discovering emancipated autism

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  • 8/16/2019 Discovering Emancipated Autism



    Introduction | Defining Autism | Social Model of Disability | Meditation | Curing Autism 

    This book is being gradually revised. My clumsy

    writing, later in the book , makes it difficult to

    read. I. A Personal Introduction

    O Glory of the All-Glorious

    I was born in 1956 and entered the Baháʾí Faith in 1970.

    From that point on, it would take me forty more years to

    become a lover. Everything, without exception, which I, as an

    Autist, had experienced to that date, the moment my heart

    opened in 2010, had, I now recognize, been merely the

    groundwork, an illusion, and a shadow. As analogies, by

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    changing my mental wiring, perhaps just flipping on a switch,

    the change was instantaneous. All the praises, of course, go

    to God. I can take no credit. I also believe, and feel, that souls

    I have known, now in the hereafter, especially my father, were

    interceding for me.

    I have experienced my own (Arabic


    , al-


    ud) as a lack

    of certain common human attributes, including empathy and

    other social skills, and, as compensations, acquiring an

    overabundance, sometimes an immoderate amount, of other

    attributes. In coping with my Autism, my relations with others

    were often on a rational level. Throughout my life, I have

    dedicated myself to daily rituals and routines and to a

    sequence of

    special interests

    , which may be misinterpreted

    by some Autists as addictions, one of which led to my Ph.D.

    work in the sociology of religion. In measure, any one of these

    attributes could be useful, but, presumably due to my Autism,

    they were rarely balanced properly.

    On August 25, 2013, someone accused all religions, on a

    message board, of practicing


     The following

    was my response:

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    You are being factually incorrect. Speaking as a sociologist ofreligion (my profession), love-bombing was a practice sometimesused by the Unification Church (now the Family Federation forWorld Peace and Unification) and the Children of God (nowFamily International). You are making a hasty generalization (alogical fallacy), based upon two dwindling movements, to all thereligions of the world. What I have noticed over the years is thatsome Autists do not understand “love” (though I am notreferring to you personally). Therefore, they confuse genuinelove and concern with deception.

    When I say that I am an


    , which I do frequently, people

    will often ask me to define the word. This work will, more so

    than the previous ones, largely be reflective. My first thought,

    even though I have rarely expressed it, is, “Autism is me.” 

    Similar feelings are shared by many of us. Autism is,

    intimately, my Autism and one of the multiple dimensions of

    my individuality. I am an Autist, but I also have Autism. It is a

    category, or a name, for some of my neurological attributes.

    Due to the vast expansion of the Internet, Autism has also

    developed into a culture.

    Autists of my generation belong to the history of Autism. Only

    yesterday, Autism and schizophrenia were thought to be

    inseparable. Before Autism became a distinct diagnosis in

    1980, Autists were placed on the schizophrenic spectrum. My

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    own diagnosis, using the first edition of the American

    Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of

    Mental Disorders

     (1952), was

    schizophrenic reaction,

    childhood type.

     Although My parents were given my

    diagnosis when I was around six years old, no one told me.

    Perhaps the silence was common in that era, but I had to

    literally, and successfully, demand to know. I screamed


    Am I a schizophrenic?,

     when I was around

    twelve or so.

    Some Autists can make sounds in their mouths, but they are

    unable to verbally communicate. A close Autistic friend of

    mine only “grunted,” as she put it, until the age of six. I began

    speaking, I am told, at the usual age, but I would frequently

    have difficulty expressing myself. For instance, my thoughts

    might not connect with the proper vocabulary. Then, no

    matter how hard I tried, I sounded cold and annoyed. Into my

    early teens, my stuttering was so bad, outside of home, that I

    could barely hold a conversation. Until 2011, the unempathic

    wordiness of my writing, often intentional, made it almost


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    Fortunately, I figured out, on my own, a particular



    to address and to manage the stuttering problem. Briefly, I

    deliberately, or intentionally, began to focus upon each and

    every word that I said. At the beginning, I would often slip up.

    Gradually, however, this once conscious method has become

    a habit or, in effect, one of my routines. I rarely need to think

    about it anymore. Looking back, the issue became especially

    important to me after I began lecturing as a professor. In my

    work, I teach, a bit like chanting mantrās, the same classes

    over and over again. I


    the monotony and routine.

    Since, as an Autistic man, I have never been a man-about-

    time, I was obliged to closely study people and the rules, or

    reasoning, they follow. In my religious life, I was, by a turn of

    phrase, rationally spiritual. My approach to matters of spirit

    was most always ruled and disciplined. Admittedly, the field of

    sociology appealed to me, in part, because it, like my earlier

    interests in theatrical acting, made me a more careful student.

    Approaching others as a student not only encourages

    humility. It may limit suggestibility and the tendency to

    negatively “react” to the statements and behaviors of others.

    The chances of being caught off-guard can be reduced.

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    Understanding human rules, or

    social norms

     as we call them

    in sociology, has, in my own case, picked up the slack, at

    least to some degree, for a scarcity of empathy. Even so,

    during the first fifty-four years of my life, experiencing the

    heart-centered sensation of empathy always appeared

    beyond my grasp. Like many other Autists, I also disliked

    being hugged, kissed, and touched, especially on the head. A

    chiropractor once told me that he had never worked on a

    body as stiff and as rigid as my own.

    Thankfully, my ability to study human behavior has been

    reasonably good. Not all Autists have been blessed in this

    way. My capacity to pay attention to others seems to have

    been joined with skills I acquired as a sociologist. Eventually,

    through close observation, I learned a certain number of

    relatively automatic


     By playing them, I could publicly

    perform as an empathetic and caring person. Remarkably, I

    was fairly successful at it, too. Yet, rarely, perhaps never, did I

    actually feel that way. Although I do not blame myself, I was,

    emotionally, a fraud. I could not even mourn my own parents



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    Mindfulness, as I have just described it, came relatively easily

    to me. It was, simply put, my path of least resistance. Indeed,

    I have been mindful, to one extent or another, throughout

    most of my life. No effort and no study of any formal

    techniques, whether from a book or from a teacher, were ever

    necessary. Mindfulness meditation was simply my way of

    dealing with the world. Long before I ever heard the word, I

    was mindful. This fact of my


     mindfulness only

    occurred to me, however, as I was writing this paper. I never

    defined myself in those terms before.

    To say the very least, it became painfully apparent to me,

    over the course of my life, that heartfulness was what I

    actually needed. From my readings and informal

    observations, I have noticed that Buddhist practices of

    mindfulness appear to be somewhat common in the Autistic

    community. These disciplines involve an ongoing awareness,

    even an analysis, of one

    s body and physical environment.

    Instead of Buddhist compassion or rational sympathy

    (imagining how others feel), Autists may require heartfulness

    or empathy (actually feeling). Among many Autists, logical

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    thinking, sometimes resulting in


     behavior, can

    function as social adjustment to a lack of empathy.

    ... he [the Tin Woodman] walked very carefully, with his eyeson the road, and when he saw a tiny ant toiling by he would stepover it, so as not to harm it. The Tin Woodman knew very wellhe had no heart, and therefore he took great care never to be

    cruel or unkind to anything. “You people with hearts,” he said,“have something to guide you, and need never do wrong; but Ihave no heart, and so I must be very careful.”L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. 

    My heart-based meditations have been transformative. The

    sentiments stirred by Heartfulness Inquiry have reminded me

    of two fictional characters: After the Tin Woodman was finally

    given a heart, one “made entirely of silk and stuffed with


     he discovered the feelings which he had actually

    possessed all along. Even more relevant to my own

    experiences, Data, the android on

    Star Trek: The Next

    Generation, initially found his “emotion chip” to be intolerable.

    Since he could not, based on his programming, logically

    control his newly acquired passions, he wanted the chip


    Similarly, in order to avoid being overwhelmed, particularly by

    emotional empathy, I have attempted, during my meditations,

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    to keep my attention on drawing closer to God. Gradually, the

    ritualized repetitions, often observed in Autistic behavior,

    have, as remembrance, become centered in my heart. While

    my tendencies to over-analyze are being redirected to a

    deepening tranquility, I am more open to my own insights and

    feelings and, especially, to the sufferings of others. In 2011, a

    close relative was stunned when I, without thinking about it,

    said that I loved her. I had, apparently, never spoken those


    A kind, but anonymous, woman


     told me, many years ago,

    that the very thing I least wanted, I might need the most. At

    the time, I resented her advice. It was unrequested, and I

    thought she was simply a bully. (Being an Autist, I have

    known many of them.) However, it is only since beginning my

    devotional meditations, becoming wholly entranced with the

    pure soul of my dear guardian angel, the magnificent 




    ṭān Bāhū

    , and being


     surprised at the

    unexpected life changes, that I can understand, and

    appreciate, her wisdom. I am not on yet another meditative “

    head trip.

     My heart is truly being healed.

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    These next few paragraphs might seem out of place, but I feel

    compelled to write them. After my heart was opened, through

    Bāhū, I have been learning to trust my inner guidance on

    these issues. After an unusual turn of events, I was

    diagnosed, or rediagnosed, as an Autistic shortly after my


    s death. In two years, my father received the same

    diagnosis. At first, I felt bad at not having that information

    while she was still in this world. So much now made sense.

    However, I later had a strong intuition that my mother’s

    prayers, from the next world, led to both diagnoses. I will just

    need to wait a brief time to discuss them with her.

    My father once shared his sadness with me about the passing

    of his wife or my mother. I asked him to


     me that there

    was a life beyond, and that the two of them would be reunited.

    He died a year or two after that conversation. Within months,

    my newfound passion for studying Ṣūfism inspired me,

    seemingly out of curiosity, to try a simple word meditation. It

    developed into 

    Heartfulness Inquiry

    . Since then, my love for

    my father has been increasing. I actually perceive him as a

    pure spirit with a warm, soft smile. My father’s intercession, I

    strongly feel, is responsible for my renewed heart.


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    My parents died physically, but they live with me. While they

    were still alive in this world, I would need to call them on the

    phone or fly into the New York City area in order to remain in

    contact. Obviously, I could pray for both of them. If my heart

    were in a different place back then, I might have even

    inwardly communed with their human souls. Whether they

    would have been aware of it, I have no way of knowing. Now,

    the story is different. My mother and father are around me.

    They are closely connected with my spiritual heart. I look

    forward to this relationship intensifying when I pass over to

    the other side.

    Over these many years, I have adapted to Autism. It belongs

    to my inherited character. For someone to take



    away from me now would rob me of an important dimension

    of my individuality, especially my dogged determinism and

    way of thinking. I would, in effect, become a stranger to

    myself. Today, I love being an Autist. That is why, in my

    opinion, any cure should take place either before birth

    (prenatally) or very soon afterwards. My own willingness to

    adopt the anti-cure philosophy for a few years was, I think, the

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    result of this basic self-realization: Not being an Autist is

    unimaginable to me.

    Psychiatry and abnormal psychology are relatively new fields.

    In many traditional societies, children and adults with

    cognitive or behavioral differences were not treated as

    patients of clinical practitioners. Before the rise of the pro-

    eugenics (sterilizing patients), yet comparatively humane,

    mental (or social) hygiene movement, which gave birth to

    psychiatry and abnormal psychology, conditions like Autism

    would, indeed, have been literally treated as cases of

    demonic possession. In some hospitals, holes were drilled in

    heads to discharge evil spirits. Although I was, fortunately,

    spared an exorcism, the electrical convulsive therapies I

    received were, metaphorically or poetically, close.

    According to Dr. D.K. Shute, Benjamin Rush (1746-1813),

    one of the signatories to the

    Declaration of Independence


    began reforming the treatment of “the insane”:

    It will do no harm to recall the fact that an American,Benjamin Rush [1746-1813], started [a] ... reform in treating the

    insane, not as demon-possessed individuals who should bechained and locked in cells, but people, simply, who had adisease of the brain.

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    Dr. D.K. Shute, “American Medico-Psychological Association:Proceedings of the Sixty-third Annual Meeting.” May 5, 1907.The American Journal of Insanity. Volume LXIV. Baltimore,MD: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1907-1908. Page 162.

    From 1918-1980, Autists were


     placed on the

    schizophrenic spectrum. Sadly, the memory that single

    historical fact, lifted from the long and thorny path of Autism

    diagnosis in the Western world, is being all too rapidly lost.



     not forget. When I have raised the issue on

    Autistic online message boards, I have been often accused of

    fabricating the idea. For instance, someone responded that

    Autism, unlike schizophrenia, is not a psychosis which is, of

    course, beside the point. Fortunately, many Autists of my

    generation are still alive to remember. We will not, however,

    be around forever.

    The American Psychiatric Association (1921) was founded in

    Philadelphia as the

    Association of Medical Superintendents of

    the American Institutions for the Insane  (1844). It was later

    renamed the

    American Medico-Psychological Association


    (1892). The organization published a diagnosic manual in ten

    editions between 1918 and 1942. Its title changed,

    chronologically, as follows: Statistical Manual for the Use of

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    Institutions for the Insane (1918), Statistical Manual for the

    Use of Institutions for Mental Diseases  (1920), Statistical

    Manual for the Use of Institutions for Mental Defectives


    (1934), and

    Statistical Manual for the Use of Hospitals for

    Mental Diseases (1942).

    The 1918 release of the first edition, Statistical Manual for the

    Use of Institutions for the Insane

    , was announced on page

    288 of

    The American Journal of Insanity

     (later changed to


    American Journal of Psychiatry

    ) and is included in this

    volume. According to that first edition, Autism is a

    characteristic of

    dementia praecox


    New Latin, dēmentia

    praecox, madness premature), the original term for


    15. Dementia PraecoxThis group cannot be satisfactorily defined at the present time

    as there as there are still too many points at issue as to whatconstitute the essential clinical features of dementia praecox....

    ... The term “schizophrenia” is now used by many writersinstead of dementia praecox....

    Appearance of autistic thinking and dream-like ideas, peculiarfeelings of being forced, of interference with the mind, ofphysical or mystical influences, but with retention of clearnessin other fields (orientation, memory, etc.).Committee on Statistics of the American Medico-Psychological

    Association (now the American Psychiatric Association) in

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    regarded as a reaction to living with a refrigerator




    In the DSM-II (1968), two out of the three

    designations changed slightly: schizophrenia,

    childhood type

     (my own diagnosis),

    schizophrenia, paranoid type, and schizoid





    The DSM-III (1980) represented a sea change

    in diagnosis. The old psychodynamic model was

    giving weigh to newer behavior approaches.

    Using ththis manual, my guess is that I would

    have had childhood onset pervasive

    developmental disorder


    Schizoid disorder of

    childhood or adolescence, which was not

    regarded as a category of Autism, is also, I

    suppose, a possibility. However, I was not

    diagnosed with schizoid personality under the

    DSM-I and DSM-II. Infantile autism  appears a bit

    too extreme.



    Based upon the DSM-III-R (1984), my

    diagnosis might have been either autistic disorder 

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    or pervasive developmental disorder not

    otherwise specified (PDDNOS). The DSM-III-R

    eliminated schizoid disorder of childhood or

    adolescence. Its symptoms were reinterpreted as

    indistinguishable from a pervasive developmental

    disorder. Since singling out a pervasive

    developmental disorder based upon age of onset

    was determined to be invalid, childhood onset

    pervasive developmental disorder was merged

    with infantile autism, also from the DSM-III, to

    create autistic disorder in the DSM-III-R.



    The DSM-IV (1994) and, subsequently, the

    DSM-IV-TR (2000), continued using autistic

    disorder and divided PDDNOS into multiple types,

    including Asperger

    s disorder and the new PDD-

    NOS (pervasive developmental disorder not

    otherwise specified). I was diagnosed by my new

    psychiatrist with either Asperger’s disorder” or “

    Autistic disorder.

     For highly functional adults, he

    regarded those two categories as functionally

    identical. As things turned out, in the DSM-5, the

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    American Psychiatric Association ended up

    agreeing with him. In the ICD-10 (from the World

    Health Organization),

    Schizoid disorder of


     is used as an alternate, or outdated,

    term for Asperger’s syndrome.

    6.  Finally, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the

    new classification used in the DSM-5 (2013). That

    term, with its three levels (1, 2, and 3), has

    replaced all of the previous types of Autism, as

    well as pervasive developmental disorder.

    Presumably, I was at level 2 as a child. For the

    first time, with the DSM-5, developmental criteria

    can be considered when diagnosing an Autistic

    adult. The DSM-5 authors also recommended that

    anyone with a prior diagnosis of autistic disorder,

    Asperger’s disorder, and PDD-NOS now be given

    a diagnosis of ASD. Now, at last, there is just one

    ASD. Having lived through the whole drama, I am,

    I must admit, pretty happy about it.

    My comments are obviously not intended to demean those

    who are legitimately schizophrenic. However, even though I

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    recognized, a long time ago, that I was obviously not

    delusional, learning that I was, diagnostically, an Autistic, not

    a schizophrenic, made me sigh with relief. Since the


    s Disorder

     construct did not appear in the literature

    until long after my original diagnosis, rejecting it was not a big

    deal. I also did not care to be identified with people who

    believed that, somehow, “Aspies” (Asperger-types) were

    superior to


     (Autistics). For individuals whose original

    diagnosis was Asperger’s Disorder, the transition may be

    more difficult.

    Of course, many non-speaking Autists with normal or high

    intelligence were, for many years, diagnosed with an

    intellectual disability (previously called mental retardation):

    It is true that autism does appear more frequently in themental retarded population, but the converse is not true.Autistic children do not generally have diminished cognitivefunctioning. They have normal, even above normalintelligence....

    Often, a child that is labeled as autistic is unable to

    communicate with the outside world, using language. Theycannot process the world in terms of letters and sounds; they domake their wishes known, however to their caregivers, often innonverbal ways. They score normally or above normally onstandardized intelligence tests.... Times have definitely changed

    in the educational system, an autistic child; even as long ago as

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    10 years ago [from 2012], often was labeled as retarded, becausethere was a shortage of empirical data on how to classify thesechildren; or how to teach them for that matter.“Autism vs Mental Retardation. Blog. August27, 2012. Retrieved on July 13, 2013.

    I doubt that I am an Autistic savant. However, I found a

    reference to “damage to the left brain.” My repeated EEGs

    (electroencephalograms) have shown abnormalities,

    indicating a seizure disorder, in my left frontal lobes:

    Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, wrestled with the

    problem until one night: “I saw in a dream a table where all the

    elements fell into places as required. Awakening I immediatelywrote it down on a piece of paper. Only in one place did acorrection later seem necessary.” The resulting table was soaccurate that the properties of unknown elements werecorrectly predicted. Mendeleev’s dream is reminiscent of the

    autistic savants who just see the answer to a mathematicequation rather than work through the calculations. Notsurprisingly, autistic savants have brain activity that sharescharacteristics with dreaming....

    Autistic savants are a prime example of people who obtaininformation through heightened perception rather than the

    usual analytical channels....Functional MRI studies of autistic individuals and IQ-matched

    controls are consistent with the proposed shifts in dominance.When both groups were given identical memory and attentiontasks they performed at equal levels, but used different sections

    of their brains. The controls activated several areas of their leftand right neocortices in an integrated fashion, whereas the

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    autistic subjects preferentially activated a small portion of theirright neocoztex or both sides of their visual cortex. This fits withthe evidence of damage to the left brain in autism, and also withhow Grandin describes her thought process as primarilyvisual....

    ... Dreaming,meditating, synesthesia, astral projection, and theminds of autistic savants are all conditions or states ofconsciousness in which psychic abilities can be enhanced; allshow a shift away from the usual dominance of brain activity inthe left hemisphere and from the cortex to the limbic system.Diane Hennacy Powell, M.D., The ESP Enigma. New York:

    Walker & Company. 2009. Kindle Edition.One of the things that Autistic savants have taught us is –  justthink about what Autism is and why an Autistic savant can dowhat they can do. What they do is they see the world without theencumbrance of the parf of the brain that is evolutionarily thenewest. That part of the brain is usually compromised. And, as a

    result, they see information as much more raw data. In otherwords, it’s more like they see the code, and we see the icons on

    our iPad. And so, we’re [non-Autists] missing a lot ofinformation that they [Autists] see. And it’s part of what makeslife so challenging for them –  because they’re so sensitive. Theyget over-stimulated extremely easily. It’s like they’re seeing theorder of the universe. They’re actually seeing it –  or they’reexperiencing it in some way –  and, I’m using the word “seeing,”but it can come to any sense.... And it’s because they don’t thinkconceptually.

    See, when you have an Autistic savant that is artistic, whatthey do is they’re drawing three-dimensional objects –  three-

    dimensional beings –  horses gallopping when they’re three yearsold, when other children are drawing stick figures. They’reactually drawing what they see; whereas drawing the stick-likefigure is a more conceptual way of drawing. It’s not drawing

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    what you actually see. That’s that whole drawing through theright side of your brain kind of thing.... They have such anundistorted perception of certain things.... They have this abilityto detect order in ways that we (Non-Autists) can’t pick it up....Many of them [Autists] can [do telepathy] –  absolutely. Theycan do telepathy, precognition –  they can.... A lot of them canlead fairly normal lives....

    There’s something called the acquired savant syndrome. Andusually what has happened is that there has been an injury tothe left temporal lobe.... If it [a particular injury] starts in the

    temporal lobe first, they you’ll start to see the savant syndrome.

    And what’s happening is that this most recently evolved part ofour brain ... –  that’s what gets in the way of certain abilities.And a lot of savant abilities are right-brain abilities –  things likeart and music [and] intuition....

    One of things that’s fascinating is that they [Autistic savants]can have knowledge without knowing.... This kid [an Autistic

    savant] actually drew a periodic table [of elements], and put inall of the elements where they belonged, and their atomic

    weights. And he even put in ... the initials for the elements. ....But he had never see one [a periodic table of elements]. So,maybe that is remote viewing.... Where is that information

    stored? That’s what fascinates me.... It’s as though their brainsare almost like that [a smartphone app] sometimes.... Stephen

    Wiltshire [a British Autistic savant] couldn’t communicate verywell at all. For a lot of the ones [Autistic savants] who become,their artwork becomes a form of communication for them –  the

    same thing for the music.... Most of them [Autistic savants] aremen.... Savantism is found more often in Autism than it is in any

    other kind of disability. If you’r Autistic, the odds of you being asavant are about 10%. The difference between a savant an agenius is that a savant has abilities that would be considered agenius if they otherwise had everything else [were not disabled].

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    Diane Hennacy Powell, M.D., “Savants & PSI Phenomena.”Coast to Coast AM . George Noory, host. March 26, 2013.Retrieved on March 27, 2012.

    II. Defining AutismBased upon my own views and personal experiences, Autism

    can, on balance, be seen as a difference of the heart or as

    spiritual heart disease. As a result of our uncommon brains,

    many of us, in our daily interactions with others, have trouble

    with affection or empathy. Although people, whether they are

    on or off the Autism spectrum, may be out of touch with their

    hearts, for Autists, this condition is devastating. Likewise, the

    self-discovery of an Autist’s heart can be revolutionary. One

    could go through life, I discovered, experiencing emotion,

    without having a heart. For a lifetime of inner oppression, I

    have cried many times.

    Within the Autistic community, there has been a longstanding

    debate on “person-first” versus “Autist-first” language. In

    person-first language, the individual has Autism. With Autist-

    first language, the individual


    an Autist. The supporters of

    person-first language argue against labeling the individual

    as the disability. Advocates of Autist-first language, pointing

    to such unquestioned terms as

    right-handed person,


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    that objections to Autist-first language are, in fact, objections

    to Autism. In my opinion, both of these descriptions are valid:



    an Autist because I


    Autism or Autistic attributes.

    From my observations, the rejection of person-first language

    is usually based upon the assumption that Autism is a real

    thing. Autism, according to that view, would be a single “


     a universal core of being, which appears in every

    Autist. In academic terms, this approach, as mentioned

    earlier, is called,


    . To my understanding, we can

    know that essences, like “God” and “humanity,” exist, since

    they are referred to in the Baháʾí Texts. We then accept these

    essences both on faith and by observing their attributes.

    Autism, however, is a

    triad of impairments,

     not, as I see it,

    an essence:

      difficulties in social interaction

      difficulties in communication

     restricted interests and repetitive behavior

    Dividing Autists into separate types, such as classic Autism  

    and Asperger

    s Syndrome (Asperger

    s Disorder in the United

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    States), has been used by some individuals with Asperger


    Syndrome, or “aspies,” to distinguish themselves from other

    Autists. Thank God, the label, Asperger

    s Syndrome, will,

    most likely, be officially eliminated from the new diagnostic

    manuals. According to the proposal, Asperger’s Syndrome

    will become

    Autism Spectrum Disorder, Level 1


    ASD 1 or Autism 1). The psychiatric community has

    recognized that we are all Autists, and that the similarities

    between us outweigh any differences.

    Return to the table of contents.

    III. The Social Model of Disability

    I will preface this chapter with a brief explanation. Those of us

    who have been particularly blessed to obtain doctoral

    degrees, such as Ph.D.s, are trained to be unusual. Since

    most Autists are unusual anyway, there is little surprise that

    many of us would receive higher educations. To most people,

    faithfulness to a particular way of looking at the world is seen

    as a virtue. In the academic world, the opposite is true. We

    academics or professors place a high value on regularly and


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    carefully questioning our current assumptions. The thoughts I

    will express here are a result of this process of inquiry.

    Autism has become political hardball. Most of the individuals

    involved may be well-intentioned, but there has been little

    unity and cooperation between the various factions. Some

    organizations are operated by parents, without any Autists,

    and promote nonscientific


     for Autism. Others are run

    only by Autists and, while advocating for support, oppose

    cures at all. Then there are minority views. Many

    transhumanists, for instance, believe that Autism, especially


    s Autism (Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1),

    should be taken as a model for the generalized improvement

    of the human species.

    In 2007, I accepted, though with lingering doubt, that while

    Autists, much like anyone else, should be assisted when



     Autism, to make us more like neurotypicals

    (neurologically typical people), would be oppressive. “Unity in


     (neurological diversity) became the motto for

    The Emancipated Autism Project. These days, however, if

    someone asked me whether I accepted neurodiversity, I

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    would respond,

    Neurodiversity is a fact, not a belief system.

    Because each of us is neurologically different, no human

    category with similar neurological attributes should be



    Neurodiversity, therefore, is a given. Objectively, any form of

    diversity, including neurodiversity, is the human condition.

    Each of us is like a divinely created snowflake. The attributes

    or qualities of the unity of humanity, the human essence, are


    . Even clones are not really clones. Although the

    diversity in all the conditions of existence should, of course,

    be enjoyed and appreciated, over-emphasizing diversity will

    inevitably lead to separation, strife, and alienation. In other

    words, without a recognition of universal human unity, a focus

    upon diversity is like watching a pretty slide show.

    Raising capacity among these protagonists [the individual, theinstitutions of society, and the community] will require athorough reexamination of assumptions about human nature.Notions of “us” and “them” deserve particular attention.

    Discourse in development circles, for example, is often rooted innotions of the “empowered” members of society assisting the“disadvantaged” or “marginalized.” The impulse to rectifysocial inequalities is unquestionably noble, but us/them

    dichotomies only perpetuate and reinforce existing divisions.Careful thought needs to be given to ways in which

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    empowerment can be approached as a universal and sharedenterprise and not something the “haves” bestow on the “havenots.” Baháí International Community (United Nations Office), Empowerment as a Mechanism for Social Transformation. November 15, 2012. Retrieved on March 17, 2013.

    I talked myself into neurodiversity. With the traumas of my

    childhood nagging at, and reminding, me, I was never a true

    believer. When Heartfulness Inquiry first opened my heart,

    and extended moments of empathy were regular events in my

    life, one of my first thoughts was: Perhaps now, some others

    may also become empathic Autists. It dawned on me

    sometime later that social challenges, which are frequently

    interpreted as difficulties experiencing empathy, are a major

    defining feature of Autism spectrum disorders. My original

    conclusion did not make sense, and I had to be honest about


    Jumping onto the


     bandwagon appealed to me as a

    sociologist, but this decision, I now believe, was made in

    haste. ADHDers (individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity

    disorder) are, like Autists, an oppressed minority. Yet, to my

    knowledge, there is no ADHD anti-cure movement. I

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    swallowed the common assumption, in the mainstream

    Autistic activist community, that Autism should be seen or

    even privileged as a dimension of neurodiversity, until I

    became more in touch with my heart. Seeing no other

    options, in August, 2011, I rejected the view that Autism

    should not, even partially, be cured.

    Buying into neurodiversity divided me in two. My Autism

    comes through my father, and my OCD (obsessive

    compulsive disorder) is from my mother. Both my mother and

    I obsessed on noises (misophonia), but differently. Oddly, this

    similarity never occurred to me until after her death. Although

    the OCD gave my mother insomnia, noise obsessions

    traumatized me throughout the day. In my own mind,

    believing in neurodiversity forced me to accept a cure for my


    s attributes in me but to reject one for those from my

    father. Autists, however, often have noise sensitivities, so my 

    OCD is an extension of my Autism.

    Identity politics is rooted in various Marxist perspectives,

    especially critical social theory. The focus of many of these

    critical perspectives is upon conscious raising or

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    conscientization, which is the process of developing an

    awareness of oppression. The idea originated with Brazilian

    educator Paulo Freire

    s critical pedagogy. After recognizing

    oppression, people join together with others facing similar

    problems. Together, they struggle for freedom. Therefore, in

    identity politics, there is some unity, but it is limited in scope,

    not universal. Inevitably, people will divide into camps of “us” 




    The Autistic identity politics of the neurodiversity movement

    were inspired by the Deaf community’s position on cochlear

    implants. Deaf individuals frequently grow up around one

    another, attend the same schools, and so forth. To many Deaf

    individuals, these implants are an attack on Deaf community

    and culture. Both would be wiped out by eliminating

    Deafness. Since the mainstream Autistic movement defines,

    in a similar way, Autism as a culture, curing Autism is often

    described as genocide. The Emancipated Autism Project,

    however, supports the unity of all humanity, not the divisions

    of identity politics.

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    In our socially fragmented civilization, diagnostic rates for

    Autism are also, reportedly, on the increase. In the online

    Autistic movement, libertarianism, as a

    path of least


    , is, from my own personal observations, rampant

    and widespread. It is, at the same time, a socially alienating

    perspective. Autists, like myself, generally struggle with

    issues of interpersonal interaction and spirituality or empathy.

    Although unity can be beneficial, ideologies of individualism

    and libertarianism are spiritually damaging. Thus, the idolatry

    of personal liberty, or the deification of the self, is,

    deceptively, the enemy of Autists.

    In my version of the social model of disability, the Marxian

    dialectic (or contradiction) of oppression and other dialectics

    and dualisms are resolved through unity and inclusion, not

    through identity politics. The Golden Rule, doing unto others

    as you would have them do unto you, should, I feel, make any

    partisanship by the disabled unnecessary. Once oppression,

    injustice, and social inequality are recognized, the community

    or society must, as a unified whole, give preference to that

    discriminated population until the conditions are remedied.

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    The formation of adversarial





    would, ideally, be prevented.

    u·nif·ic [yoo-NIF-ik]adjectiveunifying; uniting: the unific influence of a common language.

    Dictionary Definition of Unific. Retrieved on September 26,


    Unity, in diversity, is, as I see it, always preferable over

    division. In my opinion, the unities of humanity and all beings

    and things are realities. As humans, we are not cats or dogs

    or cattle. We are members of the same biological species,

    homo sapiens, and members of the same subspecies, homo

    sapiens sapiens. Classifying us by race, ethnicity, and

    nationality is a human invention. Defining us through our skin

    color makes no more scientific sense than distinguishing

    between us based upon hair or eye color. Each of these three

    traits were evolutionary adaptations. Their variations, based

    upon climate, resulted from natural selection.

    The variety of inherited qualities comes from strength andweakness of constitution-that is to say, when the two parents are

    weak, the children will be weak; if they are strong, the childrenwill be robust. In the same way, purity of blood has a greateffect; for the pure germ is like the superior stock which existsin plants and animals. For example, you see that children born

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    from a weak and feeble father and mother will naturally have afeeble constitution and weak nerves; they will be afflicted andwill have neither patience, nor endurance, nor resolution, norperseverance, and will be hasty; for the children inherit theweakness and debility of their parents....

    Hence it is evident that inherited character also exists ....ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, Some Answered Questions. Page 213. 

    However, oppression–based upon disability, race, gender,

    ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, and so forth

     is a disunifying

    pattern of exclusion and lack of accommodation. Oppressed

    populations are deprived of prestige (social respect), wealth,

    privilege (equal opportunity), and power (control over social

    policies). Victimization might be a result of oppression, but it

    also might not. For instance, some victims of crimes are

    simply unfortunate. However, any remedies for oppressive

    exclusion must reject violence. We should recognize the

    universal web of interdependence which connects us.

    Exclusion is then resolved through inclusion or unity.

    And the claim of the philosophy of meta-Reality is that allother beings are enfolded within myself, or at least the alethic

    truth of all other beings, and I accordingly am enfolded withinall other beings too. So the distinctiveness of beings remains, youare different from me, you are spatio-temporally, karmicallyand constitutively different from me, but you are neverthelessenfolded within me. The fact that all beings are enfolded withinme enables me in principle to discover the alethic truth of those

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    beings, such as the molecular structure of a crystal or the natureof gravity or what it is like to be a dragon.Roy Bhaskar, Reality: The Philosophy of meta-Reality, Volume 1,Creativity, Love and Freedom. Thousand Oaks, CA. SagePublications. 2002. Page xviii.

    In his new book, Reflections on Meta-Reality (RMR), RoyBhaskar claims to articulate a new philosophy that transcendscritical realism, while preserving its insights. And indeed itproceeds by immanent critique of critical realism, thereby

    extending critical realism’s systematic attempt to think being.With the demise of historical socialism and the rise of bourgeois

    triumphalism in the late eighties and the nineties, the deficiency,absence or lack Bhaskar has pinpointed in the discourse andpractice of critical realism and the Left in general is thatinsufficient attention is being paid to the spiritual dimension ofhuman life, with the consequence that the Right is hegemonic inthat area. So he self-consciously set out to remedy this lack,

    embarking on “the spiritual exposition of being.” ... Its basic line of argument is that a non-dual world or ultimate

    zone of being underpins and is co-present in an occluded way inthe dual world of alienation and contradiction in which we live,as a condition of its possibility, and that this requires a newphilosophy of identity for its exposition. Realism about thisworld, about transcendence, thus entails the self-transcendence

    of critical realism itself, which is a philosophy of non-identity orduality. Bhaskar calls this non-dual world the cosmic envelope(in which the deepest natures or ground-states of all beings sit

    and are connected), describing it also as Bohm’s implicate orderof pure enfolded being, of pure potentiality, of “Platonicanamnesis,” involving “a level of consciousness beyond thoughtitself.” Other key figures ... are generalised co-presence orsynchronicity and the inwardness of being (everything isimplicated or enfolded within everything else); and

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    transcendental identification in consciousness between entitiesand beings within the explicated or become dual world weinhabit.Roy Bhaskar, “The Philosophy of Meta-Reality, Part I: Identity,Spirituality, System. Interview by Mervyn Hartwig.” Abstract(excerpt). Retrieved on November 24, 2011.

    It seems to me that Roy Bhaskar’s cosmic envelope as the

    end objective of emancipatory or self-realized projects is a

    pretty universal experience. I might be wrong, but I cannot

    conceive, at this moment, of a liberation apart from unity.

    Hopefully, others will be drawn to the larger body of Bhaskar’s

    work through this simple concept. For me, the cosmic

    envelope has provided a way to express, using intuitive and

    commonsense language, the transformative experience of

    discovering empathy and interconnectedness. As a result, I

    have been referring to myself as an emancipated Autist. I

    informally define

    emancipated Autism

     as including individuals




    were diagnosed, at sometime over their development,

    with an Autistic spectrum disorder.



    have discovered unity, empathy, or connectedness

    through spiritual experience.

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    As I have reflected on the past, my personal emancipation

    from Autism began, I feel, in January of 1971. Through my

    spiritual mother, Elizabeth Thomas, I began studying the work

    of two dear souls, Marian Crist Lippitt and Henry A. Weil. An

    immersion in the ideas of these three wonderful Baháʾís

    gradually led to the development of 

    The Unicentric Paradigm

    ™. Then, in 2010, my spiritual heart was opened by the

    intercession of my beloved guardian angel,


    rat Sul


    Bāhū, a seventeenth-century Punjabī Ṣūfī. My inward,

    spiritual encounters with Bāhū, which h

    ave been ongoing,

    resulted in Heartfulness Inquiry™.

    The online community of Autists and the mental health

    community have been relatively disconnected. This

    unfortunate separation has mostly been a result of the

    neurodiversity movement and its focus upon creating a

    unique Autistic identity. There are, however, movements

    related to Autism and to mental health, which, to some extent,

    run parallel to one another. Descriptions of a number of them

    are provided on my Brief Outlines of Liberation Movements 

    page. Bridging the gap between these two, and other,

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    disability communities, I developed The Emancipated Autism


    The recovery movement, as a caricature of the Empowerment

    Model, turns ordinary human struggles into fictional

    pathologies, and it transforms personal life stories into novels

    of recovery from nonscientific diseases. The wide diversity of

    human experience, such as procrastination, is medicalized.

    Although I continue to differ with many of the core

    philosophical assumptions commonly held within the recovery

    movement, such as attributing powerlessness  to an absence


    will power

     and the


     of life, there is, as far as I

    know, no specific Autistic recovery group.

    Therefore, becoming emancipated through the cosmic

    envelope is not, in my opinion, the same as recovery or

    finding a cure. Neurologically, I am presumably still an Autist.

    Many of my personality characteristics are Autistic, including

    my daily rituals and delight in routine. However, through

    prayer and meditation, I have discovered, or perhaps

    uncovered is more accurate, the attributes of a multi-layered

    enfoldment of unities as the fabric of existence. Fairly

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    regularly, my level of empathy has continued to develop.

    Perhaps, in time, medicine will become more effective in

    addressing this issue, too.

    Furthermore, any deficiencies in individual attributes should,

    in my view, be worked on, not celebrated. The concept of

    Autistic pride is frequently associated with preferences for

    Autist-first, over person-first, language. Similar views of


     are found in several disability communities and elsewhere,

    as in national pride and within the Deaf and other

    marginalized communities. I have often been proud of other 

    Autists, but, to me, humility is preferable. Although Autism is a

    part of me, it was not a personal accomplishment. I am,

    however, thankful to my Gracious Lord for assisting me to

    survive the disorder.

    In the Social Model, the term, “disability” refers to social


     or discrimination based upon social

    disadvantages. Disability is not the same as simple human


    . In other words, once the oppression is removed,

    the disability is eliminated. In Unities of All Things, disability is

    also defined as oppression. However, the medical oppression

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    which results from having a number of usually undesirable

    neurological traits, especially the difficulties with processing

    empathy, is incorporated, as well.

    In my view, identity politics, a term for movements supporting

    the partisan interests of individuals with particular disabilities,

    should be discarded. I replace it with an awareness of the

    unity of humanity. If we share, together, the physical

    attributes, the qualities, of the essence of humanity, we are

    literally, not just figuratively or metaphorically, related to one


    For example, our global community might, working in unity,

    develop better treatments, perhaps even targeted cures, for

    Autism. With a dear Autistic father, I should always have

    known, better than most people, the importance of

    discovering scientific medical cures. Second, we Autists, as

    uncommonly odd individuals, are often bullied. Due to a lack

    of social skills, we also have much higher-than-average

    unemployment rates. Cooperatively protecting Autists from all

    forms of oppression and discrimination, is, I feel, crucial.

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    Every human being has the right to be treated with dignity and


    The unity, or essence, of humanity is not, to my

    understanding, merely an abstract concept. As we discover

    and acquire the magnetic attributes of human unity, that unity

    can be practiced in our daily lives. Decisions will be made

    consultatively or selflessly. Diversity, on the other hand, is a

    given. Each of us is an individual soul. We have particular

    capacities which can be developed throughout our lives.

    However, diversity by itself, like Autistic identity politics, can

    easily become a trap. If we focus upon the diversity, and

    neglect the unitying essence, societies, communities, and

    hearts may begin to fall apart.

    The Emancipated Autism Project

    , which was discussed

    earlier in the chapter, is a social and economic development

    (SED) activity, not a formal association. Rather than criticizing

    Autism-related organizations by name, I prefer to simply

    mention the ones I feel to be most beneficial. Although the

    entire Autism issue has unfortunately become highly

    politicized, both the Autism Society and The Global and

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    Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership (GRASP

    ) have

    managed to be inclusive on many issues. The focus of both

    groups is upon helping Autists, not upon partisan agendas or

    us versus them.


    I am not making a direct comparison between Autism, as a

    developmental disability, and homosexuality, as a sexual

    orientation. Nevertheless, I think that a similar principle of

    nature and nurture

     is involved. The concept of




    sexual preference

    , or

    sexual identity

     is new. Just

    as heterosexuality was a portmanteau, or coined expression,

    inspired by a greater social acceptance of Lesbian and Gay

    rights, homosexuality itself was, until the 1980s or later,

    generally regarded as a behavior, not as an identity. In a

    historical context, Baháʾuʾlláh would not, in my view, have

    been addressing the issue of orientation but behavior:

    ...We shrink, for very shame, from treating of the subject ofboys [ġilmān, servant boys or pages]. Fear ye the Merciful, Opeoples of the world! Commit not that which is forbidden you in

    Our Holy Tablet, and be not of those who rove distractedly inthe wilderness of their desires.

    Baháʾuʾlláh, The Kitáb-i-Aqdas. Page 58.The word translated here as “boys” has, in this context, in the

    Arabic original, the implication of paederasty. Shoghi Effendi

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    has interpreted this reference as a prohibition on all homosexualrelations.

    The Baháʾí teachings on sexual morality centre on marriageand the family as the bedrock of the whole structure of humansociety and are designed to protect and strengthen that divine

    institution. Baháʾí law thus restricts permissible sexualintercourse to that between a man and the woman to whom he ismarried.Note by the Universal House of Justice in Baháʾuʾlláh, The Kitáb-i-Aqdas. Page 223.

    Similarly, these next two statements were made before

    homosexuality was commonly perceived, by the general

    public, as an identity. In my opinion, the

    best medical

    assistance” refers to sexual conduct. The highly controversial,

    unethical, oppressive, pseudoscientific, and empirically

    unsupported conversion or reparative therapy  is not

    advocated. That is to say, issues of Lesbian and Gay sexual

    identity and attraction are not, to my understanding,

    addressed by Baháʾí Law:


    A number of sexual problems such as homosexuality and

    transsexuality can well have medical aspects, and in such cases

    recourse should certainly be had to the best medical assistance.But it is clear from the teaching of Baháʾuʾlláh thathomosexuality is not a condition to which a person should be

    reconciled, but is a distortion of his or her nature which shouldbe controlled and overcome. This may require a hard struggle,but so also can be the struggle of a heterosexual person to

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    control his or her desires. The exercise of self-control in this, asin so very many other aspects of life, has a beneficial effect onthe progress of the soul. It should, moreover, be borne in mindthat although to be married is highly desirable, and Baháʾuʾlláhhas strongly recommended it, it is not the central purpose of life.If a person has to wait a considerable period before finding aspouse, or if ultimately, he or she must remain single, it does notmean that he or she is thereby unable to fulfil his or her life’spurpose.From a letter, dated January 12, 1985, written on behalf of the

    Universal House of Justice to an individual Baháʾí,  Lights of

    Guidance: A Baháʾí Reference File. Number 1222.No matter how devoted and fine the love may be betweenpeople of the same sex, to let it find expression in sexual acts iswrong. To say that it is ideal is no excuse. Immorality of everysort is really forbidden by Baháʾuʾlláh, and homosexualrelationships he looks upon as such, besides being against

    nature.To be afflicted this way is a great burden to a conscientious

    soul. But through the advice and help of doctors, through astrong and determined effort, and through prayer, a soul canovercome this handicap.

    God judges each soul on its own merits. The Guardian cannottell you what the attitude of God would be towards a person

    who lives a good life in most ways, but not in this way. All hecan tell you is that it is forbidden by Baháʾuʾlláh, and that oneso afflicted should struggle and struggle again to overcome it.

    We must be hopeful of God's Mercy but not impose upon it.From a letter, dated March 26, 1950, written on behalf of

    Shoghi Effendi to an individual Baháʾí,  Lights of Guidance: A

     Baháʾí Reference File. Number 1223.I believe I owe the gay community an apology for my study

    making unproven claims of the efficacy of reparative therapy. I

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    also apologize to any gay person who wasted time and energyundergoing some form of reparative therapy because theybelieved that I had proven that reparative therapy works withsome “highly motivated” individuals. Robert L. Spitzer. M.D.,  Robert L. Spitzer’s Letter to Ken Zucker, M.D.. Retrieved on June 29, 2013.

    My personal view is that adults, of whatever gender and

    number, should be legally entitled to a civil union. Marriage,

    as I see it, should be privatized. If people with a civil union

    wish to represent themselves as being married, that is their

    own business. Where appropriate, issues of marriage can be

    addressed by religious organizations, including any

    appropriate wedding ceremonies. Although the Baháʾí laws

    are intended, ultimately, for all humanity, only Baháʾís are

    obligated to follow them. In my opinion, that basic principle

    applies to homosexuality just as it relates to Obligatory Prayer

    and Fasting. I am not, therefore, an activist against same-sex


    Baháʾí teachings on sexual morality centre on marriage and

    the family as the bedrock of the whole structure of humansociety and are designed to protect and strengthen that divineinstitution. Thus Baháʾí law restricts permissible sexualintercourse to that between a man and the woman to whom he ismarried.

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  • 8/16/2019 Discovering Emancipated Autism


    is my vacation. Although I interact with others at work, by

    telephone, over the Internet, and in other limited contexts, I

    mostly engage in solitary actitivies, especially communion

    with God.

    I am in good company. Meditations, heart-centered and

    otherwise, have positively affected the lives of these Autists,


      Arman Khodaei is connected with Irmansyah Effendi’s

    Open Heart Meditation. See also his website. 

      Eric Chen developed DIY, or do-it-yourself, Autism

    Therapy. He has written about his own experiences in


      Chris Mitchell is associated with Samathā Buddhist


      Taylor Selseth meditates in the Vipassanā Buddhist


      Ethan Davidson, a Vipassanā Buddhist, has participated

    with the Insight Meditation Society and the Triratna

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    Buddhist Community (formerly called, Friends of the

    Western Buddhist Order).

      Paul Wady, a Buddhist, is The National Autistic Society 

    meditation teacher.

      Anne-Laure Davin is a Zen Buddhist. 

      Garry Burge practices Buddhist meditation. (See

    YouTube videos one and two.)

      Katharine Annear practices mindfulness. She was

    inspired by Buddhism and by Eckart Tolle’s book, The

    Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment


    Charles Burns gives workshops in Shintaido (Japanese


    new body way

    ), a moving meditation.

      Sarah Madeleine received the “knowledge,” as a premī

    (Sanskrit for


    ), from 

    Prem Rawāt

    . He is more

    popularly known as Gurū Mahārāji. 

      “Lexx” has an ecclectic spirituality. He is involved (and

    chants) with the International Society for Krishna

    Consciousness, and he considers K


     (Sanskrit for

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    dark blue one

    ) to be his God and 


     (Sanskrit for

    prosperity” or “success”), Kṛṣṇā’s beloved, to be his

    Goddess. However, he is also a Neopagan (YouTube


      Pulitzer Prize-winning Tim Page was initiated into the

    Transcendental Meditation


     of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

    (Mahariṣi Maheśa Yogī). 

      My dear friend, Rachael, finds peace and relaxation

    through Haṭha Yoga. You may also visit her YouTube


      Kenneth Christensen uses both yoga meditation and

    isolation tanks.

      Abigail “Abifae” Iubhar, whose meditation incorporates

    yoga and dance, made the fascinating observation that

    Autistic self-stimulation through repetitive body

    movement (


     or, in psychiatry, motor

    stereotypy), flapping (stimming with the hands), and

    pacing are types of kinetic meditation.

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      “Jenwytch” is involved in Witchcraft and Paganism. She

    has participated in a meditation called, The New Reality


      Caroline Hearst gave a presentation on meditation and

    cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

      “Moog,” a Buddhist meditator from the United Kingdom,

    provides simple meditation instructions (toward the

    bottom) and a podcast on meditation.

      Ryan Michael Galloway uses music as a form of

    meditation. You can also visit his website. 

      Dovid Krafchow, the Jewish Bohemian, has some

    original reflections and videos on the Cabalah (Hebrew,

    Qabbālāh, receiving) and other subjects. 

    Silently repeating the remembrance during my daily routines,

    as an Autist, keeps me spiritually centered. With others,

    practicing the remembrance during “stims” (repetitive body

    movements) may have a similar result. In fact,

    getting tired


    of sounds or songs I like has never made any sense to me.

    The redundancy in itself is comforting and quieting. I also find

  • 8/16/2019 Discovering Emancipated Autism


    it helpful to reflect on subjects such as, Autistic self-advocacy,

    civil and other human rights, personal behavior, and,

    especially, empathy.

    Some Autists may also attempt to compensate for their social

    challenges by relating to people and ideas more intellectually

    than emotionally. At least for me, a college professor, heart-

    centered devotional meditation is correcting that imbalance.

    Although empathy, which is one of the attributes of the unity

    or essence of humanity, might not be innate or natural within

    many Autists and others, it can, based on scientific research,

    often be acquired. Evidence of a relationship between

    empathy and meditation may be of special interest to many

    individuals on the Autism spectrum:

    This might already be obvious to enlightened souls, butresearchers are discovering that meditation may permanentlychange the physical structure of the brain. Neural circuitslinked to focus, happiness and empathy may be strengthenedthrough long-term meditation, effectively rewiring the brain

    and “lighting up” certain sections with a life-long capability for

    stronger activity in those regions, scans have indicated.Mary Papenfuss,  Newser  staff, “Om My! Meditation ChangesBrain Structure.” Oct 27, 2010. 

    Autism is a chronic neurodevelopmental disorder of unknowncause that affects approximately 1-3 percent of children and

    four times more boys than girls. Its prevalence is global and its