do you want to weight loss, easy and fast?

Do you want to weight loss, easy and fast? Natural weight loss and to make a god health We are the solutions’ for all yours families; Digestive health Bones health Women and men health Child health Proteins for athletes Stress nutrition Place call now Natur – Life at this phone 1-888-866-4744 Viviana Morales

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English Works


Page 1: Do You Want to Weight Loss, Easy and Fast?

Do you want to weight loss, easy and fast?

Natural weight loss and to make a god health

We are the solutions’ for all yours families;

Digestive health Bones health Women and men health Child health Proteins for athletes Stress nutrition

Place call nowNatur – Life at this phone


Viviana Morales

Page 2: Do You Want to Weight Loss, Easy and Fast?

Viviana Morales

Page 3: Do You Want to Weight Loss, Easy and Fast?

Viviana Morales

Page 4: Do You Want to Weight Loss, Easy and Fast?

I. Alternative Lifestyles1. Which alternative lifestyles are mentioned in the text?

Three are the alternative lifestyles mentioned in the text.

2. What does each of them mean? Living together – choose living together without

marrying. Staying single – live alone. Communal living – communes , the members share their

possessins and skills in order to be independent.3. What are two reason for staying singles?

One reason for staying singles is that they have not met the right person.

Secound reason for staying singles is that the marriage involves too much commitment and responsibility.

4. What do people do in communal living? They are people with similar ideas and interests; that

member share their possessions and skills to be independent.

5. Which are the different types of marriages? Monogamy – one wife and one husband. Polygamy – A person has more than one spouse. Serial Monogamy – A person was , married divorced ,

and remarried a number of times.I. How common do you think these living arrangements are in the

United States? I think that in United States you will be living in different

lifestyles, because in the place the poblation is too much and maby is more possible lives in that’s manners.

II. Look at the phrases from the text below. Write down at least one other word you know that is related to the underlined word.

In order to be independent. depend

Formal wedding ceremony. legally

There are two important sociological reasons. sociality

Share similar ideals. ideal

Of mainstream society. main

Is sometime called serial monogamy. series

Chapter 1 Marriage , Family , and the HomeChapter 1 Marriage , Family , and the Home


Viviana Morales

Page 5: Do You Want to Weight Loss, Easy and Fast?

August, 24 2009August, 24 2009


1.1. Who are the members of a traditional family?Who are the members of a traditional family? The members of a traditional family are two parent’s The members of a traditional family are two parent’s

and the children.and the children.Who worked outside?Who worked outside?

The Father work outside.The Father work outside.

Who had to work at home?Who had to work at home?

The Mother work at home.The Mother work at home.

Is this type of family common today?Is this type of family common today?

This is not the type of the family common today.This is not the type of the family common today.2.2. What has there been an increase of recently in the United States?What has there been an increase of recently in the United States?

Recently in United States, there has been an increase in Recently in United States, there has been an increase in the numbers of married women who work outside the the numbers of married women who work outside the home.home.

What is a positive result of this?What is a positive result of this?

The positive result is the increase family income.The positive result is the increase family income.

Which couples are usually happy in their marriages?Which couples are usually happy in their marriages?

The couples are usually happy in the marriages when The couples are usually happy in the marriages when the husbands fully support their wives employment by the husbands fully support their wives employment by doing their share of cleaning and child care.doing their share of cleaning and child care.

3.3. Which couples have conflict in the marriages?Which couples have conflict in the marriages? Is frequently conflict, where husbands expect their wivesIs frequently conflict, where husbands expect their wives

to do all the house work as well as their do all the house work as well as their jobs.

4.4. What kind of family have increased because of divorce?What kind of family have increased because of divorce? The single parent families in increase because ofThe single parent families in increase because of

divorce.divorce.Who are the head of this type of family?Who are the head of this type of family?

The head of this type of family is the women.The head of this type of family is the women.5.5. Below what level do most of these families live?Below what level do most of these families live?

The most of these families live below or near the povertyThe most of these families live below or near the poverty level.level.

What is another factor in the rise of single parent families?What is another factor in the rise of single parent families?

Viviana Morales

Page 6: Do You Want to Weight Loss, Easy and Fast?

Another factor in the rise of singles parent families areAnother factor in the rise of singles parent families are low income and poor living conditions.low income and poor living conditions.

6.6. What other type of family have increased because of the high rate ofWhat other type of family have increased because of the high rate of divorces?divorces?

Another type of family have increased because ofAnother type of family have increased because of divorces is step-families.divorces is step-families.

7.7. In what does the happiness of these families depend on?In what does the happiness of these families depend on? The happiness of step-families on how well theThe happiness of step-families on how well the

stepfather gets a long with the children.stepfather gets a long with the children.8.8. With who do stepfathers have more problems?With who do stepfathers have more problems?

The stepfather has more problems with teenagers.The stepfather has more problems with teenagers.Why do most of these second marriages fail?Why do most of these second marriages fail?

The most of these second marriages fail is about theThe most of these second marriages fail is about the conflict with stepchildren. conflict with stepchildren.


Re-read the introductory paragraph (par.1) and headings of “The Family Today.” Read Re-read the introductory paragraph (par.1) and headings of “The Family Today.” Read sentences a-d below. The choose the sentence that best states the main idea of the sentences a-d below. The choose the sentence that best states the main idea of the text.text.

a.a. In the United States, the number of traditional family units is decreasing and In the United States, the number of traditional family units is decreasing and new forms of family units are becoming more forms of family units are becoming more common.


1.1. Find these words in the text. Decide which strategies to use for each word,Find these words in the text. Decide which strategies to use for each word, and write a brief definition next to each one.and write a brief definition next to each one.

Viviana Morales

Page 7: Do You Want to Weight Loss, Easy and Fast?


Significantly Significantly a lot . a lot .

Conflict Conflict problem, disadvantage .problem, disadvantage .

Households Households stay in home with child care.stay in home with child care.

Poverty Poverty low income and poor living conditionlow income and poor living condition . .

Custody Custody care and guardianshipcare and guardianship . .

Discipline Discipline education, conduct, conduct values.

October, 6 2009

Describe a commercial that you enjoy watching on TV. What is its message? How does it convince people to

buy the product?

I want to describe the Cariba’s Commercial. This commercial it’s very funny and really true. It present an old man saying to a young man. “This is the most beautiful banana that I harvest. The young man not

Viviana Morales

Page 8: Do You Want to Weight Loss, Easy and Fast?

responding eating a Cariba’s Snack of banana. And old man finished to saying “Insensible”.

I like very much this commercial, because present to reality. To harvest this product it’s very hard, to

dedicate time, all day, every day and at the end for a few cents somebody buy the products. This person ignorance what kind of hard work was the old man.

This commercial it very convincing to buy the product because it’s true. Nobody knows what happened

where was harvest and who was the man that harvested.

I am Viviana Morales I want to talk with you about My Family.

My Family are seven members, there are my father and mother, three brothers, my sister and me.

My parents are lovely comphrensive and good worker ; very sensitive. My Mother works in Baxter lab. and my Father work in

Ponce of Security Guard.

My three brothers , one work in Baxter the other one work in Jayuya Municipalities on operator of heavy equipment and the

last is work in construction. My sister is a housewife.

Viviana Morales

Page 9: Do You Want to Weight Loss, Easy and Fast?



November 4, 2009.

Interview with Tony Hawk

Tony Hawk said that his obsession with skateboarding helped him to block some of the pain of growing up. What do you think opinion, is this a good point or a bad point? Explain you answer in the space below. The share your ideas with a classmate.

I think that’s a good point, because choice the extreme sport. Maybe other person choice a bad way by the

drugs or a criminal.

Viviana Morales

Page 10: Do You Want to Weight Loss, Easy and Fast?

High School Star Hospitalized for Eating Disorder

4 Focus on Writing

A. Style: Writing a Factual Report

Exercise 3

Now use the underlined information to write a short paragraph with the important facts from the article. Share your paragraph with a classmate.

Sierra High school gymnast Ashley Lindermann was hospitalized Tuesday for complications

related to anorexia nervosa. High School counselor Lisa Rodriguez has expressed concern that Lindermann’s illness is related to pressure. Dr. Paula Kim director of the Eating Disorders Clinic at Baldwin Hospital, explaines that an obsession with weight can lead to extreme


Viviana Morales

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Viviana Morales

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Viviana Morales

Page 13: Do You Want to Weight Loss, Easy and Fast?

Viviana Morales

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Viviana Morales

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Viviana Morales

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Agosto, 25 2009.


Name: My name is Viviana Morales

Where are you from? I am from Jayuya, P. R.

Hobbies : My favorite hobbies are listening to music, and play softball game and tennis.

What you want to learn in this course? I want to learn to speak English in this course.

Abilities : I think that I have abilities as interior decoration and to make a garden.

Future plans : My future plans are to graduate of computer science , to get a good job.

Viviana Morales

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Viviana Morales

Page 18: Do You Want to Weight Loss, Easy and Fast?

Viviana Morales

Page 19: Do You Want to Weight Loss, Easy and Fast?

The Importance of the Social Environment

1. What is the difference between nurture and nature?Nature- what we inherit.Nurture- what we learn.

2. What can you inherit from your parents?I inherit from my parents the responsibilities, to perform the obligation.

3. What is a feral child? Give example.Is the same as animal in the wild. Example the wild boy of Aveyron.

4. Mention two more cases of people who have been socially deprived.1. Anna2. Rene Spitz

5. What can specialized socialization create?Nature may limit what we can achieve, socialization plays a very large role in determination what we do achieve. That is potential ability we inhent from our nanents.

6. What is the case of Edith?She was a child geniuses. Her father gave special attention.

7. Who is Adragon Eastwood?He was another child geniuses, was graduated with a degree in mathematics at age eleven.

8. Mention some other geniuses.Other geniuses was Einstain, Picasso, Gandhi and others.

October 22,2009.

Viviana Morales

Page 20: Do You Want to Weight Loss, Easy and Fast?

The Social Environment

When I was younger I have a bad neighbor, because all item that my father or brothers forgotten to guard this neighbor hold it in his house. I remember this because when my father said; “Where is the hammer? I said; the hammers are in the neighbor’ house. In some case I found my neighbor in my house and he ran to his house.

In the life you have a good and bad examples. But my parent’s all time saying “never learn the bad customs” because in the future you will not get help.

The Social Environment

Viviana Morales

Page 21: Do You Want to Weight Loss, Easy and Fast?

When I was younger I have a bad neighbor, because all item that my father or brothers forgotten to guard this neighbor hold it in his house. I remember this because when my father said; “Where is the hammer? I said; the hammers are in the neighbor’ house. In some case I found my neighbor in my house and he ran to his house.

In the life you have a good and bad examples. But my parent’s all time saying “never learn the bad customs” because in the future you will not get help.

The Social Environment

When I was younger I have a bad neighbor, because all item that my father or brothers forgotten to guard this neighbor hold it in his house. I remember this because when my father said; “Where is the hammer? I said; the hammers are in the neighbor’ house. In some case I

Viviana Morales

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found my neighbor in my house and he ran to his house.

In the life you have a good and bad examples. But my parent’s all time saying “never learn the bad customs” because in the future you will not get help.

Viviana Morales

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October 27,2009.

Viviana Morales

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Writing assignment

1.Describe the traditional family unit in your country, and also any never types of family units that have become more common in the past few decades.

I want to describe the traditional family unit in our country. The traditional family is

hospitable, couple. And it’s very religious. The two parents and child is the most

important in the society and its part of our culture. In the past few decades the new

family units in our country are two parents without wedding. They present the same

characteristic that a traditional family; and other type is the single parents. The mother

along with her child. I think that is very special family, because the child is without

the father and I think this child need the paternal figure to fill complete. The father is

the male figure that in most cases are reflecting the security in home.

Viviana Morales