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Page 1: DISTRACTED DRIVING - Nocell Technologies | Driving ... Distracted... · distracted driving has not yet translated into reducing the behavior.7 “More than 1.2 million people die

DISTRACTED DRIVING A Deadly & Costly Epidemic


Page 2: DISTRACTED DRIVING - Nocell Technologies | Driving ... Distracted... · distracted driving has not yet translated into reducing the behavior.7 “More than 1.2 million people die


A Deadly & Costly Epidemic

America, and the rest of the world, has a big problem that’s rapidly

growing – distracted driving. Specifically, distraction caused by cell phone

use while driving.

Despite safer vehicles, road fatalities continue to increase

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) National Highway

Transportation Administration (NHTSA) declared that distracted driving is

one of the top causes of collisions – Ray LaHood, Transportation Secretary,

described it as a “deadly epidemic”.1

Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) and NHTSA released a study

that stated 80% of crashes and 65% of “near-crashes” involve some form

of driver distraction.3

Distracted driving caused by handheld mobile device use is one of the fastest

growing contributors to fatal collisions and about 70% of drivers report

using cell phones despite knowing phones can be a crash risk according to

the National Safety Council (NSC).6 Crash risks increase 4X when drivers

are distracted by cell phones.5

Several nationwide campaigns and programs such as “Don’t Text & Drive”

(BMW); “It Can Wait” (AT&T); U Drive. U Text. U Pay.” (NHTSA);

“Toward Zero Deaths” (U.S. Transportation Leaders); among others, have

been running the past several years to inform the public about the dangers of

cellphone use while driving. However, simply knowing the risks of

distracted driving has not yet translated into reducing the behavior.7


“More than 1.2 million people die each year as a result of road traffic crashes” 2

- The World Health Organization

“Distracted driving is one of the most underreported traffic safety issues” 4

- American Automobile


“Individuals who text message while driving are 23 times more likely to get into an accident” 8

- New York Times

Date Taken: 8/5/2014, by Unknown, COLOURBOX27409333

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DISTRACTED DRIVING A Deadly & Costly Epidemic

Soaring risk and cost for distracted driving incidents

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of work-related death from

injury in the U.S., according to the National Institute for Occupational

Safety and Health (NIOSH).9 NHTSA reported, “the price tag for crashes

comes at a heavy burden for Americans at $871 billion in economic loss and

societal harm.” 10

Fleet liability, costs and penalties continue to rise

Liability costs continue to rise for fleets across the board. Distracted

driving may tragically result in an injury or fatality for the driver, a

passenger, a bystander, or an occupant of another vehicle. This can result

in significant criminal and civil implications for the driver and company, as

well as negatively affect a hard-earned brand that will be cast in the light of

endangering public safety after a crash.

Employers are often held liable in distracted driving cases because of

a legal doctrine known as “vicarious liability”, which charges employers

with legal responsibility if a negligent act is committed by an

employee acting within the “general scope” of his or her employment.

Correspondingly, many judges and juries are awarding record high,

multimillion-dollar settlements. And, because most major commercial

fleet companies are self-insured, these costs come directly off the company’s

bottom line.

In a 2012 publication, NHTSA and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety

Administration (FMCSA) estimated on-the-job crashes cost employers more

than $24,500 property damage per crash. Both organizations found that

the cost rises to $150,000 per injury and to as much as $3.6 million per



“Vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death on the job” 11

- National Institute for

Occupational Safety

and Health

“20% of a fleet is involved in a crash annually” 12 - Network of Employers

for Traffic Safety

“Business leaders owe it to their employees to put safety first – especially when employees are on the roads" 14

- National Safety Council

Date Taken: 6/26/2013, by Lev Dolgachov, COLOURBOX10369685

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DISTRACTED DRIVING A Deadly & Costly Epidemic

NETS Cost of Motor Vehicle Crashes to Employers Report 15

In 2013, Network for Employers Traffic Safety (NETS) reported, “U.S. traffic

crashes cost employers $47.4 billion in direct crash-related expenses which

include medical care, liability, lost productivity and property damage.”

Total calculated costs to employers of crashes caused by distracted driving

was $8.2 Billion.16

In its survey of costs of collisions in 2015, NETS found for a fatal crash fleet

liability was more than $38,000 on top of the health fringe benefit costs and

other direct costs (including legal costs) of more than $625,000.18

Many of these incidents occur during the workday or during the commute to

and from work. Employers bear the cost for injuries that occur both on and off

the job. Whether you manage a fleet of vehicles, oversee a mobile sales force

or simply employ commuters, by implementing driver safety programs and

technology in the workplace you can greatly reduce the risks faced by your

employees and their families while protecting your company’s bottom line. 19

Government fleets ban texting and cell phone handling

In October 2009, President Obama signed an executive order banning federal

employees from sending texts in government cars. 20 Since 2006, the U.S.

military permits only hands-free use of phones on bases. 21


“Distracted driving is a serious concern for employers that operate fleets or whose employees must drive to perform their jobs” 17

- Network of Employers

for Traffic Safety

President Obama signed an executive order that forbids Federal employees and contractors to text while driving when they are using government-provided cars or cell phones and when they are using their own phones or cars to conduct government business. 20 - U.S. DOT

Date Taken: 8/12/2012, by Unknown, COLOURBOX8677289

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DISTRACTED DRIVING A Deadly & Costly Epidemic FMCSA penalties for driving a commercial motor vehicle while using a

mobile phone can be up to $2,750 for drivers and $11,000 for employers,

as well as put out of service for up to 120 days. 22

Employers take initial steps beyond legislation to reduce

distracted driving

Some employers have taken steps to reduce distracted driving beyond

current legislation.23 However, a large number of companies don't

enforce employee cell phone policies. 24

In addition, at stake for fleets is the risk of penalties & fees for violating

state laws cracking down on cell phone use while driving. A total of

47 states, in addition to Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, and the

U.S. Virgin Islands have passed laws forbidding texting while driving. 25

However, current U.S. laws are not strictly enforced. Punishments are

mild so people pay little attention. Drivers are not categorically prohibited

from using phones while driving. For example, using earphones to talk

and texting with a hands-free device remain legal.27

What should companies do?

While a growing number of companies have enacted policies governing

cell phone use while driving, the challenge is this – How do you enforce

these policies, especially if you’re managing fleets consisting of dozens,

or hundreds, or even several thousand vehicles and drivers?


“FMCSA prohibits texting by commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers” 22

- Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

“Even with strong

enforcement, cellphone

and texting bans aren't

reducing crashes reported

to insurers” 26

- The Insurance Institute

for Highway Safety

1. Have a written policy addressing distracted driving.

2. Deploy technology to enforce safe driving policies.

Date Sourced: 7/24/2018, by Unknown, SHUTTERSTOCK 288813485

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▪ Safe Driving Saves Lives and Money Nocell Technologies benefits organizations through

decreasing vehicle crashes, injuries and fatalities by

minimizing mobile device distractions – mitigating loss.

▪ Driver Safety Policy Enforcement NOCELL provides technology that enables application-level

cell phone use policy enforcement and informs supervisors

of non-compliance.

▪ Enterprise-Grade Platform NOCELL’s driver device management DDM™ platform was

designed for commercial fleets, easily integrates with existing

telematics and fleet management systems, and scales without

delay to multi-thousands of vehicles and drivers.

Date Sourced: 7/24/2018, by Unknown, SHUTTERSTOCK 684756622

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RESOURCES 1 “Distracted Driving a Deadly Epidemic”, Tony Scotti (2014, March) “The Kill Zone”, International Security

Driver Association


2 “Global status report on road safety”, Road traffic injuries fact sheet, reviewed (2018, Jan), World Health

Organization (WHO).


3 “Driver Behavior and Crash Factors” (2006, April), Jacqueline Glassman, NHTSA Administrator, Virginia

Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) news conference, Blacksburg, VA


4 " Distraction Tops Drivers’ List of Growing Dangers on the Road” (2018, March), Tamra Johnson, Manager

Public Relations, AAA Foundation’s annual Traffic Safety Culture Index


5 “Distracted driving and risk of road crashes among novice and experienced drivers”, Klauer, S., Guo, F.,

Simons-Morton, B.G., Ouimet, M.C., Lee, S.E., & Dingus, T.A. (2014, Jan). New England Journal of

Medicine; 370:54-59. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMsa1204142


6 “Technologies Can Reduce Cell Phone Distracted Driving”, The National Safety Council (NSC) is a

nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization (Accessed 2018, April).


7 “Stuck in the 70s: The role of social norms in distracted driving”, Atchley, P., Hadlock, C., & Lane, S. (2012).

Accident Analysis & Prevention, 40, 279-284.


8 “In Study, Texting Lifts Crash Risk by Large Margin”, Matt Richtel (2009, July), The New York Times


9 “Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Highway Loss Data Institute Status Report”, Vol. 39,

No. 4 (2004, March) National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)


10 “Economic costs alone are nearly $900 for each person living in the U.S.”, Karen Aldana (2014, May), U.S.

DOT National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).



11 “Motor Vehicle Safety at work”, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Center for Disease Control

and Prevention (CDC), National Institute for Occupational Safety (updated: 2018, June)


12“Developing Budget-Friendly Driver Safety Programs”, (2015, April) Amy Hercher, former senior editor with

Bobit Business Media's Auto Group


13 “NSC White Paper Details Employer Liability From Crashes Caused By Distracted Driving”, (2012, April) Automotive Fleet Staff, National Safety Council (NSC)



14 “NSC to Employers: Protect Yourself with a Corporate Cell Phone Policy”, (2012, May) Janet Froetscher,

NSC president and CEO, National Safety Council (NSC)



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RESOURCES 15 “The Economic Burden of Traffic Crashes on Employers Costs by State and Industry and by Alcohol and

Restraint Use”, U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (2005,

August) Publication No. DOT HS 809 682


16 “Cost of Motor Vehicle Crashes to Employers— 2015™” Report prepared for the Network of Employers for

Traffic Safety (NETS) by the Pacific Institute for Research & Evaluation, funded by a grant to NETS by the

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)


17 “Distracted Driving Serious Concern for Employers”, (2017, December) Network of Employers for Traffic

Safety (NETS) and American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP)


18 “Cost of Motor Vehicle Crashes to Employers— 2015 (NETS)” Network of Employers for Traffic Safety

(Accessed 2018, March).


19 “Guidelines for Employers to Reduce Motor Vehicle Crashes” joint document U.S. Department of Labor,

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), NHTSA, and NETS (2005)


20 “Document 74 FR 51225 Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving”, Executive Office

of the President (2009, October), President Obama, Executive Order 13513


21“DoD to Restrict Cell Phone Use on Military Bases” Sgt. Sara Wood, American Forces Press (2006, May)


22 “No Texting Rule Fact Sheet (2012, May), U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier

Safety Administration (FMCSA)


23 “Employers are Leading the Way” (Accessed 2018, March) National Safety Council (NSC).


24 “Large Number of Companies Don't Enforce Employee Cell Phone Policies” (2011, May), Occupational

Health & Safety



25 “Distracted Driving Cellphones and Texting” (2017, July) Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)


26 “Bans reduce phone use, but what about crashes?” (2014, October) Status Report, Vol. 49, No. 8, Insurance

Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)


27 "State Laws Restricting Driver Use of Mobile Communications Devices: Distracted-Driving Provisions",

Ibrahim, J.K.; Anderson, E. D.; Burris, S. C.; Wagenaar, A. C. (2011). American Journal of Preventive




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