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    Research Project Report


    Training Needs Identification of Associates

    Submitted to



    Under The Guidance Of: Submitted By:

    Ms. Meenal Guglani Ritu

    Assistant Professor



    JAGADHRI - 135003

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    I RITU hereby declares that the Summer Training Report entitled Training Needs

    Identification And Skill Analysis Of Associates Under TPM submitted to Kurukshetra

    University, Kurukshetra for the com pletion of Degree of Master Of Business

    Administration through Maharaja Agrasen Institute Of Management And Technology is

    my original work and the same has not been submitted to any other insititute for the

    award of any other degree or diploma


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    No task is single persons endeavour. Various factors, situations, and people integrated to

    provide the background for the accomplishment of the task. Behind this work like, the

    kind help, assistance and valuable advice ofmany people to whom I remain indebted.

    I therefore take this opportunity to express my heartful thanks to the Management of


    Holding Pvt. Ltd.) for providing me to undergo 6 weeks training in esteemed


    Firstly I would like to thankMr. Ankush Gour , Assistant Manager (HR) for guiding

    me during my summer training.

    I wish to express my sincere thanks to my guide and mentorMs. Meenal Guglani ,

    Assistant Professor for their valuable and innovative guidance and for providing

    necessary facility. Without theirknowledgeable guidance, this workwouldnt have been


    I would like to thank all of them for theirkind support in completion of this report. This

    report is an enriching and knowledgeable experience.

    Thank You



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    The Summer Training Program of Department Of Business Administration by Maharaja

    Agrasen Institute OfManagement & Technology involves exposure of student to get

    an insight into the business situation. This practical training gives am ple opportunity to

    apply once academic knowledge in the fiend substantiated by one personality, initiative


    I had the honor and privilege to take Summer Training at ARADHNA SOFT DRINK

    COMPANY, PANIPAT (A Subsidiary Of PepsiCo India Holding Pvt. Ltd.)

    My topic is Training Needs Identification Of Associates

    I hope my survey report will be valuable for company and it will help the management in

    to know about the training needs of the lower level employees. This report will also help

    in removing the dissatisfaction among the associates to some extent.

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    Page No.





















    14. ANNEXURE

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    The study is to about training needs of the associates in a manufacturing concern. This

    study covered the vario

    us ca

    uses of decrease in the perfor

    mance of the associates. This

    study is helpful to know the various reasons because of which the associates are not

    performing up to the expectations.

    Through this study, the process of skill analysis of associates adopted by Aradhana Soft

    DrinkCom pany will be known. This study will help to identify the skill level of the


    This study also will also help to know about the satisfaction level of the associates. This

    study will help to know about the technical training needed by the associates. This study

    will also help the company to implement various training programs to fulfill the needs of

    the associates. So this study become relevant to understand the skill analysis of associates

    as well as to identify the training needs of the associates.

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    The concept of training is related with enhancing skill and quality of performance of

    workers for increasing productivity. Training programs are conducted to enhance the

    existing skills of the associates and to develop the skills required to play different roles

    and jobs in the organization.

    Training needs analysis process is a series of activities conducted to identify problems or

    other issues in the work place, and to determine whether training is an appropriate

    response. The needs analysis is usually the first step taken to cause a change. This is

    mainly because a needs analysis specifically defines the gap between the current and the

    desired individual and organizational performances.

    Training MeansT - To Be In Time On YourSeat

    R - Remain Attentive All The Time

    A - Actively Participate

    I - Interact ForClarity

    N - Note Difficult Point To Memorize

    I - Improve Listening Habit

    N - Never Neglect The Program

    G - Gain As Much As YouCan

    In details, we can say that Training is the organized procedure by which employees

    acquired knowledge and /or skill for a definite purpose after they have selected, placed

    and inducted in the organization. It is the art of increasing the knowledge and skill of

    employees for doing a certain job. Training is to be designed to meet the specific goals in

    the organizations.

    Training should be continuous and progressive designed to increase the individuals

    potential ofmaintenance staffmembers and to form them into a technical quality and

    well organized efficient team. The objective of the training must be well defined clearly

    to the trainees.

    Training should be means to an end not an end in itself; It must be an integral part of the


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    Origination Of Training Needs

    Less originalequipmenttraining


    Less focus onoperational &maintenance



    Skill level oindividuals ipoor


    t Low motivation &output from


    Creating a learningorganization & change


    Develop a TrainingParadigm for skill


    Adopt improvementtechniques & involve


    Enhancement of awareness, knowledge &skill related to Operation & maintenance.

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    Objectives Of Training

    To impact the knowledge of new recruits

    To impact skills of new employees which are needed by the organizations.

    To increase efficiency and morale.

    To increase potential.

    To develop betterbehavior pattern which are appropriate to the their jobs and


    For promotion to provide successors.

    To improve productivity.

    Process Of Training

    1. Determine training needs.

    2. Establishing training


    3. Setting goals and objectives

    of training.

    4. Preparing training budget.5. Deciding about the training


    6. Decide about methods and

    techniques to be deployed

    in training.

    7. Determine methods of

    evaluating training.

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    Types Of Training

    1. On - The Job Training

    2. Off - The Job Training

    1. On-The Job Training:- In this method, the trainee is placed on a regular job and taught

    the skills necessary to perform it. The trainee learn by observing and handling the job,

    therefore it is called Learning By Doing. He gets training under the same type condition

    in which he will be working on later. When a worker is trained on those very machine on

    which he will work, then he will adapt more easily to the working condition.

    There are several methods of On-The Job Training

    y Job Rotation Step

    y Mentoring

    y Committee Assignment

    y Apprenticeship Training

    2. Off-The Job Training:- This method is generally used by government and public

    enterprises. School or Institutions is established to provide training to all types of

    persons. A program of training is designed to suit the need of the job which the trainee

    occupies. Some different courses are arranged for separated group employees.

    There are several methods of Off-The Job Training

    y Role Playing

    y Lecture Method

    y Conference Method

    y Vestibule

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    Why to conduct training needs analysis?

    An in-house trainer or a consultant performs a needs analysis to collect and document

    information concerning any of the following three issues :

    1. Performance problems

    2. Anticipated introduction of new system, taskor technology

    3. A desire by the organization to benefit from a perceived opportunity

    In all three situations, the starting point is a desire to effect a change. It is important to

    know how the people who will experience change perceive it. In the absence of a needs

    analysis, we may find employees resistant to change and reluctant to training. They may

    be unable to transfer their newly acquired skills to their jobs because of the organizationalconstraints.

    A needs analysis often reveals the need for well-targeted training areas. Those conducting

    the needs analysis must get a clear idea of the problem, lookat all possible remedies and

    report on their findings to management before deciding on the best solution.

    When properly done, a needs analysis is a wise investment for the organization. It saves

    time, money and effort by working on the right problems. Organizations that fail tosu pport needs analysis make costly mistakes; they use training when anothermethod

    would have been more effective; they use too much or too little training, or they use

    training but fail to follow up on it.

    Process of conducting a training needs analysis is a systematic one based on specific

    information-gathering techniques. In many ways, the needs analysis is like detective

    work; we follow up on every lead, check every piece of information and examine every

    alternative before drawing any solid conclusions. Only then we can ensure of having the

    evidence on which to base a sound strategy for problem solving.

    A needs analysis is not a one-time event. Professional organizations administer needs

    analysis at regular intervals, usually every year or two.

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    Methods of Identifying Training Needs

    Training needs will differ with the backgrounds of the employees to be trained, and their

    present status in the organization. Basically, a candidate for training may come from any

    one of three groups :

    1. New hires

    2. Veteran employees

    3. Trainees currently in the training pipeline ( currently in the training program )

    Consideration of the varying needs of these grou ps provides a frame of reference for

    discussing and suggesting the methods of identifying training needs :

    New Hires

    Addition of new employees creates high and low peaks in placing new persons into the

    training program. This problemmay be solved by a program where progression is made

    in different sequences. It will eliminate a jam that will occur if all phases of the program

    must be taken in a definite sequence.

    The new em ployees will normally be of somewhat different backgrounds. Being new,they are not familiar with their new em ployers. As a result, the earliest phases of the

    training must concentrate on com pany orientation. During these phases, the organi-

    zation, organization policies and administrative details should be covered. It is also a

    suitable time to acquaint the trainees with what will be expected of him, and how he will

    be evaluated throughout the phase of training.

    Retaining & Upgrading Veteran Employees

    The people in this category offer a real challenge to the training department. There- fore,

    the number and amount of training required by this category should be carefully

    considered. Often the retraining and u pgrading of former em ployees can be very

    rewarding for training instructors. On the other hand, this category of employees can also

    make significant contribution to training if they are co-mingled with the new hires.

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    Pipeline Employee Requirements

    A good training program will normally have participants in various phases of comp-

    letion. An awareness of com pletion dates and how the potential em ployee will be

    employed should be the concern of the training staff and also the employees supervisor.

    A trainee should have a challenge in all phases of his training. All these challenges

    should not be confined to those phases where the pipeline em ployee is sitting in a

    classroom. Therefore, it is recommended that thorough interim test-work be given to

    pipeline em ployees in periods between formal classes. This may take the form of

    solidifying what he learned in the prior phase and serve as preparation for the coming


    Techniques for Determining Specific Training Needs

    There are a number of practical methods that can be used to gather data about employees

    performance. Each works well in given circumstances; therefore, it is necessary to

    determine which be the best for whom.

    1. Observation

    In this approach, an em ployees performance itself is the source of information. Usingthis method workers performance can be evaluated through first-hand observation and

    analysis. This is best accomplished by watching the worker and playing the role of non-

    participating observer. This means that we watch and listen and evaluate what we see and

    hear, but do not get involved in his workprocess in any way.

    To make this activity more productive, use a checklist to remind you of what to look for

    and take notes.

    The ob jective during observations is to identify both the strengths to build on and the

    deficiencies to overcome. A key advantage of using direct observation in the needs

    analysis is that we gain first-hand knowledge and understanding of the job being

    performed and the strengths and weaknesses of the relevant worker.

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    2. Interviews

    The use of interviews in conducting the needs analysis is strongly urged. This allows us

    to determine whether a piece of information is one persons opinion, or part of a

    widespread perception. Since the interview guide forces to ask each worker a number of

    predetermined questions, we must select those questions that are essential to what we are

    trying to learn.

    Interviews allow us to meet em ployees face to face to discuss their im pressions of

    performance. Because we are in conversation with workers, we can explore their

    responses in depth. We obtain a full understanding of their performance deficiencies.

    We also gain these benefits through interviewing:

    1. We build credibility with our interviewees by asking intelligent questions and

    Listening well to their answers

    2. We obtain employees personal involvement and commitment to our efforts

    3. We establish personal relationships with potential trainees who are im portant to our

    success as a needs analyst and trainer

    3. Questionnaires

    A questionnaire is a sort of interview on paper. We create our own questionnaire by

    writing down all the questions we want employees to answer. Then we give it to them

    and await their responses.

    The key advantage of a questionnaire is that we can include every person from whom

    we want input. Employees can complete the questionnaire when and where they choose.

    We need not travel and spend time with all respondents. Every em ployee is asked the

    identical questions, and consequently data is very easy to com pile and analyze.

    Questionnaires can be useful in obtaining a big picture of what a large number of

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    em ployees think while allowing everyone to feel that they have had an opportunity to

    participate in the needs analysis process.

    4. Job Descriptions

    Before establishing a job description, a job analysis must be made. This job analysis

    involves a thorough study of all responsibilities of the relevant job. It is company wide in

    scope and should be detailed to such a degree that those conducting the training can use

    the job analysis as a yardstick for their course content. After the job analysis phase has

    been completed, the writing of job description and needs analysis is a relatively simple

    task. When an employees job description has been defined, the trainer can easily tailor

    his training curriculum to a very close proximity of what will be expected of the


    5. The Difficulty Analysis

    The Job Analysis will focus attention on enumerating the numerous duties that a worker

    must perform. On the other hand, the Difficulty Analysis establishes which of the duties

    cause the employee the greatest amount of troubles and how this trouble can be reduced

    through better training.

    A good Difficulty Analysis offers many advantages.

    It enables a needs analyst to weigh certain aspects of the training in relationship to the

    expected difficulty that the worker will face in coping with those duties.

    A well thought out Difficulty Analysis will provide the training program with an

    abundance of role-playing material and situations.

    6. Problem Solving Conference

    Another time-tested technique for gathering needs analysis material from employees is to

    conduct periodic problem solving conferences which may take the form of orbe part of a

    plan for a new product, taskor technology, or tied in with a training program It is always

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    helpful to utilize an outside consultant to moderate such sessions. This outside

    sponsorship has a tendency of letting the workers express their feelings about his

    organization, and the session can then be geared to training needs. The current problems

    will evolve that represent potential areas for training.

    7. Appraisal Reviews

    During the periodic counseling performance interview, an em ployee should be ques-

    tioned regarding the duties and training of a worker. Comments rendered during the

    appraisal interviews normally are genuine, and can frequently assist in establishing the

    needs, variations and penetrations that a training program should include. Feed- back at

    appraisal interview time is valuable since it is timely information. Training needs differ

    from worker to worker, and appraisal sessions allow the em ployee and su pervisor /

    manager to uncover the cause of weaknesses in performance. These deficiencies

    represent areas for training.

    8. Drive Pattern Identity

    The extent of an em ployees development depends on his motivations. Identifying the

    forces that cause an employee to behave in a certain way may be useful in determining

    his individual training needs and how to stimulate his desire to fulfill that need. An

    analysis of this kind, for example, may determine that the employee has an urgent need

    for self-confidence. His individual program should be made to stress the im portance of

    attitude, skills etc., and any other assets that would give him this self- confidence.

    9. Analysis of Organizational Policy

    Organization policy will affect the amount of training offered. An explanation of various

    policies should be covered in the training program. Of particular concern are those

    policies that involve change, alteration and major revam ping of training programs. In

    organizations undergoing merger activity, product diversification and new penetration, a

    great deal of sensitivity must be placed on policies today and expected changes in the


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    People learn throughout their lives. Learning can increase productivity, prepare

    individuals for career advancement, allow for succession planning and most of all, it

    keeps work interesting! So training efforts aim at meeting the requirements of theorganization and the individual employees.

    Training need = standard performance actual performance

    As shown in diagram the process of training, it is clear that training need analysis ( TNA)

    is the first step in every training programme & it is mandatory to make the training efforts

    successful. TNA involves finding answers to questions such as : Whether training is

    needed ? If yes , where it is needed ? Once we identify training gaps within the

    organization , it becomes easy to design an appropriate training programme. Training

    needs can be identified through the following types of analysis.

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    Organizational need analysis:- According to many training experts, attaining the

    objectives of the business should be the ultimate concern of any training & development

    effort. Therefore, conducting an organizational needs analysis should be the first step in

    effective need assessment. It begins with an examination of the short & long term

    ob jectives of the organization & trends that are likely to affect these ob jectives. It

    involves a study of the entire organization in terms of its objectives , its resources, the

    utilization of these resources , in order to achieve stated objectives .

    Task or role analysis:- This is a detailed examination of a job , its com ponents, its

    various operations & conditions under which it has to performed . the focus here is on the

    roles played by individual & the training needed to perform such roles. The whole

    exercise is meant to find how the various tasks have to be performed and what kind of

    skills , knowledge , attitudes are required to meet the job needs. Questionnaires,

    interviews , reports, tests, observation & othermethods are generally used to collect job

    related information from time - to time. After collecting the information an appropriate

    training programme may be designed , paying attention to performance standards

    required of employees, the tasks they have to discharge etc.

    Person analysis:- Training need analysis at individual level focuses on each and every

    individual in the organization. At this level, the organization checks whether an employee

    is performing at desired level or the performance is below expectation. If the difference

    between the expected performance and actual performance comes out to be positive, then

    certainly there is a need of training.

    To be effective , training efforts must continuously monitor and coordinate the three

    kinds of analysis described above. An appropriate programme that meets the companys

    objectives , tasks and employee needs may then be introduced.

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    Meaning Of Skill

    Skill means the special knowledge for doing a particular task. Every job requires any type

    of skill for doing that job. So skill level of person affects the output of the job.

    In the organization, every task requires a special type of skill for performing it in an

    efficient manner. For exam ple Marketing Manager must posses good communication

    skill and Production Manager must posses special type skills for effective and high

    quality production.

    Skill Analysis Of Associates

    So in the organization Skill Analysis Of Associates must be required for continuous and

    economic production of goods.

    For improvement in skill level of associates Training Programmust be provided time to

    time in the organization and Skill level of associates must be evaluated time to time by

    preparing skill matrix of associates.

    In the process, it is shown that skill level of em ployees and job requirements are

    com pared. If skill level of em ployee is satisfactory according to job needs then job

    responsibility is given . if job requirement doesnt match skill level then on-the job & off

    the- job training is provided.

    To analyse the training need of the associates ,skill analysis is very essential. First of all

    all operations done by associates is examined , after that select associates whom training

    need has to be analysed. Afer that taking one associate and by describing his job

    description questionnaire is filled by his engineers to know his skill level .Second last

    step is to identify his desired & existing skill level on different operations except to his

    job. In last step skill matrix is made based on his present & desired skill level. Training

    need is analyse based on this skill matrix.

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    Process Of Skill Analysis

    NO YES

    Skill Level Job Requirement



    group/individual needs

    Fix training targets

    Conducttrainingbased onskill


    On the jobtrainingClass


    Visit otherplant


    model& explain to




    Troughkaizen &OPL

    Assign jobresponsibility Found fit,


    Off the



    On thejob


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    Company Profile

    PepsiCo is founded by Donald M. Kendall, President and ChiefExecutive Officer of

    Pepsi-Cola and Herman W. Lay, Chairman and ChiefExecutive Officer of Frito-Lay,

    through the merger of the two companies. Pepsi-Cola was created in the late 1890s by

    Caleb Bradham, a New Bern, N.C. pharmacist. Frito-Lay, was formed by the 1961

    merger of the Frito Company and the H. W. Lay Company. Herman Lay is chairman of

    the Board of Directors of the new company, PepsiCo. Donald M. Kendall is president and

    chief executive officer

    PepsiCo is a world leader in convenient snacks, foods and beverages with revenues of

    more than $39 billion and over 185,000 employees. Pepsico entered India in 1989 and

    remain firmly commited to the Indian market. PepsiCo has strong relationship with local

    franchise partners, distributors and suppliers.

    History of the company

    In 1965, the company launched its first campaign Yahoo Mountain Dew, Pepsi-Cola,

    Diet Pepsi. Frito- Lay launched Fritos brand corn chips, Lays brand potato chips,

    Cheetos brand cheese flavored snacks, Ruffles brand potato chips was introduced. In

    1966, Pepsi entered Japan and Eastern Europe.

    In 1968, North American Van Lines (NAVL), a premier transportation company, joined

    PepsiCo. In 1970, PepsiCo moved from New YorkCity to new world headquarters in

    Purchase, N.Y, the new corporate headquarter. Pepsi is the first company to respond to

    consumer preference with lightweight, recyclable, plastic bottles. In 1975, Pepsi Light,

    with a distinctive lemon taste, is introduced as an alternative to traditional diet colas.

    In 1976, PepsiCo adopted Code of Worldwide Business Conduct and Pepsi-Cola became

    the single largest selling soft drinkbrand sold in U.S. supermarkets. In 1977, PepsiCo

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    acquired Pizza Hut. In 1978, Taco Bell is acquired. In 1979, PepsiCo Research and

    Technical Center was opened in Valhalla, N.Y. In 1980,

    PepsiCo Food Service International (PFSI) is formed to focus on overseas development

    of restaurants. In 1982, the first majorbrand caffeine-free colas, are introduced. In 1988,

    PepsiCo purchased 7Up International, the third largest franchise soft drink operation

    outside the United States and PepsiCo was listed on the Tokyo stockexchange.

    In 1993, Pepsi-Cola International introduces Pepsi Max, a soft drinkwith unique blend of

    sweeteners that delivers maximum cola taste in a no-sugar product. In 1995, Pepsi-Cola

    introduces "Nothing else is a Pepsi" theme line. In 2003, Pepsi announces four-year

    sponsorship agreement with the UK Football Association. In 2004, PepsiCo Launches

    'Health Roads' Wellness Benefit for Associates and their Families. In 2007, Aquafina

    launches Aquafina Alivea low calorie, vitamin-enhanced water beverage and

    Tropicana launches Tropicana Fruit Squeeze, a 20-calorie drinkwith real Tropicana fruit


    The PepsiCo Family

    There are three major divisions of the PepsiCo family: PepsiCo

    Americas Beverages, PepsiCo Americas Foods, and PepsiCo


    PepsiCo Americas Beverages

    PepsiCo's beverage business was founded in 1898 by Caleb Bradham, a New Bern, North

    Carolina, druggist, who first formulated Pepsi-Cola.

    Today, Brand Pepsi is part of a portfolio ofbeverage brands that includes carbonated soft

    drinks, juices and juice drinks, ready-to-drink teas and coffee drinks, isotonic sports

    drinks, bottled water and enhanced waters. PNAB has well known brands such as

    Mountain Dew, Diet Pepsi, Gatorade, Tropicana Pure Premium, Aquafina water, Sierra

    Mist, Mug, Tropicana juice drinks, Propel, SoBe, Slice, Dole, Tropicana Twister and

    Tropicana Season's Best.

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    PepsiCo Americas Foods

    PepsiCo Americas Foods (PAF) is PepsiCos food and snackbusiness in North and South

    America. Its portfolio ofbusinesses includes Frito-Lay North America, Quaker Foods &

    Snacks, Sabritas, Gamesa and Latin America Foods. PepsiCo's snack food operations had

    its start in 1932.

    PepsiCo International

    PepsiCo International is comprised of all PepsiCo businesses in Europe, Asia, Africa and

    Australia. Pepsi-Cola began selling its products in Europe in the 1930s and expanded

    international beverage operations rapidly beginning in the 1950s. PepsiCo formally

    established an international food unit in 1973, and 30 years later, in 2003 the company

    combined the food and beverage businesses to form PepsiCo International.

    Today, the employees of PepsiCo International make, sell and deliver a variety of great

    tasting foods and beverages around the world, including Lays potato chips, Doritos,

    Cheetos, Quaker Oats, Pepsi-Cola, Gatorade, Lipton ready to drink teas, and Tropicana

    juices. The company also regularly introduces unique products for local tastes.

    PepsiCo International has a well-earned reputation of giving back to the communities in

    which its products are sold, with a focus on health and wellness, environmental sustaina-

    bility and education.

    Board ofDirectors and Committees

    PepsiCos business strategy and affairs are overseen by our Board of Directors, which is

    com prised of two executive directors and ten independent outside directors. Only

    independent outside directors make up our three standing Board Committees, 1)

    Nomination and Corporate Governance, 2) Audit, and 3) Compensation.

    Shona L. Brown

    Senior Vice President, Business Operations ofGoogle Inc.

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    Ian M. Cook

    President and ChiefExecutive OfficerColgate-Palmolive



    Consultant, FormerExecutive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, JP Morgan

    Chase & Co.

    Victor J. Dzau, M.D.

    Chancellor forHealth Affairs, Duke University

    and President & CEO, Duke University Health Systems

    Ray L. Hunt

    ChiefExecutive Officer, Hunt Oil Company

    Indra K. Nooyi

    Chairman of the Board and ChiefExecutive Officer PepsiCo

    Indra Nooyi is Chairman and ChiefExecutive Officer of PepsiCo. Mrs. Nooyi is the chief

    architect of PepsiCos multi-year growth strategy, Performance with Purpose, which is

    focused on generating robust financial returns from designing products for and finding

    sustainable ways to give back to communities the com pany serves. Mrs. Nooyi was

    named President and CEO on October 1, 2006 and assumed the role ofChairman on May

    2, 2007. She has directed the company's global strategy formore than a decade and led

    PepsiCo's restructuring. Prior to becoming CEO, Mrs. Nooyi served as President and

    Chief Financial Officerbeginning in 2001, when she was also named to PepsiCo's board

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    of directors. In this position, she was responsible for PepsiCos corporate functions,

    including finance, strategy, business process optimization, corporate platforms and

    innovation, procurement, investor relations and information technology.

    Brand Portfolio

    PepsiCo products can be found in nearly 200 countries around the globe. PepsiCo is

    com prised ofmuscular brands that com pete globally and leverage our scale and

    distribution power. From beverages to snacks, it offer consumers a broad range of

    product choices from simple treats to healthy eats. PepsiCo have 18 brands in its portfolio

    that generate $1 billion ormore each in annual retail sales and PepsiCos commitment to

    sustainable growth, is focused on healthy financial returns.


    Pepsi has been bringing fun and refreshment to consumers for over 100 years. PepsiCo

    provides the broad spectrum ofbeverages worldwide.

    Pepsi-Cola Brands

    Pepsi has been bringing fun and refreshment to consumers for over 100 years. It offers awide spectrum ofbrand all over the world. Its U.S. brands include Pepsi, Mountain Dew,

    Aquafina, Sierra Mist, IZZE, SoBe, Mug, Tropicana Twister Soda, Tropicana Juice

    Drinks, Dole and Ocean Spray single-serve juices.


    Em ploying over 48,000 people and bringing in over $11 billion ofbusiness, Frito-Lay

    invigorates PepsiCo's portfolio of products with plenty of good food and 'good fun'.

    Frito-Lay Brands

    Its brand includes Lay's potato chips, Lays Kettle Cooked potato chips, Wavy Lay's

    potato chips, Baked Lay's potato crisps, Maui Style potato chips, Ruffles potato chips.

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    Tropicana, the strongest name in juices, extends the PepsiCo Portfolio ofbrands with

    plenty of nutritious, high-quality flavors. Tropicana Products, Inc. is the leading producer

    and marketer ofbranded fruit juices.

    Tropicana Brands

    Its brand includes Tropicana Pure Premium juices, Tropicana Twister juice drinks,

    Tropicana Smoothies, Tropicana Pure Tropics juices.


    Quaker's power-packed line of popularbrands expands our portfolio with a wide range of

    healthy food choices.

    Quaker Brands

    They are symbols of quality, great taste, and nutrition. Holding No.1 positions in their

    respective categories such as Quaker Oats, Quaker Rice Cakes, Chewy Granola Bars and

    Rice-A-Roni, Aunt Jemima brand, It is among the four largest manufacturers of cold

    cereals with popularbrands like Cap'n Crunch and Life.


    Available in over 80 countries, Gatorade's line of performance drinks adds over 40 years

    of rehydration and sports nutrition research to the PepsiCo portfolio.

    Gatorade Brands

    The Gatorade hydration portfolio includes the nation's leading sports drink, Gatorade

    Thirst Quencher, as well as Gatorade Tiger G2 and Propel Fit Water.

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    PepsiCo In Education Sector

    The R K J Grou p headed by R K Jaipuria has been associated with excellence in

    education. The school run by the grou p encourage students to become creative,

    innovative and imaginative.This grou p have a wide range of co-curricular activities,

    which are as important as the academic disciplines. The year 2001 witnessed the further

    spread of the groups portfolio with the opening of its first school at Gurgoan under the

    management agreement with Delhi Public School Society. To expand in the field of

    education it opened its second school at Jaipurunder the management of same society.

    The Grou p has entered into a joined venture partnership with Modern Montessori

    International (MMI) Singapore, to open pre-school educational institutions across the


    PepsiCo Headquarters

    PepsiCo World Headquarters is located in Purchase, New York, approximately 45

    minutes from New YorkCity. The seven-building headquarters complex was designed by

    Edward Durrell Stone, one of the foremost architect. The building occupies 10 acres of a

    144 acre com plex that includes the Donald M. Kendall Sculpture Garden, a world-

    acclaimed sculpture collection in a garden setting.

    The collection of works is focused on major twentieth century art, and features works by

    masters such as Auguste Rodin, Henri Laurens. The garden originally were designed by

    the world famous garden planner, Russell Page, and have been extended by Francois

    Goffinet. The grounds are open to the public, and a visitors booth is in operation during

    the spring and summer.


    PepsiCo (symbol: PEP) shares are traded principally on the New YorkStockExchange in

    the United States. The company is also listed on the Chicago and Swiss stockexchanges.

    PepsiCo has consistently paid cash dividends since the corporation was founded.

    Worldwide Code OfConduct

    PepsiCo worldwide Code ofConduct is an ethical roadmap for putting our core beliefs

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    into action and living up to our commitments. It applies to every employee and every

    business transaction we make on our journey towards Performance with Purpose. . It

    applies to every PepsiCo employee, officer and director, every division and subsidiary

    and to every business transaction we make. Along with our core Values, the Code of

    Conduct is the foundation for our strategic mission.

    PepsiCo Policy On Human Right

    The company focuses on encourage all employees, contractors, vendors and customers to

    speakup if they suspect any violation of the Code, policies or the law.

    PepsiCo Co Values & Philosophy

    PepsiCo Values & Philosophy are a reflection of the socially and environmentally

    responsible company it aspire to be. These values & philosophy are the foundation for

    every business decision PepsiCo make. PepsiCo is committed to delivering sustained

    growth through empowered people acting responsibly and building trust.

    Guiding Principles

    PepsiCo has some guiding principles and it always strive to:

    1. Care for customers, consumers and the world

    PepsiCo is driven by the intense, competitive spirit of the marketplace, but it

    direct this spirit toward solutions that benefit both company and its constituents.

    PepsiCo success depends on a thorough understanding of its customers,

    consumers and communities. To foster this spirit of generosity, PepsiCo go the

    extra mile to show it care.

    2. Sell only products company can be proud of.

    The true test of standards is its own ability to consume and personally endorse

    the products PepsiCo sell. It is the confidence helps to ensure the quality of the

    products, from the moment we of purchase of ingredients to the moment it

    reaches the consumer's hand.

    3. Speak with truth and candor.

    PepsiCo focuses on telling the whole story, not just what's convenient to the

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    individual goals. In addition to being clear, honest and accurate, it is responsible

    for ensuring the communications are understood.

    4. Balance short term and long term.

    In every decision, PepsiCo weigh both short-term and long-term risks and

    benefits. Maintaining this balance helps sustain growth and ensures that the ideas

    and solutions are relevant both now and in the future.

    5. Win with diversity and inclusion.

    PepsiCo aims to embrace people with diverse backgrounds, traits and ways of

    thinking. Diversity brings new perspectives into the workplace and encourages

    innovation, as well as the ability to identify new market opportunities.

    6. Respect others and succeed together.

    PepsiCo mutual success depends on mutual respect, inside and outside the

    company. It requires people who are capable of working together as part of a team

    or informal collaboration. Company is built on individual excellence but it also

    recognize the importance and value of teamwork in turning the goals into


    Path To Success

    PepsiCo believe its financial success Performance must go hand-in-hand with its

    social and environmental responsibilities Purpose. Performance with Purpose is at the

    heart of every aspect of its businesses.

    Performance with Purpose agenda is comprised of three platforms:

    Human Sustainability: Nourish consumers with a broad range of convenient, great-

    tasting foods and drinks from treats and simple refreshments to positive nutrition; make

    the healthy choice an easier choice to make.

    Environmental Sustainability: Conserve natural resources; operate in a way that

    minimizes environmental footprint with the goal of reaching a net-neutral impact.

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    Talent Sustainability: Developing the employees by creating a diverse and inclusive

    culture and making certain that the company is an attractive destination for the worlds

    best people.Progress made by PepsiCo on its Performance with Purpose agenda

    journey .

    Accelerated the growth of portfolio of healthful products.

    Launched the food industrys first Carbon Reduction Label with the Carbon Trust

    on Walkers Crisps.

    Improved water intensity ratio across all of operations.

    Signed CEO Water Mandate.

    Conserved nearly 5 billion liters of water and nearly 500 million kilowatt hours of

    energy worldwide in 2007 as compared to 2006.

    Authored with industry the "Global Commitment to Action on the Global Strategy

    on Diet, Physical Activity and Health", a commitment addressed to the World

    Health Organization.

    Launched its global sustainable packaging policy.

    Improved significantly its water, fuels, and electricity efficiency.

    Reduced PET bottles, paperboard, and corrugated materials by more than 20

    million pounds.

    Introduced SupplierCode ofConduct.

    Increased spending on women and minority owned businesses.

    Continued reuse of water from processing.

    PepsiCo Career Growth Model

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    Proven Result

    PepsiCo take a long-term view of performance against Business and People Results.

    Consistency is important. It looks for a track record of sustained successes rather than

    unpredictable highs and lows. PepsiCo value results that are based on trust, respect,

    fairness and teamworkand results that create a lasting impact. "People Results" are a

    significant part of performance expectations

    Leadership Ability

    To succeed in the marketplace , there is requirement of strong leaders. That's why

    PepsiCo have enhanced the Leadership Competencies to reflect the needs of the "new

    PepsiCo". PepsiCo kept the familiar frameworkwith the same three overall imperatives


    etting the Agenda, Taking Others with Yo

    u, and Doing It The Right Way)


    Personal and career growth requires deep functional skills. As a sales manager should

    have an intimate understanding of the sales process and how to drive sales growth.

    Functional excellence can be built by using functional competency models and informal


    Knowing the



    PepsiCo expect employees to develop expertise in a given functional area, it is critically

    important that managers develop a broaderknowledge of how products are made, sold

    and delivered. Managers who more fully understand what actually drive businesses will

    make betterbusiness decisions.

    Critical Experiences

    Discussions about an individual's potential careermoves includes an assessment of his or

    her experiences and the types of new experiences needed for further career development.

    The sequence of experiences is often not critical, although building a hip-pocket skill

    early in the career is important for future development.

    Long-Term Career Growth

    If employees accept responsibility forbuilding their skills and experiences, Managers are

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    accountable for providing employees with opportunities to grow in line with their results,

    capabilities and career aspirations. Remember that a career is a long-term journey don't

    move just for the sake ofmoving. Build for the long term. Be flexible the more flexible

    you can be, the wider the range of opportunities will be available to you.

    PepsiCo Mission and Vision

    PepsiCo believe being a responsible corporate citizen is not only the right thing to do, but

    the right thing is to do for the business.


    PepsiCo mission is to be the world's premier consumer products com pany focused on

    convenient foods and beverages. PepsiCo seek to produce financial rewards to investors

    as it provide opportunities for growth and enrichment to its employees, business partners

    and the communities in which it operate. And in everything PepsiCo do, it strive for

    honesty, fairness and integrity.


    PepsiCo's responsibility is to continually im prove all aspects of the world in which it

    operate environment, social, economic creating a better tomorrow than today.

    PepsiCo vision is put into action through programs and a focus on environmental

    stewardship, activities to benefit society, and a commitment to build shareholder value by

    making PepsiCo a truly sustainable company.

    Health Care Reform

    PepsiCo values the health and well being of its associates, partners, customers and

    consumers. PepsiCo offers a wide range ofbenefits that encourage wellness, promote

    healthy living and give associates and their families tools and information to make

    educated health care decisions.

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    Health CareCommitment

    PepsiCo values the health and well being of the associates, partners, customers and

    consumers. PepsiCo sponsored approach to health and wellness encom passes physical,

    emotional and financial well being and includes prevention, screening, health care and

    health care savings accounts, dental care, retiree health care, life and disability insurance.

    PepsiCo conducts employee programs such as Health Roads. Health Roads promotes

    healthier lifestyles through a combination of health assessments, personalized coaching,

    tobacco cessation, fitness and nutrition programs, online tools and worksite wellness

    initiatives. In addition, PepsiCo also maintains and enforces a strict global Occupational

    Health and Safety policy.

    Guiding Principles On Health Care Policies

    1. PepsiCo recognizes that the U.S. health care system needs improvement on many


    2. PepsiCo will participate in developing a solution.

    3. In particular, there should be more emphasis on prevention.

    4. Greater cost-effectiveness must be part of the solution.

    5. Beyond the U.S., PepsiCo will workwith the World Health Organization and the

    World Economic Forum's "Workplace Wellness Unit" to ensure that countries around

    the globe benefit frombest practices and innovative ideas.

    Sustainable Advantage

    Three major sustainable advantages give PepsiCo a competitive edge as we operate in the

    global marketplace.

    1. Big, muscularbrand;

    2. Proven ability to innovate and create differentiated products;

    3. Powerful go-to-market systems.

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    Top competitors

    Coca-Cola Atlanta, GA

    Dr. PepperSnapple grou p Plano, TX

    Kraft Food Northfield, IL

    Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold in stores, restaurants and vending machines

    internationally. The Coca-Cola Com pany claims that the beverage is sold in more than

    200 countries It is produced by The Coca-Cola Company in Atlanta, Georgia, and is often

    referred to simply known as Coke.Originally intended as a patent medicine when it was

    invented in the late 19th century by John Pemberton, Coca-Cola was bought out by

    businessman Asa Griggs Candler, whose marketing tactics led Coke to its dominance of

    the world soft-drink market throughout the 20th century. The com pany produces

    concentrate, which is then sold to licensed Coca-Cola bottlers throughout the world. The

    bottlers, who hold territorially exclusive contracts with the com pany, produce finished

    product in cans and bottles from the concentrate in combination with filtered water and

    sweeteners. The bottlers then sell, distribute and merchandise Coca-Cola to retail storesand vending machines. Such bottlers include Coca-Cola Enterprises, which is the largest

    single Coca-Cola bottler in North America and western Europe.

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    PepsiCo is named to Metropools Leadership Circle, recognized for efforts to help reduce

    traffic congestion and air pollution in Westchester, NY. Worth Magazine names PepsiCo

    to its list of Americas Most Generous Companies.


    Corporate Angel Network (CAN) honours PepsiCo for reaching Elite status. CAN

    arrange for cancer patients to fly to treatment centres for free on corporate aircraft.


    PepsiCo is one first place in Beverages Category in Fortune magazine Most Admired

    list. PepsiCo Finance name PepsiCo one of the Worlds Best Companies, in the NorthAmerican Beverages Category.


    PepsiCo North America is one of four com panies honored with a Multicultural

    Excellence Award by the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) in 2001


    PepsiCo ranks no. 1 within soft drink industry in the Wall Street Journals Shareholder

    Scoreboard. Aquafina is named no.1 best-selling brand ofbottled Water in the New



    Pepsi-Cola received a Reggie Award, the most prestigious award in the promotion

    marketing field, for its 2003 PepsiCo is recognized as one of Americas Top

    Corporations for Womens Business Enterprises by the WBENC.


    PepsiCos Lampoon Plant received the Certificate of Bold Level from AIDS Response

    Standard Organization (ASO Thailand) sponsored by Department of Labor Protection

    and Welfare, Ministry of Labor.

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    ARADHANA SOFT DRINKCOMPANY(A subsidiary of PepsiCo India Holding Pvt. Ltd.)

    Brief Profile Of Plant

    Plant construction started in 1991 under M/s Dhillon Kool Drinks & BeveragesLtd.

    Commercial production commenced on 17th May, 1992. Aradhana Soft Drinks Company acquired the plant in Feb.2003. Commercial production under Aradhana Soft Drinks Company Started on 19th


    Annual Plant Volume for the year 2003 Cases - 6.51 Million Raw

    Annual Plant Volume for the year 2004 Cases - 7.08 Million Raw

    Annual Plant Volume for the year 2005 Cases - 4.60 Million Raw

    Annual Plant Volume for the year 2006 Cases - 4.70 Million Raw

    Plant primarily caters to Haryana and Himachal Market.

    Plant also caters to Punjab in respect of PET and slice requirements.

    Himachal & Haryana distribution is entirely through a networkof distributors both direct and indirect.

    Plant Infrastructure

    Total Land 9.5 Acres Covered Area 4.0 Acres

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    Tech Vision

    The Tech team will create and sustain a competitive advantage for ourbusiness through

    ready availab

    ility of outstanding q

    uality prod

    ucts at the lowest cost.


    To Drive CustomerSatisfaction By On Time Availability Of Products With Best

    Quality At Lowest Cost Through Empowered People Following Safe Processes.

    Product Range Of ASDC



    Mountain Dew



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    Plant Achievements

    y Lowest water consumption Plantin the Pepsi India in 2007. Preliminary patent of

    the modified process have been applied.

    y Recovery and recycling of in-process used waterwith no compromise on quality


    y India BU First Plant in which BIOZYMES treatment is done to reduce generation

    of solid waste in Effluent Treatment Plant.

    y Plant is a Rain water harvested site.

    y 100%utilization of treated effluent in plant premises since 06.

    y Continuous improvement in quality standards, HACCP certification in 08.

    y First Plantin which TPMis being implemented in Pepsi bottling operation in the

    world business unit.

    y Plant is on SAP.

    y Lowest power consumption Plantin the Pepsi India in 2005, 2006 & 2007.

    y Within first Top 3 in the business unit on productivity /cost.

    y Acoustic chamberfor all diesel generators.

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    Mission Of Aradhana Soft DrinkCompany

    To manufacture , market products of international standard.

    y Ensure that all company processes geared to deliver the highest level of customer

    satisfaction .

    y Keep an employee-centric focus in all operation.

    y Foster innovations and creativity at all levels.

    y Deliver value to all stakeholders of the company.

    HR Policy at Aradhana Soft DrinkCompany

    ASDC will always keep on striving for the development of competent and efficient

    employees at all levels to create , include and foster excellent working and learning

    environment: because it believes in nurturing strength of individual for developing

    mutual trust, support and positive attitude for achieving organizational goals to create a

    world class manufacturing organization and to remain the market leader in beverage

    section not only today but for all tomorrows to come.

    Customer Focus

    To build a high degree of customer confidence by providing increased value for his

    money through international standards of product quality, performance and superiorcustomer services.

    Objectives of ASDC

    People development is a key strategic priority. We have set a target of developing and

    growing our people internally for long term career opportunities within PepsiCo.

    Towards this objective, we had introduced the Sales Academy Process.


    To provide a reasonable & adequate return on capital employed , primarily by optimum

    utilization of plant capacities, orienting the product mix towards value added products,

    better inventory, collecting realization faster from the dealers and reducing operational


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    Significance Of The Study

    The study is significant as it helps to find out the training needs of the associates in a



    ring concern.H



    ent plays very vital role in todaysbu

    siness firm

    s.It is very challenging part of Business Management. Proper training programs and

    continuous skill analysis of workers is very compulsory for every organization in todays

    Competitive Business Environment. In modern era, it is necessary to have multi skilled

    em ployees so that productivity can be increased. So the study helps to develop the

    required skills which are helpful for associates to perform various job in the organization.

    The study explains the various methods of training needs analysis. This study helps to

    find out the skill level of the associates and on the basis of existing skills possessed by

    the associates, training needs are identified. This study helps to implement the training

    programs according to the needs of the associates.

    So the study becomes relevant to understand the process of skill analysis of associates

    and to identify the training needs of associates in a manufacturing concern.

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    The main ob jective of this study is to identify the training needs of the associates in a

    production co

    m pany Pepsi


    So the overall o

    b jective of this st

    udy is to identify the

    training needs of the associates performing various operations in the firm and to study the

    process of skill analysis of the associates.

    y To study the process of skill analysis of the associates.

    y To identify the training needs of the associates.

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    In this research report, a 5-point scale (0-4) is used. These five points represents the

    different levels of skills possessed by the associates. These 5 points represents

    Level 0- New entrant

    Level 1- Do not know theory & work little bit.

    Level 2- Know theory little bit but can work.

    Level 3- Know theory & workwith confidence.

    Level 4- Train others.

    Level 0- The associate who is rated 0 at the 5-point scale is new entrant in the company.

    the required skills are not possessed by the associate and the theoretical

    knowledge about the work to be performed is also poor.

    Level 1- The associate who is rated 1 at the scale has no knowledge about the

    theory related to workand he is able to worka little bit.

    Level 2- This level signifies that the associate has little bit knowledge about the theory

    related to the work. Despite of having little theoretical knowledge about the

    work, he is able to perform the taskassigned by the superior.

    Level 3- This level signifies that the associate has the required theoretical knowledge

    related to the workand perform all the operations with confidence.

    Level 4- This level signifies that the associate has complete theoretical knowledge and

    possess required skills. The associate rated at point 4 is efficient enough to train

    other associates.

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    Skill Analysis Of Associates

    Calculation of skill level

    Skill level = (0*1+4*2+13*3+2*4)/(0+4+13+2)

    = (0+8+39+8)/(0+4+13+2)

    = 55/19

    = 2.89

    ARADHANA SOFT DRINK: PANIPAT PLANTJOB SKILL PROFILEApproved by: Mr. R. K. WasanReviewed by: Mr. Hasmukh Mewada

    Name: KedarChandJob Definition- Syrup Making CSD Operation Grade: 1


    Generic Skills Required1 2 3 4

    1 Knowledge of safety parameters -2 Awareness ofbasic manufacturing process -3 Awareness of plant objective -

    4 Awareness of quality parameter -

    5 Awareness of produ

    ctivity standards -6 Awareness of 5s -7 TPM Awareness -

    Specific Skills Required

    1 Calculation of sugar requirement for syrup preparation -2 Calculation of treated water requirement for syrup preparation -3 Compensation of sugar for process loss(sugar delta) -4 Monitoring and controlling of raw syrup temperature -

    5Calculation of amount of chemical and theirusage withproper contact time


    6 Precoating process -

    7 Filteration process -8 Checking of carbon carryover and syrup temperature -9 Brix calculation and action in case of variance -10 Concentrate staging for confirmation by chemist and engineer -11 Addition of concentrate -

    12 Checking of final syrup for volume -0 4 13 2

    Skill Level 3

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    Training means the planned and organized activity to impart skills, techniques and

    methodologies to employers and their employees to assist them in establishing and

    maintaining employment and a place of employment that is safe and healthful.

    Training Need

    The concept of training needs refers to a discrepancy or gap between what an

    organization expects to happen and what actually occ

    urs. Training needs identification

    forms the foundation of any training program. Training needs helps to perform a

    systematic exploration of the way things are and the way they should be.


    Skill means the special knowledge for doing a particular task. Every job requires any type

    of skill for doing that job & every person has different skills and capabilities. Skill level

    of person affects the output of the job. In the organizations, every task requires a special

    type of skill for performing it in an efficient manner.

    Skill Analysis

    Skill analysis means to identify the skill level of the employees. Skill analysis is helpful

    in determining the existing skills possessed by the employees and to identify the required

    by the employees to perform the job efficiently.

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    Research methodology is the methodology which is used systematically to solve the

    research prob


    . When we talk


    out the research

    methodology we not only tal


    research method but also consider the logic behind method we use in the context of our

    research study and explain that why we are using the particularmethod or technique so

    that research result are capable ofbeing evaluated by the researcher himself orby others.


    1) Exploratory research design:-

    In this research, exploratory research design is used. This research design is used to

    discover the hidden concepts related to the associates in a manufacturing concern. In

    this research, exploratory research is used to discover the skills possessed by the

    associates and to explore training needs of the associates.

    2) Descriptive research design:-

    In this research, descriptive research design is used to describe the characteristics of a

    particular grou p. This research design is used to describe the operational skills

    possessed by the associates in the production department.


    This study is conducted in the HR Department OfAradhana Soft Drinks Company

    (A Subsidiary Of PepsiCo International Pvt. Ltd.), Panipat-[Haryana]. The scope of

    study is limited to ASDC, Panipat. This project is very significant for com pany as

    well as employees. This study is not meant for the top level employees in Aradhana

    Soft DrinkCompany. The study is mainly limited to the production department of the

    company. This study is confined to the 50 associates in the production department of


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    The primary data is collected by the use of questionnaire method. Questionnaire

    method helped to get the fresh data.

    Secondary data is collected from

    y Books

    y Magazines

    y Internet

    y Journals


    Sampling may be defined as the selection of some part of an aggregate on the basis of

    which a judgement or inference about the total is made. Sampling design is the

    process of obtaining information about the population by examining the part of it.

    y Sampling Technique

    Non probability sampling technique is used in this study. In this technique, each and

    every sample unit does not have equal chance ofbeing selected.

    y Sampling Method

    Judgment and convenient sampling is used in this study as ASDC has chosen on the

    basis of past study of skills possessed by the associates. Convenient sampling is used

    as ASDC has chosen the associates who are working in day shift.

    y Sampling Unit

    It defines the target population that will be sam pled. It is answer who is to be

    sampled. It answers who is to be surveyed. In this study, the sampling unit are the

    associates in the production department.

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    y Sample Size

    It indicates the number of people to be surveyed. Large sample gives more reliable

    results than small sam ple. But in this study, the sam ple size is not so large. The

    sample size is restricted to 50 respondent (Associates).

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    Data Analysis

    Question (1):- Are you satisfied with the system and procedure laid down by the top

    management which affects your job?

    Interpretation:-This diagram reveals that 70% of the associates are satisfied with the

    system and procedure laid down by the top management. This shows that there is stability

    and transparencies in the policies .

    No.Of Employees




    Hghly Satisfied




    Highly Dissatisfied

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    Question (2):- Does the role and Responsibilities of your job is clearly defined by yourhead?

    Interpretation:- This diagram reveals that 95% associates are satisfied regarding roles

    and responsibilities. They are satisfied with their heads. This shows that there is

    continuous and regular flow of instruction by their respective bosses.

    No. Of employees



    4% 2%0%Hghly Satisfied




    Highly Dissatisfied

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    Question (3):- Does the amount of workload on you is according to your job


    Interpretation:- This diagram reveals that 97% of associates satisfied with the workload

    assigned by their superior. Majority of associates believes that there is comfort workload.

    This shows that there is no stress among the associates regarding the workload.

    No. Of employees



    2%1%Hghly Satisfied




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    Question (4):- Does the amount of authority given to you is suitable to fulfill the

    responsibilities of your job?

    Interpretation:-This diagram reveals that 70% of associates are satisfied with amount of

    authority assigned to themby their superior. This shows that there is parity between

    authority and responsibility.

    No. Of employees





    Hghly Satisfied




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    Question (5):- Does training and development programmed are executed wheneverneeded?

    Interpretation:-This study reveals that the approximately 30% associates are

    dissatisfied with training and development programs conducted by the com pany. This

    shows that training programs are not conducted at regular intervals. The associates are

    satisfied with the training program to some extent. It is needed to conduct the training

    programs at regular interval.

    No. Of employees






    Hghly SatisfiedSatisfied



    Highly Dissatisfied

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    Question (6):- Are you satisfied with working environment provided by the company?

    Interpretation:- This diagram shows that approximately 50% associates are dissatisfied

    with the working environment. Level of dissatisfaction is high. Training is needed to

    create com paratively less noisy environment and to arrange the things in a systematic

    manner so that the wor

    king environ

    ment can


    ore efficient.

    No. Of employees





    12%Hghly Satisfied




    Highly Dissatisfied

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    Question (7):- Does the skills possessed by you sufficient to operate the machines?

    Interpretation:- This diagram reveals that the skills possessed by them are not sufficient

    to operate the machines efficiently. They face problem in handling the machines. They

    need technical training to enhance their skills to handle the machines.

    No. Of employees




    0%Hghly Satisfied




    Highly Dissatisfied

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    Question (8):- Do your supervisor is capable enough to solve your grievances?

    Interpretation:- This diagram reveals that 55% associates are dissatisfied with the

    supervisor regarding grievance handling. As majority of associates are dissatisfied, this

    shows that there is lackof cooperative nature among them.


    No. Of employees




    20% Hghly Satisfied




    Highly Dissatisfied

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    Question (9):- Do the training include new knowledge and skills?

    Interpretation:- This study reveals that 84% associates are satisfied with the training

    program provided by the company. This shows that training usually includes new subject

    matter which help them to learn something new every time.

    No. Of employees



    0%12% 4% Highly Satisfied




    Highly Dissatisfied

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    Question (10):- Does the training content relate to your work?

    Interpretation:- This diagram shows that 90% associates are satisfied with the contents

    of the training provided by the company. This reveals that training subject is related to

    their workand it help the associates to do their job in better way.

    No. Of employees



    0% 9% 0%

    Highly SatisfiedSatisfied



    Highly Dissatisfied

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    Question (11):- Are you aware of companys policies and procedures?

    Interpretation:- This diagram reveals that 84% associates are aware of the companys

    policies and procedures. This shows that training programs and seminars are conducted

    by the company to update the associates about the companys procedures and policies.

    No. of employees





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    Question(12):- Are you satisfied with the training program conducting by the company

    regarding safety needs?

    Interpretation:-This diagram reveals that 65% of associates are satisfied with training

    provided by the company for safety needs. Since majority of associates are satisfied with

    the training programs so there is less requirement of training related to safety needs.

    No. Of employees




    8%Highly Satisfied




    Highly Dissatisfied

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    Skill Analysis Of Associates

    Associate- KedarChandSkill Mapping in Jan 2009Operation Desired Skill Existing Skill FPR for skill

    Level Level enhancementCSD syrubmaking 4 3 Supervisor


    3 3 Supervisor

    CIP 3 3 Supervisor

    Juice syrup making3 3 Supervisor

    Pasteurizer operation2 1 Supervisor

    Syrup makingoperation-Hybridjuice

    3 1 Supervisor

    Total 18 14

    Associate- KedarChandSkill Mapping in July 2009Operation Desired Skill Existing Skill FPR ForSkill

    Level Level enhancementCSD syrubmaking

    4 3Supervisor


    3 3 Supervisor

    CIP3 3


    Juice syrup making3 3


    Pasteurizer operation2 1


    Syrup makingoperation-Hybridjuice

    3 2Supervisor

    Total 18 15

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    Skill Matrix

    KedarChand [Jan 2009]

    KedarChand [July 2009]








    4CSD syrub making

    Homogenizer operation


    Juice syrup making

    Pasteurizer operation

    Syrup making operation-

    Hybrid juiceDesired Skill

    Existing Skill









    4CSD syrub making

    Homogenizer operation


    Juice syrup making

    Pasteurizer operation

    Syrup making operation-

    Hybrid juiceDesired Skill

    Existing Skill

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    y There is no stress among the employees regarding their workload and they are

    highly motivated.

    y Associates are satisfied with technical training provided by the company to some


    y Training contents are as per the requirement of the associates.

    y Training programs are not conducted at regular intervals.

    y Training and seminars are conducted to update the associates about policies and


    y There is lackof cooperative nature among the associates.

    y Training related to safety needs are also provided by the company.

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