devops kungfu

DevOps KungFu Presented by: Renesh Moodley @reneshm Attribution: Adam Jacobs Source repo:

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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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DevOps KungFuPresented by: Renesh Moodley


Attribution: Adam Jacobs

Source repo:

KungFu vs WuShu

Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.

-Bruce Lee

• Basics

• The ‘atom’ sized actions we practice 100’s and 1000’s of times

• Form

• Combining these ‘atom’ sized actions in longer, more ‘powerful’ actions for real world use

• Application

• Utilising all we’ve learned and practiced in the real world to improve the basics and forms

A cultural and professional movement that focuses on how we

build and operate modern high velocity organisations

-Adam Jacobs

Culture: The unwritten rules that people in an organisation follow

- Renesh Moodley

1 - Empowered teams

2 - Choose languages and tools that fit the job

This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight

-Obi-Wan Kenobi

3 - Incidents lead to (blameless) post mortems

4 - Automation

5 - Continuous delivery

Deliver Fast, Deliver Often..unless it’s the Death Star, then please don’t…

- Luke Skywalker

6 - Practice incident response

OODA, Do you even?


Practicing your WuShu basics daily leads to strong KungFu

Your KungFu recognizes others KungFu by their unplanned actions.