dockerizing a symfony2 application


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Page 1: Dockerizing a Symfony2 application
Page 2: Dockerizing a Symfony2 application

Dockerizing Symfony2application

Roman R.

Page 3: Dockerizing a Symfony2 application

Who am I?

Roman [email protected]

- Software Engineer at EPAM (more Dev than Ops)

- @founder of 2enota, and of adbar

- @co-organizer Lviv GDG

skype: roman.rodomanskyy

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- who has tried Vagrant?

- who has tried Docker? (online tutorial)

- who has tried the real Docker? (deployed remote VM)

- Installed Docker locally? (under the boot2docker, or Vagrant)

- Who has written a Dockerfile? (and built it)

- An published image on Docker Hub?

- Deployed Docker image for stage?

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● why Docker is so cool (container madness)

● what is Docker (and why it matters)

● what are Containers (w/ background)

● the Docker ecosystem (w/ tools)

● dockerizing Symfony2 application workflow


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Dockeris a trend

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The problems

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The problems

- application deploy harder than could be

- application can’t run, by reason of differences in environments

- deploying machines separately from applications

- used entire operating systems to deploy (with all of the security footprint that they


- heavy-weight virtualized servers without specifying CPU/memory/etc

- make a magic button to “publish app anywhere”

- container management

- different deployment mechanisms for custom nodes

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The isolation problem

Project A: zend server, mysql, php 5.3

Project B: apache2, postresql, php 5.4, rabbitmq

Project C: apache2, mysql, php 5.6, oracle, solr, ldap

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Hypervisor or Not?

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vs VM


VBox -> 1 min

docker -> 0.3 sec


VBox -> 256 Mb

docker -> 1 Mb

Disk quota:

VBox: 1 Gb

docker: 100 kb

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LinuX Containers

has been present in Linux kernels for 5+ years and now is considered fairly mature


- lmctfy Let Me Contain That For You (Google)

- libcontainer (Docker)

Background: LXC

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Background: namespaces

separate namespaces for containers

own mount

own net namespace (network interfaces)

own uts namespace (hostname)

own ipc namespace

own user namespace (mapping uid-s between inside/outside of)

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Control Cgroups

is a Linux kernel feature

that limits and isolates the resource usage (CPU, memory, disk I/O, network, etc) of a collection of processes

Google engineers started work on this feature in 2006 under the name “process containers”

in 2007 changed name to “control groups”

the goal - to provide a unified interface to many different use cases

- memory

- cpu

- blkio

- devices

Background: cgroups

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Any ApplicationAnywhere

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- Build: package your application in a container

- Ship: move that container from a machine to another

- Run: execute that container

- Any application: anything that runs on Linux

- Anywhere: local VM, cloud instance, raspberry pi, baremetal...

The Idea

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Hello, Docker. Who are you?

tool for managing LXC containers

client / hub

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What is a Docker Container?

- high level = is a small virtual machine- with own process space, network interface- can run staff as root

- low level = it is a chroot on a steroids- isolation with namespaces- limitation by cgroups (own mount, own

- A container is a single service in a larger application- a web server (e.g., nginx)- an application server (e.g., PHP-FPM)- need a database server (e.g., MySQL)- Each of these services can be separated into its own Docker container

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What is a Docker Image?

Imagine a Docker image

as a PHP class

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bash$ docker search centos

bash$ docker push # image to the Hubbash$ docker pull # this image from any machine

is a cloud for sharing container images and automating workflows

free for public

paid for private

metadata + archives

similar to Git commits structure

What is a Docker Hub?

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$ docker run -ti ubuntu /bin/bash

$ docker run -ti debian /bin/bash

$ docker run -ti fedora bash

$ docker run -ti centos bash

Your First Container

$ docker search centos

$ docker run --rm -ti centos:7 bash

$ docker run --rm -ti centos:6 bash

$ docker run --rm -ti centos:5 bash

root@container:/# cat /etc/issue

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Building a Server with Dockerfile

- receipe to build a container

- start FROM a base image

- RUN commands on top of it

- easy to learn, easy to use

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Dockerfile example

FROM ubuntu:14.04RUN apt-get updateRUN apt-get install -y nginxEXPOSE 80

bash$ docker build -t example/nginx .bash$ docker run -d -P example/nginx

Stop!Demo timeshow “simple-container”

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demo time(single container)

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Finally, run the web server

docker run -p 80:80 -d nginx-exampledocker ps

docker run -v /home/core/share:/var/www:rw -p 80:80 -d nginx-example

docker inspect <Container ID>

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Linking Containers

if containers need to communicate with eachotherif your application container needs to communiate with a database container

$ docker run -p 3306:3306 -name mysql -d some-mysql-image$ docker run -p 80:80 -link mysql:db -d some-application-image

$ env | grep MYSQLMYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR=

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demo time(multiple container)

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Docker ecosystem

Docker Engineopen-source tool, written in Go, runs as a daemon, comes with a CLI, has a REST API

Docker Hubregistry of services, public/private repos, automated builds

Docker community> 600 contributors~20 core mainainers> 50k repos on Docker Hub

Docker ComposeDocker MachineDocker Swarm

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Docker Machine

Automatically setups up Dockeron your computer,on cloud providers,and inside your data center.

Can provisione any host.

bash$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox devbash$ docker-machine create -d digitalocean dev

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Docker Swarm

Provides native clustering capabilities to turn a

group of Docker engines into a single, virtual

Docker Engine.

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run your stack with one command: docker-

compose up

describe your stack with one file: docker-


# docker-compose.yml

web: image: php:5.6-apache links: - db:db volumes: - .:/var/www/html

db: image: postgres

Docker Compose

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demo time(using Compose)

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And, push it to the stage

git clone http://github/repo.gitdocker-compose up -d

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Zero DownTime

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attach Attach to a running container

build Build an image from a Dockerfile

commit Create a new image from a container's changes

diff Inspect changes on a container's filesystem

events Get real time events from the server

exec Run a command in a running container

images List images

history Show the history of an image

images List images

inspect Return low-level information on a container or image

port Lookup the public-facing port that is NAT-ed to PRIVATE_PORT

ps List containers


Making Docker commands

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1) The Shared Base Container(s)

2) The Shared Volume Dev Container

3) The Dev Tools Container

4) The Test In A Different Environment containers

5) The Build Container

6) The Installation Container

7) The Default-Service-In-A-Box Containers

8) The Infrastructure / Glue Containers

Docker development patterns

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● docker stats (built-in)

● CAdvisor (available as container, free)

● Scout (SASS, paid)

● Data Dog (SASS, free)

● Sensu (container, free)

Containers Monitoring

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$ docker stats 18ef566e1cba 61403b48f054 e1d1e09f0dc1



18ef566e1cba 0.44% 264.7 MiB/1.957 GiB 13.21% 1.988 KiB/648 B

61403b48f054 0.00% 684 KiB/1.957 GiB 0.03% 2.32 KiB/648 B

e1d1e09f0dc1 0.01% 17.85 MiB/1.957 GiB 0.89% 5.158 KiB/40.1


Containers Monitoring: docker stats

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docker run \ --volume=/:/rootfs:ro \ --volume=/var/run:/var/run:rw \ --volume=/sys:/sys:ro \ --volume=/var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:ro \ --publish=8080:8080 \ --detach=true \ --name=cadvisor \ google/cadvisor:latest

$ open http://$(boot2docker ip):8080/

Containers Monitoring: CAdvisor

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- Docker Cheat


- Docker for Developers - Jérôme Petazzoni



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With Docker, you can:

- you fairly easily can build servers

- put your software into container

- run those containers anywhere

- write receipes to automatically build containers

- automate testing, building, hosting using the Docker Hub

Everything in the environment is under your control

ship the entire environment instead of just code!

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The end.
