工資統計半年度報吿^ ^ - ® i half-yearly report of wage statistics

^•^ 工資統計半年度報吿 ^^ ® I Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics m 1 •-^IhS I 1 , i I ‘ ^ ^ 香港特別行政區、政府統計處 ::... Census and Statistics Department .". Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ; ' : . . . P e _ ’ s Republic ofChina V

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^ • ^ 工 資 統 計 半 年 度 報 吿 ^ ^

® I Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics

m 1 •-^IhS I 1

麵 ,

i: : I ‘

中 ^ 國

香 港 特 別 行 政 區 、 政 府 統 計 處 ::...

Census and Statistics Department . " .

… Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

丨 ; 靠 ' : . . . 、 P e _ ’ s Republic ofChina

‘ V

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工 資 統 計 半 年 度 報 告

Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics


March 1998 %




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頁數 P a g e

I. 弓丨言 Introduction i

I I . 統計調査結果摘要 Summary of Survey Findings i

I I I .統計表 Statistical Tables

註 釋 Explanatory Notes 4

言司囊釋義 Definition of Terms 6

統 計 表 Tables

表 1 按行業類別劃分的名義工資指數數列 Table 1 Time Series of Nominal Wage Indices 7

Analysed by Industry Sector

表 2 按行業類別劃分的實質工資指數數列 Table 2 Time Series of Real Wage Indices 8 Analysed by Industry Sector

. 表 3 按行業及主要職業組別劃分的名義工 Table 3 Nominal Wage Indices Analysed by 9

‘ 資指數 Industry by Broad Occupational Group

• 表 4 按行業及主要職業組別劃分的實質工 Table 4 Real Wage Indices Analysed by Industry 17

資指數 by Broad Occupational Group

表 5 按行業類別及職業組別劃分的名義及 Table 5 Nominal and Real Wage Indices Analysed 25

實質工資指數 by Industry Sector by Occupational Group

表 6 按行業、主要職業組別及性別劃分的 Table 6 Average Wage Rates Analysed by Industry 28

平均工資率 by Broad Occupational Group by Sex

表 7 按行業及職業劃分的技工及操作工職 Table 7 Average Daily Wages, Normal Hours of 31

級的平均每日工資、正常工作時數與 Work and Standard Working Days of

標準工作日數 Craftsmen and Operatives Analysed by

Industry by Occupation

表 8 按行業及職業劃分的督導級、技術員 Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours 35

級、文員級及其他非生產級工人職級 of Work and Standard Working Days of

的平均每月薪金、正常工作時數與標 Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and

準工作日數 Miscellaneous Non-production Workers

Analysed by Industry by Occupation

‘ 表 9 按選定一般職業劃分的技工及操作工 Table 9 Average Daily Wages, Normal Hours of 58

職級的平均每曰工資、正常工作時數 Work and Standard Working Days of

. 與標準工作日數 Craftsmen and Operatives by Selected

Common Occupation

表 10 按選定一般職業劃分的督導級、技術 Table 10 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours 59

員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人職 of Work and Standard Working Days of

級的平均每月薪金、正常工作時數與 Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and

標準工作日數 Miscellaneous Non-production Workers by

Selected Common Occupation



I V . 統 計 方 法 Statistical Methodology

資料來源 Data Source 61


工資統計調查範圍 Coverage of the Wage Enquiry 61

統計調查方法 Method 64

I由樣設It及估言十方法 Sample Design and Estimation Method 64

附錄 Appendix

「勞工收入統計調查」中「工資統 List oflndustries Covered in the Wage 67

計調查」所包括的行業列表 Enquiry of the Labour Earnings Survey

I. 弓【言 I. Introduction

I.1 本報告載列工資指數和工資率的摘要統計數 U This report presents summary statistics on

字。工資指數和工資率’是根據政府統計處進行的 wage indices and wage rates which are compiled

「勞工收入統計調査」的結果編製而成’可反映選 from the findings of the Labour Earnings Survey

• 定主要行業內主要職業工資率的絕對水平及變動情 (LES) conducted by the Census and Statistics

況 ° Department. These statistics reflect the

movement and the absolute level of wage rates of

‘ principal occupations in selected major industries.

II . 統計調査結果摘要 II . Summary of Survey Findings

2.1 整體名義工資指數可 I來量度以貨幣計算的 2.1 The overall Nominal Wage Index, which

工資率純變動。一九九八年三月的整體名義工資指 measures the pure changes in wage rates in money

數與一九九七年三月相比’上升了 5.2%’ 與一九九 terms, showed an increase of 5.2% in March 1998

七年九月相比’則上升了 1.7%° when compared with March 1997 and 1.7% when

compared with September 1997.

2.2 按行業類別分析’在一九九七年三月至一九 2.2 Analysed by industry sector, the year-on-

九八年三月期間’名義工資指數按年增長率最高的 year rate of increase in the Nominal Wage Index

行業類別爲個人服務業(8.1%) ’ 最低爲製造業 between March 1997 and March 1998 was the

(3.4%)。 highest (8.1%) for the personal services sector and

the lowest (3.4%) for the manufacturing sector.

_ 2.3 若將一九九八年三月與一九九七年九月的名 2.3 Comparing March 1998 with September

—. 義工資指數ff^比較’增幅最大的行業爲個人服務業 1997, the Nominal Wage Index for the personal

‘ (4.2%) ’ 增幅最小爲製造業(0.4%) ° services sector had the highest rate of increase

(4.2%) while the manufacturing sector had the

lowest rate of increase (0.4%).

2.4 在一九九七年三月至一九九八年三月期間’ 2.4 The Nominal Wage Indices for the period

選定行業類別的名義工資指數載列於下表。 March 1997 to March 1998 for selected industry

sectors are given in the following table.

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 r

選定行業類別的名義工資指數 Nominal Wage Indices by Selected Industry Sector

指數(一九九二年九月=100) 增減百分率

Indices (September 1992 = 100) Percentage change

選定行業類別 九八年三月與 九八年三月與

Selected industry sector 九 七 年 三 月 九 七 年 九 月 九 八 年 三 月 九 七 年 九 月 比 較 九 七 年 三 月 比 較 、

Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar.98 Mar. 98 over Mar. 98 over *

Sep. 97 Mar. 97

製造業 138.1 142.2 142.8 +0.4 +3.4


批發、零售、進出口貿易、 142.3 147.0 149.0 +1.4 +4.7

飮食及酒店業 Wholesale, retail and import/export

trades, restaurants and hotels

運输服務業 141.2 149.7 151.6 +1.3 +7.4

Transport services

金融、保險、地產及商用服務業 149.7 153.8 159.1 +3.4 +6.3

Financing, insurance, real estate

and business services

個人服務業 143.7 149.0 155.3 +4.2 +8.1 -

Personal services

所有行業類別 * 142.4 147.3 149.8 +1.7 +5.2 ‘

All sectors

註釋: 所有增減百分率按小數後兩個位的指數計算出來。 Notes : All percentage changes are derived from indices rounded to 2 decimal places.

»指統I十調查涵蓋的所有行業’包括電力及燃氣業。 Refers to all industries covered by the Survey, including the electricity and gas sector.

2.5 在扣除消費物價變動的影響後’一九九八年 2.5 After discounting changes in consumer

三月的整體實質工資指數與一九九七年三月相比上 prices, the overall Real Wage Index in March

升了 0.3% ’ 而與一九九七年九月相比則下降了 1998 increased by 0.3% when compared with

0.2%° March 1997 and decreased by 0.2% when

compared with September 1997.

2.6 按行業類別分析’一九九八年三月個人服務 2.6 Analysed by industry sector, the Real

業的實質工資指數較一九九七年三月上升3.1% ’ 同 Wage Index for the personal services sector

期製造業貝[J下降了 1.4%° increased by 3.1% in March 1998 as compared to •

March 1997, while the Real Wage Index for the

manufacturing sector decreased by 1.4%.

30 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

2.7 若將一九九八年三月的數字與一九九七年 2.7 Comparing the March 1998 and

九月的數字作比較’個人服務業的實質工資指數上 September 1997 figures, the Real Wage Index for

升2.3% ’ 而製造業則下降 1.4%° the personal services sector increased by 2.3%

while that for the manufacturing sector decreased by 1.4%.

‘ 2.8 一九九七年三月至一九九八年三月期間’選 2.8 The Real Wage Indices for the period

定行業類別的實質工資指數載列如下: March 1997 to March 1998 for selected industry

, sectors are shown in the table below :

選定行業類別的實質工資指數 Real Wage Indices by Selected Industry Sector

指數(一九九二年九月二 100) 增減百分率

Indices (September 1992 = 100) Percentage change

選定行業類別 九八年三月與 九八年三月與 Selected industry sector 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月 九七年九月比較 九七年三月比較

Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 98 over Mar. 98 over

Sep. 97 Mar. 97

製造業 100.8 100.8 99.4 -1.4 -1.4


- 批發、零售、進出口貿易、 103.9 104.2 103.7 -0.5 -0.1


- Wholesale, retail and import/export

‘ trades, restaurants and hotels

運輸服務業 103.1 106.2 105.6 -0.5 +2.5

Transport services

金融、保險、地產及商用服務業 109.3 109.1 110.8 +1.5 +1.4

Financing, insurance, real estate

and business services

個人服務業 104.9 105.7 108.1 +2.3 +3.1

Personal services

所有行業類別 * 103.9 104.5 104.3 -0.2 +0.3

All sectors

註釋: (1)寅質工資指數是根據名義工資指數扣除以一九九四至九五年爲基期的甲類消费物價指數變動的影播計算出來。 Notes : The Real Wage Indices are derived by deflating the respective Nominal Wage Indices by the 1994/95-based CPI(A).

(2)所有增減百分率按小數後兩個位的指數針算出來。 , All percentage changes are derived from indices rounded to 2 decimal places.

*指統計調查涵蓋的所有行業’包括電力及燃氣業。 Refers to all industries covered by the Survey, including the electricity and gas sector.

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 57*

I I I . 統 計 表 I I I . Statistical Tables

註釋 Explanatory Notes

3.1 行業分類編製工資指數和工資率時所採 3.1 Industrial classification For the

用的行業分類’是以 <香港標準行業分類 >爲依 compilation of wage indices and wage rates,

據。在「運輸、倉庫及通訊業 J中’這項統計調査 industries are classified according to the Hong ‘

只涉及與運輸業有關的行業,因此採用了「運輸服 Kong Standard Industrial Classification. In the

務業」作爲該行業類別的名稱。同樣地’在「社區、 industry sector "Transport, Storage and ,

社會及個人服務業」中’統計調査亦僅涉及與「個 Communications",only industries related to

人服務業」有關的行業“ transport services are covered and hence the term

"Transport Services" is used to represent the

sector. The same applies to the industry sector

"Community, Social and Personal Services" in

which only industries related to "Personal

Services" are covered.

3.2 工資率的變動基於計算方法不同’工資率 3.2 ChanRes in wage rates For

絕對水平的變動可能與工資指數的變動略有差別。 computational reasons, the movement of the

在這情況下’應採用工資指數作爲反映工資率變動 absolute level of wage rates may differ slightly

的指標。 from the movement of the wage indices. Where

this happens, the wage indices should be used as

indicator of changes.

3.3 工資指數’是將接連兩次統計調査中有關行 3.3 The wage indices are designed to measure

業、職業及性別方面的勞動人口結構維持不變’從 the "pure" changes in wage rates by holding .

而量度工資率的「純」變動。然而’統計調査採用 constant the structure of the labour force with

的基本單位’是由一種指定行業內的職業和性別界 respect to industry, occupation and sex between -

定’而基本單位內僱員的經驗和質素不可能一致, two successive rounds of the survey. However, .

因此’如果基本單位內有關經驗和質素方面的僱員 it is not possible to standardize the experience and

組合有所轉變,工資指數的變動仍可能會被扭曲 ’ quality of workers within the basic unit which is

雖然扭曲情況在計算較高水平的總數時並不那麼顯 defined by an occupation and sex in a particular

著 。 industry. Hence, changes in composition of

workers in terms of experience and quality within

a basic unit may still distort, though not

significantly so at the higher levels of aggregation,

the movements of the wage indices.

3.4 倂接不同基期的工資指數數列由一九九 3.4 Linking wage index series of different

三年三月開始,工資指數的基期由一九八二年三月 base periods As from March 1993,the wage

重訂爲一九九二年九月。如須就某一指定行業的舊 indices have been rebased from March 1982 to

工資指數數列(即一九八二年三月 二 100 )和新工 September 1992. I f one wishes to compare wage

資 指 數 數 列 ( 即 一 九 九 二 年 九 月 = 1 0 0 ) 作 比 較 ’ indices o f the old series (i.e. March 1982 = 100)

可使用併接法°計算方法是首先根據該行業的新舊 and those of the new series (i.e. September 1992 =

兩組工資指數系列在重疊期(即一九九二年九月) 100) for a particular industry, a splicing method

的數字’計算出一個轉換因子’然後將某指定月分 can be used. First, a conversion factor is to be

以舊基期爲根據的指數乘以轉換因子’便可轉換成 derived for that industry based on the indices for ‘

爲以新基期爲根據的指數‘下表說明一九九二年三 the overlapping period of September 1992 in both

月漂染業和中式餐館或酒樓業的名義工資指數’由 index series. Then, the index for a particular

以舊基期爲根據的指數轉換爲以新基期爲根據的指 month with the old base period can be converted '

數的言十算方法。 to the new base period by multiplying the index

by the conversion factor. The following

illustrates how the nominal wage indices for the

bleaching and dyeing industry and Chinese

restaurants for March 1992 can be converted from

the old base period to the new base period.

30 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

一九九二年三月 一九九二年九月 一九九二年九月 一九九二年三月

Mar. 1992 Sep. 1992 Sep. 1992 轉換因子 Mar. 1992

行業 (八二年三月=100)(八二年三月=100)(九二年九月=100) Conversion (九二年九月=100)

Industry (Mar, 8 2 ^ g j (Mar. 82=100) (Sep. 92=100) Factor (Sep. 92=100)

(1) (2) (3) (3)/(2) (l)x(3)/(2)

气 染 」 j . 254.3 272.9 100 100/272.9 93.2 Bleaching and dyeing


中式餐館及酒樓業 192.2 197.1 100 100/197.1 97 5 Chinese restaurants

3.5 以上方法適用於其他行業新舊兩組工資指 3.5 The above method can be applied in

數數列的比較。然而,有部分行業的新舊兩組指數 comparing the wage indices of the new and old

數列在分類及職業統計調査範圍上並不相同°編製 series for other industries. However, it should be

新指數數列時各種行業類別的範圍已作出修訂’因 noted that the classification and occupational

此’在行業類別層面和「所有行業類別/行業」層 coverage of some industries are different between

面進行比較時應多力卩留意。 the two index series. Particular care should be

taken for comparison at the industry sector level

and the "all sectors/industries" level since the

industrial coverage of various industry sectors has

been revised in the new series.

3.6 職業工資率的可靠性在「勞工收入統計調 3.6 Reliability of occupational wage rates

查」中’「工資統計調查」的樣本數目僅爲1 000 With a total sample size of only 2 000

' 間機構單位(見第IV部4.13段)’故表七至表十所 establishments in the wage enquiry of the LES

— 載的按個別職業及性別分析的工資率的詳細統計數 (see paragraph 4.13 in Part IV), the detailed

. 字’可能有較大的估If•誤差,因此’這些工資率統 statistics of wage rates by individual occupation

‘ 計數字只可視作粗略指引’闡釋時應特別注意° by sex as shown in Tables 7 to 10 are subject to

relatively large estimation errors. These wage

rate statistics are therefore published for rough

guidance only and should be interpreted with care.

3.7 統計資料不予公布如果統計數字是從少 3.7 Suppression of statistical information

數機構單位所捜集的資料編製而成’則基於下列理 In this report, statistics compiled from data

由將不會在本報告內公布:(i)該統計資料不足以提 collected from only a small number of

供有意義的統計結果;或(ii)有可能披露個別機構 establishments are suppressed from publication

單位的資料。 because either (i) data are insufficient to provide

meaningful statistical results, or (ii) there is a

possibility of disclosure of individual

establishment data.

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 57*

言司棄釋義 Definition of Terms

3.8 工資率包括下列工資元素: 3.8 Wage rate covers the following wage

elements :

(i) 基本工資/薪金(包括有薪假期

和休假); (i) basic wages/salaries (including .

(ii) 佣金及小費(直接從顧客收取的 paid holidays and leave);

小費不包括在內): (ii) commission and tips (tips

(iii) 輪班津貝占: received directly from customers •

( i v )生活津貼: are excluded);

(V) 膳食津貼及膳食福利: (lii) shift allowance;

(vi) 勤工獎; (iv) cost-of-living allowance;

(vii) 固 定 發 放 的 年 終 花 紅 ; 及 (V) meal allowance and meal

( v i i i ) 其 他 固 定 及 定 期 發 放 的 花 紅 和 津 benefits;

貝占。 (vi) good attendance bonus; (vii) guaranteed year-end bonus; and

(viii) other regular and guaranteed

bonuses and allowances.

3.9 每曰正常工作時數指機構單位規定的工 19 Number of normal working hours per

作時數’不包括用膳和休息時間’在該規定工作時 d迎refers to the hours of work, excluding meal

數以外的工作’會按超時補薪率支付’或超時工作 time and rest time, stipulated by the establishment

只屬機構單位規則和慣例上的例外情況。 beyond which any time worked is remunerated at

overtime rate or forms an exception to the rules

and customs of the establishment.

3.10 每月標準工作日數的計算方法如下:倘僱 3.10 Number of standard working days per •

員每月不享有休息日’每月標準工作日數則以三十 month is taken as 30 if there is no rest day granted -

日計算:倘僱員按月享有休息日’則以三十日和休 at all in a month. Where rest days are granted on .

息曰曰數的差額計算;倘僱員按星期享有休息曰 ’ a monthly basis, the number of standard working

每月則假設有四星期。 days is the difference between 30 and the number

of rest days granted in a month. If rest days are

granted on a weekly basis, the assumption of 4

weeks in a month is made.

6 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表 1 按行業類別劃分的名義工資指列

Table 1 Time Series of Nominal Wage Indices Analysed by Industry Sector

(一九九二年九月=100) (September 1992 = 100)

批發、零售、進出口 金融、保險、地產及 月份/年份 製造業 貿易、飮食及酒店業 運輸服務業 商用服務業 個人服務業所有行業類別 @

Month/Year Manufacturing Wholesale, retail Transport Financing, insurance, Personal All

and import/export services real estate and services industry

trades, restaurants business services sectors and hotels

• ^

九二年九月 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Sep. 92

九三年三月 105.1 105.1 103.6 110.2 104.7 105.6

Mar. 93

九三年九月 110.0 110.3 110.8 112.2 110.4 110.4

Sep. 93

九四年三月 115.2 115.8 114.7 119.5 120.5 116.1

Mar. 94

九四年九月 118.9 121.2 122.6 122.2 123.1 120.8

Sep. 94

九五年三月 122.4 127.5 124.1 131.7 129.8 126.6

Mar. 95

‘ 九五年九月 125.6 129.9 130.8 132.1 132.8 129.3

_ Sep. 95

‘ 九六年三月 129_3 134.5 132.4 141.5 140.1 134.3

Mar. 96

九六年九月 135.0 136.4 139.9 143.2 141.0 137.6

Sep. 96

九七年三月 138.1 142.3 141.2 149.7 143.7 142.4

Mar. 97

九七年九月 142.2 147.0 149.7 153.8 149.0 147.3

Sep. 97

九八年三月 142.8 149.0 151.6 159.1 155.3 149.8

Mar. 98

註釋:@指統計調查涵蓋的所有行業’包括電力及燃氣業。 Note : Refers to all industries covered by the Survey, including the electricity and gas sector.


工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 7

表2 按行業類別劃分的實質工賫指随列

Table 2 Time Series of Real Wage Indices Analysed by Industry Sector


(September 1992 = 100)

批發、零售、進出口 金融、保險、地產及

月份/年份 製造業 貿易、飲食及酒店業 運輸服務業 商用服務業 個人服務業 所有行業類別@

Month/Year Manufacturing Wholesale, retail Transport Financing, insurance, Personal All ,

and import/export services real estate and services industry

trades, restaurants business services sectors and hotels

九二年九月 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 0

Sep. 92

九三年三月 102.1 102.1 100.6 107.1 101.7 102.6

Mar. 93

九三年九月 101.9 102.2 102.7 104.0 102.3 102.4

Sep. 93

九四年三月 103.7 104.2 103.3 107.6 108.4 104.5

Mar. 94

九四年九月 101.6 103.5 104.7 104.3 105.1 103.1

Sep. 94

九五年三月 100.5 104.8 102.0 108.2 106.6 104.0

Mar. 95

九五年九月 98.6 102.0 102.7 103.8 104.4 101.6 “

Sep. 95 一

九六年三月 99.7 103.8 102.2 109.2 108.1 103.6 ‘

Mar. 96

九六年九月 100.8 101.9 104.5 106.9 105.3 102.8

Sep. 96

九七年三月 100.8 103.9 103.1 109.3 104.9 103.9

Mar. 97

九七年九月 100.8 104.2 106.2 109.1 105.7 104.5

Sep. 97

九八年三月 99.4 103.7 105.6 110.8 108.1 104.3

Mar. 98


Notes : The Real Wage Indices are derived by deflating the respective Nominal Wage Indices by the 1994/95-based CPI(A).

@ 指統計調查涵蓋的所有行業,包括電力及燃氣業。 •

Refers to all industries covered by the Survey, including the electricity and gas sector.

8 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表3 按行業及主要職mJfiMffl分的名義工資指數…續頁 Table 3 Nominal Wage Indices Analysed by Industry by Broad Occupational Group ~ Cont'd.


(September 1992 = 100)

名義工資指數 增減百分率 Nominal wage indices Percentage change

九八年三月與 九八年三月與 行業/主要職業組別 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月 九七年九月比較 九七年三月比較

‘ Industry/Broad Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 98 over Mar. 98 over occupational group Sep. 97 Mar. 97

‘ 衣物縫 Garments

技工及操作工 122.9 122.1 120.8 -1.1 -1.7 Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 142.8 148.1 153.1 3.3 7.2 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 129.3 130.7 131.4 0.6 1.6 All selected occupations

贿妙及 Cotton spinning and weaving

技工及操作工 149.9 151.4 156.6 3.4 4.5 Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 149.0 150.0 156.1 4.0 4.8 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 149.3 150.6 156.1 3.7 4.6 ‘ All selected occupations


' Cotton knitting and knit outerwear

技工及操作工 129.3 129.4 136.3 5.3 5.5

Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 138.4 146.2 144.2 -1.4 4.2 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 133.7 138.4 139.9 1.1 4.6 All selected occupations


Bleaching and dyeing

技工及操作工 119.8 124.5 123.2 -1.0 2.9 Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 133.9 141.8 141.6 -0.1 5.7 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 125.2 131.0 130.1 -0.7 3.9 All selected occupations

• KARJimsimm

Paper boxes and bags

技工及操作工 133.0 135.2 136.9 1.3 2.9 * Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 127.1 127.5 141.2 10.7 11.1 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 129.9 131.3 137.7 4.9 6.0

All selected occupations

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 B

表 3 按行楽及主要職iMaai剿分的名義工資指數…續頁 Table 3 Nominal Wage Indices Analysed by Industry by Broad Occupational Group — Cont'd.

(一九九二年九月=100) (September 1992 = 100)

— 名義工資指數 增減百分率 Nominal wage indices Percentage change

九八年三月與 九八年三月與

行業/主要職業組別 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月 九七年九月比較 九七年三月比較

Industry/Broad Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 98 over Mar. 98 over ‘

occupational group Sep. 97 Mar. 97

印刷、出版及有H行業 * Printing, publishing and allied industries

技工及操作工 146.5 158.0 155.7 -1.4 6.3

Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 146.2 153.6 155.5 1.2 6.3

Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 147_4 157.2 156.7 -0.3 6.3

All selected occupations

fflJMS{品業(《19($£&1»外> Plastic products (excluding plastic toys)

技工及操作工 128.8 132.8 148.9 12.1 15.6

Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級,文員級及其他非生產級工人 143.6 157.5 169.5 7.6 18.0

Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 142.8 157.5 10.3 17.1 All selected occupations “

Plastic toys •

技工及操作工 132.7 142.2 * * *

Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 123.2 130.6 138.0 5.6 12.0

Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 126.1 134.3 144.8 7.8 14.8

All selected occupations

雜 項 金 J l 製 品 業 股 《 1 » 外 > Miscellaneous metal products

except machinery and equipment

技工及操作工 125.3 141.7 134.5 -5.1 7.3

Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 131.4 148.0 155.2 4.8 18.1

Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 143.3 141.5 -1.3 11-4

All selected occupations 身

電器用具及配件RfflJt Electrical appliances and accessories

技工及操作工 135.1 135.3 0.2 7.2 ‘

Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 155.5 157.5 168.6 7.0 8.4

Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 144_3 149.5 156.4 4.6 8.4

All selected occupations

/ 4 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表3 按行業及主要職mJfiMffl分的名義工資指數…續頁 Table 3 Nominal Wage Indices Analysed by Industry by Broad Occupational Group ~ Cont'd.

(一九九二年九月=100) (September 1992 = 100)

“ 名義工資指數 增減百分率 Nominal wage indices Percentage change

九八年三月與 九八年三月與

行業/主要職業組別 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月 九七年九月比絞 九七年三月比較 * Industry/Broad Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 98 over Mar. 98 over

occupational group Sep. 97 Mar. 97

* 霣子製品業 Electronics

技工及操作工 164.7 163.0 156.6 -3.9 -4.9

Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 163.7 161.6 160.6 -0.6 -1.9 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 164_0 162.1 158.5 -2.2 -3.3 All selected occupations

摄影及光學用品製filK Photographic and optical goods

技工及操作工 155.7 168.6 166.9 -1.0 7.2

Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 151.5 157.8 161.3 2.2 6.4 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 153.1 161.8 163.2 0.9 6.6

‘ All selected occupations

其零 ft^tfilR . Watches, clocks and parts

技工及操作工 136.4 138.6 152.7 10.2 12.0

Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 143.7 155.9 163.1 4.6 13.5 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 141.6 150.3 160.6 6.9 13.4

All selected occupations

珠賫首飾及有H物品syem Jewellery and related articles

技工及操作工 123.9 129.4 126.6 -2.1 2.2

Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 134.0 138.0 131.6 -4.7 -1.8 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 127.2 132.1 127.9 -3.2 0.5

All selected occupations

* amm Man ufacturing

技工及操作 1 136.7 136.2 -0.3 2.1

“ Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 145.4 150.7 152.7 1.3 5.0 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 138,1 142.2 142.8 0.4 3.4

All selected occupations

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 B

表3 按行楽及主要職iMaai剿分的名義工資指數…續頁 Table 3 Nominal Wage Indices Analysed by Industry by Broad Occupational Group — Cont'd.

(—九九二年九月=100) (September 1992 = 100)

名義工資指數 增減百分率 Nominal wage indices Percentage change

九八年三月與 九八年三月與

行業/主要職業組別 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月 九七年九月比較 九七年三月比較 • Industry/Broad Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 98 over Mar. 98 over

occupational group Sep. 97 Mar. 97

批發業 * Wholesale

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 141.9 150.3 148.3 -1.3 4.5 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

零售業 Retail

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 130.3 138.5 140.1 1.1 7.5 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

食品進出口贸易業 Import/export of foodstuffs

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 143.9 143.0 149.0 4.3 3.5 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

衣 服 、 有 M 製 品 進 出 口 貿 易 業 Import/export of clothing, -

footwear and allied products

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 155.4 156.9 159.9 1.9 2.9 Supervisory, technical, clerical and *

miscellaneous non-production workers

雑項消费品進出口貿》業 Import/export of miscellaneous

consumer goods

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 153.9 157.9 159.0 0.7 3.3 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

機器、股備及其零件進出口貿易業 Import/export of machinery,

equipment and parts

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 145.5 143.5 149.9 4.5 3.0 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

雜項耐用品進出口贸思業 Import/export of miscellaneous

durable goods

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 149.6 158.6 162.8 2.7 8.8 ‘ Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

K料及半製成品遒出口貿易業 -Import/export of raw materials

and semi-manufactures

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 144.4 148.9 150.2 0.8 4.0 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

/ 4 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表3 按行業及主要職mJfiMffl分的名義工資指數…續頁 Table 3 Nominal Wage Indices Analysed by Industry by Broad Occupational Group ~ Cont'd.

(一九九二年九月=100) (September 1992 = 100)

一 名義工資指數 增減百分率 Nominal wage indices Percentage change

九八年三月與 九八年三月與 行業/主要職業組別 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月 九七年九月比較 九七年三月比較

‘ Industry/Broad Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 98 over Mar. 98 over occupational group Sep. 97 Mar. 97

‘ 一般貨品進出口貿易業 Import/export of general commodities

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 155.3 164.0 163.0 -0.6 4.9 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

中式餐館及酒《lll Chinese restaurants

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 127.5 134,5 135.3 0.6 6.2 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

非中式餐館業 Restaurants, other than Chinese


督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 138.6 139.3 141.4 1.5 2.0 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

* 贼店業(美式賊店除外) Fast food shops (excluding

American style fast food shops)

. 督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 132.5 134.1 136.3 1.6 2.9 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

酒店業 Hotels

督導級.技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 161.6 162.8 168.1 3.3 4.1 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

批發、零售、進出口貿易,飲食及酒店業 Wholesale, retail and import/export trades,

restaurants and hotels

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 142.3 147.0 149.0 1.4 4.7 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

貨榧 _及貨 Haulage of containers and

containers leasing

‘ 技工及操作工 99.8 128.9 126.4 -2.0 26.6

Craftsmen and operatives

. 督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 135.8 141.6 138.1 -2.4 1.7 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 104.0 128.0 125.3 -2.1 20.5

All selected occupations

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 B

表3 按行楽及主要職iMaai剿分的名義工資指數…續頁 Table 3 Nominal Wage Indices Analysed by Industry by Broad Occupational Group — Cont'd.

(—九九二年九月=100) (September 1992 = 100)

“ 名義工資指數 增減百分率 Nominal wage indices Percentage change

九八年三月與 九八年三月與

行業/主要職業組別 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月 九七年九月比較 九七年三月比較 Industry/Broad Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 98 over Mar. 98 over ’ occupational group Sep. 97 Mar. 97

航空公司 * Airline companies

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 142.5 146.8 152.3 3.8 6.9 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

mnmcmmm Travel agents and airline ticket agents

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 148.8 149.9 156.2 4.2 4.9 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

航空貨運fi^mt Air cargo forwarding services

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 153.8 154.2 161.9 5.0 5.3 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

脚服務業 Transport services ^

技工及操作工 135.1 148.2 147.6 -0.4 9.3 -

Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 146.8 151.6 155.3 2.5 5.8 • Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 141.2 149.7 151.6 1.3 7.4

All selected occupations

銀行業 Banks

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 147.5 149.3 158.1 5.9 7.2 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

投賫及a®公司 Investment and holding companies

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 162.0 177.2 172.8 -2.5 6.7

Supervisory, technical, clerical and miscellaneous non-production workers

保Mr業 Insurance

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 151.0 155.9 159.0 2.0 5.3 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers -

/ 4 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表3 按行業及主要職mJfiMffl分的名義工資指數…續頁 Table 3 Nominal Wage Indices Analysed by Industry by Broad Occupational Group ~ Cont'd.

(一九九二年九月=100) (September 1992 = 100)

名義工資指數 增減百分率 Nominal wage indices Percentage change

九八年三月與 九八年三月與

行業/主要職業組別 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月 九七年九月比較 九七年三月比較 “ Industry/Broad Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 98 over Mar. 98 over

occupational group Sep. 97 Mar. 97

‘ im&Mm Real estate leasing

技工及操作工 * Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 146.*7 145.4 156.2 7.4 6.5 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 146.6 157.2 7.2 6.9

All selected occupations

imumvmsmm Real estate maintenance management

技工及操作工 138.6 141.4 144.0 1.9 3.9

Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 146.6 150.6 156.6 4.0 6.8 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

• 所有選定職業 150.1 155.9 3.9 6.6 • All selected occupations

測量/工g«劃US®業 - Architectural/surveying/engineering firms

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 169.6 173.6 175.5 1.1 3.5 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

保安及偵探腿業 Security and detective services

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 137.8 143.0 145.0 1.4 5.2 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

金H、保險、地產及簡用服務業 Financing, insurance, real estate and

business services

技工及操作工 138.9 142.0 145.3 2.3 4.6

Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 149.9 154.0 159.3 3.4 6.3 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

• 所有選定職業 153.8 159.1 3.4 6.3

All selected occupations

“ 淸潔及同IBBM5業 Sanitary and similar services

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 140.7 147.5 156.5 6.1 11.2 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 B

表3 按行業及主要職業iiasu剿分的名義工賫指數…續頁 Table 3 Nominal Wage Indices Analysed by Industry by Broad Occupational Group --- Cont'd.

(一九九二年九月=100) (September 1992 = 100) —

‘ 名義工資指數 增減百分率 Nominal wage indices Percentage change

九八年三月與 九八年三月與

行業/主要職業組別 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月 九七年九月比較 九七年三月比較 Industry/Broad Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 98 over Mar. 98 over ’ occupational group Sep. 97 Mar. 97

Motor vehicles/cycles repairing and servicing

技工及操作工 141.4 142.7 143.0 0.2 1.1 Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 145.7 147.5 139.2 -5.6 -4.5 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 143.4 144.9 141.2 -2.5 -1.5

All selected occupations

理髮及美容 Barber and beauty shops

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 152.9 157.4 167.2 6.2 9.3 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

個AJIKil業 Personal services

技工及操作工 141.4 142.7 143.0 0.2 1.1 ‘ __

Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 143.9 149.7 156.8 4.7 9.0 • Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 143.7 149.0 155.3 4.2 8.1

All selected occupations

所有邇定行業@ All selected industries

S t r a i t 作工 134.2 140.3 139.9 -0.3 4.2 Craftsmen and operatives

督 » 級 、 技 術 貝 級 、 文 貝 i R S 其 他 非 1 4 4 . 5 149.2 152.2 2.0 5.3 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定 WJi 142.4 147.3 149.8 1.7 5.2

All selected occupations

註釋: 所有增減百分率按小數後兩個位的指數針算出來。 Notes : All percentage changes are derived from indices rounded to 2 decimal places. "

@指統計調查涵蓋的所有行業’包括電力及燃氣業。 Refers to all industries covered by the Survey, including the electricity and gas sector.

*爲使個別公司所提供的資料得以保密’數據不予公布。 -Data not released in order to safeguard confidentiality of information provided by individual firms. (參照本報告第III部的3.7段)° (see paragraph 3.7 in Part III of this report).

16 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表 4 按行業及主要職分的實質工资指數 Table 4 Real Wage Indices Analysed by Industry by Broad Occupational Group

(—九九二年九月=100) (September 1992 二 100)

IT質工資指數 增減百分率 Real wage indices Percentage change

九八年三月與 九八年三月與

行業/主要職業組別 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月 九七年九月比較 九七年三月比較 4 Industry/Broad Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 98 over Mar. 98 over

occupational group Sep. 97 Mar. 97

‘ 衣物縫KUt Garments

技工及操作工 89.7 86.6 84.1 -2.9 -6.3 Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 104.3 105.1 106.6 1.5 2.3 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 94.4 92.7 91.5 -1.2 -3.0 All selected occupations

t&ffi 妙及 ttMMPf^ Cotton spinning and weaving

技工及操作工 109.4 107.4 109.1 1.6 -0.3 Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 108.7 106.4 108.7 2.2 # Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

^ 所有選定職業 109.0 106.8 108.7 1.8 -0.2 All selected occupations

- Cotton knitting and knit outerwear

技工及操作工 94.3 91.8 94.9 3.4 0.6 Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 101.0 103.7 100.4 -3.2 -0.6 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 97.6 98.1 97.4 -0.7 -0.2 All selected occupations

Bleaching and dyeing

技工及操作工 87.4 88.3 85.8 -2.8 -1.9 Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 97.8 100.5 98.6 -1.9 0.8 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 91.4 92.9 90.6 -2.5 -0.8 All selected occupations

Paper boxes and bags

技工及操作工 97.1 95.9 95.3 -0.6 -1.8 ‘ Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 92.8 90.4 98.3 8.7 6.0 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 94.8 93.1 95.9 3.0 1.1

All selected occupations

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 ~

表3 按行業及主要職業iiasu剿分的名義工賫指數…續頁 Table 3 Nominal Wage Indices Analysed by Industry by Broad Occupational Group --- Cont'd.

(一九九二年九月=100) (September 1992 = 100)

s i x i i i 增減百分率 Real wage indices Percentage change

九八年三月與 九八年三月與

行業/主要職業組別 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月 九七年九月比較 九七年三月比較 Industry/Broad Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 98 over Mar. 98 over ‘ occupational group Sep. 97 Mar. 97

印刷、出ffiX有H行業 ‘ Printing, publishing and allied industries

技工及操作工 107.0 112.1 108.5 -3.2 1.4 Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 106.7 109.0 108.3 -0.6 1.5 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 107.6 111.5 109.1 -2.1 1.5 All selected occupations

品業(1&0$£^1»外> Plastic products (excluding plastic toys)

技工及操作工 94.0 94.2 103.7 10.1 10.3 Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 104.8 111.7 118.1 5.7 12.6 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 98.2 101.2 109.7 8.3 11.7 All selected occupations -

fflS^LASSdl Plastic toys .

技工及操作工 96.8 100.9 » * • Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 89.9 92.7 96.1 3.7 6.9 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 92.1 95.3 100.8 5.9 9.5 All selected occupations

雑項#製品業(《«IS:設備 l i ft外) Miscellaneous metal products

except machinery and equipment

技工及操作工 91.5 100.5 93.7 -6.8 2.4 Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 95.9 105.0 108.1 2.9 12.7 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 92.7 101.7 98.5 -3.1 6.3 All selected occupations

電器用具及配f^S&IK Electrical appliances and accessories

技工及操作工 92.2 95.8 94.2 -1.6 2.2 • Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 113.5 111.7 117.4 5.1 3.4 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 105.3 106.0 108.9 2.7 3.4

All selected occupations

16 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表4 按行業及主要職業isaffii劃分的實質工資指數---續頁 Table 4 Real Wage Indices Analysed by Industry by Broad Occupational Group — Cont'd.

(一九九二年九月=100) (September 1992 = 100)

賁質工資指數 增減百分率 Real wage indices Percentage change

九八年三月與 九八年三月與 行業/主要職業組別 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月 九七年九月比較 九七年三月比較

- Industry/Broad Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 98 over Mar. 98 over occupational group Sep. 97 Mar. 97

‘ 電子製品業 Electronics

技工及操作工 120.2 115.6 109.0 -5.7 -9.3 Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 119.5 114.6 111.9 -2.4 -6.4 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 119.7 115.0 110.4 -4.0 -7.8 All selected occupations

Photographic and optical goods

技工及操作工 113.7 119.6 116.2 -2.8 2.3 Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 110.6 111.9 112.3 0.3 1.5 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 111.8 114.8 113.7 -1.0 1.7 ‘ All selected occupations

m t s 其零ff^fijR . Watches, clocks and parts

技工及操作工 99.6 98.3 106.4 8.2 6.8 Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 104.9 110.6 113.6 2.7 8.3 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 103.4 106.6 111.8 4.9 8.2 All selected occupations

珠imtt及有M物品Silfiflt Jewellery and related articles

技工及操作工 90.5 91.8 88.2 -3.9 -2.5 Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 97.8 97.9 91.6 -6.4 -6.3 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 92.9 93.7 89.1 -5.0 -4.1 All selected occupations

Kl&IPI Manufacturing

技工及操作工 97.5 96.9 94.9 -2.1 -2.6 “ Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 106.1 106.9 106.3 -0.5 0.2 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 100.8 100.8 99.4 -1.4 -1.4 All selected occupations

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 23

表 4 按行業及主要職業Jiasfl劃分的實質工資指數…績頁 Table 4 Real Wage Indices Analysed by Industry by Broad Occupational Group …Cont-d.


(September 1992 = 100)

— 宽質工資指數 增減百分率 Real wage indices Percentage change

九八年三月與 九八年三月與

行業/主要職業組別 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月 九七年九月比較 九七年三月比較 Industry/Broad Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 98 over Mar. 98 over • occupational group Sep. 97 Mar. 97

批發業 ‘ Wholesale

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 103.6 106.6 103.3 -3.1 -0.3

Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

零售業 Retail

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 95.1 98.3 97,6 -0.7 2.6 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

食品進出口貿易業 Import/export of foodstuffs

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 105.1 101.4 103.8 2.4 -1.2

Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

衣服、鞋皿有M製品進出口貿易業 Import/export of clothing, -

footwear and allied products __

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 113.5 111.3 111.3 # -1.9 Supervisory, technical, clerical and .

miscellaneous non-production workers

雜項消费品進出口貿易業 Import/export of miscellaneous

consumer goods

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 112.4 112.0 110.7 -1.2 -1-5

Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

機器、股備及其零件進出口買易業 Import/export of machinery,

equipment and parts

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 106.2 101.8 104,4 2.6 -1.7

Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

雜項耐用品進出口贸易業 Import/export of miscellaneous

durable goods

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 109.2 112.5 113.4 0.8 3.8 ,

Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

原料及半製成品進出口貿《業 “ Import/export of raw materials

and semi-manufactures

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 105.4 105.6 104.6 -1.0 -0.8

Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

20 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表4 按行業及主要職業isaffii劃分的實質工資指數---續頁 Table 4 Real Wage Indices Analysed by Industry by Broad Occupational Group — Cont'd.

(—九九二年九月:=100) (September 1992 二 100)

寅質工資指數 增減百分率 Real wage indices Percentage change

九八年三月與 九八年三月與

行業/主要職業組別 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月 九七年九月比較 九七年三月比較 • Industry/Broad Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 98 over Mar. 98 over

occupational group Sep. 97 Mar. 97

• 品進出口貿易業 Import/export of general commodities

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 113.4 116.3 113.5 -2.4 0.1 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

中式餐綰及酒ttm Chinese restaurants

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 93.0 95.4 94.2 -1.2 1.3 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

非中式餐館業 Restaurants, other than Chinese


督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 101.2 98.8 98.5 -0.3 -2.7 Supervisory, technical,clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

- 賊店業(美式fii•店除外) _ Fast food shops (excluding

American style fast food shops)

• 督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 96.7 95.1 94.9 -0.2 -1.8 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

酒店業 Hotels

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 117.9 115.5 117.1 1.4 -0.7 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

批發、零售、進出口贸思、飲食及酒店業 Wholesale, retail and import/export trades,

restaurants and hotels

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 103.9 104.2 103.7 -0.5 -0.1

Supervisory, technical, clerical and miscellaneous non-production workers

Haulage of containers and containers leasing

• 技工及操作工 72.9 91.4 88.0 -3.8 20.7

Craftsmen and operatives

• 督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 99.2 100.4 96.2 -4.2 -3.0 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 75.9 90.8 87.3 -3.8 15.0

All selected occupations

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 23

表 4 按行業要職 imsdffl分的赏質工資指數…續頁 Table 4 Real Wage Indices Analysed by Industry by Broad Occupational Group — Cont'd.

(—九九二年九月=100) (September 1992 = 100)

— IT質工資指數 增減百分率 Real wage indices Percentage change

九八年三月與 九八年三月與

行業/主要職業組別 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月 九七年九月比較 九七年三月比較

Industry/Broad Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 98 over Mar. 98 over ‘

occupational group Sep. 97 Mar. 97

航空公司 ’ Airline companies

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 104.0 104.1 106.1 1.9 2.0

Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

Travel agents and airline ticket agents

督導級、技術員級,文員級及其他非生產級工人 108.6 106.3 108.8 2.3 0.1

Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

赂貨運 f t a u R Air cargo forwarding services

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 112.3 109.4 112.7 3.1 0.4

Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

Transport services -

技工及操作工 98.6 105.1 102.8 -2.2 4.3 —

Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 107.2 107.5 108.2 0.6 0.9 •

Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 103.1 106.2 105.6 -0.5 2.5

All selected occupations

銀行業 Banks

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 107.7 105.9 110.1 4.0 2.2

Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

投資及麵公司 Investment and holding companies

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 118.3 125.7 120.4 -4.2 1.8

Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

保Mr業 Insurance *

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 110.2 110.6 110.7 0.1 0.5

Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers ‘

22 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表 4 按行業及主要職業isaffii劃分的實質工資指數---續頁 Table 4 Real Wage Indices Analysed by Industry by Broad Occupational Group — Cont'd.

(—九九二年九月二 100) (September 1992 二 100)

寅質工資指數 增減百分率 Real wage indices Percentage change

九八年三月與 九八年三月與

. 行業/主要職業組別 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月 九七年九月比較 九七年三月比較 Industry/Broad Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 98 over Mar. 98 over occupational group Sep. 97 Mar. 97

* immmm Real estate leasing

技工及操作工 * * * * * Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 107.1 103.1 108.8 5.4 1.6 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 1073 103.9 109.5 5.3 2.0 All selected occupations

mm^nimsmm Real estate maintenance management

技工及操作工 101_1 100.3 100.3 # -0.8 Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 107.0 106.8 109.1 2.1 1.9 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

, 所有選定職業 106.7 106.4 108.6 2.0 1.7

All selected occupations

建築/測量/工gflUJMSS業 * Architectural/surveying/engineering firms

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 123.8 123.1 122.2 -0.7 -1.3 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

保安及偵探服》業 Security and detective services

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 100.6 101.4 101.0 -0.4 0.4 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

金融、保險、地產及商用服務業 Financing, insuranccy real estate and

business services

技工及操作工 101.4 100.7 101.2 0.4 -0.2

Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 109.4 109.2 110.9 1.6 1.4 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

* 所有選定職業 109.3 109.1 110.8 1.5 1.4

All selected occupations

淸潔及同XMiSIK Sanitary and similar services

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 102.7 104.6 109.0 4.2 6.1 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 23

表3 按行業及主要職業iiasu剿分的名義工賫指數…續頁 Table 3 Nominal Wage Indices Analysed by Industry by Broad Occupational Group --- Cont'd.

(一九九二年九月=100) (September 1992 = 100)

賁質工資指數 增減百分率 Real wage indices Percentage change

九八年三月與 九八年三月與

行業/主要職業組別 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月 九七年九月比較 九七年三月比較 , Industry/Broad Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 98 over Mar. 98 over occupational group Sep. 97 Mar. 97

n*及電**«修81»業 Motor vehicles/cycles repairing

and servicing

技工及操作工 103_2 101.2 99.6 -1.6 -3.5

Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級,文員級及其他非生產級工人 106.4 104.6 96.9 -7.3 -8.9 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 104.7 102.8 98.4 -4.3 -6.0

All selected occupations

理 S 及美容臓業 Barber and beauty shops

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 111.6 111.7 116.4 4.3 4.3 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

個 AJBSill Personal services __

技工及操作工 101.2 99.6 -1.6 -3.5 Craftsmen and operatives 一

督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人 105.0 106.2 109.2 2.8 4.0 -Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 104.9 105.7 108.1 2.3 3.1

All selected occupations

所有邐定行業@ All selected industries

StrXI•作工 98.0 99.5 97.4 -2.1 -0.6 Craftsmen and operatives

督導級、技術員級、文貝其他非 ^ X i R X A 105.5 105.8 106.0 0.1 0.5 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 103.9 104.5 104.3 -0.2 0.3 All selected occupations

註釋: (1)寅質工資指數是根據名義工資指數扣除以一九九四至九五年爲基期的甲類消費物價指數變動的影番計算出來。 Notes : The Real Wage Indices are derived by deflating the respective Nominal Wage Indices by the

1994/95-based CPI(A). •

(2)所有增減百分率按小數後兩個位的指數it算出來。 All percentage changes are derived from indices rounded to 2 decimal places.

@指統計調查涵蓋的所有行業’包括電力及燃氣業。 “ Refers to all industries covered by the Survey, including the electricity and gas sector.

*爲使個別公司所提供的資料得以保密’數據不予公布。 Data not released in order to safeguard confidentiality of information provided by individual firms. (參照本報告第in部的3.7段)。 (see paragraph 3.7 in Part III of this report).

#變動在±0.05%內。 Change within±0.05%.

16 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表5 按行業類別及職lilira割分的名義及實質工资指數 Table 5 Nominal and Real Wage Indices Analysed by Industry Sector by Occupational


(一九九二年九月=100) (September 1992 = 100)

名義工資指數 寅質工資指數

- 行業類別 / 職業組別 Nominal wage indices Real wage indices

Industry sector/ 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月九七年三月九七年九月 九八年三月 Occupational group Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98

“ SSilK Manufacturing

督導級及技術員級人員 147.6 153.1 153.0 107.7 108.6 106.6 Supervisory and technical workers

文員級及秘書級人員 144.9 150.3 154.7 105.8 106.6 107.7 Clerical and secretarial workers

技工 136.8 146.5 144.6 99.9 103.9 100.7


操作工 132.3 132.5 132.9 96.6 94.0 92.5


其他非生產級工人 141.0 145.8 150.0 102.9 103.4 104.4 Miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 138.1 142.2 142.8 100.8 100.8 99.4

All selected occupations

_ 批發、零售、進出口贸易、飲食及酒店業 Wholesale, retail and import/export

“ trades, restaurants and hotels

督導級及技術員級人員 147.4 153.1 155.0 107.6 108.6 108.0 Supervisory and technical workers

文員級及秘書級人員 145.3 148.6 151.6 106.1 105.4 105.5 Clerical and secretarial workers

服務人員 135.1 139.5 140.4 98.6 98.9 97.8

Service workers

其他非生產級工人 135.5 140.3 142.4 98.9 99.5 99.2 Miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 142.3 147.0 149.0 103.9 104,2 103.7

All selected occupations


工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 25

表 5 按行業類別及職業ffiSt®分的名義及賁質工资指數---續頁

Table 5 Nominal and Real Wage Indices Analysed by Industry Sector by Occupational Group — Cont'd.


(September 1992 = 100)

名義工資指數 霣質工資指數

行業類別/職業組別 Nominal wage indices Real wage indices >

Industry sector/ 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月九七年三月九七年九月 九八年三月

Occupational group Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98


Transport services

督導級及技術員級人員 146.8 154.1 156.2 107.1 109.3 108.8 Supervisory and technical workers

文員級及秘書級人員 147.5 150.8 156.0 107.6 106.9 108.6

Clerical and secretarial workers

技工 134.8 147.6 147.5 98.4 104.7 102.7


操作工 136.2 150.6 148.0 99.4 106.8 103.0


服務人員 127.2 116.0 120.1 92.9 82.3 83.6

Service workers

其他非生產級工人 149.5 154.9 161.1 109.2 109.8 112.2

Miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 141.2 149.7 151.6 103.1 106.2 105.6 All selected occupations —

金融、保險、地逢及簡用服務業 Financing, insurance, real estate

and business services

督導級及技術員級人員 150.2 152.8 159.2 109.6 108.4 110.9 Supervisory and technical workers

文員級及秘書級人員 152.3 157.5 162.8 111.2 111.7 113.4 Clerical and secretarial workers

技工 138.9 142.0 145.3 101.4 100.7 101.2


服務人員 137.2 142.7 143.4 100.2 101.2 99.9

Service workers

其他非生產級工人 146.0 150.1 157.5 106.6 106.4 109.6

Miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 149.7 153.8 159.1 109.3 109.1 110.8 All selected occupations *

26 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表5 按行•別及職ismasd®!分的名義及實質工資指數---績頁

Table 5 Nominal and Real Wage Indices Analysed by Industry Sector by Occupational Group — Cont'd.

(一九九二年九月=100) (September 1992 = 100)

‘ 名義工資指數 實質工資指數

行業類別 / 職業組別 Nominal wage indices Real wage indices

' Industry sector/ 九七年三月九七年九月九八年三月九七年三月九七年九月 九八年三月 Occupational group Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98 Mar. 97 Sep. 97 Mar. 98

• 個 Personal services

督導級及技術員級人員 147.3 150.5 丨59.1 107.5 106.7 110.8 Supervisory and technical workers

文員級及秘書級人員 160.2 154.7 148.8 116.9 109.7 103.6 Clerical and secretarial workers

技工 141.4 142.7 143.0 103.2 101.2 99.6


服務人員 133.1 151.3 158.3 97.2 107.3 110.2

Service workers

其他非生產級工人 144.0 145.4 153.1 105.1 103.1 106.6 Miscellaneous non-production workers

所有選定職業 143.7 149.0 155.3 104.9 105.7 108.1

All selected occupations


- 所有選定行業@ All selected industries

督導 R X 技術貝 ftA* 148.4 153.8 156.5 108.3 109.1 109.0 Supervisory and technical workers

文 J l & a 秘書 » A J l 147.4 151.3 155.0 107.6 107.3 107.9 Clerical and secretarial workers

SX 136.6 147.1 146.2 99.7 104.3 101.8


搡作工 132.6 134.3 134.4 96.8 95.3 93.6


S m X t i 135.7 140.7 141.9 99.1 99.8 98.8 Service workers

其他非 M R X 人 139.4 143.7 147.9 101.7 101.9 103.0 Miscellaneous non-production workers

所有邐定職業 142.4 147.3 149.8 103.9 104.5 104.3

All selected occupations

註釋:實質工資指數是根據名義工資指數扣除以一九九四至九五年爲基期的甲類消費物價指數變動的影继計算出來° ‘ Notes : The Real Wage Indices are derived by deflating the respective Nominal Wage Indices by the 1994/95-based CPI(A).

@指統計調查涵蓋的所有行業’包括電力及燃氣業‘ Refers to all industries covered by the Survey, including the electricity and gas sector.


表 6 按行業、主要職業及性別劃分的平均工資率

Table 6 Average Wage Rates Analysed by Industry by Broad Occupational Group by Sex 元


“ 督導級、技術員級、文員級及 技工及操作工 其他非生產級工人 所有選定職業

Craftsmen and operatives Supervisory, technical, All selected occupations

clerical and miscellaneous

non-production workers

每日平均工資 每月平均薪金 每月平均薪金 ’

行業 / 行業類别 Average daily wages Average monthly salaries Average monthly salaries

Industry/ 男 女 合 計 男 女 合 計 男 女 合計

Industry sector Male Female Overall Male Female Overall Male Female Overall •

衣物縫製業 407 231 253 11,581 10,402 10,865 11,089 7,097 7,963


紡棉紗及梭織棉布業 358 301 327 11,494 8,494 10,323 10,173 8,001 9,096

Cotton spinning and weaving

針織棉布及外衣業 320 233 254 11,847 10,701 11,231 10,620 7,990 8,922

Cotton knitting and knit outerwear

漂染業 375 * 354 13,931 9,239 12,299 10,806 7,548 10,158

Bleaching and dyeing

紙盒及紙袋製造業 432 - 432 13,186 11,407 12,487 11,848 11,407 11,773

Paper boxes and bags


Printing, publishing and allied 484 403 471 12,545 11,431 12,043 12,381 10,965 11,982


塑躍製品業(塑躍玩具除外) 382 266 336 12,583 10,628 11,757 10,519 7,886 9,449 ,

Plastic products ‘

(excluding plastic toys) _

塑躍玩具製造業 * * * 12,589 * 12,337 11,983 9,551 10,755 -

Plastic toys

雜項金屬製品業(機械及設備除外) 460 * 395 13,696 10,222 12,344 12,438 7,449 10,952

Miscellaneous metal products

except machinery and equipment

電器用具及配件製造業 468 * 329 13,688 11,442 12,513 12,815 8,690 10,534

Electrical appliances and


電子製品業 377 283 308 13,667 11,861 12,920 11,489 8,048 9,340


攝影及光學用品製造業 449 282 326 12,882 10,526 11,504 12,082 8,361 9,624

Photographic and optical goods

鐘鎮及其零件製造業 402 349 360 12,758 12,268 12,459 11,680 9,950 10,473

Watches, clocks and parts

珠資首飾及有關物品製造業 488 328 469 15,263 11,296 12,742 12,382 10,456 11,779 Jewellery and related articles ‘

ttlSllt 436 259 333 12,582 10,922 11,727 11,657 8,084 9,666


批發業 - - - 1 1 , 3 3 2 10,561 11,054 11,332 10,561 11,054 ‘


零售業 - - - 1 0 , 2 6 5 10,039 10,107 10,265 10,039 10,107


食品進出口貿易業 - - - 1 1, 0 1 0 12,337 11,542 11,010 12,337 11,542

Import/export of foodstuffs

28 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表 6 按行業、主要職業jfiStl及性別«分的平均工資率…績頁 Table 6 Average Wage Rates Analysed by Industry by Broad Occupational Group by Sex

—Cont'd. 元 ^

督導級、技術員級、文員級及 技工及操作工 其他非生產級工人 所有選定職業

Craftsmen and operatives Supervisory, technical, All selected occupations

clerical and miscellaneous

* non-production workers

每曰平均工資 每月平均薪金 每月平均薪金

行業 /行業類別 Average daily wages Average monthly salaries Average monthly salaries Industry/ 男 女 合 計 男 女 合 計 男 女 合計

* Industry sector Male Female Overall Male Female Overall Male Female Overall

衣服、鞋類及有關製品進出口貿易業 - - - 1 3, 0 5 0 12,837 12,909 13,050 12,837 12,909 Import/export of clothing,

footwear and allied products

雜項消費品進出口貿易業 - - - 1 3, 6 1 6 12,878 13,180 13,616 12,878 13,180

Import/export of miscellaneous

consumer goods

機器、設備及其零件進出口貿易業 - - - 1 4 , 1 4 5 12,891 13,545 14,145 12,891 13,545

Import/export of machinery,

equipment and parts

雜項耐用品進出口貿易業 - - - 1 5, 2 5 6 13,278 14,269 15,256 13,278 14,269

Import/export of miscellaneous

durable goods

原料及半製成品進出口貿易業 - - - 1 4, 6 9 5 12,940 13,770 14,695 12,940 13,770

Import/export of raw materials

and semi-manufactures »

—般貨品進出口貿易業 - - - 1 4 , 5 7 1 13,663 14,055 14,571 13,663 14,055

Import/export of general

. commodities

中式餐館或酒樓業 - - - 1 2 , 1 0 4 7,787 10,047 12,104 7,787 10,047

Chinese restaurants

非中式餐館業 - - - 1 1, 7 3 3 8,462 10,402 11,733 8,462 10,402

Restaurants, other than

Chinese restaurants

快餐店業(美式快餐店除外) - - - 1 0, 1 2 9 7,294 8,308 10,129 7,294 8,308

Fast food shops (excluding

American style fast food shops)

酒店業 - - - 1 1, 4 2 5 11,196 11,314 11,425 11,196 11,314

Hotels I

批發、零售、進出口貿易、飲食及酒店業 - - - 1 2 , 6 7 5 10,885 11,733 12,675 10,885 11,733 Wholesale’ retail and import/export

trades, restaurants and hotels

貨櫃裝卸及貨播租賃服務業 695 - 695 11,536 9,111 10,407 16,976 9,111 15,969

Haulage of containers and

* containers leasing

航空公司 - - - 1 5, 1 0 6 14,114 14,484 15,106 14,114 14,484

. Airline companies

旅行社及票務代理 - - - 8 , 8 8 4 10,464 9,855 8,884 10,464 9,855

Travel agents and airline

ticket agents

航空貨運代理業 - - - 1 2 , 7 5 2 11,458 12,288 12,752 11,458 12,288

Air cargo forwarding services

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 57*

表 6 按行業、主要職業«^3(1及性別蹰分的平均工资率---纊頁 Table 6 Average Wage Rates Analysed by Industry by Broad Occupational Group by Sex

Cont'd 元 ^

督導級、技術員級、文員級及 技工及操作工 其他非生產級工人 所有選定職業

Craftsmen and operatives Supervisory, technical, All selected occupations

clerical and miscellaneous

non-production workers ,

每曰平均工資 每月平均薪金 每月平均薪金

行業 /行業類別 Average daily wages Average monthly salaries Average monthly salaries

Industry/ 男 女 合 計 男 女 合 計 男 女 合計

Industry sector Male Female Overall Male Female Overall Male Female Overall ‘

mmsmm ^ * 513 14,441"“11,965"“13,395 13,877 1 1 , 8 9 8 1 3 , 3 7 1 Transport services

銀行業 - - - 1 5, 1 9 0 15,078 15,121 15,190 15,078 15,121


投資及控股公司 - - - 1 6, 3 1 8 14,062 14,565 16,318 14,062 14,565 Investment and holding companies

保險業 - - - 1 5, 5 2 9 13,262 13,890 15,529 13,262 13,890


地產租賃業 * - * 9,906 10,006 9,938 10,095 10,006 10,067

Real estate leasing

地產保餐管理服務業 435 - 435 8,412 9,766 8,540 8,531 9,766 8,643 Real estate maintenance


建築 / 測量 / 工程策劃服務業 - - - 1 9, 3 8 0 14,251 17,282 19,380 14,251 17,282 ’

Architectural/surveying/ —

engineering firms

保安及偵探服務業 - - - 7 , 6 3 2 8,187 7,694 7,632 8,187 7,694 •

Security and detective services

金融、保M r 、雌及商用鹏業 439 - 439 9,933 13,345 11,009 9,958 13,345 11,014 Financing, insurance, real estate

and business services

淸潔及同類服務業 - - - 6 , 6 2 8 5,391 5,897 6,628 5,391 5,897 Sanitary and similar services

汽車及電單車維修服務業 532 * 517 12,465 8,831 11,523 12,384 8,647 11,811

Motor vehicles/cycles repairing

and servicing

理髮及美容服務業 - - - 8 , 9 6 5 9,928 9,412 8,965 9,928 9,412

Barber and beauty shops

個 Affiaai 532 * 517 7,755 6,266 6,942 8,380 6,284 7,307 Personal services

所有選定行業 @ 475 263 384 11,879 11,019 11,472 11,907 10,399 11,205 All selected industries •

註釋:@指統計調查涵蓋的所有行業,包括電力及燃氣業。 .

Notes : Refers to all industries covered by the Survey, including the electricity and gas sector.

*爲使個別公司所提供的資料得以保密’數據不予公布。 Data not released in order to safeguard confidentiality of information provided by individual firms.


(see paragraph 3.7 in Part III of this report).

-統計調查期內並沒有數據。 Data not available for the survey period.

30 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表 7 按行楽及職業剡分的虹诚作工職級的平均毎日工資、正常工作時數鄉準工作日數 Table 7 Average Daily Wages, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days

of Craftsmen and Operatives Analysed by Industry by Occupation

“ 每日正常 每月標準 每曰平均工資(元) 工作時數 工作日數

Average daily wages($) Number of Number of

normal hours standard

男 女 合計 of work working days

- 行業 / 職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

衣物縫 KDt Garments

• 放樣員/唆架員 Pattern grader/marker maker 486 * 474 8 25

技工 Craftsmen 491 * 483 8 25

品質檢查工 Quality checker * * 315 8 25

包裝工 Packer 329 191 232 8 25

平車車工 Lockstitch sewing machine * 228 228 8 26


整资工 Presser * * 278 8 26

剪錢工 Trimmer - 137 137 8 26

執剪工 Cutter 399 - 399 8 25

特種衣車車工 Special purpose sewing machine * 269 266 8 25


全件制車工 Make-through operator * 303 361 8 26

操作工 Operatives 379 230 245 8 26

技T及榉作T- Craftsmen and operatives 407 231 253 8 26

i m » & 9 W i m m cotton spinning and weaving

妨織機械技工 Textile machine mechanic 371 - 371 8 26

技工 Craftsmen 381 * 380 8 26

接頭工 Warp tying machine operator 326 * 331 7 26

- 分碼工 Yardage recorder 386 * 389 8 26

餓布工 Weaver 314 303 309 7 26

‘ 修補工 Mender * 293 296 8 26

操作工 Operatives 345 301 316 8 26

fitrSJft作工 Craftsmen and operatives 358 301 327 8 26

ttflMft布及•?!(IK Cotton knitting and knit


品質檢査工 Quality checker * 193 200 8 26

縫盤工(針織品) Linking machine operator - 275 275 8 26


操作工 Opemtives 316 233 252 8 26

Sxa i f t作工 Craftsmen and operatives 320 233 254 8 26

漂染業 Bleaching and dyeing

染色機値車工 Dyeing machine tender 434 * 431 10 26

技工 Crajhmen 428 * 425 10 26

包裝工 Packer 293 * 289 9 26

縮水機工 Pre-shrinking machine operator 398 - 398 10 26 • 操作工 Opemtives 325 * 301 9 26

fitlSJI作工 Craftsmen and operatives 375 * 354 10 26

‘ iCtftSIKSISilSllt Paper boxes and bags

印刷技工 Printing machine operator 459 - 459 8 26

技工 Craftsmen 462 - 462 8 26

操作工 Opemtives 387 - 387 8 26

StrSJif^X Craftsmen and operatives 432 - 432 8 26


表 7 按行業及職楽剿分的etc诚作工職趿的平均毎日工资、正常工作時數鄉準工作日數…纊頁 Table 7 Average Daily Wages, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days

of Craftsmen and Operatives Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

每曰正常 每月標準 每曰平均工資(元) 工作時數 工作日數

Average daily wages($) Number of Number of

normal hours standard

一 男 女 合針 of work working days 行業 / 職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month ‘

印刷、出MS有M Printing, publishing and allied 行業 industries ,

影版技工 / Process camera operator/ 448 * 443 8 26

分色機操作工 scanner

柯式版製作技工 Offset lithographic platemaker 494 * 492 8 26

柯式平版機印刷技工 Printing machine operator 542 * 540 9 26

(offset litho)

英文電腦排字員 English computer-aided typesetter • * 493 8 24

技工 Craftsmen 493 427 483 8 25

包裝工 Packer * * 302 8 26

切紙機操作工 Guillotining machine operator 448 - 448 8 26

操作工 Operatives 413 302 385 8 26

StXXSl作工 Craftsmen and operatives 484 403 471 8 25

ffiflW品業(IBS Plastic products (excluding

(外) plastic toys)

包裝工 Packer * * 232 8 26

操作工 Operatives 377 265 321 8 26

fitHSI•作工 Craftsmen and operatives 382 266 336 8 26 ,

雜項&JI製品HI Miscellaneous metal products —

(AMK股供除外) except machinery and equipment __

技工 Craftsmen 419 * 409 8 26

操作工 Operatives * * 385 8 26

技T及榉作T Craftsmen and operatives 460 * 395 8 26

電器用具及 Electrical appliances and

BBf^SI&IK accessories

技工 Craftsmen 546 * 544 8 24

裝配工 Assembler • * 238 8 24

操作工 Operatives 356 * 259 8 24

fitXXJt作工 Craftsmen and operatives 468 * 329 8 24

電子製品業 Electronics

品質檢查工 Quality checker * 312 316 8 25

操作工 Operatives 380 284 304 8 25

技T及操作T Craftsmen and operatives 377 283 308 8 25

W i B R ^ F S & W S M . Photographic and optical goods

操作工 Operatives * 280 300 8 24

技T及榉作T Craftsmen and operatives 449 282 326 8 24 ‘

32 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表7 按行梁及職業ffl分的作工職級的平均毎日工賫’正常工作時數nai準工作日數…械頁 Table 7 Average Daily Wages, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days

of Craftsmen and Operatives Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

每日正常 每月標準 每曰平均工資(元) 工作時數 工作曰數

Average daily wages($) Number of Number of

normal hours standard

男 女 合計 of work working days

• 行業 / 職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

ttftK^^lf^'SII&llt Watches, clocks and parts

• 技工 Craftsmen * * 415 8 25

一般裝配工 General assembler * * 370 8 23

操作工 Opemtives * 349 351 8 23

技T及榉作T- Craftsmen and operatives 402 349 360 8 23

珠寶首飾及有M物品 Jewellery and related

KjSDt articles

製模技工 Casting worker/wax mould maker 510 * 475 8 24

起樣技工 Prototype worker 566 * 566 8 24

電鍵及金屬塗層工 Electroplating and metal coating 525 * 519 8 24


鑲石工 Stone setter 523 • 516 8 24

配石工 Stone selector * * 400 8 24

打胚工 Goldsmith 491 * 489 8 24

切石打磨工 Stone cutter/polisher 407 - 407 8 24

技工 Craftsmen 495 380 488 8 24

操作工 Operatives 433 * 375 8 24

‘ 枝T及榉作T. Craftsmen and operatives 488 328 469 8 24

Jgjgypi Manufacturing

‘ 技工 Craftsmen 473 396 464 8 25

操作工 Opemtives 377 251 279 8 25

技T及搡作T Craftsmen and operatives 436 259 333 8 25

1l(9ISiSS& Haulage of containers and

貨ffSXMStFIPt containers leasing

貨播拖車司機 Container haulage driver 720 - 720 10 26

技工 Oaftsmen 718 - 718 10 26

枝T-及榉作T Craftsmen and operatives 695 - 695 10 26

lEItMiS業 Transport services

技工 Craftsmen 532 * _‘ 528 8 26

操作工 Oper•ati^/es 445 * 447 8 26

S t r a i t作工 Craftsmen and operatives 517 * 513 8 26

Real estate maintenance

‘ management

電器技工 Electrician 436 - 436 8 26

技工 Cmftsmen 435 - 435 8 26

‘ 技T及棒作T. Craftsmen and operatives 435 - 435 8 26

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 ^^

表 7 按行業及職業 «分的作工職級的平均毎曰工資、正常工作時數! ^準工作曰數…纊頁 Table 7 Average Daily Wages, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days

of Craftsmen and Operatives Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

每曰正常 每月標準 每曰平均工資(元) 工作時數 工作曰數

Average daily wages($) Number of Number of

normal hours standard

__ 男 女 合計 of work working days 行業 / 職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month *

金融、保險,itkS Financing, insurance, real estate

及商用BRRil and business services .

技工 Craftsmen 439 - 439 8 26

技T及榉作T- Craftsmen and operatives 439 - 439 8 26

及電VtU i修 Motor vehicles/cycles repairing

ggSFlt and servicing

汽車機械工 Vehicle mechanic 524 » 497 8 24

汽車電工/冷氣工 Vehicle electrician/ 553 - 553 8 23

air-conditioning electrician

汽車傑漆工 Vehicle painter 514 - 514 8 23

車身修理工 Vehicle body repairer 573 - 573 9 23

技工 Craftsmen 532 * 517 8 23

技T及榉作T- Craftsmen and operatives 532 * 517 8 23

個AMJS i l Personal services

技工 Craftsmen 532 • 517 8 23

技丁及榉作T_ Craftsmen and operatives 532 * 517 8 23

所有選定行業@ All selected industries _

技 T Craftsmen 504 393 496 8 25 -

搡作工 Operatives 395 253 293 8 25

e t nX J i作工 Craftsmen and operatives 475 263 384 8 25

註釋: @指統計調查涵蓋的所有行業’包括電力及燃氣業。 Notes : Refers to all industries covered by the Survey, including the electricity and gas sector.


Data not released in order to safeguard confidentiality of information provided by individual firms.


(see paragraph 3.7 in Part III of this report).

-統計調查期內並沒有數據。 Data not available for the survey period.


30 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表 8 按行業及職業劃分的督導級、技術員級、文員其他非生產 i R X A 職平均毎月、正常


Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation

每日正常 毎 月 標 準 ~

每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作曰數

Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of

' normal hours standard

男 女 合計 of work working days

行業 /職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

' 衣物 mm Garments

車衣指導員 Clothing operator instructor * 8,789 8,869 8 25

監督 / 管工 Supervisor/foreman 12,167 * 12,292 8 26

會計主任 Accounting supervisor * 17,726 18,605 8 24

商品 / 採購主任 Merchandiser/buyer 14,970 12,692 13,336 8 24

紙樣設計員 Patternmaker 14,083 * 14,092 8 25

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 13,950 11,859 12,755 8 25

貨倉/採購文員 Stock/purchasing clerk 10,114 10,505 10,265 8 25

簿記員/會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk * 11,225 11,277 8 24

普通文員 General office clerk * 9,022 9,182 8 25

出入口文件處理/船務 Documentation/shipping 11,566 10,934 11,120 8 24

文員 clerk

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 10,757 10,743 10,747 8 24

雜工 General worker 5,244 5,332 5,302 8 26

信差/ 辦公室助理 Messenger/office assistant * • 7,674 8 24

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 8,038 5,593 6,863 8 25 workers

• 督導級、技術員級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 11,581 10,402 10,865 8 25

文JliRS其他 and miscellaneous

曲年畜》丁人 non-production workers

V M ^ ' S d i t m m m . cotton spinning and weaving

監督 / 管工 Supervisor/foreman 14,954 * 14,880 8 26

會計主任 Accounting supervisor * * 16,965 8 25

保養技術員 Maintenance technician 12,300 - 12,300 8 26

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory atid technical workers 14,567 15,301 14,620 8 26

簿記員/會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk * 11,698 12,227 8 25

普通文員 General office clerk * 9,544 9,473 8 25

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 11,744 10,405 10,674 8 25

雜工 General worker 7,505 6,550 6,995 8 26

看更 / 守衛 Watchman/guard 7,147 - 7,147 10 26

其他__生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 7,682 6,550 7,155 8 26 workers

«導級,技術貝鈒、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 11,494 8,494 10,323 8 26

文貝iRS其他 and miscellaneous

曲 华 人 non-production workers

Cotton knitting and knit

. outerwear

監督 / 管工 Supervisor/foreman 12,726 * 11,895 8 26

商品 / 採購主任 Merchandiser/buyer 13,581 12,723 12,996 8 25

• 針織技術員 Knitwear technician 15,467 - 15,467 8 26

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical wofkefs 14,553 12,400 13,479 8 25

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 57*

表 8 按行業及職業《分的督導級、技術員級,文員級及其他非生產級XA職級的平均毎月薪金、正常

工 作 時 數 _ 準 工 作 日 數 … 績 頁

Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

每曰正常 每月標準

每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作日數

Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of

normal hours standard "

男 女 合計 of work working days

行業/職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

Cotton knitting and knit

outerwear (Cont'd.)

貨倉/採購文員 Stock/purchasing clerk 9,894 * 9,469 8 25

簿記員 / 會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk * 11,509 11,425 8 25

普通文員 General office clerk * 8,918 9,437 8 25

出入口文件處理 / 船務 Documentation/shipping * 11,630 12,032 8 24

文員 clerk

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 10,709 10,301 10,433 8 25

雜工 General worker 7,343 5,412 6,328 8 26

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 8,139 5,515 7,363 8 26 workers

督3WR、技術Jl級、 S!upervisoiy, technical,clerical 11,847 10,701 11,231 8 25

文JliRJ^其他 and miscellaneous

非 ^ M i R X人 non-production workers

漂染業 Bleaching and dyeing

監督 / 管工 Supervisor/foreman 18,773 * 18,479 10 26

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 18,646 * 18,250 9 26 “

簿記員 /會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk * 9,593 9,744 8 25 -

齊通文員 General office clerk * 9,299 9,344 8 25

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers * 9,405 9,519 8 25 ‘

雜工 General worker * * 8,241 9 26

其他非生產級IE人 Miscellaneous non-production 8,395 * 7,831 9 26


督導級‘技術員級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 13,931 9,239 12,299 9 26

文貝RS其他 and miscellaneous

非 ^ M f t X人 non-production workers

tS i ^S JSS iWtM Paper boxes and bags

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical wor^ker;s * * 18,908 8 25

普通文員 General office clerk * • 10,250 8 25

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secfetarial workers * 10,303 10,875 8 25

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 9,505 • 9,316 8 26


督導級、技術負級, Supervisory, technical, clerical 13,186 11,407 12,487 8 25

文員RS其他 and miscellaneous

非 ^ j f i R X A non-production workers

印刷、出 g 有 H 行業 Printing, publishing and allied industries

監督 / 管工 Supervisor/foreman 18,645 * 18,398 8 25 •

辦公室主任/行政主任 Office/administrative supervisor * * 丨6,542 8 23

會計主任 Accounting supervisor * 18,776 19,910 8 24

30 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表 8 按行業及職楽劃分的督導級、技術員級、文貝級及其他非生產級工人職級的平均毎月薪金、正常

工 作 時 數 準 工 作 日 數 … 續 頁

Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

“ 每日正常 每月標準 每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作曰數

Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of

• normal hours standard

男 女 合計 of work working days

行業 /職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

• 印刷、出腿有M行業 Printing, publishing and allied (纊) industries (Cont'd.)

推銷員 / 營業代表 Salesman/sales representative 16,994 14,615 16,015 8 24

生產策劃員/管理員 Production planner/controller 13,106 * 12,807 8 25

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 16,937 14,686 16,168 8 24

貨倉/採購文員 Stock/purchasing clerk * * 10,307 7 25

簿記員 /會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk * 11,342 1 i,470 8 24

普通文員 General office clerk 10,351 9,536 9,656 8 24

私人秘書/速記員 Personal secretary/stenographer * 16,233 16,291 7 23

接待員 / 電話接錢生 Receptionist/telephone operator * 10,611 丨0,554 8 23

校對員 Proofreader 10,370 10,258 10,325 7 25

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 10,510 11,235 11,037 8 24

雜工 General worker 8,579 7,622 8,201 8 26

信差/辦公室助理 Messenger/office assistant 7,867 8,339 8,056 8 24

司機 Driver 11,748 * 11,792 8 25

送貨員 Delivery man 8,891 * 8,848 8 25

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 9,316 7,857 8.917 8 25

、 workers

督導級、技術貝級‘ Supervisory, technical,clerical 12,545 11,431 12,043 8 25

文員jRS其他 and miscellaneous

. 非 牛 人 non-production workers

ffiSS!品業(ffiff Plastic products (excluding

玩具除外) plastic toys)

監督 / 管工 Supervisor/foreman 16,205 * 15,357 8 26

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 16,003 * 15,516 8 25

普通文員 General office clerk * 10,374 10,249 8 25

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers • 10,899 10,701 8 25

督導級,技術Jl級、 Supervisory, technical,clerical 12,583 10,628 11,757 8 25

文 J l f tS其他 and miscellaneous

非 人 non-production workers

SB玩具SaSKt Plastic toys

督導級、技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 12,589 * 12,337 8 24

文 貝 其 他 and miscellaneous

非 ^M iRX人 non-production workers

雜項&•製品HI Miscellaneous metal products • (機Wa股備除外) except machinery and


雜工 General worker • * 8,748 8 26

‘ 其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production * * 9,097 8 26


督導級、技術貝級、 Sidpervisory, technical, clerical 13,696 10,222 12,344 8 25

文 J l f t S 其他 and m iscellan eous

並华畜 »T 人 non-production workers

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 57*

表 8 按行業及職業劃分的督導級、技術員級、文員 I f tS其他非生產 iRXA職級的平均毎月、正常

工作時數 1 1 «準工作日數…續頁

Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation Cont'd.

每曰正常 每月標準 每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作曰數

Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of

normal hours standard '

_ 男 女 合計 of work working days 行業/職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

電器用具及配f^Sijfilt Electrical appliances and accessories

監督 / 管工 Supervisor/foreman * » 15,790 8 26

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 15,228 * 14,606 8 25

簿記員/會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk • 13,809 13,701 8 24 文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workefs * 13,074 13,862 8 24

雜工 General worker • * 7,055 8 26

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production • * 7,286 8 26


督導級,技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 13,688 11,442 12,513 8 25

文 貝 其 他 and miscellaneous

非半 JfffT-人 non-production workers

電子製品業 Electronics

監督 / 管工 Supervisor/foreman 15,779 12,544 14,620 8 25

電子資料處理主任/系統 D.P. supervisor/system analyst/ 19,112 * 19,251 8 23

分析員/程序編製員 programmer ,

儲物室 / 貨倉主任 Store/godown supervisor 15,378 • 14,629 8 23

會言十主任 Accounting supervisor * 18,072 17,857 8 23 —

電子工程技術員 Electronic engineering technician 12,407 * 12,150 8 25

品質控制/保證技術員 Quality control/assurance 13,813 * 12,310 8 24 ‘


商品 / 採購主任 Merchandiser/buyer » 16,865 17,491 8 23

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 14,626 14,243 14,521 8 24

貨倉/採購文員 Stock/purchasing clerk * 9,300 9,674 8 23

簿記員/會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk * 11,069 11,045 8 23

普通文員 General office clerk * 9,553 9,540 8 24

私人秘書 / 速記員 Personal secretary/stenographer - 14,829 14,829 8 23

接待員 / 電話接錢生 Receptionist/telephone operator - 9,525 9,525 8 23

出入口文件處理 / 船務 Documentation/shipping * 10,977 10,994 8 23

文員 clerk

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 10,454 10,728 10,659 8 23

司機 Driver 13,235 - 13,235 8 24

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 10,756 7,110 9,538 8 24


督導級•技術員級, Supervisory, technical, clerical 13,667 11,861 12,920 8 24

文貝 iRS其他 and miscellaneous

弗年 aCftT 人 non-production workers

攝影S3i^學用品l^ll&IR Photographic and optical goods

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 15,675 11,970 13,803 8 24

貨倉/採購文員 Stock/purchasing clerk * 9,600 9,252 8 24 ‘

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers * 10,538 10,318 8 24

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 9,821 • 8,455 8 24


30 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表 8 按行業及職業劃分的督導級、技術員級、文員iIRS其他非生產iRX人職級的平均毎月M、正常

工 作 時 數 準 工 作 日 數 - 績 頁

Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

每日正常 每 月 標 準 ~

毎月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作曰數

- Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of

normal hours standard

男 女 合計 of work working days

. 行業 /職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

胁 學 用 品 S t j f i l K Photographic and optical ( f l ) goods (Cont'd.)

督導級.技術貝級• Supervisory, technical, clerical 12,882 10,526 11,504 8 24

文J l f iA其他 and miscellaneous

非 ^ M f t X人 non-production workers

M L & ^ f t ' S y f i j l t Watches, clocks and parts

監督 / 管工 Supervisor/foreman * * 15,218 8 23

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers * » 15,077 8 23

貨倉 /採購文員 Stock/purchasing clerk * * 10,827 8 24

簿記員 /會計文員 Bookke印er/accounting clerk * 11,611 11,616 8 24

普通文員 General office clerk » 10,231 10,604 8 24

出入口文件處理 / 船務 Documentation/shipping * * 11,182 8 24

文員 clerk

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers * 11,347 11,193 8 24

督導級、技術Jl級、 Supervisory, technical,clerical 12,758 12,268 12,459 8 24

. 文JliRX其他 and miscellaneous

非 人 non-production workers

" . 珠寶首飾及有M物品 Jewe丨丨ery and related articles

監督 / 管工 Supervisor/foreman 20,152 * 19,645 8 24

會計主任 Accounting supervisor * * 18,457 8 24

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 18,065 16,950 17,591 8 24

簿記員 /會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk • 10,331 10,501 8 24

普通文員 General office clerk * 8,329 8,367 8 24

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers * 9,526 9,530 8 24

雜工 General worker * 6,237 7,076 8 24

其他非生產級工人 MsceHaneous non-production * 6,313 8,035 8 24


督JIW6、技術員級, Supervisory, technical, clerical 15,263 11,296 12,742 8 24

文HRf i其他 and miscellaneous

曲半 iCftT 人 non-production workers

SyfiHt Manufacturing

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 15,461 13,179 14,538 8 25

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 10,814 10,843 10,836 8 24

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 8,878 6,532 8,049 8 25 workers

• 督導級 * 技術II級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 12,582 10,922 11,727 8 25

文JlfiLS其他 and miscellaneous

曲华畜ftT 人 non-production workers

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 57*

表 8 按行業及職業fi分的督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人職級的平均毎月薪金、正常


Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

每日正常 每月標準

每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作曰數

Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of ^

normal hours standard

男 女 合計 of work working days

行業 / 職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

批發業 Wholesale

會計主任 Accounting supervisor * 16,979 18,703 7 23

推銷員/營業代表 Salesman/sales representative 13,777 13,403 13,686 8 25

商品 / 採購主任 Merchandiser/buyer * * 12,719 8 24

營業主任 Sales supervisor 17,682 * 17,193 8 24

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 14,749 14,158 14,583 8 24

貨倉/採購文員 Stock/purchasing clerk 11,091 11,033 11,079 8 25

簿記員/會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk 11,789 10,685 11,042 8 25

普通文員 General office clerk 8,832 10,764 10,257 8 24

私人秘書 / 速記員 Personal secretary/stenographer - 16,934 16,934 7 24

出入口文件處理 / 船務 Documentation/shipping * * 12,097 8 24

文員 clerk

售貨員 Sales derk/shop assistant 10,754 * 9,544 9 25

文員級及秘、書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 10,850 10,528 10,677 8 25

雜工 General worker 8,355 6,936 7,725 8 25

信差/辦公室助理 Messenger/office assistant * * 8,347 8 24

司機 Driver 11,486 - 11,486 8 26

送貨員 Delivery man 9,286 * 9,287 9 25 ‘

其他非生產級工人 Miscdlarwous non-production 9.625 7,070 9,139 8 25

workers ~

詧»級、技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 11,332 10,561 11,054 8 25 ‘

文JIIRX其他 and miscellaneous

非 ^ M R X 人 non-production workers

零售業 Retail

營業主任 Sales supervisor 11,615 11,887 11,801 8 25

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 13,787 13,716 13,745 8 25

貨倉/採購文員 Stock/purchasing clerk * * 8,708 8 25

簿記員/會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk * 10,932 10,749 8 24

普通文員 General office clerk * 9,398 9,284 8 23

私人秘書/速記員 Personal secretary/stenographer - 16,955 16,955 8 23

收銀員 / 出納員 Cashier * 9,024 9,025 8 25 接待員/電話接錢生 Receptionist/telephone operator * 10,226 10,205 8 23

售貨員 Sales clerk/shop assistant 8,736 8,647 8,669 8 25

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 8,972 9,541 9,423 8 25

雜工 General worker * 7,286 8,203 8 24

司機 Driver 10,772 - 10,772 9 25

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 9,739 7,461 9,123 8 24 workers -

詧導級‘技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical,clerical 10,265 10,039 10,107 8 24

文貝Rfi其他 and miscellaneous

非 人 non-production workers •

食品進出口貿易業 Import/export of foodstuffs

儲物室/ 貨倉主任 Store/godown supervisor * * 11,072 8 25

會計主任 Accounting supervisor * * 19,990 7 23

30 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表 8 按行業及職業分的督導級、技術員級、文員 iRS其他非生產《D:人職級的平均毎月、正常

工 作 時 數 準 工 作 日 數 … 續 頁

Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

‘ 每日正常 每月標準“

每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作曰數 , Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of

normal hours standard

男 女 合計 of work working days

行業 / 職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

食品進出口貿易業(續) Import/export of foodstuffs (Cont'd.)

推銷員 / 營業代表 Salesman/sales representative 12,865 * 12,726 7 24

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory cmd technical workers 13,585 15,907 14,261 7 24

簿言己員/會言十文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk * 11,671 11,227 7 24

普通文員 General office clerk * 9,514 9,943 8 23

私人秘書/速言己員 Personal secretary/stenographer - 17,261 17,261 7 23

出入口文件處理 / 船務 Documentation/shipping * 12,624 12,283 8 23

文員 clerk

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 10,103 12,004 11,391 7 24

雜工 General worker * 6,486 8,375 8 25

信差/辦公室助理 Messenger/office assistant * * 8,003 7 23

司機 Driver 10,831 - 10,831 8 • 25

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 9,086 6,679 8,724 8 25


督導級、技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 11,010 12,337 11,542 7 24

文HIS•&其他 and miscellaneous

‘ 曲乐奎gT 人 non-production workers

翅 、 有 M 製 品 Import/export of clothing,

“ 進出口貿易業 footwear and allied products

電子資料處理主任/系統 D.P. supervisor/system analyst/ 17,258 * 17,538 8 23

分析員/程序編製員 programmer

儲物室/貨倉主任 Store/godown supervisor 14,362 * 14,595 8 24

辦公室主任/ 行政主任 Office/administrative supervisor * 17,172 16,904 8 23

會言十主任 Accounting supervisor 22,858 18,263 19,465 8 24

品質控制 /保證技術員 Quality control/assurance 15,985 16,049 16,004 8 23


推銷員/營業代表 Salesman/sales representative 14,973 13,347 14,023 8 24

商品 / 採購主任 Merchandiser/buyer 17,272 16,406 16,612 8 24

營業主任 Sales supervisor 19,822 * 20,850 8 24

船務主任 Shipping supervisor 18,801 17,927 18,167 8 24

設計員 Designer/patternmaker 15,116 15,745 15,327 8 24

業務聯絡員 Business co-ordinator 14,843 14,078 14,275 8 24

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 16,619 15,920 16,170 8 24

貨倉/採購文員 Stock/purchasing clerk 10,033 10,383 10,259 8 24

簿記員/會言十文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk 11,352 11,324 11,327 8 24

普通文員 General office clerk 9,295 9,625 9,547 8 24

私人秘書 / 速記員 Personal secretary/stenographer * 14,445 14,476 8 24

‘ 接待員 /電話接錢生 Receptionist/telephone operator - 8,694 8,694 8 24

電腦/數據輸入操作員 Computer/data entry operator * * 9,660 8 23

出入口文件處理 / 船務 Documentation/shipping 11,362 11,355 11,356 8 24

• 文員 clerk

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 10,353 11,002 10,870 8 24

雜工 General worker 8,631 6,670 7,456 8 24

信差/辦公室助理 Messenger/office assistant 8,020 7,696 7,862 8 24

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 57*

表 8 按行業及職業劃分的督導級、技術貝級、文員 IRS其他非生產 f i lXA職級的平均毎月、正常

工作時數! ^準工作日數…纜頁

Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

每日正常 每月標準

每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作日數

Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of ,

normal hours standard

男 女 合計 of work working days

行業/職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

衣 服 、 鞋 有 M » 品 Import/export of clothing,

進出口贸易業(績) footwear and allied products


看更 / 守衛 Watchman/guard 5,823 - 5,823 11 25

司機 Driver 12,330 - 12,330 8 24

送貨員 Delivery man 7,918 - 7,918 8 25

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-pfoductioH 9,375 7,180 8,612 8 24


督導級’技術具級’ Supervisory, technical, clerical 13,050 12,837 12,909 8 24

文 員 其 他 and miscellaneous

非 ^ i S f t X人 non-production workers

雜項消费品進出口 Import/export of miscellaneous

貿易業 consumer goods

電子資料處理主任/系統 D.P. supervisor/system analyst/ 20,032 * 20,015 8 23

分析員/程序編製員 programmer

儲物室/貨倉主任 Store/godown supervisor 15,888 * 15,597 8 24

辦公室主任 / 行政主任 Office/administrative supervisor * 17,556 18,609 8 23 •

會計主任 Accounting supervisor 18,978 19,056 19,038 8 23

機械工程技術員 Mechanical engineering technician 16,594 * 16,228 8 24 -

品質控制/保證技術員 Quality control/assurance 13,824 11,055 12,655 8 23 -


推銷員/營業代表 Salesman/sales representative 16,164 14,380 15,432 8 24

商品 / 採購主任 Merchandiser/buyer 15,137 15,962 15,637 8 24

營業主任 Sales supervisor 24,166 * 21,173 8 23

船務主任 Shipping supervisor 20,204 17,823 18,441 8 23

設計員 Designer/patternmaker 16,240 13,612 14,773 8 24

業務聯絡員 Business co-ordinator 15,104 11,655 12,381 8 23

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 16,746 15,145 15,922 8 23

貨倉/採購文員 Stock/purchasing clerk 丨1,950 10,641 丨丨,358 8 24

簿記員/會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk 10,174 11,545 11,406 8 24

普通文員 General office clerk 9,246 10,443 10,220 8 24

私人秘書/速記員 Personal secretary/stenographer * 17,387 17,380 8 23

接待員/電話接錢生 Receptionist/telephone operator * 10,366 10,343 8 23

電腦/數據輸入操作員 Computer/data entry operator 9,985 • 10,618 8 24

出入口文件處理 / 船務 Documentation/shipping * 11,482 11,447 8 23

文員 clerk

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 10,965 11,913 11,744 8 24

雜工 General worker 8,594 7,617 8,171 8 24

信差/辦公室助理 Messenger/office assistant 9,024 8,156 8,780 8 24 ,

看更 / 守衛 Watchman/guard 7,503 - 7,503 8 24 ‘

司機 Driver 12,161 - 12,161 8 25

送貨員 Delivery man 9,215 - 9,215 8 25

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous Kon-pfoduction 9,741 7,751 9,270 8 24 •


30 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表 8 按行業及職業剡分的督導級、技術員級、文貝級及其他非生產級工人職級的平均每月薪金、正常 工 作 時 數 | | « 準 工 作 日 數 … 績 頁

Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical,Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Confd.

每日正常 每 月 標 準 ~

每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作曰數

. Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of

normal hours standard

男 女 合計 of work working days

行業 /職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

雜項消费品進出口 Import/encport of miscellaneous

貿易 111(纊) consumer goods (Cont'd.)

督導級、技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 13,616 12,878 13,180 8 24

文貝iRS其他 and miscellaneous

曲生畜ttT 人 non-production workers

機 器 、 股 備 及 件 Import/export of machinery,

進出n貿易業 equipment and parts

儲物室/貨倉主任 Store/godown supervisor 16,397 * 16,371 8 24

辦公室主任/行政主任 Office/administrative supervisor * * 18,427 7 23

會計主任 Accounting supervisor * 19,100 19,053 7 23

機械工程技術員 Mechanical engineering technician 12,045 - 12,045 8 25

推銷員 / 營業代表 Salesman/sales representative 16,452 * 16,034 8 23

營業主任 Sales supervisor 23,428 * 25,304 8 23

業務聯絡員 Business coordinator • 15,161 15,894 8 23

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 15,392 16,960 15,728 8 24

貨倉/採購文員 Stock/purchasing clerk 9,793 * 10,513 8 23

• 簿記員/會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting derk • 11,759 11,994 8 23

普通文員 General office clerk * 10,659 10,365 8 24

- 私人秘書 /速記員 Personal secretary/stenographer - 16,941 16,941 8 23

. 接待員/電話接錢生 Receptionist/tdephone operator - 9,875 9,875 8 23

出入口文件處理 / 船務 Documentation/shipping * 12,027 12,049 8 23

文員 clerk

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 10,714 12,122 11,980 8 23

雜工 General worker * 8,130 8,362 8 24

信差/辦公室助理 Messenger/office assistant * 8,859 8,570 7 23

司機 Driver 11,370 * 11,372 8 24

送貨員 Delivery man 8,482 - 8,482 8 24

其他非生產級工人 MisceUaneous non-production 9,809 8,343 9,330 8 24 workers

督導級,技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical,clerical 14,145 12,891 13,545 8 24

文 J IRS其他 and miscellaneous

非4 J6RX人 non-production workers

雜項耐用品進出口 Import/export of miscellaneous

貿易業 durable goods

電子資料處理主任/系統 D.P. supervisor/system analyst/ 19,584 • 19,828 8 23

分析員/程序編製員 programmer

儲物室/貨倉主任 Store/godown supervisor 16,761 * 16,697 8 23

“ 辦公室主任/行政主任 Office/administrative supervisor * 17,389 18,784 8 23

會計主任 Accounting supervisor 16,942 18,049 17,712 8 23

電子工程技術員 Electronic engineering technician 13,333 • 13,266 8 23

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 57*

表 8 按行業及職業劃分的督導級、技術員級、文員IRS:其他非生產lax人職級的平均毎月薪金、正常


Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

每曰正常 毎月標準

每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作曰數

Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of

normal hours standard ‘

男 女 合雷十 of work working days

行業/職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

雜項耐用品進出口 Import/export of miscellaneous

贸易業(續) durable goods(Cont'd.)

機械工程技術員 Mechanical engineering technician 15,089 * 15,087 8 23

推銷員/營業代表 Salesman/sales representative 24,486 19,760 23,186 8 23

商品 / 採購主任 Merchandiser/buyer 14,011 16,984 16,012 8 23

營業主任 Sales supervisor * * 19,111 8 23

船務主任 Shipping supervisor • 18,106 17,756 8 23

設言"f"員 Designer/pattern maker 17,664 • 17,078 8 23

業務聯絡員 Business co-ordinator * 13,241 13,272 8 23

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 18,022 17,347 17,804 8 23

貨倉/採購文員 Stock/purchasing clerk 10,833 10,535 10,705 8 23

簿記員/會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk 15,049 11,933 12,347 8 23

普通文員 General office clerk 9,059 10,028 9,859 8 23

私人秘書/速記員 Personal secretary/stenographer * 17,264 16,974 8 23

接待員 /電話接錢生 Receptionist/telephone operator * 10,258 10,263 8 23

出入口文件處理 / 船務 Documentation/shipping 12,322 11,480 11,538 8 23

文員 clerk

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 11,215 12,055 11,886 8 23

雜工 General worker 8,411 7,772 8,010 8 24

信差/辦公室助理 Messenger/office assistant 8,603 8,290 8,498 8 23 -

司機 Driver 13,091 - 13,091 8 24 .

送貨員 Delivery man 10,105 * 9,893 8 24

其他__生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 10,812 7,766 10,078 8 24 workers

督»級、技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical,clerical 15,256 13,278 14,269 8 23

文貝IRS其他 and miscellaneous

非牛蒼供 T 人 non-production workers

原料及^M!成品進出口 Import/export of raw materials

贸易業 and semi-manufactures

電子資料處理主任/系統 D.P. supervisor/system analyst/ 19,889 * 19,675 8 23

分析員/程序編製員 p r o g r a _ e r

儲物室/貨倉主任 Store/godown supervisor 14,455 * 14,700 8 23

辦公室主任/行政主任 Office/administrative supervisor * 18,440 18,301 8 23

會計主任 Accounting supervisor 18,826 20,065 19,894 8 23

電子工程技術員 Electronic engineering technician 12,820 • 12,300 8 23

機械工程技術員 Mechanical engineering technician 17,119 - 17,119 8 23

推銷員/營業代表 Salesman/sales representative 17,908 15,966 17,657 8 24

商品 / 採購主任 Merchandiser/buyer * 16,687 16,720 8 23

營業主任 Sales supervisor 25,700 • 23,731 8 24 _

船務主任 Shipping supervisor * 19,564 18,770 8 23 ‘

業務聯絡員 Business co-ordinator * 12,552 12,871 8 23

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory andtechnical workers 17,957 16,366 17,403 8 23

30 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表 8 按行荣及職業 f i分的督導級、技術貝級、文員 iRS其他非生產 iRX人職級的平均毎月_、正常

工作時數U S準工作日數 -壤頁

Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

每曰正常 每月標準

每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作曰數

Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of

• normal hours standard

男 女 合計 of work working days

行業 / 職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

面料及^^^^品遒出口 Import/export of raw materials

貿易 11(11) and semi-manufactures (Cont'd.)

貨倉/採購文員 Stock/purchasing clerk 9,598 10,545 9,930 8 23

簿記員/會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk 11,316 11,526 11,505 8 23

普通文員 General office clerk 10,858 10,048 10,211 8 24

私人秘書 / 速記員 Personal secretary/stenographer - 16,287 16,287 8 23

接待員 /電話接錢生 Receptionist/telephone operator * 9,918 9,888 8 23

電腦/數據输入操作員 Computer/data entry operator • 11,563 11,771 8 23

出入口文件處理 / 船務 Documentation/shipping 13,266 11,774 11,911 8 23

文員 clerk

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 10,482 12,168 11,861 8 23

雜工 General worker 8,684 7,438 8,130 8 24

信差 / 辦公室助理 Messenger/office assistant 8,214 7,973 8,068 8 24

司機 Driver 12,834 - 12,834 8 24

送貨員 Delivery man 9,322 - 9,322 8 25

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 10,401 7,659 9,716 8 24 workers

. 督 «級 * 技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 14,695 12,940 13,770 8 23

文Jl&S•其他 and miscellaneous

曲生奎》T 人 non-production workers

‘ 品進出口貿思業 Import/export of general commodities

會計主任 Accounting supervisor • 19,900 20,177 8 23

商品 / 採購主任 Merchandiser/buyer * 17,205 18,137 8 22

船務主任 Shipping supervisor * * 17,346 8 23

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 17,763 17,385 17,596 8 23

簿記員 /會i十文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk * 11,361 11,413 7 23

普通文員 General office clerk 11,761 10,128 10,423 8 23

私人秘書/速記員 Personal secretary/stenographer * 17,401 17,357 8 23

接待員 / 電話接錢生 Receptionist/telephone operator - 10,193 10,193 7 23

出入口文件處理 / 船務 Documentation/shipping * 12,436 12,365 8 23

文員 clerk

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 11,761 12,166 12,099 8 23

雜工 General worker * * 8,663 8 24

信差/辦公室助理 Messenger/office assistant 9,270 * 8,978 8 23

司機 Driver 11,932 - 11,932 8 23

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 10,147 8,819 9,836 8 23 workers

‘ 督導級.技術貝級、 technical, clerical 14,571 13,663 14,055 8 23

文Hits•其他 <ind miscellaneous

曲牛 atftT-人 non-production workers

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 57*

表 8 按行業及職業劃分的督導級、技術員級、文員IR:&其他非生產 iKXA職級的平均每月、正常

工作時數 _準工作日數…繽頁

Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

每曰正常 每 月 標 準 ~ 每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作曰數

Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of

normal hours standard ‘

男 女 合I十 of work working days

行業 / 職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

中式餐館及酒 « « Chinese restaurants

儲物室 / 貨倉主任 Store/godown supervisor 12,122 * 11,847 8 26

會計主任 Accounting supervisor * 13,785 14,166 7 26

總出納員 Head cashier * 9,981 10,772 9 26

樓面部主任 MaitreD’ 14,534 12,998 14,254 10 26

總跑師 Chief cook 18,764 - 18,764 9 26

領班 Captain 11,778 11,307 11,629 10 26

酒吧主管 Bar supervisor 12,491 - 12,491 9 26

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 14,768 11,613 14,081 10 26

貨倉/採購文員 Stock/purchasing clerk 9,715 * 9,550 8 26

簿記員/會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk * 10,037 10,013 8 26

收銀員 / 出納員 / Cashier/chit * 7,594 7,649 9 26

帳單處理文員 clerk

接待員 Receptionist - 10,399 10,399 9 26

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 9,600 8,591 8,711 9 26

調酒員 Bartender 10,467 * 10,382 9 26

制服及布草房侍應生 Uniform and linen room attendant - 7,253 7,253 10 26

廚師 Cook 12,974 * 12,915 10 26 ,

初級廚師 Junior cook 9,491 7,988 9,224 9 26

管事 Steward • 9,525 9,592 9 26 -

男 / 女侍應生 Waiter/waitress 9,039 9,012 9,023 10 26 .

點心員 Refreshment server • 5,306 5,464 8 26 ‘

初級侍應生 Bus boy * 7,081 7,075 9 26

海鮮料理員 Aquarium attendant 10,893 - 10,893 10 26

月g務人員 Service workers 11,869 7,473 10,074 9 26

雜工 General worker 7,155 6,776 6,958 9 26

看更 / 守衛 Watchman/guard 6,445 * 6,457 10 26

洗碟工 Dishwasher 7,388 6,981 6,995 10 26

洗菜工 Vegetable washer - 7,361 7,361 9 26

其他非生產級工人 Miscellatieom non-production 7,051 6,958 6,980 10 26


督導級•技術Jt級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 12,104 7,787 10,047 9 26

文貝RS其他 and miscellaneous

非 人 non-production workers

非中式餐館業 Restaurants, other than Chinese restaurants

樓面部主任 MaitreD’ 14,318 12,412 13,738 9 26

總銜師 Chief cook 19,007 * 19,053 9 26

領班 Captain 12,114 10,297 11,657 8 26 ‘

酒吧主管 Bar supervisor 13,420 * 13,371 9 26

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 15,308 11,378 14,620 9 26

貨倉/採購文員 Stock/purchasing clerk * * 9,777 8 25 ’

簿記員 /會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk * * 11,178 8 25

30 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表 8 按行業及職業劃分的督導級‘技術員級、文員其他非生產 IRX人職級的平均毎月、正常

工 作 時 數 準 工 作 日 數 … 續 頁

Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

每曰正常 每月標準 ~ ~

每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作日數

Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of

‘ normal hours standard

男 女 合計 of work working days

行業 / 職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

非中式餐館IK(M() Restaurants, other than Chinese restaurants (Cont'd.)

收銀員 / 出納員 / Cashier/chit 9,292 8,627 8,718 9 26

帳單處理文員 clerk

接待員 Receptionist - 10,553 10,553 8 26

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 9,567 9,016 9,109 8 26

調酒員 Bartender 11,318 10,159 11,185 9 26

廚師 Cook 12,516 10,579 12,388 9 26

初級銜師 Junior cook 8,732 7,704 8,476 9 26

男 / 女侍應生 Waiter/waitress 10,019 8,833 9,411 9 26

初級侍應生 Bus boy * * 8,576 9 26

服務人員 <Serv/ce wor众er s 11,362 8,987 10,709 9 26

雜工 General worker 8,031 7,269 7,544 8 26

洗碟工 Dishwasher * 7,282 7,314 9 26

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 7,747 7,280 7,337 9 26 workers

督導級、技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 11,733 8,462 10,402 9 26

- 文具ftX其他 and miscellaneous

非^Mf i lX人 non-production workers

‘ 快餐店業(美式快餐店 Fast food shops (excluding 除外) American style fast food shops)

領班 Captain 10,208 9,428 9,751 9 26

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 10,208 9,428 9,751 9 26

收銀員 / 出納員 / Cashier/chit - 7,398 7,398 9 26

帳單處理文員 clerk

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secj^etarial workers - 7,398 7,398 9 26

府師 Cook 11,786 * 11,551 9 26

初級廚師 Junior cook 7,942 7,514 7,732 9 26

顧客服務員 Customer services worker 7,945 7,304 7,409 9 26

服務人員 S^ervi'ce wor/tery 10,453 7,454 9,077 9 26

雜工 General worker * 6,541 6,356 9 26

洗碟及淸潔工 Dishwasher/cleaner * 6,537 6,532 9 26

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production * 6,538 6,485 9 26 workers

督SMS、技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 10,129 7,294 8,308 9 26

文具 & R 其他 ond miscellaneous

非 i i S i RX人 non-production workers *

酒店業 Hotels

儲物室 / 貨倉主任 Store/godown supervisor 14,812 * 14,859 8 25

‘ 會計主任 Accounting supervisor 15,002 14,742 14,842 7 24

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 57*

表 8 按行業及職業劃分的督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人職級的平均每月薪金、正常

工 作 時 數 準 工 作 日 數 … M 頁

Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

每曰正常 每月標準 每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作日數

Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of

normal hours standard '

_ 男 女 合計 of work working days 行業 /職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

酒店業(續) Hotels (Cont'd.) *

S 術設計師 Artist 13,174 * 12,880 8 24

營業主任 Sales supervisor 16,396 16,919 16,763 7 24

收入核數主任 Income auditing supervisor 15,737 * 15,723 8 24

人事主任 Personnel supervisor * 15,651 15,817 7 24

行李主管 / 行李領班 Bell superintendent/bell captain 11,854 - 11,854 8 26

房口監督員/房口部領班 Floor supervisor/floor housekeeper 14,347 13,723 14,245 8 26

保安主任 Chief security officer 14,673 * 14,594 8 26

電話部主任 Telephone supervisor * 14,909 15,093 8 26

大堂款接主任 Front office supervisor 16,357 15,430 16,005 8 26

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 14,273 15,076 14,503 8 25

貨倉/採購文員 Stock/purchasing clerk 11,015 • 10,988 8 25 簿記員 /會社文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk 11,629 11,241 11,409 7 24

私人秘書/速記員 Personal secretary/stenographer - 15,424 15,424 7 24

出納員 Cashier * 11,370 丨丨,597 8 26

接待員 /電話接錢生 Receptionist/telephone operator 11,581 11,795 11,753 8 26

人事文員 Personnel clerk • 11,634 11,734 7 24

訂房文員 Reservation clerk * 11,758 11,749 8 26

大堂款接員 Front office clerk 12,283 12,01! 12,145 8 26 ‘

團體聯絡員 Tour co-ordinator * * 13,179 8 25 _

機場代表 Airport representative 12,209 - 12,209 8 26

房口部文員 House-keeping clerk 11,849 11,243 11,365 8 26 ‘

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 11,926 12,533 12,316 8 25

保安員 Security officer 11,616 11,407 11,606 8 26

房間侍應生/房間服務員 Room attendant/houseman 11,128 10,743 10,892 8 26

制服及布草房侍應生 Uniform and linen room attendant * 8,935 8,950 8 26

布草修補員 Upholsterer 11,620 9,796 10,556 8 26

洗衣及乾衣部侍應生/ Laundry and valet attendant/ * 9,429 9,495 8 26

衣服整理員 sorter

拟工 Presser and ironer 10,490 9,733 10,090 8 26

洗衣工人 Washer 丨1’丨25 * 11,086 8 26

服務人員 Service workers 11,122 10,318 10,664 8 26

信差/辦公室助理 Messenger/office assistant 9,320 * 9,104 8 24

看更 / 守衛 Watchman/guard 10,180 * 10,181 8 26

司機 Driver 11,544 - 11,544 8 26

行李生 Bellboy 7,961 • 7,961 8 26

大門侍應 Doorman 8,750 - 8,750 8 26

公眾地方凊潔工 Public area cleaner 9,308 8,944 9,086 8 26

其他非生產級工人 Miscellamom non-production 9,373 8,944 9,236 8 26 workers

督導級、技術貝級, Supervisory, technical, clerical 11,425 11,196 11,314 8 26 ‘

文 J I RX其他 and miscellaneous

非^MiRn i人 non-production workers »

30 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表 8 按行業及職業劃分的督導級、技術員級、文員其他非生產 IRX人職級的平均毎月、正常

工 作 時 數 準 工 作 日 數 … 續 頁

Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

‘ 每日正常 每月標準

每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作曰數

Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of

‘ normal hours standard

男 女 合計 of work working days

行業 /職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month « • • • ^ ^ ― • I I " " " ‘ ‘ ' " ' " " ' I I — 1 1 I II III II I III —-

批發,零售、進出口 Wholesale, retail and import/export

買思、飲食及酒店業 trades, restaurants and hotels

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 16,270 15,402 15,913 8 24

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 10,490 11,034 10,921 8 24

服務人員 Serv/ce workers 11,584 8,085 10,231 9 26

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 9,483 7,253 8,454 8 25


督導級、技術貝級, Supervisory, technical,clerical 12,675 10,885 11J33 8 25

文貝RX其他 and miscellaneous

非 S f i R X 人 non-production workers

貨榧SSfiJ及貨®BJt Haulage of containers and

g ^ D t containers leasing

普通文員 General office clerk * 8,888 9,183 8 25

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers * 9,519 9,787 9 25 »

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production * * 8,878 9 25

— workers

- 督導級、技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 11,536 9,111 10,407 9 25

文 J IRS其他 and miscellaneous

非 ^ M f t X人 non-production workers

航空公司 Airline companies

票務營業代表 Ticketing sales representative * 15,204 15,378 8 22

定位部主任 Reservation supervisor * * 21,225 8 22

客運營業代表 Passenger sales representative 17,267 18,157 17,849 8 22

票務營業主任 Ticketing sales supervisor * * 21,420 8 22

客運營業主任 Passenger sales supervisor * * 25,009 8 22

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 20,381 18,010 19,045 8 22

會計文員 Accounting clerk * 12,542 13,137 8 22

私人秘書 / 速記員 Personal secretary/stenographer - 16,905 16,905 8 22

定位員 Reservation agent 12,857 12,944 12,932 8 23

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 12,884 12,979 12,947 8 22

信差 / 辦公室助理 Messenger/office assistant 9,424 • 9,646 8 22

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 9,534 * 9,365 7 22 workers

, 督導級、技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 15,106 14,114 14,484 8 22

文HfitR其他 and miscellaneous

非 ^ M f t X人 non-production workers

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 57*

表 8 按行業及職業劃分的督導級、技術員級、文員其他非生產 i !RX人職級的平均毎月、正常

工 作 時 數 準 工 作 日 數 … 續 頁

Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

每曰正常 每月標準

每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作日數 Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of .

normal hours standard

男 女 合計 of work working days

行業 / 職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

ffi行Itfi•票iSf^ Travel agents and airline ticket agents

辦公室主任/行政主任 Office/administrative supervisor * * 18,207 8 24

會計主任 Accounting supervisor * 16,369 15,795 8 24

定位部主任 Reservation supervisor * 丨4,580 15,259 8 25

業務主任 Operation supervisor 14,860 17,437 16,588 7 24

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 15,000 15,920 15,603 8 24

簿記員 /會i十文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk 9,778 9,902 9,876 7 24

普通文員 General office clerk * 8,125 9,065 8 24

私人秘書 / 速記員 Personal secretary/stenographer - 14,874 14,874 7 24

接待員 /電話接綫生 Receptionist/telephone operator - 9,340 9,340 8 24

旅行社文員 / 定位員 Travel agency derk/reservationist 9,991 10,096 10,070 7 24

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 10,104 10,207 10,184 7 24

旅遊顧問 Travel consultant 13,411 12,968 13,115 8 24

月g務人員 Service workers 6,060 8,440 7,284 8 25

雜工 General worker - 7,006 7,006 8 24

信差 / 辦公室助理 Messenger/office assistant 7,214 7,180 7,196 8 24 ,

司機 Driver 11,182 - 11,182 8 25 ‘

其他享f:生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 9,326 7,152 8,491 8 24 __


督導級、技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 8,884 10,464 9,855 8 24

文 J l f t S其他 and miscellaneous

非年豪》T 人 non-production workers

航空貨運 f^Sm Air cargo forwarding services

儲物室/貨倉主任 Store/godown supervisor 14,579 • 14,614 8 24 會計主任 Accounting supervisor * 16,848 17,057 8 24

推銷員/營業代表 Salesman/sales representative 18,372 * 18,265 8 24

貨運主任 Air freight operation supervisor 15,565 * 14,863 8 25

運輸主管/交通事務 Transport supervisor/traffic 16,790 * 16,811 8 24

控制員 controller

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 17,205 15,149 16,814 8 24

貨倉/採購文員 Stock/purchasing clerk 10,072 * 9,963 8 25

簿記員 /會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk * 10,983 11,052 8 24

普通文員 General office clerk * * 9,886 8 24

私人秘書/速記員 Personal secretary/stenographer - 15,127 15,127 8 24

接待員/電話接IS生 Receptionist/telephone operator - 9,959 9,959 8 24

出入口文件處理 / 收發 Documentation/receiving 11,119 10,885 11,036 8 25

文員 clerk .

文員級及秘書級人員 acrical ami secretarial workers 10,946 11,367 11,159 8 25

雜工 General worker » 7,889 8,855 8 24

信差/辦公室助理 Messenger/office assistant 9,089 8,382 8,741 8 24 ,

30 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表 8 按行業及職業劃分的督導級、技術貝級、文員其他非生產 i RX人職級的平均毎月、正常

工作時數 _準工作日數…績頁

Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

每日正常 每月標準“

每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作曰數

, Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of

normal hours standard

男 女 合計 of work working days

行業 / 職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

航 空 貨 運 續 ) Air cargo forwarding services (Cont'd.)

司機 Driver 12,160 - 12,160 9 25

送貨員 Delivery man 10,150 - 10,150 9 25

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 10,486 8,214 10,031 9 25


督導級、技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 12,752 11,458 12,288 8 25

文貝RS其他 and miscellaneous

非^M iRX人 non-production workers

aHWMSiH Transport services

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 19,218 17,407 18,812 8 25

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 11,259 11,620 11,484 8 24

服務人員 Service workers 6,060 8,440 7,284 8 25

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 10,260 7,660 9,564 8 25 workers

督導級、技術員級、 Supervisory’ technical, clerical 14,441 11,965 13,395 8 24

_ 文貝IRS其他 and miscellaneous

« I^^MRXA non-production workers

銀行業 Banks

電子資料處理主任/系統 D.P. supervisor/system analyst/ 21,344 21,598 21,411 8 23

分析員/程序編製員 programmer

辦公室主任 /行政主任 Office/administrative supervisor 20,192 19,030 19,419 8 23

會計主任 Accounting supervisor 19,705 19,312 19,441 8 23

授信/放款主任 Credit/loans supervisor 19,553 18,445 18,751 8 23

授信分析員 Credit analyst 20,135 22,167 21,369 8 23

往來部主任 / 存戶部主任 Cash supervisor/deposit account 20,829 19,747 20,175 8 23


出納主任/總出納員 Cashier/head teller 20,686 16,529 18,986 8 23

出入口部主任 Bills supervisor 19,217 18,507 18,755 8 23

外匯主任 Foreign exchange supervisor 22,573 19,876 21,262 8 23

外匯輔助主任 /外匯 Foreign exchange back-up/ 18,869 17,527 18,082 8 23

交收結算主任 settlement supervisor

稽核主任 Audit supervisor 19,109 21,314 20,228 8 23

人事主任 Personnel supervisor 20,859 19,375 19,588 8 23

客戶服務主任 Customer services officer 20,709 19,844 20,008 8 23

• 市場/業務發展主任 Marketing/business development 22,432 22,304 22,379 8 23


督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 20,627 19,538 20,002 8 23

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 57*

表 8 按行業及職棄劃分的督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級工人職級的平均每月薪金、正常

工作時數娜準工作日數… I f頁

Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

每日正常 每月標準

每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作日數

Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of ‘

normal hours standard

男 女 合計 of work working days

行業 / 職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

銀行業(續) Banks (Cont'd.)

貨倉/採購文員 Stock/purchasing clerk 13,697 12,740 13,181 8 23

簿記員 /會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk 12,360 12,194 12,236 8 23

私人秘書/速記員 Personal secretary/stenographer * 19,514 19,466 7 23

接待員 /電話接錢生 Receptionist/telephone operator * 12,137 12,422 8 23

電腦/數據輸入操作員 Computer/data entry operator 13,835 * 13,283 8 23

授信/放款文員 Credit/loans clerk • 11,881 11,956 1 丨,937 8 23

往來部文員 Cash clerk 11,365 11,969 11,747 8 23

櫃抬員 Teller 12,894 13,035 13,002 8 23

郵件處理文員 Mailing derk 11,252 1 1,668 11,438 8 23

出入口部文員 Bills clerk 11,645 12,143 11,994 8 23

出口文件核對員 Bills checker * 15,150 14,959 8 23

外匯文員 Foreign exchange clerk 12,045 11,858 11,936 8 23

稽核文員 Audit clerk * * 14,474 8 23

人事文員 Personnel clerk 11,668 12,517 12,387 8 23

外匯頭寸/交收文員 Position/settlement clerk 丨3,570 13,337 13,417 8 23

業務拓展部文員 Marketing derk * * 12,543 8 23

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 12,504 13,389 13,144 8 23

雜工 General worker * 7,756 8,437 8 23 ‘

信差/辦公室助理 Messenger/office assistant 9,580 8,881 9,347 8 23

看更 / 守衛 Watchman/guard 12,924 * 12,944 8 23

司機 Driver 13,731 - 13,731 8 23 ‘

其他非生產級工人 MisceUaneous non-production 11,539 8,776 10,913 8 23


•ff導級,技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 15,190 15,078 15,121 8 23

文 負 其 他 and miscellaneous

非 ^ J t f t X人 non-production workers

投資及 ® ®公司 Investment and holding companies

電子資料處理主任/系統 D.P. supervisor/system analyst/ 26,213 * 24,038 8 23

分析員/程序編製員 programmer

辦公室主任/行政主任 Office/administrative supervisor * 21,069 20,578 8 23

會計主任 Accounting supervisor • 19,107 20,574 8 23

人事主任 Personnel supervisor * * 20,050 8 23

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 24,210 19,827 21,571 8 23

簿記員/會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk * 11,565 1 1,516 8 24

普通文員 General office clerk 12,031 1 1,376 11,587 8 24

私人秘書/速記員 Personal secretary/stenographer - 16,590 16,590 8 23

接待員/電話接 生 Receptionist/telephone operator - 11,204 11,204 8 23 .

文員級及秘書級人員 Cletical and secretarial workers 10,932 13,499 13,210 8 23

雜工 General worker - 8,169 8,169 8 23

信差/辦公室助理 Messenger/office assistant 9,681 8,021 8,905 8 23 *

30 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表 8 按行業及職業劃分的督導級、技術員級、文員IRS其他非生產IRX人職級的平均每月 j j^、正常


Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

每曰正常 每月標準

每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作曰數

‘ Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of

‘ normal hours standard

_ 男 女 合計 of work working days

行業 / 職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month • ‘ ‘ “‘ • ‘ —

投資及319!公司(續) Investment and holding companies (Cont'd.)

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 9,681 8,083 8,717 8 23


WtR ^ StUfMSt ‘ Supervisory, technical, clerical 16,318 14,062 14,565 8 23

文J18LS其他 and miscellaneous

非 4 A R X 人 non-production workers

保 Mt 業 Insurance

電子資料處理主任/系統 D.P. supervisor/system analyst/ 21,506 21,012 21,321 8 22

分析員/程序編製員 p r og r a _e r

辦公室主任 /行政主任 Office/administrative supervisor * 18,225 18,401 8 22

會言十主任 Accounting supervisor * 18,392 18,581 7 22

營業/服務監督 Sales/servicing supervisor 25,337 20,928 22,795 8 22

核保監督 Underwriting supervisor 17,355 17,979 17,745 7 23

索賠監督 Claims supervisor • 15,834 16,089 7 22

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical wofkers 19,743 17,890 18,701 7 22

‘ 簿記員/會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk 11,537 11,004 11,110 7 22

普通文員 General office clerk 10,046 10,440 10,372 8 22

私人秘書 / 速記員 Personal secretary/stenographer - 16,276 16,276 7 22

* 接待員 /電話接錢生 Receptionist/telephone operator - 11,722 11,722 7 23

電腦/數據輸入操作員 Computer/data entry operator 10,044 * 9,580 7 23

核保文員 Underwriting clerk 9,946 11,510 11,280 7 22

索賠文員 Claims clerk • 10,437 10,315 7 22

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 10,229 11,782 11,542 7 22

雜工 General worker * 8,285 8,464 8 22

信差/辦公室助理 Messenger/office assistant 9,348 8,882 9,057 7 22

司機 Driver 14,589 * 14,473 7 22

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneoiis non-production 11,478 8,937 10,226 7 22


督導級、技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 15,529 13,262 13,890 7 22

文貝RS其他 and miscellaneous

非 ^ S R X A non-production workers

JtkSSXIR Real estate leasing

會計主任 Accounting supervisor * * 22,322 7 23

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 17,040 17,720 17,181 8 25

會計文員 Accounting clerk » 11,632 13,040 7 24

• 普通文員 General office clerk * * 11,138 8 23

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial wofkefs 12,332 11,698 11,937 8 23

樓宇服務員/看更/守衛 Building attendant/caretaker/guard 7,957 * 7,970 9 26

‘ 淸潔工 Cleaner * 7,136 7,257 9 26

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-pfoduction 8,050 7,313 7,870 9 26 workers

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 57*

表 8 按行業及職業劃分的督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產級XA職級的平均每月薪金、正常


Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

每日正常 每 月 標 準 ~

每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作曰數

Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of 為

normal hours standard

男 女 合計 of work working days

行業 / 職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

地產:g](業(續) Real estate leasing (Cont'd.)

督導級’技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical,clerical 9,906 10,006 9,938 8 25

文JIIRX其他 and miscellaneous

非生 g C T 人 non-production workers

地產保IHTS服務業 Real estate maintenance management

舍計主任 Accounting supervisor * 16,208 16,465 7 24

保養技術員 Maintenance technician 12,822 * 】2,933 8 26

屋邮主任/屋宇事務主任 Estate officer/building services 14,507 丨 2,750 14,073 8 24


樓宇主任 / 保安主任 / Building/security/ 11,065 * 11,054 9 26

看更主任 caretaker supervisor

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 12,265 13,682 12,432 9 25

會計文員 Accounting clerk 10,067 9,861 9,896 7 24

普通文員 General office clerk * 9,348 9,412 8 24

文員級及秘、書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 9,703 9,508 9,553 8 24

樓宇服務員 /看更/守衛 Building attendant/caretaker/guard 7,403 * 7,405 11 26 ‘

園丁 Gardener 9,063 • 8,676 8 26 —

淸潔工 Cleaner • * 6,922 8 26

其他非生產級工人 Mscellane腦 non-production 7,426 7,276 7,419 11 26 *


督導級、技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical,clerical 8,412 9J66 8,540 10 26

文貝RS其他 and miscellaneous

非生 人 non-production workers

建築 / 測量 / 工程策劃 Architectural/surveying/

M S業 engineering firms

辦公室主任 / 行政主任 Office/administrative supervisor * 20,214 18,776 8 23

會言十主任 Accounting supervisor • 21,987 21,103 8 23

搶圖員 Draughtsman 19,598 17.440 19,428 8 23

監工(建築師或工程師 Clerk of works/inspector/foreman 28,941 * 28,801 8 23

所僱用) (Architect's/engineer's)

土地測量員/工料測量員 Land surveying/Q.S./ 19,061 * 19,028 8 23

/產業及城市設計 valuation and planning

測量員 technician

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 20,884 19,581 20,734 8 23

簿記員/會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk * 13,142 13,097 8 23

普通文員 General office clerk * 10,226 10,305 8 23 •

私人秘書 /速記員 Personal secretary/stenographer - 16,077 16,077 8 23

接待員/電話接綫生 Receptionist/telephone operator - 10,892 10,892 8 23

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 10,979 13,626 13,455 8 23

雜工 General worker * 7,407 8,698 8 24

信差 /辦公室助理 Messenger/office assistant 7,840 7,606 7,795 8 23

30 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar . 98

表 8 按行業及職業劃分的督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產趿工人職級的平均每月薪金、正常 工作時數與標準工作日數…績頁

Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

“ 每日正常 每 月 標 準 ~

每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作曰數 • Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of

normal hours standard

男 女 合計 of work working days

行業 /職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

建築 / 測 J t / IDgiRB Architectural/surveying/

服務業(續) engineering firms (Cont'd.)

司機 Driver 12,657 - 12,657 7 23

其他非生產級工人 Mscellaneous non-production 10,089 7,473 9,392 8 23


督導級、技術貝級、 technical, clerical 19,380 14,251 17,282 8 23

文貝 ftS 其他 and m iscellan eons

非 ^ ^ f t X 人 non-production workers

保安及偵探BRR業 Security and detective services

保安主任 Security supervisor 10,847 10,709 10,829 10 26

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 10,867 10,969 10,880 10 26

簿記員/會計文員 Bookkeeper/accounting derk * 9,758 9,738 8 24

普通文員 General office clerk * 8,135 8,254 8 23

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers * 9,197 9,207 8 23

守衛 Guard 7,206 7,689 7,255 11 26

‘ 服務人員 Serv/cre workers 7,252 7,695 7,296 11 26

督導級‘技術貝級‘ Supervisory, technical, clerical 7,632 8,187 7,694 10 26

文貝RS其他 and miscellaneous • g ^ j S R X 入 non-production workers

金融,保險、地塞及 Financing, insurance’ real estate

商用服務業 and business services

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 16,369 18,332 17,019 8 24

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 11,875 12,840 12,635 8 23

服務人員 •SerWce workers 7,252 7,695 7,296 11 26

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 7,949 7,914 7,945 10 25 workers

督導級、技術貝級、 Supervisory,technical, clerical 9,933 13,345 11,009 9 25

文貝RS其他 and miscellaneous

非 ^ i R X 人 non-production workers

淸潔及同* f f iRI i Sanitary and similar services

監督 / 管工 Supervisor/foreman 9,930 8,327 9,500 8 26

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 9,930 8,327 9,500 8 26

簿言己員/會言十文員 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk * 9,936 9,954 8 24

普通文員 General office clerk * 9,129 9,120 7 24

私人秘害 / 速記員 Personal secretary/stenographer - 14,215 14,215 8 24 • 文貢級:SJ 、書級人貴 Clerical and secretarial workers * 10,385 10,324 8 24

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 57*

表 8 按行業及職業«分的督導級、技術員級、文員級及其他非生產ifR工人職級的平均毎月薪金、正常

工作時數 _準工作日數…纘頁 Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days

of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

每曰正常 每月標準 每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作曰數

Average monthly salaries($) N u m b e r of N u m b e r of , normal hours s tandard

_ 男 女 合計 of work working days 行業 / 職業 Indus t ry /Occupat ion Male Female Overal l per day per month

淸潔及同*ffiSS業(續) Sanitary and similar services (Cont'd.)

打臘工 Wax polishing worker 7,013 * 7,059 8 26

倒垃圾工 Garbage disposal worker 6,065 5,701 5,842 8 26

服務人員 Service workers 6,344 5,711 5,990 8 26

—般淸潔工 Cleaner (general) 5,852 5,008 5,290 8 26

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 6,013 5,019 5,387 8 26


督導級•技術員級, Supervisory, technical, clerical 6,628 5,391 5,897 8 26

文貝RS其他 and miscellaneous

非 ^ M f t X 人 non-production workers

? 及 電 修 Motor vehicles/cycles repairing

MSFIR and servicing

監督 / 管工 Supervisor/foreman 丨 8,181 * 18,193 8 22 維修服務員/維修款待員 Service advisor/service receptionist 丨3,464 * 13,493 9 22

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 16,239 * 16,203 8 22 *

普通文員 General office clerk * 9,097 9,766 8 23

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers * 9,630 9,719 8 23 —

雜工 General worker • 6,740 6,863 9 24 "

司機 Driver 8,343 - 8,343 8 23

其他參戸生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 7,631 6,740 7,423 9 24


督導級、技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 12,465 8,831 11,523 8 23

文貝RS其他 and miscellaneous

非 f e S & X人 non-production workers

理 * 及 美 容 腿 業 Barber and beauty shops

剪髮師傅 / 髮型師 Barber/stylist 10,905 14,906 11,376 9 26

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 10,905 13,100 11,755 9 26

收銀員 / 出納員 / 接待員 Cashier/receptionist - 8,585 8,585 9 26

文員級及秘書級人員 Ckhca! and secretarial workers * 8,692 8,703 9 26

修甲師 Manicurist/pedicurist * 10,165 10,437 9 26

洗頭員 Hair washer 6,145 6,335 6,202 10 26

服務人員 Service workers 6,294 7,210 6,602 9 26

雜工 General worker * 6,942 6,867 9 26

其他享戶生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production * 6,942 6,867 9 26 ,


督導級、技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical’ clerical 8,965 9,928 9,412 9 26

文貝RS其他 and miscellaneous «

非 ^ j S & X A non-production workers

30 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

表 8 按行業及職業劃分的督導級、技術員級、文貝fits其他非生產《LrAl«iR的平均毎月,正常

工作時數11«準工作日數---續頁 Table 8 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days

of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-Production Workers Analysed by Industry by Occupation — Cont'd.

每曰正常 每月標準 每月平均薪金(元) 工作時數 工作曰數

Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of

• normal hours standard

_ 男 女 合許 of work working days 行業 / 職業 Industry/Occupation Male Female Overall per day per month

fflASSFH Personal services

督導級及技術員級人員 Supervisory and technical workers 11,600 11,808 11,663 9 25

文員級及秘書級人員 Clerical and secretarial workers 9,873 9,379 9,433 8 24

月段務人員 Service workers 6,325 6,008 6,168 8 26

其他非生產級工人 Miscellaneous non-production 6,145 5,125 5,510 8 26 workers

督導級、技術貝級、 Supervisory, technical, clerical 7,755 6,266 6,942 8 26

其他 and miscellaneous

并牛畜gT:人 non-production workers

所有選定行業@ All selected industries

督導 I RR f t術 J l f tA* Supervisory and technical workers 16,452 15,580 16,125 8 24

SJlRSiMMftAJl Clerical and secretarial workers 10,965 11,383 11,288 8 24

ffiSAJl Service workers 9,817 7,897 9,194 9 26

‘ 其他非 ^ M f t X A Miscellaneous non-production 8,600 6,762 7,920 9 25 workers

, 督Wft、技術負級、 Supervisory,technical,clerical 11,879 11,019 11,472 8 25

文貝IftS其他 and miscellaneous

non-production workers

註釋: @指統計調查涵蓋的所有行業,包括電力及燃氣業。 Notes : Refers to all industries covered by the Survey, including the electricity and gas sector.

*爲使個別公司所提供的資料得以保密,數據不予公布。 Data not released in order to safeguard confidentiality of information provided by individual firms. (參照本報告第III部的3.7段)》 (see paragraph 3.7 in Part III of this report).

-統計調查期內並沒有數據。 Data not available for the survey period.



工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 57*

表 9 鄉定-HS:職業劃分的虹烛作工職級的平均毎日工資、正常工懒數鄉準工作日數

Table 9 Average Daily Wages, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Craftsmen and Operatives by Selected Common Occupation

每曰平均工資(元) 每日正常工作時數 每月標準工作日數

Average daily wages($) Number of Number of

職業類別/職業 男 女 合計 normal hours of standard working

Occupational group/Occupation Male Female Overall work per day days per month ‘ ‘ • • • ' “‘ “ ‘ . . I ‘ • 丨 丨 • " 丨 • • • • I I ‘

a x Craftsmen

機床技工 457 * 455 8 26


工具製造技工 511 * 511 8 25

Tool maker

搡作工 Operatives

注塑機操作工 366 * 362 9 25

Injection moulding machine operator

平車車工 * 228 228 8 26

Lockstitch sewing machine operator

整 f t t 328 * 298 8 26


切紙機操作工 444 - 444 8 26 ‘

Guillotining machine operator —

修補工 * 277 276 8 26 ‘


註釋:爲使個別公司所提供的资料得以保密,數據不予公佈。 Notes : Data not released in order to safeguard confidentiality of information provided by individual firms.


(see paragraph 3.7 in Part III of this report).

-統計調查期內並沒有數據。 Data not available for the survey period.


55 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar 98

表 1 0 定1職業剡分的督導級、技術貝級、文員 iRS其他非生產f it[:人HftiRfiS平均每月 i i^、


Table 10 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-production workers by Selected Common Occupation

每月平均薪金(元) 每日正常工作時數 每月標準工作曰數 Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of

• 職業類別/職業 男 女 合計 normal hours of standard working

Occupational group/Occupation Male Female Overall work per day days per month

* wsts&mnsLm Supervisory and technical workers

會言十主任 19,622 18,394 18,714 8 23 Accounting supervisor

生產部監督 14,502 11,718 13,507 8 25 Production supervisor

船務主任 18,553 18,086 18,217 8 23 Shipping supervisor

樓面部主任 14,486 12,788 14,125 10 26 Maitre D'

總街師 18,828 * 18,841 9 26 Chief cook

屋屯15主任/屋宇事務主任 14,527 12,736 14,096 8 24 . Estate officer/building services officer

_ 酒吧主管 12,945 * 12,924 9 26

, Bar supervisor

文貝舰秘 I F f t A J I Clerical and secretarial workers

簿記員 / 會計員 11,638 11,381 11,420 8 24 Bookkeeper/accounting clerk

普通文員 9,991 9,898 9,918 8 24 General office clerk

接待員/電話接綫生 11,488 10,251 10,289 8 24 Receptionist/telephone operator

出入口文件處理/船務文員 11,401 11,504 11,482 8 24 Documentation/shipping clerk

售貨員 9,358 8,582 8,811 8 25 Sales clerk/shop assistant

人事文員 11,612 12,132 12,065 8 23 * Personnel clerk

酒店訂房、航空公司或旅行社的定位文員 10,533 11,031 10,930 8 24

• Reservation clerk (in hotels, airline

and travel agents)

酒樓或餐館接待員 - 10,421 10,421 9 26

Receptionist (in restaurants)

工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 57*

表1 0 按選定1職業ii分的督導級、技術員級、文員IRS其他非生產fiix人職級的平均毎月ii^、 正常工作時數IIS(準工作日數…-績頁

Table 10 Average Monthly Salaries, Normal Hours of Work and Standard Working Days of Supervisory, Technical, Clerical and Miscellaneous Non-production workers by Selected Common Occupation — Cont'd.

每月平均薪金(元) 每日正常工作時數 每月標準工作曰數

Average monthly salaries($) Number of Number of

職業類別/職業 男 女 合計 normal hours of standard working ‘

Occupational group/Occupation Male Female Overall work per day days per month

BSaSA* ‘ Service workers

調酒員 11,181 10,059 11,063 9 26 Bartender

制服及布草房侍應生 * 8,235 8,260 9 26 Uniform and linen room attendant

前師 12,774 9,640 12,676 9 26 Cook

初級廚師 8,984 7,704 8,630 9 26 Junior cook

男 / 女侍應生 9,505 8,940 9,192 9 26 Waiter/waitress

初級侍應生 7,191 7,125 7,131 9 26 Bus boy


其他非 Miscellaneous non-production workers —

信差/辦公室助理 8,614 8,079 8,399 8 24 • Messenger/office assistant

送貨員 9,047 * 9,025 8 25 Delivery man

洗碟工 7,564 7,028 7,050 9 26 Dishwasher


Notes : Data not released in order to safeguard confidentiality of information provided by individual firms.


(see paragraph 3.7 in Part III of this report).

-統計調查期內並沒有數據。 Data not available for the survey period.



30 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

I V . 統 計 方 法 IV. Statistical Methodology

資料來源 Data Source

4.1 自一九九四年三;I起’政府統計處進行一項 4.1 The Census and Statistics Department has

「勞工收入統計調查」’這項統計調査是由「工資、 conducted the Labour Earnings Survey (LES)

薪酬及偏貝福利半年度統計調査」及「就業、空缺 since March 1994 by integrating the former Half-

及薪金總額按季統計調査」中的「薪金總額統計調 yearly Survey of Wages. Salaries and Employee

. 查」部分合倂而成’旨在改良統計調査的運作’提 Benefits with the "payroll" enquiry part of the

高薪金總額和工資率兩項統計數字的相容性。 former Quarterly Survey of Employment, Vacancies and Payroll. This integration aims at

improving the survey operations and enhancing

data compatibility between payroll and wage rate


4.2 有關工資率的數據’是在每年三月及九月進 4.2 Data on wage rates are collected in the

行的「勞工收入統計調査」中捜集的’結果摘要則 LES for March and September of the year, the

每半年在本報告中發表°此外’有關僱員應享的各 summary results of which are published in this

項工資以外附帶福利的資料,亦約每兩年予以捜集 report at half-yearly intervals. In addition,

禾口發表 ° information on employees' entitlement to various

types of fringe benefits other than the basic wage

rate is collected and published in this report about

once every two years.

4.3 「勞工收入統計調查」除了提供工資統計數 4.3 Apart from wage statistics, the LES also

據外,亦按季提供數據作爲編製薪金總額統計之 provides data for compiling payroll statistics on a

‘ 用°薪金總額統計數字’連同就業及空缺統計數字’ quarterly basis. These payroll statistics are

會在統計處出版的「就業、空缺及薪金總額按季統 presented separately in the Quarterly Report of

. 計報告」中發表 ° Emphyment, Vacancies and Payroll Statistics published by the Department, together with

employment and vacancy statistics.

4.4 下文載述「勞工收入統計調査」中「工資統 4.4 The following describes the methodology

計調查」部分的統計方法’至於有關薪金總額統計 of the LES relating to the wage enquiry part of the

部分的說明,請參閱「就業、空缺及薪金總額按季 survey. For the description relating to the

統計報告」° payroll enquiry part, please see the Quarterly

Report of Employment, Vacancies and Payroll Statistics.

工資統 f t 調查範圍 Coverage of the Wage Enquiry

4.5 行業範圍 「勞工收入統計調査」中「工資 4.5 Industrial coverage The wage enquiry

統計調査」的範圍’包括四十六個選定主要行業中 of the LES covers medium-sized and large-sized

的中型及大型機構’行業分類方法遵照香港標準行 establishmwits in 46 selected principal industries.

業分類。香港標準行業分類採用分層結構’由以下 Industries are classified according to the Hong

* 四個層次構成。 Kong Standard Industrial Classification (HSIC).

The HSIC adopts a hierarchical structure with

four different levels labelled as follows. 4

工资統計半年度報告-九八年三月 71

HSIC 層次 M M 铺 HS IC level Codes Description

第一層次 一位數字 行業類別 1st 1-digit Industry Sector

第二層次 三位數字 主要行業組別 2nd 3-digit Major Industry Group

第三層次 四位數字 行業組別 3rd 4-digit Industry Group

第四層次 六位數字 行業 4th 6-digit IndustryATrade

爲方便進行工資統計’所有選定行業均由一個或以 For the purpose of the wage enquiry, a selected

上的三位、四位或六位數字層次的香港標準行業分 industry is defined by one or more HSIC codes at

類 譯 碼 所 界 定 ’ 詳 情 請 參 閱 _ ° 3-digit,4-digit or 6-digit level, as shown in the ‘


4.6 機構單位範圍小型機構單位的僱員一般 4.6 Establishment coverage It is

並無淸楚界定的職責範圍,亦未必會嚴格遵照固定 operationally difficult to enumerate small

的工作編排及工作時數’因此’統計人員對小型機 establishments in the context of the wage enquiry,

構單位進行工資統計時有實際困難。另一方面’小 as their workers often have no clearly defined job

型機構單位在行業中一般佔大多數’如果統計調查 duties and also there may not always be strict

副除太多的小型機構單位,則其結果會欠代表性 ° adherence to regular work schedules and normal

因此,在設定機構單位範圍時必須取得平衡。統計 hours of work. On the other hand, small

處在顧及各行業特徵後’訂出各選定行業中列入統 establishments make up the majority and if too

計調査範圍的機構單位僱員人數下限,詳情請參閱 many are excluded, the survey results will not be

附錄。 representative. Thus, a balance has to be struck.

Having regard to the characteristics of individual

industries, a minimum size limit of establishments

covered is determined for each selected industry

and shown also in the Appendix. »

4.7 職業範圍在每個選定行業內’進行統計調 4_7 Occupational coverage In each “

查的職業’通常是其數據十分重要或備受特別關 selected industry, a number of occupations which ,

注,且其職責淸楚易明’並可明確界定。職業分類 have clearly understood and definable duties are

及每種職業的職責說明’在統計調査前會加以界 surveyed if they are either numerically important

定。這項統計調查所包括的職業可依照國際標準職 or identified as being of special interest. The

業分類劃分爲下列職業組別: occupational classification and the job

specifications of each occupation are defined in

督導級、技術員級、文員級及 advance of the survey. Occupations covered are

胃 f t f e 寻 玲 工 入 classified according to the following occupational

groups in line with the International Standard

(i) 督導級及技術員級人員; Classification of Occupations (ISCO):

(ii) 文員級及秘書級人員; 。 . ^ . , , . , ^ (iii) 服務人員•及 Supervisory, technical, clerical and

(iv) 其他非生產級工人。 miscellaneous non-production workers

坊 T 過作T (0 supervisory and technical workers; J 乂 _ I 卜-1- /••、 1 * 1 J , ‘ 1 1

(11) clerical and secretarial workers; ⑴ 技工,及 (iii) service workers; and

+o 二 (iv) miscellaneous non-production

(u) • 工 。 workers. . '『級人員與專業僱員’則不包括在統計調查範圍 Craftsmen and operatives

(i) craftsmen; and

(ii) operatives.

Employees at managerial and professional levels

are not included.

Q Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

僱員範圍這項統計調查所包括的主要僱 4.8 Employee coverage The main

員種類’爲按時支薪及按件支薪工人°「工資統言十 categories of employees covered in the survey are

調考」不包括東主、家屬幫工、外發工及支取低於 time-rated and piece-rated workers. Proprietors,

該行業已確立工資率的僱員(例如兼職工人、學徒、 family workers, out-workers and employees who

見習人員、受訓人員及在試用期的人員等)。至於 are paid less than the established wage rates (such

職務不符合選定職業範圍的僱員’’亦不包括在內° as part-time workers, apprentices, learners,

‘ trainees and workers on probation) are not

covered in the wage enquiry. Employees whose

duties and tasks do not fit in with the scope of the

• selected occupations are also excluded.

4.9 量度工資的範圍量度工資的統計指標基 4.9 Wage measure coverage There are

本上可分爲四種:工資率、收入、僱員報酬及勞工 basically four statistical measures of wages,

成本’全部以貨幣計算。各種指標的區別’主要在 namely,wage rate, earnings, compensation of

於所包括的工資元素不同 °所涉及的基本槪念如 employees and labour cost, all expressed in

下:「工資率」通常視作勞工「價格」’因此’「工 money terms. They differ from one another

資率」一般以時間比率計算’即正常工作時數所支 essentially in the wage elements covered. The

付的款額’以時間作爲計算單位’例如一小時、一 fundamental concept is that the wage rate is

日、一星期或一個月°第二種量度工資的指標爲「收 usually thought of as the "price" of labour. As

入」’其槪念是將工資視作僱員的「收入」’涉及 such,wage rates are usually expressed as time

的工資元素較工資率多。而「收入」與「工資率」 rates which refer to the amount of money paid for

兩者的基本區別’在於「收入」的槪念涉及實際工 nonm] time of work and relate to a time-unit such

作時數’而非正常工作時數’因此’如果僱 _時 as an hour, a day, a week or a month. The

工作’其「收入」便會超過厂工資率J 。第三種量 second measure, earnings, is based on the concept

度工資的指標爲「僱員報酬」’通常在國民會計中 of wages as the "income" of employees. It

使用,這是一個更槪括的槪念,除了包括「收入」 covers more wage elements than the wage rate,

‘ 所指的工資元素外,更包括社會保障費用。最後, but the basic difference between the two is that the

- 「勞工成本」是計算僱主在僱用勞工方面的成本 ’ concept of earnings relates to the amount of time

這是量度工資的最槪括統計量度指標’除了包括僱 WOTked and not to the time of

- 員報酬所指的所有工資項目外’更包括僱主在職業 wGric Thus, if overtime is worked, the amount

訓練、福利、員工招聘等方面的費用。「勞工收入 of earnings will exceed the wage rate. The third

統計調査」中「工資統計調査」所捜集的工資資料 ’ measure,compensation of employees, is used in

僅涉及「工資率一項 ° connection with national accounts. It is a

broader concept which covers, in addition to wage

elements included as earnings, social security

payments. Finally, labour cost is a statistical

measure of the cost of employing labour to the

employer. It is the broadest statistical measure

of wages which covers, in addition to practically

all wage items included under compensation of

employees, the employer's cost of vocational

training, welfare services and staff recruitment,

etc. Wage data collected in the wage enquiry of

the LES refer to wage rates only.


工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 57*

統計調查方法 Survey Method

4.10 「勞工收入統計調查」是以機構單位作爲統 4.10 The unit of enquiry in the LES is an

計單位°機構單位是指在單一地點(例如工廠、工 establishment,which is defined as an economic

場、零售店或寫字樓)’在單一擁有權或控制權下 ’ unit (i.e. a unit engaged in the production of goods

從事一種或主要一種經濟活動(即生產貨物或服務) or services) which engages, under a single

的經濟單位 ° ownership or control, in one or predominantly one ‘

kind of economic activity at a single physical

location, e.g. a factory, workshop, retail shop or


4.11 每一輪統計調査週期開始時’政府統計處會 4.11 At the start of a survey cycle, notification

發出通知書予獲抽選的機構單位’然後派出外勤人 letters are sent to the sampled establishments.

員造訪各機構單位’協助受訪者核對職位及塡寫問 Field officers then visit individual establishments

卷 。 to assist the respondents concerned in job

matching and filling in the questionnaires.

4.12 捜集得來的資料會經電腦程序檢定,有問題 4.12 The collected data are validated by

的個案’會由辦事處職員審查’在有需要時再由外 computer programs and dubious cases are checked

勤人員進一步核實”統計調查會採取各種措施’確 by office editors and further verified by field

保數據的素質 ° officers if necessary. Various measures are

adopted to ensure good data quality.

抽樣設計及估計方法 Sample Design and Estimation Method

4.13 抽樣設計政府統計處所備存的「機構單位 4.13 Sample design The Central Register ‘—

記錄庫」’可作爲「勞工收入統計調査J的抽樣框” of Establishments maintained by the Census and

這項統計調查採用輪換複樣本抽樣設計°「工資統 Statistics Department provides a sampling frame -

計調査」樣本約由2 000間機構單位組成。每輪統 for the LES. A rotational replicate sample

許調查會更換約四分一的樣本機構單位,以分攤所 design is adopted. The sample for the wage

有選定機構單位的塡報負擔 » enquiry consists of around 2 000 establishments.

In each round of the survey, about one quarter of

the sampled establishments are replaced in order

to spread the reporting burden of selected


4.14 統計調査每兩年重新從抽樣框抽選主要樣 4.14 A mam sample is drawn afresh from the

本一次’其間進行的統計調査則抽選補充樣本’並 sampling frame once every two years.

納入主要樣本內,使新成立或最近才符合統計調査 Supplementary samples are chosen and

範圍的機構單位’亦可包括在統計調査內。 incorporated into the main sample in interim

rounds of the survey to cover establishments

which have newly opened or lately shifted into the

scope of the survey.

4.15 平 均 每 日 工 資 / 每 月 薪 金 如 要 估 許 某 一 4.15 Average daily wages/monthly salaries

指定行業內指定職業的平均工資率 ,必須估計下列 To estimate the average wage rate of a particular ‘

兩項數字:第一項是該類別僱員的工資總額;第二項 occupation in a particular industry, it is necessary

垦該類別僱員總人數”然後計算估計工資總額與估 to estimate _ , t h e total wage bill for that

計僱員總人數的比率’便可得出估計平均工資率° category of employees, and second, the total ‘

number of employees in that category. The

estimated average wage rate is then given by the

ratio of the estimated total wage bill to the

estimated total number of employees.

64 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

4.16 名義及實質工資指數名義工資指數是用 4.16 Nominal and Real Wage Indices

來量度在不受接連兩次統計調査的職業和行業結構 The Nominal Wage Index is designed to measure

轉變情況下工資率的純-動。採用連鎖拉氏類型指 the pure change in wage rates unaffected by

數。下列舉出某一指定行業工資指數的計算公式: changes in occupational and industrial structure

between two successive rounds of the survey. A

chain Laspeyres index is used. The index

^ formula for a particular industry is shown below :

, Io,t = C t - i ’ t l o ’ t - " 1 0 0


I , =以基期o (即一九九二年九月)設定爲1 0 0計算’指定行業在 t期 (例如’是次統計調査) ‘ 的工資指數;

wage index for a given industry for period t (say, current round of the survey) with

reference to the base period o (i.e. September 1992) taken as 100;

I。t.i = 以基期0設定爲100計算’該行業在 t -1期的工資指數:

’ wage index for that industry for period t-1 with reference to the base period o taken as


Ct.i, t = t期(是次統計調査)及t-1期(上一次統計調査)比較’該行業平均工資率增減百分率》

‘ percentage change of average wage rate for that industry for period t (current round of

the survey) over that of period t-1 (previous round of the survey).

V 即 ’

_ That is,

、 X [N/-1R/

= t i i X 勵 。 / o


N.t-i = 第 j個僱員類別在 t -1期的僱員總人數’而僱員類別是指這項統計調査的某一指定行業

J 內某性別和職業的僱員;

total number of employees in the jth category at period t-1, where a category refers to

employees of a certain sex and occupation in that particular industry for the present


=第 j個僱員類別在 t期的僱員平均工資率:

average wage rate of employees in the jth category at period t;

‘ =第 j個僱員類別在 t - 1期的僱員平均工資率。

* average wage rate of employees in the jth category at period t-1.


工资統計半年度報告-九八年三月 71

爲方便計算起見’ Ct_i,t的公式亦可以下列方式代表:

for computational purpose, the formula for Q . i j is expressed as :

y [ N / - ' r / - ' R / / R / - ' '

C t - i , t = r - r - n ^ x i o o o / o

Z N / - i R / - ' ,

= “ ‘ J , 1 J x iooo/o

Z W / - 1


W.t-i = N R = 在 t -1期付予第 j個僱員類別所有僱員的總工資; J total wage bill paid to all employees in the jth category at period t-1 ;

r / = 第 j 個 僱 員 類 別 的 僱 員 在 t 至 t -1期間的工資率對比》

R jt-1 wage rate relative between periods t and t-1 for employees in the jth category.


Thus the index becomes a weighted average of wage rate relatives, *

而第 j個僱員類別的權數爲 W t-1 “

where the weight for the jth category is •) ‘

i w / - '

and y ^ J : 1

4.17 各行業的實質工資指數,是根據有關的名義 4.17 The Real Wage Index for each industry is

工資指數扣除甲類消費物價變動的影響而計算出 obtained by deflating its nominal counterpart by

來 °實質工資指數顯示僱員工資金額購買力的轉 the Consumer Price Index (A) to discount

變 ° consumer price changes. The real index indicates

changes in the purchasing power of the amount of

money earned as wages by workers.


30 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98

fm Appendix

「勞工收入統計謂査」中「工资統計調査」所包括的行業列表 List of Industries Covered in the Wage Enquiry of the Labour Earnings Survey

香港標準行業 規模下限

分類譯碼 (以就業人數I十算)#

Hong Kong Minimum size limit

Standard (in terms

' 行業 Industry Industrial of number of

Classification codes persons engaged)

“ ( A ) 製 造 業 Maimfactufiitg

1 .衣物縫製業 Garments 3201-2,3209 20

2 .紡棉紗及梭織棉布業 Cotton spinning and weaving 3252,3261 50

3 .針織棉布及外衣業 Cotton knitting and knit outerwear 3271, 3276 20

4 . 漂 染 業 Bleaching and dyeing 3284-7 20

5 .紙盒及紙袋製造業 Paper boxes and bags 3412 10

6.印刷、出版及有關行業 Printing, publishing and allied industries 342 10

7 .塑膠製品業 Plastic products 3561,3563-5, 10

(塑膠玩具除外) (excluding plastic toys) 3569

8 .塑S i玩具製造業 Plastic toys 3562 10

9 .雜項金膈製品業 Miscellaneous metal products except 3819 10

(機械及設備除外) machinery and equipment

10.電器用具及配件製造業 Electrical appliances and accessories 3851,3872 10

11.電子製品業 Electronics 20

計算及會計器材製造業 Computing machinery and equipment 3822

晶體收音機製造業 Transistorized radios 3831

電視機及通訊設備製造業 Television receivers and 3832

» communication equipment

_ 唱片、錄音帶及錄影帶製 Records and magnetic tapes 3834

一 造業

、 電子零件製造業 Electronic parts and components 384

電子玩具製造業 Electronic toys 3852

工業用電子儀器製造業 Electronic industrial apparatus 3868

其他電子製品業 Electronic products, n.e.c. 3873

12.攝影及光學用品製造業 Photographic and optical goods 3891 20

13.鐘结及其零件製造業 Watches, clocks and parts 3892-4 10

14.珠寶首飾及有關物品製造業 Jewellery and related articles 3902 10

(B)電力及燃氣業 Electricity and gas

15.發電及電力傳送 Electric light and power 4111

16.燃氣製造及傳送 Gas manufacture and distribution 4112

(C)批發、零售,遢出口貿易、 Wholesale, retail and import/export trades,

飲食及酒店Jl restaurants and hotels

17.批發業 Wholesale 10

食品批發業 Foodstuffs 6111

衣物、鞋類及有關製品批 Clothing,footwear and allied 6114

* 發業 products

雜項消费品批發業 Miscellaneous consumer goods 6115

原料及半製成品批發業 Raw materials and semi-manufactures 6121

‘ 18.零售業 Retail 10

超級市場 Supermarkets 621115

百貨公司 Department stores 621511

汽車、電單車及腳踏車零售 Motor vehicles, motor-cycles and 621600

(包括配件及零件) bicycles including accessories and


工資統計半年度報告-九八年三月 <57

瞧(續頁> Appendix(Cont,d.)

「勞工收入統計調査」中「工资統計調査J所包括的行業列表 List of Industries Covered in the Wage Enquiry of the Labour Earnings Survey

‘ 香港標準行業 規模下限

分類譯碼 (以就業人數計算)#

Hong Kong Minimum size limit

一 Standard (in terms •

行業 Industry Industrial of number of

Classification codes persons engaged)

進出口貿易業 Import/Export •

19. 食品進出口貿易業 Foodstuffs 6311 10

20 .衣物、鞋類及有關製品進 Clothing, footwear and allied 6314 10

出口貿易業 products

21 .雜項消費品進出口貿易業 Miscellaneous consumer goods 6315 10

22 .機械、設備及其零件進出 Machinery, equipment and parts 6316 10


23 .雜項耐用品進出口貿易業 Miscellaneous durable goods 6318 10

24 .原料及半製成品進出口貿 Raw materials and semi-manufactures 6321 10


25. 一般貨品進出口貿易業 General commodities 6322 10

26.中式餐館及酒樓業 Chinese restaurants 6411 20

27.非中式餐館業 Restaurants, other than Chinese 6412 10


28.快餐店業(美式快餐店除外)Fast food shops(exduding American 6413 (部分 part) 10

style fast food shops)

29 .酒店業 Hotels 6511 100

運輸服務業 Transport services "

30.公共巴士服務業 Motor buses 7111 —

31.電車服務及鐵路運輸服務業 Tramways and railways 7112 *

32.港海渡輪服務業 Harbour ferries 7151

33.貨櫃裝卸及貨概租賃服務業 Haulage ofcontainers and containers 716101 10


34 .航空公司 Airline companies 7171 20

35.旅行社及票務代理 Travel agents and airline ticket agents 7181 10

36.航空貨運代理業 Air cargo forwarding services 7182 10

(E) 金融、保險、地產及 Financing, insurance, real estate and

商用服務HI business services

37 .銀行業 Banks 8111 20

38.投資及控股公司 Investment and holding companies 8122 10

39 .保險業 Insurance 821 10

40.地產租賃業 Real estate leasing 8312-3 10

41.地產保養管理服務業 Real estate maintenance management 8314 20

42.建築/測量/工程策劃服務業 Architectural/surveying/engineering firms 8334 10

43.保安及偵探服務業 Security and detective services 833903 20

(F)個人服務業 Perisonal services ‘

44.淸潔及同類服務業 Sanitary and similar services 921 10

45.汽車及電單車維修服務業 Motor vehicles/cydes repairing and 9513 10 ‘


46.理髮及美容服務業 Barber and beauty shops 9591 10

註釋: #參照本報告第 I V部的 4 . 6段。

Note : See paragraph 4.6 in part IV of this report.

68 Half-yearly Report of Wage Statistics - Mar. 98


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