dn (dr) lai pak wah · dn (dr) lai pak wah for internal circulation only 17 may 2020 mount carmel...

Dn (Dr) Lai Pak Wah For internal circulation only 17 May 2020

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Page 1: Dn (Dr) Lai Pak Wah · Dn (Dr) Lai Pak Wah For internal circulation only 17 May 2020 Mount Carmel BP Church tweak this question and reflect on this instead — “What is God doing

Mount Carmel BP Church 1

Dn (Dr) Lai Pak Wah

For internal c irculat ion only

17 May 2020

Page 2: Dn (Dr) Lai Pak Wah · Dn (Dr) Lai Pak Wah For internal circulation only 17 May 2020 Mount Carmel BP Church tweak this question and reflect on this instead — “What is God doing

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tweak this question and reflect on

this instead — “What is God doing

with me during this season?”

No matter what stage of life we

are at right now, we lean towards

doing something, anything that will

accord us a sense of purpose or a

meaning for existence. Yes, while

we are waiting for the circuit breaker

period to end and life to return to

some semblance of our predictable

routine, our hands are constantly

busy and our minds crowded with

thoughts of “what can I do?” or

“what do I need to do?”.

Life, as a teacher, employs figures

of authority to coach us to do things

and do them well. What are some

of the possible things we want to do

or are engaged in? The things-to-do

list may include winning an award,

getting a coveted role in a firm or

school, owning a race car, finishing

law school, making a good living,

exercising well etc. My wife’s

nephew has a goal of “30 before 30”.

He plans to travel to 30 countries

before reaching 30 years old. The

last update was that he is near to

30 on both counts but cannot

achieve his goal as ­– you guessed

it – the current global situation does

not help it!

Most of our doing is tied to a career

and doing it well is important. In

Most of us are still stuck at home

because of the circuit breaker

measures. Unless we are working

in essential services, we have to

work from home. Perhaps we are

looking forward to the end of the

circuit breaker period on 1 June. We

long to restore a sense of normalcy

in life, work and recreation. Of

course, there are the introverts

among us who are content with

less face-to-face interaction and do

not mind being stuck at home. While

watching the countdown towards

the end of the circuit breaker period,

the wait can take a toll on some

people. It is a small wonder then

why a handful of individuals have

defied the measures and orders

and ventured out just to enjoy their

bowl of bak kut teh or to dine with


Regardless of whether we go out to

work, stay at home to work or look

after our children during the school

holidays, one question we may

curiously wonder aloud is, “What is

God doing with the world?” Some

observations are possible with

regards to His mysterious work in

our world. Rather than asking what

God is doing, I propose that we

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meditate on selected Scriptures,

pray and learn to listen to His

voice, jot down what the Holy

Spirit is highlighting concerning

our being and take steps for

change to happen in our being.

Let us consider a prayer from “High

Mountains Deep Valleys”: Lord, I

guess it’s the wrong question I

asked. I only know true reality when

I think Your thoughts, look at the

world through Your eyes. But

how can I do that in the face of

the onslaught that hits me every

day? Who am I to resist those

overpowering voices and listen to


Thank You for the time to take

stock, to reorder my thinking, to

see things as You see them.

Forgive me for neglecting those

times. Even more, forgive me for

avoiding the reality I would rather

not face. Help me today to see

the world in the light of Your

truth. Amen.

the eyes of God, being is equally,

if not more, important than doing.

While it is biblically important to do

well in whatever we are doing for the

glory of God, He is more concerned

about the state of our spiritual being.

We can display our trophies of

achievement and accomplished

goals and declare, “God, I have

done all these for You.” I believe

God might respond, “Good, but

what have you become after doing

all these?”

Last month, we remembered how

our Saviour, Jesus of Nazareth,

finished his work of redemption

on the cross. After declaring “It is

finished” and breathing his last,

Jesus was remembered as a

remarkable figure who was forgiving,

who was considerate and who was

upright. He did not complete his

work as a bitter person riddled with

anger, complaints, and migraines.

He remained steadfast, true, faithful,

loving and authentic. Perhaps we

should ask ourselves ­– could this

be a reality in my life? While I

dedicate my life to doing things,

how can I experience a change in

myself that will last for eternity?

Like an uncaged zoo, the list of

things-to-do can rush at us like

wild animals. Why not take some

time to give ample space for God

to improve our being? We can

Ps Jabez Chia

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Next Wed (20 May), 7.45 pm PWYA - Pray Where You Are

Last Wednesday (13 May) Attendance: 21

Global Church: Pray that God’s church everywhere will be the salt and light He calls us to be.

Pray that God’s church would show no favouritism and accept all those who fear Him, and do what is right.

Pray for God to rebuke those who divide the Church with their false sense of worth in power, prestige and positions.

Pray that God’s people would be as holy as He is holy, and that through love for Him and for one another, people will look at Jesus and see our Father’s great love for us and them.

Church Leaders: Pray that the Lord will — Be with the entire pastoral and admin team. Help them seek Him for wisdom,

insight and understanding to know how to shepherd the flock and admin-wise, to do what is necessary and to do so in a spirit of gentleness and love.

Show the elders, pastors and ministry staff how to equip God’s people for works of service, so that they may be built up and become mature in Christ.

Grant wisdom to the leadership, pastoral and admin team as they discern ways to minister to the church in the midst of social distancing measures that will be put in place when circuit breaker measures are eased.

Mt Carmel 53rd Anniversary, 31 May: Pray that all worshippers will go online and worship together at 10 am.

Pray for all participants in this special worship service: Leong Ho (worship leader), Ps Boon Leong (short exhortation and prayer) and Ps David Wong (speaking on Missions and Community).

Pray that all will connect to Zoom for a time of celebration, and for good internet connection for those who log in.

Pray for Dawn Puah and the Media Ministry team, who are working together to organise the Anniversary Celebration. Ask God to bless the coordination and communication for this celebration. Above all, pray that Christ will be glorified and magnified as we offer our praise, thanks and worship.

CBC Shelter: Thank God for some encouraging and positive conversations with the stayers. Please continue to pray for the stayers — for reconciliation with family or friends

as some are looking for employment

for longer-term accommodation come 1 June as Clementi Woods Kindergatan will re-open and the shelter will close

that they will encounter God during this period and trust Him in the days ahead

Ps Fitz and May Garlitos: Praise God for the opportunity to start a ladies’ outreach in the province before lockdown. Ps Fitz recently visited a hospital and ministered to dialysis patients and nurses and also carried out relief distribution. Thank God for technology so that Ps Fitz and May can continue to feed their flock and encourage them to remain faithful. Pray for Ps Fitz and May for wisdom and strength to home-school their children. Ps Fitz is “virtually” organising our former TRIPS scholars and connecting with them to pray for and encourage them. Pray for their online Zoom Bible studies.

Personal: Pray for God’s presence and peace to comfort Alan and Rumi Tan and Vincent Koh in their recent bereavements.

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24 May Eld Bruce Lockhart Feeding the Multitude Mark 6:30-44

31 May Rev Dr David Wong On Mission Luke 10:1-24

7 June Rev Daniel Chua Who is Jesus Who Walks on Water? Mark 6:45-56

14 June Rev Jabez Chia Clean on the Inside Mark 7:1-23


Heartfelt condolences to Alan and Rumi Tan and family. Alan’s father was called home to the Lord on Monday, 11 May 2020.

Heartfelt condolences to Vincent Koh and family. Vincent’s mother-in-law passed away peacefully on Monday, 11 May 2020.

Members are informed that due to the COVID-19 circuit breaker measures, our Annual General Meeting (AGM), usually held at the end of May, will be postponed and will now be held on 26 July 2020. The venue and/or method of conducting the AGM will be determined at a later date (depending on prevailing government measures on the COVID-19 situation).

Congratulations to Mark Kiew and Abigail on the birth of a baby boy, Reiden Kiew

on Saturday, 28 March 2020.

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Mark 6:14-29

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Worship Leader Dn Adrian Wong

Speaker Dn(Dr) Lai Pak Wah

Prayer Rev Jabez Chia

Scripture Reader Cynthia Wee

Great is the Lord

Hallelujah to the Lamb

2 Timothy 2:8-19

Living for Jesus

When Trials Come This Place

Mark 6:14-29

Following Jesus: The Examples of Herod & John The Baptist

Be Thou My Vision

For a digital copy of this bulletin:




For recordings of past sermons, visit


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A warm welcome to all newcomers

and visitors with us today. We hope

that you will have a meaningful

time of worship this morning.

To access the worship service livestream: https://carmel.sg/live

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