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a Volume in theComprehensive Dictionary

of Mathematics




Edited byCatherine CavagnaroWilliam T. Haight, II

Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C.CRC Press

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The Dictionary of Classical and Theoretical Mathematics, one volume of the ComprehensiveDictionary of Mathematics, includes entries from the fields of geometry, logic, number theory,set theory, and topology. The authors who contributed their work to this volume are professionalmathematicians, active in both teaching and research.

The goal in writing this dictionary has been to define each term rigorously, not to author alarge and comprehensive survey text in mathematics. Though it has remained our purpose to makeeach definition self-contained, some definitions unavoidably depend on others, and a modicum of“definition chasing” is necessitated. We hope this is minimal.

The authors have attempted to extend the scope of this dictionary to the fringes of commonlyaccepted higher mathematics. Surely, some readers will regard an excluded term as being mistak-enly overlooked, and an included term as one “not quite yet cooked” by years of use by a broadmathematical community. Such differences in taste cannot be circumnavigated, even by our well-intentioned and diligent authors. Mathematics is a living and breathing entity, changing daily, so alist of included terms may be regarded only as a snapshot in time.

We thank the authors who spent countless hours composing original definitions. In particular, thehelp of Dr. Steve Benson, Dr. William Harris, and Dr. Tamara Hummel was key in organizing thecollection of terms. Our hope is that this dictionary becomes a valuable source for students, teachers,researchers, and professionals.

Catherine CavagnaroWilliam T. Haight, II

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Curtis BennettBowling Green State University

Bowling Green, Ohio

Steve BensonUniversity of New Hampshire

Durham, New Hampshire

Catherine CavagnaroUniversity of the South

Sewanee, Tennessee

Minevra CorderoTexas Tech University

Lubbock, Texas

Douglas E. EnsleyShippensburg University

Shippensburg, Pennsylvania

William T. Haight, IIUniversity of the South

Sewanee, Tennessee

William HarrisGeorgetown College

Georgetown, Kentucky

Phil HotchkissUniversity of St. Thomas

St. Paul, Minnesota

Matthew G. HudelsonWashington State University

Pullman, Washington

Tamara HummelAllegheny College

Meadville, Pennsylvania

Mark J. JohnsonCentral College

Pella, Iowa

Paul KapitzaIllinois Wesleyan University

Bloomington, Illinois

Krystyna KuperbergAuburn University

Auburn, Alabama

Thomas LaFramboiseMarietta College

Marietta, Ohio

Adam LewenbergUniversity of Akron

Akron, Ohio

Elena MarchisottoCalifornia State University

Northridge, California

Rick MirandaColorado State University

Fort Collins, Colorado

Emma PreviatoBoston University

Boston, Massachusetts

V.V. RamanRochester Institute of Technology

Pittsford, New York

David A. SingerCase Western Reserve University

Cleveland, Ohio

David SmeadFurman University

Greenville, South Carolina

Sam SmithSt. Joseph’s University

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Vonn WalterAllegheny College

Meadville, Pennsylvania

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Jerome WolbertUniversity of MichiganAnn Arbor, Michigan

Olga YiparakiUniversity of ArizonaTucson, Arizona

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absolute value

AAbelian category An additive category C,which satisfies the following conditions, for anymorphism f ∈ HomC(X, Y ):

(i.) f has a kernel (a morphism i ∈ HomC(X′, X) such that f i = 0) and a co-kernel (amorphism p ∈ HomC(Y, Y ′) such that pf = 0);

(ii.) f may be factored as the composition ofan epic (onto morphism) followed by a monic(one-to-one morphism) and this factorization isunique up to equivalent choices for these mor-phisms;

(iii.) if f is a monic, then it is a kernel; if fis an epic, then it is a co-kernel.

See additive category.

Abel’s summation identity If a(n) is anarithmetical function (a real or complex valuedfunction defined on the natural numbers), define

A(x) ={

0 if x < 1 ,∑n≤x

a(n) if x ≥ 1 .

If the function f is continuously differentiableon the interval [w, x], then


a(n)f (n) = A(x)f (x)

− A(w)f (w)−

∫ x


A(t)f ′(t) dt .

abscissa of absolute convergence For the

Dirichlet series∞∑n=1

f (n)ns , the real numberσa , if it

exists, such that the series converges absolutelyfor all complex numbers s = x+iy with x > σabut not for any s so that x < σa . If the seriesconverges absolutely for all s, then σa = −∞and if the series fails to converge absolutely forany s, then σa = ∞. The set {x + iy : x > σa}is called the half plane of absolute convergencefor the series. See also abscissa of convergence.

abscissa of convergence For the Dirichlet


f (n)ns , the real number σc, if it exists,

such that the series converges for all complexnumbers s = x + iy with x > σc but not forany s so that x < σc. If the series convergesabsolutely for all s, then σc = −∞ and if theseries fails to converge absolutely for any s, thenσc = ∞. The abscissa of convergence of theseries is always less than or equal to the abscissaof absolute convergence (σc ≤ σa). The set{x + iy : x > σc} is called the half plane ofconvergence for the series. See also abscissa ofabsolute convergence.

absolute neighborhood retract A topolog-ical space W such that, whenever (X,A) is apair consisting of a (Hausdorff) normal spaceX and a closed subspace A, then any continu-ous function f : A −→ W can be extendedto a continuous function F : U −→ W , forU some open subset of X containing A. Anyabsolute retract is an absolute neighborhood re-tract (ANR). Another example of an ANR is then-dimensional sphere, which is not an absoluteretract.

absoluteretract A topological spaceW suchthat, whenever (X,A) is a pair consisting of a(Hausdorff) normal space X and a closed sub-spaceA, then any continuous functionf : A −→W can be extended to a continuous functionF : X −→ W . For example, the unit intervalis an absolute retract; this is the content of theTietze Extension Theorem. See also absoluteneighborhood retract.

absolute value (1) If r is a real number, thequantity

|r| ={

r if r ≥ 0 ,−r if r < 0 .

Equivalently, |r| = √r2. For example, | − 7|= |7| = 7 and | − 1.237| = 1.237. Also calledmagnitude of r .

(2) If z = x + iy is a complex number, then|z|, also referred to as the norm or modulus ofz, equals

√x2 + y2. For example, |1 − 2i| =√

12 + 22 = √5.(3) In Rn (Euclidean n space), the absolute

value of an element is its (Euclidean) distance

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abundant number

to the origin. That is,

|(a1, a2, . . . , an)| =√a2

1 + a22 + · · · + a2

n .

In particular, if a is a real or complex number,then |a| is the distance from a to 0.

abundant number A positive integer n hav-ing the property that the sum of its positive di-visors is greater than 2n, i.e., σ(n) > 2n. Forexample, 24 is abundant, since

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 12 + 24 = 60 > 48 .

The smallest odd abundant number is 945. Com-pare with deficient number, perfect number.

accumulation point A point x in a topolog-ical space X such that every neighborhood of xcontains a point ofX other than x. That is, for allopenU ⊆ X with x ∈ U , there is a y ∈ U whichis different from x. Equivalently, x ∈ X \ {x}.

More generally, x is an accumulation pointof a subset A ⊆ X if every neighborhood of xcontains a point of A other than x. That is, forall open U ⊆ X with x ∈ U , there is a y ∈U ∩ A which is different from x. Equivalently,x ∈ A \ {x}.

additivecategory A category C with the fol-lowing properties:

(i.) the Cartesian product of any two ele-ments of Obj(C) is again in Obj(C);

(ii.) HomC(A,B) is an additive Abelian groupwith identity element 0, for any A,B ∈Obj(C);

(iii.) the distributive laws f (g1 + g2) =fg1+fg1 and (f1+f2)g = f1g+f2g hold formorphisms when the compositions are defined.

See category.

additive function An arithmetic function fhaving the property that f (mn) = f (m)+f (n)whenever m and n are relatively prime. (Seearithmetic function). For example, ω, the num-ber of distinct prime divisors function, is ad-ditive. The values of an additive function de-pend only on its values at powers of primes: ifn = pi11 · · ·pikk and f is additive, then f (n) =f (p

i11 )+ . . .+ f (pikk ). See also completely ad-

ditive function.

additive functor An additive functor F :C → D, between two additive categories, suchthat F(f + g) = F(f ) + F(g) for any f, g ∈HomC(A,B). See additive category, functor.

Adem relations The relations in the Steenrodalgebra which describe a product of pth poweror square operations as a linear combination ofproducts of these operations. For the square op-erations (p = 2), when 0 < i < 2j ,

Sqi Sqj =∑


(j − k − 1i − 2k

)Sqi+j−k Sqk,

where [i/2] is the greatest integer less than orequal to i/2 and the binomial coefficients in thesum are taken mod 2, since the square operationsare a Z/2-algebra.

As a consequence of the values of the bino-mial coefficients, Sq2n−1 Sqn = 0 for all valuesof n.

The relations for Steenrod algebra of pthpower operations are similar.

adjoint functor If X is a fixed object in acategory X , the covariant functor Hom∗ : X →Setsmaps A ∈Obj (X ) to HomX (X,A); f ∈HomX (A,A′) is mapped to f∗ : HomX (X,A)→ HomX (X,A′) by g �→ fg. The contravari-ant functor Hom∗ : X →SetsmapsA ∈Obj(X )to HomX (A,X); f ∈HomX (A,A′) is mappedto

f ∗ : HomX (A′, X)→ HomX (A,X) ,

by g �→ gf .

Let C,D be categories. Two covariant func-tors F : C → D and G : D → C are adjointfunctors if, for any A,A′ ∈ Obj(C), B,B ′ ∈Obj(D), there exists a bijection

φ : HomC(A,G(B))→ HomD(F (A), B)

that makes the following diagrams commute forany f : A→ A′ in C, g : B → B ′ in D:

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algebraic variety

HomC(A,G(B))f ∗−→ HomC(A′,G(B))


� φ

�HomD(F (A), B)

(F (f ))∗−→ HomD(F (A′), B)

HomC(A,G(B))(G(g))∗−→ HomC(A,G(B ′))


� φ

�HomD(F (A), B)

g∗−→ HomD(F (A), B ′)

See category of sets.

alephs Form the sequence of infinite cardinalnumbers (ℵα), where α is an ordinal number.

Alexander’sHorned Sphere An example ofa two sphere in R3 whose complement in R3 isnot topologically equivalent to the complementof the standard two sphere S2 ⊂ R3.

This space may be constructed as follows:On the standard two sphere S2, choose two mu-tually disjoint disks and extend each to form two“horns” whose tips form a pair of parallel disks.On each of the parallel disks, form a pair ofhorns with parallel disk tips in which each pairof horns interlocks the other and where the dis-tance between each pair of horn tips is half theprevious distance. Continuing this process, atstage n, 2n pairwise linked horns are created.

In the limit, as the number of stages of theconstruction approaches infinity, the tips of thehorns form a set of limit points in R3 homeomor-phic to the Cantor set. The resulting surface ishomeomorphic to the standard two sphereS2 butthe complement in R3 is not simply connected.

algebraof sets A collection of subsets S of anon-empty setX which containsX and is closedwith respect to the formation of finite unions,intersections, and differences. More precisely,

(i.) X ∈ S;(ii.) if A,B ∈ S, then A ∪ B,A ∩ B, and

A\B are also in S.See union, difference of sets.

algebraic number (1) A complex numberwhich is a zero of a polynomial with rational co-efficients (i.e., α is algebraic if there exist ratio-

Alexander’s Horned Sphere. Graphic rendered by


nal numbers a0, a1, . . . , an so thatn∑i=0

aiαi = 0).

For example,√

2 is an algebraic number sinceit satisfies the equation x2 − 2 = 0. Since thereis no polynomial p(x) with rational coefficientssuch that p(π) = 0, we see that π is not an al-gebraic number. A complex number that is notan algebraic number is called a transcendentalnumber.

(2) If F is a field, then α is said to be al-gebraic over F if α is a zero of a polynomialhaving coefficients in F . That is, if there existelements f0, f1, f2, . . . , fn of F so that f0 +f1α+ f2α

2 · · · + fnαn = 0, then α is algebraicover F .

algebraic number field A subfield of thecomplex numbers consisting entirely of alge-braic numbers. See also algebraic number.

algebraic number theory That branch ofmathematics involving the study of algebraicnumbers and their generalizations. It can be ar-gued that the genesis of algebraic number theorywas Fermat’s Last Theorem since much of theresults and techniques of the subject sprung di-rectly or indirectly from attempts to prove theFermat conjecture.

algebraicvariety LetA be a polynomial ringk[x1, . . . , xn] over a field k. An affine algebraicvariety is a closed subset of An (in the Zariskitopology of An) which is not the union of twoproper (Zariski) closed subsets of An. In theZariski topology, a closed set is the set of com-mon zeros of a set of polynomials. Thus, anaffine algebraic variety is a subset of An whichis the set of common zeros of a set of polynomi-

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als but which cannot be expressed as the unionof two such sets.

The topology on an affine variety is inheritedfrom An.

In general, an (abstract) algebraic variety is atopological space with open setsUi whose unionis the whole space and each of which has anaffine algebraic variety structure so that the in-duced variety structures (from Ui and Uj ) oneach intersection Ui ∩ Uj are isomorphic.

The solutions to any polynomial equation forman algebraic variety. Real and complex projec-tive spaces can be described as algebraic vari-eties (k is the field of real or complex numbers,respectively).

altitude In plane geometry, a line segmentjoining a vertex of a triangle to the line throughthe opposite side and perpendicular to the line.The term is also used to describe the length ofthe line segment. The area of a triangle is givenby one half the product of the length of any sideand the length of the corresponding altitude.

amicable pair of integers Two positive in-tegers m and n such that the sum of the positivedivisors of both m and n is equal to the sum ofm and n, i.e., σ(m) = σ(n) = m + n. Forexample, 220 and 284 form an amicable pair,since

σ(220) = σ(284) = 504 .

A perfect number forms an amicable pair withitself.

analyticnumber theory That branch of math-ematics in which the methods and ideas of realand complex analysis are applied to problemsconcerning integers.

analyticset The continuous image of a Borelset. More precisely, if X is a Polish space andA ⊆ X, thenA is analytic if there is a Borel setBcontained in a Polish space Y and a continuousf : X → Y with f (A) = B. Equivalently, Ais analytic if it is the projection in X of a closedset

C ⊆ X × NN ,

where NN is the Baire space. Every Borel set isanalytic, but there are analytic sets that are not

Borel. The collection of analytic sets is denoted�1

1. See also Borel set, projective set.

annulus A topological space homeomorphicto the product of the sphere Sn and the closedunit interval I . The term sometimes refers specif-ically to a closed subset of the plane bounded bytwo concentric circles.

antichain A subset A of a partially orderedset (P,≤) such that any two distinct elementsx, y ∈ A are not comparable under the ordering≤. Symbolically, neither x ≤ y nor y ≤ x forany x, y ∈ A.

arc A subset of a topological space, homeo-morphic to the closed unit interval [0, 1].

arcwise connected component Ifp is a pointin a topological space X, then the arcwise con-nected component of p in X is the set of pointsq in X such that there is an arc (in X) joiningp to q. That is, for any point q distinct fromp in the arc component of p there is a homeo-morphism φ : [0, 1] −→ J of the unit intervalonto some subspace J containing p and q. Thearcwise connected component of p is the largestarcwise connected subspace of X containing p.

arcwise connected topological space A topo-logical spaceX such that, given any two distinctpoints p and q in X, there is a subspace J of Xhomeomorphic to the unit interval [0, 1] con-taining both p and q.

arithmetical hierarchy A method of classi-fying the complexity of a set of natural numbersbased on the quantifier complexity of its defi-nition. The arithmetical hierarchy consists ofclasses of sets �0

n, �0n, and �0

n, for n ≥ 0.A setA is in�0

0 = �00 if it is recursive (com-

putable). For n ≥ 1, a set A is in �0n if there is

a computable (recursive) (n+1)–ary relation Rsuch that for all natural numbers x,

x ∈ A ⇐⇒ (∃y1)(∀y2) . . . (Qnyn)R(x, y),

where Qn is ∃ if n is odd and Qn is ∀ if n isodd, and where y abbreviates y1, . . . , yn. Forn ≥ 1, a set A is in �0

n if there is a computable(recursive) (n+ 1)–ary relation R such that for

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atom of a Boolean algebra

all natural numbers x,

x ∈ A ⇐⇒ (∀y1)(∃y2) . . . (Qnyn)R(x, y),

where Qn is ∃ if n is even and Qn is ∀ if n isodd. For n ≥ 0, a set A is in �0

n if it is in both�0n and �0

n.Note that it suffices to define the classes �0


and �0n as above since, using a computable cod-

ing function, pairs of like quantifiers (for exam-ple, (∃y1)(∃y2)) can be contracted to a singlequantifier ((∃y)). The superscript 0 in �0

n, �0n,

�0n is sometimes omitted and indicates classes

in the arithmetical hierarchy, as opposed to theanalytical hierarchy.

A set A is arithmetical if it belongs to thearithmetical hierarchy; i.e., if, for some n, Ais in �0

n or �0n. For example, any computably

(recursively) enumerable set is in �01 .

arithmetical set A set A which belongs tothe arithmetical hierarchy; i.e., for some n, Ais in �0

n or �0n. See arithmetical hierarchy. For

example, any computably (recursively) enumer-able set is in �0

1 .

arithmeti c function A function whose do-main is the set of positive integers. Usually, anarithmetic function measures some property ofan integer, e.g., the Euler phi function φ or thesum of divisors function σ . The properties ofthe function itself, such as its order of growth orwhether or not it is multiplicative, are often stud-ied. Arithmetic functions are also called numbertheoretic functions.

Aronszajn tree A tree of height ω1 whichhas no uncountable branches or levels. Thus,for each α < ω1, the α-level of T , Levα(T ),given by{

t ∈ T : ordertype({s ∈ T : s < t}) = α}is countable, Levω1(T ) is the first empty level ofT , and any set B ⊆ T which is totally orderedby < (branch) is countable. An Aronszajn treeis constructible in ZFC without any extra set-theoretic hypotheses.

For any regular cardinal κ , a κ-Aronszajn treeis a tree of height κ in which all levels have sizeless than κ and all branches have length less thanκ . See also Suslin tree, Kurepa tree.

associated fiber bundle A concept in thetheory of fiber bundles. A fiber bundle ζ con-sists of a space B called the base space, a spaceE called the total space, a space F called thefiber, a topological group G of transformationsof F , and a map π : E −→ B. There is acovering of B by open sets Ui and homeomor-phisms φi : Ui × F −→ Ei = π−1(Ui) suchthat π ◦ φi(x, V ) = x. This identifies π−1(x)

with the fiberF . When two setsUi andUj over-lap, the two identifications are related by coor-dinate transformations gij (x) of F , which arerequired to be continuously varying elements ofG. If G also acts as a group of transformationson a space F ′, then the associated fiber bundleζ ′ = π ′ : E′ −→ B is the (uniquely deter-mined) fiber bundle with the same base spaceB, fiber F ′, and the same coordinate transfor-mations as ζ .

associated principa l fiber bundle The asso-ciated fiber bundle, of a fiber bundle ζ , with thefiber F replaced by the group G. See associatedfiber bundle. The group acts by left multiplica-tion, and the coordinate transformations gij arethe same as those of the bundle ζ .

atomic formula Let L be a first order lan-guage. An atomic formula is an expressionwhich has the form P(t1, . . . , tn), where P isan n-place predicate symbol of L and t1, . . . , tnare terms of L. If L contains equality (=), then= is viewed as a two-place predicate. Conse-quently, if t1 and t2 are terms, then t1 = t2 is anatomic formula.

atomic model A model A in a language Lsuch that every n-tuple of elements of A sat-isfies a complete formula in T , the theory ofA. That is, for any a ∈ An, there is an L-formula θ(x) such that A |= θ(a), and for anyL-formula φ, either T � ∀x(θ(x) → φ(x)


T � ∀x(θ(x) → ¬φ(x)). This is equivalentto the complete type of every a being principal.Any finite model is atomic, as is the standardmodel of number theory.

atom of a Boolean algebra If (B,∨,∧,∼, 1, 0) is a Boolean algebra, a ∈ B is an atomif it is a minimal element of B\{0}. For exam-

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ple, in the Boolean algebra of the power set ofany nonempty set, any singleton set is an atom.

automorphism Let L be a first order lan-guage and let A be a structure for L. An auto-morphism of A is an isomorphism from A ontoitself. See isomorphism.

axiomatic set theory A collection of state-ments concerning set theory which can be provedfrom a collection of fundamental axioms. Thevalidity of the statements in the theory plays norole; rather, one is only concerned with the factthat they can be deduced from the axioms.

Axiom of Choice Suppose that {Xα}α∈� isa family of non-empty, pairwise disjoint sets.Then there exists a set Y which consists of ex-actly one element from each set in the family.Equivalently, given any family of non-emptysets {Xα}α∈� , there exists a functionf : {Xα}α∈�→ ⋃

α∈ Xα such that f (Xα) ∈ Xα for eachα ∈ �.

The existence of such a set Y or function fcan be proved from the Zermelo-Fraenkel ax-ioms when there are only finitely many sets inthe family. However, when there are infinitelymany sets in the family it is impossible to provethat such Y, f exist or do not exist. Therefore,neither the Axiom of Choice nor its negation canbe proved from the axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkelset theory.

Axiom of Comprehension Also called Ax-iom of Separation. See Axiom of Separation.

Axiom of Constructibility Every set is con-structible. See constructible set.

Axiom of Dependent Choice See principleof dependent choices.

Axiom of Determinancy For any set X ⊆ωω, the game GX is determined. This axiomcontradicts the Axiom of Choice. See deter-mined.

Axiom of Equality If two sets are equal,then they have the same elements. This is theconverse of the Axiom of Extensionality and is

considered to be an axiom of logic, not an axiomof set theory.

Axiom of Extensionality If two sets have thesame elements, then they are equal. This is oneof the axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory.

Axiom of Foundation Same as the Axiomof Regularity. See Axiom of Regularity.

Axiom of Infinity There exists an infinite set.This is one of the axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkelset theory. See infinite set.

Axiom of Regularity Every non-empty sethas an ∈ -minimal element. More precisely, ev-ery non-empty set S contains an element x ∈ Swith the property that there is no element y ∈ Ssuch that y ∈ x. This is one of the axioms ofZermelo-Fraenkel set theory.

Axiom of Replacement If f is a function,then, for every set X, there exists a set f (X) ={f (x) : x ∈ X}. This is one of the axioms ofZermelo-Fraenkel set theory.

Axiom of Separation If P is a property andX is a set, then there exists a set Y = {x ∈ X : xsatisfies property P }.

This is one of the axioms of Zermelo-Fraen-kel set theory. It is a weaker version of the Ax-iom of Comprehension: if P is a property, thenthere exists a set Y = {X : X satisfies propertyP }. Russell’s Paradox shows that the Axiom ofComprehension is false for sets. See also Rus-sell’s Paradox.

Axiom of Subsets Same as the Axiom ofSeparation. See Axiom of Separation.

Axiom of the Empty Set There exists a set∅ which has no elements.

Axiom of the Power Set For every set X,there exists a set P(X), the set of all subsets ofX. This is one of the axioms of Zermelo-Fraen-kel set theory.

Axiom of the Unordered Pair IfX andY aresets, then there exists a set {X, Y }. This axiom,

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Axiom of Union

also known as the Axiom of Pairing, is one ofthe axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory.

Axiom of Union For any set S, there existsa set that is the union of all the elements of S.

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base of numbe r system

BBaire class The Baire classes Bα are an in-creasing sequence of families of functions de-fined inductively for α < ω1. B0 is the set ofcontinuous functions. For α > 0, f is in Baireclass α if there is a sequence of functions {fn}converging pointwise to f , with fn ∈ Bβn andβn < α for each n. Thus, f is in Baire class1 (or is Baire-1) if it is the pointwise limit ofa sequence of continuous functions. In somecases, it is useful to define the classes so that iff ∈ Bα , then f /∈ Bβ for any β < α. See alsoBaire function.

Baire function A function belonging to oneof the Baire classes, Bα , for some α < ω1.Equivalently, the set of Bairefunctions in a topo-logical space is the smallest collection contain-ing all continuous functions which is closed un-der pointwise limits. See Baire class.

It is a theorem that f is a Baire function ifand only if f is Borel measurable, that is, if andonly if f−1(U) is a Borel set for any open setU .

Baire measurable function A function f :X→ Y , where X and Y are topological spaces,such that the inverse image of any open set hasthe Baire property. See Baire property. That is,if V ⊆ Y is open, then

f−1(V ) = U�C = (U \ C) ∪ (C \ U) ,where U ⊆ X is open and C ⊆ X is meager.

Baire property A set that can be written asan open set modulo a first category or meagerset. That is, X has the Baire propertyif there isan open set U and a meager set C with

X = U�C = (U \ C) ∪ (C \ U) .Since the meager sets form a σ -ideal, this hap-pens if and only if there is an open set U andmeager sets C and D with X = (U \ C) ∪ D.Every Borel set has the Baire property; in fact,every analytic set has the Baire property.

Baire space (1) A topological space X suchthat no nonempty open set in X is meager (firstcategory). That is, no open set U �= ∅ in Xmay be written as a countable union of nowheredense sets. Equivalently, X is a Baire spaceifand only if the intersection of any countable col-lection of dense open sets inX is dense, which istrue if and only if, for any countable collection ofclosed sets {Cn}with empty interior, their union∪Cn also has empty interior. The Baire Cate-gory Theorem states that any complete metricspace is a Baire space.

(2) The Baire space is the set of all infinite se-quences of natural numbers, NN, with the prod-uct topology and using the discrete topology oneach copy of N. Thus, U is a basic open set inNN if there is a finite sequence of natural num-bers σ such that U is the set of all infinite se-quences which begin with σ . The Baire spaceis homeomorphic to the irrationals.

bar construction For a group G, one canconstruct a space BG as the geometric realiza-tion of the following simplicial complex. Thefaces Fn in simplicial degree n are given by(n+ 1)-tuples of elements of G. The boundarymaps Fn −→ Fn−1 are given by the simplicialboundary formula


(−1)i(g0, . . . , gi , . . . , gn)

where the notation gi indicates that gi is omittedto obtain an n-tuple. The ith degeneracy mapsi : Fn −→ Fn+1 is given by inserting the groupidentity element in the ith position.

Example: B(Z/2), the classifying space ofthe group Z/2, is RP∞, real infinite projectivespace (the union of RPn for all n positive inte-gers).

The bar constructionhas many generaliza-tions and is a useful means of constructing thenerve of a category or the classifying space of agroup, which determines the vector bundles ofa manifold with the group acting on the fiber.

base of number system The number b, inuse, when a real number r is written in the form

r =N∑

j=−∞rj b

j ,

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Bern ays-Göde l set theo ry

where each rj = 0, 1, ..., b − 1, and r is repre-sented in the notation

r = rNrN−1 · · · r0.r−1r−2 · · · .For example, the base of the standard decimalsystem is 10 and we need the digits 0, 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 in order to use this system.Similarly, we use only the digits 0 and 1 in thebinary system; this is a “base 2” system. Inthe base b system, the number 10215.2011 isequivalent to the decimal number

1× b4 + 0× b3 + 2× b2 + 1× b+ 5+ 2× b−1

+0 × b−2 + 1 × b−3 + 1 × b−4 .

That is, each place represents a specific powerof the base b. Seealso radix.

Bernays-Gödel set theory An axiomatic settheory, which is based on axioms other thanthose of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. Bernays-Gödel set theory considers two types of objects:sets and classes. Every set is a class, but theconverse is not true; classes that are not setsare called proper classes. This theory has theAxioms of Infinity, Union, Power Set, Replace-ment, Regularity, and Unordered Pair for setsfrom Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. It also hasthe following axioms, with classes written in :

(i.) Axiom of Extensionality (for classes):Suppose that X and Y are two classes such thatU ∈ X if and only if U ∈ Y for all set U . ThenX = Y.

(ii.) If X ∈ Y, then X is a set.(iii.) Axiom of Comprehension: For any for-

mula F(X) having sets as variables there existsa class Y consisting of all sets satisfying the for-mula F(X).

Bertrand’s postulate If x is a real numbergreater than 1, then there is at least one primenumber p so that x < p < 2x. Bertrand’sPos-tulate was conjectured to be true by the Frenchmathematician Joseph Louis Francois Bertrandand later proved by the Russian mathematicianPafnuty Lvovich Tchebychef.

Betti number Suppose X is a space whosehomology groups are finitely generated. Thenthe kth homology group is isomorphic to the di-rect sum of a torsion group Tk and a free Abelian

group Bk . The kth Betti number bk(X) of X isthe rank of Bk . Equivalently, bk(X) is the di-mension of Hk(X,Q), the kth homology groupwith rational coefficients, viewed as a vectorspace over the rationals. For example, b0(X)

is the number of connected components of X.

bijection A function f : X → Y , betweentwo sets, with the following two properties:

(i.) f is one-to-one (if x1, x2 ∈ X and f (x1)

= f (x2), then x1 = x2);(ii.) f is onto (for any y ∈ Y there exists an

x ∈ X such that f (x) = y).See function.

binomial coefficient (1) If n and k are non-negative integers with k ≤ n, then the binomialcoefficient


)equals n!

k!(n−k)! .(2) The binomial coefficient


) also repre-

sents the number of ways to choose k distinctitems from among n distinct items, without re-gard to the order of choosing.

(3)The binomial coefficient(nk

) is the kth en-

try in thenth row of Pascal’s Triangle. It must benoted that Pascal’s Triangle begins with row 0,and each row begins with entry 0. See Pascal’striangle.

Binomial Theorem If a and b are elementsof a commutative ring andn is a non-negative in-teger, then (a + b)n =∑n



)akbn−k , where(


)is the binomial coefficient. See binomial co-


Bockstein operation In cohomology theory,a cohomology operation is a natural transfor-mation between two cohomology functors. If0 → A → B → C → 0 is a short exact se-quence of modules over a ring R, and if X ⊂ Yare topological spaces, then there is a long exactsequence in cohomology:

· · · → Hq(X, Y ;A)→ Hq(X, Y ;B)→Hq(X, Y ;C)→

Hq+1(X, Y ;A)→ Hq+1(X, Y ;B)→ . . . .

The homomorphism

β : Hq(X, Y ;C)→ Hq+1(X, Y ;A)is the Bockstein (cohomology) operation.

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bounde d quantifier

Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem Everybounded sequence in R has a convergent sub-sequence. That is, if

{xn : n ∈ N} ⊆ [a,b]is an infinite sequence, then there is an increas-ing sequence {nk : k ∈ N} ⊆ N such that{xnk : k ∈ N} converges.

Boolean algebra A non-empty set X, alongwith two binary operations∪ and∩ (called unionand intersection, respectively), a unary opera-tion ′ (called complement), and two elements0, 1 ∈ X which satisfy the following propertiesfor all A,B,C ∈ X.

(i.) A ∪ (B ∪ C) = (A ∪ B) ∪ C(ii.) A ∩ (B ∩ C) = (A ∩ B) ∩ C(iii.) A ∪ B = B ∪ A(iv.) A ∩ B = B ∩ A(v.) A ∩ (B ∪ C) = (A ∩ B) ∪ (A ∩ C)(vi.) A ∪ (B ∩ C) = (A ∪ B) ∩ (A ∪ C)(vii.) A ∪ 0 = A and A ∩ 1 = A(viii.) There exists an element A′ so that A∪

A′ = 1 and A ∩ A′ = 0.

Borel measurable function A function f :X → Y , for X, Y topological spaces, such thatthe inverse image of any open set is a Borel set.This is equivalent to requiring the inverse imageof any Borel set to be Borel. Any continuousfunction is Borel measurable.

It is a theorem that f is Borel measurableif and only if f is a Baire function. See Bairefunction.

Borel set The collection B of Borel sets ofa topological space X is the smallest σ -algebracontaining all open sets ofX. That is, in additionto containing open sets, B must be closed undercomplements and countable intersections (and,thus, is also closed under countable unions). Forcomparison, the topology on X is closed underarbitrary unions but only finite intersections.

Borel sets may also be defined inductively:let �0

1 denote the collection of open sets and �01

the closed sets. Then for 1 < α < ω1, A ∈ �0α

if and only if

A = ∪n∈NAn

where, for each n ∈ N, An ∈ �0αn

and αn < α.A set B is in �0

α if and only if the complement

of B is in �0α . Then the collection of all Borel

sets is

B = ∪α<ω1�0α = ∪α<ω1�

0α .

Sets in �02 are also known as Fσ sets; sets in �0

2are Gδ .

If the space X is metrizable, then closed setsare Gδ and open sets are Fσ . In this case, wehave for all α < ω1,

�0α ∪�0

α ⊆ �0α+1 ∩�0

α+1 .

This puts the Borel sets in a hierarchy of lengthω1 known as the Borel hierarchy. See also pro-jective set.

bound (1) An upper bound on a set, S, ofreal numbers is a number u so that u ≥ s for alls ∈ S. If such a u exists, S is said to be boundedabove by u. Note that if u is an upper bound forthe set S, then so is any number larger than u.Seealso least upper bound.

(2) A lower bound on a set, S, of real numbersis a number so that ≤ s for all s ∈ S. If suchan exists, S is said to be bounded below by .Note that if is a lower bound for the set S, thenso is any number smaller than . See greatestlower bound.

(3) A bound on a set, S, of real numbers is anumber b so that |s| ≤ b for all s ∈ S.

boundary group (homology) If {Cn, ∂n} isa chain complex (of Abelian groups), then thekth boundary groupBk is the subgroup of Ckconsisting of elements of the form ∂c for c inCk+1. That is, Bk = ∂Ck+1.

boundary operator A chain complex {Cn, ∂n}consists of a sequence of groups or modulesover a ring R, together with homomorphisms∂n : Cn −→ Cn−1, such that ∂n−1 ◦ ∂n = 0.The homomorphisms ∂n are called the boundaryoperators. Specifically, if K is an ordered sim-plicial complex andCn is the free Abelian groupgenerated by the n-dimensional simplices, thenthe boundary operator is defined by taking anyn-simplex σ to the alternating sum of its n− 1-dimensional faces. This definition is then ex-tended to a homomorphism.

bounded quantifier The quantifiers ∀x < y

and ∃x < y. The statement ∀x < y φ(x) is

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bound variable

equivalent to ∀x(x < y → φ(x)), and ∃x <y φ(x) is equivalent to ∃x(x < y ∧ φ(x)).

More generally, ∀x ∈ y φ(x) is equivalentto ∀x(x ∈ y → φ(x)) and ∃x ∈ y φ(x) isequivalent to ∃x(x ∈ y ∧ φ(x)).

bound variable Let L be a first-order lan-guage and let ϕ be a well-formed formula of L.An occurrence of a variable v in ϕ is boundifit occurs as the variable of a quantifier or withinthe scope of a quantifier ∀v or ∃v. The scope ofthe quantifier ∀v in a formula ∀vα is α.

For example, the first occurrence of the vari-able v1 is free, while the remaining occurrencesare bound in the formula

∀v2(v1 = v2 → ∀v1(v1 = v3)).

All occurrences of the variable v1 are bound inthe formula

∀v1(v1 = v2 → ∀v1(v1 = v3)).

box topology A topology on the Cartesianproduct ∏


of a collection of topological spacesXα , havingas a basis the set of all open boxes,

∏α∈A Uα ,

where eachUα is an open subset ofXα . The dif-ference between this and the product topology isthat in the box topology,there are no restrictionson any of the Uα .

Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem Any con-tinuous mapping f of a finite product of copiesof [0, 1] to itself, or of Sn to itself, has a fixedpoint, that is, a point z such that f (z) = z.

Intuitively, if a piece of paper is taken off atable, crumpled up, and laid back down on thesame part of the table, then at least one point isexactly above the same point on the table that itwas originally.

bundle group A group that acts (continu-ously) on a vector bundle or fiber bundleE −→B and preserves fibers (so the action restricts toan action on each inverse image of a point inB).For example, the real orthogonal group O(n) isa bundle groupfor any rank n real vector bundle.If the bundle is orientable, then SO(n) is also abundle group for the vector bundle.

The bundle group may also be called the struc-ture groupof the bundle.

bundle mapping A fiber preserving map g :E −→ E′, wherep : E −→ B andp′ : E′ −→B ′ are fiber bundles. If the bundles are smoothvector bundles, then g must be a smooth mapand linear on the vector space fibers.

Example: When a manifold is embedded inRn, it has both a tangent and a normal bundle.The direct sum of these is the trivial bundleM×Rn; each inclusion into the trivial rank n bundleis a bundle mapping.

bundle of planes A fiber bundle whose fibersare all homeomorphic to R2. A canonical exam-ple of this is given by considering the Grass-mann manifold of planes in Rn. Each pointcorresponds to a plane in Rn in the same wayeach point of the projective space RPn−1 cor-responds to a line in Rn. The bundle of planesover this manifold is given by allowing the fiberover each point in the manifold to be the actualplane represented by that point. If one consid-ers the manifold as the collection of names ofthe planes, then the bundle is the collection ofplanes, parameterized by their “names”.

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catastrophe theory

Ccanonical bundle If the points of a spacerepresent (continuously parameterized) geomet-ric objects, then the space has a canonical bun-dle given by setting the fiber above each pointto be the geometric object to which that pointcorresponds. Examples include the canonicalline bundle of projective space and the canon-ical vector bundle over a Grassmann manifold(the manifold of affine n-spaces in Rm).

canonical linebundle Projective space RPn

can be considered as the space of all lines inRn+1 which go through the origin or, equiva-lently, as the quotient of Sn+1 formed by iden-tifying each point with its negative. The canon-ical line bundle over RPn is the rank one vectorbundle formed by taking as fiber over a point inRPn the actual line that the point represents.

Example: RP1 is homeomorphic to S1; thecanonical line bundle over RP1 is homeomor-phic to the Möbius band.

There are also projective spaces formed overcomplex or quaternionic space, where a line isa complex or quaternionic line.

Cantor-Bernstein Theorem If A and B aresets, and f : A → B, g : B → A are injectivefunctions, then there exists a bijection h : A→B. This theorem is also known as the Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein Theorem or the Schröder-Bernstein Theorem.

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein Theorem SeeCantor-Bernstein Theorem.

Cantor set (1) (The standard Cantor set.) Asubset of R1 which is an example of a totally dis-connected compact topological space in whichevery element is a limit point of the set.

To construct the Cantor set as a subset of[0, 1], let I0 = [0, 1] ⊂ R1, I1 = [0, 1

3 ] ∪ [ 23 , 1]

and I2 = [0, 19 ]∪[ 2

9 ,13 ]∪[ 2

3 ,79 ]∪[ 8

9 , 1]. In gen-eral, define In to be the union of closed intervalsobtained by removing the open “middle thirds”

from each of the closed intervals comprisingIn−1. The Cantor set is defined as C = ∩∞n=1In.

The Cantor set has length 0, which can beverified by summing the lengths of the intervalsremoved to obtain a sum of 1. It is a closed setwhere each point is an accumulation point. Onthe other hand, it can be shown that the Cantorset can be placed in one-to-one correspondencewith the points of the interval [0, 1].

(2) Any topological space homeomorphic tothe standard Cantor set in R1.

Cantor’s Theorem If S is any set, there isno surjection from S onto the power set P(S).

Cartan formula A formula expressing therelationship between values of an operation ona product of terms and products of operations ap-plied to individual terms. For the mod 2 Steen-rod algebra, the Cartan formula is given by

Sqi(xy) =∑j

(Sqjx)(Sqi−j y).

The sum is finite since Sqjx = 0 when j isgreater than the degree of the cohomology classx. A differential in a spectral sequence is an-other example where there is a Cartan formula(if there is a product on the spectral sequence).

Cartesian product For any two sets X andY , the set, denoted X × Y , of all ordered pairs(x, y) with x ∈ X, y ∈ Y .

Cartesian space The standard coordinatespace Rn, where points are given by n real-valued coordinates for some n. Distance be-tween two points x = (x1, . . . , xn) and y =(y1, . . . , yn) is determined by the Pythagoreanidentity:

d(x, y) =√√√√ n∑


(xi − yi)2.

Cartesian space is a model of Euclidean geom-etry.

catastrophe theory The study of quantitieswhich may change suddenly (discontinuously)even while the quantities that determine themchange smoothly.

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categorical theory

Example: When forces on an object grow tothe point of overcoming the opposing force dueto friction, the object will move suddenly.

categorical theory A consistent theory Tin a language L is categorical if all models ofT are isomorphic. Because of the Löwenheim-Skolem Theorem, no theory with an infinitemodel can be categorical in this sense, sincemodels of different cardinalities cannot be iso-morphic.

More generally, a consistent theory T is κ-categorical for a cardinal κ if any two models ofT of size κ are isomorphic.

category A category X consists of a class ofobjects, Obj(X), pairwise disjoint sets of func-tions (morphisms), HomX(A,B), for every or-dered pair of objects A,B ∈Obj(X), and com-positions

HomX(A,B)×HomX(B,C)→ HomX(A,C) ,

denoted (f, g) �→ gf satisfying the followingproperties:

(i.) for each A ∈Obj(X) there is an identitymorphism 1A ∈ HomC(A,A) such that f 1A =f for all f ∈ HomX(A,B) and 1Ag = g for allg ∈ HomX(C,A);

(ii) associativity of composition for mor-phisms holds whenever possible: if f ∈HomX(A,B), g ∈ HomX(B,C), h ∈HomX(C,D), then h(gf ) = (hg)f .

category of groups The class of all groupsG,H, . . . , with each Hom(G,H) equal to theset of all group homomorphisms f : G → H ,under the usual composition. Denoted Grp. Seecategory.

category of linear spaces The class of allvector spaces V,W, . . . , with each Hom(V ,W)equal to the set of all linear transformations f :V → W , under the usual composition. DenotedLi n. See category.

category of manifolds The class of all differ-entiable manifolds M,N, . . . , with eachHom(M,N) equal to the set of all differentiablefunctions f : M → N , under the usual compo-sition. Denoted Man. See category.

category of rings The class of all ringsR, S, . . . , with each Hom(R, S) equal to the setof all ring homomorphisms f : R → S, un-der the usual composition. Denoted Ring. Seecategory.

category of sets The class of all setsX, Y, . . . ,with Hom(X, Y ) equal to the set of all functionsf : X → Y , under the usual composition. De-noted Set . See category.

category of topological spaces The classof all topological spaces X, Y, . . . , with eachHom(X, Y ) equal to the set of all continuousfunctions f : X → Y , under the usual compo-sition. Denoted Top. See category.

Cauchy sequence An infinite sequence {xn}of points in a metric space M , with distancefunction d, such that, given any positive num-ber ε, there is an integer N such that for anypair of integersm, n greater thanN the distanced(xm, xn) is always less than ε. Any convergentsequence is automatically a Cauchy sequence.

Cavalieri’s Theorem The theorem or prin-ciple that if two solids have equal area cross-sections, then they have equal volumes, was pub-lished by Bonaventura Cavalieri in 1635. As aconsequence of this theorem, the volume of acylinder, even if it is oblique, is determined onlyby the height of the cylinder and the area of itsbase.

cell A set whose interior is homeomorphic tothe n-dimensional unit disk {x ∈ Rn : ‖x‖ <1} and whose boundary is divided into finitelymany lower-dimensional cells, called faces ofthe original cell. The number n is the dimensionof the cell and the cell itself is called an n-cell.Cells are the building blocks of a complex.

central symmetry The property of a geo-metric figure F , such that F contains a point c(the center of F ) so that, for every point p1 onF , there is another point p2 on F such that cbisects the line segment p1p2.

centroid The point of intersection of the threemedians of a triangle.

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characteristic number

chain A formal finite linear combination ofsimplices in a simplicial complexK with integercoefficients, or more generally with coefficientsin some ring. The term is also used in moregeneral settings to denote an element of a chaincomplex.

chain complex Let R be a ring (for example,the integers). A chain complex of R-modulesconsists of a family of R-modules Cn, wheren ranges over the integers (or sometimes thenon-negative integers), together with homomor-phisms ∂n : Cn −→ Cn−1 satisfying the condi-tion: ∂n−1 ◦ ∂n(x) = 0 for every x in Cn.

chain equivalent complexes Let C = {Cn}and C′ = {C′n} be chain complexes with bound-ary maps ∂ and ∂ ′, respectively. (See chaincomplex.) A chain mapping f : C −→ C′is a chain equivalence if there is a chain map-ping g : C′ −→ C and chain homotopies fromg ◦ f to the identity mapping of C and fromf ◦ g to the identity mapping of C′. In this casewe say that C and C′ are chain equivalent. Achain equivalence induces an isomorphism be-tween the homology of C and the homology ofC′. For example, if φ : X −→ Y is a homo-topy equivalence of topological spaces, then φinduces a chain equivalence of the singular chaincomplexes of X and Y .

chain group Let K be a simplicial complex.Then the nth chain group Cn(K) is the freeAbelian group constructed by taking all finitelinear combinations with integer coefficients ofn-dimensional simplices of K . Similarly, if Xis a topological space, the nth singular chaingroup is the free Abelian group constructed bytaking all finite linear combinations of singularsimplices, which are continuous functions fromthe standard n-dimensional simplex to X.

chain homotopy Let C = {Cn} and C′ ={C′n} be chain complexes with boundary maps∂n and ∂ ′n, respectively. Let f and g be chainmappings from C to C′. See chain complex,chain mapping. Then a chain homotopy T fromf to g is a collection of homomorphisms Tn :Cn −→ C′n+1 such that ∂n+1 ◦Tn+Tn−1 ◦∂n =fn−gn. For example, a homotopy between twomaps from a topological space X to a topologi-

cal space Y induces a chain homotopy betweenthe induced chain maps from the singular chaincomplex of X to the singular chain complex ofY .

chain mapping Let C = {Cn} and C′ ={C′n} be chain complexes with boundary maps∂n : Cn −→ Cn−1 and ∂ ′n : C′n −→ C′n−1,respectively. See chain complex. A chain map-ping f : C −→ C′ is a family of homomor-phisms fn : Cn −→ C′n satisfying ∂ ′n ◦ fn =fn−1 ◦ ∂n. For example, when φ : X −→ Y iscontinuous, the induced map from the singularchain complex of X to the singular chain com-plex of Y is a chain map.

characteristicclass LetE −→ B be a vectorbundle. A characteristic class assigns a class ξin the cohomology H ∗(B) of B to each vectorbundle over B so that the assignment is “pre-dictable” or natural with respect to maps of vec-tor bundles. That is, if the maps f : E −→ E′and g : B −→ B ′ form a map of vector bundlesso that E −→ B is equivalent to the pullbackg∗(E′) −→ B, then the class assigned toE −→B is the image of the class assigned toE′ −→ B ′under the map g∗ : H ∗(B ′) −→ H ∗(B).

When the cohomology of the base space canbe considered as a set of numbers, the charac-teristic class is sometimes called a characteristicnumber.

Example: Stiefel-Whitney classes of a man-ifold are characteristic classes in mod 2 coho-mology.

characteristic function The characteristicfunction χA of a set A of natural numbers is thefunction that indicates membership in that set;i.e., for all natural numbers n,

χA(n) ={

1 if n ∈ A0 if n �∈ A.

More generally, if A is a fixed universal setand B ⊆ A, then for all x ∈ A,

χB(x) ={

1 if x ∈ B0 if x �∈ B.

characteristic number See characteristicclass.

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choice function

choice function Suppose that {Xα}α∈� is afamily of non-empty sets. A choice function isa function f : {Xα}α∈� → ⋃

α∈� Xα such thatf (Xα) ∈ Xα for all α ∈ �. See also Axiom ofChoice.

choiceset Suppose that {Xα}α∈� is a familyof pairwise disjoint, non-empty sets. A choiceset is a set Y , which consists of exactly one ele-ment from each set in the family. See also Ax-iom of Choice.

chord A line segment with endpoints on acurve (usually a circle).

Christoffel symbols The coefficients in lo-cal coordinates for a connection on a manifold.If (u1, . . . , un) is a local coordinate system ina manifold M and ∇ is a covariant derivativeoperator, then the derivatives of the coordinatefields ∂

∂uj can be written as linear combinationsof the coordinate fields:

∇ ∂






The functions �kij (u1, . . . , un) are the Christof-

fel symbols. For the standard connection onEuclidean space Rn the Christoffel symbols areidentically zero in rectilinear coordinates, but ingeneral coordinate systems they do not vanisheven in Rn.

Church-Turin g Thesis If a partial functionϕ on the natural numbers is computable by analgorithm in the intuitive sense, then ϕ is com-putable, in the formal, mathematical sense. (Afunction ϕ on the natural numbers is partial if itsdomain is some subset of the natural numbers.)See computable.

This statement of the Church-Turing The-sis is a modern day rephrasing of independentstatements by Alonzo Church and Alan Tur-ing. Church’s Thesis, published by Church in1936, states that the intuitively computable par-tial functions are exactly the general recursivefunctions, where the notion of general recursivefunction is a formalization of computable de-fined by Gödel. Turing’s Thesis, published byTuring in 1936, states that the intuitively com-putable partial functions are exactly the partialfunctions which are Turing computable.

The Church-Turing Thesis is a statement thatcannot be proved; rather it must be accepted orrejected. The Church-Turing Thesis is, in gen-eral, accepted by mathematicians; evidence infavor of accepting the thesis is that all knownmethods of formalizing the notion of computabil-ity (see computable) have resulted in the sameclass of functions; i.e., a partial function ϕ ispartial recursive if and only if it is Turing com-putable, etc.

The most important use of the Church-TuringThesis is to define formally the notion of non-computability. To show the lack of any algo-rithm to compute a function, it suffices by thethesis to show that the function is not partial re-cursive (or Turing computable, etc.). The con-verse of the Church-Turing Thesis is clearly true.

circle The curve consisting of all points in aplane which are a fixed distance (the radius ofthe circle) from a fixed point (the center of thecircle) in the plane.

circle of curvature For a plane curve, a circleof curvature is the circle defined at a point on thecurve that is both tangent to the curve and hasthe same curvature as the curve at that point. Fora space curve, the osculating circle is the circleof curvature.

circle on sphere The intersection of the sur-face of the sphere with a plane.

circular arc A segment of a circle.

circular cone A cone whose base is a circle.

circular cylinder A cylinder whose bases arecircles.

circular helix A curve lying on the surface ofa circular cylinder that cuts the surface at a con-stant angle. It is parameterized by the equationsx = a sin t , y = a cos t , and z = bt , where aand b are real constants.

circumcenter of triangle The center of a cir-cle circumscribed about a given triangle. Thecircumcenter coincides with the point commonto the three perpendicular bisectors of the trian-gle. See circumscribe.

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closed and unbounded

circumferenceof a circle The perimeter, orlength, of a circle.

circumference of a sphere The circumfer-ence of a great circle of the sphere. See circum-ference of a circle, great circle.

circumscribe Generally a plane (or solid)figure F circumscribes a polygon (or polyhe-dron) P if the region bounded by F containsthe region bounded by P and if every vertex ofP is incident with F . In such a case P is saidto be inscribed in F . See circumscribed circle,for example. In specific circumstances, figuresother than polygons and polyhedra may also becircumscribed.

circumscribed circle A circle containing theinterior of a polygon in its interior, in such a waythat every vertex of the polygon is on the circle;i.e., the polygon is inscribed in the circle.

circumscribed cone A cone that circum-scribes a pyramid in such a way that the baseof the cone circumscribes the base of the pyra-mid and the vertex of the cone coincides withthe vertex of the pyramid; i.e., the pyramid isinscribed in the cone. See circumscribe.

circumscribed cylinder A cylinder that cir-cumscribes a prism in such a way that both basesof the cylinder circumscribe a base of the prism;i.e., the prism is inscribed in the cylinder. Seecircumscribe.

circumscribed polygon A polygon that con-tains the region bounded by a closed curve (usu-ally a circle) in the region it bounds, in such away that every side of the polygon is tangentto the closed curve; i.e., the closed curve is in-scribed in the polygon.

circumscribed polyhedron A polyhedronthat bounds a volume containing the volumebounded by a closed surface (usually a sphere)in such a way that every face of the polyhedronis tangent to the closed surface; i.e., the closedsurface is inscribed in the polyhedron. See cir-cumscribe.

circumscribed prism A prism that containsthe interior of a cylinder in its interior, in such away that both bases of the prism circumscribe abase of the cylinder (and so each lateral face ofthe prism is tangent to the cylindrical surface);i.e., the cylinder is inscribed in the prism. Seecircumscribe.

circumscribed pyramid A pyramid that con-tains, in its interior, the interior of a cone, in sucha way that the base of the pyramid circumscribesthe base of the cone and the vertex of the pyra-mid coincides with the vertex of the cone; i.e.,the cone is inscribed in the pyramid. See cir-cumscribe.

circumscribed sphere A sphere that con-tains, in its interior, the region bounded by apolyhedron, in such a way that every vertex ofthe polyhedron is on the sphere; i.e., the poly-hedron is inscribed in the sphere. See circum-scribe.

class The collection of all objects that satisfya given property. Every set is a class, but theconverse is not true. A class that is not a setis called a proper class; such a class is much“larger” than a set because it cannot be assigneda cardinality. See Bernays-Gödel set theory.

classifying space The classifying space ofa topological group G is a space BG with theproperty that the set of equivalence classes ofvector bundles p : E −→ B withG-action is inbijective correspondence with the set [B,BG]of homotopy classes of maps from the space Bto BG.

The spaceBG is unique up to homotopy, thatis, any two spaces satisfying the above propertyfor a fixed group G are homotopy equivalent.

For G = Z/2, BZ/2 is an infinite projectivespace RP∞, the union of all projective spacesRPn. Since O(1) = Z/2, all line bundles overa space X are classified up to bundle homotopyequivalence by homotopy classes of maps fromX into RP∞.

closed and unbounded If κ is a non-zerolimit ordinal (in practice κ is an uncountablecardinal), and C ⊆ κ , C is closed and un-bounded if it satisfies (i.) for every sequence

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closed convex curve

α0 < α1 < · · · < αβ . . . of elements of C(where β < γ , for some γ < κ), the supre-mum of the sequence,

⋃β<γ αβ , is in C, and

(ii.) for every α < κ , there exists β ∈ C suchthat β > α. A closed and unbounded subset ofκ is often called a club subset of κ .

closed convex curve A curve C in the planewhich is a closed curve and is the boundary ofa convex figure A. That is, the line segmentjoining any two points in C lies entirely withinA. Equivalently, if A is a closed bounded con-vex figure in the plane, then its boundary C is aclosed convex curve.

closed convex surface The boundary S ofa closed convex body in three-dimensional Eu-clidean space. S is topologically equivalent toa sphere and the line segment joining any twopoints in S lies in the bounded region boundedby S.

closed formula A well-formed formula ϕ ofa first-order language such that ϕ has no freevariables.

closed half line A set in R of the form [a,∞)or (−∞, a] for some a ∈ R.

closed half plane A subset of R2 consistingof a straight lineL and exactly one of the two halfplanes which L determines. Thus, any closedhalf plane is either of the form {(x, y) : ax +by ≥ c} or {(x, y) : ax + by ≤ c}. The setsx ≥ c and x ≤ c are vertical closed half planes;y ≥ c and y ≤ c are horizontal half planes.

closed map A function f : X→ Y betweentopological spaces X and Y such that, for anyclosed set C ⊆ X, the image set f (C) is closedin Y .

closed set (1) A subset A of a topologicalspace, such that the complement of A is open.See open set. For example, the sets [a, b] and{a} are closed in the usual topology of the realline.

(2) A closed set of ordinals is one that isclosed in the order topology. That is, C ⊆ κ

is closed if, for any limit ordinal λ < κ , if C ∩λis unbounded in λ, then λ ∈ C. Equivalently, if

{βα : α < λ} ⊆ C is an increasing sequence oflength λ < κ , then

β = limα→λ

βα ∈ C .

For example, the set of all limit ordinals lessthan κ is closed in κ . See also unbounded set,stationary set.

closed surface A compact Hausdorff topo-logical space with the property that each pointhas a neighborhood topologically equivalent tothe plane. Thus, a closed surface is a compact2-dimensional manifold without boundary. The

ellipsoids given by x2

a2 + y2

b2 + z2

c2 − 1 = 0 aresimple examples of closed surfaces. More gen-erally, if f (x, y, z) is a differentiable function,then the set of points S satisfying f (x, y, z) = 0is a closed surface provided that S is boundedand the gradient off does not vanish at any pointin S.

closure of a set The closure of a subset Aof a topological space X is the smallest closedset A ⊆ X which contains A. In other words,A is the intersection of all closed sets in X thatcontain A. Equivalently, A = A∪A′, where A′is the derived set ofA. For example, the closureof the rationals in the usual topology is the wholereal line.

cluster point See accumulation point.

cobordism A cobordism between two n-dimensional manifolds is an (n+1)-dimensionalmanifold whose boundary is the disjoint unionof the two lower dimensional manifolds. Acobordism between two manifolds with a cer-tain structure must also have that structure. Forexample, if the manifolds are real oriented man-ifolds, then the cobordism must also be a realoriented manifold.

Example: The cylinder provides a cobordismbetween the circle and itself. Any manifoldwith boundary provides a cobordism betweenthe boundary manifold and the empty set, whichis considered an n-manifold for all n.

cobordism class For a manifoldM , the classof all manifolds cobordant M , that is, all man-ifolds N for which there exists a manifold W

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comb space

whose boundary is the disjoint union of M andN .

cobordism group The cobordism classes ofn-dimensional manifolds (possibly with addi-tional structure) form an Abelian group; the prod-uct is given by disjoint union. The identity el-ement is the class given by the empty set. Theinverse of the cobordism class of a manifold Mis given by reversing the orientation of M; themanifold M × [0, 1] is a cobordism between Mand M with the reverse orientation. (See cobor-dism class.) When studying cobordism classesof unoriented manifolds, each manifold is itsown inverse; thus, all such cobordism classesare 2-torsion.

Some results in geometry show that cobor-dant manifolds may have a common geometricor topological property, for example, two spin-cobordant manifolds either both admit a positivescalar curvature metric, or neither manifold canhave such a metric.

Codazzi-Mainardi equations A system ofpartial differential equations arising in the the-ory of surfaces. If M is a surface in R3 withlocal coordinates (u1, u2), its geometric invari-ants can be described by its first fundamentalform gij (u1, u2) and second fundamental formLij (u

1, u2). The Christoffel symbols �kij aredetermined by the first fundamental form. (SeeChristoffel symbols.) In order for functions gijand Lij , i, j = 1, 2 to be the first and secondfundamental forms of a surface, certain integra-bility conditions (arising from equality of mixedpartial derivatives) must be satisfied. One set ofconditions, the Codazzi-Mainardi equations, isgiven in terms of the Christoffel symbols by:


∂uj− ∂Lij

∂uk+ �likLlj − �lijLlk = 0 .

codimension A nonnegative integer associ-ated with a subspaceW of a space V . Wheneverthe space has a dimension (e.g., a topologicalor a vector space) denoted by dimV , the codi-mension of W is the defect dimV−dimW . Forexample, a curve in a surface has codimension 1(topology) and a line in space has codimension2 (a line through the origin is a vector subspaceR of R3).

cofinal Let α, β be limit ordinals. An in-creasing sequence 〈ατ : τ < β〉 is cofinal in αif limτ→β ατ = α. See limit ordinal.

cofinality Let α be an infinite limit ordinal.The cofinality of α is the least ordinal β suchthat there exists a sequence 〈ατ : τ < β〉 whichis cofinal in α. See cofinal.

cofinite subset A subset A of an infinite setS, such that S\A is finite. Thus, the set of all in-tegers with absolute value at least 13 is a cofinitesubset of Z.

coimage Let C be an additive category andf ∈HomC(X, Y ) a morphism. If i ∈HomC(X′,X) is a morphism such that f i = 0, then a coim-age of f is a morphism g ∈ HomC(X, Y ′) suchthat gi = 0. See additive category.

coinfinite subset A subsetA if an infinite setS such that S\A is infinite. Thus, the set of alleven integers is a coinfinite subset of Z.

collapse A collapse of a complex K is a fi-nite sequence of elementary combinatorial op-erations which preserves the homotopy type ofthe underlying space.

For example, let K be a simplicial complexof dimension n of the form K = L ∪ σ ∪ τ ,where L is a subcomplex of K , σ is an openn-simplex of K , and τ is a free face of σ . Thatis, τ is an n−1 dimensional face of σ and is notthe face of any other n-dimensional simplex.

The operation of replacing the complex L ∪σ ∪ τ with the subcomplex L is called an ele-mentary collapse of K and is denoted K ↘ L.A collapse is a finite sequence of elementarycollapses K ↘ L1 · · · ↘ Lm.

When K is a CW complex, ball pairs of theform (Bn, Bn−1) are used in place of the pair(σ, τ ).

collection See set.

collinear Points that lie on the same line oron planes that share a common line.

comb space A topological subspace of theplane R2 which resembles a comb with infinitelymany teeth converging to one end. For example,

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common tangent

the subset of the unit square [0, 1]2 given by

({0} × [0, 1])∪({1k: k ≥ 1} × [0, 1]) ∪ ([0, 1] × {0})

is a comb space. The subspace obtained fromthis set by deleting the line segment {0}× (0, 1)is an example of a connected set that is not pathconnected.

common tangent A line that is tangent totwo circles.

commutativediagram A diagram

Af1−→ B


� �g2

Cf2−→ D

in which the two compositions g2f1 and f2g1are equal. Commutative triangles can be con-sidered a special case if one of the functionsis the identity. Larger diagrams composed ofsquares and triangles commute if each squareand triangle inside the diagram commutes. Seediagram.

compact (1) The property of a topologicalspace X that every cover of X by open sets (ev-ery collection {Xα} of open sets withX ⊂ ∪Xα)contains a finite subcover (a finite collectionXα1 , . . . , Xαn with X ⊂ ∪Xαi ).

(2) A compact topological space.

compact complex manifold A complex man-ifold which is compact in the complex topology.A common example is a Riemann surface (1-dimensional complex manifold): the (Riemann)sphere is compact, unlike the sphere with a pointremoved. The sphere with an open disk removedis also compact in the complex topology, butstrictly speaking it is not a complex manifold(some points do not lie in an open disk): it isknown as a manifold with boundary. See com-plex manifold.

compactification A compactification of atopological space X is a pair, (Y, f ), where Y isa compact Hausdorff space and f is a homeo-morphism from X onto a dense subset of Y . A

necessary and sufficient condition for a space tohave a compactification is that it be completelyregular. See also one-point compactification,Stone- Cech compactification.

compact leaf A concept arising in the the-ory of foliations. A foliated manifold is an n-dimensional manifoldM , partitioned into a fam-ily of disjoint, path-connected subsets Lα suchthat there is a covering ofM by open setsUi andhomeomorphisms hi : Ui −→ Rn taking eachcomponent ofLα∩Ui onto a parallel translate ofthe subspace Rk . EachLα is called a leaf, and itis a compact leaf if it is compact as a subspace.

compact-open topology The topology on thespace of continuous functions from a topologicalspace X to a topological space Y , generated bytaking as a subbasis all sets of the form {f :f (C) ⊆ U}, where C ⊆ X is compact andU ⊆ Y is open. If Y is a metric space, thistopology is the same as that given by uniformconvergence on compact sets.

comparability of cardinal numbers Theproposition that, for any two cardinals α, β, ei-ther α ≤ β or β ≤ α.

compass An instrument for constructingpoints at a certain distance from a fixed pointand for measuring distance between points.

compatible (elements of a partial ordering)Two elements p and q of a partial order (P,≤)such that there is an r ∈ P with r ≤ p andr ≤ q. Otherwise p and q are incompatible.

In the special case of a Boolean algebra, pand q are compatible if and only if p ∧ q �= 0.In a tree, however, p and q are compatible if andonly if they are comparable: p ≤ q or q ≤ p.

complementary angles Two angles are com-plementary if their sum is a right angle.

complement of a set IfX is a set contained ina universal setU , the complement of X, denotedX′, is the set of all elements in U that do notbelong to X. More precisely, X′ = {u ∈ U :u /∈ X}.

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complex conjugate bundle

completely additivefunction An arithmeticfunction f having the property that f (mn) =f (m) + f (n) for all positive integers m andn. (See arithmetic function.) For example, thefunction f (n) = log n is completely additive.The values of a completely additive function de-pend only on its values at primes, since f (pi) =i · f (p). See also additive function.

completely multiplicat ivefunction An arith-metic function f having the property thatf (mn) = f (m) · f (n) for all positive integersm and n. (See arithmetic function.) For exam-ple, λ, Liouville’s function, is completely multi-plicative. The values of a completely multiplica-tive function depend only on its values at primes,since f (pi) = (f (p))i . See also multiplicativefunction, strongly multiplicative function.

completely normal topological space Atopological space X such that every subspaceof X is normal. In particular, X itself mustbe normal, and since normality is not generallypreserved in subspaces, complete normality isstronger than normality. Complete normality isequivalent to requiring that, for all subsetsA andB of X, if A ∩ B = A ∩ B = ∅, then there aredisjoint open sets U and V with A ⊆ U andB ⊆ V .

completely regular topological space A topo-logical space X such that points are closed andpoints and closed sets can be separated by con-tinuous functions. That is, for each x ∈ X, thesingleton {x} is closed, and for all closedC ⊆ Xwith x /∈ C, there is a continuous f : X →[0, 1] such that f (x) = 0 and f (c) = 1 for allc ∈ C.

complete metric space A topological spaceX with metric d such that any Cauchy sequencein X converges. That is, if {xn : n ∈ N} ⊆ X

is such that for any ε > 0 there is an N withd(xn, xm) < ε for any n,m ≥ N , then there isan x ∈ X with xn → x. For example, each Eu-clidean n-space Rn is a complete metric space.

complete set of logical connectives A setC of logical connectives such that, given anywell-formed propositional (sentential) formulaϕ, whose logical connectives are from among

the usual set {¬,∧,∨,→,↔} of logical con-nectives, there is a well-formed propositionalformula ψ , whose logical connectives are fromC, such that ϕ and ψ are logically equivalent.

Examples of complete sets of logical con-nectives include {¬,∧,∨}, {¬,∧}, {¬,∨}, and{¬,→}. The set {∧,→} is not a complete setof logical connectives.

complete theory Let L be a first order lan-guage and let T be a (closed) theory of L. Thetheory T is complete if, for all sentences σ , ei-ther σ ∈ T or (¬σ) ∈ T .

If T is simply a collection of sentences, thenT is complete if for all sentences σ , either σ isa logical consequence of T or (¬σ) is a logicalconsequence of T . Equivalently, T is completeif, for all sentences σ , either σ is provable fromT or (¬σ) is provable from T .

Let A be a structure for L. The theory of A(denoted T h(A)), the set of all sentences of Lwhich are true in A, is a complete theory.

complex A collection of cells with the prop-erties: (i.) if C is a cell in the complex, thenevery face ofC is in the complex; and (ii.) everytwo cells in the complex have disjoint interiors.

complex analytic fiber bundle A fiber bun-dle f : F → X where F and X are complexmanifolds and f is an analytic map. See fiberbundle.

complex analytic structure On a real differ-ential manifold M an integrable complex struc-ture on the tangent bundle TM; namely, the dataof an invertible linear map Jp : TpM → TpM

on each tangent space at p ∈ M , such thatJ 2p = − Identity, which varies smoothly withp and is integrable, i.e., admits an atlas withconstant transition functions. Without the inte-grability condition, the data define an “almost-complex structure” on M .

complex conjugate bundle For a complexvector bundle f : V → M , the conjugate bun-dleV is defined by taking the complex conjugatef α of each local map fα : Cn × Uα ∼= V |Uα =f−1(Uα) that defines the bundle restricted toUα , for a suitable covering Uα of M .

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complex dimension

complex dimension (1) For a vector spaceX,the dimension ofX, considered as a vector spaceover the field C of complex numbers, as opposedto the real dimension, which is the dimension ofX as a vector space over the real numbers R.

(2) (For a complex manifold M). The com-plex dimension of the tangent spaceTpM at eachpoint p.

(3) The dimension of a complex; i.e., thehighest of the dimensions of the cells that formthe complex.

complex linebundle A complex vector bun-dle whose fibers have dimension 1. See complexvector bundle.

complex manifold A set of points M whichcan be covered with a family of subsets {Uα}α∈Ai.e., M = ⋃

α∈A Uα , each of which is isomor-phic to an open ball in complex n-space:{(z1, . . . , zn) ∈ Cn : |z1|2 + . . . + |zn|2 = 1},for a fixed non-negative integer n.

complex of lines In projective geometry, aline complex is a subvariety of the Grassman-nian Gr(2, 4) of all lines in (complex) projective3-space CP3, which is the set of 2-dimensionalsubspaces of a 4-dimensional complex vectorspace. Gr(2, 4) is a quadric hypersurface inCP5, thus an example of line complex is a “lin-ear line complex”, the intersection of Gr(2, 4)with a hyperplane, e.g., all the lines in P3 thatmeet a given plane.

complex plane The topological space, de-noted C or C, consisting of the set of complexnumbers, i.e., numbers of the form a+bi, wherea and b are real numbers and i2 = −1. C isusually visualized as the set of pairs (a, b) andhence the terminology plane.

The term extended complex plane refers toC, together with a point at infinity and neigh-borhoods of the form {z : ‖z‖ > r} for realnumbers r .

complex sphere (1) A sphere {z : |z− z0| =r}, in the complex plane.

(2) A unit sphere whose points are identifiedwith points in the complex plane by a stereo-graphic projection, with the “north pole” iden-tified with the point∞. Such a sphere, therefore,

represents the extended complex plane. See com-plex plane.

complex torus The n-dimensional compactcomplex analytic manifold Cn/�, where n isa positive integer and � a complete lattice inCn. In dimension 1, the complex tori C/(Zω1+Zω2), where ω1 and ω2 are complex numbersindependent over R, are all algebraic varieties,also called elliptic curves.

complex vector bundle A complex vectorbundle (of dimensionn) on a differentiable man-ifold M is a manifold E, given by a family ofcomplex vector spaces {Ep}p∈M , with a trivial-ization over an open covering {Uα}α∈A of M ,namely diffeomorphisms φα : Cn × Uα →{Ep}p∈Uα . If M and E are complex analyticmanifolds and a trivialization exists with φα bi-holomorphic maps, the bundle is said to be com-plex analytic.

composite See composite number.

composite number An integer, other than−1, 0, and 1, that is not a prime number. Thatis, a nonzero integer is composite if it has morethan two positive divisors. For example, 6 iscomposite since the positive divisors of 6 are1, 2, 3, and 6. Just as prime numbers are usu-ally assumed to be positive integers, a compos-ite number is usually assumed to be positive aswell.

composition of functions Suppose that f :X → Y and g : Y → Z are functions. Thecomposition gf : X → Z is the function con-sisting of all ordered pairs (x, z) such that thereexists an element y ∈ Y with (x, y) ∈ f and(y, z) ∈ g. See function.

computable Let N be the set of natural num-bers. Intuitively, a function f : N → N iscomputable if there is an algorithm, or effec-tive procedure, which, given n ∈ N as input,produces f (n) as output in finitely many steps.There are no limitations on the amount of timeor “memory” (i.e., “scratch paper”) necessaryto compute f (n), except that they be finite. Iff : Nk → N, then f is computable is definedanalogously.

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A function ϕ on N is partial if its domainis some subset of N; i.e., ϕ may not be definedon all inputs. A partial function ϕ on N is in-tuitively computable if there is an algorithm, oreffective procedure, which given n ∈ N as input,produces ϕ(n) as output in finitely many stepsif n ∈ dom(ϕ), and runs forever otherwise.

For example, the function f (n,m) = n+mis intuitively computable, as is the function fwhich, on input n ∈ N, produces as output thenth prime number. The function ϕ which, oninput n ∈ N, produces the output 1 if there existsa consecutive run of exactly n 5s in the decimalexpansion of π , and is undefined otherwise, isan intuitively computable partial function.

The notion of computability has a formalmathematical definition; in order to say that afunction is not computable, one must have a for-mal mathematical definition. There have beenseveral formalizations of the intuitive notion ofcomputability, all of which generate the sameclass of functions. Given here is the formaliza-tion of Turing computable. A second formal-ization is given in the definition of a partial re-cursive function. See partial recursive function.Other formalizations include that of register ma-chine computability (Shepherdson–Sturgis,1963), general recursive functions (Gödel,1934), andλ-definable functions (Church, 1930).It has been proved that, for any partial functionϕ, ϕ is Turing computable if and only if ϕ ispartial recursive, if and only if ϕ is register ma-chine computable, etc. See also Church-TuringThesis. Thus, the term computable can (math-ematically) mean computable in any such for-malization.

A set A of natural numbers is computable ifits characteristic function is computable; i.e., thefunction

χA(n) ={

1 if n ∈ A0 if n �∈ A

is recursive.A partial function ϕ on N is Turing com-

putable if there is some Turing machine thatcomputes it. The notion of Turing machine wasformalized by Alan Turing in his 1936 Proceed-ings of the London Mathematical Society paper.

A Turing machine consists of a bi-infinitetape, which is divided into cells, a reading headwhich can scan one cell of the tape at a time, a

finite tape alphabet S = {s0, s1, . . . , sn} of sym-bols which can be written on the tape, and a finitesetQ = {q0, q1, . . . , qm}of possible states. Thesets S andQ have the properties that S∩Q = ∅,{1, B} ⊆ S (where B stands for “blank”), andq0 ∈ Q is the designated initial state. A Turingmachine which is in state qj reading symbol sion its tape may perform one of three possibleactions: it may write over the symbol it is scan-ning, move the read head right (R), and go intoanother (possibly the same) state; it may writeover the symbol it is scanning, move the readhead left (L), and go into another (possibly thesame) state; or it may halt.

The action of the Turing machine is governedby a Turing program, given by a transition func-tion δ, whose domain is some subset ofQ×S andwhose range is a subset of the setQ×S×{R,L}.If δ(q, a) = (q, a, m), then the action of the ma-chine is as follows. If the machine is in state q,reading symbol a on the tape, then it replaces aby a on the tape, moves the read head one cellto the right if m = R, moves the read head onecell to the left if m = L, and goes into state q.The Turing program halts if the machine is in astate q, reading a symbol a, and the transitionfunction is undefined on (q, a).

A Turing machine computes a partial func-tion as follows: given input x1, . . . , xn, the tapeis initially set to

. . . B1x1+1B1x2+1B . . . B1xn+1B . . . ,

where 1k indicates a string of k 1s, one symbol1 per cell, . . . B1x1+1 indicates that all cells tothe left of the initial 1 on the tape are blank, and1xn+1B . . . indicates that all cells to the rightof the last 1 on the tape are blank. The read-ing head is positioned on the leftmost 1 on thetape, and the machine is set to the initial state q0.The output of the function (if any) is the numberof 1s on the tape when the machine halts, afterexecuting the program, if it ever halts.

The following is a Turing machine programwhich computes the function f (x1, x2) = x1 +x2, thus showing that f is Turing computable.The idea is that, given input

. . . B1x1+1B1x2+1B . . . ,

the machine replaces the middle blank B by a1 (instructions 1 – 2), moves to the leftmost 1

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(instructions 3 – 4), and then erases three 1s(instructions 5 – 7).

• δ(q0, 1) = (q0, 1, R)

• δ(q0, B) = (q1, 1, L)

• δ(q1, 1) = (q1, 1, L)

• δ(q1, B) = (q2, B,R)

• δ(q2, 1) = (q3, B,R)

• δ(q3, 1) = (q4, B,R)

• δ(q4, 1) = (q5, B,R)

Other formalizations of the Turing machineexist which are slight variations of those givenhere and which produce the same class of Turing–computable functions.

concentric A common geometric term, mean-ing “with the same center”. See concentric cir-cles, concentric cylinders.

concentric circles Circles that lie in the sameplane and have the same center.

concentric cylinders Circular cylinderswhose circular cross-sections are concentric cir-cles.

concentric spheres Spheres with the samecenter.

cone A solid in R3, bounded by a region ina plane (the base) and the surface formed bystraight lines (the generators) which join pointsof the boundary of the base to a fixed point (thevertex) not in the plane of the base. The coni-cal surface described by a moving straight linepassing through the vertex and tracing any fixedcurve, such as a circle, ellipse, etc., at anotherpoint is sometimes also called a cone. A conemay be viewed as a quadratic surface, whoseequation is Ax2 + By2 + Cz2 = 0 (A,B,C �=0). When A = B, it is a right circular cone(also called a cone of revolution); if A �=B, it isan oblique circular cone.

cone extension A deformation of a cone. Fora given direction at a point, it represents the in-crease of length per unit length of arc, i.e., the

unit vector in that direction. For example, letI k (I = [−1, 1]) be a k-dimensional convexcell which is a cone of the boundary of I k fromits center 0. Each point x of I k can be writtenuniquely as x = t · u for 0 < t ≤ 1 where u be-longs to the boundary of I k . A cone extensionresults when a piecewise linear embedding Ffrom the boundary of Im to the boundary of In isextended to a piecewise linear embedding F be-tween the two convex cells by setting F(0) = 0and F(t · u) = t · f (u) for t · u ∈ Im − {0}.

conformal arc element Let Sn be a con-formal space of dimension n (an n-dimensionalsphere represented as the quadric hypersurfaceSn: x 2

1 +x 22 +...+x 2

n −2x0x∞ = 0 in an (n+1)-dimensional real projective space Pn+1, wherethe (xi) are homogeneous coordinates in Pn+1).The conformal arc element of a curve is givenby the Frenet-Serret formula for the curve. Forexample, let S be a surface in a 3-dimensionalprojective space and letA be a point of S associ-ated with all the frames [A,A1, A2, A3] whereA1, A2, A3 are points of the tangent plane to Sat A. The Frenet-Serret formula for S3 is givenby the following matrix:

ωβα =

0 dα 0 0 0κdα 0 0 0 dα

−dα 0 0 τdα 00 0 −τdα 0 00 κdα −dα 0 0

where dα is the conformal arc element, κ is theconformal curvature, and τ is the conformal tor-sion. ωβα is the Pfaffian form that depends onthe principal parameters determining the originA and the secondary parameters determining theframe.

conformal correspondence A diffeomor-phism between two surfaces, whose derivativeis a linear map. Angles, but not necessarilylengths, are preserved under conformal corre-spondence. Also called conformal mapping.

conformal curvature Let I be an open inter-val of R. Let α : I → R3 be a curve parameter-ized by arc length s (s ∈ I ) and α′′ (s) �= 0. Foreach value of s, let t, n, and b be vector fields

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congruence on a category

along α defined by

t (s) = α′′(s), n(s) = α′′ (s)‖α′′ (s)‖

andb (s) = t (s)× n (s) .

The derivative t′(s) = κ (s) n (s) yields the

function κ : I → R, the geometric entity whichis the curvature of α in a neighborhood of S.Physically, curvature measures how much thecurve differs (bends) from a straight line. Thisdefinition is generalizable ton-dimensional con-formal space, where the conformal curvature ofa curve can be derived from the Frenet-Serretapparatus. The concept of curvature associatedwith a moving frame along a curve was intro-duced by F. Frenet in 1847 and independentlyby J.A. Serret in 1851.

conformal differential geometry The studyof geometric quantities that are invariant un-der conformal transformations, using methodsof mathematical analysis such as differential cal-culus.

conformal equivalence Let w = f (z) be afunction that conformally maps a domain D onthe complex z-sphere homeomorphically onto adomain � on the complex w-sphere. Then� isconformally equivalent to D.

conformal geometry The study of proper-ties of figures that are invariant under conformaltransformations. Let Sn be an n-dimensionalsphere, Pn+1 be an (n + 1)-dimensional pro-jective space, and let M(n) be the group of allprojective transformations of Pn+1 which leaveSn invariant. Then (Sn,M(n)) is a conformalgeometry or a Möbius geometry.

conformal invariant A geometric quantitypreserved by conformal mappings.

conformal mapping A conformal mappingor correspondence between two surfaces S andS∗ is a diffeomorphism of S onto S∗ such thatthe angle between any two curves at an arbitrarypointx onS is equal to the angle between the cor-responding curves on S∗. Conformal mappingsare more general than isomorphisms which pre-

serve both angles and distances. In R3, con-formal mappings are those obtained by trans-lations, reflections in planes, and inversions inspheres. A one-to-one conformal mapping is aconformal transformation. In R3 the conformaltransformations form the 10-parameter confor-mal group. In 1779, Lagrange had obtained allthe conformal transformations of a portion ofthe earth’s surface onto a plane area that trans-formed latitude and longitude circles into circu-lar arcs.

conformal torsion Let I be an open intervalof R. Let α : I → R3 be a curve parameterizedby arc length S (S ∈ I ) and αsf ′′ (s) �= 0. Foreach value of S, let t, n, and b be vector fieldsalong α defined by

t (s) = αsf ′ (s) , n (s) = αsf ′′ (s)∥∥αsf ′′ (s)∥∥ ,and

b (s) = t (s)× n (s) .The derivative bsf ′ (s) = τ (s) n (s) yields thefunction τ : I → R , a geometric entity which isthe torsion ofα in the neighborhood of s. It mea-sures the arc-rate of turning of b. Generalizingto n-dimensional conformal space, the confor-mal torsion of a curve can be derived from theFrenet-Serret apparatus. The concept of torsionassociated with a moving frame along a curvewas introduced by F. Frenet in 1847 and inde-pendently by J.A. Serret in 1851.

congruence of lines Refers to a set of linesin projective, affine, or Euclidean space depend-ing on a set of parameters. For example, let P 5

be a 5-dimensional projective space, and Q ahyperquadrix defined by the equation p01p23−p02p13 + p03p12 = 0, where the pij are ho-mogeneous coordinates of P 5. Then we definea congruence of lines as a set of 2-parameterstraight lines corresponding to a surface of twodimensions on Q in P 5. The theory of congru-ences is an important part of projective differ-ential geometry. See also congruent objects inspace.

congruence on a category An equivalencerelation ∼ on the morphisms of a category Csuch that (i.) for every equivalence class E of

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congruent objects in plane

morphisms in C, there exist objects A,B in Csuch that E is contained in the class of mor-phisms from A to B, and (ii.) for all morphismsf, f ′, g, g′ of C, if f ∼ f ′ and g ∼ g′, thenf ◦ g ∼ f ′ ◦ g′ (assuming f ◦ g and f ′ ◦ g′exist).

congruent objects in plane Two objects PandP ∗ in R2 are congruent if there exists a rigidmotion α : R2 → R2 such that α(P ) = P ∗.

congruent objects in space Two objects Sand S∗ in R3 are congruent if there exists a rigidmotion α : R3 → R3 such that α(S) = S∗.

conic section A geometric locus obtained bytaking planar sections of a conical surface (i.e.,of a circular cone formed from the rotation ofone line around another, provided the lines arenot parallel or orthogonal). These sections donot pass through the intersection point of the twolines which produce the circular cone. The conicsection is thus a plane curve in R3 generated by apoint that moves so that the ratio of its distancefrom a fixed point to its distance from a fixedline is constant. It can be one of three types:an ellipse (where the intersecting plane meetsall generators of the cone in the points of onlyone convex half-cone), a parabola (where theintersecting plane is parallel to one of the tangentplanes to the cone going off to infinity), or ahyperbola (where the intersecting plane meetsboth half-cones).

conical helix A space curve that lies on thesurface of a cone and cuts all the generators at aconstant angle. See cone.

conical surface A surface of revolution ofconstant curvature in R3. It can be generatedby a straight line that connects a fixed point (thevertex) with each point of a fixed curve (the di-rectrix). The conical surface consists of twoconcave pieces positioned symmetrically aboutthe vertex. It is quadric if the directrix is a conic.A circular conical surface is one whose directrixis a circle and whose vertex is on the line per-pendicular to the plane of the circle and passingthrough the center of the circle.

conjugate angles Two angles whose sum is360 degrees (2π radians).

conjugate arcs Two circular arcs whose unionis a complete circle.

conjunctive normal form A propositional(sentential) formula of the form






(A11 ∨ · · · ∨ A1m1) ∧ · · · ∧ (An1 ∨ · · · ∨ Anmn),where each Aij , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, 1 ≤ j ≤ mi , iseither a sentence symbol or the negation of asentence symbol. Every well-formed proposi-tional formula is logically equivalent to one inconjunctive normal form.

For example, if A, B, and C are sentencesymbols, then the well-formed formula ((A→B)→ C) is logically equivalent to (¬A∨¬B∨C)∧ (A∨¬B ∨C)∧ (A∨B ∨C), which is aformula in conjunctive normal form.

connected A subsetA of a topological spaceX is connected if it is connected as a subspaceofX. In other words, A is connected if there donot exist nonempty disjoint setsU and V , whichare relatively open in A such that A = U ∪ V .That is, there are no disjoint open sets U and Vin X with U ∩ A �= ∅, V ∩ A �= ∅, and A =(U∩A)∪(V ∩A) = (U∪V )∩A. For example,(0, 1) is connected in R, while [0, 0.5)∪(0.5, 1]is not, because [0, 0.5) and (0.5, 1] are relativelyopen in that space.

connected component In a topological spaceX, the connected component of x ∈ X is thelargest connected A ⊆ X which contains x.Equivalently,A is the union of all connected setsin X which contain x. Any space can be par-titioned into its connected components, whichmust be disjoint.

connected im kleinen A topological spaceX is connected im kleinen if, for any x ∈ X andopen set U containing x, there is a connectedA ⊆ U and an open V ⊆ A with x ∈ V . This

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contact form

form of connectedness is stronger than beinglocally connected.

connected set See connected.

connected sum An n-dimensional manifoldformed from n-dimensional manifolds M1 andM2 (and denoted M1#M2) as follows: Let B1and B2 be closed n-dimensional balls in M1and M2, respectively. Let h : S1 −→ S2 be ahomeomorphism of the boundary sphere of B1to the boundary ofB2. ThenM1#M2 is the unionofM1 minus the interior ofB1 andM2 minus theinterior of B2, with each x in S1 identified withh(x) in S2. The resulting space is a manifold;different choices of balls and homeomorphismsmay give rise to inequivalent manifolds.

connected topological space A topologicalspace X such that there do not exist nonemptydisjoint open setsU andV such thatX = U∪V .Equivalently, the only subsets ofX that are bothopen and closed are ∅ and X itself.

connective fiber space A fiber space thatcannot be represented as the sum of two non-empty disjoint open-closed subsets. Connectiv-ity is preserved under homeomophisms.

conservative Let L1 and L2 be first orderlanguages with L1 ⊆ L2; let T1 be a theory ofL1 and T2 be a theory of L2. The theory T2 is aconservative extension of T1 if

(i.) T2 is an extension of T1; i.e., T1 ⊆ T2,and

(ii.) for every sentence σ of L1, if σ is atheorem of T2 (T2 � σ ), then σ is a theorem ofT1 (T1 � σ ).

consistent Let L be a first order language andlet� be a set of well-formed formulas of L. Theset � is consistent if it is not inconsistent; i.e., ifthere does not exist a formula α such that both αand (¬α) are theorems of �. If � is consistent,then there must exist a formula α such that α isnot a theorem of �. Note that � is consistentif and only if � is satisfiable, by soundness andcompleteness of first order logic.

If � is a set of sentences and ϕ is a well-formed formula, then ϕ is consistent with � if� has a model that is also a model of ϕ.

consistent axioms A set of axioms such thatthere is no statement A such that both A and itsnegation are provable from the set of axioms.Informally, a collection of axioms is consistentif there is a model for the axioms; the axioms ofgroup theory are consistent asG = {e}, where ·is defined onG by e · e = e, is a model of theseaxioms.

In the case of formal systems, Gödel’s Se-cond Incompleteness Theorem states, roughly,that the consistency of any sufficiently strongtheory cannot be proved in that theory; for ex-ample, it is not possible to prove the consistencyof Zermelo-Fraenkel (ZF ) set theory from theaxioms of ZF . Consequently, only a relativenotion of consistency can be considered; i.e.,given a set � of axioms of a formal system anda statement A in the language of that system,one asks whether � ∪ {A} is consistent, assum-ing that � is consistent. For example, Gödelproved in 1936 that, assumingZF is consistent,so is ZFC, where ZFC is ZF set theory to-gether with the Axiom of Choice. In addition,Cohen proved in 1963 that, assumingZF is con-sistent, so is ZF +¬AC, where ZF +¬AC isZF set theory together with the negation of theAxiom of Choice.

constructible set An element of the class L,defined below in the constructible hierarchy:

(i.) L0 = Ø;(ii.) Lα =⋃

β<α Lβ , if α is a limit ordinal;(iii.) Lα+1 = the set of all subsets definable

over Lα;(iv.) L =⋃

α∈Ord Lα .

contact element In the Euclidean plane R2,an ordered pair (p, �) consisting of a pointp anda line � containing the point p. More generally,a contact element in a smooth n-dimensionalmanifoldM is a pair (p,H) consisting of a pointp inM and an n−1-dimensional planeH in thetangent space at p. The contact elements in Mform a (2n−1)-dimensional manifold which hasa special structure on it called a contact structure.

contact form A one-form ω on a smooth(2n+1)-dimensional manifoldM such thatω∧(dω)n �= 0 everywhere on M . At each point pin M , the kernel K(p) of ω(p) is a plane ofdimension 2n in the tangent space at p. The

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contact manifold

condition on ω is equivalent to the statement:for any vector V ∈ K(p) there is a W such thatdω(V,W) �= 0. Darboux’s Theorem says thatit is always possible to find local coordinates(x1, . . . , xn, y1, . . . , yn, z) in which ω = dz−∑ni=1 y

idxi .

contact manifold The odd-dimensional coun-terpart of a symplectic manifold. A contactmanifold is a smooth (2n+1)-dimensional man-ifold M together with a one-form ω on M suchthatω∧(dω)n �= 0 everywhere onM . There is aunique vector fieldV onM , called the character-istic vector field, determined by two conditions:

(i.) ω(V ) = 1 and(ii.) dω(V,W) = 0 for all W .

In special local coordinates, this is the vectorfield ∂


An example of a contact manifold is the unitsphere S2n+1, viewed as a submanifold of com-plex n-dimensional space. The characteristicvector field is the field of unit vectors tangentto the great circles which form the fibers of theHopf fibrationπ : S2n+1 −→ CPn of the sphereover complex projective space. π is the mapthat takes a point in the sphere to the complex 1-dimensional subspace containing the point. The1-form ω is given by the formula

ω(W) =< V,W > ,

where <,> is the Euclidean inner product.

contact metricstructure A Riemannian met-ric g on a manifold M of dimension 2n+ 1 anda contact form η which are compatible. Thecontact form η is a 1-form on M which satisfiesthe condition η ∧ (dη)n �= 0 at every point. ηdetermines a subspace K(p) of codimension 1in the tangent space Mp to M at the point p,as well as a vector ξ transverse to K(p) anddetermined by the conditions: η(ξ) = 1 anddη(V, ξ) = 0 for all V in K(p). The met-ric g must make ξ(p) a unit vector, orthogo-nal to K(p). For X and Y in K(p), the metricsatisfies dη(X, Y ) = g(X, φY ), where φ(p) :Mp → Mp is a linear transformation satisfyingφ2(V ) = −V on K(p) and φ(ξ) = 0. Moreprecisely, φ is a tensor field on M of type (1, 1)satisfying φ2 = −I + η ⊗ ξ .

contact structure A specification of a (2n)-dimensional plane K(p) in the tangent spaceof a manifold M of dimension 2n + 1, at eachpoint p, in such a way that in some open set Uaroundp there is a smooth, one-formω such thatK(q) is the kernel ofω(q) for every q. The one-form is required to satisfy the non-degeneracycondition: ω ∧ (dω)n �= 0 for all q in U . Theform ω is called a local contact form. On theoverlap of two such open sets, the local formsagree up to a non-vanishing scalar multiple. Ifthe form can be globally defined, then M is acontact manifold.

An example of a contact structure is givenby the manifold of straight lines in the planeR2. Local coordinates (x, y, z) are given byletting (x, y) be the point of contact and 0 <z < π the angle between the line and a hori-zontal line. (Different coordinates are chosen ifthe line is horizontal.) The 1-form is given byω(x, y, z) = sin(z)dx−cos(z)dy. This 1-formcannot be defined globally.

continued fraction A real number of theform

a0 + b1

a1 + b2

a2+ b3



where each ai is a real number. If the expres-sion consists of only a finite number of fractions,the expression is called a finite continued frac-tion and is (obviously) a rational number. Seealso finite continued fraction. An infinite simplecontinued fraction is one of the form

a0 + 1

a1 + 1a2+ 1

a3+ 1


where each of the ai is an integer. See alsoconvergence of a continued fraction.

continuous function A function f from atopological space X to a topological space Ysuch that, for each openU ⊆ Y , the set f−1(U)

is open in X. For functions on the real line, thisis equivalent to requiring that, for any ε > 0,there exists a δ > 0 such that |f (x)−f (y)| < ε

whenever |x − y| < δ.

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convex closure

continuousgeometry An orthomodular lat-tice, i.e., a complete and complemented modu-lar lattice L such that given any element x ofL and any subset W of L which is well or-dered with respect to the ordering in L, thenx ∩ supw = sup(a ∩ w), where w ∈ W . Theconcept of a continuous geometry was intro-duced by John von Neumann. When the dimen-sion is discrete, continuous geometry containsprojective geometry as a special case. Gener-ally, however the lattices have continuous di-mension.

continuum hypothesis The statement

2ℵ0 = ℵ1 .

(It is not possible to prove this statement or itsnegation in Zermelo-Frankel set theory with theAxiom of Choice.)

contractible topological space A topologi-cal space X that can be shrunk to a point. Moreprecisely, X is contractible if there is a continu-ous function c : X×[0, 1] −→ X (called a con-traction) such that c(x, 0) = x for all x inX, andfor some p in X, c(x, 1) = p for all x. The n-dimensional Euclidean spaces are contractible,while any space with a nonzero homology or ho-motopy group in a positive dimension gives anexample of a non-contractible space.

contraction If X is a subspace of Y , then acontraction of X in Y is a continuous functionc : X × [0, 1] −→ Y such that c(x, 0) = x forall x in X, and for some p in Y , c(x, 1) = p forall x in X. See contractible topological space.

convergenceof a continued fraction Giventhe continued fraction

a0 + b1

a1 + b2

a2+ b3




Cn = a0 + b1

a1 + b2

a2+ b3


... bn−1an−1+ bnan

(the nth convergent of the continued fraction).If limn→∞Cn = L, then the continued fraction is

said to converge to L. That is,

L = a0 + b1

a1 + b2

a2+ b3



convergent See convergence of a continuedfraction.

convergent sequence A sequence of points{xn : n ∈ N} in a topological space X convergesto x ∈ X if, for any open set U containing x,there is an N ∈ N with xn ∈ U for all n ≥ N . Asequence is convergent if it converges to somex ∈ X. For example, the sequence of reals { 1


converges to 0, while the sequence {n} does notconverge.

convex (1) A non-empty subsetX of Rn suchthat, for any elements x, y ∈ X, and any numberc such that 0 ≤ c ≤ 1, the element cx+(1−c)yof Rn belongs to X. In R2, for example, a setis convex if it contains the line segment joiningany two of its points. See also convex closure.

(2) A real function f (x) in an interval I suchthat the graph of f lies nowhere above its secantline in any subinterval of I .

convex body A bounded, closed, convex set(finite or infinite) that has interior points. Seeconvex.

convex cell The convex closure of a finiteset of points P = {p0, p1, ..., pk}, in an n-dimensional affine space An. When p0, ..., pkare independent, it is a k-dimensional simplexwith vertices p0, ..., pk .

convex closure For any subset X of an n-dimensional affine spaceAn, there exists a min-imal convex set that containsX. This set, whichis the intersection of all the convex sets that con-tain X, is the convex closure of X. In Rn, theconvex closure of a set X is the set of possiblelocations of the center of gravity of mass whichcan be distributed in different ways in the mini-mal convex set containing X. Each point of the

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convex cone

convex closure is the center of gravity of a massconcentrated at not more than n+ 1 points.

For a subset X of An, X is convex if the seg-ment joining two arbitrary points of X is con-tained in X.

convex cone A convex body consisting ofhalf-lines emanating from a point (the apex ofthe cone). The surface of a convex cone is some-times called a convex cone.

convex cylinder A cylinder that lies entirelyon one side of any tangent plane at a point of thecylinder. See cylinder.

convex hull The smallest convex set contain-ing a given subset X of a Euclidean space. Theconvex hull of X can be constructed by formingthe intersection of all half-planes containing X.See also convex closure.

convex polygon A polygon in R2 with theproperty that each of its interior angles (the an-gles made by adjacent sides of the polygon andcontained within the polygon) is less than orequal to 180 degrees. A convex polygon alwayshas an interior.

convex polyhedral cone A convex cone inR3 which is the intersection of linear half-spaces.See convex cone.

convex polyhedron The convex closure ofa finite number of points in Rn; that is, thebounded intersection of a finite number of closedhalf-spaces. In R3, it is a solid bounded by planepolygons, which lies entirely on one side of anyplane containing one of its faces. Any plane sec-tion of a convex polyhedron is a convex polygon.See convex closure, convex polygon.

coordinate See coordinate system. In R2, acoordinate is one of an ordered pair of numbersthat locates the position of a point in the plane.

coordinate axis One of finitely many com-ponents of a reference system which providesa one-to-one correspondence between the ele-ments of a set (on a plane or a surface, in aspace, or on a manifold) with the numbers usedto specify their position. In Rn, it is part of an

orthogonal frame which determines the rectan-gular coordinates of each point in the space. InR2 a coordinate axis is a line along which orparallel to which a coordinate is measured.

coordinatebundle Let E,B, F be topologi-cal spaces andp : E→ B be a continuous map.Let G be an effective left topological transfor-mation group ofF . If there exists an open cover-ing {Uα}α∈� of B, and a homeomorphism φα :Uα × F ≈ p−1(Uα) for each α ∈ �, then thesystem (E,p,B, F,G,Uα, φα) is a coordinatebundle if it has the following three properties:(i.) pφα(b, y) = b (b ∈ Uα, y ∈ F ); (ii.) de-fine φα,β : F ≈ p−1(b) (b ∈ Uα) by φα,β(y) =φα(b, y). Then gβα(b) = φ−1

β,bφα,b ∈ G forb ∈ Uα ∩ Uβ; (iii.)gβα(b) : Uα ∩ Uβ → G iscontinuous.

coordinate function The homeomorphism

φα : Uα × F ≈ p−1 (Uα)

for each α ∈ � of the coordinate bundle (E,p,B, F,G,Uα, φα) belonging to the fiber bundle(E,p,B, F,G).

coordinatehyperplane A coordinate hyper-plane in a vector space X over a field K is theimage under a translation of a vector subspaceM with the quotient space X/M .

coordinate neighborhood The open cover-ing {Uα}(α ∈ �) of B of the coordinate bundle(E, p, B, F,G,Uα, φα) belonging to the fiberbundle (E, p, B, F,G). See coordinate bundle.

coordinate system Let S be a set of mathe-matical objects. A coordinate system is a mech-anism that assigns (tuples of) numbers to eachelement of the set S. The numbers correspond-ing to each element are called its coordinates. InR2, such a reference system is called the rectan-gular coordinate system. In R3, the coordinatefunctions, u and v, of p−1 [where p is a one-to-one regular mapping of an open set of R2 intoa subset of R3] constitute the coordinate systemassociated with p.

coordinate transformation Let E,B, F betopological spaces and p : E→ B be a contin-uous map. LetG be an effective left topological

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covariant functor

transformation group of F . Assume there ex-ists an open covering {Uα} (α ∈ �) of B, anda homeomorphism φα : UαXF ≈ p−1(Uα) foreach α ∈ �. Define φα,β : F ≈ p−1(b) (b ∈Uα) by φα,β(y) = φα(b, y). Then gβα(b) =φ−1β,bφα,b ∈ G for b ∈ Uα∩Uβ . Then the contin-

uous transformation gβα is the coordinate trans-formation of the coordinate bundle (E, p, B, F,G,Uα, φα) belonging to the fiber bundle(E, p, B, F,G).

coplanar Lying in the same plane.

coproduct For any two sets X and Y , a co-product of X and Y is a disjoint union D in thediagram

Xi−→ D

j←− Y,where i and j are injections. The set D is notunique and can be constructed as follows. If Xand Y are disjoint, then letD = X∪Y . IfX andY are not disjoint, let D = X ∪ Y ′, where Y ′ isa set that is equivalent to Y and disjoint from X.Other coproducts of X and Y can be formed bychoosing different sets Y ′.

corresponding angles Let two straight lineslying in R2 be cut by a transversal, so that anglesx and y are a pair of alternating interior angles,and y and z are a pair of vertical angles. Then xand z are corresponding angles.

cotangent bundle LetM be ann-dimensionaldifferentiable manifold of class Cr . ConsiderT (M), the union over p ∈ M of all the vectorspaces Tp(M) of vectors tangent to M at p. De-fine π : T (M)→ M by π(Tp(M)) = p. ThenT (M)may be regarded as a manifold called thetangent bundle of M . The dual bundle is thecotangent bundle.

coterminal angles Angles with the same ter-minal side (the moving straight line which re-volves around the fixed straight line, the initialside, to form the angle) and the same initial side.Two angles are coterminal if they are generatedby the revolution of two lines about the samepoint of the initial side in such a way that the fi-nal positions of the revolving lines are the same.For example, 60◦ and -300◦ are coterminal an-gles.

CountableAxiom of Choice The statementthat, for any countable family of non-empty,pairwise disjoint sets {Xα}α∈�, there exists a setY which consists of exactly one element fromeach set in the family. Equivalently, if {Xα}α∈�is a countable family of non-empty sets, thenthere exists a function f : {Xα}α∈� → ⋃

α∈�Xα such that f (Xα) ∈ Xα for all α ∈ �. SeeAxiom of Choice.

countable chain condition (1) A partial or-der (P,≤) has the countable chain condition ifany antichain in P is countable. A setA ⊆ P isan antichain if its elements are pairwise incom-patible; that is, for any p and q in A, there is nor ∈ P with r ≤ p and r ≤ q. Thus, P has thecountable chain condition (or is ccc) if it has nouncountable subset of pairwise incompatible el-ements. Examples of ccc partial orders includethe collection of all finite sequences of 0s and 1sordered by extension (p ≤ q if p ⊇ q), and thecollection of all measurable sets modulo mea-sure zero sets ordered by inclusion ([A] ≤ [B]if A ⊆ B).

(2) A topological space satisfies the count-able chain condition if it contains no uncount-able collection of pairwise disjoint non-emptyopen sets. If X is a topological space and P isthe collection of all non-empty open subsets ofX ordered by p ≤ q if and only if p ⊆ q, thenX is a ccc topological space if and only if P isa ccc partial order.

countably compact topological space Atopological spaceX such that any countable opencover of X contains a finite subcover. That is,if each Un is open andX = ∪n∈NUn, then thereis a finite set A ⊆ N with X = ∪n∈AUn. Thisis equivalent to requiring that any countably in-finite subset of X has an accumulation point.

The space of ordinals less than ω1 with theorder topology is a countably compact spacewhich is not compact.

counterclockwise The direction of rotationopposite to that in which the hands of the clockmove.

covariant functor Let C and D be categories.A covariant functor F is a function F : Obj(C)

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covering dimension

→ Obj(D) such that, for any A,B ∈Obj(C) thefollowing hold:

(i.) if f ∈ HomC(A,B), then

F(f ) ∈ HomD(F (A), F (B)) ;(ii.) F(1C) = 1D;(iii.) F(gf ) = F(g)F (f ), where f and g

are morphisms in C whose composition gf isdefined.

covering dimension A nonnegative integer,assigned to a set by means of coverings. Fortopological spaces the covering dimension (orLebesque dimension) is defined in terms of opencoverings. The dimension of a normal space xis less than or equal to n if, in each finite opencovering of x, a finite open covering can be in-scribed whose number of elements containing agiven point is less than or equal to n+ 1.

covering group p : E −→ X is a coveringspace of X if every point of X has a neighbor-hood whose inverse image is the disjoint unionof open sets homeomorphic to the neighborhoodby p. The covering group (group of cover-ing transformations) is the group of homeomor-phisms of E which preserve the fibers (homeo-morphisms h : E −→ E with ph = p).

The real line covers the circle S1 by the mapwhich takes x to e2πix . The group of coveringtransformations is isomorphic to the group ofintegers.

covering homotopy property A map p : E−→ B has the covering homotopy property if itsatisfies the following: given any mapf : X −→E and any homotopy h : X × [0, 1] −→ B ofp ◦ f (so hi = pf ), there is a lift H : X ×[0, 1] −→ E of h so that pH = h and Hi = f ,where i is the inclusion of X×{0} in X×[0, 1].

That is, given maps represented by the solidlines in the diagram below,

Xf−→ E

i ↓ ↓ pX × I h−→ B

there exists a map H : X× I −→ E so that thediagram with H added commutes.

A surjective map satisfying the covering ho-motopy property is called a fibration. This is

a generalization of the concept of fiber bundle;the fiber in a fibration is only determined up tohomotopy, that is, the inverse images of two dif-ferent points (if B is connected) will only behomotopy equivalent to each other.

covering map A continuous surjection p :X → Y such that every y ∈ Y has an openpath connected neighborhood U such that, foreach open path component V ⊆ p−1(U), p isa homeomorphism from V onto U . In otherwords, the V s form a stack of copies over Uwhich cover it. For example, the map p(t) =(cos t, sin t) is a covering map from R to the unitcircle.

covering space A topological space X is acovering space of Y if there is a covering mapp : X→ Y . See covering map. For example, Ris a covering space of the unit circle via p(t) =(cos t, sin t).

covering transformation A map φ : E −→E such that p ◦ φ = φ, where p : E −→ B is acovering map of an arcwise connected, locallyarcwise connected space B. See covering map.

covering transformation group The groupof covering transformations φ : E −→ E, un-der composition. See covering transformation.In the special case whereE is the universal coverof B, this group is isomorphic to the fundamen-tal group of the space B.

cross-section A cross-section or section ofa fiber bundle p : E −→ B with fiber F is amap s : B −→ E with ph equal to the identityon B. Clearly every trivial bundle B × F hasnumerous sections. A non-trivial example is theMöbius band, a bundle over its middle circle.The inclusion of the middle circle is a sectionfor that bundle.

cube One of the five types of regular poly-hedra in E3. Also known as a hexahedron, itis a solid bounded by 6 planes with 12 equaledges and face angles that are right angles. InEn, it is a set consisting of all those points x =(x1, ..., xn), for which xi is such that ai ≤ xi ≤bi for each i, where ai and bi are such that bi−aihas the same value for each i.

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cycle group

cumulativehierarchy The hierarchy of setsdefined recursively using the power set opera-tion at successor stages and union at limit stages:(i.) V0 = Ø, (ii.) Vα+1 = P(Vα), for all ordi-nals α, and (iii.) Vλ = ⋃

β<λ Vβ , for any limitordinalλ. Also known as the Zermelo hierarchy.See also universe of sets.

curvature A measure of the quantitative char-acteristics (in terms of numbers, vectors, ten-sors) which describe the degree to which someobject (a curve, Riemannian manifold, etc.) de-viates from certain other objects (a straight line,a Euclidean surface, etc.), which are consid-ered to be flat. As a local property of a planecurve, curvature may intuitively be thought ofas the degree to which a curve is “bent” at eachpoint. For non-planar space curves, curvatureis defined as the magnitude of a rate of rota-tion vector. Gauss had defined the curvature ofa surface in R3 at a point (x, y, z) as the limitof the ratio of the area of the region on a unitsphere around a point (X, Y, Z) [determined bythe radius of the sphere in a direction normal to(x, y, z)] to the area of the region on the sur-face around (x, y, z), as these two areas shrinkto their respective points. Riemann’s concep-tion of curvature for any n-dimensional mani-fold was a generalization of Gauss’ definitionfor surfaces.

curve A continuous function from (an inter-val in) R into Rn, although usually referred toas the image (range) of such a function.

Euclid distinguished lines from curves, buttoday lines, in the Euclidean sense, are consid-ered curves which include straight lines. GeorgCantor defined a curve as a continuum that isnowhere dense in R2. A continuous curve in R2

that covers a square is a Peano curve.

curve of constant breadth Let E be theboundary of a convex body X in R2, O an in-terior point of X, and P an arbitrary point ofX different from O. E admits exactly one sup-porting line l(P ) which is perpendicular to theline OP and meets the half-line OP . Let OP

be the half-line with direction opposite to that ofOP , and l

′ the supporting line l(P

′). Then the

distance between the parallel lines l and l′ is the

breadth of E. Let M = M(E) be the maximum

and m = m(E) be the minimum of the breathof E. If M = m, then E is a curve of constantbreadth.

cusp A double point on a curve C, at whichtwo tangents to C are coincident.

cut point (1) In topology, a pointp in a spaceX such that X\{p} = A ∪ B, where A and Bare nonempty open sets.

(2) In Riemannian geometry, if M is a Rie-mannian manifold and p is a point of M , thena point q of M is a cut point with respect top if there is a shortest geodesic joining p to qwhich, if extended beyond q, fails to be a short-est path to points beyond q. For example, on thestandard sphere the antipode of any point is theunique cut point.

CW complex A topological space construc-ted iteratively as follows. Let Dn be an n-cell,that is, a set homeomorphic to all points of dis-tance at most 1 from the origin in Rn; the bound-ary ofDn is the (n−1)-sphere, Sn−1. Begin witha collection of points. At each stage, attach newcells by identifying the boundary of a cell Dn

with points in lower dimensional cells.One can build the sphere Sn in two distinct

ways. First, start with one point; attach the cellDn by identifying all points in its boundary withthat one point. Alternately, start with two points.Attach two 1-cells (intervals) by sending oneendpoint to each of the two points that formedthe previous stage. This constructs a circle, S1.Given Sn−1 by iteration, form Sn by identify-ing the boundaries of each of two n-cells withSn−1. This latter construction is convenient forstudying real projective space.

Any manifold can be constructed as a CWcomplex and such constructions are useful forcalculating the homology or cohomology of themanifold.

cycle An element c inCn such that ∂n(c) = 0,where Cn is a member of a chain complex overa ring R. See chain complex.

cycle group If {Cn, ∂n} is a chain complex(of Abelian groups), then the kth cycle groupZkis the subgroup of Ck consisting of all elementsc such that ∂k(c) = 0. The boundary group

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Bn = ∂n+1/Cn+1 is a subgroup of the cyclegroup, since ∂n+1◦∂n = 0. See chain complex.

cylinder A flat ruled surface in R3, which isthe locus of points on a straight line (the gen-erator) moving parallel to itself, and intersect-ing a given plane curve (the directrix). Thus,as the generator, which is perpendicular to theplane of the directrix, moves along the directrix,it sweeps out a cylinder.

cylinder of revolution A surface formed bythe set of all lines passing through a given circleand perpendicular to the plane of the circle. Alsoknown as a right circular cylinder.

cylindrical helix A helix whose path lies ona cylinder, forming a constant angle with the el-ements of the cylinder. A cylindrical helix isdescribed, for example, by the parametric equa-tions

x = cos t

y = sin t

z = t(−∞ < t <∞).cylindrical surface A surface generated bya line in space moving along a curve, alwaysstaying parallel to a fixed line.

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Dedekind cut

DDarboux’s frame If γ (s) is a curve on a sur-faceM in Euclidean space R3, parameterized byarc length, then there is an orthonormal frame(T , U, V ) defined along the curve called Dar-boux’s frame. The first vector, T = γ ′(s), isthe unit tangent vector to the curve. The vectorV = ν(γ (s)) is the unit normal to the surfaceat the point. (This assumes that a normal vectorfield ν(P ) is specified.) The vector U = V ×Tis the normal vector to the curve in the surface,whose direction is determined by the choice ofsurface normal. One can then define the analogof the Frenet equations for the curve:

T ′ = κgU + κnV

U ′ = −κgT + τgV

V ′ = −κnT − τgU

The functions κg and κn are the geodesic cur-vatureand the normal curvature, respectively,of the curve in the surface. τg is the geodesictorsion.

decagon A ten-sided polygon.

decidable A set of objects of some sort is de-cidableif there is an effective procedure (algo-rithm) which, given an arbitrary object, decideswhether or not the object is in the set. This no-tion, as defined, is an intuitive notion. To definethis notion formally requires the formal notionof computability and the ability to code effec-tively (Gödel number) the objects in question.See computable.

For example, the set of tautologies of pro-positional logic is decidable; i.e., there is an ef-fective procedure which, given a string from thelanguage of the propositional logic, can deter-mine whether or not the string is a well-formedformula, and if it is, can determine whether ornot the well-formed formula is a tautology. Asanother example, a theory in first order logic isdecidable if it is both complete and axiomatiz-able by a decidable set of axioms.

decision problem A decision problemasksif there exists an effective procedure (algorithm)for deciding the truth or falsity of an entire classof statements. If such an effective procedure ex-ists, the problem is said to be solvable; otherwisethe problem is said to be unsolvable.

This notion, as defined, is intuitive. To defineit formally requires the formal notion of com-putability, the ability to effectively code (Gödelnumber) the statements, and the Church–TuringThesis.

For example, given an n-ary predicate R, thedecision problem associated withR asks if thereis an effective procedure for deciding, given ar-bitrary natural numbers a1, . . . , an, whetherR(a1, . . . , an) is true or false. This decisionproblem is solvable if R is recursive (comput-able) as a relation; otherwise it is unsolvable.

There are many famous decision problems.Hilbert’s Tenth Problem asks if there is an effec-tive procedure which, given a Diophantine equa-tionp(x1, . . . , xn) = 0, wherep is a polynomialwith integer coefficients, determines whether ornot there is an integer solution. It was provedby results of Matijasevic (1970) and Davis, Put-nam, and Robinson (1961) that Hilbert’s TenthProblem is not solvable. The decision prob-lem for propositional logic, which asks if thereis an effective procedure which, given a well-formed formula of propositional logic, deter-mines whether or not that formula is provable,was proved by Post (1921) to be solvable. Onthe other hand, the decision problem (Entschei-dungsproblem) for first-order logic is not solv-able (Church, 1936; Turing, 1936); i.e., if L isa first-order language with a k-ary function orpredicate symbol, for k ≥ 2, then there is no ef-fective procedure that can determine whether ornot an arbitrary sentence of L is logically valid.

Dedekind cut Suppose that X is a subsetof R and A,B are two subsets of X with thefollowing properties:

(i.) A ∩ B = ∅;(ii.) A ∪ B = X;(iii.) a < b for any a ∈ A, b ∈ B.

The sets A and B form a Dedekind cutif A hasa last element and B has no first element, or ifA has no last element and B has a first element.X is an interval of R if and only if any choice of

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A, B satisfying conditions (i.) through (iii.) isa Dedekind cut.

If there exists a choice of A and B which isnot a Dedekind cut, thenX can be extended to aninterval of R by including additional real num-bers. For example, if X consists of the rationalnumbers, then no choice of A, B is a Dedekindcut. However, X may be extended by includingthe irrational numbers. This technique can beused if X is a subset of any complete linearlyordered set.

deduction See proof.

deficient number A positive integernhavingthe property that the sum of its positive divisorsis less than 2n, i.e., σ(n) < 2n. For example,16 is deficient, since

1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 = 31 < 32 .

Compare with abundant number, perfect num-ber.

definition by recursion See recursion.

degenerateconic A conic section formed bya plane intersecting a conical surface either onlyin the vertex of the surface (resulting in a point),only at an element of the surface (resulting ina line), or only at two elements of the surface(resulting in two lines).

degeneratesimplex Ann-simplex (map fromthen-dimensional analog of a triangle to a space)whose image is less than n-dimensional.

degreeof an arc The degree measure of thecentral angle determining the arc, provided thearc is minor. If the arc is major, its degree is 360minus the degree measure of the central angle.

degree of mapping Let f : (Sn, x0) →(Sn, x0) be a continuous map where n ≥ 1 andlet f∗ : Hn(Sn, x0) → Hn(S

n, x0) be the in-duced map. If z0 is the generator of Hn(Sn, x0),then f∗(z0) = d · z0 for some integer d. In thiscase d is the degree of the map f and is denoteddeg(f ).

An important consequence of this is theBrouwer Fixed-Point Theorem: Every contin-uous map f : Bn→ Bn has a fixed point.

degree of unsolvability For a set of naturalnumbers of A, the set

deg(A) = {B : B ≡T A};i.e., the class of all sets B of natural numberswhich are Turing equivalent to A. A degree ofunsolvability is often called a Turing degree, orsimply a degree.

As an example, if A is a recursive (com-putable) set, then deg(A) consists of all recursive(computable) sets. However, ifA is computably(recursively) enumerable, then deg(A) does notconsist of all computably enumerable sets.

deMorgan’s laws Let B be a Boolean alge-bra with binary operations ∪,∩ and unary oper-ation ′. If X, Y ∈ B, then:

(X ∩ Y )′ = X′ ∪ Y ′(X ∪ Y )′ = X′ ∩ Y ′ .

See Boolean algebra.

denominator The number b in the fractionab


dense linear ordering Given a set A with atleast two distinct elements and a linear ordering≤ on A, ≤ is denseif, for all x, y ∈ A withx < y, there exists z ∈ A with x < z < y.The usual ordering ≤ on Q, the set of rationalnumbers, is dense.

dense subset A subset A of a topologicalspace X such that A = X, where A denotes theclosure of A in X.

denumerable set A set A, equinumerouswith the set N of natural numbers; i.e., suchthat there is a bijection from A onto N. Forexample, the set Q of rational numbers is denu-merable, while the set R of real numbers is notdenumerable.

derived set The set of accumulation pointsof a subset A of a topological space X. Thederived setof A is written A′. The closure ofA is then A ∪ A′, and A is closed if and only ifA′ ⊆ A.

determined Let X be a subset of ωω. Asso-ciated withX is the gameGX which is played by

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differential invariant

two players A and B. The two players alternatechoosing natural numbers a1, b1, a2, b2, . . . . Ifthe sequence (a1, b1, a2, b2, . . . ) ∈ X, thenplayer A wins. If not, player B wins. A strat-egy is a rule that tells the player (either A or B)which number to choose, based on the previouschoices of both players. A winning strategy isa strategy in which the player always wins. ThegameGX is determined if one of the two playershas a winning strategy.

developablesurface A ruled surface is a sur-face swept out by a straight line (called the gen-erator) moving through space. It can be given aparameterization of the formX(u, v) = C(u)+vD(u)whereC is a curve andC′(u)×D(u)doesnot vanish. If the tangent plane to the surfaceat any point is tangent along the entire genera-tor through the point, then the surface is calleda developable surface. For example, a cylinderis a developable surface, as is a cone. A hy-perboloid of one sheet is an example of a ruledsurface which is not a developable surface.

diagonal For any set X, the subset � ={(x, x) : x ∈ X} of X × X. This is also com-monly referred to as the relation of equality onX. See relation.

diagonal intersection If κ is a regular un-countable cardinal and (Sα, α < κ) is a se-quence of subsets of κ , the diagonal intersec-tion of this sequence, denoted �{Sα : α < κ},is {β : β ∈⋂

α<β Sα}.

diagram A diagram

a·→b·→ · · ·

consists of vertices a, b, . . . and arrows. Thevertices represent sets A,B, . . . and the arrowsrepresent functions between the sets.

diagram in thecategory In the category C, adiagram in which the vertices represent objectsof C and the arrows represent morphisms of C.See diagram, category.

diameter The greatest distance between anytwo points of the body in question.

diametral plane A plane containing all mid-points of a set of parallel chords of a surface.

diamond A strengthening of the ContinuumHypothesis (denoted♦) which asserts that thereis a sequence of sets Sα ⊆ α for α < ω1, calledthe diamondsequence, which captures all sub-sets of ω1 in a certain way. Given any X ⊆ ω1,the set of α where X ∩ α = Sα is stationary inω1. In other words, there are a large number ofα where Sα is the same as X up to α.

To see why this implies the Continuum Hy-pothesis, notice that if X ⊆ ω, then

X ∩ α = Xfor any α ≥ ω. But C = [ω,ω1) is closed andunbounded, so there is an α ∈ C∩S where Sα =X ∩ α = X. That is, each subset of the naturalnumbers appears in the diamond sequence, sothe number of subsets is at most ω1.

Other consequences of ♦ include the nega-tion of Suslin’s Hypothesis; i.e.,♦ implies thereis an ω1-Suslin tree.

difference of sets For two sets X and Y , theset X\Y consisting of all elements of X whichare not elements of Y . More precisely,

X\Y = {x ∈ X : x /∈ Y } .

differentiable structure A compatible wayof assigning, to each point in a space, a homeo-morphism from a neighborhood of that point toan open subset of n-dimensional real space Rn,or of n-dimensional complex space Cn.

differential geometry The body of geometrythat investigates curves and surfaces in the im-mediate neighborhood of one of their points, us-ing calculus, and analyzes what is implied aboutthe curve or surface as a whole on the basis ofthis local behavior. A more advanced aspect ofdifferential geometryis the possibility of con-structing geometrical systems determined solelyby concepts and postulates that affect only theimmediate neighborhood of each point of thesystem.

differential invariant An expression that con-sists of certain functions, partial derivatives, and

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dihedral angle

differentials, which is invariant with respect tocertain transformations.

dihedral angle The angle between two planes,measured as the angle in a plane perpendicularto the line of intersection of the two planes. Ifthe planes do not intersect, or coincide, the di-hedral angle is zero.

dilatation An affinity that possesses a fixedpoint and maps every line onto a parallel of itself.

dimension Any one of many possible dif-ferent topologically invariant measures of thesize of a topological space. Different defini-tions of dimension include the Lebesgue dimen-sion, the homological dimension, the cohomo-logical dimension, and the large and small in-ductive dimensions. The large inductive dimen-sion, which agrees with the Lebesgue and smallinductive dimensions when the space is separa-ble and metrizable, is defined inductively as fol-lows. We say that the empty set has dimension−1. Assuming that we have defined all spacesof dimension ≤ n, we say that a space X hasdimension ≤ n + 1 if, for any disjoint closedsubsets C and D of X, there is a closed subsetT of X with dimension T ≤ n such that X\Tis the union of two disjoint open subsets, onecontaining C and the other containing D. Wethen say that a topological space has dimensionn if it has dimension ≤ n but it does not havedimension ≤ n− 1.

dimension function A function d : L →Z from a lattice L to the nonnegative integerssatisfying the conditions (i.) d(x+y)+d(xy) =d(x)+d(y) for all x, y ∈ L, and (ii.) if [x, y] isan elementary interval inL, then d(y) = d(x)+1.

dimension of a complex Let X be a CW-complex and let E be the set of cells of X. Thedimension of X is given by:

dimX = sup{dim(e) : e ∈ E} .

We say that X is finite dimensional if dimX isfinite and infinitedimensional otherwise.

dimensions of a rectangle The dimensionsthat fully describe a rectangle, namely lengthand width.

Dimension Theorem of Affin e GeometryGiven affine space An, with nondisjoint sub-spaces Ar and As of dimension r and s, respec-tively, then r + s = dim(Ar ∪ As)+ dim(Ar ∩As).

dimension theory The branch of topologydevoted to the definition and study of the notionof dimension in various classes of topologicalspaces.

dimension type Two topological spaces Xand Y have the same dimension type if X ishomeomorphic to a subspace ofY andY is home-omorphic to a subspace of X.

dimension zero A topological space X hasdimension zero if it has the discrete topology.See topological dimension.

Dini surface A helicoidal surface in three-dimensional Euclidean space, which is the sur-face of revolution of a tractrix.

directed set A set D with a partial order �,such that for all a, b ∈ D there exists an elementc ∈ D so that a � c and b � c.

directrix The polar, with respect to the recip-rocating circle of a conic section, of the centerof the reciprocal circle of the conic section; thisapplies when the conic section is regarded asthe reciprocal of a circle. Alternatively, if theconic section is regarded as a curve generatedby a point moving in the plane such that the ra-tio of its distance from a fixed point to a fixedline remains constant, then the directrix of theconic section is that fixed line.

directrix of Wilczynski Two straight linesassociated with a normal frame in projective dif-ferential geometry.

Dirichlet convolution The arithmetic func-tionf ∗g defined by (f ∗g)(n) =∑

d f (d)g(nd),

where f and g are arithmetic functions, and dranges over the divisors of n. (See arithmetic

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distance function

function.) For example, if f = φ, the Eulerphi function, and g = τ , the number of divisorsfunction,

(φ ∗ τ)(10)

= φ(1)τ (10)+φ(2)τ (5)+φ(5)τ (2)+φ(10)τ (1)

= 18 .

In fact, φ ∗ τ = σ , the sum of divisors func-tion. The Diri chlet convolution is also calledthe Dirichlet product.

Dirichle t inverse The Diri chlet inverse of anarithmetic function f is a function f−1 such thatthe Dirichlet convolution f ∗f−1 = I , the iden-tity function. (See arithmetic function, Dirichletconvolution.) A function f has a Dirichlet in-verse if and only iff (1) �= 0. When it exists, theinverse is unique. For example, µ, the Möbiusfunction, and u, the unit function, are Dirichletinverses of one another.

Dirichle t multiplication The operation un-der which the Dirichlet convolution of two arith-metic functions is computed. It is commutativeand associative. In fact, the set of arithmeticfunctions f such that f (1) �= 0 forms a groupunder this operation. See also Dirichlet convo-lution.

Dirichle t product See Dirichlet convolution.

discrete linear ordering A linear ordering≤ on a set A such that

(i.) every element x ∈ A that has a successor(i.e., an element y ∈ A such that x < y) hasan immediate successor (i.e., there exists z ∈ Asuch that z is a successor of x and there does notexist y ∈ A with x < y < z), and

(ii.) every element x ∈ A that has a prede-cessor (i.e., an element y ∈ A such that y < x)has an immediate predecessor (i.e., there existsz ∈ A such that z is a predecessor of x and theredoes not exist y ∈ A with z < y < x).

The usual ordering ≤ on the set N of naturalnumbers is discrete.

discrete topology The topology on a set X,consisting of all subsets of X. That is, everysubset is open in X.

disjoint sets Two sets X and Y which haveno common elements. Symbolically, X and Yare disjoint if

X ∩ Y = ∅ .

disjunctive normal form A propositional(sentential) formula of the form






(A11 ∧ · · · ∧ A1m1) ∨ · · · ∨(An1 ∧ · · · ∧ Anmn) ,

where each Aij , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, 1 ≤ j ≤ mi , iseither a sentence symbol or the negation of asentence symbol. Every well-formed proposi-tional formula is logically equivalent to one indisjunctive normal form.

For example, if A, B, and C are sentencesymbols, then the well-formed formula ((A→B) → C) is logically equivalent to (A ∧ B ∧C)∨ (A∧¬B ∧C)∨ (A∧¬B ∧¬C)∨ (¬A∧B ∧ C) ∨ (¬A ∧ ¬B ∧ C), which is a formulain disjunctive normal form.

distance Part of the definition of a metricspace M . The distance function on M , d :M × M → R, must be nonnegative-valuedand satisfy (i.) d(P1, P2) = 0 if and only ifP1 = P2, (ii.) d(P1, P2) = d(P2, P1), and(iii.) d(P1, P2) + d(P2, P3) ≥ d(P1, P3) forall P1, P2, P3 ∈ M . Then the distance betweentwo pointsP1 andP2 is d(P1, P2). We may thenalso define the distance between any two subsetsS and T of M to be the greatest lower bound ofthe set {d(s, t) : s ∈ S, t ∈ T }.

In three-dimensional Euclidean space, the dis-tance function is given by

d((x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2))

=√(x2 − x1)2 + (y2 − y1)2 + (z2 − z1)2 .

distance function A function d : X ×X→R, where X is a topological space and R is the

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division algorithm

real numbers, which satisfies the following threeconditions:

(i.) d(x, y) ≥ 0, and d(x, y) = 0 if and onlyif x = y;

(ii.) d(x, y) = d(y, x); and(iii.) d(x, y)+ d(y, z) ≥ d(x, z).

This last condition, known as the triangle in-equality, generalizes the principle of plane ge-ometry that the length of any side of a triangleis not longer than the sum of the lengths of theother two sides.

division algorithm If a and b �= 0 are in Z,there exist unique integers r so that a = bq + rand 0 ≤ r < b. A clever repeated application ofthe division algorithm, known as Euclid’s algo-rithm, leads to the computation of the greatestcommon divisor of the integers a and b. SeeEuclidean algorithm.

Division algorithms hold in other rings, suchas the polynomials with real coefficients.

divisor If a and b are elements of a ring andthere exists an element c in that ring satisfyingbc = a, then b (similarly, c) is a divisor ofa. For example, in the ring of integers, 6 is adivisor of 24 since 6 × 4 = 24 (and 4, 6, and24 are all integers), while 5 is not a divisor of24 since there is no integer c so that 5c = 24.However, in the ring Z36 (the integers mod 36),5 is a divisor of 24 since 5 × 12 = 24 in Z36(alternatively, 5 × 12 ≡ 24 (mod 36)).

dodecagon A polygon having 12 sides.

dodecahedron A polyhedron with 12 faces.The regular dodecahedron, the regular con-vex polyhedron having 12 pentagonal faces, 30edges, and 20 vertices, is one of the five platonicsolids.

domain For a binary relation R on two setsX and Y , the set

dom(R) = {x : (x, y) ∈ R for some y ∈ Y } .

Commonly, the relation R is a function f , R ={(x, y) : y = f (x)}, and the domain of thefunction f is the domain of the relation R, inthis case. See relation.

double angle formulas The trigonometricidentities sin 2θ = 2 sin θ cos θ and cos 2θ =1 − 2 sin2 θ .

dual The dual of a concept represented bya diagram is the diagram in which the verticesare the same, but all arrows are reversed. Seediagram.

dual bundle Given a bundle ξ , with projec-tion

π : E→ B ,

the dual bundle ξ∗ of ξ has the projection

π ′ : E′ → B ,

with E′ = ∪p∈B [π−1(p)]∗, where [π−1(p)]∗denotes the dual space of π−1(p), and π ′ takeseach [π−1(p)]∗ to p.

dual category The dual of a category C (alsoknown as the opposite of C) is the category Copwhich satisfies the following properties:

(i.) Obj(Cop) = Obj(C);(ii.) HomCop (A,B) = Hom C(B,A).

Composition of morphisms in Cop is defined bygopf op = (fg)op . See category.

dual complex The set of dual cells of sim-plices of a complex. More specifically, considera simplicial complex C. Let C′ be the barycen-tric subdivision of C and, for any q-simplex σof C, let C(σ) denote the union of all (n − q)-simplices (n being the dimension of the mani-fold) of C′. Then the set C∗ = {C(σ) : σ ∈ C}is the dual complexof C.

dual convex cone Given a convex cone C ⊆Rn, the set {x ∈ Rn : (x, y) ≤ 0 for all y ∈ C}.Here (x, y) denotes the inner product of x andy.

Dupin indicatrix If M is a surface in R3,and P is a point in M , then a plane parallel tothe tangent plane to M at P and very close tothe tangent plane will intersectM in a curve thatis approximately a quadratic curve. The Dupinindicatrix is a quadratic curve that is similar tothis curve of intersection. If the principal cur-vatures κ1 and κ2 of the surface at P are bothpositive, then the Dupin indicatrix is given by

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dyadic compactum

the ellipse κ1x2 + κ2y

2 = 1. If κ1 > 0 > κ2,then the Dupin indicatrix is the pair of hyper-bolas κ1x

2 + κ2y2 = ±1. When one of the

principal curvatures is 0, the indicatrix is a pairof parallel straight lines.

duplication of cube One of the “Three Fa-mous Greek Problems” from the classical Greekgeometers. In this problem, a cube is to be con-structed with double the volume of a given cube.

It can be proved that this construction is impos-sible using a straight edge and compass alone.

dyadic compactum Let X be the discretespace with two points. The infinite product ofcopies of X, with the product topology, is thedyadic compactum. It is a compact, uncount-able, totally disconnected, Hausdorff space,homeomorphic to the Cantor set. Seealso Can-tor set.

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Eilenberg-Steenrod Axioms

Eeccentric angle For an ellipse, the angle θ ,where the ellipse is described parametrically bythe equations x = a cos θ , y = b sin θ . Simi-larly, the eccentric angle at (x, y) for a hyper-bola described parametrically by the equationsx = a secφ, y = b tan φ is φ.

eccentric circles (1) For an ellipse, the cir-cles centered at the center of the ellipse withdiameters equal to the lengths of the major andminor axes of the ellipse.

(2) The two eccentric circles of a hyperbolaare those with center at the origin of the hyper-bola, and with diameters equal to the lengths ofthe transverse and conjugate axes of the hyper-bola.

eccentricity For a conic section, the ratioOAr

, when the conic section in question is re-garded as the reciprocal of a circle with radiusr and center A with respect to the circle havingcenter O. Alternatively, if the conic section isregarded as a curve generated by a point mov-ing in the plane such that the ratio of its distancefrom a fixed point to a fixed line remains con-stant, then the eccentricity of the conic is thatdistance ratio.

effective Informally, the term effective is of-ten used as in the definition of effective pro-cedure, as a synonym for “algorithmic”. For-mally, the term effective is synonymous withcomputable, or recursive. See effective proce-dure, computable, recursive.

effectively enumerable A set A of naturalnumbers such that there is an effective procedurewhich, when given a natural number n, will out-put 1 after finitely many steps if n ∈ A and willrun forever otherwise. Alternatively, A is effec-tively enumerable if there is an effective proce-dure that lists the elements ofA. In other words,for an effectively enumerable set A, if n ∈ A,

one will find out eventually, but if n �∈ A, thenone will never know for sure.

For example, the set of all natural numbers nsuch that there exists a consecutive run of exactlyn 5s in the decimal expansion of π is effectivelyenumerable.

This notion is intuitive; the correspondingformal notion is recursively enumerable, alsoknown as computably enumerable. See recur-sively enumerable.

effective procedure An effective procedure(or algorithm) is a finite, precisely given list ofinstructions which is deterministic; i.e., at anystep during the execution of the instructions,there must be at most one instruction that canbe applied. This notion is intuitive for a corre-sponding formal mathematical notion. See com-putable, recursive.

Eilenberg-Steenrod Axioms Let T be a cat-egory of pairs of topological spaces and continu-ous maps and let A denote the category of Abel-ian groups. Suppose we have the following:

(i.) A functor Hp : T → A for each integerp ≥ 0, whose value is denoted Hp(X,A). Iff : (X,A) → (Y, B) is a continuous map, let(f∗)p denote the induced map from Hp(X,A)

to Hp(Y, B).(ii.) A natural transformation

∂p : Hp(X,A)→ Hp−1(A)

for each integerp ≥ 0, whereA denotes the pair(A,∅).

These functors and natural transformationsmust satisfy the following three axioms fromcategory theory. All pairs are in T .

Axiom 1. If i is the identity, then (i∗)p is theidentity for each p.

Axiom 2. ((k ◦ h)∗)p = (k∗)p ◦ (h∗)p.Axiom 3. If f : (X,A)→ (Y, B), then the

following diagram is commutative:

Hp(X,A)(f∗)p→ Hp(Y, B)

∂p ↓ ∂p ↓Hp−1(A)

((f |A)∗)p→ Hp−1(B) .

The Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms are the fol-lowing five axioms:

Exactness Axiom. The sequence

· · · → Hp(A)(i∗)p→ Hp(X)

(π∗)p→ Hp(X,A)

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elementarily equivalent structures


→Hp−1(A)→ . . .

is exact, where i : A→ X and π : X→ (X,A)

are the inclusion maps.Homotopy Axiom. Ifh and k are homotopic,

then (h∗)p = (k∗)p for each p.Excision Axiom. Given (X,A), let U be

an open subset of X such that U ⊂ IntA. If(X \ U,A \ U) is in A, then the inclusion (X \U,A \ U) ↪→ (X,A) induces an isomorphism

Hp(X \ U,A \ U) Hp(X,A) .Dimension Axiom. IfP is a one-point space,

the Hp(P ) = {0} for p �= 0 and H0(P ) Z.Axiom of Compact Support. If z ∈

Hp(X,A), there is a pair (X0, A0) in T withX0and A0 compact, such that z is in the image ofthe homomorphism Hp(X0, A0) → Hp(X, a)

induced by the inclusion (X0, A0) ↪→ (X,A).Any theory that satisfies these axioms is called

a homology theory on T . (See homology the-ory.) The first homology theory was defined forthe category of compact polyhedra. Later sev-eral other homology theories, such as singularhomology, were defined. Eilenberg and Steen-rod then showed that the above axioms com-pletely classified the homology groups on theclass of polyhedra. There are also similar ax-ioms for cohomology theory, except for the Ax-iom of Compact Support.

elementarily equivalent structures Twostructures A and B in the language L such that,for every sentence φ of L, A |= φ if and onlyif B |= φ; that is, φ is true in A if and only ifit is true in B. Elementary equivalence (writtenA ≡ B) expresses the property that L cannotdistinguish between the structures A and B.

elementary diagram The theory of all sen-tences which hold in a model A, using an extraconstant symbol for each element of A. Moreprecisely, letAbe a model in the languageL, andlet LA be the expansion of L which adds a newconstant symbol ca for each a ∈ A. Then theelementary diagram of A is the set of all LA-sentences which are true in the model A witheach ca interpreted by a.

elementary embedding Let L be a first or-der language, and let A and B be structures

for L, where A and B are the universes of Aand B, respectively. An elementary embeddingof A into B is an embedding h of A into Bwith the property that for every well-formed for-mula ϕ with free variables v1, . . . , vn and ev-ery n-tuple a1, . . . , an of elements of A, if |=Aϕ[a1, . . . an], then |=B ϕ[h(a1), . . . , h(an)].See embedding, satisfy (for the definition of thenotation used here).

elementary substructure Let L be a firstorder language, and let A and B be structures forL, where A is the universe of A. The structureA is an elementary substructure of B if

(i.) A is a substructure of B, and(ii.) for all well-formed formulas ϕ with

free variables from among v1, . . . , vn and all n-tuples a1, . . . , an of elements of A, if|=A ϕ[a1, . . . , an], then |=B ϕ[a1, . . . , an].

See satisfy (for the definition of the notationused here).

If A is an elementary substructure of B, thenB is an elementary extension of A. The termelementary submodel is sometimes synonymouswith elementary substructure.

As an example, let L be the first order lan-guage with equality whose only predicate sym-bol is <. Let Q be the structure whose universeis the set Q of rational numbers and where <is interpreted in the usual way, and let R bethe structure whose universe is the set R of realnumbers and where < is interpreted in the usualway. Then Q is an elementary substructure ofR.

element of a set One of the objects x thatmakes up the set X, written x ∈ X. See set.

element of cone Any line that lies on thesurface of a given cone and contains its vertex.

element of cylinder The generator of a givencylinder in any fixed position, where the cylinderis thought of as being generated by a straightline moving along a given curve while remainingparallel to a fixed line.

ellipse A proper conic section formed by theintersection of a plane with one nappe of thecone. Alternatively, a conic section with eccen-tricity less than one.

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equinumerous sets

ellipsoid A surface whose intersection withany plane is either a point, a circle, or an ellipse.

elliptic cone The set of points consisting ofall the lines passing through a fixed ellipse anda fixed point not in the plane of the ellipse.

elliptic cylinder The set of points consistingof all the lines passing through a fixed ellipseand parallel to a fixed line not parallel to theplane of the ellipse.

elliptic point A point on a surface at whichthe centers of curvature are all on the same sideof the surface normal; the normal sections areall concave or all convex.

elliptic surface Any type of Riemann surfacethat can be mapped conformally on the closedcomplex plane. More generally, a nonsingularsurface E having a surjective morphism

π : E→ S

onto a nonsingular curve S whose generic fiberis a nonsingular elliptic curve.

elliptic transformation A linear fractionaltransformation

z �→ az+ bcz+ d

on the complex numbers C, where a+ d is real,and discriminant (a + d)2 − 4 is negative.

embedding (1) Let L be a first order lan-guage, and let A and B be structures for L, withuniverses A and B for A and B, respectively. Afunction h : A → B is an embedding if h isinjective and

(i.) for each n-ary predicate symbol P andevery a1, . . . an ∈ A,

(a1, . . . , an) ∈ PA

⇔ (h(a1), . . . , h(an)) ∈ PB ,

(ii.) for each constant symbol c,

h(cA) = cB,and

(iii.) for each n-ary function symbol f andevery a1 . . . , an ∈ A,

h(fA(a1, . . . , an)) = f B(h(a1), . . . , h(an)).

If there is an embedding of A into B, then Ais isomorphic to a substructure of B.

(2) An injective map f of a space X into aspace Y such that if Z = f (X), then the mapf ′ : X → Z, obtained by restricting the co-domain of f , is a homeomorphism.

empty set A set denoted ∅ which has no el-ements.

enumeration An enumeration of a set A is asurjection f : N→ A; i.e., a function f whichhas domain N and range A. Such a functionis called an enumeration because it “lists” theelements of A. An enumeration need not be aninjection (i.e., one-to-one), nor list the elementsof A in any particular order.

equal geometric figures Two figures suchthat one can be moved coincident with the othervia a transformation.

equal sets Two sets A and B which have thesame elements; that is, if for all x, x ∈ A ifand only if x ∈ B. In formal ZF (Zermelo-Fraenkel) set theory, this is called the Axiom ofExtensionality.

equiangular polygon A polygon whose in-terior angles all have the same measure.

equiangular spiral A spiral given by the po-lar equation r = ekθ , where k is a constant. Alsoknown as the logarithmic or exponential spiral,or the spiral of Bernoulli.

equidistant A set of objects such that anypair of objects in the set is the same distanceapart as any other pair of objects in the set.

equilateral A figure with sides, all of whichhave the same length.

equilateral triangle A triangle having allthree sides congruent.

equinumerous sets Two sets A and B suchthat there is a bijection, or one-to-one correspon-

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equipollent sets

dence, between them; i.e., there is a functionf : A → B such that f is both injective andsurjective. For example, if N denotes the set ofnatural numbers, Q denotes the set of rationalnumbers, and R denotes the set of real numbers,then N and Q are equinumerous, while Q and Rare not equinumerous.

equipollent sets Two sets A and B whichhave a bijection f : A→ B between them.

equivalent bases for a topological space LetX be a topological space. The bases B and B′ areequivalent if they generate the same topology onX. That is, for all B ∈ B, if x ∈ B then thereexists B ′ ∈ B′ so that x ∈ B ′ ⊂ B. Converselyfor allB ′ ∈ B′, if x ∈ B ′ then there existsB ∈ Bso that x ∈ B ⊂ B ′.

equivalent sets Two sets A and B such thatthere exists a bijection f : A→ B.

Erlangen Program The name given to amethod for studying the geometry of a spaceX.

Initiated by Felix Klein, the program pro-posed a study of the geometric properties of aspace X that remain invariant under a specifiedgroup of one-to-one continuous transformationsof the space.

For example, the geometry of the Euclideanplane can be described by the group of rigid mo-tions of R2 that take congruent figures to oneanother.

escribed circle of a triangle A circle tan-gent to one side of the triangle as well as to theextensions of the other two sides.

Euclidean Satisfying the postulates of Eu-clid’s Elements.

Euclidean algorithm A method for deter-mining the greatest common divisor of twononzero integers using repeated application ofthe division algorithm. See division algorithm.

To find gcd(10, 46), begin by using the divi-sion algorithm to determine the remainder ob-tained when 44 is divided by 12:

46 = 4(10)+ 6 .

Next, repeat the division algorithm with 10 and6 (the dividend and remainder from above):

10 = 1(6)+ 4 .

This procedure (repeating the division algorithmwith the previous dividend and remainder) is re-peated until a 0 remainder is obtained (note thatthis is guaranteed to occur eventually, since theremainders are necessarily decreasing). To con-tinue the illustration, repeat the division algo-rithm with 6 and 4 to obtain,

6 = 1(4)+ 2 ,

then apply the division algorithm one more timeto get

4 = 2(2)+ 0 .

The last nonzero remainder will always be thegreatest common divisor of the two original in-tegers.

To illustrate the algorithm more succinctly,

46 = 4(10)+ 610 = 1(6)+ 46 = 1(4)+ 24 = 2(2)+ 0

As 2 is the last nonzero remainder, we concludethat gcd(10, 46) = 2.

Also known as Euclid’s algorithm.

Euclidean geometry Ordinary plane orthree-dimensional geometry. More generally,it can refer to any geometry in which eachpoint is uniquely described by an ordered setof n numbers, the coordinates of the point, andwhere the distance d(x, y) between two pointsx = (x1, . . . , xn) and y = (y1, . . . , yn) is given

by d(x, y) =√∑n

i=1(yi − xi)2.

Euclidean plane Two-dimensional Euclideanspace, in which each point is uniquely describedby an ordered pair of real numbers (x, y), anddistance between pointsP1 = (x1, y1) andP2 =(x2, y2) is given by

d(P1, P2) =√(x2 − x1)2 + (y2 − y1)2 .

Euclidean polyhedron In R3, a solidbounded by polygons. More generally, the set of

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Euler’s summation formula

points belonging to the simplices of a Euclideansimplicial complex in Rn.

Euclidean space A space that has a Euclideangeometry. See Euclidean geometry.

Euler characteristic Let K be a simplicialcomplex of dimension n and let αm be the num-ber of simplices of dimension m. Then theEuler-Poincaré characteristic, χ(K), of K isdefined by:

χ(K) =n∑


(−1)mαm .

The most common version of the Euler-Poincarécharacteristic occurs in the case where K hasdimension two. If we let V be the number ofvertices,E be the number of edges, andF be thenumber of faces ofK , then χ(K) = V −E+F .

The Euler-Poincaré characteristic is an in-variant of the complex; that is, it is independentof the triangulation of the complex K .

If βp is the pth Betti number of K , that isβp = rankHp(K)/Tp(K) where Tp(K) is thetorsion subgroup of Hp(K), then

χ(K) =n∑p=0

(−1)pβp .

Euler phi function The arithmetic function,denoted ϕ, which, for any positive integer n, re-turns the number of positive integers less than orequal to n which are relatively prime to n. (Seearithmetic function.) That is, φ(n) = #{i : 1 ≤i ≤ n and (i, n) = 1}. For example, φ(6) =2, φ(13) = 12. The value of φ(n) is even for alln > 1. It is multiplicative; its value at a primepower is given by φ(pi) = pi−1(p − 1). It isalso called the totient function.

Euler-Poincaré class Given an orientablevector bundle ξ , with base space B, on Rn, theprimary obstruction in Hn(B; Z) for construct-ing a cross-section of the associated (n − 1)-sphere bundle. The Euler-Poincare class of amanifold is that of its tangent bundle.

Euler-Poincaré formula See Euler charac-teristic.

Euler product If f is a multiplicative func-tion (a real or complex valued function definedon the positive integers with the property that ifgcd(m, n) = 1, then f (mn) = f (m)f (n)) and

the series∞∑n=1

f (n) converges absolutely, then


f (n) =∏p

(1 + f (p)+ f (p2)+ · · ·


where the product is taken over all primes. Thisproduct is called the Euler product of the series.

If f is completely multiplicative (f (mn) =f (m)f (n) for all m, n), in which case f (pk) =f (p)k for each k and p, then the Euler productabove can be simplified using our knowledge ofgeometric series and we have


f (n) =∏p


1 − f (p) .

Euler product formula The Euler productfor certain Dirichlet series. See Euler product.

For example, using the Euler product (withf (n) = 1 for all n), we can express the Riemannzeta function as a product. Namely,

ζ(s) =∏p

(1− 1



for all real numbers s > 1.

Euler’s criterion Let p be an odd prime. Ifp is not a divisor of the integer a, then a is a

quadratic residue of p if and only if ap−1

2 is one

more than a multiple of p (note that ap−1

2 is al-ways either one more or one less than a multipleof p by Fermat’s Little Theorem).

Euler’s summation formula A formula thatspecifies the error involved when a partial sumof an arithmetic function is approximated by anintegral. Specifically, the formula states thatif a and b are real numbers with a < b andf is continuously differentiable on the interval

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Euler’s Theorem of Polyhedrons

[a, b], then


f (k) =∫ b

af (x) dx

+∫ b

af ′(x)(x − [x]) dx

+ (b − [b])f (b)− (a − [a])f (a) .

Here, [x] denotes the greatest integer less thanor equal to x (the so-called greatest integer func-tion).

The Euler-Maclaurin summation formula isa special case of Euler’s formula when a and bare integers. Namely,


f (k) =∫ b

af (x) dx

+∫ b

af ′(x)(x − [x] − 1

2) dx

+ 1

2f (a)−


2f (b) .

Euler’s Theorem of Polyhedrons For Eu-clidean space, this theorem states that V −E +F = 2 for any simple polyhedron, where V =number of vertices, E = number of edges, andF = number of faces in the polyhedron. Thistheorem may be generalized to state that, for anyfinite CW complex, α0 − α1 + α2 = 2, whereαi = number of i-cells of the CW complex.

exact functor A diagram

0 −→ Af−→ B

g−→ C −→ 0

in the category of modules is exact if f is injec-tive, g is surjective, and the kernel ofg is equal tothe image of f . An exact functor is an additivefunctor F : C → D between categories of mod-ules satisfying the property that the exactness ofthe diagram

0 −→ Af−→ B

g−→ C −→ 0

implies the exactness of either

0 −→ F(A)F(f )−→ F(B)

F(g)−→ F(C) −→ 0


0 −→ F(C)F(g)−→ F(B)

F(f )−→ F(A) −→ 0 ,

depending on whether F is covariant or con-travariant, respectively. See diagram, additivefunctor, covariant functor.

exact sequence of groups A finite sequenceof groups




→ . . .fn−1

→ An−1fn


is exact if Im(fi−1) = Ker(fi) for i = 1, 2,. . . , n− 1.

An infinite sequence of groups

. . .fi−2

→ Ai−1fi−1

→ Aifi


→ . . .

is exact if Im(fi−1) = Ker(fi) for all i ∈ Z.A short exact sequence of groups is an exact

sequence 1 → A → B → C → 1, where 1denotes the trivial group, i is injective, and πis surjective. In this case we say that B is anextension of A by C.

existential quantifier See quantifier.

existential sentence Let L be a first orderlanguage and let σ be a sentence of L. Thesentence σ is an existential sentence if it has theform ∃v1 . . . ∃vnα, where α is quantifier-free,for some n ≥ 0.

expansion of a language Let L1 and L2be first order languages. The language L2 isan expansion of L1 if L1 ⊆ L2; i.e., L2 hasall the symbols of L1, together with additionalpredicate symbols, constant symbols, or func-tion symbols.

Let L be a first order language, A a structurefor L, and letX ⊆ A, whereA is the universe ofA. The expansion LX is the expansion obtainedfrom L by adding a new and distinct constantsymbol ca for each a ∈ X.

expansion of a structure Let L1 and L2 befirst order languages such that L2 is an expan-sion of L1, and let A be a structure for L1. Anexpansion of A to L2 gives interpretations inA,

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extreme point

the universe of A, of the additional predicate,constant, and function symbols in L2, while theinterpretations inA of the symbols in L1 remainthe same.

Let L be a first order language, A a structurefor L, and let X ⊆ A, where A is the universeof A. The expansion AX is the expansion of Ato LX by interpreting each new constant symbolca of LX, for each a ∈ X, by a; i.e., cAX

a = a.This expansion is often denoted by (A, a)a∈X.See also expansion of a language.

extension See substructure.

extension of a mapping Suppose thatA ⊂ Xand that f : A→ Y is a map. ThenF : X→ Y

is an extension of f if the restriction of F toA isequal to f ; that is, F(a) = f (a) for all a ∈ A.

extreme point A point of a convex set inEuclidean space which is not the midpoint ofa straight line joining two distinct points of theset.

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fiber product

FFσ set A countable union of closed sets. SeeGδ set.

face A boundary polygon of a Euclideanpolyhedron. More generally, an (n − 1)-dimensional subspace F of a convex cell C inn-dimensional affine space An such that F isthe intersection of the boundary of C with an(n− 1)-dimensional subspace of An.

face angle An angle between two edges of apolyhedron that share a vertex.

factor of integer The integer b is a factor ofthe integer a if there exists an integer c so thata = bc. For example, 8 is a factor of 24 since24 = 8×3, but 8 is not a factor of 36 since thereis no integer c where 8c = 36. See also divisor.

family A family of sets is a function from anindex set� to the set of subsets of a setX whosevalue at α ∈ � is denoted by Xα . Although thefunction can be denoted in the usual way as aset of ordered pairs {(α,Xα) : α ∈ �}, it iscompletely specified by {Xα : α ∈ �}.

Farey arc For a given positive integer n, con-struct the Farey series Fn of order n, that is, theascending sequence of rational numbers a


tween 0 and 1 with the property that 0 ≤ a ≤b ≤ n and GCD(a, b) = 1. Next, determinethe mediants of all consecutive elements of Fn.(See mediant.) A Farey arc is an interval of theform (p, q), where p and q are consecutive me-diants. These intervals are usually visualized asarcs lying on the circle of circumference 1 onwhich the number x is represented by the pointPx lying x units counterclockwise from 0 (the“bottom” of the circle). Under the identification0 = 1 on this circle, we also include the arc( nn+1 ,

1n+1 ) which runs from the “last” mediant

to the first. Each of these arcs contains exactlyone member of Fn The collection of Farey arcs

of order n is called the Farey dissection (of ordern) of the circle. See also Farey dissection.

Farey dissection The Farey dissection of or-der n is the collection of Farey arcs of order n.See also Farey arc.

Farey sequence If n is a positive integer,the Farey sequence of order n (denoted by Fn)is the sequence of rational numbers, listed inincreasing order, whose denominator is no largerthan n. For example,

F1 = (. . . , −2








1, . . . )

F2 = (. . . , −3




1, ,








1, . . . )

F3 = (. . . , −2















3, . . . )

The Farey sequences can be used to make ratio-nal approximations.

Fermat number A number of the formFn =22n + 1, where n is a nonnegative integer. Forexample, F3 = 257. The Fermat numbersare named after Pierre de Fermat, a 17th cen-tury lawyer and amateur mathematician, whoconjectured that all Fn are prime. The inte-gers Fn, n ≤ 4, are in fact prime, but no otherprime Fermat numbers are known. All Fn with5 ≤ n ≤ 27 (except n = 24) are known to becomposite.

fiber Any f−1(y) for y ∈ Y , where f : X→Y (that is, (X, Y, f )) is a fiber space. Sometimesspelled fibre. See fiber space.

fiber bundle A fiber bundle (over a spaceX)is a fibration f : F → X, namely a continuoussurjective map such that X can be covered byopen sets Uα over which the fibration is equiv-alent to the trivial one, the second projection ofthe Cartesian product Y × Uα → Uα , for Y asuitable space.

fiber product In complete generality, thecategory-theoretical product X ×S Y of X withY , whereX, Y , and S are objects in a category C,andX andY (with given morphisms) are thoughtof as objects in the category C/S. Here the cat-egory C/S has as its objects all morphisms toS. A morphism in C/S from f : X → S to

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fiber space

g : Y → S is any morphism h in C from X toY such that f = g ◦ h. Sometimes spelled fibreproduct.

fiber space A triple consisting of two topo-logical spaces X and Y , and a continuous mapf : X → Y , such that, for any cube In ={(x1, . . . xn) : 0 ≤ xi ≤ 1}, any mapping φ :In → X, and any homotopy ht : In → Y withf ◦ φ = h0, there is a homotopy φt : In → X

with φ0 = φ and f ◦ φt = ht for all t . Some-times spelled fibre space.

fiber sum Given two objects X and Y in acategory C, the fiber product in the dual categoryC◦ of these two objects over another object S.Sometimes spelled fibre sum. See fiber product.

Fibonacci sequence The recursive sequence{fn} = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, . . . } defined by the ini-tial conditions f0 = f1 = 1 and the recursiveequationfn+1 = fn+fn−1. The mathematicianLeonardo de Fibonacci originally developed thissequence to model the so-called “Rabbit Prob-lem”: Suppose that rabbits mature in one month,that the gestation period for rabbits is also onemonth, that a female rabbit always gives birthto a breeding pair of rabbits, and that rabbitsnever die. If a male and female rabbit are left onan uninhabited island at birth, how many pairsof rabbits will there be after a given number ofmonths?

Initially, there is one pair of rabbits (we letf0 denote the number (1) of pairs of immaturerabbits at the end of the “0th” month). At theend of the first month, the rabbits have maturedand are able to reproduce (after a gestation pe-riod of one month, the female will give birth) sothat f1 = 1, as well. At the end of the secondmonth, the female rabbit has given birth to a pairof rabbits, so f2 = 2. At the end of the thirdmonth, the new pair of rabbits has just maturedand the first pair gives birth to another pair ofrabbits. Thus, f3 = 3. At the end of the fourthmonth, both the original pair and the first pairof offspring give birth to pairs of rabbits, so thatf4 = 5. It is left to the reader to show that thenth term of the Fibonacci sequence provides thenumber of pairs of rabbits which are alive at theend of the nth month.

filter (1) A filter on a set S (or in P(S)) is acollection F of subsets ofS such that (i.) S ∈ F ,(ii.) A,B ∈ F implies A ∩ B ∈ F , for all A,B and (iii.) A ∈ F and A ⊆ B implies B ∈ F ,for allA,B. A proper filter does not contain theempty set. For example, if S is any infinite set,the Fréchet filter on S is the set of all cofinitesubsets of S. The Fréchet filter is a proper fil-ter. Another important example of a proper filteris the club filter on some uncountable cardinalnumber κ . The club filter on κ is the set of allclub subsets of κ .

(2) If (B,∨,∧,∼, 1, 0) is a Boolean alge-bra, F ⊆ B is a filter in B if (i) 1 ∈ F , (ii)a, b ∈ F implies a ∧ b ∈ F , for all a, b, and(iii) a ∈ F and a ∧ b = a implies b ∈ F , forall a, b. For example, (P(N),∪,∩,∼,N,Ø)is a Boolean algebra, and the set of all cofinitesubsets of N is a filter in this Boolean algebra.

(3) If (P,≤) is a partially ordered set, F ⊆ Pis a filter in P if (i.) for all a, b ∈ F , there existsc ∈ F such that c ≤ a and c ≤ b, and (ii.) forall a ∈ F and all x ∈ P , x ≤ a implies x ∈ F .

filter in a partial order A nonempty subsetG of a partial order (P,≤) such that any twoelements of G are compatible in G and G isclosed upwards. That is, for any p and q inG, there is an r ∈ G with r ≤ p and r ≤ q

(compatibility), and for any p ∈ G, if q ∈ Pwith p ≤ q, then q ∈ G (closed up). Filterscapture large elements in a partial order in thesame way that ideals capture small elements.

final object An object F in a category C withthe property that, for any object X in C, thereexists a unique morphism g ∈ HomC(X, F ).

finite cardinal A natural number, regardedas a cardinal number.

finite character A set A (of sets) is of finitecharacter if A �= ∅ and for all sets X, X is in Aif and only if every finite subset of X is in A.

For example, let A be the collection of allsets that contain pairwise disjoint subsets of N.Then A has finite character.

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first order language

finite continued fraction A real number ofthe form

a0 + 1

a1 + 1a2+ 1

a3+ 1

... 1an−1+ 1


where each ai is a real number. If each ai isan integer, the fraction is said to be a simplefinite continued fraction. It can be shown thata real number is rational if and only if it can beexpressed as a finite (simple) continued fraction.For example,


27= 1

2 + 11+ 1

2+ 13

As an alternative to this cumbersome notation,the finite continued fraction decomposition of anumber is often abbreviated [a0; a1, a2, . . . , an],so that 10

27 is denoted [0; 2, 1, 2, 3].finite intersection property The propertyof a collection C of subsets of a set X that, forevery finite subcollection {C1, . . . , Cn} of C, theintersection C1 ∩ · · · ∩ Cn is non-empty.

finite ordinal A natural number, regarded asan ordinal number. See ordinal.

finite set A set that contains only finitelymany elements. Equivalently, a set whose car-dinality is a natural number.

first category The class of topological spacethat is the countable union of nowhere densesubsets. Such a space is also called meager. Seenowhere dense subset, second category space.

first countable space A topological spaceXthat has a countable basis at each point x ∈ X.That is, for each x ∈ X there is a countablecollection Bx of neighborhoods of x such that ifU ⊂ X is an open set containing x, then thereis a set B ∈ Bx with x ∈ B ⊂ U .

first fundamental form The quadratic formdefined on tangent vectors to a surface M inEuclidean space R3 by taking the square of thelength of the vector. If a portion of the surface

is parameterized by

X(u, v) = (x(u, v), y(u, v), z(u, v)) ,then a tangent vector can be represented as alinear combination of the vectors Xu =( dxdu,dydu, dzdu) and Xv = ( dxdv , dydv , dzdv ). Let

E(u, v) = Xu ·Xu, F (u, v) = Xu ·Xvand

G(u, v) = Xv ·Xv .Then any tangent vector aXu + bXv has lengthgiven by

√Ea2 + 2Fab +Gb2. The first fun-

damental form is classically given in the form:

ds2 = Edu2 + 2Fdudv + gdv2 .

first order language A first order languageL for first order logic consists of the followingalphabet of symbols:

(i.) (, ) (parentheses)(ii.) ¬,→ (logical connectives)(iii.) an infinite list of variables v1, v2, . . .

(iv.) a symbol = for equality (which is op-tional)

(v.) a quantifier ∀(vi.) predicate symbols: for each positive

integer n, a particular, possibly empty, set ofsymbols, called n-place predicate symbols

(vii.) constant symbols: a particular, possi-bly empty, set of symbols, called constant sym-bols

(viii.) function symbols: for each positive in-teger n, a particular, possibly empty, set of sym-bols, called n-place function symbols (constantsymbols are sometimes called 0-place functionsymbols).

In item (ii.), any complete set of logical con-nectives could be used. In item (v.), the universalquantifier ∀ could be replaced by the existentialquantifier ∃.

Such a language is called a first order lan-guage because the quantifier ranges over vari-ables only, as opposed to a second order lan-guage, where there are two types of quantifiers.

Some examples of first order languages arethe language of set theory and the language ofelementary number theory.

The language of set theory is a first order lan-guage that contains equality and one two-place

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first order logic

predicate ∈. In this language, the variables areintended to represent sets, and ∈ is intended tobe interpreted as “is an element of”.

The language of elementary number theoryis a first order language that contains equality,a single constant symbol 0, one two-place pred-icate <, one one-place function symbol S, andthree two-place function symbols +, ·, and E.In this language, the variables are intended torepresent natural numbers, S is intended to beinterpreted as the successor function, and 0, <,+, ·, and E are intended to be interpreted as 0,the usual ordering on the natural numbers, addi-tion, multiplication, and exponentiation, respec-tively.

first order logic A formal logic with sym-bols from a first order language, rules that tellwhich expressions from the language are well-formed formulas, a semantic notion of truth (seestructure, satisfy), and a syntactical notion ofprovability (see predicate calculus, proof).

First order logic is also called predicate logic.

fixed point Letf : X→ X be continuous. Apoint x0 ∈ X is a fixed point forf iff (x0) = x0.See Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem.

focal property of a conic A property of aconic section with regard to its focus or foci.For an ellipse, this property is lines drawn fromthe foci to a fixed point on the ellipse make equalangles with the tangent at the point. For a hy-perbola, it is lines drawn from the foci to a fixedpoint on the hyperbola make an angle that is bi-sected by the tangent at the point. For a parabola,it is the line from the focus to a fixed point on theparabola makes an angle with the tangent equalto that made by the tangent with the line parallelto the axis of the parabola passing through thepoint.

focus A point or points in the plane, corre-sponding to a given conic section, whose rolevaries depending upon the type of conic. Anellipse may be thought of as the locus of pointsin the plane whose distances from the foci havea constant sum. A hyperbola may be thoughtof as the locus of points in the plane whose dis-tances from the foci have a constant difference.A parabola may be thought of as the locus of

points in the plane whose distances from the fo-cus and a given line (see also directrix) are equal.

foliation A family {Nλ : λ ∈ �} of arcwise-connected pairwise disjoint subsets covering agiven manifold M such that every point in Mhas a local coordinate system (x1, . . . , xn) sothat eachNλ is given by xn−k+1 =constant, . . . ,xn = constant for some 0 ≤ k ≤ n.

foot of perpendicular Suppose l is a line inthe Euclidean (or hyperbolic) plane and P is apoint not lying on l. Then the unique point Qlying on the line l such that the line through Pand Q is perpendicular to l is called the foot ofthe perpendicular from P to l.

forgetful functor A functor F from a cat-egory C to Set that assigns to each objectA ∈Obj(C) its underlying set (also denoted byA) and to each morphism f : A → B in Cthe function f : A → B. Thus, the functor“forgets” any additional properties that the ob-jects and morphisms in C have. For example, ifC = Grp, then a group A ∈ C is mapped to theset A and a group homomorphism f : A→ B

is mapped to the function f ; all group-theoreticproperties possessed by A and f are ignored.See functor.

formal proof See proof.

formal theory See theory.

four-space The topological vector spaceformed by taking the Cartesian product of fourcopies of the real line, denoted E4, R4 or R4. Apoint in four-space is uniquely determined by anordered quadruple (a, b, c, d) of real numbers.

fraction If a and b are integers with b �=0, then the fraction a ÷ b denotes the rationalnumber resulting from the quotient a ÷ b.

Fréchet filter See filter.

free variable Let L be a first order language.If x is a variable and α is a well-formed for-mula of L, then x occurs free in α (or x is afree variable in α) is defined by induction on thecomplexity of α, as follows:

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(i.) If α is an atomic formula, then x occursfree in α if x occurs in α.

(ii.) If α = (¬β), then x occurs free in (¬β)if x occurs free in β.

(iii.) If α = (β → γ ), then x occurs free in(β → γ ) if x occurs free in β or in γ .

(iv.) If α = ∀viβ, then x occurs free in ∀viβif x occurs free in β and x �= vi .

As an example, v1 and v3 occur free, whilev2 does not occur free, in

∀v2(v1 = v2 → ∀v1(v1 = v3)).

Frenet frame An orthonormal frame{T (t), N(t), B(s)} of vectors at the point C(s)on a given curve in R3, giving a moving coor-dinate system along the curve. Assume C hasthree continuous derivatives and that C′(t) andC′′(t) are linearly independent. The first vec-tor, T , is the unit vector tangent to the curve,given by C′(t)

||C′(t)|| . The second unit vector, N , isthe principal normal to the curve. It lies in theplane spanned byC′(t) andC′′(t), is perpendic-ular to T , and is chosen so that it makes an acuteangle with C′′(t). The third vector, B, is thebinormal vector. It is defined by B = T ×N .

Frenet’s formulas Equations that relate thefundamental geometric invariants of a curve inEuclidean space or, more generally, in a Rie-mannian 3-manifold.

SupposeC(s) is a curve possessing three con-tinuous derivatives, parameterized by arc length.Assume that C′′(s) �= 0. Then the curve has aFrenet frame (T ,N,B) satisfying the followinglinear system of differential equations:

C′(s) = T (s)T ′(s) = k(s)N(s)

N ′(s) = −k(s)T (s)+ τ(s)B(s)B ′(s) = −τ(s)N(s)

The function k(s) is the geodesic curvature, andthe function τ(s) is the torsion of the curve. SeeFrenet frame.

Frobenius integrability condition The con-dition that must be satisfied by a k-dimensionaldistribution in an n-dimensional manifold in or-der for the distribution to be tangent to the leaves

of a k-dimensional foliation. Given a manifoldM , a distribution � assigns to each point Pin M a k-dimensional subspace of the tangentspace at P . It is integrable if the manifold isthe union of k-dimensional submanifolds, suchthat the k-plane �(p) is the tangent plane of thek-manifold through p. The Frobenius conditionsays that if X and Y are vector fields defined ina neighborhood of P such that X(Q) and Y (Q)lie in�(Q), then the Lie bracket [X, Y ](Q) alsolies in �(Q). See foliation.

Frobenius Theorem A theorem that givesnecessary and sufficient conditions for a distri-bution in a manifold to be tangent to the leavesof a foliation. Given a manifold M , a distri-bution � assigns to each point P in M a k-dimensional subspace of the tangent space at P .It is integrable if the manifold is the union of k-dimensional submanifolds, such that the k-plane�(p) is the tangent plane of the k-manifoldthrough p. The Frobenius Theorem says that� is integrable if and only if, whenever X andY are vector fields defined in a neighborhood ofP such that X(Q) and Y (Q) lie in �(Q), thenthe Lie bracket [X, Y ](Q) also lies in �(Q).

frustrum The portion of a cone lying be-tween its base and a plane parallel to the base.

full subcategory See subcategory.

function If X and Y are sets, then a functionfrom X to Y is a relation f ⊆ X × Y (oftenwritten f : X → Y ) with the property that(x, y), (x, z) ∈ f implies y = z. It is stan-dard to write f (x) = y when (x, y) ∈ f . Seerelation.

function space (1) Let X and Y be topolog-ical spaces. The function space YX is the setof all continuous maps from X into Y . Thisspace can be given several topologies, the mostcommon being the compact-open topology. Seecompact-open topology.

(2) Any topological space whose elementsare functions on some common domain.

functor Either a covariant functor or a con-travariant functor. If no description is specified,

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fundamental cycle

then the functor is assumed to be covariant. Seecovariant functor.

fundamental cycle If M is a compact, ori-entable manifold of dimension n, then the n-dimensional homology ofM is an infinite cyclicgroup. A generator of Hn(M) is a fundamentalcycle. If M is a polyhedral manifold, then thefundamental cycle in simplicial homology canbe given by the n-chain which is the sum of then-simplices. See homology group.

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic If nis an integer greater than 1, then n is either aprime number or can be expressed as a productof prime numbers, uniquely, except for order.For example, 24 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 and 30 =2 × 3 × 5.

Fundamental Theorem of the Theory ofCurves A curve in Euclidean space R3 isuniquely determined up to rigid motion by itsgeodesic curvature κ and torsion τ , as func-tions of its arc length parameter s. More pre-cisely, given two continuous functions κ(s) andτ(s) of one real variable such that κ > 0, andgiven initial values X(0) and X′(0) in R3 with

|X′(0)| = 1, there is a unique curveX(s)whosecurvature is κ and torsion is τ . κ is usually takento be continuously differentiable andX then hasthree continuous derivatives.

Fundamental Theorem of the Theory of Sur-faces Let S be a surface in Euclidean three-space parameterized by

X(u, v) = (x(u, v), y(u, v), z(u, v)) ,where x, y, and z are assumed to have con-tinuous third-order partial derivatives. Then Spossesses a first fundamental form g and a sec-ond fundamental form L satisfying the Gaussequations and the Codazzi-Mainardi equations.The fundamental theorem of the theory of sur-faces states the converse, namely, if g(u, v) isa positive definite symmetric tensor (i.e., an in-ner product), and L(u, v) is a symmetric tensor,with g having continuous second derivatives andL having continuous first derivatives, and if gand L satisfy the Gauss and Codazzi-Mainardiequations, then they (locally) determine a sur-face S uniquely up to rigid motion. See firstfundamental form, Gauss equations, Codazzi-Mainardi equations.

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geodesic correspondence

GGδ set A countable intersection of open sets.See Fσ set.

Gauss equations A system of partial dif-ferential equations arising in the theory of sur-faces. If M is a surface in R3 with local coor-dinates (u1, u2), its geometric invariants can bedescribed by its first fundamental formgij (u

1, u2), and second fundamental formLij (u

1, u2). The Christoffel symbols �kij aredetermined by the first fundamental form. Inorder for functions gij and Lij , i, j = 1, 2 tobe the first and second fundamental forms ofa surface, certain integrability conditions (aris-ing from equality of mixed partial derivatives)must be satisfied. One set of conditions, theGauss equations, relate the determinant of thesecond fundamental form to an expression in-volving only the first fundamental form (and itsfirst and second partial derivatives). See alsoChristoffel symbols, first fundamental form.

general Cantor set A Cantor set in whichintervals of length α3n are removed at stage n for0 < α < 1. The resulting set, Cα = ∩∞n=1In,is a closed set with length 1 − α which forms atotally disconnected compact topological spacein which every element is a limit point of the set.See Cantor set.

generalized continuum hypothesis Thestatement

2ℵα = ℵα+1

for all ordinals α. (Both this statement andits negation are independent of the axioms ofZermelo-Fraenkel set theory with the Axiom ofChoice.) See continuum hypothesis.

generalized Riemann hypothesis An asser-tion concerning the zeros of functions that aresimilar to the Riemann zeta function. Thesefunctions are called L-functions and are defined


L(s, χ) =∞∑n=1



whereχ is a Diri chlet character, that is, a real orcomplex valued function defined on the positiveintegers so that

(i.) χ(mn) = χ(m)χ(n) for all m and n;(ii.) there is a positive integer k so that χ(n+

k) = χ(n) for all n;(iii.) χ(n) = 0 if gcd(n, k) > 1.

The generalizedRiemannhypothesisconjecturesthat all zeros of the functionL(s, χ) on the “crit-ical strip” (those complex numbers s = x + iysuch that 0 < x < 1) must lie on the “criticalline” (x = 1

2 ). Notice thatL(s, 1) = ζ(s), so thegeneralized Riemann hypothesis “agrees with”the Riemann hypothesis. Seealso Riemann zetafunction, Riemann Hypothesis.

General Position Theorem A name givento a number of theorems asserting, for variousclasses of maps of spaces X into spaces Y , thatsuch maps may be approximated by maps hav-ing simpler structure. These “generic” mapsusually have minimum possible dimensionalityof intersections or self-intersections. A simpleexample is the statement that two affine sub-spaces of dimensions k and l in n-dimensionalspace can be perturbed so that they intersect ina subspace of dimension n− (k + l).generating curve A surface of revolution inEuclidean space can be parameterized by

X(t, θ) = (r(t) cos(θ), r(t) sin(θ), z(t)) ,

where r(t) > 0 and z(t) are continuous func-tions. The curve σ(t) = (r(t), z(t)) is the gen-erating curveof the surface.

geodesic In a manifold with metric (non-degenerate smoothly varying quadratic form oneach tangent space), a curve of minimal lengthbetween two points. An example of geodesicsare arcs of great circles on a sphere.

geodesic correspondence A smooth mapφ : S −→ S′ between two surfaces which takesgeodesics of S to geodesics of S′. An isometricmapping is automatically a geodesic correspon-dence,but the converse is not true.

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geodesic curvature

An example of a geodesic correspondence isgiven by central projection of the hemispherez = √

1 − x2 − y2 to the plane z = 1. Great cir-cle arcs in the hemisphere correspond to straightlines in the plane under this projection.

geodesic curvature If C is a curve lying ona surface S in Euclidean space R3, parameter-ized by unit speed, then its second derivative oracceleration vector C′′ is perpendicular to thevelocity vector C′. The length of the compo-nent of C′′ tangent to the surface is the geodesiccurvature of the curve. It measures the amountof bending the curve undergoes within the sur-face, as opposed to the amount of bending dueto the bending of the surface itself.

geometric realization Let S be an abstractsimplicial complex. If S is isomorphic to thevertex scheme of a simplicial complex K , thenK is the geometric realization of S. The geo-metric realization of an abstract simplicial com-plex is unique up to isomorphism.

geometry on a surface The measurement oflengths of curves, angles between curves, andareas of figures lying on a surface. This is alsocalled intrinsic geometry, to distinguish it fromproperties of a surface that depend on how thesurface sits in space.

Gödel number A Gödel numbering (arith-metization) is an effective method of coding non-numerical objects by natural numbers. For ex-ample, there is a computable bijection from theset T of all Turing machine programs to the setof natural numbers. The inverse of this bijec-tion is also computable, so that, given a Turingmachine program, one can effectively find thenatural number assigned to it, which is calledthe Gödel number of the program, and given anatural number, one can effectively “decode” itin order to find the Turing machine program thatcorresponds to it. The notation ϕe is used to de-note the Turing computable partial function withGödel number e; i.e., ϕe is Turing computablevia the Turing program with Gödel number e.Gödel was the first to use Gödel numbers in hisproof of his Incompleteness Theorem.

Gödel set theory The same as Bernays-Gödelset theory. See Bernays-Gödel set theory.

great circle A circle on a sphere formed byintersecting the sphere with a plane that passesthrough the center of the sphere. If P and Q aretwo points on the sphere, then a curve of leastlength joining P toQ is an arc of a great circle.Seealso geodesic.

greatest common divisor (1) If a and b arenonzero integers, then the greatest common di-visor of a and b, denoted gcd(a, b) is the largestinteger that is a divisor of both a and b. Forexample, the greatest common divisor of 28 and36 is 4 (the common divisors of 28 and 36 are±1,±2, and ±4).

(2) Alternatively, in a Euclidean ring,R, gcd(a, b) is an element (not necessarilyunique) d of R satisfying

(i.) d is a divisor of both a and b;

(ii.) if x is a divisor of a and b, then x is alsoa divisor of d.

greatest element Given a set A with an or-dering ≤ on A, an element u ∈ A is said to be agreatest elementof A if, for all x ∈ A, x ≤ u.Note that if A has a greatest element, then it isunique. Compare withleast element.

greatest lower bound Let A be an orderedset and let B ⊆ A. An element l ∈ A is saidto be a greatest lower bound(or infimum) for Bif it is a lower bound for B (i.e., for all x ∈ B,l ≤ x) and if it is the greatest element in the setof all lower bounds for B (i.e., for all y ∈ A, iffor all x ∈ B, y ≤ x, then y ≤ l). Note that if aset has a greatest lower bound, then it is unique.Compare withleast upper bound.

group A non-empty set G with a productmap G × G −→ G ((g, h) is taken to gh), aninverse mapG −→ G (g is taken to g−1), and adistinguished element called the identity (oftendenoted 0, 1, or e) satisfying ge = eg = g,

for g ∈ G. These satisfy the relationships thatg1(g2g3) = (g1g2)g3 and gg−1 = e = g−1g.

Common examples include topologicalgroups and Lie groups.

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group of symmetries

group of motions A group of length-preserving transformations, or rigid motions, inEuclidean n-space. A group is a non-empty setwith a binary associative operation that containsan identity and an inverse of each one of its ele-ments. The rigid motions of the Euclidean planeare translations, rotations, reflections, and glide-reflections.

group of symmetries Of a figure, a groupof motions that transform a figure into itself.See group of motions. For example, the groupof symmetries of an equilateral triangle is thegroup of six elements that can be identified withthe permutations of the vertices.

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Hhalf line A connected unbounded and propersubset of a line in Euclidean space. Also calleda ray. See also closed half line.

half plane (1) (Open) One of the two con-nected sets remaining after deleting a line fromaplane.

(2) (Closed) An open half plane, togetherwith the deleted line. Example: On the Carte-sian planean open half plane is theset {(x, y) :ax+by+c > 0}where(a, b) �= (0,0), a and careconstant, thecorrespondingclosedhalf planeis theset {(x, y) : ax + by + c ≥ 0}.

half space One of the two connected setsremaining after deleting from asphere its inter-section with aplane through thecenter.

halting problem Informally, thehalting prob-lem asksif thereisaneffectiveprocedurewhich,given an arbitrary effectiveprocedureand inputa natural number n, answers “yes” if that pro-gram on input n halts, and outputs “no” other-wise.

Formally, thehaltingsetK0 istheset of codesof pairs of natural numbers (e, x) such that thepartial recursive function with Gödel numbere is defined on input x; i.e., K0 = {〈e, x〉 :ϕe(x) is defined}, whereϕe is the partial recur-sive function with Gödel number e. The halt-ing set is not recursive (computable), as a setof natural numbers, although it is recursively(computably) enumerable. Another halting setisK = {e : ϕe(e) is defined}. The set K is alsocomputably (recursively) enumerable but non–computable (non–recursive).

Hausdorff Maximal Principle Every chainin a partially ordered set can be extended to amaximal chain. This principle is provable inZFC, and it isprovably equivalent to theAxiomof Choiceand Zorn’s Lemma in ZF.

Hausdorff metric Let (X, d) be a metricspace. If A ⊂ X and ε > 0, let U(A, ε) bethe ε-neighborhood of A. That is,

U(A, ε) = ∪a∈AB(a, ε)where B(a, ε) = {x ∈ X : d(x, a) < ε}.Let H denote the collection of all (non-empty)closed, bounded subsets of X. If A,B ∈ Hthen the Hausdorff Metric on H is defined byD(A,B)

= inf {ε : A ⊂ U(A, ε) and B ⊂ U(B, ε)} .

Hausdorff topological space A topologicalspaceX suchthat, for eachpair of distinct pointsx, y ∈ X, thereexist openneighborhoodsU andV of x andy, respectively, such thatU ∩V = ∅.Also called T2-space. See separation axioms.

height (of a tree) The least ordinalα suchthat theαth level of a given treeT is empty. Thatis,α is the first ordinal for which there is no el-ement inT whose predecessors have order typeα. For example, ifT = {{a}, {a, b}} orderedby inclusion, then Lev0(T ) contains the set{a},Lev1(T ) contains{a, b}, and the height ofT istwo.

Equivalently, the height ofT may be definedby

height(T ) = supt∈T

{ordertype({s ∈ T : s < t})+ 1


heptagon A plane polygon with seven sides.A (convex)heptagon is called regular when itssides have equal length. In that case, its ver-tices lie on a circle and all of the edges joiningtwo neighboring ones are of equal length; for

example, the vertices(cos2πi

7 , sin 2πi7

), i =

0, . . . ,6.

hereditary property of a topological spaceA propertyP of a topological spaceX such thatevery subspaceA ⊆ X has propertyP. For ex-ample, the property of being Hausdorff is hered-itary, while the property of being compact is not.

hexagon A plane polygon with six vertices.

hexahedron A polyhedron with six faces.The most familiar regularhexahedron is the cube,

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Hilbert cube

regular for a (convex) polyhedron meaning thatall the faces are equal regular polygons and alltheverticesbelong to thesamenumber of faces.

Hilbert cube TheCartesian product∏∞n=1 I

of countably many closed unit intervals. It ishomeomorphic to


[0, 1


]as well as the


H = {(xn) ∈ R∞ :∞∑n=1

x2n <∞} .

holomorphic function A function

f (z1, . . . , zn)

that is equal to the sum of an absolutely con-vergent power series in asuitablepolydisc neareach point of itsdomain (theradiusmay dependon thepoint):

f (z1, . . . , zn) =∑aj≥0

c(a1, . . . , an)za11 . . . zann ,

c(a1, . . . , an) ∈ C. Whenn = 1, thisconditionisequivalent to theCauchy-Riemann equations:


∂x= ∂v


∂y= −∂v


for z = x + iy, f (z) = u(x, y) + iv(x, y).Examples include polynomials in z and the ex-ponential function ez.

holomorphic local coordinate system Fora complex analytic manifold of dimension n, abiholomorphic identificationφU(p) of a suitableopen neighborhood U(p) of each point p withtheopen ball of radius 1and center theorigin inCn, φU(p) : B0→ U(p).

homogeneous topological space A topolog-ical spaceX such that, for each pair of pointsxandy inX, thereis ahomeomorphismh : X→X such that h(x) = y.

homology class of a map Let f : X → Ybe continuous and let denote the homotopyequivalence relation. The homotopy class of fis theequivalenceclass

[f ] = {g : X→ Y : g is continuous and g f } .

If A ⊆ X is a subspace, then the homotopyclass of f rel A is theequivalenceclass [f ]A= {g : X→ Y : g is continuous and g f rel A} .

homology equivalence Let T denotethecat-egory of all pairs (X,A) of topological spaces,where X is identified with the pair (X,∅). Ahomotopy equivalence between thepairs(X,A)and (Y, B) is apair of functionsf : (X,A)→(Y, B) andg : (Y, B)→ (X,A), such that g ◦fis homotopic to the identity map iX of X andf ◦ g is homotopic to the identity map iY of Y .

homology group Let n be a positive inte-ger, X a topological space, and x a point inX. Then the nth homotopy group πn(X, x) isdefined to be the group of homotopy classesof maps of the standard sphere Sn to X tak-ing a fixed base point ∗ of Sn to x. In thecase n = 1, this is the fundamental group ofX (with base point x), with concatenation ofloops inducing the group operation. In dimen-sions higher than 1, the group operation turnsout tobecommutative. Another way of definingπn(X, x) isto takehomotopy classesof mapsof[0,1]n toX taking theboundary to x. With thisdefinition, it is easier to define the group oper-ation by concatenation: f + g : [0,1]n −→X is defined by: f + g(t1, t2, . . . , tn) equalsf (2t1, t2, . . . , tn) for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1

2, and it equalsg(2t1− 1, t2, . . . , tn) for 1

2 ≤ t1 ≤ 1.

homology theory A homology theory on acategory T of pairsof topological spaces(X,A)consists of

(i.) a functor Hp from T to the categoryof Abelian groups A for each integer p ≥ 0,where the image of the pair (X,A) is denotedby Hp(X,A) and

(ii.) anatural transformation

∂p : Hp(X,A)→ Hp−1(A)

for each integerp ≥ 0, whereA denotesthepair(A,∅),whichsatisfy theEilenberg-SteenrodAx-ioms. See Eilenberg-Steenrod Axioms.

homothety A transformation of the Euclideanplane to itself which takes every triangle to asimilar triangle. The homotheties of the plane

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form a group under composition, which con-tains all isometries and the dilations given byf (x, y) = (ax, ay), a �= 0.

homotopy type of a space Let T denotethe category of all pairs (X,A) of topologicalspaces,whereX isidentifiedwiththepair (X,∅).The homotopy type of the pair (X,A) is theequivalenceclass

[(X,A)] = {(Y, B) : (Y, B)is homotopy equivalent to (X,A)} .

Hopf bundle The bundle S1 −→ S3 −→S2 formed as follows. Consider S3 as the unitsphere in C2 (where C denotes the complexnumbers). The sphere S2 is given by CP1, thespace of complex lines in C2, by identifyingthelinethrough thepoint (z1, z2)with thepointz2/z1 in C when z1 �= 0 and identifying C withthespherelessonepoint; thecomplex linegivenby points(0, z2) isidentifiedwith theremainingpoint on S2. Theprojection S3 −→ S2 isgivenby themap which sends (z1, z2) to thecomplexline through (z1, z2) (thought of as a point ofCP1 identified with apoint in S2). Each fiber ishomeomorphic to S1.

Using quaternions and Cayley numbers in-stead of complex numbers, onecan defineanal-ogousbundlesS7 −→ S4 and S15 −→ S8 withfibersS3 andS7, respectively. Al l threebundlesarecalled Hopf bundles.

hyperbolic paraboloid Oneof thequadraticsurfaces in R3. Since asymmetric matrix overthe reals is congruent to one in diagonal form,the (non-degenerate) quadric surfaces are clas-sified, by the sign of their eigenvalues and theconfiguration of their points at infinity into el-lipsoids, hyperboloids, elliptic paraboloids, andhyperbolic paraboloids, thelatter havingcanon-

ical equation 2zc= x2

a2 − y2

b2 for some non-zeroconstantsa, b, c.

hyperbolic plane A planesatisfying theax-ioms of hyperbolic geometry, which compriseHilbert’saxiomsof planegeometry andthe“char-acteristic axiom of hyperbolic geometry”: for

any line l and point p not on l, there are atleast two lines on p not meeting l. A modelof the hyperbolic plane isgiven by theunit discD = {(x, y) ∈ R2 : x2 + y2 < 1}, with the

Poincaré metric ds2 = dx2+dy2

(1−(x2+y2)/4)2, the lines

being geodesic.

hyperboloid One of the quadric surfaces inR3, like the hyperbolic paraboloid. See hyper-bolicparaboloid. Thecanonical equationfor the

hyperboloid of one sheet is x2

a2 − y2

b2 + z2

c2 = 1and that for the hyperboloid of two sheets isx2

a2 − y2

b2 − z2

c2 = 1, where a, b, c are non-zeroconstants. Asthenamesuggests, onedifferencebetween the two cases is that one surface con-sists of one connected component, the other oftwo.

hyperelliptic surface A Riemann surfaceX,namely acompact complex manifold of dimen-sion 1, which generalizes the complex torus, inthe following sense: thereexists aholomorphicmap X → P1 of degree 2, with 2g + 2 branchpoints where 2− 2g is the Euler characteristicof thetopological surfaceX. See compact com-plex manifold, complex torus. The number gis called the genus of the surface. Also calledelliptic curve, in thecaseof genus 1.

hyperplane In n-dimensional (affineor pro-jective) spaceof dimension n, asubspaceof di-mension n− 1.

hyperplane at infinity Inn-dimensional pro-jective space Pn, with given coordinate system(x0 : x1 : . . . : xn), a hyperplaneH , typicallygiven by theequation x0 = 0. ThecomplementPn\H can thusbeidentified with affinen-spaceAn with coordinates ( x1

x0, . . . xn


hypersurface In affineor projectivespace, asubset defined by one(nonzero) algebraic equa-tion in the coordinates. A hyperplane is an ex-ampleof hypersurface, which isdefined by onelinear equation. See also hyperplane.

hypotenuse The side of a right triangle op-posite the right angle. It is the longest side ofthe triangle.

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inaccessible cardinal (weakly)

Iicosahedron A polyhedron with 20 faces.The icosahedron is one of the five (convex) poly-hedra that can be regular.

ideal Let S be a nonempty set and let P(S)be the power set of S. A set I ⊆ P(S) is anideal on S if

(i.) ∅ ∈ I(ii.) for all X, Y ∈ I , X ∪ Y ∈ I ,(iii.) for all X, Y , if X ∈ I and Y ⊆ X, then

Y ∈ I .As an example, let S be the set N of natural

numbers and let I be the set of all finite subsetsof N. Then I is an ideal on S.

identification map A continuous onto map-ping f : X→ Y such that the topology on Y isthe identification topology; that is, U is open inY if and only if f−1(U) is open in X. See alsoquotient map.

identification space An identification spaceof a topological space X is a set Y endowedwith the topology induced by an onto mappingf : X → Y . This topology (the identificationtopology) is given by: U ⊆ Y is open if andonly if f−1(U) is open in X. See also quotientspace.

identification topology See identificationspace.

identity function The arithmetic function,denoted I , which has the value 1 whenn = 1 andhas the value 0 when n > 1, i.e., I (n) = � 1


the floor function applied to 1n . It is completely

(and strongly) multiplicative. This function isthe identity under Dirichlet multiplication. Seearithmetic function, Dirichlet multiplication.

image Let f : A → B be a function, andlet x ∈ A. The image of x under f is f (x), theunique element of B to which x is mapped byf . Given a subset C ⊆ A, the image of C under

f is

f (C) = {f (x) : x ∈ C}= {y ∈ B : (∃x ∈ C)[f (x) = y]}.

imaginary axis The y-axis, which corre-sponds to the purely imaginary numbers in theArgand diagram for the complex numbers,namely the identification of x + iy ∈ C withthe point (x, y) ∈ R2.

imbedding A one-to-one continuous mapf :X→ Y , between topological spaces, for whichthe restriction f ∗ : X→ f (X) to its range is ahomeomorphism. Here

f (X) = {y ∈ Y : ∃x ∈ X (f (x) = y)}

and f ∗ is required not only to be one-to-one,onto, and continuous, but to have a continuousinverse.

immersed submanifold The image f (M)of an immersion f : M → N between twomanifolds. Each point inM has a neighborhoodon which f is an embedding. However, the mapf need not be an embedding, so f (M) need notbe a manifold with the induced topology as asubset of N , even if f is globally 1-1. A simpleexample is given by the immersion of the openinterval into the plane whose image is the figure6. A more complicated example is given byviewing the torus as the quotient of the planeby the integer lattice. Then a line of irrationalslope is mapped onto a dense subset of the torus,which is an immersed submanifold.

inaccessible cardinal (strongly) A cardinalκ which is uncountable, regular, and satisfiesthe condition 2α < κ for all α < κ , i.e., κis a strong limit cardinal. (Any strongly inac-cessible cardinal is weakly inaccessible since astrong limit cardinal is a limit cardinal. The ex-istence of strongly inaccessible cardinals cannotbe proved in Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory withthe Axiom of Choice.) See regular cardinal.

inaccessible cardinal (weakly) A cardinalwhich is uncountable, a regular cardinal, and alimit cardinal. (The existence of weakly inac-cessible cardinals cannot be proved in Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with the Axiom of Choice.

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incenter of triangle

As seen in the definition of inaccessible cardi-nal (strongly), every strongly inaccessible car-dinal is weakly inaccessible. [See inaccessiblecardinal (strongly).] If one assumes the gener-alized continuum hypothesis, then the converseis true.) See regular cardinal, limit cardinal.

incenter of triangle The center of the uniquecircle which can be inscribed in a given triangle.It is located at the intersection of the internalbisectors of the three vertices of the triangle.

incommensurable Two line segments XYand X′Y ′ such that there is no line segment ABwith the property that each of XY and X′Y ′ haslength that is an exact (integer) multiple of thelength of AB. That is, there is no unit of mea-sure with respect to which both segments haveinteger length.

For example, the hypotenuse of an isoscelesright triangle and a leg of the triangle are incom-mensurable because

√2 is an irrational number.

incomparable (elements of a partial order-ing) If (P,≤) is a partially ordered set, x, y ∈P are incomparable if neither x ≤ y, nor y ≤ x.

incompatible (elements of a partial ordering)See compatible (elements of a partial ordering).

inconsistent Let L be a first order languageand let � be a set of well-formed formulas of L.The set � is inconsistent if there exists a well-formed formula α such that both α and (¬α)are provable from � (i.e., both α and (¬α) aretheorems of �). If � is inconsistent, then in factevery formula is a theorem of �.

inconsistent axioms A set of axioms suchthat there is a statement A such that both A andits negation are provable from the axioms. Seealso inconsistent. For example, in set theory, theaxioms AC (the Axiom of Choice) and AD (theAxiom of Determinacy) are inconsistent, as theAxiom of Determinacy contradicts the Axiomof Choice.

indiscernible A subset I of a model A is aset of indiscernibles if no first-order formula candistinguish between increasing sequences fromI . More precisely, if < is any linear order on I

and n ∈ N, then for all a1 < a2 < · · · < an andb1 < b2 < · · · < bn in I , A |= φ(a) if and onlyif A |= φ(b) for all L-formulas φ.

induction One of two techniques used toprove that a given proposition P is true for allnatural numbers. Let P(n) denote the statement“P is true for the natural number n”. The prin-ciple of weak induction states that if

(i.) P(0)(ii.) P(m) implies P(m+ 1) for any natural

number M ,then P(n) for all natural numbers n. The prin-ciple of strong induction states that if (i.) and(ii.) P(0), P (1), . . . , P (m) implies P(m + 1)for any natural number m, then P(n) is true forany natural number n. The proof technique inthe principle of strong induction may be gen-eralized to any well-ordered set W , giving theprinciple of transfinite induction.

inductive set A set A such that ∅ ∈ A, andfor all sets x, if x ∈ A then x+ ∈ A, wherex+ = x ∪ {x} is the successor of the set x.

infimum Let (X,≤) be a partially orderedset and suppose that Y ⊆ X. An element z ∈ Xis an infimum, or greatest lower bound, of Y(denoted inf(Y ) or glb(Y )) if z is a lower boundfor Y and r ≤ z for any other element r whichis a lower bound for Y . See lower bound.

infinite continued fraction A continued frac-tion that is not finite. See continued fraction,finite continued fraction.

infinite dimensional projective space Aspace in projective geometry, which generalizesthe n-dimensional projective space Pn. Over afield k, the points of Pn can be coordinatized by(n+ 1)-tuples (x0 : x1 : . . . : xn) where xi ∈ kand at least one xi = 0, up to the equivalencerelation (x0 : . . . : xn) ∼ (λx0 : . . . : λxn) for0 = λ ∈ k. The classical examples are the realprojective space (k = R) and complex projec-tive space (k = C). The infinite dimensionalprojective space can be constructed as a directlimit

lim→Pn = P∞ ,namely a collection of injections πi : Pi → P∞with the property that πj = πi ◦ ρij , where

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interior angle

ρij : Pj → Pi is the natural inclusion (x0 : . . . :xj ) �→ (x0 : . . . : xj : 0 : . . . : 0) for j < i.

infinite Grassmann manifold A Grassmannmanifold is the set of all subspaces of a vectorspace V that have a given dimension k. When Vis a real (or complex) vector space, this set is in-deed a real (or complex) manifold. If the dimen-sion of V is n, the dimension of the Grassmannmanifold is k(n − k). An infinite Grassmannmanifold is a generalization of this object for Vof infinite dimension, but for it to be a manifold,care must be taken that there exist local coordi-nates. Typically, the condition for a subspaceWto be a point of an infinite Grassmann manifoldis that it be commensurable to a fixed subspaceH of V , in a suitable sense, either involving thedimensions of (H +W)/H and W/(H ∩W) orsome more analytic properties.

infinite set Any set that is not finite. Equiv-alently, an infinite set is a set whose cardinalityis not a natural number. See finite set.

infinite Stiefel manifold The infinite Stiefelmanifold Vk of k-frames is the direct limit (union)of the spaces Vn,k of k-frames in real or com-plex n-dimensional space. More precisely, letF = R∞ (resp., C∞) denote the vector space ofinfinite sequences x = (x1, x2, ...) of real (resp.,complex) numbers that have only finitely manynonzero terms. Then the Stiefel manifoldVk(F )of k-frames inF is the open subset ofFk consist-ing of k-tuples of linearly independent vectorsin F .

infinity The symbol ∞ was first used bythe English mathematician John Wallis (1616-1703) to denote infinity. While not a number it-self, ∞ is usually used to denote a quantity thatis larger than every number. There are a num-ber of ways mathematicians have attempted to“quantify” infinity. For instance, a set S is fi-nite if there is a nonnegative integer n and abijection f : S → {1, 2, 3, . . . , n} (that is, ifS has n elements) and S is infinite, otherwise.Alternatively, a set is infinite if there is a bijec-tion from the set to a proper subset of itself. Inhis theory of transfinite numbers, Georg Can-tor dealt with various “sizes” of infinity, dis-

tinguishing between countably and uncountablyinfinite sets, for example.

initial object An object I in a category C withthe property that, for any object X in C thereexists a unique morphism f ∈ HomC(I,X).

initial ordinal If α is an ordinal, let |α| de-note the cardinality of {τ : τ < α}. The ini-tial ordinal corresponding to a fixed cardinal κis the minimum ordinal α such that |α| = κ .For example, ω is the initial ordinal correspond-ing to ℵ0 even though there are infinitely manydifferent ordinals whose cardinality is ℵ0. Seeordinal.

initial segment A subset of a well-orderedset W which has the form {x ∈ W : x < w},where w ∈ W .

injection (1) A one-to-one function betweentwo sets X and Y . See one-to-one function.

(2) The function i : X → Y between twosetsX and Y , withX ⊆ Y , defined by i(x) = x.

See also function.

integer An element of the set {. . . ,−4,−3,−2,−1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . } consisting of allwhole numbers. The set of all integers is usuallydenoted Z or Z.

integral curvature If S is a surface in Eu-clidean space andA is a measurable subset of S,then the integral curvature ofA is the area of itsimage under the Gauss map to the unit sphere.That is, it is the area of the set of unit vectorsthat are outer normals to support planes of thesurface at points of A. For smooth surfaces,it can be computed intrinsically by integratingthe Gaussian curvature over the region A. Fora polyhedron, the integral curvature is concen-trated at the vertices.

interior angle IfP is a simple closed polygonenclosing a region R, then the interior angle ata vertex V is measured by the magnitude of therotation that carries one edge of P adjacent to Vto the other edge, the rotation performed withinR.

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interior of closed curve

interior of closed curve The bounded com-ponent of the complement of a simple closedcurve. By the Jordan Curve Theorem, the com-plement of the curve consists of exactly two con-nected components.

interior of polygon The bounded componentof the complement of a polygon P , which, as acurve, is closed and has no self-intersections.Any two points in the interior can be joined bya continuous curve that does not intersect P ,while any two points in the other component ofthe complement of P (the exterior of the poly-gon) can be joined by a continuous curve thatdoes not intersect P . But no point in the interiorcan be joined to any point in the exterior by acontinuous curve that does not intersect P . Thisfact is the content of the Jordan Curve Theoremfor polygons.

interior of polyhedron A closed connectedpolyhedral surface in Euclidean space R3 has acomplement consisting of two path-connectedcomponents. One of these two, the boundedcomponent, is called the interior of the polyhe-dron.

intersection of sets If X and Y are sets, thenthe intersection ofX andY , denotedX∩Y , is theset consisting of all elements that are common toboth X and Y . Symbolically, X ∩ Y = {z : z ∈X and z ∈ Y }. More generally, if {Xα}α∈� is afamily of sets, then the intersection

⋂α∈� Xα is

the set consisting of all elements that are com-mon to allXα . See also Boolean algebra, lattice.

inverse correspondence See inverse func-tion.

inverse function Let X, Y be sets and sup-pose that f ⊆ X × Y is a function. If f isone-to-one (f (x1) = f (x2) implies x1 = x2),then the inverse function f−1 is the unique func-tion obtained by interchanging the coordinatesin the ordered pairs belonging to f . Symboli-cally, f−1 = {(y, x) : (x, y) ∈ f }. It can beverified that f−1f (x) = x and ff−1(y) = y

for all x ∈ X and all y in the range of f . Thefunction f−1 is also one-to-one and its inversesatisfies (f−1)−1 = f . If f is not one-to-one,then f−1 is not a function. See function.

inverse morphism Suppose that C is a cat-egory. If f ∈ HomC(A,B) is an invertiblefunction, then the inverse morphism f−1 is theunique morphism in HomC(B,A) satisfying

(i.) ff−1 = 1B ,

(ii.)f−1f = 1A.

inverse relation Let X, Y be sets and sup-pose that R ⊆ X × Y is a relation. The inverserelation R−1 is the relation obtained by inter-changing the coordinates of all ordered pairs inR. Symbolically, R−1 = {(y, x) ∈ Y × X :(x, y) ∈ R}. See relation.

involute A curve associated with a givencurveC as follows: the tangent lines to the curveform a surface, an involute is a curve on this sur-face which is orthogonal to the tangent lines. IfC is parameterized by arc length s, then the invo-lutes are given by Ic(s) =C(s)+(c−s)C′(s), ca constant.

involution A transformation that is its owninverse. In geometry, the reflection across astraight line is an involution of the plane.

irrational number A real number that is notrational. That is, a real number that cannot beexpressed as a quotient of integers. Examples ofirrational numbers are π , e (the base of the nat-ural logarithm),

√2, and

√6 (in fact, the square

root of any integer, other than a perfect square,will be irrational).

irreducible quadratic polynomial The poly-nomial ax2 + bx + c with real coefficients isirreducible (over the field of real numbers) ifit cannot be expressed as the product of twonon-constant polynomials with real coefficients.This occurs if and only if b2 − 4ac < 0.

Any polynomial with real coefficients can befactored (using only real coefficients) into theproduct of linear factors and irreducible qua-dratic polynomials.

irreflexive relation A relation R ⊆ X × Xon a set X such that there is no x ∈ X with(x, x) ∈ R. For example, if R consists of allordered pairs of real numbers (a, b) such thata < b, then R is irreflexive.

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isosceles triangle

isolated point A point x in a topologicalspace X such that the singleton set {x} is openin X. Equivalently, x /∈ X \ {x}. Thus, x is iso-lated inX if and only if it is not an accumulationpoint in X.

More generally, x is an isolated point of asubset A ⊆ X if x ∈ A and there is an openU ⊆ X withU ∩A = {x}. That is, x /∈ A \ {x},and so x is an isolated point of A if and only ifit is in A but is not an accumulation point of A.

isometric surfaces Two surfaces S and S′,for which there is a bijection from S to S′, whichtakes every curve in S to a curve in S′ of thesame length. Assuming the surfaces are dif-ferentiable, they are isometric if there is a dif-feomorphism from S to S′ which pulls the firstfundamental form of S′ back to the first funda-mental form of S. See first fundamental form.

isomorphic orderings Two orderings (X,≤)and (X′,≤′) such that there exists a bijectionfrom X to X′ which is order-preserving. Moreprecisely, the orderings are isomorphic if there isa bijection f : X→ X′ such that if x1, x2 ∈ Xand x1 ≤ x2, then f (x1) ≤′ f (x2).

isomorphism Let L be a first order language,and let A and B be structures for L, whereA andB are the universes of A and B, respectively.A function h : A → B is an isomorphism ofstructures if h is injective and surjective, and

(i.) for each n-ary predicate symbol P andevery a1, . . . an ∈ A,

(a1, . . . , an) ∈ PA

⇔ (h(a1), . . . , h(an)) ∈ PB ,

(ii.) for each constant symbol c,

h(cA) = cB,and

(iii.) for each n-ary function symbol f andevery a1 . . . , an ∈ A,

h(fA(a1, . . . , an)) = f B(h(a1), . . . , h(an)).

If there is an isomorphism of A onto B, thenA and B are isomorphic structures (notation:A ∼= B).

isoperimetric For two curves, C and C′, theproperty of having the same length. The isoperi-metric inequality in the plane states that, amongall curves isoperimetric to a given simple closedcurve C, the circle encloses the maximum area.

isosceles An isosceles polygon is a polygonpossessing two sides of the same length. Theterm is usually applied to triangles or trapezoids.In the case of a trapezoid, the sides are generallytaken to be opposite sides.

isosceles triangle A triangle possessing twosides of equal length. See also isosceles.

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Jjump LetA be a set of natural numbers. Thejump of A (also called the Turing jump of A) isthe halting set, relativized to A; i.e., the jumpof A is the set {e : ϕAe (e) is defined}, where ϕAedenotes the partialA–computable (A–recursive)function with Gödel number e. The jump of Ais denoted by A′.

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Kurepa tree

KK3 surface An algebraic surface that issmooth, has a global holomorphic 2-form, andfirst homology group of rank 0. Part of an im-portant class of surfaces in algebraic geometry,named after three mathematicians: Kummer,Kähler, and Kodaira. An example is the inter-section of three generic quadric hypersurfacesin P5. See hypersurface.

Kirby calculus A method of specifyingsurgery operations on a manifold in terms of theidentifications to be performed on the meridianof a solid torus embedded in the manifold.

Kleene’s hierarchy Alternate (rarely used)terminology for the arithmetical hierarchy. Seearithmetical hierarchy.

Kleinian group A subgroup G of the groupof Möbius transformations, with the propertythat there exists some point z of the extendedplane C∪{∞} at which G acts discontinuously,i.e., the stabilizer Gz is finite, and there exists aneighborhood U of z which is fixed by all theelements of Gz, but whose only fixed point un-der any element of Gz is z. See linear fractionalfunction. Examples are given by the first homo-topy group of Riemann surfaces.

Kodaira dimension A rational invariant ofa smooth projective variety V , named after theJapanese mathematician Kunihiko Kodaira. Itis the maximum of the dimensions of φn(V ),where φn is the rational map associated to thenth power of the canonical bundle, over all pos-itive integers n for which this power has globalsections. If no such n exists, the Kodaira dimen-sion is defined to be −∞.

k-perfect number A positive integer n hav-ing the property that the sum of its positive di-visors is kn, i.e., σ(n) = kn. Thus, a 2-perfectnumber is the same as a perfect number. Thesmallest 3-perfect number is 120. The smallest4-perfect number is 30,240.

Kurepa tree A tree of height ω1 with nouncountable levels but at least ω2 uncountablebranches. Thus, for each α < ω1, the α-level ofT , Levα(T ), given by{

t ∈ T : ordertype({s ∈ T : s < t}) = α}is countable, Levω1(T ) is the first empty level ofT , and there are at least ω2 different sets B ⊆ Ttotally ordered by< (branches) that are uncount-able. Kurepa’s Hypothesis (KH) is that there ex-ists a Kurepa tree, but KH is independent of theaxioms of set theory. In fact, KH is independentof ZFC+GCH.

For any regular cardinal κ , a κ-Kurepa treeis a tree of height κ in which all levels have sizeless than κ and there are at least κ+ brancheswith length κ . See also Aronszajn tree, Suslintree.

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Lie group

LLatin square Ann×narray of numberssuchthat each row and column of the array containsthesamenumbersand each number appearsex-actly once in every row and column. For exam-ple,

1 2 32 3 13 1 2

and1 2 33 1 22 3 1


lattice A non-empty setX, together with twobinary operations∪,∩ on X (called union andintersection, respectively), whichsatisfy thefol-lowing conditions for all A,B,C ∈ X:

(i.) (A ∪ B) ∪ C = A ∪ (B ∪ C);(ii.) (A ∩ B) ∩ C = A ∩ (B ∩ C);(iii. ) A ∪ B = B ∪ A;(iv.) A ∩ B = B ∩ A;(v.) (A ∪ B) ∩ A = A;(vi.) (A ∩ B) ∪ A = A.

leaf A manifold that is amaximal integralsubmanifold of an integrable distribution. Gi-ven a manifold M, a distribution � assigns toeach point P inM ak-dimensional subspaceofthetangent spaceatP . It isintegrableif theman-ifold is the union of k-dimensional immersedsubmanifolds, such that thek-plane�(p) is thetangent plane of the k-manifold through p. Aleaf is amaximal connected integral submani-fold of thedistribution.

least common multiple For two nonzerointegers a and b, the smallest positive integerL that is a multiple of both a and b, is de-noted LCM(a, b). Equivalently, LCM(a, b) isthe unique positive integer that is a multipleof both a and b and is a divisor of all othercommon multiples of a and b. For example,LCM(14,8) = 56 and LCM(3,5) = 15. Notethat the least common multiple of two nonzerointegers wil l always be adivisor of the productof the two integers. In fact, the product of thegreatest common divisor and the least common

multipleof two integersistheproduct of thetwointegers(i.e., ab = gcd(a, b) · LCM(a, b).) Seegreatest common divisor.

least element Given a setAwith an ordering≤ onA, an elementl ∈ A is said to be aleastelement of A if, for all x ∈ A, l ≤ x. Notethat if A has a least element, then it is unique.Compare with greatest element.

least upper bound Let A be an ordered setand letB ⊆ A. An elementu ∈ A is said tobe aleast upper bound (or supremum) for B ifit is an upper bound forB (i.e., for all x ∈ B,x ≤ u) and it is the least element in the set ofall upper bounds forB (i.e., for ally ∈ A, if forall x ∈ B, x ≤ y, thenu ≤ y). Note that ifa set has a least upper bound, then it is unique.Compare with greatest lower bound.

left adjoint functor Let C andD be cate-gories with functorsF : C −→ D andG :D −→ C such that ifX is an object ofC andYis an object ofD, we have a bijection of hom-sets

homC(X,G(Y )) = homD(F(X), Y )

which is natural in bothX andY . ThenF is aleft adjoint forG andG is a right adjoint forF .

Example: The forgetful functor from Abel-ian groups to sets which forgets the group struc-ture has left adjoint given by taking the freeAbelian group on the elements of the set. Notethat this isnot an “inverse” functor.

leg In a right triangle, either of the two sidesincident to the right angle.

level (of a tree) Theαth level of a treeT ,Levα(T ), is the set of all elements ofT whosepredecessors have order typeα. That is, for anyt ∈ T , the set of predecessors oft , {s ∈ T :s < t}, must be well ordered, and the level oftis given by their order type.

Lev0(T ) is the set of elements inT with nopredecessors, while Lev1(T ) is the set of ele-ments with exactly one predecessor (which mustcome from level 0).

Lie group A group that is also a differen-tiable manifold and for which the product andinverse maps are infinitely differentiable (and is

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Lie line-sphere transformation

therefore atopological group). See topologicalgroup.

Example: Consider theunit circleinthecom-plex numbers, all points of the form eix for xreal. This is a Lie group.

Lie line-sphere transformation A corre-spondence between lines in space R, say, andspheresin acorresponding spaceS, named afterthe Norwegian mathematician Marius SophusLie. A point (X, Y, Z) ∈ S determines aline inR by the two equations:

{(X + iY )− zZ − x = 0

z(X − iY )+ Z − y = 0

For any fixed line l in R, the set of such linesthat meet l corresponds to asphere in S (whosecenter and/or radiusmay becomplex numbers).

limit cardinal A cardinal ℵα whose index αis a limi t ordinal. See limi t ordinal.

limit ordinal An ordinal α that is not a suc-cessor ordinal. Therefore,α hastheformsup{β :β < α} =⋃

β<α β. (It should benoted that 0 isalso a limit ordinal; we define sup∅ = 0.) Seesuccessor ordinal, ordinal.

line bundle A termused in thetheory of vec-tor bundles. A vector bundleover a topologicalspace X consists of a space E called the totalspace, a vector space F called the fiber, and amap π : E −→ X. The spaceX has acover-ing by open sets Ui with homeomorphisms φifromEi = π−1(Ui) toUi × F . The projectionmap π respects these product structures; i.e.,π ◦φ−1

i (x, V ) = x. Whenx ∈ Ui∩Uj , themapgij (x) : F −→ F defined by (x, gij (x)(V )) =φj (φ

−1i (x, V )) is required to be linear. This

implies that π−1(x) has the structure of a vec-tor space. A line bundle is a vector bundlewith one-dimensional fiber. Usually the field iseither thereal numbersor thecomplex numbers.

line of curvature A curve C on a surface,having the property that, at each point C(t) onthecurve, thetangent vector C′(t) is aprincipalvector of the surface at C(t), that is, an eigen-vector of theWeingarten map.

line segment Al l points P on the line de-termined by two given points A and B, lyingbetweenA andB in theplane. For such apointP , thepointsA andB lieon different raysfromP . This definition also makes sense in hyper-bolic plane geometry but not in elliptic geom-etry, where betweenness is not a well-definedconcept.

linear fractional function A bijection of theextended complex plane C ∪ {∞} defined byz �→ az+b

cz+d for givencomplex numbersa, b, c, dsuch that ad − bc = 0. The inverse is given byz �→ dz−b

cz−a . Also called Möbiustransformation,linear fractional transformation, linear transfor-mation.

linearly ordered set A set A with a linearordering onA. See linear ordering.

linear ordering A partial ordering≤ onasetA in which every pair of distinct elements of Ais comparable; i.e., for all x, y ∈ A, if x = y,then x ≤ y or y ≤ x. If the partial ordering isof the< type (see partial ordering), then< is alinear ordering if , for all x, y ∈ A, if x = y,then x < y or y < x.

Theusual ordering≤ on Q, theset of rationalnumbers, is alinear ordering.

A linear ordering is also called atotal order-ing.

link A link of n components in R3 is asub-set of R3 which is homeomorphic to n distinctcopies of S1. Individual components may beknotted with themselves or with other compo-nents.

More generally, a link of n components inRm+2 is an m embedding of a finite numberof copies of Sm in Rm+2 or Sm+2. Two linksL1, L2 are equivalent if there is ahomeomor-phism h : Rm+2 → Rm+2 (or h : Sm+2 →Sm+2) such that h(L1) = L2.

linking number A numerical invariant oflinks in 3 space which measures the number oftimes pairs of components of a link wrap abouteach other. See link.

For a link of 2 componentsL = α∪β in R3,the linking number of α with β, lk(α, β), is thesum of the signed undercrossings ofα with β in

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logical consequence

a regular projection of α ∪ β. The sign (±1) ofan undercrossing is determined by a choice ofan orientation at theundercrossings.

For example, thelinkingof a two-componentlink (theHopf link) isgiven in thefigurewith achoiceof undercrossing orientations.







Left: Oriented undercrossings; Right: lk(α, β) =−1.

Liouville’s function The arithmetic func-tion, denoted λ, which, for any positive inte-ger n = pi11 . . . pikk , returns the number λ(n) =(−1)i1+...+ik . (See arithmetic function.) For ex-ample,λ(540) = λ(22 · 33 · 5) = (−1)6 = 1. Itis completely multiplicative.

locally n-connected topological space Atopological space such that, for every pointp,every neighborhood ofp contains a smallerneighborhood ofp which is n-connected. Aconnected topological spaceX is n-connec-ted if for everyk ≤ n, every map of thek-dimensional sphere intoX is homotopic to aconstant map. For example, any manifold islocally n-connected for everyn, as is every lo-cally finite simplicial complex. The one pointunion of infinitely manyn-spheres, with theweak topology, is locallyn − 1-connected butnot locallyn-connected.

logical connective Used to build new propo-sitional (sentential) or first-order formulas fromexisting ones. The usuallogical connectivesare∧ (and),∨ (or), ¬ (not),→ (implies), and↔ (if and only if). For example, ifA andBare well-formed propositional formulas, then soare (A ∧ B), (A ∨ B), (¬A), (A → B) and(A↔ B).

The truth tables for these logical connectivesare as follows, whereT is interpreted as true andF is interpreted as false.

A (¬A)T FF T



A B (A→ B)


A B (A↔ B)


logical consequence In propositional (sen-tential) logic, a well-formed formulaβ is alog-ical consequence of a well-formed formulaαif α logically impliesβ; i.e., if every truth as-signment that satisfiesα also satisfiesβ. Forexample, ifA andB are sentence symbols, thenA is a logical consequence of(A ∧ B). In ad-dition, β is a logical consequence of a set� ofwell-formed formulas if� logically impliesβ;i.e., if every truth assignment that satisfies everymember of� also satisfiesβ.

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logically equivalent

For first order logic, let L be afirst order lan-guage, and let α andβ bewell-formed formulasof L. Then β is a logical consequence of α ifα logically impliesβ; i.e., if , for every structureA for L and for every s : V → A, wheneverA satisfies α with s, A also satisfies β with s.(Here, V is the set of variables of L and A isthe universe of A.) In addition, β is a logicalconsequenceof a set � of well-formed formulasof L if � logically implies β; i.e., if , for everystructure A for L and for every s : V → A,whenever A satisfiesevery member of � with s,A also satisfiesβ.

logically equivalent In propositional (sen-tential) logic, well-formed formulas α and βare logically equivalent if α logically impliesβ and β logically implies α; that is, if everytruth assignment either satisfies both α and β,or both ¬α and ¬β. For example, if A andB are sentence symbols, then (¬(A ∨ B)) and((¬A) ∧ (¬B)) are logically equivalent.

For first order logic, let L be afirst order lan-guage, and let α andβ bewell-formed formulasof L. Then α and β are logically equivalent ifα logically impliesβ andβ logically impliesα;that is, if for every structureA for L and for ev-ery s : V → A, A satisfiesα with s if and onlyif A satisfies β with s. (Here, V is the set ofvariables of L andA is theuniverseof A.)

logically implies In propositional (senten-tial) logic, awell-formedformulaα logically im-plies another well-formed formulaβ (notation:α |= β) if every truth assignment that satisfiesα also satisfies β. A set � of well-formed for-mulas logically implies awell-formed formulaβ (notation: � |= β) if every truth assignmentthat satisfiesevery member of � also satisfiesβ.For example, if A, B, and C are sentence sym-bols, � = {A, (A → B)}, and β = B, then �logically impliesβ. Thisnotion inpropositional

logic iscalled “tautologically implies” by someauthors.

For first order logic, let L be afirst order lan-guage, and let α and β be well-formed formu-las of L. Then α logically impliesβ (notation:α |= β) if , for every structureA for L and forevery s : V → A such that A satisfies α withs, A also satisfiesβ with s. (Here, V is the setof variables of L and A is the universe of A.)A set � of well-formed formulas of L logicallyimplies awell-formed formulaβ of L (notation:� |= β) if , for every structureA for L and forevery s : V → A such that A satisfies everymember of � with s, A also satisfiesβ with s.

Loop Theorem A theorem addressing theconditions in which aloop in theboundary of athree-dimensional manifoldwhichiscontractiblewithin the manifold has an equivalent embed-ding which bounds adisk.

Specifically, let M be a compact three-dimensional manifold and let N be a compo-nent of its boundary. If the kernel of the homo-morphism π1(N)→ π1(M) isnon-trivial, thenthereexists adiskD2 ⊂ M such that ∂D2 ⊂ Nis asimple loop that isnot homotopic to zero inM.

lower bound Let S be asubset of a partiallyorderedset (P,≤). Anelement x ∈ P isa lowerbound for S if x ≤ s for all s ∈ S.

lower limit topology See Sorgenfrey line.

Luzin space An uncountable regular topo-logical space that has no isolated points and inwhich every nowhere dense set is countable. ALuzin space is hereditarily ccc and hereditar-ily Lindelöf. (See countable chain condition.)Because of this, Luzin spaces are related to L-spaces, which are hereditarily Lindelöf but nothereditarily separable.

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mean curvature

Mmagic square A square array of positive inte-gers such that the sum of all its rows, columns,and diagonals are equal. Often an additionalcondition is added; namely, that the entries ofthe n × n magic square include all of the inte-gers 1, 2, . . . , n2. An example of a 3×3 magicsquare of this type is

8 1 63 5 74 9 2


Mangoldt function The arithmetic function,denoted�, which is defined as follows: �(n) =log p if n = pi for some prime number pand positive integer i, and �(n) = 0 other-wise. (See arithmetic function.) For example,�(8) = log 2, �(15) = 0. This function playsan important part in elementary proofs of theprime number theorem.

manifold A topological space M with theproperty that each pointP possesses a neighbor-hood that is homeomorphic to Euclidean spaceRn, for some n. If M is connected, the dimen-sion n is constant, andM is an n-manifold. Usu-ally, but not always, it is desirable to assume alsothat M is Hausdorff and metrizable.

mapping See function.

mapping cylinder Given a map f : X→ Y

between topological spaces, the mapping cylin-der If of f is the quotient space of the disjointunion ofX×[0, 1] andY obtained by identifyingeach point (x, 0) ∈ X × 0 with f (x) ∈ Y. Thespace If is homotopy equivalent to Y and themap f : X→ Y is homotopically equivalent tothe natural inclusion i : X→ If . The mappingcylinder thus justifies the statement that, in ho-motopy theory, “every map is equivalent to aninclusion.” There is also an algebraic version ofthe mapping cylinder when X and Y are chaincomplexes.

Martin’s Axiom (MA) If P is a partial orderwith the countable chain condition and D is acollection of fewer than continuum-many densesubsets of P , there is a filterG ⊆ P which meetsevery D ∈ D. That is, as long as P has no un-countable collections of incompatible elements(antichains), generic filters are able to meet anyset D of dense subsets with |D| < 2ω. In a par-tial order,D ⊆ P is dense if for anyp ∈ P thereis a q ∈ D with q ≤ p. A topological equivalentis: if D is a collection of fewer than continuum-many dense open sets of a compact HausdorffspaceX with the countable chain condition, then∩D is dense in X.

For an infinite cardinal κ , MAκ is the state-ment that if D is a collection of dense subsets ofa ccc partial order P with |D| ≤ κ , then thereis a filter G ⊆ P such that G ∩ D �= ∅ foreach D ∈ D. Thus, Martin’s Axiom (MA) is theassertion that for all κ < 2ω, MAκ .

MAω is a theorem of ZFC, and so the Contin-uum Hypothesis implies MA. However, MA isalso consistent with ¬CH. Some consequencesof MAω1 are Suslin’s Hypothesis (there are noSuslin lines or trees), the union of ω1 measurezero sets has measure zero, and the union of ω1meager sets is meager.

mathematical induction See induction.

maximal element Given a set A and an or-dering ≤ on A, m ∈ A is said to be a maximalelement of A if there does not exist x ∈ A withm < x. Alternatively, m ∈ A is a maximal el-ement of A if, for all x ∈ A, if m ≤ x, thenm = x. Note that if A has a greatest or maxi-mum element, then it is unique, and it is also theunique maximal element ofA. IfA has no great-est element, then A may have more than one, orno, maximal elements. See greatest element.

maximum element A greatest element of aset A with an ordering ≤. See greatest element.

mean curvature The arithmetical mean ofthe principal curvatures of the surface S at P . Itis half the trace of the second fundamental formof the surface at P . (Some writers do not divideby 2.) More generally, the mean curvature at Pin a hypersurface S of Rn+1 is 1

ntimes the trace

of the second fundamental form.

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mediant The mediant of two rational num-bers p

qand r

sis the rational number p+r

q+s . For

example, the mediant of 23 and 5

8 is 2+53+8 = 7

11 .The mediant of two positive rational numbers isalways between the two rational numbers.

member of a set Any object that belongs toa given set, that is, is an element of that set. Forexample, the number 5 is a member of the set{a, 5, 2}. Notation: x ∈ S (x is a member of S),and x /∈ S (x is not a member of S).

meridian of a sphere An inclusion of Sn−1

in Sn which splits Sn into two equal size halves.The equator is a meridian of the sphere S2.

Mersenne number A number of the formMn = 2n− 1, where n is a positive integer. De-termining which Mersenne numbers are primehas long interested mathematicians. See alsoMersenne prime.

Mersenne prime A number of the form Mn

= 2n − 1, where n is a positive integer, whichis prime. For example, M2 = 3 and M5 =31 are Mersenne primes. If Mn is a Mersenneprime, then n is prime. However, the converseis not true: M11 = 23 · 89. In fact, Mersenneprimes are rare. There are currently 35 knownMersenne primes, the largest being M1398269. Itis unknown whether there are infinitely manyMersenne primes.

Mersenne primes are named for Marin Mer-senne, a 17th century monk who made a con-jecture regarding which primes p ≤ 257 aresuch that Mp is a Mersenne prime. He was latershown to have made errors of both commissionand omission in his conjecture.

metric A function d : X×X→ R satisfying(i,) d(x, y) > 0 if x �= y; d(x, x) = 0,(ii.) d(x, y) = d(y, x) and(iii.) d(x, y) + d(y, z) ≤ d(x, z), for all

x, y, z ∈ X.A metric may be interpreted as a distance

function on the set X.

metric space A topological spaceX equippedwith a metricd such that the topology ofX is thatinduced by d . See metric. Specifically, givenx ∈ X define the ε-ball about x byBε(x) = {y :

d(x, y) < ε}. Then the ε-balls Bε(x) for allx ∈ X and ε > 0 form a basis for the topologyof X.

metrizable space A topological spaceX suchthat there exists a metric d on X for which thetopology on X is the metric topology inducedby d. See metric, metric space.

Meyer-Vietoris sequence A long exact se-quence in homology (or cohomology) that is ob-tained when a topological space X is the unionof two subspaces X1 and X2 such that the in-clusion (X1, X1 ∩ X2) → (X,X2) (viewed asa map of pairs) induces an isomorphism in rel-ative homology. The exact sequence is of theform

· · · → Hp(X1 ∩X2)→ Hp(X1)⊕Hp(X2)→Hp(X)→ Hp−1(X1 ∩X2)→ · · ·

The Mayer-Vietoris sequence is closely relatedto the Excision Theorem for singular theory.

microbundle A pair of maps i : B −→ E

and j : E −→ B such that ji is the identitymap on B and for each b in B, there are openneighborhoodsU of b and V of ibwith iU ⊂ Vand jV ⊂ U and a homeomorphism h : V −→U × Rn with the following properties.

(i.) The map hi restricted toU includesU asU × {0} in U × Rn.

(ii.) The map h followed by projection ontoU is equal to the restriction of j to the set V .

The integer n is called the fiber dimension ofthe microbundle.

Microbundles were introduced in an attemptto construct tangent bundles on manifolds with-out differentiable structures. J. Milnor (Micro-bundles I. Topology 3 (1964) suppl. 1, 53–80)uses microbundles to show that there is a topo-logical manifoldM such that no Cartesian prod-uct M × M ′ has a differentiable structure thatagrees with the original topological structure.

minimal element Given a set A and an or-dering ≤ on A, m ∈ A is said to be a minimalelement of A if there does not exist x ∈ A withx < m. Alternatively, m ∈ A is a minimal el-ement of A if, for all x ∈ A, if x ≤ m, thenm = x. Note that if A has a least or mini-mum element, then it is unique, and it is also the

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model complete

unique minimal element of A. If A has no leastelement, then A may have more than one, or no,minimal elements. See least element.

minimal surface A surface in R3 with meancurvature vanishing at every point. (See meancurvature.) Equivalently, a minimal surface isa critical point for the surface area functional.This definition generalizes to surfaces in higherdimensional spaces or more general Riemannianmanifolds. A subtlety of the term is the fact thata minimal surface need not minimize area; suchsurfaces are called stable minimal surfaces.

minimum element A least element of a setA with an ordering ≤. See least element.

mixed area A useful concept in convex ge-ometry, based on the observation that one canform a weighted average of convex figures toobtain a new convex figure. If M and M1 areconvex figures in the plane and 0 ≤ s ≤ 1, themixed figure Ms is formed by taking all pointssP + tQ for which P is a point in M , Q isa point in M1, and t = 1 − s. If A(Ms) isthe area of the convex figure Ms , then A(Ms) =s2A(M)+2stA(M,M1)+ t2A(M1), where thenumber A(M,M1) is the mixed area of M andM1.

Möbius band The rectangle {(x, y) ∈ R ×R : 0 ≤ x, y ≤ 1}, with the identification(0, y) ∼ (1, 1 − y) for 0 ≤ y ≤ 1. Withthe usual topology, the Möbius band is a non-orientable manifold.

Möbius band.

Möbius function The arithmetic function,denoted µ, which is defined as follows: µ(1) =1; µ(n) = (−1)k if n is square-free and has kdistinct prime divisors; and µ(n) = 0 if n isnot square-free. (See arithmetic function.) Forexample, µ(30) = (−1)3 = −1, µ(18) = 0. Itis multiplicative.

Möbius inversion formula Letf be an arith-metic function. Define the arithmetic functionF by

F(n) =∑d

f (d) · g(nd


where d ranges over the positive divisors of n.Then

f (n) =∑d

F (d) · µ(nd


whereµ is the Möbius function. In other words,F is the Dirichlet convolution of f and u (theunit function) if and only if f is the Dirichletconvolution ofF andµ. See arithmetic function.

Möbius transformation See linear fractionalfunction.

Möbius transformation group The projec-tive linear group PL(2, C) of all Möbius trans-formations. See linear fractional function.Named after the German mathematician AugustFerdinand Möbius.

model Let L be a first order language, σ bea sentence of L, and A be a structure for L.If A satisfies σ with some (and hence every)s : V → A, then A is a model of σ , and σ istrue in A. (Here, V is the set of variables ofL and A is the universe of A.) If � is a set ofsentences of L, then A is a model of � if A is amodel of every sentence in �.

The term model is sometimes synonymouswith the term structure. See also structure.

model complete A theory T of a first orderlanguage L such that, for all structures A and Bwhich are models of T , if A is a substructure ofB, then A is an elementary substructure of B.

As an example, let L be the first order lan-guage with equality, whose only predicate sym-bol is<, and let R be the structure for L whose

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modus ponens

universe is the set R of real numbers and where< is interpreted in the usual way. Then thetheory of R, the set of all sentences true in R,is model complete.

modus ponens The logical rule of inference“from A and (A → B), infer B.” Here, A andB can be any well-formed propositional (sen-tential) or first order formulas. Literally, modusponens means “the positing method”, where “toposit” means “to present as a fact” or “to postu-late”.

morphism A category has objects and mor-phisms. Though a morphism is a primitive no-tion in category theory, it can be understood asan abstraction of the notion of function. Thefollowing categories are standard examples (theobjects are listed first, the morphisms second):topological spaces and continuous functions;Abelian groups and group homomorphisms;rings and ring homomorphisms; partiallyordered sets and monotone functions; complexBanach spaces and bounded linear transforma-tions; sets and injective functions; sets and sur-jective functions.

motion An element of the group of motions.See group of motions.

multiple The integer c is a multiple of theinteger a if there exists an integer b so that ab =c. That is, c is a multiple of a if a is a divisor ofc. See also divisor.

multiplicative function An arithmetic func-tion f having the property that f (mn) = f (m) ·f (n) whenever m and n are relatively prime.(See arithmetic function.) Many important func-tions, including the Euler phi function and theMöbius function µ, are multiplicative. The val-ues of a multiplicative function depend only onits values at powers of primes: if n = pi11 · · ·pikkand f is multiplicative, then

f (n) = f (pi11 ) · · · f (pikk ) .See also completely multiplicative function,strongly multiplicative function.

mutually relatively prime set of integersA set of integers such that there is no integer dgreater than 1 which is a divisor of all membersof the set. For instance, the set {2, 3, 4} is mu-tually relatively prime since the only commonpositive divisor of 2, 3, and 4 is 1. Note thatthe set is not pairwise relatively prime since thegreatest common divisor of 2 and 4 is 2. Seealso pairwise relatively prime numbers.

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normal space

Nnatural equivalence See natural transforma-tion.

natural isomorphism See natural transfor-mation.

natural number A positive integer. The setof natural numbers is denoted N or N.

natural transformation Let C, D be cat-egories, and let F, G : C → D be functors.A natural transformation is acorrespondenceφthat sendsevery objectA of C to amorphismφAof D such that, for every morphism f : A→ B

of C, thediagram

F(A)F(f )−→ F(B)

φA ↓ ↓ φBG(A)

−→G(f )


commutes. The correspondence φ is a natu-ral equivalence (or natural isomorphism) if , inaddition, φA is an isomorphism in D, for eachobject A of C.

negative number A real number that is lessthan 0.

negative of a number If n is anumber, thennegative n (alsoreferred toas the opposite of n),is thenumber −n = (−1)× n (i.e., theproductof −1 and n). Alternatively, −n is the additiveinverse of the integer n (the unique integer k sothat n+ k = 0).

neighborhood A neighborhood of a point xin atopological spaceX is aset U such that Ucontains an open subset V of X with x ∈ V .

neutral geometry The portion of geometrythat can be derived without the use of Euclid’sparallel postulate. This is also referred to as“absolute geometry”, a term coined by JanosBolyai.

non-Euclidean Not satisfying thepostulatesfrom Euclid’s Elements.

non-Euclidean geometry A classof geomet-rical systems not satisfying the postulates fromEuclid’s Elements. Includes elliptic geometry,hyperbolic geometry, projective geometry, andspherical geometry.

non-Euclidean space A spacesatisfying ax-iomsthat contradict thepostulatesfromEuclid’sElements.

non-Euclidean surface A surface that is asubset of a non-Euclidean space. See non-Euclidean space.

nonprincipal ultrafilter An ultrafilter Uover a Boolean algebraB with no b ∈ B suchthat U = {x ∈ B : b ≤ x}.

normal bundle When a manifold is con-tained in Rn, thedirectionsperpendicular to thetangent directionsarenormal. Forming avectorspaceat each point of themanifold, thesedirec-tions yield a normal bundle over themanifold.

Example: Let M denote aMöbius band inR3. Thenormal bundleof M in R3 can bevisu-alized by looking at the part of the bundle overthe middle circle of M: this part of the bundleis again a Möbius band. One can see this bytaking anormal direction (perpendicular to thesurface of the Möbius band) at any point andwalking around the band along the middle cir-cle. The normal vector wil l be pointing in theoppositedirection. Thisisnot truefor thecylin-der (S1× R1). See Möbius band.

normal curvature At a pointP on a surface,the curvature (with proper choice of sign) of thecurve formed by the intersection of the surfacewith the plane through the normal vector atPand a unit vector in the tangent plane.

normalized vector A vector made to be oflength one by multiplying the vector by the re-ciprocal of its length.

normal space A topological spaceX satisfy-ing the following: given any two disjoint closedsubsetsC andD of X, there exist disjoint open

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normal to plane

subsets U and V of X such that U ⊃ C andV ⊃ D.

normal to plane A vector or line, passingthrough agivenpoint in theplane, perpendiculartoall linesintheplanepassingthroughthepoint.If theplane in space is given by theequation

a(x − x0)+ b(y − y0)+ c(z− z0) = 0 ,

then the vector (a, b, c) is normal to the planeat thepoint (x0, y0, z0).

normal topological space A topologicalspaceX in which one-point setsareclosed and,given any two closed, disjoint subsetsA1, A2 ofX, there exist disjoint open subsetsU1 and U2of X such that A1 ⊂ U1 and A2 ⊂ U2. Exam-plesof normal spacesincludemetric spacesandcompact Hausdorff spaces.

normal to surface At apoint on thesurface,thevector orthogonal to thetangent vector spaceat thepoint.

normal vector A vector at apoint of a mani-fold(containedin Rn) that isperpendicular toalltangent vectors at that point. For example, thenorth pole is normal to thesurfaceof theearth.

nowhere dense subset A subsetA of a topo-logical spaceX such that the closure of A con-tains no nonempty open subsets of X. Any dis-creteset isnowheredensein aHausdorff space.A more interesting example is the Cantor Set,which isnot discreteand yet isa nowhere densesubset of theunit interval [0,1]. See Cantor set.

n-sphere bundle A fiber bundlewhosefiberis the n-dimensional sphere, and whose struc-turegroup is asubgroupof theorthogonal groupO(n+ 1). It consists of a base spaceB, a totalspaceE, and a projection map π : E −→ B.There is acovering of B by open sets Ui andhomeomorphisms φi : Ui × Sn −→ π−1(Ui)

such that π ◦ φi(x, q) = x. This identifiesπ−1(x) with the n-sphere. When two sets Uiand Uj overlap, the two identifications are re-lated by orthogonal transformations gij (x) ofSn. For example, if M is asurface in R3, thenthespaceof vectorsof length onetangent to the

surface form the total space of a 1-sphere bun-dle.

null object See zero object.

null set See empty set.

number field See algebraic number field.

number of distinct prime divisors functionThe arithmetic function, denoted ω, which, forany positiveinteger n, returnsthenumber of dis-tinct prime divisors of n. (See arithmetic func-tion.) For example, ω(12) = ω(24) = 2 ({2,3}istheset of distinct primedivisorsinbothcases).It is additive.

number of divisors function Thearithmeticfunction, usually denoted τ or d, which, for anypositive integer n, returns the number of posi-tive divisors of n, i.e., τ(n) = #{a : 1 ≤ a ≤n anda|n }. (See arithmetic function.) For ex-ample, τ(12) = 6 ({1,2,3,4,6,12} is the setof divisors). It is multiplicative; its value at aprimepower is given by

τ(pi) = i + 1 .

See also sum of kth powersof divisorsfunction.

number system A logically organizedmeth-od for expressing numberswhich may bevisual(using writing or hand signs), oral (spoken), ortactile (e.g., the Braille system). A variety ofnumber systems havebeen used throughout his-tory. Thenumber system used by most culturestoday is apositional base-10 system. See baseof number system.

number theoretic function See arithmeticfunction.

number theory That branch of mathemat-ics involving the study of the integers and theirgeneralizations.

numeral A physical representation of a num-ber, often in written form.

numerator The numbera in the fractionab.

numerical Of or relating to numbers or com-putations involving numbers.

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one-to-one correspondence

Oobject A category has objects and mor-phisms. Though the notion of an object is aprimitive in category theory, objects can be un-derstood as generalizing or abstracting concretemathematical entities. The following categoriesare standard examples (the objects are listedfirst, the morphisms second): topological spacesand continuous functions; Abelian groups andgroup homomorphisms; rings and ring homo-morphisms; partially ordered sets and monotonefunctions; complex Banach spaces and boundedlinear transformations; sets and injective func-tions; sets and surjective functions.

oblique Neither perpendicular nor horizon-tal.

oblique angle Any angle that is not 0◦, 90◦,180◦, or 270◦.

oblique cylinder A cylinder that is not a rightcylinder.

oblique triangle A triangle that does not con-tain a right angle.

obstruction class A cohomology class orhomotopy class of maps for which being null-homologous or homotopic to zero is equivalentto the existence of the extension of some map.

Example: SupposeX is formed from a spaceAby attaching ann-cellDn toA along its bound-ary; that is,X is the union ofA andDn with eachpoint in Sn−1, the boundary of Dn, identifiedwith some point inA by a map δ. Let f : A −→Y be a map; it will extend to a map X −→ Y

exactly when the class given by f ◦ δ is zeroin the cohomology group Hn(X,A;πn−1(Y )).In particular, a map from a sphere Sn−1 can beextended to a map from the disk Dn exactlywhen its class in Hn(Dn, Sn−1;πn−1(Y )) =Hn(Sn;πn−1(Y )) is the zero class.

obstruction cocycle A cocycle that repre-sents an obstruction class in cohomology. Seeobstruction class.

obtuse angle An angle greater than 90◦ andless than 180◦.

obtuse triangle A triangle containing an ob-tuse angle. See obtuse angle.

octagon A polygon having eight sides.

octahedron A polyhedron with eight faces.The regular octahedron, one of the five platonicsolids, has 8 triagonal faces, 12 edges, and 6vertices.

omits A model A of a theory T omits a type� if and only if it does not realize it. That is,A omits � if and only if there is no n-tuple aof elements of A such that A |= φ(a) for everyφ(x) in �(x).

one (1) The smallest positive integer, denoted1.

(2) The multiplicative identity of the complexnumbers (and therefore of the real numbers, therational numbers, and the integers). That is, if zis a complex number, then 1 · z = z · 1 = z.

one-point compactification A compactspace Xc obtained from a given topologicalspaceX by adjoining a single point∞ toX. Thedefinition of the topology on Xc requires that Xbe a locally compact Hausdorff space. The opensets in Xc are then defined to be the open setsof X and any set of the form V ∪ {∞} where Vis an open subset of X whose complement in Xis a compact set. Note that X is a subspace ofXc. The one-point compactification of the realline is homeomorphic to a circle, while the one-point compactification of the plane is homeo-morphic to a sphere. The latter example is espe-cially important in complex analysis where thehomeomorphism is called stereographic projec-tion. See stereographic projection.

one-to-one correspondence Any functionthat is both one-to-one (injective) and onto (sur-jective); also known as a bijective function, or abijection. For example, the functionf : R→ R

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one-to-one function

given by f (x) = 3x − 2 is a one-to-one corre-spondence.

one-to-one function Any function f : A→B, where A and B are arbitrary sets, such thatfor every x, y ∈ A, f (x) = f (y) implies x =y. Also known as an injective function, or aninjection. For example, the functionf : N → Rgiven by f (n) = √n is one-to-one.

onto If A and B are arbitrary sets, any func-tion f : A→ B such that for every y ∈ B thereexists x ∈ A satisfying f (x) = y is an ontofunction. Also known as a surjective function,or as a surjection. For example, the functionf : R → R given by f (x) = x3 is onto.

open ball In a metric space X, any set ofthe form B = {y : d(x, y) < r}, for somecenter x ∈ X and radius r > 0. In a metricspace, the set of open balls forms a basis forthe metric topology. For example, in R3 withthe usual distance metric, the open balls are justthe interiors of spheres.

open cover An open cover of a subspace Aof a topological space X is a collection {Uα}of open subsets of X such that the union of allthe Uα contains A. Open covers figure in thedefinition of compactness. See compact.

open disk An open ball in R2 with the usualdistance metric. See open ball. That is, D is anopen disk with center x = (x1, x2) ∈ R2 andradius r > 0 if

D = {y ∈ R2 : d(x, y) < r}

= {(y1, y2) :√(x1 − y1)2 + (x2 − y2)2 < r} .

open formula A well-formed formula α of afirst order language L such that α is quantifier-free; i.e., α does not have any quantifiers.

open map A function f : X→ Y such thatthe image f (U) of any open set U of X is anopen set inY . Iff is invertible, thenf is an openmap if and only if f−1 : Y → X is continuous.

open n-ball An open ball in Rn with the usualdistance metric. See open ball. That is, B is an

open n-ball with center

x = (x1, x2, . . . , xn) ∈ Rn

and radius r > 0 if

B = {y ∈ Rn : d(x, y) < r} ,where

d(x, y) =√(x1 − y1)

2 + (x2 − y2)2 + · · · + (xn − yn)2 .

open set A subset U of a topological spaceX which belongs to the topology on X.

open simplex The interior Int(σ ) of a sim-plex σ . Specifically, Int(σ ) = σ\ Bd(σ ), whereBd(σ ), the boundary of σ , is the union of allproper faces of σ. For example, an open 1-simplex is an open interval, while an open 2-simplex is the interior of a triangle. See simplex.

open star If S is a simplicial complex andv is a vertex of S, the open star of the vertex vis defined to be the union of the interiors of allsimplices σ of S that have v as a vertex. Seesimplicial complex.

opposite angles Two angles on a polygon(having an even number of sides) having an equalnumber of angles between them, regardless ofthe direction around which one counts.

opposite angle/side A side and an angle on apolygon (with an odd number of sides) having anequal number of sides between them, regardlessof the direction around which one counts.

opposite sides A pair of sides on a poly-gon (having an even number of sides) having anequal number of sides between them, regardlessof the direction around which one counts.

ordered n-tuple A list of n arbitrary objectswith a specified order, viewed as a single object.The first component of the n-tuple is the objectlisted first, the nth component is the object listedlast, etc. For example, (10, 10, π,

√2, b) is an

ordered 5-tuple; the third component is π .

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ordered pair An ordered list of two objects.The first (second) component of the ordered pairis the object listed first (second). For example,(−1, A) is an ordered pair with −1 and A as itsfirst and second components, respectively.

ordered set See partially ordered set.

ordered triple An ordered n-tuple with n =3. See ordered n-tuple.

ordering A partial ordering (on a setA). Seepartial ordering.

order topology The topology on a setX, witha linear order relation, with a basis consisting ofall intervals of the form (a, b) for any a, b ∈X. If X has either a minimal element m or amaximal element M , then the sets [m, b) and(a,M] are included as well. On the real line, theorder topology is the standard topology; that is,the topology with a basis consisting of the openintervals.

order type (of a well-ordered set) The uniqueordinal number that is order-isomorphic to thegiven well-ordered set. Thus, the set {−2, 1, 5},which is well ordered by the relation−2 < 1 <5, has order type 3. The set N ∪ {#}, which iswell ordered by the relation 0 < 1 < 2 < 3 <· · · < #, has order type ω + 1.

ordinal (or ordinal number) A transitiveset that is strictly well ordered by the elementrelation ∈. For example, the ordinal number 3is the set {0, 1, 2}; it is a transitive set and it iswell ordered by ∈.

ordinary helix A curve lying on a cylinderwhich forms a constant angle with the elementsof the cylinder.

ordinate The y-coordinate of a point in theCartesian xy-plane is the ordinate of that point.For example, the ordinate of the point (2,−3)is −3.

orientable fiber bundle A fiber bundleF −→ E −→ B, with F a connected compactn-manifold, such that it is possible to chooseelements in the homology Hn(Fb) of the fiber

above each point b in B so that around eachpoint there is a neighborhood U and a genera-tor of the homologyHn(E|U) of E restricted toU so that the inclusion of the fiber into E|U in-duces a map that takes the (chosen) generator ofHn(Fb) to the (chosen) generator of Hn(E|U).

Examples: Any trivial bundle over an ori-entable manifold is again orientable. But theMöbius band, as a bundle over S1, is not ori-entable.

orientation A specific choice of direction fora vector space, simplex, or cell. The definitionsof orientation for these objects extend to give theimportant notions of an orientation on a mani-fold, simplicial complex, or cell complex.

(1) For an n-dimensional vector space V ,an orientation is determined by the choice ofan ordered basis {v1, . . . , vn}. A second basis{w1, . . . , wn} gives the same orientation pre-cisely when the determinant of the change of ba-sis matrix from {v1, . . . , vn} to {w1, . . . , wn} ispositive. For example, the ordered basis{(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)} gives the orienta-tion of R3 known as the right-handed orienta-tion.

(2) An orientation of a simplex is a specificordering of its vertices; two orderings are equiv-alent if one is an even permutation of the other.

(3) An orientation of a cell en (homeomor-phic to an n-dimensional ball) is a choice of gen-erator for the infinite cyclic relative homologygroup Hn(en,Bd(en)).

(4) Given a manifold M, each point is con-tained in an open set that is homeomorphic toRn. Thus, using the definition of orientationfor vector spaces above, M can be covered byopen sets such that each open set has an orien-tation. If two such open sets U and V are notdisjoint, we may ask if the orientation onU ∩Vinherited from U is the same or opposite to thatinherited from V . If the orientation on U ∩V isthe same either way, we say U and V are coher-ently oriented. An orientation on a manifoldMis defined to be a choice of coherently orientedopen sets that cover M .

(5) Similarly, in a simplicial or cell complex,each point is contained in a simplex or cell whichcan be given an orientation. An orientation ofthe complex is a coherent choice of orientationfor each cell or simplex.

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orientation preserving mapping

Note that if a manifold or complex can begiven one orientation, then it can also be giventhe reverse orientation. Many manifolds andcomplexes cannot be oriented. For example,an open Möbius band cannot be oriented. SeeMöbius band.

orientation preserving mapping Any mapbetween oriented bundles or oriented manifoldswhich maps the orientation of the domain to theorientation of the codomain. (Since homology isnatural, a map between manifolds induces a mapfrom the homology of one bundle or manifoldto the other.)

orientation reversing mapping Any mapbetween oriented bundles or oriented manifoldswhich maps the orientation of the domain to thenegative orientation of the codomain. Example:Any reflection reverses orientation: the mapS2 −→ S2 given by reflection in the equator(horizontal plane) sends the generator ofH2(S


to its negative generator.

oriented complex A simplicial or cell com-plex with an orientation. See orientation.

orthocenter The point of intersection of thethree altitudes of a triangle.

orthogonal At right angles.

orthogonal complement Given a subspaceW of a vector space V , the unique subspace Uof V such that V = U ⊕W and every vector inU is perpendicular to every vector in W .

orthogonal coordinate system A coordinatesystem in which, whenever i = j , the vectorwith a 1 in the ith position and zeros in everyother is orthogonal to the vector with a 1 in thej th position and zeros in every other.

orthogonal frame In differential geometry,the ordered set (x, v1, . . . , vn) consisting of apoint x and orthonormal vectors v1, . . . , vn.

orthogonal group The group of all n × northogonal matrices under multiplication. Anorthogonal matrix is one whose inverse equalsits transpose.

orthogonal projection A linear transforma-tion T : V → V from an inner product spaceV to itself such that T = T 2 = T ∗, where T ∗denotes the adjoint of T .

orthogonal transformation A linear trans-formation whose matrix A is an orthogonal ma-trix, i.e., A−1 = At .orthogonal vectors A set of vectors that arepairwise orthogonal.

orthonormal A set of vectors that are or-thogonal and have magnitude 1.

orthonormalization A process by which aset of independent vectors may be transformedinto an orthonormal set of equal size while span-ning the same space.

osculating circle Given a pointP on a curve,the circle that is the limit (if this exists) as apointQ approaches P along the curve of circlespassing through Q and tangent to C at P .

osculating process A method, due to P.Koebe (1912), of proving the existence of Green’sfunction on any simply or multiply connecteddomain in the complex plane.

oval Any egg-shaped curve. More generally,the boundary of a convex body in R2.

ovaloid The boundary of a convex body inR3.

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partial ordering

Ppair of relatively prim e integers Two inte-gers whose greatest common divisor is 1. Forexample, 6 and 25 are relatively prime sincegcd(6,25)= 1. See greatest common divisor.

pairwisedisjoint A collection of sets in whichany two distinct sets are disjoint is a pairwisedisjoint family. For example, {[2n, 2n + 1) :n ∈ N} is a collection of pairwise disjoint sets(where each interval [2n, 2n + 1) is the set ofreal numbers x such that 2n ≤ x < 2n+ 1).

pairwise relatively prim e numbers A setof integers with the property that no two share acommon divisor greater than 1.

parabola The set of points in the plane equi-distant from a given point and a given line. Al-ternatively, a conic section formed by the inter-section of a circular cone with a plane such thatthe intersection is connected but unbounded.

paraboloid The surface given by the set of

solutions in R3 to an equation of the form x2

a2 +y2

b2 = z (elliptic paraboloid) or x2

a2 − y2

b2 = z

(hyperbolic paraboloid).

paracompact topological space A Haus-dorff space with the property that each opencover has a locally finite open refinement thatcovers X. See refinement of a cover. Metricspaces are paracompact but, of course, not gen-erally compact. Paracompactness is importantin the theory of manifolds because it is a suffi-cient condition on a space to construct a partitionof unity.

parallel Equidistant, in some sense. In Eu-clidean space, two lines are parallel if they donot intersect and there is a plane in which theyboth lie.

parallelepiped A polyhedron whose facesare parallelograms.

parallelizable manifold A manifold whosetangent bundle is trivial.

parallelogram A four-sided polygon havingopposite sides parallel.

Parallel Postulate The fifth postulate of Eu-clid’s Elements, which requires that, if two linesare cut by a third, and if the sum of the interiorangles on one side of the third is less than 180◦,then the two lines will meet on that side of thethird.

partiall y ordered set A set with a partialordering. See also partial ordering. A partiallyordered set is sometimes called a poset.

partia l ordering A binary relation on a setA (i.e., a subset of A×A), often denoted by ≤,which is reflexive (for all x ∈ A, x ≤ x), anti-symmetric (for all x, y ∈ A, if x ≤ y and y ≤ x,then x = y), and transitive (for all x, y, z ∈ A,if x ≤ y and y ≤ z, then x ≤ z). Given a partialordering≤ on A and x, y ∈ A, x < y is definedto mean x ≤ y and x �= y. Note that if ≤ is apartial ordering on A, then it is not necessarilythe case that every two distinct elements of Aare comparable; i.e., there may exist x, y ∈ Awith x �= y and x �≤ y and y �≤ x.

Sometimes one sees an alternative definitionof partial ordering, where < is defined first and≤ is defined in terms of <.

A partial ordering on a set A is a binary re-lation on A, often denoted by <, which is an-tireflexive (for all x ∈ A, x �< x) and transitive.Given a partial ordering < on A and x, y ∈ A,x ≤ y is defined to mean x < y or x = y. Us-ing this definition of partial ordering, one canprove that ≤ is antisymmetric. Note that if < isa partial ordering on A, then it is not necessarilythe case that every pair of distinct elements arecomparable; i.e., there may exist x, y ∈ A withx �= y and x �< y and y �< x.

Regardless of the choice of defining < from≤ or ≤ from <, the respective notions of ≤ and< are the same.

One example of a partial ordering is the usualordering ≤ on the natural numbers N. This par-tial ordering is in fact a total, or linear ordering.See linear ordering. Let P(N) be the power setof the set of natural numbers; that is, the set of

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partial recursive function

all subsets of N. Then set containment ⊆ is apartial ordering on P(N) which is not a linear or-dering, as {1, 2} and {3} are not ⊆-comparable;i.e., {1, 2} �⊆ {3} and {3} �⊆ {1, 2}.partia l recursivefunction All functions men-tioned are functions on the natural numbers N;an n-ary function is partial if its domain is somesubset of Nn (i.e., the function may not be de-fined on all inputs). The notion of a partialrecursive function is a formalization (Kleene,1936) of the notion of an intuitively computablepartial function. An n-ary partial function ϕis partial recursive if it can be derived from acertain set of initial functions by finitely manyapplications of composition, recursion, or theµ-operator; i.e., there is a finite sequence

ϕ0, ϕ1, . . . , ϕk = ϕof functions such that for all i, 0 ≤ i ≤ k,

(i.) ϕi is an initial function or(ii.) ϕi can be obtained from {ϕj : 0 ≤ j <

i} by composition, recursion, or the µ-operator.The following functions are initial functions.

• S(x) = x + 1 (the successor function)

• Cni (x1, . . . , xn) = i, for all natural num-bers i, n ≥ 0 (the constant functions)

• Pni (x1, . . . , xn) = xi , for all natural num-bers n ≥ 1 and 1 ≤ i ≤ n (the projectionfunctions).

Let g1, . . . , gk, f be n–ary functions and leth be a k-ary function; let x denote an n–tuplex1, . . . , xn. The function f is obtained fromg1, . . . , gk and h by composition if for all nat-ural numbers x1, . . . , xn, f (x) = h(g1(x), . . . ,

gk(x)).Let f be an n-ary function, n ≥ 1, g be an

(n−1)-ary function,hbe an (n+1)-ary function,andy denote the (n−1)-tupley1, . . . , yn−1. Thefunction f is obtained from g and h by recursionif for all natural numbers x, y1, . . . , yn−1,

f (0, y) = g(y)

f (x + 1, y) = h(x, f (x, y), y).

Let f be an n-ary function and let g be an(n + 1)-ary (possibly partial) function. Let xdenote an n-tuple x1, . . . , xn, and let µ be the

least number operator; i.e., (µx)[· · · ] denotesthe least natural number x satisfying property[· · · ]. Let ↓ be an abbreviation of the phrase “isdefined”. If for all natural numbers x1, . . . , xn,

f (x) = (µy)[g(x, y)= 0 ∧ (∀z < y)[g(x, z) ↓]] ,

then f is obtained from g by the µ-operator.If an n-ary function is partial recursive and

total (i.e., the domain of the function is all ofNn), then the function is called recursive (or totalrecursive).

Any primitive recursive function (see primi-tive recursive function) is recursive; for exam-ple, the function f (x1, x2) = x1 + x2 is recur-sive. However, it is not the case that every (to-tal) recursive function is primitive recursive. Anexample of a recursive function that is not prim-itive recursive is Ackermann’s function, whichis defined informally by “double recursion”, asfollows.

A(0, y) = S(y)

A(x + 1, 0) = A(x, 1)

A(x + 1, y + 1) = A(x,A(x + 1, y)).

Ackermann’s function grows faster than any prim-itive recursive function.

By the Church-Turing Thesis, any intuitivelycomputable partial function (see Church-TuringThesis, computable) is partial recursive. Thefunction

ψ(e) ={

1 if ϕe(e) is definedundefined if ϕe(e) is undefined,

where ϕe is the partial recursive function withGödel number e, is partial recursive.

partition (1) Of a set. A pairwise disjointcollection of nonempty subsets of the given set,whose union is the given set. For example,{{3, a}, {−2}} is a partitionof the set {3, a,−2}.Also, {[n, n + 1) : n ∈ Z} is a partition of R(where each interval [n, n+ 1) is the set of realnumbers x such that n ≤ x < n + 1). Seequotient set.

(2) Of a positive integer. If n is a pos-itive integer, a partition of n is a sequence(k1, k2, . . . , kr ) of positive integers such that

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pentagonal number

k1 ≥ k2 ≥ · · · ≥ kr and k1+ k2+ · · ·+ kr = n.For example, (4, 3) and (2, 2, 2, 1) are two par-titions of 7.

Pascal’s triangle A specific triangulararray of numbers, named after the 19th centuryFrench mathematician/philosopher Blaise Pas-cal, the first few rows of which are given below:

11 1

1 2 11 3 3 1

1 4 6 4 1If the first row is labeled the “0th row” (for

example, the 4th row is 1 4 6 4 1) andcall the first entry (on the left) of each row the“0th” entry (so the 6 in the middle of the 4th rowis the 2nd entry of that row), then the kth entryof the nth row is the binomial coefficient



Although this array is known as Pascal’s tri-angle,it has been found in Chinese manuscriptsthat were printed 500 years before Pascal’s birth.

path A path from a point x to a point y in atopological space X is any continuous functionf : [0, 1] → X with f (0) = x and f (1) = y.Intuitively, the path is the image of the functionf .

Peano space A compact, connected locallyconnected metric space. By the famous Hahn-Mazurkiewicz Theorem, Peano sets are preciselythose sets that occur as continuous images of theunit interval.

Peano’s Postulates A set of axioms for de-veloping the properties (using naive set theory)of the natural numbers. The axioms were pub-lished by Peano in 1889 and were based on workby Dedekind.

There are five Peano Postulates.(i.) 0 is a natural number.(ii.) For every natural number n, there is a

natural number n′, called the successor of n.(iii.) For every natural number n, n′ �= 0.(iv.) For any natural numbers m and n, if

m′ = n′, then m = n.(v.) If I is any subset of the natural numbers

such that(a.) 0 ∈ I and

(b.) for any natural number n, ifn ∈ I , then n′ ∈ I ,

then I contains all natural numbers.This last postulate is the Principle of Mathe-

matical Induction and is applicable to each of theuncountably many subsets of the natural num-bers.

Peano’s Postulatesuniquely determine theset of natural numbers in the sense that ifM is aset that satisfies the five postulates above (withthe phrase “n is a natural number” replaced by“n ∈ M”), thenM is the set of natural numbers.

pedal triangle The triangle within a giventriangle formed by connecting the non-vertexendpoints of the altitudes of the given triangle.

Pell’s equation The equation x2 − dy2 = k,where x and y are unknown variables and d andk are integers. Pell’s equationis an example ofa Diophantine equation (an equation for whichone searches for integer or rational solutions).The integer d is usually assumed to be square-free (that is, if p is a prime divisor of d, thenp2 is not a divisor of d) and positive becauseotherwise the equation has only finitely manyinteger solutions for x and y, if any.

pencil of circles The collection of all circlesin a plane passing through two given points.

pencil of lines (1) The collection of all linesin a given plane which pass through a givenpoint.

(2) The collection of all lines parallel to agiven line.

pencil of planes The collection of all planesin space containing a given line.

pencil of spheres The collection of all spherescontaining a given circle.

pentadecagon A polygon having 15 sides.

pentagon A polygon having five sides.

pentagonal number Any positive integer of

the form 3n2−n2 (i.e., any entry in the sequence,

1, 5, 12, 22, 35, . . . ).

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pentahedron A polyhedron with five faces.

percent From the Latin for “per hundred”,percentages are used as alternatives to fractionsor decimals to represent ratios of numerical val-ues. For example, 50% (read “fifty percent”)represents 50

100 or .50. Thus, 35% of 250 is.35 × 250 = 87.5 (since 35

100 = 87.5250 ).

perfect number A positive integer n havingthe property that the sum of its positive divi-sors is 2n, i.e., σ(n) = 2n. Thus, 6 is a perfectnumber since 1 + 2 + 3 + 6 = 2(6). The nexttwo perfect numbers are 28 and 496. All evenperfect numbers have been characterized as be-ing of the form 2p−1(2p−1), where both p and2p−1 are prime (i.e., where 2p−1 is a Mersenneprime). There are no known odd perfect num-bers. Seealso abundant number, deficient num-ber, Mersenne prime.

perfect set A topological space X with theproperty that every point of X is an accumula-tion point of X. That is, given any x ∈ X andany neighborhood U of x, the set (U ∩ X)\{x}is nonempty. All intervals on the real line areperfect. An example of a perfect subset of thereal line which is not an interval is furnished bythe Cantor set. See Cantor set.

perfect square An integer a for which thereexists another integer b such that a = b2. Forexample, 36 = 62 and 289 = 172 are perfectsquares.

perigon A 360◦ angle.

perimeter (1) The length of a closed curve,especially when considered as the boundary ofa plane figure.

(2) The closed curve forming the boundaryof a plane figure.

periodic continued fraction A continuedfraction

a0 + b1

a1 + b2

a2+ b3



for which there exist positive integers p and Nso that for all k ≥ N , ak+p = ak and bk+p = bk .

perpendicular (1) The relative position ofa pair of lines that intersect so that they form apair of equal adjacent angles.

(2) The relative positon of a line and a planesuch that the line is perpendicular to every linewith which it intersects in the plane.

(3) The relative position of a pair of planesthat intersect so that a line in one is perpendic-ular to both the line of intersection and to a linein the other which is perpendicular to the line ofintersection.

perpendicular bisector A line or line seg-ment that bisects a given line segment and isperpendicular to it. See perpendicular.

pi A number, denoted π , equal to the ra-tio between the circumference and diameter ofany circle. It is also the ratio of the area of acircle to the square of its radius. It is knownthat π is a transcendental (and therefore irra-tional) number. The value ofπ is approximately3.14159265358979 and, although the value ofevery digit in the decimal expansion of π is notknown, in 1989 David and Gregory Chudnovskycalculated π to 1,011,196,691 decimal place ac-curacy.

point at infinity A point of the hyperplaneat infinity. See hyperplane at infinity.

polar coordinates Two numbers (r, θ) thatdetermine a point P in the (x, y)-plane, r beingthe distance from the originO and 0 ≤ θ < 2πthe angle that the ray OP makes with the pos-itive x-axis, measured in radians and counter-clockwise, except if P = O, which is associ-ated to the number zero only; thus x = r cos θ ,y = r sin θ . If r is allowed to be negative,the pair (−r, θ) gives the same point as the pair(r, θ + π).

Polish space A topological space X that isseparable and completely metrizable. That is,Xhas a countable dense subset, and there is a met-ric d inducing the topology onX for which everyCauchy sequence converges. Polish spacesarethe natural setting for descriptive set theory. Ex-

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predicate calculus

amples of Polish spaces include R, Rn, C, Cn,the Cantor space 2N, and the Baire space NN.

Pollard rho method A method for factoringan integer which is known to be composite (us-ing one of the pseudoprime tests, for example).The method is based in part on the fact that,although it is difficult to find factors to largenumbers, it is relatively easy (using Euclid’s al-gorithm) to find the greatest common divisor oftwo integers.

Let m be a positive composite integer anddefine the sequence {ui} recursively as follows:

(i.) u0 = 1;(ii.) ui+1 is the unique integer so that ui+1 ≡

u2i + 1(modm) and 0 ≤ ui+1 < m.

(In general, u0 could be any positive integer andui+1 = f (ui) for some nonlinear polynomial,f ). Next, compute Dn = gcd(u2n − un,m) forn = 1, 2, 3, . . . If Dn �= 1 for any n, then Dn isa divisor of m.

To illustrate the method, letm = 1771. Thenthe first few terms of the sequence (starting withu1) defined byu0 = 1 andui+1 ≡ u2

i+1(modm)are 2, 5, 26, 677, 1412, . . . Notice that gcd(u2−u1, 1771) = gcd(3, 1771) = 1, and gcd(u4 −u2, 1771) = gcd(672, 1771) = 7, so 7 is a di-visor of 1771 (as is 1771 ÷ 7 = 253). Since 7is prime and 253 is composite, we could repeatPollard’s method to show that 253 is the prod-uct of the primes 11 and 23, thus completing thefactorization of 1771.

The Pollard rho method was introduced byJ. M. Pollard in 1975.

polygonal number A positive integer n sothat n dots can be arranged in a specified polyg-onal pattern. Also called a figurate number. Seealso triangular number, pentagonal number.

polynomial A finite sum of multiples of non-negative integer powers of an indeterminate x,with coefficients in a given set R. For example,3x5 − 4x3 + x2 + 7x − 12 is a polynomial withcoefficients in Z.

poset See partially ordered set.

positivenumber A real number that is greaterthan 0.

positive orthant The set of points (x1, x2,

. . . , xn) in Rn such that xi ≥ 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Inthe case of the plane, this is the positive quad-rant.

postulatesof Euclid Euclid based his geom-etry on five basic assumptions, known as ThePostulates. The first four postulates assert thatone can join any two points by a straight line,extend straight lines continuously, and draw acircle with any given center and radius, and thatall right angles are equal. The fifth postulate as-serts the uniqueness of a straight line, through apoint, parallel to a given line.

power set (of a set) The set of all subsets ofa given set. The power set of S is denoted byP(S) or 2S . For example, if S = {3, 5} thenP(S) = {Ø, {3}, {5}, {3, 5}}. The power set ofany set S, together with the operations of union,intersection, and complementation with respectto S, forms a Boolean algebra. The unit andzero element of this Boolean algebra are S andØ, respectively. Seealso Cantor’s Theorem.

predicate calculus The syntactical part offirst order logic. A predicatecalculus is a formalsystem consisting of a first order language, theset of all well-formed formulas, a particular set� of well-formed formulas, which are calledlogical axioms, and a list of rules of deduction.

The well-formed formulas that are logical ax-ioms should be valid formulas. A typical axiomthat might occur in a predicate calculus is

∀x(α→ β)→ (∀xα→ ∀xβ),where α and β are any well-formed formulas,or, if the language contains equality,

x = y → (α→ α′),

where α is an atomic formula, and α′ is obtainedfrom α by replacing the variable x in α in zeroor more places by the variable y. A typical ruleof deduction in a predicate calculus is modusponens. See modus ponens.

A predicate calculus is used to prove theo-rems. Seealso proof, theorem. While the actualchoice of logical axioms and rules of deductionis not important, it is important that a predicatecalculus be both sound (i.e., any well-formed

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predicate logic

formula which is provable in the formal systemshould be a logical consequence of the logicalaxioms) and complete (i.e., any logical conse-quence of the logical axioms should be provablein the formal system).

Predicate calculus is sometimes called firstorder predicate calculus.

predicate logic See first order logic.

primar y cohomology operation A naturaltransformation of functors

Hi(X,A;M) −→ Hi+j (X,A;N) ;

an operation may be defined for many choicesof i and j and many choices of Abelian groupsM and N , or only for specific choices. Opera-tions are often additive. The squaring operation,which takes u to u2, is not additive; the Steenrodsquare operations (also called reduced squares)are additive.

Cohomology operations also exist on gen-eralized cohomology theories, for example K-theory and cobordism theories. Adams opera-tions on K-theory are cohomology operations.Seealso secondary cohomology operation.

prim e factor A prime p that is a divisor ofan integer n. For example, the prime factors of24 are 2 and 3. See divisor.

prime ideal Let S be a set. An ideal I on Sis a prime idealif, for all X ⊆ S, either X ∈ Ior S\X ∈ I .

prime number (1) An integer with exactlytwo positive integer factors (including itself and1). For example, 5 is prime because its positiveinteger factors are 1 and 5, while 6 is not primebecause the positive integer factors of 6 are 1,2, 3, and 6. Note that the integer 1 is not primesince it has only one positive integer factor, it-self.

(2) More generally, an element p of a ringis prime (or irreducible) if it is not a unit andall of its factors (in the ring) are associates (unitmultiples) of p.

Prime Number Theorem If π(x) denotesthe number of prime numbers less than or equal

to the positive real number x, then




) = 1 .

That is, if x is large, π(x) ≈ xlog(x) . An equiva-

lent formulation of the theorem is that



Li(x)= 1, where Li(x) = ∫ x


log(x) (the

so-called logarithmic integral). The Prime Num-ber Theoremwas first proved, independently,by Jacques Hadamard and Charles de la ValéePoussin in 1896.

primitive recursive function All functionsmentioned are functions on the natural numbers.An n-ary function f is primitive recursiveif itcan be derived from a certain set of initial func-tions by finitely many applications of composi-tion and recursion; i.e., there is a finite sequence

f0, f1, . . . , fk = fof functions such that for all i, 0 ≤ i ≤ k,

(i.) fi is an initial function or(ii.) fi can be obtained from {fj : 0 ≤ j <

i} by composition or recursion.The following functions are initial functions.

• S(x) = x + 1 (the successor function)

• Cni (x1, . . . , xn) = i, for all natural num-bers i, n ≥ 0 (the constant functions)

• Pni (x1, . . . , xn) = xi , for all natural num-bers n ≥ 1 and 1 ≤ i ≤ n (the projectionfunctions).

Let g1, . . . , gk, f be n-ary functions and leth be a k-ary function; let x denote an n-tuplex1, . . . , xn. The function f is obtained fromg1, . . . , gk and h by composition if for all nat-ural numbers x1, . . . , xn, f (x) = h(g1(x), . . . ,

gk(x)).Let f be an n-ary function, n ≥ 1, g be an

(n−1)-ary function,hbe an (n+1)-ary function,andy denote the (n−1)-tupley1, . . . , yn−1. Thefunction f is obtained from g and h by recursionif for all natural numbers x, y1, . . . , yn−1,

f (0, y) = g(y)

f (x + 1, y) = h(x, f (x, y), y).

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product category

For example, the function f (x, y) = x + yis primitive recursive. Informally, the recursionequations for f are

f (0, y) = y

f (x + 1, y) = S(f (x, y)).

More formally,

f (0, y) = P 11 (y)

f (x + 1, y) = h(x, f (x, y), y),

where h(x, y, z) = S(P 32 (x, y, z)).

principa l curvature If P is a point in a sur-face S in R3, then the principal curvatures at Pare the minimum and maximum values of thecurvatures of the curves formed by intersectingS with a plane through P containing the nor-mal vector to the surface at P . Equivalently, theprincipal curvatures are the eigenvalues of theWeingarten map at P .

principa l fiber bundle A fiber bundle whosefiber is a topological group G and whose struc-ture group is also G, acting on itself by (left)multiplication. See fiber bundle. It consists ofa base space B, a total space E, and a projec-tion map π : E −→ B. There is a coveringof B by open sets Ui and homeomorphisms φi :Ui×G −→ π−1(Ui) such thatπ◦φi(x, q) = x.This identifies π−1(x) with G as a topologi-cal space. Examples of principal fiber bun-dlesare constructed by taking the quotient mapπ : L −→ (L/G) from a Lie group L to thequotient space of L by a closed subgroup G. Auniversal covering map π : E −→ B is a prin-cipal bundle with the fundamental group of B(with the discrete topology) as fiber and group.

principal ideal Let S be a nonempty set andlet P(S) be the power set of S. An ideal I on Sis a principal ideal if there exists a set A ⊆ S

such that I = {X ∈ P(S) : X ⊆ A}.

principal type A type (x) of a theory Tin a language L such that there is an L-formulaθ(x) in (x) such that T � ∀x(θ(x)→ φ(x)

)for every φ(x) ∈ (x). That is, under T , thesingle formula θ generates the entire set .

principal ultrafilter An ultrafilter U over aBoolean algebra B such that there is a b ∈ Bsuch that U = {x ∈ B : b ≤ x}.principle of dependent choices Suppose Ris a binary relation on a nonempty setS, and that,for every x ∈ S, there exists y ∈ S such that(x, y) ∈ R. Then there exists a countable se-quence x0, x1, . . . , xn, . . . (n ∈ N) of elementsin S such that (xn, xn+1) ∈ R, for all n ∈ N.This principle is also known as the Axiom ofDependent Choice. It is a consequence of, butis weaker than, the Axiom of Choice, and it isthe usual replacement of the Axiom of Choiceif the Axiom of Determinacy is assumed.

principle of inclusion-exclusion A combi-natorial formula for the cardinality of the unionof a finite collection of finite sets. In the case oftwo sets, the formula is |A ∪ B| = |A| + |B| −|A ∩ B|. For r arbitrary finite sets A1, . . . , Ar ,the formula is

|A1 ∪ · · · ∪ Ar | =∑rn=1(−1)n+1 ∑ |Ak1 ∩ · · · ∩ Akn | ,

where the second sum ranges over all n-tuplesof natural numbers (k1, . . . , kn) such that 1 ≤k1 < · · · < kn ≤ r .product The general term used for the re-sult obtained by applying some operation, usu-ally called multiplication. For example, productof natural numbers, product of complex num-bers, product of real-valued functions, Cartesianproduct of sets, product of matrices, product ofcardinal numbers, product of ordinal numbers,product of elements of a group, product of ob-jects in a category.

product bundle Formed by taking the tensorproduct of the fibers (of two vector bundles Eand E′ over B) over each point of B. Thus, thetensor product of two line bundles is again a linebundle. Line bundles over a space form a groupwith respect to this product; the group identityis the trivial bundle B × R −→ B.

product category Let C1, . . . , Cn be cate-gories. The product C1×· · ·×Cn is the categorywhose objects are n-tuples (A1, . . . , An), whereeach Ai is an object of Ci , and the morphisms

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product metric

are n-tuples (f1, . . . , fn), with each fi a mor-phism of Ci ; morphism composition is definedcomponentwise: (f1, . . . , fn)◦ (g1, . . . , gn) =(f1 ◦ g1, . . . , fn ◦ gn). The product of an arbi-trary number of categories is defined similarly.

product metric The metric on a finite prod-uct of metric spaces, defined by the formula

d((x1, . . . , xn), (y1, . . . , yn))


di (xi ,yi )


where di is a metric on Xi and (x1, . . . , xn),

(y1, . . . , yn) ∈ X1×· · ·×Xn.See metric space.This definition shows that a finite product ofmetrizable spaces is metrizable.

product of cardinal numbers The productof some cardinal numbers is the cardinal numberthat is equinumerous with the Cartesian productof the given cardinal numbers. If κ and λ arecardinal numbers, k · λ denotes their cardinalproduct. For example, 3 · 2 = 6 and ℵ3 · ℵ17 =ℵ17.

product of objects Suppose C is a categoryand {Ai : i ∈ I } is a family of objects of C,where I is some index set. Let pi : A→ Ai bea morphism for each i ∈ I . The tuple (A;pi :i ∈ I ) is the product of this family if, for ev-ery object B of C and every set of morphismsfi : B → Ai , for i ∈ I , there is a unique mor-phism f : B → A such that pi ◦ f = fi , forall i ∈ I . The morphisms pi are usually calledprojection morphisms.

product space The Cartesian product ofan arbitrary collection of topological spaces{Xα}α∈A, with the product topology. See prod-uct topology.

product topology The standard topology forthe product

∏α Xα of topological spaces. A ba-

sis is given by sets of the form ∏α Uα whereUα

is an open subset of Xα and Uα = Xα for allbut finitely many indices α. The product topol-ogy is the coarsest topology on the product spacewhich makes all the projection maps continuous.See projection map.

projection map The mapspα from the Carte-sian product

∏α∈A Xα of topological spaces,

intoXα , defined, for each α, by pα({xα}) = xα .Seealso product space, product topology.

projective geometry An axiomatic systemthat grew out of perspective drawing during theRenaissance; one characterization axiom saysthat any two lines in the projective plane haveexactly one point in common. Analytically, theprojective space Pn of dimension n can be givenprojective coordinates (x0 : . . . : xn) which de-termine a point up to rescaling (λx0 : . . . : λxn)by a non-zero number λ, and satisfy the condi-tion that at least one xi is non-zero. Thus, theset of lines containing the origin in R3 gives amodel for the projective plane P2. In it, linescorrespond to planes through the origin and thepoint of intersection to the line common to twoplanes.

projective set The projective setsform a hier-archy extending the Borel hierarchy in any Pol-ish space X. Let 1

1 denote the collection of allanalytic sets in X. For n ≥ 1, let

�1n = {A ⊆ X : X \ A ∈ 1

n}and then let 1

n+1 be the collection of all pro-

jections of �1n sets in X×NN, where NN is the

Baire space. Let�1n = 1

n ∩�1n. Then the sets

inP =


1n =



are the projective sets. They form a hierarchybecause for each n ≥ 1,

1n ∪�1

n ⊆ �1n+1 = 1

n+1 ∩�1n+1 .

In addition,�1

1 = Borel .

The projective classes 1n, �1

n, and �1n are also

known as Lusin point classes.

proof In first order logic, let L be a first or-der language and consider a particular predicatecalculus for L, with � the set of logical ax-ioms. Let α be a well-formed formula of L.A proof of α in the predicate calculus is a se-quence α1, α2, . . . , αn of well-formed formulasof L such that αn = α and such that for all i,1 ≤ i ≤ n, either

(i.) αi ∈ � (i.e., αi is a logical axiom) or

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propositional logic

(ii.) there exist 1 ≤ j1 < · · · < jk < i suchthat αi can be deduced from αj1 , . . . , αjk usinga rule of inference. (The value of k depends onthe rule of inference; for example, if the rule ofinference is modus ponens, then k = 2.)

The formula α is provable from the predicatecalculus (notation: � α) if there is a proof of αfrom the predicate calculus.

If � is a set of well-formed formulas of L,then a proof of α from � is a sequence α1, α2,

. . . , αn of well-formed formulas of L such thatαn = α and such that for all i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, either

(i.) αi ∈ � ∪� or(ii.) there exist 1 ≤ j1 < · · · < jk < i such

that αi can be deduced from αj1 , . . . , αjk usinga rule of inference.

The formulaα is provable from� in the pred-icate calculus (notation: � � α) if there is aproof of α from � in the predicate calculus.

The notion of proof in propositional logic isentirely analogous.

The notion of proof in formal logic is alsocalled formal proof or deduction.

proper fraction A positive rational numberab where a and b are positive integers and a < b.For example, 15

38 is a proper fraction, while 158

is an improper fraction.

properly discontinuoustransformation groupA group G acts properly discontinuously on aspace X if, for each x in X, there is an openneighborhood U so that whenever g is not theidentity in G, U ∩ gU is empty.

Properlydiscontinuoustransformationgroupsare useful for studying covering spaces, whichare given by maps X −→ Y such that any pointin Y has a (connected) neighborhood U whoseinverse image is the disjoint union of open setsof X each homeomorphic to U . A particular in-stance of this is the covering of a homogeneousspace by a Lie group: an inclusion of Lie groupsH −→ G has coset space G/H which inheritsthe quotient topology from G; the quotient mapG −→ G/H is a covering map.

proper subset (of a set) A set S is a propersubset of a set T if S is a subset of T but S is notequal toT . Thus, a set is never a proper subset ofitself. For example, {3, 10} is a proper subset of{3, 10, 47}. The notation is not entirely uniform.

If S is a proper subset of T , many authors denotethis by S ⊂ T , whereas others choose to denoteit by S⊂�=T or S⊂�−T , for example. Compare withsubset.

propositional calculus The syntactical partof propositional logic. A propositional calculusis a formal system, consisting of an alphabet (seepropositional logic), the set of all well-formedformulas, a particular set of well-formed formu-las, which are called axioms, and a list of rulesof deduction.

The well-formed formulas that are axiomsare formulas that are intuitively obvious, andshould be tautologies. A typical axiom thatmight occur in a propositional calculus wouldbe

(α→ (β → α)),

where α and β are any well-formed proposi-tional formulas (this is actually called an axiomscheme, rather than an axiom, since there are in-finitely many axioms of this form, one for eachdifferent choice of α and β). A typical rule ofdeduction in a propositional calculus is modusponens. See modus ponens.

A propositional calculus, using the axiomsand rules of deduction, is used to prove theo-rems. Seealso proof, theorem. While the actualchoice of axioms and rules of deduction is notimportant, it is important that a propositionalcalculus be both sound (i.e., any well-formedformula that can be proved from the formal sys-tem should be a tautology) and complete (i.e.,any tautology should be provable from the for-mal system).

Propositional calculus is also called senten-tial, or statement calculus.

propositional logic A formal logic with thefollowing alphabet of symbols:

(i.) (, ) (parentheses)(ii.) ¬, ∨, ∧,→,↔ (logical connectives)(iii.) A1, A2, A3, . . . (nonlogical symbols).Often the list of logical connectives in item

(ii.) is shortened to some complete list of logicalconnectives, such as {¬,→}. The symbol Anis called the nth propositional symbol, or nthsentential or sentence symbol.

The propositional symbols have no mean-ing, although using truth assignments they can

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pseudocompact topological space

be interpreted as either true or false. Propo-sitional logic has rules that tell which expres-sions from the language are well-formed for-mulas. The propositional calculus (sententialcalculus) is used to produce theorems of propo-sitional logic. See propositional calculus, proof.Truth assignments lead to a semantic notion oftruth in propositional logic, while the proposi-tional calculus gives a syntactical notion of prov-ability. Propositional logic is also called senten-tial logic.

pseudocompact topological space A topo-logical space X with the property that everyreal-valued continuous function defined on Xis bounded. Pseudocompact spaces play a sig-nificant role in the theory of C∗-algebras.

pseudomanifold A simplicial complex S

which is a union of n-simplices (for some n)and satisfies

(i.) each n − 1-simplex of S is the face ofexactly two n-simplices, and

(ii.) given two n-simplices σ and σ ′ thereexists a sequence of n-simplices σ = σ0, σ1,

. . . , σk = σ ′ with σi ∩ σi+1 an n − 1 simplexof S.Psuedomanifoldsshare a key homological prop-erty with actual manifolds; namely, Hn(S) = Zif S is orientable and Hn(S) = 0 otherwise.

pseudoprime (1) An odd composite integer,n, with the property that 2n ≡ 2 (mod n). Thatis, n is a pseudoprimeif n is a divisor of 2n− 2.

The name is derived from the fact that if p isa prime number, then ap ≡ a (mod p) for allintegers a.

(2) A composite integer n so that an ≡ a

(mod n) for all integers a is an absolute pseudo-prime.

Pythagorean field A field, F , in which thesum of the squares of any two elements from thefield is the square of an element from the field.That is, F is Pythagorean if, for every a and b inF , there exists a c inF so that a2+b2 = c2. Therational numbers are not Pythagorean since 12+12 = 2 is not the square of a rational number.However, the real numbers are a Pythagoreanfield since

√a2 + b2 is a real number whenever

a and b are real.

Pythagorean triple A triple of positive inte-gers (a, b, c) satisfying the equation a2 + b2 =c2. For example, (6, 8, 10) is a Pythagoreantriple since 62 + 82 = 102. If (a, b, c) is aPythagorean triple and a, b, and c are pairwiserelatively prime, then (a, b, c) is known as aprimitive Pythagorean triple ((3, 4, 5) and(5, 12, 13) are primitive Pythagorean triples).

It can be shown that either a or b (or both)must be even if (a, b, c) is a Pythagorean triple.In fact, (a, b, c) is a Pythagorean triple if andonly if there exist positive integers k, m, and nso that gcd(m, n) = 1, exactly one of m or nis even, a = (m2 − n2)k, b = 2mnk, and c =(m2 + n2)k, providing a formula for generatingall Pythagorean triples.

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quotient space

Qquantifier Quantifiers are used in order toquantify if elements with a certain property existin a particular universe. The quantifiers are de-noted symbolically by ∃ (the existential quanti-fier) and ∀ (the universal quantifier). The inter-pretation of the existential quantifier (∃x)[. . . ] isthat there exists an object x (possibly more thanone) in the universe with property [. . . ]. The in-terpretation of the universal quantifier (∀x)[. . . ]is that all objects x in the universe have property[. . . ].

Note that only one quantifier suffices, since(∀x)[. . . ] is logically equivalent to¬(∃x)¬[. . . ].

A typical use of quantifiers occurs among theaxioms for group theory. Given a set G with abinary operation · on G (i.e., a function fromG×G to G),

(∃e)(∀x)[x · e = e · x = x]is the axiom that states that there is an elementof G that functions as an identity, while

(∀x)(∃x∗)[x · x∗ = x∗ · x = e]is the axiom that states that every element of Ghas an inverse in G. Here, the quantifiers rangeover the universe (group) G.

Also note that order of quantifiers is essential.The statement (∀x)(∃y)[. . . ] does not necessar-ily have the same meaning as (∃y)(∀x)[. . . ]. Inthe first statement, the y that exists may dependon the choice ofx, while in the second statement,the y that exists does not depend on x.

quantifier elimination Let L be a first orderlanguage. A theory T of L admits quantifierelimination if, for every well-formed formula ϕof L, there is a quantifier-free formula ψ of Lsuch that (ϕ ↔ ψ) is a theorem of T (T � (ϕ ↔ψ)).

quasicomponent Given a topological spaceX, define an equivalence relation ∼ on X bysetting x ∼ y if there are no open sets U and V

of X with x ∈ U, y ∈ V , and X = U ∪ V. Thequasicomponent of x in X is the equivalenceclass of x under this equivalence relation.

quotient category If C is a category and ∼is a congruence relation on C, the quotient cat-egory of C with respect to ∼ is the category C′whose objects are the objects of C and whosemorphisms are the equivalence classes of mor-phisms of C (with respect to∼); morphism com-position ◦ in C′ is given by f1 ◦ f2 = f1 ◦ f2,where fi is the equivalence class of fi with re-spect to ∼.

quotient map A surjective functionp : X→Y between topological spaces such that a subsetU is open in Y if and only if p−1(U) is open inX.

If ∼ is an equivalence relation on X, then themapq : X→ X/ ∼, sending points ofX to theirequivalence classes, is sometimes referred to asa quotient map. This agrees with the presentdefinition for the equivalence relation given byx ∼ y if and only if p(x) = p(y).quotient object If A is an object of a cate-gory C, a quotient object A is an ordered pair(f,A′), where A′ is an object of C and f is anepimorphism f : A→ A′. For example, in thecategory of groups and group homomorphisms,a quotient object of the additive group Z is thepair (f,Z2), where f is the group homomor-phism that sends even integers to 0 and odd in-tegers to 1. The dual notion of a quotient objectis the notion of a subobject. See subobject.

quotient set A set that is a partition of someother set. In practice, a quotient set is obtainedas the collection of equivalence classes of anequivalence relation on some set. For example,the set

{{all even integers}, {all odd integers}}is a quotient set since it is a partition of Z. Theequivalence relation on Z that gives rise to thisquotient set is: a ∼ b if and only if a − b iseven.

quotient space LetX be a topological spaceand ∼ an equivalence relation on X. Let X∗ bethe set of distinct equivalence classes [x] of X.

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quotient space

Define p : X → X∗ by p(x) = [x] and givethe set X∗ the quotient topology correspondingto the surjective map p. See quotient topology.Then X∗ is called a quotient space of X. Noticethat equivalent points of X are identified to asingle point inX∗. This construction thus gives atopological method for factoring out subspacesof a space X analogous to the quotient groupconstruction in group theory.

quotient topology Given a surjective func-tion p : X→ Y where X is a topological spaceand Y is a set, the quotient topology on Y in-duced by p is the topology that makes p a quo-tient map. (See quotient map.) That is, a subsetU of Y is defined to be an open set of Y if andonly if p−1(U) is an open subset of the topolog-ical space X.

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Rradical See root of a number.

radius of regular polygon The radius of theunique circle passing through all the vertices ofa regular polygon.

radius of regular polyhedron The radius ofthe unique sphere passing through all the ver-tices of a regular polyhedron.

radix A synonym for base. See base of num-ber system. For example, the decimal expansionof a real number is also known as its base 10 ex-pansion or its expansion to the radix 10.

range (1) Range of a function. The set ofall values attained by a function. The range ofa function f is often denoted by ran(f ). Thus,if f : A → B is a function, ran(f ) = {y ∈B : (∃x ∈ A) f (x) = y}. For example, iff : R → R is the function given by f (x) = x2,the range of f is [0,∞). Compare with image.

(2) Range of a variable. The set of all valuesa given variable can attain.

(3) Range of a binary relation. If R is a bi-nary relation, the range of R, often denoted byran(R), is the set {x : (∃y) (x, y) ∈ R}.rank The rank of a set x is the least ordinalα such that x ∈ Vα+1. In particular, for anyordinal α, rank(α) = α.

The same notion can be defined using ε-recursion:

rank(x) = sup{rank(y)+ 1 : y ∈ x} ,assuming sup{∅} = 0.

rational function A function that is express-ible as a quotient of polynomials.

rational number A real number that can beexpressed as a quotient of integers. Further-more, the digits of the decimal expansion of areal number will consist of a sequence which,

eventually, repeats periodically if and only if thenumber is a rational number. The set of all ra-tional numbers is normally denoted Q or Q.

real analytic fiber bundle A fiber bundlesuch that the base spaceB is a real analytic man-ifold, the group G is a Lie group, and the coor-dinate transformations gij : Ui ∩Uj −→ G arereal analytic maps. See fiber bundle.

realizes A model A of a theory T realizes atype � if there is a set of elements in A whichsatisfies every formula in �. More precisely, Arealizes�(x), where x = {x1, . . . , xn} containsall free variables occurring in the formulas in�,if and only if there is an n-tuple a of elements ofA such that A |= φ(a) for every φ(x) in �(x).

real number A number that has an infinitedecimal representation, which may or may notterminate or repeat. If the decimal representa-tion repeats or terminates, the real number is arational number; otherwise it is irrational.

The set of real numbers (usually denoted Ror R) can be constructed as the completion ofthe rational numbers, in the sense that every realnumber is the limit of an infinite sequence of(not necessarily distinct) rational numbers.

reciprocal If r is a nonzero real number, thenits reciprocal is the number 1

r. For example, the

reciprocal of 23 is 3

2 and the reciprocal of√

2 is1√2=√

22 .

recursion Letf be ann-ary function (n ≥ 1),g be an (n − 1)-ary function, h be an (n + 1)-ary function, and y denote the (n − 1)-tupley1, . . . , yn−1 (all functions are functions on thenatural numbers). The function f is obtainedfrom g and h by recursion if, for all natural num-bers y1, . . . , yn−1,

f (0, y) = g(y)

f (x + 1, y) = h(x, f (x, y), y).

The function f (x, y) = x + y can be de-fined by recursion as follows. Let S(x) be thesuccessor function; i.e., S(x) = x + 1 for all x.Informally, the recursion equations for f are

f (0, y) = y

f (x + 1, y) = S(f (x, y)).

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More formally, f is obtained from g and hby recursion as

f (0, y) = g(y)

f (x + 1, y) = h(x, f (x, y), y),

where g is the identity function g(y) = y for ally, h(x, y, z) = S(P 3

2 (x, y, z)), and P 32 (x, y, z)= y for all x, y, z.

Similarly, the factorial function p(n) = n!for all n is obtained by recursion informally as

0! = 1

(n+ 1)! = (n+ 1) · n!.

recursive A function f on the natural num-bers which is total (i.e., the domain of f is theset of all natural numbers) and partial recursive.See partial recursive function. By the Church-Turing Thesis, the phrase “f is recursive” canmean f is total and computable in any formalsense. See Church-Turing Thesis, computable.

A set A of natural numbers is recursive ifits characteristic function is recursive; i.e., thefunction

χA(n) ={

1 if n ∈ A0 if n ∈ A

is recursive.The set A = {n ∈ N : n is prime} is recur-


recursively enumerable A set A of naturalnumbers which is the domain of some partial re-cursive function. Equivalently, A is recursivelyenumerable if it is the empty set or it is the rangeof some (total) recursive function; i.e., if A isnon-empty, then there is a computable functionf : N → N which “lists” the elements of A. IfA is the domain of the partial recursive functionwith Gödel number e, then A is denoted by We,the eth recursively enumerable set.

For example, the halting set

K = {e : ϕe(e) is defined}(the set of all numbers e such that the partialrecursive function with Gödel number e on inpute is defined) is recursively enumerable, but notrecursive. The set

{e : (∀x)[ϕe(x) is defined]}

is not recursively enumerable.

The term computably enumerable (c.e.) issynonymous with recursively enumerable.

reductio ad absurdum Literally, “a leadingback to the nonsensical”. In mathematics, re-ductio ad absurdum means proof by contradic-tion. In a proof by contradiction, one assumesthe hypotheses of the statement to be proved,as well as the negation of the statement to beproved. The proof is complete when a contra-diction (i.e., a situation where both a statementA and its negation ¬A are true) is encountered,and one then concludes the statement which wasto be proved.

reduction of a language Let L1 and L2 befirst order languages. The language L1 is a re-duction of L2 if L1 ⊆ L2; i.e., if L2 is an ex-pansion of L1. See expansion of a language.

reduct of a structure Let L1 and L2 be firstorder languages such that L1 is a reduction ofL2. Let A be a structure for L2. The reduct ofA to L1 is the structure obtained from A whichgives only the interpretations of the predicate,constant, and function symbols in L1 (all inter-pretations of the additional symbols in L2 arediscarded). See expansion of a structure.

Reeb foliation A Reeb foliation of the sphereS3 is a codimension-one foliation in which oneleaf is a torus S1 × S1, dividing the sphere intotwo solid tori, and each remaining leaf diffeo-morphic to the plane R2. Thus, the sphere isrepresented as a union of surfaces, only one ofwhich is compact, such that at each point thereis a local coordinate system in which each plane{z = constant} is contained in a single surface.

Reeb Stability Theorem LetM be a smoothmanifold with a codimension-one foliation inwhich one of the leaves is diffeomorphic to thesphere S2. Then all leaves of the foliation mustbe spheres or projective planes and the manifoldM must be S2×S1 or the connected sum of twocopies of real projective space RP3.

refinement of a cover Given a cover {Aα}of a topological space X (that is, X ⊂ ∪Aα),

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relative computability

a second cover {Bβ} is a refinement of {Aα} ifeach Bβ is contained in some Aα.

reflexive relation A binary relation R onsome setS such that (x, x) ∈ R, for every x ∈ S.For example,≤ on Z, the usual order relation onthe set of integers, is a reflexive relation.

regular cardinal A cardinal κ such that thecofinality of κ is κ . Thus, κ is regular if, for anyincreasing sequence of ordinals γα < κ whoselength is less than κ , sup γα is also less than κ .For example, any successor cardinal is regular(assuming the axiom of choice), whereas ℵω isnot.

regular covering A concept arising in thetheory of covering spaces. Assume that B is anarcwise connected, locally arcwise connectedspace. A continuous function π : E −→ B

is a covering map if each point in B has anarcwise connected neighborhood U such thateach component of π−1(U) is open in E andis mapped homeomorphically onto U by π . Ifγ : [0, 1] −→ B is a curve, and if π(e) = γ (0),then there is a unique curve γ ′ : [0, 1] −→ E

with γ ′(0) = e and π(γ ′(t)) = γ (t). γ ′ iscalled a lift of γ . The covering is regular ifwhenever γ is a closed curve in B, then eitherevery lift of γ to a curve in E is closed or no liftof γ is closed. For a regular covering, the cov-ering transformations are in 1-1 correspondencewith π−1(b), for b any point in B.

regularly homotopic immersions An im-mersion is a differentiable map f : M −→ N ,whose derivative df (m) is nonsingular at everypoint p. It is locally an embedding, but it neednot be globally 1-1. Two such immersions, f0and f1, are regularly homotopic if there is a dif-ferentiable map H : M × [0, 1] −→ N withH(m, 0) = f0(m) and H(m, 1) = f1(m) forallm inM , such that if ft is defined by ft (m) =H(m, t), then ft is an immersion for each t in[0, 1]. Thus, the immersion f0 can be contin-uously deformed through immersions to f1 insuch a way that tangent vectors to M vary con-tinuously through the deformation. This rulesout untying a knot by pulling it tight.

regular neighborhood A regular neighbor-hood N of a subcomplex L in a simplicial com-plex K is a neighborhood of L that is formedfrom the simplices of the second derived subdi-vision of K .

If {σ ′′} is the collection of simplices of thesecond derived subdivision of K , then the reg-ular neighborhood of L, denoted N(L) is thecollection of simplexes

N(L) = {σ ′′ : σ ′′ ∩ L = ∅} .

regular polygon A (convex) polygon whosesides have equal length, in which case the ver-tices lie on a circle. The n vertices of aregular n-gon can be taken to be the points(cos 2πi

n, sin 2πi

n), i = 0, . . . , n.

regular polyhedron A (convex) polyhedronall of whose faces are congruent and all of whosevertices belong to the same number of faces.There exist only five types, the Platonic solids:tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodeca-hedron, icosahedron (resp. 4,6,8,12,20 faces).

regular topological space A topologicalspace X in which one-point sets are closed and,given any closed subsetAofX and a pointx ∈ Xnot inA, there exist disjoint open subsetsU andV of X such that A ⊂ U and x ∈ V.relation (1) n-ary relation. A set of n-tuples.

(2) Binary relation. A set of ordered pairs.(3) Ternary relation. A set of ordered triples.(4) Binary relation on a set. IfS is an arbitrary

set,R is a binary relation on S ifR is a subset ofS × S. For example, the relation “m divides n”is a binary relation on the set of natural numbers,since it is the set {(m, n) : m divides n} whichis a subset of N× N.

relative complement of a set (with respect toanother set) The relative complement of aset S, with respect to a set U , denoted by U\Sor U −S, is the set of elements that are in U butnot in S. For example, the relative complementof the set of even integers with respect to Z isthe set of odd integers.

relative computability Let N be the set ofnatural numbers, ϕ be a (possibly partial) func-

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relative computability

tion on N and f be a total function on N. (Afunction is partial if its domain is some subset ofN; a function is total if its domain is all of N.) In-tuitively, the functionϕ is computable relative tof if there is an algorithm, or effective procedure,which, given n ∈ N as input, produces ϕ(n) asoutput, in finitely many steps, if n ∈ dom(ϕ),where the algorithm is allowed to make finitelymany queries about values f (y1), . . . , f (yk) off . Similarly, a set A of natural numbers is com-putable relative to a set B of natural numbers ifthere is some algorithm which, given n ∈ N asinput, outputs “yes” if n ∈ A or “no” if n ∈ Aafter finitely many steps, where the algorithmis allowed to make finitely many queries aboutmembership y1 ∈ B?, . . . , yk ∈ B? in B.

To formalize the notion of relative computabil-ity with a mathematical definition, one relativizesone of the formal definitions of computability(see computable, partial recursive function). Forexample, let ϕ be a partial function on N and letA be a set of natural numbers. The function ϕ ispartial recursive in A (or partial recursive, rel-ative to A) if it can be derived from the initialfunctions, together with χA (the characteristicfunction of A), by finitely many applications ofcomposition, recursion, or the µ-operator. Aset B of natural numbers is recursive in A if itscharacteristic function χB is partial recursive inA. See partial recursive function. Similarly, thefunction ϕ is Turing computable inA (or Turingreducible to A, or Turing computable, relativeto A) if there is some oracle Turing machinewhich computes it, using an oracle for A. A setB is Turing computable in A if its characteristicfunction χB is Turing computable in A.

An oracle Turing machine is a Turing ma-chine with a bi-infinite, read-only oracle tape,which is separate from its work tape (where theinput is originally written), on which is writtenthe characteristic function χA ofA; i.e., the tapelooks like

. . . B n0 n1 n2 . . . ,

where for all i ≥ 0, ni = 1 if i ∈ A, ni = 0 ifi ∈ A, and . . . B indicates that all cells to the leftof the value ofχA(0) are blank. The operation ofthe Turing machine is the same, except that thetransition function is modified to account for thecharacter being scanned on the oracle tape. In

other words, ifQ is the set of machine states, S isthe work tape alphabet, andO = {B, 0, 1} is theoracle tape alphabet, then the transition functionδ has domain some subset of Q × S × O andrange contained in Q× S × {R,L}, and whereδ(q, a, b) = (q, a, m)means that if the machineis in state q, scanning symbol a on its work tapeand b on its oracle tape, then it replaces a by a onits work tape, moves the read head on both tapesone cell to the left or right, depending on thevalue of m, and goes into state q. Computationof a partial function is the same as for a non-oracle Turing machine; at the beginning of thecomputation, the read head on the oracle tape ispositioned on the cell giving the value of χA(0).See computable for a description of a Turingmachine.

By a relativized version of the Church-TuringThesis, all formalizations of relative computabil-ity capture the intuitive notion of relative com-putability, and so the phrase ϕ is computable,relative to A (or ϕ is recursive in A, or ϕ is A-computable, or ϕ is A-recursive) means that ϕis computable relative to A in any such formal-ization. The notation ϕ ≤T A means that ϕ iscomputable, relative to A. The relation ≤T iscalled Turing reducibility.

As an example, note that for any set of natu-ral numbers A, its complement A in N is com-putable, relative to A. In addition, any recur-sively enumerable (computably enumerable) setB is computable relative to the halting set K ={e : ϕe(e) is defined}, where ϕe denotes the par-tial recursive function with Gödel number e.

relative homology group Given a topo-logical space X and a subspace A, the nthrelative singular homology group Hn(X,A) isthe nth homology group of the chain complex{Sq(X)/Sq(A)} obtained by taking the groupSq(X) of chains on X modulo the group Sq(A)of chains on the subspaceA. IfX is a simplicial(or cellular complex) and A is a subcomplex,the nth simplicial (or cellular) relative homol-ogy groupHn(X,A) is just the ordinary homol-ogy of the complex X/A with the subcomplexA identified to a point. A long exact sequenceof the form

· · · → Hn(A)→→ Hn(X)→ Hn(X,A)

→ Hn−1(A)→ · · ·

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Riemann zeta function

relates the relative to the ordinary homologygroups.

relative homotopy group Given a topolog-ical space X and a subspace A, the nth relativehomotopy group πn(X,A) is the set of homo-topy equivalence classes of maps f from the n-dimensional ball Bn to X such that f (Sn−1) ⊆A where Sn−1, the n−1-sphere, is the boundaryof Bn. A homotopy between two such maps fand g is required to carry Sn−1 intoA for all t . IfA ⊆ B ⊆ X, then there is a long exact sequenceof the form

· · · → πn(X,B)→→ πn(X,A)→ πn(B,A)

→ πn−1(X,B)→ · · · .

relatively open set A subset U of a topolog-ical space X such that U is a proper subset of asubspace A of X and U is an open subset of A.

relative topology The topology on a subsetAof a topological space X that is the collection ofall intersections of A with open sets in X. Thatis, U ⊆ A is open in the relative topology on Aif there is an open set V ⊆ X with U = V ∩A.The relative topology makes any setA ⊆ X intoa subspace of X.

repeating decimal A decimal representation

. . . a4a3a2a1a0.a−1a−2a−3 . . .

of a real number for which there exist posi-tive integers P and N , so that for every n ≥N , a−n = a−n−P , where a−n (resp. a−n−P )is the digit in the 10−n (resp. 10−n−P ) placein the decimal expansion of the number. Forexample, the decimal expansion of the number1517990 is 1.532323 . . . , where the sequence 32 re-

peats forever (this is often written 1517990 = 1.532,

where the bar over 32 means that this sequencerepeats forever). It can be shown that a real num-ber has either a repeating or terminating decimalrepresentation if and only if that number is a ra-tional number. Note that a terminating decimalrepresentation could be said to have “repeatingzeros” and therefore be a repeating decimal rep-resentation as well.

representative of an equivalence class Anyelement of an equivalence class.

restriction of a function If f : A→ B is afunction, the restriction of f to a set S (usuallyS is a subset of the domain), denoted by f |S, is{(x, y) : y = f (x) and x ∈ S}.

retract A subspace A of a topological spaceX such that there exists a retraction r : X →A. (See retraction.) Retracts are important inalgebraic topology because they cause the longexact homology and cohomology sequences tosplit as short exact sequences.

retraction A continuous function r : X→ A

from a topological space X to a subspace A isa retraction of A if r(a) = a for all a ∈ A.Equivalently, r is a left inverse to the inclusionA ↪→ X.

Riemann Hypothesis The conjecture that allof the nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta func-tion have real part 1

2 (i.e., are of the form x+ iywhere x = 1

2 ). Bernhard Riemann stated in hismemoirs that it seemed likely to be true and ifproved could likely be used to prove that thereare infinitely many twin prime pairs. DavidHilbert listed it as one of the most important out-standing problems facing mathematicians at thedawn of the 20th century. Although it is knownthat there are infinitely many zeros of the zetafunction with real part 1

2 , it is still an open prob-lem as this book is printed at the dawn of the21st century. See also Riemann zeta function,generalized Riemann hypothesis.

Riemannian geometry The study of the ge-ometric properties of locally Euclidean mani-folds. A Riemannian manifold is a manifoldwhose tangent space at each point p possessesa positive definite inner product g(p)(X, Y ),which varies continuously (usually smoothly)with the point p. This structure allows oneto define lengths, angles, and other geometricquantities. The term Riemannian geometry issometimes used to refer specifically to ellipticgeometry, which is a non-Euclidean geometryin which the parallel postulate is replaced by thepostulate that straight lines always intersect.

Riemann zeta function The Dirichlet series

ζ(s) =∞∑n=1


defined for (extendible to) all

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right adjoint of a functor

complex numbers s = 1. It can be shown thatζ(−2n) = 0 for all positive integers n. It isconjectured that the only other zeros are of theform s = 1

2 + iy (that is, have real part equalto 1

2 ). This conjecture is known as the RiemannHypothesis.

right adjoint of a functor Let C and D becategories, and let F : C → D, G : D → C befunctors. G is the right adjoint of F (and Fis the left adjoint of G) if there is a bijection θbetween the collection of morphisms fromF(A)to B and the collection of morphisms from A

to G(B) that is natural for objects A of C andobjects B of D. Hence, this bijection θ sendsevery morphism f : F(A)→ B to a morphismθ(f ) : A → G(B) so that both conditions (i.)θ(f ◦F(g)) = (θ(f )) ◦ g, and (ii.) θ(h ◦ f ) =(G(h)) ◦ (θ(f )) are satisfied, for every pair ofmorphisms g : A′ → A and f : B → B ′. Forexample, if C is the category of groups and grouphomomorphisms, D is the category of sets andfunctions, the forgetful functorG : C → D is theright adjoint to the free group functor F : D→C.

rigid motion An even transformation of (Eu-clidean) space which preserves lengths and an-gles. A rigid motion takes any geometric figureto one which is congruent to itself. Because asymmetry of the plane reverses orientation, it isnot considered a rigid motion of the plane, al-though it is so viewed when the plane is thoughtof as a subset of three-dimensional space. Therigid motions form a group under composition;it is the component of the identity in the groupof isometries.

root of a number (1) If n is a positive integerand a is a complex number, an nth root of a is acomplex number r such that rn = a.

(2) If n is a positive integer and r is a realnumber, the nth root of a, denoted n

√a, is the

unique real number r so that rn = a, if sucha number exists. If n is odd, n

√a always exists

(and is positive when a is positive and negativewhen a is negative), while if n is even and ais negative, n

√a does not exist, within the real


root of equation A number that, when sub-stituted in a given equation, makes the equationvalid. For example, the real numbers

√2 and

−√2 are roots of the equation x2 = 2, sincex = ±√2 are solutions to the equation. A rootof a polynomial p(x) is a root of the equationp(x) = 0.

rotation A rigid motion of the plane whichfixes exactly one point, or a rigid motion ofthree-dimensional space which fixes the pointson exactly one line, which is the axis of rotation.

ruled surface An algebraic surface, bira-tional toC×P1, whereC is a smooth projectivecurve. For example, a smooth quadric in P3,which is isomorphic to P1 × P1.

Russell’s Paradox A paradox of naive (in-formal) or non-axiomatic set theory. In naiveset theory, it is possible to form the setA = {x :x ∈ x}. Note that if A ∈ A, then A ∈ A, andif A ∈ A, then A ∈ A. This contradiction iscalled Russell’s Paradox.

Russell’s Paradox was discovered by Ber-trand Russell in 1901 and published by him in1903. The discovery of this and other paradoxesrevealed that set theory could not be used as alanguage to formalize mathematics in a naivefashion, so that an axiomatic approach, givingrules for which sets could exist, needed to be de-veloped in order to avoid contradictions. Thereare several axiomatizations of set theory, in-cluding ZF (Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory) andNBG (von Neumann-Bernays-Gödel set the-ory).

Prior to the discovery of Russell’s Paradox, itwas believed that any definable collection; i.e.,any collection {x : P(x)} of objects x satisfyinga propertyP(x), is a set. The difficulty with this(and with Russell’s Paradox) is that some col-lections are, in some sense, “too big” to be sets.InZF set theory, only definable collections thatare already subsets of existing sets can be sets(this is the Axiom of Comprehension, or Axiomof Subsets). In this set theory, the collectionA above cannot be a set, since assuming it is aset leads to a contradiction. The NBG set the-ory differentiates between classes and sets. Inthis set theory, the collection A above is a classwhich is not a set.

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Ssatisfiable Let L be a first order language,and let � be a set of well-formed formulas of L.The set � is satisfiable if there exists a structureA for L and a mapping s : V → A such thatfor each formula γ ∈ �, A satisfies γ with s.(Here, V is the set of variables of L and A is theuniverse of A.)

satisfy Let L be a first order language, α be awell-formed formula of L, A be a structure forL, V be the set of variables of L, and s : V →A (i.e., s assigns each variable in the languageto some element of the universe of A). Thefunction s can be extended to a function s : T →A from the set T of all terms of L into A, byinduction, as follows.

(i.) If x is a variable of L, then

s(x) = s(x) .(ii.) If c is a constant symbol of L, then

s(c) = cA ,

where cA is the element of A assigned to c byA.

(iii.) If t1, . . . , tn are terms of L and f is ann-ary function symbol of L, then

s(f (t1, . . . , tn)) = fA(s(t1), . . . , s(tn)) ,

where fA is the n-ary function on A assignedto f by A.

The structure A satisfies α with s (notation:|=A α[s]) and is defined by induction on thecomplexity of α as follows.

(i.) If α = (t1 = t2), where t1 and t2 areterms of L, then A satisfies (t1 = t2) with s ifs(t1) = s(t2).

(ii.) If α = P(t1, . . . , tn), where t1, . . . , tnare terms of L and P is an n-ary predicate sym-bol of L, then A satisfies P(t1, . . . , tn) with s if(s(t1), . . . , s(tn)) ∈ PA, where PA is the n-aryrelation on A assigned to P by A.

(iii.) If α = (¬β), then A satisfies (¬β)withs if A does not satisfy β with s.

(iv.) If α = (β → γ ), then A satisfies (β →γ )with s if A satisfies (¬β)with s or A satisfiesγ with s.

(v.) If α = ∀vβ, then A satisfies ∀vβ with sif for all a ∈ A, A satisfies β with the followingmodified version sa : V → A of s:

sa(x) ={s(x) if x �= va if x = v .

Let a1, . . . , an ∈ A and let ϕ be a well-formed formula with free variables from amongv1, . . . , vn. The notation |=A ϕ[a1, . . . , an]means that there is an s : V → A with s(vi) =ai , for 1 ≤ i ≤ n, and A satisfies ϕ with s.

saturated model A model A that realizes asmany types as possible. More precisely, if A isa model in the language L and X is any subsetof A, let LX be the expansion of L which addsa constant symbol cx for each x ∈ X. Then fora cardinal κ , A is κ-saturated if for any X ⊆A of size less than κ , every type �(x) in thelanguageLX which is consistent with the theoryof A (using LX) is realized in A. That is, thereis some a ∈ A such that A |= φ(a) for everyφ ∈ �.

A model A is saturated if it is |A|-saturated.The rationals are a saturated model of the theoryof dense linear orderings without endpoints.

Schauder Fixed-Point Theorem LetX be aclosed convex subset of a Banach space. Thenany continuous map f : X → X for which theclosure of f (X) is compact must have a fixedpoint; that is, there is an x ∈ X with f (x) = x.In particular, any continuous mapping from acompact convex subset of a Banach space intoitself has a fixed point.

Schröder-Bernstein Theorem See Cantor-Bernstein Theorem.

s-cobordism A geometric notion of equiv-alence for piecewise linear manifolds. An h-cobordism is a manifold W with boundary thedisjoint union of two manifolds M0 and M1, inwhich the inclusion maps i0 : M0 −→ W andi1 : M1 −→ W are homotopy equivalences.This can be refined using the notion of simplehomotopy. If (K,L) is a pair of simplicial com-plexes with K = L ∪ B, with B a closed n-cell

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s-Cobordism Theorem

and B ∩ L is a face of B, then K is said to col-lapse to L, and L expands to K . This generatesan equivalence relation on polyhedra called sim-ple homotopy equivalence. An s-cobordism isan h-cobordism in which the inclusions i0 andi1 are simple homotopy equivalences.

s-Cobordism Theorem Let W be ans-cobordism, with boundary the disjoint unionof two manifolds M0 and M1. Then, if the di-mension of W is at least 6, W is actually equiv-alent (as a polyhedral manifold) to the productmanifold M0 × [0, 1]. This would be false ifthe inclusion maps were only homotopy equiv-alences.

secondary cohomology operation An im-age of a lift of a cohomology classu inHi(Y ;A),formed in the following manner. The class u isrepresented by a map u : Y −→ K(A, i). Letα be a cohomology operation corresponding tothe map α : K(A, i) −→ K(B, j) for whichαu = 0. Let X represent the two-stage Post-nikov tower given by α, so that

K(B, j − 1) −→ X −→ K(A, i) −→ K(B, j)

is a fibration with maps i,p, andα, respectively.Let β : X −→ K(G, n) represent a class inHn(X;G). Since αu = 0, there is a map v suchthat v composed with the map X −→ K(A, i)

is homotopic to u. The cohomology class inHn(Y ;G) given by composing βu is the sec-ondary cohomology operation given by this pro-cedure evaluated on u.

This operation is only determined up to acoset. If everything is done in the stable range,then the indeterminacy is due only to the choiceof v; any two choices may differ by any el-ement of Hn(Y,G) which is in the image ofi∗(α) : Hj−1(Y ;B) −→ Hn(Y ;G). One usu-ally only uses secondary operations in the stablerange (j and n less than 2i − 1) because inde-terminacy is difficult to determine otherwise.

These are operations that arise from the re-lations among primary cohomology operations.The Adem relation Sq3Sq1 +Sq2Sq2 = 0 gen-erates a secondary cohomology operation thatshows thatη2 is essential (not homotopic to zero),where η represents the Hopf map S3 −→ S2 (inthe Hopf bundle) or any suspension of that map.Note that a secondary cohomology operation is

not defined on the whole cohomology group ingeneral. See Adem relations. See also primarycohomology operation.

second category space A topological spaceX which is not first category; that is, X is notequal to the union of a countable collection ofclosed subsets with empty interiors.

second countable topological space A topo-logical space that has a countable basis for itstopology. For example, the real line (with itsstandard topology) is second countable sinceopen intervals with rational endpoints form abasis.

semicircle An arc of a circle, connecting twopoints on a diameter, for example {(x, y) : x2 +y2 = 1, y ≥ 0}.

sentence A well-formed formula of a firstorder language having no free variables. Seefree variable.

sentential calculus See propositional calcu-lus.

sentential logic See propositional logic.

separable topological space A topologicalspace with a countable, dense subset. For ex-ample, the real line (with its standard topology)is separable, since the set of rational numbers iscountable and dense in the reals.

separated sets Two subsets A and B of atopological spaceX which satisfy A∩B = B ∩A = ∅, where A and B denote the closure of Aand B.

separation axioms A system of axioms fortopological spacesXwhich measure, in increas-ing fashion, the extent to which points and sub-sets are separated by the topology on X. Thestandard axioms are called the T0, T1, T2, T3,and T4 axioms. Other axioms, including com-pletely regular, Tychonoff, and Urysohn spaces,refine and extend this list.

separation by a continuous function Theproperty of a continuous function f : X →

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sieve of Eratosthenes

[0, 1] that, for two subsets A,B ⊂ X, we havef (A) = {0} and f (B) = {1}.

set (1) In naive set theory. A set is any col-lection of arbitrary objects. When such a col-lection is seen as a single entity, it is considereda set. Alternative terms: collection or family (inparticular, these terms are often used for sets ofsets, sets of sets of sets, and so on; so a set of setsis often called a family of sets, or a collectionof sets). Sets are determined by their elements(their members). Standard set notation definesa set by listing or describing its elements withincurly brackets: {,}. For example, the set whoseonly elements are the number 3 and the letterQ is written in list form as {3,Q} or {Q, 3}(the order of listing does not matter). The set{2, 4, 6, 8} (list form) can also be expressed indescription form as {2n : n = 1, 2, 3, 4} or as{2n | n = 1, 2, 3, 4}.

(2) In axiomatic set theory. A formal mathe-matical object whose existence is a consequenceof the axiomatic system with which one is work-ing. For example, in Zermelo-Fraenkel set the-ory, sets are built using axioms such as Union,Comprehension, Power Set, etc. See Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory, Bernays-Gödel set theory.

set theory (1) Axiomatic set theory. Thebranch of mathematics whose purpose is to studysets within a formal axiomatic framework. Alsoknown as the foundation of mathematics, refer-ring to the notion that all of mathematics canbe carried out within set theory. For example,Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory models mathemat-ics in a natural way. See also Zermelo-Fraenkelset theory, Bernays-Gödel set theory.

(2) Naive set theory. The practice of deal-ing with sets as arbitrary collections of objectsand performing operations on such sets withoutappealing to axioms.

sexagesimal number system A number sys-tem, used by the ancient Babylonian civilization,that was a base 60 positional system, in con-trast to the base 10 positional system commonlyused today. The value of a particular numberdepends both on the numerals used in its repre-sentation and the placement of these numerals.Using the symbols | and < to represent 1 and10 respectively, one can denote the number 34

as <<< ||||, 154 is expressed as || <<< ||||(2×60+34), and 5000 is represented by | <<||| << ((1×602)+(23×60)+20). A high basesuch as 60 is useful for dealing with large num-bers, since the “place values” represent powersof the base (60), namely, 1, 60, 3600, 216000,. . . One of the difficulties is the fact that theremust be 60 “digits” (representing the values 0to 59). In fact, the Babylonians did not have asymbol for zero so the number << ||||||| < |||could represent 1663 ((27× 60)+ 13) or 97213(27× 3600)+ (0× 60)+ 13). See also base ofnumber system.

sheaf A structure F on a topological spaceX, which assigns an object F(U) to each opensubset U of X, and for each inclusion U in Vof open sets in X, F assigns a restriction maprV,U : F(V ) −→ F(U) so that rU,U is theidentity onF(U) and wheneverU in V inW arenested open sets, rV,U ◦ rW,V = rW,U . Further,whenever U = ∪a∈IUa is a covering of U byopen setsUa , and {fa} is a collection of elementsfa in F(Ua) such that the restrictions of fa andfb toUa∩Ub are equal, there is a unique elementf in F(U) such that the restriction rU,Ua (f ) toeach Ua is just fa .

Example: The collection of open sets of aspace X is a sheaf with F(U) = U . One mayalso use sheaves as coefficients in homology ofX.

sieve of Eratosthenes A method (named af-ter the Greek mathematician Eratosthenes) for“sifting” out the prime numbers less than a fixedinteger N . It relies on the fact that if n is a pos-itive integer less than or equal to N , then n iseither a prime number or has a prime factor thatis less than or equal to

√N .

To find the primes less than or equal to N ,first list the integers from 2 to N . Then, circle2 and cross out all of the other multiples of 2since we know they cannot be primes (they aredivisible by 2). Notice that the smallest integerleft that is not circled or crossed out is 3 (thenext prime number). Circle 3 and cross out theremaining multiples of 3. Now, circle the small-est integer that is neither circled nor crossed out(5) and cross out all its other multiples. Con-tinue this process until the smallest integer thatis neither circled nor crossed out is greater than

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simple closed curve

√N . Circle the remaining integers in the list;

the integers that have been circled are the primesless than or equal to N .

simple closed curve A topological space Cthat is homeomorphic to the unit circle. Intu-itively, this means that C does not cross itself.

simple homotopy equivalence A homotopyequivalence f : S1 → S2 between two simpli-cial complexes which is obtained as a composi-tion of elementary contractions and expansions.Given an n-simplex σ of a simplicial complex Ssuch that σ is the face of a unique n+1-simplexτ , an elementary contraction of S is the map thatcollapses σ and τ to a point. An elementaryexpansion of S is the inverse of an elementarycontraction.

simplex Let {a0, . . . , an} be a geometri-cally independent subset of Rn. The n-simplexσ spanned by {a0, . . . , an} is the set of all points

x =n∑k=0

tkak, wheren∑k=0

tk = 1 ,

and tk ≥ 0 for all k. The points {a0, . . . , an}are called the vertices of σ. The tk are calledthe barycentric coordinates for σ. Any simplexspanned by a subset of {a0, . . . , an} is called aface of σ. For example, a 0-simplex is a point, a1-simplex is a line segment, and a 2-simplex isa triangle.

simplicial approximation Let f : S1 →S2 be a continuous function between simplicialcomplexes. A simplicial mapping g : S1 → S2is a simplicial approximation forf iff (St(v)) ⊆St(g(v)) for every vertex v of S1 where St(v) de-notes the star of the vertex v.

simplicial complex A set V of vertices, to-gether with a set K of finite subsets of V calledsimplices, satisfying the condition: if σ is a sim-plex and τ is a subset of σ , then τ is also a sim-plex.

simply connected domain A subset D of atopological space X which is open, connected,and simply connected as a subspace of X. Seesimply connected space. That is, D must be

path-connected and have a trivial fundamentalgroup, π1(D), as a subspace of X.

simply connected space A topological spaceX which is path-connected and has trivial funda-mental group π1(X). That is, any closed path inX is homotopic to a constant path. For example,a circular disc in the plane is simply connected,while an annulus is not because there are pathsin it (going around the annulus) which cannotbe continuously deformed to a constant path.

singleton set Any set with exactly one ele-ment. For example, {7} is a singleton.

singular cardinal A cardinal number whosecofinality is smaller than itself. Thus, if κ is asingular cardinal, κ is not regular and cf(κ) <κ . For example, ℵω is a singular cardinal. Com-pare with regular cardinal.

singular complex ForX a topological space,the chain complex S(X) = {Sn(X)} of freeAbelian groups (or free modules over a ring R),generated by singular simplices. See chain com-plex. The standard k-simplex is the set σk ={(x0, x1, . . . , xk) ∈ Rk+1 : x0 + . . .+ xk = 1,each xi ≥ 0}. A singular k-simplex is a con-tinuous function φ : σk −→ X. For eachn ≥ 0, Sn(X) is the free module generated bythe singular k-simplices. The boundary map∂k : Sk(X) −→ Sk−1(X) is constructed by tak-ing a singular simplex φ to the alternating sumof the (k − 1) − simplices determined by re-stricting φ to its faces.

singular homology A graded Abelian groupH(X) = {Hn(X)}, determined by a space X.The group Hk(X) is the quotient of the sin-gular cycles Zk(X) = ker∂k : Sk(X) −→Sk−1(X) modulo the boundaries Bk(X) =∂k+1(Sk+1(X)). The singular homology groupsare fundamental invariants of X.

singular n-boundary If {Sn(X)} is the sin-gular complex of a spaceX, then the nth bound-ary group Bn(X) is the subgroup of Sn(X) con-sisting of elements of the form ∂c for c inSn+1(X). The elements of Bn(X) are singularn-boundaries.

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smooth structure

singular n-chain An element of the free Abel-ian group (or, more generally, the free moduleover a ring R) Sn(X), a linear combination ofsingular n-simplices in a topological space X.See singular n-simplex.

singular n-simplex The standard n-simplexis the set

σn = {(x0, x1, . . . , xn) ∈ Rn+1 :x0 + . . .+ xn = 1, each xi ≥ 0} .

A singular n-simplex in a space X is a continu-ous function φ : σn −→ X.

skew lines Two lines that do not meet inprojective geometry, which can occur in Pn forn ≥ 3 only.

Skolem expansion (1) The Skolem ex-pansion of a language L is L ∪ {fφ :∃xφ is a formula in L}, where each fφ is aSkolem function for φ. See Skolem function.

(2) The Skolem expansion of a theory T inthe language L is T together with the set of sen-tences

∀y(∃xφ(x, y)→ φ(fφ(y), y))

for each Skolem function fφ ofL. The languageof the expanded theory is the Skolem expansionof L.

(3) A Skolem expansion of a structure A inthe language L is a model A′ which adds to Aconsistent interpretations of the Skolem func-tions of L. That is, for each Skolem function fφof L,

A′ |= ∀y(∃xφ(x, y)→ φ(fφ(y), y)).

The language of the expanded model A′ is theSkolem expansion of L.

Skolem function If ∃xφ(x, y) is a formulawith all its free variables in y = {y1, . . . , yn},then a Skolem function for φ, fφ , satisfies

∀y(∃xφ(x, y)→ φ(fφ(y), y)).

In effect, the symbol fφ(y) names a witness ofthe existential statement ∃xφ(x, y) for each ywhich has one.

Skolem hull IfX is a subset of anL-structureA, the Skolem hull ofX is the smallest submodelof the Skolem expansion ofA which containsX.Equivalently, it is the smallest subset of A con-tainingX which is closed under the operations ofthe Skolem expansion. Any nonempty Skolemhull is an elementary submodel of the originalmodel A. See Skolem expansion.

Skolem normal form A formula ψ is inSkolem normal form ifψ = ∀x∃yφ(x, y), whereφ is quantifier-free.

Skolem theory A theory T in the languageL which is its own Skolem expansion; that is, Tcontains

∀y(∃xφ(x, y)→ φ(fφ(y), y))

for each Skolem function fφ of L. See Skolemfunction.

smoothing A smooth structure on a topolog-ical manifold M , which induces the given topo-logical structure. A smoothing of a piecewiselinear manifold is a smooth structure in whicheach simplex is smooth.

smoothing problem The problem of deter-mining the existence or non-existence of asmoothing of a topological or piecewise linearmanifold M . See smoothing. The problem al-ways has an affirmative solution in dimensionsless than or equal to three, but there are manycounterexamples in higher dimensions, both forexistence and uniqueness of smoothings.

smooth manifold A real manifold whosetransition functions are smooth, or C(k)-differentiable, for k ≥ 1. Namely, a spaceM with an open covering {Uα} and identifica-tions φα : Uα → Rn, where n is the dimen-sion of the manifold and the transition func-tions φαβ : Uα ∩ Uβ → Uα ∩ Uβ are such thatφα = φβ ◦ φαβ where they are all defined.

smooth structure A maximal collection oflocal coordinate systems on a manifold with theproperty that the coordinate transformation be-tween any two overlapping coordinate systemsis differentiable with differentiable inverse.

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Sorgenfrey line

Sorgenfrey line The real line with the topol-ogy given by taking the collection of all half-open intervals [a, b) (or (a, b]) as a basis. It isalso known as the lower (or upper) limit topol-ogy.

The Sorgenfrey line is normal and Lindelöfbut not second countable. Its product with itself(the Sorgenfrey plane) is neither normal nor Lin-delöf. Thus, it is an example showing that theproduct of normal spaces need not be normal,and the product of Lindelöf spaces need not beLindelöf. See normal space.

Sorgenfrey plane See Sorgenfrey line.

space of complex numbers The complexnumbers, visualized as a plane with real andimaginary axes, together with the usual (prod-uct) topology of the plane, is a topological space.The set of purely imaginary numbers forms asubspace homeomorphic to the real line.

The imaginary axis, considered a subspace,is homeomorphic to the real numbers.

space of imaginary numbers See space ofcomplex numbers.

space of irrational numbers A subspaceof the space of real numbers: closeness, as de-scribed by open sets, is determined by open in-tervals in the real numbers intersected with therespective set. The space is dense in the spaceof real numbers; that is, its closure is the spaceof real numbers.

space of rational numbers A subspace, usu-ally denoted Q or Q, of the space of real num-bers: closeness, as described by open sets, is de-termined by open intervals in the real numbersintersected with the respective set. The space Qis dense in the space of real numbers; that is, itsclosure is the space of real numbers.

space of real numbers The set of real num-bers together with the usual real line topologygenerated by open intervals, usually denotedR, R, R1 or E1. Intuitively, open sets describecloseness, and typical uses of the real numbersrequire a topology where decreasing intervalsaround a point describe points strictly closer tothat point. R is also a metric space with dis-

tance function d(x, y) = |x − y|. See also realnumber.

span The smallest subspace of a vector spaceF containing a given set C of vectors in F .

sphere (1) The subspace Sn of Rn+1 consist-ing of all points (x1, . . . , xn+1) with x2

1 + · · · +x2n+1 = 1.

(2) More generally, a space homeomorphicto Sn.

spherical distance The greatest lower boundof the lengths of all paths between two points pand q lying on the (unit) sphere. It is the lengthof the short great circle arc joining p to q.

spherical polygon A closed curve on the sur-face of the sphere made up of a finite number ofgreat circle arcs.

spherical triangle A closed curve consistingof three points A, B, and C on the sphere, to-gether with a great circle arc joining each pairof points. Sometimes the arcs are required to beshortest arcs.

square-free integer An integer that is not di-visible by any perfect square other than 1. Theprime factorization of a square-free integer con-tains no exponent greater than 1. Thus, 21 issquare-free, but 20 is not, since 22 is a divisorof 20.

square number An integer that equals n2 forsome integer n.

square root (1) (Of a non-negative real num-ber r) The unique non-negative real number s sothat s2 = r , denoted

√r .

(2) If z andw are complex numbers such thatw2 = z, then w is said to be a square root of z(there will be two square roots of a given nonzerocomplex number, since if w is a square root ofz, so is −w and by the Fundamental Theoremof Algebra, the equation x2 = z has at most twodistinct solutions).

stable (primary) cohomology operation Let�X denote the suspension of a spaceX (S1∧X).Then Hq(X) is isomorphic to Hq+1(�X) by

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Stone- Cech compactification

an isomorphism called the suspension isomor-phism (here denoted �), natural in X.

A cohomology operation P is stable when�P = P�, that is, P commutes with the sus-pension isomorphism. The Steenrod square andpower operations are examples of stable (pri-mary) cohomology operations. See Steenrodsquare operation.

stable range Some algebraic invariants be-have well with respect to suspension, sometimeswith connectivity restrictions. For example, ifX is (n − 1)-connected and i ≤ 2n − 2, thenπi(X) is isomorphic to πi+1(�X). This rangeis called the stable range of X.

In homotopy theory, one may be concernedwith the stable range in calculating homotopygroups or the effect of cohomology operations.

stable secondary cohomology operation Seestable (primary) cohomology operation.

stably parallelizable manifold A smoothmanifold M such that the Whitney sum of thetangent bundle ofM and a trivial bundle overMis a trivial bundle. For example, the tangent bun-dle of the sphere S2 is not trivial, but its Whitneysum with a 1-dimensional trivial bundle is triv-ial. Thus, S2 is stably parallelizable.

stationary set A set of ordinals S ⊆ κ whichmeets every closed unbounded set in κ; i.e., S ∩C �= ∅ for each closed and unbounded C ⊆ κ .Stationary sets are somewhat large; for example,they are unbounded because for each α < κ ,Cα = [α, κ) is closed and unbounded.

Steenrod algebra The algebra of all coho-mology operations for ordinary mod p coho-mology, for a prime p. When p = 2, the Steen-rod square operations Sqi generate the Steenrodalgebra. For odd primes p, the analog of thesquares are the pth power operations P i ; thesetogether with the Bockstein operation generatethe Steenrod algebra for p odd.

The Steenrod squares are defined as additivecohomology operations

Sqi : Hq(X,A) −→ Hq+i (X,A)

(additive natural transformations

Sqi : Hq(−) −→ Hq+i (−))

for which(i.) Sq0 is the identity;(ii.) for u in Hi(X,A), Sqiu = u ∪ u = u2;(iii.) foru inHi(X,A) and i > k, Sqku = 0;(iv.) for u in Ha(X,A) and v in Hb(Y, B),

the effect on uv in H ∗(X × Y,A× B) is givenby the Cartan formula:

Sqk(u× v) =∑i+j=k

Sqiu× Sqjv .

The power operations are defined by similar prop-erties. See also Bockstein operation.

The cohomology of a space is a comoduleover the Steenrod algebra. This structure (coac-tion) is preserved by many (not all) construc-tions and calculational techniques, and hencecan be used to calculate the cohomology of cer-tain spaces, for example, Eilenberg MacLanespaces (whose cohomology can be calculatedusing the Serre spectral sequence).

Steenrod pth power operation See Steenrodalgebra.

Steenrod square operation See Steenrod al-gebra.

stereographic projection An identificationof the plane with the sphere minus a point, N ,say, obtained by projecting from N a point Pon the sphere different from N . If the sphereof radius 1 touches the (x, y) coordinate planeat the origin and N = (0, 0, 2), the projectionsends (x, y, z) to ( 2x

2−z , 2y

2−z ).Sometimes, instead, the entire sphere is iden-

tified with the complex plane, together with thepoint at infinity. See also complex sphere.

Stirling number The number Smn for n ≥ m,which denotes the number of partitions of a setof n objects into m non-empty subsets. Thesenumbers are given by the recurrence relationsS1n = 1 = Snn and Skn+1 = Sk−1

n + kSkn for1 < k < n.

Stone-Cech compactification The uniquelargest compactification β(X) of a completelyregular topological space, X. Its usefulness de-rives from the fact that any continuous functionfrom X to a compact Hausdorff space may beextended uniquely and continuously to β(X).

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strong induction

To construct β(X), let F be the set of allcontinuous functions from X to the closed unitinterval, [0, 1]. Then the product space [0, 1]F ,of one copy of the unit interval for each f ∈ F ,is a compact Hausdorff space by Tychonoff’sTheorem. Imbed X in [0, 1]F by mapping x ∈X to the element of the product with f (x) in itsf -coordinate. β(X) is the closure of the imageof X under this imbedding. See also one-pointcompactification.

strong induction A method of proof overwell-ordered sets. In practice, strong inductionis typically used over the set of natural numbers.Strong induction has a base-case, like induction,but a different inductive step. Expressed in for-mal notation, the base-case is P(n0), for somen0; the inductive step has the form:

(∀k)[[(∀n ≤ k)P (n)] → P(k + 1)] .From these the conclusion is (∀k ≥ n0)P (k),

where P(k) is some statement and n0, n, k arenatural numbers. Strong induction is equivalentto induction. See induction.

strongly multiplicative function A multi-plicative function f having the property thatf (pi) = f (p) for all primes p and all positiveintegers i. For example, the function f (n) =φ(n)n

, whereφ is the Euler phi function, is stronglymultiplicative. See multiplicative function, Eu-ler phi function. See also completely multiplica-tive function.

strong pseudoprime See pseudoprime.

structure A mapping A, which assigns val-ues to the quantifier symbol, the predicate sym-bols, the constant symbols, and the function sym-bols of a first order language L, as follows.

(i.) A assigns to the quantifier symbol ∀ anonempty set A (sometimes denoted by |A|),called the universe of A.

(ii.) For each n-ary predicate symbol P , Aassigns P to an n-ary relation PA ⊆ An.

(iii.) For each constant symbol c, A assignsc to an element cA of A.

(iv.) For each n-ary function symbol f , Aassigns f to an n-ary function fA : An→ A.

For example, if L is the language of elemen-tary number theory (see first order language),

then one possible structure for L is the intendedstructure N , which assigns the quantifier ∀ to N,the set of natural numbers, and <, 0, S,+, ·, Eto their intended interpretations on N. Thereare other (non-standard) structures for this lan-guage.

A structure is sometimes called a model.

subbasis for a topology A collection of sub-sets of a topological space X whose set of finiteintersections forms a basis for the topology τ ofX. For example, the set of all open intervals ofthe form (−∞, a) or (a,∞) is a subbasis for theusual topology on R because each basic open set(a, b) can be written as (−∞, b) ∩ (a,∞).

Any collection S of subsets of a nonemptyset X generates a topology on X by declaring Sto be a subbasis. That is, the topology is the setof all unions of finite intersections of elementsfrom S. The topology generated in this way isthe smallest topology on X which contains S.

subbundle A bundle F ′ −→ E′ −→ B

contained a given bundle F −→ E −→ B.The tangent bundle and normal bundle of a

manifold M embedded in Rn are both subbun-dles of the trivial bundle M × Rn.

subcategory C′ is a subcategory of a cate-gory C if (i.) every object of C′ is an object ofC, (ii.) for every pair of objects A,B of C′, iff : A → B is a morphism of C′, then f is amorphism of C, and (iii.) for every pair f, g ofmorphisms of C′, the compositions f ◦c′g andf ◦cg are the same morphisms in C and C′. C′ isa full subcategory of C if, in addition, for everypair A,B of objects of C′, f : A→ B is a mor-phism of C′ if and only if f is a morphism ofC. For example, the category of sets and bijec-tive functions is a subcategory of the categoryof sets and injective functions; the category ofAbelian groups and group homomorphisms is afull subcategory of the category of groups andgroup homomorphisms.

subobject IfA is an object of a category C, asubobject ofA is an ordered pair (f,A′), whereA′ is an object of C and f is a monomorphismf : A′ → A. For example, in the category ofgroups and group homomorphisms, a subobjectof the additive group Z is (f,E), where E is

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sum of kth powers of divisors function

the additive group of even integers and f is theinclusion map f : E → Z. The dual notion ofsubobject is the notion of quotient object. Seequotient object.

subset (of a set) A setS is a subset of a setX ifall elements of S are also elements ofX. If S is asubset ofX, the notation isS ⊆ X, or sometimesS ⊂ X. For example, {4,−2} ⊆ {−2, 5, 4}.Every set is a subset of itself. Compare withproper subset.

subspace Any subset of a topological spaceX, with the relative topology inherited from X.See relative topology. For example, besides con-taining all its open subintervals, the subspacetopology on the unit interval [0, 1] also includesthe half-open intervals [0, b) with b ≤ 1 and(a, 1] with a ≥ 0.

substructure The structure A for the first or-der language L is a substructure of the structureB for L (notation: A ⊆ B) if

(i.) A ⊆ B, where A and B are the universesof A and B, respectively,

(ii.) for each n-ary predicate symbol P , then-ary relation PA is the restriction of PB toAn;i.e., PA = PB ∩ An,

(iii.) for each constant symbol c, cA = cB,and

(iv.) for each n-ary function symbol f , fAis the restriction of f B to An.

If A is a substructure of B, then B is calledan extension of A.

Sometimes the term submodel is synonymouswith substructure.

successor cardinal A cardinal numberκ suchthat there exists some other cardinal λ such thatλ+ = κ . For example, ℵ17 is a successor car-dinal since ℵ+16 = ℵ17; ℵ17 is a limit ordinal.Compare with limit cardinal, successor ordinal.

successor of a cardinal If κ is a cardinal, thecardinal successor of κ , denoted by κ+, is theleast cardinal that is greater than κ . For example,3+ = 4 and ℵ+0 = ℵ1. Compare with successorof an ordinal.

successor of an ordinal If α is an ordinal,the ordinal successor of α, denoted by α + 1,

is α ∪ {α}; it is the least ordinal that is greaterthan α. For example, 3 + 1 = 4 and the ordinalsuccessor ofω isω+1. Compare with successorof a cardinal.

successor of a set If S is any set, its successoris S ∪ {S}.

successor ordinal An ordinal number α suchthat there exists some other ordinal β such thatβ + 1 = α. For example, ω3 + 5 is a successorordinal since (ω3 + 4)+ 1 = ω3 + 5. The car-dinal number ℵ1 is a successor cardinal but nota successor ordinal. Compare with successorcardinal, limit ordinal.

sum of cardinal numbers The cardinal num-ber that is equinumerous with the disjoint unionof the summands. For example, 1 + 1 = 2, andℵ0 + ℵ3 = ℵ3.

sum of divisors function The arithmetic func-tion, denoted σ , which, for any positive integern, returns the sum of the positive divisors of n,i.e., σ(n) =∑

d|n d. (See arithmetic function.)For example, σ(10) = 1 + 2 + 5 + 10 = 18.It is multiplicative; its value at a prime power isgiven by

σ(pi) = pi+1 − 1

p − 1.

See also multiplicative function, sum of kth pow-ers of divisors function.

sum of kth powers of divisors functionThe family of arithmetic functions, denoted σk ,which, for any positive integer n and a fixednonnegative integer k, returns the sum of thekth powers of the positive divisors of n, i.e.,σk(n) = ∑

d|n dk . (See arithmetic function.)For example,

σ2(8) = 12 + 22 + 42 + 82 = 85 .

The function σ0 is the number of divisors func-tion τ , and σ1 is the sum of divisors functionσ . The functions σk are all multiplicative; theirvalue at a prime power is given by

σk(pi) = pk(i+1) − 1

pk − 1.

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surd Another name for the radical sign√

.See also radical.

surjection A function f : A→ B such thatthe image (range) of f is all of B; that is, forany b ∈ B there is an a ∈ A with f (a) = b.

Suslin line A dense linear ordering (L,<)which in the order topology has the countablechain condition but is not separable. That is, Lhas no countable dense subset, but any collectionof pairwise disjoint nonempty open sets in L iscountable.

It is possible to characterize the real line Ras the unique dense linear order without end-points which is complete and separable. Thequestion arose as to whether separability couldbe replaced by the countable chain condition,and so the existence of a Suslin line would meanthat this new set of conditions does not charac-terize R. However, the existence of a Suslin lineis independent of the axioms of set theory, andthus, so is the characterization. See also Suslintree.

Suslin’s hypothesis The assertion that thereis no Suslin line. See Suslin line. That is, thereis no dense linear ordering which in the ordertopology has the countable chain condition butis not separable. Souslin’s hypothesis (abbre-viated SH) is independent of the axioms of set

theory: it is a consequence of Martin’s Axiom,but¬SH is a consequence of Diamond (♦), whichholds in the constructible universe. These re-sults are usually obtained indirectly, by consid-ering Suslin trees rather than Suslin lines. Seealso Martin’s Axiom.

Suslin tree A tree of height ω1, which hasno uncountable antichains or branches. That is,any subset A ⊆ T consisting of incomparableelements (antichain) or any set B ⊆ T totallyordered by < (branch) must be countable. Theexistence of Suslin trees is independent of theaxioms of set theory. In fact, Suslin trees pro-vide a way to prove the independence of Suslin’shypothesis (SH) because a Suslin tree exists ifand only if a Suslin line exists. See Suslin line.

For any infinite cardinal κ , a κ-Suslin tree isa tree of height κ in which all antichains andbranches have size less than κ .

See also Aronszajn tree, Kurepa tree.

symmetric difference The symmetric differ-ence of two sets A and B, written A�B, is theset (A \ B) ∪ (B \ A). That is, it is the set ofall elements that belong to either A or B but notboth.

symmetric relation A binary relationR suchthat (x, y) ∈ R implies (y, x) ∈ R, for all x, y.For example, the equality relation is symmetric.

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terminal object

TT0 space A topological spaceX such that,for any twodistinct pointsof X, thereis aneigh-borhoodof onewhichdoesnot containtheother.That is, for all x, y inX, with x �= y, there isanopen set U such that either x ∈ U and y /∈ U ,or y ∈ U and x /∈ U . T0 spaces arealso knownas Kolmogorov spaces.

T1 space A topological spaceX such that,for any two distinct pointsof X, thereareneigh-borhoodsof bothwhichdonot contain theother.That is, for all x, y inX, with x �= y, there areopen setsU and V such that x ∈ U and y /∈ U ,while y ∈ V and x /∈ V . This is equivalent toeach singleton {x} being closed inX.

T2 space A topological spaceX suchthat anytwodistinct pointscanbeseparatedby opensets.That is, for all x, y inX, with x �= y, there areopen sets U and V such that x ∈ U , y ∈ V ,andU ∩V = ∅. See also Hausdorff topologicalspace.


space A topological spaceX such that

X is aT1 space and points and closed sets inXcan beseparated by continuous functions. Thatis, for all closed C ⊆ X and x /∈ C, there is acontinuousf : X→ [0,1] such that f (x) = 0andf (c) = 1for all c ∈ C. Includingthecondi-tion T1 ensuresT31

2⊆ T3. See also completely

regular topological space, T1 space.

T3 space A topological spaceX which is aT1 spaceandsuchthat pointsandclosedsetscanbeseparated by open sets. That is, for all closedC ⊆ X and x /∈ C, there are open setsU andV such that x ∈ U , C ⊆ V , and U ∩ V = ∅.IncludingtheconditionT1 ensuresT3 ⊆ T2. Seealso regular topological space, T1 space.

T4 space A topological spaceX which is aT1 spaceandsuchthat disjoint closedsetscanbeseparated by open sets. That is, for all closedCandD contained inX, if C ∩D = ∅, then there

areopensetsU andV suchthatC ⊆ U ,D ⊆ V ,and U ∩ V = ∅. Including the condition T1ensuresT4 ⊆ T31

2. See also normal topological

space, T1 space.

T5 space A topological spaceX which is aT1 space and such that any two separated setscan be separated by disjoint open sets. That is,for all subsetsA andB of X, if

A ∩ B = A ∩ B = ∅(A andB areseparated), then thereareopensetsU andV withA ⊆ U ,B ⊆ V , andU ∩V = ∅.IncludingtheconditionT1 ensuresT5 ⊆ T4. Forany T1 spaceX, T5 is equivalent to hereditarynormality. See also T1 space.

tautology In propositional (sentential) logic,awell-formed propositional formulaisa tautol-ogy if it is trueunder every truth assignment forthesentencesymbols in theformula. For exam-ple, if A andB aresentencesymbols, then

¬(A ∨ B)↔ ((¬A) ∧ (¬B)),(which isoneof DeMorgan’sLaws) is atautol-ogy.

In first order logic, let L be afirst order lan-guage. A tautology isany well-formed formulaof Lwhichisobtainedfrom atautology of propo-sitional logicby replacingeachsentencesymbolin the tautology with awell-formed formula ofL.

term Let L be afirst order language. Thesetof terms of L is defined inductively as follows.

(i.) If c is aconstant symbol of L, then c isaterm.

(ii.) If v is avariableof L, then v is aterm.(iii. ) If f isan n-placefunction symbol of L

and t1, . . . , tn aretermsof L, thenf (t1, . . . , tn)is aterm of L.

(iv.) The set of terms is generated by rules(i.), (ii.), and (iii.).

For example, in the first order language ofelementary number theory (see first order lan-guage),S(0) is aterm(whichisintendedtonamethe natural number 1).

terminal object An objectA of a categoryCsuch that, for every objectB ofC, there is exactly

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terminating decimal

onemorphismf of C such that f : B → A. Forexample, in thecategory of setsand functions, asingleton is a terminal object. The dual notionof terminal object is initial object.

terminating decimal A decimal representa-tion

. . . a4a3a2a1a0.a−1a−2a−3 . . .

of a real number such that there is an integer Nwith a−n = 0 for all n ≥ N . A real number rhas aterminating decimal representation if andonly if there is an integer a and a nonnegativeinteger N so that r = a

10N. Clearly, any real

number with aterminating decimal representa-tion is therefore arational number.

ternary number system The real numbersin base b = 3 notation. See base of numbersystem.

theorem Infirst order logic, let L be afirst or-der language, andconsider aparticular predicatecalculus for L. Let α be awell-formed formulaof L. Then α is a theorem of (or is deduciblefrom) the predicate calculus (notation: � α) ifthere is aproof of α in the predicate calculus.See proof. If � is aset of well-formed formu-lasof L, then α is atheorem of (or isdeduciblefrom) � (in the predicate calculus) if there is aproof of α from � (notation: � � α).

Thenotion of theorem in propositional logicis entirely analogous.

theory A set T of sentences of a first orderlanguageL which isclosed under logical impli-cation; i.e., if σ is asentence of L which is alogical consequence of T , then σ ∈ T (in nota-tion, T |= σ implies σ ∈ T ). Equivalently, Tis atheory if it isclosed under deduction; i.e., ifσ is provable from T , then σ ∈ T (in notation,T � σ impliesσ ∈ T ).

For some authors, the word theory simplymeans aset of sentences, and the notion aboveis that of a closed theory.

Let A be astructure for L. The theory of Ais the set of sentences of L which are true in A(i.e., the theory of A is the set of sentences σsuch that A is amodel of σ ). The theory of Aisdenoted T h(A) and is acompletetheory. Seecomplete theory.

Thom complex Let E −→ M be areal vec-tor bundleonamanifoldM. Thereis adisk bun-dleD −→ M which is given by the open unitdisk in each fiber of the vector bundleE. TheThom construction is formed from E −→ M

by identifying all points in E outside of D to asinglepoint, called thepoint at infinity.

Example: Consider theMöbiusbandas alinebundleover thecircleS1. The Thom complex ofthis bundle is the real projectiveplane.

This construction is used in the calculationof cobordism groups. See R. Stong, Notes onCobordism Theory, Princeton University Press,Princeton, NJ, 1968.

topological dimension Let X be atopolog-ical space. The topological dimension of X isthesmallest non-negativeinteger n suchthat, forevery open cover A of X, thereisan open coverB that refinesA (i.e., A ⊆ B), with thepropertythat somepoint of X lies in an element of B andno point of X lies in more than n + 1 elementsof B.

topological group A topological spacewhichis also a group such that the inverse and prod-uct mapsareboth continuous. That is, themapsg → g−1 from G to G and (g1, g2) → g1g2fromG×G toG arecontinuous.

Any discretegroupisconsideredtobea topo-logical group with the discrete topology thatstates: any singleelement subset isan open set.

topological invariant A property preservedby homeomorphisms. That is, P is a topologi-cal invariant if , given any homeomorphism f :X → Y , the space X has property P if andonly if Y has property P . For example, con-nectedness, separability, and normality are alltopological invariants.

total ordering See linear ordering.

totient function See Euler phi function.

transcendental number See algebraic num-ber.

transfinite cardinal Any infinite cardinalnumber. For example,ℵ3 is a transfinite car-dinal.

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truth table

transfinite induction A method of proof.SupposeP(α) is some statement that describesaproperty of α, whereα isan ordinal. Supposethat all of the following conditions hold: (i.)P(α0), for someα0, (ii.) P(α) impliesP(α+1),for all α ≥ α0, and(iii. ) (∀β < λ) P (β) impliesP(λ), for any nonzero limi t ordinal λ. Fromthese three, the conclusion is that P(α) holdsfor all ordinalsα ≥ α0. Transfinite induction isageneralization of induction.

transfinite ordinal Any ordinal that is infi-nite. For example,ω+3 is atransfinite ordinal.

transfinite recursion A method of defin-ing some function; also known as definition bytransfinite recursion, or sometimesas definitionby transfinite induction. For any function gon the universe of sets, there exists a uniquefunction f on the class of ordinals such thatf (α) = g(f |α), for all ordinals α. See alsorecursion.

transitive relation A binary relationR suchthat [(x, y) ∈ R]∧[(y, z) ∈ R] implies(x, z) ∈R, for all x, y, z. For example,≤ is atransitiverelation on N since if n ≤ m and m ≤ k, thenn ≤ k.

transitive set A set A such that, wheneverB ∈ A, thenB ⊆ A.

tree A partial order (T ,≤) in which, for anyt ∈ T , the set of predecessors of t , {s ∈ T :s < t}, is well ordered by <. That is, any non-empty subset of {s ∈ T : s < t} has a leastelement. An example of a tree is the set of allfinitesequencesof natural numbers, ordered byextension: s < t if t extends s. Other exam-ples include Aronszajn trees, Kurepa trees, andSuslin trees. See Aronszajn tree, Kurepa tree,Suslin tree.

triangular number The integers in the se-quence 1,3,6,10, . . . (which represent the num-ber of lattice points in the plane that lie on theperimeter of isosceles right triangles having in-teger length legs).

The triangular numbers are integers of theform

∑nk=1 k.

truth assignment In propositional logic, afunction v : S → {T , F } mapping a setS ofsentence symbols to{T , F }, whereT is inter-preted as true andF is interpreted as false. Forexample, ifS = {A1, A2, A3}, then a possibletruth assignment would bev : S → {T , F } byv(A1) = F , v(A2) = T , andv(A3) = T . Notethat there are eight possibletruth assignmentsfor this particular set of sentence symbols, sincethere are two choices (T or F ) for each valueof the function on an element ofS. In general,if S hasn sentence symbols, then there are 2n

possible truth assignments onS.A truth assignmentv : S → {T , F } is ex-

tended using a recursive definition to a truthassignmentv on the setS of all well-formedpropositional formulasα which have sentencesymbols fromS, as follows:(i.) If α is a sentence symbol inS, then

v(α) = v(α).(ii.) If α = (¬β), then

v(α) ={T if v(β) = FF if v(β) = T .

(iii.) If α = (β ∧ γ ), then

v(α) ={T if v(β) = v(γ ) = TF otherwise.

(iv.) If α = (β ∨ γ ), then

v(α) ={T if v(β) = T or v(γ ) = TF otherwise.

(v.) If α = (β → γ ), then

v(α) ={T if v(β) = F or v(γ ) = TF otherwise.

(vi.) If α = (β ↔ γ ), then

v(α) ={T if v(β) = v(γ )F if v(β) �= v(γ ).

truth table A table of truth values for a well-formed propositional formulaα, based on as-signments of truth values for the sentence sym-bols in α. In general, if there aren sentencesymbols inα, then thetruth table will have 2n

rows. The truth tables for the formulas built up

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tubular neighborhood

from the logical connectives (hereA and B arewell-formed propositional formulas) are as fol-lows, where T is interpreted as true and F isinterpreted as false.

A (¬A)T FF T



A B (A→ B)


A B (A↔ B)


A truth table for the more complicated well-formed propositional formula ((A ∨ B)→ C),whereA, B, C are sentence symbols, is as fol-lows.

A B C (A ∨ B) ((A ∨ B)→ C)


tubular neighborhood A tubular neighbor-hood of asimpleclosedcurveL ⊂ S3 is aneigh-borhood of L homeomorphic to L × B2 whereL× {0} is identified with thecurveL.

More generally, a tubular neighborhood ofan l-dimensional submanifold L ⊂ M in an n-dimensional manifold M is aneighborhood ofL homeomorphic toL× Bm−l .

Turing complete set A setA of natural num-bers which is recursively enumerable and, forany recursively enumerable set B, B ≤T A;i.e., B is computable, relative toA.

An example of a Turing complete set is thehalting setK = {e : ϕe(e) is defined}, whereϕedenotesthepartial recursivefunctionwithGödelnumber e.

Turingcompleteissometimessimply referredto as complete.

Turing equivalent Two setsA andB of nat-ural numberssuch that A isTuring reducible toB (A ≤T B) and B is Turing reducible to A(B ≤T A). Intuitively, Turing equivalent setsaresets that code thesame information. Turingequivalence (notation: A ≡T B) is an equiva-lence relation on the class of all sets of naturalnumbers. The equivalence classes of ≡T arecalled Turing degrees, or degreesof unsolvabil-ity.

Asanexample, any twoTuringcompletesetsare Turing equivalent.

Turing reducibility Let ϕ be apartial func-tion on N; i.e., its domain is some subset of N,and letA be aset of natural numbers. Thefunc-tion ϕ is Turing reducible to A if ϕ is (Turing)computable, relative to A. See relative com-putability. The notation ϕ ≤T A means thatϕis Turing reducible toA. If B is a set of nat-ural numbers, thenB is Turing reducible toA(B ≤T A) if its characteristic functionχB isTuring reducible toA.

For example, given any setA of natural num-bers,A ≤T A whereA is the complement ofAin N. If B is any computably enumerable (re-cursively enumerable) set andK is the haltingset{e : ϕe(e) is defined}, whereϕe is the partialrecursive function with Gödel numbere, thenB ≤T K.

twin primes Two odd prime numbersp andq so thatq = p + 2. For example, 3 and 5 aretwin primes, as are 5 and 7, 11 and 13, 17 and19, and 29 and 31. Twin primes with over 3300

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digits have been discovered, but it is unknownwhether or not there are infinitely twin primepairs. The triple (3, 5, 7) forms theonly “primetriplet” sinceat least oneof any tripleof theform(n, n+ 2, n+ 4) must bedivisibleby 3.

Tychonoff Fixed-Point Theorem SupposeX is a locally convex linear topological spaceand C ⊆ X is compact and convex. Then anycontinuous function f : C → C has a fixedpoint. That is, there is a c ∈ C with f (c) = c.Any normed vector space can be made into alocally convex linear topological space by us-ing the metric topology generated by the norm:d(x, y) = ‖x − y‖.Tychonoff space See completely regular topo-logical space.

Tychonoff Theorem The product ofany number of compact topological spaces is

compact in the product topology. For example,sincetheunit interval [0,1] iscompact, any cube[0,1]κ is also compact. It is this theorem thatmakestheproduct (Tychonoff) topology impor-tant. The Tychonoff Theorem is equivalent totheAxiom of Choice.

Tychonoff topology See product topology.

type A type of a theoryT is any set of formu-las that is realized in some model ofT . That is,if T is a (possibly empty) theory in the languageL, then a set ofL-formulas�(x) is ann-typeof T if x = {x1, . . . , xn} contains all free vari-ables occurring in the formulas of�, and thereis a modelAof T and ann-tuplea of elements ofA such thatA |= φ(a) for everyφ(x) in �(x).

Some authors require types to be complete,meaning they are maximally consistent.

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uniform space

Uultrafilter A subset U of a Boolean algebraB, which is a filter, not properly contained inany other filter on B. As a filter, U must benonempty, closed under ∧, not contain 0, andbe closed upwards: for all u ∈ U and b ∈ B, ifu ≤ b then b ∈ U . The maximality condition isequivalent to requiring that for all b ∈ B, eitherb ∈ U or ¬b ∈ U .

Any filter can be extended to an ultrafilter,and, using a weak form of the Axiom of Choice,any subset of a Boolean algebra with the finiteintersection property can be extended to an ul-trafilter.

ultrapower An ultrapower of an L-struc-ture A is a reduced product

∏U A, where U is

an ultrafilter over the index set I . The reducedproduct is formed by declaring, for x and y inthe Cartesian product

∏I A, that x ≡U y if and

only if the set of coordinates where x and y agreeis in the ultrafilter U :

{i ∈ I : x(i) = y(i)} ∈ U .

The reduced product ∏

U A is then the set of allequivalence classes under ≡U .

The fundamental property of ultrapowers isthat, for any L-sentence φ,

∏U A |= φ if and

only if {i ∈ I : A |= φ} ∈ U . But because Uis an ultrafilter, ∅ /∈ U and I ∈ U , and so, theultrapower models φ if and only if the originalstructure A models φ. Thus,

∏U A ≡ A.

See also ultraproduct.

ultraproduct An ultraproduct of a set of L-structures {Ai : i ∈ I } is a reduced product∏

U Ai , where U is an ultrafilter over the indexset I . See ultrapower.

The fundamental property of ultraproducts isthat for any L-sentence φ,

∏U Ai |= φ if and

only if {i ∈ I : Ai |= φ} ∈ U .

umbilical point LetM be a surface in R3, andlet k1 ≥ k2 be the principal curvature functions.See principal curvature. An umbilical point is

a point where k1 = k2. On the complement ofthe set of umbilical points, the principal curvesform a pair of orthogonal fields of curves onthe surface; the umbilical points are the placeswhere these fields become singular.

unbounded set A set of ordinalsC ⊆ κ suchthat, for any α < κ , there is a β with α ≤ β < κ

and β ∈ C. See also closed set, stationary set.

uncountable A set that is infinite but not de-numerable. For example, R and C are uncount-able sets.

undecidable A set of objects of some sort,which it is not decidable. See decidable.

uniformly continuous function A functionf : R → R such that, for any ε > 0, there isa δ > 0 such that for x and x′ in R, |f (x) −f (x′)| < ε whenever |x− x′| < δ. Any contin-uous f : [a, b] → R is uniformly continuous.

More generally, a function f from one metricspace (X, dX) to another (Y, dY ) is uniformlycontinuous if for any ε > 0, there is a δ > 0 suchthat, for all x and x′ in X, dY (f (x), f (x′)) <ε whenever dX(x, x′) < δ. If X is compact,then any continuous f : X → Y is uniformlycontinuous.

Further generalization of the notion is possi-ble in a uniform space. See uniform space.

uniform space A setX with the topology in-duced by a uniformity U . Informally, a unifor-mity is a way of capturing closeness in a topo-logical space without a metric; that is, it pro-vides a generalization of a metric. Formally, anonempty collection U of subsets of X × X isa uniformity if it satisfies the following condi-tions:

(i.) for all U ∈ U , � ⊆ U , where � ={(x, x) : x ∈ X} is the diagonal of X;

(ii.) for all U ∈ U , U−1 ∈ U , where U−1 ={(y, x) : (x, y) ∈ U};

(iii.) for all U and V in U , U ∩ V ∈ U ;(iv.) for each U ∈ U there is a V ∈ U with

V ◦ V ⊆ U , where

V ◦ V ={(x, z) : ∃y ∈ X (x, y) ∈ V and (y, z) ∈ V } ;

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uniform topology

and(v.) for all U ∈ U , if U ⊆ V , then V ∈ U .

The idea is that x and y will be considered U -close to each other if (x, y) ∈ U . Then, forexample, condition (i.) states that x is alwaysU -close to itself.

A uniformity U generates a topology on X(the uniform topology) by considering the setsU [x] = {y : (x, y) ∈ U} as basic open sets foreach U ∈ U and x ∈ X.

uniform topology (1) See uniform space.(2) The uniform topology on Rα is the topol-

ogy induced by the bounded sup metric

δ(x, y) = sup{min{|xβ − yβ |, 1} : β < α} .

This topology is the same as the product topol-ogy if α is finite; if α is infinite, the uniformtopology refines the product topology.

union (1) The union of any set X, denoted by∪X, is the set whose elements are the membersof the members of X. That is, a ∈ ∪X if andonly if there exists S ∈ X such that a ∈ S. Forexample, ∪{(0, k) : k ∈ Z} = R+. If X is anindexed family of sets {Sα : α ∈ I }, where I issome index set, the union of X is often denotedby

⋃α∈I Sα .

(2) The union of sets A and B, denoted byA ∪ B, is the set of all elements that belong toat least one of A and B. This is a special caseof the previous definition, as A∪B = ∪{A,B}.For example, {3, 10} ∪ {3, 5} = {3, 10, 5} andN ∪ R = R. See also Axiom of Union.

unit function The arithmetic function, de-notedu, which returns the value 1 for all positiveintegers, i.e., u(n) = 1 for all integers n ≥ 1.(See arithmetic function.) It is completely (andstrongly) multiplicative.

universal bundle A bundle EG −→ BG

with fiber G is a universal bundle with struc-ture group G if EG is contractible and every Gbundle over X is the equivalent to the bundleformed by the pullback of EG −→ BG alongsome map X −→ BG.

Example: The universal real line bundle isEO(1) −→ BO(1) equivalent to the covering ofBO(1) = RP∞ (infinite dimensional real pro-

jective space) by S∞, the union over all n ofspheres Sn, under the action of Z/2 = O(1).

universal element If C is any category, S isthe category of sets and functions, and F : C →S is a functor, a universal element of F is apair (A,B), where A is an object of C and B ∈F(A), such that for every pair (A′, B ′), whereB ′ ∈ F(A′), there exists a unique morphismf : A→ A′ of C with (F (f ))(B) = B ′.

universal mapping property The notion ofa universal mapping property is not a rigorouslydefined one, as many variations exist. A com-mon pattern that appears in many instances canbe described as follows. A triple (p,A,A′),where A and A′ are objects of a category C andp : A → A′ is a morphism of C, has a uni-versal mapping property if, for every morphismf : X → A of C, there exists a unique mor-phism f ′ : X → A′ of C such that f ′ = p ◦ f .In most cases, a universal mapping property isused to define a new object. A standard exampleof defining a tuple having a universal mappingproperty is the product of objects in a category.See product of objects.

universal quantifier See quantifier.

universal sentence A sentence σ of a first or-der language L which has the form∀v1 . . .∀vnα,where α is quantifier-free, for some n ≥ 0.

universe of sets The collection of all sets.In Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory (ZFC), the uni-verse of sets, usually denoted by V , can be ex-pressed by the abbreviation V =⋃

α Vα , whereeach Vα is a set from the cumulative hierarchy.It is important to note that this union does notdefine a set in ZFC, rather, the above equation issimply an abbreviation for the following state-ment which is provable in ZFC: (∀x)(∃α) x ∈Vα . See also cumulative hierarchy.

unordered pair A set with exactly two el-ements. For example, {3,−5} is an unorderedpair. Compare with ordered pair.

upper limit topology See Sorgenfrey line.

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Urysohn’s Metrization Theorem

Urysohn’s Lemma For any two disjointclosed subsets A and B of a normal topologicalspace X, there is a continuous f : X → [0, 1]such that f (a) = 0 for every a ∈ A andf (b) = 1 for every b ∈ B. That is, normal-ity implies disjoint closed sets may be separatedby continuous functions. The converse is easier:if f is continuous and separates A and B, thenf−1([0, 1

2 )) and f−1(( 12 , 1]) are disjoint open

sets containing A and B, respectively. Thus,normality is equivalent to separation by contin-uous functions for Hausdorff spaces.

Urysohn’s Lemma is a vital part of the proofsof Tietze’s Extension Theorem and Urysohn’sMetrization Theorem.

Urysohn’s Metrization Theorem Any regu-lar, second countable topological space is metriz-able. In other words, if X is regular and has acountable basis, then there is a metric that in-duces the topology on X. The proof relies onUrysohn’s Lemma and imbeds X in the cube[0, 1]ω, which is also separable. See alsoUrysohn’s Lemma.

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von Mangoldt function

Vvalid Let L be a first order language and letα be a well-formed formula of L. If, for everystructure A for L and for every s : V → A, Asatisfies α with s, then α is valid or is a validity.(Here, V is the set of variables of L and A is theuniverse of A.)

As an example, let Lbe the language of equal-ity, =. The formula

(v1 = v2 ∧ v2 = v3)→ v1 = v3

is valid.

validity See valid.

Venn diagram A schematic device used toverify relations among sets contained within auniversal set U .

The universal set U may be represented by aclosed figure such as a rectangle. A setA ⊂ U isthen represented by the interior of some closedregion within U , while the statement x ∈ A

is indicated as a point within the region A. TherelationA ⊂ B is depicted by placing the regionrepresenting A within that of B.

The union A ∪ B of two sets may be repre-sented by shading the combined regions includ-ing both A and B. The intersection A ∩ B isindicated by shading the overlapping portionsof the regions A and B and the complement ofA orA′ is indicated by shading the region withinU which is outside A.

The relation (A∪B)′ = A′ ∩B ′ is shown inthe figure. The top diagram indicates by shadingthe set (A∪B)′ and the bottom diagram indicatesthe common elements of A′ and B ′.

von Mangoldt function See Mangoldt func-tion.

Top: (A ∪ B)′. Bottom: A′ ∩ B ′

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WWang exact sequence Let F −→ E −→Sn be a fiber bundle with n ≥ 2 and F pathconnected. Then there is a long exact sequence

· · · −→ Hk(E) −→ Hk(F ) −→ Hk−n+1(F )

−→ Hk+1(E) −→ · · ·called the Wang exact sequence.

This sequence is derived from the spectralsequence for the fiber bundle, which in this casehas only one non-trivial differential. There is ananalogous sequence for homology. One can usethe Wang sequence to compute the homology ofthe based loop space of a sphere.

wedge The one-point union of two spaces; inother words, the wedge product of two spaces isformed from their disjoint union by identifyingone chosen point in the first space with a chosenpoint in the second. In the category of pointedspaces (spaces together with a base point), thechosen point is the base point. For example, thewedge of two circles is a figure eight.

well-formed formula In propositional (sen-tential) logic, a well-formed formula (or wff) sat-isfies the following inductive definition.

(i.) IfA is a sentence symbol, thenA is a wff.(ii.) If α and β are wffs, then so are (¬α),

(α ∧ β), (α ∨ β), (α→ β), and (α ↔ β).(iii.) The set of well-formed formulas is gen-

erated by rules (i.) and (ii.).For example, if A, B, and C are sentence

symbols, then ((A ∧ B) ∨ C) is a wff, whileA∧ is not a wff. Informally, the parenthesesused in defining wffs are often omitted whendoing so does not affect the readability of theformula; in particular, it is always assumed that¬, ∧, and ∨ apply to as little as possible. Forexample, if A, B, and C are sentence symbols,then ¬A∧B → C means (((¬A)∧B)→ C).

In first order logic, with a given first orderlanguage L, the set of wffs of L is defined in-ductively.

(i.) If α is an atomic formula, then α is a wff.(ii.) If α and β are wffs, then so are (¬α) and

(α→ β).(iii.) If α is a wff and v is a variable, then

∀vα is a wff.(iv.) The set of well-formed formulas is gen-

erated by rules (i.), (ii.), and (iii.).Since {¬,→} is a complete set of logical

connectives, it is possible to use the other con-nectives informally in well-formed formulas asabbreviations for formulas in the actual formallanguage L. In particular, if α and β are well-formed formulas of L, then

(i.) (α ∨ β) abbreviates ((¬α)→ β).(ii.) (α ∧ β) abbreviates (¬(α→ (¬β))).(iii.) (α ↔ β) abbreviates ((α→ β)∧(β →

α)).Informally, the parentheses used in defining

wffs are often omitted when doing so does not af-fect the readability of the formula, or even addedwhen doing so aids the readability of the for-mula. It is always assumed that ∀ applies to aslittle as possible. For example, ∀vα→ β means(∀vα→ β), rather than ∀v(α→ β).

For example, in the language of elementarynumber theory (see first order language), ∀v1(<

(v1, S(v1))) is a well-formed formula, although< (v1, S(v1)) is usually informally written asv1 < S(v1).

well-founded relation A partial ordering R,on a set S, such that every nonempty subset ofS has an R-minimal element. For example, therelation “m dividesn”, on the set of natural num-bers, is well-founded; the relation ≤ on the setof real numbers is not well founded.

well-founded set A setX on which the mem-bership relation is well founded. That is, anynonempty subset of X contains an ε-minimalelement. A well-founded set cannot contain it-self as a member.

well-ordered set A pair (S,≤) such that ≤is a well-ordering of S. For example, (N,≤) isa well-ordered set. Also called woset.

well-ordering A linear ordering ≤ of someset S such that every nonempty subset of S hasa minimum element. For example, the usual

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Well-Ordering Theorem

linear ordering≤ for numbers is a well-orderingof N but it is not a well-ordering of R.

Well-Ordering Theorem Every set can bewell ordered; i.e., for every set there exists an or-dering on that set which is a well-ordering. Seewell-ordering. The Well-Ordering Theorem isequivalent to the Axiom of Choice. See Axiomof Choice. Consequently, the Well-OrderingTheorem is independent of the axioms of ZF(Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory); that is, it can nei-ther be proved nor disproved from ZF .

Whitney sum The sum of two vector bun-dles over a manifold, formed by taking the directsum of the vector spaces over each point. TheMöbius band M can be thought of as a vectorbundle over the circle (since the unit interval(0, 1) is homeomorphic to R). This vector bun-dle is distinct from the trivial bundle E = R1 ×S1, but both Whitney sums E ⊕ E and M ⊕Mare equivalent to the trivial bundle R2 × S1.

whole number A non-negative integer.

woset See well-ordered set.

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Zorn’s Lemma

ZZermelo hierarchy See cumulative hierar-chy.

Zermelo set theory Zermelo-Fraenkel settheory without the Axiom of Replacement. Ab-breviated by the letter Z. See Zermelo-Fraenkelset theory.

Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory The for-mal theory whose axioms are: the Axiom ofExtensionality, the Axiom of Regularity, the Ax-iom of Pairing, the Axiom of Separation, theAxiom of Union, the Axiom of Power Set, theAxiom of Infinity, the Axiom of Replacement,and the Axiom of Choice. This axiomatic the-ory is often abbreviated as ZFC (the letter C isfor the Axiom of Choice).

zero Symbol: 0(1) A symbol representing the absence of

quantity.(2) The additive identity of an Abelian group

A. The element denoted as 0 ∈ A which hasthe property that 0 + a = a + 0 = a for everyelement a ∈ A.

zero object An object A of a category C thatis both terminal and initial is a zero object ofC. Such an object is usually denoted by 0 or ∗,and is also called a null object of the category.For example, in the category of Abelian groupsand group homomorphisms, ({0},+) is a zeroobject. Any two zero objects are isomorphic.

zero section A map M −→ E of a vectorbundle E −→ M over a manifold M , whichtakes each point m in M to the zero in the vectorspace which is the fiber over m. That this mapis well defined follows from the definition ofvector bundle.

Example: For any trivial bundle M × Rn,M × {0} is the zero section.

The term zero section can also refer to theimage of the section map.

ZF Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory without theAxiom of Choice. See Zermelo-Fraenkel settheory.

ZFC See Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory.

Zorn’s Lemma If (P,≤) is a nonempty par-tial order in which every chain has an upperbound, then P has a maximal element. In otherwords, if for every linearly orderedC ⊆ P thereis a pc ∈ P such that q ≤ pc for all q ∈ C,then there is one p ∈ P such that q ≤ p forall q ∈ P . Zorn’s Lemma is equivalent to theAxiom of Choice.

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