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Supplementing Madness: Expansion Featuring: Callum, Sylph, Knox, Draegu, and AB By: hdalby33 Winning the competition seemed to shatter the tension building between Callum and Knox. With the horse constantly pressing the bloated reptile on the secret of his success, the dragon felt as though they’d lost the casual nature of their workouts. Of course, Callum couldn’t entirely blame the stallion either. Unlike his wife, who’d embraced the rapid change with open arms, the horse’s life revolved around fitness. A dragon tipping the scales at five hundred pounds of wobbly lard who still managed to out-lift, outrun, and outperform most athletes half his size had to be tough to adapt too. But now the pair were back on track to their old ways. Knox seemed to accept the transformation his companion had undergone and the tubby derg felt more relaxed knowing the horse hadn’t taken the outcome of their competition too hard. Now Knox chattered in the dragon’s ear slit about a new place he wanted them to try out. After ditching the crowd of onlookers who’d watched the competition with awe, the horse led the way to some fancy Japanese-American fusion restaurant that did an all-you-can eat buffet at a very reasonable price. “Of course, if they knew you were coming, they might increase that price a little,” Knox teased, shouldering the dragon’s hanging belly. Callum laughed, jiggling about under his muscled friend’s well-intended jostling. “Guess they’ll have to learn to accommodate stomachs of all appetites.”

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Page 1: d.facdn.netd.facdn.net/.../1537113911.hdalby33_sm4.docx · Web viewSupplementing Madness: Expansion. Featuring: Callum, Sylph, Knox, Draegu, and AB. By: hdalby33. Winning the competition

Supplementing Madness: ExpansionFeaturing: Callum, Sylph, Knox, Draegu, and ABBy: hdalby33

Winning the competition seemed to shatter the tension building between Callum and Knox. With the horse constantly pressing the bloated reptile on the secret of his success, the dragon felt as though they’d lost the casual nature of their workouts.

Of course, Callum couldn’t entirely blame the stallion either. Unlike his wife, who’d embraced the rapid change with open arms, the horse’s life revolved around fitness. A dragon tipping the scales at five hundred pounds of wobbly lard who still managed to out-lift, outrun, and outperform most athletes half his size had to be tough to adapt too.

But now the pair were back on track to their old ways. Knox seemed to accept the transformation his companion had undergone and the tubby derg felt more relaxed knowing the horse hadn’t taken the outcome of their competition too hard.

Now Knox chattered in the dragon’s ear slit about a new place he wanted them to try out. After ditching the crowd of onlookers who’d watched the competition with awe, the horse led the way to some fancy Japanese-American fusion restaurant that did an all-you-can eat buffet at a very reasonable price.

“Of course, if they knew you were coming, they might increase that price a little,” Knox teased, shouldering the dragon’s hanging belly.

Callum laughed, jiggling about under his muscled friend’s well-intended jostling. “Guess they’ll have to learn to accommodate stomachs of all appetites.”

“Well I’m not sure that extends to dump trucks,” the horse replied, his hooves clopping on the stone sidewalk as they made their way to the restaurant.

“Oh give over,” the dragon snorted, shoving the horse lightly and sending him stumbling into the streets. “Ooh, sorry there.”

Knox caught his balance and flashed a grin back at the dragon. “You don’t know your own strength, fat boy. You could probably lift these cars and eat them in a single gulp. We could call you the Incredible Bulk.”

The dragon’s features reddened as he rubbed the side of his stomach self-consciously. “Please don’t.”

“Why?” Knox laughed, his smirk growing wider as they neared the restaurant. “All that blubber make you heat up?”

“No,” Callum said mildly. “I just don’t horse hair would be easy to clean out of concrete.”

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Knox looked mystified. “Why would there be horse hair in concrete?”

Now it was the dragon’s turn to give a sharp, gleaming smile. “Because if you do call me that, I’ll be smearing those overdeveloped pecs of yours into the sidewalk with this.” He bumped his colossal rear against the glass doors of the fusion restaurant open and led the way inside.

A considerably more subdued, pale-faced Knox followed.

The “fusion” part of the restaurant certainly lived up to its name as a clash of cultures seemed to be warring against one another inside. Delicate, traditional-Japanese paper fixtures mingled with rough and ready wooden furniture favored by classic American restaurants. When the pair got to the buffet line, they saw the food only furthered this war, with burgers and fries stacked high next to neat rows of sushi and rice.

The mingling smells were intoxicating, flooding Callum’s nostrils and making his belly gurgle in anticipation.

Knox hurriedly showed him how they simply grabbed a tray and piled it up with whatever food they wanted. A diverse array of staff slipped in and out of the kitchen and between tables to check up on the half-filled seating area. Some eyes turned to the colossus of a dragon who drew eyes if not with his width, than with his imposing height which made his horns nearly brush the lanterns and wagon wheels handing from the ceiling.

With practiced ease, the dragon piled his tray high with food and led the way to a booth where the pair settled in. Callum was pleased to find there was enough distance between the table and the bench that his gut didn’t overlap the lip of the counter.

‘At least not yet, anyway,’ he mused to himself, remembering the first meal he’d shared with the stallion. For some reason, the dragon couldn’t help but feel as though this one might yield a similar outcome.

Grinning to the horse across from him, Callum thrust a piece sushi into the air. “Cheers!”

Knox laughed, echoing the sentiment with a piece of fried chicken before both of them dug in.

Much later that night, when the dragon felt so stuffed and bloated he could barely squeeze through his front door; Callum wouldn’t be able to say what took him over precisely. Or why he did it.

Perhaps it had been the joy of beating Knox. Or being able to settle into his expanding figure. Or finally indulging his gluttonous side.

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Whatever the case had been, when Sylph came into the kitchen to be greeted by a truly massive, jiggling ball of dragon, one thing could be said: Callum had truly made the best of an all-you-can-eat buffet.

From the moment that first sushi roll touched the dragon’s tongue, he seemed to lose control. Food became a sensation, pleasant and tingling, eager to roll down the lard-filled lizard’s throat.

A haze clouded his mind, one commonly referred to as a food-stupor. One of the passing waiters informed Knox of the condition, explaining it could be common among the sumo-wrestlers who engaged in hardcore bulking sessions for their bouts.

As Callum began heartily packing his gullet with swaths of lemon-dipped shrimp, chicken lathered in honey, and spiced spring rolls, the supplements lodged in his gut worked overtime. Churning the mass of food into flab and muscle, making the dragon grow before the eyes of other patrons.

Very soon, Callum had found the table digging deep into his belly. The workout shirt he’d been lent by the gym soon shrunk into a glorified bra, struggling to retain the rippling, watermelon-sized mounds his moobs had become. Beneath the dragon, his rump spread in equal gusto, swelling into a pair of globular cheeks large enough for Knox to perform yoga with.

The horse himself only watched the dragon’s unprecedented greed with a mixture of astonishment and intrigue. He himself was used to enjoying a hearty meal after a particularly strenuous day at work, but the dragon seemed to eating as though he’d just completed a multi-day decathlon.

As he watched, Callum swelled with food, his sides spilling over his waist into thick, squeezable love handles. His belly sagged heavily against its blue plates, stretching the bands of sapphire to expose softer, sensitive grey flesh beneath. Even the hefty dragon’s limbs seemed to grow heavier, jiggling softly as they reached frantically for the next bout of food.

The dragon grew in height as well. Where he’d previously been in danger of scraping the lanterns and wagon wheel chandeliers above, he now found his horns constantly catching the light fixtures. It drew much ire from the swelling reptile as he had to pause from time to time to free them. Knox watched in awe as his friend simply became more and more of a veritable giant.

Callum simply continued to reach out into the space in front of him, latch onto whatever smelled good, and stuff it into his maw. Whenever he was unable to find anything he’d lumber over to the buffet line with considerable grace for one his size and pile another plate high with food.

Then the process would begin all over again.

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By the time the restaurant reached closing hours, a tremendous orb of dragon with a belly teetering alarmingly close to the floor sagged beside the booth. He’d long since outgrown the space between the table and the bench.

Knox had rounded up on his friend’s soft side, his own middle satisfactorily stuffed for the time being as he gently prodded one of the dragon’s cheeks.

Callum’s eyes fluttered open as he looked around with a grunt. “Wha...what time is it?”

“10:30, big guy,” the horse replied, gently patting the lizard’s gut and making it quiver. “We need to get out of here. These nice people are trying to clean up and it’s a bit hard with a thousand-pound wrecking ball taking up the dining space.”

“Mmmph,” Callum shook his head, his cheeks wobbling. “Not a thousand.”

The horse cocked an eyebrow as he tugged to colossal dragon to shaky legs. “You sure about that?” he asked, patting the derg’s bowing girth.

For a brief moment, Callum made a concentrated effort to open his eyes. To his surprise, he found Knox might be right. The horse now only stood just level with his chest, and his gut bulged faaaar more than it had before. “Alright, maybe it is,” he chuckled.

“Well we can confirm it later,” Knox grunted as the dragon leaned on him. “For now, we’re just gonna get you home. I just hope Sylph doesn’t mind this much dragon in her bed.”

The journey home proved just as hazy for Callum as the feast he’d stuffed into himself. At the very least he been immobilized, though he did find the doors to the restaurant squeezed his immense gut tight. He also found his horns constantly scraping things they shouldn’t, indicating the supplement had bolstered his height as well.

Once Knox finally shoved the bloated dragon free, they set off down the road for the dragon’s apartment. Luckily it wasn’t far, as trying to fit the dragon into an uber would’ve been a joke. The horse estimated his friend now topped eight feet easily and all the flab squashing into the equine’s shoulder as he struggled to guide the dragon home had to weigh at least 800 pounds.

When they arrived at Callum’s apartment, there was another brief struggle to squeeze the reptile into his home. By then, Sylph had been alerted to the peculiar state of her husband and now watched in amusement as he stumbled into their living room.

“Someone celebrate a little too much?” she asked in a teasing tone, folding her arms across her slender waist.

“Well one of us did,” Knox grunted, shoving the massive dragon onto a large couch.

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The dragon’s rump filled the majority of the space as he tried protesting his condition. “I’m fine!” he growled, flushing under his wife’s condescending gaze. “I just… had a little too much to eat.”

“A little?” Sylph said critically, stepping up to her hulking husband and poking one soft paw into his bowing gut. The smooth scales of his belly enveloped her hand into a layer of flab several inches deep, before they were met with some pressure from the enormous meal. “Hun, you’re massive. I’ve never seen you lose control like this.”

Callum’s gaze softened a little as he leaned forward over his spilling girth to give Sylph a kiss. He saw her take a step back as his figure slumped forward, but then she leaned forward into his tubby mass to return the gesture.

A little calmer, the stuffed lizard continued in a slightly quieter voice. “Sorry, Sylphie. I just got carried away. We were celebrating, Knox and I.”

Sylph’s blue eyes turned on the horse, who’d been edging his way toward the door. “Celebrating what?”

The draft horse froze in his tracks. “J-just a friendly competition.”

“Mmmhm,” the fluffy dragoness, who only stood up to Knox’s chest and her husband’s navel, seemed to dominate the room as she eyed them critically. Then she kicked into command mode and said, “Callum, dear, I doubt you’re going to fit up our stairs, so you’ll just have to spend the night down here.” She gave his hefty sides a pat. “I doubt you’ll be uncomfortable though.”

Callum nodded, suitably abashed as he remained silent.

Then Sylph padded over to Knox and took one of the horse’s beefy arms. “Knox and I are just going to have a little chat outside. Won’t take more than a second.”

The dragon couldn’t help but snort a little when a panicked look spread over his companion’s muzzle. He simply waved to Knox as the horse was led out.

While the immense dragon made himself comfortable, Knox discovered Sylph was less confident than she’d let on. Her features morphed into one of concern as she faced the horse.

“Are you alright?” Knox asked gently.

Sylph nodded and let out a heavy sigh. “I’m fine. Just… I don’t know. Callum seems different now.”

Knox laughed softly. “Well yeah, you could say that.”

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The dragoness shook her head. “I’m not talking about his physical changes. I meant his personality.”

“What do you mean? He seems pretty much the same to me.”

“No,” Sylph replied. “There’s something different there. He seems more… “aggressive” isn’t the word. Excitable, perhaps?”

Knox nodded. He felt slightly guilty as he realized he hadn’t really helped. The competition and taking the dragon out to a dinner that seemed to make him drunk on food weren’t exactly quiet nights in. “I know what you mean.”

Sylph sighed in relief, giving the horse a grateful smile. “Would it be alright if I asked you not to take him out to restaurants anymore? Every time you do, he takes up more and more of our bed.”

“Pfft, sure, Sylph,” Knox chuckled, embracing the slender dragoness. “You won’t have to worry about anymore late night binge sessions from me.”

“Thanks, Knox,” she said as they broke apart. “And please stop by for dinner sometime. I’d love to show you how to properly cook.”

The horse rose an eyebrow as the dragoness opened the apartment door to slip back inside. “You spend too much time around your husband, you know that?”

“So I’ve been told,” she giggled as she blew him a kiss. “Night, Knox.”

“Night, smartass.”

The dragoness smiled as the horse left, grumbling to himself. Her humor faded a bit as she returned to the living room and looked over the mound of blubbery scales rising from the floor. Then a low voice called out to her.

“Sylph? You there? I can’t tell.”

The warm spark of amusement quickly returned to the dragoness as she padded over to her beached husband and leaned into his cushioned side.

Laying on his back, the dragon’s belly rose level with her chest and bowed out several feet to either side, forming an oblong oval. “Yeah, I’m here, doof. How’re you feeling?”

“Heavy,” Callum chuckled.

“Mmm,” Sylph effortlessly slid onto her husband’s belly, finding it provided more than enough acreage to support her slender frame. She sank several inches into the softened

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scales, playfully slipping forward to rest her chin between the dragon’s moobs. There she playfully rubbed his chest while nuzzling his broad muzzle. “Perfect bed, I’d say.”

“You’re… going to sleep on me?” Callum asked incredulously.

Sylph tilted her head, squishing her husband’s cheeks together. “Is that a problem?”

“Mmmph, shno mahm,” Callum mumbled, shaking his head.

“Good,” the dragoness said, sweeping her lengthy tail along his underbelly like a cable of silk. “I don’t want you going out to restaurants anymore while you’re taking this diet pill, alright?”

Callum grumbled, but Sylph squeezed his cheeks tighter and he nodded. “Fiiiine.”

“I don’t need my husband outgrowing his wife and his home.”

The dragon lifted his head to kiss the fluffy dragoness, his warm arms wrapping her waist and cuddling her deep into his ponderous belly. “I won’t.”

Sylph nodded and sighed, resting her head against a soft roll of his neck pudge and closing her eyes.

Of course, Callum couldn’t resist adding one final tease into her pointed ears. “You have far too much sass for me to outgrow.” A ripple of amused chuckles wobbled under Sylph’s form as the tubby dragon laughed to himself.

She said nothing in reply and instead gathered the fat under his arm and gave it a harsh twist, making him gasp. “Keep in mind, dear, I also know all your weak spots. Now pipe down, I’m trying to sleep.”

Callum grunted as she released his love handle, flopping back and nuzzling the space between her ears tenderly. A cat-like purr from the dragoness told him he’d made the right move. He considered replying with another tease, but instead simply replied with, “Sorry, hun.”

Sylph nodded approvingly and the two slipped off into a deep, comfortable sleep.

The next morning, Sylph woke up considerably deeper in her husband’s figure than the night before. As the massive dragon dozed, his immense middle rose and fell, expanding beneath her and sending a heavy layer of flab rolling along her figure. Sylph purred as she snuggled in close, kissing the slumbering derg on his nose and wiggling about.

“Such a big softie,” she whispered teasingly, nibbling her husband’s chins.

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Callum snorted ticklishly and blinked his eyes as he awoke from the sensation. “Eurrrrgh, morning,” he yawned, grinning sheepishly up at his wife. “Have a comfy night?”

“I did,” Sylph replied, pushing her paw into his supple side. “I think my mattress softened though. Might have to complain to management about that.”

The dragon snorted. “Well I had to deal with a stray cat curling up on my face. Any clue how it got there?”

Sylph blushed as the dragon trailed a heavy paw along her tail. The long, tufted appendage had a mind of its own and often times Callum would be awoken by its fluffy end smothering his muzzle.

“Not at all,” she purred, patting his heavy chest and sliding off. “Now I believe it’s time for work.”

“What about breakfast?” Callum whined, sitting up with a grunt.

“I’m sure you’ll be fine,” the dragoness replied, eyeing the boulder of blubber sitting in her husband’s lap. She leaned over to kiss his soft cheek. “Your reserves should hold you over until lunch.”

Grumbling, the massive derg slowly rose to his feet, glancing up at the ceiling. To his relief, he still had a couple feet of clearance from the vaulted ceilings, but not much. Giving his immense midriff a rub, he sighed. “I guess clothes will be a bit tough to deal with.”

Sylph, who’d wandered off into the kitchen, didn’t show much sympathy. “And it’s no one’s fault but your own.”

The dragon sniffed disdainfully and began hunting for something to wear. “You’d think a wife would be more comforting to her husband.”

The dragoness only laughed. “You’d think the wife wouldn’t have to deal with a husband who can barely fit into his own home.”

Callum huffed but didn’t reply, knowing he’d never win. Eventually he found an oversized sweater Sylph liked to wear as PJs. Years of use had stretched it comfortably, but the dragon still found it dug into his underbelly and pinched at his armpits.

Sylph came back out of the kitchen with a sandwich, which she only gave to the dragon after making him promise he wouldn’t eat anywhere but home and work.

After agreeing, the two embraced once more and Callum headed out, polishing off the sandwich in a single bite.

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Unfortunately, while the dragon’s social life might have been going well, his status at work wasn’t being held to favorably by some. Callum could tell something was off when he went down to the R&D department for his daily checkup.

He’d expected AB to greet his immense size and the news of his gym competition with some degree of amusement. All morning, the blubbery derg thought of how the otter would react to him snapping the pull up bar and not even being able to do sit ups.

Instead, Callum had been greeted by a rather solemn-faced ott who only seemed half-interested in what they were doing. No jokes were cracked at the dragon’s expense when the otter tugged a string around his heavy sides, squishing the soft scales beneath. Not even when the dragon stepped onto the scale and the three-hundred pound increase from the day before popped up.

“Alright, what is it?” the dragon finally asked once the morning’s measurements had been concluded.

AB’s glazed eyes snapped up from his clipboard. “Hmmm?”

Callum tilted his tubby head. “You haven’t cracked a single joke today. What is it?”

“Oh… nothing,” AB mumbled. “Just under a lot of pressure is all.”

The dragon didn’t buy that for a second. Crossing his arms over his doughy chest, he not-so-subtly shifted his enormous caboose from where it had been swamping an unfortunate stool.

“AB,” he said softly.

The otter’s wavering gaze met his once more.

“You’ll be under far more pressure in a second if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.”

AB’s eyes widened. Though he knew the dragon was most likely joking, one glance at the reptile’s couch-filling rear made him realize there was no point in arguing. Currently the massive derg had dipped into quadruple digits, weighing 1,032 pounds and standing a staggering 9 feet 2 inches, more than twice the height of Sylph.

With a sigh, the otter slipped his phone out of his pocket, opened a couple different social media apps and typed something into them. Then he tossed it up to Callum.

The dragon caught it in a chunky paw, his size making the device feel comically small. But he could very clearly see what the issue was on its screen.

AB had typed #barbelly into each one and under them were various videos of an incredibly fat dragon working out alongside a muscled horse. Some were more positive,

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with encouraging captions like “Never give up!” and “This derg isn’t letting anything stop him” under them.

But there were also less encouraging ones, specifically in response the two challenges he’d failed simply due to the sheer size of his bulk.

For a couple long moments, the dragon stared at the phone dumbly before handing it back to the otter. “Oh.”

“Yeah, oh.” AB sighed. “I guess a couple of them knew who you were, because these somehow became associated with Fyreworks Inc and I’m sure you can imagine that didn’t make anyone too happy.”

“But there’s no connection there!” Callum protested, lifting his belly and dropping it with a massive jiggle. “For all they know this is just some personal lifestyle choice.”

Already AB was shaking his head again. “Anyone who does five minutes of research on Fyreworks knows we’re on the bleeding edge of pharmaceutical research. Even if it wasn’t true, there’d be enough speculation to call our company’s practices into question.”

“Even if that research is groundbreaking?” Callum tapped the videos of himself outrunning and out-lifting Knox. “This could arguably be very beneficial!”

“Oh come on,” AB laughed, sitting in a rolling chair. “You know they’ll always look for the worst angle. And in this case that would be your very considerable butt bouncing on the gym floor after you snapped a steel bar.”

Callum set his teeth to edge, his cheeks burning brightly as he realized AB was right. Looking down at the otter over the curve of his gut, the towering dragon stood to his full height. “So what do we do?”

AB shrugged, his dour mood slowly returning. “I’m not sure about you, but I’ve been put on paid leave for the time being.”

“Not very encouraging.”

The otter shook his head in agreement. “But it’s all I know. After we’re done here, Draegu wants to see you in his office.”

Despite his considerable size, the dragon couldn’t help but shrink into himself a little at the thought of facing the CEO.  

With a sigh, Callum extended one scaled mitt. “Well in that case, it’s been a pleasure working with you.”

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“Aye,” AB replied, patting the dragon’s rolling side as he shook the dragon’s paw. A faint, but wicked grin touched his lips. “Watching you become a parade blimp has been a true privilege.”

“Careful,” Callum chuckled warningly, “I can still sit on you.”

“Nah,” the otter said, taking a couple steps back, “you’re too much of a sweetheart for that.”

“Don’t push me,” the dragon growled as he turned to leave. “Otter fur rugs are very much in this year.”

“You’d have to catch me first, fatass,” the otter called back, getting the final word in as Callum squeezed himself into the elevator and rode up to confront the CEO of Fyreworks Inc.

Callum could tell the situation was dire when the receptionist didn’t even look up when he entered. Instead she kept her eyes affixed to her computer and pressed a button to open a pair of stainless-steel double doors.

Wringing his paws nervously, the blubbery monolith of a lizard stepped in.

Draegu sat behind his desk with his feet propped up on its surface, his demeanor deceptively casual. The burly green dragon couldn’t keep himself from jolting slightly in surprise at the sheer breadth of his employee. Of course, the last time Draegu had seen him had been in the videos, which were before an encounter with a certain Asian-American fusion restaurant.

“Goddamn, Callum,” he exclaimed, “you’re huge!”

Color pricked the dragon’s heavy cheeks as he rubbed his gut self-consciously. Currently, a hefty slice of blubber bulged between his sweater hem and pants, and his limbs felt like sausages stuffed too tightly into their skins. He’d grown used to the remarks regarding his size, but Draegu managed to make it seem like his very existence was a crime against nature.

Taking a deep breath and keeping his emotions in check, Callum did his best to shrug nonchalantly. “Well then I guess your little supplement worked its magic, huh?”

Draegu’s expression hardened as he slid his feet off his desk and leaned forward. “Worked it’s magic?” he barked, shaking his head. “Oh no, Callum. No, no, no, no, no. It did the goddamn opposite.”

Callum’s tone remained neutral. “Oh? How do you mean?” He took a step forward, so his thunderous bulk rested warmly atop his boss’s desk. A faint sense of satisfaction sparked in the dragon’s gut when he noted Draegu leaned back a fraction of an inch.

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The CEO snarled and stood up abruptly, swinging a flashy computer monitor toward the dragon as he did so. On it, a high-res photo of the blubbery dragon in mid-fall from a shattered pull-up bar glared back. “This is currently the top result that comes up when anyone types “Fyreworks Inc” into any search engine,” Draegu spat. “You’re giving this company a bad image and that’s something we can’t afford right now.”

Anger surged through Callum’s core as he took another step forward, actually pushing the CEO’s giant desk back in the process. The sheer ease of the movement should’ve caught Callum by surprise, but he was too livid to care. “You recruited me for this drug!” he shouted, looming over the staggered green dragon. “You made me take this damn supplement in the first place! I didn’t protest or complain when it turned me into a walking blimp. I went along with it because I know how you work, Draegu. Either I do what you ask or I suddenly have an “extended vacation,” which we all know is bull. And now you have the brass to tell me I’M giving the company a BAD fucking image?”

Callum’s sides quivered as he panted angrily, suddenly feeling a lot more confident while Draegu did his best not to cower under the reptile’s wrath. At this point the hefty dragon had to outweigh him three times over and stood several feet taller. The CEO wasn’t sure what might happen if he pushed it.

“Callum,” he said in a placating tone, “I’m sorry. R&D has been something we’ve been struggling with for months no-”

“It’s not their fault, either,” the dragon laughed. “It’s yours. You push them to their breaking point and fire them if they don’t deliver. All this,” he placed his paws on either side of his enormous belly and sloshed it about, “is on you and you alone.”

Draegu simply shrugged, feeling his employee’s burst of rage beginning to subside. “Be that as it may, Fyreworks is going to have to distance itself from you for the foreseeable future. You’ll be generously compensated, of course, but that… figure of yours can’t be seen on the premises. Just think of this as a-”

“Extended vacation?” Callum offered caustically.

The CEO’s green jaw tightened, but he nodded. “If that’s what you’d like to call it.”

Callum shrugged. “I’d prefer unlawful termination, but tomato-tomahto. Is that all?”

Draegu nodded. “Yes. Thank you for your cooperation.”

The immense dragon shook his head as he turned to leave. “This isn’t cooperation, it’s manipulation. You’re not doing the company or yourself any favors here, Draegu,” Callum said as he squeezed out the door. He paused once more to glare back at the CEO. “And one day it’s going to bite you in the ass.”

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Callum didn’t bother cleaning out his desk. There was nothing in it he wanted anyway. What he did want was food. All that anger had burned a hole in his gut. He needed to fill it.

The journey home could be more accurately described as a warpath. Callum’s already monstrous frame seemed to sweep others aside as he stopped at any available food cart, snack stand, or fast food joint to demand whatever they had on hand. Most came in the form of traditional, city fare—hotdogs, soft pretzels, burgers, pizza—whatever was cheap and filling.

While the dragon also did his best to pay for his orders, he suspected the frightened cashiers probably would have handed over anything to the mammoth reptile. Part of Callum’s mind did feel guilty for his insatiable actions, but he was far past heeding it. Instead he just ate and ate and ate and, as an inevitable result, he grew.

Layers upon layers of flab packed onto the dragon’s girth, forming thick, sweeping rolls that bounced and jiggled with every step. His sweater had long since given up trying to contain the bulging lizard, tearing itself to shreds in a most splendid fashion to allow a gut the size of a compact car and pair of yoga ball moobs to slump free. But all that food hadn’t just powered a fattening change; it also affected an incredible surge in his height.

For every block the dragon traversed, he seemed to grow several inches. Soon his head scraped overhead awnings and his pudgy feet cracked the sidewalk, giving any approaching pedestrians the image of a small-scaled Godzilla rampaging down the sidewalk. Most furs who happened upon the immense dragon would go wide eyed and cry out before hastily stepping into the street.

Callum barely seemed to notice as he continued tromping along, his bowing gut juggling lowly against his knees as he looked for more food stands to ransack.

Feeling unbelievably heavy and remarkably buoyant, Callum found he had no trouble with his mobility as he went. The diet supplement saw to that. Beneath all that soft, sloshing dough coating his frame, he knew a thick frame of muscle remained hard at work, ensuring his swollen, grumbling figure could continue its self-destructive path home.

Eventually Callum reached his building complex, where he realized he had another issue: there was no way in hell he’d be able to fit his bulk inside. Luckily his apartment sat on the ground floor, with the rear facing a small park. While the apartments above only had a small patio, his actually possessed a slightly larger yard that led into the park behind it.

With the greatest caution the dragon waddled around back, hoping his sheer size wouldn’t shock his wife too badly.

Passing over the low fence that surrounded their little yard proved troublesome as the dragon flattened a section of it. Grimacing to himself, the colossal reptile extracted his

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feet from the wreckage and lowered himself onto the grass to look into the double set of glass doors connecting the yard to the living room.

Balancing on his heavy gut, Callum managed to spot a slim, caramel figure curled up on a recliner. After a brief moment’s thought on the best way to get Sylph’s attention, he decided to simply knock.

Sylph, who’d been deeply engrossed in a book, pricked her ears at the faint tapping sound. She turned around and almost jumped through the ceiling at the looming face of her husband. Recovering quickly, the fluffy dragoness hurried over to the door and threw it open.

“Callum? What on earth happened to you?” she gasped, gazing over her huge husband’s figure. “You’re even bigger now.”

Grinning sheepishly, the dragon rocked from side to side. “I kinda broke that promise I made to you about eating in restaurants.”

Instantly Sylph’s features clouded with anger as all four-feet, six-inches of her seemed to draw up on the guilty derg. “You what?! What made you do that?”

Callum sighed, shifting uncomfortably. “Could I come inside before I explain? I’m kinda exposed like this.”

Sylph shook her head, poking a finger into her husband’s round snout. “I don’t think so, mister. You need to explain yourse-”

“I got fired.”

The dragoness faltered, her accusing finger becoming a gentle caress of the dragon’s cheek in an instant. “Fired? For what?”

Callum shrugged, his snout curling in a bitter grimace. “Got too big? I’m not exactly sure. It was a “paid vacation” at first, but then I kinda told my boss that was gonna bite him in the ass, so now I dunno.”

“Hah,” Sylph couldn’t keep herself from snorting a bit. “Well I guess I can’t blame you for speaking your mind. Though you certainly have a knack for timing.”

Her words seemed to work in cheering up her colossal husband. “Heh, I guess so. Now would you mind helping me inside? There’s a piece of wood digging into my gut.”

Sylph nodded, stepping back into the living room and holding up her fingers to frame Callum against the door. “It’ll be a tight squeeze, but you should fit.”

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Callum felt a surge of warmth for his wife. She’d always been ready to adapt to new situations on the fly, handling them as though they were nothing. “You’re the best, hun.”

The dragoness smirked and placed her paws on her hips. “And don’t you forget it,” she quipped.

But as nonchalant as Sylph appeared on the surface, her mind ached with concern for her husband. As she pushed furniture out of the way to clear the living room so the tremendously tubby dragon could squeeze himself in, she kept wondering what would happen next. Callum had positively blimped over the past few days, growing from adorably fat to alarmingly huge.

And while Sylph hadn’t made any mention of it to her blubbery partner, she felt more than a little scared around him. He’d just gotten so big and he’d lost control more than once as evidenced by his multiple run ins with restaurants. Sylph also couldn’t be sure, but she suspected the immense dragon secretly enjoyed the effects of the pills. Growing so huge and powerful so quickly could have that kind of impact.

That was why, as Sylph helped her husband bed down in their living room, she made a promise to herself to reach out to a couple of friends. The situation had spiraled out of her control. She could only hope the intervention of some caring people in the blimped dragon’s expansive lifestyle would change things for the better.

Once Callum finally settled onto one bowing side, Sylph withdrew herself from her concerns. She’d already made up her mind on the issue and now decided to test the waters a little.

“God you’re huge,” she laughed gently, stepping around her husband’s belly where it took up nearly half the living room on its own. Her words weren’t an exaggeration either. The silver dragon had truly grown enormous.

Laying on his side, Callum’s belly extended far out in front of him, forming a formidable slope of blue-plated blubber that rose ominously close to the ceiling. His tail had thickened out heavily and now curled over a tush with two cheeks nearly as big around as Sylph was tall. Had he even attempted to stand, there was no question the dragon’s head would’ve gone straight through the ceiling. Sylph estimated her husband stood almost 15 feet in height and she couldn’t even begin to guess his weight.

Now she casually leaned against the pair of yoga ball orbs that formed her husband’s chest, rubbing them around while giving him a teasing grin as she pressed her concerns further. “How are you feeling?”

Callum sighed, extending a paw and rubbing his wife’s back. His palm spanned the breadth of both her shoulders without effort. “Honestly? Incredible.”

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That had been the answer Sylph feared. She did her best to mask her apprehension as she worked her way up from her partner’s chest to his neck pudge. “But you’re so big. Don’t you miss just being… normal-sized? Or even just a bit tubby like you were in the beginning?” She paused in then added almost instinctively. “Because I do.”

The dragon’s soft features filled with guilt as he gently ran his wife’s tail through his fingers. “Well yeah, maybe a little, but the power. I’ve never been able to indulge myself like this, you know?”

Sylph’s gaze hardened. “So you’re just going to continue growing then? Is that the plan? You barely fit into this apartment now and like you said, you feel “incredible.” Where do we go from here?”

Slightly taken aback by the turn in mood, Callum only shrugged his ample shoulders. “I don’t know.”

“How could you not know?” Sylph growled. “You truly don’t think you’d be better off as your old self?”

Callum pondered the question for several long moments. He knew she was right. Being so unnaturally colossal shouldn’t have felt this good. But it did. Knowing this, he couldn’t bring himself to lie to his partner. “I just… don’t know,” he said softly.

For a moment, Sylph didn’t say anything. Then she nodded slowly, stepping back out of her husband’s embrace. “Well I hope you change your mind,” she said candidly. Then she slipped around her husband and went upstairs to bed.

As the blubbery dragon slowly let sleep overcome him, Sylph closed herself up in her bathroom and made a couple calls.

The next day, Callum awoke to a doorbell. Blinking rapidly as mid-morning light pierced his eyes, he instinctively hauled himself upright only to slam his head into the ceiling.

“Aw, goddammit,” he muttered as he flopped back down with an enormous jiggle. He glared at his midsection, which now resembled a bloated globe of silver flab too large around to comprehend. Beneath all that lard he could feel his stubby legs twitching to free themselves from so much heft. Peering up at the ceiling critically, Callum carefully inched himself upright once more, using a couch for support.

The colossal reptile found he could sit in a reclining position quite comfortably, but any sudden movements would be dangerous.

When the doorbell rang again, Callum realized he had another issue on his paws. Whoever stood on the other side might not take too kindly to a behemoth lizard answering it, so he called out for his wife.

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“Sylph?” he called out softly, “there’s someone at the door.”

After a couple moments, Callum began to grow fearful that his wife wasn’t home, but then her slender frame appeared from the kitchen. “Oh thanks, dear. That must be Knox.”

“Knox?” Callum asked. “Why would he be here?”

Sylph’s features remained light-hearted and unconcerned as she opened their front door. “He’s just stopping by for a visit.”

Callum could tell there was more to those words than Sylph let on, but he didn’t have time to press matters as she opened the door enthusiastically.

The muscular silver stallion stood in the doorway, grinning wide. “Hey Sylphie, long time no see.”

“Hello, Knox,” Sylph said, enveloping the horse in a hug. “Come in, please.”

Knox did as he was told, stepping inside. “So what’s this problem you wanted to t-” He paused in mid-sentence when he saw the bowing outline of his friend. “C-Callum? Is that you?”

The dragon nodded, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. “In the blubber,” he replied dryly. “What’s this about a problem?”

Knox fumbled for an explanation, only furthering Callum’s suspicions. “Oh… nothing, bud. Sylph here just wanted me to stop by.”

Callum looked to the dragoness who only smiled back innocently. “I’ve invited a couple of your friends over, hun. The others should be here soon.”

As if on cue, the doorbell rang once more and Sylph padded over to answer it. While she did that, Knox clopped into the living room while gazing over the immensity of his friend. “What happened to you?” he asked as he sank his paws into the dragon’s voluminous sides, watching them squish in nearly a foot. “You’re massive!”

The lizard blushed as he struggled to see whom Sylph was greeting now over the curve of his belly. “It’s kind of a long story,” he replied, feeling guilty about the way he’d acted the day before. “I got some bad news about my job and a coworker…” he stuttered as AB came into view, wearing casual clothes in place of his lab coat. “We both kind of got screwed by our boss,” Callum’s tone suddenly hardened and his blood boiled as another figure—this one considerably larger and rounder than the otter—stepped in. Draegu wore a highly tailored suit and seemed the very essence of cordiality as he graciously shook Sylph’s paw.

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Callum grinded his teeth to keep himself from lunging at the CEO of Fyreworks Inc. ‘There’s a reason they’re all here,’ he told himself.

And that reason very quickly made itself known. Like Knox, Callum greeted AB warmly, grinning at the otter and joking about how well their little supplement worked. His soft muzzle instantly hardened when Draegu came into the room, though. The tension between the CEO and his former employee loomed heavily in the air, until Sylph cut through it with a gentle jab at both her husband and his boss.

“So,” she said diplomatically, “Draegu, it’s nice to finally meet you. I imagine when you went on and on about one of your employees filling your shoes, this wasn’t quite what you had in mind.” She patted her husband’s gut and nodded to his none-too-subtle one.

To his credit Draegu took the comment in stride, giving off a heart belly laugh as he settled himself beside AB. “I suppose you could say that.”

“Yeah, but if you actually follow through with it, you’re liable to be fired,” Callum threw in with a tight grin. “Isn’t that right, bossman?”

Draegu coughed and the others shifted uncomfortably while Sylph dug an elbow into her husband’s pillowy side. “Behave,” she said sharply.

Callum glared back at her, but changed the subject. “So what’s this all about then?” he said, changing the subject. “Obviously you’re not here to get me back. And if you want some body building tips, Knox might be a little better to ask. He at least looks like the result you were aiming for with this little project.”

Before Draegu could respond, AB intervened on a more diplomatic note. “This isn’t about the company’s rep anymore, Callum,” he said gently. “It’s about what those pills are doing to you.”

“Pills?!” Sylph demanded shrilly. “You mean “pills” as in plural?”

Callum felt a barb of guilt tug at his immense gut as he rubbed his sides. His wife’s features were clouded with anger and, even worse, fear. “Y-yeah. I took a second one a couple weeks ago.”

“Why?” the slender dragoness whimpered, her ears drooping.

“Because… it felt incredible,” Callum said slowly. He wanted to disappear as he watched his partner struggle to hold back tears. “Unbelievably good.”

Sylph’s chin trembled for a moment and Knox reached out with one cloven paw to reassure her, but she pushed it away. Standing on her tippy toes so her snout came up level with her husband’s, Sylph reached over to cup his heavy chin. “And I didn’t?”

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Callum smiled faintly. “Of course you did. You made me feel wonderful since the day we met. I just… I don’t know… this supplement thing is something I can’t control.”

The dragoness’ hold on her husband’s cheeks tightened. “So let us help you.”

Callum looked around to the others, all of whom were watching him with varying looks of worry. He guessed Knox’s and AB’s were genuine for the most part while Draegu’s fell more in line with concern over an investment he could no longer control.

“I don’t know if I can,” the he replied.

“Wh-what do you mean?” Sylph said, crestfallen. She took a step back.

The bloated dragon looked to AB for help. “Can I control it?”

The otter shook his head. “The supplement was designed to stimulate the subject’s body in a healthy way.” He paused when Callum snorted sarcastically, his massive girth rippling. “Obviously your condition is the extreme result of this, but that was the main goal. Ideally you would have increased your muscle and fat masses at a safe, proportional rate.” His expression tightened as he shot a look at Draegu. “With the first pill things were promising, if a little unexpected.”

Callum nodded, remembering how he’d developed impressive muscle mass and only put on a bit of weight.

“But we had to meet a deadline,” the orange otter continued. “If you hadn’t bought up wanting to take a second pill yourself, Callum, Draegu would’ve proposed it.”

That was news to the dragon. He jolted upright with a violent jiggle, his horns gouging into the ceiling and making Sylph cry out. “Is that true?” he growled at the CEO.

Draegu glared at the scientist before holding his paws up in front of the tremendous lard ball. “In an essence, I suppose one could say Fyreworks had designs similar to th-”

Callum cut him off by reaching out and taking a hold of the CEO’s fancy lapel. Draegu’s eyes gaped as he found himself lifted off the floor effortlessly and slammed against the wall. Down below them, Sylph yelped as she found herself squashed between her husband’s blubbery side and the couch. Knox quickly yanked AB out of the immense dragon’s path, the two of them crashing into the dining table beyond the living room.

Keeping Draegu pinned, Callum lowered his immense visage only inches away from his boss. “Is it true?” he repeated.

Draegu wriggled, trying to free himself, but the dragon’s hold was like iron. “Yes!” he hissed. “It’s true. But I never intended for you to turn into a parade balloon along the way.”

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“Oh to hell with your intentions!” Callum shouted, almost deafening the CEO. He felt an intoxicating sensation of power mixed with that familiar hunger begin to roil up in his girth. An evil grin split his muzzle as he glared hard at the struggling dragon. “Do you remember what I told you when you put me on “extended vacation”?”

Draegu wordlessly shook his head, sweat beginning to form along his brow.

“I said the way you ran things would bite you in the ass,” he snarled, grin widening. “I guess you didn’t expect it to come so soon.”

Before Draegu could respond, the monstrous dragon opened his maw wide, revealing a pit of deep blue flesh and glittering teeth. The CEO gasped at his former employee’s intent, but didn’t have time to say anything before he was shoved deep into Callum’s gullet.

The immense dragon groaned as he stuffed the hefty reptile into his maw, feeling the wriggling form squeeze against his throat and tongue as he forced Draegu down. When the blubbery dragon managed to work his way around the CEO’s gut and rump, the rest slid down easily. And when the burly reptile hit Callum’s gut, it initiated the largest surge in growth yet.

Callum’s belly positively bulged outward, spilling into the living room and sending the couches flying against the wall. His sides rippled in waves of grey and blue as hims belly bowed outward, forcing his legs apart. The massive dragon grunted as he slowly stood upright for the first time all day, shoving his head through the ceiling above him and sending plaster raining down around him. Draegu’s addition to his waistline proved an immense growth enhancement.

His arms and legs had grown as thick as redwoods, rippling with flab and muscle. Sagging in the wreckage behind him, a tail heavy enough to crush a car sagged over a pair of wobbly cheeks. The supplement had truly made the dragon enormous in every sense of the word.

‘Must’ve been the ego,’ he thought to himself. Callum couldn’t quite describe how good he felt. Raw, unfiltered power seemed to surge through him, like the white-hot end of an electrical cable supercharging every ion in his body. He had so much energy, so much strength. His bloated gut dragged against the floor, but it didn’t bother him in the least. The bigger it was the better he’d feel.

Standing two stories tall and grinning maniacally, Callum looked around to survey the carnage. Knox and AB were nowhere to be seen, most likely having escaped through the front door. A faint cough from the rubble by his feet grabbed the tremendous dragon’s attention and he stooped over to pluck a faint, fluffy form from the wreckage.

Sylph dangled limply in her enormous husband’s paw, her fur coated in dust. She gazed up at her husband, trembling visibly. “C-Callum? Are you alright?”

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The dragon laughed, spreading his paws. “I feel fantastic, Sylph! Look at me!”

She did, nodding slowly. “You’re… huge.”

“And strong,” he added. “It feels incredible.”

Sylph gulped. “You don’t want to change back.”

It was a statement, not a question. They both knew the answer as Callum nodded, his chins wobbling buoyantly. “I can’t. It’s gone too far.”

The fluffy dragoness nodded again, always wanting to please her partner. “I… I thought so,” she said, meeting his large blue eyes with hers. “I love you.”

Callum smiled back. Sylph couldn’t tell if was one of genuine affection or carnate glee. She guessed a little of both. Then that smile opened wide as Callum replied, “I love you, too,” before dropping her down his gullet as well.

As the monstrous dragon swallowed his partner, he couldn’t help but feel a spark of guilt in his chest. Part of him knew she only cared about his well-being and didn’t intend him any harm, but another aspect reminded him of the unimaginable power now coursing through his veins. He’d never felt this good and he couldn’t let anything get in the way of that.

With a tremendous wobble, the dragon turned around and crashed free of the apartment building, sending a storm of brick and plaster raining down into the street. A bus careened full on into Callum’s colossal gut, sending a shockwave through his flab as he stumbled back a step.

Incensed by the violent movement, the dragon’s gut growled again, demanding to be sated. Callum happily obliged, pushing the bus off and side stepping several cars before hip-checking a nearby shop and crumbling its facade. He needed something to eat. Something delicious and filling.

A familiar sign advertising a distinct fusion of Japanese and American cuisines came into view a couple blocks down, making the colossal reptile grin. If he’d almost put the place out of business the first time, he’d certainly make a weighty impression now. Effortlessly, he began lumbering for the restaurant, sending more cars careening off to either side and pedestrians fleeing in terror. His overripe hips bumped into buildings, jiggling madly as they gouged craters in the concrete and glass.

Below, his feet ruptured the street, opening holes in the pavement and revealing the sewers below. His rump swayed from side to side, wobbling about with tectonic sloshes as the big, bloated dragon tromped toward the restaurant. He needed food. His belly begged him for it.

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As he moved, Callum couldn’t help but take pleasure in how easy it had become to haul his heft around. He knew his ground-grinding gut should’ve anchored him in place, but instead it bounced about in front of him like a battering ram. Cars unfortunate enough not to see the giant dragon until it was too late found themselves slamming into a wall of blubber that seemed to absorb them, before they were bounced backwards and pushed out of the way.

Callum scarcely seemed to notice as he finally arrived at the restaurant. Once there, he pushed his head in through the doors, scattering the employees and customers. Wonderful scents of fried rice, burgers, and pizza filled his nose as he dug in, treating the buffet line like his personal lunch tray. He was hungry and he would get his fill, regardless of the consequences.

While the macro dragon stuffed himself, a couple blocks back up the road two figures stumbled out of the ruined apartment building. Knox panted as he stepped onto the road, grateful to be free of the dust clogging the air.

AB followed a couple steps behind, his fur and jacket coated in a fine layer of grit. “Blegh, drywall tastes terrible,” he grunted, smacking his lips. He took in the wreckage strewn across the street. “Well that was a disaster.”

Knox nodded, folding his muscular arms. “Big-time catastrophe,” he agreed, turning to the otter. “So now what?”

The otter looked at the horse questioningly. “What do you mean?”

The stallion snorted, nodding to the bulging dragon. “What do we do about him? How do we get that,” he framed the dragon’s bulbous rear swaying against several buildings, “back to normal?”

AB stammered, trying to find an explanation. “I-I don’t rightfully know. This has never happened before-”

“No shit,” Knox laughed brusquely. “But you better, because with Draegu in our friend’s belly, you’re likely to be held accountable.”

Nodding slowly, the otter tapped his chin, looking the stallion over. “Well there is a short term solution here while I figure out the long term…”

Knox eyed him. “And that is?”

AB smiled faintly. His immediate solution, a rather desperate one, involved distracting the dragon while he came up with a better plan. And at Callum’s size, that meant a big distraction. With Knox watching him expectantly, AB cautiously laid out his thoughts. “How would you feel about going on a diet, big guy?”