dipecho v aan brief july dec 09

This update is about the progress made under AAN-DIPECHO V project in its first six months of operation from July through November 2009. The project implementation started in July 2009 and will continue for 15 months. Surakshit Samudaya II Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal December 2009, Kathmandu AAN-DIPECHO PROJECT PERIODIC UPDATE JULY-DECEMBER, 2009 PROJECT AT A GLANCE Project Area: Banke Sunsari Udayapur Partner NGOs: BEE Group UPCA Nepal NP Nepal Co-Action Nepal Beneficiaries: 13,854 people Budget: Euro 377,095 Start Date: 01 July 2009 Duration: 15 months For more details, contact: ActionAid Nepal Ph: 01-4436477 Fax: 01-4419718 ActionAid Nepal DIPECHO Project Publication To strengthen capacities of community and local institutions for reducing impact of disas- ters and ensuring rights of disaster vulnerable people Specific Objective Intended Results Result 1. Capacity of communities is enhanced to reduce impact of disasters through collective actions Result 2. Enabling environment created through appropriate DRR policies and plans Result 3. Target stakeholders demonstrate increased awareness on disaster preparedness methods at family and community level Result 4. Small scale mitigation measures with government and local support contribute to vulnerability reduction Project Approach to achieve results What to achieve to address issues Informed community with enhanced coping means and methods and resilience, networking with other stakeholders for collective action Informed government officers and other stakeholders on DRR Informed parliamentarians ready to provide a policy framework on DRR Replicable mitigation models on risk reduction Targeting local people towards enhancing local coping mechanisms through education, mobilization and linkages Targeting district government officials & NGO leaders in ensuring increased awareness & involvement in DRR Targeting parliamentarians to complement national initiatives towards adopting DRR policy Demonstrate replicable models of mitigation at local levels, through local and community involvement How we are achieving? Surakshit Samudaya II, the ActionAid DIPECHO project in Nepal is funded by European Commission Humanitarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid.

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Page 1: Dipecho v aan brief july dec 09

This update is about the progress made under AAN-DIPECHO V project in its first six months of operation from July through November 2009. The project implementation started in July 2009 and will continue for 15 months.

Surakshit Samudaya II

Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal

December 2009, Kathmandu



Project Area: Banke

Sunsari Udayapur

Partner NGOs:

BEE Group UPCA Nepal

NP Nepal Co-Action Nepal

Beneficiaries: 13,854 people


Euro 377,095

Start Date: 01 July 2009

Duration: 15 months

For more details, contact:

ActionAid Nepal Ph: 01-4436477 Fax: 01-4419718

ActionAid Nepal DIPECHO Project Publication

To strengthen capacities of community and local institutions for reducing impact of disas-

ters and ensuring rights of disaster vulnerable people

Specific Objective

Intended Results

Result 1. Capacity of communities is enhanced to reduce impact of disasters through collective actions

Result 2. Enabling environment created through appropriate DRR policies and plans Result 3. Target stakeholders demonstrate increased awareness on disaster

preparedness methods at family and community level Result 4. Small scale mitigation measures with government and local support contribute

to vulnerability reduction

Project Approach to achieve results

What to achieve to address issues

Informed community with enhanced coping means and methods and resilience, networking with other stakeholders for collective action

Informed government officers and other stakeholders on DRR

Informed parliamentarians ready to provide a policy framework on DRR

Replicable mitigation models on risk reduction

Targeting local people towards

enhancing local coping

mechanisms through education,

mobilization and linkages

Targeting district government

officials & NGO leaders in

ensuring increased awareness &

involvement in DRR

Targeting parliamentarians to

complement national initiatives

towards adopting DRR policy

Demonstrate replicable models

of mitigation at local levels,

through local and community


How we are


Surakshit Samudaya II, the ActionAid DIPECHO project in Nepal is funded by European

Commission Humanitarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid.

Page 2: Dipecho v aan brief july dec 09

Surakshit Samudaya II: Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal

The project is moving steadily as per the proposed plans with most of the actions being implemented on time and as per original targets. Given below is the schedule of activities and achievements.

Achievement vs. target — an update from the field

Activity Achievement & Coverage Outcome Result 1: Capacity of communities is enhanced to reduce impact of disasters through collective actions

Project orientation 3-days project orientation workshop was organized in July 26-28, 2009. Thirty-two (32) participants took part in the orientation.

Project team members, PNGOs are informed about project approach, activities, budget and implementation modality. Detailed work plan finalized.

Reflect Training of Trainers 8-days Reflect TOT was organized in August 8-15, 2009. Twenty-two (22) field staffs took part in ToT.

Reflect facilitators are regularly conducting the reflect sessions. They have become social change agents and resource persons for the community action and mobilization

Reflect Refresher Training

3-days refresher course of REFLECT emphasizing on facilitation methods, PVA data use and CCA integration completed for 15 Reflect facilitators .

REFLECT facilitators capacity to organize, mobilize and aware communities have been enhanced. Improved community work

Participatory Vulnerability Analysis (PVA) Training

5-days PVA training organized in August 17-21, 2009. 24 field staffs were trained.

PVA field application was carried out successfully in Sunsari and Banke. PVA resource persons developed locally

PVA training to Practical Action Team and provide technical support, as per MOU with PA

5-days PVA training was organized to Practical Action PNGO team in August 25-29, 2009. 24 persons were trained. Technical support was given during PVA field application during September 2009 by appointing PVA expert

As per MOU with PA, PVA training was provided and a expert was provided to guide PVA exercises in the PA field area.

Formation and functioning of REFLECT circle

17 new REFLECT Centers were formed in Sunsari and Banke. 15 old REFLECT centers are strengthened.

Reflect centers are active and have been discussing in DRR and social issues

Formation and functioning of DMC

10 new DMCs formed in Sunsari and Banke. with 102 members (49 women). 9 old DMCs are strengthened having 95 members (60 women)

DMCs are regularly conducting sessions DMCs have been involved in awareness activities and identified the place for mitigation activities

CBDRR training to DMC members

4 CBDRR training for DMCs were organized in Sunsari and Banke. 137 DMC members were trained in the training.

Trained and informed community members in CBDRR activities taking leadership to community based DRR activities

CBDRR training to School volunteer

A CBDRR training to school volunteers organized in Sunsari. 40 students & teachers were trained.

Trained and informed school students and teachers for disaster safety. Disaster preparedness culture introduced in schools

Result 2: Enabling environment created through appropriate DRR policies and plans

Project Launching - National & District Level

A National level joint launching organized on August 19, 2009. Two district level launching workshops were organized in Sunsari and Banke in July/August. Over 200 persons attended the district launching events.

Project received attention in national level and respective districts level, sought stakeholder support and opened the project framework to district stakeholders

ISDR Day Celebration A joint ISDR day was organized in October 12-14, 2009. 3 PNGOs celebrated ISDR day in respective districts.

Advocacy initiatives begun with for building enabling DRR policy environment. The event achieved the objective of triggering nationwide movement to seek DRR policy

National level coordination Over 15 DIPECHO partners coordination meeting event organized/held.

Regular meetings, Periodic bulletin, joint event celebration, partnership MOUs etc. developed. AAN hosted the Aug coordination meeting.

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Surakshit Samudaya II: Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal

Achievement vs. target — an update from the field… continued

Activity Achievement & Coverage Outcome Policy Advocacy Work Consultative workshops on DRR Policy review

and DRR Tool Kit for CA members organized. Implementation strategy for advocacy prepared. Participated on NAPA process through CID SLD process

Platform for coordinated and collective advocacy effort established, with multi-stakeholder forums and approaches. Sought commitment from government and political parties committed

HFA Orientation

Two events of HFA orientations were carried out in Sunsari, for government and non-government officers. In GO workshop, 48 (5 women) government employees participated and in NGO workshop, 57 NGO leaders (13 women) participated.

Government officials, political representatives and NGO leaders are more familiarized with the HFA and DRR issues; and express commitment towards DRR initiatives

DRR/DIPECHO Asia Mangers meet

A 3 days managers meet was organized by AAN represented by 10 country SA, SEA, Africa and Europe

Good practices were shared, Regional approach for DRR developed, AAI DRR strategy refined

First Review Meeting of the Project Team

The first review meeting of the DIPECHO project was held during 9-10 Dec 2009. All the 36 team members participated.

Activities reviews, forward planning fine tuned, approaches streamlined and reiterated commitment to excellence

Result 3: Target stakeholders demonstrate increased awareness on disaster preparedness methods at family and community level

PVA field application PVA field application completed in all 17 places in Banke and Sunsari

Vulnerability and capacity of the communities identified, & assessed. The plan of action is prepared.

Technical support to PA in PVA application

The technical support for PVA field application was done resulting preparation of PVA report of 27 toles of Banke and Bardiya district.

Vulnerability and capacity of the communities identified, & assessed. The plan of action is prepared.

KAP data collection and analysis Baseline KAP survey completed with 1200 interviewees as per structured questionnaire. Data collated and analyzed.

The community's baseline knowledge, attitude and practice is captured

Radio program Local radio program is broadcasted in Banke 4 episodes are aired

Wider mass are aware on the disaster risk reduction issues.

Result 4 Small scale mitigation measures with government and local support contribute to vulnerability reduction

Identification of mitigation works

The places for mitigation works-tubewells and bio-dyke area were identified through PVA and community discussion

TA People are ready to implement the mitigation activities in the field

Agreement for additional mitigation support from UNDP

AAN managed to secure additional support from UNDP for small scale mitigation work in DIPECHO project locations, ensuring no duplication of work or resources

TA people are ready to implement mitigation activities in the field. Additional work will improve flood mitigation work at local level

REFLECT circles protects embankments by stopping illegal mud logging in Babiya, Sunsari

Babiya Ward No. 8 gets flooded every year. The Sunsari river erodes embankments putting lives of people in peril. The river has a unique soil formation where the mud is used for land filling and other commercial purposes. All other rivers has sand bed whereas Sunsari river has clay bed. Every year, the river bank was indiscriminately cut and logged to take away mud, weakening the embankment and thus posing higher risks to the population around. The REFLECT circle in the area, formed under DIPECHO V project discussed the issue, which was earlier identified using the problem tree tool in Participatory Vulnerability Analysis. REFLECT circles and Musibat Bahas Kendra (DMC) of Babiya Ward No. 8 were wary of this commercial action that caused damage year after year. They took up the issue, organized mass meeting in the village, made representation to local authorities and police with an aim of stopping illegal extraction of mud from the river bank. Thanks to their efforts, the illegal mud logging has been stopped. People are more confident now and the REFLECT circle has again proved why it is one of the most powerful tools of social empowerment and action. ST







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Surakshit Samudaya II: Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal


Vulnerability of the project area-Inundation in Sunsari (Aug, 2009)

Reflect participants under weekly session in Banke (Oct, 2009)

Participants of Reflect Refresher Training in Bardiya (Dec, 2009)

Shared learning-Participants of Asia DIPECHO/DRR Managers meet (Nov, 2009)

Vulnerability of the project area-Inundation in Sunsari (Aug, 2009)

Participants of Reflect Refresher Training in Bardiya (Dec, 2009)