digital communication reflection 1

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  • 8/3/2019 Digital Communication Reflection 1


    Kenyon Stanley

    Comm 648

    Dr. McArthur

    3 October 2011

    Reflection: Digital Presentation #1

    Creating my presentation was both fun and challenging. I found it difficult to find

    a topic that would both inspire me and meet the criteria of the assignment. At first, I was

    searching for material that would be of some use to my church. However, after several

    hours of searching my library of Biblical references and literary texts, I decided to change

    my focus.

    In every one of my Communication classes, Hitler is used as a reference at least

    once. I thought it would be fun to use one of Hitlers propaganda speeches and insert

    images and sounds to change the meaning of a hateful speech into a motivating one.

    After far too many hours of listening to Hitlers speeches, I deduced that Hitlers use of

    the words Germany and National Socialist Party would let the audience know who

    the speaker was. Therefore, any hope of changing the meaning of Hitlers speech would

    be impossible. After all, its Hitler.

    I began to get worried. I had invested six hours into this project and still didnt

    have a topic. I liked the idea of quoting a maniac and changing the meaning of his/her

    words. Thats when it hit me. Qaddafi. I googled Qaddafi speeches and immediately

    found what I was looking for. In 2009, Qaddafi was asked to speak at the U.N. His

    speech was exactly what I thought it would be. Out of touch with his people. I pulled

    several quotes that Qaddafi used to build common ground with other leaders at the U.N.

  • 8/3/2019 Digital Communication Reflection 1


    and juxtaposed them with pictures that would reflect how the majority of his people and

    the world view the (now overthrown) dictator. Furthermore, I inserted some snarky

    comments that I crafted to enhance the new message. Lastly, I wanted to solidify my

    message through song. I listened to a lot of songs (e.g. Out of Touch Maniac Been

    Caught Steeling etc.). I finally found the perfect song. Run to the Hills by Iron

    Maiden. After all, Qaddafi is still on the run and the world will eventually hold him

    accountable for his actions.

    Creating this production opened my eyes to a new window of messaging. I

    always knew that images, sequence and sound could enhance and change a message.

    What I didnt realize is how changing the meaning of a text has the potential to evoke

    powerful emotions. Controlling a message can be used for good or evil. We see it in

    advertising all the time. For example, P.E.T.A. uses song and images to get people to

    support the fight against animal cruelty. As the race to the White House continues to

    develop, I plan to pay particular attention to the messaging. I have found yet another

    communication topic that fascinates me.

    Overall, I think that my presentation significantly changed the meaning of

    Qaddafis speech. His speech was designed to build his leadership credibility among

    other world leaders. Whether or not his speech achieved its goal is irrelevant. The

    strategic use of song, war pictures and Libyan street art that projects the voice of the

    Libyan people destroy any credibility that he ever hoped to achieve.

    There are several ways that I could have improved my project. First, I just

    recently purchased my first MacBook Pro. I am still getting used to the new incredible

    programs. As my Mac literacy improves, so will the quality of my projects and the

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    messages they produce. Second, originally I wanted to insert actual audio of his speech

    to the U.N. However, the translator was choppy and difficult to understand. I remember

    the presidential race between George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. When the Clinton

    campaign used Bush Sr.s own words (Read my lips. No new taxes ) and then listed all

    of the tax increases that occurred during Bush Sr.s presidency, the blow was devastating

    to the Bush campaign. Using actual voices truly magnifies the effectiveness of reaching

    and resonating with a target audience. Lastly, if I had more time, I would have liked to

    get actual quotes from the Libyan people. My brother is currently in Libya doing

    development work with U.S.A.I.D. He speaks to the people every day. The last two

    pictures of my presentation are pictures my brother took in Tripoli. The street art

    displayed in my presentation (and all over Libya) is a reflection of how the Libyan people

    feel about Qaddafi. If I could have gotten actual quotes, it would have supplemented my

    project in a very powerful way.

    I thoroughly enjoyed creating the slide show. I learned a great deal about

    messaging and I have increased the size of my communication toolbox. Looking forward

    to the next project, the wheels in my mind are already turning. Whether or not I create a

    project for my church, company or reflect on current events is not of concern to me.

    What I want to do is stretch my capabilities so I can achieve the most growth.