lans. Hir hklw ard C arson i* n am ed a s Its p ro b ab le Lradef) b u t S ir R d w ard , w h en In te rv iew ed la i« th is ev en in g , d e ­n ied h la conneetion w ith th e g ro u p , even den ied th# gxlgtence o f a n ew l ia t ty a n d called th e w hole re p o r t *'Lm- p e it iM tiY gogplp-* O tyftrs w h M g p M iM D a re tb o n e e fe d w ith twe a lleg ed foH hA - llo n o f th e new- p a rty a r t R lr A r th u r M ark h am , g lr H enry D alsle l a n d ib * a m a il I ta d ic a l group , ir tc ltid inc Mr. l in g g e , M r P rin g le and o th e r so -c a lled n o to r ie ty see k e rs of th e Heuec.

hevv D*er<y TsIL t acee rire sed .T h is re p o rt, w hich is th e s u b je c t o f

m u ch ta lk and some e d ito r ia ls to n ig h t , m u s t be le f t in o b s iu rlty and no t g iv en a n y g re a t credence t i l l to m e m o re s u b ­s ta n t ia l nam es e sn be quo ted W ith o u t c o n tra d ic tio n in connection w ith It.

T h e “peace c ran k s ,” ps s l l a r e c a lled h e re iii theae days who m en tion th e posalbllL ty o f peace, m ust h av e fo u n d It i ia rd to recogn ise th e ir ow n to le r a n t c o u n try la s t M onday n igh t. T h e irn lo n o f D em o cra llc ro n iro l , w h ich ght>ltera th e peace cranka, tr ied to ho ld a m e e t­in g a t M em brial H all on F a r r ln g d o n s tr e e t . T h e ra helng som e tr a d i t io n Or o th e r in E n g lan d abou t fraed o m o f ap eech and th th g g tik # th a t, th e t '. D. C. a llo w ed th e new s of th e ir p ro p o aed m e e tin g to leak out. As a 6ona«quanca a la rg e c o n tin g en t o f the llv e lla e t e la - m e n ts In EiOndon a lso leak ed o u t fro m th e i r cosy ftrealdee and ih a lr d a t a a n d


w ntT K s n . r m II hI’RI.m js . w . v a .. j IK-C : i . —I'ree^dfinl Wllmm and lilt w ife . ti.t1e,. motnrw) over ii. Ih d e l in e r rreo rt. : f i . r u - f u e mile* frum Hot Si'flnae, Va.. to Khvo lu iu 'h .on h^rf. For the fire t tiran e in if the ir m errle»e llw> diond to- e f lh e r In e publlr piece Only e few jwople were In the d in ln i rmim of lh« Mole) Oreenhrlor here, however, w hen th* J*r.'ei*ien1 end Mre. ^ '11eon ea t dow n to lonrh*..n .

Tlw rout* M ihroueh fh o ln a to n . Va , end eeveral pereone there rei-oanlted thfi W hile H om e couple ae Hie eulcunoblle Bpe.! thro iiah (he town Th* ep en a to re w aved (heir hand , and hate and e h « re d h 'e llly The Preeldenl and M r, W llaon iHilh anilleil l« rk greetlns" and th* Pr*al- d*nt doffrd hi* hat a few timea. I h e re tu rn to Hot hprlng*. ^ a., will b# m ade la te th la afternoon.


AMBTKWTV^M fvla l*ondon). i t .- A M«>rllri d ispatch quo tas th e A o rls lis t

p c w sp a p c r VorwaarlB to th a a f f r e t (K at lh«« nc ilon nf tha (to ria llst m in o r ity In th s R alo h siag Is voting A g a in s t th a w a r , <T*'dll, w hich Is c h arg cfar lsad a s a b ra s f 'h of d isrip llna . w as ro n d am n ad by th a p a r ty sa a w hola by a v o ta of | s i s ty - th ro a In flftaan .


r i r r H l I tR O H . r+ c * ! — H a rr? Bhnf, a m edical student In tha tTnivarsity of P ittsim rgh , died la a hospital hare la ta ia st uight as tha tasu it of In jn tias su f-

in tha football gatna batwoan ib a Ivdfbity- of P ittsburgh and W ashington

and Jeffe rson Coilaga two yamra ago.

NOT TO BUT GERMAN SHIPSl.ONHON. Dec. J3.—B nm ora w b trh

h av e te e n m r r e n t fo r eeve ra l d a y s to th e affenf th a t (he H w edleh-A m sriean I.lne w * i to buy tw o I ta tn b u r f-A n if ir l- c an lln e re a p p ea rs to h ava baen <l1a- poeed o f by a dis[>alch from H tockholm to U eu ter 'e T a la tra m Com pany.

T he ineeeaae eaye th a t th a n aw s- p a p e r A ftonb ladet ha* pobllahfid a e ta te m e n t from the S w edlah-A m arlaan com pany th a t th* rep o rt Is w llh o u t fo u n d a tio n and th a t no p u re h a aa o f H e rm an llnere could he coneidarfid b a - to ra I h t end o f th* m ar.

GARRISONS TO ATLANTIC OTYWA!NHINtm»H. Doc. 5t.—A ^cre tary o f

W ar and Mrs. G arrison w ill Isav e t o ­m o rro w fo r A tlan tic <*lly. N. J., to apand th« rh riB im as holldaya, r s tu r n - In g to W ash ing ton to b« horns fo r I h s i r N ow T s o r 's roosptlon.

tp c t th s jsB tiog 's rom fucrC s and d s f f o t • hn sU lo f t f s t fa r soough f ro m tboa*- I s h a re s to p rsvsQ t a d ts tu rbonoo lu ib o c o u rs e o f n a t io n a l Ilfs.

A t tb s a sm a lim a ih t board sxp ra a sa s \ th * b c lin f th a t t lw r c s u lt j o f tb * M u m - | i>«an w a r a r s c o n v im in g rvaao tia f o r A : m o d 'f ir a t lo B o f lh a u p la io n It h a t o a - i p rsasf'd In th s la s t s|svsn y e a rs a s to th a s is* Aif th a f la s t . It d sc la r« s th a t a n a v y i l r u t k f enough o n ly to dsfcwl th« c o a s t n» lo n g e r su ff ice s sn d th a t p ro t s c ilo n o f i’‘ «m m sri‘* and th s d r iv in g u f cn a m y 00m -

f r o m th« ssa is sa a cn tia l.T h s re p o r t , Is su w l a s a n a p p p s n d lx

lo ih# r e p o r t o f d c c r a ta r y l% n ls la . Is s ig n e d b y A d m ir a l I**w*|r, a h a lrm a n o f ( its g e n e ra l hoard . T h * b o a rd 's d u ly In to a r lv la e tha A a c ra ta ry on need* o f tne n a v y a n d to f o r m u ls t r b u i ld in g p r c g r u in i . Tta o th e r m e m ba rs a ra R e a r A d m ir a l A u s t in H . K n ig h t , p re a id a n t o f (hA N a v a l W a r C o lla g a ; H e a r A d m ir a ls

■ H, I L S u th e r la n d a nd B r a d le y A . V is k e . ( . 'ap ta in a A . G. W 'im * r h a lt a r , H .H. K n t p i i , ju s e p h H . O liv e r , J o h n H o o d and \v. H . H h o e m ak a r

t 'o n i-e rn ih g the now recAgn lxad fu n c - lif in d o f fh e navy tha bi'Mtrd s re po rt sa y s :

" I he w ay to a t 'com tfllsh a l l thaaa ob)i» (s Is to M ild and d e fea t the h o s td a flee t o r s r .y o f it s d e tachm en ts a t a d is - t a n r r from ou r coa st s u f f k ie n t ly g iw a t to p re \e n t In te rru p t io n o f o u r n o rm a l irouraa 4>f i is i in u a i life . T it* c u r rv a l w a r b a s a i io a n t i ia t a n avy o f ths slue re com - 1 mender! b> (h ls t»nsltj In p re v io u s y e a r s a-gn n<» lo n se r be con s ide red a* a d e q u s t* to the rle fena lve needs o f tb e D n it s d S ta le s , o n r p resent n a vy la not s u f f lc ia tK to g M r due w e igh t to the d lp lo n ia t lc re - m n tis trsm 'e s o f tha U n ite d (Hates in p eace n o r to e n fo r r* it s po llc laa In w a r ."

«et* I P M a* L l« l t e T h e refHTt te llin g o f B e r r H s r y D a n la lF s

o rd e r la s t J u ly fo r an a xp re ss ln n o f o p in ­io n a s to the n a v y 's needs, quo tes J t t ra - p lv . a s fo lhtH K

"T h e n a \v o f the U n ited (H a te t sh o u ld u ft lm a te ly l>« equa l to the m ost p o w e r fu l m a ln ta in ea t by a n y o th e r n a t io n o f t h a w o r ld . It s lio iiid be g ra d u a lly Ine raaaed to t h is tm int by such a ra te o f d e v e lo p ­m ent y ea r i-v year, as m ay bn t^ rm lt te d t y the f a r l l l i le s o f the c o u n try , h u t th e l im it above de fined shou ld be a t ta in e d no t Is te r t iia n t>2B "

T h e tioard e n p re sM s fta o p in io n th a t e conom to as w e ll a s m i l it a r y a d v a n ta g e s w it i re su lt from an In rreass in the n a v y by building over a pe riod o f yaara . I t a ls o p o in ts m il th a t th is Is the f i r s t t im e a n y a d m lm s ira t lu n h a t de<id«d to p ra - se n t to I'fingress a continuing s h ip b u i ld ­in g p rog ram .

A d v a n ta a e s o f the con t in u in g p ro g ra m th e bo a rd po in ts o u t a re lh a t (he N a v y D a p a D m e n t <an p lan w ith g re a te r fo re ­s ig h t and tha t f ln a n e ia l a a cu r lty is o ffe re d to the Indu str ie s o f the c o u n try b y fo r e ­k n o w le dg e o f p ro b sb la n a r a l e x p e n d i­tu re s . to th* end tha t p tan ts w i l l he e n ­la rg ed fo r nava l a h lp b u iid ln g and it s s l l la d in d u s tr ie s . Con tinuod w o rk , th a r e ­p o rt a lso says, w i l l tend to radu ca c o n ­t ra c t p rices,

k a b a ia H a * W#a*t B * ia p re a a eeT h e b o a rd speaks o f th * f\ ihm ar1na a c ­

t iv it ie s ab road and says the ''h ig h a re ra s ” o b ta in ed b y th* *tjbmar«IM* w a s dua lo su rp rta e a n d no t lo "In he ren t c o m b a ta n t s u p e r io r it y . " G iv in g the n u m be r o f B r i t ­ish ve sse ls destroyed b y G e rm a n s u b ­m a r in e s and the num ber n f w e e k ly a r ­r iv a ls , the board sa ys '"A ll ie d com m arc* la c o n t in u in g under a lo ss In b o w a y v i t a l . " II concedes the su b m aH n e to be a u se ft il a u x i l ia ry , b u t aaserta t t ia t a t p re sen t '"there Is no ev idence th a t i t w i l l becom e su p re m e "

" A a lo types o f sh ip s ," the re po rt c o n ­t in u e s . " t h e con c lu s io n to be d ra w n so f a r f ro m the h is to ry o f th s c u r re n t w a r In th a t th * b a tt le sh ip Is s t i l l th a p r in c l( « l re lla n c a o f nav ie s , aa It has bean lo th a p a s t. ''

T h e need o f fa s t abipe. ho lt) o f a s m a ll, l ig h t c la s s and o f the b a tt le c ru la e r ty i*a Is em phas ised b y the hoard . W h ich d e ­c la re s th a t sh ip s o f th a t a o rt a re r a i le d u p o n to get In fo n ru itlo n f o r th e f le e t a n d fre q u e n t ly h ave to f ig h t fo r th a t I n fo r ­m a tio n . "Hie v a r ie d uses to w h ic h b a t t la c ru is a r s r s n ha p u l Is gone In to a a p llc t t ly .

A s to personne l, the board u rgaa le g la - la t lo n p ro v id in g th a t th * n a y y . In 131?, h a v e su fD r fe n t o f f ic e rs and m en to keep In f u l l rom m lss loQ s l l b a tt le s h ip s u n de r f i f t e e n y e a rs o f age, a l l d e s tro y e rs and su b m a r in e s unde r twelw s y ea rs , h a lf th o c ru le e rs . sU th* g unboa ts a n d a l l th a

a u x in a tla s nsgu ltv i bp th* a s tl f O ss t AS w all M n f ty par o s n t tmm pItSBiB to fo r « n o th e r a h t ^ and the a d tssag ry »or-MiiBat f o r shor* sta tloos and tratolA$.

n » o t W ill Mtowais* r g j w H o*.F o r fu ll w ar oomplsmsBU t o r ohlps to

bo r ta d y fo r ssrv ies b f t t lT , th s boa rd s ta to a , T4,7tO m sn and I.TVS offieSN wtU bo iieedsd* Upon th s outbreak of tho w«r^ tb * board assorts, the navy peraoiuN l m itst ba g rea tly sspanded to prortdo fo r o r lo t lo n co ast dofsnsa. patrol sorvleo and augU iarlO i and the coast guard, n a v a l mllittsk and naval rtssrvo win bo f a r from sufnolOBit. T h s board a lto urgos th a t th e marlBie corps in H I? Ineludt IM SO moo. d o d o r in t tho now demands mod# fo r g u a rd s a*, m ssasln fs . powder fao to rlos a n d o th e r Im portant place* will in te rfe ra sorlnuaty with projwr ship deU choK O ls a n d tra in in g of the advance has* T

T h a repo rt lays a im s upon the h o a rd 's p roposal th a t oeven of the W ileen new s b lp o -^ fo n r superd read n o u g h ts a n d th r * a b a t t le c ru le e rs^ b e su th o rlsed In IfJS . I s c rc ta r y E^anlels h a s racom - raan d o d to (?ohgrese, however^ t h a t o n ly tw o d rsad h o u g h ls and tw o b a t ­t le c m ls e r s be su thoK sed a t th is lim a . U nder th s bonrd 's p lan Ib o to ta l sx p en d itu re for the five y o a r t . In c lu d in g n.ftOO.Sdd fo r th e a v ia ­tio n oervlc* and Ill.MO.OOd for res*rvn am m unlllon and m aterial, would he I4S0,* ITS OhO, the last appropriations for w hich w o u ld h e m ade In H *f. The A ccfe ia ry * r»c<wnmendations rail for a total eap en d l- tu re of |! i0 3 ,4 lZ ,m , the last apf)r9>pHa- tlOBS shew n being for H Sl. and Increases being n u d e ovet th* board's estim ates fo r svfbm arlnes and reserve am m unition. T lw 1 o a rd pr»'grani contemplates th* b u ild ­ing o f th irteen fie*i aiMtHlahe*. w hile th a S e c re ta ry rer'cm m ands only alg.

aitip* DTrfectiv* la in s *K ffoctlv* ship* nf the navy In H ? f . a s

rNtivnaSM by the biwrd, s re given a* fo l­lo w s;

D ra a d n o u fh ts . flrgt line — D eU w ara . N o rth D akots. Ulnrida, Utah, W yoming. A rkanaa*. New York, Texas, N evada. 'tkUhoH M , Perniiylvanla. Arison*. Uat- ifo n il* . MiMierfppi, Idaho and Nos. 4 t an d 44. building-

P rs -d r* a d n u u g k ia second lin e —V ir­g in ia . N shraske. Georgia. New Jersey , R hode IslantJ. I'onnsrllcul, l*oula1an«. V erm ont, K prsas, M lnnw ois. N«*w llao ip eh lre . r^uuth UsrfOlna snd M ichigan.

BuperaiiMUNied drsadhoughls. third tln ^^ low a, Kesrsarg*, Keuiucky, Ala­bama, tlllnola, 'VV'lsconslh, Ualit*. Mis- ■ourl and O h io .

ft^outw-Aaraloga, rolumtila, Olympia, Mtnn«apolia, liiooklyn. Flti»l)urgh, West V'lrgldia, Ran Diego, Colorado. Maty land.

Dak«'ta, Ht. fjoulSi, Milwaukea, Ghartraton, ( hester. Flrmlniham. Halem. Teasessee, Washlrigtup, Nurtla ('srolliia and Monlana A numlHi-r of th«ae v*s- ao]f are now i laseed as srnv»red crulSfra, but th* general board figures on th«ir future tJsr a t nhips for srouting purposes.

Hartu^r defehse iwtiiothlpe—ladlana. ItaseachiiMlts and Oregtiii.

Ila rlio r defi'Jis*- iiiohllor<t- Mcinadn'>ck, O aaik , Cheyenne . Taliithaspec, Tonopali and Monterey

Th* board also eeilm stes th a t f if ty - e igh t destroyers wilt atlll hi* in N«rv1i'« In 1S2I, t«)gether with three ri**t sub- m srir.ea, tw o of a h h h are now building, and seveo iy-tw o coast siibm arinas, s ix ­teen of w hich a re sllll oq (h* w ays, ten coLilera and three oil ships, tw o re p a ir ship*, four supply «h1pe. four tra tispurt* . <Hie hoepital i^ ip , three mirw ahlpa, tw o d estro y er tenders, one subm arine tender, tw e ity - lw o gugO osu and two rtvar tu n -iKiBta


N E W Y O R K . Dec. I * . - P r o b le t n e a t f e e l in g (b* U n ite d H ia ie s n a v y a re u n ­d e r c o n s id e ra t io n by m em be rs o f th * n a v a l c o n s u lt in g board , o f w h ic h T h o m a s A . Kdla^m is r h s t rm a n , w h o a re h e r s to d a y fo r th « lr **<M»nd g e n e r a l m e e t in g , heae lons o f th s b o a rd w i l l e o n t ln u * to m o rro w . A f te r th e p r* U m - I n a r la s o f th* la s t th ie * ra o n th s ib * b o a r d Is re a d y to con s id e r fo rm a l ly t h a Im p o r ta n t q u e s llD n s re fe rre d to It.

I n t h * c o u r t* o f U s m e e t in g s th * b o a r d w i l l v is i t th* New Y o r k N a v y Y a r d , w h e re a d iv is io n o f th* A t la n t ic f le e t Is a s se n ib le d . The n a v a l a d v ie e r s w i l l h a v e a n o p p o r tu n lly to In sp e c t ih * n e w b a t l le a h lp U a lifn ru la and h e r s y s ­te m o f e le c t r ic p ro p u ls io n a s w a l l a s t h * ( u r b ln * e n g in e s nuw b e in g I n s ia l la d In th e A r ls o n a

T o d a y 's s e s i lo n is d evo ted p a r t ly to m e a t ln g a o f co ro m llte e * T h is e v e n in g th e m o m b e rs o f lU e bo a rd w i l l h a v e an I n f o r m a l co n fe re n ce w ith R e a r A d ­m ir a l* O r l f f t n . m ra u s s and T a y lo r , a p ­p o in te d b y P s c r e la r y D a n ie ls a* g e n ­e r a l a d v is o r y cou n se l fro m the N a v y D e p a r tm e n t to w o rk w ith th * b o a rd . C a p t a in R r le lo l , d ir e c to r o f n a v a l a r r n - f ia u t lc a , la exp e c ted to com e f r o m W a s h in g to t i to a t tm i l the m e a t ln g a

The 1916 MaxweH$655

I n d u d i n e E l e c t r i c S t a r t e r a n d E l e c t r i c L ig h t s

f -- ■ r

TaUc H Over With U$

u., 1 ;

/ V' ' •• •(..•err > ' ,1 ^J ^

I Want You to Take This Car NowRid* in k—talM th« funUy eat every Sundty—rally ealoy the oieny flne Sayt ri|bt lefLfw tute ridint. And I htve erronged thet you lay buy lh» 1011 Mucwe.U—the biggeet eate vela# OB m market—by

A Small Down Payment—Balance Ea»yThe m e MawtS it eemplete la every deteil-eleetrio etuter end llghte—demoanteble rime —one men top—gracefo] llnee—full Uve^awnier body—ererythlng tlut the high priced cir h o —end yon emt bay it u d h y m loa Mm . * j , ^

WILSON-WARD MOTOR CO„ IncComer Branford Plac* and Halsey SL

M l4 * 4 7 l SM bm O pHC K U n U t O T C



W'ASHI.'i(3TON. D*c. !3 —T h, Inl*r- State* Commaroe Uommiaslon today or dered canceled tho proposed advance* ralgliig from fifty-six per r»ni. to 143 per cent. In the ferry ra te s serosa th* Hudson b«ia**n the big city and Jersey City

The Krle Railroad filed tariffs which would Increase ths ferry charge on a two-horae wagon frntn twenty>flva cents to flfiy-fivs cents a trip with the ra tes on other classes of vehicisa proportionately increassU.

The Mayor and aldartnen of Jersey n ty , the Team Owners* Association of Hudson Ununty. N. J., and other owner* Of horses and wagons coniplalned to the commission of the Increases which. It la estim atad by the eominlsslon, would give the Erie an Increase of |100,600 a yaar to revenues. The old rates stand-


LONDON, I>*c. n —Th* steamstilp Argo has bsen taken Into a German port by a prise craw, the l:Ixc|Laiige Tel*graph Company's Copenhagen cor­respondent pays. The Argo put Into th* Danish pbrt of Aaarhus Monday, a f ­ter having been In loltlslonf with a Gorman torpedo boat which fired **v- oral allots In an attempt to stop her, lib* aalUd from Aaarhua the following day. The dispatch *ays (wo OePman torpedo boats pursued her into Bwedleh water* and b o ile d her, declaring kof a prise of war. Ten men were te tt on tJke Argo to take her to Germany.

The Argo'* cargo conslste of tools for Ruesla, maniifactuyed In Denmark. The •wedlah Government, aoeordlng to thla aooount, ha* Instrtioted Its Minister a t Berlin to make an Invsstlgatlen-

JAPANESE SWESm SUNKPA RIB, Dac, t l .—Th, alnklnfi «( tha

JfitHintea fttemahtp Bad# Mam In thfi Efiatcm MadltMTwnan yulwday hy a Uarman or Auatriaa iiihmaiin, li rr- pnrt.^ tn a dlapateh from Malta to th* Hava, AODCT. WIralata call, for help raarhMl Ataaaadiia. Ecypt, and voaMli wrra wnt auL Datalla of lha atnklnl n r , not hnoirit

ihtpplnii Tficorda ■(«, no Japan,,* atfifitnar Bad* Mara. IlMifi la a Bado Karu, of (.ft? ton* iroa*. bat thla c«uld hardly b , th , vaaaal n tarra i to. aa ah* aalM from bntll* Diwfimhar 4 and ooulil not hav, rcarhad th* Eaitarn Uadlln*- mtt*fi« Mnofithfilttm*________


Uwyar* of ChloBBfi hate ffirwM th* ruhlk Dfitandara' LatftM far Otrla. ft A,** annaatioad tator- Th* Bnrpfia* ** thfi lafiRiifi >* t« pratent any (1>1 frfii» betfif fitnt to tail ffir n Aral affana^ onbaaqaantlr t« haaai a lha poaalhla Dray of Dradtatlonal bafiBaaiaa.

tfanhfite of tha laafiia wfll aA Chtaf jnalica OIbm af lha Mtinlalfal CiMra tfi craata * affafifal glrlif afinrt waB ODPOlot a wanian a* )n4«*. Th* waataiinUornay* har* **rted I* Blaa *a* daya laoath tfi thfi praiPMd MfifiMI ofiwt. d a fa a d lo B y * t » d W fiif itn f if f f ia d a te ( ra * .

LOKAL ANIBGEI OH lAlXARSLUtUllNB, Oae. tl.-*<Or aaanaOtefit

wUl protaA waao tha analta of thfi Ota< tr t l ampfraa OMaa har fronitar Bad ra* aama tha offanitya aenhm tha dMlaa,- a M tha B,rtta liohal Aahitdaf tfidfiy. ‘*•01 aa doabt Uw OantMl wapftee «UI lalM fiaarBatlo maoMiaa.’'

tO f ahfite dlivaffih li tlw that taidw tlw twkgl AwwImi' Jmb Bg

m iw HtMBlMM. 1 | W1 aiiwBhy flfr NiMa a

irk'a Nowdot mol B a t Apoatal Sbofl

[ Open to Ten Every I ight UmtU CArijfaiOf I


lAWETCoainorHALSEYD Pr k e s G

iO ld <j4 Very Special Sale of*

Useful C h ristm as Gifts2,000 Woi*i...................... at Q I" C

New modeli of Lingerie, ^ A Voile ind Crepe.

1.500 Wiisto......................at $ , | .08Crepe de Chinei, Me«M- I lined, Ldces. High Colored Talfetis.

1.500 WalstB................." .It $ A .0 8Georgettes, Taffetas, Sat- ^ ins, Crepe de Chin.ei. Rti*dium Laces, Combinations.

150 iflcRtltig Skirts..............atChecks, Plaida and Nov- A city Stripes, contrasting pockets ind folds.

200 Walking SktrU............ * ($£* .00Newest models of Broad- ^ cloth, Gabardine, Serge. ^

AU Wibti Packed ia

Holly B m a

UcMon Blanket Bath Robea$ L 0 S A $ 1 6 0

Handrad* of paltarna and colon.

Silk $ L 0 8 & $ 1 9 i

Meaaatinca 0 ChantaablaTkeHa


Fur Trimmed 5 Far FdWeCOATS


A m d rfgv t 9 m . s o


Zibdlinei, Broad- clotha, Pluihat, Diivt- tyiu, WcmI Vtlaara, Wool Pluthaa, Mate- lams, Salt's AraUtn and Corduroys — iba majority with oollari,

w of far$15.00 W and beautirully lintd.

Special Opening Sale

New Silk Dressesof Taffeta, Charmfuae and Georgette ConUtinationa.

$1A.»5 . 1

In AU Color* tor AHmr- noon and Evening Wear,

First showing of the new Spring models, in evening and afternoon shades, also stripes. Featuring the bouf­fant. tunic and peg-top skirts. Sizes 14 to 44.

NEWARK •wl* wtItoSh gtavwe NEW YORK

1 ,

n o j s

Open EveninjicB Until 10 o'clock Wednesday. thuTMltiy and Friday

Dear Ladies:T h is m a n 's s t o r e h a s b e e n f il le d w i th w o m e n

s h o p p e r s t h i s y e a r a s n e v e r b e f o r e . B e c a u s e w o m e n h a v e l e a r n e d t h a t t h e b e s t m a n ’s s to r e is t h e b e s t p l a c e to s h o p f o r m e n ’s g i f t t h i n g s . S to c k s a r c h o l d ­i n g o u t s p l e n d id ly . Y o u c a n c o m p le te y o u r g i f t l i s t h e r e in s h o r t o r d e r . S e e w h a t f in e g i f t s c a n b e b o u g h t f o r l i t t l e ;

At $3 to $5('ancB Umbrcllu Shirts Neckwear Mufflers Reefen ( i l o m0 Handkerchiefb Fur-Lined Glona Auto GIotcb Hath Roba Pajamu ( 'a l f Buttons Scarf Pine Thermoa BotUa Safety R uon Shaving Brudia Pocket Knhra Military Bnmbea TraveUng Seta Fur Glora Swataca Angora Veata Dancing PODga RidingT

At $10I adlea’ Uabnllaa Maffkn Reefen BathRohM TravaHng SetaInlBICulB SifIBMnektoama RabKoata Hat 3«ua ScobridiCagB StMOMrlofa Hand B v ShRCmmi IVaariiRS (Mi

At 50c $ 1 .5 0 to $2Neckwear ('aneaHandkerchiefs UmbrellaHHoiiery ShirtsBeltaWool Gh>v« NeckwearSuBpendera Mufflers(firtera Reef eraBnth Slippers 6 HandkerchiefsUnderwear HoaieryCliff Buttonfl BeltsHcarfPins (ilovMWatch Chaina W’ool GlovaDr«H Studs Lined GlovnShaving Brusha Combination SetaDrinking Cups Socks, Ties andCapa HandkerchiefaMnfflera SuspendersShoe Trees UnderwearPoUahSetB

A t$ lPajama Cuff ButtonsScuf Pina Watch Chains

Cana Shaving BruahaUmbrella (.'oUar BagaShirta Clotba BrushaNeckwear TraveUng SetsHoaiery SHpperaSilk Handkerchiefa De^ SetaBeltaWool Gloved

Drinking Cupa

Combination Seta Socko, TIa and At $6 to $8Handkerchiefa Canon


Uh ImwHm Full Drea Shirta

Bath Slippers MoSlarsCaff Battona ReefenScarf PiM Knr-llned GlovesWatch Chaim Shaving Bnmba Collar Baga

Far Glova Swooter Conti Birth Roba

Drinking Caps SUppara

Safety Rnaora GotfSboa


C^iifM *i Aipnl Befire G fi S in in B m i F cilird

I9 AUm m j*i Sifcaai.OPIESS COffANTS LEnOt READ

; M « n k rIhicarMaa

4 af ■•Mbs KaplarMa TMarONU llBli»-AII !•••«•« IM

C n i. Otflakil MI7*. H Lmii nV fe tr I t f t i IB Dc(Br«BMBl M r KbII

4M T OmwfMNlBm.TRBNTON, Dk . t>—lnltrip*r«*d

with tlw n tU o f of whicht ^ lm n StBBtor Wlltlani D. KdwarAB !•* PB«t MMlcr, th* h aarln r h«har« th« Clftl •tnloB Gomnluioii yaitBrdB]' af-

Ib thB appeal iRTOlvInf the arc* of Fndarlrk K. Pclry Jr. h r

CantroIUr Edward 1. Bdwarda aaoBJBW a t tlnaa aomclhlnp of th* OBltw* of a bvrUtgua. Ontr two wit- BBBB**, if r Patry and tfaputy Slat* O lM reilar laaac I>oa(hl*n, had b**n^•JB laad wk*a adjountmffli waa taken

1 January i or January T, th* taa s l t* b* flaad to autt th* aniac*-

t^PMa of Ur. Rdwarda who appaared •> aaaaaol for hi* brother.

n * oroaf aiaatlnalloti of Mr. patry wha daTolod to picking flaw* in hi* MaBOd In tb* itat* nm lrollar'i afne* M a Jaatiftoatlon for hi* dlamlaaal. Al- ■paWMb a* awloul overt acta war*

Mr. Hdwarda allrltad laall- ' lad leating that Mr. Potry chafed

tk* raatrtctlon* Impoaod upon during tb* adnlnlatratton of Hr.

w w ard e and ha*, to aom* «al*nt a t M a ^ pawanniad upon bit long aarvle* « a * dapartaent aa luaiirieatloa for tM akaarving atrictly ih* ragulatlon* dr tb* office.

r OlvH letelaa I t Oheeraed.Tb* attltad* ef th* eonlr*tt*r** efflc*

Idward elvll lerylea ganarally wa* •hriMagly lltaetraiad by th* Uailmony « Mp. Xleagblan. who daotaiwdt ’•W* M m ehaarved elrll lervlc* roligioa*. IP: Deugblen* c*ncapllon of aN U rlaa* abaervMe* waa aianpllfled i r a t h a r part* of hit laatlmonT.

d arin g tb* o a n i r ^ r B abaane* la tb* W aat. lU r. Ooaghlen aald that aaeapt and*r inatrucilan* from th* eantrallet he would have tuapendad Mr, Patry tam porarlly pending th* ratum ef Hr. Bdwarda.

Daocnblng th* general alluatlan In Ih* oCfloa, Mr. Uoughtaa aald Hr. Patrp nauer a*«ntd aetlaflad ainc* William D. Kally of Jaraay City wa* placed In

I citarg* of Ih* Inhartlanc* tan depart- j m ent. thereby aupplanting Hr. Petry to I a certa in eatent. Mr. Uoughten aald ; Mr, Petry had eapreeaed to him a ballet ; th a t b*oaua* of hie long e*rrle* In the I ofrica he ebon Id have been raed* head

of th* departmanl.Oeacrlbing Hr. Petry** arflelency, Hr.

Doughten eald he waa efficient lo tb* ea ten t that fifteen year*' experience would make a man of normal Inlalll- gonoa, Mr. boughton wa* of opinion th a t Iho appolntmenl of * Uwyar aa haad of the department, though not ea- eontial. wa* of great benafit to Iho offleo.

Mr. IiDuahton eeld ho had never bean unfriendly toward Mr. Petry, hut, on the oontrary, had aided him In every way poaeihl*. Thle. t* *.ild, wee born* out by Ih* fact that Mr. Petry'* ealary waa Inrreaeed by Controller Edward* upon hi* r*coinm*nd*tlon a t th* tim* of th* general Increee* In office aa|. arlea. Thle locre***, Mr, Itoughten **. plained, wax du* lo th* veat amonnt • f work which hed boon added to th* offlo* In recent yearn Elaborating upon thle phaa* of the cae* he aald th a t In I I t I Ih* office eent out 11,00* w arran la while In l i l t the number had tnereaeed lo eO.ITO. Correepondlngly th* collateral liiherllenc* tax** had In- oraaaed from ■pproxlmaiely 11.000,0*4 In l i l t to tl.TOO.OOO for th* flecal year of i m

PreuBent Peeteet* ADeaed.Hr. Doughtan eald he had fr*<iu*nllv

r*B)anslr*t*d with Mr. Patry tar vto- lalltig th* office rule* by coming to work late In th* morning, and had aakad on* or two of Mr. Potry'* Inll- m al* friend* In the office to apeak to him on th* eubjeel, thinking that Ihte m ight bring about e change. Mr Dougblen eeld he Informed thee* frlond* th a t th* rnnetent dlarogard of the rule* waa placing him In *n *x- treaiely embarrMaIng poaltlon.

Whon Mr. UoughUn called Hr. Pat- ry 'a atleiilion to th* rule* on on* of tbaa* occaalona h* aald Mr. Patry re- pliad th a t hla eipreec bueinaa* wa* then In auch candltlon a* lo make It almoat impooelbl* for him to be at the efflc* by I o'clock In th* morning. Ur. tioughlon than euggeeted that h* ipaak to tho controller with a view of reach­ing eoin* diatinct underetandlng upon Iho oubjecl. Mr, floughlan denied that

I other do rk * In th* office wore por

Gt3 Service Backni ef Rumwi Umight Errer hij Ceiaerce’Iiiv-

ifitio i De^trtaeit Quef.

Hrodasing the oftlctency * roparte | ■l••a''•IP la‘a-

OM l ■aiwte* CMBSletlon. *a re.irirod i “ *■ "><«* ‘f "kg Hw. Union H. Ballarthwalt*. caun- I ***•II tb r Ml. Patry. deyelopad tha fact i *'*• * » ‘*l*l pooillon to fm-

faa Ika yagr* IH l aad n i l Mr. P '" '» l* Intereeta In tlio

Htntt r’erropaedMce.THENTON, Dec, f t.—When Informed

yeeterday afternoon of the decIMon of the nv il Nervier Coinmiaelofi holding that Edward A. lUmum of Jereey flly li • Mil legally enililed lo Itle poeltiun a t clerk In Ihe Itepartmcnl of t.'ommercc end Kavigatlon. I’hlef Engineer B F, Otenon of the department, told a .Vew* rorrrepnndent that Ihe rotnnilialun had apparently been but partially advUed a t to the cuuree piirtutd by the leard in elMdlihlng Ur. Raneorn'e poiiMun He wee of opinion that had th* Civil Nervli:* Cr-mmleelon Item In poeeeeelon of all th* feel* It would not have det lded the .at* ee It did.

In the abeence of t quorum el the meeting achaduled for yederdey no fortnal actfon wae taken by the Dcperiinent of Commerce and Navlfetlon reepectlag tbe dectelon.

Acted aa Eaea*** Adele*.Th* f'lvll Service Commlaelon *<;ted

upon advlc* of Aealetanl Attorney <ien- erat Bogge, who held that failure of Ihe department to ratify, lit preliml. nary aollon by a formal reeolulinn abollehing the poaltlon of clerk wee fatal and, therefore, that the board bad not compiled with the provleloot of tb* •latui*.

Producing th* rnloutea of the depart­ment Mr. rregaon ehowed that follow­ing II* recoinmendallon of October I I that the poaltlon ihould- be abollRhed the board on Noyember II at It* regu­lar m eeting confirmed th* engineer'* grilon of October i t In Informing Mr. Kaiieom that Ih* poelllon wa* abo|. lehed. In addition to thle the le^rd also reactnded It* former reaolutlon which created the poeltlon of Inepe.'tor or clerk and carrying with It a ealary of II.too, which Mr. I'reeaon wae In- eiructed to offer to Mr. Ranoom.

Mr. f'reeann eald he had not been adviaed that the riv ll Hervic* Commie- elon contempleted a hearing or that it Intended to take action wlthoot a h ear­ing. upon the etreoglh of a letter w rit­ten to th* commleelnn by Mr. Haneom. Mr. f'reeeon eald he received a copy of ml* letter, but did not undaretand that It required further action on hli part In the abeence of Information lo the con-

MM baea given a perfect mark, a r PW •••*.. f*r lb* quality and quan- W bla wark, aptliade, Inttlallv* and

"ty . No efflstoBcy ropan, ap- y. had bean mad* by th* eon- far l i l t , Hr. Oogghten ogplaln-

tb a l though etMh a Matamoat bad

t lie .lm ry .exprcee bueinaa*. When Mr, Petry <1*- I Aaaleunt Attorney General Rogge to- nled th a t auch wae th* cnee Mr. Ed i '*■)' *'■ bed not been Informed thatward* produced a letter, written July I *"• Department of Commerce and Navl- It. l i l t , to Oliver A. gueyl* Hr of Al- I had ratified by aubtequenl ac-bany, raquealing payment of an e». ) J o" Ihe original eboltllon of the poet- pree* bill by th* Qusyla Kneinel Com- ***" h*hl by Mr. Raiieam. U* Inllmaterlpeny. which for eeverat year* aupplled

prepared by th* offlo* It bad not 'he a itomoolla marker* veed m NewI M Hfaed by the oontroJIer.

AdkW U txpialu why Mr Petry badRm Mairbad parfaot, notwlthataadlng M laattaeaay of Mr. Doughten to tb*

th a t far rear* ha had baen lata In t * t tha arfle* in tha martiing. Ur.

--btaB rapllad that aU lha amptoyaea Ik t i a dapartmaat wart elailUrty ruled • • U«g aa they reaialaed In tha offlea.

them all iM par oaat,". Oaugblan. *To lang aa lhay

M hr ta tha dopwlment wa n g a rd thair aa atllafaetary. t ^ e a tbay

I la ha m ia fic iary they gat •u t.”

Hr- Raltarthwalta praaaad bla la- tk try by danmadlng wbather attah a ra ­i n waa aat a dallbarai* vtalaUoa af ■ a H ilar aad aglrit af tha i t a l i t a Mr. W ay k lan ratartad by aaking Hr. Ral- lagthw alla haw ha would mtka out ouch R M a r t - Ra adaiMtad that nalthar ha M tha aOBtrallar knew bow lo maho • a t a a am rlaaey rapart In any olhar eaar aad had •• Infomad tb* a v tl Ser- eto* OMBaHaataa. *'ir* don't hoop a RHa ataeh," daqlared Hr. Daughtaa.

X m r m*B BTo grawn up- They got g aalary (ar dwng maa'a warh."

"O e Hbm Ur. Doagbtan'a aiaailiiatlaa Ma. M w arda ta a c b ^ ttgbiiy upoa tha M tltlea of th* eoutrallaF* (ore*, eon- flkRIag by aohlng Hr. Donghtan aa to al* wwa paUtloa.

nTm a David Raird Republleaa." aald Mr. Doagbtan, ■* addad that k* dida a t a l la a v t to haap tab* on Ibo pall, llaa * t tha afflco fare*, bul praaumad th a t Mr. Bdwarda had appcinlad D naa

*Mr. Patry had daacribad hi* pa llU o t n th a witnaaa ataod aa "RapobMoaB.

t ty Progroatlva" He told •* • • - M w aM * yaatorday that b* bad

tb* word* *kllghtly Prograaatva*' ka kappaned lo notlco formor Bvorott Colby in Ibo roeoi aa

rorod tbo quealloo.^ •Mppoa*," Intarloi'ted Mr. Bdwarda. "If you bapponed t6 a** Oavid Baird ikhtaad a f Mr. Colby, you would have ••Ml you war* a Republican of tbo aid

■dwavds Ordored meeharg*.At th* autaai of Mr. Douaktaa'a taa-

“t ^ y It was olleltad that Ur. Poiry'a ebargo. follawlng tbo loallmany ha ' y.**** ••♦fnr* tho Home Invoeilgat-

oommlltoo. waa direolod by Mr. mtd* himoalf, notwltbaundlag that

^ aotlea waa aignod by Mr. Doughtoa

Jerw y. Th* letter we* elgnnl by Mr. Petry, e* preeldent cf the Petry Exprcee end Storage Company. It rrad aa followe:

“Incloard herewith p'eare fin.I 0 ir i l io w in ^ ih t Rniount u i

ty th* Kn«niil Comp my. Thisw^rk wo* don< oome Um« Afo. you W’fll by thu RU(*m*nt. ind up (n th ii timo wo hov* boon unablo lo pri 0 oottUmont from your ^-ompony. Our M r Potry, who lo Ci>n> noelod w ith tbo eonlrollor'o effieo of tho irooRury dopartmont ot tho ntito rapftole Hfio hren fivrn to undorotiind th a t If tho mottor w«* proooniod to you pomonolly you would mo that w« woatrt 90* o prompt iiottloiiiont. Anr- th ln v th4t you «in do for u i in tbio ccm|ioctlon will u r o iroublo hor# at Tronton ond will tloo b* itco lly op> procifttrd by uo.**

Tryins to ( oIJh I Mowoy*M r &1w*rdo obtalnod front Mr

P o try on admloolou thAt o t tho iimo th o blo tter woo m ritton tho Quoylo OPWppB y WAO oorklutf pM uinth rw uch th e oontrollcr'e orflcc nevnicnt o f tho balaneo of a bill for req letre- ’ lon m arkara . Mo tid e d (hat p*yni»nt had been w ithheld hy ihe c n n tn lle r 'e a ffic a becaua* the company had nui m ot e ll I ts ofcllgatlone In Nrw Jereey

In Jnauflcation for lb* writing of auch a loteer, Mr. Patry aatd a* had been *d- vleed to do BO by Job H. Llpplncott, who wa# than coamieMoner o t motor vehicle*. He captained that th* Petry Expreee Conipany a t that tlma did the carting for th* motor vebicl* department, and when tl undertoak tb* delivery of the ragtxtratlon marhere It wae hie under- atandtng that th* MU waa lo ho paid by that A partment. OtberwiM. ho eald. th* work would not have been don*, except upon eomv guanuite* of payment.

As evidence of thle nlaunderalandlng, Mr. Retry explatned that the bill for the carting had firat been e*nt tn the mo. lor yeblrlo department, thix leedlng to the ■ubasqueni diecovery that iho Quayle cooipBBr was reepontible fur the delivery of th* marker* at ih* etatx huuee. Ur. Retry eald hla company had never been able to collect tho bill.

IVhen asked by Mr Satterthwall* why th# letter to Mr, Quayle had not been mad* a eiifaject for crltlclem bafore. Mr. Edward* explalr.ed that the lettar had but recently com* Into Ih* poeceeilon of th* controller * department. He gave no In- formaUan as to how It waa obtained.

that bad he been Informed upon tbla inylnl ha probably woiiid hav* adviaad Ih* Civil Hervic* rommlealon that Ih# poeltlon hxd bean legally ' aholiabad and that Mr. Hanxom 1 aalary ahould hay* continued only to November If, Ihe date a t which th* poelllon becamo vacant


6f ffcf A'iTVYfvN'KWT<^N, l>«Oe St«pi toward th*

o rso n lis i iu n of a Bu o m i Cotinty Hat Asaoi-Utloti w*r* tuk*u latl n l th t a t » dinnor *tt*nd*d by about tw«nfy-f1vo ra*mb*r» of th* county b*r. A commit-^ t*« w*a tiAmtd to draw up 4 conatitu tion andb* t'ullMil lo th* nv>«r futur* fgr th* ri»ctloii of offk'or*.

T h r iilnik*r ««■ hfld al Th« AnU*r«, Ih* su**ta of honor b«lnf auprom* t’o u rl Jj« t1 r« Jam *t K Minturn of J*r> My Clly. Judp* -Oeorf* H. S tlior and John r . E>«nf|*r, court a tenofraphor. of Ihl* counly.

It wa* Dll th* feucffoallon ot Jua tlro M inturn th a t th* movomom for * bar a*BoclaMnn wat atartod. Th* com m it- te* tb draw up byUw* conaU ti of b o u n ty Couiiaol L«\i H. Morn*, Ai'k«r> aon J. Mackf^rly and M arih ill llunL tii te c o rd in c * wMh JuKlc* M lnturti* a u f- CCatioii th* coinmltt** w«* ronir>o**<I of y o u n r m*n. h« aald that If th* c ta tfon waa to llv* H mu*( h« h*04t*d and Ud by younc m*q. H* urfod tU* olitor m*fnb*r* of th* bar lo f iv * U th * lr m oral support

Tn o p tak tn g of Ih* advioablllfy of auch an o rsa n litt lo n , Justic* U ln lurn rorall*d *nm* of th* m m who b*v« gona oul of Su**«k lo grlery onth* ir n a llr* county, and d«clar*d th a t a bar aaaoclatlon waa Ti*cea*ary if only 14 pro**rv* ih* iradilldn* of Ih* counly 'a in*n of oth*r da;a.

TK* *p**k*r called upon Ih* m*m- bnr* of th* bar to malnluln th* Am«r|- cati t r a d lilo n i aa ifralnat ihoa* w ho ar* "***ktnff to embroil thia country In w ar ” In haraher ton** h« r*f*rr*d to thoa* newapapera “who »*lfl*hly land th* lr odUortal pago* I* th* idov** inent to r« t g« Into th* European w ar, know ing th a t It nitan* thcroaood c ir ­cu la tion fo r ibtoi.**

Bccute OverrUdai ii Mird bf Ncwid CwfertKe, PbiOipibirg OfBcab Dm’I Re4lect Pistor.

S m tor HetBctti lo h tn d m Aaendneit to S ifefnnl Liw


PIIILLlPflBURO, Dec. 21.—ActihC on th* b*ll*f that ajnea th* Newark Con- ferenco of the Methodlel Rplicopal f'burch hod r«fu«er1 to honor Its widhe* 11 w u uoAleM to make known It* rholca of a paator, th* ufflrlol board of Ihe F lrit liethodiit Thitrch at If* fourth quarterly confarem.-* last nighi refused to go on rtrord rtthir tor or ogalntt tha retonllOn of ll*v, Ilrddlng Htihiop I-aach* pa*tor of the churrh. and adjourned without taking any arilon.

Loot year at Us quarterly ronfarenca lh« offlL-iol board voted elitoeo to twelva ogalnii th* return of Ur. l^erh. Th* paator* however, carried 1h« fight to th* ronferenr* and won. being upheld by Blahop Henderoon. At la*t niglit'i meet­ing Auitln R. Alpaugh, one of Mr. I .^ e h ‘a chief opponent* cm th* official board, staled that since the coiifereoc* had refuaod to rerogniie tli* board's wish**, h« thought it would b* useless

take a vote on whether Mr. Ixoerhtoflhuuld b* returned. Kev. Jacob A. Cole, ■uperlntsodem of th* Fttenon district, pre*<i*d.

WTian a year ago the off1rl*| board tum od Sir. 1.«*oh down, th* la tte r a*i'rtb*d nis opposition to th* fa rt th a t h* had led the fight against JoMph R. F irth for posiina*t*r a t Phllllpshurg. tha atir<<a*tful culmination of which ha* left M rea th a t etlll remain In W srren County IH m orratic ranks; his oppikAiiion to ih* ■ab>ons and his a tlsrk on a man wbo adm ittedly gave an ttnproper moving No- tu re ohow, This was, however. d en M by th e o ffica l board.

IH ^rlc t iuperlntendent Cni* a t the tlm a atuck to Mr. Ii*«ch. aiding against the official board. Mr. l.**('h immedi­ately anmnjnred that he would carry the fight to the oonferenc* end be bock In Fhllttpsbufg this y«sr. and mod* good Ills prediction.

Thi* fall Mr. T-eet'h was on* of th* leaders in Ih* fight made by the W arren County MinJsteiial Union against th* r*- •l«rt1on of Assemblyntan Alonoo D. U*r- rick on th* alloged ground that th* la tte r w as engaged In the liquor huslnroii a t th* American llouac in llackettatown. The fight « s* unaucceMful. ami Mr. Ile rrlrk denied th a t h* had any financial Interest In th* hot«l* being engogrd In Ih* fiorlsi biialn***.

Mr. [jeech w*s instrumental In th* ra il­ing of |yr. Uenrg* 'Vood Aqd«rson to conduct revival service* *t Raston, which were concluded a couple of weeks ago sod crested s protourwl slir In Kastnn. fh lllirsb u rg end the surrounding country.

Kffort* to get Into touch with Mr. Ix*ech today wer* unsuccciaful, as h* was oul of town.

HHf f r*rrrsposgfsiyTRENTON. Dec, t ’ ^A n tlc Ip a tin g An

a tte m p t to repeal the itra fe rtn lia l vo t­ing law for commlsslon-gov*rn«d mu- niolpailtl**, which may b« str*ngth*n*il by roason of the aitook mad* In th* c o u rts oo th* ronsU tutionallty of th*

I ac t o f I f l l . K«hainr (Jltari** 0 ‘Connor H *nn«isy. ih* fsiher of tb* etatu to . has anfiDunrad that h* will introduce a bill a t the ci'mlug seialon of th* I.,*glMlature lnleii'l*‘il to amend the ac t io a* lo remove ilie chief legal objec­tion railed .

As th* law now slsnd i the voter m ust record hi* ••firs! rholce" for many candidate* for rom nilssloners a* th«r* are to b* *l*rted. and if he falls to do so h is haUot tl tnvalMated. It Is claim ed by opponents of the law th a t th is faa tu r* Is unconstitutional beceus* It com pels a voier lo fav<ir a csndlrlat* Of candldalifl Dmi he may not deilr* to support. There Is a belief th a t the court* would htdrl the pfcivlslon unron- stltutlonaT IT the qiieiilion could ba brought dlrei'My bafore them.

The compulsory voting feature I* In operation In a number of W estern cities and w as put Into the New Jersey law to preven t Ihe pracllce known ss “p lu n k ­ing ,'' w hereby a single cainlidat* m ight secure an undue advantage by Inducing h i i parlloans to vot* fur him alon*.


•iwvkal SftTiee af ft, IKWI.JBRSET riTr, D*c. Il-Eubalan.

H ating pera lx ian t rumorn which hava been In c ircu la tion for more than a m onth , a c ita tio n on a petition fo r ab- xolnle d ivorce haa bean aerved on H ja. F an n ie D em areet of 1417 Bloomfield xlreet, Hoboken, a t tha Inalanca of hor haabaiid. A braham J. D em eru i, enper- In tenden t o f public achuoli In Hoboken. A teach e r In one o f th* Hoboken puhllo xchooli la named an co-reipundent-

T alk o f d lfferencea betwaen tha Da- m areata. and of an Impending dlverca ac tion , haa been In circulation xlnca e a rly In November, wben Mr. Demarext re tu rn ed from a four month*' leave of aheence. g ran ted because of lit health , and Inatead of residing a t hie home w ent to board In Hudson xtreal, Ho- hotcen D uring hi* absence Mr. Dem- a r e i t spen t hie lime a t Danvtila. In Verm ont, end In New H am pthlra. On

re tu rn he reium ed hie dullea aeh e ad o f th * p u b lic echoo la

reformatory OFFICIAL'S NEW JOB

Goodly Gifs For Xmas.

“ W ith th is fe a tu re e lim in a ted .’* sa id

R A K W A T , thic. J2-— A fta r a **rv1c* o f f if te e n y ea r* a t Ihe New J e r s e y R * . fo rm a to ry *1 R ah w ay , ( 'a p ta ln R ic h a rd F. r ro a a , fo rm er ly connec ted w ith th * F econd R eg im en t. N eilona l G uard o f New J e r s e y , h as re s ig n ed his poeltlon a s d e p u l r su p ertn ien O en l to accep t th e o ff ic e o f w a rd e n o f Ihe IVelawere S ta te

S e n a to r H e n n e isy . " t do no t believe th e r e w ill he any reeso iiah le o b jec tio n to Ih* p re fe re n tia l v o tin g law . It h a i caved Ih e m itn lc lpa llllee and th e can - d ld a le e th e cuueiilersb ie expense o f th e c lum sy p re -p r im a ry cam paign , w hich w a s a fe a tu re o f Ih* o rig in a l W alsh ac t, and It w ilt Work sm oothly and s a lls - fx i to r i ly ev e ry w h ers , I believe, a f te r th e f i r e t tr ia l.

" I t la tru e th a t people h av e no t ta k e n a d v a n ta g e n f th* system lu th e e x te n t th a t they m ig h t, hut It Is n o t a fa u l t o f th e tew . In s tru m e n tx llt le e th a t a re d esigned lo g ive Ih* people a la rg e r ,‘c n tro i o f th e ir ow n a f fa ire a re o f no v a lu e unleae people wlU uee them . T h e re e re m any people, fo r e x ­am ple , w ho d o n 't vo te a l all. b u t th a t c o n s t i tu te s n poor reason for ta k in g th e v o tin g p riv ile g e aw ay from th o se w ho w ould p re s e rv e It a s th* fu n d a m e n ta l In s lru m e n l o f p o p u la r rule.

"Th* m e r it* o f th e p re fe re n tia l eye- tem w ill n o t be fully ap p re c ia te d u tftll th* p eo p le com e to u n d s rs ian d It an d to use It ae Ihe heat m eans a v a l l tb le of a s c e r ta in in g th* ree l Jud g m en t o t tlia m a jo rlly ."

W o rk h o u se a t O e te tib sn k , iv*t. C ap ta in(-.roes w in succeed W arden C raw fo rd w ho h a s been In III h e a lth fo r aaverg l m on th* . H o w in beg in hie new d u lle a on J a n u a r y 1.

C a p ta in C roae'e re s ig n a tio n w aa a c ­cep ted . lo ta k e e ffe c t Im m edia te ly . In o rd e r th a t he m ay becom e fa m ilia r w ith th e d u tic a o f Ma new poelllon b efo re he aaau m ea o fC c la l m an ag em en t.

T«mxI C»Mn«tg f l |d iF ith 12t*»aSB O odlolg| • * .7 8 1 0 * 2 2 .4 8 .

W ork 8«nchM for pontiMw and m antdtrain ing atudantst * 7 .4 1 0 * 1 2 .9 8 .

To€>la fo r All Trad#*. Sorsklt 8a«rs|8 3 .2 8 a n

• 2 .9 8 .U. 8 lea Skalag] 24'

pattam * for m an,wom ai an d boTH 4 8 a to 8 3 . 9 8 1

8ofoty ftaaom C g«n1Jr^ 8 t | A uto Strop, to 8 8 8 0 ; Gillatta, 9B.

Rogular Raxorai 8 1 to ]



Merritt tkr \KWIt, RIxlZABKTK. I»*e iS .^ A n n o u n r r -

m a n t In a xN*w York n«w *pap*r y e it* r - ila y '^ th a l < 'harl«a M. tfehw ab had p u r- rh aa* fl Ih * old <>8*o*nt ah lp y a fd ai P'ro n t a tid M arahall a trae t, f ro n lln g on h ta ie n la Jan d Sound, d id no t r r* a t* any in te r* * ! h*r«, fo r ih* ron^ro l o f th« p la n t by ih * B«lhl*h8m Kt*«I C om pany,

, ^ vex.xoa.xx.. "rHIch Mf. B^hwab i i Ih* h*ad, w a*b y la w i and a m ee tin g w ill ^ ■ 'u re d eom* lim e ago. T he t^ m u e l 1-

I .V|<»or* A Son* rn rp o ra tlo n 1* th* aubm-d ta r y com ‘* rq whJf'h h a f b*en ru n n in a m achknv *Yop and foundry th e re •lnr-« th e o ld (.Vaaeanl ah lpyard w aa din- m a n tle d .

W h « th * r Schw ab w ill bu ild lu b m a - n n * h u t l f a t th^ p lan t could nol b« If-am ad . Q eora* L>. WotHlvy. o f th* o ff ic ia l* o f Ih* oompan>, *aid y e f t t r - d a y th e re wa* no th in g new to kIvp m jt It l2 know n, how ever, th a t a d - ciiM onal b u ild in a* hav* b*en p lan n ed p re p a r a to r y to e n la r f in a the p la n t fn r th e b u ild in g o f nhip fnanhtner> . T he B o a rd e f W ork* a lr ta d y hoa tirvanted

lie rm it* fo r ib« rle a in g of portiem * of , M arah a ll a n d F ran k lin atrqoi* , w h ere

p ro p e r ly ow ner* ■ecured'^ ^ o o d p ric e s fro m th e fle tb lch em rom pan> fo r th e ir lioTdinga.

T h e re a r e tw o ih ip y a rd * in S la ie n la la o d . tho** o f the Hhoolera' laJand S h ip y a rd ro m p a n y . and (h« A taten In- la tid H hlpbu lld lng Company, n e ith e r nf whlt^h I* co n tro lled by S chw ab In te r- eatn

T h e B eth lehem com pany no doubt w ill e n la rg e ItM fore* l••re In th e s p r in g . Benlde* thI* a c tiv ity ord'*ra a re re p o r te d to be com ing in h riak ly a t th<- H lng*r fa c to ry , and fo r the f ira t tim * In fo r ty year* th e I 'h r lih n a n v aca tio n I* l im ite d t h r t e dayfi The p la n t of th e Dlehs M an u fac tu rin g Uom patiy In N e w a rk avenue, w here e le c tr ic fai\a a r e m ade , la alao buay, ib * re m oat c f th e o th e r m a n u fa c tu rin g roncerti* In N e w a rk avenue , a lo n g th e Sound ahore. In K a n ilw o rth an d tn the o o u th caa te rn E l lo a b e th oecUon. txabor of a l l k lm la l8 o a id to h* ic i r c * In K lloabeth and w o rk o f a l l k ind* Ik p U n tifu l.

FIRE SALE!The most sensational clothing* values th a t have ever been offered in Newark! It s a trem endous opportunity for last-m inute Christmas shopping—even if you are only purchasing 50c and 60c Silk Neckwear for 35c each, three for $1.00. And all of these are wonderful values—absolutely undamaged.

Suits and Overcoats Many of the Suits Are Silk Lined

h ^ fu n t tirrvif' of tht StiWH.J U n S K V U IT Y , lM»o 22. — H e a r in g o f

the d iv o ro * 8 u lt o f J u a lu * P. S h e f f ie ld , I a N ew Y o r k la w y e r , w h o iin O l h« 8 u f- I f e r e i l f in a n c ia l rv v a ra e * In INIO m a in - I In o ie it a horn* a t 8 h o r t H il l* . a g a li iH t i M r* r te iia T a r r y B h e f f lr ld , an an th o rea K , ' w a i l*«gun h^ for* V | ra C h a n c f l l n r :Ixew'lg y * 8 te rd a y a f ta r t io o n . .S h e ff ie M I a lla g e * h la w if* d e a c r lo d h im on J a n u ­a r y 21, I D i i A crooa * u lt fo r d lv o r c * ha* been I n i t l t u la d b y M r*. S h e f f ie ld , w h o m a k e * th * aam * c h a rg * a jc* |q*t h * r h u ab a n d . A m o n g the w ttP i*a8*ii y * * te rd a y a f te rn o o n w e re H o t c h ln a H a p g o o d , Jou rna l1* t a n d a u th o r , a b ro th e r o f N o rm a n H a p g oo d . a n d W a l le r i l S h o n p o f H o b o ke n , a m e m be r o f th e t-h o rt f l l l l a (iotr i ' lu h

T h e H h a fr ic ld a w * r* m a r r ie d O c to b e r 5. ] t9 1 , b y l ie s . 1>* L * n c * y T o w n n e n il 111 New Y o r k . Tt l i i l le g e d b y M r*. S h e f f l i ' ld th a t h e r hu ab a n d t re a te d h e r c ru e ll.v o r d U t» n ip e ra m « n la l ly u n fU to h a s * th e n iB tu d y o f ib e i r d a u g h te r . H a rh a ra Sherrield. r is e y* a ra e ld . T h e l i t t l e a O I w ae in th e c o u r t ro o m w h ile Ihe caa c w a* in p ro g re a* In the c u a lo d y o f a g u a rd , whOv It I* a lle g e d , w a* e n g a g e d Y»> >1r*. H h e ffie ild In p re v e n t h e r hu v lM im i fro m ta k in g a w a v Ih* c h i ld by fo rc e i f an it t e m p t a h o u ld h« m a il* ,

A c c o r d in g to te aK m o n y |iv Air. Sh nup , M ra . H h e f f ie id had a c c u ic d h e r hu aband o f lv«!ng “ r r u * l In a aub U e wa> ’ H e a la o H ta e rte d th a t M ra Sh«ff|# ild had r o n ip ia in a d th a t h * r huafaand had p it t e d h la m ' le n t if ly Idea* a g a ln a i he r m o th e r '* u n d e r i lA n d in g In th e b r in g in g up o f t h i l r rh t id re n . T e t l lm o n y w a* g iv e n by L « n * fc h m td t . a nu r** e m p lo y e d In th« S h o r t I p l le hom e, th a t H h e ff ie id had k e p t h i* io n N e iaon . w h o d ie d tw o iM onrha ago , o u t in m id w e a th e r u n t i l th e ho v 'a h a n d * and f*e t w e r* f r o t e n n o d he fa in te d . Th^ fo rm e r m in ie a la o t e x t i f le d th a t S h e f f ie ld co m p e lle d ih * p c r v a n ia to k e e p the boy ou t o f d o o r* fo u r h o u r* • v e r y m o r n ln t . r* g a rd l* a * o f w e a th e r c o n d it io n *


Open Evenings Until Christmas

This Store First for Men’s Gifts

M e n w h o b u y f o r m e n , o r w o m e n w h o b u y f o r m e n , w ill f in d t h i s e s t a b l i s h m e n t c r o w d e d w i th g iv a - b l e t h i n g s — a n d a l l o f t h e m a r c w o r t h y — a ll m o d e r ­a t e l y p r i c e d .

F u r C ap e 1 For the mtn who goes luto-

mobiltng. for Ihe young inin who goes skatin|. theae Fur Capa tre moat deairable Chrlatmaa gifia. Tliev'll be mighty welcome, fllen's Muakrii Capa, IS and 16 Men's Rich Sable Caps, t3.56. Coney Capa. U to $4.F.leciric Seal Ctpi, tS to t(. Hudson Seal Capa, $7 to 610. Genuine Sealskin Capa, tIZ

$1S.Fur Inside Band Capa, $1

$1.50.* « •

Then there are Velour Hats in all colors, $3 to $8.

Silk High Hats at $6.Derbies and Alplnea, |Z to $5. Cloth Capa, 50c lo $1.50.

F u r-L in edO v e r c o a t s

Elegant gifta, t he s e , for dreaty mec, especially ftr

frequently iithose aho are Evening Dresa.

High grade, rich black shelli si th muskrat lining and fur and I’ertiin lamb collars. $65 to $IZ5.

Heavy .Ml Fur OveretMta, alto.

toR o o m yB a th r o b e s


M en a n di j'oung me)

______ are glad bown a Bath

robe, for they are so useful itouthe house and often at the sea shore, and they tre here in matt patterns and colorings, at $3.$ to $10.

barellenl Terry Bathrabea, $ t«u n |in f R ob^ $6.50 to $t

H o c k e yS h o e s

There it going to be a lot of skat­ing this aetson. as Is indicated

by the early ahow of winter, and i.ice ekiiing is going to be very

H e r e fo r H a n d k e r c h ie fs

Afifflaf ffvrrlrv of (A* yRWtl.J K H F IK Y C I T Y , D ec. fO.— M r* . M a r y

M a h ik . p * v o T ily -* tg h l y^ ar* o ld . o f T l J a w e i i f lv o n u a , w 18 fo u n d d o id In h * i h o in * B h o r i iy b e fo re 3 o ’c lo c k th la m o rn in g . U a * w a* * a c a p iq g f r o m a n op«n J«t. I t w o* *al<l th a t th * w o m a n had a d a u g h te r . nam *d M r* . If, P o l* , l i v in g a t I I B r u n iw t f k i l r a e t . N a w a rk .

I t w a a a b o u t 1 |q o 'c lo c k w h * n kCra M a r y B a tc f im a n , w ith w h o m ih * a g w l w o m A n hv*de d * t* ct8d Ih* cMfor o f g a i a n d a u m m o n a d P a ir o lm a n G o ld in * w h o fo ro o d th * d o o r o f M r*. M « lt* k ’ a room .

D r. f it . J o h n w o* c u lle d f r o m tb * n t y H o ip i t a l , b u t tb e w o m a n w a* b e yo r id m o d lc a l a id . M r* . M c lta k h a d n o t b*«n e n jo y in g good h e a lth o f l i t * and w o* In p o o r opIrM * y** t* rd ay .

ECKiney Shoes suited

for skates will be much In de­mand.

Here they are for men and bova, $3.50 and $4.5«.

Skating Shoes for Women, $6.50.

thousands of Handkerchiefs, D always included $ifl here for ya in qualities that will pleaae y<.

Men'* Striped Border Wlilt ('•mbric Hsadkerehlcfa; 6 P a box, for only $Sc.

M en ’s G ift I N e c k w e a r

We h a v e n e v e r had more klodt n o r mo r e

beautiful patterns and colorings in Men's Neckwear than ve areshowing thla Chrlatmaa season.

Yon will And no troublt at all selecting many that you will Ilk* and we box any of them already for gift-giving. 50e to $$.

Mn*B 811k Foar-ia-Buda; two kinds, fortnerljr priced $1.60 gnd $2, to b* cloied out at only |I .

Men's Initial Unen Haadkt- chiefs; 6 in a box; $1.50.

Men's Fine Carnb^ Handlu- chiefs with colored Intliala Id stripe; 6 in a boa; $1, '

M t Mull Haadkerchiefs; rear for use; 6 in a box; TSc.

Mea'a Plata Unen Hiadkai chiefs: fl in a box; $1. ''f ■ iGifts for Women

Silk Stock- lags, Ukm H • adker- f I efcisfa, FT e^ '

Fucy SiMsa andNeekwaar,BtlpMra, all here in good tra rt^ at pleasing pricaa.

Th* local ooltc* w*r« aaked to lo- I'xlB Mra M. I’ot* and notify har of tho death of har aiothar An effirar waa aont lo the Brnnawloh atroat ad- d rc ia Thara I* a varant lot a t that ad- itrcBi, and the pollea wera iinabla to localo any ona of that nama In tha nclahborhood. 8 0 * 7 -8 1 3 B rood Stip N ear M arkati N ew ark '

I t

Magnificent Suits and O ver­coats ot uiKiuestioned stand­ard-closed out a t a figure so absurdly low th a t it doesn’t even represent th e cost of

"^he iabric used in the gar­ment. These garm ents will

-g ive you all th a t you ever desired in a Suit or an Over­coat—.style, fit, quality and wear—at an unparalleled

Come in tomorrow.

Were $20


P ooitiT aly undam aged by fir e o r w ater. Every pu rchaoar g u a r a n t e e d •a d o fa c tio n o r m on ey re­fu n d ed .

11.75, 13.75, 15.75 OTHER SUITS AND OVERCOATSW*rg Foriw p ly Tw* f Thr** Tlm>* th* Ab8v Prices

1 S H IR T S 8 f le I


N est to Ukiltod Cigar 8ta«a

>'V: i , . ■


Kiiff romaapuadewy.TRBNTON, Dac. I I —R anaral aatla-

facto ry ronditlona In tha pharm sclax of the a ta ta ara Indloatad In tha tour- laanlh annual rap « n of tha n u ta Board of Pharniacy. Tha raport ahowa th a t th a ra a ra on raoord t , l t l ractatarad phorm aolata and 111 rafla ta rad naalat- anta.

A ecordtns to tha raport Iba board baa hod an unaaually aettv# yaar, tba m an - bara T laltlna .va ry county la tb a ata ta and m ak tna a paraoeal Invaatiuatlan ef lha pharm arlca In tha largar MUnlelaal- Ittaa a lto daparlm ant atoraa and gn>- cary and ao n a rtl a lor«t tn tba aaiallar tewna. At a rnla thaaa aatabllahiaanta w ara found to ha ro m p ly lu w ith tha taw. Six vtolatora wara proaaeulad dnr- tnd th a yaar.


rWUJi B«st HoBieriuadg R8M«t^.-128 UnwooMful for 25 GMn


FATEB60N, nac, I I .—d f la r a o « t- ta ren ra of tnxnufaclurara and rapra- aantatlvaa ef lha Ixickawanna an d B ria ra llro ad t a t tha Chambar of Cmumaraa yaalarday aftarnoon, a t w hich It wa* mada plain th a t nalthar rallm ad would Improve I t i fre lph t ta f rio a batw aan New York and PalaraM , tba M anafao- tu rera and allk m a h tr i pM otleally ■ •read a tth ar to e rg an tia an autoino- b lla tru ck in g concern a l th a ir aw n «rta aupport unanimoualy • atoiltor o«r- porailon. Tha Cbanhir at Cominwaa w ^aakad to gatbar data toMagh Itatra ffto eem m ittaa.

A. M. tarald. ganaral (rglght •gaal af the Laokawaaaa, aatd ba « •• peat- tlva tba railroad would Mt ■ «•( tha r«iuaat far a aeon aagviad. N* aifear city along tha rasta I* nttlng that prlTlIaga and It would b« ikpaMlbto to grant It without the pamlatlaa of the Board of Fnbtio Utility Conimtaalonara. ha aald. Mr. lorold addad that the praa«nt dananda of Ik* ■MautoatUNn m m that tha Uackawaang la aahad to tolp Mlh vaiutd at $$•,$$$ » aailaad al

I t fvarytklna « a i aali la a t tikaral and fair a maaaar aa Paity'a Drag gtara-la aall- Ina gaklffmana'i New Oaaaaalratad Cipaa- toraat, akaalutaly xo couxa tor aomplalal ar aiaMll*ta*ttoii *a«ld paaalhly arlaa Iran anr oao. ThaM draaiM a aar *Vttr a kai- ila at IMt oaw ranady aad try 11 iM Bran- chitia, B m ah ix l Aalkiaa, W haaptit Caaah. Savtn Ooafk. Oraap ar ea r Broaahial Af- fntlolL aad wa will ralura yaw nanay, leal lha aaaw aa wa da wHk Dr. •akimnaawa fomaua Aatkmodor. tf H data aat alao par- fact *aUifa*tf*o, *r It M I* aat (aoad Un '

It ranady *var uaad t o t a r af thaaa Knnplalat*.- la adSItlaa ta IMa guaraalaa, la ardor that lha paWlt ailflit try thla ramadr witbtui fartbar delay. IlMaa dm s- itata aaaouaat that lhay hava iaaidad te noka aa a x in tndaaanaal aad wVI aall IH taaular Na ataa batUaa t o half prtaa. Hw to Ika Drat lU paraaaa «ha dlga aad preaaat the eaupua balaw a t thair atara, Allhaaab lhar aad tha prapH ato a r t taalag n aoey a* arary battle aaM a t thla pataa they bath bora daaldad ta alaad thla laaa aa aa la ■ m tbaat wha hava a r t ra t aaadP thla ax- aa tln t ramadr. aa agpartanlly ad Irylag It, a t thair la to haawMg it WUJ ba tbaad iha

beat todlotaa a n r aaad by aayaaa.■van lhauab nai la aaad ef aua a a ia tb '

Haa al praacal. n will pay fa aMln a bat tie new a t half arka, aa aa davf m

IIIla tba family wlH raqalra wlalar la w ar. bat yaa will a « eboaaa af baytat far la« Ihaa

Oea aoitla nakaa a full pH •pooaatutl by atraply nlaiaa whh *nt plat at praoalaiad at half piBi of water, aaS mal fanlly aappiy, and aa anicb aarfty oaat traai II la I I taaa tity af the ardlaary, raair-aiada blade a f daabital alto wliboat a taaraolta, Ilka It la praparvd fran ttrfaily hat aad la aa pitxaaat Uiat ahlldraa tl aad II can ba alvan ib tn n ta ty . ta M paattlvalr aaatah to m , optam, narpMaa ar a aattr, aa do meat aaudh ml luialy aa rUh Wbalavar la n a ramadr aa tba gaaraataa t f V hMWB, raUaMa drnatM.

If a aalfbbar ar frlaad a •o r t o half i$a bauia, lha f la t a f thla aaaallMl awdlalaa eatl aaah abaai I I aaela.

I aamt «aa

ona m

h lirtto at $11 ar i • IM a M afM i

0 P M l . f ^ iPto

7W Bimr»l*B CWfIT CdUMlMI*. gr Thla eiBg— art « • la uaat far ama (atoyl Wa halMa af

Maw PaataBiralad ■aBtatataW at taHy'a Haag •••«•, if ntw

filaff Carriwi ATLAN-nc

Nawark thaU Htoia Tcarii preaUara tii laatUna.' iM. weak. ThU added 10 I about which raatoiag dun Tha artalcii Tuaaday aad •U1 conalltu aalhrrtog. T of offh-rra Bl ronatUutlun a imnbal V ith llontt purpoj

Faaaa Fou •'tpllonally 1. *r part of , ,\*warb t*bi' rapHacnt th Phiadv i;«uai amatlar bod tea. While pollrtaa, lha rapraaont th are not only laaaoa. but l maha an laat n a n yaar, tl tha, prapoalt' Fiadarabar, I •apaclally tyTba la tte r oi rrhiik H. U<at ala aaaoi'l h abaau rra tl a rk aa a mo<

All ataalmi aehoot, with tha haxdqua Monday nig yoiamltta* n vtaail lhar* ba Ur. John Prlacaloii T’ Brawn of Tl H..t)ay|daon, af n t l i b u r i In lha aaaot M. Stringer, County Taai aaoratary of law Kmlth, I partm anl. an of tha aduca


fpantl dmVn ■ ICWTON.

af Hlllpu. I Newton-Moni r Snyder C the aama Job Ilnaid of Fn tilaged 10 b thla moTBlni •llarr Id lha

- Ulllpet d tha Job'Fabr They war* t Without Ih* I It It aald. M tra rt lo th* IV I t l f , b*fi Ih* coniractf fratholdrr* I an th* raat o to a rd td to 1 pony of N»t

Th* fr**hc roaund that coatract by in«atx of all aifd* oa Ih pojmwnt of pony to hovi Iho anioant to Itaa than addt th a t Itai b*m placed aoM rtotariai Snyder t'om i dllianaFItatni being bdaad


TRENTON tuff Ida* t tl anew haa hi Pabllo UtlU prppoetd otH from S*l«m ■ a k m a n d ) paay. Th* i val at aarar ftotttan df I lag tb* catai

Th* board th* IraaMU Ih * ardlnam graattng Uh aaaary ffwa highway. I i Mar ardiwir Fatin* P|*ol Paaaa Hack will hav* tl traval edh I

‘Th* board eaaalnMtlw aub-aUtlona ahaiilM nat ath * la aua a l ItTVOtr af■Inaty pdr c iiacnd smu par oant. * •agad papml eighty M f <

adad t hr (Igni

eaaatod h lg h h r

p mIh* im a lr iM >r«to t o n



la OtiIn |l that

pasppd krjp t earraqlPd.

M m m^1 FOM

J E M B T I•arp af th* ip cpnvantlp I t riftaan with Oongni gas In.th* 1 tn$ d4cldp4 b* aaohangf

Ataang tHaw* and J

■I KItohartcaaklla at Ie f B eon ton ,Mpy Clt» I

ad n t o a i ^ Allan g f « l lUfillailMd.

na'aawvi day aftar tl torp.. At tb ^ • i M t l a r w sipdi and city hi ihp tbarain; . Cat KMIPd IPSIIwtiliaggprtipg..

mtfartal Pmvdf

MOmiPT tha gvp WhH'kimnr I ronviottoa nl tb* nKh. 3


i m


•SJtSttw r

•' ittTiiiMiliy.




■ ' ' _.«»»-'"; i .- '!< i j t^ , ' ‘ . ;V iV '^ ^ ^


* :■■ N E W A B K B V E N I S G N E W S . W E D n i s D A Y , DECEMBER 23. 191&


* fi

i& m m n mE tta T t t S * ^ f t a i DiMi*t

W al Sm E B e ilm ’ Cm i » liii1hnl«lT«r.


WiAm' hmlM b TiM ol Wife PoobStiet ii tke

H m k^ DepoiiU.o m i m b d e s t o u r c e cb o k e to u n p h u h c a t h in tests

0Wt (ATLAHTtC CITY. Dw. lt.-Wh««lMr

Ntwark ■h*|l b* thu M**llna |diic« ol tb* NtM« T»«rh*ri' Awodallon In I t l l \ pnualKa tq b* « tobdinx lu ix nt lb* | iiMMUsi.’ <M. Uw MMcIbtItm b m n tit ttttb . l*hu point of dlfcuHhm wlU b* •M td 10 otb«r nw iton of dtb«it obovK «rhl«b conoMowbl* ■nUBORlnn h u <^t*nB dunna otbof oonual moMInc*. Tbt •rnlotiii, (a b« bfid Hondop, Ttmodop oiMl WodnoaSbjr of n « l «*«b, •Ml com tituu tbo o litp ^ tn t onnllal ■atbrtlna, Th« m lrorncnt fund, aloctlon of offlrfra ■nd proponrd rh b n ftt In Iho rooMllulion a n ■nbjoru wbloh •ill dIvMt ItHwbit u tih mnttcra of puprijr odudb* iloRnl purpooro.

Plilbni Couitt)r hiui promlnad on OX* j ropllonnll/ lartM drlopollnn, th« (teol- *r port of which will b* mod* up of Nownrb t•»■'bor«.'Th•t r l iy a tlolrfotf* r*tpHi(«nt tbo Prlnclpwla' AoKclntlotb Emov I'ounty Towohoro* Uulld-onrf ■ omnllor body, ihb oduoallon commll- toa. Whila tha pulld la for oxiallai polloiaa, lha e thar two orcanlaallona rapfMaat tha oppoaiuoa tarcaa. Thar ara not only dividad on ratiram ani fund taanaa. bul thla paar hava ptannad to maba an laaua on lha m aatlnf plaoa tor n a n paar, lha BUlld h a)n t ovpoaad to Iba- prapaaltlon la maat -In Naarark In Dadanbar. l i l t , a 'pofiit to ba urcad aaparlally by lha o ihar two aarlatlaa. Tha latiar vraanlaatlona rafuaa to back rntnk H. Uopd of Parth Ambap for tha ita la aaao<’lallon'a praaldancp unlaaa habnauraa ihrm ha la In la ro r of Naw- arh aa a maatinar blana.

All taaalona will ha bald In lha high achool, wllh a raiwptlon and mualcala ai tha haadauartora at tba Hofal Dannit Monday n igh t floma of lha immllar coiamlllaa maatlnga will alao ba oon- vaaail ihara Tha loading apaakara will ba Ur. John Orlar Klphan, praaldant of Prlacalnii T’nlvat-altpi Ur. Charlaa B. Brown of Tala I’niTaraliy and William M..l>aTldaon. auparlntandanl of wboota of Pltlaburgh, Nawarkara promlnani In tha aaaaclatlan a ra Mlaa Ellaabath M. dlrlngar, praaldant of tha Baaai County T aarhari’ Guild apd railroad aaoratary of (ha aaaoclatlob; I t A. Laa- law Hoilth, praaldant of Hia atuplo da* partmanl. and ifa r tlp U CbC rhalrmgn of tha aducairopal pawcrfag .oaigBitlta,

c o K i M c r o i t s ' S H r t ^' SUSSEX COONn B STMTD)

flMrltl drrrtrr of Ibr MtlPg.BRWTON. Uac. I I .—Trial of tha ault

at lllllpo* d Cox. eoBlractan on lha Nawton-Hlanhopa road, and tba Oaorga f . Enydrr Company, aub-conlnotoro on tha aaitta )ob.'agalnat tbd Buaaaa CoiuMp Board of Kraaboldara (o raeorar tll-OM. allagad to ba dua on tha work, bagan thla morning bafora Judga Oaorga 8. ■Ilirr In tba Pupraraa Udbil Circuit.

" milpot B Cox got tha roatracl to da tba job'Pabruary t . Ibo», for n i ,l l l.d a . Tbap war* to build nlna mllaa of road. Without lha knowladga of tba fnaholdart. It la raid, Mlllpot B Cox aublat tba con- Iracl to tha flnpdar Company. On luna 14, l*lf, bafora tba work waa complatad. lha roniractom abaadonad tba Job. Tba fraaholdrrt had to rtwdvartlaa for Mda aa tha raat of tha Job. lha contract baing awarded to tba Allan (Jonatruotloo Caia- pany of Nricong for 111.III.

Tha fraaholdrra. la dafaodlag tba ault, roaiaad that tba ooBtractoha broka thair contract bp abandoning lha fed. Pay- maalj i t all aicopt t ld . l4 l . l l had baan mdda on tha roatract, thay aay. Tha pairntant of l l l . t l l to lha Allan Com­pany to hava lha Job flnlahad cuti down lha aniount dua tba ortalnal oontmotora to laaa than ll.OM. tha boarda holda, and adda that liana amouottnB (a t t l . lM hava

placad a g a l i^ thla by tlnaa'Wha t^tarja la to Hlltpot B Cax and tba

Bnydar Company. Thara ara atitaaa ad- dmaoBl'Hama In tba rounty'a anawar. all balag baaad on tachattml dkJaattana

i ' ■ .■■■a ■ -


fpaolal dar*4ca ot Ma tflSB*.HEW BRUKiWICK. Uac. SI —Poar-

MllUaa of Incnaaail waalth from wldar uaaa el tba clay dapoatta of Woodbrldgr Townahip wara raportrd thla morning at tba opaning aaaalon of tba aacond annual maatlng of tha Naw Jaraty Clay Work- tia ' Aaaoclatlnn. hald In tha ehrmtatry building of Rutgara Collaga. Tha rapoit, which WM mada by Samual Sbdrkay of Trenlon. dctallad tha raaulta of tha In- vaallgatlon cemdurtad for tha laat yaar by cammlra dapartmrnt of Rutgara Collage and tha Htaia Uapartmrnt of Conaarva- dan and liavatupnwnt.

Hr. Sharkry aatri lha rli haal dOpoalta in lha atala ara found In Woo<lhrld'xa Townahip, whara thara ara ISO kindi of day. lie aliowrd aamplra of It3 va- rla tlta All of (h it clay waa flrad In tha Rutgara caranilca laboratory and during tha next flacal yaar, aald lir. gharkay, taata to datarmlna tha praa- anca ot aand, p laa tld ty and purifica­tion will ba condurtad In tha labora­tory. I t It mn ba ahnwn tha d a y can ba purltlad chaaply. Mr. Mtiarhay aald. It will ba prevad that a fortuna llaa In tha Woodbridge dapoatta.

■aniplaa of lha Woodbrldga rtaya wilt ba k a ^ a t tba Rutgara caramlaa lab­oratory, whara thay may ba Inapactad by all d a y minora and pollara.

P lgurti on tha How Jerooy pottery induairy were given by Ur. \V. W. Twllchall, aaaloiant atato gaologlat, wha gava tha reaulla of a Joint In- vaatigatlon by tha fedaral and a tita gaologiral ourvaya. Tha total value of clay and day producla In thla atala, ba aald. waa 1 1 1 ,131,000. T l^ value of aarltary ware produead laat year waa II.Oil,000 ho oald. while arehltortural terra cotta produced waa worth |I,0t0,- oao The value of aevaral other laud­ing produda waa given aa followa Cemmardal brick, |1,044,ooo: rire-prooflng, ll.iOO.OOO: Ulna. 11.140,000;china. 11.011.000.

New Jaraar la flrit. aald Hr. Twitchall. In lha production of aanltary wara, china, a r t tiling, anemcled hrlck and in d ay m intd and aold. It alanda gaeond In fireproofing, floor and wall Ilia, terra ooita and total pottery praduetk, and third In porealain aleo- Uloal aHppllee, while ware and lo u l olay producla. In the production of front brick and total l^tah and ttia output tha atala alanda fourth and In rommon brick output It la fifth.

H. W, Bloomfield of the Naw Jeriay Clay Pradueta Company, Metuchan, told af fuel conaunipllon In lha burning Of fireproof 1 ng. and Dr. J. H. Bquiraa of B, I. du Pont da Hamourt B Co. epoka on blasting In clay and ahala pUa.


At * following th« morrl^g*•f MJh Itob«1 ^ttw forde 4»ught#r of Mr. und Mrs. R otori tk. Crawford, to Albert Orondtt. the cycllot, of En»t Or* ongo, hold ot tho homo of tho bride'o poronto, 111 ftiKth atroot. Elorrloon. yoo* tordoy oftornoon, ahnounrom^nt woi modt oP tho ongogomont Of Mtoo both Crowferdy olator of tho brido, to fMiorgo Bowkar of Houth l^ourth tiroot. Horrlion. Iflao IClItaboth Crawford waa brldoomald a t tho wodding of her ■later. No data haa been aet for lha wadding.

About fifty guoita wore preoont at tbo marrtago of Mlaa laabol Crawford and Mr. QrondOp which waa parformad by Rev. Samual D- Charnbora. aaolaUnI paator of Che North Hrformod Church of thla city. Tho bride waa glvan away by her father Tha wedding march waa played by 'flaa Rita Koehrlo. Aifred T. Goullet, at varloua timea partner hikA opponent of tbo bfirtogroom Itt btrycAtf racoa, waa the beat man.

The gift af Mr (Irenda to hie bride waa a diamond brooch ««( In platinum hta gift to Mr. Goullot being a pair of pearl cuff buttopap aot with dlamonda. Tba bHde'a gift to tho brldeamald waa a diamond brooch. Mra. Granda la tho fourth daughter of Mr. and Ura. Craw> ford to bo married.

his Biwghtar. Mias Nwwut JssagblsaVan Riper, lo B m a t T, HaBlay of Naw York. Ns 8ata ngs baaa eat tor Ika wadtllng,

■■■■t-RMgigk ■■■agnaeat.Mr. an* Mra. O, B. Rudolph at IS«

Heeond a trast ka»a annatianad tha an- gagamant «f (hair daughter, Mlaa U l- Han May Rudolpk, to Halaay P. Hunt of SSI Tklrd atroat. Nn data haa bean aal for tha wadding.

(laavaa-MlBda Bagagaaaaaf. dperlal MrrtItO of Ika VBWt.

RAHWAY, DaA I*.—Tha angagt- menl hka m sb annnunrad of Mlaa Ruth U Hlnda of Corllaad, N, Y.. on* at tha laachart In tha Unoaln Sehool. and Carl i*. Qravai of St Blm av*nua. this city.

MeKleraan.Haiolio Naptlsla.RIIHMIT. lioe. » l —Mlaa Calharina

Keana of Pummlt aecnua and John Mc- Klarnan of Whippony road, Morrietown, will be tnarrlad Hunday aft'anioen, Jan­uary I. In HI Taraaa’s Calhallo Church. Kav. Dr. Conrad Sohottbaafar. tha rac­ier. will offlciata. Mlaa Catharine Murray and John J. BulIlTan. boih of Bhort linia. will ba tha attendanla Following tha earamony tha couple will go to thair new home la Abbolt avtnue. Morrialown. Mlaa Kanna la tha daugh­ter of Mr. and M ra John Keana of Ireland, while tha hridagroom-to-ha la lha eon of Mr. and M ra Edward He- Klarntn, alao of Iroland.


Fpecfal grnVc af Ika V tW t.JBRkBT CITY, Dae. I I .—After Malen-

Ing to aevaral argumanla urgUig the t«- tabtiahtng of a tuba atatloa on Wtat nida avonua. In tha Harton aactlon of Jersey City, tha Board of Public Utlllly CommlssloDari brought Its Haa ring thla morning to close after Counselor Alban T. Wall.I rapreaantlng tha PannaylTanla Railroad Company, had complained that some of the oral compW>ts made at lha mealing war* not Oontarnod la lha Wflt- tan pelltlofi for the haarlng.

The commlaelonera directed that a naw patitloa. coaUlnIng all tha facta, ha filed, and aat January It. a t 10:10 In Iba murnlng. aa tha data of a n*w haariag In the court house hero. Thie action was taken, It waa staled, to give the ittnrriey for the rellmad an opportunity lo xoualnl hlntMlf with tha coatentlooa of the petlllomrs.

It had been declared hy John Bantlay. corporation attorney of Jereey City, that becauae of the lack of tuba aervlea In the Marlon portion one corporation had moved away and nnother had announoad He Intantlan of doing Uhewlaa.

Mr. noatley declared that wllh the train facimlaa asked for thara would ba a great devatopmeat In that part of tha fity'. It waa hare that Mr. Wall eon- plalned. Ha aaM that tha petition should hava shown how condltlona were on ethar railroads la the city, and daOlared that the point which had Juet baan raised wae not stated In. the written petition.

The bearing waa 'haid la behalf af the Manufacturara' aM Property Intar- •sis AaaoHatlon and tha City Comnrta- itoB «t Jersey Ctly. Tha Tspueat, raoent- ly refused by tho IHIIlty Board by a vote of two to three, that tha Penneylvanla ba ordered to eeiabllah a alilloo at Marlon WM rapealrd. It wae aaserted by Mr. Bentley, after preeantlng hla argument a* to the noceaelty for a sta­tion In the eecllon named, (hat there had been a change in the maka-up of the rtlllty Board since the recent hear­ing and that the body aa It now alanda ehoiild hear the argument*. Thomaa J. Brogan rapraaented Ih* city with Mr, Bentley. Frederick C. Henn appaared for ihe Uanufacturrra’ and Property Inler- eati Association.


UuM CiMrtf Q n in m D cioiiim I jb il i f M4khmi AiliHm

ifD aN cn ticD ettiiy .’eOYEMOl FIEIDER B THE GOAT

Newapapae Edit*r aad Plata otflaa Nsldea. t'aaa VHrlM aad krlaa la Ex- peaaatag Hta Optalaa Thiaha ewayal t aaetavae* Raa Na T llla ta g*lt-.ta> aamad Peaeata—C'ella Party ttraaal- aallaa Vary Dead aad Mils O rase cap.

tend Um Deptorraiie ooaftrsgea caliad > by Upvamor Fielder for Traatoa. Dacam- ' ler la. Hla alienduKe, ba a t a t ^ would i depend on the stale of affalft a t the While llouaa.

If he does attand, Mr. Tumulty will ha llatepiT. Ttiii In harmuny with tha ad- oilnlstTBtlon’a policy of Uatanlng to tho I'lalnU of tbo Jeraeytnan, but of laltlng Ihe eilteatJna bo wurkad out |.y the Plata leaders. e,.


BERI.tN. Dec I t Iby wirelaas to Bny- vtlls, le 1.1—The death at Hanover of Gonaral von Kmmirh, Ihe conqueror of Ltage, la announced by tha Ovaraoai Naw'i Agency.

Ilenernl von Kinmlch wea commnnder ot lha Tenth Army I'orpa. He flgurad prominently In ilia early eveiitc of tha


Erie RiRnM CmmI Ituies Two- tj'Tm PMrti Apittt Open*

tiw «f FieUa Liw.


OM S tv i i i i h t l i M i N ’s Bm m m S u p o iM by PuasylnB i



TRENTON, Daa. U — Partia l approval, antfidoat to anahlo s ta rtin g work at oocA haa boon glvon by tha Board of PabHo Utility CoaanlssloiiorB for the propoaad oonatructlon of a trolley line from Balam to Ponn Orova hy tba Bakm and ponn Orova Traotlan Com- paay. Tho applloatlon Inoludad appro­val af aavaral ard lnan paa and tha ratl- fteatlon g( A propoaad plan far financ­ing tba antarpriga

The board approved tho ordlnaneo of tho froahbtdora of Baloro County aad tha ordlnanoa of Pann Orova Borough, granting tho traction oompaay tha na«- aeanry frnnektas to oak tbo pobik highway. It fonnd. bovrovor, that Mm- liar a rd im o o s passxd hy Bnlam, Upper Panne ffaok Townahip aad I.awpr Fauna Mach Township ara dafaotlva and will hava t s ha ra-snaetod bofora ap­proval odh ho glvon,

Tha beard cendudod th a t tha coot of oaaotrncgtmi n f tho ontiro rood with anh-otatlans a t Pannnvilla an# Inlom ahould not ogoood tM d.lk t. It approved tho Issue of >t«ek ot par:MTEMv nf f irs t m ertgaga bonds ol alaaty par eant. 6f par, and lUSgM a t sisond m ettgnga bonds a t 'a ^ l y - t lv a per cant, of par. The eampany had aakad parmtaaion to latus tho hands ot alBhty poc oopt. of pnr, W t the board eoncM ad th a t thay abanid bring a hlalipr f l ^ A

Tt3s propeasd lo feogia tmmtdlatoly tho gMotfucllon of tho road from Pann O ro * to f lo a t NA I of the B. I. d« Pont do ItiaM nm B Cn-i above Pknaa- vlllB In th e m aaatlmA H <• antlol- poMi th a t th a dafaotlva ordinaaeaa p a a ^ ^ tba 4wn tswnghlpo m ar ba . . . ^


i HI' ■ ■** * ■dpaMsI Peiokn af Me 9WWB.

JE R M T CITT, D aa t t —Tks Bssas- sam at lha eltloa to th la stake will hold a convantloit p%.Vaiaton on Idkgary I t riftoaa of tolBdP kMM a esalspaaflO with OenppIwUBSr Ooorgo If. Brsoala- gos in,tho cii# Ball yaotorfoy a lU raasn on< dkw pd tW t henetisiei Idsaa m l|Bt ha oxebaagiad a t ssoh » gataarlng.

Awang thoas proaont watoi Jska Rowe and John L. C arroli of Rohan R Toth o t TmntoikCanklls of BomarvUla O. W, __of Boonton, J. Alton W aloi o r CbB* May ettyt r . Boyle and J. Oaltot dl

ad n ssa le . /a th ro BsHtf aad lamao Allan lir Kkanty aad CMartsn (?rtat a t RniliartorB

T b r onovdntlon w n i ho hMid sa fhs day aftsr tha.opanlnB •< ttm U gioln-

\ Hsxa • a wmoaont sU ts a t tax aaossaan WM> ^

. - i .lt »o svcity In ih s 's ta ta wIU h s nprsosatsd


tu rn B | that offaglM tIan a tarm si. and^ It

ibafaia milafiMf wasCeiikilsitMisr Brdnslau tsMpoMSp d u U to a a psoMMar

wllh powsr In ponM a nsfowMlMol llvo ----------- fSBMisa-man 1 to

tIOP.'Oftkpl P psnpaasdR

fmwmmwmcmm■4. _______

Kform PeivIfS af toe BBIFB. MORRJRrOWN, Dao. t t .—9 ^ isW Of


Hrt. Helen BancrufI uf Benesat etreet Chesinul Hill, Pa., and AMletanI Pay- tnaater Thomaa Cochran. U. F N.. of Wyncote. Pa., win be married Cbrlatmat afternoon a t lha home of the hrMc- alael's elsler, Mrs Robert Munru Boyd J r of Proepect avenue. Montclair. Rev. Harry Nmerann Foedlch. former pastor of the FiTst Baptist ("Tiun-li. Montclair, will afftciaie. Only relative* aud a few Inllmata friande will be present. ■

The only attendant will be Mlw JJdtth Hankey of New I-ondon. Conn., niee* of the tetde-etect. who will act aa flower girl and carry a basket of holly. Decora­tions will be of holly and greens.

Mr. Cochran la atalloiied a t lha League Island navy yard. PhlladalphiA Ha la tha son of the lata William Alllsun Cochmn and grendson of tha late Thomaa Cochmn, praaldont of the Quar- tn ly Tniat A Bat* Dopoall Co. at Phlla- dal^lo.

Mr*. Bancroft It the daughter of tha lata Major Eugen* A, Bancroft of New London. Slw was married to D. Eddy Ortawold of Lyna, Conn., In ISOI, and obtatnad a dtvorco two yeare'ago in .New Haven. Bh* I* a descendant of Jasper Crana os* of lha founders of tha rily af Newark, and grand-daughter of Btsliob John Crao*. first Mahop of the Eplseopot dioca** of Naw Jersey.

aOSS-SCHOTlANDTha gmrriags of Mlaa Clam H. Srhot-

laitd. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ramiiel Behelland of 143 Rwentaenth avanua, and Arthur Omsa son of Mr. and Mr*. I.oula fhroaa of IdSl Broad atraat, took plac^ last night a t 114 High street In the prat- anc* of mambars of tho two famlltaa. Rabht Jnllua BllborfeM performed (h* ceroamay, which waa followad by a racap- tka.

Tha brM*> who waa given In marrlat* by her fmhar. wore a gown of white allh luHtoad ducheate aatin over allver cloth, ant with a eoprt train. Her vail artkngad with orang* bloasomt and a paarl bgodtau. flhe csrrkd a shower bongiMt ot orthMa lilies of tha vallay and hrlda resea. Tho brldaamaida were the b tid t't aMer. Mta* Marian Pchot- laad. aad Mlaa Oayta Lovw. The formar wort a gown ot pink cM m n lullo aad Ml-

aun, aad oatviod p M rooai. Mias Levy srom a down of M*h-«eler Oaorgotto etvpo trtmmsd with mstanie baadlags and havlag an ovor- dfosn ol chlffog. BIm also ro rrM pink SgM.Boywnur R. Qma* aarvod his brotlMS

u b s s tm sa , whUapDothorbrothor. M or^ aroos, was Uw uahor. Haalar Clomont B. •cbsUaad, piphow ot the hitde, was pair*, and duMag tha availing gave rodtatlona. In the rscalvlng Hn* wllh tlw hrida and hrMagroom, bintdax thsir paranta, warn Mr. and Mm. PWUp J. Bchgtlaad, hrathar and Mgtsr-hi-law nf tha hsMa, aad Mr, aad Mm, tMSMaa Cidm of BtlsoboUi, hrotbaHp-iaw a a l sM sr of the hrMs. Ths htMs'g wnthi t wore a gown at Mach satki aad-tlw htMegrosmi'a mother worn Mack aMftmi v ilvst Utaunad trttli 1st and iBtflnB. Mrs. PWhp Bchotland worn anhM uhlWiP votvot irtmw i i wHb gold lis t, tad Mia. Onha w ort Mack paaao

'’’w M alhky i n t m from a waddlan trip lo Barmada, Mr. aad Mrs. Qross ta- sMi a t M t H M tWSPL Thrap wHt hs at boipa after T W m a rr l .

Sl4f/TRRNTOaN. Dm*. Zt.-^M*#tlnc h»r4

Tmlfiy. th« rommlUfe of (h*HortlrtiUurttl d#cld*<l lo

hold th« n«ii of tlio o r f tn lU 'titih Dneomb^r 6 to 7 n*xt yrar. An ■ffort wp# mafto to hmv« thp •■m Ioti h«ld In Rurlingtori 1npl«*<| of Trenton, ■■ hM been the cuitoin. No doelelen wee renoKed*

Th* 4'om^Utee appointed » eub’Com tnltiee roinpoMd of Elfctti J. CHrndfrickeon. Joliii Tittricley and Itow* ■rd O. Taylor lo arrange for a rummer merflnn of the ioclety. La Wllterd MIorh of Brldtttolon wan appointed te a detefate from Iho ftocleljr to ttUend the Prnineular H orticultural Society meti- Inp lit Kaeton, Md-, sJanuary 11 to II. Howard 0 Ti^ylor of ftlverlon named to repraaetit the aocltty at the meeting of the Pcnnaylvanlp Slate Hor* tlrotiural Society to be held In Reed* Ibc January I t to 30.

The annual m eeting of the Slate Board of Agriculture haa been ealled for February I to 4. Thla la a week earlier than ueual. The meeting will be held at the etale house.


EDHEWATER. D*c. M.—Th, man killed yaalerday in th* axploalon In lha deitrin department nf th* American Cam Producti Heflning Company'* plant waa Idantlflad laat night aa Oluaappe PaddeJn. fnrty-two ynarv oM, of rilffald*. Ha laatei a wifa and five em il children.

All th* Injumd men. It was laid at th* North Hudeon Hospital, Wachawhan, and the Englewood Hoapltai. will racovw, al­though tha condition of on* of them. Bam Komnlck, who Is a t th* Englawood Iloa- pUal. I* critical._________


TRENTON, Dec. t* __Adhering In Itsoriginal dacIMoa, notwHhatsndlng t hear­ing given Tuesday of last wsak, th* CIvU Fcrvliv rommlaaton sanaunoad yaalerday it* rsfueal to reinalat* Jnaaph B. BratdI. a lawyer nf Newark, upon th* Hat of candidate* eligible Tor appointment s i clerk of III* Utalrict Court »f Orange.

Tha name nf BratdI was stricken from th* ellglbl* Itet after tba commission had Investigated th* clreumstanras In which h* wae auspandad for tw* years from practicing a* a aollcitor of th* Court of Chancery. Tha board found no svidanc* or argument advanced a t tna naariag to Chang* Ita view that the noaduct of Breldt was such ss to Justify Its mfusal to ear- tlfy him aa ellglbls under (b* pmvMona ot Ih* law vaatlng It with mick powar,

Joseph B. Breldt waa soapanded laat Way from appearing aa a aoUcItor tn tba Court of rhaaoery, or sxeaelalag any of th* functiou of a atdlritaf for a parted ot two rears from th* data of the otdae, which waa signed by Chanosllor Walker. Braldt waa chargsd with commRttng ftniid upon tho Court *f Ctianearr In eonnaetlon with recatvemhlp proceadingt for the Boyd Cominareial Lag* Aasoeia- tion of Newark. ____________ /

REWAROI s n s , AURGRK I t s•paNtl Bemiai af tk* BBMB.

BACKENBACK, D*o. II .—BuH In tart haa bean Inmtlutad la tb s Third Dim triet Coart hsra by BampM O. Walalar a f l i t Baymoor avantw. Hawarh, BgalBst AmhNaa O. Ja h aasa. pf Coytas- vtll*. Bergen County, praprlator and

• f th a U b ra ry Advar-


Htekk UM Mty fStlslaB ahdrtlr sfMsMii an# iiiihsiiBttpg fa r m t««lM dtlt ' ''

iM a t aawiMaB wp

and aokPittal of pdiMiti


wiss i n a a

TiidWak. y a tirS t Mur f t f


.•a'.-M t i i t o ^ a f ,iaa Kfvd. M A M inCM m W D d* n w w ta g



tC 4

ad Btppad ssrb

- t t t

_ m Btetrpds A. Lsasy. d a a g ^ a t Hr. sad Mm. MlahasI •* > « Mipal, tad Alhirt P. n teM «( 4*1 ■snth Btsvaalh stesst. trs ts teamted B tiartay a l|h l te M. Jainas’s CImreh Iw lha paa- Swt MaPiltaar teHrtefc Cady, lltes MaMra M. Ltary. a atelar a t tba hrU * was Bm hrIdaaiMfd. aad Chitetepkar Darlttagm, lha hriitgraani’s eanalp, was kaai «ata.

raB ap te i tha tar apiany Ihara waa a NoppUan a t lha hrMs's hama far a B m aPMpaay H ntaHvaa aad frianda. Mr. aad Hrd. MsaM wtu awha thaw hoina la thte fltty. ’

gaaaml managar <Using eam pany of SI Unlea Bbum* Kaw York City. Tha plalniHT damaada daraagaa In th a sum of in k , allagtaa that hU rapulallaa bap hppa kkjpmd by. mppna af th a ppbllPpUaB hy tha d t- fsadant a t Iwo IpUpup whlsh hp allpfap pppulnad fPtet aad dalPtaalalh! wasdl popeamlng him.

Watplar waa faraaarly aatplaya d hg JahsaoB. Ha M t Jahnaan aad atartadt a wark far tha U te m ij Tradtag Cam- ( w r . a rarporatlak m iaad far lha aaaia iiaa a t bpalnaaa. Ha raaalvad a oatninlailen tram th la eampaay aad aJaa |W a waah d e w in g aaaaa a t

lATWRIim a i l D W RCHnaFtaXLANTlC CITT. O n* M B ttaaai

a l hta faiiara ta a tap warB aa lha halidinga tn o a an a f t araaUan a t Baan aylvaaM avaaisa —aeaat a f a dli

Sprriol gnvlrr of t*a VdWg.ELIEABETH. Dae. I t —Luctut T.

Rustall, adllar of Tha Times of this city. In today's Isau* riraa a hroadald* at th* salf-conatitulad Democrstlo tsnhedrim, whieh, If Is snnotinead, If to h« caliad togathar by liovcriior Fielder luppoaedty for th* purpose of putting th* official stenip on-certain candidates for yovernor and 1'nlted Htate* Heiiator. Th* eignlficanc* of Editor Rusaalt'a a ttack 1* aeaii In th* position which ha holda tn relation to tha party o rg an lia tlea

Hr. Rusaall I* praaldent of tha But* Board of Tax** and Aaaaaamanta, to which poaltlon ha ws* appointad a yaar ago by Govarnor Flaldar. H* la alto ehalrmas of th* Union County Dame- cratld connnUl** and ah a tm an af th* Damocmtla County Chairman'* Btat* Organliatlon. Oralllud* for hla ap- polnlmant deaa not daiar him from de­claring that tk* Oovaraor I* ultarly dlsqualiriad "for tba aarloua buafnaaa or resurraettng end revivifying a party erganlaatlen th a t la ao dead It sllnketh," w hilt a s for Chairman Qroai- cup. tha cold and clammy peraplratlon of daath agony haa flowed from ovary port of tha organliatlon etnc* hla paleled bands raatad on th* machlaary.

Talha mt Cabot.Beginning wllh the etatement tbat It

I* learned through th* public praan That a cotari* of -Xlng-makara will meet In aolamn conclave In a Caw dayi and than pracaad to aalact tar th* Damocracy of Naw Je rtey ’’ candldatat far Banator, Qovarner and four dal*- gataa -et-larga to tha National Con- venilon. Mr. Ruaaall aaya It It atlll unknown aa to whather they will Ukt- wlte telect Ih* d istric t dalagataa B* aurmitas. hewavar, that “thla cabal at aalf-ordalnad arb itars of Dtmacrallc daatiny will **a th a t thara ira nn task* Impaaad upas th s stata, county aad municipal organlaailona of th* party aad th* rank and fll* of th* votar* nihar than is do the wark Incident I* th* campaign and eaat tha votaa an Election Day."

Then Mr. R u n e ll wania to hpow what haa becom* of th* direct primary law that Ihe Damocrata paatad and ths baaaftta of which thay ara eonttnually Im prtating upon Ih* paopl*. H* ad- m llt Ih* utility of party confaranota and avan lha naoaaally of al timaa a proceii of allm lnatlag unfit candidats* but Intitta lhal no aueh tUuotlon eon- fronli Iho parly In Now Jaroey, wbara inalead of a plethora thoro la a lamoat- abU paucity of randidatea. "But." ho continusa "asanmtng such an amar-

?;*ncy tu t te d as to naeaaaltat* a oaa- araac* with a view to allmluailng car-

talk candidal** and th* Ironing out of certain factional diffarancea would It b* poealbte for such a result ta b* ac- compllabad through a privy council adlctput forth by a duian talf appointed royal aulocrala, such aa la In contam- platio n1"

"If w* mlatak not th* Damocratle (ampar of lhasa tim aa and aipaclally af th* atat* of New Jeraay under tba In­spiration of Praaldont Wllaoa, plans for such political m urders aa era nen- templatad. In order to b* tolarataA will hava to b* aa broad aa th* atala, pra- dlcatad upon u damonntratad naranalty and surroundad by pltllaa* publlcitj. As on* Democrat w* moat vlgoeaaaly prolaat ngalnat aay Junta a f m aalpala- , lor* pa lling the mark af Cala eg a | particular Democrat and th* counter- i felt label af Hoa*a upon anothar until I such lima a* th* city commitleamnn, i

i Ih* county rommittaemen and th* party workers ganarally have racog- nlaad ihai suck an amargancy exlatad and Juftlflcd drimtlc traatmant."

Asks foe Eoatev.Than Hr. Rusaall cornea dawn lo

caaaa and ask* who era that* men who are aeauming to epaak for th* party. 11* aaya:

I "la th* mean itm* w* should varyI much Ilka to at* tha calcium light I threwn upon th* aanctimonlou* rounta- I nancaa of (hat* aacrlflclng noblta who

have coniacratad themealvaa tn th*I aarvlca of Democracy. Bui frankly w*I cannot even learn the royal title to

eo much ae half a dusen of them. Btat*< t'lialrman Uronacup'e name la manllotiad

aa the Iniplrlng one When one con­templates the cold and clammy peripl- ratton ot daath agonies that flawed from every por* Iniinedlataly hie pal­sied organliatlon hands rafted upon the pnrly machinery. It would be to laugh, did It not forebods ttagady.

"W* balleva th a t a fte r a isodaat die logue e l 'After you. my Dear Alphoiuo.' and 'Lai Jim do I t ' Oovoruor James Faleman Flaldar has ra lu rtsa tly sgrasd to ba tba g o a t Having thrown up his hand* and railrod from th* gem s It la, to say th* laaat, unbaooming and a lit- lie contrary to ealabllahad uaag* for him to dictate th* rklaa of a gwm* ba rafuaa* to play. A aplandid laglslator and a still baiter E xscutlva Mr. Flaldar b4M baan on* of Ihosa forlunal* buiast being* upan whom pell tic* I hanora war* thrust In such a dalicat* maanai as lo utterly disqualify him for ih* aarloaa hualnaaa of raaurraetlng and ra- vtrlfying a party organliatlon that la so dead it stinhsth. In hla raaa th* pamonal aquation Is th* Alpha and Omag* of political axpodloncy. Whpr* Ih* list bagina and and* w* hav* fallad t* fathom, but an Indignant stata » m -

I mltlaaman la author of th* ajaeuia- tlen, ‘Every mothar'a um of th an la on tha public pay roll for aalarlas ax- aaadlng Ik. MU a year.' Anyway, It saam* tha atala oommllta* a* aueh (a l^o rad , and that th* county chalr- Dtan'a organisation la dismissad with uoBlampt and acorn, and aa for lha local party organlaatlena throughout th* Btata I hay ara good only aa haw- a rt of wood and drawer* of walar aa Elaetlon Day.

"And all to w hat purpoaal Bomo fool­ish draanu hava n ^ b a d them of thair sanlli. for avidontly thair lltlla nop- ipirncj la laid In th s vain hope that WKlpann and M artina will aueoumb to iaagtiing ga*. whil* tk* hing-mahara through Ul* uaa a f a palaioter and aa Ineubatar. will pradae* aatflctant d«l- matlon In thair a tlllbam atataamaa ts toiat upaa tk* Damaotaila party a *m - kinatlon of madlaavoa and h ig h b ro w ^ a fit flnlsh for thb (laugb tar bout* lliat await* tbam."


from Ika Vaekiagtaa •*>*■* af tk* f Ffjr- fjrg w tw t.

WAMnNOTON, Dao. It-Jaatph P. Tamulty, aiarstary b* tba PraMdant mM

A' -V '

/ t -

r M : M m ^ - i “ A , 'i '■h *V / y- j lA / 'y<*■

v»a Koiaiia h.vtory bttint In GfriniinIroop* which lMv«d«d UeUium. It w«« Nf who iHlMJtod Nn BPIMUt to th# pttopla not lo tho Gormontt

Thv hojivy loot of Ilfo of the normoRi IJOtt* wNo oNld to htovo ibottorad th#

eonVUIotifO of ih# ir#n#rMl. ntid ■ ropori that h# hod eonimlttotl Hulcido to'ldo cuffancir lit Auttuti of Imil yoor. M# woo docitrMtad with tho Ord«r of Morll U it Jun#-

G#n«r«l voT) Emmirh Jolhttrl th# #ridy on tho d#y of l*ruMU*p victory 0T#r Adttrl# #t Sadow# In IKR. H t fought

ll#uton#ni In th# Franoo-Pniifllon W#r. w«# tnado colon#l In ISIT end In ]R01 #t|#ln«d th# ra*ik of mojor fon- o ra l Ho boromo UtuUnont fonoril #nd cotaniondor of the Tenth Corp# In ItOA-

HUff O f fTHCNTOK LMc, RS.—Th# ottilr#

•chenm of vrnd# crtMuUnir ell ml nation con- Icmplated by the Flehker #ct of IIIR wee

befor# PtiH H. of Ih# ilijpram# rourt today in the l^ertlorari pror##diti»i Irutituted by th# A?H# lUlIrood oppoithit Ihe order of the lioird #f Pobllc TUIltty f.'oimn!##lon«ra dlrvctlnf th# «Utoln#tloij of fifteen grade croonlDgP In P#ier«0|i. Tho taifro## toae glvvo eight year# compl«t# the work. |l»# «#t1iiiat#d oo#t i-r which WM# placed a t about

Hei'aui# of the far^rraching imt^orUncc of the c«N#. which !■ Ilk#ly to b# lhr##h#d out litttmatily befnr# the rtilte<l fHat"ii tt'apreme I'ouri. tbrv# doyt #«i« ■Uontdfor [hn arg^micikt' of iho var-nii« l•«1Iln»c}. Jl Uidte #iir#ri) liAtny th«l nf the foiirte*» h-fijirt fjf A4'tUNl k'< Mrt I me to t>€ dt‘Vou<<t |4i Ihf MrHiiif>en1. n»tM pYiuII l-c inilic rillfMA'I iir.if fhe lo ihi il«i>o4an;#v whu ure the Kt>an1 <rf (Mthtic l ’t'ni> iiiltepivincri and ilit- fii) i«f Paie»*nn

Nrarly a do#en kmycra r^prearnting I varloga intonwti Inruhed In the gradi’" tTfMHiIng coRt^o^rr■r were preM>n1 when l}t« argument bagan today Th# Fr1« waa repreoeoted by former Hiipiwm# t.'ourt JuMiot Ollbart ColUna. O#org« 0. Hoharl, Duoa# C. UlMird tad Herbert A. Tayinr* th# latt#r of th# N#w York bar The utility board wtti irpr##ent#d by Frank H. Hornmer. f)th#r tyninoal prew*

*efit were n iy Counoet Edward F. Iterrty of raterooR. former Judg# William 1. IsCwIh. Frank Hergew, Georg# Holmea, vviiriam It. Qourlty and fi^riMr JuUg# Hfihert if.'arey.

W hh three hour# allowed him for open' Ing ih# cao«. Mr. linbiH began the argu* fuent for the outlining twonlydwoM nt# ti|Kin which the nilroad ##eki to liav# Ih# order tttt ailde. The## In- otiided a variety ift conitliutluoat grounda ftffecUng fh« ai t In both tt# g#n«fml aapecU and In particular fo«tur#f), and atiacklng Ihe order upon the tround that Ii exceeded ih# powera delegated hy tb# Hr( of IRII and «a« ulh«rwlM objection* aole.

FUNERAL OF WDllAM C. ANDREWSFuneral iervit'eii ft>r Wiljlam t'lafiln

Andr#«a. whit died of it r>i‘hnln# |>ulaon- Ihg In the Hotel New York,•arly yeaterday mnriiihc. will be lielii tonight at lila late h»me, US >louili Eurnett afreet. Kaai nfange. Rev. Hr. Jamea F. Rlgg*. peal or i»f flrlok Free- bylerian Thurch. that n tr . will of­ficiate. Int#rmepi wiM lie in Milford. Maaa., Friday.

That h#r hual>*nd conunlttrd auli-lde wa* denied l*y Mra. AmJrpwa. Rhe »a1d h# hod often iak«'ti atryi'hnine for heart irouble and muat have laken an overdoi# by TijIathUe.

A not# w ritten b) Mr. Andrew* waa found In the hotel room, in which h# aaked that hla wife Im* noGfltd ''If anythlna happen# In nie." and that ])r. Miller fle«!«c Huti hiann nr hl« aMiaiani, John F p O'Magan, h* Msked to "keep any bad aiuff out of ihe newipapera." Mr- Andrew-! waa adverfining manager of lha fidlaon Slorage liadery Coni' pany and Ur. Hui<hla*ui in Thoniaa A- Rdloon'i ehlef engineer I>r. Huirhiann ■aid he did not know to whai Sfr- Andrew# referred tn Ih** noie "Thero wa# no *bad a iu f f abuut him." eald he.

GEORGE R. CALDWELLGeorge U. raldw ell, hrolhpr of Town

Commlaaloner John E) Caldwell of MalUvIIles died In Ft. Barnabai'a Hoa-filial early this morning after i ehort Ittoeoa. Ha waa born In

April SI, 1A4t, being the ion of lha late RCtbrrt B, and Ci.rnelia Caldwell. The greater portion of hl« life waa rpenl tn Belleville, where he waa employed a# a wire w fivar.

Rtnre the death of hla wife about three yeara ago Mr ('aldwell haa made hie horn# with hta brother at S7< Waah' Ington avenu#. Belleville. TEt wae a member of the Wire Weaver# Awooit' Hon and Belleville laodge of Maaono.

Mra. ttarwh J* Beowett,After an lllh#ea of aaveral year#, Mra.

R anh Jan# Hennett. aunt of (?orneltui J. Van Ui#pon of th# W'ataeaaing o«et1on Of j\>omfleM. died yeaterdiiy tn New Tork tjur^'lving her beHliJea Mr. Van Olenfin are two deughtera. a elater and p#\en grandchildren.

WlllUltt Ts Perry, gye>f«f ieeeirp of ihe VgR*'.

FV^RDKNTOWS, pec. —William T Parry, who had h##o an «ngln##r oa th# Tr#pt#ii dHi#l#n of th# rapnayl* rant# ftaltroud. died here la#l tiigbt ■# wae s i l ty yeara old. Hla widow and Ihr## oonm turvlve.

m or# Tttttw n»# VttT»lv«d.Air. Hobart flral eoutanded that th#

order w*# raralld becttuot more then one eruitting war Involved H# mit»mllt#a tlwt #v«n Ihongh th# board w»#y th* ehmlnaiion of a particular crooeing hocaiiae ot danger. tDipedlRi#Bt lo publle Iravel or for other c#u##. Ihl# do## nol Includa tliN priW'er to place other crooC' Inga ta th# game oategory. U# afgu#d that e\u|env* #■ to ont croaolng cannot b# tktended t« InHude other croeeloga, and ih#t aott-dangeraiiH cronlnga can* not he ord#r#iil to be eliminated at the expenoc of tha railroad.

The contention mod# before the ulltlly board at thv hearing, that th# Krie It not Ih# cDinpany operatlag the ralliocd, waa T#new«d b«for# the court by Mr. Hobart. He relied upon lh« evidemw •a ihowlng that the Pglernon and tlud* ■on Klv'#r rUilruwd 0-ompauy aad th# Fat#r#on and Hainapo iUllroad ar# rltarged with the duty of coiiitnicting and matmtlniag bridge# #t (he cro#«* ing«- and that the or4«-r ahould bav# dl- r«ct#d that the cas»en#e b* paid by thee# oofniwalea, or Jointly by them and th# EH«.

Th* Bret congtllutlpnel queeilon ral#ed by Mr. Hobart wai Iho/ >he act of I l ls la Invalid a# cnnferrlny upon th# hoard arbitrary power to make or to r«fua« to make an order for the alUratlon of a grad* crnoolng. Even tf the itatut* i« not invalid for tbit reoeon, Mr. Hobart aubipltied that the board li«d gruoaly abuoed whatever dlorratlonary power It may have hod under th« itatui#, herauo# IK# Krie did not have, and In all r«a< poTiahla probability will not have, Hiif< flclenl fuiidn or any m«Nha of procuiiag them (o ni#«t Ihe enormoua coot of com­plying with ih# order.

4'Mn#ettll*w raarg rd .Another conalltuUonal point rained

waa that the act invulyed tha taking of properly for privata u#e and for public UM without Juet compeneallon To eup-

il'rmrir I P*»rt thla #lew Mr Hobart euhmttted jeraey < uy **,*!*•

M to* kaaak t ta iM W A arU tk aa.

j f c k r vmiMB Mb4 to ateiiav la

4Wi MCtumaarr O ta rt ^ aaaM tvkf »* akaaM • « W , _ la a a u ta ta H Tkk M apaa^ Aataw* « l)t k* ik si aaaava ta eohaka* «B*a wkMk tra th t r a a .a lM ^ *•«**• a*f*lea af Ik* court a rfa r kM t* fc* **iaiN*ia<.to *f*. vaat thair larm lac • ontiaca i* puittla Bkfaty-

Tk* Fr*«M4tB4te **** W'ictiiBite 'Btot UHst i t o m Hii-

kolM lW


WITHPOSLAMMk te aiaMte tesiluaB t* ytsH. Ykt taas- fat* ikal ana** «ltk rtOsf I* tk* EWkllta ft th* arnfai teihtef te aiBiiialte Xteteams, M i Ih* aata* **«a*m af th* akte site* am Wtef* te Ikatem ava* atohL

ThaMsaf* taiajr baa* af thaifWteaar af ^Sastass la tka laaat^aaaf t f Biaaaat Aaatu Hsfam, **1*1, WtsBlmt Hah. <i*te 4saia

iiateatt aktti 'ttAM#M&Ite w aaa# fsa tk* tohs-Tealaw • n b ta .

tail te itak. ■•helmam* aaaHUaa. Vir iaijf, 4M wtaiii. Bm TaiHt *a* Eatis

m tewitete BM* te- tekte** **- BMh a


gpeH«f itf lAe -iRirit'tt IJBitBET CITT, Do#v II .—Mr*. Marv {

Q. Furman of Tonkwr#, N. Y.. wVid'haa { ■ n Inrame of | |n a week, yeat«rdays,af- | ternoon aawed Vic# Chancellor t*#wln 10 compel Theodor# B. Furman of Eaat I Orange, who aarna |2E a week, to pay [ alimony. Th# huaband Ii now |I0 tn , a iT tari under th« term# of a private | a#r##mtBt to pay tfi a week. H* la a d a rk In Ih# G uaranty T ruit Company In Wall itr##*. New York

"Wall ttlr##t men wilt get 100 per rent, of lh#lr salary thle year for a rhn*Lmai i»rea*nf. #o 1 ahall an fore# that agreement and compel Mr. Furman to pay the erreare," gald the vice chan­cellor.

Recently Ih# hutband and wife aued •ach other for dlverc#, both allaglng d«a«rtion on October IS. I f i t Vice ChOAPellor Rt#v«na heard the croag lult and dlamlaaed both petition!. Mra. Fufmgft ggyg that oh# haa pleaded with Furwiab to rattiim vikmi many occaaloni for tb# iPk# of their Iptby daughter.

WHtHUSlS' UCERSES REVOXEDItOfI rmrfopemloitfo.

TRENTON, D*r. I I — Hasrinss run- duetad Uator* rsin in la tle iitr William I , Dill of III* D spsrtm ant of Motor Yohlelaa reaults* to4kqr m tho ravers- tloB of Ih* foIlowlsR Uoanaa* on tba ahert** apaelfis*;

Wllllsm II, ifudaan. Atlsntlo Ciir. alaetina an sutom ohlls; B. E. Coolar, rrsnrh tow n, ImBroasr raM ltrstlon end fast Rrivina; Cheater BaohaMn. Jartav CItF, d riv ln f r a r wUhent eanaant of awaar and ^su afu f an acalBanti Will- Ism Bon*. Ad*l|rilia,'*flv(nR. while In- ta ilss ta * : M srr O- ( '• • • * / , Phllsdal- ahls. vafuslns te axhisin why aho lafi ear on w ronf aids s f Ih* atraat and faJUng to spw ssr lit sasw ar te s aum- moaa: P rank La*ewa. Fhitsdeliihts, drtvina while intealest**: AUvad H. Erown, tPaatwaad, dstvlap w hilt is- tealeslad.

Th* raelproclty privllaa* of A. C arr r t Maiaton, Fa., ws* ravokad. ft* tsaa eb an tad V lth raanteR dawn K slh . arin* M. Lunkmayar of 41 Lltllalan ava* uaa. Newark, In Psiarasn . It* fallad ta appaar a t th* haasteR, havHiB tn- farm** Hr. DItl By la tta r tbat b* fakpad hatnp aarvad wUJi a summon* te a damap* ault ahould h* sppasl' In th* • te la

A T E I S W I A R B r i iA S S l iP lB S•pariaf m otto of tee n tw i .

MBWTOK, Dae. 1L--R*f*rriaji to Ih* n teffata tea

■anil that

a Ik sHnatlaa Hi th* ait: ik R apariar f t R n a m

"AUhaviifh tM* la tk* tliaa

ly laarhati Barpaik i M af m e

I m v

tba aksouat af MHi •aadaaad'l* Bt It* ^ fa e i tka nariiai atlll ihawa a*5?fH otem k*R i.lH ,B »i o sw af mllh and lt>44t af er*sm an* nsawasttaa*

ipad raaehad tha Naw Tork aad k m arkala, a aain af t t . lU aa* tho wkol* *«uM t* m .* 4 l p*iMii< milk, a datte khanw* f t L fft.Sal terte* l a |L f* w tan far

M l ^ * a | ^ h a if to M ite te . M p S * fa r to* iraar. H .U # ear

f Might a rtaao * a* TM|[iin< w to

Ih* nrdrr vould U h t lh< iiroparly of Ihr Kri* a* lasso* of Ih* i'slsrvon *nd Hudson. Slid th* Pstoraon and B*m»po railroad* for tho lieiiofll of thsso tuu comi-anl** I'onflscstlon u-a* rharsed on 111* theory 'that tha cost of com- plylns with the order will far *iio*d Ilia value ot tha Erie's Intaraat In lha property of tba railroads of which 't la l*aa«*.

Mr Hobart remarkad bara that tl.l Bria will dariva no rom panaallnf ad- vsntasa. tba efferl of tha ordar balnf to mska lla Invaatmant Incapabla of earntnf s fair end reaeontbla return.

Another point urxed waa that tha alatuta and ordar vtolste lha Conatllu- tlon becauae they require lb* entire *s- penee to be paid by tha Krle, thereby constltutlhs an unreaeotixble exarcisli of the pollc* power Ur. Hobart ursed lha itnconetltullonallty of the order no the further around that It fade to aUe Ihe Erie Ihe alternative of derreaalnf or ellm lnatlna the alleged danaar to public aafaty and Impedlrnent to public traval by althar decreaalna the number of train movements or by abandonina tba rillrosd .

Ho far aa tha ordar raquiraa chaniaa In tha proptrly af private compsnla* and m unlclpalllles Mr. Hobart tuta- m ltt'd that It la alao unconatlluftqnal. Ha contended lhal the object of ths sPt It not tspraaead In It* title tn* Itsst It vlotalee (he t'onilltutiMp by ambtariiig more than on* obJacL

In aupport of b it alalni that lha srdei la Invaiia In eo far ee It requlree ilo. Brie to mall* chanaee In brldae*. eld* track* and other port* of the road. .Mr Hobsrt aubmitted that tha petition ol I'aieraon did not aak for aueh rhsntea. and that If II did lha board waa with­out powar to dlract Cham, that tha chanaaa ara no part of tha least du'laa of tha Erie: (hat they are not nccaeeary for the fllmlnallon of trad e croailiia*. and that tha .omnianda ot the board Interfar* with th* Jodament of lha ra il­road director*,

Trollay Bhar* C'alla* I sreBsasiihle.Al this point Hr. Hobart attacked

partleu ltr festnree of Ih* order, a s for rxample, the chanaee required at the Marhat Htraet and River BIreet atatlon*. Ih# ehanaes ordered In the bulldinfs of Ih* Fullers Exprraa Com­pany SPR.Morris k Co. and chant** raqalPsa ot th* rubllo Brrvic* Rail­way Compsay. H* aubmltta.1 that th* proportion of axpensa to be paid by th s Pnhilc Rarvlc* la not rastonabi*.

Thif order, accordlna to Mr. Hobart, was not mad* In accordsno* with th* alatuta benaus* It raqulrad th* rail- rovd track* to b* alevaled In part and tba frad* of th* hlahwaya to b* low. trad In part. H* aald It did not ap­pear tha hlahwaya wara laid out and opanad hater* th* eonalractlc-it of tho railroad, and submlttad th a t th* ra il­road eoult not h* required to ohanp* Ih* trad * of hlahwaya su ts id t of Ita riah t of way.

Inrokina th s provtaten a t th* Can- ttllu tion pruhlbltlnc th* Impairmant of obllastlana of aontrsat. Mr. Hobart auh- mlttad that tha atatut* and order would Impair tha oontraet with holdare of stock, hondi aad e thar ohilaatlon* of tha rallm ad; tha eantraci* between Ih* ■tat* and tha railroad: Ih* conlrncta batwaan th* Publia darvica Railway and Ih* rallread, and th* contracts batwaan varlowa awltch aw nart and tba rallraad.

Hr. Hobart dwelt a t aoait lanpth upon tba claim th a t th* ordar Impoao* a hurdan upon th* in ta ra ltl* traffle af Ih* Eri* hacaua* It raqulraaohantaa In awllnho* and aldatraoka and Inter- fa rta with tha ability of th s railroad te a a n r an IniaratM* bualnaaa. in da- ini-Uila b* apparently laid tba tround- warh foe an a im a l t* ih* Unitad B u tts Supram* Court in Ih* avant af » Iteal datealaa by lha Naw Jeraay oaurt* advaiw* to th* railroad.

Tha final patel urtad aiulnH th* atetut* and ordar by Mr. Hobart was that I bay Impair Ih*. Jartedlctlaa of tbo tew and aqalty rourt* of Naw Jaraar. N* inotaiad *1** that under tha aarilararl Mt tba Erl* had lha rtoht ta lalte addUlaaol taallmoay aadar th* pfavUteos of tka aaiilertH

Tw* Adt«H pMUumptey.TlW imw. Da*. Hv—VatiteterF pstL

Uana I* bankrupiar Bate fii*d.lixtey laUalito ‘ - ................... ■Ih*


Mate* n a tr te t Uaun by W, B*t>h te liUM *WI* *bd

Olivtpbaum te U4 BacoBi atraat,Jaraar Ctty. Effau'alteWBtJtejIt* ptanM U f4.4M .tt h id Mb aaatta a t flM .it. ffm HaWllltaa *4 Oitvaabaam art pteatd at bpB Mb Baatea to M.»U.

PtTTBBi;n<lH. Dan. ft--ChrtaUBBB rhear tor Ptttaburpk wa* radaly triicckad ihia m orntep whan th* Pltls- burgh Bank fbr Havlnpa, on* of th* baat known inntllqtlORt la tha ally, fallad In npan for bualnaaa Tacktd t* th* front door at b a'rbieh waa a ntrtir* which aald that tt had bate rioatd by aruc of ih* Psnnaylvahli BatiklnB Dapartmairt, aad Q. U. OaUl^ bank tsatninar, had baan appoIntaB temporary raoolvar ' '

It waa statad th a t th* bank khd PPi piUftlmitalv 1t,M4 dapoaltora ot whom fully tk.fiad w-ar* paraon* llvina 1a alhqr parta of th* rountry, as th* hank wbB amnnx th* flral to taka BBvInft aOe .-iMinta hy mnll, Amona Iho locM dpe t'oe'ti.ra war* many achool ehlldran. ,

>t «■■ knuan In (he ftnahc:*! dieirici that the bank had iwan ' nah'e In weather Ihr etorms rt h»* encounterod since the faliura ml Jamen h. Kuhn and W. (i Kuhn, w lg were credited with havinp bean prutjU Inenlly Identified with the hank Id I t t ^A run al that tlm t oontinuad tor ■**> aral days but alronp Intaraat* want lo Ita aaalatene* and tha door* wara but cloaed

Racantly it basama known Ihnt th* bank In* daparlm ant Waa paying hUtete lion to lha bank, and Bn affort WW bains mad* to Intaraat paraoM tril* M i not hllharto biten Idantlllad With Ih* inalllnllon. Old atoehkatdara tu r r* ^ dored thair hnldtns*. hnd It wa* undaRp ■load a (iionth ss<> th a t tha attualtaa Wa* much Improvad. Th* aunoandlk mant thla m ornins cam* aa B Bha«k I f many

Th* P ltiateirsh Bank for BavtnfnwM chartarait In lIB t with a capital atecic of tsea.oM In i*«) it tbBorbtd tM R**l Estate S tvlnpa Bank, and In IBSB th* capltallaatlon waa tn craala t la ttna.nio by a stock dividend from swK Ptua.

1'he offlcere arc: presldant, W. I.Jonas; Vic* praaldant J. F- flrtiM tl ■arratary sod IraasuraT. A. K, Vaapllr.

Dapnalls Seplambar U, IH t. date 110,341,113. aacnrdlns to Um Tb- port nvada to tha bankihs cowmlte slooar. On tha aam* data lha aarplBf was reported a t l l l t . t l t . H andraiB df daposllora lived In th* Bouth Blda aaBi (Inn of Ih* rliy, BBd Iti liualww vtot widely acatlcred alao IhrmiBh AllathfiF Cnuntr and Waolarn Fennsylvaoi*.

■Th* failure of th* bank,"Jones aald, "waa dua antiraly preclatlon of aonw aaenritlaa held hy IRB baok In vnrloun corporatlana." vd

Al-nul lu.nan achool chlhlran ai* fludad amnni (h* hank's dapaallM*. Ry thla plan srbunl rh'idian wauld thha their money to schoni on a cartala day of •'xfh woek. and a collector for Itte l-ank would call a t the various ■riioal buildind* Blvlna them credit an thag books for the amoiint* dapoaltrd.

Thla pracilc* wa* la affect far ytete. and matiy Ihouaanda of dollar* had Mm; deposited hy the rhlldrop. It wa* aam that acoraa of anovsaaful persona Jp Ute city who hesan aavlns te ttils way hava cnnilnned thair boalnsas ralatloa* w|bB th* Inalllutlon aver alaca. .


kpe. Ml kfPrIcc nf Ih* HKWI. 4

NBW FOUNDLAND. Dao. lE —AU doubt rasard lns the m anner s f WUtteM- B. Rmith'a death her* early HaadBP mornliit was claarad up yaatardhAi when It became known that ha had IbIp a note, w rlltan on an old e la te atatliW (hat ha Intended t* commit aulcldB ll*i ssluraled his clothlnp with karasaht and than Igntlad it with a match, hpr*-- Ins to a crisp. Tba note raada:

"Hood-by nlL Thin flnlshas m* Ip thla world Daath la prafarrad ta this Ufa Farsiva me (or comlnp bOak. but 1 will not any more. Oood-by *11. <’

"WILLIAM BMITR".,Bmllh'a hody waa found a short dtB.

tsne* In (h* rear of hta hom* Monday ■nonilna by F. A Jloafan, who was *h ble way lo catch a train. Th* plBC* ■mellail of keroaana. and whIla It wa*. avident that Hmtlh had mad* ne aftOBb to save himsalf from Ih* flamsa, thaftP were many who believed hta daath WBR ncclilantal. He had bean amployad a s a laborer by the ittendard OH CosnpatW hare, and II waa hallavad posalbl* thole hla cloihlrtk boint naturally axpoaad t* all kinds o( Inflammablaa, h* ha* ar- cldanlally aal hlmaalf on fir* whIl* llah tlns a r i ta r . -.a

Mra, trail* Bmlth. hia w lfa noW b*j. Hava* that h* waa In har horn* Bunday nixht and left hla (arawsll nate Do Ih* a la ta which ra*«*d unnotlcad 1* the excitement. Bmlih waa aaul to tf* Morris County Alinshouao aovarill months apo, and th* burden ol the BU| pori of the family fell upon Mra Hmitn. L'pon pronilatna to help hla family. Hmlih secured hla raleaae from th* almabouae and rciurnsd to hla bomjk but he wss nol wolcomad. It la Bndate stood. This Is I’onsldartd lha tmooir' for his request th a t his wife "(orsir him (or oomlns back."


Uteri rmrnfOoOrmr.TRENTON. Dec. 32 —Filled to It! «ti.et capacity th* New Jareay Home fei

lilasblad Holdlers. Kallora Marina* am Tlieir Wives at Vineland baa now waiting 11*1 of ulna veterans with thall wives, and Ihlrty-thrqe widows, all a | whose ep|il1ciilIon* have been duly a proved. In tlieaa rircumatanos* tl managere of Ihe Institution point ol In Iheir annual raport the urgent n*'~ ally for Increased accommodations

At Ih* clue* of (ha ftacal yaar el 1314 thara war* 3*3 Inmataa of thi home end at (ha cloae of th* laat fiscal year 313. Death rtalinad a total al thirty.one Inmataa during tha year.

Advancing ag t of th s Irrmalaa wit th* attandlbg weakneei of mi|tibar* II-. remarkad by th* managara Al naoaaaldf latltig additional nuraea and attandau*In th* hospital as wall aa In th* gan tra l quarters. 3ter* civilian h*lp_t tecomlng iMieasary etch year, gaaeral eondlilon and dleclpltns ot th. homo la reported ae good. Drunken naa* la almoai a th ing of th* past

WIDOWS EACH WIN R SO OByectal fm lr r of .vgir*. f

JEHNEV ('ITT. Dec. JJ.— Mrs Dlai& Glle* of 111 Amherai atraat, Baat Oc-jF ■ng*. and M rs Ju lia a. (fMara of B| I-ortland place, Monlclalr, aacli recov* ■red |4.B0b yattarday afternoon agalnal Egld Vogtl of 713 Avanua K. Bayaaaal when Juatle* William H. Spaar in th Huprama Court dlractad verdict* (of th women. They sued to raouvar (or th daaiha uf their hucbsnd* Oclobar 11 k|f Vogel'* eutomobtl*.

Prank M. Ullea and John J. O'l were walling fur a atraat ear on Ih j Lincoln highway, near leadaw'a laaiMr when an autontubllo owned by Vo •truck tha two man. lajurln* (ham badly that thay died aborlly aftarw ar

■laeliaH-taasB Masamgpaital Brrrica of IB* }iMWt.

HACKEn»TOWN. Dec. for 131* war* alactsd aa follow! a t teaf night's maatlng af ladapandapM L*Bp Na. 41, r . and A. M.: Worahtpfut ama tar, ’William A. Van Ryckla; aaBtai wardan, Thomaa A Bhlalda; Junlai ward**, Frank V. Btutamnn; aanltM daaron. (laovga E. Haokgaatagl Juatei deacon, J. W arren Fark: asBlar aiaaui 'l l caraamnlaa. Van Clav* B ru fw Jaalor m aster te raram onlaa CBBfW A Albright; sanlar saatteBl. O*. ^ I HnClaUani Janlor aantiM l. C l ^ CM* Mina; chaplain. Rev. WlURMt HtlebBm; mBrahsU Robafl 0 . tylar, WIlllBm it. Thsm*** NbA bi KlaU wa* rs-*l*eted irosmirqr JateBB tnteMPB e***a*BiT. p*M BBPk hsv* k*U far m arly th irty yaai*


TRENTON. II.—pelagato* t e i _ ,maant J4a*r Jataay a t tba t iu n a i l j tm ^ tms of Ih* Kattonol B«Hd*ty toffim VR | S mteioB ot IpduafyW Mhird by (iorarnar FMBar ah •idnay M, tVilaat*, “Ruttar, Kaw Brunawli tar. Tw taw alld <1 AllbhU* L-Hy. ffaa Mid a t MlawapBtlB i

rMlMKi ^eiwiiiiN ueefcet to... .. ■ -‘ «r Mrfs. wuulto •

ALUM-^O* 0»Ptmlw !«, I t lt . w t»r*i STuhi •Mnwl. l«n<W| IMMt a*

%Hh flM Mlk m Mrfs. wutIAIi irMTlAf-r^totH kffc. RKnrea. t^Akni.

V ■>' '■•' '** y<' *


llh •Mnwl. lnn<M

AHDRIfni—WtllMM n«rttii. MM wlr, lieeiBber H. Jtorvlow »t HJi toiM, 111

|iM t OrMU*. lU * «VfA' lM*rmvH At mitMA,

rEOfUr* IMJRIAI. _IM BROAD f t . CORKER EKIXTH AVR.m u . n ;n« i» ii roR »f»« im flM hlAdi trMAnlo'ti. Hifetu m MliMr

tm t » i» r t i«iMi<, wiifctovMr-i*'

tfMilm W«i*» »to 0>nACMrbM id Mki c;ity

n ir WANTED--«EN ■nr WAMTEI>-«DL ■nj" WA*ra»-wg|roi tiffiOTiiDiT wAinUMO jCTHisss orpoi s r

AfNMKlKNTIl wiRtAI In tvArjr vlljr, t« Mil

AtohH* Utoft whkh mIM nAt ltoli« amh ttou ith pH»«lt»r«<): •nl{ ' r t ik to r U i4m* «j«moiMiriiUvii «tRrk.

«• E«r|i«l «Ia N«w*

“ t i lfm m t IMM mmmv rn *p. . . . ^ ------- 1,RS'liH t 'B ♦ » .

'«« «a E.

AUEKri wuiltA la (all ■pMlatllH <o h m - niaMla Mar* «b4 nffloall. ARdroM B. A.

rKnHV. UaUaaii. K. J. ' •

NACHItiUtTB wul«4 tm Iiliw nUMiMit luol atllan ana •BJwara

(or inuiBiM i«« aoR rllla .**'’•< i *•*5,,*®’ i'lutatnad I0 sat UB M mlHint. dliAiiiliariM Aad • «enlv rinrt •«<■•• own Mad B?* -»IU II HHwUis' rim'.nirl; i-iw l»w-•»(* tolh wayi; Amurkan Hn* '••••'•WB*' ABiily r . 1. HACVAHLANK, f«>ui f». ‘ o “ - IlntDlal HiKal. Eri’ad *1. II i® I *1*' * *'

DIR lE m iR *r iHWWit v MRm bmMIm .Il« Baatli BiBbIMntli at-, «Hr.


OIRM RTAMTaa rR B H c ti iB ruv li,

Eipwrl«u«l M i t n iB o r l i i ^ , •*«••-u n fw Iba MButacWra t f odaWitn lacBiiRaBcaal laiaBA

!T<t3XR*v.R‘;E;:si,'s:.«2nM rtM M : ««f«»4 tn «fn<A « u r k : A0tiv« m 4

vilitofi WMU iUtotl«i». JEUCK, m ‘

r m c v t«M ftr itamUr ill•ii^ 4 ir

M i l l l W w to ty ,

4«nl H.,


^ all ■ ■ .........INHPliil'T BIIOP. CAR I<t)K I.ICENKFI PRUEWR IIKLP Slb'lIRK nnUTIOMI........... XAItltS.

WOlKErr—On Taaaiar, Pawmaar .i , J k i ^ Jana (naa Jaanla <>MMi«oai), M ai f i poAra. altar laa« aulhnni, rm a n i aar- Vlaaa W aiaaiay avialaB. at Iba haiaa at Bar iaaiKiiar. Aina Bannatt Cawlan U Mai- laati atraal, Bmlllxa, K. T., Bvlal Tbara> 3m asamtaB la tba RlMHallald (K. J,) Cain- aiatf, a« aartral af IlitI Irala.

0AU>WKUa-Ob Wadaaadar. DaranBar II. II - -K. J.,

i . ) Can* irtaitM.

Btocli kiMdikilh. «hu« i>tunr. nr tmUatlon Mk cMlui nto pitu. I!n*l with *tikor Mim, Witidi OH*. advrriWy pmtoliiil&Cr


MACIll|«linrs wintod: locotlnn.Now iforli; nlno-kotir Akop; <*P**'W*for MpoMo WMn wwrklnf forr*tiA« o* mill*

liii moi'falHoo Hd «*wr fi*uoro; worhinf roro- moa <rf hood htow mnrhlnoo; koflnf >nlH ofMralorr; looltukAni. wpkMronto mool ouio Ofr. OKpOflonrA fn tlotnH Atm wa«oe #ipo»H#u. Addroaa Hftihlriioi. Itoi ll4, N«mi offHOa *

BOiaOM LAlir WOBllBf t


. _______ ___ i*. aliltl#*bonoot; pliuw m faria: foodaad bonoat; piiu <-mn for M «^p; bavo aomc

hriAlhta TMOWAi bat at.

ibAria ; t**d m W i oapariatHM la


CHAHCa far toubar rtato ANi fheterea, poeapstlae aaota; lea, to*, tu t; tar« M««k%

two toftrtoa. atkOWcaMa, rnka, m h MI olhaffirtiOia. |IM fnr all. liMltoliw wna iwoniH't rant frHLtoto lototJon. JOHN KKMMKIL l»l| HoUWnd if,, twa dowra iprtnpftoM Aaa.; otwn avoafaf* till b, ___

1Kb Ka and flsrtnaMa 4v*a.AMPhlliK, Ka Ja

lfAN->Brlfbt mAif would Ilka aomatMf M 4* riidaira auad iat«rd»r«a W. NATS, K l

CboMtal Bi.. Arllkfton.

BOrtaHArHlKNm: arlndara on Brown & HhafjNi

hirlMiktal karliij; ntlll man, ouiomatlo — ^ _.Aa_. -----— 1 (iroC'Olaiw■ I>. U and Wa n. It. »o AIIFBNB §tA*

rW hM nbrk.■kaalM- — t — ' c ----------fiaaaa. ckilr^ toaraa ^ thro# <«*»•*litA -Oa _____ _ - - -

tt . t i l l , itoorfo K CaJdwoii nf loiioaiiiaaaiiad if Bttnaimi piiVAta.

kllk Nt. rtfAHkl Camatarp.

"ity cHJoiory; fa»*^ parNna Iraa: « w for Hw* Moaor than I>ri'ara4 el*«wh'ra: apaclat at* lawtlan lo dlrWinJ fa a *" flr«t-<la»t UvatTSkttbor prlcto funortli tf do«l^. _ _lisWARK iVa i r BROAD IT.

JEL M l lUJLt^RRT _______

ONN llUM>JtKI> BRKJHT AtmVK Hork.I T‘i 1J TEAlti, WANTKl* IN fclVKIlV tiKlIIOENTUL kKt*TJ«>N OP NKWAMK Tii WORK THiri(HDAr« AND rNtDAVk AP* Ti:n Ht'ITiMJI. l{(»rRd; >fkK PTa UT v o r IN BI AIVRPN. >ICliTI,F.IUI MAKK MONKY. i t'AUa roR pAtiTK'CtiAiui To t.rx AL or* ricE o r THK ruHTiti rrB U H m N o <:o.. lit TlAliArrY AT., URTWCEaS Ma HKUT IT.' AND BRANFOICD PU

•naabln* repair Arwltool friflHr; t»od ***••: ■itady w«»rb, In- itrnatlonal Halor Ca.. rialoflald, S. J.

TION, or Orana* imilay Mr to Main tLand ilronwood av«., Kh I Oracifa, Bortk to iftb at.

MAN wanu w»ffk as kalpar in anythiaa, alcht «wb. Waysrly.

Tslaptooas IlltW

CLBVBR, aUinctivs tadlH vadlad. ta pl|H aslamokil* opiiara tn ihrir aFncos and

koiatB« and aril iMaay'baafc sfnelaacr pro4- iKI; llkaral roaunlaaltfa on alt Cbluro ordira offar aaoollsnt laoonia; writs for appolni- iMiiu AddrsH Aotsmskikr Bto d*< sffw*.CqbnbII sMifaflttfMry, atatMaarr

MAfHIKlIlT—WanOd. an riiasrlsnc«-d chlnUl, far failory work; »A»f* M«-. hour; flva Mo *ni r*(*r*nro. .laorao* I

I'lry. Boi IH- Nl>». o f f l r u . ______

HAN—BtnM <M« M nd work; ■nyiBIhf; nOranoit. ZICIIRUt, 1*1 Ewt KiBMy>1.

olB.r ttor*: .11 g>.(o'-i.t« flalurH. ta w ■toi'k m hini: foor .1«« living room*;. M

■Mlar, IM Bm m i . umm , "■ Wod- bocMikar II, *1 I R. V R ^tlra* .

btawU u i n»nb«n o< tin DaiMl MoM- IW Haw* «ra layllai U BltoBi. l.ta WHitM.! CaiMltn'.



UAClIlNiaT—All around mochlnlal for Job- l>lnc thsp, IK. P^r hour; slats sfS and

*ip«.fTi n . Aiddrssa Ijachtnlsl. Bos H* Nsws offtes. .

Hot wantsd fot orrio* la fatisrjr fsl^ctrfa i MACHINIST—Atl-around rnacfaInJst wantsdmotorst; tviu«t bs Ms«dr. aroursts ssd sKil'ttinw; stmts rsfsrwnrss and salary wtntrd, raositsnt opportualty. Addrsas Rif}. Box if. Nsws sftka.

It'f Bsw and rsps *' work. H. r. UHfiiEN* riEbD. iM t Darts at.. Harrison.

Cl7ltNINUHAll*-Os____ _ ____ , DSssiaksr lly MM.Iawvshs t'aaslnfbam, bslovsd hostond s€ ik* lata Mary rannlafUain <tts* ByrnOo MriatlSM aad fritnds, and mstnkarn *f iB# BasmM PlrtirMirs A»sti*tloh. art kindly im- vlisd Id aUsnd His fnrsral fran* bB lst« rnt* HsifHy U» Brunt stftst. on TbUfwIar. » •’ eanitor 31. at • A. M . to ft. Jamso * i^urk h, wtors a tll«h Mars of tU«iUt«at wItt ks of* farad for Uis rspss* vf bis ssut. t»tsr»nsntm 41M AlsaMisfr of Ills Ksty totoickro. Bai-Itiwors tJidot and fissWa* (U l.>BIssh aopr.

BOWl>*-At PlaiaflslJ. N. Jr, ^eombsr M i t t l l i Bps. Mar/ Dswd. H«d M /tof;- Kaaral at si. Marr’s Cbaryh.H. h , Tkarsds/ marataf. • a'rioeba Burt^ ia m, VlaoHt'a Ctnsatsr/, MadlHO, N. J. tWHikkitk aad .*takwap pasm »ltoM oorr-f


Prlraia Cbapsi Atiacbto. Tsi. im B. B

Tatfiplir.nr t i l l H. H

I’fftinpl EffivJani I tl Dansvill* sva W. A

Itassenabls II Kti««1s*. Mcr

W IUl.M m. roi.E rUNERAI, nlREf.’TOR,


JiT—0» NMiiar. D jm k o r iRfe I tu u li Bllm, w«J <f »«•*■ ry. rinatst oorrlmo will ho hold »t

„ • tooiA IM North Mxtooalh ■trwt. f^MO. «■ Thmd»y._ l^ tm h o r II,


M. Rolallroi u i (rlani*. Atao of-r aamhom of Ophlr iTimirlor Mo,

R. «r« hirilai lo altond. IMor- •••< Ik OtMiwood CoMtory >t iho caa-

W tohM Of tho Itnlly.

ijndertakemlO m rR AND CBAPCl.


fORJhalw oil' UlOTI.

RAM—On Doecmbor tl. IBIA Pclrlrk. - hwiMiiil or tho Iota KAry Parao (no*

Rololiroo AKi (rtaida. atao HolyRu m Bfrioly of Bt. AolohIniWo Charo*.(A N., DUrMon N* 1, *n bladly laoltod la


ch apel otpii'e and ruRNiBHimm,MB BROAD BT. TEL LM MULBERRY.

• >iho fmoHJ f r ^ klf ta(o rwldotira.SltoiktHj t l Ra*tB Nl*ih oiiaoi, oa TliaraiUi'. Da- coaihor U. at ItM A. M., to Rt. M(la«lB«*'*

^ ^-•11 will fumloh flrat-rtaa m araro *r rrafnalloB. ITt

I’ h . a Hlah MaoiCbtrcdi, whara, st _ _ . ..af Mtodtsn will ka offarad far Iks rwpuoa or kU MUt. tnurmant Is tto Cstnatary of Ups Holy isvslrbra.

ADOLPHfviisrat. --------- --------- -Oaart tt o arar Watt st. uklsrmk^ and pro- fsiMsksI afnki*R.ar L P- tot. .1443 Muibarry. OpM dtp lad mfbt. Partors from. _

UOAOE^At CaMwall. sw Dscamkv M li l t , I'araotius H.. son of CorMllH A. a ^A. if soft. a«sd It yaan t nsontk ST Pkiwr^ aarrtusa will to |

AT Uw rssuau af iba lata Ooarts R. t^lsk.b|i Idtarsst la tha sMartakItLa ttuwasaa a III to csBtlauad. by JAMC4 J. MAHRR. fuasral dHastor. Ormrs tt. Knttoi, Kbit Or*as#*: *pb«M itSP C^kfs.

|1(>Y as tnachsnli's hatpor, wMli *arn*i sx- ptrlanra pr*f*rrsd. Atanilard iJarjija.

Fsrk av«, tuii KlHaamk st., Ka*i Orsur»

MACKlNlfTS-Wsnted, Ists, slso bai makara

HarrUoaflrst*«taMi tnacbln* OTIi Elsvatay Co.,

about It, i<i balp In bsrbar shop. svt> ninffl Haturds}! and Nbiiday*. food

ihanrs In iasm bMstns'UL i Alplna atBOV for nif tsaiisof anil stot'k ro hm In man*

ufat’Lurltif plsiii. Adtlms klsoAvnfrr. BoxIt. Nsws ouica.Buy, muat to i* yaara old; Mva naar pla>.s

Ilf I'ualaasa. fharuxacy* I t Cotko si.. Or-aiiaa.ftuoK'KKEPSIt—Ar opanirf Is orrrrad to

sn aocurals young man as book-k**psr. mttst b* rriiabta In ovary Way. Adiiraaa Op* ptirlunity, Bus IfT. Naws oflfca.BARTENDER wsalad: Htbrsw JTl

sibcia; stats a^s, Mrlary. wantad'©UTll

last amaloyad Nani nines.Addr

lary wantsd sfi4 whars Si Bartsadar, Box ISt.

la man;<r wk

BCTCHHR—RxpaM*^<^ POtof bufeharwaniedu Call Pubiic Maaf Co., Iff NorthBark sL. kfasl Oranga.BtiACKJiMITIfi axpaflanotd rib bammar man, Hr. pgr hour. KHAKl'I^R A CO,, 1T1 Elfhtsanlk ara.Bt^RINn nvilt hand for ssHlnal boring lalll;

CROCiCHII-WMKELl^ ~sipsH«*> 'Ud. Aeni^rs, N. J.


BAHBRR wanlad; nnt*elasia CsH J Kaar'i/ tv*., naar Dergan ava., Ksarojr. iWast Hudson dhop. ‘Fhona IddM Arllng«a>i.

MACHINIIT—Prlvsta Inatrurtlons wantsd ivnnlnga Addrans Trlvata, Bgx. 7, Nswg

offbr._MANAGER for small mnist novelty ptan

waaisdfor small mnist novelty . prariltsl. sxperlSit'^ad. able to

m is hna fi»r spring trad-. I'uH partlru- lari, with referamts to uwl*of*Tonn, Box 1, News office.



CiaUl W'ANTOi KOFI LIGHT MANLT.tr-tuhino and jnbpkction. apply


NRW'ARK railway mall rlark exam*. *om» Ifig; | t | tnouth; sample qurstlons Dh , FrahkiJn Instlmta, p^t.SsfK. Rocli*»taf.N.T.TAiNTUR wanWd, good brush hand.

quLra D 0'lx:>NALD. M4 tiouth taenth st., Nawark.


PAINTER wantaJ for aesfrold work; s'clack. McKINNKT. 334 Broad at.

POLISHER wsQtad on brass goods. HER* MAN AHREND A BON. I l l Van BuransL

waatrd; stats sal-VLirltRRKT halpaf ..... ......ary and aiMrisnra, Address plutabar, Bax P. News gfrict, Oranga.PLCMBBR’i helpers wamad. fall 1 a'«lsek

tonight, itara, 41 South <yrange art.PORTER wanlad.

sun. N. J,;k« Hamaon ava.. Ilarrl*

SALESMAN aad driver; man who haa bad exparisnta as drivsr un reisH wagon; muai

Uava gei^ rsfsrenurs and lash lei'tirlty. Ap'- - “ rNT A --------- -------------ply tn L, Ra lit*! <.*0 . 1 *1 Clinton pi.

HAKBRR wanisd at onrs to work In ths ixHintry; liailaH preferred, brlag tools. F. DE tiRlblT, Hendjiaiu. *N. J.BARRER wanlad for Wa<lna«day. Friday.

daltirdar and Sunday. Tf SUaUvrd pl„ oornsr Roes si.

I RfKatSo L. J, SAT RE A 90N,A>NEE~Mdattly, <m EKstmksr tf. im . tU BafsHlks Vw

Wallar Jawsa. Rslattvau aad fiisads »ra Is* oMai ta *4lofi4 Uh fakwal toroloo* ai hi*IM* rwtiaao*, Na lIMt Braaaalak. . . . Da,.#!

D N t^T ^A K E R S -E H B .^1^ B. B.BAKBKH—Wanted, a good tortot to help

out; Friday, Esturtlay, Sunday. *kl Malu at.. Orange.

SATaESUEN. good prnpoaltlan: hvueahald sr* tiols; Ilf per INMAN, 13 Unlin

New York.iiqUSre.kTiuis—Whiie

■f tO'and douhia naadia eampen

fur out of town, steady work and apod wages Apply at ones. A. E. LITTLE ACO., Brorkton Ma«.SOLinrORS wanted, who ara familiar with

autoitioMla suBpllas: Idg money praposi. tion. Hoorn iH. Lawyers’ building. H4 Market st.

GIRL wanled to work r>n small prertsma wurk: must ha ’f go->i r'ferofKe. wages au- f-orglng i-T pr**vtnu« reperhnret state aga, ex-

perlaut'e.' eb* A'ldresj Magnet, Box IkU, News offlaa.lHR(i8. over Is year* old. for factory wark;Ibuae Hitfa expaHanee m Si-rapera on I'sl* luJold ar elnillar work preferred. Tha Dura* aotd Urg. CSa. : i t Chaatflul at.QIALH on brhrb work: no eapsrtenra nerea<

sary; stsadv work LINDHAT Mata) Norelty Works, 18 Ltoydnn pi., near UIgk aad Orange steUIRLg wanlad: if yaars and orar; clsan.

light raolory work, ktghdard Mutlc Roll Co., tl Csalrat ava., near South Jefferson at.. Orange.

nieial I Apply ilernM

ambUlig In to;UlRtiH. avar If years, farUc-tory, Mteady work all yaar round.

Apply J, C'HSIN * CO,. I lf PaSsals sfs..

FCRClIAfINn AOENT^FosHlon as purohaa* Ing aymL to \n»m » Jw w g h J^ * * * ^ j^ y


Incumoringf im

HfVTHAL. byakto, H tpnoha Malbarry 3376.waaElv,


tba eltidHAl and tnacRa^ral I drrsa B.. Box Ilk Nswa offkw.

CORNkualiRNEIt GwAfacUaneryoppaeftlati.

PAINTINH, papar^aagjdg. tMlclMlnla^^dplaalarlng don* vary raasanaU*. J3

BENNE'^, Iff Bouth RsvantaaaUi at.

na Igbk___ ,,i n Mask at.

dnjl^,arbaoii I gaad'raapis la Hv* Ip; AmsHH|S

itorbaod: pHca law: llvlag guaranlaV.

FORTER—Foaltlaa wanlad by axpaHaaead raiarad maa, as pailar In ftiRarr or star*:

Has worked aa N. Y. rnawangsr; Al rafsr* rnra, Addrais Cotupsiant, Box HL Nswa offlef. ,_________PCRTEk—ilan wanla a

resistirant or cafa, liaon sL

potUlon as partar tn JDROVICE, U Gar*

PLrUBkR and aleamritlar wlshas position; reasopnhla, Addreas Raaaonakta. Box If*

Nee a offb'S,STR^iKlHAFlirK. thoroughly compeltal,

racHd and ar<urate; II years' aipariaftoa. Addraea 1!,, 311 BiuoinfleM ava.* CaldwaU, N. J.TOCNU MAN. aahar, wlshas psaltlan la Hty,

wUh board; rairtabratit profarrad. Call evenlnge, or write, 44 Faanington at.TOUNO MAN, eolofod. wishoa

blotkamlth'a halpar or fleorniaa, WHIYIL m Acadtjay sL _



Rea yaan' aapiHawrw; rafarancaa If ateetoary. 'Fbana Wavarl/ tIM,BOOE-EBEBBR and

siaady ptoltlao: had 1

CONrECTlONERT, pdiU* largspt oebo good baolnsaa: mnai sail ivssa; no agoaia. Addn Nasra offtca*

Hgar and tar atorai ap* (tal In Newark; doing a

an account SB Eloea, Bax

CBMETERT iHAREB-Bacrlftop M _____aisndala CauMtary. BioamClald, N, J.i bar* p l u j f r uart. _FLyilBa If tf r«lt«n Braaliaklyn. Haw Tark,CAkH kualnsaa and larga pmftta; tost larg.-_,,a prnfltlou In lows; wall aatablMhod; will ataiidrigid lavaattgatloa.CaldwalL Call 14 Hanforf pL,

DEMCATEHIL.V. faary gracary: sirfctl/caab Irods; latest fixture*: gufag Waal,

must tall Ikli inanlbt aavrlflca, | j Washing* ton sea., rhy.DRCC3 ITORE, aaUtillahad I t yaara: «M to

had for llltia niaqay to quiak bayar* Ad- draaa Aspirin, Bos If, News utflaa.FI RAT-CLAM coafaeilaasry and cigar ataei for sals; larga fountain «ad cartoaatarf doing good buslaasa and located oa fkaln atrsat. Call any teoalng, first Daar* 43 William si.. East Orange,

OIRIJI to pes^rs r.aw rag strips far ruga a florR In:. I ll First

huseav ave. and nraxg* «t. rug dspitllHU naai. t>tr walling and upstair* work.

wimng 10 go home nights, to South Bur-natt at.. East Uranga.(llFUaB. over 14, as learsara. steady work.

Flaoa and Academy its., second floor.Tl4«t'Sr;wnlilK —Young woman to aaelst gen­

erally with Light housework, small apart­ment. family of two; good bggao. I4l gnuih Tklrlaaittk ■!.

m TRurado/ toaalag. amhor It. - T i SM laAFATlVILUAM r H1TLUN P^|RA_L mREtf^TOR,DlRBTrroil. g

TBLo MR VirrjH^RBTBARBLB'R heltor wanted foe today, Raiuf*

toy and fluaday. American only, f t Booth

. _ fatfrttoat la Eeaegrosn Ca mat ary attto aapytalaaco af tb« Camlt/.

Elj|hth sl ____ ________BAR'EbR or barhor'e ha);

BHII'FINO Clark wanted In hot fartory; give ralrrracaa aad w-agea axpactad- Addfeaa

ghipping. Box n. News ofrti'S. orange.

KAVAHAIKJII-Oa Dopafukar 31. Iftf* {Tareppcp, tolaved huebaad «f Mari Kav- Piatifli (M« PfcaaghMispl. Balatleaa aad Mania* alaa mombars af Holy Hama Bo' etafr af W, Fatrkk's Caikadrai, ar* kindly lairlfpd la aiiswd tto fuaarol fpom kle lata

. riiaitonas. l i t IhHaai atanaa* da rrldAy. Da- wtot 14. at l:]8 A. M.. to it. P airirra

ply at onre, U t franki lay, N. J

per In I

wanted. Ap- iVc., Waat Nut* BIIOHT order cook for night work.

Tills Lanck, t l f Orang* *1


BARDRR wantaA, H ,a4r ••II at oeoT. MARTINO.


MIfh Mom oI Rmialtm (h* ngam at hla aaal.

omihH >4. at Ch^Mral. *h*ro will ho aftond (ar (ha naooa latinaaai la iha UoaHlarj, at iha Hair ••»• Utahn. HI. Varaan gagm* r taaoa oaRx.

KINNET—At Oraafo. K. J.. aa RaMar, baoaahar It. lilt. Wl** M. inoa Rhattla). aalaoaA vKa at Aabtt Kiaaor. MalaUTw aaA riiaaOa *|aa RrM, at Own Praah CIrrIa |ia t i l at Iha Raiaat. ara hlitatr la.HaA (•fltahl tha rananl traai har lata naldaaca. H Ula.tlaad Mraal. aa TharoAar. Daeaai- hn It, al ■ A. tt., la W. JWB'i Uhureh al

• Vataiik, whm a Bl«h Maaa at R^tilam a in ha «<r*ta4 (ar Iha rafaaa at bar aauL Martaaat I* Rl. Jhha'a Ooataiarr.

Tn WAT.JORBTM t.------ tou - - - - ---- -HR IITRINnmeiJ> AVR.

MANOE1Ll^ tW A I. DtWlaTOW and iMnAI-MKR.

BAHRKn vanla4 far IMUar holiday. I l l CIlBlan av,.


TOOLHAKRHh; flm-rlaoa; ai.-urata worh; _ . r.parlanra on laoIJ or rtia wvrh rrafom d;IfT Uarna ava.. otnjy work and |oo(l raiaa to tho riaht

nan: Mata rtparlrnr, *n<l naaaa aipoitad. AAdrna II. ('OOK. Boi 171, Hoontoa, N. Jhaturday and

n,ar Ttahlna


H THOWAg wr ' T it.

BAHRKRAw.'Twa barhers wanted at ones; sleazy work. 13 FtHm a at.

TOOLliAKBRS wanlad; capobl* rtf dalog first-rlaaa. at curat* work un drilling Jlcs.

mitllng and profiling fUturaa and gaga* far aiusIL accurate inanufaciurlng wars. Ad- dr*as ToAlmsk*ra, Bux IZ. Nawa affica.

CEMETERIESRARflRR wanted; eteady Job, tottia ready

to work. 4 Btoaniflald av*. TOGLMAKRRS on fin* wagaa asci steady smpi

ataa*o.,>THE EVERGREEa i KMRTBlIT-OrgaiUBad

flW, katwpss Nawork ato BJlaakath*

BAHBFR wanted, tirsi-rlsss. Just for Flrt* | day: |R IM Market at.

tlayinrlgsa inechaiilrw. Apply NatbMsai


Main Lina trofl*r rmte; fora flea coats; not a Mack company; motor spent in inuMovamaaia; kanuilful saLiloa, rscantr* mid *oi; aarinaarnt oom of lawn plot and lawn craat Joig: tmA aad Mribl pagmsats. Addrato tlBNIlT M. UM>EEIL t ----------

BARBER wanted; start al ones. Stag Bar* bar Phtap, l it Halsey si.

Biamplng and Hfi- ray eto.


work. t>Sinant to first*

intbMwai Malal Unitorty nnd Hur-

KBQLWHiwiff of AianaadarUM orei toom. Ti toif k

Daormtor 9fa Iflb. Anal*.____ lar Kroll and daaghfse pfand tba lata Jokk 7nlll. 43

'operal aseeleof wUI to ksM kt kay

r* mid *oi; parmw

My fimapdarR, BHiatotk, N* J,EAtf RIPOELAWN rEKiTBRT,

patawaMOi N. Ji, op troilay ttoa tot Rswork and FoaMlo; ftnaat In ataia; p a^

BAKBEIt wanted; good ataady Jab, Apply 334 Plane at.

,............ ixoerlenrad men fee allsrntind bench and machine wtirk an Jigs

erfd fixtures; state age. axpafl*'*^'Addrssa Bench. Box IS, News otflca.

IMM'KKWOHK—Rsllahla girl nr mlddla-agad woman for gpnsral housawerk, small nsi; family of four. RUED. If North Flftaanth

si.. East Orajic*.ItiiVSEKSEFER—Middle-aged konaaka*p*T

wanted, ta do hoasawarb aod Lake core of children; good hocQo 10 right pai'lF* Apply 30 Jackoon st.TlMt’MEWORR—4Jood strong while woman

tn rlo houstworfc and plain wash and plain cmiktng. must be kaiiesi. good pay, 61 llsisay st. ,HUUHEB'ORE—Wanted, a woman for kouto-

e«rk; plain cooktag; no washing; goad wages. Toll If? Park avt.. uraitga.HorNEWOnK^Railahla wbita gtii fee fan*

scat bnuaawark. 4f Bpplet at , East Oe- angs: t'enlrwj svs. trolley; fare paid.HOL'kEWORK—Girl to work; alcep home. Norih isTtnth at.

assist with housa* MKNDELia 3TIH

Hul’AKB'OHK—Woman for general hose*- work la Iha country; no washing. iTl Ogden st., city.

BirrcHBR Main at., wraatad.Onpnga.

ROLL'S Uarkoi. 113 TOOIJ4AKER oa Jigs and flitnraa; steady

Ms of four gravoa I3A ■bI banta^ liH Itartaa Mrtat. • • WadaaaRaT

•oaalaa. t ^ i a h t r It, M I a'ataok. RaillUS Nflah-.

BlthHKI.HAN wantaR II Mala H., rlir.Juh Car tho richi man. Aaply BCK Dyna- fl and Motor (To., HUl and Halh ala. RcUo.0,0

•111.. N. J.card boOH-TMH CLAHK TBRRAD------------ rhF i, --------- ------------

Ilia* uA Mtatta atao Dhathtor* at Roatta. •aBBta.DewB LoAf* X* “ ' '_____ ____ la, ara klnAlx lovltaA. liiarawBl *1 Rabiaaaat Camatary al IR* taaiaf'* aaanataBea.

MBiatRR—RaioroA tala laai. ** Tum Ait .

B it, in i , Aoaa Marta ttalBlar laaa I, aiaaw al I maalki II fo Biott iWRaelfellir lavUaA to at

faatat l (itaB har taU raalta ap*. r

5TY. S t ' ' 'I 'a M n J n l 'a F m n ^

AHI.tN(|TON rRMTBRT, ARUNOTOK, N. J.—‘PhoiM IT I taka NaAraj rar la Arllairtoo

y a g i^ aty . noa rnHauai w i ^ ta QoowITiT.


TChiL and die Disher. on oxaotlrti solo* matir maebito work; must be Rrst-alass

man. Apply Newark Rivet Wgrlta. Ij*' feyetto el.



card room. RlM(f rfimmimo

I. oldaw M Omao - • • J | **j5Bi5*^aitfoff''«Yo('hla» anA a h i« , alao* "****^. ** V." I to* droa. and Taaado laua Rood .^•<*1

ah arlciA paid tiv ladlfo' aad

IUMNBH~«MMw>IT. aa Raada.*, D*. amiar I*. IHI. Ida. telaoad wt4*ir at tha

t x r ftortas Hargner looa Aagoaftortori. g i ^ fT yaars If moalto a dtoa RaUtfeoa and frlonda. alaa ib* K oM iLailaa' ioKiI Ci«k abi iko eartatia soalailaa to wklok 4to damaaad was a BMmtor, ora toodlr la- .xlffB la altaod ika fiiaar*l train t to roM* EfoM af bar toaghlar. Mra M. HasaJofera I t t EtoingflHd aveftp*. oa Tkoroiar* V*‘ oamkir |£ at t F. M, totarment la ito WawUaod Ctmatarra

ra tlT H —At Hmsdolo* H. T.IMT H, IHI. EmllrBo I^Gtb maadL Funatst aareloat from poraola' raai- Afoto* tl Wlllioia atraoL Mlwellia, N. J.. ftoCra Dacombar |4 at i F. M. Halatlea# a a ifr ta a ie kindly laeUod. InUrmaal 1h pNufp Caoiatsry. »

Dacom- II Irk-

FORTBE—Oa Daaemkae tt. If ll. WUliam A. rsK«r« aged 64 years. Notka of fawsraikiftoftar.

RBlHtCKB-HtwAdeaty. an Honda/a Docam- tor it. I f l i Frodorlck H. Raiototoa totovod

Of Mary Ralalck* le 41 yaara I moaths f doyo.


and ftitpds. alaa tto Bratkarkaad of Falaiera‘ ^ ....................nr« “and Dacoroiiits' lunraf Hmop N«. 3f« of New

orka N. A., art rsspactfuhy Invited la altandik* Bitiaral fram kb lata raoldaace, 416 Routk floik olrsat, on TkurPdSy. DarsiNtor IS, al F. M. liitcrmaM In Fslrmaunl Csmatary.

pk«B* Market 4311. av«.>k«na 6 Oroage


. .. ........................................$MU,MULE kPlNNlJIG ROOM: AtMO OBNERAL------ 10 WAGBB: 0THADT1&~GRI o w n ElXTBnM

TEAHd OP age fo r all ABOVE DB* PARTHEN-ri,


TETHNOAL graduMA prafarably with one !»T two ysarF exparlanca la mechanical

drawing, appertunliy far advanoaiRent; give rsfiranccx. Addreaa Tecbalool. Bax 44. News ofriceTRIP HAMMER man. esperlanced. 34r. p#r

hour. KRAEI'TRR A Cfo.* 671 Elghtaenlhave,

HIOHRET pHcff paM far ladles' and ganls' wiitar aad eummar cast-off rioibos and

shaap; s4nd postal or 'ph»m* Market 43lf. MB. rHARliEk. «tf Broad stHtdHBBT pr*® ladiaa* aod gaa^ooK-aff atolbloc. kata, ahwc* fun atid aid M«aJ and I will ealL LOUH - - - ‘ W t^llff* at.f t t EllUAN* t i i jUnk st.. na a f _______Hlditlif~~pricaa paid fee trading Mompo.

Odlk •oap* rlgoratia, Uboeta ceuMn«: .T “lantod.

II riano.koudkL sSSJ^ar axeh< ao ^a r sack UkaL t i lssaf

siampa glME or Bank st.MIOHEtT prices far oaatooff dothlodo kata aod akaaa. M U A NEON, oarond-baad clelhm far Iodise end gaato. Ill Hartford a ti 'pkoM H74 Markati #*»d peetaL___t AM In the market to buy •om* dry blark

ualtui If yau have say. Iitftulra J. G, KOKAIIT, 114 N. J. R. R. are,, Newark. N, J.{ til, 1444 Mulbarry.___________ ____WANTBD. to buy. sarond'hand. flat-tap. If*

lark eak desk: drawers an both ,Bldas. AdJ, p. iilLER» ruou) tt3 Clinton build-

Newark. W. J, ___ _____all maa and bays af Newark to know they

an gel | l aw*at«r coats l«*f Bf rants and II •a 'n this week at 116 Washington atscar Academy it.

M* liMit ihiHitlU Hla Ilf* ae sharl In Ikla Weriil la raioaln.

Aod when from home ka wait.ffa M'ar reiumad again.

BTlfMIDT—Ox D rm to r 31, If 16, DorothyBaokla, yaungsal cklM «f Fftar aad Baphla frkialdi tnaa Colamanj. Relotlvea andfrieodafu^rai ore kindly lavitto to attand tram ijisjtoraAts’ iwaldeoce fg I

Tnuraday. Daoamkar II.the

atreag. at| : l f F, M. Inlaroiaat la iba Csmetary ef theHr’ --------Italy Sapulekra.

HMtTII-Hatwmktr tf, 1616. Kmlly J. EmllB, is bar Ifth year. Rsrvirta at har late afa4dfnca. I l l Fork avaaua. East Oranga, If. if a* Tkaradey. Dsoamtor S3, at 3:36 P. M.

TRAfNOR—luddnnly, on Dacamtor 3f, 1116. iaka P.a belavag husband of Mary Traitor <nes Mllreyt. Bslatlees and friwadaam kindly Invited (a attend the funeral from kta late raattoiu's. II Ass straat. an Thure-riar. December tt, ai I A. M.. ta Et. Jamae'a Church, where a Ealtmn High Mass af lie- giilavh will he offered for tlia rapoa* af hla

Iha Cemetsry of thsifUL iMsrmest In Maly Eapglckrc.

VAN Dt7TN-On Dacambtr tl. tt16. xt Eyrtouse, N. T., Rorah A.* wife af I>r. Je in ton Duya.

WfLLIAMh—Os Tuooday, Decambar tl. 1116. Bilan, widow of the lata Denial C. Wltltoms, n*1ilH#a and frirnda are in- vttsd lo atirnd lh« funeral earvfcaw. which wWl h* pHld at her lain home, 346 Haulh devenlh ntrrei, ati Thutwilay. Oiseamber 3t, at t r. 34 IntCTTueni I'alrmuost Cameiary.

FP11a»i>N—On A’fdnaxdsy, Itarafribar 36, n i l . J»s«. slfe of (he lai* Oamual Wlloaii. at har leia rae»den<r. Ill Jamea stran. Nottc* af lut fucnral hxrc-afiar.

■Et'uND-UAND bulchar'a lea box waniad, from I le 6 fret sfisar* or largar heijM

Immateftal. 4l Eremvn st., FALL Kh KLTZ; adviaa at one*. ^ ^

nd of-will pay prlt-a Tf In fair 4:oa>ROLIa-TOF desk and cash ragletar

firs fixturra; will pay prif* Tf In ditlas. MR. CAPli, 64 Academy at.; pbese

CHEF, neata rolored. for country hotel: also •arosd cook, aa halpar; autotnohlle waascr

and polisher at onra: savarel atrosg. willing men aa factary Kanda. atanograniier for af- tli.*a of large c,.irporatlon, splendid rkonca for advamwinaiit; cooper al oora. ball boy fnr hntsl; two bus bo^a, alaa kltchenmao for restatirant; touniar maa; driver far light delivery.

nRRUAN-AMKRICAN AGRNrT.31 Cedar at. I btotaei and oldest asttbllshad agency in Nsw Jer**>.

TIKE HAND—Wanted, one good rise bond os fine, accurate michlaa work; state

kind of work worked on and ago. Addram Vise. Bex 114. News affleaVAMPEH8 wanisd. sxparl*nc«d. steady

work: goad wages. Apply or wNta ta Le­high Valley ihoa r>.. Howard and Chaatnut ■U., Allentown. Pa.

HurSKWuHK—Waatad. young woman ta nooiet with houaaworit: slaap homo. Coll

141 Flans st.IIOL'gRWnRK—Girl wanted for gai bgMa^work. Apply 344 Hlghlaag Forasl iLll.


HOLREWORK —Young girl wanted lo aaelatdR . ------In

ava. houaawork. hand , ihi Clinton

IIOFdEWORK—Girl wantad houiMwork. II Likayty at.

to aastai wlik

LADIEB—Gan airy old gold, stiver, platinum, kridiga work, aid falsa tasth. baughli | ~

up to l l soL 3fT Market a t , room 41LLAUNPREEB whire. to taka work hsmt:

within walking dlstoac*. i t l South kaW'anlh stMAID wanted for ganaral bouaaworh.

ply MHd. IL N. OWEN, I Oliaton Maplewood, N. J. ______


taping, hining.nd willing to

CLERK xtanteij for foctari anrad In shipping. t|m*|

lypvwrltitig. aianography. and wining make lilmaalf ganaraify useful, good ebaaef for right mao to work Into permariaat m>«l- tlon, with good future, reply, ntatlng fully sxperienca, refsrencos aad salary daslreo. Aiidrasa Orange, Box 14#, Saws otflea.

TOITNG MCN-^fll to l i f t weakly manag- log olaata lagliimsia mall order kuolnasg; ws furnish svarytkldg; right party fe«ad not

worry about capital* opiaodld okoaca for Iktaliigsat. ampiayad parpur* ta c-oaUol In- d^entoat bualntoS vti proflt-akaHlId bopla: spars Ur.ia avsnlngp; at ho;u*, particular* kws. Oppartunitlsa Bickang** Buffalo, N. V,

C'KArFFErn. commerrlal. I l l ; drlear. 111 and commUelon; cuuntemnn, l i t ; linv- man, 44o. huur' rarpantara. 4fc hour. rn.

linear. 114 w««k. laborers. tl.H *day;kitchen kelp, other eacani-lea Newark Em- plurera' Parvlea Bureau. 1*4 Halsey st.

YOrNO MAN for emalt beach latlw work: uadsrstsni micrometer and must b* reliable. AitdrMs, suting M* aaperfemw, etc,, to Re- llabla. Box pl. News nca.

MAN—Arrange now BuotnOai

la begtn a College an

for bouklat.

CELLULOID novelty workam wanted: com* pal4)ni on boxoa, (task arcaaaorlaa. etc.

Writ* L E., 31 Ava. A. New York t.'lty, car* Adrvrilrtag Agency.

TOt'NO MAN to taka car* of two horses and help on wsgoa: can bnxrd with employer,

Inottir* ol A, C, OFFKL, 111 JMmlnary ava,, Rahway. N. J,

CUTTKR MAKER—Taunt maa with spveral ) aar*' experlanrs gt cuttrr making. Apply

FRANK KRKMKNTT. CO.. U | Kmmai st.

TGUNil Man. If, having good eiperlsnDa }n I'hei-klng ai(d poatlug InTolcet. inuel he

niilrk and eriLuraia. Address Young, Box .46, News office.

01*TTRRli, axperlvnced. wanted. DELFARK. Ftana and Academy oU.

4IHW Market.necurlty required.

itiiH al.It. DiiTKlN. if cagi


YOUNG Man wanted for Ught footwork' also tn do sM around «ork.

FRiPt'lI BHOk.. 4i) Columbia st., cor. Green

NVRRB, rxperlancad. With rafarvarv, to taka •*ar* of two children. Call Wednaagay and

Thursday afteruoon and evattlng. Apply M. MEYER, 44« Farker ai.. city.

COOK, mlddla*agad woman, widow. Franeh.apaaxa Engllaha witk private family; g«o«

plain oook; wllUag ta atoltt bowaw^k; raf- traac*; wagaa 111 month. THOMAii, ]1T Bargan st., third noar. Newark, N. J. __DAT'! WORK—Da you want a woman for

toy's warh f W* have them on hand avary day. No chargs la yuu ta eacur* one, 'I'koaa t.>raag* 6347.DAY’S Wi»RK—Woman wtahaa day's work.

MlUk MILLER, 116 Ipaadwo/ av*.. Irv­ington.DRKdBHAKBR wauld like few engogemvnta

bv day. Addraia EawNtg. Box i. N*wa afflr*.OOVBRNKBE—Frsbch young lady, 33. high- ' ---- ■ da*grade education, vary good moMclan, airaa oltuaUou os gowraeio. ZUCK. Frweldaht st., Faivic.


U.HOUEIK EBPER-W Idow. daughterwould taka full charge of wtdawer'a or

bualnaaa paopla's home; raflnad: rafaranca. MRi. OBOuK, Kttpori. N. J.___________HOUkEWORK-. . 'Touag colored .

gstoral housework Tn attoll Carally>«»*■*dress C.. Boi III. New* offk a.


FOR EALB/W partner wanted with rapLalta manufacipf* imtaniati laoia of gn t^oacasalty, for pator'kongara. oarpeatanb pluvibam and Irunworkars. Call If. YA6* KIN. 64 Bart lay atFt>R SAlaB—Balabilahad auto rpdlatot and

lamp Kuolneoa; piaaiy mochlnary facUltla* ta da alt the work 1u Uila line. Addnaa lho»k, Box 164. Nswu offlcs. _____FOR lALE—Bakery, with

alsganl rhaa'v far yaung rouj OU account of old aga. *' ava.. Elisabeth.

largo gw owani~oupla; muM gall T. V.. 14«I MagMlla

FOR lAlaE—A country bakery, vriy; awD«r wishes to ratfra.

Bakery. Bax Itl, News offb-a.with prop*

leaseItlll i

i-caom house on Brtod income |3ff mofthiy: rant tTf; long price raasonahle. Ipqulre YORK. It

E.. opp city halUfor sale;rtftgT'CLAPtt runlthcd roam hovat

nMT MfJbna’a sRd tubes; wrU-t' agents Address F., Bax fd NewFTfli and o»*t#r stem far £o4*; vary r**i

able. lEi Himth at


TTFEW'flfTiNil and sUnography; young woman; refersnoM; aodarata salary,

Fhnna B It. tll«6LTEUCFHONFi operator would Ilk* pooUton

at swUcUboaro. Addraa* Oparalor, F. O.Box Hf. Oranga.WAlHtNO- ttop aaeatitoUNEKDA WCT-WANH taAUKDRT,Let tha HI High al

over the washiuo.do yaur tPilra family waMi lor

fp Paata; r»turr.*d within H. hours nMdythe ttaa: give n* a trial. Tal. BBl B. B.


B'AKUTNC-R<- fomlly washli HBTDAaS.

iiribi* I to taka .. do at komo. MRS, A.

Mcatt Qr»*«.p**tr •at Boff


JANITOR poatUoa wantad by man aad wlfaj- Idly lamp*-----

Tomparat*.rafaranca. Addraw Newt oflica.

Bax 116,



A venon RALM ctbrt TUBRDAT AMD PfllDAT.




NEWARK—Women govarnmant dark exomo.‘Omirif; |14 month: Banipl'. .. L . . a. .R<: ■anipla oueailou fraOi

Franhlln Institute. Dept. 4tlC. Rwbwitsr.N.Y.QPERATftRS uaniad on mea's nackwaar and

Underwear. Apply DKLFARK, Flail* asd Academy sts.OPERATORi, steady work all yaar round.

Plana and Academy ala., second floor.PAY KuLfa ctsrks, It tv i t year* old. waniad

by manufacturing roncarti. east c-f Pann, R. R : only Ihtws naving had pravlaus ax- penem-a In this work and abi* to figure plw e work rates rapidly and i-arrsctly con­sidered neat, allglhr* handwriting aosantlal; atat* fully axpe* vni.'a, rarareacoa, nation' allty and salary eipactad, Addraaa H. W.. Box If, New* offic*.



Have a wry goad, profitable, toying pffpi osUtoii, which Is wall asewrsQ, and krlnga-

good raturns, tn aay ima who wisliaa lo tw- vpsl thutoand dnllara; on* who Is *XtoH- tncad In men's clolhlog profarrad. Addrsop T.. Box 11?. News afflea.

t il,HO 10 Invest wllk aafvlcto: to »t>flck-i(ulcb schtmaa, but a garni, ealid.

HAVEel-cl , . .ivtaaiial humntas that win toor tboroogkInvsatigatloa and net (air profits; tio oganiS trI/Ter*, act quUk. Bua 664. Frasopl^

N. J.HAVR ISM la ll

In leglitmsta bi4*4 to In vast vitji sarrlrto ualiien*, must aland tnveutl*

•trlctly caandentl|d.- - - — - “«**ritlan. cEkmmtinIcatlani ddrass Opportanliy. Hox 114, News aftce!*

INVENTION—Formula of aa aul:mtiakna ho4r mora for sale; IfB par cent- profit In mapd*• --------- -uolltlag auperlor fa‘fOrtura; willing to prove any aver sees; na coaii

ra aii d 'itlofi after daiuOir

alrailon la given; price fiinn; owurr flnanclatlp nWraitod GABHIBI. LANT1BK. Ito ^Imtob qvs.. Newark. N J. t Wash*

LAirNTRY—Fur tha purpose at rafiting Ptviw- plawt* Ttoltoaeriy wUI f«ily ai)aippad , .

oonaittifli of Adams collar iranor. shaplAg ntai hlneo ahirt machtnoa, cuff praoMiw, man* gJt, 4 washers, exuaciar, two 4f H. F. boD* are, engine pump, Ihre* haniea and wagorwi. . . . - - - _ wjmonthly. Isos* ta suit; vplsr pnB stabls on premises; price ll.ffg. Call 64*l lNorth NlAstaepth st.. East Oraaga.

’auftlveelter on aorlh. moat wondaetot

martgferi wantad for th*LOOK gr<iataa1Ihvsniton. fully proiacted by patents:

rlualvs and proleclad territory given and see ll work* free damonstratT to I F. U. Room at. Hotel Albanv, Albau] and Nallsoa ais., Nsw Brunswick, N. J J. K. BAMUKLi. Rtate Manager

•nta; ex- m; coma I A, M,

LUNCH ROOM, up ta date, will soil at a paosonabl* prlra: tf*year establlshad stand;

good reaium tor selling. M HHIavitla ava.METAL tovelUe*; msaufactuiing prspared to make, tad market if Mry. noveillee In metal, celluloid, aid.; er ntapla goods Addraaa Out of Towh, 1. News offb'S.



PAPER BOXEB*-Bi|p*r1enc*d atrlppafp turn'ln glrla aad table hands wonted, alsorncr* steady work; good pay; apply at

cnee. Taka BleomDaid ar Pummar car. Tha UKAKK.MORRISON Paper Box Co.rEnliL hulintt carder R Ht DBNBR A fMiN. ranted, experienced. 136 Van toren at.

Bales tyoman.


X idiamonda.

Tkto taeih and kridg* work toafl^OLD poM. illvar* aerapw ft jawairy. ‘ itta __ ______________ _ tooBhi

Broad si.a avar FiMty'a B. tl. BALEVRE.trading ftOMM bowglil: higbam prK'fs paid

far bfoka and Wasa cowpoos. wiiik (abala, asag wrappers KB Markai ai.* raan SI. t fUfkt Mg.wrapptra _ ___ _TRADING BTAMPik milk lotolg tod tnbawo ewupato touw Ud tntooco ewupato toughi. aol rx^to^d. no Flaa* fi* osar Markto

PaoM aod

lllOH elaih. I. NEC

U u and had Itdihara. E^ER, M HiOWlgOUMtT ft.

gawts' coot-aff Bead pofUl t#

JKIA'ICLRT, Md gold, ollvar, plailnum, work, old falsa Italh, towa

sal. 167 Market uL. roam 411.plailnum, brldga ht; pay up ta 14

He e h IwM Gm A W u N JAoidaruy at.44at MR. rAdirs,

kavf y»a la sol. ^thing and everything far caak; aacond’hand fumTcure and avarythlng you want to toll w

■ «-■ na-wa.fJiy ■ll for eo«h f Wa buy any-uy

nd-, pay mor* than anp doalar or auctlou

WDtaJ'F—'At Ormnsa, M .1 on December tl. 1611. rbrlstlsn. IwtiMvvd husband of Mathilda u olff tnce Pi-hwarxi. aged 41

TtelstUes and friMi'ls. also Bafla founcli ii;. Jr 0 l . A U-. Rralher-

aiiilern l(0«si Z4?. are kludly tn- vltOd In sUend tha funeral Serttca at hts tola realdenc*. 13 Frsnkfnet aicaei. on Thursday wpnlng al I o'ctiwk Interment wTlda>. conventamw of tha f»mliy-

Emra. Ttelsi a«h Council MB Of Fan

houto III'ths city, na agasU to par coiumhi- .................... -itiUiy; thaf#•Ion: I coll myself perwfnally; (haCs why 1

pay mor* than athara: got my prto# first; swd posul; 1 will '*11 at once; bus4B*as •trlHiy ronfldcnilal. Tel. 4664 Market.____am FAYING IIKAIK'NADLK FRICEB FuK

ALLKINUH uF rCH^UTURE, or atiyiblng you may have worth anything; I rwU par- aerially and can slway* toy you a llttla more lhan Ih* next after Sf'>u hav* triedother*, write HAMUFIa PIMON. i Mouth Or* ansa sv«.. dpriPgfLelil ave. Junction; ‘pbont Mulberry ;l2i. ______WE BUY ascend.haoft furnltora In large ofsailsmall lots, or anything you wish to 1 Cof

w« to / 31 |>*r rant, more than dealara- io ■* 'ir any auction lioues; aaed laam for room-

lug haupao, Ihat's why I pay th* moat; saikd pnalai; »* will call at once; buslneua c«a- ridvntlal. Mil. l*KRBTa SI I U osUlngton *L


■LUI.ET-'Miinlh • V<»U High nefulem slit oftarcf] fnr the fha 4KTjl of .lanivv 6;. Begl*) , hoxhaiid let* Wary K, Rrgiey (n*e Smiiin.

Wav* cfrepuM* oft tha


vjlVhojui. AmTMBl‘o T

valu.': and u»k ni)NiiRAHi.erm. AmKR VOU HAVE TRIEDJH*. WU(Tr (li OBANUt ATIC.,PIIO.VP >71 MARKET.

4'atbeijrai, oil TlitfrrxJay, tivrember ?3, si A. 6f. ItelstlvM snU irlcndi6U*d to atlvad.

ANNIVERSARY MASS.^OWEN—-Ths Third Annlwruary High

Moag of Ragutam will to nfferad fnr tbe soul of the 1st* Annie Oawaii ttire Msadi, of Ht. Jaha'a rhureh. Orange, on Thuradar. Da* yfihtor ll. IMI. I A. M. Ueiativfs and mends ar* kindly Inviud i* all«i>d

1>MN T (omwpunil eiiJi other dc«)sr». ring are kl»til> iH' i«* up first. I need to furnlah i t rootn' rcDinlng houfs sod could Use all houeehold

loc<is ind furnltare you hava to s*li. Writs i>t 'phon* Bill Market J. BILVSUMAN, 124 B>.in*rhei st.

OlLBIION^Ftrst Annlvaroar Rafttlem wtlj ha offered for XtiMi soul Of Bridget Gllshnn, rktwch. an Thursfa), December M. Rdstlvas and friends are kindly lo vitad ta attend.

repoop rif. JtMeph’a 3. *1 I A.


paid for furnitur* of all daecripiloiiv. odd pieces hnugUt, JOHN I Hollaad ft., corner HprlBg*

field Ava,; prompt attahMoo paid Co all 'phone calls stwI mall urdars, 'rkou* Wav* atl> IHI-

HKIIIIMT price* paid dascripilor


DRIVER, sxperlanced. wanted Addraaa Drlrar Box A, Nswe offtca, Irvtngian.

DON’T Fail to see nur advnrtlsament under Husinesa OptortuBittaa. Roam 31, Hotel Al>

bsnv.KNURAVERB—Wanted, at once,

riRBr-CLABM ENHRAVKKB,Apply UKolUiB L. FAINS CO.» North At­tleboro. Moss,




FOREMAN far Jabbing maepta* ohap, em­ploying about 46 Iran; (Irat-cloo* maa with

•xscutJv* ability and wide enparlaace rs- qulred; ntal* pravlaus aniploymanl, toe aod salary cw^ted. Address Faramoa, Box ll. New* ofnea.FARM. 10 acre*, to to worked on shorua, ky

crrmpeteni person, ascellant bulMlaiv, etot'k. Implemeols; fruit on properly; a*n<l ritferanevN, t(«\ Addraaa Karmsr, Box 413. Dover, N. J,FJII EM AN ^ Hood. aiperlanred fireman

wanted, Addrsaa Fireman, Bax lO, Newsoffica.GOVKRNHMNT poaltloaa are easy to gat*

my Dm book'at D. T. 443 tolla haw. WrU* today—ttaw. EARL HOFKtNB. Woskingtaa,D. C,

r preos tender wanted, r*. WOLBER roWFANY. Flsn* and Acodaniy ala.

HKlal’—W« necurc poaitlona for men. e»fry cspsi'll?''- Rallabl* BrtiplovmsntAgano. snilre groutid flour, l3f Broad at.

BKWARKOF FAKE AOSNCTllonhK avgon nint driver wanted la make

operls) • hrlRlrojki dellvetlea: com* toady to work, lU'OD imoH-. m*&ll Bpriagfirid

YOUNir man, aev;:<ntean to eighteen yssrs to I cui mast and dillver orders oh s v-hasl. SI |{arrlsen s t . tvOut Orange

TOUNQ MAN with horse and wiuton o aulo, for evening work. Fark Thesi Hlaomfleid gvw

[On or light Ilk


YOUNG men ind boys wasted far light fan* lory work Apply foramaic Bo«ih mod

Van Baran sta| t 6 rew ard latarmallen vbaraabodta

army and oavy deaartars; Waabtugton IH* taoilv* Bureau. Wiita* aoll, addr*M tloa Dept., room 6, 1441 Broadway,

SALESLADT wait CIS cat 4«A apr1iig(Hi<i£ild Iixparlsficed Mlestady wanted to couptar. Booton Candy Oa, av*., coroar Malland at.

■ r j :e riano*

130 reward, lararmatioa whareabouls of army and navy dvoertara; tunrutolitlsl. Wrltu, ooJl.

P,.,r4ia.i pw,.. ro°.fllir. ta««a N r.

BTENOGRAFlIRB—Raoeanabta axperIn iraascrlMfvg dlatatlon acourataly, and

lpt*l||gan<'a to produce work aa Inalructad; Htata aalory axpac'ted. Addraaa Slaaographefg Bos 136. Nawa office.


illo, In manufacturing plant; glva *ip*H' •ties and salary. Adareaa Clark, Box ll, Nawa ofRcu.

AFFL1UANT8 can aacuru aar llns of am-

riloymant; hundrada »f tomiloM open In vale and Fubllc place#; call and let us plica you.

GROVC AOCNgT.im I r. M.141 Main at., Jtoat Oranga. Opa



SHOES-^Ingl* and doubt* naadia vampara far out of town: siaady warK and ~ '

wogao. AppiT at one*.cO.a Rrockton. Mob# Aa E LttTLI-T THEWER^Flain. n*at aawsr wantad by a

draasmaker. 666 Df Oraw tea., aaorVsmna av*.. Forvot Hill,TUCKBRB and oparatara, axparlaaced aa

ladlaa' fin# ealsta. Apply all weak. J. A H. COHN, orsng* and High at*.

HOTEL clerk wantad; muo| hav# oevaral yaare’ exparlerr*, and rafereuoaa Addrasa

llaial, Dux 130. Nawa affloo.lathe H a .VD—Wanlad. one firal

lath* hand. TIloMllON MackUa Co., at., tolivviila.LAPORERi wantad. 136 Balmont ave.

Call at 6 A. M.

CASH.IRE UR FART AND rr.ATf OR aktthjno you H

JgL ^ |1EI_D:R_1? ARUNO'njN BT,

FRICKS PAID 6^R EM- contIw t b pp hocI ^ i

MUTiRERRY.at HMmCK 71 Aradsmy at.—Wa buy aae*

and-kiand fursltura, clothlhg. avarylhlng.

MEN wanted to Join tba Leogu# *4 Fiwalga Hart) iTi leans; halpa gat yaar natural-

loation papa^i make* g'KHl i.liiaaaa; kntarsMa llaelf In public questions. maintains a <dv|# and aoclat easier. Apple or write hand- quaiierv 164 Globa building. Iff Broad at.; any ilsy nr Monday. Thursday and Haturdayovfltiinga from T la I Sf F. If

In laving memory of .Tahn N. JHohiar. wha iiod DerStnber 33, Hit.In the beat of bk days.

111 n)#rih<*od ■ bfoom :Tam from iha heart■ that lowed him-

ka a sllsnt lomb.Ta alaepTto br^karo. JOHKPII.


J g 0. U. A M. N O T i aof Eagla Rweh Cfiunc '

-........ A. M.. 146 Valleyfffat Oraato.*^kra raanawtod ta moai in the Ifdfsraam TTkaraday avaaltig. Da*wnibar tl, of T;|6 F. M„ far IM purouas a< aitanding ftoafol aarilssa of our tieoMoad broikcr, CtohMottor Wkift, who to**ad away o« vBafBiwar 31* J316*

■ B. U viRD. Ra#ardln« Baeratary. W. Bi V n RktoTo Catwtiar.

anything you wlah ka sell, pay mor* than any dealer; f*t prt«aa Drst Tal- 4TU MortoLAHYTHING you have la tomltura tq gotjd

coodiiloa. dca't «# will aero yon Ca. 14 Ai'adtmy

MEN wasted, army of t'nltod (Rataa; tola* bodled, umnoreM tnan. balwaaa agaa «f 18

and $A, ntiaaita nf United Brat4ii|^ gaod '—7 { aotar and lainpvni* bablis. ran speak**M-ta ■■* aoMOia.wota afssil It bafc»r* yon osa ■ a qMnap. lip^oni Stas* at-; ‘ptHiBs n i f MoiM.

B'ANT. 4 dining room rhnlr_____ ____ . nito. as gfln*w. not lo aievad t i t ; alao 3<plala gag

good nab#l* burneri no agent. Address llesaohshlo,


Msomits or scorn mmaTba> fnapbufi af Boania Doasi Lad#a win

'' and Bn«d Mtuoi# at I a’e1o«|iatraat

Chla( D»<i«btar,


HMWADK DK«.UMATIN<1 Oa.■■■■■I lUM. ia«r., (vrooai'ty oI KtaMtaoti A gTm No« M i Matla*. |mw-h*a(ta* M In t-r lw ««•!,; m ata •M taS

Um i&wCullr ll-----laUO. Tal IblE FIJICHRR E QCh

Wa da painttaf aad toffF'toHBlBf a t rt%- oaMkia pMaaaj ftrat-aUiaa itorli searatoaadlililgalaw ft.t "p iw T ill WavtNlF______THN BROOELTM WALLPAPER CO*Ptlng andwill paBar raavaa. it.f« up: tofpUnc a

fcll«am1hMlt tow at vary raHtoWMbta ppla nd p^gT ar aan at l i t Eank pL

Pato as I writ# ;h# Rngilik lapwuaga For l ^>rMatlmt apply ip Rarrultlag Ofnear. BM Haifcai *t., NowariL K. t.MEN; no prerimm eapaiionca nacaasafTi

food eysslgbi e»aon|ia1. ihoaa totibui



W01IBN- -4Tevar. atlrartlva ladlaa wanisd, ta visit auiomoblla oaaara In tbalr nfioaa

sad hetnes. and sell money-hack affictanoy prodnet; liharol retninlaalofl on oik fultkr* urdars offer sxrellvnt Ineoma; writs far ap- polntaiani. Addraso Caavoaaar, Boa 66. Naw# offloo.

RFiriAL!Just racehafi a load of hsayy draft harasa and buainesu chunka Tbea* hirssa ora In mcalWnt Sham and aulUbla tor Ik# Brasant climatic oonditlanaBecaod-hond h nta as olwfy* 00 head.Mutes, ft( whioh w# ofcriT a laria vortelyi

yeuag and claaMy moiad laama. _ TLHCMBB FGR HTRE-TB


tbomab houbton. BALBMMAN.

MOTING PtCTCRB house, asatlog l»f; 1payw r****FHILIF R'agaitf 1

bouse; w<U s*n "u easy »Jnts; good Intvgtinatit. DLuomfIvM sv*.

PARTNEII wantad to Invest a small amauift of money In a ahlrtwain mfg. bu<4ne*a; ex­

cellent ehani'a for man or woman ta start bt bu«1n*as. Addraaa Partner, Bos 116. News offlra.


Have Just reralvad a carload of Pennsrl- vania horse*, wslghlng from l.tf# to 1.66*Iba Thaae boraaa ara good, broke and accli­mated, Wa have alaa Iwqaiy head of Ohio and general kuolneoa purpose koraaa. YVa guaraniea CTtry horaa.

UNITED BXFREBB CO. BTA0LEB,RORBEB AND MAREE Far sale, anltab]* for coal men or heavy

irarklng; prkas |6f to Ill6; tf you am la h*od of a korna or moro oall #1 oflica. Vnliad Baprtaa Co Qpaaga and Noabikt sta.. Newark. N. t. ‘Fkan* 4468 Bmoeb Draak* Optn dally, Buadar ineludad. Na fconnoctiog with any otkar arabiw ___BAROAINB in wogonii tan tap wogaao. aln* gla coal wagon, tkraa*toa truck, markai truok. laundry wogoo* top axpraaa wagon, light marhma wagon, nlnmtor'# wagon; four op*# wagons, single Mmaaa, rutlars, Mwl- nsas ilafgha, rahaa alalgb balls, aavarol athw wagoaa JOHN MElf|fBR*Jidland at, open avealng# tfH 8.

t-U Hol-twa doocf from iprtafRald on.Inn tfH k >

CENTRAL la* Oraam Co, imot dltoona on ac«annl a( dull aaaaon ta* haraaa aad

nnopoa tkat wars nsad la our oarvlaa ito i i*a yaara; waight L8H ta 1.4H pauoda: ogad Ml to tab yaar# old: anybwdr looking far a hofsa would aava maney by calling an no. Boa Moaogar Ryan. 164 Oranga tL. Newark.THRU

coatsT* ^

B grssa tan ea»1 irork, gtod a# naw; M6f yaar ago, win sail far | i l f ; tW« Ii truck. lU ; an#-toa oaal iruak, ||S ;

rav'k market wngORrard toiup wofM, |46. _____ - -14 Boriagnald av*., eornar llsvantb at Nawai%.

Iffl Watoaa RENRT Foil

B1GKT Mg wapk Yiorasa walght l .lff ta L4M Iba; also four young toiletry

horaa*. t«o oton and noa top wagan. atngla and double harnes#; all bton rfNatly uaad In our lo* buolnesa 111 Clay at, Mst to Bambargar*# atobl#. ___

WOMAN*—Widow, golnt to butlnsm wauld Bl*ANlgiva aldarly woman gtod bom#; rtgkt paf-

U'. Call avepiuga. after 1 a'ciock. i l l BoutkBILL*

Tantb at.. Nsnork,washing—Toung woman wanlad. i# do

good washing and gonsral tousaclatolnghy (Ha day. <’sll at Bawlli llw n av*.

II.M * ti otaM* IguMtta, ata. Mraui a*»H. (to., at ( ImH oM**. I t l Oru** a t

WAITKBIW mere, Ml William gt..

HSTiied., Apyy at tto Orahga.


avar. wi Earn MvarBl m b fMii*rH « t af oi. ........ rtflit 1. T. C**TLil lot

Cream CeiutoMFi. Laratia at. and Laklgh Vatlay Ralirtod. irvtaftan, K. j .

OUR ____taama aod

^ r k ; pHaa*

RKaUIKRE axatnlnaru wantad. Apply WEINGARTKN BROS., 411 Hkgk al.

BOOX*EERFER, t# oatlBt la ahltolaB da- partmaal; writ#, otatlng atparioiiae

salary axoactod. Addi................... ~~Nswa affic*.

-ng atparioHae and I Aoeurot#. Box 16,

ik;CLBRK, raet dopartOMaL smiUl family, i t l ; toatdl Mfi gaeamJ keuaawarki solMt baardlng kauaeo. ...ploycra' iervica Buraau, IH Halaay

aatdlM kouaa aaaks. k*f. JM: waitraasee. . Itt. nawarli nm-

COOKB, lauadrfMtea, chOfUbannalda and waltreonaa. ganaral heuaawarEars. Otanga

Bursa#. Dnmaatic Badutrufaiutii 664 Main ■I,, nast Oranga.LMK—While fi

kauaawark; tkiIrl andfor caafe and gona

lauaewark; tkraa in foailly: na cnlldran. 14 North Mlxtaanth at.* Root Orangat ‘pboca Oranga 4|4tM____________________ _____cSoK; whiui flr«l*ekMB toffr#fie<

pmfarrada Tol, W ava^ IBM.TIurtaantb at.

• ; GornMA I t t faaik

COOK wanted far Brill at. fto* III

nineleen ami thirty years old. of aagl op- lioaran<'*, ran find atoady rmploymant la anr )» vai d*pa l**irfti. Apply early, EDtdONPhonngmph Works B e«| Oranga>MEN—I raoda larga annaal taaomo «Rli a

amsU maU order hua'-tieos; baBon vHtfe II; sand foe frw» tosklat; w if tlKACOCK. Box Ml, Lx<kp*rt. N. T.MEN-^WANTSa A PEW MBK*

NIGHT PtoA'TFCmM YVORE. AD. KXPRFito t'O.. 336 MARKBT RT.MRN-‘Tah man Bantod; handy with oBf*

■•niera* taoH. Fair at., naar North FprE sl„ Bto* Dtonta.^man who koa hod oatoHonn* w l^ Maiaa Kof

ladfar oyatam. to Uks rharau of oaaaualg raealvahie, drpt* of mfg. i otM ora hanOB aav-

CHAMBERMAID. aroltruaf. Ml. tar Newark; rail this tvanigig frwoi 6 la i. ar tamorraw

mnrnlagJ ahso haM^wrhara dad-----r l Atooay. Ti c*lTRUI

_______ OUT-anior bi.' Oraog#.

waakad;ThCA8UIER aod magafToBhar voakad; o x ^ i-

tnead; m o*onta .<01.17. AMta rkrii ^ . . a iiwtar. II • '.taA tk«M**r-

CASKIBK—WigtaA, taM <ta»htar, a»»,rl-•ON*. n t o K 'S n * m r MarliM, i n Hark.1 ak. ^

niUADUl DECORATINa flm-Oaw«tak *<wtai»iaa*; n u o n ab l. T.LItal Cwaa**. M. WAX. I l l Da. agTora*^


m l thouta**' Maaanta: miwtT* m alfr ..l* an* aMirala at dtai**. t v v tof rafan«a**i ‘• £ 3an* furM.1, aakt

h(ur* for Iha u,'»*ai par.no; maI . MW « • partonr. . mI rahraonaai •alar]' I n . AaVla*■ ..... ). ■ « t l . N-a»a Sfla;,

|w d a ^ U M k r t . AM rSaM yta.iM t 111.

lH tlRO It>RRS|l*^l»akraWtaor. *A M taV MVtak. J. * II. CMraW. o

itkkaid hAAd MR- A -Alata. km»g All naEa aM w in ttA

iiixAMiNEM, itawk ocflaitfAntd as wslataar aaitii*a,r trataalal

ao r aiA. a*ee4 0*w-i>taM ksd Aisd-

Aranaata. iMAX—Waalal, rrM.r

of Mw*r man la*,partmaaL wRa Jhta-ahu*. . . _______ _ __

•■•hir aataraua*s all tmtaabw at tha .Kina, (Ttafia*. ataltia*.

i*a',* a .^ aapananra

A!? J i ’K w B T &

a aiding, Krtad ra 9gm wifaf4,;>aw«


OlRLB^TbUf ptaymaat to■toiasin h noasi1 bfftb

iriAnagar. Waot Oranga

.. ... . . . . . . . . i . ’E S 'K .h L* urIhNU to Btoiln ii OxtoH----aarto mod Mlh om

■MBQIt R faoffdf h W<waL

VOPNOlourso.lenaary•rriiLAIM*—Arrtnj In Coleman 1. Call 01


n now BuolaaMrlta

ta tofia BCollage an■er tooktoLHORSE aid two light, anvorad vagoat far

sola, iiiltahlt for paddlae; prloa reaaeO' abla ftoutra HAiBROUCK Laundry* War< ran and A

PRINTING—LeUarheads, rO«l*. anvelop^, 11.36 per L*M- BTRATHUORV: PREltS.

i l l T#...................Tgfarella si.: 'pkons 33tt Markai-RKBTAURAaNT for oala: ne good ehanc* for

. reilabls man ae partner. Call at 4ft Brood ■!., clly.PMAFaL (nanufartuHnw baslnaon;

of rustamaro: llttla capitalroad tiM required:

•plendid hualiiaa* for man and wife; beat reason sailing. Addraaa Opportunity, Box 1 :1. Newa ntrica.SMALL Inveetmanl lu stack will oecura po*

xitlan With manufacturing connarn, wher* huaillng ability will STOduc# a guaranlaod Income. Addrasa Stock, Boa U3. News of* Ilea.THREB-CHAIH barber shop for sate;

:#6 Canffal ava. city.|I6«.

WtCLL known and growing I'onaam. manu-farturing a staple article. «old axtenMvaly

In Nswark and Wrlnlly, would Hko a partyin o a s .a a u a iiv awv ■m fm.. .fWith torn# lapltal to take an ocllv* Intaraat In tka businees, flno rhanca far a man to connact himself with an aotebtlahad Newark ■oonufaclurar. Addroas Logltlmatf. Box UL Nywa office _____________R'ANTKD. parlii*^ *Hh 1404, In stiicily cafh

huslnam:, <mly handy man. taka chorga of mail counter required. guai lovtotmoDl sot-urad. Add Nawa offlp*.

rantoa |36 waakiy; .ddreoB Mo* ^ x 31.

WEST ORANGE—«*#rl0i^o cam#r groearV; caafsotlonery. ctiars. randy. gaaSyai Mor#;

| 3M; 'toto HtiairtOM: loavtag staio. AddradaStare. Box 31. Nows effbw.TOUMG man will lovaot email m b of motor

Id a good pfnpoeltlon; tnuM stood In* vistlgntlen. Addiuos Batasraan. Bog IM, Ilewa offle#.1366 BDTR loroem furntakad haua#: few

alaP* Dam Bread at,; lao#m# IH wiiklp; twa roonia paraanal UMl law r*aL lOquEal^gg^^jjjt l ll at.

•U SO iE M M O n C E lLVT VI d v o r i TDD om

iMtlwr iMUlita* *■! j l a m i M ~H>pli« for iliiwMwtartu rfiilA. •idvoad iHtniHlil CaiiOi *1. a** AKtoiMMIa W< aktpat *nd Caoitp^ W

lumaai .omoMla W«*d TuraMg-«nd Camntar TV or*.RUl -108 riwUnglfpaauavA irav.

NEW ISRBST Roufito and W# do atJ .fuA fa Ipp af hausfe

•ur slottk# maf paint and oaphalt fpff- luwl; old ro#fa coaarod; tofdara fhM#prtoaa;Ing ht- - -gqllara, chtrnnoyf rapolrad. ___to buUow. n pot wtihm Gfty mllft irluupurMtead top year#: oattmatff f a cart «it1 bring raptuvantollvt. 188 am.; lot 8MUrwav«r1y,

I.* than Hk. iww: antata* ta Um iNtal Ita*

HELP W A N T E D -M IN AMD WOMENAGENtB—torg* men. manufootuyfy to afU

wahti ro-gtoroatood

DOUBLE ftotBli. with tob ruanM ^m # a BRASS and #namalfd pair from If up; n r.

tMora matclMd. CNmTWO suod work kafs*# fa# oala: U!« • waaauk Sf- M*

rwiiUtm rrflaMon Ca- 1*1 W anrir (IH.

writ# (ar (r .. Mnplaa BrMd«a,. N.v Turk.

M*4IW* Milk

COUDLE- Rliurlr oa**). wakH H n la, .mall' rsnlaha* rm n I wo kaHmont room, la Mekaa** ta

T lliu ii ktattam W» «W M , ««IMW. taa kabtr f . kaickar. a t* (» * • *Ma *1 k*i-• r ar kaickar. am far** iU M ti IK, K iiMMot ***.

MAEOM as* I Mtn* AS

a n atoaaad, fo- nOKi

dW NItLvisa S0 orleaha stQOLPLR wanted at #ac#t

THREE Wf work boron f#r n la i will n tt ikatR. 64 Ralataod M., Raanir. GEORGE HARI

•Itopad. tf» t#.conk; man. builar: gtod wogfi ]

at Onogf'ply 141 Main at.. FaoMAp- H « m i a i C v ib f M W a U s i »— ** *"*■

«BMn aklainar kaiMar; Hkan, |1 Rm : ekliuawa

‘ ■ is*!* f a ir t i -I* AYA

UEn-woubn sramtnt >iba;i « v t o . , a « k

Wlwloaata AM Ratsll. BlHkata—BlanliiMa.~BlAAliaU.H n w t atocli Is NAWArk,

ka Corari ma** aMEUTLOTMENT W A M T tO -S E H

Coavi# - - ________ _ABCITBNBACH. 86* Flan oL, n r.

pkevaf that BUffon-


AUTO maclranlc.Addrai H lc. fliwt-i t w iriTTR, • M a a iS r ^ H S :

HOUR. -M M aM drioAT wsstM t* inaka, ^ > ^ T S A “ ' % i . r K S S U

BOT, It, honast, fhw nhortotfr* d ffim I atttoa U ahsmlnl lobortoarr* arfiR OBtor-

lunlty af ialolng th* k to im su ff panalnf chamloato: Al lafaiadfiE Addraaa Sucraaa. Bog ll*. Nad* offln* _____SUTLBR—FoaHkoa UtoUd hP B T4

npodabla cnlorad mou Of hw w SSB man, tn private family, or ff fl to M Houaa; ka# pavaanak r^« lar, Bto UL rELACEBMITE—Touiig wants a Boslltn. Chorttn at.

, ___111*Aidf— E g


j S tS t J S n i S ! h

CARDIMTMR aad la. oat all ktad, at ' handt.

taa raani kaa M i i|aM>a*.ckaalc. (tal 1«, M a w jlfW k ^rHKMirAL a«ttaaor,

rk.ntaal (artMT.aaaaaa«iaal: itanf (ar aajr aro i«x Ik, Nawa olTioCOMrOdITOR, (Int-ilaaa iiaaa hA*< dMraa

'SU JLCLERK—dHaaila^ alUfc

dnta .tk r. A - s k n i r i •“ l a K -IHfE

i w y i t t s s o w < » ^ ^1»A. Saar CiB ma Rrsi 'Rkoa* >lk« ■ATTBNttoK—MM k-ra a s . ar llu fekat

-ar eataaaUauatr, maMaaatt ----------- ------—--------------------- ----- -

---------- V

aad ataar ataraa la (ka aItTIMklta ackaali — ----raai; mia KataUNION r : ____kAlldllic. f CHMas at.

CtaRfaattasarx. MaIImiATTSNTION — ttaaraattasaar. ttAllManr.stgAni kw d n At taaaat law*;. raal | l i i

Ikraa wat i f|k | r (Istanat naalRla ( I t t J J Jk ^ g y jk M -.l» * « * R # Mw*.


114.nM aoa'inuiBf i

ig^ NNasMi Sa*

» R I

^ - . ,J l it AA- t | «Ni M m r A -----------at a fOMAtam (AM

. MAarlan , i

a h - lio i. taiUdtai aH ‘MaM at ian aoaatata aata t <SB------------


ATTBNTlONr Htai ambrokdarad sam

. Ortarad ftm aar waatad Mil Iknal aan t anaast I-

I ikaratEkta

D iB IM U S n iO AMD — i i — *



'» '»«d* -

—SUI '• ~rt *11 EE k Tl*'7 - r ;

' ’ Jt'.V; - ?-r-


. at half piBAVlil, 376 Stot Rulkarry 1437; ap*ATTBMBIOM Wto< gnfto oto drafp JENNIE R4|M UI OOgf avoa; 'gkhtoi av n la fik ______ASPHALT fOtot Rl

If laiur akbstqn ur i POP rfll: isfhaltand via. p#e saimi

; #«& toll I- Vola IfR. ava.


ATTBjrriONI I.ff dsufka disk raoon sold pi Tl nta.: ht ward; Mi moehlto

- four mniBta runr* ropolr p«q»a.l upif •

ATTEimONI Vic knod Msr. any

Bfg seat dtocowat, ptoklng; to mUr#record# at out prK tail knUdlng. Weak

fromr.fhurthdtokBH IAnaata#

AiBbfN rihrt m ■oBhtii p a jn i^ ^ . Ty daiie. TICTOE Wovarly ME t t 1AT llT South Ora

gta^bkrfu duont hrowto aad patoM alaa bays* a«lt« ai ood eklldrua’a cn i for boat *6 tad la to.ATTENTlONxIf J

aonary. oaii at t n m u . fiMftoh. of loacy dog# aa Markai at.; tal. 37AtTENTlON *-

to'fr; eSTf atoraki Raliinai <U., P ^


f r s L r i ^An%K aldtr jBle

fkqp*wtooa oMBind Pntol M JOI East Falrmeuat fiALL kmda #r ru t

tofheuaa* enffm toiMdtoa; wUI a*u BpriOfflald avaBOOa ffr I ll#: t

ootototlng #f six I f v^umn U. Ek«M Ba«y#lepadl«buUna, a*t wHb dl

I iuaaas413 I at.. BaBAfKlAD6BlwMon

fpoeklifoefcaatg Muth OrOrwg* avaB171X MOOSE ha#

4 ft. oaUaltora. otosail ahaoB #a to■ * !t#n avo., 1WaaMogt*a u v T l r v i . a,

-A-kod M*. r .f#m; loerlftoa IN TON, B n It, N#CAIN RBGIBTER

f«f |46; wall ooi hatlar, ##f4 |V6. aa ler toitao cast |IAman ato' CABMT 81884 WaohtiCAMERAE^fli 1

kaoa. M4: V3R vtat hodak. 113.64 Jea auim. |63; m Phai* Supply, i l lCHRISTMAS THE

mTH («h#Htrtoa. tottar t

__ Rssolr 0».. 3lia#fc»t. Opon #v#CLOTHING borga

itokawoopa D •uiu and ovarcua raata af oH Rnort;CARD f t i ortatiai- e

CANDT ipsomis, kiHfaya: eaaaoaal igrtugflsld gv#.. c«CHRISTMAS G in of wipe or lluu Uduor Oo.* iiT BCANARI1HB--Slnga

araedUs eogan; moMaanih *L. sacDAVENPORT,

nlfshaap: ts f«r M i topof


|4A sail far |18; flew, #a#t l i t . sal WaoMoftau al., iDROP In and nn

ItoOi. ««w aOld • irt CasfArt C#«npa»y. 134EDISON Trlump

rapruducar; nia nailiat ardor: na T l^rvtow n«a*, <ELK'S toad, will

after 7 P. 1^ ( WBHNSR, II EarroR 1ALC--Aa Oardn moE*. Idme Invalldk B«xUUN. Gra#o#r, H

•III. ToL WgiHEAT your haoN you a Daui

tlTUfIttfllBP ~ prlna.__ I ava*IMB. Wrtu f#r

FHOirOGRAPH, ' m ay hnauUtoi hr gad naw; #«lla

N«w %'*fk. apartaFMONOCaRAPH t

etaor 4tom «UL : 3il OroiiB* todFARLOR MkHord

1x4; «tot Mfi 1

HUlilBiiaoti ff atapvpOi

SOUD iuht tody's ulna), for #al*

drut*bfBd fvwtfig rtoSfl I alaa hav w«#tli Id. vIM B#l

«e ^ g : » ! * g !L J

RtHqiRQ fsatrlw f » m CRMVA

‘ r liJ f ilSTWO tMl^Uklw

diltaa. »«

* i 4 ? t u n aAtotomy

' 1At TAur t —a I----------- - - l lP*. Ht1


i t vi

1% tmr#Si -


______ k Ip __k p n wMl

MM* M IM»I IvIMt ««r W m k d fwi vUi *•• a w NM M w ^ 2 i y t o s i b o i t t i r w e r tS. hi iklnr^Bti fw> •• ••«•!> tb •V’ •« II* HflkMTv al.. o». MarKli la Mar* avUdlac. ‘Maa* MalhwiTiMii all ‘aiaM af^ati aa#ai»Uf 4aUvaaaii a»aa

avaalaaa aatll 1 a’naak. ________




* r










iHd-r I*lAtirMha

f?6:platnAh-MI1- ortf: kni 4'M


“7iT«Wid;>».m w !««*• fidwBm



•nitt : «#'rt Ini»*w«

I furm

tiMIr^ ;b«»tBox

Ih*r*ite*4 ■ «f-

f u J

iAn«» IvAljr >krty •rwt n t4> ivArk


f* of •kir:I 2*.


I to- ll«.


ATTBirriONI Hlaaaa' a a t abtltraa'a hant- anAnMarat aaaiBla t r ai l , ilM haailllal

s p M i ^ at aatf ariaa. IKtNIB HOBULCK I SAtm. m la a u m aata aaai 'akaaa

MalkarriF ttlTi aaaa aaai laaa,ATTSWTIOII WaatartaT karaafaM la lattaa' aaita aaa d n a a i alaa avatilaa aewaa .IRMlitB MliCMUni DAVM, m BnA Or- aaa< ara.1 >fcaaa H I) Malharrpi apaa araalaaa._________AtPIIAM Fttat Baaflat, n a a la tt laata aa t

faaaaatu I t l av K aat rail; aaaaliial aiar ahlPaiaa ar lla naf*; ranaaata It-H tm riU: ar t la u a a t m ta llli talaia Uu. *pa Ua Ml n itaa : iarfial <iafa»i la Ka* J i m rM> tallvMiaa fraa. IU>H N. J. fc R. a ra Vil. t**) Markat. » a ita raaflns.ATTBKTIOM; I,*H araa<t aaw ll-lMli

Wai.Ca­n a l

■ i . r


---- I dua n r 4 i . >* da. Hch. fuiawliMl* at Tl I ta , h a ra H n a c k H , l i t »w wart; Ml m h laaa , t n . i t ; Mlaan Iwoaad

. tiar ailaati raoarta i t ita. a*: iaM>d ra-SSS'IMI rapalr »ani chaap. aifci apat avaalaaa. H i

ATTBimoif! victar victralaa Itaaalaaj, biaat MW. aar alia ar flalah, l i a i t It

Ml Mat, tlacaaal, ililtM t ta n to aiMaal^ “-■vr«ris:rTKi;rii,x H a r u S l S r .....................r«e#rdJi At otil IttA kglli

•tW m I ^eiof

________ . Jolrofon-WolilRftoii *t., Mdrktt,

feiooriiickdddi»lt AoMitMA ekilt mat raatlaa, II.** par rail,

w aririr Ml. IT W rlaM ^

i Ma>4

AT tl) taalH Oraaaa ava.. aapaaK* at.—btra* auaatitr a( an a 'i latta .

ktaaka aat pal'll wiipaa la latial aiatali. alia bapiT la iu a a t avaraaU; alia ladiM' aaa tkutraa'a caaii at n v in i* . Call aarlp tar kaat lalattlam.

aa iraakia la a k i aaata aa t tail m tMptia*. C a l ' aaZ*M r'lar j r a a i l l Va< ka caatMatdi *Ma ttaala#* WUII ftlaak.

cMtatr Miipwi, ttc., r i ii*,, Mrpat aaM»ar. lit ., caat ta.**i N f* klM la&w, t l . l l , a*M lit . HU. c a m , I h Waaklattaa

■NAMBUD MBM tmaiaat ^ ik _ tt.i*. aat* Ml Mtakaa akalra, II*.; waah-

Maata, He., aaal •A fli M » iprlata, |l.**, •aat H. MiL CAIH, IM WaMlaataa M.a iU H BUM, I* aa* a*, omi IH : mw

PARUMI aUlTB, nv* ptaaia, M. c*M III, •aa* aa Mwi dm eir, liTt* lalm r, ILIl,

caitT lI. IIA. CAIM, It* WaahliMIta* at., ' Araaaiap at.

XITCBM TABLB..**e.i pMlar ta.kbj Tie.,III..

TAMLM, aae.1 pariar tana. Tie., . i r i i r, la»* mirm, |A lt, t» i ,.CAi li i 1*4 Wasklattaa at., carair

IT., laakiai an r aar lM«i aat vanra a w - at MW Pwniliar*', H P aftifi B w arM atMi li* priaa la bW* fifarwi (li* BnaiMii I* aar a n w aaa wkat jmt u r*k«p aaualb aihat la aar Mr aaw furaltai*

k* a ravalattaa t* paai aar Cti aiaiP. I—. . ... tarMik' taltaa BaekiitAt m i I Mr Cat!In LMiliaa

•rlan; PaMlaf acrana BiadfM lAnaa IHniiii 1ior.in aalIH, airlM aat waiiSi OM BaOit* aat brtiM aa TaMia

aat bianalo* Bat* aat Bittiat. Bun CAiMla Hall Buaau*, Llwatiaiaa, Otna* .............. JjaMrati M artima Ma aa-

•SiiTOias * ^ jiNlM tW i M.. IGm.COCK BTOPB. |M *i Mw pat d H a M.II,

Mat It; kill raak. It.**. « m l i t ; kiltM.lt.lt, n III! kat, kl: i l n a i , t il a a l l H , l l . l l; kraaa k*A I r ; tia* laaikar 1 1 ikalrw Riw. I t .lT eaal |t .H i n w latp’i talk ant rkafr, Mt raaa* uMa, t l . l t , caat i l l : m •at) Ai. rwf. Itl.Tl, ***( 11*1 Maui walii trop-teal ukl*. t l . l t . caat III: akaln. tl< aat ap; plllawa. t*c.: aallta, i*r.; aak rackai tic.; nahopaar recktr. III* : kr*M co l a m ^ a a A BAHrriA ni*OK. I Hat

CHMianiAB TlIBB Uahta I).II apt atarap* tattartM. | l Iw artk lia ii II (ImM chMitT

aat bauat tkaa drr catla Waetila Holar aat R * ^ C*.. l i t Halaap at.; 'Mao* **•> Markat- Opaa i v a a l a p a . ________

AfnutllOM —If >au WABi a paat alaplap tanarp, call at tba old rallakla blr* ■tor*:

lakiltA paMflak, aaaartuma aat all klati M laacr tapi a a t pupprw MABTK, HI Markat at.; til. I l t l Markat.

ira llatanar TaU aii3 I* lS ? V ja * 'R w |OiWAf WMd

T rA p P tl *M*r Jatea. awaat. Me. aar aallaai

wttiM ain llaMn H _aw |_ t t acn ptlia;H i * BMtal I* J'ORN »: BIIAtoBB, 1 r a l n u a t an ., w 'pfcani III ni

1 ta II a H p ,

ALt. klaAa a( flaiana, eaaatani H aaeaw. taakokn c a d mtllt, r a ^ a n l i

H if i f f iira-t****s o o n fir lali: ilaiant C k rlan a prm al.maalitlhg a( ilx nTamM N a lH I ntiiorr. la r a l i n V, A klalarp. II talanH Anar- Kaa B*«r*l*p*<U* BiiUBalea: ala* aa Eaal* battn . aat wnk dlamoa*. A j i H H M bT, t i l aiiMri at.. Birrlaan.BAIUIADiat—Maa'a Mito ta* ararataia, HI-

AHICA 111 near Nartalk at

i r i aaa, laaeklaawa; ala* k H atilt andaw teaiai n rp cktap. At CAI Baatk Orajia*BOLU MOOBB kM*. Cuiatl la tk* fittai ka*

i n . aallart, and la p a r t i caadlttaai will tall akiap kaaklaataa

tmwaai at awrla*. Ill,^11**111*.

BBAVTIPVL atUtalra dlaiaaa* rla*. ■awaad ***. neaatipi a k ia ta i r parfact

Kia; Harm** tirkat Mt. AddrtM BAB.. iM, B n I*. Haw* *rne*.

CAW BBOiaTBlt, Nallaaal. * 1 III*, tall for Ml: wall cat*. auHaM* tar daikiar tr kallM, n l i t , tall lar IH t tkraa-ptw **!• lar tallA d I**, m U Hr 11*: a l i i Ml maa tkav eaaa. o i IM. tall far III. MA i.’ABlC M* Braaklattoa «»-. «*r*M Aaadtnir.CAMKltA*-|t* Hall Mirrat X ^ i . ftat

l a . i l l : III-** B lcn an Aaiafraakl* vtat kadak H i l t ; 11*1 ar*n*i, I t l ; |IHic* eatfit. I t l ; nwlal, aati 'Fbota Hppir. I l l WaaklnauiR at

nd. III. Nawark

cu rIPTHA* THBB llakta. | i . : l api tiartf* k*n*rt*A II (warik l l t i ; l a i l a l ck aa jl

and katlar Ihna drr calla RIartrto Hatar aad RMalt C*.. l i t Kalaap at.i 'pkaa* l i l t Markat. Opan avaalai*.________________CLOTBIHO barptiM *1 <1* Broad at., m r

LaekawtaRa Dipei: ««t*utr *f l a ' t aalu and onrruaia; alao l a d l *aH* andcaata *1 all ^aaenpHoB* at iiKriae*,

»5 ;‘ d 2 5 « k r e »FMp IUla*p u d ^ i f e K , « w tkmm._Al*. ftw* "A»dy forMMayi: Booion r iidp

jprtogfHW AY*., tforoor HollAAd 4f Co., m

C'lUUfTMAd a i m i« aa*« wmwfkkmtef wtAO or tluMir. No* ¥orA WtAO AM IMttkr OAm 111 WoAt MIoMy aLCANAIUBBA- ^ACoro And lomaiOo; PcAio And

ATAidiAf CAfOO: fOAJPOAAMOo TH BMlbPIOOtOOAtA At, oorolid floor._____bAVBNPORTi IWthOTp Al«0«l aov* Ar*t ItT

•otJodoAp: taoillton tU* oAfA* tool M4* Mtl for f4d; IjMorllor dMk, M»t IM aIamoI MV. foil W I t t j OftlOA rolltM, brAAA OOM 141, foil for l i t ; foollfAAl b^ oMt C«r ftfOs fflft III. ootl oMf#. K it CdSHa IM ----------- -1., ■■VPor AciditPlF fllDBOF In Apd foo Mr bosptlfpl *rt prMve-

llfM. Aop ofld At IM-., oM froo promimiMr Art CfpiptJir. IM Mouth OTAnpo tro.BDlBOK THuoiph abopofTAph, dlamopd w»o Ainboroi rooordt,

' frdff; hot CThrmpM ivpo. Otaam*f*wSn


BLfCt hfAd, «Uh thlrtiVA |trM««.Afttr f I*. JCa, or SuudAF pionUnd. JUHIl

WIMWEB. l i Komorp ft,, tUy.__________FUft Ba LB^Aa uthuUtoroH lATpIld choir.

Oordoo amB*; httwo or otrort t«t. Ad* drtOi larAllda 11*. NoOf offirf*UUM. Qroopfr, M'dAff. hABmor, |M; coM lITA Tfl. WAvorlF SMU.KBAT yopr tojM wHb ftfupt lor M : 1 vQJ

PM A poMtAO ftfvn bfUor vnB fl«V

Dixntc nom. bod rM i. hHrbm, Ubn ■AW hlfttMA Apy AM AllfMIr 0|gp». AI Ca HTWH'M. M AMdPBF it

(bfATT aM

ILBOAIfT out ftAAA, potiloTAA. dlAAor ••I, loAthor rffbor* loAtbor aaiia HohiovtoR

A*i1 mupic OAbfPAt:uprifbi b fPA. Mo«tl aa<1 mupic cAUPAt: run. lAniA And AptAll', dlnlAf room aim bod room tvrRtt^A rortAlM; bArfoliWt cab bo AA*A IfdAF ABd tomorrow. ITHWAttBr H BMlb Tblrtoofith PiFflfBBT^AAd Wffoot ABAortmoBt of o»oond

hAnd nmiUoro In tho cltf; aIjo A flno 11m Ad Aov t» fd> Ahtpp for oAih; FaHot tAltoA,1 A«d 11p lM . I l l to t i l ; lAAtbor Oourh. IT

oph MorrlA ChAlr. IT.M: romnd AidMPAro SAtMilofi TbAIo, itol# to III; ild^- boprd AAd Bufftl. IT to fl8; aUp aaa! fomilnA lAAUir ChAlTA. |2 AA«h; WArdrotMo. | i lo i l l l eeoh iitfd boAilPf BtfrAA. 14 lo |1 |; rbiPA CIm Mc III; CriSui aoAPto |H : Dtoao- V, f t If Iff; WAAbPtAPdP. I t ; Iron m # bnoi ■odiL fl.lf u f : ipAhodjAnF FAiior TAblo,El: Whofior A WIlfM drop hoAd mAc|;l*Ao 14; A fow of our biauf wriAlMa EUNT. ItT Brood Pt., APAr LfMA

BiAikmFOR BALI—KAflro MffPl, dhilpff roprp lA*

bite lAAthof ppAtod dlnlfid rooia polto, boot* CAPA, tugp brppp boditAAda confloto bodroorh ouno. n o rofiff, Ptc, II Aabaaia pL (flrtt floori. InrlpAtop.FOR aaIa flvo-ploco PiAhotAAF PAflor paHo:

coAdUkm. V H ^AffoER. 109 MAfN pro., tryppp F A f lP A _____ _FOR Tu l e —Breep bod aM bfrfAfr j Aaapi

no dMloro AoAd APFlr, K i.BTBTBlCl4 Ktllildo•A f i t r«n«o. (or fll. MRB.


F irm trrm p w at M Low c— p r ic e . BTOCIt CONBIBTB OF XaROB



AN t l MvrHdr !■ «Af M tboPWAt PFAftlOA) of XiMA f lm Wf Mvo

a braa* aaw aaa Wa ka** Ik* m l M-ln- data atlakilifcaH la aur tiaa i» Maw Jar- aar. aa* etfar raw awar H *lrt*r*Rt ma* ekl*M I n w i l l H .eat aiak* r n r akalea W* ar laaT ra* Mrvie* *b1 a fall paaraatM Hr aM raal. wHk 1 ^ pnrllaft *f ralaralat r « v trpawtltar *arla« tkat part.* far a aaasll a a i* * a t ,H IH b r*a iwM a n d iH iir r rk t* *«*» fa w **ii m!?iataj**** **'*** H la l i c kW «aalr**. Tk*

• ■wppip Oa, 111 Htr-J.W BV-, ■•.»» ..ww.- Ttiia alaaatar. Tala- pkaa* Malbaarr lit*. TIm m l ap-ta-Hi* trpawTllar arcaaap* Ik Waw J a i r

Oaaaral kat

IL BaariwrttM rfltlk tlBOT.

. , n i f u rp .. CHWraa *r *m « aata a t H a k ^ B DIvla*. a#* *t*d la

Itawarfc akvwl ala raan apa will laara tataatklaa ta tfcalr aiH atta* kr Mtiaiaal*' ■ . IT Rtiaraaratataatklaa ta tk tir a tta a tu * kr m * n ih ia wnk Owwaiar* * rkrfit, Rti< U n ia ta it^ ill* k ^ l a t . Dtlak. K T.

i f ’ IT

ID MOMAJICH. MdCMlMB*.t .F k 'T . i 'J i rS jS i

m s 'lTTPEWRItBR tor m Jo, Ilf.Cropoopt Epam. Irpp Aud rwrAlturo Ro: loborp, i l l jljolAfflold Av^a (rvlAitnn.VNOERWOODRDBRWOOD tFMWrttffVa vBlI* Ml: MOfItopt ^liPtipAP fin ;

phoo; fOAlAlA II (or throf montl ■“ > A M .................. .


tbCT iMt,___ AM otbor

___________ nontbA TNOK-MATkol 4<tTa Ml IroAda room

i m T T P lW R tm —OoPd nMAtPf ordor:lAto'iAodfl: proftkAl fKII H CaU ioopa

IT* 111 Kurkot PL

BLl'E fihhtiT piork uf Bgff OfAlnfionf. fct yourjpK'b for tho Ahoo. l i l t lluim *v«.,

Lfoap FArmi; ‘phoM 4411 Wfvorly.FITE l^utlful. toriOa IIVA, broAfO t

inroptF to IWOPty*flvA BbMAdf. fOT ' dtPflAF or rofftp; frier | I a poohd: ii droipod Uf1i*F« APd pottltiT for Chr

tork*}!.Arlnduo B, liro And

drotpod UfkAFO APd pottltrr for ChriotmA*, ibfPP Ifonto^r IllMa OvArtfob PoullrF Troi7 III Oror# ft., ttpfor KftclAir.

nATK H WUtf PIfmoaU R f ^ t flat Mroln. ■boot rofdr lo Iaf; II wbitf LAfhorn*' LlPdPP POAa, PAArAAArtInMi AAcrtflcf. UJprAltmM At.. BpHorlMr.

WANTED—TwpptF ^ twopty-ftr# woll-hrrd tAFtOf kfPA; food IbFtPf otrAlAa Pirmoutk

RocM; bPicp mopi bo lowj ttAlo oil burticu- lATA »N N ETK 0. TRIFPBTT. 40 Vuton • t, KfflelAtra

A E. TATLOn, ppfclAlM la RMAPUAt dip- M * i ( r i a li ) - w ^ HH 1 IwMM afriaait fkataar krtewa; *aiHaa tad MtlaaaiM

fraa: apactal uara alraa to naalriaa at w a io l

BUT rear Jawtirr dtraci t r m i a i r r aa* Hvt a tklnli kcaecaM. kuittaa lavailitraa

taalB*. bar ama H w ia ata *. M. JkCK.t l Lawranta atBmiVTirVL e l l t r ring, II wkita *la-

aitndt: rarr ahawr. n t i l t : m U Itr | l l i . A d d n Bargain, B«i II, Nawi *f-

M I.Lnro *wt aM nabllaht* ttartlrr aallrt t ia d m l b* asid bjr J a a l i 1;d by Jaaliari I MSB. i t Hriag I* ava i n a H(iwtt baigniaa MAX rTC

nal* a*a. aaar Bawth Oranga

A DOCTOR wilt Mil I we magntncanl far- llaad evarenau; aa* a ItTg* Baa and tht

albtr RlM M. tkar ar* beih lfn.d wllk laaak- rati vary Dat ParaltB lamb collar and bread* riaih akalli r i |i a aark; will atll ai tIA Call at aat*. doctor'a afDca. It CbaaUat M.fai for

at aat*.H t :

Alpo for PAlr. lAdr‘f' PAt o( Mod root ortctAAtlF |4l.

ATTENTION—Pun mud* oror Ilk* cmwi plFlfi Dt APd vorkuiAAPklf pwwppepdi Atw fur ttrpiAntf to pMAPunraAPt aUII At

■bmmor prlc««; d«otrAblo OAmpio aaIp. r^vk bolow oopti, Inptplmontf ACi-tptAd. Lltllo Faf- ikpp. I t l Ha(ppf. eorpof Court ft.; rolUbto CtirriorpCQaTA rotinod, |1 ; mufti mod* 0T*r (wo

rnrolAk nwpf And bod> for llv BOCE, U Control iTAa_________MtTFB And folloro mndo foi of old ftrlo

furoi ppPlp rollood And ropAlrod- HARTCOX ELL. mOYfd to |4 OrlfotAl At.UAN'd iptBk-Uiifd oofl: MYor «orn; Atfo If;

PrrilAR luillpf; oaol IIA. prlc« Itl. J. W* HARDV, 111 Boutk BlovontR lU



LOOK'^Throp-ptoew boArp wiioAloo aulUe voKit rue Ml. l i t for All; hull botwh Ahd

mirror, li*> pldoboordp, It.M up; koopp wrRIuf doAkp II pp; kidAg It qp: itrlpo of oorpol, llt.j plllowA, U«.; WAAtiAtoAdA. Tie. ■p; mrfo OfoW otAvo. |4: Aoll-foodor purlor PtOTA. H .lij porlor plovo, ooot |4I, fftl f it: WArdfobA, If; Blimr mfoklpo, IT; dtihoo Iaco curtfiup, purior plonLu hooYF mimiOB roekff. mlpriop Korrtp ckAfr, plAr mlrrurf,

room iAblPP. irouA to

mMIMIVIH \AB*n BMWWVBMWBV *'* i HollAttd•t*. two doorr from M>rlhf(*fld Avo.; opof bil I.

tMf qp; APtlArO UbIfA, dlAlAf rOOK ■Adrfd dllforopt PlfCOA too pproorouA tf BiAiMlon, vTOnN UEaBHER, l<ll

LARaBt oemfortAblo rochoro, from l l vootf «pr Kerrif AhAirp. eooorod with Ifptkor

ABd YAJvot, pin poll trocf |l-4t up; CARAlAO InAthOf iMi rfikir; noT«r Woo Ufiu, co«i tl.lA will OKI for It.M; plldliw oo^k. H-M. •opt Ml: foplhor PlUowo. IW MR. CABK. IM Wppbip»tpp pC, ourppr ApaAppif.LOT of ttorpfo foodp for aaIa rkoAp: drotp-

«rp obtftAolArp, bodi. iprtiifp am nut- trpppAA. MlMAlop lAblo, FdoboArd. bttffrt, chiM Hooot. WAPh PtAod, dlAlfp And roekori: roohiqf Atid hAAthkf aIoym. Stfiufa Warp- hoAAfe tl North Fodruonih ft,, Eam OfAkff.LAROBa hAPdOAMO ruAfo, mantAl bvefe, prim IT. Cpll ITI Kt. PloAPAnt hvf., RAAr Pomrlk A V f . _________PARLOR ptpvo, wudlpm PIpp. with PAlf*

foodor; ppod YPTF mtto; bArfAin At H. 14OAJicA Arf.* IrvlnflMLS>i.rb Mk k9tM (iTfkt f f l ^ n oith rronfk

piptf mirror, tu twdttlow. I ll: oAlldoAV pprrlnf tablf. ppIopcIA oendtll^ IT.I#:poHd nph dlnlHf rpowi Pfuaro tPhht, fl. M IfAurlhorAf Avo.. EAot OrAAff*__________iNWlNO «BfSlu^OAaif^^Now Hpmo, « ; r*lAfAr, W. A W.. 0*0., $1 upi fUAruPtPAi! ro-fUrbuc APd purtPi ill wiPbBAv Tfl- DOUOt A HER^NO. lOjAAm fdi Norfolk R.BRirtNa MACHINlUr rij

iromo: fo»Oa mTKIrtifUi

riNa MACHINES ropAlrod rifkl In r*«r*mo: Any mAkf: fodr TR yporF pAport-•a t e d pMtAl to MR. KITCHELU 4f trofttk AiOa Pl^onr ilT t MArk*L

TS'o W lllw R O lte AAlMBPtio ppwinv tnorblAM. In fir# oowduinn. MPtropfltturt

biMIlF Ca.. O Nfpr oL; AuMStlO mStUPOArrphlrod Ani AdJUMod. _________V P lioirfpililo . OAM MAfT klko MW. apU fpf

Ilf: loAliPr CfveBa eoal Ilf. Pill far |l. WR CABA. tdd WAPkliftob •(-* fprsfr h-uAfPty.

PHONOORAPH* VlrtmlA modoL ^lABAy bpAiUNI rorordA: bpAbiifni tppt;

brAVd MWi Mill Itl. H EOPt BAYtPik Pl.t Npw Vfrka Apurtiufut I.___PNONOCRAFN rteprap. I f -4 rh , ' Ptw;"t* >olAAF IkPm AVta If ppf dpfraa Dmf ptor*r m OrAAfA Mw _____parlor bHHmrd And fool IaWp; Ehptowfl

U lj «fPt |4*i will ppll for ilia M Ripm )Z JL. PirfAd ftopr. _________________ ^

Ottf* «b4 Catod VQMX r>B DOdf and c*t»ilMrdad Imlntd. rntifitd. k a a i . 1 kik-

■wlad. largt H » i t tananra- aaeamlr l a a f i wtivMlaal alamiltit aaanaHi laHtaqf Bwi*i k a i l WH*mia build me* w aam; at*

f r i iraUar RwatiaaAT RTUD tk* B la u

Bar,-" 1 *Mlrhaa H ad ikUdwall t r *r*R RMial; raaaRim Mta I*----*■— * ■ —wall. B. *.

I B la u larHar "Iraat Baaair Ha, H. 1 Tint tap Wlekaa; at rawr iwatdaaca Tk*M t t l *• BMiali raaaR tad aid iiaak

NarUr 0U4-

R tB akR BTAM^ AIRBOAI.B ryPH-Aceaaat at iMgt UttarTTb BrUi u - WWh n r motkorh dtppfPA ff ivo

, taklio AlfVAforPPf P4 t 44Pk PAfct pOAAJft

I ijlw R , D a n to b bb4 R a iw h *l i a a ' ' V a • T J t ,

H to W HH<r kcafiaida Maaiata

CUHJ>LBTB IlH at palaiara' Hattolda taita- Iloe laddata, MapladdariL acaCfUdlat. Jadu aad rtutaai a a ta la a ltddara tBc. aad Ha par (« t | atmlgbt l a f wa. Itc. sad Ua tar t l

NOrtTK—WIU4AH tTABHm.1. IM Hawgrd at. IX Otatlll aal* Ika Htean la Joaeak WIfart Cradllora m l priaanl MUi wUkTa tkra* *Mn. Uaeambar 11 | t l l

fm w M li1 tu D w irsOt TUI Malkarry al,T**KllMiNO,


---------------- ------ ^BOM MABXBT.HaTTRXBBBB raaaaatad al mweman'

• r a m l i kr Impaavad matka*; atHgla aiit, t l . l l i wt a i aarr|P meat up-la-dat* Una ar kaddlng and tuanltara. tupaiHar taallly and lowHi p r i i : It will par ra* la leak erar eur atnek baHra kartag aittwkan, HOIT- MANN 2 rAtMKOW, 41 Markat al., naar ceurt heuMi 'pkaa* i l t l Markat.

M . s ' i r r a s B T ,

RXMOVBXI T“ ---- ----lahbardt

nrviL i-iiinu—rnt:iAi, mAwaataa.pm«T-0BApB Hair doom .


gVPBIin.UOltl BAtlL WwtA. MAifo aM fdrtbmikf M um f toppom

Ilf WAUliraTOH i t .


jsr- arkW "




fCLTANA ptAb ohfPk tlVt for fiPttAf nhukt APf Up#; AbPtHM^ balmlMA npd w|t •#

rub A ffw a AtfOd tw lAR lAf U np*> ^W f^rtm oRt UPM, *w Al w S t V WEfTBRnELTsTiW WCBliSlAA it. NpWArk.N.JCHHjrrNAB TREE I____ _ J llfkti

WUatIpp, I f (wpplb IlfPM] Wiiar ibAA dry rolli And Ropulr C^, Iff NAlAPr a**:

->tf. 11.11 up; _,1f1: If llmap AbPApar roilp. Rl^lrlr Mmor

............dAifpr ■!*: ‘pkAM t i l lKorkot. Opon iTpAJAf*,CLD PLUMBi A ^ vlllowf mAdf lAW Ffit e

U WtLLtS—Wiliowp romfdPlpd. bMt lit And pwiupfap mpdf from old ropUi- IT AcAVomy pir, oopr IfowAfR LvmR

HRR -bniid*

KATTREPiBB ropovutod Al Four ramdoucfll M up BnlArprfaw BoMlAf Ce7 fl

Bouth OrUliffO AYO. 1 ‘pkoPA MArbfC ttfl.NCRRlNd KOMEa IH CMnUp Avt—UrAlSd

Udi«« And fontloiRM tAfciP Ip bPACd; prv fta.lon.1 car*. Tal. It»t PlT trlr.

LOSTrank ROCiR |p*|. No. ITIlf, iPAUAd by UA w*Ai piiiA Trupt CpmiAny; pAyrnnit haa boAA atoppMi. plndor la raquoaitd to Iaaop AAiM pf th« bonk. cOfApr BpciiftlAkd ovm Mif Nigh cl , Nowprka N t.EAa\KBOOK—LmI, D4mo BAvlAta book No*i m i, R»turu PPIP tp bAPka Tt4 EroAd i tRRACELET. gold. boAiiitf WAAr f mfSa-

prum. RYiuTfi U FIELD. II Rootar p(LCHAINB—Loot. botwfOA F1<amirtTH--aim*. wmwvmH plAlABold — -

Ark. aat of TouAf i AAtl-fUd fbAlpf. Nr Rowu^ ff rotiruod to wiOUN* ‘ ‘ iiL. Now-

f f t f truck- nvwuru it rvxwhvu i* ti jBOK. UADLIf « CO.g IT Ptorkkurut al ArkCKKl^Lopt or ptoltne TkmdAy. nmlp lilU

ptttor pup. all ruoHkA old; roddlU brfwk, wblta mirklrvia «p WpaaI, ffoL iilromo ol (All; wounnf ton cultor. with wbon lAoi ao*A. OrAhfO Ik FlPdor wilt bo rouAFdod upan rMumlnf pup to Jv N. Ki-CORD. f ClATka pLt aorpor TaTIopaLc OtAnfp.

Iromo tip

MHKRTINTBR Aat* BarRalna-rar*. K it 'inoutlRkki nm i i taai*. nai- aral waa* wkaala, aJactnc llgbla and lull

anultotal *t»HHnal *M*ala, 11)1 Rard, t l*M daUvtrr, taaal kudy, Hly yi*. d m- . dar. rard. Ititckaaala wllk tfl* ranakawl I M r . t t l i . Hadtaa. )*tl twaRv; Hamuafall* tutM . Bulek m t mB4tl I t roadattr, MtUk-

Hwlna Rk* rawahtai: k a d i tiraa. taka*. Praaianiaa gad add* an* tkda I* tv*i*|kl*t 1 iiaw arrtatl* dallr al TUtvNRGIiD'f Aal* l^i.'hanga, t i t ind m Halitri vat. IHI aaH a ir M.__________________________"A PLAOB aad Tima tar Byamhlag"—trkr*

r*« waat Ik* k l at akylktag g* t* a iwaalalltt. TV* Riaa* lar aaad aar* la Dek* Uat' A uiaik lla Xacksagt, wa kav* ipiriai- i d M ‘ tlaad f iW ' tar It raarai at tkla tlma at rtar tk* vary baai bartala* ar* aktatnakla; wt malt* cam rleae Mlk any fcaaaa aar* wkat*. wt kay. ttadt, tall aa aao im ltn aaiy tat* tkat r t p r in t " d d Taiut:" lat at *k*w a tamRl* at aar ■aiamakiia i n t* <*(l Rtaaty at mniRla wark oa kand: na work tea a tt fU l i aad aur grlcaa ar* rtatonnkla tIOBBliw Attamakll* Rncbaag*. laa, U*> IM Belltvlllt ava.'

*aulMB*BL if raw art i •*tHa* lawot

t : ,kik‘>iiomobUf

SOMERSET OARAtlB.Viet And BAtlpCArltoA.elAAA fAr-AfOo hawIF fUtad ip*ApIrOAl Lo Ua UlWt pA/tlvillAr

pwp«r.r* lFAOkll k»4 POP us rofAFdlnf AtorAfO*

Wa aIpp pi«o Aforltol Atuottoo to•* " •^ A ia a fW * "I'KITeH AUTO CO..

I t t H n i ta t *a 'Bkaa* Warany l lH . Mtwark.

CAOIUaiaB—im i- ry l ta d r r . f.pawugar taarkiB, tally a a a i,M . a fin* etporlanltr

I* kiir aa u t n gaod car: H it uartkg ' 'a Ratatad aid avtrhauladi t i l l i-gaa-

tantar, Ralnlad. gted liras raady la rM. n t waat R ear. wa have what yai aaali Mt‘B IRtk aaar tba k 1DMTUOIT CAR CO..


NOW t t i tRBDUCBD ta il ItOPENB in s

t.t* t i l ll i t

NXHI* M*Mil . I ll*

llilla . 1 1* l i l t s . tl.H- l i t Mitl* .u * tM ilkINUR t i l l 111 )Til ..IIM AXIION TIRB c a , ISC,. lA lX ir HT . SBWAXX. N. Jt t l H A ix ir

la*. l*v**-*aMBgar' ' l u l CadUlaa. Ilvr- Btataaiari l i l t CadUlaa, tlv*-i>a*iaaairj T ilta l* triladrr Haaaa aalt a l l a r : It i Belch ranakoat. .lactrla llghia: l i l tAabaxa, almeai uw. tail M r . kay aaw aad aa— maaay HAllBlBOS OartRa t t l tartar a t, H a m a

w j - o ' A M n W i f f r r t iBaal XH—T *• _____________TMOaiAk I» |Y V l aaa«ll*ik Ckit'mr

tr ir t u x a r l tU Maam *«a. H w > iN* JaiWRa-


- C t C V J S t S I % . » S t % . S ! l iDBAKB tX lU M DRWaraaH RUlana ta gttdaalat *f tka

i r t i a r W tr owblaad at a n aad Maattt tkla gaaraai a* dlttaraal traai atktr a a i n l

Baatnar laI aHIliR. atadtal lodr, l a l t r , I ta tk a t i Rlatlaf atadtat* and a>**MtBM*t, A * •krtwd RtMRHil— wui It—tllftt* Drab* C a l i t bator* aa—lllag tiatwkara

Gm« | m

TO UST-PMnrteOAft; AloctrlA 1


■WACO fcp two«

DAIVAMIaxu at—I Rartakla garaai ^•<1 and d a l - a mnnaeatturad a i a—*t-jd kr THBO KU»T*. II* (Mlhart a t aad Hamkaig piara

m ivB iuA L at—Tga—aa. akackiialT MHakh ;,*su 3

FOR BCrtT-—P n Jaatarr l. gal—i* gar* tg*. * Ardalar t'aim, with raan tar Itur

aara MnaXBMCIB A c a , f l l B fu l at.

A l i l P i M i i VRBto4WtlUAM tllRBCMgart hlgkcBi g r i t i aid aataa, hi aar

readttinn. far Jank gargnuii muhat grlaa paM tor old Urt*. Iren and mattli. gatui ar 'Han* l i l t W........................ ...... ..Wavarir. l i t Idviagito* at.I AM Ik* M a wka la Innklag tiw cM —it at

all d a trrlg u a tor )agk aad n putgmaai tdgHat p r l i gaM far Ih* t k w r k lOHariR HON. iJi I.|vlngatae al. ^rZ. Wav jo irWaSTKD, l i d , with dmiveiy bedy, m i

Itit* IRaa 111* isadan m l H la g M m—haaleal a a e d i t l aad galea lew. Amar* 1 r itlaa Rlag C*,, H t H a tb Wt—atk al.

BK COUtMAH MBBIONAI. , IHRIHI BUaiNBR* COU,XUB ' Tat*AcaHmr aad H alm ats, NtwarX N. J.

OLDBRT LAHUBRT RTROIMBBT Hldwiatar egaaing. dtaaarr t u M. d m a n g—daaiaa gat Ika kaat g a titi*

aad RaW them kacaata Iha Caltmaa trala* tag la man iherakah tad eamgltls Call writ* ar ‘ghaa* TM1 Markat lor cataltB.


IMIat WkMtHi*'* Hrkaallm O iia n * > s . N n i r t . M. J.

^ _ Ic. lalarmidmis P r m r fttgarf CVrtlnrata admlta la leading rellrgri if Madikli L traH aamkar el b—idLog pimUsgtBttat o« H* IbIHHmIi atalaH^ S i g ;

WILWIH PARRAND. HBaD MAI, j s s ? i r U 3 r : “S r 'VAAkiM nnf AlblPllA (ii Hrm litpRoB. Cutolofbp pa foteo t,NBWARE iuiuN EM OOUaEOE—Uplfpp

Anil WAfron iffvv Nowprk. Couium: ioefo- lArlul. bonK-hooplMg. ok«>r<k4ui<l, lyppwrltltof. poniuABPhlS, Kngllpk. c4yI1 iorVlt-A. PStltPAAy tilWA. DAy OF fVOA’fa BOfRIOl AA rOAIMAl,

tor buokMAB HIa.(IaU Nufobpr t i Hfb

m THR EOT *bu m lOfBtv M buy Ki

WANTtXl U at 14 glnaa anelnacd:cvTlador P ra n h h a ___ ^e H RLUua, Cartarat. S. J.

[.ataakiiir Mnay bady.laa ■a.'ono-hand rii - tall garttoatkrs

XOP BKOB. gay k ig k l grlcaa Nw eld aataa tm Jaah a trpi i ii: a l tiraa, Iren

aad m u is Had gaatal. ar ‘ggoat i tl l Wavatlr. l i t kgaa— *L

WtNTRIl RAROAINfl'Rtrd —adelar, with I t l t M r , lit*,

o laarhig car. It It, in i'.i r t n g ear. ItU. t lH .Ill toenni car. Medal B-A., t i l t ,

uwall. lilt . Medal II. t i l t . „ lOMT tAR CO.. I t CBMTRAL ATB.

DOa~L<^w. hAtok}-Mt. Roatpe bull puppy, brtnflp, vhiu liTAAfl ap4 wbHp uvtw <WB. whit# Ptrlpo OA kmd.About lA poubdi; i«Yi PbiMib Its.; ro«Ar4.

L OM not fui. puHbt

IKK}—SmaH oloui Bofton (frrltr Wtok. coltr folfpn brlq«1l« «tth whllA biuBp ruaningfrom ryPi to non* f<iur wkJlo (aai ap4 pkoct* •Lumpy lull. LibrrAl rowAiv If rtlurnof OBOa ROTHBR, I Purb pLDOO- IdOit or ftolAii KoAfAy. OooAPibAr tk

Swptop tocrior, bripgio bUrk* wbttt Itofk OBO blAch •FA. R««Ar4 If rALurnod to T4l Ubfrliep ava.v AAlooPa MprrlwA. S ,J .____dAo —LoaT. •mpil Sootfb lArHor. plmoot

blAck, ABtw«r* lo u n p of Raca. vory phFt ^OmbAt 17. r«WAFda H. SKRNIBf, IT17. r«WAFda OrAJigp.frotlAUf At.

DOG-Lfft, teuit) brludlA bull PAATblAf, l*Oi»kM-

waN If ro(urn*g.I brludlA bull fpf with wbitf

toUaf, wNa brtm 1U- iTOltvu PL, BlAomfl^BOO tdPPt, rouRg r^llA gPCe orttb l-aHat And

Hmpwa lUwArd If rotumAd to 141 Vnlou AVA., InrInStf*)-

Ml PprlnfCtAl

I puwltfbt ifH wn. lie. •9. La kimmerLe REvirytblaf if ikt PflAtippCtoM fv#. 'HttoWf

BRO.. mt Uaa'AYprlF food.



MAROSr HQXRW TUB. RCArPOl.DlSa XMPIHi LAODElt • l-DI.B <X).. t i t r iR t r BT. 'PMOKK m< m b .

CbvrCOWB, efwA. oowpt will rooolvt FiilAr. Do-

rombor H. two rorloAdp of York' mIaia root. About twARty flYO froH, IbA root clooo AprlAfAro; tkoPA fro UtA bOAt lot of dAlry eovp thAt worp AYor iblppod into N#w J«r- ••r; AnyowA IniprppiAd In p ehft«* dAlry or ftomlly oon. look iAppa pTor bofnrA buying •liwwIiAru; ovpry eo« m tubofrulln L0Atp4pTiyHcAliy AAAminida bofero l«AThit our prom- 1pm. All ptoek M«pl bP Af Wp rvprAPARt ll to MOEBCf BAll Ptoek M«pl bP Af wobo or BWAoy rtfuidod P14AXL t-< Kill rd„ IrYtAglnna N, 'piieno WAvPrly Iff.CHOICE ro w for PAlp. f l BAlltYllJf Art.,

Sloomnold.JERBET ffmlly e*w[ futrt and OAoy biApir;

groAtpr buttor cow; muAl paII At oaoa; Alff ■avoYp.1 n*w pttoblp blAnkolt onf two totf Alptgb bollA. If Footop Pla. WAvAHy.

f i ia a MTHIRTT'FIVB Haniar gtgaaaa all baadtdi

tall ck—g la aulefc kuyar. laaalra Blaek- •mtlh Bhog. HI Rprlngtlald a— Ark tarJIWLIt* PAIR aiattaaklan and t* I r. . . ----- gkaai

t i l : caa aat tbam; j i _.......BtBCKBRT, IN Kaat XlnMy *1.

elyaana; m l k* laid batata aandiy. Im- caieKr l4. i t l l ; *** “‘•fei-Hlw—a IJ* P. M. and T il r. M. W.

n pPIQR—U — ar drataad aackHag gigs JOBS

MtSTX. Hamkarg gl., balow Bhia Warks.TWE.S'TT gigt. all ala—: aam flk* reatdagSf i : M ac yaar giga aaw far tk* Mlldars

* K llaa lh car lo l l F 1 * r *1.. Wararlr.

S a f «HORI't:* rt—l banal aat*. Ilylt, *hi*x

PHARLBR X MBNAuir HI Mam *l„ Dt*

•OUU Bald lady'* rlag. amall alaa). far —la nhdag. ar drafhagd aawlag a—shlaa. lygawrtiar ar ga> raagii T a l b a n s w y a—lty Ra* latau. wank m. wiu I f H r l l . i f t aN b—lar, It: aU aa **— a* aaw. A d d r i U LB MUIKH,

dlaai—d (g—- cnebang* tar

at., HI)'.

d mack Hr metkari, d i m at IW* flrt-waak-ald gaga (mala aad taiaRla). at | l and t t l t h u gedlgr—d Owing atacL Call KBST. Baker road, ladlaga at., H IH IsAIBBDALII gaagl—I gadigraad M—b: Ma

« —(H aid; Hal— oaly. d ’/ tHOMAR McHABBIX aa— Manaaa Ml adm ix ■**• a— iv s, Marriatawx N. J.


k w t t f t t , V iM b w SbB it* M l S c n iMPORCHRB xtAMi tneifffSg ptonv m R* pat aaa

HANDKERCNIEFB—PAekASf. lArgo llnva htoAdkorcluorA. Aum pHti miap R; TvAPduy Afirrnooti, Elouqiflold uvo.. KPAtcltolr pl«AO* 'pRotoo fflW or cwll ff PArh ft .Konlciulr.KCfK~LMt. biAck fur muff. 1« pbopplAA dUplrtoL PipAPO iwturo II KpHpa ■(.■ pt > bf)n« f f l l: rpWAfd.

PORDa 1>14. rungboule In pttr% flnp opodl- Ilea; kaa baaa ran aaty t.M* mil—: baa

Akork AbtoorbAro. tnpAior .olbrntor. cioek. Urn koldAfA XlAXAA bom pid otbor psirup. with tbiA AfulpmAut tt lA pArKePiprivprim ubkk Ip |U4* PREDEItlCE S X l^R . fU moorntlold A»A. BloomflAidaIStT T v tB a IPIO lUOdpT CkolfPOTA DfiFA*

dpini-tOAMAU louripg Mr; hM top. wlRd- •hlold. opoAdpwtAtPf. dPiUiOUAlAklA rtmo, two AkUA rliuA AAd llrAAi good looking epr. In ■Altndld mochAnlMl condition Muter BaIaa OprogA Co., BtoqttaAbor Agonti. 414 MaIa aL*. Em * f>TARg».FORD eofuntorHul oAf: mry k««C loMItfOAi

brond-nro body; All otat Otod now tlroA AIM evAf iriAod Pprlkf, car bo hoqgkt Af pory roAMAtoblA b m . Apply Ornud Kaa BAkPrFa 411 EISAMPAtb AM*; pbPAP >*H Way- _ ______________ a«^—

rC M HARTFORD PARIS fir All Bi iolA. bMh Vtw AM AACOVf'hA fwrM lA Afor Al ATI I l te ; Adcpert tifsir"* - - a iR A ox _esvbni t e SAdfor a aa, T»I. rfff Wap.

CARRURETBR EXPERTS. RsyflelsrlMhpltiAf. Bkromlwirg And HoIIpVv

Rf ^ r y AtpolfiPd BArvtM titorkoti. pAiiA. (H* Uma. ThroA farbumtor niio ot your pprviM


RARaAiMB—4>iiA MA-cylipdPf t'belwrstouring pAf. OoklAtod tourtng mr. OTprlAMOAf UpypOA toutilil OAT, Tkopw

IhBooAtpo. M'pAAPApgAf litpoy. but odald* A* U PaXthunfA, t t Bpt-

pi.. B WppilAli pL. NowAfb

xpunng a ApArlJlf OAS p ir^ Ihi M y. Wo

POCKETROOK. opBlmtPlug luoMF AUd IapaI- llorA on EoiTBAt or Rroud PtA. or RpAniF OAT. proporty of young wAgo-PArnor, UlwrAl

TAWArd. EDWARD URLM. IN Wrigkl pL^ooiK Tm ot^K ^tm it bptwfff ckoptpAt gpg

PACtrie Aid. And F. R. Ry poelifibAPki ff< wuFd. Noon 111, f tf BfUM |I7FltAv'EHhpr M CAldwol) PAFy or Pf BroAd,

Contpr. Kvlbirry. HAriAl pt CodAr piai. a MTHAo phi. Rpwurd for roiuru tp aEO. RKATTlBa m KAlborry K.PAU BOON No. f t l l toft, f l IkP IftvMtafft

dopATtaiAnt of BpHsfRKd AMa Trfpt Cf, FiRdor kindly rolurp lo tbo hAfk. I t t lp«iAg«flAld AYO.RINO-—g ipLc poaI itgnp4 ring, with maL of

ATtu: | ] f rowAPd. R. V^N PARRICE. room tHa FobUe BopyIoo bAlldlnga etlp.WATCK-'LAdFd vaIoR. 1a Soulb O rugt Mr or i)«Ar BroAd And MorkA* »r Knfotk pf.; r«oord roturapd. FIEDLER. «ft FIrofiAn'Abuilding,watch loft

phgO Aro.:^ —

H te fkrA Of tfuik Or- Bi BRAUN, 111 ioutk

FOUNDDOO—raaaa krtadla beltdag Hand Raadir

m—alfig: larga faaoy cellar, wkita braaati awaar —n have aa—a by gay lag arga—tai Bs— U atDOa—rawed, kelld—, H I. l i l t ; awaar

may ks— nr id—lWylng —* Rtyhig ai* gaaaas CONXLIS. F. R. R. fliaU—. Mar­kat at.DOa^Os Mr—d *1., Ifaadar, kiHtI* B—t—

bulWaa. while i t — braalX f. KHIT- I N O .^ M—sd iC^ ! f | ^T ***.i^ w h i . kgfiy___________ Aldla* at., *Hy.

n s ^ - F w —. gal* er—raat glx «Wh lam i af Hcgal —a aata. O n m i f kR— —i

by aatllaf aa ad—rtWag —aakB— — Maw* ark ■—a—B NawxrURBlH-Oa T w iay . W M Ia g l —. mgm

Flak sax J. McN.. t lY n k Rl.,

tUMO—r*aa«. B*l* )<■« iR YaMkaf <hr- •iR, awh— gl— R iria la rs k * d M BIbbx • « M i IHw* aM—,BXTb CIIAm—Aata-oMla lU i toaki:

aaa ha— ■*■* kg aullag an— * rta* awR—atto' M Ciamlag *L.M F—Tta*

IrrlaHaxW »tor WATCIt t i a l . — Fafk

alaMi —M a— b* bM *g—awaar. 'Pha— 1. FBTmROH,

wm .T

Fork i t . Mfft*

HI 0— at„

rbiXIIID-HAMD —*h Ria ijlm x ——a—Mixal ' F ^ ^ ^ f i r iiC *«nL la

BfKqimt cb—H— Hr —li. I l l MarrM grx m m cktrrkX o d v iix '" iB B i

F l I i f f lE 'a f f ’a A 'R i k

BXAUTIPUL ChtlaKn— R—•—tt C h a r i i g : gadTiraad ParMaa aaa blttaM Irem gn—'Wlnnhig tia—i ablx t i t —ar——at a—■■ Irriat*—BOBTON JKMBIBR gaggl— MrM aia—lir

alX m i , dark krmdla: wkita markla—I al— grawlag daga, i l * and H U s gaal- gilt* M—hi —n ha MB laday kfiar R e'al—R as* n af Ik* w—fc, IH lamiaar a—, n—y Mlaa—Bal* a —.

______ FARlkiC aa* c m > 1 _______ Boarvit TBimiBlt, mal*. c n a m a l aiaakj

T a r w - f e g y r - ' r " " "

OU CBto* a i4MtUKT garcha— ^ m » —lla e t l ; mail h*

kgrula: gl— a d * n ar ‘ghaa* la rigly. AHia— Nggla, Boa t i t , Nawa afttex

t o m

F r i t o m l Fr4r aad ItoU iM iFOB* aa* amhlamx all sacM—i ahara—

laefcal*. rtnaa. a l lk id a — —llttlaM k a i i k ^ g g m C .,3 U gfaad iL. ttawklh.


AUTO TIIIB fXCM AfiaX___•adbla tr—* l k —: al— Hw -------

bamTUr— la atsak: w* —r t|*a Ik. Hr at* Ur— n i H k iy ais 'Mwaa; ap— B aia r.


fipptr mATkodi■QgPAK ktolL fttov. A eetobeS T O N A a AND M 0W II6

oi/^iAft ppfdltloa; fully M , body And pfpft! AioAllAOtt m ; fiAho «f(kr. II Mflk §1- Boot

iS t i^ qw it»»B -^|>— m St iw M n ta m ^ tu

nORD, ragab—t ‘M y ; Ua.g—t—gir Jltaay bs*yt Im i . F. m—a a n g l aa* hall—)

—y n a —mMs H i Bad CMra«x Mallar.

1-PAM. IlmraalM hargatai Far* ra—baat






Ukrary HM—' la msha—unf. Beak Cw*; jiarn* Chain. Bayal May Chalix M—U

lURT Ika tbing (ar a ckriatmai yra—ati InAlsa tu— Iwo-ag—it metwfrclv; fully

laulpgad; —II eb—p. IT Bay ava., DIoam* n*id.BASOFR Wcyela Hr —la cb—p. aim—t

aaw. H* Racund at., -Iiy.

M BtanycbR u d H crcl* i W nto tl

“ « • l i t


FORD TBAaiB, II* lURBIROII.aYTO aagFlij • • aBn«''b m—h a' a a ia a S iE w * ^ ld iM r H l! * iy ia la —^ * *^snji^,aiJsrtSst5iJA ttX itm w S B S B H raS u i M ^twwp wMIm.

BMrb—rdi a i Baffaia la Mn* a a d ___M l . China Cla—tl, DHlog^HM— la ^li ■ ty i, 1—thar a i aaa a a—t Ckalia, Rerb- aia [* —b and mabagany, Caucb—, Flrlur—,

b e d BOOH BBTADt i i | i Hi, ehttfansM— a i P ti i ag Tabl—

la maiH—ay. —h, m ti* s i Oirtt—ii n wRkial, Bad Baam CMr* a i B a ia n t* maitfeibra— and i n MsH, bilr. —iMa ard —h— IHUr—a— amall RaM, Bad Caacb—

RDOB AND UNOLBVNXA saw aa—ftat—I af Raft at til klsH m

*all aad —bar aia—i liribll and grfiit Una-

H. *. OOORHOri iOMX HVL. 1*1.

M A C H IN iR f F O l SA Lt

H W R <W ^l!A C H .1i|l^001JI* BOlioMT AND BOLft__TRANiMIlBlOM ^ S D ^ C H I l f B -

’Fk*M l*ll* tlft HarbH.

ruRD TOURtSO CAR.Lai* rqpdol Ford. bAo toinplYl# AlArtrlr

Itgbt •qatpTn>TiL vltk Atorug* t tKory; hoc log, wlpdokMd. o4«.; If MlondM npwdKIon. Koior BaIoa OurAgA CAta BCpdobokPr ASPklA. tl4 MaIp #L. Bap* OrAAg*^ _ _BTANAkD AlYOlrlA PAUV% prArlloplly

pnd folly oqulppod. With prk« I l t l . aIao a full Kb'* aI utAd moblloi Apd other mokA aaio PB COEbN S REtSB, HfPfMbllo pod ftpprfo XAlgbl dtptrlbutorA. l4d HaJaof ftCHALMERS SAROAIN^I hAvA PDA of ih*

tumoup m i ChAlmom touring cwm. wkk:b• " 'Ulon; 1»Will PAli


rhATgIng oflDL;

kAvu k#pt right up Ip nsA rohdUUin; R will now outlAPt A ovorFlblogItok* Pt.rFerool RUL rlcy

PAW cb*Af m iplM* St Yory low prio*.

COUPE, I f l l iUPt pAlAlod; rwAdPtYrw, Pa B- Ardf, IliqofKBO Aid touring, Iltnoutin# body maap. Ifafff UiuouKda >ob pt bArgAln;

ElAiPn hOTM; l - p f rngpr bArgBln; pao im Dm . EINBBY BROB.. ll BaH Kipnty aL MulbPiry Tff.FOND tourlAg OAr, Ifll. In forfAct mochtonl-

paI pondlttog, with ANtfA tlm And Inner lukPf. tiro koldAY, XiANon bom, HamIa# ■ktorll AboAfkirp, pfopdoniAlor. Pto.; tbio esr WPA bp^ki IP Augwt; will paII for ItiA 14 KAlPOy it.

WE Art poylnp sp LO 1144 for old or baml CATA fur Junka PoAlAl lo KHBaSNEN. U

HontAA At.. SolloYaio, w pkouA II4JW Boll#- vliu, win bring wa.iScpTMXBXPKitT AufA pAlnUAf: VAiwtfSl AtlfftiofA l’s p ’

• Itf ffr OAYP for iwk! AT drop foMtol to KAi;, k. EapI OkAAgA.

WB jmy AP klgk ppCAll KAFlwt sm . or

fTl guillk Of-pAfO PVA.POILD lototiag, Iflf. If good effdittan. o

w tAir prfAO If fully offippfd. Addn F .! |h « Ita Nowf o lf teBIOHT r«kAg men wIaH 1A btff good, lArgf

puLa Now Toat p Uaf. AddiWAP (wUlAg, Son Iff, Nava offlto.__________________


AVklLABLB AT OMcaWa now kAYO puiwp wg lo 111,Ml to IcM.n

Al five Dor OAPt on (im-olApp Drft nort- gog<A SlmllAr iSiAfotf AtwAyp ATpllatlA

TkP FOApgfIppd lOAdtfg AAd bOM OfUlfgodrSAl AptptA oCalPO 1.1 Ibo PlAlA


trvprrij StAlr pfrlkulorA I a fulllAYiptmHIt. groYpd grtAAfl.AdviAp AA la Ago AfdFIDjr per iwpt Iuapp _ up n Hgty por cyaL At

fbA^ior of bulMlffto gn»lM Ai R per cpm .

*• * b w p klT_ _B!ito?b1i' "^KlfkrlAAB fpAttmofto AM olfprFWUiM Kaaa rupMdAcod AddrsPB AtiMPg. Epi t l Nova

MoueF Amopntp oiiA. two,

APPUCATtONS for nmt toOrigAgo giron iwmiYdiotA aoUam: spAidAl i

of tl.lHv ft.fSfa If.lM. N.m* for OI .tkrop fAAihy k iu fii, oAountf nf Mf.Mf, 140.AM, for aptorUWAtoU Atod hMuiop PTAoertloo; roAPOPAblo vkArgOA, FEIIT A rEIBT. Til Erotod.

NO o s uf!g3*7s-r*Mm!1*0B cH w j m d o i ^ m cK i



h-DMO.IIONffy te lean on flrat bond and merigata

Pi I pot mot. If giiflp tf IliiiA up; evA bonur rhtrgej. iK'HARirN/lfTAUIlRkr A HART P i p i ^ OuppAtATP-ft-lMW, IM BroAd it.PEliPfiRTT koogbt. Ptfd AM uebAtogM:

■lAO tAmo: floppy fp fUfl aM wcpmmertgAgop. O. W'EJBBv tH Wmt KloftAy »t.

a* a'ndT roN A1 “ ■___ AF|^T ICONSULT US for

HANDBOKB UmofPlAA, four<fy11q4op. ff |L P. f'hPPPlB; oloetilepUy ppulfW d; bIgV gppip; root |4>ff, will tfhA IIM. JBI^PEJIT

AgPfoy. 114 WpAktAttoP it*

Arei mAoblAorr ■rwred cyllPdArp. orAAfAPtOWELDlNO'-'ErokofCAOtlpp ropolrod; . . . . . . ___

pM toar apgAA; ohffflA iMIiMrUn aII'wpUIp orfIdPd. ARuflAON fpoolAlir- HAGAN. Iff UaIppf i t . Afpr KlfPPy. 'IWOM 4114 Kul- bAcry. _________________________ _COUPES—Bedson 1111 ooopA) cArvF

ppparortAblP, Yrry pwpH. flPA ordor: HfpipbllA roufM~ 'aprTr thmo, gorieci coMlIloft;

Mib boriAlAf And iufl t|w can TOWNBEKD B. m NaIaaf.

lAggpfvr V#r wintor 1CBRIRTHAR TBER llakts l l . l i up: Marat* battarl— II (werthkll); 1* ilm— rb—gar sad ballar than dry rallx RlaeiHc Met— aad RaBatr Cn,. l i t Hal—y aLi >b—a IHI Marhal. Ogan avanings _______FTTR ROBBB. lia r—, glaah rab— baatar

a—L baalars —bb— baats. atra—, all**

Mf^APP p4«, cor. BrmAfprd tf*A COUPBl

lfI4 BpfoJ roopo; olertHa light offlpaiAft;‘--■"I loobtfg CAT, Koior HudAlMliAr AfOPiP, 411ci:;!

Eala aU. KM O—nga.FQRD ngart will rrgalr — avaitiaul y—r

|Hrd ear at y*ur gsrag*. ar at my garaga: aft—a y—aanabla: ail warb yea—ntaad.m M H . Id cilfterd *1., But Onag*: 'gitaaam t 0—HR*.__________ ______________n i l FORD learfag —

bargain i IlH caak;—r; Aral.cla— eandltlen:

two AliroAfd fVtrA' Mplpmonte Wiito F. I l l Bouth nintof itwa t e t OoAAgfi teTorfy Ilf.

r k . * ! ? ?I, — ‘pkeaa

fo rd . Ill* lanriaf, hi eacallaat caiHlaa, Dlla* with Hadnwerlh saw all taa—n

llmovaln* tag: grit* eomilal*, t i l l . FRBt>'5RICK RADLXR, III Rioaaiflald a—.

Ill— flalXMT l i l t Balck ranakeat, k— |w* lags,

tammar and wlalar tyga; ear luM o—r- tu ia l*d ,a i naarlr all aaw tty—; gr—I bar- ■ajn. Mayrtaan (laraFa, III Jam y at, Ha*. rlten.BUICK feaataar la—mg cu, pieHl II; h— tag. W infield, elacfrte k a —, geod Ur—: —ry F— n l —r. Meter Bal— Daru* Ce„ RtkHHkai Agaata. H i KtlB *L. b i t Or-

dCUKER laarlaId, Ml. Jarirle ha—,


I laarlag —r: h u leg, n ba—. b a —ametar ana Meter Ral— Oarage Co., I l l Hals at.. Baal Or-

OniXAND. Btedarix t t A —atllflop; rpf'' Ag ordtr;

.J ropptdArttfa I^WP Af*

F lIljn B iA W o B 'lD A IW r Mi^'VIOM BUlLWH a

htsssn i ? r g ' w T eBm “ .r i i i i * 'T i i . i S ' n “ S rTs i b .'m i iUnt(»n IniMdlng. f ^Hlntop ■(., NewArk.

J l i T F * o E V * ? "' 1*S'*-I* kulidlng. leer* 111.MliNBT 1* lean — gragarty. Newirti and

a— Caenly. at fiva Mr « « FHASK h. KhRAR. Fitimaa a balldli

N. J m L L Saa »—g, H ba^ awlbar—Ucx f. Katllab, Owi—a| M* HiSTHta a—

, ________ Frfp, fehi -fbyAleu, ckpmlAlr*. UnlogrvJUfllAb, OvoMfl

NfpflA. CBttpfA *AlrAPCA


rt-OHKN' K ARTHUR II—at— f - ibTH yttr* *1 lb* t—li as ewnatr—lary af Moataii Mag Hulls* laMb—I; vat— glaciM, c—Kart, tug* t i —a—i gtaiw a i v'allii lufUax IH Hh T

l*ati,n al.; 'gben* HIM Mark**. ____hAOTIMB ptsaa guytat, l*-l* 1 writs 'gbaa* MM. TTIT;■JXARK-Wt.NM Hbael. MT ~

- t i tillb-

TIDLIN, vPtoiMloUn, gPKpr, Aam ; tltlMrcv*!* itopYo; Ttr.>4fc; nAH** flo. liPHifc KfUA


TpAchor of PtAPfin FfHoik wi. pb(M kUIMKffhftbKCKIERT Sx imiSBBNMU'K. tkollnM; !■«

•truclNm; rYMimrt PlAylag; AlPdto, AldlfO Eldg.. S r^ d d EaOfpkAray pi*-: lAt.Kiby IHA

JUHN A. CAKPBBIaL. TBNOIt Tew<Hi«r of olfflfg. Advico by AppolPtmoAL Sluilko, f4T Eropd ■!. 'Phono MArkoi 1414*PIANO,

man>. ojAlkiitoCiriOOAAgO

. kl, flulA ttArlPPt MtTPBlIfA Oi IFA tedlp. 1«J Bwstf Na. H it

AOPvi IfftiwniBlt tw wMaBDW IN "wicKElIKCWPER.

Yipllp Ipplrtietlop, ilfdloA. M CottAg* kLtt e l b OrVAgP. am I4T EroM oL, H fv f^ALSXANDBII ESU4E. PlAplpla '

BipdipAa I4T l i ^ PI., KovArk: Kiim h M" tAf OpPCP Moupp kflldifgc Haw Yotk.



KR. CHARLES F. RICHUOSNa 11 TkoMAf P4-. ijtptructpr p| plAfo. orgAp, kfnwpfp* 'Ofll^ ffuU. flAbdoHA And gfllAT.


•r« of mudorn dPAoeto (irAlon HAlla eorftpr Rropd Atod BrMfA fUn NowArh. CtAPPAA AYoty 4af And ooppfngA ulwfyp opoi- CtawmAt OrvtPf tuipdiy ovpiilpg. rooffilAf u df tpao Admifplop, Including Imponi 4f mptu Ntourdfy OYPkIiig pubtip dAwop. cklldrAf TbuTAdby Al 4; MuUp SAlurdAF 3 uaill 4.JUuiAWItA riAPto Frldur AYPPlng KAOOAhi ToripIa •4-44 Ropovlllo pvto ; AdmtPoWP. th- fludltog lAPAftft, 44 roflA On-koAlTA At ovfrp dAAu*. PrlYuto loeppAA pvpTF d«r pad ovp* utPi In 1*11 irtodArn dpDuoii Wo gUATAiitof our dABcpp. All hrAAChOA tf dAndag lofifL FrAarlpop diAgrAff No IpUptaa UppoylYpcb to dunro. No wpRlnff for loi___pleniY of iAp^kon OTAlPf HiM tO TOAi: iHioi floor In Nowprk Cbll, write or >koikp fur further hirnrmatl»n. RoaayUIa cIaaa thK wOAk WodapAdAF nlfkL Holldoy dPAOiw At (iretitn Htotl rkrtPtmpp plgbt. Now Y«Arf •VA pn4 Maw ToAr'A n i g h t _________


AFOtYm UAAd PtOliUitYWa f rofundod If wo fpll if

Klas K, HELEN KArHUUll. KR. F. r . l4'ElaDOK

AL.DINE KUlLDINO, , ..BN. rlsANlCi FAlfCY. INTER- — ...... ballet bANClNa

. kiC BROAD BT, lie , FAN— ------

______________ kpiidtug. S—afb.BDILDIHO a i I—a aanMr laV—a na fret

m arust— aaly. IRkkIl lUIRClIMAN. mnaallar-al-law. l i CUM— M.Il,**«, M.*H AMO i f m ~ i* 'l—a " ir7 i» t

morlgaga; so ban—. WM. X HAHFiloS. raan—lar-al-law, 11 CIfnten at.HONFT te I—n — gill-adg* Drat and —

—d mortaag—1 clly w —barbs A L.BLAND J rT h * Bt— —______________li.Hi-M .—t TO LOAN M lin t martrnga. al

( —r c—l.j Nawark gragtrly. THOMAlX im iMM, m Rr—d a*. ______WB glae* llrii a—rtgaa— Rraaigtiyj eta—H

— katara aalag' at—wha—Cawwar, 11 d& laa at

LOAfiS W AW TED-KEAL ESTATE^CLIENT WAptp ff.lfO on oeroni] oiqrlfAgA

on YAiutobfo tAolwnA pooporlF. evbjAci t# •A « lP fP b A p k M lPT tgASP i W ill f P F lA f o rcool- btofipp aM 4 for Qonl. Iaiptm*, CHARUMI F. 0IU.BM. HI M -b.t .L


Ml t* I lia I* kaa—k—gen — H—tta— aad aHn—, wltnaet delay, to—, r i tag*, m

- mcpthlr DAytnewtP:! P*r cettt iPlArAPi

por reiiL lolArM

AWhhigM< tko full Atfopnl Aitid HIf a< '

1APP who bAYO kAd or now kAV* I0A1(yppi thoppwllk otbor ronoPFAp wkO A|p onty Al tklA ttifPafUUK WSJIT^ OR 'iraOKBKAREET ^4lA4 PAd' pPflj**'lw*lYB Off

* ^ . S 'W h M A M C B ODMFAMT.ti OAPPf KAv I.t i l KaiMo« b(.c fWPiP 441c fpiink noor; ItOAiUHid by AAd bAndAd to olAte, Md ■ATYlAOd by SAsSIPg APd Ipturpno# DoyArt- monCa OrricA boufia I A* K. to 4 P* Ua. ■AturdtoFP illl f Fa IL

LlSSRAL*^VtCK-^LOANS--|ll t# flffi OA kouppkold fttrwRwro, ylAfoo. o4a, wttb

•wi roMPOAl fruMi bpwpoi Ippap pIpp ippSo M pplAp vHli roigpppiMo ipdorpwp; aJI lOAIIB TVfAyilJUA Rl APPF ■AAtllly IPflAl ■lotoU.^ltet ~lo

I TffAyUMA tf APPF ■Aatklf IPflAl* A. liSAt rptAii f f foAf; pfAmiPAft olt> I ri«Af«tpg tk* BcMrtolF OUABANTSS

. flnporlng oprloiF iiUAIUNTBE FAIR DEALINli; confldpntltf, oppn I tn 4 dplly._ nf^TUTYDBMkriCIAL LDA.A Ifl'S-Se iklNl floor, Cenutrjr 141 KprkAt f t . NtwAff, N J

* ■ 1buildio

■iF.rii PiSiSTWiiii!^M IC nO M SALES


TArOHTiDAY OR SVBNIMa..abb at f cycto^it




LKARN ikA ipodorp dAfCAA corTActir: K C.KirilARD'B Btudio; OAi-lUAlvAlF (at (P ftlruriltin. RyIvpCa Aid cIPapm «P|ly. I |l DriAd Al. pout AYOfdP. TelAfbPM Kfrktif t lf rhriAtmfp rAYWfilAp RklurdAy Alfhl.

iKAHBA te iw l gf i:«pclng. Ml Bmd pte| pYAbody onA-piojp fui trot, Mw threA-A(Af

uoltc. h ln AohAtof rlppp ButpfdAy AflAmv niArrlod >TplkP Wednetfipy AOApIpgp;

ppA 'PbAAY l l t f MuTbetrfsAmuof:

RRRRrS. I l l BROAD ST. ,teaciich o r ouoD D M c is a clam '*

DR FWirnTB I.WIBONR TEL I tll MKt:BaRKBTT Rebaal af Danelnt. II* HaU iL,

BaM O—ng*. rarwar Hellywad at*,i mt*- —n daadag: gi*—M la—aim. Me.: Onag* ear

Lbm| m ( «RXRLm XdMal eC taagatgas 1*1 William

•t.. Onaga; FraseX Oarmax ■—al—.lUUaa, Latlx Dr—k: rla— er privaia; arboel y nal«aa— (1 F caMBRBI.lHD. •


H—hlBB sUt glaa— tH bay or girl battar thup to blcyclp po raoterrryolfl toofliothlpg ibpy Mil oiijof itof vbolo yosr; f AfiiH dw« p ^ t will PAvufw ppo. Mfoo owriy pp yop Won’t bo d ipffitfflid VP bSM Ail pIppb m « rup pwll pfOo^iwdy; frofi lie uf- 1114 Si'* OAlAior ropdy for «i*llvorr| oipgio epAedn l i i i ; ihrAp-epYod, laiO, eoM f«r eoAb or if- otPlImroU, f lurgo topAorimept of Atoopd* “ • -iSl>bond niMklfoA, frtfn II CTCUS eoT ^lit Bread

II* ax HAVSttru:' at

GIFT.A Mpar iuiTAaLB im a * cAn Indian oiatoKyrir nr Piorca, lyar fahnaan, Btlmmil, *<c, blryd*. gtrhn— s?blr of dm.nr.-w reduced >o It tb a pair: gr—t

maa redaotluo on all aonde wk—u, 1* down, l l a week, rebulU wtieo.* from M a|i.

BBLUONT CTcLR <H> Ml l i t Ur—d M. Lsrgaat. laweat gr'—d euir* la iha any.


TMB OBOWN-UPX T oa tndlan Cisae and Duality In Mlcycl— maba Ibam earr muHi w a n ti. lot ne j ^ w tba— ta yes VALTBR ftOIRKB. HI Waabbagt—

to bay I— y—r bay —

r—ular IH msdaw with coattar krsb*

BID kargsls* a* HeyM—; largaM aaaartnwni of all blgta-gri* blcyd—; gay* yea te 1—k oor Mock evor bafor* yau bay; oar price, era the leweat In tewa, ibe only d—ler t*ir ih* Q r i—I Valod—m* bleyel— M'HULTlCycUry. 411* and II Hath Orange g—i ag— *e—lagsm * l-RFBxiDrTwdliiaT

, M “7^u"KK-..y“ J i i , f i t - ’ c'A*LrAH. I l l Hulppy Me. Newtorh; aapy

Aldtepip; Htrloro.Ukeq in

CARL WclATHM.KARTFORD MrycU. rnpAirr hTAke; now

UrAo: good PA RAW: worlh tifi no fApevii- PbjA offAT rAfuAPd: AT will AKrhpnfe. <*. tE KOINE. 441 Boplh tlAY*»rth Al., c»f

FRiat ox , Ol-ii*r ***.. «H>.

w w r w a , ,

V m AmI

^ s t g a a p i : . :

r* «•cwf___ - 9onr\ mm r«*^l> . « r a » " S____ H««*ri iLt etmmtai^pttr tS«iMtr iKM PPM w>M i r. n ._____

S t j S S W J ^ S »4HaAfll— Umm, ilfM fM w tU^ U »IH i Mur O kntftTft Md ■•»•••Wl •■• VfTI M r v « rtt i f dHm

Hi ■'VM n Irtal; «Inct from t)M l««t*«4**l

Btuor »t*n«s m 4 ttfHcM »IUH, III M t t f l tom limit fmi « u kur Ik* m m frM*t i l l tom llmii fmi mu kiir tk* m m tn m M um mmvkv*: Mop aim tklak k*l«n ym t«i|N AM nm C r. BKTANT, im m l «i-

j. Homy. ftootmXtorm u « klckar tlwi ik« •mtoi* m

mualkclmm*. Im« <wr kftrm «r« tomri yay miHh lam to tlw «ad; I t ll or MMr l *•Im _•, Itow Jum y Ptotm Mm**

■rafit to mak; a« M u a Maw Jana.

]< waaktonaa ai,

t i l ar M " _________ - . .................—u affiikt TWO kaaaaat aam tM ik Oraaaa an ., tl la Ca., I ll mtoataa fraw fcraid aad llarkMi tlilM

CHIUmiAS Sltl, htohly yolWwd nakaa- aar aprtokl ptoaa. aaad 'tiort llm ; lall

far M il aaak. JuifN MMMMICII, * Hai- lan4 at., twa 4aan from ayrlnfflald ara.i ayaa analaaa walll I.VNRKDBKMRO. mlaamad altehtly wad

and aaoaitd'haad plajioo of railabta maka ai akaat aaa-balf toa daalary arlM. Naw Jam y Ftoaa Worasa Cu„ tia Wtafcto|. tap at.TLATU-I'IANO ralla; lataat pakulat kltai

•l-aata plaray maalc, tfr. a rail: maalcP aapmtoa-a p n a 4 I w|a ■ na ’arluuit*4 mwi HOPICrKI Mwhi

la. Ar««4*. *41 Bf««d at.. NvWftrk, Na 7.; •peeerw B se.P^TMI»nAlfOa b«Mh 109 Biwto mm

lir atH Hi tip ; l«imriiunM i« titiitfftil ma- Mod: Mrfart eoiidHtoi; mlw M i

Hmn itMO. A44nm BortotOa m m i Notn

•TKNWAT Dtetao. liT*i W«b*r p>1«bo, l it A 9___ _ 9 ^ 0 Uki o*w,

•od oltof hornJht, PAKDRRK'K At'P. lo? dovtli OrAiiro BV«a. N*worll.

HSAUTiruta MM oortaht richlilfRIy polMdiod.if r*9 oro

•a » > Elliot »t. M*r Bumrotf ovi.I SAlhl Ml uri^M , moliofMijr plood,

m MW. llTia ^11 Mil Itll__ ____ ____ .... . .... oil fot IM \ om to »«od of tlM ani»«j. k&i WBnWQOD. loB fl. N m offtoOtBBHfl MiOfl. moliotaiir u|

Moot Mtfa fttftin c«Ma will Mil to ««• for I1M AddrMo Now. Bak 111. n<

IBM, BOW. to ^«kk

BjMUIAIN i« fMkotMr pHoojMW ocMidUloo; llpod ChrfitmM prMiit.

HoiUor ttorw o WorohcMiM, It! CtMnJ

BATUBAL WO>t> plooo, |1f; orno. 111.JOHN UESBHIIIi. • HMlood «t. too dooro

froM Bprlncncld ovo.; opm ovtniopi till I.BIANO twwiHf roMlrtat. wHIm rofuHtlftf« Aa E. BlGinfAlVU ItsAtMiMM »t.; nH- iOMt, SI Po^roH pL; >koee TlllW Wovorlr.BlANO TtJNEll—ProHloai plMO «uft»r; r«<

r pOlHOf. All MAm Am ; MW OtHOfO, ftlUL OtO.Fa W. CANN, IIS BniMwtek ItT Wor,

‘U t A n r o i lA IY -C IT T

aalyCUmae at.ram aad altar; prtn wn-raii,, l u ia J. KJBU.)I, II •to*' •»»ia*l«tMl a n .. Irvlaftaa.

41-nam kama: IW'i l l twa.^taka fram

ORMATBPr karaala a w afrarad: t-famlly tnuto; I ft imu u d kaik; aoat MiHI t* kwlldj mart faya waa II.IM; arUI aali aama

fm M.HI; aat u tok . rALLAMT. I l l Brmdat.

M.ara all aan

aadhiAddan M'w* *e<evi| •PBkwwfm RMrOnfoo; pood Wr<olit B, Bob ib|, N*wo afflco.

FAHKEII Ft.« MAT Sowiii ATO.-'^o-rtm* Hip hoMB. toliAbiB for twA fomlltoo. lot lOslfO: will Mil At B BAnifloo; OAir ttnnA

fBBtMM. m ICMkot ot.■OUTK MFNTR STa—ThrM-fBOillr houM.

priro MalM; Motk Nlnik M., ol«o iwo- fomJljr hooM, Mlp M.tfl. B. K. JUDOK. Ilf Aratk NUtk Otanorth en d—Boootiful rooldOBM. Urp*

froiodo, fATApo; owBor IoavIba cllr: worlli III.OMi oolT for IIO.IM. C. J. KICRAN, 11 CllBtOB BitiHf'FAlfTLTi iMprovoMOfiUa rootB for

llttM ; plieo HI tOt; pood leoAUovi: oh WBM roAtod. Aidraoo Bit«oUon|« Bot II, NoM offlro.HHICK huiNM. MOAr McmI aoa ; I roomoi

oH Jmprovomottto; prioo 111, Addroot■oi'rlflra, Bob III. Now#THUEE’FAMILT bArfAlp At /o«r own flf-

H io O A d t M m o A u B p R T O N . I l l K l n A O p------- ^.flEtlTOS


proBiMottro,mo; maim Btrooti

s ' . i r r f s n j i .

FOR s a l e o r e x c h a n g e

RO«BVIIXB ATB., mar lu a m a ^ a t andhaam, wank itl.H a; qaink bayar, i'l.li*. aaay lan m Adidnm QMrk. B«a II, Mawa


A H ta ftw111! CAtW kaya aaw t-nam mml.kuaaalaw;

anry laadara Impnnniaal; taraa toi; lira to Ihia k « m ala aiaatha. It yaa da tal hay.kaymaat will ba apTlIad u racti yaa c u 'i (a Jfrea* an thia pruMalttoa. Addnm llqaiu- bla, Saa If. Mawa oftlm.

•QVAJIK Wanaa Rlraa away tor cariaya.Tal. Ilaa llarkat. flaw Janav nasa Mar.

aqa Oa., Mf WatMii«»a at, Nawark. K. J.fU T K It Mu

ta a l^ . Mil mr P tau ht«

daaaa, aaw and meaad-htad: n r - MIk ap; apaa anala ii. Naw Jar-

mr PlAU M onaa Oa., IM Waaklaqtm at.Ill* PkATICR PIANO, wall k a a n amka.

I l l ralla maaict baraato. Par tall partlaa- latB al iii ma P to w . m a k N an attlaa.III! IIAHUOANT aprlakC aiua, Mai* aam.

Ilka aaw; aiA«Sard maka; mH lav tar aaah. Call tln tf lo m . *1 Howland at,

ptonr-pdam, I lH ; M l atart ad nUa, amdl Me. WM: * |m Mndaya Kay. M. ». On., I l l ipniiidlald a n ,______


irpVLS ttba ta aaekaaaa, mr a mad atoyar-ptoa touaa. m n lllT^Naa* a t

kaky fn ad pUna an. Aldtaia Bi>

aftlra.WBMTBII aprtakt p lau ; aaarty aawi IlM.

Naw Jatmy nmm M a t ^ Oa>, tH Waak> tattaa at.. Wawarlt. W. j.aSADTIPUL taaa akHaht M aai aaU fW M

aaak. Oat iiairlpitoa kp iU n n l n Ptkaa Baa n . N a n adtlat,NCW plaami, *1 1 1 ; wutad tar H ymra. ^

Naw Jarmp P ta u Itaaam Ca., HI Wuh-

OPKIOMT _Btoa Naw Jaidaahtodia iiity PlaM

1. NiNawark,

k lW atoyar-Ma.. mr Pinna Mol

IIU and apI <•*.. IM Wall

P U m C ITEN O C R A FIIER IW tH A P. aONldmi, pakllt Ma»«r laaatal inawHitod, taam lIM L . __

g klft., Brmd and Markat; 'pkaaa HH lu t.

mH t i f t r h i t BarkH .



T A B L U ^ I

a»«t. ■DSluii

_ _ tk rn katka wad toralarr; ataam. Iiardwoad, ■"JM tio.; a ran mad art eMnataaoa; la m aln<;

a a l^ l . lM oaak aaadad. Aah p i l R A

^ « S J I P S * ! i a ' ® ’J»al.M aB u L 5 j | / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - T—AWAHNA.

R IA L A STA TE FOR S A L A - O H•W B tw kaakl it ad Taaada Paik Tiael. I|m

aaa-fimliy bama-allt; walMaa « i- ilkawi aaw fAmUwaau Matlaa and bat

I Mlaatm k r irailm tBaad aad

.V aaa ka«tn,pak kar m kM ii t ma_ m n yaa amaari amaa frmiJka m u vht

. NTT to haatt at etlr tar mit tkma: aaltma* ta Braad aad HukMi batwaM aarjk m a Addnm Paaaany, Baa IH,

Maldd^ Balmy ak. far tala abaaaiJ Wdori rtftoo.

d io ^ u m afto a t Biaaad far tala,'......a n t a t B m ad far tala, la tooMfitattlaa a t cHy, Aidram Otraar, Baa M an atfiaa.

A U A I. CIHuantAB O IF T -^ la baaatl- tM lltila hama at atdhi naaia llltd balk wWh tkawari lataat aaan a laam and In-

Bttitm inu: may ba awrekamd lar Im th u am i iba darorattoaa tfa tw m 'u d aypalbl- amato a n aiquiatta; tha tooalhia It tkt kqplf O to Clinton HIU; awntr In rla t attri ^ 1 aurltloa; roat lL l« : will mil tar •AIM Aak PEIBT A PXIBT, 111 Brmd.Wpt)U> It Bat b* wim to Btart tha arw ymr kp owwinf: roAT owa bomot W* wul rtArt poo with Awy Amount «Uk to tn«ko w ffirpt .!W f lAnoont: M. tf poo hofo A kolldinp lot, will lAbo oAmo In oB«>hAnpo. Moothlp por*pAT*r Bi« aAnkA OMOunt r»a now por root will

an OMP W0]p to nwn r««r homo; oaH ond I Utk It qvor. BETBR, WABkinfloo AOdi ^ tkiAOp Ma., HowArli.

F n n two-rAmllr. «0 CtiBton Rllir 000 oloek from cumoo avo. ; bon roMrIriod WAvkhorhoAd; modom And up fn dllo to

I ovory Foipoot; ton bod riwimB, boildoo pAr- I Iota, dinlnp roAinA, klt^hono. bothi And pon- trloo: vMitAl II,IH ; pric« itl.ooi; muol bo

to bo ApppoctAUd. AdaroM BAroolA, Box II, Mvwo orrioo.CUKTON AVE. RRPITnElfCB.>>Boot pirl;

MoaI Bpot firr phpolrlAQ, ton oloflnt roofnoi two both!; ouorUrod ook trim ood otoIrvAM; porquot And hArrtornod flonra, llfktlnf flsturoo ond docorotiimo lb* b*«1 - root IfAOPO; own or loovlop rlijr will ooll• —a ....aar-w.., WW.I.W, iwvi tAAS C It f mill MBMfor fl 1,900; lilt to cAoh. Aok FtTBT A rC ttr , TM HrooACUNTOH HILL rORNRR—On trolloT Un«;

B o o O o o o l A A i w o r f A T A l l T : fo o r t o o n r o o m t ; t k r o o t H o d b o t h p ; o i l flooro p A r q u o l ; h o r d - w o o d Irltn. OxqiitMto doonrAtlQTiO, bMl con> otroctloA. l o r r o p l o t , r o o m for f o r A i o ; c M t M . l i i i o b u L d , o u l 'O t ' - t o w n o w n o r will lo k o it.tM AaA F E irr A FRlSt. Til BrooO.

A t B E R U E M V T . , A h o p k o r d A r o . - T w o f M i * fit; foWHoob room*: two t(|*4 bothi: alorn

tHoltp: CAB, pAfAWAiryi ooporAlB «ntroneoo| ArAto hoAUro; lot 11x100; konk raorln

tOf* I4.9M, At I «*nt . Aboeluto "xtoAl At I4.IM. Aok FEtBT A FKIdT. Ill BroAAB|mEABlaB lw*-fAmtlp dwolHnf, ono 1B4

fAot IronL Modorn Iron fooeo. tonnlx court j r o B U M S T O I w o w ; w i t h M . M 4 f t r o t m o r t . M o t CUotOP Kill portion, win Mil r»»r aopaU^ Aoioli* othorvtM »«l for mlo. Ad- 4«0« W i f f i R l A r a B o m J 4I , M o w » o fflo o .T B B B B ' F A l f t t d T ; lo o o t h A A o o irt : b o a t tr o l

lop; plot .limlM; oooontoon Itfhi ronmA k o t h A o i e . ; m o r t t o f o d f t . T M ; M o t

ICIHI BAortfloo At ILIM; oot-of-lown own

NT PLANK BOND TROUUiT—TlfM tom. . lyi twaaty raama; Ikrm batka; iiwdtrn latyranawnto; yaad w in u eandttlaai alwayimatodi to rn m ln u aiartaaya autr r*. ■ ^ ^ j jm tJ tM r jy to a |4,IN. Ark PBHT

’ BW S <Mtol

RIb m IU UEtQHT mJniiloo from LAckAwoBni io i

trollor i« Nowork or Otaoio o«w oovoa> rom Howoo And tllo bAlk: Mooin. fAi. olooravm ttvwm AM 1IIA AAUi; OIOAM. wax, 0100- trlHtp. ApoA ftrOplACOy Uiigo porok. dry oollAr, lAmodfr; ororythlu tip to dot*. 14,004] IIH eaak: ylat Mi HT CLBMBNT. t t Naw M- Nawark.11,11a BUTB twa-tamUy Imm, Pnahlla

a n .; ana klank trrm tnllry; ala*mb mnm aatmwm arvidk krtoiiar, hibb rWMA,twa batha- aaaa attic; larya tot: trrm la

KINa-MAIIBAC CO., I l l W n d at..n it.Kanrh. N. J.PLOT, t f a l l l ft., ea M ft. MTtd atraat

CAM blW ^k ftM. PPHo fo AAlek caaknyar. MIN '. to McLAnr, IT Waal Tklriy-faarto cL, Naw Tarh City.1 City.

JBROUB P t.—Haaaa. I r a m : tot t i i l t t :qnad rhsiwa fm warklaymu: wlir~ mil

akmy, Addraaa Owaar, B « HI, H an at-flea.

NOW la t n ItiiM ta bay yaar aaw baai* k a n wkal jraa waM; ytocm rlckl a

larata am acaJ; hauam aad flata tor raaLyitcm rlckl aad Bniad n.at* RBANN. ika m l mtata m a , ITT Waak- toataa a ra ; 'y k a u M tfJNBW i-famlly hamaa, all aad

law IT tad II f t to ant,raana, a* law IT tad II f t trant, tonw ll,IM la lAMli taiwa to nIL COBtMAN, 111 Waiklailaa kTn.7Balla*tlla.

O U m IBwd tar Bmhm Abaal

KNOI.WOOD,GkMwall'a PtoaM Itor'alaMi I B?SkaiIt WBINHOW.Tal HA

HDBT ka aftar rataaai

to rn tot; amall ttold kn., CWdi

lid kr Ju a a ry 1; aa raaaouklawd; i r ■lAIM; ati-naw naw k«am; ■I dawa III Blaaa.

PROPBHTT far aala u d paat; haadaania MW haaaa, a au traitor: IlM eato. L.

OCMPORT, m l m uia. I l l BlaaiafUld an ., CaldwnIL

IIODBRN naManaat alaa rniwa. balk: atoa.^.trto Hdhli ewaw, nm, n r a n ; Mala aadn X i V m K I L ' K r

Em i O n a prFIDB footiopoo ooortftflo; ooot Ilf.000 botld: oo|l 110,000! on mAiAlfloxnt


fttofti tkroo MlM«tofl to ilotloA Aod trollopx; kAAkoxfwi lo io rp krtek " -----•Ad fTADko: U roottUq

FRBB--A pOBtAt eAfd oonl oow will krt««to you ipowtlily A kollotlA ooaUIbIai Im- pAfllAl iOOerlpItoAl of kOlAOOi two-fti

AAd ApATtAkMlt bOA< AfAltyowAoro] lotood by , ___ __Batoaa* IdOOlt Bom ft* Bam Otaaca.

100% aIoo loiA for oaIa by r OWAoro mod ToAAAto'

nUCD for booklot of Tvmodo Pork Ttmol, tko IdoAl aAo>fAfiklty homO'Ato: waBIa# dlB- «AOr« AOW UokAWAAnA lUtlOA A ^ k«1 twwAty BiinutM by troUor frooi Bm H mni Morkol ets-TNowArlL cROWLHTcO'BRtBN CO.C Ml Eoook bAlldlAp, NowArk.WANTED, OAO or two tomUy hoyoA, OroAfoo

or Rooowlllo, lA osohAARA for two aotob* ............................... HO. l u “lopot. CAldwolt; OMlty M.<

014 kfAdiMa Awo., Nov TorV OVlSk

NAVI BOOOfAl bArpAtOO lA AAA AAd IWO fOmlly hokooo: v llf BooHnoo If oold kofon* aar Ilk totoBB,_wit* ■■IIII4IW •* «nio wior*

jAnoAry i, nlCKPa 401 OoAtni Avo.y EamOrAAflo,liUCTBA ftAoly iRrilt Cwo-fAMllr komm for

Mto. BwAor, MRR A. ILaTER. MT f*Ark Atoli Biot OrAApOr

GIbb R U ibWHAT Io tko MAttor wllk b«yiBc a ko«M for

t f X Bold on# iklB voBkA CkrtBl.for 110*000; boro OAOtbor ml thAl prtco] Aioo oomo poAokoo At |4,0M; abb Oulidlu two &ow

wkick 1 OAO Mil for Aboot M.OOO; Allbmlll by dAf o vork,^l_op to dAU, with lAtIwyoromoAto aa4 mAkorUl; aLoo I• 0 mm- ----- "----- “ 'kAOO 0 AOW OtB-rOOAl kOAOOB* All ImpTovo-

lAOOlO* OtoAM hOAtj y ^ OAB >AV0 Ihy OAOOf tbooo koforo Nov To Afo not'FhOAo

Toat'o for tlriofi not Jobboro. but kolldoro and owabto. OAo lOM* aI h LET a HARR. lO Hlfk I CIIaOM rOAd. ‘FIioao STU.

HuriBBBfUFT mU AAlOll: boro 1b yoor okAAOo Mr.Uvootor; «JAo-&Pily brick bAlldlAi; mlj Iia-

proroMtnto omoopt koAt: moAtkiy root l ll f ; pHoo tlt.ofO; oAok Il.tOO oAd bAlmnoo oi

ot fWo por ouL POL. PltlBD-HAfTtooA AVO.C HArrtooB, H. j.

f Hkotoo loto. '*BaM EobmAo t Haam.'*iH 8f * ’ c i T c r r O a ^ S x

A FEW rkMooMAT b« 'NORRIS]KEANSBUROn»Or«Atoot kATVAtAB offotodi RAOIOAP “ * ■ -■ I. ■* FArk iBtA] OAoHftoo: OlOO durlAfDocombor. BROWN A Enim LANa

MBBicIairOWTH<l to iho d*Atk ol ALT huxbmnd. will

xAnflflrB my boAuiifTil UontrlAir rxxldonco for t i t 044. only ocrupivd to dmyx; cntilBlrii Bln* rcH»m«, throo bothA xlcopltio porch, omn Mroh, #v«ry AppoIntmonI. no ciponx* *ptrod to hovo tvorythtuf of (ho boot, lorfo plot; ooBTOOlont to LArkowAonA. Apply Io my brokor, B E bfCRlNR'H- eppooKo lAckA- wABBA TormlBAL NotitelAlr.

NBtkyRXrSFTlONAL bArpolo: lit* rtoh boro

brmnd-now houoo Ia hlph and dry o*ct)oA, hoot cmra, mow ookool, oontUno tlx roomx, boik. it*AiA hooL oloctrirlty; docotmtodthmuoknut; olBAxot tlxiuroo: rino lot vltk troM, 10x100: Oil prxdod mod ooodMli full prifl*, |t,tOO. tbio month; omoy («rino mod non bo owiiod ot loM coot ikon ordinary root; mok for pmrticulorx. will r*nt to ro-7-oBBlblo pmity for |U . Apply PONUEn A

ROSA 410 Uorkot ot., ^vA rkEKS FARMA—OnO'qumrtor tn Acropkitx; n*v howo*o. All iRiprovxmofttja; poul-

tn r h o o B M . r u n * ; f r u h i r M i , 40 m lm iio o o u t ;H Ml tan, wpakwll ^• r r . nimwtoB. r u n p ; m i n ( m o x , « o m im iio o o ir t ; B . ^ up •moll ttrwt MrnMmI, Biuonco !«’JLxImooTi, boot TAlUM. booklot. ORUCN. 7NS

iro A d o t

PtBBBck-GladilBBd•**•*. fm*d for Iiaakt0>a1l. mnvlny nlciur*,, nancina and

antorialDm*nt> at alt bfnda. u*an> h n *altc- trlc llahi. arvyarty I liH I, an main alraat •I ^ a n afll Addraaa J, M., Baa

QBalMriawBAT TRIVATB BAUD—vary daatrabla atan

ym arty and ftoa dwalltnc hcaw to pMkartaw*. N J. Aa ^d-aalAllalMd aton^TMHBIl, n iM lm n at., Fhllllyi ', A. FhllllcakarB,

RaEwBy.dAl.B—Om u d twa family hotma and

bnlldlnc loin JOaKFH J. aHIKdTa, IH C am bAldlnt. • Cllniaa at.. Nawark.

fhr kaahtoi at Tnada Farb Iratt, thaSbWIi OraigB

•Sfro f « banhlnt of Tnada Park Trart, I ha total «a-fanlly haiMtolta; walkWdto- tu ea aaw LMkawaaaa BisIIm iu3 Vit

; mOaB ttJMToW ATB.—n i IWBk.dWni ftoda a* aW i

IWkW B M l aUaIrWilr na.ATB.—Thna-tomtlr. w«k nito kato)


IwantrMarkakCO.. M

.family hamatolta; walklad dia* Lukawanaa Btallcit iu3 Vit

w M II raiam u d thrw UCkt. ttoaia kmi; lat

NBW kaiatoetrto wlda; ■

.*BW W ” » : ’ iiTtorndwayi aM m th O n an . N. J.

O ppw ItB B ldak



STORES, O fP lt tS ^ ^ jS

V b u H b I


FACTORIK* u d ' factary altw to amt tha r*-af * ■ ■' ----- —Itlkam nla t f nary Uanch od maaatoclai*. m u i ' Ha II'

BKNUKH BT.7 IdV a a n Rwywr-Oaad Mart; all la n ra r iwaata; flaa kaMaaw la-guton; law n a t. Inqalra NATHAN WBIN- iMm via -1

t f f x a

FVOB Utb*, IIau — -

•IXTT par »nl. Inrjiaaa In pciiulailoa ttoc* Win; raal •■uta In all Ita brnnehn: aala. raal, rachuc*. CARL MATT. Venna.


OORNKR RaaavilM akd Savaalh nna.— Luf* ttorw aad caltor, aaaaplad tar awayE l aa hl(h-*Mm draa atan, apyaalla

rlUa dtatlani aiaaik hniad; nry ‘ la far ratatl bualaam; am aaultot *

nn Romrllto a n : raata raamaabla. I. BUND * CO., td« BwU at.It, with

W ait OrBBp

DEIIKARLk boildinco, from I.nno mmto frot up: ooiAn Bi^ lATp* plexo. i-omplMO Uit of All XilM IA A^ AfOUmO NboatK* OOfllO tfiodAi l rpAliM you *h*Jtild kmow mboot. UEISBR d M. ■ MbAwJ at.

CLAMIB^ hitl* C0tU |« t AwJ Minl-hunNA- Mjvo; Otatic* MouAtoIiio; bith. iMoithy V

cauoa; otx rvoMx. mtiMion; *t*mm. mo*. oIoc- trtcltr; doromioo; mlooplAO porvkeo; flMiu up;P A a O R lE S FOR S A U

|M,t00 -Four-xlory brick. wHh bAOtmoniAnd Ohffliio rooni. mill ronoirucuoo; oloc-

irtcity, oioAni. olotAior. firo oimrm oyitxui


All rodOlronionito of Imtxir buromu c«mpUo«iId ‘with; prouod IfIxtOO. 140 f*ot cororta byr-orrufAtod xtMl ihrdv, fBctiyy lOxH. pATOd ■troot: cldMM to Mmln Lla* (rollty, U mlnuti

140 ItiTS, South Jorooy; poll for <-oot of drod, M operki poAlltyoly p« otb*r *xpc/iB*. fooA

onlil D^oDibor 14. Further Informotlon BOdikiiroiiih uBdorotABdlwr oddroM R. WaLH'

* - wm I a aa w |*r mmari awamw ai.iiiw , ag rj,M,apq nfroM Brood And MAr'k«i xIb. . now rxBlod for41X| For month I nwn*y busIuub (« mH: want your offir. you lan n*m* your own m krlromt At fivB Mr i*ni; till* I* * blo bAroAlti. BEAHDSLEY. 114 rUolAii bvo.


FAf^OHT for xolo. Urh k, 14x144: rmllroAd Bldtoffi ov*r two Ai r** of loud, c'Iom to

Nowmrli. For pmrtlf'ulmro writ* F. T. KITN* NICDT, III Irma ay. n,yhrMl.. N. J.

dOUN^nST HOMBS-Fiwoh Air. imrdtA. fmlta F A a O R lE S AMO LOFTS TO U fkaadatowBi ibRitoea;wlatWa Ma rma> noiiafw; wml-CIZTiL'.* S 'S T " ' "••^1 *l*rto>r«y}


FOB BENT—Flcar. abnul T.li* aq. fa*t, In woll ooAMtroctod brick buildlnm. •xeollont Ilfhli olovxinf miul h«At ■uppHoifi hoor rmll-roAd*: tuitmbl* ilmht m*i)ufiiciurino. Ad-

dr»M Domlroljt*. 414 BrooH

M-ACRB fTAo* of lAAd wllhln fdiur mllcB of NowArk: fr«* *n4 door; will Mil or■ " w , aaww mnai t;iwr, will BWIf Of

Nowork bntIncM proMriy. ^;tfARLRF F qiLLrrrVa T4T_M*rkj1. »!:


140% SPRINKLER K K IFUCNT.WA‘ ........... -......... ... ■VASillcNUTOaV WILSOaV,


^'^■■-FTORT klirk bu*la*M buIidlAf,— -r w - wm an aa arqpmmwpM VlldlUIBKa^••Wnitnn al.. atar William: will Itani

•n-faialto hnuia yrafarrad: what han yaaf * * « " " --------- -



FtKl SALB or oiehtnwA* rootdonco for twa fAi llAA: All fmprovomoAU. In PlmlaflaJd;

two bloekt Dom tko Natkofwood BtotJon;

FACTOniEB and lofia for r«ai la all too* lloBB af tbo ctiy: ah rii*o, ail roatB. B. I * BOND A CO., 744 Broad at ''NowArk'B

OidMt BoaJ KalAlo Firm" (B«tBbll«kod 1MC1.

•3,- aawa* anw <ww*n«rwv9«J BiauvnjmortffAAo |t*000, oa« cantor lat, IlkllT* fro* BJMl rloar* wrlco ||,444. would

vonxidor U •xrkanf* a flrot mortgamo ooA-

SOUTH ORAKUE AVC., YT Hold Avo.-—1,140

Mniidor U •xrkanf* 4 llrot mortgamo m - noM propooiy, or olkor good invootmoat; tr°kOTO praCoclod. AddroA* Ownor. Box XIT. Now Rockotlo. N. T,

C., YTU. moor SpHno- Hold Avoa—1,140 ool, ft. Mf rfoor opAco, ooly

too Dor month, BCCksBAUM. f t | Bromd 'Phono Mul. tost.

FACTQRT opAco. with po«*r; otOAm boAlAad WAlor; ouitAl-lo for Jowolor or llghl

iM ti fact wring. SCHLOBSTRIN bqlldlnr

FIORtDA~H Acroo] cattmgor fiv* aero* gTAMfrulta OTAUfOB; IaRo ; hunctni, Aoblng;

OROOllObt aofl; frAtio, vogatAbloo, noar roH r«wi BtotlOA: rouAt/ roAdi hOAlthr. bargoln. ■HRBAft. I l l tlrmfloA ato.

li-tOI lAfayolto ot.MANUrA(?TVK1Na opACO to M;^DOwor. olovAior. wAlchmAA. oia. JfoVArk SfeOAd HAAd MAthlnorT Ca.* 1(9$ C^m utlor roH- J SfcOAd HAAd llAchinory

borgoln. NowAok. N. j . ____

TWO-FAMILT kouao In rooldoatlal oocUon of Oloa mdgo and Boat OrAnoo. N. J. JOSEPH J. aiilES <?U.. I l l Ubton bmlidlmg, ^ ^JntOA ^

1.009 TO 11.044 ft. floor »poc« In RobH bulldlag; Aioo cornor otnro. Apply jAaltar.

HOBBS bHiidtftgi Uulborry and OHror ttrn


THREB 4.100-toot lotto: togothor or a*p- aratoly: compioto modorn oqulpmvnt. In-

ttclr* M-*d Bhlaman , 1.. or any hroktr.

CORNBJI aAlooQ proporty; Hilt oAotloa; U- Olodlig prooporoiia bwAloooA two otoroo,

ftAio: roMAl bank mortgagoii profor ikroo-atory otoro proporty wllk

R IA L ESTATE WANTEDfour tiaia; roaiAi il.to i: bank mortgago 11.400; prwfor ikroo-atory otoro proporty wllk grocory^iohoAiMMa «r ooafoctloiiorr bwol-

r r iV ENE 4TI Control AQO.

wart loin for tkroo-family kouoo boof Cxa- trol ATA. Rooovtllo oocMoa, with all Im-

proTommtn, oubjvot to ono otraligbt mort-

ABB yOA fotUAf UiByoBttoootT.rMi might'ko fooStfig 4 w'hUo

progir rvtirmo on yc«r- _ An mSfk‘ ----olopkAnli owni mo ftiil

gxMOi Aloa tw^-famny bouoo noAT Roo*-vlllo Popoti aopormto oioom kOAtotOi omall■irmlgkt mortfofo. iTBVBNS, 41t CootrmJBOO

olopkAnli owni mo M l BArtlcnlAro oC ywor Srt^orty sng am tf 1 oad i bottor yoor pomi- ttonx: AO ckATM onioag I got yoo a gong doAl. J. t« A A ^ 100 BronS oi

Havb oAoh boyoro for Nowark a si tot of- jwwb rm! ootato of any dooorlpUoo; mall

MaVS CLIBRT with |1I,M4 oouJty la froo FBIBLBMAN A Ca, TMand doar Improvod No wart proporijr; wtlt

ornrhango for ap^tmoot Koum in good ront-

M MUlU: AO e h a r tT U ta tSid (g « TM BoBii i i

lag McUou* withporlleulAro Bru

IO mniB. BO!

rtgmgA SOBd full lONlI A COi. T44

FOR Sa le Of omchango, throo-famlly flat, on fooitk Tvolftk ti.. noar Piftaanth ar*-: all ImpToyotnoAia ascopt boat; win tirkango

tor ooo or l«o family houM. or lata, piiuo ♦MH. D. W, KOOK* IIP Johaaon aro.

AFTER eibor bmkora havo fallod to o*l1 yov proporty, rail oa tka UNION Buil-

Boaa Bachango for quick roMlIa. buyoro pm- curod. Room 111. Union building. 4 nin- ton at.

mats 11*000 oqulty la two-tomlly komao North FourtAonth at., Baot Oraago: Joolro

In oichanga tot 10x140 or moro Ta Foroot HH1. rMtrlotod: will pay dltfarohoa la oAah. Addroo^aot. Boa HI. Nava offlca.


ItmUBNCBS for two fimllloo and lota: aimIwo-famlly for Ana-foinllyi buoli____ _ .loto for othar proporly; lot uo knowfami and 1

wkai yon want. wjMro you'imvo 11, _ ___BLt'AVBLT, Brick C^oreh gUdtoa,


CLKOANT t««ln.ra*m haaaa la Aakary Fark; lat IkalM: a w aeaui and railroad;

•arhaim ’ tar aa* ar two family haaaa. rRBDMRICK HBUHADR MT (oaik Oraaaa ara . Nawark,


NINB-ltODM h a m ter aala ar rant; naar iha twa Hwdar warka Inqalra af KBB.

P A IM S FO E SALEt o fBTTLB BStATB. WILL BACRlFlCB _ t0 i AcroA U koAOtlfol Borkoklro oonoiry, Bkoffloto, Haao.; ttmo otroAm wacot; young And old orchATdA; good l-room E ra hoooo; opiitig WAtor |^p4^ to houAo by grAvtutlom; iMw kAfn. rHa* Ioo honoAi oboot 140 Acroo tlllnblo, bAlAnco voodlmnd. poAtAfo; nAgmlJI- oonl oconory: aIovaUoii 1.104 n .; «4u bo oold At loot IhAn lOo* on iho dollAr; oplMdld op- portttiiKf. fArxnlag propooitloii, ftwllomAA'o OAUDipy rotmto or onorurAllon ihAl to ouro to turn good profit lA futoro. ^ rtk o r InfArwo-turn food profit lA futoro. ^ rtk o r InfArwo* tloA Rom Ka TMDND B. TATLOB* Ottomoy. M WBAktngiAA pi.. Boot Omugo, R* J.FUBUC BALB. Do«. SI, At 1 VetAok, Coll-

fon, R, ii. f t Acro gmin. fruit, otock-mto-* ing rmrini f l Acroo cultivmtod, hAtone* tlm- bor; bolwoAW CAtIfon nnd WAohlogloB; w*ll wotorod: high olOTAttoo. chmrrhoo, ochoolo

thy; dAlly mnll dollyory: l-roont otonodwolMng: lArgo bofn; oavotaI ootboUdlfigi; Dovor-fAilIng oj^ln^; muot mil (o dooo oo- Ulo of SIlAA Wmtoroj froo tonroyAocoo toform. Inqulro JOHN C. WATERS, Cmllfon.

THE HEIRS.PUBLIC sa l e or form Af ISO omo. Wod-

noAdAy. Doroiober 30, on proDilooo, IF . il.;torm Af Iho lAto Ooo. T. HAnn, to ■ntto from*- • •• - .................. YiCmtifoB RtAttOB. I minotoV wollt from Crmt aaoor; 104 aotoa tniAblOq bAlBBco 1b wood mnd pAoturo lAnd; buum of to a room*, lorg* bAim,wogofi hoooo, oto.; rufintog wnior pipod toAll outldlbgi; ORcollxnt grAlB, fruit mtifl dolnr fbrm; noAr oknrehoo And oeboolA OSO* T» HANN, Ktoculor.

HONBr-fefAKlNO FARMS IliromgtMut flftoon BAftom maioo. 1 mcro tom,vvM umaw, T** WatoTH*With llvx otm‘k, toolA And cropo IncJudod, ta Ntllo ootAloi: big lllBotrotod couiogox*"Imloot BAFgAlno, ' froo* B* A. STROUt FUrm Agoncy, l^pt* 047, 4T Wool Thiity* f(»Ui ot*, Nov Tnrk.DANDT oblckoB And dock form: 4 Aeroo;

now honoo; modom Improymtnonto: eblokon kauAo: flno brook; mnlo roAd, mllo from town, otAllOAi full pHoo 11,400, part rtob; comploio tArma. hour out, my iporlAU/; CBlAloguo froo. R. A. 8CHUR, 47 WMt Thirty-fourth At., Nov York.all idoo fArmo. good ooll, xoitAblo for poto-

felnlooo imln* dnlry, poultry, foutl, trucking, good BAOMo; AAroooory outbuJldtngt. gojdlank a . maaqrak u**MrrMi «aiaM aaaa u tow* 11 VlUno. CLIFFORD Q. BROWN, CrABbary Sta tion, MIddlooox County, N. j.

. ___ . _ ilfT RoiIIONUOUTK Cf»UNTT.

Frrxonolly inopootod And photogrAphod. OKOROe W. RtjCRRR (Klanoy Bldg.),

Oroduoto Agriculturixt. NBWARIC.FARHS. CDOyotilont fnr Nowsrkor*; LoefcA-

wonnA RoilroBd, ono to fiv* orrtt; tultoblofor poultry, fruli, rrgotAbloo; monthly m t- monl 410. oond for plrturoo ond dowrlptmio.Room 1101. 141 Broodwoy, Now Tork.14t Ai'RJCS; ttoblo, good bulldlngx; 14.404;

II.001 rotnoln. b«low ooluo, wood; hcr-gAln: fruit, ochfvoi, oconory: gr«on ftoln' pDMXMlon; pxrilculBro, no Agonto. JOHN FARK. Fronchlown, N* J.|y ACRES good ooll for ioy crop*; oomo

fruit; good houoo; good outbuildlnn. gnod cotlon; good mArkoto: prtco ll.opo; txxylocotlon; good mArkoto: prtco . . ,

tormo for quick oolo. AdorOH Hxrgxtn, Box ISO, Nxwx otflc*.II, too BUTS * I-Aero form Aoor WhiixhooMi

TO ACTM. roMlTAtClL bOlOBoO wood AndpAPiura l*nd; ••rtn'room houoo And oil out- Ultdlngx. big borgolA* H. U, FLOURNOY,qpHiBwanM.III Brood »T.FOR BALK—Choloo trull form* I t octm;

noxrly 1,004; muitly young And IB boorlng; dtoplAy of tbo fruit con ho mob in Axbury Forki prtco 111,000: VBoy tormo. t4| Bondot.KOB. K J.^100 A«rwo. II tIliBblo, bxlBAPO

woodUftd Ohd pMturo; houoo, b*m oBd rhkkoA bouooo; prtqp IS.IOI: inortgogo

SirkiArlot al, Nowq^ll.onn SHELDON.BaTONTOWR, N. j —PArm oMtAlBhig

lw*ity-fiyo Aoroi; looAtod botwooA LoAg‘ ....................... 1A OaHKrAoch Add Rod Burk; mIJ At kArgoii

J, ROSE. ovAor, IBAloniowA. B Tl.Illo BUYS flvA-Aoro form. South JoTRoy, IIvoobly; good for xogotoblox oad pouir—

---------------------. 141...............£1ll CMAiTolBiE. Morkot it ■

FAEMS FO E SALE O E EXCHANGEI t ACRES, bOMO. All hulldingw; wabL hnwoo

FARMS FO R SALE OR TO LETFOULTRT wr (tolry form; rgro opooliMr

oaioll tomlly: coplUi AopptlodK. it

CfUUJnX vr iwm; rwbv v aaaaaa a««oaioll COTBlIy: tond. bulldlngx, xqolpminL ---------- 1 J p a LOBN. R*itMM»l0D

FARM S TO LETFAK¥ to tot. Ihtfty actwo, wHhinhmr Billoo ot olty limit;holf mltoo of city limit; tom bonb kouoo of tM rramo: fruJt: fped pmoA fm Ruckf e a ia . q a a u - y F “ ■»«

ra c ro n im s n » s a urAerOKT h t MI wltk a*« wWwal n tl-

raa4 MllUaai all ataaa all toaallaa*. all

^Nawaik a al«aai raal aatola « t» “ Mmto


HAVE <voh ctMtnmorx for guy proporir ihot roB bo bought ol B mniffp* figur#; bor-

IAlno only conotdortd. will pgy oil CAxh. TEVBNS. 471 Control Avw.

WB Mlleit tbo llAting of Aoy rtoi ortot* you -afiSTa* A t ^ ^ *• SWANWICK * COMPANY, too OrAago At*Want loto to oirhAUgo for titeomf proporty

whot hOTt you to offort AUBKRTIN, 44


WaNTBD. oil to tight Arroo, with lirgo dwoillng, luitAblo for oAnAtonum; oituxifd

on OtAAgo MountAlo or vIclBlty, Bond full pArtloulATO to FRANK H. TATIyOR tnoto flrot BAmol, oppooUo Brtok Ckurrh Stodan.



C arr ORANOB, Halal*d at.. MT—T* Nk riumiaka* haima, ala* raama ala tqrnlab**

all ImyroraaiaBta; atana: larqa fraanda; flawata. trait, ahranary; Mi. Call tara*

HOUSES TO LETBRVNkWtcK rr .. l u — bau. haat*r.

Ml; Braaawlek HT, aavan raamalallat, ranqa, tnho, I)*; pHtaiytTaala aira

'I . MUa Ml; (IrtaaHT. atohl, kaito M ^ Oraaa H., IM, ,1,. both, xtoom* III : Bmmot xi. 4S, mvob. totk. bOAlor, |M ; Wright ot.* M. otovxn. both. hoAtor. 117; South Bolmont BrA. 1X1*MroiA k*th. otoum. olActrlrtty. |t l . LIN- NBTT -------------- “' A WOLF. I l l atntoB aya


V iT M ouV j * : ‘' i * hrnBNCi BT.

CLINTON KILL. 14 roomx* All lmpU.*y«|4lNutloy f roomx. aII ImydA. only........ itO

WAxhJngion Avo*. « roomo* xll Imptx. .* .111WoH Orxngo* 4 roomx. All Imptx............I l l■AOt OtmngA 0 roooix, All tiAplx............. |4I

ORAS.KORBBN III Flrxmon'xbuildlbgl.LINCOLN PARK* II, oppoxUx pAfk—South-

•rn txpoouro: boxutiful iooAtloB, oonvoolout, dxxlrublx h>uox of oIotou rxomx; All modorh ooBvonlxncox; good oondltlOB; brokxrx protoctodr For turthor iBformAtloA AddrxM UAYO, 110 BroAd f tHILL ST.. 1I-—Fwurtoxn rwosm, both, 1a«a-

dry: tblo houM to cuntyxllg tocAlod, And to•roll xdxptxd for A hOArdIng or rowalxg hcuoi* Apply to A* B* MEYEK cAfO of AmorlrAn UndorgmrmxBt C4** M OrwAA f t ; toL MuL MOO.SOUTH ST.. 40—SuitAblo tor boArdiM or

furnlxhxd roomo; flrxt houoo from sivAd •t.; nxxr South St- Stxiloo AAd oJl irollxyx; fouftooH roomx And two hothO; xteAm hxAtB. B BONE) A OO* TI4 BroA4 ot

11, olskt minutoo* wtik from •li -

VINE BT..Eroxd xnd Uorhot—Sxvou Ixrg* roomx

nleoly docoruiod: orory ono brtghi; xll Im proTxinxntx: xtrxm hxxt, vory Ixrgo yxrd Fhitxdxiphix biiok frobi; root 111.POLTH ELEVENTH fF.* StS. l AWA—SxvoA roomx. talk; xixuiiy ft‘% n 5 ^ ,T a r,ja ariD t.* ssh .KeCimi^. Hk BraM atDON'T poy roAt; huy kouoou oa moathly

pAymtatA lA OAmw AUpunU you now ^AO roAt; tor vhllo or oolotid poopl* BETBR CO., WAohlAStos ond Uanxy otA

ORANOB ST., 140—Twx1vo*room hotix*. with Improvomoptx; eoayxnlOAt to exnur of

city: flnojbIacx for a boAfdlxg hou**; chOAp root SHELDON, t i t MAfhot x{.UO.NUOUTH ST. And Monmouth pi.. Adjoin­

ing Clinton Am,—Brick hou«*; 14 roomx; bAth; xtxxm; nour eonior of city. Ill PKCiTT. 71 Hllford avo.hblUKT MT.. cor. Frotlnghuyxxa aya—tlx

rooriM And bAth; All imprnvxmonlx: rant111. Inaulrx A. S P. StOro. or PALLAKT. 114 hrooo xtaBROAD ST.. 144. (ixAT Fourth ato.—FIdmI loTAtlon; bxgC ho«vo uptown; ftono from■oraaivn, ovva nv ap wq«vwii, nvnv irDH|,ill tcnprovomoaix, Apply O. C. BROWN. Ill HxxxAto ft.BLBBC'KKR BT., 04H—Hu-room hmiM. xM

llghl xnd lArgw, noxr (rollxyi And tub*;------ ------------- -- - ..............Ml LOUIS BBNNEUI, |« WlllUm Xl.BOARDIJMfi or rooming houoo; Brood ond

aouvxrnour oti.j II roomi] improyqtnoatx, lAUUKL H. CAIllNa. it* Rraait *LOOULD a t e . 41—Nlnx-room brick houM;

All Improronionto; Ml; JADOAry 1, OSo.* — - - -- .| .—.— .— —B. VAN DYNE. 4M Orubgo i tCRAWFORD ST.. IT-4orx« room

Irnprovxmxntx; lArgu y«rd: 111 BOND k CO.. TI4 BruAd It.

& K

WALNUT ST., MAT TtTlff BlltasT tofi-

■orTH TWKDFTK ST., TIK—ail raama all iMMOTanuau. Ja jtaary l; t il . 0 *0. L VAN DrWB, i l l Oraaq* M.

BBAtn'Iti:i. 0*«B*r aa-aa-iqaat lu M ; all Im* MarM^la; adltabl* Mwtiat M PW ai M.. ryrwT IHaaM f t j j ,

TO L E T -O U T OF TOWNWUT ORANUB, Charto* m., a—Oaa ar twa

tarally hou*a. It* aa4 111 M* montli,, ------------ .11 par montli, lar*daa, frail and rhlrktn riM.^iraar, J aRT HOWARD NawfaaadlanI, H. j. Kara I Charlat at., Hra. Oallaaak.

UtR*. llaRt. MWly «*****t*< F

s r s f e j S p i

■TRATroHO n * . It—Vim flaw,' tivnj m n a a*4 kuCTaU lar«* rMRHt all ui- j

RrtwtBMHiU; wltfe lUaai Daak Ikqal* aaj

POtm larR*. kriakt raaau aa« ka«h r*Mil all Inikravcawata: air# IsratlOT; aaar ua|. fry*; » ufI* « amall (amUyi aaly |H .Madia aa aa*.

L'MIIIT RT., IM—Flaa aM ala FMBIw B kalfcr M*bt aM ----------jtn la «BaaRl kaali Hb

DBNK ROOM la lat. or, wllhaal au- . . raal aory riaaaaaMa.Room f i t llataa bulWlaq, I Cllatoa al.

aaqranhar'a aarvlaa;I I I ....................

rOVR llabi room*. taaaa4 n**r. I t WqkMtr ■it.1 I lk Aaply II .Nwrth a*T*alk'*t.

iv« xxa wwi xmtm 1k i skTi sH tmpfoyo |___ ______ ,ik mtotsigi twkii. \

O l BTaq IM—fis t. E ta "w m A *ta£ | ' (mrfoomokUi Al •ssSHloSi' tU. Ito 'f tm ffdor* prosUtok,



f in s otoro; good buxlnooo loouiloni for Auy buxinoxu; rout rtAOUniblr*

CoutrAl Avoa, rornor Flrot fLNINBTEENTH AVB** «wr. Twxoty.flrxt M.— Sixro, with four torgo. light roomx; now building: xultxblx fur Any buolpooo. luqulto tIO Nlnoixonth ovx.

FDR RBlf^i to tody* or iqm Aid vHo, oao MhfirukSiod ivttM In wow modint spArt*

m*At. AA High At: rofxrojinoo ORohsngod* For pArttoulAn* AddrAM Prt«Ato* Bm IIO, NAWX OfftCQ.

'S ilSl a s i i y ' 7 ] ^ d ?iqalra TwURX tag tiaar.

ROR COIXIRRM family; all nawty <*e*rat*4;tla* raam an! katn; flrat Door, II iM*.


KHTTH DRANOB AVM, III—Tw* fl**4am flala arllk katk aak ImeroaeawHa# a*ina

kaoaratad; r*nl II*. laqafr* IMrk nkbr.

OFFICE a* arcrua* Honr wHk a lartt kaa*- maai. Aupiy <a M<* Flaa* •).. c « « r Btaa.


Four rAomo amt bAth; hoAiii omUao aaskmo; rtut IIS; dAocrAtAd otooto

fxrd pi.. \toWArk.F1TB-ROOH ApATtmopt: xtxxm hoAt; All Im-

SUMUrT. N. Ji—H* . . »»«*• a _roomx. nxwly docorutAd: two bloci|0 froin LAX 9iAtlno; trollAjr At YPpr

month tQ rollxblA pAity. Inquiro on prxm

for roM: 111 torgo. : .ocko r -doori Tl*

toot* t i l Fork AVO*Bast ora nob* oioAvpAd ato.—siogAnt

•Ight-room houooj All ImprOTomobli* hlro bolgnbophood: ImiUAdlAto poooeexioni worth Itf, hut will rout tor IIS. dEISBR A FLUKi Ml Brtxd ot*BAST ORAN<IH->4flM t—mm tatlrooirtot pATgutt ftoon; wtnik

; ala ailaa}** t* Maliaa; larqa Mi kar* tala. ORBBM, II* FfrMata** bMlllaq,

IRTINOTOH—Haaaa, l la Caamlaqa aLj *ii rocm* aa* kalfc. Ml. laqulr* at II Ctia.

W IL D IN G S W A N T i)WARKHODBp—WaalM la laal.raary 1. 1*11, warakaqa* ar <■aa** t t (.at* aqaara frat ay mat*. ,>*■■■; freaiiaB attwaaR MqkWaaik Ara.__

il. frwai Fkk> warak**alaqk l m t S

STO K IS, 0 W 1 C 1 A IT C a TO L RRMAD BT- M jm Caklllaa Aq«a atw

kaiMMq, aailiM* aalamaMI* •aqalfra

a m w n u t Avm. t*-M arat tn* raai la' r ^ ^ i s j a a t

/ r

PARK AVE and FlftvMth P(.-SuitAblo tor butobof, y^riAblx or drygoodA <rl''

.BFovxnixPta; very rntuttm; oxcollxpl mt- yteoj m t roAAoAAble.- Tho StuyvxxAut* til

itutohxp, r^viAblx or APygoodA <rltk rInqulrx ft Evxrgroxn nrx., BtoomfloM.Hunixrdun xt.* nyr. South Orxngo mvx. FIVK lATf

SUSSEX AVE* m —rivo torgo* mi. ngkt roAkto; aU ImprAromoutoi rout roAXMxbto*


AAlLHiMD PL., t i—Hxnt* itorx xnd roomi.t i l ; fxi-lng p. R. R., noAf dxpat; big xd- vorilalng xpAcx. CHARLES F* GILLEN, 101 Nor hot xt.SOUTH UHAM1S AVE.* ]lb*-Storo. with t

rwomi; xultxble dry gi>odo or txilof, xomi* thing NnillAF’ Inquiro 117* oofond floor.

IVK Ivfo roomx xnd both; prlvxtx hnll] ront |t0 , M allowod for hooping (wo I*

tomliy houxoo cIaaa* Inquiro If Stirling oL, aVowArk. N* J.________ ^ ’FIVE &Ca roomo ii brick feouxx, on flrxt

f1*r fuur on xorond, to xmxH fxin* lly* llO; gAo xnd wAtxr* Inqulrx IS Lxmon xta

SUMHBR .AVE. IM, poat Third aoo.--FIo*fooRui And taih ; nowlR donkrotod: la hotiM

wUk owaxt; rant 111.THtRTBENTH AVB*. Tl—Fobf

MArkxi Ahd WAAhlngtoA ata.

SOUTH OHANUK AVB., 00—.Lbrf4 up-to- dxtx tiorx xnd ronmt, roni f i t . will d««- omu. HKT.LKK, SOO BrWAd at.

FIVE Ixrgx, light roomo and hath, xlogantcondition. IT Uuntor ot.* noxr ElUxUth

THIRTEBNTH AVE. |H . «OAT NovMk 9t,“ Ftoln, firx twofSA. tath; oil ............

motitx; ItL Inqulrx flrot ‘Avx.; font 414.40; janitor xxrvlqo Inctudod.

•irx flrot BooCp FI rnonthTy rCu; ooo'

STORB, with S roomx Aud iraprovxmxnto.Ibqolro drug xtoro, FIflooiith avx. and

Elovxnth xt.

FIVE nlco, light ruvnm, vUh ImprovxmoniA . A S t f j r Z A Y L O B . M H u b t o H o n at*

THREE roonv; IN monthly tigi; roAUtl toon*.

qTORB, 14 Ha»kin au; alto rial. Avafr jAiiaL r on promtxxa.

FIVE largo, Hghi rovmx* In two-lxmlly hxuMi rxni liS. II Richmond M.THHEB and fivx roomo to lot; f t and in jl

* ----- “ ■■ '* 144]

ST.tTK ST.. 4T -'Mloffx tfRPRUB K YAH

X Apd two rooma |14.J t t A O L flW P ,A

FIVr. rooma; alt Impravaniaali; l|*. HT Bnwd al.

roat; all aawly flaod tollau on tloar, Warrtn at.Tl^'u eaaaorilaq roomt, liatiw tm nU : raatl

II a montk. H I Kim al., NOaark. K. J. I


FAIRHUINT AVK.. «»—TIlIrd floor; all roiiiiM and baih, xtoo .VxiMn pi.* 4A. flrat

ftoor* OXV011 roomx xnd bath, xll imidow mxfltx but h««L Inquiro I Blovxnth art.

VKRJ>NA aVE* l i t —Flvn. AAd alR roomoi and both: xtoAoi boat fumtohod] rout rox-l

oowxblx. MYRON W. MORSE. Iff ThirS AtO*J

a fa r tm en t*THE ELWOOD MANOR*

FIRST BT.. 10. nxar WArron—four rooma; good coudlUon* nxar throo Irolloyo* rant

nty II. FEIST * FElffT* Til Smxd.

m - i n wASKtKaTON a v e

FERRY BT., II—Six Toomx and baih; all im- provxhkxtitx. SCHLOSSTKIN, tl-107 Lg- toyxdx •(.

WILLIAM BT,. M, r«Ar—Two-fAqUIy hewoil throo 1a» o roomx; largo yard; II. FFROM-1

MBU-WEKR CO.. MothopoHUa bukdlng.I

Tha rholrxnt upArlmoAt-hoi n*x rdoi

. . . . . la tha ettyj all inodxrn and Ixtxxt laprovO'

tnXAti: modxrnlo rouL Apply Janitor; phono 111! B. E

UROVB BT., 041, noar SovaataxAtk sv«.> Flrxt or third floor In throo-famlly


APAHTMENTB. brIck : nxwly dxcnrxUd; flrx light roxmi. both, with or wiiluiaL hoot;

xiccirle lighu, hall Janitor xxrvloox: block to trolloy, flvx mlnutoa P. R R.; walking dixtxnou Four CnrtMrx: wry rxuunablxrxntx* locBixd UO Bruntwkk xt., noxr WrIfhL Sxo xupOrlutxndonl on prxinlAxx,

xlx roomx and both; pontry: bxxni oxiUiigxi nowly dxqovotod; roAt |U . tAquUq moom floor or LOUIS iUBSKIMD. HI Ssrtkgflold

AMFBRB—StxAth-hoAtod ApAitmoht, v|tUn two bloc’ko of xiAtl^; No* Tl Fonrth aoo<I

for ront from JAnonry 1. Inquiro <m pfom* Ixxa Of room 114* Klnnoy bolldlnf, NowarE

GLADSTONE AVE, It. noar nooth Oraaffo •wx—Sxcond floor, olo roomx And qttlc;

rrlvAlx front porch; doooratod; xtoxm Ixxt.If.

BELLEVILLE—Ftuo and oil room Rato, to- •IrAbto locAtlocu* 114, I lf and | |0 pari

month. Inquiro c. Q. JONES, t i l Wabk- lAgton Avo„ BoltxvlJlx.

a pa rtm en ts^-FIta room# and bxtk. koxt, hot WAtxr. oloetrto Ugktn, now xiylx axml- Indlrxot flxIuroA, now drcorxilvu; xll flno ordxr; rxxdy for toaaxdixtx ocoupxncy; ront only Ilf to f30; In honoo vltk owxv III l.llntou OVA. Tk# Rldgovxod. oornxr fUdgx* wood ava: xex tko JanUor.

HUNTBRDON ST*. Ill* nxar Avon avo.—Flvx rxomx and bath; all ImprovxaoAtx:

rxnt 114: nxwly dxeorxMd. tnqalro MRR FHILHoV b R. xx<^d floor* or LOUtS cO LOR Bl>^ Bant SUMKIND. m Sprtngflold ov«l

BBLLISVILLIB—FIvo and Mx fwom Qatg: All I Imptovxmxnto] HI to IH. J. H. roBY*

HAN. l i t Waxhiufton Aro*. BoltovUtA,Orakgo* ^Acotni xL,bftthTSss.flmt or (klM J

AFARTMBMTS, Tka UtUxA xnd Bdnx.South OronM avx* aad Sx«‘onlh xt.-pxrt(W(

HUNTERDON FT.. 787—Four roomx. bxih;nlcoly dxcorxLxd. domo* boxm exiling; flrxt

or urcond floorx; good nolgbborhood: xntxll family only-

Fivo rooiM ^ .feMFrji*;;tiii______dxcomixd. SNOvvit HuiboiTr ml

xnl flno xpxftmonix: alx vxry light, outxldo, eomfortxblO roomx; illxd bath; all nlexly fln-Ixhod; PixAty of hxat and hot wolxri bX9t of axrvlqo; sarAgo. laqolro Jaaltor* Tol.

HUNTERIKiN ST.* l i t —SU moma, hath.pantry* xll hnprovxmxnu: ooeond floor;

rxnt t tl . Inqulrx ItJ Huntardoq xt. or prxmixxA

BAST ORANOB. South dlatOA xL. 4fL#oxrj South Orxngo sro.—Sxoond fioxr: •of*| mrxtx porehoA atoxm kxnixrx xnd oAtranooo;i

•xvxa roomx, tUod bath; xlxctrto Hgki; pao-L quxt floorx; will roni fur |S3 if rokita furl January t. Inquiro prxmtooxEAST ORANGE, Tho Baldwin and Uo«o!-

1474 MxrkotAPARTMENTS, tho Korvnrd. QGl Outmi nva, ooar Sxvxntb ot.—Four nad five rooma; rxdxe- (itAixd to xult; orory modom Impt.. iBclodlov vacuum flxanor; mnroBloiH to train xnd irxU loy. Jnnitor on promloxo. or (0l. Mariirt 4J0S.

HUNTBRDON ST„ tOT* noxr South Orxngo OTA—Wx roomx and tath; nil iMWOoro*

luonlx; xtraro haat ougrpUnd.

fra a vtk#k kfr\a is*i • n« 0 (qawiH __ __ _■ yn. 4 and 4 Baldwin at., nxxr MnJg at.—jl

ivomxnu; con ■ Jxxvxn roomx. all modam ImprMvOmxntx; con vtnIxAt to trolloy and railroad atatlon* In qulro jAAltor, 'phono owner. t4M B, B.

KITNTBRDON BT.* M—Four InrgA IlfM rooma, with all Improvxmxntx, 111 and

•ILa pa rtm en ts . La araiigx, t l- l l Uncoih

FArk“ Two vAOAnrtox In flnoxi and bxot HAlaSET ST, noxr Now ut—Will altar olocAtod opArtmont-houax In cltyj law rxntx; bxot xoflwfco* laqulro of ■upxnntxndont, an

Ixoa. or C U. HKNHY. If Clinton Ot

rxolflxnro to xtorx proporly to xult; •ult' CHARLES P. Q1L<

BAST ORA NO t , Norwood at, 440—Nxwd two-family bounx. flrot floor; ISl: oppcrl

floor, 111; boAUttfolly dxccgxtt^i xtox'na koAt; front porchoi; throo mlnnioo to Bouilil Orango AVA oar lino. Apply up protnlxxa

xbix for auto auppllra LBN, 107 Morfcxt x|

APARTMENT. Tha Tromonr. MS Rxllxvtilx avx., nxar Third avx.; axvxn oufxidx roxmx

and bath; xloclrlr* gaa, hxl and raid witor. •txxm hOAl. jairtthr oonHteo: ronta rxAxoa- xbix, luqufr* Jaaltor.

JOHNSON AVA IS S 'fW rowrO OR I floor, ikrwo AAd tath on third; oomtaU hcAloro MA. xtortrlcfnr m . J. CLARl CARR, nromacr'i kutfdlAS.

EArr ORANOB* Clifford xL. IL nOAf Hal otod—Third floor flat now houoo; Moctri’

llghia, IIO. Soo tonnpt. xocond floor |I a IS "■ “ dTutl - - ---Fmdxhttal bttlMlm ovArh

APARTMENTS. Wxat Klaioy xL. t |. |4 nxar Broad at,— v o n roomx and bath;

atxam hxat and hot water furnlihtd; Janl- txr uarvlex; rxnt roaooAObla B. S BOND * CO.. 744 Broad al.

JELLIPF AVB., lot—Two four-room flnta;ail Improvxmanla xaoxut hoal; ront raa- ■onablx. Inqulrx f0| /olllff art*, cornOr

Blgxlow alt


EAST URANOK 'Borkxlxy." ooraor BiRlr- avA and Farkway—Sxlxet tonatloR. flv

APARTMENTS! EvorxU t'ourt. Il 4'ouri at.—Sli Aud xlgbt roomx: bright and

■parlouo; cxntr^i conoxnivnl Iwatlon: xpxitol cohoxaMona FEIST A FEIST, t i l Hroa • ' -

JAMBS FT.“ Throo and five room flaia;hawty rxnavAlod. Vntor and gta; M* 911 and 111. SuoxxK Roalty Oa* I sitoaag am

outnfdx. Bunny roomx; largo porch; for fit STEVENR 471 Control xva. Nownrk.

nroxd. or Janlfor.

KINNEY ST.. 140. ooar Rlth“ Soroa roMM.baih; all improvamontx; Al conditloni

111- Inquiro SRBNHBR. proaaUOA

BAST ORANOB* Olrord avo. f t —Slir mom on Xocond floor of two-fnrolly bcuax, over

APARTMKNTI PonnaylvAnta av«*, 47, rornxr Thomax Flrat floor; all bright rooma; all

modxrn ronvralanoaa; xxrxllxnt for doctor: iiX.IO; xlxo oil roomxq Ilf. FEIST k PEIHT, 7tl Broad.

LIMHT xxMnd floor, (wo-famlly houaa; H itOreSouth Orovo ot.* noar Clinton ava; all rooma. tiled bath; aaparAla porch; rxni 111 PrtfDtxra or STBVENS, 4tf Cantral ova

APARTMENT SHBLBOURNK. Broad at., oppoaltx normal achool, near Fourth xta

—Hxautifal axvoA'room apxrimxnt, nxwly docoraixd; flno oapoourA OEIHER k PLUM,

LINDEN STi, •—Nino rooma and bath: eon- trol locotlon; rant roAxontblo to doovabto tonant. PFROMMBR-WBBBR CO.* 401 Mot- ropoflun building*

141 Broad otAPARTMENT So«tkor«, 4T South aA-SoraS

torgx. hght rnomo, Uto both, otoam

URTeh AVB.. 1 and i—Tbroo-room floto.rant rooxonahto. Apply KAVALSKl, or owntr, ItO Uaton building.

tlectrte. gu. liiAUor oorrlcxj font .. Hbxrai coAoooaloM, tkquira BARCKIKLOW.

LITTLETON AVB.* I l l—Four light rooma. Inqulrx Aral floor.

APARTMENT—ftonnoylranlA aea, 47, «or* Thomao—Firo: floor: rtx roomo: all ooo-

eonlotacoo; oa.*xI. for dffctor: |4l.f0; aho 4 rooniA tlL FBIBT k FBliT, T || BrtAd.

MULBBRRT ST.. ITI. aoar Walnut—Soeond floor, fleo roomo oad both, third floor*

throo flRf rooma* good for tornlahad rooma; nowly romiwlxlod; ront roAxonxbia. SNOVBR* Iff Vulbxrry xt.

APARTMENT, Tho Myrtle* Soaxoi and Warrou xtA—Fteo roonu; ail Iraprova* menta; haai lacntlon In Roaavllla, Inquiro Janitor: 'phono itS t Branch Brook*

MARSHALL ST., tf. noar Broad—Ftro light

Improvxmxnt; eonvxnlxnt location; roht |1 PHELDON, 223 Uarkxl i t . Ntwirh.■AST ORANOB* Dario aro.* 0—Modorti up

por apartmont, aorxn roomk tvn hathi>,( tow roAi tor Immedixio poaaxoMoM. ■*•! RVQBNE A. KELLY. 1*1 Main «LBAST ORANOB. HaiaUd at., IH* noar Cac

tral AOA—Flrxt floor, firo rxomx, hart itxam kaat, bot water aoppiy. kpplY mnhorBAST ORANOB. North Flftoxoih at* tf— I

Sli roomo aad balk, aoor trortoyx and rralno] roat roaeonahto Inqulrx on promtxxiVKTRA flnx apartmanla to ront la two family houxoo: all ImpMrowoalo; aap arnto xtoam kxAtori; noar trolloy aad train Uiqairo f t l Park aoa. Baxt Otango.FOUR largo roomx on t lm floor; rant tl:

Axar Halu ot.; r«nt froo nnill Janpary 1 I t Uadxtoy avo. or 04 iwalno pi.* Watt Or oAga*

rooma: two-family: moat cantral locatlxit. rant only 110* FlCrST « FEiST. TM Brood.

APARTMENT LKXINOTDN — Up*lo*dato NINETEENTH AVB.. cor* Twonty-nmi at.^ - - - — --- __ city lln^-FIra flato of alt largo* lightflim, Re rooma; tllxd bath: nlcrly dooo- roooto. xach wUh Improoomonta; aaw boHd- t»4| noexl boat; J a n l^ : t il , Ilf* f l Inf* Inqulrx 110 Nlnotxonth aro* idgowood axA. noar CUBion. -------

APARTMBNTS. 401-4M CllAton avA—Flea and both: xt( 'xtoxm boat and hot

“ rrooAf

wx(xr furutohod; Jaaltor aorvlxo. y>ND 41 0 ^ too Baxad ofc_________APARTMENT. AMtmlai' IlfS Rptod Ot-SIg

and xorxn rexmo nnd hath; aU imgrovi

NEW TOHK AVE., I l l—Sxvxn rooma and bath, with Improvxmonta; ront | 11* In

qulro l i t Joftaroon xt.. Navark, N. J.NBW YORK AVB*. 71—Six rxxmt: aoxoad


mar Sxuth Sirxxi Button; an# moalk'i m tDeo. Apply Janitor.NEWARK ST., t t—Six room#; eoAvaalout to

troltoy or rartrond: will root rxaxoa^lo to 4gBttbo rtght party. SHELDON. Mt Market xt

APARTMENTS—ronr and flvo Ugkt romwiBioaa. hot WAtar* Jaaltor: I lf up; Waok Ington and Kimxuy nin Inqulrx pramtoan

NORTH MUNN AVE.. 77—Flea rooma; all modom Improvomobtoi roat roaxenablo*

Inquiro on promtoxAAT yoor axrricx; your tumlturx raxeod, | l

pxr load; Auin VAAA forir«« *wqq* *D«kV ■«!•toPAga wxtl oonittotod rooma* ll.fO montk Waahlngtoa Stxrngu Cx4 f l Axadxmy ui

;urx raxeod, | l KELSON FU. 41* eomor tldkoy al Soo an loaf dtotaaox; light rooma and bath. Inquiro flrsl finnr. h* Il fO montk L- i'l J " ■ ------ ------------------ T.

ALPINE BT.* 14—Flrat floor, flvx rooma and Hath: Oil Inaprevamxnta but hoal; lit.

Inquire tanant* axexad floor* or owxar* 7t4 prudxnilal holding.

ORANOB ST*q 143—Four xnd flvx roxtti; all ItnproTomoota xucopt hxnt: gaa rangan and Lion hot WAlor haaior; Hooovttlo, Ftorgoiiand Clifton avx. trxllxya; oppoallx Drunta Brook F v k , roat I lf and 111} JaatlW*

ARCH ST*. 1. cornor Now x t—Bight fine* light roomx In oonvonlem lomtloA: will

FBNNSTLVANLA AVK. US—Sta. balk, atxam, 930. Frollaghayoia ava, tl* xia

ront choap to tkx right pnrty. Ml Markot xt* BHBLDON,

fooma, bath, rango, t u ^ 117. Bari at* If, riTA ^ th . xte., III. BUaaholh xta, IOI.xlx* both, xlonm kaotar. 9tL Wright aL,

ARLINOTON AVB.. 43—Bxxutlful ill-roam flat; all Improvamenta; rant rxaObnablx;

conoxxMoAo aiadx. Apply Janitor*

V*.** **W , M* *»«*■ ,wl, V**- *0*1KB*111, oavea. bath, xioam ooator* III. Bllia-" .................................. am. IH. Bilxa-

AVON AVK. 414—Now hoaga: alx roxiBo: all improvxmxnta but hua^ bulf month rxnt

frox. Ownor, ||T South Tooth at.

both avA* If7, ain* bath, atxai both XTA, III. aim. bath, ttaam* 111. NaIxanrt-» 14, Mm, bath, ate., Ilf. lillferd atx.* JIf* flvx, bath. koatoT* Itl. LINNBTT 4 WDLF. 311 CllnUu ava

ALFINp ST.. Ik^flvo roxma. bath: all 1 mnr famt Irxileyx: good itxtghborho^; i aarvlox: kxw|y dxcuxaixd; IIS.

PLANE ST*, t f f—Tkrxo lArgo. llihl romnoi exotral: 910. PFROMMBR-WBBER CO,*

italtor MxtropolilAii bstldlng, Markot and Watalng-Ion alA

BArHELOR ApAPtmoDtol' two roomo and bath, IIO; tbrox rooma and baiK til .I t; All tmprxvamxfiix; very rexdoru; amoallant Bxrelce. Tkx LucxrhO, 1114 Brook it.. A* MURRAY*

QUITMAN APARTMENT* Quitman at., II— alT IPiex-ali nicx rooma; alt Improvamxnlo,illxd balk: pr4vaio hall; JanlM xorvlox* rxxt 11*130. Ifiqulro proiplnoA

BURNET ST,, tO, near Orange—Central la«oatixa, xlA roonuL bath; xtaxm heat fur-

Atohad; rout 931. inqulrx CRONHEIM. T|7Broad XL, cor Market.

RENT taoden* up-to-^data mlauix atxrx on South Orango avo.; huxtoet apot «« avx-W f.ti'iM ’ c!' JKiRV .**l(q|q|AM g lBUL KK* w IIXBlOh X hUUA*tng.

BADGER AVE., 141, near Ctlhixn avo,— ROBfp^lLUS—Blogant oportmont, flvo roomaFlaii, throo and four rooma; all improvo*

manta; rent ronaxnahiA Inquiro 111 Smvro alp. rooUurani.BADGER AVB,, Iff. xxmor Marte pi*—Pour

and flvx rooma; all ImprovamentA tsutro If Mectantc ei. or If Stratford ^BROOKDALB AVB.. IT. tl* near South Or-

ante avo.—Four* flea xlagARt roomij* bath; all Improvomafitx; rxnt 111, —pftmlaax. lit . Inqulrx

BELMONT AVK., 101—Pour peoihe, nxwly decoratxd* with Improvxnonu: rent roa-

•xnaWx; froo uotll January I. Inqulrx tn xtort*BRBNNBR ST.* 11, axar Sprtagflxld ava—

4 rooma, balk* 111: Warrou UL, Oil, f ‘ *. I l f ; Impr 'rooma, bath. impta luqulra promlioa

BARl'LAY IT . I ll, axar Rxaa a t—Four lorge rooma. xocond floor; light; Improvx*

menta. Inquire flrat floor; rxnt 913.14.CLINTON AVK. Sts—Ckxlxx ftox uto Mi ^om apartiaaata: axwly Sxxxrhfxdiheal; hot watar xunty; rnai tooSiMtoi jMltor xxrviCA Ap^y lasltxr* xg 'psxax waverty 00-CLINTON AVB.. Ill* comer Fxbyaa pl.-

Biegant largo, light rornor flat: old roomo ^ > T|-"‘ ^ ‘and bath; electric Tlgbtx; otoam hoator, oia;

roM reduced lo ISO. Apply on prxmlMX.CMNTON AVB.* 4f|-4 |f—Firm aad third

fixAr flati; alt rxomx aad bath; all |]provomanta; rant |3f. inquire' t .•TAr*— ..........-IUBBR. 4U Clintoa avKCORKER South Ninth xt. and Fiflxxnth ava.

—Third floor; choloo l-roem flat; all Im provamenu eioopl boat; touatdlau pouaia* •ken; rani 117.CAMDBN ST.. SMo

yVmr light ommqutrx ixcoad floav, right, avx. ■ i . ' V K i Kcrktrai. AVa.. t t l . n r* r— «, l l l ; He.

Whopt., rt„ IH, Ikn* »*f«*l i l l Kmi KlniMp It., Hi, tbr** room*, f l ; Otthm «t„ Jl. ihr** room*, fl*. U .frlin T » VOLT, l i t Clinton avx*CBn tra llt Ixoatxd kxsso too two lamlUxx;

three roomx. tath* SIL 114:JmerXtapxnia Inquire If Codxp ot. or IIS m S lh g l^ OLHEAP flat, twx'fkmtly R04M, s i MISopili Bievanth at.; fx«r chotnij l i l t many

oth***. ITKVfcHD. i l l Cfruirl *tfrCDOfrT IT.. HI, bolwoon |U*k W*H

■ - - Hf5i*U~-Sooond r iw , »***■ >TBP*m,Bi*: Immodfrl*

OOLOftKD tl*t ;<~f*ar I— *: til.hqillr* T4 C r*u UL

■HHKT iT., «*n*r . •!( n « * **d k»Uij I J I J . l*d*lr* A.K W ,'

CLMIANT n*l r*MM. M k, ■(«.;How* Im t. I■*■!*» I l l Imrtwi w.

r u n AND . UROH PA

ACADIms sLr^itoj^ ^ .CtoBtiml 4ti paalll Sta BSid M M 4 ronsgstaj dSBtaStiti tta

HO.**. ' i 4 w i w » e iw *

PU T, ««• WAfTHIH frtftif*toK M M iB ift gPLAT o* W*fY*« J T L i r w i l

FuMIeFLAT, Ofsnt uL*jjj.- -Vt c o ; _____FRANKLIN > £7T T ««M M •Rp

'U T , O nnt uL, M. I l n ptwH** p

TwafrAt HeweeteM*. Merteent.S S f g i i y j A C ’a a g e

. ! . . .

and bath, all ImxrovamonU* atoam haai rent Uf. | |4 Mortk Slatk XL* contay farh svaSTOKAaK uxx month froo* tkxs naanikly t l up; moving, f t aad 14 a load: piaiw mwv*Inf, It; bolaUag* 91; lens dlalariox movtpg voOy efcoam 'nxux 4704 HaokKi nl|lkt 'Phono 04HN Wavorly* FRANCK ft M' FETT, Prop*: offlex I t t Washingtxu sLSOUTHfl riPTBBOTH STo* 919—Flvx U|

Ii; Illxd bath and paalry; grtvato i ; xtoam hoot; lx a omall adoU ikmll

Ufhttrxnoo; xtoam boat; lx a omall adoU ikmllyi on wuot atdo of xirott: kxlf block from Clln> iofi ova; from FOb. I. Inqulrx xeoxnd flxm.SOUTH BELMONT AVK* tl<* north of AU pIno ft*—In xotoet a part moat, tour rxeinaand bath: otoam k^tad ; aarquot floora; all emivotitoDexa. Jaaltor. or MASWNOBR, fl AUuiao •(,•O trra TENTH i f .

Ii xorvtcx aM94—Naw apartment-

_ __ asspolnimanfx ___tea mluuMa to NsrlMf and Braad

•ta l rent modarxio; apMHta pfxmluoi*SOUTH BLBVBNTK ST.* 4>—Firm .apart

mant of xli rooma; hMt and Janlixr xxr Vico; very dxxirablo ht ovary reopect; Itl.-------------- ----------- -----^ -OBOROB VAN DTNK Orange xlSOUTH ttXTBKNTH ST^ 44l» nOXr Sxuth

Orangx kvx.—8oxond fioxr: xta rooma, bath; dxcoitoixd: kxam MUlng; dama In* qttirx l49 Sooth Twelfth ot*SOUTH* BLEVBNTH ST., 411—i l l IlgkL

ulM Ixoatod rooma, all Imprxvxmxntaxocond floor, roat 111* laqulro | | txulh BixTxatk it*iOUfll ET.* near Broad at.-frBmall flaL la

good iM tIxu: xxnvoxiant to Ifxllty or rail raadi very rxaaaaaklo rxxL SKBLOaK 111 Market at.•QUTK UEKN AVK, U'=^wx-famlly: Ixt

flaxr: all Imprmmxaito: uosaratx kalto andkxatoMj rxaooaaklx, Ol ■T, I CUnioa It,•O im i TVIBTEEffTK BT*. M f-«g rxxfu;

parqsot noor; Bouton plan; all tmsrxxx' manto; axar CUatxa avx. laqslrx wRhln*SOUTH TWELFTH ST*, f ll, botvxoa lladl.

xxn Md Avxu avaa.—Flrxt floor; ota larso.light foamo; bath; ail taaprnvxisonig.SOUTH t w e l f t h BT„ UI—Five and Ms

rxxm^ftoto; all Imarxvxmaam xsmpc boat; Sli aad III; xowly^xmtatod.SOUTH TWELFTH ST*. 110—f i n hrlffM,

ilrp rooma aad balk; all InpronmonUj ro4M 911»■OCTN nVKMTB BT.. M«~Fm * Im*,,

room*; *«»lr ( u . tiWi n M

n X l*rt* **4 tanAp r***. III m (MRlIy M.<fr*. M r NtmA *«4 B ,rt« t mAj Y«l*t

iuTrx ft'Iilnmoxntk at

•tX-RQOM DU, all leaw eew abn ««— ha***; *Md iMlaliWEM; ft» l fl*. !■•

BD*H, i l l ThNUuUt aoA, Htail

■CTNOUR AYA. II, CtlirtMl a*«—

aBrMOUH a m , l a r t i tirttroinwi all ImRranamiUii *Ua«i h*ai)

«»•* noljhtartwaAt MBari n a t *mv i«a**aaH*.■PHlNOFnLb ATA, M l aw laM* riifr*

i X t i t m , * B S f l i f i l t l u f l t i e *


ffm TauM T _.A TA . IK to te em-»Slji ifrllM *

taam xxifins* Sooho: xuai h«at) al) U*. Mit *aaH lu i .

PLATRi/iR S *lllam ft..HIGH CLASS xpaiimxnt. II mlnutxo from

Broad and Market: muot bo s< in |e he | flsprxclaled. Slaodlok ArxiA 131 WIHlakl oL, '

Ctoango.IRVIKOTON, Frwmxnt ot„ II—Ftrol flat.

•loetrlo light, up to date, near SprlagfloM aad Stuyvxoaat avo». from JanMry II, Ifli.IRVrNQTON, UudOB avo*, lO-^Tbroo largo I

wXm noma, water and gao: roat ria-” aXMblx.’' ' ^MAPLB AVK, 14—riTO roxma hath; all lm>

pravomxnta, two-faally botixe. rant Ilf;' Irvingtex, N. J.ORAKOK t t l Contra] a»a—Fouf paomH aad balk , aioxa boat, hot watar, Jaaltxi ] oarvlex: all latoxt Improve monte fad xoa vxalaxoox: IIT; tofxracoo required, fsquirJfioUer on promloxo. or owner* C. ATODwTNaTOKT 41 — *41 Uaxton at,. Waat OraagoOILfKQK Day xL. 147—Flrxt floor, flvfi rxxnix, tatli; alt Improvontxiita, incIMlD water htaixr* dome, xudax; oaoolloht exx ditlxx, ndultx only.OKAKGB* Mt. * Vxraen ovx., 49, comar ML A

VxnoB pt.* axar Edlxnn'x—Flrot floor, llvod aad ha ■bath; rent 919*14.

ORANOta—Now auartmonla fm* ronL wHkl ImprovxmoBln; | l f , K n SATRK t l Kitxr XL, Orange.Center i , _

WBAT ORANOK—PM hA«* * « im . talh! ,U tie room; rout 914; newly decorated; engblock from Bdinon'a and trollay. In

KRIBOBR* 34 Columbia ot.0. a. I RuoUS. all improvxmontxi hxat fuf«| nijriud! Janitor oofv^a; tnotofuily dmxr-latod; two mlnutou to Orxvx S|. Stattou and!trxlb^: I» ._ V*j. w . |


BROAD IT., Hi*, oonor |*ur*/, Th« I Lootra*—iflMlr ronfrli** kuMhir avAn* 1

m at: (w, room u * talLi t*atl*B*K *■!))! 3 n U fILRROAD RT., H. ■*>* Orfr*!*): I t * , ju 'fr*

F U m o u t *0*1, tM, M*r II OtMt* •««. i•art**; I f flHu liK pnHIitwI lo I n o n

OHIRa b lk o m u n u u ** tow m «H U4 **t**to M il I ho*« *1)4 UM; hot wu«r |

**ppy i A) AitlKhberliao*. AMr*** CooNtoL


COUFLp, wtih U n* oMIAn*. d«*e (■*•* kUH« n*t. Ihn* *r f f n * * u T > ^ * M l|ifI, w* f' UVUSV I

• r R a u O n * v * n o t l o * . A * * t i » A . ■ * , > « • I. Mow* ottloll.RRFINSD w »I« A**ln Ir«*m*; p r ln it both; bo4*i .. _____ _ „tone* from Rn«d uid tlwk*l IIAR *tM« priim Addnm C**.!*, B«i II. W«w* otRu.

"7~SK 5S3waIUm W

TOUNO oMtUo want n n l l Dtrnlihoi *Mrt- n n i , w ton

j.awHTT U ; man h* ta nfl**d adthteihOM.a m c m g f u r t i t t f n i m i h g j



BROAD ST.. I l l—](>Hn**hl«J ailllUT Purk•ad Park pL( largo ream with oJoovoi

rwaalag wnior: alxx room adjxtolag bath* with xioovo; rxfiaed cxaplx or a.iqxilonW)«a wuvvv* lOTilsvis XV « ■WIHVIvaHi,boat: improvomontx; minatx So Uta; ploax* aat looattoa.BROAD BT*. I l l—Largo firxul rxfwij itoolir ....................... a ti otoatfle Uglits r ‘ 'fum Uh^; xtoam hoalj otoatfle Uglits hatiki; five mlnaixo* walk to r e v Cxraxro; SfOvaloJ family; rxanxaaMx; rxfxronox. BOBtRloMti call ovxalnga* *w— • .» 'BROAD IlSI'-Fleeswt itsm; aim iwotS S X S S ^ J S S S Lbro ad BT., l i f . TlM^MMifr-Lui*T1iiM

Ufulur tanlah*l ffroM* room. mTlahfrlw i*,)« «r lw« w tidia**! All tm>r*v*mmU.

BROAD BT.. U«l—By«il f— , Ho*»d flMT;na.idat B*t da* m M w*tw; etaMellBd lull nam W **nft<5 hddt. hath, ukpiww.

BROAD BT.. ‘w*,' ■***■< MWtmmi ~ Bi*«*m. lATB*. M M M * n — i niAH*

h r *d* w twa; rt«*m >**t; prtnt* frmiiT?;

B L o o i t m w A m . .iw - e m iT h n ie w in f w w AM***! RH li*Bn*MMM,i hau

tm a iM f l f i ■olldMt t*r tw* ■*«Uf**| pflVStg * 'k eB K B B BT-n sta a tI l f MUB B A C irn ., ih w .f t f h —o g : a a L r i S L % a s K ^ »

CBHTBAI, A m , IP^MwIp— ■*, h i m ---------- ■*- - *t n>**ii

f t j t n m l h V ^

tatiL SSSl wBT001s s £ ^ j s : ^

OW g f iii<

S E E ;CO( m w


Xabt x in n bnU M fr*M

TBARKUM •oral atxxly far kxtaisd, h m i--------- dMihiivary rxxoona

'K E S fig rin t; I mtnHIQH BT.. Illh*r:. (Inrufr II t .fitlH i *fro*-- -w a n BT. ‘

*.h.I)*«uiiB I gl*,*lin ; "***. LOMBARDT i


lUUBRM ■Bnnnf. a «

NBLSON PL.. funiMitd r* hath. ,«

■***hl»; N*bI*OBCHARD BT

I«*pl*«— ----- TrthiihMhttw* •* thr** «*n*«u hmliiron i. f*.OIL'Hard m

«*•*.. ■oaiiti' ■■■■(•• from IOflCHARO (

room, It.TI: Wptidrif *rlTii.robbtillb t. R ltm nl rn • '**VO*|«|t lo I

‘l iBOBSVIU.B.*l«ii*4 frani haiMi *11 1*1 ,rVTALNt-T BT,

lt*o,ln,. | l •»l«ri *m ; I*warrmn r r

>*• roMU. ho,**h***)o*.PIMO M., tit.WARRRM BT

I m n o v o m o n i • I j d f r f 1*1 IWABMINOTOtr**m«, froiil■frontw. H: •for too, t l; hTyaBHIMUTOH ■ortln, tl,*tAB room*:WABRINOTOI

F»ni)*ti*d nliUTi'‘ tin ry tm ii


Okn do littl. *)*n. otfri


WA.NTBD hr furnlxhxd r< near ntmxu

•(.. Irvlxgtxn,

H R C U D I t . 1 r a * i t I x r g a a :

U r g e r t c x p l l n r i n > » l: l i a n d x a a i i w x x l i . M I S S I

RAflAD ST.* rxofa* xocxiii pMxm hoot; guooto xorvadBROAD ST.,

rexma:* xll I board* rxaxxwBrocihoBROAD BT.* ]

and alnglx i ta^u txt to eoiCUKTON AlrxxuM; ftoomtamaiflmj ini Mjarttxt xUeoURT IT*,

frxat room oiBxiUndliisx;MaAk

ifeoiBBT HTL n o n h r I* pt**ni odioU

B O -

UNCOUf FA f a i . ro B • la , n**!) ni

BVeOND AVI- h ^ w i r ,

pRoito; alix xl

T M S S L i :

TOfniO KANritdi M*.


Momri uH*

B A B T O R A H « *t*4 M,—HI i n pn; h— (

E p v o E I mft.—SI

* H w r TOI *M|* oiBuriai h b ir. bat R i m e f in U I’ pBwWfa) bM m u N«B*t I•UCMWfUl tb

Tb* Aiqitn r*BT voUrb iRMrtBr Hr. *BBHV. Bb«l -tUMhaB(Xi M « t KoUrr e .B B ltl,> N


Tb* IN* aI bB Ib4*p m b v r , Am MMM <H Mr. MB B« Pbb B*VBrBi '*( ) XMMItllthM.

TbB CMvi BBBXb I M i«M(f tB m mUMi iie iH .1B M b B( Bh

Tb« flBBl Y stjiit m i tblB FBM h «R P BBBIBbl t i f f WM I

DBdWBbir IblA M

■RMt r BBFIXpU. aM frab t b Ibb b c i

.A*;,. 't .'.A i \

.p.y.'O-. .(rjr:*,* ■

7 A R K E ' ' r o ) K i » i ) A t . n i c i

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I a 4 I I I I '. i«4|

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rvttmfi »m r*t*| Ir4

u i n

•ttktaA » n .|

••h 4«- II* ptT WMb-

■i«: til 1CO*r-

I t ;

J: akp^rl •iMinlI BoiU!i|

h r M ill

JU Iti»w%rh


•r c*rI. Nt rnnhor 1C T i - :f t RAi ''■

R l«or. MpI tT R in

itit 11: i R R i r I 'tfi Or


w frRin i» ( • wtttt iL.

■TTui.iRifUlil L», IIU.

All In*lit 111:

IMtor ra MR iRRMrc. AOVARgR^^.••r* fivt I iCrMlDR Jlit M

i f Mt.i or» flfRl

IB. afl

M rRf*|

'■ T h f l

M rr4 j « R t « r I

•ollMt. f


M t i ^ l • * . ^ 1 ■ i . M M I

>*«'4t*-II M M :«Nla«.

T frun 1 tiMv*; I Mh. j


•tMir'i: hMbi J



’ S U S S f U t , _ _ . _ r s « . n > a i j — «

n a w I m iM iw I Q a t r

riRRmRlAKAR KIMMWr R ., JM^HUAV *■*- ~ aiaM (MU tiuM ru u i u n tliwjggeewi «ll U tWMBiw t 1 miantm m r

niAMKUII R., II, cMr alV M l—VMw■■w ■MM i i pi. (taa auMipfhin ••*••ral aiiSrJinSEMI w—■ (Mr Uikt k n u -

ni«l 0«f. *U lw»i i**u—»* r»tu v«fT Mucufcl., *11 MM m arm in t______

w M g f “ y t i K i f S u i c r i a r J 6mShiS; I m ie S r iy S w * ^ * v s s sts.

- HKm R .. Ml—T«* •MPUtlu tan U M w iw . Utk (TM «M M *tuah*.|, •iKUta tl|ht; (•« ti* 1HM (*r dutM If afftM: «niM uWMlIr tuu*d: fMw

m l * i M u w f ,

Ml—Wfll h u M alnil* *ii4 r*MB*i Mtht kautkMMoc «fMMH R -

U M i U t M *^ u M m i r a * iLOMVAllPr R „ 11—AttiuUMir t*ralM4

I w n r u n . v i t l i » « » M H v M i i f M * . t e Maftljr ■ftfsM bfiMiJMU Be4eee Umlaal; « • ( » M A f U k l M i M M H u u k

I M ; M l li i l M M w i f U ; ■ M l l o M t i u : m U W <

K |uoM pu. II. *MT MBft h u M -WuU r rurnMwl rMotflini li*«HkM»l«r MatW; hu t. Mill. ■•• *nl liaiilrr aiiMlMn: ru -

M * * | U : i M « l » f t w i r w M , t f . | k

oaCHAkD R, II—TIM« euBMtllBf k*ltH- rwiiui, f«4 tAnM* tTRUr, a«MiRMryilklnf ivelRMilf: w««|c| l«t tR tvR RR IkfM f*itl«m«R RAi Afltr prrmr; pdvMR iMiriri At IRfRTRnBRi ttJiCfR

OBl MAIID VT.. «T.»W«U M * O r i r r A R T M l i BBMtei from Bn«4 ar4

l U . l M R t H f P R R t a k f « Rf o r W R M j R t l R R t R g : 6v r

i t o r l M : f O M M a M R .tr .. 14#—IfisUR tarsOt MnR/ room. 11.71; hoh rrR Wa room* hoRtni MUutRry iwirtlvfM; no ohlocttoo to ehlli.

ROAKVIIXC AVKrr «1-*Too otoom boAto4.plORORnt roomo; ouluRio for Mnt1omR«; ‘OnvoRloRl to aU tinoo, ^Phoa* pmato fon*lj£.____________________________ftOtBVllXK. Ninili Rv«.. |■~No*tly /or*

fikiioo front and Rock room. In Mmto Mrm; All ImpreromoMi. 'PhoM 111#MPALlUT fT.« IT*'<'oQ(»o<illnf rooms* tiRM*

and rol4 muniRfk o f p i n f .o t u r ;

I S u p : lotli;Rot

i m l l .W a U B R N i t . . # t * - C o n n o « i l R f k o M A l t o o p .

r o o m i . o l t h o o t o r . I t m p ; A t o f k o h o « m l i o o p t n | . I t J l o p ; A l o o p l O f r o p m . I t . i l . 1*1000 A t . H I . R o o a o H O t p l R i r o o m o . ^ 1#.^ARRRM iT-. IT—Tonnotrtlnf room*: Oil

ItBprovomoBie; front ond Rork ootrOoM: Oljd oloopHif roomo MBA. HILL.VAatflKClTON »tT„ HI—Two eofiM«tlOff roofOB, front ond roor, roodr for houAO. ^ p tM . It; oim lart* front room, ooftoklo fOf too. It; hDuookMpliH.WaSHI^TON IT .T tlil'A -^^o or ooih nortinf tkiRt hqonkMpiodi olio oloop* tot room*. ImprovomooU; rooaooRbIf.___WAtatliaTON IT., in , Cpmniorolo) HoteW

PvrtittRod rooniA to lot; rotw roooeeokleifi" lnirmiintT''*- —

: njRW SBED ROOMS W A Iff ip(ICKTI.BUAN w*nt. nlr. ro«A. wkff* kf can io imi. hoMfkMBlKi: a u r laalniii •aarlM*: Mf.ra, *1th Mrira, rai> 4*n4 aalf.

>«****«'=*• -rURlfUHEO ROOMS W A N T E O - : O U T O fT O P II

WANT6D Rr yoont oouplo. tom or (hroo fornlphod room# for MAi hoomkoopUif: noor ninton av«. ond ieotti Torootj.flrRt ot.. Irvlafton, prAfAfmd. AdtroM H.. BraO SyLS £2££ii™a. *uL*™*U IB—WMR—kIB—


S m U k t i A i l M i b l i i A R i r a

■ MU m M U n ic e s .

itADOK B m a m a t c u » e

MSW TOIIK. D*c. SL—Tb* atoek iMrkaCi (iisM todar WH tm cular. TiMra waa a vlcofaea teikaad tn MaiViaii tralMUk. wkich wai atbibutad l« Wtar* •nt drelM to oorirliia o( Miorts a>d mb- ntpuIaUoa. That Mock iraa Uht up toI. *t%. a cala of n o n than Hvo polata. OuRontulai Ba^Diatloa airi Qroaaa Caaanaa tr«r* Mnac a t tinia*. ThoM waa porMMfol kuyinr of Aaaeon4a. whiidi ■oM at II. a t*lD ot tbroa potau Ip all tor th* i s r

P tul eonunon war aboorbod to abevoII. tn tht lajt fiw mlauta* rwoutonaw*r* In orlu , but tb« aattva atoeka ■•a- trallr with lubHatittal not taltu.

Oovfranifnt boBlf UBcbanpal: otbaraAioiw.

Mock* w*n la bettar a*maol lurlnc tha laU afUmooa, with Aaaeonda aoUliic up to IMi, a «afn of 1% point* for tha day. I’nlon Paclflo advaaeod to l i n t and St«*| common aoM at an advance d % |o II, CalKomla PMrolaum roM 1 ti to IMi aad tha prafarrod advancad from IH i to 1114. fractional advancaa wara notfd In Utah Coppar, Iniplratton and Chino.

Naarly all the apaculativa Interaat In the lata (orenaon waa aitachad to tha copper iMuea, and many of theta atocki were In aood demand at matarlaily hlffaar prlcea.

TannaaiM Coppar aold up J pointa to 1014. Anaconda iW to 1114, American ■nwItliM a polnl to IH K, Utah % to 1114. and InapIratlOB « to 4114

Ontario Minina aold at 10%, a aalh of % In all. fltaal common aoM around 11%, Up apenlnf prlca.

Monay loanlna at 1% par cant.'niara waa a tlronp Iona at tha opanlnp.

a number of laaue. maklnt aubMaoUal saint, but bualneta rontinuad email and Intereat waa centarad In an unuaually faw iHuaa

American Smatllns continued tht meat prominent feature, advsadns % to 101%. tha hlpbael touched Maca 110*. Frac­tional saloe weM uada In Anaconda. Utah. Chino and Bay Connolldated. T*n- neaoaa Cupper wu In batter datnand than for aoma lima, movins up a point to 10%.

Th# marina prafarrad carllflcataa roaa 1% to 1114. Btaal common moved up % to 11%, BaMerIn L«coRiotlve % to 111%. and Teia* Company a point to

Toul ealei of atoeka today ware II4.10* aharaa.

BOARDINGUHOAD iT . Hll, 'ThA BvRrtra'*—

f-«al iRffA Aftd imRU rraws#; Rm Im;^irc* rtcratlon room; olRirtflf) ITMiitA thr*«ch<ntii; imndwMA illQiRf rRofii; immIr ky 4%r k#wARk. Miat Dg.NTOW. rrsKtHfAra,BROAD IT.. Mt. Th« e m o M —lATVA rMiRu MeoR# floor frofti. niRRtiif wiiiRff, RAM1R koRt; aIpr oohr—Mb< roA»; taklA

B R O A D f T . , I M a H R j i R M e — L i k r e % I M t r o R i i u y R ll I m R r R V R i a t R t o ; ( I r a t - e l R a R t * W «

k R # n S . r i M A R A R l A . ' P b O M M 4U B r R M kBrook*B R O A D r r . . l I H a M r . S R M k — L r a e o A r r B H

Red AlnrU tUMtt kralid frost fRoiRo; U tA etnttr Rf <lty.CUimiR'ATB.'^tkMRIVR IRRRBi flMV fVRBt rtRMp Witk iRMjkRfff; RIRR RMMRllBis r i i b r b S sBaakat ala__________ ____

Alaaka Halt... Atlla-Chal. ... Allla-Cnat., pr.Am. ^ a t Hub.Am. Can..........Am. Can., p r , .

.Am. C. * F . .. SAm, Col. Oil...Am. U. * U.prAm. lea ........Am. Un. Oil..Am. Ix>c0. . . .Am. Uoco., pr. 101 Am. JImelt. .. 101

OOCRT PT.. H. ____fraal meai; eeoaaa Dear;

warn; epaallMt Mia: r a ^ aumwadbiaa; « ' 'Maai. itubaLoSvnr PT.tabia; all t o — F l r M . a l t u r a a u a ; a i a a l l a M

a a m l t a o M : w e e f M a a e : l a m ______________ u n e d a t e d : p r te e a w e a e r a t a .jo j [ in ~ R lu « Lake flP—Baaid eM FORM for two, raoaM floor; RoRiliMB PM tr; RdlRtRifev RRtk *nsraR iSM B. B*

UM eoui PABB. It, Tka Ivy tw pe treu• n j r s s , Tos- p S S r r s j a S !MtOOtCBCOffD ^Vl. 4i — C a r r a p o m r i r B r I o m a r^ kflVRtR

• k ^ w j r i S , 4 r * a r . » , ' r . . ?Pkaae; alw elafle re tan ; (atwip maa*TMI CAl

. foW i! %Beama aai turd , lai* i*

^ i2 5 r % k '

|BV,irRokty*'•BliMRMt iliRM*kralRdmm jfft ii^ m S J n S

M M O D tA R tlO

at. Addrapi paard. Baa ifTlHwa afllaa. t SSmS man aF1NI aw.; trUl prafariad.

wUbai kurd and raoat: pri caamlaBt ta^^Oys||^aim

I0A R D IN C -(W T o r TOWN- w i l l i k a r a t k a a a m t a a t a

BAST qBABOB. Idnu aM Io aad Mi^ea; aaara - “ p n ik la p i

ate., ta, kaat tael. at aaam. aaaollakt . wiraiRQ SlidduadT^


BABT (MUIfOB WlUlaai at. ttO—P m M ad----na; thMclaea laMa kaardf M 'r aeeaaunadated. Tal. POorpaanaa.

OBAMda, Cealml ava.. 4M. ear. Bal*M M y B i E - l i f B S o i S r *

M C W tA N T P - rd U T O f TOWM


The rant* of todaFa artoaa for tM more active aaeurltiw In the New Fork markat In contraat with tha paavloua cloatns cuotatlona |* laal u la ) ,_ u fur* niahed tor the Kewa by Toat B Fiasp, 1*plvan btlow; __________» —,■*,----Today p ■ > nmv p

HM. l«w. CMa. CIM.iT »% 10% a<It I t 11II I : I t i t i t«• I t «• *10II 11% w I t

■)!« - i t s ' « t ! i t t i l i i i i i .IT tT IT t m:i I tI t II


11% I IS1*1% 111% m % 114% ii i% * ii im i ...........iS{m *u%

I? ? '* .!? !*


r ilhiT..

Am. Susar .. I l l 'Am. T. * T... 111'..Am. TebacoP .. tOt I t l Anaconda . . . . ii% IIAteh................. 10114 1*1Bald. I/oco. . . . l i t 1118. A O ............ tt% ItBath. Stul . . . . 4T0 4l0». B, T............ i t I I .

S f c ■ { ' * I * ■»'i j j

• m


1 ’^__________ u ’*n s l i S U S14% i f t s it| h


S8l.**A*jfwul 110 V C., R. 1. A F. I l l CbiBo Cop.. . . I l lcoinr. A 1...... IICol. d«uth..s,. 14 Can. O n a ...... 141JCam Prod.':... i l l Cam Prod., pr- 111 Cm. itaa l....... i l lg * . W -

It. Sac..........

R, Motor*.

i l s mi|fta s

1 ! ’‘ S i’141 141%

n ’* 1?® i

iii* ! r i i

, Motora... I l l i t l I I I i l l

Onssanhalm ,. 11% If 11% UtlL ^ t r a l . . . . I l l 111 1*1 1*1iMPtratlOB . . . 4*% 41% 41Inter. Ilt% 111 t i tTnttr. P ap .... il% , if l!Intar. Pap. n . 41%' l l % | |JUn. 11% 11% i nLacha Staal... 11% l l L --

r l » iMo. Pm .......... 4Nat. Biabiat... U lt Bat. U M d .... i nNaLlty.Mi.,1 pr Ntvada Conp.. N.T. Air Brake N. T. Cant. .. N.T-N.H.A H. ..

t r S u S f14 BitIf


N. f , '0 . 'A W . 11% 1»% M l |«u. 41 J T u l . . 111% 1»% 1114

or. Am. Nor. Pae. pac. Mali

a T.


^ * S "'.■iA4;S;T.i! ‘SI ‘«r.a«>|4i h

____ Boa.r f J f ' ; . . ;fpuUi. By........ t tKudabaker . . . . I l l Ten. Cm. f lM t C*. l i i f d Ava. .7nloa Padfl*.

!i| i §i v S e f t : ,a * , a s i »

w . : c D Q u r n n I P H- - t a a ttip in B ompmtMMW TOIIK, Dm , lt.-~W. Oi thm M ,

d ^ Msaalaid th* OaMW Mwara Cmmt tmr. bat waa tomad aut a( Na pmif* daney tn U ll. kM twnad tm s m Ib. wMh pdwWful haaltlas hitaraala Mek a t hla% aM wasad what la imM M hiMa batb % meoatafui fiaht far otauai. i

1%o aiptratUb laal Oaldbar.af tha flvd- pw r votins tniat fiti d a> tha rattM- niMf ar Hr. D unat famlMitd tha AtaNr, bbd HP. Darmit, tm* Mi Iha bM4»- iSb* k si Mm M aiA in t i iKi S tk* Ckaw lalat Motor CiBaaap. naw ffap«aa% H, II .said, ta adkraiaofc *T OMaaaf M atan ■aOMlMit ta paatMh fp fcull Oi ad Chdo*y*|*| tlMMBia

Th# t«r« ««mp«nl«B ftr« tfl B* BBar* alad Iii4apand*nlly, far ka IMW ^ w a , Awaolatad wllk U a raappaar. MMo ad Mr Dw m i la Own iml M atan APa du Paaf panpla apd prasiddnOP a t aaoar^ a t Kaw fark 'a MiBar F r ^ i t r s daalltiitIdBa.

Tka Chavratft paaoam h oasiu i aad tha M rM t aradtaB** i* •aid t* ftBlpal I lM dM dd aiw t|*B ItAMMiM a t la iaii.iidilay ■Mali »t fN aant HataM.

Tbd aw iitlM far qaanpBl MiMat* v a tU i ly«dt oaHIftaalaa IMW rakfM tMa m * Imm I t d« Jaaimm | t ^ i t os CwasMMr >. Tha latr iat p iiw In t i l l wM N%, In dnnnnry, and tkn hRIin f was *k la Hay. On fMday, DnawiMr IT. m i , t to nnntaatMi am* A flk iA ndtawd M M IT ThW JHiv M m ira e rw iwda** tlt,ddASd» ad dm * dfSl M iliis anMMk 4Nm ' a Wfan ad Marly fhrt BBU

.I t—m w : Advlni

u in ik o ti

l ^ , * t a «wtIha “

h 4

Iiin u w n u s n a u i B r

The f* U fw ^ auMiiMna today warn furataked ay BMia Allnn«:

I - ; : : : C TI. . . . . . . . |*%• f t

ikfwnMliF. that t t M pM ftn oa.




i* *ilT




NUT FOR BIG MORTGAGE LENDERSTha Dwr* lavaatmant aad flnnnolal Haw

Tdfh tm alddn tha racaktly prapoaad pla* ta ImbH atauaaa 'lirraal aaUta mortsasM to raqulya hnrmwara to rapay annually, not only tha tataraal ahnrs*, but a amall amount on tha prlsolpal of the loan, th* laaa doaa th* projtdt appear to be likely to moot with favor.

At the Ptart, when tha Hhomo waa putforward by aom* of the bis mortsns* loan and Invdatinant companlei and tndoraad by praaldanta «t a number of the terser aavlns* banka at tha matropoll* it looked for a time a i It It mlfht bo ruehed tbroush with belle on. At one coDfereneo 111 mortsas* Imdara apoka or voted In favor of tt end only OS* opoaly and torcofully oppoaed It.

Frionda of th* movement, of courea, were quick to point out the sreater wfoty of mortsafaa under eome *uch arransoltient, the outtiBS down ot the principal du* from year to year more than offaettins poailble loaf to Itndara on real eetate due ta deprecia­tion or docllh* In valuee. That, It waa pointed out, waa oMcUy whtr* moat of them errad. They were, and are, nrsulng aulely from tha viewpoint of the lender*. II never occurred to them to reduce loan* on a alven vmluo to a proportion which would defy ordlnory likelihood of depraaslon In real eatate.

Th* antir* burden to atreutihen inortsaf* loana aa InvoWmenta waa to he aaddled on th* amall or lars* houaebohler, or Induslrlal landowner, or on the conlractina bulldins trade*. Thera was a day In the (ar-dlatanl past when th* "landlord" lived up to that name, lawfully. He waa virtually th* only on* oonitderod In quaatlon* involvlns land tanure. Tha tenant ever stood hat In hand. Thli plan to enforce annual reduction of r u l eatate mort*»«e*. further protect th* money lenders, looks very Ilk* * Ju(-handled prepoaltlon. j

Totiunetely. m ortsas* . broker* In New Tork have com* out of th* brown study tote which th* pcheme seemed to have

plunsed thorn. Judsod by th* foroofut out- Slvlnsa from on* of thorn, th* mortsas* anortliatlob plan la not to to throush—In Now York—without totolllsont proteaL It Ip plainly daclarod now that tht* asitallon la confined to the lars* lending Instltullona Individual lendera are aold to oppvu II,

Some euch achem* mlsbl. It Is admitted, work well for (nrin land Ioann bocauu land ownership In th* country frequently holdi from generation to genemUon. That It lends Itself admirably to the bulldins loan aaauclailon niochanlam foaa without aaytnq. But, It Ii contended that to seek to apply It to th* costly and highly Improved real eatate condltluni of the big dty, It would ovor- burdeu realty owner* and cause confuilun in Invealmrnla of Individual* and eatalaa.

When It la conatdarod. It Is added, how proifrrty owners have been burdened aliio* Ito ;, It la regarded as an Invitation to pre- clpltata a dangcruui plluatlon to saddle real estate with further periodical puymenU, In view of teduced rent* heavy taxes and the numerous mundutory and often conflicting refulatlona Issued by numerous city bureaui.

While amortliutlon ot really mortfages might deter speculation Ip D'Sl estalo—as claimed—4t Is also true that Investor* will rhoose other avenues In which to place their funds rather than risk loana where the term* may become so opprestlvs as to render the Buccese of th* borrower doubtful. There are borrowem on realty who could afford and might like th* amortisation plan for ohvinu* reasonL They may be easily grail- fled without hard and faat genaral rules applying to all borrower*.

From these and other vtewpointa. there­fore, mortgage brokor*—and probably many others—reta rd th* entire scheme, If gener­ally applied In New York, or other Urge rules, as destructive, un« which might temporarily benefit the lending loatllatlons, bul which would ultimately work disaster to th* development of and geneikl lavept* mem tn real eatat*.


RECQRDSSMASHED . IN FOREIGN TRADEE ip i r t i i d h p i tfa l i r T w d r t

M M lht W irih I S ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .

Rev. B tH M ii $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .

FAVORABLE BAUUK£ $1,7D7.049,304

ANNUAL n t r i N G Sc m TktlST CDHPAHY OF NBt**aK.

ftewsLta, H, J . SeetwPea tl, lUt.Tb* aaeatl wMttag ef ta* j letllbaliltis af

the « ly traM Oaaiwuw af IMMOk atll fee ImM Tmeday. J e a m ^ ) . tiH , at J A H,. *t th* effle* at the liwaeaA IW BtiPilWllli svi., I* eteet otreeten (w me WMiaB yasr and (ransacl aasili stpar hailtiiss ea OHUr i,r„Mrlr cams ketere lb* mesUiia. PeUa will k* epea (ren 4 t* I P. M. __

» F U A& .

ta a FpIftiiltiiTijPantNiwwk.Tk* aasual laviilna vf ihi iteckka tpis conpeny will be bild at iki

tb* vsApaer. PriMteatisl builOlna N. aa BenSar lasuarp ir "" perpsw ef ilMtlcc directors I __w 'tf rE tv R fc rB W iL V o S :




WABHJNOTON. Dee. I t —PoreHm trade of ih* United Hate* In November Jumped to the unprecedented tntsl "(|t**.*D*.AD*. A Department of ComnMrc* sUlement lasued todey show* that Im ports as well aa exports broke record* for th* month. A record of fl.llOO.il**.*** for the past twalve nwnlha' exports and Imports waa set.

November Imporls wero t l i t .l l l .ld * mot* by | I 1,0**,00* than the prevlou*Novsmber reenrd, made In l l t l . Novem­ber eipori* ft t i l l . 144.i t l were th* prewiest of any monlh In the counlrF* history. The Pest previous monlh was last October, a-hen exports were t i l l . - OM.ttl.

Twelve months' Impurla to Novembet t* tggregeled |l,TI*.t4I.TM. agelnit It.ttl.llt.OIT for the precedtng year.Th* year's exports wet* It.4 t1 .lll.lt9 , or 11, So*.(I**,*** mere than th* precetl- Ing year and iieuly tl.OPP.MO.OO* more than two years ago. The favoiwbl* trade | balance for Ihe twelve mooths ending November I* wte tt.T07.*4*,l*l.

The grset amount of gi ld poTirinp Into Ih* UmtMl ktates Is shown In Ihd etatc- ment that ttl.***.*** arrived In .Vovem- ber. Only ll.eio.OUO reached this coiinto In November, 1*14. Twelve months' im­ports of gold aggregated 1410.110.*1* rompared with tSt.MZ.Otl In 1*14. .Mo- venther f,»td exports were oidy tl.efl - t t l , against Itl.S fM Il the pr.cedlng N'Avemb.M'. During the last twelve monthsgold valued at t1*.*4T.lt1 left Anierle*. ; bMlnsw m mar tw V**"!'- as compared with t t l l . t t l . t t i the year If} }f* ’•■’i'"*'*!!'**? *1 4*"'

N. J.. DfctmRra !«*Rrmral iRMtlRi H ihR«f thia b«nh fRt lh« RWURfi Rf .. __tbR FittRlRf «tu Rr RrIR At rrrrr or Tt—ray. tliR »i*vRRtii w m JaI- RMT RMt. DRU U»* hRRfR Rf l l raT I ^RClt A. M.

M'SNCta & HAnmL crafltw.

CJflOK NATIONAL DAIOC. flUCCTION.MRwt?A. fT j„ bRTRmbRr !«. tfll. Tto* RnauRl MRRttRf «r U« sie lroeWeFR RfthiR bRflA iRf Ihl •iRRlIOR Rf dlr«ClWR ftiNlfor ih« tjRiMAeli'in of ray RurIrrm tluit IMT com* bofOfR IllR ftlRRdni, RlU #• At 1A# URhkiAf'hORRR. »n Tr«RJA| jRRRAry |1.. ... -lAf'hORRR. »n 1114, b M W R R D t h * b R W f * o f •na u u,

A. W. CQNICUN. CRRhltr.• clocli A. Ms

» x cou» dankU ^T national dj o r NlWAjRILNRRRrtit N. f.. DMomkRT I. tllL RnnttRl R—tint Rf ItR •iRcURMin ........ rank for th# RWtkm Rf Utronoraltrar?R twr th« •MKiRcyRtr RtU k« krMi uIlM kRakinReiinuM, T«raa*jr. Jtnrar/ IL I t t l kRtRTRNR Ikl RRRfR Rf ll RIMt 1) A. Me-----llAKTtKCRraiyrs

i riMi Rf thU

A. r a.

Uem^HANTr NATIONAL DANK.NtlCCTtoN NOTfCra.N«w«rk. N. J.. tiRCRRirar ll. IfUi TkR RtmuR) mratiRi •( tk* RiOi kkRliltM t t

t ill iMnk for Ihe ^Rellofi of ......dlrtotRyi J RRRk R i M ferin kR k#M


NBW TbRK. Dec. Jl.—Pies* fot » verdict of aequlltal In behalf of eaeb of lb* defendants Individually were hstrd by Judge Hunt today at th* trial, under tb* gberman lew. ot the eleven preaeal anrf former director* of the Nsw Haven Rellroed. .

Th# flril WAR m*do In bRh»if of HRnry K. McHtrf by Homor *• Cum- ralna who declared that ninety-nine per cent, of Ih* teetlmony given lli the oaa* had no application to hla client. He pointed out that MrUarg did not enisr th* New Haven board until June, 1*07. and said that practically all the acqalsltlen* which the government complain* of had bsen completed by that date.

Henry M. Karl* mad* a ilmllar argu­ment In behelt of Robert W. Teft, who entered tb* boerd in 1104.

"When this alleged cenaplracy be- gan." eald Mr Bari*. "Mr. TaD waa a ■mall boy running around In knlcker- bockera. Not one Act of Mr. Taft ■how* that fco was conedoue of any oonapiracy." __________


The fallowing auoiailou* were Dtr- nlahod by Poet k PtaaL'.Open-HI


AnglP-PFneh Am. Ic* toe. ta t lAm. A. C. I s . . . I t l Am.J. a to ... IJ4

i.'f iT .tx tlii IMAtch. ta ........... trAteh.AtAt, ____ ^B. * 0 i% s... nB. * 0.4a....... »1%a * O.cv.4%* »t%a S 0 . aw.J:. t t

loan- High- Iwr. eat.

• 4% (4%

ten. ta . . . . . . . sswteh. adi. 4*.. *{% 1. n.c. g la lf ti l« |jl I. Coari L 4e. 11%

114% 11444 1144

»i% i i " ii%I.

»i%• 4% it): im

,!!•litiik Ltoo*. I* ..

pan. k a 0 .4* I t^ t t l . •*«. I*., II Irit let cen. 4a }l

IiiGrla g. Han 4a BrI* cvt. 4i A.Brie cvt. 4* B. . . Iat‘r-Het. 4%s 14*, inter Paper to 101% In. Rap Tr. fd. }1 %. Rap Tr. fd. to%

an. <Tty R. I* 10 an, a ty ■.!■ 11%A jf . to ....... »4%

a Pbd. 4f . .. 41 [sahat. to . . . II r . £ .A T. 4*. IIfiS isitt: V

C. 4*... Nor. Pae. I s . .. H. k West. 4t. Pae, T k T. to Pub. tor. to. ..

i.Ulrw.coo*.leit* , adj. to.S’ iff; S::::

*. Pbc. cvt. te ; Pto. evt- ■


!*U 47%119% i n41% *t%

72% i i "it% 14%>i% ii%i"% 14%«% >i%10% ToH% M%

ii% i i "


4 >« *


44 '«%” S*» 14%

1»% i i ''


•m m r is first guest inNEW COURT HOUSE BASEMEFTT


AraRrI flm-iA* Rf tk« BiTNPi-MOBRIBTO^'N, D*(j. S I—Th* r*-

madRJtd batrmfiit ef the Horrit ("eunty Court House wri oproRit ItifoninElty l u t nlfht, whtn R min ooinmltlRd und«r th« nsruR of John Do« wrr put As j hirvRiit Rnd i»f IhR room dRsifnod for drunken poroOfiA bocRuee of his {Condition. ArfktiKo- monis Krvr bran mid« for pWloc Moh Lfieemlni prisoner r shower both Rttor hiR rocRptlori In tb« bosement, but tblP fROturR «Ri omitisd Ikst night.

The bRsemsnt hsi bran wlrnd for eiRCtrIc lights Rnd It !■ rapoctod that ths tsbiei end bRnchts for the h«Rr dlntng room will Rrrira todty. »o thot tho ChrlstmRS dlmisr con be rarved Ir tho new quRrterA It Is rUo ptohned to hold ths ButidRy Mrvicos In lb* dining room.


D C R IU a It. C. bee. I l —Checka tn the sum of 114.aM, tb* gift of Jam** a Dwha tobacco manntactiiTer of New York, are being mailed today from Ih* offices of Trinity College to th* aupor- annuated preachera ef North CarellnA

Tht celltg* I* making th t dlatHbu- tUm. Th* Duke fund matches dollar for dollar the fund appreprlatad by th* chureha* for Ilk* purpoee*.


IA5NDON, Dee. tl , I P. M—Th* mam- berefclp committeo of the Block fet- change adoptod th* followlnc rul* to­day:

"A candidat* of Berman or Auetro- n im garlan birth la Inellgifel* to mam- bo rah Ip."

Tht* rul* la tubjeel te confirmation by th* Stock Bxchang* at a meeting negt Wednesday.


< MK'AOf), Der. i j —Wh,*, turned we.h toda, sftsr an early advance, whi.-h had resulted from higher quota- lion. at Liverpool. Argentina reports, however, telling of fine weather forth*

a large yield nasurtd gave nn advantage to Ih* bear*. Profit taking by holders was on a brood seals. Ctpening pries* which were unchanged to 4iq% higher, with Dscember at m to 12414, and May at ltl% to 111%. were followed by a reaction all lu-ound to below yesterday's finish.

Buhsequsntly rslUss look pleco, owing to supposed sign* af export bualMaa. The effect, though, failtd to last. Trad* In fulurea w*s unuaually octlva, bul duropeoa buying seemed to have oeni* to * paue*. I h* close wo* week, 14| |« 1% net lewer. with December at 111% and May at lU.

Vorn rnee to the highest prices yet for the t i l l crop. The buying was largely spsculatlve. After opening % to % higher, the market made some turiher gatn. but then endwrwent a moderate sag.

Later (he corn market went higher than before. Buyers seemed to be Im- presaed with tha belief that the ges- ernment hod overeetlmated Ihe crop. Noverlheleta. top prices were not well lulntnined. The close waa unsettled at % 0 % to % # % net advance.

Oats bordered with com. The vninme of trade wee much greater than hae raeenily been th* ruU.

Liberal receipts of hogs weahened provision*. However, there waa no urgent pressure to eell. Report* ■bowed that tlautHterlnge In th* West continued htevy at compared with ■ year ago.

The fntlowing euotatlone from the Chlt^ge Board ot Trod* were furntehed






III.a rt. i*. KtIk

rXINDOy. Dee. Il.—Honey end dis­count rate* were steady today. Amert-

j can exchange conllnned to advance I elowty end cable tranefere closed elj t-11%.j Th* stock market woe quiet with a

fairly good andertoao. Japan*** bond* and ell end shipping eharee received Ih* most attention, but a good num­ber of American gold bond* nlao changed handy. Cuban porta etook wM flat on denial* of recent favorable ru­mors regarding th* company.

Amarican eecurtltta were only oe- caslonelly dealt In. The rl< ng Ion* waa quiet. Brokers In this section w*r* ptoased by that portion of Ih* Treas­ury moblllteilon scheme announcing that small amounla of Amsrlcoa so. ourltisa placed at the disposal of the treasury must be handled through the ■lock Kxchange. tt waa thought orig­inally Ihty would loss all th* buolneea

\U 1*1%1*1%

m m n m i u a mKIW TOItK. 0*« 11.—Flour-rtrm ey i

■•rtaB patents, i.liK L t*; wlntar « a t- •■to, l i l t M il wlntar atralgfat* 1.41 •i.1*.

p*fk-«t**dy.S H y tilly rM U d l* Watt, l.1 l« rM . MolMki* ■Half .Mapv-quUt.au*o -« t* * d rLkathetw-'Flm.Skttorv-tTMadtM: laaaipt*, M Tit

erMfMry, attra* <11 *0*4*1. |4l« % 0 » iHRIt-

, JlWfkar •oaringl, _n#5k ii% R iI% i M «*btt it%

M m -UaaatUad: reoelpta 1.414;fxaZmtharod, eatra rUta, aatraltN to .*M flii rinta, t lK I l ; atoAiuM. W RIt: Mdrby h*na*fF. wbltoat fin* to (anm, 4IRi*; Marky kaaMgpv kr*wMi ugkaa.• m i i r fkaatotn, m M; Btatav

latlh. n*i4k b w apwlal*, 1T%R av«nw* (— < iTi «kv ••t-

m S H tt* . apaatol*. U % 0 tf i t t . avar.^ B ^ n -L o re w a d . Orto: fnkh kllHd

WRWRJMaakr: watoani *— •

aiM.” " towt*. »iR»«^*i —

RVYtMiwiTwnirn * . tt.-

••-ttF,M « .f l


TOBK.M%. IMlliat:L i i.TMli «•*>*•

______ _ M ii to— Ml— a. f t : ^M k, n tott. BWMarat Da* hmhI, MR: (aM**- MR- M M t D iainii,

diMkk i*M- RaMwi ItotkkM, l iR jg — T m . t t r * iw .M % . Hail- tpB M — *1- OavwHMal k*ktt. Otib. ■m ipm A k a a tt irragaMr.

DNir (HTM U1B NOSRDOALVEBTON, Tax., Dao. l l - 0 * * a n

freight rates on eiporl eotten have ad­vanced sharply within Ihe loM tew daiya The ral* from Oalveeten to Llv- orpool has advanood from | l per IM pounds to tl.li. The Havre rate hno atlyancsd from tl.ld to |l.40 and th* OoBOa rat* f r tn tt.1 l to | l per IW pounds.

Thoa* advaneo* In cotton rataa ar* due. It la said, t* actrelty of tonnag*, Mgh prevstitng rataa fw grain and tb* dotlr* of ahlp •wntr* to aecur* daad walght earg*.

FtNAROAL nNNlEXSTk* Pannaylvanla Oiimpsny, which

oporata* ranatyltraiil* Milyead line* west *f tottabuqih, ta t ty k**l*r*a a **«I-*MU*I dlvldank df fatir pat oant Tkli aompsrt* with tw* paP a«nt. paid ■It monlha ago, nak tM • total *f alg per cant for Ih* year, tn if i4 th* company paid a total ef toto pa* oont.

# • •Th* Pittihurgh, analknatl, Chiekg*

* Bt. Loula Ballway G*,, alad a Ponn- aplvaala Bailread tabahOary, iaeiar** a divikkad *f tour par ■*%!, on th* pr*. taarad aad a dlvldead *f two par oant an tk* eomwon ateek. I* lt1< tMa oem- foay paid a total H ftstr par oaat on th* pfOt*rr*d aad lhr**-qaarMn of ««* par c*bL *b the «omni*B.• • R

KMtotp twv* h**n ■•nt by Baak Ctm- ■Htokmar Thorndlk* d t Bwiien t* th* M a t atmpMH* whMh Invaatod In tb* bond* *f the Xat«at« aiihm, I» toraMag lh*m Ihirt )i* hat dwi**t that tbo

iw aala 4M* l*Bat to r «k*

% « 4HMMI M I M r ^hBlalkB*'Obtoa *«*l pr*dotiti*a Ik I tU w m

»kda«*d to lBnt.491 wwh aaw ly «a*- haU Ihal t IIII, awlap t* th* atrlk* *f th* aila*ii In Aptik UM. 4M1 Mh-

*f mik**, kWiMttiK to today by Urn

TM■aqakkta Mp*rt ikdBDinki nlkMB 4i

iok. Tm DhiMttr af WU, 4MU im* Itm th fac tM yaat « t t

by Byrne AOpen.

Wheat— Dac. I|4% Hay. Iii% July. n i

C o rn - Dec. 1«% May. 74% July. 14%

Oats— Dec. 4J% Mar. 41

I’ork— Jan.. 19.14 May. II.S4

lArd— Jan.. *.$T May l . l l

NcUoanall: High. Low.114%111%

Prev's Ctoeai. Cloa*.



It.IS II.tcI.Id

1«5 \\\111% 111%

iii iiin tilt

iru !i;ii \in^t . l i I.W t.W . . . . l . l l 1.14

m m i emu m mNKW VOIIK. Dec. II.—The cetton

market opened at unchanged price* to a decline ot four points todey In re- ■ponse (o rclitlvely easy cables. Busi­ness snpesred to be chiefly In the way of switching from near to late months, with sratterlng liquidation of near po­sitions. absorbed by spot houss brokere, who ner* selling later deliveries, March rallied from 11.11 lo Il.tJ right after tb* cell, or back to about loai night'* closing pries, but demand was limited, and the market later sagged back to about IM opanlng figure*, with January eelllng at 11.11 and May t t 11.41. Private oahlea reported a very small market In Liverpool and local bualneoa may have been realrlrled to some extent by nervousneae over In- lematlonal polities ea wall m by holi­day conelderetiona

Pom* New Orltans and local •ailing oaneed a slight decline to 11.11 for March and 11.411 far May. daring the middle of th* morning, «r about six points from last nlgbt'a cJealng figure* but the lelUng was net aggraaatve, and prices were hersly steady ar»end mid­day at ralllee ot two or thro* point* from th* lowest.

Tha market showed pracBoallr he tea- turn during th* early qftantoon. with March eontraeta ruling around 11.11 and Hay 11.41. or about Rve pofMa net lower.

foUawing MOtailetui war* fu r­nished ky Puat t Flagg:

NEW TOU MnaDC SBCDUriSTh* folkriring igaatatton* wur* fur-

niahed by Xlf*la A Xlag:HfHtMa.PtorijM dtFa 1 :}*

1 ^ . If 14% I t 1444

n i i a i n i i i i *

DlUhU R ->i

before.The net Inwsrd gold movement foe the

laet twelve moiitha waa 4tkO,»8t,4t* egalnel a net outward movement the year before of 1174.101,14*.


MTVR (Rf tlM RRlRlhR yAT, %ft ■ ■ r J .

_______ _____ - A i r r . . .II, ill#. bRtWRCB th# ItRUrv Rf 10 RtniANTHUD U fUlLLIPi. CRWURfo

Th* RnnuRl mRttinf of ihR ■toclihRr4Rrt Rf (hR WRrifitflRfd Avonii# TruRt CoaiRRiiy m NRWRTh. N, J., for ihR rIrihIrr of dlractRfR Rtlil <h«i IronBRCtlaU of turh OtkRF hralRMR M tnR)' pro^rf)' rtbllM bRflr* RRrd mratlDf, <»II1 ha hatil Rl (ha itfIrR of (hR r«ra|Mn)r, #91 W»r1n#flRld RvanuR. on Trrrurv. jRnra» li, 1110, Rt t f- M. Wollf rtiMR Rl 4 K Vo

raANK UCAD.McrararTi

WANKINOTON. D«c. S3,—In notify. Inr u»* NiRtR ti«t>RrimRtU thRt UrRRi Briuln would permit tli« ImmRdlRtR RhlpmRRt of l.TOO tonp of logwood for djrratuffi from JumalrR (o thR UnItRd NiRtRR. th# Brltlah ICm^RRiy h u Irtdl* l*RtRd ttiRt th t RhortRNR of (hR RItfRCt of logwood In ConadR muRt bm rallaVid RR R rondlllon of tha RmbRrgo’R modi* ficraion In Rddllion It ApprarR that th«n la eont«mp)Rl«d a much largar movement of this Important dye boRR utidar cRiiRln reRiriotton*. j

"It !• hopRd that th* ihortagR of dy«" ituffa In OrtRt Britain will ahorlly ba | mel. when th« Irrur of lloRnera In JamalrR wilt b* rraum*<L provided that reajonabl* margin !• loft In tha leUnd for any Rmerganrlea that may ariea.” read! a note from Sir Bdward Or«y. tranamltled today to IhR lltatR Depart* ment.

MANUraCTflUBBlewara M J. Dee It.

The essuel aiteUas ef the jhereh, this beeh. fee Ike elMlleu •F'dlreeii

J, h,ia at lbs ‘ '■query II eoi 11 e'eh


rehelCre' •

luery IIe'oli---WILLIA

M •leellee erdlreeiece, win keeklea Imeee eo Tuoskyn . etst, bfioeeo Ihe beute ef 14•ei. A H bLIAM J (OARDNBk. CtMUee

n a t i o n a l c t a t n b a n k ,Nemu^ N. J.. December tk. 1*1*. T*e ensuer sweUsg ef the sMrekeltote et

Ihb kanh far the tteetleu ef dlrSrten fee th* •nevina yeer be held st Ihe henltom hewM ee Tumhev th* eleventh dey of Jee-Ti*Ji "A ifrtrt'^ 8F*nNl*ViW Auijw.**



rivele todey Include: den Uugtlelmo. Naples.Pairis. Naples Thsssalcmlkl. Pirasut,Panama Crlktcbol.Jonnlns Bt. Michaels.

■ A lU V a TODAY.MInnelishs. London.Bemiudlsn. Bermuda.Noordtm. Holterdem. re te rts . Neplec Ben's Msrta, Jamaica.

OTHER nrPOHTItNEW YORK. Dee. 11 —Plgnaled, Rol-

lerdam. Rotlerdaiu rio ralm ouih for New York, ilO miles east of Handy Hook at i norm; doeh 11 o'clock'tomorrow morning

CITY TRItAT company UP NNkTABB.Tha board ef diveeisre of this enmpqto hst tndsy declsretl the regular quonerlr dividend of t per east, upon Ihe earilsl etork, payable Jaauory t. J*I4. to otook- helderi of record December l i Ikll. Checks will be mailed. E. B. CARR.


S fC IIU T IIS , IN V O R H X W , n C .

P O S T & FL A G GMraieipii B. 1. Mari KtrtMaga

rroCBR AND BDNPR fKlCaHT A%U IDU> rOB iBVWhlM 4b o c a r r i o d r a U k r m l T e r a r a

ALFRED L. DENNIS■eeldera ftftaer.



THB PIBK «;Oill>OltATlOM.Tke let-Riiaii «if Ike principal efflee In tbieRitt i» el si* Uein Blrrat. h “ *------

OrmnfR. c*iu>(y ol ErrrvIn (he'tevn efthRCFln end InTk* nernri of UiR rarat ekarp* (hRCRof, upRh wnem prtx'RW tkhi L'BjRpRfedOR mny #• R*rv«4 th« New

jefeey RefifOetlRn eed Truei CMupaaye et SSI Male Rirrat. Baal Orana*.Tke n*r rfirperatlra, e t-erperatien of tke et»(e of N*« J«r»Ry. ker*kr i^nm#e tkat It hra r«tireH 'feeriRen hundred fifty 4l.4##l •karee ^ lie eulRtandliig repKaJ aiocK, kern* lofere derated le (kR fraranry of (Nr fwm< ■PAT iRia rRdeetiRn In (Hr cepital elecb ef «Ud RRfipRreiien kavlng kR«n decleeed by e rRRRlefloe «f l#* bRnrd ef direetore ef Mid rerperetlmi (r k« edvlrable, end hetlag krae delr end rRauieriv eaeraied m by ike vMR et eJI ai tkR Rtrakknidere of the eor- perbtlRn «ntHl»d le vete, i t a meeUnt duty M td by ikt board of dtrrateni far th ^ pur- poRR, end tke wrltltn rmriiI ef raid Rloek- hRldm le kwrto «fponded.In 4ritn«efl tke raid corporationkee raeeed (kte rartinrate (o k« Nfiied by rfflldRAi end rarretayy, eiid its rnf'prHidt... - . -Tmreie «rrI (r k* hrreta ennevad. (kW fit«t day ef EMrember. illie.W.wv-me J McKLKINI

Preeldeni.a N D K l C W J . M c B L K I ^ N B T e

E D W A R D J . T Z L T O U , Mecretary.jBdRraed:"Piled *ed recorded Dscombar I. I tlt , THONAfl r . NAIf^rN,

(fte.44' ■erretsry ef glgtA

AstTonomlenl Kvenio—Prom No«ai To- *oy lo Keoa Tomorrow.

Dec. 21,—At 4 0* 1'. M.. w* reach the winter solstice; the sun Is at Its lowest point tn the heavena; w inter com- rnences. This m arks Ihe middle of a north polar nlgbl of six moulhs, and of a south polar dar o f the sama. 'q.j; .a. .. ■. -------------it-------!t - a aSE C U lim iS , 1NVESTIIENT9, n C



T r t a w l M a e S t t * . t t t l . I t l t . m M k k .

Retokllahed I4*a.


f!errragea4rabi WUran A CluraiaB. Merabere CeRRRildRiid Itovk I ra ir r4 R> tn

S to c lu , B o n d a , C p u n , CtRlaBiO D D U yn

Caike RMialR er partial paynatR Letwl karurMre. JaveMMWlea

MAIN n .0 0 % , ESSEX RUILDINO'Fhearai Hwlkefry i l ^ IM^ IMT,



atoBieM M sotlLK*. W.

Mat latT -lilt No

GUERIN & WILUAMSnsinuuia cnniiAcnns

781 Broad Street Newirki N. XrmiMpmonm:

Solving Financial Problem s %

'TPHE counael and advice of our ofiicerB and directors ia cheerfully given to both large and

small depositors in helping them solve their hnan- cial problems.


7%* k r g a l N ^U tn a l B ank Ai N t w j m t g


6 0 4 * B P Q A D ST R B E TTbs managsrs havs decUred a dividend tt tbs

rats of FOUR PER CENT, per ansum on sccottats of tl,000 or lest, sntjtled thereto on Novsiaber Itt, and at the rste of 3!/j per cent, per unnin M tb# part of any account that okceeds SljOOO to D,000. Payable on and after Noveinber litb, )3IS.

---------------- -— y ------------

|>fp4M4*a Hade by Jamwy 5 D m laterttt fNM JaRoaiy L ^


OM ag*dr A ffs p .

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I lit* «f p w e * • '1 wtoree#. H mt*I Mr* a* ilM M ar (^ vomIh ot *«•*• tIUM th* ak* alia kBaw bb4 Its** an4l*4 •M tail Ik* b * m r* of war ank ib« lattW a«*tal**4 bjr oar kalknrad laad la

frm ta a i tlv** *■<■ ta *r«**rt|r In * a la - a s Ml m w an «I lb* iwat< 111*

kr«|iu*d. HAPPENINGS IN SUBURBAN SEaiONSQliftiii W NiiiiMl Pificj Dt

Mt Mill It New EnU


fWaiMia f r » l iMa> tar* 1< a n M ■* m m « ill t* r iM la aiataT r a Caa* a f Ja«r* iMIaH* DctlaBC* tfcaa W toan *a Iaa< LaatMata K aia rn n w ra a a , F*ralaa-M*aa» kaafa* Ilf* ^ k aaalaa t allawa Raw* L aaia Craiaaa

Anarica'a afforta a t praparallan for katlaaal AafanM and tba poaltloa In Wkkh lb* esuntry la planad by th* aBaaad un-Aiaariitantain of hypbanata* War* n b lac la of two addraaaat a t th* K|w Enatand Soclaty of Oranf* laac bight, which cutminaiad In crmclarn bf a third apaakar of th* foraign b ^ lc r Of th* admlnlatrailon. It waa th* forty*fifth annua) celebration by lb* aaolaty of ro re fa lh tn ' Uay and for Ih* drat tim* In Ita b inary Ih* aacirly want MiUld* tb* Orangaa for U* dinner, w4lch look pier* al th* Eaaai Club In UMwoltf.

iterar* th* rllRiactle *p**<di of Ilia ava- BliR tbrr* war a talk by [>r. Henry d^^DiInkar, praaldant of Uthlgb UaWar- •IRr. wboi til diacuaaing national pra- I^Aadn***. aaaariad that raaaonabi* nillliary praparallan would n*y*r b* b ltd for wlokad ar uncaflad fa r ag- gfbaaloo by a oallon baaing tb* high Maral **na* of th* Vnltad Btataa. Than XM. Dr. Arthur Thoma* fow lar, pnator wf th* North Orang* Raptlit Churnh. Altd bimaalf a naturalliad eltl**n. a* JM| told hi* b«dr«ra, rapudlatad th* biRbanaMd AdMrIcan. H* daolarad that ho, had rafnaad I* baeom* a mambor of an|' aoelMy which naak* t* k**p to* gwihar Mta bora In a foraign Umd wb* f**fe to k**p ally* ••atinMBta not tbor- o i ^ l y l ia rlad a

n wa* Dr. Xanl van Dyho, profaaaor • f hMory a t PHneotoa, wao gav* th* Uth. whM w*a th* oUnax at thaat tw * . addiraaatB. H* docihrad that th* awrai i*n*«Be* sad- Ih* au ra l cradll *f lit* VMtad ItalB* war* a*r*r ao tow abroad •B^aaw and that tbi* randlllon waa du* la *ar oWB eonduct. Ml* topic wa* 'Th* Ml hu n t PoalUon at Auart** la tb* My«* *f tb* WatM."

Way** Ra y and Walaai a * M aata.Tht gaaata war* w«l«ou*d to Nawark

by Mayer Thotna* L. Raymond, who hlAa axtandad th* walootn* of th* gowaraara of *th* alabi Other apaakar* war* Jtutic* rraanlB J. gwaya* of tho Sittram t Conrt of Mow Jorooy, wkoa* U M wai T baprow thg Law," aad Haary Rinkln Paora af Orang*. who raad an aiidnal paani oa Ih* PllgrlM ratbara.

teaattnaslar waa L. Kawnrd BfUmbaoglh praaldant nf tk* aoclaty. Allang Ik* guaala a t tk* haad taht*

Hakop H w ln a. U aaa a f th* tftwark Rplauopal Olaeaaa, who attarad p ^ a r i Mayor Danlat R. H laahaa of

Inga, Mayor W arrall F. lloan ta ta af Bat Orang* and tarm ar Ooaarnor

nkllii Murphy.a ferring t* t iu In ta rd n o i* of notaa

bftwaan thl* aanniry nnd Oarnanny *M talar Adatria, *«*r th* ataklhg at (Mb LaaltanJa. th* Arable and <Rb*r Wgidala by ■ubaMflaai. Or, aaa Dyka atrartadi

T t I* my Itanaat aptnlaa, haaad oa th* atatamani* af tact, th a t It wonM hd difficalt la find In hlaiory a caa* af Mor* Caflnll* iaflaao* by on* •**- arnmant af anetbar. If Ramanla, w ith Itk troop* Toady to h* th raw a la ta th* M lanra with Ih* AHIaa, had adat aueb a hM* aa our laal on tho Luattaala. wBwId It b ara boon mot with month* of cllaneaT

TTila may maan war; I hopa np l aad I think Bat, bat, fatlaw antaana. I t doing right mean* war. bow hboat I tf M'ar I* holL but th a t nation la wa> worthy of freedom th a t cannot cloo* • • Bhoaidar to ahouidor and marah tiwodgh hall Itaa lt If that way Haa th* p ^ af duty.*

*aa Dyka waa applaudad aad a t tb* cloa* of tho u l h bo wao fyaoty eoa> fHtulatdd.

Dr. van Dyka hald th* viaw that tb* llhttad tta ta* had aat up. In appoaltton to tb* doetrin* of military naean lty that la puratrad by th* ilarm an Oorarw-

ant. Ita claim that Ih* prlnclpha oft h*

w n t . Ibamanlty n u a t be oba*ry*d. bat ft* oon- IWid*d that. In Ih* ayaa af Ih* world, that c laln by th* UnlUd g u ta* had not

upbaAd."•■Aa tho WorM Poa* tt,*

_ ^ T l o for a t th* world aaoa it," aaaartod ' n . ram Dyho. "wo conaldar tho braolt*

Ink of tho law* ra*p*ctlng prop*rty on four* with th* daotruetton of Ht*.

war* ta r bailar If w* had narar apohan a l all than to bay* ■pokaa with ibla ra*alt

cThI* I* not a pit* for war. I am not Baking for war, hul I am aaking tkat odr prot«at in dafaiia* of oar Idaal* aiatl b* made. In the *y«e of th* world, hM letakahly plain.”

Th* apeahar tuggaotad that on* way td auauln th* poaiUon of th* Unitod Mal«i would b« to br*ak off poetal


yaUlloB*. or, to go turth*r, to InUrrupt diplomatio ralallona

'TN* bay* apoktn la d*f*na* of a prlBcIpla" eoatiauad Dr. van Dyka. ‘Thai! that proiaat daganarat* Info an argam tat aad than p*t*r out In *ll*nc*T

T f our P m ld an t moy«i on to Inriot on an *ntw*r, l*t him faal that *y*ry Anwrican |e behind him. W* don't want any arwumant. Wa want no mor* followehip with a nation thkt d*f1*a and deliberately Intull* aa la danlal of out pruttft.’'

noforrini li« iho wordf of ProvtUont CloveUixl At the tlmo of tho

VthoiuolA rontfovpr«:A‘ with t^ lrh «pMrh rioaed wjth thO words, ' ^ • r « U no csUmlty which • vrost nation 0*0 Invite whlth ih*ty y c h follows s suitine submission to VVMif u d IhJuptlcs Sfid the eonsSQUOBt IdM of nsUonsI s*if-rsspoct bsnssth tw oli srs ihlsidod snd dsfsndsd * WEIS'S ssTsty ssd grestnoss/' D r v*n DVlis Sttsrlsd, "1* thsrs wny ons hers tM t <iusstlons th st votes from thsd j u r

purpoB# In view.■t*pp*d Into the Hate of the

ararld on the earrad prlnolpl* of hu- Rgalty, or, a t l•*Bt. we aaid it." went *a Dr. van Dyh*. "When 0«rniany'* •Aaearlnee were nearly ell raptured w* *mr* told by th* Ambaeeador of Oer- nljiay that no mor* llnare would b* mink, kut our demand had baan for niarchantman. Car* wa* taken than, hawavar, that th* announraaiant ahould nM maan too much. The point of th* BflBolplat of huiuOTiity waa not left to

Haguo tribunal, a* w art otherg |< ^o B a

you wonder that tho** In Rump* 10 do not hat* u i ar* Incllnad t*

aM ia* a s rHr. Drinfcar mad* a atrong appeal for

S panidnaa* on Ih* part of th* In- Maal cltlMn, dwalllag a t langth on work of tho aummar mlUtery camp*

agd arglwg that nothing ooald b* bet-

a* *y*r ho nan of pane*, but let u* b* man, pulling aar l«ya af eaan> try ahava lay* of gain and of oasa; alow to aogar, hat raady to doftnd ear land, our homo, our wonaa and oar chlMroa, Intalllganlly, affootivaly and proaiptly. If th* aaad ariaaa, net by aoin* hap- haaard, haoty affort, hut. aa Waahlng- ton ha* wall tald, by ‘a ualiorm ami wall'dlgaatad plan.’

"Parbapa an* of th* moat nolabla *d- vanra* In education mad* In th* laal dacod* haa baan th* attabllalimant by th* goyarnmant uf tb* ayatam of aum- mar mllllary inatructlon camp*. Today wo ara * united nation, with no North. South. Kaet or Weet. whero national anfaty or honor ar* concernad.

ty u r good Praaldant. notably a man of paaca. haa now axpraaaed himaalf aa h*lng uamletakably In favor of a rtatonabl* maaaur* of prtparadnaa* ao that wo may b* raady ihould war b* forced upon ua

'The great war abroad la a ronclu- Blv* object Iteaon that mar* national right living and a love of pear* ar* no protection agalnit aggreealon. and w* ar* being brought to a praeent rtallaa- llon that a eplrlt or rlghtaouanee* hae not aa re t eo dominated the world that w* can do without International pollca proiertlon. guch protfctlon la etlll a* neceeaary among th* nalione a* police protection It for th* c lt ln n t of Newark.

Hlilenalam NM Herr.T h e millennium ha* not y*t com*

wh*n people will do right for righ t'i aak*—when the law will «a«cut* Ue*lf —and when police proiertlon ehell he no longer n«*d*d for th* car* of th* weak and th* reatralnt of the aggree- ■Ir* atrong.

‘I do not balltv* that any reaeon- abl* maaaur* of mlHtary preparailun will. In a nation with tb* moral eana* and |h* bualnaai aanaa of our country­men, aver b* ue*d. tor wkked and an- callod-tor aggreeelon agalnal othar na­tion* Thor* le no dictum In ble- tory more true or practical than that of Waahlngtun, when ho Mid;

T o ha prepared for war la on* of Ih* meet *fr*ctual mean* of praiorv- Ing poac*. A fr** p*opl* ought net •nly to be armed, but dleclpllned. to which and e uniform and w*ll-dlg*et*d plan I* rogulell*.'

"No h*tt*r *r mor* practical mov* In Ikla direction hee been euggeeted than thia aummer camping pmporad by the War l>*parlm*nl In Ih* aprlng of l i l t .Th* mov*^*nt I* of *lgnBl valu* to uureoaatry Ini providing a body of young m*n, who. after atundanc* at two euch camp*, hare gained euch knowledge of drill and a,ano*uv*re that they can b* oallad on In any amargoncy for ear- y|c* a* Junlar ofttcar*. Tli* coal of attendance at the raaipe I* email and th* benefit greaL”

Th* *p**k*r quoted from a U ttar h* r«c*|y*d from Praaldent Wlleon in 1111. In whioh Ih* Kiaoullv* expreeaed th* b*ll*t that tb* o*mp* would not only dloaomlut* tound military Information but gtva the young m*n theiaaolvau practical liiitruction which would be of 0*0 Id caa* their atrvicaa ahould b* reqalrad.

Praaldent HadUy of TaU Unlvarelty, na a manbar of th* advliory oomrait- t** at unlvaralty praeldant* aHparvU- Ing th* ramp work, waa quoted aa fa­voring official racognlllon of Ih* camp* by th* eolUg**

Dr. Drlnkor, rtvlewlng th* agvane** la raoMt y aan aloag lb* Ur,* of h*itonaani of condition* for th* poopi* and th* progr*** In l*mp*ral* living and oontlatae*. eharactariaad It all aa ’•eoaaarvatlon of vital fore*,' adding, 'hind th* vital fora* and ilraag th of our poopla I* oar firat Un« al tatanaa."

M**g of Patilatlim .“Wa bay* n*t lurpaaaad our fora-

IhtiMr* In patriollo dovotlon.'' d«clar*d Dr. R*wl*r. T h ey bod no hyphanat**. Whan th*y cam* to thl* *b«r* thay gave ihalr alUglane* to tb* n*w land. Tbla conntry waa foandod la pane*, bat thay carriad tb* hymn book In on* haad aad th* maakat la th* other. They m r a prepared and I ballav* w* aaad a raaaanabi* proparadnaaa

"W* bar* n*t Burpaaaad oa r fora- fatbara In th* moral roapanathlUtr of th* Indlyidaal. Tb* *tr*ng1h of oar dtmoeraay li th* morality of our tn- indlvldhal eltiwn. Thay oaw a darn**- racy, hot ar* aa* a mor* »mpr*h*n*lva dtmaoracy. Thaira wa* Intmulv*, ear* •gt*arir*. Th* glory at Am triea t i th* fr** church In tho fraa long. Oar fa th tr* did not altogether conceive of th a t

T araoaally I ohiact to tho man who ■sya Tm pro-Sritlah hocaaa* I can 't b* pra-a*rman.' 1 b*lUv* a man can b* a loyal Amarican without bring *0*0’ anything In ralatloa to tb* quarral In Enropa."

Dr. Powlar, whIU drawing a dlatlnc- llon h*tw**n piwparadnam for T>oIlc* protoctlon” and praparedn*** for mlll- tartam, Mid h* thought th* nation ■hoald go alow to It* plan* Juat now. na BO man oan tall what Ih* raauU of tho war abroad may ba. H* polntod oat that It I* th* duly of American elliMn* to bo aducatora and prapagand- lata to tOBcb tho nowcomori tho aplrlt a t Amorioan In itltallona

An annoaneamant wa* mad* by tb* taarim aatar that Oolonal Orrin R. Mttehall, In ebarg* nf Ih* Dapartmant of th* E ait of th* n g u la r a m y , will aptah at th* maritng of tb* aoclaty Monday night tn Orang* on “Uodarn Ordnanc* aa Davalopad In tha Europaan War."

M a u w ^ SCHOOL OtDEItED OOSEDgperial ferriN af a* NflTf.

•TIRLINO, D*«. ».->B*catm* af |h* ptawaUno* af aanfagtoua dlaaaaa* la th* MUUwton aactloa, Ih* Phoaalc Townahlp Board of Bdnoatlca ba* Md*r*d th* *ch**l In that atctlan eloaad. Th* order took *11*01 yaatarday, Thay will ramaln eloaad unit] Jtauary I, Thla gctloa waa Ukan a* th* raautt of a report from the Board of Health.

The board atoo called foe bide on th* conatruidlun of fire eoi'tipce for the Stirl­ing School, Id Iw built In accordenre with apeciricatloni by tha ttal*. An appropria­tion far thl* purpnee wa* mad* **v*raj week* ego at a epadal dletrict mealing of the voter*. The btda, It le axpactad. will ba epenad al th* maattng of th* board to b* held January 14. A epacUl maaUng for that purpcaa may ba called earlier. If eufflcleat propoMi* ara ra- celvad.

SOUID ORANGEfiarmany'a W ar Petnalplr,

,*Th* epanker quotad from the Qer- nyn manual of arme to ihow that ih* daetrin* uf that nation place* military ngceHlIy above the prIticIplH uf hu- BUUilty, holding that humanity liealf i* to be better eerved at time* hy th* rigoroua proeecutlon of war with that

Th* next fortnightly denre at th* South Orang* Field Club will held New Tear'e night, Harry Champenola, aecretary of th* club, I* chairman of tha commltteo In charga.

J. Hanry Wegener of Summit avenue I* kept to hie home with a aever* attack of rheumatlam.

MIm Mary HcOlally, a otudenl at th* rolleg* of gt Etleabeth, at Cotivenl Sta­tion. la opandlng th* hoUdeye with her parent*, Mr end Mr*. Joeeph McOlnIty af Riggt plac*.

Hr. end Mr*. William R. l.«hman of Hamilton road left today for Cincinnati.

Th* condition of Suparintandent cd Bohori* Henry W Foetar of tlerflald plan*, who li in with on attack of grip, ewunuoi to tmprova. It waa reported to­day.

(iharlet R. Putin of South Orange avt- nu* will entertain member* of hi* Sun­day ochool cloa* In Kllburn Memorial Church. Vailaburgh, at hla home to ­morrow night.


tw for lb* avorag* young Amarican thaa te aabmtl voluntarily V th* *cif-imsaaad army dltctalln* which they offer, H* ramindad Ih* dlo*ra that tb* whalnoM man'* camp*, which ob- jbhkMS auoh ranowo laat aamiiMr. war* wfac a ild h i m i . « yoar baforo tb* out- Maam «( th* Burapoan riruggla, by th* •thdaat enmpo, wblah. h* oald, ar* of

a t grtMtiriU volo*. H* waa mod* praaUaat « t tb* Mhtlonal IU*m t*

MIh Maud Dlllinglura of New Tork will glv* a dramalla raiding In th* Reeex F*lli Club houH n*xt Wodnee- day evtniog, A M*w Tm t 'b *v* done* will be givan upder club euaplea*. Th* club li*a pra**nt*d a pool labi* to th* boroagh ttr* dapartmenl. Thl* haa bMn a*l up In th* flram ta’i room wh*r* ah*ck«r*, domino** and card* ar* alia kapt for th* ama'a amuMment. Th* ftremoB prep*** to glv* a oelnatnl ahaw la tb* naar future.

rtfc ririn wan mod* by Dr. tn th* pr*]*et*d raaarv* eanvunee ** Xriu wmjaeiaa raaarv* earn*

I UBfUanra far nnay aarvle* in tiu ant a t irnr, wAMi ban haan pinswedi

of tha t W g ^ f t gan . H* ram arh af th* g w iir ita nf th* an aau p **a-

t f n U tt ^ h at**. Ba U a aam*.. i i{ r« t tb« I r ia t ariamltto* a f tha an-

i Ir it StRSql a*t?.Shp*t * • MRgfca* ataak end a ll my

Rdn»water Ma-Haya* d a ta Mvaeaa. Sparial •ufriet af Iht jr«IML

BDOBWATMR. Dee tl.—F a p m iif aa actloB lor flvorc* war* a a rra i yaatar* day agtoraoen an Hr*. Anna Clahan, wif* of tarnwr Mayer J*ha Clahan Jr. «f Xdg«wat*T, A atalutory ohnrgt Ig mod*. Th* bnahand atk* for tb* ear- tody of the two eona The couple were married April IT, IIM, Clahnn aarvad tw* awM tailn tarma an Maynr, frana IM lM lU t . Laat fU) h« niad hfg MM- t s h t e BMltirii fa r •rdebeidgg, « b i

« iiM r M fglwHi;


West O r u fe C o a c i Airpropnatioi of $ 1 5 0 W u E ic i d e i i . Re­

port S liow t.


T hst ths sum of $150 sp p ro p r^ tsd byi TOths Wssl OrsfifS'Town xo thrss

reiirsssntstlvss of th s P. B* A* to st< tsnd s convtntton In Union Hill isv- srsl tnsntKi sfo « ss not su ffk isn t to (Itfrsy thsir sxpsnsss, w u dlsclussd st s msstinir of ths council hsl<J Isst ntirht. Ths Itsmlisrt hill eftllsd f'^r hy tlis minority m snbsrs uf th s rouncll who votsd sffsinst ths rssulution to Kivs this monsy lo th s putrolmso showsd sxpsndliursi of IIIL IU

Ths bill w si esUsd for prsvious to stscllon. but It WM not un til Isiii nlffht th st th s council wss sb ls to ths Informstion ss to how th s moiBsy wss S)iSrtt. Town ris rh O sorss W. Fostsr rssd off Ihs Itstns, but s f ts r th s msst- Ing rsfussd to sllow s rs|H>rtsr to copy ths smounts. saying hs did not cod' sidsr It necsfisry th st th s Usms should bs publlshsd. Councllrasn Clsrsnos D. Woodruff, on «hoss‘ Inslstsncs ths rs> port was msde, iatsi chscksd up tbs fig urss.

Tbs thrss pstrolmsn, John llrDortsld. Jossph Tyms snd Antonio Chriktlsno. rsiforttd thst thsy had psld f^r ths ssrvicss of ssvsn chsiicsmsit, smount- Ing to IlD.SI They alsn spsn t 17.60 for hsts. t 's r fs rs smuunlsd to ll.lh , but s chsrirrsd csr cost 111.IN, siid muiio coat Itl.riO. ''Hcsli" cost 11.60, but *’dlnnsrs" amouBttsd to |S I snd "sup’ prrt'" (n fJO Badgs* lotslsd |7.CT. Kor bait tlcksts |I0 was fpont. T hsrs wsrs two Items for hncidsnlsls In th s rs- poK, onn being fur t l snd ths other for lie

H. M. flrsnt A Co. of Now York pur- ebssed ths III,SOD In firs bonds offrrsd for ssis by Ihs cotincll tost night for |ll«|3C.&0, (hsy bsing ihs h ighsst bid- dsr. Ths other bids reesfyed were: Jo* ssph I*. Msysrs. 116.041; Forest A f4on Co. 115.013. J. 8. Rtlipsl, lU.OIO. Ths bonds run thirty yesrs and draw fn> tsrssi at four snd otic-hslf per rent. Ths Issus ti to psy for ths motor drlvsn firs sppsrstus rsesbtly piscsd la ooA- mlssion.


gprr«*l *rn-Pr rf the YgFS.NEWTON, Dae. t l ^ l a l r a i n g th a t a

hot*! In Ih* vlllag* la not n*o***nry and that a Iteanaod place would an- coarag* gaming, tippling, dninkannaH and ether vleaa, fifty-four r**ld*ntn ef Deamarrlll* and ylclalty yH tarday tiled a ramonelraace agatnat th* g ran ting of a lieenM t* Thoma* Docker of Branch- kill* to run n hetri tn Baamervltl* at th* old h*t*l . property. Th* m attar cam* up yMUrday efitrnoan aa JudgeAllen R. ghay waa conridaring liquor llctnaea. Tlgi eourt aat dawn l:>*o'clock Monday mornlhg aa ih* Urn* for argument on th* application. Mr. D*ch*r *tat*d that h* will l* u * Ih* hot«l of Horae* O. Hell If a llcanM la granted. Hall nwn* Ih* property, but wa* rafuHd a ranewal of a lloano* a t th* B*pt*mb*r Urm of court following th* filing of a ramohetrano*.

C D R C nU S T R E E IS Z S F E E niK HSyrr4*l triTler of Ike XMWB.

HACKKTTiTOWN. D«!. Tb* mu- alclpal ChrlriMM Itm I* bring •r*e(*d la th* triangle a t lb* Junction of Main end High otrMl* wllh Grand avtnu*. Th* traa, which I* more than twenty-tlT* fe*t high, anil b* decorated with Mvoral hun- drad •Idhl-candle-power alactrie light*, and Ihert will b* an electric *tar a t tb* top

The trM will b« lighted Chriatmaa nlghl, when, under the leoderehlp of Scoutmee- ter Rocer Miller of th* Boy Bcoute, Chriatmae carol* will he eung by th* Bnihertiood I'horu* of Ui* Firat Pr**- faytorian iTi'irrh, with •ccumpanlnwat by tb* Citleent' Bind. Th* tr«* will b* II- lumlimted each night until January t.

BEEUR DAMAGE SUIT B SETTUDgp*c4*l Srrrlr, ef It, YglTg.

n e w t o n , Dtc. t l .—Suing In th* New Jtrtey Supreme Court In th* SuMei Cir­cuit tor ttt.lKId damage* for th* drath of Evl C. BMmrr. killed by an engln* of th* Mt. Hope Mineral Company Aug- u«t IT. m l . In Dewey avenue, Wharton, tha idmlnletrator of Reamer’, eatate •ettled the ,utt ycterday afternoon for •100 end ISO co*t, a *bort time after the ■uH went to trial before Judg* Oeufg* B. niuri.

The adjuftment nf th* n ilt waa aug- geatod by Judg, Blt**r after W. F, Mc­Lean, a Unlverolty of Penaaylvanla Btu- dent, who wa, with Bremer when he was killed, had tealirled that Beamer bod Jumped backward* nut of aa nutomobll* aa th* machin* wa* approaching the croaring where there wa* aiao an •ngln* beating down on the ear.

Becmer, H cibtn teitlfled, landed on hi* berk, turned ev tr four tIm** and etruck hi* head again,! one of th* wheel boxing* on th* engln*. Tb* automobile, he tald, detoured to lb* right of th* road and Ftreped.

The court told Harold M. Simpaon ond Wilton Bennet. atlornayt for th* plain- tiff, that they lud brought tho ault on th* ground* that the railroad company had been negllgenl. when by th* lail wItneM It wa* (hown that Beemtr by hla own act had placed hln>*elf In th* procarlou* Biluallon. He Ihnturhl that th* attorney* of both aide* ihnuld cnnT*r and Rlmar E. King of Nelcong, (nneerlng for th* de­fendant rollmed. agreed to pay 1(00 end th* coat* mentioned.


SyecMI Serpiee t f Ike k’SS'A.PI,A1NFIELD. D*c. I t .—Mr*. Firm an

Marrl*. nlnety-ili year* old, wHh a ' llghlad lamp In h*r hand, mad* a ml*- i t tp at the head of a flight of a ta lrt a t th* home of h*r daughter, Ura. John ' Bharkey, In Nriharwood avenu*. yeatar- d*y. and fall, riiotalnlng cut*, brol*** and alight burna.

I M arrlei Mxty Tear*, la Oa* Maaa*.tperiul grrvM ef fk« XKWI.

OAKMURST, Dec. t l —In th* oam*houa* where they want houaakcaplhB

go, Mr. and Mra D aamili ty y(*ra ego.Brown era today ceUbratIng th a lr wad ding annlverMry. Thar* will be no for­mal celebrattcn. During th* m orning old-time friend* called and th* couple racrived a postal ihower. Mr. Brown I* alghty-flv* yMra old and hi* wife t* la her *lghtl*th y**r, Tb* la tte r hag a alok ipall a (*w weak* ago aad Wr. Brawn I* ta r from bring walL Th* cenpU hav* four aoa* aad a daqghtar.

M m J*ann*u* Lana and waa thia villa#*


gpwd*l Pen Ice ef Ike .VflWP.WASHING'DIN, N. J , D*c. I t .—Th*

crying of Mrs Joeeph Dollbaum 'i five-month-old baby hoy awak*n*d b*r •arly today end led her to a dlicovery that t glare that *hona th rough a window of the bed room cam* from a fire that we, atlacklng th* r*ar of hor home, a t TO Church street. Mra, Doll- baum roused her buaband, and he, with hla elder con*, put out th* flame*.


T u t s r«M, f a is t s 0ftaMpttfl Ikrrki sf NEITM,

NRWTONy Dsce n . - T s s CotUstor Harry O. WItssn of rrs4oa TownsMlp was fs4nt to hol4 U a salso on twopfspsrliss III U al tsw uh lp yasUviay. k i t Iks awai

ifiTlm sf VA'irw.PHILUPtm'RO. 0»C. M.—For fttHiaa

to f'omply with s rsqusst From ths tow»i eommlsslsnsn to rsmovs srrsp Iron from Ihs North Main Jitrssi snd First stresl sldts of lu property, s rsprsssnUtlvs of ths Oihnsy Iron a Htsel Co. will bs In- fetniL'iert to appear bsfors Msyor Knssd- ler srKi Ihs Istler will uso hla disriiminM- lion SI lo whsther ihs company shall bs fined ttO for the offense snd | t for esc-h dsy the nulssnce liss been continusd. This ws* decided upon yesisrdsy sftsi* noon I t ths mtetiiu of ihe fovsrninrt hody. wlif'irTtihTTr WsfrTT irtrert^r iMcsr K. Bstes is^Hirtert thst he bail servstA notlcs on three mrmieTs of ihe lompsnr Dscembsr 6, bul (hsi (hs notices had bsjin ifnorsd.

llrresfter, all persons who do not re« move snow frum thrir sMenstks twenlv* fner hours s/ler s slorm will be re* ported by the potloe tu the street depsrt- menl «n<l the work wili l e dons by ihs town snd tlie uffendt^r wilt l>e cunipsih^ to pay for il. I'ubllr rtsfoty Dlrsrtof lutes rtad tho nstnes of more than tbirty persons who have fslled thus U r lo rw- moNe mow from iheir sidewsIKs snd urged thst In the future Ihs town do the work end collect for it.


gprolsl S trtirt of tkt }iSWH.HOkKINTuWM, F>ec. 3£ A commlS"

•Ion conilslhig of Kenator rh srle s A. Hslhbun, iJeorge C- Kmith snd James B. Griswold, with s Jury of twelve, sat at the court house yesterday In ths m sllsr of the imoinpetcnry of Mra Klissheth Davis of <'our( and Ann streets In this plare. sti. aged woman. whD hat bsen ill for some nionlha.

The Jury found that Airs, Y»avls Is Id- caixahis nf attending lo her bualnsas affalra, lhal she has sn esiate of about 176.000, oonslsiiiiR Ilf IG.oOO |ti real Ss- lat«, 120,000 In murigagas, loO.OOO tn bank, in annusi locoine of 13,000, and* that Ihs had not aUeniated any of her istatf. The next of kin a r t four nephewa Frank and William loSWls of Yrionrg Island, Tllohard laewia of Ihla place and Harry IpSwIs of Bernardavtila. Ths two latter are brothers and wsre brought up by B ra Davie. They have been known by (he name of Davis since childhood.


N u M r o u E ite r ta in a n ts Before Party to Be G n e i for d a

Misses Boole.



(.■(icrtet gmtrc r/ Ike .VBWg.Sl'MMiT, D*e. I I —After tuetalnlng

tb* veto of Mayer Francla M. B*rg*n, who objecleg to th* w at*r con tract between (he city and th* Commoit- «**lth Water and Light Company, Ih* Common Council laal nlghl p*a,*d a D*w caatraol In which Ih* clly E xmu- tlv*'« objtctlon* arc ovarcom*. Only on* volo wa* eaat in th* ntgatlva, and tbal wa* by Counellmaa Bdwarg O. PrlngU, wh* wa* not prvMnl wli*n th* agr**m*nt wa* adoptad tw* weak* ■go.

Th* Mayer'* ohjactlon* la th* pact w«r* that th* phraaeologr wa* amblg- uoua and that It m ight aaally iH d to ml*und*nt*ndlngo. Ha geolarad, too, that (b* agrMment wo* alao dafoctlv* In Mm* raapaett. Th* n*w contract will now go to tho Mayor again, and It la axpaetod that ho will algn It.


gyoNal (wrier or (k« .VgWg.TLAINFIEIJi. Dec. I I —Inalxtlng that

local ordinance* at* well anforced. Mayor Ltlghlun CalUna yaatarday l*au*d a riateimnt. taking exception to all allaga- llon* mad* lo th* City Council Handar night by th* Plainfirid Fadaratinn of Man’a BIbl* Cluiea. Th* f«d*r*t1on aiked for a ririct cnfercemont of th* city ordlnaac** and th* old blue law*.

TW* Marallnn claim* that thara ar* •*T«rBl rior** la Ftalnririd doing burinoH on Sunday. The fedaration mambera ar* much oppooed to Ihla practloa, th*y My. and want It otoppod. Tb* oouocll took no action.


NKWTON. Dsc. n . —iQ g bullsllti Is­sued to the fsrmsrs of Mussst Cktuoty. t*sul B. Btnnstrh of the Sugssx Fsrm Buresu, sod supsrtwtsndsnt of ftm i dettonslnilow tg tbs county, nrgss prs- psrsdneu In Ihe mnttsf of fsrttllMrs for tbs aprlng. Tn p*it. Ur. Bsniistch snys; ‘*Tbs time to prspsrs for spring work fi now. Plans must be m ^ s l^sfors- hand so that eeede nnd fertlHisrs rnn Im ordired Id lime for spring blnRtlngs. This nppHes strongly to ths question of coen- merctsl fertillieri. Thousands of dollars ir s expended snnunllF In dunnsx County for fsrtlllMre-

*’Pmetie«lly wary fnrm In Susesic County sells as a fnrm produi't either milk or fruit or both. When milk Is aold fertiliser constituents nrs being sold. 1%# ■nnia }s true of fruit. If v e ronalder the fertility of the sol) ns n bnnk necount we ensmot keep dmwifig oo thnt noeount in ths fond of crops of com, hay nnd grains without dscrenring ths prindrat.'*


EUZABPrn!. Dec. II .—Dr Thomsn f: Dolan ami Charles D. Doctor, cashier of the Klliabethport Bnnk, were Ihe principal wltnpsses today nt tha hearing In the contest over the will of William M. Kourigan In* tha Orphans' Court.

Hourigan's hairs nrs trying to hrask a will, which lift ths rssidus of his estate to hla widow, Mary K. Dunn ftourignn, whom he married on hla deathbed a t the Alexlaa Brothers' HospItaL

"Didn't one of ths bmthsrs a t the hospital say to you that Hourigan was “an old fool" whsn he married? asked Randolph Perkins, ths contsstanti' coun- eel. of klr. Doctor,

“1 don't recall," replied wltneas.Dr. Dolsn said that Hflurigan's Intel­

lect teemed unueualiy clear ths day he made hli win, i t .

A number uf ttiuRS invited to ths dance tomorrow es«nlni to be given at the Woman'e of Orange by Mrs.Alfred Boots for her daughters, the Miaass Charlotte and Katharine Boote, will Shteriafii bcfursliaitd at (IJniier, going later in (he dance with (heir guests. MUp -Sorma Burroughs of t'r'ii- pect street will give u rtlnn' ir twelve. Her gusMlH will be ihe .> os Louise Colby. Kiitetle Henry, KnthM'eii Nswhouee. MtirgAret Nichole and Kethsr Ruth Wing, I'hArlcs Claeyes. Thumaa Wrlla Hubert MoKwen, Uersld New- house, John Oriinily end Daly King. Miss Kurroughs mill also enisrtaln Ht dinner Tuesds) evening prior (n ths assembly rturur hi the VV'oman's Club. Miss Fsyeilc .Morse of Wlnatis street, FaHst ((range, will ^nierialn at dinner tomorrow evening Her guests will ha Ihr Misses AIidh Blnsen. KIsle Craw­ford Hrtd Hester Davey, lH>uglaie Nich­ols Karl Kocnlger, Guy Crawford and Philip Cnniilt of Rasl Orange and Kverett Enrle and: WoodWArd Curkran uf Philadelphia others who will give dinners are MIhs Maud locach uf M4'ot- land road, Houlh ((range: Mlits Janet U'ltliami of Ksstx avenue, Orsnge; Miss Alberla Webb uf Lincoln nvetiua. Or­ange. an«l Carl and Daniel Klksr of Motitrosf avenue. Kttulh Orange. MIsa Webb's guaats wilt be the Misses Kssle Henry, Olive Burns and Elisabeth ('iiuko, Thoinas Shryock. Thomas pot- tei. Htuart Coleman and Otis Davey. Miss Williams will give her dinner party at the IGsees County Country f'Uib. mniorlna from there with her gijeats tti the Woman's Club. Her gussis Hilt be the Misses Mildred Hetts* Ru- itglla White. Frances Brunson. Jean Kurna and Edith Brunn of New York, who li Visiting Mias Williams, and Her- herl Hetta John Williams, Robert Hiker, Hiuart Itaiidolph, Jeruma Mmith, Nelli Overman and J<»sapb Belden.

Mr- and . Mrs. t^'Uliam f*. tVard of Tl Harrison street. Rast Urange, will enter­tain at dinner for Ihclr daughter. MissConstance Ward, at the fjiaex County

igKt. ClCountry rtub tomorrow nlgnt. Coven will iw tald for twelve.

Done* for F ifty Vaawg People*Mrs. Alfred T. lleyn of Highland ave­

nue, Orange, will give an Informal dance for fifty young people at her home next Thursday for her daughter, Miss Flor­ence Heyn. Miss Heyn will entertain after Chrlstmaj Mias Ruth YiixsoB atid Miss Marion Liebig of Phtladstphla.

Charles A. Whelan and hla soa. Charles A. Whelan J r , of Washington street. East Orange, have been golfing for a few weeks In South CaroHna,

Mr. and Mrs. Kmil M. Lnawenthal of 46! Scotland road, South Orange, gave e dinner of twenty covert at thHr homo last night In honor of tbeir daughter, Mlae Alma Bose Le Court.

MIm Susan Adams of tvanhoa terraoe. Rast Orange, returned last c\enJhg for the holidays from the Soutbem Hemisary a t Buena Vista, Va., and will have out of town vlattors for part of her vaca'*tlOR.

ICatertalss f*r CetleBa Hdfoa*Karl Koetilger of Midland avenae*

Kaat Orange, entertained a l dinner a t blf home last evening for four of hla college malea from r>artinputh College, who were hie guests over n igh t Covers were laid for ten. Following the din­ner the oarty attended the dance givenby the Y^sdsx County Dartmouth Col> --- Jff— - - — - - -

nCEED BOWERS NEAR SNOW DRIBgpcF el Nm-fcr nf lAe .Vglfg.

WASHINGTON, N. J., Dee. t l .^ H la e lALura p«rry of Port Murray, wbll* r i i- Itlnf In WaahlnqtoD FMtanlaF. pl<k*d a roupl* of dandollon blMooma Iro n lawni In Wtal Johnaton atraot and Lta- coin avonu*. Th, flow tra xr,r* bloom- Ina a* tr**h a* If It w ar, aummar In- • l,ad of D*c*mb*r Th* anow bank* Hint lurroundril th* patch of (raon (r*ra did not afr*ct th* dandaliona

MIm Parrjr *xhlblt*d th* flowara to frltnd , ik* mat and *om*how th* com­mon tlovari of tummar appaarad muoh Blo*r at thii Maton.

]f(4 fTub In'ThTk CHy. Malcolm Bwitxor a t VCrnon torrac*. Boat Oranfi. alto attended the denre with t,ewla Poundt of Brookljrn end Harold Jam ei of Suf- forn, N. T.. hi* eollece met*, at D art­mouth. who were hi* boUM (Utit*.

Hit* Ruth Dolbecr nt Mnoreatown, formerly of ICoat Orance, la xlaltlnq In Eaet Grans*, w h en ihe la balnq *n- t*rialn*d by HIM El*l* Crawford and Ml** Hlaanor Karr.

Ul*i Allaen Jaandroti of Beech atreet, Roat Grant*, will (lx* a done* a t h*r home Tutaday avaiilnc for thirty of h*r frtonda

Thn** who are to receiv* ila tu rd tf evenliiq a t Ihe Chriatmaa danoo a t til* Woman'* Club of Gr­ans* under ih* luipicM of th* ooclel commltt** are: Mra. Jrmee 8. Alexander of Montclair. Mr,. W. W. Orerman, Mr*. Talmadse IV. Foator, Mri. Jam** E. Cheoaman and Hr*. Frrit- erlck haymour. chairman tn chars*.

Hr*. Charle* W. Ten Broeck of Eaaax avenno, Orans*. will entertain nt dinner a t her home on New Tear'e nisht for her daushter. MIm Marjorie Ten Broeck.

Mr*. Kidney Taylor of Park tTami*. Kant Oranse, wa, hnatcu yetierdny after­noon I t a meeling of her card dub.

M il, Mery Wheatley of Provpecl etraat, Baot Oranse, entertained the Tueeday Card Club yesterday afternoon.

Robert A. Bachman Of Arllnston avo- hue, Root Oranse. save a dlaner laat en n in s at tb* Bates County Conairy Club for th* fourth and loot detail of lubmarln* offloor*. who hare boon siwtta for a wtok a t th* Bdlaon Worka la Watt Orans*. Hr. Bachman I* vlo* p re o l^ t of the Bdlaon Btoras* Battery Company. Thooe preoont were Hr. and Mra. Otto Jneser of Montclair. Dr. and Hr*. Hiller Reeae Hutchleon of Uewellyn Park. Cap. tein Geors* K Burd of Brooklyn, Imloe- irlel m*n**er of th* Brooklyn Navy Yard, and Mrs Burd: th* MIim * Blennor end Clara Jarner, Kdith Van Cleye and Beatrice Byrne of Newark, and Ueutan- ■ nl* Robert A. Koch. Paul Foetir, H. M. Beml*. C, C. Krattr, Herbert R. Hein, Henry D. McGulra, Felix Qysax ana i ’harte* M, Cooke, There were alxo pro*- ,n t Dr. Ovid C Foote, IT. ■ N , Charle* B. Payer and John F. O'Hafan of Or­ans*, Mr and Mr*. Manolil K. Smith of E**t Oranse. and Hr. and Hr*. Chariot Norton and Mr and Mra. Ely Norrt* of Weit Oranse

Mita Viola BItsell of 1M BiJbaex axa- nu*. Boat Orans*. ho* raturnad for th* holiday vacation from Draxal tnattluto, I'hiladelphia, whtr* ah* 1* a itudeat.

Mr. and Hr*. Uuitav* Q. BchaiunaAn of Scotland road. South O rtn sa will xlv* n N*w Year'* Ev* done* and hou** party In honor of Mra, Bchaumann'a brother. T A. Patteraon of Pacrla, III, who li vlaitins th*m. Hr*. Bchaumann will be ataiated by h*r ilitar, MIh Fat- t*r*on.


FRE n ROUSE AT NORRIS PLAINS(perlal Srrrlni nf M* ygW t.

MORRIS PLAINS, D*o. I I .—Fir* thl* morntns damasad th* Cummins* Tall houia, occupied by th* family of Win­dow Brewiter Insham , lo an axtani extlmetod i t M,((0. Th* blaa* atartoo be. Id* ■ chimnty on th* Hcond floor and ftam*a rM*b*d to th* roof,

TroubU wllh th* w atar waa eiporl- *nc*d by th* Morrl* P la in t Fir* Da- partmanl, which r*aort*d lo pumpins from th* W atnons Brook. Much of th* Insham houMhalo'a foods war* carried from th* hoaaf

Iperial Srrrice of M« I s Y s .NEWTON, D*e. I t .—Lying In bag.

where he he* been for a year and a half, Charle* Aahford Shaft*r obMrvtd hla lOtrd birthday today a t Ih t homo Of nil eon. Georg* W. Stiaffir, 111 Moth i l r t e l Mr. Shaffer, tb* Mooitd oldHt man in Ruaaex County, g trlag way only to Gaorae Niper of gtanhopa, 1(1 yeara old, enjoy* Ilf* Immenatly. His troabt* I* woakneH. He h*i a good app*tito, oee* well en0U(h to r*n4 lb* Newspn- peri and 1* aeldom found wllhont a chew ol tobaeoa,

III* ton Uoors* In a widower nwrethan fifty yean old. Roeantly tb* ann odvertleed ihrousb a tetter to tb* Ration, Pa., poelmaiter tor a boua*lM*p«r «Hh a view to matrimony, l i r a . Anna Hay WrishI, a widow of twaaty-faw yaon, r**poQd*d, brinsinf h*r young daughur., Sh* bo* been there a tv tn l MPBtha.

apMktns of Ih* praaptettk* wit* of hi* *on. Ih* fqthor tald; 't io o n n hd( tiMflnait hqu*qk**P*v 1 a ra t oaw In My Ht* and I want to im thoM (Mitlad baton I di*. Why, tf 1 waa ■ young'ua again. I'd lantiy Anna my**M- T bsta bow much I think of hor."

Brawn bofor* bar m orriagn wa* bom In WRITEHO0SE, Don largo

earponur ahop near,tho bom* of Job* N. Stout, oontraeier and bulldar nt LnmiBfton, waa daatroysd hy flra yoo-


tarday with It* oonitntt. Th* oatta* L Th* atruolur*has tot b**n (•t*rmln*d,

waa a Iwo-Stary on* and on Ih* lowtr floor was a lot of farm raaehlaary. Th* hlsH brake out In Ih* offlc* two hours

owners paid th rir bank laaao sad Ik* stUa wan dnsUrad off. ns* (o d M in M ik

nfUr tk* Mt* SMpIoyad by Hr. Stoat bod g ^ to work., n o Rmo Is ILIhiiabrirt hall of vMoh lo oovorod b f |g . •" •M b _ _ _

(Prifot gwtlet of Ms JfWmt SUMMIT, Don. I lc -D r, HhOMao F.

P rou i a msmbar o f th* Board of Health, with two ysorii yot lo oorva today aanl his rtalganUon to Mayor Franei* H. Bargoii Proas Of buatasoo In oonnoction wMh a otNatorlOM bo twoduoft wao flh o a no Dr. P n a t 'o roaooa for rootBRip #

Dv. ProNl*( n MMMtKS aftkos tbs


to tbo-Booed ot HMHb Jaauorfwho baro naignsd bofors tboOthorn

•nd of th r ir tonns nra'Dr. WUllam R, Iriwroacs J r , posoldsnl .of tbo bosud, oad Coionot ju i ta B. Wnllaao


Spsriol Snrio* sf Mr hEWt.NEW PROVIDENCE, Oso. t t .—Th*

propooad rooponlag of th* DtoMood Hill S o h ^ . clou d a yoor too hreouo* of tb* ■corrity of pupO* In that section, wna brought up for dlicuaskm lu t night at a moaUng of tb* N«w Prorldanc* Town­ship Board ot Eduenllon. t

As a preUmlaary novo lo making nr- rnasomonts for tb* tubmlstloo of Ih* propoalUon of appropriaUons to maintain It to the voters at Ih* annual maatlos next March, the board authorisod llw principal, William Woodruff, lo mak* a o*nau* of tha pupil* Uvlns wlthlp a mil* of the school. Me alao was Instructad to Include such pupils from othsr dUtiicta as vrould rather attend the Ulamoad Min echool than that of Uielr own district.

The eubject was broached by tb* prin­cipal. who sussMted that the population In thst district was IncrMOias. It waa Dr. Wlllli Kletchar JohnMn's propoHl lo hav* a count of ths children taken. WUl­lam Simmons, another member at the board, asked s* to the altitud* of the •late and county aulhorllle* toward a propoHt from the local officials to re­open the school, It having been closed partly beesuM of th* preosure of those authorities. Dr. Juhn»n lasMsd that It the CMC wer* carried up. It would bo fuiind that they hav* no right to lattr- fcr*.

"If wc want to open that ochool,” Iw. Johnson declared, "then la no powtr In New Jerecy that can prevent u* frem doing It." Dr. Johnson, who I* profeaaor of the Hlxipry of American Foreign Re- latluns at New York llnlveratty. declared that Ihe transportation and centralisa­tion arjienws In this state are being ear-j ried lo rxcce*. and Hint (hoy will aooner or later prove a failure, and that there will be reversion to (he "liltl* red school house.”


SpeWei nerHc* of (»e VSITS.HOBOKEN. Dec I I —With (he Inten­

tion of Inducing Governor Fielder to re­vere* hla recent order transferrins from Ihli place to Plainfield th* headquarters and firat platoon of Troop D. FIret Squadron, N. O. N. J.. an exocutlve ees- sloti of Ih* troop coirunttie* met hare last night to prepare Uw appool.

While the nteellQS was a secret on* II WM Intimated that the plan and ocop* of argument to be advanced hsd tuken con- cret* form nnd with the exception of n few finishing touche* would he completed In ■ day or two. Th* member* ot the troop fe«l that a graal Injustice has hoen don* unknowingly nnd tleo feel that their version of the dlieenrion or dlSMtlsfsc- tion apoken of should have been hMrd before tlnsl action wnt taken. They argu* thst Plainfield la a email town and the population very small to draw from. wMtnas In Hudsoo County racrulUng would b* much noalsr.

Secretary Ulebaetson of th* traop com­mittee recently wrot* to th* Governor Mking for an opportunity to "iIkiw why and how th* plataon ceme lo be dis­banded against Iti Mrnoet Intentions.” Hs asks that a date be set th* latt*r part of January (or th* hoarinf, when th* Hudson County contingent will lay Its nppMl before him (or hla consideration.

NONTOAIRMrs. John M. Chapman of Rockladga

road and Mr*. Ab*l 1. Culetr of Union street will give n dane* Tueaday Bight for their *ona, John Chapman and Wln- throp Culver, at th* hone of Mra. Chap­man In Rockledg* road.

A heart party, at which three tahlM were la play, was given yesterday after­noon by h im Agne* Shatid of Plymouth straet. Th* player* wer* th* HI**m Marlon TIctMnor, Evelyn Chard, 0*ral- din* McBrier, WiibalndnaCampbril,Fvaii- OM Campbell. Eleanor Chrtitl*. Carotin* Wrlghl Eleanor Johnaoa. H*t*n* Wltun- bera. Dorothy Alien, Uarion Lincoln H*l*n Sple* and Charlotte Brown.

MIh Betvy Porter of Union atraet and HI** Kntharin* Elliott of Hotol Mont­clair, ar* at hom* from Ml** Haator'* School, at Dobha Ferry, N. T.

Dr, Jams* McDonough ot Portland place taM announced the engagement at hi* daughter, HIxn Katharine Franca* McDonough, to Sydney Elliott Croria, son of Mr. and Mra Charls* V. Croats of tt* Union stTMt, Brooklyn.

Til use who wilt glv* dances tomor­row are Mra Henry F. Holloway ot t:ppor Mountain avenua Who will en­tertain (or h*r daughter. HIh Jeanette Holloway, at th* Montclair Club hall: Mr*. Henry Hull Splai and daughtar, MIh Helen Spies sf South Mountain avenua who will b« host***** a t Hdnt- claIr Golf Club, and Mra Albert F. Corn- stock, who will •ntartain for bar daughter, MIh Elliabath Comrieok, at thstr home Ih South Monntala avond*. An afltrnooB card party will b* givaa tomorrow by HIh Leals* Bpringmsysr of Midland avanu*.

Ths annual racsptlon of Common- wratth (Tub and Ih* Woman's Club of Upper MontrInLr will be held In the club houM New Tear’s Eva

Hr. and Hra Fr*d«rlek PlaaaanU of Parh strMt left today for Manasha WIs., to spend the bolldays wllh Mr. Pleasanis's mothar. Thsy were accom­panied by thalr aon and daughter.

BVINGION AND HRTONAnnounoamaat waa mad* today by

CommlMlonar Barry J. Stanley ef Ih* dspartmsnt of Mrosts ot Irvington that th* oellsetlon of athea and garbagt will b* omitted Chrlslmaa Day. Ciol- Isctlens will b* mad* as usual on F ri­day,

The good and welfar* cemmitto* at Irvington Council, Jr. O. V. A. M., ha* computed arrangement* for n *mok*r to b* given In Httonli! Halt tonight. Nomination ot offieeri for th* anaulng term will do** th* *v*nlng.

A meeting of th* Irvington Town CommlMloo will b* hoM tonight.

Th* work of stringing sKctrie light* on th* community Chriatmaa tro* In Irvingion wan oomplatad today. Th* tre* will b* tighlid for th* drat tim* on Cmstmaa Eva.

Special Chriatmaa aiordsM wilt b* held Friday In th* Irvlngtan publlo achoola, whioh will do** that aftar- noon for th* holiday racaaa, to re-open January t-

Owlng to tho ragular dal* falling on Cbriatma* Mv* th* datising claa* at Irvlngtan Lodg* Of Elks mot lu t night. Th* daoa will moat next Tuesday night inataod of Now Taaria Eva, when a oahorst anuruinm snt will b* given atth* Elluf Hon*-

in m iYMr. oiH Hra. Bsnlamln. F. Lawl* at

Cbteago. who hav* bssn th* gnsstt of Hr. and Hta. Marion Lawl* of Pr^poiR stnot. rsturasd yostsrday. Mf*. Lowls'a poronlo, Mr. and Mn. E. W, Loalar, at Detroit, arrived yHtsfday lo ^*ad Ih* hoHdayn.

Hr*. J**M Klsrstsad of Proapaot etraat,' who la In Bi. BanuhaFt Hdogital, Ngwark, rseovariag t i m a asriaa* *p*(*- tlen. Is axpedod boros'lomorrow.

Hr*. Dsaa Waldi of Orant avanu* an- tsrtolaad at auction yaatarday aflarMon. High Bcore* xran road* hy H n, D. An­tony tlalnn nnd Hr*. Plern Lobsiw. Tb* guaau war* Hr*. J. Harry WaNJsti, Mra. WUllam r . Dabaoy, Mrs. J. Hbtrr Ban, Hr*. Marc M. HIcbaaTaad Hra. Jama* C. Bolter.

lA P U m O DRood Bupsrvtosr John Campbsll ef

Baksr atTMi la raoovartng (n ib blond priooniag bs hlo rtgbi bond. Tbs g t- fUBiiog Is tbo lonslt d n oirstob m - oolyad troM g nbll lari wask, wkag Mr. Camgbrit wgg agsgtng g kag Ui th s akod in tb* rear ( f flra beodqnor- t*N bt Mnginir sad gosntw.

Allag T um or o t Otkalow gyanna Konsatb D iggnlt afSowdahi (fosot god Rowisrd Msnsar r af Raaasyait rand grahomo far tb* ballfoy* from imfoyaiu Callagn la awton. Narton WlSk

CUntog ayann* hna raturnad


to Be M j id i e M Iiild iir Geic B e f o .


Commission gorsmmsnt and tb* d ly managar plan will b* dlaousasd at th* January masting of th* Henidair Cly|* Aaaeclatlon. The oasodatlon ha* had a pamphlst prsparad aulllnlag both forma of govsrnm*nt and th* atoga nocaaaary to piso* thorn ia oporatlon, but has not laderaod eltbar. Commla- alon goTsrnmant I* g)*e to b* dlaouaaad by tb* South Bid* Aasodatlon ot th* toWn In January, this bslag la Ha* wllh tba policy of th* Clylo Assodatloa to hav* th* oliissn# thoroughly In- foraiod on governmental forma

Both organlislioni dedded oa gav- •rnment dIacuHlons at maetlnga lari night. Th* Civic Aasodatlon lo aad- alon a t th* Montclair Club ball ala* htard JoMph W. Heilpaddsa, rapra- sanutlv* from th* Fifth Ward Iri- provament Aaaoclalloa, who oallad at­tention to tha condition *( th* Erl* Railroad station In Walnat otraat which. In th* opinion ef tb* Fifth Warders, had outlived It* uMtulnaaa An ovorhsullng Inald* and out wsa rocomm*nd*d. Th* ssaodatlon nisa dlscusoed Ih* cleaning ef aldawalha after snowstormi and dsddtd to snk the Town Council to ae* that th* or­dinance li mors strictly snforoed. To fill th* unexpirsd term of Harry M. Cole, rrelsnrd, former poatmaster Hor- bOrt M HIdrtulph ws* elected t* U* board of govornora.

The bouih Hid* organlHtlen doter- mlnrd to hold dlocUHlons of mattar* of gsner*] clvlo Interest during tb* coming year. In rsisllen (o th* oom-#

I M d i Olfi G n H , h

P d

SdO O l R K

mission governmsnl discussion, a oom- mittao compoHd of W. C. Earing, Ken­neth K, Hhnnd and H. H. Van Dyka was appointed to Mcur* spoakara. At the February meeting which will b« In charge of Councilman-elect U. U. Bnblneon, W. H. Farmer snd J. A. Maysr. th* achool* of lh« town will b* Ihe ■ubject and In March 'Tli* FlnanoM Ilf MniitcUIr” will b* th* topic. Ar- rangemtnte for th* ennuel dinner wore left In Ih* hand! of th* executive eom- mlttoe, Th* exact d*l* hs* not baanMt.

Committors for th* r**r, nilsg by vot* of mtmbars, follow; Taxao, H*ary Browning. Edwin Honl*ll. Hr. Sbaad; road* and i raniportatlen, R. W. Bpragu* Jr.. J. H. K«nn*dy, C. F. CoM- w*lt. Mr. Van Dyk and J. B. HcQaaK) police and fir* protection, M. R. Cul­bertson. C. B. Warran, F. R Daxia; ochool*, Mr. Roblnion, Mr. Farmer, Hr Mayer; park* and playgrounds. Dr. F C. Brush, Arthur Dslano, J. Lostsr Parsons; membership, Walter K. Hack. W R HcBs*. E. C. Hart. H. S. Flint. R B. Thorn*.

■Slltflad fb g griital dig' ftagr Franh J tspan atopp'f faqfora asfgal abMt tha « dlgle. ' Hr. C thb sebMt rb thal aavsalyvi h*y* taatb th

Nln*ty-ri( 1 cording 'to tf tnapMtion del E d l^U oa, hi ■witt thalr tq thig Hr, Osbc th* baaHh ol bog loath hav only tg th* ha but.to ' cronti spread ot cot

While ajnv la nssdsd. tit* t1a( In his ni of sstabllshlii want* th* opi that Just nov not la a poel basaas* o t ot has not aa ytl tha school ol a riot* will

Hr, Osborni bar* of th* I and has loarn raady been c togyf preside nil# hsa besi i*K «*r* In I



PASHAIC. Dec. 11.—John UondJ*. thlAy-eiahl years old, tn omploys* of th* McLean mill waa struck lost night by th* Buffalo Express at th* Marrl- ■on icrMt croMing of th* Erl* and died later at HI. Mary's UMpltal Mtndje told s brother, Jaooh, that h* wa* going to bad at I o'doeh last night, but later h* w«nt to a nurby ■tor* for •am* tobacco, H* ■larted to crOH the track* at HarriMa straai and did not sec th* WHtbeund •ip rast coming toward him.

A verdict ol haum was (1 Orange lilstr th* 'Ablnxton pad avenue, B. Oancy dec entitled In tk Edward P. 8 last Hoy. I44( on ths b of 'dn spartir per)* tald tl but fie a me at It* and a eight month* upp* batwee April rriiial.

In >l*f*n*o ar^Mlatd Arc* by (he landU haw paper pdb«r had no that the aJI* rnght law r* tioB of payin


CALDWELLBartUtt Post, O. A. R„ hald Its aa-

nual *I«ctlon last eight Th* following of(lc«ri wera r*-*l*ot*d: Comihander. Captain William Henry Harrison Coa- dlt; senior vie* commander, Thoma* Hemgs: Junior vice commaader, Thao- dora Msdlar; adjutant Prank Harrtaon; quartermaster, Phinea* A. Uathaws: ■urgson. Dr. Henry B. Whlteborna: of- floor of th* day, Cornelius Kayhart: officer of the guard, Levi Keat: dole- gat* to departmeat aacampmant Mr. Hoag*.

HIh Jan* Onodwin of Personett* atreet la visiting In Yonkara, N, T.

Chriatmaa txtrcl*** with trees and SanU Claus will b* held In th* Cald­well churgbea tomorrow night

Hr. andi Mra David H, Graham ef Campbell avenue *r* enlertalnlng Mra Graham'* cousin, HIh Maud Sllngor- land of Bailor.

AUhgugb I moWbeia of tl cation iHt r os favoring a slty of 11} ps atrucUon Con cooeern'a fa) high school I fled, Septsmt dlocassad fur

l^bder an a tota, the clai ■life* HeplemI tng ho* not : caw* of the I rewSid* von t* being used thg abdttmiur 1* now due It original oonir


WEST ORANGEThe haskethall team of the htgVi

school detested the Nulley High School yeaterday afternooa by a score of I t to 1(. Th* high school second team wsa datsated by NuUey saiwnd tooffi by a ocor* of II to tl ,

Mr. and Ura Bernard Post of II Kling B(r**t have announced th* an- gogamanl of their daughtar, MIh May Post, to Raymond 8. Thompson, .olao of Woat Orang*.

H ra Robert 8. Barr of IH Watchung avsnuo antertalnod thirty-ilx youag poopi* lost night In honor of tha alt- teenlh birthday of her grand-daughtar, UlH Glody* Barr Bogart.

For the henofit of th* Moray 0am- mltta* of New Jersey a suhoeriptlan danes will be held In Gregory Bohori noxt Wodneeday night The oommttta* In charge I* compo*«d of Mra Barry S Thompson, UIh Edna Thompo^ Mra Joaaph B. Robort* and H ta H. W. Gragg

Th* Bcllevi Plgltt ast V ter the heat aoBSasment fon Bloom fie Newaik and dots was all tiona lo th* I at the h tba Oreyteck eotf of thl* f i- .nim ai


4 ^ . f


O rilaf * la VadBMMl kUa* baadgllU di[ Mdf *w«*d rand aad


Mias Hargarot KItehsn haa rataraad to th* hom* of her parsnu, Hr. and Mra Robert Kitchen In Hamptoa aftsr vlaltlng her brother In ficrnntan, F a

Mra Sarah Herrlal who ha* boon visiting hsr sen. Harry H srrial In Hamptoa has returned to th* honi* ot her eoa John Uerrlsl, In Anhandat*. M

Fred Gordon of French lawn Is visit­ing hiB psrsnts, Ur. and Hra L. J. Qqt- don, In Hamptoa

A son was born Monday to Ur. bbd U ra Newton Bray of Hamptoa

Bllaa Drake of Olan Gardner Itf III with a saver* attack of th* grip.

Mra Andraw Van SyckI* of 8pnie*Ron, l|iho hsd typhoid foror, gafftrod » rolapso Sunday, and I* again undar the car* of Dr. D. O. WUIIania of Glgn Oardnor,

Mra Frank Bpragu* of Mtltard, Fa. la vlaltlng Ur. and Hra Jaha Foroa In • dllon Onrdnar,

Anar spanding a fow daya with Mr. * c] and Mra Joaopb Bomtrs nt Bsrantea Fa, Hra. Ella* Drake and Aanghlara thtf Hits** Haaal and Wav* Dtaka bar* raturnad ta thalr host* ia Glgn Gard- ntr.

ffoney ngua dfsq-of tho C ■updgy aefapo of th* chlUr Tollgf fund, 11 at tho CbrI* Susdayariiooand toy* val IK In tnsb*> ptlg to tho i Hovi*. Now

•uperi^nd gidad. Tb* I onwact ontcT plcttag tb* ' IMA eakbratt Editb U. PRi IBS* In Dtb* DenoM play* baaripa

klof olCbi*Hllfhurn onj C law today; qsartdr* Jn eoigg to big 1 man qrko am d rik whaa t


NOUBTOWRMr. and Hra. doart* Ow t .Uilaggy *r)

to lrgw ^Tqrfc for a fow dayas vrhMi thay bra* spsndlhg a t tb* Bt. Bagla, .,

Hr. and Hra. WllUam V. a. T h an * o f Normandie Haight* bay* lahaa gn ' apnrtm ont la Fark avuaaw Maw Torb.1 fo r tb* wlatar.

H ra Francis A. Haary *( Madison avanti* haa rotarntd f r ^ Baltimar*. vrhara ab* haa bMB vlaltlng har daugh­tar, M ra Hsnry La* Ibiltb.

Jams* H nbart ala yaara old. of, ■poadwoll avaaua was injured a b ra t; tb* hood yaatardsK wMI* oaaatln#’ down High a tra ri hill hy oaUMlag with USB oatoroobU* of Jsana doabal wMob vraa gasping aa dpaadwall nvaatt* a t tha foal af lb* h ill Tb* boy wa* tahga to Homorlal Hoaadtali wh*r* It wag fotiad th a t big iB^irlaa war* not aartaMt,


r u n n i D ^ i M m f u i F D i ChMra M. LagfOgr of diteage, who bo-

tlovaa that bar hratbar, Aja f.la Uvrtac ta thia

Hart-waak aaat a taitar af Isqnlry

Man db* ta ni a*loa, UU* ( tH n b>-'

aal aatborMaa.tm hftUr fM B bliB.

Dole* A. Kaaipbray of th* eabeMWIaa' boat D-L aow at th* B r o < r i ln |l i^ Tard, loft yaatorday for bia IniM a t!

. TWf

datlaM.MaatriirayI t la a a g a ^ Umt a Ka*k far

‘A<M FbF #*r tba saw olty ball alt*b* drawn today by Mayor Lolghtoa CaK ktiro ^ T. MbsMurrayAnd that by tb* oad of tb*maatrigalUy tlMRiIpBlilHi ~

will bo latha haUdiiiB la G W l

wook thay lea a l l . aaaraJ.:


i trtiMr i tm4Hh





ir-ir t;h«m*tm*m-koAtboM.JLb«Miir*iro



1i;i rrlor





m m i m m

M d i Qffinr M in t I M b fireit, hrt Wibit li SM

Priil i c M i — t

sonoL uDons awt ttossTT■ •lla lM tb*t tk«r* tr* « l n«*4 f»r

k 4*flUI cllkle In Ormnff*. HMilth Ot< flo tr r r u k f. Okhnrn* a t ik a t tlijr h*> t»fl*n *l*k*‘** aAiiik nnbtl« N a tl« M t b«for* Mlkklly a t lw ip t l i i i t« W tac kbMt th« M lablU hm tnt of «uch a ellnle. - Hr. O ibwn* baa tnqalrx t Inta ihb tcbMl rt«orda and haa dlacsTwad tbal atranty^riya par oanL of tb* ptiplla ha** tMth that a ra In bad condition.

Nlnaty-ala par coat, of th* puplla. aa- eordlod 'to tba raporta of th* tnadlcai tnapaoUo* dapartiaanl of th* Board *( EdtM tlon, bar* aomathlna th* m attar w l^ thair t«*th. Such a eondlllan aa th ia Hr, Oaborna aaya, la prajudlalal to th* health of tba eomraualty. baeaua* b a t loath ha*a b**n provan (o land not only td th o bad haa 1th af th* tndlalduat, b u t,to craata, fartlla aroand for tha apraad o( conlaalun,

Whll* fson*liic*d th a t a dantal allnlo la iiaadad. tha baalth o fflrar la aot aat- t1«i In h it mind aa to iho beat maana of aatabllahina auch an InaMtailon. Ma tranta the opinion of e ltlaoua Ho foela that lu it now the r i t r aovarnm ent la not la a poalllan to lake up th* work, boaaaa* oC othor .pmlocta la tIow. H* hea not aa yat oblalnad an opinion from th* arhoo: offlclala. bu t ballava* tuvh a nava will ha*a the board’a aupport

Hr, Oibornc haa aoundad aoaia nam , bare of th* llom* and Dchool Laaaua and haa laarnad that the m atta r haa al- raady baen conaldarad by tha oomoitl- t*d*f prctldanta, but that nothing daft- nlba haa Oean decldad. Thoaa ha haa aatn wara in accord with him.


A rardli't of IIS* for Sdwln J. noaan. bamn waa glvan yeatarday In the Eaet Orenve t>letrtrt (^ourt. Ae owner of tho Abtnclon epartm ente In Mt. Proa- pact arenue, thia city, Judg* Charlaa U. Clancy decldad that Roaenbaum waa entitled to thie eunt to r ren t due from Rdward p. Stout of Jlereoy City elace la*t Hey. Hr. Itoeenbaum claimed I t t* on the beale of II* a month rental of '||a apartment In the bulhllng. Ra> perfa aeld tha apartm ent waa worth hut l i t a menih, but tha ludga put It a t | t 0 and added to the to ta l for the eight monlha an additlonel l i t agreed upoa between the lltigan ia tor the April reiitel.

In dafenao Mr, Stout averrod that p r4 ^ ie d itecorailoaa had not bean made by 1 llie lihdlord and Addid that wher* Viiw r«p«r had bian hung th i Old pdj^r not bi<n romovad. H i bild th it Ihi i j l i t i d v io lition of tho ttn«* m ||it Uw riHiVid biro of th i obllgt* UOb of p t / ln f rth t.



sa l


nsrmTQEFunniR R M auK n QMm

Th* K*amy i e a r t ’oT ilaaU h trttT not parmlt th* k**pt»g of llv* fowl* la a balldlaf u**d for dwaUIng pn rpnit*, nor will It allow tha wbeloaala alaagh. tar of t«wla In auoh a p laoa Thle 1* prahlblied by tho b oaltk and* of th* tewn and waa aaiphaalaad a t a meeting laet night of th* beard, whan It waa ■tatad that a d talar In Midland avanaa Artlagtoa planaad to atora llv* fewlt la hla pliiea. Th* m a tta r waa br«ttaht to atM II** by Commlaatoaara Jaw** Nagt* and Trank Odandakl. Tha U ttar ■aid th* daatar had a lraady araatad e*opa In tha building coating abeat IlSd and that h* ahould bo noUflad of tb* ordlnaao* bafare h* bogan baalnaw. Th* baalth inapartor w aa laatm atad to a* notify tha daaltr.

Th* Inapectof annoaae*d th a t th* balldinga on Harry J. Tboobald’a pr*p> *rtr In Schuylar avanua u**d aa a pig­gery had baan damollahad and th a t tb* bualata* of haaplng piga had hadn dii- rantlnuad. Ha racommandad tg a t Arthar Block «t If Chapal a tra a t Iht* city, b* ordarad to ha** atappad tba dumping of dacayfng animal and v tg atab U m attar and .th* burning a t |b * aani* on hli proparly in Harrlaon aaa im a Th* tae- ra tarr waa Inalractad to notify th* owntr that tha allagod aulaanao maat b* abated.


ItniliiU SnmI WvM Td C o a d l F c ir tE E i | i o i t n If

Fue Ci. Slmt Stif.


P i i l p n ^ A d i i i m G nd« Crw»’ | i ig Q iM tiia t i A cetpt b n t i -

i n l i * C i t f m t c e .


At L m t 4 0 0 F i a S e s WiH k A iM , d t r i t i i t B ir e i i

PiS^vivg RMKBIv*



AUhdugb taking no formal action mawbar* of the BaHeelll* Board of Kdu cation laat night axpreaaad thamaalve* a* faverlng an attempt to collect a pen­alty of t l i par day from tha Eaaai Con alructlon Company of thIa city for that coocern'a failure to complala tb* paw high echool building on lb* date apael- fled, Beptamber 1. Tb* iM ller will b# diKUwed further.

Coder an egreeraent with th* rantra*. tori, the Haw rooma h a r t bean In ■•* ■life* Saplemhar I t . Although tha buIM- Ing ha* not formally bean accieptrd T caua* Of the failure of aufa-oontraetar* t* rewVlet* Torioue work, the gyainaglow la being need tor beakeiball game* and tho ebdtiorlum hea been ueed onne. Tber* la now due the cootractora tt.T U of tha original tem raet piieo of 1*1,(H .


hlght aet Tuaaday a lg h t. January 4. for the hearing of otajoctlona to tb* aiaaeamrnt for eldewalk Iraprorement* on noom fltld avenue, batweea the Newetk end Blomfleld Ilitaa The atm* date Wat alao eet for hearing obloe- tlona to the acceptance of Section No. I of th* aantlary - aewer, compiialBg th* Qreytock eecUon. Th* **ttntt*d endf of thia work waa tlT.ttd.fO, tha ft* . 'tim gta being Hl.dW.Tt.

FOREGO C8RBTIUS SWEETSfloney naualty apent for eanily for chll-

diomof Ihd Ceotral Preabytarian Churata Sunday aebpol In Montclair frill, by v of th* chU im , be eeot to th* Bervltn relMf fund, It wae annouacod laat night a t u a Cbrlilmaa entattalnm ant In th* Buaday bHwoI room*. IHaakata. clotting and toy* valued a t t tf* . togethar with l i t In rnahey. wero donated by tho pu­plla to tbp Spring S tm t Nalglibarbood How*. Naw York.

•uperlnlendent T. H. Amermaa pra- aidtd. Thp children ga*a ubieaux aad onwact *nlei1alnimnta, la coetuma, de­pleting th* rarieu* caetoma of chrlet- maa eakbrtliooa In foraign ttatlow. Un: Rdith C. Pllrher road a atoiT> “Oirilt- m ti In Other lAiMla.** and .Tnillam A. tieoaM played aavtral aalectloni on the bagpipe.

t . 'PaMaa CMad aa Santa. |

Chief of P%Uc* Ckarto* r. Oaan«y of Hllmtira tnactod tho rolo *t Santa Cteiu today, wh*n ha appoarod a t h*ad- quarttro In th a t town and gar* gold eoiaa to bt* non and tho tw* paid flr*> men who aniw or th* polio* oalls a t th* d«*t when th* pollen ar* a b a ta t Tbo peltep eaptaln and a ls poHeaWHi **eb T * ^ * d I t M d *ach f iro n a ii waa g lrMn i l . •

mscisTOSFUumyiu U m U l USB) I f FLAin

Municipal auparlntendeill John V. Cta. Ilea of K*emy <tlecov*r«d yeatarday af­ternoon that th* Kmpir* Bottling Wofke of Ihll etty, menufaeturar* of liquid atav* pollih. war* utlllaing a* a factory the baae- Went of e brick building In John Hay avenu*. In that town. Bacauae of th* In- riammtbl* chtractar of tho product, Mr. Caelle* ordered It* m gaufectur* diecon. tinued. Th* man In charge agpurad tt* suparintandant Ih* codcem wbuM mov* out today. TIm mintur* i* aald to con- aUt largely of benatna. ta d e barrel of that ell waa In tha haoement, baaldea g numbar of ceaaa of tha boltlad pollMi. Other barrel* of hanulti* am la Ih* yard, tocordlng t* Mr, Caatla*.

Tb* building I* owned by Abram Kap­lan end la not yet completed. The two upper floor* ere for reHdence purpoeca. Tb* Kmpir* Rattling Worka had a fac- tery oe th* Kaariiy aaaadowe, end It wea daatroyad by fir* a taw daya age.


Kaamy rampg raapendad tbi* w arn­ing to th* tacond fala* fir* alarm In two daya Th* alarm yeatarday la *ald to hav* baaii lo m td In by a bay at tha boi at sum atraat and Stoywaaknl *▼*- nut, wha mlalaak It fa r a la lta r bei.

Tha alarm thia m orning w aa No. I ll, which'li th* privat* a la rm of th* Naim UnolqiUR Oowgaar In H ta ray . Moat af Uia companlaa anawarad. Cblaf Charlaa W. Qraanflald and Analalant Chlaf Jamta Bulterflald. tha U tta r an am- ploy** a t th* plant, mad* an Inapectlon of tb* bnlldinga ta d found th a t non* of th* boia* had baan diaturbad. Th* bell at Ih* Kaam y avanu* ftr* hous* did n«t ring, but th* Indicator an- nounoad Ih* n u n h a r of th* boa. Tha ball waa rung by hand by Hobart Lana and Arthur Otivar,

DUE HKH SCHOOL FOOTULL TEAIla rroognltlan of tho good work

tchlavad oa th* gridiron by th* football team af th* Oraag* High Sekool, Ih* awmbari were Undarad a dinner la tb* lunch ream of Central Scbool leal Mgkt. Ceweti were laid tor th irty gtwata. Tbo dtaoer waa prepared and aerred by the girl* of th* domeaUc aclawm departawM of tb* high aehool.

ActlBg Saperlntendent W, Burtoo Pal- rlek waa toaatmaater and tho «e*kara war* PraaldoBl StdaOT H . Colgat* Of tt* Board af Edueatioa. School Commlaaioaar Joha J, Booth, who la a aaambor af th* atiimte council: gcbeol CommlwIanaTa Sumtar I>. Baagl* and Janwa F . Kally. gtanlar C. DuhaaMro, prtaelpal af tb* hlgb icbool: Carl Salbart. pkyalcal direc­tor; Frank Kanny, u n aag a r of Ih* loam, aad Oodflap JaaoM. captain.

Protait Agalnal paraalUlna th* In- lemallonal Arm* A Fun* Co. of Blaow- field to erect ariagaamee for ater- *g* of buck powdar a t Crow HtU. in th* vicinity af Daeoy'a wood* that town, wt* mad* Uat a lgh t to (ha Town Council by a dalagatloa of Soeend Ward rapratanUtlrao, CUlwa th a t that* will b* no dongor to tu rroand ing propariy from poaoIbU oaploatonA waa daclarad by a rtpraaatilatle* of th* aowpany. a«- llon on th* m attar waa daforrad.

Tb* haarUg waa hold a t raquaat of Ui* abjactora, wb* urotaotad agelm t counall'a action of tw* waoka ago In g ran ttn t a permit toq conatractliAi of tha m ataalnac Th* oowpa ny be* re- frolnW from building Ihom, hawarer, at eaquaal of conaclt until auch time aa tha obpacUana ar* ooaaldarad. Thi firm ha* a IIN.OOO plant a t Blaamfiald aranua and Orora a tra a t Bloomftald. Tim* fnaat are baing m anufacturad ter thraa-lneh artlllary ahalla E ffort! to aacur* * *lta for magaalnaa naarar to th* plant than lb* Crow Hill all* wor* ■bandonod a tta r abyootlona war* vaload. baeaua* th* land flrat cboaan I* near the Cartoral School.

Th* eowpany’B aid* waa praaantad by Malor W. J. Howhina who raalanad from lb* ardnane* dapartwant of th* Ualtad ■tata* Army Saplembar 1 for aarvtc* with th* aoncarn. H* hold that tbar* wilt b* n* dnagar to aurroundlng prop­arty In lb* nalghhorhood. and forthor clelmad that the traneporting of th* powder through th* etroata In epeclally buUt autamoblle* will ha aoeompllahod with l*a* danger then U th* tram port- Ing of mor* dangaroua aaploalr** through Bloomfield on fre igh t car*

So far aa th* poeeibl* cUalng of th* factory a t th* and of Ih* Europaaa war I* roncarwad. Major llawklna aald, he nndereUnd* that th* pU nt Will pro- catf with other work, whan th* elruf- gl* and* n * held that It would b* un- aaual for 0 Mmpany tu make th* la- raatniant II hai In Btoowtiold and ooa- tlnu* Ih* p leat for only about two year* The powdar from th* du Pout worba h* aipUtnad. will arriv* In kaga of twenty-pound capacity. Tb# taw- peeed megaalne* wilt b* about tan faot aquar* and apprealm ataly alght feat high. Th* na ilm um dally ueag* at th* main plant will b* t i t pound* tb* major oapUlnod.


farewell eermon a* paater a t th* W*ah> ington Btraet Baptlet Church, Orunga, Sunday nlgllt. Ifl* realgnatloa waa t in t pieaaiuad SundaK Octobar I, but at a epertal maatlng on that data th* eongra- aatlon eakad that It ahould b* defarred until at laaat th* baglnnlag of Ih* now vaor. Ur. Stoddard haa again laaiatad that he h* rallevad of hia paalorat*. and tin rongragatlan baa acquiaaaad by adopting reaoluUona of regret.

Ae thr realgnntlob wSl taka aRact oa the laid day of tb* year, a apadal oam- mllte* haa baen appoU tod to eoniMer calling e- new paater. WltRam H. Caa- riaM li cbalrman of tkla eemmltt**. and the otiiar mambara are Oaerga Coob*. Oterga A. Canfield. Charla* Lawraaea Her. DarM 8. Lnwla, Trowbridg* Aa- wprthy, Nalaon 0 . Wllhalm aad T. Waa- Iry Taylor.

Ur. Stoddard haa baan paater of lb* Waahinalon Straai Church ter tour and eue-halr yaara. and auecaadad Bar. How­ard U. Brawn, Who realgnad to bpeeuM paator of the Fhet Baptlet Chunk of FlanUngton. During hla paatorala In Or­ange Mr. Stoddard haa dacllnad oalla t* aavatal otbar churchaa. Ma baa no plana for the Immedtat* future, but Intend* to go to Boaton tor a abort atay.

HOT FIE n REEF HOUSECalled out on a atlll alarm to tha

Swift Beef Company, a t C anter atraat and the Lackawanna Railroad. OranSe. lat* yeatarday aftam ooti, Hoae Com­pany No I found a amok* room on Ih* aaeond floor a bUatng turnaer. Hama and *M** a f bacon within th* l.rirk wall* had eanght fir* and war* bunting fl*-‘Mly.

Sq hot way* th* nem aa th a t the Iron dbori war* a t rad heat and war* warping; atlewlng th a flamaa to lick thraufk to tb* ouUid*.

Ftra Chief W illiam K Hatthaw* or­dered two line* a f ehatnleala laM. and al a tlgnal th* laek waa brokan. A* tb* dcore buret apan tba rbem lcelt war* Inmad an. t ^ a fira w as out In Ua BlaMaa. Th* laaa waa placed a t 111.

RED aoss LECntES OR FIST AIDOr. Them** W. Harv«y J r . *f Orange

will give ten leeturaa on flrat aid, under the auaptaaa e< th* Flm t AH Claa* of the American Red Croa* In Boy Boout head- m arian. Northflald road. W *« O y a ^ th* fliut will b* Tuaaday. January 1. The Town CauBcll waa aikad laat night to aend th* natraUMan and ftramea ta t ^ lacluraa, th* eoat bahig »dp*» man. m * latlar waa refarrad ta th* cbalrwaa of th* palk* and fir* aaanaitt***. ^

Fallewlag Ih* tactura* th*** who pee* atanlaatlM will n ca iro a cartificat* by tbaRed Croa*. An affort la bahig mad* by Pr. W, A. OalacMagat aoout maatar. to obtain anty-fbur mambara, ae that wbit 1* kdpwn M a Jfallaf eotaam* nay


fee'Sit .'1

C h a l m e r s

FMrabf !?»•<»

No Payment Downfint 1916

mum.i W i r J i w s a * * f t rYmr Om iSUteHtt

Coiqil^ II Cm.$7 & Su tIkM ffhnm b

Buy Direct from the Largest Exclusive Victor Retailers in New Jersey

d i i l m t f s V ic to r S bH resi 8 7 9 f t r o a d S t , N e w a r kI t w o IL O C K f SOUTH OF M A tK ITe M UUt W N X IA M I T .

j ‘ SMS Main SiMitpEiftOriiife SjprincBiU Armub,

' ■ - 4 t


Uurh floating Indebtadnaaa of Varana Borough waa cleared laat night by tha rounrll of that pHoa, which ordar ad tha payment of auodry kllla amounting to th lU and lha oancallatlon of two mu­nicipal nol*a on* for pl.Ttd aad tha otbar tor ll.U a . It waa alao dacKi i ta pay tha anm of g lM If-II . Feraaa'* ihar* of tho oounty laso*. Anotbor pay- mant ordarad by council waa tba lUm of M.>l*.ia to tba boraugh Board af Education. At a prarioui maotlag t ta aehool board waa glvan It.lfd . lanaiag th* aunt of ti.oa* atlll to b* paH for acbool purpoaaa from tha t i l l tag levy.

rhalrman William H. Barter of the rioanc* oommhta* axpl^nad that heWiia vutatandlng boa da tb* barough haa la- •uad one certlflcata at Indabtadnaa* ter a amall amount for paymant tor lateral oewan, which will b* mat by aaaaatmaut on proptrtleo benafitod.

Dafarring aoltaa an a raaoluMon to appani far lb* allarinatlon of grad* rroaalnia under tb* provlalona of Ih* Fielder aat, tb* Drang* City Commla- ilon yaatardny afternoon accaptad tha Invltatlaa of tb* Fubllo Ctlllty Com- million to altand a contaranre In thia cliy Jaauary Id. when Kaat Orange of- Rrlala aad rapraaantattraa af tha Lack­awanna Railroad will alao be praaant. On th* auggaatlon of Conimlaalanar Frank J- Murray, th* raaolution waa laid over until Tuaadar. February I.

Comffllgglaaar H arry 0. Wathihig. wha Iw* walk* ' ago Introduced th* reaolutlm, la it ita d th a t tb* e ltr could not afford la atand atlll. Whit* willing to accept lha Invitation, Ur. Wathllng aeld there m e no guaranty that any- Ihlng definll* would matertallie a t th*I onferese*.

Ill* I*l%w remmlealenar*. however, ergued thbt the adoption of Ih* reeo- lullofi might lend lo complicate th* eiiuetlnn. Mayor Daniel F. U inahtn ■iiggeated (hat to held th* reeolutlon In ebayanr* would hav* Juat ae much wrifht at the coafafosce, aa tha looaa- wanna official* ar* eonvaraant with th* fact th a t Hr. W tih ing do** not In­tend lo b* weak-kneed on Ih* propoal- llon ('om mlatlanar Wflllam A. Col- houn malnlataod th a t It would hat b* too 1( 1* t* act an th* reiolulloa after Ih* confaranea, and U r Murray ra- ferred to th* dalar* In th* attaropi af I'ateraoB 10 laour* track chengaa undar Ih* Fielder act. Oommlaaloner William F. Krerney alao argued In favar of awaiting devHopiaiata a t the coatHoac*.

Faror Aeaapttag luvilaH**.While •landing alon* la hi* oppaaltlon

In the eubaUtUt* motion. Hr. Wathilag repeatedly evpialnad th a t k* Jarared arcegitng th* lavIlatloB I* attend th* conferenev. la votlag for eaeiplaeca Mr. (.'alhoua drdarad th a t wbll* b* op- poeed eny further eancamkma. oa harm could be don* by attaAdlsg ti>* tanfar- anc*. r

After th* communication from the L'tllltlee roomileilod bad bean raad Mayor Mtnahan auggaoted that th* city ahauld take edvantaga of th* offtr of Ih* atatr board la act aa an arhtiraler, Ha pointed out that aa tha eomndprion will b* the court Of laat raaart, Oraaga Blight aave both time and aapana* by attending (he ocnferaoc*. Hr. Calhoun advteed hie coUeagua* not t* cemmlt tb* dly to arbtiratlo*. aa nnfarefaMa laffaa Might b* Impoaad a t tha confaranea. If H ahould prove naraaiary to procaed un- dar tha Flaldar act t t* city rouat g* bafora tha utility board In a nwra formal way, he aaM.

Oalllna attention to th* "trivial'* dif- farencet which pravaat an agraamant. Hr. Hurray intlatad th a t both the com- paay end the city obould be willing to make furtkor alight aoaeaialena. H* ramarkad th a t it th* city Inatat* on the terma prepoaed laat year Ih* com- mlaalaB la nol la a poaltlo* t* nago- tlata, and b* auggaatad Ibal I t Drang* I* willing to bar* th* maatmum for proparly damtga* rinad at ISd,*"# th* eerapaay might b* w illing to meet th* oommiatlon half way.

That th* ctly would ha granting a tramandona reneaealaB by allaw lag tha railroad to eparata over a naw right *r way waa a point amphaoluad by Mr. Wathilag In aupport of Bt*' eontabtlon to aland firm on laat yaar'g tarm a

^hrlatma* will b* made b rlg h u r far at laaat 4N Orange famtlla* Ihrough tha affort* of iboa* phllanthropleafly IncHnadk aooarding t* ta* raoorda of lb* coafldantlal e irbang* of lha Orang* Buraap of Aaaorlatad Charltlaa Tb* vartaua orgaalaa tlaaa laeludlng ecbooia Chfrohea fralem ltlea. eorlal aarvlct or- gailiatlona and Individual* (hat ara warklng thraugh th* aacnenge hav* bfwvMad tor 140 lamlllaa, and mar* aama* wlU be added to th* Uat b*t*r* CliriitiMki.

Orang* Lodge No. i l l , B- I' D. Klka I* arranging to giv* between IT4 and tog H aatra baald** tklaae to mak* th* ahttdran aa well ad th* grown-up* happy. Tb* Baat Oraagu Ledge la g*< Ing to hav* a g rea t ^ r l e tm a i pirty Chrlatmaa mornlag, v b a r* mar* ehiar will b* dllpenaed.

Th* Fifth W'ard Improvamenl Aaao-elation of Weel u m n g a Is planning tor eilsnetv* giving. This orgen lu tloo I* worhing through th* aarhang* It will loak aflat a hat of paopla aad will help them with the funds notled at the en- tarlalnment end dano* In tha Washing- tog School Oeturday BighL

Aa usual, lha acbMla, privat* and pakllw hav* promlaad help, both In ggada and monay. Tba churchae aad various o rg in lia tlona affiliated with them are ehowlng an unusual aellvlty tbI* year. Mom aAd morn, they ere coming to work th rough tb* bareeu. It I* declared. >

Th* Memorial Hospital, aa uanal, will hav* lit childran'B anlartalnmenL ba- ildea It* treat In th* main corridor. At tha Orange Orphan Horn* the usual elaborate i-elebratlon le being planned.


The Women'* Oulli of Bt. Luke's Gptaeopal Church, Montclair, waa ad-

itaed by Blihag gutfragaa WUsan R. gtearly, former ra d a r of tbo Hcatelalr' pariMi, yesterday aftemoon. Raporta were received from Hr*. Chari** B. Pattl- MO, Mtn. cathaalaa Uoopar and Mrt. Ollbart MaxwaU, atrtllning th* ChrlatfiA* work of tha variau* c h o rd erganlsa- tioaa /

Bishop Staarly Hrak* of Ma aow work, after thaakliw la iaakera of tha guild for tho ch ad girou him a t Ma daparture, with wMch h* bought hta now aplacapal

ms. In gaocriUna tb* w a d la tb* dioc***, t>r. Staarly aald ha hottcad a neglect In Ih* growtag aagMRonlllM. Efforts abouli b* maSa ta aMablleb church** In th* aawar lowM la til* atat*. H* alao apako af tha aaag ad a diocaaao

urn In (hi* d ty to aupplaat th* inada- qoat* roomi now uaad.

EDISON am ELECTS OFFKERSTh* annual meeting of iba Ediion Club

was M d yaatardny aftsmeon in th* ad- Bilnlalration building of tha Weal Orang* plant. Th* following ednoata ware elected- FreeMent, Dr. Hlllar Re*** Hvtcblean; Tic* pnaMent Charlaa MMon; sacratary. Arthur C. Freat; traa iu rtt. WlUlsm Coartmr: truat***, the afftawr* and Will- lain a. Baa, K. J. Barggran, Walter L. Bafcttt, Allan H. Ilird, Mean Tunmr, Itarfr T. Laamlng and Harry F. Hlllar.

Tb* annual banquat will ba bald aa year within a «a*k of th* Mrlhdty of Tboma* A. Kdleon, w h id ooeurs on Feb­ruary 11. Dr. Mulcblaon annauDead that this yaar'* banquat wtll ba bald la N*w- arfc. Th* dht* ha* not been dacMad.

VraPtSDARaDBC. »tipward cf tH Invttatlsa* bar* b*

laeuad for tba danca to b* g iraa by tb* A' Kamplt oa W adnaaiay, Daeam- kar If, a t th* M aatolalr a u b UalL Christmas grasna will b* Ubog far dae- oratlraa

Th* chairman of th* various coMmlt- laa* In ebarg* are; H ra Charla* S. Bar- rat of W att oraag*. floor e m m tttts ; H ra Martin J. Byanet, muale; Mrs. Themaa Ollvar, dacomtlona: H ra Louis Bsniingar, rotraohmonts! H ra Jaman Van t^k a , in v lu tle n a all of Meat- olalr. A ractptloR caM inbtaa oaoalat- lag af tha variotia e ffleora w tll luoatro tba giiasta

Rsport waa mati* yaotaitiap a ftar- ■**n to tbs Beuth O raaga TowMlrip a d o * that tka haru. M raB t aad aWakan bouaa baloagtag ta Omilee tay la r af Joffarsaa avanua. in tka Maptawsad sootioB, ha4 baaa b ra k d Into by thiavu*. The SlBoty*rp waa msds by lb* caratahar. St s^ ia Bade nar. Just what th* vnlu* o f tho goods taban eaadat ha aaeatta lwsS, #■ th* Taylar Iktnlly Id spaadlag th* w iatar Is i t ru tanhurm F la . Falla* Chlat Arthur J, Bayl* la lavaat lgat lag .MtiBWMSMMI aMVttttHNttgOM «*

V lalia #1 AaHgaad AtvoafbS.tk a wHd-up of a lltu * asattiulou

mat* yaatardny In a «ah h r Jaata* t . l S * l i l ^ *f • w n ilam Mur**i, Warn Oraaga wa* the o v an g n tiag a t t t a vuiirtl* *arlr In th* o fo siM irV MM*

iM AMitwsd avdoa^ * M l Of* a raaajt af qph lsh^ ' "l» J .______ ■* waa anwataS h r i i ^

WhIM *hS BaaairtMIM Om Mb Oo Ih*

ffgvaagiiy• ----- —. , |W><—■—Ii—I .1.1: ■*!»»* Waa Hal m Bogiw.

An «rr*r era* mad* ilag th a t caarM oVUm pruki*** S a r Ih a i s t OraaB* ai W r tT l lT f f Th* VMIIM of 1

id*a lB a a « of o tP M iM M

BIKCI UNIKHIDI, IBT I f U I;im V E R in ilT ,M IE S m i

Th* naglac* of Vletor Falllnsky, tb irty-flr* yaain old, of Hayarovltia to hav* progor light* oa hi* buggy 1*4 t* hla vabtet* being Struck laat avcalng by a trolley car In H ltlbura avatiua, aaar Valley atraat, Maplawnod. Tba buggy waa wrecked and Folllnahy wa* throws t* th* roadway.

He was taban to io u th Orang* Town­ship police hradquartars. where h* waa placed under arraot for tallura to hava prapar llg h ia After brulaaa aad Cut* •a hla head and la tt hand had baa* draaacd by Chief A rthur J. B*yl* h* was paroled for arraignm aat kotar* Iteeofdar Francl* B. Currier.


Ntewtk IQomlIf* HAtN a tU X T .


/ SSSS tttTam, I Mam*alhM^3*4

AMPg*B-- ^■leent, f t Faurth a l|er*rilA__ll jreertk

Tel, frit,k M . MU


B .k K U W i* '— TlMtr. 14* !

- -I. T*L________ ITO.J l, T«t. AIM. ^ *111.


tSaiu 9t TpaiiM4J.Tet lllf.


.'w#-p2C'.rw t*HI.▼aiHy a t Tel Hih.

a t M . tIH lr. Orwu* ar* . oaar l


t«kin%ss riM<*sfitihi BvsM iif (M w i f t m I tt-

otsiflgM Wihits W d(«)iSt wdft ts si tkg

iM0ih|i sf wiJdMst *sBf«i w iptfrIMVfMMiir-I fHanr

The annual Chrlatm aa aniartalbmani *r th* students o f Setoa Hall CalTaga was held laat n igh t In th* college eu- ditarium undar lb* anaplcaa of th* a th ­letic aisocistlon of th* Inelltutlao. A faatur* of th* program wea th* award­ing cf medala to th* winners In th* recant athlalt* awai at tha collage. All tha member* of Ui* faculty aad Moa- signor Jam** F. Hoonay, prastSent u( tba oeltege, aad Raa. Jams* C MoClary. vloe praaldsaL w ars prasent. Tb* lal- t*r and Wllltsm F**n*y, Patriek Jayca, Je**ph OgulUvaa and W illiam Haddaa war* in ctiarg* of Ik* affair.

The program oamalalsd of gales suaf by Harold Murray, Joaapb B. Tuohy an* Jeaaph P. Fallon, aeleetlona by th* collet* oreboatra, roeltn tlona by Stneel Farmaaaa and naaaologaa* and aanga by Owda Mlaabab. A mook tr ia l "Faker v a CoBsylahl," waa held. Tbo** who took pa rt Ineladod Ur. Tuohy, Francl* Cummlnga Frsncia Turner, Jallen R enaa John Karelcwekl, Robert Haggerty, Jeaaph Fullam , JMui Dc- lanay, Oaorg* B aker. Oanrg* n t ip e l- rick, Frodcrlak Boa*. John Waigsnd, Oaorg* English. Joha Ryan, Thotnaa Curry, Jams* Lyneh. Thomas CTUanln, Henry A. Coppingar, Edward Dugan, H arry Kaafa Jam a* gomar*. Thomas Hannon, Coraallu* Boyle and Jamta Balllvaa.

Hontlgaor Meoasy dellverad an ad- drea* to th* Btudanta A akalnh, antllUd “A Llttl* NoBaanao,** which coBalstad of (ear vocal salactlema waa glvan by Mr. Kb*f* and Hr. Coppingar. Th* cal- lag* eberua also ronderad savaral ■onga In which Ur. T urner, a eo rs* <) Flti- paliick, Mr. CcpplDgor and Mr. Hurray War* Ih* aoM ota


That Parana* war* atad* IH posalbir from plomala* polsoalag a fte r aaUag Ic* cream purchased from an Arllagten daaltr was raporlad laa t night to Ih* Kaarny Board of K aatih In a **mmu- Blcatlan from F. O. Bulklay of Arllng- ,ian. Tha le* cream waa aarvsd a t a recent ta te rta lam ea l a f th* Arlington Tennis Club, and aooordlag ta Ur. Bulkier four of tboo* wb* partook of Ih* ertem wara 111 tb* fallew lag mora- Irg.

Ur. Bothlay** oommunlralloB waa Drat recalvtd by Baaratary Alfred B. Anderson of th* Board a f Kaalth, who refarrad It I* Health Inspactor Hanry V. Amarnuui. Tba la tte r mad* an In- •paction of th* place whar* th* |c* cream was pnrchaaad and aaya ha faund th* maker had every facility for tha manufactar* of a clean and whalaaoina product Th* dealer, according tc th* Inapaetor, had baan given a permit to make Ic* creem by tba sta te autharltlee.

Ur. Amerman aald ba bad confarred with ea* Of tb* physlciaas who attended on* of th* patlenia and that be had eaemad certain tha lllneaa waa eauaed bv plomala* poleonlng. but would not be willing to nsaert th a t th* lea cream wa* th* causa

Uambars of th* beard aald tbay had purchaaad lo* crawm from Ih* dealer ead lhal they had alw ays found It good. In hi* eommunlcatlon Mr. Bulkier aug- geated that tha beard make aa Invatil. gatlcn-

Th* lespaclor darlared that under the ejrcumataaoaa It m ight b* advlagbla to Inatruct Ihe dealer lo aaarolaa strict cere In heaping clean and alerltiring th* utenalls and container* uied In th* maanfactur* a f lea eraam. The board concurrad In lha rwaommandntlon

Glass of Hof Water* Before B reikf^ *

a Splendid HabitOgaa iliilu s g f Ik s <

Ta*s« ef « wha dull aa* haavy whaa w* arlesi beaSacka atatfr fr*« a talS, reel aeety kreath, ait* atatnaeS, lam* baci litMaed, a«ih leah aa* l*tl a* *•*•# *• a *aWr alwara ky waablag the polaaaa Sad . tetla* fren Ik* bodr with phaapbated ha* t ■atar each marnlag.

We eheul* dnah. keTaN bceakfael. a SHm af raal hat watar with a teaafeaatal al Uma- •laM Bhaaphau la H ta fluaa S«ia iNb •taamra, Ifvar, kldaere and lea varda al bewala tit* pewateaa day** Mliaatlkfa wSlII, •ear bn* aa* palaaaee* loxlae, ihaa •(•«*• lag, aweataalag aa i parMyUig lha aatim atimaeiarr tract bafara patUag maa* faad Into tba atiuaach.

Tka aetlcn af limaaaane Mmabbata aa* bat water aa ae aeapty ateniMh it wealte. fully levtsevatlna. It atewac awl all the erar fecmtauuleaw, gaaea, arasM aa* aaMliy aa* give* eaa a tbieadli appauie ter hrmpfut and It la aaM (a be hut a iluU wblla aalS the reae* begin I* eppaSr le ih* ebaebm, * cutrttr peand of llmtsinne phoepbal* will nnai vaav UtU* at tba drag ataae, bM V' •utneteat ta aiak* aay ana wh* la kMhalv*' - a Ilk klllaueniwa, canaupatlaa. elateaeitrnubi* ar rheamallem a raal aetbueiaai SB the aobjeet of In Ureal aaatiatien. Try R. and you are aaeared that yoa wilt Hull ' batter end feel hatlav U avary way ahortly^ddrertieemaat far Wyetb Chemleal De.


A ayateiSatlc and equal dIstribaUan Of Chrlatmaa coairlbutlone amoag th* pear of N utlty la th* aim of a cam­paign Inaugurated today by tha social sarvlca bureau *f th a t town. Although tb* bureau ttaa lf la not doing any actual giving, ltg .offlcara and membart a n ai'parvlalng the giving cf all town arfanlaalloos aad a re , raotiving co-op- atatlon from th* latter.

This morning Ihe flrat Carlitmas dc- •atloni were received a t the buraau baadquartora, la Chaatnut atreat, frojn puplla ef tha Tantacaw Rchooi; who marched tbar* In a body, bringing all to m of articles from clothing to bag- baU of gvoda. OUiar eontrlbutlona arc aapeetad dally from various church or- gantaallona and all w ill be placad by lha bureau whar* lhay will do the graataat tm ouni of good.

HEN'S FEDERATION OPEN FORIlOpen dlacuaalon will prevail at ih*

mentbly maatlng of (h* Han's Re­ligious Fedaratlen of Orange In the Now Church, tonlghL wb*n matter* parutn ing to lha w alfar* of (b* or. iaslaatlen and eaiuM ualty will b* dla- cuaead. Standing e*mnlUaea far the yaar will he appolBtad and tultabi* booka for th* lib rary of th* Men'a Re- fomatory at Raltway wRi b* recelvad.

SWKX HEADS DLLSIDE TAVSwilliam gwlck a f Peunaylvinla avanua.

Klltelda, until fhm months ago cMaf of th* Saybreck Valuntaer Fire Dapartmetil waa elected to that ofn«« by the dapart- maat at a tpa<*al maallag laat alght. H* defeated PYadariric Lemmar. Th# former recelTcd aavaniaaa votao to four for bl* epponanf. Swich sueeaada Frederick f ^ t . ubo atauboad th* rhiafahip In Au­gust after Swtek had refuted lo run for anothar tana. Hr. Fabat died racenlly.

K en n y Pebaal Haarelee*.Chriattnas ■.'xerciaea were held yeater-

day In tli* Kearny High BehocI, with an addrasa by Prtnojpal Albion Mala Brain- ard, eaWctlen* en a talking machine, con- trihutioh* by the tchool ercheatra end a ado by Mia* Emily Baglln of Arlington, la gchool No, I tomorrow morning each data will march through tbs corridor* fia ftn r a card of Its own Mlaetion. after which th* Claeses will hdd axerclaea In thsir reapacUv* roome. Th* arraagainenta gr* In charge of Mia* Bthal handarom. th* pfiatipal. Th* eehools will do** to­morrow for th* holidays aad rieptu Jan­uary t.

Tall* a t MoiaaW ruoaema.A deacriptlan of th* Ilf* and cuaiotn*

of tba Hindu* Wa* given by Mrs. S. A. Parrin* of th is city yaolarday iftar- noon bafora th* m ladonary aoclaty of Yb* Flrat Baptiat Charak In M*ntdalr< Th* *p*ak*r, wb* wont to India ba a

Sid* and Itvad tRar* m aay F«ara aald a paggla a f th g t co aa lry ar* aoqulr-

Ing Bui i p iaa m ethods of drat* and Itam lag lo cu ltivate tb* flald* with madam Implaatnbio laddoad af lb* anti- qnttad mathada f arm arly uaad. Hra. W. F. Teuag pr aMdod and H r* David Mill* and Mr*. Bdwtn H. Mavan aotad a* h M tu aa*.

OyaMM 4M a Sg* D amogaa.Hut* avidaao* of tho damag* dona In

Saptambar. wbaa Fannk Lang; B y aatt of Baat OranB*t waa run over by an tu - temoMi* tru ck in W aabingtc* ptrccL tu * d t r , wa* addw u i ra m a tttjf aft«c- nagn In tba Baat Ooaaga D fatriit Caart la tb* fpvp * t tb* b t t m ttsM t B*tb wlM«l* w*ta *tt«*b*d aad Mm fNaa* waa MigbMy damagad. L ag s wwared a vard to tad tH . 1b* dadwadent was ■*■• u a i .< a t * * l t > lg ^ -

mo vni GIVE soK smTO U VEN IR W D BOY’S UFE’

Who la willing to giva aotne ef hli ifcia to aavo g four-yeorK>ld bey, who haa bean badly buraadt T hat I* the appeal of Hr*. John Ralam er of 1*1 NInataanth avanue, Irvington, whoa* aon. John, la al m. Bamabaa'a HoaplUJ, wUk meat of th* •bln of th* tewar ptkrt ^ hi* body seared off. Th* llttl* fallow wag borsad Hpvam- b«r It, when hla clothing raughl fire from a candl*. which he oblalnad whan hla mother went out of tha hoaa*.

Th* sklo graftla* la naeoaaary, *c- cerdlng I* lha child'* paraal* In erdar to prevent th* rirtim from being a crip- pi* u» reel of hi* Ufa. II will rsqulra about 10* equara ineboa of cutlcla. Hr* Raleaiur said today. Thus far ralativv* have offered to glv* apgvonlMataly fifty i aquara Inches and Ih* bey** tblhar end molhar ar* endaavoring 10 had *oma mof* hralthy paraoBS who wui com* to tlw aid of tha child aad glv* tba rawalndar. Tbo •kin graftlag operation anil bagla toanor tow, when the viellm 's tukoto, Harold Hemma. and hla aunt, Hra. A iihuf Lay- ton, will glv* twelve equarw Inehes of tuUcI* to b* applied to tb* togs of tbair neptww. Another undo, A rttu r lAyton, haa volunteered to gtvq twanty-Ava of thirty square incbas of hi* akin, and will tuhmli to a* opamiton later.

Whan iHtl* Jolm wag takwi to (Had-; den Ledge lloapitaJ. Irvtagton, tb* burn* ' ■ppaared lo b* auperflclal. aeoordtv to Ih* authorillaa there, sad of a nalur* that would bqal la tb* naaraa cf a weak. I After ftarlag two daya a t th* tuburban Inalljutlon, the lad wae takaa bom* by hi* paianti. Inataad ef haallng, tb* bum* grew wora*. ecoordthg to th* parant* and November t4, Hra. RHaaner took her aon to at. Baraaba*'* Hoaptlal In this city. i Blnce than th* Iwy has aet Improved i and tb* phyelelan* daetdad on akin prafl- Ing.


fS f'B*hdlt^ U V N S C S E M B

LhocoflaiesIO V t know tkow hard tt It

tu talact p r a a c n i ^ h iv t quite an ataortiBM i af auntie* mywlf.

BuL VMlIy. I da think w« make a lot of botbor and iroubln for onraolvto riHbhi< (bout to |e l *em ethini dllfir- cot for ovoryoiiA—whtn ■ nico box of Vndaworth CboeoUM could bo oont to netrly tvory namo on tbo U*L

Evorybody Hkoo candy—aad ^ c a ^ t to t b itte r Hmb w tdtw orfb . Thoy’n ptrtica- lirly |o o d fdr Ctariatmai, bo- cauM thoy a t* tile d wltb nut* and fn iila and w ra ao ta . Mo •ticky e n a m in«ida*.

Tbay coat Bfty oanli tbo* pound—and any pood dnap or confccifonory atoro In Nowgrh bM thou .

Ut*o fry Ibla plaa thid Cbrtotma*. 1 itaink H otvltt lo work both w*yp for b d |^> n«*(.

Would you ttk* lo POO UP nuka tbcpi iOiM day ? ConMin and a ik .

W A O IW O B TR C a O C O L A T B C O M P A lIf

> n JdlM Avouu*. McwaihlUhgtoe* Wiewlr 4 *

5^'I f '

'V i


R*eld«nti of Msplswod laat night piwMoted * petition to Um Imith Or­ange Township C «nm tt|M raqutallag lb*t body to look Into th* f*s«lbtllty • f rieodlng, for *kstlBg purpoH * th* township's perk property Mtusted east of tb* Maplewood B tatlea o f tb* Laohs- wson* Rsllrosd The petition ws* signed by tl4 pereon*. Township Com- ndttoemsB Charirs A. Cra«s vtAuntseiwd to Invsstigsu.


Arf»nt9fn«rt(« Hat* cMSplAtMfof tilt eemmunity ClHrlAtm*! to Im hold urtd«r tfct AUtpIro* of tho Wilt OronKo ImprovMnont Loogwo oti Iho froundo ol Folrmount School CMHvtmtif Carol nlnplnf will ta a fMtuf* ithd thoro will ^ » imapIy* ('hrtotmpp tr«* llkualn«t«d wtt^ tloc*


C A S T O R lAPh liUtBii tad ChlUnB

hi Um For Ovor SO Yo mA lw a ^ b a if*

Hpntur* of'


OMNM ADYERIISOniTyMABBOUN Of* .SMil* msats s* salei Imsjss M ind; ksw Iimsb* I*P«dd et. Bast Oresgei__ ______ra iu itffito it K M s^ jm p e wm s -piliwgiw* toller ta* m aw

M B BeUeeryOBAMB _ ef the Orsegi* iseT 'Pii N*rthf)*M av*. w*it OrugsS '

■1.Aodrew Murray'sWHOLESAUUailllR STORE

Bm b iit , fbaupaat a ad Mwti nH iU o X . pInM In Uw Orangut

to fct your BIKR, WINES, COB. DIALS, CHAMPAGNE AND D IU CATBSSEN far the bolldiyP. Gal our pHco* and quality of poodi hg> fore placing your order.

In OUT RESTAURANT v* • turkty diaaor from d-SJO in (hg evaning, *nd *1*0 * dinner for dlu, Cbritima* dlnn*r all day tad tvoB> Ing. tl.M .

Andrew M uirayituu uii sniEi, un oiik

Telopboao 228

EVEREn&WALSH.IiKjt o r i e C O A L w W t o

FHONE ORAUaH gO«rIk ta in O f f l c * M U l Y a r d j,.

3 5 2 M AIN STeeOrMba*

lUr Ih* tourtli aaeeaatfvi yqar Will, lam aultlvna of How air**i. ■ •irtiM toiunum of the .Ma rf iaea o»*tlqa *f tti H tahsiiaa divtH*a *( tfc* F«aag^ vaals Ballraad, haa wa* th* priae *f l i t oftpraf kF jM cjw ^ti

~ ~ ' L* UB* tuoafvad'by'A btaiayaaj^ tb*

_ o f o eu aflu iiiH istho OOBI BF.

oft*rof bp Hm eum paav to rtik t b**t Honjtalaoi and lu r fa iM aotitito t C k M f*r n * i amouBt w aa tu u a fv ^ lry Mr, ■uWh a a y i i t i r i a F . . d f aBtuli waa a imm a fiim ie

B i a n c h i W i n e C o .W INE AND LIQUOR DEALERS

The Most Reliable Littuor House hi the Oranges Quality High—Prices Low

With Each Quart ofROCKMEAD WfllSKY, - $1.00 Quart

Beautiful Glass Cekiy L>ish or Pitcher

See our variety of Wines, Liquors, etc,, on dis­play in our window.

SPECIAL XMAS OFFER:One bottle Port or Shotiy...........................a m t ^Obo bottk MOBOgnm WhUiy...................One bottk ItaUao Gtiim WIbo or M iwtkl..

T h e B l a n o h i W i n e C o .2 6 1 ‘MAIN STREET

'Plione Your Order 1348 Orders Delivered

YOUR ANNUAL XMAS GIFT | r i A I I D V D ’C IS AWAITING YOU AT A L A I f I I J d K 9Ih e Great B lf DoOar's WocUh - Om b o t t l e d Nld[’*YYhU7.v .75 Om b o t t leO U Por tY Y toe . . . . . . . ASOuebolQe OU S h ^ W h w . . , . / J 5

$Iv«Port, S b e n r, Mnacaltt YYhm, gaBou, -

i O A U B E R ’S

AllTbraa BotOaop$1.00

•, ''A Jki' . .;

jMmb witk Rum U(* IMffW ti Ditcliie VUb- iftn i Siferkg.

Dun m m straAiKHiWWW TORK. Dm . I*.—Mtw Hateii

■ j X«U*r u 4 ftlh«r blind parwni In Iht VntM lUlM «r« ebUlnlnv uwcMMfd iMV* Dm i th* caplUl* *t balIttMfnt Mtlem In lurop* In nnwnnnixrn pub> lllind fer th* blind In lAmdan, t'nrin, •irttn Md VInnan, nwordins ta Mina

Utr. tbnnt nnwnpnpnm a n not con- ■bn far*, baenunt tbar am

■tad In abonhand Braltla, a point I naad for tba blind which tba can-

fOD am nnabl* ta road.%baaa uncnnaorad accaania af eon-

dltlana In Ibn tranind eoantriaa till ml tha tn a anatlmnat amend tba work- hif paapla and tba Intoinrabla oondl- tlaaa that anrraund Ihcat," aald Mlaa K«I1k - '^ a l r haarla ara almaat at th* bfaaklnf paint"

H aa Xallar mada thia axplanatlon to ■bow hew aha ablalnad Infarmatlan laWiaralnt tba war diacloiad In a ■paaeb aha mada raoantljr an praparad- haaa

af tha lournala brindlnf anean- nawa fmm Oamianp, aceardlnf

ta raporta puhllabad la Now Tork, la Ma lia« ^daua Kail and It la aald that Ibla la aa« paper ta wfllrh Mina Kallar ra- M d Ilia Tilnad lallara In thU Jaarnal aaa aald lo have braadbt tba Informa- Maa that all paraana In Oarmanr, man, tnmaa and cMIdraa, arc llvlaf on ■iMidar ratlana diairlbatad bp watdbt a a t datanniiad bp rbamlau, pbpalolana and aclantlaU In Berlin. Tha chlaf ftmda, It la daaUrad- arc potaloaa and

Vha addraaa bp Mlaa Xallar rafarrad tp w u made i t Waahlndlan Irrlnd MMb Sahaot. Now Tork, laat Bundap. Tha addraaa waa under tha auapleoa it tlw Labor Forum and waa adalpat pro- paradnaaa


VAXHlNnTOK. Daa, IL -« aera la rr •( War Oarrlaan. la a aUtomant la- ■hld laat nidhi. citaa raoorda ta ahaw tM t Thaadora Raoaaralt haa abaattedid on tba proMridnoaa dvaatlaa. Tip laeratarp raaEn’ii an ardor laaaadta IM) bp tha than Barralarp af War W at an tnotractloaa (ram Proaldaat SiMaTalt ardarlad a raductlaa at 11,- I I I man la the aallatad atranatb af u p am p. Tba taat of Xaoraiarp Oar- Plhan'a atatouMot faltawa;

1 abMran tbat Mr. Rooaapalt aala- tabtaa tba Cbrlatmaa aaa atm bp pro- bmUbb himaair with all tba t t e t a In alfbl. Ha a t pa la affaot: 'XX poUolaa (which ara now papalpr) aw mlaa' Ha raaamblaa tha aafor bop who ooBMo la fratn plap l« flad a tiibla full af daodlaa praparad bp hta ■Man. aBd, toaohlnr all tba ataat tapthaama aapa: "riiat'a m laa and Ittara mine, aad aa*a th a t’

b Traparadnaan* Waa with hla ptarad taata Olhara branght It tor- tnpd and urgad it apoa tba attantlaa a r tba paapla, and It waa only attar hp (ennd that it aultad tbair taata

"lUial ha bacama vocal la lU babalf. bMandtag In awa aa 1 da, of Hr.

■Maavait, and Patng (larful af tala wrath. It ta with haaitatlan that t paint aat ta Mm that thIa adminlatratloa bpp aat antp ratTalaad from follow

' tm aaa at hla polMia, but haa. an tha td ^ a rp . ropadiBlad I t Ona af hla pall-

' dita waa ta raduoa tha anilalad atranaU d f tha anmp of tho ttaltod dtataa.

"Mr. Rooaavalt baoamo Praaldant m Itth of Haptoratar, Itbt. On tha

aidt dap af Map. 1*«1, tha flaOraUrp arW ar, Mr.

WRW TORK, Dor. U ._H ora thaa •doagh manep ta maka up a fand of f 1 ,ab«.0M to bo aont Ja w t^ war aaf-farara In Kurop* praa ralaad laat night

~ icjld Hall. Tba crowd followod tho load of a man ofa( a moatina; In Carnrj


Itnt Korn '* or ”nUy 4« TtatUr^ ara (ttnji whif^h hmx «pp«»r <>n Ntw Taar'a hlYl'Af’ftrf. for last nlfM th a Hoard of Healih hpprovM tho u«fi of horaa flaih an a fnodNiuff The Indorarmant vaa tlvfn ihrnunii (ttp rrvocation of a, rMtrlci Ifjit in ih^ nanit^r)' on

Wil#i t’f nirM «fi « fw»<l.In •&i>trtaUfih IliHt Ihf Ofbmand for

rt|K>rt M4*! ijp hy Iho wnr wouMlarraaHif p rlrfj hrrr. h^tllth hoiM»ttn« ttirip tliEtiril>iJt«Ml In iMjptlM In )ll« tk’horlM pMinrihl t t. io hr inkm horn* f^r thr Inni runl<in of ivfp infitakinff purchH**^ Th* rr»uM wmi riot ffrattfylnf kthI homrd'ii m l inn U*l alcht wan ink*n to provtAe « n«w And «liaaprr moat-


fif arc)ulltal woa returned by a U rf a t the Rorkland C'ounip Court Ifouac here In the cape of former Townclerk Wlllfam H. Cleary on a i-hara*

! ronveraloM of the Inwo lunda. 't'he verdict waa found at llie iJiref-lltin of Puprenta Court Juvttra A. H. Toinp- hlna. -

Clanry waa recently aeeiuHled of Iha murder nf hla aon-ln-law, Bupaua Naw- Hian. Ma waa conviclad of foraary Frl- dap, and ta lo ha aanteneed on that cgavlellon'Moiiilap. On motion of Dop- ntp AHornap Oanaral Wilbur Chamhan ■ta Itidlctnanla, rharglnd grand lar- •wnp and ona alleging, that Cl warp car- rtad * weapon, wera put ovor until tho

tana of court.___j c i i j

o n ADVERTISCMENTSom cic o r tHH HOARti o r nxi itu

COHMtMliINRRt Of THR CITT » NRWARKaCity Pwxmter ITth. ttllan * mlMrinv t* tM HH of AAIMH. r*»t


aiiiNiV «u «

plataa «t~ kaalaaaa at appi «Miti4irv4 )■h4t t« ua* hMird Cw tM t

Ruys and linoieoms lor Christao n s tv E M f/e s. o m jfu n m a e v A M A N m o .

Tiarljst CkacefarFlaar CareriitCIristausfittsN L M W .P ] .S h g K 'iA I I -H a o l

l i E GIFT STOREInMdi Rm i 8.41

O ridtul, n o n ! tnP r t t i‘•n id a pdttarafl All 1016 pdttam . Makdd d itwat ddtir- ■bid Chriatmaa g ift Slid 6x13,

Rff. tllSA 1x12.......IA4IR i|. IU.1S, lAxKU. .17.00

$158 Velvd ligip 27x54In thia lot wa dlfar jrav a nridlT

of tboui 100 bdadtifni rngd. Spacb i Tn 1W if I INm (Urtni'hiMi?


Beautiful aaldction of wood, tllo and giaitiiit ddditiit^ trjproof, aanllary, durable and will For Ibla apccidl aald, apiurd yard

Abaolutcly iiigranteed wiierproof, aanllary, durable and will Z l l C lay ddl without fadtanlng. ‘ -------

T a k a A d c a n t a g t o f T h U R a r t O p p o r t u n i t y !

M A K B S U IIE r r IS t H B


ilStoiZO Fnr-Trim’dCoatsAMl4§tlXwuuGUtt6r Uolhtr, SdgfPldp, IFIfa OP S(af«r, and told gf g grmt MPfgf ta yog.

Fractlcal c u l l In an aaaorl- manl that offafa aim net un-

lAli___ cm lL________that offara aim sat

limited cboteo. Xlbollaaa. wool pluahaai. cordupo* valvala. matalam, nobby mlxturea, ate. Full i l a ^ half lined and poke aal(-llnnd conla. Boltod and full rinm alpin. Kimono end lat-ln nlnnvan. Fttr or velvet vulinrn. Patrb poekota ornamaatnl buttong1 0 .9 8

iGreatCoilSaleior Women &

Root, >v diroetlod of tba Rfaaldtnl,' Hr. Rtwoevolt, laouad aa or- d ir raduring Iha enllatad atrandlh at m cevalrp trom IS.IM to IC itt, of Ud artlllarp from Il.ld l lo I f . t t f and of tho liifanirp from tf ,tU to St,Ua. or a total radedlon la tha onllattd atrongtfa of tko tlnltod BUtoa army at lUM .“T ir. RoooovaH to wolnomad aa a

aaftodpt upon tho laatMo of propartd-

3hang but tba front pow waa alraadp ad hafara hla oonvaralon. ard ha at now ralp 'wf tha atraagth of hto ■a for roeogaltlon.’*


apparantlp modarmta mauna who atroda down tha alala and amplled hla poekata on tha alaga In front of Or. J. U Magnag who volrod tho plM of tho Akiarlenn Jawlah rtllaf commitioo. Tha eart, chockg lowola atid plodgoa givon hy tba audtonra of l.cad and nontrlba- tloaa from ptrtona oulalda of Now Torh tialtod menop anongh to fulfil the oou- dltton under which four man promloed la glva tlOS.MO ouita.

R w u reported onofflclallp that thOft who nffered tho flM.WM oub- nytpttoni wera Jacob H. Rchift, Nathan •iraua, fultua Roaenwkid of 8aarg Roo- bnek a Cg, and tbo Ougganhalm Hrtaborg

It W u oatlmatad anor tba mooting, bafora any oanot compilation of fagurop canid bo ludo. that. Including ttw oclg- Ikgl ItM.SM, on or. than Mio.ooo of tho

ukad from Now Torh hud boon ralaod. Mora than aaaagh from tithar citlei to bring tho amount ralaod tu t nighi (o |l,aea.04d w u annuuncad.

Ilcsnts. itols M«ri w m Mil sflrltlSMM. VtAWMi. ttUhtt

9 m f ........................iHit Mfet*fcr*fwVtk

2 , ^ ' W u'awm j^’ai’ 'Itoii ■ VrhM' ‘ tlV' to u p ^ iif^ * * 'aat CaaoMla,' ail Fam ai!; lama

^tfki IBB

L o n d o n R u b b e r C o .F o n n a r lr Mt T S S B ro ad , O p p . * o a l O fn e *

Now a t 7 8 8 B road, a D oom froan M a rk o t

■alfB gstontoa r o a g . F a r Tela

ailh P l a l s h a d It'nrduiwp O u tg 'F a r Trlauaad

Koraop Cawtg aptoadld Mld- tarwB with Large Fan C'ollara.

And many other aplandu

5.98winter fabrleg Many ara lined lughout. To — - -IlghlA

Useful GiftsThto root, aiaaa

Ihroughout. Tou win bo da- IlghlA with thair itpla and oualltp. There aro rdany cMla In tha let worth II I r ‘lot worth and 111.

Sliao ftam 6 * H yeari. A erta t variaty of amart ipodaig; evary naw tabric, fe^taring ooata of Bna Cor4ufoy,‘Mixtuna,. Zlba- lincu, AttrakhaiM and Tweads, alaa Vataur* and many (Hhar novalty matafiditi loma of tha CMta are fuM riinnad; avary naw ahado Ig- eluded.

Said TWfd n a a r .

Girtr FluMMta 4-im-l Rxin CiptaMa4a af fuirM taed nibbarltai

aatlaa: hood )« ailk lined; can haworn Ataf difftrent wiyt; anidaal Chriatmaa gift, boxed?1.98

Men's Smoking jackets as Gifts

3.98 to 6J)8A broad uaartm am In boat

modcia, coloringa and vxlnea. Bata JuM a t Ifadu Eabaaca,


Y o l


F or BOYS an d GIRLS F or MEN an d WOMEN

Thara if f only two days lafi In which to do your Chriatm u ahop-d«liping. Maka tha boat af iham Md maka tvary dmltr apcni pradnea fla

•hail of uatfuinata. A nlacaal ta tba grtataat utility garment tvar da- vlaad. Styliah and durablt. It proiaeta tha wcarar from aoggy elotbaa •hat aftan laad to aariOM illntaa.

A C h r i s t m a B S a l e o f G u a r a n t e e d R a i n c o a t B W i t h o u t a P a r a l l e l

8h ’«Bhck RdUcrC oat

i . 0 0 V a lu e


2J5 Value

af in# aatoag In rod. blot or g r n a alripod, tall ak in ,, at- taehad h o o A Olbar anpoa a t •da a M llm

Boat Maok rub- bar, h u t oared, n neeaaoltp In ■tormp w uth- ar; vrilh cope and a a p a tamntob. Mg.

G l r r i S U p - O a C o a lOugraataad wntarproot and ai-

aapttonallr aarvlocnbla......... .-----. MUko Mac ta 1.98Boys’

W a t e ^ y r i M d


Flna darably t w ^ mlatxrag mada with Rgginn aleerru gnlout - In atpliahvary -------drogap coatWM.

n uappp,fuhton; a

darabla and vnlua

Tha ouUU. laelad^ Ing h nloo miB hat match - 2 . 6 5

Give **Her” a Large Size Jewel Case

■he will appreciate It—wo ara .bowing a broad aeloctlon, with pink or blue ellk llningi, faaep ewbam id deelgna HpwclaL a t

OoBohi Gold C o d l i S d c k i/x a l . t l i j thing ta "Drou Dp"

tho teblp (or tho holldag dinnor—pfottllp tmboaaod doaigng mm Rogular Idc. Bpaelal.

Women’s Dainty 2.00 WaistsBoxed fo r G ift GItIm

Mada of lingarla, Ve|U, Uwu and la ttatgall aiiea- We are mighty proud to ha able to offer aueh raluea u tbaac, and that la tba ana bit reato.i why our waiat boainaaa it growing ao rapidly. Prettieat waiata aver abown at thia pnoa; new ftl) Riodelg anurtly trimmed with laoea and embroidefy; all the neweat alccvu and collar eNegta; to ace them ia to buy ttaem; at 1 . 0 0

W O M E N S S 3 .0 0 BLO U SESBoxed far XMao Gifto

An aaaortment Of bogntlfal crop, da obingru u y wtHow, tub tllk and laoo blonaag BIoi

or ontaco

wtHow, tub tllk and laoo blonaag Bl I and tallloiir wear, trlmdtod with (ur,

ar daintily tnbrolderad._ Tho^ abadu at*Nila g run . llgbt blug malig flaag-M Ith a Am roaa or wblto—roajlp wondofful .valno— ■ •V dbm our ahowlng, at

‘ ‘ Third —

B a fliR o b e S tile a KMMbat, Danghtcr. aiator ar 1t1(*iVBidtawp g^ta^WBawFp argugw ww wwob'

—ttar Bioad t'amplata a taA a Aro tho Talk of the tXtr.

CaUdm'a B a t h Bahm. Warth to lAd— Heavy blankotg pret­tily irlmned. In Indian ana dural d e ilg u ; alau « - » USpcarg at

RKT "" • *iatraordl nary valuta; another

It lot h e a v yr r u tBeaeoatlfn leo l

blaakota, beau tlfnl colorlngo: Indianand JapanoM floral deilgaa; tall _ lengthand width; alt elaoa. I t to 41; apo-olaL U ..... 1.98

'■nUfH Wtmmr








thfBiB*t 1Bt .

Girl's Waterproof


Things ‘*H e” Will A n ired a te!Ar« Easily Vomi bi O v Big Stodu—Tlu«e Saggaatioas

Men's Beth Robes—The Best of GiftsB eutital Bath and Lenngtng Robu;

juiptp tlnew and very a ttracllv r Ja^uard da-mada from ejcellent qua blankatgalgna In avary good color comblnatlouj all thoio roboB are wall flnlahedout (all aad roomy, ralaaa In tha dtp.

F at ............................Otbav Ri i i i at t J g age. fgg aad ago

• M l! 2.98Mbs’b Sweaiar Costa

Baeellent quality woreted flnlataRwAlar Coato, large ataawl collar or V

two pocketa; u t r a wall flnlahedneck: ,, r u u r Coato that u l l regularly a t lt.O0: wa bought all the raanufactarer

for C M S, th a t 'i the m bn you can bu r thee*

tor only

' HEN’S SmRVa, EXTRAORDINARY VALUE!A eraejto^aek lot of rtlrte ; arary ona a boantjr—all are made of— -W W* muaeam, wV9TT ODE S bSAQtjT ,-- , —.,--- _

HHsrsBtsBA sbBolqtBlr fsSBproof aqO rin- tiliBd iSTouHliDitt In Onrt'ClBM nmnntr; ISttnilBrBd by bAncY— o ff ^ thM PM MttOTBs SttoBtf to t t l t rN iT toito; sttM 14 to IT; M C pxttPAmpptj voJuo; uSpIriS iwp mmU M* owh .............................

hM e n 's

Boots & SH^ipersAre Useiul GUIsat

TmethF at

HtooaM abett Baaig a tu 11 to t.

o lu 1 to f*al*M i i ' t a I.

a t.Chndrrufla p hoto Biota alaaa • to 11, a t l --------- ataata King Bewta ‘ -s ia u 11 to t.C hsaam rt aaorm s ta g B u ta Olau 1 I* 11,Moita ftandi Klitg B u tg a lu I to It.

a t .................................. .................. djHod’a i h i i i Baat a a lu t ta 11, a t . . . .g j

Mitaai^ gad CUMrea’a 1.10 MoeemaiBaThey all oopie In taacr Xmee bdXda:

wmprlaa blue and rad, ribbon trImmMwith pompon: all made with aort kid Mig vrhich will gtva amid —oomtort; Iflaaag chlldran'a atoo

a will gtva amid af elw 11 to 1: / n r I to 11; epa.. at

A le rt’sAmor

plain wh

■<u n wmtMada In blng

g r a y , lavenderand light bing Jallot atyla; fur back, r i b b o n trimmed froqia,apooiaL at

Fur tiinNaad Jullatg In blue, gray, black, red. brovm and wina color; folt uppor flaalblo aolu;T8c

aiga Ctuabaf aUpptva

Mada In all popular colora; u t r a flna grade of oroohet atlp-pera; apao- gB^. , wFVdaL *t.

Haa'a atMB ta Won•■.Tl aiipgoau Mada o f aatrg

Ana grade of black kid; they will give comfort w u r; eoBtarlu Opera and Kvor- ott otpia;

Dalnt llx neat

W om ei

a p o d a l.,■beer

•e a t non


twoadTha g irt'i •oat la of Mma qaallty u that (or tha bopp—v arr a tp l- lab and durabla; and tha regular valu t la U.M.

B o y * s S U |k - O R R a l n e o a l

al le u t ft.ta. It la earatallv m adg atpliah. abla and rainproof; oatAt, including eag only

Tho culAt, Inelud- I n g T a m n'Akantor only . . . .



Mall 01 dura follt p o m l poat- Btata

orad t r u bp Aap porohou will bo gladly iago i t child- ehoogod aftar Cbrlotuua.

Bton 0|MB Bvojr Evdsinf UstU Xmas ,

Women’s Two-Cbsp iOd Gloves Women’s 34 and SSSU kPetlicoalsMada of tho h u t amoctad oklng In tho

new bw k embroldarod while; olao Angara ara aawn. and white amhroldared black; tkar ofma in all alaaa. Put up aIn g neat holly boa. Spodal,

A G r e a t V a l u e — E a c h O n e F a d c e d i n a B o x

l U a d y f o r G i f t M a k in g

StW o n t s ’s T m k ^ ls ip f t n e

U eb Kid GlovaSoma with Faria ambrolderad, etbara kl3

point and all tba wanted ahadcabladk and white. 1.00of |gn, gray.

BpodaL at .......................................WfHBMi's Hte4(nivjB -Rctl

lYcscfc Kid GIovmId Iha lateat alllehlng; thooo glnvoo are guaraatead, In tan. gray, white, black, aleo black •mbroldaroi w ' " white ombrotderdd black, at

white and a w a 8p«:lal. 1 . 5 U

Woaeco'B Ig g Dooihio Itlavoo

Two-elaap, In while only: P. K. atyla hid polot backa; aoaraa- teod to waah; ■laoo from ■% loIH ip. 0^0c ta t at

Mtaaap* Foil P-K. U d filovoo

In tan a n d w h 11 a, Paria omb- back; all■leea: gu t up la a neat aolly boa.

1 .0 0

Towtko' Ptoa TowfhF FlueCm9* KM OMtm Raul F r a u b

In P. K. and P. Macba QloveuX M.; l-needt* Full P. K.. Inbach. In tan; gruy; all alaaa,■laat from g« to from • • to T. «

l e O a 1 . 0 0

h e sv y

Ad excellent chance to mike yottf fHendt t mott welcome gift at x uv- ing of $1 and $2 to yourteTf. Theu Silk Petticoat! sre made of talfetd. Two very pretty ■tylei in black and every wanted shape; all have silk trader nrlfls aad Stted top.Sp^al at

Ahe a tpUndid array of hand- $omo Silk Mmt ttlbu and Ta/fata Pottkoate at $3.98and $5.00. ^

A complHo line of the famom "KIooMt’* A fticoolt aliBaya o s hand, 'S a tt$ d F lo a ir ,

■alo goof o i Floor



la colora.


Ir U


London Rubber Co.m Q C llM B A S ta sI 2 doors firom Market / o 9 D r O a l l f 2 doors from Petty's


PROPOSAUfire hundred Wto) llaeal feet e( ne* lent Inch querry out carta: B»« huiiilr.il;1M) UrenI (net of oaw Ua4 lacta ooarry cut curta: (Ive hundred (*e0) Itaeal n « J li curt, redreeeed and reaet; fire handrm (IM) Itneal (eel nf oM curb, (ew-cal ^ reeet; e u hundred OH) offutierc; one hF

IMPORTANT TO TAX PAYERSof grunn Doddlmt:if , ■ -uf v e r tOKilan.

) eauore y i ^ *( reyevina uoAred (IM) aauare yurda ;; iwe handand and fifty

cubic yarde of eutra (lllliig er etcava- ly one 10 he paid (ar la each pled.

•Iddere are net le any price for me- ....................................‘-i«e le

The intereat (hi unpaid Uxes for the year 1914 will be 8 per cent, until the dty of the snle, which will be hdd in the controUcr’s depart- nwnt DeceMber 30,1915, st 10 o’clock.

After the isle the isterest will bp 12 per cent, with additional costa, atxording to law.

TY LER PARMLY, Controllar

UrUls sTid vkorE for whlelk tkAr* I* « n««d mmount provided far tm the ppmctnoAllon*.

Kea K propesftt mtsat be ItvdMd in d Beeled •Tiv.lcp.. properly Indemed wUh the name nr ih. bidder etui of the Imyraveaiepi, end Illmriul le Ihe B oM of Pireet ead WaterCoiiiinleetonere c( the city • ( newefk.

Bidden «IU elate their acteee In wrlllnaan *.11 an In flfufe*. ' _^Tha work U la he d e n tn aecorthUM* with(he atendard aaecinnatloaa oa (lie la Iba^af flea of the rhlet engineer #( Ike Bearg o(aireat aad Water (iMumMeoeya at tho city hell, aald prepiMle to ha aooomgealed by the oueeat. la vritlnt, r i two aaaeUeg ar a •unty cemyaay ota.Med.je ta MetoM In Ne* Jefaay, wha ehell. at the time e( putUagin wich yreeeaali; ouaUtr aa Iq tbeir re- epenclhlllfy In tha etneaat at auch end hind tbemael.m that. If the OM^

I unaaat at aurii preiaaal, A, If the oentiuSM ' aereeae oikkliig the i lie betog eo awara- Ur aueaiM ftr the

o n ADVERTISEHENTS, Sam* SiftO*Ion BI - .......... . ......... 0B ^uyd icitwstlwri IB Hbbcoh.................... ...................... .. S«m* piueo

ChHflM Sommsr, MY ftprlnrflBldl............. ........................Snm*XIorrU ndSDBk*!. IlM U FstTr . _Oeerae ■nhnn, tl< Mulherr, el. Ueme pies. P n ^ h W. BtaMih,

ita rn a at .................. .... . Beme plaoeOleaeype hupyaterdo. t l Jeltecd

el. ..............................^ ........Berne pt*™Matkiea Uuf, at Magnolia at., tannplaoe ■tail lokroff, l»l mrune i t . . Aatne pieceAatoB Bnt.ru.' t t Adame at----lan e plaoeiHec Xoecnllhuni. <11 Heleay el. Pama piece hiftael. ru Hor*ie. U1-HIllltinmn«ld ..................... ...... aam* pieceJnlin Irtlnbar. »M Ohmlnul a t.. *am. pl.c. KranJi llirke*lli, Itl Charlnal at.aem. place Adolpli Heu(. Ml Pouth tllh el..Pam. pie,'. l-Hnt KeplaFt. ,1 Priace a t . ' keute pieceIxiuli Xriut. I ll Bcrnn at.........aam. place■nhaefla t i f IKh e re .. 8ame place M, I t Cutter et..aamoMece

ter, 41 leik aei. game plana Ilf Tth ave.. game pia« Ml itih a*a.. gacaa plaaa

■ la Plata

................. SaioeplataBnaeayk, lag *Wa**' W k ^ ’iLllESSK:


jxittis n> Adolph rftuW Lmm I

cmr ADVUTISUIENTSnik e... SsvMptec*


Banjamln Warehauehy. tila ra ............... .................TJuiodat* KMeahhaohar. I'fayelie el.............. ..........Jeka Uamk. m Avenue C.

wHOuwALa—renewalAlte a ilehhudi, Ul-I4» InutkOraaae are ................... Ipmo plaaaI Levy, t t i Beak e l.........lameplaM

d wiLUAM H E i m u r o rABCRIBAIA FtoWtaaA„ q iy jae rk . ^

evard.d te the pereon ar prepeael. they will, upoa eU, tFenome hi. or their auHita tor the fetlhrut petfermence of eald gtaki and that. If tha penoO' .ar pertaoDi matt ar kefuee ta erecaia euih centraci, they adH pay le Ita tlir at Mawefk any dIHeteaea beiwe#a iba euma to which h, or tkap wpuld hero Paen ontllled upon compl.ilon of Iba oaolract, andtjio rtiy (if Nowarh may he

the pereon or geftana hr ho* auch cetlTOcI abaU be eaaoalftl.The Boprd « glieet aad Wahir Omi anBra of the city el Kewaitt . p

that -which emiged ic pay



iiM^rB of tho citr M K « w k . WRorPi U

Blddera aad aurellea are h erahy moT lhal under th. prevMcaB af Ihi lave penUea of the law creatlag tha Beard Rtraat and Walar CatmiileMeaari,larch II, im . that tha ‘— " —


Nowarh. N. J., Oonamhor 1*. 1111. ■oaitd propoHle will bo roralvcd ai Ibla Oirica from 1:1110 1:1. Vclach F.H..o( Tki day. Iha iwtaiy-ihlrd day of Oocembar, t ij i .

March II, il>l. that tha PaM eg paada to be alTeii (or the tolihful egeoutlea and per- fermeene of aald pahllr. wartt. abali Fuai bo approved aa to eufftelenry, hy tha hoard.or-. . -----------lunaal of th -

H Haduif or ape rail

_____ . -.ly- , . . . .aad apenad at the laat named hopr at a pahne Board lo ta leetd at aald timemcottna

r, te goanner «ra.fama 4t Ntwwb t a . . . .game ware. Ml i ueeea

■am. Plata iamaplemava. -F...-watiiBpiaaeFttatalo W Rri'*- *«ataaiy_ .. . . game plaae

MaroeriFt‘. ‘ game Sam

leghuyaen......................... gem. plaoeIt Real a t . .. , gauMPlata

3U flewtkania. . a a A e t S I M P IM SO ruf* .

Mra Uary’ifaijiiald*


OettM SaSnlhect- l i r Avoi an*.


Ing at the hoard le be bald at aa plaoa, tor Kmlagbig and layti ■Idewmhe with Muaetane dag or «" Htflag oftealh, .

■*« klqieteae tbw rntyVoflfe.

ftmm aioMt e T t t ____teit, wtih the eptton a t r ^ tor the y ^ S ie V direotod by tba gMaM

hMDVOV$d ia to rarin, b> tha oommidt dt 'tho hopril \ i iw vafitrtrti ho MMnkf oa tlia

Hlr. *r bacoras *r(aotlv| «r •pendhva jatll ■(Mil fraiHl IB ao MS tJi* >pwMmiiof tha Mtard Rhair M to saantr to a»i|Blaa Iha ppfipoa^ banSiMJ wdar a M , If ha

by eoy Matempnt thgl.mgy ta a , ^

PROPOSALS SOUTH ORANGI PROPOSALSamlad fOvaleM preparly lata raad with tho nan. af the bidder pad af Ihe tmaroveeeaai, eed d i r e ^ lo tko Board of ftn o t aidrgiw^OumiMtBua of tho oily af Newarh,

Bear, Bdmi^ B- Itoltar, lid Market jtrael, Newark, New Jerioy. aad at tie afOoa at aaWg - ■

wnnyR RBSORjii


the Ufwb

mil etete their grloea la writlag e, well aa la ggurea

dark. Mapiawaad, Na« Jar- A cerlifted oheck far f l.H I ekaU acwm-

The ptaaa end epeoIgtatloBe of tho werk me be eunlaed el the eitoe af the

- ' ■ - a aT l.Bplaaar ef Ihe Board el gireet : CommlaeleiMre ei tha dty kail.

oUef „ Water iatd pre-

poaala la b. accompemed by the eageeat, I*wrltlnE of two iuretlea or * aurily com­pany qualllcd m do huelaeniln Nww Jeraef, who duUI, .at Ih* tine *( putttoa In ftah propoenla qualify e« u iheir raepoHlIrllltr In Ih* umouni cf euch prtFpaael, and btod themeelvea that. If tha ceatraci k* awarded Alt

each Md.■ a l l ____ „ .

......... Jadimeal,af th* lewniilp.

towaehlp raear ria the right to retool any ar all htda, er to aeeopt tuA oao which. In thflT Judgment, la for the beat lalaraM

AtfastR Oly, I t A

HOTEL RUDOLEi S J E B r i S S f " ;


By ONardwtnmmn.

Edward R. Amlarlq*, Tewaihlp Clerk. Edmund H. lC 8 e y ,R w ih lP


Anorlemii'TetufliTIv* CelebraUea bf

j{Jd»£!.«F ».*•

i« tha Mr**n or psrs rMP iDAklms u * pro*tbo/ wllU upon IIP ho‘---------------- -

. _ jtl« _PirforittbAOp of BAjft «md tbPl, If tbOpDsa!, tbor wllU UMn !(• mwprd*oLbtroms hiB or th*fr wroURO Mv tbo fpltbfpl

STEAMSHIPSpereon er paraone omit er 'retuM I* oneeut* euch ceaitaci, they mu pay to i ta city ofh.wurk any diffctoneo b e lw ta '------- -— “which he or they weuid hare upo* Mmpletlaa at the cegfraat, and tkbt which Ita city ef Neparil. aiay t a oMtged to pay th* paieea er pereew hr whaae inontrect ahul hP eaeeatad.

The Beard *t Blreel and Walar (tommt*-aleaeru ef the city pt theniMivea th* right to er ell prcueemle tor Ike they may deem ' - ~•tty*.

id curettM am

. .... abdva warta .halt tar the lalereat el tho

.•rp;xv..totota^gf.jtion m Ih* law creeling ____ _ _.and Water (.'onimlHlneera Approved lllh, IJIl, .lliel ih« h ■ jg ^ ^ to r Ih. tuithfplIha faithful oueeatl of eald pubTl* wutg, approved eg to eumcleney. at tl „ a* to form, by Ike ceunealjw Ihg, H etatra^ o l^l bo ItoMag aa 1 tacami tgeciiv* or apitullta

K i Z H f t i irtrtk'Pr iiimn Miim fHfM



Hear eutomeni that mar'bi'aeiAaTy eueh pvoeneed bohderaea bat tball ham pSf power and ebaaIttU diecpetleb Ta the whale nmttar. end tbta.pravleien eball be rei eviag to to.gay

but tfca board wltl

A TlrA H T tO C IT Y . IV. S. Piratuuia ■eaeuaNgwy


K. T.TMnet. m tik Av. Phw* IfM MuS-B*.BHaaSItal

L I oTtw. l' _*g

1 . 1K X e ta wed. bta am, A |

WmI M m8



edvertlHUieiit invilint Mde (er ear tack pub-jifl pork.By dJmcilFFU af the Board Of

Water deMmleelamra''er th*”chy of'NewuSSiH. B. ■ H Sfik |g~

STlAHlftATEn a rtHLn aa

BOSTON * 2 .6 5


" IW IRELHOUSEsovn ouiK i raoroieu

* liL 'fp f gay reettoTP Iha S t a r d r t g t M aad

furnlahed le the newetiwettoo end rimpietlm at aSiwerb. and spaa which HgatHil be* T S r ^ n d 0»,4P«) MWO fwt «r MV jw/ EmOtaOmmO qSweWmOP 8lRtaSI*S wOm% Bw aPSVMwiteii* (laaglng, five lii (eat wMai am ( llD ) aqaare laei of r

aillSj. N» «•>. ' —


Newerg, u T t , tStamber I*. 1I1L

etty ad Uu (i>

TowNauiF o r govPBOPOgAL-gewen toiDwtrlct ToiMiPblp pf Iimm$-T .^ p 'S K S tT 'qih Od^ngj. I.

ilv<Nl hf thh

taaS’T r aA M M M lfM a m P»m 2

. -- f«r tiM-tn*

t lie* Maboito,u s p s .p ^ '”

■-“I ®IwwhMilp efl

le aetata wuta tiaht ttoriTwlU be taaw


laifamam MoJm


Ogea AX Tota. H. A- WALBIL

H Ins pps

m P R D C X N .iN N


'■U ^

.vs. 1 '( ■irf(rv

s m A H K m ^ O T G i m m ^ m m s i m r . m k o t b i® a x m

Xnrns GreensSuch II G m n Repiii|, Holly Vreathi, Priaotw Pino Vrootho,

MUiletoc, HiMy ten y s , nno Troot. Spnico Trcc^ Rod Wroalbs, Red keplof, Bell Siera, C n e m and immertoHce. Potted PUau of *11 klodi.

P la tt Itepoi t M f t —HolMw't M o t n a l

H a h n e* N E W A R K


Dinneris served every evening this week in the Hthne. Restaurant from 6 to 8:30 at moderate prices.

Open Evenings Until Ten Until ChristmasB o o k s ^ - B o o k s

Of Knowledge Pleasure T r a v e l y H i s t o r y y A r t y

S c i e n c B y P o e t r y y E t c .

Readers' Club LibraryVV h> tvut JuUi <#ur l{•'H(lrrr'

rju b Library —Ihrr-v alUMCttv^ pliini III t^penslioii. Aik tor pjsrti'JuUrt.

To 8undAy pt-huol I'omuillteca—nimko yoMT WHtit« kiiowii at huv«n' offlip and t'omjKtfnt h^lp will bf aaBiarnfd lo aM lil you In making ••i«c(ioiii.

Young Folks' Library of History, Fiction, Etc,

k<*arai#rlr Sdr

SrZui] 1 8 cK rtg Mtil Johnny B^rar. by Rraeat

Thotnpaon Hoton.Lobn Rag and Vf&pn. by Rrnoiit

Thntnpaon Hplon.Th« Itanler Hook tKidney l^n1«r|. Tho. Pagf blory lk)Ok <ThomaaN«l-

0011 Pag*).Put^Tna of Amrricati Patrlotlam, la-

|pc(pd hy Hratidpr Matthawa.Thf» UooBP'VeU Book (Theodoroooa vaUl.Adventures of Robin Hoodt by

Howard Pyle.And Scort* o f Q tkert

Muhlbach's Novels Com* plete—20 vois., 17.50'l*h1a If a v*ry nperlal offering of

thppe popular works. They are three-quarters If ith e r bound andset In rnoat readable typ«^ 1 7 .5 0

Calendars Make Useful Gifts

10c to 2. 25Among iht speclntly popular

onei are tha—Tennysiinl.^>tiare]|QwlloueehitltlNature's Wild Flowers Hrlghler Hide Golden Thoughts Browning Omar Khayysm Mother's (.'aleiidar, Kir,

T h e W o rk s o f W i l l ia m S h a k e s p e a r e — 10 V o ls ., 1 .9 5

kiBf 6^4x3^ Inches, absolutely the cheapest pwket edition of Khskespeare's complete works ever offered. Nicfly bound in red rioth and set In good, clear type. | Q? Bpeclal. per se t....................... i*Srfcl

5,000 Volumes of FictionPublished to sell at ftOe to OS—

II.!i. On Bale a t ...................

n I M r y , m t r r y 0 n 1 $ i i i i <i $Happy, Frolicking, Romping Children Flock Hahne's B ig,Joylul Toyland

from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M, Every DayBoy Scout Suits

Hal. coat, krikt krrbr>ckei sleggings tiiada of


havpisack. olive drill.

nila iu i

.........1.75 and 2..5U

StandsJust Ilk*’ the

ronsIMing of siwnrl. w.olid 25c to lO.fH)

tJii.-t . Iiimt


Ives and Lionel Electric Trains

Have powerful loconiothrs with reverse switch. sonn-

3-50 to 20.00Is m Me ’kauleal 1'nil«a« $1 is•3.50

DrumsNlretv (U’eoialed with pi'

lures of tioy seoutM. PoldJerB. Mother Gooet\ and! Rohto of plain Flemish wood verv strongly nisde. o i ^ *« a IHl prices run from U.VW

Tool Chests

ju iD o te s ^ t o m s tor Koone C a r p e n te r s

With one of these srrtill and frelw'ork outfits it la possible to create models, fui-nlture or n hundrid and one useful srticles.

The liiots sre the piarilral kind that reul ftrtlanna iiS''n^':r.f.v,50cto3.oo

Coiilalulng sironir well mads tools—IouIn that eViher a man or buy can ns«, ntaiiv styles to r h ,o » f r e r ^ J j , 10_QO

Richter's Stone Anchor Building Blocks

Mont wonderful elone Mo. k mnde. Hiiy of the putdli hukld* li *'Hn be eupled—ponlofUi’e, rnklwro Station, llkgh n*’)uKf|. lihtHry or tmtlleshl^ faLroad t^jiinei, garage, m> lirnil P* lha p"«e(till1tles of Q AA-*Hgli.nl work ^

Alabama Coon Jigger 59r

AfecAontca/ ToysT uurlpg cars, roadsters, auto

PUS. a u to cabs, raving auiuoto- d ie s ; n lc v ty p a ln u d . w llh doors

that Opail arnl cluae. wind a h le ld a an d bra k es: aonis with

X X - r .” 35c Io 9.9H. Meccano lays

Kitgineering In mliilalurc. I^lectrleal. )ite«'hshlcal. L'uii- e tu rllo u a l- original andheal, ktoccano hmida tit**<’hani* ;iU) Irua itiodela that work. K Is mors than a to>. Has niori: and bfitiar palenied lnt*M* «'hang«ab1r pails than any u ther systsTn and builds m*>r«

l■(M) to S6.IWT h o ii iv o n lu r 's Accessory

c o n ta in in g the new p a n s added t K l i season. T h is o utlil ra n be used with an y oth*'r M eccano outfit and the A A llprice la .......... ..................

M o to is ca n b* bought srpti ra te from ................... 14* loFriction /lufos

T r o lle y c a rs hoals. loroinM> l iv e s and a u lo w a lsr tow ers. I ie a u t lf u l ly p a in ltd .md d n o i a t ^ In b r ig h t ci)ii*>rs: can l>«* bsitdhd hy sn> n'liull rhild: hIr ; ' r 5 ( k i o i . 0 9 Pool fables

H a h n e ’sS t a t i o n e r y

A Department Brimful o f Good Suggestions for XmasKaSbwdlan Broase lloak

ftoeka ..............................1400Miaylag f 'a r ia , !■ leatbor

eaaea ....................... . .ro a tia l \^ rllla a « asesHoard H rlllaig I'aper

35e la SIMMHally Praeil %a art Meat

lae la S3M01 * 4

The Hahne Pure Food Recipe Cabinet

Am IlltigtratadUlvss an Idea of a now tnatbod of ksspllig rw-lpea This cablnat ts of Croat Intarost to houiowivae. housokooparm. and git lovars of pur* and wholesome fooda. Too alao got ISO blanli cards to write or pasta new raerpea that yoi may rlip from newspgpara. magagtnsa, ar obtain from friends This cabinet Is of oak wood and finish, inkes up very H ula room, being only by 5 Inrhae wide, and IS durably oon> * tlrurtad; esch . . . . . . . . . . . 4, , , , , , , , 98c

atWill dance to any tune

Dolls i f All Kinds

I'oi table W'ood Bui ««nibhm- Ikon tsMea. for cool or hllHar(l)i. iMNhogsnv rinisn, covered wiiu green billiard felt; rotnpie<«'. w'Ylh 16 iiumbrr«d halls, t pol lsh*‘d cues, irlangb- slid

*' 4.50 to 2.5.00Toy i'ool T .b lp i. . . I.Tl A K..1*

J. 50Brass Desk Sets 1.69hraaa iMsk Hets, consisting of 5

l*le*-as; dull brass finish; flexible • leak rsd . tliilBhed with brass coT' u^rs; U rgs liikwsH: paper knife, P* n tray, and roll blotter. *« s*AK. iU prtca ............................ ♦ I . W

H iirs pieces. Taper holder.sla ilo iiery racks, paper sJtpa

Fountain Pen and Chainitald Plate SSaaaHag

ripacially priced "Fountain ren" of the saf*<ty type—c:ita be rarried In any poeition. upside down, side w uya. ervd ways, and cannot splH. Hltti k chMSrd ruhl»er barrel; mount' *‘«l with two gohbplatsif bahdR and bartd tipped wiih ring to hold "VVuJdemar Chain" H*kt. fWI g*Hd nib .............................. e1I*uv

$2.50 Rosary, $1.00t in r m a .n * l i Vm m

r iitM t U r** ImlUlUn rut .tMM bru.1*. mounted on h u v ilr rellMrroU ihalii, with rolled (olo wepa- ere. model center, beautiful lar*e croee. w l|b hyavr rorpua. Otolae

of anieihyat. garnet, lopaa, Mp. phlre, cryatal. •luarald. Jet, moon- ntoiH.. Jaeper, roae or p—rl bead!. Kerb n a e a r r la aa INe*aat ta lla

U a e i u iA t'aa*Calendars

raJoMdar # r Prtaadahip,, *. ralOHdao a f Crtiad i 'h m r , .. mmuimmrnm Mmm*m C'aleMhiv.. IMiBlIt N—d I'a toM ar.ee ..BHvkior aides ............liald ew T kawglHa lartllaaT a Veilaeder.. *. \sOT Tliaavlii ra leadar. IMrIraaa s alewdao.........


4S c

H a n d k e r c h i e f sMens Handkerchiefs 12ic to 50c each

Pure Linen Htndkerebler*, neatly bemetliched and of­fering choice of veriotu qu«litie»,

A fen ’s Initial Handkerchiefs I2\c to 50c each

Mide of Ane linen, with hemitiicliing and flniehed with ■ neit lalii*l. These can alto be bad in boxes of a half doien.

Men's Silk Handkerchiefs 25c to $1.25 ea.Among these there Is choice of colored borders ana

plain white- Komt have InlliaL A largo selection.Women's Embroidered Handkerchiefs

6 for $1.25Dainty Handkerchiefs of flns. sheer fltkamrock lawn. •Is neat embroidered dsilgns Id a hex*

lFomcrt’5 Initial Handkerchiefs 6 for 50cgbear Shamrock lawn of fin* qualltr, dulcatd vllb a Beat floral apray and block InltlaL la a box.

Women's Afodrira Handkerchiefs 50c to $2.25 each

Fur* ISacn, with icallopM) *d*«a. n*at and *l*bor*l« •mbroMtrod corner*. A lara* rarlrtf. All band cm- brold*r*d.

Children's Handkerchiefs 2Sc eachPretty Little Kewpla Handkerehtefa* of crepe d« china. In colon. £a«b put up In a Japanese folder.

J e w e l r y — S i l v e r w a r e - T o i l e t G o o d sGift Hints Worth Noting

Blerling Silver 3.50ts.oo to 11.00 C l*ar*tte Ca*«* a t.

tIO.SO lo ISl.OO Solid Gold l.ock*ti. C r a plain aod fancy .................................... 0.*JU

150.00 to ItS.OO Solid Gold Rln**, OO XAwith diamond settln**........... . . .

II.OU to tl.no U*ih tla**. I, I and U lp 7 Inch German silver frame*............ "VA

15 00 *nd 10.00 Jeweled Back Comb*, tar** aaiortmeiit

11.00 lo 11.00 Jeweled BackComba, shell, sm ber or pray cotori.

17.00 to 11.00 Jeweled BackComb* lar*e assortm ent.

110.00 to 111.00 Jeweled BackCombs, Iar*e assortm ent

tll.OO to tll.o o Solid Gold Lock- t j s ts tdlam ond s e t ) ............................. IWwW

07.06 to 110.00 Solid Gold Locketa pis In and fancy deal*ns.....................

• 1.00 to 14.10 Solid Gold Locksta plain and fancy desl*n*............. ..

14.00 to t«00 Ribbon robs w|rbsolid cold m ountlna*........................

f l a t to tll.o o Ribbon Fobs with solid *old m ountln** ,.................. .

11.40 V anity C assa GsraiaB silver,in new d*sl*n........................................

11.41 Gents* Kuntimt Case and Fac* W atcbca American taorsmssts,fully x u a ran te rd ..................................

|t.M _D alB fy Mand-PaJated C*1 lulold sorted dealana

L’p to t i l . 10 Crystal Clocks.In onyx, polished and dull brass inonntlnas: these are fttted with m orsm ent* fully auarantred and offer a aplsndld l i f t oppor­tunity ; ap o d al...............................


5.001.752.954.95 1.59Opun1.50

I Dainty Hand-Painted Cat- 1 Faiw-—in box to match: as- I aj> oo lo n and very aUraellv* f •tvsi-

la: sp ec ts l.............................. 1

1 4 .5 0

Special-Diamond RingsS8.50 Diamond

Rings in plain or fancy set- A C n ting .......... ‘r .O V

$6.00 Diamond Rings in plain or fancy set- 2 ting ...........111.00 Diamond n inaa In plain C QQor fancy a r t t in * ''• “ w

I4.TS Diamond Rina* in plain or 9 fiO fancy ae itiiix ........................................

14.00 Diamond RInx* In plsln or 9 ,25fancy s e l t in * .......................................

11.00 Solid Gold Stoo* Bet and S l|- RApo n Children’s R inas........................... • r w

Among the SilverwaretOe Suaar and Cream B su of star- 9 0 . .

Up* deposit ware; sa t..........................Up to ta.*ll Blerltna fllWer Medium 1 QQ

and Dessert Knives: saoh................. a.ww11.00 Caster Bets. silver plated,

pisresd daalan (or mnstard. psppsr f tg ., end s a l t ................................................ ■

Up to tt.OO Table Spouna Soup Spoons, Dessert Spoons: iterlln* s i l v e r : ! ^each ........................................................

l i e Bouquet Holdera stsrtln* de- |Q a posit on a las* ........................................

lOo l is t Bruahsa, silver plated ‘TCj. backs In assorted designs, a t .......... AG4.

Domestic Ivoryr»D9 tnitlal IsUsr will bs eugrsv«<| with*

out rx ira charge on all artlvLcs prIefU u v tr I0v\

The solectlon lovludes Clocks, Plioio Frames. Hair RerHverHi Tuff Hoxos* H air' Bruflheii. Hand Mirrors. Dressinkf Coinba* Terfume Bottles, Manlrurr pieces, lialve Jara, Jewel 4,!aset, Comb sod Brush T tays. Pin Trays. Military Brunhes. H air Brushes, Cloth WruBhes. 1 Q« 4 ^ 9itK «tc.. a t prices ranging from w

Perfumes-Toilet Waters4711 Toilet Waters, June Rosi-a KA_

Violet and Liles.................................... UUCVantins's Wistaria Toll*! | An

Vanllns’a Gelaha Flower and 7 1 ^ 1 fW) Sandalwood Toilet W ater... ItH ., I .IR I

ArJy LJIae Perfume.. . . . . .a to a l« i f SBCrown Smelling Salta, ell colors.

UOr, *Pe. ).*• aad 3.*a R lisud 's LiUi Fx iracis.. IJIB, XAB. xoa

^ ltl* su d 'a Lilas Toilet 3 .5 0

Fiver's Aiurss, FloraRiys, L* I JCTrell* and Pompeta Extracts.............. l .w o

Plvsr’s Aturts, Floramy*. t..e Trsfl* Olle- and V exeU I.,

D jsr Kisr E x tra c t. .. .

Bradlsy'iV 'atsr ....................

Djer K lu TollstW slcr ...................

fto*er A Gsllet Vers IToIelta Extract.I. **. J.IP aad All.

Roger it Gsllet Violet do Fsrme Extract,J. 1S. IJW sad aJW

I 75 and 2.10Princess Tulip Toilet

i.35 and 2.10aneoried (ana, brown, gyay. inodr, •U«t; values to fl.sO; speotgl at

Children's Mittens and GlovesIiovs' and GIrla' WooL Olacs Kfd and Mocha Lined and

I'nllned MUlsns and Ulavcg; a il sixes, g t ............. I5e la iLT^

0 iri$ (tn a$CltKHS

Irish Linen Cloths Pure Satin D am ttk

Cloths, in a large assort­ment of choice designs. Neatly packed in a box with One Dozen Nap­kins to match.

H a h n e ’s F u r s a n d C o a t sA CoUeetion

Women*8 C oats Hudson Seal Coats

Dyed muskrat. Handsome aoats, f t u d 41 litohsa Ion*, made of fluo skins. In various stylsA

7 9 .5 0 1* 2 0 0 .0 0Persian Lamb Coats

I t laehas tenff and laada «( qhole* skins; thsss ar* bsantl- ra l uaals. som* have skunkcollir.

On* Table Oloth,' sis* 7tx7t Id., on* dosen Ta- bis Napkins to n a t s h ,SSxll . . .

l O D s O O t o

Caraiul Coats225.00


a*tCsaipls*.$ 0 .0 0

Costa of siesllsnt 4t

Oaa Tabis moth, stus tOxli '

alas t lxdoisn


O at T abit metb, ■Ti* TIiTi la., ons dossil Ta­bis {fapklnt; t ts s I t x l i in ..,\

Ona T a t* Clotb, rias Tixtiron* donw tabi*


and 4i In ^ s s Ion*, ssif o r dyed raoeoon trlmmsd. Som* hav* ohla-ohtn ooUar.

55.00 t o 125.00P rices o f ScarfsNsmral Raceomi Searfa

u e *• M.00Baavsr Searib...,i.TI to M.00Rvaalan Pitch Searf........SUBVhlie Fox SearfaktSO to 90.50 Dytd Blue Pox Searfa.-.45.00 Red Fox Searfa..tS4e to M.00Croat Fox Scarfo............. 70.00Black Fox Scorfo. lU O to 25.00 Nitunil Mlak Scorfo

14J0 to 05J0 Nihtral Sknak Scorfo

1150 to 50 JO

Emphasizing the fToncferAi/ ValuesM en’s Coats

A t b F u r C o a tsFtn« warm coats for gutgms*

blls wegr. Mad« of plccsd blsck* Kusslan dogskin. Shawl collars

12 50 M d 15.00R a c c o o n A u to C o a ls

> Mod* of good qusHt.v full skins. In fuui roomy modtls, largo roll coiisrs. Body llosd with wool doth.

79.50 t o 125.00F u r - l in e d C o a ts

Black broadcloths with lining of na tura l muskrat or rnannol. roll collars of Hudson soal ur Psrslan lamb.

39 J O t o 95.00Prices of SetsHudson Bay Sable Sets

200.00, 250.00 Fitber S e ta .... 125.00 k 175.00Eastern Mink Sets........ 175.00Croea Fox S ets.l........... 79JOWhite Fox Sets............... 63.00Red Fox Sets...................65.00Rntslan Fitch Sets......... 65.00Natural Skunk S ets..__ 65.00Genuine Moleskin Sets.,.45.M Natural Volf Set*...........MJO

P ric es of M uttsNatural Raccoon Muffs

14.00 to 22J0 Beaver Muff*.... 15.00 to 2TMRuselan Fitch MutTe........25.00T hite Fox Muff*.25.00 to 55.00 Dyed Bliit Fox Mnffe

39J0 and 45.00 Red Fox Muff*.22J0 and 25.00 Creaa Fox M u ff* .....,,,05.00 BUck Fox M uff*.mo to m O Natural Mink Mulh

45.00 to 05.00 Natural Skunk Muffs

2150 to 45.00

B lanketsC onloriablts

Blankets,Special at 4.25

W hite ^^ool Bi*hk«<R, ooft and nulTy, double bed sike: pink, gold and blue bordert, with m t liirh taf- f r ta sUk binding to J OC m atch .........................

Up to 13.50 Blank­ets a t 9.50

California All Wool fiJankets, soft and fluffy aiiil very flnr i(rad«; singlo and double bed slse. White with bluo. pink and A EA gold borders............... 9*uV

17.50 Blankets at 12.50

Fine quality California Wool BUnksts, extra larg*>, dotibTe bed slue, 1 4 SA bOxlO iDChes.............lA*oW

1.25 Comfortables at 95c

Full Six* comfsrtsblea, NVered with sllkollne end

sflllstl with good grade cotton. Light end A t^ lofty ......................... *'«'■


Ehfery One WiU Your Present It YouG i v e F i n e F u r n i t u r e •

3-P iscs Sheraton D ining Room S u ite

w T r A S ^ bOMUtol sutte eoasdaltoff *( «m buffed, «n* shina e)*a*t ao4 o m oarvlan tsMa: woaid

I S^U^7S!“„ ;^ , * 11509 M T ta W agon S.9S

A* 0* *»**# 9 9* #*** 0 * 0* *♦****,'A ttutout **whiff tabto, saade of

Add Work Table 4M

D toti IBOuOO

• OLgfO

i - vMuffin Stands

Sawldta &emd$....'I* r

T S fiW iia 'to siawi* "

It You Are Puzzled—Read TheseBasem ent Gift Suggestions

IS-Piece Imported Cereal S e ts a t 4 .50

_ F iftosa'B lsots to th* sat; i Cereal Jars,n r Bottlsa, 1 l a t t Boa. Coat- i VApH toO ld-.................................... '•O V

, '^jU B iiU iaai Toa s ao

/ ^ W i s b y unm O nim na ijg^r ^ W ffa4' ‘Al'tm'tnam 'itoubi* '' i t ^ DO.■ « ^ _ ^ * p * M a l,w ... ,„ W *

O B ^*aiie la*v«. ; i & ^ 6 S c

“ UniventU Coffer * MaeMne

e s r t a S . . . : ^ s M n S s r s j r u f t M oeSS‘PXS:....9M

"*h*«o-plat s isa v tth ^ t o r p aa and natoot


, 14.11 Cut Olaa* 9 QQOval Oranf* Bowl* u-ffO

I Thin Blown Tom- a .blsra, sao h ................ OC

Thin Tnoiblsrs with Oold initials.

r i i’ ‘ Vuuam

Vasot, t4 .ia to ........OrOVCat OIm * l a d 7 Q .

A Vaasa, Hand C at.,. * " tfursty varuum Iwssp

era; hundred Bold at It

. tnff nloksl I fraui«fl

r*iy Varuum Bwssp- hundred* foraMrfy

at I t l .t i , bull bssr- nloksl itQA

------*a . . . . . . . M ...tOO^tic.Akrenfeldft Ohmer Sets

1 3 0 , .jd4tFPc.C.PleUHaeassd * Dtnatr Sett ^

. j ^ r t a n rts id Hsvilawl I

As A Christmas Suggestion

T h e F i n e s t L o t o fN e c k w e a r W e H a v e E v e r O f f e r e d^ E V E R in t h e h i s t o r y o f ^ ’ H a h n e ’s h a v e w e e v e r s h o w n s u c h a w id e a s s o r t ­m e n t w i th s u c h w o n d e r f u l v a l u e s a s w c o f f e r y o u n o w .

V ’' /

T/Blue Ribbon Special Neckwear

A beautiful assortment in good weight silks, including [ C | ^ new and smsrt florsl snd other designs.................................. )

1.50 & 2.00 NeckwearMade froni handsome silks and satina of good heavy

quality, In pretty floral effects. A wide choice of colorings; cut extrs full......................... ................. ............................

2.50 to 3.50 NeckwearThe most wonderful value of tha season. Beautiful,

rich imported alike and esiin* of foreign manufacture. Large handaorae dnlgn* and floral effect*. Double exir w id e ............... ...................... ..................................................

1.653 .5 0 S ilk Skirls 2J9S

In a wtd* ranf* of aatln ilripea, In lavender, m e n , blue and black, Iq narrow and wid* stripes, a t *sAa

4.50 Silk Shirts 3.50Xfad* or haavy tab silks, In plain

whits, with narrow snd wId* satin atrlpse; also fancy oslora In wtd* aatln strlpts; a t ..................... OUb

Silk Shirts at 5.45Nsat and wid* strips* of erspeo

and granlto wsar* sllka Thsso axe all silk materials and will maks baaullfut Christmas ^ft* . Just ariivod, a t ...................... .Mkal

W hite‘Silk Shirts 6.00Of oxtra bsavy whtU aUka Of th*

Peau do Crspo wsar*: stitched w ^ a t l k t 14 aad 14 ilsov* Isa iih ^ affootat .PAda

Do met Pajamas, 1.50Mod« of s s tra h«avy ^om«( flan*

nel, cut m ilitary modlsl, p4*«rl biit- lona ofifl allk fro n . In all Riisi; prtoa ............................................ i t J *

2.00 Umbrellas for 1.50Moa's and Women's Umbrellas,

w llii paragon frames and •Ilk cassa A handsome asiortmsnt of handles to choose from. fOlttierly tS.OO: specia l.................... flA*

2150 Umbrellas tor 2.00Choice for both msn snd wotnsn:

An* quality arlth sterling silver trlmaniinga Fortnsrly It.Sd, spe­cial ................................ . . |M »

3.75 Umbrellas for 3.00Union Taffeta UmbrsUai, with

s to rllB f stiver taouati and Uala handle*: for Utoa aad wotaon. T * r Biorty apodal........... ...O U b

Boys’ 10.00 Indian Blanket M ackinaw Coats

Boyd* D om et F tm n sl P a la m a s atS9C y 7Sc S r J M

Boys* Coat Sweaters, S pec ia l a t 1.69y% 45 & SAS

Boys* Blouses, l^ n n e i o r M a d r m fu t SOc and IjOO

I Bqys* W it^htoror Four4n-Hand. S ilk N eddies a t 25c


G l o v e G i f t sl i 'o m r ’f i’s Glace K id Gloves 1.69

Valuta up m I t .00. a spaelat ofTar, liirluillng I t atid 20 Hulfott Lehtfib Gtovts, mous- qiiftairt styls. In whits only.Hlirs to T.

Women's 1-Clasp Gloves l.OO

tiprdal valuss in (he popu* lar l-ClaBp Olovots, giving cbolcs uf lan, X. M. and morha skin. All sixes In* cludi'd.

H 'o f t tF f j ’s Suede Gloves 1.65Th« sieellsnt Jouvin and Cl« Otovea Fine ausde In

issorUnl iliadea of eatid. Clasp and button, t lxes to I-

Long Glace h id Gloves 1.45Forninriy s t.tL These sr« IS-Sutton Length Glotot,

inouacquftsJre style* SUoi to 7. White anly.

Biarritz Gloves 1.25IX’emeti'a 4-Button Length Gtaoe Kid Olorss. (svsrsd

fur winter eireot wear. W hite stitched bbtefc-aad all whMa All lliaa.

White Chamois Gloves 79cll.ilO vatusa In W omen's Onn.CIssp Whits Chsmoi*

Gloves—P. X. H. styls, wsshabl*. Hlies range from to 7.

H ^ o m p ri’s 2-Clasp Gloves 79cWoman's 7 t:issp Glace Kid tflovss—in sll new shade*—

red, bUck snd whits; *11



. ’T,K

t o ' . ,




StRte DtprtMil Abo Fivort Ftr- liiiig Hutnn in State to Pre-



TBKKTiiN. Irtc. I t —D»'V»!opiii»Ut ut kll IN» BMurPl r»»yreM *f Niw la tb« talk to tin *t««niptl*hiurnl of wMlek »k* l*pp*rlBiMi of Conoorvulon

Dcvolvpmtiit li now illntiUnc !'■ lU •hewn In tk« annual ra|>nrt

M kM llM lo 0«»*rnor fialdar. Bni- W««lri( lha work of flv* mariatl Uo- w rtm onta. whleh akliUd aa|«paial)' ■Hor Is th« raorfonlullon Uai July Oh rapori doala « lth a widt varloly ut

t1i« tWMrAl pUii of th« now d»pirt« ■nnR It** Won otatllhid from llmo to il«n> 4tw1ns UlO M t*w muikih*. Thf •nmptoit prowtmn fof tho Immodiai* iWitur# m*y bo briofly enuratrotoU *■

Cnart'niant of kititlalinn and a auf- floloot opprupriatlon for at laaai a Pa* ■ taolns of tha plan of davelopnianl pa* ■•■fly ofitllnod by a ipooUl loitimluoo • f tbo board.

Mo»papln> of tha propoaltlon to pur. ■haoo Iho Wbartoa trad aa a aourr* of tMklar ■■pply for oanmunlllaa In aotiih- M« Mov Jaraay.

ThM tha tUlo'B polloy with raapaot ! • htnitliiB b* tborourbly conaldarad In MIM«ii*Uon arltli tha rl(litf of larm ars MO fM«ot owitani.

r«f«io« r m c o a tm toapfer.■liM atiM kInt of Iba taraM flra ta r-

Maa by loilalallon and inaroaMd appro- ■tlatlaa. alnaa oonirol of leroat llraa to ■ ■aaoaaary praoadtnt lo lha procitco aC M r kln< of toroaUT or to iho dovol- ••■M at af M r propartr aaftia In or M ar tbo waoda

■ractlan oad ogaipniant of • now •M U as toboralorr aappllod with ado- M ato apparalna

|to a r»OBlaa(U)n and darolopoiant of M b M bit aiaaoaM In atwb aw n H r aa to ■Mko It a riaarin i haua# of tdooa baar- 1am apan tbo tU ta'a roaooroat. opportu- affita and adaoatlonal Inlaraata

Althaaak madlfylni la aama o ita n t tba paoamaoiidatlona mada In th a for- •M rr raport *f loot roar, tha now board M tea to a that It la In arMpntbr w ith

V'oodlaitd burnad durini year loiala IS0.2M acraa.

Leglalaiioit lakcd authorlaing aytiainailc coniarnilon plan.

Strengthanin* of lha foreai n r t acfvlcc urged.

Coniidarilion aakad (or ptnii to forbid hunflng In stale.

Blame for forest flrei placed largely on aporttmcn.

Keneval of Wliarion iraci pur- cliaae propotiilon advised.

Cheatnut blight reported lo be doing iesa damage.

Tusaocli moth declared to be gaining foothold In cities.

Rrcrganirntion of ilale mustum II deating bouse advo­cated

HioK'OradeP I A N O S

PIANOListed as.hifth as

$ 4 7 5 r 'Now low as

tiM arapaaltlon tb it Naw J ira a r la bo- Wiwfa f too tbiokir populatad to Hnko H « « P tt wblla o tunp tliib W pr«aorva t t M a haatlB f freuaA

■“ H a a try 4opoftmoat laat rM r Ml n sriliaprand dIaeaaalM b r loadlht na apon aonaon for all

E s with tiM atwwad pnrpooa of klll- It a ft Md thna froalna tbo atnia I tba dnnpar af laraal Draa laaldanl

M tba priaanoi af bnnUra la tbo woodo la Ita oaaoldaralloa of thia apbjoat tha M part tfela paor aocpaou that t t bo m n ia oortoui oonaldanllon with ■ rlaw *• cbM fing tba paoaant policy of tho •beta

to Iblo eonaaetlon tb* report ooyo: * n e « ( b tbo looaaa by foraat flroo eo-

iM M aat w tU tha honUns aoMon taM M a r kavo aa t boao rapaotod. It ta qolto

that tha aUla’a po«cy la m- lo Iba p o m it of ■■■>• ■■ ep«n te

la It fair ar right ta Impeoo tsM a tbo tonoara aad woadloM owaoro

bard ia af aop>artlag tba wild gntaa oatan a ra p a m a aadgr M thoriiy

T i b

la rhararaliU tu thraa l.rlar parloda «h«n natural ronditloiia w»r» tu abnor­mal (bat aiirthliiy but abnormal raaulta would havo barn phanomvnal.

Hpaaklhg of lha ralillDii botwaan guiioara and foraat ftraa. Mr. Wilber aald:

**A vaat outbreak of flrea waa colnrt- dant with (ha openinf o( tha wooda to ■portaman. It conttnoad whila lhay wara lo lha wooda and tmmadlaloly dla- appaoaod upon tha cloaino of tho pun- nlnn o taaoa althouch iho obnormal drought pravalled both batora ond after Ihia porlod. This claao of firon. llko Ihooo aat by tmokara, cannot bo our- InlUd In ony attaotlva way until tba In . dlaildiul aportsman ar* Induead to ob* aarva propor pracautlon.

“Thalr camp flraa. built In the wooda w ithout a parmli, not only vlolalf lha law, but provida an unnacaaaary and fru itfu l aourca of foraat flroo. Kill] oflaaor tha gunner, amoklng aa ha goaa, nogltcta both tha laad ownar'a pHvalo Iniaraat and tha larger puhllo need by ihoughllaaaly dropped malchaa or to- hacew. A blackened waato of ta.oao ooraa, aunh aa that latt by ana fira oot by acme gunnar'a carelaaanaaa, la not only on oconomlc calamity, but dlaao- treua to tha aportaman’l apaclol Ihlar* aat oa wall."_______________________

Actilitf UniirecedeitedigTheHoR

Diamond Storeli it b«cauM of uti- uiatl demand for

Diamond Ouster Rings

Mggt aalgda tbaeo |g • hoturol botwaoi tarogtry aod b o a t.

, af aaonh t r o a th a lr h li- foUUMk *■! >• tbte eoaatry .

_____btiMlag pririlogoa oeo faoo OM4» w t UMah la lb« load. ■• Ig tb« naU l« gNtay atrillaad oatMlrioe^ Ihbro ufaog e * | * g M tM M taK IgSM d* th a t arogd ora daotroyot b r

•■< robbita; tbol fltMo ora ta - •■ I pr i party doaMraS by tho : obofo a l l that gMap ttf«« aro

- by tbaoa who bar* ■•! tbo !■• of •WBorgblp la tba foraato »»d

la t»oyilablo th a tIf Ml teaw bi a Uahig oegoolMd S b a IHiw Jaroty fa r hohtihg, aa- ' o f <aar Md labMU. o»a fo r

o r b e ca u te o f the u n d o u b ted su p e r io r ity o f th e v t in c i h e r e ? The s o tv g r d o u b t lo u lo— B o th . Y oung n u n , la t u s p ro v e sH th is to ’ you— n o o th e r s to re o ffe rs su ch b ig a s so r tm e n ts , in ch ip i tn d id v sIu m ; n o otbor t to r s sp ac is t- i iM in D ism ond E n g sg e m e n t R in g s St we do.

g fftn s .aa iN M .

R in g s

111• f Istyamiatog

* 0 ^ vdto as4aetalMa avas ■ r n t fr - gy I f aaaflttoaa Ih Haw Jaraay taaab tSo aiM laaioo th a t tb o

m S dovalofMoat boro boon aaitoeoi: that l u population.

latanola aro lea cleooty aioori ta s faw looatltlaai that coan- I a r aagtlaM haring all that lo ■aad*

th ririag eoaiowlUaa aro no- i th a t UoM aro. ta sartlonU r.

ip o e t o n a rtm tH aa for lat i a ^ o foana- UUr M d far mtoar ladaitrioa baaed

» dhnMlfla4 osd fortllo oolla oair fol rappty i f poro water, oor In-

ooMpatabla railroad, blgbway M d eanlar traaaport ayataiaa, our m odoralo iWnialo. oar aunteao ta tha boat m ar-

la tbo warid and our aotiooti,I aad aoolal Ufa.”

la tha rapart of gtata yeraatar Alfrod • M t in It to abowo that acaulaltlana nnH ag tba year ha*a brouahl ih t o taio foroat raaaywai, aavon In number, up toa to ta l aeaaaao of H IH , whilo eontom. alaiod Mrchaaaa w(ll aak o tho botal

. U .SII acroa Tha roiarvta a ra lauJa*



primarily oa damonstratloni tn ••MUoal fayoauir, and leomdartly. aa M HIe euUag grouada The first objerl la •toaady bolng attained and tha oacond. Hr. daahlll aaya win eomo with in- oraaaod accaaalblllly and greater naad.

The report ahewi that tho nuanber of anatniaa l i not Inoroaalng. Though trottbtaa fraquanlly davalop In fo r.

or abadt traaa aoma old tnamy uau

D iam ond G u t t e r f ro m 150.00 up.

E n g ag e m e n t R ings fromfio iio to ii,ooaoa

Holt’sBrotil Md Acidimy Str

M««Wn Ifs lUtttl A«

dUlv 7 l«tdf to oontrot ond oo tho baUno* ' la hapt

Chaotnut blight (lontlnnag to tak a Ita | MU, though thera are aoma Indlcatlona ; th a t the dleaaaa Is Itaa vlrulonl. CIm ' loaf bortla haa been driven from moat | poirli of ttiA *tRt« Btid th i rtp o rt mnir' | (OOtB thot Dprayinc nB«d bo rotort«4 lo •« ty «■ B prtroutlon, Tui»<K^k moth liOA boon olliowBd <00 murh froodom. »ti4 In MVtrol dtloo hof bocomo R TloMii potto tbouffh coDtml ti comporo” ItTtaljr fU ''. Thc> HiniA li iru« of oy ito r aliAll whirli dAlnic Bomt dim*

MpOcUlly to pAplirf.XIckory btrk b^iitii In ilowly romow.

tf lf all WMkenid hkrkory tr««i. but fATtaty dtltaeta (bot« ihM ir» viRornui In tbo pptinir priciinmlly nil ftyromor^i loot th ilr younjT fnllapti by th«i I'ofnntori j loaf Might Moit of thi And ttlllB permAnADt Injury Apitoari In , tiftTo ViApn dohf Kotd* ouki Hko-wltao AffiAtAd, btii ■iiffrrAfi wvAn I r t t teAtor in Ihi peaion miny iu n ir niAplim | ond Norway mApI^t iKhlbilAd wIKnl ; 1M¥«b In p»rti of tbrir crownA, but , nbftaly Wii Aft «htbfi tree affroTrd No OOttOA could br fllioovfirBf] and 4h« tf^Ubli I'onilnuod uiidftr Inveidnatlon.

n r o i Briiili All ttroerd*.T bi roport of RtAli Fir# FTArdon

ChtarUi P. Wlth«r rifori lo tho ic rio u i f#TMt f l r i t Bl th i oIam of la*i r ra r , wMcb w«r« unpArillclid mlnco r»cordi liiT i betn hipi in thr BtAto, either in number or IndlvidUAl goverity And a1io . liuH ne tbo ftrRt «ov*nroon diyo of No- YMnbir, IDtt. £63 flroi, or tw»n(y-iiY |ier oont. of th« lOtHi lor ibc enltr* o f­ficial yror, haI'b rorordrd. fllvtcrn <»f thtoo firtn biirn«>1 noorly dO.ODO orreR. e r forty p*r cent, nf tbo yoar'B tot«l itruu.

ICr. Wilber Mid tlie ra<*t that iSd.fbl f to m had boon burned would bo dio* MMSftaBinf were it not for the constdor-

thot of thii totol burned or^o aeroi. or more than foup-fifihii.

There's One Sale Place to Boy

Xma$ C ig arsA BOX OF riCIARO bought u t

MMOHwIIHUVj (i|uMr ftOMM IcorrltA with 1( ihA AABuroneo thMIt U the bMi cigar mi the prlcopaid,

laOdleR need feel no emhorroAt* 1 moot In tiuyint here, end our cm- ' pert lobAcroiiigti will give honeet 1 odvire if ao dvRlred |

Pipes, Httmidors Ash Trays, Ggtr Holders Ggar and Ggnrette Cues

Smokers’ Stands Ggtrette Holders

Smoking S Pipe Radu

S m U F T S SALES___rOMWDOA n*ei a 4fl->

glSBlFF’l dALiC -CiWY C^nty Court of Ctammem flMUh-JFte E AmmhUa va. Rre-

e w H e S tt tlBeAe in4 Coroieit* Ih moeio.■ t ^irtee of tb« Above pBted writ of f«eh

ftdwt te m* dlrei^ed. I aIiaII oKpoee for eei«b / gublle vemdoe. At the ro«rt iMKiee In

AH TntAdAy. (ho elghtewrun dey of Mtttc At tw« o’cleok P. M« All tbAt

I «r mrcAl ef lend And promleen eituAte, r M i bMw In the etty of N«w*riL Bn *k y. And denTtbei aa folloirg

Simon-ReigelCigar Co.

7 8 5 Broad S treet 8 6 3 Broad S treet



2 3 5 F irst-C lass P ia n o s a n d P layer- P ian os a t T r em en d o u s R ed u ctio n s ^

listed as \ \ \ ^ as $ 6 5 0 ?

Now as low as

m sWe want them ou t by the end of the year— to m ak e room for the latest models, w h ich a re nearly ready to leave the factories.

N o o rd in a ry instruments, b u t m a k e s of acknow ledged quality , each c a r ry in g our g u a ra n te e —and the m a k e r ’s g u a ra n te e behind it. S u p e r io r P ianos and P lay e rs th a t will g ive lifetime sa t is fac t io n and become t re a su red heirlooms in the fam ily .

______Look at the L ist:--------UPRIGHT PIANOS

Beht Bros. Reichardt A. H. Furlong W right Ce>urtney K irckoff Sekem erhom

Frames of choice Mahogany, the now rare WaU nut. N atu ra l Oak, Fumed Oak and Flemish Oak.

Judge o f the modern and im proved character of the P layer-P ianos by the fact th a t some of them have

Transposing Devices Autom atic SilencerAutomatic Tracking Device Metal or Rubber Tubings

PLA YER-PIANOS Behr Bros:Chase & Baker Wright Nixon Universal K rell Auto A. B. Furlong



» STANDARD MAKE SQUARE PIANOS free for the canggg while they liii .



P a y !

No E xtras No Fees No R ed Tape3 Y e a r s

FreeW ith


Liberal aupply of ac- lecicd MUSIC ROLLS and BENCH to match the InsirumenL

H eadquarters for Columbia C^afanolasa n d L a t e s t R e c o r d s

Service that considers your individual requirements. Attend- ■nts who can expUin the particular merits of every record.

NIXONPIANO880 Broad Street Newark

B e t w e e n L a f a y e t t e a n d G r e e n S t r e e t s P a s s a i c B r a n c h : 3 5 B lo o m f ie ld A v e n u e

Open Nights Till Christmas Deliveries by Xmas Eve,

SHEM FFS SALESAftflM le BelmMif nrnnu* VMM AunArM feet HAd MV«ntMn-hllAdr lhA ftf H Vv H«l-

•nt AVAftH* Arid the Ha>'A of b*|1rmlfta on map of _

Jame* lo«i»r*oeA, h*nevm«, J'Helni number ti on iwofHMiy atJiawnrk, N. J., rv«ivtnb«r llth, HID.

KAUMI H RGKIilt>T, 8h*rlff. jPtMvpb k. rrvuiki Hair t|t4-DCj

FCbAncery B—4AD » gUK Ilirra aA1.K~ln Oiaat»ry of

J«rMy-BelwgM ItAflAAlA Ou'lAnolA. bomflatnAflt, Ahd PAMUelr Dt Hom, de*f#ii*Ant,

1. fl , fvr ■Ale af (yrminiAreB|f virtu* of Ih* thb'* Aiaied writ af fieri

tRclM. to DM d1r*rL«xl. I ihAll eipM* for aa\ti pubha vAnilu*. At the court houM In

Kbwark. on TtiAidiy, ih* iwenty-elghlh of BwMfnbur M*l. at «wa ocl«A P. M . all that

SHEM FTS SALESaariioti of the eoutherly line *f M*»tb«a’Tv«■.Tenuri V'Uh th* •aalerly hnri l-ialnMiJvt •ve­nue eA the eeiiKi Are* laid Hawn an • mep cn tlil^l "Map '»f i>rORariy uf the Hoiivn luoJ

eti'I improsetaaiit C'cinpatiy, •Huale Jn the nr> of Nfwnfk, N- J . HMde hv iicarae H (.hirdnef, »un»var. January, lAn*. alutli map le an file In ih« Bawi rtmiUy )lrift«ipra •ffloe frow ihntir'r ninnlni eoulherly iwf>nly- four fr«t foiii at-fl citM-half Inchc* thane# gaa'srlf nlnrty feci and elRhiy iiln*i Kuih- drwIthA ftf a fool, ihenr* norihcrly iwemy- rouf fe*#i four and ''n#-half IncHea, and ih#n«* weftertr tvlheiy AeNn fe**f inrt huftdredihe of a fetal to ih« point and p>are uf


UealrinlnAB#Mt| ^rta e>f iDie numberg 139 and 1(0

tnii.4 or parrel af land and premlaM tituar*. Mnf am betel# Ia «be rtef of Nawarh. Baaaa CauniV. Ne» Jrmv , ^BriflnnlB# 111 the nerrherly tliM of Aradamv gtree-t at A palDf (herein dietani two hundrwel and twenty five fael aii trichee eaeterly from itae eaaiSTlv Una of Wlrkliffa etr*»(. (h#n«» north T*»iity*alt it*ii*e# fort>-ftve mlnui#a Mft ninety Teet; thence eouth alMty twa de greea aaat iiremy eeveTi fe#i. thence ettuih Rwenty-ele degmee fany-flv* mlnuica weat ninety faei ta (he ntwiherly Kne of AcaU«rnv Mteei, »h#nre nanfi elxtyiwo defYeea w*Ol tw*niy*Aa>ca feet almii eaid narthariy line of Academy ttreel to the point and place uf bO' finninf.Belna knawa iiid dailgnated on a map or the tCdtrard Janae prvpafty aa lot No 3d- •u*' ^ in f alaa known e« No 12i Acaderny airweT

Beind the eem* p>e inlaee r*5fiv#y#ei la tn« laid yaaouAlf IM H>;>aa hy Anna Hkhleain and 1 huaband br deed haarinf date the rweniy firai | day uf October. IDIf. and not yet peckrrded. ihia being r purcbeee money mortgnie glvea to aaeure a pan af the conalderallon for nald premleea ,Tt e marlgnie being farer*o#ed !• ■“h |aeqtjent In prtorUK m i mortgaiie f t *iifl»en hundrad and fifty dallara bearing even del* | horawlth, held by the rirai IinllAn Building aad lAfOa Aeow-iailvn of Ihe gLaie of Naw Jaraey

Nawark, N. J . Nisetnher JAth, tilDllAld-H ft iCHIIIDTa fherlff. Fraud* Child. Solr. iltflJW

cm th' alMv« meniluni map.Being part of the eeine premlaea can'eyed

to the lAld Freni J- Fieyef by deed TecordM In III* Kaeei ('ounty office Fn l>0'>kT At of deetif far eaid cotiaiy. page &*.

Newark. N. J , Dex-ember lllh. IPlS,JIALV’II It •CIIMIOT. Sheriff

Rrneet F. Kfer. Dol'r .ll* f»1 (’•hancary B -473 '

HMKItfFKH HALFIk CAancerv of Nt« .leieey-netWMn JoaephlM Kleoh. edminie-

traiMi of- the eaute *f Herman Kieeh, dfoeeeed, ramplaUiant. And Hyman HIroia H ale. tlefendanfa W- fA-r f<K eaU of mart- gagr-tl premlaeeHy sIMUtf of tha Aba»a #ta(«d writ of fieri fA4-tae to me dlreaCed. I ahall Mtpao* for euie by public retidue. At the eouri houe* m NewAtR. on Tueediy. the elavenih ilu* of .len-iery n»i’. el twii ci'dack f- M , all ’fieIIPB-i or pATnel of lAnd And premlaee ennett lyiriR and hring In the oily of Newerrk. t£e**r

New JrretvIh ginning at a peini in th* w*ei*rly i.n*

of Komereei eireei diiient aaniherly oti* han (irftrj 4od eeveiiijr-fl'e ftwi and elfhl one hun dririUba of 4 f"0r frtiiii ih* aouthwMtetly i-ar ner i»f Weieriy place and Homaraet atreei, whirli poim ie m th* aoatherly Mn* of lot Vn !UV ei laid dawn un a map entllM "Uap rvf property belirnglm to the helra Of KmMin I'oi dereaaeO. eltiiaie In the Thlriaamh Ward of NowarA. N J.." W. L Thompaon, eur- •vi>r, Maiyh 23. I«». whtch gald map t* re-

tfhaneerr H -¥V* »BIlKnirr'A HALB m ("han.ery of New ;

J*r*i-y ito-ineen "th* KDton BuiMing And ! IxMti Aaairi latlon." A t wporatlcii. complaltiAnT. *!i4 hYani J He>*r *1 al*.. defmdanla. jKl fa . for eal* of morigaced pram late

Hy virtue of the abo'* etaled *m of fieri faciat lu me dlretied, I ehsH eipoae for eale hy iMthllc- vendue, at (he (‘ouri hoiwe tn ' N«‘>ker1t, nn Y ureitay. the eleventh day Of | January neit. e' 1"‘0 n'rkvrk f*. 5( , ate that iraiM or part-el of land and preiniaaa atiuata, ' iving and being In the tlty of Newark. Bagaa Likunty. New J«my.RrgtDftlng on Lfie lenithfAtteriy aide of Bal- riiotu avenue at a polm (herain diatant ona hundred and nlneiy-aJne feel foot And one-baK inrhea aouiherly from (he comer formed by the inierwectlon of the apuiherly line of Haw­thorn* mvtnua with th# eavterly llu* of Bol- intent arenue, Aa ih* eame are lAld down on a inap entllted "Map of properly af th# iotiih tznd I.4ndi and InipTwreipallt Gonipatiy, aliuate In Ihe cliy of Newark. N. J.." made ^• ledrae M. Hetdftef. aUrveyor, January, w. hb'h itiap Ie on file tn the tCaeae (.'aunty KeglMer'a office; from thehca running acHith- erly iwefiry faur faei four And ona-half Inghea; ih*nu* aaaterly nliiaty**eveh feet and •avm-' leen hjiuir*d(he of a foot: ibenca nwrita- vriy tweflty ruur fe<A four and ona-half Inohe*; end (hancr weeterly Dinety-aevtn faat And ftiriy-a*»eii hundr*dihi of A foot UN lA* point Hui pleoa of boglnnlng.

Ii*liig pane of teiia nambera ISP and ISA an in# alioif mentioned map-

Heing par' of (he same premM canrayM ta Iho aald Fran J. Bttyer by deed rwoord*d in (h# Kaaet County Iteglater M offiew tu book r t \ ef dc'di for eaid rouitty. paga DP.

Newark, N. J . (le enibei Utb. IPlD.RaU*H B BC’JI¥U*T, Bherlft.

Krrieat F. K*er, Hol'P Llt4ASl

brtimley. e-iacutrli of Korare T. Bnimlay, W ' 'Chance-r)' H -4A7.I’Rnaevlll* ftealty (.*onipariy. dated Januapy 31. RHRBIFFP HALF- In •'hanoery of iPll, and Twcorded In ImoIi Xo. 41 of lelaaaea J*rA*) H*t«**iv The Muruat Hulldti of morifAfWA, page 447

Alp* eacepring therefroiu all ibe lAnd lying Ik tha rear of the varioua irtrta r*i*eaad ae ataPeaald batween the north and antiib llnea of tba (rAM a* releawl retfwctlTely (If aald Ituaa wara exteadadl 10 the moat waatarly Una of tha mortgafed premlaoa.

Newark. K. J. l5ecenib*r d|h, 1D15.RALTH B. BCHMIOT, Bhariff-

John Upatpttb. loTr. (tSi.idI

New lAB and

.oan Aeaariatixn of the city «f Newark. N 3-* i I im-splalnani, and Oemge F. Tfewaon at ux.«[ rt ala , defondama FI. fa., for aale of mart- • gAfed premie*#.■ By virtu* of th* above atalad writ af fieri I faciaa. to |ne d1r*ci«d, [ gUaU enpoaa for aai*^( by public vefritu*. At >l<w couii houaa Jrt

arded In the reglater'a offlca of aald eeuriiy nf l£a*ei: In bOfA B-IS

(CtiAPcery B'"443->•ItKTtllT n AALJC-la rhancery of Naw Jeracy^Beiaecn ih* AUlanoe Hutldmg and Lean Aworlaiioti of Newark, complainant, and dutoa Machank* «i Ala. dafeudanUv Fl. fa-,fpr aale af inaitgAged premiAea. . „By virtue of in* Above aiaiod writ af flart


. 8 fPtPt la lb* aaptarty Uda «f dlBUM *M bttfidral hM tklfUAn

tb* atidAgly eaniar af___ jtrpaip; tm aa wttb-•rM af A m if urtM ms-UM iMti tbAMp Mth*

“ — gtypgl Bltaatp- MYAtM wHk S b iW (gpt

fChtbcary B—4D4.1BHERIFFB BALS-U Cbaoeery of X*w

Jaraay-Batwean FUMlty Btilldlng aa4 Lpap AaaacLatJaA of Newark, New JtraaPe CMA'JialaAnt, aod fennte Tartleila at aJa, da-

andAQU. fl. Ia.. for aala af mArtgAgad prewlaaa.jTy linu* Af th* Above atAtad trrit of ftart

ftalAB. M A* dlreatad. X aIiaU expoae far aaI* by pubUo vtqdue, gt lha «mrt boua* in Newark, an Tu#aday, tba oTyrtmb dpy St Janoary nasi, al two a’alaok F, M., aJI tbat

facia*, to 111* directed. 1 •hall *»trope tor aala by public vaodue. At th# canrt hauaa in Nawark. on TuaidAy, the fourth day « January next, at two e'ciook P- all tha fDl]o-(ho iraot Of ,,Tc.I of UnS anO pramioo, alfuai*. If In* ao4 Uln* In tk> clif of Nowara, ■oHi Ooimlf. Now J m f .

B.*1niilv In le* nonborlf IIm of oUtT avoooo u , point thwnlR 4talont —I7 tour hwerri ane fittr-niM foot ■oo,n,y.,o« oiH.huft4r-*ilia of otho norlKv—orlf coriw rf I * » ----- —-WooRliwtoo ov—io«, thooc, naootn* nofto ifclnr-flv* iiw m ol» ml»u«o ooot ooa hoo- 4r*S >,4 iMflp-oovon tn l 0(4 ilitr-U no ooo- aoB4ro4tka of a to« 10 ta- i»or H o*.***^ wool tIvMM* alone otte i w Um oorai forty-*l*lit 11*11111 thlrlMo nilnaioa —oot ^ o o l^ iMir foot and ilfkif-alno on# tiuMrootM o4

n foal troB

n f ^ i tlwn'o ooiilK Uiinv-n»o dooroto tfem alao tntouiia wool ono liaodnd ao4

iroot or pof^ of lari and aaioiii i* gtooto. If to* and M l* ta tka lo-orilp of Mtoottlo. Boooi OaoJOr. riov hno*.

________ -oot oarilioi^.iko oofUMaafony Mo of iHooBitoU

mnoaItri (I

ort* froB ------------- , -avoouo aril tloa M ISo oartlHaaiorl* oontor at fad Oiiribar H do a map hofolnatlor iimo. tli oOi u d Ikonn nori** ,>,■• IWnnoi •ToniN'Mnli tUrtf olaa doofoai all nlo* mm IwritHIvo footi ttooaa oov

riytit ggpig la ■alp opt ofoooa * foo-kuoeraiwa of a loot to

of lio Mooart O tf fa, '

elzbi faat and tbirly-tbraa ona'bundradttaa ad A faol ta aaM AOrtherty lla* ef bUNttalAiravaapA; thanw atoug the aa»wa apuiH fam. . . --- -------- ------

atiriaa dasreaa tblrty-ihMw minutaa aagt tWaMy-

feat and ainetetn oac tiuadradttaab*ft (A Baud ta aald

t» the pTao* af beginatnf.a pan 6f th* eatna pr«niaaa Mvayad Jnla* Verbaate by Iwepaid Jey And

dOO, And from aald point running w«eierly along Mid Mna af AAld lot No. AD ninety-nine fatt four and ane-hgU lnch«a; Ib«n*e ■ouiherly iwanty-flrg fee* to lot Na. n OA aald map. iheoea edwtarly alang aald lat No. fig ninety-nine faat five Inrhea (• aald Aomoreet atrofl; ihwaa* aorthefly along aald dom«rar( ilreat (wemy-f|va feet to tba place o| briiniiing Heing Tot Id on aald laap-Newark. N. J Oixrmbay Utb. XblD.IMIJ’H B. dCHHIDT. Bharlff.

Jaaiph B Bloom, Koi'r. iglb-dUIuJhAticery H-48b.l

flHBBIFF'g gA(.15-lB Chancery of New Jerefy—Beiweeii tlaae IM Ferto, eanaplaJnanl,

and Krigni A Co.. A oarperailam «t ala.. dafeiKUniA PI fa., for aale «f martgagwd pretnlaea.

By virtu* (vf tha abara atated writ of flari fkelaa, ta m* directed, 1 abAl) fipoae far aala by puhllo vendue, at ih* cowri houae inxewArii. an Tueeday, ik* twaiUy-al^tb day ef Deeambar next, at (we e'alocli F. M-. all thaitract «r parcal at land aad nramlaaa altuAi*.of Ih^vni*. Caa*Aand briag in th« iowa County. New Jaraar-

Reglnaini at a polai tn tlia weatariy lina ef waabingten aTtBiia diatant beriharly fiftyflvw feat frutn tha imarweaUaa of ih« aamawith lha northerly Una Oreylock Avenue aa (be aarae are }aw dawn «• tt*# bareinaftecmeniiooed and wkltTi point ta the taartheaai arty comer of la( nnmhar IdOT on dald aiAp, .............^thefice wNherty a h ^ lha aariberte Un* •( aald tat and ai right angied with Waahingtec dvanue AM hundred and nlnataMi faei and

o’hancery B--I4I I HAlofi-'In Chancary of Kaw

.irraey — B**! w»-*i] Adriaide C BaniateP, ea- ecuiMx. •!<;.. 1-1 el., complalaanta. and Reaa- \iile flealiv Coinpany et Ala., dafandanta Fi- fa , for aale ot murigaged premlaea.

tty s Irtue itf ihe abova allied writ ef fWrt fecLa*. le m* fJirectad. X ahaB espAee far aale by public vrnJua, at (ha court houae In N*warli. on Tueeday. (he fourth day ef .lAfiuAry n*it. At Iwe o'clock P. M.. ail (hat Tiwct or parol of land and pramlBaa rituata, l>ing and being in the bliy of Nfwark, Biaax County, N#w jAre*y<

Beginning in I he areeierly Ha« ef RaeavtU# avenue at * point ihareln diaiam twamy-aeven feet amitherty from tb4 aowtbariy tltia #( Becnng avenue (nut yal epanedlt tbanoi Pan­ning alnng the line of Reaaellla A muw ioutb iweniy-eK^i itegraad fifty mlnuiag wait etgbt hundred an'i naiy-fiv* f«wt aad arranir one- hundrediha of a fooil tbeaea Atlll aloag (b* aam« aouih thUiy-ona digraae flttyaigtit mui- uire w*a( one hundred AM iUiia(F*dAweK feet And alsij'-alR one-hundradlba af a laati (henea north flBy-feur degraaa four mlagtaa wiat two

ti-diAncary 0—4*d ' ,b U C R irn iALB-ln Chancery of Naw

Jarary—B*twem Jam** J- OIbb, cemptaJn- am. and Charlaa J. Buglwr at aP.. d#' r»ndanta Fl. fb., fbr aale of morifagad ptetnlAa*.

By virtue of the abav* atated writ «f flari faeta*. le na dlraetad. 1 ahall fipoee far aale by pubUa vaMA*. at (b* epurt houM iii Jfawark, on Tuaadiay. ihe elfbteenth day of January nait, at two aotavk P. M., all (hattract or pareel Af land and prmne** aKwala.

and balm “lying ling tel tb* town of Ballavllle, f'ouAty. T ew JaraayBegumlng at a point In tha aaaterty line

ef Cortlandt aireei diftaat (heiaoD aouthtfly twA bundnid faat and twaaty hundrediha of a fool from Iba cornai' forniad by the inter- aeetion of gatd Ha* wHb (ha aeutheriy Ima of Joralamon atraat, tha aama being alao tha waatarly cemar of lot tio. aavanty-ene (Tlv In the mail h^fiafler reftrrad to. and from tbanca rurvatag aowtb gUtiy'Atia dagreea ihlrty- alBa mlnutaa aaat aknit tba aoutharty Ilea of■aid tot fiumbar awreaiy'dAi* iIlP alnriy-feur feet «Ad (birty-iwa hunaradib* of a feat to atoraef of lot number flfty-alE (MI oa aald map. ihence aloaf tbo roar line of tot aonibarnny-A(g <8D up mid mop aouih twantr-elght degreto four mteiutea weat twenty-five lae( loIba eagteriy eomar af tot number aetaaty five(n i OA aald a»p: Ihanc* along iho northarlir

of aald Mr pumbar aav juty-flve nertb

taurwlred mri twamy-ili leaf and alAty-iwe onw- hundredtba of » fnati tbaaco ftorth iurty-aightdagrwai thlrty-ninw mibutaa *a«t bis hundred nd atfhty-Aevan tapfi IhtiM f*^*:**’degree* forty alt midPta* waei alfblFmo faat

and tifty-nlne otie-hundradtht of A •pM} thoima north twenty-aighi dagroed fifty gAWnriag aaaR thro* hundrtd And aevoaly-fifhR nat bud cighiy-three onehundredlM «r • IMI lb tim line ef Second AvaaHt Bwi |w* «fgMd)i tbenca Atokg the liM of «M awm a doulh •iRty-OM dagree* tig nitpirtdg, adil ■(*»- drwo and iwaaty-ona nat IM lowteM mia> hundredth* ef a food tbaao* PAdlai nity*lwadegraaa aiAfem minwtao Addf oWW^broe footAnd tblHy-rive une-buadradtbb a* h

afkarte by dead teied April M.Kowaik. N. J^ Deaembaf dlh, Xbli- ^ ^iAim ». ucurntn.M nv V. Doe. eofr. (tU.*!)


or Nov(CliaiM ■-«••.>,______ l A S - n ciia gooeySiBir ■ >[0001 “Tri NUtoo Bal

SOH Aioacl«<l*a.'' a oon>o(«uoo. oao#i«y »t. M« rroiu t. am n *1 gto., dolooeoaia. f t ta., eor otlo oTnonooori |>M laoo

■T vlmig or lha ah»»* otuoi »rtt r i Woil lOaM w BO llrofUd, 1 oholl OOIBOO for oal*

01 Iko f0o« hoooo is r. Iht gift otto dor of M M.tta roM f. !«-, »« 'toriMy iTS

S'r gukUo . gm h, 00■takiOi,

twomy-otio kiuidndiht •( a hot ta tko •ojtto- ly Ui» «t M ooinbar MISI oa aald ohmo: lliitiMO lanktrlr kloBe Ik# aomo on a Uooi, lb* oonilnuatloa Ol «M«h la at rtftit aoplao ■tth Ontloeh gvoaiM flfir foot.ari («• hiM- •trilh . ot ( hot to tk« aMHMhty Ita. «d Ml ■OBhor 14M oa ooM lOae; Umom wMotIt mioiK tho taoia ori lOtaUal *tib tho IMt ooura. ooa horirri kri twogif fkod OBl ttito-tlT. knriroriki o( o foot ig ih. *ooi*Hr no* of WaghtnoWO knoM i aforoagid i Ihotira oMtkwIr alooo lha » » • Aha that w th*

ilai ori gloM ol kariaaiao Bolne Ma Noi. H li OHO W* 00 oiao ol Onaloch Mow. fttvotri l> Iklimlikt N. J..

outvoir-d hr Cert IIm Ub .■oist (ho aeae


Uu grint aad gtoct at btolBtlht- KiiYallu, hooritor, out at thk •••»•. « •

arrihtd promloM all Ihoot fodt* ■Wferi hy tho tollnwtna nloogod. la orttt —

Oot raodt hr Adololdt C. BkoWlor oa « - truiim of Jornto *, Baiilttdr, •ooiiori. OM ttariKw T. Bnimlor ta Koaffltli Iliol^^OOB- guy. datod H.reb L )■» iM raiM ii ribooit No. H ot rtlOM ri OUftl i pn torKoM Oonuy, pact M —

Om Btdo hy Adolalda C, BkWMe, U «■- oeuirla ot Jonoa A. HgiMea. •jotkori ao*Horoot T. Bnimloy If llaaooina ndritf Oot»- |u r . *oM l i ■!!!■C o a o i i r , p a c t i : — _ _ „Ooa mad. by AdoMHo C. MolriB, M 00- Kotrlx ot J.mn A. ■oaMtor, ^IBOMi.

■ 1 lioallT '

III- .. __ .al(ly.«oa dtQfita Ihinr-niM mlnutoo woot nlnoiy-fovr (tat and atvHiy hundrrilhi of a toot lo told Him at Corthindi otraati and ilMBM akBC told Urn «t Oortloadl otroot north Iwtaiy-MCht docrooa i»«niy-«na nln- utM oaot twoMy-flvo foot In lb* glOM of b*>

Mo* hwoa and doolcnatri no Mflnolac.nnmlnr iotaatr-liro (TD oa a bob ootlttri 'Wag of pngarty h*lao(lli< th Anola K. Voo hoygor. oioBtri ht aanaanw. K J.." osd «

ootlttriItoygof. - — ttl* la tha Oinoi of tha n |lttaf ot oaMCeuniyNooroth, N. J., Doaonhor Hth, IMS.

ttALTH f. SCmiOT. •horllt.JaBOa t- <Ub>. Sol'r. (IIAti)

IChoacinr B—Ui.)•H SIU fr* lAUS-lh Choority of NowJatMMt-Bomon Bloonar Hoinoo. mo-giotMnt. aad Ut* C.WoWiia, d*t«nd*niA

WtWoo aril Chortoo m. fh., tor oal* ef nort-

T b S S T t h * .h .« M.M r i twottaoloc. to mt dlmtod, 1 tban in tot tor tola hr gohtt* Ttrino, ot IlH ooiwt bnoao lo N*w«rh, Ml TuBdiy, Ih* toooth dag <f JODuaty mm. ot t«* *r(il«h P. W,, all that tract or pairal of land and ptccnlgbi gltwgtA,^tai^gM baing In the vlllaga *f BairtJl OtaaBA*

Ceuaty, New Jeraty-Bwglnnlfig At A polm an (ha aoribartw

wf Hamilton road, dlaiaat four humdrad

Moriiw T Brumtoy lb KtoiTtll* 'ItaallT C*B' gaay. 4at*d iinuory ft. Hri. ood rooaiOri la

No. U of BtMOri at aiaet«ti4M SirCtanty, goat M

omtrtd TJ^toot'wiB dh*

$, SMsTogt

fttly-oB. (o*t ond tblrty-tliht_________m a fo*t I«u.tfl) <00 raoaoarad oMa* thi Borthoriy oVIo *1 Hanihoo road) aaoWilr tioai th* cwoor lorntMl by tha laloi**aMa* *t Ih* «ft*rlv Un* of CHit*r Mnw orlib hot* harth' •rty Itn* «( Ittnilliao rori and cl th* hoatlv toot «m*r of * «rto Of lood hlf*Mf*r* OO* «*yri by Mary A. iUyaoldi to Kathvri* V. Kigg, and ninnloo thorio aotttatntr And al ih* laid aoMtrlr llaa «f tud iBhi ooevo u Ktgip, aboiH laa h in*ri *M tm y <1 toot I* th* nirthwoiiBty oonoir at tha gtot k n m 0* lot a iBhi* Mir-ala (W) *B a maa m uilri "Sttg It Mtgioty r i ftaraowrar * Haaitliia, ]ohH triaato. tilhalt W th* eM r i Oraac*. niM a *t Saath Oim m Moio OMBty, K«* IBoif, oaryoiri h r otto* * T o ^ "aatytchOirjatad Navariber I. t i n • r i riw to Mil A in Chootr^ BWip tf » arriMii Ihohih loohlM noth em y ola (IS) *a- t r a a tir*Btr«i* ( » Btontoa Mot hoa- drri IMm talt la tri *i*t*rly Uaa od tot nimihtr fliig mrm Iff) to eaM man Ihiooa •'rif

Newark, on Tumnlay, Ihe etovatub day *f January ncut. ■( two e'etook P. 34-. all tbai tract ar parr#! of land aitd premlaan aKua(e, lying and being in lha cily Of Newark, Ea*** C'ouniy. New J'raeyBeginning In thn w*a(ar]y lift* af EumaU firert a( A poliP dlrttni one huodrad feat anutherly fii^ Orange arreeii; thenea Mrtb aivty-ali degree* ibree mlnutaa waat ataery- nine feet and twenty-fiva Dna-bandiwdtbi af a fMi; thenca aoiith twah(y-alA degraag five mimitai wi*t ninetasm feet bad aaT*nt*en nne'hundradlhA ef a foot; thiaea aealb MKr-* alx tiegraaa iwaniftiwa mlwulea *ag(, M (be fane* now aland* fatly-(wa f*a( and fllty an*' huiKlradchA af a foot la tha rear af tha build* ing aiihduif oa lha j i amla*a haraby deaertbad; iheftce Aoutb fttiy'llva dAgreaa tblrtaan min- ui*A #a*i twenty-riva feat and twaniy-nva a«a- huPdradtbA «f a foot ta th* rear ac tha M in building and canter of party waVl dividiag (behmia* rtaadlng an lha pramlaaa Iwraby arribed (rum tn* Oft* adj^niAf aa (ha aauth: theftca Aoutb rirty-rminuiMi «*•(* Afld , of aald parly wall oaa-hundredtbf of A foot 1« th* Wiitartp Itfla ftf Btirpelt atraei; aad thansra niBiitafi alaag

y-threa rlagriai tklvtyvaavan paaaing tapaagk tha gaatar

II ihlrty*oaa faat a ^ fl^y

tha aame north tweniy-riv digvMa ' undradtl ng.AeeordlBg to A aurvay mada by Fraaft T.

feat and alkty-f*v*ii ofM-hundradtka af a faat to polni or pW* af baftevAlaHhepard, aurvaypr. January Mth. Hit*

The pramlaaa are (a be aaM gnbjaet ta thereiitvwing Hana fAund to b* a ^ a a t aald | la«a; JDll tgea* Amoubtlng ta INL^ ohierwtt and coAtf (a ba adiad: ind taae*

withamaumihg ta M-lto wHb Iniaraat and «aa«a (0 ba added, and m l tijaa amaafiUbg (t MI.4II with Iptareat and n**ta^ b* addad.

Newark,Kdwprd Kaiitiyi

M. J., Dtcaabar n th ,RALPH B. BCmnDT. Bhartff.

Kinitiy, iMfr. (ftbaBt)

fChaaeary B-ddT.)aBEfUFTB BALH-In ChaaiifT *t 1«*w

JerMy-Batwaab WJlIlifa 3L Ward, paai- plaioapt. aat 1W C M w y « a l .dafandaela f t Ike fir gal* at laartgbgAd^By*T|Iia* af tba abav*jdM vrtt fieri fMtaai, to me diiwataid X ahall aaiieaa Art aaie by MbHa vaadu. at tba eatirt bpyaa (n ]% wli. on ToeeSar. ^ r i t »*JoiiurT g*xt. 01 too Cotodk f . H., all irioti Oouhiy. M** tira*y-•r gonil* It W h ri gooBHoa ottnit*. lyinf Oorfh«Kif lo th* oWT. ot .HMrik K m i

BooHipInc at * M ri ttoBiS th* lolor- •oiuaii of the oaonaotr r i u n n aygaui (iTtMowiy igtori e r i «MooA vllh tb*(*• iMooily ritor i o ri oMoooA viih tb* •ooiMly Ua» l f atooto r t rii e * H(ie ron- MIW loathtnawtr J r i j r 'V • 'c in u a a toe* thr** hBrifri My-otu fjji ■od OOBO »at hooSBiWh* r i o. t*»t (ih.W) . I , • HM; UMWM ro riM h*lttw**t*Hg ,ad ot fU&t 00*00 with CUotoo phiaa alga hua-dndtlu ot a toot ( B ^ ) W o gM i; thoora' ~ yiloo* hooCtri s r i thr**S.-S C T S W So ty i f w '^ S S '^ S I ^ I w S J l io r ia a S oodS 3 K : -3 T * r«

•onoim>! ^ o M _te


l«d•M* pT

r j s s w r aSr4r3» *• fc (Se

AtOSth* I*Vta*giHw*lMB Ih* 0»*y* l iaotfhii lioef *t. - --------- --------- - -----

til),<)«l.fsiisn r.h™ .«r. s s i r i a '

■Th*wiirir Oi*r‘‘Th* —tith roriie M WO, n S A h SwWeUi WorirawnWV.IFM th* _ orit ■ doaortottoo

■ hr fS i

M^rShiiM lo.




Clvlci, rtou* hul ■ floraoot*mgorAil>*lh|l lo paaHnta days ef olon w»i 1I**L" ( holMlnrBfheuI A tbo porlt

Thh fl alor«d 1 gloro an tho lord 10 Ih* V Inc of If fadlva] b.r thilil "inonur I of Chrtr rom glrirt Wtoluii IInc, whi Uoorce 1 by th* “i

Folloh dci<t'«r*" ilogjA - ■'niffly-t Uniug of oblldreiL.

Til* fli ul *11 II banqu.t th* "chii all alnc port of I •if tb* "h I'lum puij Ih# "cixi bAiiqurl In th* rl In Ihi go

(1Ml** b'

d*nt, Im ntciior," Klchord < Ployod b ifooic* H lord of IB th* iH tlt U lu Ir* U n. 0*1rooll," AlHorae* f Phillip*, wa* taki maitn ant Ann* Hu WM th* wore gin; Ml** Pb Itolihlni

" th* AurttaU Rurkhlahi Kinlly K"LodlM" Willard 1 Hr*. Wll otio* R J. Ilocui tnh*n by O. Wher “y n in c < Hloe ttol tarn L. J wa* a«ali osd U rn of tho 'lord of Henry,. S m U. C •torn T Ml** Hat

In th* port of ' b r Ml*a Fooh* pief Enel* ployod b "(}og*n" Minnie ( lom- wn OtOBM F n o i bold Boomnn Blunderb "Old Dr. rloon pit Drocon" forwln, Mr*. Fra

Tb*by Mr*. Mri. Wl Taller, Van Dot H*l*n B Petty sn

Tha cr Ur*. Ahti ford. Mr Motrin Randnil Hlasea E nrd, J m Marlon I

Th#enrol*, * ond Mri Hr*. Oco Mabhl Bi

Th* Ul Mr*. S. I (ho HIm Jon* 9w David . Oorlo, W CnehbolL Mrs. Fra

Th* cl MnTBarti mn Kri Kathorin Elat* Ha

Tho ct won: (3# eooatonnl tnm a H i writ*, Tnomiiio BawdiMi, aUM fO .

Hew V ef th* r Mriotoot Mr*, d t l Vm Blok

Tho poi ttOB of M

T i m (p

Hr. Ra Krion Cl

. OommlHi bar* of t Now J*i Commlii n plan of tlment <work. I tlolalg, t now *ni oordc to lok*n nt rootory,

Whilo Mlholoni thay woi tlon that own diet feolinc w orkon Dr. Hun eueolon e •amptUai

Ths Oh pnrpooo protTMntko >1*01aril II I tho priM oowmltu port of II It w u PI RWd* to lAvon I oTwow 1

H .*.

; .1 'A v


MinI «•-Hitli;


• i.


I tfM-ban-


nr !•



D m iri M G«(ry i d Ptiiaiti,MwA w Pirticipite ■ Aideit

EhiU CalciffidM.

SQUoas sisjEcn are forgotun

CIvici tiom , (ffle ltn c r •nd o th tr ■«• H*ui lubjacta w*r» forcotttn ywttrdby■ ftarBoon by th« member, of lh« L'on- l,mb«rbry of N«*«rk, who pUy,d t l b*la^ lonU Btid tbdl*, bnd prlnc,, *iid p tbunU of "morrl* Undmd" In Iho d»y* of “aood ffu,*n B «*" Th* oce»- kl»n w*i b pocbiit, <Th* VnUlId, Fm -

pr* ion i,d Bt ih , t . W. C A. lialldinf. Chi Id ran from Win CrbTiB'i hchoul BMlBtad niambara of th , club lb tba porlrnyal of rharartcr*.

The flr*( ptclura In (he percent wee ■larad In iha foyar eropiid the flre- plera end aho«r,u tpa "hrrald re lllur (he bird of th* manor end hli f»mlly“ ,o *(» »-nkudn faetlvel, end th* lliht- In r of th* > u|« ina The deielle of (ha feetival »*r* rerriail out with lianilni by rh ild r.ii and the dcrklnr of Ih,■ manor hell" with wrcetha and buurh, of ChrlMme, grcan,. When (hi, n a , romplcird the ‘'fam ll)" went In (pro- 4'eaelou to the third floor of the bulld- Inr, where It wltne,aed th* play 'HI ueo rre and the Drarnn.” aa prceeiited by the "mummere"

Foltow lnr the play Iho "Morrle deineri" went th roufh old hinrllah alepe whlrh were followed by III, " ru ftly -iu ftiy " i ta n r ,, by another sroup of paeaente and a folk dam:, by children.

The final pli-lure wae Ihe prooeeilon of all Ihe mcrryniehere r» ln( to Ihe benquel hall. In an ,w cr to the call of the "chief cook, ' who ltd the company, alt a ln rin r a waaiall aong. In ihle pert of the pag ,an t were the carrying of the "boar'a head, Ihe peacock pi,, th , plum pudding and Ihc weaMlI howf' by the ‘‘conk' end Ida "au ia tah le ' Th, banquet of th* pageant wa, repreaenled In the club tea, following the program. In the parlora

fbaraeaee laapeeweaatara,Mtae Fraiicee C. Haye, the club preel-

dent. Impereonated the "lord of the manor," and the..'Ttoauae" wae hlra Richard C, JenkJneon. Th* "herald" was Played by Mlea florence Hague. Uib. (Jeorge H. Savage played th* pert of "the lord of mlerule," maeter of rercmonle, at th* feetival. Mr*. Spaulding fraaer and Ulai Iran* Jarv is were the "Jaatera" Mr*. Oalrn A. Permit wa, th* "headcook, " and th* other cooha wera lira Horace S. Otborne and Ifle* Margaret I’hlltipa. The part of th* "houiekeeptr'' w a, tak tn by Mr,. WTIllam B llo«n*- mann and that of the "gardener'' by lltei Anne Sutphen. Mra William Stobaeue was the “coachman," and the "equlrei" ware played by MIm flertrude Stofaaeua MIm Florence M atthewa Mr,. L. IL Rebblni and Mra W. U. Howard.

"The w l*,a" were played by Rr. Augusta Madison Kelm, Mr*. John Ruckelehaua. Mr*. Frank Driver, Mlei Bmlly Klngeton and Mine Lydia Bailey. ‘lAdlea” were repreeented by Mre. Willard L H anlllon , Mr*. Walter Read, Ifra William liBn Blarcom, Mloa Kath­erine Rommel and Mr,. Alneworth J. Hague. The part of "lo rd ,’ we, taken by Mra V. B. Jam ei, Hr,. Elmer O. Wherry and Ml*, Lydia Sayre, and “renng ehltdran" wera repraeantad by Mlge laola P, Stonalnke and Mra, Will­iam L. Allan, To Mre. Samuel Clark was aselgnad tha part of the "par,Dn," and M re W. S. Dlabrow played the pert of the “a u n t" "A ttendanti" to the 'lord of mtarnle" were Hn, Charlea Henry,- Mre. William If. Oeborne, Mre. >. U. Crowell and Mre. Beatrice M. Stem. *nie "fiddler" wa* portrayed by Mlee Maud Van Dyke,

In th* play by the “mummere" the part of "F ather Chrletmae" wae taken by Hie* Helen Harrison. Mr*. Harry Feoka played the part of "fit Oaorgt of England," and "King Alfred" wae played by Mre. Hugh D. Saqndere, The "Qneen" wee Impereonated by Mlee u innle sprlnaaiead, and "King Will­iam" wa* represented by Hit* Con* ■tana* R oberta Mine Dorle Shipman was •Mid King Cole," and Mre. Chirlee Beaman took the part of "Old King Blunderbore." Dr. Joanna Leary wae "Old Dr. Ball," and Mlee Dorothy Hnr- rleon played •Xlltle Jack." "The Old Dragon" wn* played by Mr*. Lola T. Corwin, and "the merry Andrew," by Mra Fraier.

In the n aaceaThe "Morris dancei" were executed

by Mre. C. R. Myer, Mra William Boll, Mre. William Kddowea Mra I,oule P. Teller, Mr*. E. C. Wycoff, Mr*. N, O. Van Doren, the Mleaee Lola Fddowea Helen Baldwin, tl. U, Everett, Ethel Petty and M artha Read.

The group of "peaaant danrere" were Ure, Abner N. Seeley, Mra Alfred Bick­ford, Mri. Leeter Davie. Mra Clement Morria Mra Edward Wharton, Mr*. Randall D. Warden, Mra. <1. W, Oehln, Mlasea Erma Qulnby, Hlldegard* How­ard. Jeeale Colt. Urace Bradner and Marlon Robercaoa

Th* "walte." who aang Chrlatmaa earola were Mra Andrew F. Slephene and Mr*. Hamilton Muck, eopranoai Mra Ocorg* W. Bangy, eontratto. Mlaa Habbl Smith wae th* aooompanlet.

The u ihari were Mre. I., W. Btgg, Mra S. H. Baldwin, Mra J. F. Wherry, lb* Hleees Jcael* Larter, N. C.,F*lck, Jan* Swain and P. P. Bowman, Mra David Archibald, Mra Howard R. Qarla Mile E thel Ward. Mra B. T. Caeabolt. M ra John Wlncheeter and Mra Pranpla Bonnaan.

Th* children who took part were Margaret Thomaa Elinor Hopkina Em­ma Kraemer, Beatrice HcDougall, Katherine Van Keuren, Margaret Bdga Elet* H auieling and Helen TarbelL

Th* chairmen of n r lo n * committee* wore: Ooneml, Hie* Ann* Sutphen; pro- oaoslanol, Hla* Florence Hague; coe- tnm a M ra Prank Urqubart; muele and v a l ta Mrs. Mortimer Renlngton; "nnm inara" Hr*, w illiam B. Corwin; daadng, Mr*. Leeter Davie; loclal, Mra Wr9«t Q. W h en r; program. Dr. Kelm.

M ra W altar SL Colton wee chairman • f tb* rocoptlon com m itlsa and h*r ogglatMts WOT* Mra, Melvin H. Btearna Mra Clifford Q. Woolion, Mra Lout* V*A ttekl* and Ml*e Heltn 'Wooltoa

n m pageant was given under the direc­tion of M ra Emma Webater Pleeber.

n m O F S C R D I E n S M M Dn i B i J c o N i i H i H i r r o w u t

Br. Ralph H. Hunt, preoldent of tb* Etaaa County Mosquito BaUrmloatlaB

. Commloolon, Inst night told llM mem- b e n of the ekecutlv* oonunitt** of tb* N*« Jeraey Hooqutto ExUrmlnatlen Cammlitlon a t a moating In this city of a plan of tb* county body to learn een- tlaiant of citlian* on ettermlnatlon work. M* oold tko Mseag Couaty at- tlolala In purauanoa of th* plan, are now engaged In sanding out poatal earde to LbiM pertena, th* name* being taken a t random from Ih* tllephona dl- rootory, '

W hile mem her* of other county oem- m tulons refrained from deelarlng that they would act on pr. Hunt** eugg**- Hon th a t they adopt th* plan In their own d ia trle ta yet there was a gansral fssling among th* sxtsnnltistlen workers th a t tha plan was a good ana Dr. Hunt’s statem ent followed a dla- euiaion of th* stfsettyensas ef the etat* (wmpaign to stam p out O * Ingeeta

Tha agaeutlv* committee met tor the purpoM of tlacuBsInt details df thaprSBium a t th* aaanol o a n m tla s of


tha program was not aamplatalt -the

tha saaaelaltaa ta be held F ebruan obd l l la AUantlo C ty . laiM aiiia i

osBHntttM dasided aot to H th* aax f a r t of It piibllo a t thia staM. Howavar,' f t wee anaonnaed th a t an e fte rt will ha nu d e ta g a t ftawanier Fielder and Dr.Hauea S a e n a ta health oammlMrioaaredHJjjM^^^dHIver^^ggjk

SaEMPPS IALE8s^ ip ra (ChaiHwr p-~«sr.i

r r a S*LB-la €■****» of New '-Petwmn -The MlUea MMmg lad AewwWHie*," e <wpam«M»> s*m-

ead VWM J. Bepw rt *H,'d«Bal- rnsrlgegidf-Tiea A

da, J e F i r t e f ______________By tIHe* ef lae ehevs eutsd *m ef flsH

rtefca u BM dlratese, I mail sspset 'W puWt twajkii. a t me eien I Hsnnik. *s TuilSoy. to* e to t*^Jeeimty peat, at two e'elem p, la,— ------------ ef bad tad aremtem t

m me ftty eTweimh.ae* ef 1

Watches&Diamonds for Christmas

On Our Easy Terms

E v e n in g s

w. c e o u a u i WAt n r rTOWOAA m aiN Q KHOCS AT r VCARi OP AOC. HC



W.L .DOUGLAS$ 3 .5 0 $ 4 .0 0 $ 4 .5 0 & $ 5 .0 0 SHOES




W. L. Douglas nm e has atoot! for shoes of the highest ***“ ' ‘ rice. His name and the retail price stam|»e<l on

F o r 3 7 y e a r s w . u i i o i t g l a s t a n d a r d o f q u a l i t y f o r t h e p r ithe bottom guarantees full vahe and protects tKa vretfer prices for iuierior shoes. They are the best known shoes in ^ e wi

W.LDotifUt shoe* Era made of the roost carefulljr oelected lea then, after the k tett m ^eli, in a weU.««||uippetl factory at Brockton, Msm., under

- th e dfiraetkm and p e n o ^ B u p e c tio n o f n modt p e r f e c t organ^tionand the Ugb«t paid eldlied •hoemakerp; woridng with an

hooeet datemiinatwo to make tba baet »hoce in Uw world. WJ.DOUGLAS $4.00, $4.50 and $S,00 SHOES a n jori

aa |c ^ for etyia, fit and m ar as othar maJtae coetiag ^ $6to$8,theonlyp«rGeptibladiff<raiiMiitlMprie«.

W. LDOUGLAS S3.00and|3.S0 SHOES hoU ^ their ihape, fit better and wear loafer than

other makee for the pika.N o n e g e n u in e u n leB e W . L . O o u g la a

e a n d t h e r e t a i l p r i c e le • t a m p e d o n t h e b o t to m .


SBERIFPS SALESIlH ef Belmoirt avinua *• dw eea* *r* laid dews « * map tiimied, "Map et praperly M th, geutk Bn* laind ,nd Inqirevimwit ('mi- p*ey, Mtuate In th« ctiy ef N'*«*rk, N, J,," m u , ty (bwt* R- 0«r4n,r, HK,yer. Ju - ■ary, IMK which map I* on fll. In th, lfm,i Oteniy Rmlnlw', off lee; from ibeno, nituUng •awdiarly iweaiy-fonr fiet tear enu eae-belf IwIim; IheOH eencrly elMiy-tevm l*M end lkrly-t,Tm huedrUlh, of * t«K: thne* ■ertWiy lw «ty-f«r fHt tour end ene-balf himM, end ta w * wnaurly nln*iy-wv*e Um en* i*mntr-nv, hnndredik, *t e tuM t* th* petet end plern ef beftmilng.

Being pen «( let aumbw lU « ih* ebeve iMnItwpd eiep.

•Mug pu t ef Ih* anme pvnnM mevmd t* Free* I. Beyer by dMd i»vird»d la th* ntaiw Oeaaty Jtaglater'* ofn™ in b*ek j n " * " fm atid miMy, pa*, H.

, N. J., D m i ^ lath. laU. RAMW a gCHMIM, I

at omdi fw MawartEnMSI r . Kaer, Bol'r.


__ (Chanwy B-4W.Ii l t n i m BALE-la Ownwry *< Maw

Jtmir-BelwMn BWt* H. Famev, mm- glMii^, *Bd W ll l^ (Wllhalnil Wlnktof *1 waTgjhadaata F t ta., ter aal* of ewflgapm

Bp virlee «f the ahev* atated «rl( ef flwl toaiaa m me dimetod. I isali ..peM tor wit by peblto vmdua, at tb, oeun bma* In NeWtr*. OB Teaeday, tha fmty-elchlh day MOeiaebar ataa at twe Fplenh r , IL, aU that treat or pafeet at IM eef --------- '

■eethartr 0*« the mathwiy uac at Nm*. jMilfc avewH: laewe mit irly *p* bimdnd

M ag let Na M ae eiap *( prepeny at Wigkinma * M h * r. end " ' ^pnadeet eiat med le mid ,

:^ 8 3 ‘x‘is*y3;j z x f r r . 9 ^

RAUrR & . Serr. lea.

at New* i t a

at th, ebeve mit at» dlre<l^ 1 ehell eapee, t e t__

It twe W eM >, llTaH (hSi r f " ...........

SHEUFP8 SALESth. Mitwiy line ef Jersey ctrmt end tb* levtbwlT line at Perk evmM (tonewly celim BIweHIHd ev.nu.) thwiea ill .lo** th, wulharly Itn, at Park evann* mutbetweir-alght dmvM* tweeiy-tin nlnulai mn Mkiy W in land nnw *r toramrly at Wllllein H. Flwrwn; th«w* ID along all line enith •lirwi degree* ihFty-flv, ntlnutm «rmt em hundred end i«e end tbirf-flv* *** hue- diediha feet; thWK* (tl) ne-lb emety-elgbt d,|i*e* twvnjy-flv* mlnuue wtat ferty-idwi end torty-irra on* haiutredtha teal t* lb, wii.rly »n* of J.may etrHt; Uihh, U) ekins mid raeterly lln, of Jwmy ,tiHt ewth fivo dear**, f«rty-(Hi« mlnetm trmt en* bw- dnd end lee end rlghty-nln* bondredlli* toet te tbe place of beginning,

Balna ih. mme pramMH (.mveyed (e tb*Rid Hymen H. Raeenbwg by deed teeerdad

book L M ef deed* ler E n ti Cmety, m V4n SI, Htc.” *erk, N. i„ Novwnbw Wlh. Ittt,

RAIFII B. •CBMIOT, Bharllf.Ctarlm r. Itarr. 8*1'r. (tiAsei

(Cheneen B-dWI •RERIFFB *ALB—In (»*«ctw *f K.v

Jerery-Betwmn T. A. R 8. Bulldleg end Leen Aceerlatlon ef Keerark, eomplalnant, and Prepwiy Hanagemeat Mmpany at ai„ defend- anii, FI. lb., tor ml* ad nertmged pienilaea

By virtu, of tba ebeve eiatad writ of fieri r.,.i.. Id me dlreeted, t ehell oepm. fw ml* iV tnitjiio vend tie, at th. eewt heee. In Neneih. « Tueeday. the twmtMliMh day ef fMoamlMr nrvi. *t twe a'sleek >, It., all that tract *c pertel “ • !'W'l»m^eRea>Atrine and being In the cliy *1 Newert. Beeti Oienly, New Jerery.Declirolng In >h* eeutherly Itn* ef Onttm armu* at a polat theietn dtslaet *1* hun- tn d .ad forty tout and twmty.eiw bue- iredtb. toei 'ecM <h* eedlhwmi eeraerat mm*, nnd Wesblagiee t n e u t thme* eenh fifiy-tive degree* AArtoer eitiutm •*« twmir-vl*n< feet: iheae* emtl lUriy-tour do mem six minuim weel ene hesdreg eal eigh tern and a*vonty-,lx haadr^h* faai i* ikt aeethefty hiw at irrtpwiy haiela daacrlhed; IhoM* atoug mma rnutl Am-ao* Itgrera atm grnmlm *s*t iwanty-at^ (eat tad ala* hea- dtodth* 3 a *«*: «*»»» b*nh iWrwjew d e n * mleulrn * » a n ^ u e M « | nSSm-an* taat *■• ■% keiSedtIi* *Ta toai Id th* aeutherly Ha* at Oimaa a.mea aod■iMt f< NAtantBf. ^TSy»k.Ti. ----— ■

I m. -_uwni m Mft'" t («r mh

SMCMFF5 SALEShrint And M nf In lh4 cKf of .N<wArh, I mhx(>unty, Now J(*rA«y.

tefliiirinf At A point lb Ih* nAHteriy lin« of HllWda tvHotfo dittini thr«« hMB4r«A And fifty-four And nlnMjr-AiN liundr«4thA of a foot iDUth rly from tho AOUlhHAmarly o»rn*r Of HllliidA AVAUuo Ahd Blgslow ttraet; thoiioi (I) rimnlnf omitharly ol«^ Mid Klilfids Av«- miA twoniy-fivo fMt, thunco ntAtgrljr And ponUel with Ulftiov Atrtot oa« hundrtd And ihlrty-lhFAt foot And film ttuAdrodthu of A foot: thHAM 111 Dortbrfly And DartUsi irttli IIUI- ■Ida AVMur tWHitiyeflva raoif ond ihonro wAAt«rly Aiid pAtAllAl vtUi Blfolow itrrat on* Aurtdrtd and thlrly-UuwH fost and f1v« KaH' drfdlhi of a fool (0 tht point Oiul plAcu ef b4flnD|nf. KnovA ASd dsAifttotad aj lot No. IW IlilLildo AvonoA on «1ty mAp.

IMflj the oAnrio pfomlANi eonvoyed in lh« •tJd Robert SLoitlor by dood of ChtriM A- Gniininon ond AdvlAn* U. M., hlo vifo, datod April ifth, JAOl. And rocordod In the BaaeK County Rofiattr^a omoo tn book T $4 of d*ad« for Mid ronmy on pdfM Add, oic.

Navmrt, N. J,, Ncrombor $9lh, 111$.RALPH N. HHeriff

Rlkor d Rlkor. Sol'M ililSTAi(CkniMMr B-ATA.)

KHKmrF*i »AL«-ln CbAft^ of New Jotney—Between Four Oornoro Ha,|{dliig and

liOAn AoAoctAiiou, Ato.. FomphitiiAntA And <’. IBdwArd \^n% tt At.. dAfocidAntA. IN. fa., for AAie of tnortiAfod prttbkMi.

By vlnuA of fbo abovo utAtod writ of rterl Amah, to mo diroalod, I abntl expOAe for m1« by pubHc oondue. At th« rourt houAA in NAimrk, on TtsAAdAy, tko HibtMMk dny or JaaMut noHt. At two o '«M B. M., atl Uiai Irtet or porcol of loud And promiMi iftoAie. Iiini Aod being In tbo city oC Natmrk, Mnsi OmntY, Now Jataap,

BodtOOlBf at A pofAA In tko MAtorly Hue aI North Twotfth triroot dMAiit ■ouikArly flv* tiundrod nnd flfty-oAo feel And Atny Chre Me- kUMdrodtha nf A foot from tba eonm fortofd \ff the kAtaruertlon of tbe Aoulherly Una of fuMtth Avenue with lald lino of Nonti TwoRih. ftroot; iNonce A»uUi«ny atang mm Une of Nortk TWAlftti Allfot Iklrtf-AlM f«e1 And AtAAty UvA oiM'bAAdrodihH of A foot: iUmo* m tu t iy At rifkt arnIaa with «rtd ttne nr Mirth TwANib mm* And tAMtog lkrai«k iho oonUr

““ ‘ ‘ " * thinroHiratt

Ihlitr-eta* feel aiid eiMiy-flm aawhiwindthtat » aaiit wall, an* bundled Iwt; t Mftiany fOrsIlel with Neith Tw im |hlitr-Bla* feel aiid ■■•ety-ftve aawhiwairf a feat; ihetir* wmteriy and a t r im aiudm win Berth Twrifth emei and paMtg ihieugh Ihe tenter ef a party «•». haadrad toet

RALPH R t(5tlMIDT,f_....Rayijmi* Meumela, vae Bldmeat

•H B iukrrs

______SH E R V ^ SALES______facUia. to me directed. 1 iH»ait tKpoie for 4Ale by public venilue, a4 the couri houiF In Newarli, on Tmaday. the eleventh day of January At two oarlock 1'. -V.. All chitirort «w pArcel of land atul premlaea alluat*, lyinf artd Ohing in rb# city of Newark, Kaeax Couiay. N«w Jeroey,

Meglimlnf on the eaalofly aide of {ielnionl •venue at a point (h«r«iii diAIAnr two hundred And fertyvelght foet une And oue-itaJf liichea eoutheriy from the oofiter rpmurd by thF ln- loraeoiliffi of the aooihefly line of Hawthorne Avr -nue wMYi the mAiPterly tine of ^Inoont ave­nue ae Lhe anme are laid liown on a map en titled ' Vtip of ibrorH'My ut the Aoutli Find lukAd and Inri>rov*rn*ni Oodopan). aliuAtr in Ihe rliy of Newark. N- J mod* by Georr* U Oardjiar. purveyor. January ItiOA. whirh map ia on file In the Rbafk neunty Rafiatrr'A offtd-e; from theare ruunlng Aeuiiiariy ta-entyv tour f*«t tour and (mp>haif Inohee; ihence eaaierlv nlne4y-alg feet and olyty bundredilia of A foot; ihOAte northerly twenty-four fAal four and one-half i nr hea, and ihenre wetter I y nlnetf-aU feel and ciKhty nlna tiundrediha of A foot to (he pwltit and plar« of bofinnltit.

Being MrtA of tote numbera 140 and Ml OQ the AMve moAtlmed (bAp.

flalng AArt of tb« oanie premltM rAnveyod to the Mid PSaoH j . Beyer by deed recofileA in the to»K t'tMQty fteglater t offioe is boAk T 51 of deeili for m IA cotintr, p tn BA.

NowAFk, N. J-. IJotfamber t|th. ifta.Ra lph b. BtriiMiDta Bhorirr.

Krwet r . Keor. korr. fAUltyKTiAAcory R-411.1

NHBRirrk iALR-ln rhandery «r MawJerAey- IUtWMA The AuiM Hulldtiig And

Loan AAHAClAtlOA of ibA cUy of Naw»rk. aam- ^ladAie aaA (fAkn Bovoa el aIb., dofoAitNitA. yt. fa-, for wlA of rAMigtied prewlatA.

By vlruM of Um aaava oiAted wrU tA fi« | fAclAA. to DM dlyootad. I Abati aapoM fM mIa by* pwbiiu vabAha. m tko court hougt in NAWArki, on TutAdAyp IM tlghtMAtb My of JanuAfy bon, ai ti»A o'dlork R. M., All tliAt iFA«i or pataaI of IaaA ad4 prAmlAM tHuAlo,lyliif AAd bolAt in llM Al(y of N'twArk, t e a4}ouniy, Ntw Jorgey.

rtrtt TrArt-^bA|rlAAlAA on iho ami aMa aI Purifid AffMt (formerly te c h ftWAHot Acrot) ditUnl t a fHtRArod anA tbliiy feet ffoai Um

CliAAlBut Airf Racine AfreHA It tebm«r of aoiiiherly r At (h« AntbofAt AAfnar tktr^

sin.liti- t^' ^ratxurnt^jsjr* ^aieo **v**tir-nn* imt (h»* aad im-lmi eerlhrrlp from iMt eerthwMi^r •f teeth mratti thewra aJmg Otiiei&'i

i i h a t i i i i . tSae* a t ^(p FecMto itiWt MMihe 1* Ih**( p * * ^ street, aad tm aa amthedT atwig eaara^w w feei aiar* «r Hee «* *(.h*.

e f W S S s S r i j r S S>■* Blip f«a tiWR th*


Your purchaaes may be charged. Wo make exceptional low terms to the newfy- weds. Any purchase made less than $20.00 may be paid for 50c a week.

Any Finish Library Table & Lamp,$14.75Lamp

FurnishedE ith e r

fo r G as or E ledricit.v

Lamp and Table

Complete for


$1.00 Cash, The Tableii exactly as illustrated—* colonial design that will harmonize perfectly in near­ly any room. It has a 24x50 inch top. heavy colonial legs and broad lower shelf for books or magazines; any Hnith.

50c a WeekThe Art Lampis extremely attractive—hna large leaded glass dome shade in fancy design—and it fitted for electricity (with cord) or for gai (with tubing) aa de­sired—a lamp that you are sure to admire and one that add* the finishing touch to this attractive table.

It makes no dif­ference in coat whether you buy this Dome for gas or electricity. Our stock consists of 21 distinct patterns, all beauties and very reasonable in price. This style .

Other Dome* in gas or electricity, all sizes, ranging in price from $5.08 to $24. They ire ceD flinty beautiea.


$10,95$1.00 Canh 50c Weekly


Weekly Payments

This Rocker will make a very appropriate Christmas present —covered in imitation Spanish leather; has large broad arms, nicely finished in golden oak. The upholstering f A A C guaranteed to wear for years. Christmas price.. . lU e Y t/

Open Evenings Until 9 o’Clock

SHEMFFS SALESnlng corner tiaing alaii tllatant norfh rly foriy- ihree ffc* Ihre ami CFna-hglf imljca frr»ir» iti* nurthweBierly rom*} of laiil Parini ■ti:-*i anct Hifu’Ui ftreei. frrjin Hienca runhi ig eouihairl) alORA PacIflO irTto#! alx anrl ihrtoo u<iarlrr itMjhM. iharvc'di «-Fi>«-ri)r arul ai riabt 4ngi««Ilia Mmt eighty-HinB fp«t and ilttv '*<> enC’ hundradTlM uf a fD.ii. iheni^ nonhpriy ilx Iiirra-t|uatlftr litciiAi and (hFn 'c >iaitiFfiv and a! rigbl fnglHa in i'atlflc ■irrr'i Fiqrity iiln* fret and •lity.lhrHC tiit»-liiindra<1(J<R nf a (ixit In rh« wnaiFrly lin« of aald iiravr and iJia piaoa of bagimilnfBfiltig ihp Mrn« preinlari conv«yed thR Mid Jobb iluxoa U) \>ronJcA hovua (Dovlu, uiimarrla<V by dalr>l Jaiigary |4. Uill.and rccortlFd Jaiitiary IT. Ilfl.T, tri book R 51! <if d«<4a for aald UaMx ■.'cninity uri tiag«< SVY, etc.yteafk, .1 . TfMh. 1A15

KAi-i’d b! AriiMiirr. 8h*nffVoifi A iNiu. f^l'ra. 'i|]i.73i

• rhancary B-441 )bllBnin'H HAle&-[n OhAnt ary of Naw

Jaratv^BeMaed-n Nathan Halamau. com­plainant. aod Uorria A, Friadmaa el alg, d»f»tblanta. Fl. fA-. for aaia of mAitganad pramlHM-By vtKwa ef th# abovM aiai*<r wrii of fieri faclM. lA *na dirw-tag, I ahaJi •iihm for tala by pubilA vAikdue. at the courl hnuaa In Nawtrb. aa Tuawlay, th* fourlh day of JahUAiy MHl. AI twA A'elock P. U., all that tract or pArcal At land and pramiaaa altuata, lying Arid b#lBf in tba city Af NawArli, fiaaaa County, Naw Jafoy.

B^Mlng Iri Uia AAgtArly Hna «f JalUff AVMUA At A pAint ihatAlii diALant ana buhdrad feet ADA inrA tnutharlr from iba AouiHarly Una tk Aron avanaa; tbanca BAuiAwvdJy along Iho Mid MAtorIr Una Af JrlUff a«mu« •«vaaly-fiva foot; tbaor a aAotwordly at right anflAn 1A Jalllff ayonoa Mconly-flTo f««( to tho land Af (bo Kaw York Bar AmUroad emnpAar; ihmtA AAftkwArdly alAng tha laAd of Mid Mow Ybrk Roy telrood cotobAny AOMtKy-oovAO foot Abd MitF'fAur hundradtha of A lAAi; tbaaeo woftwardlir oivanty-flvo Not and four bun- diwdthA of A foot inoro or ioof to tbe pHao At^HoLmT^Im Mm« proHilAM emvaftd ia oald Moma A. VYiodeian by tx4p oortAin dooda from 4l>o Bams HodoMi Liud imprAvoAioMs w ft 'S ' f i r ry.3i‘"Nr“Ls;

RR* ia M S t sir s“s*( Seed* at Beeex Oeeetr, m mw *10.

NewciV, N. J.. ttoeteeaw US. Ml(.lULFtt K acimiDT. aiiwin.

Seiweel ReraWef. lei'f.(Caaiir. tT

(H B a irr* MLa—tn ctwnfw ef Few Iwwy-Retwew won RiUMiaa*ni Lee* Aaeeel*u«> at Newer*, N. j ., a

iiefiMnuee. ■■■pixieaat, aed F»Mn*aS IL

. B> etriq* M tC S e v e sW«S ertit at Bert Rflt* »* era SNsaleS. 1 i M e n ^ Rw «»1* he Iiihi* eeaSaa *t the Itsue* t*itooM. •» Draeitoir. ‘Se ^wwa* tar Staaiim .m rt, attmaa'ttaar r. M. en 1 |h*» irseta er nueete at leeS anS arefeitee lUaUw

el R sMet *R I t s

______5H£RIFF*^SALES«..,.rlx eldi of N«nh Tw. I ft 'diaiant on* hundred acn| rlghiy-thrf^ attg una-hAif faoi from iha i««m furrnfj by itM InyreetUOT af th, e*m wUh Ih. noriherle aidr of Abington avanua. and fmm rborioA runnlAf (Ij noriharlv alniiy taid alda of North Twrifth alraci eixtecn and oni-half fart, thanca a> w»m.r)y «i right anglat ih^rntu on* hundrfcl I' • i ihrruf !$| KHi(har> ly and paralMf wirh ii.f fliti conrar •Mlam and Aria-haT ftrt, ij>fn.«• iqi paatariy ami porallal wHh th« n«H.ofiii r-oura«> on* hiindrrd faai lu th« (wirti anl of (•••firihliLi.

llcfng irtirt of loi Vo « In h'tx’ii Itl-B an luap antJtivd inap nf pn*|>Frty of Nowark Homaa <’oinj»iny. Watrk, \ J

Bacond Traci l«*c>nniTia ai a ihNiU m IHa WMtrrly aidu of Ni>n ii r-Atrifii) ptraat tAaraJn dlataut iwo huntdred (fwi from IM patgt (ormrO by iha Intaras-t Man of (he Mma Wftll ihe iiortharly hne ut Al»ir,gt(in avenuo from lharico iuiifllna (It nurtherly aJong Mid aide of North Twalfih atraat ilxiefn and oao* half faal, (henra \'ii unaaterly at right OAgi«a lharaio otu huadred faat. lhF||r< ■'gj ooutb- arly and |tarallal (alth the ftrai ctfuraa aixiaai and ona-tMlf faat: 1hs4>ca i 4 j aaaiatiy Arid Mrallal wiib (he orcand r ojrae one hundiid faai (4> (ha {joint and r>loi.-e of beginiUng.

Bihg parf of lot ,\o. A In ni« blorh iM D on moD onodod map of ptoperiy of Nawprk Homea CampAny. Newark, V J.

Baing the aanie preiniaoe < onveyed to tb*Mid Ferdinand If. Koenigabeigrr hy lha NOW- arb Ifomaa I'ontpany by two deeda, datod Augual lai, IDiii. and rerorded in hook T U of daeda for Kmos County, pagea M Add wti raMT ilvaiy. thia mortgai* being aubj^ lathe rcHtrlrrlona (herein merntanad.

Nawark, N, J., Liaromber fSih. IAI9._ RALPH B. tfCilMltlT, tertH,Bcott gofman, tfol r. (flD.#D

((ItAikcoiBRERirri BALR-In Chnnerf M Jortty—Bet wood LTAfnmunJir BulWing

Loan Aanoolattoa of Nawark. N. J,. g 0Hr» aoratlon, coniDloiQAnte and Antonta jilMiHbVihoenao JuIIam and Androw j, Bt*foridaniA. f l fa., for Mta of AMriliiid prtmlaoa.

By virtu# of tha abovo MAiag wm Af t e t faciAa. to Ma dIrat'tAd. t hAaI) ajpAiA fir ima by Fubito eandua. At Iba court MHaa la j Nawaiii. AA Tuaa^* (ha twan(y>alfldb d|g 3 'i Docombar neat, at tw« a'elook F. K,* AIImMtract or parcel of land uni prthhlAM , lying AAd faalfig Is Ik# oJty af Nawfc, t^uhty, Kaw Jertay. nssi'

Rralnaliia m th, Heterl, lie* at Fifth wrewl at ajMtoi Hhi Oletaat r fm ,nd IW* leeira eenimlx miewne lb* toiee Irm II* latMentMii < ' ‘ artf »** If teat at tb* ratal* ,War. lUnraeitX MS."tiiifieSV:---------ttraneiMrthfrto eoS |■InN iwMila-lne toi

J t rai * raa. a -saA ' iM ierag .

'Ii, r


D e v o t e d t o t h e M t e i r e s t s o f W o m e n

Suggestions for Christm as G iftsF i f t y C e n t s to O n e E )o lIa r


hav* (HXUt* haad« i)t plip)*rmacht. Th»y a r t wu>d«rfil bar«aiM for on* dollar and b l( andugb to pUaM aajr cnltd*

A Uttto («ll OMi of hla OWB Jutt Ilk* lAtkoy* «UI k« oBTo t« pUao* iho utvall

tlMM com* !• loathar about half tba alat of th* ordlaarp ault can* for

A tool : tbat eontalaa hauhtt, .a iaao r. pUM. « n * r bM

•Ad mraor drlvar eoata oaly alnai j-alpht (Mata. Tba taola a ra aot atrong aoouchta b* aary praotloal H r th* otdar child, kpt thajr trill «*ry* to amwt* U* litti*VV* Will dtmWOT a^V ■■***iMy aad la taaeh hlaa th* ua* of teola

9wl*( aad Oormaa traalhar houata llltl* chalott and oottap** that bold two fKSnn, a n a n and a woman, ar* 4|aart< lap baramatora for t|i* nuraarp, far lb* U nit troaian coat** oat w b a t It ta funny and trkwi It ralna lha Utila man com** o a t Ih^c* aavanty-nvo oaata

Quaint Legend Invests Christmas Rose That Blossoms Under the Snow

Bad room *llpp*ra ar* mad* of t*It la r*d. dark bin* aad tlpht blu* and onoaeh to* 1* a plolur* of th* llltl* lamb

' lit ■wllb a book uad*r It* arm following Mary to achool. Tb*oo havo llltl* llnan ■ho* b*g* ilampad with th* aam* pie- lur* to go with th*m and coat only on* dollar a pair.

A novel bath toy for th* baby ta a lliw crab n il w ith four callulold bath dulki tiad to It with rlbbona. Tha duoh* aro *ot afloat and baby ran cap- lura tham with hla n*t. Prlra ■liiy-fiva caota.

FOR HERU ttia toaot raeka of plaltd a llrtr

mah« a vary atlraotlv* and u**ful gift f*r II.

Chaflkg dJah apron* of ecatona* In a vartety of d**lgna may b« had from nny-BlM to nt.*ly>«irht e tn a

A box of atatl*n*ry I* alway* a waU pom* idfl. «nd t l will purrhaa* two

td ^ ra a af paper and envalopaa In two ' gtma ami tw»"ly foor fcrrcKpondrnr*

earda aad *nv*lop**, a tlraetlra ly box*d la a broad atrlpod box of black and wMla

Cropa da china acarta for avtalng « aar la a largo vartaty of ahadoa nay h* had for II.

Walat pattari.a of mouaaallna d t aolt coma In amart atrlpad affarta. Iwo yarda, aneugh for a blouaa, naaily boiod for Chrlatmaa 0v lag . Prlc* nIrtiy-Blna corta.

rrom lha ioowt halghla of th* Calakill lagion that* cane a box to an Eaat Or anf* bouaaholl—a box flll*il to or«rnu*i’ lag with Chrtatnaa raara tha Moaiumu ahich hav* iiav«d the Nc>tlMni and Kaat- cm auta* from flowarleva wintera.

To Iniuio aaf* detivvry Ui* box waa marked "pertahaU* good*.' at which the whit* blootnx muat hav* amlled In rocoUer* tioa e{ the *turnia they had [eelated, me ■nowe they had defied, go t th* Chnal- na* r«*« I* oa« flower that due* nut fear driving anow and fravling wind* It rtvara** th* natural emur of flowerdom

flv* palais and a thick, fleaby, flaitbla •trm. It nsMnbla* a wIM roa*. Ronto varlFtIm hav* yallowlih or gr**nt*h flow­er* and lb* natur* of Ih* aoll baa aonu effect on tba ootoclnf. The bud ami 'eavea. of which a phutogtmph la ropro- duerd herawlth, were dug Irom under two f**i of BBow In an urango ganlcu Wrdnnday aftornoon.

It waa to Thomaa W. William* of Nurih Arlington avonu*. Vlaat Orange, that there cam* th* bo* of roaea which

Just a MomentDally gtroageh aad Chaor.

auxxealed thja deecription. JudgaJamaa A. B*ltl of John airool. Kliiga. ton, N. T , who aant tham, glvaa tha

A alondar tapering IwttU ef ground glaa* hold* lavender and groon rklorad perfumea of a high grada. Thoa*. In aaveral odora or* reduced to aevtniy- five canta for the Cbrlatmaa laUa. Their uaual price la conalderably higher.

Parlalan Ivory boxee In a lovely •had* of pal* tavendtr bava boon ra- dueed from | I to | l Thoa* ur* about fiva Inchaa arro*a tha top and about thrae lnch*i d«*p.

FOR HIMTha avarago aMb like* Ua bolonglnga In

gg egawact a feraa u poailble. and It la aiifflcntt ta baaglao a more compaet amn*a pcaaeut than Ibla pair of aUUlary bTuabeu iBd a •omb la a aadt IsaUMr. only Ibroa- gaartara of an lach th eh akd tour Inchti hmg, heat tba ibtgg for tb* traveHag bag Of to heap Ih tha omoe, aad rag be had fkr am aiy-five ewata.

A nulch raferenc* telophon* directory la [ , aeaeatbtag alimwt any man would appro-

•talc. Thla one la made of leaiher and tha aacliraa af« raarhod from A lo 2 on llltl* taba. ao Uiat oim can write down the moat aaed telepboile numbera and infer Id them la a awageai. la a variety of aalera, fifty centa.

Hare la a fin* gift for an invalid ar fur on* who aPMlKla much ilaw alonai A haadiom* ptgihlb eaa* coatalnlag a pack a f «atra guaHly card! and a hook giving

' tha rulat of I f f game* of aolltalra. Thif ■aaa)' h* had noaptate for f l .

KnIlUd wooUn hooda of rich browna aad giaya that may ba worn a* a toque or pulM down to tho ahuuld*rA aa tharo la tn opanli.g for lha fac*. ar* wonder­ful thing* for akatln r. coaaling or motoring, and coat It.

One of Ih* larg* chop* I* having a ■fiolal aat* of allvar-plaied artlclea, and among other ihingi ar* aom* plalad hunt­ing flaaka, copied from an old Engllih daalgn. Th* top ociwwa off and la uaad ■a a cup. The** are vary modarattly prietd at alxty-flv* coat*.

ThI* far either a teiy or a man aa long ta tliey like to camp: A real huntingax*, made by on* of lha foremaat cutlary flrina la the country, that fita Into a pawn leather foabtrerd that faalene oa tb* bait—It,

i Compiled by dekn O. Uwlnlat. Ik* ■■nahlne Uae. .

But thla E lay. tarvihron, tha Ibn* le ahori.—I. f'or. vlt, II.

1 f««l ibo ihr^Ad of Unla aVpnd«r,

AB4 BO0B witli rnft lha labor win b« w roufht;

Theft grows my 'h ra ri lo olbof hcarla raore tender.

Tbo tlmo !■ short,- D M. Cr»llt

Oh, mj* d«gr you who• re Itiiltiig miserable mtsundor* •Undiflg's run on from year to ye«r, mounlng lo cle»r ihem up aonio day; you who are hasping wratehad quarrels allva bacauaa you cannot quite tnaka up your mind that now la the day lo sac* rifles your pride and hill iham: you who ara tmsatng mau aulJanly upon tha slraat. not speaking to them cut of some silly spite, and yat kuowliii th a t 'I t would fill

you with shatnei and rainorsa If you heard that one of Ihoaa man

I wars dead tomorrow morning^ t you who ara letting your naigh*

' bor starva, till yqu hear Ihgt ha Is dying of a ta r\s ilo n ; or letting your frland's heart acha for • word of apprei’lallon or sym­pathy, which you mean to glva him soma day.—If you only could know snd saa and foal* all of a sudden, that *tha tlma la short.'* how It would break tha spell! How you would go inauuitly and do tha thing which you might •aver hava another chanca to do, ^P h illip s Brooka.

—prom Dally gtrangth

A ctiv itie s of Women Everyw hereh im R m llr Miller la on* of th* l in t

women to bo a4mltt*d to th* rtgnlar polio* foro* In Olaagow. BooUand.

Ht>a Orho* Abbott la dliweior of th* Im m ignatx ' Protootlv* Laagu* of Cbl- cage, which last pear helped tl.ool people la one wap or another.

In a recent coot cooteit Mary Maurice, a ViUigraph atar, ag*d Mv«ntp-on* prara won f ln t prix* • • "mother of the movie*,’’ which prii* « • • a grafoaola, with a ■Tcat numbw of th* vorp laicat record*.

pnnehlag and drilling mnehla*a ni*M wom*n aro working Mda bp Old* wtth tb* BMB aad ar* doing th* aam* work.

la Philadelphia Iher* *re l,Md Uttl* girl* to loin th* LtttI* Mother^ Loagu* anoual campaign of lb* Child P*d*ra- tlon. Th*p will l*arn how ta ear* proporlp for amallar brotharo and ■lalarx.

B«lgt*n wera*n hava formad an aa*o- (iBlIoa tor the rellaf of bafal** whoa* tathara hav* he*n hilled during the war. Thie aiaoClatlOD la called "l/ee Petite* AbeUlea, " or "The Idttle Beea." and maleeaa of prop*r food fur babira are ranlu llp prepared.

quite unuaual la kllaa Hav Traill, a puuag Irleli girl, who now haa cliarga of III* electrical light and power InetaUa- tlon *t Htudlep Ctdlege, Warwlckehlre. Miaa Traill wae fifth In the lino of i l l candidate*.

A farm of f.kOtl acrea In New South Walaa la devoted to th* training of women for agricultural work.


UHle white celluloid clocke for thelied- Pde or the office deck keep good time and are Ineipenelvclp priced a t aevcntp-flv* centa.

; . AU o(~lliam articira are piirchaaable la Newark. Plmllar llata will be atlp tpr aeveral dava llw met of the artlclea luted graduallr Inemaelnc

UP to i n iMIar*. Tbo namer of the ehop* will be given upon roouoal It a and jetf-^ddreiuad envelope la l^rloaed. Addreaa "guxaeatlona for Olfla,

Pag*. Xvaning New*. Newark,I M lari , N, J.

P lann ing Ihd D a ily M Gali*

la tba** latliudee, •Middli4g and blniaom- Ing vlgoiouelp from Ucluber to March. It It be covered wl|h mow ao much th* belter lor Ite hlOomlng. Thoee fortunate enough to hare tb* Cbrlatmaa rote In th*lr garden* cau dig awap the enow, lift ■eld* Ui* he*vp dark green leavee that maintain tl» lr color throughout th* roar, and under th* mattod tolhig* find tb* bud* and hlo*eoma anowp whit* or d*ll- catrtp tinged with p i l^ a* modeat and ag bravo a t vlolela. ITiap wul be ciiap with froct. and thrir f la ^ p atema will ba brtulo. but when placed In cold water thep' relax and tin bud* will expand I* water la ■ room at oarrial leDiperatur*. Ilk* anp other bl<iia»m.

Thoiuih called tli* Chrietma* ro** th* flower I* not a ro**, hut the bloaaom of Helirboru* iilg'r. Mack hellebore. Ortgl- ptllp a native of Europe, where the root atvck le ralaed chltflp for. medicinal utea. th* flower I* fa tt growing In populahtp In the Norlh*m llnltod Male*. Wherever Introduced It le wetcomed (agcrly becauee of Ite winter blooming habit. It hae a place In m tnr garden* In Kaaei County I t grow* from a bulb, the bluaeom hae

NvnutPrDpDTBdtefBxpsH DieflH&n Bofew Glvon toPoodVoluftf

' A nd MfarkDi PricM .

TIm app iM di o f Cbrlglnuu m wiit buty tlaigg for every one, end there ore eoiutlege eklrg duUet which belong lo the bougewife glonc. To help In the d inner preperitiong (or Seturdty, a Chrlgtmgg menu, in addi- Uon to the one for tomorrow, ig publighed today, go that the neceiggry m trk c tln t may be done tn good geieon. The menu for Friday will appear

'tomorrow. Leflovera from Fiiday’g dinner m congidcred in planning the d ^ a tm o a Day n c e lt .

Breekfeet, white nuirilioiti, iboald be of the tlm pleet deecriptlon fer Chrloiinag m orning, and if tbe holiday dinner U aervod gi I o'clock, g leio iupper may follow, compoaed of hoi bouillon, gindwicbea and ■ M ltd. Thooe triandi ahould bo p r^ a red etrller In the day, ao that If potaible, with the oeiwing o f dinner, the mtld’a lervicea may be practicelly over for the d«y.


BREAK r AST.Bakod Banana*

Vncookad Caraal Cr*am*d Uri*d Il**f

Wrlad Graham H ufftlu Cott**LUNCHEON OR SUtTER

Mulloo Bandwiehc* Hot Cocoa Calarp Salad

Citron Cup Chkaa DINNER

Mutton Boup with Barltp {from bon* and m utton gravp)

BrollOd Pork Chop*Priod flw**t Potato**

St*w*d CMery Appl* 'Whip

rh rla lm M Dop, BREAKPA8T Bak*d Apple*

r Brown*d Piah Haah(from laft-o rar Bpanlah maekeratl

Butterad Tonat Coffa*“ “ CHRISTMAS PINNER

Opater Cochtalla Catary ftaltad Nut* Ollvaa Clear B**r Rroth with liaricy

Ro*at Turhey Cranberry Jelly Okadlail Sweet Polatoea r’Cauliflower

Pm it Salad Cheego Straw, gBrlatmaa Plum Pudding Hard Bauce

Nutt Ralain* Candp ClIRIHTMAH BI PPEH

Aaplc Jelly Salad Hunt Mandwichet

/ <in bakInK iwwder blaeulta)Cotfoa

Nut lAiaf CakeImmadlately a fte r hreakfaet on

Thuraday. put the mutton bone (re- moved before etufflng the muttflnl In a Urge aaucepan Add any of (he gravy

muy bs smoni^ ths isft-ovsrs, ons ^ '^ Isrvs lUcsd oftlon, two perapsd and

•itesd C orots, one diced turnip, two.SS

lab)sa{M>«nfuU of pssrl bBrlsy andI about two quorts of cold w s ts r Sss*

son to tbsts with s« lt cslsry sslt snd

followint IsfSRd thst Is told of tbq flowsrt

'Whsn Ihs Christ Child wsa born th srs wsrs no flowsrs In blooot, It bslnf Tsry cold, and th s Kround w u hard Sftd bars. A poor lUtls fftrl bars- footsd itifl thinly clsd. wsnt Into (iis prtssnes of Uary* ths inothsr, *ftd lbs Holy B«bs ond wss ovsreoms a t tbs sight of ths msgnlflcsTkt prsssftU which •urroundsd thsm*

'*Jlsr bsori bursting with g rtsf th st Sbs WAS not sbJs to dsm onstroto bsr loss for ih s Christ Child, sho left tbs •tsb ts crying, and a t th s doorwsy mst so lUifSV to whotn shs ootifldod hsr Irqubls. Upon pssslftg out Into tbs ysrd. lbs iMhsld s b ssu ttfu l bsd of flowsri blooming whsrs nothing but bars ssrth hsd bssn but s ^ o r t timo bsfors.

"Plurklng apms of ths blosioret. sbs hsitsnsd bscfr Into ths stsb ls ond hspdsd thsm ts Msry. th s raoUisr, who Mnllsd upon ihs Uttl# girl. Bine# tb st time SRch w lntsr ths Chrlstm ss rosss h tvs blossomsd for oil msnklnd, whlls •tl ths rsst of n s tu rs s flowsrs s rs fsst •slssp.^

Tbs <!hr1stinos snlsrUlnmsnt for ths children of ths klbtsr^srtSB of tbs Crsiy Jsfts Bocltlr will bs hsld s t ths building of ths FskBsts Chsrltsbls BociMy on tbs sfternoon of Dsembsr 10, under lbs dlrsctlon of ths klBdsr- gsrtner. UIss Nonnis Van Vlscb.

Tsnlftllss plans for ihs spring loclsl ntsilTif of th s Assoclmls Alumnss of MIm ( 'rsvsn 's School wsrs dlscusssd Uondsy sftsrnoon a t • msstlng of Ihs Maocistlon ot th s boms of Ihs prssl- dsat. Miss Lorrslns B. Spurr of 600 l i t Prospect svsDus. Miss Ruth Brswstsr wss slsctsd trsosu rsr upon ths rsilgna- lion of Miss A gnst Inglls. Miss Hoss Nichols of 111 W ashington s trss t will isrvs ns bssIMA At lAs mtsti»ig on Jsnusry tl*

Rsvsn girl s r t ls ts of Nsw York ds> eldsd to UHS Ihe rnonsy they hsvs prsv* loMsljr spent for • ChrlitmM gnriy to- gsthsr for ths sfd of lbs Frsneh chll- drsn whoas fathers have bssn killed In th s war. Th« plan expanded, until tw snty-fivs women baTtdsd and mads dsfintts plans, with Miss Katherine Olovsr as an actlrs worker in the cause. The om anlsatlon will bs known as th s **Composlte Godmother Oroup” and pledges have bssn givsn for ths adoption for ofts year of orphan children who* are destitute.

A number of prominent Chicago women have begun training for nurses, organising an smargsney lied Croas nursing corps.

fTi two foundries tn Clsvsland there are 100 woman running Imrasnss

paprika and place over a very moderate heat

In preparing soup tt Is well to rs- member that aU the nulrllivs and flavoring qualities, which are tbe albu* men, gelatin, osmusotis and aalti, ara best drawn from meat a t a temperature of ISO to Ltd degress; although the bonsa that contain the gelatin to a large degree, m ust bo subiertsd for several hours to a tem perature of 20S degress or mors. After soup baglns to boll, a thick scum will rise lo the surface. This should be rarsfutly skimmed off; then se t It back on ths range, cover the k s itls closely and alinmer lor two or three houra This wlU five a rich, nutritious soup at practically no expense.

To prepare the oyster cocklalls for ths Christmas dinner, allow five or six imaU oyRtera for each portion. Chill the ahsllflah and drain thoroughly. Mix the following dressing tor each indU yidusi cocktail and pour Over ths oysters afi^r they have been arranged In a coct:tall g lass: One lablespoonful of tomato catsup, a quarter of a tea- spoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of grated horerradisb. two or three drops of Isbaacn sauce ami the juice of half a small lemon Have tbs dressing a t cOlrl as possible

DsUolaus i-hecee straw s are mads by miking together three heaping table* Spoonfuls of sifted flour,lhres of grated Parmesan cheese, half •'Imltspoonful of sell, (hdl'eame qusn iliy of white pep* per a liny pinch of cayenne and a slight gratliig of nutmeg. Beat lbs yolk of one egg until light, add ons tableepoonful of mlJk and one laMs- spoonful of ■nftSned—‘-almost melted-— butter. VIradually add ths liquid to ths dry tngredlehls and mix well with a spoon. When the mass Is very smooth, divide It Into two parte and roll these

I very |hln. Cut Into narrow strips about I three Inches long and bake In a slow

ovsg for fiftssfi Tninufsi These may bs served either hot or cold.

To prepare th s fried grahsTn muffins, mix together ons cupful and a half of graham flour, ons cupful and a half of whits flour, half a tsaspoonful of s a l t thrrs*lssspooDfula of baking pow. dsr end three tabisspoonfuls of sugar. Rub ths dry Ingredients through a sieve and gradually, blend with iwo sgg» that have been beaten with ons cupful of milk, n eat tb s batter vig­orously and drop by ths spoonful Into deep, hot f a t I>lp tho spoon into cold milk each time before dipping Into ths batter and ahaps the batter as smooth as posslblse When coojeed, drain on brown paper and sarve with maple •yniA

Very tasty mutton sandwiches may be mads from the last of the cold mut* to a Pass It through the meat grinder, add an equal quantity of shredded le t­tuce, six chopped stuffed ollvea pepper and salt to taste and a little mayon­naise dressing. Spread between thinly bdttersd sUcss of whole wheat bread and cut Into neat circles.

**'he apple whip for the evening din­ner dessert 1# very simply made. Pars


D o n o t BpoU th a p toM ure o f jrcMir Xdm u D in n o r w ith uncD Ttaln o r p o o r B utter.

A$k for

Hlaa Btbal L. Jon**, aa Amarlean nurse* who hss eerved tor some time as bead of lha operating room of a Vienna m ilitary hospital, haa reosBlly Ifben honored by Ihs Auairlaa Qsvsra- msht.

Among the sducatloaal potUions la tbs United h taus, of which there are some 12.000 iropi»rtant ones, it Is estimated that more thsb 2,009 are held by women, Womrn supervise over 1,900 public and msrnoria) libraries, of which there srs 1.200. Of the I ts coilegee and unlversl- ties twentiv-fcur have women at thohe

FURSWhile telectiitc Chrittmta

llflt, »‘hy not call and tee our ■elect stock of Coats, Muffs end Scarfs?

We mike ell the furs we sell, therefore we can fuer- ■ntee the quslity end work­manship.

Speciiltv of remodelini old furs Into Utest fishlon*.

Repntrini nesily done.Moderate prices.

CHAS. VOJTECHPrwcticxG P u n te r

893 B road S treet

a-n eat Into amnll piece* alitbt tart. l f ‘ : r applea. Mace then* In a aauc*- pan. cover with eold water, add a allca ot lemon and n bit nC attek cinnamon and cook until th* fruit la very tender. Then mean and awenten to loat*. Cook tor ttv* mlDutaa a fte r the au (ar la addad, remove troni the tiro and preai through a aiave. Allow the aauc* to hotvwne cold and Juat prevloua to aerv-

i Inc, whip tor ttv* minute* with an egg- beater. Hawa In readlneia ibo atiftly whipped wblte a t on* egg and a amall cupful nr double cream, whlpp-d aqlld: fold theae Into the apple aauce; heap In a glaa* dlab and aerve Immadlauly. ,

■I*m* t* Servo rhrtafm n* Dlnn*e.lA>retto Hall, the boarding homo for

working girl* and women a t Belle­ville avenne, will be open ChrUtma* iMr lo entertain girla and woman who ara away from home, t'hrletmaa din­ner will be eerved Irom 1 lo I o'clock nt a moderate coat and during (ho af- turnoon th e n wilt be an Informal en­tertainment by the gueate of the houee. to which vlaltore will be welcome. I,or- •itn Hall la conducted by lha Slate** of Peac* o t Bl. Joaepb.

Mr*. Robert W. Cnmmlng will give a dance tonight a t her home. I I I Ht. I’roepect avenue, In honor of membera of the younger aot and the young peo­ple who are home from lebool and eol- lege for tbe bolldaya Tho dance will be the flrat In a aerlee ot formal af­fair* that will be held during the holi­day! at which tha young peopla will be gueata. Cbrlatmaa graon* will pr*vall In tha daoorailve tchem a Tha boat*** will ba unaaalateil In racalvtng.

Tlioea who will attend tho dance are Ihe Mlaeee Et'lth ra rk e r. Dorothy Dry' don, Margaret A tha. Joan Kay, Mar­garet S U ^ Ellaabeth Turnbull, Mar garath* RIker. SImIrn Spurr, ChrU- tina and Cornelia Uogca ElUabeth Hardin, Charlotta Larter, Predarlcp Howoll. Lorraine Allen, Ijoulee Clark, Margaret Suipben, Margaret Ripley, Eleanor White, the Ueaara Oaddla Plum, Joaeph Scherer. Joaeph J. Bpurr Id, John Currier. Peter Croeman, John Miller. Koiinoth K. Carter, II. Monroe Larter, Beokman F. Haley Jr„ David Dapue. David Ogden. Stuart Atha, Kim ball Atha. H erbert Ballantine. Richard and Roger Stilea. Dudley Parker, Bald­win Guild, Philip Hoag, Cheater Bill IngA W aller taiwrencA Prancia Lang don. Frederick Polhemua, John R Hardin Jr„ Hahton Pitney, Irving RIker, Herbert 111, Bancroft Duren, John W Howoll j r . Roger Harvey, Cngnlyhan Gifford, David McAJpln and Cbauncey O. Parker Jr.

U m E FO lK '€fA N IM A IsL A N D

le May Manton FashionsM il tWIlb Rnatlng Line and Added

Beam Allowance) Bloueed Coat,14 to 41 buft.

U i l (W ith B aiting Line and Added Baam Altewance) Two-Place Bkirt,

I t to I t walat.ThU fa a ault that ahowa th* vary

BPsr«M and moat IntaregflDB (aaturaa ot DM a«aaon. In the pleturA It la made 0t fiavn-eolotwd broadcloth with trlm- talng of blaa fox fur. It la a vary baautlfpl eoatuma aad a vary amart

■ ■ ■ id*aaad It alao may be a d d ..........rary Mmpla opt and eaay to make,

• •opttin t It

___ I make,oonalata of only a blouaa- - - I t e ___

ilcb tha etreular pcpium le at I. I l ia a k in la mada In two piece*

•M nl-alreular tn ehaplng. No MBMUta ao«M ba faalar to handle and Barwwld be tmpoaalbla to find anything

haadaomer In effect. A* a oouraa, tha coatume could In a groat many dlfferant

Ik Ik T llvat or In volvotaan. In

‘ a•At)n a M in th* tatln-cfolh

broadoleth aad ala-nlahad aultlng materlala

«n t* a with th* jI youngerluaa ate* will he netdad

ra rd a o t material II yprda t t , I yard* It,

de of n r banding, up Oloool^ aa It fa

PPM*loi m p ____ . _________ . . .M W fona oaaa ravara. For

It can hara or


b out In pioao- la out sratat

Print ButterY o u C a m D g p u d O n i t .

A t A l l G o o d G r o o m

C u d o B ro w ,K le ffe rC a ,

WRIST WATCHESin makinx your last mlniite

Bslfotlsn of f lh a da nut everloak ihos* daiatr and txalueive dsitfis in wrial vsKbsi wi sr« orr«nnt.

Thsy ars accurate Uine-ks*sefSe and raft be bad la M-k.* slsa la ffoid-niisd*

K sn y other artlclea oflo octeot from at yrlem to seU i purees.OpM Every NIsM tsiU CkrlMmai

A. G. SKONBERGIF CoBar SL Nawark, N. J.

Formerir with W. T. Rae A C*.





Superior QuiUty Only at Pikes More Reasonable Thao Uptown

O t i v e r x S S p e t A o ed l9 Broad S treet

Jeweler* and Opticiaiu. Opp. d t p Hall

F a m i l y W a s h i n gW e a r s SPECIALISTS in R O U G H DRY

Our time Is DEVOTED ENTIRELY to this class of LAUN­DERING, making it possible to give you the very best work. Our large IRONERS are not the old so-called Mangles, but new, up-to-date FLAT WORK and BODY CLOTHES IRONERS. This allowa us to give you ■ much larger proportion of finished pieces. Not only the Flit Work ironed, but the Underwear aad many Otbei Pieces ironed resdy for use.

OUR PRICES IS ptninda for 7S cents

Over 15 poonds 4 cents per pound extrs

W arden Steam Laundryr o u g h -d r y s p e c ia l is t s

3 S C ro ss St* N sw ark . ’PkoM m o enseb Brosii

e u rb in iiK 6 r t t i i i a $Ta owofe wC *«x Biwpt logkn *1 DtoaS* u d b«rt wtob** f n tbe«r baaHb ■aS preepeeltF «Mb g n to fu l uppiwetatlM wf t te tx MbMwl pafrwMg* Is th* y p s t . _______________________________

SU ITS IguMal AawiwMMMil—rw r Tbwtw- imr uaS VMSar Saleet—M anlbctwx- m f Saatplou, A ar Salt la Stoek, aaw • lO-oo


A Aim m V A t e n * * a it* tr wf Mtxtaiwa. CaeSaiwr, teg te TM O Q A T S Wwd ValMlv saal Ftaah, Daar t i a, W J - » 9WW WW W^a ■ wrw —----Mat.* , a_U atm-D taaM atb , Baby Lamb, at*u *tOo

«< Safi iUh, F a Swtaai Seim*a.U p

“ All year loog tha puaay cat Santa Claui of th* llltl* animal folk* bad b**n btt*y m aking toy* *o that h* would hav* onough to go around wh*« he vtatted Animal Land on th* night


FATTERNg—Th* M ar M antes Patloraa, b* had In a ll (laoa to r Ife. •aeh.

promptly; gtate ola* and writ* addraga y with MS dnatgaa laalbed for ISa Aa- gACTIjjtW CO., tot '#*•1 Thing-a

iroa, ___ . .If to


batora Cbrlatm aa And no wonder Santa wa* ao careful that not a a tngtr toy ahould b* m luing. For Juat think how. you would feel yourielf It our own Santa Claua ahould leava Ihe littia boy nr girl next door a lot of preaenta and then find when be got to your place (hat ha did not have e alngle thing left In hla bag. Wouldn't you feel that Banty had been Juat a little bit carelcaal Well, I gueaa you would—and that i* Juat how aonu of tha lltile animal boya and giria would bava relt If their Uttl* ■ania Claua bad failed to bring enough toy* to glva oacb-*iie their ehara

Of eourte Santa did not do all Ih* work by hlmtelf. Oh, rienr, no, ht could never hava made to many toy* wiihoSt having aonie one to help him. There were (loll* to dreaa and horiu ta make and ball* to a tn tt and ever and ever ao many thing* that had to hava llttla Bblny wh*el» put on Ihem. And then there waa candy aitce lo intake for the little kitty children and bandy boaia tor tha little pupploa aa wall a* eaudg oarrota fer tho llttla bunny (olka.

But up In tha land ot loo and n o w vharo Bania Claua lived, he had a baad Of Uttl* h itiy Data lo help him pithe aU tha toya. None of them wa* unit* •* tall aa Santa Claua hlmaelf, but lhav a ll droaoad a llka la aulta of fur. And

I guch a buay m tio baud of happy llltl'- worker* you never waw In uU your Uto. Mo aw tiar wkut a « r wtto^ S M w S rM S sr te*r\w *g* M s k O g J a i i «r : .-.h ' - . - " T r T 'W lv ..^1

•tufflng holla or pu tting ahlsy wboala on thing*, thoy woro alway* whlxtllag and atkilng.

WalU anyway, th* tlma waa diwwlng naar whan Banta had to i ta r t tor Ani­mal Land with ht* load ol toys. So tha

G ive h im a b o x o f

fo r h is ■ C h ris tin a s

. <

S o k I C v e iy w h e r eWrite for 5tj4e Boc tkttw rioeieiveoei**** . wige.ta V.

alrahip. And you would ho aufprlaod to find out how many dolHaa *■< thlkg* Santa could pock away Ul hla fleet lit­tle alrehlp.

After he had carefuIlF paokad all tb* toya away he went back Into hi* hgtu* to read the letter* th a t had JnM 'ar­rived from acme oC the llttla animal folk*.

“Aha!" •xclBtrafd Santa, a* ha plotted up the flret on*, "here'* a latter (r« little Susie C otton la lir

“Well! Well!" bo dtclarod. td h« looked It over, "ah* wanta a doU ta d a •tory book and a warm ^ r Of mll- tana”

"Lot ma ■oa" thought Santa to klm- ■eir. “t iuat wonder what klad df s little girl Su*le ha* bottiT"

Bo he opened a great big book M Ifeo table and huntad op BuslFo ggSM. Aad Would you believe tt, that* 'Wag ao t a ■Ingl* black m ark on SaMwa png*, tbowlng that eh* bad boon a v*nr a iw little bunny girl.

"Very good! Vary g a o d r addf Santa Oau*. no he eloaed tha hook, 1 think llttla Soale doaarrag a s aatra

** **** TaSwtaa Berm**.U I 1 B 9 9 E 1 9 ‘Advaaa* Spitag Modola............ * 0 Up

ncw arkSanpkC ioakeo.707 Broad S tm t

OFBN MVSSIII6S VNTIL XMAS tTaho Unava ta i da Fowith :

s a x T TO F L A irrirr t'#

XMAS SPECIAL SA1£O F s t e r l i n g S I L V E R

toy!"Snow wax beginning ta Salt wban

Santd climbed Into hto alnSflp S Uttl*la ttr alt raady to atart, tb w m Juat gattlng dark and, away off la tha dli- tanca lha Uttl* a n ltn j hoys aad girl*war# piwiatng th*lr lltUo aooM agalnat tb* window pan* and waadorlag wb*th*r Santa Clan* bad ita rtid .

"Marry Chrlatiaa* ta ra a *111" aang out Banta Claua, a* tb* Utflo alrahiy bagan to roar and ahah* and ftnallj flew upward throngh t(M M« (<at|MiF ■now tlakoa.

"Harrr Chrlatiwwh.-asMS O um F ■konud *U th* NMte

. M u r N M r o M N a T C n t if e f i^Saitelila for dhriitiim GIRr

We iiax# added to our ipedab anf ol our logular toilet W ife at SX996 fodiictkm.

UNGER BROS.J- - '^n -g e js -M -

4 1 6 H a b e r


♦ C i C :Jack, Bill a


PIcturaa of baby'a photogra hack of picture Newark Gvanlni

"W hatl You day; ar« you, I N u rn Jano Fun lady kouxekeepi dnatatl ih* hoi whore th* rjbhl la vary cold, anc more anow."

"Oh. y*a. I I an iw ared Hr. I. had an advrntur fo rget how ndv- hav* on* one* loo cold for m*.

“Wall, take ao fu r ovtrcoat Fuaay Wuiay. •b erry pie, and

"Indeed t do!" ■Willy •omeilmei my aleeva end my pocket the J

‘T ll eet (he t •aid Nurse Jane, W lgglly alao pi bag* and carro For It wax n breakfast, and w alk ao far. loc th a t ha would n dinner.

The rabbi i gn on hla red, u- barber pole rhe Nurae Jane had a eornatalk. am bouse where Gr der lived.

"Come on out me look for an rabh lt genlleiua

"No. (bank ) bava the tooi ■■■wared (he t come eome uihe

Vnrle Wlggll Foeaum to L-om« doctor waa but o t animal land,

"And there li any of the at thought Uncia a ll a t achool. 1 alone. But I hi

Bo away he w over the field* tng for an adi while, the rabbi little place In buahe* grew In around-thc-roef< the mow-Gover H ttle birds tryl toeaL

‘■Oh. we are i lIHle bird*. -Tl all the food we i flnd so much a*

■Ha! Bpeakin cried Uncle Wh VQh-a. "Here y pocket he took cabbage breed i "And here'* pie, beet cherry pie*, that!"

Tha rabbit g crumb* of breat and myl how th<

ROSEVThe Roaevllle

hold Its week! ■Ight a( Ihe hon N inth avenue, of J . Kugene Ji new preparing the Chrlamaa ex Methodist Kplm

H erbert DeBe w ith the Chlrag K. DeBevolae C a t hla home In I holidays.

The Girl*' F B sm abai'c Chui and cotillion N pariah house.

Mr. and Mr*. ! delphia ar* api tb* hom* of Roaevllle avenu

The Boy Seoul by terlan Churcl tonight In Ihe i tton of Dr. Arlli

Tomorrow e Church will I Cbrlatmaa *ea*o o t the parish i boya and Bt. Kli oaro la Light aorved lat*r In i V irginia McLeai Bua la ehairma charga of the d< pooMl of F. O. . H. L. Anncaa ' Mr*. C. H. Coltb Uonraen, Presto pen, H r, and K and Hra. B. Dral dera, D. Faulks n u h . Hr. and Ooorge Greey, O rtgory, Mr. ai Mr, and Mr*. B G A. HItchcoc Xopf. Hr. and Qhirdon Mackeir Mock. Mr. and and Mr*. Oeori John D. ToppI] 'Wntto. Ur. and Hra. H erbert < th a rofl’aihnieni aaalatod by H n M ra J- W. Bell H ra W. M. Br< Conraen, M ra t W, Horn, U ra F- B. Meeker, 1 JL C. Pilling. M e . C. Tuttle, I « . M. Ward. H Joaeph W att* i

jam e* Fltig i a treet ha* r*l University for parent*. Dr. am

Mias Helena th la week from boHdaya with h Charloa H, Ha ■vanua.

Itra, J, B. Oil gtroat will ape k** *00 and da Mr*. B. Stenlay

Mr*. L P. Lav 1 gtrao* will I [ friend* IP Mont|r

CLBnTha Tnetday

Sold a dinner p Sorf ball. Wat ga**, pravloua wore laid tor lloovdr Jru J,r ni, F rank S

Roitmoytr, I gad Howard Ml

Xrg Jdhti PhSHI a fow dayi A A m ader W at

Mr. and Mr*, glour avanu* a

Th* high *oo IS* Saloot t«i WaM*if hall ArfStlv Oaebwa

SM, t i t ; Hn m. JagH Be roa*. ti ts M)

OlSora prootat Kte. Chrtetlan Ba**, Mrg Xd* S*SMrar, Mra M alw t Baba. I aad Mlau Fw m

Tb* «*n<h* Claar. Tampem -------- " ' Laxal

Jack, Ulll ac4 Kuala Connatl, loT JaftaraoB a tru t . Iw<l tha Sadtlna Htprr t«dar.

P tc tu ru ot chlldran t^a du lred tor u u wUh tha Bodttma StorlM. Band kaby'a phutocraph with a llna or two of commant. Put nama and addraaa on back of picture, which will ha raturnad. Addraaa to Editor, Wdmna'a Paaa, Nawark Elvanlnf Nawk m - I l f U arkat itraat.

I <

UNCLE WIGGILY GETS LOSTTou It* Dot fo ln f out to

€»t: oro you, UncU MktdHuni« J tn « F u iiy W uuy, th«t mu«hr«i lody houffeke€p«ri ak bIiq iw 9pt und daotod tho hollow eiump bunfttlow Wh«ro lh« tAbhU icciul«iuan Uvfd. *'U !• vory cold, ond 1 think w« ihoU hov* More unow.”

•■Oh. y«»a I m uit lo out toiUy." ABiwored Ur. LoDKeart. "I hEv» not hod on adventure In eome line. 1 will forvot how adventurea look If I don't kovo ona onca In a while. It lo 'n o t too cold for me, and 1 like a atom.'*

**Wo]la take lomeihliif to eat In your fu r overcoat pocket," Invited MlM V iiny Wuaay. '*1 have jm t baked a •b erry pla. and you alwaya like that.**

••Indeed I do!** cried the bunny uDcle. ^•iily •otnettmea the Juice rune down ■ly Bleeve, and If 1 pgt cherry pie In My pocket the Juke wKll run In that/*

**ril a rt the pie In a dlah for you." •aid Nuraa Jane, and ao ahe did. UncU ^ 'I n l l y alio put aume allcea of cab- b i f a and carrot bread In hla pocket For It waa momlnf, shortly after breakfaei. and he thought he mltfht waJk eo far, looking for an adventure, th a t he would not bi> back In tlrne for dinner.

The rabbit gentUman eel off, leaning on hla red. white and blue atrlped barber pole rheumjiMem crutch, which Nurac Jane had knawed for hint uui of • Cornatalk. and eioon he came to the hODse where Grandfather Gooaey Gan* dor lived.

*T*oma on out for a walk, and kelp M i look for an adventure/* called the t^bb lt gentUnmn,

"N<s thank you. TneU WIgglly, f have the toothache In my bill.'* U in rered (he gooec pcntleoian. *T11 Come aoine other thue."

Vnrl# WIgglly "topped to aak Dr Poaoum to come elong, but the animal doctor warn buay curing the alck folk of anliiMLl land, and he could Pot coma.

•*Aiid there te no uaa going to nak •fiy of the animal boya or glrlt/* thought Uncle WIgglly, "for they are •II a t achool. I gucaa Til have to go •lone. But 1 have dona It baforo."

Ro sw ay he went, through the woods, •▼if the fields up hill and down, look* Ing for an adventure. And, a fte r a Wblla, the rabbit gantletnan came to a tittle place In the wooda where the buahaa grew In a circle, like a rlng- •roand*the^roe1a And In the c lrc ls on tb# Btiow-covered ground, were aome Httte b lrd i trying to find something to eaU

‘Oh. we are ao hungry!** chirped the tittle birds. 'The enow has covered up •II the food We used to eat and we can't find ao much aa a bit of bread crumba,*'

TVa! Speaking of bread crumbs!** CTled Uncle WIgglly In hla muat jolly UOira *‘Here you are!** and from hli BOPbaC he took the illces of carrot ani ••b b ag t bread and crumbled some off **And her«*a pie, too~one of Numc Jane's best cherry pies. You may have aoine of that!”

Tha rabbit gentleman sprinkled tha Crumbs of bread and pie on the enow, and my! bow the hungry birds did eat!

‘Tlmnk you, Uncle W lfilly!” they chirped, as the rabbit gantlamau went oo and on.

“ Well, 1 guess 1*11 find no adventures today. I may as well eat my lunch and go back to my bungalow," said the bunny uncle, lit) sat down on a log and ate what was left of the bread and piv. drop*' ping some more rrumba on |h« snow in case any other hungry birds uilgbt bap* pen lu flutter along.

Then Uncle WIgglly went ,on a tittle farther before turning back toward hw bungalow, and when he did so all of a suddeu he found that be w asjoat. He could not see hU road home, and there he was away off in the wooda, all, all alona

“I must have taken the wrong turn somewhere/' thought the rabbit gentle­man. “Now what am 1 to dot 1 roust get home, for i can't stay out all nlgbt.”

Ho he walked and hopped on and on but be could not find the right roaJ.

Nor could he find his bungalow, for the trees In the wood were too thick, and, though they* had no leaves on, still Uncle WIgglly could not seew bero be lived.

**lf I could climb a tree and look at] around from the top of It. then 1 might see my hollow stump bungalow, and 1 would know which w'ay to walk,” ■aid the bunny undo. “But 1 cao 't climb a tree."

Ho poor Uncle WIgglly was lost, and he did not know what to do. He wan­dered about In the snovr and caJled'out loud, thinking some one might hear him.

All of a sudden there was a w hirring sound In the air over hla head. Undo WIgglly looked up, and there he aaw the little birds which he l;ad fed with crumbs.

“Mo! little hlrds!** cried (he rabbit gentleman, “from high ui> (here whero you are in the sir, can you see my hol­low stump bungalowT*

"Yea*' answered une bird, “we can see It, Why, ars you lost. Uncle Wlg- g l ly r

“Yea" replied the bunny u n rla “I can't find my way home.''

“Follow us. and we will fly a tra igh t to your bungalow," said th* b trda ”Wo will fly along here, above yoUr head, and you can look up, and by watching US tell which wey to hop. Here we go."

Ho the birda who could eaally aeo over the tree topa flew toward Undo Wigglly's bungalow, and he. on the ground below, followed (hem until tie was lost no more.

“Thank you. little birdies!*' he cried, when he was safe at his hollow aturnp, “You did me a great favor.'*

**You did ua one when you saved u t from starving with the crum bs/' chirped the birdies. **Now we era evea."

“No, hgt even!” Uncle WIgglly cried. *'Come In and Nurse Jane will give you more crumbs for tomorrow.**

Which (he muskrat lady did, and the birds flew on. very h a p p y ^ s happy as Hie rabbit gentlsman hlmaelf. And If the feather duster doesn't hide In the pillowcase where the eggbeater can’t find It to play tag with, 1*11 lell you n e it about Uncle WIgglly and Hanta Claua.

ROSEVILLE SECTIONTh» RomvIII. Symphgny Society will

hold t i l weekly reh esru l tomorrow B l(lit a t the home of W. li. i v Camp. £9 KInth avenu*. Under the leader.hlp of J . Eugene Joyner, the orcheatra I* now preporins to play next Sunday at the Chrlamaa exerclaea of the Koaeville Ifa thod lit Kpiiustpal Church.

Herbert DeBevoIxe, who la connected w ith the Chlcaco office of the Charlea It, DeBevolae Company of tlila city, la • t hla home In Roaevllle avenue for the holldaya.

The OIrla’ Friendly Society of St. B am abai'a Church will hold a mualcale and cotillion New Tear'a Eve in the pariah houn .

Mr. and Mra. W alter Barker of Phila. delphia are apendlnp the holldaya ut tha homo of E. B. Barker ot S4I Roaevllle avenue.

Tha Boy Scouta of the Roaevllle Tree- byterlan Church will hold a meetlntt tonlpht In the chapel under the direc­tion of Dr, Arthur 8. De Voe.

Tomorrow evening S t Tbomae'a Church will he decorated for the Chrlatmaa aeaion. While the membera of the |» rleh are workinir, the choir ti«y* and St. EUaabeth's Uulld will alne earole. LIcht refreahmenta will be ■arved later In the recreation hall. Mra. VIrsInIa McLean of 2^* Roaevllle ave- Bua la ahalmian of the oompiittee In ebarge of tha decoratinc. which la cotn- peaad of P. G. Aldeman, Mr. and Mrs. H. 1. A nntaa W. T. Buehby, Mr. and M ri. C. H. Colllar, Mr. and Mra. Herbert Cotirsan, Preston Couraen, Harry Crip- pan, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Dawaou, Mr, and Mrs. 8. Drabbla, Mr. and Mrs. Thec- Bara, D. Faulk*. Mr. and U ra William Flah. Hr. and Mrs. John B. Foster, Oaorca Oreay, Mr. and Mre. F rank Orapory, Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Gallaher, Mr. and Mra. R. Hanford. Mr. and Mra. C. A. Hitchcock. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Xapf, Ur. and Mra. E. I>. MacMurray, Oerdon Mackelcan, Mr, and Mra. It. A. Hack, Mr. and Sirs. Georca Paper, Ur. and Mra. Gaoraa Scull, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Toppin, Hr. and Mrs. Joseph W atta, Mr. and Mra J. R. W nrlhlncton. Mra. H arbart Couraen la chairman of tlia rafraihm ant commlltaa and will ba SMistad by Mrs. Cbarlatta Artnatront, Mra. J. W. Betlab. Mrs. T. M. Bertlna. M ra W. M. Braakanrldpa, M^a. W. M. Coursan. Mra. F. H. OaVausnay, Urn. E. W . Horn. Mra. fj. A. Mackelcan, Mra r . B, Maakar, Mrs. R. O Palfray. Mra A. C, PllJIng, Mr*. W. H. Ratcliff, Mra. C. C. Tottla. Mra. Royal Vllaa, Mrs. W. M. Ward. Mra A. A. W atktna Mrs. Joaaph W atte and Ur*. I . Wood.

Jatnaa FlU ferald of North Ravanth stree t has returned from Waalayan Crnlvaralty for tba holldaya w ith hla p a ran ta Dr. and Mra Paul F itsparalA

Uiaa Italana Ilawfcinn will ra titm Oil* w eak'from Smltb Oollava fo r tha fcelldaya with her parenta, U a and Mra. CfearlM B. Hawkin* o( IdliROBaelllo p ra n u a •

1 1 ^ J. E. Ghadtstar of North Bavanth ■traat will ipand tba waak-and with, b a r aon and daufhtar-la-law . Hr. and M ra B. Btanloy Chadlatar of Prlaoatoa.

Mra. 1. F. tAwranea ot North Sovoatl.* •Iroot will tpand C hrlitm H w ith

[vMaiRM Ih Montclair.

‘Tuel'i—r^r Slort efSefclr”

„ anroNNSTRiaTha Toesday Rvafilni’ Bowllnp Clah

hold a dinner party iMt nihht in Wal* f c r f hall, Watson and Elisabeth ara> Buos, provloua to the pame. Cover* w ore laid for Joaaph Mayor, Fred H. R eara r Jr., J. A. Huthelgar, H. B. Van

rm, r ra n h Marsh. Charlaa Sloan, a.Raitmayor, m. u . Van, J. B. Baimahy

Bad Howard Uachdt.Mra. jdhn Philip* of Dover i* *pond>

IM a tow day* with h*r ■M«r. Mra. A laaaadar Watora. r ,/i‘

Mr. and M ra Otorga Feo ttr a t BMur avaauo ar* a t Prlno*ton.'

Tha high ■oorat'rolltd y*at«rday hy (ha Baloot LadtoM Bowlins Clah la

k'WaMert hall w«*« bowled hy Mra. iHhMP Oaohwald. 1*1; Mra John Lod- wlna. U*: Mr*. Moary Wasnor. Itl: M^ JddPo Rom, iM; Mra WilUam ttroaA >tt| Iba. U A. idUlotlald. IM. Olhora praaaat at tt* isnohoom wara Mra. 9f*Mia« paah. Mm. WlUlan Maah, Mm. BAwapliUifc* Mr*. W. t.

'Mra VMd' M Ra***r. MM. .MMnOlBrtM


CMar.W aalhar a T aat A«a TodaytTimpovatuttL hlih *»•, low *'■ ^ U v o l h ^

For his Xmis—Give him t gift ot gold—

something that will bring him lasting Sdttsfaction end be a daily reminder of the giver.

At Tick’s you are sure of quality at my price you choose to pay.

Fobs, $1 to $40. IWitches, $5 to $250.Chains, $2 to $45. 'Cuff Buttons, $1 to $25.Scarf Pins, $1 to $75.Signet Rings, $3 to $40.Open Evenings This Week

iS T J ^ S U ik im M iU

PJffPS/ W E E K 'X

Gi/4PA/ nf.O to ''EARS ^ 0 / N T f M S r , NO t X T f ^ A s

P W ? ^P - J ?

I A N O OA fN S/c / ^ c u s ^

JOHN SPURCEQ SPDINCflELO A V eI H opiN rv tn ifics V i

roinrhod yaatorday troM Dlova- liaA Mr. Wnnoch la plannlnu a trip to the pacific Coaat

Tho lAMlIoa' Faatorlal Aid ioclaty of the Foraat Hill Pnahytorlan Chnrah adit olart a lo r l t t of (iv* lunchiona odMy n*xt tnonih. Tho f in l will ba held two w atks Irani today. Mrs. Will­iam U. Unneck has boon announced chairman of the coniialliaa of armnea- isanl*. Mho will ba iaalalad by Mra John H artroavei, Hr*. J. A. Ilarvty, Ur*. Cliarlaa A. fawatt, Mr*. Isaac B. Kltbnrn, Mra P. F. Iwavon*. Mra. Will­iam F. L iiu it Jr., Hr*. William M l.aon- ard, Mra. Frodarick W. Lawla Mr*. A. V, Lunaar, tb* Ml**** Edlih and Ernoatluo Lunaar, Mra Raymond U Mattocka, Mrs. Henry MlUar, Mra Frad- erlek W. Hocra, Mr* Byron P. Heyera, Mra. Humor A I’aidoa, Mr*. K T Pace, Mra Hamual L. Uwan, Mra Charles G. Nuaasla, Mrs. Simon P. Northrup, Mra Pvrey R Nuaaala, M ra W alter H Noun. Mrs. R. L. NeaL Mra Edmund Mo- Loan, Mra David U. Uaakor, Mra W. R. MuNoH, Mra. Anna Uaraac, Mra. a M. Morton Jr. and Mr*. Wilfred A. Manchaa. Tha social oommittee win compiiao Mrs. LaROy K. Conklin, Mra R obtrt Uumattd and M ra Juaeph Uardilay.


Action on the proposed Inatallatlon of a *team heating plant In tha dark 's office of tha tlanter Market was da- fa rrtd last nlphl a t tha niaatlng of I ha public m arkets commitlaa of tha Com­mon Council.

Only four mambar* of tha committee were praaant. and all of them ware

I Damorrata Tbwy wara AMarman John t F. FUsalmmona Cornatlua Bradlay,

Jamaa D, Rogar* and Thowaa E. Cur­ran. On moUon of Mr. Roaera tho moating woo ndjaornad for • week, u r , Rogers ■tatod ^ 1 ha did noi i'»n*ld*r It fa ir to diaeuaa a m atter ot this k ind when aavarat of tho moDibor* «era not proaont. ~ ~ ~

FIFTy ATTEND CHIUSTIUS DANCEThe Chrlatmaa gift danra h.lii by

Ih t Girls' Pecahonls* Club and ih* Carteret Modal Club at lha Oliver Htreel playarounda yootardiy aftarnnun was

attended by nsarty n fty yoaag i Hanlstn for lha occasion ware tha

I Mlaaaa Motlla L. BaiRb and Reas Fraa- mnn and M C. Hrlwaghlln. Tlwioo eompriaing the eam nittao arranging for lha Chrlatmaa cawbratton a rs lha director, Harry W, BaMwIn; playlaad- ers, H lal Basala C. Bmlth and B annttt Law In, and caralakar. Edward lladity .

G ifts broughl by lha partlclpanta will ba distributed Chrlatmaa Eva amona tha,children using the grounds raaulsrly . Toesday ulghl Ihs reanlar Chrlatmaa aniartainment will b« held a t Ilia cantor, with William <t. Gaunt, dancing Inatructor, directing tba dsncaa and Hlaa Freaman a t planiat. TRAVERS

IIS Bhrket S t

Most Emiaent Medical Authorities Endorse I ‘A A'eir Remedu tor Kidney, Bladder amd AU Vrie Acid Troidtie.

Dr. Eberle gnd Dr. Braithwaite as welt a* Dr. Simon—all dlsUniuithod Authors—Airec that wbatover miy bo Ibe diseaao, tho urine seldom rslli In furnishing us wlib a clue lo the princi­ples upon which It Is to be ireaied, and accurate knowledge concerning the nsiure of ditetsc can thus be obtained. If backache, ecalding urine or frequent urination bother or diitress you, or if uric acid in the blood ha* esuted rheu- mdism, gout or sdillct or you auspect kidney or bladder trouble |u*i write Dr, Pierce tt the Surgical Inetitute, Buffalo, N. y.; tend a sample of urine and de­scribe eymptomi. You will receive free ntedicai advleo dfier Dr, Pferct'i chem­

ist bis ManUned the urine—this will b« carefully dene wiitaout charge, and you will bo under no obligation. Df. Piefoo ' during many .years oi experimenlatiea ! hat discovered a new remedy which la thirty-eeven timee more powerful than lithla In removing uric acid from the eystom. If you are suffering from backache or the pilne of rheumatism, go to your best druggist and tsk for ■ .10 cent box of "Anurlc" pot up by Doctor Pierce. Docior Pierce's Pleas­ant Pellots for the liver and bowels is • standard remedy. You can have a lare- ple ot any one of these remedies in Tabtet form by writing Dr. Pierce.— Adveriiscmeni for Vorld'h Diapenaary Vledical Asaoclation.



Japanese Hand Carved Trinket Boxes

With Mch purchtoeof 35c (Forth or more of To*,

Coffee Of Spicoa.

T h u r s d a y a n d F r id a y a t V a n D y k 'aThose little boxo*, tho work of * people thouiand* of mites away, are

indeed curioi well worth having and we truat that they will hrinf into your homes aome of the aonshine and flowera of beautiful Japan, and will convey to you our heartiest Christmaa Greeting.

For Qaality High and Prket Low A Van Dyk Store's tha place to go!

Xmis Spechl

T o mnd u p t h e X m a s SeO- in g w i th a g r e a t f in ish ^ -th is

Unusual OfferF o r T o -M<»t o w

SHi d F r id a yIncluding the ETeningt—


— and —



, , i " k


TRAVERS 115 Market S t) Ussfo tNM Beaihoraoe's

FOREST HOL AND WOODSIDETh« Chrlttrooi ent«rta1nmant of th*

Nt. If^rk a fc:pl«copal BuuiUr Hchool will b« held tomorrow. The cradle roll and the kfndergarban'wuniave their tree In the aftcriioon. The other older uradeo will meet in the lame place In the evening.

M r and Mra J. A. Tlnsman. form er­ly of Verona avenue, ere now reeidtof ' In Sprlhgrield. Maea.

Alpha HiKma I'hl will hold ite Chrlet- maa ftatherlnf tomorrow n l|h t.

w m tam D. SInnork of Heller park-

DUCHESS < jn cBcft Coffee in U. S. A. 0UU>

BEST CEYLON iO COr Engliih Breakfast T e t ^ U I k

Win n e r o r eA Fin* Coffee

BEST OOLONG *%rCOr Mixed Tea vUi^

G.C.MARA OACA Genuiiie Uaneaibo •iJIV

GOOD MIXED « r COf Oolong Tea •vH*


■I Hutm M .nL - airM ItSflBTK UIIKET

|3M rUM (IMS*.I hH* awM kaehMl (tMICI I tH if

I •!««*• UB MagI MV StmC Twlih %.tm mmeu Ivt..' Cv. a* st, si

' / C t A i /

XMA S C < i l F p S : ' 5 A L E50e A WEEK PATS FOR $SS W0R1B OF €IFIS|

L a rfw aaui S m bIMt Aeiaunita h i th a Su m t r a p e r t lc

mom, a y » ••

W iraiC E S ABE AlWAYS THE LOWESTs iM i « w W O T » M M i M a i « t t u a i i m i x a U a

fA AAAOR mjxt. ira m y OB_____.iSJTw’MaSSTi

• C bm Buy Aa|i aiyla Talhlaa H b iM m»>™ (I* )• *u«. an4 a full auartmunt «f meord* ON auai.l,WBKKI-T OK MONTH l.T PATMBNTa.Thia lii.i* Coiuoibla Onint DulIvtroO for I>• W**k.riolumMa Krtlpm, .*ts.O*i'atilqot In Muhofanr•M.M1$ Deqtkle tH»e Rccurtjk,

your ehrtee.......... HJO^ ifLMWe ebew tke larfem ifn«■f Columbia GreroftAloi la Ike city and a wonder­ful aoiHirtmpnl of L'e- tnmbla Rerer^. You r*n open an acoeunt or add to your account any tnauklfl* In evf e^ek,

nd You Cnn Yacludo Hecordi Without nr Extra CbarcM.

5 %'~ \S “


apedil Xmas Credit (Nter“ ..........................

s e n u R t

irc^ ir


oraoni n in i i


A Fn Iw iMnliIb-laoh Oanu* flaa orBa now Wo at**, lagfllar prtao flL

HonitMui utklaa maehlJHMt OU feaptrt reaairlaf. fe^Mi* parta <

■F. * . r '

a a A a p r ln j H i l i t A m

^ i s m fA H ^ k i n L tltA N .

97c M lBmbM M

U s e Y o u r H o u s e t h i s

W h o l eW i n t e r

DON’T let cold weather lock you up in one room.

A Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater w ill bring glow ing warmth and cheer to every room of the house. W ith the Perfection Heater near, you can dress in comfort, clean in comfort, set the table in comfort, and live in comfort generally.T he Perfection gives 10 hours of glowing w a rm th on one gallon of o il C lean — quick—convenientUse Aladdin Security Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaten.STANDARD OIL COMPANY

(N*w J*ncv)Newark New Jersey

Look for th e Tri­a n g le T radem ark .In m any sty les and sizes a t hardw are and general stores everyw here.

m m * • ----------» - -“ i

.ikM 4* • k


>■<1 ’M i







C U ctfo f if l i te r to D is c u s T e r n s lo r S ii-D i; Race wiA Riders

Next T iesd ay .

NewtHittr sa d New York “ N ew d w ; C h a i^ '’ to Box Q u i s t n u D ar

i t Ike Q i r e a i i t .

Rival Boxers W ho Gash Soon

B a k t yI.W W IS


T b i b lc y r l* r l ilw r i who ti«v« f v r tb* iMisit wtiitil dAya in^ (O llA t lo n s w ith I'AC'lkwy M<*l^ferUrid ftnd Tbdtiife* r . for mrie« In C’hli^iro In Fehru*ry wUl dio e«M u r r a i nWKt TuendAy In r rp ty lo A tw ltv ram n n t t o h im f^nt^rnUut '>"n U vomt to Ntwarb. HtFnrlitrid rr* pllwd thol ha would M hiTf n tw Tvi»W' d«y. Komi of tha rldarw j(|>p*«rw! y « - to rd tiy Aft»rQ04>ti At Lhivo Mftc'Wny'w. hut loft wjson ih*y lournfrl tbnl the ho ifr irOllTd not b« hrra until nexl wr^k.

)lcr*r)nnd'i lalekrwrti wop pa follonA “Cfcnnol la t t» Newark until*Tu*od*/

A flo rnou ii. iHcomhPC t l . t 'b r iA lm no an* g M o tn o n U huld tn« hfr« . Wlro If M t u - Ector)-**

Mockoy wired loAt iilKht that tn« rMera «Hriiild«rtd the arrmivoment OAt> tWactor). Up pruinlard MoEarLand ha would bava thani all on hand to maid Ibiki Ttiaada) aftarnoon.

Rvldaiitly Iha Chkaiio pronolara faal fVlIa ecriatn about thair plaha, fur thajr •anounoed publK-ly yaatarday ibat (h» ftaa wo«ld bo ilartad Eahrtiary I, with ffActicftll) tbc aama field of rldcra h« Mtnpalod In tba laat raeo, and that In* i lta d df ooatinvoua ractng It would ba A twilva'hoar<a>dax coaUat.

Datay KlihP'n faltura to Indura John- nla Kilhnna to nirel him will not kaap Painy .front hla rafulsir ring dullaa fur iha Nawurk faaiharwalghi >>alcrday ai!a«hrd hla aianalur* iti a t'onirart

illiriR for a iMv-rnuml match with rutay Uliira. 11>«> \ r w York "^riowibuy 4iiarn|>lon lo l«kr |ila<*a I'hrUlrikai af- lariionii ai (he i lararnonl Kltik, Drook* lyn While la a vataran and haa fought mopl of the leading reathem In tha Ea»t. Ho hao ofian been mwUhed with KJine. but a bout l»etwaon th« pair never look place I'atay aririouncaa that tie Ip In fine ahape ami tlpa the •calai at about tR3 pnunda.

Young Ahearn of Hmoklsn, middle* weight rbanipioM of Kurupe. will boR te r rounda with tho /uTu Kid on tha oame cwrtl, and Holriier Hartfleld will pwap purichea with Italian Joa tlana la another "tenner.“


li le r e stb g C onleib Hark Openkgin High School Inlerclau

BaskethaD League.



Chn iap tm Ffmtili l.. K t*nn -i Oeulltt sppMTvd yt«tert«r •" th» rol* n* n p r r i v Hm w m Id a .idt brmiiiht in N^w T ir t a acl aiiuwn •» ih»

of death." ront rolled by ('h e rln NatTeld of Ihl* rlly. the old rider a ho iiam rcm l Kramer and «*a ItiMrutnental la the early development of the prea-ol dtaimplaa. Ttw appeeranc* sf ike eham- plen aad hli Hva) eielled much eurioeil, la tha roetl room and there wee a rear- kw at DHlu when the attorney for the Atrenic laeltad a •ynopali uf the chnm- e*n 'a career In quailfylnf him for aapet teatbnony

The iteintiff, who hanpana to t>e a wamaa. slla(ea infrlnfenMat on her * ^ h e of diatater ' by Hatfield, IruHti* ■ rereaa ihe button holed the rhnmploo aad pnipoaad that, when he waa throuah with rialnw and aM and crippled, ahe wauM "atai" him In har "act." uh'ch. ehc aaaurad him, wauM make h'm a fortune. The diampcr lafonaad her tlwt while he era. aora la hacome old ha d d rot aapact ta haeoma crlpplad ami th.il M. fnrtuna •a a ad auah proportlane aulhlnf could in- Aare him to perform la a "1101)# af Oath."

Maat Orl. the amateur rhamnlon. whtei from a haapllul In Ran Fraaclam that he la Mowly recoverliul from the operation be uwdarwtat for appondicitla.

‘*KI*vaa d a n after thla opcratlnnJ' • iltea Ike rider, "knother wm performed aa aiy riabt eya, what far I do not know, and aaltlMr dosa the doctor who did the Jak. T haacliw." caallniMe Hana. "that t t t y ^ naa mitad up with aoma other pMlawl.'’ • • i

A i r aeuUat and ALT Urenda were pnllty af teaiatat avaln yatterday. Qoullel wai tha bapt maa a t OnBOa'a weddina and Uteie waa ao rafaree around to dlaquallfy


TONKKKH. l>«r 23.v^KncM>keut 1 Urown of Arlington Uat nlgbt mad* a , targat of ghafnuA U'HpIsm. tba loval prtda. in * t«n-found bout bafnr* 1h* f'aiftCa A i* Drown won hamia down and waa aa tfOah aa a dalay wh«n tha tKiul waa ovur, Ha waa hardly farerd tu r i it t id hlmarlf by o'Mrlan, who f«ar«d iba baltling ona'a aouthpaw gnit. i

Brown rontlnually »rn| hla laft hand ' lo O’Drlcn'a iKidy and b«fur« long hail Hhamtia in ironMa. While (he lot al tsoy ] wna w DKng at till timaa lo mix with K. ] o.. ha waa nol equal to tha occaiton. >



C u A t iu eW X IN IR T

K .0 B R O W N

WeinerUSavaffe, Brown and Lewis Are Matched

W IN T E R B A S E B A L LTK« Indiana are cuming bark to town.

Pioneer Club Manager Announces that Heaiy- weights Will Meet December 30 and

Little Fellows January 6.Jack Bulger to Post His Forfeit Tomorrow

►kl Bartow, girealdant of tha Interna- Uonal Ireaiue, aiated laat aprlng that ha would have a club In (hla riiy at tha atari uf thn IDU aeaaon. Harrow haa rr.ad# poiMl hla threat, hut II ta doubtful if he really eiperted pra<*a would Lm brought atK>ut when ha made the atata* menl.

Baseball Moguls Expect to Sign Treaty Tonight

lea (M the In lerH aullnakalball LeagUf hI the O iilra l High Ht-houl wera pUyMl )'eaU»i<1ay after* HfuMi on (h« achutira court Tha gameg were <)oa« ahrl two war# tleridad by i>iie-t<oiMt iiiaralnH Kdiur gainea w ari (HtiyMl 1'h«- u Inning leuina w*ra <laa* IgilHleii Ha fnllowH Keiilnr H, Juhiof FV Siqihftinofe A itnil Kreahinan A.

Tho moat Inrereatlcg gamea wara (have liplwern (ha HeJilur A HhA Baiilor K an«| iU<|! Kuhhornoru A and Kophomor* li playera In (he former I'unteat IhO Keulor D hoy« cwme put on top by g acore of M to 17 KJiinev Haflar of tlia tienlDr H team waa Itijurad in (ha lant few mlnutea of mU). Without hia aar* vb-«a and only four men on (ha eeurta hla team aurcaedad In keeping Ihg* Keillor A lioya from whining^

The KMihea hetwean the junior laam t w'lia iiip-ami (Ui'k ail (he way. Toward ihr • loae (ha J'lnior H playera forgad xheud iind retained die advantage till the end. The final econ* waa 9 to N

Acsmrnie ahootlng eiinbltd the KophO* more A laain to win from tha H gulh* le( by a arofe of 1 l to IS, while tli# Kreahman A iduyare accountad for tag polnia to tiia alx crerlitarl to tha Fraih- man H team Ifi the final game af tba day

After the holldaya (he,playarg out forthe K'houl team will a lirt practicing, ii hcme-andvhotne aerlea haa been ar« raiiRpd wllh Ihr Kt Detie'llct Prog | H<'hoo1 aa wail a i with, (ha boulh 81dO ! High School.

Territorial Rights of International League and Disposition of Men Under Contract with

Feds Only Problems.

IVharlla Welnart. tha local heavy* j Hiinty l.ewla of thla city, nnd Knock*

w eight and Jim Ka^aga of i:»rang% ' out Brown ot Arlington, lightwelghla. rlvale pf old, will meet Dacemhar Id. w-era yeaterdny aflernoon maUheil to In (hair t,an>rouml malch, puatpdned | boa ten roumla at lh« iMunaar Bport- fram laet weak, unleaa eome unfora* i lug Club. New York. January A, IDU. Man hitch crope up In (ha meantDtia ' Dannie Moraan. fur Brown, and Jim The announcemant that both men are I o'Bourka. for Icewle. cloned tha meirh once ecnln bound by contract to meet, with Charlie DoeitPerlrk nf (he I'ioneer, «a» made tCMiay by Charlie Doaaearlek. | The malcli between l«ewlR and Hrowii matchmaker of iha I'.oneer Kportlng I hai bean In the brewing for eevera] Cluh In New York, where the batlla il { monthe, aver pmee Drowii moved Into to be etngirt. ( Arlington, and it in expected that tha

DoeeeiT.rh had Kitvage'a itanK) on a | winner uf (he tiout wiM have the title contract, a naw one for Mveral dayiy I <>f "lighiwelghi champinn of New Jer* but Jack Ruigar. We1nart*e manager, | tagged to hla nauie. ilnce Juedidii'l »tfl« hi. .Imintur* until | *'«•" forced Into rptlrc-il.y afUinoon, At ihM, B ul.cr, It 1. i. , L. i-awle. who Ik an Idol with Newarkdecmr.<l. t il l .d to pont hlk *pp«r«ncn „ „ „

Harrow eucreeded P. T. Powrre a» preeldant of the league. Now the dov« of peace may hand pow era a franoh •« \ In the liarr<»w rircult. Baaab4ll >« like polltlca when It comae to atraixie bed- feiiowe.

Poirm Afay Get Club in Barrow Organization

Lea Magee and Hannie Kauff of tha Tl(i Tope are hi djemand. The Yanki want Miigee, while klf<iraw wante Kauff(or the Gtnnia

In caaa Keuff li not aent to the O'anta it I* likely (hat Ihe a(ar hitler of the Ked» Will balk. Iiehule baa a eult againef (he KiJanta fur a l»onu« of Mi.^lrawufft-red him for aiRmng a conink<'t. Ren* nie will drop the auit In rave he la awarded lu tha Polo Ground aggregation.

CINCINNATI, Dao. 3J —Final deialla foay be agreed upoh today In the peai'a tag''ll tic .-If between the forcaa nf

Organlied Baaaball and the Faderal I^eagu* Twu iPDg iwaeiona war# held yeaterday at (ho Hinton Hotel liere. Garry Herrmann, chalrr^an of the National t'ornml'-il'm, Hinted vi rly ibia rnorning thel the mn,inntca expect t>« finlah up ihe:r bu»l u>ai tonight ivpd that a fPrmal ntatcmehi wuuld he given out after th t

fROVlDKNCK. Dac. J2,*-Tha Brown VeNwWty fDptbatl agugd «f twenty-ona Blargri au n ad far Iha PaoaGc Coaai to- #gy tP Ppan tha l l l l foptbail aegacM VMh a game agalnat the hltherlu un* H rtan alavtn of the Waahlngton 8lrta CdBage at Paaadana, Cal., on New Ycar'n Dhf Tl» trip will lx th* lonacit ever aniarUk»i> br a collvg* eleven for ■ ewRic cemtaat. The pUyera expect to taadi Paudctia nail Monday and will 4avgte four daya to practU e. They will bava two upportunltlaa on the way «i haap thAlf mumjlRe llmhcr. ai etotm will ha made at Chicago atul Albuiiuan|ue.

Waahtngton Htate haa been coached hy |

fnrfe.l uf iSvih with l>oeaeerick, win* ' rin<-e he an .njury lu hUgava little Jack until Thursday noon Tto do PA.

Waltiart and Kavaga wara to bara oiashad laat Thursday al the Pioneer, ^hut a day bafure the night nf iha fight | WeiharCa mnnagar Informed Doaseer* i Ick that hla i-hsrge would be unable iu j appear on Recount of Illness. The '

leg, while playing haekctball last winter In flay mn-

A( the lime of (ha accident BHnty was A featherweight, boxina at 1^4 pc^unds. The fiijur\ Kapr Ibutty In the hospital for fiftreii weeks, and. when he left the silk i ed, Itanty discovered ttiat he hnd gi unn tutu ihe light welgiit class. Tu continue ajiioog (iir feathers mewnl

Kild Doiiiih of ih** I'epa U another pia>tT Lhal McGruw would like tu land. Kdd refused to sign s rontrget calling fur a NSlary |s,&hn last seaaoii. Kdd wantarl *X.0C0 a year, but will pow have to he Aalltfied wKh Ai>out half that amuuiil.

j meeting

Will any of the iTiejor Isague rtulis grab up E'd KeilFiach^ The tdg hiirler uf the Heps detnutiRiriied last Kewaun that he wan ntitl u whole lot belter than some that were hobllrix down Joiui m the Mg show t<'(l wa- a free agent when he vlgned with t'le Hepn

maUh wn, liicn callcj uff iiiilcdnltrly. 1 ,^ ,1 i.^y, him-This will he [be set'otid time for ths pt(v|f uthI weaken himself by taking off

pair tu meet in the ring. The first bout was nl Madlsun Hqiisve Harden several months ago. Welnert won from Kavags with enne. Hnvage's friends raiaed tha claim (bai their man was in im condl*

WWIam II. m rn . kcv»n ”li>nc «t«f* 1 tiftn m h n . o l n a h« w s. .uffcrlu*ahaa Kc »M » member •>( Ukiia W*r- nor'A (ami'Ci «'■rll.lF Indian lo m . In prtkaratldd (or the »lylc of susck « - atirtcl. the Brown team ha. Item lined up thrr« time* a w.ck .Iikc the 1, 1.1 .nnn* aa Thaiik.flvtn( Day, aaulnil a aubatl- tutc alavrn drlllMl In Indian pUy,

It ta rvpnctod lliat Hrnan mil line up a t fallow*: W’Kkt, tafi and: Parnum. left tankla; MaawtII, left (imrd. Biinuiuc. ccnlar: Htaff. rlth i tuard: Ward, rlfht tackle. Biilnar, ritht and. Purdy, ciuav- tartark; I'apuin Andrawa, lifh t half- hack: PuMard, laft halfback. Daiton. full- hack.

Tha other playara makliic Iha trip aia Booth, Prawr, Hlllhou.r, Ttuaranvli. Jc- matl, Murphy, Urmahy. Tacta. Wade and fl. Ward. Tha team la ocompanlcd by Coach Ruhlaapn. Trainer Ituaclna. Man- a»ar Batlau and I>v, F W Morwl.


IKMTON. Dec. 3J.-~<?oai'h Haugblon of (he HsrvsnJ f(Kf(b«.11 team, st the vie* tory dinner tendered tha team Ht tha f'spley Plata Met tilght, gove full credit to Ihe chorus girl for (he CTitnson's gr*‘al gridiron machine uf 191 !»• Neatly Run graduatrfl and undertraduatep were pres­ent, and during his speech Hsughton. after stiitlng that Harvard inethcKlA cun- stpted, for (he most nf cummunsgnae. added that various m'thrxls of pyachoiogy wern rmpJci)cd.

studMd." ho Asid '‘tin- chitfue girl *nd wa found (hs( while sh«> whs floing most wonderful gyratlOhS uptui Ih«- stage,

I was all The time tlnllitii will'i a glad

roni "over tralnlngr" and fnun toiieil-DIs.

svortlu|mls, so Ilf ileciderl to cast his lut ill llif next disisiun,

L#ewlN's lirst b^ut was m Huffulo. and since then he h-ia bo*i»ii ip Ku< besiar several times, his IhicmT arcuniplJsh-

I nvent ther>- being a (ernflo (en-ruund I draw wUh Kid Ks'iSaa,

If I'tiil hall gets iii«- St liktiiiP Drowns UTuI (furibliies hM Terriers W'lth the out* fit Mher Am«*rican (.rCfigu* teams will huvi* to hustle from \\.r stnrt of the sea- sou.

^ 'hat will r'Yiarlif' ('umlek« y «ay about Ihr plan to have l-'leldcr Jones erf the Ht. i,otds Kerls maiia'tc tlkc Drowns*

Doth sides dvclnred today that liis peal's neintlations had progressed Favor- Aoly. rnl^ss pofurescen nbstscles pr«* F 1 t themsetve.x, It la liiougbt that (he FfH^rsl league will Ite a thing of Hie last twfure snuther day dawns. It was snr,nwii-ed that there hud been very liHlti hAggllng or disagrcemenl and that swrything polmefl lo a aeitlcn.ont to suit

hands.he afternoon sessluai waa devolcd

iimturs pertaining to the International i .4 ague. While (hs (>eac« envoys wire

Jlxcuahlnfi this aide of (he matter, P. T,I rowers, v|<4' president of the Newark , Papa, WAN cgtlefl Into the meeting. It I was said Hiat rowers would prulmbly j secure a frunchiee. presumably the I Ni'wark one, in tlie Darrew urbanisation

Hotkerford naskelball Date# Ow(,Tti' opening game of the basketball ‘

■euson (or the Hutherford High Kchool ! team Is scheduled to i>e played January J 7 al Englewood against the Eiigicwoi'idj High Kchoal. w ith (he exception o f | the gHnies achedoleil with M nntclalrl High Hchoul fur Jirmury 21, thn Huthar- I font ftlgh School (cam will ronfitia all of Da iictlvltlcs un the court to g aa In tha Northern New Jersey In te r - ( scholastic League.

The games urranged for January gr* AS follows 7, Englewood High HchoOl at Englewood: U Leonia High KchOot. al ]*euiilA IL Ilni k'Osuck High Bcboolj at Harkrrisack. 1R, NuHey High gchootl at Dudierford. 21. Montclair lllgb ]School at Monlclalr.

Fsliruary 1, Leonia tiigh ftchool t t ] Rutherford; 4. Nutiey High School o tf Nutley; B. Hackensack High School fit| Rutherford: If, I'assaIc High Kch* lit l*ASSair; IR. Rnglewood High Krhr.nlj al Rutherford: 12, Fosaalc High SrhcKjlJ at Hutherford.gates Magee la under contract to th*

Uroukfeds for two more years at tlO.OfiO n year, slid hie money muel he paid to him. Is practically certain that he will land with the New York Tankeei, i who wll! either pay bis cunlract In fullor a( leael part of it. leaving the Feds . ,to dime across with (he rest. Magee ' A apart in (he last few mtnutes of p b y \jhebi 11 lung conference yesterday with the MonlHalr Holy Name quin-


rap ta in T. I. Iloustori, who experts lu sign him up after peace Is formally de­clared 1’here wss talk of !ils going to the Giaitie, but It looks now as |( (he Vshkees will get him.

1! -nhte Kauff wilt probably land w*ith the Giants, who want him (o plav

(Cl In s«’ure ovvr Ihe Troys <rf Dayonne at ' Uontcluir last night by a score of 11 to 31 The Individi)s1 work uf '.'hapman, and Marriitan. coupled with the accuratej ftml shooting, were i'li factors In decid-1 Ing the Issue

The Tnys b-d at half time. 14 lo II. jcenter field. lU will 1>s al (he rlisposql \ pht the Iminc Irsin took the lead early Iof the Hr<>.klyri Ka<1i and he will proU- ] t,» the S4‘Cund lialf. From then uii It wae)Hbly go to the Ukanli. who will be mure „jj, iu4k with neither side out of the]likely Hmn any other club to aaaume dumter nme The Trovs uiitgrvaled thelrlM” ir :v luinniri from the field, but f«-ll duwn oni

The Federal l-eague plnyers who ure I «hu..(ihK fMm the flftc^ri-yurd mark. Thej


nrii eeweU up with lontracis having (he leu*dsv cliMise rut out, will all be re* Mased outright

Maer TeaHXs fsr Fed Mugwla.The sitle of the t ‘uhs to Weeghmaii Is

nlre.td) ua«urt>d und I he purchuso of the Hi. Loula Drowns by Hall and KHfe)

un Ihe oth*‘r lisnd. made eevenIlf lluut twelv*' tries gmid.

Troys. Jlontctalr, H. N,I iu)il Kvsu*. .. flUMRneck

1 KIhia . .I seems (t> be equally certain. As (p the I i ’ar.llnals. tt Is very doubtful whether I they will iihange huiids. President 1 Hrlttcm was not prsseM ) cBterdity, but ; In .New York IsJt weok «e put a prUe I of l&DO.nOh on his li il> nlid 1( Is more I than (Uiy Qf the reds « m • to pay. lih

peace declured, (he Hrittoiis are not

1 I t s r g e r

Right forw an! I#ft forward . .

ri*n(cr.Right guard... . I,eft guMiU . .


. .Fcyg listin' . MeUarry . . Harrigaii

Field gouls-^'kiapriunv 4, Harrljrati Ihkoth, Darger 4. Evans t. Khea 1, Dusan* eck I'rec ihrfkWs—Ferguson 3. Karrlgim i, Ciiapmun 2, Rarger. Dusaneck, Eeana,

I'n^rNi lo rtLruu Ihe m .lter In ,o » t | .n d It le llkelv lhal (h .Jones i|nl( <'unil*ki-y s*‘veral vc-ars ago I •«ny way after emerging from the meet

Bruw-n ip (he original ’’Kayo, who • "hd said that he was done with IvaaebAll

COWLER AND FLYNN MEET TONIGHTOn how he fares ugalnst f>an "Porky^

Fl>iih at the Amerk'«u Hportlng Club In New Vork tonight depends Tom Cuwicr'a chani'es of laTiding a titu la r bout with Frsuk Moran amt other heavyweight contenders for .less Wll* lard's crown. Cowler haa had a many ups uud downs since niaklng h(s debut uM American soil and. (hue far, the boxing public hna not been able (o draw an accurate line un his pesel- hlllHei, The tutorship of Jim CerbeU for one thing haa Improved (he Ana- (rallan's boxing and hitting nhlllty

BOXING CHATTERThe lllllifl Kelly-Jackie I>obha mill at

the C'lyrnptc Club. New Turk, will be eeitleii tuniorruw night, and not next week, aa originally euheduleil. Man­ager I'onucliy ii[ Kelly is In hopes of iamlina (•"' the "fighting chauffeur" the seitil-riUBl puut lu either the Lewie- Hrow'ii iiiutrh nr W eliiert-Kavage en- rfiunier at the rione«'r i.'lub.

.Andre Aiider**(ni i>f I’liu-agni who \ \ I'diiPi uT .Mimicsuta for a

krim aoui In Hlv first ruUhd of a sohed- some eye ai, tiic babl-hradt-d mnii Pi Ihe ’ ulcd Un-ruund hout ut Si. Raul laatfront row. Applied to fuUll'«M. w« train­ed our players t<.> such an i-nn rii. ihat tbelf Bule-cunscloua mind nmlilrii ih.‘m to perform auinmatically their vnrhiun as- slgftmenls while thrir nedw ill i-uris<'lr>uj. (Bind WB« dealing wirh Hu- nnfnrc- eeen exlgenrU-H which invarlaW^ happen during t^e Rstne "

night, w'ss (oiited as a "i-ome back'* iiida>. Rfforts (o rentatr-h him with r'led Fuliuri, Willard Liiallenger, are under way.


of the KhpI by I'aclflc t'osrt lemila ■tare i t being planned here for next atAmmer. U Is expcciad that Maurlci- n. McLougliDn. Thomas Bunds, Mrs. May Button Bund)’ ami Miss J^loretue BttHon win make (he trip Kaal. They will geek to bring home lbs champlon- ahlpg In the men's singles, ntens doubles. Women's aing lea, w omen’s dOttbles and mixed doubles.

! I'lismpbuis of Ihe (>ast and present ' icsiiondcii lib*<rslly. huth ih numbers I uhd financially. ui the bem-fii to Kid I Laiian**. fiMnit*r lightweigbl champloiki I al Ihr Harlem Kpurtlng ('lut> last night. I l,Hi|^:m- rcfci'ctol the last bout —a

friendly tilt between those one-time I hi:icr rivals. Kid .Vtrl'artlund and Owen ; /.Hgler

"Kid " UraveB of Oeveland last night oulpi'^iitcd lUiKr M« HitM-d ut Ht. Puul Ir4 M fast Ipii-rouhd ho*dci'laion bput.

habit uf liimnviMK champluiis h" near rliamplons several years ago. Dv h boys will slart Ijaiiiing Inimcdl- uiel) utter (.'hrlsimag


OF A. A . U. CONTINUESNKW YORK. twc. 93—The reglstra.

lion I'ommRtee of the Meiropolitati Aeio- rlaiicti uf tiiF A. A. r . ti.Hiay eiuneratod Heorgf' HguMifig of Toruniu. Csnada, the Olympic ukiampiuti walker, from ebarges uf iirofesslonaJIsin nuidc by W. H. Parry. At the same time the <'ommittee an- r.ounced that it la investigating evidence iKwring upon a queitlon uf unfair compe- tltlun affscling (ioulding.

Ths annual Indoor gamai of ths Pat­erson Btkt are gcheduled for Wednes­day. March ], a t Ihe I’ateraon Armory. A special fsature will be an event closed to members of the North Jsrsey Athletic f.ieagu«. Officials of the league have not decided the nature of the event, but are considering a two- mlUi two-inan team race.

Willie kelly, the mainstay of tha Prudential A. A. track team, Is taking a rest from competition just now. Kelly expects to begin srtlve training within (he next few weeks.

Hernvan Holhman, who rerbntly won the T. M. i', A. (hra«*mlle champion­ship, has sent in his entry for the Mill* rose A. A. gantes In Madison Knuara Harden, January Jl. Tlotbman will compste In ihe thres-mlle handicap.

Clayton Toung, the Mlddlestx County quarter-mile champion, will soon begin an active Inrlour campaign. Young, who Is probably the fastest quartsr-m ller In the state, intemls to condition himself fur the IDiB junior nniionsL champlon- slilps In June at Weequahlc Park.


fromf^o(uii>hia. Harvard, yalgand ITlnrvs- tog utdversitiei begun here tudav (he*r tWftnty-fourtb annual tournement The gtlMa will conlltiue for three days In tHa •gening matches Harvard Is pitted agglMl Yale, white Columbia, last year's ctuuaplOft. is opposed lo Princeton. <*olum- tte has g rsi'ord ot ten victortsa in pts« YBtHi ydtirg ggaliiat nine fof liarvard.

w w

fJooi-Rc Hu' Sew t'osila fPs.)mldilieH elgitl. kimuked out Krsnk L»uKhcr> of Philaiirlphia In the ninth round of h Iwelve-ruund go a t the Armory A. A. In Boston last n ig h t The fight wus too one*stded to be Inter- esthig.

The speriftl Intercity boglng tourna­ment at (he Creaesnt A. C., Brooklytx, lonlghi (iUght tu produce aeverat good amateur bouls. Ilunton. Philadelphia and New York will be repraasittsd.

Koldlor Bartfield and Johnnie (Kid^ Alberts fought a draw In one of the teiNfOund feature boute a t the Broad­way Bpurilng Club, Brooklyn, last ulghL

lleniy Lersrh of the Y. Sf. C. A. will not tie xeeti In competition for a month or mors The former Newark A. C. Athlete has don# conalderablS' croM- country running this ssaaon. and Is te lake s rest.


for Ah Ume.Kimior InelHt.i HihI Pltteburuh will

serurf s franchiM' in the Init-rrtatiunal l.jeakue. Huch a plan was talked of a coups** of years ago. but Barney Dreyfusa woiihln t allow the Harrow urgsnisatlun to locate In Biookrtown.

Clark Griffith of the Wishlnglnn Ken- store rranle no Federal l^eaguere on hts club, (iriffuK pri'bahly remeinlH-rs what It cost to gst Walter Jnhnscn away from the contract be had slgn<Nj with the Feds.

it IS xald that all of lhr> Faderal l,«ague playera whose coDiracte contain a ten days' noltce of releaee wlU be given thetr uncandltloBBl freedom. If they are relnaiaied (hey can then sign with any club In Ofgsnlaetl Ras«t>aU.


C ora iltee of 1. A. A . A. A. to Contidcr S d lisg of Trophies



APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS UFTSTf the rtal Utm American bott 9T girl with rith nd Noo4 in

^ M b it , inOoR more ueetptabU than SOMSTHING A TBLETiC ^ ( w g w Y itfeb ife m n « M en u i« B _ V i» e a tm e w n r e e f fo w ; f 9 U tS a - Q Q lf- FOOTBALL’ TENNtW-BASKBTBALLr-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MACKINAWS-SWEATERS-‘BOXiNGmNG BAGS-aOMS EXERCISERS.a :


riitl Ro.ewf C. fortw r A. A.I', huifllcppor for Ih* uii»Ut* dlatrlct of N.w York, r*r1*»«iil .nrt w.a not r»movi"d hy Pr.i.litriil HuM.ii of th . M^tropolltaa AHorlatlsn. «»* loarnril yr>.|.nlar from a .tat.myoi hy J .n ir . I*. Katon. Wa .no. .‘O.ior, .who. to.rlhri' a'llh <T.ni|,b.tt, pro* .lur.^ t1t« rvldrnoi' th .( r» .u )M tn tha r«nioval of Alwl l(. KIvl.t aad Harry Mmlth from amoiror rUndlnX.

I'l.lon'jt ■tiitriurnt w u . oomplata *v- oiirratlon of ('.in|>holl'» ortlon* tn dtallnp with Kivlat »nd Hmlth. "I'ampbrll'* MlA” ho » 1(I, "««r, du* l« hi. twine hold up t.y York pol-huntrr., wlio a t th»l . . t momrnt. wfi.r nar*rln« to appoar and allow lh .tr namr. to h . oMd for advar* tfatnk purpoar*. rrfuaod to atari unttl ad* (lUlonal laoiiry a a . paid ihrm, and rathrr than dlwppotut th . .proiatori Mr. Ctnt|K twli «av* In. tn *hoth caaM thsra wa. nothlnv hoynad thrjw faota to .how that thla liad (writ dona, add b t would have h*«n th . Uuchlac Mook of tha ama>*ur alhlottr wotid If h* had pn— frrr*d i harkM againrt th* athlalwa a t that titn. wlthioit th# proof la baoR th m .

“Aa far |a Mr. rampball Iwind r*. morn) from dfflra If ronermod, 1 am Ma- tttv. ttwi .mdi I. not'ttw raar. I aadar. aland that h« miiUt Iwv* h#fli raapdalUOd had hr daalMid It, hut ralhar than dH dt any cmharraaanwnt to Mr, Suhto«, Whd

m \kojaftlr e r ltto fa^ .b r dd**f*I

<•!K m Yorlt tifd*ra,. fe* tmIkdwI dowtOhM

NEW YORK. Dfc. I I —On# Import­ant pliaa# In tli< amataur rulfa lo h« rnn.ld«ia<l at th* Int«roo)1#(iai. Aaanola- Iton of Antataiir Atht*lf. of Amorlra at thair ma-tinf Monday wa» ovarlo<ik#d t,,- th* pr*itd#nl. Ouatav# T. Kirby, who draw lh#m up. In the clauaai whlih r»fLr ta lh« aria for whioh amataura ahall h# dabarrfd, no r#f*r*nca waa rnada to ih# arlllnp or pawntn* of prlan*. It wa* an ovoratfht on Mr. K irby ', part and ha haa d*olar#d that It will b* Indudad In thi- propoa»d rul*a,

Thla phaaa of th* ml** np#n* ah avrrni* for fiirthir 41»cu**lon Th* Amatrur Athlrtln Aiaodiatlon, for Initaac*. I*

airiel la limltlnt. not only the value, but the rharaiTiar of prlu*. Mr. KIrhy aatd that h# did not rare how valtiabi* th* prit# I*. *n lon( a* th* man winninc tt did not dlapo.e of It aft*rward.

In eiplalnlnf the ctausc re litin r to the t**o<'l*lloB of *m*t*ur* with pro* f('i*l.>nnla Mr. Kirby aald that there wai no Intent Inn to fore, any auoh body aa th# Amateur Athletic Union lo aanctlon rarea bclweea amataura and profaa* ilonal*. He iwraonally rather favored th* Idea und*r *»o«)Uon*l etrcumatanc**, but th# ecnllmant In the A. A. tT. I* alronyly acalBit It. On th* other hand, tn (olf. court laani*. bllUardi and many other aporta profiaalonala and am ateur, maet In th* r**ular order of competition and without aay appaianl hann halnt dope.

Mr. Kirby polctad Out that thouM thI* clauva be adopted th* A, A. II, cah In* roTpotal* It In It* oonatitutlon without In any way t**«lla« from lie paaltly. aland on tMa matter. It almply atipu* late* that a prufoiiional and an amaleur ‘ .iX .t oomiwi* tofether etuepi with tbocona«nl of th* f«***»tn* h«tY. thatperml»ilOB th# A. A. i:. In all probablUty

« w nwMU*»t t* UhtI*i' i KM. IM

llroau*r of th# llln*** of Jamea till* ii.or*. preildcnt of the Fid*, who wa< vuk#n with t a. rer# attack of Indlaeatlnn. th# iw;rntpp i#*alon yeeterday waa delayed, II wa* aald that th* Inter* i.ational I.*aicue tanyl# had been • traluhlenyl and that the player* who hold Ironclad coiitraci* with the Fed* will re'eiv* th* amount of «alary lhal their rontracl* call for durlnt th* life ol tha contraetp.

iBtarBBtlaaalB Win Owl.It la practically aaaurad that th# In*

ternatlohal will return l* Hi former alamplny yrounda In Newark and Bal- tlrnora, fivinc It the aam* circuit that It had before Ih* breaklna out of tha Fed*. The Baltlmor* people would Ilk* to hay* a major laaFu* club, but bale* ball maynatea have bam atunb too often in that town to five th* propofll* tion aven momentary notice.

With rayard to Ih* player* now undef contract* to tha Fed* they will be left to b* eared for by their prenent owner*, who will aMume all raaponelblllly for their contracta No contract jumper* will be Uk*n back Into any of tb* major leapn* club*, but It la poaelbto that lOint of them may be allowed to return to th* minttre

Manager Jack Hendrlcka ot the In- dlanapolli Cluh wwa called Into tha meetlnc and told that he could har*

j back Pilcher Hanford Burk, formerly of Brooklyn, who jumped hi* club In mld-ieaaon for an advance of 150 and leaped over night to tho Pittaburith Feda In order lo yet him back, how­ever. Kendrick* would have to aaaum* hi* ihiurd Federal contract calltnc for H.OOO, which la far more than an A. A. club can afford to pay. Handricka wdred Owner HcOUI of hla club ta a*k It he cared to aaaum* thla obligation. In the hope of belnf abl* ta aall Burk to a major lea(u* club. Burk had beeu enjoined by th* Indlanapolla Club when ha jumped hi* aicnad oantract, and ht had not baan abl* to play with th* Feda. taylni off for tho r**t of th i araaon.

In peneraL howavar, It may bo aald that contract jumper* ar* not wanted In the major loa(ue* and will not b* received with open aflp*. Th*y ar* all elpiieii up to *k travatant contraota, which will hav* t« b* paid by Ik* Vada and which f*w olub* woald ear* to ao* lume. Furlhtrmor*, elab ownors da not want thaoa hlcb-i*l*rl*d laapara •m ink around on thotr bonebio. Tb* unilinent I* abialatoly tinaalm aut acaln it takinc th«m book, b a t Mwelalr, Wetfhman. Ball and. aay o thar Fed* who br«ak Into Ih* n fu U tr apart will b* al1ow*d ta k**p lh*m,

F*4*’ Ptaa Ta*w*d D*«%When th* ptaco lublaot waa Brat

broached hy th* FddA (kay «ald they ware wlllinf la ratura a ll oaatfaet- jumper* and al«o all rOotPYb-JumporA who ar* tifned ap ta Ipan-clad can- tract*, to th* clulw fftfB which they eama Thla tnov* wOtiM kaba rid th*ia of oblltatloni la aalarlo* oatondlai up to •iio.oot (or tiM m M yaaf. B«t iba plan wa* vary protoptly aad ftm ilr turned down bp tha Nattoaal and Atnarlean laafMA —ko Kid not w ant to bo laddlad with Ifcaoa loapotp. Tha Pedi were tberefpia tofoad lo aooum* all pohtraetUBt'akHKhtl*"* la t* which they had oatorod had th*lr p U p o n wtU b« paid In fall. f; A

•a*h a maa m i m Mageo « a p h*

j club will ranralh Iri (h«4r hunfis. Aiiy I talk about iransferring ibA (.>rris I Dalllmorc is absolutely without foundK-

Llon.Humor Is strong ihat (he Nsw Yurk

Glarits will h« sold to Harry Klnclntr, but neither Ihs Fed backer hor Tresl- dent Heniitead will afflrin that ijnsre Is a chancs for this move.

Gwlnner and Comstook of th s Pitts- burgK Feds* wars busy yestarday tn- vf'stigating the Cleveland •ItuallDti# Thsrs is pome chance of their buying in there snd uiaklng Umpire Hilly Evans matiAger of Ihe team* but tliers Is nothing definite shout It wi yet*


BASKETBALLThe Delmar Big Five, the club that

played ths old Kntre Nous combination ssvsral yeara ago, when ths Harrison team had Marty Kavanagh, I.«rry Fagan* Johnnie Blegnsr “Pop'* UlUsr and Johunls MrHuigan in ths llns*up, wants games with (hs Newark Turners, Ht. Michaels. Koenigs or Big Fivs, Ad­dress chAllexiges to John W. Hyan, 45 Hnuth Ferry strest, W oodhavtn, l#^ng Island.

Ht. Urnedld I’rep Hchool playsri opened their hnakethall season yaaler day afternoon on (he Uaslno Hall couu with a victory over the Htevens Ttcf freshman team. The score was 43 I tiL The players from the High it! Institution did (heir best work In tha second half und soun made a runaway game of i(.

The luck of learn work on both atdsi was uptarent In the firsi half. Both were also weak at goal shooting- When (he whistle sounded for half lime, (he score stood sixteen all. Ths rest benefited ths prep school plgy*rfi* 111 Ihe second half they displayed ftna team work and soon had a command­ing lead. The visitors scorad hut four

I points gi the last half. The Individual star uf (he gsm r was Captain Anthony Pengltore of the local team* Who ac­counted for twenty-four polnta

8t. Benedict Htevens Freshmen.Hoyle....... Right forward ..M clotyroPengiture*. Left forward ........JlorAiReilly. . . . . . . . ren te r ...........attoobtiM slnlnger... Ijsft guard WmlslDerlvaux. .. High! guard Hayden, Stall

Field gosle—Doyle 2. Hsilly 4* U*ln

The Triangle Five of Brooklyn, a fast IlS-iraund team, is desirous of sr- ranging games with local quintets. RoUand £. Gruber. KB Warwick slreec, Hrooklyn, Is ths manager.

The New York Nationals are to. tnset the Newark Turners Hundgy night on the latter's court on William street. Ths New Yorkers have made a fins record. The T urnan are going wall and believe with the game on thair own court they will take ths measure of tb s Gotham- ttea

filtors I, Flynn, W'a, , orns !- Free jhrow #— j

tn ier 3. rengitorsRsfers#-“ !. . .igll„, _ . , ___ - _- -

WIlllaTTi Leltnsr. Nubatltutlons-'^Nugsnl for Hoyle, Flynn for .Vugent* Zatseill-^'M for l>srlvaux, Weston for Korns, D ieltif for Heyden.


The fourth name of l t» aerl#* be­tween th* It. Hlchaal team and Rar- rlaon Big FIv* 1* to b* |.lay«d Friday n lfh t a t Haiilmann'a halt. Harrtenn.

Flrai place In th* Eaeei County Ba*^ ketball l,eafu« race will belong to th^ Ft. Mlcheela If they auoceed In downlud th* Cl*v*r Koenia BIf Five tonldht "«l th« HI. Mlubnel court. BelUvtII* aven«* |

The fit. Mli'haele and Newark Turnortf ihow tile wav In the leaaua competHloq with two vlctorlo* and no defoalk while the Koenlae were feroed to th* duet laat Kundax n ltk t a t th* hand

Th* i t . Michael won both of their j of th* N*wark Turn*raC*m*a on th*lr home court and loal tb* othar a t Harriaoii.

Tb* Morton Htreet School FIv* d*. t*al*d the Milford Hchoot team yeater- day aflernoon on the Morton Street Mhool court by a acor* of I t to l | . Ftingbauer waa the a ta r of th* i*m*. •oo rla r tan point* for the winnar*.

With "Bkeala" Wri»ht In tb* llne- In addition to Marty UcAvoy, Krnld llalch, Oeorii* Norman. Charlie Blpcand and Ale* Harvey, Manacor Sullivan ot the North Under* believa* h* hal ' pennant-winnini team. Th* Koenlad will preaent Porky Flynn, Bad Mo Wal­ter*. Bd Otlhootey, Dutch Stumpf, Johitl Bleantr and Harry Sobwarta


Christmas Suggestion:

Bim f% ne Nice ShirtsWm

I S s

^ J ^ A m a s

Wm ana aave yoa W* t* Ilto # • aivwp abtrl fM jjjfAOTVBY to r* « MDhiMI

P u t On S a fe !odfeil eeWeeS [m S U s m M ilts, wwk $ 2 J 0

Tks QavIlMilii M liliM l wiH sn irwlsd O s «sslM)r, SI md slxlsT H E 'SM tlR & 4 IN N E n SHIRT CO.

ncfoinrt . B U N K U M M w NKW AJW , N* A



After six yi th« W svfily th# b#F p#cll.ltAa. ownedIWTQ plgCStl 11fgvorlts Is n by Andrtw A ■hs will end

^ Ths ptsslti] Aotiv* irompel malty devute^ sbs cuuki gtwi• splendid n Mr. Miller lis tb for h

A fur vkiit' lbs iivsre dur d«<'lde(l lu jjIi the cluse of ll V giild nesrr •go Trainer HUtoD and t'J Who train# iii

Ulos Hy'r tti'i of the RuadJ'^rosy (liiriiiKliutiurs with r horssnMti ilm would Iw abU none ever aui Jgi’oh RnHi. C of Join V lit Mis# HyriuMiSf men during U plghs for a m huxde. but. d Jess Y Oft th hsver look pi

klnf'S, Nfr In 1|09 she h With few e^t duns ail hiT W averly trsi been Hnien a held r\Far hiT m sjorliy of j esIabllF^lierl m cal trark .

Mias N^rst' eSt flight 1ms got im led (he both iM'fgelf] Trainer Mooi Mlim 'n a^ l Um• SSkN later mark, hut wn during ihd« H tu bf'st Ihf'3 1} i'arrymi: faUsd b> a k of 2.1}KDf, u ith Ju) ter d tu sf Hi uf her '«fl! 3 ears Mhi- u a

Th<* p>inrfIDflA. and for r«i’ad fur mf' ^IStty. eSh*' i and finished Hhe.wnn aev King August : til H#p(smlier alsn did soiu« tlmsi* she jitN llrnfH led (ht heal Him- on Ksbrunry 21. In • frer-for- ■iralghi hrati

Miss Syra S.tSAt beplrn W'. Va.. In a won the sst’o time whh h Is

Following fl3'ra''tisr's \>r

July 31 -To If'ur. 2 j :

August n T.tfiir. ? n

Krptsm hir 1| amdlFiir,

Ocidbrr 2' 1 am ateur.

Octot*»r ; ** (Mur ira.-110 pom KlFama,

Ostober Ji) feet bulk

1 irir- Novsmher 6

three, 1:0 Kgvemlier L

(liTMe. pui KovemTiftr !<

three, I November 2i

1 :t'4. 1-07

3day 2x—with u i Dark, i n

JUQ* K -(JIHand Quee

July S—Onethree oth

Ju ly 30—(MU Orlmnna :

August 20->CJ Asrog R.,

Be^tgmhsr 1( Orlanna,

October 1 - 0 :33. :4»S 8:!7.

October 17 —'frgirap, 2:35

Oclohsr ;» '» KoYsmber 6-# Noeamber 13-

August D-“2:;In this n

Bsptsmher t 3;1». 2:\n October 4—Oi


June lA—On« August I—Ti 1;ITRepismbar ft- Replsmhsr tDOotober

), h. I. 1MJ%. I:Jn ip IT—On*1:tap tem bar t

S«pt*mh*ir 2j0«tDb*r (—O!:l», 1:11


MBW t o n Varvel " wa* m ltrlu* Tefal lAM niebt ■ Hou** a fte r tuiDle. Tony b« tb* retu “MMk*d K lAtrto,'* Who tDTDd th* uni raanrd. TbI*

la other b l.awl*'' defeat In fw *ntytliniti* Meond*. Cownek, w*i many in *h

r r a a m down In thlrt**n •aMiDdB. Wl draw with a BdIdd, the S| tk* •nboDldan •B J lo lb* I fb r tp 'to a r a* •Ma ebiwo*r]


MSW TOI bD«h*y tania toalsbt, wh, ot B t FdqI'* a t tho B t K hOTO O *•*•• *1 B « B t ff ‘ W

IP&IO BM•BMM4 OF llSa-asi!



r r U uH lK h

ir » n ii4 ttd b y

w a r* r <l*a- lunlar

w a r*P**iilorotnor*■ t th*

by *or th*I* iM t l■ Mr>oourti

( I h * '

tiMin*b**r<lror(*4I* till

topho- quln*

l« Ux or l*B F r» * h - of th*

>ut for 'In c . A I n * r -

I ’ r * p I h Sid*

Hot.(T tb o lt J t lc h o o Min O B T y j r wc***dl Ion o f I . . t^ U ir ) ,u th * r -1In* *11 ’


iry *r*H ch o o l S c h o o l .11 S c h o o l ig 8 c h o f i l|

l l ighl

lo o t * t | lOOl £ t |lo o ) o t lS s -h o f.f l Srhr.f.llSrbr

IfROYSlof ptay ■ « quin- onn« a 1

of LS n a p T M ii| counittlI 4ooid* I

I to 11,1 d rarlf j I It w a f l lt of Itiol *4 lh«lr|lown odI rk. Thoiu A rv c n g

I N h A o m n 'd

^ : h | c>nr{»t<n| i c o t r ry l larriiCAiil i n n t, [ Dunn* I

lorrltfiinl E v « n a * l

(TORY!p la y e r s yM ter^ II r o u r t f iB T e c i 43 to I itr«*tl

In th a l i t i a w n y i

:h Hide* Both I

looilncr- >r half I li. The I »lnyerft* I *4 fine I nmand- ut fo a rl tividual I inthony Irho ec- I

im e n . c ln ty rn | . H o f n e f H o b h te c W a le h n, f lte tn

M e ln - W e U h o

! r o w a » j »f«ree~~ \ N u c e n t KaBeell^^ a. 8u ltt^


it y B**-{[ to th^ lownins ilsht "h n v e n n * ! Turntrg potltloq <1 o f oa t* to blt^

.« bond

l l n * - i t i , Krnto B ic c n n a U v n n o f I hn*Ko*nlsd| H c W a l - l at. J e h n l

S T B W A R K E V E IT IN O N E W S . W E D N E S D A Y , D E C E M B E B 22, 1918.


Cbepiw Piccr af Raid Bane Ai- aadatioB to Ewi Her Da;s

M Hihai Fare.

lADE RECORDS ON WAVERLY TRACEA f t e r » U y n n o f n w tin e e r e d o t ov« r

th e W e v e t iy t n c k In W e e q u e h k l^ark th e be jr p n v in s m ere, U I m Hyrm ctm . J . l t W * o w iy d b y T h eo do r* 8. M U it r . h a t i ie e s p la ced In re t lr rm e n t . Th* m*Ui>ce f a r o r l le le now a l th * fe rm i-onduried b y A n d re w A lb r ta h t J r . e i I l l l lu n , e h r r* eh# w i l l e nd h e r day«.

^ T h e p aae ln g o f M lM ^ H y re ru a * fru n i a c t iv e c o m p e t it io n w i l l W r c g r r t t f J by tnea iy d e v u t c f i o f th e ina tincp aport. fo r *he c o u ld a iw e ja 'b * coun ted iii»oh to etv* a ep ie n d id e ih lb i t lo n > h» nt•ver B le r lc f l. M r . M i l le r lia a m ed i em p i* p r r p e r« l lu i i i tb ta r^ f o r h« r fo r th* jif*.

After ^^et'i^ine ih* i»«rf>jrriienv*i of the nvefc dnritig ilw fumnnr Mr JJilkr ili^'Adod lu p taev he r In r f l lr e n i* h l. \ t th* cluar of lltr Bs'Hit'iii he Hniuamt-sxl *lie vuuid never iBir hgaiti A fee ewka ago Treiner Dfuore Unik her toHtlton end turard ti^r ovi»r to Jk« ll'illy, W ho trHtne the Alhiighi firing

U l u Hy idCUN i' M iia r^ iiiin iilon itB ir r<»f th e f io e d lloriM* A a a o t le t lo ii <>1 N«»r J'^reey d u r i i iK ht»r tirTu* and Jef»*nUrd her l iu n u r i V iith r* -| ii]* rr ir . I k o h yea r ho ree riM ti th ffu g h l he limd % pece r w h liin w o u ld In- ttY>l« to o u tp ace Uu* m ere, but n o n e e v e r e U fc e e d e d In l u r n i n i Ih c I rh k. J a c u h R o th , U r a i i f e ho rsem an ar»d ow ner o f J a ie V . l i f l l f V e d hte m are k 'f t tM ia e > lyrecu*r, d id aon»e o the r hornf* m en d u r litg the jtu inm er T e h la tU e p la n a f«»r a m a tc h Iwlwe^-n Ihe tw o were riiade, h«ii. du* to ih r m ga a frn en ta o f J e M \ on th i' U ra n d tM rcu li, the in a K h ne ve r lo o k p la t e.

H tnce M r M M le r a i-i^ u lre il ih e m a re In 1908 *h c ha* n e v e r r i i ie d fo r n io r iey . With few evrepUon.N MUa Syra< g»e haa d o n e d ill b i- r lA i in it a ituM 1909 o v e r lh « l \ a v e r l y tn* i k. a l ih o u a h r b e « Im v * b e en l l t n m w h e n ah*' H i« r te d im me*-lB h e ld i i» » r lu re Mif*a S> rH iu ae w on the W ia jo r l ly ftf h e r r in e a u n il i i i a d d it io n e a ta b lk h e d tte v e ra l r e cu rd a o v e r Ihe lo ­c a l t r a c k .

Mian Nyracuar u a i Nf-en In her l,iit- *•1 flight lant ) PHf w Immi ehe Iwlre ne- KOtlaled Ihe tra-k In tinboth i»ccaelo»»« ahe wan drUni by Trainer Moore, on Keptetnber t. laal, ah* M aa docked In and twowe*kn later altenipled 1* low*er thia mark, hut w-ee unablr to rio *o. TwIc* during Ihe Innf ftiimitirr fhe aOnrnplei to heat the amateur trii 'k rcMird of 3-ll •arryiim’ l.i'i pouiidx or over. She failed h> H hiiiaII fu i t ion . The marko f 2-12 w a s e-THh|iHhod 2.1999, with J o h n n. Ktcrtme up T h e la t - ta r if fu v e Ihe M in re h i p ra i I l i 'a l iy a l l o f h e r • la it e d u r i j ig O ic f ir e l Ih rc * y e a r* ehe w a s o w n e d liv M r. M il le r .

T h e in n re h e g m i ra i- in g A u su e t 2. I9 n i, a n d f o r th e o p t ! th re e y ru ra w aa ra i-ed f o r m o n e y hy h e r o w n e r, 9’r a n k M a t t y . Sh«< a ia r t c d Iii f lf ty ^ n in e ia<-eH a n d f in la h e d f lr a t I w e a ty - tw n tlm ea , K h o .w o n a e ve n ra«'ea lu n ro w b e g ln - M ih f A u g u a t I9n&. a n d co n t ln u e r l un* t i l Re|d«fn l>er I, iven t le a r . T h e m a r* a la o d id aorue r a r in g o n ih e Ice. Seven t im t e ahe M a rte e t In l< e ra ce* a n d f iv e t im y n ted th e f ie ld to th * w ire . H e r b e a t H in r orv th e ice w a* 2-IS i* . m ad* K t b r u a r y 21, l io n . * i r iaM e t> u rg . S- Y., In a f r e e - f o r - a l l j e. Sh e w on In th re e ■ i r a lg h i h ea t* .

Mlaa tlyrarua* tfmh her mark of 2.19V| tieplcmber k, 19UR, at Wheellni, W. V a , In a rae* for 3 12 pa* era. Hhe W*n the a*cond heat of ih* rare lu the time whh h la her rcc i'rd.

T^olbtwltig ie the eomiuary of >llaa Sy rg iM iac '* p e r fo in t a t i '1 e elm '* ITiny

1 muiJuly 31 -Til hi‘*i ijiaimec J IS, ima-

T .» T . fT

I ru r . SA u g u e l f l - T it hea l rn M iii

te i ir . 3 I 3 X Z I :S e p te m b e r M T o t«enl m u lin r * J 13*j.

a m a ten r , 2 1 4 i^. 2 11 \ .O c io b e r 2- T o l•^el luaH nee . 2 i l k .

a m a t e u r . 2 11O cto lw T 2 W v t i lf i l ( j re tahue ti aina<

te u r t ra c k re*> rl f.» .* irt, l a r r . mg Ihrt p o n r id * , Hifi**tri4rN lo d r iv e , s t p a m * . I::

O c to h e r in H a iu i ic a p fu r pa i-e ix , ^ji) f e e l b a * k o f w ire 2 32.

s i ‘ k f : u w a v .M a y 1*1— o r ic - h A ir - n i l lp i l, ie li 1 03 ^ N d v a in t ’ e r # -i m e -h ii l f - lu i le , tw o in

Ib re p , 1 91 X . I b a x - N o v * n ih e r 13 —4>ne*lm lf ru lle . iw o In

th re e , poet en irteM , r.!'L|, I ftl k N o v e m b e r 3b im t - h a l f -m f le , iw o In

th re e , I i>4 f i , I * 6 ’-..N o v e m b e r 2 n ^ f in * .h a l f inkle, to h ea l

1 -I't. 1 t)T.l9H t.

M - iy 2#->-t.>ne-h.ilf-m i1e. tw o In th ree , w it h Q u e e n U e n l r y , W»^rouahk-I 'a r k . I 1 :(iK

J u n e Ik - t j i ie m i le , w l ih K a r] W ila o na n d Q u e e n G * m r ) , 2 U Q . 2.22.

J u l y 9— O n e m ile , Iw o in th ree , w ithth re e o th e re , 2 . 2 i \ , 2 in.

J u l y 30— tm e m ile , tw o in Ih re* . w ith O r la n n a S te n g e h 3 I 9 X . 2:31

A u f u a t 20— O n e n d ie . th re e In f iv e , w ith A a ro p H., S l2S , 2:2U, 2:2t).

S e p ta m h a r 10— C»ne m ll» , Iw o <n th re* , O f la n n * . 3 :U , S l i . , .

O o to b - r I - O u r l iv >1 ( r ia l. :l»>!J . l iO t U , I •*S

* :!7 .IJK, l:St,

October 17 —"flO f.ftf hfu li of .vlr* haod> fr»p, J:SS,------. » C , .

K p e r r tw .y . 1 » \ I .IM U . Ney*nib*r R—SiM.ilKHy, I :«7. 1:014.O o to h * r S i- Ney*nib*r N *y* JT ibo r 1S OS, 1:00\

1^ , i;m , ! :0 » H .I * \ . :J3, :4I, 1:01,

l.S 'J l

Sp*«i1-'*y, lO lJ .

A u s u i t i — 2:11 t ro t Hn<l pno ., a l t ho rse* In th I* r» c* . 3:14, 2:130 ., 2 :1 7 4 -

B * p t* m h « r *— I ^ r r - f o r - a l l , T . «n fl P.. I:]«. 2:11. 2:22H.

October t —On* mile, four horiei, 2:2U4, 2 : l t .

l i l t .Jub* 1*—One mile. 2.22, 2;21U, 2 :2*. Ausuat I—Trlol, :I«, :3I4 . 1:034,

1:210, 1:17, 1:M 4. 2:11 C.(|*St*nib*r S—Trial, 1;i^ te m h * r 1*—T-l*1. :1

J;2«H. I:J7, 1;51, 2 Ootebar ! • —Thr*e in five, five horae*,

1, b. 2. 1, *. 2 :004 , 3:114, 2:114, } ;12% . 2 :1 2 4 -

1»1S.Jmir 17—O ne mile, three horae* In race,

>:IE-■•ptamber 11—To beat 2:12, :l(, :S2, 1 ; » 5 4 . 1 :2 2 4 , 1 :1 * 4 . l : s i „

■apteinbtr 2f.-Trl*I, : I I 4 , ;S24, :4»4, • lit* . 1:21, 1:*«, 1:214. 2:124.

Oetobar I—On* mile rac*. thre* In fire, *:l». 2:174 , 2:22 4-_______


' IfBW VoTlK. DerT'll —Th# '-Maakedl ta f y « r —’aa unable (o dlapoa* of T>e- mltrlu* Tofaloa, lha Oreek atroni man, laat n lsb t a t th* Manhattan Opara Houa* a t ta r twanty mlnutaa of hard tuiale. Tomorrow nlcht'a faatur* will h* th* return match betwaan th* -Itoahad Hanral'' and “Slrantlar Lawta," who. on Monday ntcht, ihal- tarad th* unknown’* hitharta unbroken raoard. TbI* matrh will go to a finlah.

ta other bout* laat night "Strangler tdoirW" dafaatad Bulo Havonpaa of rtnlaod In tu ran ty th ra* mlnutaa and twenty* Sill* aaconda Ivan 1.lnow, th* llnaainn CauMCk, wan from Knrl Vagal of Oar- m asy in alavan mlnutaa and thirty , aavua aoeand*. Plarr* Ix Colon* of F rssa* downed Hana Puarat of Aualrln In th irtaan minute* and tw*nty.on* gaadhdn. Wilhalm Berber *2 Oannany

. draw w ith Qaorge Bay lay, and And ran* •s lag , the Spsalah bull flghtar, pinnad tb * ghouldara o f Albert MuUar of 8n«. a s r to lb* a n t In alavan mlnutaa and C arlf-tear aaoonda. with a bip look and **** dbAsoarr.

n m i i n i i i o c i E r s c m i , n P U T ST. 2*1111 SOHIOl

n w TOllK, Dec. 22.—PrlnoatW* V w 24*01 «tU span If a aasaon bar*

w kas It fan** IM tnat team » ss lX iiD b « i of coaaotd, N. H.,

m diblsB Btnk. Th* Tl«*r« asmhtnatiaa thfp i*kf,

» « r * « W -S



- Um sse j.

ACKKT M rAKLA.NO la r*«lly MTioua ab«ut Ma daaira to run

^1-4*7 ygc* In Chicago. Hit t U ci«ttr from (ha facft that h*

hga tMwvrqd • from th* rider*by prtmtlilw tu come to thi* dty n*it Turaday to poat hla houda. furnlah tranaportgUioQ money gud *lgu up all tha man who wlah to compet* hi th# avriit It looka a* though ih* whol* thing waa coming to « ahow-down «ml ttiai another bant* la Impending lonie- whal along th* line* of Ih* dketurhanr* that created the Motordruin* w*r a couple of )rarii *f;o.

- +

T h * B la r a w h o a re lo o k in g to ih v f u t u r e p ro h s it ilh 241II no t rom pe itt, Itut th lM w u i i 't U la tu r h ih e t 'h l ia g o p rg - n m tp rs . f o r (h e I m ie fa llo w * p ro ved m o re p f> p u U r th a n th * W r ll 'a t lv e r l la e d le a f ie r* i lu r in g th * laa t ra c e th e re Fmr H u f l i 'K n a a e jnuL M a d o n n a o r tV o li l r a b a n d K o p a k y a n d a n y o f th e o th e r* in g*( * U p o r tw o h e h iiid anU a ta r i l i i t e r i i i l t t a n t a p r i i i l* in r e g a in r h e lr U>*| g ro u n d . U th * b a it th in g th a t fa n h a p p e n h i « C h ic a g o * U -d a y ra ce T h * c ro w d * r h e e f gn<d th e a p e c ta te ra p u t up ■prlm ea” f o r s h o r t a p rtn ta and th e re

I* g c i ie rw l e a c l ie m e n i w hen ih la k in d o f a a i t u a t lo n d e v e ln p i. T h e p a tro n * th e re d o n 't *eem to c a re fo r re co rd - b r e a k in g o r a n y o f th * f in e r p o ln la o f th e p a a ll iT ie aa It haa he*n d eve loped In N e w a r k , w h e r e a b o u t n ln e - te n lh a of th * e p e c t a io r a ae«m to h* e xp e rt o b ae rv era.

- + -

McKurUnd knowa *11 thla. He ha* t)*en lold It hy Thoma* P. Convey, back of the Home Rapoalllon (’om- pany. which rontrola th* Chicago Col* taeufn. Thla explalna what Kaan t bf^en clear to many Newarker#^Jii»t why he la willing to ilgn up a ao- callcd aecond-rate field He al*n in­tend* to gel McNamara and Hp«ara, two of Ih* beat alx-day rider*. In order to be on tha aaf* aid*. FI* haa mada them a bonui offer, hut neither ia aaying very much about hit intention! Ill adv*no«.

T h e r e la n o d o u b t lh a t M c F a r la n d can ge t a f ie ld n f r id e r* If he r e a l ly w a n t* o n e T h e r e 1* a hu ge c o l le c t io n n f M ic n i w he* i ie i i t i l ly com pe te at Ih* \> lrM lro i* ic , a n d n gnod m a n y o f th * n u rt ih e r n e v e r m a k e m u ch m oney iip ib e re . h e c a u e e th e y a re In nhou t th e fa a te a t b ic y c le ro m p a n y . ta k e n aa a w h o le , t h a t t h e r e la In the w o r ld . N a t u r a l ly , t h e y i io n 't con a lde r th e y h ave m u c h 10 lo a e If th e y d ra w a I lf* e u B p en a io n f r o m Ih e N C A T h e y f i g ­u re t h a t I f ( h e y o an g e l aom* gnod- • la ed p ir ra e a In a few * i» -d a y rare# now a nd th e n th e y w i l l he aatlafJed.

Rut tbl* wont affect the leader* at the Velodrome who have been drawing bnrttiecn under mtHract# In the paat They realli^ that th* track hare la l-rni ihally the only one In the country ll'fti CBM provide lltieral ptlir*. fThey are willing ty fnTrg.i the templing pur«e* for llir eakc of gening a chance idt the profli* of an enllrr eeaeop and I'f B rftf ln n " to r o n ie

T h r w h o le e lt u a f k in r e ro l i ’e* l ip e lf Into a 4'o|I^r-tldin of tiuplnepe men look­ing nu l for their o w n inlercelM There Ip n o r c a e o n f o r gelliiig wrought up over ll- The Cycle Racing Aaaoclatlon pronmlern want to {>rotect their In* vcatineiita and reap a profit frotii a eport It haa taken them year# 10 rDai«*r Meaara. Convey and McFarlaixl want to grab off a t i t t le extra Income no w that the field haa been prepared for a iiio<1er«te harveat by previous ah d ay race* Iri i'hlcggo. The flrlera want to make B» much moiicy an they can, w hares er and w-henever they can. Kach inau la looking o u t for hlmaelf. Why ahouldn't he?

- • f -

gi)<| l l a m o r *

Peace negoUatlooa l>etween th* FXdcral league and t^rganlaed Raaehall hav« raaU'heJ a at age w here U la prac­tically c*ftaln that the FVda will cran* to ealpt and the 1nternatb>nil* will again ha ir full c< ntrul of the. Newark f'rrl*

,!*>iy. Rumor conbei ta 1' T. Powera with the Ivt.aL tntern*.iioD*i l,.eague fran- chlar. It tH'lleved that Harry F. hincla'r will taka over the franchlae held by tha old Inrllana before tlieir ntreat to iYarTlabiirg laat aumrncr. There in alao aonte talk of Edward Owlnner of the littaburgh Eeda being given an Intere*! in the local oicb. From another aourca conte* a raport that Owlnner will operata

J R . R I J M L E A U l l .At N>w Brunewlck.

N K W H R U N B W IC K Cat-herry 171 U « 119 T a y lo r . . . l i t 119 1*9 H o g a rty . t U 11* 119 U lrah . . . . m l»4 1« l H a rd t f tg . . »Q< l« l l l«

F A T B R tO N . Romary .. 171 l f | 1|4 Tam boe r,. 171 IIS 1T3 W r lg h l . . . 1Y9 19I M l B a r r e t t . . . 1«» LSI 111 R o th ......... I l l m 111

Totaia... I i i 131 YHT e ta la .. *99 11*911 A t Jrrw ry t i l y ,J K H H B * C IT Y . 1 F I .A IN F IE L D .

H lae r ___ I I I 3es MC H e tfle ld ... I S l H e t l lR a llly . . t13 I t s IIS Townley . 171 1S9 U l fiua**ll . . . 1*9 LBS U l l K laM ib r ’k.. IIY IS* M l K a lae r . . . 179 ITT 1*9 B a n n in g . . M I U t l M C a ld w e ll. . 119 i l l M S Hlnipeon. L7t M l MB

T e ta la .. ITT *T* *9*| Total*.. ■ 7*9 T4T T i l

« K « T H t l t f t O N F R A T K R N A L LBACAEIR, O n M ll!* r-U u fid* rm w n alJ«ya.

roPteSTONB. I BEARNT.L 'd a u o m . I l l 111 I9> Be tl ...... UT 111 1*9M e tca lf .. 149 141 111 Pa rke r .101 LIB 193 B ra n ch .. i l l 1*0 19*1 Wood ...111117 17* R n g lah a rd l l * IT f U t ] V « ii« r lund 197 l U 1*9 tirohaet . . l i t 149 i l l 0l*v*n«on. IS I1 I*1 1 I

T o ta U .. n i f * * » u 1 T a u lt . . m m i t *K lN a R L P T o j T R IU K B .

W lllo^hby iTf 14IU1 J*B*a ...,19411414* Darlaa . . I l l l |4 M l «tav*tia*a. Ill Ul U t M^dtwer't l i t i l l 141 Croaaniaa. lU M» U l O re a nba ll U * i l l U t iB o b H a b e f. U T l I l U t Gala .......I t* n i 14* Baaek a a .U IU tl l l

ToU ta,* M t T U t u I T o ta l* ., f u m t l *

M l i» i m

c m v a t a u a o d m .On Clarh'a allwa,

aO«B. HBTK. I ORACV Rulnwn.. UT II* Ul P.Kanv.. dniKli . . . l U l 4 i u i L , X * | t > . ,VoUar . . . U l lat l i t Wytaif .. u i 111 141 H-xmu*b £»Mn*(. Ill IH 114■UMB . . . t i l 1441111 Flair . . . . . i t l U l t t i

TalAl*.. HIUtTWI Tatal*.. f i t f n i u

aOTAL AdWAlfCM UACVS. _41*U|ar(]^^hB(l*tt *1)41

TaUta.. l t l f 2 » H I 1*124

o n e 2 « u « i n l l ' ' i-

t a u i A « ^ . g -

« * t» i

. f y ■

. W ilt

fm m u Sm I ^ MSuFlfiS. ‘

Miss Syracuse to End Days on Farm

a n I t it e r t ia t lo r i t l I jcague c lu b iti P it ta - b u r g 'i. E d w a r d O. B g rro w , p rea idant u f Ih* In tc rD a t in t ta l Ijeague, la reported to h a v a p u l up a a tru ng a rgu m en t re g a rd in g th e d iap iikB ltlon o f the f r u n hiaea m h i* le a g u e W h i le the In te rn a t ion a la g r* a lm o a t a i.ro to re tu rn to N e w a rk , the re la aom e d o u b t in the m lnda o f the m ogu la ra g a rd in g th a a w i lc h o f th* R ichm o nd frg n c h la * h a r k to Ha lM n io ra.

- + -

It la a a ld th a t w h ile there a re m ore th a n Suo p la y e ra h u ld lo g Fed e ra l Yieagua c o p t r a c t i , b u t f u r t y - e l ih t hav* I ro n ­c la d o ie a f o r n e x t negaun, and t h lr ly - a lx . a ra aJgned to the iro n c lad * fo r 1 *1 * and 1*17. T h e Fed* has* prom iaed to ta ka eg r* o f tbeaa m en Jn raac’ lh « p laye r* rar4iK>t g e t a jo b on eom* in a lo r league te a m * l th e aenve a a la ry . the Ke4|i have ag reed in p a y the d iff ir re n r* AM club* tn t> rgan iaed P a e e b a ll w il l h*- r lo w it h ­d ra w th e ir c la im * 10 a n y of ihe p lty e r* w ho J u jn te d to the Fed* The** m*'U cg ti be im u f h i h*4 k by the c luba w h ic h p r* v | o i i i ly ovi pod them y>J agree* Ing tn pAy the p r ir* set b y the N it ln n * !I ‘o m n ila a lo n . T h e am oun t Invo lved In tha ♦ I g h t y - f o i ir co n tra c t* heb i b y the Feda La I tT t .n n o .

H a r t J ' F H lr lf llr , |Tc*ident o f rh* T rp% a la n d * r^ady to ui^tioM ih e I ed e fjil le a g u e end o f any i.ontra>t a ign rd by A P la y e r w it h a c lu b in the leagu* It i« fa td I h g l w h e n e se r F e d e ra l I-eagu* c lub iiw n e ra c a i io o t pay th» c<yntra<’t* m ad* w ith t h e ir p la ye r* Lkecau** o f la r k o f fu n d s . N lm la l r and the N a t iu n e l < om m i*- e lr ih w i l l b e a r e q u a lly the a in o n n i o f ih« c o n t ra c t X in r ia t r h ala<; aiv* n r re d ii fo r b e in g b e h in d <'harHe ^^'eeghman In Ih* I ' j r r i ia a o o f th* t h b u g o ‘ ’ ubs,

l iisf^ lisa l lng t;ouliJlng

A c t io n w n* ta k e n |a«t n la h i by lh a r c g 4 a tr : i( io M c o m m il t ie o f the M e tro - p o t i ia n A M o i, ; ia t lc n o f th e k. A I . ex O h e rn t ln g Jeo rg e f lu u ld ln j.- n h m e a s u re f r o m c h a rg e s c f p rn fe a e lo i i j t l- i*m , b u t t h ia d o e a ii ' l m ean lh a t th e c a te lin e h e rn 2jroppe<l T b * I'om m lt^ t f i h;in le M f r n if i it*, i-nve^vslon p r o v ­in g . J l la a lle a p u , t b x l M o n ld ln g hna taheg p a r t In u n f a i r c o m p e t it to n * *nu th a t he h aa o f fe re d lo la k e p a r t in at le a n t o n e n>ore. Ogse o f th e ie te tte r* . It ia xh ld . In d a te d A u g ita t f t and a1gne<l b y ilo tk h ilT iK I t la ^i\>i th a t It in v i i c a E d d ie l le n a to c o rn p r ie in * iw o -h o u r w a lk in C 'an rid a . a n d p ro m ise * to m a k e th * r a c a wa enay n s Ren a d e a lre s It R e n a w ro t e b a c k th a t be w n* n e t In c o r .d U lo h .‘‘a n o th e r a lle ffe d le t t e r f ro m f lo u t d ib g , d a te d A u g u s t 80, Inforn^ed R a n g . It ia ea ifl. th * t he ^id po t n e ed to be In c o t id lt io u ; t-hnt the rn ce w rou ld be to H u lt R c h i . Fsx fnn t or a lo w a* he d e 2 i r c d n T h is cott mnnicatb-^n, It I* gi]le,xed. It.fo rm H Flcn* ih r i i ito u U l- In g had c o m p e te d In B u f f a lo in a ra c e

Ih ir i H in d . H o u V lIn g , th a a lle g e d le t t e r a t i t iN . In fo rm e d Hen* he l.gwl w n lk a d a rz e 'n a t Batn f fc h w a r ts and had m a d a lh a r a c e ao c lo se th a t e v e r y ­b o d y w a n s a t la f ie r l and n o b o dy " w ia th e w fa a r "

T h a r c g l f t r a l l o n r e m m IH e '' 1« n U o t r y i n g t o f in d o u t lu s t h ew m u ch e x ­p e r t * m o n e y w «a p a id to O o u h iin g f o r b la A p p ea ra n ce In the Johpsr.n A J o h n a o ft R o m e* a t N ew i in m s w ic k se v - a r i t w a a k * ago .

— A —

Amaunir \ t h le t J r a

Tha rutai propoaad by Guatavu* T. Kirby to govarn InUrcolInglnt* sport In all braorhea cover about every phaea af amataurliTn. and If tha membfra of tha commlttae of the T. V, A A. A A. work* logathar amoothly at the meat- liiga which begin Tdondgy there ehotitd at least reault a coda In black and white which will leaee no doubt tn tha minda of gtiv one concerning tha dlf- faretic* between amateurtam and pro- fagglonaliam in coMego athlatica. 1ti tho pAAt IgnorancA of th* rule* haa baan tha moat popular agco.*a of of- fandarA In th* aya of tha law that li, of eeurat» no defang*. bat In tha eaaa of tha coHag* athlata au ch ax- p lm n A lto n a might hava baan axpactad, for tha rutlngi were go jumblad that It wag. Indaad. dlffloolt to tall what v g a r ight and what waa wrong. Tha propotad rolaa ara claar* howavar, and tbara a h o u ld ba no furihar excuaaa for tnrrlngamenta. Much Will dapatid, how- arar. on tha bahavtor of tha Individual, fo r ' th a f. C. A. A. A. A. h u no powar to inforca tha rulaa* a# la tha caaa with tha A. A. U. TIm vartotoi eallaga* may mgka goma afforti, but that tg all, Tt la dlil tnctly up to tha roan thamaalvaa.

■Ved m i t o a

*alow 1* a picture of F re d F uIIdb, th * man who la to maat Chiunptan Jea* WllUurd In * bout for th* haavrwalfht ehdaapioBahip at New OrladM la Marcb. I t la on* of th* few tbkt btiv* baan MU! around th* oounlrr *o fhf. Kvl.

A N B :

. I t t l i l f l i Tatal*.!|tili<iiab. . „ ■

■■ . ^ 1

i i i t n i H


--------- -I IE . — ■

A TRIBUTE TO KAUFF.Ill my oplnioik, th* ijianta won't

nieke any mlBiak* If Ihey land thla bird Kauff He * a riouter at bat. clever on the bnae* and classy In the field. Tl.ifc Mirt muf h Ihal he Can t do He's full of pep and baa a tbrow- InR arm lhat haa It all oNer th* whip with wh'f^h "pi.r” Favld th^P 2 out lift Hath. for liratna, this hid Kanffwas hoi*, rm ihe same duv as thirty Joyriders sn.t gni all the mjri'lus

lSlg'i*«. . RL’NNT KAl'FF.o

B A S E B A L L 'S B U L L M O O S E .Benny Keuff Is to »»aaeh*l1 »ha( T.

R la lo tKilHlrs Ikiili were In l|ie nut- lae i- Tedi1\ ta Irylng to traniform liiniaelf from igh * 'r i ‘ prrald*nl lo a "n*af prcRMieni. while lienny la hnitiMg hto <'rKniigx»4i Haaehall Benny Keuff lH1nk« That Hi^nny Kduff la a might) Rwe.-i plnvor lli-t. when It comes If! thar tiplnlon. hep nd slone. The Hes I2 shared hi S4 V<*rul Ff d pilfherp h* puniehM ar^d numeroua Fed balpmcn w hie* bids for hit* w ere turn­ed iigto ouls l>\ Ilia rNSt

oT H E Y 'L L H E C L A 5 S i ; l l A L O N E .

[Waiter busliiehA f*ir the mHgnate.ne tis r baarh.ill fr>P the Tsn.

Hut thers'll he eoine alym sprirkleilUn th* wage of player man

\^1lh cognpariaon delefe4l.Lifting • ompetltloirn yok*.

Nn mure re*f1 to fih *t> greetly Moui Ihe pe.v of movlo folk

oR O A S T l O t N O F H O R S E .

7h* Nsw Yngk H<‘*rd of Health hs* 1iie» pul |(p t> K fir the ijs#, nf h->re* ri*-!»h ;]■ n foMii, If -Y.-ingir) i-f cerisln me.-ilx iloen Tini de*e|\p un. it]# chefs ■! eefleln places yyIimi' s e s r eit4»ri must ha^* tieat ihe pistol

oW H Y T H E Y W E R E N 'T W E D .

Tie asHeal whnl her fasorilr hook ana and hIis. ahaent-mlJiUg'dly repUed “Faitj. er's poukelhiMik “

rteiiil) he Iff iiA miji'ii uf a giant aa hs has been rcpigtfd i4> he anU kiioM* how In uAfiiiii# a boxing poaition, but m jie h le of that iM I le is known sboiH him He has kuui kM oul aornc aeouiid- fidtera stid lias bei nme famous sine* Willard s manngcra pi.>ed him for ih« champion a next of*pon#nt. Moat everylXHly had an Idea he cam* from Aumaw'her* mit In |h* Weat, but it ile- valopa that hi* home ia In Uoehaater,

HF.ADWORK NEEDliD.I t i h . A m . r lo a n a n il N a t io n .]

b a r f r o m b a a c l i l l s >iue < f Ih* a i s 'a w b a *'Drodla<1*‘ In to th* K td e r a l I r e e r i i* t h e y w i l l b t c h r s h n g fandom o f a r ig h t e i t a b l ia h e d by lo itg c o it - t in le d c o b t r l ln ' t lo n a o f s ix I t ta Th* fa n * p a y to se e th e b e s i in the g sm * a n d ie a rc A e f h c l r nume> ‘a n u r i lu Wnul<<h't O il* g e l pl4*ssati( * c ii:-a iio o* on s e e in g aoroe o f ih e hanvs h n iiK ln g h t q u im I f i r s t hag* sn d r e a l ja ln f (h a l K dK o n e l r p y a n d H * I Lha l-e M ere M l i l rarm) <>f the uixernpinj ei| Husehall la the sii-U man of tt'c S|iArUrg Wuilii, and 11 s a rinch that golf and tenni* and siiioirgg a rc i ' l «il<i2nl> Lt H>«s Iheir 'iavute^r 'f'ige n.iiinp.al g.ime will has- 10 he ntgr**i1 If It t« aoli.g lo cen-

M ln u e lo e x is t a s the iMittoriMl gam e.I T h e p rc a e n i 1* th e gnsgc ia is* I 'o ld an

O ppo rt u n i t )’ T h e V 'e.lefHt 1>agu* 'p la y e r s . p r i ip e M y fllM»ie-| M i l l m ake b o th Ih e A rcd-rh-an a i «1 S s t ln u s l p A g iie g I ree I |7 a jo r a 1 g.Mlli

I Oj F U R T H E R .tO YI •'iti4r»i m (he A iMer;tft7 i A s a o r lu llo n I a re h n ih n a w t lh delight Ihe h r l* h le n - I lu g p ro s p e c t o f p rs< r n Ib r haHe|>all I w o r ld F r o in one o f i l ie in lo m e a iHIa j utterance.I " I f I h c K e d e r i l L e a a iie M d l ih a r d e d

th e r* w iM be n n u m b o i of ih s o u ila w ' p la y e r s g ra b b e d b y fbe N aU Q ua l arid A iu e r ic u n b 'n g u c a T Ik h M m ild m ean th e p a a s in g n f a s ln i iU r n u m be r o f p ie a e n t l>ig le n g t ie p l.sY ers v. h»> «on|4t be ba04te4l 4 lon n lo tt ic |.iu mlh4>r* ,\ I0I Ilf th e P'e-d a th le v i-s s re rio i d eem sil fa s t e n o v ig b f o r M g 'e .,y ii,. lirtH. but MO ijId b* a p n i ik le d I'rMUti'l iin^oita Ihe

j lu h io r le a g u e r lu h s <>

W H A T A N U . E N A M E !I If if» ii « e r o .4 rtg e s tp r w b 'i h - i-trisn I A l la h , y o u rpH i ncYer be vAnuM n 'i a

g lo w o f rr ig if lr le g i- ’r h iu I cngrgfotl s u f fu se ) i» u r l ie 'n a if on egepftijin lo the m ill

' lb s re r* re e h i in n u in i'd >«Mir uppoMSTilI b y Ik e r o i ig e i i i i l , i ‘ lv lli> ed g e n t ly [ .a o o ib m g HHriii- o f " S i r a n g le r ” J.ew .is'I FA .V .

trj- I *» latiomis "f tin Ar . |iHS ticen «-hosef' for liir lnii, »ivrl Tl. y.'>rttf fif the .Halein A C. for Ih* 22' 1 ><1 MereilHlg gif Ilir liilvcrslfynf I'cruaylvartI* gels tmth ihe ipiarleT and half-mllen hihI Noiniau 1'ab«r of Brown the niH*. The two-inLiu ' goea lo H F. Fotter of ('orjveil and the fiYi*- mlle to Htiorira Kolehniaiiuu of Ibe Irish • AmerH H n A. f . Tlis other sriec- llohs are l2n.yHr<I Inirdlea, FreJ Kell.i, fif .‘ giithcrn I'ali-fornU; .;trd hurOtf''. H H h>rgnaon, l'nlv<-rs*ly f»f T'enrisylvHiiiu, liiKh Jump. A. W Hli"harda, rurnelj f'nivsr- •liy; broad Jump. H. T Worihigigton. !>■ rttntnjMi, Im mgner - 1 hr4i w. I'at lI)KH. Jrlih-Aniericati A sh«ii-piit ainl die eua throw, \ Mijika, 1 iiiversli) 4if Wiacoualn, JaYClni throw, t*. Hrgimlet. Irlah-Amerlmn A , hop, Mi'p snd Jump. IJ, Aiiern, tlllg»ola \ r . poln vault, F. K. P'oss. 1‘ornell l / i l \e rs iu , flfty-aix-pound weight. I.ee Talbot, Kan Baa City A t \

not. th * c h a a c * * a r* t h a t U m a y b* a lo n g w h l la * r* h * d e l t c l* th * e r ro r . T h * o ld l a y in g t h a t w * c a n 't *'a*« o a ra a lv ** aa o t h f r g a*« ua'* g u r a ly gppT lea to g o lf a n d th a t I* w h y d lf f * r « n t rna thad* h a v* b«*n u U d lu Ih* b o p* o f a id in g th* b ag lr tn a r .

S t a n d in g w it h th * au!i a t oa* 'a b a c k *0 t h a t a n O A 'c a ilo n a l g ia n o * m a y b* h a d a t th * a h a d o w a n d t w in g in g In f r o n t o f a m i r r o r h a v e o ft* it b aan tr ia d , f t e c a u t ly I n a t ru c to r* h a v * b*en a h o w - In g a t* n d e n c y to e x p e r im a n t w it h a fa a t m o v in g c a m e ra T h e re a p pea r* to b* a f u t u r e f o r th a t *u rt o f H iB tru c t lo n . t h o u g h fo rm e r New J e r t t y g e n a to r L 'a rH o n K , F le n ^ h** o th e r id e a a


A t th u d l im e r g iv e u \ty (*# C r a u fo r i l G o l f P lu b III .Mux. J L ls rs tu ii a u d F d a ln .y HV Ud th e O live r n ig h t. M r P le r4 * svl- m i l t e d l h a i h i* a n rh u a in tn v had bean eo t i r o n g aa to iu d u i 'e h im to r ig u p a con - I r lv a n r * In h i* h o in * *■> th a t h* m lg h l a a c e r ia in w h e n li* mo\e<] h l i head

H e a d m o v e m e n t la one o f th e m ost c o m m o n f a u l t s o f a b e g in n e r and , l ik a - M lee. on* o f lh « h a rd e s t to d e te c t Th* H e n a to r h a d a n a i ia c b in e n t conn*cT4”<g h la head w it h a b a l l, w h ic h i l n k t a j m e r r i ly w h « n * v * j ih * head moved.

V«r> g o o d , su f a r na It g oeg bu t Mow a b o u t so m * o f th * o th e r fa u lt* . * u rh as shur)vl> 2' u l t l i i K ao roaa th e b a l l w ith (h* c lu b h e a d , th e re b y d e v e lo p in g a a llc a ; lh « p y t i lu g a w a y f r o m the b a ll * f th* f in la h o f live i lr o K * ; ih * v i** -lik* g r ip o f th * r ig h t lig ivd d u r in g th* b a c k a w in g a n d *0 n n ? A m u*1cal w a rn in g fo r a u c li fa n il* .

a - f e — V i l


Fnrc l u i r u c e CeapuaM, b c U * | P n d a t i t l . l ik r w td i i Foal

u d B ilivd Tow iiyt.SAMUEL UmCART B PRIME l O m

KfforiR ar* b«lng mad* to f* m ipool aud bllLUid league for employ*** of itvaviranc* cotnpini**. Ho far* SarhmI f . I'athcart of the I'rudeuUiU InauimBO* rump«ny Athliilc AMOClatloa h u MU* c**d*d in getllng flv* cninpaAl** InUlwat* ad in the a<hemo It l« exp*«t*d that Am I plan* for th* affair will b* mad* g | a meeiing Friday at the Metropolitgg buibUng In Nsw V-»rk.

I'xlhcail, who la "hHlrman of iM billiard cop mius* ut the FrudantiAli ha* irtereeiiil hi* own company aB# the I'HjtiUutils. Mutual Hrneftt, M«trw*

T Z.W i l l y o u p u b l is h th e n a in e t o f Ih*

g i r l* w h o h a v e been choaan queen* o f th « A s b u r y F a r k la r n lv a l d u r in g |h* p a s t f iv * y e a r s ' H . b . L .

T h a y a r* a s fo l lo w * 1911. M U * OlgW V « n 1fiD v t O ra n g e : 1913. M is* f la a * l M a n n a r* o f ( h la c it y ; 1*13, M I1 * Ilaa« ]H e u m sh o f B r o o k ly n : 1 * H . M l* s M i l ­d re d M o r g s i i o f Ind ta n a p g it ls . 191&, I l ia *V i r g in ia H o p s K * la e y o f A s b u ry p a r k ,

T ?.Mu W hat g|a> did S«plcngiier S7. IMT.

f “ H ' A . ft.Tue*.i* %.

- 4Y Y,

J a m h ir r t r e n y s a is n f ■*» and woviid lik* ' t ' l hw 'o fns wn r je rt f i< ia n a n y pii<'» In tb i* c ity w tie r* 1 (he trad e* ( ‘a n a m an bi«rn In a fo re ign of-nntr> n b la lt i a p4»e1tbirg a* n vndu rto r on (he ih ib i i , H e rv ir* i r i t i i r y rare'* M \i9 l he | m e e t p la y e r a In h a re ii g ra m m a r achool e d iu a i lo n ? W lie r* T h * beat d .r fs a |rer»2»rv a p p ly ? r P. ‘

VcMi ’ an ta ke a cou rse in * U c t r k ^W4*rk a t (he <>n(r*I and L a s t H ide e ven ­in g l lgb s>-(v<M2|a, artd at Ih r Hoy*' fn- duelrl:^! h* bmU 7‘ he rnnnM* n l the la t ­te r * h lc t i is a day schiw .i. is ih r* e year*.Ther4 are a tnjiivlv* r nf fl»'i-trli-a1 Ciijp'ertg* wblrh advertb* iraulHrly in the New*, snd >'4iu m ig b l ..h tu ln u pns ir ion to le a rn t in ' t r s i le v i t h one K't t lu rn

A tiia ri, w b r ib e r Am e rb s n o r fo re ig n tvYrn whi> ■sn r»ad and w r lie ln(elil- gentiY is o j ia it iit f,ir a pMS,i|Mti sa ri>nduc* to r irn ihe tr*'lle> .'sr* It is n4it ne«-e». ss rv In h ave a g ra m in s i s--tioo| r d ’0 ’a< t in n I f.f H p n s it li II S p f ly In W. J fU m sev. s iip r r lT itc n d e n t nf r r n r l 'T m e n l , Pub- b, III lid Inc and b a n kN il-’ * I ■

M A M I K L y . C A T H C A A T .P r u d e n t ia l <^ue A rO a U W h o !■ U«|g4agr

to Q r g a n i i* * H i l l i a r dIw4*agu«.

potitan ant) th* Oarmahla Llf* Inagr* atir* corTipanle* of N*w York. Kffortg wilt ha mads to obtain on* mor* *om- pany ao that ther* will b* al« In tb* i«agii*. With an *tr«n numb«r It waiiM be poatlbl* to hav* Ih* playera of tacli enmpat y play avery w**Il Other* wiea hi drafting the «cbsdu)* a byr would have lo be drawn *ach Iraek It la expactsd that tbs opanlhg game* w^ll le played lat* Ih Ignuary.

B i l l i a r d iM a y ln g ha* a lw a y * b *on p o p u l. i r a m o n g ib « P ru d a n t la l *m -

, p lo ye e a . a n d In th«1r o w n t o u r g g io o i t Ya th e re ] t h is y e a r th e re a r* t b l r t y - t w * p la yo r* , ■n l e i r n i u a m e a a r e p la y e d *n c* a m o n th I H *

m en a r* e la g e lf t* 4 l i t tw o d lv lg lopa* A a n d ft. a n d In a t| th * g a m a a th * m * fi

t h e ir o w n d h r la M t . . p la y t r a w i l t r « r r m n t *«cN

c o m p a n y In Ih* p ropnaed le a g U ik


V 7H'lw UYii pi»i>l|f s. b«>Ml# and high

p.-hi-rtis sre (her# in liij# n(\- ■ (foi*' maiiv fr-isnl ..ffU't r* sr- tliere ft,# g||#i puhllrHI li4M't| s y s tem III ih i» ? Mrvnr oJd mivst« imy nr girl 1*c In nriler *.» ID work.. ......... u i . t a in in g W'lrkUia p/ii-er** How■ lid must * clillil hr to eii!«>f a movingpl*'hirt' theater withnui netiig a cen m p t- nie4t Hiih pg* adiiM" llriw many m*inbsra s re lb . r e i>n 1 h»' R*wrd n f B du ca t lo n7 H nw inig^v grubin p la y g ro u n d i a r*there in N«'WsTk* g. V*.

' i ' l ie re M ie slxt'-thn'# puhllo *eho o li .iTiiJ f 'H jr jM ib tlr h igh s rh o n ls In I h l i C ity . T h e re a re fnu rtce i* tru a n t o ff ic e r* w h ich ilo 4-s not in^bute (he "upe rv lsop o r h i* ss s is lw h t F o r b4»vs o r g ir ls lo go Xn vork wlMioul niuuiiTing working paper* ih cv m ust be a l b a s t i lx le s n years o ld . T h o s te le 1«w sa v e a ch ild \n • o t* r a lh<'a|«>r w MIhm iI b e ing ncr«vn)ran|sd w ith s n sd u lt m ust be s ix teen y e a n o f ag* T h e re a re n in e n ie m h rrs 4»n the H oa rd o f Fd iic* tb»n Ther* ' a re tw en ty -on* p u b lic » rhnn! p ls y g ro iif td * In iiperaM oti d u r in g tb» sgintiMcr U rne A t p re sen i i l l er« .•l•-'ud.

Rny Ream, the Imal pocket Mlllgrd play*r. turned Uie lahie* la»l niffbt on J. Rysn of Jeraey (‘tty tn th* aeCOttd leg of (heir r^o-point match *ndwafk*d away with the avrnt by a acar* «( Mg to 193. The flrat leg, played at Rygp*a HilHurd Acadengy In Jera*y CHy, *«• auMerl In a \lciorv for the proprlMwr. IZDloirn ItraFu pilsfi up an *nori«i«tM )«ed early In lost night's play at th* Msrropolltan nilHard Academy fg thla city, coming out wlih a 19* |o l | tatty, lie had high riina of 34 ang tl.

WISCONSIN SPORTS HAY GOMAHisn.v \\\M, iNh' j ; -Th* fate of

wUc.-(inain f>M,ithall and all lnt*rcn||egla|* stKirts lestej Irxliiv iipoQ th* deolflion of the Rcannis rummittiH* Invi'atigaling Had- g»r athid tic*. whii'h will report January it. It was reported (hat the commltta* was In favor of kicking ail IntercoUagkU* *p>>rta Inin the discard with ba**bglt y*- cenily AlK>llahcd by Ihe Rig Nine C0||f*r- en<'<> Tntramurai. or home aportt, will be suhstttiilrd, ll 1* «*td.


/I iij w « an 1 tin rk *•

I g 4.m1 ii*M f u r n it u> rn N p iriHWi K h o ii l

of rgiiar-I g losa^

(' n.

I 'H K D r r ie T o i i i*

FCumlifHiig Ihc P la y e r s j

ATn*>ng t h r D ian y s u fK i xU iu is thnt have | been m ade fo r c in iiuK lng iKe frHitl*all

I r i i lc R one ic iven im ic l i itro rn ln cm s is ib a t I I o f b u ii ib e r in g tJge p la y s rs i i Is tb s tb'- ! j s ire o f m a n y lo m ake fhe w earing o f \ I n u m e ra ls c o m p u ls o ry unO ti i i r c p u r lH |

th a t a m a ju r lt y o f the h ien ihe rs o f the | j com(nltt«>c *ri* In fa v o r o f t b f ru le . j S tro n g o p p c a lt lo n is expected, h im n c r ,I e a p e c la lly f r o m f v r e y H auR b ion , w liu f

w il l r e p r r s ' tji J fa rv a rd . W h ile seve ra l ; f f t rn ic r H a r v a r d tap lM in s , IndTidlng r h i r l e r R r lc k le y , a re Jn fa vo r o f rhe h iim b e rtn g l la u g h t o n and other a u ih o r i- l lc j i a t cam b rldM * ' a re oppuSed. Y 'ek la h o ld in g (»ff. bu t l l la th o ugh t tb s t th i j L l i* w ou ld co n « rr it ahouM lU r t s M m ake th e f i c i l m ove , P r in c e to n , T>arimmith, I Coh im h lw , Cornell. P rn n a y iv a h ia , R u tg rr* and o th e r cu lle g ca have used num bers fo r tw o seaaona. and have found that opponen ts g a in e d no advaD tag* hy H ietr U H .

- + -

It ss*m e to be n question th a i ahould no t be ru le d upon , fo r It la d ia t in c t iy (o^ the *pevtatn|-a a n d not fo r th a p l*y«ra. b u t D e re rth e le ae the re la no a p (» re n i r ra e o n w h y *U c o l le g ia shou ld go t c o n ­

fusing much nf the advantage |i lo*t for to hava one team on the field num­bered and not th* other ti el litti* **r- vlc* t* tho** In the aund*. Th* ruling would probably force Harvard and Yale lo take to tha numeral*, but It would be batter td bring tbam Into the fold without fordfig It upon them In black and white.

- 4 -

iFetecting Gtiir tfirrora

When a gotf«r comraJi* on* of th* hundred and on* fault* which h* thou Id

PuellU t. -W ho « u r .u Into Llin*n(ht w ith only H*rv*rd >nd T*l* r*.with M«teh A(i.tn*t Champion

J * u WllUrd.vh*r* h* ht* b««n practloin# chiropody on hor*«* and flttlnc thara to n*ir •ho*a Mika Cothna of Hudaon, Wla,)a blamad for dticoyarln# him and lr|r- IftK to f a t hla Ilfh t out from und«r a fatuhal to h« can daaila tlie flfht fana. Ha may b* food. Tea never ban tail. Th* only th ln f to do I* to alt down end wait to ■•* whet J*** doe* t* him or w hat h* do*i to J***.


A n A t t - A a e r f a m W n d c Tetum

,P I«k tnf ntl-Ametian foefbalt Uam* to a ll .tk * aantter of opinion «t iho pgekor. tnlena ko foUowo th* n«* l4 of Mm* otkoo foflower * t frldtron totivi- tton. In M idotlnf aa alt-Amartpa t w i t 'iM ik . ,nn* m ar C*t 4«»n to • tra tfh t (Mltn. kowovar, and nama mtn erhoao prowaM oannot bo OllMntod.W t o r h n * « M i d f l f o r a a d o w p la t k * ro d p rd a t n r o m o t k « i r o rw tk ..; ’ '|D !iH l|«

_ t H i (k* t o w V M knM

■4- ' ’ " l - ,

lev*loaa*a u r th

KBAXal2nt TOraNKT.

O R IR K T 21Oa Kra*m.r tdHM

PUIHOBR A.l U 2 H « rk ....... , . . , 142 214I U4 Groilty ,,.,,,241144 I t i : W'h.rley ...... )4i t i l

To ta l* ....... 4 i t 4221i n p f i i t A i # . . 'p lo a r l lv . . 1 ( 1 1

Total** . 141 i»4

M . ni**rl< 0« r* r


. 1«. 1, i T i l

1.7*1r a n u id i L

iiSr lW :

k u m o o i i

There to pe ne frMlfig sta n nn Mi*ms 1 h el w hh'h t Hli he nhtslned jil OI Vrir^T i'l« « pH 1r 1 r( >rto which sill Bi 6 11you Iho (1 cfllrMli f f tiHr

( t i l I 1o in Tin H\*:i«Ii1 K r 1 s ■ i tih.AF r IMJt IJOT" ........ 1':1 ;<» Kuo-kM1 l•*dtoln(lR io; F l-M* iltUMf >-* t u un\\ (?( V4inmsn \»i

Tn!«i :iM Trtifi TS1V.l IMi NltW V!>RK NO J

Turn |ne ‘illi^n ... . 1 4*4) Triftfitoie >Ti ripk- u.an 1 (y ' urirv 1 :iXfto’ ^ : 4>. I(iA«>hinefi r.Ki'l.*r 1 ?7 Jl ulir rl eun I'jjTnial 'I'lYI 1 (17

VKS Vi. IlK N<». liHAPTINO.1 o .nil 80 SinKh 1 48Trunflsi" lOS K'lerkeJ SI(•■irirv 1 1 IMH<M.!L.nari l-T hri<l> iJhH r'lfrlinn l*io SS Udiiann UlTt.'nl 4 4'* Tnlsl

TRI HKN riA 1 TOI M.\g1.•'■'n er 1 ti tVha ifi'i toiifirk.

«mD ACf'T oju> POUKlein ... IIA U« r>*irbfl . . . Ul ut IUyiiaa Id 1 ril 174 1 I'l H'hnrn 201 117 1 u(lthrl«r. iTj m 114 l ln l f . . ]U Ell ldl>tlftndif'sp . U lb \b Handicap. to to ib

Tfttsls. 897 UT Tfltsla. £17 £11 838mv. n. <XTHnB rriiEF Harr a lie u a lie Kleiu 111 314 HI

Ha,eT . . . . 1*4 U* 164 iHiuper . . l i t HI 144f tshsner . UO IT9 110 RsUlvIn . \ l i U( IJIMandbap 38 Ih 31 Jtsndicip. 80 10 8*

Bsvvral t>f th* star tenpin b*wl*rt pf New York are endeavoring t* gf- range matchea with howUra In iniat'My. Mortimer Llndaley and QUn Kid* (1*11 want to roU here but a i yet M on* baa given their challenge cottiider* Btlon-

Thoma* riennlng of the IjeOllsa tanm In the Tnler-Counly Alley OwgarraT loeague In (hrnugli rolling two-mnn • ndurance contesta. Denning aayg ti* had rtiough laal season when h* and Tfiny Wiley rollf'd In nearly every con'd test held In (bis city. Denning ftie* ' rolls with the Newark Eaglta In It* Kagles' Fraiernal l,.eagu*.

John Ftpeary snd T*ewls Van ?iess are rolling tho best t«npln* for Ih* N*w« *rk RIks lu the Setignr KIks' Liiaiue. Alt of Ih* formtor s counts havo be«n rioee to or over tho ijoubls century figures.

Much crertii for the succesa of th* five-man handb-si» luurnament being conducted by Tho w csiiiighonaa Rleetrl- ral and Maiiufscturing Company AUt- letlr AssoilsHon is duo to • ^alrmdB Frank Trer»')g The later 1* Oft th* Joh every nlKbr gsinos *r* ichedulbi and the I iif> luisipotismsni* hav* o*- t iirred lx due \ * hin ability to k«*p (M pin kiilghls irirerealed.

Total*.. |r,» 9Tt 9 ttf T*ta)« 411441447 O B D , AC ('T . 1 H ir i f l I O N P.

Krotoflln. 14$ 174 ITT’ im lt h . . . . 1*1 339 ITIM cC a rty .. U 7 17a l«9 lAsh ------- 149 l i t UTw e lrh . . U S 17* I4«:rnfwy . .179 l i t U lHandicap ** *’9* Bft l«! Handicap.

Tetala.. T*taU. .49 49 *0

B U f l l 913

Of.I» rABaiONBD T047BNKT. Oa 014 raablonad all*ya

w . wtvilkint .......T a y lo r ___ .Pchs*f«r . , .

T o ta ls . . . . a/ . W

TVllkln* . . Taylor . . geha«f*r

U t M lu « mU l 1411

U l 119 394 l i t

. U l L47

H A.g io ll .. • to ll .

A . t lo l i ..a .

M. a. . s U l 171 . . . U4 JIT ... Ul 177

T«tal*........ 414 4TIP lt lD A T M O B N IN U

199 U l•chwieg gi:hwart* Uary ...

T«Ula.Total*.. .. 1U499 FRIDAY UOIININCM It. A.

•chwleg .........171 II9IH. itollHchwarit .. .I»1l99l . huh Uary ...........u* 1T9] atoll


a .. . I » i i99| ..........It* 1 ^ .A........ I l l 9lg| ‘Totals.,

. ITT l^*

. U l U f. I l l 104. •.. 114 149

111 U l..30« 147. l i T u i

JR. O. V. A. M. LBAQCR.B O Y D B X. Batff . t i l 199 ITI

Ingold . . . 189 149 S*l M'Ua* ..1111 X a rr ........149 1• c l i lU r . . . 1141

T o ta ls ..l lO N ttO B .

V ‘4 T g Jr* 114 I M U l BiaMfuM-4 U l <.. !•. RIvH t . . . . m i M M I

WHCll . . 191 M'd'lf -Total*.. IM IM tt l t

ORANilE.K U fs r . ... t4S304 Ut UansM* ... UR 1(7 13« VlAooet ... Ul m 1T4 HoKafa* .198 111171 Barkmaa. t9i 111 1*9

Totala* 7*11*7199 NBWAIIX.

Oneklor .. 17* 19* ITI Frwnclae*. 1*8 III 1*1 Kohn . . . . . Ul 111 111

D M M fh . . U ! } i ! } ! > !!“ 7.— . . 1 I I . IS. Bruohmiin III II* IIIToml*.. I l l H4 l i t

2U O Ln UCMVt. At lUhway.

flAHWAlI 'C e rtiC j ■■


■ m m s

Xmas Cigar Specials

in boxes of 25's“ 3 - 5 0 -2 " ................................... 11.00" B l u k and W h i t V (5

■Izm) ............................$1.25*'E» y I of Pawtuciiet"

(lijy.) ............................»l.2i“ t * M » r a i " .11 .26" O O f t o l K m I " ( P e r f . ) . . . * U 5“ P p d o r p " ( l a r . ) ....................1.60“Flora de Munt" (Opnw)

I1.T5‘Tomporik" (FScf.)......... 61.76“ E l ^ l e n o " ( C o n ^ i i ) . .61 .00 " I t o l r C u r z o n ” ( l n T . ) . . . | 1 0 0 " R o y t l S M « r ^ “ (In T .) ..6 2 .2 & “ F l o r d o M u n r ( N t * . ) . .13 .26" E l S o to n o " (V lc « .> .............6 2 .M“ R o jrp l S M o r e l f p " ( P in c r

T f i M ) ...................■ . . . . $ 2 . 7 1“Flor dc M vn r (Froitd-

l u e ) ............................... . . . 1 3 .7 6“ E l H o Im o " ( P d f . B ( .> „ t 3 . 7 6

Full Un«« of I tM t known krandi of

CIGARETTESh i 6 0 ‘« a n d I M 'o .

t m

C f w i t o r M I S tk k S k D w w i

P b ir iB ic ^7 8 1 B ro a d

( ( IM **!* ( N t o e w d in H i i S H * 1

turn n u f iK Y iA U E r o m e n'C lu rsM lt>«t th* fMjofUr *1 th*

H ^ i r k trafflo r«hc«tn«n «r* <lli- ■MHaoM BKil •f**n r a u r t to iliuM.S m n«4a tavt niftit by T. U. rralt.‘S |M « n t ol th* Motor 'Truck Club o(

and a rMtd*nt of Ihl* cUjr ■a waa i^aak ln i b*for* lb* Motor y ra rk a s b of N«w J«r**ir a t th* anaual M o tln t tn lha baadquartar* la Waab* C ^ o n flaeo.

Hr. P ralt nan*d on* txctptloa. th* ^fttc*r a t Hutborry and Uarhot itr«*t«. Ha aald IM* aollcomaa waa bla U*al a t tartoation.. ® art«# Ika eoura* of hla addraaa Mr.

HMtt alao touehtd u|Kin Ih* adTln- btlHr of orvanlalna lb* motor trucka H Ik* country Into a military unit far national delana* pur|a>a* In «a* of

Hr. P ra tt had b«*n ln»ll«d to 1*11 Ik* aaaaibam how thay could make (kair oinb a mor* banoflcial o raan lu Uaa. It waa Ih* annual ni**Una, and H a atM iloa a t offlcar* praetdad th* aAlraaa. M aid Harpar waa ra-alrctod S lild a fit. J. U H ack waa ranamail alaa •rwaldanti and K. ft prlaala, aacr*. aanr. Oaeraa T. Jancoalu# waa alaelad anaowTar. Oaara* Woodward, th* ra- «a*BC traaanrar; J. T. Caatl* and U C. fP jrd v a ra choaan a* lb* Hoard of l i t t t a i a Hr. Harpar announcad h* VatiM aaBM U* eoamtlltaa* latar.

•Paaah’B Vala* t i War.. *Dm Bwtor track’* practical vahj* la

*Hn a t war.* maintained Hr. Prnll, H ik ey en d arauuianl. It la vary avid- • i t th a t tha truck* ar* a paylni prop*

atbrrw laa why aboold all tha aaanirla* ha** . eancaatratad

’ a fto rt toward Ih* noUK tsllon B»tor traak oorpa and orfnnliad

E to a markad daata* o t cffltlaBay. B tran ia h*a ahown rnaro than an*

nr* wbar* dliaaiar waa avartaA or a ifiaarlo aa alluatton hrtdaod by a iHilM tk if t mad* with th* aid a t Ih* HWtoT Mwok.

T h * ValMd •!*?** thonld ho ur«od fa ■at kaWnd tho aMaomont. A oaaau* aboald t i n t ha taken to aaetrUIn th* H M IW of aaailablo tn o k a la th it B B i f y . Thoy eonid thu* ho Ilatod • • d alaadardlaad. Only with auoh ao> poa irlU tha firat atap* for a raal ar-

‘ atlon ^ a a boon tahon,”P ra tt laid that a mafortty ot

__ Nowarfc Umtno pollctram raaortadla ahasa ot driaora for allfh t Intraa- tH aa of th* traftln rala*. la many casta •MoaldabI*. Cartful eomparltan, h* f M M tercad him to conrad* tha Naw JIm Ii MlkawiaB a wtd* m artin of • M ilt wror th«a* of N twaiii in that t t M ^ Th* an* radaam lat fta tar* at Ik* thnal aqaad. In Mr. Pratt'* aatlma- ■IHk waa IMMd In a U a t eoat a t Hul- S e n r and Marfcat alraou arary day. H* had baa« la a ll th* principal oltlaa a t Hia aaaatry. darlnc th* last r ii moatha

. Had ahaaiVrd tratflo raaulatloni, b*

£ aad anm* to th* eenclualan that oHIoar a t Mulbarry and Markat

la waa parfOctloa.' — I traftia aondlltona a t Markat and

atr««ta dad Market and Halaay wa arttlalBed. Bantlmant *x- . may laad t* Ih* appointment ofnltto* lator to dtlv* Into thi*

r S a l l a t e r Track Clab of Amartoa |M th a balk a t Itn maaibarahlp In Naw

City, and bandit* prablam* **- Iklly arlalna In that aommonlty.

P ra tf* motor track actlTltla* ar* —satad from tk* main offlea* of tk* (tab la Naw Terk.

Malar CInbW Oklart.T h a ah)*et a t a motor truck club,"

Mr. Pratt, ‘’primarily It to at* afflclanCy and to praaant a

front ngalnoi nny Itla tal dli- liaatlan."

one athar aanttara that ar* now Irtd ia c tb* attontlon a t tb* Motor

k Clab a l Amarica, tb* apaakar war* th* thraatanad l|or*aa* In tolla OTar th* Hudaos RIvar. th*

praparodnaaa la s and faulty ■ raaalatlpnA

}HM f t ^ t bafor* tha In lariU t* Com- '|H (M Oammlaalon on th* farry ta lta jEddlM had aaat h it club and tha Hud-

‘■M Oaanty toamatara, wh* ar* bahind Md f id h t about K tO t. Apportlonad M aaof hnndrada ot mambtra, th* bur-

Sm waa amalL h i polmad out. No in- UMaal, ha daelarod, woald atsay to

Miaad th a t amount in a t in t eu a.P ra tt antd that th* farry toll*

hav* tholr fuUr* plan of n«- Bpad out. I t th* caaa la waa

tha aacunlaalaa and Ui* Injanc- 1 rautratnlnc th* Krl* Htllroad Cam-

M ay tram ralalna it* farry rata* la laad* panmaneiit. lb* truck owners and H a an itin will aak a atlll further da- 'araaaad lahadnl* ot rata*. Should thay laa* tb* ea*A thay will appeal on th* ■raaada ot newly dlaoorared arldaaeo, l a added.

, la tb* iw* yaar* that th* tolls f lih t aaUtad, Hr. P ra tt said, he bad hla firm about .It,CO* In fa rrlaca

Indleatad as on* of tha Itema that

• arad an th* credit aid* ot tho •or wbare th* club due* ahowad on I dabIL Hr. P ra tt aald that if thar*

bean no argaalaallan* a t tha tlm* proposed aahadul* Incrtaa* wa*

a a n e ^ . no protaat would har* btan aad th* Inorsasad tolls would

be la * n * c t

rid 1Int

H * dalrm » LI oLUB tovm tm.

0» L* Qlim DBMMIK.af e : "f!so)unlAt..

It. tfefamldt

. IH

. U i . IIT

. Ula lit!

T«l*l...............L I O Llll,


CHE9CENTB................... 117

FlUlbtUT waa....... UIKn» .......... lift.aa*«p*aa«UI

Kcurcftt«f............ . 1T|T«Ul.a............ I l l

ORSfCBNTB.Britdy .................. miniiHbvf ......... inBn* ..a ......... 111Pewnr* ........... 17TK*fch«r . . . .« • * . . IH

l i ti tlBUUEI.

IflFumbnill! DttmftiiiijgcbiM ............mi t i r r BctomtA .......mm iH . Bcbm lit a**.. U«

ToUl 111

n m n - w i r i f T T l b a o c i .A.% ftiitr*.WEBBER. I NITB.2«1 IIT 147 BtfMft . . . U t l i n i l

a 111 ITt f|i(|L Etclbvr 140 l i t t i la. m 111 i|^Kb»«r . H« 111 111.. U I 111 f |? O. Th*11* a 111 t i l lift a U I lift lU iM in fd a 371 l i t 111a III HI III

▲t lllli4*t«b*ft bllftFLW.-W.Tftui*.. film III

111 itftiftiu t tta l i tI « r - a a • *wW dlf#a a ^ a s U I______ , laaTaiaaartb I t t t f l U«

KIKCK1CH. T n a f . . . UI 141 IIIW ill..... m m l i t u iiiA .... 17*111 i l l [iCliriiir... l i t 111 111Honipar., l e i l t l 111

Tatala.. I l l ITI lil t Tetal*.. H i H I 1101A tJ M Had miay*. _____MAtt BMIHI AaRWOODd.

. t l ^ . . m i l t l * l Oaalar ...111 111 III an i l l i l l liilV iak i . . . I t i l t l i l l — .iltlU lH iA shw aad . W l l i l l l l

. i l l l i t i l l Hoftmaa . U t III UI . IH HT III Marttoaso. H i 111 ITI

.T*M f. m i 111 till Toiau .. HI 111 111

nnauo sxkTtoa TouRjmr,!l(2w.

.1 CUrk'i Park Plea* allj ■ ^ A T Mp._ 1. I HAII.WAT Ml

tt ....... l i l l l l novlaada ....... i l l 171 Scliroadar

^ ^ T a l a l a . . . . I I I H i.111 111

. . . . I I M H

.T VOi L. . . . i t i l i t . . . i l l UI 111 111

Tatala ....... I ll i l lRAII.WAT NO. I.navlaad ....... I l l U)

•ebnadar ...111 111 ~ kaa . . . . . . . l i i rI IM

Total* .......HI H iRAILWAY NO. 1.ponaa ........ . l U l i liNaaMIt .........17) 1411*0* IIMH

, I t t 111

■BAun manMNAt uuora.

I Id H f i in i


' aSiBifl

The B ehning P la y e r


1 remember of a Christmas mornings long Jigo, sitting by the frost encrusted win­dow, straining my ears to catch the sleigh- bells long before the foam-flecked horse and sleigh drew into sight

How clear and silvery their ringingsounded.

Even as I reflect there comes to me a sound far sweeter. It rises and falls; it soars away in volume and medley, and dwindles gradually to a sweet whisper.

I have been listening to it for an hour in reverie.

It is my new Behning player piano, an instrument that made its debut in my home thU Christmas morning. Neither my wife nor the children know how to play, but at the touch of their fingers the Briming leaps with responriveness, playing like a master.

First it b a m ar^ then “Sweet AJiw Ben Bolt,” and finally a hymnal piece in keeping with the spirit of the day. There b n o end to their choice. They play every­thing with equal mastery.

The heart of the Beaming b its slotted music roll, which winds and unwinds within it, rippling forth medleys by the dozen, to the accompaniment of the children’s voices.

The sleigh bells, perhaps, 1 will never hear again, hut the Behning player, and my children’s consequent enjoyment, willbe with me many long years, 1 hope.

- A FRIEND,$15.00 A month will purchase the Behning. A small cash payment will place it in your home in time for Christmas. Behning Pianos from $400 up; Players from $075 up; Grands from $675 up. LibeTal allowances made for old pianos taken in exchange.


^ IM T D E G i^

Only Two Shopping Days Before Christmas

There are only two more shopping days in which to select the gift, but the Hartdeeen Store best solves the problem, with its great stock of lasting gift tnings from which to choose, and a range of prices wide enough to please any purse.

And don’t forget that Haiidegen Quality Is always dependable.

Diamond JewelrySolitaire Rings....S.00upBroochea ............ 5.00 upCuff L in k s .......... SiiOupBracelets ............ 12.75 upLockets . . . % a 10.00 upScarf P in t.. .^ ....5 .0 0 up

Men*i WatchesSolid !4kt. Gold..20.00upGold Pilled........... $.00 opGold Filled, Our

Special ............ 12JS0up

Sterling Silversu rer Plato and Sllrtr

DapoahSugar Spoons.. . , .1.50 upJelly Spoons..........1.75 upPie Servers.............2.00 upCheese Knives....... 1.00 upSalt Sets............2J!5upPlateaux 2 00upSalad Sets............. 2.00 upClaret PItchert....2.2Sup Sandwich Platea...S.25ap Sugar and Cream

& tt . . . ' ......... :..2.50upGravy Ladles......... 425 upGrapa Sboan..........24)0 up

Women’s Watchesopen Face, Gold.. 16.00 upGold Filled.........,ia00upBracelet Watches..8.00up

ClocksDesk Clocks.......... 1.75 upTraveling Clocks. .2410 up Cryatal RegulatorslK.00 upMantel Clocks........460 upChime Clocks....174M)up

Art GoodsArt Vas«i............... 34i5npRickard China....... 1.25 upBrau Desk Pieces and

Gold JewelryLavaltieres ........... 2.75 upBrooches ...............1.00 upSignet R in g s ......2.00upNecklaces ............. 1.25 upCuff L ink s........2J0upScarf Pina............ 1.00 upTie Clasps............. 1.26 upHandy Pina, pair.. 1.25upHat Pins............... 14)0 upBracelets ..............3.60 up

Leather GoodsHat Brushes.......... 14)0 upAddress Books.....L50up Shopping' Bags.. . .3.60 up Jewel Boxes,.,....1.76upOgar Casoa........... IJWnpCigirntte Cases... .1.26upBill Folds...............14)0 upW allets................. 1*60 npHasty-Line Folio.. .1.75 upSmokers' Artlctes.50e up

Umbrellas, Canes, Opera Glaisea, Fountain Pen^ ' Miliary Brushes. Hand Mirrors, Manicure Sets, Mesh Bags, Mesh Purse^ Chi- fing Dishes, Coffee Percolators.

i Open Ewmingft Till Chriatm a** A t the Clock Corner

Broad Street, at West P aA

The Bamberger store closes each evening at 7 P. M, As evidence of the wisdom of this common-sense closing hour, witness the crowds that throng the store in the morning. These hours are most pleasant for shopping.Between

OurselvesThii mornirtg I received a |l f l

from a dliuncc. It wa* an in- cxpenilvc lliile trinket, but the manner in *hieh it was done up; the box, the piper, the twine and all, conveyed a m eiiaie of ChriKmai cheer which warmed my heart.

A ireit many SPLENDID GIFTS are ipoilcd in the wrap­ping. I have aeen the moat ex- penaive preicnts lo cartleaily lied up that I am lure they must have ciuied their rcctplenti to shudder.

Again, I hav* leen ten cent store gift* 10 exquisitely gir- nlihed *ith ribbon, holly and RUBBLING CHEER that they looked predoui.

1 have tlw iyi had an idea that one'* charactar it ihpwn in the manner In which one tiei up i parcel.

I had almott as lief not receive a gift, as to have it toned at me —a jumbled mei*. Illy wrapped and DEVOID OF SENTIMENT.


Lingerie Frocks for G irls at

3 .00 and Up.Pretty enough for party wear,

the gift of one of theie dainty tittle dreuei would be lure to receive I routing welcome.

They are shown in white em­broidery, liwn, organdie and net, trimmed with lace and bead­ing, and liniihed with full ribbon ushes; li ie i 6 to 16 yean, it 3.00 and up.BAMBERGER'S—THIllD FLOOR

Christmas Eve"All aboard for Blanket

Bay—Won't come back tilt the

break of day.”Santa Claus will come

in the nightLaden with toys from

Toy Town bright.A drum for Bobbie, a

doll for Sue,A book for Betty, a

game for you—Found in Bamberger's

at prices right,To make the children

dance in delight.

BeautifulCrystal C lock s,

11.00 and Up

<Dtr«cttoni kow to preoood about fottinR a nan a gift)

Get him in g o o d humor.

Aak him what he wants.

When he replies, stat­ing his desire, it would be imdiplomatlc to try to coax him to take something elM.

Find out his aiie. Get his preference as to col­or and pattern.

He'll fan If you han­dle him right.

Of course, yoti Itnew he wanted a Hottse Coat, but you wanted to hoar him tay so himself.

And you knew, qtilts well, thst he would lo fi a bath robe— but you wanted to ho onro-

Now that you know, the shopping bogins lo esmsst St Ihmihsr- get's.

We feel already thet be will be ptonod with your tsiaotwn.

K& .’s s . m j s rrbssMstaSsrs «rs fsf*k oiNt MapssfinS—■M USH la fotsf Ami

‘ sr ts ftesA

100 More Victrola Outfits for Christmas

$65The ouUit conaittB ot V ictrola IX (5 0 .0 0 ); Record Cabinet (1 2 .0 0 ); an d choice ot $3 worth o f recorrfa

Here is the idea) Christmas music for your home. With the Victrola every variety of music is at your beck and call. We have just received one hundred more of these outfits, ready for Christmas delivery. The first tot of 100 sold out rapidly. This lot will go equally fast. It would be wise to signify your wish for one tomorrow, in order to in­sure Christmas delivery.

Terms $1.00 a WeekWe illustrate the Victrola and

the Cabinet. The remarkable feature of this Christmas music outfit is the Cabinet, which is offered at the exceptionally low price of $12.00 in the combination. It is mahogany finished and will hold about 180 12-inch records. It has a molding top and lock and key. When you place the Victrola IX. on top of the cabinet it has the appear­ance of a much higher priced machine.

Hdwr lb* warlilae la arnm omrdeaiaaairatlaa nom»» black ft’lcar.

Men’s Linen HandkerTs, 12}4cThis is a sale of great interest to those out gift-purchasing

for the men. They arc plain, white hemstitched handkerchiefs, and we have over 1,000 of them in this offering.

They are of good quality, pure linen cloth, neatly hem­stitched. They are full size, and have one-quarter inch hems. On sale only while the quantity lasts; tomorrow at 12Vjc.

BAMBERQER'ft—f i r s t FLOOR

Women’s 59c Felt Slippers, 35cTwo hundred pairs go 'on sale tomorrow at the unusu­

ally low price of 35c a pair. Who ever imagined felt slippers could be bought so cheaply.

We secured the lot from a manufacturer who had more than he could sell before Christmas. We took them over at a reduction.

They are of black fell with felt soles. There is an orna­ment on the vamp. Sizes 3 to 8. While they last, 35c a pair.


W o m en ’s Suede

and C ham ois

Jacketsare correct apparel for skating, golfing, motoring, walking and all other out­door sports.

They are cut on norfolk lines, light and trig in ap­pearance, but giving t sur­prising amount of warmth.

Cray, green, brown and natural chamois color, at 25.00.


For the

The crystal clock Is the clock supreme for the room which con­tains fine rugs and furniture and choice pictures. With its gold mounting, crystal aides and ex­quisite mechanism, it seems to belong |uM there.

Crystal docks with cathredral gong strike on hour and half hour, visible works and mereury- welghted pendulum, are very at­tractive, at 11.00 to 33310. BAMBVRaER’S—FIRST FLOOR

G ifts ^ 5 0 c


G ifts at 1 .00That la what the gift booths

In the Basement offer you.They are little stores In

themaelvea—crowded to ovor- Hawlnf with hundreds of or­namental, praoiicsT and useful gifts for Cbriatmaa giving. Priced at 60c and 1.00.

They have bean gathered to­gether from all parts of the great Bamberger store. Vlilt the boothe when you an “at lea” as to what to buy.

W om en’s DressPrices Reduced

!n Time for Gift-Giving

5.00 the dwruice price OB MCge end poplin drenes—Conpoee styles of serge with plsid silk or plsiti taf­feta. Models highly auit- •ble for business women becense they are both prse- ticel and pretty. Some but- tw-trimmed. Pretty mod­els in soft poplin. Charm­ing tiilored effects. All the popular winter shades; sU SiXM.

7.96 for dnsees fonMftjr priced It ULftO to 15.00- Smart, graceful dreaeee to •erge and dlk oompoae atywa and In plalB taffeta and attin, spiendldlf det, and attracthrdv trimmed and Sntebed, very pretty etylet for •fterimon wear, In the eolere meet la de­mand. A remvkaUe op-Eortnaltf for thoae vbw

ketolptreMottblegffta. •AHMUNWre-tO tLOOH


Two Pants Suits, a t 5.00.

These little tulti double lives.

The extra pair of Irouseri adds another life to the tuit. They are the moat famous lit-

Buita for youngfiera intieNewark. Well made through, out, and tailored akIlfuUyLota of style to them.

Mackinaws, l i 5.00,0.60 and OJW.

Boys are greatly in favor of mackinaws this ^ar.

Thoy aro so sporty, lo colorful, to warm, and so stylish—no wonder boys llko them.

No store shows to many as Bamberger’s — became no ■taro catrico tha variety of paitemt and coloriaga that wa do.

Methora, bring ibo boyt to the store tomorrow.


M en’s 3.00 & 3.50

YMthsi tonight; d

NO. 9J



Sterling SilverM ounted CanesatX 39

T h o hudsouMst qrilklng sticks of­fered Ait tesson for this price.

Bvery one wltii the Mpnitr Prince of Wnloe hsodlo.. Every cene , tt •tmight u ta tirdv,

' hnndlee carvedwitiito Ae proper dogrie.

flokbed fromind _____ftmtle to fetitie irlA great colt.

Beet hardwoods ore used, such os plmeeto,Phsasoat, Orsenheeft snd Ctatanlt.

, OffsrMl la saver gmy, triiM or other dsA flalihis-Mitiloi meut- ■4 SesHd Sfpnpiktoir for glfi-

,-y»5!fcBH«ciHir»--»nMrr fbOOH ' ta S sH -.

karf«’*SMS' » tisraal, nfirk Floor, Sarteg voarafeopphiff

h e r S e r e . ' ■



sp u r WOULD

CaisHa *< MaJ aaO Saath* . Saearilr la fcehnfreae 4 Sian ta a l la FraOtallan—

ra« Sa.iiir.\u ,v/;irr

WASHtNOTV ta r (iiovamant •anCIturas fo ha* raachad to It laoki vary « **■ waultl ha IT ba naald t>r prfRrrsai from

Tb* Damarr this quaatlon.Praaldant will a m alarial |hii hart and tha th* Rapubilea powar (D moSrooraio. or ■ ta tha adrnlnlirank* ot th* affaet of mak r r t l lagiilntlv talnarlty numi

It 4a ballat adkiaart ar* i mak* Boin* pi In th* Waat. t dattrinlnad f Bryan and ot th* lanorann IloB of tha na again i t tiatio

Tbrre la a avallabi* *1 nc ahow that thi caparltilx th* aaalnat naw t a t th* n llllai afrang* commi rouhtty aallli tho daafandan poiaaaa alroni military ratal barn prajudh rra tir InalltuI Rtyy.

FaAnri, today,

blnad with I •latanc* from th* pahtlr ra flvaa In Can a r Rcpabtlrar m attar of ap« army and na of th* Congri ar* Damoeratarning pgrty

■ datanallona!Thr plana

larElHg thr *1 of tho wriirr therr h*. con f r I he prrdli Army, pmpoi arUI navtr hr gurvtvr th r ai upon It* praci

Mr. Oarrlacagyi th a t ni aapact putD* t on III* part than Ih* coui r i tm n itr ot i

Thr conntr car ruling vm a njurr pWlcli rriamhrrtaln, rarainittaa on rraantallv* B panlan c*uait hav* thrown form* and th will davriop I

Nato Tlio opposi

Army, that Hailanal Oui lUclf have Ir carleu* poaltl baao of an iwctaslly of brad of th* I

Building u JU togth uLI ua.ooe on r< pap MIL la th* nation'* i mlUa* aiitbo ullltia of th<

Th* attitu toward natic baan th* su> In Waahingh dapt. Tho*< iwnfaraaca* ' of tho Scnal falrg, Chaim uklttra on m tu r r . Badh oral a . K. GaMial c. I Gentral Law Mm , OaaaralOtoaml A. arat AlbertOanaral Tha


WOMA. AlBull B«

to Set


Whit* a I tttlouf nddi rmptopata i HeShaa of I waoiah aaM In a haapi Finally wli I>r. Ambro* bar last nil If ah* wish want to th

itlant ha4•atlanv ^ibraldlnf eayoiaaanai net baan «

MeebM * uH|ur. H* VottM of : a* that of that addrai Saiupgav a na«*M Mr •traak, cam patlHif'a W wbaosiiwai

i^ tb * Miii'gi AMiC tr aSdNua itM w Hi ii to IgarHornao Ora* aaaw 1

T i todap' OfSto and tit* wtr*. baerr ttTH baC wasbaC wasi

t» T«1l i MMM r.tKS<l>r. , -

to IRt few h «M than

^ feat pnaT manol*llMatl a Halisfa iia
