docker from basics to orchestration (phpconfbr2015)

Docker From basics to orchestration

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Docker From basics to orchestration


Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free:◎ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival◎ Photographs by Unsplash & Death to the Stock Photo

(license)◎ Dark wood background by The pattern library

About Me



◎ Environment Issues◎ Virtualization◎ LXC◎ Docker

○ features○ demo

◎ Machine

◎ Orchestration○ tools○ demo

◎ Swarm○ demo

◎ Q&A

Environment Issues

Environment Issues

◎ substr vs mb_substr functions

Environment Issues

◎ substr vs mb_substr functions◎ short open tags: <?=

Environment Issues

◎ substr vs mb_substr functions◎ short open tags: <?=◎ syntax changes between versions: array(); e [];

Environment Issues

◎ substr vs mb_substr functions◎ short open tags: <?=◎ syntax changes between versions: array(); e [];◎ extensions that we forget to install in

production: php-memcached, redis, amqp, etc.

Environment Issues

◎ substr vs mb_substr functions◎ short open tags: <?=◎ syntax changes between versions: array(); e [];◎ extensions that we forget to install in

production: php-memcached, redis, amqp, etc.

◎ different upload file settings in different servers


◎ 1960 - inspired by cpu time sharing

Virtualization - History

◎ 1960 - inspired by cpu time sharing◎ IBM 370 - First instructions to support

software virtualization, CP/CMS allow running more than one instance simultaneously

Virtualization - History

◎ 1960 - inspired by cpu time sharing◎ IBM 370 - First instructions to support

software virtualization, CP/CMS allow running more than one instance simultaneously

◎ IBM z/VM - First success case, all hardware were virtualized

Virtualization - History

◎ 1960 - inspired by cpu time sharing◎ IBM 370 - First instructions to support

software virtualization, CP/CMS allow running more than one instance simultaneously

◎ IBM z/VM - First success case, all hardware were virtualized

◎ until nineties only client/server applications

Virtualization - History

◎ 1960 - inspired by cpu time sharing◎ IBM 370 - First instructions to support

software virtualization, CP/CMS allow running more than one instance simultaneously

◎ IBM z/VM - First success case, all hardware were virtualized

◎ until nineties only client/server applications◎ 2000+ - CPUs with virtualization support,

hypervisors: VMWare, Xen, KVM, VirtualBox, etc

Virtualization - History

Virtualization - Hypervisors

Virtualization - Stack

◎ Standard environment

Virtualization - Pros & Cons

◎ Standard environment

◎ Improve resources utilization

Virtualization - Pros & Cons

◎ Standard environment

◎ Improve resources utilization

◎ Easy data recovery

Virtualization - Pros & Cons

◎ Standard environment

◎ Improve resources utilization

◎ Easy data recovery

◎ If host fails all VMs crashes together

Virtualization - Pros & Cons

◎ Standard environment

◎ Improve resources utilization

◎ Easy data recovery

Virtualization - Pros & Cons

◎ If host fails all VMs crashes together

◎ Troubleshooting more difficult

◎ Standard environment

◎ Improve resources utilization

◎ Easy data recovery

Virtualization - Pros & Cons

◎ If host fails all VMs crashes together

◎ Troubleshooting more difficult

◎ Increase overhead

LXC - Linux Containers

LXC - Linux Containers

◎ Exists since Jul/2008 - Kernel 2.6.26+

LXC - Linux Containers

◎ Exists since Jul/2008 - Kernel 2.6.26+◎ Process isolation

LXC - Linux Containers

◎ Exists since Jul/2008 - Kernel 2.6.26+◎ Process isolation ◎ Network isolation

LXC - Linux Containers

◎ Exists since Jul/2008 - Kernel 2.6.26+◎ Process isolation ◎ Network isolation◎ Memory limitation

LXC - Linux Containers

◎ Exists since Jul/2008 - Kernel 2.6.26+◎ Process isolation ◎ Network isolation◎ Memory limitation◎ File system isolation

LXC - Pros & Cons

◎ Good resources isolation

LXC - Pros & Cons

◎ Good resources isolation

◎ Run as a process, a single PID is created

LXC - Pros & Cons

◎ Good resources isolation

◎ Run as a process, a single PID is created

◎ Reuse host resources (libs, kernel)

LXC - Pros & Cons

◎ Good resources isolation

◎ Run as a process, a single PID is created

◎ Reuse host resources (libs, kernel)

◎ Starts much more faster than VMs

LXC - Pros & Cons

◎ Volume share are difficult to do

◎ Good resources isolation

◎ Run as a process, a single PID is created

◎ Reuse host resources (libs, kernel)

◎ Starts much more faster than VMs

LXC - Pros & Cons

◎ Volume share are difficult to do

◎ Architecture failure may lead to chroot attack

◎ Good resources isolation

◎ Run as a process, a single PID is created

◎ Reuse host resources (libs, kernel)

◎ Starts much more faster than VMs

LXC - Pros & Cons

◎ Volume share are difficult to do

◎ Architecture failure may lead to chroot attack

◎ IO overhead

◎ Good resources isolation

◎ Run as a process, a single PID is created

◎ Reuse host resources (libs, kernel)

◎ Starts much more faster than VMs

LXC - Pros & Cons

◎ Volume share are difficult to do

◎ Architecture failure may lead to chroot attack

◎ IO overhead◎ Run on Linux hosts


◎ Good resources isolation

◎ Run as a process, a single PID is created

◎ Reuse host resources (libs, kernel)

◎ Starts much more faster than VMs




Doki =>

◎ Portable

Docker - Features

◎ Portable◎ Versionable

Docker - Features

◎ Portable◎ Versionable◎ Reusable

Docker - Features

◎ Portable◎ Versionable◎ Reusable◎ Copy-on-write

Docker - Features

◎ Portable◎ Versionable◎ Reusable◎ Copy-on-write◎ Logging

Docker - Features

◎ Portable◎ Versionable◎ Reusable◎ Copy-on-write◎ Logging◎ Image change management

Docker - Features

◎ Portable◎ Versionable◎ Reusable◎ Copy-on-write◎ Logging◎ Image change management◎ Automatic build

Docker - Features

◎ Portable◎ Versionable◎ Reusable◎ Copy-on-write◎ Logging◎ Image change management◎ Automatic build◎ Easy to share

Docker - Features

Docker - Features

◎ Private and public registry

Docker - Features

◎ Private and public registry◎ Server-client architecture

Docker - Features

◎ Private and public registry◎ Server-client architecture◎ Client consume engine API

Docker - Features

◎ Private and public registry◎ Server-client architecture◎ Client consume engine API◎ Orchestration tools (compose, swarm,volume


Docker - Features

◎ Private and public registry◎ Server-client architecture◎ Client consume engine API◎ Orchestration tools (compose, swarm,volume

networks)◎ Always innovating

Docker - VM Comparison

Docker - Quick Tips

◎ It is a container not a VM

Docker - Quick Tips

◎ It is a container not a VM◎ Container images are like VM boxes

Docker - Quick Tips

◎ It is a container not a VM◎ Container images are like VM boxes◎ Images are state, container runs it

Docker - Install

◎ Follow instructions for your OS in

Docker - Install

◎ Follow instructions for your OS in

◎ Several distros supported

Docker - Install

◎ Follow instructions for your OS in

◎ Several distros supported◎ Mac OS X and Windows needs a VM to act

like a Docker host - Boot2docker

Docker - Install

◎ Follow instructions for your OS in

◎ Several distros supported◎ Mac OS X and Windows needs a VM to act

like a Docker host - Boot2docker◎ There is roadmap to run Linux container on

FreeBSD host

Docker - Install

◎ Follow instructions for your OS in

◎ Several distros supported◎ Mac OS X and Windows needs a VM to act

like a Docker host - Boot2docker◎ There is roadmap to run Linux container on

FreeBSD host◎ Windows containers running on Windows

hosts will be available on Windows Server 2016

Docker - Beggining

◎ run◎ pull◎ commit◎ push◎ exec◎ ps◎ images◎ inspect◎ rm◎ rmi

Talk is cheap, show me the code.Linus Torvalds




Docker - Images


Docker - Improving

◎ Volume○ list, create, inspect

◎ Port expose and port mapping◎ Links between containers◎ Network

○ list, create,inspect, connect

Second Demo

Docker - Machine

◎ Creates virtual machines ready to run docker locally or on the cloud.

◎ drivers available:○ Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Digital

Ocean, Exoscale, Google Compute Engine,

Microsoft Hyper-V, OpenStack, Rackspace, IBM

Softlayer, Oracle VirtualBox, VMware vCloud Air,

VMware Fusion, VMware vSphere and Generic

Docker - Orchestration

◎ Docker Compose (Old FIG)

Docker - Orchestration

◎ Docker Compose (Old FIG)

Docker - Orchestration

◎ Docker Compose (Old FIG)

Docker - Orchestration

◎ Docker Compose (Old FIG) ○ Config file: docker-compose.yml○ Run: docker-compose up

Docker - Orchestration

◎ Docker Compose (Old FIG) ○ Config file: docker-compose.yml○ Run: docker-compose up

◎ Crane -○ Config file: crane.json or crane.yaml○ Run: crane lift

Docker - Orchestration

◎ Docker Compose (Old FIG) ○ Config file: docker-compose.yml○ Run: docker-compose up

◎ Crane -○ Config file: crane.json or crane.yaml○ Run: crane lift

◎ AZK -○ Config file: Azkfile.js○ Run: `azk agent start` and then `azk start`

Third Demo

Docker - Orchestration

◎ Docker Swarm○ Orchestrate docker hosts○ supports schedulers and node discovery services

Last Demo

Docker - Comming

◎ User namespaces

◎ Open Containers Initiative - by Linux Foundation:

Voucher: php_conf2015

Q&A Slides