discover your purpose minister andrew freed week 6


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Post on 23-Dec-2015




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Discover Your Purpose




Plan for warfare!

Know that interference will come.

Pray! Ask the Lord for wisdom, protection, and strength.

Be prepared. You may just have to muscle your way through these obstacles and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

You job is to stay the course and finish strong.

Trust God! Know He has something wonderful in store.

Replace concerns with the expectation that God has places of promise, victory, and purpose waiting.

Road Blocks7 Major Road Blocks

Fear: I’m afraid of what my purpose is going to require of me. I’m not certain there is anything special enough about me that the Lord would want to use me.

Satisfaction: Life is pretty good the way it is, I’m not sure I’m willing to rock the boat.

Complacency: It’s just not worth it to carve out the time to reprioritize my life. I’m not sure I’m willing to make the effort to find and live my purpose.

Unbelief: I’m not sure God really has a plan for my life. I’m not certain there is anything special enough about me that the Lord would want to use me.

Road Blocks7 Major Road Blocks

Procrastination: I just can’t take on another project right now, maybe later when the other things that are demanding attention in my life are more under control.

Unwillingness: I would rather not know. If God gives me my purpose, the I’ll be responsible for acting on it. I’m not sure I want to disrupt my life with all that.

Unworthiness: I can’t believe that the Lord could use someone like me. My past has surely doomed my future. There is no way I can be of any use to God.

Overcoming Fears

What is Fear?

Fear is a spirit that manifest itself as an emotion. It is designed to stop you by putting you in bondage:

For you did not receive the spirit f bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out,

“Abba Father.” Romans 8:15

Overcoming Fears

Fears are Natural They are a part of the human condition. But we can become so

enslaved to them, accommodating to a comfort zone that keeps us from achieving our full potential.

Fear Manifest as an EmotionEmotions are one of the most powerful motivators. When they are

in control it can override the rational thought process.

Emotions are generated by thoughts. To stop the emotional charge of fear you must change your thought process about the thing you fear.

Overcoming Fears

Remember 3 things to Overcome Fear:

You cannot move beyond your fears, blocks, and limiting beliefs until you change the way you think about them.

You cannot change your way of thinking without new information. Your source of new information must be one you consider valid.

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of

calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.

1 Tim 1:7 AMP

Overcoming Fears

Facing Your Fears

In order to overcome your fears you must face them head on.

Must write them down. Once in writing, then we can address them one by one, acknowledge them, and seek the Lord’s wisdom to help you neutralize your emotions and gain clear, rational thinking.

Sometimes we mitigate fears by overlooking them and getting so busy that you don’t ever have to face them. UNHEALTHY!

Ask the Lord to help you identify all your fears concerning your purpose and in general.

Overcoming Fears

Smoothing A Path Through Your FearsA positive experience is the most potent way to overcome fear. The experiences we receive can take place in the mind without physically living them.

Through the use of the imagination, you can have positive experiences in the Word of God to overcome any fear.

Positive psychology techniques used to overcome fear:

Future Pacing, Neuro-linguistic Programing (NLP), Guided Meditation, Shadow/Light Integration

Identifying Road Blocks

Identifying Blocks

Blocks to your purpose are in place because we often cannot see the truth. They are rooted in the flesh and hinder us from God’s will and our purpose.

Blocks are anything that hinders you or weighs you down:

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And

let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us

Hebrews 12:1

Identifying Road Blocks

Questions to help Identify them:

What is the one thing in the world that I just can’t seem to give up?

What is a higher priority in my life than it should be?

What am I striving for that seems to be consuming me?

What am I holding on to so tightly that it is creating stress and problems?

What am I overly anxious, or worried about?

What am I consumed by? (i.e. job, image, ambition, or finances)

What fills me with the need to control other people and circumstances?

What am I hanging on to that is hurting me and others? (anger, unforgiveness, lust, addictions)

Identifying Road Blocks

Removing Blocks

3 Steps

1. Awareness: Begin by asking God to search you and make you aware of the blocks that hinder you from or your purpose and your relationship with Him.

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me,

and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23

Identifying Road Blocks

Removing Blocks

3 Steps2. Confess to God: Confession literally means to “speak sameness” or “say the same thing” or “agree with God.” It is more than saying you are sorry. It means being honest, and then getting right with the Lord by agreeing with Him about the nature of your sin or hindrances and the need to remove it.

If you confess your sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive your sins and purify you from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:9

Identifying Road Blocks

Removing Blocks

3 Steps3. Confess to Others

Sometimes you might need an accountability partner. God is the only one who can forgive sins, but the healing we need may only come when we confess and pray with one another.

Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.

James 5:16

Limiting Beliefs & Their Causes

Limiting BeliefsLimitations that we believe about ourselves that influence behavior and hinder the plan of God for our lives.

Cause of Limiting Beliefs

They are usually deep-seated in your subconscious. They are so subtly tucked into the way you see yourself that you don’t realize the impact they are having on your life. Most people don’t recognize these self-imposed limits.

These beliefs influence the way we make decisions and see possibilities.

Limiting beliefs are Lies!

Limiting Beliefs & Their Causes

Limiting Belief The Cause

I’m not smart enough.  

I’m not good enough.  

I can’t handle failure.  

I don’t know how to deal with my mistakes.  

I’ll never get what I want.  

I’m worthless.  

I’m selfish.  

I’m a fake…a pretender.  

I’ll never be able to change.  

I can’t handle success.  

My past has doomed my future.  

I’m not worthy.  

I’m not capable.  

I’m a failure.  

I’m _______________________________  

Limiting Beliefs & Their CausesNow that you have Identified the Limiting Belief you must begin to look at them with the mind-set that they are indeed lies that need to be replaced. Replacing them is a two step process:

The Lie & The Truth

Equation 1: The Lie

______________________________ = _____________________________

(1) My Reality or the Cause (2) My Limiting Belief That Resulted

Equation 2: The Truth

______________________________ = _______________________________

(1) God’s Truth on This Matter (4) My New Empowering Belief

Discover Your Purpose


1. Write down your fears, blocks, & limiting beliefs and you new truths!

2. Continue to craft you Identity & Purpose Statements

3. Journal! Journal! Journal!