docker in brief

DOCKER In brief

Upload: ritu-kamthan

Post on 14-Apr-2017




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DOCKERIn brief

THE QUESTIONS Does Docker replace

VM? What does it do? Is Docker useful for

developers or only for system admins?

What problems does it solves?

WHAT IS VM? A virtual machine (VM) is an operating system or

application environment that is installed on software, which imitates dedicated hardware.

The end user has the same experience on a virtual machine as they would have on dedicated hardware.

Specialized software, called a hypervisor or Virtual Machine Monitor, emulates the PC client or server's CPU, memory, hard disk, network and other hardware resources completely, enabling virtual machines to share the resources.

Virtualization limits costs by reducing the need for physical hardware systems.

WHAT IS DOCKER? Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to

create, deploy, and run applications by using containers.

Docker containers wrap a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything needed to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries – anything that can be installed on a server.

Containers running on a single machine share the same operating system kernel.

It gives a significant performance boost and reduces the size of the application.

Docker gives you the ability to snapshot the OS into a shared image, and makes it easy to deploy on other docker hosts. Locally, dev, qa, prod, etc.: all the same image.

VM VS DOCKERVirtual Machines DockerEach VM has its own OS Shares the kernel with other

containersVirtual machine images are significantly large

Containers have much smaller footprint comparatively.

A virtual machine could take up several minutes to create and launch.

A container can be created and launched just in a few seconds

Benefits: security and isolation. Benefits: easier and more lightweight to deploy and faster to start up

In IaaS use cases, machine virtualization is an ideal fit.

Containers are best suited for packaging/shipping portable and modular software

IN GIST Clearly—for DevOps and CI/CD initiatives—application portability and

consistency are crucial needs that Docker fulfills quite nicely. Simply put, containers provide OS-level process isolation whereas virtual

machines offer isolation at the hardware abstraction layer. Again, the two technologies can be used in conjunction with each other for

added benefits—for example, Docker containers can be created inside VMs to make a solution ultra-portable.

For now, Docker doesn’t replace VM.

USAGE OF DOCKER Use Docker as version control system for your entire app's operating

system Use Docker when you want to distribute/collaborate on your app's

operating system with a team Use Docker to run your code on your laptop in the same environment as

you have on your server (try the building tool) Use Docker whenever your app needs to go through multiple phases of

development (dev/test/qa/prod) Use Docker with your Chef Cookbooks and Puppet Manifests

ALTERNATIVES The Amazon AMI Marketplace is the closest thing to the Docker Index that

you will find. With AMIs, you can only run them on Amazon. With Docker, you can run the images on any Linux server that runs Docker.

The Warden project is a LXC manager written for Cloud Foundry without any of the social features of Docker like sharing images with other people on the Docker Index

WHY DOCKER IS CHANGING THE FACE OF DEVELOPMENT? The collaboration features (docker push and docker pull) are one of the

most disruptive parts of Docker. With Docker pull/push the developers and ops guys, have first time been

able to easily collaborate quickly on building infrastructure together. The developers can focus on building great applications and the ops guys

can focus on building perfect service containers. The app guys can share app containers with ops guys and the ops guys can

share MySQL and PosgreSQL and Redis servers with app guys.


It works on my machine but not on


I have been helping the [new hire] setup her

environment all day

I can’t try it because IT

hasn’t updated dev-environment

I have to work directly on production

environment to fix this issue.


Create a local Docker


Distribute it to private or

public collaborators

Enhance collaboratively

Create a production

Docker image

Pull it in local development environment.

Work on “just like prod”


Keep multiple Docker images

Switch between Docker

images as you switch


Be more productive

Release new Docker

image per product release

Keep the system

inconsistencies in Limit

Be more consistent

DOCKER TERMINOLOGIES Container - a runtime instance of a Docker image. Image - an ordered collection of root filesystem changes and execution

parameters for use within a running container. Layer - a “slice” of the container filesystem; one layer is created by each

Dockerfile instruction. Dockerfile - a text script that contains the commands you execute to build

a Docker image. Registry - a repository of images. It can be public or private. This is a web



DOCKERFILE Docker can build images automatically by reading the instructions from a

Dockerfile. A Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands a user

could call on the command line to assemble an image. Using docker build users can create an automated build that executes

several command-line instructions in succession.

EXAMPLE OF A DOCKERFILEFROM ubuntuMAINTAINER MyNameRUN apt-get updateRUN apt-get install -y nginxCOPY index.html /usr/share/nginx/html/ENTRYPOINT [“/usr/sbin/nginx”,”-g”,”daemon off;”]EXPOSE 80

Select the base image

Set the author

Add new layer on the image

specify the default app that you want to run

WORK-FLOWBuild An Image

$ docker build -t gvacca/nginx .

Store image in a registry (public, e.g. Dockerhub, or


$ docker push gvacca/nginx

Pull image on the target host

$ docker pull gvacca/nginx

Run container on the target host

$ docker run -it gvacca/nginx

SOME IMPORTANT DOCKER TOOLS Docker Machine: Provides a CLI to quickly provision a Docker Host.

Deploys locally or on a Cloud Provider AWS, Azure, GCE, DO, Rackspace, VMWare, etc…

Docker Registry: Store and distribute your docker container images. Docker Hub makes it easy:

Docker Swarm: Exposes several Docker Engines as a single virtual Engine. Serves the standard Docker API. Swarm is production ready Docker CLI.

DOCKERHUB Docker Hub is a cloud hosted service from Docker that provides registry

capabilities for public and private content. In Docker Hub, you usually put Docker Images that can be used/searched

by other Docker users. Docker Hub lets developers store and distribute their images with ease. You

can search some ready to go building blocks for your infrastructure. Quickly create an organization, add users or create groups of users to

collaborate with your repositories. Browse and search any public Docker image repositories for popular

content. Share your images with the community or host in private repositories for

secure collaboration with your team

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