diagnostic tests dm

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  • 8/8/2019 Diagnostic Tests Dm



    Fasting Plasma Glucose this test of serum or plasma is used to confirm a diagnosis of DM. It

    is also used to monitor treatment of DM.

    Normal Value: 70-100mg/dL

    *Tell the client not to eat or drink for 12 hours before the test

    *Do not administer insulin until blood specimen is taken

    *Check/Assess medication: FBS may be increased by cortisone, diuretics, ACTH,

    levodopa, epinephrine, anesthetics, and phenytoin (Dilantin)

    Random Blood Sugar measures blood glucose regardless of when you last ate. This test is

    also called a Casual Blood Glucose Test. Several random measurements may be taken through

    out the day.

    Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HgbA1c) is a blood test that reflects average blood glucose levels

    over a period of approximately 2-3 months. It is used to measure the effectiveness of

    treatment of DM

    When blood glucose levels are elevated, glucose molecules attach to hemoglobin in RBC. The

    longer the amount of glucose in the blood remains above normal, the more glucose binds to

    hemoglobin and the higher the glycated hemoglobin level becomes.

    Normal Value: 5.5-9%

    Oral Glucose Tolerance Test perform to diagnose DM if prior fasting blood sugar findings are

    increased or inconsistent.

    *The test will not be done if clients FBS is consistently high (>200mg/dL)

    *The client drinks a solution of 75-100g of glucose

    *Samples of blood and urine are taken immediately and at 30, 60, and 120 minutes (or it

    may extend from 3-6 hours)

    *Tell the client not to eat or drink (except water) for 12 hours before the test

    *Tell the client that food, fluids (except water), and smoking are not allowed during the


    *Assess medications: Drugs that may increase OGTT levels are steroids, oral

    contraceptives, estrogens, thiazide diuretics, and salicylates

    *Explain to the client that he or she may feel weak and may perspire during the test and

    these symptoms should be reported to the test

  • 8/8/2019 Diagnostic Tests Dm


    Urine Glucose and Ketone Levels the presence of ketones in the urine indicates

    hyperglycemia. RENAL THRESHOLD FOR GLUCOSE: 180mg/dL. KETONURIA presence of

    ketones, byproduct of fats, to urine

    >To test the urine for Ketones

    *Ask the client to void, discard the urine, and drink a full glass of water

    *30 minutes later, collect a urine sample

    *For ACIDTEST TABLET: Place the tablet on a white paper towel, place 1 drop of urine on

    the tablet, and wait 30 seconds. If the tablet turns any shade from lavender to deep purple, the

    test is positive for ketones

    *For KETOSTIX: dip the reagent stick into the urine sample. Wait until 15 seconds, then

    compare the color of the pad at the end of the stick to an accompanying color chart. PURPLE is

    indicative of ketones.

    Urine test for Albumin (CHON) If albuminuria is present, 24 hour urine test for creatinine

    clearance is used to detect the early onset of nephropathy

    Serum Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels increased risk for cardiovascular impairment

    Serum Electrolytes checking for imbalances (DKA and HHNS)