developing strong campus-community coalitions … strong campus-community coalitions ......

Developing Strong Campus-Community Coalitions Washington State College Coalition for Substance Abuse Prevention September 8, 2006 Western Washington University Lara Welker, MPH Western Washington University-Bellingham Campus Community Coalition (360) 650-6863 [email protected]

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Developing Strong Campus-Community Coalitions

Washington State College Coalitionfor Substance Abuse Prevention

September 8, 2006Western Washington University

Lara Welker, MPHWestern Washington University-Bellingham Campus Community Coalition

(360) 650-6863 [email protected]

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Principles of Collaboration

A continuum of “working together”Stages of collaborationElements of effective coalitionsBenefits and challenges of collaboration

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A continuum of “working together”

Networking Exchanging information for mutual benefit.

CoordinatingExchanging information and altering activities

for mutual benefit and to achieve a common purpose.

CooperationExchanging information, altering activities, and sharing resources for mutual benefit

and to achieve a common purpose.

CollaborationExchanging information,

altering activities, sharing resources, and enhancing the capacity

of another for mutual benefit and to achieve a common purpose.

Adapted from Collaboration For A Change, AT Himmelman, 2002.

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A continuum of “working together”

More involvement, personal contact More commitmentMore resources (time, money)More visibilityLess autonomy





Adapted from Collaboration For A Change, AT Himmelman, 2002.

Less involvement, personal contact Less commitmentFewer resources (time, money)Less visibilityMore autonomy

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Stages of Collaboration

Stage 2Building Trust and Ownership

Stage 3Developing a Strategic Plan

Stage 1Getting Together

Adapted from Together We Can: A Guide for Crafting a Profamily System of Education and Human Service, 1993.

Stage 4Taking Action

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Stage 1 Getting Together

Decide to actInvolve the right peopleSet initial ground rules

Adapted from Together We Can: A Guide for Crafting a Profamily System of Education and Human Service, 1993.

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Stage 2 Building Trust and Ownership

Engage partnersDevelop a base of common knowledgeDefine a shared visionCommit to collaborateIdentify planning resources

Adapted from Together We Can: A Guide for Crafting a Profamily System of Education and Human Service, 1993.

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Stage 3Developing a Strategic Plan

Develop a mission statementAssess the environment and the collaborative’s resourcesEstablish well-formed goalsExamine and select strategiesDevelop a plan of action

Adapted from Together We Can: A Guide for Crafting a Profamily System of Education and Human Service, 1993.

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Stage 4Taking Action

Formalize interagency relationshipsImplement plan of actionDeepen collaborative cultureAdapt and expand initiative

Adapted from Together We Can: A Guide for Crafting a Profamily System of Education and Human Service, 1993.

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Stages of Collaboration

Stage 2Building Trust and Ownership

Stage 3Developing a Strategic Plan

Stage 1Getting Together

Adapted from Together We Can: A Guide for Crafting a Profamily System of Education and Human Service, 1993.

Stage 4Taking Action

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Collaboration BenefitsPool power and resourcesIncrease visibility and credibilityAccomplish goals beyond scope of individual entitiesReduce duplication of effortsEncourage a comprehensive approachEnhance ability to address complex issues

Collaboration: Concepts to Consider. Center for Collaborative Planning, Public Health Institute.

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Collaboration ChallengesTakes time and energyBalancing common issues and individual interests “Name only” commitmentPower dynamics/struggles, conflict among membersSustaining work to achieve long-term and/or complex goals

Collaboration: Concepts to Consider. Center for Collaborative Planning, Public Health Institute.

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Factors Influencing Coalition Effectiveness

We don’t really know!

What Explains Community Coalition Effectiveness? A Review of the Literature.Rhonda C. Zakocs and Erika M. Edwards. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2006; 30(4).

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Factors Influencing Coalition Effectiveness

Some evidence for...

Conducive environmentCommitted membershipClear purposeDefined structure and processRegular communicationStrong leadershipAmple resourcesMeaningful evaluation

Adapted from:Collaboration: What Makes it Work? 2nd edition. Mattessich, Paul and Monsey, Barbara R. 2001.

Assessing Community Coalitions: Elements of Effectiveness. to Successful Collaboration, Turning Point Initiative.

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Conducive Environment

Community history of collaborationReputation of coalitionPolitical and social climate

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Committed Membership

Diverse representation; members from multiple “layers” of organizationsCollaboration is in members’ self-interestMutual respect and trust; ability to compromiseActive involvement

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Clear Purpose

Shared visionMission statementPurpose unique to the coalition Specific, realistic goals

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Defined Structure and Process

Established governance proceduresDefined roles and responsibilitiesFlexibility and adaptabilityDifferent stages of collaboration may require different structure/process

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Regular Communication

Open and frequent communicationFormal and informal Internal and external

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Strong Leadership

Adequate timeContinuity Community organizing, group facilitation, “brokering” skillsBoard or committee

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Ample Resources

Adequate and diverse fundingTraining/capacity building

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Meaningful Evaluation

Informs strategic direction and goalsSupports continued/new fundingCelebrating successes

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Bringing and keeping people together The community organizing approach CommunicationsChallenges

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MembershipThe Community Organizing Approach

Self interest Basic principle of all community organizing“What’s in it for me/my organization?”

“One-on-ones” or “cup of coffee meetings”

First step in member involvementAsk and listen (vs. tell and sell)Consider how coalition can serve their interest

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Among coalition membersMeetings and meeting minutesIndividual phone calls, email, lettersNewslettersList serve, website

Outside the coalitionPress releasesSmall media (e.g. organizational newsletters)Website

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Membership Challenges

“Hard to reach” people/groupsKeeping people involvedMember turnoverWorking with “planners” vs. “doers”Identifying meaningful rolesConflict

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Coalition Structure and Process

Organizing people to get the work doneDecision makingMeeting planning and facilitation

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Organizing people

Not one “right way”Committees/work groups/action groups Diverse roles and levels of involvement

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Decision making

Who decides? Staff, committees, all membersLevels of involvement in decisions

Lower:Voting Decide and announce

Higher:ConsensusDelegate with constraints

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Meeting Planning and FacilitationMeetings are generally where people

Make decisions and “think together” Share ideas and expertiseGrow to know and understand each other Feel they are part of the effort

Good meeting planning and facilitation are critical!

Adapted from Interaction Associates Facilitative Leadership Training Manual.

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Meeting PlanningClarify the purpose of the meeting

Is there a need to meet?What needs to get done?

Decide who needs to be thereStakeholdersDecision makersInformation sources

Adapted from Interaction Associates Facilitative Leadership Training Manual.

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Meeting Planning

Prepare agendaDefine desired outcomes (what the meeting will accomplish)Design specific activities (process, e.g. presentation, review, brainstorm) Set time frames

LogisticsSign in sheet and name tagsAV equipment, flip charts, handoutsMeeting signs, refreshments

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Meeting Activities Lead to Outcomes

Desired outcomes

Common understanding of alcohol policy

Agreement on main strategies

List of ideas for student involvement

Revisions to draft brochure

Activity (process)

Present information

Prioritizing activity (from list)


Review and discuss

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Meeting Facilitation

IntroductionsReview outcomes/purpose and agenda Establish ground rules and decision making process (new groups, potential conflict)Guide discussion to stay on topic/issueFollow time frameSummarize action items

Adapted from Interaction Associates Facilitative Leadership Training Manual.

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Meeting Follow Up

Write and send out meeting notesComplete action items and communicate results

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(section break)

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Collaborative Leadership

What is collaborative leadership?Benefits and drawbacksCollaborative leadership practicesLeadership challenges

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What is Collaborative Leadership?Leadership shown by a group that is acting collaboratively to solve agreed upon issues.

Collaborative Leadership Fundamental Concepts, Turning Point Initiative.

Facilitating mutual enhancement among those working together for a common purpose.

Collaboration for a Change, AT Himmelman, 2002.

A mutually beneficial relationship between two or more parties who work toward common goals by sharing responsibility, authority, and accountability for achieving results.

Collaborative Leadership: How Citizens and Civic Leaders Can Make a Difference. Chrislip, DD and Larson, CE. 1994.

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Traditional-Collaborative Leadership

Traditional Collaborative

Top down Self-governing

Few make decisions Broad participation

Unilateral action Guide & coordinate process

Win or shift power Build relationships

Linear thinking Systems thinking

Programs & products Process

Charisma Vision

Persuasive Empathetic

Group falls apart if leader leaves Group continues when leader leaves

Adapted from Collaborative Leadership Fundamental Concepts. Turning Point Initiative.

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Collaborative Leadership

Process Results


Adapted from Interaction Associates Facilitative Leadership Training Manual.

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Leadership RolesConvenerCatalystFacilitatorConduitAdvocateCommunity organizerTechnical assistance provider Capacity builderPartner

Adapted from Collaboration For A Change, AT Himmelman, 2002.

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Collaborative Leadership Practices

Assessing the Environment: Understanding the context for change before you act.Creating Clarity: Defining shared values and engaging people in positive action.Building Trust: Creating safe places for developing shared purpose and action.Sharing Power and Influence: Developing synergy of people, organizations, and communities to accomplish a shared vision.Developing People: Committing to people as a key asset through coaching and mentoring.Self-Reflection: Understanding your own values, attitudes, and behaviors as they relate to your leadership style and its impact on others.

Adapted from Collaborative Leadership Fundamental Concepts. Turning Point Initiative,

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Qualities of Collaborative LeadersCapacity to create a shared visionRespect for others’ point of view or experience Capacity for respectful assessmentAbility to communicate across boundariesSkills to create an open, supportive environment and manage conflict

Adapted from Collaborative Leadership Fundamental Concepts. Turning Point Initiative,

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Qualities of Collaborative Leaders

CreativityPatienceHumilityTolerance for uncertaintyCapacity for self reflection

Adapted from Collaborative Leadership Fundamental Concepts. Turning Point Initiative.

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Leadership StylesDirecting

Focuses communication on goal achievementGives instructions (what goals to achieve and how)Limited time on supportive behaviors

Leadership: Theory and Practice. Northouse, 1997.

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Leadership StylesCoaching

Focuses communication on both goal achievement and people’s needsGives encouragementAsks for inputUltimately, leader still makes final decision

Leadership: Theory and Practice. Northouse, 1997.

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Leadership Styles

SupportingDoes not focus just on goalsFocuses on tasks to be accomplishedUses supportive behaviors to bring out others’ skills

ListeningPraisingAsking for inputGiving feedback

Leadership: Theory and Practice. Northouse, 1997.

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Leadership StylesDelegating

Offers less input and social supportFacilitates others’ confidence and motivation to do tasksLeader not as involved in planning, details, or goal clarification

Leadership: Theory and Practice. Northouse, 1997.

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Leadership StylesSupportingHigh supportive & Low directive

CoachingHigh supportive&High directive

DelegatingLow supportive&Low directive

DirectingLow supportive&High directive



e B



Directive Behavior

Leadership: Theory and Practice. Northouse, 1997.

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Leadership Challenges

Mandates or pressure from “above”

Rapid/frequent change

Problems are complex and interdependent

Economic realities: doing more with less

Conflicting expectations

No time for critical reflection

Adapted from Collaborative Leadership Fundamental Concepts. Turning Point Initiative.

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Leadership Challenges


Lack of trust

Hidden agendas

Lack of larger/common vision

Many people have power to say “No,” yet no one person or group has power to act alone

Others not willing to take on leadership roles

Adapted from Collaborative Leadership Fundamental Concepts. Turning Point Initiative.

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Building Collaborative Leadership SkillsTrainingMentoringCoachingExposure to different ideas and culturesCritical ReflectionExperience / PracticeRewards

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A good leader talks little; but when his work is done,

his aim filled, all others will say, “We did this ourselves.”
