djinn as given in the quran


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Jinn as found in the Quran By Arnold Yasin Mol © 2006 One of the biggest problems today with interpretation of the Quran, is the concept of leaving words untranslated. The idea that some words are titles, fixed meanings, can create confusing and contradicting subjects. Also it has taken away many important messages which Allah through the Quran tries to teach us. So what I’ll try to show in this book, is that the Quran contains no titles, except for a few names of persons and places. Thus approaching words in the Quran, not as titles, but as words with meanings itself relevant through the contexts of the verses. Making it subjective to the context, and not one-given meaning as would be, by approaching it as titles. Leaving the words not untranslated, or a filled in meaning from history, but translating them exactly to what they mean in the Arabic. This can give surprising and exciting results. The word jinn, was always approached as a title, one fixed meaning, as for example the word human. But is this truly so? Does the word jinn, malik-a, shaitan have fixed meanings throughout the Quran? Let’s see what these words mean and see if we get the same understanding of its meaning in every verse it is used. Is jinn really the mythological entities, made from ‘fire’, and having children with us, deceiving us, as this is the meaning given as jinn in a title? First we’re going to look to the real meanings of the words, and then how they’re used inside the Great Reading of God, and see how the Quran explains itself, how it must be understood. We are warned in the Quran that we will immobilize the Quran’s meaning, by creating fixed understandings. See 25:30 The prophet will say: "O my Lord, my people had fettered/ chained/fixed positions/understandings in the Qur'an(made the Quran mahjoor)." (25:30)(A horse or camel tied head to foot was called mahjoor, and the rope used for tying, al-hijaar(Taj). Making the animal immobile, as it stuck in its position, where the owners will leave it. The Quran today is thus fettered/chained by custom and tradition, fixed titles and meanings of words, hearsay reports compiled centuries later, and laws and by-laws enacted by men, each group having its own fiqah and shariah, which are held more sacrosanct and given predence over the Quran, and making thus the Quran fixed in meaning, where they want, and how they want. Making the versatile meanings immobile, freezing a certain meaning, and chaining the Quran with that meaning.) Jinn is Arabic for things/beings not seen/hidden/concealed/rarely seen. When I would say walking beings, does this point out to humans alone? No, every thing that walks fall under this description and isn’t a fixed title that points out to one species alone. The word human directly points out to one

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species and cannot be used for any other creature on earth. The word jinn is the same as the description walking beings, it doesn’t point out to one thing alone, as a lot of things are not seen/hidden. The fixed meaning was forced on the word over time, and dominates now the approach to the Quran. Even old scholars as Ibn Kathir who also point out that jinn is a description of several things and not one species, is ignored, even though he is one of the most quoted scholars in the sunni world. Jinn= he/it concealed/covered with darkness (see also use in 6:76)/intense/confusing darkness/that which is concealed from man’s senses/rarely seen/things/beings that are hidden. Iblis=Ibless: its derived form "balasa" ( Baa Laam Seen) which means deprivation/hopelessness/frustration/Person of desperate character/struck dumb with despair/who despaired/who became broken in spirit/mournful/who was perplexed and unable to see his way/who was prevented from attaining his wish/who became unable to prosecute his wish. Shaitan=Shiin-Tay-Nun (root of shaytan) = become distant/far/remote, enter firmly / become firmly fixed therein / penetrate and be concealed, turn away in opposition (from direction/aim), devil, one excessively proud/corrupt, unbelieving/rebellious/insolent/audacious, rope, deep curved well, it burned, became burnt, serpent, any blamable faculty or power of a man, long rope, opponent, accuser, adversary. Malikah=the ones in control/given control/in authority/in power. Normaly translated with ‘angels’. Djenna=Garden Hidden=The Garden is hidden beneath the trees, whereby here the trees resemble the deeds of mankind. It refers to the ground of man’s conciousness, and the perfect society, in this life and the Next. It has multiple meanings. It refers to physical surroundings as well as the state of Bliss a person can be in. Ja-hannam=Valley of Hannam=Valley near Jerusalem, where humans were sacrificed, criminals were convicted, bodies of people with diseases were burned=ultimate metaphor for loss of reason, logic, peace and truth, causing agony and being astray of the truth, in this life, and the Next. It refers to the stagnation of people’s nafs/soul/Self and of society. It is used for war and for a society which falls into destruction for not following God’s law.

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Shaitan and Iblis explained. First we’ll look at the starting point, from where all traditional approaches of Jinn begin. Shaitan and Iblis. [15:26-33] 26. And, indeed, We created man from sounding clay, out of dark inorganic matter. 27. As We fashioned jinns before from intense radiated heat. 28. But when your Sustainer said to the angels: "I am verily going to create a human being from fermented clay dried tingling hard; 29. And when I have fashioned him and breathed into him of My Energy, bow before him in homage;" 30. The angels (malikah) bowed in homage in a body . 31. Except Iblis. He refused to bow with the adorers. 32. "How is it, O Iblis," said (the Lord), "you did not join those who bowed in homage?" 33. "How could I bow," said he, "before a mortal whom You created from sounding clay out of inorganic matter?" 15:27. As We fashioned that is concealed (jinns) before from scorching winds. The verses where Iblis and shaitan are used, are almost all directly linked to human’s creation, and thus coincides with something within humans itself, that was created first/before/ thought up. As referring to the rebellious/desperate side of humans being first designed by God, before He created the human itself. As what is called iblis/shaitan, ‘the opponent’ and ‘desperate and frustrated side’ and ‘is distanced from God’, the rebellious emotions and psyche inside man, claims to be made from fire, a nature to take apart Truth and reason as fire takes apart bigger molecules into smaller ones, this description is always together with that humans beings are made from clay, matter. As the ‘Self’ of humans was already designed by God, before the human itself was created, as can be seen by this verse: 2:30 And your Sustainer said to the powers of Nature (malikah = ones in control)l: “I am placing a successor on Earth.” They said: “Would You place in it he who would corrupt in it, and spill blood, while we sing Your glory, and praise You?” He said: “I know what you do not know.” As seen by this verse, there was already something known about mankind, a part of it’s nature, which would lead to rebellion. As it shows, the quality characteristics were already present when the human was designed in the

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mind of God, how God’s thinking works is of course. beyond us, as we can see we are already given a position in the creation But think, what is the main characteristic that distinguishes humans from the rest of creation? Is it freewill? Throughout the Quran, it is shown that all creation has freewill. So what is it then that makes humans deviate from the rest? It still has to learn, to choose the guidance of God. A human being has a built in resistance against it’s own existence. To choose if he serves God’s creation. We still have to learn what is good for us, and what is not. With this knowledge, look again: 15:27. As We fashioned that which is concealed (jinn), before from intense scorching winds. And so this is one of the things that make humans special inside the creation, and was our main characteristic, first made, before we were developed . As the rebel/desperate side is created to make mankind know what free-will is. What makes up a house? At least walls and a roof, these are the basics that makes a house, a house. The thing that makes humans, humans, is our potential of free-choice, or rather, to go against our nature. So the first thing that would, the first lines on our blue print would be that capability. That is why I believe God says, that He made the concealed fiery part of mankind first, which explains this verse. This capability is an immense responsibility and destined for mankind to carry (33:72). All other creation knows exactly what their function and purpose is, except for mankind. We have to learn it from scratch. The resistance against this learning process is called Iblis. That we eventually will learn, can be seen by the words of God: “I know what you do not know.” Also one important approach, is that jinn, also refers to something concealed by darkness, referring that it is concealed by time. In this way it refers to legends, ancestors, dead people who are revered as rulers and religious leaders, and for example, prehistorian man. This would give us: 15:27 Before humanity became civilized, (you can say that) We created the prehistorian man from flames,( i.e. with fiery disposition in self-preservation). (Translation by Dr.Shabbir) In the story of Adam (First peoples, see the plural use in 2:36-38 and 7:11), mankind is warned to be aware for the opponent inside their Self, as it will create distance between them and God and progress (Shaitan=Shaat=long rope), and it will not serve mankind(7:11). Its nature is called as a blazing fire. As its nature is to be opponent to the Truth, and is part of the human nature that cannot be part of the Heaven (Djenna=hidden Garden=perfect conciousness and society) of man’s

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thinking. And burns away logic and understanding of Reality. And will cause a barrier (Jahim) between you and progress. This warning is repeated several times in the Quran, as making clear how dangerous this part of the human spirit is. So shaitan/Iblis is no real creature or entity, as this was in history the practice. Human emotions, bad and good, were personified into beings, mostly only as metaphors, which people started to believe as real existing separate entities, gods, idols. Man saw that these emotions had power on man. And were thus to believed as being real gods, idols as the god of love, lust, greed, compassion, hate, anger, strength; personifying human emotions. Things to be revered and worshipped. Humankind bowed to stars, fire, our own desires. Anything that looked to have influence on us. This concept of reverence was expelled from the monotheistic religions, and God was the only one accepted as being bowed too. So almost all idols were lost. God was the overall source of Power and Goodness. But not of evil, this had to be placed outside of God. Instead of accepting the evil as something inside of us. It was projected on mythical creatures, the old made up idols of evil. All other idols had lost their function, except for the personification of man’s own evil side.

As the ancient Jews and Nazareans (Christians) didn’t believe in a personified evil/rebel, as can been seen in the usage of the word shaitan and diabolos in the Bible. Where even the prophet David is called the shaitan(opponent) of Saul. Shaitan is sometimes even used for God(Chronicles 21: 1-14, 2 Samuel 24:1-15) as being the Opponent of the rejecters of His revelations. By thus showing, the word was not used as a title, but as a normal word, just meaning opponent or slanderer, which could be applied to everything that fitted the meaning of the word. (See: I Timothy 3:11, 2 Timothy 3:1 – 3, Titus 2:3, John 6:70, Matt 16:23, Acts 5: 1- 11, Hebrews 2:14, Gen 3:1-5 ,Rev 12:9 , Rev 20:2 , S&H 564:32 , Mis 191:4, 1 Chron. 21:1; Job 1:6-12 Zech. 3:1-2).

This was also with the Zoroastrian faith, where evil and good where human qualities, balanced inside our soul and creation, where only in later generations they became real separate existing entities. When these faiths became assimilated into other cultures, as with the happened with the Jews during the Diaspora, they became acquainted with the Persian doctrine of opposites, which was already fully developed, where they copied the personification, and passed this partially on to the Christians. And thus the evil being the opposite of God. Where it only became a real doctrine when the Greek-Romans took over Christianity, they saw Jesus as the personified good, and the devil as the personified evil. They condemned all other personified emotions, except the evil side. This remained a real existing creature that lured people to evil, as this justified the Jesus is God-on-earth dogma as it needed an opposite for Jesus, which was also partially influenced

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by the deformed Zoroastrian faith, where these were the Logos(word) is the son of God(Mithra), and the duality of good and evil on earth, in Ormuzd and Ahriman, which only turned into deities hundreds of years after Zarathustra.

This Persian doctrine was also assimilated into the understanding of the Quran, as its converts mostly consisted of Christians, Zoroastrians and pagans, where these personifications were normal understandings and accepted by all. And again, when studying the mythical stories around Muhammed, people created again opposites by making Muhammed the personification of the good, and the devil again the personification of evil on earth. People fooling themselves with this Dualism which is an ancient left-over from polytheism. And by thus, creating stories around Muhammed to make him this personification of good, making him perfect and flawless, to fit this doctrine. As the ‘devil’ was the perfect evil, its opponent must be the direct opposite, the perfect flawless good. With God and the prophet’s as the Good, and the devil as the Evil. We are being blocked of the beautiful and important examples, metaphors and direct information God gives in the Great Quran. Also using the personification, as a denial of the evil potentials that is sparked inside the human itself, by placing the blame on something outside of us, that lures us. This is taking away partially our responsibility of the evil done. ‘The devil made me do it’. So instead of accepting it is a part of us, we only accept the part of falling for the temptation of the evil side. This suppression of our subconciousness, this non-acceptance, also created projections on other humans. Other humans were made evil. As the psychologist Jung said; ‘This made the people project all that was wrong in society, on certain races. The Jews, Gypsies and gays were blamed for all that was wrong and evil, and this was one of the main catalyst for the Holocaust’. As for God using a metaphor, that make it look like shaitan/iblis is a real creature, as some people pointed out to me, as it talks and answers, i only have to remind the people, on expressions like: ”My heart told me to do this…” “My rage made me do this.” And so on. God uses the exact same expressions, to clarify it for us, in terms anybody from every level of intelligent and backgrounds can understand. So if we would translate the verses I gave at the beginning of this chapter again without the fixed titles, we get: [15:26-32] 26. Mankind indeed, We created from sounding clay, out of dark inorganic matter.

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27. As We fashioned the concealed from man’s senses before from intense radiated fire. 28. But when your Sustainer said to the ones in control (malikah)l: "I am verily going to create a human being from fermented clay dried tingling hard. 29. And when I have fashioned him and breathed into him of My Energy , serve (sujood) him in homage .” 30. The ones in control all serve (sujood) in homage . 31. Except the desperate and frustrated side (Iblis). He refused to serve with the submitted . 32. "How is it, O desperate and frustrated side (Iblis)," said (the Maintainer), "you did not join those who serve in homage ?” (Sujood=to submit, to bow down, to serve) And if we read it with all explained, we end up with something like this: 26. Mankind We fashioned from from sounding clay, out of dark inorganic matter (through Evolution), 27. As We fashioned the concealed (lusts, desires, rebellious, evil side, straying ego’s, prehistoric man)from man’s senses before from intense radiated fire (being designed to be the part of the human spirit). 28. But when your Lord said to the ones in control (powers of creation, from Laws of nature, to the smallest cells that make out your body): "I am verily going to create a human being from fermented clay dried tingling hard (through Evolution); 29. And when I have fashioned him and breathed into him of My spirit, submit (sujood) before him in homage (everything is made to serve mankind);" 30. The ones in control (powers of nature) all serve (sujood) in homage ( fulfilling their creation, serving God’s plan) 31. Except the desperate side. He refused to serve with the submitted (creation). 32. "How is it, O desperate and frustrated side(Iblis)," said (the Maintainer), "you did not join those who serve in homage?" 33. “How could I serve," said he, "before a mortal whom You created from sounding clay out of inorganic matter (through Evolution)?" A connection is to be seen with all the verses, where jinn and human are mentioned together. This important connection shows that not all the jinns in the Quran are made from fire, but only the ones directly connected with the creation of the human body. As showing that these jinns (things being concealed for our sense’s/not seen (by our thinking)) refer to the humans

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strong emotions as lust, anger, despair, hate, rage, greed, all serving the ego, and not serving the human, as it can destroy/harm the person itself or/and other humans. And by thus showing exactly what God is telling through the story of Adam. As these were not created to serve mankind, but to test it, to make it learn. When looked carefully upon the circumstances where Iblis is used, and where shaitan is used. One will notice a difference, that with Iblis=desperate side, it only refers to when the evil side is only talking about itself, about it’s own nature. And shaitan=rebel/opponent/distanced from Truth/God is mentioned when the evil/rebellious side of man is being used. So Iblis is used for explaining the desires, emotions that prevent them from choosing the right way, they are explained to what their position is in man. And shaitan is mentioned when these desires and emotions are used to prevent the human itself and others from choosing the right way of progress. Shaitan means Iblis is at work. This can be clearly seen by the next couple of verses, where the desperate side of men(Iblis), won’t pay any obedience to mankind(7:11), it explains it will not serve us. And the rebel side is used to lead people away, becoming distanced from God(shaitan)(7:20), and so here it explains the difference of Iblis and shaitan. So God explains with these terms, our psyche, and what will happen to us if we listen to them and get driven by them. [7:11-27] 11. Verily We created you and gave you form and shape, and ordered the ones in power to serve Adam (mankind) in Homage; and they all bowed but the desperate and frustrated side (Iblis), who was not among those who being subservient (sujood) (served mankind for the better). 12. "What prevented you" (said God), "From being subservient (sujood) to (Mankind) at My bidding?" "I (straying ego, desire) am better than him," said he. "You created me from fire, and him from inorganic matter." 13. So God said: "Descend (to the lowest part of creation). You have no right to be insolent here. Go, and away; you are one of the damned." (In Djenna, evil and these destructive emotions are not present, on this high level of thinking and experiencing, and when the perfect society is attained) 14. "Grant me respite," said he, "till the raising of the dead (Use me to test mankind till the end of this Earth and the creation of the new universe)." 15. And God said: "You have the respite." 16. "Since You led me into error (created me to err)," said the desperate and frustrated side of mankind(Iblis), "I shall lie in wait

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for them along Your straight path. 17. And I shall come upon them from the front and behind, right and left; and You will not find among them many who would give thanks." 18. "Be gone," said (God), "contemptible and rejected! As for those who follow you (are driven by desires,lusts), I shall fill up Jahannam(state of misery) with all of you. 19. And you, O Mankind, and your spouse, live in Djenna (inner peace and perfect society) and eat your fill wheresoever you like, but do not approach this tree (deeds and thinking), or you will become iniquitous." 20. But the rebellious, the side distanced from progress (shaitan) suggested (evil) to them, in order to reveal their hidden parts of which they were not aware (till then), and said: "Your Sustainer has forbidden you (to go near) this tree that you may not become ones in power or immortal." 21. Then he said to them on oath: "I am your sincere friend;" 22. And led them (to the thoughts) by deceit. When they tasted (the fruit/result) of the tree(deed) their disgrace became exposed to them; and they patched the leaves of the Hidden Garden (perfect consciousness and society) to hide it. And the Sustainer said to them: "Did I not forbid you this tree (deed, thinking)? And I told you that the rebellious, the side distanced from progress (shaitan) (inner lusts, straying ego’s) was your open enemy. 23. They said: "O our Sustainer, we have wronged ourselves. If You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we shall certainly be lost." 24. "Go," said God, "one the antagonist of the other, and live on the earth for a time ordained, and fend for yourselves. 25. You will live there, and there will you die," He said, "and be raised from there (On the Day of New Creation)." 26. O children of Adam, We have revealed to you a dress that would both hide your nakedness(weakness) and be an adornment, but the raiment of piety is best. This is one of the tokens of God: You may haply reflect. 27. O sons of Adam, let not the opponent, rebellious, the side distanced from progress and from God (shaitan) beguile you as he did your parents out of Hidden Garden (perfect consciousness and society), and made them disrobe to expose their disgrace to them. For he and his host can see you from where you cannot see them. We have made the opponents, the ones distanced from righteousness, Truth, Reality, God, progress (shaitan) the friends of those who do not believe.

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So Iblis is used, to explain this side of man, it will not serve mankind: 11. Verily We created you and gave you form and shape, and ordered the ones in power to be of service to Adam (mankind); and they all bowed but the desperate and frustrated side(Iblis), who was not among those who being subservient (sujood) (served mankind for the better). And Shaitan is used when Iblis is at work: 20. But the rebellious, the side that is distanced from progress (shaitan) suggested (evil) to them, in order to reveal their hidden parts of which they were not aware (till then), and said: "Your Sustainer has forbidden you (to go near) this tree that you may not become ones in power or immortal." This is also an interesting one on how to fit in the understanding of jinn together with shaitan/iblis: 18:50. When We said to the ones in control: "Serve (sjudoo) Adam (mankind) in homage," they all served and obeyed (sjudoo) but the desperate side (Iblis). He was one of the things concealed to man’s senses and rebelled against his Sustainer's command. And yet you take him and his offspring (results of these lusts, emotions) as your friends (dearer) instead of Me, even though they are your enemies. How sad a substitute for the evil-doers! So what is Iblis? What did all of these verses tell us till now? It is called a malikah, one with authority, power and control. And in the context of these verses, the malikah here refer to the creation. So Iblis is part of the creation, Iblis means someone desperate, deprivation, hopelessness , frustration, Person of desperate character, struck dumb with despair. In 7:12 it refers to having false pride and thinking to be superior over other things. It is created to err in 7:16. It is the desperate side created inside man which has control and power over us, and will not bow to us, to help us reach a higher stage of existence. It is concealed from sense’s, jinn. It is referred as being made out of fire. Fire is a state of energy that can take large molecules and make them separate to react with others, and become smaller molecules. Also fire can spread uncontrollably and can almost use anything as fuel. Very interesting definition. It coincides perfectly with our desperate and frustrated side, which takes apart Truth and logic, mixes it with illusion. It can use almost anything to be ignited if we allow it. In a state of despair and frustration, anything can be used as a reason to be angry or sad. And when Iblis is in use, it is called shaitan, something that will distance us from God and our fulfillment, it is rebellious and our opponent, our enemy.

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[17:61-65] 61. When We asked the ones in control to serve (sjudoo) Adam (mankind), they all served but the desperate and frustrated side (Iblis), who said: "Can I serve him whom You created from inorganic matter?" 62. (And) said: "Look! This is what you have honored above me(I control the human not the other way around)! If You defer (my term) till the Day of New Creation, I will bring his progeny into complete subjugation, barring a few." 63. (And God) said: "Away! Whosoever of them follows you will surely have Jahannam with you as requital -- an ample recompense. 64. Mislead any of them you may with your voice, attack them with your cavalry and soldiers on foot, share their wealth and children with them, and make promises to them." -- But the promises of the rebellious side is nothing but deceit. 65. "You will surely have no power over My devotees: Your Lord is sufficient as their protector." This link between jinn=fire and humans=matter, is to always be found together. As shows that only the concealed things, the inner sides of the psyche, that were created with mankind (See for scientific evidence on creation out of clay, at the end of the article), are made out of fire, symbolically referring to the nature of these desires, emotions and ego, what we refer to as the destructive side of man. See also; 55:14-15, 38:71-85. Explaining thus, that it is only this jinn , Iblis, that is made out of fire, and not all jinns mentioned in the Quran. This is really important if we want to move on to understand the other uses for Jinn inside the Quran. As can been seen as how the sjeitan/iblis is used in the Quran, that it are perfect examples of how the ego and bad emotions as lust, hate and anger work. Also one of the important clues is verse 21:37, where the term; “KHULIQAL insanu MIN ‘ajal”, literaly means; “He created man out of haste”. Whereas the clear understanding is: ‘Man has been created with a tendency to be hasty and looking for instant gains or results’. Such is the case with “KHULAQAL jaanna MIN marijin MIN naar”; “He created the concealed sides of man with a fiery disposition(fire)”. As we look at the behaviour of “shaitan” as given in the Quran, you can see clearly the correlation between ego, lusts, desires and so on: -We must learn to kill our ego’s, evil sides: 2:54, 12:53, 38:26 -We can worship the ego and desires, as shaitan/iblis is exactly described: 2:87, 5:30, 25:43, 45:23, 47:14-16 -Makes use of intoxicants and other addictive, illusive acts:5:90, 58:10 -How it adorns your acts: 6:43, 8:48, 16:63, 29:38

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-Is your companion: 43:36-39 -Breaks promises, as it always lures you into temporally acts that will only end up in it being illusion and fruitless: 4:120, 14:22, 17:64, 25:29 4:119. And mislead them and tempt them, and order them to slit the ears of animals; and order them to alter God's creation." He who holds the opponent, enemy, slanderer, the distanced side (Shaitan=straying ego) as friend in place of God will assuredly be damned to perdition. 120. Whatever the promises he makes, whatever the desires he enkindles, and whatever the hopes the rebellious side rouses in them, are no more than delusion. -It causes you to forget: 5:91, 6:68, 18:63 -It will denounce its real influence, as you are the one who lures yourself into accepting it as your guide: 14:22, 59:16 14: 22. When the reckoning is over the opponent, enemy and slanderer (straying ego) will say: "The promise that was made to you by God was indeed a true promise; but I went back on the promise I had made, for I had no power over you except to call you; and you responded to my call. So blame me not, but blame yourselves. Neither can I help you nor can you give me help. I disavow your having associated me earlier (with God). The punishment for those who are wicked is painful indeed." -Itself is a submitter to God, as it, as all creation, fears Him: 59:16 -Instills fear: 3:175 -Makes people tamper with Revelations: 22:52 -Leads people from the Truth: 25:29, 58:19 -Is calls man’s worst enemy: 2:208, 7:22, 12:5, 17:53, 20:117, 28:15, 35:6, 36:60, 43:62 -Misleads: 4:60, 119, 36:62, 38:82 -It has no power over believers as they can control their desires, ego and aggressions: 15:40-42, 16:99, 17:65, 34:21, 38:83 -It has no real power:34:21 34: 20-21. Thus the desperate and frustrated side (Iblis) found his supposition about them to be true; and except for a section of believers they follow him. He had no authority over them save for the purpose of Our knowing who believed in the world to come, and who doubted it. For your Sustainer keeps a watch over everything. Say: "Call on those you imagine are idols apart from God. They are not masters even of an atom's weight in the heavens and the earth,

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nor do they have a share in them, nor is any one of them a helper (of God). -Choosing for your desires, makes you belong to them: 58:19 -Creating wedges between people: 12:100, 17:53 -It will only have power over those who let them rule them, when they reject the Truth: 15:39, 42-43, 16:100, 34:20, 58:19 -We need to remind ourselves of our ego, to protect ourselves against it: 3:36, 16:98, 23:97-98 -It provokes you: 5:90-91 -it whispers in our mind: 7:20, 200-201, 20:120, 23:97-98, 41:36, 59:16, 114:4-6 All these are true attributes of our straying ego, desires and strong emotions, the destructive side of man, as doubt, animosity, greed, hate and anger. That all can lead us astray. These are concealed (jinn) attributes of our consciousness, and hard to control. Some also talk as well about humans as about your own ego, but it is always their ego that made the other humans become opponents of the Truth. 47: 14. Can one who stands on a clear proof from his Lord, be like one enamored of his evil deeds and follows his inane desires? God gives here a connection with jinn= concealed (for human senses), and ego, inert desires. 45:23 Have you seen the one who took his ego/inert desires as his god, and God led him astray, despite his knowledge, and He sealed his hearing and his heart, and He made a veil on his eyes? Who then can guide him after God? Will you not remember? One important note is also, that humans and other things can be called shaitan. Again a proof, Iblis refers to the rebellious side, as the Quran never says, humans can be Iblis. For example let’s translate shaitan in verse 5:90: Translated as Shaitan being Iblis at work: “O you who believe, intoxicants, and gambling, and altars, and arrows of chance are tools of affliction used by the rebellious side (shaitan). You shall avoid him so that you may be successful.” Translated as humans being shaitan: “O you who believe, intoxicants, and gambling, and altars, and arrows of chance are tools of affliction used by the ones distanced

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from progress (shaitan). You shall avoid him so that you may be successful.” So one who uses something of the mentioned above, is themselves distanced from progress, God and Truth. This works with a lot verses, where multiple things fit, which is the beauty of Arabic and especially an open mind. Other meanings of Jinn inside the Quran. A lot of people claim to have seen or experienced jinns, the mythological creatures that also live on this earth. When people grow up with these beliefs, their psyche automatically uses this belief to explain certain observations or experiences. Innocent energy fields, picked up by our eyes, or electro magnetic fields which can create illusions in our brain are immediately branded as jinns. When somebody is sick, the person is affected by jinns, a person senses something, it are jinns. It is the brain that fills in an explanation of the experience using the information the person has received in his life. If it believes in spirits, a big chance a person will experience one in his lifetime. As the brain will use it to explain certain phenomena it has no direct answer for. Also resonant imprints of people inside the Quantum field, which can be picked up by certain people, are also seen as jinns. There are people who consult jinn-doctors, persons who claim to talk with jinns. These persons abuse the superstition of the people to gain status and wealth. Here I will investigate other uses of jinn inside the Quran, and I will show that the mythological invisible spirits are not described. 6:112. That is how We have made for each apostle opponents, the satans among men and jinns, who inspire one another with deceitful talk. But if your Lord had willed they would not have done so. Pay no attention to them and to what they fabricate. Without titles: 6:112. That is how We have made for each apostle opponents, the slanderers, the ones distant from God (shaitan) among the people/mankind and the concealed/rarely seen/covered in darkness(jinns), who inspire one another with deceitful talk. But if your Lord had willed they would not have done so. Pay no attention to them and to what they fabricate. In this verse, jinn refers to peoples, ones that are rarely or even never seen of the peoples as well the ego and desires. This can be a lot of different kinds of people. From people working for the government in secret, rulers of nations, people who are not out in the open, doing their business for everybody to see, people in jungles, nomads, foreigners. Hermits, monks,

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rulers of religious groups. Religious leaders that are long dead. The list is long, but it is clear who falls under this group, and who does not.(see also the explanation with verse 27:17) Another verse: 6:100 And they made partners with God from among the concealed/not seen/rarely seen/covered in darkness, while He had created them. And they invented for Him sons and daughters without them having any knowledge! Be He glorified and far above what they describe. Here it can refer to the deification of the feelings and emotions humans can have, as told in the beginning, was common practice, and still is. And making them idols, as compeers to God. Who as He says, is the One who created those feelings. And also here can it mean, all powers unseen to man, as from wind to laws and forces of Nature, deceased people, like dead ancestors, prophets, people in power as chiefs or dictators and so on, everything people can see as idols, everything that falls under the category: not seen/concealed/rarely seen by the peoples. As like in Egypt and Sumeria for example, the ancient kings were made gods, as Osiris and Marduk, as they are covered in darkness of time. Also religious leaders from the past, that concocted doctrines still followed, but are themselves covered in darkness, through death and time. Which all perfectly coincides with the meaning in this verse. And more can be found. As this verse also explains one of the main interpretations: 25:43 Have you seen the one who has taken his ego as his idol? Will you be a caretaker over him? 6:128 And an Era (when) we gather them all: "O assemblies of concealed/not seen/covered in darkness , you have managed to take many humans." Their supporters from the humans said: "Our Sustainer, Master, we have indeed enjoyed one another, and we have reached our destiny to which You delayed us." He said: "The Fire is your dwelling, in it you shall abide eternally, except as your Lord wishes." Your Lord is Wise, Knowledgeable. Here, it refers to the straying ego and desires that led people astray, and made them residents. As it is the main reason why all the people, of societies as well as from people not directly in/part of it, of Jahannam ended up there. Here the reference, also to enjoying each other, enjoying the desires and ego’s, as they feed each other, and is thus meant metaphorically from that perspective. It refers here to rulers of nations and religious groups.

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People working in secret behind the scenes of politics. And also can refer to the people of the past who made up doctrines that the people later still followed. As again the people of the past, laying in darkness, and are not seen. Many things. [6:129-132] It is such that We make the wicked as supporters to one another for what they had earned. "O you assemblies of concealed/rarely seen ones and people, did not messengers come to you from amongst you and relate to you My revelations, and warn you of the meeting of this Era?" They said: "Yes, we bear witness upon ourselves;" and the worldly life deceived them, and they bore witness on themselves that they were rejecters. That is because your Lord was not to destroy any town because of its wickedness while its people were unaware. As the Quran never mentions the jinn having any Book received, as well that, if they were mythological creatures, it is weird both jinn and people are be to given the Quran, that the Quran is for both groups, and that there are only human messengers mentioned inside of it. Also only examples of history, laws and advises of mankind, meant only for mankind and not for the mythological invisible spirits. Where are the invisible spirits prophets? Where are the laws for the invisible spirits? Why aren’t they mentioned in the Quran? As this goes against logic, as well as there is a much better answer for it. Here ins is used for the people, as opposite of jinns, people not direct living in those societies, as living in small villages, nomads, living in jungles, bums, hermits, monks and nuns, people working behind the scenes of government, and anything that falls under normally concealed/not seen/rarely seen in the society, by the people. And thus the Quran again explains itself, what is meant in this verse with jinn. As it directly talks to intelligent beings as receiving the message. And still also can in a metaphorically sense, talk also using jinn as for the ego, desires, emotions and fantasies and so on, as not being obedient to the Truth. 7:38 He said: "Enter with the multitude of nations before you from human societies/people and the not seen/rarely see to the Fire (of stagnation)!" Every time a nation entered, it cursed its sister nation, until they are all gathered inside it; then the last of them says to the first: "Our Sustainer, these are the ones who have misguided us, so give them double the retribution of the Fire!" He replied: "Each will receive double, but you do not know." 7:179 And We have committed to Jahannam many not seen/rarely seen ones and mankind; they had hearts with which they did not

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comprehend, and they had eyes with which they did not see, and they had ears with which they did not hear. They are like cattle; no, they are even more astray. These are the unaware ones. Here it again in the first sense talk directly of intelligent beings, who have hearts and senses to comprehend and not comprehend the Truth, and are compared as ignorant followers, as cattle. Being unaware of their straying and their being slaves to their leaders, ego, desires, emotions, fantasies and evil side. So this would refer to humans who are rarely seen; monks, rulers of nations and religious groups, people working behind the scenes and so on. 11:118-119 And had your Sustainer wished, He could have made all mankind one nation, but they still would continue to disagree. Except whom your Lord, Sustainer has mercy upon, and for that He has created them. And the word of your Lord came true: "I will fill Hell with the concealed/not seen/rarely seen and Mankind together!" If we look at the surrounding verses, it does talk about all mankind, and by thus here, it can mean again people concealed/not seen directly/rarely seen in society, as well as the desires and so on. 17:88-89 Say: "If all the mankind and the concealed/not seen/rarely seen (by the people) were to gather/unify to bring a Quran like this, they could not come with its like/similarity/equal ness, even if they were helping/supporting one another." And We have cited to mankind in this Quran of every example, but most of mankind refuse to be anything but a rejecter of Truth! I think we can draw here the same conclusions as with the above examples of 7:179 and 11:118-119. That it can refer to as well humans as ego, desires, fantasies and so on, that can fall under the concept of making a writing as compared to the Quran. 27: 10. “Throw away your asa." When he saw it vibrate like a jinn he turned his back and fled without turning (to look). "O Moses," (said the voice), "be not fearful. Surely those sent as messengers do not fear in My presence. " Asa can mean multiple things, it is normaly translated with staff/cane, but the overall meaning is a state of oneness. It is also used for a community, strength, that which supports, truth or conviction. So I would translate it like this:

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27: 10. “Throw away your conviction." When he saw it vibrate like something rarely seen he turned his back and fled without turning (to look). "O Moses," (said the voice), "be not fearful. Surely those sent as messengers do not fear in My presence. " This verse again shows beautifully that if you translate the word jinn, instead of leaving it in Arabic, making it a title, you get a clear meaning. Moses had to throw away his old convictions, and view of the truth. He perceived the Real Truth as something incredible, and was scared of it. Interesting is that one of the names of God is Haqq, Truth and Reality. And He says in this verse: "be not fearful. Surely those sent as messengers do not fear in My presence. " So it can be interpretated that it was the Truth that shook Moses.

The Jinns of Solomon. These next verses are very important as to prove the right understanding of how the word jinn, is meant differently throughout the Quran. First let’s read the verses: [27:16-19] 16. Solomon was heir to David, and he said: "O people, we have been taught the language of Tair, and have been given of everything. This is a clear favour indeed." 17. His armies of jinns (nomads, tribes, people from rarely seen societies) and men and Tair assembled, formed into ranks, (and marched) 18. Till they reached the Valley of Naml. Said the lady of Naml: "O Naml, go into your dwellings lest Solomon and his hordes should crush you unawares." 19. (Solomon) smiled, amused at her speech, and said: "O Lord grant me that I should be grateful for the favours You have bestowed on me and my parents, and do good things of Your pleasing; and admit me among Your righteous devotees by Your grace." The story of the ants and the bird is very intriguing. It has 2 approaches which will be given here. Since words have more then one meaning or background it is interesting what people choose sometimes, and have a distorted idea of a meaning. The Arabic naml, means ants, but was also the name of a tribe in Syria, even ibn Kathir who is so wrong on 80% of his explanations on the Quran, noted this fact. In his tafseer, he identifies, namlat, the lady of Naml, as belonging to the tribe of Banu Shisan. So it is the tribe that was scared of Solomon's army. Also on the story of the 'bird'

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that comes in the verses after that, the arabic word hud-hud, means hoopoe, but again was also the name of a South Yemen tribe, and men were often named after their tribes as well as birds. The King of Himjar was called Hoedad; in the Bible, the king of Syria is called Ben Hadad (see 1 Kings 15:18). Also a very important notion is the fact that the bird Hoopoe is not build for long flights, and that Solomon would threaten a small bird with such a punishment, as cutting the throat of such a small bird is a precise job. Tair is commonly used for birds, but is also applied to non-winged beings, tayyar means fleet-flooted horse, and at-tairan is metaphorically used for marching to jihad. When Solomon says that they had been taught the language of tair, he uses the word mantiq which is used for human speech or logic, and man alone of all created beings is called haivani-natiq, speaking animal, the language of birds is called saut. The intention behind the use of tair, as of jinn cannot be disregarded. The Tair were a conquered tribe or race and Solomon had knowledge of their language. Important note is that Solomon clearly says, that everyone of his people was taught the language Tair, not just him. So it can’t denote a ‘prophet’s miracle’ as this is the traditional view. Similarly jinns applies here to the nomadic tribes many of whom were recruited by the king of Tyre for Solomon, (see the Bible, chapter Kings 1,5.) So they were called not seen ones, because they came from a land and people that were not seen normally. So it refers to where they come from, not the direct situation of if they were seen or not seen at that moment by Solomon and his people. And by thus refers to foreigner/stranger. So their country and people are jinn for Solomon and his people, making them called jinns. It was by the hand of Hud-hud that brought the letter(kitab=writing) to Sheba, and he was the one who brought the throne to Solomon, here we have to understand that in the Quran, all the thrones mentioned is used symbolic, as with the Throne of God, meaning the Power/authority of God, same is here, where Solomon was brought knowledge about the 'power', or as to say how her government, how her power was in her kingdom. [27:20-41] 20. When he reviewed the Tair, he said: "How is it I do not see Hud-hud? Is he absent? 21. I will punish him severely, or cut his throat, unless he bring a valid excuse." 22. But he was not long in coming, and reported: "I have been around where you have not been. I come from Saba with positive news. […..] 27. (Solomon) said: 'We shall see if you speak the truth or you are a liar. 28. Take this letter from me, and deliver it to them and withdraw, then see what reply they give in return."[….]

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36. So, when the envoys came to Solomon he said: "Do you wish to increase my wealth? Yet what God has given me is better than what He has given you. No. Be gratified in your present. 37. Go back to them. We shall soon come with our armies which they will not be able to face. We shall drive them out of (the land) with ignominy, and they will be humbled." 38. He (then) said (to his courtiers): "O you nobles, is there any one who can bring me her throne before they come to me in submission?" 39. A crafty jinn (intelligent person, tribesman, person of leadership) said: "I will bring it before you rise from your seat, for I am strong and trustworthy." 40. But one who had knowledge of the letter, said: "I will bring it to you in the twinkling of an eye." When Solomon saw it before him, (he said): "This is by the grace of my Lord that He may test me whether I am grateful or I am thankless. Yet if one is grateful, he is grateful for himself, and if one is thankless, then surely my Lord is unconcerned and magnanimous." 41. (Turning to his nobles) he said: "Change the appearance of her throne. Let us see if she is rightly guided, or is not guided at all." This understanding clearly changes again the whole concept and understanding of jinn, and proves the word is used differently, based on the context. It is interesting to note the power of suggestion as a lot of the claimed powers of the mythological invisible spirits, come from these verses. As here the jinn says that he will bring the throne in a blink of an eye, and by thus people believe the jinn are as fast as light. When in normal life, people would say this, no-one will believe you do it in a blink of an eye, they know it is just an expression. But with the expressions used in the Quran, people do take it seriously. This contradicting behavior with interpretation can be seen with a lot of interpretations of the Quran. Here the jinn says, ‘I’ll bring it before you rise from your seat’, which is clearly just meant as an expression. But as explained, tair can also mean cavalry, mantiq means logic, and Hud-hud being one of importance. Jinn can also refer to leaders, and here it is used for the leader of cavalry. I agree with the translation of Dr.Shabbir who has given a beautiful rendition of the story: [27:16-41] 16. Solomon was David’s heir in continuation of Allah’s Revelation. He said, "O People! We have been given a great cavalry of ready horses with the best knowledge of training them, and given every

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blessing. This evidently is a great Bounty on our nation.” (Solomon ruled as King from 965 to 926 B.C.) 17. Solomon’s army included warrior tribes of the woods and the mountains, dwellers of townships, and great riders of the tribe of Taer. They were well disciplined, and dedicated to any appointed mission. 18. Once (when Solomon was on an expedition to the South), they came upon the valley ruled by Queen An-Naml. The Queen, (realizing the power of Solomon), ordered her armies, “Go back in your barracks, lest Solomon and his armies crush you without knowing that we are a peaceful tribe.” 19. Solomon smiled joyously at her words and said, "My Lord! Enable me to be grateful for your blessings upon me and my parents. Enable me to work for the betterment of humanity and thus please You. Include me, by Your Grace, among your righteous servants." 20. (Leaving the peaceful tribe of An-Naml alone, Solomon marched forward.) As he examined the cavalry, he said, “How is it that I do not see the commander Al-hoodhood, the Hoopoe? Is he one of the absentees?” 21. (Absconding from the marching army was a breach of discipline.) Solomon said, "Unless the commander presented a good reason I would punish him or demote him to a low rank." 22. But before long Al-hoodhood showed up. (He was coming back from a reconnaissance mission to the Kingdom of Queen Bilqis, Sheba). He said, "I have come with the latest news, some important and reliable information from the land of Sheba that you are not aware of.” (Their armies were planning an expedition towards the North). 23. “Behold, the country is ruled by a Queen who has been given everything and she has a tremendous throne.” 24. "I found her and her people worshiping the sun instead of Allah. Their ego makes them think that they are doing right. Satan (the priesthood of the Sun Temple) hinders them from the Right Path. So they cannot find the Right Way." 25. "They do not understand that they must adore Allah Who brings forth from His Unseen treasures in the heavens and the earth, and Who knows all that you hide and declare." 26. "(They need to know that) there is no god but Allah, the Lord of the Supreme Control.” 27. Solomon listened to the report and decided to carry out further investigation to ascertain the truth. Said he, "We shall see whether you have told the truth or are one of the liars." 28. (He gave a letter to the Commander of the cavalry to take to the court of Sheba, and to watch their response), "Go with this letter of

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mine and make sure you convey it to them, and then come back with the answer they give." [….] 38. (When Solomon found out that the Queen was coming), he said, “O Chiefs! Which one of you can present the best plan to get her throne before they come to me surrendering?” (1500 miles between Ma'arib, the capital of Sheba to Jerusalem.) 39. One of the strong commanders of the mountain division said, "My troops can accomplish this mission with lightening speed, before you rise up to think of and assign anyone else. Behold, I am competent and trustworthy for this job." 40. Another powerful commander, who had knowledge of the correspondence, said, "I can accomplish the mission even sooner, before your gaze returns to you (before you having to rethink)." (Solomon dispatched the forces, and the mission was smoothly accomplished. The Queen’s throne was brought to Jerusalem before she arrived and) he saw it set in his presence. He said, "This success is a blessing from my Lord, that He may try me whether I am grateful or ungrateful. Whoever is grateful is grateful for his own good, and whoever is ungrateful, should know that my Lord is Self-Sufficient, Supremely Honorable.” [34:12-14] We (subjugated) the wind to Solomon. Its morning's journey took one month, and the evening's one month. We made a spring of molten brass to flow for him; and many jinns (tribesman, intelligent people, fantasies(all are rarely or not seen)) laboured for him by the will of his Lord. Anyone of them who turned from Our command was made to taste the torment of blazing fire. They made for him whatever he wished, synagogues and statues, dishes large as water-troughs, and cauldrons firmly fixed (on ovens; and We said): "O House of David, act, and give thanks." But few among My creatures are thankful. When We decreed death for him (Solomon), nothing showed his death to the rarely seen ones (Rulers of other nations, the people who worked in his government, Tribesmen, Priests, Leaders of his army) until a creature of the earth ate away the strength he had mustered. When the power base fell, the Wild Tribes rebelled regretting that they should have done it sooner only if they knew the new unjust King. (The ‘creature of the earth’ was the highly incompetent son Rehoboam, and successor of Solomon 38:34. Historically, ten of the Israelite Tribes also broke away from the Kingdom at that point).

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Other meanings of Jinn. 32:13 Had We intended We could have given every Self its guidance; but inevitable is My word that I will fill up Jahannam with men and the things concealed for human sense’s together. Here is it again mankind and it’s ego, desires and everything that has no place in Heavenly experience, as in my best understanding. And also, legends, like referring mankind, as what is alive now, people who are still alive to be ´seen´, and the deceased people of the past. Explaining thus maybe, that the mankind in the Quran is used in the way, of speaking to the people who are alive to hear the Quran, and the jinn as the people who are concealed through death now. [34:40-42] The day He will gather all of them together, He will ask the the ones in control(powers of Creation, Laws of Nature): "Did they worship you?" "God forbid!" (they will answer). "You are our protector not they. In fact, they worshipped the concealed things/ones/rarely seen/covered by darkness. Most of them believed in them." That day you will have no power to profit or harm each other; and We shall say to the sinners: "Taste the punishment of Fire which you had denied." People worshiped here the personifications as idols, as well as in just following their inner desires/fantasies as they were idols, and also ancestors, dead people out of legends, religious leaders, kings and rulers, forces. The ´not seen´ category is big. Worshiping them as taking them as their masters and source of power. This behavior is given out through the Quran. [37:158-162] They link Him with the ones concealed by lineage, yet the concealed ones know they will be brought before Him. God is too glorious for what they ascribe to Him. Except His chosen creatures who do not. So neither you nor those you worship. Can mislead anyone away from Him, Again, referring to the worship of their ego’s, fantasies, made-up idols, desires, unseen forces of Nature, dead prophets and peoples, leaders of communities and so on.

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45:23 Have you seen the one who took his ego as his god, and God led him astray, despite his knowledge, and He sealed his hearing and his heart, and He made a veil on his eyes? Who then can guide him after God? Will you not remember? 41:25. We had assigned to them close companions who made their past and present look attractive to them; and the fate that had once befallen the communities of the concealed ones and people before them was justified upon them. They were indeed bound to perish. Here it is perfectly seen that jinn means people of the past that had special positions or low positions in society or lived outside the hebetated world, as tribes that lived in the jungles. Also it can refer to the pantheon of gods the people before had created. 41:29. Those who disbelieve will say: "O Lord, show us those among the concealed ones and mankind who had led us astray that we may trample them underfoot and make them wholly abject." Again, multiple interpretations possible, as they all fit, as it can refer to as well beings, parts of human nature, dead prophets, ancestors, forces of nature, intelligent humans, people of the elite and so on. And giving an interesting notion again, that the word ins, used here in the Quran, for the present people, as the jinn for the people covered by darkness, as in being dead or not part of the ins, living outside the society of the ins, as hermits, nomads and so on. 46:17. But he who says to his parents: "Shame on you: You intimidate me that I will be resurrected when many generations will have passed before me?" And (the parents) would implore God's help: "Woe to you. You better believe. The promise of God is certainly true." Yet he answers: "These are only fables of long ago." 18. They are those on whom the sentence of God would be justified as on communities of not seen/rarely seen and people before them. They will surely perish.19. Each will have a position in accordance with his deeds; and no wrong will be done to them. Here I believe, it refers more to jinns being humans, but it can also be taken metaphorically, as again, the destructive inner bad desires will perish. [46:29-32] And (remember), when We turned a company of not seen ones (nomads,hermits) towards you to listen to the Qur'an, they arrived when it was being recited, and they said: "Keep silent." When it was

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over they came back to their people, warning them: "O our people:" they said: "we have listened to a Book which has come down after Moses, confirming what was (sent down) before it, showing the way to the truth and a path that is straight. O our people, hearken to the summoner of God, and believe in him, so that He may forgive you your sins and save you from a painful doom. He who does not listen to the summoner of God cannot weaken (the power of) God on earth, nor will he have protectors other than Him. They are clearly in the wrong." It directly refers to them learning from the Quran, as well Muhammed seeing them, the Quran only comes as a message for Mankind, and that certain jinns, concealed ones are also, considered as humans. And by thus proven again, that the word jinn is not a title, but a word that has to be translated and seen in the context of the verses. These jinns were nomads or travelers, munks or hermits from monasteries that were scattered all around Arabia. 51:56 I did not create the concealed/not seen ones and the humans except to serve Me. This applies to as well human rulers, kings, people of authority in society, intelligent people, men with outstanding abilities, nomads, jungle people, human emotions, inner desires, fantasies and unseen powers of Nature etc. Because everything serves the creation. As well again, it pointing to people of the past and the people of now, the jinns and the ins. 55:33 O assemblies of concealed/not seen ones/rarely seen and humans, if you can penetrate the outer limits of the heavens and the Earth’s regions, then go ahead and penetrate. You will not penetrate without authority. Here it can refer to fantasies in a positive manner, intelligent people and other people ‘not seen’ in the populated societies. That will be part of developing higher sciences. Also it has to be remembered that most of the people developing such technology, work on military bases, and are not part of normal society for years, they are ‘concealed’ for most people of society. Working and living in secret. As we now, through the history of the space programs of Russia and America. If we take this verse meaning that. Also can it refer to higher thinking, our thoughts going beyond ideas we have know, applying to jinn as fantasies. As for both, space-program as higher thinking, takes power/authority.

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55:39 On that Era, no more questioning is asked of human or concealed ones as to his sins. Clear enough I believe, this refers primarily to human beings, rulers, intelligent people. 55:56.In them are attendants with a splendid look, unknown before by any human or concealed/not seen ones. 55:74 No human has ever touched them, nor concealed/not seen one. In both translations, Jinn can mean as well humans, as fantasies, taking touched/unknown metaphorically. As no fantasy has ever touched them. [72:1-16] 1. It has been inspired to me that a group of (normally) not seen(nomads, hermits, monks, travelers) were listening." They said: "We have heard a magnificent Quran! 2. Which guides to the right path; and we have come to believe in it, and will not associate any one with our Lord. 3. Exalted is the glory of our Lord; He has neither wife nor son. 4. Certainly the foolish among us say preposterous things of God. 5. We had in fact thought that societies and normally not seen (nomads) would never speak a lie about God, 6. But some men used to seek refuge with some concealed ones (nomads, hermits, monks, straying ego’s), and this increased their waywardness; 7. So they began to think, even as you do, that God would not resurrect any one. 8. We sought to pry into the secrets of the heavens (making horoscopes, astrology), but found it full of fierce guards and shooting flames. 9. We sat in observatories to ‘listen’; but any one who listened found a shooting star in wait for him (it will work against them). 10. We do not know if this means ill for the dwellers of the earth, or their Lord wishes guidance for them. 11. For some of us are upright and some otherwise: Surely we follow different ways. 12. We realized that we could not weaken the power of God on earth, nor outpace Him by running away. 13. So when we heard the guidance we believed in it; and he who believes in his Lord will neither fear loss nor force.

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14. Some of us have come to submission, and some of us are iniquitous.'" Those who have submitted have taken the right course; 15. But those who are iniquitous will be fuel for Hell. 16. (Say): "If they keep to the right path We shall give them water in abundance to drink 17. In order to try them through it. But whoever turns away from the remembrance of his Lord, will be given increasing torment by Him." This clear enough, as it directly refers to the nomads, hermits, travelers living in the time of Muhammed. At that moment they were seen by the prophet, so there status of being jinn, doesn’t always refer to the direct situation, but to the normal situation. Normally these people were not seen by Muhammed and his people, and by thus carry the title jinn, rarely seen. That told about the Quran, when they got back to their people. Here they also refer to human activity of telling fortunes through the stars, and acknowledging that it will only work against them. Describing themselves, as some of us good, some of us bad. There is my vision, no doubt that here jinn is meant as the persons normally not seen, the nomads, hermits, monks. That they were most likely Followers of Jesus or Jews who believed in idols, as Osiris, can be seen by verse 72:3: ´Exalted is the glory of our Lord; He has neither wife nor son.´ Sura 114 In the name of God, the Almighty, the Most Merciful Say: "I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind," "The King of mankind," "The God of mankind," "From the evil of the sneaking whisperer," Who whispers into the chests of mankind," "From among the concealed ones and mankind." Here again it can refer to human jinns as well as evil concealed senses, thoughts and so on. Also even people from the past, as asking to protect against lies from the past.

Conclusion. I have tried my best to give make an as clear answer as I can from the Quran itself. I believe, I have proven that the word jinn, doesn’t has a fixed meaning, as it is depended on the context of the verses. We have come across the meanings as ego, desires, fantasies, bad/evil thoughts, emotions as hate, anger. Humans living out of direct view of the more populated societies, as nomads, people living in jungles. People working behind the scenes in politics, rulers of nations or religious groups, intelligent people that

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live secluded. Monks, nuns, hermits. Bums, top criminals, people living maybe in a city, but are not part of its system. People living in secluded villages or societies and so on. People of the past, legends. Ancestors, imaginary idols, peerless people. More ideas can come up, as the word jinn is versatile in its applying. But I hope to have broken the myth of the invisible spirits, as these are not given in the Quran. I admit, they are also not denied, as they can fall under the term hidden, but there has been no verses given at all, that give any clue of their existence. The rule I applied here, is looking for the meanings of words, through text analysis, instead of applying given fixed title meanings, is in my eyes, the true key to the Quran, the Reading, as it will give wider understandings, in words as Djenna, Jahannam, mailik-ah and so on. More research must be done, may God accept this work. All faults are of my own. May this be the start….. Evolution: Here is an comment by one of Holland's important scholars, Professor dr. Stephen B.J.Menken, Chief Evolution biologist of Amsterdam University: "With the making of the first step to the primal soup which contains all basic elements for life to a living organism, we stumble upon a lot of problems. One of the problems is the UV-radiation of the sun. We are protected by our skin and the earth's ozonlayer from the worst radiation. The young earth didn't have a protecting ozonlayer, so the UV-radiation reached freely the atmosphere and the top water layers. A second problem is that the most simple organic substances can move in all directions in a watery substance. For life to emerge, it is necessary that the substances remain together, a third problem is the sensitivity of DNA and RNA, mainly the carbonic-sugars, which brake apart easy. There must have happened two things will the substances of the primal soup evolve to something more complicating, to life. The substances must remain together and protected against harmful influences from outside.[..] The second most important theory is that of the clay particles. These particles are common on earth. They're layered, smaller then two micrometer and can bind all organic molecules and make them react with each other. On the surface of the clay particles, can by example, RNA been build up from simple molecules. Next to that, enhance the clay particles, the forming of fatty-acids, in which an environment can evolve which is separated from the outside world.[..] The walls of every cell, of plants, animals and fungi’s, are build up out of double layered fatty-acids.[..] In a solution of fatty-acids together with clay particles, bindings emerge of double layered fatty-acids.[...] If on the surface of the enclosed clay particles, molecules get

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'stuck', this can be most important for the origins of life, then by this theory can we explain the build of the primitive cell."

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Sources: Harper Bible Dictionary Tay ul-roos Arabic Dictionary Raghib Arabic Dictionary Lane’s Arabic Dictionary Dictionary of the Quran by A.M.Omar Quran Translation by Ahmed Ali Quran Translation by Dr.Shabbir Ahmed M.D. Quran Translation by Freeminds Organisation Quran Translation by Mohammed and Samira Ahmed

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