dictionaries and lists of acronyms available portuguese = 2900 entries aviation acronyms in...

Download Dictionaries and lists of acronyms available  Portuguese = 2900 entries  Aviation Acronyms in English = 4000  Aviation Acronyms in Portuguese = 380

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Dictionaries and lists of acronyms available Portuguese = 2900 entries Aviation Acronyms in English = 4000 Aviation Acronyms in Portuguese = 380 Dictionaries and list of acronyms under development French-Portuguese/Portuguese-French Aviation Acronyms in French Technical Cooperation Agreement Terminology case files Corpus Corpus Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency ANAC Brazilian Department of Airspace Control DECEA International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO International Aviation Authorities (FAA, JAA, EUROCONTROL, JEPPESEN, Aviation Authority of Australia etc.) Corpus Aeronautical products industry Dictionaries: Kumar, Crane, Cambridge Aerospace Dictionary, Gunston, Crocker etc. Technical documents used in daily activities Internet Interactions with specialists Corpus available at Corpus Sub-areas Sub-areas Specific areas hierarchically subordinated to a major area aviation Classification of terms and acronyms according to their frequency in the contexts of use Quality improvement - helping users to understand definitions and concepts Sub-areas Aviation is a complex field Sub-areas made available for users in 2014 only a complex task A list of sub-areas and a definition for each of them constant updating At the same time, they help the team to take decisions Sub-areas Technical dictionaries, at least the better ones, often indicate the field of application or domain for a term. Corpus linguistics research Prompt results Useful results New possibilities for researches on related (RT), narrow (NT) and broader terms (BT), proofs of use and sub-areas, to name just a few Corpus linguistics research Two examples: improvements on a term due to the use of an automatic extraction tool ; and a term researched with the use of the automatic extraction tool since the beginning. Corpus linguistics research Terms used as examples in English and Portuguese: aerodrome/aerdromo cockpit voice recorder (CVR)/gravador de voz na cabine de comando Corpus linguistics research