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  • 8/8/2019 Dhtml Object


    About the DHTML Object Model

    The Dynamic HTML (DHTML) Document Object Model (DOM) allows authors direct, programmable access

    to the individual components of their Web documents, from individual elements to containers. This

    access, combined with the event model, allows the browser to react to user input, execute scripts on the

    fly, and display the new content without downloading additional documents from a server. The

    DHTML DOM puts sophisticated interactivity within easy reach of the average HTML author.

    y What Is the Object Model?y Accessing Elements with Scripty Events: Bubbling, Canceling, and Handlingy Handling Rollover Effectsy Canceling Eventsy Special Considerationsy Related Topics

    What Is the Object Model?

    The object model is the mechanism that makes DHTML programmable. It doesn't require that authors

    learn new HTML tags, and it doesn't involve any new authoring technologies. In fact, the object model

    builds on functionality that authors have used to create content for previous browsers. Remember setting

    the value for aformelement in script, or adding onmouseover events to links in Microsoft InternetExplorer 3.0? If so, you've been using a limited form of the object model to access your HTML with script.

    What's different in the current object model is that now every HTML element is programmable. This

    means every HTML element on the page can have script behind it that can be used to interact with user

    actions and change the page content dynamically. This event model lets a document react when the user

    has done something on the page, such as moving the mouse pointer over a particular element, pressing akey, or entering information into a form input. Each event can be linked to a script that tells the browser

    to modify the content on the fly, without having to go back to the server for a new file. The advantages to

    this are that authors will be able to create interactive Web sites with fewer pages, and users do not have

    to wait for new pages to download from Web servers, increasing the speed of their browsing and the

    performance of the Internet as a whole.

    Accessing Elements with Script

    Every HTML element is a scriptable object in the object model, with its own set ofproperties,methods,

    andevents. However, to write script for each element object, the author must know how to get to anelement.

    The object model focuses on collections of elements, a hierarchy of groupings that the elements fall into.

    The most important of these collections are theallcollection and thechildrencollection.A DHTMLdocument is a structured arrangement of elements, and in the following example, each element has a

    scope of influence that depends on where in the document the tags appear.

  • 8/8/2019 Dhtml Object



    Some text in aparagraph

    In the preceding example, thedivobject contains (and is the parent of) thepobject and theimgobject

    called image1. Conversely, image1 and thepare children of thediv. Theimgobject called image2,

    however, is a child of thebodyobject.

    Each element object has anallcollection that contains all the elements that are beneath that element in

    the hierarchy, and achildrencollection that contains only the elements that are direct descendants of

    that element. In the preceding example, thebwould be in thedivobject'sallcollection, but would not

    appear in thedivobject'schildrencollection. Similarly, thedivis a member of

    thebodyobject'schildrencollection, but thepis not.

    In addition to these collections for each element, the document itself (represented by the document

    object) has a number of element and nonelement collections. The most important collection is

    anallcollection that contains all the elements on the Web page. This collection is the primary way toaccess elements through script. For more information about using collections, seeScripting with Elementsand Collections.

    Events: Bubbling, Canceling, and Handling

    Clicking a button, moving the mouse pointer over part of the Web page, selecting some text on the

    pagethese actions all fire events, and a DHTML author can write code to run in response to the event.

    This particular piece of code is generally known as an event handler, because that's what it does, it

    handles events.

    Event handling is not unique to Internet Explorer 4.0 or even Internet Explorer 3.0; Netscape Navigator 3.xand Communicator also handle events. However, in Internet Explorer 4.0, the HTML elements on a Web

    page that are the source of the events, and the types of events that are generated, have been greatly

    expanded. Previously, only a small set of HTML elements could generate events, such as anchors, image

    maps, form elements, applications, and objects. With the Internet Explorer 4.0 event model, every HTML

    element on the page can be the source for a full set of mouse and keyboard events.

    The following is a set of common events that every HTML element generates in Internet Explorer 4.0.

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    Mouse event Generated when the user:

    onmouseover Moves the mouse pointer over (that is, enters) an element.

    onmouseout Moves the mouse pointer off (that is, exits) an element.


    Presses any of the mouse buttons.

    onmouseup Releases any of the mouse buttons.

    onmousemove Moves the mouse pointer within an element.

    onclick Clicks the left mouse button on an element.

    ondblclick Double-clicks the left mouse button on an element.


    eventGenerated when the user:

    onkeypress Presses and releases a key (full down-and-up cycle). However, if a key is held down,

    multipleonkeypress events are fired.

    onkeydown Presses a key. Only a single event is fired, even if the key is held down.

    onkeyup Releases a key.

    To help authors build code that is compact, simpler, and easier to maintain, Internet Explorer 4.0

    introduces event bubbling as a new way to handle events. Windows, OS/2, OSF Motif, and almost every

    other graphical user interface (GUI) platform uses this technique to process events in their user interfaces.

    However, event bubbling is new to HTML and provides an efficient model for incorporating event

    handling into Web documents.

    Previously, if an HTML element generated an event, but no event handler was registered for it, the event

    would disappear, never to be seen again. Event bubbling simply passes these unhandled events to the

    parent element for handling. The event continues up ("bubbles up") the element hierarchy until it is

    handled, or until it reaches the topmost object, thedocumentobject.

    Event bubbling is useful because it:

    y Allows multiple common actions to be handled centrally.y Reduces the amount of overall code in the Web page.y Reduces the number of code changes required to update a document.

    The following is a simple example of event bubbling in action.


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    This is some text


    On this page, when the user moves the mouse pointer over the text, the text "OuterDiv" appears in a

    dialog box. If the user moves the mouse pointer over the image, the text "InnerImg" appears in a dialog


    Notice that theonmouseoverevent for theimgobject was handled even though it does not have an

    event handler. Why is this? Theonmouseoverevent from theimgobject bubbles up to its parent

    element, which is thedivobject. Because thedivobject has an event handler registered for

    theonmouseoverevent, it fires and generates the specified dialog window.

    Every time an event is fired, a special property on thewindowobject is created. This special property

    contains theeventobject. Theeventobject contains context information about the event that just fired,including mouse location, keyboard status, and, most importantly, the source element of the event.

    The source element is the element that causes the event to fire, and is accessed using

    thesrcElementproperty on thewindow.eventobject.

    In the preceding example, the dialog box displays theidproperty of the event'ssrcElement.

    Handling Rollover Effects

    An author creates a rollover effect to make part of a page react when the user moves the mouse pointer

    over it. With Internet Explorer 4.0, the process of creating a rollover effect is greatly simplified.


    .Item {

    cursor: hand;font-family: verdana;font-size: 20;font-style: normal;background-color: blue;color: white

    }.Highlight {

    cursor: hand;font-family: verdana;

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    font-size: 20;font-style: italic;background-color: white;color: blue



    function rollon() {if (window.event.srcElement.className == "Item") {

    window.event.srcElement.className = "Highlight";}


    document.onmouseover = rollon;

    function rolloff() {if (window.event.srcElement.className == "Highlight") {

    window.event.srcElement.className = "Item";}


    document.onmouseout = rolloff;



    In the preceding example, sevenspanobjects are initially set to use the class Item. When the mousepointer moves over any one of those elements, it will be changed to use the class Highlight.

    Innovations in Internet Explorer 4.0 enable the following:

    y Events now can be generated from aspanobject. Previously, an author would have had to wrapeachspanin an anchor to get the right events.

    y With event bubbling, events can be captured at thedocumentobject level. You do not need tocreate separate event handlers for each element that participate in the effect. For example, should

    the author add HTML to the page, these additional elements will participate in the event model

    without changing a single line of script. Notice that thedocumentobject is the "super parent" forall elements in the document body.

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    Canceling Events

    All events bubble to their parent element (and, recursively, all the way up to thedocumentobject) unless

    the event is canceled. To cancel an event, you must set thewindow.event.cancelBubbleproperty to "true"in the event handler. Note that unless canceled, events will bubble up the hierarchy and be handled by all

    parent elements registered to the event, even if the event has already been handled.

    Canceling event bubbling should not be confused with canceling the default action for the event. Some

    events (for example, theonclickevent on an anchor) have a default action. When an anchor is clicked, its

    default action is to navigate the current window to the URL specified in thesrcproperty. Returning "false"

    from an event handler, or settingwindow.event.returnValueto "false", cancels the default action but does

    not cancel event bubbling unlesswindow.event.cancelBubble is also set. Conversely, canceling anevent's bubbling doesn't cancel its default action.

    The last example shows how to use event bubbling to apply a common effect to a set of elements. If you

    want to exclude an element from that effect, simply change the following line of code, from:








    No matter how many times the user moves the mouse pointer over the word Ham, it will not change style.

    This is because both theonmouseoverandonmouseoutevents are canceled; they did not bubble

    through to thedocument, so thedocumentwas never given the opportunity to handle those events forthe word Ham.

    Special Considerations

    At any one time, you can have anonmouseoverevent only on a single object. Consider the followingcase:


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    If you were to move your mouse pointer over theimg, the order of events would be as follows:


    MyDiv:: onmouseoverMyDiv:: onmouseout

    MyImg:: onmouseover

    Moving your mouse pointer off theimgfires the MyDiv::onmouseover event again.

    At times, the author might want to detect when the mouse pointer moves outside adivto perform a

    special effect. It is not enough to simply trap theonmouseoutevent. To make this easier, InternetExplorer 4.0 indicates the source element (fromElement) and target element (toElement) for

    theonmouseoverandonmouseoutevents. You can use these properties in combination with

    thecontainsmethod to tell when the mouse pointer moves outside a region.

    The following example shows how to use these properties and methods.


    function over() {var s;s = "onmouseover: "+window.event.srcElement.id+" from: "+

    window.event.fromElement.id+" to: "+window.event.toElement.id;alert(s);


    function out() {var s;s = "onmouseout: "+window.event.srcElement.id+" from: "+

    window.event.fromElement.id+" to: "+window.event.toElement.id;


    if (!(OuterDiv.contains(window.event.toElement))) {alert("Out Now");


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    all Collection

    Returns a reference to the collection of elements contained by the object.


    [collAll= ] object.all

    [oObject= ] object.all(vIndex[,iSubIndex])

    Possible Values

    collAll Array of elements contained by the object.

    oObject Reference to an individual item in the array of elements contained by the object.

    vIndex Required. Integer or string that specifies the element or collection to retrieve. If

    this parameter is an integer, the method returns the element in the collection at the

    given position, where the first element has value 0, the second has 1, and so on. Ifthis parameter is a string and there is more than one element with

    the name orid property equal to the string, the method returns a collection ofmatching elements.

    iSubIndex Optional. Position of an element to retrieve. This parameter is used when vIndex isa string. The method uses the string to construct a collection of all elements that

    have a name oridproperty equal to the string, and then retrieves from thiscollection the element at the position specified by iSubIndex.

    Members Table

    The following table lists the members exposed by the all object.


    Property Description

    length Gets or sets the number of objects in a collection.


    Method Description

    item Retrieves an object from various collections, including the all collection.

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    namedItem Retrieves an object or a collection from a specified collection.

    tags Retrieves a collection of objects that have the specified HTML tag name.

    urns Retrieves a collection of all objects to which a specifiedbehavioris attached.


    The all collection includes one element object for each valid HTML tag. If a valid tag has a matching end

    tag, both tags are represented by the same element object.

    The collection returned by the document'sall collection always includes a reference to the HTML, HEAD,

    and TITLE objects regardless of whether the tags are present in the document. If the BODY tag is not

    present, but other HTML tags are, a BODY object is added to the all collection.

    If the document contains invalid or unknown tags, the collection includes one element object for each.

    Unlike valid end tags, unknown end tags are represented by their own element objects. The order of the

    element objects is the HTML source order. Although the collection indicates the order of tags, it does notindicate hierarchy.

    The name property only applies to some elements such as form elements. If the vIndexis set to a string

    matching the value of a name property in an element that the name property does not apply, then that

    element will not be added to the collection.


    This example, in Microsoft JScript (compatible with ECMA 262 language specification), shows how to

    display the names of all tags in the document in the order the tags appear in the document.


    for(i = 0; i < document.all.length; i++){alert(document.all(i).tagName);


    This example, also in JScript, shows how to use the item method on the all collection to retrieve all

    element objects for which the name property or ID attribute is set to sample. Depending on the number

    of times the name or ID is defined in the document, the item method returns null, a single element

    object, or a collection of element objects. The value of the length property of the collection determines

    whether item returns a collection or a single object.


    var oObject = document.all.item("sample");if (oObject != null){

    if (oObject.length != null){for (i = 0; i < oObject.length; i++){


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    children Collection

    Retrieves a collection ofDHTML Objects that are direct descendants of the object.


    [oColl= ] object.children

    [oObject= ] object.children(vIndex[,iSubIndex])

    Possible Values

    oColl Array containing the direct descendants of an object.

    oObject Reference to an individual item in the array of elements contained by the object.

    vIndex Required. Integer or string that specifies the element or collection to retrieve. Ifthis parameter is an integer, the method returns the element in the collection at the

    given position, where the first element has value 0, the second has 1, and so on. Ifthis parameter is a string and there is more than one element with

    the name orid property equal to the string, the method returns a collection of

    matching elements.

    iSubIndex Optional. Position of an element to retrieve. This parameter is used when vIndex is

    a string. The method uses the string to construct a collection of all elements thathave a name oridproperty equal to the string, and then retrieves from this

    collection the element at the position specified by iSubIndex.

    Members Table

    The following table lists the members exposed by the children object.


    Property Description

    constructor Returns a reference to the constructor of an object.

    length Gets or sets the number of objects in a collection.


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    Method Description

    item Retrieves an object from various collections, including the all collection.

    tags Retrieves a collection of objects that have the specified HTML tag name.


    Retrieves a collection of all objects to which a specifiedbehavioris attached.


    Similar to the objects contained in the all collection, the objects contained in the children collection are

    undefined if the child elements are overlapping tags.

    The children collection can contain HTML elements.


    This example shows how to retrieve a collection ofDHTML Objects using script. The children collectionfor oParentDIV includes input type=text, div and button. The children collection

    for oChildDIV includesp.


    ...var oColl; //Collection for children.var oRow, oCell; //Use for row and cell.

    function fnCollection(){oColl = oParentDIV.children;

    //Call function to create cells for the top parent object.getChildren(oColl, oParentDIV);

    /*Call function to create cells for the child within the parent objectcontaining its own child.*/oColl = oChildDIV.children;getChildren(oColl, oChildDIV);


    oColl - Collection of children.oCollection - Parent object.Out:

    Output to screen.******************************************************************************/function getChildren(oColl, oCollection){


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    //Create cell with the array index of current child.oCell = oRow.insertCell();

    oCell.align = 'center';oCell.style.color = '#0000FF';

    oCell.innerText = x;

    //Create cell with the tagName of current child.oCell = oRow.insertCell();oCell.align = 'center';

    oCell.innerText = oCollection.children.item(x).tagName;

    //Create cell with ID / name of current child.oCell = oRow.insertCell();

    oCell.align = 'center';if(oCollection.children.item(x).name != null){

    oCell.innerText = oCollection.children.item(x).name;}else{

    oCell.innerText = oCollection.children.item(x).id;}

    //Create cell with applicable Parent object to the child.oCell = oRow.insertCell();oCell.align = 'center';oCell.innerText = oCollection.id;

    }}DIV Object (ID: oParentDIV)

    Some Input (non-editable):

    Some text in a paragraph

    The Label forthe Button

    Retrieve Collection

    Array IndexChild ElementIDParent Object

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    onclick Event

    [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]

    Fires when the user clicks the left mouse button on the object.


    Inline HTML



    object.onclick= handler;

    DOM Events object.addEventListener("click", handler, bCapture);

    Internet Explorer 9

    attachEvent object.attachEvent( "onclick", handler); Internet Exploreronly

    Event Information

    Bubbles Yes

    Cancels Yes



    y Click the object.y Invoke the clickmethod.y Press the ENTER key in a form.y Press the access key for a control.y Select an item in a combo box or list box by clicking the left mouse button

    or by pressing the arrow keys and then pressing the ENTER key.



    Initiates any action associated with the object. For example, if the user clicks

    an a object, the browser loads the document specified by the hrefproperty. Tocancel the default behavior, set the returnValue property of the event object to


    Event ObjectP


    In Internet Explorer 9, the type of event object depends on whether you use attachEvent

    oraddEventListener to register the event handler. If you register the handler with addEventListener , an

    object of type MouseEvent is passed during the event. If you use attachEvent, the legacy event object is

    passed instead.

    Available Properties

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    button Gets or sets the mouse button pressed by the user.

    clientX Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the clientarea of the window, excluding window decorations and scroll bars.

    clientY Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the clientarea of the window, excluding window decorations and scroll bars.

    ctrlKey Gets or sets the state of the CTRL key.

    offsetX Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to theobject firing the event.

    offsetY Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to theobject firing the event.

    screenX Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the user'sscreen.

    screenY Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the user'sscreen.

    shiftKey Gets the state of the SHIFT key.

    srcElement Gets or sets the object that fired the event.

    x Gets or sets the x-coordinate (in pixels) of the mouse pointer's offset from theclosest relatively positioned parent element of the element that fired the event.

    y Gets or sets the y-coordinate (in pixels) of the mouse pointer's offset from theclosest relatively positioned parent element of the element that fired the event.

    Refer to the specific event object for additional event properties.


    If the user clicks the left mouse button, the onclickevent for an object occurs only if the mouse pointer is

    over the object and an onmousedown and an onmouseup event occur in that order. For example, if the

    user clicks the mouse on the object but moves the mouse pointer away from the object before releasing,

    no onclickevent occurs.

    The onclickevent changes the value of a control in a group. This change initiates the event for the group,

    not for the individual control. For example, if the user clicks a radio button or check box in a group,theonclickevent occurs after the onbeforeupdate and onafterupdate events for the control group.

    If the user clicks an object that can receive the input focus but does not already have the focus,

    theonfocus event occurs for that object before the onclickevent. If the user double-clicks the left mouse

    button in a control, an ondblclick event occurs immediately after the onclickevent.

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    Although the onclickevent is available on a large number of HTML elements, if a Web page is to be

    accessible to keyboard users, you should restrict its use to the a, input, area, and button elements. These

    elements automatically allow keyboard access through the TAB key, making Web pages that use the

    elements accessible to keyboard users. For more information, please see the section on writing accessible

    Dynamic HTML.


    This example uses the event object to gain information about the origin of the click. In addition, it cancels

    the default action to prevent navigation ofanchor elements, unless the SHIFT key is pressed. Normally a

    Shift+Click opens the target of a link in a new browser window; however, the script replaces the current

    page by setting the location of the window object.


    /* This code cancels the event. If the click occurs in an anchor

    and the SHIFT key is down, the page is navigated. */function clickIt(){

    var e = window.event.srcElementtxtName.value = e.tagName;txtType.value = e.type;

    if ((e.tagName == "A") &&(window.event.shiftKey)) {window.location.href = e.href;


    window.event.returnValue = false;


    To follow a link, click while pressing the SHIFT key.

    Click Here

    Code example: http://samples.msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/samples/author/dhtml/refs/onclickEX.htm

    This example shows how to bind the onclickevent to grouped controls.


    function CookieGroup(){txtOutput.value = window.event.srcElement.value;}

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    Grouped Radio Buttons

    Ungrouped Radio Button

    Value of control on which the onclick event has fired

    onload Event

    [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]

    Fires immediately after the browser loads the object.


    Inline HTML



    object.onload = handler;

    DOM Eventsobject.addEventListener(

    "load", handler, bCapture);

    Internet Explorer 9

    attachEvent object.attachEvent( "onload", handler); Internet Exploreronly

    Event Information

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    Bubbles No

    Cancels No

    To invoke Open a page in the browser to invoke this event for the document or anyobject within it.



    Loads the object for which the event is specified.

    Event Object Properties

    In Internet Explorer 9, the type of event object depends on whether you use attachEvent

    oraddEventListener to register the event handler. If you register the handler with addEventListener , an

    object of type Event is passed during the event. If you use attachEvent, the legacy event object is passed


    Refer to the specific event object for additional event properties.


    The browser loads applications, embedded objects, and images as soon as it encounters

    the applet,embed, and img objects during parsing. Consequently, the onload event for these objects

    occurs before the browser parses any subsequent objects. To ensure that an event handler receives

    the onload event for these objects, place the script object that defines the event handler before the

    object and use theonload attribute in the object to set the handler.

    The onload attribute of the body object sets an onload event handler for the window. This technique of

    calling the window onload event through the body object is overridden by any other means of invoking

    the window onload event, provided the handlers are in the same script language.


    This example uses an onload event handler to display a message in the window's status bar when the

    page has finished loading.


    window.status = "Page is loaded!";

    This example sets an onload event handler for an img object. The handler uses the event object to

    retrieve the URL of the image.


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    function imageLoaded(){window.status = "Image " + event.srcElement.src + " is loaded";


    onmouseover Event

    [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]

    Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object.


    Inline HTML



    object.onmouseover = handler;

    DOM Events object.addEventListener("mouseover", handler, bCapture);

    Internet Explorer


    attachEvent object.attachEvent( "onmouseover", handler); Internet Exploreronly

    Event Information

    Bubbles Yes

    Cancels Yes

    To invoke Move the mouse pointer into an object.

    Default action Initiates any action associated with this event.

    Event Object Properties

    In Internet Explorer 9, the type of event object depends on whether you use attachEvent

    oraddEventListener to register the event handler. If you register the handler with addEventListener , an

    object of type MouseEvent is passed during the event. If you use attachEvent, the legacy event object is

    passed instead.

    Available Properties

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    button Gets or sets the mouse button pressed by the user.

    clientX Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the clientarea of the window, excluding window decorations and scroll bars.

    clientY Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the clientarea of the window, excluding window decorations and scroll bars.

    ctrlKey Gets or sets the state of the CTRL key.

    offsetX Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to theobject firing the event.

    offsetY Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to theobject firing the event.

    screenX Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the user'sscreen.

    screenY Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the user'sscreen.

    shiftKey Gets the state of the SHIFT key.

    srcElement Gets or sets the object that fired the event.

    x Gets or sets the x-coordinate (in pixels) of the mouse pointer's offset from theclosest relatively positioned parent element of the element that fired the event.

    y Gets or sets the y-coordinate (in pixels) of the mouse pointer's offset from theclosest relatively positioned parent element of the element that fired the event.

    Refer to the specific event object for additional event properties.


    The event occurs when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object, and it does not repeat unless

    the user moves the mouse pointer out of the object and then back into it.


    This example uses the onmouseover event to apply a new style to an object.


    Move the mouse pointer over this text to change its color. Move the pointer

    off the textto change the color back.

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    This example shows how to change the value of a text area in response to mouse events.


    Move the mouse pointer into the text area to fire the onmouseover event. Moveit out to clear the text.

    onmouseout Event

    [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]

    Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer outside the boundaries of the object.


    Inline HTML



    object.onmouseout = handler;

    DOM Events object.addEventListener("mouseout", handler, bCapture);

    Internet Explorer


    attachEvent object.attachEvent( "onmouseout", handler); Internet Exploreronly

    Event Information

    Bubbles Yes

    Cancels No

    To invoke Move the mouse pointer out of an object.

    Default action Initiates any action associated with this event.

    Event Object Properties

    In Internet Explorer 9, the type of event object depends on whether you use attachEvent

    oraddEventListener to register the event handler. If you register the handler with addEventListener , an

    object of type MouseEvent is passed during the event. If you use attachEvent, the legacy event object is

    passed instead.

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    Available Properties

    button Gets or sets the mouse button pressed by the user.

    clientX Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the client

    area of the window, excluding window decorations and scroll bars.

    clientY Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the clientarea of the window, excluding window decorations and scroll bars.

    ctrlKey Gets or sets the state of the CTRL key.

    offsetX Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to theobject firing the event.

    offsetY Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to theobject firing the event.


    Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the user'sscreen.

    screenY Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the user'sscreen.

    shiftKey Gets the state of the SHIFT key.

    srcElement Gets or sets the object that fired the event.

    x Gets or sets the x-coordinate (in pixels) of the mouse pointer's offset from theclosest relatively positioned parent element of the element that fired the event.

    y Gets or sets the y-coordinate (in pixels) of the mouse pointer's offset from theclosest relatively positioned parent element of the element that fired the event.

    Refer to the specific event object for additional event properties.


    When the user moves the mouse over an object, one onmouseover event occurs, followed by one or

    more onmousemove events as the user moves the mouse pointer within the object.

    One onmouseoutevent occurs when the user moves the mouse pointer out of the object.


    This example uses the onmouseout event to apply a new style to an object.


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    Move the mouse pointer over this text to change its color.Move the pointer off the text to change the color back.

    This example shows how to swap images on mouse events.


    function flipImage(url){

    if (window.event.srcElement.tagName == "img" ){

    window.event.srcElement.src = url;


    Move the mouse over the image to see it switch.

    About Microsoft Tabular Data Control

    The Tabular Data Control (TDC) is a Microsoft ActiveX control that can be hosted by Microsoft Internet

    Explorer 4.0 and later to display data stored in a delimited text file. Using the TDC, a Web author can

    display data either within tables or within controls found in a form. (Extensions in Internet Explorer 4.0 and

    later allow you to bind data to HTML elements on the page as well as to repeat the content of an

    HTML table element for each record of a data set. The latter can be thought of as using the table as a

    template for the data, where the template is repeated once for each record.)

    One of the primary features of the TDC is that it brings filtering and sorting operations to the client side

    (there are no server-side operations).

    The TDC exposes the OLE-DB simple provider interfaces. For more information about these interfaces,

    see OLE-DB Simple Provider: A Data Binding API for MSHTML.

    y Source Availability

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    y Licensing and Distributiony Dependenciesy Understanding the Tabular Data Control Object Model

    o File Propertieso Filtering Propertieso Sorting Properties

    y Using the Tabular Data Controlo A Simple Before-and-After Exampleo Adding data to your Web pageo Declaring the TDC objecto Relaxing TDC Securityo A More Advanced Example: Sorting and Filtering

    y SummarySource Availability

    To aid developers in creating their own data source objects, the Tabular Data Control is provided as asample that ships with the Internet Client SDK. The source code can be found in \inetsdk\samples\tdc.

    Licensing and Distribution

    The Microsoft Tabular Data Control is automatically installed as part of the base installation of Internet

    Explorer 4.0 and later.


    The TDC is found in the file Tdc.ocx, which is automatically installed and registered with all versions of

    Internet Explorer 4.0 and later.

    Understanding the Tabular Data Control Object Model

    The TDC supports properties and methods that can be divided into these categories:

    y Elements that describe the data file.y Elements that support data filtering.y Elements that support data sorting.

    File Properties

    Most of the properties supported by the TDC are data-file properties. These properties specify the

    location of the data file, the language used to create the data file, the character used to delimit fields, and

    so on. The following list describes each property:

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    Property Description

    CharSet Identifies the character set used by the data file. The default character set is latin1.

    DataURL Specifies the location of the data file as a URL.

    EscapeChar Identifies the character to be used as an escape character in the data file. There is no default esca


    FieldDelim Identifies the character that is used to mark the end of a field in the data file. The default characte

    is the comma (,).

    Language Specifies the language used to generate the data file (this specifier uses the HTML standard codes

    based on ISO 369). The default specifier is eng-us.

    TextQualifier Specifies the optional character that surrounds a field.

    RowDelim Identifies the character used to mark the end of each row of data. The default character is the

    newline (NL) character.

    UseHeader Specifies whether the first line of the data file contains header information. The default value is


    Filtering Properties

    One TDC property and one method apply to data filtering.

    Set the Filter property to an expression that includes the name of the column to be filtered, the criteria for

    filtering, and the value that will be compared against the specified column using the given value. The

    default value is an empty string ("").

    Call the Reset method to apply the filter and refresh the contents of the HTML elements bound to the

    data supplied by the TDC.

    Sorting Properties

    One TDC property and a single TDC method apply to data sorting.

    Set the Sort property to a semicolon-delimited list of column names by which the bound HTML elements

    should be sorted. Prefixing a column name with a plus (+) symbol indicates ascending order. The minus (-)

    symbol indicates descending order. The default sort order is ascending.

    Call the Reset method to apply the new sort order and to refresh the contents of the HTML elements

    bound to the data supplied by the TDC.

    Using the Tabular Data Control

    This section demonstrates how you can incorporate the TDC into your Web pages.

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    Note The TDC examples in this section require Internet Explorer 4.0 and later.

    A Simple Before-and-After Example

    This section contains a very simple example demonstrating how you can replace a static table in your

    HTML page with a dynamic table that is generated using the TDC. When this replacement occurs, you'll nolonger need to modify your HTML source file each time your data changes; instead, you can simply

    modify the data file or regenerate it from a database.

    Adding data to your Web page

    The Tabular Data Control (TDC) has many uses, but perhaps the easiest way to get a feel for its capabilities

    is to see a short example. If you have a data file containing some of the elements of the periodic table, it

    might look like this:



    Each line contains the name of the element followed by a comma, and then its scientific abbreviation. If

    you wanted to display this table in a Web page without using the TDC, you would add the table tags

    around each word, as shown in the following example:


    ElementSymbolHydrogen HHelium HeLithium LiBeryllium BeBoron BCarbon CNitrogen NOxygen OFluorine FNeon Ne

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    Click the Show Me button to see how the previous table appears when viewed in your browser.

    Code example: http://samples.msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/samples/author/databind/eltstat.htm

    A static table is not only tedious to create, but it also makes it inconvenient to edit or update the data.

    This especially applies if you want to use the raw data file in other applications. Using the TDC, you can

    instead tell the Web page where to find the text file, and it will read the data directly from the file (plus

    optionally sort it, filter it, and skip columns). The previous table coding is replaced with the following




    Click the Show Me button to see how data binding can be used to replace a static table in Internet

    Explorer 4.0 and later.

    Code example: http://samples.msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/samples/author/databind/eltdyn.htm

    If you look more closely at these changes, you will note that the first line uses the dataSrc attribute to

    identify the TDC. (This identifier corresponds to the id attribute that was specified for the object element

    that loaded the control.)


    The prepended # symbol is always required by the dataSrc attribute.

    You can include multiple linked tables and objects in each Web page; each table should specify

    a dataSrc attribute that can be unique to that table or shared between tables or other elements on the

    page, such as forms.

    The second line of the table definition is unchanged.As you can see, it provides the table heading.



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    The fourth line is the most interesting. Instead of providing the actual data, you specify the name of a

    column in the data file using the newdataFld attribute.


    Because the original data file had a header that specified the name of each column, these column names

    can be used. If no header is provided in your data file, you should use the default names of Column1,

    Column2, and so on.

    As part of the header that specifies column names, a type specifier can be included indicating the data

    type of the column. Since the TDC reads its data from a text file, this indicates the appropriate type

    conversion to do upon reading the data from the file. The TDC uses this to perform accurate sorting and

    filtering. Consider the case where you have integers in a column and you request the column to be sorted.

    Without the type specification, the sort would be done using string (lexicographic) ordering, which would

    give the wrong result. For more information on specifying data types for columns, see TDC Reference.

    With this information encoded in the table, Internet Explorer 4.0 and later will ask the TDC for data to put

    into the table. It will then create one new row for each row of data. Notice how all the other table

    encoding tags remain unchanged. In fact, you can treat the incoming data exactly as if it were text that

    you hard-coded into your Web page. For example, if you wanted the symbols in the table to be bold and

    centered in their column, you could change the table entry to the following:


    You could also choose to completely leave out the symbol information from the table just by removing

    the entry where it is specified. Although this might not necessarily be appropriate for this example,

    it's often convenient to omit some fields because that allows you to reuse the same data file in many

    different Web pages rather than maintaining multiple copies of almost identical data.

    Declaring the TDC object

    The only other new entry in your Web page is the TDC object declaration. The above examples use the



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    The id attribute identifies the TDC and its associated data for later use by elements such as tables, forms,

    and scripting. The id attribute can be any arbitrary name, but it's best to start with a letter and avoid

    spaces and punctuation characters.

    The DataURL property tells the TDC where to find the data file. You can provide any valid URL, or, as in

    this example, use a relative URL that will cause the TDC to look in the same place your Web page was

    found. Other valid DataURLsettings include the following:


    DataURL is the only property required by the TDC to access data. To delay the binding, omit the

    specification of theDataURL property in the object declaration, and set it later in script code.

    The UseHeader property indicates whether the first line of the data file identified by DataURL lists the

    names of the fields. In the example text file above, the first line was:



    This isn't part of the data. Instead, it identifies the names of the columns in the data set. Because the

    default value of this property is FALSE, the UseHeader property must be set to TRUE.

    The Tabular Data Control (TDC) determines the codepage for the source data file incorrectly in certain

    scenarios. The problem can occur if the ambient codepage is Unicode, in which case the TDC assumes

    that the bound data is also Unicode, which is not necessarily true. When the TDC attempts to identify the

    Unicode signature in the byte-reversed case, it compares the value incorrectly. If the TDC reads a variable

    that is uninitialized, it waits for an excessive period of time in an attempt to identify the ambient

    codepage. If the TDC changes its codepage because it sees a Unicode signature, it fails to update

    its CharSet property. Therefore, to avoid potential problems associated with incorrect codepage

    identification, the CharSet property can be set explicitly when declaring the TDC, as shown in the

    following example.


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    function symbol_onclick()

    elem_list.Sort = "+Symbol"elem_list.Reset()

    end function

    In this example, the Sort property is assigned the name of the third column (Symbol), and thenthe Reset method is called. The "+" indicates an ascending sort. A "-" prefix indicates a descending sort.

    The following excerpt from the HTML source file for this example demonstrates how the column headings

    were set up using the HTML div element.




    Filtering data

    Dynamic filtering is enabled using the Filter property and the Reset method of the TDC. In the example, a

    VBScript function supports the onchange event for each drop-down list box that appears above the table.

    When this function is invoked, a filter expression is constructed from the selected values in the Period and

    Group combo boxes, the expression is assigned to the Filter property, and the Reset method is called to

    synchronize the table displaying the data.

    The following excerpt from the HTML source file shows the definition of the Period drop-down list box.



    When a user selects a different value from either the Period drop-down or the Group drop-down, the

    following VBScript function handles the resultingonchange event.


    function FilterGroupAndPeriod()cFilterExpr = Empty

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    if cboPeriod.selectedIndex > 0 thencFilterExpr = "Period=" & cboPeriod.selectedIndex

    end ifif cboGroup.selectedIndex > 0 then

    if Not IsEmpty(cFilterExpr) thencFilterExpr = cFilterExpr & " & "

    end ifcFilterExpr = cFilterExpr & "Group=" & cboGroup.selectedIndexelem_list.object.Filter = cFilterExpr

    end ifelem_list.object.Filter = cFilterExprelem_list.Reset

    end function

    The code builds a single expression representing a filter on both the Period and the Group columns in the

    data set. Notice that if the first value (ALL) is selected in either drop-down, the respective code will not

    contribute to the filter expression. Also, note that if the user has selected both an explicit period and

    group, the subexpressions are separated by " & ", indicating to the TDC that the records to be displayed

    must meet both filter criteria. When the user selects "ALL" in both drop-downs, neither of the conditional

    statements is executed, the filter expression remains empty, and all the data is displayed in the bound


    The final line in this function invokes the Reset method, which evaluates the filter expression, applies it to

    the data set, and forces MSHTML to re-render the table in which the data is displayed.


    This article has described the features of the Tabular Data Control, a simple read-only data source object

    provided with Internet Explorer 4.0 and later. For more detailed information on the methods and

    properties supported by this object, see the TDC Reference.