developing balance in your life

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Let Your Goddess Grow Self Development Journal

Lesson Two: Balance

Manage the Daily Complexity of Work, Family, and YouExercise: Learn to Consciously Create Your Day

Table of Contents:

This Week’s Power Thought 3

Power Lesson 3-4

This Week’s Soul Card: Flow 4

Taking Spiritual Inventory: : Developing Skill Sets to Manage Complexity 5-7

Analyze 5

Affirm 6

Walk the Talk 6

Share the Spirit 6

Setting Intention and Consciously Creating Your Day 7

Dear God / Goddess 7

Session Notes with Presentational Slides 8-16

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This Week’s Power Thought: Our lives are a complex rotation

of circumstances that can be balanced with our own awareness

and our desire to nurture ourselves.

Power Lesson: Balancing Family

Issues surrounding children are among the most stressful we can encounter.

Children test the limits of our patience. Years ago, my cousin Molly gave me a

wonderful saying that has helped me keep perspective in the raising of my two

sons: “Long days…short years.” It’s a philosophy that just about sums it up when a day with

children hasn’t gone so well. They’re growing so fast, it’ll only be a minute until they walk out

the door to enter the world. Be thankful for all their stages and keep a sense of humor. That,

most assuredly, you are going to need!


As my child transforms into an adult, I bless their growth process no matter how awkward

and hurtful that might be to me. I surround their mouth with purple light and ask silently

that they speak their highest spiritual truth. My well of patience runs deep. I am capable of 

helping this soul grow in ways that serve their higher good. There are no boundaries to my

thankfulness, as I am glad to be here to guide them through these difficult years. I am

capable of loving this child, no matter what they say!

Crying Baby

Today I rediscover my spiritual center, breathe, and draw strength from the Divine. I visualize

an angelic and loving light surrounding my baby that is all-comforting. I am capable of seeing

past today and know this is a temporary circumstance. I ask the Divine to send me someone

to give me a reprieve. My energy regenerates in a way that comforts me.

Finding a Caregiver

I have room in my life for a loving person who helps me accomplish my work in the world.

My space has a unique and beautiful vibration that reflects the desires and needs of myfamily. I visualize someone moving into that space in harmony with our rhythm. I trust the

universe to send the right person my way.

New Baby

I welcome this soul with all my heart! Today I celebrate the sheer wonder of new life. I am

thankful for being reminded of everyday miracles. I am holding the feeling of miraculous,

precious life and know this soul brings remarkable goodness to our family.

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I have been blessed with the task of bringing a new soul into the world. This soul chose me

for a reason and knows it can fulfill its learning journey in this current situation. I thank this

child for choosing me and reassure this new life that I am here to provide them with loving

opportunities to grow spiritually. I give thanks to Mother and Father God today for showing

me how unlimited love can be. I feel blessed to be a co-creator of new life! Today I exist in a

state of gratitude for having an opportunity to express the miracle of life. Every curve of my

body expresses my female power. I love being a powerful female!

Ready to Give Birth

I am ripe with life and plentiful with the power of the Great Goddess. As I prepare to bring

this soul into the world, I ask this child to always be receptive to life’s wisdom. My body is

beautiful. I am an abundant expression of life. I am relaxed and at ease, knowing I am a partof a vast nature cycle. I look forward to this experience and rejoice in my body’s ability to

regenerate life!

This Week’s Soul Card 

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Taking Spiritual Inventory: Developing Skill Sets to Manage



Look at the areas of your life requiring balance. Let’s make a “Balance Sheet” and b egin to

evaluate your everyday complexity.

People: Am I giving certain people in my life too much energy? If so, who?

Daily Work: Does my work life resonate with my spiritual needs?

Career: Do I express my gifts in the work I do each day? Do those around me notice my


Self-Love: Am I receptive to appreciation from others? From myself? In what areas do I

need more positive strokes?

Overdoing: In what areas of my life do I experience the most stress?

Negative Thinking: In everyday situations, what are my biggest opportunities to thwart

negativity from others? How can I keep from spiraling down into negativity on my own?

How can you simplify your activities and streamline your attitudes?

Highlight the areas that need work.

Continue your list here! Make notes:

Balance Sheet:

How are you out of balance?

At Work?

At Work? At Home?

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AffirmDecide what you want from today and reset your priorities. Write an affirmation that reminds

you to stay in balance when managing complexity.

Walk the TalkCreate an action plan to nurture yourself while meeting the needs of others. What can you do to

increase your own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy reserves? List ways to stay

grounded and find peace among chaos. What activities can you give up to find time for yourself?

Is “self -nurturing” all about creating more activities to do something for yourself, or is it about

having a nurturing state of mind? List actions you will take to increase your level of self-


Share the SpiritWhat strategies help you manage complexity? Consider the following topics for discussion.

We all have the same twenty-four hours in a day, which is the greatest equalizer

between all humans. Do you feel you are racing to get to the finish line more than the

next person (more things, success, career advancement, children)? If so, why? What canyou do to slow down the pace?

Share your strategies to stay in a deep state of thankfulness. Is it possible to be thankful

for everything, even negative circumstances?

Do you rely on spirit to manage everyday complexity? If so, how?

Have women taken the term “multitasking” to a new level in society? Do women wear it

like a badge of honor? Or is it a result of society’s expectations of us? Does it have

anything to do with a woman’s own self -image?

Discuss how the concept of “deserve” may have taken on a negative connotation for

you, either from past negative programming or your own feelings of self-worth. Do

women generally lack balance between deserving and giving? Share your own personal

stories about these concepts.

How can we connect with spirit when managing complexity seems overwhelming? Some

examples are prayer, meditation, being at one with nature, self-loving actions, and

expressing gratitude.

Does staying in the present and releasing the past help to manage your expectations of 

others, or of yourself?

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Exercise: Setting Intention and Consciously Creating Your DayLet’s practice doing what we say we are going to do, while being aware that we’re doing it. We

want to have a high level of awareness while we gently move through life; otherwise, we drift,

lose our focus, and wind up doing instead of being.

Your goal is to begin to live life with purpose  – and hold that thought each day you arise. Let’s

write an intention we can say in the morning so our day stays in balance. Take inventory of your

body, mentally catalog what you need to do that day, but ask Spirit for guidance and focus. Turn

what you need to do and want to do, into a mantra of co-creation between you and Spirit.

Establish your intention for the day before you get going. Remember, our internal state is what

creates our external world. I’ll get you started. This is what I use for those days I have a really

difficult task ahead of me:

Dear God/Goddess:

Today I want to live with greater awareness of my emotional state. Today, I live with the power

to change myself, my life and my future. I AM in charge of my emotions, and whatever I desire,

I am free from limiting emotions. I am calm and centered. I give my power to my internal state.

Today, I banish all thought of limitation. I trust what is in me to accomplish (all the tasks) today

because when I love what I do, I am as expanded as the universe, which is unlimited. I am

receptive to your guidance and I allow your energy and genius to infiltrate my very being.

Now it’s your turn: 

Dear Spirit (Beloved ____________________): 


As you practice your intention, remember to feel the emotion of YOU experiencing the success

of what you want. Be clear about what you want and feel passion for what you love to do.

Visualize the outcome!

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Session Notes with Presentational Slides

The Empowerment Show:

Balance Class Notes

Students: Make sure you read chapter on Balance

 from: “Let Your Goddess Grow! 7 Spiritual Lessons

on Female Power and Positive Thinking” and look

over the chapter from “The Women’s Book of 

Empowerment” on Balance. 

Slide:  Balance (this week’s lesson). Our lives are a

complex rotation of circumstances that can be

balanced with our own awareness and our desire to

nurture ourselves 

This week is about crafting a balanced life from the

inside out.

Slide: Create Your Reality with Positive Thinking

Classify the Past

Looking behind and how we might learn to let go of 

the past. Allowing space in our lives for positive


Techniques that will help you change your mind and

your life

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Affirmations help reprogram the brain

Refer to the introduction in Let Your Goddess Grow and

Chapter one for a review.

Choose to live in a state of conscious awareness

We cannot be unconscious participants in this world.

You are responsible for your outlook!

Slide: Balance: Our lives are a complex rotation of 

circumstances that can be balanced with our own

awareness and our desire to nurture ourselves

Why we are out of balance (our self-image is


Understand the things that make us uniquely powerful


A spiritual focus about how we need to add to our self-image in terms of our own ideas of He

and She and revitalizing the female spirit.

Ways to improve our thankfulness for ourselves (not about what we do and how much we do)

Slide: Attention Women: We are not mini men!

Women process life differently

We are great complexity managers, the queens of 

complexity management because we are wired

differently. Too long this has been translated into

men’s values – no emotions, logic.

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They are natural complexity managers! 

“We are trained to be woman-helper extroverts” -

Patricia Lynn Reilly. We are trained by society and

culture to be doing so much for others; this is

especially true when we are mothers. Sometimes, we

are trained as young girls to be this.

Too often we put other’s needs in front of our own. 

We are NOT our mothers, our parents, or old messages we received as children.

Slide:  Female Physio – Factoids (brain slide)

Some gender based facts first about our own make-


The Corpus Callosum: Women activate moreneurons in the brain

We have a left brain (represents linear progression,

logic, doing). The right side deals with the gestalt,

holism, intuition, being. Left is analysis, and discriminatory skills, and the right side is our

women’s intuition, and holism, or looking at things in the big picture. We have 33% more

neuronal fibers than men in the forward part of the corpus callosum, the dense fibers that link

the two hemispheres of the brain. Women use both sides of the brain more readily than men

when problem solving

The Male brain tends to compartmentalize problems, think in a lineal fashion. It means thanmen can focus on single tasks more readily and that their ability to focus can be about the way

his brain processes information. Women have brains that more readily talk to each side  – 

making multitasking easier. Women are great at intuition, communication, seeing the big

picture. They are in much deeper touch with their emotions, and have greater emotional depth,

generally speaking.

Women have

Ears: Hear a broader range of sounds than men

Eyes: Are more sensitive to color and have better peripheral vision

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Slide: We are beloved because of our complexity 

We process life differently. We don’t want to problem

solve or think entirely like the men on our lives!

Please recognize that FEMALE is incredible and

fabulous in a beautiful, unique way.

A challenge: The way we process life has been

undervalued. Intuition and right brain thinking  – 

whether it is holistic thinking, intuitive decision

making, artistic endeavors, compassion instead of control and hierarchy.

Slide:  Q: How do we build thankfulness into our skill


Being thankful for who you are. Appreciate yourself at

a very deep level: body, mind and spirit.

Use “I can do it” language and adopt a capability


This is about affirming your innate ability to manage

complexity and simply feel good about having a built in skill set that you can lean on. For

example, I am strong; I can do anything I set my mind to. I navigate through this challenge with

ease. I live through this day with effortlessness.

Affirm that spirit is a part of your day and supports you

No matter your wisdom tradition, you have deep well of wisdom, knowledge and spirit thatpervades the universe. You need to remind yourself often, multiple times, that you are not

alone. You need to open up to the infinite intelligence and support that is divinely yours. For


I reply upon Mother/Father God to help manage this situation. Or, I channel divine love to get

me through this situation. With each breath I take, I am supported by a higher power. Or, I

express the light of Christ consciousness with every work I speak. Or, the Goddess gives me

healing power for this situation.

Be grateful for your learning journey

A thankful state of heart and mind does NOT pertain to what you have, possessions, job

security, and awards. It’s about what you are learning, you higher capacity for growth,

especially what you are experiencing something far less than ideal

I thank the universe for showing me this situation so I can be more compassionate toward

others. Or, Because of the family I have chose, I am thankful to be even stronger than

yesterday. My difficulties today allow me to cultivate wisdom. I am a wise soul!

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Slide:  Matthew Fox: Beauty and imperfection go

together wonderfully 

Life is a beautiful composite of both beauty and

imperfection. We always must go deeper to

recognize the purpose underneath what we see.

Everything has purpose and value.

Slide: We’re out of Balance! We are doing instead of 

Being. Our self-image is unbalanced 

Wearing “busyness” like a badge of honor 

Be a balanced image of the Divine. We are both

masculine and feminine energy. Affirm you are aharmonious interdependency of complementary

spiritual and human ideas.

Slide: Intellect and Emotion 

Our world is a reflection of opposites. It expresses an

important truth about the cosmos, like yin/yang,

light/dark, male/female.

Imagine Spirit, the All, the Force, the I AM, cosmicintelligence, or the Source, God  – or however you

may refer to it in your wisdom tradition consists of 

two opposites, or polarities  – The Intellect (He) and

the Emotion (SHE). Imagine God as a dual image

consisting of 2 distinct energies. It reflects who we are. We are all made of male and female

attributes, right down to our chromosomes.

Intellect is static, transcendent, something we rise to meet, sometimes portrayed as

unattainable, perfection. Traditionally portrayed as “He.” 

Emotion is the energy or life force that takes that intellect. Emotion, or active energy, brings a

“thought” into existence. Emotion represents the hands-on life experience, the experience of 

the soul being in a body, the perception of us being separated from Spirit.

We always have both characteristics. They are equal; one cannot exist without the other.

He and the She in this model, or what represents ALL, are totally integrated. Some have

referred to this as the collective unconscious. The Goddess is the Feminine portion of this

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model, or the emotion and experience and the God is the masculine portion  – both equally


Slide: Balance your Head and your Heart 

Balance your logic with your emotions, balance you

masculine energy with your feminine energy.

Slide: Affirm

I now align with my God-self and know that my own

consciousness belongs to everyone on this planet.All life contains spirit and I am a reflection of the

Divine. I am He, I am She, and they are within me.

Together we are unified as one presence, one

blessing, and one light.

Slide: How do we manage the Daily complexity of 

Work, Family and You?

Affirm that both God and Goddess are part of youeach day

Practice consciously creating your day and set your


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Learn to flow and live in the present

Slide: Affirm

Divine order is present in each day that I exist. As I

answer to the needs of my children, I know this was

the path I was meant to take. I am doing a

wonderful job and am growing while my children

grow. I am so very thankful I have the power tochoose my own path.

Slide:  Imagine what would it be like to live in a state

of deep gratitude for who you are? It’s a form of Self 

Love. So build thankfulness into your spiritual skill


Be thankful for all parts of you, especially for being


Slide:  Self Reflection

Ask yourself:

Am I giving certain people in my life too much energy?

If so, who?

Does my work life resonate with my spiritual needs?

Where do I overdo?

Am I receptive to appreciation from others? Can I

give myself more positive strokes in order to feel more self-love everyday?

What are my biggest opportunities to uplift my outlook on life? How can I keep from spiraling

down into negativity on my own?

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1.  Work on your Balance Sheets in your Self-Development Journals.

2.  Turn up the volume on self-love, and appreciate your incredible, beautiful and

magnificent female self that is YOU.

3.  Recite the Affirmation for the Balanced Woman below. Tape it to your mirror in your

bathroom! Let it be your first commitment each day, before you enter the world! 

I make a fabulous contribution to the universe in the form of my exceptional gifts. I am

  just right exactly the way I am, which is my authentic self. I choose not to follow

anyone's expectations of me. I sing my own music! Since I operate on my own

frequency, my song is beautiful and strong and will be right for those who are attuned

to what I sing. I am timeless, living without boundaries, and full of my beautiful and

unique female qualities. Today, I take time for myself and my remarkable learning


Have a beautiful, empowering week! Be sure to stay in the present moment!

Remember, I believe in YOU.

Goddess Blessings,


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