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 A Study On The Competencies And Roles Of HR

Professionals In Malaysia 

Dissertation Proposal 

Student ID : U0935647

Intake : Cohort 15A

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Dissertation Proposal

Towards Strategic Human Resource Management: A study of the competencies and roles of HR professionals in Malaysia 

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Student ID: U0935647

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................... 1

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 2

Statement of Management Problem ................................................................................................. 3

Research Objective ............................................................................................................................ 3

Conceptual Framework for the Research Study ................................................................................. 4

Research Questions ........................................................................................................................... 5

Methodology ..................................................................................................................................... 6

Literature Review .............................................................................................................................. 7

Historical Overview........................................................................................................................ 7

SHRM and its Comparison with Traditional HRM............................................................................ 9

SHRM and Its Impact on Business ................................................................................................ 10

SHRM and the Competencies of HR Professionals ........................................................................ 11

Timeline .......................................................................................................................................... 12

References ...................................................................................................................................... 13

APPENDIX 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 16

APPENDIX 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 23

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Executive Summary

Due to the competitive business environment today, the responsibility of human resource to

contribute to the bottom line is no longer optional. Strategic Human Resource Management

(SHRM) is vital to the business as it is responsible to align traditional human resource

management practices such as recruitment, training and others human resource functions to a

company’s strategy. According to Wright and McMahan (1992), SHRM is the “pattern of the

planned human resource deployment and activities intended to enable an organization to

achieve its goal”. In the past, HR professionals were often viewed as paper pushers and

policy enforcers. Today, HR professionals are transformed to be a strategic partner, an

employee advocate and change mentor aside from its traditional functions. As such, HR

professionals must upgrade their images to more appropriately fit the leadership role they

want to assume.

Although the concept of SHRM has been around for more than 20 years, the implementation

of it is uncertain. There is also doubt that today’s HR professionals may not have the

competencies to perform in the area of SHRM. There are voluminous research literatures,

books and articles published to clearly document the changing nature of the employment

relationship and the competencies required of HR professional to be successful in SHRM

(Ulrich, 1997); (Ulrich et al., 1998). Therefore, this research study is aimed at exploring the

competencies of HR professionals in Malaysia particularly on the competencies that they

have and the ones that they need to possess to further develop in order to function as a

strategic role in organizations. This study also will identify the perceptions of the importance

of the certain human resource competencies as being critical to the success of HR

professional in building strategic business relationship.

In today business world, the need for a competent HR professional is very necessary for

organizations to survive and grow. In this regards, HR professional are required not only to

have the competencies but also to acquire new competencies to deliver value to the

organization. The importance of HR professionals’ competencies may strongly influence and

dictates of the culture and economic system within which they operate and this will have

major impact on bottom line results and organizational excellence.

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Two years ago, the world economy was engulfed by the global financial crisis which has led

the business world almost to its nadir. There were deep global recession, fallen enterprisesand collapsed of large financial institutions around the world. In this situation, HR

professionals were pressed to shift from administrative functions to become the business

strategic partner. Such transformation escalates human resource management towards a

strategic level which is known as Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM).

SHRM is vital to the business as it is responsible to align traditional human resource

management practices such as recruitment, training and others human resource functions to a

company’s strategy. According to Wright and McMahan (1992), SHRM is the pattern of the

planned human resource deployment and activities intended to enable an organization to

achieve its goal. In the past, HR professionals were often viewed as paper pushers and policy

enforcers. Today, HR professionals are transformed to be a strategic partner, an employee

advocate and change mentor aside from its traditional functions.

The current business trend has shown an increase participation of HR professionals in

bringing employees and the company together as a partner in generating operational profit

and gaining global competitiveness (Berea, 1998). As such, HR professionals must upgrade

their images to more appropriately fit the leadership role they want to assume.

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Statement of Management Problem

The successful transformation of the role of HR professional from traditional functions

towards becoming a strategic HR professional is paramount. The demands of the globaleconomy, technology, diversity and globalization and the ever-changing workplace make the

transformation critical. The responsibility of human resource to contribute to the bottom line

is now no longer optional. Although the concept of SHRM has been around for more than 20

years, the implementation of it is uncertain. There is also doubt that today’s HR professionals

may not have the competencies to perform in the area of SHRM.

There are voluminous research literatures, books and articles published to clearly document

the changing nature of the employment relationship and the competencies required of HR

professional to be successful in SHRM (Ulrich, 1997); (Ulrich et al., 1998). These views

were supported by many scholars such as (Csoka, 1995) and (Mohrman et al., 1996) which

resulted in awareness of demands being placed on HR professionals and the competencies

required to be successful in the SHRM environment.

Research Objective

The purpose of this study is as follows:

(1) To explore the competencies of HR professionals in Malaysia particularly on the

competencies that they have and the ones that they need to possess to further develop

in order to function as a strategic role in organizations.

(2) To identify the perceptions of the importance of the certain human resource

competencies as being critical to the success of HR professional in building strategic

business relationship.

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Conceptual Framework for the Research Study

Current literatures on competencies, SHRM and organizational success were used as a

framework for examining HR professional competencies. The competencies identified in thisstudy are strategic contribution, personal credibility, HR delivery, business knowledge,

HR technology, leadership and change management and quality of work-life family.

Four of these competencies are based on (Ulrich et al., 1995) while the remaining

competencies are based on research done by (Payne, 2005).

Figure 1 : The HR Competencies (Brockbank & Ulrich Model)Source : (Boselie & Pauuwe, 2004)

The conceptual framework for this research is as follows:

Figure 2 : The HR Competencies

HR Professionals’ competencies

(1) Strategic Contribution

(2) Business Knowledge

(3) HR Delivery

(4) Personal Credibility

(5) HR Technology

(6) Leadership and Change Management

(7) Work life balance

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Research Questions

This study sought to examine the following seven general research questions (RQu).

RQu1. Which one of the seven competency clusters does the HR Professionals perceived as

extremely important to their organization and vice versa?

RQu2. Which one of the seven competency clusters does the non HR Professionals perceived

as extremely important to the organization and vice versa?

RQu3. What are the gaps between the HR Professionals’ competencies versus what the

required organizational level competencies?

RQu4. Are there significant differences in HR professional’s perceptions of the importance

of the seven competency domains to their organization and HR professional

perceptions of their own ability levels?

RQu5. Does the position of HR professionals influence respondents’ perceptions of HR

Professionals ability levels in the seven competency domains?

RQu6. Does the approximate number of years in HR influence respondents’ perceptions of 

HR Professionals ability levels in the seven competency domains?

RQu7. Does the gender of HR professionals influence respondents’ perceptions of HR

Professionals ability levels in the seven competency domains?

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The methodology that will be used as part of the project will consist of a mix of both primary

and secondary data.

Primary Data

The primary data will be collected by questionnaire, which will have a structured format

allowing the results to be efficiently analysed. To aid this process, I will explore the

possibility of conducting web-based survey to significantly increase the sample size. The

questionnaire will focus on a range of HR competencies across the seven domains: strategic

contribution, personal credibility, HR delivery, business knowledge, HR technology,

leadership and change management and quality of work-life family. The draft of the

questionnaire is attached herewith is Appendix 1 and Appendix 2.

A survey packet will be send to HR Managers containing one survey for the HR professionals

and the other non-HR survey to non-HR Managers at their organizations. The sampling size

for this research would be based on quota sampling on 500 companies comprises of GLCs, 50

multinational, other Malaysian corporations and SMEs. The quota amount will be decided

during the research stage.

In validating the filled questionnaires, interview will also be conducted to get the opinions

from both HR and non-HR respondents. The interview is aimed to collect data on

perceptions of HR competencies and role in Malaysia.

Secondary Data

Secondary data will be information collected from literature sources.

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Literature Review

The literature reviewed for the current study focus on Strategic Human Resource

Management (SHRM) and the role of HR Leaders. This section is divided into four sections:

(1) Historical Overview

(2) SHRM and its Comparison With Traditional HRM

(3) SHRM and its impact on Business

(4) SHRM and The Competencies of HR Professionals

Historical Overview

According to Kaufman (2001) , the intellectual roots of SHRM can be traced back as early as

1920s in the United States when progressive companies intentionally adopted innovative HR

practices that represent a strategic approach to the management of labour (Lengnick-Hall et

al., 2009). There concept of SHRM has been documented in academic literatures by scholars

such as (Fombrun et al., 1984), (Beer et al., 1984), (Lengnick-Hall & Lengnick-Hall, 1988),

(Armstrong & Long, 1994), (Buddhar & Sparrow, 1997), (Ulrich, 1997), (Schuler & Jackson,

1999), (Budhwar, 2000), (Budhwar & Khatri, 2002), (Cusworth et al., 2004) and (Sheehan,


Table 1 below outlined the summary of journey of Human Resource Management towards

SHRM and the new responsibilities that contribute more directly to the organization’s bottom

line (Rothwell et al., 1998).

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Time Period HR Focus HR Activity

Before 1890   Industrial technologies   Disciplinary systems

1900 – 1910   Employee well-being   Health & Safety programs

1920s   Task design, efficiency and impact of 

workgroups on individual workers

  Time and motion studies

  Employee counselling and testing

1930s   Union workforce

  Passage of major labour laws

  Communication programs

  Anti-union campaigns

  Personnel becomes staff support to

operational line unit functions

1940s   Employee benefits and compensation   Wage increases

  Cost-of-living adjustments

  Pension, health, and benefit plans

1950s   Employee relations

  Specialized personnel functions

  Training and development

  Separate divisions within personnel

established; recruitment, training, labour

relations, benefits, etc.

1960s   Employee participation   Employee involvement

  Manage by objectives; quality circles;

sensitivity training

1970s   Government intervention   Employee rights now regulated in area of 

discrimination, equal opportunity , equal

opportunity, safety and health, and various

benefits reforms

1980s   Employee recognition


  Expansion and enrichment of employee

knowledge, skills and abilities through

  Job rotation

  Formation of integrated task teams

1990s   Changing demographics of the



  Diversity programs

  Employee rights issues

  Global perspective

  Information technology

2000s   Strategic HR planning   Transition from services and support to

consultative and leadership role

Table 1: The Human Resource Management Timeline

Source: (Rothwell et al., 1998)

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SHRM and its Comparison with Traditional HRM

SHRM has various definitions based on its role in an organization and to date; scholars are

still searching for a strong, integrated theory of SHRM (Delery & Shaw, 1995). The

academic literatures written by McMahan & Wright from 1992 – 1999 defined SHRM as

planned pattern of workforce and human resource management deployment and activities

intended to enable the organization to meet organizational goals and objectives. Schuler &

Walker suggested that SHRM means “A set of processes and activities jointly shared by

human resources and line managers to solve people-related issues” (Schuler & Walker ,

1990). Moving on a year later, Butler & Napier (1991) defined SHRM as the “macro-

organizational approach to viewing the role and function of human resource management in

the larger organization”. Youndt et al. (1996) defined SHRM as “organizational systems

designed to achieve competitive advantage through people” while Huselid et al.(1997) stated

that SHRM “involves designing and implementing a set of internally consistent policies and

practices that insure a firm’s human capital contributes to the achievement of its business

objectives”. The recent literatures stated that SHRM provides alignment of human resource

practices and business/corporate strategy (Othman, 2009).

SHRM differs greatly from the traditional human resource management (HRM). Some of the

differences are illustrated in Table 2 below. HRM serves only a reactive entity within the

organization that is responsible for the transition based procedurally-bound administrative

process. According to P.M.Buhler (2002), traditional HRM focuses on record keeping and

administrative tasks while SHRM is a complimentary tool used to facilitate the

implementation of strategy necessary to achieve SHRM (Fombrun et al., 1984). All in all,

SHRM is the involvement of human resource in the overall strategy of an organization. It is

the result when HRM is vertically integrated with strategic planning and horizontally

integrated with other human resource functions including training and development,

compensation and benefits, recruitment and selection and labour relations (Paynes, 1997).

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Table 2: Traditional HR vs. Strategic HR

Source: (Mello, 2005)

SHRM and Its Impact on Business

The popularity of SHRM has grown due to globalization, technological changes, knowledge

and economic situation. It is undeniable that SHRM plays a vital role in sustaining companies

business and create the potential for companies to reach a greater life in the business world.

Existing research has presented results that indicate positive linkages between SHRM and

organizations outcomes such as Huselid (1995) and Ichniowski et al. (1999).According to

Ulrich et al. (1995),‘s research on 27000 HR professionals, HR’s strategic contribution

accounted for 43 % of its total impact on business performance in high-performing

organizations. Cuddihey (2003) on the other hand indicated that spending in human

performance areas translate into bottom line growth. Harzing & Ruysseveldt (2004) statedthat some research has suggested that companies will gain by utilizing and integrating

appropriate SHRM strategy and practices to enhance firm performance and that effective

SHRM is expected to assist the firm to achieve its goals and objectives.

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SHRM and the Competencies of HR Professionals

Due to the importance of SHRM, HR professionals are expected to play more strategic role

in an organization, however, one the barriers towards this is the HR professionals lack of 

certain competencies to fully function as a strategic HR professionals. In order for SHRM to

function effectively, HR professional are encouraged to develop competencies in “state of the

art HR practices” (Ulrich & Yeung, 1989). Today’s strategic HR professionals need to be

able to integrate their competencies to increase the company’s value. A competency is the

ability to add value to the business and it must focus on the processes leading from changing

business conditions to achieving competitive advantage (Ulrich et al., 1995).

There have been many researches on HR competency since 1981. Some of the researches

were the HRD project in 1983, perceived professional development needs of HR professional

(Collette, 1994) and HR professionals’ and students’ perceptions of the needs for the

competencies (Davis, n.d.) - to name a few.

Closer to home, a research was done by Choi & Wan Ismail (2008) to understand the

relationship between HR’s professional competencies and roles in the manufacturing

companies in Malaysia which concluded that the HR professional in the manufacturing

companies in southern region of Malaysia are lacking in business related human resource


In today business world, the need for a competent HR professional is very necessary for

organizations to survive and grow. In this regards, HR professional are required not only to

have the competencies but also to acquire new competencies to deliver value to the

organization. The importance of HR professionals’ competencies may strongly influence and

dictates of the culture and economic system within which they operate and this will have

major impact on bottom line results and organizational excellence.  

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Dissertation Proposal

Towards Strategic Human Resource Management: A study of the competenciesand roles of HR professionals in Malaysia 

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2010 2011

Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul

Submission of Proposal


Review possibility of using web-based survey

Distribute questionnaires

Further reading and film analysis

Collecting questionnaires

Processing questionnaires

Write Introduction and literature review

Analyse data


Prepare final draft dissertations

Editing and rewrites

Final dissertation

Submit dissertation

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Armstrong, M. & Long, P., 1994. The reality of strategic human resource management .Exeter: Short Run Press.

Beer , M.S., B. Lawrence, P., Quinn Mills, D. & Walton , R., 1984. Managing Human Assets.

New York: The Free Press.

Berea, D., 1998. Leading the way to HR's new age. The Personnel Administrator , 33(6), p.42.

Boselie, P. & Pauuwe, J., 2004. Human resource function competencies in European

companies. Personnel Review, 34(5), pp.550-66.

Buddhar, P.S. & Sparrow, P.R., 1997. Evaluating levels of strategic integration anddevolvement of human resource management in India. The International Journal of Human

 Resource Management , 8(4), pp.476-94.

Budhwar, P.S., 2000. Evaluating levels of strategic intergration and devolvement of human

resource management in the UK. Personnel Review, 29(2), pp.141-57.

Budhwar, P.S. & Khatri, N., 2002. A study of strategic HR issues in an Asian context.

Personnel Review, 31(2), pp.166-88.

Butler, J.E.F. & Napier, N.K., 1991.Strategy and Human Resource Management 

. Cincinnati:South-Western.

Choi , S.L. & Wan Ismail, W.K., 2008. Understanding the relationship of HR competencies

& roles of Malaysian Human Resource professionals.  European Journal of Social Sciences,

7(1), pp.88-103.

Collette, P., 1994. Professional development needs of human resource management 

 practitioners. Proquest Digital Dissertations.

Csoka, L., 1995. Rethinking human resources. The Conference Board.

Cuddihey, A., 2003. Aligining human resources and business. The Canadian Manager , 28

March. p.51.

Cusworth, J., Karami, A. & Analoui, F., 2004. Strategic human resource managamant and

resource-based approach : the evidence from the British Manufacturing Industry.

 Management Research News, 37(6), pp.50-68.

Davis, T.M.B., n.d. Practitioner and student perceptions of appropriateness and personal

  preparedness in American Society for Training and Development Competencies for human

resource development occupations. Proquest Digital Dissertations.

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Delery, J.E. & Shaw, J.D., 1995. The strategic management of people in work organizations :

Revoew, synthesis, and extension. In   Research in personnel and human resource

managemement : supplement 4 : strategic human management in thhe 21st century . JAI

Press. pp.167-97.

Fombrun, C.J., Tichy, N.M. & Devanna, M.A., 1984. Strategic Human Resource

 Management . New York: Wiley.

Harzing, A.-W. & Ruysseveldt, J.V., 2004.   International Human Resource Management .

London: SAGE Publications Ltd.

Huselid, M.A., 1995. The impact of human resource management practices on turnover,

productivity, and corporate financial performance.   Academy of Management Journal, 38,


Huselid, M.A., Jackson, S.E. & Schuler, R.S., 1997. Technical and strategic human resourcemanagement as determinants of firm performance.   Academy of Manaement Journal, 40(1),


Huselid, A., Susan, E.J. & Schuler, R.S., 1997. Technical and strategic human resource

management effectiveness as determinants of firm performance.  Academy of Management 

 Journa;, 40(1), pp.171-88.

Ichniowski, C., Shaw, K. & Prennushi, G., 1999. Understanding human resource

management systems on economic performance : An international comparison of U.S. and

Japanese plants. Management Science, 45, pp.704-21.

Khatri, N. & Budhwar, P., 2002. A study of strategic HR issues in an Asian context.

Personnel Review, 31(1), pp.166-89.

Lengnick-Hall, C.A. & Lengnick-Hall, M.L., 1988. Strategic human resource management : a

review of the literature and a proposed typology.  Academic of Management Review, 13(3),


Lengnick-Hall, M.L., Lengnick-Hall, C.A., Andrade, L.S. & Drake, B., 2009. Strategic

human resource management : The evolution of the field.   Human Resource Management 

 Review , 19(2), pp.64-85.

Mello, J.A., 2005. Strategic Human Resource Management . Thomson: South-Western.

Mohrman, S., Lawler, E. & McMahon, C., 1996.  New directions for the human resources

organization. Los Angeles: University of Southern California.

Othman, A.E.A., 2009. Strategic integration of human resource management practices. Cross

Cultural Management : An International Journal, 16(2), pp.197-214.

P.M.Buhler, 2002.   Human resource management : all you need to manage your staff and 

meet you bsuiness objective. Adam Media Corporation.

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Payne, M.-L., 2005. The path from an administrative to a strategic function : A comparative

study of human resource manager's competencies. Dissertations. Capella University.

Paynes, J.E., 1997. Human resource management for the public and non-profit organizations.

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Rothwell, W., Prescott, R. & Taylor, M., 1998. The strategic HR leader : how to prepare

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Schuler , R. & Jackson, S., 1999. Strategic Human Resource Management . London:


Schuler, R.S. & Walker , W., 1990. Organizational Dynamics. 19(2), pp.5-9.

Sheehan, C., 2005. A model for HRM strategic integration. Personnel Review, 34(2), pp.192-


Ulrich, D., 1997. Human Resource Champions. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

Ulrich, D., 1997. Measuring human resource : an overview of practice and a prescription for

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Ulrich, , Borckbank, W., Yeung, A.K. & Lake, D.G., 1995. Human resource competencies :

An empirical assessment. Human Resource Management , 34(4), pp.473-92.

Ulrich, D., Losey, M. & Lake, G., 1998. Tomorrow's HR Management . New York: John

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Ulrich, D. & Yeung, A., 1989. A shared mindset. HR Magazine, March. pp.38-45.

Youndt, M.A., S., A.D. & Lepak, D.P., 1996. Human resource management, manufacturing

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Survey for HR Managers 

Human Resource Professional Competency Survey 

The purpose of this survey is to identify important competencies of HR professionals in managerial

positions and possible HR competency gaps. Completion of this survey is your consent to participate.

Approximate time to complete the survey is 15 minutes.

Please note that all information provided will remain confidential. 

Competency is defined as an individual's demonstrated knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes

that underlie effective job performance.HR professional refers to an employee in human resources in a managerial position.

I. (Questions 1-37) Below are HR professional's competencies listed in six areas. Please CIRCLE 

your response for each competency for BOTH COLUMNS. 

Column 1 Column 2 

Rate the importance to the firm of each Rate your own ability level in eachof the following HR competencies. of the following HR competencies.

Please circle your response. Please circle your response.

1 = Not important 1 = None at all

2 = Somewhat unimportant 2 = Below average

3 = Neither important or unimportant 3 = Average4 = Somewhat important 4 = Above average

5 = Extremely important 5 = High0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge 0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge


1. Utilize knowledge of industry trends to develop long-term strategies as they relate to human resources.

Rate the importance of this competency to your firm Rate your own competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

2. Collect and analyze data via environmental scanning, such as SWOT (= strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats) analysis, benchmarking, or other means to monitor internal and externalbusiness conditions, as they relate to human resources.

Importance Rate your own competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

3. Participate in the process of defining the firm's business strategies to meet its objectives.

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

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Column 1 Column 2 Rate the importance to the firm of each Rate your own ability level in each

of the following HR competencies. of the following HR competencies.

Please circle your response. Please circle your response.1 = Not important 1 = None at all

2 = Somewhat unimportant 2 = Below average

3 = Neither important or unimportant 3 = Average4 = Somewhat important 4 = Above average5 = Extremely important 5 = High

0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge 0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge

4. Possess analytical skills for the long term.

Rate the importance of this competency to your firm Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

5. Possess visioning skills for the long term.

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

6. Provide adequate leadership for implementing a strategic plan.

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

7. Understand how corporate culture impacts strategy implementation.

Importance Rate your own competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

8. Possess interpersonal skills to support other business functions in their task accomplishment.

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

9. Develop processes to link HR plans to accomplish the firm's business strategies.

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

10. Ensure that planned human resource strategies produce desired results.

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

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18 | P a g e

Student ID: U0935647

Column 1 Column 2 Rate the importance to the firm of each Rate your own ability level in each

of the following HR competencies. of the following HR competencies.

Please circle your response. Please circle your response.1 = Not important 1 = None at all

2 = Somewhat unimportant 2 = Below average

3 = Neither important or unimportant 3 = Average4 = Somewhat important 4 = Above average5 = Extremely important 5 = High

0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge 0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge


11. Demonstrate comprehensive general knowledge of HR practices (e.g., staffing and rewards).

Rate the importance of this competency to your firm Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

12. Possess general business knowledge for executing business strategy.

Importance Rate your own competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

13. In terms of long-term planning, be knowledgeable about the firm's products and services to contributeto long-term planning.

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

14. Know the firm's competitors and their strengths and weaknesses.

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

15. Know how to interpret financial reports including income statements and balance sheets.

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0


16. Manage competency profiles linked to corporate strategy to preserve "organization memory" so that

the existing knowledge within the firm is retained.

Importance Rate your own competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

17. Demonstrate an ability to attract the right talent for competitive advantage.

Importance Rate your own competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

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19 | P a g e

Student ID: U0935647

Column 1 Column 2 Rate the importance to the firm of each Rate your own ability level in each

of the following HR competencies. of the following HR competencies.

Please circle your response. Please circle your response.1 = Not important 1 = None at all

2 = Somewhat unimportant 2 = Below average

3 = Neither important or unimportant 3 = Average4 = Somewhat important 4 = Above average5 = Extremely important 5 = High

0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge 0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge

18. Demonstrate an ability to develop the right talent for competitive advantage.

Rate the importance of this competency to your firm Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

19. Demonstrate an ability to retain the right talent for competitive advantage.

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

20. Integrate HR information and line managers' needs to track employees' skills to allow current

employees to be considered for open positions.

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

21. Assess current levels of employee expertise to meet business outcomes.

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

22. Identify desired key performance requirements (e.g., improved quality control) to meet business


Importance Rate your own competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0


23. Identify opportunities for employees including HR personnel to grow through educational and

development programs.

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

24. Forecast future training needs that are aligned with the firm's strategic direction.

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

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20 | P a g e

Student ID: U0935647

Column 1 Column 2 Rate the importance to the firm of each Rate your own ability level in each

of the following HR competencies. of the following HR competencies.

Please circle your response. Please circle your response.1 = Not important 1 = None at all

2 = Somewhat unimportant 2 = Below average

3 = Neither important or unimportant 3 = Average4 = Somewhat important 4 = Above average5 = Extremely important 5 = High

0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge 0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge

25. Develop measures that link employee activities with the firm's strategic goals to gain competitiveadvantage through human resources.

Rate the importance of this competency to your firm Rate your own competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

26. Understand how to build long-term resource advantage to the firm through human diversity such as

demographics, language skills, or racial and ethnic backgrounds.

Importance Rate your own competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

27. Create human resource practices to ensure utilization of the talents of a diverse workforce to deliverhigh-quality products and services.

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

28. Have a global mindset to build productive relationships with people from many cultures to enhance

a competitive edge for the firm.

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0


29. Take a proactive approach to create innovative work arrangements to balance work-family lifethrough virtual office/telecommuting, flex time, part-time, or other means.

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

30. Promote wellness objectives through programs aimed at balancing work and family, reducing stress,

increasing physical exercise, or through other health education programs.

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

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21 | P a g e

Student ID: U0935647

Column 1 Column 2 Rate the importance to the firm of each Rate your own ability level in each

of the following HR competencies. of the following HR competencies.

Please circle your response. Please circle your response.1 = Not important 1 = None at all

2 = Somewhat unimportant 2 = Below average

3 = Neither important or unimportant 3 = Average4 = Somewhat important 4 = Above average5 = Extremely important 5 = High

0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge 0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge

31. Promote development of family-friendly policies (e.g., on-site sick-child care centre) to facilitate

employees' personal growth and professional development without compromising the firm's

competitive business advantage.

Rate the importance of this competency to your firm Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

32. Work with line managers to make recommendations for employee career exploration and

development, while taking into account family obligations (e.g., caring for family members).

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0


33. Have expertise in leading-edge human resources technologies.

Importance Rate your own competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

34. Use joint services (e.g., intranet) to improve communication of HR transactions (e.g., internal job

postings and promotions).

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

35. Adopt innovative tec hnologies, such as self-service via computer/phone/interactive voice-responsesystem, to give employees control of HR transactions (e.g., changes to retirement funds and benefitsplans).

Importance Rate your own competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

36. Apply computer technology (e.g., database that contains resumes of job applicants and their

qualifications) to assist line managers in staffing.

Importance Rate your own competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

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22 | P a g e

Student ID: U0935647

Column 1 Column 2 Rate the importance to the firm of each Rate your own ability level in each

of the following HR competencies. of the following HR competencies.

Please circle your response. Please circle your response.1 = Not important 1 = None at all

2 = Somewhat unimportant 2 = Below average

3 = Neither important or unimportant 3 = Average4 = Somewhat important 4 = Above average5 = Extremely important 5 = High

0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge 0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge

37. Apply computer techn ology for performance evaluations and other appraisals to assist line managersin performance improvement.

Rate the importance of this competency to your firm Rate your own competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

II. (Questions 38-45) Please indicate the following: 

38. Your present position in HR: VP Director□ Manager

Other (please specify)□  

39. Area in which you are working: Training & Development □ Benefits □ Labour Relations □ 

Compensation □ Recruiting □ General □ Other (please specify)□


40. Approximate number of total years you have worked in HR:

41. Your educational background: High school Associate's□ Bachelor's Master's □ 

Doctor's Other (please specify)□  

42. Please indicate the field/s of your degree/s:

43. Your gender: Male □ Female □ 

44. Number of all employees in your firm/organization: Up to 100 101-500

501-1000 1001-2000 2001 -5000 5001 -20000 Over 20000□  

45. Industry type of your firm/organization: Manufacturing High-Tech Transportation

Health Care Education Retail□ Finance Pharmaceutical□ Insurance □

Communication Legal Government□ Other (please specify)

Thank you for taking the time to respond to this survey. Your feedback is valuable.Please return the completed survey in the enclosed postage paid envelope. 

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23 | P a g e

Student ID: U0935647


Survey for Non-HR Managers Human Resource Professional Competency Survey 

The purpose of this survey is to identify important competencies of HR professionals in managerial

positions and possible HR competency gaps. Completion of this survey is your consent to participate.

Approximate time to complete the survey is 15 minutes.

Please note that all information provided will remain confidential. 

Competency is defined as an individual's demonstrated knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes

that underlie effective job performance. HR professional refers to an employee in human resources in a

managerial position. Please select one HR professional in a managerial position and rate his/her ability

level in the following competencies. Use Column 2 for rating his/her ability. Do not identify the HRprofessional by name.

I. (Questions 1-37) Below are HR professional's competencies listed in six areas. Please CIRCLE 

your response for each competency for BOTH COLUMNS. 

Column 1 Column 2 

Rate the importance to the firm of each Rate the ability level of the HRof the following HR competencies. professional you have selected in each

Please circle your response. of the following HR competencies at

your firm. Please circle your response.

1 = Not important 1 = None at all

2 = Somewhat unimportant 2 = Below average3 = Neither important or unimportant 3 = Average

4 = Somewhat important 4 = Above average5 = Extremely important 5 = High

0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge 0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge


1. Utilize knowledge of industry trends to develop long-term strategies as they relate to human resources.

Rate the importance of this competency to your firm Rate the HR professional's competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

2. Collect and analyze data via environmental scanning, such as SWOT analysis (= strengths, weaknesses,opportunities, and threats), benchmarking, or other means to monitor internal and external business

conditions, as they relate to human resources.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

3. Participate in the process of defining the firm's business strategies to meet its objectives.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

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24 | P a g e

Student ID: U0935647

Column 1 Column 2 Rate the importance to the firm of each Rate the ability level of the HR

of the following HR competencies. professional you have selected in each

Please circle your response. of the following HR competencies atyour firm. Please circle your response.

1 = Not important 1 = None at all

2 = Somewhat unimportant 2 = Below average3 = Neither important or unimportant 3 = Average

4 = Somewhat important 4 = Above average

5 = Extremely important 5 = High0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge 0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge

4. Possess analytical skills for the long term.

Rate the importance of this competency to your firm Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

5. Possess visioning skills for the long term.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

6. Provide adequate leadership for implementing a strategic plan.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

7. Understand how corporate culture impacts strategy implementation.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

8. Possess interpersonal skills to support other business functions in their task accomplishment.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

9. Develop processes to link HR plans to accomplish the firm's business strategies.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

10. Ensure that planned human resource strategies produce desired results.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

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25 | P a g e

Student ID: U0935647

Column 1 Column 2 Rate the importance to the firm of each Rate the ability level of the HR

of the following HR competencies. professional you have selected in each

Please circle your response. of the following HR competencies atyour firm. Please circle your response.

1 = Not important 1 = None at all

2 = Somewhat unimportant 2 = Below average3 = Neither important or unimportant 3 = Average

4 = Somewhat important 4 = Above average

5 = Extremely important 5 = High0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge 0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge


11. Demonstrate comprehensive general knowledge of HR practices (e.g., staffing and rewards).

Rate the importance of this competency to your firm Rate the HR professional's competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

12. Possess general business knowledge for executing business strategy.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

13. In terms of long-term planning, be knowledgeable about the firm's products and services to contributeto long-term planning.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

14. Know the firm's competitors and their strengths and weaknesses.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

15. Know how to interpret financial reports including income statements and balance sheets.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0


16. Manage competency profiles linked to corporate strategy to preserve "organization memory" so thatthe existing knowledge within the firm is retained.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

17. Demonstrate an ability to attract the right talent for competitive advantage.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

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26 | P a g e

Student ID: U0935647

Column 1 Column 2 Rate the importance to the firm of each Rate the ability level of the HR

of the following HR competencies. professional you have selected in each

Please circle your response. of the following HR competencies atyour firm. Please circle your response.

1 = Not important 1 = None at all

2 = Somewhat unimportant 2 = Below average3 = Neither important or unimportant 3 = Average

4 = Somewhat important 4 = Above average

5 = Extremely important 5 = High0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge 0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge

18. Demonstrate an ability to develop the right talent for competitive advantage.

Rate the importance of this competency to your firm Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

19. Demonstrate an ability to retain the right talent for competitive advantage.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

20. Integrate HR information and line managers' needs to track employees' skills to allow currentemployees to be considered for open positions.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

21. Assess current levels of employee expertise to meet business outcomes.Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

22. Identify desired key performance requirements (e.g., improved quality control) to meet business


Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0


23. Identify opportunities for employees including HR personnel to grow through educational and

development programs.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

24. Forecast future training needs that are aligned with the firm's strategic direction.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

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27 | P a g e

Student ID: U0935647

Column 1 Column 2 Rate the importance to the firm of each Rate the ability level of the HR

of the following HR competencies. professional you have selected in each

Please circle your response. of the following HR competencies atyour firm. Please circle your response.

1 = Not important 1 = None at all

2 = Somewhat unimportant 2 = Below average3 = Neither important or unimportant 3 = Average

4 = Somewhat important 4 = Above average

5 = Extremely important 5 = High0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge 0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge

25. Develop measures that link employee activities with the firm's strategic goals to gain competitiveadvantage through human resources.

Rate the importance of this competency to your firm Rate the HR professional's competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

26. Understand how to build long-term resource advantage to the firm through human diversity such as

demographics, language skills, or racial and ethnic backgrounds.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

27. Create human resource practices to ensure utilization of the talents of a diverse workforce to deliverhigh-quality products and services.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

28. Have a global mindset to build productive relationships with people from many cultures to enhance

a competitive edge for the firm.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0


29. Take a proactive approach to create innovative work arrangements to balance work-family life

through virtual office/telecommuting, flex time, part -time, or other means.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

30. Promote wellness objectives through programs aimed at balancing work and family, reducing stress,increasing physical exercise, or through other health education programs.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

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28 | P a g e

Student ID: U0935647

Column 1 Column 2 Rate the importance to the firm of each Rate the ability level of the HR

of the following HR competencies. professional you have selected in each

Please circle your response. of the following HR competencies atyour firm. Please circle your response.

1 = Not important 1 = None at all

2 = Somewhat unimportant 2 = Below average3 = Neither important or unimportant 3 = Average

4 = Somewhat important 4 = Above average

5 = Extremely important 5 = High0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge 0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge

31. Promote development of family-friendly policies (e.g., on-site sick-child care centre) to facilitateemployees' personal growth and professional development without compromising the firm'scompetitive business advantage.

Rate the importance of this competency to your firm Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

32. Work with line managers to make recommendations for employee career exploration and

development, while taking into account family obligations (e.g., caring for family members).

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0


33. Have expertise in leading-edge human resources technologies.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

34. Use joint services (e.g., intranet) to improve communication of HR transactions (e.g., internal jobpostings and promotions).

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

35. Adopt innovative technologies , such as self-service via computer/phone/interactive voice-responsesystem, to give employees control of HR transactions (e.g., changes to retirement funds and benefits


Importance Rate the HR professional's competency1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

36. Apply computer technology (e.g., database that contains resumes of job applicants and their

qualifications) to assist line managers in staffing.

Importance Rate the HR professional's competency

1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

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Dissertation Proposal

Towards Strategic Human Resource Management: A study of the competencies and roles of HR professionals in Malaysia 

0 | P a g e

Student ID: U0935647

Column 1 Column 2 Rate the importance to the firm of each Rate the ability level of the HR

of the following HR competencies. professional you have selected in


Please circle your response. of the following HR

competencies at your firm.

Please circle your response.

1 = Not important 1 = None at all

2 = Somewhat unimportant 2 = Below average3 = Neither important or unimportant 3 = Average

4 = Somewhat important 4 = Above average

5 = Extremely important 5 = High0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge 0 = Not applicable/Unable to judge

37. Apply computer technology for performance evaluations and other appraisals to assist linemanagers in performance improvement.

Rate the importance of this competency to your firm Rate the HR professional's


1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 45 0

II. (Questions 38-45) Please indicate the following: 

38. Your present position at your firm: VP Director Manager□ □ □


Other (please specify)□

39. Area in which you are working: Finance/Accounting Sales Marketing/Public Relations□

R&D Information/Communications Technology Legal□ Operations/Production

Quality Control□ Purchasing Other (please specify)□

 40. Approximate number of total years the HR professional under review has worked in HR:

41. Present position of the HR professional you have rated: VP Director Manager

Other (please specify)□  

42. Gender of the HR professional you have rated: Male □ Female □ 

43. Your gender: Male □ Female □ 

44. Number of all employees in your firm/organization: Up to 100 101-500

501-1000 1001-2000 2001 -5000 5001 -20000 Over 20000□  

45. Industry type of your firm/organization: Manufacturing High-Tech Transportation

Health Care □ Education Retail □ Finance Pharmaceutical □ Insurance□ □ □

Communication Legal Government□ Other (please specify)

Thank you for taking the time to respond to this survey. Your feedback isvaluable. Please return the completed survey in the enclosed postage paid 


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Total Word Count: 1894 words