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Case Study

Danielle Ward

National University

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Case Study Assignment

Part A. Read Case Study Assessment

B. Questions for Scenario 4: You must answer each question.Billy Changes needed if Billy is

also an English learner1a) Identify one instructional

strategy or student activity from the outline of plans that could be challenging for the student, considering the description of the student’s learning disability. Choose an actual instructional strategy related to the specific science content being taught, rather than getting along with others or improving behavior.

The student activity Billy may struggle with is, “Work on vocabulary list of related words and provide definitions.”

Changes to be made if Billy was also an English learner include providing Billy with visual representations of the words. Billy would also need to be paired with the teacher or peer-tutor that could guide him in reading the vocabulary, specifically breaking down the words by syllables

1b) Explain why the strategy or activity you chose could be challenging for the student, based on specific aspects of the student description.

Billy may struggle with student activity because he only reads at a second grade level while receiving assistance.

Billy ‘s limited knowledge and inability to read at his grade level would cause difficulty with this student activity. Additionally being and EL, having a language barrier would cause added difficulty.

1c) Describe how you would adapt the strategy or activity you identified to meet the needs of the student. Your strategy must be multisensory because those strategies are the most effective, and must be able to be done by the student independently, without help from anyone else (e.g. teacher, aide, peer, etc.), since assistance is not always available for every student with special needs, for every lesson, every day.

The multisensory activity I would develop would involve having the vocabulary words posted in the front of the classroom with an image that best represents the word. For example the vocabulary word precipitation would have a drawing of a raindrops. The vocabulary word and the definition would be below the image. I would read each word to the class and then give them a worksheet. The worksheet would have columns [similar to this assignments template]. The

The activity suggested to the left would be appropriate if Billy was also an English learner. One change I could make would be to use technology. Finding an online resource that explains the climate change due and the oceans influence. StudyJams by scholastic is a video I could have students watch 1-2 times. This video presents students with an explanation of the water cycle. I would give students their worksheet prior to watching the video, so they could use it as a guide.

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Billy Changes needed if Billy is also an English learner

first column would have the vocabulary word and students would need to circle the syllables with in the word. The next column is where students would need to draw a representation of the vocabulary word. The third column would have the definition of the word and students would be required to write how the word relates to the water cycle.

Video link: StudyJams:Water Cycle

Billy may also benefit from the video, as he enjoys watching television. Using student’s interests to engage them in the curriculum can increase their understanding and promote them to actively participate in the lesson.

1d) Explain how your adaptation would be effective for the student in making progress toward achieving the learning goal(s) of this unit.

This multisensory activity would be effective in guiding the student through a vocabulary and reading assignment. This vocabulary assignment uses images to help guide Billy identify the vocabulary words. The images, words and definitions on the board serve as examples and the worksheet is a guided practice in which Billy applies and tests his understanding of the vocabulary associated with the earth science lesson. The activity suggested appeals to all types of learners visual [seeing the image on board], auditory [hearing the teacher review terms prior to working on worksheet] and kinesthetic [filling out worksheet and drawing own image]. This activity/adaptation would be the first I would give in guiding students [Billy] toward objective

This multisensory activity and the Climate Kids video provides Billy as an EL student with additional explanation and visuals of the ocean and effects of the climate. Videos can be beneficial for EL students because they allow for the students to see or hear a story. In this instance the video allows for the student see an experiment, providing a visual representation in which the student can analyze. Watching the video with sub-titles may help the student make further connections between vocabulary words, pronunciation of such words and the meaning words. This activity/adaptation would be the first I would give in guiding students [Billy] toward objective 4.2. This activity ensures Billy’s understand of the

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Billy Changes needed if Billy is also an English learner

4.2. This activity ensures Billy’s understand of the hydrologic cycle. It also guides student toward a brief understanding of the goal of why water is important, how it is used, and where it is found.

hydrologic cycle. It also guides student toward a brief understanding of the goal of why water is important, how it is used, and where it is found.

2a) Identify one additional instructional strategy or student activity from the outline of plans that could be challenging for the student, considering the student’s other learning needs. Choose an actual instructional strategy related to the specific science content being taught, rather than getting along with others or improving behavior.

“Create a bar graph or pie chart using a data collection sheet to plot percentages, illustrating the Earth’s waters distribution. This activity will be started in class and then completed for homework, if necessary.”

Changes to be made if Billy was also an English learner would be including providing him with examples or assistive technology. He would also benefit from working with an aid.

2b) Explain why the strategy or activity you chose could be challenging for the student, based on specific aspects of the student description.

Due to Billy’s low math skills this activity may cause him to feel challenged. Additionally, this assignment does not primarily involve listening or watching the teacher. Based on Billy’s needs he may struggle with this assignment and need encouragement and guidance to complete this assignment successfully.

Due to Billy’s low math skills this activity may cause him to feel challenged. Additionally, this assignment does not primarily involve listening or watching the teacher. Based on Billy’s needs he may struggle with this assignment and need encouragement and guidance to complete this assignment successfully. As an EL student this assignment would challenge Billy because his limited math vocabulary and science vocabulary may make it difficult for him to produce a graph.

2c) Describe how you would adapt the strategy or activity you identified to meet the needs of the student. Your strategy must be multisensory because those strategies are the most effective, and

I would adapt this strategy by showing a video to the students before they begin the graphing part of the lesson. This video will give students who are not

If Billy is also an EL student I would adapt the same strategy in the column to left. The only change I would make would be providing students [and

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Billy Changes needed if Billy is also an English learner

must be able to be done by the student independently, without help from anyone else (e.g. teacher, aide, peer, etc.), since assistance is not always available for every student with special needs, for every lesson, every day.

familiar with bar graphs an understanding of how to create them and why they are used. The video can be found on (link) BrainPopjr . After showing the students the video, I would provide them with a labeled bar graph which does not have the data/bars inputted. I will give each student small tiles. The students will be instructed to use the tiles to make the bars on the paper. Once the students are confident in the data [represented by tiles] they will be instructed to remove the tiles and draw in the bars.

Billy] with an option between using the tiles and using assistive technology. The technology component would consist of a website in which students can make their bar graph online [with the assistance of technology] then students would be instructed to transfer the information from the graph made online to their worksheet. The Math Is Fun website is where students can generate a bar graph: Math Is Fun: Bar Graph Generator (link).

2d) Explain how your adaptation would be effective for the student in making progress toward achieving the learning goals(s) of this unit.

This adaptation would be effective in helping Billy and other students achieve the learning goal as it presents them with a visual and audio representation of how to create the bar graph and why we use bar graphs. The tiles on the worksheet present the students with a kinesthetic alternative and allow them to practice creating a bar graph before drawing on their paper. Students can touch, and move the tiles appropriately to represent the earth’s water distribution.

Technology is a great way to facilitate learning language and the use of the BrainPop explains the bar graph components/vocabulary in a visually appealing way. The additional alternative [using Math Is Fun] assists Billy [as an EL] in creating a bar graph. The website allows for him easily create a graph, as it helps him remain organized and not become overwhelmed with creating his own graph.

3a) What progress monitoring assessment would you choose to obtain evidence of the student’s progress toward a learning goal(s)? Your assessment strategy must be multisensory, and must be able to be

The assessment I would give to would consist of a worksheet in which student were asked to match vocabulary and definitions, write a short reflection on

The only change I would make from the assessment activity provided in the left column is reading each question to the entire class or having students work in

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Billy Changes needed if Billy is also an English learner

done by the student independently (vs. oral tests, conferences, etc.), since teachers are not always able to provide individualized assistance to every student with a disability, for every assessment, for every lesson, every day.

the sound differentiation they remember from the water demonstration, and then multiple choice questions based of the material presented in PowerPoint. I would instruct Billy [entire class] to complete this assignment in blue ink. After the students are finish or have completed as much as they know I would divide them in to groups, and prompt them to discuss their answers and discuss any questions they may have. I would ask students to make corrections or fill in answers in black ink when in their groups. After the groups have shared what they have learned they will be asked to create a song about the influence the ocean has on the weather.

partners before be dividing into groups.

3b) Give a rationale for your choice of assessment. Use your knowledge of academic content in this unit and this student’s learning needs in your rationale.

From the Billy’s description, I believe he could have an EBD learning disability. Often students with Emotional and Behavior disorders struggle with language and expression. Behavioral patterns can develop in response to inabilities to read, spell, talk or write effectively. Students with EBD and Speech/language disability benefit from cooperative learning groups, learning opportunities that are relevant to the students interests, and a positive

The same explanation is applicable if Billy was an EL. The only change made would be to read the worksheet with or to the class in order to help guide Billy and the class through what is being required.

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Billy Changes needed if Billy is also an English learner

working environment with others. With the type of assessment/activity, cooperative learning groups will allow/challenge Billy to work with others. Since this part of the assignment with is completed in Black ink I can asses how well Billy corrects his answers or collaboratively works with others. The song writing serves as another form of cooperative learning. I chose to have students write a song because many students, like Billy, enjoy music. Students with EBD and speech/language disabilities benefit from assignment in which they find interest and can used previously learned information. Since Billy is not good a written expression, group song writing will guide him to be organized in His writing and His peers can help him write. I will be able to asses what knowledge he has learned about how the ocean influence the weather by the information put forth in his/his groups song.

4a) Billy will be moving on to the middle school at the end of the school year. What will you do to include Billy in his transition meeting and to help him express appropriate self-determination and expression skills?

To help Billy, I would review his behavior of the past year. We would discuss what problem/difficulties he is still experiencing. I would also take time to look over the progress he has made and use that to encourage

Same transition applicable in this column (reference left column).

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Billy Changes needed if Billy is also an English learner

him as he transitions to middle school. I would include discussion on what social skills he has acquired at the elementary level and which ones he will need to work on in order to foster independence before his years in high-school. I would use the meeting time to give Billy feedback and positive re-enforcement as well as consult him to gain an understanding of what he feels his strengths and needs are. I would also discuss strategies that Billy can use to academically and strategy. I would ask the special education teacher and the school or community speech pathologists, along with other teachers to help me develop additional strategies from my own.

4b) What community agencies would you include/collaborate in planning for a successful transition for Billy?

School administrator, special education teacher, speech-language pathologist, current teachers, grandmother, and sixth grade teacher(s).

School administrator, special education teacher, speech-language pathologist, current teachers, grandmother, and sixth grade teacher(s).

`Part B. Case Study Summary

Using the chart below, the special education candidate will summarize the student’s needs as identified in the case study and recommend actions to be taken to improve student learning in the

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general education classroom.  The general education candidate will summarize the student’s needs as identified in the case study and recommend actions to be taken to improve student learning in the special education classroom.  Insert additional rows as needed.

Case Study Results – Student Needs

Recommended Interventions/Actions

Person Responsible (General Education

Teacher/Special Education Teacher)

Billy needs specially designed instruction. He is significantly delayed in academic learning.

Special education and general education teachers work together to modify curriculum.

Special education teacherGeneral education teacher

Billy can only read at a second grade level and has limited knowledge of sight words.

Billy works on intensive reading program with special education teacher daily. Billy will have a peer-tutor to help him read assignments in which the teacher is not available.

Special educationPeer tutor/aid

Billy is a reluctant worker who can be disrespectful. Billy needs encouragement. Billy needs organization.

Billy will sit in the front of the classroom so the teacher can provide encouragement and guidance. He will be provided with outlines to guide him through each lesson.

General education teacher

Billy struggles with pronunciation of words.

Billy will meet with a speech pathologist 1-2 times a week.

Speech pathologist

Billy struggles with disrespectful behavior and working effectively with other students.

Billy will participate in collaborative learning assignments. Billy will self-evaluate his behavior and have his evaluations reviewed and signed by the teacher.

General education teacher

Part C. Note to Grandma

Dear parent or guardian, I am writing to inform you about Billy, and the changes I intend to make in my instruction in order to meet his learning needs. Myself along with Billy’s special education teacher will be meeting bi-weekly to discuss the curriculum and my intended lesson plans. The special education teacher and I will be working together in order to make any necessary accommodations to the curriculum to assist Billy in the areas in which he struggles, but more

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specifically reading. I intend to facilitate an encouraging and constructive classroom environment for Billy. I have asked Billy to sit in the front of classroom so I can reinforce positive and respectful behavior and so I can be available, as he may need assistance with reading assignments and directions. I have also introduced Billy to a peer-tutor who will sit with him occasionally in order to assist his reading needs. Starting next week, I will be sending a home-to-school notebook home with Billy. This notebook will serve as a record of Billy’s daily activities and behavior. In the notebook I will tape that days self-evaluation completed by Billy. The self-evaluation is a personal evaluation of Billy’s behavior which he will complete daily. As this notebooks serves as a means of communication, I will write in it each day and I invite you to write in it as well. I ask that you signed it daily, as I will as well. Additionally, I would like to ask for your helping in encouraging and remind Billy to bring his glasses to school each day. If you would prefer, Billy is welcome to leave his glasses at school in my desk. Each day Billy shows responsible behavior by coming to class prepared with his home-to-school notebook and I glasses I will place a star sticker on his notebook. Once Billy receives twenty stickers I will give him a reward [such as bringing him his favorite thing to lunch. Ex: Pizza]. Lastly, I will be sending Billy home with a weekly reading packet that corresponds with the intensive reading program him and his special needs teacher work on daily. This reading will enhance Billy’s ability to identify sight words, pronounce words and increase his overall reading capabilities. I ask that if you have time in your schedule to assist Billy 10-15 minutes per night you do so, as his ability to read and his reading comprehension will improve. Please free to contact me if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions in which I further accommodate Billy’s learning needs. Thank you, Teacher

[I have written the letter as if Billy’s grandmother has already seen the case study summary]

Please review the Case Study Rubric for additional information.

References: Smith, T. E. (2012). Teaching Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Settings (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson.

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(4) Integrating/Innovative - The candidate provides clear, consistent, and convincing evidence demonstrating the competency or competencies. Candidate’s practices demonstrate a preponderance of appropriate, relevant, accurate, and clear or detailed evidence. The evidence is purposefully connected and reinforced across this TPE Domain.(3) Applying - The candidate provides clear evidence demonstrating the competency or competencies. Candidate’s practices demonstrate a preponderance of appropriate, relevant, or accurate evidence. Evidence is connected across this TPE Domain(2) Emerging - The candidate provides partial evidence demonstrating the competency or competencies. Candidate’s practices demonstrate a preponderance of minimal, limited, cursory, inconsistent, and/or ambiguous evidence. Evidence is weakly connected across this TPE Domain and may be inconsistent.(1) Beginning - The candidate provides little evidence demonstrating the competency or competencies. Candidate’s practices demonstrate a preponderance of inappropriate, irrelevant, inaccurate, or missing evidence. Evidence is unconnected across the TPE Domain.(0) Unacceptable – The candidate did not meet the assignment requirements.

Criteria & Scoring Integrating/Innovative4



Beginning 1


Identified one instructional strategy or student activity from the outline of plans that could be challenging for the student, considering the description of the student’s learning disability.

X .25

Clear, consistent, and convincing description of instructional strategy that could be challenging for the student considering the description of the student’s learning disability.

Clear description of instructional strategy that could be challenging for the student considering the description of the student’s learning disability.

Partial description of instructional strategy that could be challenging for the student considering the description of the student’s learning disability.

Little description of instructional strategy that could be challenging for the student considering the description of the student’s learning disability.

No description of instructional strategy that could be challenging for the student considering the description of the student’s learning disability.

Explained why the strategy could be challenging for the student, based on specific aspects of the student description.

X .25

Clear, consistent, and convincing explanation of why the strategy could be challenging for the student based on specific aspects of the student description.

Clear explanation of why the strategy could be challenging for the student based on specific aspects of the student description.

Partial explanation of why the strategy could be challenging for the student based on specific aspects of the student description.

Little explanation of why the strategy could be challenging for the student based on specific aspects of the student description.

No explanation of why the strategy could be challenging for the student based on specific aspects of the student description.

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Described how candidate would adapt the strategy or activity identified to meet the needs of the student.

X 1

Clear, consistent, and convincing description of adaptation strategy or activity identified to meet the needs of the student.

Clear description of adaptation strategy or activity identified to meet the needs of the student.

.Partial description of adaptation strategy or activity identified to meet the needs of the student.

Little description of adaptation strategy or activity identified to meet the needs of the student.

No description of adaptation strategy or activity identified to meet the needs of the student.

Explained how the adaptation would be effective for the student in making progress toward achieving the learning goal(s) of this unit.

X .25

Clear, consistent, and convincing explanation of how the adaptation would be effective for the student in making progress toward achieving the learning goal(s) of this unit.

Clear explanation of how the adaptation would be effective for the student in making progress toward achieving the learning goal(s) of this unit.

Partial explanation of how the adaptation would be effective for the student in making progress toward achieving the learning goal(s) of this unit.

Little explanation of how the adaptation would be effective for the student in making progress toward achieving the learning goal(s) of this unit.

No explanation of how the adaptation would be effective for the student in making progress toward achieving the learning goal(s) of this unit.

Identified one additional instructional strategy or student activity from the outline of plans that could be challenging for the student, considering the student’s other learning needs.

X .25

Clear, consistent, and convincing identification of an additional instructional strategy or student activity from the outline of plans that could be challenging for the student considering the student’s other learning needs.

Clear identification of an additional instructional strategy or student activity from the outline of plans that could be challenging for the student considering the student’s other learning needs.

Partial identification of an additional instructional strategy or student activity from the outline of plans that could be challenging for the student considering the student’s other learning needs.

Little identification of an additional instructional strategy or student activity from the outline of plans that could be challenging for the student considering the student’s other learning needs.

No identification of an additional instructional strategy or student activity from the outline of plans that could be challenging for the student considering the student’s other learning needs.

Explained why the strategy or activity could be challenging for thee student, based on specific aspects of the student description.

X .25

Clear, consistent, and convincing explanation of why the strategy or activity could be challenging for the student, based on specific aspects of the student description.

Clear explanation of why the strategy or activity could be challenging for the student, based on specific aspects of the student description.

Partial explanation of why the strategy or activity could be challenging for the student, based on specific aspects of the student description.

Little explanation of why the strategy or activity could be challenging for the student, based on specific aspects of the student description.

No explanation of why the strategy or activity could be challenging for the student, based on specific aspects of the student description.

Described how you would adapt the strategy or activity you chose could be challenging for the student, based on specific aspects of the student description.

X 1

Clear, consistent, and convincing description of how you would adapt the strategy or activity to be challenging for the student, based on specific aspects of the student description.

Clear description of how you would adapt the strategy or activity to be challenging for the student, based on specific aspects of the student description.

Partial description of how you would adapt the strategy or activity to be challenging for the student, based on specific aspects of the student description.

Little description of how you would adapt the strategy or activity to be challenging for the student, based on specific aspects of the student description.

No description of how you would adapt the strategy or activity to be challenging for the student, based on specific aspects of the student description.

Explained how your adaptation would be effective for the student in making progress toward achieving the learning goal(s) of this unit.

Clear, consistent, and convincing explanation of how your adaptation would be effective for the student in making progress toward achieving the learning

Clear explanation of how your adaptation would be effective for the student in making progress toward achieving the learning

Partial explanation of how your adaptation would be effective for the student in making progress toward

Little explanation of how your adaptation would be effective for the student in making progress toward

No explanation of how your adaptation would be effective for the student in making progress toward achieving the learning goal(s) of this unit.

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X .25goal(s) of this unit. goal(s) of this unit. achieving the learning

goal(s) of this unit.achieving the learning goal(s) of this unit.

Described the progress monitoring assessment that you chose to obtain evidence of the student’s progress toward a learning goal(s).

X .5

Clear, consistent, and convincing description of the progress monitoring assessment that you chose to obtain evidence of the student’s progress towards a learning goal.

Clear description of the progress monitoring assessment that you chose to obtain evidence of the student’s progress towards a learning goal.

Partial description of the progress monitoring assessment that you chose to obtain evidence of the student’s progress towards a learning goal.

Little description of the progress monitoring assessment that you chose to obtain evidence of the student’s progress towards a learning goal.

No description of the progress monitoring assessment that you chose to obtain evidence of the student’s progress towards a learning goal.

Gave rationale for your choice of assessment using your knowledge of academic content in this unit and this student’s learning needs in your rationale.

X .5

Clear, consistent, and convincing rational e for your choice of assessment using your knowledge of academic content in this unit and this student’s learning needs.

Clear rationale for your choice of assessment using your knowledge of academic content in this unit and this student’s learning needs.

Partial rationale for your choice of assessment using your knowledge of academic content in this unit and this student’s learning needs.

Little rationale for your choice of assessment using your knowledge of academic content in this unit and this student’s learning needs.

No rationale for your choice of assessment using your knowledge of academic content in this unit and this student’s learning needs.

Described how Billy would be included in his transition meeting and how he will be helped to express appropriate self-determination and expression skills.

X .5

Clear, consistent, and convincing rationale for how Billy would be included and strategies chosen to help him express appropriate self-determination and expression skills using your knowledge of Billy’s needs.

Clear rationale for how Billy would be included and strategies chosen to help him express appropriate self-determination and expression skills using your knowledge of Billy’s needs.

Partial rationale for how Billy would be included and strategies chosen to help him express appropriate self-determination and expression skills using your knowledge of Billy’s needs.

Little rationale for how Billy would be included and strategies chosen to help him express appropriate self-determination and expression skills using your knowledge of Billy’s needs.

No rationale for how Billy would be included and strategies chosen to help him express appropriate self-determination and expression skills using your knowledge of Billy’s needs.

Described appropriate community agencies with whom to collaborate and gave a rationale for choosing the agencies.

X .5

Clear, consistent, and convincing rationale for your choice of community agencies with which to collaborate and rationale for your choice using your knowledge of Billy’s needs.

Clear rationale for your choice of community agencies with which to collaborate and rationale for your choice using your knowledge of Billy’s needs.

Partial rationale for your choice of community agencies with which to collaborate and rationale for your choice using your knowledge of Billy’s needs.

Little rationale for your choice of community agencies with which to collaborate and rationale for your choice using your knowledge of Billy’s needs.

No rationale for your choice of community agencies with which to collaborate and rationale for your choice using your knowledge of Billy’s needs.

Case Study Summary included appropriate recommended interventions/actions to be taken.

X 1

Clear, consistent, and convincing rationale for your recommended interventions/actions using your knowledge of academic content in this unit and this student’s learning needs.

Clear rationale for your recommended interventions/actions using your knowledge of academic content in this unit and this student’s learning needs.

Partial rationale for your recommended interventions/actions using your knowledge of academic content in this unit and this student’s learning needs.

Little rationale for your recommended interventions/actions using your knowledge of academic content in this unit and this student’s learning needs.

No rationale for your recommended interventions/actions using your knowledge of academic content in this unit and this student’s learning needs.

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Letter to Billy’s grandmother described differentiation strate-gies to be used, referenced use of glasses, and suggestions for helping Billy at home.

X  1

Clear, consistent, and convincing rationale for your choice of differentiation strategies and suggestions for helping Billy at home using your knowledge of academic content in this unit and this student’s learning needs.  Use of glasses is included.

Clear rationale for your choice of differentiation strategies and suggestions for helping Billy at home using your knowledge of academic content in this unit and this student’s learning needs.  Use of glasses is included.

Partial rationale for your choice of differentiation strategies and suggestions for helping Billy at home using your knowledge of academic content in this unit and this student’s learning needs.  Use of glasses is not included.

Little rationale for your choice of differentiation strategies and suggestions for helping Billy at home using your knowledge of academic content in this unit and this student’s learning needs.  Use of glasses is not included.

No rationale for your choice of differentiation strategies and suggestions for helping Billy at home using your knowledge of academic content in this unit and this student’s learning needs.  Use of glasses is not included.

Organization Mechanics and Grammar

X .5

Very well organized, good development of ideas, strong sentences and varied transitions. Flawless spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.

Logical paragraph order, clear and functional transitions, good development of ideas. Few spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.

Topics and ideas discussed somewhat randomly. Writing lacks clearly defined organization, Ineffective paragraph orders. Some careless spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Writing is unstructured. Inconsistent paragraph order. Sentence fragments and/or run-on sentences. Many spelling grammar, and punctuation errors.

Unacceptable organization, mechanics or grammar.

Total Score: ________/32 Points