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Avalanche by Kayelee Marshall


Very dangerous

Landslide of snow

As t hreat ening as a bull

Not awesom e

Caut ion


Have you heard of a volcano? Earthquakes. Well this is what we are going to to teach you. How Earthquakes and volcanoes are alike , the survival and the inside and outside of a volcano and earthquake. now we will move on to Explor ing the insides.

Did you know t hat ear t hquakes and volcanoes are very alike? They They bot h are form ed by t ect onic plat es coll iding. They bot h are Dest royer ?s. They dest roy our hom es and l i fe. They also can help us. For inst ance volcanoes can m ake hot spr ings and ear t hquakes can help dest roy building t hat need t o go. There?s a volcano and it s dorm ant you can use it for 1. dest roying 2.hot t ubs 3.f ix our l ives 4. All of t he above

Com pare The Predat ors

By:Eli Burt and Saylor Timberlake

How was t hat ? Anyt hing you haven?t learned? keep wr it ing

Just l ike us!  GOODBYE!

EMBRACE THE STRUGGLES Of Weather    Ear t hquakes     Ear t hquakes and volcanoes are a m ajor problem so here?s how t o survive t hem . First get away f rom glass at could hur t or even k il l you! Get under a st urdy object l ike a t able so you don?t fal l . Also if not in a building don?t go near one it could fal l on you .                

VolcanoesThe most safe volcano is a shield volcano Because you can stand on it when it erupts. But the problem is a composite volcano.  When it erupts when you?re in the house close to it get to the basement so you don?t burn into a burned waffle. Also don?t get under wood it will burn in an instant so get under like? stone or titanium.          Now you won?t be as lucky as before.


There is a giant composite volcano about to erupt. You are close to it you decide to run as fast as you can.  You barely make it out alive.

Survival Of The Fit t est

It holds m agm a it m akes l ight ning t hat f r ight ening it s br ight t o. All of t h is is very t rue -by Eli

Wanna know what inside an ear t hquake and a volcano. Well here you go. Inside a volcano t here?s l ight ning because of t he f r ict ion t he m agm a cham ber also in t here it can get as hot as 12,632 degrees. Now for t he inside of t he ear t hquake. The t ect onic plat es coll ide and t he form and is t he inside of t he ear t hquake


Have you ever seen the ground crack be for.Or a big cyclone in the sky. Well if you have seen this stay away from it Because if you Don?t you could get very hurt.The reason that i am telling you to stay away from it is that the crack is from an earthquake and the cyclone is a start of a hurricane!!!!!!!These things are very danger to be near Because it might happen in the same spot that you are standing in.you can get very hurt and go to the hospital.

Funfacts!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Earthquakes can knock down a hole house in one earthquake

Dest ruct ion

Ear t hquakes & hur r icanes m ake lot s of dest ruct ion.It m akes so m uch t h ings crum ble it looks l ike a bunch of people l i t t ered all over t he place.They can also t ake t he roof of a house l ike a persian chopping down a t ree.



Hur r icanes and ear t hquakes are bot h very dangerous.To know which is t he m ost dangerous you have t o know what t hey are t o decide it . Hur r icanes are cyclones t hat spin l ike a t op.  They are form ed by warm air and warm wat er .  Som et im es hur r icanes die down before t hey reach land.

Ear t hquakes happen when t ect onic

Hur r icanes


    Ear t hquakes

So you know how ear t hquakes are form ed     

LeadIt is pour ing, huge waves are crashing across t he beach and land. Giant gust s of are blow ing! What am I? What w il l you do about it ?

Som et hing is st ar t ing in a cloud and is going very fast in a circle. Light ning is going around t he

What is a tornado and a hurricane?Well a hurricane starts on the water and can not start on the land like a tornado. A hurricane also looks like a giant donut. Hurricanes gain heavy waves that crash and the strong wind blows. It is also pouring very hard. But a tornado starts

St rengt h and speed. A t ornado and hur r icane are bot h very st rong and fast . A hur r icane can hold up 40,000 pounds or m ore!  A t ornado can also hold m ove a lot of weight .  It can m ove m ore t han 30,000 pounds!  Wow!  A hur r icane can spin 200 m iles per hour ! Wow t hat is fast !  Well a t ornado can go 40-72, 73-112, 113-157, 158-208 and 261-318.  A t ornado can go all of t hose speeds depending on t he scale, i t is l ike f0, f1, f2, f3, f4 and even f5. So a t ornado and hur r icane are bot h very st rong and fast !

In m y opinion hur r icanes and t ornadoes are very very dif ferent !

Did you know ?

A hur r icane looks just l ike a spinning doughnut

Did you know ?

A t ornado

Is l ike

A big


Hur r icanes have alm ost t he sam e w ind power but

t hey st i l l are dif ferent in which is st ronger , how t hey form and t heir shapes and sizes! Maybe you w il l see a hur r icane or t ornadoes w ind

What a t ornado and hur r icane can ruin!Wow! Hur r icanes can ruin people's healt h??  Oh m y gosh! Can t ornados m ake you lose your m oney??  

Hur r icanes are very st rong, so st rong t hat t hey can ruin m any t h ings, for exam ple, Hur r icanes can ruin t rees, by r ipping t hem out of t he ground, t hey can ruin power l ines by break ing t he w ire, also t hey ruin houses, cars, gardens and t hey r ip of f roofs!! Tornados do t he sam e, t hey scram ble t h ings up, just l ike a blender !  Tornadoes and hur r icanes can m ake people poor because when t he house get s ru ined t he m oney is in t here house so t hat 's t he end of t hat !  Also t hey ruin gardens and t he food t hat is grow ing so t hat m eans people won't have food!!

I t h ink t hat everyone should m ove t o Maine or som ewhere safe where are no hur r icanes or t ornados.

Which is st ronger

t ornadoes are st rong, just l ike hur r icanes! But do you know which one is st ronger?  Find out by com par ing!  

Tornadoes are sooo st rong, t hey can m ove m ore t han 30,000 pounds! They can probably m ove a hot el l ike 100-150 feet !!!  Hur r icanes are power ful! A hur r icane's w ind speed is 200 m iles per hour . Also it can r ip of f roofs, t rees, t elephone w ires, roads and m ore!

Hur r icanes and t ornados can bot h m ove m ore t han 20,000 pounds, and t hey bot h spin around. Tornados m ove 30,000 pounds and a hur r icane m oves 40,000 pounds! Hur r icane?s spins l ike a giant donut and a t ornado looks l ike a funnel. A t ornado can m ove a huge hot el 100 feet and a hur r icane can r ip of f roofs, sidewalks, and t elephone w ires. If you t hought t ornados are st ronger you are par t ly cor rect because t h ink of i t . It can m ove a hot el 100 feet in t he air ! But on t he ot her hand hur r icane?s are st ronger because

can l i f t a good 40,000 pounds of f t he ground! So act ually t hey have t he sam e st rengt h and it is a t ie!

Tornadoes vs. Ear t hquakes


Have you ever been in a earthquake or tornado if you have you should find your parents and leave that town. We are going to teach you about how do they start,how deadly are the,the deadliest tornadoes and earthquake and how to stay safe did you know that some of the smallest earthquakes and tornadoes are some of the deadliest.

Tornadoes and earthquakes are really deadly like tornadoes can make people fly up in the air. Earthquakes can make people fall down in the crack in the ground from the earthquakes if the earthquake is strong enough. The different from how deadly a tornado is too how deadly a earthquake. A tornadoes can destroy building, cars, farms, and houses. Tornadoes kills thousands of people each year. Earthquakes can hurt people and damage their home?s and the ground crack?s and shakes building?s but I think that tornadoes are more deadly than earthquakes and that is how deadly tornadoes and earthquakes are

How Deadly are Tornadoes and Earthquakes

Som e of t he deadliest t ornadoes and ear t hquake are t he ones in t he sm allest t owns. Som e of t he m ost t er r ifying and dangerous t ornadoes are t he one in Jar rell,Texas on May 27 1997 and in Missour i on March 18t h 1925 t hey are very sim ilar because t hey were bot h EF5 and w ind speed up t o 201 MPH or 323.5 KPH. Som e of t he t he m ost dangerous and t er r ifying Ear t hquakes Are t he San Francisco Ear t hquake and t he Por t Royal Ear t hquake in 1692 t he San Francisco had a 290 m ile crack called a fault and t he m ost of t he Ear t hquake was f ire and t he Por t Royal Ear t hquake in Jam aica all t urned int o quick sand so every body sank int o t he ground and t he people who survived drowned f rom t he t sunam i lat er so t hey are not sim ilar at al l.

I hope you liked the book you learned some cool stuff like how to stay safe, how do they start, and all the Dangerous stuff. That is how tornadoes and earthquakes start and how deadly are they and how to  stay safe. Hopefully you will know how to stay safe if

The Deadliest Ear t hquakes and Tornadoes

When t here is a ear t hquake you should be scared but if you are act ing chil l t hen ot her people m ight get t he idea t hat it ?s ok . When t he ear t h is shak ing and you are at work or school if you are t here and a ear t hquake happens t hen st ay away f rom t he follow ing bookshelfs,t al l lam ps et c. Because if t hey fall on t op of you and hit your head it w il l hur t and t hen it w il l knock you unconscious and you won?t be able t o get out of t he building.Hid under a t able and hold it down so t he wall and st uf f won't fal l on t op of you .  

Ear t hquakes by: Evelyn Goudreau

Why do we have natural disasters?One of the reasons that we have earthquakes is the tectonic plates hit each other and then start to blob up and make the earth crack because they keep pushing all the ways they want and keep going until the earth cracks open completely!

Why do we have nat ural disast ers?


Now that you know alot about hurricanes and earthquakes test your friends ask them what to do to protect them self when a earthquakes happens and also if they dont know it then tell them what to do just in case.

What causes a natural disaster,why do they happen? Well you?re not the only one wondering these things so don?t worry! Hurricanes have interesting way they are created!

In the tropics when the sun is out and and the waters cool the air is warm and stuffy and has low pressure and and the warm air rises and while the warm air rises the cooler air with high pressure starts to replace the warm air?s place, and with all of this happening and if it keeps going in a cycle it will form a breeze and later on a stronger wind will take over and with all of the moisture in the air over time will create a hurricane! And depending on if it was created near land it would hit land or not even reach land it could die out.         Hurricanes can either die out or hit the surrounding land! The cyclone can die out depending on if it has a steady stream of warm water to feed the storm and the winds can blow the storm Many miles across the ocean!  I think this is pretty interesting! What about you?


   How do you get prepared for a hurricane? Well there are many ways to become prepared for this storm first off you need to know when the storm will hit so you can keep watch on the weather to see what it will be like then. Second off you need is to get what you need to stay safe and sound, you can pack this in your house and board up your windows and if you still feel unsafe you can  go to a shelter to be in a good supportive community!

Stock up on bottled water, and canned foods and family medicines if needed. Stay Safe and Stay

Volcano Breaks Through

Did you know that a farmer in Mexico (Unknow Name) he was working in his cornfield and that happened to him.

So if you have a earthquake and a crack show up somewhere tell you parent/ gardians about that because there could be lava come your way to make a volcano.

Next Explosion Nobody Knows what the next explosion might be in your backyard. The chance is 1%. Though it could happen. A giant earthquake make a fault then lava will spray through and BOOM! In 3 weeks you could have a 50 foot tall volcano In 3 months you grow a 200 foot volcano. So you in a year would a full grown lava spewing volcano. So no it is not going to happen but if it did your own town would be like Pompeii. With no life left they all died or got badly injured or evacuated. It is realistic but also fiction because i doubt that it will happen to many people far outside the ring of fire like we are. So consider yourself safe for litt le while. The volcano might come and come in bunches and that is when it gets bad!

Could t he Next Volcano/Ear t hquake be in Your Backyard

Kaboom, Crack no is that a fault is lava coming out, is lava making a volcano BOOM!! That 's more destruction than we can use. The next explosion is Mount vesuvius, Mount Saint Helens well then Kaboom! Now safety is the key what do you do go here go there?  Hurray! Your safe.  So follow and see a shake.

Volcano Vs. Ear t hquake

Boom , Crash! The volcano gives m ore in one blow. It has lava

dest roy m ore t hought .  But , an ear t hquake shakes it up a  bit i

m ake volcano f ire and all t sunam i?s landslide.  It m akes it al l .  Why t hat inform at ion helps m ake t he call t he volcano m akes hard rode dest roy som e cit ies t he

answer it t ough so t h ink your brain of f .

The w inner of t h is was really close. But t he volcano w ins by t he

lavas t ail.

Fault ProblemsDid know that a fault is something that can make an earthquake. It is pressure that is being pushes the earthquake to shake. The way that fault lines are made,are from tectonic plates being pushed

together. Also,that could help form shock waves.

Imagine yourself holding a balloon. You squeeze and squeeze,until eventually? ? ? ...IT POPS!!!

Thats kind of like an earthquake. The shake makes a crack because of all the pressure in the quake.

Then later on the magma starts to boil. Hot sticky gross stuff oozes out of the crack. Like the balloon,

it pops. And it breaks through.

So now you know how things are unpredictable the volcano could be in lots of place. So you know there are dangers. Especially volcanoes and earthquakes. And they are everywhere And problem earthquakes. If you want to know more look in other books. Thought you should know that the best way to explore is to go outside and explore. Have you parent/guardians take you for a walk so your inner science comes out. But make sure you have fun!

By: Sam m y Raio

Jam es Giles

Caleb Murphy



Hurr icanes and drought s bot h can k il l people, but hur r icanes can be evacuat ed fast er t han drought s. So, t hey are not as bad but on t he ot her hand hur r icanes are super dangerous. Drought s can k il l plant s so t hey st arve people. Som et im es when hur r icanes are super bad t hey are nam ed nam es l ike Hur r icane Andrew and Hur r icane Kat r ina t hey were very bad hur r icanes t hat k i l led m any m any people. Hur r icanes are m ore dangerous  because t hey dest roy buildings drought s dont . That is why hur r icanes are worse t han drought s

What do you t h ink is worse?

What s WorseHurr icanes Vs Drought s

hur r icane


BY Caleb Galgovit ch

Monsoons can help or t er r ify, helpful t o count r ies t hat need t hem and  a disast er t o count r ies t hat don?t . The way t hey help is t he fact t hat t hey feed m il l ions! Lot s of count r ies grow r ice in r ice paddies and t he paddies need wat er . The sum m er m onsoon rains br ing food t o m il l ions all around t he wor ld, while t he w int er m onsoon ?s cold, dry w inds m ake l i fe m iserable.

Monsoons are good and bad in t heir own ways, feeding t he places t hat need food and m ak ing l i fe m iserable for t he places t hat don?t . Monsoons are a sure weat her wonder .

Hur r icanes, m eanwhile, are devast at ing. They dest roy everyt hing. They run am ok anywhere t hey hit . Monsoons help, while hur r icanes sm ash everyt hing in t heir way hur r icanes dest roy, and m onsoons help.

Monsoons are bet t er t hen hur r icanes

what s bet t er

Monsoons vs Hur r icanes