df news 2000 winter

December 2000 DF We wish to thank and say good bye all those committed DFs leaving this ... and say a very warm welcome to all our new members The vie{,s erpressed in this l)F nc$,s are those of indlviduals and nol oI DF Commiale. or the mo!€meni s to year...

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Page 1: DF News 2000 Winter

December 2000

DFWe wish to thank and say good byeall those committed DFs leaving this

... and say a very warm welcome to allour new members

The vie{,s erpressed in this l)F nc$,s are those of indlviduals and nol oI DF Commiale. or the mo!€meni



Page 2: DF News 2000 Winter

sharp) reaily soon.. ad-drcss and phone no on-Gc bacl,.

A wordfrom theeditors

iHello and telcome to:lhe tirsl Dfnews of:the ncrv r,car. Anclrhat an cxciting ]€ar:{s gong to t}o

:As usrral nn apolog!::Sorq for tho tatclcss:ofthis issuo ofDF:nclts. tl ahrals takcilorBe. ihan expectedJo find all the arricles.

:Wc $ould just ljke ro:poinr o r that $c:lokcs in dris iss cr$ere lrritten by EllarSprurg ard not by us.:We're luarginallr'morc sane llut that.

i f lopelou al l har e eigood )eaa.

it* suau,-, *,a:Alison Longden

At dre moment trc. (mcand Alison add softeother nicc peoplc). \ranrto know riho's rillinlto hclp run the sessions(expcnses paid ofcourel (1r€ hopel)) andr\'hen they're rvailable_as *€ll as ho1v lndnypc.:ple likc Dennis er-ist \,Vc'ro eas) (rr) .could do it in arcLndMa! or malbe Scpteru-

Blue skics.EIla,(lelorert L^()CRoCl

So aftcr thnt happv lole,il youb a De s 6s ;1 P.S Any script commis-Samccna or anlo& clsc aiors to thc sanrc ad-rnterested in fact, then dr€ss Yeahlgir-e ne a call or dropme a lino (iusr &alesure the hook's not foo

slighiy ntore. !iell.fl€xible- al

thinking lhe AdufCsntre in Shorehamm ght be good asit's cheap lrnd there arealso activitics on ofler.but arrt otlersuggestions fof eIenue (ard datel)irculd be ven $€1-

infon adoll !ril] fof

lfyou $llnt 10 kno$aD]Lhing else, thenread the newsletter llnsendxlgorrt, or else ring mc org('t in contact ho$evcrclsc tou like! (detaiison the back)Hope to see vou Nll alforum. bright bl eskies, Alison (Brigh-lon zuSK DF s)


Leader Training- '.Wow- it's justwhat l've always wanted!"

A park bench_ some-$here il1 the Scotdshhighlands. Sheep arcmooing and the eleningrs clcar ard bright. TrloDFs sit talking.

Dennis: You lirrowr,hai- Sam? i long $jthall m1 healt and soul iogo io a WoodcraliIeader trainirg $enlthat s especialh forDFs qnd Kinsfoll

Sameena: Fuony 1oushorld sa) that, bc-cause I run a lfoup andrvould lo.ve to pass onlry acam&lalcd skillsand boundless Lno.\,1-cdgel

l-nrer LAOCRoC 0ead-crship and other con-tributory roles co-ordirator)- the heroin€LAOCRoC: I hale jusl

the soludon for both ofloulli A leadcr rrainingerent (siappief nalr]lsNanted-onapostcardplcase) is being plam€dIor exactll, this €c gloup in Mavish nexllcar.... r,hl, don't you

Demis and Samcenatn perGct harooqv) :

And &e! ride otr intothe sLmsct in their solarpou ered car:susa'n'ablc]eah babt yeah!

Thc Fnd

Galling all south eastern DFs ,..As T'm suretou xillknow ftom \:our qre-cial SE regroml !]e\!s-lctterlhal$ill have arri\,cd onyour doonnat beforethis DF News does, I

! our ner rcgional rcpon DF Collrmil1ce(lakcn o!c{ fton DxrcJackson).Arr$'aj . thc poulr is.

we\'e got loads of far-t:sdc r€gronal etentsgonrgon ncxt ycar. includ-jng lhe next forum - jn

"qhorchan; io riichlou allmust corne (Flease?r).and c\ cn mo)! exci1"mgy, a reek€nd SEDf c\ cntft*t Sprjig l lle dc-tails lor this arc

Page 3: DF News 2000 Winter


The Right To Play at Mediation @2OO1Glastonbury

For the thirdyear runnitrg DFs fromthe Souft East had theopportunrty to attendGlastonbury FestivalWorking in the KidzField- 1.1 Folk mem-bers did shift work su-pervising young chil-dren and organisingco-operative games. Itwas a massive suc-cess. By day we werelooking after rhe kidson tho magic castle.wfiich had slides andtowers and dungeonsand ropes and lots ofother things that (lit-tle!?!) kids edoy... andby night; well let's justsay we were qrloyingthe highs (and lows) ofGlastorburyl

It was a falltas-trc opportunty as wehad the chance to mixsocialising, going to anincredible festival, andpromoting arlicle 12 ofthe LN Declaration ofHuman Rigks - tieright to play. Also, weraised the profile ofthe Folk" especially bywearing T-sltids withthe Woodcraft logo onthe back- aJthough af-ter about the thftietbtime, stories of-someone's brother whoused to be !n Elfin didget a little. . well, bo.-ing to be blunt! Wewere also mehtionedon the Glastonbury

web page- wow fameat lastl

Ar}^ilay. we'dlke to say a big thankyou to all the iovel1DF's who alsoworked oh so had atGlastonbury and otherfestivals doingworkefs beer, as t\eyeaaled lots and lota ofnroney; some of which,through PF Events.welrt towards s[bsidis-ing this brilliant !en-turel

\l'e're planningto nrn a srmilar prc.lectat Glastorbury 2001,so ifyou've realisedquit€ how firn and sai-isrying it can be (aswell if you're lured bytlte added bolDses ofbeirg in secure camp-ing and near to oleao-ish toilets and hotshowers), th€n get incortact with us, (you-dorr't have to be fromthe South East), viaAIisou.

Alison Phillips &Roland Susman

h April. seveD ofusDF/ Ki'rsfolk typepeople went to Stras-bourg for a mediaticnseminar, aimed atteaching us a new wayof solving conflicts iryouth novements. [twas a really goodweek, and we leamedall tie theory of me-diation, but probablywhal- lauglrt us rxostarld wherc we ac-tuallysiarted to ufialerstandtlle corcepls beilhd itall. was at hrterna-lional Camp in Austriah the surluner, wherethree of us ran a prlotmediatior prc]ect.Nlanbers ofthe me-dialion team were abl.-to resolve quite a felr,

rar ied problems, (in-cluding the water cr;sis l) and even man-aged to medlate eachother, to a degreel Theprojo€t was d€finit€lya success and we wantto extend t at lntema-tional Carnp 2001.where we plan to ha\.€a team ofabout l2trained nediatols atthe ready. We ne€dlots of +raldly volm-teers (anyone over 16),to participate in thisproject, wfiich will in-volve two weekendtrallrlrlg coulses, aswell as the weekendprecedmg the camp . Ifyou're rntereste4Please read the MES-TUP afiicle.

Power to the chimneys

wllat did the big chimney say the littlechimney?( (

Get off my foof you horrible little chim-

ney... I tellyou, chimneys today, they haveno rcspect, in m,v day a littlc chimneyworrld only speak rvhen it was spokentoo....they should be seen and not heard,that's what I sav there was none oftnrs

oung chimneys......oh I

Page 4: DF News 2000 Winter

In the past arathsr .elax€d attitudehas been talen tobooking to go toercnts. In the l6st r-carthis has bcm patjcu-lariy bad 1lith respectto DF lorudrs

This causcsploblems for lhose or-gan]sng e\€nts. i\ithrespect to lbod, ac-

As well asca srig nconveniencclo orgarxscrs. rl cfc-ates problems $ithhealth 0iue and inrajj-dntcs our insurancctt is parficularl], itrr-portant that the par-cnt/guardian of under18 ha\€ signed thcconsent section of thcforms.

All pcople$ho t\'ish to attend aforr.rm and who areno1 a member ol com-mitlcc rnust relum aboolings fomr Theseare alaiiable from)oul rcgional rep orrhc rep fbr lhc regionthe fonn is frkingplacc in. From no\\rc. ar) l.llder 18 )€arold amving a1 ancvent $'ii-h out mcdi-cai details ard the pa-reirtal conscnl sectionof the bookina tonnsigncd (bl a parenl o.guardiar), rill betumed a$ay and senthome

Most who at-lended the last DFforum had a fattastictirne aod Glt atthey had really madea diference

Thc next fo-mm ls going 10 bcEVEN better.There will be muchdiscussior and deci-sron nraking ltsyo r clance to reallyfe€lenlpo$,caed.

Booking And the next forum is .,.forms .., in th€ south east, rt Shoreham near Brishton

on the 2"d-4s March

But its not allhard work. Therewill be games. melrymakrng. meeting ofnew and old friendsand g@erally lots ofpeople having a good

This forun isparticulariy for DFsil1 t]1e sonfi easr aidwe s.ould love to seesonic new faces, Afare pool witl be

prouded for peopletravelling fromwithir the regionHowel€r eve{'body

If you wish togo, please fill out theform at the back ofDF news and retumf to Anto!)' Lyons\le esk that DFs at-terdll1g donaie .€5 to-ward the cost of nm-nmg tlle evert.

2-,l narch

Late April

22-24 l\ire

The next 4The So h Erst, conract Alison philips fo. more detaits

The Midl.nds, contaci Ella Spnrng for more details

The C€ tre for allernative Tcchnology, Wales. Tratls-port prolrded fiom Shrewsbury. Contact Adam Ravenfor more detalls

The North so11lewhei€. Conlact Andrew Cowland orEmma Curtain


Are youcfazy?

q. what's the dil-fere cc between aduck?

a, one of its legsarc both thesame.

Page 5: DF News 2000 Winter


Plerse note lhat thefollowing is not thefull wording ol allmotions but themern of each. Forthe full wordingpleaie see mintue!'

Tlis year saw ninencfflal motions arldo e en,efg€ncy mo-trolr carned.

There werethree motions relat-rrg to foruns, oneihat forlLms shouldvisit ali dre reglolrsand that lhe regloflsand approximatedates should be ad-vertised in DF news.The second instituteda charge oft5 for at-tendrtg lofuols (ex-cluding comrnltteeand invited guests)The other stated th6ta fare pool should beput piace for DFsfro ihe region irwhich lhe forlLm wastaking place.

Thre€ new po-sitions were createdon Corrnittee. AComtrunlcat lonspost, someboaty lo

researah jobs, seminars and ot\er op-poftunities for DFsand a member ofcoll rult@ to ensurethat all mcdionspass€d at Althing arefollowed up.

The impor-tance of Whter won-derlaod as a nationalev€rt l'as recognEetland such that itshould move aroundthe country as othernational events do.

Our 4 repre-sentatil€s on na-tional council werernstructed to Producea report each year tobe put to Althing.Regional reps wereinslruoted to contnb-ute more regularly tothe DF lveb site aDdDF news.

One motion\!as sent to ArmualGathering to ellendthe work of the tain-bow netwolk to allareas of the folk andproduc€ educationalmaterials to be usedacross the move-ment.


A View from a DF Motions PassedBetween the

8th and the lfth ofDec€mber around 60DF's gatheted inStanford hall for thelirst ever DF Althing(forrnally l3lo\,,nr asDF Conference) Thefirst evening includeda welcome and a ttftof an expla ation ofwhat was about to goon for those whowere new to theelent. We tleD prc-cede to dre baf to te-lax, be merry, chai,rne$ new people arrsdo all the thingsDF's do. Busmessbegan first thing(ish)on Satu.day morningwith larious work_shops nm by l'anousDF's.

We broke forhnch and a clanc€for people to get mo_tions w{itten so wecould begi0 discuss_ing them. After lunchthe motrons werepassed afounc sopeople could readthem and suggest anyamend$e ts and ad-dendums then we gotdown to tle debatesThe afternoor qzs

then sp€$t debatmg,passing, and frilingmotiors witl a rotat_ing chair (not a chairspinnirg lourd icircles, I mean peo_

ple taking jt in tulnsto cluii thc meeting).

Tea was g|a_ciously prepared bya group of gaumettrained. hard work_irg camp Chefs whomanaged to cater forvegeranans, vegans,nut and glute,r aller_gies and create a cu-lmary master Ptecefor our delight whilstwe interrogat€d thenominees for com_niftee. OLtr residertD.t pro\ided exceflalt ente rtaiDment forthe evenmg and agood tim€ was hadbv ali.

We staltedagair o1l Sudaymoflriug. sorne peo-ple a hour earllerthen otiers who had-n't realtsed theclocks had changed\\,liist they slept,with elections, emer-geicy motlons ancl afew more workshopsthrown in lor goodmeasdre We paledcompany on Sundeyaftemoon leaving thefrntastic woodcraftatmosphere behindus, looking forwardto the next DF evertfor our l1ext wood_cra& ffx.

Free minutesIfan,rbodl would like thei verY o\'n copl of

the tull minutes of the fint althing or any na

tional Df ettllt n'lrcre n;lnrtes ztc taken codtacl\d^m' f , r \ l . t . rh. : '1r . r rn ofDI , ' 'nr 'nr t r , .

Cootact Det.t;is o dle back Page.

Page 6: DF News 2000 Winter

International Camp 2 OO lis all

MESTUP!&td_Jgtrcould be too!

what orr caah are tlre' talkurg arr.,t l hear you say? weil. reacl ou and there sha be!u nrere que$rons.ard rf t jere aje. tJren at least lou' l l ho\.r a nunrber to rurg ro f irrd t |e answer,l

MESTUP - Mediarron, Education. Suppod Tcam Unrbrclla proJecr for Intemational Camp 2001.

Are you comtng to Canp? lfso. are you looking for somethjng exciting, enjoyabte, productive andrewarding_to do with yourselfwirile vou'retherel Ifso, why rot becorno part oftle iearn? you'[ be.ioimnga group ofyourgpeople offering peer education and support services. such as nrediation, aI tLeIntemational Canp this summer.

W'ant to know nore? U you're rnteresred in getting invotved in MIiSTUP - although it will be greatflm and you will g€t a lot ort ofit -you shoold apprecrate it will also invoive hard work. l00T.commitment is a must and it's probably not a good idea to be dourg anything else while you.rc at Camp.Tlrgre will be seveml vital and unnissable tk'i'g weeke'ds betweeu now and sunrner., the fir.st ofwhich isin Binningham on lTil & lSth March.

Want to know more? Think you nright iike to get urvolved? Great. give Adarn, Alison, Rosie or Ardrew anng asap - telephone numbers on the back of DF News andwe'll behappyto fill in allthegaps!

BlueSkies. . . . . .

Adam, Aiison. Rosie & Andr€w.

Page 7: DF News 2000 Winter

. -4. ; - ; . . . ; .,in*,. ,-*"* li ' ic4'

ll{illennium Voluntecrs: Build On Whal You'rc lnto

Whrt is Millcnnfum Votrtnl€crs?MVisaUKafideGor'el l l lndl i i l l i | iavelarurciNdit lgg9t,oencoul ' . lgemof.16-2' l ]carolds|ovolulrEErr.heir i ime for the benct ir otot lErs- Tlrcbasici ' l€tr isthr{ruuit ' r rerur irolorcr l rc$Jlrdsh(revoulolunLer 'fit*t

".a "f*"Ot ""l,un*rtug jlt a wood.raft folk group !uu lJrr I'tnL< ths counr lo$rrdi lhe sch'ille orrt

;ght be a goocLexcuse to s&;! Iflou i{ant lo !'oluntd'r at hrtermtional Crnp' this is a periecl opporturlllY'

WhNt do I need t0 do?The'basic counntnrerrt you ne€d r|, nul€ is lo 100 to 200 houts \olonteeriiS over a period of l }eat a large

c1o'k of tlis "an

Ue a irrcrnatio'al Camp aDd t1e lorking ri_eek bcfore lund Conplete the Int€rnatronal

i-tp voitur."t iu"t. "rkillg

surl. vou li ticked dre bo\ sayidg )o w'alr lo b€corle a r llerxritrm volutLieel

w"i i ."ua unn "

'.urt", ror; 10 i1l i]I and rou 1lill need 10 agrrc a 'lolunteer plan befo]e ]ou slart: tlxs

will be allorcd lo ntet loua neeqs

Whf,t do I get out of it?

- Expcrieo)tr iailored to suil your eeds atrd inlerests

- Suppon, respect, I-.ou 1l b'3 listened to 3nd value{i

' Nc\i ot iruprol ed Skills.'Traitingilul lou $ant or rtecd

- Reco4lition for acl crexrenls such als nredr co\ 'fxge

or i! c'lebrallon elcni .

- A Pc-rsonal Pmtrle outliling -ronr MV aclilities, 'chiNcflents

ard coltrlbuhoDs

'Anatiolrall) rccoglris.d M V C€nificnte aft€r 100 lus

- e natiomliy recoggse,l luv Award signcd bl tlrc Secrctar\ of Sut'' aller 200 lrrs

- Ille upponurl'n Ir l)leel n($ p<opl( dld rrr'o\ ll'\ rcl'\ llles

- E\Dcn{! (sr,Lh as l l i \c lLo(\ l Dul dou l f t ' rg ' l lo k 'p \ ou' recclplq

- i"ilJr'i," t":"'*,.,r* "'a

opp,,oniti p'o'ide;\ \\Lo iri\ ' t..' rltet "good ptuctrcc scrnd'r'ds regard-

iur h(Jl lb & tr f t l ! , rqudl opporlurrr l re\ . \upporl dr 'd l rc ' rrrn!

- i t 'eoppon, ln,r i rot"uraieerrrgGr'r 'parrJrualrJe'r ' iurrsalxutt l 'e\ l \P'ograrrtrr te- Hdp and support 10 corirplele your pfoject

' Trardrg drat lor $anl o( rrecd

' Ttalel Expenses (max !15)^ Trai ilg Elpenses belore 100 hous ona\ 1'12 50)

- Trailing ExpeNes before 20tt holrs (rtu\' tt5)

- Canp fis oi other crpens.s fol sla.ionary. plslage. phone 0se' e1'' i curred as a Nl icluriu t Voluntecf

(nan. f15)

l l , , , rgs \ou l l r le<d lo l l , ,n l rborrt are \ \ hJr uo | $drr ru do urr canrp'

wtlat anl I good al?\!'hat skills d(' I irart to lear ll']IIo\ much fime tnn I quc bciine ca'r! rfiown tLh trltlc !d I spalt o! ldniu

for more rtctrils about Millennium !'olufltecrs or to sign up contdct Oan Ileller 0114 23331{J

D- lrogEm at international camp

Do you , ant to help at in|FJrnadonal camp, but don't want the hattte of some af lhe

N.iecfs?'Do-vou have exciting icleas about things thdt DFs ''rould like to do?

Cai you run actlvities fot DFs and olt/Elt venlure,,s?


Page 8: DF News 2000 Winter


,l:lf,_r,U.* t:

" qnd raising.organisarion born out ofthe TUC. ir brings together volun-ieers rrom a '"aner) of chariires rwirh aims and principies simrtar to rre wiodcran lotty,p:,-: i: j l 1

f ietd in, rtre scaring heat dnd arks u\ lo servs beer ro absolure srrarrgt r s.j,alr(ally

ue go along to lhe summer [e_sl;ral) a0d t^url, ,S f,.* "f,,n.i in' i i l",|" Beef re ts,me money we would earn is paid into DF fuuO. *a

"""ryfroay,. f,ufpfiSounds like a bit ofa sca$t What do you get out ofit?

. Free e try to rhe lbstival. F.ee travei to the lbstival fiom L(Jndono Free lbod wher in the feslival (on€ meai a dav). Armatig€ Shanks flush toilets wilh qujlted toiiet roll lunder csrinratc ot this pe.k of.the.iob). Hot showels. Secure, guarded canrpilg area so your kit is genuinely safe atld secu.e.r "Pound a pint". IREE BEER - all night on Sunclay and lvyo liee pirls afle. each shit.

.LAST YEAR \1€ EARNED $2425 25 FOR DF FUNDS - THANK YOU AND \ILLLDONL To E\ER\RoDY wHo IIELPED us ACHTE\E rrt; ir,iJJiiou, ,p o" r"ul_"I.u"d

I Ygy,B, *th ircreased panicipation rv"

"ar, do

"uen b"r,l.

"ej. ,i-ri, y*, fhi_rs ,'or some kind.ofpersr:'ar gree<r, this money .. the n'ai,, earner for DF,r this is what aliowsus to run events like camp and both winter wonderlantls. this is what uftrio ,r ru l,g, tnur_srve cheques to buy in D!' Hocdies an<i the like.

But unlike most thiDgs thal do this much good, this ooe is genuinely enjoyable, the easrcstaog-ceftajoly cheapesr way to do the festivals. I need to seni the nuin"ii.t'#,ioun ,o pr"u."get ln contact a.s.a.p.

Jff"T'J"Tt;i#[: time or th€ evenr (but nol necessarilv now) and anv remaining spaces

Contact Anthory for details on my address oll the back or e_mail beerb€[email protected]

Page 9: DF News 2000 Winter



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Page 10: DF News 2000 Winter

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Page 11: DF News 2000 Winter

l!4lLLENNltJlu VOLUNTEERS ard Woodcrafl Folk

idv Starlers lnf armatron



Please cornpleie in blook capttals. Fill in befafe 6ompletion of 20 MV houas

Firlrt name(s)



E-mai l addtess--- ' ' . -(Your own ot one that you can be contacled via)

Telephone No

oate of Bitth


Do you have a disab,ilily or heallh problem whlch atlects youl

expedence as a Mlllennium Volunteer?

Afe you currently taking any medrcaiion? lf yes piease pfovide details if you wish i0

Please give an emeruency contact (including name addfess and phone nutnbet

Yes / No

NAme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -Addtess: . . . . . . . . - - . , . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . .


What area(s) of activily rvould you like to be involved in?

Page 12: DF News 2000 Winter

Have you been a volunteef before?Was this in a Woodcrafl Fotk group?ll yes to eithef, please give details ol your prevjous volunteeaing experience:

Why would you Jike to be a volunteer? (please timityouf cnorco to no more than five)

Addition 10 cvSuild up confidencecap YearGef involved wilh the lDcal comfiuniiy. HBtp oihersMeet different peopte


Relevani lrainingerperienceNo jobs availableTry something ne{,Oiher-ple6sesPecify:


NB. All delaiis given wi be recorded on a cortjdential dalabase.Infofmaiion will be used by the local MV ieem and lhe nationat MV Ljnitand Educalion in Shetfietd.We may use your add.ess to contaci yo! about volunteering oppoatunjties.10 be contacled.

Please senal this form, together with youf copy of MV plan to Dan Helter, 13 Faeeoom Road, Sheffield S62XA

Date detaiis recorded:

Prog€mme slarl date:

volunleer plan agreed? Y/N

lf yes, dale agreed:


at the Depafiment ot E.nptoyment

Please infonn us if yo! do not wist)

Page 13: DF News 2000 Winter

To help Mil lennium Volunleels seelhese groups you belong ro:

Bla ck/AfricanBlackJCatbbeanBlacUOlhefchineselnc,ian

Do you have any ot lhe followlng

how our cqual opporlurlt ies polcy is workiug, Pleaseridr.€le which ot

BangladeshiPakistaniWhileOther (Please specifY)


NVO/ SVO 2/ GCSE/ StanddrdNVQ/ SVQ 3/A Level/ HigherNVQ/ SVQ 4/5 lDeg.eeOther: please specifY .

Please specify your employmenl stalus:

EmPloyed -Full TimeEmployed -Part TimeSelf"emPloYedUnable to work due to long{e.ln sickness or

disabilitytlnemPloYed and se€kin0 workljnemployed ard not seeking wolK

lf unemployed in the past for how long?

Less than 3 monlhsBelween3and6monlhsBetween 6 months and 1 Yeer

Do you lrave a ciminal recoid?

ln Fudher Educa{ionIn flighef EducationIn oth€r tra;ningln Sclloolon a Govetnmeltt Training pfogfamme


Mofe lhan one Yeai(Pleas€ specify lolal nurnber oi


(Fulliitle of youi preserit or last job)

Do you have anY dependanls?

Are you cufrently in rcceipl ol any benefits?

l l yes please specil ! the berlef i t(s) reueivetl

Housing Benefillnc€pacity/invalidity benetit

Wherc drd you first hear aboui Millenniun VolunleeF?

Woodcfaft FolkAdveflising PressAdveatisang -raolocareers service.CollegeJob Ce[tre

Yes/ No


Unemployment beneli tOlhers Please sP€clly



Page 14: DF News 2000 Winter



D.O.B: -l-l-

Dietary Requirements: . . . . . . . . . . .

Next of Nin ( to be contae,ed in case of emergency)Next of kin should be conneclable during the iime ofthe event if al all possible

Name of next of kin:


Booking Form For DF FourmForm Must be received by 25 l02l2a11

Personal Details

Telephone (after 5:3opfl] and weekend):

Teleplrone (during work hours)

Medical lntorrnation

Narle and Address of Doctol

Serious Allergies/Corrditions.

Currently used medicatlon:

Have you had a ietanus inoculaiiorr in the last 3 years: Yes/No

consent @,d|-!!e!.lb!!!S!9!J!39| , . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . - (pa[en1/guardian) give pefmission fof ,' - To attend DF

Forum al Shorcham lf at any point during the event they utgently requirc medioal attenlion'

and prcviding that I cgnnot be conlec{ed, I give penrission for treatnlent lo be g'ven by a

regislercd conventional/homeopathic praclitionef signed Date: -- -


The full payment is !5 and must be feeeived by 2/03/200j Please make all checks pavable

to DF Evenis.

Please retlrn this folm to: Antony Lyons (detalls on the back of DF News)Have you got the consent sectiol! signed if you ate under '18?

Date: _/_/_

Page 15: DF News 2000 Winter

Ilrsonal i o.t@!siljnJ i \ , . rL rr J, Pru, .P r"n|J" i

Phorcor.rmbcr. . .

Dislflcl o. $t:r. ... .. .

Wd^dt r l l I rncrnb.r ' l ' P numD' r

Tille of brief d€srriptior in lhc projeclletenl clc ' ,'

Aims oftbc prolccrrcvenl clc; ' ' "

Wirat.locri tlc lnr)lecllelcnl lnvoh e l il r P'ogrrsr 01 nclilltics)

Name,r an(l dislri,t!/ xr.cas ol ianpl! (ll appl)lng as i sroup )

lJrcaldown oi dre (.osls:

( r rhcr. . r . r .e: ' , { hdrr l " rcdI t l l in l

Are you applyng ii't a lrran l

c,rnditions/criterln gllrrlldilgi

Tut! l amount ) t 'u Jre 'Pnl \

Jr ! ' l

Tbeprore$mus!c,oseLv,'*l':::1,:':::ii;*;li':",);ll::lll::,. d,.lrc,.,DFAt the end,:ti lt,c pmje.l u r''innt nr'si Dt sLrbrlrn

Nrusii,l noo,,"*,t.t

"*"t o"

"ent rrl youf rcgional reFresc uralivc ir advan'c'ol acommltLemeetng

ioai,'iduof" t'ra,v oppry fot |ip !'' l5o gicllp! of 10ornnr' uPi\) flnd intluding t?txi

o,i-*."tp" *i -v

ulu" 'rusr

be shown befola liindi g is feccrled

iii,r. nr.f"o O,*, *, g'- *eail ior aflv r'rton au- i111te)' lhl has nol beerr spenr {)o non-n:hdnarlr€

depenris mlst b€ retinnul

i'ff:1:T"*"-*..."clare Lhnt th' pnrecl sall'it's dreclilcfir ortlln€d aod l/we asree ro the conditrons


Sen,1 lhis apPliciilon to ,vo[f rcgrttl'] rcprcscnni ve o DF con$llkte' $hr'\e &klrss js on lhe back ol lhis

issse ol D!News.

Page 16: DF News 2000 Winter

DIr Commit'rc

OIly Harris ' Treasurer

Hone - Cheshut .ottageRosenNunt LaneBath. BA2'lNETel:012:5316165cnarLr o.lhalns@aol com

'lerm '11 SPrtrrgh'rusc Roid

ShcllielclS]O I L-T0l l ' r :670174

cnur l : Pfdggr lhGshelf ie l '1 u ' uL

\'1obi le: 01968r'2:llr J

Kate Greenland - South West

llomc - The old C!:tch Housc

l5E A Pennsyhanid Road

Eieler. EXl6DX' lc l : 0139:679519

Tenn - S1r!.nson llill? Oakholme RoxDSheflleldsl0 3DF

Ivlobrlc 0i1t9581213

Alison Phillips - South EastILnne 67 CnrlisleRoad

IID\eEasr Sussex. BNj4FQ

-Iel 01173?l5r5ln].b 07 30 E r- 6l1l lenni l - al ison@ 'nnPlesi orP uk

l{aomi'faYlor - East '\nglioH.nc 166 Cher" H1n! ' rn Road'

Cdnbndgc.CBl 8BA

Tei: 01223 112 l 15

Ella SPrung - llidlBndsfi.ne 3l St Osburgs road'

CovcnkYCV2 4EGTcl 024761'11554

l]maiL] {0112 e95 @i ssctc ofg'uk

Andre\r Ca\Yland ' North East

Home 23 Lidgett Park Co rtRoundha)

LSs iEDTelt 0l132661E59

l e n Te!: 01211:019l1i\{obile 019115006r-9Em.r lr ajgoNlrnd(dhot '11a1r 'conl

Contact details

Ruth Sen€{irat e ' North \\cstHome l4 Dslsroi Drile

Didsbuf)IvtanchrsterN'120 5LG

' le l : 0 lb l434l612Emrilr haPP,vrlrth@holma'l com\,t,rbile 07Sr-0i46228

Rosir Hell€r " Sorth LordonT.rn 286a coLrtl foa'1

\lotl' ghaorsE9 +rY' iet 02088513i i ]2

flome 9L Westenr RonJShci l ie ldst0l i - l l

N{obilei 01779526612

Zoc lvrterman -North LondonH.mt: l0 l P,] lk ()rd


\Y] ]I]RTel:0l0El00t96l

Lnait Pasrrs.ru.c,:000(] 'rhoo com

Rebheca LJons' S(ot landIlome 20 DLrrleY Alenue

Wcst DidsburYMancles!e'Nll0 2Yl)Tel: 0161+'+i0826

Ieln 51i H.rrnl ts Croi iEdjnburughEIIE 9]1CTel 0l l I60l l5l3

Naomi lleller _ otlrcrIlome 9l Western Rodd

SheffieldSiO ILts

01 1.12683656 of 0l l'126626? I

emsil - oaomiheilcr@holnaLl com

Lau.t Wright- communication /othcr

Ibnle: I Suflenden closeIlrrghtonI]N ] EEI]

' I e lr 012?3553119

Other tit€ful Contacls

Simon Phillips " National Council67 Carirsie Rond

ll11st sussexBN"3 .lFQ

Te1: Ot2'13125751Enail: simon@slmPlesr'org

Dan Hammotrit - National councilt{one i01 PhiLliP srcet

BedmlnstefBrlstolBS3 4DRTelr 011t9639491

Tcr rn Dl.01.James Baillie Student ilaiJNordr Hi l lRoad

LS' 2[NMobilc: 019;10729125

I : f r i i t f . f .J r . h( eGh" rnr ul

\4 c '<r" " illl "i'li' '*u "* 'Adam Raren - 1lllcs

H.lne: 1i Do"'cdalc RcadStoncYgate

LE2 2DNTelr 01662106939

Term: 2? AlcxandraRord

sY2l ll,\Tel:01970627s90

Enraill frntastiesheepelhotmxrlcomNrobi le:07801260588

Cait-i Roc - Rainb0ir Nevother

Homc: l8 Sandlleigh rvenuewllhinglo!\'Ianchestcr\f20 'lLWlol :0161' l -11-:03'

Emril - crit,ra'lrlen,Nsoc'ates cLitrr

swl l 8Qi l .Tel: 020E67260:lt

DF Ne\rsDLne\[email protected]!

Beelbeerbeerl @hotmarl com

Woodcraft Web Site!rw\!.\roodcraft org uk