digifind-it• i presented fairly; dearly and impartially each week complete news pictures...

i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures \0\a& Abound Corner r \ it is .only 30 shopping days to| M | you aren't quick about it y OU , t J U .|ii with your Christmas stocking ,1 it .spprns to be the same thing. You! ; faithfully that noxt voar you'IT RO-J ,I pjT.srnts tWo months in advance' ! tiiat Christmas is around thr f>rnrr 1 ,iiiiastpr Lester Sabo. Ho says that! , shopping should include piircliasr 1 ",\v-- Citing advantages to be Rained rnnstmas'gtrt buvrng beforr thr rush! in : Sabo stressed that alrrt citizens' iivfnR stamp* for holiday mailing !fiio of this month. c-irtpret's Toddler Ballrt niv little girls In Carterrt. somp n < of agp, who arf taking regular clmir- ; , vounpsters are not thinking nf thr \, L T In fact, few havp anv idpa nf thr ,.,t none of-the parents has thr s'li»ht- .',• their little feirls become professional dancing school to tearh them poise. t to their surplus energies, according mrhick who has been running a danc- for Aiany years The majority of the It lets them wear pretty pink and Enured as 2nd Ctau *t P o.. cuunt, N. PRICE TEN CENTS To Work for Greater •*• Carteret, Skiba Says After Tuesday Sweep July 1 is the Time When Thanks to Milik Becomes Assessor^oters is His Word CARTERKT Although eratie majority to name a ;ill Ihosr olprtcd Tuesday will ! successor to serve until the till*,- offin- .laniiary I. the ™- f<*l>tion ii that of tax asses- M(»RTfr\(;i: BCRSINC, CKRKMONY: Scene at the b a n k e t helil by the Hungarian Reformed (hureh In Bethlen Ihll Minduv nitht at whirh the parish burned its mortar of JWUIOO on the Hall. Shown from left to rieht me: Ri v. Alex- ander Darony, who initiated the project; John Ncmish. who was chief elder.atthe ljme: the Rt. Rey. George R. K. Bor- *h.v, principal speaker, Rev. Dr. Alexander Harsanyi, pastor of the church and Chief Elder Louis .1. S/.aho. . "limnias MiliK, Demorrat, whn heat William Cirmmald. Kepuhlirnn incumbent hy IS voles does not take office un- til .Inly 1. When be assumes his new post, Milik will have, tn resign from the borough ,iC.olineil. | anniversary. This wil permit the t)emo- ; son. Joel. 2. next election. Mr. Milik camp to the borough council to fill the unepirrd term of John Les-" schek. He then ran for the offiee in 1956 and was elcted. It was a double celebration for the new assessor. The day before, the Miliks _ she the former Betty Kunle cele- brated their seventh wedding They have a : \ seriousness. They learn to point toes. I ' urns weaving ribbons of grace to back I J ' -etch at the bars. They also learn • !>.>rtment, courtesies and how to meet of Book Week To Be Marked tyan Offers Aid Club at At Public .Library Here To ISMR Traffic Safety Program Dinner Party CARTERET -Book Week will several classes at one time, be marked by the Carteret Pub- However, we are inviting the 'lie Library'from November 14! c ! fiI ? cn 1 tary . and high schooli to November 18. l.:<m^ Club last i .lined at dinner Picture on Pane 3, ,„ Novpmh _- ,. .students, with the public to! CARTERET-The "U.S.MR, IO wovtmoer in. visit us individually. The sched-iSafety Crusade" proposed by - The CiiiU'ict According to Mrs, Catherine| u i e d hours for book week will 1 John Towers Jr., plant manager enter- h Ru<ty-iegel, librarian..-there will I be every day from 9 A. M. tO'Of the U. S. Metals rWininn Co. G b 1 b 800 bk fli p, M . and on Mondayjis receiving wideendorsement. night in the Gypsybe 1 about 800 new books on fiis-Ss .' O clock uMI All Is Writ loak of night is drawn over the face -but not all Of the community's c!tl- camp member* of the baseball play. Here and there as lights twinkle in teams .participating m the Joe M rs. Ruckriegel said: "ThesP. M. to 9 P. M. around With th« clock. As slumber'**ra>'ick k'ftKUi 1 . Trophies were ))UD n c i. s invited to visit wlthl The Library Board Directors, |prfst;iurd to ench boy and to U(i . n j S impossible to invite the:with the Librarian, have worked Wednesday and Friday from 7 The latest approva program came •from dogwatch shift takes over. teams' mmiaKer Robert El- eiementary'school classes as weldiligently to select material for „> uhno PoriAreJ fant«ri o . „;„•,• MW"° U by t l i e L k m s club - v « previously done, since theithe high school, elementary .!».»»ling Carteret factories, night-time, Thon , v COUKHUU. Recreation claMCK a r e s 0 i ftlge we do notlschools. some college mat ."iiiC the most, i m p o r t a n t Of all, for it is'.dlrwtoiv a suest of the club have the spate to accommodate ; and for the general pubHc. • those ever-prmwntdangers of fire and 1 " 80 *' 'he presentations m be-;—-— —— ;— , ,,,;p |^j StrilM ' ' |a " "' l^ 11 ' 8 Sltar, president, » * of the dub. . . . . . . . , 'i'. fi lso '7 atU'iidmu-e at I i? .•'•• -f the £*nt« k vntp..-*tf<5 to guards„,„,„., WPI( , Ih( , , ) o y s w h 0 as _ •vy acre. Ttlflr primary mission is _the .-.i.-.tcd thr Lions In their paper fire and theft. The gliatth have to go drive, namely Lesley Sabri. trfhouae*. iOOtUne nOOkS and CfannieS Ge0T 9* Schonwald. John Nnty CARTERET - Third quarter «"*-•_"TV. ••* . ir ».,H t-,,,.. «i, n , o, The-pfti-nmus American Metal Veterans' Day Raises Dividend; Program Today S ' t ? r Sr o[ boys CARTERET. — Traditiona: •American MetallArmistice-Veterans Day pro- gram will aRRin be sponsored a pMtect time i.w.«. [president extended file club's,climax. Inc., continued a very appreciation to tlw guard punches (he clock as hr roams their tieip . OS proof that a spedflc.srxit was vis-- During the dinner r Indicated. Outside 1hP plant tine-""' bovs ntl lhe u °' ns baseball :ihan durms the sump period'honor plaque at the Memorial 1 of thi'i School' Superintendent Edwin S. Quin. He said: , "Once again, the U.S. Metals defining Cotnpanv has pointed the "way to our civic responsi- bility and If everyone does his part, we are to make Carteret aj W V B d / htippier place in 1 hich to liJe." * Mr. Quin\ d«clnrrd that a? ij»r as the public .schools are concerned "we/11 do our part in the responsibility of training and. educatlifii the ytiiitm ci : ; tizens on the importance of] Joseph Hamadyk Gets Fireman's Safety Helmet CAHTERET Joseph Ham- ;i(l'k, Sr.. 265 Ciirteret Avenue, 1 his week became a member of the unusual group known as "'] lie Turtle Club." In award ceremonies at tile loc, plant of Food Machinery 11 n Chemical Corporation CARTERET — "We shall de- vote our entire energies to making Carteret a better place in which to live.' This was the assurance given by Mayo* Stephen Skiba to the large assemblage in the Borough Hall late Tuesday night when announcement was made that he and his colleagues made a clean sweep in the General Election. "We will continue our ex- isting program for a Greater Carteret" the mayor added. Skiba expressed his thanks to the voters and leaders of the party for the "heartwarming" results. The Democrats, in addition to Mayor Skiba reflected Council- men John D'Zurilla and Adam Szymborski and also elected Councilman Thomas Milik aS tax assessor. The defeated can- didates: Republican: for mayor Prank Barelord; for council- 'formerly Westvaco), Plant Mammer Poter Gaidls, Person- n<:I Supervisor Joseph Lamb,, and Fire Commissioner D'ZurilJa presented with a h printed wlt'i men Chester Wlelgolinski and Michael Koncl. Jr., and for as; Isessor WlHlam B. Qreenwald". The totals, Sktba, 5,087; areford, 4,20"; D'Zurilk. 4,- .- safety hat im- 948: 9*ymborski. 4,475; Wiel- the Turtle Club.? olmskl - *>* 15: Ko " c1 ' '""" '^satisfactory rate and net in-jby Carteret Post, No. 263. Vome for the first nine months American Lesion. each of o f i960 wns considerably higher! Tonight at. 1:30 before b b l l i d ' The the <-,r are police, firemen and some others ^JmucL of th. to watch danger spota. i>, )n , i-uihs to .mr ' , Thi-y praised the to pommrnt oiiii as | year, Walter Mochschlld, Municipal Buiklinc in a flare value of| C i iai ,. man 0 ( the board and mimiiyiprjnit coolbauKh President President, fold—Where Are, 'he coal-shoveling season Is hero, don't ' the .luttuner la gone? Let's recount the lighted ceremotiy. Vice Com- mander Leo McKernan will Othc fine youth program ( ' fforUi o f the iniVnounced today. They alsr>an-|i ead a delnsntion of Le R l0n- Carteret putj nouncr a that the Board of Di-| n aii;es in rendering of respect! rectors had declared a dividend] to the heroic of all wars and Michael ^•-st SUrnmer. We have almost forgotten MIMK, Joseph Makkai. Edwardjj cents m the quarterly divt- URged Spare RUtO tires and water winRS Thomas. Chafes OrandeU. Ken-j dend rilte W hi ( . n hai been un- ^ and fought th« shore-bound traffic " " ''""" the heat waves th Coffpc. Datucl Lanthiame, \Str\e Mai.- .lames Di'W c''l!olui. team Ralph Ruspo, and Tony Bar- members Lou 1 ] of 35 cents per common share.jpiedge the LeRfon to a rededica- whicli represents an increase ofjtion.of peace. Joining in the ceremonies will be thp ladies of the Aux- iliary under Mrs. Thomas Jake- changed since 1956. ConsolirlHted net income lor way, president. '•n and approaching winter bring a har-'Kottnd^c .mother member of r.\s Heavier garments have to bf fixed th.' tram !•'• Cars haye to be winterized and snow ; n>um iwt ~- taken off the racks. Thoughts must [ s the thud quarter was $8,994,000 or 83 cents per share of com- traffic Safety. Mr, Towers who is sprar-| leading the traffic safety etax\~\ iai|?n says that, rei'orris show' ,hat most acridpnts ocnimd be- 1 ween 4 and 8 P. M. Tim period f the day w r recks a heavy toll ,nd especially during the tall ,nd winter. The drive is planned In make he public conwious of Hie fiiet' hat many children, now at- tending split sessions are on •he streets after darkness. There'is a helter-skelter home- ward rush, he says ;nid adds This year, the V.F.W., the Ic.W.V., and the J.W.V. will lo.spltalizetf &nd! m0 " stock ' ThlR eom P ares wlth |particlpate. Taps will be rend- .-<. learnings of 61 cents per share \ mA and a salute volley fil . e d. shovel and snowshoes. Well, now here in fuU swrng, can winter be far isi-lu completed to be held lll'U'l'OM' II Ml PTOV in the first quarter and 71 cents per share in the second quar- W ai .M Uri ..»w Ue . t e r o f tlns yt?ari and * llh e " rn - Strmn -and Elmeri mgs of 44 celUs pw sharp dur- inducted liito' ln " the third quarter of 1959, HI Martmsville. wele __^ niijiubrr.ship by Martin Schon- Skiba Proves l.inguM ' Wllld Phcn Skiba won the applause of *.mc ,/ o/y fV||||l7y ( ; roul) For the fiijst nine months of 1980, net income totaled $28,- 759.000 or $2.01 per share, In | the same period last hat most'hazards <ome with Biinks Pay &i85,00Q 'smash™ his head into it. dusk and night. He feels thut caution and discretion should increase to bring srealer safety^ to Carteret. i The public is invited to view the ceremonies. Meyer Jaffe, Americanism officer, advises that the Amer- ican flag Should [be flown on this as well as all patriotic holidays. Stanley GiszakJ Income was SI.48 per share, of *hen he spoke at the banquet ol . , i-'formwl Chjurch in Bethlen Hall. There /»/„„„ ) ule S o r u d ^ ^ ^ li The! mayor made his speech in the 'cAHTEKtl-The Altar andi qU arter of 1959. Auxiliary! the first Soi'ii'ty of Hofy niiule plans the J*ost will sponsor guests _ way. the banquet which was mo-.tn.u.Ti, .nude pi,u,j .or -*^™^ f "^.^ Mr , •my held by the parish in 26 years, was l '.'Xlimli ' o,, 5 Wuir. 65 Leick " Alexander Comba and, Andrew Pro$s as ' . Auh M . ilt . k Wlls luirae d teitanu-d a house Szalx>. WllllUlli.„;,,;,, ,„ b , ilh ,,Med by Mrs. mim Wolf, nephew of Wivs. isted by Ixmis d Bid Parents of l S. Freshmen f i) JCovacs. Geza Megjtsi. Jo.*>'|)h Cm •I>T Peter. Mrs. Nemish wa.s hostess. Mi .> M.ttiei, d.-cinuioiii. Waltn Suk. unmnim mtd-wuif. of aver the Gfrmpny. week-end. rp M atxt 1 U ITICCI OH. TO "ADDRESS CLUB: l)r. loliti T. H;uiiE,iii, assistant professnr oi Clinical Ohslet- itrirs and #.vneroloK>' at Seton Hall COIICRC of Mediriiif. will sper.k on "Tlio (Jptrrtlnn and Prrvention nf Cancer . in Women" sit the nest meeting of The Evening Membership department of thr Cajrterrt Woman's C'liili. This mppt- ing will he hrld at the Car- teret Municipal Building on Cookp Avenue Mondiy, No- vemhrr H, 8 P. M. The pro- sram chairmen, Mrs. (ieurse Shrridun and Mrs. William Babies, have ksked the mem- bers to invite Ruests to this mnst interesting and inform- ative program. and 4ffiSS; \\ complete table, of me vote t . • , /.for the local ticket appears In Lamb, who is in chaw of I; •' . . ,, o Ihe plant's safety program. ex- lt0dBySlbSUP ' , , 1nrM ,,, , p Phuned that Hainadvk became' O ut of a total 10.003. there fhRiblr for membership recent-!*** 9.609 votes cast. Lhe lvgh- ly «-h«. » safety hat he wears «t " umbPr °[ votPR eVel CaSt at work at the FMC plant prob-i ln tne D01 ' 0U B n ' ably saved his life. ! In addition to he local tic'ret, alone with several Cnrtevet voters mtve large ma- . aioiis witn seveial .^.^ ^ (hp Nntiolml> state County tickets: Kennedy 6,180 -votes as against lravo thr_ plant when ,B •fw •'•"'» for Nlxon; L/ "' d ' Ca " di ' iihinn sounds during working hours. otlur FMC rmployees, is a liiember of the Carteret Firej ftnd t mid is allowed to' In coins to Hamudvk mid for U. S. Senator, !>,154 as compared with 3,972 for Sen- . ,. ator Case; for -Congress, Dem- a recent fire,' 0( , rat Taubi 5|2 g8: Frelinghuy- several others] 37n . for Assem bly, Dem- were j-jdine on therrar of thei^^ Mftun - t 5.655: Lee, 5.- J '"'.563; Mrs. McAndrew, 5,435; Republicans, Billemeyer, 3,174; McCarthy; 3,*0: Clark, 3,209; fire truck, when it hit a iin the road at WiishinRton Ave- nue and Cypress Street. He was| thrown from the truck rolled into the sidewalk and' ' Tanzman, 5.650; 3,177; State question, 3,360 yes; 999, nays. 55 Tuberculosis j Cases for Borough CARTERET Their air 5.V known cases of tuberculosis, both active and inactive in 'arteret according to data re- ceived from the case rceistr.v ut Roosevelt Hospital for Diseases 70 Ytilc Club CARTERET—Residents of tl*' Carteret area will have a total of -S3R5.000 coming to them from two Christmas Cltibs here. The (arterrt Bank and Trust Company wil distribute 'S195.00W to 2.000 memfiers, an inrreast- of 900 members while the First Bank in Carteret will send out $190,000 to 1.- 000 members. The safety helmet he uses at was knocked from hisi AT ^KLCOMING PARTT head, but Hamadyk in.Hired except, for cuts and bruises. was H"-;" CARTERET — Mrs. William extensi*e j ^ p a t r i c k , "formerly of this bopugh, accepted the Invlta- Eye witnesses state that he.tion with several other volun- surrty.would have been severelyjj eer Kennedy aides to welcome injured, if not, killed, by the fall, except for his helmet. PMC Manager Gaidis said,I i''We certainly are pleased to see that Mr. Hamadyk was (saved by this plant safety equipr back the Senator to his home at Boston, Mass. The group left Washington November 7 for the patty on Election Eve, All retjirned 1 November 8 in order tmi, they might vote for of the Chest. Most of these are imulive BOARD TO. MEET and have been disgharned from CARTERET f- The t,he county sanatorium. Others, directors of tlilt whose disease is undur control, 1 Public Library ftre taking medication at honiejday. Nuvember 14. at 7:30 P. M : ^";_ jment. It emphasizes.the needitheir caiiaidate, ,the Demo* ifor good safety attitude at allicratic President-elect Senator 'times and all places. It is for-jjohn P. Kennedy. Mrs. Pitz- d ofturtate, that Joe has a good safe-ipatrick is the former Margaret Carteret Free ty uttitude and was wearing his Sirak, daughter of Mr. and will meet Mon-safety' hat at that particular Mrs. John Sirak of Carteret Uvenue. "'"IN,, WORK : Ncne .1 »h. iround-brr.km, •-" ihr ,„ \ unit l«» •<•»»• h<m!.lii« Ki'i'Ji-i-t in u , i | , ,,| |lr II" -'U A n t I- >llO Otlll-lh K.\ M. A Koiiupka *inl Sumiurr left CARTEHET Parentslo: jfi'i'hhmcn at Carteret High 'School have been invited to visit tin- school on Thursday afliTiioon. November 17. ut 1:15| to met the faculty and to assist I the teachers to know their sons 'and duu.wliters. More than 100J pai 1 '-nts have indicated-they will be piv-'i'iit Others are uryed tn send in their answers on Monday. November 14, This animal affair is spon- sored bv the 'guidance depart- ment and freshman homeroom teat'lu'i's ' Hi^ll school classes will be (lisinused at two o'clock on| I hut day so' thai bt> Mvailaiilr for t New entrants alllimg imper elasspirn were also urm;d to e\ieinl the Invitation to Ihcid pl'I'clllS. ' ' Tin' home oi'iinninics classes, iuii("r Hie t,ii|ier\iMDn of Miss ,f)livt> O'in'iersen. will ser\'i' re- \\\'1'IIOBU'V TO MI-FT rAnT^KKT The Housing jAiiihority will nu-et Monday ninhl for Hie .purpose of reor- uKution. Chaiies Hull, chair- uiuii uf the authority resiiincd this week to become, clerk of the low cost Edward J Dolan Housing Project. pck on e|iclier.s will <iETS AUA.:.) "Turtlr CLil." ».- PI , IM 'Ian 1'i-U-i <.uidis prrM-uls Jusciili llainail.vk HKII * fireman's »«lrty lirh.li-t from (h* •i-soimi-l Supirvisur. »iid I'iir <'uimnissiom-i' Jnlm U'iurilU. look un. MamadyW A '

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Page 1: DigiFind-It• i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures r\\0\a& Abound Corner it is .only 30 shopping days to| M| you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJ

• i

Presented Fairly; dearly

And Impartially Each Week

Complete News Pictures

\0\a& Abound Cornerr\

it is .only 30 shopping days to|M | you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJU.|ii with your Christmas stocking,1 it .spprns to be the same thing. You!; faithfully that noxt voar you'IT RO-J

,I pjT.srnts tWo months in advance'

! tiiat Christmas is around thr f>rnrr1,iiiiastpr Lester Sabo. Ho says that!, shopping should include piircliasr1

",\v-- Citing advantages to be Rainedrnnstmas'gtrt buvrng beforr thr rush!in: Sabo stressed that alrrt citizens'iivfnR stamp* for holiday mailing!fiio of this month.

c-irtpret's Toddler Ballrtniv little girls In Carterrt. somp n< of agp, who arf taking regular clmir-

; , vounpsters are not thinking nf thr\ , L T In fact, few havp anv idpa nf thr,.,t none of-the parents has thr s'li»ht-

.',• their little feirls become professional

dancing school to tearh them poise.t to their surplus energies, accordingmrhick who has been running a danc-

for Aiany years The majority of theIt lets them wear pretty pink and

Enured as 2nd Ctau*t P o.. c u u n t , N. PRICE TEN CENTS

To Work for Greater•*•Carteret, Skiba SaysAfter Tuesday SweepJuly 1 is the Time WhenThanks toMilik Becomes Assessor^oters is

His WordCARTERKT — Although eratie majority to name a

;ill Ihosr olprtcd Tuesday will ! successor to serve until the

till*,- offin- .laniiary I. the ™-

f<*l>tion ii that of tax asses-

M(»RTfr\(;i: BCRSINC, CKRKMONY: Scene at the b a n k e t helil by the Hungarian Reformed (hureh In Bethlen IhllMinduv nitht at whirh the parish burned its m o r t a r of JWUIOO on the Hall. Shown from left to rieht me: Ri v. Alex-ander Darony, who initiated the project; John Ncmish. who was chief elder.atthe ljme: the Rt. Rey. George R. K. Bor-

*h.v, principal speaker, Rev. Dr. Alexander Harsanyi, pastor of the church and Chief Elder Louis .1. S/.aho. .

"limnias MiliK, Demorrat,whn heat William Cirmmald.Kepuhlirnn incumbent hy ISvoles does not take office un-til .Inly 1.

When be assumes his newpost, Milik will have, tn resignfrom the borough ,iC.olineil. | anniversary.This wil permit the t)emo- ; son. Joel. 2.

next election.Mr. Milik camp to the

borough council to fill theunepirrd term of John Les-"schek. He then ran for theoffiee in 1956 and was elcted.

It was a double celebrationfor the new assessor. The daybefore, the Miliks _ she theformer Betty Kunle — cele-brated their seventh wedding

They have a

: \ seriousness. They learn to point toes. I 'urns weaving ribbons of grace to back I J '-etch at the bars. They also learn

• !>.>rtment, courtesies and how to meet

of Book Week To Be Marked tyan Offers AidClub at At Public .Library Here To ISMR Traffic

Safety ProgramDinner Party CARTERET -Book Week will several classes at one time,be marked by the Carteret Pub- However, we are inviting the'lie Library'from November 14!c!fiI?cn

1tary. a n d h i g h s c h o o l i

to November 18.

l.:<m^ Club lasti .lined at dinner

Picture on Pane 3, ,„ N o v p m h _ - , . .students, with the public to! CARTERET-The "U.S.MR,IO wovtmoer in. visit us individually. The sched-iSafety Crusade" proposed by

- The CiiiU'ict According to Mrs, Catherine|uied hours for book week will1 John Towers Jr., plant managerenter-hRu<ty-iegel, librarian..-there will I be every day from 9 A. M. tO'Of the U. S. Metals rWininn Co.G b 1 b 800 b k fli p, M . and on Mondayjis receiving wideendorsement.

nightin the Gypsybe1 about 800 new books on fiis-Ss

.' O clock uMI All Is Writ

loak of night is drawn over the face

-bu t not all Of the community's c!tl- camp member* of the baseball play.

Here and there as lights twinkle in teams .participating m the Joe Mrs. Ruckriegel said: "ThesP. M. to 9 P. M.around With th« clock. As slumber'**ra>'ick k'ftKUi1. Trophies were ))UDnc i.s invited to visit wlthl The Library Board Directors,

|prfst;iurd to ench boy and to U(i. n j S impossible to invite the:with the Librarian, have worked

Wednesday and Friday from 7 The latest approvaprogram came •from

dogwatch shift takes over.teams' mmiaKer Robert El- eiementary'school classes as weldiligently to select material for

„> u h n o PoriAreJ fant«rio . „;„•,• M W " ° U b y t l i e L k m s c l u b - h«v« previously done, since theithe high school, elementary.!».»»ling C a r t e r e t factories, night-t ime, T h o n , v COUKHUU. Recreation c l a M C K a r e s 0 if t lge w e do notlschools. some college mat."iiiC the mos t , i m p o r t a n t Of all, for it is'.dlrwtoiv a suest of the club have the spate to accommodate;and for the general pubHc.

• those ever-prmwntdangers of fire and1"80*' 'he presentations m be-;—-— —— ;—, ,,,;p |^j StrilM ' ' | a " " ' l^11'8 Sltar, president,

» • * of the dub.. . . . . . . , ' i ' . f i l so '7 atU'iidmu-e at I i?

.•'•• -f the £ * n t « k vntp..-*tf<5 to guards„,„,„., WPI ( , Ih(, , ) o y s w h 0 as_•vy acre. Ttlflr primary mission is _the .-.i.-.tcd thr Lions In their paperfire and theft. The gliatth have to go drive, namely Lesley Sabri.trfhouae*. iOOtUne nOOkS and CfannieS Ge0T9* Schonwald. John Nnty CARTERET - Third quarter

«"*-•_"TV. ••* . ir ».,H t-,,,.. « i , n , o , The-pfti-nmus

American Metal Veterans' DayRaises Dividend; Program Today

S ' t ? r S r o[


CARTERET. — Traditiona:•American MetallArmistice-Veterans Day pro-

gram will aRRin be sponsoreda pMtect time i.w.«. [president extended file club's,climax. Inc., continued a veryappreciation to tlw

guard punches (he clock as hr roams their tieip .OS proof t h a t a spedflc.srxit was vis-- During the dinnerr Indicated. Outside 1hP plant t ine-"" ' b o v s n t l lhe u ° ' n s baseba l l:ihan durms the sump period'honor plaque at the Memorial1

of thi'iSchool'

Superintendent Edwin S. Quin.He said:

, "Once again, the U.S. Metalsdefining Cotnpanv has pointedthe "way to our civic responsi-bility and If everyone does hispart, we are to make Carteret aj

W V B d / htippier place in1

hich to liJe."* Mr. Quin\ d«clnrrd that a?ij»r as the public .schools areconcerned "we/11 do our part inthe responsibility of trainingand. educatlifii the ytiiitm ci :;tizens on the importance of]

Joseph HamadykGets Fireman'sSafety Helmet

CAHTERET — Joseph Ham-;i(l'k, Sr.. 265 Ciirteret Avenue,1 his week became a member ofthe unusual group known as"'] lie Turtle Club."

In award ceremonies at tileloc, plant of Food Machinery

11 n Chemical Corporation

CARTERET — "We shall de-vote our entire energies tomaking Carteret a better placein which to live.'

This was the assurance givenby Mayo* Stephen Skiba to thelarge assemblage in the BoroughHall late Tuesday night whenannouncement was made thathe and his colleagues made aclean sweep in the GeneralElection.

"We will continue our ex-isting program for a GreaterCarteret" the mayor added.Skiba expressed his thanks tothe voters and leaders of theparty for the "heartwarming"results.

The Democrats, in addition toMayor Skiba reflected Council-men John D'Zurilla and AdamSzymborski and also electedCouncilman Thomas Milik aStax assessor. The defeated can-didates: Republican: for mayorPrank Barelord; for council-

'formerly Westvaco), PlantMammer Poter Gaidls, Person-n<:I Supervisor Joseph Lamb,,and Fire CommissionerD'ZurilJa presentedwith a hprinted wlt'i

men Chester Wlelgolinski andMichael Koncl. Jr., and for as;Isessor WlHlam B. Qreenwald".

The totals, Sktba, 5,087;areford, 4,20"; D'Zurilk. 4,-

. - safety hat im- 9 4 8 : 9*ymborski. 4,475; Wiel-the Turtle Club.?olmskl- *>*15: K o " c 1 ' ' " " "

'^satisfactory rate and net in-jby Carteret Post, No. 263.Vome for the first nine months American Lesion.

each of of i960 wns considerably higher! Tonight at. 1:30 beforeb b l l i d '



• <-,r are police, firemen and some others ^JmucL of th.to watch danger spota. i>,)n, i-uihs to .mr

' • , Thi-y praised the

to pommrnt oiiiias| year, Walter Mochschlld, Municipal Buiklinc in a flarevalue of|Ci ia i,.man 0( the board andmimiiyiprjnit coolbauKh PresidentPresident,

fold—Where Are,'he coal-shoveling season Is hero, don't

' the .luttuner la gone? Let's recount the

lighted ceremotiy. Vice Com-mander Leo McKernan will

Othcfine youth program

( ' f f o r U i o f theiniVnounced today. They alsr>an-|iead a delnsntion of LeRl0n-Carteret putjn o u n c ra that the Board of Di-|naii;es in rendering of respect!

rectors had declared a dividend] to the heroic of all wars andMichael

^•-st SUrnmer. We have almost forgotten MIMK, Joseph Makkai. Edwardjj cents m the quarterly divt-URged Spare RUtO tires and water winRS Thomas. Chafes OrandeU. Ken-jdend r i l t e Whi(.n hai been un-

^ and fought th« shore-bound traffic " " ' ' " " "the heat waves

th Coffpc. Datucl Lanthiame,\Str\e Mai.-.lames Di'Wc''l!olui. team

Ralph Ruspo,and Tony Bar-members Lou1

]of 35 cents per common share.jpiedge the LeRfon to a rededica-whicli represents an increase ofjtion.of peace.

Joining in the ceremonieswill be thp ladies of the Aux-iliary under Mrs. Thomas Jake-changed since 1956.

ConsolirlHted net income lor way, president.

• '•n and approaching winter bring a har-'Kottnd^c .mother member ofr.\s Heavier garments have to bf fixed th.' tram

!•''• Cars haye to be winterized and snow;n>um iwt~- taken off the racks. Thoughts must [ ^ » s

the thud quarter was $8,994,000or 83 cents per share of com-

traffic Safety.Mr, Towers who is sprar-|

leading the traffic safety etax\~\iai|?n says that, rei'orris show',hat most acridpnts ocnimd be-1

ween 4 and 8 P. M. Tim periodf the day wrrecks a heavy toll,nd especially during the tall,nd winter.

The drive is planned In makehe public conwious of Hie fiiet'hat many children, now at-tending split sessions are on•he streets after darkness.

There'is a helter-skelter home-ward rush, he says ;nid adds

This year, the V.F.W., theIc.W.V., and the J.W.V. will

lo.spltalizetf &nd!m0" s t o c k ' T h l R e o m P a r e s w l t h |part iclpate. Taps will be rend-.-<. learnings of 61 cents per s h a r e \ m A a n d a s a l u t e v o l l e y f i l.ed.

shovel and snowshoes. Well, nowhere in fuU swrng, can winter be far

i s i - lu

completedto be held

lll'U'l'OM' II


in the first quarter and 71 centsper share in the second quar-

W ai .MUri..»wUe. t e r o f t l n s y t ? a r i a n d * l l h e " r n -Strmn -and Elmerimgs o f 4 4 c e l U s p w s h a r p d u r -

inducted liito'ln" t h e third quarter of 1959,

HI Martmsville.

wele__^ niijiubrr.ship by Martin Schon-

Skiba Proves l.inguM • ' Wllld

Phcn Skiba won the applause of *.mc , / o / y f V | | | | l 7 y (;roul)

For the fiijst nine months of1980, net income totaled $28,-759.000 or $2.01 per share, In

| the same period last

hat most'hazards <ome with Biinks Pay &i85,00Q 'smash™ his head into it.dusk and night. He feels thutcaution and discretion shouldincrease to bring srealer safety^to Carteret. i

The public is invited to viewthe ceremonies.

Meyer Jaffe, Americanismofficer, advises that the Amer-ican flag Should [be flown onthis as well as all patrioticholidays.

Stanley GiszakJ

Income was SI.48 per share, of*hen he spoke at the banquet ol . ,

i-'formwl Chjurch in Bethlen Hall. There /»/„„„ ) ule S o r u d ^ ^ ^li The! mayor made his speech in the 'cAHTEKtl-The Altar andiqUarter of 1959.


the first

Soi'ii'ty of Hofyniiule plans

the J*ost will sponsor

guests_way. the banquet which was mo-.tn.u.Ti, .nude pi,u,j .or - * ^ ™ ^ f " ^ . ^ M r ,

•my held by the parish in 26 years, was l ' . 'X l iml i ' o,,5 Wuir. 65 Leick "Alexander Comba and, Andrew Pro$s as ' . Auh M.ilt.k Wlls luiraed teitanu-d a house

S z a l x > . W l l l l U l l i . „ ; , , ; , , , „ b , i l h , , M e d by M r s . m i m Wolf , n e p h e w of Wivs.isted by Ixmisd

Bid Parents ofl S. Freshmen

f i) JCovacs. Geza Megjtsi. Jo.*>'|)h Cm•I>T Peter. Mrs. Nemish wa.s hostess. Mi

.> M.ttiei, d.-cinuioiii.Waltn Suk. unmnim

mtd-wuif. ofaver the


rp Matxt1 U ITICCI


TO "ADDRESS CLUB: l)r.loliti T. H;uiiE,iii, assistantprofessnr oi Clinical Ohslet-itrirs and #.vneroloK>' at SetonHall COIICRC of Mediriiif. willsper.k on "Tlio (Jptrrtlnn andPrrvention nf Cancer . inWomen" sit the nest meetingof The Evening Membershipdepartment of thr CajrterrtWoman's C'liili. This mppt-ing will he hrld at the Car-teret Municipal Building onCookp Avenue Mondiy, No-vemhrr H, 8 P. M. The pro-sram chairmen, Mrs. (ieurseShrridun and Mrs. WilliamBabies, have ksked the mem-bers to invite Ruests to thismnst interesting and inform-ative program.

and 4ffiSS;\\ complete table, of me vote

t . • , /.for the local ticket appears InLamb, who is in c h a w of I; •' . . ,,o

Ihe plant's safety program. e x - l t 0 d B y S l b S U P ' , , 1 n r M ,,, ,p

Phuned that Hainadvk became' O u t of a total 10.003. therefhRiblr for membership recent-!*** 9.609 votes cast. Lhe lvgh-ly «-h«. » safety hat he wears « t " u m b P r °[ v o t P R e V e l C a S t

at work at the FMC plant prob-iln t n e D 0 1 '0 UBn 'ably saved his life. ! In addition to he local tic'ret,

alone with several Cnrtevet voters mtve large ma-. aioiis witn seveial . ^ . ^ ^ ( h p N n t i o l m l > s t a t e

County tickets: Kennedy6,180 -votes as against

lravo thr_ plant when ,B •fw •'•"'» f o r N l x o n ; L /" 'd ' C a " d i 'iihinn sounds during workinghours.

otlur FMC rmployees, is aliiember of the Carteret Firej f tnd

t mid is allowed to'

In coins toHamudvk mid

for U. S. Senator, !>,154 ascompared with 3,972 for Sen-

. ,. ator Case; for -Congress, Dem-a recent fire,'0(, ra t T a u b i 5 |2g8: Frelinghuy-several others] 3 7 n . f o r A s s e mbly, Dem-

were j-jdine on t h e r r a r of t h e i ^ ^ Mftun-t 5.655: Lee, 5.-J'"'.563; Mrs. McAndrew, 5,435;

Republicans, Billemeyer, 3,174;McCarthy; 3,*0: Clark, 3,209;

fire truck, when it hit aiin the road at WiishinRton Ave-nue and Cypress Street. He was|thrown from the truckrolled into the sidewalk

and'' Tanzman, 5.650;3,177; State question,

3,360 yes; 999, nays.

55 Tuberculosis jCases for Borough

CARTERET — Their air 5.Vknown cases of tuberculosis,both active and inactive in

'arteret according to data re-ceived from the case rceistr.v utRoosevelt Hospital for Diseases

70 Ytilc ClubCARTERET—Residents of

tl*' Carteret area will have atotal of -S3R5.000 coming tothem from two ChristmasCltibs here.

The (arterrt Bank andTrust Company wil distribute'S195.00W to 2.000 memfiers, aninrreast- of 900 members whilethe First Bank in Carteretwill send out $190,000 to 1.-000 members.

The safety helmet he uses atwas knocked from hisiAT ^KLCOMING PARTT

head, but Hamadykin.Hired except, forcuts and bruises.

was H"-;" CARTERET — Mrs. Williamextensi*e j ^ p a t r i c k , "formerly of this

bopugh, accepted the Invlta-Eye witnesses state that he.tion with several other volun-

surrty.would have been severelyjjeer Kennedy aides to welcomeinjured, if not, killed, by thefall, except for his helmet.

PMC Manager Gaidis said,Ii''We certainly are pleased tosee that Mr. Hamadyk was(saved by this plant safety equipr

back the Senator to his homeat Boston, Mass. The groupleft Washington November 7for the patty on Election Eve,All retjirned1 November 8 inorder tmi, they might vote for

of the Chest.Most of these are imulive BOARD TO. MEET

and have been disgharned from CARTERET f- Thet,he county sanatorium. Others, directors of tliltwhose disease is undur control,1 Public Libraryftre taking medication at honiejday. Nuvember 14. at 7:30 P. M

: ^ " ; _

jment. It emphasizes.the needitheir caiiaidate, ,the Demo*ifor good safety attitude at allicratic President-elect Senator'times and all places. It is for-jjohn P. Kennedy. Mrs. Pitz-

d ofturtate, that Joe has a good safe-ipatrick is the former MargaretCarteret Free ty uttitude and was wearing his Sirak, daughter of Mr. and

will meet Mon-safety' hat at that particular Mrs. John Sirak of CarteretUvenue.

" ' " I N , ,WORK : Ncne .1 »h. iround-brr.km, •-" ihr

, „ \ u n i t l « » •<•»»• h < m ! . l i i « Ki'i'Ji-i-t i n

u , i | , , , | | l r I I " - ' U A n t I- > l l O O t l l l - l h

K.\ M. A Koiiupka *inl Sumiurr


CARTEHET — Parentslo:jfi'i'hhmcn at Carteret High'School have been invited tovisit tin- school on ThursdayafliTiioon. November 17. ut 1:15|to met the faculty and to assist

I the teachers to know their sons'and duu.wliters. More than 100Jpai1'-nts have indicated-they willbe piv-'i'iit Others are uryedtn send in their answers onMonday. November 14,

This animal affair is spon-sored bv the 'guidance depart-ment and freshman homeroomteat'lu'i's '

Hi^ll school classes will be(lisinused at two o'clock on|I hut day so' thaibt> Mvailaiilr for t

New entrants alllimg imperelasspirn were also urm;d toe\ieinl the Invitation to Ihcidp l ' I ' c l l l S . ' '

Tin' home oi'iinninics classes,iuii("r Hie t,ii|ier\iMDn of Miss,f)livt> O'in'iersen. will ser\'i' re-

\\\'1'IIOBU'V TO MI-FTrAnT^KKT • The Housing

jAiiihority will nu-et Mondayninhl for Hie .purpose of reor-

uKution. Chaiies Hull, chair-uiuii uf the authority resiiincdthis week to become, clerk ofthe low cost Edward J DolanHousing Project.

p c k one|iclier.s will

<iETS A U A . : . )"Turtlr CLil."

».- PI ,IM ' Ian1'i-U-i <.uidis prrM-uls Jusciili llainail.vk H K I I * fireman's »«lrty lirh.li-t from ( h *

•i-soimi-l Supirvisur. »iid I ' iir <'uimnissiom-i' Jnlm U ' i u r i l U . look un. MamadyW A '

Page 2: DigiFind-It• i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures r\\0\a& Abound Corner it is .only 30 shopping days to| M| you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJ


Winners in Tuesday's Election





HOW CARTERET VOTEDCANDIDATES ' 1 2 3 * 5 - 6BAREFORD 172 232 ,169 201 280 264

WIELOOLONSKI . , 172 244 193 205 292 307

KONCI .«. - 173 209 155 179 288 280GREENWALD [.:-. 223 253 174 202 318 314SKIBA : 258 296 284 389 316 316

SZYMBORSKI „.„ 248 271 276 383 305 271D'ZURILLA 263 285 266 389 301 277

M I L K •. _ 214 264 272 382 281 261


7 8291 193316 213297^209 429320 223 479






























407 220

408 jRl377


































— 4207

— 4475

— 4112

— 4615

— 5087

— 4775

— 4948

— 4-663

Local Firm InNew Work PactjSplit Sessions

Slated MondayCARTERFT — Mineral Pro-ducts Division of the~Food Ma-chinery Corporation has signeda*iew contract with Local 144,

Conference On

CARTERET — A conference!International Chemical Work- on split session has been calleders Union. The contract boosts for Monday night by Schoolwages of employees,

The increases which affectabout 170 of the plant's 260 em-ployees, are based on the skilljComba, principal of Nathanclassifications of the employedInvolved, according to Peter N.Oaldis, manager of the plant.

Class A mechanicals and

Superintendent Edwin S. Quin.He proposes to discuss with theBoard of Education and Joseph

Hale school and Mrs, MaryDowling, principal of ColumbusSchool.

Quln reviewed some recom-ehief operators will receive the inundations made by Miss Annenine cents an hour hike, boost-ij0pstock, state assistant di-lng their hourly wage from r ector of Elementary Educationing their hourly wage from r ector of Elementary Education$2.77 to $2.86. . a t Trenton, at a mee

All other groups involved will,the board in Trentonreceive eight cents raise. ThejQ u l n mii h e

-_ ,._ i a b o r e r s wni,^


FREEHOLD •- Mrs. Maud.'. Burke dice) Bartz, of IE.'liib place, FiMiold died No-.•ember !). at the Pitktn Mem-iriiil Hospital, Neptune.

She bad been a former resllent, of Cartrret- for 50 years.She was the wife of the lateTlmmns Burke. She was a com-imniicnnt of St. Joseph R. C.Church nnd a member of itsAltar and Rosary Society. She

also the organist for CourtFidrliis No. 363. CatholicDniifihtrrs of America and theCniteret Women's CHlb.

Surviving me two daughtersMrs. Thomas Sullivan, Pomp-ton Plains; Mrs. Kenneth Dal-ey. Freehold with whom shelived: one son, Robert of Car-'teret; a step-brother, JohnMiller of Wuyandotte, Michi-gan: seven grandchildren; twogreat grandchildren.


We wish to express our deepgratitude to our relatives,'friends and neighbors for theirkind expression of sympauky,'and beautiful floral tributes el-tended to us in our bereave-ment in the loss of our dearlybeloved father. giandfather|jBmes cemetery, Jamesburg.and brother, Louis Tami, Sr.

""*" teachers to help allievlatebe increased from $2.23 to $ 2 . 3 1 . ; ^ c ^ d ^ " ^ o n d i V i o n r ' w h T c h ! C O I n P o u n d

' r h ° '"'•"""""' " ' " o • " • a n t o H ' t i d i t e th lit '£B ^ d

Iselinite's CarBreaks His Legs

ISELlN — An Is'elin residenthad both his legs broken byhis own car Jate yesterday aft-ernoon.

Patrolmen John Kurack andFelix Galasso reported thatClarence Balasia, 41, ElizabethAvenue was working on his carin his driveway which is on asteep grade. A neighbor, Ray-mond Schnitzer, pulled up inIlls car to talk to Mr. Balasia.As the latter leaned againstSchnitzer's car, deep in con-versation, his own auto startedto roll down the incline pin-ning him against the Schnitzervehicle.

Mr. Balasia was admitted toPerth Amboy General Hospltel|p0]ice"Vscort","and'theT'syrio-iwhere he Is being treated for afwiecki Funeral Home for satis-

Lyman Rumpf Funeral Home,21 Locust Street and at 9:30A. M. at the St. Joseph R. CChurch where a requiem highmass will be celebrated. Inter-ment will be in St. GertrudeCemetery, Colonia. Rosary re-cital will be held tonight atP. M. :•


lcesffor Joseph Wutkowski, Sr.of 101 Jersey Street, were heldSaturday morning at 9 A. Mfrom the Synowiecki FuneralHome, 56 Carteret Avenue, andfit 9:30 A. M. nt the Holy Fam-ily R. C. Church where a re-quiem high Mass was celebratedby Rev. M. A. Konopka, withRev. Poliak as deacon ancj Rev.Martin Komosinski • as sub-deacon. Interment was in St.

nd Mrs. Maude Taylof mi .•rrth Amboy; and three bro-

Miss BaranowskiEnrolled at College

CARTERET—Miss CatherineM. Baranowski, of 20 ChrorrteAvenue, is nmong 215 freshmen

launched their college

hers, Edward Pettus, Caiteret.md Samuel and Leroy Gnrrl-on, both of Perth Amboy.

cnrecrs this semester in the,o n of U n l o n


' I S M

CARTERET - MAGAZINE at theQRIVE: Miinyof you, no doubt, church


omorrow at 2 P. Mi at the

evening ciraaiun ui v,,..u..

Junior College. Cranford. jlwvc had your arms twisted to1

The coricue's evening sesslonlbuy this magazine or that one ftrp nnjicninri.'offers four majors: Engineer-,by t h p ,,g •-"•»•Ing, liberal nils, science, a n d i ^ ^ ]

ierment will be in Roschill-emetery.

Boleslaw Szuiimowskl,

the 1,200 persons enrolled inall programs of the Cranford'^txlh

college, which

We'thouKht you


room was theSister M; Clnre

»um of

; monthl.he hom<;

ii>• HIM

; ( l lBoleslaw Szuiimowskl, m p m b f i s . i m ^ , y wltirtfhe sum of l l .naw) ?u}\o! the Holy Family Society nnd;fa11 fmolled Its laiptest fresh- w.n,,p t h c c l R h t h R1,fttfe Q[ ^ v t h i rd M,,,,,,Joh D d k W j l e h A k a c i k l J 1 ™ " ^ l n l t s 2»-year history. l P r M C ( a m l l r r n m e ,„ . will I* nt. M

''o! t e H y Famiy yJohn Dydak, Wojclech A k a c i k l J 1 ™ " ^ l n l t s 2»-year history. l P r M C ( a m l l r r n m e ,„ . will I* nt. Mmd Ludwig Shymaniikl, mem-jTh,e .</*«' Htcludes sliidrrvt? eiv-nnr i M l , Donnelly took third? J M 1):"bersof the Polish National Al-;r°n<1f '" th(¥ Da>' n n d . ^ " " l * Place with his seventh grader.,, l l lM wl» 'liance droup 1023. T ' "* u"^ ""--'--»-•'•• - . - - . . . ' L N


Session? the UJC InrtltutP. The individual hichest winners! nwhich offrrs non-credit pro- w m , t h e fOnow,nR; flrst p ] a c s , thP p,,, ls

srsms for adults, nnd "ii-for Andrew Baumgartner Bar- |U l e flnil'is r r v . campus courses conducted ">t bara Menjoc in wcond and E d - C l c d l t »»

lces7oVElizabethJYuhaH, oVae^iParby Mdustrln^ firmsLongfellqw Street, were held]q ]Monday morning at 9 A. M,from the Synowiecki FuneralH6met 86 Carteret Avenue, andat 9:30 A. M. at the St. Eliza,

Funeral services will be h e l d ] j ^ t n ' c ^ h ~ w i t h Rev. Anthonytomorrow at 9 A. M. from the[j, H u b e r ceiebrant of the re-

quiem Mass. Interment was inGertrude Cemetery, Co-

Ionia.Pall bearers

Varga, .Charles

Ml.<n Baranowski In Aate of Carteret High School.

Odd Fellows to MarkHarvest Home Sunday


were Charles'Baksa, Davldr"

Home Sunday at the Home(Trenton on Sunday,

Lynch. Sr,, John Bodak. Charles;Faaekas, Anthony Tucholskl.


ices for Louis Tami, Sr., of 17John Street, were heldafternoon

<On Decemberwill


Nolan ln third place. • i w m f "f IIMM >'•I CLOTHING DRIVE: Since I t ' ^ Z ' " ' "r 'seems to be the season or drives T , "'""

!we are reminding everyone ofY.nHi ?y

"-- coming annual clothing " ™ . n l M < 1 "' ;

td take place be tween!^ ' ' n f " "•20 and 37. The cloth- X ™ t ' . f

' MEN OK iv°.our men b-;.,

to drop off during that

t i e purpm,

wr r t : ° n c - h o i l r alr*'poraU> n,,iv

'Chrlst In iment. We „.m m at ti

members for membership rang-| .Ing from 25 years to 45 years PI-EDGEI) TO FRATERNITY

Orand Ma.it<>r Theodore Eh- C?ARTERET — Richard J.votlnns at -;•r u l o f Newark 'will make the.Bozan, 71 East 32nd 8treel, Amboy n .P^«nt«tlon of tho Jewel*, The Chicago, iftl |« a fall M'me^rui Joiiu.u „;

2 P M at th i ' a f f a l r T l H t a k p ^ ^ l n ^ M * ' o ( % » P h l Bpsllon/tact Ml , . , r,r>asement of thr First Presby-;national soclaff fraternity at II-' NC.Yo. TI (•>J h l t f f T h ^ \ d

« n m, r>asement of thr First Presby;a t y at N Tf™ \ Jterian Church. Supper, will bellhols Ii»tltuf of Techno^- . a\ood ,„„,

a at JUj ^ i l B f M d bu P

We especially wish to thankRev. Andrew Harsanyi: Rev.Kalmen Adorjan: Dr. Chodosh;Dr. Chenkin; Dr. Margaret ten;staff and nurses of Perth Am-

Carteret Avenue, and at 2-30S^re 'd ^ f f s o R N r ' f o rP. M^ at the Hunnarlan Re- b e r s flll(J , h p , r

formed Church with Rev. An-drew Harsanyi officiating. In-terment was in Clover Leafr!

PuizlpThe Pilgrims- put fish

Bozan. son of Mr. and bury P:ukMrs. John Bozan, 2 Emerson of last s , : .Street, Carteret, is a freshman that tin- i,in the electrical engineering <"lub will h,

("department. He is a graduate '*• W> hr.


Park Cemetery, Woodbririge. j»ach hill of corn, and the only :o f ' g( Mary's High School."member?!,;;!. ,;

."red alon - v, •iTurkey T:.-'

Ginda, they must have been rich. | Red China still leads Soviet Thanks;-..n. ),—Boston Globe ^Id list. alone ar<i |l;

Pall bearers were Julius Ko-jexplanatlon of it the modern p P r ( n Amboyvacs, Louis Kady, Joseph Biirch.'eardener can think of is that;Frank Balka, Waltrrand Vintfe Leschinski.

Pall bearers were John|Tomczuk, Alex Sendzlak, and


gusta Garrison of 33boy General Hospital; Ameri- street died Monday at

:can Oil Company; co-workers Ambo/General Hospital.at Merck & Co.: employes of; T h e d e Ce a s ( ,d i s s u r v i v P d b y(Charles Simkin & Son: Mayor one son, Robert Garrisonand Councilor Carteret: Roose- |NorfoIki V n . t h r P f s i s t e r g ( M r svelt Social Club; Hiriak's Flow- I r e n p S t c w a r t and Mrs. Maryer Shop; pall bearers: Carteret;R u t n P r f o r d b o t h of carteret,

The increases were grantedunder a wage reopener provi-

^c^d^^ondiVionrwhTch!continue despite the split .ses-'£Bsions.

sion of a two-year contract,which was signed in November! According w wum, MISSI1959. A new contract will bciHopstock advised the board notl

to take the wood- shop andhome economics courses out ofcurriculum because Ihey wereessential. John Kolibas tookexception to some of Quin's

the left leg.

of the right1

simple fracture of

A new contract will ta

negotiated in November 1961

Sisterhood BoardAt Business Session


factory services renderedFamily of the lateLouis Tami, Sr.

Church ListsBusy Schedule

EDISON — Edison Township

CARTERET — The UnitedHebrew Sisterhood of Carteretheld a board meeting Mondayevening, at the Brotherhood ofLoving Justice Synagogue. Mrs.Peter Van Wallendael presidedwith Mrs, Leon GreenwaldJMrs. JuIius^Weissman and Mrs.Robert Brown as hostesses.

A membership tea was heldat the home of Mrs. Van Wal-lendael October 20. The nextmembership tea will be held on1

November 28 at the home ofMrs. Howard Wurzel.

It was announced that Mrs.Anna Brown and her committeewill visit the patients at the.Lyons Veteran's Hospital on^December 16.

The next regular meeting ofthe group will be held on No-vember 21.

comments. A long discussion j and a patrolman were namedfollowed.

Thomas Deverin, board mem-ber reported that bids are ex-pected to be asked in Decemberfor the new schools.

Stephen Skiba, board presi-dent scored the critics of theboard. He said members areworking long and hard at com-pleting plans for the schoolsand criticism on the part ofcertain groups is unwarranted

Kolibas criticized Quin forwhat he described as "lack of!cooperation with the board."

defendants in a Superior Court,-- —-> -suit filed Monday by a Perthjful floral tributes extended to until 9:00. the Christian Service


We wish to express our :cere thanks to our

— Tonightat 8:00, the Women's Associa-tion of -the Woodbrldpe GospelChurch will meet at the home

friends and neighbors for th. ir of Mrs. Roger Cockerliw, Lin-kind expressions of symparhy.'da Street, Colonia.sPlrltual bouquets and brauti-i Tomorrow night from

l 0 hAmboy man "who receivedBroken leg January 21struck by a police car.

ajus ln our bereavement in theBrigade •wll1 meet in the church

wheni loss °t our dearly beloved rooms.mother, g r a n d m o t h e r and Saturday morning at 8:00 thej

John J. Lacek, 47, 524 John-1

stone Street began the actioncharging negligence by the mu-nicipality and Patrolman JohnRofjan Jr., a member of thepolice department.

The plaintiff claimed thatRogaVs carelessness resulted inthe accident in which he re-ceived a fractured left leg, Ro-gan was driving a police cruisereast on Woodbridge Avenuewhen Lacek was struck as he

great-grandmother andElizabeth Yuhasz.

sister. Sunday School staff will leavefor a Sunday School workship

We especially wish to thank and Conference at theRev. A. J. Huber: altar boy.--: Methodist Church,Dr. White; Dr. Rankis; staff wood.arid nurses of Roosevelt Hos-; The Men's Associationpital; Carteret First Aid Squad: leave the church Saturday

Miss Filosa WillAddress PT'A SeSSlWiattempted to cross the thor-1

Plan Explorer UnitOf Sea Scouts Here]

CARTERET — An explorerunit of The Sea Scouts will beformed in Carteret, says Clif-ford Maxwell "skipper" of thetroop.

Co-sponsdrs will be the Car-teret Post #283, The AmerjcanLegion and the Carteret YachtClub.

Formative meeting will be atthe American Legloa Memorial!on Monday, November 14, a'7:30 P. M. All boys 14 years o:

CARTERET—Miss M. Filosa,rector of Rutgers University's

Reading Center, will be theguest speaker at the Washing-ton-Nathan Hale P.T.A", meet-ng, Wednesday evening, Nov-

ember 16 at" "8 P. M. in theNathan Hale School. MissFilosa is a former Nathan Hale'acuity member.

On Monday, November 14,the board of directors will meetat the Nathan Hale School.

n e a r M U 1 E d l "

Age andjoin.

ovej- are eligible to

West German troops ente:France for training.

on.Police said after the mishap

that Lacek absolved Rogan ofny responsibility for the ac-ldent.


Zawadzkl, daughter of Mr. and'Mrs. Stanley Zawadzkl, 358Carteret Avenue, and a Juniorat Carteret High School, has

Township TreasurerTo Speak in SewarenSEWAREN — The Sewaren,

Democratic and Civic Club willmeet Monday at 8 P. M. at theschool. Charles J. Alexander,Township treasurer who wasgranted tenure in Tuesday'selections, will discuss the workof his office.

been accepted for the secondUtatei have experienced delaysyear to perform on the violin in'- - r • • " •the All State Orchestra.

The group will appear in At-lantic City on Saturday, Nov-emebr 12, for the N.J.E.A.


OUR BUSINESSWhether It's a form toexpedite your Office op-erations or a booklet tostimulate your sales,we'll design and print itto your best advantage.Our deliveries will oeright on the dot • andour prices will make-.ense, too!


6 P. M, to conduct the serviceat the Goodwill Home and Res-

St. Elizabeth's Mother's Club;Club 48 Foresters AuxiliaryCity Line Civic and Welfare cue Mission, Newark JamesAssociation; friends from City sabatino will lead the service.jLIne Tavern; Circle Inn; S!in-,; Monday at 630 P M. theski Flower Shop; pall bearers;iyoung p e o p i e W j U meet at the,^arteret and Rahway police'cnurch to attend a skating ral-

t d th S i k iescorts and the Synowiecki ]"y"jn s ^ t h Amboy with groupsFuneral Home for satisfactory o f o t h e r churches -services rendered.

Family of the late' L

Elizabeth Tuhasz i™ MEET TOMORROWCARTERET —Supreme For-

est Woodmen Circle JuniorGrove 9 will meet tomorrowafternoon at 1 P. M. in OddFellows Hall.

The birthdays of the follow-ing will be celebrated; Karen

us in our bereavement in the 'death of our dearly belovedfather, grandfather and broth-er, Joseph Wutkowsld, Sr.

We especially wish to thankRev. M. A. Konopka; Rev. Mar-tin Komosinski; Rev. Poliak-

in the race tp get a man lntoR«v. Augustine Medvigy altarorbit ardund ;the earth. There boysf Dr. Chodosh- Dr Chtn

MAN INTO ORBITBoth Russia and the United

are Indications that a Russianattempt to achieve this whenNlkita Krushchev was ln New|First Aid Squad; Knights ofYork failed.

And the latest word fromWashington is that the. U. Sprogram to achieve this has en-countered delays which will settb£ program back a couple ofyears.


meeting of the P.A.L. Auxiliarywill be held Thursday, Novem-ber 17, atj 8 P. M. ft theBorough Hall. Plans vill befurthered fbr the free Ujen-agedance to be held December 27at J h e new St. Ellas ball. -

Reservations may still be ob-tained for the theatre and din-ner party at Patricia Murphy'son Decembermember,

3 through any

Fast Workers 'A Chaplain, serving hjl flrsl

day on an aircraft carrle:

CARD OF THANKSJOSEPH WUTKOWSKI, SR.We wish to express our sin

o our relatives,!

kin;1 staff and nurses of Eliza-beth deneral Hosptlal: Cartcret

Columbus, Carey Council 1280Holy Family Society; P N AiQroup 1023; Carteret Fire CoNo. 2: boys from I. T. Williams;friends and fellow workers ofCalifornia Oil Co.; co-workersof Wise Potato Chip Co.: pallbearers; Carteret and Wood-bridge police escorts, and theSynowiecki Funeral Horn;: forsatisfactory services rendered

Family of the lateJoseph Wutkowski, Sr.

somewhere ln the Pacific, sat1

down for mess with some en-listed men. The speed with1

which the navy men stowedaway their food intrigued him.

His own account of whatwas:

"I buwfd my head to say afi-w words (if grat'f, and when

Paid-Up MembershipParty for Hadassah

CARTERET — Mrs. PhilipChfidosh, membership chak-|mati of the Carteret Chapter ofHadassah announced that thepaid-up membership party willbe held Thursday, November 17

A play "Design For Living"directed by Mrs. Leori Oreen-wald and Mrs. Robert Sederprogram co-chairman will bepresented.

Home made fare will beserved by tho committee: Mrs



Harry Chodojh, Mrs.Hlrsch, Mrs. Jack Stein,Elmer Brown and Mrs.Oruhln. J


wanted for! United States to release ai,• • ,., .guilds in Laot,

Hey KIDS!You can


BIKEOr on« of^ottr oth«rbig prizes . . . a l lboys and girls under16 are) qualified!

leck ourwindow forbonus votes I



Eiter Today at


5JH Roosevelt AvenueCARTEKETTel. Kl 1-5325


One of advertising's biggest jobs is to attract attention. As you nviUUB newspaper, page by page, you'll notice the different and ing«ni(a-ways that ads catch your eye. _

But attracting your attention is only part of advertising'* work. Om-it has stopped you, an ad must go on to inform you, interest you amiconvince you.

Thus advertising creates demand which, in turn, generate' n..>-duction, resulting in lower coat per unit. And you reap ti••- l ) f 'Advertising, like the adverting L this new-paper, does a W j.-V.v;helping to piove billion- of dolkre worth of modi It ilao help*our standard of l i v i n g htehart of any Dhu»ln the worM!

t o >•'





Page 3: DigiFind-It• i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures r\\0\a& Abound Corner it is .only 30 shopping days to| M| you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJ

Combos EngageduletCapt.Bobencliik


Mr».i; Ave-,,,,,ici-d the « " -,1,, ,! daughter,,,l,.| dipt . AlexM|1 ,,f Mr. and

|.l.|,il(, 9 Liberty.


i,"i of Car-Miss Oom-

, ,| mmi Rider.., i-hriT S', /,,.,« Epsllon

. h,,.|-l.'iiflor. She,.,. law offlcrsSi ,11111111. C l tT

,k is ii first. citndi'1, Mlll-•;,mth Carol ina

.i,.HMH ' I ', , l l l (1 ,)SJrCllul-

Ciiniiimy Com-, mijcr of the!

Woman's Club.' Lists Activities


„„! secretary, L I N D A A N V B 0 M B 0 8

/, Joseph's Altar Uniti

CARTERET .- A theater"•'•V '" New York tomorrow is

'"'tt on the nKenda of the Car-lf'»'t WomniVs Club according" 1-1 »• club's year book

'•'<''I e m |.| on Dny will be"""••"•I Nov. 17 when Mrsf.eoi'Rr F. Weinhdmer- Jr^ U , Dustrict vice president•ill he the speaker. Mis Edwin

«• Quiii Is chairman. 'A luncheon will be held No-

"'ml)1 ' r 2 2 at, 1 P. M. at the;•">«• "f " i t president. Mrs'"'•V S., Oalbralth for thi

b'-iiefit of the scholarship fundI he prowam for December

'"''•ember 5. directors meetlneDecember 8, literature departmerit, Mrs. Richard Donovanchairman: December 15 Christmns party, at 8 P. M, Mrs. RFarrell chairman; December

JuflKlng of Christmas homedecorator's contest under thedlwtlon of the w% ,\<vs

""fit, Mrs. Robert Taylor, chair-man.

Christmas Party GIRL SCOUT NEWS•he monthly Rosary Society of Port Reading ^The monthly

Joseph's" Altard I

p(-ty was held Inwi l t on Thur*-,, niber 3, Presl-


Rosary Society of Port Readingwhich will talce place on I>-cember 1st, The st. Joseph's1

Drama Club Is preparing a skil'for this occasion. This will takeplace in' the School Hall.

Troop 15CARTERET — Mis. Aka-

leader of this troop,I ells us her. girls are now work-

, Refreshments were served by " - W M h O l o t h s ' 8 c r a p ( l o f

was made M r s B* l ty Htnuwood and hn r,,, n

Miss Jean Ward Weds;Will Reside In Borough

l'AH'1 KRET — -Mips Jean-Win (I, rinuRhter of Mr. andMi. William Ward, \f> Clifford

th? bride ofSin rl,Mini B White son of Mr, andMi> Brewer White nf Oswe.110.N Y.


on .Saturday N->vembT 5i) P. M. at the First Pros-.in c;i>ii;'h with Revhn O. Brown ofllr.iRi.ing.

I • bvide wns Given in m a r -iii -|. by her father , and her••;••<•]. ?jir;s Patricia Ward, a t -tI'li'lcd her us maid of honorwitn Dale White, brother of theiirulei'rnom, as bust man. Ush-ers were Kenneth Ward, broth-

Mrs. White, a graduate OfCarteret HiRh School, Is em-ployed at MfTck, Sharp ScOohme, Rahway, Mr. White laa graduate of Harpur College,Endlcott, N. Y.. and is employedas a chemist at Merck. Sharp AtDohme Research Laboratories,Railway,

Alhambra OrderJ Elects Staff

!"' "f l '" ' bride! and Ronald'sr. was rejectedWind, both of Curteifct. *

Hpuii their return from awriifliriK. trip to New Orleans,

CAfiTERET - Leon Currangrand com-,

mander and Nicholas rteivacclovice grand of El Hak!;am Cara-

nnri Bradenton, Florida,couple will

k Avenue.reside at 41

vnn 96, Order of Alhambra atthe meeting this wiek.

Other-officers elect."d were:Joseph M. Bartos, m and scribe;Joseph SahiilcJk, Scribe of theexchequer; Michael Prcputnlk.•rrand chamberlln: Oeorpf Ba.1-ka, master of oasis; MichaelSkiba, historigrapher: LeonCurran Jr.. master of the ward-

CARTERET — Dr. Andrew:ronP; j o h , i Bosze Jr., captainHarsanyl announced his sei- of the body guard: John Ahler-

Services ListedBy Dr. Harsanyi

GIVE HELPING H'ANI): Photo shows members of the Blazers, a (jruup of Rirls who assisted the Csrterrt Lions Clubwith the recent waste paper collection in the borough. Shown in tUe iMrkgrmmil are Louis Sitnr, president of the diib

' " taimpeter, rhnlrnian of the. drive and William Skilia.

are utilized

fashionit was

I as a

showa fl-social


; (Jiubrian, O -i.nijes of a trip- jety u> the Na-,J the ImmacU-

showed movies>m the life ofmd the Corona-,tm XXIII.nzanowskl and

.v.is have beeniiintu-n of th*

:...- Party lo be... : 29th.

thesent out

Altar and

sa cu• uid colors. The girls are pro-cessing very well learning theslip stitch and overcastingwhile enjoying the craft work.

Troop 23Mrs. Winesky reports her

DautihUr born to Mr and lt"lltl('r Mrs. Grace Rice withMrs. Robert Hyan. 1433 Koose- " hw]y sweater set for her newveil Avenue, nt Hnhway Hospi- h " l n bttlW at thi-ir meeting lasttal, October 31. Mrs. Ryan is W(1|'1{- A11 tn<* ifirLs RRNT thisthe former Melissa Stratum- ls t h e Pettiest baby they haveback •"'''" '» a long time. Tlie cook-

ie lii'iiiccss of this troop hasDiiUkhtei burn to Mr, and i ) n ' n announced as Kathleen

Mrs. Veiiiun Bun 1501 Roo.se- Ketlyl, who sold 91 bo.vs ofevil Avenue, at Elizabeth Oen- <'"<>kies in the recent Brownie,era! Hospital, November 2. Mis S»l<#.Bsur Is the former Lois Erm-i v

ibinianOubDance Nov. 19th

Troop 116'Mrs. Suiter reports "Ihat a

bom lo Mr. and Joint meeting of her girl scouts".Mrs. fh.-t.tt r Babu, 2 SIIUM t mid mothers Wednesday eve-Court at Railway Hospitrtl^-NM. nmii It was decided to take on•vrnibt i ! Mrs Bubu is th>' K financial project to raiselonnn Dolorri Churba. money for the Klrls coming tnpj

to WashmiUou. The mothers)M l s- decided to lent a W.ilt DisneyiSon andMul-.piim t 0

Ho.-,- f , , l cea l 0 t i l f.R i h

at popular;p l lb l |C o t l wash-


ix>tn in Mi.Hichmund, MB

.berry Xtu*i lit RailwayA laiKP »d- pnal, November 2. Mrs. Rich- j n K t o n s birthday. February 22

ickt-ts for the m o n d is the foriwr Catherine MuthiTS of all the ulrls in troop113, led by Mrs, Ruby Lakatos

M . and troop 161, led by Mis. Loisi^ii a,"i' HweUood, will be invitedI>liman. >.)» J ( ) ln m t h l s - v ( , n t u l , , t 0 m

i t E»Moetnj e n o u i t l i m o ) f o r ( h e b u j

[ the dance wl ) i : u i " ' ' r l " »"^ ' " 1 1 - November 5.^,, t h . K l | .u r m l ! d ,J(, r a l , .n

cl.ib.s building.«'•«• ^ M ™ » » t h e r o r m " this one biK try.Bobinchik a n d U l l l w l K : ' l i , | Troop 161 •

co-chulr-j „.„„, , ,„, ", ,„ U r 0,,,i ' Mrs. Lois Ha/.lewood it-ports


Nuvember McNeill.IISJI been'

H I Tarnow-i Dau^hltr twinthe Ukr»llt-Mr> Kayrnund <.!.ens Club. |Pei.*hlli)( Avfiiue



fin-ed in

, „—,„ bum U) Mr. anil-al coramlttee.!M j h H«madyk. 16 Hun-:h« mM"'™ K 1 0 " " l l i ivf ' n o w i

:chMtr« ' formfr-•;•• has t*«n.tit the muilc tor

d o , p h S[1T|.,

ATTKNU VOtlTII CONFAB: A group of high schoolscience students and teachers sponsored by Public ServiceElectric and Gas Company .it the recent Second NationalYouth Conference on the A, .,1 in Chicago, .amine modelof Dresden Nuclear Power Station during inspection tourof actual station. Left to right: TlionuA E. Garvey, Jr., of558 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret, a student of St. Mary'sHich School, Perth Amboy; H. Stephen Culpepper of 95.Vllnnehaha Boulevard, Oakland, science director at Has-brouck Heights High School; Jon Davis Smith of 88 Car-negie Avenue, East Orange, a student at East Orange HighSchool, and Emil J. Piel of Gould Avenue, North Caldwell,science department head a t East Orange High School.

VFW AuxiliaryVotes DonationsCARTERET — Donations to

the Salvation Army, T.B., EastOrange Hospital and (LyonsHospital were approved at theregular meeting, of the LadiesAuxiliary V.P.W. Post 2314 heldMonday evening in the post-rooms presided over by SnntinaCantamessa,

Mrs. Mary Thorn, chairmanof the cookie sale announcedhat cookies arc .still availablemd anyone wishing to pur-hase tins of cookies arc re-iuested to contact, her.

The group's honor guard willsponsor a spaghetti dinner onDecember 3, at the, post roomsto be served from 3-8 P. MTickets are now on sale andmay be purchased frorp anymember..

Christmas party preparationswere made and reservations forthe affair to be held on Decem-ber 19 should be made as soonas possible with Mrs. MaryPluta.

The next meeting of thegroup will be held on Monday,

amadyk, 16 Huna l p , r t h AltlboyTalw((l $89 00 toward their com-

o*-,ural Hi*(.ual November 4.'»"« l r l l ' t 0 Washington. This-money was raised by the sale

-"* 1 Mi, und Mib H.iyaiond Deli- of jewelry • &'Li!inounc«! liwt » man. of 235 PershmR Avenue.; Troop 113 , . - . | ^,1.\y. lihlp mttiitu the the part'iilii of »n iriTant Mrs. Ruby UkHtos, leader o f ; [V | inStrCI uf lOW—riiuhl"at 1 P. M.'duugfiter, Laurie Trances, born these tfirls. tells us they are;i .•!«nmenu and Novt'mber 5. »t the Elizabeth now taking dancing lessons a*ix- tflyeri out and OwiHal Ho.spitul Eli/nbrth lonu with troop 161 led by Mrs.!<T ihli innuaJ Mrs. Dilinwn is the foinu'i Lil- Lois Hazelwood, and troop 128

'lt;m K W L - ;led by Mrs, Mary Mullette. Mrs.; CARTERET—The Holy Name--— Kuy Sxneheck is giving lessonsiSocietyto the jmnt troops at a mini- Church

Stamps & Coins for Sale"I \MI'S . . . Lnitfd States, Tnijed Nations

and Foreign. (Mint and I'sed)l | I N S . . l ! n i t « d

"••l'-rN Takr t i for

' -H'-< lom' Supplle*


and Foreign -

Ural Day Covrrn—Come In and Bru»M-

36 St. Ann StreetC'AKTKKKT

Phone K l 1-4IM

mum chilis(arttrrt

Final reports, on our Chris-mas proKiam to be held at the

Hull should be forth-coming in

watch this col-•111111 for final instructions.

of the Holy Familywill sponsor an old

fashioned minstrel and varietyshow on Sunday, November 20,at the Carteret High Schoolwith performances at 2:30 P. M.mid 7:30 P. M. in the evening,

the near future. Each The minstrel is being directedby John Sudia and assisted byStanley Szyba.

The chorus will consist of 50

111011 topic for this coming Sun-day in the Hungarian Reform-tl Church to be "After Elec-

tions This Is Still God's World."Worship services will begin

at 10 A. M. (In English) andat U A. M. (In Hungarian).Sunday School and Confirma-tion Class are from 9 to 10.

The congregation has beeninvited to attend the dedica-tion of chimes in the StatenIsland sister church. A specialservice wil be at 4 P. M., a din-ner at 6 o'clock. The church Is Stolte.at 25 Winant Place, Charleston,S. I., just a few minutes driveto the north from the Outer-bridge at Perth Amboy.

The Board of Elders willhave theirmeeting onvember 15, 8 P. M. at the Up-per Room of Bethlen Hall.

regular motithlyWednesday, No-

Inn, sentinel of the tower:George Stolte, sentinel of thedesert and Walter Ginda, grandadvocate.

Rev. Mel M. Corcoran, OSM,pastor of St. Joseph's" Churchwas chosen chaplain.

Installation of officers willbe held December 3 at the Co-lumbian Club. Raymond Love,district commander and hisstaff will Install, The installa-tion dinner will be In charge ofJoseph M. Bartos and George


Civic and Welfare Associationwill hold Its regular meetingand election of officers on Sun-day, November 13, at 4:30 P.M.in the club rooms on 3 Roose-velt Avenue.


Miss Eleanor IvanoReceives Nursing Cap

CARTERET —Eleanor MarieIvano, daughter of: Mr. and

Paul Ivano, I) CharlesStreet, received hei1. nursliiRcap In a ceremony at the Uni-versity of Miami on Tuesday.

The cap signifies she and'26others in the class have reachedthe half-way point in the fouryear nursing course at UM. Th<

November 21, at 8 P. M. in the c e r e m o n y included lighting ofpost rooms. the Nightingale Lamy, symbol

Of the profession.

Rev. komosinskiCast is Busy Honored by K.C.

CARTERET — The exempli-fication of tbe major degreeheld Sunday in the ColumbianClub by New Jersey Chapter 4of the Knights of Columbus.This degree was conferred onthe candidates in honor of Rev.Martin Komosinski of the HolyFamily Church.

District Deputy John Gra-nelli and his staff assisted bythe South Jersey Degree Team

Woodmen Circle Unit |HOLD CARD PAKTY• • At Convention]4 CARTEKIST- T h e a t. Ann's

(Auxiliary of St. DemetriusCARTERET — Members of;Ukrainian Orthodox Church

White Carnation Grove 34,:held a successful card partyWoodmen Circle, who attended'Monday evening with Mrs. Amthe district convention held atiSabo and Mrs. Ann Skitka asthe Roger Smith Hotel, New:«o-chalrmen. The dark-horseBrunswick, were Mrs. Anna P''™ winner for the eveningSlomko, Mrs. Joanne Flemmingjwas Mrs. Raymond Abazia.Mrs, Julia Tarnik.

Miss Lauretta Forte, who alsoattended, was graduated inceremony promoting her fromthe Junior group to the adults,'Mrs. Joanne Flemmingelefted as the district record-ing- secretary.

Public NoticeThe next regular meeting of the Borough

Council of the Borough of Carteret will be

held MONDAY NOVEMBER 14, 1960, at 8

P. M,, in the Council Chambers, Borough

Hall, Carteret, New Jersey, instead of the

regular meeting date, November 17, 1960.




| 'L\N I.VUiKS' NIGHTCAKTKKET—Filial plans

,, Ladus-1 NiKht were completed

dinners, one of the largest ^s- l c0I l tjUcted the ceremony.d f i t l d ill Over eighty candidates for

membership from Carey Coun-


AD-LIB/>...*• f ^ | f e Grw* S I . CireU — h<**, N. t-







< 1 1

for'sembled for a minstrel and willfeature Poice Chief CharlesMnkwlnski us interlocutor a n d - , ftnd n e l g ) ^ 0 1 . i n g C0Uncils of

lits of' Co--nouulas Zi'iiobm as one ot t"ejgp(jtswood, Woodbridge, OldWednesday. «'nd m e n V i 'n f > t y a c t s ttl'e °e' Bridge and ' ' •->crj partlci-

«, th, Columbian »•* h t fro.n_cv f^pomt of p a t e d i n t h e d e g r e e_After Ui.( i . .ring of

» * b r o g y ptlie State to make this one of" • « '(,1.(.|, l l l,, ie,i John Uhrift and .

Kin..-,! Huniak. announced that C l l l t t ' " '( U I , , , I l l l l s l r w,« be furnished

Mlrlu.-1 Halusnik and his

» r e s e l r t s l " decree, a djnner was served.

chairmanika, pastor i

:hai'^e of iBed-

HOLP Bl'FFET, Sl'PPERThThe executive

board of the Carteret HighSchool P.T.A. acted as hostessjat a buffet supper for themembers ui the faculty follow-ing open house held Wednes-day evening in observance ofAmerican Education Weekwinch began on November 9.

ar is chairman of tlse program1

book and Edward Radzinski ischairman of the ticket commit-

Proceeds from this affairwill be used to'promote theyouth program In Holy FamilySchool. |

De Gaulle warns Frenchstrife over Algeria.

\etal & ThermitMakes Appointments

mit Corp. lists the following

Chester P. Delbridge namedproduct manager of weldingequipment and accessories;Harold W. Mears as northeast-tin states regional sales man-ager of welding products divi-siifn, and George M. Walberg aswelding machine specialist.

A long weekend vacalion of restKill play right i l l the occafstdge. Thanksgiving Bay letluresa bowililul lurke| dinner withi l l the Irirjmings, evenings aregay with planned entertainment,movies, music, pmes. HolidjjDance, etc. Beich ironl sunilecks,loynges, solar a. and ice rinkOctan » j t f r in all biths. Twinbeds.Kith bath from SI2.M Mod.

'Urn., $6.50 European each person.C j l l At lant ic Ci ty 5-1211l i t New York call M U 2-4849

J A l k obou t Hol iday Vacgtion Plan

l [TTENTION!., „"iL'ailixutimina rlinrt'liPS, ^^T.

ami Charities Flanuiiig^ (liristina« Parties:

w'« c«n tupply you with

DOLLS and TOYS at\ I'<>vver Than Discount Prices!!K _ . FactoryI The.

Doll HouseJ ' ' ... s r.M M Outer Main

1111 j f M. WOUUHKIIKiE



and TM






RAHWAY AVENUE • Near theCity Hail and the-Mutual Store.

Mon. and Fri. 8:00 to 5:30 •

Why not buy the BEST? It may cost alittle more, but it's worth the difference.

., Wed., and Thurs. 8:00 to 6:00 • Sat/ftOO to Noon

use an automaticELECTRIC Blanket*

mnriii wlHiod weifht

blanket will hold that warmth thoughroom temperoturo may chanflt

• choici of M R or doable bri Amsome double bed siiet have twocontrols, permitting both sleepersa choke of temperature ,

• attractive eolors-whabkOn'v ONE Blanket Needed For a Bed

Buy Automatic Electric B M o t s At Your Favorite Start)


Page 4: DigiFind-It• i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures r\\0\a& Abound Corner it is .only 30 shopping days to| M| you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJ


tn accordance with the con-.text of last week's column we!give you below more dishes:which art Improved with theaddition of white sauce.

Cheme Croquette*3 tablespoons buttrr or mar-,

garinrV* cup flour*/i cup milk2 «KR yolks

Vi cup RratPd Swiss chwse1 cup mild cheese cubrsSalt and pepperCrumbs •CayenneMelt butter, add flour, and

•milk. Stir until thick andsmooth. Add unbeateh egg yolksand stir until well blended. Add(trated cheese. As soon ascheese melts, remove from heatand add cheese cubes. Seasonwith salt, pepper, and cayenne.Spread In a shallow pan andcool. Turn out onto a board,cut in small squares or strips."Dip in crumbs and fry in deepfat. Drain and serve.



Fish Flake Croquettes1 cups flaked cooked fish1 teaspoon onion JuiceSalt and pepperChopped parsley1 cup medium white sauceCracker crumbs1 egg beaten slightlyMix fish flakes with season-

Ings, add to white sauce andchill. Mold into croquettes, dipinto crumbs, then Into eg« and1

into crumbs again. Fry in hotjdeep fa( about 3 minutes or un-til brown. i

Meat Croquette*2 cups finely chopped cooked

meat1 cup thick white sauce2 teaspoons lemon juicePew drops onion juice

"iA teaspoon saltPepper to taste

1 '/i teaspoon minced parsleyFine dry bread crumbs1 egg beaten slightly ;Add meat, lemon juice, onion

Juice, salt, pepper and parsley!to white sauce. Cool. Form in- {to cylinders. Dip into crumbs, •then into egg and into crumbs, jChill. Fry in hot deep fat. |

More Important"Good heavens! How ter-

rible! cried the professor as hefinished reading the note left;behind by his daughter who'had run away.

"Why, whatever is the mat-, jte'r dear?" asked his wife.

' The professor handed herthe letter.

"So she's eloped with that1

Kelly fellow," was the wife's!calm comment. "Well I can't1

say it's a complete surprise.""But she spells 'eloped' with!

two l's" walled papa.



Wax BeansSweet PeasCornTomatoes

Rtgulit Ritilt

2 »-• 27«• cam • •

2 nj: W<

I ":: IT

Rttabr Refill

2 r »•BeansCut Beets 2Green Beans»2Diced Carrots ..r

Lesser quantities sold at regain prkes.

More Grocery Buys.'Ann r"»|»— Pun Stnwbirry

33C '-r39c

Santa Fe seeks .control ofWestern Pacific.


NOW gnyone can buy DIRECTTrom U.S. GOVERNMENT SUR-PLUS DEPOTS, by mall lor your-self or for resale. Cameras, bin-oculars, cars, Jeeps, trucks, boats,hardware, pfflco machines andequipment, tents, tools and tens-of-tliousands of other Items at t.fraction of their original cost.Many Items brand new For listof hundreds of U.S. GovernmentSurplut Depots, located In everyState »nd oversees with pam-phlet, "How Government CanShip Direct To You." plus pro-cedures, ROW TO BUT and howto get FREE SURPLVS,. mall 12.00to SURPLUS SALES INFORMA-TION SERVICES. P.O. Boi No

J818, Washington 5, D. C.

PRESERVESMallomar Cookies 2Keebler Chocolab Chip Cookies ,• 39C

';; 29C°-



Businessin the



Ppies Start,

A* Low »»

$7.oo4 Month

3'-$10.50 a month

4'-$14.00 a month

5"-$17.50 M month

Pillsbury Dinner Rolls . pWPillsbury Cinnamon Rolls °™ R « ^ " j £Kraft's Parkay Margarine »&"> •*«Fleischmann Margarine ^.P-(1Uncle Ben's White RiceWhite Tuna FishLucky WhipMarcal Paper NapkinsSwaneo Paper TowelsHome Maid Garbage BagsTwinkle Copper CleanerBrillo Soap Pads3 Little Kittens Cat Food


: 3 6 e



2 | J J7«2 ft «'


31;: 26'

Eight O'clockRed CircleBokar Coffee

"* B f Coffees.'-Mild and Mallow

Hb.ba9l.iSRich and M-Boditd

31b. bag 1.77Vi9orouiandWin*r

1 *• 57*bag W I

"b filebag " '

KE MIXESBk. mm ^m*.

wwn, Ytiiow, ocvin FOOD OR HONEY $waAngel Food Cafte Mix ^ 35c




w«ih m

. 1 ,

Ajax CleanserWith Frat 4.1 ei. Liquid Val

l»r,d.d f 14 ei. 4 1 gT.,,th,r * car, " I




Friday, Novtmbtr 11th

Split, Cut-Upor Quartered WHOLE

Sold at these Advertised Prices on l y . . . None Priced Higher"SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY


Swift's Sausage ,:3Siiir-RIgM Iriii*—Ttf Quality

Sliced Bacon*tifw>lll(btn Qitltty

Beef Liver -*-•Large Turkeys;'Mt<lM Slu .

Fancy Shrimp



GRAPEFRUITPlan Now for a Top Grade A&P Thanksgiving Turkey!




SUNSWEET D"^NB 1-59DEL MONTE !«<"•«"« 2PLANTERS " E S T 1 3TOMATO SAUCE - 6:~ 49MARGARINE " S i r 1 2 ^ 5 9

Jk39A p P l 6 S FrwWiitinOrchirii »

Pascal Celery £T,1

Potatoes S 3 -1QQ Crisp Radishes

FROZEN FOOD BUYSFrench Fries c « ; 3 ' 41Ktk Eyi Mud FruitLihky't

6 a;








All Sorti 8 u . »k|.

Bassett Liquorice 19c Hi-Ho Crackers i; 25c t^JSiMayonnaise * T 49c Cookies l uSif0M 1ir45.c' BiretEyiQr^BuM'r . 2Vegamato r2?:65c Dog Food ; 12 :89c K S L " ^

Red L Fish DlmorFried Sealleif -

DAIRY FAVORITESSliced Natural Swf$$Imported Freaeh Roquefort CheeseImported Italian Romano CheeseMild Cheddar Choose ^%.Sliced MozzarellaTHE GREAT ATLANTJC I PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, INC.


Price« tOftctiv« thru

Saturday, Npy. 12th in

Super Markets and S«lf-

Servict ttorei only.

rup Maiola Oil

Lesteli leyLiquid Detergent

SpryPur? vtgatabla ihsda

1 off labellib. M a



SootkiHFamily llu ftft napki

J ftft

Blue RibbonPaper Napkins

Gerber'sPaby Food

Beech-NutBaby Foods

9 .95« 6195c i 9,.-95° 6- 95C


Sweetheart Soap•uy J at rtf ulti B r j u .,


Fluffy AllCtxtrtllat1 I<i4t

Ui aut«mat<t ) Ib. 1 t * l |ak( * I

II.i. <

Dash DetergentFor automatic wathari

InryRtknFof Jiihoand fin> t<tnti

Ivory SnowFar tht Umii, vaih end diihtt

Spic«Span.f cUinin j p*int*d lurf#ca<

Colgate's Yelfor lilt it

Comet Cleanser

l l o I 2 3 q

B l u e Cheer

Page 5: DigiFind-It• i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures r\\0\a& Abound Corner it is .only 30 shopping days to| M| you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJ


4 9 7 U n c o ! »Tfl. 1,1 B - i f i 7 9

Miss j«i,n i,,pso l R

ton. M m , nut |,PI. f r l p n < j *"Diane uodd, nr BothSchool of „ « „ „ .

d Kiirsts (if Mr a n d

Mrs. HnmiUon Hillings j r

prpf.ld.-nt of |.hn rr/V ,,f K 'nrdy Park School a n d M ,Arthur Erb. TnlmarlK

the fiflth annual 'vnntlon of the New

'if Patent.clations at Atlantic City

-Mr . Rnd Mrs. h vlns Chopikand rtmiKhlcM. miR m l d J o i m

Home* Park Av-nmc wrre dini " Kiirsl.s of Mr, H n ( 1 M r s

.Samuel Schwail?. nrllevillp-.Mrs. 1/iea TRrnbokla and

nii dn.n. Edmrd a n d j w ,milsdale, were (ltnn.«r mio.st., OfMr. and Mrs. Raymond Tarn-bokla, Hunt Street.

—Mr, and Mrs.


Moscow — Love and mar-rta'ge. eipeclally the marriageceremony, are the big topics ofthe day amonn the Soviet peo-ple;. All publications are filledwith suggestions from readerson how to glamorize marriage,which up to now hns beendrab ceremony In n shabbyregistry office.

The Idea is • supported for1

wedding palaces like the firstone which opened In Leningrad,which is lavishly decorated andsells everything necessary forthe ceremony.

One reason for opening the

Arrangements Completed Charter StudyFor Membership Affair Need Discussed

„ , . . . „ . | . . , ~ L . ~ . J — ,. group of local in-sisterhood Con-,the cast were Mr*. Jack Tlll-terested persona met with Mrs.

final nl " 7 J a c , 7 h a s madpninn, Mrs. Harry Friedman,!Frank Mamir, Lenox Avenue,pians tor the paid-up! Mrs. Al Siegfled, Mrs. Jernmel Monday night to hear about

r Tuesday at!Rosenberg, Mrs. Leonard Green- theCommunity Center.1 field, Mrs, Abemunity Center field. Mrs, Abe Lapldas. Mrs.

I H MtW Wi11 s t w t a t 7 P- "• Hunter1 WlUon. Mrs. Mortonwith Mrs. Harry Forman asco-ordlnator. <

A final report on the bingoheld last month was given byMrs. Morton Glnlger, vice

for the church ceremonieswhich many youn* Russlaiulbe a chlldrenTdiiy box'luncli

Litlnger, Mrs. Stern, Mrs. rarerand Mrs. later.

Hospitality was arranged by

charter study ofLapldas, Mrs.ja change QI municipal govern-

ment in Woodbrtdg* Township.Mrs. Richard Koons and Mrs,Fred Swanekamp of the Leagueof Women Voters. Woodbrldge

palaces j« to supply a substitute president of ways and 'meaiwjRalph Alter and Mrs. Forman.who also announced there w111 j

are going through nowadays inreaction to the bleakness of theofficial civil marriage.

Rourkr «nd




N U K . V r N I N Oi ini charirtlng

,1,-iiirrlfd In IBI-, h Cnld brocade,„,,(.„ hf I* to rlfht,1 Ml vfty ea»jr t o, short i t o e m .

.,„, ».i!j| line «f,,,,1 Hie »llm Iklrt

U | .h defined withHim It'i Vocnc

„ 'in:,, featuringperfect

i T;ilon *'PP*r[il.irkrt I",i hipllnr fit.

:.\ KOL'MD• • many - It I U 1


Z , | J «wgeiri«H ^ ' M l l l t o w " . at-iMemorial Hospital,

tended the annual "home com-

-Mr and

P t\t». . i V l S l t e d M r 3 ' H e n r y MallochM o r l o i iwmiamsvllle, and Mr. and

Park R t \ t , I DI*d"1.!Mrs. Carl C, Pauly. Johnson-nxt Rldite, were dinner guests burgOf Mr. »nd Mrs. Robert Morton,Homej P»rk Avenue. The din-Mr m i In honor of David M o r D I C A L T A X F 0 R M s

ton's blrthdny. Other dinner' S l a l l l n « January 1, taxpay-


n:i alia, that-*»>m - lort com-\\\t Eighteentht ~ ' Narclanu,'


0 -

HAPPY FAMILY: Charles Mnlnar'g mother mid brothers help him celebrate his electionto the Town Committee from the First Ward. Uft to right, George Molnar, CortimlUe*-

man-eleet..Moln»r Mrs. Mary lYInlnar and Joseph Molnar.

*,„», O ary and Street, Is recuperating a t homeAnti, i — , — ' '" «

,u H,KK Z 1 , a n d Ml5S|"ftPr m a J o r

^ Ml l l t at

—Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.

«ue«t« wen Mr. and Mrs"deb'- m w h o a r e 85 o r MfT w i U hRVe sided at the meeting and Mis.hart Stahll New York City \° i[lf * *peclal income tax ' 'hart Stahll. New York City."" l 0 f U e . a """M Income tax

-Mr. and Mr.,. Robert Mnr-i'0™, l f *** « " ' f c l a l m **ton and children, Nancy, Rob-;d u c t l o n i ! f o r m e d l c a l e x p e n s e 'lert. Jr., Donald and James,! Internal Revenue Service of-Homes Park Avenue, were

Winter Style Show

Set for February 28WOODBRIDGE - At a meet-

ng of St. Anne's Unit of Trin-ty Episcopal Church, Mrs.

Thomas Kanltra was namedchairman of a fashion show to!be held February 28. She will;be assisted by Mrs. Michael Far-•veli, Mrs. • Joseph Radowskl.and Mrs. William Wedemeyer.

Mrs. Walter Kronseder pre-

Cause For WorryThe woman tourist posed for

a snapshot In front of the fall-

tyVING COST HIGHLiving costs rose two tenths'

of 1 per cent In September toa record high.

The Labor Department's liv-ing - cost Index went to 126.8

at the center January 22 withMrs, Albert Rubin in charge.

According to Mrs. Glnlger, aJewish cook book Is being com-piled. All Jewish reclples areim o n i r s a t t h c F i r s t Prcsbytcr-to be given to Mrs Hyman!lan Church Wednesday from 4Serulnlck w'ho will be in rhurge to «.P. M. at church hall l i y ' " ^ ' " ^ "November " M " a t

per cent of the 1957-59 base d e n ' of programming, lntro-l d Thi I 1 rdperiod.

higherThis Isthan a

1.3 per c e n t r e dyear earlier rs.

Nearly every group of major Stem explained the meaningconsumer costs increased ex-jcept for costs of new and usedcars.

Higher prices for housing

en p,.,ars an ancient t e m p ,


tuests of Mr, «nd MrsSUhli. Waynp.

said they are designingJohn t'ie n«* 'ofm to comply with a

Jaw which Congress passed al-—Hamilton Blllinst*. Jr.. and m o s t without notice six months

Hamilton III, spent the work- aso.*nd with Mr». Hamilton BUN' Taxpayers 65 and older haveInp, Colonin been entitled to special benefits

—Mr». Nicholas Parlsl. Juliet lor several years.

'. r.c loca.ted thei ->-ment of the.

! imtmrg library!. only complete'

: a Scarlatti1



11 T» ntal

, i . .nk «ximtotr to-•• : -kaand M M * •#

> . ih« AAC. «udl-• -i til rteordi and

i • Mury for • •001-r i - ; : » ! • tudit M OUT

v • r ' ;!C pubUaht* •

r - ludJtor'i (W1**!*•i • i on which idTtr-

ti-<i ' ; ' ic» t vtlu*.

' " i '-a t copy of OUT

I"1"' ' -: " rtport


" '•"',, st,, IVoodlin ME-4-ll l l

iCUfford O. Dupree led devo-tions.

Mrs. Stephen Shaffer report-ed on the success of the rum-mage sale.

A ten-dollar donationmade to the Evergreen Homefor the Aged.

Hostesses were Mrs. A. Eu-gene Kiel, Mrs. LawrenceDesch, Mrs. Joseph Vassaloand Mrs. Lester Kershaw.

The next meeting will be aChristmas party, December 12

IMPRESSIVE M.AMt: TOKAV TORT*:: Handsome, ele-(int "Tokay Tortr" mukfj ;m Imprcsjivp apprarance al acompiny bulfrt. lhr briuliful, rrisp-lrxtured Flamesl'ok»j» add rich t-nlur and Intrrest to tills delicious desert.

fUnw 3 rups Tukay t'W*. halve and see.d. Soften 2rnvrlopti plain (rlatln In ': cup cold water, Combine >icup im»r, '« teaspoon ialt, 1 teaspoon grated oranje rindind 1 cup uranje julcr: lint to boiUhf. Add aoftentdttlttin, ttlrrinc until dissolved. Blend in 1 tablespoonlemon juice. Cool until illihtlj thitkened. Whip 1 cupheir? cream until stiff. Whip ftlatin until fluffy. Fold Inwhipped cream, i t cup orange sections, 4 cup toastedflaked coconut and Tokayi. Line sldej and bottom of 10-inch iprtn* form pan with 3 4 dozen small ladr finteri,placing curved side or bdv (inters againit pan. Carefullyturn lelalin mixture into pun over lady (Infers. Chill over-tilfbt, or at Irait ^ hours. Remove sides of pan<and cuttorte Into wedira to nerve Makes 8 to 13 urvlnfs.

Soviet proposes U. N. budgetmit of $50,000,000.

o the place."

Investiture Rites

Mrs. Greenfield, Mrs. Morton Township, explained the rea-Mrs. Irving .Adler, Mrs. sons for a study of this kind.

Mrs. Lester Jacobs, Mrs. Jo-Iseph taanzlone, Mrs. DanielMrs. Martin Guto*8<|, Mrs.

Planned by Browmp« i lrvln>? Hlltt Rnd Mlss Pem

AVENEL — BroWnie Ttoop35 will hold lnvcstltue cere-

frcun the Business andWdmen of Wood-,

attended.All were urged to attend thi

of the project.

Mrs. Harold MelU, vice presl-


Edward Stern,chairman. Mrs.


of the. fund and the reasons forsupporting It.

Chanukah gifts are availableat, the religious gift shop, ac-cording to Mrs. Irving Bemk,chairman. Persons wishing topurchase articles may call herat her home.

"A Tree of Life", a playand directed by Mrs,

i Jules Isler, was presented. In

Mrs. Peter Mazura, troopleader. Will invest Mr* WilliamCuslck and Mrs. Ernest Tothas assistant leaders and Mrs.)Merrill Hawks will be awardeda five-year pin.

The ten new girls to be In-vested are Ruth and Barbara

School 11, when It Is hoped anactive flr'gantaatkm can beformed. This meeting will beopen to all residents.

PRODUCTION SETS RECORDWorld meat production hai

Oshlro, Catherine Julten; Linda passed the 100,000,000,000-lb.-Naumovete, Kathleen Cuslck,1

lCarol Ann Nekarda, Robin VanDecker, Suzanne Du Barry, Lu-cille Peterson and Linda Chris-

total membership In the troopto 32.

Refreshments will be servedthe mothers by the BrownlesJSouth America.


"CAMELOT"The New Hit Musical

* Complete TheatrePackage •

Round Trip Transportation,

Dinner to New York, ChoiceSeat Location!

• Call or Write:Connie McMahon *

15 Concord Road, IsellnMErcury 4-7583

Thank You Very MuchI wish to express my appreciation to the voters


of the Fourth Ward—Iselirh. Menlo Park Terrace

and part of Coloma—who reelected rpt to the.

Township Committee Tuesday. I will eonfeinue

to do my very best to represent them faithfully

and energetically. • '







POLKOWITZ MOTORSE. UI 8-0100 Open Eves. PERTH A WHOta Public !•» Over 40

Here's PROOF...S. Boyeshas thenicesthappiestRUGCLEANINGCUSTOMERS

PhonePA 1-1582

for FREE pick-upand delWtry

a-year matk for the first timeIn history;

The F o r e i g n Agriculturalservice survey showed that pro

toferson. This will bring the|ductlon last year topped that of1958 by 3 per cent and the 1951-1955 riVerage of 23 per cent.All major areas gained except

»•lush black pile

.Your friends will think you spent a fortune

. . . and no wonder! Thit marvelous

coat looks like it stepped from the pages

of a fashion magazine! All wool and

fur fibers . . . fur-soft rayon pile lining. 8-18.


> JR. PETITIS 5-11, and WOMEN 16VJ-24VJ \


B1 Z CLEANING COMPANY, INCORPORATED4th & Stevens Ave. South Amboy, N. J.

BLACK WOOL SHORT COATSI . . . vtith mink'hek pihHoing from hood to html

Clamour, glamour everywbere fa Abmarvelous short c x p t . . . and it'sIncredibly low pricedl Rich wool flakedwith teal fur fibers... and lined inmink-striped oyoo pflel 8-18.


• I t Mil hi CMl «lfl






Green St. Circle (Iselin)Intersection Routes 1 and 9

365 Smith StreetLT IJOTH STORES

Page 6: DigiFind-It• i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures r\\0\a& Abound Corner it is .only 30 shopping days to| M| you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJ


Sewer CostDisputed

WOODBRIDOF: m theu of John ,i. Bafla, whous a consulting eiij/ii'iVr

.*tTtiH?r tn(> Previous Democratic ari-\ ( ministration m an nltempt to/l&Jltid an answer lo it* sewn

**^ Problems, tlif diveisltn of w -;•'„•««» flow "from the Colonin• m i i ^ ' l ' i nrrsi to the Sownrrn

V-pJ^nt." would be too costly.•wo., A few works auo, Committee-.-•''-Wail Thomas J. Costrlln. Fourth

Ward, had reported that Loui>;, P , Booz, Perth Ainboy cimlnwr.

had Informed him the Townshipcould save $500,000 by hookinu

^ w u p to the .Scwaren plant In-»tcad of the Railway Valley

• » Spwcr . Authority plant. Tin •'tf-'iTovm Committee decided 10^..-dall upon Mr. liari'ri.. .sinfe he^"yOrlBlnnlly h;i d stif^eMed the

,,,JlahwR.y Valley pkm mid prc-" llminory fuTnnKPiiirnts had

• *ai "*een made to carry out the•\"i plan.

••»«•.-. In a letter to Mayor Frederick1

f-M- Adams yesterday, Mr. Baffa^ lVwrote:

"I have reviewed tills matterand I iind that a saviiiir of at

v- least $50,000 per year operating• t r ^ n d maintenance costs Is avail-1

\able to the Township via the1

.». Connection to the Rahway Val-' ^ ' . l e y System, as aiiainsl diversion

*.» of sewage flow from the Colon-**^:,la-Iselin area to the Sewnrcn|..S l P l a n t . Capitalized at 8 per cent

this means that the Township;ljl

spend up to $800,000'

Theft r»..nttaikihg Crow Demands:attempted to take aaway from Billy1* ten-ytar-old

Holds Pair Come Take Me Home!

GAY FRUIT COCKTAIL PUDDING CAKE; Next time youhake an ovrn (firmer for the family, itlin in this quick andrasy fruit-flrrkrd pudding cake A light spongr rakp bat-ter holds colorful canned fruit cocktail throughout, withfluked coconut on top toasted ta drlirhtfut crunchiness."Kruit Cocktail Puddin* Cake" can bf served warm or1 coldwith a fluff of whipped cream and narnlshod with fruitCorlitail. )

Beat 2 eggs with 1 teaspoon vanilla until light and fluffy.Gradually add 1 cup luga'r. btatinf untl thick and lemon-colorfd. Measure -•< cup lifted all-purpose flour, rc-slftflour with ' 1 teaspoon salt and 2 teaspoons baking powder.Stir into ege white mixture. Thoroughly drain 1 II lb. 14oi.) can fruit cocktail; measure out I 'M cups fruit and foldinto batter. reservW remaining frnii' for garnish. Turninto buttered 9-inch gquare baklnr pan. Sprinkle 1 cupflaked coconut over top. Bake in moderate oven 1.150"F.I.I.1) to 40 minutes, until cake tests done. Cut in squares andserve warm or cold, topped with \<i pint (I cup) heavycream, whipped and sweetened to taste, and reserved fruitcocktail. Makes 8 serving!.

WOODBRIDGE - A '.!0-year-nit) AWOL Air Fonv manuntl his 21-yrw-olci buddy.formerly in the Air Fun r, willbe returned from Die oumty.fall Wednesday for prrlinriiiiryarrniwmeiit boforc Mii!.'i'•luitc;Benjamin I. (Cantor on a nun-,plaint of robbiiiK Dene,MI'•. Mo-torcycle Sales and Servi.-e, !i02St. George Avenue.

According to Deticiiw 'o-seph Oyenes. the dim, !•": ,mkCulp, stationed'.at the Air I-'.T. TBiise in Dover>Del.. ,111.1 linn-nit-Lee Hayden, also of Dila-1

., admitted brink in i1 intothe store and stealing n >l.nnnfore1(rn-make motorevdr :mdmotorcycle equipment ."id nc-''cessories valued at mint her':$l,000,

The pair was traced In Hullllcen.se number taken oy aneighbor who noted ihen M-spiclous actions, t he store ha<lbeen closed for several moiiihs.Culp and Hayden were pickedup by the Delaware State Po-lice and Detectives Oynir* ,mdJames Danch went there topick them up. They waived ex-tradition.

The prisoners said th v hadexpected to leave the aiiv un- * ' n m ' ' •""»''b.v-mediately after the robbery, evidently misslniibut a dead battery on their ear talking crow. TI111

sinter, Susie. Billy ihouted to|de? lde«J toand it


hit sister not to let the bird'CroW "~have the candywasn't jood for It, when thelollypop fell and smashed. Thejbird."crow evidently became Indig-nant and us a result flew atand pecked Susie every timehe saw her He also pecked ati» little boy who was carryinggroceries home. The child fell Bow! ugrne

Ptini.ic NOTICE.ililir iioiW-e U h<T«by nlvfn that 1. AlMnmir, ,i "f ""• BoKjiiRh ot Cnrtfrtt, Mtdrtlrwn Co,,,,li- jiiftlnii In :hr Collfftor'n OKlfp | n t h . nn '..f nw-nnbfr 19*0 »t in oVlock in thr town 'f d iBWls n

"It > C I A .


flic f

l l . -v

NatloimlCouncB wn


< III);, TrJ

- h i

Thr uni l | n , i n i p i l

f will 1» nurtf nl the tlm«'dnil nl»i(rrnii dny tn liny «« mny bf

i f

rra,,,n'i i

Iho .imiMint » t fortli b t lo* Trprrwuti « ,„„,,. .iimnii-l|i:il chifKM Hunliint thf property ciuitinu ,'!rm-r!hpr with lnt.nr«t »nd co«U on all Itcmj rI.I v !il. h »in|i itirrf shiilt bf «dd*(1 addltlbim'iiiii'r of «alf iinti <-oi«t of mlr.

liir u>lr will t» mit(l»JD fw W suchpr<!T>frtv iiihlfct to rMifmiltlon «t theni.se In pxreas nf «•;

•PON T CO. DON !by r.-yrar-nln Hilly


M i m e

i> 1

They retrieved at the SPCA shelter crow bewail to "hike

•more for" a to the eians' Alliance of Woodbridgc careless driving was issued"Jlahway Vallev System as a_ Township will hold Veteran s J o hn J. Curran, 17, 11 Hoover wal lcpd to a nearby"aainst numDine. ind still ob-lD a* M p m ? n a ' Service tomor- circle, Pords, by Patrolmeni1*!10''*' ^ corniced a"gainst pumping, and still objtain economy. The 6 per cent^capitalization factor represents'•25-year bonds at 4 per cent in-terest. Thus assuming a pos-

Memorial in Woodbridge Park.Mayor Frederick M. Adams •;l)c one of the speakers. '

changed their plansplaced a trailer, whichjhad brouaht with them

FORDS - A summons for,"" which they had loaded their ^ ^ ' j '^ ' the'Vlrd"Li.st'Satiir- '"'-'•—'-'" sideofabuildinfi.^, , „,-,„,.„„,„ ni!K. fil)mlLi 12,

per annum. It »t the «lp , „„' '• if mibjert tn f«1fmptlon at the r»t» ot in , , , ":

111 llfu of any raw ot Intppent to r»d«>ni n" • '"lunf t)if amount of taxen Br other rtmrirpii ,.n iitiinlrlpnllf-y. anrt thf proptrty nh,» hr , t , "'

•li« iiidilrr who offi-wd to pny the t m s u n t nT t « , , ? ' 'piim ihf hlBhMt » m o n n | of prtmlum. . r

f'nvnifiit fur thf »»lf ulull be rtiartd b«fori thr -or Uir pmprrty Khali 1» renold. :

i Am, pnn-fl of reM property, tor which' thtrr , h . , ,'•iiit-ei-. will bf dtrnok off and sold to th« Botoiu! ,• "

I Mr rpdmiptlon at ! • ; , nnd th« borough nhall 1,»», !',' 'I Biid rlnhu an othrr V>irrhuM». Including th* rkh, . ' .

T h a i s w h a t t l i i s (nlkini; r r o u knit --aying wlir l i it «^>s ' " i n * 1 \ th»rlBhi of redemption.

, Rut the ,,,,« li.ul U, ... ." the SIT.l ahrller «he» it bffan , ^ *m™& ^ ^ f f ^ t S ^ X tT" 'to prck ni Billy's 10- yi\ir><ilri Nislcr, Susie M-V1V to J4-5M11. «t am "" r " ;

At any tlm* befoit thf ule the owner rtinv n , ,

S o m e - would be In , home M, f l , l lu«rd Here w;,s Tippy, " " % > » » ZT.T^$ZSS? &TZ £W ,^T ''Hilly nil over his p.i|» i unite all the docs 111 the neighbor- o f T n m Borough Hall. Cnmrft, N j "i">n.... ..und the IK>V WHS very pinud of hoiwl. and is used to beillR King Collrcor ot TIIIM. Borofl«h Hall, CurUret, N j

a ' - ; • * with a capital K. lieinn pecked „ _ . „ . , AhtXil'^FS roMlu 'of days, the . t and clmsed by a bird. Mrs. - • -



bud canhis new pet.

But in a couple (:sf1H,r, Club,

l!"'Vin New Brunswick. worried the ROIHIR S petBut, there is fi little story at- c«(, "Tippy.",

He KoilliK imtKlled '."W O. ,V M«ry D (k.hnydnlorn- v However, the birds pecking g ^ , , H,n

beenme more serious when it: c. P. 11/11. l«. J.V u/5/oo

S5-11 _

jiw at ll'»A, M,, at theJWar[salvatore Orillo "and Charles

saving in capital cost of p , p P l v r T i M r t'•600.000. it follows that t h i S j R I P r l N G T I M E ">mount of saving is in.siifiicl- WOODBRIDGE

• • -- jMcCluskey. 184 Karkus Avenue,

[Banko, . Saturday after theyouth lost control of his earand struck a tree on the prop-erty of Eugene Martin. 791King George and damaging 30

Peter A. feet of lawn,

T?e a S S ~ f n oper-'V troI. .°i..h[s B."5J8li?,*2|M?,S2S S T S


ist to push them to a M-rvicestation where they got the bnt-

thnt lime itwas daylight and fearing the/would be discovered t h

afternoon, Billy Ko:of Mr. and Mrs Gerald

Romlft. 794 Rldj'.cdale Avenue.was participnting in a cookout

tery charged. By in the woods a!RldRedalf Avenue


end ofsudden-

•' ly saw a big black bird in onef v -1 n.- . .,..,» „, i.,.,.,. ...in


x p e c t .

jlting cost resulting from a.gravity outlet is comprised of

AVENEL — Fifteen registered!valued at $250. were>stor(>

"the cost of pumping station; . . . . j ,maintenance, energy costs f o r ^ . mterMctlon. accordingjpumping at the proposed new' | )0l lCPl

Station and the cost of pumping' the additional flow at theIVoodbridge Avenue pumpingstation. Also included are thr

at Ford Avenue and WebbDrive and ripped 20 feet of,.fence and ten feet of lawn atlstolen from a coop in his yard.j*'fls ^ u s t released from Perth

The owner of the robbed A i l l y> » m « a n ( ' » 1 ' . l h f ' c l o wowner

Erail Reinhardt.

to|Prank Filippo,»Jansen Avenue,'told Sgt. James Yuhasz Satur-|day.

VANDALSISELIN — A thrown object]

broke the windshield of his car

costs of pumping and"solids-|w h i l e Jj* w a s traveUinghandling at the Sewnrcn plant :R°!'ti

Freely Translated

Amboy Qeneral Hospitalt d H


terday. He was hit by a car theday before the robbery

for thethe birii

Talk of deflation Rom-

An Aberdeenian on a visit to unwarranted.o n ja friend in London overstayed;

27. FiUpatrick,". 'The"pumpiJig"statioi" main -; Newark, told police Tuesdai^:'"

.tenance and energy costs ar t | ••Absent in a gravity connection! r K A V h l J J N ( l

• t o the Rahway Valley System.; FORDS - Mrs. WarrenThe unit cost.of sewage treat-ILeitfi, 29 Snyder Road, report-•jnent at the Rahway Valley!pd t h e f t o f a Uve, wheel and

his welcome. It was gettingtoward Christmas and his host!thought a kindly hint would1

have the desired result."Don't you think," he said:

"that your wife and family will!want you to be with them at

plant, due to its large size, is bumper jack from her s ta t ion^ ' " ; " „ . . 4 h o >

about one-fourth of the uni t i^on, Tue«dn.v. {J^ -,'SS vSe Zi

th« TowShip " W a l ' e n ! S a f e t y o f conventional plane^U'i rale thotful o' you. I'll send

Mr. Baffa then went on tolist factors tending to increasefuture operating costs for | $pumping if the Sewaven plan is |Jadopted. Most of it wjk verytechninil. He offered to conferwith the Town Committee "asrequired."

L ' t t l e t u l t n e i ' dr°Pin interest rates.

When it was timeyoungster to sso home.flew after him.

u-nied Sunday moriiiny. Mis.i« was awakened by the birdwho was shouting "don't go"

<iHfted and "go. go. BO." The crow evi-dently had decided ihat this

called neglected.s l t s rale t

I for them."

Home delivered . . .ask for it of your

favorite sfore/

DURLING FARMSPLainfield 7-0688




• Enclosed please find $4.00 for one-yearsubscription to:


To be sent to:




Don't roam from home... Use the PHONE! * H

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ou can replace your party line with a convenient pi i\ale line juxlay!

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m a k e (oi r n e i v r ) cal ls . G ives y o u c o u i p l r t r p r i v a c y . A n d H ros t s so litlli- \i><,w. W h y not t a l l y o u r

T e l e p h o n e B u s i n r s s O H ice n o w t o a r r a n g e l o r & c o n v e n i e n t p r i v a t e l i ne , f s l . W J f l R S f c Y B E L t






• Rich all-wool charcoal flannels• All-wools in wanted olive tones• *Orlon and wool blendse Season's newest subtle patterns

Come Ici-I tin Hnr fabrics sec the expert tailoring

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Choict of the finest fabrics...in sinRle-hri-;ntiii!

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Top-quality tailoring throughout! Cray, brow n, U '•'




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Page 7: DigiFind-It• i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures r\\0\a& Abound Corner it is .only 30 shopping days to| M| you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJ

(ardiac-In-Industry'luncheon November 16th


i i d t TN'lV.

Ml', iai

r rosfimwuiu- ••> *'"••»••«». ,rne*e DM»1 *«mi.» ™ " B U « U t n e second rrannnual Cardlac-ln- present actual?«U S ^ " 1 t h e < e M o n o f th« m

v luncheon fa be held use of the Wo* PI « t h e l r "';)rr „ at ThfPIn*, Ed- Unit and J h V ^ f f i ^ ?' Kenneth Berr*| l l ( i ,r sponsorship of the to their Industrie?" * e n Wlf* "tPWned the hi,,,,* county 'Heart A«o- Reservations are tei*. T t s o f' t h e 50"i i

- . .. , «f** « the Heart £±"1 *£*«!««« «"«eS,s,l information to lndustrl- Highland Park

j l ins of the county abontn^rt, Association's Workdilution Unit, In opera-(.,i several yews at St.

[. dfiieral Hospital., ^urnan Reltman, High-(] |>.,,ic, chairman of the As-'llll',n

t(i Cardlac-ln-Industrysaid Invitations

sent to every lndus-.•iMi sent :_..; County.

,,',! pionram for the lunch-,..".,,11 consist of four speak-'",. „•! making a brief explan-.,', ,,f ''Why We Uie the• ,.'i, finsslflcatlon Unit.". •ulcers will be Dr. Irwln R.

fi,';,1< ::iiin, plant physician ati DuPont Co. plant inAlvin ftockqff, perton-

, director of Woodbrook,",,s lwrles ln Edison; Mrs.

,„•;.,. si lies. R.N.. Industrial„ ,,[ Mineral Producta Corp.r. icift , and Qeorge R.;,;.,(!]« of Perth Amboy,

, v supervisor of the New,. Rehabilitation Commls-

•:. work Classification Unit

their work potentiali is staffed with a car


Health HintsMtbetj.


sneak-thleftoes not at-openly and.. ..v.uns upemy and

IbUtantly, but steals upon themImperceptibly, working havoc

their health before they arelaware. This year the American!Diabetes Association estimates!!th»t there are ln the United

p o t h e r agencies of health Inurging the public to take ad-vantage of "Diabete. r K ^ J ,J J * . November 13 to No-

s S i / r * Ph^ans,V o? £ui» V.«»«» .«MUII unn, SUI"nlttlng to the screeningunder the direction of tf8t f o r diabetes made available

. hrough local health agenc iesto make sure that they are not

Mian's committee, eval-nidiac patients for In-, — ...Cj ai,i!id makei reooounenda- u n n u p e c U n K victims of

serious disease.this

_ Signs to watch for are ex-psychUtriit, /Bwdictl|««'ve thirst, frequent urina-rker End we»tionill t lon' abnormal hunger, loss of

weight, lack of energy, markedh u proven th*t l t c h l n«- « l0* he». l ln*. a n d

vvorlc evaluation 1* •'v*J™eu

p"ln' l n U ) e M t r e m l t l e s

Tiportant aid to Industrythe problem! of the

Tor r STF.RTA1NMINT: i >MiA—Mickey Frieman.• vt zimmtnntn'' of the

• n.iko" TV lerlei, wui en-, *; tonight's meeting of. .AI Biith man's lodge of

: :s-Rahway at 1:90 p. if.,.pic Beth Torah, Bryant

;e. R*hway. ThU open:x win initiate t)M 1M1-:<hip drive betai held by:A;<-T\1 orfanl»tton. » * .n.ints will bt

Diabetes can be controlled by[modem scientific means, but itmust first be discoveredand the sooner the better. Socheck ln for your check up now

Michael 8. Newjohn, MX)

Father's Advice

Bl*ck-"What did her fatheradvise when you told htm you| loved his daughter, but onlyhad a thousand dollars savedUP?" I

White — "He advised me U>]Invest it all ln a one-way rail-way ticket with no stop-overs


During the meetlnir

f 'S i 1 tethe *


at theStreet. At

dollLegion hall, Berry o u w

that time. pl a n s for the uunsaie, stamp and poppy drives

and rehabilitation projects willbe discussed. Mrs WilliamHenderson, president, urges all{members' to attend the meeting,'which will start promptly »t


repeats Itself, aseverybody knows. But why does'it have to do it so fast?

Printed Pattern


2?? tPl e M e

aubacripttOD to:U.00 for one-year


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9032Printed Pattern tu,^. i.au

SUes U%, 16V4, 18'.i, Z(H>, 2VA,2<W. Size 16U requires 3i* yards39finch fabric.

find FIFTY CENTS in coinsfor this pattern-add 10 cents(or each pattern fo; first classmailing, Send to 17(J NewspaperPatUrn Dcpt., 232 West 18th St,New York 11, N. Y. Send % ourI860 Fall & Winter Catalog infall color. 100 Smart Styles.Only 35f.

LUCILLE BALLPACKAGE DEAL: A newservice for thcatrr-jcoers hasbeen established In this area.A complete theatre packageIs available which includesr o u n d -trip transportation,dinner In New. York andchoice seat locations formatinee or evening per-formances. The service isIdeal for Individuals, groupsand clubs. Theatre parties arebeing planned to see LucilleBall In "Wildcat" and thenew musical, "Camelot."

Mrs. Connie McMahon, 15Concord Road, Iselln, is thelocal representative for The-^.atre Dlnint Service. Infor/1matlon on available datescan be secured by writing toMrs. McMahon or by phoning

MErcury 4-7583.

Holy IS ante to HearTalk on InvestmentsWQODBRIDGE — The Holy

Name Society of St. James'Church will receive holy com-munion at the 7:45 Mass Sun-day,

The society will meet Wed-nesday ln the school cafeteriaat 8 P. M. Thomas Deverin

| program director, has an-nounced the guest speaker willbe Seymour Schwartz, a mem-Jber of the New York Stock Ex-change, who will speak on thefive W's of investing — whowhat why, where, and when.

Not His TurnA colored preacher at the

close of his sermon, discoveredone of his deacons asleep. Hesaid: "We will now have a fewminutes of prayer. DeaconBrown will lead."

"Lead," said Deacon Brownsuddenly awakening, "I Jls'dealt."


CAPABLE AWill Call On ton

>-> No Extra Charge

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• — — — - w - *»wii • i >M m , ^ ! j V 1 " / u u »* j

Commencing Tuesday, Nov. 15th2,000 Members of our 1960Christmas Club Will Receive

195,000.0011 you wece one of .thje foresighted Santas who joined

our I960 Christmas Club, you will sooh receive your- '

jilting money . . . enough to-, buy extrp-sp&ial pres-t

ents for everyone on your list! If you are not a mem-

ber of this happy group, resolve to be one next year.

Join our 1961 Christmas Club now . , . you'll be so

glad you did.

For Your Added Convenience, We Havfe Two Offices

to Serve You. You May Open Your 1961 Christmas

| Club at Either Office.

Alimonti- Kubicka RitesHeld at St. Anthony's

SEWAREN—Miss Iretw JeamKubicka, daughter of Mr. andMrs. Anthony Kubicka, 412Broad Street, became the brideof Carl L. Alimonti, son of Mr.and Mrs. Namreno Alimonti.80 Larch street, Port Reading.at a ceremony In St. Anthony'sIchurch with Rev. Stanislaus AMilos officiating

Maid of honor was Miss MaryAnn Neveil, Sewaren. Brides-maids were Miss Linda fcubkka

jnnri Mi.v! Laura Kubicka,waren, sisters of the bride.

Serving as best man was Wil-liam Mayer, Oarwood, and ush-ers were Louis Matarangolo,Perth Amboy, cousin of the

from Woodbrldge High Schoolln June. Her husband, a gradu-ate of Jonathan Dayton Re.Ktonal High School, SpringfieldIs employed by Alimonti andSons, contractors, Port Read

of Christmas decorations arranged by Mrs. Hugh B Qui»,ley, Mrs. Walter O'DonnellMrs. Anthony Scheufeatured at next

After a trip to Mexico, t h e ^ n e ? ****> ° f C ° l l l m b u s

soupte will reside at 3^9 Hem- "Olfta from the Earth"ock Avenue, Oarwood. For film, will also be shown atraveling the bride chose a blue cording to V annomTsuit with matching accessories by Mrs. Herbert Ruetwhand a corsage of white sweet-heart iroses.

Mrs. Alimonti was graduated


Yule DeeorativnsTo fa on Display

~u me Uli

Athletic Association ln a reccnlfootball game at Merrill Park.20-6. Ernie Laird scored twicefor Iselln which was playing It*first game of the season.

Old Bridge scored on a 40-yard pass in the second quarter,and iselln came on in the sec-ond hair. Laird took a 50-yardpass , from quarterback TomCuono ln the third, and caughta second touchdown pass, alsofrom Cuono, In the fourth The

Uclty chairman.Mrs. Joseph Oenovese and

Mrs. Norbert Jost, co-chair-man of the theater party, an-nounced reservations will closeat this meeting.

ItJuvenile logic

was the little boy's firstto h h

e little boys firstvisit to church and when thechoir entered, all In white hewhispered to his father- "Lookquick D d d ! T

p d to his father Lookquick, Daddy! They're all goingto get a haircut!"

Field Club WinsOver Old Bridg

I8EIJN — The Iselln FieldClub defeated the Old BridgeAthletic Association I

~ ^iie lire commissioners! .,-..u....B «„«,*<;meet tonight at the flrehouse'8^ W B , y r D u m o n t | J r >

-Democratic and Civic Club' "of Bast Avenel meets tonight atthe Maple Tree Farm at 8:15

.u frMcn natlO;Sten ran 15 yards w

score, and Tom Maltey caughttwo passes for extra points.

Iselln, coached by John Hap-stak, played Metuchen Sundayat 2 P. M. at the same fieldand won by a 12-0 score. Onthe Iselln offensive were Ron-nie Sten D K

ens enie Sten,. Don Kuzma,Cuono, Ernie Laird, andP a s l l l I


Passenelll, Iselln defensiveplayers were Howard KeenanCookie Tomaso, Don Kuzma,John Brams, James Mattey andStan Belchlk.

Address, Please"Miss Jones at home?""I'm afraid she's—er

(negligee now, sir.""Weil, you can give me the

ddress; I



1« Oe»rg« Street, AvmelME 4-0941

The fire commissioners!t o i h t t '


Dinner-Dance Nov. 19ln Honor of SenatorWOODBRIDOE — H * n * f

Strubel, chairman, announcesmany State, county and' localofficials will be among thOMattending rhe testimonial din-ner-dance hcnorinn State Sen-

?mber 19 at Kenny Acres,Route 9.

Ira Jordan, secretary, report-P. M. •*"*"" °" "''"led prosram arran(?ements are

-Oirla of Troop S3 meet'ab0Ut c o m p ! e t e ' a n d t h p r e w i n

tomorrow from 4 to 8 P M ibe c n t e r t a l n m e n t between dln-wlth Mrs. Startley Plorkv' fflner a n d t h e > d a n c i n K ReserVa-Avenel Street t l o n s m a y te m a d ( 1 U n t " N o v '

Tomorrow Girl Scout e , m b e r 18 w l t h J a m ' l s H(>;fWan,. 57 meets with Mrt Wtl- '""

Ham Qrahani, 437 Hudson Bou-|levard from 4-5:15 P. M.

- Holy Name Society of St.Andrew's Church will receive.Holy Communion In a body at|the 9 o'clock Mass Sunday. Thegroup will holdmonthly meetingth h

its regular_ Tuesday ln

he church hall at 8:30 P. M.— Ladles Auxiliary of Aven-

el Memorial Post, V.P.W. willmeet at Maple Tree Farm Mon-day at 8 P. M.

— Avenel Memorial Post,V.P.W. will meet at the MapleTree Farm at 8 P. M. Tuesday,

— Avenel-Colonla First AidSquad meets Tuesday at squadi i — *headquarters at 8 P. M.

— Avenel Woman's Clubmeets Wednesday at the Av-eneKTolonia First Aid Squad

— Sixth District Republican

Daniel Black JoinsSigma Alpha Sty

I8ELIN — jDnniol T. Black,1185 Green Street, is one of 15students to gain admittanceinto Sigma Alpha Sigma, thecampus honor society at Niag-ara University,

Mr. Black, a senior In theCollege of Arts and Sciences,wrfs graduated from St. Peters'High School in New Brunswick.He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.Charles F, Black.

Club meets with Mr. and Mrs.William Scheuerman, 300 Pros-pect Avenue at 8:30 tonight.

— Wednesday the AvenelLions Club meets at the Log'Cabin, Woodbridge at 6:30 P.M.

FREE50S&HGreen Stamps

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We w^h to thank you foryour overwhelming responseto, "Our" sale last week.

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Page 8: DigiFind-It• i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures r\\0\a& Abound Corner it is .only 30 shopping days to| M| you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJ

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Page 9: DigiFind-It• i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures r\\0\a& Abound Corner it is .only 30 shopping days to| M| you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJ

is Loaded% iih Gift Ideas

n,,:,l "



once a year , . . and' "(IIK'S it brings the an-midry. What to give then .the big gift for Dad

;,.,,];,.!• . . . something im-', f,',r MI.« Jurt-teen . . .

;,..,'. unusual for Junior?. ],.(. those special and

.,.,! t!\t\a get you down.;i [,,id your favorite fur-!i,-iiiii-tmcnt or store full

idru.1 (or Just such, i;. s on your Chrl&tmai

i,1 . ,,f nil you are likely to!..pplim for a furniture

hurried and crowded]iiiow spot* where the'

,imnr.v Rifts are carried,!,]1V Rifts for children

,;,,;:,!,. ciftd. Thejr canjaame impervious finish taavwr. , : , ,us Hi some tratnlhg able on maple, oak of cherryi \: UIP same t ine they V0(^ d*1** for llie young man

!,,r the youngsters. A J , ^J11056 flrst ilm°™ »teps... dinette set with mar- »,. . r * r /,1,,-prodf table top and "R t b l g M " for Mother

,.,..iil upholstered ehalrt, a n d D a d can be as big as you;, mother teach table and other members of the fami

•:, will not harm either HI « w h l c h ,hou« s TV and,,•,••• top nor the up- T l ' \ s m a " b a r . and bonkV. '^ l vf• t 0 • handsome cabinet

u , t y p e l 8 m P table,* plecr of fur I, . toy cheat on wheels nlture Is a ]a,UnR ',: iiid Uie floor with thejfui gift,• of case, becoming In j * !

•imutnaUons anything; Economists differ on outlook!t o An *lr- tnr th» . . . . . i

— FIRST WARD —DISTRICTS-1 2 3 4 S I 1 total

Ml 458 601 5M 410 4M 3M — OHJM tttr SIS 339 — 3919

Ml 458 601Ml 934 938



mn y , J ° u t h f u l '"'•hap,

same Irripervloiu finish Uable on maple oak f

» » 1TI 408 47J 308 41>.3» (11 MS 640 4«« Ml

>or Just-teen what could be

g S C l n H t h a t a w h l t e ^Kom three drawer chest, or


988 3 «BOS 417

374 46017S 280

583 47* 484 - 3MS380 460 341 - 3301

League ReportsOn Cases of TB

WOODBRIDQE - There are886 known cases of tuberculosis,both active and inactive. InMiddlesex County of which' 111are ln Woodttridj?e Township,according to data received from

line case registry at RooseveltHospital for Diseases of the

j Chest. Most of these are In-active and have been dischargedfrom the county sanatorium.Others, whose disease is undercontrol, are taking medicationat home. Tim case registry w l l e

keeps tabs on all known cases nhieof TB even after they leave the

helps to teach order- Cotton steady to 7 pointshigher.

Trce trimming slops while the whole family plastic. Mother likes the easy cleaiiabffitjadmires its Rift to itself. Already teen-agers of the zippered covers on the cushions, Dadhave the chessmen on the corner game voted for the solid f t f fhave the chessmen on the corner gametable. Its checkered top reverses to

< ; K , \ 1 \ INSI'KCTIOX DIPS

ppered covers on the cushions, Dadvoted for the solid comfort of foam uphol-stwv AH «»-«~ — «—•• . - - •

the decline was a smaller 1959jducers, light market offeringsipartment crop or all grains combined. In-jand good domestic and exportarly one-jspectlons were down for eachdemand.Federally'of the grain* with the excep-


ha.s reported thaV:;:lUh less grain _ ...... *.,v .:t; .|)(H:ti'd during the 1959-60;Lion of soybeans and rye,marketing year than ln thei The department also reported]prccedinu year. ''

|vloiu year.

Two goal tendersHockey League

lesIn Dual Roles

WOODBRIDQE-Extrft hos-pitality Impulses of the holiday,season are sometimes thwartedby the lack of an adequatesteed dining table. In the homeor apartment where dining andliving are combined in one area,the problem of how to enter-'tnln a large holiday group can

. _. entrance hall,living room, or a f a server lnthe dining area.

Cabinets or consoles whlcttjopen into tables accomodatlhg'at least twelve chairs or an

'be acute.

Modern ingenuity vx furnl-

iClothlng, the Home FurnlshlnwIndustry Committee report*.Christmas, the Committee saysIs a good time to give the housea furnltuit! gift, for familypleasure. December is also cme

landless number of buffet guests of the best times to find somemake even small quarters hos-pitably spacious, *

New FurnitureReady for Yule

fine furniture barcains. Proofof this is the fact that furnituresales during December are al-most the highest of any monthof the year.

Rich In S o v i e t believed"dumping" ruble hoards,

distorted in


hospital as tuberculosis Is a re-lapsiblc* disease and an ap-parently "cured" patient canbreak down with It again.

"What, is most alarming!.about the tuberculosis situa-'nftion," said Mrs. R e n e 0.'Sohirbrr, executive director,Middlesex County Tuberculosis'and Health League, "Is that thepatients who are taklpg chemo-therapy at home do not havethe close supervision that theywould have In a hospital en-vironment. They are more apt

endangering their own lives butalso involving people with

10m they are in ronstarft con-st. Because tuberculosis is a

communicable d i s e a s e , this[could have g r a v e conse-quences."


wheS nnHn7.r ^ ',"'"e a p a c e ! m s n m K budget is at Christmas,

S c " m ^ nB r m

T ];;\7«ndThen the new plece of fumiture

is no morelor new group, arrives In theor a J f ! a m i l l a r j f o r n i o£ & elft for every memberor add-a-lear dinlngjof the famjjy, It's Insurance

jthat Christmas won't be overthat hide Inside of .at Twelfth, night. !

as con-j In some stores new fall fuml-'iiinpP •-,. ^ u t R f o o t i t u r e s t y l" only begin to arrive!kpaie aie decorative and In November and December. In,

other stores you will find spe-cial collections of furniture

Life in U. S.Soviet textbooks.

useful every day of the, year.]Early American, French Prov-1Inclal, Modern or Traditionalstyles are available to match orcontrast with other furnishings.

ns of furnitplanned for year end sales.

After households are estab-lished, the average family

Between parties these con-|spends much less on'new furni-^ l e s t a k e their placelture annually than it does for


Now tlpen24 Hours a Day1239 Roosevelt Avenue




gain on!

A/IL M!T8 IN TEK.ASIHFD I'AKK: ^u!t cake recipe.rumlnr from (rtaiured flirt ihttr (Uji In prrparationluiliitT baainx, iler«. a whit* fruit «ake , . . rtmi-

if tit of pound ttkt %ni tnhancrd *lth Brull nuts and- rird frulti . . . U both festive and drllfloui.i:' the BraiU nuU ihdlrd ahrad of bailin time to•t up the eak* svatcaibly Job. lor tpmdr iheliiaf. put

--•..ii Brnill ns(i In the freewr tectton of the refrl(ri>-: r in a food frenrr for a conplr of houn nr otrrnicbt.

M Uir null arf froirn, ihh c»n be ra-tUy rrarkrd, .WHITE BRAZIp M T FKHT ( AKK

[i ihortrnliif 1 toaipoon bxklni powder"P i u*» r ' i Uaipoon ult

2 cupi coarsflj chupptdBraiU nuU'

l't cups mlifd candlrd fruitl ' j eupi candled cbrrrifi

1' top whit* riiiinini *h'ortrnint; gradually add tusar, crramidc tbor-

I' Beat In e f t s one at a time: blend until smooth.in irmon rtnd and Joke. MU lotethrr I cupt of the

lukinf poirier and »flt. GriduaUj itir Into creamrdrr Tow Braill nuts and fruit In remaining ' i tupfold Into bailer. Torn into 2 rttawdand wax paper-' i i x 1-lneb iMf pam or one 1 J w h tube pan.

In slow turn IJMT.) \h houn. Yield: 2 loaf cakes.

* • i *

tntt«d lemon

lcm*a<.dried l l 'dlrlded




s : \venel St.!4iii),i for


Kl 1-2070

g On orAbout NOT. t l

At r

1241 Roo»«ve4t Ave.tXnt te Vtilaot





Your ChildTuday I





i i »

T ime . . .2,100 First Bank & Trust Co.Christmas Club Members willReceive Checks Totaling


ZJhtink vjtouto thank the many friends whose

u"soiftah efforts made my election possiblpI i lsk for their continued assistance diningII v stay in pfflce so t ha t wq may all help

III l i v i n g t he many problems confronting

"UI township. This can only be done by

'"""irte who axe interested In seeing better

become a reality.

CHARLES MOLNARFirst Ward Committaeman-Slect

ccm% Jceep /

We wouldn't go so far as to say that yourjife is anopen book when you're Been in the company of anew Cadillac car.

But we will admit that at least a. few of the pageahave been turned.)

For a Cadillacj indicates-with unmistakableclarity and eloquence—the personal virtues thatlead a man to the "car of can".

Beautiful, distinctive and substantial—it reflectshis eminence in his field of endeavor... and testifiesto what he has made of his yean.

Gracious, spacious and luxurious—it denotes hisdesire for comfort. . . and his concern for the well-being of his family and passengers.

Practical, sound, and desired-it evidences his

• awareness of the true aspects of value and quality.And if a Cadillac has htatorically cast such credit

on its owner-howimuoh more grandly it will do«o in 1961! ' ,

For the cor now offers more of everything toinspire the respect of those who behold it

Its styling is graceful at never before, its interiorsare remarkably generous in every dimension. Andits performance and ride make every journey amiracle of motion.

You ought to inspect and drive this 1961 Cadillac.Your dealer will be delighted to accommodate

you. And we wager you'll quickly see the wisdomof letting the "car of cars" reveaj a few discreetsecrets abaut you.


MILLER PONTIAC - CADILLAC Corp.477 "West Milton Avenue, FU 1-0300 Rahway, N. J.

Be a SmartSanta . . .Start Your

. 1961Christmas Club


Our l%jqiubIs Now Open forMembership.. e

What a pleasure to know you have enoughmoney to get just the rigtyt gifts for'every-one you want to rememberl' Enjoy thatcej-efree feeling next yetr by joining our'1961 Christmas Club now, Just decide howmuch you'll need and pick the savings planthat will best help you meet your goal. Puta little bit away eaclrweek. You won't missit, and you'll love watering it grow!

1 a

For t h i s . . . . to lANYl banking service consult. . .

"The Bunk with ALL the Services"


Membir Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Page 10: DigiFind-It• i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures r\\0\a& Abound Corner it is .only 30 shopping days to| M| you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJ

» I:

i i i c Crow's Nest

f re and There:

'son of Dr. und Mrs, Henry A.Bclafsky. South Park Drive,Woodbrldgr. Is n member ofthe freshman class at'ChicagoMedical School MHrk is ajrrarluate nf Woodbridse HighSohool and Unlvprsjty of Penn-sylvania . Lillian Vlncz,

J760 King (j.'.irp- Rflad, Fords,a wninr si Otiar Crest College,hiw been .vlect^d for member-ship In t.lir Cedar Crest Con-


Not Leaat:h. Moss Wood- B o r n a t p e r t h A m b o y H o s .

4 ~ » , £? £ ° f ^ N™ Pttar: From Fords, a son to«*»ey Optometric Association Rpv an(J M r s E I d o n s t ohs. 362 H ? °n / °n ,Pr°nfmS P rd Avenue; a »n to Mr. flndft-children and youth, will be M r s A1,en N o s h a V j M 5 g . B

or an exhibit at the wooribrjdge Avenue; a son toconven ion of the New M r flnd M r s ^amM K n o x , 30Education Association R v a n s t , . , r t : . , f r o m M e n l o j

weekend in Atlantic City P a r k T e r r a M | a dmgHer toElevan Township residents M r a n d n n w m t a m M o r e a l I jfreshmen In the evening M H l | d s o n g t , P e t ; f r o m

on of Union Junior Coiiepe. w ^ t y ^ , a daughter to Mr.ord. From Woodbridge, flIld M r s j ^ , ^ O o i d m a n . 118

D. Howard, Jr.. Stan- Qm.e A v p n u e . R ^ t 0 M r a n dJ. Wlsniewskl, Henry W. M r s W J 1 I | a m Q p r l t y 7 0 8 B a r

f rom Fords. r o n A v p n u c ; a s o n to jjr. and«» J ' , ~ l t ? ' e ' r i : Colonia. \ i r s Oils Loukldes. 628 Almon

r P J ^ « S,,Van^e rkFYank Avenue: a daughter to Mr. andUPeb-onlB. PHIHp D Prasser, M ,, n -Y h 2E Bunns

« b l Prances C Walsh: Port u _ _ _ f r o m P o r t R ^

Homemade CakeFor Ynle Gifts

WOODBRIDGE — Holiday Sea-a natural timp for giftfor sharing tho Joys of

Hip smson with invert ones andfriends. Finding the right gtftrnn be difficult as we all know.But, homemade, fruit cakes and

t ooktrs are fllways "JustThey're Just the right

irrmrmbrHiice for the postmannn'd your husband's secretary,for little Cousin Jimmy wholoves to snack, for Aunt Jenny

you want to rememberin an especially personal way.

beribboned package forcharming touch up. Thecake recipe neatly copied andtuclfed Into the package willbring never ending pleasure toAunt Jenny who might make acake for herself or for a lovedone. '

While fruit cakes are the de-light of the adult gourmet, but-ter cookies belong to the child'sworld, fitting snugly Into therealm of Santa Claus and Ru-dolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.Though we must say, there'shardly an adult who's not acooky lover, too.

Crispy, cruchy butter cook-ies, as flavorsome and sntisfy-ing as the butter they lire pie-pared with, are wonderful for

Homemade fruit cakes and;stufftng into those tall Christ-

«Uri,Martin E.

Bertram H.ft., and John E, Flynn.


Martino;Corcoran ,i

a daughter to Mr. and Mrs,Patsy Marglotto. 49 MarionStreet: a son to Mr. and Mrs.William Kuzma, 63 MarlonStreet; . . . from Hopelawn, a

" S ^ T « l o n e ?*J*Ml . u"*"!*««ht« to M r - a n d

, « of Mr. and Mrs. August*BpCisas, AIM w V «: V362 Main Street,

has been awarded• $500 Deborah Waksmanftuaic scholarship at Douglass<!OMege. A Junlor-muslc major,.Valerie U a graduate of Wood-btlAgt High School. She Is awember of the Chapel Choir,t h e French Club and theQueens Theatre Guild. She heldtousle scholarships also duringttt freshman and sophomorejresrs. Her award Is for thejfady of voice. The Woodbridge•*irl will also appear in "Death;«f"» Salesman" to be presented»by the Queens Theatre Guild;of Rutgers today, tomorrowmi Saturday and the follow-iftrig weekend at the Little Thea-jt re on the Douglass campus.. .<Marine PFC Gerald R. Booth,!'•on of Mr. and Mrs, Howard M.:

^ooth, 181 Prospect Street,'«lvenel, is now stationed in

mer Johnson, 20 New Bruhs-Avenue.

Culinary Tip

PART}' DATE DKSSERT: "Date Cream Chocolate Roll" isan easy-to-makf. drlrrtahlp dessert. Us d»te-orancc fill-ing i* folded into whipped cream, then spread brtwrrnchocolate wafers. The trio of flavors—fhocolatf, oraiigt"and fresh California date*—Is an interesting combination.Cut the cake on the diagonal for handsome tervlrr. Ifthere should br any left (not likely!) wrap It carefully andkeep in the freeier,

Chop IV: cups pitted fresh California dates. Combinewith h cup orange juice and 1 teaspoon grated ownerrind. 2 tablespoons sugar and dash of salt In a saucepan.Cover and simmer 10 minutes, until the aauce is thirk-ened. Cool, then chill. Whip 1 pint (2 cups) heavy creamuntil almost stiff, fold into chilled date-orange mixture.chocolate wafers. Pile in stacks of wafers, then put lo-chocoate iraferi. Pile in slacks of wafers, then put to-gether in a long lengthwise roll. Frost outside of tho rollwith remaining date cream. Cbill at least 3 hours, famishthe top with S pitted fresh California dates. Slice on thediagonal to serve. Makes 12 jtrvings.

through the kitchen and thewarmth of the oven fills yourhome.

Arid there's still another nicething about homemade fruitcakes and butter cookies, Youcan make them far in advance

mas stockings thatfestively neath the

cookies say you enre: You savethe recipe, select the very fin-jest ingredients from the pantryand wfrlgerator shelves, mixand blend them into the tasti-est batter, wash the bowls andbeaters while the goodies bake,and thert ever so pntipntly youwnlt for them, to cool.

But these homemade treatsbring joy to you, too. For youhave the truly good time of pre-paring th/m. the fun of prac-ticing your culinary arts as thepungent, aroma of spices drifts chock-ful of crushed pineapple.

hangtree andj

along the cheery fireplace. But-ter cookies wrap and travel sowonderfully, Uio, muktiiR asumptuous treat for a youimone many miles away. Be sureto stuff a plump cooky in thevery toe: then when the stork-ing is emptied of the upperlayers of cookies, nuts and onn-dies, there's n last luscious trcnt


at the very end.Pineapple D r o p

currants or raisinsfreshing mid-winterMincemeat and nuts'tradition-al Christmas foods that they MARRIES HER CREDITOR

living room or rlenhides "work" when n«rrupholstered chair rnn her,

$uer drawer fronts, can enhance either chair. From Jrns Risnm,

Dad's office "homework" is often heavierCookies ( h a n j l i n j 0 r ' s anri maybe more Important.

""' modern walnut desk wilh white lac-

are make appropriate cooky in ... E.MnPr Vaughan.vr Your 'Steady'

gredlents. You can make Mince- ^ d r e * dfsisnrt. was solvent, 4 Riltht Smart Hintwain—as fl hinisrwife. WOOnBRlDOE - If you

The bankruptcy proceedings h o p o Ur -s{Fii(iy. m t i v ni | l l { (,her werr dropped when


meat Refrigerator Cookirs and

to Jook for !!


way ahead of the hustle and!?™*"1'5 Cookies well in ,uibustle that appears with the ndividually wrap and store _ ^ . „,Holiday Season. When every-1*™1 i n a twhtry coveivn «•-'!- t^e t.Ourt was informed that hrr A 8lfl"lnd'<'»<'ve of future I n - c h ( , s l B s , a

one else is worrying about what'1"""11' u l U i l needed. For extra m g j n cl.(1{Jjl0I... T o m v.uighan. tentlons this Christmas, be for any momto give, you can sit contentedly,glamour and allure wrap the ( i ( j l l e g e t f ,a c h ( ? | ..h.1(1 married ready with some hints,back knowing your fruit cakes i n k l e s in brightly colored , w a s / . R ^ F '" r:

( H ^ P pvpn hPttj>v Hnv< nftpr a u m m u m fo i . , , . , , ' . p bombers arsi.ni'taste e\en Betu>i days alterp. : vaughan told the court he cherished as ever, lt« thi*-year-, _they were prepared because,^ *W°[°nte

ml_J?&™.^ ^ ' ^ ' h n d invested S2.800 In Iwr design afforda modern MHVPII-! Southern'm,.,

> curb violi'im

the MaUbag?GOURMET COOKING is as-

sured for every meal with anautomatic "burner with a brain."

5 Mra. Carolyn Valentine Coh- available with modern liquefied«l.' Tavernier, Pla., formerly ofi petroleum gas free-standingWoodbridge, 1B the author of a r * n « ' V u ^ buj l t-». toP b" r n e r .

units. The "wonder" burner (met-al disc) takes the guesswork outof frying and boiling'by automat-ically adjusting the clean LF-Gasflame to maintain any pre-settemperature—for the utmost inflavor and nourishment

page article, completeJWlh picture*, that appeared onHie October issue of "OutdoorAmerica", the official publica-)# of The Izaak Walton

of America. The articleJftntitled "Cor,al Reef Preserve"!•i» a complete description of!ttie nation's first national parkentirely under water which hasbeen established after morethan 30 years of effort. Skin$ver8 can no longer-spear'fishor take pieces of coral from theCoral Beef preserve lying offKey Largo. They must rely onthe underwater camera to bringback "samples" of visits, Mrs.Cohen relates in her articlesMr. and Mrs. LeRoy T. Me-Gettiga, 3513 Minnesota Ave-nue, Metairie, La., formerly ofWoodbridg* Township, write toannounce the birth of a daugh-ter, Suzanne Gloria, OctoberTh«y have two other daughters,Diana Marie and Lee" Ann. MrsMCGettlgan is the formerGloria Osborne. Woodbridgeand Mr. McGettigan residedIn Port Reading. Grandparentsam Mr. and Mrs. W. StanleyQsbome.j Oakland Park. Fla.,fcl1 f

Weecf Nemesis

ter even improve in flavor asthey sit on your shelf. And but-; .'ter adds old-fashioned richness SILVER CHESTS

chest appears as a separateher and rather elaborate—piece of

"I shan't bother about the|clflim now," he said "She is"worth every penny of it as awife."

But Pop, I only go Jo school HALF a day!ADV.


fcnnery of Woodbridge andSirs. Charles McCtetttgan, Se-waren.

From the Notebook:j!*ffl» Mary P. Connolly, vice(rtnclpal of Woodbridge HighSchool attended & meeting lastweek at Union Junior College,Cranford, to discuss a lecture-dfceussion seminar for .aca-demically talented high schoolStudents to be conducted by theoollege (his fall and, winter

a grant from the MerckFoundation... Judithdaughter of Mr, and

$Jr«. Walter McKean, Meredithfr>ad, ColonJa, a graduate ofwoodbridge High School, is aMember of the Alfred Univer-sity Singers. Judith is a fresh-man in the School of Nursingft Alfred. , . Mark L. Belafsky,

SHOWPLACE LAWNS are keptbeautiful and permanently Iree of

weeds with an easy-to-use

burner. Intense heat of theible') LP-Gas flame kills the mosthardy weeds in moments—without injuring grass. Because theflanje is focused on a tiny area,hsndy LP-Gas weed burners eliminate the need of treating entirelawns with costly chemical prep

with feu it cake.Aunt Jenny may like ,

fruit cake light, or she may furniture In several neVBrOirp-'NEW RECMNERS.prefer it dark. Satisfy her lik-,ings. Each stands high on the WOODBRIDGE Everying with either of these hand-f»'iH and includes severul shal- yenr designers think up newsome cakes. Rnth ».!'c "!!™fi wlth'lov tamish-proof drawers, conj-ways (or you to >H in yourtandied fruit, dark or ,white|Partmented and velvet lined, chair and relax. Now it's thrhaisins, orange and lemon pes!,;Tn " French Court design they tiltme ottoman. It goes with anplenty of eggs and of coursejare placed above a grilled door eiidn-position tilt or rock chairflavor-rich butter. Each recipeicabinft with two deep shelves.1!,, Danish Modern styllnir, themakes three cakes: the dark!A hitth-lecited Oriental cabinet Home Furnishings Industryrake, more highly spiced by thei's decorated with a lacquered;Cornmittee said today. A handaddition of cinnamon, cloves^rene. knob allows you to adulate the:ii!<i mcilnsscs: the white cake! [inner mechanism so that younutty with pecans. PLAYS TRICES ' l i U 1 s''' ''p 0|1 slide. The otto-

When the cakes have cooled. WOODBRIDGE-If you like m » " ''!« wmtrAs to supportwrap them securely in alumin- furniture that changes its looks, tlif knees. New in tvaciitionally-um foil before storing in a some of the new cabinets willjstyjed recliners in a slim tra-tiKhtly covered container in a appeal to you. An Early Amt-ri-'punto-quiltcd lady's chair,ciwl place. When ready to dec- can group ha* cupboards withj " ,orate — and what's a merry'removable drawer units. You: Uiought For Today

(fruitcake without an artfulcan center them vertically,! VVhai is a totalitarianI'npping - mix equal parts wa-bank them on one sidt- oi Hue A totalitarian state is one

]- and light corn syrup which'them up to suit your mood. v h ( , r e evervthiiiw is compulsoryas boiled vigorously for one They are engineered always to ".us boiled vigorously for one They are engineered always to l t h n t

• ~ - '•- ' right." t n f tminute. Glaze the top of the;icakes with this glistening mix-;lure, tRen colorfully decorate, Doing Man's Jobwith red and green cherry1 Two young men -saw two"pieces, almond slivers and oth-Jpretty girls meet and em-jrr nut meats. A final top glazelbrace.ishould again be applied of the' Said one: "That's what'ssame hot c»pi syrup mixture. !wrong with this country."

- - i For the anal labor of lovej' "What flo you mean-" a.skediwrap the cakes in aluminum n ' s frirnd.[foil and then in the gay U&MIL- "Women doing men * woik."

l s n o t—Paris Porquoi-Pas

[iof the season. Flute the perki-'est bow you can, tying it to th ,„ t


Woodbridge, N. J.


NOV. 10, 11. 13

Yul Brynner-Steve McQueenIn

"The MagnificentSeven"

Mown Evening at 1:46 «n« >;M

SUN. - MON. - TUES.NOV. U-lf-15

Gina LuUabrlgldii,Yves Montand in

"Where the HotWind Blows"


WED. THRU SAT.NOV. 16-17-18-19

Jrffrt-r Hunter in

"Hell to Eternity"

Feed grains make rise in dulltrading.

Cotton futures .advance 1 to24 points.

Chrysler adds less-expensiveNewport serief.j Adenauer sees strong Bonnipeasures on Berlin.

Anti-Bed rebels held failingin Laos.


'Tm surprised he asked yon for a date, but I doubtif I coulda Mocked you over with a feather."


Every NightExcept Monday7:30 to 11 P. M,

Matinee, Saturu;,Sundays & Holldaji!:M P. H. to S P. M.

SOUTH AMBOY ARENAStevena A «th, Sontta Amboy

VoyrItumdilp Tn?«lTUi

W* a n t n t i lLOUI. c»iro Tnmi-Ooem or V»c».Book with tlon Orul««. 9* help

IrtoTbeen y m ft--** !«"»tlet«U — Ho Mtr«chant U* our atrp-

tWIV£INwar l 3 4

NOW THKU SATURDAY!Smash Broadway Play h

Now On the Screen!Hobert Preston

Uoruthy McGuire



Van Johnum'"Tilt: ENEMY GENERAL"


GIna Lollibrlgldaand Yves Montand



oufiSSWioSe tRouirt » Junction S


HI 2-0341


'Jungle Cat'A Walt Disney Production

- Plu» -

'Trapped in Tangiers"SUNDAY THlRU TUESDAY

NOV.! 13 -15

'The Crowded Sky'With Dana/Andrews and

Rhonda Fleming




NOW THRU SATURDAYRobert Warner • Natalie

Wood in

"All the Fine YoungC a n n i b a l s "




Show Starts at Z P. M.Another Bit Kiddy Show!Exciting Science Fiction"BATTLE IN OUTER

SPACE"AIM Hilarious Comedy-

Abbott & Costello in"30 FOOT BRIDE-


Alan Ladd, Sidney Poitier

"All the Young Men'1Also "30 FOOT BRIDE"



Ve/iREAL 12E InITUn Ave.KSTATV. ColonU, N. J.

FU 1-4000

LUNCHEONS and DINMKsNow Being Served...

'The GallCocklail


Nowhere rx •Stanley's »:••ablf to r/M..-.;enjny a cor,-;1

a white ant;.pbefore a b.flre, the nniported Pir-Marble Fnvj,;the UnitedMusic niphi.vthe piano u ,pleasant a !phovp.

Now Taking Reservations for Partu ,Christmas Parties and Banquets



Phone ME 4-6MK

U. S. One

RITZ Theatrenrtrrrt. N. 1 til I-S*M



- I'luk -"TIU JO-r OOT BRIDt O»


uill mil br shn»n At Ih< BudnrtUI.IOOT BRiiiK or (\»Mn

K<M*K ' ind hburt fur the KtddlrMj l ihfr *l 1 V. M

S I M U V . MOND.W. TIKSUAVNOV. 11. It. | l •

MIRDEK INC;.-— Plui — i


>Utinrr Sunday al 1 P. M.


Ive oeenmeaning to talkto you about aBIlW Beating





CHODOSH Bros, and WEXLER36 K. <jiraiid Avenue, Ratfvvuy FU 8-1000




OUR BUSINESSWhethfer it's a "form toexpedite your offlce op-erations or a booklet tostimulate your sales,we'll design and print itto your best aitVantage.Our deliveries" Will oeright on the dot andour prices will makesense, too!



f r e e ejtimaieion anythingunns. Jmi call

Kouu SI. Koodbndu


4 - B H . LNITS-4

AUn I,arid Sidney Hull in


Uriietic rUrditi

"BabetfcGofistoWar"Color [

Latr Horror 8hun•< HKATLHK OK Til l

THRU TIKSKAVKtrly 'Bird ShilK 5:tl> P. M

David Udd, THE SAl| HOKSE" •

Thf Vlory a(

"ROSEMARY"- Alto -

Hl(b 111 SUt|)«IIM



Don't wait for winter to remind ><uipresent heating system needs rrplarini;. It ' l k ' 1

planniogr &nd planning U»kes time. (day w we can get started on your plan1

gation, of course.

We Have the Most l.ompl* t«Stock of Heating $ii|i|>li<"< "the RARITAN RAY \KK\

Headquarters joy

• National US• Hiieem Richinonti• Burnhani Boilers• Kdwards Engineering• Healing & Air

(ioni|ilete Financing


ROUTE NO. 1, AVENEI., V J-Monday and Thurutrfjv.fIII 9; Tu«wdn>k Unl"' -

'' Friday sn4 Saturdny 8-6Phoiw: MErcury 4-OOKO

These Are Just a Few From O»"Contractors List-

George J . Frank Colonia Fuel5 0 Kiidl iel i l K"• l ( l


¥\) I-857I - ' " '

M% Fuel18 MKewati-r I"'1*'

Price Stre>tRahway, N. I

KU 8-B13JI Icmwd In R«hw>j

and CUr*

Frank Galombus


Fords, N. i.Hi 2-5144

Llt«n-e< In (dlton1.0

Page 11: DigiFind-It• i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures r\\0\a& Abound Corner it is .only 30 shopping days to| M| you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJ

Independent-Leader Carteret PressEdison Township and Fords Beacon ' '•'

; Newtpaper Dedicated

!ie ResidentsCommunities

Inforotathe Bestof the


weetness and LightBy CHARLES E. OREGORT

,, I'election in Woodbridge Township p r o -,,,it.s which had been clearly anticipated,i produced some fascinating non sequiturs.'

• * * *

Kennedy was amassing a margin

Church Sets19,335

Fund GoalAVENEL—One hundred can-

vassers will go out into thecommunity Visiting' the homosof members and friends of theFirst Presbyterian Church Sun-iclny tf) secure pledges toward


secure pledges towarthe 1961 budget Of the church| 'p|l arc srrvlne

Molnar, a personable new-comer ,defeated his Democratic opponent, L i X C ^ l

Finn, by nearly 800 votes. Both candi-from old and well-known families in

;11mty, but Mr. Finn was a highly effective, m his days on the Board of Educa-,t could easily be-assumed that with the,,val following he welded together in hisi>ssivr forays In the polling places, that.nitrive a victory Tuesda^T


church has sei »' of $IO9,:t;i.igoat of $1

is under the din

, „ • ft


inn of'Hunt

Businessmen to SponsorGala Christmas ParadeWOODBRIDOE — Milton

Goldsmith, president of theWoodbridge Businessmen's AVsoclatlon, announced t o d a yplans are underway for an


had the full support of their,,nrations, and Mr. Finn apparently had:n heal any wounds that resulted fromv contest. By all the measurements cus-ipplied to pqlitical contentions, Mr.•numph in the proportions indicated.

,,:v unexpected. His running mate.C-• v.crptiori of Committeeman John Evanko-h Ward—were literally swamped by their

fnes. It is interesting to speculate the• >! the vastness which separated the Re-

mdidates in two wards, and their coun-!i the other three.

• • • *

Mr Molnar had not been in office pre-:ii therefore was not subject to the criti-

•i <-.>ntroversy which likfly is aroused by•-.<• public official, Committeeman Evanko,i storm center almost throughout his

'.iiron the Township Committee. It was—i! opinion, that he has been a valuable

••••' iocal government, and it could be that- vriing was «hared by the Fifth Ward1 Kvanko withstood constant-and often

HI and unfair—attack by the Demo-;- command," and so his 791 edge over a

md worthy opponent-and in the faceKennedy landslide—is of major signifl-ould give his opinions on the Townshipadded authority.

- . . fcharlrs S. Mac-Kenzie will p r o u , , h S m M i a v ; U

8 and 1(1 A. M. services on•How to ,.,,joy sacrifice" TheRev Robert Bonham will talk


T h p m n i o r h i«i ' <-i>w

A VI '*

!ciiai«-.-i choir

'J n r m


' A i l

' " • b v

child's p . ayor

J a n i f l

S. BUDDY HARRISIIONORM) BV FIRM: Gal-ley Wines Sales of NPW Jerseyhas selrrlrd S. Buddy Harris,('nlonia, for its "Man of theVrar." after a 12-month drivefor "Man of the Month," ac-cording to an announcementmade by Larry Alexanderand Jerry Qeil, co-owners ofthe firm.

Selection of men of themonth ajid finally for theman of the year was based

Assisting Mr. a r n H y .

Christmas parade tobe held Saturday, November 26at 1:30 P. M.

Fred jiillo, parade chairman,is lmrd at work l ining up PireCompanies, bands a n d floatsfov the parade.

The feature a t t ract ion will be,SantR ClauB who will distribute]Roodies t(f the. small fry andthrow the switch liRhtlng theChristmas lights on MainStreet for the first t ime signi-fyiiiK the opening of theChristmas shopping season.

Trophies will be awarded to[winners of the various unitsparticipating In the parade.

man Levy and Al Cohen. Theline of march and other de-rails of the parade will be re-leased ln this n e * s p ,i p,. rshortly.

HomemakcrCourse Set

NEW BRUNSWICK — Ameeting of the Board of Direc-tors of the VlsitiiiR HomrmnkersService was held yesterday at

Book FilmsFor Chapter


C " 'Mr


! -An! r < M I l s . "

[presiding Mrs. Abraham Wing-m r . .. : 'H1'lld announced th ree foreign

, at,'",d W U h ! f i l m s w i l 1 be shown at the

Middlesex GeneralMrs. Lester Conrad.


of t he Board, opened i.hr meet-ing wi th the announcement ofa training course for new home-makers November :in, December'1, 7, and 8 In Princeton, it iSihoped all Interested prisons inthe county will call the directorl^rs, P . H. Bien for further in-formation, i

A report was presented by thefinance committee which show-ed a large increase m the ac-



a 3 5 - m i m' te film, 1958. Priorto that time he wasemployed by the Wine Grow-

on J a n u a r y15, and M a r c h 22,

? a • s - ^!f"V ?*rs- B en ''•'Ported2 ? T S °J m'vkp *w *"-™, t 0 t h f 2} immunit ies in* ' 8 ^ u n t y dunnK October. Aidh a s a l s 0 b e e n B>v(1» to t"o coin-

, , , ,„ (lf,1)K.ts thp |mI:I Km ran graduate student atIthe University of Pennsylvania

summer the Coloniaited the Gallo winery at Mo-desto, Calif., where he saw

A donor meeting will be held m u n i t i e s o u t s 'de the area at theMonday when a film will bej^e<jufsj °[ °^f-r V H S uuencie.s.Ishown and a talk given by Mrs. * *"*"' "* """"' ''IrviiiR Hutl on her recent trip

by a naiiK of acio-ICCHIS in 195H All membersand friends of the church tireinvited to see the filirt whichhii.s a message of matureChristum faith.

The church school concealte.ichtT's'training coumr willIn- ronducU'd at 7 30 P. M.

Monday m room 1

to Israel. Mrs, Stanley Shinrod,chairman, also an-

the December 8 meet

grapes.from company-Krown jcussion on "Our You th Today." makers Service in New

Book FairNext Week! MENLO PARK TKRRACE -

Do Yiiur Chi is!mas Shnppir..1

K.DI.V it [he Ho">k Fair'" is thesloKim nf the book fair hciny[wiiiMn.-ri by .School 19 PTA

Pickwick (HubSees N. J. Movie

inuuiiceu me ncxi s i uay gioupWOODBRIDGE—Mrs. Theo-!will be held November 30 at the

;doro Dllworth presented a /ilm|home of Mrs, Abraham Coop-'"Tlu.s is New Jarsey'^'as thejer. December 9, t he

Committee reports were given C l t v l a s t m o n t n Wiih ^'ven byby Mrs. Burton Shes. ways and t h e director and .several board

' ' M r s . Joseph members who attendedguide; W e M r s ' L e s t r i ' Cnnrai

Winograd. J- ° - Lampen. MrsHowarth and Mrs Vthe director.

means chairman;Schlesiser,and Mis. Herbertsponsors.

Mrs. Walter Shimanskijnounced the next s tudy

Agnes SerdinskyOf Sea Bright Resident

held December r> u! the Nurses', WOODBRIDGE-Miss AsneslJohn Street, South Amboy. For

- --" • - - j "••!-!<-1. uLLiiuun if, nit* Chapterfuture of the proKram a t alwill sponsor an Ones Shabbotmeeiin,, of the Pickwick d ishonor ing the 100th anniversaryat the home of Mrs. Edward of Henrietta S/.old. Mrs. Shi-Krautz, Colonia. The film, lnimanski also read an article on

ecember r> nt the Nurses, WOODBRIDGE-Miss ARiies John Street South AmbovHome, Middlesex Hospital, for Serdinsky. daughter of Mr. and travBliiiR, the bride choseall homemak

'color -with sound, showedfourth smallest, state as


Tuesday and Wed

sa te as onerich in history, tops in farm-ing with much and vaiied in-i and abounding in lake

t,.so,.ts, Many,int1

•mg the stunning Jriumphs, TownshipCharles J "Alexander, who was spokingnfTlce after1 serving for a decade, was"Wil by a majority of about 5,on« He

•v able to retain his position, during -ooduntil time for retirement. He al.so will-< opportunity to tighten up some IOO.SP> h a t have persisted too long—for whfr-h•'• responsible, but in which he mprfly'"ip policy enunciated by his superiors—•l''!l be secure in office and will be totallyii of any political pressures.

" will recognise his position of strength:wt, and will formulate his own rigid

• «:likf policies, and then assert his will"K they be followed. Mr. Alexander isM this important task under way, and

now, he has the opportunity, he willY- Then he. will be fulfilling the trust

'"•en imposed in him.• • • .

:i|i0 campaign, with its exaggerations on'• i>nd its variety of promises^-many of

; : be difficult if npt impossible to kwp-»•"'ortunate emphasis uponj personalities111 significant issues, is ovir. Those who

: bave a responsibility whose Obvious si/e•• 'hem many sobering thoughts. Jp meet-"Ration, we wish all of them well- and,

1 pledge ourJsupport and help to them1 'boy act for the betterinent of the com-" <•» whole. f1 r Airily wllj require help from many other:M). and we hope earnestly that it will bo.'"«• generously. '

0LDBUTTS in RaNfay |M l l l l k «f Wonderful

iristmas Gifts!'


1 Mrs Churlf>man nl the

sex countyJeffrey, chair- screen, Mrs.

. ..... .iLo.uiuir iBuns, ivmnyicsdiiy at the [.imiilflr ia n tjmarks in Middle-

showed on theD. S. Owden. pub-

library committee, licity chairman, advised.has asked that parents allow j Mfs. Donald Auroe, president,children to purchase books conducted the businer» meet-

if the parents are»iMR al which time. Mrs. > iocrgeunable to come to the school,Jackson gewas formally initiated". 'I.«II,I iiui..aiTU

and buy. Proceeds will be usedjinto the club. Miss GloriaIni pstiiblfrhniK a central li-'Petcrsi'ii was welcomed as aImirv at the sclmol. mid it is Riiest, and Mrs. Howard Eshle-hiiped that all PTA members man «'a> hostess.will co-operate in the project. ;

The Book Fiiir committee in-cludes Mrs R K. Smith. Mrs.

aheel'ev, Mrs Joseph\!r> Sol Silverman. Mrs.

iKraiik Barber". Mrs. LeonardRu.M'itn. Mrs C T. H_oiisel_Mrs,Bund 0 , P o s , 2 6 3 6 i s ,-enewing

Ittt Military BandSeeks >Seir Members

ISEUN — VFW Military

.Israel.The Hebrew lesson Tvas given

by Mrs, 'Emanuel Klein,' andMrs. Jack Gottdenker, Zionistaffairs chairman, r ead an ajrtircle by Ruth Gruber on theplight of the Jews in Morocco'.

Mrs. Laurence Weiss an-nounced the Henriet ta SzoldCentennial Brunch will be heldat the Wnlrlnrf-Astoria HoteJ,New York City, Decemoer 21,and various chairman on theBoard of Directors will be in-vited. •

ISELIN — The Mothersthe Iselin Kadii.s of AnviWill sponsor a Ham,1-n a n c e at Schnnl 18,hool s V Tfrom 7 unta in n P W "Hy

will J f UUS1Cwill J f

K P Krai-mcr, M-rs.i. Mrs Joseph


Aschedule. A con-

Aiuto,is[I l lc t lV(, piogiam of music' andMis Pcyr Cooper, Mrs. Her- [ h f W y a s W T 1I a s instrument in-ner! R.rscnihal. ^Irs.^J. Oordon j g t I .u c t io n n a s b f , e n instituted.Viillnn. iMrv Harold Boerer, However the band needs more!

Herbert Huslam, Mrs. muSiciahs Interested children!

RoUiry to SponsorTurkey Shoot SundayWOODBRIDGE — TRe Ro-;

jtary Club of Woodbridge willi conduct its fourth Turkey Shootat the Police Range, MaliiStreet, opposite the Bras s Buck-et Restaurant, Sunday 1 P. MJuntil dark, weather permitting.Another shoot wil be held thesame time and place November20.

MrsI : » i i

A 12 to 14 pound turke'y Is• "musicians interested cniidreni r..«..« . . . m , " r ' " " " « ' j . » « K»iuvi|ja>iiiK ., ,s..nik» Mrs. Gilhert imay B t t e n d a h y rehrai.ga, at;awarded to ^ h i g h e s t scorer|frokn Colonia .were Sidney L e v - : ^ ^ k v

U s ^ J e ^ . o t h e r QfHall,7:30 P. M.. at the Poet

Route 27. . I 7 —••, •"• 'Any Kroup wishing to obteini a r p b n e d o l l i " '

Wlfli ' - ru i iL;

The He - Man>eck. .sifely out of, his the band's services must givehearum (or once, Wasifour week's notice." For acftii-hmist'll KO. To a friend, tlonal information call Mr

each group. Rifles andAiimunition are furnished; tickets md; Rudnlck, all husbands


AnQuite Strange

old actor was playing- —, Y , umeilo" when he was strucjc

•ID conipliimed of some do- ry Sflyek. LI 9-1665 or the post^n the head by a melon.* " " " " ' " "Dear me!" he said . "What

strange forms applause sorae-|times takes!"

• difficulty, he said, grand- home, LI 8-9759.

-My dear boy wv never have t'AKE SALE TOMORROWi:ouole 'ot that sort in our; FQRDS ~ B'nai B'rith Girls,:!.uw If I >ay a thuiti is to be-Metuchen Chapter, which isd.inc, I uisisi upon it being sponsored by F^amot Chapter.doiif.1' iB'nal B'ntli Women, will con-

-And is i t ' ' < duct a cake sale tomorrow rnor-!'••()( courst1." replied Hen-^iinu beginning EL 10:30 in frontiHik, "or—even if I have, to dofbt the Merit Super Market

kM'tf." (Menlo Paijk Tetj-ace.

| c eof 20,785 hours of serv-,

been niven so fur dur-by some ;

now available.report of the National Con-




WilliamH, Bien.

Shower HeldFor KitchenAt School 23

AVENEL A kltrhen showerfor the school kitchen win

'aiven Mrs. Joseph Kelley. pnn-rinal of Avenel School 1!3 bythe P.T.A. executive committeeHI. a 'went meeting held at:iip ii-r.ne of Mrs. Wlllard Jenk-ins. Cozy Corner.

A total membership of .125wns announced by Mrs Rlch-nrri Kling, membership vicepresident. She announced, also,Miss Lucy De Martlno's fourthKrndf class has 100°; member-ship lor which a prize will beawarded,

Mrs. Glen Pryor, budget tndi finance vice president, dis-*! cussed plans for a dance inJanuary.| A parent-education meetingwill he held November 17 witha discussion on the philosophyof reading in School 23. Mrs.Robert Garrison announcedMrs John Kelly, WoodbridgeTownship helping teacher, willbe speaker.

The next executive commit-tee meeting will be Decemberfi with Vfrs. Kling, 399 ProspectAvenu* and will feature aChristmas Riab bag. ,

Delegates representing theP.T.A at the annual conven-tt'jW of New Jersey Congress olPirenU and Teachers in At-

, 'antic City November 3 were*:\ Mrs. Robert Walsh, president;

; Mfs. Kling, Mrs. Pryor. Mrs.jg; Jacob Kolenz and Mrs. JosephH Kolenz.8 The monthly, meeting'of the

P.T.A. will be Tuesday at 8P. M. Dr.Matthew Petti willspeak on "Your Child's Health."

A Christmas parly will

Mrs. Michael Serdinsky. 52jblack wool sheath dres.s withijClaire^ Avenue, "became the bridejblaek accessories and an'orchldlj of Robert Feniiyu. son of Mrs.j|Edward Furirmn. 105H OceanHarvest Moon Ihmve

T n i „ , , „ . I Avenue. Sea Brwi.l. Saturdayj™"". U'1UB " H B r ( i a u a t e o l

MO be Held Saturdayinltemoon at a double riim crre. !Wo<KlbrldRe , H « h S c h 0 ° l - Mr.


The bride graduate of

niony m St. Elias Greek Catho-;F p n sy a wa.s graduated fromof;lic Church, Curieret. Rev. Au-iRed Bank Catholic High School.

,'Eustine MeriviK.v olticiated. (He served three years in theEscorted to the altar by herjU- S. Marine Coi'fls and is em-

|vifather, the bride wa.s attired inlployed a t ' t h e Oceanfront Bar


by T!,(and trophies i..,,to the winners

h l i d l *»" a l t i r e d » l l p w c d a t

style ^own of taffetaiSea Bright.

dance contests, Mrs drRapp, TJublicity chairman,nounced.

Refreshments willTickets may be purchased'from members or at the door

C°n"jwith a modified scooped neck-]53(1 line outlined with re-em-' ifnnsoc n t • «n,i t-


\Ralph dayman to Be.Feted on Bar Mitzvah

WOODBRIDGE. — R a b b iSamuel Newberger of Congre-gation Adath Israel announcedhis topic for tomorrow night's^service will be "The Bible inan Atomic Ase." Ralph, Clay-man, son of Dr, and Mrs. Sieg-mund Claymand, 23 Grove Ave-nue will conduct services, andDr. and Mrs. dayman will spon-sor the Oneg Shabbot afterIservices.

Saturday morning, RalphClayman, will be inducted at aBar Mitzvah and conduct serv-ices.


nd Ion- Minteda



. — Members from[here to participated' in a recent

train. Her1 fingertip veilj1 to a taffeta head-

Ipiece, and she carried a cas-icade o/ orchids and chrysan-themums.

James Danch, Wood-.sister of the bride, was


Mrs. Felix Hadam, Clark

One (fan Tell *One can always tell when the

- - —.s —. . , , t M Predifamily includes a child and aFitzsimmotis and Walker'Coop-1 dog—the screening in the door

baseball season'bulRes in the appropriateplaces.

w a s j u n l o rZTASTto\$?Tte rbrat ing the section's 20th Rn_:l>™»esmaid.

l Servinti aa n g the sec

nlyersary. Also ServiiiK as best, man was Felix•Michael

yMprton Massa and

The Toronto Maplethe hockey season with

the bride; Joseph O'Donnell;md Edwin Gustufson, both ofJMonmouth Beach, and Robert!

LeafslHillard, Clark."""i Alter a trip to New Kniilanc

'the uouple will reside at 13


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many yuu will never need . , .

but they are here at the dis-

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Publix PharmacyME 4 «H0»

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REMEMBtfK . . . if it's YourWedding Day it'a the most im-portant day of your life. WETAKK (iltKAT t'AKK TO HELPYOU LOOK YOUH BEST! . . .at no extra cost!

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Page 12: DigiFind-It• i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures r\\0\a& Abound Corner it is .only 30 shopping days to| M| you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJ


' dlarterct f xm

Charles £ GregoryEditor and Publisher

f b * Independent-Leaner »nd Kdiipn rownllilp-Fordi Beacon published weeKly on Thur»d»i

ID-JI) Oiwn Street M« < " HWondbridje Nen 'e r« j

the curteret Pre«« pubiuhed w«nij on Krto»j•31 ftootcfelt *?enue Kl I-MM

Carteret New Jen*}


Uwrence F Campion,Vice President and Treasurer

Bj carrier, in cent> p«l <=opj•nbwripUon r»t*i b, am, ineinfllnt poiuje,

on* year. H.M; rii raonthi. *2.2S: three monlb»,11.25: ilngt* coplei by mall, M cent* All pajtbUIn adTinre.

torate Is a etource of great satisfaction

to us. .

We say this because we believe sosincerely that Mr. Alexander has beena conscientious- public servant—sub-ject as all mortals to errors in Judg-ment on occasion —but one uponwhom the community could rely togive his best endeavor at all times. Ourobservation of Mr. Alexander throughthe years has given us the reliancethat Mr. Alexander has always giventhe best that is in him and this, wethink, is the basis for trust he willcontinue to do the same thing in thefuture.

Congratulations certainly are in or-der for Mr. Alexander—and to Wood-bridge Township which elected to re-tain him.


Tuesdays Election . . .Our first pleasant duty* in this first

post-election editorial on the local elec-tion Tuesday is to congratulate thewinners — Republicans Molnar andEvanko, and Democrats Costello, Jacksand Nemyo. It is particularly pleasantfor IJS to offer our felicitations toMessrs. Costello, Evanko and Molnarbecause we supported them. In theother two wards we made no selection.

We have high hopes that the high-voltage political content of the presentyear's conduct of Woodbridge Town-ship affairs will be absent when the1961 Committee organizes. There is farmore of importance to the people ofthe community than the political' for-tunes of any man or any party, andIt is to these vital matters we hope theTownship Committee next year willdevote itself exclusively.

Good and prudent government byelected officials is the best^nd surestrecipe for political sucCessTand it willbe well if these public officials willrecognize that the days are long pastwhen the old^and accepted formulaefor gaining a fanciful public favor isby the bestowing of various kinds ofpatronage and pap. The people nowform their judgment with more dis-cernment and loftier reason. Thosewho seek to remain in public life, orto enter it, can do well to rememberthat such a distinct change has takenplace.

There is much unfinished businessto be completed in the months ahead.The revaluation program must be com-pleted and implemented. The abilityof the taxpayers to meet a projected$11,000,000 capital outlay for munici-pal and school purposes must be care-fully weighed. The examination ofbusiness and administrative practices,which permitted in past years suchcareless and indifferent handling ofmunicipal purchases and payments,must be reinstltuted and completed,and measures taken at once to plugsuch loopholes as exist. Thes^ items allshould be placed at the top of theagenda, because their wise dispositionwill facilitate road and sewer programsby helping to save and provide themeans by which we can have them.

For those whp were unsuccessful onTuesday, the community owes them avote of gratitude for their willingnessto give of themselves and their energyin their belief they could serve thepublic good. We never questioned thegood faith of even those we did hotendorse, and we certainly hope theywill continue their interest in promot-ing the highest purposes' of Wood-bridge Township. Their help will be ofinestimable benefit.

. . . and in Carteret.. . ^

We are gratified, too, that in Car-teret where we strongly supportedelection of Mayor Stephen Skiba thatthe voters there agreed with us. Mr.Skiba—as we believed he should—wonhandsomely.

In Carteret, too, there are prob-lems ahead of considerable magnitudeWith a Democratic Council, under MrSkiba's leadership, an effective a n d \vigorous assault upon these problemscan be assured. As always, we will giveto them in their best efforts all oursupport when we can agree their ef-forts are their best efforts. When wedisagree, we will say so as promptlyand as explicitly as we are able. We

Doctor TalkBy JOHN B. REMBERT, M. D.

Hepatitis, or acute viral In-flamamatlon of the liver, is afairly common disease which Isprobably not adequately rd-spectftt by the (tenWRl publicus being the serious rtlsrnsr ttmtit is.

Confidence in BusinessProspects High - Go

Christmas Businessis- ., By KKNNKTII FINK, Dlrrctor. busing ,„„Although this is« rather self- P H I N C ETON Confidence in1 T h r , , M

limited type of viral infection, b u s l l ) 0 S S Bncj ( o b uroR1MH.ts furconcentrating In the liver, there

Under the Capitol DomeBy J . Joseph S

.New Jersey Just before the Morr nr tiiIs always a potential Jirent or h r a v y chrlstmns shopphw be- »inn-an incomplete recnvw'y which Kll,, ,3 n l g ! )

cm jeopardise one's honlth. , a l M t ^ Q

and perhaps shorten life, clue fln ^ ^ >to the resldi.nl and P«**"1«l»v;iproBpect, g l l 0 w s t h a t m o r e ^ Rofm

damaging effects. itWQ m ) t o f e m y th|.Cf, , .a n k 'M | n . ,Very often the ^ K ' n » ' ' ' « % n d fUn citi«n« talked to are of Poll ,"<

the disease process any H - L , Q p l n l o n t n A tr

t h e gUU>semble B routine vlrnl infection. ^ e R h e i . mon b u g , n M gwith fever, malnlsc. headnchc,or t h c ^ ^ R m o u n t d u r , n ( ! ( h p,nd nbdomial tenderness. ™ next f e w y M r , M | t hft£, d l ) r , :,n t a i n outstanding _« lKn«_and i U w i m ! , t y e i i r o r t w O i r ^ ^

About one In four of all those' In ™ii.•••questioned expert less buMnew six nmvV

Severe headache is ex t remely! t t n d f e * e r J° b " ' _ has Imu,common along with nausea: What today s findings mean snrno. T,H|vomit in-' loss of nppetite nnd'l* t h l s : t n o s* w h o *«" mt»« or more n, iintolei-iii'ce to futty foods. U,s-the so™ amount of business bti5inr,.sunllv once the disease Is est!ib-,««l Jobs during the next- few mow l,,,,klished jaundice occurs, detect- y°<"s outnumber by a margin fewer \,ned by a yellowish tint to the,"'( better than five to two those chin*,white port of the eyes, and per- *M0 !*°haps over the skin surface.

Naturally, since this disease

i M i



business and fewer.cantjobs ahead. | "One vi n

The public's optimism at t h e m o l ' p (" 'is an acute'inflammation of the present time can mean onlyi" l l s !nr"' ;v

liver, one can expect R rapid in-jone thing: businessmen — u*, !;orwnr<1 'crease in the size of the liver, down, and across the statewith'considernble tenderness to can look forward to a big'palpitation of th.it particular Christmas business this year, j n » r " > :

Certain other speclflr In condiictlnj? this week's o r u™nv s

laboratory tests lire made which survey on business and Job con-|*"a Jl>b ;i

verv readily establish a diag-ditlons. a continuing feature of J r o m lil'1

the New Jersey Poll for the!1"* " " "

! n o

n o s l s

trust that occasions such as this willnot occur, but if they should, we willtake whatever stand in our best judg-ment, appears to be in the interest ofall the people of Carteret.

To R^yor Skiba, then, and his Suc-cessful running mates, we offer ourvery warm congratulations and our

TRENTON — Hundreds ofipropriate deductions were made only receive one monthly pen-State county and municipal from their salaries. When social sion. check, instead of two, un-employees, as well as u-achersjsecurity became fashionable.'less the Legislature -in New Jersey are on the verge!many, employees became ellgvthe situation by law.of revolt against surprise socialjible through payments made; On two occasions, in 1957 andsecurity legislation in CoiiRress from outside employment. Oivthis year, Governor Robert B.

g Js l s |the New Jersey Poll for thej lnK th<1

Uospltalization of the patient past thirteen years, New Jersey |^"" 0 1 1 •become necessary in that for adult citizens in all walks o f , J " m o ' l h

the first few weeks he msy life and In all sections of thetransmit the disease, and par- state were personally asked Intlcular care Is Riven to products face to face Interviews by|of excretion nnd eating uten-:trained reporters' working outsil s iof Princeton the following

There is no specific treat-Question:merit for this disease other thnn "How do you feel *bout

business conditions In thehi-te for the next few years?Do you think there'll be morebusiness and more jobs InNew Jersey than during thepast year or two, or leu


every best wish for a successfulministj^tion.


and inability to secure favor-!January 1, 1955, however, theable nullifying legislation at;State pension systems lor botlvthe State House so they may;teachers and public employeessecure both social security andiwere integrated with social se-a State pension in their curlty."golden" years.

Through the New Jersey Civil writtenService Association, the i in- older employees and teachers York State the employee has

Meyner vetoed corrective meas-ures adopted by the Legislature,principally on grounds theywould be too costly to the State.But William Price, president of

The 1954 integration act was th, N. J. Civil Service As.oc.a- ~ « « - « ' - » » - ^ •rltten in such a manner that lion, points out that In New ™ p ° ^ . n t guUle I o r a c o m p l e t


So let Woodbridge JTownship facethe future with co^fiaence and trust,determined that only high goals willbe sought, that high ideals of achieve-ment will be our watchword, that highintegrity in all things will be ourdemand.

. . . and Mr. Alexander.'..

The question of tenure for Wood-bridge Township Treasurer Charlea J.Alexander, which was contained onTuesday's ballot, was one in which wewere vitally Interested. We unquali-fiedly supported Mr. Alexander's claimto tenure, and the fact our positionwas so itroagly accepted by the elec-

Naturally, we are disappointed thatTax Assessor William Greenwald failedof re-ele&tion, because we had sup-ported him. While there is no dou,btthat Mr. Milik will fill the office re-sponsibilities faithfully a"nd well, wehave always held to the belief thatthose who perform, faithful public ser-vice—as Mr. Greenwald has—shouldbe rewarded by retention in office. ToMr. Milik we offer heartiest felicita-tions—and to Mr. Greenwald, thegratitude of the community for hislong and outstanding public service.

. . , and Case, Frelinghuysen,and Tanzman

We also urged reelection of SenatorCase and Representative Frelinghuy-sen—and we are extremely happy thatdespite the imprf sive presidential vic-tory of Senator John F. Kennedy, thatthese two Republicans were successful.They are eminently worthy and havedemonstrated through long years ofassiduous, intelligent industry, theirright to sit as representatives of a dy-namic state. We only hope the un-reconstructed conservatives who havopposed them and objected to themwhenever they indicated any liberalthinking, may gain a lesson from theirvictory — although experience wouldindicate such a wjelcome change is notlikely to come. Men of the Case-Pre-linghuysen stature^and adaptability tochanging times, to some, wear a stigmabecause of these qualities. To us,_£heyare a badge of virtue—and we nopeboth Messrs. Case and Frelinghuysenwill continue to display it,, proudly.

There is cause for deepjj satisfactionin, the victory of Mrs. McAndrew and]Messrs. Metzger and Lee for the Mid-dlesex County Board of Chosen Free-holders, and of Ndrman Tanzman ofWoodbridge for membership in theHopse of Assembly In \he state legisla-ture. We, again, supported each ofthese and we look forward to the kindof representation we are convincedthey can supply. They all are able,sensitive to the needs ahead,1 and areof unquestionable integrity. We lookforward with great trust they willmake a grand contribution to wise andprogressive government—and we con-gratulate them and those who hive in-stalled them in office.

ployees have decided to try uuce could »vold In ten t ion «1thagain for relief through SiatejSocial Security based on theirlegislation and If that fail?, an-age, by retiring one quarterappeal will probably be made!short of becoming eligible forto the State courts for a de- social security. But Congressclarity judgment. The revolt is: fouled up this timetable in 1956building up to such a peak thatlby changing the law to reduceit promises to be a major Issuejtlie eligibility of women from 65in the 1961 Governorship cam-;to 62 years. Last August Con-

gress again amended the socialFor many years public rm-!security law and inadvertently

ployees upon being hired .were.trapped hundreds of others up-required to join the State Emr|scttlng lifelong plans for a fu-ployees Retirement System Ap-Uire in retirement. They can

the option of deciding whetherhe should be Integrated with so-cial security. He says such afair law, at least, should formthe basis for decent treatmentin New Jersey.ARMISTICE :-"Let us set forourselves a standard so highthat it will be a glory to live up

a carefully balanced and selec-tive diet and prolonged, strictbed rest. This latter factor bedrest, cannot be overemphasizedbecause of the possibility ofresidual complications >vith theJisease.

Adequate rest allows for com-pk-le hfaliiiK and restorationto normal throughout the livertissue. Sometimes it is neces-sary for one to rema-in in bedas long ^is several months inorder to accomplish a cornplete-ly normal recovery. The reduc-tion in size of the liver Is a very

. .0recovery.

When normal' activity Is re-sumed too early, the health ofthe individual may be perman-ently damaged with the estab-lishment of a chronic diseaseprocess throughout the livertissue due to faulty healing andincomplete return of normal

36 mont!Jfr»r>

PrnM>rctN H,r,,mp'jJJPMf? Poll



M»», 1IH1Onf yfar a<i

'Ma? .1 IM0jTOII.VV

•If, minfrwrr JII>M,

infection of the liver cells.

Complete BrokerajM" Seme

• Stocks • Commodities •Monthly Bulletin Sent On Written Krque

T. L. Watson & CiMONROE A. VVE1ANT, Resident

Founded 1832 - Tel. Ill 2-2i;:."Member New Vork and American Stork I *


Know Yoar RepresentativesThe nest citizen is an active citizen, one who is alert

and goes to the. source to secure the best possible In-formation. The best representative is one who cooperateswith his constituents and Is ready and eager to receivetheir views.

Herewith are the names c,: your representatives. KeepIn touch wlththem. •

It. S. CongressSenate

Senator Harrison A Williams. Jr.. <D>. Senate OfficeBuilding, Washington. D. C. Home - Westfleld.

Senator Clifford P. Case <R). Senate Office BuildingWashington 25, D. c . Home — 345 Elm Avenue, Rah-way.

House of RepresentativesRepresentative Peter FreUngbuysen. Jr. <R». FlftH Con-

gressional District, Houso Office Building, Washing-ton 25. D. C. Home - Morristown.

^ State LegislatureState Senator

John A. Lynch. New Brunswick

Members of AssemblyWilliam Kurtz, South Amboy.

•j . Edward Crablel. Milltown.Joseph Doren Dunellen

Board of Chosen FreeholdersKarl K. Meuger, president. Rutgera Onlyerslty. N*w

Brunswick.Oeorge L Burton. Jr.. 19 Agate Road. Lawrence I Brook

Village. New Brunswick IEdythe 8. McAndrew New Brunswick. iJoseph R. Costa. 123 HUlcrest Avenue, Edison.Thomaa H. Ue. 140 Front Street South Plalnfleld.Oeorge Otlowsk). 641 Kennedy Street Perth Amboy.Wllltaun J,. Warren. 875 Main 8treet. Pords

Woodbridge Township CommitteeMAYOR—Frederick M Adam*. ColonlaFIRST WARD — Edward Kath. Woodbridge

Maynard Winston, WoodbridgeSECOND WARD — R Richard Erauas, Fordi

Ueon Blancnard FordiTHIRD WARD - Elmer Dragoa. Avenei

John Hughe* Wood&rldgBFOURTH WARD - Thomas J Cwtello, Uelib. David Nicola. UeltaFIFTH WARD — John Evanko. Colonla

David T. Miller Colonla

/Borough t f CarteretStephen Skiba, I4ayor ' Walter Sullivan

President o! Borough Ceuncl)COUNCILMEN •

Thomu Mlllk waiter SullivanJobn Butnick John D*Zurllla

- Alexander Such Adam Symborskl

Township of Edlsei>4nthpnj M. yelenwJcs Neil A. McDonald

**iyor President ol CouncilCOUNCILS EN

WUllam 9. Asnton Prank J. TakacsBernard J, Dwyer . Dr WUllam TothWUllam N -MaYgoUs Walter H Wood

to it and then let us live up toit and add a new laurel to thecrown of America."

Thus President WoodrowWilson spoke to the Americansoldiers in World War I, the end «

iof which gave the country "Armistice Day now called Vet-erans' Day.

The period of World War I in'»which the United States parti- "cipated extended from April 6.1917 to November 11, 1918. Ingthis comparatively short time.3,836 New Jersey casualties;were chalked up to the war.The total armed force of t h e |United States at the timf«reached; 4,609,190. «

Because many ol the war pde^d were buried without iden- Iftlflcation, the body of the un- §known Soldier was buried under Bthe Arc de Trlomphe in Paris fion Armistice Day. 1920. The «|ceremony , was repeated at 5Westminster Abbey In London Bat the same time. In 1921 thrjjbody of the Unknown American wSoldier was Brought from"Prance and on Armistice Day Bburied In Arlington Cemetery gwith elaborate ceremonies. w

After World War H, Arral- «stice Day bfcamelVeterartl' Day Rby congressional approvall It Is Snow a legal holiday in all«States, Puerto Rico and (he«Virgla Islands. ^ R

TEACH BBS: — Under Statel»w, New Jersey teachers aregiven two days ofl itom classesto attend the annual conven-tion of the New Jeifsey Educa-tion Association In Atlantic 5City, November 10 to 12 lnclu- «sive. 2

As a result, more than 25,000.wNew Jersey teachers will con- fiverge on the World's Play- Rground, and the public schools Iof the State will be closed. Gov-|Bernor Meyner Will open the *Initial session.^ ,8

In addition to Interesting ad-iffdresses by top-notch educa- 6tional leaders, the three-day Jconvention will exhibit text- \books and school supplies. at.;jfwhich more than 525 dealertiSwill display their wares in an Ieffort to Interest the teachers:!»and a traditional concert by the s

I All-State High School Chorus jand Orchestra.

Santa's Around Early This Yeaiwith

'200,000 for 1,400 Memberof the

WOODBRIDGE NATIONAL BANK CHRISTMAS Cl|. . . P u t Yourself on Santa's Check-Lit

When next year'i ChrUtfnaa shopping'round, how would you like to receive an

pay for all gift*? It's easier than you'u save the Woodbridge National Bankub way!

1961 CLUBNOW ^






P*ring I l.M

faring | | .N

P*fl»< I S.MP*jln* $1».W

a nek

• week

. * *

a week

• wtek












" " • " " •


> ' *

S '5

Mifflben paying U«M a week tor MU *rtk* "•' lir



The teachers can be counted \upon to adopt a resolution urging the Legislature to #nact iState sales tax or Income tax]law; provide more State finan-cial aid for school!: arrange furhigher State minimum salariesfor teachers, and to consider anemployer-paid health Insurancefor teacher*.JUSTICE BURLING:--There is

empty chair on the seven-member State. Supreme Cuurt.It was formerly occupied by the

Justlc* Albert E. "Pete"on Page 16)


FRIDAY;* A. M. TO 6 I1


Ki ' t'


Our n«w

ai»d Berry Street

Member: federal

M u o r t AvellUeTown H»ll>

D«p«»i»(HIT" IJll"

J t>t

Page 13: DigiFind-It• i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures r\\0\a& Abound Corner it is .only 30 shopping days to| M| you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJ


s,-vi ii in w mem-'" ',,., ,,1,-rl recently nt

11,,,, v1; j ., ,)h, K


Cnlonia Me-of Foroian,

w. re JofcppliWolf, Hnrry

jrn:'.l»no, An-zimer Urbnn.iisoiv. Cnmrlr

(UinounccdIM r.-nii>:M- 13 inert.-ntfd mrmb is not,

; n u-ill Uikc their.,lKin find receive

,,; Miiltn VFW pins.AIIS luirl dowir by

,, . niui new chuir.s• ihc ThankSKlviiiR

,„ held nt the post,l,,y, November 19,•i irkets .will Include

.,,1 mid entertuln-

,,:; Scout groups will.. ;hr use of the post•imidnys after school.';l.b> is ruivf scheduled!„ Hnllantine Brew-i

, „ y'<'i for themselves' .i.ucs. Those wishing

1;,,uld contact John f ) » I i r n

8-67M. Retarded Tots,: post paper collec-

, iiiade on

Trrlwrnp to llrromvKai'Jr Scout TonightCOI..ONIA - Arthur Tre-

hnrne. J r . IS. son of Mr. findMr;;. Trehnrne, 54 FtoivncoAvenue, will become an EnuleHfout tont",ht "in ceremoniesat (hi- First PresbytsrinnChurch, Rahway Arthur Isllm yourmrst, boy In the his-tory of Troop 47, Rahwny. torer-eivp this Bwnrd.

A stuclrnt in the eighthnviide of tiie Isolln JuniorITiKh School, tfiV CoioniaScout, hns been n swlmminuinstructor for two yenrs nt,the Runway YMCA. He is al-so a member of the Student,Council at school, is sportsrepresentative of his clnss.and nlnyed with the ColoninI.iltle League, senior division.A reception will be held fol-lowing the ceremony tonisht.


picture are, V

Lorraine Johnson.Evans, Helen

from theBrunello and

I of[> air urged

at the curb on the

will hold a regular.i«ht at 8:30 P. M..Tuesday, November

W e e k N o v -

icers Named

ISELINport of the


full Sllp-of New

SaundraWeds Joseph Saflarske

I S E U N ~ . A t a d o u b l t ' i-l"Biof Johnson

. -\ Coionia Otrl.urn hood Council 3.

c :iiarber, neighbor



neckline trimmed within the I.vlln-Coionia1 rosebuds and leaves, and

luring a bouffant skirt which... M.U the follow-! Canteens, diagnostic clinics,;terminated in a chapel train.it n recent meetlng|Olrl and Boy Scout troops, sum-! Her headpiece of satin" trimmedhome of Mrs. Don-'mer day ramps, scholarship,with seed pearls held a firmer-

."> Joanna Place:| funds, day .schools, sheltered t>P veil of French illusion, andworkshops, pre-school classes;she carried a cascade of C'alla

Johnson. New

graduated from MiddlesexCounty Vocational and Tech-nical Institute, Perth Amboy.He is employed by Peter Werg-l dland andfield.

Sons, South Plain-

.: :n.ui: Mrs. August (speech programs, independent "Hies.,i ;idvisor; Mrs. Hen-|ltving centers and parent e"du- Miss Junelynn Nicholas, Is-

..i:.. Troop organlienjcation programs art' amonts the clln, was maid of honor. Bndes-•i;.nr Macaluso. fe-jclifhiy.-ix program-. operatcd'makU were Miss Mary Khzabeth•cr«tary; Mr*. Mi-jfpr the retarded In the State Doofbecker and Joan Nickel,;:.IM\ corre«ppndln({;of He* Jersey by the .seventecii'bolh of Iselin. Junior brides-

Donald SmUh.flocal Units of the New Jersey;maid was Miss Judith Kusplel,I*ngen-?A.WKlatlon for Retarded Chll-jClark, cousin pf the bride

i «.. . . Serving as best man was:

Mm. Pred,ty: Mrs Doyt Nor-'dren:"HII: Girl scout

made for aneliih-;:D'K party to be

at the South

Isfhn-Colonla area co-chair-men Mrs. Edward Poix)vitch,Jr., Itll Cooper Avenue andMrs John Balderson, Jr... 20

Robert Charron, Iselin.were Frank Milko,


cousin of the bridegroom, and,Robert Heims, Coionia. Ring-

We*t Arthur Place attended thebearer was Gerard Safjarske., and for a Chrlst-iklck-off meeting 'of the drive'brother of the bridegroom.

Jast week and announced the' The couple will live innt. beside tho«e'nam«i of the cupuins who are*-— were Mrs.


Richardthem: Mrs. R. Sulli-

van, 172 Cypress Drive, Mrs. M.MRXtrn!Heyer. S4 Mornlngsld'e Road

land Park after a trip throughthe Pocono Mountains, Pa. Fortraveling,beive suit

the bride chose awith brown acces-

Hre. R. Newmann. 24 DavidJsories.IK will be Novem-lcourt; Mrs M Dwyer, 34home of Mrs. Bar-.Canterbury Une; Mrs D. Leuz,Avenup u. . . . . _. ~Avenue.

' » < •

Beechwood Ct ; Mrs. G. Mc-Namara. E. Cliff Road: Mrs. H.Lanin, 525 Chain OllilU Road;Mrs H. Kanabnxki, Morning-

Cnptfrini •s"'1' Ko»d, all m Colonui: MrsJ. ONeil, 124 Warnn Street;

lUv. John M. WUtUi, Mr»v R- McDermoti. 26 W. Ar-(Jecclla's Catholtcj l n u r P'ace; Mrs. D CLuk, 37

W. Henry Place; Mrs C Mc-Carthy, 61 Semcl Avenue; Mrs.

• announced the ap-"f co-chairmen for,•r.thlp Holy Namel^ Johnson. 1-0 Wurren Street;

as follow*- Wll--M r s T Kcll>'. -157 McLeon

w 1 ^ I \ a gi^aduate of, X e w b w i e r navldWoodbrklKe H«h School, is asecretary in the law department

PTO to Sponsor


BAK MIT/.VAH SATURDAY:The Bar Mitzvah of DavidPrckerman, son of Mr. andMrs. Morris Peekerman, 382hike. Avenue, Coionia, willtake place at !>:30 A. M. Sat-urday at the Jewish Commu-nity Center. Rabbi DavidScheinfeld will conduct theservices, assisted by Morton

s father isCoionia-

of B'naiI ) r e s i l l f n t o f t h

R a h w a y c h a p t t r


Aid Squad Auxiliary

Fashion Show! '''«'« Jewelry Show

Fashion ShowDate Nov. 18th

ISELIN—School 6 Home andSchool Association will hold a'ashion fair Friday, November18, at 8:15 P. M. in the GreenStreet firehouse hall, It wasannounced at a recent meetingof the Association. Mrs. Wil-liam Smith Is general chairmanof the Pair, assisted by Mrs.Howard Woods, models; Mrs.Prank Giacumbo, Mrs. PrankOooper, Jr., Mrs. Norman Stan-ley, Mrs. John Ryan, program;Mrs. Wayne Travis, MrsJCharles Ru&e, Mrs. , Smith,tickets; Mrs. Harold Mullen,Mrs. Harold Vlmms, refresh-ments; Mrs. David Rasche, Mrs.Herbert Qunther, Mrs. JosephLeary, decorations; Mrs. RobertBoland, advertising.

Stephen Szlinsky, principalof School 6, welcomed the psents and stressed the Impor-tance of a good education. OpenHouse followed in the classrooms, with the teachers ad-dressing groups pf parents, andexplaining what is expected ofeach child.

A Christmas party will be theprogram at the December 7meeting and will be held in thefirehouse with Mrs. Gl&cumboin charge Mrs. Jarries Mc-

ughlin's morning kindergar-ten class won the attendance1

award, Mrs. Edward Bobal wonthe special award.

Coionia PTO 17Marks Book Week

Catholic Vnutli <)r^ni^tion 's A t "onltl'"- William J. Ko-Of thr expanded

Mimr hiMvlinic pointers to BettyI'frcation (enter Ianm

»ier i,anes. |prf.side. and Mrs. Albert Benson|will outline the plans and pur-poses of her child welfare com-

School 21Open HouseWednesday

CDl.ONIA School 21 PTO>1'old Open House We.dnes-fW'in 7:30 P. M. to 9 P. M.mi -fion with the obsprv-."«'l American Education

'(. At this tim" parents willnil opportunity to mertI:-'.K'I ivid s"i> th'1 wri'-K vtrhiltlri n.

An a "riitit iml nb^nancf of.-• W:M k will be a Dook'^Fairnn i'l-d wiih Na'itmnl Bnolc

;. The Pair will h" h?ld atich:).)l diir 'ni schnnl hours

VVi-dn sday and Thurrd".y, andalso duniiR Wrdri'\kd.ivs OprnHou.'i" pr.-m-am. Pi :-is of boal:a

. raire frcm 2 c?\)\s up. Mnm-jbrrs of tl1.!' PTO library Rnd(ways and means <"inimltt<>rswill arsist at the Fa.i.

Thorc will be n meeting ofall room mothers Wednesdaynt 7 P. M.. just before the OprnHouse, in the all-purpose room.Mrs., nominlck Giordano will

Bowling League farole Jean Pearson Wed „Operating Fully/lfZ)oH6/e./?m^Ceremo/ivOiaiCOLONIA-The Youth Ac I ISELIN- At ,. H,,,,.,, , . / ^

league is now in fulilth* First Presbyterian Churchoperation, and the eiKht-team'Kahway. with Rev. James Jack-league of teen-ftRrrs bowls'sonevery Saturday morning at 9lJcan

rCarole: andof Mr

airmen NamedBy Sisterhood

of boy.s and Mirls inlinthe 12 to 17"age bracket, are W.ittt.under the supervision of Fred Wade, 341Henninger, assisted by Mrs. Dot;Union.

BridsmaidsClark Pearson. Fords, ISELIN — "Traffic Stopper"

MarlineTind Miss Kay'is the name selected for aj fashion show to be. presented

best man was by Sisterhood of

s ,, 0 of

?'S IT- Ww"rtW'*' Pomp-t P

h-Inn PlalnfieldJ . M

Avenue,!ton Plains, step brother of

H. Fred Hansson.Mrs. Henninger

years of league competition inineckline

,n marriase by herllselin,father, th, bride was attired in Fords,a KOWH re-embroidered with1 After

ibridegroom, Harold YoungllhK.iand Clark

Refreshments will be servedand prizes awarded.

Co-chairmen are Mrs. HaroldPearson,iKline and Mrs. Ira Weiser who

I are being assisted by Mrs.a trip to Washington, , broidcifd with After a trip to Washington David Ander, Mrs. Hyman

h a sf

h a c l 12,Alencon lace, featurliiR a scooplD. C, the couple will reside atGllckman, Mrs. Seymour Mon-mpetition nriiecklm t i l

the Union County

p p e ide attrimmed with pearls 360 Cliff Road, Sewaren. The



Union.' New

Mixed League. Two years collier veilhigh average winner of carried

liistrial Leasucand ro:bowled a 299! — •

sanctioned game. • » v ,• f

Standings in last week'si. ^competition were: Boys —

boy, Ed Necela, 13S,

Ma.ior,and sequins, \m» pointed'brideMajorjsleeves, and a panelled .skirtJerseyjcrown of oranw blossoms hi-

wore a suit withaccessories for traveling.

Mrs. Watts is a graduate of

David Ander, Mrs. Hyman

astersky, Mrs. William Heller,Mrs. Milton Gerber, Mrs. LeonOberman, Mrs. At Klvitz, Mrs.Arthur 'Frierman and Mrs. Her-

nf illuyion, and shejWoodbridge High School andibert Stoeller. Serving as modelsan orchid, cnrnations]ls employed as a proof machineiwill be Mrs. Oberman, Mrs. Ir-

operator in the Edison Bankjwin Cobperman, Mrs. HerbertEdison. The bridegroom, a|cook, Mrs. Kivlts, Mrs. David

high three same*. Steven G l a a - I , „ = „ " , ^ I r s" H c r b t T t Sl 'n«ser, 485, high individual Kamcj B - n d A v ( 'm l t ' ' I s o l i n . w i l '

Ri'aduate of Rahway HighSchool, is employed at the

(.Oil rent oil 1 Qulnn and Bodcn Company,Rahway.

Weissman, Mrs. Seymour Klep-nCT, Mrs. Ike Selserman, Mrs.Stoeler, and Mrs. Robert Kand-ler.

Charles Klein, 174. Girlsaverage girl, Kuthy Mortonlli,102, high three Raines, Pat Su-kovitch, 337, liii'.h individualgame, Pat Sukovitch, 139.

hi.h ""e"flhl;

COLONIA — Mrs. PhilipLowy and .Mrs. Michael Lemei1'man, ways and means co-chalr-|men of School 17 PTO, haveannounced that a Book Fairwill be held in the all-purposeroom Wednesday, Thursday andFriday of next week from 10A. M. to 3:30 P. M. The affairhas been planned in conpunc-tion with National Book Week.

Committees are: posters andart work, Mrs. Gerard Master-ly; table and wall decorations,Mrs. Milton Wasserman; pub-licity, Mrs. William Stulz, Jr,;manning the book counters,Mrs. John Benesta, Mrs. Don-ald • Jason, Mrs. Lee Wilhelm,1

"il6 New BobcatsJoin Cub Pack

ISELIN — Sixteen new Bob-cats were inducted into Cub'Pack 48 at a recent meeting.They were • Craig Ossenfort.Raymond Eickert,Cuthbertson, StevenGary Roach, RobertGeorge Maxwell, Jr.,

COLONIA — A "Fun andFashion"' show will be spon-sored by School 20 PTO onWednesday, it was announcedas follow* wi l -Mrs . T Kelly. 157 M c ,

Hi, Charles 'Otar- |Strett ; Mrs. E.'Kisylm, gijby-Mrs. Clyde Edrington, ways' H. Bru- " » d means chairman, at a

ti tl t th h l'•v>\ma Byrnei, John Madison Street; Mrsi CHptalru appointed neilo, 2\) Bloumfield Avenue;

i() Park. Raymond M r s -M Schaub, 21 Lincoln• :-nlo Park Terrace. Avenue; Mrs. D. Fund, 251 Cor-"•pliy; Woodbrld({e|rt'J'1 Avenue; Mrs. V. Evans.

'• John K»Uenb«)ct5 0 0 Middlesex Tuniwi"1 M>s• Oiiks North. Jo«eph;p Andrews, 120 Hoifies Park-lm, We»t, ThomaslAveiiuti, all of Lselin. !1 'Hi. East, Andrew! The broad aim uf Ra'riianj

i-1VUlley Unlt'lB to help ALL re-larded In every way po.\sible.By "retarded" Is meant all In-

Westbuty Pwk. Ed-'liihon; ' Oak Tree,

: Wve hundred vol-ueeded to qompleteAH men will meet

•) V'C

1 P.thelr


i heir area captatna.

dividual* who are rutnded.mentally deficient, or slow mL,JllK)i

meeting recently at the school.Those interested in sewing,wtwther beginner* or experts,are urtted Vo aMend and showtheir handiwork. Anyone inter-ested should contact Mrs. Ed-rington at FU 8-8186.

Mrs. Sidney Freund, PTOpresident, introduced WilliamHerron. new principal of theschool, to the membership. Mr.Herron welcomed the parentsand discussed plans for the

their mental growth, nuaidles*of cause, type or derive of re-tardation, or whether or W)ttheir condition is

Guest speaker of the eveningwas Mrs. R. L. Filosa, director!of the Rutgers Reading Clinic.

was "Reading Prob-of Children."

Cla*s mothers of Mrs. Gree-nid's and Mrs. Pollock's classes;

ijwere hostesses. Mrs. FrankFilipune and Mrs. Jay Contiwere in charge of hoapttality.

COLONIA SHOPPING CENTER1 '"< oln Highway - Route 27 - Colonlt

Nut MuchWe don't know what it

about a $110 bill nowadays, butyou can't tjet any wear out of it.

-Milwaukee Journal


by other handicaps. The or-ganization is interested In pro-moting the welfare o'f all theretarded of all ages, whetherthey are at home or In public orprivate schools or Institutions.



On Duty

FU 1-8455


Call for floweii, Wrth-d a y t, annlvenailas,weddingi, ate. to addextra Joy to the ivsnt—and other, Umw totxpreti your sympathya n d thoughUulnea*.Be awired o* ttu

- c a l l m.


S A T U H | ) A y a :Oo A. M. TO

8:00 A. M. TO '.M V. M.


IM*Db<*Aff. MI4-MM

ISEUN—The Ladies' Auxil-ary of the Iselin First AidSquad held its regular meetingvith a Chinese Auction as theeature. A jewelry demonstra-ion will take place Tuesday athe home of Mrs Frank Rosol,JO'Lowell Place. The specialiward was won by Mrs. HarryVan Buskirk.

Members were urged to send'get well" cards to Mrs. Joseph:omunale, Middlesex Rehabill-ation and Polio Hospital, NorthBrunswick. Members were askedo bring their grab bag gifts forChristmas to the next meeting.

Peiping envisions1, slow defeat3f "iniperiaUam." ,

Mrs. Edward Bromer, Mrs.Thomas Mclntyre. Anyone ableto donate time or talen^ to thisevent is asked to call FU 1-8699.

Books on sale have been sup-plied by the Educational Read-ing Serviqe. Prices range from

poetry at 69 cents to a, bl-ography of Clara Barton at | l l e r e l l i i

$.1.95. to a "Winnie Ijhe Pooh"ja,t $2.50.


Iselin Assembly of God Church,accompanied by Rev, WilliamR. Kirby, pastor, attended the|dedication services at the new elated In this effort. The nextFirst Assembly of God Churchin Boyanne.



of the Nationalmen's League of the;SynacoiUie of America, Novera-

13 to 17, at the ConcordHotel, Kiancsha Lake, NewYork. Mrs. Solid, president ofSisterhood of CongregationBoth Sholom, Iselin, will meetwith 2,000 other delegates, rep-resenting 75S Sisterhoods inthe I. iiitcd States, Canada,Puerto Rico and Mexico.

Israel's Ambassador to theUnited Slates, Abraham Har-man. will be one of the keyspeakers at the convention.

Rapp, Dennis Luna, ThotaasCrouse, Robert Bennett, Robert[Cron, Gregory Groiss, HaroldHart and Gary Walters.

Achievement awards werepresented to the following:Ronald Feher, Clifton NessHenry Clements, Ronald Cor-nic, Robert Boehm, Louis Syenski, Gary Roach, Donald Wal-ters, Gary Davis, William Tren-jery, Frederick Silbone, SteverRecclardi, Michael Rinkus

New WaySuitor Speaks to Father1 "I've

Richardjcorae to ask for your daughter'shand, the two front rooms anduse of the kitchen."



GOSTELLOFuneral Homes

Green St. & Cooper Ave.

Iselin, N. J.

Tel. LI 8-4641

State & Center Sts.

Perth Amboy N. J.

HI 2-0075


19 cents, to «• child's book o f J o h n A x e n ' R o b e l t A l b e l l t s o n

W C b l l K i CWayne Campbell, Kevin Cen-Barbato and A

|Theodoracoupolos.Dens 3 and 6 presented fire

prevention skits. Each Cub wasgiven a Halloween treat of akite and candy.

The annual Christmas- candysale has begun. Each Iselhresident's help will be appro

Pack meeting will be held Nov'ember 17.


WHEREAS, Dwight D. Eisfenhower, President of the UnitedStates, has issued a proclamation calling upon all the citizens ofthis Nation to observe Friday, Novemberj 11, I960, as Veterans Dayto commemorate ftnd to pay appropriate homage to the veteransof all the wars who have contributed so mu^h to the preservationof this Country; to remember the sacriflqes of all those who foughtso valiantly on the seas, in the air and on the foreign shores topreserve our heritage of freedom, and

WHEREAS, gpbert B. Meyner, Governor of the State of NewJersey, 'by proclamation has further requested all citizens of theState of New Jersey to observe Friday, November 11, 1960, as Vet-erans Day, I request all citizens of this City, business enterprises,erans Day, I request all citizens of this Township, business enter-prises, Veterans' Organiaations and Township orncials1 to assist that"State Committee for the observance of Veterans Day in every waypossible for the observance of November 11, I960, with appropriateceremonies.

1 i

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I* have hereunto set my hand andcaised the official seal of the Township of Woodbridge to be affixed.

Done at the Township of Woodbridge this second day ofvember, I960.



Friday,November 11th

Proudly we salute1 all veterans ot

our nation s wars

Allfiionor to those who answered our

country's calls to arms! May all of us

take inspiration from their de-

voted service and pledge ouf-

selves to keep Americai

strong and free.


Woodbridge Publishing Company18 20 GREEN STREET WOODBRIDGE, N. J .

Page 14: DigiFind-It• i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures r\\0\a& Abound Corner it is .only 30 shopping days to| M| you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJ


B'nai B'rith Dance SetFor Next Saturday Night

FORDS—RUM Locandro and consists of Mrs. Albtrt Cohen,his orchestra rill tx> featured chairman: Mrs. Stanley Rosen.• t the third annual auction Mrs Ann Dinnerman, Mrs.dance Saturday niirrit at theMttuchen Jewish CommunityCenter, Qrove Avenue, Me-tofchen. pt 8:30, sponsored!

Sperber. Mrs, S. G, Frank, Mrs.Klotsky and Miss MlriamjYedlin.

Jointly by Ramot Chapter B'nal H L g E T E l : T H KOR COWS

5 ^ ° m P S a n d R a r l t R n ; D«U« Tex. - A good set ofteeth may be all old bo«y

S * S " * "»™>. '^needH to add a few more use-the public is invited to attend l fu, y w < ^ h e r Me

Chairman of the men's com-, D r . Nelson CrurMxias. a den-mlttee on arrangements is t i s t from call, Colombia. saMWalter Mltchel, assisted by l h H t - b v wearing false teeth, a, .George Hobeiman. Fred Streit.'cow c a n s t a r t gaining weight feHarold Boerer, Stanley Rosen a g a i l ] a n d n g v e several moreand Albert Kless, y e a r s o f ^M life." He ha

Mrs. Sidney Hoffman and fitted a number of cattle witMrs. Maurice Sandier are co-jfjlse teeth in Colombia and lichairman of the women's com- one case a 15-year-old comittee. % gained 45 pounds after gettln

The tefreshments committee the teeth.Is headed by Mrs. Albert Kless.j The doctor made thU *tateassisted by Mrs. Samuel Gin-jTnent in Dallas, Texas While at-fold, Mrs. David Bregman.Ending the Pan-American LtviMrs. Edward Kassower. Mrs.jstock Show. He hopes to getMaurice Sandier. Mrs. William patent in the United States foRabin and Mrs. Norman Rtlss a device that will keep the

Mrs. Richard Milton is in cow's mouth open while bein

Wesiiry Park NewsRamot ChapterMembers on TV

FORDS — Mrs. Martin Llp-;st<-in, president of Briai B'rithi Women, Ramot Chapter, hasannounced Mrs. Leonard Na-

iiodi', iho AntJiDefamattonLOURUC rhalrman, will representRmiiot Chapter and participatein Marie Tones' television pro-gram, 'Women's Club of theAir," tomorrow from 4:30. untjll5:00 P. M. on Station WNTA, » n o , Worth Street, attended a

dlnfter-dance at, the GardenCity Hotel, Long Island, spon-sored by St. Thomas the Apostle i

GLADYS E. SCANK497 Lincoln Highway,

Tel, LI 8-1679

—Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fowler,!MlB.were

Bayonne, andKromes, Iselln,guests of Mr. and MrsTagllarenl, Worth Street.


-Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Foi-

fitted for false teeth.charge of the auction commit-tee, assisted by Mrs. MauriceSandier, Mrs. Seymour Sperber.jDIAl CAREFULLYMrs. Bregman, Mrs. Stanley Claremore, Okla. — MayoiLevlne, Mrs. Harvey- Gluok.jJames Hammett dialed whaMtB. Martin Lapstein, Mrs. Mi-chael Williamson. Mrs. LesterKress, Mrs. Jack Klotsky andMrs. Joel Oersten.

The hospitality

he thought was Oklahoma CityA woman In Hamilton. Ontarioanswered the phone. While di-rect dialing he ,had twirled one

committee wrong digit. >

Enjoy an Eveningat

SwallickTavern, Inc.

Corner William A New Street!


• Beer• Wine• Liquor• Sandwiches

"Betty and Joe" - Phone ME 4-9718

BEEFARONI MAKKS QUICK TASTY MEAL: I n icompany dropping in during the holidays need not pose aterloui problem for the homemaker who has thr filingsfor a salad in the refrigerator and a few cam of Brffaronlon the emergency shelf. For here yoij have the malnstnjnof a quickly prepared, dellcioul meal. Just add piping Mgarlic bread and a pot of good coffee and your menu limade.

The Beefaroni, a tasty combination of macaroni andbrowned beef In a delicious tomato-cheese sauce, Is readyto Krre In a jiffy ilnoe it needs only to be heated.

If yon want to serve something a little fancier, try thisappetizing Beefaroni casserole. ,

BEEFARONI CHEESE CASSEROLEEmpty two cans of Beefaroni Into a one-quart baking

dish. Sprinkle lightly with grated cheese, Top with butteredcrumb*. Bake uncovered In a 400*F, ov<n for 20 minute* oruntil lightly browned. Makei four aervlngs.

Jn iJadhion i lowIs still with us. It

C'.inniipl 13.Mrs, Richard Roth; the Civic

Affiilis and Community Servicechairman, will represent tSh«chapter on the same programNovember 16.

The next meeting will be heldTuesday at Temple NeveSholom, Grove Avenue, Me-tuchen.

Mrs. Stanley Levlne, programvice president, reports a pro-gram will be presented by theVocational Guidance Depart-ment. Guests are Invited.

Local ResidentHonored by AJC

sored by St. T h m s<fnnrch, West Hempstend.

Ask for UsedBooks for Sale

FORDS—The Woman's Clubof Fords has made a final pleafor used books to be sold No-vember 14 to 19 at the MenloPark Shopping Center for the!benefit of the Fords Public JLibrary.

Books will be picked up Sun-day from 10:30 A. M. until 2:30P. M. by a volunteer pickup1

squad organized by the FordsiLions Club. Anyone having;

shown tn luxurious fabricssome of which sparkle with

MENLO PARK TERRACE —,. • .Mrs. Herbert Rownthil. 137}b?°ks t o «"»f">ute may con-Isabelle Street, president of the t a c t :

being Middlesex C o u n t y chapter;! M r s George Heath. 69 Wood

° f . w , M 8 l g n ! ! \ a f* be f tds o r Celled designsg that this will be a jpredicting that this will be a'long dress" season. Satins,brocades, velvets and otherrich fabrics make for brilliantball room costumes. Jewels and

Lace or velvet bodices are of-

American Jewish Congress, wasjtend Avenue or Mis. Nicholashonorary guest Sunday at the Elk<>, 996 Main Street, co-chntr"kick-off" brunch of the na-'wan; M l s . George Molnar, 10!

tional AJC held In the Hotel Fourth Street, Mrs. James'Roosevelt, New York City. The

brilliants are being worked Into strapless variety.some of the materials. j

Evening gowns are either very A

ten companions of belled skirts.i two delegates from the localBuyers may choose those withjchapter were Mrs. Seymour Llsscapped sleeves or others of the and Mrs. Leonard Bearison.

Clement, 12 Third Street, orMrs. James C. Haikay, 58 Han-son Avenue.

full or very slender.

One designer, who uses theUnlc idea In a great many gar-

ments favors dresseB about ninenches from the floor or just

above the ankles for festive oc-casions.

Fannie Hurst, the novelist, wasthe guest speaker. i

covered up look- in front. T n e c h a p t e r W(I1 g p o n s o r ^with a deep plunge down the b o w ] j n j party November 36 afback is smart, the Fords Recreation Center.

Mrs. Stanley Ungeileider andTROOP MOTHERS TO MEET^Mrs. M. V. Schlemowltz »re in

FORDS—The Mothers club charge. Cost of adm.^ion willof Boy Scout Troop 52 will[ be $2.25 and will entitle themeet Monday at 8 P. M. at the!holder to bowl three games plus

Woodbridge Oaks

SERVE A S.MAI) "TREE"!: Even a talad 'tin be Christ-ina* spirited . . . and this detectable rherte and rocrfnut-covered (rrsh pear demonstrates that fact! For extra partyatmosphere, serve it nn one of thow uparkly plaMIc plain.

You may want to vary thU rrclpe a bit, by tinting thecream cheese a light green, then decorating the coveredpear with «ntall colored candles, and pi-eiilng untlntedflaked coconut atop M that thf cand^t thine thru—*charming effect for the holldars.

CHRISTMAS TREE DESSERT2 package! 16 ounces) cream cheeM

•t cup maple-blended lyrup4 ripe pean (Cornice, Anjou. Rote)

Bakrr't Angel Flakf CoconutOreen :fond eotbrlnrSmall colortd candles

Cream thr cheese until soft and fluffy. Add lyrupgradually, beating well after each addition until smooth.Peel pears and remove stem*. Spread rrenm e h r m mtitnrcover surfaces of pears. ^

Combine coconut and few drops grwn food coloring:toss With fork until, coconut li tinted throughout. Rollpears In coconut and place on Krvlng plate. Then "tickgold paper stars on end of toothpirki and Insert In tttm•nds of pears. Decorate with ullver drage* and tmvll color; dcandles to simulate Christmas tree ornament. Serve sur-rounded with snowy flaked coconut. Makrt 4 wnrlnn

•News from Hollywood \ g;

Love of C h n t

Umt Moves r , ••MI'S. H i l l l y (•

GLADYS E. SCANK4»7 Lincoln Highway. Is

Trl. I.I 8-1679In

bern. Mrs. r, c,Sidney Burke.,,Edward Borne ul '„,

MlM Ruth Has,,nm a n of t h e n , :il-,nounead R miTiiii.November 22 '"*

M M . William k,man of the c!,-..expressed he, ;,,',',t lv members of •'<,',V «• Venwy T|.„„Henry Hoist \u,,Mrs. D. Ryd,.,-. M.wn, Mrs. Kum.jt'Mrs. H, Madscii

Tilt telcpii,,,,,. .,ithe direction ,,; \.!31M, made rj<, • ,.;,each evening cl ••'>Open House w . , f:'i Mrs. Wllliiiir. M ; ;the cheer run-;, .

'a senior m i / , : ,'at i P. M n; ;,,,',


rallyEdwardthis meetniK M:dfl, a Prise:!!.,



• • t ibe

home of Mrs. Ralph Oamn, 160But the short evening dress WoodbridRe Avenue, Sewaren.

bowling shoes. Trophies will beawarded to those placing high-

Sandra Dee is fascinated byiof the automobile.jBobby Darin. They're working There u con*t*nt friction f ' ^ n p"*"'!t0Rether in "Come September",wltfl hit wife, Dorothy McOulre'IJ!" t..,, '"ll"•with Rock Hudson. Gina Lollo- who is tired of scrimping Mid"g, n Z, . i n

biiKlda, and Walter Slezak in isn't responding with the same • y '" "'- M r . and Mrs. Adrian Eck- Italy. |old enthusiasm to his amorous' A progni:!: ,

man and childjen, Ian and . .. J advances after seventeen y e a r s ^ * 1 * d"" (-Oerry, East Orange! were din- A n n mylh' exP«-'tll'B a c l l l l d membtrs

vate forecasters is that busi-

ADVERTISER AT WORK!Rising young businessmen, thirsting for sales, know that advertisingWorks to spread the news. As you read the pages of this newspaper,you'll m examples of other, jnore mature, advertising at work.Advertising works all along, the line, from producer to consumer.Through your newspaper's pages, manufacturers and retailers informyon of n w products and services, and teepr reminding you of their.established tauvla.Advertising works to create a demand for more products, resulting in•tepped-wp production. Greater production leads to less unit cost-andth^ saving is passed cm to you.Advertising in this newspaper fa newtf~tgood oews-beeausa it worksconstantly to inform you of the latest and bast, 'it is a stepping stonetoward an ever-higher standard; of ttvkur.




marriageest and lov.i:.. _'-::r ^ ; K S will n e r g u e s u o f M r a n d M r s in December, has completed her] T h e l r c h n d r e n n a v t _a l * £ >» given. 'Howard Chandler, West Arthur Christmas shopping! "I have 24 l e m s t 0 0 K n i g h t i l t painfully!.

The fund-raising committee p i a c e . or 25 niecea and nephews, a»'shy and self-conscious; the 10-'is making plans for a gala New |Year's Eve party to be held atthe Park Villa. Route 1, Edl-

—The 50th annualhe New

bazaar•'well as my own family," ex-

held at

son. There will be a smorgas- ?d , l s t C h u r c h w a s v e r y 5 U c c e s s -bord dinner, dancing to the| u ' JToday3P l m "*vicw:music of Don Michaels, and! ~ M l J S Prances Benson, Lin- D A R K Y r THE TOPrefreshments, all for the price d5n> w a s . » weekend guest of ;

O F T H £ S T A 1 R S

year-old son, Richard.Eyer, \i Hostess.s fsomething of a sissy.


urges shift

were Mrs.;assisted by

Oivtensen andiyarmsen.

of $15 per couple. Reservationsare now being taken by Mrs.Sidney Schwartz, 14 8-027B.and Mrs. Ben Rose, U 8-4994.

THE BUSINESS DIPAdministration economists

5 i t>t qMr. and MrB. Oeorge Hackett,West Warren Street.

-•'Dinner guests of Mr. andMrs. WilUam Blhler, West War-

A sentimental family saga set|Iin a small Oklanoma town dur-iting the early twenties, "Dark r

ren Street, were Mr. and Mrs.';Oeorge Bihler and daughter,iTerry; Mrs. Joseph Pamula and;

'.!at the Top of the Stairs" is a;BSanta Has Arrived!

soap opera, essentially, but topquality of its kind.

say business dip Is not serious children, Diane'and John of! T h e h e a d ol t n e household, jand fthftt upturn will be appar- Elizabeth; and Mr and Mrs | P o b e r t Preston, is boisterousent ffl coming months. Borne William Bihler and daughter ^ Dellowll>K a s t h «prfva$ economists disagree andJLynn, New York City. ' "<

opinion among the pri-Bonn alarmed by French

will not have upturn until : v l e w s °" N A T O -mid-1961.

icjed in the film, as a har-ness salesman in a day whenthe demand for harness has all

;but vanished with the arrival

MAKE HOLIDAY WREATHS—For that real Christmasfeeling try makinf your ownholiday wreath from freshevergreens, a wire co»t hang-er, and appropriate decora-tioni. Simply use pllen tountwist bangeri and ib»peinto a circle. Then fastenshort lengths of greens to theframe with picture wire, addribbons, berriea or candy icanes. To keep hand* smooothand free from cuts, icratche*ur itaini from evergreens,try wearing household gloves.Easy to illp on and off, gloveshave • comfortable, (lockedcotton lining; are exception-ally flexible and long lastingbe«ame made of Du Pont


PUBLIC NOTICEThe next regular" meeting.of the pwn-

ship Committee of the Township of Wood-

bridge will be held MONDAY, NOVEMBER

14, 1960, at 8 P. M., in the Committee

Chambers, Memorial Municipal Building,

1 Main Street, Woodbridge, New Jersey, in-

stead of the regular meeting date, Novem-

ber 15, 1960.


Attest;B J. DUNIOAN, Township Clerk



94 Main StreetME 4-1086


1 <

make your garments

Look Like New!try u

354 Amboy Avenue

WOODBRIDGE'<'«nveni«ut Drive-up 8tr*We


IN THE MAIL TODAY..18Q0 Christmas Club Member

of theI !

Fords National Bank****•

will receive




Decide Ho*

ra»li y«JU '• '••

h a v e w h e n ! •

Y u ] 1 1 : d >•

a r o u n d . !'•• •

C I) r i s i 11: •'

Plmi timt n>


e v e r y * t >' '• s

Christmas, V' •

( m v f w t i a t ;T '•'"•'•

to cuvi-r >onr '•'•

gift ll»l

6lubs from -50c Weekly


I V M. to J:S* P. M. DAItV

n t l D A V - » A. M. to J:S« P. M. and S t« 7 '



The FORDS NATIONALThe Friendly Bank o



Page 15: DigiFind-It• i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures r\\0\a& Abound Corner it is .only 30 shopping days to| M| you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJ

)k-Bernardo Ceremotty' Saturday in *

~''l, cecalta'i Church

Saturday morn-After a trip t o

Mountains, P B t L


J;il ''

,„.,„„.„!, daughter ofMrs. James Bernardo,

, ,!|,.y Avenue, and Ger-,, .son of Mr. and Mrs.

1 (.,,0|c, 34 Mercer Street,

. , l l k RCV. Robert Mayer

bridge.The bride, a

Woodbridgeemployed , tCenter,

a . ' : ;u" - hV

w howa ! gWeninher .father, wore a

l r'', chantllly lace ovefjCompany, WoodbrlcW' — '

" ' jP rd mi orchid on a

the bride, wai!, Bridesmaid* were

, , n| vwgura. toelln, an-••(.0iisin: M I M Barbara

M,nio Park .Terrace, sls-i ;i,,i bridegroom, and MIM, HHna, Elliabeth.

„ Kt beat man„'; hunlnguef. Fordj. TJah-

,: ird Jamei Pollard and,' i iny, both qf Menlo

'ivrrsce, and Jamei, Newark. Junior ushersiHvid Cook, brotherdPuroom and Jamea Ber-

, h rnther of the bride.

books In nearlng_ _t St. Cecelia's Free

.. Library, Rev. RobertMayor, moderator, an


yr|.,',ri•>i Scheduled


,.< "-n ill begin at 1:00 to'.'-«• night at Contregatlon., siuilnm. Mr. and Mrs,".v..;r Klfpner, 1T0 Bedford,'.'•;,, will be hoeta at an,, Hhubbot in honor of the"" nuvah of thtlr aon,

• .rri will take place Bat-Bt 8 A. M.\ number i t n r a l mem-

;, meeting will be heldv night at MO. Hlfh.' the evtntng win ba ai- :!r sponsored by B'nal

l l s

Fbrham* attende


System OutlinedFor Catholic library


j . wUHani_ . Mrs," Robert Mat

i, and Mrs. Edward Camp-I, the adult section of the

I library ls now complete and!rnn«iH<.~jjie progress hag been

.._ In the children's sec-Itton.

Mn. Bftdowtki, and Mrssgengast both hold decrees of

Bachelor of Library Science

...wviiaiii and

worked In the library of theUniversity of Notre DameBooth Bend, Ind. Mrg. Nagen-gast, whose degree wag awardedby Columbia University, wasemployed In the Barnard Col-lege library, New York City

The library, 40 Button Streetwill be cloned tomorrow, Veteran'i Day.

An IdeaFor soprano* who practice at

horn*, w« suggest less freedomof the High C's.

—Wall 6Us«t Journal

II Principal NamesHonor Students

Grade S, Mrs. Rublo, teacherDennis Ebbets, John KingBarbara Bnedeker, Richard'Hubbard, Diane MykletynMarian Thomas, Karen Tobias!



made ° f 100^ w o r s t e « 1 *••'•b for protecti<)n

rolled low fornnbult("1*«>

a t e a v a l l a b I e win-. y e a b I e «n «oft win-c o n t r M U n t Joke In a choice of fold or oliver f t ' ' m O i t f*VWed fhl I '


IflELOJ—Oroup I of St. Ce-celia's P.T.A. will meet In the,school hall on Wednesday,November 16, at 8:30 P. M.

1SEI.IN • Donald C. Whlt-iikrr, niinripnl, School 24, an-1

nniincrrt the Honor Roll for thelii.st prrlod as follows:

(iinrtr '>, Mrs. Miller, teacherjSiisnnnc Cliiodinl, Valeric Ko-vars. Victoria Motley, Janet'I'rl.nicri, K a r e n Klmball,'riminas Kiuspn, Bhbert Nagy,Cnrolyn Teufol.

(irndc 2, Miss Waterman,t.fnrher, John Hubbard, Rex-aimp DHVIS, Kathey Fyke, Cath-criiir Sera, Eric ThergesenJudith Donnelly, Ricky Roth-maii, Karrn Sldener,,Patricia1

Willis.Grade 3, Mrs. Baumgarten,acher, Michael Kidman,

Kathleen Kulczyckl, Jamesrowcll. Lorraine PaKltk/i,Lynn Vesalonla.

Grade 3, Mrs. Webb, teacher,Joann- Alello, Donna BobakLinda Hoover, Carole Basrl,Margaret Finks, Patricia Ma-loney, Judy Rlttenhouse.

Grade 4, Miss Connorsteacher, Margaret SchmidtRobert Vayda, Barbara BussDaryl Rasche, Carolyn BaranCharlene Lazur.

Grade 4, Miss Spaldo, teach-er, Gary Falkenstern, JaneiFyke, Janet Haytko, Barbara]Dzlombak, Barbara HabermanBonnie Magno, Sharon Roth-man.

Grade 5, Mrs. Lotvln, teacher,

|Lora RaymondGrade 6, Mrs. „,,

teacher, Mark Hess,

meeting* and will beginpromptly at 7:00 P. M.

Group 2 will meet on Thursday.

November IT. Parent-Teacher w.»UD „, „ « «,„,„!, ucwaua,conferences will precede both Robert Barone, Karen Hair

Shelly Weiss, Jerry Rl], GalMcCord, Deborah Yesalonla.

Yule Decorations to BeDiscussed by Clubwomen



^teel, Prances Sayek, Mary AnnWelck.


Beaverette* to AiAoeavereiies IO Aid meeting

the home of the leader,Lloyd Harayda.

The girls are also planning tomake stuffed toys and repaSother.kinds of toys to be given

children In areafor Christmas.

Tonl Polivere. Michael Streeta member, la a patient In st

i -—-" WU.\«IUII, lenuer, ana

L B , "--"<- decided to p,e- Mrs- Elnar OreRorlusaen. co-sent a flower bowl for specialIender- *'?re also invested Twoarrangements to the club at B™wn1es' who were formerlyus Christmas meeting Mrs"'"'"'"'' """'" "'"" 'William Polewski gave a Talk«« the blue Jay. The making 5


stHospital, New Bruns-


iliary of American Legion Postwill hold memorial services atthe Colonla Monument, op-poilta the Hbrary,' tomorrowat 11:00. All membetj are InTlted to attend.

blue jay. The mnklng of"Sputnik" Christmas iree,

using styrofoam arid silveredtoothpicks, was demonstratedby Mrs. John Martin, Jr., de-partment chairman.

The club's American Homedepartment will

New wrist watch uses a tun-llng fork.

Get Off To An Early Start

Our 1961



School to MarkEducation Week


' 8 P'SCilOOl ID Q)li'UlllUII. !....> (...•0of the program will be for ob-scrvatton only, The teachers

COLONIA ~ ge,ven BrQwnieslwlll be trying to keep as close--'.t:and two leaders were Invested as possible to the normal daily

at the home of:recently In a ceremony held byiPfogram.so they wiji not have

« • " » « H.-ample, 61 the


leader, and


it n . l n c c l u b a t D l u w n l B S wno were formerlylts Christmas meeting Mrs ^vested, Maria Platted andlWilliam Polewski J , S i n Jane Doherty were also'P L A N 8 U l > P E R

will be ready to discuss child-ren's problems or any otherpart of the school program.

present at,the ceremony, afterwhich the ftitlre troop went toHoward Jo.for a dinner

vano, 216 North Hill, Road


We've heard"oTttmt\wagKish[employer who doesn't

double the weekhe places it in

—folds It that Is


LAN SUPPERi COLONIA—Plans were com-pleted at a recent committeemeeting of the Colonl* chap-ter of Hadassah for the paid-upmembership supprr to be heldNovember 21 at the home of thepresident, Mrs. Manny Temkln,Sherwood Drive, It was an-nounced by Mrs. RaymondLevy, vice president In chargelof membership. Mrs. Edwarduiua H mat is. tor memDersmp. Mrs. nawarc

—Christian aclence Monitor'Stcni will direct the progfam







If you dofli think scrapping tlw front axle has made a world of difference, you haven't driven aChevy In • while. A few minutes behind the wheel and you can feel why drivers are happier andbreakable loads are better protected. But the biggest advantage~oTall, you'U realize, is that thetruck Itself (sheet metal, ttres, chassis components, everything) takes less abuse. With independentfront suspension soaking up road shock dnd vibration, the truck lasti longer, goes extra thousandsof profit-miles before trade-in time comes around. Add that to what everybody'salways known about Chevy dependability and you find yourself looking at thesoundest, sorest truck Investment you could bet your business on.


and Loan Associationi

•~>35 Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge(CORNTO O r OROVB AVENUE)

U*la Ottai m IttM Itmt, tat* Amkoj



A panel and two pickups that put a thrifty air-cooled engine In the rear, the driver up front and asmuch as 1,900 pouJids of load space In between I That's more capacity than a conventional half-tonner.Yet these Corvalr 95's are nearly two feet shorter from bumper .to bumper. Highly maneuverable.Built to last with a one-piece body-trame design. Bound to save you money on a busy schedule!





Enclosed please find $4.00 for one-year•ubacription to:



NAME- _.m .


Girls' 7-14NAVY :


COATSwith brightred linings!

• Sh(^#"tetaimngtonvas interfacing!

• Reinforced buttonholes for long wear!

• Taped armholes for mobility and fit!

• Extra-sturdy reprocessed wool melton!

• Extra-warm reprocessed wool interlining!

Use our convenient fay away p l a n . . . no extra charge

m pturtiT sm m mm mum* tmmn umivs


Brlggs Chevrolet Godeiy Chevrolet, Inc.


June Chevrolet, Inc. Ti t f Chevrolet, l ie.Ave-U 9-iT00 1<J New Bmni.







• W. nil Io[ talk ul

• No high unit!

• Ho fancy f i t w u l

• Mg shgw windowil

WOODBRIDGE GREENEST. CIRCLE (ISELIN)v • Intersecting Koutei 1 and 8



Page 16: DigiFind-It• i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures r\\0\a& Abound Corner it is .only 30 shopping days to| M| you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJ


apitol DomeProm Editorial Pago

The Suprpmo Court plans amemorial service for JiSstteeBurling within a short time.

sey'i upland, small gtme MMonopen* at » A. M. on Sattiretas^lmB ftf the Migrant Labor ActWith a better than average year by tfte' S ta te Department of

jHls caroci nil! be praised and [predated by the State Division I Labor and Industry. . . . Theof Pennsaukrn. nnr oflhis Jirsonal life rxtalled. The|of Fish and O a « e . . . . Auto-

- , , 'Jersey* distinguished pub- empty clinir*lte servant*. icmainJnE

will remind the [mobiles have killed 608 personsjustices of ajln New Jersey thus far this

On the court, hp was ivcoR-Krand aiid^nmpetent colleajruejyear, compared with 612 at the^ as an expert' on

•V things, including real estate

^ l Pu b l i c

manyjwho has pnssrd to his heavpnlyJsHme time last year. Prob-lems at the local, State and

C'M'B: — The QardenJ'ederal levels of governmentmunicipal law. In his decl-! s ta l ) , parkway stork Club nowswill be discussed at the annual

were recently fined for viola-

1..-8IOM written for the entire h n s P i ( , , l t o r n members, all born1 J»urt, he had insisted that pub-,snm,,w.|,rlT 8 i o n g the 173-mile

^>uc officials transact their Gnidon State Parkway, rt irfone"•twines* "frankly and openly n f , h r val.^s m o s t exclusive

,. in the light of public scrutiny.1 .,^s

*.''" Last February, on behalf nf T j , 0 f,,S| babythe hiKh court, ho ruled Hint pnrk,V(,y o n July

meeting of the New Jersey Tax-payers Association at Hetel Es-|Jeraey

State of New Jersey removed5,382 hhbitual motor vehicletraffic law violators from thfestreets and hifrtwett's duringthe first nine months of 1960.

Next week has been pro-claimed * Diabetes DetectionWeek br Governor McyiiPr. . . .Over the past few yean. New

Jersey State Parkway. . . . NewJRoosevelt, Harry Truman, Dag created many of the great hits1 - - - • - ' 11— 1 J - «# ( f la t * . .

Jersey's horse population nowincludes 4,000 thoroughbreds,1,000 standardbreds, and morethan 5,000 ponies and pleasurehorses. . . . Honey bees did we'llthis year by producing 30pounds of honey per colony, theNew Jersey Crop Reporting•Service announces.

Hammarskjold, John FosterDulles and many others.

The record consists of thehighlights In the history of theUnited Nations over the past

of the name-bands of yester-year. This was a Mercury.

Decca has gone back, for asecond series, and come up witha number of the old bands and

fifteen years and some ofthcjpUt their hits on new albums.

sex House, Newark, next Mon-day. Construction of the

acreshas added over 3,000

to its public hunting!grounds for the benefit

huge Bpruce Run-Round Val-jcensed sportsmen.

y-Kegroes could not be bnrred on t l ) kpn tj1 P beautiful roadway fort rtclal grounds from purcliasinc his middle name. He is William!

- homes in Levlttown, Burlington P a ! . k W v Clmillucn, of .WestCounty, or other housing pro.i- O r a n ( f p H l s p ( l r e n t s w e r e e n_ects promoted by public finnn- , a l l t r home on Jhe parkway1

Many other decisions f , o m „ day at the races. Two

of 11-. . The

on the l c y Reservoirs In HunterdonjCriminal Investigation- Sectionhas County is officially underway. | °f the State Police rncently|

THE NEW RECORDSBy Felix (The Catt Brown

The newest of the new long-|plays is one by

highlights of the defunctLeague of Nations, which cameapart at the seams In the late'thirties after being successfullydefied by th» dictators of that

We haven't heard all of themyet but their first series in thisfield was good.

Bands like that, of Jan Savltt.of the thirties, are Included in

era. jthe 4atest grouping. Bands likeIn the field of 45's we'll men-jthe Savltt'outfit are llttle-re-

tlon a couple. Both Capltols.jmembered by the public, andOne is called You Better Not|many of the youngsters of theDn That and is done by Janle day never even heard the name

to hear them

ten by Justice BurfinR mlred his fine mind and ex

honest outlook.

State Troopers and the fatherassisted in the delivery,

. . . State agricultural officialsfear an invasion of gypsy mothpopulations In New Jersey from^he Nfcw England states. . . .Thirty-seven lodal State em-ployment services offices in

helped New York authoritiesbreak up a «B.24O.(IOO A yeargambling operation.


New Jersey are now acceptingapplications from persons who1

His career encompassed local theyficialdom in Pennsauken, each

hart special standing,of the parkway babies

tarjy to the Speakty of the have been officially presentednbly, first assistant prose-:with a ' certificate signed by\of Camden County, coun- Authority Chairman Katherine

sel to the Board of Freeholders. E, White. The certificate alsoState Senator, Circuit Court carries automatic club member-Judge and Supreme Court Jus-ship.tloe. JERSEY JIGSAW:—New Jer-

pTo prove in future years that are Interested In Christmas

time employment, eithel part'time' or full time. . . . The NewJersey Tercentenary Commis-sion has been presented with anew three-quarter ton truck bythe Ford Motor Company whichwill pull a New Jersey History-mobile around the State. . . .Twenty migrant farm operators

County early next year.CAPITOL CAPERS: - A post

the vocal and Billy

it Is n ot!u l v ' l e R t l ' a ' S l l e " n B " v

tuned to the ears of M y o u " h p n r '. JDeeca,' that company„ music lovers necessarily1, J '• T w o Interesting noises comejleased the sound track of the

A\ This slnele lone nlav \ fPB i o f f th (1 l w ° s l d p s oi t l l f Capitol,much-publicized moving pic-1

„„,,: i n u single long play 3 tn-lM^ ^ m mmlg M f n O n p ^ Spartacus. The music was

Yankee Diddle nn(J tJielcomposed .and conducted byBint Pearl. It's unusual I Alex North and ls certainlyind you might listen and worth the time to listen to It.

] The album Is entitled Spar

record companies liav*;'RCUB: ' 8 »tgfP°- Ja good

antlerless deer season in Essexj]forlc' Communists and U.Senatai'R, President Eisenhower s e ^and Qifecn Elizabetli II, and at

|wide array of others are donecompaniesthing in going i. . ,, , ., „. are j

election calm permeates the.i f ea tuR ,a Iback Into the past and bringing|Thej The narration is handled forjIls n e w long-play albums of the

State Department of Health|Decca by Ralph Bellamy a n d l f a m o u s bands of yesterday.[varns that flying but.s may bitehumans and give them rabies.

No Place"Qoinn my way, honey?"'Look, snllnr. the public

RATE8 _ INFORMATI11.00 for 15 word*4o each additional wordParable In


NOTE: No clM.|fl.d

•» « « In.' "'" l"""'".

Tel*phon. MErcnr, 4-ni |


NEEDED AT ONCE H ^ •TEN WOMEN to complete our Vhp

telephone survey. No sellingNo experience needed, inter-views by appointment, onlyCall MISS HORVATH, ME 6-


w n H7 "

the voices are taken from the; Some of the tune.s ave out-of-istreet is no place to address a l ^ "official archives of the United date nhd sound that way but young woman whose address if'

Since May 10 last. StateiNallons. You will hear Nlkltaimany of them are still as'sood 2729 East One hundred andlave arrested 49 Khrushchev, Ralph Bunche'as when they were recorded, ninety-ninth street phone M«-drlvers on the New James P. Byrnes. Franklin' D/Freddle Martin not Ions ago re- techrom 8-6583 party R."

CHRISTMAS OPENINGSDemand for AVON'S C h r u S . .GifWi Line provides excellentopportunity for two <3> House- Alft CONurn,,wives. Good Income, full or purt ton, $pn n(1

ime. No experience necessary. TOR. f,,1/n

Must act *t-once. Call Mis.j»7S.on CM; .•Butler. Ml 2-5U« for FREE 6:30 P \\

jBooklet. 11 .'10— ; — -..._ • Mlsc



LO8T - PreMh >oodlr." ^ Sgrey. Aruwerii to name of steel wmfr|P

"Dunny". Lwt m vicinity of ori«ltinl r eAmboy .Avenue and Green 1149 50- Mr,Street. Child1! pet Reward of- 2028 or Tilfered. ME 4-5139.

11 10


MORTOAOE MONEY .avail-able from private party. Call »55 n n A,

VA 6-3393. * S.°° Als"U 10-11/24 C H 7 .0 4 , ) f i





Adding MachinesCall for Fret Demonatratlon

ME 6-0010


CO., LTD.JM Ambov Avrnue


-- Carpeitry-Masonry -

:All Types of


rsperl \Viirkmaiihl\ipReasonable F*t Chirird


Custom HomesBuilt to Vour Specifications

No Job .Too LargeOr Too Small . . .

Fully Insured

f : Vincent KellerBuilder

|-No Obligation For Estimates1230 Stone Street, Railway! Phone FU-8-0976



and SON

Druggist*88 Main Street

Woodbridge, N. J.

Telephone MErcurr 4-0554

Avenel Pharmacy944 RAHWAY AVENUE

MErcury 4-1914


Cosmetkg — film

Greeting Cards

- Funeral Directors -

Coal & Oil

LET USSolve tour


Service to Complete .-_ Heating Installations






p)26 Rah^ay Avenue, Avenel

SynowieckiFuneral- Home

56 Carteret Avenue

Carteret, N, J,

Telephone KI 1-5715


Kslibllshed 19M

420 East Avenue

Pejth Amboy

'li Ford Ave., Fords

VA 8-0358

KLEIN'S-Farm & Garden Center


• Evergreens• Wild Bird Seed• Animal & Poultry

Feeds• Dog & Pet Foodst Salt Hay & Peat Moss• Lawn Ornaments• Water Softener Salt

KLEINSFarm & Garden Center34 Main Street, Woodbridft


In .Woodbridge It's The


• Acrordlon• Piano• Vortl

HfflnntrtPUn.No Inslru.mmtj toBuj!

All Makes ofAccordiomSold andRepairedAt LowritPrlc*«;

ME 4-0750

Liqour Stores


leal u ring

Lane Selection of Choice


Cold Beer by the Case

Also Imported Beer

Prompt rfREE Delivery

Tel. ME 4-2074145 Avenel Street


Fuel Oil


LGeneral Contractort Masonry

• Carpentry• Painting ;(

• Jobbing• Alterations

For Free. Estimate

CALL KI 1-4822Harrison Ave. Carteret



[MgllJMobilheatFUEL OILOver 2fe Years ofFriendly Servlfe

ME 4-0012100 Fulton Street



TREAT SHOPPE815 Railway Avenue

Woodbridfr(Opp while Church)

• SALADS at Their B**t


Open 7 A. M. to 10:S» P. Mr" 1N( 1 IIDING SUNDAYS

WrdneaiU; All O*y

WINTER BROS.Wayside Furn. Shop

Telephone MErcury 4-1889



Complete Sto*k of Domestic

and Iminrted Wlnoi

Been »nd Liquors





Servlni Wuodbrl««e RAli(eiitiSince 1H7

• Hljser Valuei # Tup Brandi• Hdlfr 8ervlc« tLower Prices

Vlilt Our New 8t<*rt at

St. George Avenue at I • S.Highway 1, Avenel

, (At tke Woodbri«|«' flo?erleai Circle)

Open 1 A. M. to » P Mlacl. l i t .

Phone MErcury

Read The

Directory Ad ft


Lawn Mowers, gawi and IceSkatei »hM|ttnW on Premltet

Paint Special . . .£tterlor White Primer andFinish Coat. For a limitedtime IMS per V.il.


l«i. ME MUM

Opeh Daily I A. M. to 7 1'. M.

BUDDY FREEDMANand His Society Orchestra


ME 4-9436 ME 4-3567


Private Lessons on the• Guitar

• Accordion

• Trumpetand otherLnjtmmpnii

• StudentRentalPlan

• Musical

III Makes of 'Instrument! arid Amplifiers

Call Now for InformationHI 2-6948

SAMMY RAY'SMusic and Repair Shop

SAM LAQUADKA, Vm\i.H Years Experience as Instructot467 New


Musical Instruments -


For All Ages . . .

EXCELSIORCHORD ORGAN• 34 Full She Heys• 48 Ban Chord Buttons• Marie Chord Finder Mask• Free Book of Songa

00Ret.$199.00 M29

You Save


Movieg & Trucking -

Full Siu




Used, Rebuiltand New

AccordionsSale Priced


120 Bass!

Move "IDEAL WAY"Phone FD-8-3D14


1286 St. Georfe Ave., Avenel3-4 Koohu — IM, J25. $305-6 ROORW — 135, $40, $£0


EiliblllhlK) IMS',Ed Bonkoski, Prop.

157 State 8t,, P. A. VA i-

T. R. STEVENSRnorim and Shrrt 'Mflal Work



of all

Air-tnnditlonlriK"•'»hn Air Ural

Industrial KihauM S\-,\,mMotor (Guards

FOR FRKE F.STIM.ITKSMl: 4-2145 or ME J-.576S


Cor. Kinir Genrr,r Road and

Clum Avenue


*•'* Coffee In (io*** Stationery

Open All Day Sunday


SEWAREN. SpacloiM fourroom and bath apartment, ip YOUR

^lnfurnished. Waterfront vi*w. c o m e "Separate entrance. All utilities. AnonvmcVrl? 'M K ^ l B S j . ^ 10 27 - 11/11- M T l M j (,r L

! CARTERET Pour rooms and 2 5 3 ' W o o d b l •''«'•brtth. Heat, hot water. Second

floor. Available December 1st Krrouvl718 Wheeler Avenue M l t H t N •llil1 [)

11 i « • • u . M o m ! e n - . - . .

Pictures Make


CHRISTMAS GIFTS!Oalf for an appointment

ME 4-3651



GALLANTS PHOTO347 Amboy AvenueWoodbridge, N. J.

Mon., Wed. 10 to 8rues., Tburi., Sat. 10 to 6

Friday 18 to »

Henry Jansen & SonTinning and

Sheet Melal Work

Roofitvt. Metal C filinKs

and Furnare Work

588 Alden StreetWoodbridge, N, J*

Telephone"MErcurv 4-1246

Water Softeners

Service Stations


RENTALSWater Softener Salt

Soft Water SoapSwimming Pool Supplies


ME 4-1815

TOWNE GARAGEJ. f~. Gardner A Son

485 AMBOY AVENUEWoodbridge

MKrcurj 4-3540

We're Sperialistk In• BKAK WllKrl AJJCN-


-Sewing Machine Service

Plumbing & Heating -

C h a r l e s FarrPlumbing ft Heating

Electric Sewer Service


MErcury 4-6594


Woodbrldrc N.'jf.\


* Machines Repaired* Manual Machine*

•Clertriflrd* Needlt-s, Parts for



657 Roosevelt AvenueCARTERET, N. J.


S I : K V I (

;per cliaii

HEALTH -J BEAUTY ^**&*&*&*&*&*&*&*0*0*0'*< c r removes

Many adults (all to under- <stand why leen-aKer* tire eas-ily. When you take into con-sideration the tremendous 8 ^ d

physical growth taking P'aeel|™"nb'nK aIu1 H<

and the emotional strain of8 0 0 ':this period, it is easy to under- , „ , „ „ , . .

A c o o i d i o n !i ' '

A.A A ln.-t:ii('i


A girl or boy often grows

Brake Exchange





ea.BRAKE EXCHANGE Inc.333 Fulton St.. Woodbrldfe

Phone Mi: 1-3570



six to eight inches in one yearThe heart doubles in weiiiht n<H o w n ni ;il"and mudcles grow more rapidly

j (hat bones, stomach and lungs. — —JRoinember this when you see a a blood en mi m.c[teen-ager moping about. It is lest mad-•'-n n> lp •nature's way of slowing down a cause. This coiuli'body under the strain of exces- ally be ,rnmit.<; s|slve growth. • includfs plmn

Nine to ten hours of sleep liver and meu. •ach night is essential for a siippli'ineni* :n.,'

moving child. Make sure yoursuiy.cen-ager -has enouuh o( the Insiiuri \».;.i«ht kind of food each day. ntting habu > :•A quart of milk, seivlnR of why It is mij>o! •

meat or fish, at least one eifg,:('a' * balui.n.:en vegetables and one f nough ir.->t (in1:

yellow vegetable, fruit, inciud-a n t wo win* •"K the all-imiwrtant Pnrlchfd llVl's- u | I T | - '

()r ceren! make up a bal- undrrstand !i.•di«'t for young people. • incoirirt r*'.: •

Yoilr doctor may advise ex- "•"l slt-t-p i-.i:.ira calcium and vitamins be l'vek' chain rsadded to the diet. If a grow- »1™« * l t l ) '•'"'iiiK child's appetitp is very poor,

sure a docior ls consultedSometimes a teen-kger ls very-much overweitttu. Thi* in Ittelf!

in cau.se fatlKue

How.ver. never BtUtnpi to put fll"your child 011 any kind of 'rtirt without first paying » vnit to your doctor. Let him t*you how much, if any.

', ftlrut'trd to I):: :

horMv T' i i n;.

e a n l 111,1.

' h i s n i u i i m .<:'

w m "

ClassifiedsBriiig Jit suits

srrlbe the did .

»ccomp»nie* '/ J


Shoe Repair

- Radio & TV ServiceSet NeedREPAIR?

CallME 4-4360


SALES and SERVICE155 Avenel Street, Avenel

R«palr EitimatcM Free!AntcniUi Initalled

Tubes Tf»l«d fit* >t Our ttorcCar Kidloi gerylced Prvluptl;




120-A Main StreetWoodbridge

Phone ME 6-0240Member New Jersey Shoe

Rebuilding Auociatlon

Snow Tire Wheels

Roofing Supplies

Directory Ads

Bring [Jesuits

M. Kovacs326 Pershing Avenue


• Roofing Supplies

• Gutten

§ Leaden, Etc.Phone

KI 1-6878 -r KI 1-6792

Weather I'orecatt:

HEAVY SNOW!Prepare NOWf by



. Snow Tires!For All Mike Can

Barclfs AuU WreckersBeverly St.. End of Uffert

f'ARTERETKI 1-4711 or KI 1-M12

For DependableService Call

R. LEFILEKLicensed

Plumbing & HeatingCONTRACTOR

U 8-81873« Kennedy Street, Iaclin



BusinessIn ThisSpace

for Only

From the start, raajw your weddteg an occasion of looK-remambred good taste and dis

rtinction. Invitation! set ti>« tone of formal pertection. ChooMf jcui own papei: ajid stylingfrom our complete «lectlona. Consult iis "n

•ny problemt, v

"Quality.., Worthy of the Occasion'

MIDDLESEX(Independent-Leader Building

20 Gr«en Street,

a MonthTelephone

MErcury 4-1111

Page 17: DigiFind-It• i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures r\\0\a& Abound Corner it is .only 30 shopping days to| M| you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJ

ind the strengthfor your life...

III I""1


|.fifr Burie", *»»•«l-rospcct Aveniw »nicijcdttl* Avenue

Sunday SchoolM ,

i l l "

H TU,,.S, Ernest

LI, [,-ndont.Barlow,

;rtpntsame hour, tetflher,

Hlist.,\ M., Morning worshipNursery Id provided.j. M., Senior youth

n vi. Evening Qoiptl


,, Avenue,iirv Mi»r. Cbartai 0 .

^Cnrrlitln, Falter,,., i;untavt N«p«l*»n,

ui lsunt Pa«Wt„,.,• wllllim Root,

,. Mnssrs: 8:45. 7;4J,no and 11:00 A.M., services every Tues-

i,i P. M.

, / l l . l V


7:00 and


»0 Cooper Avenue, I«ellnRahbl Bfrmrrt Frankfl

ftr. Nnrbert Kaitner. CantorSabbath Services, Friday eve-

ning 8:00.


Rahwajr Avenue, WoodhrldgeR«t. Wtllltm II. Brhmam, Hector

Alton Brandri, <>r|»nlit

Sunday Service*8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.0:30 A. M. Church School

'Holy Communion, 1st Sun-day ot the month i

11:00 A. M. Holy Communion(1st and 3rd Sundays' andSermon.

Morning Prayer and Ser-mon «2nd and 4th Sundays i.

COLONIA GOSPEL CHAPEL4(6 Inman Avenue at Wtit

Street, ColonUSunday School

SCIENCE„,!,„.„: Maeonlo Tempi*

I,IS Irvlni Street^ .,:.,., ,1111:00 A. M.',' .uv school »:J0 A. M.•.. i day Tcitlmony meet-• ' / • IV M".

„• room T u e s d a y;,, \i to 3:00 P,. M

; ! ,v f ) to7 :30P . M, Frl-',, !> I*. M.

IVettfleldt •• t.i>i Broa4 Street


Cancer Dressingsthird Wednesdays.

Roy Scouts, FridayI " . M .




Association, flrstjAdi.lt Bible Study, 10:00 A. MMonday: Ofis-slon, third Mon-ly, 8:00 P. M. Ladies Aid, sec-

ond and fourth Mondays, 8:00P. M. Brownies, every. Mondayat 8:45 P. M.

Tuesday: Deacons, first Tues-day. 7:30 P. M. Women's Guild,Fourth Tuesday, 8:00 P. M.

Wednesday: J u n i o r Choir.


New Brunswick Avenue, FordaRav, Joupi RrzOTGWtki, Pallor

Sunday Masse*, 8:00, 9:0010:00 and 11:00 A. M. and 12noon.

Weekday Masses. 6:45 and8 A. M. Friday 6:45, 8:00 and8:45 A.M.


Novena, 7:3Q P. M,

Male Choir Rehearsal,P. M.

Altar-Rosary Society, firstMonday after first Sunday at8:00 P. M.


Classes 8:30 A. M.and Bible

Gospel Service Sunday 7:30P. M.

7:00 P. M. Senior Choir, 8:00P. M.

Thursday: Trustees, secondThursday, 7:30 P. M., GiriScouts, every Thursday, 7:00P. M.

Friday: Boy Scouts, 7:30P. M.

Saturday: Couples Club, sec-ond Saturday, 8:00 P. M.


88 Fourth Street, fords* « ' • Bldon K. Stnlu

, Organists: Eddie J n c o b s n n

and Miss Barbara FritscheMatin Service 8 15 A MMain Service 10:45.Holy Communion

First Sunday 10:45Third Sundny 8 15

Sunday School and Bibled u t i e s , 9:30 A. M




U0~ Nerv Dover Koad—h;.lSon

Her. Albm R. Swrn, |',,tnr

8:30 A. M., Early church andEarly Srjnday School.

10 A. M., Church School andurch S e r i

11:30 A. M . Sunday School.'7 P. M . Youth Group.


Mti. Dorothea Pockltmb*,Orfintit

9:45 A. M, Sunday School.11:00 A. M, Morning prayer

and service.11:15 A. M, 'communion

Sunday, first Sunday of eachmonth.

Church Service,

which foroed Uw prloe of (oldup tuddinly. Oold prlcti quick*ly returned to near-norms! indWashington ha* tnnounoedthat no devaluation of the U. 8.dollar li in light.


COLONIA - Committee ,Den Mothers of Cub Packwill meet at the home miThomas McO.nn. Pine TerracelPI,.!,.- m- j • - -


Z l _ 'Drive, Wednesday, 8 p. M .



INVKITKUTI MAIUNE)A Senate iroup and the Jut-

ttee Dspartnrent hav»

t ta l o u c Thlaw requires that campaign lit-

WOODBRIDQE — The enngement of Mist Janet Mar-garet Peters to Roy itanWOrant, son or Mr, and Mrs.Qordon A. Omit, Ml»iiort City,British Columbia, ha* been an-nounced by her parent*, Mr.and Mrs. William Peters, 218Mawbpy Btreet.

Miss Peters attended Wood-bridge HlRh School and U »m-

looklng Info a aiiable milling ployrri by F W Wnoiwnrth Co.,of campaign literature, whichMenlo Pink. Her fmnep att>n<i-has been objected to because aed Mission City schools and lisermon distributed was not employed by Supradur Mann-identifled as to ita lource. The factutiiiR Corp., Columbus, O.l i Df'cpmbfr wedding

Holy Name Society, secondMonday after second Sundayat 8:00 P. M.

TuesdayPTA meeting third Tuesday

Christian Womens Home of each month at 8:00 P. M.Bible Class Tuesday 1:30 P. M i Thursday

Young People's Meeting Frl. Femal* C h o i r Rehearsals,day 7:45 P. M. jOO P. M.

s.,and A


41 Berkeley BoulevardIielln. New Jersey

*tr. William Kltbj, PuitorSunday Services'0:45 A. M. Sunday school for

all ages,11:00 A.M.;


Every Saturday from H A.M.(Until noon, 4 to 6 P. M. and 1jto 9 P. M., and sometimes ondays before Holy Days ofObligation.



Tht Perfect (.jijt - Safeieuy Qift Certijicates

{Junior Churchworship


,il»y 8:15 P . M .. room, 116

. oo to 4:30 weekdays, -11) P. M. Mondays.


.1 11 met Sir* t,,,,l!,nij«e ME M 7 S

Hr. I'liU Kft|. MlBliUt: .Sunday Services:A M. Sunday School.A M English ServiceA M. Hungarian 9u\

ZNoVena tn h ° n O r Of


Del MonteIruit Cocktail

Save 29c

i First*

1 Second i7:»0.<Pourth>


1:00 P.

P w « r — ~ p M

7:45 P. M. Wednesday: BibleStudy. <

8:00 P. M. First Monday ot ST. CECELIA'S CIU'RCHmonth: Teachers and Workers IsellrtConference. ***• J o h l 1 W l l u l - P l l t o r ,

1:00 P. M. Second Monday:1 Sunday Masses. 6:30, 8:00,'Board Meetlnn. 8:45, 9:15, 9:30. H):00, 10:15,;

I 8 3 0 P. M. 2nd and 4lh Mon- 10:45, 11:00, 11:30 and 12 noon ["days: MlMlonettes under di- Weekday Masses, 7:00

|rection of Mri. J. Waldhetm at 8 0 0 A. M.[her hom«, 184 Cooper Avenue,Iselln AOATI! HRAFL

I «:00 P. U. 1st Friday ol SYNAGOGUE'Month: Women's Missionary, Amhoj Avenue,iCoiincil under direction of U n »"• SUBUH Newbfr««, R»b*i

Lormtffy R . Workman. . Friday 7:30 P. M , regular: • .Sabbath services.


Available (or Turkeyi, Hamt orii .00 • $5.00 • $7.50 • $10.00 Dotiomlndllom

S H Your SoUwdy


Mix' tm or match' tm


Choic* ol P«ai, Crasm Corn,

Succotash «r PMI fc Carroll

17 07.





rrtay:"0 A. M.



SUbbl Uattl ScblnfrMSJt ltuaan Avtnu«

Services Friday night at 8:30Sunday School 10:30 to 12,Junior Services Saturday*

from 10:30 to 12.Hebrew School Tuesday and

C(mllraatlon !P^»» 3 30 t 0 i ; i n a 5 t 0

j!,iy: Junior Choir,:

s.i*y: A d u l t Choir.

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHMarket and High Street

Perth AmboyKei Pfitr Kowalchuk, Fistor11:00 A.M. Morning Worship9:45 A. M., Sunday School.6:15 P. M,,

Gold Medal FlourLibby Tomato JuiceChase & SanbornDel Monte Drinks

or Kitchen CraftSAVE UP TO 6c

Rich FlavorSAVE 4<

or Edwards CoffeeSAVE UP T«|i6c





3A6 ex.1


Ulanl 4 6 o i /Pineappl* Juk* an

Pmeappl«-Orsng« or


SAVE 17c

Baptist Youth SqveCash'nStampsatSafewciy

|«:30P. M.

M Frldaj


Florida Grove RotdHop«t«*n

lutfii H«njol». MinliitfEiclUri B»BTOU, Or|inllC

Sunday Mornini Worship.10:30 A. M

Sunday School. 9 l i A.M.

7:30 P. M., Evening GospelService.

11:00 A. M., Commurilon Sunday. first Sunday of eaclimonth.

Wednesday, 8 P. M. PrayerMeeting.


- • ii'udti, MlaUUf tt *UateM.. Kinnalh McCaia. i

of Cfearch XkMl ST. JOHN VIANNEY CIU'RCHI n , WalUr Raiilwoi, rmtot

SnuaityA. M., Church, Child care


age 2)A M, Church School,'"ugh second gnde.p. M.. coftw Hour

MctUno'1 Board, 1:00


n , WalUr ,WUiitm I. Kokouiu, AHIIUIU


Brand and Division StreetsPerth Amboy

Hev. Itrphtn SMtoi, Paitor

Sunday Matins, 7:00 A. M.:Early English Mass, 8:00 A.M.

Blue Detergent

Snack Crackers

Yellow Cake

Mixed Vegetables

Mrs. Wright's Bread

Swiss Cheese

Rival Dog Food

Domino Sugar

Readyto-eatlean and tender

Su-ptirb49 « pkfl 59c

luly I I WTilly Fr

31 ot

Vespers, Saturday nights and


Dally Masses 7:30 and 800« .

Rector . *T Olwuiale Road.ColonU.

593 1.00

Smoked Hams

Del Monte PeachesSliced PeachesDel MonteDel Monte SauceDole JuiceDole PineappleDole PineapplePineapple-GrapefruitLibby's BeetsTomato Juice


Dtl MonliSiv< il Stltwiy

Fruil C«tliilOtlkicuf Fruili

fy,h TomjloopulK Fivorilt

PinHspl*Fur* Htwiim

ilicidHawtiitn >


• '7 . I - ,

2 5: 29«



5»vt (| SiltwiyTown Haul*Kreh Flavor

Shank Portion4* to 5a Ib.

Full Shank HalfNo centers removed

Whole Hams




Butt Portion4ii fo 5'A Ib.

Full Butt HalfNo centers removed


13 to 14 Ib Ham SteaksCullo

My IhldMU

c^89- 1

Sunday of every month.

P. My

•'• School ataff. first'•' S 00 P. M.Mil dreulnci Mcond and•Vtdneiday, 1:80 P. M,

: Club, third Monday!. M» Alpha Phi, tecond andTuesday, $;0Q P.M.

tiiton, t in t 8unda>M.

' •;s t'lub. fourth Thursitay

.(holr Rehsmmba r o f l . Wednesday 7:411

^ T , Wednesday l : U P .U


Rfthway Atena* and CarteretRead, WoodbrUUt

U*. Un N. "finnlh, f'-lofluttt Uutb, Studrnt A.ilitint

Tn4 4. Brian, Jr. Or[«nluHuuUr

B:SO A. It, Church School.11:00 A. M., Moniinn Wor-


3:00 P. M, Junior Christian



Bethlehem Union Church, ClarkHtv. Utori* 4. Kbulti, Pnl»r9:45 A. M., Church School.11:00 A. M., Morning Wor-

6:M P, M., Junior High u A M ,United Presbyterian Youth. Sunday School, 9.10 and 11

7:00 P. H, Senior High!A j


llODIBTOHn"«T. Luthaf Martlk

'""••it Puur tm T M U



H:ij1''A. u . , Churct) School

A M., Mornlni Wor-

1J" «•. M.. JuniorNlll'*shlp,

' (JU v M., M.YJP.


H "Avtn«|

k B



f|i(tf7:M A. M

Stturdtvy, 4-9.

; ,";>' School, 9:tS A. M.and Holy Days

110:00 A. U.


621 VVoodbrldie AvenueAvenel

R<>. Chiiltt 3. MtcKenile, Tb.D.,Putor

Ht>. Robert A. Bontnw, Th.M.

SundayChurch Worship, I, 9,10 and

Canterbury Tea (picitl r Kk41 TH lt«i

Dried PrunesTown HOUM

Itrgt Six*1 poundPact.g.

Chicken Partstuy only th* piicn you liki btil

Ib 43<» 5 5 ««• 29<•> 15 -

DrumsticksTender BreastsMeaty WingsNecks & Backs

Swiff PremiumCorned Beef


BrisketFront Cuts * 79c


Florida Oranges Co™?!1 Hens Choice of All SizesU.S.D.A. Grade A,

United Preibyterimi Yauth.i UeettngsSeufam, first Tuesday, 8 P. MTnuUtl ««»lon, Tuesday, 8

P.M.Deiiconi, third Tuesday, »

P. M.Junior Choir, Prlddyi, *-S

P. M.Senior Choir, Wd»y». 8-m


d»y.Church School, second Wed-

netuy .jji Church OulUl, second

and fourth Monday*.Aid Bocletx.

and fourth Wtdne»d»y«.

SinuspiraUoii at 8 P. M.Senior High Fellowship, 1

P. M.


Oak Tree BondKCT. Roftr D. Sldener. fu lor

Sunday: •.Mornliu Worship; 8 ;« A, M

and 11:15'A. M.C h u r c h 'School: Nursery

through third grade, 8:45 A.M.Nursery through sixth grade,10:00 A.-M, Junior High churchschool and Westminster Pellqwship 4:30 P. M.-6:J0 P. MSenior High Westminster Fel-lowship, 7:00 P. M.-9:30 P, M.

.For tiredPOLITICIANSand VOTERS, toottu DIKS for (•luln* •«* to r ( (" s h !(W"M" Um f m a i

• " F ' —•<••->• riding. Ktny nice


toil M J «

* " •

Bij |i|icy orqnges that bv« to come to hr«ok-

«o«l by the piteherfull Dellqiouily tweet-and

loaded with |uioel Thl» -week for sure, get

«ome of then new-ieaton oranges at your

nearby Saftway.

12 39

Beef LiverArmour

Delicous, Nutritiousand Economical

Idtal P»rtn«r

with Ham DinnerSweet PotatoesMclntosh ApplesYellow OnionsFresh Spinach o,. . : 10,;;,

Fine Flavor1 Goo<J Titling

Crackliii' CrispMild FUvpr

ib.bag 39


MilM«Mu Wrighl'a

Ragulai 69c








74 ounc« 63c

Star-Klst TunatighlM.lt i u

Clunk Slylt cu<Sw Tridw Whit* Solid Tuna

Faciol TissuesAng«ISofl - 300 Id P«k

6 »*"« 1.00

Fab Detergent69<

White MagkBleach


bolll* 17.


Wesson Oillava | | Ukw*Y



I paclig« 4 0 '

Planters' •fsmHOil

O M Quart 71a


Baked BeansI&M

«*M 29-

Baby Foodlaach'nut

6 S 95.

Chopped Sirloin Mr.' CleanHouxhpld CUtntr

69'It o*inc«

CleanserM Special.

"Z19.Q*M Special ftati


Beef Pot RoastfWlAionTV

11 ounca





Whita MagicMtktllt

59«49 ouncepadias*

Today thru Saturday. Advarluud p|ic«i «f(«(tiv« in hhw

Jeriey, Pearl River 1 Mlddletown,New Ycrk W, ,«i»rv« the light t«limit quunlilioi.

None told lor.rtwla.

igNA Ckkiu . U .COMTA.0IM* IIHK f9".

| « 4 «UP I ft«ruh hM Mhm rl*i tm- JHUUUAt INSTANT Mltf iVw (tt. Ml

CtliHA KINO <ipb •><•! * * | . M i | |

NIN< UVIS H) M 1 4nmm IttCM PitinlMlM H« M. #1OBI us* MWU mm •«••*> Ml

Page 18: DigiFind-It• i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures r\\0\a& Abound Corner it is .only 30 shopping days to| M| you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJ


Colls LeadRec Grid Loop

C A I1T E R RT - \\..\H:illili A i i t . o i i r l l i s Cni:--l i ikri i ii o n " ' u t n f Ir,->(1 iv.!••( l i i i n l i in (,i:n pnmi!;:1

Hi'f'p'iiiioii f o o t b a l l l c i m i v

T l i c li'adn'M took overpliii'c by s c o r i n g a rki-c

,!••, T Tn:ii i: l i l 's Kami's foliov,:...vi- ( l a n i f Tim,-—•; V. M,tin Be.n \ s Gi:;liiS

f!;>.; C.)ltS VS Cill'ilsTl i" t • a ii i s:itnriim>:

CarterciKiTrmlinn DrparlmrntFins Football l.ciiKiie

Stan ings as of November 10th


, Bears .

W.. 3


. I0

THE IIOI.V I AMII.V I cams rrrrivrd four :iw;mls :it last week's Championship Recreationdinner. The Iniiihiis wrrr awanlcrt fur titles in the Junior biisketball league, Cub basket-ball league, l.isht Senior baseball IciRiie and Junior leaKiie easa playoffs, In the photoabove are SI,in Wasilewski, Holy Name president: Rev, M, Kondpka, pastor of the Holy

Hon Hamorski, representinq: tlip players, and Ernie Weber, coach.

lirsl« i n

•ivi i- tin- Giants by n 1!) to 13.score. Mike Holden .'Tuird twoI'luchriruvns -nnd a'i vx\\» pointto help his lenm win. H.'•<-(irr(| on a 70-yard sprinf amtin- .second touchdown on ;i '20-yin-d run, while Frankirpassed L>O yards to Antonellofor the thl.-d score.

The Colts won thru- HindKnme by forfeit over the Cnrds

In another game the Giantsdefeated the Bears by a close19 to 12 .score. Yogi Heffi-rnnpassed 25 yards for oneand dashed for the extra pointj•ndy Spano .Intercepted a pass, CARTERET •-_ The d eadtock__• ..... »« j . ._ . _ ,_.._u I'or first place in thc First Slo-

Tie ContinuesFor 1st PlaceIn Slovak Loop

ROSF. WATYCIIOWH'Z ii shown ueeepting the trophyfor belli* picked "Boiler of tlir Month" in thr Hi-I.owWomen's BOHHUR League. This was a new precedent In-augurated in (arteret. The trophy is being presented byBetty Kahoehe, vice president of the league. Rose, In

0 aehieving the award, howled a total fif 2863 pins duringthe month and has a current average of |53. Each montha similar award will br presented to the bowler, who

attains the highest total pin fall for the month.

Semenzajjfy2nd 630 Serio

CARTERET-In a series of .from U l r ,,bumpei matches In the. CarteretlCoip. on UK'M'I',""Major League, the first plnce!B n t t a ' s 204-217 '•(',"Industrial X-Ray Engineers! , D a n " y K ("i 'rolled their lead up to five M\\T " a bl'>lliiim 1,Kamcs by sweeping the Ideal! , B h c s t o f ' ^ m,Liquors In'three straight RBmes,!?!-1':"*"11 l l l n 'two of which were close. The! lp l l f l l h l <\first game was decided by nine! ft l*°-H'imi- -mpins and t * c second by 16 m a n Cnntl'»cti,i

-Charlie Emanuel was thc b J g Recoiul flan s,., njiiiaiWfor the winners, shooting! ~ W l '< k s

'a 222 and 608 set. ' „ , " s A " " " "Almnsi Trucking broke up «V 1 7 ^ ' ' ' ' "

third-place tie. to take sole|0VP1 M . ;.' ' J "possession of the No. 3 spot, byl T | P T s ''winning two games from Bo6th!thc U | , , / f " ' ' 'Electric, as Bob Daniewicz'w n

v, * "rolled a big 221 and 582 to lead!ch(,n 1 , 'his team to victory. ' j ™ ™ l

Almasi Tavern gained

lel fInsurftncecame

Three-Way TieFor 1st PlaceIn Women's Loop


Mat Show FeatureELIZABETH — Bruno Sam-

inartino, Italian strong man,again headlines the*pro wrestl-ing card to be held at the

1 Elizabeth Elks Auditorium, Nov-•'very,ember 18. Sammartino, who

Siekierka Hits626 Series inU.S.M.R. Loop

•'••• Close" race for first place i a the 'just save Antonino Rocca a^'Academy Alleys Wednesday;hard match, meets Red drupe,

"Tflght Women's League was!new German giant, in a one-• - throwninto a three-way dead-fall match.

"lock for the No. 1 position be- In another finish bout. Ricki

Bobby Helchtchew gotscores on 50-yard runs. ... • . , ,

In the final game the Cardsiwl th s w e eP victories In thisbeat the Bears 19 to 6 Tardy j w e e k > matches. Sahulchlk'swent 13 yards for the first | t o o k t h r e e f r o m Synowiecki's,score. Reynolds took a 40-yard w h l l e Muller's scored a cleanpass from Kushner to score the i sweeP o v e i ' p e t e ' s Diner

CARTERET — Mike Siekier-ka, current leader in theU.S.M.R. singles race, oncemore demonstrated his abilityby banging out a 626 series withscores of 195, 214 and 217. to

"' tween the Gold Star Meat Mar-Stnir, ballet dancing trappier,!lead the Mechanics No. 1 to aket, Sitar's Shop-Rite, and meets a newcomer in Pao; two-game victory over the

"Midge's Beauty Nook. ;Choim, of China. In two tagjTank House.

It all happened this way. team

,nd ran 70 yards for a touch-lown while ftoger Gamachcaced 40 yards for the Benrs.


vale Citizens Bowling Leaguecontinued as both the Sahul-chlk's Builders and the Mul-

second touchdown and Kushneraced 40-yards for the final



With B. Z.

Two-game winners were theSlovak Club over Bi-ezn Bus andGreerfwald's Insurance overJoe's Market.

The honor roll for the week

11 IV


IllMl'ta tie last two teams |.

fourth place with Booth's to W j i

Electric by winning two games1 tractors in

St. DemetriusPinners Win21 in League

CARTERETJ-The St. Deme-C a r t e r e t m a d e a good showing last S a t u r d a y in [trius bowirrs took good advan-

, , , , , ,, • , , , no in lll<"' (>' Mike Bodnar'n timely,losing to a powerful Woodbridge team by a 33-19 b o w l l n ( ! to g B l n ft a i i . g a i n j !

score The Barrons, undefeated, expected to roll j victory over Sammy Ray's .Mu-Jiie uuiiur lun IUI me ween _ Ulr' Rlinn t/i Ink* wmnri nlu<u>

included J.Soltrsz 222, p. GreKo up a big score against the Blues. In fart, the first <™ c a r t ^ e t commerClaU

Blues BealniBy lIn Close

CARTER KVteam l i ;

impressive 5-n.

215, J. Lazar 213. M. Skerchek204 and E. Urbanski 200.

WSahulchik / 18Muller's _ 18Synowiecki 14Slovak Club . 14Greenwald's 14Pete's Diner 11Joe's Market

matches, Miguel Perez; I n o t h e r m a t c n e s t h e M a i n

The Gold Star Meat Market a n r l Luther Lindsey oppose office came through with an'was upset in three Kames by, J m>' Graham and Lan-y j i m p r e s s l v e two-yame triumph) T h e BMreation Department'Breza BusMidge's Beau ty Nook, and t h e r m i o n , and In the other t h e ' o v e r t h c L e a d ' Burners a s ' w l U s o o n b e g l n t h e J ° b ° r o l " '

andand In tile Otllei ...... uyeL me ijeau nunitis, as . . ~ • " -

'Academy Alleys. hilthiB a ndw^vanar, Boys are paired anchorman Tony Skrypocskl^'f l n* ' h e * l n , t e r b a s k ( ' r° i l 1 1

u,'awiinst Pat Kelly and Mlguclj.wt t h e p a c e w l t h s c o r e s o f 1 7 1 iprogram^for all leaguescamc!ateam high of 1608, . ..through with an unexpected Torrestwo-game victory over Sitar's.flnopiRite.

In the final match Sokler'sfurniture won two games, f-rom , . _ , . . , - . -.*

Xochek's Pharmacy MlddletOWn HCfC



HillBowl alleys. Mike hit Kames of

. The summaries:• MidgesV Gold Star

191 and 193.iagers will be notified of time,jand place of the initial meeting.:

The Mechanics No. 3 was the F l a g P o o t b a l l l s f a ? t , bl,_;

thf B ° 'ing a cleanYard- Transportation

iill l o v V A A C KU1" J < I J VCCa "me * 11 • 1

By Wooabi idge

two Woodbridge touchdowns were the result of j industrial Leaifue at the

"bad breaks" for Carteret '"' """"" """" v "

Tomorrow the Carteret boys will take on Middle-

town in the final home game of the season here.

Despite the fact that Middletown has won only

one game this season and lost five, Head Coach

Dougy King is taking no chances and has sent his

charges through a series of long workouts this

week in preparation for this game. Said Dougy:

"We will get trouble from every team this season,

even Perth Amboy"

They held bumper week in the Carteret Major

la-,1(to :

to townnoon totrret's nn-i-ihours of Iuithe Barrens33-19 derisim

226, 203 and 201. The Saintsii-lovr thai; :fought their w'ay up from lastiwould IndicuiP l a ( ' c 1. Two.-a.lv ,„.

Tlie Hill Bowl had it* lead.bridge us n,,cut down from two to half a^the Barrons l.-ijKtune as it dropped two games'time, they n:<:to thc A. O. Miller combine.iRin to 33-i:i :nBob Pazur's 245-201 and 617] A pass from .series was high for the winners.jbled and Went

Three teams tied for third session on :l

place, as each club won two;Three plnv* i,,names this week. Thc C. and C;dler scored f:,,Oil won over Ciszak's Plumb-|Ilne.


nag Football is fast, be-; "j ». » v « w ^ « ^ v , , mcy neia utiiiipt-i ««•* 111 uic w n c . a raap (Bowl and Leo's won a pair from,1)Sss from U,,coming the thing in the Bor-! CARTERET—Converting two Bowling League and the first-place. Engraver Engi- iPerry's News. Mike SawchakiDacko «m-^LT??. 8Ly. e5 e™"AD^ lA i eCarte«t miscue. into toud,-! n w r ( M n t h r ^ nvn Irlenl T.innors to nt.xPnrl their ! h a d a Wl™. ^ . '? .P e r!7 ' s 'on the jw,-yollngSters will play at 2 P. M..

d o w n i t h e,The w = h,t scores of 920. l n t i x P a l , ^ ^ " " ™ ^ ^ ^ «$»ui, mm ow. T h e C o , t s a r e l e a d j n | , m , h c 2 g t Q 7 t l , i u m p h o y e r l ) l e C a r . l

The honor roil included p l a g Football League '-vith'teret Reservest his week. TheMario Coppola 225, Ralph t h r e e w i n s a n d n o I o w s TIIP WoodbridRe team is unbeaten*

n e e r s w o n l n w o v e l i a p a l Li<lmisn e w s m r T l C a r M a r e i , r t 8 k

1 AcademySitar's ...

518 530 531 CARTERET — What chance509 481 44fl has Carteret got in beating

Middletown Hwh tomorrowJAmundson 224, George Sloan!Gia'nts are in second place to date with seven wins in528 516 564 when tlie Uyo teams clash here1212, Lenny Potts 211, Lou Ber-:ha v m E chalked up two wins as row

lead to five full games—biggest of the current sea- I210 and 570 for Leo's Inn.son. The league is one of tlie fastest in 'Hie county. I f ^ F e d l a m N ^ out f

C ' 91<um<n oat and Mlkn HiriaU


1234-580 set and Mike Huiak

510 538 540 in Carteret's final home gameof the season. The Blues have

Sokler's .Kocheck's ...

The team standings:Gold Star 13Sitar's • 13Miage's 13Sokler's 12Academy . . 11

. Kocheck's .9

462 50G 489-snd Perth Amboy—both away.Dougy King told the writer'

tha 207, Mike Capik 204. |against one loss. This after-i Carteret took an early lead1

. . . .„, „„„ , . „ ^ „ . , The match between the Elec- noon's schedule lists the Bears in the name whm n hari ™K;473 481 498 two more to go-South River ! t r a n s and the Mechanics No. 2 vs the Giants and the Colts'Tromi cent™

Danny Semenza'hit his second 630 series this week [200-570 foVkoy's k'am, asin league competition:

In a new innovation here. Rose Watychowicz I banged "ouTa 236 "and'V nicewas awarded the "Bowler of the Month" award by 606 set for the victors. ,

' Mattel's Sunoco won

tin- !(.,

n [that the team will have to playi ingi 'j ! ;nt its best, despite the fact that Mechanics No. 1u iMiddletown has an unimpres-jxank House .n i j s i v e record of only one win andi

'five losses. • !Mechanics No.'4

ywas postponed due to the fact, against the Cards. If you aiv the Blues on the WoodbndKe'

j that several bowlers were work-1 interested in seeing a gond. five-yard line. Two plays later


Darabs Win TwoIn City League

The complete records of tlie g'heeteis"two teams follow: j


[fast game be at the park at 2 the locals scored.832 823 890!o'clock and watch the yonng- Richie Lutz, Barrons guard/870 813 880jsters in action. Only boys in kicked up a fumble on the Car-'i- [the fifth to eighth grades are Met 16-yard line in the second'774 839 SHleligible to play. :..nod and raced to a touch-1

760 888 768


120 i

Main Office .Lead Burners

;18—Metuchen 21134—Roselle Park ' 612—-Sayreville 26

CARTERET - Led byVSteve'11 9-W o o d h n t 1^ 3 3

Biniewicz's 225-203 and 609! November.._ set; the league leading Darabs:

won two games over Lord Max-well Beverages in the Cartqret!City Bowling League. The sec-j „ ,ond place Slovak Club, trail-ing by only one game, tookthree from Bert and Al's. , 24-Freehold

Holding third place are tlie i2_Neptune 31

I Smelter

- A t


Mechanics No. 3Yard Trans. . ,

The Ramblers lost to an un- d.iwn1. A 30-yard drive put(defeated Woodbridge team, ii Woodbridge ahead, ending with

833 854 896|to 19 but they were far from Hadynlak crushing the center836 775 835|dlsgraced as thousands who from the four-yard*ljne, 14-7.

; witnessed the game can readilv812 758 805!testify. Rain during the K736 760 694!caused a measure of discom

[fort both for the team and tin920 907 -840!spectators. It was the Rambler787 831 837|

Carteret Burner pinners who 13—Red Bank Cath. 20November

Phillips TeamIs, Leading Race

in first place in the Carteret| Lanes FridayLeague with

;ARTERET — Phillip's No. 2;ch»el and Son hit a big 516]according to statistics as Mid-team still commands first plaet'series with scores of 171, j.85;dlet»wn had one win this

= dropped a two-game decision.i to the City Line Auto Body! 12—At Carterei,;• S n°P- " 124—At Asbury Park, " Another truee-game winner

Included the Academy Alleysi over Muller's Insurance. Brady's- Tavern copped two tames over* Joe's Bar in the final match of; the night.

The honor roll included A.Sosnowskl 304, L. Bertha 208,"

; Joe Malek 200, J. Vernillo 214,|in the Tuesday Night Carteret and'160.; C. Makwinski 211-203, A. Gal-JLanes Womena League. The1 Threi'-«ame

Vanek 201 and J. Chomickildub won two games this week-weeks includedv 222-234-616.^ The team standings:'•'• Daratfs Tavern 19' gloyak Club 18

. iwCarteret Burner 17' j*MJd Maxwell 14

t*Clty Line Aiito ,.\ _ 14'Bert and Al'a 11• Brady's Tavern 10

Kacsur Fuel in2-Game Setback ,By Lillian Shop

CARTERET—Despite a twoSame setback at the hands of! T ^ Jay Vees lost to it,Lillian's Dress Shop, the KacsiV'iWoodbr ldge counterpart, 26 toFuel Company team continues^-

Agrico in Sweep !!. Ov er W. T. Grant;


the Hi-Low Women's League for being the out-

standing oowler during the past month of competi-

tion, Each month the outstanding bowler who at-

tains the highest total pin fall for the month will

be awarded a trophy. Kay Istok told me of .this idea

and I think it is a wonderful one.

The Carteret Frosh won its third. game this

week, beating Edison High by a close 7-0 score. In

the meantime the Barron jayvees won their sev-

enth in a row by downing the Carteret Jayvees

easily, 26 to 7. k

twogames over J and J Television

first down on iand DAlcssiothe score l:i-i!

Walt & Gene'sWin Three toRemain in Lead

I The Bin runs ri.,,:the thud unit :although ha:riv<


Wmidbriditri E n d s C h n i;,i!K e l e m u n . HuiiNi] .

Guarci.-- U-l.v. ;sek, Lut/

Tackles. A:.: -league Pk-aioni.' !>•:.,...CARTERET — The

leading Walt It 'dent ' s picked Sttk.'Goodai*-up a full game in the Carteret Centers: Bu.Commercial Bowling League by Bucks: !>•;winning three games from the Schundler. i>"

fourth loss of the season a s u ' u " • *• • vr i a n i 9 ^ i^ i • 1 1 T i l - 1 lClty U n e P)nner8- while" the ale, Waunn i

two wins. v # . ! | , A 1 S n n h | v T i r i r i ^ t * c K I d t i L ^ s i c o n d place BablM pum»<'ure- (ani 'Freshmen who were -sched- LltPltY IiaS OUl I ^ ^ M 1 1 VFA I L I t l ^ l O J J l a l l J V were successful in winning only Ends Port.-:

uled to play the WoodbridKe' C : * i1*0 « a i n e s f r o m Orohmann's-Toth. Qreeor>Frosh played the Edison team CARTERET — Agrico scored T |»A T * . m • Insurance. I Tack lev <Instead, winning 7 to 0—t he a sweep againsi the hapless W. | P | | P l * C n r | K l f i l l l P h p i * C ' " l n e f l n a l match Sabo'S'Pslinkus. f ia •third win as against the same T Grant team who have yet to * | v l l l > l CTVrll^ J L F 1 C 1 1 H _ / 1 1 C ; 1 O Sport Shop moved up Into a. Guard.-* Knnumber of losses for the Home w:n. Sabo Sport Shop came • four-way tie for third place by^IaikoAiu,team. However, the freshmen through with a 1\2 game win in« two straight games at the;iiou look over oil the next taking two ganiea from the; Guards Khave some mighty fine pros- ".- one game resulted in a flat ^tart of the season. Coach Herb play, and behind tt host of Kood Academy Alleys. The four te«ms Markowii/pects for the varsity. tie. . ;Hollowell's sophomore eleven blocking, he bulled his way deadlocked for third place in Centi'rs W •

The Jay Vees losi to it f o x y e n ' s Store returned to has now won two straight to mu> the end zone. The scre.the sixi-team ltagut include Baik.v U.ithen winning ways by defeat-balance their present record aUioa- at 26-0 when the "fourth':Grohmann'» IiiSurance. Habo'ii xlh.

Middletown will make its

:i^ the G & M Liquor Fiye, two'.500. The young Barrons attempt forlimes. In the final game the>downed Thomas Jefferson 26-0 bueklired

Night Mixeda lead of 4V2[teret

times..Mary Barnaba of Angelo Mi-

final appearance on the Cm -

the extra point Suort Shop. City Line. Social Masculm. r",:.Club and tin- Acadenvy Alleys. ;. Sco1'1 b v '>* '•

schedule tomorrow—the

won the odd over the!Thomas Jefferson in the openS. Teachers.

Jge's Bar v...Muller's IusuranceAcademy Alleys

U) hold a four-gan* margiivShoi| and Kay's Restaurant,over Andy's Market an'd Ward's'two-game winners were Lil-

5;No. 9 team, both of whom are'lian's Dress Shop, Falcon Hall,6|tied for second place. ;Woodbridge Ford Motor's7j Aiy's D(-ess Shop was the'Angelo Michael & Son.

10 only thrfce-game winner in' W L10 this week's competition. Two^acsur Fuels . 22 513Lame winners included ideal'Curteret Lanes n>2 gu14|Liquors, Green Lantern, Ward's.Aniu'lo Michaels 16 1116No. 9 and Olah's No. 5. Carteret Diner 14 13

season — over Neptune. Evenwinners thi'sithough. Middletown lost fivSabo's • Sport j games so far this season, It Is

interesting to note that theys.bo spjrt ebop


moved intotheir I surprise made

. f'o» Mem Store

y p i plost three of the games just by*w e l° Michael * 8 o n

one touchdown. Tomorrows S ' ° ° I i 5 J

Not Baritained ForThe following advertisement

appt-aml in a physical culturemagazine:

"Hcrc'.s a good test for yourmid-swt ion m u s c l e s . ClaspJiands overhead and place feet

18 i Elizabeth (Betty i Sipos!3abo's n\i 13 >/221{topped the h o n o r roll with ajWdbge. Ford 13 14

. 13 14

. li 15

. If 15

big 527, Others included A. Ho-;Falcon Hallvanec IjOl, A- S h a n e r 190, J L i H i '

together on the floor. Now bend|Godeny Chev 14to the right at the. waist as yousit down tu llii; left of your feet.Then, by sheer force o{ your

Savon Drug!ual H o m u

i.lciay Barbers ..."if & Cojciilbridge H.6.J.T.•plrh't E»SO

It U. Llqi|or»Blectrlc ...

• 1 8W

, 16M'i1312 .12


S. Kaufman 189.Phillip's ; /22-i 8Andy's Market ....... 1S|I 12No. 9 Ward I I81 12Ideal Liquors 161;. 13 VaBaumgar t i iers 141-2 15'A

Page's "tavernKay's RestaurantAmerican Apto ....Coffeemat Corp. .. 19

Green LanternNo. 5 OlaiiJAly'a Dress Shopy. J y

musics, haul yourself up, bendMatkis Sunocoto tilt; right qf your feet. StlckjAngelo Michael

k hJ\\



and let «us know theJKepich Esso

'xl day a letter cam|eii (iimply1: "Hernia!1'




Frosh Defeat' Edison by 7-0

aught a 15-yard paw* from

Main Office

jKame should be rough and most Rlikely will feature a ureat deal K

of passing by Middletown. JJ'South Riv^r went on a scor- o

ing rampade last Saturday "garnerHfg ii points against St. , , , l l l w l B n H B C . M . C .^ e t e l 5. Haaiiccl Electric

Perth Amboy suffered an-other loss, this Ume to Trenfon 3 Game Winner.u to u, Amboy has scored but AH'ICO over w. T. araat.three times this" deason—too! 2Vi Gtm* wiaatn

many of their playerThaveteen " * f l f G S ? w i ^ 0 " D n w 'the injured list. However ' Hon*»y B»rb«r» over w. j . p»tt«n

1 Co . Hungarian B.C.M.C. aver Hapiccl BlKtxlc. Pazur & Co. overVeroachlo Electric, for Uena Storeover Ragucct Bleclrlc. Keplcli's Esuoover Mutual Homes, Angelo Mlchae!k son over Wcodbrldge HS.T.

Honor Roll ,804-205—601, 8. Kovaci

, BB

214, L. KaabA 204, R Kuhn

and tu, U . K I 1 , „,.„,, the mp 'our clubs trailn* by

ing ,period. After returning a b a r k l u ) m P l 0 lhi. s h o r c o n , t ) ( l kfc-nes.ThomBs Jefferson punt to the s n o r l t n d o f a n ,„.„ 1>C()|t. The lummunn120 yard line. Harold Alnott, „ , „ . , , , , ,, Wait & Gene'sLarry McUughlln and Steve' . ^ " « * H^'0*' '" »'Kisko alternated moving t h e , 1 " ^ ' 8 " l e *°»*™»™ ^ '

• Iball down to the.Tee Jay three meff0"* v l c^'> ' «« , AJiAt this point. Thomas Jefferson fd S . Terry Napiav.uk and Ed

L w f l 0 jjjjj a ^.i-fK^.

Gontaiiiiiit! Loim Brai.cli'.s

PinnL-itait. Mil-

recovered a Barron fumble.However, when the visitors a t -^

City Linelie*

! l m ' Sabo'sAcadjeniy

'mi'nt'. Wu911 878 9 « Offlcials-861 829 797 Arnold Kd

785 833 848PO8SIB1.I847 77« 810 Top Uni

Mi ii M;

Q b

|defen6e to down tlfe opposing l l " K l l l i w n u n d e r Pu"l* to pre-'ball cairrler for a safety. Wood-!ve"1 t n t ' S'IO'P eleven's fastbridge then took over i-0. !backs ftom taking off for sub-

Lattjr in the| first period,! '

tempted to move the ball out,:""1' t l l d s B*'111 fl"i'K 'it'iutors " " " 1 " ,Bill Vrabel broke through the* 1 " 1 /-sptcially elfectjve get- ™ ^ ™ ^ J

; s t t a l l U a l


of trouble on Thanksgiving[Day.

Parents who come to watchtheir boy« play^or Carter»tHigh are pleasdfl with the fine

r l l i n C r S Wil l J Aid Squad U always in attend-!ance and one can always find

CARTERET-The Mum Qf-^r. Chodosh or Dr. Chenkin on;e pinners won three Bames^he .bench. It is interesting to

over the Giants to remain in ' n o t f t n a t e a c h p i a y e r l s ,5lvenifirst place in the U.S.M.R. j a careful medical check afterHandicap Bowling League last^ach game.week at the Carteret Lanes.Other three game winners in-| eluded the Raiders over

the Pilot"CARTRRET — The Carteret over the Eagles.

football team won its Two-game winners were theIhird game of the current sea- Rockets; over the.son, us against three defeats, Tahlf Htntee over the Erectionby defeating the Edison Frosh.7 to 0, this week.

Cartwetf »cored In the first'

Brothers Carmkhael are busyplaying football—Gene at Vir-

TteroVat^ Florida. We

would appreciate it if parents

over Res«arch.The honor roll last week in-

letically at colleges and univtu-throughout the country

"Ramblers" t» listed u th«official nickname lor Carteret

547, W. Vargo 547, ,S. MarekArtie UaMahon. Trie . teams 842, J. Lukach 833, s. Ti«k 526,'i»y«* rood dtfMudTe ball for J. Bryer 522, 8. Pascal- 513 s

UM w i «f «M m u , with nel- Medvrick 509, A. Tarr 507, J-.tut IMIB b«lna abk to gttBwanjr 607 and P. Marciniuk


rectory for 1840-81. so "Johnniehow come a girl dressed as r,Ram runs around the field atgames and the cheerleader.have rams imp'rintetJ on theli

iromoikl 213, U. Ardlere 204, Auth 200. P. Cutle 2M,


Toes. t-M P.M. to 8:00 P.M

Saturday from 9:00 A.M.

Sunday 11 Noon to 8:00 P.M.





Richie Acquila det up l.he Bar-1 Alter a scoreless rim period nt?Ln»> Ron*' initial touchdown whtnlWoodbndKc broke the ice in Acudemv

he circled his left end and,Uie second. With thu ball rest- 1scampered 38 yard)) to tl)eilrUi on the Long Branch 40 Ar-Thomas Jefferson five. On

iKisko nad Jim

nsuing play, Amott crickedimoved the ball downthe Tee Jay defense for a!from where M*Laughliiitouchdown. The score remainedthe rest of \he way on a quar-1

8rO when the attempt for thellerback sneak The tally '

ch 40. Ar- I AI,JLA\,O HnivrarMcDonald LCotllCKh l i d IF Vlo the one, ! *

Df Ld

763 842 B01,about pos.'s:,!838 808 gnlindfpendvt.t

I,'power bv thS in Europe

17 fear an IUIHUI15 within NATO15 Tins ai>i>n:15 wUl br rxpn15ir0,f 8UU- Heitr:

il met-1inB


" i999

I :••

Defeats Leadersextra point failed.

Immediately after the start the conversion failed"of the second quarter, the Bar-i Both teams .played «n

Jefferson 14. With the end one rlod, but a big break forin clear sight. McLaughJin, theibrUfce occur/ed in the

Dairy loat two garnet to theiecond-placc Le»ch«ck'tcutting the league leaders'margin to only two. game*the Hl-Lo Women's Monday


Only 2from CARTM1


half, plecount.

around his right end for thetouchdown. Atf>ther missed at-tempt for the extra point keptthe tally at 20-0. * >•

covered a Long Branch fumbleon the 17. On the very next of-fensive maneuver, McLaughlin

[ 1 L ! »'

Afcademy Alley*.The third-place Crldell, Inc.

won a tweep over Richard'sBeauty School, while -Jack;Page's Tavern, with Jo Bias*'turning in a big 199, scored ajclean sweep over Midgt'sBeauty Nook.

In the final match of thenight, Oreiuer's won a pair ofgames over Frank Brown's V9-\partment Store.

The team standing followsW

raced 50 yard* to the ThomasJefferson 13, and 011 his second

he reached the j/d. Ar- target."

18-0 when the attempt for the•xtia point miucd iU Intended

Cr«am-O<Und Dairy 18Dairy



'Richard's Beauty 8cfc|, 4

Jack Page's TavernMidge's Beauty Nook




Tue«. Thru HFridgySund»y l A



Page 19: DigiFind-It• i Presented Fairly; dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures r\\0\a& Abound Corner it is .only 30 shopping days to| M| you aren't quick about it yOU ,tJ

Effect*ie Home

>lk TopicH K A D I N O — Mri.

|V !,,i)il, publicity ch»lr-, ,,,,| o PTA, announced

1 ','*'•] A ill be held ln the'""Wliinrlum at 8 P. M.

1 K Klinid, associate pro-' . Agricultural Com-

.",',.,,' lit Rutgers Unl-::"' I,,. Sliest speaker and1 ' ,!„• Effect of T e l e

, -i,,. Home."'K ] . k l , m d teachfd radio!. ,.,d public jpeaklng

Variety Sh&to Tonight

To Aid Charity Fund

Woodbrttt* u<mt Club•Poiuor » B r t


W,h School

a p M a r t

tor of cwemonlM,»«»!« JUI

"UMI* BuckConrad

l faculty,,..,, of Agriculture., :i ui to tmhlng, he,';;ullo comedy writer,|

:,inK managern producer of manytelevision program*.

past six years he .has, problems cauted by

ConradBnckner, Cel-

ette Eratu with an illusionnovelty and Bobhle RolllniIn an andiene« partleipatlonact.

Thli performance will r»l»efunds for the tnanr charitableproject! of the I.ioni, amoncWhich are their work for theblind and the crippled. Thepublic is urged to attend thlienjoyable a n d worthwhileenjoyableevent.

forjChinese AuctionOn Aid

'61 Holly Debutante BallnderofBPWClub

Emblem ciub to MakePlaMJor

•s Asked

Ruth Wolk waa named chair-man of the affair, the first ofits kind to be held' In Wood-bridge Township, She will nameher committee within the next!two weeks.

Rules and regulation* will be'drawn up and will be sent onrequest*1 to parents who are In-terested In having their daugh-ters "corte out". The gowns ofeach debutante will be regis-tered, so no two will be alike.

Reporting on the ball at arecent meeting, the chairmannoted It will take a year tomake plans for the event, If It

j Is to be done properly.Members of the newly-formed

Edison Township Business andProfessional Womih'f. Club were

W00DBR1DOE — The merri- n™=™t a, the session. Theirldge Club sponsored

willaccepted into the

ri «f television into beri rf UWTT-H, i l . ,nmem".Present

m home. q"Z ^ . a ^ d « AW Society|Woodbr

urges all P t w n t o j " ^ 5 " « e l l « . *'ld «*• the new ,Wrchmenta wlU 2 Ian T ' \J?L* C<m- J««*r be*

Re-1 the new group whichfon "' . .._ . . .v- ...v'New Jersey Federation of Busi-

A Chinese auction will K"

plete plans for the seasonA Chi

held Deeember 10 In the Parish' i n T» IHall with m. 'Stevtn Simon. I ^ t t i n l i P K(\(\KMrs. Prank Kopanyl, Mrs A j d l l l U l l t u u w l i

James Pentck, Mrs.1 Andrew!Mrs. Frank Kopanyl, Mrs

M a i l M C C K S ?U8» »nd Mr»- Andrew uorko.In charge.

the* A 150.00 donation wasSale to Start

— Thespon-

of the

annual Christmas party, byMrs. John Muller, president.Members will bring a gift ora cash donation for TheIndependent-Leader ChristmasFund.

A Getting-to-Know-Youprogram was presented by Mrs.Edna Magargal, career ad-vancement chairman and Mrs.Mary Aon Holloway, number-ship. Speaking on their Jobs1

were: Mrs, Harry Burke, Li-brarian; Mrs. Irving Hutt, realestate broker;.Mrs. Pllutkiewlczregistered nurse; Mrs. MabelNaylor, switchboard operatorand Miss Wolk, newspaper-woman.

Mrs. Vera Ryan, public af-fairs chairman and Miss Wolk,public relations chairman, re-ported on plans for the Becondannual panel discussion, openfree of charge to the

man of the affair which Is forthe benefit of the CrippledChildren's fund, Tickets areavailable from members or at)the door.

Food Store Tour4-H Calendar

subject will be "Opportunitiesfor Women in the Field of En-

speakers in the performing e.._of the entertainment field andtwo In the production end. If!

from S A. M. to i P,„-_ from 7-9 p M •

• dimmer coin card i by Mrs. Leslie Eery. through Friday 7-9'p,ci to area resident* Mrs. Joseph Hegedus. litera- Saturday, November 19members, small In ture chairman, reported on the to 9 P. M

!-.•• been endetvor-^eadtnn matter which is being All

M and1 p vt

up the cardi. Ac-used egch month In the society, through the books for smallMi Rossi It would Mrs. BUM. chairman of the children, teens and adults

,i,rublj- If those who "Golden Table Cloth" project Over 100 children's books willOrnate would mull'for the new church building be displayed according to age

in me'fund Is progressing with Kreat levels.Interest Every mrmber of thcBlblea

A large selectionand missals will

to maintain U w C n u r c h *'U1 participate In this available. A total of over 1,000maintain thehaaii will he. on display.M«M. Uw buUdta»«JroJ^L ' » ,.bi»lis will he. on display. ^

chase much-need*d Blr t t ld»y celebrant was Mrs. Thp gold vestments purchas-t Kopanyl. Silver offerlnn was ed by trte Sodality's past pre-

l ' " 5 " ' ^ by Mrs. Michael feet, Miss Mnrcia Suan forrnpment.-i.-mbers receive


'Separate Tables' to Beby Merck Players

Brothers, Rihway.Derek is chair-

WOODBRIDaE — The art ofpurchasing food, determiningquality and economy, will betaught by the younger group of|the Teenettes 4-H Club duringa planned tour of a supermar-ket in Woodbridge, accordingto Mr«i Joseph Rapacioli, the

Mrs. Rapacloll said the mem-bers will examine laundry prod-

ts and notions as an aidtheir clothing project.

of the older Teenettes at ameeting ln the Rapacioli home

A new member, Sigrid Roh-racher, who moved here re-cently from Hamilton, Ontario,was welcomed.

. .r. but they needi*!aln service to the

R^*nilln the priest will be on display.

Vargo-Grabon Nuptials

"'"°fpTA Held Saturday Mornin8^raiH tO South

; television will be p<(sented

Auxiliary HoldsHard Time Fete

AVENEL — A "Hard TimeParty" was enjoyed by theLadles Auxiliary of the AveneFire Company 1 and theirguests. The affair, held at thefirehouse, was reminiscent ofso-called depression years.

Prizes, were awarded to thosedressed most suitably for theoccasion. Mrs. William Perna,Mrs. Godfrey Thompson, Mrs.Stanley Derewsky and GeorgeShaffer walked off with theawards. Judges were AlexTarcz, Jr., Herman Stelnbach,

i Rubin Greco andDwyer.

Music was by Johnny JacksOrchestra. The musical chairdance for women was won byMrs. Stephen Cohorsky; theone for men by Ray Hopplck.

Other prizes for games wentto Mr. Greco, Mr. and Mrs.George Allen, Frank Lyons,1

Scheduled at localPlayhouse in Round

WOODBRIDGE-Thc Mrrck!Circle Players will present Tcr-jence R a t t l g a n ' a "Separate!Tables" at the playhouse, Mar-1

tin Terrace and Railway Ave-nue, on November 18,19 25and 2«. There will also bo'so-cial performances December 1for the benefit of theAmboy Oener»l Hospu.uland December i for theof Pythias of Railway, Curtain1

time is 8; 30 P. M.The cast Indudrs Ann Rott-

.man, Kittle Butler. BorniceGordon, Tony Provriizano, Gil-bert Kaleko, Bernice Butler1

Adeline Sevack,. Ruth Kaplan*!Katie Hartnett, Henderson!"Bud" Pierce, Gene Gallo and:

Mary A. Wilson.Judy Cole is director with

Pat Hagen, producer, stagemanager is John Hallowell and

Charles Laughery, mops; JohnPetrocy, lighting; Arlene Nash,costumes; Carol Kaleko. setdecoration; Connie Marchitto,

were presented to Christine]Agnew, Sylvia Blackwell, An-gelika Hoher, Eileen Martin,Gertrude Strasser, Linda Cwle-kalo and Judy Kummler,

Edna Saokspublic relations

Abraham Graber, Penh Am-exhlblt his

works in the lobby during per-formance nights, '

Heart FilmTo be ShownBy KnightsI WOODBniDOE - Prter P.MrCniin. Oi-Riid Knl?ht of theWoocliinitw Council. Knightsof Coi


s, hn's aiuioUricediSffays meeting a

iiiuhus,I Til l!if (i rnirlio-pnlnionaryi|HT;ltlnli will He shown.n rl by \hf rnrrlin-pulm-

imau foundation of St. Petrr'iHni>:|tnl, Nnv H:iui5\vic!c, themen ic will hi* shri'.m by theSI:.UT Superior I.iDuc and Dr,T,. 11. I.if who will cx'plfifh thefilm mifl Rrmvrr qiifslions. ThemciMiniT will Mtf't. at. 7:30 P.M and eonllr.i until 8:30.Immrrllatci.v thriPiiftrr openlimi?!1 will be hrld and refresh-ments will be served. Members

•\air urged to attrnd and bring*' friends,

! Members of tl-.e Middlesexi; Council have raised 1500 for. t h e foundation in the first; , phase of support. Next projectJh will be a drawing with the firstfi.prize a 1961 Cadillac, and the

second, a $600 mink stole. TheNew Jersey Chapter No. 4 ofthe K. of C, of which Wood-brldne is a member, hag* al-ready collected $3,500 in a[seals and canister drive for-thefoundation.

Guest speakers at theing were Mrs. Leona Zak, homeeconomics teacher at Wood-bridge High School, and daugh-ter, Judith. They taught thegirls how to make Christmasstockings. *

At the next meeting, SylviaBlackwell and Joan Cwlekalowill discuss "Safety in Christ-mas Lighting and Decorations."

Avenel Lions! Club

Aids Needy PatientAVENEL-Vincent Ricciar-!./ , , , - .

president, at a recent! e t e r m * Day to Be

A . . IV^VIG^ Jl i ic i l , 4'ldlUh LJJVLID,

Amooy, M r a n d M r 5 Qeofgg K u n a k iand

Woodbridge Junlor

WOODBRIDOE - Saturday.Grabun, Jrhorning at a double ring c e r e - W h o r of the bride, a , 1 > r 8 h a f f e ,

«rKo Jr., South Am- Gew A M r s H i c k M , . 'her of the bridegroom..^.,, H r a b a r M r ( , C o h o r i l c ybridegroom.

officiating, Miss RiriKoearer was Richard KevinClare Grtibor. daujflter of Mr. Falk, godchild of the bride,and Mr&. John Orabon, 112' After a trip to Canada nnd

Gyenes to- TalkOn Delinquency

William! WOODBRIDGE—Sunday eve-ning the Youth Fellowship ofthe Evangelical and ReformedChurch will hear DetectiveJoseph Gyenes of the Wood-bridge Police speak on "Juve-nile Delinquency".

The groilp heard the pattor,Rev. Leslie Egry speak on"Spreading of Christianity".Partaking with the pastor wereRichard Hacker and" JohnSzoke.

The door

^boy, became the bride of Rob-couple will live at 300 /Cedar rhalrrr"" " " ^'Jerl VAIKU, .son of Mr, and Mrs.'Street, South Amboy, For trav-'jjut^ains^'Stephen V»r^o, 11 Va»der,bIIt ellng, the bride chose R plum!,^,.^ '

were won byM. Meelhsim

:,im will be'.he Sth and 9th1""1"""" •"'""• " '»*->'.""<• >--»"ii. "« •"•« l » u « " *"""';horsfcy, Mrs. Harold Hanson,•law and will dc-P I*c e- colored wooljersey sheath with M r s

background "^e ' ) r '^e ' *'10 * a s *'v e n in.matching accessories.

hi «,Dy Mrs.

M r s , A U e H i

Derewsky, Mrs. Peter Greco,al background; . . , . , uerewssy, jvirs. icier ureco,Hvlni picture m a » l a | " ! b> h*r ^ • * a s »l" Mn. Var«o is a graduate ofMrs, Herman Petz, Mrs, Rubin

U* American L1"4 m * « o w n o f

to world War B — 8 k l l m e r * * t m * ' l l h a 8 l l b r i n a Atnboy, and is" employed In the<•* Doodle to Ood l l p c k l l n< trimmed with seed;purchasing department of U. 8.

,M Merman reiz, Mrs, Kuoinst. Mary-8 High School, SduthjGt«o.«MH. James Mulligan,A b d t l d l th Mrs. George Kovack, Mrs.

, - - • , Prank Wanca, Mrs. Tarcz,pearls and sequins, and a M(.taLs Refining Co., Carteret. |M r s , Thompson/ Mrs. Dwyer

:<-al portion of the c a t h t ' d r * ' l l ' n g t h t r " ' " H e r The bridegroom, a graduate .m ( i Mrs. Walter Sobieskl.i:\dn th» direction1 th r«-Uer«d veil of Imported il- of at. Mary's High School.l

indinettl and the! l u * ' o n W M ^ttH to a n o . n v p ^ t i , Amboy, served four years INAUGURATION BUILDING

"!:> Mundy,::.r di-hool. '

1 I IiA111 Washinrton

she carried a cascade bou- ; n n1P u. 8. Navy, and is em- Inauguartlon construction Isjquet of white rons cenU'rtd ployed at First Bank and Trust already underway in the na-

jatlonal capital. Behind the Cap-litol Building the Inaugural plat-

Iwlth two white, orchids. Co , Perth Amboy,' Miss Dorothy Kuwulix-, South

do Amboy, cousin of the bride, was There u a darling baby in form has been started and willlilt-end- Ehi.< Preslty's "GI Slues." Wejbe completed just prior to the

January Inaugural. This year

InIN OAST (>K PI ,AY: Above are four of the actors ...Separate Tables" to bt prrsfnted by Merck Circle Players

in the local playhouse. Stated, Btrnlce Fordon and TonyProvrmano; standing Mary A. Wilson and Henderson

"Bud" Pierce.

done,meeting of the Lions Club, pre-sented Anthony.Llpo with his!


frlarked at ServicesjCCUtive board of the woman'smembership certificate and pin.! AVENEL - Veteran's Day Association of the First Pres-

sed rails were donated to a 'w l" b o observed by Congrega-ibvterlftn r h n r ^ u-<n m«Of 1

n.._u „ j . i L . . InLiii^ n 1 ...ni 1 . . . .

Aid Sqmtd Made 112

Calls During OctoberWOODBRIDOE — U . John

Golden, Woodbridge EmergencySquad, reported members re-sponded W112 calls during Oc-tober. A total of 288 man hourswas needed and ambulancestraveled 1,059 miles.«,

Calls, broken down, were aafollows: Transports 58; non-transports 4; accidents 9; homeaccidents 3; l n h a l a t o r i l O ;turnpike 3; fire 9: industrial

Happiness,use of the blind.

ness to"Five-Finger _. . . .„ .Danny Mann directs.

b ^th^'Philip Brand willCantor Joseph Levy.

The Onog Shabbot will beRoz Russell gets Alec Gum- sponsored by the Woodbridge•"" " co-star -with her in:Memgrial Post 71!x TV* ohlor

ExfrcisS." which will sing uder the direction of'Morton Ginlger.

HAMMOND40th Anniversary Marked [0By Avenel Woman's Club

Plans have been made for anoutdoor "Vesper Service" on thechurch grounds November 20.Nan K. Egry, Barbara Sipoi,Donna Szoke and Linda Hacker

Chairman was Mrs. Howard,wiU ^ tacharge.Refreshments

will be served.A bowling party has been

planned for November . 27 at2:00 P. M. at Majestk Lanes,Perth Amboy. Janice Poliwoda]and John Szoke are co-chair-man.

Joseph Kara was welcomedas a new member. All childrenranging from sixth throughninth grade are welcome. [

AVENEL — Fifty two guests,1 Ucation Sorcery" was present-representing clubs from the|ed by "Sandorse, the Magi-sixth district, helped the Av-'clan."enel Woman's Club celebrate1 Yenr books were distributedtheir 40th anniversary, at the:by Mrs. Frederick Hyde, chair-special affair at the Avenel-!man. Mrs. Joseph Wukovets,Colonia First Aid Squad biuld-JAmerican home chairman, wasing.

Greetings and bestwere extended the local club.The main speaker was Mrs.George F. Weinheimer. Jr.',Rahway, Sixth District VicePresident.

I in charge of table settings. Mrs.wishes;Patrick Donato, past president

and honorary member andMrs. Joseph Such presided atithe tea table. Mrs, John Ma-hon, hospitality chairman, wasin charge of refreshments.

On bphalf of the club mem-: In the receiving line werebers. Mrs. Joseph RadowskijMrs, Hansen and past presl-program chairman, presented!dents, M r s - William Kuzmiak,Mrs. William Hansen, presi-'Mrs. James McHugh, Mrs.dent, with a gift. Mrs. James|Danipl Levy and Mrs. Andrew! tAtkinson, gardens chairman,jGalisin.presented the visiting presl-i Mrs. Francis Clooney, past!


dents with corsages.The entertainment,


Worry commbn among di-||verse African cities.

was general chair-

• i:. S. to reesUblish'maid of honor. OtherM'iattoni on the am-'ants were MISs Carol Hrunow- understand it took three setsl<'vel with Cub* in ski. Soutli, Amboy. another of look ulike twins to make the

• 'ure. Alio, there axejcouslii of the bride, and Mrs .'scenes for smiling, crying, Ooo-sn U.% repreaenU-flteven Vargo. Jr., Woodbridg*. KOO, and gurules. They are•Uln America which Miss Irene Oray, niece of the adorable, and so are the scenes.state Department, bride, was flower m:l

.. uf a plan to attack $erving Ins biutmt »s Ixst:.i»va| base ln Cuba, man was Ronald Vargu. Wood-

..iive been carefully brldie Ushers included John•' by the Castro re,.'..ni would make the>,ipear . to be one

'.' by U. 8. forces a1


Ourselves'«* Continue





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the Capitol has a newly-extend-ed east front, which will addan historical note to the 1961Inaugural.

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2 4 L,<fffrl8 ijireet, (jiiteret, N. J.

It's a merry gift shopping time for all the mem-|bers of our Christmas Club . . . now receivingtheir Christmas checks, in plenty of time forleisurely, shqpping and generous giving, with nobudget Worries.

Your "KEY"to a


Is one ol our Christmas Club checks yours? We

hope so, but.if not, you can still look ahesid to

care-tree giving next year. Join our 1961 Christ-

mas Club now! Save a little each week . . . for

a lot of Yuletide pleasure.


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Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


If yqu've always wanted 10 play tlii Hammond Organ,here's a wonderful opportunity.

With our Hammond Budget Plan you can take 4 lessonsfor only J 8 . . . and if you start right now, you'll be playingby Christmasl >

You don't need any previous musical training 10 take theseeasy and enjoyable lessons, which are given right in ourown studios.

And of course there's nothing to buy and no obligation.Don't pass up this chance to learn to play tlie HnmmoiulOrgan at such a modest cost-and by Lhrisimas! Comein today.



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an original TV muslral byon will be B Bell

Hour in February.from Disney-

veteran mone producer Wil-liam Rowland. Series is plannedfor the 1961-62 TV season.Warner Brothers'-new comedyserie.t, Room for One More bows:m ABC in Hie beginning- of;

Uhd with One Nelson and Jammry with Andy iBourbonD'Amboisr featured s " r r ' B e B " Dugran and Peggy

Vlotor HIIRO'S "Les Miserablrs"McCny co-starred PatttPace returns to the Bob Hope


,J» (set for CBS's Family Classics!^™* in March.to February. No cast as yet . . . •'BELAPONTE, NEW YORKflrenkie Lalne, who recorded w is the title of Harry BelB-we theme SOUR for CB8f Raw- font's CBS special in mld-No-nlde t h

Aibury ParkBrickUnionRed Bank C.EdisonSouth RiverThoj. Jefferson

artcretSayrevlllfSpringfield •RowlleSomervlllfWMtfield

guests on the show as a vember. It refers to a Manhat- S'1*^?**Villain in mid-November. Play- , a n postal zone that encom- M e c o n l t 0 u a t * :

tag opposite: him will be his passes many nationalities, asW e , actress Nan Orey . . . The weil as Birdland, Carnegie Halltpfltience of Communism In a l ld the Museum of Modern ArtAfrica will be thr subject of with the Modern Jazz Quartet;ABC's Closeup documentary in a s piests. Belafonte hbpes to:early December: it will be lit led oiieinate various numbers from"Red and Black." . . . James 'these, spots . . . The postporiedBest It becoming a Sought-after Gene Fullmer - Sugar RayTV actor. He'll have guest ap- Robinson middleweight titlefcearanees on Bat Masterson. bout in Los Angeles to be car- .

IVe Gun. Will Travel, and ,led by ABC's Fight of the IJune Allyson Show this Week, is now set for early De-

. o n - cember , . . Ruth Romari and£t!LLA FITZGERALD will Zina Bethune set for an up-town up with Dinah Shore in coming Naked City episode,'Arly December. . . James CHS- "The Human Trap ' . . , Robertney is about set to do "The <Trackdowni Culp guests on an

OPPONENTNew BraniwickLone BranchLakewoodPlalnrieldSouth PUinfield


Perth AmtorSpjderMlddletownMetuchenPlvcatawayBound Brook

" BemardivilleNorth PlalnfleldRed Bank

Won • 76, Lout - 20 Average









JWV BreakfastNovember 20th




Esgend That Walks Like a upcoming Hennesey episode

»d.ea* a Q. E. Theater epl- fefrem fclmbalist. Jr. will

Clint 'Cheyennei NBC's "Wonderland on

There's a frequentlyquestion for you. Evengardener who has only one tree

host'ean become intensely interestedIce"

WjHfcer Is writing an Insplra- special in mid - November.ttonal book directed at young(Mople titled "Prospecting for The DifferenceLiving" . . . The President of "So your son Is in college?the United States will be a How is he making it?"|tol«s Of special* filmed in "He Isn't making It. I'm mak-Bollywood and supervised by nig ii and he's spending it."


This WeekBj Your Rutgers Garden Reporter

Prune Fruit Tree? imation front, a u. S."When and how do I prunejment of Agriculture

OOLONIA-The WoodbridgeTownship Memorial Post. Jetv-ish War Veterans, will hold amembership breakfast Sunday,November 20, It was announcedat a recttit meeting by JackPank. N. L. Robblns. a newmember, was Introduced to thePost.

1 The Post expects Its plans forhospital parties for veteransthis year will cost about $200To raise funds for this, thefiroup has sponsored a TBgWeek this week, Those helpingcollect funds are Murray

".. jFriedman, Jack Pank, SeymourMermelsten. Jack Saperstcin,Murray fleck, Ed Bollens, Sam-uel Belostosky, Martin Staumand Milton Dychtwald. Thedrive is currently going on atthe shopping centers of MenloPark and Two Ouys from Har-rison, Fords, and at the inter-sections of Rout* 1 and AvenelStreet, and Route 1 and FordAvenue.

Other fund-raising projects


Depart- )nciude the selling of flares andf ih e"When and how do I prunejment of Agriculture bulletin.'a fishing piny next year,

my fruit trees?" ibut before you put a saw orjcommander Murray Friedmanaskedjpruning shears to your tree reported that the Township

in pruning.

recommend that you read thewhole book.

It has 46 pages, well il-ustrated with photographs and

will sponsor a wreath-laying atthe Woodbridge Monument onVeterans'Post will

Day in whichparticipate. It


TJhe "when" is easy to answer, drawings. Apparently it leavrsjnlso conduct an Oiieg ShabbotPruning is best In the dormant nothing unsaid about pnmingjtomorrow night at the Avenelseason—fall and winter—whemeverything from apples andisynagogue In connection with

pears to gooseberries. |Veterans' Day.Yott can get this bulletin

from Washington, but it so

there an no leaves on the tree.A good rule to follow is to

HEALTH HORIZONSprune only as much as is neces-sary to get the results you want.

For example, when you prune'a young nonbearing tree your

MBS. DAVID BAUOUR597 West Avenue

SewarenME 4-0247

—The Sewaren Htatory Clubwill meet Wednesday at thehome of Mrs. A. W. Scheldt,Holton Street. The garden de-partment wlH demonstrate »nd|Thirr«|a

"He promised to teach me to Ice skate That's ugood as going steady "

FARM POIJfV CHANGESOne thing certain to

changed in Washington is the,


dried (lower arrange-ments. Mrs. William Nevell willbe In charge of refreshments,assisted by Mrs. W. W. Brund-age And Mrs. Harry Halsey. '•->]

—Charles Hanunett, a form-er 8ew|»ren resident and Wood-bridge High School GraduateIn 1937, h&s been, appointed dl-rbctor of publications for theWesteran Electric company InNew York City. Mri, HammettUrniv iin an editor with the Fab-child1

Publications, and the couplelive on Eleventh Street In theVillage.

-Mrt. J»n ChomkHtUl Rob-the

HarrvJohn WilvWdiMKmond Moran M*'

—Theof theSchool


cn n,school. Confteacher* in t.h» •begin at 7 p {,

M, Quest sj),., |,nlng will b r n ,

assistantof Township srii,[pf curriculum -|no business fin-,;,

-Betty Ann,Carol

In the Yankr,ftuejU of two of ifouriome din.dafter the

-Pvt.USA, arrivet, \a three-dav nn<

rt Street. 1» a- patient InArmy hospital at Ft, Dlx.

--Nancy L « Itarpowlch, 216tJackson. S cOld Road, celebrated her 7th[stationed

of Ajrricultur* know A«ricul-jb,rtnday Saturday with t party -Mr.»nrt \ i , ,tine Secretary Brnson is on thr ftt n p r n o m e Quests wet* Bar- gem. 520 R ^ ,

- out and admit many of narR witkowskl. Cynthia Perry .'leaving then ,farm program. Now roMinn H I"" * ? l l c t o l w!" 8 ° "y t h e ^ t . l l * Zlrw. Elaine Hegedu^i moving to SHM'.

l > o a l d l i lAmy ODonnell, Deborah Cher-i -Mrv Hwhopping six billion dollars nn-nually, the farm program nfthe last eight years hassatisfied many membersboth parties In Congresi


— Ivfnak and Judy Saocato. home todayAm I late for my dinner?"] _Thf Tired Mothers Clublvislt In Swr


"oj iisked the cannibal prince, (met"Yes, everybody's eat*n,"!Mri.

recently at theAlbert Bowen,

home ofFreeman

E m p l o y e s in t h e D e p a r t m e n t i a n s w i M - e d t h e c a n n i b a l k i n g . ' S t r ee t . W o o d b r i d g e . P r e s e n t

her •on-ln-law ,' Mrs [v,

and their fur

happens that we have a modest!stock of them here that we'llbe pleased to send on request.

purpose is to shape the tree so 'f you'd like a bulletin askthe main scaffold (horizontal^for "Pruning Hardy Fruitbranches will be well dis-iPlants." Just send a card totributed up and down andi Garden Reporter, College ofaround the trunk. This is thejAgriculture, Rutgers University,surest way to avoid bad crotch-;New Brunswick,es that tnaj result In breakage' M you, have any, questions

•• When youngsters come down with sniffles, coughs, aches, pafas.'fcter in the life of the tree. :about pruning after you readfcv«r or other symptoms, mothers begin to worry: is it a common When you select the best'the bulletin, write them on n«>ldor a serious childhood disease? scaffold limbs early in the life;card and send that to me, too

Concern about these health hazards is justified, for mflny major of the tree you can avoid most- Questionsdiseases start with simple symptoms. But the situation is not the of the large cuts later. Wheni KSD. Hightstown — Can I

N«w Drugs Fight For Children


n n e as it was when you werea youngster. During the pastganeration new drugs and newmedical techniques have been do-Velopfd that effectively combatc t i ld -c r ipp l i f lg and kil l ingdiseases.

Preventive vaccines nuw wardtiff dreaded illnesses such aswhooping cough, smallpox,diphtheria, typhoid, measles andpdllo, hough these diseases arestill dangerous for the many whoJSave not been protected.. New wide-range antib .»tics

Bave shortened the periods o£|UCh diseases as scarlet fever,jnumps, etc., and allow the bodies<rf tiny sufferers to obtain nour-

• ishment required to resist theUlness. \

But w.iat about thoW every-day complaints like constipation,lore throat, ringworm and feversthat continually crop up to addto mother's daily woes?

Latest medical reports showthat: for youngsttrs troubledwith sensitive scalp infections anew pediatric shampoo, fioroponsolution, effectively curbs thisitubborn, messy condition. Dr.George Binlkin, a New Yorkpediatrician, writes in the cur-rent issue of The Archives ofPediatrics that 48 children wereiwrcessfully treated at home foricalp infections and other con-comitant skin disorders such as(ami <czema and, impetigo.

A new tasty cherry-flavoredIJiniid analgesic compound knownIS Aetasal Pediatric Drops hasWni developed for youngsters

|you have to cut a large branchlBrow the acacia tree in myyou expose a bigger surface by backyard?which rot can get a start. R a v Korbobo, ornamental

When you begin to prune aihorticulturist, says - t h i s i>bearing tree you may want to strictly a tropical tree, not ablecut out a top that has becomeito stand up to even the mildesttoo thick for satisfactory>pray-:New Jersey winter.ing. Or you may discover weak :wood that never produces fruitiFANCY MEETING YOV HEREof the right size and quality. Torrington, Conn. -- Two

Your main goal in, priming policemen responded to a rail|bearing trees should be to keeplabout a late-hour intnidtr inthe tops open enough to per-'a dry cleaning establishment,mit efficient spraying and to1 Cautiously, the policemen ap-remove weak-growing, wood. Al-ipi'oached, They formel thr m-

Iso. within limits, you may alsotruder to be another policeman[prevent a tree from growing too who had discovered the rear

who find swallowing pills a pain-[ tall. [door of the building open andful experience. A group of clini-i Free Bulletin Jwho was looking for a possibleowns have reported that their: T g a t h e r e d t n i s m u c h info,-.,intruder.evaluative studies reveal that _the drug has many superior ad- . "vantages over ordinary aspirin1

in reducing pain and f«ver in Ichildren. I

Another medical innovation!!that has proved a welcomeboonjjto anxious mothers who a«raaced||with getting uncooperative tykes ito take medications is a chocolate!flavored laxative called Senokdt;Granules. It can be sprinkled oniicfi cream, as a garnish on de&-'<serts or whipped into a tasty Ichocolate milk drink. I

Of course, mothers will never >\quite stop worrying about their jyoungsters-and a good thing it ;iis, io», But these and many Ather 'idevelopments of medical tech- i!nfque are removing some of themost painful-and seedless- 'causes of concern. j !

Open Daily 1H11 10Sundny .Till 8 Route 9, Woodbridge

< A


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NAME _.__.



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