ִ הלֱֹא ֔םי - brian aberle

Last Edit: November 2016 הֱ א֔ יםAnd God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. Consider for a moment the seed of Syrian Rue also known as Peganum Harmala. Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo both used Syrian Rue. Shakespeare referred to it in his writings. Smoke from Rue Seeds was used in several ancient religious rituals. It has been found in the hair of mummified bodies in Egypt. When whole seeds are placed on hot charcoals the seeds explode like popcorn, releasing a fragrant smoke. In the ancient world it was known as the “Soma Plant”. Mention has also been made of its ability to antidote the poison of a snake bite. Dioscorides includes not only reptile poisons but all deadly poisons, including poison mushrooms, scorpions, spiders, and mistletoe. Pliny notes that weasels about to fight with snakes first protect themselves by eating rue. It is also good for fevers with rigors(chills). Serapio calls rue ‘the ultimate medicine against the evil of poisons’ and Dodoens, Gerard, Bauhin, Parkinson and Culpeper want it as a remedy against the plague. Syrian Rue was used by thieves who robbed the houses of plague victims under the protection of their aromatic repellent. It is also known as the “anti-plague” plant. After the assignation of his father by poison, Mithridates King of Pontus studied poisons and used Syrian Rue. MAOI medications were the first discovered family of antidepressants. The drug irponiazid, originally intended as a treatment for tuberculosis, was discovered as an antidepressant in the early to mid-

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Last Edit: November 2016

יםאלה And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the

earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Consider for a moment the seed of Syrian Rue also known as Peganum Harmala.

Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo both used Syrian Rue. Shakespeare referred to it in his writings. Smoke from Rue Seeds was used in several ancient religious rituals. It has been found in the hair of mummified bodies in Egypt. When whole seeds are placed on hot charcoals the seeds explode like popcorn, releasing a fragrant smoke. In the ancient world it was known as the “Soma Plant”. Mention has also been made of its ability to antidote the poison of a snake bite. Dioscorides includes not only reptile poisons but all deadly poisons, including poison mushrooms, scorpions, spiders, and mistletoe. Pliny notes that weasels about to fight with snakes first protect themselves by eating rue. It is also good for fevers with rigors(chills). Serapio calls rue ‘the ultimate medicine against the evil of poisons’ and Dodoens, Gerard, Bauhin, Parkinson and Culpeper want it as a remedy against the plague. Syrian Rue was used by thieves who robbed the houses of plague victims under the protection of their aromatic repellent. It is also known as the “anti-plague” plant. After the assignation of his father by poison, Mithridates King of Pontus studied poisons and used Syrian Rue. MAOI medications were the first discovered family of antidepressants. The drug irponiazid, originally intended as a treatment for tuberculosis, was discovered as an antidepressant in the early to mid-

1950s when researchers noted that the drug made patients "inappropriately happy". It was officially launched as an antidepressant in 1958. MAOI antidepressants work by permanently binding with monoamine oxidase enzymes, thereby preventing them from breaking down monoamine neurotransmitters, notably serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine. The increased levels of these natural neurotransmitters are the reason behind MAOI's causing you to become "inappropriately happy". Due to dietary interactions, MAOI antidepressants are not prescribed as first line treatments. Selective reuptake inhibiters and tricyclic drugs are generally prescribed before an MAOI. MAOI antidepressants are more powerful, more reliable, and more guaranteed to work than any other antidepressant family in production today according to leading psychiatric medication resources in 2016. According to the Mayo Clinic, MAOI's are used to relieve depression when other treatments have failed. Some prescription MAOI's are: Isocarboxazid (Marplan), Phenelzine (Nardil), Selegiline (Emsam), Tranylcypromine (Parnate). Some plants that contain an MAOI besides Syrian Rue are: Passion Flower Vine, Cacao, Banisteriopsis caapi, Coriander, Licorice root, Rhodiola, and Ayahuasca. Syrian Rue is the strongest known natural MAOI. Syrian Rue is uncontrolled in the United States. This means that all parts of the plant and its extracts

are federally legal to cultivate, buy, possess, and distribute (sell, trade or give) without a license or

prescription so it is widely available for sale on the Internet. Against all logic and reason, the state of

Louisiana has banned Syrian Rue (Louisiana Act No 159 signed into law Jun 28, 2005). Australia,

Canada, Finland, and France have also disregarded reason and logic by making Syrian Rue illegal.

ONE DOSE = 1 teaspoon Syrian Rue seeds = 3 grams = 60-180 mg Harmine alkaloids

1 heaping teaspoon = 5 grams = TWO DOSES.

2 to 3 grams of seeds is one dose, 2 grams is enough with excellent grade seeds. After becoming very familiar with Rue, you might safely take much larger doses. Chewing and eating seeds is not recommended, due to the unwanted substances that create the terrible taste that Syrian Rue is well known for. Contrary to most published information, it is also not recommended to make a HOT tea with Syrian Rue seeds because only when heated do other unwanted substances dissolve into the tea. Make COLD tea and the terrible taste will be reduced – Additionally don’t be in a hurry – within 2 hours the tea is fully active and will work- as it sits longer some sediment will appear at the bottom of the glass – the stuff that settles to the bottom tastes terrible and you should not drink it. I prefer to make strong 2 to 4 ounce drinks that almost glow and also smoking toasted Rue seed skins (do not smoke the whole seeds). If you wish to prepare the seeds to smoke – then grind the seeds and sift the powder through a fine steel mesh kitchen colander. Lightly toasting the seeds first makes them much easier to grind. The outermost layer of the seed comes off with little effort. I have found that rubbing the seeds against the screen colander will shave off the outer skin into a powder that smokes nice and smells like incense, the seeds can then be soaked to get the remaining medicine out of them. When drinking the tea, pour off the top, do not strain, and keep in the fridge. I get it all in a shot-glass sized gulp. In my earlier experiments with Syrian Rue I always drank it because the preparation is far easier than smoking it. Smoking Syrian Rue has several advantages - the effect is immediate, stronger than a 3 gram dose and the effect is shorter in duration. Additionally, the dietary restrictions are a bit more relaxed when the MAOI does not pass through the stomach. Continue to smoke the Rue until feeling its relaxing effects generally 10+puffs of smoke. Note that oral ingestion of Syrian Rue is required to activate orally ingested Dimethyl Tryptamine (DMT), in that case smoking Syrian Rue is less effective and it

should be consumed 30 minutes prior to eating the DMT. Psilocybin is immediately potentiated by smoked Syrian Rue. Psilocybin is a natural analog of DMT. Lysergamides are enhanced not because their rate of metabolism is reduced like the aforementioned indoles, but because the MAOI stops destroying your own serotonin, your naturally occurring neurotransmitter which is tied to positive mood and the Lysergamide “trip” which also binds to your 5-HT receptors along with your serotonin. Add the WHOLE SEEDS to a minimal amount of water. Stir well. Put it in the refrigerator. In 2 hours it’s almost as strong as it’s going to get, it can brew for another 12 hours or more while you finish observing the dietary rules listed below. Now the tea is ready to drink. The seeds sink to the bottom and it is very easy to drink all the tea and not consume the seeds. Serve chilled. Syrian Rue tea glows extremely bright yellow under a black light, in fact it is so bright that even your urine and saliva will glow after you drink it. Drink the Syrian Rue tea 1 to 2 hours prior to any LSA tea you intend to amplify and upgrade. If you smoke the Syrian Rue seed skins, you should know that the smoke tastes and smells good. The smoke is used as incense in some cultures to attract a GOOD spirit. Smoke it 1 hour or so AFTER drinking the LSA tea, as the effect is nearly immediate, or smoke it immediately prior to a breath of vapor DMT, which like H2 O, exists in all living plants and animals on earth. The smoke of Syrian Rue extends and properly activates the vapors of DMT for 30 minutes with a 30 minute afterglow, this is a little known fact - even in circles of relatively knowledgeable people. Vapors of DMT are as natural as vapors of H2 O, and smoke is as natural as Fire. What is DMT? Ask a mathematician not a chemist (or watch the movie ), what I can tell you that you will not learn elsewhere is that a vapor DMT experience lasts only 5 minutes unless you smoke Rue first, then the DMT experience will be extended to an hour – additionally the fact that you have reached DMT saturation is evident in the fact that breathing more DMT in 10 minutes adds little or no additional effect. The “afterglow” may linger up to an hour as your body slowly metabolizes the DMT. For the BEST experience: BEST means - without ANY vomit, nausea, or hypertension You MUST follow these rules. Prepare yourself for 24-72 hours before drinking Syrian Rue Tea Yeast and yeast extracts and their synthesized relatives, aka “preservatives” are poison. Their poisonous effects are amplified by an MAOI. Note that most popular eyedrops contain them in concentrate, this is why eyedrops are poison when ingested internally. I experimented with eyedrops and when used as directed externally they seem to be ok with the MAOI that is internal. There are “preservative free eyedrops” for a healthier alternative regardless of using an MAOI, and especially while using an MAOI at very high doses..

YOU MUST NOT EAT: tyramine found in shellfish, all pork (except cured ham); caviar, shrimp, and shrimp paste, beer and wine, sour cream, catfish, or any pickled meat, fermented sausages (pepperoni, mortadella, Salami), snails, processed Meat(bologna, liverwurst, some hot dogs) or any kind of aged, smoked, fermented, or marinated meat for example pickled herrings, beef jerky, or salted cod. Notice that non-fresh food is commonly laced with tyramine. AVOID EXCESSIVE AMOUNTS OF THESE ALSO: pickles, chocolate; and all fermented foods, such as aged cheeses such as blue cheese, vegemite, feta, camembert , stilton brick, brie, cheddar,

swiss and parmesan , also processed cheese velveeta and cheese whiz, soy sauce, soybean condiments, teriyaki sauce, tofu or any soy product, tempeh, miso soup, sauerkraut, broad (fava) beans, green bean pods, italian flat (romano) beans, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, pineapple, dates, papaya, snow peas, avocados, raw onion, eggplants, banana peel strings, figs, beets, olives, broccoli ,red plums, kim chee, prunes, raspberries, several nuts select trail mixes carefully, peanuts, Brazil nuts, walnuts, coconuts , ginseng, licorice, coffee cakes, cheese cake, an array of cacti(San Pedro is safe), cinnamon(trace amounts are OK), anise, curry powder(verified lots of curry is bad), hot paprika, nutmeg, balsamic vinegar and vinegars of all kind. Some of the aforementioned foods are safe in small quantities, but they are all known to have some tyramine. For example there are many varieties of spinach, some contain low levels of tyramine that will not be a problem unless you eat too much of it. Be careful with spinach. Some varieties have a high tyramine level. ½ ounce of chocolate will not causes a hypertensive crisis but more might for some people, – so it’s easier just to say “don’t eat chocolate” but it is more accurate to say “find out how much is too much for you”. Most yogurt is GOOD so it seems tragic to add it to the list of bad foods, you can carefully experiment a little as you get a feel for the dietary rules, because a LITTLE bit of tyramine won’t make you sick. Sour cream has a little, but very little – almost unmentionable if it is fresh. A few raisins or a small bit of mustard and fat slice of tomato with otherwise GOOD food is not a problem. You don’t need to strain out all the gnats, just don’t swallow camels. Don’t eat a whole box of raisins, or a basket full of tomatoes. Liver is good only if it is very fresh and handled with kosher care. Grapefruit doesn’t bother me, others have reported conflict between citrus and MAOI. Scientists believe the contents of the juice or fruit inhibit enzymes in the small intestine that help to break down many other drugs. If those enzymes aren't available to break down the drug and render it inactive - that means more of the drug makes its way in to the bloodstream. Concentrations in the body are therefore higher – accounting for incorrect reports that citrus cannot be used with Syrian Rue when in fact it was something else amplified by the citrus. DO NOT EAT yeast. Yeast is in the air everywhere and it lands on GOOD bread to make it moldy, and lands on fruit to begin decaying it. There are many varieties of yeast and more research needs to be done regarding specific strains and how they interact with Syrian Rue. Yeast does not require sunlight to grow. Eating live (raw) Baker's yeast, which is still active, could grow inside your stomach or intestines, depriving you of nutrients (similar to a parasite). Regardless of using Syrian Rue, you should not eat live Baker’s yeast (found in bread that is not fully cooked). Note that alcohol and sugar promotes the growth of yeast in the body leading to and feeding yeast infections. Beware of the Yeast Extracts, (the yeast of the Pharisees). Yeast extract is the common name for various forms of processed yeast products that are used as preservatives. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is the most well-known yeast extract. MSG side effects range from headaches and nausea to heart palpitations or chest pain in about 14% of Americans that do NOT use an MAOI. Due to the common knowledge that MSG is bad for you, corporate chemists/scientists have created other yeast extracts with lesser known names. The general method for making yeast extract for food products is to add salt to a suspension of yeast, making the solution hypertonic, which leads to the cells shriveling up. This triggers autolysis, wherein the yeast's digestive enzymes break their own proteins down into simpler compounds, a process of self-destruction. The dying yeast cells are then heated to complete their breakdown, after which the husks (yeast with thick cell walls that would give poor texture) are separated. When consumed with an MAOI such as Syrian Rue, it will raise your blood pressure and may produce nausea/vomiting in some cases. Yeast extracts are found in various condiments and seasonings and should be avoided, those to be avoided includes but are not limited to bouillon cubes/powder, meat tenderizers, dry packaged and

canned soups, gravy, sauces, stew mixes, instant soup dry powder bases, Soy and Teriyaki Sauce and sourdough bread. Some vitamin supplements contain brewer's yeast and should be avoided. Curiously, this study had led me to know that strawberry seeds contain poison. In this case, a gnat is a seed or two, (even a strawberry or three is safe). Do not swallow a camel or a large bowl full of strawberries. If you ever were to find yourself choking on a camel, you can always purge (aka puke or vomit) if you need to (you will intuitively know if you need to). Thank God we have such fantastic biological engineering and the ability to purge/vomit. Knowledge will make such a drastic expulsion reserved for rare situations of accidental ingestion. Technically, the tyramine reaction (often dubbed as the "cheese reaction" as most cheeses are especially rich in tyramine) only effects one in four people, but at this time there is no safe way to find out if you are one of the lucky three in four who will mostly escape the regime. There exists a test to determine whether one is susceptible. The dangers of MAOI’s are mostly overstated in an abundance of precaution. High levels of tyramine can cause blood vessels to narrow. This can lead to very high blood pressure, a severe headache, and possibly bleeding. On low MAOI doses you will find that many of the forbidden foods are safe in small quantities – as you increase the amount of MAOI you take, you will discover that the dietary guidelines become more important to follow. In in spirit of abundance of caution, you should keep foods handy that are known to lower blood pressure in the event that you accidently ingested enough tyramine to make you uncomfortable. Extra-virgin olive oil, Oregano, Hawthorn, Cardamom, Basil, Calamus Root, and Wandering Jew are all medicines that lower blood pressure. It may be wise to carry a pharmaceutical hypertensive crisis antidote such as a drug called nifedipine (marketed as Adalat®) which can be supplied as liquid capsules; pop one in your mouth, bite it and the drug will be absorbed extremely quickly - like an injection.

I used Syrian Rue 100’s of times in 2014 and 2015. I vomited one time from Rue in 2013. Once I wished I had not eaten a yogurt, and once I wished I had not eaten dried packaged sunflower seeds, but I never regretted ingesting the Syrian Rue. I prefer it smoked, it seems to have more effect with or without a breath of DMT after the Rue. I have also carefully experimented with mixing the forbidden stimulants with Syrian Rue – start with caffeine. I reckon that it would be unwise to use Rue while your heart is pounding and racing from a stimulant, but the dangers of being slightly under stimulant may be overstated. Everybody has unique personal body chemistry, so they need to figure out for themselves what is comfortable and safe. Caffeine is potentiated maybe doubling its stimulant effect and increasing the length of its effects. Many information sources state that caffeine should be avoided, however in light of the fact that Theobroma Cacao contains an MAOI and caffeine the mixture of these two medicines is a natural powerful combination that can be mixed carefully. ONLY EAT food that is FRESH from the earth. Do not eat anything other than very fresh food. No dried fruit , old bananas, banana bread, and just about all prepared packaged ‘meals’( canned, frozen, or dry packaged ) contain tyramine. Products should not be used if they are close to the expiration date. There are many safe foods. These are a few of the GOOD foods that will prepare your body chemistry for some GOOD tea and a GOOD experience.

Fresh chicken, fish, and beef is GOOD. Eat perishable foods within two days after purchase. Go to

the market often. Eat fresh white bread, wheat bread, rye bread, English muffins, crackers, bagels,

hot and cold cereal, cream of wheat, rice, cooked dried beans, peas, and lentils, all pasta, apple,

banana, blueberries, melons, spaghetti, egg noodles, rice, corn, asparagus, carrots, pumpkin, squash,

zucchini, potatoes, cooked onion, American cheese, ricotta, cottage cheese, cream cheese, eggs,

canned salmon or tuna fish, tuna salad, milk: whole, 2% or skim, salt, chives, sugar, maple syrup,

honey, and salad dressing made from olive oil and lemon juice. Baby kale can be cooked or in a

salad(but no Spinich( and no vinegar salad dressing)) Properly canned or frozen FRESH food is

GOOD if it is eaten immediately after opening or thawing it. Eggs must also be eaten immediately. A

slice or two of FRESH yeast raised bread is safe because most yeast dies during baking, unleavened

bread is perfectly safe you could eat a pound of it. Eat the energy of living foods not the energy of

decaying death. Some information sources say “all nuts have tyramine”, I do not know about that,

because several handfuls of (Pistachios, Cashews, Almonds, and Pecans) feel safe to me. Sunflower

seed is good from all the research I can find, however ½ cup of roasted sunflower seeds (with no

preservatives) made me mildly ill – stick to FRESH food. GOOD food becomes BAD when its not


For 24 hours prior to drinking Syrian Rue Tea(especially when you are new to using it): THE VERY BEST THING TO EAT IS NOTHING, otherwise follow the diet strictly . Drink plenty of GOOD water. Some people use Syrian Rue daily - daily use can be helpful to learn to be “Rue Ready” - so daily use for while can be wise. In my earlier experiments with Rue I tested it on occasion - in my later experiments I used rue daily, 1 dose every 8 hours for a few weeks to study how a variety of other foods/teas/spices affect the human body while the MAO is inhibited by Rue. Rue is not addictive. Diabetics: Eat a small piece of bread and fruit juice 60-90 minutes before taking the Rue and keep fruit juice handy. A 2007 study suggests that Syrian Rue acts like thiazolidinediones, however, harmine does not cause significant weight gain or hepatic lipid accumulation. Pregnant Women: Syrian rue contains uterotonics. You should definitely not use Syrian Rue in later stages of pregnancy as it may induce labor – likewise with LSA. Pregnant women also should not fast from food. Clearly the best advice is to wait until after you have the baby .

ALSO – even more important to avoid certain hypertensive crisis and possible death: ABSOLUTELY DO NOT MIX WITH ANY antidepressants, decongestants, dramamine, antihistamines, or cough syrup with DXM, or any amphetamines/stimulants (which include MDA, MDMA, phenylpropanolamine, ephedrine, pseudo-ephedrine, cocaine, and caffeine (soda, coffee, Excedrin, tea)), Ginseng found in energy drinks. 12 hours is generally enough time in between taking any of these medicines followed by an MAOI. DO NOT MIX an MAOI with a serotonin reuptake inhibitor (aka SSRI antidepressants). Wait at least 3 weeks after taking a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) before starting with a MAOI. This includes antidepressants such as the herb kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) and pills such as paroxetine (Seroxat), citalopram (Cipramil), fluvoxamine (Fevarin) and sertraline (Zoloft). It's recommended to wait 6 weeks after fluoxetine (Prozac). I personally have no experience with SSRI’s so this “safe time duration between SSRI and MAOI” is something I have never tested. With specific regard to MDMA, which most information says can be lethal when mixed with an MAOI, when in fact more specifically, inhibition of MAO-B protects against MDMA-induced neurotoxicity in the striatum and inhibition of MAO-A(which is what Syrian Rue is) can be lethal and should not be mixed. One kind of MAOI is helpful for MDMA users and one kind of MAOI is harmful.

Note: Contrary to many information sources, Gin, Vodka, Rum, and Bourbon have exactly 0.00 mg of

tyramine so it is perfectly safe to mix a GOOD drink. You should not drink beer or wine with Syrian

Rue due to the yeast in brewing however you can mix alcohol with Syrian Rue.

Note: It is perfectly safe to use marijuana with Syrian Rue.

Note: Syrian Rue lowers tolerance for opiates – if you use opiates daily, you should reduce your opiate

dose to obtain the same effect, but you do not need to be free from opiates.

Note: Syrian Rue acts in synergy with nicotine to enhance its effect by keeping dopamine levels higher

for longer therefore craving will cease, however addiction to nicotine is partially a psychological

problem for some people who have struggled with quitting and others have a completely different

mindset about it = with that + N cups of LSA tea in the equation the craving may cease forever after

the initial nicotine withdrawal is over with the next day. This tea can be a dose of science and


The Reason for all these strange dietary rules is this:

Some medicines and foods are metabolized by the removal of the needed amine function. This results

from the action of an enzyme system that is called a monoamine oxidase, or a MAO. When this

enzyme system is inhibited (that is what Syrian Rue does for 6 to 8 hours to 24 hours depending on

dose), then the body does not destroy certain substances, therefore they have a greater potency(or

toxicity). If you unintentionally “amplify” a stimulant the effect is miserable and very dangerous. The

alkaloid in Syrian Rue that stops this enzyme system is Harmine which is a 'fluorescent harmala


Certain foods and medicines that normally do not bother you will become toxic during the 4 to 30

hours (depending on the dose you take) that Syrian Rue suppresses your ability to metabolize them.

Interestingly, some other poisons and bacteria that are normally deadly are rendered harmless while

the MAOI is in effect.

Any nausea experienced is due to the BAD tyramine, not from the GOOD Syrian Rue Tea. After much

practice, I began to experiment with “large doses” of Syrian Rue. This was done by filling a 12 ounce

water bottle between 1/3 and 1/2 full of Syrian Rue seeds, then covering the seeds with water, shake it

up a few times over 2 hours then let it settle and drink off the top or take it one shot at a time over 3

hours. At that dose, one spoonful of peanut butter will make you vomit - however if you are on the

right diet you will not get sick while all your natural serotonin is not destroyed by your MAO. Having

extra serotonin feels great. Boosting your natural serotonin while you ingest LSA which itself binds to

serotonin receptors is beyond smart. DMT in the mix is divine, and I am of the opinion that MAOI

amplifies psilocybin even more so than DMT which may be because psilocybin is more stable, and for

example is orally active while DMT is not.

I was so intrigued by Syrian Rue that I extracted the pure harmala freebase for the first time in 2014.

I ate, smoked/vaped, ingested, insufflated, and sublingually tried the harmala. I finally came to the

semi-conclusion that the tea and the properly prepared smoking extract were superior means of

ingesting the MAOI. Plant matter being more effective than pure crystal extract was illogical to me

and in 2016 I came across harmala freebase extract tested at 99% pure as well as harmala HCL. This

gave me an opportunity to reassess my earlier findings without having to do another harmala

extraction myself. I came to the same conclusion again. The smoking mixture, as I prepare it, burns

strangely in that the first few pulls from the pipe are a good smelling smoke and during the second

half of the smoking experience the smoke exhaled vanishes more vapor like.

Vapor is the best delivery for pure crystal DMT. I have found that the same DMT when vaporized by

torch on glass is harsh and when vaped from a G Pen with a dual coil, it is very smooth. That device

setup is the perfect temperature. I only discovered this after creating the “perfect” glass pipe for

DMT. Notice how this pipe can be turned upside down and never spill the melted crystals from either

the mouth piece or the inward pointed air hole. This allows you to fill the pipe less frequently and

have a portable rig. Also notice the flat bottom keeps it from rolling around when you set it down.

THE MAIN EVENT: Sulfur vs. Cyanide and LSA vs. LSD and Light vs. Dark On March 9, 2012 Time magazine published an article titled “LSD May Help Treat Alcoholism”. LSD has also been shown successful for breaking tobacco addiction. LSD is good, its on the same team as LSA. Apricots, bamboo shoots, cassava, corn, wild cherry, elderberries, flaxseed, bitter almond, wild cherry, and lima beans all share a surprising trait: they’re all sources of cyanogenic glycosides commonly known as the poison cyanide. Cyanide production has been reported from over 2500 plant species (Journal of Chemical Ecology January 2007) Cyanide is in cigarette smoke too. It is wise both to avoid cyanide and to use sulfur (garlic or shallots is a good source) to be protected against it, because this is not an all inclusive list of foods that contain some cyanide. Interestingly, seeds that contain the desired LSA also contain the undesired cyanide.

Interestingly cyanide is a necessary building block while creating LSD. Here are a few excerpts from the non trivial LSD recipe: ( http://www.erowid.org/archive/rhodium/chemistry/lsd-buzz.html ) The above hydrochloride is treated with thionyl chloride in liquid sulfur dioxide, to produce an amorphous chloride hydro chloride, which is converted to the nitrile with sodium cyanide in liquid hydrogen cyanide. 4-Acetyl-9-cyano-7-methyl-4,5,5a,6,6a,7,8,9-octahydroindolo-(4,3fg)-quinoline. 40 g of dry, powdered sodium cyanide, is added to ice cold liquid hydrogen cyanide and stirred gently with ice bath cooling. hydrogen cyanide is distilled under enough reduced pressure to keep it coming over the condenser at a temp below 10-12°

LSD has what is called a “cyanide effect” or toxicity. The finished LSD molecule is not cyanide anymore than water is oxygen because oxygen is a building block of water, however properly prepared LSD still has the cyanide effect, and improperly synthesized LSD may actually have cyanide in it – in addition to the LSD toxicity which is very low in properly prepared LSD. LSD batches vary greatly. In 2014 I was blessed with 4 different LSD samples, each was from a different origin. “White Rabbit” is very clean, even better than “Mayan Calendar”. Avoid 25i (and all NBOMe’s) because unlike the much more helpful Indoles, NBOM’s HAVE SERIOUS DOSEAGE LIMITS (I believe the entire NBOMe category to be less valuable than many other Indole choices. The toxicity of 25i is very high relative to the toxicity of LSD. ) It will likely take a year or two to recover from 10 doses of 25i. Two people that I know reported 30 days without sleep and a full year of social reentry after ingesting 10 doses of 25i. It was a regrettable trip for both of them. A strong LSA trip with a little love can heal 25i psychosis. 10 Doses of LSD or LSA is safe but not necessary. 1 dose is plenty if it came from a good source; in fact ½ of a dose of any good LSD blotter has great effect, often nearly identical to the full dose. In some people, (very) high doses of LSA can cause pain in legs from vasoconstriction. Cayenne pepper will provide immediate relief. I personally have never experienced painful vasoconstriction from LSA but I have witnessed it in another and read other reports of it. I also witnessed the immediate relief provided by Cayenne pepper that fortunately was in the spice/medicine cabinet. High dose LSA trips last 48-72 hours and have a 15 minute onset, with very long trails and intricate fractals. High dose LSA can cause females menstrual cycle to come early. Try a low dose first. Unless the LSA has been purified with a proper extraction, high dose LSA is best achieved in an 8oz dose that is held in the

stomach while the LSA is absorbed in the body, then all the non-LSA can be more easily vomited than digested after 20 to 30 minutes – that is simply the safest plan for a deep LSA trip requiring nothing but water and ¼ pound of seeds soaked for 10+ days to make several very strong doses. We can be smart with sulfur and a low dose and take a simpler trip and perhaps avoid a vomit.

The solution to LSA’s cyanide problem is sulfur. A problem with a solution is not a problem. Another solution is a pure ethanol extraction after defatting with butane or diethyl-ether. LSD’s ‘cyanide effect’ is a problem. Granted, LSD’s cyanide effect is only a small problem with no long term or serious side effects. The “solution” is vitamin “C” and 1 day to heal. The cyanide found in seeds that also contain LSA has multiple solutions. If you cannot find fresh garlic or shallots to eat, use supplements from your local nutrition store such as MSM, methionine, or cysteine which also contain sulfur. They render cyanide harmless.

AND the solution gets even better than that. If you add crushed garlic to your LSA tea AFTER you have finished COLD brewing it and 30 minutes BEFORE you drink it, much of the cyanide will be destroyed BEFORE it ever enters your body. Do both and often no nausea or vomiting will accompany your experience. Pure LSA has no toxicity. After an LSA experience the body feels clean and refreshed as opposed to the mild recovery period after. LSA with the plant toxins in a water extract is often more uncomfortable than LSD at the beginning of the experience, but LSA leaves you feeling washed and recharged at the end of the experience with a brightened face not a red face the next day. LSD has more of a potential as a “Party Drug” than impure LSA because impure LSA frequently includes a puke/purge of the toxic plant portions. The purge is a natural way to separate the good LSA from the bad toxins without doing an unnatural and somewhat difficult Acid/Base extraction technique to obtain pure LSA. “Somewhat Difficult” compared to many other A/B extractions. The old ways of the Indians and Natives is LSA tea from water and that can be done anywhere. Newer methods of LSA purification look promising.

It is wise to keep your body’s sulfur reserve full to eliminate the cyanide you get from second hand cigarette smoke, and the array of foods that contain cyanide regardless of if you ever plan to drink LSA Tea that has little or no cyanide when properly prepared. Physicians will agree.

It should be noted that pure mineral sulfur (as a yellow powder) is ALMOST not soluble in water. The dry sulfur powder floats on water and even resurfaces on the water as a dry powder when stirred in. Perhaps the sulfur in garlic 0r shallots is a slightly different form since the plant absorbed it via water from the soil. The sulfur from garlic works and the raw mineral does not seem to. Also the raw mineral passes through the body as a “rotten egg” smelling flatulent, and the garlic only stinks on your breath.

Finally there is one more issue to clear up about LSD vs LSA in the sea of misinformation on the subject. It is believed by the majority is that LSD is ‘stronger’ than LSA. They just don’t know the recipe, and the proper LSA dose. Look closer:

LSD has low toxicity (relative to your unknown dose of generally 25-400 micrograms)

LSA has no toxicity, EVERY account of LSA toxicity is actually poisoning from other toxic plant parts and lack of knowledge about the use of sulfur. Since LSA has no toxicity, there is no dose size. 300 Morning Glory seeds or 2 or 3 Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose seeds + properly prepared body and tea = ankle deep in the ocean. It gets deeper. You can swim in the swells where you can only see the land from the top of a swell (I know it’s there even when I can’t see it) - walk your way in rather than jumping into the deep. At the end of the day my feet are on the ground just like yours. Wait no less

than three days to see where you go when you double or triple the numbers = LSA >LSD. A cup of Syrian Rue Tea the day before, will help get you right for the cup the next day with your LSA Tea. There is no certain amount of LSA that actually defines 1 dose. It has no toxicity. 8 to 12 hours is generally a good amount to call 1 dose – 10 doses will last longer.

Therefore LSD times N doses = N times toxicity. The math is simple. The relative toxicity of LSD is “low” and several cases of 100X LSD doses were good trip reports.

Next discern the difference between a bad trip and an overdose. A bad trip can happen at any dose. You need to be in a GOOD mood and in a GOOD setting. The effects from toxicity alone can trigger a bad trip.

Also add to the equation that actual LSD dose sizes are rarely known and often thought to be larger than they were. Heat and light weaken it over time. 10 becomes 5 over time but it still adds up to 10 when you count the doses. Also account for the 72 hour tolerance that applies to both LSD and LSA. The one fresh full strength dose on the first of three consecutive days will be more effective than 3 doses the very next day or 10 the day after that. If knowledge is what you seek then realize quickly that daily use of either LSD or LSA is both a waste and unwise.

You also need to filter out stories fabricated by people who exaggerate or were lied to about their dose by studying honest accounts of very high LSD doses.

You must also consider errors in the preparation of LSA. A long time ago, by trial and error I discovered that many Morning Glory varieties don’t work at all and others work with varying degrees to the potency of Heavenly Blue or Pearly Gates they were the origin. Your LSA tea cannot be exposed to heat or light (especially sunlight) between the time the seed was cracked and the time you drank the tea. Many errors account for many reports that LSD is more potent than LSA in effect. It would be also wrong to say Mescaline is less powerful than DMT or LSD when infact large doses of mescaline are 2 or 3 grams. 1 gram of LSD is about 6,000 doses. LSD is not 6000 times as powerful in effect, it simply has a different dosage.

Lastly consider my testimony. I have experience with both. LSA is absolutely no less powerful than the best LSD when the dose is prepared properly. Morning Glory LSA eclipses “Sunshine LSD”, especially when used in combination with Syrian Rue which not only magnifies it but adds another dimension all together.

This is how to make LSA tea

Remember that radiation from the sun and even the radiation from a bright electric light bulb destroys LSA, once the seed cracks think of it as a peeled banana – it’s turning brown. Freshness means everything – just like fruit at the market. Prepare everything under low light. Oxygen(therefore air) destroys LSA so does Chlorine and heat, therefore you must put FRESHLY ground Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seed or Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose powder into GOOD COLD mineral water or distilled water. Chlorine evaporates out of treated water so if you let it stand for 3 days it becomes GOOD water. Put GOOD COLD water in a glass.

Lemon juice is essentially a 5% solution of citric acid in water. It has a pH of 2.3. So add lemon juice into it to make the water acidic so it will more readily dissolve everything in the tea. If you don’t have a lemon, grind up 500mg of vitamin C which is pure ascorbic acid with a pH of 2.4 that will accomplish the same thing. Chemically, the only difference between ascorbic acid and citric acid is

one additional oxygen atom in citric acid. Stir it together well. It should be as strong as a good glass of lemonade. Stir well.

The seeds are very hard. I have seen a peppercorn grinder be unsuccessful at preparing the seeds. I have found that readily available tools of a hammer and thick paper work wells, an electric coffee bean grinder works excellent. The paper/cardboard from a cereal box works very well. Put the seeds in the middle and fold the paper. Place it on a smooth flat concrete surface, and smash the seeds. You need to get them smashed very well - all the way to powder.

(OPTIONAL) If you have a tea bag that is stapled to a string (square tea bags that are sealed on all sides do not work) - Use fingernail clippers to bend up the folded over staple legs to remove it from the tea bag. Empty the contents and upgrade it with the fresh powder you just created. Pinch it back together and tightly tie the string around the top of tea bag and/or re-staple it.

Add some GOOD ice cubes to your COLD lemonade. Add the tea bag – or just pour the powder into the tea. Put it in the refrigerator and wait 5 to 12 hours minimum or 10 days for best results. Evaporate to condense then after the evaporation add 1/3 part drinkable ethanol alcohol(such as everclear, vodka, or rum) to preserve the organic matter in the tea from spoiling or getting moldy if it will be kept for a long time prior to consuming it. Remember the Morning Glory flower blooms in the early morning and rolls up away from the suns rays – sunlight destroys LSA – do not evaporate in the sun, use a fan in the shade. Eat some garlic if you need to. Roast it in a frying pan with a lid until darkened on both sides. Peel and enjoy.

(OPTIONAL )ONLY IF you are in a hurry, put the mix into a jar with a lid and shake it every 10 minutes for an hour. Then quickly fix your mindset and quit being in a hurry because having a worry free and relaxed mindset is an ingredient you need to put in this tea. If you’re not in a hurry grind the seed in a coffee bean grinder then soak it in acidic water (I used citric acid) for 10 days. I filled a 1.75 liter bottle about 4 inches full of powdered seed and the rest was acidic water. It sat in the dark at room temperature for 10 days. It was shaken every day one time. A dose was 1 ounce, a glass full was a high dose (3 day trip).

Now remove the cyanide with fresh garlic. Smash one clove real good then dice it up as small as you can and add it to the mix so that all the sulfur in the garlic will react with the cyanide and destroy it. Eat more garlic. Shake vigorously for the next 30 minutes. If you’re still in a hurry, shake it until you are not in a hurry any more.

Save or drink the clear liquid from the top. Pour the rest through a coffee filter. Do not save or drink any of the colored sediment (the junk on the bottom of the glass). If you don’t have a coffee filter – add more GOOD COLD water to fill the glass. Stir well add a dash of lemon and put it in the refrigerator. In 15 minutes do the same thing, drink or save the liquid on the top. Leave all the colored junk in the bottom of the glass.

Serve chilled. Add fruit juice if you like, and a little umbrella to keep the sun off of it. Syrian Rue Tea is NOT a prerequisite, it’s a dimensional addition. LSA Tea alone has no dietary restrictions and LSA tea alone > LSD.

LSA tea glows a beautiful bright bluish/white color under a black light.

LSA is most defiantly a tool put on earth by the Creator, it not a recreational substance, it is a spiritual journey. Approach it with respect, planning, and responsibility for the well being of yourself and others.

Every psychedelic experience is chiefly a function of set and setting, of preparation and environment.

The better prepared YOU are, the better the experience will be for YOU.

Be in a comfortable place (alone or with people you know well and trust deeply) and free your

schedule for nothing but an 8 to 12 hour journey that will give you insight about yourself and the

universe. I ingested a “large” dose that put me on a journey that lasted over 48 hours. Being outdoors

is often preferable if the situation permits. The ocean, the woods, the stars, plants and the sky have a

new intrigue. Nature is more alive and interconnected than before. If you stay indoors don’t let a TV

dictate your setting to you. Tune into some GOOD music and watch the patterns in wood grain walls

or textured ceilings if inside the house.

You will experience a 'Truth' that you can’t escape. You will see yourself from another view and

recognize personal defects (sins?) more easily, maybe even too much for some people as the truth is

both frightening and enlightening. It is far wiser to journey alone, than in a poor setting. The journey

frequently strengthens relationships and new habits often replace old habits when truths are

recognized. Lifelong changes in diet or personal mannerisms often result from LSD/LSA experiences.

Your memory of the experiences will be clear and unforgettable for the rest of your life.

This is non-addictive and it often inspires positive personal change through a deeper understanding of yourself, and the design of life. You will obtain psychological insight and knowledge - from the Light if you stay in it. The dark is there too, but it contains 0% of Infinite Power, Glory, and Bliss beyond words where the Light is. The Light is a source of love and comfort and guidance that only helps people. I know. Ask anyone in my hometown of Northglenn, Colorado. I discovered psychedelics at a very young age. When I was 13 years old I tried LSD for the first time – in a poor setting – it gave me a good scare until outloud I cried out to “Jesus”. As I spoke that name, in that very moment, instantly, a force surrounded me and all the bad visuals were replaced with brilliant colors and “waves” of peace and comfort indescribable. It was as if a violent storm immediately became a beautiful day. My “Bad Trip” prior to that moment must have only been an hour or two on the clock – however clocks only measure time in one realm. Time is a matter of perception there. I was surrounded by a blissful, beautiful, loving, “Light” that illuminated everything around me, at the peak of my trip. The entire remainder of that 12 hour journey was beautiful with colors and sounds beyond description until finally drifting off into paradise in my dreams that night. My body had a mild sick feeling for a few hours. I was 13 years old then. I remember it like it was yesterday. I suppose I have never been the same since that night at crowded Amusement part in Denver (a poor setting). I didn’t hurry out and try LSD the next night. The second time I did it was over a year later. The second experience was pure beautiful, and I learned more on my second journey – alone - where I could hear music in the heavens – it was not my imagination. At one point I could hear bombs exploding on the other side of the earth where there was a war at that moment. I was 14 years old then. There are sound waves and light waves that are outside the spectrum you can normally perceive. By the time I was 15 people knew that I knew how to find good LSD. I helped them get it. That is illegal and was not tolerated by Northeast Junior High school administration in Northglenn, Colorado who caught wind of what was going on. I made front page of the local newspaper as the supplier of LSD. I didn’t know any names or addresses where I obtained it. Despite my “A” grade average, and despite the fact that I was “Student of the Month” that very month, I even had my picture hanging up in the front office, under the recent award, Despite all this, I was expelled from school. I was also fired from my job at the local roller skating rink. Police pressed felony charges that I went through about a year of drug testing and “Diversion” counseling classes to have sealed on my juvenile criminal record. The school administration and police said hateful things to me. Everybody was acting insane. What did I do to them? Ignorant people can be unbelievably cruel. This was about as much stress as a “Bad Trip”. Although I was not on LSD this time, I prayed to “Jesus” again. It did not make all my trouble immediately vanish as it had before; however I was assured that my cry had

been heard like a bomb going off . “Jesus” could hear me even when I was not on LSD. He is in that realm and in this realm. Only then did I make the connection between an endlessly good, knowledgeable, powerful, and brilliant living “Light” and the name of a man who was in the flesh on this earth 2000 years ago. I understand the scripture were He said “I am the Light.” I also realize that His spirit penned the prophecies about Himself before He came. He is the creator of the Morning Glory. He is old. The spirit helped me to understand scripture I was reading. I am a college dropout and a Junior High kickout. I learned nothing that matters in school. Chemistry and Technology are subjects God created. If you know God, they you don’t need to know anything else – because you know who knows everything. Seek and you will find. Einstein spoke about the greatness of God frequently. Knowledge was revealed to Einstein who in turn explained unseen aspects of light and gravity to the world before any man had ever measured the first proof at a full solar eclipse. I have also learned that the living being which IS “The Light” is known by people in religions outside Christianity and they therefore contain certain truths as well even if they do not understand that the man “Jesus Christ” is the embodiment of the Light they love and are loved by. Likewise many who profess to follow “Jesus” do not abide in the Light and they do not know Him, the later being far more tragic of an error. Those are judgmental people who will be judged by the measures they set when they pass judgment on the more loving and free spirited children of the Light.

A fact I have never seen published anywhere: You can eat the pre-flower buds (pointed not round) from a fresh vine to get the LSA. I found the fresh fruits of the Heavenly Blue Morning Glory to be much more potent than the seeds. Freshness is everything. Only eat them while they look like a green sunflower seed. You need a good patch of them. The second handful does not taste as good as the first, so I recommend a glass of orange juice to go with it. Eat garlic first, as I suspect the cyanide exists in all plant parts as does the LSA. Mild cyanide poisoning won’t kill you dead – it kills cells – one cell at a time starves to death from lack of oxygen once bonded with cyanide. Be careful. One of the best “nutshell” summaries on Cyanide I have seen is here: http://www.cyanidecode.org/cyanide-

facts/cyanide-chemistry Interestingly, cyanide can be destroyed by your body at times and not at others depending on your personal chemistry with respect to sulfur. Regardless, we never want cyanide in our bodies. It’s like Chlorine, it is poison. A little poison only kills a little bit of you – and there is quite a bit of you, and with knowledge we preserve as much as possible and stand in awe at the chemistry of the human body. Cells can die, divide, and communicate great distances. Plant a garden. Morning Glories grow in any climate (like marijuana does) but Morning Glories are not illegal. God never made marijuana illegal. In Antioch and Bartow County the police were putting Crystal Methamphetamine on the street. God made Crystal Harmine and Crystal LSA tea. Flower Power vs Government by Police = Reaction yielding The Real New Age. Put these words in your search engine: Antioch Contra Costa County Corruption The police were selling drugs in Antioch. They beat me because they thought I sold drugs. It’s a very poisonous brood they have there. It’s getting to be like that everywhere. Laws that matter are not upheld and laws that don’t matter are strictly enforced – with as much force as necessary. Judges will burn in hell. They will look like lithium in water. They lack mercy and support police that rarely act in love. So they will be in need of mercy and not find it. It’s a universal law that just happens. Some

people call it Karma or Divine Justice. It’s as predictable as the eternity of God. They met out their own measure like all those who judge others, rather than helping others. At times, I stay MAOI’d with Syrian Rue. Every day with Syrian Rue - I Eat GOOD food. AFTER you get your personal body chemistry right – toast 2 Yopo seeds (Andenathera peregrina), remove the shell, powderize then mix with 1/3 part edible lime (Calcium Hydroxide). Calcium Hydroxide is a strong base that is harsh and painful on the mucus membranes, but it works very well. Baking Soda is a weaker base that also works well. The natives used campfire ash for the base. Mix well. Allow 2 hours or more for a reaction that converts 3 kinds of DMT into freebase form. Mix extra well. Grind the powders together. Every molecule in the seed must come in contact with the lime. Be sure to allow the reaction to fully complete for a nausea free experience. If you eat all GOOD food, you don’t even need to fast for a day or two for a nausea free experience. Ingest by insufflation. The seed powder becomes mostly Bufotenine (aka 5-OH-DMT) which is an alkaloid found in several plants and animals, and also occurs naturally in humans. It is not created in a lab and does NOT lower your serotonin levels after use like Meth or Cocaine which do not occur naturally in the human body and produce a “hang-over” effect afterwards – and craving for more. The non-addictive snuff also contains the all-natural, DMT and 5MeO-DMT. The (Calcium Hydroxide based) snuff is a very painful, but only for the first 2 minutes, until you see the intricate geometric patterns and new colors - and possibly see the spirit in trees and animals - the pain becomes nothing and is quickly forgotten. Compared to a DMT, the Yopo experience is more colorful and energetic. When I say “energetic”, this is a feeling you experience from the comfort of a couch or bed. Pure 5-OH-DMT crystals are 100% nausea free and the seed matter snuff will come with (possibly intense) sea-sickness-like nausea if your diet is not kosher. The nausea can be managed regardless, but plan to avoid it. The experience will last for 1 hour. Do NOT have Alcohol in your blood while doing this as that appears to multiply the discomfort which ultimately will be managed. Deep breathing and relaxation enhances this “Spiritual” experience, and it is best experienced from the comfort of a bed or couch, (not a dance club, not a party). If you wish to remove the oils and inactive plant matter that will otherwise remain in your nasal cavity for 1 day as your body naturally expels them, the pure 5-OH-DMT crystals are much preferable to snorting seed matter, but after several attempts to extract them myself – I personally still have not obtained pure white nausea free crystals. I suspect that it was illegal to try, however I plan to prepare my personal research into a request for a government grant someday and that will likely legalize my research.

If you should snuff the seed like the Shamans did, for good nasal hygiene, sniff a little water in the shower and when you wash your face. This is NOT-ADDICTIVE and the seeds are legal in most places. It is absurd to make any plant or any alkaloid from any plant illegal. Knowledge and self-control is enough to govern us in all cases. I See. I know. I travel. I go. Eat GOOD and you won’t get sea sick, keep a trash can nearby if you live on preservatives and food that is not fresh as you may vomit them(and still enjoy the overall experience). Courtesy of the Knowledge Tree – God I love the Truth. Happy trails. Travel with Knowledge. Don’t leave home without it. DMT A few notes about making your own DMT. The best plant source is Mimosa Hostillis. It should be powdered. In 2015 Spain and the Netherlands ship to the United States and other countries. Acacia is much more difficult to work with for the purpose of obtaining pure DMT crystals. Additionally, you can wash the final naphtha pull with water basified to 8.5 using sodium carbonate prior to a freeze precipitation. The freeze is best accomplished by setting a bowl with the DMT saturation onto crushed dry ice for an hour then pour off the Naphtha and any trace plant oils it contains. I will re-publish the work of other authors here that created an efficient extraction process: