dhis2 in one hour course ict4d

DHIS2 Essentials Crash Course Crash Course

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DHIS2 EssentialsCrash Course

DHIS2 EssentialsCrash Course

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Overview – 1 Week

▪ What exactly is DHIS2?▪ Essential concepts

• Users, User Roles, User Groups• Organization Units• Data Sets• “What When Where Who Why”

▪ First steps: Log in and Create User▪ Charts exercises

• Data Elements vs Indicators• Relative vs Fixed Periods• Org Unit Selection• Reporting Rates• Exercise

• Download and share on dashboard▪ Data input

Creating a simple form• Create one data element• Add to a new form

• Assign to period, user role, org unit• Enter data and audit data

▪ Pivot tables Exercises▪ Maps Exercises▪ Share dashboards with the group

• Sketch a dashboard for your own data project▪ Question/runover time▪ Data Validation and Data Quality▪ Explore more advanced topics of DHIS2:

• Steps you need to take to set up your DHIS2instance

• Data export and integration• Uploading data and meta-data• Automated SMS notifications• Internal messages• HTML reports• Event Capture• Tracker Capture• Mobile capture on smart phone• Feature phone app

▪ What exactly is DHIS2?▪ Essential concepts

• Users, User Roles, User Groups• Organization Units• Data Sets• “What When Where Who Why”

▪ First steps: Log in and Create User▪ Charts exercises

• Data Elements vs Indicators• Relative vs Fixed Periods• Org Unit Selection• Reporting Rates• Exercise

• Download and share on dashboard▪ Data input

Creating a simple form• Create one data element• Add to a new form

• Assign to period, user role, org unit• Enter data and audit data

▪ Pivot tables Exercises▪ Maps Exercises▪ Share dashboards with the group

• Sketch a dashboard for your own data project▪ Question/runover time▪ Data Validation and Data Quality▪ Explore more advanced topics of DHIS2:

• Steps you need to take to set up your DHIS2instance

• Data export and integration• Uploading data and meta-data• Automated SMS notifications• Internal messages• HTML reports• Event Capture• Tracker Capture• Mobile capture on smart phone• Feature phone app

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Overview – 1 Hour

▪ What exactly is DHIS2?▪ Essential concepts

• Users, User Roles, User Groups• Organization Units• Data Sets• “What When Where Who Why”

▪ First steps: Log in and Create User▪ Charts

• Data Elements vs Indicators• Relative vs Fixed Periods• Org Unit Selection• Reporting Rates• Exercise

• Share on dashboard▪ Data input (1 hour)

• Creating a simple form• Create one data element• Add to a new form

• Assign to period, user role, org unit• Enter data and audit data

▪ Pivot table Exercises▪ Maps Exercises▪ Share dashboards with the group

• Sketch a dashboard for your own data project▪ Question/runover time▪ Data Validation and Data Quality▪ Explore more advanced topics of DHIS2:

• Steps you need to take to set up your DHIS2instance

• Data export and integration• Uploading data and meta-data• Automated SMS notifications• Internal messages• HTML reports• Event Capture• Tracker Capture• Mobile capture on smart phone• Feature phone app

▪ What exactly is DHIS2?▪ Essential concepts

• Users, User Roles, User Groups• Organization Units• Data Sets• “What When Where Who Why”

▪ First steps: Log in and Create User▪ Charts

• Data Elements vs Indicators• Relative vs Fixed Periods• Org Unit Selection• Reporting Rates• Exercise

• Share on dashboard▪ Data input (1 hour)

• Creating a simple form• Create one data element• Add to a new form

• Assign to period, user role, org unit• Enter data and audit data

▪ Pivot table Exercises▪ Maps Exercises▪ Share dashboards with the group

• Sketch a dashboard for your own data project▪ Question/runover time▪ Data Validation and Data Quality▪ Explore more advanced topics of DHIS2:

• Steps you need to take to set up your DHIS2instance

• Data export and integration• Uploading data and meta-data• Automated SMS notifications• Internal messages• HTML reports• Event Capture• Tracker Capture• Mobile capture on smart phone• Feature phone app

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The Hype overDistrict Health Information Software 2

•Used in 45 countries and 10organisationsLarge community of implementers anddevelopers

•Backed by HISP project - started in1996 in South AfricaDHIS 2 developed since 2005

•Supported by major donors andNGOsPEPFAR, Global Fund, EU, NORAD….

•Used in 45 countries and 10organisationsLarge community of implementers anddevelopers

•Backed by HISP project - started in1996 in South AfricaDHIS 2 developed since 2005

•Supported by major donors andNGOsPEPFAR, Global Fund, EU, NORAD….

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Global Deployments


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• Collects data– Phones– Tablets– PCs

• Displays data– Charts– Maps– Reports

What doesDHIS2 do?

• Displays data– Charts– Maps– Reports

• Outputs Data– Images– Documents– Exports

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The DHIS2 Model

Where Organisationunit


ProvinceA Province B Province C

District A District B District C

Ward A Ward B Ward C

Village A

Village B

Village C

When Periode.g. January 2013

“Last Month”

What Data Elemente.g. Number of

Latrines Constructed

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Data Collection● Modes of Data Capture

● Data Types○ Aggregates: Data element totals per org unit.

■ Total number of latrines in a village■ Total malaria infections at a clinic

○ Event Capture: Individual event data captured against an org unit■ Cause of each death at a clinic■ Health outreach events

○ Patient Tracker: Continuous data captured against a patient assigned to an orgunit.

■ Tracking a child through delivery, immunizations, and under 5 growth■ Tracking a class through monthly exam scores for a year.

● All data Collected○ What○ When○ Where

● Data Types○ Aggregates: Data element totals per org unit.

■ Total number of latrines in a village■ Total malaria infections at a clinic

○ Event Capture: Individual event data captured against an org unit■ Cause of each death at a clinic■ Health outreach events

○ Patient Tracker: Continuous data captured against a patient assigned to an orgunit.

■ Tracking a child through delivery, immunizations, and under 5 growth■ Tracking a class through monthly exam scores for a year.

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Data Visualizer“A picture is worth a thousand words!”

Charts and graphs allow users to quickly spot trends, examinepronounced data, and see a data picture.


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GISCreating context with maps.

Maps make our data more tangilbe - they provide a visual and spatial representation ofthe information!


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DashboardsProvide a brief snapshot of critical information that enables you to

readily monitor and share your program data!


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Data Entry



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Data Flow










Capture Feedback

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Feedback Loops

Provincial Staff Chiefs/Traditional Leaders


Community VolunteersSub-district Staff

District Staff Facility Staff

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Robust data entry – user-friendly form fields capture data on:• Feature phones (e.g., Nokia 111)• Smartphones (e.g., Android, iPhone)• Tablets• PCs• Offline data cacheing

Real-Time Data Visualization – DHIS2 automatically aggregates data through the geographic hierarchy• Facility/Site data → District Data → Provincial → Na onal data• GIS/Mapping functionality• Fully-automated, custom reports• Charts and pivot tables

Capable of Serving any Sector Requiring:• Routine Data Collection• Aggregation• Data Mapping and Visualization

Broad Regional and Global Support• DHIS2 currently used in over 30 countries, many in the African region:

– Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Madagascar, Botswana, South Africa, Ethiopia, DRC, Zimbabwe,Namibia, Nigeria and Tanzania

• Lusaka-based end-user training (www.dhis2training.com)• Development priorities: Developing countries

Key Benefits of DHIS2

Robust data entry – user-friendly form fields capture data on:• Feature phones (e.g., Nokia 111)• Smartphones (e.g., Android, iPhone)• Tablets• PCs• Offline data cacheing

Real-Time Data Visualization – DHIS2 automatically aggregates data through the geographic hierarchy• Facility/Site data → District Data → Provincial → Na onal data• GIS/Mapping functionality• Fully-automated, custom reports• Charts and pivot tables

Capable of Serving any Sector Requiring:• Routine Data Collection• Aggregation• Data Mapping and Visualization

Broad Regional and Global Support• DHIS2 currently used in over 30 countries, many in the African region:

– Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Madagascar, Botswana, South Africa, Ethiopia, DRC, Zimbabwe,Namibia, Nigeria and Tanzania

• Lusaka-based end-user training (www.dhis2training.com)• Development priorities: Developing countries

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Clts2.dhis2.net[your district]ICT4D2016

Logging In


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Organizational Units (OUs)

• Geographical area or unit, which exists within a hierarchy.

• Specifies “WHERE?" a particular data value occurs.

• Usually relates to administrative units

• To add an OU:• 1.Go to AppsOrganization UnitsOrganization Unit.• 2.Using hierarchy tree on left, click on the ‘Parent’ you want to add the new OU to.• Select where the facility is going to. (i.e. if OU tree were organized as District/Chiefdom/Facility,

you would select the Chiefdomwhere the new facility is located).• 3.Click Add New to create the new OU.• 4.Fill out the required (*) and relevant data for the OU.• 5.Click Add.• 6.Repeat steps, to enter more OU’s in the hierarchy as needed.

• Geographical area or unit, which exists within a hierarchy.

• Specifies “WHERE?" a particular data value occurs.

• Usually relates to administrative units

• To add an OU:• 1.Go to AppsOrganization UnitsOrganization Unit.• 2.Using hierarchy tree on left, click on the ‘Parent’ you want to add the new OU to.• Select where the facility is going to. (i.e. if OU tree were organized as District/Chiefdom/Facility,

you would select the Chiefdomwhere the new facility is located).• 3.Click Add New to create the new OU.• 4.Fill out the required (*) and relevant data for the OU.• 5.Click Add.• 6.Repeat steps, to enter more OU’s in the hierarchy as needed.


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Users, User Roles, User Groups

Users are created and assigned to roles and Organization Units, for which they areallowed to perform specific tasks. (i.e. Data Entry, Analysis, etc…)

• Permissions: User Roles

• Classification: User Groups

• To create a new user:• 1.Go to AppsUsersUser.• 2.Click Add New.• 3.Fill out the required (*) and relevant data for the new user.• 4.Select /Assign the user to the appropriate role. (Use arrows to move over or double-click).• 5.Assign the User to the appropriate data captureand organization units.• 6.Click Add.

Users are created and assigned to roles and Organization Units, for which they areallowed to perform specific tasks. (i.e. Data Entry, Analysis, etc…)

• Permissions: User Roles

• Classification: User Groups

• To create a new user:• 1.Go to AppsUsersUser.• 2.Click Add New.• 3.Fill out the required (*) and relevant data for the new user.• 4.Select /Assign the user to the appropriate role. (Use arrows to move over or double-click).• 5.Assign the User to the appropriate data captureand organization units.• 6.Click Add.


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Data Elements

•Represents the "WHAT?" dimension, andexplains the concept beingcollected/analyzed.•Often represents a count of somethinge.g. "BCG doses given" or "Malaria cases."

Reported through DATA SETSAnalyzed through DATA ELEMENT GROUPSDisaggregated by OPTIONS or CATEGORIES

To create a Data Element:1.Go to AppsDataElements/IndicatorsIndicator.2.Fill out the required (*) and relevant data forthe new data element.


•Core element of data analysis.•Calculated formula based on acombination of data elements.•Coverage indicators (ratios, percentages,etc.) are composed of data element formula

-count representing numerator-population representing denominator

To create a new indicator1.Go to AppsDataElements/IndicatorsIndicator.2.Click Add New3.Fill out the required (*) and relevant data for thenew indicator.

Data Elements vs Indicators

Data Elements

•Represents the "WHAT?" dimension, andexplains the concept beingcollected/analyzed.•Often represents a count of somethinge.g. "BCG doses given" or "Malaria cases."

Reported through DATA SETSAnalyzed through DATA ELEMENT GROUPSDisaggregated by OPTIONS or CATEGORIES

To create a Data Element:1.Go to AppsDataElements/IndicatorsIndicator.2.Fill out the required (*) and relevant data forthe new data element.


•Core element of data analysis.•Calculated formula based on acombination of data elements.•Coverage indicators (ratios, percentages,etc.) are composed of data element formula

-count representing numerator-population representing denominator

To create a new indicator1.Go to AppsDataElements/IndicatorsIndicator.2.Click Add New3.Fill out the required (*) and relevant data for thenew indicator.


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Let’s Talk About Datasets!

USERS are linked to DATASETS via USER ROLES andOrganization Unit

Datasets are collections of DATA ELEMENTS


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• Open monthly CC dataset in CLTS• Exercise on your own• Regroup to examine your dashboard

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Data Analysis - Data VisualizerData Analysis - Data Visualizer

A 30 minute exercise

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Thanks! Zikomo! Asante!Thanks! Zikomo! Asante!

Brian O’[email protected]

Twitter: @1ambodo

Visit us!akros.com & dhis2training.com

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Surveillance System Design(when should you use DHIS2?)

Surveillance System Design(when should you use DHIS2?)

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Types of Tools Available

Less Data More Data

Less Complex More Complex

“Aggregate Systems” “Individual Encounter Systems”

Tools are categorized by the type of data they allow enumerators to collect.

Tools that allow less data collection usually are less complex.

“Aggregate Systems” usually fall to the left of the spectrum, and “IndividualEncounter Systems” usually fall to the right.

Less Data More Data

Less Complex More Complex

“Aggregate Systems” “Individual Encounter Systems”

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Aggregate Systems

Data Element 1

Data Element 4

Data Element 2

Data Element 5

Data Element 3 Data Element 6 Data Element 7

Data Element 8

System Defined Enumerator Defined

Aggregate systems predefine a large number of data elements.

This predefinition restricts the enumerator to reporting on a small subset of data.

DHIS2 is an example of an Aggregate System.

Data Element 4 Data Element 5 Data Element 8

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Aggregate Systems Illustrated


Facility Name


Facility Contact

Event Types Event Count Period

Event Type

System Defined Enumerator Defined

For example, an aggregate system may ‘lock down’ the locations/names/contactdetails for each facility, the types of events each facility may report (e.g., malariacase, HIV/AIDS case, etc.) - meaning that the enumerators cannot edit thesevalues - but ‘unlock’ the number of events each enumerator can report.

In this case, an enumerator would select the facility location (but not edit) andedit the number of malaria cases reported for that period.

Facility Name Facility Contact Event Type

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Aggregate Systems IllustratedIllustration from DHIS2

Note that the only free-text fields (i.e.,fields that enumerators can edit) arefound in the ‘Value’ column.

All other values are either completelylocked down, or subject to systemdefined drop-down lists.

Illustration from DHIS2

Note that the only free-text fields (i.e.,fields that enumerators can edit) arefound in the ‘Value’ column.

All other values are either completelylocked down, or subject to systemdefined drop-down lists.

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Individual Encounter Systems

Data Element 1

Data Element 4

Data Element 2

Data Element 5

Data Element 3 Data Element 6 Data Element 7

Data Element 8

System DefinedEnumerator Defined

Individual encounter systems predefine a small number of data elements.

This allows the enumerator to report on a large amount of data.

Survey-based tools like Open Data Kit are examples of Individual EncounterSystems.

Data Element 4 Data Element 5 Data Element 8

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Individual Encounter Systems

The most extreme type of individual encounter data collection systems arepersonal diaries - no restrictions on what can or cannot be recorded!

Why would one restrict the type and content of data?


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Individual Encounter Systems

Imagine trying to assess the HIV/AIDS conditions for an entire country, and the onlydata source available were personal diaries from 4,000 health workers.

Different interpretations of events, different types of data being recorded atdifferent frequencies, using different languages! Surveillance rules and linguisticrules both serve a similar purpose: to enable the coherent transmission of ideas.

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Purpose-Driven Data Collection


Define your requirements: why are you collecting data in the first place?

Who is using the data? How will the data be used? How much data does yoursurveillance system need to provide versus end-users collecting their own?

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So, when do I use DHIS2?

Two common use-cases for DHIS2:

Aggregate: Fixed locations, periods and types of events, ‘unlocked’ eventnumbers. E.g., health facilities submitting monthly reports on malaria cases (allfixed), number of malaria cases is variable.

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So, when do I use DHIS2?

Two common use-cases for DHIS2:

Tracker: Program-based client tracking. Fixed program intervals, event types andlocations, variable program adherence. E.g., ANC visits, measuring vital signs atspecific health facilities (all fixed), attendance and vital sign values variable.