developmental & behavioral pediatrics: an overview for the general pediatrics boards

Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for the General Pediatrics Boards Andrew Adesman, MD Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics Steven & Alexandra Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York

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Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for the General Pediatrics Boards. Andrew Adesman, MD Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics Steven & Alexandra Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York. ABP Content Specs Growth & Development (5%). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics:

An Overview for the General Pediatrics Boards

Andrew Adesman, MD

Developmental & Behavioral PediatricsSteven & Alexandra Cohen Children’s

Medical Center of New York

Page 2: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

ABP Content Specs

Growth & Development (5%)

• Developmental Surveillance vs. Screening

• Milestones

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ABP Content Specs

Disorders of Cognition, Language, Learning (3.5%)

• Intellectual Disability

• Autism Spectrum Disability

• Speech-Language Disorders

• Learning Disabilities

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ABP Content Specs

Behavioral & Mental Health Issues (4%)

• Common Behavioral Issues (Birth – 12 years)

– Colic

– Nail biting

– Body rocking

– Bruxism

– Breath-holding

– Enuresis

– Night terrors vs. nightmares

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ABP Content Specs

Behavioral & Mental Health Issues (4%)

• Externalizing Disorders– Aggressive behaviors, ODD, CD, – Anti-social behavior/delinquency

• Internalizing Disorders– Phobias, Anxiety Disorders, – OCD– PTSD– Mood and Affect Disorders – Psychosomatic disorders

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ABP Content Specs

Behavioral & Mental Health Issues (4%)

• Suicidal behavior, psychotic behavior, thought disorders


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Part 1:

Normal Development

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ABP Content Specs

Growth & Development (5%)

• Developmental Surveillance vs. Screening

• Milestones

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Comprehensive child development surveillance includes:

• Eliciting and attending to the parents’ concerns • Maintaining a developmental history • Making accurate and informed observations of the child • Identifying the presence of risk and protective factors • Periodically using screening tests • Documenting the process and findings

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In monitoring development during infancy and early childhood, ongoing surveillance is supplemented and strengthened by standardized developmental screening tests:

- 9 months, 18 months, and 2 1/2 yrs

- at times when concerns are identified

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Developmental MilestonesFull Term Infant

Category Description

Motor - Moro reflex

Cognitive/Behavioral - Becomes alert with the sound of

a bell or voice


Social - Fixates on face/object and

briefly follows

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Developmental Milestones2 Months

Category Description

Motor- Follows objects past mid-line

- Lifts head and shoulders off bed in prone position




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Developmental Milestones4 Months

Category Description

Motor - Head lag disappears by 5 months- Moro disappears by 3-6 months - Bears weight on forearms while prone- Rolls from prone to supine- Bears weight while held standing


Language - Laughs out loud and squeals

Social - Imitates social interaction

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Developmental Milestones6 Months

Category Description

Motor - Ability to transfer object from one hand to the other- Reaches for objects- Sits with support- Rolls over in both directions

Cognitive/Behavioral - Turns directly to sound and voice

Language - Babbles consonant sounds- Imitates speech


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Developmental Milestones9 Months

Category Description

Motor - Bangs two blocks together- Sits without support

Cognitive/Behavioral - Turns when name is called- Plays peek-a-boo

Language - Mama and Dada (non-specific)

Social - Stranger anxiety- Recognizes common objects and people

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Developmental Milestones12 Months

Category Description

Motor - Takes a few steps- Pincer grasp- Drinks from a cup held by another person- Pulls to stand and cruises

Cognitive/Behavioral - Assists with dressing

Language - Speaks 1 additional word besides Mama and Dada- Mama and Dada specific

Social - Follows a single step command with gesture

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Developmental Milestones15 Months

Category Description

Motor - Gives and takes a ball- Drinks from a cup- Scribbles with a crayon- Puts cube into a cup- Walks independently- Stoops to floor and recovers to standing position


Language - Speaks 3-6 additional words besides Mama and Dada- Points to one body part- Follows single step command without gesture


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Developmental Milestones18 Months

Category Description

Motor - Self-feeding with a spoon- Stacks 2 cube tower- Throws ball- Walks upstairs while holding hand

Cognitive/Behavioral - Imitates household chores like sweeping, vacuuming, etc.

Language - 10-20 word vocabulary


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Developmental Milestones16 - 19 Months

Category Description

Motor - Builds a tower of 4 blocks- Releases a raisin into a bottle- Spontaneous scribbling (18 mo)




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Developmental Milestones24 Months

Category DescriptionMotor - Builds a tower of 6 cubes

- Washes and dries hands- Removes clothing- Kicks a ball- Jumps with 2 feet


Language - Greater than 50 word vocabulary- Starts using pronouns -- such as I, me, and you- Speech is 50% intelligible to a stranger


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Developmental Milestones36 Months

Category Description

Motor - Copies a circle- Puts on a t-shirt/shorts- Stacks a tower of 8 cubes- Stands on one foot for 1-2 seconds- Pedals tricycle- Climbs stairs, alternating feet

Cognitive/Behavioral - Imitates a vertical line drawn with a crayon- Knows the name of a friend- Understands basic adjectives (tired, hungry)

Language - Speaks with 5-8 word sentences- 75% of what is said is intelligible- Starts using “what” and “who”


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Developmental Milestones4 Year Old

Category Description

Motor - Walks up and down stairs/steps- Draws a simple drawing of a person- Balances on 1 foot for 4 seconds

Cognitive/Behavioral - Dresses and brushes teeth without help- Names 4 colors

Language - Asks questions: -- Where? Why? How? What?- 100% intelligible to a stranger

Social - Pretend plays

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Rule of 4’s

• Count to 4• Recite a 4-word sentence• Identify 4 primary colors• Draw a 4-part person• Build a gate out of blocks (picture a #4 as a

gate)• A stranger understands 4/4 (100%) of what

they’re saying

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Developmental Milestones5 Year Old

Category Description

Motor - Draws a person with 6 body parts- Prepares a bowl for food- Skips, alternating feet

Cognitive/Behavioral - Plays board games- Counts 5 blocks- Names all the primary colors

Language - Defines words


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Developmental Milestones6 Year Old

Category Description

Motor - Ties shoelaces

- Rides a bicycle

Cognitive/Behavioral - Writes name

- Knows right from left

Language - Counts ten objects


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Block Stacking

Age Task

13-15 months 2 block tower

18 months 4 block tower

24 months 6 block tower

30 months 8 block tower

3 years 3 block bridge

4 years 5 block gate

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Feeding Skills

Task Age

Uses cup well 15 – 18 months

Uses spoon well 2 years

Uses fork well 4 years

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Play Skills

Task Age

Symbolic Play(use one object to represent another object and engage in one or two simple actions of pretend play)

15 - 18 mo

Parallel play, empathy 24 mo

Fantasy Play(children engage in make-believe play involving several sequenced steps, assigned roles, and an overall plan and sometimes pretend by imagining an object without needing the concrete object present)

36 mo

Cooperative Play 3-4 yrs

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Developmental Red Flags

• No head control by 3 months

• Fisting beyond 3-4 months

• Primitive reflexes persisting past 6 months

• <50 words / no 2-word phrases by 2 years

• Echolalia beyond 30 months

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Tips for Clinical Cases

• If a child is ill or uncooperative, consider a “low score” invalid

• Chronic disease or recurrent hospitalizations can cause developmental delay

• For premature infants, continue age correction until 18-24 months of age

• For speech delay, always check hearing first

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Suggestion: Use Bright Futures tables provided on course website

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Drawing Capabilities

Age What They Can Draw






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Gross Motor Achievements

• Walking by 10–14 months

• Climbing by 2½ years

• Throwing and kicking a ball by 2 years

• Pedaling a tricycle by 3 years

• Hopping by 4 years

• Skipping by 6 years

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Gross Motor Milestones

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Fine Motor Achievements

• Stacking three or four blocks by 18 months

• Completing simple form boards by 2 years

• Threading beads by 3½ years

• Cutting a piece of paper by 3 years

• Copying geometric shapes by 4 years

• Tying shoelaces by 5 years

• Printing legibly by 6 years

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Speech & Language Achievements

• Speaking single words by 12 months

• Making word combinations by 2 years

• Making clear, simple sentences and being

interested in books and stories by 3 years

• Making conversation clear to others by

3 or 4 years

• Reading by 5 to 6 years

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Social Achievements

• Dressing by 2 years

• Self-feeding using cutlery by 3 years

• Being toilet-trained by 3½ years

• Playing cooperatively in groups by 3 years

• Playing team games by 7 years

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Part 2:

Disorders of Cognition, Language, Learning

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ABP Content Specs

Disorders of Cognition, Language, Learning (3.5%)

• Speech-Language Disorders

• Intellectual Disability

• Autism Spectrum Disability

• Learning Disabilities

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Language Delay in a Toddler or Preschooler

CONSIDER:• Hearing Impairment• Communication Disorders• Global Developmental Delay: Intellectual

Disability• Pervasive Developmental Disorders• Environmental Factors• General Health

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• 1-6/1000 newborns

• 50% genetic

– 30% syndromic (e.g. Waardenburg, Pendred, Usher)

– 70% non-syndromic, (e.g. connexin 26/GJB2)

• 77% AR, 22%AD, 1% X-linked or mitoch.

Hearing Impairment

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• 50% Non-genetic:

– TORCH infection

– Ear/craniofacial anomalies

– Birth Weight < 1500 gm

– Low Apgar Scores (0-3 at 5 min, 0-6 at 10 min)

– Respiratory Distress/ Prolonged mechanical ventilation, hyperbilirubinemia requiring exchg transfusion

– Bacterial meningitis/ Ototoxic meds

Hearing Impairment

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Conductive Hearing Loss

• Failure of sound to progress to the cochlea

• Most common cause is an effusion, in the absence of inflammation, usually due to otitis media

• Clues of a mild conductive hearing loss would include ignoring commands and slight increasing of the TV volume

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Sensorineural Hearing Loss Secondary to Meningitis

• Bacterial meningitis is the most common neonatal cause of hearing loss

• Tends to occur early in illness, usually in the first 24 hours

• It is not related to the severity of the illness, the age of the patient, or when antibiotics were started

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HEARING LOSS: Post-newborn

• Recurrent or persistent OME – at least 3 mo

• Head trauma with fracture of temporal bone

• Congenital CMV

– often asymptomatic, HL may show up in later childhood (median age 44 months)

• Childhood infectious diseases – e.g. meningitis, mumps, measles

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• Chemotherapy

• Structural anomalies: – e.g. Mondini malformation, enlarged

vestibular aqueduct

• Neurodegenerative disorders – e.g. Hunter syndrome, demyelinating

diseases (e.g, Friedreich ataxia, Charcot-Marie-Tooth)

HEARING LOSS: Post-newborn

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Mild 25-39

Moderate 40-68

Severe 70-94

Hearing Loss - Audiogram

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Age Appropriate Hearing Tests

• Conventional Pure Tone Audiometry Screen:– Appropriate for school age children who can

cooperate with commands– Tests each ear independently– Can differentiate between sensorineural and

conductive hearing loss• Newborn Hearing Screening (3 tests; for

newborns in the nursery):– Automated auditory brainstem response (AABR)– Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE)– Distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE)

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Age Appropriate Hearing Tests

• Behavioral Observational Audiometry (BOA):– For infants <6 months of age

– Only a screening test; infants who fail this must undergo ABR testing

• Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA):– For “pre-school” children

– Tests for bilateral hearing loss so intervention to prevent language development impairment can be started

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Communication Disorders

• Expressive Language Disorders

• Mixed Expressive / Receptive Disorders

• Phonological Disorders

DSM 5 (May 2013):

- Language Disorder

(expressive and mixed receptive-expressive)

- Speech Sound Disorder

(new name for phonological disorder)

- Childhood-onset Fluency Disorder (stuttering)

- Social (pragmatic) Communication Disorder

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• Expressive Disorders– Disorders of morphology (form), semantics (word

meaning), syntax (grammar), pragmatics (social use of language)

• Mixed Expressive/Receptive Disorders:– Above plus comprehension deficits

• Phonological Disorders– Disorders of articulation (motor movements),

dyspraxias (motor planning)

– Disorders of fluency (flow,rhythm)

– Disorders of voice/resonance

Communication Disorders

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Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder (“Stuttering”, Stammering”)

• Disturbance in fluency and time patterning of speech

• Begins age 2 ½ to 4, peak age 5

• Normal up to age 3 or 4

• Male:female ratio is 3-4: 1

• 75% of preschoolers will stop

• Often disappears once vocabulary rapidly increases

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Articulation IntelligibilityRule of Quarters

Age% of spoken language that

is intelligible to strangers

22/4 = 50% intelligible

33/4 = 75% intelligible

44/4 = 100% intelligible

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• Persistence beyond school age will require a workup

• Indications for evaluation:– Family history of stuttering– Persists 6 months or more– Presence of concomitant speech or language

disorders– Secondary emotional distress

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Intellectual Disability(Mental Retardation)

Characterized by:

• Deficits in intellectual functions • Adaptive Skill Deficits• Onset before age 18

Level of severity determined by adaptive functioning, not IQ score (DSM V)

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IQ Testing

• The predictive validity of IQ testing increases with age

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Red Flags for ID2 to 9 Months

Age Deficiency Requiring Intervention

2 months Lack of visual attention/fixation

4 months Lack of visual trackingLack of steady head control

6 months Failure to turn to sound or voice

9 months Inability to sitLack of babbling

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Red Flags for ID18 to >36 months

Age Deficiency Requiring Intervention

18 months Inability to walk independently

24 months Failure to use single words

36 months Failure to speak in 3-word sentences

>36 months Unintelligible speech

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Lab Testing for Developmental Delay

• For speech delay, always check hearing first

• For a newborn/infant, always check previous metabolic screening done by state

• For older children, serum lead level, ?TSH

• Metabolic screening is not recommended for asymptomatic children with idiopathic ID

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ID/MR- Etiology

• Prenatal (50-70%)– genetic, CNS malformations, fetal compromise,

infection, teratogens• Perinatal (<10%)

– HIE, prematurity• Postnatal

– Trauma, asphyxia, infection, toxins, vascular malformations, tumors, degenerative disease

• Environmental (additive)– Deprivation/malnutrition

• More severe forms, more likely to find definitive etiology

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Fragile X Syndrome

• Most common form of inherited ID and the 2nd most common form of ID after Down’s Syndrome

• Caused by repeat of CGG trinucleotide on X chromosome

• Twice as likely to be seen in males vs. females

• Diagnosis: DNA testing is more sensitive than karyotyping for a child with ID

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Williams Syndrome

• Facial features: elfin faces, wide spaced teeth, and an upturned nose

• Developmental delays and learning disabilities

• Hypercalcemia and supravalvular aortic stenosis

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Pervasive Developmental DisordersDSM IV

• Autistic Disorder (total of 6, at least 2 from #1):1. Qualitative impairment in social interaction2. Qualitative impairment in communication3. Restrictive, repetitive, stereotyped patterns

of behaviors, interests and activities.• PDD NOS• Asperger’s Disorder• Rett’s Syndrome• Childhood Onset Disintegrative Disorder“Autism Spectrum Disorders”: DSM 5 (May, 2013)

1. Deficits in social communication and social interaction 2. Restricted repetitive behaviors, interests and activities

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Autism Spectrum DisordersDSM-V

• Deficits in social communication and social interaction

• Restricted repetitive behaviors, interests and activities

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Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Key Points

• Prevalence (CDC 2012): ~ 1/88• Male: Female 4:1 • Seen in association with:

– Seizure disorders, congenital infection, metabolic abnl (PKU)

– Neurocutaneous disorders (TS, NF)

– Genetic Disorders (Fra X, Angelman’s, Smith-Lemli Opitz )

– No proven ass’n with vaccines (MMR, thimerosal)

• Genetic Basis - Concordance rates:– MZ twins (60-80%) – DZ twins, sibs (3-7%)

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Rett Syndrome

• Affects girls almost exclusively• Characterized by autistic-like behavior and hand wringing• Normal development at first, but around age 4 months

head growth decelerates• Stagnation of development from age 6-18 months• Loss of milestones (regression) from age 1-4 years• No further decline after regression period • Affected individuals usually survive into adulthood

– though never regain use of hands or attain meaningful ability to talk

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Asperger’s Disorder

• Qualitative impairment in social interaction• No clinically significant general delay in language

– Impaired pragmatics– “Little professors”

• No clinically significant delay in cognitive development or in the development of age-appropriate self-help skills

– Motor coordination difficulties This disorder is not included in DSM V

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Language DelaysRed Flags vs. Red Herrings

• A bilingual home and a second child (including a boy) with sibs and parents speaking for the child do not explain language delays

• A hearing evaluation is needed, especially with a history of TORCH infections, hyperbilirubinemia, or meningitis

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School Failure

• “Slow Learner”: Borderline Intelligence

• Learning Disorders: Average Intelligence

• ADHD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders

(Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct


• Mood and Anxiety Disorders

• Chronic Medical Illness

• Psychosocial stressors

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• Receptive language, expressive language

• Basic reading skills, reading comprehension

• Written expression

• Mathematics calculation / reasoning

DSM 5 (May, 2013) : “Specific Learning Disorder”

Learning Disorders – Difficulties in:

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Learning Disabilities (LD)

• A child can have a LD with normal or even superior intelligence; the two are not related

• Having a LD means there is a specific difficulty in one of the following areas:– Listening

– Speaking

– Reading

– Writing

– Reasoning

– Math Skills

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Learning Disabilities (LD)

• Social problems may be a manifestation of a LD, but they are not considered learning disorders in and of themselves

• A LD can often be compensated for in the early grades

• LD are then picked up in the later grades when things get tougher and more challenging

• A child who reverses the letters (e.g., b/d) or numbers (e.g., 6/9) may not have a LD. This can be a normal finding up to age 7

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Part 3:

Behavioral & Mental Health Issues

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ABP Content Specs

Behavioral & Mental Health Issues (4%)

• Common Behavioral Issues (Birth – 12 years)

– Colic

– Nail biting

– Body rocking

– Bruxism

– Breath-holding

– Enuresis

– Night terrors vs. nightmares

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ABP Content Specs

Behavioral & Mental Health Issues (4%)

• Externalizing Disorders– Aggressive behaviors, ODD, CD, – Anti-social behavior/delinquency

• Internalizing Disorders– Phobias, Anxiety Disorders, – OCD– PTSD– Mood and Affect Disorders – Psychosomatic disorders

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ABP Content Specs

Behavioral & Mental Health Issues (4%)

• Suicidal behavior, psychotic behavior, thought disorders


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• Diagnosed based on history

– Physical exam rarely shows anything

– No labs that confirm the diagnosis

• Stops after 3-4 months of age

• No “proven” methods to treat colic

• Typical presentation is crying episodes in an

otherwise healthy infant

– Crying starts suddenly

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Colic• Normal crying patterns of infants is up to 2 hrs/day and

3 hrs/day (for ages birth-6 wks, and 6 wks+, respectively)– When presented with a crying infant, add up the total

hours crying (if it is only 3 hours, this is normal and nothing more than parental reassurance is needed)

• Correct management is to reduce parental frustration by having another caretaker take over

• Often disturbing sleep patterns may just be part of the “temperament” of the infant with no intervention required

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Television Viewing

• Known harmful effects of TV on children:– Trivializing violence and blurring lines between

reality and fantasy– Encouraging passivity at the expense of activity– Increase of aggressive behavior and influence of the

toys played with and cereals eaten

• TV watching takes up more time than school• Children watch 23 hrs/week• Only the time spent sleeping exceeds the number

of leisure hours watching TV

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Nail Biting(onychophagia)

• Most common between ages 10 and 18 years

• Seen in 50% of children

• <10 years: equal in boys and girls

• >10 years: more common in boys

• Tx: positive reinforcement

– Praise when child is not biting his nails

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Body Rocking

• Occurs at ~6 months in 5-20% of children

• Sitting or crawling position

• Most common around bedtime & lasts ~ ½ hours

• Usually stops by 2-3 years

• Rarely continues into adolescence

• May occur with standing in children with

developmental disabilities

– ASD, visual impairment

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Bruxism (clenching / grinding)

• Typically nocturnal during REM sleep• If prolonged, can cause T-M joint pain, tooth

damage, tension headaches, face pain, and neck stiffness in adolescents

• More common in boys• Familial• Children -- usually self-limited; tx not indicated• Teens -- splint or bite guards (dentist)

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Breath-Holding Spells

• Typical presentation: anger, frustration, or infant in pain

• Occurs between ages 6-18 months• Simple breath holding-spell: child becomes pale or

cyanotic• Complex breath holding-spell: child continues to cry

until unconscious • Can progress to a hypoxic seizure with a postictal

period• Association between anemia and incidence of BHS

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Breath Holding Spells

• Usually associated when child is angry,

frustrated, in pain, or afraid

• Hold breath for up to 1 minute

• Most common in ages 1 – 3 years

• Reflexive, not purposeful

• Brief loss of consciousness

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Breath Holding Spells

• May have a brief, benign seizure (not at risk for epilepsy)

• Cyanotic vs. Pallid

• Dx is clinical; consider anemia

• Family history is frequently positive

– autosomal dominant with reduced penetrance

• Tx: Reassurance

– iron if anemic

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EnuresisNocturnal Enuresis

• Initial workup for new onset consists of history, physical, and urinalysis

• Organic causes: SUDS (sickle cell trait, UTI, diabetes, seizure or sacral)

• Short term treatment is desmopressin acetate• Enuresis alarms for long term management• Seen up to 20% of children at age 5• 15% of cases per year will resolve with no


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EnuresisDiurnal Enuresis

• Diurnal enuresis after a period of daytime continence is most likely due to an organic illness warranting workup

• UTI, DM, DI, or kidney disease• 97% of the time the cause is non-organic• Cannot be defined prior to age 3• Appropriate management is behavioral

intervention by designing a voiding routine

Page 91: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

Night Terrors

• Occur during the first third of the night and happen rapidly

• Often family history present• Occurs more in boys than girls• Child exhibits distinctive physical findings (deep

breathing, dilated pupils, sweating, etc.)• Child can become mobile, which can result in injury• If woken up, child will be “disoriented” with no recall

of episode

Page 92: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards


• Occur during the last third of the night

• Child can be woken easily

• Child will recall the nightmare, often vividly

• Not mobile

Page 93: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

“Externalizing Disorders”

• ADHD• Oppositional-Defiant Disorder• Conduct Disorder

Page 94: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

• Symptoms of Inattention, Impulsivity, Hyperactivity• Some symptoms present before age 7 years

– DSM 5: Several inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive symptoms present prior to age 12

• Impairment from the symptoms is present in two or more settings – DSM 5: Several symptoms in each setting

• Clear evidence of clinically significant impairment in social, academic, or occupational functioning. 

Page 95: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

• Combined Type (80%*)

• Predominantly Inattentive Type (10-15%*)

• Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type (5%*)

*in school-age children

ADHD Subtypes

Page 96: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

ADHD: Key Points

• Disorder of dopamine and norepinephrine systems in frontostriatal circuitry

• 3-7% of school age children• Male: female (6:1-3:1)• Genetic Predisposition: 5-6 fold increase in

first degree relatives• Environmental Factors: e.g. head trauma,

lead exposure, VLBW, prenatal teratogens• Symptoms Persist into Adulthood in 60-80%

Page 97: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

ADHD - Key points (cont’d)

• Co-morbid Conditions:– Learning Disorders

– Anxiety Disorders

– Oppositional Defiant Disorder

– Conduct Disorder

– Tic Disorders

– Mood Disorders

– Substance abuse disorders (adolescents)

Page 98: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

ADHD - Treatment

• Psychopharmacologic: stimulants = first line– Inhibit reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine– Stimulant Side effects: appetite suppression,

headache, abdominal pain, growth suppression, irritability, onset/ exacerbation of tics

• Behavioral Interventions

Page 99: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

• Mood Disorders: – e.g. Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymic Disorder, Bipolar

Disorder – DSM 5: “Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder”

• Anxiety Disorders: – e.g. Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Separation Anxiety Disorder,

Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, School Phobia

• Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder– DSM 5: Included in “O-C and Related Disorders”, not “Anxiety


• Post-traumatic Stress Disorder – DSM 5: Included in “Trauma- and Stressor-related Disorders”

“Internalizing Disorders”

Page 100: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

Part 4:

Sample Questions

Page 101: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

?? A baby is pulled to sit with no head lag, grasps a rattle, and follows an object visually 180 degrees. These milestones are typical for:

1. 2 months2. 4 months 3. 6 months4. 8 months

2 month


4 month


6 month


8 month


0% 0%0%0%


Page 102: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

??Tanya is now walking well, and can stoop to the floor and get back up. She generally points to indicate what she wants, but can ask for her “bottle”, a “cookie” and her “blankie”. She drinks from a sippy cup and feeds herself cheerios. She places a toy bottle in her doll’s mouth. Tanya is most likely a typically developing: 

1. 12 month old

2. 15 month old

3. 18 month old

4. 24 month old

12 month


15 month


18 month


24 month


0% 0%0%0%


Page 103: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

?? Maria sits in your office with paper and crayons. She counts ten crayons and labels the colors. She can copy a square, print her first name and draw a picture of her mother with 6 body parts. Out in the hall she demonstrates hopping on each foot and skipping. Her age is closest to:

A. 42 months

B. 48 months

C. 60 months

D. 72 months

42 month


48 month


60 month


72 month


0% 0%0%0%


Page 104: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

?? A 3 year old boy should have mastered each of the following except:

A. Naming a red truck

B. Towering 6 cubes

C. Stating his name and gender

D. Hopping on one foot

Naming a re

d truck

Towering 6


Stating his name and ge


Hopping on one foot

0% 0%0%0%

Page 105: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

?? A 3 year old boy should have mastered each of the following except:

A. Naming a red truck (50%ile ~30 mos)

B. Towering 6 cubes (50%ile ~ 20 mos)

C. Stating his name and gender (50%ile ~ 3 yrs)

D. Hopping on one foot (50%ile ~ 4 yrs)

Page 106: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

??On a pre-kindergarten screening a school official is most concerned about

a 5 year old boy who cannot:A. Draw a Person

with 6 parts

B. Copy a Square

C. Name 4 colors

D. Tandem Walk

Draw a

Person w

ith 6


Copy a Square

Name 4




0% 0%0%0%


Page 107: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

??On a pre-kindergarten screening a school official is most concerned about

a 5 year old boy who cannot:A. Draw a Person with

6 parts (50%ile ~4 ½ yrs)

B. Copy a Square (50%ile ~ 5 yrs)

C. Name 4 colors (50%ile ~ 3 ¾ yrs)

D. Tandem Walk (50%ile ~ 4 ½ yrs)


Page 108: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

??You would be most concerned about:

A. A one year old who doesn’t stand alone

B. A 15 month old who can’t stoop and recover

C. A four year old who cannot hop on each foot

D. A two year old who cannot jump

A one yea

r old w

ho doesn’t s


A 15 m

onth old w

ho can’t s

toop ...

A four y

ear o

ld who ca

nnot hop ..

A two ye

ar old w

ho cannot ju


0% 0%0%0%


Page 109: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

??You would be most concerned about:

A. A one year old who doesn’t stand alone (50-90% of 1 year olds)

B. A 15 month old who can’t stoop and recover (>90% of 15 month olds)

C. A four year old who cannot hop on each foot (50-90% of 4 yr olds)

D. A two year old who cannot jump (50-90% of 2 yr olds)


Page 110: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

??You would be less concerned about:

A. A 3 year old who cannot answer a “why”question

B. An 18 month old who uses 2 words

C. A one year old who doesn’t point

D. A 9 month old who doesn’t babble

A 3 yea

r old w

ho cannot a


An 18 m

onth old w

ho uses 2


A one yea

r old w

ho doesn’t p


A 9 month old w

ho doesn’t b


0% 0%0%0%


Page 111: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

??You would be less concerned about:

A. A 3 year old who cannot answer a “why”question (50% ile ~4-5 yrs)

B. An 18 month old who uses 2 words (over 90% of 15 mo olds)

C. A one year old who doesn’t point (over 90% of 1 yr olds)

D. A 9 month old who doesn’t babble (over 90% of 9 mo olds)


Page 112: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

??Annie is a 16 month old brought by her parents who worry that she is not yet walking. Born at 25 weeks, she required oxygen, phototherapy and parenteral nutrition. She now eats with her hands, drinks from an open cup, pulls to stand and takes a step while holding on. Your exam is unremarkable. Your best recommendation is:

A. Send Annie to rehab for physical therapy

B. Request a neurological consultation

C. See Annie back in two months for follow up

D. Consider an MRI to r/o intraventricular hemorrhage

Send Annie to re

hab for..


Request a neuro

logical c


See Annie back in

two m


Consider a

n MRI to

r/o i..


0% 0%0%0%


Page 113: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

?? You are evaluating a 9 month old baby who is not yet sitting without support. She is a former 26 week premature infant. Brain MRI reveals periventricular leukomalacia. Of the following findings, which would you most likely expect to see:

A. Increased tone in all 4 extremities, especially the UE

B. Equally increased tone in all 4 extremities

C. Dyskinetic, choreoathetoid movements

D. Increased tone in all 4 extremities, especially the LE

E. Increased tone in the right upper extremities compared with the left


d tone in

all 4 ex..


Equally in


d tone in







d tone in

all 4 ex..



d tone in

the rig


0% 0% 0%0%0%

Page 114: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

??Parents of a 3 year old girl present with concerns about speech and language delays.

Their daughter has a vocabulary of about 10 words, and she recently began pointing to body parts and following single un-gestured commands. She can imitate a vertical line, jump in place, and broad jump. She is able to wash and dry her hands, and put on a t-shirt. In your office, she points to your stethoscope, and when you hand it to her she smiles at you and places it on her father’s chest.

Page 115: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

You most strongly suspect:

A. Mental RetardationB. Autistic Spectrum

DisorderC. Mixed

receptive/expressive language disorder

D. Hearing ImpairmentE. Environmental under-


Mental R


Autistic S

pectrum Diso



d rece



Hearing Im



l under-s


0% 0% 0%0%0%


Page 116: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

??Your first referral is to:

A. Social service

B. Audiology

C. Psychology

D. Speech and Language Pathology

Social s




Speech and La

nguage Pa...

0% 0%0%0%


Page 117: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

??A 5 year old boy presents for health maintenance. Developmental surveillance reveals that he can copy a circle, knows the adjectives “tired” and “hungry” and can broad jump, but cannot hop in place, draw a person in 3 parts or name 4 colors. You suspect:

A. Learning DisabilityB. Mild Intellectual

Disability (Mental Retardation)

C. Cerebral palsyD. Autistic Spectrum

DisorderE. Severe Intellectual


arning D






al Disa


Cerebral pals


Autistic S

pectrum Diso





al Disa


0% 0% 0%0%0%


Page 118: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

??Devin has a vocabulary of about 300 words, speaks in 2-3 word combinations and understands and asks

simple “what” questions. He can follow simple prepositional commands using “on” and “in”. His age is

most likely:

A. 18m

B. 24m

C. 30m

D. 36m

E. 42m

18m 24m 30m 36m 42m

0% 0% 0%0%0%

Page 119: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

??A stranger should be able to understand half of a child’s speech at age:

Remember the rule of fours!

A. 12 months

B. 18 months

C. 24 months

D. 36 months

12 month


18 month


24 month


36 month


0% 0%0%0%


Page 120: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

??Three year old Jason is brought by frustrated parents due to constant tantrums. He is hyperactive, impulsive and often does not

respond when called. He interacts mostly with adults in his daycare. You note that he grabs mother’s hand to reach a toy from

a nearby shelf. Mother reports that he constantly watches “Thomas the Train” videos at home, and carries his toy Thomas

figure everywhere. Based on this information, the first assessment tool you would consider would be:

A. Conners III Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scale

B. Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence III

C. Childhood Autism Rating Scale II Edition

D. Preschool Language Scale V Edition

E. Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)

Conners III


e Behav...


hsler P


ool and Pr



Childhood Autism

Rating S

cale II



ool Langu

age S

cale V Edition

Child Beh

avior C



0% 0% 0%0%0%


Page 121: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

??All of the following observations are considered risk factors for Autistic

Spectrum Disorders except:

A. Lack of pointing at 12 months

B. Lack of babbling at one year

C. Lack of gaze monitoring at 10 months

D. Echoing phrases at 18 months


of pointing a

t 12 m



of bab

bling at o

ne year


of gaz

e monito

ring a...

Echoing phrase

s at 1

8 m...

0% 0%0%0%


Page 122: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

?? An 8 year old second grade boy was referred for evaluation due to academic difficulties. His psychological and psychoeducational

evaluations revealed:WISC 4: Full scale IQ = 99,Verbal Comprehension = 85, Perceptual Reasoning = 105, Working Memory = 110, Processing Speed = 108

WIAT 2: Word reading = 92, Reading comprehension = 81, Numerical operations: 98, Math reasoning = 79

The child’s likely diagnosis is:

A. Borderline Intellectual Functioning

B. Learning DisabilityC. Attention-deficit/

Hyperactivity DisorderD. Auditory Processing



e Intelle

ctual F



ing Disa







ssing D


0% 0%0%0%


Page 123: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

?? A 9 year old third grade boy is brought to your office by his mother who is distraught about his report card. He is below average in reading and spelling and his

teaching states that he does not complete assignments and is distractible in class. He is not a management problem at home other than when it’s time to do his

homework. He has friends and excels on the baseball field. An appropriate next step would be:

A. Request completion of parent and teacher Vanderbilt Questionnaires

B. Initiate a trial of methylphenidate

C. Order psychological and psychoeducational testing

D. Refer to Child Psychiatry

Request co

mpletion of p...

Initiate a tr

ial of m


Order p


ological a

nd ...

Refer to Child



0% 0%0%0%


Page 124: Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: An Overview for   the General Pediatrics Boards

?? A distraught mother phones you asking for advice. She met with her 9 year old son’s teacher who states

that your patient Johnny does not listen, talks back, and recently has been physically lashing out at other

children. He is in jeopardy of repeating the 4th grade. Mother wonders whether a trial of “that medication my nephew takes that starts with r” would be helpful. You


A. Johnny’s behavior is most consistent with the lack of impulse control associated with ADHD.

B. Johnny’s behavior is likely to meet criteria for a disorder often co-morbid with ADHD, but not consistent with ADHD alone.

C. Johnny is also likely to be cruel to animals, to steal and to run away from home.

D. Johnny’s behavior is consistent with the general class of “internalizing” behaviors.

Johnny’s behav

ior is m

ost co


Johnny’s behav

ior is lik

ely to



Johnny is als

o likely

to be cr

uel to...

Johnny’s behav

ior is co


t wi..

0% 0%0%0%