d.facdn.net  · web viewcallum tried his best to recall the quality of the initial feast he'd...

Callum tried his best to recall the quality of the initial feast he'd enjoyed years ago, but could only remember vague nuances of it. The notion was partially due to the volume of food he'd consumed, and the other had been the fact that the quality of it had rendered him in a slurred, food-induced stupor. If the banquet was good enough to issue those types memories, Callum's nod to the white drake was entirely justified. "It's far more than half as good as you've heard," he assured the bulky pearlescent drake, "And I can attest from personal experience." "Good point. We still have to follow through with our promise since you lost that race," Azar reminded Callum before the parents came over to the two dragons. The mention of the feast excited Azar, his frills fanning out a bit at the side of his head. "I can't think of a time when we wouldn't be ready for a feast. Lead on!" he said enthusiastically. The white dragon stood up, after letting the children get off his tail, and began to follow the parents to a very large tent. It was almost circus-like, only decorated with images of dragons and anthros together instead of bright red and white stripes. The amazing aroma of the feast that was inside immediately hit Azar as he got closer to the tent. He closed his eyes and took the scent in for a moment before going on. "If the feast is even half as good as it smells, this may be the best food I've had in my life," he told the gray dragon. Azar stepped into the tent and could have sworn he would have needed to shield his eyes from all the food that was inside. Almost anything he could imagine was spread out on multiple tables. Meats, fruits, pastries, and so much more! Roast pig, exotic fruits and vegetables from all over the countryside, elegant cakes, sweet breads… it was almost too much for the white dragon to take in all at once! The smell was amazing and he took a few moments to take in that sweet aroma before padding closer to the table. "It looks like all the cooks here at the festival made something for us," he

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Page 1: d.facdn.net  · Web viewCallum tried his best to recall the quality of the initial feast he'd enjoyed years ago, but could only remember vague nuances of it. The notion was partially

Callum tried his best to recall the quality of the initial feast he'd enjoyed years ago, but could only remember vague nuances of it. The notion was partially due to the volume of food he'd consumed, and the other had been the fact that the quality of it had rendered him in a slurred, food-induced stupor. If the banquet was good enough to issue those types memories, Callum's nod to the white drake was entirely justified. "It's far more than half as good as you've heard," he assured the bulky pearlescent drake, "And I can attest from personal experience."

"Good point. We still have to follow through with our promise since you lost that race," Azar reminded Callum before the parents came over to the two dragons. The mention of the feast excited Azar, his frills fanning out a bit at the side of his head. "I can't think of a time when we wouldn't be ready for a feast. Lead on!" he said enthusiastically. The white dragon stood up, after letting the children get off his tail, and began to follow the parents to a very large tent. It was almost circus-like, only decorated with images of dragons and anthros together instead of bright red and white stripes.

The amazing aroma of the feast that was inside immediately hit Azar as he got closer to the tent. He closed his eyes and took the scent in for a moment before going on. "If the feast is even half as good as it smells, this may be the best food I've had in my life," he told the gray dragon.

Azar stepped into the tent and could have sworn he would have needed to shield his eyes from all the food that was inside. Almost anything he could imagine was spread out on multiple tables. Meats, fruits, pastries, and so much more! Roast pig, exotic fruits and vegetables from all over the countryside, elegant cakes, sweet breads… it was almost too much for the white dragon to take in all at once! The smell was amazing and he took a few moments to take in that sweet aroma before padding closer to the table. "It looks like all the cooks here at the festival made something for us," he said, unsure if that were true or not. The amount of work needed to put this all together was incredible, and Azar greatly appreciated the efforts of the anthros at the festival for what they had done. "When can we start eating?" he asked, looking up at Callum.

Callum was also slightly thrown by the exceptional abundance of food. He remembered a feast the first time he'd come, but the display spread in front of him was a veritable Garden of Eden. He looked over to Azar and couldn't keep the ridiculously wide grin from gracing his muzzle. Callum realized this was the part where he'd left all sensibilities and control behind, opting instead for pure enjoyment and indulgence in the plethora of foods.

"We'll have to wait a couple minutes to properly thank the chefs and attendees," the cobalt drake explained to his cloud-colored friend, "But after that, the entire banquet is for draconic consumption only." What he refrained from telling his salivating companion was that the majority of the food would be for a singular

Page 2: d.facdn.net  · Web viewCallum tried his best to recall the quality of the initial feast he'd enjoyed years ago, but could only remember vague nuances of it. The notion was partially

drake. He was content to watch Azar lose all inhibition, and stuff himself mediocrely. Callum was sure there'd be another opportunity to test his own limits in the future.

Azar nodded in agreement with everything Callum was saying, but it appeared that his mind was fully on the feast in front of him. He was clearly hearing what the gray dragon had to say, but whether or not it all was retained remained a complete mystery. Though the white dragon was completely oblivious to what Callum had planned for him and the feast.

One part of the cerulean dragon’s words did break him out of his stupor. "Wait, all of it just for us?!" he said, looking to Callum in shock. "But what will all of the anthros eat? Surely we don't deserve 'all' of their best food," he said. He knew that the people here were generous, but he didn't want their generosity to put the anthros in a position where they would have "lesser" food or worse, not have enough food to feed themselves after the festival.

The grey drake smiled at his friend's understandable concern, before putting the astounded reptile's unease to rest. "The food they prepare comes as a small portion from all the booths around us," he explained, resting an idle paw on the notable curvature of his belly. "There are about 600 booths here from local, rural, urban, and foreign sources, so the anthros have nothing to worry about in terms of volume."

"600! Then we barely even got a taste of what this festival has to offer!" Azar said in disbelief when the gray drake revealed the exact number of booths that were at the Scalen Festival. Which also meant that the two of them had only seen a small section, and Azar's curiosity wanted to see even more when he got the chance. "Well it's good to know we aren't depriving them of anything. Though I suppose the generous amounts seem like a lot since it will only be split between two dragons," he said.

Callum grinned slyly at his overwhelmed friend and patted the pearlescent drake's pudgy shoulder, "If you're a bit intimidated, just do your best. Remember that our part of the racing bargain was to eat whatever they desired us too." He swept the paw consoling his shy friend's shoulder and gestured to all the food. "And by happenstance, they includes all that lays before you. So," his grin widened, "I suppose you have no choice but to honor our deal."

Azar walked up to the large table before sitting on his hind legs behind it. "Everything...we get to, and have to, eat everything," he said as he eyed the massive spread, remembering the deal that they had to keep for losing the race. His face and feelings were a mix of awe, hunger, and intimidation at what the two now had to do. "I… I think I'll be ready for this meal when we're done thanking everyone," he said, Azar's stomach growling as he nodded to Callum.

The metallic drake nodded as he heard the growl emanate from Azar's form. He was certainly ready to enjoy the meal too, but once more, Azar's innocent enjoyment

Page 3: d.facdn.net  · Web viewCallum tried his best to recall the quality of the initial feast he'd enjoyed years ago, but could only remember vague nuances of it. The notion was partially

triggered Callum's delight in just how fun these next few hours would be. The pearl drake possessed a humorous quandary when it came to food, but one could certainly see which influence was stronger.

After another minute, the drakes were ushered inside where they resided on ornate rugs and began to watch as approximately a hundred furs filed in to present themselves and be thanked. Callum and Azar did so in turn, and Azar's fleshy middle issued periodic snarls of its own to compliment the various cooks, chefs, and bakers for their hard work. As time passed, the twist of hunger grew steadily in Callum's splayed middle, but it was a manageable feeling while Azar was on the brink of desperation for the food surrounding him. With one final vulpine to pass the two drakes, Callum recognized the feisty, young fox girl who'd greeted them earlier. She proffered two small loaves of bread as initiation offerings, which the drakes lipped tenderly from her paws. They both nuzzled her, and she walked away with a beam, before pausing, turning with a wide smirk, and said, "On your mark, get set… go!" And the feast began.

Once the signal to begin eating was given, Azar wasted no time in starting. The bread loaves from the vulpine girl was just the start of the appetizers. The white dragon's hunger had only been growing as the line of chefs, cooks, bakers, and more came through. And while he thanked each of them sincerely, he was desperate to eat. And it was clear just how desperate as he started eating rather ravenously. Entire cooked pigs and boars at a time went into his hungry maw. Of course, he kept enough dignity and decorum to not make a pig of himself in front of those that were hosting the meal. To them, they just had a really hungry dragon that was eating rather quickly at the moment. But his rapid consumption of the feast was already having an effect on him that the dragon did not notice nor intend. His belly was starting to fill outwards inch by inch as it gradually began filling with food.

The white drake's voracious appetite was explosively initiated just as Callum expected, though even he was surprised by how quickly and lengthily Azar maintained the bulldozing rate with which he ate. The cobalt dragon was content to eat a slower pace, though the tempting aromas and irresistible sights were certainly enough to trigger his own appetite. He soon fell into a pleasant system of stuffing himself on his own accord, while casting periodic glances at the delirious Azar, whose belly was starting to push its scutes out wide with an abundance of supple, snowy flesh. He felt a familiar twinge of fullness emanate from his gut, indicating he'd reached the halfway mark of his own meal, but that only registered as a small fraction of the grand display surrounding them. With each passing minute, the grey drake felt his belly hang a bit lower, but the true show came from the staggeringly widening girth accumulating around Azar's cloudy middle.

Azar had become so transfixed with the glorious, delicious feast before him that he had gone into a bit of a feeding frenzy. He devoured food item after food item, but was going at a pace that both allowed him to enjoy the wondrous taste of each meal the chefs had cooked up, as well as move onto a new plate quickly. Azar also wasn't

Page 4: d.facdn.net  · Web viewCallum tried his best to recall the quality of the initial feast he'd enjoyed years ago, but could only remember vague nuances of it. The notion was partially

in such a mindset that he was numb to everything else going on. He could hear the cheers of the children and some of the older anthros as they saw how much the white dragon was enjoying the food they had offered. But what he wasn't aware of, or paying enough attention to, was his thickening physique.

Azar's belly had surged out several feet now, and was starting to push against the table that was set up for the two dragons. Yet he kept reaching over it to grab more food. A voice in the back of his head kept telling him that he'd had enough and that he really should stop. But a louder mental voice kept urging him to just have a little more, to not let any of the food go to waste, and to try the delicious looking something that was next to whatever he had last grabbed.

Callum acquired only a bit of additional padding, smiling pleasantly as his belly pushed lightly against his paws and sent off filled sensations. His main focus was on that of the pearled drake, whose stomach seemed to grow exponentially with the incredible influx of food. He could relate to how much the stricken reptile appreciated their food, with table upon table of different meats, pastries, stews, and breads. Each one was cleared with lasting fortitude, pushing heavily against the drake's supple scutes. The keratin ridges were engulfed by fleshy, white scales that proved a testament to Azar's formidable appetite.

Time passed reverently as the drake's supple hide stooped lower with each passing moment, and eventually pressed upwards against his back. Callum watched with a mixture of delight and awe as the drake's form swelled and rocked from the incredible meal.

After about an hour of nonstop feeding, Azar felt his hunger finally starting to reside. It was subdued by the copious amounts of meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, and pastries he had dined on in one sitting. Though he never had known before that he could even get so hungry. The white dragon's mind started to clear from the haze it had been in when he was eating. The dragon blinked a few times and looked around, seeing his half of the feast completely gone, and probably a bit of Callum's half had gone into his stomach too. "Did...did I eat all that?" he asked to no one in particular.

The white dragon gulped before looking down at himself, then let out a gasp of shock when he saw what he had done to his once thin body. Before him, jutting out six feet or more from his middle was his massive belly. It had grown so round and wide that the armored plates had separated and spread apart, revealing the much more sensitive and tender scaly flesh between them. Realizing his mistake of eating so much, Azar's wings quickly tried to fold around himself to cover his girth. Which, at this point, was far too much to cover with his wings alone.

Callum laughed loudly while the providers of the banquet murmured approvingly. The grey and blue drake padded over, feeling his own plated belly sway under his steel toned spine. Coming up to the pearl drake, he rested his paws indulgently on the incredulous dragon's bulky midsection and smiled. "Seems you've outdone

Page 5: d.facdn.net  · Web viewCallum tried his best to recall the quality of the initial feast he'd enjoyed years ago, but could only remember vague nuances of it. The notion was partially

yourself," he said with a wide smile. After pausing a moment the silver reptile turned to the observers and said, "Would there be a place where we could perhaps retire our friend here for the night? We both would love to get a bit of sleep."

Callum was hoping for perhaps a small area to accommodate his friend's belly and the more moderate spread of his own bulk, but several of the festival goers caught him off-guard by whispering among themselves. Eventually the sonic tendril finally made itself known to the curious drake; a singular name that cropped up with intriguing promise. "Aaron," one finally said clearly, before they opened the tent flap to reveal another tent on the other side of the central clearing. It was tinted violet in the late, dusky light, and Callum propped his friend up so they could walk to it in a slow waddle. Pausing, he turned back and said, "And thank you all for the feast! We were highly honored and quite satisfied!"

A knowing ursine padded forward and patted the grey toned drake on his middle. "Oh, Aaron will certainly be able to sate you further," she chuckled. Once the path was clear the drakes worked their way steadily in that direction, before finally coming to a lightly illuminated entrance. Curiously, Callum peeked inside.

He looked around to find an ornately furnished interior, saturated in a low, luminous light. Everything radiated faint pulses of magic and power, distilling the air in a small haze. The effect wasn't too helpful for the rolly-poly drake at his side, who settled to his bulky belly and rocked from side to side in undulating creases while the distortions seized his vision. The metallic drake gently aided him into a more comfortable positioning on his barrel side before padding further into the room, wondering what inhabitant might reside within who could host two dragons, and one of whom had reached spherical proportions. As Azar listed on his fluffy abdomen in dazed comfort, the grey hued drake finally settled his vision on the proprietor of the tent.

Azar was exhausted from even the short trip from the festival to the purple tent, panting heavily from the effort of moving so much bulk around. Once the two squeezed themselves into the tent, matters didn't improve too much for him. Azar found his mind in a heavy haze, unable to focus or concentrate on anything. It felt as though he were in a dream, yet his mind kept reminding him that he was most certainly awake.

The white dragon groaned as Callum so easily rolled him onto his side, his arms and legs wiggling at their sides in a vain attempt to right himself up again. Almost like a turtle that had been flipped onto its back. Before he could ask Callum what was going on, he heard his friend speaking with someone else inside the large tent. Azar tried to look around to see who it was Callum had found inside the tent, but his vision was a mix of darkness and purple at the moment.

The serpent was fifty feet long, with iridescent coils wound through the oak furniture of the tent, and a five-eyed gaze that was currently looking down over him

Page 6: d.facdn.net  · Web viewCallum tried his best to recall the quality of the initial feast he'd enjoyed years ago, but could only remember vague nuances of it. The notion was partially

with a wide, welcoming smile. With deceptive speed, the snake slithered over to settle in front of Callum's wide eyed gaze, whilst casting a humorous glance at his stuffed friend. "Good evening," the serpent said in a surprisingly cheerful, light hearted tone. The drake had expected a deeper, more powerful intonement, but quickly found his words. "W-we were told you might be able to help us out," he stammered, pawing idly at a low-swaying scute.

Aaron considered the drake's nervous demeanor, before looking to Azar, and smiling widely. "I'm sure I could help you both," he said, running an informal coil along Callum's belly, which elicited a light shiver from his greyed build. "What was your name?"

"Callum," he managed to utter, swiveling his head from the serpent's luminous eyes to Azar's. After a moment, the snake suddenly wound his way over to the stupefied pearly drake, and poked Azar's enlarged belly, "And you as well friend. What was your name?”

All of a sudden, there was a very large, multi-eyed serpent's head in Azar’s view. The white dragon jumped and flailed his limbs before clutching all four to his belly. "My name is Azar," he managed to say, the red tint returning to his cheeks as he felt the serpent's tail poke at his engorged belly.

Aaron smiled and tilted his head down at the stuffed drake. "I am Aaron," he said kindly, wiggling the drake's heft between his coils, "And it seems you've been on the receiving end of the festival." He turned to Callum with a wide grin, "How about you? I can see you both fared quite well, and I am sure it was enjoyable."

Callum smiled and nodded, before padding over to the beached dragon, whose legs remained humorously clung to his supple form. "We certainly thought so," he said, emphasizing Azar's girth with a light shake and unintentionally eliciting another groan from the pearlescent drake's muzzle. "This marshmallow got a bit carried away, and after we finished, he wasn't in a fit state to do anything but be directed to you." Callum looked to the serpent, "Apparently you have an admirable reputation for dealing with this type of situation."

Aaron's violet visage deepened lightly with a blush, "Heh, well I suppose there is some truth to those words." He ran a radiant coil along Azar's stuffed scutes before a second thought crossed his mind. "I would be happy to shelter you two if you wish," he said, "Especially concerning this one's recovery."

The grey drake nodded gratefully, "That would be wonderful," he thanked the iridescent snake.

Aaron simply tilted his head in acknowledgement and continued, "And I'd be happy to accommodate your appetites if need be."

Page 7: d.facdn.net  · Web viewCallum tried his best to recall the quality of the initial feast he'd enjoyed years ago, but could only remember vague nuances of it. The notion was partially

Callum's eyes and grin widened at the notion before he looked to his weary friend, "What do you think, Azar?" He inquired softly.

Azar blush deepened and he groaned a few more times as both Callum wobbled his rotund form, and Aaron ran his tail rather soothingly along his engorged belly. The dragon's mind was still in such a haze that he couldn't quite figure out if what was happening right now was real or not. Never before had he heard of or seen such a massive serpent with five eyes, though he thought some sort of rumors about it would have reached him at one point or another. Then again, he had never heard of the Scalen Festival either, so point in Aaron's favor.

"We'd be...very grateful...for your help," the white dragon said between panted breaths. His paws, now looking slightly stubby by comparison to his body, tried in vain to rub what bit he could of his stomach to ease the slight pain of having grown so much in such a little time. "Thank you for any help," he added, looking back to Aaron.

The serpent nodded and ran his tenuous coils along the expanse of the stuffed drake's belly, eliciting a low purr from the marshmallow. "Of course good friend," he said, "I am just as pleased by your presence as the rest of the festival goers." Callum paused and settled into his haunches when he spotted a mischievous flicker flare into the snake's eyes. The slate drake realized the serpent most likely had ulterior motives of his own. He could see the enjoyment with which the snake assuaged Azar's soft underbelly and scutes. After a couple moments, he smiled as he watched his friend relax and fall into a trance from the bulky massage.

Azar couldn't believe he was just sitting idly by and letting someone rub along his belly. Though it wasn't as if he could really do much about it in his current condition. Even more so, he couldn't believe how much he was enjoying it! The white dragon didn't realize he was thrumming until he had already been doing so for several minutes, a sign of immense happiness and relaxation from him. Azar considered his predicament at the time through the cloudy haze in his mind, and decided that it was just best to just relax and enjoy what he was getting at the moment. Why fight what he couldn't?

Callum shifted his weight as he felt his knee level paunch sidle slightly to one side. He patted it pleasantly before looking back to Aaron, who had turned their humorous, neon gaze to him. Callum felt the serpent’s tail flick his stomach lightly, blushing from the informal touch. "I don't suppose you'd like to try some of my cuisine?" Aaron inquired in a diffusive tone.

The drake was surprised by the question, but quite eager nonetheless by the prospect of food. He was curious what the snake might possess that could stand apart from the abundant feast, but he was certainly willing to find out. "I would love too," Callum agreed eagerly, watching in surprise as the snake summoned a table of confections that settled near his gorged companion. The drake felt anticipation build

Page 8: d.facdn.net  · Web viewCallum tried his best to recall the quality of the initial feast he'd enjoyed years ago, but could only remember vague nuances of it. The notion was partially

up in his gut as he saw the multitude of food. "This looks incredible," he said, looking between his stuffed friend and the knowing serpent.

"You want more food?" Azar asked Callum when he heard the gray dragon's request. "I know I'm, well, the one who clearly ate more. But it looks like you had a fair share yourself. What if you end up like me?" he asked. Azar had a feeling that the only reason Callum hadn't ended up as big as he had was because the white drake had eaten the majority of the food.

Callum tilted his head toward the endearingly stuffed and flustered drake. "It's nice to know that you care so much," he said, patting the pearl drake's bulging belly, "But I am still a bit peckish, and could never turn down the offer." He jostled the white drake's fluffy middle a bit, before relenting sheepishly when a loud moan escaped Azar's muzzle. "This is the Scalen Festival, and the primary cause is for us dragons to enjoy and indulge ourselves to the widest margins." He turned slightly to Aaron in order to address the the serpent and bulky, mattress pad beside him, "I'd love to try some new stuff, and you seem quite experienced," the metallic drake said to his vibrant, serpent host. "And," he winked at his bulging friend, "I don't think either of us are truly worried about size, you seem to enjoy having your tummy rubbed quite thoroughly." He loosed a loud laugh as the pearlescent drake's visage turned a vibrant scarlet.

After a humorous moment, Callum turned to Aaron eagerly, "I would truly enjoy experiencing your cuisine," he said, wagging his tail happily. The serpent's grin widened as he coiled himself neatly near the table and issued an incantation that caused several of the pastries to float up and around him in a swirl. Callum plopped himself down next to Azar with an eager expression. He looked forward to the delectable creations of the spirit.

Azar tried to control his flustered state a bit, but the continued jostling of his round body, belly rubs, and teasing from Callum kept him on the defensive. "Why do I get the feeling you planned me to end up like this from the start?" he said with an accusing look at the gray dragon. Once the deal was made that Callum would be getting the food from Aaron, Azar essentially gave up trying to hide his girth and just tried to relax. He was at least in a comfortable position to watch the show that was going to unfold. His blue eyes watched the pastries float and swirl about in mid-air as Aaron got the new feast ready for Callum. "Good luck," he said to his friend.

Callum laughed and jiggled his friend's middle once more, emphasizing the boisterous girth Azar had attained. "You're starting to catch on," he replied, "And thanks, I'm sure we'll both be needing it with this snake." He turned back to Aaron, whose eyes were alight with a mixture of eagerness and humor, "This all looks incredible," he said, before Aaron floated the first pastry over and Callum snagged it out of the air. His mind seemed to take on a similar state as Azar's had during the feast, as the incredible tastes were spread across his maw.

Page 9: d.facdn.net  · Web viewCallum tried his best to recall the quality of the initial feast he'd enjoyed years ago, but could only remember vague nuances of it. The notion was partially

"Iss pretty gud," the metallic drake said through a mouthful of doughnut. He soon fell into a blissful process of greeting each pastry with a trance-like warmth, feeling the increased flow widen his belly lightly with each bite. His scutes began to tighten and the sensitive silver flesh below the keratin shields edged out and around them.

Aaron situated his tail between the quivering marshmallow and the expanding drake, soothing both with a large smile. Once his belly became too heavy to support upright, Callum simply folded his legs and leaned lightly against the ready made cushion of his friend while his stomach surged out before him. As he continued, he smiled to Azar and said, "You're quite a comfortable support."

As Callum began eating, Azar could have sworn he felt his friend's body getting bigger and softer against his own. "I'm supposed to be a warrior, not a cushion," he said in response to his friend's remark about how comfy he was. Though he supposed it was meant to be a compliment. With help from Aaron giving his stomach gentle, soothing rubs, Azar soon found his eyelids starting to get heavy. More and more he was falling into a far more relaxed state, and he rested his head against his admittedly very comfortable middle. "I see what he means," he whispered to himself, hoping that neither Aaron nor Callum caught that.

Callum's belly steadily swelled with the influx of food, widening the corners his mouth in a grin as he heard his friend murmur to themselves. The marshmallow's abdomen slowly gave way into his own as he leaned over on his side and let his middle splay itself on the floor. Aaron maintained an impressive talent for multitasking with the sinuous movements of his coils, and allowing the seemingly endless swirl of pastures to thicken Callum's metallic and sapphire stature.

The drake felt his belly slowly surpass his knees, push heavily against the ground and his legs, and roll in a heavy tidal wave to rest in a quivering heap. He loved the staggering heft and abundant softness accompanying it, leaning his head gently on Azar's equally softened middle. After several more minutes, he finally felt himself on the brink of absolute fullness, moaning lightly as his gut rose in a ponderous horizon and undulated from periodic breaths and the coiled massage provided by their spirituous host. With a heavy grunt, he pawed at the stretched plates and supple flesh curving beneath it, before simply flopping back.

Azar watched as Callum ate and grew, wondering if that was how he had looked during the feast. Though he imagined he probably gorged himself at a much faster rate and with less control, given that he hardly remembered what had happened. Only that everything had tasted absolutely amazing.

"That was exquisite Aaron," Callum said in a sincere tone, "Quite filling as well." He rested his paws against the scaly monolith, which now succinctly surpassed his legs, and rose impressively in breadth. With a final grunt, he rolled over onto his back and allowed it to squish informally against his pearlescent friend. "How're you holding up, Sir Mattress?" He inquired to the dazed drake.

Page 10: d.facdn.net  · Web viewCallum tried his best to recall the quality of the initial feast he'd enjoyed years ago, but could only remember vague nuances of it. The notion was partially

"I'm holding up fine, just feeling the oncoming food coma coming up," he said to his silvery-gray friend. "And if you're going to be using me as a resting place, better enjoy it while it lasts. I probably won't be able to get to my normal size again for a few weeks," he said before yawning wide.

Callum found himself yawning as the volume of food residing in his cavernous gut, combined with Azar's infectious action taking its toll on the flabby lizard. "Indeed," he said, purring and pushing his paws lightly into his packed stomach, "I don't see too much action in our future. buddy." He buried his muzzle lightly in his friend's snowy expanse, almost falling into a blissful sleep, with Aaron's coils providing extra comfort and Azar's belly sidled to his own voluminous side.

A faint prickling sensation stirred the darker depths of his psyche, and he looked up with a faint yelp as an exceptionally large arachnid clambered over his side. He saw the pleased look in her eight eyes, and felt her pedipalps alternate between the taught keratin plates and the soft, scaly flesh of his middle. "Her name is Puella," Aaron explained softly, stroking her with the tip of his tail. "I apologize for her sudden appearance," he continued, as the spider's nine-foot radius settled near his chest and chin, a soft trilling emanated from near her abdomen as she folded her segmented legs and nuzzled him.

Callum laughed quietly and relaxed, allowing his purr to conjoin with hers and extending one tired paw to her segmented chest. He stroked her softly before looking to Azar. Not wanting to alert the dozing drake too badly, he gently angled his head's resting place on his friend's cloudy side and whispered, "Azar, what's your take on cuddly arachnids?”

Azar heard what was going on with Callum saying hello to something and Aaron giving a name. He was starting to fall asleep, but still aware of the sounds going on around him. It must have been some sort of pet, he assumed. But the white dragon couldn't see over both his and Callum's expanses to see what kind of pet. He heard some sort of chittering, which unsettled him a little, but he started to guess that maybe it was some sort of bird. Though no bird he'd ever heard of or encountered ever made such noises.

When Callum asked what he thought of arachnids, the dragon's blue eyes shot open. "Arachnid? Spider? Where?" he said, all notions of sleep suddenly banished from his mind. As if on queue, Puella crawled over Callum's stomach into Azar's line of sight. His eyes went wide at seeing the massive tarantula on Callum. He quickly lost all color in his face, his bright white scaley face turning to a very sickly pale. Azar was frozen for a few moments, staring at the creature skittering over his friend towards him. Then, the dragon's eyes rolled up before his head thudded on the floor as he passed out.

Page 11: d.facdn.net  · Web viewCallum tried his best to recall the quality of the initial feast he'd enjoyed years ago, but could only remember vague nuances of it. The notion was partially

Puella's trilling quickly turned to anxious clicking as she expressed concern for the drake's unceremonious departure from the realm of consciousness. Callum felt her bristled legs right themselves in the vast softness of his belly, before she made to pad over to the fainted reptile, but a soft command from Aaron said otherwise. "Remain at rest, girl," he said, stroking the worried arachnid with his tail, and slithering over to the pale mound of dragon. The monolithic spider tilted her eight eyes, but resumed her action of snuggling into the available belly. While her unusually large stature was slightly jolting to Callum at first, he'd been entirely transfixed by the novelty and eccentricity of such a usually feared creature possessing the disposition of a friendly canine.

He purred to ease her concerns while Aaron slowly assuaged his friend's head and ensured they hadn't done any serious damage. "He's only had a little scare," the serpent explained, eliciting a notable relaxation in Puella's form as she settled her abdomen between her legs and began to knead the softened flesh beneath her in the same manner a cat might do to its owner. Her silver pillow deepened his purr, and she soon resumed trilling as Aaron smiled and patted Azar's bulging midriff. "Though it's understandable," he said, "Especially with the accompaniment of food and weariness."

Callum found the violet spirit's voice slowly slipping from his attention, as he began to go into a similar food-coma that Azar had broached before fainting. "Well she's a wonderful companion," he yawned, adjusting his weight and feeling his colossal, scaly midriff wobble as it squashed against his unconscious marshmallow of a friend's. With one final effort, he instinctively curled a wing around the spider, before grunting as their host made their fifty foot series of coils equally comfortable on the ivory and cobalt ovals of flab. Callum sighed as he felt the sheer weight resting down on him finally sink into his mind, and expel any consciousness that had previously resided there.

Azar woke the next day with a wide yawn, stretching out as much as he could. He almost wanted to attribute the previous day's events to a dream, but it was all too real and vivid in his mind for that to be possible. On top of that, the massive stomach that kept him in place, as well an overstuffed Callum leaning against the massive gut, were further proof that everything that had happened yesterday couldn't have been a dream. Azar flinched when he saw Puella sleeping on top of Callum, but it seemed the arachnid was asleep. And hadn't tried to eat him. So that was at least a plus.

After a brief cycle of waking, falling asleep, then waking up again, Azar started to poke at Callum to try and wake him. "Hey, wake up tubbo. We've got to find a way to lose all this chub," he said, pushing his friend with a paw. The two of them weren't going to be able to go home the way they were, it would take far too long and be too difficult to move such bulk. So they needed to figure out a plan.

Page 12: d.facdn.net  · Web viewCallum tried his best to recall the quality of the initial feast he'd enjoyed years ago, but could only remember vague nuances of it. The notion was partially

Callum grunted and moaned, before extending his paws indulgently into the air and smiling up at the sight of the large serpent and adorable spider curled up on his silvery mass. The tremors being sent through the deep flab of his pillow indicated that at least one other individual was conscious. The metallic drake leaned forward as far as his monolithic belly would allow, and he attempted to nudge the slumbering serpent resting atop his gut. Once he successfully nudged a coil, he turned to the pearlescent beanbag next to him.

Squeezing his own flab affectionately in one hand and jostling his friend's equally voluminous belly in the other, he smiled and said, "And good morning to you, Sir Marshmallow." He accompanied the quip with a short laugh and stuck a blue tongue humorously at the bulky reptile. "How would you propose we lose this?" He then asked after a moment of thought.

Azar blushed and grimaced at the teasing nickname, turning his head to the side to try and hide it. "Oh shush. Anyways, if we want to thin up, we'll have to get up and moving about again. If we try walking home like this, it will take us weeks. We might get back to normal size by then, but it will be tough. We could just try working out while we're here." he suggested. He was, of course, unaware that Aaron was awake and listening in on what the white dragon was saying. And he had no idea how against losing the pounds the serpent was.

Callum chuckled lightly at the faint blush accentuating his bulging companion's visage, but was distracted by a tense, tightened coil shifting through his pillowy expanse. Looking up, the metallic drake's eyes widened as he saw Aaron fold his arms over his chest and cock an eyebrow at the words. Callum's belly wobbled lightly from the powerful motions, and wondered what had irked the seemingly mellow serpent to such an extent.

"If you believe you're going to be losing any weight any time soon," the serpent quipped, a smile tugging at the corners of his muzzle, "I'm afraid you're entirely mistaken." As if on cue, Puella readjusted her segmented weight on Callum's chest, nuzzling the expanse and trilling softly to convey her delight. The serpent utilized his coils to emphasize the bulky forms of the two drakes, kneading the doughy flesh, partially by example, and partially for enjoyment.

Azar looked right back at Aaron, a look of shock over his face. "N-not losing any of the weight? What do you mean?" he asked, his heart sinking in his chest. "W-we can't stay like this! We wouldn't be able to do anything!" he tried to tell Aaron. But the serpent shook his head. It seemed he would have none of that. Azar started to wonder if the two of them were technically "prisoners" now. Trapped staying fattened up in Aaron's coils. "Why do you say we wont' lose any of the weight? What if we want to?" he asked.

A warm, mischievous smile spread itself widely over the snake's face and Callum allowed a faint grin to cross his own muzzle as he watched the blustering dragon

Page 13: d.facdn.net  · Web viewCallum tried his best to recall the quality of the initial feast he'd enjoyed years ago, but could only remember vague nuances of it. The notion was partially

question the serpent's morals and intentions. As Azar did so, the silver, blubbery reptile occupied his time by stroking the slumbering arachnid atop his chest, cooing softly to the trilling spider who's palps kneaded his belly subconsciously.

"Well you're free to go at anytime," the snake said, nodding to the entrance, "But I always urge my guests to stay and at least sample my confections at least once. That's usually where the strongest persuasion lies, along with the famously pleasant company of myself and Puella here." Aaron gestured to the large arachnid, whose slumbering form had slipped down Callum's chest and become nestled against his softened neck.

The metallic drake purred from the spider's affectionate presence, and looked to his friend, "It's as good as he says. At least try one meal with us," Callum offered.

The white dragon was starting to look a little nervous from Aaron's insistance. But it seemed that Callum was up for it too. Azar looked between Callum and Aaron multiple times before sighing. "Alright… alright, I'll give breakfast a shot. After all, we'll need the energy to get moving again," he said, looking to both of them for confirmation that his request was okay. Still, he was going to have to stay on the lookout, as he had the feeling that both of them had something up their sleeves.

Callum grinned at his friend's relenting. "Wonderful," he said, patting his friend on their supple shoulder and then looking to their spirituous host. The movement unintentionally aroused Puella from her slumber, and the spider stretched lightly before applying an affectionate nuzzle to her makeshift bed for the night, before padding over to Aaron and settling among his extensive coils. "So what would you like?" The silvery drake asked his friend, rubbing his large gut excitedly.

"Oh, I don't mind what we have for breakfast. I'm not that picky about it," Azar said as he tried to get to his feet. Which was still quite the challenge to do. But eventually, with enough rocking about and struggling, the white dragon was on his feet once again. "Hmm, I think I lost a pound or two through the night," he whispered to himself. He couldn't speak too loudly about it, given how Aaron acted when he said he was going to try losing the weight. "Where is your dining room for us to eat at?" he asked the large serpent.

Aaron smirked as the white drake righted himself, before slithering down from his silver perch and allowing Callum to do the same. The metallic drake grunted and hefted his weight for some moments, before the serpent extended his tail and used deceptive strength to roll the bulging drake to his feet. Upright he was in a similar position to his friend, with a belly that splayed itself widely and pressed heavily into the carpeted floor. Callum looked up expectantly at the mention of breakfast before remembering just how large he'd already become.

The snake held Puella in one arm, stroking the trilling arachnid along her back. "I usually entertain guests in the common room," he said with a grin, before winding

Page 14: d.facdn.net  · Web viewCallum tried his best to recall the quality of the initial feast he'd enjoyed years ago, but could only remember vague nuances of it. The notion was partially

his violet form through an overhanging entrance and into a conjoining room lofted with billowing fabric ceilings, cushions, and a sturdy oaken table. To one side lay a small stand filled with sheet music and a large, ornate instrument reminiscent of a flute. Callum looked to Azar and shrugged, adopting a wide, rolling gait as his legs tried to avoid squashing into the pillowy expanse residing beneath him. With a grunt he lugged his stature, and wobbled into the ensuing room.

Azar was quite impressed with Aaron's home, finding it a lot nicer than he initially noticed. Though the question of exactly "what" the large, violet, and five-eyed serpent was still remained a question at the front of his mind. However, given that Aaron had provided the two with a place for the night, and was offering them breakfast in the morning, he figured it would have been rude to inquire about exactly what he was. Perhaps he would reveal that in time, but for now the white dragon was content to just accept that he and Callum were in a very hospitable home.

The white dragon chuckled a bit at Callum's heavy, waddling gait as he made his way to the kitchen. Of course, Azar was about the same size as Callum, so his movement looked just as ridiculous. He was finding it surprisingly difficult to move forward when his legs kept bumping into his belly that took up so much space. "This looks like a perfect place to have breakfast. Thank you Aaron," he said, smiling and nodding to the serpent once he was in the common room, taking a seat on his hind legs at one end of the table. Of course, he had to sit rather far back from the table, or else his middle would be squished uncomfortably tight up against it.

Callum settled himself next to his friend comfortably, resting squarely on his heavy middle and squishing into it indulgently. He smiled as Puella pattered over and gently climbed atop his broad side to nestle into a warm place, a trilling accompanying her movements. The arachnid had been smart enough to pick up on Azar's unsettled disposition around her and, though his supple form was steadily relaxing, could still sense a slight worry radiating from his enlarged hide. "It is certainly a very welcoming abode," he added.

Once she was settled, Aaron turned to the two drakes and smiled appreciatively. "Thank you kindly," he replied, smoothly winding his way around the table and softly manipulating the drakes' forms with a couple shifts of his coils. "I suppose we could entertain the notion of a feast," he said, "Though perhaps some light music and relaxation would help alleviate some of your burden." He slithered over to the ornate instrument residing in its stand before turning to the two dragons inquisitively. "May I?"

Azar did not pass out from seeing Puella, but still his body tensed up considerably. He kept fearing that she was going to bite into Callum's neck at any moment, but was too polite to say anything as he didn't want to upset Aaron with accusations about his pet. And Puella hadn't done anything wrong thus far, so why would she start now? "A song? I had no idea you played. I thought that was just there for

Page 15: d.facdn.net  · Web viewCallum tried his best to recall the quality of the initial feast he'd enjoyed years ago, but could only remember vague nuances of it. The notion was partially

looks," he said, pointing to the large flute-like instrument. "I don't see any reason why we couldn't or shouldn't have music, right Callum?" he said, looking back to the gray drake.

Callum nodded eagerly, curious as to what type of music their spirituous host partook in. "I think it's a lovely notion," he said, looking forward to relaxing in the midst of good friends and a well-stuffed belly.

Aaron smiled as he took the flute from its stand and rose it to his muzzle, "My style is intended for comfort and serenity," he explained. "Especially for those who might have undergone such rigorous trials as you two." He chuckled and patted the two bulging drakes with a sinuous tail and then, without another word, picked up an ethereal melody reminiscent of a dream setting.

Time seemed to elasticize for Callum as he felt his eyelids grow as heavy as his midsection, lulling him into a swaying trance. Arcing his neck sideways, he noted that Puella had already curled up into her segmented nest and was subconsciously kneading his widened middle with her palps. Swinging it the other way, he turned just in time to see the music take Azar in just as strong a grip. The white drake's frills flickering as the haze of music pervaded the tent, and matched the low lighting in equal density.

The two drakes were entering another realm of consciousness unfamiliar to either of their weary minds, and Aaron smiled as he picked up on the intended effect for his music. Azar gently toppled onto his rounded side and Callum barely registered the hypnotized marshmallow as they came into squished, genial contact with his own bulbous form. As his pearlescent companion leaned against him, the metallic dragon soon followed suit. His head slipping into the grasps of unconsciousness. A flicker of contentment flashed in Aaron's eyes, before he shifted his coils and played on.