diary dates - maraylya-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · i am keen to hear from a parent plumber and...

www.maraylya-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Term 2, Week 4 23 rd May, 2014 Principal’s Message Our assemblies are always an enjoyable time together as we hear what’s happening across the school, recognise excellence and effort through many awards and sing some songs together. I am very proud of our captains who run this event each fortnight, showing initiative and planning in the lead-up to and during assembly day. It is our aim that assemblies are friendly and enjoyable for students and their families. Thanks to those families who are able to join us on odd weeks from Friday at 1.45pm. What does excellence look like at MPS? Teachers and parents holding high expectations for students, providing the support necessary to achieve Students expecting high standards of themselves as learners and school citizens Students, teachers and parents working together towards these high standards Students and teachers striving for their very best Recognition of excellence in its many forms Diary Dates Galston High Ext’ Class testing Wed 28 th May Topple Tobacco Day Fri 30 th May 3/4 Windsor Excursion Mon 2 nd Jun Queen’s Birthday Long Weekend Mon 9 th Jun Choir Rehearsal Hawkesbury High Tue 17 th Jun School Athletics Carnival Tamplin Field Thu 26 th Jun (17 th Jul Back-up) Student Progress Reports Home Fri 27 th Jun School Development Day Mon 14 th Jul Term 3 Commences Tue 15 th Jul 5/6 Milson Island Camp 4 th -6 th Aug Kindergarten Orientation Evening Wed 12 th Nov 6-7pm Presentation Night Thu 11 th Dec Year 6 Farewell Mon 15 th Dec Value of the Month - Excellence

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Page 1: Diary Dates - maraylya-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · I am keen to hear from a parent plumber and tradesman who are able to help the school with a couple of jobs. One job is tank removal

www.maraylya-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Term 2, Week 4 23rd May, 2014

Principal’s Message Our assemblies are always an enjoyable time together as we hear

what’s happening across the school, recognise excellence and

effort through many awards and sing some songs together.

I am very proud of our captains who run this event each fortnight,

showing initiative and planning in the lead-up to and during

assembly day.

It is our aim that assemblies are friendly and enjoyable for students

and their families. Thanks to those families who are able to join us

on odd weeks from Friday at 1.45pm.

What does excellence look like at MPS?

Teachers and parents holding high expectations for students, providing the support necessary to achieve Students expecting high standards of themselves as learners and school citizens Students, teachers and parents working together towards these high standards Students and teachers striving for their very best Recognition of excellence in its many forms

Diary Dates Galston High Ext’ Class testing


28th May

Topple Tobacco Day Fri

30th May

3/4 Windsor Excursion


2nd Jun

Queen’s Birthday Long Weekend


9th Jun

Choir Rehearsal Hawkesbury High


17th Jun

School Athletics Carnival Tamplin Field


26th Jun

(17th Jul Back-up)

Student Progress Reports Home


27th Jun

School Development Day


14th Jul

Term 3 Commences Tue

15th Jul

5/6 Milson Island Camp



Kindergarten Orientation Evening


12th Nov 6-7pm

Presentation Night Thu

11th Dec

Year 6 Farewell Mon

15th Dec

Value of the Month - Excellence

Page 2: Diary Dates - maraylya-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · I am keen to hear from a parent plumber and tradesman who are able to help the school with a couple of jobs. One job is tank removal

‘World No Tobacco Day’


World No Tobacco day is Saturday May 31st and to celebrate, all Maraylya students are invited

to enter a unique art competition called


An art competition about putting out the message about the dangers of smoking.

This is the final year of the competition and all students are eligible to enter.

Go to www.arttopplingtobacco.com for entry details.

Entries for the competition close by October 14th.

As well as the Art Toppling Tobacco competition if you get your parents to send a copy of the

same artwork with your name and class to [email protected]

by May 25th you will be in the running for the

Maraylya Public School World no Tobacco day art competition

There will be a prize for the best artwork from each class, chosen by a distinguished Maralylian

judge (actually just Jonah Beer's Dad) and given out on the Friday 30th of May.

Any questions email [email protected] or ask Jonah Beer's Dad

Page 3: Diary Dates - maraylya-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · I am keen to hear from a parent plumber and tradesman who are able to help the school with a couple of jobs. One job is tank removal

Hawkesbury Show Art and Craft Winners

It has been a great year for our artists this year at the Hawkesbury

Show with many students receiving awards, most notably are our

students who achieved a ribbon winning result.

1st – Lauren Lee for 5/6 craft

2nd – Emily Schaffarczyk for 5/6 craft

2nd – Justin Sultana for 1/2 craft

2nd – Hugo Hyatt for 1/2 craft

Stewart House Just a reminder that the Stewart House clothing appeal bags need to be returned by the 11th June

for collection.

Ethics Program At this stage, it appears that a Stage 1 program can proceed. If you are interested in your child being involved and did not notify us last year, please contact the office. Further information is available at


Absenteeism After a recent visit from our Home School Liaison Officer, it has become evident that some student absences remain unexplained. If your child is away from school you must send an explanation note on their return to school. Could you please ensure that any outstanding absences are explained by next week? Some families may be contacted by the school next week regarding any chronic absenteeism issues. These may be referred to our HSLO if deemed necessary. Children’s Hospital Mufti Day Thanks so much to all of our families for their support in the Children’s Hospital Mufti Day last Wednesday. Mrs Azmi did an amazing job of organising our day, with special prizes for all of our colouring-in winners from K-2 and bandaged bears from 3-6. Thanks to our community, we were able to raise $264.35. Mrs Azmi ran in the half marathon last weekend as a focus for her fundraising. She ran it in 2hours and 9 minutes - an excellent effort for a worthy cause! Scripture Help Needed! We are still seeking a parent that may be interested in just sitting in on Maree Weisemes class 1/2 5/6, to sit with a group of children while they are doing their activity in their books. It would only be for 1/2 an hour a week, 11:15-11:45 on Wednesday. If anyone is interested they could contact me on 45796160 as they would still have to do all the Child Protection Info Thanks again Dolores Help needed I am keen to hear from a parent plumber and tradesman who are able to help the school with a couple of jobs. One job is tank removal/ reassignment and the other is cutting and adhering of the new pin-board material to the classroom dividing wall Could you please contact me at school if you are able to help

Stewart Gaffey Principal – MPS

Page 4: Diary Dates - maraylya-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · I am keen to hear from a parent plumber and tradesman who are able to help the school with a couple of jobs. One job is tank removal

Merit Awards Term2 – Weeks These students have achieved 10 tokens through the school’s BEE Awards recognition system.

Count Down Awards Kurt Schaffarczyk Anjelica Bortolussi Sarah Pike Nicholas Galea Hugo Hyatt Orlando Hopkins Thomas Horne Ryan Colgan Emily Schaffarczyk Jorja Wiesemes Lauren Lee

These students have achieved 20 tokens through the school’s BEE Awards recognition system.

Blast Off Awards Gretchen Azmi Jack Terry-Rich Victoria Hopkins Noah Elliott Parker Edwards Ivy Constantine Chelsea Hay Anne Bellamy Kate Sultana Austin Foxall Sianna Wiesemes Chiara Cauchi Hayley Madadghar

Happy Birthday to ……

Maxim Born, Dee Carrington, Hayden Elliott,

Lachlan Madaghar, Charlotte McDermott Who celebrate their birthdays in May


We hope you had or have a great day!

Page 5: Diary Dates - maraylya-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · I am keen to hear from a parent plumber and tradesman who are able to help the school with a couple of jobs. One job is tank removal

MPS Assembly Awards

Term 2 Week 4

K – Riley Mills & Gracie Vella 1 – Anjelica Bortolussi & Nicholas Galea

2 – Scarlet Burns & Drew Davies 3/4 – Jack Mills & Brayden Carabetta

5/6 – Amaya Edwards, Kimberley Carpenter & James Osterlund

Person of the Week

K – Victoria Hopkins

1 – Lachlan Ible 2 – Lachlan Milsoh

3/4 – Nicholas Sultana 5/6 – Zane Underwood

Page 6: Diary Dates - maraylya-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · I am keen to hear from a parent plumber and tradesman who are able to help the school with a couple of jobs. One job is tank removal


The school is expanding and updating its equestrian resources. We will have 12 saddle blankets and associated sashes and ties for riders. Riders will require their own bottle green woollen jumpers in order to compete. Riders’ families should ensure that any insurance needs or competition waivers are met and signed respectively, as in most cases there will be no staff member in attendance at these weekend events. Our thanks to Lou Carpinato and Brooke Elliott for their help in investigating and sourcing saddle blanket materials. Thanks to Saddleworld at Dural for helping us with supplying the saddle blankets at a reduced cost. Listed below are the dates and a link for the 2014 school competitions. http://www.nsw.equestrian.org.au/default.asp?Page=9175&MenuID=Schools/c141


857 Old Northern Road Dural NSW 2158 Australia

T 02 9651 2337 F 02 9651 1215

E [email protected] ABN 32 001 793 611

Page 7: Diary Dates - maraylya-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · I am keen to hear from a parent plumber and tradesman who are able to help the school with a couple of jobs. One job is tank removal

K We have been looking at books which have the concept of belonging for the last few weeks and writing sentences about the theme of the book. We have even typed some of these sentences on the computer with our buddies! The boys and girls are making great progress with their reading skills. It is very important that they read at their ability to build confidence and prevent frustration. Remind them when they find a sight word in their reading that they just need to know that word, obviously some words can just prove tricky to learn. I just wanted to stress again the importance of reading for 10 minutes every night with lots of positive encouragement and praise. The class is doing a great job at presenting their news on the topic of the week. Lots of children nominated chocolate as their favourite food! In maths we have been trying to identify the dots on a dice without counting each dot and adding the two numbers together by starting at the bigger number. As they improve at adding two numbers together we will look at adding a number to 10. We are also practising identifying our numbers from 11 – 20.

1 This week Year 1 enjoyed joining with year 2 and visiting The Brewongle Environmental Centre. We went bird watching. Having enough binoculars for everyone to have a set at the same time was fantastic and we tried very hard not to be noisy and scare the birds away. We all got to hold a Blue Tongue Lizard. Her name was Lizzie. Dip netting was the highlight of the day with children catching a dragonfly nymph, tadpoles, water scorpion, back swimmers and water bugs. We also used the microscopes to see small creatures close up like a Christmas beetle, red back spider and huntsman and many more insects. We finished the day learning about how to care for our environment by recycling as much of our rubbish as we can and we experienced pit toilets. They were a bit smelly! This fitted in nicely with our units about the environment. A great day had by all! Written by the yr 1 class.

Page 8: Diary Dates - maraylya-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · I am keen to hear from a parent plumber and tradesman who are able to help the school with a couple of jobs. One job is tank removal

2 What a fantastic time we had at Brewongle Education Environmental Centre on Tuesday. We went bird watching with binoculars, listened to bird calls to identify who made them. After recess the real fun began, we dug for bugs up in the bug pits in the bush and identified what we found and then we went to the ponds and began to dip net. It seemed like just too much fun! Even the bus ride was seen as a great part of the day. We have finally finished our novel study of “James and the Giant Peach’, they have learnt so much and are now able to discuss the different characters in more detail, they are not just “a kind beetle” but now they are “the ladybird is a kind to James as she treats him like she is his mother”. Maths this fortnight has been looking at fractions (halves and quarters of shapes but also objects) and volume. 3/4 We were very proud of Gizelle’s mum who ran a marathon to raise money for Westmead Children’s Hospital. Congratulations Sharon!!!! 3/4 are very excited about their excursion to Windsor which they have been learning about as part of British Colonisation this term. Could I please have all permission notes and the $1.00 for the excursion back as soon as possible please, just so that I can check that we have enough drivers. Thank you. 5/6 Students have continued their science unit, constructing various devices with which to measure time. Students worked last week to produce a solar clock. They have studied the effectiveness of these devices. Next week, we hope to create a candle clock.

Year 6 have also started reading their term’s novel, ‘Holes’. Their novel study has them creating anything from T-shirts and models to reflecting on connections from the book to their own experiences.

Page 9: Diary Dates - maraylya-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · I am keen to hear from a parent plumber and tradesman who are able to help the school with a couple of jobs. One job is tank removal

P & C NEWS [email protected] President – Kylie Hall

Vice Presidents – Belinda Astill, Rod Evans Treasurer – Joanne Stocker

Secretary – Terese Horne Uniform Managers – Tammy Thomas/ Brooke Elliott

Fundraising – Brooke Elliott / Tammy Thomas/ Linda Constantine Canteen – Catherine Sultana / Vanessa Needs











































Uniform Shop Update

The uniform shop will now be open on

Monday afternoons from 2.15pm – 3.00pm (not Thursday)

Alternative ordering:

Order dropped off to Mrs Carrington in the office with correct money

Email order to

[email protected] Call if you need uniforms urgently –

Tammy 0433 286 560

Reforms to P&C Federation

The NSW Parliament has introduced legislation to reform the NSW Federation of Parent and Citizens Associations, which has suspended operation pending Supreme Court action. While these reforms will not affect the day-to-day operation of individual school P&Cs, they will introduce a new executive structure which will ensure the Federation operates as a modern and representative body on behalf of school P&C Associations.

Each school’s P&C Association will be asked to vote for councillors and delegates who will represent their electorate at the Federation’s Annual General Meeting and councillors who will serve on the Federation’s Board of Management. More information will be available on the Department’s website at


Next P & C Meeting

Tuesday 10th


7.30pm – 9.30pm