dirt on design / greg houston & merika ramundo

Greg Houston, Digitization and New Media Administrator Merika Ramundo, Communications Officer [email protected] [email protected] The on Design: Tips and Tricks for creating promotional items at your library

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L'Association des bibliothécaires du Québec - Quebec Library Association 2014: Bibliothèques et design / Libraries by Design Trials, tribulations, and triumphs. Every marketing campaign has them. Communications Officer Merika Ramundo and Digitization and New Media Administrator Greg Houston briefly recount their "learning moments" around creating and designing McGill Library's 2013 "Everything You Need" marketing campaign. Attendees will walk away with practical tips and strategies on how to improve/freshen up marketing materials without spending a fortune.


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Greg Houston, Digitization and New Media AdministratorMerika Ramundo, Communications Officer

[email protected]@mcgill.ca


on Design:

Tips and Tricks for creating promotional items at your library

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Eat chocolate

Assemble the troops

Prepare your kit

Strategize! Plan!

Getting started

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Why are you doing this?

Who is your audience?

What is your message?

How will the campaign be used?

Timing is everything!

Strategize! Plan!

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At the heart of it all…

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Inspiration from the outside in…

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Idea Ping-Pong

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Sketch to mockup

Rough mockups

Initial Sketches

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Visual guide for Library services.

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GoogleWikipedia McGill Library

Research Accuracy Scale

Library – 1 Backpack - 0

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Promotional Campaigns

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2010 - 2011

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2011 - 2012

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2012 - 2013

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2013 - 2014

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Trials & Tribulations

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Budget, Approvals, Outsourcing

McGill Library book bag re-design concept, 2012 Smoke-Free Terrace Campaign tentcard, May 2014

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Collaborative Design, Translation & Last Minute Changes

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Rights & Appropriation - Subway Map Concept (2011-12)

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“If everyone in town comes to my plant and takes a free sample of what I make, I’ll go bankrupt. But if everyone in the world takes a free sample of one of my ideas (or at least one of my good ones), we’ll all get richer….Ideas can’t be stolen, because ideas don’t get smaller when they’re shared, they get bigger.”


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Tips & tricks!

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Stock vs. Unique imagery

Quebec standard products : maple syrup and maple sugar.mcgill.worldcat.org/oclc/732289096

Courtesy: istockphoto.com

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On-site photography

Photos courtesy of Klaus Fiedler.

Photo courtesy of Klaus Fiedler.

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Studio photography

www.mcgill.ca/libraryBook of Hours, Use of Sarum, Flemish or English, c.1450.

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Colour balancing: eyedropper tool & Xrite colourchecking chart

Studio photography

Judy, a glove puppetdigital.library.mcgill.ca/puppets

Puss in boots, the cover.digital.library.mcgill.ca/stories

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Library banner.


Old McGill 1916yearbooks.mcgill.ca

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Christmas cardThe illustrated London news.mcgill.worldcat.org/oclc/1752679

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So many choices!

Squash & stretch

Type families

Web and Print





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Commercial illustration for the Canadian Pacific Railway by Peter Ewart



Pure vs. Rich Blacks



Rich Black 50% Cyan, 50% Magenta, 25% Yellow, 100% Black

Pure Black 100% Black

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Fill objects

Pen Tool

Smart objects


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Character animation

Motion tracking

Hand drawn style

Kinetic type/icons


Videos have been removedfor slideshare

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Thank you!

[email protected]@mcgill.ca

Would you like to dig deeper?

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Websites that inspireMerika50 Best Design-Themed Pinterest Boards: http://www.creativebloq.com/inspiration/pinterest-boards-812533Library infographic on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/yeoldefort/library-infographics/Fast Company: http://www.fastcompany.comPSFK: http://www.psfk.com/John Cotton Dana Awards: http://www.ebscohost.com/academic/john-cotton-danaI Love Charts Tumblr: http://ilovecharts.tumblr.com/TedTalks Design: http://www.ted.com/topics/designTedTalks Marketing: http://www.ted.com/topics/marketingNYPL: http://www.nypl.org/Comic Sans Criminal: http://www.comicsanscriminal.com/ Books that inspireMerikaSteal Like An Artist by Justin Kleon: http://austinkleon.com/steal/Big Book of Graphic Design: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/324969.The_Big_Book_of_Graphic_Design Blogs that inspireMerikaMitch Joel’s blog “Six Pixels of Separation”: http://www.twistimage.com/blog/Seth Godin’s blog: http://sethgodin.typepad.com/

Marketing & Design ResourcesPresentationsPrezi (presentation tool): http://prezi.com/

The Dirt on Design “Crib Sheet”

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The Dirt on Design “Crib Sheet”

TypographyCreate your own info graphics! http://www.easel.ly/Kinetic typography motion graphics: http://www.creativebloq.com/typography/examples-kinetic-typography-11121304 FontsMy Font: http://www.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/dafont: http://www.dafont.com/Typography app! http://notegraphy.com/ Free or almost free icons for signage http://www.flaticon.com/ http://thenounproject.com/https://www.iconfinder.com/ Photographic rights & permissions (waivers) – links to samples & guidelines: http://www.sfu.ca/clf/styleguide/photography.htmlhttp://www.sfu.ca/starrynights//Resources/ConsentToUsePersonalInformation-2013ADULT.pdfhttps://uwaterloo.ca/brand-guidelines/visual-identity/photography ContentPublic Domain/Creative CommonsCreative Commons Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/creativecommons/Getty Publications Virtual Library: http://www.getty.edu/publications/virtuallibrary/index.htmlThe Public Domain Review: http://publicdomainreview.org/Bodleian Library/Vatican digitized manuscripts: http://bav.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/