digital citizenship teaching digital ethics & safety for today and the future

Digital Citizenship Teaching Digital Ethics & Safety for Today and the Future

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Digital Citizenship

Teaching Digital Ethics & Safety for

Today and the Future

We are living in a Digital Age.

Living in our Digital World begins very early.

What is Digital Citizenship?

Digital citizenship can be defined as

the norms of appropriate, responsible

behavior with regard to technology

use. (Ribble, 2011)

(Reinecke, 2010)

Principles of Character

• Adaptability

• Compassion

• Contemplation

• Courage

• Honesty

• Initiative

• Loyalty

• Optimism

• Perseverance

• Respect

• Responsibility

• Trust-worthiness

(ICLE, 2005)

“For example, the value respect, common to many inventories, might be restated:RESPECT within local, global, and digital communities.” (Ohler, 2011)

Moderns Values vs. Digital World

“These values seem acceptable for any age, but they need fine-tuning to be fully applicable to the world of cyberspace. “

Who teaches Digital Citizenship?

9 Elements of Digital Citizenship:

• Access

• Commerce

• Communication

• Literacy

• Etiquette

• Law

• Rights & Responsibilities

• Health & Wellness

• Security

(Ribble, 2011)

Digital Access:full electronic

participation in society.

Digital Commerce:electronic buying and

selling of goods.

Digital Communication: electronic exchange of


Digital Literacy: process of teaching and

learning about technology and the use of technology

Digital Etiquette: electronic standards of conduct or procedure.

Digital Law: electronic responsibility for actions and deeds.

(So, Do You Have Good Online Etiquette? , 2011)

Digital Rights & Responsibilities:

those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world.

Digital Health & Wellness: physical and psychological

well-being in a digital technology world.

Digital Security (self-protection): electronic precautions to guarantee safety.

Teaching the KidsBrainPop NetSmartz

Teaching the Teens

Use what THEY use, to teach them

(RozzyBearHere, 2010) (Web 2.0 Icons, 2008)

Teaching the Teachers

A large storehouse of Digital Citizenship know-how, for teachers and students.

What do we teach them?

Copyright & Fair Use


Cyber Bullying



Online Safety

Online Sources

Social Networking

In the past…

Reactions to digital-age misbehavior have come in 2 forms:

Responding in a case-by-case manner OR by arbitrarily blocking

large portions of the Internet and expelling students

Those approaches DO NOT work

• They don’t show how the issues are connected and should be handled in a ‘connected’ manner.

• They don’t teach students how to be digital citizens.

What they DO is reinforce that students should live their digital lives away from school and adults. (Ohler, 2011)

(Ohler, 2011)

Character Education:The Solution to Choose

(Hassett, 2010)

Establish a proactive, aggressive character education program that uses student’s digital tools. (Ohler, 2011)

Put digital activities within the context of community rather than students' private lives. (Ohler, 2011)

Involve the students in the teaching process.

For the Best Results

Digital Citizenship should be:

• planted early

• watered often

• weeded regularly

Resources• Brain Pop

–• Raising a Digital Child


• Common Sense Media–

• Connect Safely–

• Digital–

• Digital Citizenship–

• NetSmartz–

Bibliography• ICLE - Character Education Programs. (2005). International Center for Leadership in Education. Retrieved May

1, 2011, from • Hassett, Bob (2010, February 23). "LJMS Values...Character Education Commercials." FCPS Home Page

Redirect Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 May 2011. (image:

• Ohler, J. (2011). Educational Leadership:Teaching Screenagers:Character Education for the Digital Age. Membership, policy, and professional development for educators – ASCD. Retrieved May 1, 2011, from

• Reinecke, M. (2010). Frontpage. Digital Citizen Wiki. Retrieved May 1, 2011, from

• Ribble, M. (2011). Nine Elements. Digital Citizenship. Retrieved May 1, 2011, from

• So, Do You Have Good Online Etiquette? | Empowered Online Entrepreneurs. (n.d.). Empowered Online Entrepeneurs. Retrieved May 1, 2011, from

• RozzyBearHere. (2009, October 5). Digital Citizenship - Who Will You Be? Retrieved May 1, 2011, from]

• "Web 2.0 Icons." Iconstick. N.p., 26 June 2008. Web. 1 May 2011. <>.