dmi modeling systems and plans for ceeh activities off-line air pollution modeling on-line air...

DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment Energy Energy Environment Environment Health Health C C Kick-off. d. 23-25/1 2007 A. Gross, A. Baklanov, U. S. Korsholm, J. H. Sørensen, A. Mahura & A. Rasmussen Content:

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Page 1: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH


•Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling•On-Line Air Pollution Modeling•Emergency Preparednes &

Risk Assessment•Urban Modeling

EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC Kick-off.

d. 23-25/1 2007

A. Gross, A. Baklanov, U. S. Korsholm, J. H. Sørensen, A. Mahura & A. Rasmussen


Page 2: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

Air Pollution Modeling At DMI EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC

1. PSC aerosols2. Tropospheric


Approaches:Normal distribution,Bin approach

Physics:1. Condensation2. Evaporation3. Emission4. Nucleation5. Deposition

Aerosol Module1. Gas Phase2. Aqueous phase3. Chemical equil.4. Climate Modeling


Chemical Solvers

Lagrangiantransport, 3-Dregional scale

UTLS Trans. Models

Eulerian trans-port 0..15lat-lon grid,3-D regional scale



Eulerian trans-port 0.2-0.05lat-lon, 25-40 vert. layer, 3-D regional scale

StochasticLagrangian transport,3-D regional scale

On-Line Chemical Aerosol Trans.


Off-Line Chemical Aerosol Trans.


Emergency Pre-parednes & Risk Assess-

ment. DERMA

Nuclear, veterinary and chemical.

Regional (European) to city scale air pollution: smog and ozone.

Regional (European) scale air pollution: smog and ozone, pollen.

Tropo. Trans. Models

Met. Models

City-Scale Obstacle Resolved Modelling


Page 3: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment


A forecast integration starts out by assimilation of meteorological observations whereby a 3-d state of the atmosphere is produced, which as well as possible is in accordance with the observations.

Currently nested versions of HIRLAM:• T – 15x15 km2, 40 vertical layers.• S – 5x5 km2, 40 vertical layers. • Q – 5x5 km2, 40 vertical layers.• Test version of 1.5x1.5 km2 of DK.

A numerical weather prediction system consists of pre-processing, climate file generation, data-assimilation and analysis, initialization, forecast, post-processing and verification.



EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC

Page 4: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

Climate Change Scanarios Modeling By HIRHAM

EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC

Modeling Area

Simulation period: Year 2000 to 2100

Output of meteorological parameter:

From 3-6 hours to once a day depend

on the parameter.

•Horizontal resolution 25x25 km2.

•Vertical resolution 19 levels.

Page 5: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

Off-Line modelling with CAC

Simulation domain

Horizontal resolution 0.2º×0.2º.


S: 0.05º×0.05º

EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC

CAC Model Area

Page 6: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

ENSEMBLE JRC project exp. nr. 11 EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC


Page 7: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

Ensemble: DK3, DE1, FR2, CA2

Page 8: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

Ozone36 hour forecast 48 hour forecast

0 15 30 60 90 120 150


EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC


“Semi”-operational forecasts 4 times a day of O3, NO, NO2, CO, SO2, Rn, Pb, “PM2.5”, “PM10”.

Page 9: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

Advantages of On-line & Off-line modeling

On-line coupling• Only one grid; No interpolation

in space• No time interpolation• Physical parameterizations are

the same; No inconsistencies• Possibility of feedbacks

bewte-en air pollution and meteoro-logy

• All 3D met. variables are ava-ilable at the right time (each time step); No restriction in variability of met. fields

• Does not need meteo- pre/postpro-cessors

Off-line• Possibility of independent

parame-terizations• Low computational cost; • More suitable for ensembles

and oprational activities • Independence of atmospheric

pol-lution model runs on meteorolo-gical model computations

• More flexible grid construction and generation for ACT models

EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC

Page 10: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

Radiation budgets

Temperature profiles






Examples of feedbacks


Temperature profiles


EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC

Page 11: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment





Gas phase chemistry

Aerosol chemistry

Aerosol physics



U, V, W, T, q,

U*, L

Concentration/Mixing ratio

On-Line Modeling With ENVIRO-HIRLAM

EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC

Page 12: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC Chernobyl Simulation 0.15°x0.15°, d. 7/5-1986, 18.00 UTC

Dry deposition (kBq/m2)

Total deposition statistics: Corr = 0.59, NMSE 6.3

Page 13: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

Accumulated (reference) dry deposition [μg/m2] +48 h Difference (ref – perturbation) inAccumulated dry deposition [ng/m2]

Page 14: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

Using the 3-D Stochastic Lagragian Regional Scale Model DERMA

EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC

1. Probabilistic Risk Assessment.

2. Source Determination by Inverse Modelling.

3. Chemical Emergency Preparednes.

4. Urban Meteorology Effects.


Page 15: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

Probabilistic Risk Assessment

Yearly time-integrated concentration

Yearly deposition

Risk atlas of potential threats from long-range atmospheric dispersion and deposition of radionuclides.

Sellafield nuclear fuel reprocessing plant

EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC

Page 16: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

Hypothetical release of 100 g Anthrax spores

Monitoring stations

Source Determination by Inverse Modelling

Inhalation dose calculated by DERMA based on DMI-HIRLAM.

Determination of source location by adjoint DERMA using monitoring data. No a priori assumption about source (point, area, …).

EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC

Page 17: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

Accidental fire in waste deposit Accidental fire in waste deposit.

Aalborg Portland, 23 October 2005 EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC

Page 18: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

Accidental fire in waste deposit

DERMA calculations

Aalborg Portland, 23 October 2005

EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC

Page 19: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment



Momentum Turbu-lence


DragWake diffu-sion


Urban Features EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC

Page 20: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

Urban Effects

The ABL height calculated from different DMI-HIRLAM data (left: urbanized, right: operational T). Main cities and their effect on the ABL height are shown by arrows.

EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC

Page 21: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

Urban Effects

Local-scale RIMPUFF plume corresponding to a hypothetical release calculated by using DMI-HIRLAM data.

Cs-137 air concentration for different DMI-HIRLAM versions(left: urbanized 1.4-km resolution, mid: operational 5 km, right: operational 15 km).

EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC

Page 22: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

City-Scale Obstacle-Resolved Modeling (TSU-CORM)

EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC

Streamlines and air pollution conc

3 d. fluid dynamic air pollution model

Resolution:Horizontal: 1x1 m2

Vertical: from 1m

Will be implemented spring 2007 at DMI and linked with DMI-HIRLAM, CAC and /or ENVIRO-HIRLAM.

Page 23: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

DMIs Possible Modeling Activities In CEEH

EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC Kick-off.

d. 23-25/1 2007

Long-term simulations:• ENVIRO-HIRLAM and/or CAC.


Modeling of the environmental impact of energy production/consumption

Long-term simulation of ENVIRO-

HIRLAM and/or CAC using HIRHAM


Climate change impact on air pollutionand population health

Page 24: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

DMIs Possible Modeling Activities In CEEH

EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC Kick-off.

d. 23-25/1 2007

Modify DERMA or CAC for sensitivi-

ty, risk/impact minimization and

optimization studies.Sensitivity studies for

environmen-tal risk/impact assessments.

Optimization modeling of environmentalrisk/impact studies

City scale modeling using TSU-

CORM.Link the air pollution

prediction from ENVIRO-HIRLAM or CAC to population activity (human

expo-sure modeling).

Human exposure modeling

Page 25: DMI Modeling Systems And Plans For CEEH Activities Off-Line Air Pollution Modeling On-Line Air Pollution Modeling Emergency Preparednes & Risk Assessment

The predicted exposure of population to NO2 (g/m3 *persons).

© Helsingin kaupunki, Kaupunginmittausosasto 576§/1997, ©Aineistot: Espoon, Helsingin, Kauniaisten ja Vantaan mittausosastot

Environmental OfficeKansanterveyslaitosFolkhälsoinstitutetNational Public Health Institute

EnergyEnergy EnvironmentEnvironment HealthHealthCC FUMAPEX integrated population health impact study