[dime] w04 curves nsurfaces

Digital Media II // 2010. Fall Department of Architecture University of Seoul 2010.10.01. instructor: Jie-Eun Hwang [[email protected]]

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D i g i t a l M e d i a I I / / 2 0 1 0 . F a l lDepar tment of Archi tecture Univers i ty of Seoul

2 0 1 0 . 1 0 . 0 1 . i n s t r u c t o r : J i e - E u n H w a n g [ j h w a n g @ u o s . a c . k r ]

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• Vertex• Curve• Edge• Surface• Solid

• Polygon Mesh / NURBS

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• Non-Uniform Rational B-splines


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NURBS [Surface]

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Position (G0)The end points of curves share the xyz coordinate. the curves are position continuous (G0) at the ends.

Tangent (G1)Tangency measures position and curve direction at the ends. The direction is determined by the first and second point on each curve. If these all fall on a line then two curves are tangent (G1) at the ends. Curves and surfaces with G1 continuity are also G0 continuous.

Curvature (G2)Curvature continuity between two curves measures position, direction, and radius of curvature at the ends. If the radius of curvature is the same at the common end point, curves are curvature continuous (G2). This condition is not easy to determine by just looking at where the points are located. Curves and surfaces with G2 continuity are also G1 and therefore G0 continuous.

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Position Only (G0)If the stripes have kinks or jump sideways as they cross the connection from one surface to the next, the surfaces touch, but have a kink or crease at the point where the zebra stripes jag. This indicates G0 (position only) continuity between the surfaces.

Tangent matches; curvature does not match (G1)If the stripes line up as they cross the connection but turn sharply at the connection, the position and tangency between the surfaces match. This indicates G1 (position + tangency) continuity between the surfaces. Surfaces that are connected with the FilletSrf command display this behavior.

Position, curvature, and tangency match (G2)If the stripes match and continue smoothly over the connection, this means that the position, tangency, and curvature between the surfaces match. This matching indicates G2 (position + tangency + curvature) continuity between the surfaces. Surfaces connected with the BlendSrf, MatchSrf, or NetworkSrf commands display this behavior. When you use surface edges as part of the curve network, the NetworkSrf options allow any of these connections.

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• Rhino3D 모델링 따라잡기+ 온라인 튜토리얼 예제 찾아서 모델링 따라하기.

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• 블로깅!!!!+ 모델링연습+ ‘의자’에 대한 고찰 /아이디어 스케치

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• 서울미디어시티비엔날레 관람 [http://www.mediacityseoul.org/2010/]• 10/8 (금) 3:00pm 까지 서울시립미술관 앞으로 집결.

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• Revit으로 BIM 구현하기+ 일시: 10/2 토 1:00pm – 3:00pm+ 강사: 김우진 (한국 CIM 수석컨설턴트)+ 장소: Digital Studio+ 신청: 학과웹사이트 게시판 (40명 선착순)

• Rhinos 정기모임+ 일시: 10/2 토 2:00pm+ 장소: 대학로 연습실+ 신청: http://rhinos.co.kr

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