discussion for lab

Discussion (Program 1a) Program1a used Microsoft Visual C++ as programming which is mainly used to send commands to a hardware such as ATM Machines to display text on the screen as an output. In program1a, we had learnt how to change how the text will be displayed by adding some words or known as “escape sequence”. 1. “n\” is used in the programming to begin a new line of sentences or in simple words it works as “enter” in the Microsoft words. 2. “t\” is used in the programming as horizontal tab or in Microsoft words it works as “space” which is used to make a distance between characters that is being typed. 3 “r\” 4. “a\” is used in the programming to produce a beep sound. This beeping sound is often heard in the ATM machine when selecting option on the menu at the screen. 5. “v\” is used in the programming to produce a symbol as shown in figure 1a or it is also know as “vertical tab” which resemble male gender symbol. (Figure 1a) 6. “f\” is used in the programming to produce symbol which similar to “v\” as shown in figure 2a. It is known as form feed in “escape sequence” in programing terms.

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Post on 04-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Discussion for lab

Discussion (Program 1a)

Program1a used Microsoft Visual C++ as programming which is mainly used to send commands to a hardware such as ATM Machines to display text on the screen as an output. In program1a, we had learnt how to change how the text will be displayed by adding some words or known as “escape sequence”.

1. “n\” is used in the programming to begin a new line of sentences or in simple words it works as “enter” in the Microsoft words.

2. “t\” is used in the programming as horizontal tab or in Microsoft words it works as “space” which is used to make a distance between characters that is being typed.

3 “r\”

4. “a\” is used in the programming to produce a beep sound. This beeping sound is often heard in the ATM machine when selecting option on the menu at the screen.

5. “v\” is used in the programming to produce a symbol as shown in figure 1a or it is also know as “vertical tab” which resemble male gender symbol.

(Figure 1a)

6. “f\” is used in the programming to produce symbol which similar to “v\” as shown in figure 2a. It is known as form feed in “escape sequence” in programing terms.

Figure 2a

Page 2: Discussion for lab

7. “b\”is used in the programming as backspace or in simple words it erases one character or words back.

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C++ programming is widely used in these days technology for hardware such as mouse, monitor , ATM machines and etc. The main function of this programming is to send out as command (input) which will through a process user > translator > machine / computer and will display text as an output. It is because machine can’t read like human do, therefore it must be convert to intermediate programme language by translator.