do your marion co

I PIGE FOUR OCALA EVENING STAR FRIDAY DECEMBER 4 1908 Do Yon Open Your youth Like a young bird and gulp down what ¬ ever food or medicino may be offered you 1 Or do you want to know something of the composition and character of that which you take into your stomach whether u food or medicine Most intelligent and sensible peopl nowadays insist on knowing what they employ whether as food or as medicine- Dr Pierce believes they have a perfect right to insist upon such knowledge So he publIshe3CQadcast and on each bottle- wr er w hatju3m < 44icines are made of anaWfcjyfiesJtjmIueT 4Ui > This he feels- hg can wc LfltTord to do secs tip themgredipntsQf fWiilch hi medicines are made are studied and tinder the more will heir superior curs eve virtues bca fuip or the cure of womans peculiar weak- nesses ¬ irregularities and derangements giving rise to frequent headaches back ¬ ache dragging down pain or distress it lower abdominal or pelvic region accom- panied ¬ ofttime 5 with a debilitating pelvic catarrhal drain and kindred symp- toms of weakness Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription is a most efficient remed it is equally effective in curing painful periods in giving strength to nursing mothers and in preparing the system of the expectant mother for babys coming thus rendering childbirth safe and com- paratively ¬ painless The Favorite Pre ¬ scription is a most potent strengthening to the general system and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular- It is also a soothing and invigorating nervine and cures nervous exhaustion nervous prostration neuralgia hysteria spasms chorea or St Vitus dance and other distressing nervous symptoms at- tendant upon functional and organic dis- eases ¬ of the distinctly feminine organs- A host of medical authorities of all the several schools of recommend- each of the several ingredients of which Favorite Prescription is made for the cure of the diseases for which it is claimed- to be a cure You read what they say for yourself by sending a postal card request for a free booklet of extracts from the leading authorities to Dr R V Pierce Invalids Hotel and Surgical In- stitute ¬ Buffalo NY and it will cows to you by return p- ostSave Money O- NSchool Supplies 300 page pencil tablets 4c 400 page pencil tablets 5c 124 page ink tablets 40 120 page bond tablets Qc Standard makes of lead pencils 3C A good lead pencil for 1 c- All of the above are of the best quality and it will only take a look from you to convince you that you can buy the same for less J AT The Variety StoreHO- RSES V AND MULES FOR SALE We have at all times at our barns on West Broadway a lot of choice horses and mules good reliable all purpose stock which we buy ourselves and ship down from the middle and western markets If you need a horse for driving a saddle horse a farm horse or mule or if you are in the market for a number of horses and mules for any use call on us Wo absolutely guarantee all stock sold and can give you the benefit of the very closest prices We also carry in stock large quantities of oats and hay at the lowest market price 1 Respectfully- A B DEMENT CO Ocala Fla NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given to all cred ¬ itors distributees and all other per ¬ sons having claims against the estate- of Thomas J Owen deceased to pre- sent ¬ the same to the undersigned within one year from this date Dated Ocala Florida October 6th 1906 R E Yonge- As Administrator of the Estate of Thomas J Owen Deceased IOLmIlONEYAlmTAR t Colin prorats Ptacgaoala SPLENDID SMALL FARM OF TWENTYFIVE ACRES Within One Mile of Courthouse Ocala Fla for Sale at a Bargain Twentyfive acres best hammock land on the lime kiln spur which af ¬ fords shipping over the S A L and- A C L railroads One good sixroom cottage with driven or bored well 75 feet deep affording an abundance of splendid soft water 2 good horses 2 wagons and harness 2 Jersey cows and calves 1 Jersey bull and I heifer 150 fine barred rock hens and pullets 1 new riding cultivator 1 new twohorse turning plow 1 disc harrow 1 hay rake 1 hay press and 1 shovel drag and 1 single cultivator 2 acres of oats growing nicely and the same of rye Small cane patch good fowl house and chicken runs I good barn cow sheds and stables some hundred budded pecans fine variety in grove form and growing nicely I would like- to show you this property at once 1130 F W DITTO Ocala Fla LAKE WEIR UNION W C T U At the suggestion of the Union the South Lake Weir Union Sunday school united with the Weirsdale school last Sunday in the observance of Temperance Sunday After a short session of the schools during which the regular lesson of the Inter ¬ national Series on Temperance was considered an interesting program- was carried out instead of the regular service It was conducted by the pastor Rev E G McKinley who gave an address full of good sug ¬ gestions and facts Mrs J F Sig mon superintendent of the Sunday school department of the W C T U gave an address and was followed by Miss Margaret Snook Miss Simpson- and Errol Reed with recitations Rev Lawrence Jones also gave a stirring address characterized by his usual vim and vigor Pledge cards were passed around and numerous signa- tures ¬ secured A large amount of temperance literature was distributed- A very gratifying sum was collected- to be used in the furtherance of the temperance cause Beautiful flowers and the banner won by the Lake Weir Union at the recent state con- vention ¬ in Ocala helped to adorn the church and give pleasure to the large audience present Appropriate songs mostly from the W C T U collec ¬ tion were sung the music being un ¬ der the charge of the organist Mrs Buckley Mrs E S Upham Press Cor W C T U WHERE BULLETS FLEW David Parker of Fayette N Y a veteran of the civil war who lost a foot at Gettysburg says The good Electric BlUe if have done is worth more than five hundred dollars to me- I spent muc rn e 1 doctoring for a bad case of jstomafcb trouble to little purpose I en m Electric Bitters and they cur U4tie I now take them- as a tonic and they keep me strong and well 50c at all drug stores SOUTH LAKE WEIR- Mr Harry C GroiT has had a neat little cottage built on his lot the for ¬ mer Cilley place Mr Columbus Perry and wife and children and Mrs Walter Brinson from Oxford were visitors in town on Thanksgiving day Mr and Mrs T W Brown and son Noble of Webster visited their rela- tives ¬ Mr and Mrs C E Brown at this place several days the past week Mrs E A Ricker spent Thanks ¬ giving in Jacksonville with her son Ernest returning home on Sunday Mrs C S Gates was the guest of Capt and Mrs George Russell of Lake Weir Saturday and Sunday She went to attend the observance of the golden wedding of the genial Captain- and his wife and reports a most en ¬ joyable time Miss Minnie Moshier arrived from Enfield Conn in season to spend Thanksgiving with her parents Mr and Mrs E A Moshier The Misses Carnahan have received- a tine upright piano from home Turney Reed is laid up with an abscess on one of his legs at a point where it was broken a few years ago Much interest is being manifested r in the Associated Press dispatch of Nov 27th stating that that grandest- of men President Roosevelt had sign ¬ ed a proclamation creating the Ocala National Forest of 201480 acres Wont the Ocala papers please give us the location of and particulars in re ¬ gard to this fine plum which has fall ¬ en into the lap of Marion county CHRISTMAS IS COMING Nothing is more acceptable than a good box of Lake Weir fruit We at ¬ tend to the shipment for you and can fill a limited number of orders at the following prices all selected fruit Oranges per box 250 Grapefruit per box 350 Vj grapefruit and 16 oranges 300 Mail your orders to WOODMAR NURSERY CO Eastlake Fia or P O Box 957 Ocala Fla FAIRFIELDS THANKSGIVING- The young people of Fairfield had- a most magnificent Thanksgiving in the way of baked turkey and other edibles The night after Thanksgiv- ing ¬ they were all invited o a banquet- at Mr and Mrs R H Scotts Among those invited were Mr and Mrs M Tate Misses Bessie Carter Edna Ga ¬ trell Della Smith Alice Yongue and t Messrs N Simpson Whorton Yon ¬ gue A J McLaughlin and Professor- B B Johnson The supper was very elaborate and everybody enjoyed the evening immensely- On Saturday a crowd consisting of Marion Hardware Co OCALA FLORIDA CARRY AT ALL TIMES A COMPLETE STOCK OF Doors Paints Builders Hardware f Sash Oils Farm Implements Blinds Varnishes Carpenters Tools I Saw Mill Phosphate and Turpentine SuppliesG- uns Revolvers Ammunition Leggings Hunting Coats Gun Cases State agents for and carry in stock Implements and Gasolene Engines of the International Harvester Company American and Elwood Field Fence H n B CLARKSON General Manager 4 Misses Bessie Carter Edna Gatrell Alice Yongue Della Smith Messrs Whorton Yongue A J McLaughlin W Simpson and Prof B B Johnson- all crowded into a big wagon and drove out to the Stuart place which- is now being prepared for a big watermelon crop by Messrs Carter McLaughlin Tongue The young people reached their destination about 12 oclock and the young men of the ranch Messrs Whorton Yongue and- A J McLaughlin invited them to par ¬ take of a most bounteous feast pre ¬ pared in advance for them After their appetites were well satisfied they started for their hunt and great was the fun wading through sand spurs and climbing rail fences Mes ¬ srs McLaughlin and Yongue killed quite a x number of birds Professor Johnson killed one quail while Mr W Simpson distinguished himself by kiting a woodpecker by mistake for a robin When the day ended they started on their return to Fairfield by moonlight During their trip home Professor Johnson amused the crowd with a box shell turtle which he had in a bag All of the girls declared it wouldnt bite while the professor de ¬ clared it would and invited them to put their hands in the bag to prove the statement The girls one after another put their hands in then sud ¬ denly turned red in the face and tried- to withdraw their hands Ask the professor what was the matter Af ¬ ter they reached home they all con ¬ gregated at the home of Mr and Mrs birds killed on the hunt While the stew was crooking some amused themselves with a game of whist while the others danced Thus they whiled away the evening unti 1 o late hour When leaving they all ex ¬ pressed themselves as having a very thankful Thanksgiving of several days instead of one DONT BE HOPELESS About yourself when ou are crippled- with rheumatism ot sliff joints of course youve triecr lots of things and they failed Try Bamjs Snow Lini ¬ mentit will drive yvay all aches pains and stiffness nd leave you as well as you ever were Sold by the AntiMonopoly Drugstore- For some time the Ocala News Co has been trying to get a good view of the courthouse and now it has suc ¬ ceeded in getting one The view is the latest thing in that line WILLIAMS KIDNEY PILLS Have you neglected your kidneys Have you overworked your nervous system and caused trouble with your kidneys and bladder Have you pains- in loins side back groins arid blad ¬ der Have you a flabby appearance- of the face especially under the eyes Too frequent a desire to pass urine If so Williams Kidney Pills will cure you Sold by the AntiZ onopoly Drugstore MAYORS PROCLAMATION- By virtue of the authority vested in me by law and the ordinances of the city of Ocala I hereoy appoint the following persons to serve as clerks and inspectors of the city election of Ocala to be held December 8th 190S for the election of mayor and one al ¬ derman from each ward numbers 1 2 3 and 4 Ward 1W L Ditto W C Jef ¬ fords C H Mathews inspectors and- S F Savage clerk Voting placeJ- D Robertsons Automobile House Ward 2L F ti Ballard J S Leach- H H Whetstone Inspectors and D A Miller clerk Voting placeliCit HallWard 3E L Freyermuth A J Brigance Joseph Shuford inspectors- and J A Pittman clerk Voting place Lafayette Building Ward 4R C Loveridge F W Kunze E W Kraybill inspectors and- I W Ogle clerk Voting placeD J Carrolls Store Witness by signature and official seal of Ocala this the 3rd day of No- vember ¬ A D 190S G A Nash Seal Mayor r FOUR FOR ONEG- ET TWICE THE LIGHT FOR ONEHALF THE COST BY USING TUNGSTON LIGHTSG- ET THEM AT Tl H W TUCKERSEl- ectrical Supply House- D I E MciVER GEORGE MacKAY d MciVER MacKAYDEA- LERS 1 I- NFURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODSFur- niture Stoves China Crockery Lamps Rags Carpets Mao tings Linoleums Blankets Comforts Table and Bed Linen Pictures Portiere acd Lace Curtains HARNESS SADDLES TRUNKS SUIT CASES AND SATCHELS S BUILDING MATERIAL- OILS LIME SEWER AND FLUE PIPE LATH SHINGLES AND CEMENT WAGONS CARRIAGES BUGGIES UNDERTAKERS GOODS CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERSC- ALL ON OR WRITE US FOR PRICES Melver MacKayOCA- LA FLORIDA Nominating BlankS- tars Double Piano Contest This coupon when properly filled out entitles M OF i- To 1000 votes and places her in nomination in the Stars Free Piano Voting Contest This blank will only be counted once for each contestant A 1

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Page 1: Do Your Marion Co


Do Yon Open Your youthLike a young bird and gulp down what¬

ever food or medicino may be offered you 1

Or do you want to know something of thecomposition and character of that whichyou take into your stomach whether ufood or medicine

Most intelligent and sensible peoplnowadays insist on knowing what theyemploy whether as food or as medicine-Dr Pierce believes they have a perfectright to insist upon such knowledge So hepublIshe3CQadcast and on each bottle-wr er w hatju3m <44icines are made ofanaWfcjyfiesJtjmIueT 4Ui> This he feels-hg can wc LfltTord to do secstipthemgredipntsQf fWiilch hi medicinesare made are studied and tinder themore will heir superior curs eve virtuesbca fuip

or the cure of womans peculiar weak-nesses


irregularities and derangementsgiving rise to frequent headaches back ¬

ache dragging down pain or distress itlower abdominal or pelvic region accom-panied


ofttime 5 with a debilitatingpelvic catarrhal drain and kindred symp-toms of weakness Dr Pierces FavoritePrescription is a most efficient remedit is equally effective in curing painfulperiods in giving strength to nursingmothers and in preparing the system ofthe expectant mother for babys comingthus rendering childbirth safe and com-paratively


painless The Favorite Pre ¬

scription is a most potent strengtheningto the general system and to the

organs distinctly feminine in particular-It is also a soothing and invigoratingnervine and cures nervous exhaustionnervous prostration neuralgia hysteriaspasms chorea or St Vitus dance andother distressing nervous symptoms at-tendant upon functional and organic dis-eases


of the distinctly feminine organs-A host of medical authorities of all the

several schools of recommend-each of the several ingredients of whichFavorite Prescription is made for the

cure of the diseases for which it is claimed-to be a cure You read what theysay for yourself by sending a postal cardrequest for a free booklet of extractsfrom the leading authorities to Dr R VPierce Invalids Hotel and Surgical In-stitute


Buffalo NY and it will cows toyou by return p-

ostSave MoneyO-


Supplies300 page pencil tablets 4c400 page pencil tablets 5c124 page ink tablets 40120 page bond tablets QcStandard makes of lead

pencils 3CA good lead pencil for 1 c-

All of the above are of the bestquality and it will only take a lookfrom you to convince you that you canbuy the same for less



The VarietyStoreHO-




We have at all times at our barnson West Broadway a lot of choicehorses and mules good reliable allpurpose stock which we buy ourselvesand ship down from the middle andwestern markets If you need a horsefor driving a saddle horse a farmhorse or mule or if you are in themarket for a number of horses andmules for any use call on us Woabsolutely guarantee all stock sold andcan give you the benefit of the veryclosest prices We also carry in stocklarge quantities of oats and hay at thelowest market price

1 Respectfully-A B DEMENT CO Ocala Fla


Notice is hereby given to all cred ¬

itors distributees and all other per ¬

sons having claims against the estate-of Thomas J Owen deceased to pre-sent


the same to the undersignedwithin one year from this date

Dated Ocala Florida October 6th1906 R E Yonge-As Administrator of the Estate of

Thomas J Owen Deceased

IOLmIlONEYAlmTARt Colin prorats Ptacgaoala


Within One Mile of Courthouse OcalaFla for Sale at a Bargain

Twentyfive acres best hammockland on the lime kiln spur which af ¬

fords shipping over the S A L and-A C L railroads One good sixroomcottage with driven or bored well 75feet deep affording an abundance ofsplendid soft water 2 good horses 2wagons and harness 2 Jersey cows andcalves 1 Jersey bull and I heifer 150fine barred rock hens and pullets 1

new riding cultivator 1 new twohorseturning plow 1 disc harrow 1 hayrake 1 hay press and 1 shovel dragand 1 single cultivator 2 acres ofoats growing nicely and the same ofrye Small cane patch good fowlhouse and chicken runs I good barncow sheds and stables some hundredbudded pecans fine variety in groveform and growing nicely I would like-to show you this property at once

1130 F W DITTO Ocala Fla


At the suggestion of the Union theSouth Lake Weir Union Sundayschool united with the Weirsdaleschool last Sunday in the observanceof Temperance Sunday After ashort session of the schools duringwhich the regular lesson of the Inter ¬

national Series on Temperance wasconsidered an interesting program-was carried out instead of the regularservice It was conducted by thepastor Rev E G McKinley whogave an address full of good sug ¬

gestions and facts Mrs J F Sigmon superintendent of the Sundayschool department of the W C T Ugave an address and was followed byMiss Margaret Snook Miss Simpson-and Errol Reed with recitations RevLawrence Jones also gave a stirringaddress characterized by his usualvim and vigor Pledge cards werepassed around and numerous signa-tures


secured A large amount oftemperance literature was distributed-A very gratifying sum was collected-to be used in the furtherance of thetemperance cause Beautiful flowersand the banner won by the LakeWeir Union at the recent state con-vention


in Ocala helped to adorn thechurch and give pleasure to the largeaudience present Appropriate songsmostly from the W C T U collec ¬

tion were sung the music being un ¬

der the charge of the organist MrsBuckley Mrs E S Upham

Press Cor W C T U


David Parker of Fayette N Y aveteran of the civil war who lost afoot at Gettysburg says The goodElectric BlUe if have done is worthmore than five hundred dollars to me-I spent muc rn e 1 doctoring for abad case of jstomafcb trouble to littlepurpose I en m Electric Bittersand they cur U4tie I now take them-as a tonic and they keep me strongand well 50c at all drug stores


Mr Harry C GroiT has had a neatlittle cottage built on his lot the for¬

mer Cilley placeMr Columbus Perry and wife and

children and Mrs Walter Brinsonfrom Oxford were visitors in town onThanksgiving day

Mr and Mrs T W Brown and sonNoble of Webster visited their rela-tives


Mr and Mrs C E Brown atthis place several days the past week

Mrs E A Ricker spent Thanks ¬

giving in Jacksonville with her sonErnest returning home on Sunday

Mrs C S Gates was the guest ofCapt and Mrs George Russell ofLake Weir Saturday and Sunday Shewent to attend the observance of thegolden wedding of the genial Captain-and his wife and reports a most en ¬

joyable timeMiss Minnie Moshier arrived from

Enfield Conn in season to spendThanksgiving with her parents Mrand Mrs E A Moshier

The Misses Carnahan have received-a tine upright piano from home

Turney Reed is laid up with anabscess on one of his legs at a pointwhere it was broken a few years ago

Much interest is being manifestedrin the Associated Press dispatch ofNov 27th stating that that grandest-of men President Roosevelt had sign ¬

ed a proclamation creating the OcalaNational Forest of 201480 acresWont the Ocala papers please give usthe location of and particulars in re ¬

gard to this fine plum which has fall ¬

en into the lap of Marion county

CHRISTMAS IS COMINGNothing is more acceptable than a

good box of Lake Weir fruit We at ¬

tend to the shipment for you and canfill a limited number of orders at thefollowing prices all selected fruit

Oranges per box 250Grapefruit per box 350Vj grapefruit and 16 oranges 300Mail your orders to WOODMAR

NURSERY CO Eastlake Fia orP O Box 957 Ocala Fla

FAIRFIELDS THANKSGIVING-The young people of Fairfield had-

a most magnificent Thanksgiving inthe way of baked turkey and otheredibles The night after Thanksgiv-ing


they were all invited o a banquet-at Mr and Mrs R H Scotts Amongthose invited were Mr and Mrs MTate Misses Bessie Carter Edna Ga ¬

trell Della Smith Alice Yongue andt Messrs N Simpson Whorton Yon ¬

gue A J McLaughlin and Professor-B B Johnson The supper was veryelaborate and everybody enjoyed theevening immensely-

On Saturday a crowd consisting of

Marion Hardware CoOCALA FLORIDA


Doors Paints Builders Hardwaref Sash Oils Farm Implements

Blinds Varnishes Carpenters ToolsI

Saw Mill Phosphate and Turpentine SuppliesG-

uns Revolvers Ammunition Leggings Hunting Coats Gun Cases

State agents for and carry in stock Implementsand Gasolene Engines of the International HarvesterCompany

American and Elwood Field FenceH


B CLARKSON General Manager 4Misses Bessie Carter Edna GatrellAlice Yongue Della Smith MessrsWhorton Yongue A J McLaughlinW Simpson and Prof B B Johnson-all crowded into a big wagon anddrove out to the Stuart place which-is now being prepared for a bigwatermelon crop by Messrs CarterMcLaughlin Tongue The youngpeople reached their destination about12 oclock and the young men of theranch Messrs Whorton Yongue and-A J McLaughlin invited them to par ¬

take of a most bounteous feast pre ¬

pared in advance for them Aftertheir appetites were well satisfiedthey started for their hunt and greatwas the fun wading through sandspurs and climbing rail fences Mes ¬

srs McLaughlin and Yongue killedquite a x

number of birds ProfessorJohnson killed one quail while MrW Simpson distinguished himself bykiting a woodpecker by mistake for arobin When the day ended theystarted on their return to Fairfield bymoonlight During their trip homeProfessor Johnson amused the crowdwith a box shell turtle which he hadin a bag All of the girls declared itwouldnt bite while the professor de ¬

clared it would and invited them toput their hands in the bag to provethe statement The girls one afteranother put their hands in then sud ¬

denly turned red in the face and tried-to withdraw their hands Ask theprofessor what was the matter Af ¬

ter they reached home they all con ¬

gregated at the home of Mr and Mrsbirds killed on the hunt While thestew was crooking some amusedthemselves with a game of whistwhile the others danced Thus theywhiled away the evening unti 1 olate hour When leaving they all ex ¬

pressed themselves as having a verythankful Thanksgiving of severaldays instead of one

DONT BE HOPELESSAbout yourself when ou are crippled-with rheumatism ot sliff joints ofcourse youve triecr lots of things andthey failed Try Bamjs Snow Lini ¬

mentit will drive yvay all achespains and stiffness nd leave you aswell as you ever were Sold by theAntiMonopoly Drugstore-

For some time the Ocala News Cohas been trying to get a good view ofthe courthouse and now it has suc ¬

ceeded in getting one The view isthe latest thing in that line

WILLIAMS KIDNEY PILLSHave you neglected your kidneys

Have you overworked your nervoussystem and caused trouble with yourkidneys and bladder Have you pains-in loins side back groins arid blad ¬

der Have you a flabby appearance-of the face especially under the eyesToo frequent a desire to pass urineIf so Williams Kidney Pills will cureyou Sold by the AntiZ onopolyDrugstore


By virtue of the authority vested inme by law and the ordinances of thecity of Ocala I hereoy appoint thefollowing persons to serve as clerksand inspectors of the city election ofOcala to be held December 8th 190Sfor the election of mayor and one al ¬

derman from each ward numbers 1

2 3 and 4

Ward 1W L Ditto W C Jef ¬

fords C H Mathews inspectors and-S F Savage clerk Voting placeJ-D Robertsons Automobile House

Ward 2L F ti Ballard J S Leach-H H Whetstone Inspectors and DA Miller clerk Voting placeliCitHallWard 3E L Freyermuth A JBrigance Joseph Shuford inspectors-and J A Pittman clerk Voting place

Lafayette BuildingWard 4R C Loveridge F W

Kunze E W Kraybill inspectors and-I W Ogle clerk Voting placeD JCarrolls Store

Witness by signature and officialseal of Ocala this the 3rd day of No-vember


A D 190S G A NashSeal Mayor







ectrical Supply House-









niture Stoves China Crockery Lamps Rags Carpets Mao

tings Linoleums Blankets Comforts Table and BedLinen Pictures Portiere acd Lace Curtains







Melver MacKayOCA-


Nominating BlankS-tars Double Piano Contest

This coupon when properly filled out entitles



To 1000 votes and places her in nomination inthe Stars Free Piano Voting Contest

This blank will only be counted once for each contestant