diary during my stay in england, 2011. adrianna machelska

Diary during my stay in England, 2011. Adrianna Machelska

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Page 1: Diary during my stay in England, 2011. Adrianna Machelska

Diary during my stay in England, 2011.

Adrianna Machelska

Page 2: Diary during my stay in England, 2011. Adrianna Machelska

Day I, Friday

I woke up at 5 am. Departure from home at 6:10 for the gathering near the school. Departure to the airport to Cracow at 6:30. Arrived

to the airport around 8:00. Check-in at the airport at 8:30 am, departure to England at 10:30. Arriving at the airport in Bristol -

12:30. Fairly good weather. We got to the buses and went to school Pilton. We arrived there around 3:00 pm, my partner Kate Holly was waiting there for me with her mother and her brother George. We

went by car with Kate and Mrs. Holly to Bratton Fleming. Kate showed me the room where I will be sleeping. We talked for a long time, I told her about Poland, and she told me about England. We

also talked about school, about our interests, about what is planned for our stay in England. She gave me a traditional English snack (a

roll with melted cheese) and orange juice. Then we went to the nearby chip shop for fish and chips. There, we met Tom's partner,

Matthew, we talked for a moment. After doing shopping we went to the store. From there we went back home. After dinner, we went to the beach with Tom and his siblings, father, Matthew, Bartek and Joe. Paul and his girlfriend Paige, Marcel with Lusie, Ola with India,

Emma and David, Simon and Peter Bethan with Piotrek were already waiting for us. We played rugby, rounders, cricket, talked and laughed. It started to rain, so we went to hide ourselves from

rain. About 9:30 pm Tom's dad took us from the beach and brought back to Bratton Fleming. At about 10:30 pm we were asleep. 

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England, the sight from a coach. First day.

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Day II, SaturdayWoke up around 7:00 am. We were woke up by a song written and sung by Bethan, Simon’s partner.

Kate made me breakfast - cereal with cold milk and orange juice. After breakfast we got dressed and we

left around 8:20 am to the school. About 8:35 we are at school, then at about 9:00 we left by bus for a trip to

Bath. Arrived in town around 11:00. We are visiting the city by double storey bus, we could hear the Polish descriptions of sights we see through the headphones.

Sights included Cathedral, after which we saw a park path where Jane Austen once walked. Then, around 2:00 pm we explore the baths in Bath. About 2:50 pm we

went shopping. We went to the boutiques, and then to Mc'Donalds. Around 3:35 pm we wnet

back to collect thecathedral. We go to the coach, back to Pilton College. Next, I came home with

Kate, ate dinner and go watching the Eurovision Song Contest at Tom’s place. We ate pizza, lasagna, candies, told some joke. After returning home I packed up for spending the night at Paige’s place, a partner of Paulina. At Paige’s

home, we went to bed at about 11:00 pm.

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Day III, Sunday

Day with the families. We woke up around 10:00

am. After breakfast we all four go to the High Street. We pass a bridge. On

the High Street we met with Piotrek with Peter, Joe

withBartek, Matthew, Joe’s sister and Tom. We ate lunch at a

nearby restaurant, then we went shopping. After 3 hours, we are going home with Paige, pack our things there, and we

wait with Kate for her mother. We return to Bratton Fleming, 5:00 pm on the

clock. We eat dinner with George and Mrs. Holly’s sister.

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Day IV, MondayAbout 9:00 we leave by coach from the school in Barnstaple. I

took with me my sneakers and a raincoat, but it was not raining. We got off in Watersmeet, and we go to

Lynmouth on foot. Along the way we go to the ocean shore and we take some pictures of Roxanne, Caroline and

Claudia, the we buy some ice creams. We drove the train to Lynton, photographing beautiful

landscapes, then we eat lunch in the valley of rocks. About 1:00 pm we drink tea with milk and

fresh bread with jam on Mother Medrums Tea Rooms. About 3:00 pm we are back to

Barnstaple. There, immediately after school we go by bus to Emma’s house. When there, we eat tomato soup made 

by her mother, then go to the park to play rugby and rounders, and then basketball. We go

back and teach English people how the say basic things in Polish. About 9:00 pm we are back from the Emma’s

place and go along with Mrs. Holly, Paige and Kate to Mc'Donalds. Then, Mrs. Holly gave Paige and Paulina ride

home, and later that night we returned home. We go to bed about 10:30 pm.

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Day V, Tuesday

I woke up at 6:50 am, departured from Bratton Fleming at 8:20 with

Matthew and Bartek. I arrived at Pilton school around 8:40. We went to the appeal held in the

drama hall. Then, there are dance classes - we watched and learnt a new scheme and watched a dance performed by 8th

grade girls. After 2 hours, we went onto the pitch, played handball, and then rounders. Then, we had

computer classes, we answered questions concerning British customs. We went on a

trip to Barnstaple around 2:15 pm, after an hour we were going to shop on the High Street. Shopping lasted 2

hours, we met our partners near the library in Barnstaple, and then went home with them to Lusie’s place. There, we went to the park and played rugby. We

returned home about 9:00 pm.

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Day VI, Wednesday

I woke up at 7:00. I went out of the house at about 8:20 with Kate. We gathered in drama hall at 8:45am. At 9:00 am there was a departure from the school. At 10:00 am - we

visited Clovelly Entre, then there was a lunch at Tintagel. About 1:00 pm we visited Tintagel Castle.

At about 4:30 pm we were going back straight to Tom’s place, and we went to the park with our partners in

Bratton Fleming, tought them to play the "ground game", then went back and ate dinner.

Then, we drove to Tom. We strolled the streets of Bratton Fleming, played rugby, rounders, and we

rode on a scooter. We drove home with Kate about 9:00 pm.

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Day VII, Thursday

8:00 am - departure with our 8th grade partners from school Pilton Community College in Devon to Devon

County Show in Exeter. We got off the bus around 10:00 am, and to 3:00 pm we had free time for ourselves. We

went with Roxanne, Claudia and Caroline to watch exhibitions Devon’s culture, and then to

the amusement park, where we spent more than 4 hours. At 3:00 pm we went to collect and returned to

school at 5:00 pm. From there we went to Joe’s place - we all met there. We went outside to eat the

marshmallows heated on the fire, sang some songs, Bethan played the guitar. Then we played rugby, and hide and

seek. At the very end of the party we played the a game "truth or task” by the fire. Then, about 9:30 pm Mrs. Holly

came for me, Paige, Kate and Paulina.

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Day VIII, FridayA trip to Exeter. We set off on a trip about 8:45

am, we visited a city with a guide, then lunched and did some shopping in the

city center. At 3:00 pm we visited Quay Visitor Centre. About 5:00 pm we went back to school. Later that day we were

hosting a party with guests. About 6:00 pm Paige appeared with Paulina, Marcel and Lusie, Bartek and Joe, Tom

with Matthew, India and Ola, Emma and David, Simon with Bethan. We

watched movies with subtitles, then we went to the park and played games, ate dinner -

kebabs, salads, bread with garlic butter, corn, rice, cheese, etc. About 9:00 pm we said goodbye

to the guests, and Paulina and Paige were the with us for the night.

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Day IX, Saturday

Another day with families. It is Sunday. I woke up around 9:00 am. All together we made pancakes with jam and we drank orange juice. Around 1:00 pm we went to the city to ice rink where we met Ola, Bartek and David. We ate hamburgers at Burger King, then went to the beach, where partners’ parents gave us hamburgers and hot dogs. We walked along the beach, talked and played rounders and rugby. We were back around 9:00 pm, then we did some packing.

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DayX, Sunday

Departure from Bratton Fleming at 2:20 am, a farewell with Katie’s

parents and departure at 2:45 am. Around 4:40 am we are at the airport in Bristol, then check-in

and departure at 7:05 am. It was about 10:30 am we landed in

Balice. Then, the bus took us from the airport and we drove  one and

half an hour to Zawiercie. Around 1:00 pm our

parents took us from our school.