discover how you can truly leverage an internet laptop lifestyle

17 Discover How YOU Can Truly Leverage An Internet Laptop Lifestyle And create the Income,Flexibility & Freedom YOU and YOUR Family Deserve!

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Post on 23-Mar-2016




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DESCRIPTION Discover how Stuart Ross can leverage the internet laptop lifestyle and go from zero to six figures online. Baz Smith and Joella Clare both Six Figure Mentors review this great new product.


Page 1: Discover How YOU Can Truly Leverage An Internet Laptop Lifestyle

Discover How YOU Can Truly Leverage

An Internet Laptop Lifestyle

And create the Income,Flexibility & Freedom

YOU and YOUR Family Deserve!

Page 2: Discover How YOU Can Truly Leverage An Internet Laptop Lifestyle

Discover How YOU Can Truly Leverage

An Internet Laptop Lifestyle

Stuart Ross recently held a closed door course, where he shared

some of his proven strategies with the attendees. The content of

the Internet Laptop Lifestyle Course has insane value for money and

will put you on the right track to earn a Six Figure Income in the up

and coming months.

It has been packaged and branded for market as a product called ...

“How To Go From Zero To Six Figures Online”

This report has been created by Stay At Home Dad & Leader in The Six Figure Mentors- Baz Smith and Stay At Home Mum & Member of The Six Figure Mentors- Joella Clare to give you a sneak preview into what you can expect from this inexpensive, yet full of value product.

Page 3: Discover How YOU Can Truly Leverage An Internet Laptop Lifestyle

How To Go From Zero To Six Figures

Not a product just for newbies but for serious internet marketers

who want to take their online business to a higher level.

This is what separates this course from all the other programs out


It was Stuart Ross' (founder of The Six Figure Mentors) intention

to „over deliver‟ with this course so that people could see the

potential of an internet marketing business and this is precisely the

reason why it is priced so low.

Should You Buy This Product at JUST $19.95?

The answer to this question really depends on you. If you are looking

to build a successful internet business then the answer is YES… If

however you are looking for a way to make a quick buck, then

Internet Laptop Lifestyle isn't for you!

Internet Laptop Lifestyle is a course for not just those who are new

to internet marketing but those who have been in the industry for a


Even if you are somebody that has a reasonably successful business

online, there are still great tips and hints and numerous bits of

information in this course that will make light bulbs go off in your


What‟s Inside This Product ...

Page 4: Discover How YOU Can Truly Leverage An Internet Laptop Lifestyle

Step By Step Blueprint On How To Go From Zero To Six Figures

Online, Even If You Have No List And No Products To Sell!

Stuart says ... "Affiliate marketing is the easiest way to make money online. Period. Ethically as well, we are not talking about casino secrets or anything like that! Being an affiliate without a doubt is the simplest and straight forward way to make money online. " "Making money on the internet is much more about understanding the strategy and mechanics than it is about the tactics or being technically gifted"

Page 5: Discover How YOU Can Truly Leverage An Internet Laptop Lifestyle

The SFM Formula – And How You Could Be Using It With Your

Online Business – And Accelerate From Zero To Six Figures!

Stuart Says ...

"How to REALLY make six figures on the internet, and it's not

selling $20 products!"

"Get out there and find programs you want to recommend"

"Within the SFM there are products to make six figures alone"

The first thing we established is residual income, it comes from

affiliate commissions and referring membership sites"

It takes the longest to build up but is one of the nicest of incomes

as it will come month after month. So lets say after 12 months...

you have 200 subscribers and get $20 per month from each one

thats $4000 a month

Page 6: Discover How YOU Can Truly Leverage An Internet Laptop Lifestyle

JV's & One Off's

“One off promotion to your list, maybe 1 or 2 a month, maybe look

for PLR products and keep 100% of the profits”

“You get 20 one off sales with $200 commissions ( maybe a set of

dvd trainings ) thats $4000 a month”

“High Ticket Products”

"One of the quickest ways to make money"

“You only need 4 sales of a high ticket product a month thats $4000

$12000 a month = $144000 a year”

Page 7: Discover How YOU Can Truly Leverage An Internet Laptop Lifestyle

Why 97% Of Rookie Internet Marketers Fail To Get Customers

To „Buy Now!‟

Stuart Says ...

Lack of support and genuine advice.

Lack of leads.

Lack of technical know-how.

Lack of Consistency.

No system to follow

“With the six figure mentors you have a fantastic community full of

people ready and willing to help. The program has awesome training

and a proven system and if followed correctly it can lead your

business to the top of its game.

With the "From Zero To Six Figures Online" training you will have a

greater understanding of how to grow a successful online

business yourself.”

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The 6 Rules To Six Figures – That Only Successful Internet

Marketers Use!

Stuarts says ...

Give First Sell Second

Never Stop Believing


Build Deep Foundations For Your Business & Focus On Long

Term Wealth And Not Short Term Income

Prepare To Fail, Fail Fast & Fail Forward

Choose Markets Where You Can Provide Services To Solve

Peoples Desperate Problems

Page 9: Discover How YOU Can Truly Leverage An Internet Laptop Lifestyle

How To Stop Getting Distracted, Overwhelmed And Confused With

This Whole Internet Marketing Game And Finally Start To Get

Results FAST!

Baz Says ...






“Get yourself a weekly timetable, make sure you know what your

goals are for that week and DO them ...

Concentrate on what YOU are doing and not what everyone else is


Page 10: Discover How YOU Can Truly Leverage An Internet Laptop Lifestyle

A Simple Tactic That Will Have Your Subscribers CRAVING To Be

Sold To…Again And Again… Once You Try This…You‟ll Swear By It

For Life.

Joella Says ...

“Have your customers wanting more! The more value you give them the more they will want from you.

When you offer someone something for free, they will more than likely take it.

So make sure what your offering is of pure value, make sure you over deliver on the free stuff, get them wanting more value from you, be consistent.

Then when you have a product or service to offer they are going to want to take a glance as you have already been providing them with value in the past,

Be passionate about the product.”

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How To Find Massive Groups Of Cash-In-Hand Customers…Who

Are Ready To Buy From You, Before You Even Contact Them.

Stuart Ross Says ...

"Decide, Who is your target market?, Find out where they hang

out, Interact with them!

Page 12: Discover How YOU Can Truly Leverage An Internet Laptop Lifestyle

Create A Product That Can Make You Thousands Of Dollars Each

Month…Whist Helping You To Build YOUR List And Make A Profit At

The Same Time!

Joella Says

Creating a product may sound daunting, and for many it is, but if you

have a passion or a skill in a particular niche then creating a simple

product at first can be easy. It may be an eBook, or video series,

solving a problem that people are desperate to lay their hands on.

The SFM can teach you how to provide your followers with a product

or service you can easily deliver based on your own passion and


But if this sounds like too much, something you are not ready for, or

may not even want to do for then the Six Figure Mentors already

provide you with products you can offer as an affiliate to start you

earning bigger commission right away.

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How To LEVERAGE The Credibility Of The Biggest Gurus Online

To Skyrocket Your Income.

Joella Says ...

In order for people to trust your word, and see that what you‟re

saying in your blogs and on your website is true, then you need to

have facts and figures to back it up. This is where the Six Figure

Mentors can give you that, with the proven systems and products

available to you. The training is of the highest quality, and you will

personally align yourself with one of the UK's top marketers Stuart

Ross and his techniques.

He actually shares with his community how to get on with your own

business using his up to the moment techniques and what‟s working

for him!

Stuart wouldn't call himself a "guru" but I can tell you he has a

system that works, and he has kept it incredibly simple.

In his words "Always Keep It Simple!"

Page 14: Discover How YOU Can Truly Leverage An Internet Laptop Lifestyle

How To OVERCOME The Fact That You‟ve Got NO Name In Your

Industry, No Contacts, No Influence…And Still Grow Your Business

By Leaps And Bounds!

Joella Says ...

“If you are thinking this is „may be all well and good‟ for someone like

Stuart Ross who has a reputation in the Internet Marketing world

and has branded himself and his company. But how am I, just an

average person going to get subscribers and clients who trust me

and want to buy from me, then this is where the SFM can help.

By branding yourself and getting your name out there is the first big

step, to have your own journey documented on your personal website

is a huge start, you will soon see people enquiring about you and what

you do , but you also have the support of a trusted and proven

system and company behind you.

Being a Six Figure Mentors member gives you the brand as well as

the proven products.”

Page 15: Discover How YOU Can Truly Leverage An Internet Laptop Lifestyle

My Number One Traffic Secret For Generating Hundreds Of

Leads A Day In ANY market! And it‟s NOT PPC, Articles, Social

Media or any of the other useless strategies that are so often

taught that are impossible to get momentum with when getting


Baz & Joella Say ...

To get Stuart „s SECRET you will have to buy the $19.95 product

To find out more about this new product from

Mister VALUE himself Stuart Ross simply visit ...

Page 16: Discover How YOU Can Truly Leverage An Internet Laptop Lifestyle

Baz Smith Says ...

“What‟s really GREAT about being a Founder Member & Leader in The Six

Figure Mentors is the combination of the community, the endless training, the

unlimited web hosting and technical support, the mastermind groups and all the

strategies just waiting to be utilised.

This product that Stuart has so cleverly put together is a must purchase if you

have any serious intentions of succeeding in the world of internet marketing.

It is full of ideas, tips and hints from a guy who is dedicated to help others to


Stuart is the kind of guy, who if like me you get the privilege to meet, you will

see for yourself that he is genuine, and is so excited that he is fulfilling his

main dream, of creating more and more six & seven figure mentors like himself!

If you purchase this product you will be well on your way to discovering how you

too can go from Zero To Six Figures Online ... Good Luck and we hope to hear

from you soon.”

Joella Clare Says ...

The internet Laptop Lifestyle Video Course is another great product

from Six Figure Mentor & serial entrepreneur Stuart Ross.

I find Stuart has such a clever way of explaining what may seem like

something totally mind boggling into very, very simple stuff.

You basically follow his system and implement the tactics and before

you know it your brain is sizzling with ideas on how to use this exact

system over and over again to leverage any niche you choose, it's

fantastic and a "must buy"

Page 17: Discover How YOU Can Truly Leverage An Internet Laptop Lifestyle

Here are a few words from current Six Figure Mentors members who recently

joined Stuart and the team at the internet laptop lifestyle workshop from which

this course was taken from.

Andrew A “I joined the SFM 6 months ago and it looked to me like all of the information I had been scouring the internet for was being pulled together in one place, and I was pleased to find that it was”

Tumi H “I have learned quite a lot today, particularly about list building and the methods to use, It‟s always good to learn how to build your list better”

Carl A “I took the laptop lifestyle workshop to give my business a boost and stay on top of some cutting edge strategies”

Robbie V W “Things are only getting better with SFM the more I see from the SFM the more I realise how incredible this opportunity is”

Mark F “My knowledge of internet marketing from my involvement with the Six Figure Mentors has really been enhanced”

Simon L “I‟ve absolutely loved my first 3 weeks and learnt so much I thoroughly recommend you give it a go”

Richard S “Over the past couple of months I‟ve taken a handful of strategies I‟ve been taught and one in particular has put £600 per day on a regular basis in my pocket, it‟s a no brainer”

Dee G “the six figure mentors is a great platform to learn everything there is too know about internet marketing,. I‟ve had great success building my list and learning strategies and finding amazing results”

Jonathan D “My old mindset was that of a business opportunity seekers, I‟ve now turned into an online entrepreneur”

Scott D “the six figure mentors has actually taught me HOW to market online”